2021 CGS Hockey Season Launch Friends of Hockey invites all Years 7 – 12 hockey players and their parents and families to the official launch of the 2021 season The evening will involve mixed-age ‘6-a-side’ round robin games, followed by a casual BBQ sausage sizzle and a welcome and overview of the CGS hockey program by the CGS Director of Sport and Friends of Hockey
Wednesday, 24 March, 4.00pm – 5.30pm JTO, Camberwell Grammar School
� ALL players are welcome, as we will mix and match the boys – having FUN is the aim of the event � Parents and other family members are encouraged to wander down at 5.00pm or earlier to mingle, share a snag and meet other families � First XI players will be in attendance to ‘meet and greet’ and share playing and training tips, as well as run coaching drills with the Years 7 and 8 players
$5 per ticket (include BBQ sausage sizzle and soft drink) Bookings through Trybooking: https://www.trybooking.com/BPBQO
Bookings close Friday, 19 March
If you have any queries, please email Chris Howell at chrish@photodirect.com.au