OFFICIAL PLACINGS AND REASONS CONTEST 1 - JUNE 4, 2020 Thank you to our members for digitally sharing their cows for this contest, and serving as guest judges in providing reasons!
Class 1- Senior 2 Year Olds
Official placing: A-C-B-D
(cuts of 2-3-4)
From Dinomi Holsteins, Atwater
Dinomi Drman Ryley now EX-90 EX-92 MS @3-08
Dinomi Gold Chip May now EX-93 EX-96 MS @6-02
Dinomi Num Uno Dina
now EX-90 @ 4-02
Migliazzo Meteor Pauline now EX-90 @4-10
A pair of cows in A and C that excel in dairy strength find their way to the top of this class of Holstein Sr. 2yr. Old cows that I placed A-C-B-D. In my top pair, A places over C. A is longer and leaner in her neck, sharper more prominent across the topline, more incurving down the thigh and flatter bone about the hock. Furthermore, A shows less set to the hock and stands with more width between the hocks. Moving into her udder, A has a longer smoother blending fore udder into the body wall. A is more youthful in her udder, carrying her udder higher above her hock. However, I do grant that C shows more width through her chest floor and has more width at the top of her rear udder. It is C’s capaciousness that puts C over B in my middle pair. C has more height and width at the top of her rear attachment and has a more defined median suspensory ligament. Additionally, C in more feminine through her head and neck and is more refined boned down through her rump structure. C also stands with less set to her hock and more depth of heel. I do admit that B has a tighter knitted fore udder into her body wall. In my final placing of B over D, B has the advantage in the mammary system. B is smoother blending in her fore udder attachment, has a higher, wider rear udder attachment and has more defined halving in her rear udder, especially at the top of her rear udder. Moving into her feet in legs B, shows less set to the hock when viewed from the side. Additionally, B shows more openness to her rib cage and shows more depth of both fore and rear rib. I do admit that D has the slight advantage in showing a little more length to her neck. However, D finds her way to the bottom of this class because she has too much set to her hock, is too shallow in her rib, and is too compact from nose to tail to compete with the other cows in the class. Therefore, my placing for this class of Holstein Sr. 2yr. Old cows is C-A-B-D. Shared by Dino and Vince Migliazzo
Class 2 Aged Cows
Official placing: B-C-D-A (cuts of 2-8-2)
From Airosa Dairy, Pixley
Air-Osa Redbull 12417 EX-95
Air-Osa Champion 11225 EX-94
Air-Osa Blitz 11428 EX-94
Air-Osa Joey 11366 EX-94
B places over C for her advantages is mammary system and dairy character. B has more width and capacity to her udder, with a wider rear udder attachment and also has more quality and softer udder texture. B also uses her extreme dairy character to place over C. B is longer and cleaner through her neck and shoulder and exhibits more openness and depth to her rib. I also prefer the set of leg of B, with C having more set to her rear legs. C places over D because of strength of udder attachments. C has a longer, stronger fore udder that blends more smoothly to the body, along with a higher, stronger rear udder attachment. C is also longer bodied from end to end and is stronger in her front end with more width and depth. D places over A for an definite advantage in dairy character. D is cleaner and more feminine throughout, being much longer and leaner about her head and neck, cleaner through her shoulder and more open ribbed. She also shows more quality and bloom to her mammary system with more veination along with more height and width to her rear udder. Shared by Matthew Evangelo
Class 3- 3 Year Olds
Official placing: A-B-D-C
(cuts of 3-5-2)
Cal Poly University, San Luis Obispo
Butlerview Arch Cani-ET VG-88 @ 3-0
Summer-Dream Le 8934-Red-ET EX-92 @ 5-02
Poly Corvette Sheri VG-88 @ 3-08
Poly Corvette Cherry EX-90 @ 4-07
I placed this class of Holstein 3-Year Old Cows A-B-C-A. I started the class with the silky, black A, over the red B because of her advantage in both dairy strength and strength of udder attachments. A is deeper in both fore and rear rib and she’s cleaner and flatter in the rib. She has more width to her chest and more spring to her rib. A is cleaner in the neck, sharper over her withers and back through her chine. She’s smoother in her fore udder attachment and fuller at the top of her rear quarters. I admit, the red B is cleaner in her hock and her udder is more youthful, being higher above the hock. B’s advantage in udder places her D. The red B has more veining and width throughout her udder, she has a more youthful udder that’s higher above the hock. B has a stronger fore udder attachment with more udder veining. She’s fuller and wider at the top of the rear udder. In addition, the red B has a wider rump, being especially wider in her pins. I grant D has the advantage in angularity throughout. She’s flatter in her rib and cleaner in her neck. D is more refined in her tail head and cleaner in her rump and down through her thigh. D places over C in a closer placing; D has more cleanliness and angularity throughout, being leaner in her neck, sharper over her top and more prominent at both her hooks and pins. D is more refined in her tail setting with her tail fitting more neatly between her pins. This angularity follows down through her thigh, to a cleaner more refined hock. She stands more comfortably on her rear legs, with C standing too far back on her rear legs. D is higher in her rear udder attachment. However, A has an advantage in strength of udder attachments. Her fore udder is more tightly attached to the body wall and her rear udder is wider, especially at the top, and the rear attachment is stronger. C is more correct in her teat length, with D having a longer teat. She has more depth to her heart and more width to her chest. A needs more bloom and angularity throughout, along with needing to stand more comfortable on her rear legs to place any higher. Shared by Dr. Stan Henderson, Cal Poly Professer Emeritus
Class 4- 5 Year Olds
Official placing: B-C-A-D
(cuts of 1-6-8)
Grai-rose Cattle, Riverdale & Gamlake Holsteins, Petaluma
Ms Barb Act Beauty-Red-ET EX-94 Gamlake Destry Sallie EX-94 Owned by G & M Schmidt, Ruann Genetics, T&L Cattle, M Berry Owned by Samantha Gambonini HM R&W All-American 4 Year Old 2019 Grand Champion Int’l Jr Holstein Show 2018
Cross-Wake More Annalyse-ET EX-92 Owned by Graisson & Mandy Schmidt & Ruann Genetics Jr Champion Western Spring National 2016
Moreda-Laguna Tstry 7090-ET Formerly owned by Mandy Schmidt
A really nice class of Holstein 5-year-olds, with the official placing of B-C-A-D. An exceptional pair of cows to start the class today and a close placing. Giving the advantage to the red cow in her frame traits. She exhibits more width and strength all the way through. She’s wider about her chest floor showing more drop to both her fore and rear rib. She’s wider and flatter in her rump structure standing on a more correct set of feet and legs when viewed from the side, showing more depth of heel. I do admit C is higher in her rear udder attachment and the best uddered cow in the class. It’s that mammary system that takes C over A. She’s longer and smoother in her fore udder attachment, higher in her rear udder attachment, showing more veination and quality throughout her mammary system. C also shows more angularity and femininity all the way through. She’s longer and cleaner through her head and neck, more open in her rib structure and cleaner down through the bone in her hock than A. A takes herself quite handily over D on her mammary system and feet and legs. She’s longer and smoother blending in her fore udder attachment and higher and wider in her rear udder attachment. She has a more correct set to her feet and legs when viewed from the side, shows more depth of heel and a steeper foot angle over D. D although a nice dairy cow lacks in her mammary system and feet and legs to carry herself over the other three cows today. Shared by Grai-Rose Cattle Co- Graisson & Mandy Schmidt and Gamlake Dairy Frank Gambonini Family
Class 5- 3 Year Olds
Official placing: D-B-A-C
(cuts of 2-2-11 )
Grai-rose Cattle, Riverdale & Gamlake Dairy, Petaluma
Butlerview Door Camilla EX-92MAX @3yrs APGambo Atwood Keenan now EX-94 @5yrs Formerly owned by G & M Schdmit, J Cunningham, J & A Owned by Alex Gambonini, G&M Schmidt, Ruann Genetics Grand Champ West Spr Nat’l ‘19, Int Champ WDE Jr Show ‘17 Price, Brixton-Triday, S Nelson, T Van Mersbergen and B Sloan Reserve Grand Champion Western Spr Nat’l 2016
Gamlake Mogul Judith now EX-92 EX-94MS @5yrs Ocean-View Guthrie Sheen VG-88 @3yrs Owned by Samantha Gambonini Formerly owned by M Schmidt, now owned by Curtis VandenBerge Res Grand Champion West Fall Nat’l Jr Show ‘19 Completes 13 gens VG or EX A tremendous class of Holstein 3-Year-Olds with an official placing of D-B-A-C. D goes over B giving her the advantage in her mammary system. She’s snugger in her fore udder attachment, wider in her rear udder attachment, and has a more correct teat size, shape, and placement than B. I also prefer the feet and leg set on D. She’s deeper in her heel, steeper in her foot angle, has a more correct set to her rear feet and legs, and is cleaner in the bone in her hock. However I do admit that B is longer from nose to tail and higher in her rear udder attachment. It’s her advantage in her frame traits that take B over A. She’s longer from nose to tail and taller at the point of the withers. She’s wider in her chest floor, showing more depth and spring to her rib. I do grant A the advantage in mammary system being longer in her fore udder attachment. A goes over C quite handily on her mammary system and feet and legs. She’s higher and wider in her rear udder attachment, snugger in her fore udder attachment, with a more correct teat size shape and placement. She’s stronger in her pastern showing more depth of heel. She’s also more square and balanced through her frame. C is a tremendous dairy cow but lacks the balance to her frame and mammary system to place any higher in the class. Shared by Grai-Rose Cattle Co.- Graisson & Mandy Schmidt and Gamlake Dairy- Frank Gambonini Family