2 minute read
“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.” Albert Einstein
Exam Board EDEXCEL
Qualification AS Level 8FMO A level 9FMO
Subject Entry Requirements Grade 7 at GCSE Maths, preferably Grade 8 at GCSE Maths
Further Mathem atics qualifications are hig hly regarded and are warmly welcomed by universities. Students who t ake Further Mathem atics are demonstr ating a strong commitme nt to their studies, as we ll as le arning m athem atics that is very useful for any m athem atically rich degree. S ome prestigious university courses require you t o have a Further Mat hematics qualification and others m ay adjust their grade requireme nts more favourably to students with Further M athem atics. If you are not planning to st udy f or m athem atically rich degrees but are kee n on mat hematics, you will find Further Mathem atics a very enjoy able course. H aving a Further Mathem atics qualification ide ntifies you as having e xce llent analytical skills, whatever area you are considering for a career.
The skills g aine d from st udying a scie nce, technology, e ngineering or m athem atics (STEM) subject at A level or degree level are in demand by employers. These subjects are underpinne d by mathem atics. H aving a broad m athem atical knowle dge and secure technical ability will hel p the transition from Sixth Form to H igher Education.
Student Comment:
A level
The course builds on the A level course and is hig hly recommended for those students who wish to continue studying mathematics at a higher level. “Maths is amazing. Taking further maths at ALevel will deepen your understanding of the world of mathematics. The world revolves around mathematics and A-level Maths will give you an excellent insight and quality preparation for the real world”
A level Further Mathematics Component
Paper 1: Further Pure Mathematics 1
Paper 2: Further Pure Mathematics 2
Based on the fixed core content. AS content assessed at A level standard
Based on the fixed core content. Remaining pure content which builds on and incorporates AS content
1.5 hours 75 marks
1.5 hours 75 marks
Paper 3: Further Mathematics Option 1
Paper 4: Further Mathematics Option 2 Students take one of the following four options:
• Further Pure • Further Statistics • Further Mechanics • Decision Maths
As above 1.5 hours 75 marks
1.5 hours 75 marks
AS Level Further Mathematics Paper 1: Further Pure Mathematics Content aligned to Paper 1 of A level Further Maths, assessed at AS level standard 1.5 hours 75 marks