The How-to Guide When Buying a House With Cat Allergies Calla Lilly
The How-to Guide When Buying a House With Cat Allergies
The How-to Guide When Buying a House With Cat Allergies
The How-to Guide When Buying a House With Cat Allergies All the houses start to blur. Going from house to house waiting to get that feeling – if you’ve ever bought a house you know the feeling where you just instantly feel at home. As your Realtor drives you to an array of homes, patiently and eagerly trying to present to you a home that makes you feel all those homey vibes. Your beginning to feel like this is a unaccomplishable mission, that no home will ever be able to make you seal the deal. Until you pull up and it’s like a warm feeling has suddenly overcome you, the curb appeal is so inviting you can just picture your car parked in that driveway. As you eagerly approach the entrance you are taken back as the doors y open, it’s everything you’ve been looking for. Walking around it hits you, the feeling you’ve been yearning to feel the homey vibes have landed in your stomach. Something else also hits you though, the sudden ache in your throat along with a pair of itchy eyes. Then you realize your dream home has a major issue, the lingering odor of a past feline that use to reside in this very home. You may be thinking its time to go back to the drawing board and just the thought of going through another round of house hunting makes you want to rip your hair out. Well, I’m here to save your hair and you from passing up on your dream home. Here is a three-step how-to guide on buying a house with cat allergies.
Step 1: Identifying Cat Allergy Symptoms
The How-to Guide When Buying a House With Cat Allergies
The How-to Guide When Buying a House With Cat Allergies First things rst, is identifying the cause of the allergy are up. There are several cat allergy symptoms you could possibly experience when coming into contact with their dander. Cat allergy symptoms include: coughing or wheezing hives or rash on your chest or face red irritated or itchy eyes redness of the skin where a cat has scratched, bitten or licked you runny, itchy or stuffy nose sneezing Did you go through that list and immediately check every one of the symptoms off? Well if you did then, you are unfortunately part of the 10% of people who are allergic to pet danders. Cat danders are microscopic, and can easily hide in a lot of places in your home. So, building a good plan of defense is necessary when trying to achieve domination over pet danders.
Step 2: Attacking the Cat Dander/Dandruff
The How-to Guide When Buying a House With Cat Allergies
The How-to Guide When Buying a House With Cat Allergies Danders and dandruff love to linger around your home in the most obscure places it can nd making our task even harder. We must rst work on the surfaces of your home to evacuate the cat dandruff a n d allergens hiding in defense. Cat dander loves to attach to our furniture, counters, walls, baseboards, and ooring so that is where we must focus our energy. I know you may be seeing dollar signs in your eyes just thinking about the amount of money your gonna have to spend on different products for each of these sources, but what if I told you that wasn’t the case? With the OdorKlenz Source Odor Treatment, you can rid all your surfaces of any remnants of cat dander and odors. The OdorKlenz Source Odor Treatment is designed to remove pet odors from your home without the use of masking agents or harsh chemicals. Unlike many pet odor eliminators, the source odor treatment can be placed directly on the source. It has an easy application, just place the source treatment into a pump sprayer or spray bottle to apply on the surface. For treatments on ooring such as carpet or wood, we recommend using an extractor to thoroughly remove the remaining danders.
The How-to Guide When Buying a House With Cat Allergies
The How-to Guide When Buying a House With Cat Allergies Step 3: Remove Pet Danders In the Air Okay, you’re almost done. We’ve almost gone through every step to remove cat dander from your new home. The last, most critical step is combating those airborne danders and allergens in your home’s air. Airborne cat dander is one of the most signi cant offenders triggering your annoying allergy symptoms. The best solution to removing cat danders in your home’s air is by using the OdorKlenz Mobile Air System. The OdorKlenz Mobile Air System is a portable odor eliminating air puri cation system that not only con nes particles in the air like dander or other irritants but also tears down and neutralizes the odors that they produce as well. OdorKlenz’s unique technology breaks down these substances in a way that other lters do not—dander is not only trapped but pet odors are also removed from the source. The OdorKlenz Mobile Air System is portable and easy to move from room-to-room in your home to purify all the air in your house of cat allergens.
The How-to Guide When Buying a House With Cat Allergies
The How-to Guide When Buying a House With Cat Allergies Cat dander can be someone’s worst nightmare when walking into a home but with three easy steps, you can make your dream home your perfect home.
Read What Others Say About OdorKlenz Products After seventeen years experience in the cleaning business, I have found OdorKlenz treatment effectiveness’ far beyond normal chemical process capabilities currently available to the professional carpet cleaning industry.
Dan K., Carpet Cleaning Professional We rent a space where one of our roommates is highly allergic to cats and we happen to own three!! We were worried we would have to move because of the issue that the cat dander was causing to our roommate friend, we purchased this air puri er and leave it in the living room where the cats spend the most time in. I can honestly say that since we have turned on the system our air is a lot cleaner and there is literally no hair to be found anywhere and best of all our roommate can bow actually tolerate being around our cats. I would highly recommend using this unit for those who have allergies or need to control odors and dander
Barb H. – Jan. 2017
The How-to Guide When Buying a House With Cat Allergies