Visual Thinking

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VISUAL THINKING Part 1 - Space and Behaviour Part 3 - Film Posters Designs

Callum Stacey

V i s u a l Thinking Part 1 Space and Behaviour Research

After visiting the outside area around Bournemouth train station and looking for things that were being placed in unusual spots, I noticed that there was particularly a lot of litter around the area. Pretty much everywhere you looked there were bits of rubbish but mostly in more subtle places like on the edges of the area and hidden under things so it would be harder to spot but is still there causing increase problems for the environment, not helping the aesthetic of the area at all, etc.

V i s u a l Thinking Part 1 Space and behaviour Research

V i s u a l Thinking Part 1 Space and Behaviour Research

After waiting around the area for a short while I started to get an idea of how people would drop the litter and found that weirdly kinda interesting. It would be done in a sly way trying to do it more subtlety as its not the ‘done thing’. A lot of it is dropped to the side of the area against walls, often dropped in a way to look as if the person is naive to doing so, potentially so people around them do not react and maybe they feel less guilty. An example of this is someone puts there empty coffee cup up on the side of the wall as they go to tie there shoe laces and then after walking off leaving there cup behind. After looking into some secondary research online I found on the Bournemouth Echo site that they actually say they have a huge problem with litter around the large town. I also found that although there were quite a few bins around, but perhaps the reason for them not having loads or possibly more to help prevent this problem is likely linked with problems in the past with the IRA putting bombs in train stations, particularly in large places like London. As if this I fully understand the reason for their perhaps lack of bins.

V i s u a l Thinking Part 1 Space and Behaviour Research

V i s u a l Thinking Part 1 Space and Behaviour Research

As noticing from all these photos I took and the research the amount of litter in the area is generally very high. Therefore as the outcome response for something that can go in the area I thought I wanted to create something aesthetically pleasing, that can work well in the area its in, that is innovative and most importantly catches peoples eyes so that it can help prevent the current issue.

V i s u a l Thinking Part 1 Space and Behaviour Research

I also discovered in the area and around it there were a lot of these kinda stickers and sign=age that I thought looked pretty cool and can work pretty well as subtle but effective bits of advertisement or promotion to a particular subject - such 0as the one on the top right I found on a lamp post just advertising Bestival Festival.

V i s u a l Thinking Part 1 Space and Behaviour Research

V i s u a l Thinking Part 1 Space and Behaviour Research

When looking at the stickers around the area more I started to notice more that were pretty funny and random but cool designs. They were also often put in areas to blend in but still stood out well - like the one above on the top right was the orange sticker but on an orange road cone, but the other colours help it to still stand out pretty well. I thought that this kind of concept could work well for designing something to potentially help prevent the litter problem in and around the area.

V i s u a l Thinking Part 1 Space and Behaviour I d e a s

After sketching up some initial ideas and designs I thought that creating a comical design could work pretty well. I thought possibly linking to politicians could work well and thought of slogans ‘dump Trump’ and ‘Put your fag on this hag’ which I quite liked as an idea that could be put in an ash tray. I then started to develop these onto Illustrator as shown in the next few pages. I chose these colours as thought they go well pretty nicely together and would hopefully attract peoples eyes to cause an effect and make a difference in the area.

V i s u a l Thinking Part 1 Space and Behaviour Designs

V i s u a l Thinking Part 1 Space and Behaviour Outcome

V i s u a l Thinking Part 1 Space and Behaviour Outcome

These are my final outcome designs for this brief. They are designed to be a kind of comical way to help prevent people from dropping chewing gum, cigarette buts and litter on the floor around the area. I designed them to be stickers and printed some out on sticky back paper and seemed to work okay as that. I thought that people are more likely to change the way they do something if like through these designs it was saying ‘don’t litter’ in a more comical way and not actually telling them what to do by saying the damages and things it can do - as most people know about all that anyway and it still doesn’t stop them. I drew these Illustrations on Illustrator inspired by a few designers I liked such as Ian Jepson and Joe Prytherch, so thought I would give it a go but in my own way. I chose these politicians to put on the stickers as I they are particularly unliked people so I thought it could work pretty well for. However, I guess these are linked mainly with my own views and not with a lot of people around Bournemouth train station area so there’s a possibility they could be a bit controversial and people who actually support these three idiots could possibly be offended for them and therefore possibly less likely to do this at all and more likely to continue the problem of littering in the area.

V i s u a l Thinking Part 3 Film Poster Designs Research

V i s u a l Thinking Part 3 Film Poster Designs Research

For my film poster project I chose Ex_Machina to look at for the three poster designs. After watching the film I did some research on existing film posters that I quite liked and thought could help me with coming up with ideas for creating the work. I like a lot of the colours and techniques used in these particular designs I looked at. I particularly like the double exposure illustrative technique used in the 2016 BAFTA poster designs designed by an agency called ‘Human After All’ as think the idea works pretty well with the colours used and the shape of the bear for example with the forest on the inside to represent the film ‘The Revenant’. I also looked at some existing poster designs for the Ex_Machina film to see what had already been created for this. I quite liked the idea of putting Ava at the front of the posters showing she is more of a main part linking to the feminist theory of the film and think the use of the technical robot with a contrast black background works pretty powerfully. However I knew I wanted to aim to design something a bit more innovative to what already exists.

V i s u a l Thinking Part 3 Film Poster Designs I d e a s

V i s u a l Thinking Part 3 Film Poster Designs I d e a s

V i s u a l Thinking Part 3 Film Poster Designs I d e a s

After watching the films I started sketching up and working out some initial designs for the three design briefs for the film posters I thought could work pretty well to do a design that represents the beauty of the Norwegian landscapes in the film with the sci-fi modern house lived in by Nathan. I also liked the idea of creating some and of double exposure outcome with perhaps this and maybe a scene or two from the film but also with Ava’s head all looking pretty techy and modern to link well with the theme. I thought that having Ava in front as the key part of the image should work particularly well because she is mainly what the film is about, representing the themes and genres in the movie and also linking to the feminist genre theory in the movie with her in the front and as a larger size than the other male characters. I also thought of an idea for the ‘movie buff’ poster doing a competition advert type poster for what Caleb wins at the start to then go to Norway and meet Nathan and his creation, Ava.

domhnall gleeson

V i s u a l Thinking Part 3 Film Poster Designs Process

oscar isaac alicia vikander

ex_machina alex garland won oscar: best visual effects

V i s u a l Thinking Part 3 Film Poster Designs Process

For this design I had to aim it towards a target audience that would be motivated by the actors/actresses in the movie to persuade them to watch it. As I thought Ava to be the leading role within the movie and theme I thought to put her at the front of the poster and scenes of Caleb and Nathan in the background with this glitchy computer pop up design I tried to illustrate. I liked the use of reds and blacks I developed into this idea inspired by the power cuts in the movie when the entire rooms would shut down and go red. I though this would help link it to the mystery and psychological theme within the film. I think the font works well with the sci-fi genre of the film and is easily legible to read the actors names. Although I quite like the line drawing I drew of Ava with the duplicated effect linking well to the theme, I think it would have looked better if I had put in a bit more detail in aspects like the ears and eyes to make it slightly clearer who the actress is but I think this poster may link better for the genre brief so I could use it for that as the genre design definitely works well for this actress theme. I developed this design initially by adding the boxes of vertical lines using the blend

V i s u a l Thinking Part 3 Film Poster Designs Outcome

V i s u a l Thinking Part 3 Film Poster Designs Process

For this design idea I wanted to create Ava in a stand alone poster linking to the feminist kind of statement within the movie. I initially aimed this for the actor brief, however as I thought my previous designs works pretty well for that, I decided to switch it so this was for the genre brief as think it also works pretty well for that one. Ava being on the front with this metallic and silver/ grey colours within it I thought helps it to work well with the technological and sci-fi genre, with the glitch effects I created by switching around the RGB parts on Photoshop and adjusting the position I think also links to this but also the physiological and more mysterious aspects within the movie. The coding I added on top from the ‘Bluebook’ computers also links well with these aspects of the film and I thought by adding the blur effect and by reducing the opacity brought the focus back onto Ava being the key theme to the poster. Although I quite like the concept of having the innovative type in the bordered area and the font links well to the sci-fi theme, I think it would have been a bit better had I had a much bigger kind of glitchy font liking to these saying ‘Ex_Machina’ so that it would show more clearly the film it is promoting.

V i s u a l Thinking Part 3 Film Poster Designs Process

V i s u a l Thinking Part 3 Film Poster Designs Outcome

V i s u a l Thinking Part 3 Film Poster Designs Process


V i s u a l Thinking Part 3 Film Poster Designs Process

V i s u a l Thinking Part 3 Film Poster Designs Process

For this design idea for the film buff brief poster I knew I wanted to create some kind of competition theme poster for what Caleb wins at the start of the movie to go to Norway and meet the CEO of the search engine company Nathan and then to discover his AI creation, Ava. I wanted to create something that linked to the modern and sci-fi branding of ‘Bluebook’ in the film so that it would have looked as if they had created it, aiming for it to look realistic in that kind of way. I like the concept of creating dynamic geometric shapes with the big and small creating aesthetically pleasing shapes with the negative space around it too. I added a blue colour overlay with a reduced opacity to this image of the landscape within the film to help link to the branding of ‘Bluebook’ but also show the beautiful location the winner of the competition would win to potentially persuade them to enter. I thought the Helvetica Neue font I used worked pretty well with the increased kerning to help it look a bit more modern and innovative. However I thought I might have to look into reducing it a bit so it was still all easily legible.

V i s u a l Thinking Part 3 Film Poster Designs Process

V i s u a l Thinking Part 3 Film Poster Designs Process

V i s u a l Thinking Part 3 Film Poster Designs Process

Within these designs I also liked the edit of the polygon for the photo as though it helped it a lot look a bit ore interesting and link to the modern theme, with the geometric lines on top looking as if the design is kind of coming out of the page, grabbing the target audiences attention. However I thought it maybe looked a bit simple and could look a bit more interesting, dynamic and stand out more as a poster if perhaps there were more of the geometric shapes with the poster so I thought I would explore this idea further. I liked the idea of duplicating and moving these shapes around a bit more and adding almost like drop shadow shapes behind to help create more interesting shapes of negative space within the poster. I also thought rotating the images helped for it all to look a bit more interesting and a bit trippy too making the target audience look at it more to work out what it is and reading and discovering what they can win at Bluebook, but actually persuading fans of the film to re-watch it perhaps helping them watch it from a different angle. I think it may have worked better if for the duplicated images I had used different photos within the edit to show more of the variety of beautiful scenes and cool technological sci-fi areas that the competition winner would perhaps be able to win, perhaps making the poster seem a little more realistic.

V i s u a l Thinking Part 3 Film Poster Designs Outcome

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