Claire Gabriel Student No. 584657
Semester 2/12
Group 4
Module One Ideation Exploring Concepts Natural Pattern of Coral: The wondrous, colourful masses and branches or coral with there skeletal like forms form the garden of edens in our oceans. Corals are colonial animals, composed of thousands of polyps connected together by common tissue called . Coral polyps are of one another and all share the same DNA. Common Brain Coral
Coral Growth Process
Massive Starlet Coral
Figure 1: The PORAG model. . Left, a: A coral tip is represented as a hemisphere or circle, the black dots are the initial polyps. b: The growth field is voxelized, meaning it is divided into discrete parts or voxels. c: The coral colony receives nutrients, which influences its growth direction. d: A new accretion (growth) step, after which a new layer of coral skeleton has been deposited onto the old one. From this stage, the model returns to (b), which starts a new growth cycle called an iteration (repetition). Right: From this model, it becomes clear that the colony grows outwards. The black circles show the newly formed (skeleton). The area for a single new polyp is also shown (modified from Merks et al, Journal Common Brain Coral of theoretical biology, 2004).
Module One Ideation Exploaring Concepts
Honey Comb Coral This type of coral called Start Light Coral appears to be like honey comb, but less precises. Figure 3 demonstartes coral that glaows green in the water off Raja Ampat due to the light. It appears as if the light is coming from with in the coral creating a magical bright effect. Precedents Figure 1 and 2 are of the Sinosteel International Plaza in Beijing. The Structures striking facades are inspired by honey comb but has similar qualities to Start Light Quality. The façade of the building regulates the structures tempreacture and daylight by varing the size of each window, Figure 4 is of the Ren Building in China. This eye catching design is taken from the character for person 人. The Facades of the building are inspired my undersea coral and seaweed. The structure emerges from water creating a light filled structure that has dynamic quality with cultural sensitivity.
Module One Ideation Exploaring Concepts
Module One Ideation Expolaring Concepts Definition: Deoxyribonucleic acid, a self-replicating material present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. (Oxford Dictionary 2011) A distinctive characteristic of someone else or something
Module One Ideation Exploaring Concepts
Dubai Meydam City Tower
DNA Tower in Kings Park, Perth, Western Australia
Each tower has a helical edge which turns around the tower at a 180째 angle like a DNA structure.
The result of these buildings appear to be like beautiful spiral eff cases. They have there own flow and life cycles that echo the spiral/ helix DNA structures.
Module One Ideation Exploaring Concepts I then began looking at instead of sharp DNA poetic curves of the double helix to create a more dynamic razor sharp designs.
DNA arhcicture: changbaishan 3 public activity centres
John Curtain School of Medical Research
Module One Ideation Exploaring Concepts
Figure 10: Cox Architecture and Design created this
trippy bridge in Singapore. Seeking a delicate, lightweight contrast to the vehicular bridge, the concept evolved of a double helix structure. This form enabled the canopy, required by the brief, to be integrated as segmented panels of glass and perforated steel, unlike other bridge structures.
Week One Relfection The lecture focused on the search for pattern in our natural environment. I found it particular interesting the reference to Jackson Polic’s work and how his painting paintings transfer into natural patterns of trees and clouds. The lecture explored the complexity of mathematical patterns in nature something I was not aware of. The lecture provided me with inspiration to look into my daily life for natural patterns something I have just begun doing and I am amazed at just how many natural patterns I am faced with. The reading titled Pattern Formation in Nature reviewed Ball’s ideas about human design and the comparison of the natural beauty. I think using nature as inspiration in design and architecture results in the best possible results. The reading illustrated how nature plays a key part of the design process.