10 minute read

6 Vehicle Operation/Passenger Conduct

6.1 Drivers will


A. Ensure that everyone in the vehicle is wearing seat belts at all times.

B. Obey all traffic laws, and will be held responsible for all expenses if issued a traffic citation while driving the vehicle.

C. Ensure that all passengers ride in a safe and non-distracting manner.

D. Ensure that the vehicle is operated in a safe manner.

E. Not text or talk on the phone while the vehicle is in motion, except in the case of emergencies. (see Section 8, Safety).

F. Be responsible for the condition of the vehicles, including vandalism by passengers.

G. Ensure that there is no smoking in the vehicles.

H. Return the vehicles clean and ready for the next group (broom and trash containers are provided in each vehicle); empty trash containers upon returning.

I. Report all unsafe vehicle conditions (such as mechanical problems) to Facility Services. If a vehicle is unsafe due to mechanical or other problems, please use a “Red Flag” (see Section 10, Mechanical Breakdowns) to alert a possible future driver to the problem.

6.2 Fuel Purchase

A. Any ministry that travels out of town is responsible to replace fuel used at their ministry’s expense.

B. Calvary Church will pay for fuel used for local church-endorsed activities for the Children and Youth ministries.

C. Check oil level when refueling during and after long trips. If oil is needed, use only manufacturer approved oil for the specific vehicle.

6.3 Other things to know

D. Close all windows and lock doors when leaving the vehicle unoccupied, including when leaving the vehicle on Calvary Church grounds.

E. Each van is equipped with a first aid kit and fire extinguisher, which are located near the drivers’ seats.

F. Vehicle accessories (snowbrush, brooms, etc.) should not be removed from the vehicle.

G. All accidents, damage, or injuries involving church owned or rented vehicles must be reported immediately to the Director of Facility Services.

H. The following items are stored in the glove box of church owned vehicles: insurance certificate and registration, emergency and breakdown instructions, general operating instructions, accident report forms, a “Red Flag” (see Section 10) and a copy of this document.

7 Transporting Passengers and Cargo

Church vehicles are intended for the use of transporting passengers and cargo for church endorsed functions. In an effort to ensure that this is done correctly and safely, the following guidelines must be followed.

7.1 Passenger Vans

A. Passenger vans are to be used to transport passengers and personal carry-on items only.

B. Without prior approval of the Director of Facility Services, transporting cargo in passenger vans, other than personal carry-on items, is prohibited. Personal carry-on items and/or other items approved by Facility Services must be secured to avoid shifting of the items that may cause injury to the driver and passengers, or damage to the van in the event of a quick stop or accident.

C. Passenger vans may transport up to 15 passengers within 99 miles of the church, and 12 passengers for a trip 100 miles or further, but never more than there are available seat belts for.

D. All passengers must be buckled with the age/size appropriate seat belts.

E. All children need to be buckled with appropriate child seat per current laws. Parents/guardian is required to secure any child seat.

7.2 Cargo Vehicles

A. General guidelines applying to all cargo vehicle usage:

1. Cargo vehicles are NOT to be used for transporting passengers in the cargo area of the vehicle. Violation of this policy may result in a permanent restriction from future use of Calvary Church vehicles.

2. All cargo being transported must be secured to avoid shifting of the cargo that may cause injury to the driver and helper, or damage the vehicle in the event of a quick stop or accident.

3. Cargo such as flammables, explosives, or dangerous or toxic chemicals shall not be transported in Calvary Church-owned, or rented vehicles.

B. Towing guidelines

1. Towing with Calvary Church vehicles, including rental vehicles is not allowed unless prior approval is granted by the Director of Facility Services.

2. If approval is given, the vehicle drivers are responsible for assuring that all lights, hitch, and other safety devices are in proper working order when pulling a trailer.

3. The driver and helper must be seated and seat-belted at all times when towing a trailer. Passengers are prohibited from riding in a trailer that is being pulled by a Calvary Church vehicle.

8 Safety

Drivers of Calvary Church vehicles are expected to conduct themselves in a fashion that would enhance and encourage safety. The lives of many people, both in church vehicles, and in other vehicles, as well as pedestrians, are directly affected by the drivers' actions. The drivers' conduct is a direct reflection of the ministry of Calvary Church.

Calvary advocates safe and responsible driving habits. This includes not only adherence to traffic laws, speed limits, and use of seat belts, but also to limiting distractions while operating a motor vehicle through the use of cell phones and other hand-held electronic devices. For purposes of this procedure, "hand-held electronic devices" includes but is not limited to, wireless phones, computers, on line email, pagers, palm pilots, pda's, and any other communication device. The use of cell phones and other hand-held electronic devices is generally discouraged while operating a motor vehicle, and should only be utilized for an emergency call placed to 911 for situations such as a fire, traffic accident, road hazard or medical emergency. In such cases, the communication should be as short as reasonably necessary to communicate the nature of the emergency, location, etc. and if in motion is best to be made by a passenger in the vehicle.

9 Accidents

9.1 Accident Reporting

If a church owned vehicle or rental vehicle is involved in an accident, the driver of the vehicle is responsible for:

A. Reporting to the governing police department if there is property damage to the church owned vehicle, rental vehicle or the other vehicle(s) involved and/or when a person is injured or personal property is damaged.

B. Obtaining a copy of the police report and submitting this report to the Director of Facility Services. All damage to church vehicles, rental vehicles, other vehicles or other property must be reported to the Director of Facility Services no later than the first business day following the accident.

C. Filling out the Calvary Church vehicle accident report form at the accident site and submitting the completed form to Facility Services no later than the first business day following the accident.

D. Drivers are also required to report personal accident and DUI points to the Director of Facilities.

9.2 Vehicle Use After an Accident

E. If a church owned or rented vehicle has sustained only cosmetic damage in a traffic accident, it may continue to be used to complete that traveling event, providing that doing so would not pose a health or safety hazard.

F. If a vehicle has suffered any mechanical damage or has been damaged in such a way that it does not perform normally, it must not be operated. Call the person(s) listed on the last page for further instructions.

G. If the driver is uncertain whether the vehicle can be driven safely, he or she is responsible for calling the person(s) listed on the last page for further instructions.

9.3 Injuries

If a Calvary Church owned vehicle or rental vehicle is involved in an accident in which a passenger is injured, the driver of the vehicle is responsible for:

A. Ensuring that the injury is treated by an appropriate person:

1) Minor injuries can be treated by using the first aid kit provided in each church owned vehicle.

2) Major injuries should be treated by health care professionals.

B. Reporting all injuries, regardless of the degree and nature of the injury, to the Director of Facility Services no later than the first business day following the injury.

9.4 Vandalism

If a church owned vehicle or rental vehicle is vandalized, the driver of the vehicle is responsible for:

C. Reporting the vandalism to the appropriate law enforcement agencies and obtaining a copy of the police report.

D. Reporting all vandalism of church owned or rental vehicles to the Director of Facility Services no later than the first business day following the vandalism.

E. Maintaining proper conduct of the passengers riding in the vehicles and ensuring that the passengers do not vandalize the vehicles.

10 Mechanical Breakdowns

A. If a MINOR mechanical breakdown occurs during use, such as a flat tire, turn signals out, horn not working, etc. and the vehicle can be safely driven, or the driver can make minor repairs to correct the problem, the vehicle can continue to be used to complete that traveling event. Upon returning the vehicle to Calvary Church, the driver must report the problem to Facility Services by no later than the first business day so the vehicle can be repaired before its next scheduled use.

B. If a MAJOR mechanical breakdown occurs during use and that vehicle cannot be safely driven or driven without producing further damage to the vehicle, call the person(s) listed on the last page for further instructions. Do not attempt to drive the vehicle or have it repaired by a service center without first contacting the person(s) listed on the last page. Any mechanical problems or abnormal noises or performances must be reported to the Director of Facility Services as soon as possible.

C. “Red Flag”. If a vehicle is returned to the church grounds and the driver believes that the vehicle is unsafe to be driven in its current condition, he or she should mark the vehicle with a “Red Flag”. A Red Flag is available in each church van’s glove box. The driver should describe the vehicle problem on the Red Flag (such as “brakes not working properly,” “windshield wipers not working,” etc.) and place the Red Flag on the driver’s seat. Vehicles marked with a Red Flag should not be driven until they are thoroughly checked by a qualified Calvary Church maintenance employee and the necessary repairs are made.

11 Equipment and Accessories

Each Calvary owned vehicle is provided with various accessories and equipment necessary to operate and maintain that vehicle. The driver of church vehicles is responsible for these accessories and for ensuring that they are not removed from the vehicles. Each church owned vehicle is provided with proof of insurance and registration, an accident report form, this Procedures document, a first aid kit, a step stool, a fire extinguisher, an ice scraper, a broom, a trash container, and a spare tire and jack. If the vehicles incur a problem that cannot be corrected using the equipment provided, call the person(s) listed on the last page for further instructions. Any problems with the equipment or accessories must be reported to the Director of Facility Services by no later than the next business day following the equipment problem.

12 Vehicle Rental Procedures

Calvary Church rents passenger vans, passenger buses and cargo vehicles to subsidize its own fleet when there is a need beyond what the owned fleet can provide.

12.1 Rental and Charter Requests:

A. All rental and charter requests are to be coordinated by the Facility Services Department.

B. The ministry desiring a rental or charter must request it through the electronic reservation system. The request must contain all pertinent information before a vendor will be contacted. (Submissions not completely filled out will be sent back to originator for correction prior to processing.)

C. Vehicle Request Timing: i. Facility Services will call preferred vendors within two working days of request. At Facility Services discretion, if no vehicle is available, the ministry department making the request may be required to continue the search for an available vehicle. ii. If a ministry department locates and secures the rental, they must send Facility Services a copy of the rental agreement, the event departure and return timing information (preferably within two working days’ notice).

1) In order to insure the best chance for vehicle acquisition, as much lead-time as possible is requested. (Six months to one year is recommended.)

2) All requests or changes requested with more than 30 days’ notice will be processed by Facility Services. They will check on all possible vendors to secure the rental. Notice of vehicle request status will be communicated within three working days.

3) All requests or changes requested with 30 days or less notice will be handled in the following manner.

12.2 Rental Vehicle Pickup and Return:

The pickup and return of a rental vehicle will be coordinated at the time of rental. If the rental company does not provide drop off / pickup service, the group using the van should plan to have at least two people to pick up and return the van. Upon return, all trash should be removed from the rental vehicle and the gas filled back to the original level. If the rental company will be picking it up, the keys need to be left in the Facility Services key drop box by room 250.

12.3 Rental Vehicle Use:

The conduct of passengers in rental vehicles is the responsibility of Calvary Ministry event supervisors. Care should be taken to encourage a good testimony as to passenger behavior, vehicle driver’s safety, and care for rental equipment.

Who to Contact in Emergency

If you have any questions or problems with Calvary Church owned or rented vehicles, contact:

First: Ken Meines (Director of Facility Services)

Church (during business hours) (616) 956-9377 x 5125

Home and answering machine (616) 457-3633

Cell Phone (616) 485-6784

Second: Maintenance Staff

Church (during business hours) (616) 956-9377 x 5112

Tom Eggleston (616) 214-9437

Mark DuBois (517) 936-6351

Third: Facility Coordinator

Church (during business hours) (616) 956-9377 x 5158

Janine Schaap (Monday-Thursday during office hours)

At the end of this process, you will have the opportunity to electronically sign the below acceptance form.

Vehicle Policy and Procedure Acceptance Form

I have read and understand all the requirements set forth in the Calvary Vehicle Policy and Procedures documents.

I understand it is my responsibility to clarify all questions I may have concerning these documents BEFORE I drive a Calvary owned or rented vehicle.

Printed Name _____________________________________________________________

Signature __________________________________________________________________

Date ________________________________ This form is included in the paper copy of the policy and Procedures which will be provided upon request

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