OFFICIAL PLACINGS AND REASONS CONTEST 2 - JUNE 16, 2020 Thank you to our members for digitally sharing their cows for this contest, and serving as guest judges in providing reasons!
Class 1- 2 Year Olds
Official placing: C-D-B-A
(cuts of 2-5-3)
From Brand-O Holsteins, Hilmar
Lellavan Avalanche Fuji VG-87 2 Yr Int Champion Int’l Jr Show 2018, Nominated AA 2017,18,19
Golden-Oaks Beemer Chloe VG-86 2 Yr
Brand-O Diamndback Danny-ET VG-87 2 Yr
Luck-E Jasper Shelby VG-88 2 Yr
I place this class of Holstein Senior 2-year old’s: C-D-B-A. I started the class with the two cows I felt placed themselves at the top quite easily in C and D. C places over D because she is sharper at the point of withers, cleaner and flatter in her bone and carries this overall sharpness and angularity over her top, rump and thighs, especially down through her leg and hock being critical of D for being coarse in her hock. C is also longer and leaner through her head and neck and is more youthful in her mammary system holding it higher above the hock. Further C is stronger in her pastern, having more depth to her heal- noting D is weak in her pastern. I do grant D for having a more desirable turn from the top to the bottom of her rear udder when viewed from the side. D places over B in my middle placing because of her extreme advantage in mammary system. D is longer in her fore udder, having a fore udder that blends more smoothly into the body wall. D also exhibits more veination and quality to her mammary system, especially in her fore udder. Further D is longer and flatter in her rib cage having more spring and openness and drop to both fore and rear rib. Moreover, D is a sharper more angular individual having more dairyness and refinement throughout. I do admit that B is more youthful in her mammary system. B places over A in my bottom placing because of her definite advantage in mammary system. She holds her udder higher above the hock, is longer in her fore udder and higher and wider at the top of her rear udder having a more desirable turn to her rear quarters when viewed from the side. Further B is cleaner and flatter in her bone and carries this overall dairyness and refinement throughout. B also has a more correct set to her hock, being critical of A for having too much set. Shared by Brandon Almeida
Class 2- 4 Year Olds
Official placing: C-A-B-D (cuts of 2-5-3)
From Calori-D Holsteins, Denair
Calori-D CL Beemer Pisch
Calori-D Goldwyn Glow EX-90
Oakfield Dempsey Rasta EX-90
S-S-I Yoder Monay 10966-ET VG-87
Beautiful class of four year old cows and a very nice pair of cows in C and A to start the class with a very close placing between the two, however I give the advantage today to the white cow. She has an advantage in mammary system, having a more youthful appearing udder, carrying the udder higher above the hock as well as being higher in the rear udder attachment with a more desirable turn to the top of the rear udder. She is also longer and more tightly stitched in the fore udder attachment with more bloom and veination to her mammary system. Furthermore, she is a longer bodied individual, being deeper in her fore rib with more strength and substance through her front end and blending more smoothly from neck to shoulder. She is also stronger on her pasterns. I will admit however that A is a cleaner, flatter boned cow with a more desireable slope from hooks to pins, noting C is slightly high pinned. In my middle pair of A over B, I give the advantage to the more massive framed cow in A. She is longer from end to end, deeper in both fore and rear rib with more of a tendency to walk uphill. She is also fuller in the crops, wider in the chest floor and carriers that width back into her rump structure where her more correctly placed thurl allows her to stand more comfortably on her rear legs. Though I will admit that B does show more veination to her mammary system. It is that beautiful mammary system that brings me to place B over D in my final placing. B has the advantage in that she carries her udder higher above the hock, is deeper in her udder cleft and more strongly attached in both fore and rear udder attachments. B also has the advantage in that she is cleaner in her bone, especially through the hocks and flatter and more open her in her rib structure. However, I will grant D as being a stronger more powerful front-ended cow with an impressive will to milk! Shared by Stephen Mast
Class 3- 2 Year Olds
Official placing: B-A-C-D
(cuts of 4-4-2)
From Calori-D Holsteins, Denair
Calori-D Ladd Lulu-P-Red now VG-87
Ruann Gold C Posch 22563-ET now EX-91
Calori-D CRS Cmndr Donna-ET now VG-88
Trifecta Observer Shavon-ET now EX-91
A very nice class of two year old cows with a handy winner with this beautiful uddered red cow! In my top placing, B places over A as she has a decided advantage in overall mammary system. She is higher in her rear udder attachment with a more ideal turn to the rear udder. She is deeper in her udder cleft and median suspensory ligament, with a stronger more tightly stitched fore udder attachment and so much bloom and veination to her udder! She also has a more desirable set the hock standing straighter and more correctly when viewed from the side. I will admit that A is a longer framed more massive cow. It is that overall mass that brings me to place A over C in my middle placing. She is deeper in both fore and rear rib, longer from end to end with more width and strength through her front end. She also blends more smoothly from neck to shoulder and shoulder to body wall. I will give C the advantage in being a longer necked more stylish individual. It is style and length of neck that brings me to place C over D in my very close bottom placing. She is longer and leaner about the head and neck and with a flatter more dairy bone throughout. However I will give D the advantage in that she shows more depth to fore rib and width and strength through her front end. Shared by Stephen Mast
Class 4- Aged Cows
Official placing: D-A-B-C
(cuts of 2-6-2)
Gil-Tex Holsteins, Turlock
Ms Giltex Sanchez Liz EX-94 Grand Champion Western Spring Nat’l 2015
Canyon-Breeze R Dew-Red EX-91 Reserve AA R&W 2014
Startex Atwood Taffy EX-92
Levash Chinook Lolita EX-94
In placing this class of Holstein Aged cows, I started the class with the silky, black D; followed by the red A, then the deep-bodied black B; leaving the tall, dairy C at the bottom of the class. In my close top placing of D over A, I’m giving the advantage to the black cow in her mammary system. D shows more width to the rear udder, and carries her udder more youthfully higher above the hock. She is longer in her fore udder and I prefer her rear teat placement being more perpendicular to the ground. In addition, D exhibits more spring to her rib and drop of rear rib. However, I do grant A is fuller at the top of her rear udder. In my middle placing of A over B, The red A has a tremendous advantage in her mammary system. She has more fullness in her rear udder, a higher rear udder attachment, and more overall bloom to her udder. Furthermore, A is a longer-bodied individual and shows more dairiness and angularity throughout. However, I do admit that B has more depth and openness in both her fore & rear rib. In my close bottom placing of B over C, I’m giving the advantage to B in her feet & legs. She has a more desirable set to her hock then C. In addition, B is also longer and leaner through her head and neck. However, C does exhibit more bloom to her mammary system. In placing C at the bottom of the class, a cow I admire for her dairiness and angularity throughout and overall straightness of lines, but for me I would like to change her feet & legs to get her higher in the class today. Shared by Robert Teixeira
Class 5- 3 Year Olds
Official placing: B-D-A-C
(cuts of 5-2-4)
Giltex Holsteins, Turlock
Ladies-Run Katalina EX-92 Max @ 3yrs
Mel-Tina Action Lacy EX-93
Giltex Doorman Bonnie EX-90
Ilander Explode Annie VG-85
I placed this class of Holstein 3 year olds BDAC. Starting with the best uddered, stylish B, followed by the open ribbed, well balanced D, the youthful A, and ending with the short fore uddered, compact C. It is B’s advantage in mammary system that places her over D. She shows more capacity to her rear udderbeing both wider and higher, with a deeper crease between the rear quarters. Additionally, B stands on a more correct set of feet and legs- having less set to the hock and a deeper heel. I do admit the red D is much deeper in her rib and more feminine about the head. D uses this dairy strength to place over A. D has a definite advantage in openness to her rib- exhibiting more depth to her heart and a more sweeping rib, with more drop to her flank. She is cleaner over the chine and down through the point of shoulder. Moreover, D stands more comfortably on her rear legs, criticizing A for being sickle hocked. I recognize A is a taller cow with a more uphill run. In my logical bottom placing, A uses her youthfulness and quality of udder to place over C. She shows more bloom and veination; combined with carrying her udder higher above the hock with a fore udder more snuggly attached to the body wall. Furthermore, A is a much longer cow from end to end, and is sharper throughout. I admit C is straighter through the leg. But because C has the poorest udder and lacks dairyness, she must place on the bottom today. These reasons justify my placing of the class BDAC. Shared by Kate Teixeira