Contents Introduction Logo concept Explanation Visualization
Full logo type Call and Clean logo Symbol and wordmark
Protected space Logo usage Correct usage Incorrect usage
Colors Call Gray Green Palette
Typography and Typeface Stationary System Letterhead Business card Envelope Folder
Stationary Mock-up Contacts
1 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 15 17 18 21 23 24 25 29 31 32 33 34 35 39
Call and Clean provides professional and personalised janitorial and cleaning services. Our customers include commercial businesses and residential clients. Internally we aim to function as a family fostering a culture of respect for all our caretakers and employees.
Call and Clean is a service centered company, our objective is to provide professional and personalized janitorial and cleaning services.
The two C’s around the cube portray the company. On the other hand, the cube inside represents the clients. Also, the “C” on top symbolizes a telephone and at the bottom, the other “C” stands for cleanliness both were derived from the company’s name “Call and Clean”.
The cube placed in the middle of the two C’s symbolizes the clients, who are at the heart of the company. The cube is a firm structure, meaning Call and Clean aims to establish a long term client relationship.
Since Call and Clean is a family-run business the 10 color palette represents the 10 siblings in the family, representing the family’s strong bond.
Visualization of the logo
Call and Clean logo can be used in vertical lock-ups. While the symbol and wordmark can be used independently.
Call and Clean branding embodies the core values and story of the company.
We believe in building and fostering relationships with our clients while providing services focused on leading cleaning methodologies and client well-being.
The vertical lockup has a dimension of 19x16 inches. The space must be 1.5 and 2 inches
When using the symbol independently there must be a clear space of 2 inches on all sides.
When using the symbol independently there must be a clear 1.5inches space on all sides.
Correct logo usage As much as possible, use a white background for the logo.
When a white background is not possible, use a dark color. The color to be used must be darker than the three main shades of gray from the symbol
Use these two gray color overlays for background purposes only.
Incorrect logo usage
Don’t use colors that are similar to any of the colors in the color palette of the symbol or any other colors that are not from the suggested.
Don’t pick new colors or change any color of the symbol or wordmark.
Don’t overlap the symbol or logo on busy images or backgrounds that compromises it visibility.
Don’t rotate or stretch the logo.
Don’t overlap the word mark on the symbol.
The logo uses a fixed cube and two C’s, don’t add or remove these elements.
Don’t make the wordmark disproportionate to the symbol and vice versa.
Don’t warp the logo in any way.
Don’t add shadow/drop shadow, outline, gradient, 3D or any embellishment to the logo.
Call Gray MAIN (Used for "C") PANTONE | #acacac C 34 | M 27 | Y 28 | K 0 R 172 | G 172 | B 172
Call Gray DARK (Used for "C") PANTONE | #898989 C 49 | M 40 | Y 41 | K 4 R 137 | G 137 | B 137
Call Gray LIGHT Used for font color PANTONE | #363636
(Used for "C") PANTONE | #e2e2e2
C 69 | M 63 | Y 62 | K 56
C 10 | M 7 | Y 8 | K 0
R 54 | G 54 | B 54
R 226 | G 226 | B 226
Used for font color
Used for font color
PANTONE | #22a482
PANTONE | #66bc46
C 79 | M 11 | Y 62 | K 1
C 63 | M 0 | Y 99 | K 0
R 34 | G 164 | B 130
R 102 | G 188 | B 70
PANTONE | #006699
PANTONE | #3bb54a
C 93 | M 58 | Y 18 | K 2
C 74 | M 0 | Y 99 | K 0
R 0 | G 102 | B 153
R 59 | G 181 | B 74
PANTONE | #004f6e
PANTONE | #04af55
C 97 | M 66 | Y 37 | K 20
C 81 | M 1 | Y 93 | K 0
R 0 | G 79 | B 110
R 4 | G 175 | B 85
PANTONE | #004f6e
PANTONE | #0c944f
C 97 | M 66 | Y 37 | K 20
C 85 | M 17 | Y 93 | K 3
R 0 | G 79 | B 110
R 12 | G 148 | B 79
Used for font color
PANTONE | #47b970
PANTONE | #003663
C 70 | M 0 | Y 77 | K 0
C 100 | M 84 | Y 35 | K 25
R 71 | G 185 | B 112
R 0 | G 54 | B 99
Typography and Typeface
This is the main font of the company
Typography and Typeface
Call and Clean Letterhead
Font Century Gothic
Dimensions 297 x 110mm DIN A4
Print RGB
Call and Clean Business Cards
Century Gothic
Dimensions 85 x 55mm
Print RGB
Call and Clean Envelope Font
Century Gothic
Dimensions 220 x 110mm
Print RGB
Call and Clean Folder Dimensions 229 x 305mm
Print RGB