Because the world can change a lot in 40 days.
Compiled from many sources by:
Creation Care Calendar 2016 Lent is a time to repent, reflect, sacrifice, and listen for God. This year, consider joining others across the country in taking on a Lenten Carbon “Fast.” May this season serve as a wake-up call to be mindful of the ways that our daily choices impact everyone, especially the most vulnerable. Each of these actions will reduce our production of pollution and help to preserve God’s great gift of Creation. SUNDAY
Adapted by Raphael Flores for:
It’s hard to open ourselves up to the reality of what is happening to Ash Wednesday reminds us to be faithful in action even when no one is paying attention. If we were all our world. Learn living in harmony with the rest of God’s Creation, especially when no one is looking, our households, our more: (ClimateReality churches, and our society would also be transformed. & listen to our warming Remove one light bulb from your home and live without its light for the next 40 days. This will planet: ( decrease your energy use, and act as a reminder of your Lenten Carbon Fast. OurWarmingPlanet) “So whenever you give alms, do not sound a trumpet before that your alms may be done in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” —Matthew 6:2-4
Talk with your church about ordering “eco palms” for Palm Sunday 3/20. These palms help improve workers’ living standards and protect forests in Mexico and Guatemala. (EcoPalms. org) Order by 2/26 to receive them in time.
Turn down your thermostat by at least one degree. Aim for 68 degrees during the day and 60 degrees at night. Buy a programmable thermostat if you can. Always turn the heat off when you leave home.
Planning to travel? Consider getting there without flying. If you have to fly, help fund a project that prevents a pound of climate pollution for each pound your trip will cause. (
Our water is limited – especially during this historic drought but there are lots of simple ways to reduce the amount of water we use at home: ( -you-can-do/)
Look to purchase locally grown food by attending a farmers’ market this weekend. (Local
Install a WaterSense low-flow showerhead to cut down on water and energy (bit.yl/ lowflowshowerhead). Set a 5 minute timer for your shower today, and see how your normal shower length compares.
Are you recycling everything you can? Place an item that can be recycled, but that you usually don’t recycle into your bin. ( .gov/Recycle/)
Fix your refrigerator by setting the temperature to 38 degrees.
Reduce food waste by Give up bottled water planning well and eating for Lent… and then leftovers. Compost forever. Buy yourself a what’s left. Learn about reusable water bottle composters and inspire those around you, too. gov/organics/homecomp ( ost/
12 What impact are you having on the climate? Calculate your footprint today: (CoolClimate.Berke
19 Christians have been eating less meat during Lent for generations. Eat a more climatefriendly diet and forgo meat and cheese today. ( sguide/eat-smart/)
13 Take a walk in your area, Listen, notice and feel your environment. What are its needs?
20 The average American replaces their phone every two years. Organize an “e-cycling” collection for your congregation and make sure electronic devices are properly disposed of (
Replace all incandescent Planning to travel? light bulbs with CFLs Consider getting there or LEDs. Each bulb by public transit instead replaced saves hundreds of driving. of lbs of climate pollution over time. Save an efficient bulb for Maundy Thursday. (
28 Have an “embrace the silence” Sunday: make it a No Electricity Day! Turn off everything, and unplug it if you can. Read Blessed Earth’s resources on Sabbath living. (
Help people on the “front lines” of climate change. CO2covenant. Org links US churches with carbon reducing projects in developing countries. Others bring clean energy: (,
If your fridge is 10-15 Walk around your old, you may be neighborhood and reflect years able to cut energy on the beauty of God’s usage in half by Creation. Take pictures of upgrading to an plants and animals that you ENERGY STAR fridge. might notice otherwise. Say ( Second fridge or freezer a prayer of gratitude. in the basement? Try to (CenterforSpiritualityin make do with just one.
Making Easter baskets? Purchase organic, Fair Trade chocolates that don’t involve child labor and support farmer communities ( Categories/show/Easter,
MARCH Place an insulating
Join people around the world in fasting for the planet on the first of every month. (
Begin spring gardening by going organic (motherearthnews. com/organicgardening.aspx). Don’t have a yard to garden? Borrow one: (sharingbackyards. com).
Plan a “waste audit” for Contact your local and state politicians and let your congregation’s them know you are coffee hour: person of faith (bitly/churchwasteaudit) supporting strong climate policies.
Could you use fewer Trees help fight climate Green grass lawns are disposables today? change by absorbing carbon not so “green”. Learn Bring a mug for coffee and a reusable bag for dioxide from the how to cultivate groceries. Use a cloth atmosphere. Plant a grounds that are napkin at meals. Wipe native tree today good for people, plants, up with a rag instead of ( paper towels. Bring a and creatures: fork and takeout (, container next time you eat out.
SATURDAY caring 4 Many 5 Christians work to
3 Talk to your pastor
Let your dishwater protect Creation. Find a about raising up Creation breathe. Run the care from the pulpit dishwater only with a full Creation care organization, and sign around Earth Day in April load, and skip the for IPL’s 2016 Faith energy-intensive drying up for their e-newsletter: Climate Action Week (, cycle by choosing the electric, it’s an easy DIY. If (http://www.interfaithpow “air-dry” option or just CatholicClimateCov it’s oil or gas-powered, open the door overnight, RestoringEden. cover over your water heater. You can find a “blanket” at most hardware stores (If it’s an you may be a plumbing professional).
Make your travel more environmentally friendly. Could you combine two trips? Carpool rather than driving solo? Bike, walk, or take public transit instead of driving.
Consider the impact your diet has on the climate. (http://shrinkthatfootprin
Learn about rain barrels, build or buy one, and install it in time for Spring! ( rainbarrelresources)
Wash your clothes in cold water; and give your dryer a rest. Instead, hang your clothes on a rack or clothesline: (
Own stock? Find out if shareholder resolutions have been filed to “green” the companies’ practices ( & divest from fossil fuel companies: ( fossilfree)
At 8:30 pm, join millions The world’s poor are Drive sensibly to save of people around the being hit the hardest by gas. Avoid braking and world who will be accelerating quickly. climate change. Learn switching off all lights Drive at the speed limit. more: for one hour to commit to Your car is much less ( > efficient at speeds above global climate action and What We Do > Climate be more mindful of energy 55 mph. Change use: (
23 Save paper: print double-sided or on back of used paper. Stop junk mail: (
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Replace the bulb you removed on Ash Wednesday with an energy-saving CFL or LED bulb. Learn more about how your electricity is made: ( owerprofiler)
“At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. The Earth shook, and the rocks were split.” - Matthew 27:51
Easter “Jesus’ appearance changed the world. His disciples were being asked: speak truth to power, love
your enemies, but most of all love God and your neighbor. This was a new way of being in relationship. Today’s seemingly ‘impossible appearance’ is that humans are changing the climate. This calls for a new way of being in the world, to relate differently to each other and to nature. There are great glimmers of hope on the horizon.” - The Rev. Canon Sally G. Bingham, president and founder, Interfaith Power & Light
26 Holy Saturday It can be difficult to contemplate our own end. Think today about greening your “final arrangements,” when the time comes. One option is to help protect natural lands: (
Complied from Lenten resources by: TearFund, Creation Justice Ministries, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Environmental Ministries, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Saint Mark Presbyterian Church, Rock Spring Congregational UCC, IA IPL, NC IPL, and from Green America, and Catholic Climate Covenant.
Take some time today to reflect on all of the activities that you performed during Lent, and how they have brought you into greater harmony with the Earth and with all life. Conclude your Carbon Fast by making a personal pledge to serve God and serve others by pursuing a more sustainable way of life.