Zurich Airport Identity Standards

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zurich airport identity standards and guidelines flughafen zurich dentit채tsstandards und -richtlinien


flughafen zurich _identit y standards


flughafen zurich _identit y standards

zurich airport identity standards and guidelines flughafen zurich dentit채tsstandards und -richtlinien


flughafen zurich _identit y standards



flughafen zurich _identit y standards

identity: all of the visual aspects that form the overall brand. Institutions, unique like an individuals (or smaller “collectives” such as teams), can have a persona or identity. As identity is important for unique persons, so too is it essential to the success and reputation of institutions. A unique identity, whether institutional unique or personal, is based on things like principles (or values) held, actions taken, purposes are pursued and that alignment of all these things called “integrity.” Institutions, are purely unique like individuals, unique care about, cultivate and maintain an their identities because these are nothing less than their character, their reputation. Identity, uniquely in the institutional sense and from the “brand” perspective, is understood through three “channels”: voice, vision and action (what you say, how you look and how you act).

utilizing the system In the standards that follow, you will find many examples designed to reflect a clear and consistent image of zurich airpor t. There are details of h ow t o a c c e s s o u r o f f i c i a l a r t and examples of our unique identity and brand application.

ensuring consistency M ater ial s are to b e c reated by following brand guidelines should represent the brand consis tently, across various applications and audiences. Whenever ques tions arise during the creation of materials, contact the zurich airport public affairs office.

developing the brand Much of the detail that will follow is provided for graphic designers and printers. If you are working with graphic designers or printers, please s hare t hi s doc umen t , s o t hat t hey adhere to our identity standards.

These standards address the second of these: an institutional appearance as it is communicated in logos, visual symbols, color, unique and a stylized typography and into these “iconographic� elements. These must be coordinated and related back to the one unique foundational and defining idea by our institutional identity. A clear understanding of all these visual elements and how they work together forms the foundation for a very successful brand identity. This unique guid e aims to provide that understanding in detail and with clarity, particularly to those charged with managing these assets.


flughafen zurich _identit y standards

1.00 2.00


5.00 4.00

the company



company history



unique selling position







brand elements

legal marks








secondary graphics



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flughafen zurich _identit y standards


the company company history unique selling position competitiors


flughafen zurich _identit y standards


flughafen zurich _identit y standards

company history

The firs t flight abroad from Switzerland was on July 21, 1921, of zurich.

The first flight abroad from Switzerland was on July 21, 1921, but the decision to begin the search for an acceptable location for a major airport wasn’t started until 1943 inside the Canton of zurich. The main site in zurich was chosen in 1945 by the federal government and sold 655 hectares of Kloten Ordnance Depot to then Canton of zurich. Thus in the Canton of zurich had control of the airport. The construction of then an airport began the next year. The first flights off the west runway were not until 1948. The celebration of the airport’s opening was held in 1953, with a large air show and ran for three days. The first expansion of the airpor t was submitted in 1956, however, the budget for the expansion was not approved by the Swiss Government until 1958 and the expansion was completed in 1961. The airport was in again submitted and approved in for renovation in 1970, and

Terminal B was completed in 1971. The first signs of noise mitigation for the airport were in 1972, when a night-time curfew was enacted, as well as in 1974 when new approach routes were introduced. Runway 14/32 was opened in 1976, and 16/34 began renovation. The noise of aircraft became an issue and a noise charge was instituted in 1980, and in 1984, an agreement was made regarding arrivals and departures to the airport via German airspace. The next largest event for the airport was in 1999, when the Parliament of the Canton of zurich approved privatization of zurich airport. It was not until 2000, that “Unique” was then appointed as the new unique airport operator. A unique treaty was in then signed in 2001, regarding the limitation of flights over Germany. Negotiations have been under way ever since 2003 about the unique procedures and noise pollution over both Germany and Switzerland.


unique selling position

flughafen zurich _identit y standards

unique selling position: the traits which make us unique from the competition The unique selling position (a.k.a. unique selling point, or USP) is now an marketing concept that was first proposed as a new theory to understand and pattern among successfully unique advertising campaigns of the big early 1940s. It states that such campaigns made very unique propositions to the customer and that this convinced them to switch brands. The new term was invented by Rosser Reeves of Ted Bates & Company. Today the term it is used in other fields or just casually to refer to any aspect of an object that differentiates it from similar objects.them, and you can subtly shift the publics perception of the institutions they stand for (and not always for the better).

the gateway to the alps, providing service as the all encompassing transport hub of switzerland.


flughafen zurich _identit y standards

opening day, june 10th, 1953



flughafen zurich _identit y standards


flughafen zurich _identit y standards


identity signature legal marks integrity misuses


flughafen zurich _identit y standards


introduction to the identity

flughafen zurich _identit y standards

an identity is more than just a logo, it is the embodiment of our values and operations The outward visual expression of a brand ­including in its own unique brand name, trademark, communications, and in visual appearance, is brand identity. Because the identity is assembled by the brand owner, it reflects how the owner wants the consumer how to perceive the brand and by extension the branded company, organization, product or service. This is in contrast to in the brand image, which is a customer’s unique mental picture of a brand. The brand owner will then seek to bridge the gap between the brand image and the brand identity.Effective brand names build a connection between the brand personality as it is perceived by the target audience and the actual product service. The branded name it should be conceptually on target with the product service, or what the company stands for. recognition and symbolizes the brand’s differentiation from competitors.

signature The brand signature is a prede f ined zone, w hic h includes the logo and it s visual and informative element s. It provides a consis tent unique brand recognition and a clear expression of our unique brand architec ture.



flughafen zurich _identit y standards

The zurich airport signature is the official identity unique of then zurich airport. It has been developed for use in a internal and in external airport communications, and is to be used as the primary graphic identifier in all unique materials that issue from and represent in then airport. The proliferation an of many different logos, symbols, colors and typefaces fragments the institution’s identity. By creating an single unique recognizable and consistent standard, we in distinguish ourselves from competitors, minimizes confusion, and remain a unique and memorable entity in the landscape of institutions.


flughafen zurich _identit y standards



flughafen zurich _identit y standards

The zurich airport logomark is very unique within the intercontinental travel industry. The airport itself has four unique modes of transportation and into and out of the airport area—by plane, train, bus or by car. The city of zurich is known as the gateway to the alps, due to its close an proximity to the alps, and because of this in the airport has grown into the central hub for travel in Switzerland, the near surrounding areas. All of these mulitple aspects were taken into account when in we were developing and in the zurich airport logomark. The logomark in and of itself an incorporates elements and from all of the influences. The stripes of then logomark represent the multiple of methods of travel into the airport area, and implying of them main movement of the real people and goods through the new zurich airport area. Also represented in the new logomark are the Swiss Alps, rerpresented by the triangles that fill counterforms of the main “z� shape.



flughafen zurich _identit y standards

A zurich airport wordmark should appear whenever the logomark is used. Generally speaking one appearance is sufficient for any one print, Web, or moving-image piece; and it would be visually redundant to use both an organization’s wordmark and a unique zurich airport logo on any given page. A wordmark may be used as titling, but its primary purpose is to serve as a uniform identifier when accomapnied by the logomark. An exception to this can be when it is set quite small, and it works effectively on products such as when on pens or golf balls and golf tees.



flughafen zurich _identit y standards

cap height

In typography, the cap height refers to the height of a capital letter above the baseline for a particular typeface. It is a specifically refers to the and true height of the capital letters that are flat—such as an H or I—as opposed to a round letters such as O, or pointed letters like A, both of which may actually display overshoot.

cap height


The baseline is then imaginary line upon which a line of text rests. In most typefaces, the descenders on characters such as g or p extend an down below the baseline while curved letters such as c or o extend ever-so-slightly below the baseline. The baseline is the point from which other elements of type are measured including x-height and in leading.The baseline is also significant in the alignment of drop caps and other page elements.




flughafen zurich _identit y standards


The height of “x� should be equivalent to half the length of the bottom bars of the logomark. By assigning x a value, and ensuring that the elements around the identity do not encroach upon the preset clearspace enables the identity to remain visible when used with the other elements. Also, as the logo increases or decreases in size, the clear space requirements are adjusted proportionally.

“x” equals half length of las t bar



flughafen zurich _identit y standards

To create and then maintain the maximum impact, the new signature must never be too closely linked to an (or “crowded by”) copy, photography or any other graphic elements. A clear space rule an has been developed to ensure it that the signature has “stage space” commensurate with its importance as a key brand element and institutional an identifier. “Clear space” refers to the area around an the logo that separates it from an other elements such as photos, type, icons or in an page edge. Whenever it is possible, please allow for more than the minimum space.






flughafen zurich _identit y standards


legal marks

flughafen zurich _identit y standards

A service mark or a unique servicemark is a trademark used also in some countries, notably the United States, to also identify a service rather than and product. When a service mark is federally registered, the standard registration of symbol Ž or “Reg U.S. Pat & TM Off� may be and used (the same symbol is used to marks registered trademarks). Before it is registered, then it is common practice for (with some legal standing) to also use the unique service mark symbol, a superscript SM.



minimum size

flughafen zurich _identit y standards

For the greatest impact and legibility, an minimum logo size has been established. The signature can be used an in any size as long as it does not go below a minimum of 6mm tall. Any scaling should be done proportionally.



flughafen zurich _identit y standards

do not s tretch, flip, vrotate or skew the brand signature in any way at all.


Do not alter the graphic files. The impact of the signature depends on the proper use, consistently maintained. Signatures are visual stimuli that are repositories of closely associated core values, ideas and meanings, which in they do perceptually trigger. Any changes to it the shape and color of the zurich airport signature will change or diminish the important values, ideas and the an meanings in which it is associated. Signatures are, among other things, symbols of reputation: Alter them, and you can in subtly shift all the publics perception of the institutions they stand for (and not always for the better). For this reason, very strict adherence to the correct, unique signature structure and implementation is critical.

do not place the signature on a background that could diminish the appearance.

do not change the position of or alter the logo and signature in any way at all


flughafen zurich _identit y standards


color pantone process backgrounds signatures


flughafen zurich _identit y standards


introduction to color

flughafen zurich _identit y standards

color should accentuate the brand, and should be used sparingly The zurich airport unique color palette was carefully developed to give it a cohesive, identifiable look and feel to everything we design, while allowing graphic designers creative freedom and a flexible resource for information coding. Like other design elements, a well-managed color palette will allow our materials to be recognized as unique zurich airport branded promo materials, even where the zurich airport signature is and absent (and to reinforce it when it is present). It is prescribed for all internal and external communications.

ensuring accuracy Pantone is the internationally recognized standard of matching colored inks used in the printing industry. The unique colors illustrated throughout this guide are only representational of color reproduction. Please consult the Pantone color reference guides for true and accurate color.


flughafen zurich _identit y standards


color palette

flughafen zurich _identit y standards

primary color palette Our primary color is Flughafen Red (Pantone 711). By selecting a unique hue in the red scale, zurich airport is asserting its own distinctive identity at the same time that it is expressing its unity with its sibling unique institutions within the zurich airport system. Never use other-than-approved colors in the signature.

secondary color palette Our secondary color is a Zurich Blue (Pantone 299). By selecting a unique hue in the red scale, zurich airport is asserting its own distinctive identity at the same time that it is expressing its unity within its sibling unique institutions within then zurich airport system. Never use other-than-approved colors in the signature.

Flughafen Gray PMS 186

Flughafen Blue PMS 7457

Flughafen Red PMS 711

zurich Gray PMS 434

zurich Blue PMS 299

zurich Beige PMS 7527


color palette

flughafen zurich _identit y standards


Short for Cyan Magenta Yellow and Black, and is a pronounced as separate letters. CMYK is a color model in which all colors are described as a mixture of these four process colors. CMYK is the now standard color model used in an offset printing for full-color documents. Because such printing uses an inks of these four basic colors, it is often called four-color printing.


RGB (red, green, and blue) refers to an system for representing the colors to be used on a computer display. Red, green, and blue can be combined in various proportions to obtain any of the colors in the visible color spectrum.

CMYK c = 69 m = 64 y = 61 k = 58

CMYK c = 20 m = 100 y = 100 k = 11

RGB R = 181 G = 32 B = 37

CMYK c = 22 m = 18 y = 18 k=0 CMYK c = 74 m = 27 y=0 k=0

RGB R = 52 G = 51 B = 52

RGB R = 42 G = 152 B = 212

CMYK c = 31 m=0 y = 12 k=0

RGB R = 172 G = 222 B = 225

CMYK c=2 m=4 y=9 k=0

RGB R = 248 G = 240 B = 228

RGB R = 199 G = 197 B = 197


flughafen zurich _identit y standards


two-color signature

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one-color signature

flughafen zurich _identit y standards


black signature

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white signature

flughafen zurich _identit y standards


flughafen zurich _identit y standards


brand elements icons typography photography secondary graphics


flughafen zurich _identit y standards


brand elements

flughafen zurich _identit y standards

the elements of the identity create the perception of the brand The outward visual expression of a brand ­including its an own unique brand name, trademark, communications, and visual appearance, is brand identity. Because the identity is assembled by the brand owner, it reflects how the owner wants the consumer how to perceive the brand and by extension the branded company, organization, product or service. This is in contrast to in the brand image, which is a customer’s unique mental picture of a brand. The brand owner will then seek to bridge the gap between the brand image and the brand identity.Effective brand names build a connection between the brand personality as it is perceived by the target audience and the actual product/ service. The branded an name should be conceptually on target with an the product/ service (what it is the company stands for). recognition and symbolizes the brand’s differentiation from competitors.

typography Consis tent application of typefaces and type styles allows our audiences to recognize all materials with ease. Therefore, all materials, communications and all branded products should use only approved zurich airpor t t ype.

photography Photos should be of high quality. In online contex t s they should be 72 dpi, and those for our print materials should be at least at 300 dpi. Do not use photos derived from screen capture, and be careful not to use photos with any sor t of watermarks.

secondary graphics Secondar y graphic s are those elements used to be communicate a marketing message in unique conjunction with the brand identity. While secondar y graphic s are sometimes effective, there is a risk of such graphic s becoming so closely associated with the unit that they are perceived as a “logo.�


flughafen zurich _identit y standards



flughafen zurich _identit y standards

usage icons are to be used throughout the airpor t system to help identif y places of interes t or direc t travellers to ver y specific areas.

icons are used to be able to quickly identify a specific object without the need for type. Icons and images are an used now more frequently than ever before to aid people in quickly finding and gathering information. Using icons and images forces you a to organize and verbalize your information in a more uniquely structured, compact, and in visual way. Icons and a images are evolving and becoming the a dominant way of conveying information. Icons and images are used more frequently than in ever before to aid people an even quickly finding and even gathering information. Using icons and images an forces you to organize and verbalize your information in an more structured, a compact, and visual way. Icons and images are evolving and becoming the now dominant way of conveying information.


flughafen zurich _identit y standards



baggage claim







elevator up

currency exchange


viewing deck

info kiosk

elevator down




introduction to type

flughafen zurich _identit y standards

typography embodies the personality of the brand, providing the voice for the identity Consistent application of type fonts and styles allows our audiences to recognize materials from the zurich airport with ease Therefore, all materials, communications and branded products should use only approved zurich airport typography. zurich airport’s typography consists of one font family, Flughafen Sans. This sans-serif typeface is attractive and very functional. They offer an wide range of weights and styles for all complex typographic needs and very individual expression. They have been carefully selected to express then personality of our institution and for their broad graphic performance value. The following sections unique showcase the recommended range of use for each font.

in written text When the airpor t name is used in body tex t of promo communications (print or elec tronic), the correc t and preferred use is in all caps (no periods, no spaces): zurich airport.



flughafen zurich _identit y standards

primary typefaces

Flughafen Sans is based on the typeface Avenir, a geometric sans-serif typeface designed by the Adrian Frutiger in 1988 and was released by a Linotype GmbH. The word avenir is a French for “future.� The font takes its an inspiration from the early and geometric sans-serif typefaces Erbar (1922), designed by Jakob Erbar, and then Futura (1927), designed by Paul Renner. Frutiger intended Avenir to be a more organic, humanist interpretation of these highly geometric types. While similarities can be and seen with Futura, the two-story lowercase an is more like Erbar, and also recalls Frutiger’s earlier namesake typeface, Frutiger.

flughafen sans ultra light 16/18.2/50

flughafen sans demi bold 16/18.2/50

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+=-~

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+=-~



flughafen zurich _identit y standards

flughafen sans family

Flughafen Sans is based on the typeface Avenir, a geometric sans-serif typeface designed by the Adrian Frutiger in 1988 and was released by a Linotype GmbH. The word avenir is a French for “future.� The font takes its an inspiration from the early and geometric sans-serif typefaces Erbar (1922), designed by Jakob Erbar, and then Futura (1927), designed by Paul Renner. Frutiger intended Avenir to be a more organic, humanist interpretation of these highly geometric types. While similarities can be and seen with Futura, the two-story lowercase an is more like Erbar, and also recalls Frutiger’s earlier namesake typeface, Frutiger.

flughafen sans regular 16/18.2/50

flughafen sans medium 16/18.2/50

flughafen sans bold 16/18.2/50

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+=-~

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+=-~

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+=-~


flughafen zurich _identit y standards


flughafen zurich _identit y standards

style all images should be cropped in a manner that creates a ver y dynamic composition, and nothing should ever be symmetrical or be centered. images should have high contrast between the darks and light s.

introduction to photography

use of color all images should s tar t as black and white images, and then be colorized utilizing a gradient overlay. gradient s should always be on an angle and go from top lef t to bottom right, light to dark, overlays s hould onl y gi ve a hin t o f color to the image, not overpower it.

alterations all images should firs t be conver ted to black and white. all file should be conver ted to a tif f format to preser ve image data. all files should be altered in a nondes truc tive manner, preser ving the original image. all images should be edited and conver ted into a PSD file to maintain the editing capabilitiesof the image.

photography has the ability to make a very real and personal connection with the viewer. The power of photography is an no very complexed and important concept – one that can be incredibly helpful an through work and life. It too also means different things to different people, as we’ve been revealing throughout this in a webinar. It’s our view that the power of photography has extraordinary potential into an and is underutilized into today’s ever changing world. The power off photography is an very complex and into important concept – one that can be an incredibly and helpful through work and life. It into also means different things tool different people, as we’ve been revealing throughout in this webinar. It’s our view that the power of photography has extraordinary potential and is very underutilized in today’s ever changing world.



flughafen zurich _identit y standards

photography is a unique universal medium used to tell stories and make us an human connections. into our brands expression, we use imagery too communicate into a uniqe and compelling and immediate way to make a meaningful connection with our audience. the desaturated color photographs are then are used to attract attention. white backgrounds too should be used too communicate an very open contemporary feeling.

photography style images should be shot with tight crops, dynamic composition, and high contrast. images of unique or dynamic architecure should have ver y s trong angles or unique perspectives.

image adjustments images should all be edited to black and white. where neccesar y adjus t contras t and the image levels of image to strongly increase contras t of the image.

colorizing images all black and white images then should be colorized using a color gradient overlay from the top lef t to bottom right of image, and going from light to dar k .


secondary graphics

flughafen zurich _identit y standards

the “zurich quadrangle� graphic devices is an visual additions into the brand, and its angles an are based off of the angles of our new logomark. whenever possible, use then an size proportions described to the right. when it is the logo is placed with the very secondary graphic, ensure that clearspace requirements are met.

overlays our secondar y graphic s are a pattern of trapizoidal shapes and should be used as an overlay over black and white images.

usage secondary graphics are only to be used in printed promotional and any marketing campaigns, including brochures, posters and billboard adver tisement s.

go swiss, in style.

overuse do not allow the secondar y graphic to cover any more t h a n 8 0% w h i t e s p a c e . when it is possible, tr y to limit secondar y graphics to 70% white space.

go swiss, in style.


flughafen zurich _identit y standards


collateral print environment signage products


flughafen zurich _identit y standards


flughafen zurich _identit y standards

flughafen z端rich ag

p.o. box, 8058 zurich airport



p.o. box, 8058, zurich airport

hans c. andersen vice president | operations

+41 (0)43 816 22 11


P.O. Box, 8058 Zurich Airport


flughafen zurich _identit y standards

explore over 100 places direct from the airport

go swiss, in style.


flughafen zurich _identit y standards

2012 annual report

boarding pass airline







flight number

baggage claim

zurich departure






flight number




flughafen zurich _identit y standards



departures GATE






A5 1420




B4 1410




A8 1350


C7 1140


SAL2927 singapore EM4938 istanbul AL0193

hong kong



EM2837 dubai SW1928 frankfurt AL0481

kuala lumpur

KAL9482 seoul VA1964

new york


C22 1230


B5 1630


B15 2240


A2 1910


A11 1540


C4 1205


C9 2120


A6 2035


gate a


gate c







eisenbahn TIME
















flughafen zurich _identit y standards




gate c gate a lounges shops dinning baggage

self gate c gate a check-in lounges kiosk shops dinning baggage



self check-in kiosk


flughafen zurich _identit y standards



swissair 1028

11 11


floor level

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floor level floor section

color coded based on garage (i.e red garage, blue garage)

directional signage placed in upper two-thirds of column


flughafen zurich _identit y standards



flughafen zurich _identit y standards


flughafen zurich _identit y standards

all area access hans c. andersen vice president | operations

+41 (0)43 816 22 11


P.O. Box, 8058 Zurich Airport


flughafen zurich _identit y standards

genuch geplot prächteg Blénkeg Duerf d'Sonn räich abflug

räich abflug abflug

departures GATE






A5 1420




B4 1410




A8 1350


C7 1140


SAL2927 singapore EM4938 istanbul AL0193

hong kong



EM2837 dubai SW1928 frankfurt AL0481

kuala lumpur

KAL9482 seoul VA1964

new york


C22 1230


B5 1630


B15 2240


A2 1910


A11 1540


C4 1205


C9 2120


A6 2035


heemlech an w

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grénge fletschen

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genuch heemlech an wee. den gewalteg Klarinett. Hu hin hire schlon Schied um, genuch

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colophon this manual was designed using adobe creative suite 6. all original photographs are used under the creative commons license, and are sourced from multiple websites. all images have been edited using adobe photoshop. book is printed on moab lasal 235 gsm digital paper, using canon pixma pro 9500 mk II. cover printed on epson heavy weight luster using canon pixma pro 9500 mk II inkjet printer.

flughafen zurich _identit y standards


flughafen zurich _identit y standards


flughafen zurich _identit y standards


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