Online 1997 Mazda Protege Repair Manual Our convenient internet-based vehicle service manual brings you not just specifications but also easy to follow repair steps, local replacement part shop search, auto components suppliers, do-it-yourself auto repair community advice, training in electrical work, owner's manual directory, equipment recalls index, safety precautions, detailed automotive systems background information, quick online part search, wire descriptions and color codes, glossary of repair terminology, helpful car repair video, useful diagrams and illustrations, our customer support line, and a lot more ways to help you fix your car problems. The easy to use RepairSurge software can assist you in fixing your car problem regardless of whether your car seems sluggish, is due for a tuneup, loses hydraulic fluid, can not shift, has worn out components, won't start, makes loud thumping noises, has a bumpy suspension, vibrates when driving, emits exhaust smoke, needs new spark plugs, overheats when running, has a bad O2 sensor, stalls when running, has an engine that backfires, does not run smoothly, or has some other issue that needs to be fixed.
Download it at! All Mazda Protege Years Available: 1990 Mazda Protege 1991 Mazda Protege 1992 Mazda Protege 1993 Mazda Protege 1994 Mazda Protege 1995 Mazda Protege 1996 Mazda Protege 1997 Mazda Protege 1998 Mazda Protege 1999 Mazda Protege 2000 Mazda Protege
2001 Mazda Protege 2002 Mazda Protege 2003 Mazda Protege