Spectemur Issue 1 2022

Page 16

Towards Target Zero Looking to the future, our Sustainability Coordinator, Mr Will Hone, shares the roadmap our School has embarked upon as we move towards carbon zero operations by 2030. With many exciting plans in progress to become a greener and more sustainable school, Mr Hone outlines the great environmental initiatives that the School has already implemented and those that are coming in the years ahead.

Schools are, on the face of it, heavily invested in the future. We teach kids – the oft-invoked next generation – how to explore, comprehend, and work with the world around them. In 2022, it is – unfortunately – very difficult to consider the future without contemplating the climate crisis. The climate crisis is challenging – it is a huge issue facing the world, and we are just a school. So like anyone, we do our best to improve ourselves in ways that we hope will make


a difference. Against this backdrop, there have been many projects over the past seven years that aim to reduce the School’s footprint, largely focused on waste and energy. But we needed a plan to see where we are, where we are going, and what we should do to get there as efficiently as possible. So we are getting a map drawn up. It’s a proper map and it’s really exciting, and it is this map, its rationale, and its direction that is the subject of this article.

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