Applied Education

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C a l i f o r n i a U n i v e r s i t y o f P e n n s y lva n i a

Applied Education: Learning for the REAL WORLD. A proud member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education.


There’s a real difference at California University of Pennsylvania. It’s in the practical application of learning to real-world needs. It’s the career-centered experience you get at Cal U.

APPLIED EDUCATION. It starts with a solid academic foundation and vital skills that employers demand, such as critical thinking, problem-solving and teamwork. Then we add hands-on learning that links classroom coursework to marketable, real-world abilities. It’s not the conventional way for a college to work. But then again, Cal U is not your conventional college. We’re dedicated to building character, building careers, and giving our students a competitive edge.


REALEXPERWORLD IENCE Every year more than 3,000 Cal U students participate in internships or other hands-on learning experiences.


Applied education at Cal U engages students in myriad ways, fostering growth in knowledge, character and career-ready competence. In nearly every program of study, students have opportunities for real-life learning. For some, that means fieldwork, research or time in the lab. For others, it's clinical or student-teaching experience. We know that learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom. And we believe that applied education is the most reliable route to academic development and personal success.


According to a national survey, two-thirds of all interns are offered a full-time job when they complete their internship.



EDUCATION Our expert faculty bring fresh, innovative approaches to academic instruction and hands-on learning. Cal U’s right-sized environment allows for interaction that’s simply not possible at larger universities. And at Cal U, nearly every classroom is a “smart” classroom, equipped with up-to-date tools for both teaching and learning. No matter their major, our students have many opportunities to learn in a variety of settings:

ACADEMIC CONFERENCES and workshops allow students to interact with their peers, build valuable networks — and sometimes present their own papers or research.

FIELD SITES throughout the region help students learn data-collection and research techniques. Some projects take place just a mile from campus, on the grounds of our SAI Farm.

LABORATORIES with state-ofthe-art equipment support instruction and let students conduct meaningful research.

STUDY ABROAD gives students a chance to travel and experience another culture. At the same time, they learn more about themselves.





2012 Learning never stops. Neither does our support for the life skills and career enrichment that comes with a Cal U degree. As a Cal U graduate, you always have access to free, lifelong assistance through Cal U Career Services.

In a survey of Cal U’s Class of 2012, of graduates said they are either employed or attending graduate school.



& BEYOND We provide:

Individualized career coaching and planning sessions with our professional staff

Career assessments to identify skills, interests and values

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Job search assistance, including search strategies, resume and interview preparation Job postings and resume referral through Cal U’s College Central Network


Opportunities to network with Cal U alumni and employers through our Cal U Career Network on LinkedIn

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Interviews on campus

Online workshops

Job and career fairs Career planning and job search websites


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Office of Admissions - California University of PA, 250 University Avenue, California, PA 15419 • 1-888-412-0479 or 724-938-4404 • Fax: 724-938-4564 Office of Financial Aid - Dixon Hall 105 • 724-938-4415 • Fax: 724-938-4551 I N T e g r I T y, C I v I L I T y, r e S P O N S I B I L I T y A proud member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher education. California University of Pennsylvania is an academic community dedicated to the ideals of justice, fairness and equal opportunity for all. In compliance with federal and state laws, the University is committed to providing equal educational and employment opportunities for all persons without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, ancestry, sexual orientation or status as a disabled or vietnam era veteran. The University will not tolerate racial, ethnic or sexual discrimination. Sexual harassment is considered by law to be a form of sexual discrimination and is, therefore, unacceptable. Direct equal opportunity and affirmative action inquiries or complaints to the Special Assistant to the President for eeeO/University Ombudsperson, Office of Social equity, South Hall 112, 724-938-4014. Direct inquiries regarding services or facilities accessibility to the ADA/504, Compliance Officer, Office of Student Development and Services, g 52 Carter Hall, 724-938 4056. Direct Title IX inquiries to the Senior Women’s Administrator/Title IX Coordinator, Department of Athletics, Hamer Hall 248, 724-938-4351.

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