Lowdown magazine (completed version)

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Lowdown We head to NYC


-Spectre -Kurt Cobain -Fallout 4

Contents Page 6

New York City Travel Review

15 22 26


Spectre Review

Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck Review

Fallout 4 Review

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View from the top of the Empire state building at night


New York: Escape To The Concrete Jungle



hen looking for

New York. The Empire

you have seen on films

a break that

State Building, the

or read in a book and

dreams are made of,

Statue of Liberty,

to truly discover it, you

look no further than the

the Brooklyn Bridge,

have to journey there.

concrete jungle that

Madison Square Garden,

happens to be made

Central Park or Times

of the same thing. New

Square. There is no other

York City. A place with

place in the world that

so much history and

can compare with New

so many landmarks.

York for pure imagery.

Everyone has a different

However, there is a lot

idea of what represents

more to this place than

While it is by no means a bargain, travelling to New York has never been as inexpensive as it is now. I paid ÂŁ999 which included flights

with British Airways

York and six and a half

price of your flight

and accommodation

coming back. From a

ticket. For those who

with Hampton Inn

personal standpoint,

are not frequent fliers

Manhattan for four

flying with British

or dread the thought

nights. Considering I

Airways made the time

of flying in general, do

had previously skipped

completely fly by and

not be put off by the

two family holidays to

no one treats their

duration of time spent

Spain in order to save

customers better. Out

in the plane as the

up the money for it, I

went seven and a half

journey to and from is

firmly believe it was

hours of a child kicking

highly enjoyable.

worth it in the end. It

the back of your seat,

might be the higher end

little to no legroom and

of the budget, but going

being overcharged for

to New York guarantees

a meal that will barely

memories for a lifetime.

act as a ripple in your stomach and in came hot meals, feature films

The flight was roughly seven and a half hours heading out to New

and plenty of leg space all incorporated in the

Taxis at JFK airport are probably the easiest way to get to your hotel. Although the queue for one can be quite long and you are sometimes approached by complete strangers to share a cab to cut costs. It is all a bit hectic, especially if you are travelling at rush hour like I did but taxis will soon become the most familiar and relatively stress-free modes of transport around the city. 7

Despite how surprisingly good the journey over was, no airline can ever control the effects jet lag has on you. Moving between time zones will leave you exhausted on the first night, regardless of whether or not you have a nap on the plane over, so it is wise to just grab something easy to eat before taking a nap.

The Hampton Manhattan Inn is as close to an English B&B as you can get over in the States. The hotel itself was lovely and good value for money. The rooms all have nice, detailed interiors with artwork a feature on the walls both in the room and throughout the hotel. Staying in the city that is famed for 8

never sleeping, there is

are available but the

surprisingly little noise

milk and butter just isn’t

disruption in the rooms

what we’re used to here

as well. I stayed on the

in Scotland so it wasn’t

9th floor and while I could very good. If you like hear car horns sounding

your bacon, eggs and

practically all the time, it

sausage in the morning

was nothing that would

be prepared for a let-

stop you from sleeping.

down at this hotel.

The one negative about the hotel was that the free breakfast each morning was pretty disappointing. A selection of cereals, bagels and pancakes

For the first night’s dinner I looked no further than any other fellow students and searched for a

McDonald’s. I found one.

snack. Almost every slice

dinners in a restaurant.

The biggest one, found

I tried over there was

While restaurants are

in Times Square. The

amazing and I’m glad

more expensive than

scenery around you has

that at least lived up

other places for food,

been lifted straight from

to expectations on the

they are almost always

the silver screen and is

food front. There are

worth it as the food is

out of this world. I just

restaurants, pubs and

always of the highest

wish that the food had

food vendors around

quality and it makes

been the same. Plumping almost every corner so

for a great experience.

for my usual choice but

you will always be spoilt

Burgers from The

with a twist, I sat down

for choice.

Counter and pasta

with a double Quarter

from Nizza are highly

Pounder meal, you just


wouldn’t get away with something that has so many calories over here. Unfortunately, neither the meat nor the chips

However, seeing as this was the trip of a lifetime and feeling as though I

For a truly unique

should make the most

dining experience

of it, I chose to eat most

however, look no

could beat the taste of those back home and I am sorry to inform that McDonald’s in America isn’t all that it is made out to be.

Food in general is relatively cheap, you can usually find slices of pizza sold at $1 per slice and these act as a great 9

further than Ellen’s

would recommend to

Stardust diner. Winner

see all the ma jor sights

of the 2015 Concierge

is by tour bus. It is not

Choice Award for Family

the most original way

Friendly Restaurant, the

to see the sights but it

diner features singing

is the most effective. At

wait staff who regularly

$50 for an adult, it isn’t

perform variety shows.

cheap, but you would

Some of the staff in the

still spend that money

past have also went on

and possibly more

to star in Broadway. The

getting around the city

food also lives up to the

through other ways. The

entertainment and it

bus follows different

underlines everything

routes and operates with

great about New York.

a ‘hop on/hop off’ policy that is similar to those found in London. Very

As with any ma jor city, the only way that I 10

convenient for exploring landmarks in greater


The one you really need to stop off at however, is the Empire State Building. The sheer scale of this building cannot be believed unless it is seen in person. Pictures and video simply do not do it justice. For those who are unafraid of heights, a journey to the top is a must-do. While there is usually a sizable queue depending on which entrance you go in, there is the option

to skip it for $7. This

a ferry to Staten Island.

recognition and the

seems to be a popular

The ferry is free and can

size of the park in

theme in America,

hold up to 2,000 people.

the middle of the

particularly at theme

Providing excellent

city never fails to

parks, and is worth it

views of New York from

amaze me. There is

here. The journey to

the bay as well as the

always something to

the top requires two

Statue of Liberty, the

see or do in it and

elevators but the views

ferry is usually busy

there’s something for

from the top are simply

as it full of commuters

everybody. Simply

breath taking. You are

and other tourists. A

walking through it

best advised to witness

worthwhile venture

is an experience in

it during the day for the


itself. The two places

full experience rather

that stood out for

than at night.

me were Belvedere Central Park is another place that New York

I would also recommend

that has worldwide

Castle, one of five visitor centres in the park, along with the


Alice and Wonderland statue. The park provides a rare idyllic environment in the middle of the city.

No trip to New York would be complete however without a visit to a poignant reminder of one of the most tragic events in history. The 9/11 memorial is a heartfelt and touching tribute to the 2,977 victims who lost their lives that day on the 11th September 2001. Water features are now part of the foundations where

that day.

everywhere you look.

the buildings once stood


big screen is replicated

with a small museum in

Visiting New York has

between. The museum

left lasting memories

The ultimate place on

is usually very busy and

with me. It is truly a city

any potential traveller’s

there may be a waiting

like no other on this

bucket list.

time but visiting the

planet and worth every

memorial is hugely

penny to get there. The

rewarding and it is a

people are friendly, the

symbol of the resiliency

city is lively and the

that has been built since

glamour you see on the

9/11 memorial

alice in wonderland statue 13

10 Things I Learned From Travelling To New York 1. Macy’s sell cheap pairs of Levi’s - $40 compared to £75 back home. 2. Century 21 likeiwse sell cheap pairs of New Balance - $33 instead of £65. 3. A fa jita from a street vendor can cost you $17. 4. The ferry to Staten Island is free. 5. The National September 11 Memorial and Museum opened on September 11th 2011, the 10th anniversary of the attacks. 6. King Kong is a prominent theme in New York, he is mentioned a lot. 7. It takes two elevators to reach the top of the Empire State Building. 8. Driving in New York at rush hour is absolutely insane. 9. I had coffee in Tom’s Restaurant, made famous by Suzanne Vega in her song Tom’s Diner. 10. The city that never sleeps is surprisingly quiet at night.


Spectre: Not Quite Hitting The Heights Of Skyfall J

ust how do you

Despite being met

unconnected, there is

follow-up Skyfall?

with a prickly reaction

always the chance to

Rightly regarded as one

when he was originally

freshen things up once

of the best Bond films of

announced as 007,

in a while and Daniel

all time, 2012’s release

Craig has managed to

Craig has to be up there

had it all and while it set

completely reinvent and

on an equal pedestal

up events perfectly for a

revitalise the character.

with the best Bond

sequel, it also set the bar Craig’s Bond is edgier,

actors like Connery. If his

to almost unattainable

more layered and

demeanour during press

levels. Spectre and

displays a composure

releases for Spectre is

director Sam Mendes

befitting of the world’s

anything to go by, he

just fall short of the mark most famous secret spy.

won’t be staying in the

on this one.

He is a man who will go

role much longer and he

to any lengths to get the

will be a very tough act

job done and often does,

to follow.

Returning for his fourth performance as James Bond, Daniel Craig is practically as flawless as Bond’s taste in suits.

despite his fractured past. The beauty of the Bond franchise is that because previous actors and their stories are

With that being said, there is the overriding feeling that, through no 15

daniel craig - ready for action as bond 16

fault of Craig’s, Bond

would be nice for the

of the ‘silent but tough’

is just going through

films to continue to

guy played very well

the motions in this film.

break that mould as

by former WWE star

While Skyfall cleared

Skyfall did.

Dave Bautista. Andrew

the deck and allowed

Scott’s Max Denbigh is

for a fresh approach,

a hard villain to invest

Spectre returns to the same old Bond clichés we have seen time and time again. Car chases, a villain with a secret organisation to back him up, a tough henchman, Bond sleeping with a Bond girl and vodka martinis. It is the tried and trusted formula of any Bond film and it

The car chase that happens in Rome between Bond and tough guy henchman Mr Hinx is one of the most boring chases in cinematic history and it feels like we have seen it all before. The character of Mr Hinx ends up being underutilised in the film in general with the role

in. It’s always going to buy into how evil the character is when his ultimate plan is to set up a surveillance system to monitor people across the country isn’t too dissimilar to what our current government is trying to do. Spectre’s main villain, Christoph Waltz’s


Franz Oberhauser,

physical threat unlike

the successful Bond

is barely shown on

previous Bond baddies.

movie formula. Bond

screen for the first 90

The insinuation that

interacts the mysterious,

minutes and when he

Spectre were behind

recently widowed,

does arrive it ultimately

events from previous

Lucia Sciarra when he

feels like a rehash of

movies in the Craig era

is in Rome. During this

Waltz’s character Hans

comes across as lazy

scene, he demands to

Landa from Inglourious

and cheap too.

know answers about

Basterds. He also comes

the secret organisation

across as too ‘weak’ to

known as Spectre before

be the leader of a global criminal organisation. He might be sinister in his mannerisms but when it comes down to 18

it, he poses little to no

The Bond girls in the film, Lea Seydoux’s Madeleine Swann and Monica Bellucci’s Lucia Sciarra are also hampered by following

sleeping with her for no other reason apart from that tradition demands it. It makes little sense from a storyline perspective and Bond

is very unnatural,

Skyfall and her only fault

almost aggressive in

here is that she isn’t

his seduction of her.

featured enough. Ralph

While Madeleine Swann

Fiennes plays Mallory

shows promise that she

or ‘M’ very skilfully and

can keep up with Bond

this film just adds to

(she shows that she has

his portfolio of great

been trained to shoot

performances. The real

to kill in a scene on a

star turn however, is Ben

train,) she is eventually

Whishaw who returns

shown to be little more

as ‘Q.’ Whishaw has

than useless in the

managed to make the

final showdown with

role his own and the

Oberhauser and his

tech genius is a quiet

men. She even allows

yet integral character

herself to be captured

in this film. Young and

prior to the film’s

quirky, ‘Q’ injects some

finale. Both girls were a

much needed humour

disappointment but that

to proceedings without

is due in no part to a

overstepping it and

lack of effort from both

becoming a complete


comedy character.

Bond’s allies, Eve

Spectre is not exactly

Moneypenny, Mallory

a bad Bond movie and

and ‘Q’ are a positive

if it hadn’t followed

feature though.

the excellent Skyfall, it

Moneypenny, played

would probably seem

by Naomie Harris, was

better than it is. The

one of the star turns in

opening scene, set in 19

Mexico on the Day of

physical showdown

into the relative safety

the Dead, is wonderfully

between the two. The

of tried and trusted Bond

done. Tracking Bond

special effects of the

clichés is a let-down.

(disguised as a

film are also practically

It is a Bond film under-

skeleton) through the

faultless, it looks

standably and while

streets, into his hotel

wonderful visually.

there is always room

and up into his room

for nostalgic call backs

in one continuous shot

for the audience, it feels

that sets anticipation high for the rest of the film. The meeting of Spectre’s council in Rome is another technically brilliant scene with Oberhauser shrouded by darkness as he addresses the organisation’s members. It really adds to the mystique of his character and the scene itself comes off as chilling as any that you’ll see in a Bond movie. The fight scene between Bond and Mr Hinx on the train is gritty as well as being wonderfully exhilarating and the car chase should’ve been cut to build up to this 20

When Skyfall ended with Judi Dench’s departure and Mallory assuming the role of ‘M’ along with Moneypenny moving into her role as his secretary, it felt like a real change of the guard. For the first time in a long while, Bond felt exciting again. After seeing what Mendes and his screenwriters could do with Skyfall, there was a lot of hope that Spectre would follow suit. Instead it feels like that film was the culmination of Daniel Craig’s story arc as James Bond rather than Spectre. While it is still a good watch, the fact that Spectre fell back

like it is time to move on a bit. James Bond will be back, perhaps even with a different face, and further Bond films will be produced but it is with great hope that they learn from the mistakes Spectre has made.

cobain the sculptor

cobain the artist 21

Kurt Cobain Montage Of Heck: An Imperfect Look At An Impefect Musician P


roduced following

While some Cobain fans

sound his band are

Brett Morgen’s

have argued the final

famed for in these

documentary of the

product is intrusive, the

recordings and is likely

same name, Kurt

soundtrack undoubtedly

to be successful with any

Cobain: Montage of

offers a chance for

Nirvana fan.

Heck is a CD comprised

fans to explore Kurt’s

of early recordings

various musical

made by solely by Kurt.

experimentations with

Available on cassette

lyrics and chords that

as well as CD and

would eventually make

digital download, the

it into future Nirvana

soundtrack follows the

tracks. Never regarded

documentary in showing

as the most talented

us an intimate glimpse

vocalist in the world,

into Kurt’s private world.

Kurt still manages to replicate the distinctive

Perhaps the most interesting of all the songs on the album is a cover of The Beatles’ “And I Love Her.” Combining The Beatles with Nirvana would never be the first thought on any potential

composer’s mind but

The two sketches, enti-

to offer a glimpse into

Kurt manages to make

tled “Montage of Kurt,”

the inner workings of

it work here. Distinctive

get particularly annoy-

Kurt’s mind rather well.

and personal, the song

ing after more than one

Available in two differ-

stands out from the rest

listen. The song “Beans”

ent versions – standard

and is worth a listen.

is also quite irritating.

with 13 tracks and deluxe with 31 – Montage of Heck is aimed at Nir-

The rest of the album

There doesn’t appear

is made up of Cobain

to be any hidden mean-

casually running through ings behind any of these Nirvana songs like “Been

songs other than Kurt

a Son” and “Sappy,”

entertaining himself.

spoken word poetry

Unlike some Nirvana

and Cobain testing out

songs, there is nothing

various screaming and

particularly thought pro-

sketches in both a high

voking about the album

pitch and a low pitch.

but it serves its purpose

vana/Kurt enthusiasts and it is a good buy if you count yourselves among them. However if you don’t, stick to Nirvana’s albums and give this a skip.


the album’s artwork was designed solely by kurt

some tracks had previously never been heard before 24

welcome home...


Fallout 4: A Welcome Return To The Wasteland P

ull on that Vaulttec jumpsuit and


Successor to the

Unlike its predecessors,

critically acclaimed

Fallout 4 starts off

grab your nearest

Fallout 3 and Fallout

by offering us a brief

weapon because we’re

New Vegas, Fallout 4 is

glimpse into life pre-

heading back out to the

set in post-apocalyptic

nuclear warfare. In

wasteland. The vault

Boston and manages

Fallout 3, you start off as

door has once again

to keep the essentials

a kid already sheltered

been opened and we

of what made those

from the world outside

are now left to explore

games great as well as

within the confines of

the devastated nuclear

introducing a few new

Vault 101 while in New

landscape of Fallout.

elements along the way.

Vegas, we are thrown

straight into the cut

than previous story arcs.

throat world of post-

Although one aspect

apocalyptic Las Vegas.

that could be argued is

Fallout 4 differs in this

that the vast amount of

approach by introducing

side missions and places

us to our character and

to explore sometimes

his/her spouse along

detract from the main

with their child. The


prologue gives us a brief glimpse of family life Another new element is

before they must quickly

the addition of a voiced

escape to the Vault. The conversation and

you discover that your

character interaction

wife has died and your

is intelligent and

son has been taken by a

comical at times and is

mysterious organisation

a welcome change in

known as ‘The Institute’.

direction from Bethesda. The journey to find your son is a lot more developed and engaging

protagonist which is a series first for Bethesda who have also worked on games like The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and Skyrim as well as the Fallout franchise. This comes across as well as

The story in general is

dialogue is a lot more

far more intriguing than

cinematic and allows

previous instalments.

players to feel as if they

Following your escape

are behind the director’s

to the fault, the game

seat of their own feature

introduces the plot

length Fallout film.

device of cryogenics

Conversations are fluid

in order to transport

and unique to individual

us to our eventual in-

characters although

game world 200 years

the four dialogue

later. When you awake,

buttons accessed 27

through A,B,Y and X

however is undoubtedly

consuming the reward

are vague and do not

structure building. For

is more than satisfying.

give a clear indication

the first time able you

This crafting element of

about the direction the

are able to build your

the game where you can

conversation will go.

own structures, fill them

also customise weapons

with basic essentials

and armour appears

and in time create

has been lifted directly

whole new settlements

from Skyrim, one of

for characters to live

Bethesda’s other leading

in. The settlements

titles and has been

must have defences

adapted to fit within

to prevent attacks and

Fallout 4.

The combat targeting system V.A.T.S returns and while the general principle of it remains the same, there have been a few tweaks that have definitely improved it. Rather than stop time completely, V.A.T.S now slows it down so that you have time to pin point an enemy’s crucial weak spots in battle without being a “cheat” to take time out of the battle altogether and plan multiple strikes at once. This gives greater urgency and makes any encounter a lot more exciting as well as challenging the player. The most ambitious new feature 28

caravan trade routes can be set up between them. These settlements are constructed using various materials that are picked up on your travels and while time

Power armour has also been completely overhauled.Changing the HUD when it is worn, power armour is now powered by fusion cores

and operate almost character

like a vehicle as

models however,

the fusion core’s

still look a lot like

remaining power

last-gen with a

level is displayed

lick of paint over

like a fuel gauge.

them. The positives

Offering a lot more

far outweigh the

protection than

negatives though.

other armour not to mention being able to survive falls

Fallout 4 seems to

from any height

be the culmination of

and being immune

a series of successful

to radiation

projects for

poison, the power

Bethesda. The tagline

armour acts as

‘Welcome Home’

an equaliser

truly makes it feel

against the

like they have come

harsh wilderness of the Commonwealth. However with fusion cores hard to come by, players will be faced with the decision over whether to take this power armour on seemingly challenging missions or leave it for tougher ones later down the road.

full circle with the The landscape of post-

good work they have

nuclear Boston is simply

done since 2008’s

beautiful. From man-

Fallout 3. The game

made settlements and

remains loyal to

the crumbling remains

what makes Fallout

of Diamond City to the

games great with

eerie stillness of the

action, scavenging

radioactive Glowing

and unique and

Sea, Bethesda has truly

diverse characters

outdone themselves

and places to

sculpting this diverse

discover. A must-buy.

world. Graphics for the 29

A 10 Point Guide To Surviving Fallout 4 1. Salvage as much as you possibly can, anything and everything can prove useful at some point 2. Pick up the Fat Boy weapon at the start of the game as soon as possible, it acts as real equaliser against any opponent. 3. Keep power armour well maintained and only use it when necessary. 4. Do not attempt to enter the Glowing Sea unless power armour is equipped and you have sufficently levelled up, to go there early is to court certain death. 5. Raid any dead bodies for supplies, it helps keep your stock levels up. 6. Avoid Deathclaws as much as possible. 7. Come equipped with a decent weapon at all times. 8. Exhaust all conversations with chracters, it levels you up faster. 9. Pick your perks wisely. 10. Kill everybody else (saving your game beforehand is strongly advised.)


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