820 N. Lower Broadway Corpus Christi, TX 78401 P.O. Box 9136 Corpus Christi, TX 78469 (361) 884-2011
To the judges:
2012 was a year of dramatic change for the Caller-Times website Caller.com. With the addition of a new iPad app and changes to our mobile sites, we have created a site that is more visually interesting and stories that should be easily read on any device. To see how our stories translate to different platforms, please see Caller.com, m.caller.com for our mobile site and http://apps.callernetwork.com/ipad2/ for a glimpse at our iPad app, although the app includes updates that the web link does not reflect. We continue to cover the Coastal Bend and beyond with a blend of online-only content, breaking news (support.caller.com/breakingnews/latest/), stories from our paper product (we averaged nearly 40 articles per day), videos (www.caller.com/videos), photo galleries (we published nearly 29,000 photos in 2012), blogs (blogs.caller.com/ and entertainment.caller.com/), databases (www.caller.com/data), live chats (www.caller.com/live-chat/), user generated content (clickandshare.caller.com/) along with incorporating our Facebook and Twitter information (such as www.caller.com/crime). Reporters met the challenge this year by always thinking web first. For example, city hall reporter Jessica Savage writes an online only advance before every city council meeting. We put that online early, then update it throughout the day with Jessica’s Twitter feed and any major news coming out of the meeting. Up-to-the-minute updates have become second nature to our reporters. While we had to change how we approached our digital product, the readers were met with a familiar look and feel to the site. That consistency allowed us to enjoy the greatest number of unique visitors in our history in 2012.
John Allen Online/Breaking News Editor Caller.com