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Music at Camberwell Grammar
Welcome to Music at Camberwell Grammar. The Music Department offers private tuition in a range of instruments as well as lessons in Voice and Music Theory. We have a broad co-curricular program which caters for students of all ages, abilities, and interests. All students who learn an instrument are expected to join an ensemble to support their musicianship, and collaborative and social skills. CGS has a proud history of choral singing, and all boys participate in singing throughout the School. Students participate in Music classes as part of the curriculum from Pre-Prep to Year 5. During Year 3, students participate in the Year 3 String Program which gives all students the experience of learning Violin or Cello and learning collaboratively as part of an instrumental ensemble. Year 4 music includes the Year 4 Band Program where students have the opportunity to learn Woodwind, Brass or Percussion and perform as part of a band. Ensemble participation is a joyful and meaningful way to work collaboratively whilst developing individual skills. Co-curricular ensembles include Junior School Sing and String Ensemble, Junior School Concert Band and Junior School Choir. Students may further develop their performing and instrumental skills with extension ensembles suitable for their instrument.
Students perform at a range of formal and informal events throughout the year, including solo Soirées, Junior School Presents and the Instrumental Concert. Students all participate in the Junior School Easter and Christmas Service.
Music at Camberwell Grammar has a long and distinguished history. We look forward to your son beginning this joyful and fulfilling lifelong journey.
Mr Alex St Vincent Welch
Head of Junior School Music