Annual Report: City of Maroondah 2015–2016

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Annual Report City of Maroondah 2015-2016

Continuing the Mission of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary


Calvary Community Care Calvary Community Care supports people to live independently in their own homes and actively participate in the local Maroondah community. Calvary Community Care is pleased to present the Annual Report for the Home Care Contract 20440. This report outlines the Home Care service delivery undertaken from 1st July 2015 to the 30th June 2016 on behalf of the Maroondah Council. This period represents another successful year of partnership between the City of Maroondah and Calvary Community Care. The Calvary Community Care team value the positive working relationship with the Council. Together we deliver quality services to ensure positive outcomes for Home and Community Care (HACC) clients in the City of Maroondah. In anticipation of the Commonwealth changes to the Home and Community Care programme (HACC) to Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) planned for introduction on 1st July 2016, Maroondah and Calvary Community Care have commenced collaboration. With expertise in the My Aged Care portal and a small Regional Assessment Team we are confident of a smooth transition from a Client and operations perspective.


Continuing the Mission of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary

Contents 1. Priorities and Outcomes


1.1 An Innovative and Adaptable Organisation


1.2 Strong Brand and Reputation for Quality


1.3 Great Employer


1.4 Client Driven Services


1.5 Sector Leadership


2. Communication


3. Human Resources


3.1 Management


3.2 Maroondah Service Centre Staff


3.3 Support Workers


3.4 Support Worker and Office Worker Training


3.5 Staff Recruitment and Retention


3.6 Staff Engagement


3.7 Work Health and Safety


4. Service Delivery


4.1 Service Hours


4.2 Clients


5. Quality Improvement


5.1 Compliments and Complaints


5.2 Incidents


5.3 Client Satisfaction Survey


6. Finance/Invoicing


6.1 Client Co-Payments


7. Information Technology


8. Summary


Appendix 1


Appendix 2


Appendix 3


Appendix 4


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Strategic Plan 2014-2018 1. Priorities and Outcomes at a glance Strategic Plan 2014-2018

1.1 An Innovative and Adaptable Organisation The centralisation of all Melbourne metropolitan teams in 2014 has proven a catalyst for improved and effective collaboration, greater efficiencies from shared resources and Continuing the Mission of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary increased interaction with all Head Office departments. This has resulted in the community based positions receiving significant support through the develpment of strong relations with the Head Office departments. The mix of centralised administration together with a regional presence offers a unique opportunity to leverage our scale and local expertise to meet the changing needs of clients, employees and the community. Our Support Workers are now actively engaged on a secure email platform. This channel has provided a fast and responsive channel of communication between the Service Centre, Head Office and Support Workers in the field with very positive feedback. Calvary Community Care continues to investigate new digital technologies to improve our service delivery. Our intranet site, Calvary Connect, provides all office-based employees with a centralised platform for collaboration, communication and access to our quality document centre. In early 2017, the intranet site, Calvary Connect, will be enhanced to provide a new Support Worker portal to provide a centralised communication resource, further enhancing Support Worker connectedness. Late 2016 sees the roll-out of a national SMS broadcast service. This communication channel provides more efficient communication to expedite available shift allocations for all Support Workers, which will result in a better client and staff experience. Our ongoing approach must be to always place the customer at the centre of our work, and continuously improve how we deliver services to the community. Our sector is becoming increasingly competitive, and with the upcoming changes and opportunities through the NDIS and Consumer Directed Care, we want to ensure that we are the provider of choice. 1

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1.2 Strong Brand and Reputation for Quality

the Smart Home.

Calvary Community Care recognises that the Client experience is paramount to our perception of quality. Calvary Community Care is committed to providing accessible and easy-to-understand resources to help families navigate the complex service system for supporting seniors to live well in their own home in the community.

In 2016 Calvary Community Care introduced Company paid mandatory uniforms and dress standards for all Client-facing employees to make them easily identifiable, build pride in the Organisation and enhance their representation of the Calvary brand in the community.

Our website www.calvarycommunitycare. offers a range of useful guidelines and tips about the ways we can help. With short, engaging videos, case studies and practical solutions. Our knowledgable team of Care Advisors are the first point of contact in the Client journey, and are equipped to assist with any questions a prospective client or their advocate may have. All marketing materials have considered design with large font sizes, easily identifiable illustrations to ensure they are accessible, legible and easy to understand. The Marketing and Communications department filters all employee messages and is the first point of contact for new customer communication. This ensures that all communications are monitored for consistency, accessibility and accuracy. A monthly employee newsletter is distributed to all staff and a new quarterly magazine for Clients. The Smart Home, located at 551 Blackburn Road Mount Waverley, is a showcase of kitchen, bathroom and telecare accesssories that are available to assist mobility and aid independence. Visitors are welcome during business hours, where our team are happy to provide a convenient referral service for the purchase of the products contained within Continuing the Mission of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary


1.3 Great Employer Calvary Community Care recognises the importance of developing our staff, and has recently created a Learning and Development team to build our organisational capability. Our Learning and Development programs include blended learning of face-to-face, and online e-Learning. Our programs and resources ensure that our staff feel equipped, enabled and confident to fulfil their roles and responsibilities. Our classroom based learning includes customer focussed approaches to service, as well as technical and safety based training. The Calvary e-Learning platform provides 24/7 web-enabled access to staff and supports our learning and development strategy. Continually expanding, this platform comprises a comprehensive suite of programs for all employees to access at their own pace across a range of topics including communication, technology, Workplace Health and Safety (WHS), and clinical courses. We constantly seek to improve the way we do things. One of the successful initiatives we undertook this year was the introduction of our ‘Enhance the Client Journey’ programme for office-based staff, and this will be extended to Support Worker field staff in 2016/17. This initiative resulted in positive feedback from employees about feeling empowered and better equipped to continually improve, and have more meaningful interactions with our Clients. In 2016/17 we will be providing employees access to their personal data through a new self-serve payroll portal called MyKiosk which can be accessed from work or home. This will enable employees to update contact information, licences, print pay details and


payment summaries, and access leave balances and training records. In Q1, 2016-17 financial year, Calvary will introduce electronic timesheets and employee declarations for Support Workers. We are proud to again be recognised by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA)as an Employer of Choice in Gender Equality. Calvary Community Care offers a supportive, flexible and harassment-free workplace. We offer family friendly, flexible work practices including paid parental leave and our workforce is made up of staff of all ages, gender, faith and ethnic backgrounds.

1.4 Integrated Client Driven Services Calvary Community Care remains focussed on supporting Clients through integration across the continuum of care. In 2016 we have focussed on working with health providers to ensure a seamless journey for Clients. • A nursing team has been established in metropolitan Adelaide to develop new models of care to support client discharge into the community. • A Service Coordinator conference was hosted in Melbourne in 2016 to provide a forum for sharing, interaction and team building with a key focus on customer centric and integrated service delivery. • In Tasmania we have established relationships with St Vincents and St Lukes to further enhance organisational integration opportunities. • Development of a client feedback loop for continuous improvement of our client communications and customer service. 2017 will see the roll-out of our road map for the Ideal Customer Journey.

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1.5 Sector Leadership Throughout the year Calvary Community Care has been involved in a number of initiatives to position our organisation and employees at the forefront of leadership and best practice in the sector. • Calvary Community Care continues to be actively involved in Leading Aged Services Australia (LASA), Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA), National Disability Services (NDS) and Catholic Health Australia Aged Care Advisory Group • We have participated in Commonwealth forums for both Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) and Home Care Packages (HCP) to ensure Calvary Community Care is abreast of industry changes in the sector • Calvary Community Care participated in invitation-only workshop with the Department of Health on the My Aged Care experience • In both Victoria and South Australia Calvary Community Care has been an active participant in NDIS forums • Our partnership with Catholic Health Care to administer the Canberra Regional Assessment Service (RAS), known as Aged Care Assessment (ACAS) has been in operation for 18 months. The Department of Health recognises ACAS as a sector leader and strong advocate for system improvements to benefit consumers. • Consultation for the DEX/MDS data management in preparation for CHSP implementation on 1st July, 2016.

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2. Communication Calvary Community Care is committed to improving communication paths with Clients, office based staff and Support Workers. Our communication with Maroondah Council is optimised in the following ways:

• Supporting Council in their endeavours to enhance the role of the Occupational Therapist in the community by participating in the O.T. Council Survey in October 2015.

• A showcase of our services at the annual Maroondah Festival and Seniors Wellbeing Expo In October and November 2015 .

• Regular telephone and email communication between Maroondah Council and Calvary Community Care regarding Client requests and feedback.

• Meetings with Maroondah Council Care Co-ordinators and Calvary Community Care Intake Team. Meetings occur fortnightly and rotate between face-toface and teleconference meetings. • Monthly Contract meetings with Maroondah Council Program Manager, Coordinator Care Planning and Assessments and Calvary Community Care Area Manager and Service Coordinator. • KPIs of service delivery are addressed and monitored via weekly, fortnightly and monthly reports provided to Maroondah Council officers.

• Information sessions for Support Workers chaired by Council twice per year. • Regular telephone contact with Care Managers of Clients receiving Council and other brokered services including attendance at case discussions. • Calvary Community Care conducts regular client mailouts on behalf of Council including the Maroondah Client Newsletter, Fee Advice and Department of Health ‘Staying Healthy in the Heat’ • The Calvary Community Care quarterly magazine, Community Life, is mailed directly to all Clients.

• Receipt of daily digital referrals via S2S.


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3. Human Resources Our Human Resources team is responsible for the development of strategic initiatives to support our employees and partner with the leadership team to support the changing business needs. Our policies and procedures are being reviewed, streamlined and integrated within the Calvary National guidelines. For Calvary Community Care to meet its organisational goals, the HR team has developed strategies to attract, develop and retain talented staff with appropriate capabilities and skills. We are reviewing our employee onboarding processes with the aim to provide a work environment that will kick start an employee to succeed in their career at Calvary Community Care. In conjunction with this an online portal is being built to provide access to employment documents and relevant information for our Support Workers. The portal will facilitate easy and mobile access to current information and streamline current processes. Building on our employee engagement, professionalism and Brand identity, Calvary Community Care have introduced company paid mandatory uniforms and dress standards for all client-facing employees. KPIs have been identified for Human Resources and are based on recruitment, turnover, leave and WHS. A monthly metrics report has been established and is presented to the Calvary Community Care Executive Team. We are building a performance and development framework that is client and values focused to enable an employee to succeed in their role. Through the Calvary Community Care journey, performance expectations will be agreed upon and reviewed with the employee. Regular consultation, coaching, mentoring and capability building will form a part of the goal setting process. We recognise the importance of motivating employees to reach their full potential, acknowledging achievements and encouraging staff to work in accordance with the Organisation’s vision and values. Continuing the Mission of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary


A new Reward and Recognition program ‘Pause for Applause’ was developed and launched in February 2016. This program provides a range of opportunities to reward and recognise significant events in people’s lives, length of service and outstanding performance achievements. Awards are based on Calvary’s values of Hospitality, Healing, Stewardship and Respect and includes on the spot, monthly and annual awards. Since the program launch over 350 employees across Calvary Community Care have been acknowledged with on the spot awards and 29 employees have been presented with monthly awards. Five Annual awards will be presented in December 2016 under the Calvary Community Care value categories, and an additional CEO Award will be presented for ‘Most Outstanding Achievement’. We aim to work to meet the required Client demand by delivering improved services, systems and more efficient processes. We are creating a business intelligence tool to enable planning for the ideal workforce and FTE requirements to support our Client demand. Our goal is to provide a workforce, both in the field and within our office, that delivers quality value-added customer-centric services.

3.1 Management Under the leadership of CEO, Cheryl De Zilwa, the Calvary Community Care Executive Team continue to work on the agenda of transformation and change. Maureen Flaherty, Area Manager, consults and collaborates with the Maroondah team to ensure full engagement of our staff on this agenda. In preparation for the implementation of Consumer Directed Care (CDC), changing consumer preferences and an ageing population, Calvary Community Care works closely with Maroondah Council to achieve neutral Client and operational goals.


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3.2 Maroondah Service Centre Staff Jan Patton continues to develop as she has taken on additional leadership and management responsibilities. Now five years in the role, Jan’s commitment to responsive customer service has led the Eastern Service Centre through a series of quality enhancement activities designed to offer greater efficiencies and an improved customer experience, including successfully relocating the Ringwood Office to the centralised Mount Waverley site in September 2015. Jan is developing the leadership capabilities of Calvary Community Care staff to enhance relationships with Council. In 2015-16 Jan has focussed on increasing the digital literacy within the workforce, and continues to identify opportunities for efficiencies to deliver responsive, timely customer service. In October 2015, Calvary established the Community Engagement Coordinator (CEC) role, held by Lorraine Villiamu. With the support of Council, the CEC is located within Council offices, providing the opportunity for Support Workers to regularly meet with Calvary representatives. This enables open and constructive discussion between Council staff and Calvary and provides Calvary a visible presence in the Maroondah community. Jan is dedicated to fostering a mutually beneficial working relationship with Council and conducts regular meetings to ensure that communication channels are open and effective. Table 1 (overleaf) outlines the profile of the Calvary Community Care Maroondah Service Centre Staff, and Table 2 focusses on Staff in the office.

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Table 1: Total Staff Metrics (Maroondah Service Centre) as of June 30, 2016 Total staff employed


Total number of staff who commenced employment


Total number of staff who ceased employment


Staff Turnover


Table 2: Office Staff Metrics (Maroondah Service Centre incl. Home Maintenance Staff) as of June 30, 2016 Total office staff employed


Total number of office staff who commenced employment


Total number of office staff who ceased employment


Office Staff Turnover


3.3 Support Workers Throughout the period Maroondah Service Centre employed eight new Support Workers bringing the team to 119 as at June 30, 2016. Whilst the number of Support Workers employed reduced from 137 in June 2015 to 119 in June 2016 the reduction aligns with the reduction in HACC targets and Calvary Community Care’s workforce plan. Table 3: Support Worker Metrics (Maroondah Service Centre) as of June 30, 2016 Total support workers employed


Total number of support workers who commenced employment


Retention rate of support workers who were recruited


Total number of support workers who ceased employment


Support Worker Turnover


Average age of support workers


Number of support workers aged between 20 and 30


Number of support workers aged between 30 and 50


Number of female support workers


Number of male support workers


Percentage of CALD support workers


3.4 Office and Support Worker Training All Calvary Community Care Maroondah Support Workers hold a minimum of Certificate III in HACC or Aged Care or are in the process of working towards their certification (see Table 4). Support Workers renew their Manual Handling training annually and update their First Aid certificates every three years. 9

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In October 2015, Maroondah Council distributed a survey to Calvary Community Care Support Workers to gain feedback on OT services and the benefits of having an OT employed in Council. Following the results, Support Worker meetings were conducted to demonstrate aids and equipment available for Clients to enable greater independence. Additionally, an update on HACC services was provided, including forthcoming changes to the sector. In May & June of 2015, Maroondah Council provided Mental Illness Awareness & Response Training, delivered by Productivity Matters. This was attended by all Support Workers and office based staff to gain a greater understanding of mental illness, and knowing what you can do and what you can’t do when you come across a Client in need. For Support Workers regularly attending Council respite Clients and for those expressing an interest in doing so, July - September 2015 Maroondah Council conducted Autism training, presented by

Amaze. The training covered: What is Autism Spectrum Disorder, Current Understandings and provided visual strategies and supports. Calvary’s online learning platform facilitates the compulsory National Induction program and Palliative End of Life Care education program for 100% of staff. Through a partnership with Open Learning Universities, Support Workers access a range of self-paced e-learning modules including dementia and incontinence, infection control and computer skills. As part of Project Link, Support Workers received training and resources on email and internet use to support digital literacy skills. Learner Handbook and Training guides are revised and circulated every six months. Calvary’s monitoring systems ensured 100% of Support Workers are current. Calvary Community Care’s mandatory checks ensure Police Checks are completed every three years and Working with Children every five years.

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Table 4: Support Worker Training Status Certificate III Home and Community Care/Aged Care as at 30 June 2016 Accreditation Status


Certificate III or full equivalent


Certificate IV Disability/TQ exempt




First Aid has expired and needs to renew Total



Booked to complete


Table 5: Support Worker Mandatory Training TR-OHS & TR-ORIE Orientation & CHCWHS312A

3 classes

8 learners

TR-MH Manual Handling/CPR Refresher

20 classes

143 learners


Continuing the Mission of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary

3.5 Staff Recruitment and Retention Our Human Resources team have worked to create consistency and best practice in areas such as workforce planning, recruitment and retention, goal setting and streamlining HR and WHS policies and processes. These are all key areas within our current strategic plan. Ensuring our customers have an ideal experience throughout all interactions with Calvary Communication is central to our strategy. We are in the process of discovering opportunities to: • Sustain and improve customers experience of quality, responsive and compassionate care that supports a trusting and long term relationship • Provide a unique opportunity for our employees to enjoy an engaging career that also offers competitive remuneration & reward • Make it easier to match our workforce with customers and schedule customer appointments. The introduction of our eRecruitment tool ‘Calvary Careers’ has seen a faster workflow and reduction of paperwork in the recruitment process. The tool allows us to streamline our application management and selection process and allows managers to have real time access to their candidates. The recruitment function is currently working on a number projects including an Employee Referral Program to provide incentives to current employees to refer their family and friends to come and work for Calvary Community Care as well as engaging in a trial to operate a LinkedIn recruitment licence to source candidates. We are committed to creating and developing a workforce which is representative of the diverse social and culture environment in which we work and to providing internal career opportunities and development.

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3.6 Staff Engagement The Best Practice Australia (BPA) employee survey was completed in March 2015. The results indicated outstanding outcomes compared to the 2013 survey and sector benchmarks. The next BPA survey will be conducted in 2017. In the Maroondah Service Centre 70% of respondents think Calvary is a truly great place to work and 91% believe that we are always striving to excel in the spirit of ‘being for others’. Survey results indicated that Calvary Community Care has a ‘culture of success’, the highest on the BPA scale. This type of culture is characterised by a ‘can do’ mentality and considered to be very cohesive and focussed. • Overall employee engagement (employees are openly positive, optimistic and engaged about the organisation’s future) has increased by 10%

• Calvary Community Care employees have the highest level of engagement across all streams of Calvary • Employees were found to have a greater sense of purpose, direction and are proud about our success and achievement as an organisation.

3.7 Work Health and Safety Calvary Community Care continues to meet all requirements under “ISO9001 Quality Management Systems” and “AS4801 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Management Systems” certifications with a joint certification audit successfully completed in May 2016. The audit report focussed on the high level of input from Executive Management to ensure that the Quality and OHS Management Systems provide the intended controls of improved Client satisfaction and Health and Safety performance. The auditor commented that the OHS Management System met the Health and Safety Objectives outlined by Calvary in the WHS and Injury Management Policy Statement and recommended that AS4801 Certification continue. Calvary Community Care was successfully audited against the National Audit Tool as part of the triennial re-licencing process for Self-Insurance in November 2014. This has seen successful surveillance audits carried-out by Workcover South Australia in November 2015 and December 2016, with the auditor commenting positively on the depth of continuous improvement works planned and carried-out during this time. In July 2015 Calvary Community Care launched a new online induction program, incorporating manual handling, developed in conjunction with operations, health and


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safety, human resources and marketing departments. This Induction and Manual Handling program enables Calvary Community Care to produce videos, activities, assessments and other content in a consistent and efficient format. This has ensured that all employees receive the same message with regard to safe, acceptable work activity. Since inception, KPI’s for completion of the Induction and Manual Handling modules have exceeded the 95% targets. Later in 2016, Calvary Community Care plans to introduce Health and Safety Committees in each state, replacing the current Employee/Employer Consultative Committees. Committee representatives will be booked for external compliant five-day representative training. The Committees will meet quarterly in each state, and a subsequent paid Support Worker meeting will be held at each Service Centre, enabling the representatives to communicate Health and Safety updates to Support Workers. The Maroondah Service Centre is currently represented by Support Worker, Gwen Lucas. Manager Workplace Health and Safety, Aaron Woods is the Calvary Community Care management representative on the Safety and Risk Committee of Little Company of Mary Health Care to ensure the group’s practices are incorporated into those of Calvary Community Care. Our Return to Work Coordinator, Lucy Surace, has extensive experience in the development of Health and Wellbeing programs. Lucy is working with Little Company of Mary and Calvary Community Care staff to understand the health and wellbeing needs of the Organisation. 2017 will see the introduction of subsidised gym memberships for Calvary Community Care staff, to complement the Non Work-Related Injury policy and Early Intervention policy introduced in 2015.

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4. Service Delivery 4.1 Service Hours 623 clients were admitted to the Maroondah program in the period 1 July 2015 - 30 June 2016. A total of 68,533 hours of service across four service types were delivered. Table 6: 2015/16 Service Hours by Service Type Domestic Assistance Hours

Personal Care Hours

Respite Care Hours

Home Maintenance Hours

























Public Holiday






Total Hours






2015-16 variation to 2014-15







* NB Slight variations to reportable monthly figures due to billing cycles.


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There was an 22% reduction in hours delivered across all four service types in 2015-16 compared to 2014-15. Table 7: 2015/16 Home Maintenance Service Hours Hours

Number of Employees/Contractors

Number of Visits




The results of the Home Maintenance review saw the introduction of a single preferred contractor, Melbourne Handyman Services (MHS) in July 2015. Several existing Calvary Community Care employees and contractors transitioned over to MHS. Calvary Community Care identified that the MHS were unable to satisfactorily fulfil our requirements and in conjunction with Maroondah Council, engaged the services of The Grey Army in February 2016. The introduction of The Grey Army has proven very successful as they have a thorough understanding of HACC requirements and have been providing home maintenance services in the sector for many years. Table 8: 2015/16 Annual Visits and Clients for Bill To MH-HACC Visits




Table 9: 2015/16 Maroondah CALD Clients

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Total Clients



Not Stated









Table 10: Late Cancellations

Late cancellations (hours) Late cancellations (visits) Late cancellations (clients)

Domestic Assistance Hours

Personal Care Hours

Respite Care Hours

Home Maintenance Hours

















*Across the four service types there were 490 unique Clients with late cancellations. However some Clients would have had late cancellations for more than the one service type.

4.2 Clients 623 new Clients were referred to Calvary Community Care during the year: In total, 2,440 Clients were provided with service and 54,893 visits were provided.


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Table 11: 2015/16 Reason for Discharge Reason





Transferred to other funding





Residential Care















Not stated





Inactive client





Left area





Nursing care now needed






























The total number of discharged Clients has decreased by 421 in 2015/16. Where Clients have not received a service for over three months, they are considered Inactive, and are considered to have been discharged. Council is notified by email of discharge. Continuing the Mission of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary


5. Quality Improvement Calvary Community Care is accredited with ISO 9001 and has a robust Quality Management System (QMS) providing policies, procedures, work instructions and approved forms to guide practice. All QMS documents are regularly reviewed and notification provided to employees when this occurs. As part of the integration with Calvary, the quality management system including procedures and work instructions is undergoing a comprehensive review to further streamline practices. A comprehensive audit program was undertaken during 2015-16, including both external and internal audits. SAI Global conducted an ISO 9001 and AS/NZS4801 survillence audit of Calvary Community Care management systems in May 2016 and remained impressed with the maturity of the system. No non-conformances were raised. In October 2015, Calvary Community Care succesfully completed an extensive DHS Disability Standards Audit. Strengths identified included staff engagement and ownership of quality, rigorous reporting mechanisms, effective quality management system coordination and internal audit process. An internal audit schedule provides a clear timetable for services across the year. Audits included: Work Health & Safety and Risk Management, Recruitment Attraction and

Selection Manual, Performance Reviews and ISP WI Supplier Agreement.


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5.1 Compliments and Complaints. Complaints and incidents are reported to Council on a fortnightly basis. These reports alert Council to any issues that may be a concern, or show a systemic area for improvement. Issues that are deemed as needing a more immediate response by the Coordinator are escalated to Council at the time the report is received from the worker/client. Calvary Community Care’s Quality team also produce organisational reports which analyse trends and areas to further develop. The Area Manager meets each month with the Service Coordinator and reviews a range of statistical data including compliments and complaints.

Table 11: 2015/16 Compliments and Complaints



2011 -2012

2012 -2013

2013 -2014

2014 -2015

2015 -2016


The skill level of the support worker is not up to expectations







Inconsistency from the Support Worker/office regarding start/ finish times







Support Worker does not stay the full time







Ability to meet Clients’ requirements


There is a communication breakdown between Office/SW SW/Client


Client Feedback Other Incompatibilities



A complaint regarding the accounts department A complaint that does not fit into other categories (eg SW personality)




A compliment for the Support Worker / Office /Council (mostly SWs)


































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The period 2015-2016 has seen an increase in complaints namely CF-OI Client Feedback. This category was introduced in 2014 to accurately record the Client choice of not having a particular Support Worker attend. This feedback is being monitored, and ways explored to help address this growing trend, which represents an increase from 1.9% to 3.6%. Our Community Engagement Coordinator follows up these concerns especially where there is repetition of Support Workers. As part of Calvary Community Care’s commitment to encourage Client feedback, we have implemented a daily Client Survey which enables Calvary to record and manage this feedback in a timely and effective way. The survey addresses three key elements: • Confirmation of attendance and punctuality • Stayed for the full time • All tasks completed The Maroondah results have met the set KPI’s. Compliments have slightly declined in 2015/16 however the number still represents a significant 30% of all feedback.

5.2 Incidents Incidents are raised and discussed at varying levels. Most are dealt with on a daily basis through discussions between Council and Calvary Community Care. Occasionally an incident will require discussion at the weekly/fortnightly operations meeting and then, more rarely, at the monthly Contract meeting. During 2015/16 82 incidents were reported. Of these 18% represented WHS concerns and 82% were client incidents. The 82 incidents represents 0.14% of total client visits. This financial year saw an increase in staff injuries that led to Work Cover claims. Seven staff experienced injuries that led to Work Cover claims, resulting in a Lost Time Incident Frequency (LTIF) rate of 54.68. Six of the injured staff have returned to pre-injury duties and hours, and one staff member is continuing on light duties recovering from surgery. 21

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5.3 Client Satisfaction Survey Calvary Community Care has completed a review of its client survey process and as indicated in the last Council annual report has moved away from Press Ganey Client survey which was adopted in 2013, reverting to use Lime Management Consultants to complete the survey which has been internally benchmarked from 1999 – 2012. The survey design, methodology and questions were reviewed to include demographics and targeted questions while maintaining the ability to internally bench mark previous surveys – refer to appendix 3: Maroondah City Council Client Survey.

exceeding a self-imposed 90% benchmark. A significant improvement was noted for carers whose overall level of satisfaction increased from 73% in 2015 to 98%. Broadly some results have varied/reduced in level of satisfaction and these areas will be actively targeted by the local management team.

This survey will be completed biannually as a whole organisation with interim years being run specifically for Council.

In 2016, Calvary committed to validate the quality of services provided by individual Support Workers by contacting one of their Clients across the year to validate attendance, the level of satisfaction with the service and obtain a Net Promoter Score. This approach provides progressive live data that, where applicable, facilitates immediate action on items raised and trending of results. Accumulative monthly reports are generated which populates trends for quarterly and annual reporting.

The whole organisational survey was conducted in June/July 2016. The segment report for the Council will be submitted to Deborah Styles, Program Manager Aged & Disability.

In 2017, Calvary will further explore consumer engagement and targeted surveying to provide a multi-faceted dynamic approach to obtaining measurable current data to support continuous improvement to service delivery.

Overall 91.33% of Maroondah Council Clients surveyed expressed satisfaction with the service provided by Calvary Community Care,

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6. Finance/Invoicing 6.1 Client Co-Payments The table below represents figures showing the rate of collection over the various time frames. There has been a significant reduction in all periods compared to 2014/15. Calvary Community Care will continue to work with Maroondah Council to improve co-payment debt management. Table 12: Aged Trial Balance



>30 Days

>60 Days

>90 Days













Significant gains have been made in minimising co-payment debt. In the previous financial year the total co-payment debt decreased by a sum of $35,000 equating to a reduction of 58% on 2013/14. And in the 2015-16 period, we have further decreased co-payment debt by over $11,000, a reduction of over 45% on 2014/15.


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7. Information Technology Since the last report, Calvary Community Care has applied the outcomes from the review of the core operating system to improve the internal efficiencies of this system to enhance its effectiveness. Calvary has continued the IT innovation path, leveraging the experience of the provision of email to Support Workers. Calvary has extended IT engagement with Support Workers to deliver their work schedules securely via email, enabling greater efficiency. This has also eliminated the reliance on Australia Post to deliver paper schedules in a timely fashion given the change in their service delivery levels. Calvary Community Care has updated GoldCare, our Client Management System, to ensure we can deliver, in partnership with Maroondah City Council, the required data submissions for DEX (CHSP) and MDS (HACC).

8. Summary Calvary Community Care has valued an ongoing positive partnership with Maroondah Council, and is committed to efficient and effective delivery of high quality care. A stable management structure has supported sector change and provided strong leadership. In an environment of State and Federal community sector changes, a commitment to each individual Client remains an organisational focus. Calvary continues its organisational transformation journey, and 2015-16 has further solidified the positive working relationship between Calvary Community Care and the Maroondah Council. Calvary has accelarated the development and delivery of new initiatives to enhance our service delivery across a variety of areas including human resources, information technology, marketing and communications. In alignment with our values of Hospitality, Healing, Stewardship and Respect, Calvary Community Care has embarked on additional customer service training, amplification of organisational focus on the Ideal Customer Journey, to deliver a quality service that enhances the independence, health and wellbeing, and social connections of all our Clients within the Maroondah community. We are looking forward to another effective and productive year working together with the Maroondah Council and achieving positive outcomes for all Clients.

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Appendix 1 Calvary Matters Monthly Staff Newsletter - eDM

Appendix 2 Monthly CEO Update - eDM


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Appendix 3 Maroondah City Council Client Survey

Continuing the Mission of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary



Continuing the Mission of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary

Continuing the Mission of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary



Continuing the Mission of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary

Appendix 4 Maroondah City Council Client Survey Report

Continuing the Mission of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary



Continuing the Mission of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary

Continuing the Mission of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary



Continuing the Mission of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary

Continuing the Mission of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary


1300 66 00 22 Calvary is a charitable Catholic not-for-profit organisation with more than 12,000 staff and volunteers, 15 public and private hospitals, 15 Retirement and Aged Care facilities, and 22 Community Care centres. We operate across six states and territories within Australia. Established in Sydney in 1885, by the arrival of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary in Australia, our mission is to provide health care to the most vulnerable, including those reaching the end of their life. We provide aged and community care, acute and sub-acute health care, specialist palliative care and comprehensive care for people in the final year of their life.

Continuing the Mission of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary

For more information call 1300 66 00 22

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