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ALUMNI regional events
New York City
An impressive group of New York-area alumni gathered at Monarch Rooftop on July 21, 2022, for an evening of cocktails and Calvert memories.
Those in attendance included rising Alumni Board
President Doug Carpenter ’99, Alumni Board member
Theo Donnay ’08, Joe Hooper ’69, Mark Flaherty ’80, Miranda Hall ’01, Keech Turner ’03, Will Finney ’04, Caroline Chriss Hearn ’07, Marilee Turner ’07,
Genevieve Barroll ’10, Peter McIntyre ’11, Anna Hart ’11, Carlyle Turner ’11, Jeffers Insley ’13, Rhane Jones ’13, Geary Stonesifer ’13, and Cole Zaharris ’13
Calvert returned to New York in January 2023. Ryan Gisriel ’05, Director of Basketball Operations for the Brooklyn Nets, generously hosted alumni at the Barclays Center on January 26. Attendees included Alumni Board
President Doug Carpenter ’99, Miranda Hall ’01,
Roshan Dutta ’08, Torben Ginsberg ’11, Thomas Hebert ’11, Peter McIntyre ’11, Gus Meny ’12, Meg Brody ’13, Cameron Corse ’13, Jeffers Insley ’13,
Olivia Liang ’13, Haley Reitz ’13, Geary Stonesifer ’13, Matt Tomaselli ’13, Isabelle Webster ’13, and Cole Zaharris ’13, along with Leadership Gifts Officer Josie George Worthington ’72 and Director of Alumni Relations & Stewardship Katie Wareheim ’98
While in the city, Board of Trustees Chairman Ned Insley connected with alumni and shared news from
Calvert. Mrs. Worthington and Ms. Wareheim visited Sasha Iglehart Richardson ’72 at the pop-up shop for her clothing line, A Shirt Story, at Onda Beauty in Tribeca and met with other alumni throughout their visit.
Beatrice Matkovic Mowry ’73 hosted Calvert alumni on November 10 for a tour of the National Air and Space Museum's newly renovated west wing. Beatrice is chair of the museum’s exhibit design department. Joining Beatrice for the tour were Betsy Baetjer ’66, Jack Orrick ’66, Chet Carey ’72, Liam Emmart ’11, Stas Haciski ’94, George Helfrich ’78, Wai-Yee Wong, Katie Augsburg Leimbach ’84, Wel Leimbach, and McAlister Leimbach.
The St. Paul's Schools and Calvert School hosted a joint alumni event on the St. Paul's campus on September 27: An Evening with Pierre S. duPont. In a discussion moderated by alumnus Rick Williams ’55, Pierre shared his family's philanthropic initiatives and the lessons learned for creating a family-wide giving strategy.
Calvert alumnus and President of The St. Paul's Schools Clark Wight ’81 shared opening remarks and welcomed alumni from both schools.
When the time came to create a long-term vision for Philadelphia’s FDR Park, it was a natural fit for landscape architect Charles Neer ’85 and the team at WRT Design. Charlie leads the Parks and Open Spaces division of WRT and has more than 20 years of experience with designing for parks and urban areas. He serves as Project Manager for the FDR Park re-design. In September, Charlie hosted a behind-the-scenes look at the plans for this project.
FDR park covers 348 acres in south Philadelphia. The Navy Yard and I-95 border the southern end of the park. The completed plan, called “FDR Park Plan: A Resilient Vision for a Historic Park,” is the culmination of extensive time and preparation. This process included numerous community meetings, more than 3,000 constituent interviews, and a hydrology study. The city seeks to achieve three major goals with the plan: restore the park’s function, reclaim the vision for the park, and renew the impact on the city of Philadelphia.
On October 7, alumni and friends gathered on the new squash courts for a round-robin tournament. Players were Matt Buck ’87, John Brush, Myles Brush ’23 , Clara Dawn ’20 , Peter Dewire ’08, Jennifer Hearn ’04, Caroline Chriss Hearn ’07 , Ben Hearn ’07, Jessica Winicki Kallaugher ’96, Lauren Murphy, Heath Otenasek ’17, Susie Silberstein, and Will Vincent ’18 .
High School Alumni Event
Alumni from the Classes of 2019 to 2022 returned to Calvert on Sunday, November 20. Always a highly anticipated event, this year was a Baltimore Ravens watch party. Dressed in their purple and black, alumni cheered the team to victory while also catching up with classmates and visiting Middle School classrooms. Middle School math teacher Skip Howe ’77 and Upper School Placement Coordinator Kathy Cole Liotta ’79 also stopped by to visit with their former students.
Alumni Book Club
Eric Puchner ’82 joined the Alumni Book Club on January 12 to talk about his path to becoming a writer. Eric's book Model Home was the first selection for this new group. Attendees included Alumni
Board President Charlie Albert ’72 , Alumni
Board member Daisy Nelson White ’58, Kelsey Albert ’08, Julie Buchanan Salovaara ’77 , Laura
Spadone ’77 , Katie Wareheim ’98, and Josie George Worthington ’72.
Class Of 2019 Senior Lunch
Members of the Class of 2019 returned to Calvert on March 25 for their Senior Lunch. Alumni reconnected with each other and former teachers, toured the new Luetkemeyer Athletic Center, and re-lived Calvert memories with a showing of their EighthGrade slideshow. The Class of 2019 enjoyed lunch from Koopers Chowhound. Attendees also received Calvert sweatshirts to take with them as they begin their college journeys.

On February 16, Calvert School hosted the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Virginia men’s squash teams for competitive matches on neutral ground in the Luetkemeyer Athletic Center. The visit to Calvert held extra significance for University of Virginia senior and Calvert alumnus Cullen Little ’15 , who plays for UVA. More than 40 alumni and friends, many of whom are UPenn and UVA alumni, attended the match. This event marked the first major collegiate competition hosted on Calvert School’s campus.
Beatrice Matkovic Mowry ’73 presented a virtual talk on October 20 called “Designing Exhibitions for the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.” As the Chair of the Museum’s Exhibits Design Department, Beatrice’s work brings aviation and space exploration to life for nearly eight million visitors each year. Beatrice and her team are in the midst of a multi-year project to transform exhibitions as the Museum’s downtown building undergoes revitalization. She shared a behindthe-scenes look at the renovation during the virtual talk.