3 minute read

How we value RESPECT at CGS


Camberwell Grammar is more than a school; it is a community whereby we aim for everyone to feel welcome, valued and connected. Individual expression and ideas are encouraged, tolerance and inclusiveness are embedded in day-to-day school life. Respect refers to due regard for the feelings, wishes and rights of others. It is one of the school’s fi ve core values and is interwoven into all aspects of school life. Students and staff are expected to show respect for each other in their daily interactions by showing civility and courtesy. Students are expected to wear their school uniform with pride in the community and respect the school motto Spectemur Agendo… ‘By our deeds may we be known’ …at all times when representing the school. Respect is an important life value that we encourage all

in our community to demonstrate both at school and at home.

Respect for others is encouraged everyday across the whole school, whether it be:

• Understanding and supporting individual differences concerning race, religion, beliefs and ability;

• Showing appreciation for peers when they are trying something new and providing them with support and encouragement to understand and achieve;

• Acknowledging the skills and dedication of musicians playing in concerts and assemblies;

• Showing understanding and respect for the different learning styles of others;

• Abiding by the decisions of skilled umpires and offi cials during sporting matches;

• Having due regard for differing views in class discussions even when you disagree;

• Within classes the students show attentiveness towards teachers and peers when listening to presentations;

• Students demonstrate respect for their own and others’ property by valuing books and clothing and returning lost items found in the school;

• Learning about different cultures, faiths, beliefs through a range of subjects and cultural celebrations and

• Working cooperatively in small groups and pairs often with a range of students.


Courses in Respectful Relationships and Emotional Intelligence are implemented across the whole school to promote and encourage students’ awareness and tolerance of others. We are mindful of the importance of students understanding when to respect the privacy and space of their friends, while being aware of how to support them if they see they are struggling with any mental health issues. Often there are quiet opportunities across the school when one student will see that another needs assistance and just

quietly provide this without fanfare but just knowing that it is the right thing to do.

We have various mentor programs across the school which allow for the development of respect between younger and older students. This often happens in sporting, musical or camp situations.

There are opportunities for developing respectful relationships and fostering positive esteem between students at other schools through productions, debating, maths days, Projec10, socials, formals and other curriculum focused days.

Across all areas of the school there are many and various visitors and the students are always encouraged to demonstrate respect by listening, asking insightful questions and thanking presenters for their time.

Respect is sometimes hard to quantify but overall it involves respect for self; for others; for rules; for achievement; for effort; for differences; for values; for the Camberwell Grammar way.

Ms Elizabeth Grant Senior School Psychologist

“Respect for others is encouraged everyday across the whol e school”

SPECTEMUR | ISSUE 2 - 2019 9

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