Sound Thought 2014 – Call for papers / works

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SOUND THOUGHT 2014 - Be·ta: An exploratory operation Call for Papers and Works “A finished work is exactly that, requires resurrection.“ John Cage Main Entry: beta  [bey-tuh or, esp. British, bee-] Part of Speech: adjective Definition: being tested Synonyms: dubious, experimental, flaky, mostly working, new, pre-release, suspect, testing, unready How do we know when a piece of work is complete? What value is there in the unfinished? What is lost or gained through finishing?

Sound Thought is the annual music composition, performance and research conference run by Glasgow University music department postgraduates. Sound Thought 2014 hosted by Glasgow’s Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA) from 10-12th January will present engaging new musicological research alongside a programme of progressive composition, performance and sonic art practice. Proposals are invited for papers, acoustic compositions, mixed-media compositions, electronic music, installations and performances. We particularly welcome proposals from the postgraduate and early career researcher community in Scotland and further afield. For Sound Thought be·ta we encourage experimental or untested work - edits, tangents, dead ends, works in progress etc. are encouraged as well as finished works and papers. Email proposals to or write to Sound Thought, C/O Music, School of Culture & Creative Arts, 14 University Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QH by Monday 4th November, 2013. The committee are collaborating with the University of Glasgow’s postgraduate journal eSharp to publish selected conference proceedings. The committee also plans to publish audio/visual documentation of works and performances on our website. If you are interested in having your work considered for publication then please indicate this in your proposal. N.B. Sound Thought 2014 has no funding to cover fees or accommodation. Limited funding is available to cover travel from outside Scotland. Please indicate on your proposal if you would like to be considered for this fund. See attached submission guidelines and proposal template for further information. Information on past events is available at

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Include the following for all submissions:

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Completed proposal template (overleaf) Up to 3 images for promotional purposes

PAPERS: Individual or joint papers should be no longer than twenty minutes.

ELECTROACOUSTIC WORKS / SOUND INSTALLATIONS: Please submit for consideration proposals for any of the following: Acousmatic/electroacoustic works of up to 15 minutes duration, audiovisual installations, sound installations, field recordings of up to 15 minutes duration. An 8 channel diffusion system is available for electroacoustic works as is equipment for presenting audiovisual work. Please be advised that the technical equipment available is limited and therefore installation artists may be required to bring their own (please let us know what you can/can’t bring in your proposal).

Please note, proposals for sound works should include the following additional material – A weblink (eg dropbox) to either: An excerpt from, or the complete work you are proposing OR An example of your previous work

PERFORMANCES / COMPOSITIONS: Proposals for performances and performance-lectures are encouraged. Works of any style will be considered. Submissions requiring fixed (tape) electronics or live electronics will be considered. Composers are encouraged to provide their own performer(s) / ensemble(s). Please include a list of performers with your proposal. Please indicate in your proposal if you require amplification and/or technical support. We have access to a number of historical keyboard instruments such as a harpsichord, virginal and forte piano as well as modern piano. If you require use of one of these instruments please contact us. We are also in contact with an ensemble specialising in historical performances. If you would like to propose the performance of an edition of a historical work please contact us for more information regarding our ensemble.

SOUND THOUGHT 2014 - Proposal Template Name Email address Contact phone number Institution (or City of Residence) Submission category (paper, performance, installation, score etc.) Title of paper / work Do you wish to be considered for publication in the conference proceedings?

Proposal / Abstract (250 words max, for publication)

Duration (where appropriate)

Biography of participants (100 words max, for publication)

Technical requirements (Please include as much detail as you can about what you can supply, and what you require Sound Thought to provide)

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