7 minute read

President’s Report

Camberwell Grammar School dates back to 1886, when a small school for boys was founded by A. B. Taylor near Camberwell Junction. The School then moved to two other locations before, in 1934, finally settling into its present site in Canterbury. This beautiful site, in the heart of one of the leafiest and best-preserved neighbourhoods around Melbourne, has been developed in the succeeding years to provide some of the best facilities of any boys’ grammar school in the state of Victoria. Today, Camberwell Grammar School provides an outstanding education to over 1,300 students from Pre-Prep to Year 12. In more recent years, much of the School has been further redeveloped to provide a new Senior School Complex, the Wheelton Centre and a wide range of adjoining teaching spaces, science laboratories, art studios, a lecture theatre, music pods, and a VCE common room. In 2017, the final stages of the existing 2008 Master Plan were completed with the opening of the extensive Sports Centre, underground car park, and the All Souls’ Chapel. The current Headmaster, Dr Paul Hicks, has directed this extraordinary phase of development since 2005. Although Camberwell Grammar School has experienced a calmer period following the completion of this Master Plan, there have been a number of smaller projects undertaken including the following:

Performing Arts Centre

The renovation and refurbishment of upstairs (Level 1) in the Performing Arts Centre (PAC) commenced in late 2021 and comprises two main construction stages. The first stage involved removal of the old Boardroom and adjoining office on the upper level and renovation of the newly created space to allow for an additional multi-purpose area to host classes, functions, exams and assessments, meetings, student seminars and professional development. The area incorporates two retractable walls to divide the larger space into three smaller areas. This new space will relieve pressure on the heavily utilised PAC Stage, particularly over exam periods, and offers additional flexible space to the growing demands of the School. The space in its entirety is larger than the Camberwell Room and more suitable for assessments. The second component of this project is underway. This will see the construction of a lift and new stairwell in the main PAC Foyer (across from the Servery). The Foyer area around the lift entry and stairwell will also be developed to include casual seating areas. The main construction works for this project should be completed by mid-2022, however, supply chain issues and a delay in the installation of the new lift may push this out somewhat.


As sustainability is one of the key pillars of the School’s Strategic Plan, we continue to look for ways to run our operations sustainably, including but not limited to, the following: Project Climate Positive (CERES Partnership) The first stage of our ‘Climate Positive’ Project with CERES is underway – that being the extensive data-gathering to develop baseline data across a range of metrics (water, gas, electricity, waste, recycling, etc). This analysis should be completed in Term 2 2022. The next phase will be to establish project targets, priorities, and timelines for a range of focused initiatives. Initially, the focus will be on projects that enable the School to reach a goal of ‘zero net carbon’ by 2030 – after which the focus will move to ‘climate positive’ initiatives. Battery Recycling The installation of battery recycling hubs will occur in 2022. This initiative, developed in conjunction with Envirostream, will provide the School community with a safe and environmentally friendly way to recycle household batteries. Camberwell Grammar School will be the first school site to facilitate such a program. Whilst the most recent Master Plan has been completed, the School continues to focus on providing and further enhancing the resources and infrastructure to offer the best possible start in life for boys and young men. With master plans, the length of time from early planning through to final execution of all elements is significant - counted in decades, not years. I can assure you the School is not resting on its laurels and is already in the early stages of planning for the next master plan cycle. Of course, new facilities come at a cost and, whilst the School enjoys a quieter period in between master plans, the School continues to prudently manage finances, strengthen the balance sheet and pay-down debt. The Foundation exists to support the School where required, and respond to the needs and strategic focus of the School as they evolve over time. With the next master plan being only in its embryonic phase, the Foundation has shifted its focus from the Building Fund to the Scholarship Fund – with the intention being to look at ways it may be able to assist in providing financial support for a modest number of students who wouldn’t otherwise be able to experience a Camberwell Grammar School education.

As the incoming President of the Foundation, this initiative gives us an opportunity to reconsider and plan out our next five to ten years. And now, as life becomes somewhat more normal, we are formulating the Foundation’s plans and, whilst early days, we are giving strong thought to building a sizeable scholarship endowment to support students from less advantaged backgrounds at the School. Most of us are happy, I’m sure, to see the end of the last few years, as we edge somewhat closer to life as we once knew it. That said, during 2021, most of the significant activities of the CGS Foundation were not able to be held, including our (physical) Annual General Meeting. Despite this, and like many other organisations, the Foundation Board met throughout the year via Zoom, and continued to support the Community and Development Office as we were able, throughout the lockdowns. Being able to meet in person, to run workshops, and focus on community groups, will be most beneficial for us in building out the Foundation’s future plans. A significant responsibility of the CGS Foundation Board is to steward Camberwell Grammar Foundation’s financial endowment, which has been built up over the years through the generous gifts by many. On behalf of the School community, I would particularly like to thank the Investment Committee, ably led by Gavin Powell, for its wisdom and commitment to this stewardship. The Committee remained disciplined, stuck to the task, and worked diligently to protect and grow the value of the portfolio over the last twelve months. Finally, but importantly, I would like to thank all who have so generously supported the School via the CGS Foundation, whether that be through financial gifts or by generously giving time, talents, enthusiasm, and energy. We are incredibly fortunate to be part of a strong, compassionate community, built on the foundation of developing young men to live by the mantra “Spectemur Agendo”.

David Haintz AM (1983), President

The Roystead Society Thank You

The Roystead Society was established in 2001 to recognise the generosity of those in our community who have indicated their intention to remember Camberwell Grammar School in a bequest. Membership of the Roystead Society is presented to anyone who indicates such a bequest, regardless of the level of financial commitment. Members are invited to an annual Roystead Society dinner to enable them to be thanked for their generosity in their lifetime.

Mrs J P Anderson Mr J K Atock Dr N P Aylott Mr & Mrs C M Beeny Mr & Mrs R Bennett Mr C F Black OAM Dr R S Breadmore Dr B Bruck Mr L E Chadwick Mr J H Crutch Mr A N Curphey OBE Mr K E B Doery Dr & Mrs F C Fleming Mr & Mrs D N Growns Mr & Mrs A G Haintz Mr D S Herborn OAM Dr & Mrs M D Hobday Mrs D Killeen Mrs M Leong Prof A Linden Miss M F Lucas Mr I G W Mason Mr D McDonald Mr H R McDonald Mr R M Muirhead Mr G R Nathan Patterson Bequest Mr G R Phillips Mr L G Quinn Mr I L Robertson AO Mr K M Slater Dr W J C Spring Mr & Mrs A C Thomas Mr P L Wheelton AM, KSJ Dr & Mrs I G P Wilding Dr J M Xipell

If you would like information about including Camberwell Grammar School in your estate planning, please contact the Director of Community and Development on 03 9835 1742 or email cec@cgs.vic.edu.au.

Camberwell Grammar School 2021

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