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Dear alumni and friends,
Another highlight has been the return of all student activities as the pandemic begins to fade. The results were incredible. The two student shops were a whirlwind of activity all year with students building hardware for class projects, senior projects, club activities and research activities. Please consider donating to our shop tech program (see story inside) to support more Learn by Doing experiences for our students.
For the faculty, it was a busy year of hiring with four new tenure-track faculty joining us this past fall and four more starting this fall. We also celebrated the careers of several longtime faculty members as they moved to a well-earned retirement.
The faculty spent the year putting together our course plans for the new semester curriculum that will roll out in the fall of 2026. Rest assured that the new plans reinforce our strong commitment to hands-on education through a focus on laboratory experiences that best prepare our graduates for the future.
The next steps in the process will be an upgrade and reorganization of our facilities with help from our fabulous