Getting Our Hands Dirty
The Kiwanis Club of Alameda chose to help beautify the Oakland Zoo as their One Day Service Project. See page 9 for the whole story.
Inside this Issue -• District Education Convention • Service Leadership Programs • Club Service Projects • Children’s Fund Activities Cal-Nev-Ha Magazine - Summer -- 2021-2022
The House of Delegates will hold an election of 2022-2023 officers and conduct other business as may be submitted at the 102nd Annual District Education Convention.
Why Should I Attend?
As a member you -• Vote on next year's District Officers • Get Inspired on how to make a Positive Impact in your Community • Learn New Ideas through the Educational Seminars • Participate in the District Service Project • Celebrate Kiwanis with new and old Friends
KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
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District Secretary News! Mark McDonald
Executive Director/District Secretary
Cal-Nev-Ha Kiwanis Members and Friends The California-Nevada-Hawaii District Education Convention is upon us in Indian Wells, California at the Renaissance Esmeralda Resort and Spa. Will the weather be nice? Well, for the area it will be fabulous. All our District functions will be inside this beautiful facility. For the Golf Tournament on Thursday, August 4th, we will be playing on the famous Indian Wells Resort Golf Course. Tee Time is 7 a.m. so we will be off the course by 11 a.m.
Saturday afternoon we will turn our attention to the election of new leadership, Bylaw changes, and Resolutions. After all that hard work we will celebrate with the installation of the new Leadership, Lt. Governors, and Trustees. We also want to say thank you to our outgoing Lt. Governors, Trustees, Children’s Fund President, and Immediate Past Governor. The evening will conclude with a tribute concert featuring Laval Belle and Friends.
The opening session will be on Friday, August 5th at 8:00 a.m. Seminars to follow all day. Most of the seminars have new material and new presenters. The Awards Luncheon is at noon. Friday night is open for division or club team dinners. There are a good number of restaurants on Highway 111 just a few blocks south of the hotel. The shopping centers are open in both directions from the hotel and are air-conditioned. There are several casinos within one mile of the hotel.
If you have attended one of our conventions, you know the Hospitality Suites are open each night and give you a chance to meet the candidates and ask those important questions as well as sample a snack or two with something to wash it down with!
On Saturday morning we will continue with our District Children’s Fund Honors Breakfast followed by more seminars. At noon we will all be at the giant Inter-Club Luncheon with Guest Speaker Rachel Giannini. Some of you may have seen her at the Kiwanis International Convention this year in Indianapolis. You will not want to miss this event. KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
See you in the Desert for a hot August Night!
Mark McDonald
Mark W. McDonald District Secretary/Executive Director
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Partners in Prevention
How your generosity provided more than $115,000 in grants to our six partner hospitals! In 1994, the Cal-Nev-Ha Children’s Fund partnered with children’s hospitals in Oakland, San Diego, Loma Linda and since then has expanded our partner hospital program to include children’s hospitals in Madera, Honolulu and Reno. As part of this partnership, the CNH Children’s Fund annually invites our six partner hospitals to apply for a grant for unfunded needs directly related to pediatric trauma and injury prevention. These grants are only possible due to your generous gifts to the CNH Children's Fund. We are thrilled to announce how each partner hospital will utilize their grant funds. We’re incredibly honored to collaborate with these amazing children’s hospitals to reduce preventable childhood injuries and death. Valley Children’s Hospital – With the pandemic affecting their ability to host large-scale, in-person events, our partners at Valley Children’s Hospital in Madera, CA will use a bulk of their $26,522 grant this year to purchase and distribute helmets to children and families. The remainder of the funds will be used to purchase and distribute “crisis boxes” at the time of discharge to those patients who are identified as being at-risk for injury to themselves or others. These “crisis” boxes will be large enough to hold a firearm, medications, or other sharp objects. Patients will also receive a list of community resources for follow up. Renown Children’s Hospital – Our partners in Reno, NV have historically used their grant to purchase state-of-the-art equipment to continue providing the very best care to children in the region. This year, their $13,000 grant will be used to provide PCAR (Pediatric Care After Resuscitation) training to 40 pediatric nurses. PCAR courses offer evidence-based information, such as emergency, critical and acute care, rehabilitation and critical thinking skills. With more than 300 injured children seen annually at Renown Children’s Hospital, providing this course to emergency room nurses will provide them with the best research and information to optimally care for hospitalized and injured children. Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego – Traditionally, Rady Children’s Hospital uses their grants to enhance their Injury Prevention Programs. Recent Kiwanis-funded programs include the Kiwanis Home Safety Program and the Kiwanis Ride Safe Program. This year, the hospital will use their $18,497 grant to develop a local task force which will target a specific community to distribute safety education and materials to make homes safer for children aged 5 years and younger. The task force will train and provide a leading education and distribution program addressing the three leading causes of early childhood injury and death. Resources to be distributed include safe sleep survival kits; water safety books; window locks; and home safety strategy flyers. UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland – Without grants from the CNH Children’s Fund, many of the hospital’s injury prevention programs simply would not exist. For instance, nearly 20 years ago, the hospital’s injury prevention coordinator developed the “Keeping Safe from Injury” booklet which was translated into Spanish; however, the hospital lacked the funds needed to produce this booklet. With grant funds from the CNH Children’s Fund, the booklet was printed and has since been translated into eight more languages, all thanks to Kiwanis! This year’s grant of $20,000 will allow the hospital to continue their longstanding injury prevention program. and will be used to purchase sleepsacks, cribs, helmets and child safety seats for distribution to families within Alameda and Contra Costa counties. Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital – Every four years, all trauma and emergency nurses must complete trauma and emergency nurse core curriculum training to learn the latest trauma nursing practice recommendations, systematic assessment and application of care, and rapid identification of life-threatening injuries. Every second counts in life-threatening trauma cases, and front-line healthcare responders must be current with their continuing education. Building on their safety education programs, Loma Linda will use this year’s grant of $17,400 to provide trauma training aids to the trauma and emergency nursing staff at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital. Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women and Children – The most significant grant awarded to our partners in Honolulu was a $25,000 grant which they used to create Hawaii’s first comprehensive pediatric burn program, developing curriculum for an educational program for Pediatric Burn Care, and creating a care guide for parents. This year, their $20,908 grant will be used to provide PCAR (Pediatric Care After Resuscitation) training to 25 pediatric nurses and to purchase training aids to assist in their training. Given that Kapi‘olani cared for 426 critical care transports from neighboring medical centers and islands in addition to 24,333 Emergency Department visits last year, we feel this is money well spent in caring for and treating pediatric patients – and we hope you agree!
What an amazing year it has been. Because of
honored to serve
thrived during COVID. Despite starting the
service you
your efforts, the district not only survived, but
with you. The
year with lockdowns, we were able to open
provide to your communities changes peoples
membership. I am proud to be serving as your
know the people we serve, we most definitely
clubs, strengthen existing clubs, and grow
CNH Governor as we transition from COVID to a
life back to what I believe will be a brighter, more exciting, and rewarding normal for Kiwanis.
The exciting part of the year is that we have
been able to meet again in person. We held our Mid-Year Conferences, both in the North and
South. And while we continue to be cautious,
we are holding meetings, DCM’s, fundraisers,
and most importantly our service projects. We have learned to be resourceful and innovative
lives. I have long felt, that while we may not
change their lives for the better. That’s why we are Kiwanians.
I want to also thank you for your support of the
First Family Focus: Growing Healthy Hearts and Minds. Through your efforts,
we have already raised more than $19,000 and have
provided six grants. There is plenty of money for you to tackle a project in your
as we continue to utilize technology through
hybrid meetings. What’s great about this is we
Lastly, it’s almost time
adapt when we need to. We need to continue
accomplishments at this
utilizing what we learned through the pandemic.
Convention. We have
social media, zoom meetings and for some, have shown ourselves we can change and
to build membership and improve our clubs
As Governor I have been honored to meet so
many outstanding and dedicated Kiwanis
members throughout this district. You are the
to celebrate our
year’s District Education accomplished so much, and I would like to thank each and everyone of you in person at the convention.
Again, thank you for all you do on behalf of Kiwanis for your communities.
Margo Dutton
individuals who make this district great, and I am
KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
CNH District Governor 2021-2022
KIWANIS NEXT • 909.989.1500 •
Now an incoming senior at Stanford University, our 2019 Loretta Barksdale-McElwain scholarship recipient Edward Tran has been pretty busy since graduating high school. We recently received an email from Edward, letting us know what he’s been up to. All we can say is . . . WOW! Keep up the great work Edward! I declared Computer Science with a concentration in Biocomputation, and am interested in the intersection between health, medicine, and technology. I worked as a Software Engineer Intern at Cisco Systems last summer and will be working at Microsoft as a Program Manager Intern this incoming summer. I will also be doing a servicelearning, community health study abroad in Oaxaca, Mexico this summer. Last quarter, I got published in a journal for my work developing an affordable prophylaxis for COVID-19, which was exciting. I am also working developing a small molecule drug for diabetic patients with chronic wounds. Among other things, I am President of our campus’ research association and Biodesign organization, as well as a peer counselor on campus, where I work closely with admin to develop mental health resources for students. Best, Edward
Cal-Nev-Ha Children's Fund
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE We are in the final stretch of the 2021-2022 year which means our Dinner for Two Anywhere in the Cal-Nev-Ha District raffle will take place in less than two months! Have you purchased your tickets? This year’s winner will receive round trip coach airfare for two, a three-day car rental, two nights hotel accommodations, and a gift certificate for dinner to any restaurant within the Cal-Nev-Ha District! Prize value up to $4,500. Raffle tickets are $75 each and are available from any CNH Children’s Fund Director, or by calling our office at (909) 736-1707. The winner will be announced at the 2022 District Education Convention on August 6th, but need not be present to win. Only 250 tickets will be sold; buy your tickets before it’s too late! The Governor’s Official Visit is a great event to recognize members who served above and beyond throughout the pandemic and/or who have kick-started your club as we return to serving our community post-pandemic. Consider awarding the William A. Dunlap Fellowship, Distinguished Service Award, Tablet of Honor or even the W. Reid Allen, Jr., Memorial Rose Float Fellowship. The Community Service Award provides the perfect recognition for non-members while the Youth Service Award is ideal for those who dedicate their time working with youth. Both awards are great for increasing a club’s exposure in the community! We ask that you order your awards at least two weeks before the presentation date to ensure the awards are produced and shipped in time. We’re still seeing slow shipping times so please allow extra time for transit. Download an application . If your club or division needs a speaker, please contact your division ambassador, your assigned Cal-Nev-Ha Children’s Fund Director or the CNH Children’s Fund office to schedule a presentation. We're happy to present inperson or via Zoom! You can request a specific program, such as grants or the First Family Focus, or a more general presentation to educate your members about what the Cal-Nev-Ha Children’s Fund can do for your club or division. Have you joined the YES! Initiative? If not, please consider joining with a gift that is substantial to you. Your gift to the YES! Initiative funds leadership training and development for our Service Leadership Program members (YOUTH); awards scholarships to our Circle K, Key Club and KIWIN’S members (EDUCATION); and provides grants to our Kiwanis family clubs (SUPPORT). Learn more . Over the last two years, the CNH Children’s Fund has been able to recruit new directors who have added incredible fundraising ideas and abilities that will provide long-term benefits. I attribute the progress we have made this year to the dedicated support from our officers and staff, directors, ambassadors, and of course our SLP members who have supported the CNH Children’s Fund with new ideas and their enthusiastic participation. If you are interested in becoming a member of the CNH Children’s Fund Board of Directors, I invite you to complete an online application and join us!
Craig Wallace, President 2020-2022 Cal-Nev-Ha Children's Fund
Triple Crown
Did you know we recently revised our Triple Crown program? Members who join the Triple Crown will be added to the 1965 Fellowship of the YES! Initiative; become a new member of the William A. Dunlap Fellowship (existing members will be upgraded to the next level); and will have an engraved brick placed in a pathway surrounding the Kiwanis Professional Center. Clubs or members can order the package and select different club members for each of the three-recognition items. Learn more.
s t n a r G f o s e p y Five T H N C e h t m o r f e l Availab ! d n u F s ' n e r d l i h C First Family Focus grants assist Kiwanis clubs and Service Leadership Programs (SLP) clubs in financing new service projects which seek to prevent and/or treat mental health issues in children. Club grants assist clubs with seed money when the scope of a new service project exceeds the club’s financial resources. Pediatric Trauma Program grants provide grants to assist Kiwanis and SLP clubs in financing new service projects which address pediatric trauma and injury prevention. Special Olympics/Special Needs Community grants assist Kiwanis clubs and divisions in financing Special Olympics or Special Needs community projects that exceed their own resources. Disaster Relief grants provide immediate disaster relief assistance in the event of a natural disaster. Visit our website for the specifics of each grant program and to download an application
We’re turning the page -- our doors are open and service is on the rise. Many clubs, throughout our district, are working to make their communities stronger and brighter. With more activities scheduled for the outdoors, club members, along with our students are finding ways to inspire community. Now is the time to evaluate whether our projects are still relative; or is it time to find new service events and fundraisers.
As a Kiwanis One Day service project, the Kiwanis Club of Alameda selected the Oakland Zoo for its effort. The Zoo serves children, families and the community. The club weeded an entire hillside overrun by undesired vegetation. The work was hard but invigorating. After the work was done, the rest of the day was spent visiting the animals. In May, the Kiwanis Club of Alameda hosted the 24th annual Hope of America Awards. The club honored nine 8th graders who were nominated by their teachers. It was a heart-warming evening rewarding students and teachers for their efforts to make better school communities. Well done!
The Kiwanis Club of Huntington Beach, along with Urban Plates, served a gratitude lunch to those who serve our beloved country day in and day out. KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
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In addition to honoring our servicemen and women, the Kiwanis Club of Huntington Beach awarded $20,000 in scholarships to local Huntington Beach students. Working with other organizations was the mantra of the Inaugural Santa Ana Service Clubs Summit. Along with the Kiwanis Club of Santa Ana, the Lions, Elks, Assistance League, Chase Bank, Santa Ana Hispanic Junior Chamber and OC Biz were in attendance. Each organization shared their projects and discussed how they could all join in and assist each other.
Celebrating 100 years the Kiwanis Club of Napa held a fun and inspiring evening of dinner, memory lane, and history followed by a slide show of years of activities. The evening concluded with a DJ and dancing. DIVISION 11
The 65th annual Laurels for Leaders Awards Ceremony was held in February to honor ASB Presidents for their outstanding leadership and service to the community. As presenting sponsors, the Kiwanis Club of San Diego and the Foundation holds this event with the highest regard.
Convention Time -- Join Us! August 4 - 6, 2022 -- in-person
Renaissance Esmeralda Resort & Spa Indian Wells, California KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
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The Kiwanis Club of South Gate has shown their committment to their community by being ever present. In March, the Kiwanis Kleanup was held on the corner of Calden Avenue and Southern Avenue where members put their hands to work to spruce up the Calden Apartments. In June, along with Key Clubbers, members participated in Autism Awareness Days helping young folks in decorating their very own skateboard.
Prior to the Covid-19 lockdown, eight Buddy Benches were installed in the Santa Monica-Malibu School District. Many thanks were sent to the Kiwanis Club of Santa Monica for their generous donations. Kudos to the club and their members for focusing on the needs of children. Kiwanians in Action was the Kiwanis Club of Santa Monica at the “Storypalooza Story Tour” at the beginning of March. The event celebrated Read Across America designed to promote literacy and diversity in literature. Members had fun interacting with the students, dressing up as “Cat in the Hat” and distributing free books to the attendees. Scholarships were awarded at a luncheon provided by the Kiwanis Club of Torrance. Funds to support the scholarship program are provided by the clubs annual Charity Poker Tournamant. And thanks to a generous donor, the club was able to create a new scholarship recognizing a student from the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Los Angeles Harbor. KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
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For fifty-two years, flags have been displayed along Waring Road by the Kiwanis Club of Grantville-Allied Gardens. This year was especially heartfelt as the members memorialized John Peterson for his dedication to this project.
The Kiwanis Club of Grantville-Allied Gardens dusted off their “cook trailer” after sitting during the pandemic. It was “sizzling” as the club fed hungry Cub Scouts and their families at the annual Pinewood Derby competition. The Kiwanis One Day was a walk in the park. Volunteers from the Kiwanis Club of Grantville-Allied Gardens, Kiwanis Club of Scripps Ranch and Kiwanis Club of Tierrasanta, along with members from the Patrick Henry Key Club and Lewis Middle School Builders Club, all joined together to trim back overgrown foliage at Camp Kumeyaay. A long day of service began in the early morning and continued until 10:00 pm. The Kiwanis Club of Tierrasanta knew their jobs as they prepared for the Patriot’s Day Parade and barbeque. The day ended with fireworks and dancing. KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
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DIVISION 21 (cont’d)
Scholarships are vital for students to be able to continue their education after high school. The Kiwanis Club of Pacific Beach, even after Covid-19, was pleased to award $1,000 scholarships to four deserving students.
CNH District Education Convention August 4-6 in Indian Wells CA --
The annual (54th) Orange County All Star Baseball Game happened the end of May. The game and banquet was organized and managed by the Kiwanis Club of Greater Anaheim. Over the years, more than 150 players of the game have gone on to play in the Major Photo : OC Sports Leagues. And this year, the talent was fierce. Both the North Zone, Tim B u rt and South team brought out the best from all the high schools in the county. As we focus on diversity and inclusion, there was a young lady, Jillian Albayati, who was selected to play in the game -- the first female to pitch in a CIF Southern Section championship baseball game. She wasn’t able to play in the All-Star game, as her school was still in the hunt for the CIF title. Like so many clubs, the Kiwanis Club of La Mirada awarded $9,000 scholarships to seniors, but this year another $8,000 was donated to the new “Teacher Grants” program. Teachers from the local high school applied for the funds to supplement projects or needs within the classroom and departments. The teachers are thrilled with the opportunity the club offered. The program will continue next year reaching the elementary schools. The Kiwanis Club of Duarte also awarded six scholarships to seniors from Duarte High School. KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
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Blood is facing a continued shortage. Once the Kiwanis Club of Palmdale West heard about the national blood crisis they sprange into action. The club decided to host a blood drive with the hopes of reaching 150 pints. They didn’t quite make it this year, but plan to achieve it next year. Members from the club, Lt. Governor Division 38 and Lt. Governor Division 38 West Key Club all came out to do their part. But it didn’t stop there. Other groups rallied together to support the event and give blood. One group of family members donated blood in honor of a 16 year-old’s birthday request. Giving blood is giving life.
Having fun and raising funds is a win-win. A successful Bunco event supporting kidSTREAM was the effort of the Kiwanis Club of Camarillo. The event raised close to $1,500 from entries, drawings and refreshments. Another sucessful fundraiser was in April, “Painting with a Twist.” All participants went home with their very own masterpiece. The new year started with a bang. The Kiwanis Club of Conejo Valley served Subway sandwiches to the kids in the Safe Passage program, held a food drive collecting 700 pounds of food that were donated to the Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank and Harbor House. The club also dropped off greeting cards to the residents of a local care home. In addition, the kidSTREAM, Noah’s Anchorage and School on Wheels were the recipients of an $800 check to purchase TVs and school supplies. KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
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DIVISION 42 (cont’d)
“The Objects of Kiwanis”
Members of the Kiwanis Club of Moorpark volunteered at the “Stamp Out Hunger” Food Drive. They collected, sorted and transported the canned goods that the USPS collected.
To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life. To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships. To promote the adoption and the application of higher social, business and professional standards. To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive and serviceable citizenship. To provide, through Kiwanis clubs, a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service and to build better communities. To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism and goodwill.
In addition, members of the Kiwanis Club of Moorpark volunteered and participated in the Groundhog Day 5K fundraiser. Cheers for member Wendy who finished strong. When you see the military banners around Moorpark, this is another service project provided by the Kiwanis Club of Moorpark. They organize and implement the Military Banner Program.
The six permanent Objects of Kiwanis International were approved by Kiwanis club delegates at the 1924 Kiwanis International Convention in Denver, Colorado. Through the decades, they have remained unchanged.
The Kiwanis Track Meet was held in May and administered by the Kiwanis Club of Oxnard. The club then donated children’s books to the 3rd grade classes to Elementary schools in Oxnard. KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
Combining efforts with the Downtown Lions, Ventura Lions, Tomas’ Cafe and Adam Casillas’ networking group, the Kiwanis Club of Oxnard fed graduating seniors an enjoyable pancake breakfast. 15
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DIVISION 42 (cont’)
The Kiwanis Club of Santa Barbara is sponsoring a Chef Apprentice program for high school students at Westside Center and Franklin Center. Good food, good training, good fun. Club member, Anita Dominocielo-Ho, also teaches Culinary Arts after-school to high school students.
Along with the Santa Barbara Parks and Recreation Department, the Kiwanis Club of Santa Barbara cooked and put on a complete Hawaiian Luau for the disabled community. To finish off the school year, the Kiwanis Club of Santa Barbara hosted a scholarship dinner in which students were presented with their scholarship checks. The club presented ten scholarships totalling $24,500. The Kiwanis Club of Santa Susana supports other clubs in their fundraising efforts. Most recently, they participated in the Kiwanis Club of Camarillo at their first Bunco event and helped the Kiwanis Club of Simi Valley at the Glendale Duck Splash. Over Memorial Day weekend, the Kiwanis Club of Santa Susana participated in a joint Food Drive with the Kiwanis Club of Simi Valley, as well as serving spaghetti lunches at the Senior Center. The Kiwanis Club of Simi Valley sponsored a blood drive in March that netted 70 pints of blood to help save lives in the community. Easter breakfast was served by club members to the seniors at the Senior Center. Raffles, singing and drumming entertained the group during breakfast.
KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
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DIVISION 42 (cont’d)
The Kiwanis Club of Simi Valley’s chucKwagon traveled to the Glendale Kiwanis Incredible Duck Splash. On May 28th, the club collected food at seven grocery stores and distributed them to two local food banks.
The Kiwanis Club of Thousand Oaks knows how important the holidays are to the children in their community. And due to the generous donations of gifts and school supplies made during the holidays, children living in affordable or low income complexes smiles shined brighter. Sandwiches were made by members of the Kiwanis Club of Thousand Oaks to be distributed to Harbor House and within the local area. Bikes for Youth continues with the dozen of bikes donated in April. Participants at the Aut2Run event at Cal State Channel Islands were served luscious pancakes provided by the Kiwanis Club of Thousand Oaks. Another cooking opportunity took place at the Weathersfield School Open House where members cooked hot dogs and hamburgers. Not to be outshined by the marvelous cooking skills, the club awarded ten scholarships at the Thousand Oaks High School Senior Awards Night. KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
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DIVISION 42 (cont’d)
Creative members of the Kiwanis Club of Ventura unveiled a quilt representing the years of the “Cool Breeze” bike ride that has been going on for more than 20 years. The club is the organizer of the annual summer bike ride. The Kiwanis Club of Ventura Suburban served the parishioners of first United Methodist Church. To supplement the event, the members added a food drive, a wishing well and a table with emergency preparedness kits. To end the school year, the club supported an ice cream truck for the teachers, students and families at Penfield School. DIVISION 44
During the holidays, the Kiwanis Club of Citrus Heights provided gifts for Operation Holiday cheer. For Kiwanis One Day, the Kiwanis Club of Gold Country cleaned the existing and historical rock walls at the George Starr Clubhouse near Empire State park. Following their hard work, the volunteers enjoyed a fabulous barbeque/pot luck luncheon. The club participated in the “Cup O’Cheer” winter reading celebration providing grab-bags of books, hot chocolate and tea supplies. KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
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DIVISION 44 (cont’d)
Sheets, bedding, towels, cleaning supplies, snacks, and a $5,000 check was donated to the Kiwanis Family House by the Kiwanis Club of Lincoln. Kiwanis Club of Lincoln Foothills ladies created stuffed animals with custom made name tags. The children, at Kaiser Hospital, will treasure them. The Kiwanis Club of Rancho Cordova has made a committment to donate a minimum of 2,000 books to children in their community. There are several opportunities to receive a book from the elementary schools, vending machines, and community events. Do you love crab? The Kiwanis Club of Rancho Murieta held its 8th Annual Crab Feed in February. It takes a whole lot of individuals working on the event to make it a success. Based on the guests smiles, all enjoyed the crab as well as the raffle auction. No child should go through winter without a coat. That is exactly what the Kiwanis Club of Sacramento Suburban believes. They donated 33 coats to needy children during the winter months.
The Kiwanis Club of Sierra Nevada, along with a generous donation of several cubic yards of compost and soil from Full Circle Soils and Compost, planted flower beds at the Eagle Valley Children’s Home in Carson City. KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
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• Personal Integrity • Personal Growth • Respect • Building Community • Pursuit of Excellence
Taking a Risk on Key Leader Submitted by Geoff Tobias KYDS Club of San Diego
Connect. Risk. Engage. Serve. Lead. It is the mantra that has been emblazoned upon the chests of hundreds of Key Leaders since its inception.They are intrinsic to our major focus and crucial to our mentorship about the benefits of a life of servant leadership. This year, Kiwanis, and CNH in particular, is proud to bring Key Leader back! Like many other facets of our Kiwanis family since COVID-19, many have been out of touch with Key Leader and what it entails. Kiwanis Key Leader is a full weekend retreat-style leadership camp experience for any (yes, any) youth between the ages of 14-18, who do not need to be a member of a Kiwanis Service Leadership Program. Led by an adult facilitator trained in the Key Leadership curriculum and assigned by Kiwanis International to lead the course, anywhere from 50-80 youth embark on a weekend enriched with hands-on, project- and group-based curriculum and team-building activities centered around the five core Key Leader principles and Robert Greenleaf’s servant leadership model. Key Leader is comprised of student participants, who make up the majority of attendees, and are there to embrace the principles and learn to embed them into their homes, schools, and communities, and what it means to live a life of servant leadership. Participants delve into concepts of personal integrity, or doing the right thing; personal growth, or developing in mind, body and spirit; respect, or showing consideration for self, others and property; building community, or developing relationships to achieve positive goals; and finally, the pursuit KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
of excellence, or expecting and achieving the best! Key Leader is an enriching experience not just for the students, but countless adults have come away from Key Leader camps reinvigorated about their own life of service. In addition to the curriculum, students enjoy additional activities such as hiking, archery, rock climbing, and campfires, to name a few. Amid these activities, students develop bonds with their cabinmates, neighborhoods, and activity groups, some creating connections across the District and lifelong friendships. Many built relationships and have stayed in touch with their Kiwanian sponsors to report that they have gone on to use the principles they learned at Key Leader in many personal and professional aspects of their adult lives. Upcoming camps in California, later in 2022, are Camp Cedar Glen in Julian from October 14-16, and Camp Jones Gulch in La Honda from November 18-20. Email Cedar Glen Camp, and Camp Jones Gulch for more information. 21
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Our Service Leadership Programs At Work
Getting our hands dirty is part of what our students do at every turn.They look forward to the opportunities to work with Kiwanians as they dig in the dirt, distribute books and backpacks, pick up trash or cook and serve delicious food. Its been said by more than one Key Clubber that they look forward every year to “beach cleanup” events where they work along side other Key Clubbers and Kwanians. BUILDER’S CLUB
The Lewis Middle School Builders Club didn’t let Covid-19 stop them from doing service. During the winter they collected socks for their “Keep the Toes Warm” sock drive. Then in March, members teamed up to pick up litter at their “Builder’s Club Trash Derby.” To show support and assistance to Ukrainian refugees, club members compiled donated personal care kits and included an uplifting note to go in each bag. In support of Kiwanis One Day, the Lewis Middle School Builders Club helped remove overgrown brush at the Mission Trails Regional Park. Beautiful quilts were created by the De Anza Academy of Technology and the Arts (DATA) Builders Club and then donated to the Ventura county Hospital Cancer Center. The Builder’s Club, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Camarillo, Learn & Grow project is progressing with all their hard work. Toys during the holidays were collected by the Moorpark Builders Club. Students from the Los Cerritos Builders Club presented a small skit at the Kiwanis Club of Thousand Oaks meeting. While there, they managed to raise some funds for Crop Walk. KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
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AKTION CLUB The Easter Seals Aktion Club members were excited to work with their sponsor Kiwanis Club where they packed bags of oral hygiene articles that were donated to the Keaaukaha Elementary School. During their Kiwanis One Day, the Aktion Club of Carson Valley hosted a barbeque after cleaning up the Park Ranch Barn and 1918 Slater House. With the help of the Kiwanis Club of Carson Valley, the combined efforts stacked 4 pallets of bricks and filled a dump truck with debris. The Aktion Club from Thousand Oaks shared with the Kiwanis Club of Thousand Oaks many of the activities they have been participating in. They have assisted with Roundup Country Music Festival, Kiwanis car show, and even helped decorate the Kiwanis Rose float this year. KIWIN’S
The Camarillo High School KIWIN’S sold club bracelets and found a few customers at the Kiwanis DCM. In May, members were on hand to help with the Family Literacy Celebration and Young Authors Fair hosted by kidSTREAM. Every Tuesday is “Tidy Up Tuesday” where members of the Torrance High School KIWIN’S clean up the campus before school begins for the day. KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
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In January, the members of the San Diego State University Circle K along with the University of California San Diego Circle K enjoyed a movie night social online via Zoom. Moorpark College Circle K members completed a community service project picking up trash and painting over graffiti on the Hummingbird Trail.
K-KIDS Recycling is just one project the Cosumnes River Elementary School K-KIds. By recycling cans and bottles, they were able to raise $300 for the purchase of much needed books in the school library. Giving back is the mantra of the Cosumnes River Elementary School K-Kids. To make other children smile, the members, along with their school, collected a variety of toys and canned goods for Toys for Tots. In addition, the club donated $500 to the food drive and an additional $500 to purchase more toys. Member Christy Warner of the Kiwanis Club of Thousand Oaks shared with the club the K-Kids book she recently published. Recycling for Charity is an on-going program for the Madera Elementary School K-Kids. The money raised is donated to local not-for-profits. The Carlin C. Coppin Elementary School K-Kids gave back to the community by making blankets for Roseville Kaiser Permanente oncology patients. Valentine’s Day created an opportunity for the club members to sale Valentine Grams that included a treat and a Valentine’s themed pencil. KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
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K-KIDS (cont’d)
In April, the members of Carlin C. Coppin Elementary School K-Kids made crafts and trauma/comfort dolls for children in the hospital. The dolls help doctors show the children where they hurt and explain how they are going to make them feel better.
Residents of Silverado Assisted Living and Memory Care loved the handmade cards they received from the members of Weathersfield Elementary School K-Kids. In May, the club donated ten backpacks stuffed with blankets, water bottles, night lights, socks, school supplies and stuffed animals, plus $25 Target gift cards donated by the Westlake High School Key Club. KEY CLUB The high school Key Clubs in Hawaii didn’t slow down during the unprecedented times of Covid. The Hilo High School Key Club and the Waiakea High School Key Club prepped Easter eggs with stickers and candies for the Easter Egg Hunt held in the parking lot of Hilo High. Not to be left out, the Keaau High School Key Club provided goodies as well. Keaau High School Key Club assisted with several projects, including Keiki Rodeo, school market sale and valentine cards. Racking up service hours is the Pleasant Grove Key Club. Most recently, their members acted as servers at the Rancho Murieta annual Crab Feed. Rain, snow, sleet and even “wind” couldn’t stop the Rancho Murieta Key Club from stuffing hundreds of Easter eggs with candy and trinkets. The Bishop Montgomery High School Key Club has been busy with service. Some of their service projects were Holiday card making, Veteran care packages, St. James Harvest Festival, Charity Miles for UNICEF, and many more. KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
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Making a Difference
Many of us wonder “Do we really make a difference?” Most of the time we don’t see the impact our service makes on our students. A wonderful example of our impact is Alex Argame. Alex was President of the Loara High School Key Club twelve years ago and then followed up as Lt. Governor of the Anaheim Key Club division. Alex’s educational goals were focused on the
healthcare field. His college courses not only reflected these goals, but he continued his volunteering with health equity-focused organizations in Orange County, as well as nursing roles serving military veterans and medically underserved populations within Los Angeles County. The Kiwanis Club of Greater Anaheim was thrilled to have Alex join their club two years ago. The exciting news is that all his plans and volunteering has brought him to reaching his ultimate goal. Alex has been awarded one of 50 spots (out of 10,000) into the Kaiser Permanente’s School of Medicine in Pasadena and his medical school tuition is completely covered. In addition, from a competitive pool of applicants nationwide, Alex was selected into the Department of Veterans Affairs Health Professional Scholarship Program which will provide him with a monthly stipend while in medical school. Congratulations Alex!
BUGS (Bringing Up Grades)
Celebrating BUGS the Kiwanis Club of Santa Barbara presented yogurt treats to the students at Cleveland School. KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
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KEY CLUB (cont’d)
The Napa High School Key Club hosted their first Valentine’s Day flower sale raising more than $80 to be used for future events. During a cold and rainy Saturday in January, the Patrick Henry Key Club hauled trash bags out of Navajo Canyon.
The Phoenix High School Key Club has three responsibilities -- Salt Mine, Clothes Closet and Sight Word Busters. Students participated in any or all of these events. The Clothes Closet distributes clothes to students in need, whereas the Sight Word Busters is an opportunity to tutor K-2nd graders. December was a busy month for Sheldon High School Key Club. Members participated in their school trash pickup, helping with the Winter Carnival at the elementary school, as well as caroling for cans at their DCM. Pleasant Grove High School Key Club planted trees in the River District and came together for campus clean-up. Supporting the Kiwanis Club of Rancho Murieta, the Rancho Murieta High School Key Club was on hand assisting with the sales of See’s Candies. Outgoing seniors were awarded Key Club medallions for their years of service at the Buena High School Key Club. Hilo High School, Waiakea High School, Keaau High School and Kealakehe High School Key Clubs attended the Officer Training (OCT) to learn the ins-and-outs of Key Club officers positions. Members of the Westlake High School Key Club donated $25 Target gift cards to be included in the backpacks put together by the Weathersfield Elementary School K-Kids. KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
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KEY CLUB (cont’d)
Key Club in South Gate Day! - March 3rd -- brought all three key clubs (South Gate High School, King/Drew High School and Legacy High School) together to commemorate the special occasion. The day marked the 75th anniversary of the South Gate High School Key Club and the birth of the new Legacy High School Key Club. Division 13 West Key Clubs gathered together in celebration of the end of the year. South Gate High School, King/Drew High School and Legacy High School Key Clubs hosted the event - a special Oscars evening. Speeches, awards and karaoke highlighted the evening as the current Lt. Governor welcomed the incoming Lt. Governor 2022-2023. KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
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Monday, January 2, 2023
The theme for the 2023 Rose Parade is “Turning the Corner.” After the Covid lock down, we are turning the corner to get back to service. The theme for the Kiwanis 2023 float is “Catching the Wave of Service”
In Kiwanis, we have distinguished ourselves with our Service Leadership Programs (SLP). Kiwanis trains, motivates, mentors and protects our youth as they grow in leadership, confidence, and service. Our Kiwanis Rose Float Project is tailored in that great tradition. As the largest service project in Kiwanis International with over 4,000 volunteers from the Kiwanis Family including Builder’s Clubs, Key Clubs, Circle K Clubs and Aktion Clubs. SLP, club presidents and LTGs from Fresno to San Diego organizes their members to decorate the floats for the largest community parade in the country, if not the world. How do we raise the $100,000 for the project? This year we will have six ‘walkers’ in the parade next to the float. You can sponsor a high school or college student for $1,000 for a once in a lifetime opportunity to be in the Rose Parade. We ask clubs to also sponsor the project with packages from $1,000 to $250. Sponsorships include a banner patch, and challenge coins, pins, ornaments, and raffle tickets based on level of sponsorship. Float preview, with dinner and entertainment, at Phoenix Decorating is currently being planned for early fall -- stay tuned for more informtion at the District Education Convention. We are looking forward to getting back to the Rose Float project and seeing you at the decorating site. For more information or how to participate, contact Ernie Arnold, District Rose Float Chairperson at (626) 379-0776 or email
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by Herman Platzke, District Chair, Kiwanis Children’s Fund
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The Kiwanis Children’s Fund develops resources that transform the goodwill and vision of Kiwanians into programs that serve the children of the world.” Kiwanis Children’s Fund focus is on three specific causes: health and nutrition, education and literacy, and youth leadership development. District giving report through May 31, 2022, reflects $37,729 total with $11,870 donated by 35 clubs with a goal of 73 clubs to make contributions. We are reaching out to encourage clubs to renew last year’s gift, increase to $365.00 if not already there, and suggest clubs raise $365 through a Facebook fundraiser so money is not only coming from their club but from friends and family on Facebook, too. Together we can extend Kiwanis’ impact around the world with a gift to the Children’s Fund. Benefits are recognition by the Kiwanis Children’s Fund President, district grant eligibility, and the impact on Children’s Fund major causes. We encourage cubs to make a gift and request a Ready-Made-Meeting Kit to educate their members if not already done. At the Midyear Education Conferences, we had an information booth and a presented a seminar on attaining a club grant. Kiwanis Club of Hidden Valley Escondido shared on a grant received to build a playground at Dixon Lake at the Midyear South Conference and Kiwanis Club of Rancho Cordova shared on a grant received for a Book Buddies project for elementary schools at the Midyear North Conference. KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
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In addition, two more clubs recently received grants, the Kiwanis Club of Sweetwater for a Clothing Pantry providing essential items to 120 students in the school district three times a year and Kiwanis Club of Viejo for a Story Walk partnering with their library providing books to 2,000 children. We provided a 10-minute presentation on the Kiwanis Children’s Fund at the Cal-Nev-Ha Kiwanis LTG Leadership Seminar to the team of 2022-2023 lieutenant governors. The presentation is available on along with a script. Support Kiwanis International President’s Priorities President Peter Mancuso’s fifth priority is to support the Kiwanis Children’s Fund, staffed by experts anxious to help clubs with fundraising strategies, foundation management, and grant seeking. Call 1-800-KIWANIS, ext. 254 for assistance and support. An Excellent Recruiting Tool Kiwanis has raised and leveraged over $250 million dollars for health and brain development since 1994, through our maternal and neonatal tetanus and iodine deficiency disorder campaigns. Since 2018, the Children’s Fund has awarded more than $9 million in grants and scholarships, improved the lives of 16 million children, and helped launch major SLP initiatives, such as the Global Leadership Certificate. Kiwanis Children’s Fund Support Needed Enthusiastic members needed to support the Kiwanis Children’s Fund. Please contact me. You can help reach out to four hundred plus clubs in our district. Your support makes a difference in the lives of children improving their health through proper nutrition for brain development, allowing for reading to improve literacy, and education from which leadership development provides for the next generation creating a continuum of impact. KIWANIS California-Nevada-Hawaii District -- Summer Edition -- 2021 - 2022
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