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News from Around the School
Junior School Cross Country
At the end of April, Junior School’s Year 3, 4 and 5 students competed in the House Cross Country event. All students participated with great enthusiasm and determination with Year 3 and 4 students running a distance of 2kms and Year 5 boys running 3kms. Congratulations especially to the students who achieved 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places for each year level and to Derham House, which was the overall winner.

Junior School Artist in Residence
Last term, the Junior School welcomed Artist in Residence Elizabeth Armstrong to work with the Junior School students. Each grade was guided through the fun process of wet felting. ‘Artist Elizabeth’ (as she’s referred to) will transform the boys felt into a whole school collaboration mural which, once complete, we will showcase in the next issue of Spectemur.

Congratulations to Camberwell Grammar School Cadets Finn Mahaffy (Year 11), Riley Woolfe (Year 11), and Jonathan Pettolino (Year 11), who completed the Adventure Training Award (ATA) camp in the April Holidays and received the ATA badge, the highest award a cadet can receive.

Middle and Senior School Multi-Sports Day
In April, and held over two days, students across Years 9-12 took part in a multi-sports day, enjoying Basketball, Badminton, European Handball, Soccer, Table Tennis and Tennis.

Camberwell Grammar Umpires Academy
Twins Hugo and Conrad Thornton (Year 11) umpired the local Yarra Junior Football League on a Sunday in May at the Camberwell Sports Ground. This is part of the Camberwell Grammar Umpires Academy, which has a large number of Camberwell Grammar School Academy graduates umpiring in the YJFL and the Amateurs.

Gladwyn Cup: Model United Nations
Several of our students enthusiastically participated in the Gladwyn Cup last term. This is a simulation of the UN Security Council, one of the key components of the United Nations and the body with the maintenance of international peace and security. Participants were allocated a country to represent and could win by achieving their nation’s goals through diplomacy. The best-performed delegation wins the Gladwyn Cup for UN debating. After debating the merits of digital surveillance, the Rules of War and the plight of refugees around the world, Jack Hu (Faith and Social Justice Prefect) and Tom Sun (Captain of Steven), representing France, emerged winners in a very hotly contested and tight finish.
William Lardner (Year 9) enjoyed this year’s ANZAC Day with his grandfather, Walter Lardner, a WW2 veteran who was initially in the Victoria Scottish Regiment where he trained as a Commando Paratrooper. Walter then transferred to the 2/5th Battalion. Towards the end of the war, he returned to Melbourne from wounds where he served in Military Intelligence. William played in the band for the dawn service before going on to play the ‘last post’ at three more ANZAC Day services throughout the day.
Michael Koswig (1986), a past student and past parent, wearing our official Camberwell Tartan at the CGS ANZAC Day service.
Year 1 Monster Trucks
Year 1 students recently participated in a woodwork session where they built their own monster trucks. After building their trucks, they took great delight in painting and decorating them with an array of different materials. What a fantastic and engaging way to learn about various materials for their Science unit.

Study Hall for Senior School
Similar to the Middle School’s Homework Club, Study Hall is a space where Senior School students can spend an hour after school with tutors from last year’s graduating class to receive assistance and guidance on their school work. Study Hall will be held each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in M34 from 3.30pm till 4.30pm. Two tutors will be in attendance to assist students each of these days.

BODi Day
Last term, the Year 7 students participated in the annual Middle School BODi (By Our Deeds Inquiry) Day. Following the theme ‘Overall Health and Wellbeing’, the students spent the day attending a selection of workshops, which encouraged them to keep their mental and physical health at the forefront of their minds. Led by experts in their field, workshops offered included, Tai Chi, Yoga, Pilates, Bootcamp Training, Circuit Training, Sleep, and General Nutrition. We hope that the students enjoyed engaging in new activities and can implement the knowledge and insights gained into their daily lives. The students ended the day with a live performance by award-winning theatre company Brainstorm Productions whose show, The Flipside, addressed issues of (cyber) bullying, online safety, digital citizenship, bystander behaviour, and online ethics. The performance highlighted the importance of personal responsibility, empathy, respect, and values when online and in the real world.

Developing a sense of belonging in Pre-Prep
Our identity and sense of belonging is shaped by the relationships we build with people, places and things. Our families and communities provide context for such development. By actively involving our families in the Pre-prep program, through excursions and the sharing
Ms Fiona Howie
Pre-Prep teacher

Junior School AGSV Cross Country
The Junior School Cross Country squad competed in the annual AGSV Cross Country event held at Chelsworth
Park, Ivanhoe, in May. A team of 30 students competed in distances ranging from 2kms, for 10-year-old students, and 3kms, for 11 to 13-year-old students. Congratulations to Marcus Kilroy (Year 4) for finishing 6th in the 10 year age group, and
Thomas Robertson-Brown (Year 5) for finishing 7th in the 11 year age group.

Year 8 STEM Project
Showcasing innovative and creative thinking, Year 8 students engaged their understanding of energy transformation by designing, building, and testing a STEM vehicle that could safely transport an egg from point A to point B. The groups had to work within a budget and could recycle materials from their own homes and purchase items from the lab using ‘STEM dollars’.
Miss Sherin George
Maths and Science teacher of cultural festivals and celebrations, we strengthen our relationships and promote respect and inclusion.