S p r i n g 2 011 Ac t i v i t y G u i d e
Students. Athletes. For Life. T
Ma ry Ca l s See sag e pa !
Cal Recreational Sports ge 18
• Membership p. 4 • Fitness Classes p. 6 • Outdoor Adventures p. 14 • Martial Arts p. 20
Cal Ropes Course Teambuilding | Adventure | Fun
al is a demanding academic environment. Communication, creative problem solving and teamwork all play an important role in succeeding here. Our ropes course – also known as a challenge course – offers an opportunity for your group to break out of familiar routines to find new ways of communicating and working together that will transfer to the classroom, lab, study group, office or field of play. How does it work? Our ropes course features seven separate high elements (some 40ft high!), and over 900 feet of rope – all within a grove of Redwood trees at the Strawberry Canyon Recreation Area. With support – literally! – from cohorts, participants forge their way across ropes and elevated platforms; communicating, taking risks, building trust, having fun and developing genuine friendships as they solve challenges presented by the course. It’s an unforgettable experience.
Director of Rec Sports:
Mike Weinberger
Editor: Eric Craypo Photography: Eric Craypo,
Jenna Tower, Bill Wyatt Design: Cuttriss & Hambleton
Why Strength Train? Find out why you need
to add this to your routine.
6 Most Effective Exercises Don’t have
much time? Do these.
How to join.
Fitness A complete package
of fitness activities – from personal training to seminars and group classes.
Why Strength Train?
Most Effective Exercises
Group Excersise
1 0 Sport Clubs
10 Intramural Sports Your chance to bring it.
Sport Clubs Stay competitive in a sport you love.
1 2 Intramural Sports 1 4 Outdoor 1 6 Open Recreation 1 8 Massage 2 0 Martial Arts 2 1 Passports
12 Outdoor
Adventures Await.
Massage Relax and Rejuvenate.
B y E ric C raypo
Why Strength Train?
We know a lot of you are loath to switch up your fitness routine: you grab the running shoes, jog a few miles, or hop on a treadmill for 30 minutes or so and you’re done. Sure, you work up a good sweat and feel exercised, but don’t quit there. To truly get fit, you need to get away from the cardio-only mindset and bring on the strength training. And that means pushing weight around: free weights, dumbbells, stationary machines, or working with your own body weight by doing exercises such as push ups, pull ups and squats. Even adding just two days a week of strength training to your workout routine will pay big dividends.
The Reasons Muscles Burn Calories
You don’t have to be LeBron James
or Serena Williams to realize the benefits of strength training. We’re not talking about getting ripped; this is more about increasing the rate that your body burns calories. Rec Sports Fitness Director Devin Wicks explains it this way: “Running, biking, or using an elliptical trainer are great for your cardiovascular health, but they don’t build muscle. And you want to build muscle. When you strength train you’re asking your muscles to adjust and grow to meet the demands of pushing that weight around; this process burns a lot of calories – even after the workout is over.” According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), “strength training can provide up to a 15% increase in metabolic rate (how quickly your cells convert food into energy), which is enormously helpful for weight loss and long-term weight control.”
Getting Started
Develops Functional Fitness
It’s winter break;
you’re at home and your parents ask you to help rake up leaves in the backyard. No worries -- you’ve been jogging three times a week. After the rake-fest your arms, back and shoulders are aching; that snowboarding trip you have planned for the next day suddenly doesn’t sound so good. The problem? By restricting your workouts to jogging, you’re ignoring a large percentage of your 650 muscles. A good strength training program works the whole body: increasing muscle, tendon, bone and ligament strength; allowing you to call on these parts when needed. “Functional Fitness is a huge benefit of strength training,” says Rec Sports Trainer Robbie Earle. “It just makes daily living much easier. And if you snowboard, mountain bike, play hoops, tennis, or any athletic activity – strength training will help you do it better. “
Changes Body Composition
Strength Training, when done regularly, will change your body composition, and that will make you look fit and trim. Here’s how: as you gain muscle you will most likely decrease body fat due to the extra workouts and the increased metabolic rate caused by growing muscles. Your body weight may stay the same because muscle is denser than fat, but it also takes up less space and gives a more toned and fit appearance. “It’s not unusual to see someone drop a size or two after they’ve been strength training for a couple of months,” explains our man Devin. “An increase in your muscle-to-fat ratio can make a huge difference in your appearance. Even your posture can improve. You will feel good, look better, and be much healthier – and that’s the most important thing.”
If you haven’t done any strength training, it’s important to start slowly. Your body will need a chance to adjust to the new demands you are putting on it. So don’t overdo it. Consider taking one of our free Group X Circuit Training classes -- the instructor will work with you to choose the right amount of weight and repetiGroup X Schedule | recsports.berkeley.edu/groupx tions. If you prefer more individualized instrucPersonal Training | recsport.berkeley.edu/training tion, sign up with a certified Rec Sports personal Strength Training Classes | recsports.berkeley.edu/fitclass trainer. An intro package will cost you $95 for three sessions with a trainer.
Helpful Links
B y E ric C raypo
6 Most Effective Exercises 1
S q uats
Why: Hands down, the best total body exercise: works the butt, quadriceps, hamstrings, core muscles and lower back muscles – all in one movement. Trainers call this a compound exercise because it works multiple muscles and joints. We call it bootylicious. How: Do it with or without weights. Keep back straight, with your weight centered over your feet. Squat down like you’re sitting on a tiny stool behind your heels, but don’t go lower than 90 degrees. Don’t shift weight forward; keep knees behind your toes as you squat.
(glutes, quads, hamstrings), but adds a degree of difficulty by challenging your balance and control, which will help for other leg sports: basketball, tennis, skiing, etc. How: Start with feet together, then take a big step forward. Your front knee should bend at 90 degrees. Make sure your feet are out in front of your knees. Your back knee should drop to just above the floor, with the weight of your back leg resting on the toes. From this point, either return to the starting position and step forward with the other leg, or simply walk forward. Increase difficulty by holding dumbbells.
Push Ups
Why: The push up
Why: Like squats, this exercise works multiple muscles,
delivers. It works multiple muscle groups -- chest, shoulders, triceps and core – and the movement forms a closed kinetic chain. That’s the technical term for engaging multiple muscles and joints to push
Most of us don’t have the luxury of working out for hours each day, but being smart about the exercises you choose – those that target multiple muscle groups or help you burn calories more effectively – will help you get the most out of your limited time. We asked Rec Sports personal trainers Devin Wicks, Robbie Earle and Al Moolick for their top six.
your body away from an object. This mimics how we use our bodies in everyday life; training your body in this way will improve performance and reduce injuries when you leave the gym and go out into the real world. How: If you can’t manage the standard push up, start by doing them against the wall or counter. As you get stronger, work your way down to the floor. You can use your knees at first, but eventually you’ll want to have your toes on the floor. To really pump up the core-building aspect of push ups, place your toes on a large fitness ball.
Pull Ups Why: Pull ups are
maybe the greatest measure of your fitness – you have to be really fit to do them, and conversely, you will get really fit doing them. Another fantastic compound exercise, this one gets to the back, biceps and core.
How: Do the kind where your palms are facing away from you as you grasp the bar (about shoulder width apart). These are hard; start slowly and don’t worry if you can’t do too many at first.
Russian Twist
Why: Our trainers
Dead Lift Why: Don’t be
afraid of the name; it’s an exercise anyone can do. And there’s a good reason you often see high end athletes doing this one. The dead lift strengthens the muscles – gluts, hamstrings, lower back – that we use in everyday lifting. Doing this lift will prevent injuries when managing day to day lifting and will prepare your body for more rigorous athletic activities. How: Keep back straight, engage muscles in back. Hold barbell in front of thighs, with a slight bend in the knees. Bend at the hip as you lower the barbell to shin height. The bar should follow a straight path toward the floor. Return to starting position.
prefer exercises that focus on the core – the group of muscles that wrap around the center of your body -instead of those that exclusively work the abs. We know you want a six pac, but nearly every move you make ties back to the core. Train the core and you’ll improve your performance for whatever activity you undertake, and reduce the likelihood of injury. How: Sit on the floor with knees up and feet on the ground (or in the air for added difficulty). Lean back about 45 degrees. Keep spine straight; don’t round your back. Now rotate your trunk (not just your arms), from side to side, touching the ground near your hip with both sets of fingertips. Hold a dumbbell or medicine ball to increase the intensity.
Spring 2011 Activity Guide
Cal Recreational Sports
Gordon Bayne Member Since 1993
“I met my wife Tamara at the RSF. She looked at me; I looked at her—it was love at first sight. At least for me it was ...” Read Gordon’s story
at recsports.berkeley.edu
C amp u s Part n er
G u i d e A c t i v i t y S p r i n g
2 011
The Cal Rec Club offers memberships to students, faculty, staff, alumni, UC Berkeley retirees, and members of the community. We also offer locker room only memberships for bicycle commuters, short term memberships such as day passes, and swim-only day passes.
Membership Types & Fees
Cal Students: $10 per semester. Spouses
of currently enrolled Cal students may purchase an Associated Student membership (see below).
Associated Students: $140 per semester.
Available to students of other educational institutions and spouses of currently enrolled Cal Students. Note: the student must have a current CRC membership to sponsor their spouse. Minimum age: 17.
Cal Emeriti/Retiree: $296 per year.
Includes 5 complimentary day passes per year. Also open to Lawrence Berkeley Lab retirees.
Cal Faculty and Staff: $420 per year/
$185 per semester. Available to UCB faculty & staff, Lawrence Berkeley Lab employees, and spouses/adult dependants of UCB faculty and staff. Note: faculty/ staff must have a current CRC membership to sponsor their spouse/adult dependant. One sponsoree per household. Annual membership includes 5 complimentary day passes per year and monthly payroll deduction option (Berkeley campus employees only).
Affiliate: $648 per year/$54 per month
Available to UC Alumni with an active UC Alumni membership and faculty or staff members of certain educational institutions. Includes 5 complimentary day passes per year.
Community: $744 per year/$62 per month Annual membership includes 5 complimentary day passes per year. Minimum Age: 17.
Locker Room Only: $15 per month. Access to
RSF locker rooms Monday - Friday; 6AM-9AM only. Includes use of day locker, shower area and towels. Overnight lockers available for a fee. Secure bicycle parking area available in RSF garage. Membership available to UC Berkeley faculty & staff only.
• $296 per year/$99 per semester. • Available to anyone who has a lifelong disability. • Designed to integrate members who have individual needs or requirements into existing recreational programs. • Volunteer assistants (when available).
• Minimum Age: 17.
Short Term
• $99 for one month • $250 for three months • Minimum age: 17.
Day Pass
• $12 • This pass allows use of all our facilities and group exercise classes for one day. • Valid photo ID required. Must be 17 or older.
Swim-Only Day Pass
• $5 per adult/$3 per child. • Valid at Strawberry Canyon and Golden Bear pools (GBRC pool is lap swim only; min. age: 12).
recsports.berkeley.edu 510.642.6400
Spring 2011 Activity Guide
Cal Recreational Sports
Boot Camp Instructional Fitness Class
A focused boot camp participant works the bands during a late afternoon training session at Edwards Track Stadium.
C amp u s Part n er
G u i d e A c t i v i t y
Cal Recreational Sports is dedicated to enhancing the knowledge,
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wellness, fitness and quality of life for students, faculty, staff and the community. We offer a complete package of fitness and
S p r i n g
recreational activities; from individual and group classes to seminars and courses designed to meet your fitness and recreational goals.
Go Online
We offer classes and workshops in a variety of fitness and sports activities, including: tennis, swimming, strength training, boot camp, dance, pilates, and capoeira. Classes vary from one day seminars to semester long courses and are open to everyone – members and non-members. For class descriptions, schedules and prices, go to recsports.berkeley.edu/fitclass
• Alexander Technique • Ballet for Fitness • Boot Camp • Brazilian Dance • Capoeira • CPR • Fitness Workshops & Clinics • Pilates • Qi Gong • Strength Training • Swimming • Tennis • Tennis Endurance • TRX Suspension Training • Restorative Yoga
The Bod Pod is a body composition testing device. It is the best way to determine fat and lean mass, resting metabolic rate and total daily caloric requirements – info critical to designing the training approach that works best for you. recsports.berkeley.edu/bodpod
Looking for ways to help improve the health and wellness of your staff? The Department of Rec Sports can help. We’ll develop an in-house fitness program for your department. Our certified personal trainers will come to your site and lead regular fitness classes at a time convenient for your staff. recsports.berkeley.edu/workfit
Every Step Counts! Join the Cal Rec Sports Pedometer program, start walking today, and track your steps online. Register online, then pick up your free pedometer at the RSF Membership Desk. recsports.berkeley.edu/beartracks
Get a personalized workout at an affordable price! Our certified Personal Fitness Trainers will help you achieve your goals. recsports.berkeley.edu/training
privatelessons recsports.berkeley.edu/fitclass
Private instruction will improve your skills and allow you greater scheduling flexibility. Call 510.643.5151. Now Open!
Discover the Mind/Body connection via our free drop-in Group X classes such as Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi. To gain deeper insights, try our Instructional Class program, which offers a more personalized, learningbased approach to these disciplines. Topics include: Mat Pilates, Qi Gong, Alexander Technique, and Restorative Yoga.
Check out our series of fitness classes geared for 50 and older (adults of any age are welcome). recsports.berkeley.edu/50+
Olympic Lifting Center
w! Ne
Improve your speed, agility, strength, and fitness. Nothing works your body better than this weightlifting technique. Using Olympic competition lifts (snatch and clean-and-jerk), this training method will help you run, sprint, jump, punch, throw – just about any athletic movement – better than you do now. You will see a dramatic improvement in a matter of weeks.
recsports.berkeley.edu/olympic recsports.berkeley.edu 510.642.6400
Spring 2011 Activity Guide
Cal Recreational Sports
Group Exercise
Eliza Tran Cardio Kickboxing
Her fictitious opponent reeling, Eliza relentlessly presses the attack as she prepares to launch another jab.
C amp u s Part n er
A c t i v i t y
G u i d e
Abs & Back Intensity:
to A cardio dance workout featuring Indian classical folk and western dance combined with western pop, Latin and Arabic styles. It’s a highly expressive and energetic dance style that’s just about having fun.
Group Cycling Intensity:
to A fun, high-energy indoor cycling workout that uses music to help power you through even the toughest virtual climbs!. First time riders should arrive at least 10 minutes early to adjust the bike to fit your body.
Tease Aerobics Intensity:
to A combination of belly dancing, hip hop and classic burlesque moves designed to burn calories!
Total Athletic Conditioning Intensity: to
Designed to be an ultimate cross-training workout, this class combines track workouts, agility training, boot camp drills and strength conditioning.
Yoga Intensity:
to Enhance your body as you heighten your overall sense of well-being in this yoga class that links breathing, sun salutations, standing poses, and seated postures to improve strength, stamina, and dynamic flexibility. Restrictions/Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of yoga is recommended. Bare feet required.
Bollywood Intensity:
For descriptions and class times, please visit
to Tired of doing sit ups? Join us for quick but challenging 30 minutes of Abs & Back exercises. You’ll learn different ways to efficiently build and strengthen your core!
2 011 S p r i n g = competitive
• 20/20/10 to • Abs and Back to • Aqua Challenge to • Aqua Exercise to • Body Toning to • Cardio Dance to • Cardio Hip-Hop to • Cardio Kickboxing to • Circuit Training to • Core Blast to • Flow Strength to • Group Cycling to • Mat Pilates to • Nia to • Pilates on Ball to • Pi-Yo (Pilates & Yoga) to • Pure Strength to • Rope Sport to • Step Basics • Step • Step Boot Camp to • Stepography • Tai Chi • Toning Express to • Total Athletic to
= intermediate
New to Group X? Join us for an introductory class where we go over class structure, goals, equipment, attire, technique, form, and basic moves. Each Sunday we will cover a different Group X class. recsports.berkeley.edu/xintro
= beginner
Intro Hour
The Full List
Activity Intensity Level
Our Most Popular Classes
Go Online
Our group exercise classes and workouts are offered FREE to Cal Rec Club members and are designed to accommodate all fitness levels. We offer over 100 classes each week featuring yoga, cardio kickboxing, studio cycling, Tai Chi, plus many more. Pick a time that fits your busy schedule and come when you can.
• Yoga Stretch • Yoga & Meditation • Power Yoga to • Ashtanga Yoga • Vinyasa Yoga • Zumba to
recsports.berkeley.edu 510.642.6400
Spring 2011 Activity Guide
Cal Recreational Sports
Sport Clubs
Zully Camacho Flanker, Women’s Rugby
Undeterred by a gang of tacklers, Zully doggedly forges ahead in a game against UC Davis at Witter Field.
C amp u s Part n er
G u i d e A c t i v i t y
Competition is not just about winning. It’s about coming together with teammates to achieve a common goal; it’s about challenging yourself to
S p r i n g
2 011
do your best. The Cal Sport Club program offers you the chance to do both.
Sport Club Facts:
• We have 33 Sport Club teams. • Over 1,700 student-athletes participate in the
Sport Club program. • Most clubs compete against club teams from other universities, but some line up against varsity teams from Division I, II, and III schools. • These are YOUR teams — all clubs are student run.
Why Join?
1. Stay competitive in a sport you love. 2. Develop friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. 3. Stay fit while improving skills. 4. Experience the beauty of teamwork. 5. Achieve balance between mind and body.
How to Join:
To find out more about a sport club’s schedule, activities, dues, and requirements, contact the student leaders for each sport club — available at the sport club website: recsports.berkeley.edu/sportclubs.
Our Clubs: Archery Badminton Ballroom Dancing Baseball Boxing Cycling Equestrian Fencing Figure Skating Gymnastics Handball Hurling Ice Hockey Lacrosse (Men) Lacrosse (Women) Lightweight Crew Racquetball
Roller Hockey Rugby (Women) Sailing Soccer (Men) Soccer (Women) Squash (Men) Squash (Women) Table Tennis Tennis Triathlon Ultimate (Men) Ultimate (Women) Volleyball (Men) Volleyball (Women) Water Polo (Men) Water Polo (Women)
Go Online
Club Highlights Team Accomplishments Badminton
2010 Badminton National Collegiate Champions
Lacrosse (Women)
2010 National Collegiate Champions
Roller Hockey
1st place Western Collegiate Roller Hockey League
Soccer (Women)
Quarter-Finalists at the 2009 National Soccer Club Championships
Ultimate (Men/Women)
5th Place USA Ultimate College Championships
2010 National Club Champions
Volleyball (Men)
2010 Northern California Division I Conference Champions
Individual Accomplishments Brice Dahlmeier
2010 Northern California Collegiate Volleyball League MVP
Devon Combe
Western Women’s Lacrosse League Player of the Year
Keri Murphy
Far West Collegiate Boxing Association Regional Women’s Champion
Payton Marshall & Jay Stampfl
2009-2010 Water Polo All-America Team
Payton Marshall, Jay Stampfl & Eric Stromlin
2009-2010 Water Polo All-Conference Team
Phil Bremmer
National Collegiate Boxing Association All-American Honors
Vanessa Royle
Western Women’s Lacrosse League First Team All-League
recsports.berkeley.edu 510.643.8024
Spring 2011 Activity Guide
Cal Recreational Sports
Intramural Sports
IM Soccer Tournament Underhill Field
Taking advantage of the grass-like turf at Underhill Field, this striker prepares to cut into open space down the left wing.
C amp u s Part n er
G u i d e A c t i v i t y
600 Teams and 11,000 participants per year. What team are you on? Intramural Sports offers you the opportunity to participate in your favorite sport on a competitive or recreational level. Leagues are available in a wide
2 011
variety of indoor and outdoor sports year-round; including basketball, soccer,
Who Can Play?
Anyone with a Cal Rec Club membership can join an Intramural Sports team. You can form a team of your own – this could include anyone from your pals in Chem 1A lab to faculty and staff members that can still bring it, to your Greek brothers and sisters – or show up as a free agent and be placed on a team.
Don’t Have a Team?
S p r i n g
flag football, softball, volleyball, tennis, ultimate, and dodgeball.
Game Locations & Days
Games are held at campus rec facilities and are generally scheduled in the evenings, Sunday through Friday.
Spring 2011 Entry Periods
Sign up dates and instructions will be posted on our website at the start of the Spring semester. recsports.berkeley.edu/intrasports
If you don’t have a team, you are considered a “Free Agent.” Although not all sports offer Free Agent teams, Free Agents may sign onto a league’s “Free Agent” team when available. The Free Agent fee is $25 per sport.
Contact Us
Call 510.643.6822, email us at ucbim@berkeley.edu, stop by our office on the 2nd Floor of the RSF, or visit us online: recsports.berkeley.edu/intrasports.
Go Online Cost | Roster Limits | Location Sport
Roster Limit
Basketball (3-on-3)
Max: 4; Min: 2
RSF Field House
Basketball (5-on-5)
Max: 12; Min: 4
RSF/Haas Pavilion
Max: 12; Min: 2
RSF Blue Gym
Flag Football (Open, 7 players)
Max: 12; Min: 5
Underhill Field
Indoor Soccer (6 players)
Max: 12; Min: 4
RSF Gold Gym
Softball (10 players)
Max: 18; Min: 8
Speed Soccer (6 players)
Max: 12; Min: 4
Maxwell Family Field/ Underhill
Tennis Challenge Ladder (M/W; Singles)
Max: 1; Min: 1
Rec Sports Tennis Cts.
Ultimate (7 players)*
Max: 12; Min: 5
Witter Field
Volleyball (Sixes)
Max: 12; Min: 4
RSF Blue Gym
Free Agent
*No playoffs for Ultimate.
recsports.berkeley.edu 510.643.6822
Spring 2011 Activity Guide
Cal Recreational Sports
Outdoor Adventures
Kayaking Group Event UC Aquatic Center
Good times on the Bay! Bring your self, or your group, down to the Berkeley Marina for a paddle, sail or windsurf adventure.
UC Aquatic Center C amp u s Part n er
All water-based classes are held at the UC Aquatic Center, 124 University Ave at the Berkeley Marina.
G u i d e A c t i v i t y
caladventures Cal Adventures is the Outdoor Experiential Education Program at UC Berkeley. No matter which outdoor program you choose, our purpose is
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to provide you with new skills, adventure and memories that will last
S p r i n g
far beyond the course or trip that you sign up for. Everyone is eligible to participate in Cal Adventures trips and classes — affiliation with the University of California is not required.
Adventureship Pass
For those interested in learning a variety of aquatic sports -- sailing, windsurfing, stand up paddleboarding and kayaking -- this all inclusive pass is for you. Adventureship holders pay just one fee to enroll in multiple classes and have access to free equipment rentals. w! Ne
w! Ne
w! Ne
Explore beautiful places, meet new people, get some great exercise, and leave the logistics us! Trips are planned around student breaks and are led by professional outdoor enthusiasts. Get your trail on!
Increase your balance and core strength in our stand up paddleboarding classes and private lessons. With protected coves and gentle swells, our location is the perfect place to try out this new sport.
Rock Climbing
Participants will learn about equipment, knots, belaying, climbing technique, rappelling and much more while exploring the local climbing crags. No experience or gear required.
Ropes Course
Our ropes course, set among the Redwoods of Strawberry Canyon, provides the perfect environment for an inspiring team building experience. Full and 1 /2 day programs available.
There is no better place to sail than the San Francisco Bay! Graduates of our Basic and Intermediate Sailing courses will be prepared to safely handle a Coronado 15 sailboat in winds up to 15 knots.
Sea Kayaking
The Cal Adventures Sea Kayaking Program provides experiences that range from gentle days on the Bay to high-sea thrills. With multiple courses to choose from, you’ll get the right amount of instruction whether you’re looking to build on existing skills, or are a first time paddler.
The Cal Adventures Windsurfing Program brings the total novice to the point of high-speed thrills in only one season. Experienced and enthusiastic teachers, motorboat support and an inexpensive rental program with which to practice your new skills make Cal Adventures the ideal place to learn this exciting sport!
Wilderness Medicine
These intensive courses prepare you to effectively manage medical emergencies in remote settings, and are specifically designed to provide you with the tools to make critical medical and evacuation decisions. Taught by the Wilderness Medical Institute of NOLS.
We Rent!
Wetsuit and PFD included with every rental. For more information, call 510.642.4000.
Custom Programs
Cal Adventures offers in-town and remote custom events for everyone, including: school groups, athletic teams, corporate organizations and student clubs. We can create ½half day, full day or multi-day programs featuring our ropes course, team building, backpacking, rock climbing, sailing, windsurfing, paddleboarding or kayaking. recsports.berkeley.edu/custom
Go Online
recsports.berkeley.edu 510.642.4000
Spring 2011 Activity Guide
Cal Recreational Sports
Open Recreation
Open Rec Tennis Channing Courts
Fancy a hit? Visit the Guest Services Counter in the RSF locker room for reservations.
News, updates, fitness tips and more. twitter.com/calrecsports
[ Rec Sports Facility Hours ] M-Th 6A F 6A Sa 8A Su 8A
1A 11P 11P 1A
Facility hours may vary due to holiday breaks or special events
G u i d e A c t i v i t y 2 011
No classes. No sign ups. Just time for you to lift, run, play, swim and sweat. Please note that Cal Rec Club membership is required to
S p r i n g
participate in Open Recreation.
Hearst North Pool
Hoops heaven: seven courts, three gyms and tons of open rec hours.
Cardiovascular Equipment
We’ve got treadmills, stairmasters, elliptical trainers, rowing machines, stationary bikes, and more. Our machines – over 100 and counting – are there for you whenever we’re open; find them at the RSF.
Racquet Sports
Tennis, Racquetball, Handball, Squash, Badminton or Table Tennis; whatever the sport, we’ve got a court for you. Racquetball, Handball, Squash, Badminton and Table Tennis are available at the RSF; tennis courts are located throughout campus – for locations visit recsports.berkeley.edu/tennis
Hit the track at Edwards Stadium/Goldman Field – an eight lane, Olympic-class track located just west of the RSF. Or, take in stellar views of the bay as you run on our dirt track at the Golden Bear Rec Center.
Just behind the Strawberry Canyon Rec Area the “Fire Trail” awaits hikers and runners. This seven mile (roundtrip) trail twists its way up through Strawberry Canyon, offering views of the Campanile, the Golden Gate Bridge and Mt. Tamalpais. The trail starts at the SCRA parking lot and follows Centennial Drive for a short way before veering deeper into the canyon. Note: Use this trail wisely – take water, bring a friend, and use only during daylight hours.
Marble decking? Colonnaded Nymphs ringing the pool? Sounds like a bacchanalian fantasy, but actually this is a 33 1/3 yard, four lane pool that sits on the second floor of the Phoebe Hearst Gymnasium. Designed by Julia Morgan in 1927, it is one of UC Berkeley’s most historically significant buildings.
Strawberry Canyon Pool
The natural beauty of Strawberry Canyon provides the backdrop for our combo lap swim/rec pool. Four lanes are dedicated to lap swimming – the rest is for play.
Weight Rooms
Our three RSF weight rooms total 8,500 square feet and are equipped with Cybex® machines, Cybex® VR2 stations, a complete free weight set-up, Iron Grip® and Tri Bar® dumbbells, adjustable benches, Olympic squat racks, Gravitron® pull-up stations and way more.
Indoor volleyball courts available year-round in the RSF.
Equipment Rentals
Members may check out sports equipment such as racquetball racquets, basketballs, weight belts, locks, and reading racks at the Guest Services counter in the Haas Recreation Locker Room. All you need is your Cal Rec Club membership card.
Court Reservations
To reserve a tennis, racquetball, handball or squash court, call Guest Services at 510.642.8345 or stop by the desk located in the Haas Recreation Locker Room. Note: Cal Rec Club Membership is required to participate in Open Recreation.
4 pools and 32 lanes mean plenty of opportunity for rec swimming. More detail on our pools:
Spieker Pool
Workout in the same pool used by the men’s and women’s swim teams: 18 lanes, 25 yards, 79-80 degrees F.
Golden Bear Pool
This 25 yard, six lane pool – maintained at a comfortable 80 degrees – is ideal for fitness training or lap swimming.
Go Online
recsports.berkeley.edu 510.642.6400
S pri n g 2 0 1 1 A ctivity G u ide
Cal Recreational Sports
Relax, Rejuvenate, Strengthen Rec Sports Wellness Center
C amp u s Part n er
Treat yourself to a relaxing and therapeutic massage! Our new Wellness Center provides a soothing atmosphere that is perfect for massage therapy sessions. 4
G u i d e A c t i v i t y
Massage therapy is a beneficial and integral part of your health maintenance program. Whether your goal is to rejuvenate
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or relax, our certified massage therapists will help you reach a
S p r i n g
state of greater well-being.
al Massage Full Body Massage
Our massage therapists are all certified by an accredited massage therapy school and have completed a minimum 500 instructional hours.
Cost | Full Body Massage Session Type: Member
25 minutes 50 minutes 80 minutes 4 - 50 minute sessions 4 - 80 minute sessions
$40 $55 $75 $190 $265
$50 $70 $100 $240 $330
Cal Massage is located in the Rec Sports Wellness Center at 2301 Bancroft Way, just past the Pro Shop when walking from the RSF to the locker rooms.
Time Offered
Massage Therapy is available seven days a week. Visit our online appointment calendar to schedule a massage. recsports.berkeley.edu/massage
Other Services
Our Massage Therapists are credentialed in Swedish, Shiatsu, Deep Tissue, and Sports Massage. We also offer the following services.
Top 5 Reasons to Get a Massage
1 2 3 4
Recovery. I
Flow of oxygen and nutrients to muscles, reducing muscle fatigue and post exercise soreness.
I nj ury Prevention .
Improves range of motion and flexibility, protecting against injury.
Lengthens and tones weak muscles.
Relax ation & Stress Relief.
For some, this is the primary benefit of massage, often leading to reduced anxiety, better sleep and improved overall feeling of well-being.
Strengthen s immu ne system.
Some studies have shown that massage can increase the number of natural killer cells, which are thought to bolster the body’s natural defenses.*
* source: mayoclinic.com
Hot Stone Massage
The use of hot stones to promote relaxation and healing dates back to ancient times. Heated stones are placed on key points on the body to sooth your muscles and enhance your overall massage experience.
Using pressure point massage on hands and feet to restore the flow of energy throughout your body, reflexology is a Chinese technique that calms and soothes.
Massage to Go
Arrange for a workshop or chair massage session with our certified massage therapists at your work site: call 510.643.8030. Gift certificates are available at the RSF Cashier Station.
Cost: Speciality Massages Pricing for Hot Stone and Reflexology massage is available on our website.
recsports.berkeley.edu 510.643.8030
Spring 2011 Activity Guide
Cal Recreational Sports
Martial Arts
The UC Martial Arts Program is dedicated to providing outstanding martial arts instruction to the UC Berkeley campus and surrounding community. The program is a world renowned leader in the promotion and development of the martial arts, and is a model for other universities. New members are always welcome.
Martial Arts Clubs Judo
Based on the ancient Japanese art of self-defense called Jujitsu, it is concerned with throws and falling techniques in addition to physical conditioning and total health.
Karate is the Japanese art of self-defense. All styles of Karate are incorporated into one general class.
Taekwondo, “the way of foot and fist,� is based on the ancient Korean methods of self-defense.
Taiji emphasizes balance and coordination, reduced stress and improved health.
A challenging fusion of Chinese martial arts and performance.
A self-defense oriented discipline that makes use of wrist twisting, joint locks, kicks, punches, holds, rolls, and falls.
Cost Per Semester
Cal Students: $120 | UCB Fac/Staff: $170 Cal Alumni: $170 | All Others: $220
Go Online 20
recsports.berkeley.edu 510.642.3268
Our Partners
Cal Recreational Sports would like to thank the following campus and corporate partners for their unwavering support. Their generosity has contributed to the phenomenal growth of the Cal Recreational Sports Development Fund.
Need a Passport?
The Recreational Sports Facility is an authorized US Government Passport Acceptance Facility. Avoid hassles and long lines at the Post Office! In addition to convenient hours, we offer all the necessary forms, expedited service, and a friendly staff. And we’re the only place in town open on the weekend! recsports.berkeley.edu/passport
S p r i n g 2 011 Ac t i v i t y G u i d e
Cal Recreational Sports recsports.berkeley.edu
Rec Connect Twitter: @ calrecsports Facebook: Cal Rec Sports
Rec Sports Facility Hours M-Th F Sa Su
6A - 1A 6A - 11P 8A - 11P 8A - 1A
Facility hours may vary due to holiday breaks or special events
Cashier Hours M-F Sa Su
10A - 6:30P 10A - 3:30P Closed
Important Contact Information 642-4000
Fitness Drop-In Group Exercise Classes and Workshops Personal Fitness
642-6400 643-5151 642-7796
Cal Massage Therapy
General Information Line
Cal Rec Club Memberships
Cal Star Recreation programs for the disabled
Gymnastics Program Golden Bear Rec Center
Intramural Sports
Martial Arts
Passport Services
Pool Hours
Sport Clubs
Aquatic Masters Swimming
Cal Adventures Outdoor/Water Recreation
Cal Youth Camps Cal Adventures 642-4000 Golden Bear Gymnastics 643-CAMP Strawberry Canyon 643-CAMP Youth Website recsports.berkeley.edu/youth Court Reservations Handball, Racquetball, Squash and Tennis Facilities Field/Facility Rental
Golden Bear Rec Center 642-9821 25 Sports Lane, Clark Kerr Campus Recreational Sports Facility 643-8038 2301 Bancroft Way Strawberry Canyon Rec Area 643-6720 Centennial Drive, #4430 UC Aquatic Center 642-7707 124 University Ave, Berkeley Marina
Non-Profit Org. Locker Rooms U.S. Postage Recreational Sports Facility (RSF) 642-8345 Hearst P A643-3894 ID University of Marketing and Business 642-8556 California Development