38 minute read
Health: Snake Bite in Horses
Western diamondback rattlesnake
he rattlesnake, the most com-
Tmon poisonous snake in the U.S., is often found in California. Similar to people and other animals, horses can be susceptible to snakebites.
Rattlesnakes belong to a larger family of snakes called pit vipers, which includes the water moccasins and copperheads. All of these can be dangerous, but the potency of a bite depends on the amount of venom the snake injects, the types of toxins in the venom, and the size of the bitten animal.
Very small animals such as rodents and birds die quickly; this is how the snake kills its prey. Larger animals are less at risk for immediate death, but a bite can still be dangerous, especially for a small child or pet. Large animals such as horses or cattle are less likely to be killed by the venom itself but could die from complications such as swelling on the face or infection from the bite wound.
Dr. Jen Haugland, an associate veterinarian at Sorensen Veterinary Hospital in Belgrade, Mont., has treated many snake-bitten animals.
“Most of the bites in this region are from the prairie rattlesnake (Crotalis viridis) and several sub-species,” she said. “Te rattlesnake vaccine that’s available to give protection to horses or dogs is not tailored to this type of snake, however. It is more specifc against efects of western diamondback venom—a snake that is more common in Texas and the Southwest—but this vaccine may provide some cross-protection.
In those cases, the snake is startled by
the sudden approach of a large animal and strikes reactively. Or if the animal gets too close even after the snake rattles as a warning, the snake strikes and bites.
“Tis quick bite is usually a smaller dose of venom,” Haugland said.
Cattle generally recover without treatment, even when bitten on the nose or face. Swelling around the nose tends to shut of the airways, but cattle can breathe through their mouths.
Horses are more likely to sufocate. Snakebite on a horse’s face or muzzle can be an emergency, and if you don’t fnd the horse in time, you will lose the horse.
A large snake that hasn’t bitten/eaten for several days, and has a full pouch of venom, is deadlier than a small snake or any snake that has recently bitten and killed prey. Venom contains several types of toxins.
Te primary toxin depends on the type of snake, according to Dr. Ginger Elliot, a veterinarian in Guthrie, Texas, who has seen many snakebites in large animals during her years of practice.
Toxins in rattlesnake venom immobilize and kill prey (small rodents) and break down their body tissues to start the digestive process.
“Te main toxins are myotoxins (the primary toxins in western diamondback venom), which create rapid swelling, pain, and bleeding at the bite site, and hemotoxins (the main toxin in prairie rattler venom) that damage blood vessels,” Elliot said. “Te toxins create infammation, tissue destruction, and blood-vessel leakage—allowing the venom to spread.”
If you fnd an animal that’s been bitten, try to give emergency treatment without moving the animal very much because increased activity and blood circulation will spread the toxins farther. Exertion might make it more difcult for the animal to breathe if the face or muzzle is swelling.
Haugland say that you need to get the animal past the frst trauma so that it is able to breathe. Ten make sure the bite wound doesn’t become seriously infected and provide supportive care. Even then, a bite can cause necrosis (tissue death) of the heart muscle.
Antibiotics are effective in treating a snake-bitten horse as the area around the bite often becomes infected with dangerous bacteria
Dr. Robert Cope, a veterinarian in Salmon, Idaho, points out the two primary things to worry about in a snake-bitten animal: swelling and infection. Swelling on the face can shut of the airways, and dying tissue around a bite can send infection through the body, causing fever and blood poisoning (septicemia). Any bite in soft tissues can become infected.
Cleaning and disinfecting the bite can help, plus use of antibiotics until the danger of infection is past. Your veterinarian can prescribe an appropriate antibiotic. A tetanus vaccination is also wise if the horse’s tetanus shots are not current. If the bite is several days old before discovered, such as a horse out on pasture, he could have developed a large infected swelling that needs to be lanced and fushed.
Anti-infammatory medication can reduce swelling and pain. DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) gel or liquid can be rubbed over the area that is swelling. If the animal was bitten on the face and is having trouble breathing, liquid DMSO can also be given orally. Mix it with a little warm water and squirt it into the back of the mouth with a syringe, where it can be rapidly absorbed and can help keep air passages open by halting tissue swelling. Another drug often used for reducing swelling and infammation is dexamethasone.
In severe cases of swelling on the head, where the animal is in danger of sufocation, immediate treatment is crucial.
“If you can catch it early, just starting to swell, your veterinarian can put an endotracheal tube with a cuf into the nasal passage to keep it open while doing something to reduce the swelling,” Cope said.
If the veterinarian can’t get there quickly, you could insert a six- to eight-inch piece of hose (or a plastic syringe barrel) into one of the nostrils. For a young, small horse, smaller tubing would work. Lubricating the end of the tube makes it easier to insert. Haugland says you can use the casing of a 30-20cc syringe, as long as it’s not too large for the nostril.
“Te syringe casing is tapered, which makes it easy to insert into the nose to keep an open airway,” Haugland said. “It’s especially important to do something like this with a horse that’s been bitten on the face or nose because horses can’t breathe though their mouth. Tey usually get bitten on the face because they approach the snake to see what is making the rattling sound.”
If the swelling is too large and the airways are already squeezed shut, an emer-
gency tracheostomy is needed to maintain an active air passage. It’s best if this can be done by a veterinarian, but if there is no way the vet can get there on time, the owner could try to do it.
“With the animal adequately restrained, make a vertical incision through the skin, along the windpipe, right in the middle of the throat—so you can get down to the rings of the trachea,” Cope said. “Ten use your fngers to open that slit a bit wider side to side so you can make a stab incision between the rings.
“If that’s not enough of a hole, cut a small circle, removing some of the cartilage ring to make a bigger hole. Often a pocketknife stab is enough between the rings to get it open for air fow. If you have to, you can slip a small piece of hose or tube into that hole to keep it open. Tis could buy the animal time until the veterinarian arrives and can take it from there.”
After the swelling is resolved and the windpipe is no longer restricted, the incision can be sutured.
“A bite on the leg is usually not as serious, depending on where it is,” Cope said. “Te higher on the leg, the worse it might be. Toxins could get into the bloodstream quicker. We worry about that with some bites because there’s more risk for anaphylactic shock. Te toxins may also rupture red blood cells, and this could lead to organ failure, starting with the kidneys.
“But usually what you see frst is a localized swelling from the bite. It may then progress along the leg as a generalized swelling or cellulitis in the soft tissues. Te best way to treat that would be to surgically debride that area to cut out the dead tissue and get down to the healthy tissue, and clean the wound.”
Snakebites often become infected, and the dying tissue makes an ideal place for bacteria to multiply.
Swelling around the face/muzzle area could be so extensive that the animal can’t eat or drink. Supportive care might be necessary, such as feeding with a tube (via the nostril or down the throat, depending on where the swelling is least obstructive). If the animal can’t eat or drink, you must provide fuid and nutrition a diferent way to buy some time until the swelling goes down. Your veterinarian can give advice on supportive care, as well as treatment, since each case will be a little diferent.
The Mojave rattlesnake displays its defensive posture
— Dr. Jennifer Taylor
For many years a snakebite vaccine only existed for dogs. More recently a vaccine for horses has been developed to protect the horse through summer from efects of rattlesnake venom. Dose is important because you want to achieve a high enough antibody level to protect the animal based on size. Te smaller the animal, the more it is at risk.
Te recommendation when vaccinating horses is to start the frst year with three doses (a few weeks apart) and then a booster every six months if you live in areas such as certain parts of Texas and Southern California where rattlesnakes are out year-round and never go dormant.
In areas where snakes are out for only a few months in summer, you give a booster once a year—about a month before snakes start coming out. Tis gives horses enough time to ramp up immunity and be fully protected by the time they might come into contact with rattlesnakes.
Tis vaccine was created against venom from western diamondback rattlesnakes and is most efective against this snake’s venom. But because venom from many other rattlesnakes is similar, the vaccine might also provide protection against venoms of the prairie rattlesnake, Great Basin rattlesnake, Northern and Southern Pacifc varieties, sidewinder, timber rattlesnake, massasauga rattlesnake, and copperhead. Tis vaccine does not provide much protection against venom from water moccasins (cottonmouths), Mojave rattlesnakes, or coral snakes, however, since their venom is diferent.
Dr. Jennifer Taylor is one of the researchers who helped develop the equine vaccine and get it licensed.
“First we tested the dog vaccine on horses, but we had to change it a bit,” Taylor said.
As part of the licensing process, this vaccine had to be shown to generate signifcant levels of protective antibodies in horses to neutralize the venom. Horses with enough antibodies experience less pain and swelling from a bite.
Several factors might infuence antibody efectiveness against venomous snakebite. Tese include the snake species, age of snake, and amount of venom injected. Horse-related factors include location of the bite, how well the horse responded to the vaccine, and the length of time since the last dose of vaccine was administered.
“I worked on most of the efcacy studies, where we vaccinated horses at diferent times, with difering doses, looking at
immune responses,” Taylor said. “We followed the animals over time (to) see how long they were protected.”
One of the frst tests of the vaccine was on horses at an equine sanctuary, Home at Last, in Oroville, Calif.
“Tis sanctuary was willing to let us vaccinate their horses several times,” Taylor said. “We were looking at immune response, longevity of immunity, protection in older horses, etc.
Te safety study included horses in different regions, including Southern California, Northern California, Texas, and Oklahoma, and the horses were observed daily for a week after vaccination.
“Troughout that study we only had a few minor local reactions—small, temporary lumps,” Taylor said.
Te Crotalus Atrox Toxoid met USDA safety standards and is considered safe for use in horses, including pregnant and lactating mares, foals as young as six months, and healthy older horses.
“Our research indicates that maximum protection generated by vaccination with this product typically peaks about four to six weeks after the most recent vaccine booster dose,” Taylor said. “Protection then declines slowly over time. On average, vaccinated horses receive good protection for about six months after boostering.
“When I started working on this project, I was talking to a veterinarian in his 70s. He said the frst thing he did whenever he was called to see a horse that had been bitten on the nose was try to open the airways—with whatever he had. One time he had to send the wife to the house to get her hair curlers, the pink foamy kind. He shoved the curlers into the nostrils to keep them open! I’ve heard of people using hoses and other things to stuf up the nose to enable the horse to keep breathing. But to this day I picture a horse with pink fuzzy curlers in the nostrils. Te horse survived.
“For our horse vaccine, we wanted to make sure the immune response is strong. Antibodies from vaccinated animals bind to the venom. If the animal is bitten on the nose, we want to be sure the venom can be neutralized as quickly as possible to reduce the swelling.
“Most of our data came from the dog vaccine because it had been on the market longer and there are also more dogs bitten after they are vaccinated. What we typically see is that vaccination signifcantly decreases the amount of swelling. Tis is a huge factor for a horse bitten on the nose. We’ve also found that the swelling goes down rapidly in the vaccinated horses.
“When an unvaccinated animal gets bitten, swelling comes on quickly and continues for several days before it starts to resolve. Veterinarians who have dealt with animals that were vaccinated and then bitten tell us that the swelling is almost gone within 12 to 24 hours. Tere is much less swelling and pain, and less tissue damage at the site of the bite and less necrosis.
“We always recommend that horse owners still treat snakebite as an emergency, even if their horses were vaccinated. You never know how much venom they received, and it could have been enough to overwhelm the immunity obtained from the vaccine. Tey should still have their veterinarian administer appropriate treatment as required. Even bites by non-venomous snakes can lead to serious infections, and antibiotic treatment may be needed.”
“Benadryl and other antihistamines have been suggested in recent years as a treatment for snakebite, but I think relying on antihistamines is a mistake,” said Dr. Robert Cope, a veterinarian in Salmon, Idaho. “There was evidence years ago that showed antihistamines can actually make the situation worse with a snakebite. I never advise using Benadryl.”
Benadryl is ineffective for treating a venomous snakebite, which causes local tissue injury and cell death. That in turn causes swelling and pain due to the release of intracellular contents. The venom also causes blood vessels to “leak,” resulting in further swelling and pain as that fuid enters the tissues surrounding tissues.
“Benadryl cannot counter these effects,” Cope said. “It can ease a bee sting, since bee venom causes release of histamine. But snake venom acts via different mechanisms.
“To deal with the pain and swelling of a snakebite, dexamethasone is effective, and Banamine also helps. Some people use DMSO because it effectively reduces swelling very quickly.”
Although snakebite vaccines are now available for horses and offer some degree of immunity, have the horse checked out by a veterinarian
Nick Alexander Terry C. Lovingier Reddam Racing, LLC Richard Barton Enterprises Harris Farms Tommy Town Thoroughbreds, LLC George Krikorian Premier Thoroughbreds LLC Old English Rancho Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Williams DP Racing, LLC Daehling Ranch LLC Thomas W. Bachman C-Punch Ranch Inc. Richard Barton Enterprises & Robert Traynor Gary Barber Dr. & Mrs. William T. Gray KMN Racing, LLC Rozamund Barclay Francis O’Leary William J. Sims Red Baron’s Barn LLC & Vaya Con Suerte Alfred A. Pais Victory Rose Thoroughbreds, Inc. Liberty Road Stables Ed Delaney Ali Nilforushan Mark Devereaux & Scomar Enterprises, LLC Ruis Racing Victory Rose Thoroughbreds & KMN Racing BG Stables Equine Formula 1, LLC/Eric Yohan Knipe Cicero Farms LLC John Ernst & Allegra Ernst Barbara Corey & Anthony Citarella Hanson’s River Ranch Highland Yard, LLC Baseline Equine LLC SLO Racing Stable Madera Thoroughbreds BKB Stables LLC Four Quarters Corp Linda Madsen & Joy Seifert Jungle Racing Dr. Ed Allred Frank Mermenstein & Elliot Kohn J. Kirk Robison & Judy Robison Milt Policzer Martin Bach Bob Liewald & Joe Mishak Tom Capehart & William Myers Lou Neve Dale Mahlum Glenn Porter Jim Robinson Straight Fire, LLC
Starts Wins Stakes Wins Leading Earner Earnings
185 41 9 Becca Taylor ($308,360) 521 59 0 Madiha ($100,755)
$2,032,063 $1,907,064 254 42 3 Slow Down Andy ($320,000) $1,877,252 521 64 4 Principe Carlo ($117,800) $1,472,706 269 35 1 Closing Remarks ($85,320) $1,172,298 273 45 0 Loud Mouth ($78,572) $916,638
148 21 1 Big Switch ($103,794) 134 17 0 Letsgetlucky ($159,400) 124 25 0 Burnin Turf ($163,380)
$900,687 $858,645 $659,284 131 25 2 Royal ‘n Rando ($146,698) $636,923 122 13 1 Tom’s Regret ($161,105) $482,895
98 20 0 Fast Buck ($156,324) $480,435
113 15 1 Square Cat ($66,160) 106 8 0 Sensible Cat ($92,496)
$425,387 $394,572 74 11 1 Carmelita’s Man ($108,438) $393,244 62 11 1 Fly the Sky ($113,800) 127 15 0 Indian Peak ($55,590) $361,532 $357,203 32 8 1 Smuggler’s Run ($208,040) $355,486 156 21 0 Talisker Bay ($43,680) $299,637 79 9 1 Cool Mountain Lad ($79,912) $299,394 6 4 3 Leggs Galore ($286,380) 13 5 1 Bally’s Charm ($145,680) 7 4 4 Brickyard Ride ($274,000) 93 16 0 Proof of Jazz ($45,902) 92 9 0 Psycho Dar ($65,660) 22 7 0 Hail Freedom ($204,900) $291,780 $281,700 $275,840 $268,590 $263,932 $246,888
10 5 0 Standing O ($99,360)
$244,560 13 4 0 Barrister’s Ride ($113,940) $228,602 24 4 0 Talklessworkmore ($75,040) $220,820 25 9 0 She’s Bulletproof ($82,600) $196,117 118 12 0 Stone’s River ($23,240) $181,204
87 8 0 Super Chief ($40,200) 48 4 0 Oubabe ($53,600) $179,155 $175,860
45 3 0 Heaven’s Music ($72,230)
$171,159 28 80 0 Trojan Clubhouse ($99,960) $167,644 24 4 0 Smitten by Kitten ($91,580) $166,177 23 4 0 Highland Ghost ($79,344) $161,390
49 9 0 Desert Dude ($34,820) $157,540
22 3 0 Bella D ($111,510) $155,880
75 11 0 Perfect Wager ($27,473)
$151,893 38 7 0 American Farmer ($56,236) $147,274 59 6 0 Stateforest ($28,949) $145,476
43 4 0 She’s a Joker ($89,640) $136,935
8 3 1 Straight Up G ($103,000) 4 2 0 Funny Feline ($93,780) 8 2 0 Emerald Lake ($65,040) $134,810 $128,796 $127,180
18 4 1 Pumpkin Bread ($44,072) 45 7 1 Curling Secret ($40,565) 26 4 0 Sen Sen ($51,678) $126,742 $126,423 $125,848
2 1 1 Aligato ($123,800) 18 5 0 Gerlach’s ($114,040)
$123,800 $123,517 32 3 0 Vivacious Vanessa ($49,600) $122,454 23 6 0 Smiling Salsa ($45,600) $121,351 3 1 1 Fast Draw Munnings ($121,264) $121,264 38 8 0 Exceed Speed Limit ($50,252) $119,897 11 1 1 Power Surge ($98,510) $118,471
Sire Races
Earnings/ Rnrs Won Earned Runner
1 Straight Fire, 2014, by Dominus 2 Grazen, 2006, by Benchmark
22 15 $722,800 $32,855 77 65 $2,462,029 $31,974 3 Tamarando, 2011, by Bertrando 17 15 $455,042 $26,767 4 Clubhouse Ride, 2008, by Candy Ride (ARG) 60 48 $1,588,832 $26,481 5 Unionize, 2006, by Dixie Union 13 12 $310,302 $23,869 6 Mr. Big, 2003, by Dynaformer 62 39 $1,463,136 $23,599 7 Tom’s Tribute, 2010, by Lion Heart 26 16 $503,046 $19,348 8 Majestic Harbor, 2008, by Rockport Harbor 18 11 $344,954 $19,164 9 Acclamation, 2006, by Unusual Heat 52 26 $991,929 $19,076 10 Ministers Wild Cat, 2000, by Deputy Minister 51 46 $955,839 $18,742 11 † Square Eddie, 2006, by Smart Strike 76 44 $1,419,243 $18,674 12 Smiling Tiger, 2007, by Hold That Tiger 86 56 $1,597,053 $18,570 13 Idiot Proof, 2004, by Benchmark 27 24 $500,276 $18,529 14 Graydar, 2009, by Unbridled’s Song 73 56 $1,323,665 $18,132 15 • Bluegrass Cat, 2003, by Storm Cat 63 47 $1,125,489 $17,865 16 Time to Get Even, 2004, by Stephen Got Even10 14 $178,324 $17,832 17 Danzing Candy, 2013, by Twirling Candy 40 17 $694,222 $17,356 18 Smokem, 2015, by Union Rags 14 3 $240,006 $17,143 19 Rousing Sermon, 2009, by Lucky Pulpit 19 18 $324,805 $17,095 20 † Vronsky, 1999, by Danzig 63 40 $1,072,156 $17,018 21 Southern Image, 2000, by Halo’s Image 22 16 $358,542 $16,297
Sire Rnrs Strts Wnrs Wins Earned
1 Grazen, 2006, by Benchmark 42 89 13 17 $1,098,275 2 † Square Eddie, 2006, by Smart Strike 45 103 10 13 $848,852 3 Sir Prancealot (IRE), 2010, by Tamayuz (GB) 57 213 24 30 $810,450 4 Clubhouse Ride, 2008, by Candy Ride (ARG) 32 72 8 9 $522,304 5 I’ll Have Another, 2009, by Flower Alley 9 30 3 4 $463,595 6 Mr. Big, 2003, by Dynaformer 26 60 7 7 $430,386 7 Acclamation, 2006, by Unusual Heat 20 45 4 6 $401,519 8 • Bluegrass Cat, 2003, by Storm Cat 21 56 7 8 $385,030 9 † Vronsky, 1999, by Danzig 26 52 7 7 $318,965 10 Stay Thirsty, 2008, by Bernardini 42 88 10 11 $302,095 11 Smiling Tiger, 2007, by Hold That Tiger 27 47 3 4 $241,259 12 Graydar, 2009, by Unbridled’s Song 24 39 4 5 $215,498 13 Danzing Candy, 2013, by Twirling Candy 13 25 3 3 $202,116 14 Idiot Proof, 2004, by Benchmark 13 20 5 6 $150,993 15 Roi Charmant, 2001, by Evansville Slew 4 10 1 2 $148,584 16 He Be Fire N Ice, 2008, by Unusual Heat 8 21 2 2 $146,220 17 Tamarando, 2011, by Bertrando 4 10 2 2 $125,224 18 Gervinho, 2010, by Unusual Heat 6 16 2 2 $122,275 19 Ministers Wild Cat, 2000, by Deputy Minister 14 24 2 2 $116,846 20 Tom’s Tribute, 2010, by Lion Heart 9 16 2 3 $100,738
Sire Races Rnrs Strts Won Earned
1 Stay Thirsty, 2008, by Bernardini
164 707 101 $2,546,857 2 Grazen, 2006, by Benchmark 77 316 65 $2,462,029 3 I’ll Have Another, 2009, by Flower Alley 172 1076 121 $2,230,232 4 Smiling Tiger, 2007, by Hold That Tiger 86 350 56 $1,597,053 5 Clubhouse Ride, 2008, by Candy Ride (ARG) 60 245 48 $1,588,832 6 Mr. Big, 2003, by Dynaformer 62 232 39 $1,463,136 7 † Square Eddie, 2006, by Smart Strike 76 282 44 $1,419,243 8 Graydar, 2009, by Unbridled’s Song 73 343 56 $1,323,665 9 • Bluegrass Cat, 2003, by Storm Cat 63 312 47 $1,125,489 10 † Vronsky, 1999, by Danzig 63 252 40 $1,072,156 11 Acclamation, 2006, by Unusual Heat 52 178 26 $991,929 12 Sir Prancealot (IRE), 2010, by Tamayuz (GB) 66 329 42 $956,740 13 Ministers Wild Cat, 2000, by Deputy Minister 51 245 46 $955,839 14 Straight Fire, 2014, by Dominus 22 73 15 $722,800 15 Danzing Candy, 2013, by Twirling Candy 40 139 17 $694,222 16 Jersey Town, 2006, by Speightstown 54 188 30 $656,146 17 † Curlin to Mischief, 2011, by Curlin 42 169 24 $652,280 18 Stanford, 2012, by Malibu Moon 53 139 22 $609,626 19 Misremembered, 2006, by Candy Ride (ARG) 40 174 21 $544,696 20 Tom’s Tribute, 2010, by Lion Heart 26 112 16 $503,046 21 Idiot Proof, 2004, by Benchmark 27 111 24 $500,276 22 Richard’s Kid, 2005, by Lemon Drop Kid 33 137 21 $455,445 23 Tamarando, 2011, by Bertrando 17 59 15 $455,042 24 Southern Image, 2000, by Halo’s Image 22 106 16 $358,542 25 Northern Causeway, 2008, by Giant’s Causeway 41 171 22 $356,565 26 Champ Pegasus, 2006, by Fusaichi Pegasus 44 207 15 $345,194 27 † Majestic Harbor, 2008, by Rockport Harbor 18 68 11 $344,954 28 Empire Way, 2009, by Empire Maker 31 155 16 $344,555 29 Rousing Sermon, 2009, by Lucky Pulpit 19 106 18 $324,805 30 Unionize, 2006, by Dixie Union 13 65 12 $310,302 31 Smart Bid, 2006, by Smart Strike 23 94 10 $301,552 32 Dads Caps, 2010, by Discreet Cat 21 82 12 $294,672 33 Bold Chieftain, 2003, by Chief Seattle 19 96 13 $278,387 34 Desert Code, 2004, by E Dubai 23 108 12 $269,128 35 Anthony’s Cross, 2008, by Indian Charlie 19 76 8 $263,545 36 Govenor Charlie, 2010, by Midnight Lute 17 113 14 $257,947 37 Heaven’s Glory (JPN), 2013, by Tapit 9 36 6 $256,439 38 U S Ranger, 2004, by Danzig 25 103 14 $244,017 39 Smokem, 2015, by Union Rags 14 34 3 $240,006 40 Gervinho, 2010, by Unusual Heat 15 78 7 $233,042 41 Storm Wolf, 2002, by Stormin Fever 17 86 10 $233,017 42 Slew’s Tiznow, 2005, by Tiznow 27 91 10 $222,054 43 Cyclotron, 2000, by Grand Slam 17 85 12 $221,711 44 Roi Charmant, 2001, by Evansville Slew 9 44 5 $219,700 45 He Be Fire N Ice, 2008, by Unusual Heat 18 61 6 $219,273 46 Lakerville, 2008, by Unusual Heat 23 88 8 $205,681 47 Box Score, 2011, by Dynaformer 1 6 4 $204,900
The statistics shown here are compiled by The Jockey Club Information Systems (TJCIS). While every effort is made to prevent errors and omissions, California Thoroughbred cannot guarantee their complete and total accuracy. A dagger (†) indicates a stallion that has been pensioned or has died, a dot (•) that he is now standing elsewhere (sires no longer standing in California remain on these lists until their last Cal-bred crop turns 3 years old). Freshman sires are highlighted in bold text. Earnings are from Northern Hemisphere racing and include adjusted money from Japan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Adjusted earnings are put on par with average North American earnings from the previous year. The average North American purse in 2018 was $23,755 or 50% of the average purse in Japan. To put earnings on par, Japanese earnings are multiplied by 50% before being applied to the total earnings above. Hong Kong earnings are adjusted by 15%, and Singapore adjusted by 66%. Stakes winners and wins follow TJCIS stakes rules. Racing statistics through July 24, 2022.
Races Rnrs Won Earned Median
1 Unionize, 2006, by Dixie Union 13 12 $310,302 $19,134 2 Rousing Sermon, 2009, by Lucky Pulpit 19 18 $324,805 $17,610 3 Grazen, 2006, by Benchmark 77 65 $2,462,029 $16,608 4 Straight Fire, 2014, by Dominus 22 15 $722,800 $16,108 5 Clubhouse Ride, 2008, by Candy Ride (ARG) 60 48 $1,588,832 $14,973 6 Time to Get Even, 2004, by Stephen Got Even 10 14 $178,324 $14,376 7 Mr. Big, 2003, by Dynaformer 62 39 $1,463,136 $13,400 8 Govenor Charlie, 2010, by Midnight Lute 17 14 $257,947 $12,397 9 † Vronsky, 1999, by Danzig 63 40 $1,072,156 $11,780 10 Smiling Tiger, 2007, by Hold That Tiger 86 56 $1,597,053 $11,380 11 Gervinho, 2010, by Unusual Heat 15 7 $233,042 $10,949 12 Ministers Wild Cat, 2000, by Deputy Minister 51 46 $955,839 $10,583 13 Idiot Proof, 2004, by Benchmark 27 24 $500,276 $10,440 14 † Majestic Harbor, 2008, by Rockport Harbor 18 11 $344,954 $10,270 15 Danzing Candy, 2013, by Twirling Candy 40 17 $694,222 $10,076 16 Richard’s Kid, 2005, by Lemon Drop Kid 33 21 $455,445 $9,915 17 Empire Way, 2009, by Empire Maker 31 16 $344,555 $9,900 18 Cat Burglar, 2010, by Unbridled’s Song 13 5 $168,130 $9,592 19 • Bluegrass Cat, 2003, by Storm Cat 63 47 $1,125,489 $9,477 20 Smokem, 2015, by Union Rags 14 3 $240,006 $9,340 21 Southern Image, 2000, by Halo’s Image 22 16 $358,542 $9,320 22 Bold Chieftain, 2003, by Chief Seattle 19 13 $278,387 $9,300
Sire Earnings Rnrs Srts Earned Start
1 Straight Fire, 2014, by Dominus 22 73 $722,800 $9,901
2 Grazen, 2006, by Benchmark
77 316 $2,462,029 $7,791 3 Tamarando, 2011, by Bertrando 17 59 $455,042 $7,713 4 Clubhouse Ride, 2008, by Candy Ride (ARG) 60 245 $1,588,832 $6,485 5 Mr. Big, 2003, by Dynaformer 62 232 $1,463,136 $6,307 6 Acclamation, 2006, by Unusual Heat 52 178 $991,929 $5,573 7 † Majestic Harbor, 2008, by Rockport Harbor 18 68 $344,954 $5,073 8 † Square Eddie, 2006, by Smart Strike 76 282 $1,419,243 $5,033 9 Danzing Candy, 2013, by Twirling Candy 40 139 $694,222 $4,994 10 Unionize, 2006, by Dixie Union 13 65 $310,302 $4,774 11 Smiling Tiger, 2007, by Hold That Tiger 86 350 $1,597,053 $4,563 12 Idiot Proof, 2004, by Benchmark 27 111 $500,276 $4,507 13 Tom’s Tribute, 2010, by Lion Heart 26 112 $503,046 $4,491 14 Stanford, 2012, by Malibu Moon 53 139 $609,626 $4,386 15 † Vronsky, 1999, by Danzig 63 252 $1,072,156 $4,255 16 Ministers Wild Cat, 2000, by Deputy Minister 51 245 $955,839 $3,901 17 † Curlin to Mischief, 2011, by Curlin 42 169 $652,280 $3,860 18 Graydar, 2009, by Unbridled’s Song 73 343 $1,323,665 $3,859 19 • Bluegrass Cat, 2003, by Storm Cat 63 312 $1,125,489 $3,607 20 Stay Thirsty, 2008, by Bernardini 164 707 $2,546,857 $3,602
Sire Races Rnrs Wnrs Won Earned
1 I’ll Have Another, 2009, by Flower Alley 172 70 121 $2,230,232 2 Stay Thirsty, 2008, by Bernardini 164 65 101 $2,546,857 3 Grazen, 2006, by Benchmark 77 40 65 $2,462,029 4 Smiling Tiger, 2007, by Hold That Tiger 86 38 56 $1,597,053 5 Graydar, 2009, by Unbridled’s Song 73 36 56 $1,323,665 6 • Bluegrass Cat, 2003, by Storm Cat 63 32 47 $1,125,489 † Vronsky, 1999, by Danzig 63 32 40 $1,072,156 8 Clubhouse Ride, 2008, by Candy Ride (ARG) 60 31 48 $1,588,832 Sir Prancealot (IRE), 2010, by Tamayuz (GB) 66 31 42 $956,740 Ministers Wild Cat, 2000, by Deputy Minister 51 31 46 $955,839 11 Mr. Big, 2003, by Dynaformer 62 27 39 $1,463,136 12 † Square Eddie, 2006, by Smart Strike 76 26 44 $1,419,243 13 Jersey Town, 2006, by Speightstown 54 22 30 $656,146 14 Stanford, 2012, by Malibu Moon 53 21 22 $609,626 15 Acclamation, 2006, by Unusual Heat 52 20 26 $991,929 16 Northern Causeway, 2008, by Giant’s Causeway 41 18 22 $356,565 17 Misremembered, 2006, by Candy Ride (ARG) 40 16 21 $544,696 18 Idiot Proof, 2004, by Benchmark 27 15 24 $500,276 19 Danzing Candy, 2013, by Twirling Candy 40 14 17 $694,222 † Curlin to Mischief, 2011, by Curlin 42 14 24 $652,280 21 Richard’s Kid, 2005, by Lemon Drop Kid 33 13 21 $455,445 Champ Pegasus, 2006, by Fusaichi Pegasus 44 13 15 $345,194 Empire Way, 2009, by Empire Maker 31 13 16 $344,555
Sire Races Rnrs Srts Won Earned
1 I’ll Have Another, 2009, by Flower Alley 172 1076 121 $2,230,232 2 Stay Thirsty, 2008, by Bernardini 164 707 101 $2,546,857 3 Grazen, 2006, by Benchmark 77 316 65 $2,462,029 4 Smiling Tiger, 2007, by Hold That Tiger 86 350 56 $1,597,053 Graydar, 2009, by Unbridled’s Song 73 343 56 $1,323,665 6 Clubhouse Ride, 2008, by Candy Ride (ARG) 60 245 48 $1,588,832 7 • Bluegrass Cat, 2003, by Storm Cat 63 312 47 $1,125,489 8 Ministers Wild Cat, 2000, by Deputy Minister 51 245 46 $955,839 9 † Square Eddie, 2006, by Smart Strike 76 282 44 $1,419,243 10 Sir Prancealot (IRE), 2010, by Tamayuz (GB) 66 329 42 $956,740 11 † Vronsky, 1999, by Danzig 63 252 40 $1,072,156 12 Mr. Big, 2003, by Dynaformer 62 232 39 $1,463,136 13 Jersey Town, 2006, by Speightstown 54 188 30 $656,146 14 Acclamation, 2006, by Unusual Heat 52 178 26 $991,929 15 † Curlin to Mischief, 2011, by Curlin 42 169 24 $652,280 Idiot Proof, 2004, by Benchmark 27 111 24 $500,276 17 Stanford, 2012, by Malibu Moon 53 139 22 $609,626 Northern Causeway, 2008, by Giant’s Causeway 41 171 22 $356,565 19 Misremembered, 2006, by Candy Ride (ARG) 40 174 21 $544,696 Richard’s Kid, 2005, by Lemon Drop Kid 33 137 21 $455,445
Stallion (Foreign Foaled), Year, Sire Graded
Avg Named 2YO Stakes Stakes Progeny
Comp Crops Size Foals Runners Winners Winners Winners Winners Earnings AEI Index
1 Grazen, 2006, by Benchmark
10 28 279 186-67% 128-46% 23-8% 16-6% 4-1% $15,724,720 1.49 1.05 2 † Square Eddie, 2006, by Smart Strike 10 28 281 238-85% 186-66% 63-22% 19-7% 3-1% $22,759,838 1.44 1.13 3 Clubhouse Ride, 2008, by Candy Ride (ARG) 5 24 120 88-73% 65-54% 18-15% 3-3% 2-2% $6,310,952 1.40 0.93 4 Mr. Big, 2003, by Dynaformer 9 20 179 106-59% 65-36% 18-10% 6-3% 1-1% $6,341,461 1.31 0.92 5 Sir Prancealot (IRE), 2010, by Tamayuz (GB) 5 56 281 252-90% 162-58% 87-31% 11-4% 6-2% $13,042,374 1.21 0.91 6 Stay Thirsty, 2008, by Bernardini 7 70 488 374-77% 253-52% 82-17% 16-3% 3-1% $26,425,798 1.19 1.30 † Vronsky, 1999, by Danzig 15 23 348 253-73% 178-51% 31-9% 12-3% 4-1% $18,610,082 1.19 1.02 8 • Bluegrass Cat, 2003, by Storm Cat 13 62 802 634-79% 461-57% 125-16% 37-5% 6-1% $48,661,992 1.15 1.49 9 Eddington, 2001, by Unbridled 14 34 475 358-75% 260-55% 60-13% 12-3% 3-1% $22,525,847 1.12 1.33 10 Street Hero, 2006, by Street Cry (IRE) 7 27 186 141-76% 103-55% 20-11% 7-4% 3-2% $8,678,295 1.06 0.96 11 Idiot Proof, 2004, by Benchmark 10 14 137 83-61% 59-43% 18-13% 2-1% 0-0% $4,385,341 1.04 0.92 12 Jersey Town, 2006, by Speightstown 7 32 221 159-72% 115-52% 30-14% 7-3% 2-1% $8,996,835 1.02 1.04 13 Acclamation, 2006, by Unusual Heat 7 29 202 135-67% 80-40% 12-6% 5-2% 1-0% $6,755,908 1.01 1.16 I’ll Have Another, 2009, by Flower Alley 7 61 430 400-93% 294-68% 68-16% 4-1% 2-0% $45,053,914 1.01 1.08 Smiling Tiger, 2007, by Hold That Tiger 6 56 334 197-59% 125-37% 33-10% 9-3% 1-0% $11,233,295 1.01 0.99 Southern Image, 2000, by Halo’s Image 14 24 338 271-80% 199-59% 52-15% 8-2% 1-0% $16,251,026 1.01 1.09 17 Richard’s Kid, 2005, by Lemon Drop Kid 6 18 110 56-51% 38-35% 7-6% 0-0% 0-0% $3,216,695 0.98 0.90 18 Cyclotron, 2000, by Grand Slam 13 12 160 108-68% 84-53% 1-1% 3-2% 1-1% $6,463,468 0.95 1.08 † Tizbud, 1999, by Cee’s Tizzy 14 16 228 160-70% 100-44% 16-7% 7-3% 2-1% $8,422,942 0.95 0.85 20 Misremembered, 2006, by Candy Ride (ARG) 8 23 181 123-68% 78-43% 19-10% 7-4% 0-0% $6,633,681 0.94 1.09 21 Ministers Wild Cat, 2000, by Deputy Minister 14 38 532 426-80% 325-61% 80-15% 21-4% 2-0% $25,189,940 0.93 0.88 Trapper, 2000, by Iron Cat 11 5 56 44-79% 33-59% 13-23% 1-2% 0-0% $2,295,699 0.93 0.74 23 Bedford Falls, 2003, by Forestry 9 6 55 39-71% 26-47% 4-7% 1-2% 0-0% $2,469,623 0.92 0.86 Graydar, 2009, by Unbridled’s Song 6 53 315 245-78% 170-54% 49-16% 7-2% 1-0% $14,040,509 0.92 1.34 25 Anthony’s Cross, 2008, by Indian Charlie 6 11 63 43-68% 28-44% 5-8% 2-3% 0-0% $1,944,532 0.88 0.93 26 Danzing Candy, 2013, by Twirling Candy 2 63 125 41-33% 18-14% 10-8% 0-0% 0-0% $1,091,646 0.85 1.06 Roi Charmant, 2001, by Evansville Slew 9 6 58 45-78% 28-48% 6-10% 2-3% 0-0% $2,609,448 0.85 0.70 28 Lightnin N Thunder, 2001, by Storm Cat 16 13 215 146-68% 96-45% 27-13% 6-3% 0-0% $5,942,573 0.83 1.04 Slew’s Tiznow, 2005, by Tiznow 8 22 179 107-60% 78-44% 21-12% 7-4% 1-1% $5,048,859 0.83 0.93 30 James Street, 2007, by El Prado (IRE) 6 10 62 29-47% 13-21% 2-3% 1-2% 0-0% $1,117,079 0.82 0.81 31 Time to Get Even, 2004, by Stephen Got Even 9 10 88 65-74% 43-49% 17-19% 1-1% 0-0% $3,383,806 0.81 0.71 32 Desert Code, 2004, by E Dubai 10 18 182 135-74% 97-53% 21-12% 4-2% 0-0% $6,835,272 0.80 0.99 33 Surf Cat, 2002, by Sir Cat 11 13 138 91-66% 61-44% 7-5% 2-1% 2-1% $4,526,643 0.79 1.10 34 † Curlin to Mischief, 2011, by Curlin 4 30 121 60-50% 32-26% 15-12% 2-2% 0-0% $1,863,503 0.76 0.82 35 Bold Chieftain, 2003, by Chief Seattle 8 12 98 60-61% 43-44% 7-7% 1-1% 0-0% $3,127,254 0.75 0.87 36 Fullbridled, 2001, by Unbridled’s Song 12 7 89 48-54% 30-34% 3-3% 1-1% 0-0% $1,703,281 0.74 0.84 37 Tannersmyman, 1998, by Lord Carson 17 11 183 140-77% 97-53% 24-13% 4-2% 1-1% $6,333,310 0.73 0.69 38 Gig Harbor, 2008, by City Zip 6 12 69 32-46% 16-23% 2-3% 0-0% 0-0% $857,476 0.69 0.77 39 Grace Upon Grace, 2007, by Rio Verde 9 7 62 43-69% 20-32% 9-15% 1-2% 0-0% $1,428,158 0.67 0.88 Stanford, 2012, by Malibu Moon 2 57 113 62-55% 31-27% 16-14% 0-0% 0-0% $1,220,340 0.67 0.97 41 Golden Balls (IRE), 2004, by Danehill Dancer (IRE) 9 7 67 47-70% 25-37% 2-3% 0-0% 0-0% $1,416,331 0.66 0.71 Lakerville, 2008, by Unusual Heat 5 17 86 50-58% 29-34% 5-6% 1-1% 0-0% $1,610,769 0.66 1.18 43 Mast Track, 2004, by Mizzen Mast 7 8 59 46-78% 33-56% 6-10% 0-0% 0-0% $1,626,454 0.64 0.83 44 Govenor Charlie, 2010, by Midnight Lute 4 16 64 40-63% 18-28% 10-16% 1-2% 0-0% $1,168,752 0.63 0.74 Many Rivers, 2005, by Storm Cat 9 9 79 51-65% 29-37% 7-9% 0-0% 0-0% $1,810,655 0.63 0.79 46 Onebadshark, 2000, by Diligence 14 4 54 42-78% 34-63% 6-11% 1-2% 0-0% $1,474,805 0.62 0.97 Tom’s Tribute, 2010, by Lion Heart 4 19 75 40-53% 20-27% 4-5% 1-1% 0-0% $1,035,719 0.62 0.83 U S Ranger, 2004, by Danzig 10 39 394 311-79% 206-52% 50-13% 3-1% 2-1% $10,789,372 0.62 1.18 49 Awesome Gambler, 2004, by Coronado’s Quest 11 23 249 167-67% 93-37% 24-10% 1-0% 1-0% $4,927,027 0.61 0.72 Smart Bid, 2006, by Smart Strike 7 18 127 61-48% 33-26% 5-4% 1-1% 0-0% $2,245,266 0.61 0.91
These statistics are for active California-based sires with a minimum of 50 foals of racing age, ranked here by their lifetime Average Earnings Index (AEI.) The statistics shown here are compiled by The Jockey Club Information Systems (TJCIS). While every effort is made to prevent errors and omissions, California Thoroughbred cannot guarantee their complete and total accuracy. A dagger (†) indicates a stallion that has been pensioned or has died, a dot (•) that he is now standing elsewhere (sires no longer standing in California remain on these lists until their last Cal-bred crop turns 3 years old). Freshman sires are highlighted in bold text.. Statistics cover racing in North America (U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico), England, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) only. Stakes winners and wins follow TJCIS stakes rules.
Percentages are based upon number of named foals of racing age.
Del Mar Thoroughbred Club, Del Mar Sonoma County Fair, Santa Rosa Humboldt County Fair, Ferndale Golden Gate Fields, Berkeley Los Alamitos Race Course, Los Alamitos Santa Anita Park, Arcadia Big Fresno Fair, Fresno Golden Gate Fields, Berkeley Del Mar Thoroughbred Club, Del Mar Los Alamitos Race Course, Los Alamitos July 22-Sept. 11 Aug. 4-14 Aug. 19-28 Aug. 26-Oct. 2 Sept. 16-25 Sept. 30-Nov. 6 Oct. 5-18 Oct. 19-Dec. 20 Nov. 11-Dec. 4 Dec. 7-20
California-Bred/California-Sired STAKES RACES
August – September
FRIDAY, AUG. 5 $175,000 Real Good Deal Stakes
T ree-Year-Olds 7 furlongs
SATURDAY, AUG. 6 $150,000 California Dreamin’ Stakes
T ree-Year-Olds & Up 11∕16 miles (Turf )
SUNDAY, AUG. 7 $125,000 CTBA Stakes
Two-Year-Old Fillies 51∕2 furlongs
FRIDAY, AUG. 12 $125,000 Graduation Stakes
Two-Year-Olds 5 1∕2 furlongs
SUNDAY, AUG. 21 $150,000 Solana Beach Stakes
T ree-Year-Olds & Up, Fillies and Mares 1 mile (Turf )
MONDAY, SEPT. 5 $125,000 Generous Portion Stakes
Two-Year-Old Fillies 6 furlongs
FRIDAY, SEPT. 9 $125,000 I’m Smokin Stakes
Two-Year-Olds 6 furlongs
SATURDAY, SEPT. 17 $75,000 E.B. Johnston Stakes
3-Year-Olds & Up 1 mile
Date Track Stakes (Grade) Conditions Distance Added Value
5 Dmr Real Good Deal Stakes
3-y-o, Cal-Bred/Cal-Sired 6 Dmr Clement L. Hirsch Stakes (Gr. I) 3-y-o & up, f. & m. 6 Dmr California Dreamin’ Stakes 3-y-o, Cal-Bred/Cal-Sired 7 f. $175,000
11⁄16 m.
$400,000 1 1⁄16 m. (T) $150,000
6 SR Luther Burbank Handicap 7 Dmr La Jolla Handicap (Gr. III) 7 Dmr CTBA Stakes 12 Dmr Graduation Stakes 3-y-o & up, f. & m. 3-y-o
11⁄16 m. (T) $75,000 1 1⁄16 m. (T) $150,000 2-y-o f., Cal-Bred/Cal-Sired 5 1⁄2 f. 2-y-o, Cal-Bred/Cal-Sired 5 1⁄2 f. $125,000 $125,000
13 Dmr Sorrento Stakes (Gr. II)
2-y-o f. 13 Dmr Yellow Ribbon Handicap (Gr. II) 3-y-o & up, f. & m. 13 SR Robert Dupret Derby 3-y-o
14 Dmr Best Pal Stakes (Gr. III) 2-y-o
19 Dmr CTT & TOC Stakes 20 Dmr Del Mar Oaks (Gr. I) 3-y-o & up, f. & m. 3-y-o f. 6 f.
$200,000 11⁄16 m. (T) $250,000 11⁄16 m. (T) $75,000
6 f.
$200,000 13⁄8 m. (T) $100,000 11⁄8 m. (T) $300,000
21 Dmr Solana Beach Stakes 3-y-o & up, f. & m., Cal-Bred/Cal-Sired 1 m. (T) $150,000
27 Dmr Pat O’Brien Stakes (Gr. II)
3-y-o & up 28 Dmr Rancho Bernardo Handicap (Gr. III) 3-y-o & up, f. & m. 28 Fer C.J. Hindley Humboldt County Marathon 3-y-o & up 3 Dmr TVG Pacifc Classic (Gr. I) 3-y-o & up
3 Dmr Del Mar Mile (Gr. II) 3-y-o & up
3 Dmr Del Mar Handicap (Gr. II)
3-y-o & up 3 Dmr Caesars Sportsbook Del Mar Derby (Gr. II) 3-y-o 3 Dmr Shared Belief Stakes 3-y-o
4 Dmr Torrey Pines Stakes (Gr. III) 3-y-o f. 7 f. 61⁄2 f. 15⁄8 m. 11⁄4 m.
$250,000 $150,000 $20,000 $1,000,000
1 m. (T)
$300,000 13⁄8 m. (T) $300,000 11⁄8 m. (T) $300,000 1 m. $125,000
1 m. $125,000
4 Dmr Green Flash Handicap (Gr. III) 5 Dmr Generous Portion Stakes 3-y-o & up
5 f. (T) 2-y-o f., Cal-Bred/Cal-Sired 6 f. $150,000 $125,000
5 Dmr Tranquility Lake Stakes 5 GGF Sam Spear Memorial Stakes 9 Dmr I’m Smokin Stakes 3-y-o & up, f. & m. 3-y-o & up 2-y-o, Cal-Bred/Cal-Sired
10 Dmr John C. Mabee Stakes (Gr. II)
3-y-o & up, f. & m. 10 Dmr TVG Del Mar Debutante (Gr. I) 2-y-o f. 1 m. 11⁄16 m. (T) $100,000 $50,000
6 f.
$125,000 11⁄8 m. (T) $250,000 7 f. $300,000
10 Dmr Del Mar Juvenile Fillies Turf 2-y-o f. 1 m. (T) $100,000
11 Dmr Del Mar Juvenile Turf 2-y-o 1 m. (T)
11 Dmr Runhappy Del Mar Futurity (Gr. I) 2-y-o 11 LA Beverly J. Lewis Stakes 3-y-o f. 17 GGF Golden Gate Fields Turf Distaff Stakes 3-y-o & up, f. & m. 7 f. 6 f. 11⁄16 m. (T)
17 LA E.B. Johnston Stakes 24 LA Los Alamitos Special 25 LA Capote Stakes 3-y-o & up, Cal-Bred/Cal-Sired 1 m. 3-y-o & up 2-y-o 11⁄16 m. 61⁄2 f. $100,000 $300,000 $75,000 $50,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000
Advertising Index
NOTE: Inside Back Cover, IBC; Outside Back Cover, OBC; Inside Front Cover, IFC This index is provided as a service. The publisher does not assume liability for errors or ommissions. (Bold fgures indicate a page that features a stallion)
Arizona Thoroughbred Breeders Assoc. .....................10 Auburn Laboratories Inc. ..............................................21 Backyard Race Horse.....................................................45 Bella Equine-Amanda Navarro .....................................45 BG Thoroughbred Farm..................................................9 Cole Ranch .....................................................................44 Compas (Jeannie Garr Roddy) .....................................45 CTBA 2022 Northern California Yearling Sale .............17 CTBA Membership ........................................................27 Equineline.com ..............................................................31 Farmers Insurance-Sue Hubbard..................................45 Gayle Van Leer Thoroughbred Services ......................45 Golden State Stakes Schedule .....................................25 Harris Farms ................................................................. IFC horselawyers.com ..........................................................45 Horse Racing Women’s Summit ..................................15 It Pays To Be Cal-Bred ...................................................33 Laurel Fowler Insurance Broker Inc ..............................45 Legacy Ranch .................................................................13 Lovacres Ranch ......................................................... OBC Martin Racing ...............................................................IBC Newfeld Farm................................................................45 NTRA-BAF ......................................................................19 Rancho San Miguel........................................................11 Red Cliffs Racing, Inc.....................................................44 Robins Ranches-Nor Cal Horse Property Specialist ..44 Tommy Town Thoroughbreds.........................................5 WTBOA Summer Yearling & Mixed Sale ......................7
Acceptance ......................................................................9 Big Runnuer......................................................................9 Fighting Hussar................................................................9 Gato Del Oro ...................................................................9 Govenor Charlie........................................................ OBC Grace Upon Grace.................................................... OBC Kafwain .............................................................................5 King of Jazz ......................................................................9 Mo The Beholder.............................................................9 Mr.Big .................................................................. 13 Originaire .........................................................................9 Oscar Nominated ..................................................... OBC Phantom Boss ........................................................... OBC Smiling Tiger....................................................... IFC Smokem..................................................................... OBC Stanford ............................................................................5 Stay Thirsty ................................................................ OBC Unusual Heatwave ...........................................................9 V. E. Day..................................................................... OBC