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The Road to Browning, De La SaLLe
BLackfeet SchooL
Calvert Hall Immersion Programs offer students a
For weeks leading up to the trip, a team of students along with two faculty/staff members meet on a regular basis to discuss and better understand the culture of the community they will visit. Calvert Hall first travelled to Browning, Montana, in 2006 and has since travelled to the Reservation 15 times. The De La Salle Blackfeet School located on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, is a Lasallian San Miguel school currently serving 68 students, grades 4-8. San Miguel schools serve predominantly at-risk populations, are not tuition driven (per capita income on the Reservation is less than $12,000), offer small class sizes (16 student maximum), and extend support to students beyond graduation. Evan Levasseur `23 was a member of the 2023 Montana Immersion experience along with 11 other students, Ms. Pikus, and Mr. Parisi. Evan shares his experience of preparing for and immersing in the Blackfeet Indian Reservation culture.