47 minute read

Health: C-Section Surgeries

Carefully checking over a mare before her C-section procedure




Sometimes it is impossible for a mare to deliver her foal, and it must be removed surgically. Dr. Bonnie Barr with Rood & Riddle in Lexington, Ky., says there are several reasons surgical delivery might be necessary.

“Tere is a diference between an emergency C-section and an elective C-section,” Barr said. “Te emergency C-section is usually subsequent to a dystocia in which the foal cannot be vaginally delivered—usually due to a malposition that cannot be corrected, or a congenital contracture, scoliosis, etc.”

Another reason might be that the fetus is dead, with no way to get it out due to an abnormal position.



“We don’t do these as often, but sometimes there may be a pre-existing condition in the mare that makes it impossible for her to deliver vaginally or would put the health of the mare at risk to deliver the foal,” said Barr. “We do a handful of those each year, and probably the most common reason would be a mare that had a previous pelvic injury.”

“If a mare has a fractured pelvis (a healed fracture that narrows the dimensions of the birth canal), a history of problems foaling, problems with her reproductive tract (such as a cervix incompatible with vaginal delivery), a melanoma mass in the pelvic area, or excessive scarring, she will probably need a C-section,” said Barr. “A mare might have a recto-vaginal tear or cervical injury from a previous foaling that was repaired but left the birth canal too narrow. Te owner might be lucky enough to get her in foal again but doesn’t want to risk re-tearing those tissues during another foaling.

“If a mare has had multiple cervical repairs, we’d do an elective C-section. Tere are also a few mares that historically had dead foals or instances of dystocia for some odd reason and the owner wants to do a C-section to hopefully get a live foal.”

Mare owners should be aware of pre-existing conditions. Abnormalities might be discovered when their veterinarian does a breeding soundness exam prior to breeding the mare, or they might know about it as part of the history of the mare. In those instances,the mare owner/manager needs to work closely with a veterinarian to monitor readiness of the mare for foaling.

Te foal has a much better chance of survival if the mare is in early labor at the time of surgery. You must carefully time the surgery and do it when the mare is ready to foal. Taking the foal too early will generally result in loss of the foal.

“To determine when the mare is ready, we monitor milk secretion and monitor the mare for changes indicating readiness,” said Barr. “You want the foal as close to term as possible. Occasionally, here at the clinic, we will let the mare go ahead and break water and then take her straight to surgery.” said Barr.

Te mare will generally have a good prognosis with an elective C-section, but the foal will have a much better prognosis if the mare has either started early labor or is very ready.

While foals can have a high rate of survival with elective C-sections, this does not include surgeries in mares that are acutely colicky. Te owner might think the foal should be taken because the mare is near term, but just because the mare, in number of days’ gestation, is near term, the foal might not be ready. Taking the foal even a few days ahead can leave the it compromised in its ability to survive outside the uterus.

You must carefully time the surgery and do it when the mare is ready to foal. Taking the foal too early will generally result in the loss of the foal.”

— Dr. Bonnie Barr


Te most common reason for an emergency C-section is a foal in an abnormal position that cannot be corrected. Te surgery must be done immediately. In a referral practice, mares might have to come from some distance, with poor survival rate for the foals.

“We are fortunate here in central Kentucky; people can get their mares to us quickly, so the outcomes are better,” Barr said.

When a foal is dead, there are other options, including fetotomy, though in some cases a C-section might be less traumatic to the mare and the health of her cervix. Tis is especially true when it has been several hours since a mare began labor. In these cases a C-section might be performed to save the mare and her future reproductive capabilities.

Tere is always risk for vaginal injuries when trying to take a dead foal out through the birth canal. Te less trauma to the mare, the better. If there are vaginal or cervical swelling, lacerations, and bleeding, the surgeon might do a C-section.

It’s best to have the mare brought to a veterinary hospital to do the surgery, but sometimes this is impossible. In one case, a mare started to foal and everything was normal except the foal was backward and the veterinarian was unable to deliver it vaginally. She could not be transported to a hospital. Te veterinarian did a fank C-section in the stall instead of the more usual midline incision with the mare on her back. Te mare survived though they lost the foal.

It is important to have a plan ahead of time and know what steps you’d take if a mare might need surgery. Where is the closest place you can take her? Do you want your veterinarian to deal with it, or do you want the mare referred to a surgical hospital?

In some instances, an owner might choose a fetotomy if the foal is dead by the time the determination is made that the mare cannot deliver normally. A fetotomy involves taking apart the fetus in order to deliver vaginally. Most surgeons prefer to do a C-section. A fetotomy requires a lot of skill and luck to save the mare.

Foaling usually doesn’t allow for time to call around and try to decide what to do if there’s a problem. Having the right people available at the right time gives a better chance for having a successful outcome.


When mares with foaling problems come to a referral hospital, the team goes through a set routine to try to save the foals that are still alive upon arrival and to make sure they also save the mare. When they know a mare is coming, there will be several teams of clinicians ready.

“We have the surgeon and that group to take care of the mare, the anesthesia team, and the internal medicine folks who will deal with the foal,” said Barr. “We do that with any dystocia because the foal is going to be compromised.”

A quick examination of the mare shows

This foal on the stretcher after C-section delivery is alive and stable; it has a catheter in place, is breathing on its own, and waiting to be moved to the neonatal intensive care unit.


what shape she’s in, and a technician inserts an IV catheter to give medication and fuids. Meanwhile, the surgeon puts an arm into the birth canal to check if the foal is still alive and its position.

Te next step is to anesthetize the mare. If there might be a chance to get the foal out vaginally, this keeps her from straining and the surgeon might try for a short time to manipulate the foal. But after checking the foal, the team might decide very quickly to go immediately to surgery. Te mare is already anesthetized and merely needs to be moved to the operating room. Her belly has already been clipped while the foal was being checked.

After surgically scrubbing the belly, an incision is made on the midline, clear to the udder, for more access, and then the uterus is exteriorized. Te gravid horn is pulled up out of the incision as much as possible, and sterile towels placed around it, to absorb any fuid so it won’t leak back into the belly.

A leg of the foal is located and pulled up, and an incision made over that leg, through the uterine wall, trying to avoid major blood vessels. After cutting into the uterus, the foal’s legs are grabbed— either the back or front legs, depending on which way the foal is lying—and the foal is pulled out by the legs.

If it is alive, the foal team immediately starts working on the foal, putting it on oxygen, etc. Meanwhile, the surgeon cleans up the surgical site and closes the incision in the uterus after carefully checking the uterus for tears. If there was any attempt to resolve dystocia, the uterus should be inspected.

“Tey usually lavage the abdomen before closing things up, to make sure everything is clean with no contamination,” said Barr.


After the surgery, the mare would be cared for about the same as mares that had a normal delivery, though monitored closely.

“Some of the immediate problems would include difculty in the recovery stall,” said Barr. “It depends on the situation. If the mare had a dystocia that could not get corrected and a veterinarian had been working on her at the farm for a while before she came to the hospital, she might be very tired after all that stress and might also have some nerve damage.”

On rare occasion, a mare might fracture a leg in the recovery stall—and this can happen after surgery or even after a dystocia.

Other problems include retained fetal membranes, and complications from that could be laminitis. Shedding the placenta is a key factor in the recovery/health of the mare. She might also hemorrhage or end up with peritonitis from leakage of fuid from the uterus, particularly if the foal was dead for any length of time.

“We’ve also had mares that colic afterward, but probably the most com-


If the mare has a serious problem, there might be need for a terminal C-section. In this instance the mare would be anesthetized, opened up, and the foal removed, and then the veterinarian would euthanize the mare. There are occasional cases in which the mare has a terminal condition (severe colic or serious disease) and you are just trying to save the foal. In those cases, the foal does not have as good a chance as in situations with an elective C-section.

“The mare may be colicking and the owner doesn’t want to do colic surgery or we are in the middle of a colic surgery and realize the mare is not going to survive,” said Dr. Bonnie Barr of Rood & Riddle. “Another thing we encounter is a laminitis case in which the mare might have a little more time to go (before normal foaling), but is in such pain and stress that we decide to do a terminal C-section and hope we might save the foal.”

Some people think that if a pregnant mare becomes seriously injured or is dying, they could have a C-section performed and save the foal. If the foal is not ready—if the mare is not actually in labor when you take the foal out—you rarely end up with a live foal. Even if the mare is near term and has a serious colic that requires surgery, if she is not ready to deliver the foal, you are often better off to just do the colic surgery and leave the foal in the mare.

To have the best chance for the foal, you want the mare to carry it as close to term as possible. Unlike human babies, foals taken C-section prematurely have poor chance for survival.

mon problem we see is retained fetal membranes,” said Barr.

Aftercare of the mare includes IV fuids and antibiotics.

“She would also need anti-infammatory medication,” said Barr. “If she had retained fetal membranes, she might need a lavage and maybe a little oxytocin.

“It’s amazing how well these mares can do after a C-section, but we try to help them all we can. We keep them on a little Banamine to minimize pain and infammation, and they do fne.

“If complications arise, you tailor the treatment toward dealing with whatever problem comes up. With the location of the incision, just like after colic surgery, the mare needs to be kept on limited exercise until it starts to heal. She should be confned to a stall for several weeks, and then start some hand walking.”


With a C-section, the foal might be compromised—if it is alive—and a little anesthetized.

“Te foal will usually need care,” said Barr. “Tere’s risk of neonatal encephalopathy (disturbed neurologic function, such as reduced level of consciousness, or seizures, due to low oxygen levels during delivery). Tis is often the biggest complication you’ll see. Tis is why, as soon as we recognize that a mare needs to go to C-section, we want to do it as quickly as possible, with less risk for adverse impacts on the foal.

“If the reason for the C-section was some type of contractual abnormality, those foals will need some splinting, if it’s something that can be corrected and the foal can be salvaged as an athlete.”

After surgery, the mare’s colostrum and milk production might be compromised, so you need to make sure the foal gets adequate colostrum. Even if the mare has milk, it’s best to give the foal something immediately, or as soon as he is awake if he is a little groggy from the anesthesia given to the mare. Give it to him via tube unless he has a strong suckle. If you wait until the mare is up and steady enough for him to nurse, the foal might be three or four hours old, and that’s too late for colostrum.

Aftercare for the foal will vary.

“Some foals do fne and never look back,” said Barr. “I’ve seen some elective C-sections in which the foal is up and standing in the stall, waiting at the door for the mare while she is recovering. Ten there are those with complications that need a lot of intensive care.

“With any of these foals, we generally put them on prophylactic antibiotics because they are more at risk for septicemia. We often give them IV fuid containing DMSO, vitamin C, and some other

things that might be neuroprotective and hopefully prevent secondary complications from neonatal encephalopathy from lack of oxygen.”

Normal mares most likely won’t need C-sections with future foals



If the mare recovers from surgery, she has a good chance for normal breed-back, if there’s no serious damage to the reproductive tract.

“If the mare is having a foaling problem, the sooner you can get her to a hospital where she can be evaluated and the dystocia corrected or a C-section done, the better it will be for the mare and foal,” said Barr. “Otherwise, there might be some trauma and damage to the cervix that might impair future fertility. Tis is one of the reasons we might do a C-section; we don’t want to cause trauma to the mare because this could ultimately afect her ability to have more foals.

“I am often amazed at some of the mares that do get back into foal. In the elective C-sections that I’ve been involved with, most of them have gotten back into foal, and even 50-60% of the non-elective surgeries do get back into foal. Tus, having a C-section would not be a reason to not try to breed the mare again.

“What we run into sometimes here with Toroughbreds is that it will depend

on the time of year. If your mare had dystocia and a C-section in January, you could probably try to breed her in March or April. But if it was in April, you’d probably have to wait until the next year; she wouldn’t be recovered soon enough for this year. And, similar to pregnancy rates in general, the older the mare, the harder time she might have in getting back in foal.”

Te chances of mares repeating the need for surgical delivery are low, unless it’s a mare with a pre-existing condition that precludes normal delivery.

“It’s not like humans,” said Barr. “A normal mare probably won’t need a C-section with future foals. She could have subsequent foals born normally. One of my own mares had a C-section and then had a couple of foals vaginally in later years, with no problems.”


The Following Breeders Awards are being held by the CALIFORNIA THOROUGHBRED BREEDERS ASSOCIATION for the following individuals:

Axl Rosie LLC BSM Stable, LMJ Inv, DeMaio

Racing & Piccioni William Berman Ed Bernstein & Andrew Molasky

Blackbird Thoroughbreds Blakes Racing LLC

Blue Diamond Horseshoe, LLC

Lindsay & Curt Boutwell Tom Braden

Eric & Lou Ann Brandjes & Neale Jensen

Rusty & Debi Brown Budget Stables Cicero Farms LLC & Abbondanza Racing Cobart Stables

Cuevas-Montenegro Thoroughbreds Paul Dallas Trinidad J. Meza De La Torre

Jose Diaz & Oliver Ruiz Englekirk LLC

Equine Formula 1, LLC Nels Erickson Michelle Friedman Jerry Frankel

Gellerman, Metanovic & Lottes Bob W. Grayson Jose Guadalupe & Saavedra Espinosa John Haagsma & Wesley Ward Trevor Hadfeld Jason Hall

Patrick Harney & Charles Reilly

Dr. Mikel & Patricia Harrington Frank Haverkamp Bruce Headley & Simon Yu Jerry & Janet Hollendorfer & George Todaro Harry Jessup & Pacifc Coast Thoroughbreds

Robert G.. A. Jones

Al & Saundra Kirkwood Kevan Kynaston & Ian Watson

Curtis & Lila Lanning

Craig & Elliot Lewis Jason Litt

Live Your Dream Racing Stable Rich Manoogian

Todd Marshall & Andrew Molasky Craig Martin

Craig Martin & Nadine Anderson Donald Matlock The Estate of Ross J. McLeod Theodore Mitchell Irvin Molasky

Robert & Norma Moulton

Nevada Equine LLC Niles Dickey LLC Timothy Parker

Judi Garf Partridge

Alex Paszkeicz & Francisco Gomez David Payne

Ravich, Strauss Brothers Racing, Solis, Naftzger et al Var Reeve Gino Roncelli

Jose Jesus Sanchez Sunnyside Capital Ventures John Teglia

Grant & Paul Truman Paul Viskovich Dr. David Williams Robert J. Wright

The checks will be released when proper identifcation is established. Please contact Mary Ellen Locke or Dawn Gerber 201 Colorado Place, Arcadia, CA 91077 • (800) 573-2822 • (626) 445-7800 www.ctba.com



Terry C. Lovingier Nick Alexander Reddam Racing, LLC Richard Barton Enterprises George Krikorian Harris Farms Tommy Town Thoroughbreds, LLC Premier Thoroughbreds LLC Dr. & Mrs. William T. Gray Old English Rancho Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Williams J. Kirk Robison & Judy Robison Thomas W. Bachman Gary Barber C-Punch Ranch Inc. Liberty Road Stables Daehling Ranch LLC Alfred A. Pais Timothy Francis O’Leary DP Racing Madera Thoroughbreds LLC Edward C. Allred George & Mary Clare Schmitt Tiz Molly Partners Rozamund Barclay KMN Racing, LLC Hill ‘n’ Dale Equine Holdings, Inc. Kristin Mulhall Ruis Racing Old English Rancho, Sal Berumen & Patsy Berumen BG Stables Richard Barton Enterprises & Robert Traynor SLO Racing Stable Dahlberg Farms LLC John Ernst & Allegra Ernst Victory Rose Thoroughbreds, Inc. Linda Madsen John R. Haagsma & Wesley Ward Benjamin C. Warren & Sally Warren Red Baron’s Barn & Vaya Con Suerte Benjamin C. Warren Bruce Headley BKB Stables LLC William J. Sims Cicero Farms LLC Ed Delaney Legacy Ranch Hronis Racing, LLC Eric Schweiger, Gordy Jarnig & Kenny Marshall Perry Bruno & John Gezon Donald Valpredo Robert Mitchell Equine Formula 1, LLC/Eric Yohan Knipe Remmah Racing Inc. Reddam Racing, LLC & Edward Freeman Rod Rodriguez & Lorraine Rodriguez

Starts Wins Stakes Wins Leading Earner Earnings

686 77 7 Finneus ($266,366)

$2,919,324 387 76 5 Lieutenant Dan ($407,720) $2,911,897 446 62 1 Slow Down Andy ($249,850) $2,708,676 868 114 3 Freeport Joe ($141,056) $2,316,213 283 42 4 Mucho Unusual ($170,700) $1,875,256 387 61 4 Closing Remarks ($253,500) $1,682,183 532 93 2 Let’s Rejoyce ($151,280) $1,665,328 204 36 1 Letsgetlucky ($145,872) 264 39 2 Indian Peak ($158,932) $1,110,331 $910,880

213 33 0 Perfectionistic ($103,456) $864,762

250 40 1 Pulpit Rider ($101,000)

$855,145 36 12 4 None Above the Law ($437,260) $694,320 180 25 0 Admirably ($73,550) 149 28 2 Fly to Mars ($66,700) 153 26 1 Sensible Cat ($67,640) $674,002 $590,824 $584,221

240 34 0 New Heat ($104,656) $568,884

176 27 0 Gallant Guy ($89,692) $540,541

37 7 3 Brickyard Ride ($300,700)

$535,147 129 30 0 Cool Mountain Lady ($100,792) $500,279 181 19 0 Tom’s Surprise ($109,658) $484,533

225 38 0 Paper Boy ($39,662)

$479,142 43 10 1 North County Guy ($281,880) $440,929 180 23 0 Tip Top Gal ($99,378) $393,299 14 5 4 The Chosen Vron ($304,078) $391,006 256 31 0 Extractor ($42,252) $385,054

27 6 2 I’m So Anna ($203,000) 41 9 2 Bella Vita ($309,726) $381,293 $371,683

52 12 0 Betito ($93,660) $359,103

45 6 0 One Fast Bro ($114,560) 46 2 1 Acclimate ($306,000) $345,530 $340,583

195 27 0 Capital Heat ($57,160)

$338,427 110 9 0 Carmelita’s Man ($97,200) $319,831 47 9 1 Seven Sisters ($84,390) $314,862 57 14 1 Minister of Soul ($113,162) $284,611 87 11 0 Ten the Smart Way ($64,690) $280,015 146 23 0 Proof of Jazz ($48,270) $277,461

99 10 0 So Very Smart ($92,560)

$276,461 15 3 3 Brandothebartender ($269,540) $272,475 50 5 0 Warrens Candy Girl ($140,360) $271,575 20 5 0 Harper’s Gallop ($95,234) $267,364 9 2 2 Warren’s Showtime ($263,000) $263,000 41 6 0 War Games ($89,292) $261,251

81 11 1 Misty Cat ($75,080) 14 6 3 Leggs Galore ($238,000)

$254,492 $248,861 74 12 0 Perfect Ice Storm ($40,880) $245,603 47 8 0 Coast of Roan ($98,094) $244,486

100 16 0 Gypsy Blu ($67,740) 36 5 0 Bench Judge ($79,740) 15 6 2 Top Harbor ($126,694)

$235,589 $231,753 $225,620 16 9 3 Jimmy Blue Jeans ($200,306) $223,647 76 11 0 Unbridled Ethos ($73,184) $222,108 11 3 0 Colt Fiction ($214,732) $221,632 140 8 0 Bananas On Fire ($62,290) $218,526 47 12 0 Hot Rageous ($95,472) 21 9 0 Miss Carousel ($129,610) $218,360 $217,850



Sire Races

Earnings/ Rnrs Won Earned Runner

1 Majestic Harbor, 2008, by Rockport Harbor 14 12 $644,872 $46,062 2 Clubhouse Ride, 2008, by Candy Ride (ARG) 56 50 $2,115,556 $37,778 3 Grazen, 2006, by Benchmark 104 95 $3,527,394 $33,917 4 Acclamation, 2006, by Unusual Heat 50 43 $1,602,398 $32,048 5 † Square Eddie, 2006, by Smart Strike 94 85 $2,960,383 $31,493 6 Unionize, 2006, by Dixie Union 14 31 $437,531 $31,252 7 James Street, 2007, by El Prado (IRE) 17 20 $520,501 $30,618 8 Mr. Big, 2003, by Dynaformer 71 54 $2,169,714 $30,559 9 † Vronsky, 1999, by Danzig 80 69 $2,385,468 $29,818 10 Straight Fire, 2014, by Dominus 13 11 $387,297 $29,792 11 Stay Thirsty, 2008, by Bernardini 185 165 $4,870,377 $26,326 12 Jersey Town, 2006, by Speightstown 65 74 $1,708,648 $26,287 13 Graydar, 2009, by Unbridled’s Song 119 122 $2,896,498 $24,340 14 Ministers Wild Cat, 2000, by Deputy Minister 87 98 $2,112,088 $24,277 15 Smiling Tiger, 2007, by Hold That Tiger 105 104 $2,465,366 $23,480 16 Time to Get Even, 2004, by Stephen Got Even 14 16 $327,353 $23,382 17 Danzing Candy, 2013, by Twirling Candy 17 12 $392,614 $23,095 18 Richard’s Kid, 2005, by Lemon Drop Kid 34 28 $760,531 $22,369 19 Bold Chieftain, 2003, by Chief Seattle 22 28 $483,343 $21,970 20 Many Rivers, 2005, by Storm Cat 17 19 $370,631 $21,802



Sire Rnrs Strts Wnrs Wins Earned

1 † Square Eddie, 2006, by Smart Strike 63 204 16 28 $1,397,777 2 Grazen, 2006, by Benchmark 64 135 14 18 $1,246,500 3 † Vronsky, 1999, by Danzig 40 120 16 20 $1,095,032 4 Acclamation, 2006, by Unusual Heat 31 103 13 17 $1,011,949 5 Sir Prancealot (IRE), 2010, by Tamayuz (GB) 89 454 33 50 $978,976 6 Clubhouse Ride, 2008, by Candy Ride (ARG) 35 118 8 12 $910,540 7 Mr. Big, 2003, by Dynaformer 44 111 7 9 $693,416 8 Graydar, 2009, by Unbridled’s Song 47 110 8 10 $457,161 9 Smiling Tiger, 2007, by Hold That Tiger 40 88 8 10 $397,990 10 James Street, 2007, by El Prado (IRE) 8 22 4 8 $344,672 11 I’ll Have Another, 2009, by Flower Alley 28 77 3 4 $287,371 12 • Bluegrass Cat, 2003, by Storm Cat 29 86 4 4 $277,127 13 Jersey Town, 2006, by Speightstown 22 61 7 8 $265,753 14 Lakerville, 2008, by Unusual Heat 15 46 2 4 $260,301 15 Stay Thirsty, 2008, by Bernardini 57 126 4 7 $249,659 16 Ministers Wild Cat, 2000, by Deputy Minister 25 48 5 6 $243,666 17 Champ Pegasus, 2006, by Fusaichi Pegasus 22 57 5 6 $223,369 18 Richard’s Kid, 2005, by Lemon Drop Kid 15 33 4 6 $202,819 19 Slew’s Tiznow, 2005, by Tiznow 15 36 5 6 $194,810 20 Circumference (IRE), 2012, by Galileo (IRE) 8 26 4 4 $148,813


Sire Races Rnrs Strts Won Earned

1 Stay Thirsty, 2008, by Bernardini 185 1247 165 $4,870,377 2 I’ll Have Another, 2009, by Flower Alley 213 1831 197 $3,937,566 3 Grazen, 2006, by Benchmark 104 546 95 $3,527,394 4 † Square Eddie, 2006, by Smart Strike 94 605 85 $2,960,383 5 Graydar, 2009, by Unbridled’s Song 119 793 122 $2,896,498 6 Smiling Tiger, 2007, by Hold That Tiger 105 612 104 $2,465,366 7 † Vronsky, 1999, by Danzig 80 459 69 $2,385,468 8 Mr. Big, 2003, by Dynaformer 71 388 54 $2,169,714 9 Clubhouse Ride, 2008, by Candy Ride (ARG) 56 369 50 $2,115,556 10 Ministers Wild Cat, 2000, by Deputy Minister 87 584 98 $2,112,088 11 Jersey Town, 2006, by Speightstown 65 429 74 $1,708,648 12 Acclamation, 2006, by Unusual Heat 50 265 43 $1,602,398 13 • Bluegrass Cat, 2003, by Storm Cat 89 539 64 $1,350,453 14 Sir Prancealot (IRE), 2010, by Tamayuz (GB) 104 690 72 $1,238,874 15 Champ Pegasus, 2006, by Fusaichi Pegasus 68 486 55 $806,482 16 Misremembered, 2006, by Candy Ride (ARG) 45 241 32 $779,582 17 Richard’s Kid, 2005, by Lemon Drop Kid 34 205 28 $760,531 18 Empire Way, 2009, by Empire Maker 63 340 41 $710,937 19 Curlin to Mischief, 2011, by Curlin 36 174 22 $677,861 20 Majestic Harbor, 2008, by Rockport Harbor 14 92 12 $644,872 21 Slew’s Tiznow, 2005, by Tiznow 36 176 27 $609,737 22 Stanford, 2012, by Malibu Moon 29 89 15 $601,029 23 U S Ranger, 2004, by Danzig 54 352 47 $598,047 24 Idiot Proof, 2004, by Benchmark 29 153 24 $595,389 25 Lakerville, 2008, by Unusual Heat 31 220 29 $589,750 26 Cyclotron, 2000, by Grand Slam 29 173 25 $576,757 27 Smart Bid, 2006, by Smart Strike 33 187 20 $555,917 28 James Street, 2007, by El Prado (IRE) 17 107 20 $520,501 29 Elusive Warning, 2004, by Elusive Quality 26 225 44 $491,450 30 Southern Image, 2000, by Halo’s Image 25 194 23 $486,229 31 Bold Chieftain, 2003, by Chief Seattle 22 181 28 $483,343 32 Anthony’s Cross, 2008, by Indian Charlie 22 138 25 $456,936 33 Unionize, 2006, by Dixie Union 14 110 31 $437,531 34 Tom’s Tribute, 2010, by Lion Heart 28 174 21 $437,481 35 Northern Causeway, 2008, by Giant’s Causeway 45 287 33 $436,209 36 Danzing Candy, 2013, by Twirling Candy 17 50 12 $392,614 37 Straight Fire, 2014, by Dominus 13 34 11 $387,297 38 Desert Code, 2004, by E Dubai 31 178 24 $385,982 39 Many Rivers, 2005, by Storm Cat 17 111 19 $370,631 40 Surf Cat, 2002, by Sir Cat 19 111 12 $369,284 41 Govenor Charlie, 2010, by Midnight Lute 25 159 13 $347,434 42 Phantom Wildcat, 2005, by Forest Wildcat 17 84 14 $346,600 43 Gervinho, 2010, by Unusual Heat 23 137 12 $328,727 44 Time to Get Even, 2004, by Stephen Got Even 14 93 16 $327,353 45 Boat Trip, 2009, by Harlan’s Holiday 18 110 11 $261,362 46 He Be Fire N Ice, 2008, by Unusual Heat 17 101 14 $257,115 47 Tizbud,1999, by Cee’s Tizzy 19 114 13 $254,983

The statistics shown here are compiled by The Jockey Club Information Systems (TJCIS). While every effort is made to prevent errors and omissions, California Thoroughbred cannot guarantee their complete and total accuracy. A dagger (†) indicates a stallion that has been pensioned or has died, a dot (•) that he is now standing elsewhere (sires no longer standing in California remain on these lists until their last Cal-bred crop turns 3 years old). Freshman sires are highlighted in bold text. Earnings are from Northern Hemisphere racing and include adjusted money from Japan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Adjusted earnings are put on par with average North American earnings from the previous year. The average North American purse in 2018 was $23,755 or 50% of the average purse in Japan. To put earnings on par, Japanese earnings are multiplied by 50% before being applied to the total earnings above. Hong Kong earnings are adjusted by 15%, and Singapore adjusted by 66%. Stakes winners and wins follow TJCIS stakes rules. Racing statistics through Dec. 12, 2021.




Races Rnrs Won Earned Median

1 Majestic Harbor, 2008, by Rockport Harbor 14 12 $644,872 $28,539 2 † Square Eddie, 2006, by Smart Strike 94 85 $2,960,383 $21,867 3 Grazen, 2006, by Benchmark 104 95 $3,527,394 $20,380 4 Elusive Warning, 2004, by Elusive Quality 26 44 $491,450 $19,219 5 Bold Chieftain, 2003, by Chief Seattle 22 28 $483,343 $18,765 6 Unionize, 2006, by Dixie Union 14 31 $437,531 $18,659 7 Straight Fire, 2014, by Dominus 13 11 $387,297 $16,674 8 Clubhouse Ride, 2008, by Candy Ride (ARG) 56 50 $2,115,556 $15,824 9 Mr. Big, 2003, by Dynaformer 71 54 $2,169,714 $15,780 10 Richard’s Kid, 2005, by Lemon Drop Kid 34 28 $760,531 $15,476 11 He Be Fire N Ice, 2008, by Unusual Heat 17 14 $257,115 $15,110 12 Sway Away, 2008, by Afeet Alex 10 5 $140,708 $14,412 13 Graydar, 2009, by Unbridled’s Song 119 122 $2,896,498 $14,260 14 City Wolf, 2007, by Giant’s Causeway 11 13 $116,588 $14,259 15 Smiling Tiger, 2007, by Hold That Tiger 105 104 $2,465,366 $13,457 16 Anthony’s Cross, 2008, by Indian Charlie 22 25 $456,936 $13,442 17 Time to Get Even, 2004, by Stephen Got Even 14 16 $327,353 $13,252 18 † Vronsky, 1999, by Danzig 80 69 $2,385,468 $12,432 19 Danzing Candy, 2013, by Twirling Candy 17 12 $392,614 $12,384 20 Stay Thirsty, 2008, by Bernardini 185 165 $4,870,377 $12,337



Sire Earnings Rnrs Srts Earned Start

1 Grazen, 2006, by Benchmark 104 546 $3,527,394 $6,460 2 Acclamation, 2006, by Unusual Heat 50 265 $1,602,398 $6,047 3 Clubhouse Ride, 2008, by Candy Ride (ARG) 56 369 $2,115,556 $5,733 4 Mr. Big, 2003, by Dynaformer 71 388 $2,169,714 $5,592 5 † Vronsky, 1999, by Danzig 80 459 $2,385,468 $5,197 6 † Square Eddie, 2006, by Smart Strike 94 605 $2,960,383 $4,893 7 James Street, 2007, by El Prado (IRE) 17 107 $520,501 $4,865 8 Smiling Tiger, 2007, by Hold That Tiger 105 612 $2,465,366 $4,028 9 Jersey Town, 2006, by Speightstown 65 429 $1,708,648 $3,983 10 Unionize, 2006, by Dixie Union 14 110 $437,531 $3,978 11 Stay Thirsty, 2008, by Bernardini 185 1247 $4,870,377 $3,906 12 Curlin to Mischief, 2011, by Curlin 36 174 $677,861 $3,896 13 Idiot Proof, 2004, by Benchmark 29 153 $595,389 $3,891 14 Richard’s Kid, 2005, by Lemon Drop Kid 34 205 $760,531 $3,710 15 Graydar, 2009, by Unbridled’s Song 119 793 $2,896,498 $3,653 16 Ministers Wild Cat, 2000, by Deputy Minister 87 584 $2,112,088 $3,617 17 Slew’s Tiznow, 2005, by Tiznow 36 176 $609,737 $3,464 18 Many Rivers, 2005, by Storm Cat 17 111 $370,631 $3,339 19 Cyclotron, 2000, by Grand Slam 29 173 $576,757 $3,334 20 Surf Cat, 2002, by Sir Cat 19 111 $369,284 $3,327


Sire Races Rnrs Wnrs Won Earned

1 I’ll Have Another, 2009, by Flower Alley 213 115 197 $3,937,566 2 Stay Thirsty, 2008, by Bernardini 185 98 165 $4,870,377 3 Graydar, 2009, by Unbridled’s Song 119 64 122 $2,896,498 4 Grazen, 2006, by Benchmark 104 56 95 $3,527,394 5 Smiling Tiger, 2007, by Hold That Tiger 105 53 104 $2,465,366 6 Ministers Wild Cat, 2000, by Deputy Minister 87 48 98 $2,112,088 7 † Square Eddie, 2006, by Smart Strike 94 45 85 $2,960,383 8 † Vronsky, 1999, by Danzig 80 44 69 $2,385,468 9 Champ Pegasus, 2006, by Fusaichi Pegasus 68 43 55 $806,482 10 Sir Prancealot (IRE), 2010, by Tamayuz (GB) 104 42 72 $1,238,874 11 Mr. Big, 2003, by Dynaformer 71 36 54 $2,169,714 Jersey Town, 2006, by Speightstown 65 36 74 $1,708,648 13 • Bluegrass Cat, 2003, by Storm Cat 89 33 64 $1,350,453 14 Clubhouse Ride, 2008, by Candy Ride (ARG) 56 28 50 $2,115,556 15 U S Ranger, 2004, by Danzig 54 26 47 $598,047 16 Acclamation, 2006, by Unusual Heat 50 25 43 $1,602,398 17 Empire Way, 2009, by Empire Maker 63 24 41 $710,937 18 Elusive Warning, 2004, by Elusive Quality 26 19 44 $491,450 Northern Causeway, 2008, by Giant’s Causeway 45 19 33 $436,209 20 Misremembered, 2006, by Candy Ride (ARG) 45 17 32 $779,582 Richard’s Kid, 2005, by Lemon Drop Kid 34 17 28 $760,531 Curlin to Mischief, 2011, by Curlin 36 17 22 $677,861 23 Slew’s Tiznow, 2005, by Tiznow 36 16 27 $609,737


Sire Races Rnrs Srts Won Earned

1 I’ll Have Another, 2009, by Flower Alley 213 1831 197 $3,937,566 2 Stay Thirsty, 2008, by Bernardini 185 1247 165 $4,870,377 3 Graydar, 2009, by Unbridled’s Song 119 793 122 $2,896,498 4 Smiling Tiger, 2007, by Hold That Tiger 105 612 104 $2,465,366 5 Ministers Wild Cat, 2000, by Deputy Minister 87 584 98 $2,112,088 6 Grazen, 2006, by Benchmark 104 546 95 $3,527,394 7 † Square Eddie, 2006, by Smart Strike 94 605 85 $2,960,383 8 Jersey Town, 2006, by Speightstown 65 429 74 $1,708,648 9 Sir Prancealot (IRE), 2010, by Tamayuz (GB) 104 690 72 $1,238,874 10 † Vronsky, 1999, by Danzig 80 459 69 $2,385,468 11 • Bluegrass Cat, 2003, by Storm Cat 89 539 64 $1,350,453 12 Champ Pegasus, 2006, by Fusaichi Pegasus 68 486 55 $806,482 13 Mr. Big, 2003, by Dynaformer 71 388 54 $2,169,714 14 Clubhouse Ride, 2008, by Candy Ride (ARG) 56 369 50 $2,115,556 15 U S Ranger, 2004, by Danzig 54 352 47 $598,047 16 Elusive Warning, 2004, by Elusive Quality 26 225 44 $491,450 17 Acclamation, 2006, by Unusual Heat 50 265 43 $1,602,398 18 Empire Way, 2009, by Empire Maker 63 340 41 $710,937 19 Northern Causeway, 2008, by Giant’s Causeway 45 287 33 $436,209 20 Misremembered, 2006, by Candy Ride (ARG) 45 241 32 $779,582



Sat, Jan 15 Sat, Jan 15 Sat, Jan 15 Sat, Jan 15 Sat, Jan 15 Mon, Feb 21 Mon, Feb 21 Sat, Mar 19 Sun, Mar 20 Sat, Apr 9 Sat, Apr 9 April April Sat, May 28 Sat, May 28 Sat, May 28 Sat, May 28 Sat, May 28 June July July July August August August September October October October October November November November November December December SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA GG GG SA SA SA SA SA LRC DMR DMR DMR DMR DMR DMR DMR DMR FNO SA SA DMR DMR DMR DMR LRC LRC Unusual Heat Turf Classic Sunshine Millions F/M Turf Sprint California Cup Oaks California Cup Sprint California Cup Derby California Cup Derby Spring Fever Stakes Tiznow Stakes Irish O’Brien Stakes Sensational Star Stakes Echo Eddie Stakes Evening Jewel Stakes Evening Jewel Stakes Silky Sullivan Stakes Campanile Stakes Crystal Water Stakes Snow Chief Stakes Fran’s Valentine Stakes Thor’s Echo Melair Stakes Bertrando Stakes Fleet Treat Stakes California Dreamin’ Stakes Real Good Deal Stakes CTBA Stakes Graduation Stakes Solana Beach Stakes Generous Portion Stakes I’m Smokin Stakes Harris Farms Stakes California Distaff California Flag Handicap Golden State Juvenile Fillies Golden State Juvenile Betty Grable Stakes Cary Grant Stakes Soviet Problem Stakes King Glorious Stakes F/M








F/M Fillies




Fillies Four-Year-Olds & Up Four-Year-Olds & Up Three-Year-Olds & Up Four-Year-Olds Three-Year-Olds Four-Year-Olds & Up Four-Year-Olds & Up Four-Year-Olds & Up Four-Year-Olds & Up Three-Year-Olds Three-Year-Olds Three-Year-Olds Three-Year-Olds Three-Year-Olds & Up Three-Year-Olds Three-Year-Olds & Up Three-Year-Olds & Up Three-Year-Olds & Up Three-Year-Olds Three-Year-Olds & Up Three-Year-Olds & Up Three-Year-Olds Three-Year-Olds & Up Three-Year-Olds & Up Three-Year-Olds Two-Year-Olds Two-Year-Olds Three-Year-Olds & Up Two-Year-Olds Two-Year-Olds Three-Year-Olds & Up Three-Year-Olds & Up Three-Year-Olds & Up Two-Year-Olds Two-Year-Olds Three-Year-Olds & Up Three-Year-Olds & Up Two-Year-Olds Two-Year-Olds 1 1/8 M, Turf 6 1/2 F, Turf 1 M, Turf 6 F 1 1/16 M 6F 1 M, Dirt 6 1/2F, Turf 6 1/2F, Turf 6 1/2 F 6 1/2 F 1 M, Turf 1 M, Turf 1 M, Turf 1 1/8 M, Turf 1 M, Turf 6F 1 1/16 M, Dirt 1 M, Dirt 7F, Dirt 1 1/16 M, Turf 7F, Dirt 5 1/2 F, Dirt 5 1/2 F, Dirt 1 M, Turf 6F, Dirt 6F, Dirt 6F, Dirt 6F, Turf 6F, Turf 7F, Dirt 7F, Dirt 7F, Dirt 7F, Dirt 1 M, Dirt 1 M, Dirt $200,000 $150,000 $200,000 $150,000 $200,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $150,000 $150,000 $75,000 $75,000 $100,000 $150,000 $100,000 $100,000 $150,000 $100,000 $175,000 $150,000 $175,000 $100,000 $100,000 $150,000 $100,000 $100,000 $75,000 $100,000 $100,000 $150,000 $150,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000


ADVERTISED SCHEDULE OF RACES AND PURSES SUBJECT TO CHANGE California Thoroughbred Breeders Association 201 Colorado Pl, Arcadia, CA 91007 (626) 445-7800 • www.ctba.com


Sire Races Rnrs Strts Won Earned

1 Stay Thirsty, 2008, by Bernardini 2 Stanford, 2012, by Malibu Moon

44 175 23 $1,204,258 29 89 15 $601,029 3 Mr. Big, 2003, by Dynaformer 17 38 8 $493,842 4 Danzing Candy, 2013, by Twirling Candy 17 50 12 $392,614 5 Straight Fire, 2014, by Dominus 13 34 11 $387,297 6 Grazen, 2006, by Benchmark 18 58 7 $380,485 7 Curlin to Mischief, 2011, by Curlin 15 49 7 $234,642 8 I’ll Have Another, 2009, by Flower Alley 26 102 9 $211,090 9 † Square Eddie, 2006, by Smart Strike 11 25 2 $151,416 10 Jersey Town, 2006, by Speightstown 8 16 2 $127,237 11 Graydar, 2009, by Unbridled’s Song 6 15 2 $125,203 12 Smiling Tiger, 2007, by Hold That Tiger 11 33 2 $124,763 13 Desert Code, 2004, by E Dubai 5 26 4 $120,562 14 Dads Caps, 2010, by Discreet Cat 9 36 4 $116,079 15 Misremembered, 2006, by Candy Ride (ARG) 15 37 3 $115,021 16 Texas Ryano, 2011, by Curlin 4 14 2 $88,160 17 Empire Way, 2009, by Empire Maker 7 25 3 $83,887 18 Tamarando, 2011, by Bertrando 8 18 1 $83,350 19 U S Ranger, 2004, by Danzig 5 23 4 $78,352 20 Southern Image, 2000, by Halo’s Image 4 7 2 $78,116



Sire Races

Earnings/ Rnrs Won Earned Runner

1 Straight Fire, 2014, by Dominus 2 Mr. Big, 2003, by Dynaformer 3 Stay Thirsty, 2008, by Bernardini

13 11 $387,297 $29,792 17 8 $493,842 $29,050 44 23 $1,204,258 $27,370 4 Desert Code, 2004, by E Dubai 5 4 $120,562 $24,112 5 Danzing Candy, 2013, by Twirling Candy 17 12 $392,614 $23,095 6 Grazen, 2006, by Benchmark 18 7 $380,485 $21,138 7 Graydar, 2009, by Unbridled’s Song 6 2 $125,203 $20,867 8 Stanford, 2012, by Malibu Moon 29 15 $601,029 $20,725 9 Jersey Town, 2006, by Speightstown 8 2 $127,237 $15,905 10 U S Ranger, 2004, by Danzig 5 4 $78,352 $15,670 11 Curlin to Mischief, 2011, by Curlin 15 7 $234,642 $15,643 12 † Square Eddie, 2006, by Smart Strike 11 2 $151,416 $13,765 13 Storm Wolf, 2002, by Stormin Fever 5 2 $66,976 $13,395 14 Ministers Wild Cat, 2000, by Deputy Minister 5 2 $65,444 $13,089 15 Dads Caps, 2010, by Discreet Cat 9 4 $116,079 $12,898 16 Empire Way, 2009, by Empire Maker 7 3 $83,887 $11,984 17 Smiling Tiger, 2007, by Hold That Tiger 11 2 $124,763 $11,342 18 Tamarando, 2011, by Bertrando 8 1 $83,350 $10,419 19 Clubhouse Ride, 2008, by Candy Ride (ARG) 7 0 $65,750 $9,393 20 Rousing Sermon, 2009, by Lucky Pulpit 5 2 $42,856 $8,571


Sire Races Rnrs Wnrs Won Earned

1 Stay Thirsty, 2008, by Bernardini

44 15 23 $1,204,258 2 Stanford, 2012, by Malibu Moon 29 12 15 $601,029 3 Danzing Candy, 2013, by Twirling Candy 17 10 12 $392,614 4 Straight Fire, 2014, by Dominus 13 9 11 $387,297 5 I’ll Have Another, 2009, by Flower Alley 26 8 9 $211,090 6 Mr. Big, 2003, by Dynaformer 17 6 8 $493,842 Grazen, 2006, by Benchmark 18 6 7 $380,485 8 Curlin to Mischief, 2011, by Curlin 15 5 7 $234,642 9 U S Ranger, 2004, by Danzig 5 4 4 $78,352 10 Dads Caps, 2010, by Discreet Cat 9 3 4 $116,079 Misremembered, 2006, by Candy Ride (ARG) 15 3 3 $115,021 Sierra Sunset, 2005, by Bertrando 6 3 3 $48,386 Acclamation, 2006, by Unusual Heat 7 3 3 $36,356 14 † Square Eddie, 2006, by Smart Strike 11 2 2 $151,416 Graydar, 2009, by Unbridled’s Song 6 2 2 $125,203 Smiling Tiger, 2007, by Hold That Tiger 11 2 2 $124,763 Desert Code, 2004, by E Dubai 5 2 4 $120,562 Texas Ryano, 2011, by Curlin 4 2 2 $88,160 Empire Way, 2009, by Empire Maker 7 2 3 $83,887 Storm Wolf, 2002, by Stormin Fever 5 2 2 $66,976 Tom’s Tribute, 2010, by Lion Heart 8 2 2 $66,610 Ministers Wild Cat, 2000, by Deputy Minister 5 2 2 $65,444 Champ Pegasus, 2006, by Fusaichi Pegasus 2 2 2 $60,203 Richard’s Kid, 2005, by Lemon Drop Kid 4 2 2 $48,113 Rousing Sermon, 2009, by Lucky Pulpit 5 2 2 $42,856 Lakerville, 2008, by Unusual Heat 2 2 2 $37,390 Fighting Hussar, 2010, by Rockport Harbor 3 2 2 $34,770


Sire Races Rnrs Srts Won Earned

1 Stay Thirsty, 2008, by Bernardini

44 175 23 $1,204,258 2 Stanford, 2012, by Malibu Moon 29 89 15 $601,029 3 Danzing Candy, 2013, by Twirling Candy 17 50 12 $392,614 4 Straight Fire, 2014, by Dominus 13 34 11 $387,297 5 I’ll Have Another, 2009, by Flower Alley 26 102 9 $211,090 6 Mr. Big, 2003, by Dynaformer 17 38 8 $493,842 7 Grazen, 2006, by Benchmark 18 58 7 $380,485 Curlin to Mischief, 2011, by Curlin 15 49 7 $234,642 9 Desert Code, 2004, by E Dubai 5 26 4 $120,562 Dads Caps, 2010, by Discreet Cat 9 36 4 $116,079 U S Ranger, 2004, by Danzig 5 23 4 $78,352 12 Misremembered, 2006, by Candy Ride (ARG) 15 37 3 $115,021 Empire Way, 2009, by Empire Maker 7 25 3 $83,887 Sierra Sunset, 2005, by Bertrando 6 27 3 $48,386 High Demand, 1997, by Danzig 1 5 3 $40,600 Acclamation, 2006, by Unusual Heat 7 20 3 $36,356



Stallion (Foreign Foaled), Year, Sire Graded

Avg Named 2YO Stakes Stakes Progeny

Comp Crops Size Foals Runners Winners Winners Winners Winners Earnings AEI Index

1 Grazen, 2006, by Benchmark

9 26 232 173-75% 116-50% 23-10% 14-6% 4-2% $13,222,089 1.48 1.07 2 † Square Eddie, 2006, by Smart Strike 9 29 262 228-87% 178-68% 63-24% 18-7% 3-1% $21,231,239 1.47 1.14 3 Clubhouse Ride, 2008, by Candy Ride (ARG) 4 28 110 73-66% 47-43% 17-15% 3-3% 2-2% $4,696,001 1.41 0.93 4 Mr. Big, 2003, by Dynaformer 8 18 142 88-62% 50-35% 14-10% 6-4% 1-1% $4,863,517 1.34 0.92 5 Sir Prancealot (IRE), 2010, by Tamayuz (GB) 5 56 279 250-90% 161-58% 87-31% 10-4% 5-2% $12,052,153 1.23 0.91 6 † Vronsky, 1999, by Danzig 14 24 330 237-72% 166-50% 30-9% 12-4% 4-1% $17,453,592 1.21 1.03 7 Stay Thirsty, 2008, by Bernardini 6 67 402 337-84% 235-58% 77-19% 16-4% 3-1% $23,744,757 1.20 1.33 8 • Bluegrass Cat, 2003, by Storm Cat 12 66 790 622-79% 452-57% 125-16% 36-5% 6-1% $47,463,991 1.16 1.50 9 Eddington, 2001, by Unbridled 13 36 471 357-76% 259-55% 60-13% 12-3% 3-1% $22,445,534 1.13 1.34 10 Idiot Proof, 2004, by Benchmark 9 14 127 73-57% 52-41% 18-14% 2-2% 0-0% $3,873,892 1.07 0.93 11 Street Hero, 2006, by Street Cry (IRE) 7 27 186 141-76% 103-55% 20-11% 7-4% 3-2% $8,659,047 1.06 0.96 12 Jersey Town, 2006, by Speightstown 6 34 202 144-71% 106-52% 30-15% 6-3% 2-1% $8,300,224 1.05 1.05 13 Richard’s Kid, 2005, by Lemon Drop Kid 5 17 86 46-53% 35-41% 7-8% 0-0% 0-0% $2,754,040 1.04 0.91 14 Smiling Tiger, 2007, by Hold That Tiger 5 52 260 176-68% 109-42% 30-12% 9-3% 1-0% $9,602,658 1.03 0.99 15 Acclamation, 2006, by Unusual Heat 6 29 176 118-67% 73-41% 12-7% 4-2% 1-1% $5,708,541 1.02 1.18 16 I’ll Have Another, 2009, by Flower Alley 6 67 399 393-98% 280-70% 68-17% 3-1% 1-0% $40,654,239 1.01 1.09 Southern Image, 2000, by Halo’s Image 13 26 336 268-80% 195-58% 52-15% 8-2% 1-0% $15,889,694 1.01 1.10 18 Cyclotron, 2000, by Grand Slam 12 13 158 108-68% 81-51% 1-1% 3-2% 1-1% $6,240,231 0.96 1.09 19 † Atticus, 1992, by Nureyev 21 24 502 376-75% 232-46% 46-9% 11-2% 4-1% $15,689,613 0.95 1.33 Misremembered, 2006, by Candy Ride (ARG) 7 21 148 111-75% 68-46% 17-11% 7-5% 0-0% $6,030,544 0.95 1.10 Tizbud, 1999, by Cee’s Tizzy 14 16 228 160-70% 99-43% 16-7% 7-3% 2-1% $8,258,216 0.95 0.84 22 Ministers Wild Cat, 2000, by Deputy Minister 13 40 525 424-81% 319-61% 80-15% 21-4% 2-0% $24,172,151 0.94 0.88 23 Bedford Falls, 2003, by Forestry 8 7 53 38-72% 25-47% 4-8% 1-2% 0-0% $2,458,274 0.93 0.87 Trapper, 2000, by Iron Cat 11 5 56 44-79% 33-59% 13-23% 1-2% 0-0% $2,276,026 0.93 0.75 25 Graydar, 2009, by Unbridled’s Song 5 61 305 239-78% 163-53% 49-16% 7-2% 1-0% $12,517,394 0.91 1.36 26 Anthony’s Cross, 2008, by Indian Charlie 5 11 57 40-70% 27-47% 5-9% 2-4% 0-0% $1,678,717 0.89 0.89 27 Danzing Candy, 2013, by Twirling Candy 1 65 65 17-26% 10-15% 10-15% 0-0% 0-0% $392,614 0.88 1.13 28 Slew’s Tiznow, 2005, by Tiznow 7 23 162 100-62% 74-46% 21-13% 6-4% 1-1% $4,813,237 0.86 0.95 29 James Street, 2007, by El Prado (IRE) 5 12 59 26-44% 12-20% 2-3% 1-2% 0-0% $918,617 0.84 0.80 30 Lightnin N Thunder, 2001, by Storm Cat 15 14 214 146-68% 96-45% 27-13% 6-3% 0-0% $5,915,357 0.83 1.04 31 Sea of Secrets, 1995, by Storm Cat 17 29 488 411-84% 297-61% 81-17% 16-3% 2-0% $19,814,302 0.82 1.03 32 Desert Code, 2004, by E Dubai 9 19 174 134-77% 94-54% 21-12% 4-2% 0-0% $6,565,325 0.81 0.98 Time to Get Even, 2004, by Stephen Got Even 9 10 87 65-75% 41-47% 17-20% 1-1% 0-0% $3,204,493 0.81 0.71 34 Surf Cat, 2002, by Sir Cat 10 14 137 88-64% 60-44% 7-5% 2-1% 2-1% $4,406,614 0.80 1.11 35 Stanford, 2012, by Malibu Moon 1 66 66 29-44% 12-18% 12-18% 0-0% 0-0% $601,029 0.79 1.00 36 Bold Chieftain, 2003, by Chief Seattle 7 13 90 55-61% 41-46% 7-8% 1-1% 0-0% $2,847,974 0.76 0.88 Curlin to Mischief, 2011, by Curlin 3 35 104 46-44% 24-23% 14-13% 2-2% 0-0% $1,164,517 0.76 0.86 38 Marino Marini, 2000, by Storm Cat 13 30 389 304-78% 229-59% 41-11% 4-1% 0-0% $13,193,382 0.74 0.91 39 Tannersmyman, 1998, by Lord Carson 16 11 181 139-77% 96-53% 24-13% 3-2% 1-1% $6,168,783 0.73 0.69 40 Lakerville, 2008, by Unusual Heat 4 18 71 44-62% 26-37% 5-7% 1-1% 0-0% $1,403,153 0.70 1.21 41 Grace Upon Grace, 2007, by Rio Verde 8 7 59 42-71% 20-34% 9-15% 1-2% 0-0% $1,417,851 0.69 0.88 42 Golden Balls (IRE), 2004, by Danehill Dancer (IRE) 8 8 64 46-72% 24-38% 2-3% 0-0% 0-0% $1,390,913 0.67 0.70 43 Circumference (IRE), 2012, by Galileo (IRE) 3 19 57 19-33% 7-12% 0-0% 0-0% 0-0% $469,890 0.65 0.79 44 Mast Track, 2004, by Mizzen Mast 7 8 59 46-78% 31-53% 6-10% 0-0% 0-0% $1,612,439 0.64 0.84 45 Many Rivers, 2005, by Storm Cat 8 9 75 47-63% 27-36% 7-9% 0-0% 0-0% $1,665,081 0.63 0.81 Onebadshark, 2000, by Diligence 13 4 53 42-79% 33-62% 6-11% 1-2% 0-0% $1,455,580 0.63 0.99 U S Ranger, 2004, by Danzig 9 43 385 308-80% 203-53% 50-13% 3-1% 2-1% $10,544,110 0.63 1.19 48 Awesome Gambler, 2004, by Coronado’s Quest 11 23 249 167-67% 93-37% 24-10% 1-0% 1-0% $4,861,160 0.61 0.72 Govenor Charlie, 2010, by Midnight Lute 3 20 61 38-62% 17-28% 10-16% 1-2% 0-0% $902,433 0.61 0.75 Smart Bid, 2006, by Smart Strike 6 19 111 59-53% 32-29% 5-5% 1-1% 0-0% $1,935,248 0.61 0.94

These statistics are for active California-based sires with a minimum of 50 foals of racing age, ranked here by their lifetime Average Earnings Index (AEI.) The statistics shown here are compiled by The Jockey Club Information Systems (TJCIS). While every effort is made to prevent errors and omissions, California Thoroughbred cannot guarantee their complete and total accuracy. A dagger (†) indicates a stallion that has been pensioned or has died, a dot (•) that he is now standing elsewhere (sires no longer standing in California remain on these lists until their last Cal-bred crop turns 3 years old). Freshman sires are highlighted in bold text.. Statistics cover racing in North America (U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico), England, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) only. Stakes winners and wins follow TJCIS stakes rules.

Percentages are based upon number of named foals of racing age.



Santa Anita Park, Arcadia Dec. 26, 2021-June 19, 2022

Golden Gate Fields, Berkeley

Dec. 26, 2021-June 14, 2022 Pleasanton, Alameda County Fair, Pleasanton June 15-July 12 Los Angeles County Fair at Los Alamitos, Los Alamitos June 22-July 12 Del Mar Thoroughbred Club, Del Mar July 13-Sept. 13 California State Fair (Cal Expo), Sacramento July 13-Aug. 2 Sonoma County Fair, Santa Rosa Aug. 3-16 Humboldt County Fair, Ferndale Aug. 17-30 Golden Gate Fields, Berkeley Aug. 24-Oct. 4 Los Alamitos Race Course, Los Alamitos Sept. 14-27 Santa Anita Park, Arcadia Sept. 28-Nov. 8 Big Fresno Fair, Fresno Oct. 5-18 Golden Gate Fields, Berkeley Oct. 19-Dec. 20 Del Mar Thoroughbred Club, Del Mar Nov. 9-Dec. 6 Los Alamitos Race Course, Los Alamitos Dec. 7-20






California-Bred/California-Sired STAKES RACES



SATURDAY, JANUARY 15 $200,000 Unusual Heat Turf Classic

Presented by City National Bank

Four-Year-Olds & Up 1 1∕8 miles (Turf )

$200,000 California Cup Derby

T ree-Year-Olds 1 1∕16 miles $200,000 Leigh Ann Howard California Cup Oaks

T ree-Year-Old Fillies 1 mile (Turf ) $150,000 Don Valpredo California Cup Sprint

Four-Year-Olds & Up 6 furlongs

$150,000 Sunshine Millions F/M Turf Sprint Presented by John Deere

Four-Year-Olds & Up, Fillies & Mares about 6 furlongs (Turf )

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21 $100,000 Tiznow Stakes Four-Year-Olds & Up 1 mile

$100,000 Spring Fever Stakes

Four-Year-Olds & Up, Fillies & Mares 6 furlongs

SATURDAY, MARCH 19 $100,000 Irish O’Brien Stakes

Four-Year-Olds & Up, Fillies & Mares abt. 6 1∕2 furlongs (Turf )

SUNDAY, MARCH 20 $100,000 Sensational Star Stakes

Four-Year-Olds & Up abt. 6 1∕2 furlongs (Turf )

SATURDAY, APRIL 9 $150,000 Echo Eddie Stakes

T ree-Year-Olds 6 1∕2 furlongs $150,000 Evening Jewel Stakes

T ree-Year-Old Fillies 6 1∕2 furlongs





Date Track Stakes (Grade) Conditions Distance Added Value

1 SA Joe Hernandez Stakes (Gr. II) 4-y-o & up 1 SA Sham Stakes (Gr. III) 3-y-o

1 SA La Canada Stakes (Gr. III) 2 SA Kalookan Queen Stakes 8 SA Santa Ynez Stakes (Gr. II)

4-y-o & up, f. & m. 4-y-o & up, f. & m. 3-y-o f. 9 SA Las Cienegas Stakes (Gr. III) 4-y-o & up, f. & m. 12 SA Kalookan Queen Stakes 4-y-o & up, f. & m. abt. 6 1⁄2 f. (T) $250,000 1 m. $100,000 1 1⁄16 m. $200,000 6 1⁄2 f. $75,000

7 f.

$200,000 abt. 6 1⁄2 f. (T) $100,000 6 1⁄2 f. $75,000

15 SA Unusual Heat Turf Classic, Presented by City National Bank 4-y-o & up, Cal-Bred/Cal-Sired 1 1⁄8 m. (T) $200,000 15 SA Sunshine Millions Filly & Mare Turf Sprint, Presented by John Deere 4-y-o & up, f. & m., Cal-Bred/Cal-Sired abt. 6 1⁄2 f. (T) $150,000 15 SA Don Valpredo California Cup Sprint 4-y-o & up, Cal-Bred/Cal-Sired 6 f. $150,000 15 SA California Cup Derby 3-y-o, Cal-Bred/Cal-Sired 1 1⁄16 m. $200,000 15 SA Leigh Ann Howard California Cup Oaks 3-y-o f., Cal-Bred/Cal-Sired 1 m. (T) $200,000 17 SA Astra Stakes (Gr. III) 4-y-o & up, f. & m. 1 1⁄2 m. (T) $125,000 22 SA Clockers’ Corner Stakes 4-y-o & up 6 f. (T) $70,000 29 SA San Vicente Stakes (Gr. II) 3-y-o 7 f. $200,000

29 SA Megahertz Stakes (Gr. III) 29 SA Palos Verdes Stakes (Gr. III) 30 SA San Marcos Stakes (Gr. II) 30 SA Lady of Shamrock Stakes 4-y-o & up, f. & m. 4-y-o & up 4-y-o & up 3-y-o f. 1 m. (T) $100,000 6 f. $200,000 1 1⁄4 m. (T) $225,000 1 m. (T) $75,000

30 SA Baffe Stakes 3-y-o

5 SA San Pasqual Stakes (Gr. II) 5 SA Santa Monica Stakes (Gr. II)

4-y-o & up 4-y-o & up, f. & m. 5 SA Thunder Road Stakes (Gr. III) 4-y-o & up 6 SA Robert B. Lewis Stakes (Gr. III) 3-y-o 6 SA Las Virgenes Stakes (Gr. III) 3-y-o f.

12 SA Sweet Life Stakes (Gr. III) 3-y-o f. 6 f. (T)

$75,000 1 1⁄8 m. $200,000 7 f. $200,000 1 m. (T) $100,000 1 1⁄16 m. $200,000 1 m. $200,000 abt. 6 1⁄2 f. (T) $100,000

19 SA Pasadena Stakes 19 GGF El Camino Real Derby 20 SA San Simeon Stakes (Gr. III) 21 SA Tiznow Stakes 3-y-o 1 m. (T) $100,000

3-y-o 1 1⁄8 m. $100,000

4-y-o & up

abt. 6 1⁄2 f. (T) $100,000 4-y-o & up Cal-Bred/Cal-Sired 1 m. $100,000

21 SA Spring Fever Stakes 26 SA Wishing Well Stakes 4-y-o & up, f. & m., Cal-Bred/Cal-Sired 6 f. $100,000

4-y-o & up, f. & m. 6 1⁄2 f. (T) $75,000

Advertising Index

NOTE: Inside Back Cover, IBC; Outside Back Cover, OBC; Inside Front Cover, IFC This index is provided as a service. The publisher does not assume liability for errors or ommissions. (Bold fgures indicate a page that features a stallion)


Arroyo Vista ....................................................................15 Auburn Laboratories Inc. ..............................................11 Backyard Race Horse.....................................................69 Barton Thoroughbreds..................................................25 Bella Equine-Amanda Navarro .....................................69 BG Thoroughbred Farm........................................7,36,37 Cal- Bred Yearling Registration Deadline ...................10 Cal-Bred Maiden Bonus Program ................................59 Compas (Jeannie Garr Roddy) .....................................69 CTBA Annual Meeting/Awards Dinner........................53 CTBA Membership ........................................................63 CTBA Winter Mixed Sale*.............................................49 Daehling Ranch.......................................IBC, 12,13,47,68 Equineline.com ..............................................................57 Farmers Insurance-Sue Hubbard..................................69 Gayle Van Leer Thoroughbred Services ......................69 Golden State Stakes......................................................61 Harris Farms ....................................................... IFC,17,19 horselawyers.com ..........................................................69 Laurel Fowler Insurance Broker Inc ..............................69 Legacy Ranch ...................................................................9 Lovacres Ranch .............................................. OBC, 36,37 Milky Way Farm.........................................................26,27 Newfeld Farm................................................................69 Rancho San Miguel.........................................31,33,35,39 Red Cliffs Racing, Inc.....................................................68 Robins Ranches-Nor Cal Horse Property Specialist ..68 Sunny Creek Farm .........................................................43 Tommy Town Thoroughbreds...................................5, 29 Victory Rose Thoroughbreds ...................................20,21


Acceptance ......................................................................7 Anthony’s Cross................................................... 43 Balance The Books ........................................................26 Big Runneur......................................................................7 Bodexpress.....................................................................25 Bold Chieftain ................................................................20 Box Score .......................................................................26 Capital Account ...............................................................7 Cat Burglar .....................................................................25 Circumference(IRE) ........................................................26 City Wolf .........................................................................12 Coach Bob......................................................................12 Conquest Farenheit ............................................. 19 Curlin To Mischief ..........................................................39 Dads Caps ......................................................................25 Danzing Candy..................................................... 35 Doscifcado (CHI) ...........................................................26 Faversham .................................................... IBC, 12 Fighting Hussar................................................................7 Fullbridled ......................................................................12 G.G. Ryder......................................................................20 Gato Del Oro (KY)............................................................7 Gig Harbor .....................................................................20 Govenor Charlie........................................................ OBC Grace Upon Grace.................................................... OBC Graydar...........................................................................26 Grazen ................................................................. 29 Heaven’s Glory (JPN) .....................................................26 Hoorayforhollywood......................................................27 Idiot Proof.......................................................................20 Jersey Town.................................................... 12,47 Kafwain .............................................................................5 King Of Jazz(ARG) ...........................................................7 Lakerville ............................................................. 13 Majestic Harbor .................................................. IFC Many Rivers ....................................................................20 Mesa Thunder ................................................................12 Ministers Wild Cat ...........................................................5 Misremembered ............................................................25 Mo Forza ............................................................. 31 Mo The Beholder...................................................7,36,37 Mr.Big .................................................................... 9 Northern Causeway (IRE) ..............................................39 Originaire (IRE).................................................................7 Oscar Nominated ........................................... OBC,36,37 Passion For Gold ...........................................................27 Phantom Boss ........................................................... OBC Pontiff..............................................................................12 Richard’s Kid ...................................................................39 Richmond Street ............................................................27 Rumpus Cat....................................................................12 Sawyer’s Hill....................................................................27 Sir Prancealot ...................................................... 33 Slew’s Tiznow .................................................................39 Smart Bid........................................................................27 Smiling Tiger........................................................ 17 Smokem..................................................................... OBC Sparticle..........................................................................12 Stanford................................................................. 5 Stay Thirsty....................................................... OBC Sundarban ......................................................................27 Surf Cat...........................................................................39 Tap Back .........................................................................25 Texas Ryano ......................................................... 15 Unusual Heatwave ...........................................................7 V. E. Day........................................................... OBC,36.37 Win The Space...............................................................27 Winning Cause...............................................................27

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