Community Report
Camberwell Grammar School is a leading independent school for boys. We are a learning community committed to ensuring that students discover their passions, develop a lifelong love of learning and have a commitment to making a positive contribution to the world around them. Staff and students work together to develop a supportive and inclusive school community which motivates young people to engage with and lead their communities — locally, nationally and internationally.
This report is produced in accordance with the national compliance legislation and is also published on the Camberwell Grammar School website:
Student Attendance
Parents/Guardians are requested to report reasons for student absence to the School.
Teachers mark an electronic roll each period. The Student Services Officer identifies and determines the nature of any absence, records the details in the School’s administrative system, and makes class teachers aware of a student’s absence through subsequent class rolls. A daily student absence summary report is published on the School’s Intranet for all staff. Staff involved in the pastoral care of particular students liaise with parents if there are concerns regarding attendance. A summary of each student’s attendance is published to parents on their semester report, a digital copy of which is stored on the School’s Intranet.
Attendance data is forwarded to the Australian Government for Years 1 to 10 students biannually, during semesters 1 and 2.
‘Camberwell Grammar School is an independent, non-selective school for boys.’
Student Numbers by Year Level
Student Body by Age at Birthday in Current Year
Student Body Postcode Distribution
Student Outcomes
It is with a great deal of pride that I congratulate our Class of 2023 for their outstanding VCE results – among the best in our history. All 173 of our students who completed the year satisfactorily met the requirements of the VCE, and we are very proud of them all.
This year level was in Years 9 and 10 during the COVID-19 years, so they did particularly well. Twenty-one of our students (12%) achieved an ATAR of 99 or better, placing them in the top one per cent of the State. Thirty-six per cent (62 students) achieved a rank of 95 or better, while 56% of our students achieved a score of 90 or better. Our median ATAR score was 91.5, and our average ATAR score was 87.3: the depth of the results is particularly pleasing. Nearly 90% of our students gained a ranking of 70 or better.
There were seven perfect study scores across a range of subjects: English, Specialist Mathematics, Mathematical Methods and General Mathematics. Twenty-one per cent of all study scores were 40 or higher, and the scaling impact of the more ‘difficult’ subjects that many of our students take translated into very high ATARs.
Last year’s Dux was Ashton Lu, who scored the highest possible rank of 99.95. Our Proxime
Accesserunt were Patrick Homes and Alan Tian, who scored 99.90. All three students were actively involved in the full life of the School and worked very hard at their studies.
A further 18 students earned scores of 99 or better. These students also studied a wide range of subjects and actively involved themselves in the life of the School: William Allsop, Roger Cao, Cooper Carbone, Ebyn Chan, Alexander Choong, Andy Congshen, Frank Fan, Albert Guan, Ray He, Joshua Hui, Charlie Leong, Darcy Livingstone, Richard Liu, Ryan O’Hoy, Andrew Ong, Isaac Tan, William Zhang and Justin Zhu.
I would like to publicly acknowledge our remarkable teaching staff, who helped our students achieve these wonderful results. I know that our teachers are very proud of their students, and I am very proud of them. I also congratulate and thank our parents, who encouraged their sons by supporting them through the ups and downs of a VCE year.
Once more, congratulations to the Class of 2023 on their outstanding results. It is pleasing to see their hard work rewarded so generously.
Dr Paul Hicks Headmaster‘All 173 of our students who completed the year satisfactorily met the requirements of the VCE.’
Student Results
Australian Tertiary Administration
ATAR Scores - Number of Students
Number of Students Receiving a Study Score of 40 and Better
Number of Students Receiving a Study Score of 40 and Better continued
In accordance with Schools Assistance Regulations 2005 (Cth): Schedule 2: School Performance Information.
Proportions of Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 Students Meeting National Benchmarks in Reading, Writing, Spelling and Numeracy.
There has been no significant change in benchmark results from 2022.
Average Standardised Assessment Results for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9.
Source: NAPLAN DATA Service, 2023 (
Student Destination
Student Destination - Class of 2023
172 of the 173 Camberwell Grammar School students who successfully completed their VCE applied to undertake tertiary study in 2024. Whilst 170 students received offers in December, an additional 38 offers were made in January, and another four in the February rounds, with all applicants successfully receiving an offer. Whilst most students received just one offer, 22% received two or more. In terms of preferences, 85% of applicants received their first or second options. Four students have chosen to study interstate, and one has advised that they will be accepting an offer to study at Cambridge in the UK beginning later in the year.
The University of Melbourne and Monash University accounted for more than two thirds of offers received; however, Monash continues to be the preferred destination of choice. Sixtyseven students accepted offers to study at Monash compared to Melbourne (49). RMIT was the third most popular institution - 23 offers overall – with students drawn by the range of specialised choices. The table on the facing page compares tertiary destinations over the past three years.
Tertiary Placements 2021-2023
The following table highlights the fields of study that our 2023 cohort intend to pursue. Once again, Management and Commerce remains the clear favourite, with more than a third of our students choosing those courses, though many undertake it as part of a double degree. The next most popular area at undergraduate level was Science, followed by Engineering.
Fields of Study 2022 to 2024
Total 213 (172 students), as double degrees count in more than one field of study.
# This includes offers in Medicine (4), Dentistry (3), Pharmacy (2) and Physiotherapy (1)
* This includes offers in Science (22), Biomedicine (9)
** This includes offers in Arts (14) and Law (6)
In addition to this data, 12 students received graduate degree packages from the University of Melbourne - undergraduate degrees with guaranteed pathways into masters qualifications - Engineering (9), Law (1), Physiotherapy (1), IT (1).
Camberwell Grammar values staff satisfaction and wellbeing. The School has an established Health and Wellbeing Program (CamberWellness) which focused on improving physical and mental health. The School also offers its staff professional development opportunities, with set days put aside each year for further development and learning. All staff of the School are offered opportunities to broaden their knowledge and enhance their skills. Professional learning covers a variety of topics from rolespecific, to leadership, HR compliance training and more. All academic staff are registered with the Victorian Institute of Teaching.
Dr P Hicks, BA(Hons), MEd, PGCE, PhD, GAICD
Mr B Jeacocke, BEd, MEd
Mr T Stanley, BEd, MEd
* Mr R Gow, Bed, MEd
Ms B Alekna
Mr J Allen, BA, BEd
Ms S Alton, BEd
Mr N Appleyard, BEd, DipT
Mr M Aram, BA(Hons), MA, PGCE
Mr G Arthur
Ms K Arvanitis BA(Hons), DipLang, MTeach (Sec)
Ms R Atkinson DipRAM LRSM ARAM (London)
Ms S Aw, BMus(Adv Perf), MMus(Perf)
*#Mr T Baldwin
Mr S Barry, BA, DipEd, GradDipEd
Mr C Bayliss, BA, BMusEd
*Ms A Beadell
Mr D Beardsley, BAppSc, BTeach
Miss G Bellchambers
Dr A Berg, PhD, BComm, BA, MTeach, MEPI
Dr D S Bird, BA(Hons), MA, DipEd, PhD, ALAA
Mr G Powell, BComm, CA, FGIA, MSIAA, GAICD
Mr D Chan, MDiv, ADIM, BBIS
#Mr J Mills, BBus(Mktg), GradDipArts(PubPol)
*Mr N Schildberger, B.Comm
Mr D Haintz AM (Deputy Chair), CFP, FFPA, B. Ed, Dip FP, FAICD
Mrs M Vienet, BPhar, FSHP, Cert IV Training and Assessment
Mr M Phillips, OAM, BEc, DipEd
Mr M Ross, LLB(Hons), BEc, LLM, GradDipMgmt
Mrs C Garrard, RN, RM, GradDipNeo
*Mr G Campbell-Cowan, B.Comm, FCA
Mr B Bishop, BMus, PDM, GradDipEd
Ms S Bohni, BEd
*+# Mr C Bradtke
*#Ms S Brown
*Mrs G Brown
Mr S Burke, BEd, Dip Leadership and Management
Mr D Byrne, BMus(Hons), BA, DipEd, CertMusEd
Mr J Catanzariti, BBus, BTeach
Mr I Cathcart, BSc, DipEd
*Mr L Chan, BComm, BEcon, MTeach(Sec), MIntEd(IB)
Ms C Chaomhanach, M Ed (Specific Learning Difficulties, GradDip AdolescentHealth and Welfare, BEd(Hons)
Mr S Chockalingam, BVSc (Hons), PGDipTeach, MTeach
Mr M Christopher, BBus, GradDipEd
Mr G Clifford
# Mrs D Collins, BEd, TPTC
Mr M Collins, BEd, GradDipEd
Mr C Conlan
Ms J Cormick
Ms W Couch, MA(Mus), BMusEd, GradDipMus, DipArtsMus
Mr L Crawford, BEd
Ms R Crockett, BSc(Hons), DipEd
Mrs A Cross, DipVArts, BFineArt, GradDipEd
Mr T Cross, BSc, DipEd, CertOutRec
Mr M E Daniel, BA(Hons),BTh, MEd, MTESOL, DipEd, GradCertRE
Mr C Day, BMus, DipEd
Mrs J De Paiva, MofEd
Mr R Devine, BA, BEd, MEd (Student Wellbeing)
Ms S Dixon, BMus(Adv Perf)
*Ms D Dotson
Mr P Double, MEd, BEd, DipT, GradDipEdAdmin
Ms M Drentin, MTeach, LLB, BIR
Ms L Dubberley, BA, Bed
Mr P Dumsday, BMus(Hons)
Mr T-L Duong, BE(Comms), GradCertBIT, GradDipEd
Ms N Eckersley, BA, DipEd
Ms A Emenyeonu
*Mr T Everett
Ms A Fairs, BA(Mus), AMusA
Mr I Faragher
#Mrs T Fry B.Mus.T(Sec)(Hons), A.Mus.A(flute)
Ms C Gatley, BEd, DipT
Ms H Geary
Ms S George, BSci, BEd(Hons)
Mrs E Goessler, BEd, MA(AppLing), GradDipTESOL, GCertArts(Eng)
Mr S Gough, BA(Hons), GradDipDramArt(Direc), GradDipEd
Ms E Grant, MAppSc, BSc, GradDipAdolChildPsy
Mr H Green, BA(Hons), MA, MEd, GradDipEd, GradDipEdLead&Mgt, GradCertAppLing
Ms J Griffiths
Mr J Grigg, BA, DipEd
Ms L Grosman
Mr W Guest
Mr W Ha, BA, DipEd
Mr T Haines, BTeach, BA
Mr J Hall, BA(Hons)
Mr B Hamilton-Smith
Ms J Hanley, BTeach (Hons), BA
*Dr L Harrold, PhD, MMus, BAppSc
#Mr C Haycroft
Ms E Henderson
Mr M Heyes, BSc, DipEd
Ms J Hickey, BBA and MTeach
Mr W Hone, BA, GradDipEd
Ms F Howie, MSpecEd, BEdSt, DipTeachECE
*Ms J Huang
Mr J Hunt
Mr A Hurst, BMus(Hons), Masterclass Diploma(Munich)
Mr L Ince, BSC, BEd, MEd, GDQM
Ms S Jack
Mrs C Jarrett-Burke, DipEd, GradDipStudentWelfare, MEd (Special Education)
Mr N Johnston, BA (Mus), MTeach (Sec), AMusA
Mr M Jones, BSc(Hons), GradDipEd
Mr N Jones, BEd
Ms A Joyce, BEd
Mr M Kerr, BA(Hons), DipEd, LTCL, FTCL, AMusA, LMusA
Dr M Khor, PhD, BE(Hons), MDiv, GradDipEd, Med
*Mrs J Koon
Ms M Krupina, BMusEd, LMusA
Dr T Kusserow, PhD, BA, DipEd
Ms S Kwoun, BMus, AmusA
Mr G Lee, MMusPerf(Melb), BMusPerf(Hons)(Melb), LMusA, AmusA
Miss Z Linnell
Mr C Lockwood
Ms Y Lu, BSc, GradDipEd
Ms M Mandusic, PhD, PGCE
*Mrs J Manison
Mr I March, BSocSci, GradDipEd
Mr N Martin, BEd
#Ms R Martin, MMus(Music Therapy), GradDip Music Therapy, BMus
Mr R Mason, BEd
Ms K Massey, BSc, GradDipEd
Mrs J McCarthy, BA, DipEd
Ms M McDonald, BCI (Dance), BEd
Mrs K McDougall, BEdEC, DipT, GradDipLib
Ms K McDougall, MEd, GradDipEd, BA(OutDEd)
Mr J McGee, BMus(Improv), MMus(PT), GradDipEd
Mr D McLaughlin BEd(IT), Pedagogical Leadership from IBO
Mr L McLean
Mr B McManus, BA(Hons), GradDipArtsAdmin, GradDipEd
#Mr M McRae, Med, BEd
*+Ms L Miller
Mr T Miriklis, BAppSc(PhysEd)
Ms C Morgan, BEd, DipTeach
Mr C Nankervis, MMus, BMus (Hons), LMusA, AMusA
Ms C Neville, BEng, BCom, DipSecTeach
Mrs E Nolde
#Ms I Norris, BSc, DipEd, GradDip(StudWelf), Coach Cert
*+# Ms J O’Donohue
Mr M Ong
#Ms P Pang, BSc; Mtech (secondary)
*Mr S Pankhurst
Mrs H Papageorgiou, BEd, DipT
Ms L Park, BMus(Hons), MMus (Perf), MTeach(Sec)
Mr M Pettolino
Ms C Phanjoo
Mr C Phillips
Mrs J Pietralla, BEd(Librarianship)
Mr M Pietralla, BA, DipEd
Ms M Ponert, BEd, BaccSci(Hons)
Mr S Pountney, BSc(Hons), DipEd,
Mr D Ramalingam, MEdMgt, BSc, AssDipMin, GradDipEd
Mr D Rayner, BCom, BEng(Hons), GradDipEd
Ms B Reid, BMus(Griff), MMus(Melb)
Mrs L Reiger, MBIT, BEd, CertIVCareersEd
Ms A Renieris, BEd (Honours Lit), Grad Cert.
Professional Writing and Editing, MA (Literature)
Mrs N Rice
#Mr G Roberts, BMus(Hons), ArtDip, LMusA
Ms J Robertson, BA(Mus), GradDipPerf
Dr J Rodgers, PhD, BAppSc(Hons), DipEd, CertIVTAA
Mr G Ruffles, BAppSc, DipEd
Mrs P Runge, BA, DipEd
Mrs M Rutter, MEd(Teacher Librarianship), GradDipEd, BA
*Mrs R Schneider, BBiomedSc, MTeach, MEd
Ms J Sharman, BA, GradDipEd, GradDipLib
Ms B Shi, BT/BA
Ms C Shiau, MA, BEd
Mr B Siketa, BMus(Perf)
Ms M Simpson, BMus(Perf), MMus(Perf)
Dr J Smith, PhD, BSc(Hons), DipEd
Mrs K Smith, BA, MIMS, GradDipEd
Mr S Smith, BEng, GradDipEd
Mr M Sofoulis
Mr A St Vincent Welch, BMus(Hons), Bed, ProfCertEdNeuro
Mr A Stocker, BA(Hons), PGCE, CertHE
Ms C Tait, BEd(Sec)Lib & Info Studies, MEdPolicy(International)
*Ms S Teeuwsen
*Mr L Teys
Mr R Thomson, BAComm/Law, MEd
Ms K Thornburn, BTeach, BFine Art
*#+ Miss S Thornton
Ms E Toh, BMus(Perf), MMus(Perf), GradDipEd
Ms S Tsolakis, DipTeach, BEd
Mr J Tuckfield, BA(Hons), DipEd, DipIndEmpRel, DEd
Ms J Turnnidge, MEd, BSc(Hons), BA, DipEd
Mr L Van Maanen
Mr J Victor, BA(Hons), HDE, CFPS, CertCompEd, DipLanguages, MPhil (Ed)
Ms M Voumard, BCompSc, MTeach(Sec)
# Ms S Walk, BA(Ceramic Design), PostGradDipEd, PostGradDip – Visual Art(Sculpture)
Mrs A Walters, MEd, BEdSt, DipT
Ms H Wang, BEd, DipAcc
Mr A Warne, BA, DipEd, GradDipComp
Mr J Watson, BAppSc, GradDipEd, MBus(SportMgt)
Mr S Weatherson
Ms R Williams
Mr D Williamson, GradDipEdAdmin, DipT
Mr I Wilmoth, BA, LLB, GradDipEd
Mr M Wood, MA, MEd, CertGiftEd, CertIVTAA
Ms P Wood, BEd
Mr A Worsnop GradDipEd, BACom(Honours)
Ms L Wostry, BEd(Mus)
Mr S Wyatt, MEd, BSc(Hons), BA, AMusA
Mr P Young, BA, DipEd
Ms J Yu, BMus(Hons), LMusA
Mr P Zagarn, BEd, BSc
Ms G Zhang
Mr C Lloyd, Chartered Accountant, M.Corp Law, FCA, FCPA, FAICD, FCIS
Mr R Whitehead, BAppSc(PEM), MSportMgmnt
Ms N Borcoski
Mr G Wensor, BEc, ACA
Miss A Ball, BSportDevelopment
Mrs G Barnes, BEd P-12
Mr M Belgiovane
Mr D Bennie, B Fine Art (Vis Art)
Mrs J Bennie, BN, GradDipNurs, CertIVWorkTrain, RN
Mrs P Bini, DipTeach, BEd, CertIIITrainAssess
Mr N Bower, BEd, BTeach, DipLeadershipMng, CertIVTraining&Assess, DipBusMng, GradDipCareerCounselling, DipVocEd&Training
Mr P Brincat
Mr J Burke
Mrs M Callenberg
Mr N Campbell, BAExScience
Mrs M Carbone, ADipBus
Mrs D Chapman, DipAplSci
Mr J Cheung, BSciAccounting
Mr T Cleversley, BAppSci(Computer Science), DipIT, CertIVIT
Ms A Cutler, BMus(Hons)
Mrs T Das Neves, BA, MA
Mrs C Denbury, BACreatArt, GradDipPsych
Mrs J Elliott, CertIVTrainAssess
Mrs S Emerson, BA(Hons)
Ms J Everett, DipLib&InfSe
Mr S Feldt
#Miss P Fennessy
#Mrs K Ferguson, BComm (Hons), DipDesign
Mr R Fernando, BAIT(Networking), DipIT(Networking)
Mrs H Fethers
*Ms N Gardiner
Miss A Gehrke, BFA, GradDipPACCT
Mr A Green, AdDipCompSystEngin
Ms B Handfield, Dip Costume, Cert IV Design
Ms T Hayes, GradCert BusEA
Mrs R Haynes
Mrs K Hendry
Mrs D Henriksen
Mrs M Herold, BASci(Nursing), CertIVTraining&Assessment, CertIVWHS
Mr J Holding
Dr S Hutton
*#Miss B Jambresic
Ms B Jin, MAppFin, BAComm(Acc)
Mr R Johns, BAAppSci, CertIVWorkTrain, DipIT, CELTA, GraDipEd
Mrs J Johnson, BPA, MACM
Mr C Kerdemelidis
Mrs K Knight, BA Recreation
Mrs S Kontos, DIPofTT, CertIVTraing&Asssess
Ms N Layton
Mrs S Li, MSc, DipEd
* Ms Y Liu
Mrs H Lowe, CertIIIChildrServ, Associate Degree in Education, BEd
Mr J Lu, BEng
Mrs J Luca, BEd
Miss F Magee, AdvDipVisArt(Painting and Art History), BFinArt(Expansion Studio Practice, Painting)
Mr C Mara, BASportMng
Mrs S Marchouba, DipAplPhysicsCompSci, CertlVAssTrain
#Miss A McAlpine, GradDip BusHR
Mrs R McArdle
*Ms J Menzies
Miss E Moffat, Dip Live Prodn & Tech Serv, Dip Theatre Arts
Mrs K Moore
Mrs J Mulcahy, CertIIIBus
Mrs K Munro
Mr M Neal
*Ms R Nicholson, Cert IV TAE, GradCertHlthProm, GradCertIntHlt, Cert IV Counselling
*+#Mr J Nocevski
*Mrs S O’Connell, BPsychSc, GradCertCarEd&Dev
Mrs C Parker, BBus
Ms L Perna, CertIVBusAdmin
Ms M Perna, CertIVFinServices
#Ms S Power, CPRM CertDetDft(Mech) DipPM AdvDipGRC
*Ms K Presutto
*Mrs K Price, BEng(Civil)(Hons), BA, MBM
Mrs D Richards
*#Mr C Russo
#Mrs D Sadzakov, BSc(Hons), DipHRM, DipBusAdmin
Ms J Sangster, DipHotel/CaterOps, CertIVAdmin
Mr P Sartori, BAExSCi/SportsSci
Mr J Sayers
Mrs L Sayers
*Ms K Sganga, Dip. Vis Art, Adv. Dip. Creative Prod. Dev
Mr B Smith
Ms J Sonego, BAppSci (Nursing), Nurse Immuniser, RN
Mr I Spoljaric
Miss J Stryker, BAPolitics, BAHealthSci, CertIII&IVFitness&PT
*Mrs S Thorne
Mrs B Tighe
Ms C Tighe, CertEdSupport
Miss K Trigg
Ms E Turner
#Mr J Visser, DipIT
Mr M Wager, B Fine Arts & Drama, B Production Design
Mrs M Walker
Mr M Wanford, BSc. BA
Mr J Wang, BEng, AdvDipSoftDevt, MTech, CCNA
*Mr T Wells
Ms S White, DipBusStud
*Miss J Wood
* New 2023
# Leavers 2023
+ Temporary appointment
Parent, Student and Staff Surveys
Parent Satisfaction
The School surveyed parents in 2023 using question items designed by the Australian Curriculum and Reporting Authority (ACARA). The survey was conducted electronically. Overall, 428 responses out of 1165 families were received, giving a good return rate.
Seventy-seven Junior School parents, 154 Middle School parents and 260 Senior School parents responded (some parents have students in more than one section of the School).
Teachers at Camberwell Grammar School expect students to do their best.
Teachers at Camberwell Grammar School provide my child with useful feedback about his school work.
Teachers at Camberwell Grammar School treat students fairly.
Camberwell Grammar School is well maintained.
My child feels safe at Camberwell Grammar School.
I can talk to my child's teachers about my concerns.
Student behaviour is well managed at Camberwell Grammar School.
My child likes being at Camberwell Grammar School.
Camberwell Grammar School looks for ways to improve.
Camberwell Grammar School takes parents’ opinions seriously.
Teachers at Camberwell Grammar School motivate my child to learn.
My child is making good progress at Camberwell Grammar School.
My child's learning needs are being met at Camberwell Grammar School.
Camberwell Grammar School works with me to support my child's learning.
The School achieved 80% approval ratings in almost every area, with respondents indicating either ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’. Notably, 96% of parents reported their son felt safe at school and liked being at Camberwell Grammar School. Parents expressed strong satisfaction with teaching quality, year-level transition support and the overall educational experiences
provided to their children. Parents conveyed a desire for improved communication and for their children to play a more active role in contributing to the broader community. Camberwell Grammar School is committed to continuous improvement and welcomes feedback from parents and students.
Student Satisfaction
The School surveyed students in 2023 using question items designed by the Australian Curriculum and Reporting Authority (ACARA). The survey was conducted electronically with students from Years 5 to 12.
Overall, 810 responses were received, giving a very high return rate. Twenty-five Junior School students, 377 Middle School students and 408 Senior School students responded.
My teachers expect me to do my best.
My teachers provide me with useful feedback about my school work.
Teachers at Camberwell Grammar School treat students fairly.
Camberwell Grammar School is well maintained.
I feel safe at Camberwell Grammar School.
I can talk to my teachers about my concerns.
Student behaviour is well managed at Camberwell Grammar School.
I like being at Camberwell Grammar School.
Camberwell Grammar School looks for ways to improve.
Camberwell Grammar School takes students’ opinions seriously.
My teachers motivate me to learn.
Camberwell Grammar School gives me opportunities to do interesting things.
Students rated the School highly on key indicators such as teacher expectations, outstanding resources and facilities, and being given the opportunity to do interesting things. Almost all students felt that Camberwell Grammar School is a safe, positive and inclusive place for them, with a range of pastoral and
academic support offered by teachers. Students appreciated the camaraderie among their peers and indicated they received effective teaching and helpful feedback from their teachers. The School will continue to look for ways to improve, particularly in communication and behaviour management, in 2024.
Staff Satisfaction
The School surveyed all staff – teaching and non-teaching - in 2023. Overall, 127 out of a possible 224 staff responded, giving a response rate of 57%.
The responses were overwhelmingly positive. The survey identified several strengths in the School: Staff feel a strong sense of pride
and connection to the School’s goals, values and vision. Staff share high collegiality with their peers and appreciate the spirit of the School community and the School’s resources and support. The survey highlighted staff interest in innovation opportunities, enhanced communication, and increased prospects for career advancement, which will be addressed in 2024.