Cal U Winter Commencement Program - 2014

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California University of Pennsylvania GrAduAtE december 12, 2014 7:00 p.m.


undErGrAduAtE december 13, 2014 10:00 a.m.

ConvoCAtion CEntEr

MISSION STATEMENT O F C A L I F O R N I A U N I V E R S I T Y O F P E N N S Y LVA N I A IDENTITY California University of Pennsylvania, a comprehensive regional institution of higher education and a member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, is a diverse, caring and scholarly learning community dedicated to excellence in the liberal arts, science and technology, and professional studies that is devoted to building character and careers, broadly defined. The University is inspired by its core values of integrity, civility, and responsibility and is guided by its bill of rights and responsibilities: We have the right to safety and security, we have the responsibility to ensure the safety and security of others; We have the right to be treated with respect, we have the responsibility to treat others with respect; We have the right to expect the best, we have the responsibility to give our best; We have the right to be treated fairly, we have the responsibility to treat others fairly.

MISSION: BUILDING CHARACTER AND CAREERS To advance its ultimate mission of building the character and careers of students, the University shall focus its efforts on three goals: student achievement and success, institutional excellence, and community service. These interrelated ends will be facilitated by the following means: high quality faculty, students, programs, and facilities. These means, in turn, will be funded through an energetic program of resource acquisition and stewardship.

VISION Be recognized as the best comprehensive public university in America.

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? • Offer an exceptional, one-of-a-kind character and career-building experience; • Focus character-building on the University's three core values and four rights and responsibilities; • Define career-building broadly to include life-wide (multiple life roles) and life-long (legacy) aspects; • Recruit and retain a distinguished faculty who challenge and mentor students to attain their fullest potential; • Recruit and retain a talented, diverse, and highly motivated student body; • Maintain an administrative staff dedicated to the highest professional standards and service; • Maintain a learning community known for its academic excellence, intellectual rigor, and civil discourse;

• Instill not just learning but the love of learning; • Be widely known as a center for thought, inquiry, dialogue, and action in matters of character and leadership; • Maintain a campus of natural and architectural beauty featuring state-of-the-art facilities and equipment; • Reflect a special mission in science and technology through programs in science, technology, and applied engineering, as well as through emphasis on technology and information literacy across the curriculum; • Be widely known for high quality undergraduate and selected masters level graduate programs; • Foster increasingly higher admissions criteria, academic quality, and scholarly expectations;

• Incorporate continuous improvement into all programs and activities to ensure competitive excellence; • Prepare students for the world of work or further education from multiple locations through multiple technologies in order to meet the ever changing needs of the Commonwealth and the larger world; • Sustain a reputation for the University's academic excellence, its daring and entrepreneurial spirit, and the integrity, success, and loyalty of its graduates; • Instill a culture of philanthropy among students, faculty, staff, and alumni; • Create an ever larger community of supporters and an endowment that will perpetuate the work of the University and enable constant innovation and renewal.

LEGACY Founded in 1852, and now in its second 150 years of service, the University is committed above all to academic excellence and intellectual rigor in the context of personal and institutional integrity, civility, and responsibility.



SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES AND RESEARCH COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM Friday, December 12, 2014 Interim University President Geraldine M. Jones ´72, ´80, Presiding Prelude........................................................................................................................................Brass unlimited Processional* ................................................................................................................................Brass and organ William r. Gesin, M.M., organist Posting of Colors*..........................................................................................California university Army rotC “the Star-Spangled Banner”* – Francis Scott Key......................................................Audience, university Choir invocation...............................................................................................................the reverend Jana Quisenberry introduction of Platform Party ...........................................Acting Provost Bruce d. Barnhart, Ed.d. ´83, ´89, ´01 Choral Selection ........................................................................................................California university Choir “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen Yugo ikach, d.M.A., director Mr. Gesin, Accompanist Greetings......................................................................................................................................President Jones introduction of Commencement Speaker, President Emeritus John Pierce Watkins ´53..............Provost Barnhart remarks to Graduates ...................................................................................................President Emeritus Watkins Choral Choir “Gloria Patri” from John rutter’s Magnificat dr. ikach, director Mr. Gesin, Accompanist Explanation of the Academic Hood............................................Stanley A. Komacek, Ed.d., Professor and dean Presentation of Candidates for Graduate degrees and vesting of the Academic Hood Bruce d. Barnhart, Ed.d. ............................................................................................................................Provost Stanley A. Komacek, Ed.d. ´80 ..................................................dean, School of Graduate Studies and research Katherine J. Mitchem, Ph.d. ........................Professor, department of Early, Middle, and Special Education and Endowed Chair, Edith L. trees Foundation Conferring of degrees..................................................................................................................President Jones Special Acknowledgements ..........................................................................................................President Jones Alma Mater* .............................................................................................................Audience, university Choir Philip rossi ´37 Benediction*................................................................................................................................rev. Quisenberry recessional*..................................................................................................................................Brass unlimited *Audience Stands 2

UNDERGRADUATE COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM Saturday, December 13, 2014 Interim University President Geraldine M. Jones ´72, ´80, Presiding Prelude .............................................................................................................................................Brass unlimited Processional*...................................................................................................................................Brass and organ William r. Gesin, M.M., organist Posting of Colors*..........................................................................................California university Army rotC “the Star-Spangled Banner”* – Francis Scott Key......................................................Audience, university Choir invocation...............................................................................................................the reverend Jana Quisenberry introduction of Platform Party ..........................................Acting Provost Bruce d. Barnhart, Ed.d. ´83, ´89, ´01 Choral Selection ........................................................................................................California university Choir “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen Yugo ikach, d.M.A., director Mr. Gesin, Accompanist Greetings......................................................................................................................................President Jones Presentation of Senior Class Gift ............................................Kirsti Elizabeth roesner, 2014 Senior Class Envoy introduction of Commencement Speaker, President Emeritus John Pierce Watkins ´53..............Provost Barnhart remarks to Graduates ...................................................................................................President Emeritus Watkins Choral Choir “Gloria Patri” from John rutter’s Magnificat dr. ikach, director Mr. Gesin, Accompanist Presentation of Candidates for undergraduate degrees Bruce d. Barnhart, Ed.d. .............................................................................................................................Provost Kevin A. Koury, Ed.d. ..............................................................dean, College of Education and Human Services Mohamed Yamba, Ph.d. ...........................................................................................dean, College of Liberal Arts John r. Kallis, Ed.d. ´75, ´78 ...................................................dean, Eberly College of Science and technology Conferring of degrees..................................................................................................................President Jones Special Acknowledgements ..........................................................................................................President Jones Alma Mater* .............................................................................................................Audience, university Choir Philip rossi ´37 Benediction..................................................................................................................................rev. Quisenberry recessional*..................................................................................................................................Brass unlimited *Audience Stands 3



M E r i t u S

r E S i d E n t

dr. JoHn PiErCE WAtKinS ´53


r. John Pierce Watkins, Emeritus President of California university of Pennsylvania and a 1953 alumnus, has a long and dedicated history with his alma mater. President Watkins first joined the faculty at what then was known as California State College, in 1957, as a professor in the department of English. He served as chair of the department from 1966-1973, at which time he was appointed vice President for Academic Affairs, a position he held until 1976. in 1976, he was named acting president, and on

the Commission for Presidents of the Pennsylvania

August 24, 1977, he officially was named

State System of Higher Education; president of the

California’s fifth president. He served as university

Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and

president until his retirement in 1992. the Council

universities; and co-chair of the American

of trustees of California university of Pennsylvania

Association of State Colleges and universities’

honored his exemplary service and dedication to the

Committee on international Programs.

university by bestowing upon him the title of

in addition, Pennsylvania’s governor appointed

emeritus president and naming a newly renovated

him to serve on the Special Advisory Committee to

classroom building, the Watkins Center, in his honor.

implement the Pennsylvania Master Plan for Higher

President Watkins is noted for many

Education in 1982. the following year he was

accomplishments during his tenure at California

appointed to the Special transition team for the

university. He established the university’s special

Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education,

mission in science and technology; led the school as

which directed the shift in jurisdiction and oversight

it moved from “college” to “university” status;

responsibility as per Act 188.

created a number of academic programs and student

He also served on the Board of directors of the

service departments; oversaw several difficult

Executive Service Corps, and as chair and board

budget years; managed the university’s rapid

member of the Mon valley united Way and the

enrollment growth to 7,000 students and 680

Mon valley YMCA. Following his retirement from

employees; built an international student exchange

California university, President Watkins was

base; and developed an international student image.

appointed to serve as interim president of Shepherd

in 1982 he founded the ongoing Mon valley

university, in West virginia, from 1995-1996.

renaissance Program, a joint effort among the

in addition to the Bachelor of Science in

university, major corporations, foundations and

Education he received from California, President

agencies of state and federal government to enhance

Watkins earned his Master of Arts in English from

the economic development of southwestern

West virginia university in 1955, and a Ph.d. in


English from the university of Pittsburgh in 1964.

President Watkins held several professional

He was a danforth Scholar during his time at Pitt.

offices during his career. He was state chair of the

He is married to Carole r. Watkins. the couple

Association of Pennsylvania State College and

has two children, John G. and Jennifer, and three

university Faculties, from 1970-1973; president of



Appearance of a name in this program is presumptive evidence of graduation, but it must not be regarded as conclusive. The transcript, issued through the University by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, sealed and signed by the proper authorities, is conclusive testimony to the possession of a degree.


Lindsay r. Gonsman dustin G. Harsch William B. Helmick ii Jessica Elizabeth Higbee tanya C. Kemp Barbara A. Kossecka Zachary tyler Krejdovsky Sara M. Micoli Jerome Elizabeth J. Perich James Pratt Jason Edward raimondi dean richmond Elizabeth victoria robb rachel Maryn roycroft Brittany L. Skoff Stephanie Ann Stotka Jason Edward torrance Joan F. trax Ashley Adametz trozzo rachel victor James Christopher Zackal

MASTER OF ARTS The Social Science Curriculum Alicia Beth donnelly Karmyn Michelle Gouch Kayla G. Jachimowski Brianna Leigh Kulp danielle L. Lapcevic robert A. Loranger iii danielle Lauren Petty dr. John Cencich Thesis: Rape Typologies and Behavioral Analysis of Sexual Assault When the Rapist Has Consumed Alcohol Ashley Plevelich Jillian C. russell Kaitlyn Elizabeth Walton Michael A. Wise

MASTER OF ARTS TEACHING The Advanced Studies in Secondary Education Curriculum daryl Carter Kevin Samuel Lawrence

MASTER OF EDUCATION The Administrative Program for K-12 Principals Curriculum Brian Alexander Allen Jonathan victor Barr tyler S. Barth Jennifer Ann Berdine Ashlee Boyle Kevin Brindle Brandon Matthew Bucher Makenzie Buhman Julie Ann Bunt Jaclyn n. Cicconi troy L. Conrad Matthew John dado Kaci daniels Brandy Lynn dietrich Cody L. dodson Megan Elizabeth dodson Stacey Lynn domer david raymond donahue david L. dunham rhonda L. Graham Melissa Jean Ellen Hall Justin douglas Hazelton Shawna Beth Hixson Jennifer Sue Hoffner Melissa Cristin Holman Jennifer L. Hoover Amanda Lynn Humes

The Math Certification Curriculum Angela M. Swan The Social Studies Certification Curriculum Aaron J. Carolla

MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Jessy Americo Elena Petrovna Antonenko tamlynn Ann Bachetti Logan denison Bannon Saima Bashir Kari G. Bedillion Amanda Marie Bono ryan Patrick Boudreau Justina nicole Culp reesa r. david Madeline Elizabeth davis Cynthia rose doppelhauer Marissa Alaine dreucci William t. Eleamos dennis William Evans Jr. natasha Ann Fabian tyler david Garcia Mariea J. Gigliotti


Mark James iannini Mark Jones Jason A. Kalish Matthew Kay Gregory vincent Kosciolek irene Esther Lanz Katelin Beth Lindrose Quinn Matz Kevin Shawn Maurer Carol Joy McCuen Jamie J. McPoyle rebecca Jane Miller Erin Kathryn Moran Frank Barton nagy Erika Ann newman Hancock Scott Matthew Patrick Brandon daniel Petras Jacquelyn ray Jared E. robinson Jennifer L. Sanzone Brandy Michelle Sawyer Lynthia S. Scott Michael F. Shymanski Marc thomas Silvetti Steven E. Skerbetz Monica A. tenerovich dominique J. thornhill Michael roy timcheck Jr. Chad Becker toporski Elisha F. towner Pospisil Brett Colby tozer timothy E. Walters Alexandra Leigh Warren Christopher Joseph Weakland Shannon Lee Wevodau

Elizabeth Marie rosner Cheryl Ann rush Lauren Elise Spang Braden timothy Stoy Patricia renee thomas Katherine Elizabeth Wichterman dennis roy Zellers The Reading Specialist Curriculum Alison renee Evans Alana C. Hixson Marissa Lynne Lichwa Megan Elizabeth McGrath tara M. rayman Catherine L. Sacco Courtney A. Swenglish Abigail K. White The School Counseling Curriculum Sara Marie McGraw Emily Jane Parker Lisa rae Parrish Alyssa danielle Patton Alissa Ashley Preston Elise Birch Sipe Kimberly A. Willis Krista Corrin Wineland The Teacher Education Curriculum Amanda Jo Andrews Sarah Ann Beresh Michelle Lee Carr tracy J. Ellsworth Amy Louise Geiser Annie L. Hunter Cynthia Jan Line Heather Malingowski Lee Ann needham Kerri Beth orzechowski Erika Christa ozoani Anna rudolph Angela Marie Schroeder Michelle M. Srednicki Brittany Ann vasko

The Elementary Education Curriculum Marisa Elise Conaway tiffany Marie Harris Kellee Meder Krystal Marie naples Jacqueline r. Platt The Elementary/Special Education – Dual Certification Curriculum Jill Ashley Gleason

The Technology Education Curriculum virginia K. Christy Lee Wilson deGraff Joshua Michael troutman Johnathan d. o'Brien Brandon M. Payne diana M. rickert Jason Waughtel

The Mentally Physically Handicapped Curriculum Ashley nicole Arison Amanda Patricia Bliss Jordan Elizabeth Bohna Carolyn Patricia Foley Bethany rose Frieri victoria Alicia Hunt Melissa Jane Lorenzi richard A. Martz Jr. Karen Quarture Sarah Elaine rizzutto


devin Braden Aye dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: Psychological and Physical Effects of Marijuana Dependency on Athletes dr. Marc Federico Joann Ayuso Research Project: The Effects of Hip Muscle Weakness with Hip Pain and Osteoporosis Alyssa C.A. Babcock Jerome Bacon iii dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Effects of Creatine Supplementation on Athletes and Non-Athletes Zachary Paul Bailey Lisa A. Ballas dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: Assessing the Psychological Conditions and Addictions that Increase Risk Factors for Patient Rhabdomyolysis Meg Barbarino dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Trigger Point Therapy for Pain Management Holly Barton ruth Bawden dr. Linda P. Meyer Annotated Bibliography: Does a Vegetarian Diet Affect Athletic Performance Angela renea Beckwith dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: Intermittent Fasting for Increased Health and Longevity: Is it Supported by the Research? Malynda rae Beeman Stephanie J. Belanger dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Yoga on Individuals with Eating Disorders Keli Ann Beres Sarah Elizabeth Bergstein Patricia theresa Berryman richard Bertie nicole Cristina Billak dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Incorporating Exercise Into Treatment Programs for Alzheimer’s Patients May Improve Their Symptoms Jarred M. Binner dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Efficacy and Design of Concussion Protocols Kaleb Shane Birney Kasey danielle Blankenship dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Factors Considered in the Prevention and Rehabilitation in ACL Tears in Females Lindsey M. Shaffer-Bloom dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Balance and Resistance Training Programs for Fall Prevention in Older Adults Cameron Gabriel Bocanegra dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: Alcohol Abuse Among Competitive Athletes: An In-Depth Look at the Reported Effects and Usage Levels Lisa Ann Bolton dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: The Effect of Psychology on Sports Injury and Rehabilitation donna Garrett Boltz dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: Using Mindfulness Training as a Sport Psychology Technique to Increase Athlete Flow State and Improve Athletic Performance

MASTER OF SCIENCE The Athletic Training Curriculum Anthony M. Passarette dr. Ellen West Thesis: The Relationship Between Personality Type and Job Satisfaction The Clinical Mental Health Counseling Curriculum Christina J. Chukwuedo tammy B. Copechal-Beach Martha Kendahl deSantis Cassie Marie Emery Laura Hernan-Ponte Katie Margaret Johnson Shara Lee Johnson Adam Michael Lotman daniel Jameson McGrew BreeAnne nicole Mehalko rachel K. Michaels Edwin H. Morris Amber Marie Preston Shannon Lynn riley Katie Marie Smaniotto Lorri A. Stiles Cindy E. Ware Steven Patrick Wilt Jessica Jo Yonkin The Exercise Science and Health Promotion Curriculum Kara nicole Abbott dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: Examining Concussive Outcomes and a Positive Correlation Between Depression and Concussion in Athletics Lindsay Marie Abrams dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Yoga on Chronic Lower Back Pain Kaleigh Alexandra Adkins dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Beneficial Effects of Kinesio Tape on Muscular Strength and Performance Akosua Amoa Akoto Christine Medellin Alarcon dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization Effects on Scar Tissue and Facial Restrictions Lishay Allen dr. Linda P. Meyer Annotated Bibliography: The Outcomes of Wellness Coaching Skills to Facilitate Smoking Cessation Behavior Change Matthew John Almeida dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Use of Different ACL Grafts and How it Affects Future ACL Tears Marcia Elice Anderson dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Diet and Exercise on Menopause taylor rae Arsenault Carl Jonathan Arts dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Long and Short Term Creatine Consumption Shannon Corey Austin dr. Linda P. Meyer Annotated Bibliography: The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Positive Self-Esteem in Children


Andrew douglas Booth dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: The Effects of Various Types of Physical Activity on Academic Performance dr. Marc Federico Aimee B. Bosley Research Project: Kinesio Tape Demonstrates Benefits Greater Than Foot Orthosis with Knee Pain Shannon Elizabeth Boston dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: Impact of Stability Training on Balance Control in Older Adults: A Review of the Literature tony d. Bridgewater Jr. Kyle thomas Briere dr. Marc Federico Annotated Bibliography: Rehabilitation and Assessment Strategies for Shoulder Dysfunctions Andrea Goerke Brooks dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training John J. Bruno Brittany Lynn Buchheit dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: Examining the Literature on Long-Term Psychological Effects of Multiple Concussions Susan Katharina Buol Barbara Anna Burriss dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Relationship between Yoga and Athletic Performance Edward Michael Butler danielle Clarise Butterworth Krista Linn Cahill dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Physical and Cognitive Effects of Natural Supplements with the Elderly Marissa Elon Caldwell dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Annotated Bibliography: Motivational Factors with Season Ending Injuries Britta r. Cammarata dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: Influence of Stress on College Freshman Megan nicole Campbell dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Prevention and Treatment of Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome in Athletes Matthew E. Carlin dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: Effect of Mindful-Meditation on Recovery from Substance Abuse Disorder Charles A. Carpentero Alfredo Carrillo dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: Addressing Overweight and Obesity in Youth and Children thomeisha K. Carter dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Effects of Massage Therapy on Physically Disabling Conditions Amanda M. Carvalho Corey Adam Carver dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: Effects of Exercise on Psychological Distress in War Veterans John d. Caulfield dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Effects of Altered Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip Complex Biomechanics on the Kinetic Chain Meghan Jean Chura Jessica dawn Clark Cassandra Clark dr. Marc Federico Thesis: Effects of Protein Supplementation on Strength Gains Within a Resistance Training Program

Acadia LeeAnn Clohesey dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Ergonomic Benefits of Sit Stand Workstations for Sedentary Workers James A. Coleman iii Kyle Cook dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Amanda Gina Coppola Literature Review: Psychological Issues Following Injuries of College Athletes James Costello dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: Optimum HIIT Protocols for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease Jimi rico Cox dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Weekly Strength Training Exercises will Increase, Maintain Bone Density in Females Kenneth d. Cox Jr. dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: The Effects of Circuit Training on Weight Loss ronald Paul Cramer iii dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: Alcohol Abuse Among Competitive Athletes: An In-Depth Look at the Reported Effects and Usage Levels Anthony r. Crawley dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Cryotherapy and Its Effect on Functionality Crystal L. Crook dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Interventions: A Review of Diagnosis and Treatment Outcomes Genevieve Elizabeth Crow Melanie Kissiah Cumbee Parker truman daniells dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: Role of Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count on Athletic Performance Brock James daniels Mitchell Paul davis Morgan Alysha davis Hugh vanCleave davis Jr. natalie Alicia deacon dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Game Field Surfaces on Knee Injuries Eric dempsey dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Time Efficient Exercise Intensity for Fat Loss todd Aaron demsky dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: How Flexibility is Best Applied to Performance Enhancement todd Alexander denman dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: Methods for Increasing Force Production in Baseball Players Jennifer A. diaz dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Use of Resistance and Aqua Therapy to Increase Rotator Cuff Strength danielle M. diMarco Britany Marie dinardo Michael C. djangali dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Extent of Physical Health’s Effect on Students’ (K-8) Academics Bobbie Morales domingo


dr. Marc Federico Amber Monique Frederick Research Project: Benefits Associated with Nutritional and Physical Fitness While Pregnant Brian John Gabriel dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Meditation on Depression Clark t. Gadd dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: The Effects of Power Training in Youth Jaynee Julia Galloway robert Gazso dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Effectiveness of Corticosteroid Injections for Chronic Shoulder Pain Gena Gerstner Kellie Meagan Gilmore Jason William Glass dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: Psychological Consequences of Concussions in Collegiate Athletes Jennifer M. Gleason dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training on an Athlete nathan Jeffrey Goddard dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Exercise Strategies to Reduce Low Back Pain and Increase Functional Performance Colt robert Goff dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: Sport Contributions to the Development of Aggression Joseph todd Gonzalez daniel William Gorman dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Effects of Adding Whole Body Vibration to a Regular Strength Training Program Eric d. Gorman Melissa Marie Gottschall dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Exercise on Stress and Anxiety for Adults Susan M. Gouin dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Effects of Exercise on Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Survivors Courtney Jacqueline Graf dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Altitude Training on Athletic Performance for College Athletes Michael thomas Green dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Effect of Cryotherapy Application After Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage Morgan t. Gregory Curtis J. Griffin dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: Training on Unstable Surfaces Versus Stable Surfaces Channing norris Groff Kyle Alexander Guay dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: The Differing Effects of Self-Myofascial Release Tools and Protocols on Subsequent Joint Mobility and Muscular Force Production Jorge L. Gutierrez Alison McCloskey Hall Jessica Lauren Hall-Chase dr. Marc Federico Annotated Bibliography: A New Approach to Cardiac Rehabilitation, High Intensity Versus Traditional Exercise Guidelines

dr. ronald Wagner Kevin Earl donahue Annotated Bibliography: A Direct Comparison Between Anthropometric and Hydrostatic Weighing Methods for Body Fat Measurements nicholas W. donalies Lyman C. drown dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Prophylactic Support on Ankle Injury Rates, Kinematics, and Cost Craig Matthew Edwards Alicia Egashira dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: Swimming-Related Injuries and Risk Factors ousaun trippe Elam dr. Marc Federico Annotated Bibliography: Exercise and Its Effect on Type II Diabetes darin E. Elkins Heather danielle Elser dr. Linda P. Meyer Annotated Bibliography: Optimizing Health for Patients with Cancer Through Exercise and Wellness Coaching John Michael Emig ii dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: Fluid Management: A Balancing Act for Life Marie Fajardo danielle Elizabeth Falance dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: Exercise as a Treatment for Depression Julie E. Falge dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: Using Psychosocial Intervention Strategies to Help with Rehabilitation of Injured Athletes Garrett Lee Fankhauser victoria t. Faulkner dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Effects of Exercise on Coronary Heart Disease daniel Feder dr. Marc Federico Research Project: An Evaluation of Protein Supplementation and Its Effects on Skeletal Muscle Andrea Ferko dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Group Fitness Classes for Senior Citizens Kayla L. Fields Kellilyn Fierras dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: Safety of Physical Activity for Pregnant Women Colin Middleton Fine dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: Identifying Individual Performance Impact Through the Coach-Athlete Relationship Perception and Leadership Actions diana M. Fishman Kellyn Jean Flanagan dr.Marc Federico Research Project: Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Performance and Recoverability Matthew randall Forbeck dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Overall Benefits of Exercise Dealing with the Functionality of the Human Body Akacia Marie Ford dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Treatment Options for Patellofemoral Joint Dislocations Ava danielle Ford dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: Training Aspects That Have the Greatest Impact on Injury Reduction and Improvements in Athletic Performance


daniel Minwoo Han dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: A Comparison of a Vegan Diet vs. an Omnivorous Diet for Performance of Athletes dr. Marc Federico Carrie A. Harbold Research Project: Analyzing Different Surgical Approaches During an ACL Reconstruction; Hamstring vs. Patellar Graft Kristen Elizabeth Harris dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries and Prevention Programs Christina nicole Harvey Sharonette Janene Headen Heidi Jo Hendrickson Katherine rebecca Henley dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Dynamic Stretching on Strength, Power, and Explosive Performance When Used Pre-Exercise rachel Heyer dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Effects of Resistance Training on Fall Occurrence of Women with Osteoporosis Julianne Elise Hezlep Allison Laura Hicks Karen Elizabeth Hill dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Strategies for Improving Range of Motion After a Total Knee Arthroplasty Michelle Lynette Hill Emery Elray Hill Jr. dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: Mental Training Usage by Professional Classical Ballet Dancers Brianna Lee Hiltey dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: Exercise Programs’ Effect on Pregnant Women Stacy dan'yelle Holmes Andrew Hong dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Effect of Caffeine Supplementation on Performance Katherine Paris Horner dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Effect of Glutamine Supplementation on Athletic Performance Jill r. Houtz timothy Shea Huening dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: Creatine Supplementation and Jump Power Performance in Athletes Jasmine Hull dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: Vegan and Vegetarian Diets for Individuals with Type II Diabetes robert t. Husted danielle nicole James dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Anxiety and Depression in Women Michelle Parkhurst Jeckel Jonathan david Johnson dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Effectiveness of Non-Traditional Exercise for Non-Specific Low-Back Pain taylor Evans Johnson dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Patellar Versus Hamstring Graft in ACL Reconstruction, Outcomes and Effectiveness thomas C. Johnson

Judson C. Jones dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: High Intensity Training and Health Benefits to Trainees Marquez L. Jones tiffany Y. Jones tyler Wallace Judkins dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: Post-Concussion Syndrome Kaila June dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Evaluating the Results of Periodization Interventions in Athletic Populations Gina nicole Kelley dr. Linda P. Meyer Annotated Bibliography: Can Wellness Coaching Enhance Emotional Intelligence for Improved Social Abilities? Bridgette Camille Kelly dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Physical Fitness on Academic Achievement Christine Mary Kelly dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Ankle Joint Mobilizations Improve Ankle Stability in Athletes with Chronic Ankle Instability Kaisa M. Keranen Lauren Ann King dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: Effects of Youth Involvement in Sports Shelby M. King Sara E. Kirby dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Effective Weight Loss Techniques for Physically Active Females tyler Christian Knudsen Elena M. Konas Madison Paige Konrad Megan E. Koons dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: The Effects of Hormonal Birth Control Pills on Female's Ability to Increase Muscle Mass with Resistance Training Mary Elizabeth Kopacki dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Kinesio Tape Effects on Neuromuscular Strength on Female Volleyball Players with Chronic Injuries Lorie tekiele Kornuta Aubrey nicole Kreitzmann daniel P. Kropf dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: The Role of Balance Training in Reducing the Risk of Lower Body Injuries in Athletes robyn Lynn Krueger Kintura Levon Kyle dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Core Training Improves Overall Musculoskeletal Function in Patients with Lower Back Pain Lauren Kaye Lackey dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Core Training on Athletic Performance Tests and Functional Performance Elvira Yumi Lafortune dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: Causes of Overuse Injuries in Youth Baseball Players ulises uriel Lagunas dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Alternate Methods of Treatment for Shoulder and Elbow Injuries in Baseball Players Melissa Mae Lantz dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Exercise on Women Throughout Pregnancy


Jessica Lynn Lazarski dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Effect of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching on Joint Range of Motion Gregory r. Lee dr. Marc Federico William Michael Leonard Research Project: Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) Effectiveness in Injury Treatment Management Marissa S. Leslie Leanne Levenduski dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: The Prevalence of ACL Reconstruction Graft Failure: Autograft vs. Allograft Sean douglas Light Albert Charles Lindon dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Creatine Supplementation as a Means to Speed Up Recovery from Injury Adam Patrick Linens dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Effects of Feedback Type on Knee Biomechanics Following Jump Landing Tasks Jennifer Lynn Lobodzic dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Effectiveness of Aquatic Exercise for Patients with Osteoarthritis Christi Marie Logan Alexander Joel Lopez dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Effects of Implementing Resistance Exercises into Rehabilitation Protocols Following Shoulder Pathology Lisa Lowe Jertavia Caprice Lyman Mark Wagner Mackey Brett Michael Mahlmeister Ammetta Kaur Malhotra dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Effects of Group Exercise on Program Adherence, Body Composition, and Core Strength Heidi M. Marshall dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Physical Activities on Youth Ashton n. Martin Seann Louis McArdle Julia Michele McCracken Kevin Patrick McCredie dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: The Effects of Aerobic and Strength Training on Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Kirkryan Alexander McFarland dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Examining the Physical and Psychological Benefits Physical Therapy Has on Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Lauren Maria McMillon dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Physical, Behavioral, and Cognitive Interventions in Managing Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis teresa Mcneely-Berkley daniel Austin Melita dr. Marc Federico Research Project: How a Sedentary Work Environment is Hurting Your Lower Back Mitchell J. Meszaros dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Etiology and Treatment of Neck and Back Pain in Office Workers Brittany Elizabeth Meyer Lauren Elizabeth Michels

Zachary Edward Mickey dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Research Project: Assessing the Long-Term Depressive Effects of Repetitive Brain Trauma in Athletics L. P. Miller dr. ronald Wagner James nathaniel Miller Annotated Bibliography: How Barefoot Running and Foot Placement Affect Running Economy tiffany Erin Miller dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Techniques and Their Effectiveness on Quality of Life Krystal M. Miner dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Parental Involvement on Childhood Body Mass Index Levels Elizabeth S. Mitchum dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: The Effects of Creatine Ingestion on Power Output Anthony Michael Moon dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Caffeine and Its Effect on Cognitive and Physical Performance Heidi Morel Eric Morganstern Cassandra nicole Mounts dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Effectiveness of Corrective Exercise Programs in Secondary Schools to Prevent Collegiate Injury Gwendolyn Murphy dr. Marc Federico Research Report: The Efficacy of Kinesio Tape as a Therapeutic Intervention for Acute Injuries Jeremy A. Mutchler dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Advantages of Using Short-Wave Diathermy for Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Amanda Marie naperski dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Effects of Concussion Testing in the Return to Play Guideline Decision Process timothy Quinton nease ii dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Foot Orthotic Inserts May Change Pain Levels with Any Muscular Pathology diane Lynn neilson dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: Effectiveness of Mind-Body Techniques to Reduce Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Kristi-Lee Anne nicol dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of a Resistance Training Program for Senior Golfers Jennifer B. noll dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Key Elements Treating and Preventing Chronic Disease: Diet, Exercise, and Supplementation Colleen normile Kimberly Ann o'Brien Patrick James o'driscoll dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: The Role of PNF Stretching in Soccer nicole M. odrobina dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Physical Education on Educational Outcomes Matthew ikaika okada Swift dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: Psychological Effects on Athletic Performance Hannah dagny olken


Christopher oppenlander Adrianne M. ortiz Matthew J. oster dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: Excessive Pronation: Effects on Lower Limb and Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip Complex Function and Alignment Jesse James Padgett Alberto Padilla dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Platelet Rich Plasma and Autologous Injections are Used to Treat Epicondylitis Katherine Frances Parent Janice Ann Pepe dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Exercise and Training Effect on Individuals Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis Stephanie Marie Perry Carrie Pine Megan ryan Porter dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: Shin Splint Prevalence Between Genders Cynthia S. Powell dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: How Does Student Use of Technology Impact Posture in Elementary and Middle School Children? Amber Yvette Pryor dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Biomechanics of Prosthetic Athletes and Their Effects on Sports Sally Weeks randall Kimberly A. ransom dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: Childhood Obesity and Sports Participation Shane E. ratcliff dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Effects of Resistance Training on Cognitive Function Joseph ratti Sarah nichole reese Jedidiah F. relph dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Exercise on the Cognitive Performance of Older Adults Hazel diane reyes dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: Alcohol and Marijuana Use Amount High School Athletes: An In-Depth Look at Stress Related Coping Strategies Seth Ean rhed Megan Lynn roach Bradley Stuart robertson dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: The Effects on Strength and Performance Post ACL Reconstructive Surgery Elizabeth Cheryl rock Zsachlayne Marie roguska dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Effects of Corrective Exercise and Prevention Protocols in Preventing Future ACL Injuries Scott K. rollins Jason theodore romano dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: The Rate and Incidence of Injury in Competitive Career Weightlifters with Regard to Training and Competition Sarah Elizabeth rosenbaum dr. Marc Federico Annotated Bibliography: The Use of Animal-Assisted Therapy to Improve Outcome Measures

Julie A. ross dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: Does Creatine Enhance Athletic Performance? Phillip J. roundtree david Michael rynecki Kelly Sabo dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: How to Motivate Today’s Athletes Jennifer Schambura dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: Breathing, Mindfulness, Meditation, and Guided Imagery: Are Psychological Interventions Viable Forms of Treatment for Depression? Kristen noelle Schoeffel Melisa Ellen Sharek Courtney Elizabeth Shearin dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Equine-Assisted Therapy and the Effectiveness of Motor Control in Cerebral Palsy Patients Jeremy Caleb Sheppard dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Effective ACL Injury Prevention Program Strategies Sarah Finnerty Short dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: Effects of Imagery on Flow State in Athletes Charles Andrew Silber Michael James Silva daniel Patrick Skelton dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Influence of Myofascial Release on Muscle Pain devin Michael Ellery Skinner dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Effectiveness of Cold Whirlpool and Contrast Whirlpool for Recovery After Exercise Faith Maya Angela Slater dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Physical Health and Fitness of Foster Care Alumni Compared to General Population Shaun M. Snee Benjamin n. Stahle dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Treating ACL Injuries and Deciding the Best Option Steven Steichen dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: Great Ways to Enhance Speed Performance in Athletes Ann Cherrington Stevens dr. Benjamin reuter Research Project: Dehydration and Rehydration: The Effect on Athletic Performance and the Athlete Megan P. Storey Amanda Lynn Strauch dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: Efficacy of Exercise for Chronic Inflammatory Autoimmune Arthritis Erica Ann Strecker dr.Marc Federico Research Project: Effects of Resistance and Cardio Training on Cardiovascular Disease Sarah Kate Strefling dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Creatine Supplementation on Athletic Performance darren M. Stroh dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Patella Femoral Knee Pain and the Effects of Isolation Exercises daniel robert Strohecker dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Effectiveness of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for Treating Soft Tissue Injuries


Kevin tackett dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Childhood Obesity on Health in Adults dr. Marc Federico Bryan Wiley taylor Research Project: Soccer Performance and the Effects of Plyometric Training Programs Eric J. temple dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: Sleep Deprivation Effects on Performance robert Lawrence terrell Carol Lynne teteak Stacey H. thompson dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Neuromuscular Efficiency Training (NET) Program to Decrease Injury & Improve Athletic Performance Aimee thompson dr. Marc Federico Research Project: The Therapeutic Use of Kinesiology Tape natalie Ann toman donald E. trapp Fafa tsikata dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Literature Review: Psychological Effects of Post-Concussion Syndrome Julie tucker terrance tyrrell turner dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Chiropractic Manipulation is the Best Practice for Pain Relief in Lumbar Stenosis Kyle Yoshio turner Brandi Marie valerio dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Effects of Ankle Stabilizers on Athletic Performance Elizabeth Morgan velazquez Ciara nicole verón dr. Linda P. Meyer Annotated Bibliography: What are the Effects of Health and Wellness Coaching on Stress Management? Augustin Hill viani dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: Effects on Lower Extremity Kinematics & Performance: Semitendinosus-Gracilis Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Joshua Scott Walters Joshua J. Ward Brittany Lyne Watts dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: The Effects of Exercise on Pregnancy Heather Weber dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: Increasing Strength in People with Rheumatoid Arthritis Chapin Christin Wehde dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Conservative Methods Versus Invasive Intervention for Patients with Subacromial Impingement Syndrome richelle Elizabeth Wescott djuanna L.M. West dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: Yoga Therapy: A Treatment Protocol for Pain in Individuals with Fibromyalgia and Multiple Sclerosis Melissa ruddick Wilkerson Aaron v. Williams Brent L. Williams dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: The Effects of Physical Education on Leisure Time Physical Activity

Abigail Jean Wills dr. Marc Federico Research Project: Cognitive Effects of Caffeine on Athletic Performance dr. Marc Federico Sarah Elizabeth Wilson Research Project: Effective Treatment of Shoulder Pathologies Using Low Level Laser Therapy Latonya Annette Wise dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: The Effects of Strength Training Children and Adolescents david J. Wixson dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Research Project: The Mind’s Influence on Gold Performance Courtney n. Wohlwend dr. ronald Wagner Annotated Bibliography: Non-Contact ACL Injuries and the Use of Ankle Supports Kristina Marie Wolfrom dr. Marc Federico Research Report: Surgical and Rehabilitation Techniques: Their Impact on Re-injury of the ACL Jason ross Wood dr. Joni L. Cramer roh Annotated Bibliography: The Effects of Stress on College Athletes John robert Wood dr. Marc Federico Annotated Bibliography: Early Intervention Physical Therapy Improves Motor Development in Preterm Infants Amanda May Young dr. Carol M. Biddington Literature Review: Injury Rate and Injury Prevention for Military Personnel The Legal Studies Curriculum Evan Patrick Browne Marianne Marie durkin tiffany d. Eisenman Earnest L. Frazier Jonathan d. Hile Michael Anthony Horvath Laura Johnson Hummell Breanne nicole Hynek Erin Lois Jackson Cynthia Marie Johnson Michael thomas Kirk deborah Lapponi Lynette Mariner Craig J. Miller reagan A. Moore Eliot E. Schmidt iasha K. Stone Brittany L. taylor raShon Louise taylor danielle Aminda Williams


The School Psychology Curriculum Jordyn Alexis demniak Amanda L. Halterman Kara M. Hertzberg nicole M. Price Susan A. thatcher

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Amanda Sue Ellen Abel dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: Updating Alarm Management in Critical Care Units to Comply with New National Patient Safety Standards donna M. Cahall dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: Perioperative Professional Team Building and Communication Improvement Strategies to Enhance the Patient Experience Karen J. Camesi dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: Establishing a Hospice Quality Reporting Program to Ensure Compliance with New Medicare Regulations olivia Claire Kaczynski dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: Creating Surgeon Preference Cards for a Free Standing Health and Wellness Center tina Marie Keener dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: Development and Management of a Pressure Ulcer Prevention Program at a Skilled Nursing Facility Amber P. Kister dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: Improving the Nurse Orientation Program at a Community Hospital to Enhance Nursing Retention Christopher Andrew Kramer dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: Determining Extubation Readiness and Preparation Using a Checklist Among Intubated Pediatric Patients renee dale Loar dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: Development of a Clinical Staff Orientation Process in a Health System’s Expanded Occupational Medicine Department Antonio Malito dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: Development of Clinical Alarm Policies at an Acute Care Hospital to Comply with the Joint Commission’s New National Patient Safety Goal James Joseph Malkowiak dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: Implementation of Bedside Report Between Post-Anesthesia Care Unit and Inpatient Orthopedic Unit Staff Nurses Using Facetime James Alan McPhilomy Jr. dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: Restructuring Patient Flow Throughout the Outpatient Radiology Department to Increase Patient Safety and Satisfaction Mary Ellen Moore-Hale dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: Teamwork Approach to Creating a Healthy Work Environment; Promoting Mutual Respect Between RN’s and Clinical Assistants on an Inpatient Medical-Surgical Unit Colleen Ann Patton dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: Testing and Recommendation of Advanced Technological Teaching Software for Faculty of an Associate Degree Nursing Program to Ultimately Impact Students’ Retention and Learning Engagement Sherri L. Sawders dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: Development of Nurse-Driven Interventions to Decrease Hospital Acquired Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections in Patients on a Medical-Surgical Unit

The Sport Management Studies Curriculum tysha Yvette Austin Kellie Lynn Ayres Josh A. Baker Joseph L. Beachem Matthew Blymier William H. Brown tyler Edward Care Alison Carney Bradley r. Cashman Jr. Amy Beth Cotter dominique Marie deFrain Francis J. diCarlo Jr. timothy Michael dugan Andrew nelson dunn Preston Scott Fleck Michael r. Freeman victoria M. Gentile Brianne rebecca Globig Kimberlee Ann Gomber Amy L. Grande neil A. Hanes Kathryn E. Hanes-romano Broc Alexander Hazlet Justin M. James Amelia Jenae Leles Sean Joseph Marren James Anthony Mason rebecca M. May Alan Josef Meininghaus Andrea Lyn Mortimer William James nicholson Alexander Gregory oshinsky Curtis Leroy Perry John Luke Popovich Miles C. Porter Jason M. rhine daniel Warren rucker derrick russell Shayne Ashley Shiomi Casey Marian Slack Jordan Smith Zachary Smith Laura Caroline Spell Kyle Phillip Spencer Josh dillen Stratton Kamau Street Matthew tyler tyson Kevin Joseph Wanichko Krystal L. Williams Andrew James Woodley Amber Katelynn Yasack


dr. Mary A. o’Connor Jamie Elaine Scalise Capstone Practicum Project: Increasing Patient Mobility on an Inpatient Medical Unit to Decrease Length of Stay and Falls Michelle Lynn Scott dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: Using Sacred 60 Rounding to Improve Press Ganey Scores Related to Communicating Pre-Surgical Delays to Outpatients Patricia Marie Snyder dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: Development of Physician Approved Nurse-Driven Protocols to Manage Hospital-Acquired Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) Gretchen Maria Stevens-ngaruiya dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: Development of Staff Competencies, Practices, and Policies to Prevent Urinary Tract Infection in Long-Term Care Patients Loyce AnnMarie Striggow dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: Redefining Job Descriptions of the RN Case Manager and LPN Care Coordinator Within the Medical Management Section at a Military Treatment Facility Susan Ann Svec dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: The Design Evolution of a Professional Practice Model for Nurses at a Tertiary Care Center Kristen dawn verost dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: Redesigning the Case Management Assessment Tool for a Medical Assistance (Medicaid) Managed Care Plan Organization therese Marie Wilson dr. Mary A. o’Connor Capstone Practicum Project: Developing a Bedside Report Process that Involves Patients and Nurses and Improves Communication and the Hand Off of Patient Care

MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK natalie M. deHaas Haley nicole Lichtenfels Yvonne renee Lyon nicholas Michael Marhefka Kealsey Brennan Mcneil Meredith Alexandra Medich Pamela M. Mwiinde Paul r. Paxton Lindsey J. Peden Jennifer robsinson tara Aymber rose roffis Connie d. ruffalo


UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES Dr. Kevin A. Koury, Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION John thomas Bartram iii Jared Matthew Beadle Jonathan Anthony Boscan Janice G. Camut Heather Jo Chury Lauren Condy Paula douds danielle Elizabeth Eakin Bradly Scott Ferguson tessa Marie Foschia Cassandra nicole Fuller Melissa J. Galehan Cody James Gibson Joseph S. Harbulak iii tanner E. Jesso Brittney nicole Jones Eric John Kostelac ii Brianna Kate Mildren Sara Bethann Miller Jesse danielle nowak todd M. Pesavento Samantha Linn Pletcher Joshua Joseph Pollock Kelsey Elizabeth Powers Joseph Quade Hayley Erin robertson veronica Elizabeth Sciulli Marielle Elayne Silvio taleena nicole Smith Kayla Steele Lauren n. Stevens Sara Elizabeth Stuart Jessica M. Sullivan Sara L. Swaney Zachary M. Szczerba Matthew r. very BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Matthew G. Arcuri Samantha J. Ashley Adam d. Atherton Melissa S. Barbacow Joshua L. Barnes Lauren Jennifer Behory Emily nicole Beitzel Lauren Christine Blythe taylor Marie Boccella Zachary M. Bolland nicole Christine Brajdic daniel Martin Braun Jr.

Samantha J. Brickley Brad Christopher Buttermore Chelsea taylor Carison Peter Laurence Carter Josh r. Caton Katherine Anne Chaklos Steven P. Corazzi Jordyn Lia d'Alessandro John r. daniloski rohan vashaun davey Jennifer davis tessa Lane davis Kacy Alexa dean Andrew W. del Pinto Stacy deville Aminata F. diaoune daniel Joseph Egan Mitchell Scott Fernandez Alicia Fillerup dylan W. Firmstone Kelly M. Fitterer Melissa Joy Frick Anika M. Gaar Erica M. Gambino Emily Ann Gaska rhiannon M. George Juan Francisco Gonzalez thomas L. Graw Lacey Jolene Greeley Amanda nicole Gross daniel Guerra Adam J. Haddad Jonathon Andrew Hays nicholas Paul Heilmann Jesse Lee Heubel Jacqueline Elizabeth Hume Christopher t. James Brianne Abrile Jenkins Stephanie McKenzie Johnson Chelsea Elizabeth Jones victoria Elizabeth Kaiser James r. Kalavik nicole Kemmerling Andrew t. King Molly dianne Leader tyler P. Leenknecht Kim A. Lehmann terri Lynn Lincoln Matthew M. Lyons John r. McConnell trent McCullough Shane William McGarr Matthew t. McGrath ryan Patrick McLaughlin Brittany Gagliani Mears Eric Andrew Miller Marissa M. Miller

Christopher Gregory Mitko Gina Lynn Moore Samuel Malcolm Moore Jared C. Morrison Jamie Lynn Moss Kelli Ann naper Keri Elizabeth neiswender Augustina notarianni Cody nuzzo Andres vicente Panlasigui Alli M. Paratore Crystal Michelle Pelling Sara Marjean Perkins Matthew richard Pfeifer Eric t. Price Zachary Scott raines Christopher Cody ransier ryan Christopher reeves Matthew david renshaw Stephanie L. richards Mariah Lynn robertson Corey Adam robert James robinson Kirsti Elizabeth roesner Brendan James rue Ashley Lynn ruffa Shane J. rynkowski Sunita Sama Erika Kaitlyn Sciulli daniel Shaffer Sara Ann Shearn nicole Marie Smith Samantha Jo Smith Carly Matilda Sommer Bryan Matthew Stefanik Kevin Francis Stenn Adam Sullivan Evette J. Synuria Zachary George tarella Christopher James thompson Christopher G. tull Patrick Michael Walker Kimberly May Wallower Alex Joseph Watson Maegan Weisberg Ajee Wells-Eiland Ashley dee Weyant Katie Lynn Wisilosky Brett Woleben Christian James Zavinski daniel J. Zwick


BACHELOR OF SOCIAL WORK derek r. Anderson dalton E. Bercosky dana M. Bucy Samantha Lynn Clark Courtney Ann downey Kelsey Ann Hostetler Heather Lynn Lieb Mechelle Burch Marafon Angela K. Marr Erica deAnn Mellott rachel M. nauman Ashley B. templeton Cari E. Wilson ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE Lynnette Ann Allison

THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Dr. Mohamed Yamba, Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Marisa d. Anthony Hannah Elizabeth Bailie Shelby Adele Bischoff dana Y. Bisnowaty rachel A. Breisinger Kirstie Bruno Emily Elizabeth Buriak Stephon dontay Burnam Shannon M. Cain Christina Caruso Brittany E. Chandler Kyle A. Christensen dominic Joseph Colombo Eric A. Conjeski Zachary Keith dillow Leonard A. dinger Jocqua Jone`t Espino duncan iesha dionne Eddins Bernard Jordan Emery Stephen neal Fortunato nathan S. Funk Melissa Godoy timothy Jacob Grose Mary Lynn Harmon Colby James Hershberger Marina Lindsey Hill taylor M. Hostal Joshua david Howell Mark Johnson William A. Johnson iii Jonathan t. Klein

Kerriann Kennelly Corey J. Koenig Adam david Kubizna John Patrick McLaughlin Mark Lee McShane Jr. darly darline Mervius Carly Miller donald Keith Morris Joshua Brian nowak Christina M. ober Asa Elijah ott Baby Jessi Lee Parker Jeffrey nicholas Parrish iii derek Allen Partozoti Monica Grace Paterra Shayquanna J. Player dara L. reeves Alana renee resanovich Skyler Hugh rittle Bethany rachel romano Joshua Joseph Sebrosky Andrew todd Shulenberger natasha S. Smith Christie Soukup Karly L. Steele Kodey Suomela Lynsey dawn Szymarek ian Logan Wood BACHELOR OF ARTS nicholas Jon Barilla Kristen E. Bates Karly Lynn Bennett Michelle Lee Berish Shane Anthony Bocchi rachael A. Boff travis dalton Brant Evan A. Brnich dylan n. Brody Carolyn Marie Brown tiffany Marie Brown daniel J. Burkwit Shannon M. Cain Kacy L. Capozzoli Christina Caruso Christina J. Causer devon Elisabeth Chappel Brittany E. Chandler rachel Lynne Chir Charles James Conrad renee Crisci Samar H. dajani thomas J. davies Kelly Michelle davison Kimberly Ann deabner Jill Christina denk Molly Faith diethorn Jon Corby difilippo Larry Sylvester dockery Gary van Evans

Peter Farabaugh Justine nicole Fartini Marissa Katelyn Fouser natalie Marie Gajski robert J. Ganzy Michael Carl Gendle Michelle r. Gillen Koreena B. Gindlesperger Kristopher ryan Grady Kenneth Eugene Gustafson iii Keenan Andrew Hallas Cameron v. Hall Lauren renee` Hamilton Jessica Karen Harvey Brittney nicole Jones Amanda L. Kahwajy Zachary J. Katonik Laura t. Keogh Hillary Faye King Ashlee rae Kirkwood Katelyn A. Klenk uliana Kuti Jason Marchewka Sarah Elizabeth Martik Mary Frances Martin Sean robert McKaveney John M. Milan Karen L. Miller Marissa Ashlyn Miller thomas Edward Mimidis Paige Lynease Moody Georgina Leigh Moss Amanda Lynne neuner Scott J. newman Abby Jordan nichter Kyle david norman Sarah E. osko dennis Frank ozzello Adonah Lynn Perry Bethany Alizabeth Proud Creighton t. rabs Lucie rey Alexa Brianna rohaley Bethany rachel romano Courtney Lynn Salmon danielle M. Santoriello Spenser Leigh Scott Joshua Joseph Sebrosky Julian Sepesky Jessica Shields Melissa M. Sivaram Kathryn Anne Smith John William Sproul Jessica Willow Stanley timothy B. Szalkay Frank Andrew taucher Collin Michael tokarsky timothy W. toth daniel Gary trimbur Corey Joseph turner

Courtney Marie Wagner dennis Martin Wareham Zachary J. Whalen Kierstin nicole Whysong Brittany romell Wilson Kayla Jocelyn Wilson Morgan r. Wilson ASSOCIATE OF ARTS James C. Proctor

THE EBERLY COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Dr. John R. Kallis, Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ryan Evan Adams Justin M. Allen Shawn n. Anderson Christopher Michael Arendash Linnie Kristin Baierbach Katlin Suzanne Bailey richard K. Baldwin Jr. Melissa Ballard tess Leone Bansavage Kasey B. Beaudin Alysia Marie Binger dana Y. Bisnowaty Jordan M. Blanc Sarah Elizabeth Bledsoe Jesse Michael Boff radhouane Boubaya Susan Michelle Bratton Erik Benjamin Brown Adam Graydon Buckholz dana Lee Burkovich ryan Scott Butela Stacy Jean Cadman Margaret Jane Campagna Kacee Lynn Caster Michael Anthony Cecere v Sarah A. Chattin Jacob Bruno Clara Jacklyn Jane Classic Bradley A. Colvin Alyssa nicole Corless Krista Lynn Costanza Chad Brian Crockett dustin ryan dammeyer Zello W. davis iii Jon Michael deLorenzo deidra Jordan deMoss nickolas Allen derico Andrew M. dieffenbach Spencer Scott dietrich david Michael drescher Eric Charles dresser Bradley t. dudich


Lynnlee Elizabeth duller tara rae Eimer Ashley Lynn Elliott Ethan thomas Evans Abby J. Evanuik Amy theresa Fabery Joshua James Famularo Adam Shelby Ferguson Karlee rae Ferguson thaddeus david Frankowski Brent david Frontino Melanie rae Gabage tyler robert Galata Kevin Phillip Getty dominic Joseph Gibbons Andrew Joseph Glover Joshua dean Good Carl Scott Greenlee Sean Micheal Grivna Stephanie Margaret Gumbert derek M. Haiden Heather nicole Hebert ryan Michael Hedglen Kevin Joseph Helbig Alisha dawn Helsley Jennifer rebecca Henry Paul Edward Herrle Angela Blossom Hlatky Christopher James Hunkele Steven dean Hurley John Philip Janesko Jr. thomas Francis Jaworske iii Jessan Jeffries Mary Elizabeth Johnson david Benjamin Jones Christopher William Karns Maria Ashley Kilmartin Amy Lynn King Matthew Allen Kisamore deven rae Koontz Kody Alan Koser thomas Edward Krupa Adam david Kubizna Shane Allan LaBarge valerie Lyn Lazar Adam robert Leech taji rahsaun Lining Logan d. Lowanse Jeremy david Maiman Steven Edward Markoff Capri Johnelle Mateer John William McClinton Ashley rosella McGinnis olivia Mendlowitz Matthew Gabriel Messerly Philip A. Miceli Anthony Michael Michelucci Monique Marie Minniti Matthew david Miranda Michael Pierino Moeslein

Haley nicole Murray April Carroll nardi Jason Stuart nash Patrik M. natali nicholas Andrew necciai Zackery taylor noel oluchi nwadimma onwuvuche Alexander ryan ott Emily Katlynn otto daniel A. Pale Calvin Laceda Panghulan david Wayne Partin Alyssa M. Peck Annamarie Perry-Purcell Amanda Ann Peterson Matthew richard Pfeifer Gail terese Pierce Alison Marie Pijar Scott Hayes Pinney Ethan r. Plummer Emily A. Pollock Christopher Priore ii rebecca Gabrielle rhoades rachel Allison riddell Cynthia H. roche Zachary delbert rockwell david Michael ross Britany A. ruffcorn Matthew Louis rutledge Joyce Eileen Salizzoni Cheryl L. Savino dimitri robert Sawka Caitlin Marie Schmidt robert Paul Schwab Steve thomas Secleter thomas John Seifried Jr. Kyle Andrew Sezawich Elisha nicole Sharik Erica Anne Sharik Caris LeMae Sibert Jennifer Marie Stephens ryan douglas Stofko Sean d. Suchevits nicholas P. tabish Emily ruth taylor Kieth taylor Jr. Aaron L. tressler Jayme Lee tringes racquel Lynn underwood Aaron P. volpe Glaston Kokou vossah Lu Quan d. Walker nancy A. Walsh danielle Alyssa Weight Julia Kathryn Welsbacher Bethann M. Wilson Michael r. Winter Jonathan Alexander Wisz Justin david Yanichko Michael Lee Zatta

Sarah Marie Zavatski Matthew ryan Zemba Amber Lynn Zinski BACHELOR OF ARTS Kacee Lynn Caster danielle Patricia Civis Meagan Maria Connelly Melina terrie Corkos Craig Allen Cruley Jared thomas dolde Ellie Kaye Gass Joseph S. Harbulak iii Matthew J. Kaminski Evan nowak Sarah rene Sandin nathan Wayne Stephenson Michelle A. Suriano

Marine denise nathalie verchere Paige McKenzie Williams BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Jared robert Ague Kimberly Anne Alonso Kari Marie Bachorski Clarese M. Basile Heather nicole Bichler Andrea C. Bowers Sarah E. Bowman Sean Patrick Bryan Cortney M. Bryant-Brock trisha Michele Carroll Belinda Kay Clark Meghan Elizabeth Costa Brandon C. Coury Paula Cappellini Coville Sarah Beth Cox James E. Crouse Lacie deAnn danylo tiffany Lynn devine Lori M. Eltringham robyn Leigh Fabian Patricia Ann Feineigle Kenzie r. Furlong George L. Gallatin iii Kristin Leigh Gorny-Kurhansky Peter Gregory Hamilton Shannon Marie Hampsay Heather Pauline Harford Erin Patricia Haschets Maria Monier Hatam Crystal A. Hawthorne Kylee rae Heck tracy Ann Hughes Jessica delores Humann Brandy Lynn ice Kimberly Lynn Jackson Jeffrey Allen Janick tina King-Pemberton

Emily nicole Koban Megan Joyce Komar Steven Kramer Ashley victoria Kruth victoria Jean Lako Colleen M. Leonard rebecca Ann Loughner Ada Mbai Michelle Lynn Mcintyre Ashley Susanne Midler

ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE nicholaus S. Adams Margaret Jane Campagna George C. Chory Sean Micheal Grivna derek M. Haiden Jayson Andrew Kacmar Michael Pierino Moeslein Ethan r. Plummer

tamara nadine Miles-McKamey


Jenell Ann Miller Kimberly S. Miller Jessica Ann Mitchell Maria n. Monahan Alyssa Maria neri Ashley Selena nicolaus Amber njoya Ashley L. novacek Chidiogo Carole nwokike Lindsay nicole outrich Amy Lynn Perkins trinh Mong Pham Martha Phoenix rebecca Lynn Pirozzi Kandyce Marie Proia Sally Jane rehak Janet Ann ries Kristen renee rusnak-Jordan Bethany Michelle Sacks Lindsey Marie Seremet Mahdieh Shamsi Ann Marie Shaughnessy darcy Lynn Shiner Adam Patrick Shinsky Kimberly L. Smartnick Marsha A. Sneddon John Wesley Snider Jessica Lynn Stahl Shannon A. Stehle Amanda Elizabeth Stover tony Josiah tennis Christina M. thomas Emily Marie tokarczyk Lainey Joy White Sheree Lynn Wild torrey dennis Witt Jennifer Arlene Woodcook


Commencement Honors are awarded to students in the graduating class who have earned at least 60 credits at California University in a baccalaureate degree program and achieved the required QPA of 3.25 or higher. Credits, grades and quality points earned as part of a previously completed associate or first degree, unless earned at the University, are not used to calculate Commencement Honors designations. Final eligibility for, or the level of, graduation honors will be determined following the posting of grades for the final semester at California University of Pennsylvania and will be reflected on the official California University of Pennsylvania transcript.

HONORS SUMMA CUM LAUDE 3.75—4.00 Black, Red and White Cord Marisa d. Anthony Katlin Bailey Lauren Jennifer Behory radhouane Boubaya daniel Martin Braun Jr. Carolyn Marie Brown Kirstie Bruno dana M. Bucy Stacy Jean Cadman rachel Lynne Chir Kyle A. Christensen Bradley A. Colvin Jordyn Lia d'Alessandro Kimberly Ann deabner Andrew M. dieffenbach

Christopher t. James Chelsea Elizabeth Jones Katelyn A. Klenk deven rae Koontz Eric John Kostelac ii Logan d. Lowanse Angela K. Marr Sarah Elizabeth Martik Gina Lynn Moore donald Keith Morris Jared C. Morrison Jason Stuart nash Augustina notarianni Asa Elijah ott Emily Katlynn otto

Jon Corby difilippo Paula douds Eric Charles dresser Mitchell Scott Fernandez Kelly M. Fitterer tessa Marie Foschia Melissa Frick Ellie Kaye Gass Cody James Gibson Joshua dean Good timothy Jacob Grose Joseph S. Harbulak iii Jonathon Andrew Hays nicholas Paul Heilmann Paul Edward Herrle

todd M. Pesavento Gail terese Pierce Kelsey Elizabeth Powers Joseph Quade Christopher Cody ransier Joyce Eileen Salizzoni Marielle Elayne Silvio Melissa M. Sivaram nathan Wayne Stephenson Sara Elizabeth Stuart Jessica M. Sullivan Kimberly May Wallower dennis Martin Wareham Ashley dee Weyant

MAGNA CUM LAUDE 3.50—3.74 Black and Red Cord Adam d. Atherton John thomas Bartram iii Emily nicole Beitzel Karly Lynn Bennett Jonathan Anthony Boscan nicole Christine Brajdic Adam Graydon Buckholz Emily Elizabeth Buriak Brittany E. Chandler Samantha Lynn Clark Melina terrie Corkos Jon Michael deLorenzo deidra Jordan deMoss Stacy deville Courtney Ann downey Abby J. Evanuik Alicia Fillerup

Marissa Katelyn Fouser Melanie rae Gabage natalie Marie Gajski Melissa J. Galehan Keenan Andrew Hallas Kylee rae Heck Kelsey Ann Hostetler Joshua david Howell Jacqueline Elizabeth Hume tanner E. Jesso Stephanie McKenzie Johnson Brittney nicole Jones Amanda L. Kahwajy James r. Kalavik Christopher William Karns Jonathan t. Klein Shane Allan LaBarge

Molly dianne Leader Heather Lynn Lieb John r. McConnell Brittany Gagliani Mears olivia Mendlowitz Philip A. Miceli Ashley Susanne Midler Sara Bethann Miller Keri Elizabeth neiswender Jesse danielle nowak Samantha Linn Pletcher Creighton t. rabs Lucie rey Stephanie L. richards rachel Allison riddell Hayley Erin robertson Bethany rachel romano


Brendan James rue Shane J. rynkowski Courtney Lynn Salmon danielle M. Santoriello Erika Kaitlyn Sciulli Caris LeMae Sibert taleena nicole Smith Karly L. Steele Lauren n. Stevens Kodey Suomela

Marine denise nathalie verchere Alex Joseph Watson Bethann M. Wilson Brett Woleben

CUM LAUDE 3.25—3.49 Red Cord ryan Evan Adams Samantha J. Ashley Hannah Elizabeth Bailie tess Leone Bansavage Kristen E. Bates Jared Matthew Beadle Alysia Marie Binger Shelby Adele Bischoff tiffany Marie Brown dana Lee Burkovich Shannon M. Cain Janice G. Camut Kacee Lynn Caster Christina J. Causer Heather Jo Chury Eric A. Conjeski renee Crisci Chad Brian Crockett thomas J. davies

tessa Lane davis Kacy Alexa dean Andrew W. del Pinto Spencer Scott dietrich Karlee rae Ferguson Cassandra nicole Fuller Anika M. Gaar Erica M. Gambino rhiannon M. George Lacey Jolene Greeley Adam J. Haddad Colby James Hershberger Jesse Lee Heubel Christopher James Hunkele Brianne Abrile Jenkins Laura t. Keogh Adam david Kubizna Kim A. Lehmann terri Lynn Lincoln

Jeremy david Maiman Steven Edward Markoff Carly Miller Matthew david Miranda Samuel Malcolm Moore Amanda Lynne neuner Ashley Selena nicolaus Monica Grace Paterra Crystal Michelle Pelling Annamarie Perry-Purcell Matthew richard Pfeifer Shayquanna J. Player Emily A. Pollock Joshua Joseph Pollock rebecca Gabrielle rhoades Corey Adam robert James robinson Sunita Sama Sarah rene Sandin veronica Elizabeth Sciulli


Steve thomas Secleter Kimberly L. Smartnick Samantha Jo Smith Adam Sullivan Sara L. Swaney Evette J. Synuria Zachary M. Szczerba Matthew r. very Aaron P. volpe Courtney Marie Wagner Ajee Wells-Eiland Julia Kathryn Welsbacher Kierstin nicole Whysong Brittany romell Wilson Cari E. Wilson Matthew ryan Zemba daniel J. Zwick

Members of the Graduating Class Elected to National Honorary Societies GAMMA SIGMA ALPHA National Academic Greek Honor Society Samantha Lynn Clark Alison Marie Pijar

ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA National Honor Society for First Year Students Adam Graydon Buckholz Jordyn Lia d’Alessandro Melissa Frick Ellie Kaye Gass Joshua dean Good Katelyn A. Klenk Shane Allan LaBarge Shayquanna J. Player

KAPPA DELTA PI International Honor Society in Education danielle Elizabeth Eakin Marielle Elayne Silvio

ALPHA PHI SIGMA National Criminal Justice Honor Society Emily Elizabeth Buriak

KAPPA KAPPA PSI Honorary Band Fraternity Shelby Adele Bischoff ian Logan Wood

ALPHA PSI OMEGA National Honorary Theatre Fraternity Sarah Elizabeth Martik

LAMBDA PI ETA Honor Society of the National Communication Association Kimberly Ann deabner Jon Corby difilippo Hillary Faye King

BETA BETA BETA National Biological and Life Sciences Honorary dana Lee Burkovich deidra Jordan deMoss CHI ALPHA SIGMA National College Athlete Honor Society Bradley A. Colvin Abby J. Evanuik John r. McConnell Lucie rey Corey Adam robert James robinson Marine denise nathalie verchere CHI SIGMA IOTA International Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society tammy B. Copechal-Beach, M.S. Martha Kendahl deSantis, M.S. Cassie Marie Emery, M.S. Katie Margaret Johnson, M.S. Adam Michael Lotman, M.S. daniel Jameson McGrew, M.S. BreeAnne nicole Mehalko, M.S. rachel K. Michaels, M.S Alyssa danielle Patton, M.Ed. Amber Marie Preston, M.S. Lorri A. Stiles, M.S. Cindy E. Ware, M.S. Steven Patrick Wilt, M.S. DELTA ALPHA PI International Honor Society for Students with Disabilities deborah Lapponi, M.S.

ORDER OF OMEGA Greek Leadership Honor Society Samantha Lynn Clark PHI ALPHA Social Work Honorary dana M. Bucy Samantha Lynn Clark Courtney Ann downey Kelsey Ann Hostetler Haley nicole Lichtenfels, M.S.W. Yvonne renee Lyon, M.S.W. Connie d. ruffalo, M.S.W. PHI ALPHA THETA International Honorary History Fraternity Katelyn A. Klenk PHI SIGMA PI National Honorary Fraternity tessa Lane davis Melanie rae Gabage Samuel Malcolm Moore PI GAMMA MU Social Sciences Honorary Society Kyle A. Christensen Adam david Kubizna


PSI CHI National Honor Society in Psychology rachel Lynne Chir Marissa Katelyn Fouser natalie Marie Gajski Amanda L. Kahwajy Melissa M. Sivaram Kierstin nicole Whysong SIGMA ALPHA PI Honorary Leadership Society Jared Matthew Beadle Erik Benjamin Brown Shannon M. Cain Samantha Lynn Clark Eric A. Conjeski tessa Lane davis Jacqueline Elizabeth Hume Amanda L. Kahwajy Corey J. Koenig Logan d. Lowanse Carly Miller Sara Bethann Miller Keri Elizabeth neiswender rebecca Gabrielle rhoades Hayley Erin robertson Matthew ryan Zemba SIGMA GAMMA EPSILON National Honorary Society for Earth Science John Philip Janesko Jr. Philip A. Miceli SIGMA PI EPSILON DELTA National Honorary for Special Education Janice G. Camut Sara Elizabeth Stuart SIGMA TAU DELTA National Honorary English Fraternity Brittney nicole Jones Hayley Erin robertson SIGMA THETA TAU International Honor Society of Nursing Kristin Leigh Gorny-Kurhansky Ann Marie Shaughnessy Christina M. thomas Lainey Joy White







GEOLOGY AWARD Andrew M. dieffenbach GEOGRAPHY: TOURISM STUDIES AWARD Melina terrie Corkos















DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARDS Joshua Brian nowak Emily ruth taylor






THE FOLLOWING STUDENTS ARE DISTINGUISHED BY COMPLETION OF THE UNIVERSITY HONORS PROGRAM FALL 2014 rachel Lynne Chir ..........................................dr. rebecca regeth Honors Thesis: The Moderating Effects of Feminist Beliefs on Thin-idealized Media and Body Image

Sarah Elizabeth Martik .....................................dr. Michele Pagen Honors Thesis: There's a First Time for Everything: Midsummer/Jersey and the First-Year-Show Process for a First-Time Director

Brittney nicole Jones.......................dr. Marcia Marcolini Hoover Honors Thesis: Eating Disorders in Education: What a Secondary Teacher Needs to Know

Bethann M. Wilson................................................dr. Sarah Meiss Honors Thesis: The Effect of Dandelion Extract on Ovarian Cancer Cells

2014 SENIOR CLASS ENVOY Kirsti Elizabeth roesner

STUDENT ARRANGEMENTS Jenifer Sigado, M.A. ’85, ’87 California university of Pennsylvania university Student Ambassadors

ALUMNI ARRANGEMENTS California university of Pennsylvania university development & Alumni relations Ambassadors

Graduate Commencement, December 12, 2014 Maranda Fouzie roseanne Galicia nicole Gray Greg Jackson Jared Sofranko

Graduate Commencement, December 12, 2014 Alex Eaton ryan Fisher daniel Meighan Kirsti Elizabeth roesner

Undergraduate Commencement, December 13, 2014 Precious Bangura Caitlan Crall Jake Giffin tallen Stroman Jonathan veres

Undergraduate Commencement, December 13, 2014 Blair Madison

COLLEGE FLAG BEARERS Undergraduate Commencement, December 13, 2014 Sharon E. Groover, Eberly College of Science and technology donald r. Prentice, College of Liberal Arts Cory Sakolsky, College of Education and Human Services

FACULTY RETIREMENTS May 2014 through December 2014 William W. o’donnell, M.F.A., department of theatre and dance Margarita ribar, M.S., department of Modern Languages, Philosophy & Socio-Cultural Studies Jaroslav v. vaverka, d.i.t., department of Applied Engineering & technology Peter H. Wright, Ed.d., department of Applied Engineering & technology


THE ACADEMIC COSTUME CODE GOWNS the gown for the bachelor’s degree has pointed sleeves, with no trimming and is worn closed. the gown for the master’s degree has oblong sleeves, open at the wrist, with the rear part of its oblong sleeve square cut and is worn open or closed. the gown for the doctorate degree has bell-shaped sleeves and is faced down the front with velvet and three bars across the sleeves. the facing and crossbars of velvet may be of the color distinctive of the field to which the degree pertains. For all academic purpose, including trimmings of doctors’ gowns, edgings of hoods, and tassels of caps, the colors associated with the different subjects are as follows: only a single degree from a single institution should ever be indicated by a single garment. Agriculture Allied Health Arts, Letters, Humanities Commerce, Accountancy, Business dentistry Economics Education Engineering Fine Arts, including Architecture Forestry Journalism Law Library Science Medicine Music nursing oratory (Speech) Pharmacy Philosophy Physical Education Public Administration, including Foreign Service Public Health Science Social Work theology veterinary Science

Maize Green and Gold White drab Lilac Copper Light Blue orange Brown russet Crimson Purple Lemon Green Pink Apricot Silver Gray olive Green dark Blue Sage Green Peacock Blue Salmon Pink Golden Yellow Citron Scarlet Gray

HOODS the length of the hood worn for the bachelor’s degree is three feet, for the master’s degree three and one half feet, and for the doctoral degree four feet. the doctoral degree has side panels. the linings of the hood represent the official color of the college or university conferring the degree. the binding or edging of the hood is two inches, three inches, and five inches for the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees respectively. the color is distinctive of the degree held by the wearer.

CAPS the cap or mortarboard has a tassel fastened to the middle of the cap and wearing over the left side indicates the completion of a degree. the doctoral cap is indicated by a tassel of gold thread. Prepared by a Committee on Academic Costumes and Ceremonies appointed by the American Council on Education, 1960


THE UNIVERSITY MACE vulcan, the Greek god of fire and metalworking, lifts a hammer high over his head, preparing to strike an anvil which is draped with a triangle inscribed with the words education, research and service. He holds the triangle in place with tongs; his face fierce with determination, he kneels at the forge. Captured forever in the act of creation, this vulcan is memorialized on the university Mace created by artist thomas Shimrock of Grantsville, Maryland. His interpretation of the California mascot, cast from six pounds of silver, sits proudly on the top of a 52-inch-high wooden mace that made its debut at the 147th commencement. Mr. Shimrock was commissioned to design and create the mace, a display cabinet and a carrying case by the Foundation for California university. the display cabinet is a work of art in itself. Crafted from bubinga wood, it holds the mace upright within its circular confines. three graceful bubinga supports, stretching upward from delicately carved ebony ovals, each topped with a different hand-cast silver finial, cradle the circular cabinet body, made up of two curved glass windows and a curved ebonized anegre wood door set in a bubinga wood frame. the carrying case is made from quarter-cut sycamore lined with velvet. the university Mace, carried by a senior faculty member in all formal academic processions, is on permanent display in the lobby of the Louis L. Manderino Library.

2014 Graduation Videos Available - $16.95/each Capture this special occasion on video! Purchase a dvd of your loved one’s commencement ceremony which contains the entire program and a close-up of the hooding and/or diploma ceremony. the cost is $16.95 for each dvd. Check or money orders should be made payable to "SAi." indicate your choice of graduate or undergraduate ceremony and the graduation date, and mail payment along with your preferred shipping address to the address below. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. Cutv Graduation dvd 250 university Ave. California, PA 15419




Interim President Geraldine M. Jones, M.Ed., ’72, ’80

Chancellor Frank t. Brogan

Council of Trustees Larry Maggi ’79, Chair Annette Ganassi, vice Chair roberta Betza r. tyler Courtney Peter J. daley ii ’72, ’75 James t. davis ’73 Michele Mandell ’69 robert Miner, Jr. ’78 Kembia Munsanje, student trustee thomas uram Aaron A. Walton ’68

Board of Governors Guido M. Pichini, Chairman Laura E. Ellsworth, vice Chair ronald G. Henry, vice Chair Sen. richard Alloway ii rep. Matthew E. Baker Jennifer G. Branstetter Marie Conley Gov. tom Corbett, Governor of Pennsylvania Sara J. dickson Carolyn C. dumaresq, Acting Secretary of Education Christopher H. Franklin todd Garrett, student member Chelsea E. Getsy, student member rep. Michael K. Hanna Jonathan B. Mack david M. Maser Joseph F. McGinn robert S. taylor Aaron A. Walton ’68 Sen. John t. Yudichak

Chancellor, Ex-Officio Frank t. Brogan

ALMA MATER California, alma mater now we sing to thee California, dear forever in our memory. With our voices loudly ringing, of thy fame we’re ever singing. California, alma mater; Hail! All hail to thee. For the friends and joys you gave us, We give thanks to thee All thy knowledge we’ll make worthy For Posterity. May thy reign be ever prosperous And thy name forever glorious. California, alma mater; Hail! All hail to thee. Philip rossi ’37




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