Cal North League Bulletin, September 2012
In This Issue: General News September Cal North Board of Director Meeting Recap Cal North Board of Directors Executive Committee Elections Cal North Hall of Fame Nominations are due Cal North Injury Claim Reporting Procedures E-Travel System Cal Soccer League News Partner and Sponsor Spotlight Tournaments Calendar of Events
GENERAL NEWS September Cal North Board of Director Meeting Recap Board approved a 2 day event for the 2013 Soccer Expo held in Lake Tahoe Board approved the 2012/2013 Operating Budget Eligibility Requirements for CYSA Membership Benefits: Board approved the concept to allow membership with Cal North without the requirement to be rostered on a team. Rules and Revisions Committee to review PIM 09-4 Open Cup U9,U10 & U11 with our Festival: Board approved the proposal for a U9-U11 open cup to be held in conjunction with the Cal North Cup Festival After the Board of Directors approval at the October meeting the September official minutes will be posted. Cal North Board of Directors Executive Committee Elections Elections will be held in December 2012 for Cal North Board of Director Executive Committee positions; 1st Vice Chairman, 3rd Vice Chairman and Secretary. If you are interested in applying for any of these positions, please send your soccer resume and Letter of Intent by November 9, 2012. Click here for details Cal North Hall of Fame Nominations are due The purpose of the Cal North CYSA Hall of Fame is to honor those individuals who have made outstanding contributions to youth soccer as a player, coach, referee, administrator or other youth soccer-related activities. To be eligible for nomination and induction into the Cal North CYSA Hall of Fame, an individual must have a minimum of fifteen years in service to youth soccer, ten of which must be under the auspices of Cal North. A nominee currently serving on the Cal North Board of Directors is not eligible.
Cal North Injury Claim Reporting Procedures California Youth Soccer Association (Cal North) in conjunction with Pullen Insurance has launched an online claims system to handle injury claims. Please note that only accidents on or after September 1, 2012 can be processed using the online claims system. If the accident date occurred before this date, please do not proceed with the online claim submission; instead, you will need to contact Debbie Alvarez at for the appropriate case report/claim form. To access the online claims program, please use the link below: E-Travel System In an effort to streamline the team travel and guest player travel request process, Cal North is excited to announce the implementation of Active/League One's E-Travel and Guest Player approval system. The new system eliminates the need to submit hard copy forms into the Cal North Office. Instead, teams wishing to travel to US Soccer Federation sanctioned tournaments will be able to fill out an online form. The system will then check the submitted data against Cal North's data in Active/LeagueOne, and output a confirmation page that grants the team permission to travel provided all the information input into the online e-travel system is validated. Additionally, if the travelling team is using guest players a similar form online is available to handle guesting players travel approval. Please use the attached updated links: Team Travel Form Guest Player Travel Form
CAL SOCCER LEAGUE NEWS - CCSL 2012 Fall League is under way! Click here for schedules and scores.
PARTNER & SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Encourage your teams to order and save time and money using the Cal North Banner Store powered by Zaavy. Teams save $15 when purchasing their team banner using the link at Order by Thursday and have your banner by Saturday.
Tournaments Check out our remaining 2012 tournaments click here to review TopSoccer Pumpkinfest hosted by Tracy Youth Soccer League October 27. Contact Carolynn Rafferty for more information 209-830-7247 or Recreational teams don’t miss these exciting Fall Tournaments: Sonoma Honey Invitational, Delta Invitational, Petaluma Harvest Moon, or Anderson Kick or Treat
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