Internal Process and Procedures
As outlined in the course extension policy, learners must submit their course extension request 3-days prior to the end of the course. The Chief Academic Officer has the authority to approve extension requests submitted after the 3-day grace period, however, only in rare cases, with extenuating circumstances, will course extension requests be approved after the 3-day grace period.
Course Extension Internal Process To reduce the amount of staff time required to process learner extension, all new procedures are designed to restructure and reshape current processes to better meet the University’s technology requirements. To request a course extension, learners will submit the request and pay for course extension(s) in the Self-Service portal. Once learners submit payment for course extensions, their part of the process is completed, and they will be informed that their extension will be approved within 48-hours. Upon implementation of the new extension process, learners will no longer need to enter a confirmation code in the Colleague system.
Learner Payment Confirmation To ensure that learners have successfully completed the extension payment process, the Accounting Department will run an “Extension Audit Report” on a weekly basis. This audit report will provide information that allows Accounting to determine if extension payments were successfully processed.
Learner Course Extension Process in Canvas Learners will submit a course extension request in the Self-Service portal: • •
An email notification will be sent to Mentor, Advisors, Registrar, Bursar, etc. An incomplete course session will be added to Canvas (One-30-day extension)
The Self-Service portal currently sends a 30-day extension date to Canvas (Learning Management System). As a result, once a learner has paid the extension fee, there is no additional entry that needs to be manually recorded in Canvas. In addition, once the extension has been submitted in the Self-Service portal, a notification email is sent to the academic advisor, Registrar’s Office and Canvas-LMS Administrator. The manual process of creating and removing Incomplete sessions is no longer required.
Learner Course Extension Process in Colleague The new extension payment process effectively ends the manual workflow process that has inundated employees with work that the University’s technology can support. In addition, this new process has removed the “department by department” time-consuming review of learner course extension requests and reduces the complexity of finally approving these extensions. The Advisors will continue to add the Course Extensions Date in Colleague based on the report they see on the Course Extension Admin Page or from the email notification sent to the mentors.