ISO 9001 and 17025 accreditation - Improved quality management With new version of the ISO 9001:2015 standard, many changes must be made to the certification procedures. Many companies are preparing to make significant efforts and investments for certification. Indeed, the committees that drafted the ISO 9001 standard demonstrated that the world's best-managed companies exhibit repeatable approaches and patterns of success. Certainly, ISO 9001:2015 is disrupting the management and implementation of processes for many organizations, but adopting this revised version offers benefits such as streamlining processes and better performance for years to come. Improved quality management The ISO 9001 documentation services objective remained the same in the 2015 version: to help companies improve their overall performance. The intrinsic principles and concepts have changed to define quality management better.
The attention paid to well-defined procedures is entirely justified: they are the ones that determine the level of excellence achieved in terms of the company's reputation and profitability. Thanks to increased transparency within the company, starting at the top levels
of the hierarchy, quality can be measured more accurately and ensured more effectively. In other words, the personnel will know exactly the actions to be carried out, the methods of implementation and the criteria for measuring the results. Another major change is the shift from tracking and analyzing deviations to broader risk management, highlighting the importance of process-centric management. Anomalies can thus be detected earlier in the life cycle and corrected at a lower cost. A return on investment that goes beyond quality management ISO 9001 consulting services contribute to ISO 9001:2015 compliance and provide benefits to other enterprise information-centric processes. Quality management isn't the only area to benefit from a system that offers improved productivity, increased control, automated workflow management, and better integration of independent business systems. These company-wide benefits are enough to counter protests about the workload required for ISO certification and offset the time and effort spent applying the new quality management guidelines. The certification process can take months or even years. Still, the benefits are felt much faster, especially when companies use the revised ISO standard to improve their enterprisewide information management strategies and solutions. What is ISO 17025? The ISO 17025 standard shares many commonalities with the ISO 9000 standard; however, ISO 17025 is used to assess technical competence as part of laboratory testing and calibration services and applies to the organization that produces the test and calibration results. What does accreditation mean? ISO 17025 Consultant provides laboratory's quality and technical competence management system is rigorously evaluated by a third party. Checks are regularly carried out to maintain accreditation. The ISO 9001:2015 standard, particularly the sections on the new "document information" requirements, implicitly emphasizes an essential requirement: increased visibility of the various documents and quality data disseminated. Managers will need an information management system that gives them precise control and detailed reporting, with real-time visibility into the status of activities and the ability to view and learn from the information gathered. Conclusion: Cal Lab Access ensure that testing is conducted to ISO 17025 international standards and that results are mutually acceptable among various government and regulatory bodies. The agreement between the accreditation bodies is that the test results of accredited members
meet at least the minimum quality standard regardless of the regulatory body and that the calibration results are recognized as if these organizations had carried out the calibration themselves. Source: