Is Your Cats Dander Impacting Your Health

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Is Your Cats Dander Impacting Your Health?

Calla Lilly

Is Your Cats Dander Impacting Your Health?

Is Your Cats Dander Impacting Your Health?

Is Your Cats Dander Impacting Your Health? What if I told you there are roughly 120,000 hairs per square inch on the underside of a cat and 60,000 per square inch on its back? Would you believe me? The answer is maybe. It’s hard to know exactly how many hairs could be found on your furry feline, but when you can assign an estimated number to the amount of hair they could possibly have it makes you wonder how much cat dander could be circulating around your home. Since cat dander is microscopic, it can hide in a lot of places. When a cat’s skin becomes dry, it akes o in these tiny particles and makes its way into the air. These cat dander particles that are moving around in your air could be, however, impacting your health negatively causing potential lung and sinus health issues. Having the knowledge of what pet dander is and the impact it can have on your health will give you the tools to help you maintain a better home environment for your overall health.

Things to Know About Pet Dander I know you may be wondering what exactly is dander? Speci cally pet dander. Well, pet dander is just a fancy term for describing the process animals go through of shedding dead skin cells o their bodies. Basically, new cells are continually being generated in the lower portion of the epidermis. Thus, the new cells slowly force their way to the surface, resulting in the releasing of dead skin cells into the air. This growth phase can last anywhere from 21 days to as short as 3 days. So just imagine the amount of pet dander you could have in your home’s air! Pet dander is just one of the potential causes of cat allergies. If you are not sure if you are one of the 10% of people who are allergic to cats below are some of the common symptoms of those with cat allergies.

Cat Allergy Symptoms Symptoms of Cat Allergies may include:

Is Your Cats Dander Impacting Your Health?

Is Your Cats Dander Impacting Your Health? coughing or wheezing hives or rash on your chest or face red irritated or itchy eyes redness of the skin where a cat has scratched, bitten or licked you runny, itchy or stuffy nose sneezing

Could Feline Hair Be A Health Hazard to You?

Will cat dander severely impact your health? For the most part no. Mainly pet dander becomes more of an annoyance with allergy symptoms such as coughing, itchy eyes, and runny noses. There are some circumstances where people are highly a ected by cat danders like those who su er from asthma and respiratory issues. These danders are very small, small enough to find its way into the lungs which could lead to breathing di culties. But if you are someone who already is a ected by asthma, these pet danders could lead to a severe attack. Having a strong defense to these pesky cat danders will help to protect you and your home from these potential health risks.

Defense Against Dander in Your Home

Is Your Cats Dander Impacting Your Health?

Is Your Cats Dander Impacting Your Health? Cat dander particles are one of the smallest of major allergens. They’re smaller in size than dust mites and dog danders, sizing in around 2.5 to 10 micrometers. Due to their small size, it is easy for these danders to become airborne and settle on walls, carpet, clothing, upholstery, and entering a person’s airways. Obviously, eliminating the source of the allergy can not be removed in many circumstances because people love their pets and are willing to live with the repercussions the animals have on their health due to the love they have for their animal. The best option for pet owners in this circumstance would be to use a product that will neutralize and eliminate the lingering odors left by cat danders in the air. Many pet owners may use standard lters and HVAC systems in their homes. Although these lters are made to trap allergy-causing allergens like pet dander, what most users of these products don’t know is that the small particles trapped by these lters are often times recycled back into your air causing the dander to remain in your home.

Is Your Cats Dander Impacting Your Health?

Is Your Cats Dander Impacting Your Health? Unlike most lters that are counteractive, the OdorKlenz Mobile Air System is a portable odor eliminating air puri cation system that not only traps particles in the air like dander but also breaks down and neutralizes the odors that they produce. OdorKlenz’s unique technology breaks down these particles in a way that other lters do not—dander is not only trapped but pet odors are also removed from the source. Pet owners, speci cally cat owners will be able to feel a huge di erence in their improved health when using this product. + An easily installed OdorKlenz-Air Cartridge contains proprietary blend of materials to neutralize odors, chemicals, gases, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), and larger particulates. + A multi-speed blower o ers the quiet and e cient air ow. The low setting allows for near silent operation while still maintaining odor elimination. Medium to High speeds create maximum air e ciency at noise levels still suitable for residential and commercial use. + Affordable maintenance costs. + No tools are required for unit maintenance. Dimensions: 15.5″W x 15″D x 19″H; weighs less than 20 pounds. 115 volts; 60 Hz; 1 amp; 100 watts; 8 foot power cord.

Is Your Cats Dander Impacting Your Health?

Is Your Cats Dander Impacting Your Health?

This product is by far the best product to use to help ght allergens in your home’s air, especially ones that come from your furry babies!

Is Your Cats Dander Impacting Your Health?

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