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LE 6500 Organizational Leadership Communication 3 Credits
This course focuses on the principles of organizational communication both vertically and horizontally within law enforcement agencies. Understanding how a procedure should be carried out is important to the success of organizations. This concept and other managerial topics will be utilized to link prior knowledge with operational tasking success.
LE 6510 Law Enforcement Code of Ethics 3 Credits
This course identifies, contrasts, and defines ethical conduct and misconduct in criminal justice organizations through various case studies like the LAPD Rampart scandal. Learners will compare and contrast the essence of misconduct and the Christopher Commission Report. Case studies in this course will interpret qualitative and quantitative analysis review of the scandal.
LE 6520 Budgeting Development Analysis 3 Credits
This course utilizes concept maps, advanced practical exercises, and justification methods in developing organizational budgets. Various financial accounting principles are reviewed to ensure the effectiveness of an organization’s budgetary process. This includes focusing on the critical aspects of developing line item budgets. The process will review asset forfeiture, major item purchasing, and budget justification.
LE 6530 Homeland Security: Strategic Application 3 Credits
This course examines the policies, practices, concepts, and challenges confronting criminal justice and intelligence practitioners in Homeland Security. It provides an overview of threats to domestic security from terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, and other related risks and vulnerabilities. It examines the strategies and systems involved in protecting against and responding to threats. Discussion includes the managerial, political, legal, and organizational issues related to crisis planning and response, the National Strategy for Homeland Security, the National Infrastructure Plan, and the role of local law enforcement.
LE 6540 Police Management of Technology 3 Credits
This course examines use of technology within the criminal justice system. Social media and cybercrime are growing concerns in the criminal law and criminal procedure areas. Law enforcement executives should have a working knowledge of these new criminal trends and how they apply to operational procedures within the profession.
LE 6550 Police Administrative Policy Operations 3 Credits
This course provides administrative strategies in reviewing and resolving internal management areas of concern, such as review and modification of the organization’s Policy Procedure Manuals. Policy and procedural analysis within criminal justice organizations is essential and it is through feasibility and research studies that this process is accomplished. This course provides hands on application in executive level reports including grant project narratives. Administrative and critical analysis regarding executive level policy development is the key to an effective police organization. The application of law enforcement policies will enhance competence in executive level decisions.
LE 6560 Strategic Organizational Planning
3 Credits
This course applies principles of planning for short, medium, and long-range administrative operations. Every organization should have a roadmap to growth and development. Restructuring, reorganizing, and revitalization are key development tenants of successful organizational change. Learners receive relevant, practical, and meaningful strategic planning theories to enhance success. Analytical tools will illustrate through case studies the importance of strategic planning for all executive leaders.
LE 6570 Executive Corrections Management 3 Credits
This course explores the prison process and the evolution of institutionalized punishment. The management of a contemporary prison system is examined in relationship to the new evidenced based approach to intervention and rehabilitation programs. The theories applied on the incarceration of inmates and the critical issues of overcrowding are evaluated. The importance of the California’s Public Safety Realignment program is emphasized as a key public safety concern as it applies to incarceration.
LE 6580 Contemporary Criminal Justice Trends 3 Credits
This course examines the contemporary principles, issues, and trends in the criminal justice system. Learners will study relationships, internal operations, policy differences among criminal justice agencies. The trends and issues presented from the criminal justice system require analysis and proposed solutions to these debates. This course will provide quantitative and qualitative critical thinking to provide salient remedies. The future trends in law enforcement will evolve from these current issues and principles which traverse the three components of the criminal justice system: police, courts, and corrections at all levels of government from federal to municipal organizations.
LE 6590 Administration of Police Executive Systems 3 Credits
This course will study and review Constitutional requirements, court, and legislative decisions as they impact managing criminal justice personnel, employee rights, discipline, training, and performance evaluations. Practical Exercises (PEs) will be utilized to emphasize important executive management principles and theories. Law enforcement agencies operate in divisions, sections, and bureaus. This course will provide executive operational knowledge in managing these various levels within criminal justice organizations.
LE 6600 Cultural Competency in Criminal Justice 3 Credits
This course analyzes major concepts regarding race and ethnic diversity, gender balance, and whether the glass ceiling has been broken or merely replaced. Quantitative and qualitative research reveals the data on topics like racial or bias based policing, disparity in the criminal court system and the overpopulation of minorities in the correctional system. This course will critically evaluate whether or not socialization and the evolution of true equal rights is available to all Americans.
CAP 6100 MSLEEL Capstone 3 Credits Prerequisite: Successful completion of all MSLEEL coursework
The Master of Science in Law Enforcement Executive Leadership capstone course is designed to be a culminating educational experience. It is an integrated learning that allows learners to demonstrate they have achieved a level of academic and practical knowledge relative to the skills and discipline required of an effective and efficient professional. The project is individualized based on the learner’s specific concentration and interest and provides an opportunity to demonstrate achievement of the program learning outcomes.