Fall Calvary Life 2024

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LIFE Calvary

Fall Program Guide

Your guide to the activities at Calvary Church this upcoming season.

Mercy & Missions Updates

Updates from the Mercy & Missions team.

Hand2Hand Service Project

Join the Calvary Kids Ministry in this fun serving opportunity in partnership with this vital organization.

A Time to Serve

Jerusalem Project Update

We’re excited to share a new church plant we’re coming alongside and a new set of worship residents in training.

Adult Bible Study

This year, Adult Bible Study is journeying through the books of 1 & 2 Samuel.

Elder Nominees

At our Annual Meeting on October 27, members will select new elders. Learn more about men nominated for this position, in this issue. 3

Fall is a great time to get more engaged in serving somewhere at church. Here’s some ideas!

These Four Walls

We’re taking hospitality to the next level this year, will you join us?

Calvary Church

707 E Beltline Ave NE Grand Rapids MI 49525

Mailing Address: PO Box 1600 Grand Rapids MI 49501

Ph (616) 956-9377

Fax (616) 956-9723 calvarygr.org

CalvaryChurchGR calvarygr



Worship & Prayer

Sunday Morning Worship Service

Calvary Church Sanctuary

9:00 & 10:45am

Both services are identical. All services are streamed live at calvarygr.org. In September we will begin a series in the book of Ecclesiastes. Through that sermon series we hope to come to a place where we are able to worship the One true God and live in obedience to him and experience everlasting life.

Calvary Church welcomes people of all abilities. Special accommodations including reserved seating and wheelchair assistance are available. Inclusive worship is encouraged for all - in the Sanctuary with additional spaces available for those with sensory sensitivities. Many hearing aids offer hearing assistance by selecting the t-coil setting on your device. You can take advantage of this feature on the main floor behind row 6 of the main seating area. Contact Zach Schmuck (zschmuck@calvarygr. org) for more information.

Pre-Service Prayer

8:30-8:50am | Room 211B

Come pray with the morning’s teaching pastor and other participants that God would bless our worship services. All are encouraged to join.

Boiler Room Prayer

8:50-11:55am | Room 212

Pray over every aspect of the service as the Holy Spirit leads, assisted by a request sheet composed by staff. Open to all, come and go as able.

Adult Sunday Classes

Adult Sunday classes are committed to engaging deeply with the Bible and authentic biblical community. The focus of each class is growing in God’s Word, care, prayer, and community. Visit a few of the classes to see where God may lead you. Questions? Contact Karen (kvanholstyn@calvarygr.org) at ext. 5173.

9:00am Classes

Ambassadors | Chapel

A medium sized teaching-oriented class comprised of senior adults.

Faith Builders | Room 260

A medium sized teaching-oriented class of couples and singles 50+.

Family Tree | Room 251-253 | Does not meet on the 1st Sunday of the month A medium sized multi-generational sermon discussion class focused on doing life together as we pray for one another and share what God is teaching us through the Sunday sermons. First Sunday is a potluck at someone’s home after second service.

Flock | Room 252 | A medium sized teaching-oriented class comprised of senior adults.

Growing in Relationships | Room 261

Meet 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays

A large teaching-oriented class of married, single, and remarried adults.

L.A.C.E. (Living After Christ’s Example)

Room 255 | Does not meet on the 2nd Sunday of the month

A small teaching-oriented class for women of all ages and life stages.

Young Marrieds | Room 264 | Designed to create community among newly married and engaged couples learning to keep Christ at the center of their relationship.

10:45am Classes

Faith & Fellowship | Room 264

A medium sized sermon discussion class of all ages and life stages.

Heirs Together | Chapel

A large teaching-oriented class of single and married senior adults.

Journey | Room 265

A large, teaching-oriented class of all ages and life stages.

Koinonia | Room 260

A medium sized sermon discussion class of all ages and life stages who love Jesus.

Legacy Builders | Room 106A

A small discussion style class of all ages and life stages that studies the Bible inductively verse by verse.

Sojourners | Room 252

A medium sized teaching-oriented class comprised primarily of senior adults who are seeking to become more inter-generational.

Kids & Students

9:00 & 10:45am (Nursery - Fourth Grade)

Check-in: All children need to receive their nametags at the check-in area at the bottom of the stairs, then be escorted by a parent or guardian to the room number printed on their name tag.

Inclusion is encouraged for children of varied abilities, K – 4th grade. If extra support is needed, an individualized Care Plan can be developed alongside our facilitator, Pam Cook, (pcook@ calvarygr.org).

Holiday Sunday: September 1 - On this Sunday, the only Calvary Kids Ministry available is nursery & preschool.


56: Sunday Class

Unit 1: Prologue | Sept. 22-Oct. 6

Unit 2: Patriarchs | Oct. 20-Nov. 3

10:30am | Room 108 | $5

Registration Required

Join us for our parent and student Sunday class! This year we will be walking through the Old Testament and seeing how it all points to Jesus! We will have art projects, interactive lessons, and indepth conversations about this deep and fascinating topic! This class is meant to be a supplement to your time worshiping with your fifth and sixth grader in the main service. Register at calvarygr.org/ events.


What We Believe - Membership Class

Sundays, September 15 - October 13 10:45am-12:00pm | Registration Required

This five-session class is open to anyone wanting to explore what Calvary Church believes and teaches. It is a pre-requisite for membership, but we encourage anyone who wants to become more familiar with what we believe to take the class. The class is open to anyone 12 years of age or older. Questions? Contact Karen (kvanholstyn@calvarygr.org) at ext. 5173. Register at calvarygr.org/events.


Sunday Night programming begins September 8; on this night only all classes begin at 7:00pm. We will observe a Fall Break on October 27. There will also be no programming Thanksgiving weekend, December 1.


High School Ministry | Sunday Evenings

6:30pm-8:30pm | Room 208

Registration required at calvarygr.org/hsm

High School Ministry – HSM for short –is Calvary’s youth group for those in 9th12th grade. We exist to connect students to meaningful community with their peers (& awesome adult leaders), and to encourage them to know and follow Jesus for themselves. We also believe in having as much FUN as possible while pursuing those two goals. We strive to be a community that is unified, prayerful, and seeking to serve and we hope you will join us!

During your time at HSM, you will be led in worship through song by an incredible, student-led worship band, enjoy a fun game or activity, hear a relevant message from God’s Word, and conclude our time together in small group discussions.*

* Small groups meet during HSM from 7:45-8:30pm in breakout rooms in or near our student space.

Worship Night

SEPTEMBER 8 · 6:00-7:00PM

Gather for a night of worship before the activity of another year takes over. Fill your cup, as you sing and reflect on the goodness and faithfulness of our God alongside your Calvary family and friends.

Overtime Hangout | Sunday Evenings After HSM (8:30pm-9:00pm) | Room 208

We hope you’ll join us for “Overtime” hangout each Sunday after HSM, where the goal is simply to have a blast building community through a variety of planned activities.



September 15-November 17 | 4:00-6:00pm

Cost: $20 (Covers Book)

Find your community here at Calvary Church. Rooted is an experience designed to connect you to God, the church, and your purpose. Together, in a group of 10-15 people from all walks of life, you’ll explore the Bible, engage in prayer and serve experiences, share stories, and practice rhythms essential to a healthy spiritual life. Limited childcare available (toddlers – elementary). Register at calvarygr.org/events.

Note: Rooted is a 10 week experience. Commitment is key to the experience and the success. We ask that you ensure you can attend 70% (7 out of 10) of the gatherings. This is a kindness to you and the rest of the group.



Wednesday Night programming begins September 11. We will observe a Fall Break on October 23. There will also be no programming on Thanksgiving Eve, November 27.

The foundation of the Wednesday Night experience at Calvary is the Wednesday Fellowship Dinner. A hearty, healthy meal featuring a rotating entree, pizza or chicken nuggets, and a salad bar. More than just solving the equation of what you’ll have for dinner on a busy weeknight, WFD is a low-stakes opportunity to gather around the table with your church friends. It’s a casual time for community that you don’t have to organize or plan - just show up! Every week is a chance to meet someone new or deepen an exisiting relationship.



Gathering Place

Cost: $7

$28 max per immediate family


& Students


Begins Wednesday, September 11

6:30-7:45pm | Cost: $5 per child

Register at calvarygr.org/kna

Children from birth through 4th grade are invited to join us on Wednesday evenings for our Kids-N-Action programming! It is our desire that children understand what God says in the Bible, believe it, and put it into action in their daily lives. KNA is designed to foster social interaction through Bible stories, electives, and small groups while facilitating spiritual growth in learning how to put your faith into action!

Note: If cost is an issue, reach out to calvarykids@calvarygr.org about scholarship opportunities.

If your child is in Pre-K, this program is only available to kids whose parents are in a class/study or volunteering at Calvary on Wednesday nights.

Fifth & Sixth Grade

Wednesdays, Beginning September 11


Meet & Pick Up: Room 108

Registration required at calvarygr.org/56

Join us for our Wednesday night programming this year in 56! We will have large group worship, small group discussions, free time activities, and we will be studying the books of Ezra and Nehemiah in our series, Dispatched We will be looking into how God is dispatching us to help build up His kingdom in the places He has us.

Seventh & Eighth Grade

Wednesdays, Beginning September 11

6:30pm-7:45pm | Room 208

Registration required at calvarygr.org/78

Join us each Wednesday Night where students will get an opportunity to

connect with friends, spend time worshipping God through song and by diving into His Word, play a fun game, and get a chance to dig even deeper with their peers in adult-led small groups (broken up by grade and gender).


Art of Marriage

Wednesdays, September 11-October 16

6:30-7:45pm | $20

Register at calvarygr.org/events

What could your marriage become? Discover ways to connect and live out God’s “artistic” vision for marriage. There are his and her workbooks to help engage with the six video sessions. Whether your looking to make a good marriage better or you feel like it’s on life support, God designed your union to be a life of joyful togetherness much bigger than “happily ever after.”

Questions? Contact Karen (kvanholstyn@ calvarygr.org) at ext. 5173.

The Conversation

Wednesdays | 6:30-7:30pm | Room 215

This is an ongoing group that you can “jump into” at any time. In The Conversation, our goal is to create a spontaneous community comprised of anyone who might walk into Calvary. Together we will seek out scriptural truth, transparency in our lives, truth in repentance, and take time to just fully love on one another by the power of Jesus Christ our Lord! There is no script or study we follow, we let the Holy Spirit take control and follow His prompting.


Discipleship 101

Begins September 11 | 6:30-7:45pm | $5 Register at calvarygr.org/events

Are you ready to help others grow spiritually? This class will provide a helpful resource guide for discipleship that covers essentials like how to help someone write their testimony, share the Gospel, pray and read the Bible. We’ll talk about accountability, stewardship and multiplication. Come as a refresher or if you are just beginning to live out the Great Commission. Questions? Contact Karen (kvanholstyn@calvarygr.org) at ext. 5173.

Embrace Life

Begins September 11 | 6:20-7:45pm

Embrace Life at Calvary Church is a group for single moms who have children or are pregnant. Childcare + Dinner are included; dinner starts at 5:30pm and class starts at 6:20pm. If you are ready to thrive in motherhood, and learn more about God’s love and plans for you and your little ones, register at calvarygr.org/embracelife.

Healing Injured Sisters (H.I.S.)

Wednesdays, Beginning September 11 6:30-8:00pm

Have you been wounded in the past either emotionally or physically? Have you experienced trauma that seems to keep you stuck or defeated in some area of your life? Are you ready to begin the journey of healing? Jesus wants to bring healing and restoration to you so you can live in the FREEDOM He has for you and enjoy the ABUNDANT life. Learn to be an OVERCOMER in God’s Love, Mercy and Grace.

Intercessors / Prayer Chain

Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm | Room 212

Open to anyone interested in praying for Calvary Church, its congregation, pastors, staff, volunteers and programming. Meet in person to pray over requests emailed weekly. Submit prayer requests

to Cindy (cmarrell@calvarygr.org).

Let’s Pray

Wednesdays, November 6 – December 11 | 6:30-7:45pm | Room 261 Register at mycalvarygr.org

Do you delight in your prayer time or is it a duty? Do you even have a consistent prayer life? Join us as we focus on the delight of prayer. This is a practical hands-on class to actually pray, not just talk about ways to pray. Bring your Bible as we pray through Scripture and experience prayer in a powerful new way.

A Man & His Fatherhood

Wednesdays, September 11-October 16 6:30-7:45pm | $10 Register at calvarygr.org/events

A Man and His Fatherhood will help you begin to think strategically about being a dad and help you prepare to launch healthy sons and daughters into the world. This study is part of the Authentic Manhood 33 series of six-week sessions that gives men a vision for manhood as modeled by Jesus in His 33 years on earth. Questions? Contact Karen (kvanholstyn@calvarygr.org) at ext. 5173.

A Man & His Design

Wednesdays, October 30 – December 11

6:30-7:45pm | Room 265 | $10 Register at mycalvarygr.org

There are so many voices out there that are telling men what it means to be a man. Discover God’s design. A Man and His Design is part of the Authentic Manhood 33 series of six-week sessions that gives men a vision for manhood as modeled by Jesus in His 33 years on earth.

Restored Book Study

Wednesdays at 6:30pm Care Conference Room (Entrance J) Contact: Calvary Care at (616) 956-5628 or care@calvarygr.org.

Using your Spiritual Gifts

Wednesdays, September 18 – October 16 6:30-7:45pm | Room 251-253 Register at mycalvarygr.org

You have been given a special gift by the Holy Spirit in order to build up the church body! Come and discover your spiritual gift and how you can use it. In this course you will be equipped with a greater understanding of how spiritual gifts work in the church and the next steps to using your gifts for God’s glory.


Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm | Room 256

Unshackled is a weekly Bible study designed for men who are transitioning out of the jail/prison system and looking to build a firm, biblical foundation to help them grow and maintain their walk with Christ. Questions? Contact Lou DeGraaf (ldegraaf@calvarygr.org).

Wednesday Women’s Bible StudyFall Semester

Begins September 11 | 6:30-7:45pm | $10 Limited Space. Register at calvarygr.org/ events by noon on Sept. 9.

While the children are in Kids-N-Action, moms and working women come together for growth in God’s Word, prayer, and community. We invite you to join us on Wednesday evenings as we study the book of 1 & 2 Samuel, a heart-transforming journey to know better God’s heart, encouraging our hearts to become more like His.

The same study is offered on Monday evenings for both men and women, see page 8; and for women only on Tuesday mornings, see page 11.

Worship on Wednesdays

6:00-7:35pm | Chapel

Come join us for Christ-centered worship, fellowship, and learning from God’s word. All are welcome!


Calvary Kids

Birth-Fourth Grade

Contact: Brooke Hensler

bhensler@calvarygr.org | ext. 5085

Post Family Farms

Saturday, October 5 | 6:30-9:00pm

$20 Per Family

If you are looking for a beautiful, old-fashioned, farm setting to celebrate the abundance of the harvest season, look no further! Post Family Farm is overflowing with pumpkins, squash, gourds, and more fall farm fun. Donuts, hayrides, a bonfire, and more await you at our family-friendly farm! So invite your neighbors to join your family for fall festivities at Post Family Farm! Register at calvarygr.org/ events.

Child Dedication

Sunday, October 20 | 4:00-5:00pm

Parents, this is an opportunity to commit your children to the Lord at our Child Dedication services. Family members and friends are welcome to join in the celebration and show their support. If you would like to dedicate your child(ren), registration is required.

Parents will also attend a breakfast meeting the day prior, to discuss the significance and importance of child dedication. Register at calvarygr.org/events by October 4. If you have any questions please email Brooke Hensler.

Hand 2 Hand – Service Project

November 15 | 6:00-8:00pm

In response to the life-changing love of Jesus, we are guided to participate in God’s mission in our church and our community and one way we do this is by serving. This service-oriented event is designed for young kids and adults to participate together as the body of Christ and is sponsored by Calvary Kids!

We will gather to eat a pizza dinner, hear about our partnership that we have with Hand 2 Hand, and then pack Sack Packs,

which will be distributed to kids all over the Grand Rapids area to help ensure they have increased access to food each day. There are two ways to get involved.


To ensure each child will receive the same food, we ask for no substitutions to the food items on the Sack Pack supply list. Donations will be collected in blue buckets at the top of the stairs to the Calvary Kids area from Sunday, Oct 27 – Friday, Nov 15. We welcome any brand of the following items:

• Granola Bars

• Fruit Snacks

• Microwave Popcorn

• Rice Krispy Treats

• Quart-sized Ziplock Bags

Pizza and Pack Night:

We would love for you and your family to join us in the Gathering Place on November 15, to help pack Sack Packs! Registration is required at calvarygr.org/events. The event is free, dinner will be provided. At registration, be prepared to provide a total guest count for your family.

Fifth & Sixth

Fifth-Sixth Grade

Contact: Darcy Walukonis dwalukonis@calvarygr.org

56: Wednesday Nights Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm

See page 5 for details.

Space Station Shutdown Friday, September 13 | 6:30-8:30pm | $5 Room 108 (Entrance F)

Captains Log: 9/13/24. Red alert, crewmates! Space Station Shutdown commences on September 13th! Imposters lurk in the darkness, sabotaging the Stellar 56 Space. Grab your wits (and oxygen) and expose the culprits before time runs out! Join us for this Among Us style game night and brace yourselves! This event will be a blast! Register at calvarygr. org/events.

Small Group Night

Friday, October 11 | 6:30-8:30 pm | FREE Room 108 (Entrance F)

Small Group Night is HERE and you ain’t ready! Squad up with your small group, and engage in the activity that YOU chose! Board games, gym games, arts or crafts – you named it, you OWN it! This ain’t your average gathering, it’s FRIENDSHIP FRENZY & FUN TIMES guaranteed! So roll up, grab your people, and prepare for an EPIC night like no other! Register at calvarygr.org/events.

Laser Havoc: Galactic Edition!

Friday, November 8 | 6:30-8:30pm | $10 Room 108 (Entrance F)

The echoes of laser fire still ring in my ears, the taste of victory, and the fight for the future galaxy never ends, recruits! On November 8, prepare to descend upon Room 108 for “Laser Havoc: Galactic Edition,” a neon-fueled night. Leave your shields down, fear at the airlock, and prepare to enter an immersive battlefield. Are you ready to answer the call, young warriors? Prepare your phasers, lock your targets, and join the fight for laser supremacy! Remember, victory favors the bold! Register at calvarygr.org/events.

Seventh & Eighth Seventh-Eighth Grade

Contact: Darcy Walukonis dwalukonis@calvarygr.org

78: Wednesday Nights Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm

See page 5 for details.

Family Bonfire Night

September 27 | 7:00-9:00pm

Meet & Pick Up: Rodney’s House Register By: Tuesday, September 24

Who doesn’t love a bonfire in the Fall? Join us as we head out to Rodney’s house for a bonfire complete with S’mores, drinks and yard games. This is a family event, so bring the whole crew! We look forward to connecting with each of you around the campfire or over a fun game! $5 per family.

Seventh & Eighth



Tree Runners

October 11 | 6:00-8:00pm | $25 2121 Celebration Dr NE Register by October 8

Get ready to conquer the skies as you swing, climb, and zip through the treetops like never before! Challenge yourself on a thrilling high ropes adventure that combines courage and fun in an unforgettable outdoor experience. Join us for an adrenaline-pumping evening where you’ll test your limits and make memories soaring among the trees!

Fall Retreat

November 15-16 | $65 Register by November 8

Join us as we head back to Pine Ridge Bible Camp for our annual Fall Retreat! We truly believe that Retreats are where students form great friendships or deepen ones already made. We believe it is on retreats where students are challenged to grow in their faith and take that next step in our relationship with Jesus, while also having a ton of fun!

High School

9th-12th Grade

Contact: Darcy Walukonis dwalukonis@calvarygr.org

The Renaissance

September 15 | 6:30-8:30pm | Free Room 208 (Entrance E)

Hear ye, hear ye! On the fifteenth day of September, mark thy calendars and prepare thy hearts for a grand gathering unlike any other in our fair kingdom! Join us as we step back through the mists of time to get to know our fellow lords and ladies in the glow of medieval and Renaissance merriment. Feast on a bounty of delectable snacks as you partake in games and challenges that shall test both thy skill and thy wit. So gather thy courage and thy jest, for the eve promises laughter and camaraderie, where bonds forged in the fires of fellowship shall endure beyond this fair night.

Orchard Fest

Friday, October 11 | 7:00-9pm | $10

Meet & Pick Up: Fruit Ridge Hayrides Registration required by October 5

Experience the fruits of the harvest season! Whether it’s finding the juiciest honeycrisp apple, the roundest pumpkin, or experiencing what it is to be a laborer for the harvest; join us at Fruit Ridge Hayrides and Corn maze for… you guessed it, hayrides and a challenging corn maze. We will also have donuts and cider and a short time of reflection and sharing around a bonfire. Come enjoy this classic Fall pastime with your friends at HSM. Please let us know if you will need a ride.

Fall Retreat at Gull Lake Ministries

November 1-3 | 5:30pm | $155

Registration Required by October 14

Pause from the bustle and routine and get away to grow spiritually, make memories, and build relationships at our Fall Retreat. Rest with God and friends amidst the beauty of Gull Lake Ministries while we play games, have late night chats, worship together, and dig into God’s word.

All that, Bowling!

November 16 | 6:30-8:30pm | $15

AMF Eastbrook Lanes

Registration Required by November 9

Booyah, strike! Grab your fellow home skillets and get ready for a 90’s themed night at the lanes. Come looking fly in the most 90’s outfit you can. We will enjoy classic pizza and bowling, but wait, there’s going to be a twist! Did I also forget to mention UNLIMITED fountain drinks? My bad. But for real, come chillax with us and make this night a memorable one.


Young Adults

College & Career (Ages 18-30)

Contact: Abby Nuenke anuenke@calvarygr.org

Tuesday Nights

Tuesdays | 8:00-9:30pm | Room 208 (Entrances D & E)

We exist to help Young Adults know God and actively live out their faith where they live, work, and play. So, come encounter Jesus in a community of young adults through worship of music, teaching, testimony, and friendship. Doors open at 7:30. For updated information on events and other happenings at YA, head to our linktree: https://linktr.ee/ya.calvarygr.

YA: Fall Retreat

Friday, October 11 - Sunday, October 13 | 6:30pm – 12:00pm | Cost: $85 Early Bird until September 11, $100 after September 11

Location: Camp Geneva

This year’s retreat theme is Reconnect. This will be a great weekend to deepen your faith, find rest, grow your friendships with other young adults and reconnect with God. The weekend is packed with different activities, worship, teaching and prayer. Register at calvarygr.org/events by October 2.

If you have further questions, please contact Young Adults facilitator Abby Nuenke at anuenke@calvarygr.org.

All Adults

Contact: Karen VanHolstyn kvanholstyn@calvarygr.org

Monday Night Bible Study - Fall Semester

Mondays, Beginning September 16

7:00-8:30pm | Gathering Place | $10 Register by 12:00pm on September 9 at calvarygr.org/mnbs

Men and women come together for large group teaching and gender specific small group discussion of the lessons.

Our study this year, King of our Hearts

– A Study of 1 & 2 Samuel, will lead us on a heart-transforming journey to know better God’s heart, encouraging our hearts to become more like His. Cost is $10 per semester. Questions? Contact Karen (kvanholstyn@calvarygr.org) at ext. 5173.

Forever Hope

Adoptive & Foster Care

Contact: Lou DeGraaf ldegraaf@calvarygr.org

Adoptive & Foster Moms Book Discussion

September 25, October 16, November 20 9:30-11:30am or 6:15-7:45pm Calvary Kids Family Room

Join other adoptive/foster moms for inspiring discussions. We will be reading Reclaim Compassion: The Adoptive Parent’s Guide to Overcoming Blocked Care with Neuroscience and Faith by Lisa Qualls and Melissa Corkum. Questions? Contact Sheri Schmidt (sschmidt@calvarygr.org) ext. 5524


Contact: Carla Julien cjulien@calvarygr.org

Basketball Mondays | 7:00-9:00pm | Gym

Men’s open gym pick-up basketball. This is a great opportunity for men (age 19+) to enjoy some fellowship over a good game of basketball. For more information contact Mike (mensbball@ calvarygr.org).

Men at Noon

Tuesdays | 12:00pm

This group of men meet weekly throughout the whole year to do an inductive Bible study. Contact Russ (menatnoon@calvarygr.org) for more information.

Men of 7:24

Begins September 7 | 8:00-9:00am Room 265 (Entrance K)

Journey through Philippians with two purposes; to enable each man to

discover what God is saying to him, and to grow and mature as an active disciple of Christ Jesus. Contact Denny (menof724@calvarygr.org) for more information on this group that meets each Saturday.

Men of 6:10

Begins September 11 | 6:00-7:30am Room 265 (Entrance K)

Inductive study of the book of Job meets on Wednesdays. Contact Earl (menof610@calvarygr.org) for more information.

Men of Prayer

Third Tuesday | 6:30-7:30am | Room 253

We need prayer warriors now more than ever! Join the praying men of Calvary church for a one-hour prayer meeting on the third Tuesday of the month. There will be a brief devotional, worship, and a time of inviting the Lord’s presence in united prayer. Coffee will be available and you will be out by 7:30am. Will you give up one hour a month to make a lasting impact? See you there.

Men’s Breakfast

September 14 | 8:00-9:30am | $5

Men, we would like to invite you to join us for breakfast and fellowship as we gather together to study the qualities of an elder. As October rolls around and our elder board rotates men on and off we will be looking at what it means to be a man who desires the leadership role of elder in the church. We hope you can join us for a great morning of fellowship and discussion. Grab a friend and register at calvarygr.org/men.

Proclaim: Men’s Retreat

October 11-12 | $85

Timber Wolf Lake

Are you feeling lost in the daily grind? It’s time to proclaim our freedom, our purpose, and our promise in Christ! Recharge your faith and forge new bonds with your brothers as we team up with The Local Church, Indwelling,

and New Heart to bring men together for a fun and powerful fall retreat. We will have competitive tournaments and opportunities to unwind and relax by the lakeside fire pit. Don’t miss this chance to get some time away and step back into the world a stronger man of God.

We will have three powerful sessions with authentic worship lead by Jordan Koller from The Local Church. During session 1, Pastor Clarence Stamps from Indwelling Church will teach us what it means to proclaim freedom through Jesus Christ. On Saturday Morning, Mark Schaap, Minister of Men’s and Marriages from Calvary will show us what it looks like to proclaim our purpose as men living in our present age. Pastor Adam Anderson from New Heart Church will close out our retreat with session 3, Proclaim Promise.

Whether you like to stay active or need a chance to chill out, we will have activities available for everyone. After we close session one, get ready for a friendly night of competition in pickleball, euchre, or cornhole tournaments. Prefer to chill? Enjoy the campfire by the lake or hang out in the game room. On Saturday, rev up your engines with go-kart racing, test your aim on the disc golf course, soar through the trees on zip lines, or hit the mountain biking trails. Register at calvarygr.org/proclaim by October 10.

Chili Cookoff & Cornhole Tournament

October 23 | 6:00-8:00pm

Guys, dust off your grills and dial in your aim. Break out that top secret chili recipe and compete for bragging rights and 1st place prizes. Don’t cook? No sweat! Come enjoy the chili throw down, try your hand at cornhole, and catch up with your brothers in Christ. It’ll be an evening of chili, fellowship, and friendly competition. Register at calvarygr.org/ men.

Men’s Breakfast

November 9 | 8:00-9:00am | $5

Servant leadership is not often what we hear from the big politicians and leaders of our world, but it is certainly what we saw in Jesus. Men come join us for breakfast as we look into the life of Jesus and the way He leads His disciples and the people around Him. This will be a time of good food and fellowship so please come join us as we learn from the greatest leader our world has ever seen. Register at calvarygr.org/men

OASIS (Senior Adults)

Contact: Carla Julien cjulien@calvarygr.org

Oasis Bible Study

Wednesdays, September 11- May 7 9:45-11:00am | Gathering Place

Job 12:12 states, “Wisdom belongs to the aged, and understanding to the old.” Are you convinced of this? We recognize the journey of getting older comes with blessings, lessons and challenges, but do you feel any wiser? As followers of Jesus, were not to approach aging with dread, but as a gift from God. “Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.” (Proverbs 16:31) And a righteous or God-honoring life can only come by the sanctifying work of the Spirit. A work constructed through His guidance. This study will offer us guidance, as we learn to fear the Lord, trust in Him, and to live wisely and well, in God’s care, and in our relationships with others and the world.

October Luncheon & Hymn Sing

October 7 | 10:00am | Gathering Place

Cost: $13

Are there church songs that you miss singing? Then come join us as we gather together to enjoy the hymns of our faith, and worship God with word and song. All are welcome so bring a friend to share good food and fellowship with! Contact Carla to purchase your ticket before September 30.

OASIS Singles

Oasis Singles Sunday Lunch

September 8 | 12:30-2:30pm

Fuji Yama

Meet for a tasty lunch and good fellowship right after church. Cost of lunch will be on your own. R.S.V.P. to Gladys (oasissingles@calvarygr.org).

Oasis Singles Fall Kickoff

September 21 | 6:00-9:00pm 1771 Grand River Dr NE

Come and play lawn games (weather permitting), walk the trail and bring your favorite indoor game. R.S.V.P. to Gladys (oasissingles@calvarygr.org) by September 19.

Oasis Singles Pancake Breakfast

October 6 | 12:30-2:30pm

Meet for a tasty breakfast and good fellowship right after church. R.S.V.P. to Gladys (oasissingles@calvarygr.org).

Oasis Singles Meet & Greet

October 11 | 6:00-8:00pm

Grand Rapids Township Park

Meet your new friends while enjoying some cider and donuts together.

Oasis Singles Sunday Lunch

November 3 | 12:30-2:30pm

Sheshco Mediterranean

Meet for a tasty lunch and good fellowship right after church. Cost of lunch will be on your own. R.S.V.P. to Gladys (oasissingles@calvarygr.org).

Oasis Singles Potluck & Game Night

November 16 | 6:00-9:00pm

Bring your favorite game and snack to share. R.S.V.P. to Gladys (oasissingles@ calvarygr.org).

Renew Crew

Contact: Joe Symonds jsymonds@calvarygr.org

We’ve been working hard at Renew Crew to connect the body of Christ with opportunities to serve! We’re also thrilled to unveil our newly revamped website at calvarygr.org/renewcrew.

What’s New?

Welcome Video: Get to know the Crew by enjoying a short video that introduces you to our amazing team and the heart behind our ministry.

Project Intake Form: We’ve added a streamlined project intake form to make it easier than ever to request assistance and keep God’s love flowing through acts of service.

Upcoming serving opportunities: Mark your calendar for upcoming opportunities to serve including Renew Crew Serving Days and Short Terms Missions Trips.

Photo Deck: Take a look at some of our previous projects and amazing teams.

Come Visit Us!

We invite you to explore our updated website and learn more about how you can join Renew Crew in making a difference!

Renew Crew Serving Day

October 26 | 8:00am-12:00pm | Room 256

Join us for a great opportunity to make some new friends and help others in need! Renew Crew seeks to show Christ’s love through acts of service in the housing sector. We will be doing a variety of projects for people in our church and community who need a helping hand. Meet us in Room 256 (Entrance K) for some coffee and breakfast before we break up into teams and get to work!

Widows Ministry

Contact: lbok@calvarygr.org

Widows Breakfast

September 19 | 9:30–11:30am

Room 208 (Entrance D)

Cost: Free but do need to rsvp

Guest Speaker: Pastor Jim Samra

Widows Coffee

October 17 | 9:30–11:30am

Room 208 (Entrance D)

Cost: Free but do need to rsvp

Topic: Preparing your vehicle and home for winter

Widows & Widowers

Thanksgiving Luncheon

November 17 | 1:00-2:30pm Gathering Place (Entrance A & B)

Cost: $5 and please rsvp

Guest: Jon Rudolph

Topic: Leaving a Legacy

To RSVP please contact Lynnell (lbok@calvarygr.org) (616) 956-9377, ext 5520


Contact: women@calvarygr.org

Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study King of our Hearts–

A Study of 1 & 2 Samuel Tuesdays, Beginning September 17 9:15-11:15am | $10 (cost of book)

Join women this year for Calvary’s Adult Bible Study, “King of our Hearts – A Study of 1 & 2 Samuel,” a heart-transforming journey to know better God’s heart, encouraging our hearts to become more like His. May we be like David whom God called “a man after His own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14).

You will be placed in a small group where you will discuss the lessons and then come together as a large group in the Gathering Place for teaching. Throughout the year we will have optional small group socials and opportunities for “Table Talks” as well. Pre-register by noon on Monday September 9 at calvarygr.org/events.

Tuesday Kids is a wonderful place for children ages birth to six years old. Moms must be in attendance at Bible Study at Calvary while children are in class.

Wednesday Women’s Bible Study Begins September 11 | 6:30-7:45pm

See page 6.

Embrace: Women Embracing Motherhood Together

First, Third & Fifth Thursdays Begins September 5 | 9:00-11:15am Gathering Place

Embrace is a warm community where faith is strengthened through friendships, mentoring and sound teaching for Moms with babies and young children. The Embrace theme this year is Freedom. We would love to have you join us for fellowship, mentoring, devotions, breakfast and insightful speakers. While you are enjoying a time with other Moms, your children will be lovingly cared for in our Embrace Kids nursery. Children must be registered in order to take advantage of this opportunity.

Register at calvarygr.org/embrace. Cost: $100 year. Partial scholarships available upon request. Questions? Email embrace@calvarygr.org.


October 17 | 7:00-9:00pm

Gathering Place

See page 28 for more information on this free event featuring dessert and conversation for ladies of all ages.


October 2 | 11:00am-12:00pm

November 19 | 11:15am-12:15pm Room 215 (Entrance C)

As we continue to step out in faith into our neighborhoods, workplaces and friend groups with simple Bible studies, you may need encouragement to carry on or maybe God has been prompting you to take the first step. Blessed2Bless gatherings are for prayer and encouragement as we continue to reach out.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Second & Fourth Thursdays, Beginning September 12 10:00am-12:00pm | Room 215 (Ent. C)

Do you enjoy knitting or crocheting? We would love to have you serve with us in the Prayer Shawl Ministry. We meet the second and fourth Thursday each month for a time of prayer, devotions and fellowship while creating prayer shawls. You can join us in person or work from home and we supply yarn and patterns.

Freedom in Christ for Women

Begins September 26 | 6:30-8:30pm | $10 10 Sessions + 1 Saturday Register at calvarygr.org/events

Join us for a 10-week life changing course designed to help every Christian become a fruitful disciple and live into freedom in Christ. We’ll look at what the Bible says about who you are in Christ and how to break free from whatever is holding you back from walking in freedom. If you are ready to take your walk with Christ seriously, this class will give you the tools to walk in victory.

A Saturday workshop will be held on Saturday, November 16 from 9:30am4:30pm as well.

Homeschool Moms

First Fridays, Beginning October 4 9:30-11:30 | Room 139

Calvary’s Homeschool Moms meet once a month for a time of prayer and building community. We invite you to join us on the first Friday of the month, October through May. Children are welcome and we provide care, activities and a place for studying. For additional questions, contact Andrea Reiffer (areiffer@calvarygr.org) or women@calvarygr.org.


Contact: care@calvarygr.org

Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings

Sundays – Women’s Stag

5:00-6:00pm | Room 112 (Entrance G)

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays

7:30-8:30pm | Rm 112 (Entrance G)


12:00-1:00pm | Rm 112 (Entrance G)


Thursdays | 7:30-8:30pm | Room 110 (Entrance G)

Tuesday Women’s Meeting

7:00-8:00pm | Room 114 (Entrance G)

Al-Anon is a program of recovery for the families and friends of alcoholics, whether or not the alcoholic recognizes the existence of a drinking problem or seeks help.


Help for men who are struggling with pornography and/or sexual brokenness. Contact avenue@calvarygr.org.


Tuesdays, Beginning September 10

6:30-8:00pm | Room 263 (Entrance K)

A 13-week support group for those processing through the journey of divorce. Register at divorcecare.org


Tuesdays, Beginning September 10

6:30-8:00pm | Room 252 (Entrance K)

A 13-week support group for those grieving the loss of someone close. Register at griefshare.org

Hannah’s Heart

Support for those grieving a miscarriage or the loss of an infant. Contact: Deb Donker at (616) 363-7818 or Judy Wetters at (616) 433-1533.

LGBTQ+ Family Support

Sundays, Beginning September 15 6:30pm | Room 252 (Entrance K)

This group is for parents and grandparents of children of all ages who self-identify as LGBTQ+. It will be led by three Calvary parents with LGBTQ+ children. Questions? Contact: lovingwell@calvarygr.org or care@ calvarygr.org.

Mental Illness Support Group

Second Thursday | 6:30-8:00pm | Rm 255

If you are caring for a loved one with mental illness, this support group is designed to give you encouragement, training and fellowship with others walking a similar journey. Contact mentalhealth@ calvarygr.org with questions.

Our Journey of Hope Cancer Care

One-on-one support ministry partnering cancer patients with trained Cancer Care Volunteers who will walk alongside them to provide hope and encouragement on their cancer journey.

If you are currently in treatment for cancer and are interested in being partnered with a Cancer Care Volunteer, please register at calvarygr.org/ cancercare.


Contact: Cindy Marrell (cmarrell@calvarygr.org)

Prayer Walk for Fall Ministries

September 8 | 9:00am, 10:45am or 5:00pm

Begins in Prayer Garden (Entrance C)

Do you feel the urge to enjoy the outdoors before summer wanes away? Do you secretly yearn for spring so we can start the season all over? Are you already moving into fall with back-to-school and other planning? This September Prayer Walk is a great way to merge both the summer weather and the new beginning of Calvary’s fall ministries.

We would love your help inviting God’s presence into the upcoming season by walking and praying around Calvary. Groups will be led out from the Garden, praying through the provided guide at six locations.

Part of prayer is to ask God’s blessing, but many times, we find we are blessed through prayer with others. Please come, be blessed and be a blessing to your church! Now is the time to pray in unity.

Elder Prayer

First Tuesday | 6:15-7:15pm

Contact: Cindy Marrell at ext. 5997

Are you seeking healing? Do you need others to come alongside you right now? Experience the encouraging power of prayer with the Elders. Schedule a time and let us come before the Lord with you in this season.

Jerusalem Project Monthly Prayer

Second Sunday | 10:15-10:40am Room 110

Pray for the Jerusalem Project. Sign up for our monthly prayer email, contact: jp.prayer@calvarygr.org.

Pastors’ Prayer Partners

Sundays | One Service Monthly

Receive weekly updates from the Pastoral Staff via email or postal mail. Your role is to pray with a team of prayer warriors during one service a month and pray in your own home regularly.

Prayer For the Persecuted Church

Fourth Sunday | 10:15-10:40am Room 110

Pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering for their faith.

Prayer Walking at Calvary

Get physical and spiritual exercise by walking with your eyes wide open around Calvary praying for and blessing various ministry activities. Come at noon on Wednesdays September 6, October 18 and November 15. Or bring your family or friends at a time that works for you!

Pick up a Prayer Walk Guide at any blue yard sign located at various entrances and pray through that section. Just look for the “Prayer Walk” signs on those Wednesdays.

Third Monday Missionary Prayer

Third Monday | 11:30am-12:30pm Room 255 (Entrance K)

Join us in person, with virtual option, to hear updates and pray for our missionaries around the world. Prayer points and Zoom link can be emailed. Contact: Susan Mangione (thirdmondayprayer@calvarygr.org)


Contact: Christie Thompson cthompson@calvarygr.org


If you feel the Lord prompting you to be baptized, contact Christie.


We aim to observe the ordinance of communion once a month, typically on the first Sunday. At these times, we will also collect an offering for Calvary’s Benevolence Fund.


Rehearsals for Praise Band, Choir, and Orchestra occur Wednesday evenings. Praise Band starts at 6pm and Choir and Orchestra start at 6:30.

Contact Christie Thompson (cthompson@calvarygr.org) if you are interested in joining the worship team.

Thanksgiving Eve Dinner

November 27 | 6:00-7:30pm

Gathering Place | Free

A night of sharing thanks over a delicious Italian meal prior to Thanksgiving Day. Space is limited, registration is required at mycalvarygr.org.

The cost is free but we are extending a way to give back this Thanksgiving by asking you to bring unwrapped products to help stock our Calvary Food Pantry. Details available upon registration.


Midweek Daytime Serving Children & Moms

Women’s Ministry offers Tuesday Bible Study and Embrace Moms during the week, both of which present opportunities to minister to young children through songs and Bible Stories. Programs run September through May, every Tuesday and many Thursday mornings.

Serving Opportunities:

• Caregivers who can play with and care for children ages 6 and under

• Both women and men are welcome to join our team

• Flexible options available: join our regular team or Sub list, serve per semester (Sept-Dec. or Jan-May), or by the month

Contact Jessica Henkaline (women@ calvarygr.org) at 616-956-5186 for openings or to be added to our sub list.

Take Note

Congregational Emergency Procedures


In the event the fire warning system is activated all programing shall stop and everyone must evacuate the building. Any children in the care of the church will go to their outside reunification area where families will be reunited using the standard checkout process. All events will be concluded until further notice.

Severe Weather

In the event travel conditions are extremely hazardous the church may delay programing or close the building for a period of time. Closures will be posted on the church website.

In the event there would be a high wind / tornado warning while at church there will be a verbal public address to take shelter in the lower designated areas.

Interruption of Utility Services

In the event of a whole building loss of electrical power the emergency lighting will come on for people to find their way through the building. If the power loss does not restore in a couple minutes all church activities shall be cancelled, parents need to pick up their children as normal and the building will be secured until the power is restored and further programing able to resume.

If the whole building loses water pressure the building shall be closed until the water is restored. Once restored a plan of action to safely reopen will be made and communicated.

If there is a loss of natural gas pressure depending on the season and impacts on the building will decide what ministry can continue. If there is a gas leak near or in the building the building shall be closed until it is safe to return.

See classroom flip charts for more emergency information. Questions? Contact Ken Meines (kmeines@calvarygr.org).


A Testimony of Blessing

On May 26, Tom preached a sermon entitled “Don’t be a goat.” At the end of the sermon, the congregation had the opportunity to fill out an insert in the bulletin or respond online with skills or trades they wanted to use to serve our community, both inside and outside the church. Over 100 people responded.

The unique aspect of this serving opportunity is that once you sign up, you wait to be called upon when needed. We have been able to call on many of you so far, and we wanted to share a testimony of how this new initiative is blessing not only those in need but also those who are serving.

Here is what Jo wrote:

I recently joined Calvary, and Tom’s sermon in late May deeply resonated with me. I was eager to get involved and serve the Lord by supporting this community, but I had to undergo major surgery on June 26 first. God’s timing is perfect, and I’ve witnessed His work in my life through the “Blessed to be a Blessing” initiative.

Being single, I didn’t have many people to assist me during my recovery. Sara Blue stepped in and connected me with volunteers from the “Blessed to be a Blessing” program, which is how I met Kerrigan. For the past few weeks, she has been helping me almost every night. In my vulnerable state, she made me feel comfortable and supported, often traveling across town to assist with tasks I couldn’t manage on my own. Her compassion and willingness to go the extra mile have been incredible, and we’ve developed a strong bond.

Now that I’m more independent, Kerrigan still visits to help and stays longer to chat and keep me company. She checks on me daily, and we encourage each other, forming a close friendship through this experience.

Many members of Calvary have blessed me with their prayers, visits, food, transportation, and support. I want to express my gratitude to everyone for their time, sacrifice, and obedience to the Lord in caring for me. I am truly thankful that God has provided for me beyond my expectations, just as Ephesians 3:20 says. “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

Kerrigan wrote the following about her experience: The “Blessed to be a Blessing” initiative has provided a wonderful opportunity for me to use my gifts to assist Jo. After her surgery, I was able to support her with anything she needed. Through this experience, I didn’t just help a fellow congregant, we also grew closer as sisters in Christ. Helping people both within and outside of Calvary reassures me that God is working through me.

John 15:12 says, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” I strive to follow our Lord’s command by loving and caring for people wherever they are on their journey.


“She’s gone!” I will never forget hearing those words. Even as I write this, my heart is crushed. It was Wednesday, September 27, 2023 at 7:05 pm. I had just finished playing pickleball at Grand Rapids Pickleball Club at Belknap Park. I saw on my phone that my friend, Mary*, had called earlier so I thought I’d call her back from my car on the drive home. It was then she cried out those horrific words. Through tears and sobs, I learned that our dear friend, Sheryl*, had been killed in a headon collision while on a business trip in Minnesota. I remember screaming and then crying uncontrollably as I pulled over by the side of the road. I then had to call our friend, Julie*, and break the news to her. We immediately headed to Mary’s house to try to process this senseless, tragic death. Our friendship had truly started about a year prior, and we had grown close very quickly. I had come to think of us like the four musketeers doing life together. We texted daily, saw each other almost every week and started vacationing together. We had all recently vacationed in Mexico where Sheryl and I had many one-on-one deep conversations while floating around in the pool. The four of us had dreams of what we would do together in retirement, traveling and learning new skills. We even promised each other that we would take care of each other in the nursing home –making a pact to pull out each other’s chin hairs when they got too long!

As part of my grieving process, I started looking back through my past texts with Sheryl. Of course, the four musketeer group texts always contained the daily Wordle and a lot of bantering back and forth. But there were meaningful texts too. When someone needed encouragement or help, we would rally around her, and the texts would uplift and support. It was there via text that I got up the courage to invite my three friends to the Fall 2023 Alpha class. I didn’t know much about the class at the time but it sounded interesting, and I thought we could all try it together. I had taken a picture of the flyer and texted it to them with an invitation to try it with me. Sheryl had texted back, “Hi Cathy, It looks to be just what I need but the timing is not good for me.” To this day, I have saved every text I had from Sheryl, and even now, as I re-read that text on my phone, there are tears in my eyes.

Alpha at Calvary begins September 5


Long story short, God had given me the courage to invite a couple other ladies to Alpha as well and it was truly a life changing experience for all of us. It is such a well-done program. The videos are incredible; the discussion time compliments the video, and you get a free dinner. My friends are both on a journey to continue to learn who Jesus is in their lives. For me, it truly cemented my faith and answered those questions lingering in the back of my mind.

Cathy Oosse Alpha Co-Leader

Please consider praying about inviting your non-Christian or new Christian friends or family members to Alpha – it will be a blessing to you both. Those interested in attending the Fall 2024 Alpha class, along with their invitee(s), should sign up both yourself and your invitee(s) at calvarygr.org/alpha.

Embracing THE MESSY AND WONDERFUL Journey of Fostering

My husband and I had the privilege of being foster parents to two incredible boys, Z & K, for two and a half years. The experience was nothing short of transformative, not only for the boys but also for us. Though fostering can be a messy and challenging experience, it can also be profoundly rewarding and filled with blessings.

A Journey of Love and Growth

During their time with us, Z & K became an integral part of our family. We shared countless moments of joy, growth, and love, providing them with a stable and nurturing environment. Our home became a place where they could experience the warmth and care of a loving Christian family. We attended church together, participated in community events, and celebrated holidays and birthdays, creating memories that will last a lifetime. We watched them grow, not just physically but emotionally and spiritually as well. They learned about trust, respect, and love in a way that perhaps they hadn't experienced before. We provided them with a safe space to express their feelings, dreams, and fears, and in return, they taught us patience, resilience, and the true meaning of unconditional love.

The Bittersweet Goodbye

When the time came for the boys to return to their biological family, it was a bittersweet moment. We were grateful that they could reunite with their mother and other family members, yet we felt the pain of letting go. It was a difficult transition, filled with mixed emotions. We had grown to love them deeply, and the thought of their absence left a void in our hearts. However, our journey didn't end there. One of the greatest blessings has been the continued relationship we have maintained with Z & K and their mother. This ongoing connection has been a testament to the bonds we formed during their stay with us.

A New Kind of Family

Maintaining this relationship has been one of the most rewarding aspects of our fostering experience. We still get to see the boys regularly, celebrating milestones such as birthdays, school

achievements, and holidays. We support them in their activities and cheer them on in their endeavors, just as we would if they were still living with us. Our bond with their mother has also deepened, creating a sense of extended family that transcends the initial fostering period. Their mother has expressed her gratitude for the love and care we provided during those critical years. We, in turn, are grateful for her trust and openness, which have allowed us to remain a part of the boys' lives. This relationship has shown us that fostering is not just about providing temporary care; it's about building lasting connections and supporting families in need.

The Challenges and Rewards of Fostering

Fostering may come with its challenges and complexities. There are moments of uncertainty, frustration, and heartache. But it also brings unparalleled joy and fulfillment. By opening our hearts and home to Z & K, we were able to share the love of Christ with them and make a lasting impact on their lives. And in return, they enriched our lives in ways we never imagined. We learned to navigate the complexities of the foster care system, working with social workers, therapists, and the boys' biological family to ensure their well-being. It was a collective effort that required patience, understanding, and a lot of love. The boys taught us to see the world through their eyes, to appreciate the small victories, and to find joy in the simple moments.

A Lasting Impact

Our experience as foster parents taught us that even though our time with foster children might be temporary, the love and connections we build can last a lifetime. Fostering is not just about providing a roof over a child's head; it's about giving them a sense of belonging, love, and hope. It's about showing them that they are valued and that their lives matter. We are grateful for the opportunity to be a part of Z & K’s journey and to continue being a positive presence in their lives. Their laughter, hugs, and even their challenges have left an indelible mark on our hearts. They have become a part of our story, and we are honored to be a part of theirs.

Encouraging Others to Foster

If you're considering fostering, know that it will be one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences of your life. It's a journey filled with ups and downs, but the impact you can make on a child's life is immeasurable. Fostering provides an opportunity to live out our Christian faith in a tangible way, offering love and support to those who need it most. Our church community has been incredibly supportive throughout this journey. They have prayed for us, offered practical help, and provided a network of support that has been invaluable. We encourage others in our church and beyond to consider fostering or supporting foster families. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of children and families in our community.

If you would like more information about adoption and foster care, please contact Sheri Schmidt (sschmidt@calvarygr.org)


From Jeremy & Joy | Serving in Africa

Jeremy and Joy work with nomadic people groups in Africa. They share Bible stories and answer spiritual questions as they meet with people who would not otherwise hear the gospel because they do not stay in one place.

Prayer Requests:

• That the Three Cows project will be successful in helping the families economically.

• That the Lord would work in the hearts of these two families and that this project would build trust and lead to spiritual openness.

• More ideas and opportunities to engage these at-risk nomad communities for the sake of the gospel.

From Sean & Liz | Serving in Greece

Sean and Liz serve in Athens alongside the local church to care for and share the Gospel with Greeks as well as the refugees that have arrived in their city.

Prayer Requests:

• For our visa process, we are still waiting on word, but we have a new plan going forward and got confirmation that we are ok to stay where we are for now.

• Good connections to continue and a strong start for the Fall.

• For our Greek - the more relationships we build the more NECESSARY is it to be fluent and we aren't there yet, even if we can hold some conversations.

We hope you have enjoyed these brief snapshots from the newsletters we receive from our Global Workers. More detailed information is included in the monthly prayer packets the Missions Department puts out on the first Sunday of the month. These are available at the Welcome Desk, near the Chapel, and by the Prayer Garden.

* For the safety of our Global Workers, please do not share any information contained here, anywhere online.


Since the beginning, God’s perfect plan has been to create a diversity of cultures and languages among the peoples of the world and then, at the end of time, to draw men, women, and children from all these people groups to himself in a beautiful display of multicultural worship. What a joy it will be when God’s plan reaches its fulfillment!

But there is also joy and meaning for us on the journey toward this future reality. God, in his wisdom and grace, has invited us to join him on his mission to bring all peoples to himself. We get to be a part of his perfect plan!

Do you wonder how you can live for God’s global purpose without being a missionary? This is where the Perspectives class comes in! It will set you on a course of learning so that you can wisely and prayerfully discern what part God wants you to play in this great endeavor.

The Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course consists of 15 sessions covering 4 different aspects of God’s global purpose: the Biblical, Historical, Cultural, and Strategic Perspectives. Each of these lessons will be taught by an expert who will engage our class with clarity, energy, and experience.

When Dorothy and I were missionaries in the Philippines, supported by Calvary Church, we had the opportunity during one of our furloughs in Michigan to enroll in the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course. This fifteen-week study offers a wonderful overview of the whole Bible, focusing on God’s love for every person and his desire to see men, women and children from every tribe, tongue, and people group believe in his Son Jesus. We found the course to be incredibly encouraging and challenging.

Dorothy and I agree wholeheartedly with what one church leader expressed: “Take Perspectives. It will ruin you for the ordinary!”

Plan ahead!

Mark Thursday evenings, 6:009:00pm, January 9 through May 8 on your calendar. More details will be coming soon about registration, cost, scholarship opportunities, and the opportunity to receive college credit for this course. Please email Larry Milks (lmilks@calvarygr.org) if you have any questions in the meantime.

SUPPORT FOR Young Single Moms

Did you hear the exciting news?! Our ministry here at Calvary Church for single moms is transitioning from Embrace Grace to Embrace Life. That means this September we’ll get to serve single moms in Calvary and those in our outside community, all are welcome in even more seasons of motherhood. Pregnant mothers and moms with little ones are all welcome!

Becoming a mom unexpectedly can seem scary. You might feel alone and maybe even lost on who to turn to. At Embrace Life, we know you have overcome many obstacles and hurdles as a single mom. You may feel like you have a hard time dreaming for your future, when you’re just trying to make it through the day. We get it. Even though this journey may not be easy, we believe you can still have your baby and your dreams too. You are strong and you don’t have to walk alone!

As an unmarried mom, there’s a place for you in our Embrace Life support group. You’ll make new friends in similar situations and have leaders that will pray with you, guide and empower you. We are in this with you! The Embrace Life program equips single moms to flourish in their relationship with God. The focus of this group is living an abundant life in Christ, because life abundant means more than just “surviving“ but thriving! Brave moms will learn spiritual and practical ways to help navigate their way through life while using the Holy Spirit as their compass.

If you're a single mom (pregnant, with babies or little ones) we would love for you to join our group! We begin a new group on September 11 and will meet weekly on Wednesday evenings for 20 weeks. Childcare and dinner are included! Moms and their kids can join us for dinner and a fun time connecting before class, starting at 5:30pm. Embrace Life will start promptly at 6:20pm each week downstairs in the children's area and wrap up at 7:45pm.

If you are ready to thrive in motherhood, learn more about God’s love and plans for you and your little ones, and be a part of sweet community with other moms head to the link to complete our form to join Embrace Life: shorturl.at/mAegF

Want to help us reach more moms? We would absolutely love your help in spreading the word, and it's so simple! Just follow us on Instagram (@embracegrace.calvarygr) and Facebook (Embrace Life at Calvary Church - Grand Rapids) and "share" our featured/pinned post to your our own timeline. Every year about half of our moms (sometimes more) find us via social media. Our Embrace Life leaders here at Calvary Church are so excited to meet new moms this Fall!


When Calvary's homeschooling group recently heard of a way to bless a local family from Syria, they responded immediately.

Together, these young moms reached out with compassion, blessing a mom they'd never met with a basket full of items they knew her baby would need –diapers, wipes, clothes, and toys. This mother's immense gratitude was a powerful reminder that even the smallest act of kindness can make a difference and demonstrate love and friendship.

We are called to love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:31). Here in Grand Rapids, that includes refugees, immigrants, and those facing immense challenges as they rebuild their lives in a new community. Small acts of kindness can open up even bigger opportunities to share our lives with others.

Are you feeling called to serve? There are many ways to reach out and support people now calling West Michigan their home. To learn more, contact Lana, Associate Director, Refugee & Short-Term Ministries, at lduoibes@calvarygr.org.

Sign up now, as a team or on your own, to attend the fall Engage class at West Michigan Friendship Center.

Learn from the most experienced missionaries, evangelists, and ministry leaders serving Muslim people. Whether you are interested in refugee ministry, international student outreach, witnessing to neighbors, working in Muslim countries, doing park or sports evangelism, or other opportunities, we think this practical course is just what you need. Class participants will “engage” Muslims and strategize a personal or group plan for fruitful outreach to our Muslim neighbors.


The staff and volunteers at the West Michigan Friendship Center are engaged in a vital outreach to Muslim immigrants and refugees. Along with the course material, you can learn from them and be introduced to soccer camp outreach, TESL, women’s ministry, prayer ministry and even personal visitation. Your family, small group, church or mission team can sponsor Friday night dinners to engage in relationship building and friendship with these Muslim friends.

Lana Duoibes

Learn more at engagecourse.org and register for the course beginning September 10. Partial scholarships are available; contact Lana Duoibes (lduoibes@calvarygr.org).

As part of the efforts by Mercy and Missions and Calvary Kids to expand our local outreach, we are excited to sponsor a serving opportunity this fall that will span generations and work in partnership with Hand 2 Hand, whose mission it is provide food for kids facing weekend hunger in West Michigan. Calvary Kids and their families, along with Adult Ministries and anyone from Calvary who will join us, will have the opportunity to be a light in our community by sharing our time, talent, and treasures.

In Isaiah 58, God calls us to share our food with the hungry so that our light will break forth like the dawn, to spend ourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed so our light will rise in the darkness. It is in doing activities like these, that God further instructs us that we will find joy in the Lord.

In response to the life-changing love of Jesus, join us on this mission as we seek to satisfy hungry souls here in our own community. Folks of all ages can get involved by donating the goods listed to the right, from Sunday, Oct. 27 through Wednesday, Nov. 13. Families with kids in fourth grade and under can also join us for our packing party on Friday, Nov. 15.

Registration is required for this free event at calvarygr.org/ckservice.


Pizza and Pack Night: Friday, Nov. 15 ∙ 6:00-8:00pm

This service-oriented event is designed for young kids and adults to participate in together as the body of Christ and is sponsored by Calvary Kids! We will gather to eat a pizza dinner, hear from our community partner, Hand 2 Hand, and then assemble snack packs. These will be distributed by Hand 2 Hand to kids all over the Grand Rapids area to help ensure that kids have increased access to healthy food each day.

Registration is required at calvarygr.org/ckservice. The event is free, pizza dinner will be provided. At registration, be prepared to provide a total guest count for you and your family.


Donations will be accepted from Sunday, Oct. 27 through Wednesday, Nov. 13, in the blue buckets at the top of the Calvary Kids main staircases.

To ensure each child is receiving the same meal, we ask for no substitutions to the food items on the snack pack supply list. We welcome any brand of the following items:

• Granola Bars

• Fruit Snacks

• Rice Krispie Treats


• Microwave Popcorn

• Quart Size Ziplock Bags

Contact Brooke Hensler (bhensler@calvarygr.org) at (616)956-5085.

Volunteer Opportunities HIGHLIGHTED


We are seeking those with hospitable hearts serving in the role as van driver on Sunday mornings to provide transportation for international college students to and from Calvary Church so that they can attend our morning services. Training is provided and church vans are available for transport.


It takes a large team to maintain our building and grounds. We have roles for Facilities in custodial/grounds, gardening, lawn care and snow removal in the colder months. Scheduling is flexible and training will be provided.


Those with a heart and willingness to teach, guide and love children in the way of the Lord are vital in the church. Consider a position as a teacher, aid or room monitor in Kids in Action our Wednesday evening children’s ministry or Calvary Kids on Sunday mornings.


There are a variety of roles in First Impressions as a greeter, usher, parking lot attendant, choir, praise team & orchestra or in our Culinary Ministry as coffee/donut hospitality in the Gathering Place. This is a great way to serve while connecting through fellowship at Calvary Church.

The Volunteer Application and more opportunities can be found at calvarygr.org/serving.


Autumn is a time of great excitement around Calvary Church. The seasonal changes usher in the start to a full ministry year where we see and experience God at work in a multitude of ways. By design, we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10). In the Lord’s loving-kindness, as we honor Him through faith and love, we receive spiritual gifts to serve others. Christ set a perfect example for us in how we should respond. We are created, gifted and called into something greater; to honor and glorify God our Father in heaven with our lives, just as Christ did.

How is God calling you into His perfect plan? At Calvary Church we have many opportunities to join God as co-laborers in Christ to love and serve others. In submission to the Lord, we are immensely blessed while being a blessing to others. I encourage you to prayerfully discern what this next season looks like and how your life will be a pleasing aroma as we worship the Lord.

If you would like to explore the amazing areas of ministry we have available at Calvary, please contact me, Neil Kassuba – Serving Ministry Facilitator at 616-956-5277 or nkassuba@calvarygr.org and it would bring me great joy to hear your story and help connect you in the way that God is leading.

These Four Walls


When I came to Christ in my early 20s, I was working for FedEx as a driver. To this day, I still remember the joy I would get when I saw that I had packages to deliver to a church. For one, the bathrooms were typically always cleaner than your average gas station. More importantly, for me as a young Christian learning to do his very best to live a life pleasing to the Lord, churches represented a safe space. Sometimes, I would even just take a moment to sit in the sanctuary for a short time of rest in an otherwise busy and hectic day.

I have often heard it said, “the church is not four walls,” and sure, I understand that, but I also believe there is something special about the “four walls” of a church. It’s amazing how God uniquely uses different congregations to accomplish His work. Recently, I sat with an individual in crisis, and as they shared the incredible hardships of their everyday life, I was thankful for the “four walls” of Calvary Church. While very little about this person’s life could be described as easy, within the walls of Calvary Church, they could rest, if even just for a moment. Within our “four walls,” they can experience the love of Jesus, be cared for, invested in, and surrounded by people who want to see them thrive.

At Calvary, one of the ways we pursue this goal is through our welcome teams. Our welcome teams consist of the Parking, Greeting, Ushering, and Connect teams. There is a reason why I put the teams in that order. We desire that the moment you drive into our parking lot, you can start to experience the love of Jesus. It’s more than just getting cars in and out smoothly, though I know that is also appreciated. When you have had a long and thankless week, we know our greeting team providing you a warm welcome can go a long way. Many of our ushers have heard me say before, we are not ushering butts into seats, we are ushering hearts into a place of worship. It’s our hope that by the time you are seated, you have started to shed some of the burdens of this world, so that you will be free to experience the power of our God. Our Connect teams exist because Calvary is an awesome place to be a part of, and sometimes you might need a little assistance at getting plugged in. We have some amazing people on these teams who love Jesus and love people. They want nothing more than to play a small part in seeing lives changed.

In this next year, we will be taking hospitality to new levels. As the world grows darker, we intend to grow more loving. To accomplish this, we are going to need a lot more help. If you resonate with what I have said here, I ask you to consider joining our welcome teams. Come be a part of a team where a small act of service can result in big change.

If you would like to join our team, use this QR Code to complete our Volunteer Application. Where it asks, “What ministry are you submitting this for?” simply enter “First Impressions.”

Partner. Train. Plant.

Church Plant Branch


Our newest church plant is Rooted Church in Royal Oak, Michigan. Called to reach the Woodward Corridor of Detroit, Rooted Church launched in April 2024. Gathering together on Sundays, the church is studying through the book of Ephesians as they desire to be a faithful church in their community.

Church planters Ronnie Goble and Alphonso Mack have been following Jesus together since their college football days at Bowling Green State University. Both Ronnie and Alphonso came to faith through a churchbased college ministry and continue to have a heart for reaching young adults. Rooted hopes to start a campus outreach at Wayne State University this fall.

Train Branch


For several years, the Jerusalem Project has partnered with Jordan Koller at The Local Church (TLC) to offer a two-year worship residency. The residency provides men and women who feel called to lead worship in a local church with the opportunity to participate in a cohort where they receive intentional training and a church placement that allows them to regularly lead worship.

The newest cohort includes Faith Karsies and Daniella Thomas.

Faith Karsies will serve at Frost Creek Church in Cedar Springs for her worship residency placement. Faith has several years of experience leading worship in a variety of church settings and loves that leading worship allows her to connect with people. She is excited to grow in the musical skills needed to lead worship as she participates in the cohort.

Daniela Thomas, an international student at Cornerstone University majoring in music, will serve at The Local Church in Ada. Participating on worship teams in Guatemala encouraged her to pursue a calling from the Lord to be a worship leader. The worship residency will provide her with the invaluable experience of regularly leading worship in a local congregation.

Rooted Church, Royal Oak, MI

Adult Bible Study

This year, Calvary’s Adult Bible Study will embark on a hearttransforming journey through the study of 1 & 2 Samuel. In this historical narrative that covers the time from Israel’s last judge, Samuel, to their first earthly kings, Saul and David, God beautifully displays the kind of King He IS and always will be.

As we pursue God and know His heart, our hearts are softened and we’re transformed to become more like Him. Along the way we will get to know Hannah, Eli, Samuel, Saul, Jonathan, David and Solomon. Some pursued God’s heart. They trusted and obeyed. Others followed their own understanding and desires and were compromised or proud. May we be like David whom God called “a man after His own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14).

Fall semester will cover 1 Samuel and winter/spring semester will cover 2 Samuel and a portion of 1 Kings. Each lesson will highlight what we learn about God’s heart (attributes) and what that means for what He is looking for in us…how we can have a heart like His. Three days of study will end with a Psalm connected to the story or the highlighted attributes of God for reflection and prayer.

We hope you will join us on this heart-transforming journey!

“Change my heart Oh God, make it ever true. Change my heart Oh God, may I be like You.” (Eddie Espinosa)


Small groups of all ages have the opportunity to go through this Bible Study. You can encourage your community group to go through this together or form a group of your own. Contact Jessica (jhenkaline@calvarygr.org) at ext. 5186 to let us know how many books you need.




Combines small group discussion with 20 minutes of large group teaching for both men and women. Small groups are gender specific.


Combines small group Bible Study discussion with large group teaching and testimonies in the Gathering Place. Tuesday Kids is a free program for children while moms are in the study.


Limited availability

While children are in Kids-N-Action, moms and working women come together for growth in God’s Word, prayer and community.

at mycalvarygr.org by Sept. 9 at 12:00pm

Cost: $10 for Fall Semester


Bill and Janis have been married for 39 years. They have three adult children and two beautiful granddaughters. Bill began attending Calvary in 1970. He has served as an elder on three previous occasions, and he has served on several committees over the years, including the Nominating Committee, the Sanctuary Church Advisory Board, and the Leadership Development Committee. Bill and Janis have taught the Young Marrieds Sunday School Class, they lead a community group, and they recently completed the Jerusalem Project Institute class, Theology for Life

Bob and his wife, Lynne, have been married for 41 years and have been blessed with two daughters and two sons-in-law who all have trusted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and four grandkids under the age of 8. Bob and Lynne have been led by the Lord to attend Calvary Church for the past 33 years. They serve together in the choir and on the missionary encourager team. Bob has also served on the Finance, Stewardship, Risk Advisory, Nominating, Worship, Adult Advisory and Jerusalem Project committees and has previously served as a deacon and an elder at Calvary.

At Calvary Church, the elders give oversight and direction to the church. They meet monthly to prayerfully consider church direction, policy and discipline. The selection of elders will take place by casting of lots at the Annual Meeting on October 27.

Cy Jourdan has been attending Calvary Church since 1987, and then again in 1991 when he moved back to the Grand Rapids area. Over his 33 years of church membership and attendance, he has served in the nursery, with Kids-N-Action, and is currently serving as the Deacon of Parking Lot Management. Cy and his wife Michele have been married for 30 years, and have 4 children, two who are married. They also have one grandchild.

Chad and his wife Paula have been members at Calvary for 20+ years. They are blessed with twin daughters Kamryn and Kennedy. Chad has had the joy of serving in several areas at Calvary. He would consider it a great privilege if God chooses him to serve as elder


Jonathan and his wife Jodi have been married for almost 30 years and they are blessed with four adult girls and one son-in-law. The Rudolphs have been active at Calvary in a variety of ways for the majority of their married lives. They are involved in missional foundation work that is supportive of Calvary Church ministries. Jon has led mission trips, served on the Jerusalem Project leadership team, participated in LDF and has served as an usher and a small group facilitator.

Scott and his wife, Jody, have been married for 26 years and have four adult children and one grandchild. Scott and Jody have been attending Calvary for over 30 years. Throughout this time they have served in many areas including children’s ministry, small group leaders, family missions, and several committees. Scott has also served as a deacon and elder in the past.

Earl has been married to Judy, his wife and best friend, for 48 years. The have two sons and seven grandchildren. They have been attending Calvary for 17 years. They are part of the Baby Boomers and Beyond Class where Earl has been a class leader and has done some teaching. Judy has been part of the awesome Calvary Choir for several years and has been a bible study leader. Earl has served God as Director of Men’s Ministry and has been a part of the Men of 6:10 bible study for several years and served as the teacher this past year. He also serves on the Pastor’s Prayer Partner team.

Annual Meeting




In this year’s meeting we will:

• Thank God for the gift of His grace over the past year;

• Review a financial update from the deacons;

• Select new elders;

• Look forward to the year ahead;

• Have a time of Q&A.

All Calvary attendees are encouraged to attend, however only members may participate in the selection of elder candidates. Childcare will be provided (birth through age three). If you consider Calvary your home church, this meeting is for you!



First, Third & Fifth Thursdays | 9:00-11:15am

Embrace provides a warm community where faith is strengthened through friendships, mentoring and sound teaching for moms with babies and young children. Embrace will kick off on September 5. We would love to have you join us for fellowship, mentoring, devotions, breakfast and insightful speakers. While you are enjoying a time with other moms, your children will be lovingly cared for in our Embrace Kids nursery. If you have any, questions email embrace@calvarygr.org

If you are interested in attending or learning more about Embrace, scan this QR code to get on our email list. You may need to make a MyCalvary accoutn to register.

Cost $100/year. Partial scholarships available, upon request. Register for Embrace at calvarygr.org/embrace

Women proclaiming Christ’s power from one generation to the next

COME build a multi-generational community of women, one conversation at a time.

LEARN together how to live out the gospel of Jesus Christ authentically as God’s servants today.

HEAR Calvary women of different ages and stages share their stories of Christ’s power to shape them.

GATHER around tables to enjoy dessert and face-to-face, heart-to-heart conversations.

Thursday, october 17 7:00-9:00pm · Gathering place TOPIC: TOGETHER - NOT ALONE register at calvarygr.org/generations

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