Callanwolde Summer Camps

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Parent & Me Art Camp


2-4 Years; parent attends entire session Monday through Friday (meeting a total of 5 days) 9:00 to 10:15 a.m. $135 members/$145 non-members per 1 week session

6450 6451

Parent & Me Parent & Me

On Stage! Drama Camp

AGES: 5-10 Years DAYS: Monday through Friday (meeting a total of 5 days) TIME: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. INSTRUCTORS: Elaine Wadsworth & Addie Linder FEE: $165 members / $175 non-members per 1 week session

June 24 – 28 July 29 – August 2

Enjoy an opportunity to share in creativity and discovery with your child. With inspiration from children’s books and music, you and your child will explore line, color, texture and form. Together you’ll experiment with paint, clay, beading, and collage. Supplies included in tuition. Min. 6, max. 10.

Wee Artists AGES: DAYS: TIME: FEE:

4-5 Years Monday through Friday (meeting a total of 5 days) 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $135 members / $145 non-members per 1 week session

6452 6453 6454

Wee Artists I Wee Artists II Wee Artists III

June 10-14 July 8-12 July 15-19

Young campers will enjoy learning and creating with a variety of media that will include some of the following: painting, drawing, textiles, and mixed media projects. Min. 24, max. 30. Two classes of 15 students will be formed. Teacher aide/Student ratio - 1:8.

Kaleidoscope Arts Camp AGES: DAYS: TIME: FEE:

6-10 Years Monday through Friday (meeting a total of 5 days) 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. $245 members / $255 non-members per 1 week session

6455 6456 6457

Kaleidoscope I Kaleidoscope II Kaleidoscope III

June 10-14 July 8-12 July 15-19

Kaleidoscope is designed to provide quality art education that will create a solid foundation for children to apply throughout their lives. Campers have four 1 hour and 15 minute classes each day in four media: painting & drawing, ceramics & sculpture, fiber arts and mixed media. Min. 24, max. 40. Teacher/Student ratio – 1:10.

Kaleidoscope Masters Arts Camp AGES: DAYS: TIME: FEE:

8-12 Years Monday through Friday (meeting a total of 5 days) 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. $245 members / $255 non-members per 1 week session

6458 6459

Masters I Masters II

June 17-21 July 22-26

Students will sharpen their creative and imaginative skills by participating in four 1 hour and 15 minute classes each day in four media: painting & drawing, ceramics & sculpture, fiber arts and mixed media. For the older student seeking advanced and challenging work; no experience is required to participate. Min. 24, max.40. Teacher/Student ratio – 1:10.

2013 Summer Camps

Kids Love Callanwolde’s Summer Arts Camps! Callanwolde Fine Arts Center offers summer art camps for children of all ages-from newborn to 16 years! Sessions include visual arts, dance, pottery, drama, jewelry, photography and Kindermusik®. Registration Begins February 4.

6460 On Stage! I Theme: Under the Sea

June 10-14

6461 On Stage! II Theme: Aesop’s Fables

June 24-June 28

6462 On Stage! III Theme: Under the Sea

July 15-July 19

6463 On Stage! IV Theme: Aesop’s Fables

July 22-26

This weeklong camp will assist students in discovering their own creative abilities. The camp is performance-oriented and incorporates theatre games, creative dramatics, basic dance movement instruction, simple set, props, and costume construction. This fun, educational week of activities will culminate in a final performance for family and friends. As this camp is performance oriented, a large portion of the instructional time is spent rehearsing; please choose a session where you know your child will be able to participate in the Friday performance. Min. 18, max. 24. Teacher/Student ratio – 1:12.

Kindermusik® Summer Camps 2013 Peek-A-Boo, I Love You

Newborn to 18 months; caregiver attends entire session Have fun learning new songs, lullabies, and ways to say “I Love You” using touch, Mother Goose rhymes, literature books, and chants. Activities include instrument play, Sign Language, and special dances that stimulate baby’s mind and coordination. Connect with other families in the community and learn how music encourages the development process. Materials included in tuition; no sibling rate. Min. 6, max. 12. Teacher:Student Ratio- 1:12. Instructor: Lisa Nall Fee: $105 members / $115 non-members 6464 Saturdays, June 1 -29 9:40 – 10:20 a.m. 5 weeks

Creatures of the Ocean

18 months – 3 years; caregiver attends entire session Join us for seaside musical fun! Each day of camp includes singing, games, story time, movement, musical exploration, instrument play and a snack. Themes include: Ahoy There, On My Beach Blanket, Coastal Waters, Riding the Waves and In the Deep Blue Sea. Home materials included. The sibling rate reflects a discount on materials for the 2nd child who enrolls in the same class; some materials are shared. Min. 6, max. 12. Teacher: Student Ratio- 1:12. Instructor: Lisa Nall Fee: $125 members / $135 non-members Sibling Rate: $115 members / $125 non-members 6465 Saturdays, June 1 - 29 10:40 – 11:40 a.m. 5 weeks

Ride Pony, Ride! One-Day Camp

3 to 6 years; parent/caregiver joins in the last 15 minutes of class Come enjoy a musical morning with us as we introduce all things western! We’ll gallop, find instruments that clip-clop, and move to music that reminds us of horses. We’ll sit by the campfire for snack, and sing favorite folk tunes from the west. We will hear Copland’s “Rodeo” Suite, The William Tell Overture, and the ever popular broadway musical, “Oklahoma!” A western art project is included. Yeehaw! Min. 6, max. 10. Teacher: Student ratio- 1:10. Instructor: June Abbott Fee: $35 members / $45 non-members 6466 Monday, July 1 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 1 day

Born in the USA! One-Day Camp

3 to 6 years; parent/caregiver joins in the last 15 minutes of class With the approaching holiday, take time to immerse your child in the music of patriotic Americana! We’ll march in a parade with the batons we’ll make, decorate the room with our version of fireworks, play a snare drum, and listen to and explore a flute. Sousa marches and patriotic folk tunes are the order of the day, so come laugh and learn with us as we prepare to honor our very own red, white, and blue! Min. 6, max. 10. Teacher:Student ratio- 1:10. Instructor: June Abbott Fee: $35 members / $45 non-members 6467 Tuesday, July 2 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 1 day

Zoo Train

18 months – 3 years; caregiver attends entire session Tagalong this summer with a traveling zoo train! Bring your own stuffed animal for the petting zoo. Wear long white socks on your hands for polar bear paws and learn about real animals! Sing songs in new languages. Parents learn about child development and how music improves a child’s ability to think, reason, create, and express. This camp includes singing, games, story time, movement, musical exploration, instrument play, snacks and craft time. Home materials included. The sibling rate reflects a discount on materials for the 2nd child who enrolls in the same class; some materials are shared. Min. 6, max. 12. Teacher:Student ratio -1:12. Instructor: Lisa Nall Fee: $140 members / $150 non-members Sibling Rate: $125 members / $135 non-members 6468 Monday – Friday, July 8 - 12 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 p.m. 5 days

Q’s and A’s How old should campers be to enroll?

Each camp listing states the appropriate ages for enrollment; no exceptions will be made. Wee Artists campers must submit a photocopy of their birth certificate with registration.

On the Road

3½–6 years; caregiver attends last 15 minutes at 12:15 p.m. Imagine the fun we’ll have as we go on classroom road trips in our bus named Van Go! We’ll go hiking, go to the beach, play in a vacation cottage, and plan a stop at the carnival! Our imaginations will soar as we build a campfire with rhythm sticks, flashlights, and red scarves! We’ll sing all your favorite camp and car song games and learn some new ones. Each lesson will feature music, stories, instrument play, snacks and crafts. Materials included. The sibling rate reflects a discount on materials for the 2nd child who enrolls in the same class; some materials are shared. Min. 6, max. 12. Teacher:Student ratio – 1:12. Instructor: Barbara Padgett Fee: $200 members / $210 non-members Sibling Rate: $185 members / $195 non-members 6469 Monday – Friday, June 17 – 21 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 5 days

Giggles – The Joke and Silly Song Camp

4½– 7 years Fill your house with laughs, silliness, and knock-knock jokes learned during Kindermusik camp. We’ll use word plays, funny songs, and all around word silliness to boost vocabulary, develop musical skills, and nurture happy learners. Play around at home with the activities in your home kit as your child develops the confidence and skills needed to be expressive. Children bring their own snack. Materials included. Families come for sharing time on Friday at 12:15 p.m. Min. 6, max. 10. Teacher:Student Ratio - 1:10. Instructor: June Abbott Fee: $165 members / $175 non-members 6470 Monday - Friday, July 29 – August 2 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 5 days

Jazz Kitchen

4½– 7 years We will be serving up an extra helping of learning to share, with some jazz music in the mix. We’ll learn about jazz greats and enjoy some classic jazz tunes as we stir up some scat singing in the kitchen. We’ll use the story of the little sheep who, along with her friends, whips up a batch of noodles from scratch to learn and accept others’ ideas, how to be a leader and a follower, as well as how to watch, listen, and speak to friends and teachers. Students bring their own snack. Materials included. Families come for sharing time on Friday at 12:15 p.m. Min. 6, max. 10. Teacher: Student ratio- 1:10. Instructor: June Abbott Fee: $165 members / $175 non-members 6471 Monday - Friday, June 3 - 7 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 5 days

Will my child be with friends?

In all camps, students are divided into classes by age. If your child has a friend or friends s/he wishes to be with, write the friend’s name in the space provided on the registration form. NOTE: If the ages of the friends requesting to be together are different, the children will be placed in the age group of the youngest child.

What do campers eat?

All students should bring a sack lunch except Wee Artists. Kindermusik should bring a snack. We store lunches in refrigerators. Wee Artist campers will be provided a mid-morning snack and do not stay for lunch.

Do I need to buy supplies?

All supplies included in tuition except for Teen Photography camp, whose list can be found online:

What should campers wear?

All campers should wear cool comfortable clothes. We make every effort to use only water-based and washable materials, though at times, this is impossible. If you are at all concerned about your child’s clothes, please bring a smock that is clearly marked with your child’s name.

Where do I go? What time should I be there? When will I need to pick up my child? No childcare is available before or after camp hours. All students, except Kindermusik, may be dropped off at the mailboxes near the fountain 15 MINUTES BEFORE their camp begins and must be picked up within 15 MINUTES AFTER their camp ends. Kindermusik students should be escorted directly to their classroom. If you are late dropping off in the morning, please escort your child to his/ her classroom. If you are late picking up, your child will be in the office upstairs waiting for you.

About our instructors

Callanwolde’s faculty is comprised of experienced and degreed instructors of art education. Visit for detailed faculty bios.

Teen Photography Workshop (13 years & up) Learn the basics of photography and traditional darkroom printing. This class covers basic photographic techniques—exposure, development, printing—as well as the history and aesthetics of photography. Emphasis is on black-and-white photography; chemical darkroom work is involved. The class is intended to help students become comfortable and confident in taking pictures beyond typical snap shots. Sessions include lectures, demonstrations, class critiques, and darkroom time. Students supply camera, film and paper; see supply list online. Bring a sack lunch. Min. 8, max. 10. Instructor: Joe Cillo Fee: $250 members / $260 non-members 6475 Monday – Friday, July 29-August 2 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 5 days

Teen Camps Teen Art Workshop (13 years & up)

Students will maximize their creative and imaginative skills by concentrating on 2 in-depth classes each day: Painting and Drawing and Mixed Media. Classes are designed for the older student seeking advanced and challenging work. Prior experience is recommended. Min. 16, max. 20. Teacher/Student ratio - 1:10. Instructors: Erin Palovick & TBD Fee: $245 members / $255 non-members 6472 Monday – Friday, June 24-28 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 5 days

Teen Jewelry & Metalsmithing Camp

(13 years & up) Textured Link Bracelet & Cabochon Ring Learn some of the basics of jewelry making and metalsmithing: cutting, filing, basic soldering, making jump rings and ring shanks, various textures with hammers and the rolling mill, stone setting, drilling, sanding, oxidizing, etc. Take home a brass and sterling textured link bracelet and a stone set ring. Time permitting we will work on a domed element wide band ring. Students will work with copper and brass primarily. Appropriate for repeat students; projects change and can be made more challenging for the experienced. Bring lunch/drink bottle with a top each day. FEE INCLUDES COST OF METAL AND SUPPLIES. No prerequisite. Min. 5, max. 8. Instructor: Cat Goolsby ( Fee: $245 members / $255 non-members 6473 Monday – Friday, June 24-28 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. 5 days

Teen Jewelry & Metalsmithing Camp (13 years & up)

Filigree Earrings and a Message Cuff Learn some of the basics of jewelry making and metalsmithing: cutting, filing, basic soldering, wire working, making French hooks, using the rolling mill or the ball pene hammer for texturing, oxidizing, etc. Take home a set of sterling filigree earrings and a stamped copper message cuff. Time permitting we will make a set of stamped disc earrings. Students will work with copper and brass primarily. Appropriate for repeat students; projects change and can be made more challenging for the experienced. Bring lunch/ drink bottle with a top each day. FEE INCLUDES COST OF METAL AND SUPPLIES. No prerequisite. Min. 5, max. 8. Instructor: Cat Goolsby ( Fee: $245 members/$255 non-members 6474 Monday-Friday, July 15-19 10:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. 5 days

Dance Camps Summer Dance Intensive (7 years & up) LEG UP...summer dance intensive designed for the dancer who currently takes two or more dance classes a week. This weeklong immersion into technique and physical expression is designed to improve each dancer’s individual abilities. Camp opens with a goal setting ceremony. FOOT IN...for the FIRST time dancer! It is never too late to embark. This camp offers beginning level practice in dance basics preparing each participant for future studies in ballet, jazz and modern. Class placement is determined by previous experience; an evaluation will be given the first day of class. Bring a sack lunch. Min. 15, max. 40. Instructors: Jerylann Warner & Guests Fee: $240 members / $250 non-members After May 25th: $290 members / $300 non-members 6476 Monday – Friday, June 17-21 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 5 days The Daily Groove (5-10 years)

Join Callanwolde campers for a week of some of America’s favorite entertainment past times to include disco, folk, Broadway, and ballroom! Learn the dances and sample the culture from each genre, including daily snacks and art projects that relate to the days theme. Parents are invited for a sneak peek on Friday at 1 p.m. Bring a sack lunch. Min. 10, max. 15. Instructor: Jerylann Warner Fee: $165 members / $175 non-members 6477 Monday – Friday, June 24–28 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 5 days

Little Musicals (5-10 years)

Campers will study song and dance centered upon each theme, along with focused art projects to be used as props in the final show. Little Musicals takes to the stage on Friday at 1 p.m., to which family and friends are invited. Musicals TBA. Bring a sack lunch. Min. 10, max. 15. Instructor: Jerylann Warner Fee: $165 members / $175 non-members 6478 Monday – Friday, July 15–19 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 5 days

Moving Me! (5-7 years)

Join us for a creative camp filled with drama, dance, and art projects that come to life through daily skill building “play” activities. Your camper will explore the interplay between all three expressive arts culminating in a Friday show for family and friends. Bring a sack lunch. Min. 10, max. 15. Instructor: Jerylann Warner $ Fee: 165 members / $175 non-members 6479 Monday – Friday, July 29-August 2 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 5 days

Callanwolde Dance Ensemble Intensive (8 & up) Intensive workshop offers daily classes in dance technique: ballet, contemporary, jazz, flamenco, hip-hop, character, pre-pointe for all levels, including pointe/variations for our advanced level. Guest instructors will include Lisa Howell, Jennilee Garcia-Green and others. Instructor: Kelly Oakes Dent Fee: $240 members / $250 non-members 6480 Monday – Friday, July 8-12 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 5 days

Registration Information

Camp registrations will be accepted, beginning February 4, 2013 in the Callanwolde Registration office between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Students may register: (1) online at Note: please be sure and select Camp Registration Form when registering online. (2) in person, (3) by telephone using a VISA or MasterCard, call (404) 872-5338, or (4) by mail; registrations may be mailed in early and will be processed February 4. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. No student’s space will be held without full payment of all class fees. We will continue to accept registrations by all methods until the sessions are full. Make checks payable to Callanwolde Fine Arts Center. No post-dated checks will be accepted. To register by mail, complete the registration form and send check, VISA or MasterCard information to:

Summer Camp Registration Callanwolde Fine Arts Center 980 Briarcliff Road, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30306


Please notify Administration of special needs including food allergies; we will make every effort to accommodate you.

Camp Refund Policy

To withdraw from a camp, parents must notify the registration office *ten days* before the first day of the camp session; i.e. you must withdraw two Fridays prior to a Monday start date. No refunds or transfers will be given after this point. Notifications may come by phone, mail, or in person; e-mail or fax notifications are not accepted. When issuing refunds, Callanwolde retains a $20 cancellation fee per camper per camp session. Refunds can average 2 weeks to process.


Callanwolde reserves the right to cancel any class due to insufficient enrollment. Full refunds are issued for cancelled classes. We make every effort to notify students of postponements and cancellations at least 24 hours before the first scheduled class.

CALLANWOLDE REGISTRATION FORM Student Name _ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Birthdate


q Male

q Female

Parent’s name ________________________________________________________________

Address _ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zip ___________________________ Day Phone ________________________________________ E-mail _ _______________________________________________________________________________ Evening Phone _____________________________________ Emergency Contact _____________________________ Phone


Place in same camp with my friend: _ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class #

Class Title

Start Date

I am a: q Non-member: pay non-member class fee q Member: Membership No.________ Exp. Date_______ q New Member: Include annual membership fee (see below)

I would prefer to receive your catalog by: I am paying by: q Check

q mail q Cash

q e-mail q VISA



Membership Fee (see below) Total

Make check payable to Callanwolde. q Money Order

q MasterCard

Name as it appears on charge card _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Card Number ______________________________________________________________________ Exp. date __________________________________

PUBLICITY WAIVER: Occasionally, Callanwolde takes photos of classes or events for publicity purposes. If you prefer not to have your picture or your child’s picture taken during such an event, please tell the photographer or notify the Publicity Office in advance. Office use only

Yes, I’d like to become a member! Please note that are non-refundable.





Annual membership fees: q $30 Individual (covers one person) q $25 Student (covers one person age 18 and under) q $20 Senior Citizen (65+/covers one person) q $60 Family (If family level, please list below other members

of family at same address)


Students receive an e-mailed receipt at time of payment; this serves as confirmation. Unless you are otherwise notified by telephone, classes will start on the days, dates and times listed in this brochure.

Absentee Policy

Callanwolde is not responsible for classes missed due to student absence. Please discuss unavoidable absences with the instructor.

2013 Summer Camps at Callanwolde mail to:

Summer Camp Registration Callanwolde Fine Arts Center 980 Briarcliff Road, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30306

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