Grammarian 2020

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The Camberwell Grammarian The Official Record of Camberwell Grammar School 55 Mont Albert Road, Canterbury, Victoria 3126, Australia Founded 1886 One of the Nine Associated Grammar Schools of Victoria



#CGSFROMHOME Editorial Student Leadership All Souls Chapel Faith and Social Justice Junior and Middle School Liaison Towards2050 Curriculum Department Notes Junior School Junior School Report Pre-Prep Prep Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Junior School Library Class Photos Middle School Middle School Report Highlights Beyond the Classroom Class Photos Senior School Senior School Report School Colours Senior School Awards Cadets Debating Year 12 Valete VCE Results Music Junior School Music Middle School Music Senior School Music Music Academy Music Groups Drama Senior School Productions Visual Art and Design Junior School Visual Art Middle and Senior School Visual Art and Design EXIT20 and VCD Exhibition

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Houses Junior School House Competition House Sport House Music Bridgland Clifford Derham Macneil Robinson Schofield Steven Summons Camps and Tours Middle School Camps Senior School Camps Sport Junior and Middle School Sport Sport Report Sports Academy Sports Centre Archery Basketball Cricket Golf Orienteering Kayaking Lawn Bowls Squash Table Tennis Taekwondo Tennis Triathlon Volleyball Sport Groups Community Staff Notes Staff Roll 2019 Valete Destination of Leavers* Support Groups Student Roll

121 122 123 124 126 130 134 138 142 146 150 154 159 160 165 167 168 169 171 173 175 176 182 186 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 197 199 201 211 212 216 217 218 221

Each year The Grammarian provides a snapshot of the year that was. It is an historical document. I suspect that the record of this extraordinary year will be especially valuable to future historians. None of us foresaw as we returned to school at the end of January what was in store for us. We began to hear rumours of a virus emerging in China, just as we were returning to school, and being cautious, we asked families returning from their annual trips to quarantine themselves for two weeks before returning to school.

like, that we are not comfortable with, and that sometimes we will be called on to make personal sacrifices in the interests of the greater good. But the boys have also learned that they have great resources within them, which can be developed and used to sustain them through tough times. They have had to be independent learners; they have had to organise their day and maintain their motivation. And they have had to find ways to remain connected with each other and with their school.

We did not imagine then that terms such as ‘quarantine’, ‘physical distancing’ and ‘lockdown’ would become a part of our vocabulary. We did not imagine the way that this tiny virus would sweep across the world, kill over a million people globally, and change the way we live. In Victoria, we fought off a second wave of the disease by following strict lockdown rules which impacted all our lives, and which meant that we could not operate our School in our normal way. Many of the events and highlights of a ‘normal’ year at school had to be cancelled or modified extensively. We had to learn to teach and to learn through our computers, we all had to become ‘Zoom literate’, and we had to find ways to connect when we could not be together in person. The inventiveness and creativity of our staff and students was extraordinary. Undaunted by the challenge, we saw online music concerts pieced together from individual recordings. Our School Play was presented as a filmed event. Our students embraced new sports challenges on ‘Strava’, and played online Trivia for their House.

This Grammarian is different then, from many which have preceded it. It documents a year in which many students spent significant amounts of time at home, in which sport was severely limited, in which concerts had to be abandoned, and Open Day cancelled. But it also provides a record of an historic year, in which the world fought a pandemic with various degrees of success, and in which we needed to respond to rapidly changing and unpredictable challenges. It documents the ways in which we were able to reimagine our life at school in the face of those challenges. I offer my thanks and congratulations to all who helped us get through 2020 and I know that we will be able to face whatever challenges 2021 throws at us.

Resilience is not an attribute, it is a muscle, which gets stronger through exercise. We have all had to exercise that muscle a fair bit this year. We were given an extraordinary opportunity to learn. Our students have learned that life does not always go to plan, that we will inevitably face situations that we do not



As always, The Grammarian is the shared result of many people’s work. A special thank you though to Mrs Jade Dolling, who has again carried the greatest burden in putting the magazine together. From the very first article collected at the beginning of the year - from that little thing - a great magazine has grown. I am grateful for all who have nurtured its growth. Thanks also to our Prefect in charge of Publications, Matthew Chan, for all he has done to promote the writing in our school this year, and particularly through his reimagined student publication, Realms. Dr Paul Hicks Headmaster

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2020 saw online learning from home become the ‘new normal’ for CGS students. During lockdown and isolation, students kept connected and engaged with the community by sharing snippets of shared experiences at home.

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EDITORIAL 2020 seems at first to be a difficult year to write much about, much less celebrate – for many of us, the year seems to be primarily characterised by the ennui of seemingly never-ending lockdowns, by endless periods spent in front of the computer. But it is that very notion that serves as such a strong illustration of what makes Camberwell so special: in the face of hardship, our community has nevertheless worked harder than ever to ensure that the school’s values of Learning, Respect, Integrity, Courage and Optimism continued to be upheld. This year we have truly seen the oft‑spoken edict in action: Camberwell is more than a school. It is a community. Confined within their homes, the students and teachers of our

school have nevertheless strived nobly to shine in all that they do this year. Both were presented with massive changes, and both have lived up to the task with admirable moxie. Where it would have been easy to loiter, we have instead endeavoured to excel. When Hamer Hall was taken away, the musicians of Camberwell banded together and produced countless intricately crafted performances on video. When the Senior School Production proved unfeasible, they moved to Zoom, and gave us a show we won’t soon forget. It is in circumstances like these that we are reminded why the annual edition of The Grammarian is such an important aspect of our school’s culture – more than ever, it stands as a testament to Camberwell’s unique and unwavering

spirit. Bound within these pages are the tales of the countless students and teachers that made it happen, that refused to let the situation get the better of them. As the year comes to a close, I would like to wish the class of 2020 all the best in their future endeavours. To those continuing or even beginning their time at Camberwell in 2021, I implore you not to squander any of the opportunities you are granted during your time at this school. This year has been an exercise in demonstrating the value that they hold. As always, thank you to all those who made contributions to this edition of The Grammarian. And of course, special thanks must go to the people that allow this publication to be made – those in the Community and Development Office, and especially Ms Dolling – without whom this edition could not have been made. 2020 has certainly been an eventful year. I invite you to turn the page, and to experience how Camberwell embraced it. Matthew Chan Prefect for Publications

“Camberwell is more than a school. It is a community.”

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We are immensely proud of the way in which all of the students have responded to the curveballs that have been thrown their way. There was minimal complaining and all Junior, Middle and Senior School boys were proactive in finding innovative and exciting ways to keep connected and maintain a sense of community. The House Exercise competition and Suburbs of CGS Challenge were extra incentives for everyone to stay active and get outside, while the gym coaches daily Zoom fitness sessions became a staple in many of our routines. Our passion for music was not to be stopped by the lockdowns, as we pumped out countless videos, ranging from an arrangement of Ed Sheeran’s Perfect to Shostakovich’s Praeludium. The Prefect team also took great pride in making assembly videos, including an ANZAC Day special. These were just some of the countless initiatives that were undertaken, and the willingness of everyone to involve themselves really is a testament to the spirit and resilience of all Camberwell Grammarians.

schedules and the copious amounts of screen time, we look back on how the year has unfolded as a reminder to exercise gratitude for everything the school offers, to live in the moment as memories are made and to cherish the “happy days at school”.


This year at Camberwell has been one of trials, appreciation and reflection. A polar year where we have seen the highs of community, passion and teamwork, from Term 1’s Senior School House Music and Athletics and the success of the Summer Sport Season to the lows of not seeing our mates every single day and the cancellation of all the events that encompass what Camberwell has to offer. However, through all this, the boys, faculty and the wider school community found a way to make it work.

Thus, as the year draws to a close, we would like to thank the students, teachers and school community for giving us the honour of serving you as the 2020 Captains. Finally, we extend our best wishes to the 2021 Prefect team as the school bounces back next year and looks forward to a much-awaited return and good times to come. Geoffrey Gong Captain of the School Philip Alex Vice Captain of the School

While there is no sugar-coating the disappointments of missed opportunities, the altered sleep

JUNIOR SCHOOL EXECUTIVE Back Row L-R: Mr Mathew McRae, Kamran Vohra, Lucas Andreopoulos, Gary Kong, Luca Sanfilippo, Sean Verghese, Caius Kyoong, Mr Howard Kelly. Front Row L-R: Edward Goh, Felix Smith, Ashan Inpanathan, James Smallwood, Tobias Wu, Thomas Newman-Thurlby, Mr Michael Pettolino.

Headmaster with School Captain and School Vice Captain

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“Our Chapel has been designed to be a quiet place of reflection and contemplation, with many Christian signs and symbols.” The Chapel Symbols of Fish and ‘Fishers of Men’ Our Chapel has been designed to be a quiet place of reflection and contemplation, with many Christian signs and symbols. The Apostles and early disciples first used the symbol of the fish for their logo or secret sign. In ancient Greek ‘Ichthus’ (fish) was an acrostic to refer to Jesus Christ, Son of God. Zinc tiles resembling the scales of fish cover the outside of our Chapel, the candlesticks and chalice have ‘the Nets and Fishes’ theme and the carpet is made from recycled fishing lines and net recovered from our oceans. Sitting in our Chapel one is encouraged to feel a link with the early Christian Church and remember the words of Jesus to His Apostles and to us, “Go and make Fishers of Men”.

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Parents’ Prayer Group

The Chapel Bell

For some years now the Parents’ Prayer Group has gathered and prayed regularly for the boys, the staff and the whole school community. Through good times and hard times; there have been so many prayers of thanksgiving and many prayers of grief as we seek God’s comfort and healing. Especially this year, in the time of the pandemic, we prayed for our school and the whole world. We could not meet in our Chapel, but we continued to pray and gather on Zoom. Our grateful thanks go to Mrs Ros Thorn and Mrs Marti Davidson for co-ordinating our group.

Outside the West Window of our Chapel hangs the Chapel Bell. It was once the School Bell that every day called the boys to class. A large bell is difficult to make. They usually come from Europe or Russia. Our bell was made at the Abbotsford Ironworks here in Melbourne around the time of World War II. It was made by past Grammarian Jack Tobias and benefactor of the school. In 1985 it became the Chapel Bell outside the first Chapel in ‘Tara’. Today it reminds us of our history and perhaps one day it will ring out again? Perhaps to celebrate some future great event! Reverend Charles Butler School Chaplain

INTRODUCTION Junior School “Where are you?” Well it’s not the usual beginning for a Chapel service but when you are running a Chapel service alone in the Chapel with the exception of the person behind the camera, you are reminded again of the strange year 2020 has been, but it certainly hasn’t stopped us! While the boys have been watching Chapel from their homes, they have been reminded of stories like Jesus calming the storm and Jesus never leaving us in the midst of our storms and challenging times. We have also considered how like seeds planted in the ground weeks before

they spring into life, absorbing nutrients and establishing strong roots, we during isolation have learnt a lot about life, facing disappointment, building resilience and growing stronger family relationships to name just a few. These lessons are helping us become stronger and healthier for our futures; establishing deep roots of experience to draw upon. Whilst acknowledging the challenges the boys have been facing, Chapel services and assemblies have encouraged students and staff to be like sunflowers whose faces follow the sun, looking up for strength and

staying positive, including treating each other with care and kindness both in our homes and online. One of the highlights this year has been seeing the boys put kindness into action when the Junior School community together donated a very large amount of food to CAMCARE, an organisation that supports families in need within our local school area. It was so encouraging to see Junior School families caring and supporting others in a year of challenges and trials. Mrs Natalie Rice Junior School Chaplain The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 11



“It was great seeing the group grow throughout the year, with new faces joining despite having our meetings held over Zoom.”

Army, Operation Toilets and others. It was wonderful seeing so many enthusiastic students continue to expand what Rotary has to offer, and I wish those who will be involved in next year’s Rotary leadership team the best of luck in seeing just what Rotary is capable of.

Although 2020 has certainly been a tough and rather strange year for us all, it was nevertheless wonderful to see everyone stay strong and optimistic, even throughout these unprecedented times. All the boys this year, even when studying online, displayed wonderful effort and an unbreakable attitude, in which they never gave up. Especially the Year 12s this year, there was nothing quite like returning back to school and seeing so many familiar faces. This year, the Rotary Interact Club managed to battle throughout the

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pandemic, coming up with new and innovative ideas to combat the lockdown. ‘Letters Against Iso’ was a hit, collaborating with MLC to have students from all year levels come together and write letters to the elderly, filling them with support through these trying times. As well as this, we held multiple sausage sizzles across varying venues (pre-Covid), with each going down as a massive success. Through the boys’ undeniable efforts in helping others and supporting each other throughout the year, we donated various amounts to charities such as The Salvation

Another group within CGS that I think is a wonderful opportunity for all is Mustard, a Christian group where students across all year levels have the opportunity to come together in fellowship each Thursday lunchtime. This year, we were fortunate enough to have two past Grammarians come and lead the sessions - Ian Kaharudin (2019) and Caleb Yii (2016). Even throughout lockdown, we were able to discuss and learn about the fruits of the spirit, characters in the Bible and different parables. It was great seeing the group grow throughout the year, with new faces joining despite having our meetings held over Zoom. Finally, I wish Jack Hu, next year’s Prefect of Faith and Social Justice, all the best with his endeavours and plans, whatever awaits him in 2021. Oscar Cheung Prefect for Faith and Social Justice

JUNIOR AND MIDDLE SCHOOL LIAISON I would like to thank the many students and teachers involved who participated throughout the year. It was such an encouraging sign to see everyone participate with such enthusiasm and energy despite the strenuous year it has been, and it is a true testament to the Camberwell spirit. Thank you so much to In Term 1, particularly in Senior School, the staff of Junior School, Middle School students were able to make use of the and Senior School who were especially face-to-face learning to help officiate, score patient and busy this year. and interact with the Middle School boys, competing in a multitude of fun House Finally, congratulations to Garnett Brennan, sports competitions, such as volleyball the 2021 Junior School and Middle and table tennis. School Liaison. I know you will do a great job and I will be eager to see the new During lockdown, although it provided ideas and initiatives that you may bring to an obstacle, the Senior School was able Camberwell. Good luck! to collaborate with the Junior School, making a short video letter addressed to Taran Laurence the Junior School boys in a hope to raise Prefect for Middle and their spirits and to encourage the boys to Senior School Liaison keep positive during these uncertain times, whilst giving a little insight into the fun activities the Senior School boys were up to during lockdown.


Despite the unprecedented times and seemingly endless distractions and disruptions that occurred throughout the unpredictable year of 2020, Camberwell Grammar had another successful year in further connecting the Junior, Middle and Senior Schools.

“I would like to thank the many students and teachers involved who participated throughout the year.”

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Green Thumbs! Ms Katrina Massey and a group of students spanning the Middle and Senior Schools have been working for the past two years on developing and growing a garden on the balcony of the Middle School Atrium. They have enjoyed great success in producing seedlings from Open Day (when it is not struck down by COVID) and in producing fresh vegetables and flowers to be enjoyed by the gardening community.

2020 was another successful year in the school’s Sustainability program. It began at the start of the year when we installed a new beehive in the Senior School. I was honoured and humbled to be the first Sustainability Prefect at the school, a great step forward in the school’s sustainability program. This year we held a series of competitions such as scavenger hunts, where the students’ task was to find as many environmental facts on posters that had been placed around the school. Then COVID hit us. At first it appeared this would disrupt the whole program indefinitely. We were unable to continue many initiatives around

the school, but we found a way forward! The biggest project for the first lockdown was an assembly video. Our student environmental group Towards2050 was meeting via Zoom, which, as you could imagine, is much less preferable. However, like everything, there was a silver lining. I personally like to say that it was the greatest carbon emissions drop in the school’s history. By the end of Term 2 we returned to school, ready to begin more events. However, as you guessed, COVID came back. Towards2050 was still meeting on Fridays. We managed to launch a few successful activities such as a sustainable cooking competition, where students were required to cook a sustainable meal that excluded things such as red meat and dairy. The prize was a jar of very locally produced honey. So locally produced in fact, it was made at our school. I would personally like to congratulate everyone on a successful school year and am still amazed at our resilience in this unorthodox time as we work to transform the school and its approach to sustainability. Harry Rice Inaugural Sustainability Prefect

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This program has been so successful that they have managed to expand their horizons, developing a new space next to the recent Kingussie extension. Clearly, along with literally everything in the world, this expansion has faced significant and frustrating COVID delays but we will endure and our gardens will bloom! Keep an eye out at next year’s Open Day to see the fruits of our student’s labours – they are sure to be fresh! Meanwhile, and as Harry mentioned, our beehive has started to find its routine. The bees have plenty of scope to roam from their balcony/condominium, and the honey produced by the hive is extraordinary. We strongly recommend you take all possible steps to get your hands on a jar of CGS honey whenever you notice an opportunity. Next year we anticipate several competitions being run to provide such opportunity and look forward to sharing such nectar with the broader community. Meanwhile, we will be back next year with more opportunities to recycle waste, but in the meantime remember you can always drop off old clothes and e-waste at the collection station in the Highton carpark. And if you have any old phones clogging up a drawer somewhere in the house, bring them into the Mobile Muster station in the Senior School Library and rest assured that they will be broken down, their precious elements extracted, and your information completely destroyed in the process. Mr Will Hone Sustainability Coordinator

Junior School After settling our cohorts into the new year and seeing the Year 4 and 5 boys off to their respective camps, the teachers had to make a fast transition into life in the classroom during COVID-19. Adjustments had to be made: hand sanitisers were installed in all classrooms, hand-washing, social distancing, no large gatherings, the wearing of masks and parents no longer allowed on site. As lockdown was announced at the end of Term 1, teachers had to quickly adopt new technologies and transition to digital learning platforms and the Music and Movement Centre was set up to educate children of essential workers. As many programs no longer became viable, teachers worked hard on new ways of adapting existing programs or found new ways to explore concepts. The teachers readily adapted to the new way of teaching. The Year 5 students were already familiar with Google Classroom and all the other teachers came on board. This was

certainly a new way for everyone; students, teachers and parents. Moving forward to Term 3, the teachers reflected on and improved the processes experienced during the first round of lockdown and swiftly headed into lockdown 2.0. The boys quickly adjusted back into remote learning for the duration of Term 3. Communication was all done online. The teachers upskilled to use Zoom as a way of teaching lessons to the boys and assemblies also continued virtually. Here the boys listened to Mr Kelly and Mrs Rice’s messages and everyone was able to see what was happening in the classrooms. Important messages about being a Yeti, having a growth mindset and remaining positive during such challenges were well received. The Year 5 Leadership Executive and a group of Year 12 boys sent video messages sharing ways of keeping a balance between study, exercise and keeping connected with others. Musical Soirées were adapted to give the boys opportunities to perform to a wider audience. Parent-teacher interviews were held for the first time via Zoom. Many positives came from this experience and it was lovely to see overseas parents being able to attend these conferences. Social emotional wellbeing was vital as distance learning ensued. The boys were encouraged to continue mindfulness practices such as Smiling Mind and Mind Yeti. The Emotional Intelligence program also continued throughout 2020 and other wellbeing activities were also provided. The boys were encouraged to stay active and in Term 3 participated in a World Summit Challenge where the steps they took each day were tallied and contributed

to climbing a designated mountain. The final day of Term 3 saw the classes enjoy Friday Fun Day. The Pre-Preps enjoyed a Wacky Wednesday during that week and Prep to Year 2 enjoyed dressing up and participating in a range of games and activities centred around themes such as Bugs and Lego. Years 3 to 5 had a Spring theme where they could select the activities they wished to do on the day. The boys thoroughly enjoyed all the activities and it was a memorable fun day. The introduction of our new School communication portal DEEDS also saw the teachers attending professional development sessions led by the IT staff. This was another major change and once again the teachers rose to the challenge. The classroom teachers continued with the journey of enhancing the teaching of writing. In Terms 3 and 4, the teachers embarked on a series of professional development sessions looking at the six traits of writing. This program links well with our existing program Seven Steps to Writing. It is pleasing to see so many budding authors in the Junior School. Remote learning emphasised the importance of home-school partnerships. Teachers were very aware of the pressure parents were facing and were grateful for the support during this challenging time. Although we have seen the challenges, our students, teachers and parents have become more resourceful and resilient through the process and we have all learnt how quickly we can adjust to change. Until we have a vaccine, we are ready! Mrs Caroline Gatley Deputy Head of Curriculum

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Embedded in PSD – and throughout our curriculum and our daily interactions with our students – are the school’s values. They are a bedrock for discussions around behaviour, interactions with peers and teachers, and appropriate responses to the situations and changes they are likely to experience at school and throughout their lives. This dedicated time in our curriculum allows our boys to settle into each stage of their schooling and negotiate changes in their lives in a more informed and supportive way. Middle School teachers – Form Teachers, in particular – provide our students with amazing support. This was particularly evident this year when we transitioned to an extended period of online learning. Students and teachers alike responded to this challenge with courage and optimism, working together to support each other and to continue to learn and grow, and work through difficulties as they arose.

Middle School

relate to problems relevant to their world. We are currently in the process of reviewing the Year 7 curriculum with the aim to continue this thread as a timetabled part of the curriculum in the next couple of years.

The Middle School curriculum continues to evolve in response to student interests, current educational research, and changes in the wider world, with a view to providing our students with the skills they need to face the intellectual, social and personal challenges they will encounter in their coming years at school Personal and Social and into their future. Development (PSD) is a key part of our There is an increasing focus in the Middle curriculum. This School on skills such as creativity and subject provides the design, collaboration, critical thinking and opportunity for Form communication. This year we introduced Teachers to meet with a new subject into Year 6 – Creative their class to discuss Design Solutions. This subject provides and research ideas, a scaffolded set of activities designed to and practise new build these very skills. On a broader level, skills relating to activities in every subject, across every their lives in and year level, are also being reimagined to give after school. Topics students more freedom to create their own range from digital pathways to understanding, working with literacy to gender equity, from each other to share, test and modify their emotional literacy to study and ideas, to reach solutions to problems that revision skills. 16 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

I would like to acknowledge the crucial role that parents play in their son’s schooling. We appreciate their support. Having their sons learning from home for a considerable part of the year provided some new challenges. The ups and downs, the successes and misses, were a reminder that learning often involves taking chances and making mistakes – but if we continue to keep our goals in mind and work together, we will get there in the end! We have a great team, and every member of our School community should be proud of our achievements this year. Mr Scott Wyatt Deputy Head of Middle School


conducted over Zoom, we found that the interviews were not only as effective, but also convenient for both parents and teachers.

At the beginning of 2020, our Year 12 students faced the year with optimism and with the aim of continuing the success of past Year 12s. Who could have predicted the extraordinary challenges that were to confront them as they set out to achieve their goals?

Likewise, our annual Curriculum Information Nights for Years 8 and 10 students and their parents could not proceed as usual. Instead, Heads of Department prepared recordings of presentations which were made accessible These challenges, although great for senior to parents and students online. This mode students, also impacted the learning of all of delivery gave parents the opportunity to students, no matter what their year level. view the information at a time suitable to The many restrictions imposed on us as their family, and to re-watch at a later date a result of the pandemic created both if necessary. We will survey parents early difficulties and opportunities. next year to ascertain the extent to which we may retain some aspects of these Both students and teachers had to digital interviews and presentations. adapt rapidly to the digital environment once directives from the Department of As well as the obvious work done with Education were put in place. For students, students, it was considered important this meant that they had to take more to continue the curriculum changes responsibility for their own learning, and discussed and developed during use their time at home efficiently. For 2019. One of these changes was the teachers, learning activities had to be implementation of the expansion to our redesigned to be more appropriate to Learning Behaviours statement, articulating the digital environment. the importance of being well organised, Communication with parents about their son’s learning through parent-teacher interviews posed yet another challenge, but once we had organised the interviews to be

staying focused on task, using technology efficiently for learning, asking for feedback about the quality of one’s work and acting on that feedback, collaborating when the

opportunity arises and communicating openly about what is being learned. These skills are as important, if not more, when learning in a digital environment as they are when learning face to face. Another change implemented this year is the change from Year 10 students selecting seven subjects to study in Year 11, to selecting six subjects. The benefit of this change is to allow Year 11 students to concentrate on subjects that they think they are most likely to study in Year 12, when they will study five subjects. It also provides enhanced opportunities for Units 3/4 studies to be undertaken in Year 11. 2020 has certainly shown us the resilience of our students and teachers, their willingness and ability to adapt to constantly changing circumstances, to adopt and accept new ways of working, and most importantly, to maintain contact and communication with one another. We look forward to building on all the learnings from this year, whilst focusing on the allimportant teacher-student relationships developed through face-to-face teaching. Mr Laurie Ince Director of Teaching

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The Commerce Department normally thrives on the dynamic nature of our subject material. Although this year is no exception, I would not begin to suggest that we have thrived on the negative consequences of the pandemic. Economics, Legal Studies and Accounting have all been reflected in amended budgets and spending, changing laws surrounding our lockdowns and business plans needing innovative thinking to ensure survival. This year has provided us with enough content (and debt) for a generation and I hope the most valuable lesson we learn is to be grateful for the little things in life. The This year, our teachers moved to online Commerce Department usually engages in teaching and encouraged students to use a very wide range of excursions with visits Education Perfect programs to enhance to markets, prisons, courts, parliaments their learning. They also participated in and businesses. However this year we have online professional training sessions and maintained some connection with the outside made a smooth transition from Schoology world. Year 9s engaged in watching some to DEEDS. Some of our students also live streaming of Parliamentary debates and took part in various online competitions although we were unable to visit prison this organised by the Chinese Language year, we have all experienced what living Teachers Association of Victoria. in isolation with restricted freedom is like. It has not been lost on me that the Zoom Mr Andrew Beale has decided to retire and classes of dozens of thumbnail images I would like to thank him for his contribution reflect security camera vision from Barwon and wish him all the best. Prison cells. While we have missed many of our normal learning experiences, I think the Mr Wei Ha most important lesson we have learnt is how Head of Chinese efficient and engaging face-to-face education is and how much we value interaction with our students. Here’s to 2021. 2020 was the ‘Year of Rat’ on the Chinese calendar. According to Chinese astrology, the year 2020 is quite challenging. We paid a visit to one of our three sister schools in China at the end of 2019 and established some new relationships with the best schools in China, such as Jack Ma’s school in Hangzhou. We had to cancel many exchange programs with our sister schools in China as well as many excursions, but we stayed in touch with our sister schools throughout 2020.

Mr Andrew Warne Head of Commerce

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E-Learning Charles Dickens’ memorable opening to A Tale of Two Cities, “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times”, seems an apt characterisation of almost every aspect of 2020. It was a year that tested our ability to provide students with a sense of continuity in their learning, as well as maintain a sense of connection to the school, which is such an important source of their sense of community. It was a year that tested the resourcefulness and resilience of the teaching staff as many learned to navigate new software and new styles of lesson delivery while battling their own and their students’ Zoom fatigue. But, in the midst of the “worst of times”, came innovation, resilience and adaptation as teachers used Hapara and Zoom to deliver online assessments, encouraged their classes to ‘flip the classroom’ and lead the investigation of the topics under consideration. Behind this lay the skills that staff and students have been acquiring through the use of Schoology, soon to be superseded by DEEDS. 2020 has brought us a sense of digital resilience that is an important aspect of negotiating the world of learning and work in the 21st century and it has given us the tools that will continue to be a part of the way learning is envisioned and developed from now into the future. Mr Matthew Wood Head of E-Learning

2020 has long been associated with visual acuity, or 2020 hindsight the elusive clarity of vision not possible in the hurly burly of the present. The 2020 year will certainly be remembered for changing the way we see the world. The restrictions and changes caused by COVID-19 will not diminish the wonderful student achievements and invaluable staff contributions made throughout the year – sometimes at school, and at other times, remotely. Flexibility and innovation were required to manage the changing landscape of teaching and learning. Never before had technology been utilised across the board to deliver learning opportunities as necessitated by being in lockdown. Zoom, Hapara, Google Drive, G-Suite and the like becoming new weapons in the teaching armoury. Students, too, were challenged by the demands of not only learning remotely but receiving information via two learning management systems Schoology and DEEDS. Whilst there were challenges and difficulties, there have been innovations in education that will now be incorporated into best teaching practice. Even in these unusual circumstances, some aspects of the curriculum were maintained albeit in different ways.

Mr Peter Robinson has long coordinated the Year 8 Inter-Form Debating Competition. This year, undeterred by working remotely, he established a vigorous online competition as well as coordinating the school’s involvement in the DAV Competition for the Middle School. Also worthy of special mention is the work of Ms Aneta Renieris in bringing new life to creative writing across the Middle and Senior Schools. Her enthusiasm and bubbly personality inspiring a range of budding writers to dip their quill, with some extraordinary results. The time and effort to reimagine Realms of Gold as The Realms was rewarded handsomely by the high quality and breadth of the responses from many students across the Middle and Senior Schools. Haotian Huang and Matthew Chan edited the composition and led the Awards Ceremony with aplomb. Congratulations to Rhys Campbell for being the inaugural winner of the competition with his composition titled If He Were Here. Full credit under trying circumstances to the conscientious application of the VCE students throughout the year. Interruptions to the year made studying more difficult, especially when courses

were modified, and assessment dates were changed. Congratulations to the award winners in the Unit 3 and 4 studies. In English, they were Tom Bowers, Matthew Chan, Daniel Duong, Jamie Garnham, Geoffrey Gong, James Thorn and Sean Liu. In English Language the award recipients were Tory Crosgrove and Ryan Tam. In Literature, both the highly sought-after Mervyn Britten Award and the equally prestigious Shirley Thomas William Goodwin Prize for Literature was awarded to Rhys Campbell – a truly stellar performance. To encourage such high achievement in not only these students but in all students in the subject areas, the coordinators must be applauded. Ms Penny Wood in English, Mr James Victor in English Language and Mr John Allen in Literature have once again worked tirelessly to ensure the best learning outcomes were available to all students. Many thanks to all the other teachers of English, especially Ms Kathryn Smith, Mr Vincenzo Piscioneri, Mr Matthew Aram and Ms Miranda McDonald for their coordinating roles. It will always be a challenging subject to teach, but also one that is richly rewarding. Mr Rick Mason Head of English

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English as an Additional Language In 2020 Camberwell Grammar School ran EAL classes for Years 9 to 12 students, with the Year 9 and 10 composite class being taught by Mr Victor. Mr Daniel taught the Year 11 and 12 classes. As in previous years, Years 9 and 10 students used the Headway Course. The Year 11 class consisted of eight students who were in a composite class with a group of mainstream Year 11 English students. The texts they studied included The Story of Tom Brennan, Maestro, Twelve Angry Men, and To Kill a Mockingbird. The Year 12 cohort consisted of four students. Students completed regular listening comprehension practice tasks, usually based on material from the ABC Radio National website, as well as practice examination tasks. They read Christine Piper’s Australian novel After Darkness for the single text analysis. For the comparative study, students studied Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible, and Rosalie Ham’s novel The Dressmaker. Mr Daniel once again presented professional development seminars to Years 11 and 12 EAL teachers at the Victorian Association of Teachers of English ‘Englishes Day’ online to educators in Australia, China and Ukraine teaching VCE EAL remotely to students

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in China. At the time of writing, Mr Victor has commenced a research project into EAL and English teachers’ perspectives on teaching grammar for a Master of Philosophy (Education) Degree. The main challenge this year was undoubtedly teaching and learning in an online environment, and EAL students are to be commended for the way in which they continued to develop their language proficiency without the usual interactions in English that a school environment facilitates. Mr Michael Daniel Head of English as an Additional Language

French We can all agree that 2020 imposed new challenges on students, families and teachers, however new and exciting ways of teaching French were discovered along the way. Every year, one of the highlights is the excursion to the Alliance Française French Film Festival. This year was no exception as the school screenings took place before schools were locked down. Thus, in March, Year 10 students of French were able to attend a wonderful film called Fourmi before the festival was cancelled. Unfortunately for parents and friends the annual social event organised by the parents of CGS French Connection

did not come to fruition due to the lockdown. Fingers crossed for next year. As for our Camberwell GrammarLyon reciprocal exchange, it has been postponed until 2021 and we are now waiting with bated breath to see if this is possible. This year we have been focusing on conversational fluency, which has continued with great success during lockdown thanks to the talents of our French Assistant, Madame Layton, who works with the students in small groups and one-on-one. This initiative will resume in 2021 with the help of our other French staff, Ms Phanjoo and Mr Hall, who continue to develop the AIM program in Year 7 with Mr Byrne. On another positive note, this year has opened doors to several opportunities for language learning. For example, extension courses for French can now be undertaken by interstate providers and there seems to be more flexibility, as long as there is reliable WiFi, of course. Breakout rooms, collaboration, using the chat function, screen sharing and live feedback have made some elements of teaching more efficient and language-learning specific sites are de rigueur. The future of language learning will now more easily include both classroom and online. Ms Naomi Eckersley Head of French

2020 has presented many challenges and has, for awhile there, altered the way in which we interact with one another, where we work and learn and even how we socialise. Changes to the way we deliver and receive content has required a lot of hard work and countless hours of rewriting and developing new curriculum. I would like to acknowledge the hard work that all the Geography staff has undertaken in ensuring the transition to a remote setting was possible with minimal interruption to student learning. I would like to especially thank three staff members. Firstly, Mr Ian March, who during Term 1 was Acting Head of Geography, as I took my long service leave. In my absence he seamlessly transitioned the department to a remote setting, ensuring all the assessment tasks, curriculum and online accessibility was up and ready to go. Secondly, I would like to thank Mr Andreas Panousieris who taught my classes during Term 1. A favourite teacher among the students, he adapted to Camberwell Grammar School life and remote learning exceptionally well. And last but not least, I would like to acknowledge Ms Katrina Massey and the work she has done over many years creating, implementing and continually improving the Geography curriculum in the Middle School. With change comes opportunity and I am pleased to announce that Mr Michael Daniel will begin

teaching Geography from 2021, joining Ms Jennifer Turnnidge, Mr Ian March and myself in the Senior years. As we move to a new learning management system, DEEDS, next year, some changes to the curriculum will follow, with new fieldwork opportunities being delivered in both Years 9 and 10, a unique and key skill in the study of Geography which will develop the skills necessary should they choose to continue Geography into VCE. Mr Tim Cross Head of Geography

History The COVID-19 pandemic, Xi Xinping, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. Nothing has dominated global threats, fears, hopes and headlines more than these four. It is impossible to understand and assess their importance in our lives, present and future, without understanding where they all came from. Hence, the vital importance of History. The Year 12 History course, with its focus on the Russian and Chinese Revolutions, remained popular this year, with 28 students divided into two classes. VCE Global Politics also continued to provoke heated debate among its students over such immediate issues as globalisation, transnational terrorism, the emergence of China as a superpower and the US Alliance, not to mention North Korea and the continuing antics of the US President.

Two History classes in Year 11 have enjoyed the Units 1 and 2 TwentiethCentury History course, which focuses on the tumultuous years from 1900 to 2000 that included such momentous events as two World Wars, the rise and fall of Nazism and Communism and the Cold War. The History courses in Years 9 and 10 continue to be favourably received by CGS students. These courses are important in educating responsible Australian citizens, focusing, as they do, on such topics as the impact of European settlement on Indigenous Australians; key global movements and forces (for example, imperialism, capitalism and nationalism) that have shaped the modern world; the Holocaust during World War 2; and the issues of refugees and asylum-seekers. With the long periods of isolation this year, the History staff needed to become adept at conducting lessons online. Their diligence and creativity in utilising ZOOM for lectures, resources and group activities, as well as ramping up their use of Schoology, ensured that our students received quality delivery and attention and were not disadvantaged in their learning. My thanks go to all staff in the department for their enthusiasm in instilling a love of History in the boys. Dr Graham Morey-Nase Head of History

“As we move to a new learning management system, DEEDS, next year, some changes to the curriculum will follow, with new fieldwork opportunities being delivered in both Years 9 and 10.”

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Hopefully travel will open up next year sooner rather than later and, with only a basic level of Indonesian, students can incorporate travel into the learning experience and explore the many religions, people and cultures of this vast archipelago of some of the friendliest, fun‑loving and hospitable people. The Indonesian department looks forward to 2021 and continuing to offer a language program that is enriching, accessible and challenging for all students. Ms Janet Sharman Head of Indonesian

Latin Indonesian What an unusual year this has been with all the restrictions and limitations placed upon us with the advent of COVID-19. Unfortunately, the students studying Indonesian missed out on all the wonderful excursions that were planned. These included the Indonesian Film Festival, CERES and Zoo excursion as well as our Indonesian lunch on Indonesian Independence Day. This was only a slight setback and we look forward to resuming all these activities again in 2021. Although online classes had their challenges for both teachers and our students, we were still able to use various techniques such as quizzes, trivia and bingo to make lessons enjoyable, and students were still able to engage in effective learning. We had to teach differently and find innovative ways of 22 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

assessing students. It was interesting teaching and learning outside the box and certainly, everyone’s IT skills improved significantly. Students certainly rose to the occasion of working online and were successful in meeting their language outcomes. Did you know that 700 languages are spoken over the 17,000 islands that comprise the nation of Indonesia, and that Indonesian people communicate using the official language of Bahasa Indonesian? Indonesia has a rich cultural heritage and learning the language is like building a bridge to access other local languages as well as the cultural diversities of more than 300 ethnic groups. The languages of both Indonesian and Malaysian are derived from the root of language, Malayo-Polynesian, so once students learn Indonesian, they will also understand Malaysian in no time.

2020 has proved to be a particularly disappointing year, for a truly spectacular Latin Tour planned for the September holiday break had to be cancelled. Twenty-four students in Years 9 and 10, led by Dr Tuckfield and Mr Gough, were to have touched down in Valencia, Spain. From there they would follow in the footsteps of the great Carthaginian general Hannibal Barca, whose epic march on Rome is still considered one of the most astonishing feats of generalship in military history. Hannibal’s route would have taken the Latin Tour from Spain to Switzerland, then over the French Alps and down through Tuscany to Cannae. Here the boys would have walked the famed site of Rome’s greatest-ever battlefield disaster. From there, it would have been on to conquer Rome itself (the ultimate coup that Hannibal himself never quite managed to pull off), to gaze upon the wonders of the Colosseum, the Pantheon, and so many more of the

fantastic remnants of the ancient world that have delighted and inspired our CGS Latin tourists for decades. But it was not to be, of course. As the COVID-19 outbreak spread, Italy, sadly, become one of the hardest-hit countries. Friends and professional contacts there conveyed to us the tragedy of the situation, as the hospitality industry tanked, lockdown restrictions bit deep, and the death toll mounted. Our hearts go out to them.

boys, beyond our regular programs, and to the Learning Assistants, Ms Tighe, Ms Winford and Ms Hendry, who also mastered the art of Zoom lessons and returned to school early to work with students who were permitted to attend. During our extended period of lockdown, the team kept themselves busy with professional learning, including further learning about autism, dyslexia, numeracy teaching and the role of data analysis in education.

Fifteen Year 9 and 10 students On a happier note, we welcome a new participated in the Cancer Aware member to our department in 2021: Ms Masterclasses hosted by medical students Kassandra Arvanitis, who will replace Dr from various universities. The five-week David Bird at the Year 7 and 8 level. For course covered a range of diagnostic and many years Dr Bird has been much loved procedural issues related to the latest by his students for his erudition and his wit. research on cancer. We will miss him dearly as a colleague in the department, and wish him all the best, Eight teams participated in the Evatt Cup as we welcome Ms Arvanitis warmly. mock United Nations Security Council competition. Four teams progressed to the Dr Tebb Kusserow Victorian semi-finals with our Year 9 team Head of Latin of Alan Tian and Cooper Carbone making it to the Grand Final and representing Learning Enhancement Victoria at the National competition. This is an exceptionally good result for a Year A truncated school year still resulted in 9 team in a hotly contested competition some valuable enrichment undertakings involving hundreds of teams from Years 9 online this year. to 12. In addition, Akalanka Gunawardana and Jerry Ji represented the school at the In 2020 we were delighted to welcome Rotary International Model United Nations Mr Shaun Burke and Ms Rose Winford competition which took place over three to the Learning Enhancement team. And days in December. what a year it proved to be! Teachers, Learning Assistants and students excelled in their ability to master new systems and programs in a very short time frame. Although some of our plans for the year were put on hold, the transition to online learning was relatively smooth. I am very grateful to the teachers who provided additional learning opportunities to the

Two Year 7 teams participated in this year’s online competition based around finding a rare mineral and role-playing the significance of the discovery for the future of a threatened species of beetle involving ethical and moral dilemmas. Our team of Ross Armstrong, Ethan Tran, Ethan Lau,

A big thank you for all the high‑class submissions submitted for the Enrichment Challenges during the home learning phase which presented daily extension tasks over the course of four weeks. After careful deliberation of all submissions, congratulations went to Nathan Bosman and his team for his most neat and correct work over all of the weeks the competition ran. Honourable mentions to Justin Kwan, Alan Zou, Jim Zhu and William Georges. It is hoped that the many other Enrichment activities curtailed this year will be able to recommence in 2021. Mr Paul Double Head of Enrichment Ms Ciara Chaomhanach Head of Learning Enhancement

Mathematics and Information Technology During 2020, many of the traditional activities that Mathematics students engage in were either cancelled or severely curtailed. A select group of students were able to sit the Australian Mathematics Competition online at the end of Term 2. These students, Lachlan Lee, Ethan Lau, Ethan Tran, Joel Cheok and Flynn Helmer all received Distinction or High Distinction results on the test. Our Mathematics classes were delivered online while students and teachers were in lockdown. This required teachers to come up with innovative ways to present their material. Some elected to replicate the classroom, whiteboard and all, at home while others opted for a fully digital experience and converted notes and materials for presentation online. Teachers and students quickly adjusted and we were able to deliver our courses with only minor modifications. Tests and quizzes were conducted successfully online in a variety of formats. The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 23


Kensei Soegijono, Kye Yoshimura and Alex Zhang gained ‘Honours’ for their online presentation. Each student played their role in isolation and then the formal presentation was put together to form the whole. Congratulations to this team and also to the team of Lachlan Courmadias, Ari Canale, Christopher Khong, Justin Kwan, Marcus Lu, Aidan Poon and Joah Quach who also performed well.


In 2021, we anticipate being able to offer the usual full range of activities including games days, competitions and invitational events. In 2020, the Information Technology department under Mr Andrew Worsnop, formally joined the Mathematics department. Information Technology continues to grow within the school with 80 more students taking IT subjects in 2020 than in 2019. A near-record 24 students took VET Cisco Networking this year. For 2020 and beyond, the Year 9 and 10 subjects have been redesigned around four content areas of web development, game development, electronics and artificial intelligence. We welcomed several new staff in 2020: Ms Courtney Neville and Ms Sherin George (both in Mathematics), and Ms Maddi Voumard in Information Technology. Dr David Rodgers Head of Mathematics

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The Murdoch Centre for Educational Research and Innovation

needed in students’ lives. This was reviewed as we progressed, especially from the first to the second wave, and the school community responded mightily.

Like the rest of the state, the Murdoch Centre for Educational Research and Innovation has had to change its method of operation in these unprecedented times. Conferences and seminars, those mainstays of the educational world, have either been cancelled or gone online. Some providers have gone out of business. The educational ‘chatter’ has been dominated by the virus, and teachers’ reactions to this, and how the professional can spring into the next phase of learning.

While this was happening, we have also been getting ready for the new normal, especially in planning the upskilling of staff. Technological solutions to education are always tempting, but research is strong: teacher’s knowledge, passion and skills are by far the most important factors, and it is these we need to enhance. All being well, we will focus on feeding the best research into building the skills in the classroom of our teaching staff - once we have recuperated from 2020!

One early challenge the Centre faced was to advise the school on the best way to teach. Much work had already been done on online learning, but this all pointed to the clear message that online learning was not the same as face-to-face learning; it was a completely different animal, and switching to online was not a matter of replicating resources on a website. Further, by examining the research into student motivation, it became apparent that online learning was for most students a poor substitute for faceto-face learning - and the community’s experience in 2020 has reinforced this finding. The Centre came up with a model of online teaching that allowed teachers and students autonomy while still providing the regularity and rigour that was

Dr John Tuckfield Director of The Murdoch Centre for Educational Research and Innovation

Physical Education What a year it has been for staff and students who have shown great resilience and flexibility. It is ironic that a practical subject such as Physical Education was delivered and studied remotely via Zoom for the majority of the year! All department members have worked cohesively to provide students in Years 7 to 12 with meaningful and engaging activities. Team-orientated sports such as AFL, soccer and hockey were substituted with individual pursuits of juggling, dance and mastering a motor skill of choice. Students also enjoyed participating in fitness sessions using resources such as Sworkit, YouTube and various fitness apps to provide variety and an opportunity to move. Weekly physical challenges set by staff further engaged students, reiterating our message to the school community that health and wellbeing is a priority

INTRODUCTION for everyone. This has been particularly important during the COVID-19 restrictions placed on all Victorians. Our VCE Units 1-4 had to be agile with their learning too, with practical learning components removed from the study design that required new assessments and unit outlines to be developed. I would like to thank Mr Watson, Mr Miriklis, Mr Sofoulis and Mr Conlan who did a wonderful job managing this. The other theory-based subject within the department, Year 10 Sports Science, had to undergo similar changes and work around the constraints of online learning. The department had the pleasure of welcoming Mr Nick Appleyard from the Junior School this year along with two enthusiastic AFL trainees. Miss Taylah Leslie and Mr Mitchell Quinn assisted teachers to deliver practical classes to a high standard and we are pleased to see they will both be remaining with us next year! I would like to thank the IT department for the online platforms and training they provided staff so that they could deliver a rich and rewarding course under extremely challenging circumstances. Without them, we would not have been able to experience the level of student engagement and success we have achieved. Lastly, a big thank you to the entire Physical Education department for their hard work and effort in an unprecedented year. We all look forward to returning to team sports in 2021 so that students can continue to develop their teamwork skills and enjoy the camaraderie of playing with their peers. Mr David Beardsley Head of Physical Education

Science A Back to the Future meme travelled the internet this year with an image of scientist Doc explaining to teen Marty McFly the procedures about using the DeLorean time machine. The caption read “Rule number 1: Never set it to 2020!”. Little did we know that this would be such a crazy and challenging year that demanded us to be creative to present our classes in such unusual ways. Zoom became an invaluable tool for teachers as they connected with students. While it was not as effective as face-to-face teaching, we persevered to try to replicate our classroom learning spaces. This year, science students had an opportunity to engage and be motivated with their learning in a way unusual to them. This motivation served to continue to develop and refine their scientific thinking. Our lessons and teaching aim to make science real and our expectations and assessments make science rigorous. Students’ daily experiences are fertile ground for helping them observe and understand the world around them. Students’ “funds of knowledge” (i.e. the information and experiences they bring with them to school) can be tapped to encourage and engage them in the concepts they need to know. Our assessments tap into the reality of the students and increase the possibility that they will be successful in science.

A young student’s lived experience is an important consideration for teachers as they seek to explain those scientific ideas that are age appropriate. What is relevant to a young six year-old about forces and motion can be different for a 17 year-old with a more developed understanding of Newton’s laws. Our teachers take advantage of the inherent inquisitiveness of students and incorporate those questions that students will see as natural extensions of the ideas they are already developing about the natural world. It may take a while to decipher the longterm outcome of replacing our usual routines with a year of remote learning, but somehow one hopes that this generation will appreciate the value of school events and being with their mates. Absence probably does make the heart grow fonder. VCE Science students are ambitious with a plan on how to achieve their goals. These final years are demanding and students thrive in an academic environment with academically focused peers. When last year’s science results showed very pleasing 33% of our students achieving ATAR scores above 40%, it is a result of many years of lessons, assignments, conversations and experiments with fellow students that have prepared them to perform at their highest standard. Mr Gordon Wilson Head of Science

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blu‑tak and aspiring to create schools of the future using Minecraft. The Library has been enhanced with the addition of two large televisions which advertise upcoming events, mindfulness activities and of course memes for entertainment. The boys have enjoyed the featured themed displays, guiding them to reading material which they may not have considered in the past. We have also taken the opportunity to launch new competitions, including the incredibly successful Meme competition. Congratulations to winners William Allsop and Connor Inston, and runner up Kevin Chan.

The Weickhardt Library The start of any year is always exciting, however with the retirement of Mrs Catherine Casey and the addition of a new Head of Library, 2020 was always going to be an interesting year. As the poet says “the best laid plans of mice and men gan aft a-gley”, our plans really did go off the rails! The Weickhardt Library, however has taken the opportunity to enhance the library experience and develop aspects of the collection. From the time that the first lockdown was declared the Library staff were on the hunt to find ways to connect with our avid readers, Makerspace group and the wider CGS community. The expansion of the eBook and eAudiobook collections enabled our students to enjoy a wide range of stories to provoke their imaginations and take them to other worlds. We used this platform to celebrate Roald Dahl Day, encouraging students to excite their imaginations. 26 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

Following the lead of the Norge Library, the Weickhardt Library started a ‘click and collect’ service which saw a high turnover of physical books being borrowed and returned via the underground carpark. Mrs Pietralla continued to recommend great reads to students via Zoom reading classes, continually expanding and developing the fiction collection for both Middle and Senior School students. The Makerspace group moved to Zoom sessions, with Mrs Miriklis engaging the boys with construction and problemsolving activities; creating Google cardboard VR goggles, building bridges with nothing more than spaghetti and

While the school has been in lockdown the Library staff have continued to ensure materials to assist student in work were accessible and easy to find using the new DEEDS platform, which has become a one stop shop for all library needs. Throughout the lockdowns the Library has remained open for students who needed to be at school and a special thanks to Mrs Sarah Emerson, Mrs Jan Everett, Mrs Regi Miriklis and Mrs Janine Pietralla for helping to supervise students and keeping the library open in such extraordinary times. Ms Cairistiona Tait Head of Library and Information Services

junior school


JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT What an extraordinary year this has been with devastating bushfires in January and the scourge of the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the year. Yet, in the face of adversity comes the opportunity to grow and develop and find within ourself strengths and new ways of working and supporting each other. It has not been an easy year by any measure, but it has been a year upon which we can look back with a sense of pride and certainly relief that we have gone the course and emerged knowing we have done well. Learning at home using the online classroom throughout Term 2 and 3 was something that had to be learnt as we went, particularly for the younger grades – the boys, their parents and their teachers. It was a steep learning curve the first time round and, while there were bumps along the way, all parties adapted and learnt to learn in new ways. With a growth mindset we were confident that we could do this, and the boys set about developing skills as responsible,

independent learners. Parents rallied to the cause and were marvellous in the support, guidance and patience they provided, often when they had competing demands with work commitments and other family matters. I have nothing but admiration and gratitude for their goodwill and determined endeavours. The boys themselves have emerged with new capabilities in managing their workload and accessing learning in new ways. Through the online platforms they have shared their talents in a variety of ways, both educational and entertaining, including showing their mastery in the kitchen, demonstrating PE skills; performing in online concerts; reciting poetry, while also meeting the demands of their daily lessons and Zoom schedules. They can take pride in their achievements and positive approach, showing resilience and optimism.

I pay tribute to our wonderful Junior School staff who, throughout this challenging year, have developed an engaging program providing experiences for boys to discover their talents whilst encouraging their personal development. All contributed to making our school a better and more interesting place. A special mention must be made of the extraordinary work done by Mrs Dune Richards in the Junior School Office and the high standard of care and attention she provides to all members of our community, especially in these times when anxiety is high and personal connection is restricted. We are blessed with an incredible community that rallies to support the school and each other. My sincere gratitude goes to all those involved in the Friends of Norge, led by Ms Debbie Cheong, Ms Lydia Dwijayanti and Ms Viviana Yong, for enriching the Junior School experience for boys, staff and families. While many of our usual community events had to be cancelled due to COVID-19, our class reps did a wonderful job keeping our community connected. This all contributed to making our school the amazing place it is today. This year we welcomed Mrs Eunice Goessler as Year 2 teacher, Ms Jacinta Sonego as Health Co‑ordinator, Ms Renata Haynes as Learning Assistant, Miss Donna Zhang as Chinese Assistant, and Sam Rattray as AFL Trainee. After 31 years of dedicated service as a Teacher’s Aide, Mrs Robyn Mounsey retired this year. Her contribution to our Junior School and to the advantage of the boys has

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JUNIOR SCHOOL been enormous. At the conclusion of this year, we will bid farewell to a splendid group of Year 5 boys, thank them for their contribution to the Junior School, and wish them well in their next stage of schooling. They have done a fine job as leaders of the Junior School and they will leave with many fond memories and confidence in themselves. They are well prepared and ready to embrace the Middle School experience. Mr Howard Kelly Head of Junior School

“The boys themselves have emerged with new capabilities in managing their workload and accessing learning in new ways”. The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 29


PRE-PREP What a year! In 2020 we experienced a global pandemic and embraced new technologies as a means of maintaining our connectedness and sense of belonging with our extended families, friends and learning communities. This year, our youngest students experienced many challenges which they managed with fun, laughter and through the medium of play.

“We pretended the tanbark was treasure.”. I enjoy making castles with my friends in the sandpit, and imagining I am driving a truck in a busy city. Beep Beep! Victor Huang

I worked using the rakes. I like to play with my friends.

I love making afternoon tea for my friends and teachers.

Tony Lu

Shaun Gao

I was trying to move the tanbark to the wheelbarrow. We pretended the tanbark was treasure. Lucas Zhang

I am a pirate, I’m sailing on a boat with other pirate friends, hunting for treasure. Maximus Xu I was a pirate looking for the treasure chest with my friends. Patrick Ng

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I like digging in the mud to make a little creek. Scott Man We are making a mud volcano. Kendrick Jiang

I love playing games. My favourites are UNO and connect four. Reid Battye I like playing all the games at school, especially the shape game. William Chock

JUNIOR SCHOOL I like sitting on the mat and I like reading books! Jasper Sham Tiddalick needed to laugh because he drank lots of water.

I’m pretending to be an emu to get Tiddalick laughing.

Theodore Poon

Liam Zhang

Sitting outside whilst reading a book is so relaxing! Oliver Cai

I like to play lego with Henry. I build lego men and I like to build lego cars. Alexander Lim I love playing with lego at school. I have built many cars, people and even a beach with Alex! Henry Ku

In distance learning I made a spider and I’m On Wacky Wednesday I made a hat. happy to make it. I like to put it on the bench, I like my hat, it’s great. so the spider can stick. I used bluetack to stick Anderson Gu it on the bench. Lucas Lu

We put Alexander the duck in a jar and tried to get him out. When we poured water in, he rose up! My favourite experiment was when we put vinegar and powder (bicarb soda) in a bottle and it blew up a balloon! William Chen-Low

Look I am the biggest lion ever! Easton Li

My friends and I used the wooden train tracks to build a bridge.

Jasper and I are working out how to land on all the planets we are going to visit.

Michael Wong

Anderson Cheung The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 31



Distance Learning

100 Days of School

LEGO Fun Day

I enjoyed doing the reading and maths activities on the iPad. The Home Court game Mr Jones mentioned was so much fun. I miss my friends from school.

100 Days of School was on my birthday. I loved making my 100 Days of School t-shirt with my Dad. I drew 100 stars with a permanent marker.

I liked to play the LEGO Bingo game. It was so much fun. I dressed up as Superman.

Issac Huang

Niel Das

The best thing was the 100 Days of School and the LEGO fun day. I really enjoyed doing the art activities at home. I missed playing with my friends and being at school with the teachers and the boys. Tishan Jayalath I enjoyed doing science experiments at home with my mum and sister, especially the clucking hen. I missed playing with all my friends when I was at home. Owen Le I enjoyed our writing activity on Wednesday. Zoom meetings were great because I have a new school mate – my Dad. Henry Wan I liked doing PE in distance learning. I liked doing the exercises. Xavier Deng

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I really liked morning tea on the 100 Days of school. I had 100 pieces of popcorn. Teddy Kemp I loved making my 100 Day crown and doing the 100 puzzle.

Alex Ai LEGO bingo was fun. My friends and I played Jurassic Park with LEGO blocks and we had a great time. I like using LEGO to make different things. Arvin Aminazad

My 100 cupcakes were delicious!

I dressed up as superman on LEGO fun day. I loved making big robots and little robots

Xavier Patamia

Nikhil Das

I enjoyed making my 100 Day crown and seeing all my friends’ 100 Day shirts.

I really enjoyed making the LEGO tower, and then knocking it down!

Patrick Rye

Ethan Vohra

I ate cupcakes. I liked making the crown. I did 1 push up in 1 second. I loved the 100 Days of School, it was the best day in the world.

I really enjoyed the LEGO bingo time, it was so much fun to play with different LEGO characters. And I just love playing LEGO, I can make anything and create my own LEGO empire.

Eason Zhan

Anthony Zhang

JUNIOR SCHOOL I had fun making the clucking hen. It made a squeaky sound when I put the sponge in water and pulled the sponge down the string. Arnold Patel

Reading and Writing in Prep

The Needs of Living Things

Reading and writing were so much fun! I liked reading my dinosaur books and writing my pirate ship story.

I named a stick insect, his name is Sticky. Sticky is the biggest one, and he never wastes his food.

Marcus Chen

Max Ma

I loved making bouncing bubbles. The bubbles can bounce like a basketball. You can even hold them for a long time. I also enjoyed making the liquid. I put in loads of sugar and it must be very sweet. George Wu

I liked making the model. I had a Reading and writing is fun! I can read properly now! Writing the Father’s Day card lion. I used food, oxygen and water. was fun. I loved creating books on Book Eason Song Creator. Thank you Mrs Gatley for helping me with my writing at school.

Science: Forces

Aarik Kumar

I had so much fun doing all the experiments! I learnt when I made a pendulum that the longer the string, the longer it takes for the pendulum to swing back and forth. I made a tumbling toy that tumbles down a slope with a marble inside.

Reading and writing is fun! I collected Coles Little Treehouse books and read them. I loved reading on Epic and writing my pirate story. I loved making my own eBook on Book Creator. Jake Yang

Zachary Wai

I enjoyed Cars and Stars. I liked the activities. We listened to the question and had to choose the answer.

I loved making bouncing bubbles! Because they are bubbles, but they bounce and also because making them is lots of fun!

Ryan Zhong

Carlos Guo

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“I really missed seeing my friends and playing in the playground.”

Writing Procedural Texts

Distance Learning I loved being able to sleep in and not having to rush to get to school. I really missed seeing my friends and playing in the playground. Alexander Bhattacharjee I like home, because I can see my dog every day. I missed my friends, it is nice to play with them. Gordon Chen

The purpose of procedural text is to tell the reader how to do or make something. A procedural text consisted of title, goal, materials or ingredients, method and conclusion.

Our Class Party

Samuel He

I enjoyed the number game most.

It was fun to have a party on Zoom. A successful procedural text needs to include a title, goal, equipment or ingredients, Alexander Lim steps or method and a conclusion. Samuel He A procedural text is an instruction or recipe that tells you how to make something. Remember to start with a verb in your method.

I missed my friends. I really hope we can go back to school. Distance learning was fun.

Chris Jiang

Ethan Chong

A procedural text tells someone how to make something. You don’t always have to write a full sentence in the method part.

I enjoyed being a super Zoomer so much! I missed the happy faces of the teachers and students so much!!

Josh Ko

I missed my friends at school.

When you are writing a procedural text, you must include: Title, Goal, Ingredients/ Equipment, Method, then a Conclusion.

Harrison Gration

Anthony Li

Aiden Ding

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I loved celebrating the term with my friends and dressing up for the party. Jake Lin I enjoyed the game, because it was fun. I like the food, because I can eat whatever I want, and I like everyone’s costume. Kevin Liu I got to wear a nice costume and play lots of fun games. I liked the Scavenger Hunt the most. Aaron Loi I enjoyed the Number Chart. Because it’s interesting if I can write. Tony Lu


Melbourne Museum

Do not be friends with any online strangers.

I saw a shop and a wooden airplane with a wooden man.

Do not click on any unknown links.

I saw a rainforest and a painting of a fish.

Matthew Moi

Kimi Xi

Tell mum and dad if something unknown pops up online. Make sure you show mum and dad before clicking on an unknown link.

I saw a huge dinosaur bone and learnt some interesting things about old toys. Ryan Xu-Zhang

Tell the teachers if there is online bullying.

We watched a movie in a small theatre about exploding volcanoes. We saw lava and diamonds.

Kai Rajakulendran

Scott Yao

Cooper O’Meara

You must never tell anyone your passwords. We went to a small bug museum. We could hear the sound of bugs. Andrew Wang Isaac Yuen

Never send pictures or information to strangers. Do not chat to strangers online or in public.

I saw a fake volcano and we saw signs about volcanoes. Ethan Zhu

Eoin Whelan

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Learning in Lockdown


I liked learning how to work the computer. However, I missed all the joyful faces.

I found a poem called ‘My Teacher Played Minecraft.’ It had lots of funny parts in it.

And last of all, I missed being in the classroom.

Christopher Leake

Samuel Cai I learned how to use a computer, saving my work and typing really well. I missed playing with my friends and their company I missed learning face to face with my teacher and my friends in the classroom. Tobias Lee I missed all my fantastic friends. I missed all the fun times but it was very interesting in distance learning. Jerry Zhang I missed my AWESOME friends at school. It was FUNNY learning in distance learning. I liked LEARNING at home but it is better at school. Lawrence Lai

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Maths Day and Problem Solving Afternoon This was one of my favourite days this year. It was in Term 1 when we were all at school and played the games in teams.

I liked poetry. I chose ‘The Rainbow’ for my Jai Nadarajah Poem in my Pocket. I also performed my own poem about fireworks. I enjoyed playing the frog game and finding the clocks. Aiden Jiang I liked the poem ‘Ice Cream’. I liked it because it is about ice cream, my favourite treat. Pavle-Jay Ng I liked the poem ‘Spring Song’. I liked it because it made me more cheerful. Patrick Tian

Lucas Khoo I enjoyed the super hard frogs game, finding the clocks and playing make 100 (even though we didn’t complete it)! Samuel Legge I remember playing the frog game. It was more difficult than I thought. It was fun and challenging as the numbers got bigger. Nikolai Kanarev I liked doing Maths with Ms Morgan because I like being challenged by problems. I created my own probability problem. Tobias Mitchell

JUNIOR SCHOOL Learning about Insects I learned many facts about the life cycle of insects and one of the facts was insects can have many eyes. If I was to make my own insect, I would call it ‘Lotsofeyes’ and it would have lots of eyes. Charlie Patel

Music – Learning the Recorder Smiling Minds and and Super Stars Choir Emotional Wellbeing I like playing the recorder because the low notes sound nice and they are calming. Making my own compositions is the best part. I liked the songs we sang in Super Stars. I especially liked the Telephone song because it let everyone have a turn.

The thing I liked about learning about insects was inventing our own insects and writing an explanation about it. My invented insect was the Antofly.

Patrick Waide-Hee I enjoyed learning new notes on the recorder and singing exercises like mayo.

Massimo Palermo I liked learning the life cycles of insects because I learned many interesting facts, for example, the butterfly metamorphosis. I especially liked when the cocoon transforms into a butterfly.

Xander Russo I found learning new notes very interesting. I tried to match the notes on the recorder on my piano and I liked playing the recorder game.

If I could create my own insect, I would call it bonebug. The shape of the body is a bone with legs and wings.

Kevin Ma

Alexander Yakop

Henry Zhong

I enjoyed learning the recorder.

I learnt yoga movements in Emotional Wellbeing. I felt calm and happy after each session. I enjoyed the Star Wars yoga the most and I wish we could do it again in Term 4. Declan Wang I feel very calm every time I do Mrs Goessler’s wellbeing and Smiling Minds classes. I learnt that yoga is not just stretching, it also helps to keep your mind healthy. My favourite yoga is the same one as Declan, the Star Wars yoga. Samuel Pai I learnt how to meditate. I now feel relaxed. I did like all the sessions. It was superb as I always felt relaxed and my heart pounded a lot after those lessons. Jonathan Yeo

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“Have you ever wanted to feed an emu? Well, guess what, when Year 3 visited Healesville Sanctuary in Term 1, we did!”

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Huff ‘n’ Puff

Hunting for Bugs

Have you ever wanted to feed an emu? Well, guess what, when Year 3 visited Healesville Sanctuary in Term 1, we did! In small groups, we explored the many different animal enclosures including the lazy koalas, energetic kangaroos and the cold-blooded reptiles. The highlight of our day was seeing the sharp-eyed wedge tail eagle and friends perform in a bird show. We got to be photographers for the day and record interesting facts about the animals. A great time was had by all!

3… 2… 1… Go! Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, we begin our day with Huff ‘n’ Puff. The purpose of this is to be active, start the day on a positive note and get our blood pumping. It is always lots of fun. We get to play exciting games like Tom and Jerry, rob the nest and run along the Anniversary Trail. Some activities are competitive like skipping contests and dodge ball, but we remember to be Yetis and a good sport at all times. Huff ‘n’ Puff never fails to make us smile.

“Hey everyone, look here, I found a dead cockroach!” In Term 1, the Year 3s went on a hunt on the Anniversary Trail for living and non-living things. Armed with hoops to mark our search areas, clipboards and magnifying glasses we set off to find creepy crawlies, small reptiles, rocks and leaves. In small groups we sorted them under the headings living, non-living and once-living. We were very surprised by all the interesting creatures that we found including a giant beetle.

Ethan Aw, Jeffrey Zhong, Zachary Madden, Gaius Pillemer and Zachary Lim

Kristian Kedzierski, Ivan Wang, Jonas Fowler and Bennett Lu

Nathan Cheung, Alexander Foroudi, William Cao, Joshua Chan and Alan Yu

Assembly Hosting/ Cooking Video

Celebrating Diversity We are so lucky to live in Australia because it is an extremely diverse country made up of people from all around the world. In Term 3 we learnt about different cultures that make Australia special. We researched celebrations such as the Chinese New Year, Holi, Easter and Hanukkah. People migrate to Australia due to different push and pull factors. Fortunately, we live in a safe country. Callum Lew, Harvey Zhao, Liam Williams, Riaan Kumar and Leonardo Tahn

Assemblies looked a little different this year. Normally the Junior School visits the PAC every Wednesday morning to discover what other classes have been learning and to receive special awards. This year, due to COVID-19, we have been learning online and putting together videos for our assemblies. Our favourite assembly from this year was when we created a cooking video. We made self-saucing chocolate pudding and taught the rest of the school how to make it. It was loads of fun and the best part was the bloopers at the end. It takes many Yetis to create an entertaining cooking video. Keaghan Ho, Sebastian Sun, Pasan Saranasuriya, Sebastian Cheung and Jacob Yuen

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Healesville Sanctuary


On August 26, 1768 Cook began his first voyage aboard HMS Endeavour to Tahiti and New Zealand. The journey lasted three years. In Tahiti, Captain Cook took precise astronomical measurements of the transit of Venus. These measurements would help scientists understand navigation and our solar system. After Tahiti, Captain Cook sailed South where he mapped the east coast of Australia, known as the Great Southern Land. Toby Chan, Takashi Canale, Felix Deng, Eric Pan and Bryan Zhang

Year 4 Camp – Surf Lifesaving Day

Learning about Science – Life Cycles and Plants

The waves crashed against the shore as white foam built up on the tip of each wave. A powerful wave pushed me, and the boogie board I clung to, away from the vast and distant sea back towards the sandy shore of Point Roadknight Surf Lifesaving Club.

My classmates were abuzz as seeds were being stuffed into ziplock bags, substituting soil with cotton wool so that we could observe the growth as each seed sprouted. Boys jostled for prime positions on classroom windows as we hypothesised that good lighting would translate to good bean growth. We regularly watered our plants, although we discovered a stinky aroma if you smelled the seed resting in it’s moist ziplock environment.

Charlie Malic, Hugh Watson, Chris Wu, Xavier Austin and Jonathan Bai

Year 4 Camp – Kayaking, Lighthouse and Beachcombing Our kayak was stuck in the mossy rocks as other kayaks raced by. If we could just get out of the rocks we had a chance to get to the destination first. We started pushing our paddles against the rocks and the mossy stones finally let us out of their grasp. The best part was when the kayak tipped over and we fell into the water. It was cold, but we barely realised it!

Ethan Zhao, Anson Wang, Kiet Tran and Evan Chen


If we don’t do something about all of the rubbish we create, there will be more rubbish than fish in the ocean by 2050. This news shocked us and motivated us to investigate the differences we can make to save our environment. We were sad and horrified to hear how the rubbish Ben Weickhardt, Tharan Goonewardene, would affect the environment. I feel like if Harry Anderson, Jonathan Wang and we all work together to reduce rubbish and Thomas Betts recycle, we could help and possibly save the environment.

Swimming Carnival ‘Take your marks…BEEP!” The competitors jumped off the swimming blocks as fast as rockets. As we each took a breath we could hear a roaring crowd, but when we went under water, the water blocked out the noise. As the swimmers made their way to the other end of the pool, the water got more and more choppy. It was nearly over and Robinson was catching up but at the final second, Schofield won. The swimmer from Schofield in that race was like a shark in the water as it beat Robinson. Ned Bolch, Marcus Wan, Ryan Noor and Charlie Rose

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Alexander Kelher, Leo Chen, Patrick Curry and Thomas Robertson‑Brown

Explorers “SPLASH!” A gigantic wave hit Captain Cook’s HMS Endeavor. The wind was blowing, the crew were ready and Captain Cook was awaiting his first voyage through savage seas and crashing waves. Set the sails. Drop the anchor. Feel the wind. The ship is about to leave. Captain James Cook stands on his deck. What adventures lay out at sea?

Distance Learning When COVID-19 struck, we spent most of Term 2 and all of Term 3 at home. We used technology more than ever. We didn’t get to meet our friends or see our teachers face-to-face. We had to be organised and motivated for our learning using Google Classroom, Zoom and other web-based platforms. Is distance learning good or bad you ask? It is both! Asking questions of our teachers or classmates is hard, although being able to spend time with family is good. COVID has been a big disruption but we will get through it. Evan Lin, William Barnes, Marcus Lai, Lucas Morey and Christian Ng

Zoom Meetings “My internet just broke down!” “Sorry, the Zoom glitched again!” These are some of the familiar things said throughout distance learning. Everyone was tired of being at home and not seeing friends face-to-face. However, amongst all of this madness there has been some happiness. Talking to your friends over Zoom in breakout rooms was fun and a new way to connect. Maxwell Cai, Connor Le Page and Derek Li

JUNIOR SCHOOL The Best and Worst Bits about Working from Home I was on my last and final task, sweat was dripping down my face as I had been through another tough day of learning. I could finally get some peace to do my work. No noise. No people. Just me. I loved working at home. I wish I had my friends, they just make me better. When there’s no teacher I sometimes got stuck on tasks. That’s why I love having a teacher. They not only help me learn but they also encourage us to learn new things. Every single day was tough for me. But I always made it through.

“We had to be organised and motivated for our learning using Google Classroom, Zoom and other web-based platforms.” week. There were mountains from Earth and even mountains from outer space that we needed to climb. We felt a sense of accomplishment after climbing each and every mountain. Every step counted towards our goal.

Footy Day It was Footy Day, which meant that it was also the last day of Term 2. ‘I can’t wait!’ I said to myself.

It was winter and I could see my own breath. That was ok though, since we were all doing drills that related to footy. We spread out on the pitch with our partners and we all had a good time practicing with House Games Day each other. We also did indoor activities which included drawing our own footy kits, House Games Day was great fun. We got footy maths and watching funny bloopers. to play different games all day with our housemates and earned points. We helped Overall, I had a fun time and am glad it is a the younger boys who were in our groups. yearly event in Junior School. By the end of it all, we had trekked pretty Lachlan Miller, Rowan Li, well across the whole Norge Campus! I Matthew Nebbs and got to have fun with all my best friends. Christian Manolidis The day was so fun, I nearly fainted! Zakariya Huq, Samuel Ni, Alexander Liew, Aiden Luo and Isaac Khoo

Isaac Khoo, Alexander Zabojec, Jacob Meaney, Aran Ganesvaran, Lee Li and Nicholas Lipscombe

Summit Challenge I surveyed the open staircase as I breathlessly climbed up my 100th flight of the day. Eerie cobwebs hung from the crevasse. It was now, or never. As we ran up the stairs, we tried to beat our personal best from the previous day. We had to help our class try and reach the summits of numerous mountains. It got more intense as the weeks went on. The mountains got bigger and bigger, week by

Patrick Curry and Thomas Robertson‑Brown

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Science Talent Search

Maths Olympiad

This year was a very interesting year with the pandemic lockdown. One of the hardest tasks this year in our opinion was the Science Talent Search. The topic for 2020 was ‘Deep Blue: Innovations for the Future of our Oceans’. We had to research a topic which was related to the ocean, once we all chose a topic we had to make a presentation and it was hard to get the materials we needed because of lockdown.

2020 has been a very challenging year and it comes along with lots of changes. One of those changes has affected the Maths Olympiad. Although the classes were online and from a distance we still managed to learn a lot.

We learnt so much from this year’s Science Talent Search, not only about scientific principles and concepts, but how creative we can be at a time when it was difficult to assemble materials. I discovered much about myself and my parents. This year’s Science Talent Search was a challenge, but overall it was a fun task. Dylan Wong, Eric Guan and Alexander Chan

We learned about algebra, substitution and different types of problems in the olympiads. Each week the two groups would meet in a Zoom class for 1 hour to complete a set of math problems. The remaining unsolved problems were set as homework. Each week we would learn different types of problems from the sheet given to us online. Even if you did not complete all the problems in the lesson we would complete them as homework. We thought this was a great format because it maximised the amount of learning each week, instead of not finishing the task and then having to do something entirely different for homework. The work in Maths Olympiad is challenging like brain teasers, and it has different degrees of difficulty depending on what category the question is. We found algebra to be the most challenging unit. This has taught us that you cannot

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always solve problems with the click of your fingers and that you have to be patient, look at problems in more than one way and be persistent in finding solutions to complex problems. In Maths Olympiad we share and discuss our answers and how we got there. When we get an incorrect answer, we can get the right answers from a class member and then work backwards to explore where we went wrong and correct ourselves. Maths Olympiad helped us by making us think outside the box; you really had to start working your brain and using every fact you know that might help. Sometimes the questions were very challenging but you just had to persevere and try to find the solution. The answer wouldn’t just pop up into your head you had to be patient and find the solution to harder questions. And I enjoyed playing number hangman sometimes at the end of the lesson. Tobias Wu, Lucas Papadopoulos and Harold Li

JUNIOR SCHOOL Where We Are in Place and Time

Year 5 Camp Year 5 camp was a fun experience for both Year 5 classes. We departed school and went to Camp Weekaway on the 5th February, and we came back to school on the 7th. When we arrived at the camp, we were greeted by a tour guide who showed us around the camp. We were then told which cabin we were in so that we could unpack our bags and get ready for lunch. After lunch, we played games like cricket and down ball. We also settled down and did indoor activities like origami. Later that night, we went on a night walk and saw animals like kangaroos and echidnas. The next morning, after breakfast, we took part in a range of activities across the camp. These activities included canoeing, mountain biking, a flying fox and rope courses. On the final day, we left Camp Weekaway and visited Hanging Rock where we drew the scenery and had lunch before the drive back to CGS. Year 5 camp was so much fun. Camp taught us important lessons in managing ourselves and our belongings, to work in a team, but also be independent, and to take a small step towards adulthood. It was a fun challenge and I would definitely do it again! Ashan Inpanathan

In Term 3, we studied our Australian past. We watched videos and read articles about colonial life. We learnt how the British set up convict colonies and took over this land. Life was brutal even for child convicts. Then, we read about people from foreign countries rushing to Australia hoping to get rich during the Victorian Gold Rush. Have you ever wondered what it’s like to strike gold? Many came but most were unlucky. The highlight was when we built a tool from the gold rush days and reproduced a scene of the goldfields with dirt, sticks and things around the house. We realised how people those days were good at making things from what they had. We enjoyed learning about our Australian history. We used a thinking routine called ‘See, Think, Wonder’ To analyse life in the 1850’s through art. We examined a painting that was called ‘The Last of England’ by an artist named Ford Maddox Brown. It was about people on a boat leaving England and travelling to Australia to find gold so they could improve their lives. Even though Term 3 had been very difficult it was fun to learn about Australia’s past and we learnt much. Sean Verghese, Oliver Chen and Luca Cososlo

Student Leadership Executive Have you ever loved to help someone? You must’ve. It’s really nice right? In the Student Leadership Executive you can learn how to be a great leader as well as feeling good about yourself by helping others. As much as the leadership executive love all the activities organised by teachers, parents and other students,

sometimes, as Year 5 students and leaders of the Junior School, it is important to take the responsibility of making the Junior School a better place, and the Student Leadership Executive fulfills that idea amazingly. As part of the leadership executive, we have helped Junior School with activities, helping kids cope with difficult times and helping others in general. We have had meetings every two weeks to discuss and talk about what our next actions are and should be. Although being in Leadership Executive is a great way to help the school, it is just as important to help others everyday, because you don’t need a reason to be kind. Gary Kong and Luca Sanfilippo

Benefits of Distance Learning The benefits of distance learning is that you can have more time to interact with your family and when you finish your work you can go outside and maybe start a project with your brothers or sisters. Another benefit is that you can start whichever work you want to start with and you will not have to stop and go to a different subject when you have not finished. While there were many things I missed about not being at school, there were benefits of distance learning. I would try to complete all tasks as quickly as possible so that I had free time at the end of the day to go bike riding in my allocated exercise time during lockdown. This was fun and entertained me. Distance learning is also beneficial for keeping calm and doing work peacefully. These are some of the benefits of distance learning. Thomas Pritchett, Sam Page and Khris Navaneetharaja The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 43


Camcare Charity Drive

Virtual Clubs and Activities

The Camcare Charity Drive led by the Leadership Executive and our Junior Chaplain, Mrs Rice, was an amazing event that had a positive impact on people in need in the Boroondara community. Boys and families contributed bucket loads of non-perishable items to donate to Camcare, a local organisation that supports individuals and families in need. We had donations ranging from canned food, pasta, rice, sweets, condiments, bathroom supplies through to games, books, linen and laundry detergents. It was a very special event that we will always remember. It was joyful watching the donated items piling up in the boxes. We will cherish this memory forever.

The Year 5 Leadership Executive had planned to organise and run lunchtime clubs in Term 3. However, because we were in lockdown, we had to take the clubs online. A wide variety of clubs were organised and videos were developed by leaders promoting the activities, including The ‘Word Jumble Club’, ‘D.I.Y Club’, ‘Movie Club’ and the ‘Paper Planes Club’. The purpose of these clubs was mainly to entertain the boys at home, lift their spirits and to create a sense of community online.

Felix Smith, Thomas Newman-Thurlby and Connor Pereira

Sharing the Planet

Kamran Vohra, Caius Kyoong, Justin Yip and Abhik Khatry

House Games House Games Day was a very entertaining and fun event at the end of Term 1. Year 5 leaders planned, organised and lead a variety of games for boys in Prep to Year 4 to participate in. We spent weeks planning and preparing the games, including the rules, instructions and equipment. On the day, boys rotated from game to game every ten minutes representing their House. We planned a variety of games including Tug of War, Human Ten Pin Bowling and Scavenger Hunt. It was a wonderful opportunity for us to lead an initiative within the school that provided the boys with a great level of enjoyment.

Our Integrated Studies focus for Term 2 was Sharing the Planet – Adaptations. Over the course of the term, we focused on structural, behavioural and physiological adaptations of animals and plants so that they can survive, protect themselves and reproduce offspring. We also compared different adaptations of species. Our project for the Term was the ‘Adapt-AnAnimal’ project. This was where we had to make up a new animal and combine Roy Legge, Aren Sharma, Richard Su adaptations, habitats, diet, dimensions, food chains and a description of the animal. and Ethan Van Damme Matthew Leake, Ethan Ouyang, Lucas Andreopoulos and Conrad Chau

Gratitude Throughout lockdown this year, we wrote in our Gratitude Journals every day. Each day we were given a new topic to write or draw about relating to our lives. The focus of our journal writing was to focus on different aspects of our life, reflect and show gratitude. It really helped us to think more positively about our lives, especially when we were having a ‘flat’ day. Writing in our journal each day, encouraged us to be more grateful for who we are, our strengths, relationships with friends and family as well as the community and environment. Edward Goh, Sammy Ramsay and Charles Pettolino

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Challenges of Distance Learning Distance learning was a new experience for us and because of this, it brought many challenges with it. The first challenge was getting used to the new learning environment of being at home and not at school. Communication was difficult because you could not just ask your teacher a question at the time when you think of it, instead you had to write it onto Google Classroom or wait until your scheduled Zoom session. Finally, not seeing our friends everyday was probably one of the hardest challenges of all. Liam Marcus, Sean Zhao, Ben Liu, Jeremy Chen-Tilley and Sebastian Kilroy

“Distance Learning was a new experience for us and because of this, it brought many challenges with it.”


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JUNIOR SCHOOL LIBRARY 2020 has been a very different but extremely rewarding year for Junior School Library. Despite some challenges we were able to celebrate many special events, introduce a number of new services and most importantly, continue to promote a love of reading across the Junior School. In Term 1 we launched Orbit, a new user-friendly interface for the Junior Library catalogue. Using Orbit, boys are able to search our catalogue and databases independently, making reading and research much simpler and more engaging. We were also excited to provide Year 4 and Year 5 students access to eBooks and audiobooks through the platform BorrowBox, in collaboration with the Senior Library.

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In the months when learning from home was the norm, library lessons moved to Zoom. Classes continued to share highquality literature, as well as build essential information literacy skills. Throughout remote learning, Junior Library committed to maintaining lending services to our community. While the library may have not been open to visitors it remained open for borrowing, offering a very popular click and collect service. During lockdown the service processed around 200 online requests and checked out close to 2,000 books to our eager young readers.

book themed festivities including character dress up day, quiz challenges, lunchtime scavenger hunts and craft activities. We welcomed adventurer, explorer and author Tim Cope to the library. Tim spoke with Prep to Year 5 classes about his amazing adventures travelling the world with his dog Tigon. Also, during Book Week certificates were presented to boys who completed the 2020 Premiers’ Reading Challenge. Well done to the 44 boys who completed the Challenge, reading a total of 1,434 books, a fantastic effort considering the changed circumstances this year.

When not in remote learning, students enjoyed hands-on library sessions, lunchtime activities and special events including Book Week, National Simultaneous Storytime, NAIDOC Week, Anzac Day and Norge Footy Day. A fun highlight this year was a visit from school support dog Indra who shared in one of our Pre-Prep reading sessions.

Mrs Michele Rutter Head of Junior Library

Book Week celebrations, usually held in August, were rescheduled to Term 4. With the theme ‘Curious Creatures, Wild Minds’ as inspiration the library was abuzz with

Mrs Maryanne Walker Junior Library Technician





Back Row L-R: Carmen Morgan, Fiona Howie, Michael Pettolino, Huw Jones, Tristen Haines, Samuel Rattray, Mathew McRae, Ying Lu, Maryanne Walker. 2nd Row L-R: Michele Rutter, Dune Richards, Sofia Tsolakis, Helen Thomas, Ann Spragg, Natalie Rice, Zoe Linnell, Kanika Arora. Seated L-R: Kaye McDougall, Trista Fry, Eunice Goessler, Caroline Gatley, Howard Kelly, Colleen Jarrett-Burke, Emily Bond, Michelle Ponert, Robyn Mounsey. Absent: Mrs Diane Collins, Mrs Hailey Lowe, Mrs Renata Haynes, Miss Donna Zhang, Mrs Jo Bhaskaran, Miss Prue Fennessy and Ms Jacinta Sonego.


Back Row L-R: Mrs Kaye McDougall, Kendrick Jiang, Victor Huang, Maximus Xu, Patrick Ng, Oliver Cai, William Chen-Low, Ms Fiona Howie. 2nd Row L-R: Liam Zhang, Scott Man, Reid Battye, Lucas Zhang, Shaun Gao, Tony Tao, Anderson Gu. Seated L-R: Henry Ku, Michael Wong, Alexander Lim, Theodore Poon, Easton Li, William Chock. Absent: Anderson Cheung, Lucas Lu, Jasper Sham.


Back Row L-R: Isaac Huang, Aarik Kumar, Tishan Jayalath, Alex Ai, Arvin Aminazad, Arnold Patel, Carlos Guo. 2nd Row L-R: Mrs Caroline Gatley, Eason Zhan, Teddy Kemp, Jake Yang, Niel Das, Ethan Vohra, Anthony Zhang, Xavier Deng, Mrs Robyn Mounsey. Seated L-R: Zachary Wai, Nikhil Das, George Wu, Owen Le, Xavier Patamia, Ryan Zhong, Eason Song, Patrick Rye. Absent: Marcus Chen, Max Ma, Henry Wan.


Back Row L-R: Scott Yao, Josh Ko, Tony Lu, Harrison Gration, Ryan Xu-Zhang, Evan Jiang, Kevin Liu, Aaron Loi. 2nd Row L-R: Anthony Li, Jake Lin, Andrew Wang, Ethan Chong, Aiden Ding, Cooper O’Meara, Kai Rajakulendran, Gordon Chen, Ethan Zhu, Ms Emily Bond. Seated L-R: Samuel He, Alexander Lim, Eoin Whelan, Alexander Bhattacharjee, Matthew Moi, Isaac Yuen, Chris Jiang, Kimi Xi.


Back Row L-R: Nikolai Kanarev, Alexander Yakop, Henry Zhong, Patrick Waide-Hee, Pavle-Jay Ng, Tobias Mitchell, Massimo Palermo. 2nd Row L-R: Mrs Kanika Arora, Jerry Zhang, Jonathan Yeo, Lucas Khoo, Christopher Leake, Declan Wang, Xander Russo, Samuel Cai, Patrick Tian, Mrs Eunice Goessler. Seated L-R: Jai Nadarajah, Aiden Jiang, Charlie Patel, Samuel Pai, Jacob Tang, Samuel Legge, Tobias Lee. Absent: Lawrence Lai, Kevin Ma.

Back Row L-R: Nathan Cheung, Keaghan Ho, Pasan Saranasuriya, Jeffrey Zhong, Kristian Kedzierski, Ethan Aw, Edward Linehan, Sebastian Cheung. 2nd Row L-R: Liam Williams, Zachary Madden, Alexander Foroudi, Riaan Kumar, Zachary Lim, Gaius Pillemer, Jacob Yuen, Harvey Zhao, Leonardo Tahn, Miss Zoe Linnell. Seated L-R: Joshua Chan, Sebastian Sun, Callum Lew, William Cao, Jonas Fowler, Ivan Wang, Alan Yu, Bennett Lu.

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JUNIOR SCHOOL YEAR 4A Back Row L-R: Aran Ganesvaran, Alexander Zabojec, Takashi Canale, Tharan Goonewardene, Isaac Khoo, Hugh Watson, Harry Anderson, Anson Wang, Ryan Noor. 2nd Row L-R: Charlie Malic, Toby Chan, Derek Li, Alexander Kelher, Christian Manolidis, William Barnes, Bryan Zhang, Evan Lin, Mr Tristen Haines. Seated L-R: Jacob Meaney, Leo Chen, Ethan Zhao, Charlie Rose, Matthew Nebbs, Zakariya Huq, Maxwell Chai. Absent: Samuel Ni.

YEAR 5A Back Row L-R: Luca Sanfilippo, Khris Navaneetharaja, Neo Liang, Oliver Chen, Athan Kokkinos, Luca Cosolo, Harold Li, Gary Kong. 2nd Row L-R: William Newman, Samuel Page, Sean Verghese, Thomas Pritchett, Alexander Kanarev, Antony Tsui, Alexander Chan, Mr Michael Pettolino. Seated L-R: Ashan Inpanathan, James Smallwood, Dylan Wong, Andy Tao, Lucas Papadopoulos, Nathan Chiu, Aiden Tang, Lachlan Barnes. Absent: Eric Guan, Tobias Wu.

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YEAR 4B Back Row L-R: Christian Ng, Steve Gayed, Xavier Austin, Lucas Morey, Lachlan Miller, Connor Le Page, Aiden Luo, Marcus Wan, Kiet Tran. 2nd Row L-R: Ned Bolch, Jonathan Wang, Felix Deng, Jonathan Bai, Lee Li, Rowan Li, Nicholas Lipscombe, Marcus Lai, Ms Michelle Ponert. Seated L-R: Alexander Liew, Patrick Curry, Thomas Betts, Thomas Robertson-Brown, Eric Pan, Evan Chen, Chris Wu. Absent: Ben Weickhardt.

YEAR 5B Back Row L-R: Ethan Ouyang, Jeremy Chen-Tilley, Conrad Chau, Abhik Khatry, Ethan van Damme, Ben Liu, Kamran Vohra, Aren Sharma. 2nd Row L-R: Sammy Ramsay, Thomas Torre, Lucas Andreopoulos, Roy Legge, Richard Su, Caius Kyoong, Todd Hu, Thomas Newman-Thurlby, Mr Mathew McRae. Seated L-R: Justin Yip, Edward Goh, Connor Pereira, Charles Pettolino, Sebastian Kilroy, Felix Smith, Liam Marcus, Matthew Leake. Absent: Sean Zhao.

MIDDLE school



“We are better equipped to live more vibrant fulfilling lives based on the many lessons of 2020.” In 2020 we welcomed a record number of students into the Middle School, and whilst they experienced a very different year, the life skills they have developed as a result should not be overlooked. I had a lot of difficulty writing this report. It was a year that was so eventful; yet so many events were cancelled. It was a year that we would rather forget; yet we learnt so many valuable lessons. It is important to acknowledge that everyone will have their own story to tell and the challenges faced by some were far greater than others. For members of the Middle School, it was the challenge of starting at a new school, making friends and learning to independently juggle a new set of challenges. 2020 forced us all to do things differently, taking a far simpler approach in just about every way. Students had to give up the best parts of school, such as school sport, singing and classroom banter. Whilst finding substitutes for these favourite past times did not always offer a smooth transition, students were forced to develop their organisational skills and wrestle with responsibility, at a far greater intensity and with far less support than they would have otherwise. Faced with a crisis, our Middle School community searched for solutions and I am proud of the way we rallied around each other amidst such adversity.

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Reputations are built in tough times and we will never forget those who helped us, supported us and refused to give in. Spending more time at home with our families helped us to understand each other, in ways most would not have thought possible. Parents gained an insight into their child’s learning habits, and children into their parents’ work routine; I am sure that neither would have been perfect, but I am certain both will have long term benefits on a number of levels. Having to live and work from home was one of our greatest challenges, but we learnt to find a balance. I have heard stories of baking, boredom and model building; tradie projects, loneliness and Zoom Trivia; sleep-ins, pyjama parties and WIFI battles; sibling counselling sessions, backyard campfires and bike ride discoveries. It is important to identify and address the metaphorical scars of COVID; however, it is critical that we look through the gloom for all of the positives that certainly would not have happened had we not faced such adversity. Given the huge amount of disruption to our regular co-curricular program, we relied heavily on the generosity and creativity of

MIDDLE SCHOOL ROYSTEAD AWARDS Back Row L-R: Tommy Auwardt, Jamison Smith, Michael Fang. Ioan Hillard, Edward Pill. 4th Row L-R: Edward Hare, Tobias Phillips, Hugh Fukumura, Nathan Bosmans, Ethan Mak, Ryder Cheeseman. 3rd Row L-R: Raphael Champion, Rico Towers, Justin Mellor, Ethan Huang, Jayden Yap, 2nd Row L-R: Hamish Westcott, Hugh Cran, Lucas Rodriguez, Henry Deayton, Ryan Humphries, Rohan Wickremasinghe, Adrian Chiu. Front Row L-R: Mr Troy Stanley, Max McKenzie, Joshua Day, Joey Govenlock, Jonty Neil, Joel Cheok, Matthew Lau, Dr Paul Hicks. Absent: Joel Burton, Nathan Chan, Declan Collett, Noah Shinnick.

our staff to ensure our students’ interests outside of the classroom were provided for, in some capacity. Despite managing to complete the Summer Sports season in Term 1, the majority of sports were cancelled. Mr Paul Sartori and his Strength and Conditioning coaches came to the rescue running up to six virtual fitness sessions a day. These were truly a saviour to many of our boys for whom sport plays such a significant role. In a similar fashion, a number of virtual activities replaced those that traditionally run on Friday afternoons. 7G Form Teacher, Miss Sherin George who was new to the school this year, provided dessert baking master classes for over 50 budding chefs almost every Friday during lockdown. Needless to say, the skills that she imparted on her proteges were well received by all families at home. Other activities offered online are featured in this section of The Grammarian and I thank all of the staff and boys for their enthusiastic participation.

The Middle School musicians also provided a great deal of entertainment throughout lockdown. Through their efforts, our community was treated to a wide variety of virtual concerts, showcasing the enormous talent at our school. When so much was lost by this powerful pillar of the school, they would have been forgiven for giving up. But through their tenacity, our musicians created a new way of harnessing and sharing their talents across a much wider platform than ever before. The mental health of our community was certainly stretched this year and I praise and commend the efforts of Dr Francesca Thomson and Ms Elizabeth Grant for their combined efforts in caring for the boys and their families who faced additional challenges, on top of what is already a very interesting and challenging period of their lives. While there have been many ups and downs, the greatest realisation from all of this is that we are more capable than we

know and we simply cannot do it alone. It is expected that students rely on their teachers, yet this year we discovered that teachers equally rely on their students. The empathy our boys have shown each other, including their teachers, has been incredible, and, for many teachers, a highlight of our remote teaching experience this year. Similarly, parents and teachers have relied on our boys to get on with their learning far more independently than ever before. When students were asked in a survey what they had learnt most from the online learning experience, overwhelmingly, students reported independence and organisational skills. Through turmoil comes growth, and whilst I am certain there are more learnings ahead, we are better equipped to live more vibrant fulfilling lives based on the many lessons of 2020. Mr Troy Stanley Head of Middle School The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 51

MIDDLE SCHOOL Milestones 2020 also marked a huge milestone for Mr Scott Wyatt who reached 25 years of loyal and dedicated service. Over that time he has enriched the lives of so many families through his desire to not only get to know his students, but their support networks as well. As an educator, he sparks curiosity and instils confidence in even the most reserved learner; a trait that he

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also imparts on fellow staff in his coaching role. Mr Wyatt reflects the very best of Camberwell Grammar School; and as the Deputy Head of Middle School, he has ensured that all students have a piece of that woven into their fabric as they embark on their journey through the School. Here’s to many more inspired adventuresSpectemur Agendo.


Year 7 and 8 Debating The Year 8 Inter-Form Debating Season, although performed in challenging circumstances, proved to be a very successful, enjoyable and enriching experience for all involved and concluded with the Grand Final between 8R and 8J. They debated the motion that the United Nations has failed. All Year 8 students learnt debating skills in English lessons and engaged in an inter-form competition. Three Year 8 teams were also able to compete in the Debating Association of Victoria’s (DAV) Junior Secondary competition online and against other schools, which also proved to be a success. The Year 7 Debating program was an Intra School competition involving four teams. Each team debated three different topics over three weeks and learnt the basics of debating in the Friday School Activities program. They also received valuable tuition from the visiting university student adjudicators from the DAV. Our students spent extra time preparing their debates, and I congratulate the boys who have gone above and beyond their normal busy routines. Mr Peter Robinson DELICIOUS DESSERTS

Friday Activities COOKING CLASSES Cooking proved to be a very popular Friday Activity in the Middle School. The range of recipes and the degree of culinary difficulty were worthy of MasterChef! We had puddings and pasta and pies, risotto and roasts, corn fritters, tea cakes, and brownies, guacamole and tacos; everything from arancini balls to zucchini fritters. The ingenuity and creativity the boys showed was truly remarkable. I hope that they and their families enjoyed some amazing feasts! Mr Scott Wyatt

‘Delicious Desserts’ was one of the many Friday activities that were on offer during online learning. We began with a small group of 30 and grew very quickly. Each week a chosen recipe was sent to everyone and we gathered the ingredients. On Fridays, the boys rolled up their sleeves, put on their aprons and got baking. The students enthusiastically shared pictures of their marvellous bakes and took pride in their creations. It was so exciting to see what each person had baked and how they put their own spin on each recipe. The best part of this experience was seeing how supportive the Middle School boys were of each other, even when they didn’t know each other. The hardest part was seeing all the delicious desserts being prepared and not being able to taste them. We made everything from pavlovas to panna cottas. It is apparent that we have many talented dessert chefs amongst us. Congratulations to everyone who took part in this program. Keep up the amazing work! Ms Sherin George The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 53



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Throughout the period of online learning, Chess was one of a range of Friday activities offered to Middle School students via Zoom. Each session was structured with a review of tactical ploys, an overview of a classic game throughout history, such as the ‘Evergreen’ and ‘Immortal’, and an opportunity for match play.

During online learning students have had to adapt to many changes in the way they engage and learn. Indeed, life, like Chess, is not so much about the final outcome, but more about learning and embracing those challenges that arise along the way. Lachlan Lee, a Year 6 student, aptly reflected:

Whilst experimenting with such tactics was encouraged, of greater importance was understanding respectful play and learning from one another about game techniques. Being able to shift attention from academic classes to focus on the next move was certainly an enjoyable and relaxing way to close out the school week.

“Chess over Zoom has allowed many of us to meet and play chess. Me, personally, I have learnt that chess is not about winning - it is about learning from your mistakes and being a good sport at the end of each game.” Mr Stephen Smith

PAINTING AND DRAWING CLUB Friday afternoon activities in the Middle School has been a great opportunity to sit back, relax and try something new, or maybe improve on a skill that you have enjoyed in the past. This year, over two terms, the painting and drawing club attracted over fifty participants, eager to make their mark on the world.

Using Zoom classes on a Friday, we examined techniques on sketching still life objects and tried our hand at producing landscapes. Areas we covered were observational techniques, perspective and composition skills. We learnt about pencil drawing basics to create tonal images. Moreover, we used pencils to create shading, hatching, fine and curved lines, to create tone and contrast.

There were dozens of pictures that the students produced, that were posted online for judging. In addition, students received valuable feedback about their compositions and prizes were handed out when students returned to school. Drawing and painting is a great way to disconnect, and it takes patience and a willingness to experiment to create thought provoking imagery. The results are something to be proud of, and I am sure many students will continue this passion. Maybe one day they will find their composition hanging in the David Williams Gallery. Mr Shaun Burke

PHOTOGRAPHY The Photography Course was great fun with a small group of 10-12 boys exploring the basics of photography, such as: light, composition, focus and purpose. Students presented their own work focussing on a particular topic each week. Here are some examples:

Luke Davidson

Charlie Callaghan

Sean Luo

Riley Scott

The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 55


“This year, over two terms, the painting and drawing club attracted over fifty participants”

Eventually we moved to colour theoryinvestigating saturation, tints, secondary and tertiary colours. We learnt how to use complementary colours and colour temperature to create harmony, contrast, depth and mood.


Courage to Care Incursion The Middle School were delighted to have Courage to Care return in Term 1. Reflecting on the Holocaust, the organisation looks at the lives of ‘ordinary people’ to explore issues of racism, prejudice, stereotyping, and bullying (including cyber bullying). There is a strong message for students to consider, about

the consequences of bystander behaviour and how we should be empowered to be ‘upstanders’, in the face of injustice. The event was held in the Camberwell Room, starting with a documentary, followed by a personal testimony from a Holocaust survivor. It was a moving and thought-provoking experience for the students, to hear personal accounts of the horror and difficulties faced by survivors. There was some relief, when survivors discussed moving to Australia and having the opportunity for a successful career, and all the joys they have experienced since. Then students were broken up in groups and examined interactive personal stories from World War Two and around the world. Afterwards, this facilitated small‑group discussions. After the event, students in Year 8 studied The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne. The novel addressed the hardships that individuals faced due to

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discrimination and prejudice during World War Two. The background knowledge that students were educated about through the Courage to Care program helped them to further understand the major themes in the book and the overall purpose of the novel. Furthermore, the novel sends a clear message, that even today persecution is happening, and we need to understand this and collectively help, to make sure that justice prevails. The Middle School students would like to thank all the volunteers involved in the Courage to Care program in Victoria for helping them to understand the roles of a victim, perpetrator and bystander. Through the stories of the Holocaust survivors, students could see the undaunted courage made by the rescuers and the lives they ultimately saved. Mr Shaun Burke

Student Fitness Sessions MIDDLE SCHOOL

Remote learning provided the Strength and Conditioning Department with a unique opportunity of establishing an online fitness program and services. Over this time coaches have led over 600 sessions for Year 6-12 students, 1st squads and Camberwell Grammar Aquatic swimmers. All students involved consistently participated with an exceptional work ethic, dedication and a fun-loving attitude. Not only were these sessions perfect for the development of student’s physical fitness but they were an opportunity for students to stay connected outside of their normal academic sessions and develop strong bonds with boys from other year levels. Well done to all those involved! Mr Paul Satori

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YEAR 6J Back Row L-R: Kaan Ong, Joshua Imsic, Toby Miller, Axel Peterson, Isaac Chen, Edward Liang, Maxwell Chao-Hong, Harrison Ross, Daniel Strong. 2nd Row L-R: Alexander Tahn, Toan Le, Ethan Wang, Ashton Semczyszyn, Cyrus Foroudi, Caleb Jack, Jerry Tang, Melvin Zhang, Mr Nathan Jones. Seated L-R: Christian Pham, Leo Qi, Tom Green, Joseph Ni, Lucas Gu, Lachlan Lee, Costas Zakkas, Jason Xu, Leonidas Tiras.

YEAR 7A Back Row L-R: Sam Grlj, Beckley Kleynhans, Alex Zhang, Cameron Holmes, Wilson Zhou, Samir Banerji, Fin Williams. 2nd Row L-R: James Gargano, Jonathan Chong, Caleb Chow, Daniel Lukins, Christopher Khong, Joshua S Ng, William Elliott, Kye Yoshimura, Ms Ciara Chaomhanach. Seated L-R: Daniel Teele, Reuben Opat, Oliver Devine, Kensei Soegijono, Lucas Yip, James Webb, Thomas Alfieri. Absent: Joshua McAllister, Edward Oliver.

YEAR 7G Back Row L-R: Elliot Walker, George Baker, Kensey Liang, Mitchell Graham, Lachlan Lam, Julian Griffiths, Luke Davidson, Hamish Stuart-Adams. 2nd Row L-R: Timothy Lee, Will Seeley, Nicholas Branson, Charlie Callaghan, Charlie Adams, Liam Dosser, Dylan Wong, Orville Wang, Miss Sherin George. Seated L-R: James Doyle, Ethan Yeung, Nicholas Teoh, Lachlan Charlesworth, Joshua Koppelman, Ben Ngo, Thomas Douglas, William Georges. Absent: Angus Rynne.

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YEAR 6M Back Row L-R: William Nethercote, William Kemp, Patrick Watson, Harish R-Roshan, Riley Austin, Louis Zhang, Maximilian Coia, Jeremy Wong. 2nd Row L-R: Max McCool, Sean Chang, Augustine Tan, Angus Egan, William Nguyen, Kathir Suresh, Samuel Li, Mr Troy Stanley. Seated L-R: Aaron Lau, Ari Hatzicostas, Aston Smith, Anson Wang, Alex Tong, Mark Wu, Evan Cooke, Liam Clarke. Absent: Josiah Reichmann, Hamish Mitchell.

YEAR 7C Back Row L-R: Alex Liang, Wonlee Kua, Louie Fei, Calvin Wang, Leo Li, Gilbert Zhang, Lachlan Crosgrove, Ashwin Lagana. 2nd Row L-R: Lucas van Koert, Daniel Feng, Patrick Hindhaugh, Ethan Chen, James Pawson, Jonathon Haig, Ray Zhan, Rick Liu, Mr Ian Cathcart. Seated L-R: Oliver Ta, Alan Zou, Sevin Saranasuriya, Alan Wang, Anson Lim, Jack Zhang, Jacob Lewis, Oliver Jewell. Absent: Ross Armstrong.

YEAR 7M Back Row L-R: Dler Toghyani-Farshid, Spencer Drew, Ross Sykiotis, Silas Qian, Alex Gao, Stirling Martin, Benjamin Nash, Nate Seow. 2nd Row L-R: Joah Quach, Fraser Richardson, Jonah Guorgi, Dennis Shaliga, Andrew Wang, Owen Wu, Luke May, Ric Shen, Hamish Wishart, Ms Miranda McDonald. Seated L-R: Joshua Carlin, Aidan Fayle, Thomas Chen-Low, Christian Venter, Harry Chen, Rory Woods, Mitchell Hedley, Oliver Phillips.



Back Row L-R: Shilah Brown, Fraser Rowe, Thomas Nania, Austin Dai, Raymond Fei, Ari Canale, Jack Giang, Henry Yan. 2nd Row L-R: Mark Bishop, Sachin Kunendra, Payan Kolah, Eric Shen, Thomas Tonkin, Luke Tavenor, Kartikeya Kalva, Wilson Sha, Mrs Aneta Renieris. Seated L-R: Aidan Poon, Arian Asadpour, George Karametos, Lucas Saunders, Max Helmer, Harper Davidson, Joshua Taylor, Aidan Lau. Absent: Callum Ling.


Back Row L-R: Saveen Seneviratne, Jack Marostica, Edward Wang, Max Pearce, Thomas Robinson, Leonard Lee, Rhys Bishop, Henry Segal. 2nd Row L-R: James Mills, Tomas O’Brien, Charles Taliadoros, Shaun Wang, Ronan Mahaffy, Toby Sharrock, Shaya Asadi, Mr Mark Mews. Seated L-R: Justin Kwan, Riley Scott, Bach Tran, James Gaudion, Ethan Tan, Matthew Shi, Lachlan Cross, Alexander Reale. Absent: Lucas Brown.


Back Row L-R: Lachlan Courmadias, Kurt Zvirbulis, James Wang, Sean Luo, William Watson, Goldman Xu, Marcus Lu, Ethan Wang. 2nd Row L-R: Thomas Nebbs, Gianni Cioffi, Arya Noor, Jonathan Cheung, Shen Rong, Daniel Renzi, Joshua H Ng, Hugo Thompson, Will Li, Mr Scott Wyatt. Seated L-R: Jayden Mai, Leon de Rooden, Kristofer Vos-Rutter, Tobias Smith, Ethan Lau, Luca Tassone, Derrick Kwon, Albert Su.


Back Row L-R: Adam Li, Simon Gao, Oscar Stambanis, Matthew Allsop, Daniel Cohen, Nicholas Lysikatos, Ethan Tran, Karlan Ng. 2nd Row L-R: Tommy Ramsay, Alexander Papadopoulos, Matthew Barrett, Mattias Ho, Will Howard, Noah Conn, Joshua Lipenski, Charlie Weickhardt, Mr Peter Zagarn. Seated L-R: Lucas Ho, Darcy Merritt, Minh Tran, Nigel Khong, Henry Li, Ryan Chung, Jack Brant, Joshua Mazey.


Back Row L-R: Callum Yates, Raye Hsieh, Michael Chen, Josh Cooper, Mark Sonbol, Christopher Cohen, Timothy Yeow, Mr Shaun Burke. 2nd Row L-R: Nat Navaneetharaja, Callam McClure, Ethan Mak, Julian Lim, Joshua Morgan, Orlando Kuti, Hugh Cran, Zaid Imran. Seated L-R: Oliver Wu, Elias Zakkas, Matthew Tong, Jayden Yap, Rohan Wickremasinghe, Max Cornelius, Haydn Hammerton. Absent: Edward Hare, Harry Clarke, Ben Radelczyk.

Back Row L-R: Ryder Cheesman, Henry Deayton, Jamison Smith, Jackson Haintz, Ashton Nunn, Ioan Hillard, Adrian Chiu, Ryder Smith. 2nd Row L-R: Jonathan Vais, Charlie Williams, Ryan Gale, Lucas Chin, Matthew Lau, Theodore Lam, Minh Tran, Kadell Kuti, Aidan McGrath, Mr Craig Conlan. Seated L-R: Hugo Stevens, Brodie Pang, Kelvin Le, Jayden Ou-Young, William McPhee, Hector Wong, Harrison Car, Allan Wang.

The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 59

MIDDLE SCHOOL YEAR 8J Back Row L-R: Hugh Fukumura, Xander Lee, William Zhang, Sabir Singh, Nick Dillon, Chris Lu, Michael Huang, Andy Zhang. 2nd Row L-R: Joey Govenlock, Jason Li, James Tsang, Victor Shao, Luka Stojnic, Oliver Ford, Jonty Neil, Izaan Imran, Joshua Day, Mr Stephen Smith. Seated L-R: Sam Yang, Lachie Dunne, Ethan Ong, Rico Towers, Zac Matters, Jim Zhu, Declan Collett, Will Aldred.

YEAR 8M Back Row L-R: Max Pringle, Lachlan Lewis, Jaiden Lee, Allan Huang, Michael Fang, Tobias Phillips, Darren Li, Campbell Davidson. 2nd Row L-R: Mason O’Neil, Timothy Lu, Cameron Yeang, William Linehan, Aedan Mayne, Georgio Cioffi, Savith Jayasuriya, Will Joy, Ms Katrina Massey. Seated L-R: Kaiser Tan, Timothy Gunasegaram, Arthur Lau, Flynn Parker, William Jenkin, Ryan Humphries, Matthew Treagus, Matthew Lung. Absent: Christian Evans.

YEAR 8S Back Row L-R: George Trembath, Ethan Huang, Justin Liu, Daniel An, Tony Zhang, Joe Hu, Harrison Varsamidis, George Johnson, Michael Bao. 2nd Row L-R: Antonio Fu, Joshua Ng, Charles King, David Li, Ethan Loi, George Kitsoulis, Jack Shao, Justin Song, Ms Stephanie Bohni. Seated L-R: William Kopke, Joel Burton, Joel Cheok, Benjamin Pai, Nathan Wu, William Chin, Samuel Chan, Maxim Renieris, Lachlan Ramsay.

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YEAR 8K Back Row L-R: Will Richardson, Lucas Hu, Ewan Lewis, Oliver Lowe, Ben Ford, Charlie King, Lachlan Wong, Nicholas Woosnam. 2nd Row L-R: Sebastian Kamleshwaran, Dylan Davies, Josh Tomlin, Christian Kinsella, Lachie McGowan, Leo Quan, Byron Zhang, Mr Andrew Kingham. Seated L-R: Nathan Chan, Lachlan Young, Noah Smith, Lucas Rodriguez, Lachlan Khuu, Mark Thiel, Jp Ma, Zifan Morris. Absent: Jacob Evans.

YEAR 8R Back Row L-R: Tommy Auwardt, Justin Mellor, Jasper Lim, Edward Pill, Eamon Wan, Jason Liang, William Lardner, Nathan Bosmans. 2nd Row L-R: Rylan Tan, Max Alexander, Parker Rush, Daniel Chen, Matthew Hoyling, Declan McCabe, Domenic Bozzone, Hamish Westcott, Thomas Rinehart-Beer, Mr Peter Robinson. Seated L-R: James Chan, Luke Cariss-Brett, Raphael Champion, James Lau, Lachlan Kruse, Max McKenzie, Noah Shinnick, Brayden Chew.

senior school


SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT Last year I had the privilege of speaking at the Fifty Year Chapter Lunch as the class of 1969 was welcomed to the prestigious Fifty Year Club. In preparation for the event, I managed to get hold of the 1969 Grammarian to find out more about that particular year in the life of CGS. It would certainly be fascinating to fast forward to the 2070 lunch and hear what is said about the year that was 2020. No doubt The Grammarian from this year will tell some of the story, but it is impossible to capture the totally unique nature of the year in these pages, and we will all have our own stories to tell in the years ahead. I will forever remember the resourcefulness and resilience of our boys throughout the year. Forced into isolation and home learning, they adapted incredibly well to this strange new world and got on with the job of studying and learning from home. Many remained connected to one another throughout the long periods of remote learning and it was great to see a wide range of student-led initiatives that kept the community together. Our School and House Prefects must take a lot of credit for this as they came up with inventive games and competitions to keep their peers connected. The Strava exercise challenges proved popular, as did the wonderfully organised Friday afternoon Trivia competition, along with the online versions of Chess, Uno and Pictionary to name a few. House Debating moved onto Zoom and it was

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great that several old boys were engaged to help with adjudication. The Prefect-led virtual assemblies also became a key feature of the year, and I know that many of us in the Senior School community very much looked forward to the release of each new edition. That same resourcefulness was evident across all areas of school life, as levels of activity and involvement were maintained throughout the unsettled times. Our PE and sports staff developed a range of online workouts that became popular with staff and students alike. Our indefatigable cast and crew of Urinetown, led by Mr Drew Stocker, somehow managed to release a thoroughly entertaining virtual version of the musical, complete with rehearsal footage and scenes

shot from the homes of several main characters. On the music front, we were treated to a range of virtual concerts and performances as our musicians and their teachers sought new ways to present ensemble and choir arrangements. The leaders of the Cadet Unit turned their attention to producing online training videos and games, which will now become a feature of the unit’s program in the years ahead. Such initiatives helped to keep us connected through the long months of isolation and I am grateful to all who worked so hard to produce these incredibly worthwhile activities. This edition of The Grammarian will no doubt reflect the fact that many of our usual events did not take place; however,

also to all Senior School parents, whose ongoing support of their sons and the School ensured that we were able to successfully maintain our learning programs. The year will be remembered for the many challenges endured in the face of the global pandemic, but also for

the remarkable resilience displayed and the genuine care for one another that resonated throughout the CGS community. Mr Rob French Deputy Head and Head of Senior School

“The year will be remembered for the many challenges endured in the face of the global pandemic, but also for the remarkable resilience displayed.”

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I will always remember this year for the wonderful collective efforts of our Senior School community to remain active and engaged throughout the periods of lockdown. At Camberwell Grammar the effects of the virus were keenly felt, but the response of the community to remain positive and connected will long be remembered. I congratulate the Senior School boys on what they were able to achieve this year despite the myriad of obstacles that they faced. My thanks to the wonderful teachers and support staff who also adapted to the situation and spent countless hours ensuring that school life would continue via Zoom and other technology platforms. Thank you




Summer Sport Half Colours

Full Colours


Charlie Amling Matt Power Sam Rendell Sam Veitch

Ellis Biggar Taran Laurence


Ned Bennett

Connor Laird Jordan McCleery


Alexander Guorgi Luke Ryan

Zac Kelly James Stambe Logan Taplin


Eric Tang David Thomas Conrad Thornton Leo Yang

Rhys Campbell Will Murray Daniel Watson


Kristian Bite* Hieu Tran*

William Cook Elijah Pannozzo

ORIENTEERING Hamish Canny Matthew Rodier Henry Shirrefs

Luke Burton Felix McCuaig Ben Price


Jake Ford James Thorn

Arman Cakmakcioglu Kai Sapolu


Sam Kabourakis Christian Ling Eugene Goh

Nathan Shi Bryden Tan Ethan Tang Joshua Hui


Alex Wilson-Brown Matthew Lim Isaac Hui Ashwin Prabaharan Andrew Lee Lachlan Wei Matthew Gibert Lachlan O’Neill


Billy Swingler

Alex Lew


Ming Jin Low Ethan Lack Gregory Kerdemelidis

Frank Bite

64 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

Half Colours

Full Colours

Cooper Carbone Alan Tian Lidong Chen Je-Rard Cheong Eugene Goh Akalanka Gunawardana Jerry Ji* Charles Lewis Ishaan Nandurkar Kerry Sun Brendan Tse Aidan Harris* Jack Hu Nicholas Sarlos-Welsh Tom Sun Oscar Cheung Joel Connell Aaron Craine George Fogarty Mitchell Reid

Philip Alex* Tory Crosgrove* Rhys Denison Jamie Garnham* Rohan Hodges* Hamish Monckton Thomas Ng Jarrod Papadopoulos

Drama Half Colours

Full Colours

Aidan Harris* Benjamin Wardlaw Michael Campbell Mitchell Reid

William Lewis Sam Parmenter Arman Cakmakcioglu Rhys Campbell Rhys Denison Thomas Ng James Thorn*

Music Half Colours

Full Colours

Marc Dalla Riva Luke Doblin Aidan Harris Matthew Ong William Lewis Jordan Murphy Heny Pan Sam Parmenter Kieran Teoh James Stambe Nicholas Sarlos-Welsh Wilson Zhu Frank Bite Nicholas Pang Jason Li Alex Liaw Liam Ly Kieran McAuley Aidan Oh*

Daniel Watson Arman Cakmakcioglu* Rhys Campbell* Oscar Cheung Thomas Cox Kaelan Fraser Geoffrey Gong* Hugh McGlone Hamish Monckton Thomas Ng James Thorn Matthew Wu*



Year 11 Prizes for Excellence

Sport Prizes

Prize for English

Angus Aikman

Prizes for Accounting, English as an Additional Language and Mathematical Methods

Anthony Cao

Prize for Chinese Language, Culture and Society Units 3 & 4 and the Philip Hutton Prize for Commerce in Year 11

Daniel Debowski

Prizes for Art, Chemistry, Excellence in Mathematics, Physics and the Michael Bula Prize for French

Luke Doblin

Prize for Economics

Callum Graham

Prize for Geography

Alexander Greenaway

Prize for Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2

Akalanka Gunawardana (Year 10)

Prizes for English and History (20th Century)

Aidan Harris

Prizes for Accounting Units 3 & 4, Excellence in Mathematics, Physics and the Brian Gill Memorial Prize for English in Year 11

Andrew Ho

Prizes for English and Mathematical Methods

Jack Hu

Prizes for Accounting, Chemistry, Excellence in Mathematics and Physics

Isaac Hui

Prize for Chinese as a Second Language Units 1 & 2

Jerry Ji (Year 10)

Prize for Geography Units 3 & 4

Zac Johnson

Prize for Literature and the Trevor Hart Memorial Prize for History in Year 11

Alastair Joshi

Prizes for Legal Studies and Further Mathematics Units 3 & 4

Zac Kelly

Prize for Biology

George Kocalidis

Prize for Accounting

Ethan Lau

Prize for Biology

Alex Lew

Prizes for General Mathematics and Studio Arts

Tristan Lew

Prize for Mathematical Methods

Zach Lewis

Prize for Mathematical Methods

Jackson Li

Prize for History (20th Century)

Rian MacLennan

Prize for Legal Studies

Matthew Ong

Prize for English Language

Heny Pan

The Barrie Provan Year 12 Sportsmanship Prize

Charlie Amling

The J L Seelenmeyer Award for Captain of Cricket

Ned Bennett

Prize for First VI Volleyball Best and Fairest

Frank Bite

The Ian Feder Award for Best Lawn Bowler

William Cook

Prizes for Economics, English Language and Latin

Elijah Pannozzo

Prize for Swimming Champion

Cody Greenwood

Prize for Physical Education

Sam Rendell

Prize for Best Camberwell Cyclist

Zac Kelly

Nicholas Robinson

Prize for First V Basketball Most Valuable Player and the C W Scott Memorial Prize for the Best All Round Sportsman

Taran Laurence

Prizes for Information Technology: CISCO Networking and Specialist Mathematics Prize for Accounting Units 3 & 4

Matthew Rodier

Prize for Most Committed Triathlete

Alex Lew

Prizes for Indonesian, General Mathematics, Theatre Studies and Visual Communication Design

Nicholas Sarlos-Welsh

Prize for Captains Cup for Kayaking

William Murray

Prizes for English and Specialist Mathematics

Sam Schwenk

The Barrie Provan Best All Rounder Award for First XI Cricket and the Bob Gibson Award for the Outstanding Year 10 Sportsman

Lachlan Ross

Prize for Chemistry

James Stambe

Prize for Chinese as a Second Language Advanced Units 3 & 4

Tom Sun

Prize for Squash Champion

Kai Sapolu

Prize for Information Technology: Applied Computing

Eric Tang

Prize for Table Tennis Champion

Nathan Shi

Prizes for Biology Units 3 & 4, Economics and Mathematical Methods

Jayden Thai

Prize for Visual Communication Design

Daniel Watson

The Phil Hutton Award for Orienteering

Henry Shirrefs

Prize for General Mathematics

Hayden Whiteford

The S G Birtles Prize for Courage in Sport

Finnegan Weston

Prize for Chinese as a Second Language Units 3 & 4

William Yang

The A R Marshall Award for Captain of Tennis

Alex Wilson-Brown

Prize for Chemistry

James Yao

Prize for Mathematical Methods Units 3 & 4

Weihan Zhou

Prizes for Biology, English, Latin, Specialist Mathematics and Physical Education

Wilson Zhu

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Year 12 Prizes for Excellence The Steven Family Prize for Art

Philip Alex

Prize for Physical Education

Charlie Amling

Prize for Further Mathematics

Ellis Biggar

Prize for Information Technology: Software Development

Angus Bosmans

Prize for English and the H L Ackland Prize for Physics

Tom Bowers

The Norman Stringer Prize for Music Performance

Arman Cakmakcioglu

Prizes for History (Revolutions) and Theatre Studies

Michael Campbell

The Shirley Thomas William Goodwin Prize for Literature

Rhys Campbell

Prize for English

Matthew Chan

Prize for Mathematical Methods

Jacob Chen

The K E Bruce Doery Prize for Commerce

Tony Chen

Prize for Indonesian

Aaron Craine

Prizes for Chemistry, English Language, Specialist Mathematics and the Peter Muirhead Prize for Biology

Tory Crosgrove

Prize for English

Daniel Duong

Prize for Latin

Kaelan Fraser

Prizes for Chemistry, English, Latin and the Michael Bula Prize for French Jamie Garnham

66 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

Prize for Accounting

Christopher Golz

Prizes for Economics and English

Geoffrey Gong

Prize for Further Mathematics

Rohan Hodges

Prize for Excellence in Mathematics

Haotian Huang

Prize for Chinese Language, Culture and Society

Daniel Iacobucci

Prize for Studio Arts

Mitchell Jenzen

The E O Romcke Memorial Prize for History

Dylan Kitchener

Prize for Economics

Jason Li

Prize for Mathematical Methods

Matthew Lim

Prizes for English, Mathematical Methods and the Campbell Thorn Prize for Visual Communication Design

Sean Liu

Prizes for Chemistry and Legal Studies

Emmanuel Marcus

The Taplin Family Prize for Geography

Mitchell Norman

Prizes for Economics, English as an Additional Language and Excellence in Mathematics

Jay Song

Prize for Mathematical Methods

Joshua Soo

Prize for Further Mathematics

Benjamin Svikis

Prizes for English Language, Excellence in Mathematics, Physics and the Nathan Cochrane Memorial Prize for Chemistry

Ryan Tam

Prize for English

James Thorn

Prize for Specialist Mathematics

Jamie Tran

Prizes for Mathematical Methods and Physics

Sonny Wang

Prize for Global Politics

Finnegan Weston

Prize for Legal Studies

Matthew Wu

SENIOR SCHOOL Special Prizes The Prefects’ Cup for Cultural Activities


The Dickinson Shield for Work


The Jarrett Cup for Sport


The John Kennedy Award for Endeavour in Year 9 Mathematics

James Ciro

The Mervyn Britten Memorial Prize for Writing

Rhys Campbell

The Cadet Leadership Award (Gift of the Taplin family)

Hugh McGlone

The Award for the Editor of The Grammarian

Matthew Chan

The Award for the Editor of ECHO

Matthew Chan

The Friends of Performing Arts Prize for the Captain of Music

Arman Cakmakcioglu

The Camberwell Grammarians’ Theatre Company Prize for Year 11 Theatre Arts

William Lewis

The Colin Black Prize for Theatre Arts

James Thorn

The School Prize for the Captain of Debating

Rohan Hodges

Prize for the Captain of Games

Tom Bowers

Prize for Service to the School

Tom Bowers Arman Cakmakcioglu Rhys Campbell Oscar Cheung Jamie Garnham

The Abhishek Gaurav Award for Endeavour

James Stambe

The Todhunter Family Spectemur Agendo Prize for Service to the School

Liam Ly

The F W Cheshire Prize for Outstanding Service to the School

Hugh McGlone

The Ivan Smith Memorial Prize for Scholarship, Leadership, Games and the Arts

Geoffrey Gong

The Headmaster’s Prize for the Vice-Captain of the School

Philip Alex

The John Hunter Patterson Prize for the Captain of the School

Geoffrey Gong

The Weickhardt Family Prize for joint Proxime Accesserunt to the Dux of the School in 2019

Lucas Liu Oliver Papillo

The Old Camberwell Grammarians’ Prize for the Duces of the School in 2019

Ian Chen Lachlan Doig James Gunasegaram Andrew Zeng

The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 67



“The year began well with a three-day NCO training activity conducted at school and field training area at Simpson Barracks, Watsonia.”

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This year proved to be a year different from any other for the Cadet Unit. However, the senior Cadet management team proved adept in continuing to provide training as the Unit ‘soldiered on.’ This year, the Unit was led by Senior Cadet Under Officer (CUO) Hugh McGlone and the Regimental Sergeant Major, Cadet Warrant Officer Class One Angus Corr, assisted by CUOs Joseph Hunting (Seniors), Joshua Hu and Cadet Sergeant (CDTSGT) William Li (Recruits), CUO Rohan Hodges, and CDTSGT Ethan Lack (Operations Cell), and Cadet Warrant Officer Class Two Andrew Shallcross (Q-Store).

Training commenced for the whole Unit in late February. Due to the introduction of restrictions, the Unit had to cancel the bivouac planned for late March and cease face to face training. However, it was able to continue training using the online platform Zoom. Fortunately, much of the classroom training was able to be conducted, with PowerPoint presentation lessons being taught by CUOs, sergeants and corporals. Our cadet leadership team, in response to this changed situation, used their initiative well in devising various learning activities, for example Kahoot quizzes. Cadets found these an enjoyable means of confirming learning.

The year began well with a three-day NCO training activity conducted at school and field training area at Simpson Barracks, Watsonia. This was the first time the Unit had run this activity, and it was the initiative of a group of senior members of the Unit, particularly the Senior CUO, Hugh McGlone.

A number of Unit members also participated in the online leadership courses. In the first week of the July holidays five members of the Unit were candidates on the Junior Leaders Course. In addition, a group of CGS Cadets attended the Senior Leaders and the CUO/WOs courses that have been run on


three consecutive Saturdays during Term 3. These courses were staffed by a number of Adult Cadet Staff, including MAJ (AAC) M A Neal and CAPT (AAC) M E Daniel from our Unit. The Unit also acknowledges the significant contribution to the Junior Leaders Course by the Unit’s Senior CUO, Hugh McGlone. He was largely responsible for devising, organising and running this course, which is the first online leadership Army Cadet course taught in Australia. In doing so, he established a model for an efficient and effective online leadership course that was adopted in the running of the two subsequent courses. Adults across the Victorian Brigade involved in the course were extremely impressed with Hugh’s contribution. In recognition of the sterling contribution Hugh has made to Cadets this year, he was awarded an Australian Defence Force 2020 Future Innovators Award. Year 12 involvement in the Unit ended with an abbreviated presentation parade, conducted outside Roystead, on Wednesday 28 October. After the Headmaster, Dr Paul Hicks, presented award recipients with their prizes, and the Senior CUO and RSM handed over their positions to the incoming Senior CUO, Angus Oldham, and RSM, Jack Hu, the Year 12s slow marched up the steps of Roystead. The Unit also welcomed Mr Alistair Berg to its officer cadre. Mr Berg is himself an Old Boy and former member of the Unit, and he has commenced his training online to be an Officer of Cadets. Mr Michael Daniel Captain (AAC)

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In particular, three teams qualified for the Finals series of debates. These were: Camberwell Grammar School 1 and Camberwell Grammar School 2 in the A Grade Division, and Camberwell

Grammar School 2 in the C Grade Division. Of the three teams, Camberwell Grammar School 1 – comprised of Rohan Hodges, Tory Crosgrove, Thomas Ng, Philip Alex and Jamie Garnham – proved successful and proceeded to the Quarter Finals.

issues relevant to Asia. The Camberwell Grammar team placed second out of hundreds of teams across the State – a significant achievement.

Moreover in Term 3 a team comprised of Rohan Hodges and Tory Crosgrove Further, this same team was also qualified participated in the Senior Division of DAVs for the Grand Final of the Monash Asian British Parliamentary Debating Competition. Studies Debating Competition. This was Both Rohan and Tory were recognised as run by the DAV in conjunction with the being within the Top 10 best speakers in the School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures division. Further, teams of Jerry Ji, Akalanka and Linguistics at Monash University – Gunawardana and Kerry Sun, as well as with topics focusing on contemporary Charles Lewis and Ishaan Nandurkar, participated in the Intermediate Division of the competition. Particular praise goes to Ishaan Nandurkar for being named best overall speaker for the round. In addition, Camberwell Grammar has been highly successful in the Evatt Model United Nations Competition – with seven teams having made it through to the Semi Finals. In no particular order, these teams were comprised of: Akalanka Gunawardana and Jerry Ji; Cooper Carbone and Alan Tian; Jack Hu and Tom Sun; Charles Lewis and Finnian Mahaffy; Kayson Wang and Lidong Chen; Je‑Rard Cheong and Andrew Lee; and Aidan Harris and Rohan Hodges. For our school to have seven teams progress to the Semi-Finals is an immense achievement, and is testament to all their hard work. In fact, following this, the team of Cooper Carbone and Alan Tian was selected to represent Victoria in the 2020 online edition of the Model United Nations National Evatt Cup. This is a very rare feat – especially considering both students are only in Year 9. Congratulations to all for yet another great debating season! Rohan Hodges Prefect for Public Speaking and Debating

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Like many things this year, the debating season was unlike any other. The Debaters’ Association of Victoria’s (DAV) Schools’ Competition, traditionally run on Mondays in Terms 2 and 3, shifted online. Despite this, and the challenges associated with debating over Zoom, students handled it with aplomb.

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Abbas, Khalid (MAC, 2012)

Barry, Michael Rohan (DER, 2015)

House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2018-2020, Swimming, 2017, 2019, Activities: Board Games & Playing Cards, 2018, Community Service, 2017, Darts, 2019, English Enhancement, 2018, Fitness, 2017, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2018-2019, School Choir, 2014-2015, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2019, Soccer, 2017, 2019-2020, Soccer: 1sts, 2018, 2019 and 2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 3rds Blue, 2020-2021.

House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2017, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Debating, 2017-2020, Drama: Cast, 2017, 2019, Drama: Technical Crew, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2018-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Darts, 2019, DAV InterSchool Debating, 2018-2019, English Enhancement, 20172018, Film Classics, 2018, Fitness, 2018, French Film Classics, 2019, Gardening with Rotary Interact Club, 2017, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Middle School Sports Mentor, 2019, School Choir, 2015, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2019, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2017, Soccer, 2017-2020, Table Tennis, 2017-2019, Table Tennis: 2nds Blue, 2020-2021.

Alex, Philip (BRI, 2015) School Prefect, 2020, Vice Captain of the School, 2020, Awards: Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2017-2020, Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award, 2018, House: Athletics, 20172020, Chess, 2017, 2019, Community Service Volunteer: Red Shield Appeal, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2017-2018, Drama, 2019, Drama: Cast, 2017-2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Badminton, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’: Cast, 2018, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production: ‘Hamlet’: Cast, 2019, Darts, 2019, DAV InterSchool Debating, 2018-2019, DAV Inter-School Debating: Runner Up, 2019, English Enhancement, 2017-2018, Fitness, 2018, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Learn to Sew, 2019, Middle School Sports Mentor, 2019, Public Speaking, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2016, Trivial Pursuit, 2019, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2018, Soccer, 2017-2020, Tennis, 20172018, Tennis: 3rds Blue, 2020-2021, Volleyball: 1sts, 2019. Amling, Charles Cameron (BRI, 2015) House Captain, 2020, School Prefect, 2020, Awards: Half Colours Basketball, 2020, Prize for Chemistry, 2019, Prize for Physical Education, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, The Year 12 Barrie Provan Sportsmanship Prize, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2017-2018, 2020, Drama, 2019, Drama: Cast, 2017-2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Basketball Tour – USA, 2018, Cadets, 2017, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2019, Fitness, 2018, French Film Classics, 2018, Towards 2050 Sustainability Committee, 2019, Basketball: 1sts, 2018-2021, Cross Country, 2017, Football, 2018-2020, Swimming, 2019, Triathlon, 2017, Water Polo, 2017-2019. Asgari, Nima (CLI, 2015) House: Athletics, 2018-2020, Cross Country, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 20172018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Chess, 2019, Darts, 2017-2019, French Film Classics, 2018, Learn to Sew, 2019, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2017, Soccer, 2018-2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 3rds Gold, 2020-2021. Augustes, Michael Tan (MAC, 2015) Awards: Prize for Geography, 2019, House: Athletics, 20172020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 20182020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cycling, 2017-2018, Darts, 2019, English Enhancement, 2017, French Film Classics, 2018-2019, School Service, 2017, Senior School Concert Band, 2017, Trivial Pursuit, 2019, AGSV Athletics, 2019, Athletics, 2017-2019, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 3rds Blue, 2020-2021, Cross Country, 2017, Football, 2019-2020. Balfour, James Robert (SCO, 2015) Awards: Prize for Art, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Cast, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 20172020, Swimming, 2017, 2019, Activities: Community Service, 2017, Darts, 2019, Fitness, 2017-2018, Learn to Sew, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2018, Trivial Pursuit, 2019, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 4ths Gold, 2020-2021, Football, 2017, 2019, Football: 1sts, 2018, Soccer, 2020.

Bennett, Ned Stanley (SCO, 2015) Captain of Cricket, 2020, Awards: Half Colours Cricket, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, The J L Seelenmeyer Award for Cricket, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Debating, 2018, Drama: Cast, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2018, Music, 2018-2020, Swimming, 2017, 2019, Activities: Fitness, 2017-2018, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2018, Towards 2050 Sustainability Committee, 2019, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2017, AGSV Cricket: Emergency, 2020, Cricket, 2017, Cricket: 1sts, 2018-2021, Football: 3rds, 2020, Hockey, 2017-2019. Biggar, Ellis Gerald (CLI, 2018)

Band, 2017, School Choir, 2014-2017, School Service, 2017, Senior Brass Ensemble, 2017-2019, Senior Choir, 2017-2020, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2018, Senior School Orchestra, 2017-2020, Senior Stage Band, 2017-2020, Twilight Ensemble, 2017, 2019, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2019, AGSV Volleyball, 2020, Football, 2017-2020, Volleyball, 2017, Volleyball: 1sts, 2018-2021. Bosmans, Angus William (STE, 2015) Awards: Prize for Information Technology, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2019, Chess, 2017, 2019, Community Service Volunteer: Red Shield Appeal, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2018, Debating, 2018, 2020, Drama: Technical Crew, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Badminton, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Carol Choir, 2019, CGS/Canterbury Girls’ Production ‘Urinetown’: Cast and Chorus, 2020, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production: ‘Hamlet’: Stage Crew, 2019, Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, Cycling, 2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2019, Flute Ensemble, 20192020, French Film Classics, 2019, Gardening with Rotary Interact Club, 2017, Robotics, 2019, School Choir, 2015, Senior Choir, 2020, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2020, Senior School Orchestra, 2017, 2019-2020, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2017, AGSV Athletics, 2017-2019, Athletics, 2017-2019, Cricket: 1sts, 2018-2019, Hockey, 2017, 2019-2020, Hockey: 1sts, 2018, Squash, 2017, Squash: Squad, 2020-2021.

Captain of Basketball, 2020, Awards: Alliance Francaise Berthe Mouchette Competition: Semi-Finalist, 2018, Full Colours Basketball, 2020, Prize for Further Mathematics Units 3 & 4, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, The Brian Gill Memorial Prize for English Literature, 2019, House: Athletics, 2019-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Shield Appeal, 2019, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2019-2020, Swimming, 2018-2019, Activities: Basketball Tour – USA, 2018, DAV InterSchool Debating, 2019, Fitness, 2018, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Sports Academy, 2019, Towards 2050 Sustainability Committee, 2019, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2018, AGSV Basketball, 2020, Athletics, 2018-2019, Basketball: 1sts, 2018-2021, Football, 2018-2020, Water Polo, 2018-2019. Binnie-Peart, William Anthony (MAC, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Shield Appeal, 2019, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2018-2020, Swimming, 20172019, Activities: Community Service, 2017, Contemporary Documentaries, 2018, Martial Arts, 2017, Towards 2050 Sustainability Committee, 20182019, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 2nds Blue, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020. Biondo, Miloska (SCO, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2017-2019, Swimming, 2017, 2019, Activities: Contemporary Documentaries, 2018, Create Music, 2017, Fitness, 2017, Golf, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, Soccer, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 4ths Gold, 2020-2021. Bite, Ferenc (Frank) Laszlo (DER, 2012) Captain of Volleyball, 2020, Awards: Full Colours Volleyball, 2020, Half Colours Music, 2020, Prize for Volleyball, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Drama: Cast, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Carol Choir, 2017, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’: Choir, 2018, CGS/Canterbury Girls’ Production ‘Urinetown’: Cast and Chorus, 2020, Chess, 2018-2019, Create Music, 2017, 2019, French Film Classics, 2018, French/Art Study Tour – Paris, 2019, Middle School Stage

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Bowers, Thomas Henry (SCO, 2015) Captain of Cross Country, 2020, Captain of Games, 2020, School Prefect, 2020, Awards: Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2017-2020, Full Colours Athletics, 2018-2019, Full Colours Cross Country, 2020, Prize for Captain of Games, 2020, Prize for English, 2019-2020, Prize for Physics, 2019, Prize for Service to the School, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, Scholar of the School, 2020, The H Lionel Ackland Prize for Physics, 2020, The R H Lohn Award for Athletics, 2018, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2018, Cross Country: First Place, 2020, Cross Country: Gold Medallist, 2019, Cross Country: Second Place, 2018, Cross Country: Silver Medallist, 2017, Debating, 2020, Drama: Cast, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Basketball Tour – USA, 2018, Chess, 2018, Darts, 2018, English Enhancement, 2017-2018, Fitness, 2017, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, Sports Academy, 2019, Swimming, 2017, AGSV Athletics, 2017-2019, Athletics, 2017-2019, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 3rds Blue, 2020-2021, Cross Country, 2019, Football, 2017-2018. Bryson, Matthew James (MAC, 2012) Captain of Swimming, 2020, Vice Captain of Swimming, 2019, Awards: Half Colours Swimming, 2017, House: Athletics, 20172020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Shield Appeal, 2019, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Drama: Chorus/Ensemble, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2018-2020, Swimming, 2017, 2019, Swimming: Silver Medallist, 2018, Activities: Chess, 2019, Computer Club, 2018, Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, Cycling, 2018, Fitness, 2017, School Choir, 2014, Swimming, 2017, 2019, AGSV Swimming, 2019, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 2nds Blue, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020, Water Polo, 2017-2019. Cakmakcioglu, Arman Andreas (STE, 2015) Captain of Music, 2020, Captain of Squash, 2020, School Prefect, 2020, Awards: Full Colours Drama, 2020, Full Colours Music, 2020, Full Colours Squash, 2020, Half Colours Music, 2019, House Colours, 2019, John Mallinson Organ Scholarship, 2018, Prize for Service to the School, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, The Norman Stringer Memorial Prize for Music, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2017, Community Service Volunteer: Red Shield Appeal, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2017, 2020, Drama: Actor, Writer and Director, 2019, Drama: Cast, 2017-2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2018, 2020, Music: Accompanist, 2019-2020, Music: Conductor, 2020, Music: Instrumentalist, 2019-2020, Swimming, 2017-2018, Swimming: Team Manager, 2019, Activities: Carol Choir, 2017-2019, CGS Big Band, 2018, CGS Chorale, 2017-2020, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’: Cast and Chorus, 2018, CGS/Canterbury Girls’ Production ‘Urinetown’: Cast – Lead Actor, 2020, CGS/ Canterbury Girls’ Production ‘Urinetown’: Stage Manager, 2020, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production: ‘Hamlet’: Cast, 2019, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2019, English Enhancement, 2018, Fitness, 2018, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2018, Music Academy, 2019-2020, Photography and Digital Media, 2017, SaintSaens Septet, 2020, School Choir, 2015-2017, Senior Choir, 2017-2020, Senior School Concert Band, 2017, Senior Stage Band, 2020, Stage Craft, 2017, Towards 2050 Sustainability Committee, 2019, Twilight Ensemble, 2017, Soccer, 2017-2020, Squash, 2017-2019, Squash: Squad, 2020-2021.

‘Hamlet’: Cast, 2019, Chinese Club, 2019, Computer Skills, 2019, Cycling, 2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018-2019, Debating, 2017-2018, Learn to Sew, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2016, School Service, 2017, Senior Choir, 2020, Cricket, 2017-2019, Cricket: 2nds, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020. Campbell, Rhys Andrew (CLI, 2015) House Captain, 2020, School Prefect, 2020, Senior Cadet Under Officer, 2020, Vice Captain of Kayaking, 2020, Awards: Alliance Francaise Berthe Mouchette Competition: Semi-Finalist, 2018, Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2017-2018, Full Colours Drama, 2020, Full Colours Kayaking, 2020, Full Colours Music, 2020, Half Colours Kayaking, 2017, Half Colours Music, 2019, Prize for English Literature, 2019, Prize for Service to the School, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, Scholar of the School, 2020, The Mervyn Britten Memorial Prize for Writing: Senior Prose, 2020, The Shirley Goodwin Prize for Literature, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2017-2018, 2020, Drama: Actor, Writer and Director, 2019, Drama: Cast, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2017, Multi Sport Competition: Table Tennis, 2018, Music, 2018, Music: Accompanist, 2019-2020, Music: Conductor, 2020, Music: Instrumentalist, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Carol Choir, 2017-2019, CGS Chorale, 2018-2020, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’: Cast and Chorus, 2018, CGS/ Canterbury Girls’ Production ‘Urinetown’: Cast – Lead Actor, 2020, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production: ‘Hamlet’: Cast, 2019, Chamber Music, 2019-2020, Contemporary Documentaries, 2018, Create Music, 2017-2018, Debating, 2019, Elva Allan Chamber Ensemble, 2017, English Enhancement, 2017-2018, Flute Ensemble, 2017, 2019, Jogging, 2017, Music Academy, 2019-2020, School Choir, 2015-2017, Senior Choir, 20172020, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2020, Senior School Orchestra, 2018-2020, Twilight Ensemble, 2018-2019, Cross Country, 2019-2020, Hockey, 2017, Kayaking, 2017-2019, Kayaking: Squad, 2020-2021. Canny, Patrick Joseph (ROB, 2015) Awards: Prize for Physical Education, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 20172018, 2020, Drama: Cast, 2019, House Charity, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2017-2019, Music: Instrumentalist, 2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Chess, 2019, Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, Cycling, 2017, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018, French Film Classics, 2018-2019, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Middle School Sports Mentor, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2016, School Service, 2017, Trivial Pursuit, 2018, Athletics, 2017, 2019, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 3rds Blue, 2020-2021, Cross Country, 2017, 2019-2020. Caragounis, Chris (SUM, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Circuit Training, 2018, Darts, 2019, French Film Classics, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, Photography and Digital Media, 2017, School Choir, 2015, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2017, Cycling, 2017, Soccer, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2018-2019, Tennis: 3rds Gold, 2020-2021.

Campbell, Michael Thomas (SUM, 2015)

Chan, Matthew (BRI, 2007)

Awards: Half Colours Drama, 2020, Prize for History: Revolutions Units 3 & 4, 2020, Prize for Theatre Studies, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Shield Appeal, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2020, Drama: Technical Crew, 20172018, Drama: Writer, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Carol Choir, 2019, CGS/Canterbury Girls’ Production ‘Urinetown’: Cast and Chorus, 2020, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production:

Prefect in Charge of Publications, 2020, School Prefect, 2020, Awards: Editor of ECHO, 2020, Editor of the Grammarian, 2020, Prize for English, 2019-2020, Prize for Studio Arts, 2019, Prize Giving, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2019, Community Service Volunteer: Red Shield

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Appeal, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 20182020, Drama, 2019, Drama: Cast, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Official, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Cadets, 2017, Carol Choir, 2017-2019, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’: Cast, 2018, CGS/Canterbury Girls’ Production ‘Urinetown’: Cast and Chorus, 2020, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production: ‘Hamlet’: Sound Operator, 2019, Chess, 2018, da Vinci Decathlon – National Championships: Third Prize, 2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2017-2019, Debating, 2017, 2019, English Enhancement, 2017-2018, Entrepreneurship Program, 2019, Highton Strings, 2018, Learn to Sew, 2019, Music Theory, 2017, School Choir, 2014-2017, School Publications, 2020, Senior Choir, 2018-2020, Senior School Orchestra, 2017-2020, Senior School String Orchestra, 2017-2020, Tournament of Minds, 2018, Hockey, 2017-2020, Kayaking, 2017, Volleyball, 2018-2019, Volleyball: 2nds Blue, 2020-2021. Chan, Mun Wah (DER, 2015) Awards: House Colours, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Shield Appeal, 2019, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Drama: Cast, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Community Service, 2017, Cycling, 2018, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, Robotics, 2018-2019, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2017, Badminton, 2017-2018, Soccer, 2017-2020, Taekwondo, 2019, Taekwondo: Squad, 2020-2021. Chappell, Jacob Aslan (BRI, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2017, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama, 2019, Drama: Technical Crew, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Chess, 2018, Computer Club, 2018, Create Music, 2017, Cycling, 2018, Darts, 2019, Rotary Interact Club, 2020, School Service, 2017, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2019, Cricket, 2017-2019, Cricket: 3rds, 20202021, Football, 2017-2020. Chen, Guan (Tony) Shen (STE, 2012) Awards: Prize Giving, 2020, The Bruce Doery Prize for Commerce, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2019, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Badminton, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Music: Instrumentalist, 2020, Swimming, 2017-2018, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2019, Chinese Club, 2019, Contemporary Documentaries, 2018-2019, Photography and Digital Media, 2017, Robotics, 2018, School Service, 2017, School Tour Guide, 2017, 2019, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2019, Badminton, 2017-2020, Hockey, 2017-2018, Lawn Bowls, 2019, Lawn Bowls: Squad, 2020-2021. Chen, Hongyi (Jacob) (CLI, 2017) Awards: Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2019-2020, Prize for Chinese as a Second Language, 2018, Prize for Chinese as a Second Language Advanced Units 3 & 4, 2019, Prize for Mathematical Methods, 2019-2020, Prize Giving, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 20172019, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Badminton, 2017-2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: CGS Big Band, 2018, Chess, 2018, Chinese Club, 2019, Cycling, 2017-2018, Martial Arts, 2017, Music Academy, 2019-2020, Saxophone Quartet, 2019, Senior Saxophone Ensemble, 2018, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2019, Twilight Ensemble, 2017-2018, Badminton, 2020, Hockey, 2017-2019, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 4ths Gold, 2020-2021.

Chen, Sirui (Steven) (SUM, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Badminton, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017-2018, Chinese Club, 2019, Community Service: Cadet Kew RSL, 2018, French Film Classics, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2016, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021, Soccer, 2017-2020. Cheung, Oscar (STE, 2015) Prefect Responsible for Faith & Social Justice, 2020, School Prefect, 2020, Awards: Full Colours Music, 2020, Half Colours Debating, 2020, Lord Mayor’s Foundation: Youth in Philanthropy Program, 2018, Prize for Service to the School, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2018, 2020, Drama: Cast, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Table Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Music: Instrumentalist, 2020, Swimming, 2017-2018, Activities: Carol Choir, 2019, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’, 2018, CGS/Canterbury Girls’ Production ‘Urinetown’: Cast and Chorus, 2020, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production: ‘Hamlet’: Cast, 2019, Chamber Music, 2020, Chess, 2019, Circuit Training, 2017-2018, Create Music, 2017-2019, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018-2019, School Choir, 2017, Senior Choir, 2017-2020, Senior School Orchestra, 2017-2019, Senior School String Orchestra, 2020, Cross Country, 2017, Soccer, 2018-2020, Table Tennis, 20172019, Table Tennis: 2nds Gold, 2020. Christofilopoulos, Dean (STE, 2012) Captain of Soccer, 2020, Awards: Geography Teachers’ Association of Vic- VCE Certificates of Excellence, 2020, Half Colours Soccer, 2018, Prize for Geography, 2019, Prize for Soccer, 2019, Prize for Soccer: Best & Fairest, 2018, House: Athletics, 2017-2019, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2017, 2019-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Contemporary Documentaries, 2018, Darts, 2019, Film Classics, 2018, Fitness, 2017, Golf, 2019, Martial Arts, 2017, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, Basketball: 4ths Gold, 2020-2021, Soccer, 2019-2020, Soccer: 1sts, 2017-2018, Tennis, 2017-2019. Clark, Nicholas Cameron (MAC, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Athletics: Bronze Medallist, 2017, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2018-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Board Games & Playing Cards, 2018, Circuit Training, 2017, Darts, 2019, Fitness, 2017, School Choir, 2015-2016, Senior Choir, 2018-2020, Silent Reading Group, 2018, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2019, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2019, Football, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 2nds, 20202021, Water Polo, 2017. Connell, Joel Aidan (ROB, 2015) Awards: Half Colours Debating, 2020, House: Athletics, 20172020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2018, Debating: Cast – Lead Actor, 2018, Drama: Actor and Writer, 2019, Drama: Cast – Lead Actor, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Debating,

2018-2019, Photography and Digital Media, 2017, School Service, 2017, Trivial Pursuit, 2018, Hockey, 2017-2020, Volleyball, 2017-2019, Volleyball: 2nds Blue, 2020-2021. Corr, Angus William (SCO, 2015) Cadet RSM, 2020, House Captain, 2020, School Prefect, 2020, Awards: Australian National Chemistry Quiz: Distinction, 2019, Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2017, ICAS Science Competition: High Distinction, 2017-2018, Scholar of the School, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Cadet Memorial Church Service, 2018, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2020, Drama: Cast, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2018, 2020, Music: Conductor, 2020, Music: Instrumentalist, 2019, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017-2020, English Enhancement, 2017, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Middle School Sports Mentor, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2016, Senior Brass Ensemble, 2018, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2018, Senior School Orchestra, 2017, Athletics, 2017, 2019, Basketball: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021, Cricket, 2017-2019, Football, 2018-2020, Soccer, 2017. Cox, Thomas Efthymios (STE, 2015) Awards: Full Colours Music, 2020, House: Athletics, 20172020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018-2019, CGS/ Canterbury Girls Production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’: Choir, 2018, Create Music, 2017-2019, Middle School Stage Band, 2017, School Choir, 2017, School Service, 2017, Senior Brass Ensemble, 2018-2019, Senior Choir, 2017-2020, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2020, Senior School Orchestra, 2018-2020, Senior Stage Band, 2018-2020, Twilight Ensemble, 2017, 2019, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021, Soccer, 2017-2020. Craine, Aaron (BRI, 2015) Awards: Half Colours Debating, 2020, Prize for Indonesian, 2019-2020, Prize Giving, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer, 2017, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2019-2020, Drama, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cycling, 2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2020, Fitness, 2017, Photography and Digital Media, 2017, Rotary Interact Club, 2019-2020, School Service, 2017, Silent Reading Group, 2018, Towards 2050 Sustainability Committee, 2019, Football, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021. Crosgrove, Torrance (STE, 2015) Awards: Alliance Francaise Berthe Mouchette Competition: Semi-Finalist, 2018, Alliance Francaise Poetry Recitation: State Finalist, 2017, Alliance Francaise Written Examination: State Finalist, 2017, Australian Mathematics Competition: High Distinction, 2017, Australian National Chemistry Quiz: Distinction, 2019, Australian National Chemistry Quiz: Excellence Award, 2019, Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2017-2020, Full Colours Debating, 2019-2020, ICAS Science Competition: High Distinction, 2017-2018, Prize for Biology, 2019, Prize for Chemistry, 2020, Prize for Economics, 2019, Prize for English Language, 2019-2020, Prize for French, 2019, Prize for Specialist Mathematics, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, The Peter Muirhead Prize for Biology, 2020, University of Melbourne

Curry, Oscar Savvas (SUM, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Cast, 2017-2018, Drama: Writer, 2019, House Charity, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017-2018, Cafe Research, 2019, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’, 2018, CGS/Canterbury Girls’ Production ‘Urinetown’: Cast and Chorus, 2020, Golf, 2019, Towards 2050 Sustainability Committee, 2019, Hockey, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021. Day, William Robert (STE, 2017) Vice Captain of Football, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Technical Crew, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2018, Swimming: Team Manager, 2019, Activities: Contemporary Documentaries, 2018, Film Classics, 2018, Fitness, 2017, Golf, 2019, School Service, 2017, Sports Academy, 2019, AGSV Athletics, 2019, Athletics, 2019, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 2nds Blue, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020. de Rauch, Darcy Frederick (BRI, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer, 2018, Community Service Volunteer: Red Shield Appeal, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama, 2019, Drama: Sound Operator, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Community Service, 2017, Cycling, 2018-2019, Robotics, 2018-2019, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2017, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020. Deayton, Matthew Miles (CLI, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2017, Music, 20172020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Board Games & Playing Cards, 2018, Carol Choir, 2017, CGS Chorale, 2017, Create Music, 2017, French Film Classics, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, School Choir, 2016-2017, School Service, 2017, Senior Choir, 2017-2020, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2018, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 4ths Blue, 20202021, Football, 2017-2020. Denison, Rhys Arlan (ROB, 2015) House Prefect, 2020, Awards: Australian History Competition: High Distinction, 2017, Full Colours Debating, 2020, Full Colours Drama, 2020, House Colours, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Tour Guides, 2018, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2017-2020, Drama: Actor and Director, 2019, Drama: Cast, 2019, Drama: Cast – Lead Actor, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Music: Conductor, 2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Carol Choir, 2019, CGS/Canterbury Girls’ Production ‘Urinetown’: Cast – Lead Actor, 2020, Chess, 2018, Community Service, 2017, Create Music, 2017, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2019-2020, Debating, 2018-2019, English Enhancement, 2017, Latin Study Tour, 2018, Learn to Sew, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2016, Senior Choir, 2020, Trivial Pursuit, 2018, Soccer, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 3rds Blue, 2020-2021.

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School Mathematics Competition: Certificate of Merit, 2017, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2017-2018, 2020, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: British Parliamentary Debating Grand Final: Runner Up, 2019, Community Service, 2017, Computer Club, 2017, Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, da Vinci Decathlon – National Championships: Third Prize, 2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018-2019, DAV Inter-School Debating: Runner Up, 2019, Debating, 2018-2019, English Enhancement, 2017-2018, School Choir, 2015-2016, Senior Choir, 2020, Trivial Pursuit, 2018, Hockey, 20172020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 4ths Gold, 2020-2021.


Dicker, Ronan (ROB, 2012) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Cast, 2019, House Charity, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Basketball Tour – USA, 2018, Cadets, 2017, Chess, 2019, Circuit Training, 2018, Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, School Choir, 2016, Trivial Pursuit, 2019, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 3rds Blue, 2020-2021, Cross Country, 2017, 2019-2020, Water Polo, 2017-2018. Dimatos, Michael Charles (SUM, 2007) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Chess, 2018-2019, Community Service, 2017, Darts, 2019, Fitness, 2017-2018, Cricket, 2017-2019, Cricket: 2nds, 2020-2021, Soccer, 2017-2020. Duong, Daniel (DER, 2015) Vice Captain of Taekwondo, 2017, Awards: Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2017, Prize for English, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2017, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2017-2019, House Charity, 2017, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Table Tennis, 2018, Music, 20172020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Chess, 2019, Circuit Training, 2019, Computer Skills, 2019, Create Music, 2017, da Vinci Decathlon – National Championships: Third Prize, 2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018, Debating, 2017, Music Theory, 2017, Robotics, 2018, School Choir, 2015, Exempt Winter, 2017, Fencing, 20182020, Table Tennis, 2017-2019, Table Tennis: 2nds Gold, 2020-2021. Evans, Lachlan William (SCO, 2007) Awards: Half Colours Athletics, 2018, House: Athletics, 2019-2020, Athletics: Gold Award, 2018, Athletics: Silver Medallist, 2020, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2019, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Basketball Tour – USA, 2018, Chess, 2019, Community Service, 2017, Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, Darts, 2019, Photography and Digital Media, 2017, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2018, AGSV Athletics, 2018, Athletics, 2017-2019, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 3rds Blue, 2020-2021, Soccer, 2017-2020. Ewens, Benjamin Jack (MAC, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2018, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2018-2020, Swimming, 2017, 2019, Activities: Chess, 2019, Circuit Training, 2017, Computer Club, 2018, Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, Cycling, 2017-2018, French Film Classics, 2019, School Choir, 2015, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 2nds Blue, 20202021, Football, 2017-2020. Feldt, Nicholas Samuel Arthur (SUM, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Technical Crew, 2017, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Chinese Club, 2019, Circuit Training, 2017, Computer Skills, 2019, Cycling, 2018-2019, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2019, Robotics, 2018, School Choir, 2015, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2017, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021, Soccer, 2017-2020. Fodor, Jasper Peter (ROB, 2015) Captain of Swimming, 2020, House Captain, 2020, School Prefect, 2020, Vice Captain of Swimming, 2019, Awards: Full Colours Swimming, 2017-2018, Half Colours Water Polo, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2020, Debating: Cast, 2018, Drama: Cast, 20182019, House Charity, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2017-

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2020, Swimming, 2017, 2019, Swimming: Gold Medallist, 2018, Swimming: Silver Medallist, 2017, Activities: Basketball Tour – USA, 2018, Create Music, 2017, Film Classics, 2018, French Film Classics, 2018-2019, Golf, 2019, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Middle School Sports Mentor, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2016, Swimming, 2017, 2019, AGSV Swimming, 2019, AGSV Swimming: Bronze Medallist, 2018, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 2nds Blue, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020, Swimming: Squad, 2020, Water Polo, 2017-2019. Fogarty, George Bartley (CLI, 2016) Awards: Half Colours Debating, 2020, House: Athletics, 20172020, Chess, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Cast, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Table Tennis, 2018, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2017, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, Create Music, 2017, Debating, 2018-2019, English Enhancement, 2018, Film Classics, 2018, School Play, 2017, Real Tennis, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 4ths Gold, 2020-2021. Fok, Michael Kei Wa (SCO, 2015) Cadet Corporal, 2019, Cadet Sergeant, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Cast, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2017-2019, Swimming, 2017, 2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017-2020, Community Service: Cadet Kew RSL, 2017, School Choir, 2015-2016, School Tour Guide, 2019, Senior School Orchestra, 2017, The MCC Cup: First Prize, 2019, Badminton, 2017-2018, Soccer, 2017-2020, Taekwondo, 2019, Taekwondo: Squad, 2020-2021. Fraser, Kaelan (STE, 2012) Awards: Australian Brain Bee Challenge State Final: Individual Event: Winner, 2018, Australian Brain Bee Challenge State Final: Team Event: First Place, 2018, Australian National Chemistry Quiz: Distinction, 2019, Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2017-2018, Full Colours Music, 2020, Half Colours Music, 2019, House Colours, 2020, ICAS Science Competition: High Distinction, 2017-2018, Prize for Chemistry, 2019, Prize for Latin, 2019-2020, Prize Giving, 2020, Scholar of the School, 2020, House: Athletics, 20172020, Cross Country, 2017-2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2018, 2020, Music: Instrumentalist, 2017, 20192020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, ASPIRE International Youth Music Festival, 2017, ASSO (Australian Students Space Organization), 2017, Chamber Music, 2017-2020, Chess, 2019, Computer Skills, 2019, da Vinci Decathlon – National Championships: Third Prize, 2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018, Dulcie Holland Quartet, 2020, Gardening with Rotary Interact Club, 2017, Highton Strings, 2017-2020, Music Theory, 2017, Robotics, 2018, Senior School Orchestra, 2017-2019, Senior School String Orchestra, 2018, 2020, Twilight Ensemble, 20182019, Hockey, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 3rds Blue, 2020-2021. Froutzis, Kosta (SCO, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Cast, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017, 2019, Activities: Community Service, 2017, Darts, 2019, Fitness, 2017-2018, Learn to Sew, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2018, Middle School Sports Mentor, 2019, Football, 2018-2020, Soccer, 2017, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 3rds Blue, 2020-2021. Garnham, James Andrew (MAC, 2015) House Captain, 2020, School Prefect, 2020, Awards: Alliance Francaise Berthe Mouchette Competition: Semi-Finalist, 2018, Alliance Francaise Written Examination: State Finalist, 2017, Australian National Chemistry Quiz: Distinction, 2019, Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2017-2020, Full Colours Debating, 2019-2020, Half Colours Debating, 2018,

ICAS Science Competition: High Distinction, 2018, Prize for Chemistry, 2019-2020, Prize for Classical Studies Units 3 & 4, 2019, Prize for English, 2020, Prize for Excellence in Mathematics, 2019, Prize for Latin, 2019-2020, Prize for Service to the School, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, The Michael Bula Prize for French, 2019-2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Debating, 20172018, 2020, Drama: Chorus/Ensemble, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2018-2019, Music: Conductor, 2020, Music: Instrumentalist, 2017, 2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: CGS Big Band, 2018, da Vinci Decathlon – National Championships: Third Prize, 2018, Darts, 2017, 2019, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018-2019, DAV Inter-School Debating: Runner Up, 2019, Debating, 2019, English Enhancement, 2017-2018, Fitness, 2018, French Film Classics, 2018-2019, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Middle School Sports Mentor, 2019, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2018, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2017, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 4ths Mitre, 2020-2021, Soccer, 2017-2020. Ghelani, Kunal (MAC, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Debating, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Table Tennis, 2018, Music, 2018-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Community Service, 2018, Cycling, 2017, 2019, Darts, 2019, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018, Gardening with Rotary Interact Club, 2017, Learn to Sew, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2016, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2018, Soccer, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 3rds Gold, 2020-2021. Golz, Christopher Angus (STE, 2015) Awards: Prize for Accounting, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2017, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Basketball Tour – USA, 2018, Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, Darts, 2019, Debating, 2018, Film Classics, 2018, Fitness, 2017, Martial Arts, 2017, Trivial Pursuit, 2019, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 2nds Blue, 2020-2021, Hockey, 2017-2020. Gong, Geoffrey Zhiming (STE, 2015) Cadet Corporal, 2018, Captain of the School, 2020, School Prefect, 2020, Awards: Cadet Junior Leader Course, 2017, Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2017-2020, Full Colours Music, 2019-2020, Half Colours Music, 2019, Lord Mayor’s Foundation: Youth in Philanthropy Program, 2019, Prize for Economics, 2020, Prize for English, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, Scholar of the School, 2020, The Ivan Smith Memorial Prize for Scholarship,Leadership,Games & Arts, 2020, The John Hunter Patterson Foundation Prize for Captain of the School, 2020, House Activities: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Shield Appeal, 2019, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Debating, 2017-2018, 2020, Drama: Actor and Director, 2019, Drama: Cast, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2017, 2020, Music: Conductor, 2020, Music: Instrumentalist, 2018-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, School Activities: ASPIRE International Youth Music Festival, 2017, Basketball Tour – USA, 2018, Cadets, 2017-2018, Carol Choir, 2019, CGS Drumline, 2017, 2019-2020, Chamber Music, 2017-2020, Community Service: Cadet Kew RSL, 2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2017-2019, Dulcie Holland Quartet, 2020, Elva Allan Chamber Ensemble, 20172020, English Enhancement, 2017-2018, Highton Strings, 2017-2020, Highton Strings: Group Leader, 2020, Music Academy, 2019-2020, Rotary Interact Club, 2020, School Choir, 2015-2017, Senior Choir, 2017-2020, Senior School Orchestra, 2017-2020, Senior School Orchestra: Group Leader, 2020, Senior School String Orchestra, 2018, 2020, Twilight Ensemble, 2017-2019, Athletics, 2019, Basketball, 2018-2019, Basketball: 2nds Blue, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020, Football: 1sts, 2020, Kayaking, 2017.

House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017-2020, School Choir, 2015, Soccer, 2017-2020, Table Tennis, 2017-2019, Table Tennis: 2nds Blue, 2020-2021. Heavey, Timothy John (CLI, 2012) House: Athletics, 2017, 2019-2020, Cross Country, 20182019, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2017, Multi Sport Competition: Table Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2018, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Cadets, 2017, Darts, 2019, Golf, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, School Choir, 2014, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2018, Basketball: 4ths Gold, 2020-2021, Cricket, 2017-2019, Football, 20172020, Water Polo, 2017-2018. Henderson, Alistair James (BRI, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: CGS/Canterbury Girls Production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’: Choir, 2018, Chess, 2018, English Enhancement, 2018, Fitness, 2017, French Film Classics, 2018, School Choir, 2015-2017, Senior Choir, 2017, Senior School Orchestra, 2017-2019, Towards 2050 Sustainability Committee, 2019, Basketball: 4ths Mitre, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2019, Triathlon, 2017-2018, Water Polo, 2017-2019. Henderson, Timothy William (SCO, 2017) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Computer Club, 2017, Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, Darts, 2019, Swimming, 2017, 2019, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2018, Baseball, 2017-2019, Swimming, 2017-2020. Hicks, Benjamin James Martin (BRI, 2007) House: Athletics, 2017-2019, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Chess, 20182019, Chinese Club, 2019, Stage Craft, 2017, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 4ths Mitre, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020. Hindhaugh, Benjamin James (SCO, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 20172019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Community Service, 2017, Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, Darts, 2019, Debating, 2018, Photography and Digital Media, 2017, Trivial Pursuit, 2019, Basketball, 2019, Basketball: 3rds Blue, 20202021, Cricket, 2017-2018, Football, 2017, 20192020, Football: 1sts, 2018.

Excellence, 2017-2018, Full Colours Debating, 2019-2020, Half Colours Debating, 2018, ICAS Science Competition: High Distinction, 2017, Lord Mayor’s Foundation: Youth in Philanthropy Program, 2018, Prize for English, 2019, Prize for Further Mathematics Units 3 & 4, 2020, Prize for Legal Studies, 2019, Prize Giving, 2020, The Michael Wyatt Prize for Global Politics, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2019, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Debating, 2017-2018, 2020, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2017-2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 20172019, Activities: British Parliamentary Debating Grand Final: Runner Up, 2019, Cadets, 2017-2020, da Vinci Decathlon – National Championships: Third Prize, 2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018-2019, DAV Inter-School Debating: Runner Up, 2019, English Enhancement, 2018, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Middle School Sports Mentor, 2019, Cricket, 2017-2019, Cricket: 3rds, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020. Hopkins, Ruben James (SCO, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Shield Appeal, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Cast, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Darts, 2018, Fitness, 2017, French Film Classics, 2018-2019, Golf, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, Swimming, 2017, AGSV Athletics, 2019, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 2nds Blue, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020, Water Polo, 2017-2018. How, Chris (DER, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2018, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Cross Country: Third Place, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2018, Music: Accompanist, 20182020, Music: Instrumentalist, 2017, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Chinese Club, 2019, Community Service, 2018, Cycling, 2017, 2019, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018, Gardening with Rotary Interact Club, 2017, Learn to Sew, 2019, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2018, Basketball: 4ths Gold, 2020-2021, Orienteering, 2017-2018, Soccer, 2017-2020, Squash, 2019. Howard, Carson Richardson (SUM, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Cast, 2019, House Charity, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, CGS/Canterbury Girls’ Production ‘Urinetown’: Cast and Chorus, 2020, Community Service, 2017, Create Music, 2017, Fitness, 2018, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, Towards 2050 Sustainability Committee, 2019, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 4ths Mitre, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020. Howden, Max Samuel (SUM, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Cast, 2019, House Charity, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 20172019, Activities: Cadets, 2017, Chess, 2019, Computer Club, 2018, French Film Classics, 2018-2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2016, Senior School Concert Band, 2017, Swimming, 2017, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 3rds Blue, 20202021, Football, 2017-2020, Water Polo, 2017, 2019.

Hodges, Rohan David (CLI, 2015) Cadet Sergeant, 2019-2020, Captain of Debating and Public Speaking, 2020, School Prefect, 2020, Awards: Australian Brain Bee Challenge State Final: Team Event: First Place, 2018, Australian History Competition: High Distinction, 2017, Certificate of Academic

Huang, Haotian (MAC, 2017) Awards: Australian Brain Bee Challenge State Final: Team Event: First Place, 2018, Certificate

of Academic Excellence, 2017-2020, Half Colours Debating, 2018, Lord Mayor’s Foundation: Youth in Philanthropy Program, 2018, Prize for 20th Century History, 2019, Prize for Biology, 2019, Prize for Excellence in Mathematics, 2020, Prize for Mathematical Methods Units 3 & 4, 2019, Prize for Physics, 2019, Prize Giving, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2018, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Debating, 2017-2018, Drama: Cast, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Badminton, 2018, Music, 20182020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: CGS/Canterbury Girls Production: ‘Hamlet’: Cast, 2019, Chess, 2019, Circuit Training, 2019, Create Music, 2017, da Vinci Decathlon – National Championships: Third Prize, 2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018, Debating, 2018-2019, English Enhancement, 2017, Gardening with Rotary Interact Club, 2017, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Tournament of Minds, 2018, Badminton, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017, Lawn Bowls, 2019, Swimming, 2020-2021. Huang, Thomas Isaac (MAC, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Technical Crew, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Badminton, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Board Games & Playing Cards, 2018, China Study Tour, 2019, China Tour, 2019, Chinese Club, 2018, Community Service, 2017, Computer Club, 2017, Robotics, 2019, Senior School Concert Band, 2018-2020, Senior School Orchestra, 20192020, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2019, Badminton, 2017-2018, Fencing, 2017-2020, Volleyball, 2019, Volleyball: 2nds Blue, 2020. Huang, Yuheng (Blake) (SCO, 2018) House: Athletics, 2019-2020, Cross Country, 2019, Swimming, 2019, Activities: Chinese Club, 2019, Circuit Training, 20182019, French Film Classics, 2019, Badminton, 2020, Basketball, 2019, Basketball: 4ths Gold, 2020-2021, Soccer, 2019. Hunting, Joseph Miles (STE, 2010) Cadet Sergeant, 2019, Cadet Under Officer, 2020, Awards: Prize for 20th Century History, 2019, House: Athletics, 20172020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Cross Country: Official, 2020, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017-2020, Community Service: Cadet Kew RSL, 2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018, School Choir, 2014-2016, Swimming, 2019, Cross Country, 2017, 2019, Kayaking, 2017-2019, Kayaking: Squad, 2020-2021. Iacobucci, Daniel (ROB, 2015) Awards: Prize for Chinese Language, Culture and Society Units 1& 2, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, House: Athletics, 20172020, Chess, 2018, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2018, 2020, House Charity, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017, Darts, 2018-2019, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018-2019, Debating, 2018, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Middle School Sports Mentor, 2019, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2019, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2019, Athletics, 2017, Basketball, 2019, Basketball: 4ths Mitre, 2020-2021, Cricket, 2017-2018, Soccer, 2017-2020. Ireland, Thomas Peter (CLI, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Drama: Technical Crew, 2019, House Service: Tennis, 2017, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2017, Music, 20172020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Circuit Training, 2018, Community Service, 2017, Contemporary Documentaries, 2018-2019, Fitness, 2017, French Film Classics, 2019, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2017, Senior Choir, 2017, Athletics, 2017, Cycling: Squad, 2020-2021, Hockey, 2017-2020, Orienteering, 2017-2019.

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Hanna, Youssef (SUM, 2015)


Jenzen, Mitchell Charles (DER, 2015)

Kotecha, Vishal (MAC, 2015)

Awards: Prize for General Mathematics, 2019, Prize for Studio Arts, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Drama: Technical Crew, 2019, House Charity, 2017, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Table Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2018, Activities: Board Games & Playing Cards, 2018, Computer Club, 2017, English Enhancement, 2017, Learn to Sew, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2016, School Service, 2017, School Tour Guide, 2019, Trivial Pursuit, 2018, Basketball, 2017, Multi Skills Development, 2017-2019, Multi Skills Development: Squad, 2020, Volleyball, 2018-2019, Volleyball: 2nds Blue, 2020-2021.

Awards: Lord Mayor’s Foundation: Youth in Philanthropy Program, 2018, Prize for Accounting, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Shield Appeal, 2019, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Debating, 2017, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2018-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Board Games & Playing Cards, 2018, Cycling, 2017, 2019, Darts, 2019, School Service, 2017, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2018, Soccer, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 3rds Blue, 2020-2021.

Jia, Zhicheng (Jacky) (ROB, 2017) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, House Charity, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017-2018, Circuit Training, 2019, Cooking and Food Preparation, 2019, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2019, AGSV Athletics, 2017, Athletics, 2017, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 4ths Mitre, 20202021, Soccer, 2017-2020. Kabourakis, Sam (SUM, 2013) Awards: Half Colours Table Tennis, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2019, Cross Country, 2017-2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Table Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Chess, 2019, Contemporary Documentaries, 20182019, Cycling, 2017, Fitness, 2017, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, Soccer, 2017-2020, Table Tennis, 2017-2018, Table Tennis: 1sts, 2019-2021. Kalas, Christos (MAC, 2012) Vice Captain of Soccer, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017, 20192020, Cross Country, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2019, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2019, Chess, 2018-2019, Cycling, 2017, Fitness, 2017, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, Soccer, 2017, 2019-2020, Soccer: 1sts, 2018-2020, Table Tennis, 2017-2019, Table Tennis: 2nds Gold, 2020-2021. Kimmitt, Benjamin Joseph (CLI, 2014) House: Athletics, 2017, 2019-2020, Cross Country, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2017, Music, 2017, Swimming, 2017, Activities: Computer Club, 2017, Contemporary Documentaries, 2018, Create Music, 2017, School Choir, 2014, Silent Reading Group, 2018, Basketball, 2017-2018, Exempt Summer, 2019-2021, Exempt Winter, 2019, Football, 2018, 2020, Soccer, 2017. Kitchener, Dylan James (CLI, 2015) Awards: Prize Giving, 2020, The E.O. Romcke Memorial Prize for History, 2020, The Trevor Hart Memorial Prize for History, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Badminton, 2018, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2017, Music, 2017-2019, Music: Conductor, 2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017, Cafe Research, 2019, Circuit Training, 2018, Golf, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2018, School Choir, 2015-2016, Senior Choir, 2017, Senior School Orchestra, 2017, Towards 2050 Sustainability Committee, 2019, Athletics, 2019, Basketball: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021, Hockey, 2017-2020, Kayaking, 2017-2019. Koppelman, Daniel Paul (BRI, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2019, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, Create Music, 2017, Darts, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, Photography and Digital Media, 2017, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2018, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 4ths Mitre, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020.

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Kotsimbos, Dean (BRI, 2008) House: Athletics, 2017-2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Chess, 2018, Chinese Club, 2019, Community Service, 2017, Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, Martial Arts, 2017, Football, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017-2019. Lack, Ethan Connor (CLI, 2015) Cadet Sergeant, 2019-2020, Vice Captain of Volleyball, 2020, Awards: Cadet Award for Service: Co-ordinator, 2020, Half Colours Volleyball, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2019, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Drama: Cast, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Badminton, 2018, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2017, Music, 20172020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017-2020, Community Service: Cadet Kew RSL, 2018, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Middle School Sports Mentor, 2019, School Tour Guide, 2019, Football, 2017-2020, Volleyball, 2017-2018, Volleyball: 1sts, 2019-2021.

Program, 2019, Middle School Sports Mentor, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2017, Senior Choir, 2017-2020, Senior School Orchestra, 2017, Sports Academy, 2019, Swimming, 2017, Trivial Pursuit, 2019, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2018, AGSV Athletics, 2017-2019, AGSV Athletics: Bronze Medallist, 2017, AGSV Athletics: Silver Medallist, 2017, AGSV Basketball: Emergency, 2020, Athletics, 2017-2019, Basketball: 1sts, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2019, Cross Country: Bronze Medallist, 2017. Lay, Dylan Tahe (SUM, 2015) Awards: Full Colours Swimming, 2017-2018, Prize for Swimming, 2017, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Swimming: Silver Medallist, 2017, Activities: Circuit Training, 2019, Computer Club, 2018, Cycling, 2017-2019, School Choir, 2015, Swimming, 2017, 2019, AGSV Swimming, 2019, AGSV Swimming: Bronze Medallist, 2018, AGSV Swimming: Silver Medallist, 2018, Soccer, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2021, Water Polo, 2017. Le, Nathan (SUM, 2012) Awards: Prize for Accounting Units 3 & 4, 2019, Prize for Further Mathematics Units 3 & 4, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cafe Research, 2018, Darts, 2019, Learn to Sew, 2019, Martial Arts, 2017, School Service, 2017, Silent Reading Group, 2018, Trivial Pursuit, 2019, Basketball, 2018-2019, Basketball: 4ths Gold, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020, Table Tennis, 2017, Water Polo, 2017.

Lai, Mark (SUM, 2017)

Lee, Brandon Tze-En (BRI, 2015)

Awards: Prize for Economics, 2019, House: Athletics, 20172020, Chess, 2017, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Technical Crew, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Badminton, 2018, Music, 20172020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cafe Research, 2019, Chess, 2019, Circuit Training, 2018, Community Service, 2017, Cycling, 2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2019, Golf, 2019, Senior School Orchestra, 2017-2019, Senior School String Orchestra, 2020, Stage Craft, 2017, Soccer, 2017-2020, Table Tennis, 2017-2019, Table Tennis: 2nds Gold, 2020-2021.

House: Athletics, 2017-2019, Athletics: Photography, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Photography, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 20172019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Community Service, 2017-2019, French/Art Study Tour – Paris, 2019, Gardening with Rotary Interact Club, 2017-2018, Learn to Sew, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2016, Senior School Orchestra, 2017-2018, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2017, 2019, Badminton, 2020, Soccer, 2017-2019, Tennis, 2017-2018, Volleyball, 2019, Volleyball: 2nds Blue, 2020-2021.

Laurence, Gurtaran (Taran) Singh (DER, 2015) Captain of Basketball, 2020, Prefect Responsible for Faith & Social Justice, 2020, Prefect Responsible for Junior & Middle School Liaison, 2020, School Prefect, 2020, Vice Captain of Cross Country, 2020, Awards: Full Colours Basketball, 2020, Full Colours Cross Country, 2018, Half Colours Athletics, 2018-2019, Prize for Basketball: Most Valuable Player, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, The Bob Gibson Award for the Outstanding Year 10 Sportsman, 2018, The C W Scott Memorial Prize for the Best All Round Sportsman, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Athletics: Gold Medallist, 2017, Athletics: Silver Medallist, 2018, Cross Country, 2018, Cross Country: First Place, 2018, Cross Country: Gold Medallist, 2017, Cross Country: Second Place, 20192020, Drama: Technical Crew, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, School Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Basketball Tour – USA, 2018, Community Service, 2017, DAV InterSchool Debating, 2018, Junior School Reading

Leung, Justin Aidan (ROB, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2019, Athletics: Photography, 20192020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2017-2018, 2020, Photographer, 2017, Swimming, 2017, 2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Community Service, 2017, Contemporary Documentaries, 2018, Photography and Digital Media, 2017, Robotics, 2019, School Choir, 2015, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2019, Orienteering, 2017-2019, Orienteering: Squad, 2020-2021, Soccer, 2017-2020. Lewison, Matthew Thomas (MAC, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 20182019, Drama: Chorus/Ensemble, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2018-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cafe Research, 2019, Circuit Training, 2017-2018, Cycling, 2017-2018, Golf, 2019, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Middle School Sports Mentor, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2016, Towards 2050 Sustainability Committee, 2019, Cricket, 2017-2018, Cricket: 1sts, 2019-2021, Hockey, 20172020, Water Polo, 2017-2019.

Li, Jason Xinhao (BRI, 2015)


Rotary Interact Club: Treasurer, 2019, Awards: Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2019-2020, Half Colours Music, 2020, Lord Mayor’s Foundation: Youth in Philanthropy Program, 2018, Prize for Mathematical Methods 1 & 2 (Year 10), 2019, Prize Giving, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2017, 2019, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2017, Drama, 2019, Drama: Cast, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2019, Music: Conductor, 2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017, Chess, 2018, Circuit Training, 20182019, Cycling, 2018, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Learn to Sew, 2019, Middle School Sports Mentor, 2019, Rotary Interact Club, 2020, Senior Choir, 2018-2020, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2018, Senior School Orchestra, 2017-2018, Swimming, 2017, 2019, Soccer, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2021, Water Polo, 2017. Li, Weigang (William) (ROB, 2015) Cadet Corporal, 2019, Cadet Sergeant, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, House Charity, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Badminton, 2018, Music, 2017, 20192020, Music: Instrumentalist, 2018, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017-2020, School Choir, 2015-2016, School Tour Guide, 2019, Senior School Concert Band, 20172020, Senior School Orchestra, 2019-2020, USA Space Camp, 2017, Badminton, 2017, 2019-2020, Badminton: 1sts, 2018, 2020, Soccer, 2017-2018, Taekwondo, 2019, Taekwondo: Squad, 2020. Liaw, Alexander Geoffrey (BRI, 2012) Awards: Half Colours Music, 2020, House: Athletics, 20172020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2019, Carol Choir, 2017, 2019, Community Service, 2017, Create Music, 2018-2019, Fitness, 2017, Flute Ensemble, 2019-2020, School Choir, 2014-2017, Senior Choir, 2017-2020, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2020, Senior School Orchestra, 2019-2020, Silent Reading Group, 2018, Twilight Ensemble, 2019, Badminton, 2020, Cross Country, 2017, 2019, Tennis, 20172019, Tennis: 3rds Gold, 2020-2021. Lim, Matthew Weng Kong (SCO, 2015) Vice Captain of Tennis, 2020, House Vice Captain, Awards: Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2019-2020, Half Colours Tennis, 2018, 2020, Prize for English, 2019, Prize for Excellence in Mathematics, 2019, Prize for Mathematical Methods, 2020, Prize for Specialist Mathematics, 2019, Prize Giving, 2020, Scholar of the School, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2018, Drama: Cast, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017, 2020, Music: Instrumentalist, 2018-2019, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: CGS Big Band, 2018, CGS Drumline, 2017-2018, Community Service, 2017, Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Participation, 2018, Golf, 2019, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Learn to Sew, 2019, Middle School Sports Mentor, 2019, Photography and Digital Media, 2017, School Choir, 2015-2017, Senior Choir, 2018-2020, Senior School Concert Band, 2017, Athletics, 2018, Hockey, 20172019, Soccer, 2020, Tennis: 1sts, 2017-2021, Water Polo, 2017-2018. Ling, Christian Dylan Kai Seng (STE, 2015) Awards: Alliance Francaise Written Examination: State Finalist, 2017, Half Colours Table Tennis, 2019-2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Table Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: ASSO (Australian Students Space Organization), 2017, Computer Club, 2019, Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, Cycling,

2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018, French Film Classics, 2019, Gardening with Rotary Interact Club, 2017, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2018, Soccer, 2017-2020, Table Tennis, 2017, Table Tennis: 1sts, 2018-2021. Liu, Hao (Sean) (SUM, 2015) Awards: Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2019-2020, Prize for English, 2020, Prize for Mathematical Methods, 2020, Prize for Visual Communication Design, 2019, Prize Giving, 2020, The Campbell Thorn Prize for Visual Communication Design, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2017, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Technical Crew, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2020, Music: Conductor, 2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2019, Community Service, 2017, Computer Club, 2017, Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, Cooking and Food Preparation, 2019, Cycling, 2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2019, English Enhancement, 2018, Robotics, 2018, Rotary Interact Club, 2020, School Choir, 2015-2016, Senior Choir, 2019-2020, Senior School Orchestra, 2017-2018, Badminton, 2019-2020, Badminton: 1sts, 2020, Hockey, 2017-2018, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 2nds, 2020-2021.

Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2017, Drama, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Badminton, 2018, Music, 2017-2018, Music: Accompanist, 2020, Music: Instrumentalist, 2019-2020, Swimming, 20172019, Activities: CGS Chorale, 2020, Community Service, 2018, Cycling, 2017-2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018, Gardening with Rotary Interact Club, 2017, Learn to Sew, 2019, School Choir, 2014-2016, Senior Choir, 2018-2020, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2019, Badminton, 2017-2018, Soccer, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2019-2021. Maes, David (STE, 2017) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2018, Swimming: Official, 2019, Activities: Chinese Club, 2019, Circuit Training, 2017-2018, Create Music, 2019, Cycling, 2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2019, English Enhancement, 2017, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, Photography and Digital Media, 2017, Football, 2020, Soccer, 2017-2019, Tennis, 2017, Tennis: 1sts, 2018-2021.

Long, David (SUM, 2014)

Manikoth, Bharat (DER, 2015)

House: Athletics, 2017-2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Contemporary Documentaries, 20182019, French Film Classics, 2018, Gardening with Rotary Interact Club, 2017, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2017, Exempt Summer, 2019-2021, Exempt Winter, 2019-2020, Hockey, 2017-2018, Lawn Bowls, 2017-2018.

House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2017, 2019, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2018, 2020, Drama: Sound Operator, 2018, Drama: Technical Crew, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017-2019, Chess, 2018, Community Service: Cadet Kew RSL, 2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018, Debating, 2017, French/Art Study Tour – Paris, 2019, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Learn to Sew, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, Middle School Sports Mentor, 2019, Senior School Orchestra, 2017-2018, USA Space Camp, 2017, Fencing, 2017-2020, Table Tennis, 20172019, Table Tennis: 2nds Gold, 2020-2021.

Lord, Sam Michael (DER, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Chess, 2019, Community Service, 2017, Create Music, 2019, English Enhancement, 2018, Fitness, 2017-2018, French/Art Study Tour – Paris, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2018, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2019, Cricket, 2017-2019, Cricket: 3rds, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020. Ly, Liam Thai (BRI, 2012) Awards: Half Colours Music, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, The Abhishek Gaurav Award for Endeavour, 2019, The Todhunter Family Spectemur Agendo Prize for Service to the School, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2017, 2019, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross

Marcus, Emmanuel Daniel (DER, 2009) Awards: Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2017-2020, Prize for Chemistry, 2020, Prize for Legal Studies, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2018, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2017-2018, House Charity, 2017, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Chess, 2019, Circuit Training, 2017, 2019, Computer Club, 2018, Computer Skills, 2019, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018, English Enhancement, 2017, Fitness, 2017, School Choir, 2014-2016, Trivial Pursuit, 2018, Cricket, 2017-2019, Soccer, 2017-2020, Tennis: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021.

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Matthews, Luke Andrew (BRI, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 20172019, Activities: Community Service, 2017, Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, Debating, 2019, Fitness, 2018, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, Photography and Digital Media, 2017, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2018, Twilight Ensemble, 2017, Cricket, 2017-2019, Cricket: 2nds, 20202021, Football, 2017, Soccer, 2018-2020. McAuley, Kieran Nicholas (CLI, 2015) Awards: Alliance Francaise Poetry Recitation: State Finalist, 2017, Australian Brain Bee Challenge State Final: Team Event: First Place, 2018, Australian National Chemistry Quiz: Excellence Award, 2019, Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2018-2020, Half Colours Music, 2020, Prize for English Literature, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2017-2018, 2020, Drama: Cast, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2017-2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Carol Choir, 2017, 2019, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’: Choir, 2018, Create Music, 2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018-2019, Debating, 2017-2018, English Enhancement, 2017-2018, Flute Ensemble, 2019-2020, Jogging, 2017, 2019, Learn to Sew, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2017, Senior Choir, 2017-2020, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2020, Senior School Orchestra, 2019, Hockey, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021. McCuaig, Felix Lucien (SCO, 2015) Captain of Orienteering, 2020, Awards: Australian National Chemistry Quiz: Distinction, 2019, Full Colours Orienteering, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017, 2019-2020, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Drama: Actor, Writer and Director, 2019, Drama: Sound Operator, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017, 2019, Activities: Contemporary Documentaries, 2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2019, English Enhancement, 2017, Fitness, 2017, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, Robotics, 2019, School Choir, 2015, Stage Craft, 2017, Athletics, 2017, Cross Country, 2017, 2020, Futsal, 2019, Orienteering, 2019, Orienteering: Squad, 2020-2021, Soccer, 2018, Tennis, 2017-2018. McGlone, Hugh Alexander James (DER, 2015) Cadet Sergeant, 2019, Rotary Interact Club: Vice President, 2019, School Prefect, 2020, Senior Cadet Under Officer, 2020, Awards: Cadet Adventure Training Award, 2020, Cadet Senior Leader Course, 2018, Full Colours Music, 2020, Half Colours Music, 2019, House Colours, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, The Cadet Leadership Prize (Gift of The Taplin Family), 2020, The F W Cheshire Prize for Outstanding Service to the School, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Cadet Memorial Church Service, 2018, Community Service Volunteer: Tour Guides, 2018, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Debating, 2018, Drama: Cast, 2017-2019, House Charity, 2017, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Music: Conductor, 2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017-2020, Carol Choir, 2018, CGS Big Band, 2019, CGS Chorale, 2019-2020, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’: Cast, 2018, CGS/Canterbury Girls’ Production ‘Urinetown’: Cast – Lead Actor, 2020, Community Service, 2017, 2019, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Middle School Sports Mentor, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2017, School Tour Guide, 2019, Senior Choir, 2017-2020, Senior School Concert Band, 20172019, Senior School Orchestra, 2019-2020, Senior Stage Band, 2018-2020, The MCC Cup: First Prize, 2019, Twilight Ensemble, 2017, 2019, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 4ths Mitre, 2020-2021, Cross Country, 2017, 2019, Football, 2020. Ming Jin Low (SUM, 2015) Vice Captain of Volleyball, 2020, House Vice Captain, Awards: Australian Mathematics Competition: High Distinction, 2017, Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2018, Computational

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and Algorithmic Thinking Competition: Distinction, 2019, Half Colours Volleyball, 2020, ICAS Science Competition: High Distinction, 2018, House Colours, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2017, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama, 2017, Drama: Cast, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: CGS/Canterbury Girls’ Production ‘Urinetown’: Cast and Chorus, 2020, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production: ‘Hamlet’: Cast, 2019, Community Service, 2017, Computer Club, 2017, Contemporary Documentaries, 2018, Learn to Sew, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, School Choir, 2015, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2020, Trivial Pursuit, 2019, USA Space Camp, 2017, AGSV Volleyball, 2020, Soccer, 20172020, Volleyball, 2017-2018, Volleyball: 1sts, 2019-2021. Monckton, Hamish Francis (MAC, 2015) Awards: Alliance Francaise Berthe Mouchette Competition: Semi-Finalist, 2018, Alliance Francaise Written Examination: State Finalist, 2017, Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2019-2020, Full Colours Debating, 2020, Full Colours Music, 2020, ICAS Science Competition: High Distinction, 2018, Prize for English Language, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Debating, 2018, 2020, Drama: Cast, 2019, Drama: Sound Operator, 2018, Drama: Technical Crew, 2017, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2018, Music, 2018-2019, Music: Conductor, 2020, Music: Instrumentalist, 2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: CGS/Canterbury Girls Production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’: Choir, 2018, CGS/Canterbury Girls’ Production ‘Urinetown’: Cast and Chorus, 2020, Chamber Music, 20192020, Circuit Training, 2019, Create Music, 2017, Cycling, 2017, Darts, 2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2019, Debating, 2019, English Enhancement, 2017-2018, Learn to Sew, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2017, Senior Choir, 2017-2020, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2020, Senior School Orchestra, 2017-2020, Twilight Ensemble, 2018-2019, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2018, Cross Country, 2020, Soccer, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 3rds Blue, 2020-2021. Murray, William Edward (CLI, 2008) Captain of Kayaking, 2020, Awards: Captain’s Cup for Kayaking, 2018, 2020, Full Colours Kayaking, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, House: Athletics, 2018-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Table Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Cadets, 2017, Carol Choir, 2017-2018, Chinese Club, 2019, Cycling, 2019, Robotics, 2018, School Choir, 2014-2016, Senior School Concert Band, 2017, Senior School Orchestra, 2017-2020, Hockey, 20172020, Kayaking, 2017-2019, Kayaking: Squad, 2020-2021. Neil, Lewis James (CLI, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2017, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2019, Basketball Tour – USA, 2018, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’: Choir, 2018, Darts, 2017, Film Classics, 2018, Fitness, 2017, Golf, 2019, Learn to Sew, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2018, School Choir, 2015-2016, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 4ths Gold, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020. Ng, Thomas Milan (BRI, 2015) Awards: Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2018-2020, Full Colours Debating, 2020, Full Colours Drama, 2020, Full Colours Music, 2020, Half Colours Debating, 2019, Half Colours Drama, 2019, Prize for Theatre Studies, 2019, House: Athletics, 20172020, Chess, 2017, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2017, 2020, Drama, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2019, Music: Conductor, 2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Carol Choir, 2019, CGS Chorale, 2019-2020, CGS/ Canterbury Girls Production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’: Choir, 2018, CGS/Canterbury Girls’ Production ‘Urinetown’: Cast – Lead Actor, 2020, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production: ‘Hamlet’: Cast, 2019, CGS/CGSC Production ‘Mnemonic’: Sound Operator, 2017, Chess, 2019, Contemporary Documentaries,

2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2019, DAV Inter-School Debating: Runner Up, 2019, English Enhancement, 2018, Fitness, 2017, French Film Classics, 2018-2019, Gardening with Rotary Interact Club, 2017, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, Senior Choir, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017, 2019-2020, Tennis, 20172019, Tennis: 2nds, 2020-2021. Nicholson, Thomas Talwar (MAC, 2015) Vice Captain of Football, 2020, Awards: Geography Teachers’ Association of Vic- VCE Certificates of Excellence, 2020, Prize for General Mathematics, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2018-2020, Swimming, 2017, 2019, Activities: Basketball Tour – USA, 2018, Community Service, 2017, Darts, 2018, Fitness, 2017-2018, French Film Classics, 2019, Golf, 2019, School Choir, 2015, Basketball, 2018-2019, Basketball: 4ths Gold, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017. Norman, Mitchell James Goode (STE, 2015) Awards: Prize Giving, 2020, The Taplin Family Prize for Geography, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Chess, 2019, Circuit Training, 2018, Computer Club, 2018, Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, French Film Classics, 2019, School Choir, 2015, School Service, 2017, Swimming, 2017, Cross Country, 2020, Football, 2017-2019, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 3rds Blue, 2020-2021, Water Polo, 2017-2019. Oh, Aidan Chi-Chien (MAC, 2007) Vice Captain of Snowsports, 2020, Awards: Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2017, Half Colours Music, 2020, Prize for Biology, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2018, Music, 2018-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, ASPIRE International Youth Music Festival, 2017, Chamber Music, 2017-2020, Create Music, 2017-2018, DAV InterSchool Debating, 2018-2019, Debating, 2017, French Film Classics, 2019, Highton Strings, 2017-2020, Music Academy, 2019-2020, Music Theory, 2017, School Choir, 2014-2016, Senior School Orchestra, 2017-2019, Senior School String Orchestra, 2018, 2020, Twilight Ensemble, 2018-2019, Snowsports, 2017-2019, Snowsports: Squad, 2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 4ths Gold, 2020-2021. Ooi, Aidan (MAC, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2018-2019, Music: Instrumentalist, 2020, Swimming, 2017, 2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017-2019, School Choir, 2015, Soccer, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 3rds Blue, 2020-2021. Osborne, Patrick Kenneth (BRI, 2018) House: Athletics, 2019-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Debating, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2019-2020, Swimming, 2018-2019, Activities: Chinese Club, 2018-2019, Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, Create Music, 2018, French/Art Study Tour – Paris, 2019, Golf, 2019, School Choir, 2014-2015, Soccer, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 3rds Blue, 2020-2021. Pang, Nicholas (SCO, 2016) Awards: Half Colours Music, 2020, House: Athletics, 20182020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 20172019, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: CGS Drumline, 2017-2020, Percussion Ensemble, 2017-2018, Photography and Digital Media, 2017, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2020, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2017, Badminton, 2020, Hockey, 2017-2019, Table Tennis, 20172019, Table Tennis: 2nds Gold, 2020-2021.

Awards: Full Colours Debating, 2020, Prize for Accounting, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 20182019, Debating, 2017-2018, 2020, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2019-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018-2020, Debating, 2018-2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, Trivial Pursuit, 2018, Basketball: 4ths Mitre, 2020-2021, Cricket, 2017-2019, Football, 2017-2020. Phan, Andrew Minh (SCO, 2016) Cadet Lance Corporal, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Badminton, 2018, Music, 20172020, Swimming, 2017, 2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017-2020, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2018, Athletics, 2019, Badminton, 2017-2018, Baseball, 2017-2019, Baseball: Squad, 2020, Basketball: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021, Cricket, 2019. Pollocks, Joshua Lucas (SUM, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Fitness, 2018, Gardening with Rotary Interact Club, 2017, Golf, 2019, Martial Arts, 2017, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, Silent Reading Group, 2018, Athletics, 2019, Cricket, 2017, Cricket: 1sts, 2018-2021, Football, 2017-2020.

Multi Sport Competition: Badminton, 2018, Music, 2018-2020, Swimming, 2017, 2019, Activities: China Study Tour, 2019, China Tour, 2019, Chinese Club, 2018, Community Service, 2017, Computer Club, 2017, Cycling, 2018, Robotics, 2019, School Choir, 2015, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2019, Hockey, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021. Reid, Mitchell Alexander (ROB, 2015) Awards: Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2019-2020, Full Colours Drama, 2018, Half Colours Debating, 2020, Half Colours Drama, 2017, 2020, ICAS Science Competition: High Distinction, 2017, Prize for CISCO Internetworking Program, 2019, Prize for Information Technology, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2018, Drama: Lighting Operator, 2018, Drama: Technical Crew, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: CGS/Canterbury Girls’ Production ‘Urinetown’: Technical Crew, 2020, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production: ‘Hamlet’: Stage Crew, 2019, CGS/CGSC Production ‘Mnemonic’: Lighting Operator, 2017, China Study Tour, 2019, China Tour, 2019, Cycling, 2017, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2019, Robotics, 2018-2019, School Choir, 2015, Stage Craft, 2017, Multi Skills Development, 2019, Multi Skills Development: Squad, 2020, Soccer, 2017-2018, Tennis, 20172019, Tennis: 4ths Gold, 2020-2021. Rice, Harry Alan Walter (SCO, 2014)

Awards: Prize for Physical Education, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017, Darts, 2019, Fitness, 2018, French Film Classics, 2019, School Choir, 2015, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2019, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020.

Prefect in Charge of Environment & Sustainability, 2020, School Prefect, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2020, Drama: Actor, Writer and Director, 2019, Drama: Cast, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Computer Club, 2018, Martial Arts, 2017, School Choir, 20142016, Silent Reading Group, 2018, Swimming, 2017, Towards 2050 Sustainability Committee, 2019, Cricket, 2017-2019, Cricket: 3rds, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020.

Powell, Oliver Harry (CLI, 2015)

Rogan, Patrick Rhys (SUM, 2015)

House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2017-2018, 2020, Drama: Cast, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2017-2018, Music, 2018-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Debating, 2018-2019, Photography and Digital Media, 2017, Robotics, 2019, School Service, 2017, Trivial Pursuit, 2018, Soccer, 20172020, Squash, 2017-2019, Squash: Squad, 2020-2021.

House Captain, 2020, School Prefect, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2017, 2020, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2019, Music: Instrumentalist, 2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Carol Choir, 2017, Community Service, 2017, Create Music, 2019, Film Classics, 2018, Fitness, 2017, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2016, Senior Choir, 2017-2020, Silent Reading Group, 2018, Trivial Pursuit, 2019, Athletics, 2019, Basketball, 2018-2019, Cricket, 2017, Cross Country, 2017, 2019-2020, Orienteering: Squad, 2020-2021.

Ponniah, Seth Indran (BRI, 2015)

Power, Matthew Declan (DER, 2015) Awards: Half Colours Basketball, 2020, Half Colours Swimming, 2018, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2018, Cross Country: Bronze Medallist, 2017, 2019, Cross Country: Third Place, 2020, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Basketball Tour – USA, 2018, Contemporary Documentaries, 2018, Create Music, 2017, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2019, French Film Classics, 2018, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, School Choir, 2015, Swimming, 2017, Towards 2050 Sustainability Committee, 2019, AGSV Athletics, 2019, AGSV Swimming: Bronze Medallist, 2018, Athletics, 2019, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 1sts, 2020-2021, Cross Country, 2017, 2019, Snowsports, 2018, Water Polo, 2017-2019. Qi, Samuel Yi-Shan (MAC, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Drama: Technical Crew, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019,

Rupar, Aleksandar (BRI, 2015) Captain of Archery, 2020, Awards: Alliance Francaise Berthe Mouchette Competition: Semi-Finalist, 2018, Alliance Francaise Poetry Recitation: State Finalist, 2017, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 20172018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 20172019, Activities: ASSO (Australian Students Space Organisation), 2017, CGS/ Canterbury Girls Production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’: Choir, 2018, Chinese Club, 2019, Darts, 2018, French Film Classics, 2018-2019, Gardening with Rotary Interact Club, 2017, Guitar Ensemble, 2017-2018, School Choir, 2015-2017, Senior Choir, 2017-2020, Senior School Guitar Ensemble, 2017, 2019, Archery, 2019, Archery: Squad, 2020-2021, Hockey, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017-2018.

Rush, Harry John Oxley (ROB, 2018) House: Athletics, 2019-2020, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Drama: Cast, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2019-2020, Swimming, 2018, Activities: Chess, 2019, Contemporary Documentaries, 2018-2019, Trivial Pursuit, 2019, Basketball, 2018-2019, Basketball: 2nds Blue, 2020-2021, Football, 2018-2020. Ryan, Alexander Jack (CLI, 2015) Awards: Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2019-2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Technical Crew, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2017, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cafe Research, 2018, Chess, 2019, Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, Cycling, 2017, French Film Classics, 2018-2019, School Choir, 2015-2016, School Service, 2017, USA Space Camp, 2017, Basketball, 20172019, Basketball: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021, Soccer, 2017-2020. Sandhu, Rowan Ashwin (DER, 2007) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2017-2018, Swimming, 2017-2018, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Create Music, 2018, Darts, 2019, English Enhancement, 2018, Fitness, 2017, French Film Classics, 2019, Gardening with Rotary Interact Club, 2017, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2019, Multi Skills Development: Squad, 2020, Soccer, 2017-2019, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021. Schwenk, Jack Henry (DER, 2015) Awards: Alliance Francaise Berthe Mouchette Competition, 2019, Alliance Francaise Berthe Mouchette Competition: SemiFinalist, 2018, Alliance Francaise Written Examination: State Finalist, 2017, Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2017-2020, Prize for Mathematical Methods 1 & 2 (Year 10), 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2018-2019, Drama: Cast, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2019, Fitness, 2018, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2018, Towards 2050 Sustainability Committee, 2019, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 3rds Blue, 20202021, Football, 2017-2020, Water Polo, 2017-2019. See, James (DER, 2012) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Technical Crew, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Badminton, 2018, Music, 20172020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Cadets, 2017, Debating, 2019, Film Classics, 2018, Learn to Sew, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, School Choir, 2014-2016, Senior Choir, 2017, Archery, 2019, Archery: Squad, 2020-2021, Badminton, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017, Multi Skills Development, 2018. Senior, Harry Edward (STE, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2018, Activities: Chess, 2019, Computer Club, 2018, Cycling, 2017, Golf, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2018-2019, School Service, 2017, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 4ths Mitre, 2020-2021, Soccer, 2017-2020. Shallcross, Andrew Bruce Donald (CLI, 2015) Cadet Corporal, 2019-2020, Awards: Cadet Award for Service: Co-ordinator, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017, 2019-2020, Chess, 2019, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Drama: Cast, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2017-2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017-2020, Community Service: Cadet Kew RSL, 2017, School Choir, 2015-2016, School Tour Guide, 2019, Senior Choir, 2017-2020, Senior School Concert Band, 2017, Multi Skills Development, 2019, Multi Skills Development: Squad, 2020, Soccer, 2017-2018, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021.

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Papadopoulos, Jarrod John (MAC, 2012)


Shi, Nathan (ROB, 2015) Captain of Table Tennis, 2019, Captain of Taekwondo, 2020, Awards: Full Colours Table Tennis, 2017-2018, 2020, Prize for Mathematical Methods 1 & 2 (Year 10), 2019, Prize for Table Tennis, 2018, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Chess, 2019, Chinese Club, 2019, Cycling, 2017-2018, English Enhancement, 2017-2018, Film Classics, 2017, Senior School Concert Band, 2017, Silent Reading Group, 2018, AGSV Table Tennis, 2017-2018, 2020, AGSV Table Tennis: Captain, 2019, Soccer, 2017-2020, Table Tennis: 1sts, 2017-2021. Shishkin, Eric (DER, 2007) Vice Captain of Snowsports, 2020, Awards: Half Colours Swimming, 2017, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Shield Appeal, 2019, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2018, Activities: DAV Inter-School Debating, 2020, Film Classics, 2018, School Choir, 2014-2016, Stage Craft, 2017, Swimming, 2017, Towards 2050 Sustainability Committee, 2018-2019, Snowsports, 2017-2019, Snowsports: Squad, 2020, Swimming, 2017-2021, Water Polo, 2017. Smith, Henry William (ROB, 2015) Captain of Fencing, 2020, Vice Captain of Fencing, 2019, Awards: Half Colours Fencing, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2019, Chess, 2017, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2020, Drama, 2019, Drama: Sound Operator, 2018, Drama: Technical Crew, 2019, House Charity, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: ASSO (Australian Students Space Organization), 2017, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’: Technical Crew, 2018, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production: ‘Hamlet’: Lighting Operator, 2019, Chess, 2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2019, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Robotics, 2018-2019, School Tour Guide, 2019, Swimming, 2017, USA Space Camp, 2017, Fencing, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017, Tennis, 2018-2019, Tennis: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021. Song, Yijie (Jay) (MAC, 2017) Awards: Australian National Chemistry Quiz: Distinction, 2019, Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2019-2020, Prize for Economics, 2019-2020, Prize for English as an Additional Language, 2020, Prize for Excellence in Mathematics, 2020, Prize for Mathematical Methods 1 & 2 (Year 10), 2019, Prize Giving, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017, 2019-2020, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2018-2020, Swimming, 2017, 2019, Activities: Chinese Club, 2018-2019, Circuit Training, 2018-2019, French Film Classics, 2017, Welcome to Melbourne (International Students), 2017, Badminton, 2020, Basketball, 20172019, Basketball: 2nds Blue, 2020-2021, Football, 2017, Multi Skills Development, 2018, Soccer, 2019. Soo, Joshua Jun How (ROB, 2017) Cadet Sergeant, 2019, Cadet Under Officer, 2020, Awards: Lord Mayor’s Foundation: Youth in Philanthropy Program, 2018, Prize for Mathematical Methods, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, House: Athletics, 20172020, Cross Country, 20172019, Debating, 2017-2018, 2020, House Charity, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Table Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017,

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2019, Music: Instrumentalist, 2018, Swimming, 2017-2018, Activities: Cadets, 2017-2020, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018-2019, Senior Choir, 2019-2020, AGSV Athletics, 2017, Athletics, 2019, Soccer, 2017-2020, Table Tennis, 2017-2019, Table Tennis: 1sts, 2020-2021. Spalding, Oliver Harry (STE, 2018) Awards: Half Colours Athletics, 2019, The R H Lohn Award for Athletics, 2019, House: Athletics, 2019-2020, Athletics: Gold Medallist, 2019-2020, Athletics: Silver Medallist, 2018, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Drama: Cast, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Official, 2018, Music, 2019-2020, Swimming, 2018, Activities: Film Classics, 2018, Golf, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2018, Senior Stage Band, 2020, Sports Academy, 2019, AGSV Athletics, 20182019, Athletics, 2018-2019, Basketball, 2018, Basketball: 1sts, 2019-2021, Football, 2019-2020, Football: 1sts, 2018, Water Polo, 2018. Sturzaker, Jack Cameron (ROB, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Cast, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Basketball Tour – USA, 2018, Cadets, 2017, Chess, 2019, Contemporary Documentaries, 2018, French Film Classics, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2016, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 3rds Blue, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020. Sulewski, Anderson Henry Scobie (STE, 2015) Vice Captain of Fencing, 2020, Awards: Prize for Chinese as a Second Language, 2019, Prize for Chinese Language, Culture and Society Units 1& 2, 2019, Prize for Fencing, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2019, Athletics: Manager, 2019, Athletics: Official, 2020, Chess, 2017, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2018, 2020, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cafe Research, 2019, China Study Tour, 2019, China Tour, 2019, Chinese Club, 2019, Cycling, 2017, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2019, Debating, 2018, Gardening with Rotary Interact Club, 2017, School Choir, 2015-2016, Trivial Pursuit, 2018, Fencing, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021. Svikis, Benjamin Martin ((SUM, 2008) Captain of Snowsports, 2020, Awards: Full Colours Snowsports, 2019, Half Colours Snowsports, 2018, Prize for Further Mathematics Units 3 & 4, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, Snowsports – Camberwell Cup: First Prize, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 20172020, Swimming, 2017-2019, School Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Basketball Tour – USA, 2018, Chinese Club, 2019, Darts, 2019, Golf, 2019, Martial Arts, 2017, School Service, 2017, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2018, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 4ths Gold, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020, Water Polo, 2017-2018. Tam, Zhengze (Ryan) (DER, 2017) Awards: Australian National Chemistry Quiz: Distinction, 2019, Australian National Chemistry Quiz: Excellence Award, 2019, Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2017-2020, ICAS Science Competition: High Distinction, 2017, Prize for Chemistry, 2019, Prize for English Language, 2020, Prize for Excellence in Mathematics, 2019-2020, Prize for Mathematical Methods, 2018, Prize for Physics, 2019-2020, Prize Giving,

2020, The Nathan Cochrane Memorial Prize for Chemistry, 2020, The Philip Hutton Prize for Commerce in Year 11, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, House Charity, 2017, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Music: Instrumentalist, 2017, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Chinese Club, 2019, Contemporary Documentaries, 2018-2019, Cooking and Food Preparation, 2019, Create Music, 2017, da Vinci Decathlon – National Championships: Third Prize, 2018, Debating, 2017, English Enhancement, 2018, School Choir, 2017, Senior Choir, 2017-2020, Badminton, 2017-2018, Fencing, 2017-2020, Volleyball, 2019, Volleyball: 2nds Blue, 2020-2021. Tan, Bryden Yi Rong (SCO, 2007) Awards: Full Colours Table Tennis, 2020, Half Colours Table Tennis, 2017-2018, House: Athletics, 2019-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Community Service, 2018, Cycling, 2017-2019, Darts, 2019, Gardening with Rotary Interact Club, 2017, Learn to Sew, 2019, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2019, AGSV Table Tennis, 2020, AGSV Table Tennis: Emergency, 2019, Soccer, 2017-2020, Table Tennis: 1sts, 2017-2021. Tan, Kai-Si (MAC, 2012) House: Athletics, 2017, 2019-2020, Cross Country, 20182019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2018-2020, Swimming, 2017, 2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2019, Chess, 2018-2019, English Enhancement, 2017, Film Classics, 2018, Fitness, 2017, Martial Arts, 2017, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, Soccer, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 3rds Blue, 2020-2021. Tang, Ethan (MAC, 2015) Vice Captain of Table Tennis, 2019-2020, Awards: Full Colours Table Tennis, 2017-2018, 2020, Prize for Table Tennis, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Music, 2018, 2020, Music: Instrumentalist, 2017, 2019, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Computer Club, 2018, Cycling, 2019, Darts, 2019, Fitness, 2017, Gardening with Rotary Interact Club, 2017, Learn to Sew, 2019, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2019, Trivial Pursuit, 2018, AGSV Table Tennis, 2017-2020, Multi Skills Development, 2018, Soccer, 2017-2020, Table Tennis: 1sts, 2017-2021. Tano, Anthony (CLI, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017, 2019-2020, Cross Country, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2017, Multi Sport Competition: Table Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2018, Activities: Chess, 2018-2019, Chinese Club, 2019, Martial Arts, 2017, Stage Craft, 2017, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 4ths Gold, 2020-2021, Soccer, 2017-2020. Thermos, Lucas Carageorgos (CLI, 2017) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2017-2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Board Games and Playing Cards, 2018, French Film Classics, 2018, Photography and Digital Media, 2017, School Service, 2017, Towards 2050 Sustainability Committee, 2019, Basketball, 2017-2019, Soccer, 2017-2020, Taekwondo: Squad, 2020-2021. Thomson, John Hunter (BRI, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Drama, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Table Tennis, 2018, Music, 20172020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, Debating, 2018, Film Classics, 2018, Fitness, 2017, Golf, 2019, School Service, 2017, Towards 2050 Sustainability Committee, 2019, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 4ths Gold, 2020-2021, Football, 2017-2020.

Thorn, James William Tobias (ROB, 2014)


Captain of Drama, 2020, School Prefect, 2020, Vice Captain of Squash, 2019-2020, Awards: Full Colours Drama, 2019-2020, Full Colours Music, 2020, Half Colours Drama, 2017, Half Colours Squash, 2020, Prize for English, 2020, Prize for General Mathematics, 2019, Prize Giving, 2020, The Camberwell Grammarians’ Theatre Company Prize for Year 11, 2019, The Colin Black Prize for Theatre Arts, 2020, House: Athletics, 20172020, Cross Country, 2017-2018, Drama: Actor and Writer, 2019, Drama: Cast, 2017, Drama: Cast – Lead Actor, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2020, Music: Conductor, 2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017, Carol Choir, 2017-2019, CGS Chorale, 2017-2020, CGS Production -Of Mice & Men: Cast – Lead Actor, 2017, CGS/ Canterbury Girls Production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’: Cast, 2018, CGS/Canterbury Girls’ Production ‘Urinetown’: Cast – Lead Actor, 2020, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production: ‘Hamlet’: Cast – Lead Actor, 2019, Chess, 2018-2019, Create Music, 2019, French Film Classics, 2018, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Latin Study Tour, 2018, School Choir, 20142017, School Play, 2017, Senior Choir, 2017-2020, Hockey, 2017-2020, Squash, 2017-2019, Squash: Squad, 2020. Topatsis, Dimitrios (MAC, 2014) Vice Captain of Soccer, 2020, Awards: Half Colours Soccer, 2018, Prize for Geography, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Board Games & Playing Cards, 2018, Chess, 2019, Community Service, 2017, Darts, 2019, Learn to Sew, 2019, Stage Craft, 2017, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2018, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 3rds Blue, 2020-2021, Soccer: 1sts, 2017-2020. Tran, Jamie (CLI, 2015) Awards: Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2019-2020, Prize for Specialist Mathematics, 2019-2020, Prize Giving, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Table Tennis, 2017-2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Chess, 2019, Circuit Training, 2019, Community Service, 2017, Computer Skills, 2019, Fitness, 2017, School Choir, 2015, USA Space Camp, 2017, Badminton, 2019-2020, Hockey, 2017-2018, Table Tennis, 2017-2019, Table Tennis: 2nds Blue, 2020-2021. Wang, Philip Chen Zhou (DER, 2015) Awards: Australian National Chemistry Quiz: Distinction, 2019, Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2017-2020, Prize for Accounting, 2019, Prize for Chinese as a Second Language Advanced, 2019, Prize for Specialist Mathematics, 2019, University of Melbourne School Mathematics Competition: Outstanding Award, 2017, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2017, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Music: Instrumentalist, 2017, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Chamber Music, 2017-2018, Chinese Club, 2019, Computer Club, 2018, Create Music, 2017, English Enhancement, 2018, Flute Ensemble, 2017, 2019, Music Academy, 2019, School Choir, 20152017, School Service, 2017, Senior Choir, 2018-2020, Senior Saxophone Ensemble, 2018, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2020, Senior School Orchestra, 2017-2019, Senior School String Orchestra, 2018, Tournament of Minds, 2018, Basketball, 2018-2019, Basketball: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021, Soccer, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017. Wang, Yixu (Sonny) (ROB, 2015) Awards: Australian National Chemistry Quiz: Distinction, 2019, Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2017-2020, Prize for Biology, 2019, Prize for Biology Units 3 & 4, 2019, Prize for Legal Studies, 2019, Prize for Mathematical Methods, 2020, Prize for Physics, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Technical Crew, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018,

Music, 2017, 2019-2020, Music: Instrumentalist, 2018, 2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Chess, 2018-2019, China Study Tour, 2019, China Tour, 2019, Circuit Training, 2019, Community Service, 2017, Computer Skills, 2019, Cycling, 2018, English Enhancement, 2018, Fitness, 2017, Flute Ensemble, 2019-2020, School Choir, 2015-2016, Senior School Concert Band, 2017-2020, Senior School Orchestra, 2018, Badminton, 2017-2020, Hockey, 20172018, Taekwondo, 2019, Taekwondo: Squad, 2020-2021.

Wild, Hamish Andrew (ROB, 2019)

Waycott, Lachlan Oscar (STE, 2015)

Captain of Tennis, 2019-2020, Awards: Half Colours Athletics, 2019, Half Colours Tennis, 2018, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, The A R Marshall Award for Tennis, 2019-2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Athletics: Gold Medallist, 2017, 2019-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cycling, 2017, Darts, 2018, Fitness, 2017, French Film Classics, 2018, Golf, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, School Choir, 2016, Senior School Concert Band, 2017, AGSV Athletics, 20172019, AGSV Athletics: Gold Medallist, 2017, AGSV Athletics: Silver Medallist, 2017, Athletics, 2017-2019, Football, 2017, 2019-2020, Football: 1sts, 2018, Tennis: 1sts, 2017-2021.

House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Chess, 2019, Computer Club, 2018, Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, Cycling, 2017, French Film Classics, 2018-2019, French/Art Study Tour – Paris, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2016, School Service, 2017, AGSV Athletics, 2017, Athletics, 2017-2019, Basketball, 2019, Basketball: 4ths Mitre, 2020-2021, Soccer, 2017-2020, Triathlon, 2017-2018. Weston, Finnegan John (STE, 2015) Captain of Football, 2020, House Captain, 2020, School Prefect, 2020, Awards: Half Colours Football, 2018, Prize for Global Politics, 2020, Prize Giving, 2020, The S G Birtles Prize for Courage in Sport, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2019, Athletics: Bronze Medallist, 2019, Athletics: Official, 2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Actor, Writer and Director, 2019, Drama: Cast, 2017-2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Official, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Create Music, 2018, Film Classics, 2018, Fitness, 2017, School Choir, 2015, Sports Academy, 2019, Swimming, 2017, Trivial Pursuit, 2019, AGSV Athletics, 2018, Athletics, 2018-2019, Cricket, 2017-2019, Cricket: 1sts, 2020-2021, Football, 2017, 2019, Football: 1sts, 2018, 2020. Whittle, Max Garner (DER, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2017-2018, 2020, Drama: Cast, 2018, House Charity, 2017, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017, Carol Choir, 2017, 2019, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’: Choir, 2018, CGS/Canterbury Girls’ Production ‘Urinetown’: Cast and Chorus, 2020, Fitness, 2018, French Film Classics, 2018, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2017, Senior Choir, 2017-2020, Towards 2050 Sustainability Committee, 2019, Soccer, 2017-2020, Volleyball, 2017-2019, Volleyball: 2nds Blue, 2020-2021, Water Polo, 2017-2019.

House: Athletics, 2019-2020, Cross Country, 2019, Drama: Cast, 2019, House Charity, 2019, Music, 2020, Swimming, 2019, Activities: French Film Classics, 2019, Golf, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, AGSV Athletics, 2019, Athletics, 2019, Basketball, 2019, Basketball: 2nds Blue, 2020-2021, Football, 2019-2020. Wilson-Brown, Alexander Paul (SUM, 2015)

Winkett, Lewis William Bailey (BRI, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Technical Crew, 2017, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Soccer, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Chess, 2019, Community Service, 2017, Darts, 2018, Fitness, 2017, Learn to Sew, 2019, Soccer Tour – Singapore, 2017, Cricket, 2017-2018, Cricket: 1sts, 20192021, Soccer, 2017-2020. Wong, Hamish Po Hei (BRI, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Table Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 20172019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Fitness, 2017, Learn to Sew, 2019, Meditation, Yoga & Talk, 2019, Photography and Digital Media, 2017, School Choir, 20152016, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2019, Cross Country, 2017, 2019-2020, Table Tennis, 2017-2019, Table Tennis: 2nds Blue, 2020-2021. Wong, Ryan Zhen Yang (DER, 2015) Awards: Prize for Visual Communication Design, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Athletics: Photography, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018-2019, School Service, 2017, Video Effects and Movie Editing, 2017, 2019, Soccer, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021.

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Wu, Matthew Ling Ji (DER, 2015) House Captain, 2020, School Prefect, 2020, Awards: Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2017-2018, Full Colours Music, 2020, Half Colours Music, 2019, Prize for Legal Studies, 2019-2020, Prize Giving, 2020, The Norman Stringer Memorial Prize for Music, 2019, House: Athletics, 2017, 2019-2020, Chess, 20182019, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2017, 2019-2020, House Charity, 2017, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017, Music: Accompanist, 2017-2020, Music: Conductor, 2020, Music: Instrumentalist, 2017-2020, Swimming, 20172019, Activities: ASPIRE International Youth Music Festival, 2017, Chamber Music, 2017-2020, Chess, 2019, Dulcie Holland Quartet, 2020, Elva Allan Chamber Ensemble, 2017, English Enhancement, 2017, Fitness, 2018, Gardening with Rotary Interact Club, 2017, Highton Strings, 2017-2020, Junior School Reading Program, 2019, Martial Arts, 2017, Middle School Sports Mentor, 2019, Music Academy, 2019-2020, School Choir, 2015-2016, Senior Choir, 2018-2020, Senior School Orchestra, 2017-2019, Senior School String Orchestra, 2018, 2020, Senior Stage Band, 2020, Trivial Pursuit, 2018, Twilight Ensemble, 2018-2019, Soccer, 2017-2020, Tennis, 2017-2019, Tennis: 2nds, 2020-2021. Xiao, Mitchell (BRI, 2017) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama, 2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Chinese Club, 2019, Contemporary Documentaries, 2019, Film Classics, 2018, Golf, 2019, Martial Arts, 2017, School Service, 2017, Ultimate Frisbee Competition, 2018, Kayaking, 2017-2018, Lawn Bowls, 2019, Lawn Bowls: Squad, 2020-2021, Soccer, 2017-2020. Xiao, Yun Yi (Harvey) (ROB, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Chess, 2018, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Drama: Cast, 2018-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: European Handball, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Music: Instrumentalist, 2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017, CGS/ Canterbury Girls Production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’: Choir, 2018, Cycling, 2018, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2019, Learn to Sew, 2019, Robotics, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2016,

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Senior Choir, 2018-2020, Silent Reading Group, 2018, Athletics, 2017, 2019, Badminton, 2017-2018, 2020, Futsal, 2019, Soccer, 2017-2018, Taekwondo, 2019, Taekwondo: Squad, 2020-2021. Yan, Zhe (Lucas) (ROB, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Badminton, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Cafe Research, 2019, Chinese Club, 2019, Computer Club, 2019, Fitness, 2017-2018, Gardening with Rotary Interact Club, 2017, Badminton, 2017-2020, Basketball, 2019, Basketball: 4ths Mitre, 2020-2021, Hockey, 2017-2018. Yang, Kevin (SUM, 2015) Awards: Australian National Chemistry Quiz: Distinction, 2019, Certificate of Academic Excellence, 2017, ICAS Science Competition: High Distinction, 2018, House: Athletics, 20172020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Debating, 2017, 2020, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Computer Skills, 2019, Create Music, 2017-2019, DAV Inter-School Debating, 2018-2019, Debating, 2017-2019, English Enhancement, 2017-2018, School Choir, 2015-2017, Senior Choir, 2018-2020, Senior School Orchestra, 2017-2019, Hockey, 2017-2020, Table Tennis, 2017-2019, Table Tennis: 2nds Mitre, 2020-2021. Yim, Austin Ka Yue (STE, 2015) Vice Captain of Archery, 2020, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Community Service Volunteer: Red Cross Calling, 2019, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Indoor Soccer, 2017, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Badminton, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: 3D Modelling and Printing, 2018, Board Games & Playing Cards, 2018, Carol Choir, 2017, 2019, CGS/Canterbury Girls Production ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’: Choir, 2018, Create Music, 2017, French/Art Study Tour – Paris, 2019, Learn to Sew, 2019, Robotics, 2019, School Choir, 2015-2017, School Service, 2017, Senior Choir, 2017-2020, Senior School Orchestra, 2017-2019, Senior School String Orchestra, 2020, Trivial Pursuit, 2019, Archery, 2019, Archery: Squad, 20202021, Badminton, 2017-2018, 2020, Soccer, 2017-2019.

Yu, Nijad Bagen Khasim (DER, 2017) House: Athletics, 2017-2019, Cross Country, 2017-2018, Drama: Cast, 2018, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Basketball, 2018, Music, 20172019, Swimming, 2017-2018, Activities: Chinese Club, 2019, Create Music, 2017-2018, Film Classics, 2018, French Film Classics, 2019, School Service, 2017, Trivial Pursuit, 2019, Basketball, 2017-2019, Basketball: 3rds Blue, 2020-2021, Soccer, 2017-2020. Zhang, Benjamin (SUM, 2017) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017-2018, Chess, 2019, Chinese Club, 2019, Community Service: Cadet Kew RSL, 2018, Computer Skills, 2019, Senior School Orchestra, 2017-2019, Senior School String Orchestra, 2020, Badminton, 2017-2020, Golf, 2019, Golf: Squad, 2020-2021, Hockey, 2017-2018. Zhang, Tianchi (Alex) (SUM, 2015) House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017-2019, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Activities: Cadets, 2017-2018, Chinese Club, 2019, School Choir, 2015, Senior School Concert Band, 2017, Swimming, 2018-2019, USA Space Camp, 2017, Basketball, 2018, Soccer, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2019, Table Tennis, 2017, Tennis: 4ths Blue, 2020-2021, Water Polo, 2017. Zhao, Bohe (Peter) (DER, 2015) Captain of Badminton, 2020, Captain of Swimming, 2020, Vice Captain of Swimming, 2019, Awards: Full Colours Swimming, 2017, Half Colours Swimming, 2018, House: Athletics, 2017-2020, Cross Country, 2017-2019, Multi Sport Competition, 2017, 2019, Multi Sport Competition: Tennis, 2018, Music, 2017-2020, Swimming, 2017-2019, Swimming: Gold Medallist, 2017, Activities: China Study Tour, 2019, China Tour, 2019, Circuit Training, 2019, Cycling, 2017-2019, Film Classics, 2018, School Choir, 2015, Swimming, 2017, 2019, AGSV Swimming, 2019, AGSV Swimming: Bronze Medallist, 2018, Badminton, 2019-2020, Soccer, 2017-2018, Swimming, 2017-2021, Water Polo, 2017.



Some of our Year 12 students with the Headmaster and Head of Senior School.

Following an extraordinary year, dominated by Coronavirus, lockdowns and restrictions in every aspect of our lives, it is my great pleasure to share the news of our VCE results for 2020. Given that our Year 12 students spent a significant proportion of the year learning remotely, with classes on ZOOM and work set online, we were not really sure what to expect this year. While we were proud of the efforts and work ethic demonstrated by our students, and the calm and professional way that they approached their examinations, none of us could predict how their experiences this year would impact on their results. Nor were we certain how the special consideration provisions offered to many students across the State would work. It is therefore with a great deal of pride that I congratulate our Class of 2020 for their outstanding VCE results this year. All 172 of our students who completed the year satisfactorily, met the requirements of the VCE and we are very proud of them all. Their results are impressive by any standards – given the conditions of this year, they are extraordinary. Three of our students achieved a perfect score of 99.95. Twenty-three students (13%) achieved an ATAR of 99 or better, placing them in the top one per cent of the State.

Fifty-six students (33%) achieved a rank of 95 or better, while 51% of our students achieved a score of 90 or better, placing them in the top ten per cent of the State. Ninety-seven percent of our students were in the top 50% of the State. Our median ATAR score was 90.65. These results, so similar to last year’s, are extraordinary, and are a great credit to our students and their teachers, who worked so closely with them, delivering their programs in new and innovative ways. I congratulate them all. There were seven perfect study scores across a range of subjects: Chemistry, English Language, English (3), Mathematical Methods and Visual Communication Design. Twenty-one per cent of all study scores were 40 or higher, which given that we tend to do the more ‘difficult’ VCE subjects, is also an excellent result. This year the Duces of our School are Tory Crosgrove, Jamie Garnham, and Ryan Tam, all of whom scored 99.95 – the highest possible score. Our Proxime Accesserunt was Matthew Wu, who scored 99.90. All four boys were actively involved in the full life of the School (although their opportunities were severely curtailed this year!) and they worked very hard at their studies.

Tory Crosgrove participated in a wide range of curricular and co-curricular activities, and was awarded Full Colours in Debating. He was also involved in British Parliamentary Debating. He was a House Prefect in Steven House, and helped to organise the House’s Debating and House Music involvement. He played Tennis and Hockey for the School and was a member of the School Choir. He won Academic prizes for English Language, Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics. Tory scored 50 in English Language, 47 in Biology, 44 in French, 43 in Chemistry and 43 in Specialist Mathematics. In addition, he scored 47 for Mathematical Methods whilst in Year 11. Jamie Garnham also undertook a wide range of activities during his time at School. In 2020, he was appointed Captain of Macneil House and was also awarded Full Colours for Debating. He played trumpet in the Concert Band, was Vice President of our Rotary Interact Club, played soccer and basketball for the School and was a keen member of our early morning running group. Jamie received numerous Academic prizes and was also awarded a special prize in 2020 for Outstanding Service to the School. Jamie scored 49 in English, 49 in Chemistry, 48 in French, 44 in Latin and 44 in Specialist Mathematics. In Year 11, Jamie scored 42 in Classical Studies. The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 85

SENIOR SCHOOL Some of our High Achievers, with a perfect score, from left Jamie Garnham, Paul Hicks (Headmaster) and Ryan Tam (Tory Crosgrove, the third High Achiever is absent).

Ryan Tam joined our community in 2017, when he was in Year 9. He was an exceptionally dedicated Scholar throughout his time at School, most clearly recognised with the award of School prizes for English Language, Chemistry, Physics and Excellence in Mathematics in 2020. Ryan scored 50 in Chemistry, 47 in English Language, 46 in Physics, 43 in Specialist Mathematics and a maximum score for University Enhanced Mathematics. In Year 11, Ryan scored 48 for Mathematical Methods. Ryan sang in our School choir, helped our with our Da Vinci decathlon team and represented Camberwell in Volleyball and Fencing. Matthew Wu was appointed Captain of Derham House in 2020 and remained heavily involved in the School’s Music Program throughout his time at School, receiving Full Colours. Matthew scored 47 in English, 46 in Legal Studies, 45 in Specialist Mathematics, 38 in Chemistry and 37 in Latin. In Year 11, Matthew scored 47 in Music Performance and 41 in Mathematical Methods. Matthew holds an AMusA in viola, an LMusA in piano and played with many ensembles and orchestras over the years. He was also an active member or our Rotary Interact club. A further nineteen students earned scores of 99 or better. These boys also studied a wide range of subjects and actively involved themselves in the life of the School: Thomas Bowers, Arman Cakmakcioglu, Rhys Campbell, 86 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

Hongyi Chen, Daniel Duong, Kaelan Fraser, Christopher Golz, Haotian Huang, Nhan Anh Le, Matthew Lim, Hao Liu, Emmanuel Marcus, William Murray, Thomas Ng, Aidan Oh, Jack Schwenk, Yijie Song, Philip Wang, Yixu Wang. As always, we need to remember that the ATAR is a ranking device, and by definition, not everyone can be at the top. I am equally proud of those students whose scores will not make it into newspaper reports or league tables, but who achieved a score which represents their very best efforts. No score on its own can reveal the story behind a student’s year – and particularly this year. Some of our students faced significant issues throughout 2020, and nevertheless did the very best they could. We should celebrate their achievements as much as we celebrate those of the boys with the top scores. I am very proud of all of our students who did their best, no matter their score. Indeed, one of the results I am most proud of, is a student who attained a 24 in English against considerable odds – and that score will be sufficient to give him entry into his first preference course. His ATAR score did what it needed to do – it got him into the course of his choice, and I am delighted for him. All students tried their best given their ability and the realities of their lives. ATAR numbers will soon be forgotten. But the lessons learned at School, the resilience developed during the course of this year, and the values and skills learned here, will last forever.

I congratulate those of our students who have done well, I commiserate with those who may be feeling disappointed, but I encourage both groups to keep these results in perspective. This is just one day in a long journey still to come. And as we have all learned this year, we cannot predict which way the road ahead will turn. I would like once more to publicly acknowledge our remarkable teaching staff who helped our students to achieve these wonderful results. I am not sure that the wider community fully understands the lengths they went to this year to provide learning to our students. Our teachers had to rethink completely the way they delivered material to students, the way that they monitored student progress, and the way they provided feedback. They had to develop skills in online teaching, making and editing videos and keeping in contact with students who spent a significant proportion of the year learning from home. I know that our teachers are very proud of their students, and I am very proud of them. I also congratulate and thank our parents, who have encouraged their sons by supporting them through the ups and downs of an extraordinary VCE year. Congratulations once more to the Class of 2020 on their outstanding results. It is pleasing to see that their hard work has been rewarded so generously. Dr Paul Hicks Headmaster



JUNIOR SCHOOL MUSIC The anticipation of a new year is exciting. For music in the Junior School it is the joy of welcoming back our young musicians and the opportunity to introduce new students to a wealth of music-making. All students become engaged in active learning in the classroom with a wide range of instrumental opportunities to explore music through singing, playing, moving, creating and listening. Music activity was quickly embraced with instrumental lessons underway and boys enthusiastically joining choirs and ensembles to learn, to play and to perform together. It was disappointing that, by the end of first term, we were restricted in all performance opportunities and soirées, concerts and our Easter Service at St Mark’s were cancelled. In Term 2, distance learning presented big adjustments, but music staff and students met the challenge. Zoom became our best friend and online communication allowed strong connections to be established between students, teachers and parents. Instrumental lessons continued to thrive, and boys were enthusiastic in their participation in choir, orchestra and classroom by distance. A highlight throughout our year has been the Junior School Online Concert series with many students from Pre-Prep to Year 5 submitting video performances demonstrating their commitment to learning and sharing their love of music with our wider community.

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The Junior School Orchestra has been a wonderful experience for a lot of people Choir at Junior School has been a special in Year 5 and Year 4. Everyone is always time for me. I have been fortunate to grow doing their best and is having fun the whole up from Pre-Prep to Year 5 being taught by time. It is an experience that you could not most caring and loving teachers. possibly forget. The most unforgettable part is the riddle time at the end of most In Choir we learnt a variety of songs from orchestra rehearsals. high to low notes. We learnt to respect Samuel Page each other’s voice and to sing together Year 5A as a team. Choir is also about multitasking: listen, memorise and perform. It gives us an opportunity to use and express our voice which is great. It also creates a happy, peaceful bubble giving us positive energy and happiness by being around people who equally share a love of music.

The Year 2/3 Superstars Choir started the year by getting to know each other and adapting to singing together. When we commenced distance learning in Term 2, the choir were inspired by videos of

a capella groups that demonstrated how versatile the voice can be as an instrument. Choir rehearsals then moved to the Year 2 and 3 classrooms with the boys rehearsing separately to minimise aerosol. The choir had to adapt again in Term 3 to Zoom choir rehearsals, where they enjoyed singing a variety of fun and moving songs. Whilst the choir did not get to sing together this year as much as they normally would, they still established strong choral techniques including breathing, warm-up exercises, inner hearing and part-singing. Throughout the year the boys learned many performance songs, including a different take on a traditional classical Bach piece with

Lachlan Barnes Year 5A COVID-19 is tough and has kept us away from school and playing with our friends. At school we usually have fun together but at home it gets lonely. One of the things that I really miss is Chamber Singers and the pleasure of singing together. Chamber Singers is awkward on Zoom because it is difficult to sing all at the same time and we are out of sync. It must be hard for Mrs Thomas to stay on track of things. Despite these difficulties we have managed to produce a chapel recording. It was exciting doing this recording and I think it turned out great. Sebastian Kilroy Year 5B

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‘Not‑So‑Boring-Minuet’, gospel part-singing with ‘Go Tell It On the Mountain/He’s Got the Whole World’, a beautiful Maori lullaby called ‘Hine e Hine’ and a fun movement piece, ‘Pretty Little Ditty’. I am proud of the boys for their resilience, determination and positive energy in choir rehearsals this year.


Mrs Trista Fry Music Teacher The return to school in Term 4 lifted our spirits. Despite restrictions on choral, woodwind and brass playing and lack of audience participation, we are heartened that the boys are enjoying ensemble playing either back at school or still by distance. Junior School Orchestra, String Ensemble, Bass Clef Band, Beginner Strings, PiperSnipers, Twisted Brass, Percussion Trio, Year 5 Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble and a specially created Online Choir – all groups are preparing music for an end of year celebration of learning through adversity. We thank our parents for their kindness and their wonderful support of boys and staff.

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We thank our marvelous Music staff for their adaptability and patient encouragement. We especially thank the boys for their resilience and enthusiasm, keeping spirits high. Mrs Helen Thomas Assistant Director of Music – Junior School

MIDDLE SCHOOL MUSIC Middle School Orchestra


excited to hopefully perform How To Train Your Dragon, Queen in Concert and A This year in Middle School Orchestra we’ve Prehistoric Suite later this year. We saw it had a pretty rough ride. We started the through and are looking forward to faceyear with a few short weeks playing a fun to-face learning so we can present what rendition of Star Wars and Tchaikovsky’s we’ve worked so hard for! Swan Lake. Lockdown eventually came into effect but that didn’t stop us! We Nathan Bosmans continued with weekly Zoom tutorials Year 8 where we played intriguing little pieces within our sections and helped each other Middle School Stage Band with challenging pieces we were working The Middle School Stage Band has faced on. Alongside our sectional meeting, we had a large group meeting where we did a a lot of challenges this year. During Term 2, series of interviews and activities to further we learnt to play the song All-Star by Smash Mouth, popularised by the movie enlighten our musical knowledge. This Shrek. During Term 3, we also started whole year has been extremely tough for the song Mustang Sally. We were able to all musicians, we have all learnt so much record it and even release it to the school and matured in ways which probably community. The Stage Band continued weren’t possible without this pandemic! On behalf of the Middle School Orchestra, their weekly Monday rehearsals during the lockdown period in instrument tutorials. I would like to thank all the teachers and Led by the head of woodwind, Ms Wostry music staff that made this year a year we was able to adapt to the government will truly never forget. restrictions and provide interesting and fun Lachlan Wong classes for many brass, percussion and Year 8 woodwind students. Having competitions for the best performance of the songs, Middle School Concert Band with students even earning rewards for their good work. The Middle School Stage This year has been turbulent for the Middle Band has had a great year overall. With School Concert Band. During the current many of the Year 8 students moving into online learning period, we have been Senior School, we are all very excited to practicing each week over Zoom. We’re see what the current Year 6 and 7 students can achieve next year. Tommy Auwardt Year 8

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“The momentum with which music making has continued during our lockdowns and limiting at-school restrictions is as strong as ever.” The cornerstone of culture at Camberwell Grammar School has always been our choirs, orchestras and bands, and this year has simply not felt like a year at CGS without our large ensembles gathering in their weekly times to make music together. Or without singing lighting up the PAC weekly assemblies and special occasions. It is surely an understatement to say we are all looking forward to the time when we can safely gather for rehearsals, recitals and concerts again. The creativity and tenacity that has been demonstrated by the boys and staff this year is something we can all be extremely proud of as a music making community. Many of the video performances that have come out have been the product of exclusively student leadership, musicianship and technical prowess. Many others have been collaborations between staff, students, and sometimes even OCGA members too. I extend my sincere thanks to all our students, past Grammarians and teachers who have worked so hard to create these unique performances this year. The immortal words of the Village People have been ringing true all year. “You can’t stop the music” has often been used by music advocacy groups, frustrated educators and passionate students to rally their cause. In 2020, the boys of Camberwell Grammar School have proven this mantra to be true in a different way, and the momentum with which music making has continued during our lockdowns and limiting at-school restrictions is as strong as ever. Perhaps, now that we have been without our

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regular rituals of singing, rehearsals and performances for so long, it is clear how important these routines are to our lives and our mental health too. It is a unique trait amongst humans that our brains reward us with copious amounts of oxytocin and dopamine when we sing together with others or participate in music making with others. Singing, in particular, is hard-wired into our mammal brains as an important activity to create feelings of belongingness, connectedness and love. Neurological research (most recently compiled by Dr Anita Collins) has revealed beyond any doubt that learning and playing music can actually grow and repair our brains at any age. Perhaps our collective sub-conscious is seeking repair after 2020 and so many of us are craving music as the treatment, or the cure, for such a challenging year. Or it may be that music is the traditional activity that unites and replenishes us, which is now even more desirable after a year spent in isolation. CGS students and staff can be proud of our amazing efforts this year. We are now more grateful than ever for our ‘happy days at school’ when we can again come together in song and harmony. Mr Ben Bishop Director of Music

Various performers and ensembles were able to share their music by creating videos which required countless hours to organise, record and edit. Although students were not able to experience the excitement and nerves that accompany live performances, they mastered new skills as every student became familiar with the art of music recording. The series of musical videos was kickstarted by an a cappella rendition of Perfect by Ed Sheeran, featuring boys from Years 10, 11 and 12. This same choral group also produced a recording of Towards Infinity by Paul Jarman, who saw the video himself and wrote to the boys, praising the “thought and care, leadership and passion for the music”. Various string ensembles kept busy during lockdown, producing many videos including renditions of Air on G String by J.S Bach, Praeludium by Dmitri Shostakovich and Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. Other videos included CGS Big Band’s Sleep and Deep by Jeff Jarvis, the Senior School Guitar Ensemble’s The Final Countdown by Europe and Skippy the Kangaroo, performed by Middle School violins. This year was tough for everyone, as we learnt our way around schooling from home. However, the continuation of the music program through these videos allowed the boys to connect with each other and maintain their love for music performance.

2020 has been a year like no other – but even amidst a global pandemic, the music program at Camberwell Grammar School still thrived. Switching to an online music program presented many challenges, however all students and teachers adapted Arman Cakmakcioglu well and devised creative ways for music to Captain of Music be shared in a digital environment.

MUSIC Thanks must go to all of our teachers; their willingness to adapt to online teaching and find other methods of keeping us engaged and practising was what made everything possible. On a personal note, COVID-19 really highlighted how much of an integral part music plays in our lives at school. There really is nothing like being able to create music with so many other people, and the joy of performing and the relationships that I made during my four years in the SSO are among my most treasured memories at CGS. Geoffrey Gong Year 12

Senior School Concert Band

Senior School Orchestra The year got off to an exciting start when Mr Bishop unveiled the grand piece that we were going to play at the Mid-Year Concert – a medley of the most famous James Bond themes. It was such a joy to play the tune that was so familiar to all. Some of us were also lucky enough to witness Matthew Wu’s stunningly virtuosic Schumann Piano Concerto, a piece that no doubt would have been a showstopper. However, our plans were thrown into disarray with the onset of the lockdown’s. Instead of rushing over to the music school on a Monday afternoon, we tuned into Zoom. The boys admirably tackled Prokofiev’s Romeo & Juliet and their sectional projects with aplomb, with the first violins channelling their inner Freddy Mercury’s when they played an arrangement of Bohemian Rhapsody, while the Cello’s performed a memorable rendition of Eleanor Rigby. Special mention must go to Rhys Campbell who had prepared to play the Phoenix Flute Concerto by Carmichael for the Biennial Concert.

Lockdown has presented the Senior School Concert Band with many difficulties. It has been a challenge to get the entire band together, and as a result, nearly all of the playing has been done in tutorials. However, despite these trying times, many of the various sections have found many fun and enjoyable ways to get the students playing. The flutes have been spending hard work refining their parts during the lockdown, even recording a performance of Nimrod. The clarinets have been exploring the world of early jazz clarinets and transcribing various interesting solos.

Meanwhile, Mr Siketa has been getting the trumpets to play a variety of pieces alongside the concert band repertoire, including the theme from Jurassic Park and the Captain America March. The lower brass section has been exploring the wide world of trombones by sharing various interesting videos as well as preparing a trombone cover of Stand by Me. Thomas Cox Year 12

Drumline As an ensemble that relies heavily on rehearsing as a group, drumline has had to adapt to online rehearsals during this period of online learning. Despite taking a bit of getting used to, we soon found our rhythm and made the most of our situation. We split into two groups, quads and bass drums on a Monday, and snare drums and cymbals on a Friday. Having a few new members in drumline this year, working in these smaller groups was very beneficial as it ensured that everyone was on the same page and meant that we could still hear how the different parts sounded together. During the term, we have managed to learn a whole piece titled Yella’ Stone, it has been a challenge, yet a very rewarding one and a great accomplishment for all members, especially the new ones. The whole line is now eager to have an opportunity to perform Yella’ Stone once things are back up and running at school. Jordan Murphy Year 11

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MUSIC Highton Strings Remote learning has given Highton Strings the opportunity to focus more on individual learning. We mostly spent rehearsals either having our music teachers hear us play one by one, or, with everyone except our teachers muted, playing along with our teachers. People who needed more help were able to get it much easier.

Senior School Stage Band

Members of Senior School Stage Band started 2020 with excitement and the promise of amazing and inspiring new repertoires. Our Monday lunchtime rehearsals showed great promise and we were all looking forward to showcasing our works to the school community throughout the year and at this years’ Biennial Concert. Mr Johnson’s original We started the year working on a chamber works were an anticipated highlight. Sadly, orchestra arrangement of La Folia and a it wasn’t to be. Whilst this year has seen piece by Piazzola. Unfortunately, we didn’t Stage Band and Mr Johnson’s plans for get to perform the Piazzola due to the us put on hold, it hasn’t tempered our cancellation of the concert. This brought enthusiasm for the Jazz, Big Band and us to begin learning a wonderful chamber even Bossa Nova inspired pieces that we orchestra arrangement of Shostakovich’s do. We look forward to the opportunity to String Quartet No. 8. make some more music together hopefully in Term 4. For those students in their final For this piece, our end-goal was to make recordings of ourselves playing it, rather than year of school the inability to perform with to perform it in a concert. Thus, we used the Stage Band this year has been a blow, no doubt about it. However, all of us lucky metronome a lot when practicing this piece to make sure that we’d all be in time when the enough to have played with Stage Band in the past have already built a bank of recordings were put together. If we’d been memories that will feature prominently in able to rehearse this at school we would’ve been able to listen to the pulse and rhythm of future reminiscences of school life thanks others to make sure that we were in time, and to Mr Johnson and the rich music program perhaps have some slight rubato, but we had at the school. For those current and new students who will get to be with Stage to avoid it for the recordings. Band in 2021 we are excited to see what We also had a fun Zoom once we had Mr Johnson has in store for us! finished our Shostakovich recordings, sharing Sam Parmenter music memes and TwoSetViolin videos. Year 11 Kaelan Fraser Year 12 94 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

Senior School Choir It almost seemed as if a global pandemic didn’t exist for the committed members of the Senior School Choir. Except it did – we all certainly felt the absence of singing in a large choir. In fact, singing in large groups was proven to be one of the more efficient methods of spreading COVID-19, and so the prospects of any sort of performance was pretty much impossible. Yet through the power of video editing, undertaken solely by tech-wizard and Captain of Music, Arman Cakmakcioglu, the choir was still able to produce two pieces of music, an a capella of Ed Sheeran’s Perfect during the start of the first lockdown in March, followed by a cover of Paul Jarman’s Towards Infinity during the start of the second lockdown, accompanied by Eugene Goh. It was a delight to see such commitment from everyone involved, a true testament to the music culture of Camberwell Grammar. So, while seemingly not much, we are still very proud to have produced two fine pieces of music which could go out to the community in such times of uncertainty. Singing is quite literally banned in all Victorian schools for now, but it only makes a singing resurgence that much more exciting! Thomas Ng Year 12


Before lockdown in Term 1, the Music Academy held masterclasses with Melbourne Symphony Orchestra’s clarinetist Philip Arkinstall, Old Boy and Music Captain, cellist Rohan de Korte and harpist Jessica Fotinos. Campbell Phillips took an animated and revealing rhythm workshop and pianists worked with Greg Roberts on his arrangement of Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition. In Term 2, the Academy held a series of ‘Lockdown Competitions’. As all performances and adjudicating was done online, Academy musicians received feedback from some of Australia’s finest musicians. Pianists prepared a Bach Invention and a work of their own choice for celebrated pianist, Ian Munro. Oboists performed Orchestral excerpts for Diana Doherty of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra and Horn players

performed their excerpts for Nicolas Fleury, Melbourne Symphony’s newly appointed Principal Horn. Cellists prepared Popper studies for MSO’s Associate Principal cellist, Rachael Tobin and violists and violinists prepared studies and scales for Matthew Tomkins, Principal Second violinist of MSO. Double Bassists and trumpeters prepared excerpts for MSO’s Damien Eckersley and Rosie Turner. In Term 2 and 3, Performance Class was held on Friday afternoons on Zoom. Students performed either live or uploaded videos of their performances. Music Staff discussed the performances, giving feedback and encouragement. This became vital as playing to a live audience was no longer possible. Even

though we could no longer play together in ensembles, we could perform to each other and offer support. In Term 3, the Music Academy held a Strings Scale and Arpeggio Competition and a Woodwind Scale Battle. There were two rounds and a coveted prize of a homedelivered pizza. It was a fun way of finding motivation to practice scales. During this term, there were many recording projects including Shostakovich’s Quartet No 8 for String Orchestra, Middle School String Quartet’s David Stone Quartet, Matthew Treagus and Charlie Campbell-Cowan’s flute and guitar duo, Derrick Kwon and Nicholas Branson’s cello duo and other projects in which Academy musicians played a vital role.

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2020 was a year that presented novel opportunities as being in lockdown enabled greater exposure to great artists through Zoom and it allowed more hours in the day to practice.

MUSIC We also welcomed celebrated Baroque violinist, Rachael Beesley who gave an enlightening masterclass on the idiosyncrasies of baroque playing. Our VCE pianists performed their exam programs to Stefan Cassamenos and Caroline Almonte who gave valued performance advice and animated encouragement. In Term 4, violinists and violists took part in the ‘Ninja Warrior Opera and Ballet Solo Challenge’. Yi Wang, principal violinist of Orchestra Victoria worked with 96 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

our musicians on concertmaster solos by Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Bizet and Puccini. This was an exciting way to introduce the students to some of these gems of the Orchestral repertoire. One of the Music Academy’s aims for 2020 and beyond is to develop skills in historically informed performance (HIP). In October, cellists and bassists took part in a baroque masterclass with NZ Cellist James Bush. Oboists and flautists played their baroque pieces to Sydney-based flautist Melissa Farrow of the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra. Brass players

worked with Early Music specialist trumpeter, David Musk. Nothing can replace the ecstasy of playing in ensembles or the warm intimacy of a music lesson but Zoom gave us the opportunity to create enriching and novel projects. Many of the lockdown events will become permanent fixtures on the Music Academy calendar in the years to come. Ms Rachel Atkinson Head of Music Academy



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“Year 12 interpreted A Clockwork Orange with great physicality and dynamism relishing Burgess’ highly mannered language and confronting tale.” I normally start planning a show a couple of years before we open, but seldom have I had such an extended and challenging rehearsal process as we have had for this show. Auditions for Urinetown (a very clever and funny ‘meta’ musical) happened in November 2019 and we cast some incredibly talented young performers, looking forward to another CGS/CGSC partnership. Work commenced with a series of singing workshops, organised by Mr Ben Bishop, and comprehensive design meetings where the creative titans Mrs Jennifer Bennie and Mr Mark Wager helped fully form my interpretation of the show. It was an auspicious start. Term 1 2020 launched our usual busy rehearsal schedule as we created and refined our show. Ms Miranda McDonald created some truly fantastic routines, and our guest choreographer Jack Migdalek brought the Fiddler on the Roof inspired number at the beginning of Act Two to energetic life. Mrs Bennie and her assistant Ms Breanna Handfield made and adjusted costumes creating characterful individual and group looks.

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Our Production Coordinator and Assistant Director Ms Jess Doutch filmed rehearsals both on and off stage, as has become tradition, for a cast memory documentary of the process, as well as keeping an archive for those who missed rehearsals and for checking choreography later in the process. Mr Mark and Thomas Bevans built, painted and textured the physical world of the play. Mr Bishop pulled the chorus and numbers together in his forensic, fun and energetic manner. Drama classes continued as normal and Ms Penelope Wood continued to plan the Middle School Play and audition roles for The Great Gatsby. VCE Theatre Studies students were given their assessment plays and some workshops by the inspirational Emily Godard who shared her passion for the highly physical and satirical clowning theatre style of Bouffon. Year 11 developed an interpretation of Agamemnon set in an aged care facility, and Year 12 interpreted A Clockwork Orange with great physicality and dynamism relishing Burgess’ highly mannered language and confronting tale. Public performances of these pieces were heartbreakingly cancelled due to the first of

the pandemic restrictions. Themes of state control and aged care resonate in retrospect. Worldwide lockdown arrived with the Senior School Musical about two thirds developed needing a tantalising few weeks of work to complete. The uncertainty of when public audiences might be allowed led us to move both the musical and the Middle School Play to later in the year, and the difficult decision was made to change the House Play Festival into a House Film Festival as Term 4 looked to be filling with rescheduled events. Drama classes went online into theory, the viewing of the many fantastic live captured streamed dramas from around the world, and to monologue and storytelling pursuits. We experimented with Zoom rehearsals for the musical, but the cast found them initially unappealing and plans for a couch choir version of one of the numbers was shelved. Those that did attend seemed to enjoy themselves, but before we consolidated our virtual position we were back to school, back to face-to-face rehearsals (albeit with some distancing), the Middle School Play started rehearsals (with energetic Charleston workshops on

DRAMA Sundays from Tim Mc Dowel) and we were full steam ahead. We wisely continued to video sequences after mid-year exams from the show but made special efforts to run some in full costume and make-up photographed as well by Ken Nakanishi. Three rehearsals later new rules came into force and Years 6 to 10 returned to distance learning. The Middle School Play had to cancel the now forbidden Sunday dance rehearsals and Ms Wood took her rehearsals online. In the Senior School we continued to rehearse with boys and some girls. Into Term 3 we continued with Year 11 and 12 boys only, with girls joining us on Zoom. It continued to amaze me how dedicated everyone remained to the shows. As we continued through the term the Heads of Houses decided reluctantly to make House Films a voluntary project with no points being awarded for the Prefects’ Cup this year. Stage 4 sent us into a tailspin and the Middle School Play was rescheduled to the end of Term 1 2021 with its dedicated

2020 cast. It became abundantly clear that we were going to either limit our work on Urinetown to a documentary memory video shared with the cast with no performance at all or seek unlikely streaming rights for a YouTube production. Unlikely because streaming had developed under COVID as live capture performance rather than montage, and the latter was all we had! Zoom rehearsals continued and Ms Jess Doutch put together a complicated overview of all previously filmed video footage with the plan to create a more comprehensive documentary of the show charting our journey from audition to cancellation!

We then went into overdrive collecting footage, capturing Zoom rehearsals, and getting the cast to record themselves in a couch choir manner to provide Ms Doutch with what she needed to edit the complete show. Mr Stuart Feldt applied himself to post-production, Mr Bishop and Campbell Phillips to mixing audio, and, when we found the orchestral tracks we had hired had totally different tempos to the rehearsal tracks we had used to record vocals, Mr Johnston (a veritable wizard of digital audio workspaces) edited practically every bar of the whole score for our use over many tens of hours.

The Senior School Production opened on 9 September and played online for four evenings with our unfinished found and Without much hope I wrote a letter to foraged footage film montage. I think the Music Theatre International (MTI) explaining authors would approve. our position and pleading in the name of our talented and dedicated cast (especially Next year’s shows will need to be COVID compatible, but ‘the show must go on’. the Year 12s) that we might be allowed to present the show in video montage online. Mr Andrew Stocker To my grateful surprise after MTI (AU) approached the authors who approved the Head of Drama license for streaming for us and all other schools currently producing the show!

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“Seldom have I had such an extended and challenging rehearsal process as we have had for this show.”

Urinetown Urinetown (“The title is awful!” as Little Sally tells us) is a multi-award-winning satirical comedy musical inspired by Brechtian agitprop theatre, a very “meta” production attacking greed, love, revolution and even the Broadway Musical Theatre form itself. Little Sally (Mia Suda) and Officer Lockstock (Rhys Denison) narrate the show, committing absolutely to the absurdity of the dialogue, and were pivotal in setting the self-referential tone of the musical (“nothing kills a show like too much exposition”, says Lockstock, Little Sally responds, “or a bad title even, that could kill a show pretty good”!) and they make thoroughly appealing guides. COVID-19 was more of a challenge than the show’s title as the final version of the show was by necessity a “found and foraged footage film montage” to quote the director, rather than a live staged version.

It was during the opening number that we started to see how the presentation of the piece would unfold with some characters on stage, in costume with props and on set whilst other characters are cut in from home on Zoom. Initially, this was surprising and almost confronting, but it took remarkably little time for the story to come to the fore with the extremely clever editing having characters looking and interacting on screen. The oppressed masses huddled in the poorest filthiest urinal in town, run by the rigid authoritarian Ms Penelope Pennywise played with enormous relish by Grace Edge. The role has a demanding vocal range and complex lyrics which she handled with confidence and ease. We were then introduced to her assistant, the dashing young everyman Bobby Strong (an extremely engaging performance from William Lewis). Later that day in the offices of Urine Good Company, CEO Caldwell B Cladwell discussed the new fee hikes with Senator Fipp (a suitably nefarious Sam Parmenter), and McQueen (an effete and obsequious Rhys Campbell). In the song, Mr Cladwell the vocal strength of the ensemble cast impressed as did Ms McDonald’s splendid choreography (cleverly quoting the style of classic Broadway show-stopping numbers) and James Thorn, replete with burgundy velour suit and floppy fringe, had great fun playing the villain of the piece. His

commensurate command of both singing and acting skills consistently dominate the stage. Under the baton of Mr Bishop the singing was tight and the many layers of harmony and changes of tempo are deftly achieved. The stage looked appropriately spectacular with Mrs Bennie’s very clever costume design with character revealed with every stitch, and Mr Wager’s Art Decostyled fountain with animated fishbowl desk underlining corruption in the profligate use of water by UGC’s executives. A pastiche of a US Marines’ spinning guns tattoo routine with bloodied mops was followed in total contrast by the dashing young Bobby Strong and Hope Cladwell (Josie Parton) falling in love in Follow your Heart (a chance to showcase Josie’s charming voice and William’s dulcet tenor). The technicalities of presenting a romantic duet supported by dance where none of the singers or dancers were in the same location was a testament to Ms Doutch’s often-invisible editing skills. Hayden Whiteford’s ghost of Hamlet’s father and Cooper Carbone’s interjections never failed to raise a smile. In the following graphic staging, Dr Billeaux (Jack Hu in full mad scientist mode) and his team shoot, electrocute, bludgeon and set about by chainsaws a poor rabbit, with pieces of fur and flesh flying everywhere; a hallmark Mr Stocker’s invention with The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 107

DRAMA Mrs Bennie’s elaborate costuming and Mr Wager’s clever detailing. It was a big song and dance number involving the whole cast but as we were reminded, “Dreams only come true in happy musicals and certain Hollywood movies, but this isn’t one of those.”

Bobby’s last words sung from beyond the grave (Tell Her I Love Her). As the rebels are about to murder Hope, Ms Pennywise offers herself instead, proclaiming herself to be Hope’s mother, cue much gasping and cries of “slattern!”. Hope convinces the rebels to let her lead them and they march to UGC. Officer Barrel, Senator Fipp and Mrs Millennium (Erin Johnston) are caught in their rampage (the complex Chicago-esque We’re Not Sorry). Mr Barrell’s unexpected declaration of love to Officer Lockdown is a sudden moment of subversive humour. Hope proclaims that Cladwell’s reign of terror is over and he too is led to the roof and thrown to his death.

Snuff That Girl in Act Two has some of the earliest footage on an empty PAC stage with the cast in school uniforms as the gang plots kidnapped Hope’s murder in their secret underground hideout. This not only documented the emerging production but also demonstrated the talent of the cast under the skilful hand of Ms McDonald. Thomas Ng, Mackenzie Young, Lexie Smith, Hugh McGlone, Arman The people celebrate their freedom (in Cakmakcioglu and Cooper Carbone led the negro spiritual style I See A River), but nefarious bunch with highly comic menace. their bliss is short-lived as the water runs out. As Little Sally points out “What kind of Later in the story, Bobby confronts musical is this? The good guys take over Cladwell with Hope as leverage, but and everything falls apart” and the show Cladwell ignores the plight of his daughter, ends with our heroine, Hope, spouting and Bobby is led blindfolded to the top meaningless clichés. of the UGC building to learn the truth; Ultimately the message of the piece is a Urinetown is death! Lockstock and Barrel bleak one, its environmental concerns as throw him off the building, cackling relevant today as they were upon its release maniacally. Of course, killing the hero in 2001, and as Little Sally points out “I counters all traditional musical narrative. don’t think many people will come and see Little Sally returns to the hideout in this musical. (Why is that?) Because people a shocked daze, reporting in comic don’t want to hear that their way of life is understatement and earnest delivery unsustainable, and (she adds) the title’s that “the meeting didn’t go so well” with awful” which of course it is, despite the pun. 108 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

The Director Mr Stocker and Musical Director Mr Bishop’s high standards, creative vision and boundless enthusiasm succeeded in leading our willing cast into the intricacies of a pastiche of many musical styles and a darkly comical plot with tropes as well as unexpected twists. Congratulations to Costumier Jennifer Bennie with the help of Breanna Handfield and Mark Wager assisted by Thomas Bevans (set and props). Miss McDonald (choreography) and guest choreographer Jack Migdalek (who’s dance was unfortunately unfinished by circumstances), were essential as the choreography “keeps the musical light”, as Little Sally observes. The Production Coordinator and Assistant Director Jess Doutch’s filming of rehearsals and editing as well as Ken Nakanishi’s publicity photos were integral as was Mr Barry’s poster design. Mr Feldt worked on postproduction with Mr Bishop and Mr Phillips mixing audio and integrating hired orchestral tracks and surgical work by Mr Johnson who spent tens of hours editing the tempo of practically every bar. An enormous thank you to the cast as well as all of the production and design teams for their incredible perseverance and for coping with adversity, without which we would not have the fascinating document that the 2020 Production became. Mr Jason Hall Drama and French Teacher

visual Art and Design



Distance Learning Teddy Bears

Aiden Ding, Year 1

Prep Artists

Prep, Birds

Joshua Chan, Year 3, Rainbow Trail

Connor Pereira, Year 5, Distance Learning

Maxwell Cai, Year 4

Samuel Legge, Year 2

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Sean Zhao, Year 5

Evan Jiang, Year 1

Jonas Fowler, Year 3

Andrew Wang, Year 1

Samuel Page, Year 5

Jake Yang, Prep

William Newman, Year 5

Nikolai Kanarev, Year 2

Ashan Inpanathan, Year 5

Paper Castles, Year 1


Xavier Austin, Year 4

Rainbow Trail, Distance Learning

Art packs for Junior School at home learning

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Felix Smith, Rainbow Trail, Year 5B

Massimo Palermo, Year 2

Anthony Li, My Home Gallery, Year 1

Lucas Sanfilippo, Year 5

Samuel He, Year 1

Whole school, Our Village Our Home Mural

Paper Collage, Year 4

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Zachary Wai, Prep, Rainbow Trail

Concentric Circles, Year 3

The year started with so much promise and excitement. Buoyed by the selection of two of our graduating students for the 2019 Top Arts exhibition, the senior cohort were excited to start developing their concepts and starting work. The studios were abuzz. In early Term 1, the Year 6 and Year 9 students viewed the KAWS exhibition at the NGV and Years 10, 11 and 12 students were inspired by the dynamic visual language of Keith Haring and Jean Michel Basquiat’s Crossing Lines exhibition. All students were gaining momentum and enjoying their art and design learning, then COVID-19 hit and remote learning became the new normal. I want to congratulate the boys as they were, on the whole, enthusiastic to join Zoom lessons and to find solace in their art making away from the screen. It seemed as if the need to be creative, to find a calmness and peacefulness in being creative, helped them with mindfulness. I want to pay tribute to the fantastic, dedicated and resourceful Art and Design staff across all sections of the school. They quickly ‘skilled up’, developed programs suitable to the home art environment and supported the boys and their families. They continued to ensure that art and design played an important role in the academic programs.

For some of our Year 12 boys this was very difficult psychologically, who found not being able to access materials and equipment challenging. Some had to redirect their thinking and modify their process. Fortunately, some students were able to come into school and work if they couldn’t do so at home. Once again there was a trickle of life back in the studios. Term 4 arrived and all Year 11 and 12 students, along with Years 6 and 7 boys were back on campus and folios were submitted. On Monday 26 October we celebrated the collective effort of our Year 12 students with the opening of Exit 20. This year the VCD exhibition was launched on-line and the Art and Studio Art students held a physical show in the David Williams Gallery and Dorset, the new, on-campus gallery. This was the inaugural show in this new space, which boosts our capacity to show student works for longer periods and increase exposure to our creative community. We celebrated with a lunch and official speeches and the students felt special and very privileged in a year of many disappointments.

We are very proud of our young artists who demonstrated genuine grit, resilience and dedication to do their very best. The works this year are diverse, brilliantly creative and authentically represent the spirit of each student. Their journey was challenging but the destination should provide them with great satisfaction. Art reflects time and place, the issues of the day. Artist respond to this, they provide a new perspective; interpreting and educating. Exit 20, the VCD online show and the artworks produced in remote learning from PrePrep to Year 11 reflect this. The artists voice in a time of uncertainty. At Camberwell Grammar School in 2020, this voice is louder than ever. Mr David Williamson Head of Visual Art and Design

The Years 11 and 12 students briefly returned and were glad to be back in the studios and having creative dialogue with their peers and teachers, but then came the second wave and we were again plunged back into remote learning.

Nathan Chan, Year 8

Charlie Weickhardt, Year 7

Harry Chen, Year 7

Year 9 Art Excursion

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Aden Godfrey, Year 10

William Nguyen, Year 6


Justin Mellor 8R

Year 9 Art Excursion

Samuel Betts, Year 10

Ben Radelczyk, Year 8

Luke Doblin, Year 11

Justin Mellor, Year 8

Alexander Lau, Year 9

Cameron Hwang, Year 11

Jamie Kohlmann, Year 10

Declan McCabe, Year 8

Flynn Helmer, Year 9


2D OrThOGOnal STOraGE 1 - GluE STiCK STOraGE 2 - nOTES, PhOnE, BiG STOraGE 3,4,5...9 - MulTi















GrEy lED PEnCilS



Nick Exon, Year 11

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Tin Lock Zhang, Year 9

Luke Nguyen, Year 10

Daniel Watson, Year 11

Thomas Power, Year 10

Ben Ridley, Year 11

Year 9 Art Excursion

Augustine Tan, Year 6

Frank Bite, Year 12

Nathan Leung, Year 9

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Joshua Taylor, Year 7

Daniel Stephen, Year 9

Cameron Hwang, Year 11

Andrew Hare, Year 9

Lachlan Courmadias, Year 7

James Wong, Year 10

Tobias Smith, Year 7

Zifan Morris, Year 8

Derrick Kwon, Year 7

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Charlie Fotheringham, Year 10

Darriel Renzi, Year 7


Observational Drawing, Year 11

Cameron Yeang, Year 8

Nicholas Sarlos-Welsh, Year 11

Harish R-Roshan, Year 6

William Lombardi, Year 9

Ross Armstrong, Year 7

Toby Sharrock, Year 7

Edward Wang, Year 7

Max Pearce, Year 7

Brayden Chew, Year 8

Cam Dunne, Year 9

Max Pringle, Year 8

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Nijad Yu, Year 12

Artists enjoying the EXIT20 Opening

Matthew Chan, Year 12

George Fogarty, Year 12

Kosta Froutzis, Year 12

Harry Senior, Year 12

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Matthew Chan, Year 12

Ryan Wong, Year 12

William Li, Year 12

Khalid Abbas, Year 12

Thomas Ireland, Year 12

Sean Liu, Year 12

Year 12 artists enjoying EXIT20 Opening

Christos Kalas, Year 12


Lewis Neil, Year 12

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VISUAL ART AND DESIGN Alistair Henderson, Year 12

Philip Alex, Year 12, at Crossing Lines Exhibition

Ollie Spalding, Year 12

Aidan Oh, Year 12

Lewis Neil, Year 12

Viewing Tom Nicholson’s installation in chocolate, Year 12

James Balfour, Year 12

Philip Alex, Year 12

Lewis Neil, Year 12

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HOUSE SWIMMING On Friday 28 February, all Years 3, 4 and 5 boys competed in the Junior School InterHouse Swimming Carnival at Camberwell Grammar School Sports Centre. All boys competed in a variety of individual and relay events. Congratulations to Derham and Schofield who were the overall 2020 Inter-House Swimming Champions. Final points were Derham/Schofield with 367 points, Clifford/Steven with 364 points, Bridgland/Summons with 340 points and Macneil/Robinson with 306 points Congratulations go to the following boys who achieved multiple first places in their 50m events: YEAR 4 Isaac Khoo

Steve Gayed

Connor Le Page YEAR 5 Luca Sanfilippo

Luca Cosolo

Thomas Pritchett

Sebastian Kilroy

Ben Liu


HOUSE CROSS COUNTRY On Wednesday 21 October, all Years 3, 4 and 5 students were finally able to compete in the Junior School House Cross Country event. Originally planned for Term 2, and on a brand-new course within the school grounds, it was terrific to give the boys a major event in Term 4 and they all participated with great enthusiasm and determination.

During lockdown, we set the Junior School a weekly challenge to climb mountains with their classmates. Each class had the same mountain to climb each week and competed to reach the summit together. We used flights of stairs to measure how far each boy needed to go. We started on the relatively easy Mount Kosciusko, moved through Africa (Kilimanjaro) and Asia (Fuji and The Years 3 and 4 students ran a distance Everest), tried some underwater climbing on of 2km whilst the Year 5 boys ran 3km Mauna Kea and even made it to outer space, around Belmont Park, then onto the climbing Olympus Mons on Mars. Keith Anderson Oval and finishing on the Jack Tobias Oval. It was a fun competition, well done to all the boys who helped their class each week The overall winner for the event was to reach the summit! Steven with an average finishing place of 25th. Steven have now won two of the last three House Cross Country events. Below are the overall combined Years 3, 4 and 5 House placings, averaged by the number of boys running for each House. HOUSE PLACINGS 1. Steven (25)

5. Bridgland (30.5)

2. Robinson (27.3)

6. Macneil (31.8)

3. Schofield (28.4)

7. Derham (37)

4. Summons (30.3)

8. Clifford (38.9)

Congratulations go to the following students who achieved first, second and third places for each year level: YEAR 3 1st

Jacob Yuen


Sebastian Cheung


Joshua Chan

YEAR 4 1st

Thomas Robertson-Brown


Isaac Khoo


Toby Chan


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Luca Sanfilippo


James Smallwood


Caius Kyoong



others clearly dreading an agonising two laps. Nonetheless, there was a sheer demonstration of persistence and sportsmanship across all year levels. Lachlan Harker continued his exceptional run with another win in the Year 9A division and Billy Swingler pushed through for a win in the B division. In Year 10, Lachlan Ross was in strong contention for his second win in just the first hour of competition, however, Charlie Chun was too strong. Flynn Chable looked to challenge Jimmy Smith’s commanding track record in the Year 11 race, but struggled to hang on to the blistering pace set by Jimmy. Felix McCuaig, Captain of Orienteering, watched his Back on the track, the 100m sprints were training pay dividends as he cruised through underway. In the Year 9 level, footballers the line in first place. Taran Laurence, Adam Rizzo and Lachlan Harker posted rapid Michael Augustes and Lachlan Waycott all times. However, it was school record-holder battled it out in the A Division. Sebastian Beck who set the track alight to Over at the long-jump pit, despite their take out the win. In Year 10, Lachlan Ross showcased his all-round athleticism, followed fatigued legs from a full day of events, Year 9 students Sam Hindhaugh, Joshua closely by Hugo Akse and Jake Ford. In Hui and Freddie Askew all finished on the Year 11 race, AGSV medallist Jordan the podium respectively. In the Year Liang was in his element, but not without 10 event, Hugo Akse and Akalanka strong competition from Sam Rendell and Gunawardana showed great poise. Yet Max Randall. In their final athletics carnival, again, Sam Rendell displayed his leap, the Year 12 race showcased the raw speed taking out the Year 11 long jump, with of Ollie Spalding, who was pipped at the line Nick Exon and Callum Rutledge just inches by Alex Wilson-Brown with Dean Kotsimbos behind. Similarly, Captain of the First V in hot pursuit for third place. Basketball team Taran Laurence took out Once the sprinters cleared, attention the Year 12 competition with his bounce. was diverted towards the 800m start Alex Wilson‑Brown and Lachlan Evans also line, with runners raring to go and rounded out their days with another medal. The 2020 House Sport Competition opened as per usual with the Athletics Carnival in March, which saw teams head to the Bill Sewart Athletics Track in Burwood. With no delay, events were underway both on track and field, opening with shot put, high jump and the 100m sprint simultaneously. Connor Laird proved his strength beyond the cricket pitch, taking out gold in the shot put. In the Year 11 high jump, First V Basketball players, Sam Rendell and Luke Doblin were able to post impressive verticals, placing second and third place respectively, however, Connor Assauw continued his dominant run in the event for the win.

Individual standout performances throughout the day came from Will Stamper with three straight wins across shot put, discus and the 100m; Greg Kerdemelidis who competed consistently across the 100m, 200m and 400m; Max Randall who finished on the podium in all four of his events; and in Year 12, the individual medallist was tied between Alex Wilson-Brown and Ollie Spalding, who both showed their class as such versatile athletes, balancing numerous events throughout the day. Ultimately, with wins across the Year 9 and 10 cohorts, as well as a second place in Year 11, Macneil won convincingly over Schofield. Led by some powerful performances from Lachlan Harker Hugo Akse and Jordan Liang, Macneil was a menacing force on the day. However, with the boys rallying together by Jamie Garnham, Macneil House Captain, it was their overall consistency across the board that was key to success. While it was not known then that this day would represent the entire year of House Sport, all Houses still immersed themselves in the enthusiasm and camaraderie that always makes the Athletics Carnival a highlight for the year. With scintillating sunglasses aplenty and many eagerly donning their house colours, the boys should be commended for creating such a motivating and energetic atmosphere. Tom Bowers Captain of Games The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 123



After months of researching, planning and arranging and four intense weeks of rehearsing, the 54th annual House Music competition had arrived. House Music is very much a team sport. It requires the cooperation from absolutely everyone in the House, making it arguably the most anticipated and celebrated competition in the school. The rules for the night are, each House must present an instrumental item, comprising of at least four players and two songs, one of which must be a part song, arranged in harmonies. The theme for 2020 was ‘100 years or older’, meaning one of the songs had to be written at least 100 years ago. The evening was adjudicated by the wonderful Mr Dermott Tutti, whose comments were invaluable to next year’s competitors. The evening featured a wide variety of music, with works ranging from Schofield’s rendition of Hey Jude, to Vivaldi’s Gloria from Steven, to Macneil’s Teddy Bear’s Picnic. This year’s competition presented some new challenges, as the seating arrangement was reorganised. To accommodate for more guests, the Middleton Theatre behind the main stage was used to seat boys, as a three-House movement system was trialled after each House sang. The arrangement was very successful, with the competition finishing three minutes earlier than the previous year. Tremendous thanks must be extended to Ms Doutch for organising the complex movement system. Competition was extremely fierce this year as the standard reached a new high, with all Houses determined to stop Steven House’s streak, having won the previous three competitions. Despite the efforts from the other seven Houses, Steven House emerged victorious yet again with their fourth consecutive win, making history as the first House to do so. Congratulations to all boys, and good luck to all those competing in next year’s competition. Arman Cakmakcioglu Captain of Music

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“Steven House emerged victorious yet again with their fourth consecutive win, making history as the first House to do so.”



“What may get lost in translation amongst all the trials and tribulations are the efforts of the Bridgland House.”

Upon reflection of the past year-that-was for the Bridgland cohort, reveals one of unprecedented uncertainty and one that undoubtedly strengthened the resolve of an already resilient group. Whilst the year might seem in vain due to the pandemonium of a global pandemic, upon closer inspection, it is clear that a plethora of meaningful experiences occurred. Last year finished like any other for the soon to be Year 9s, with a treacherous week at Kangaroobie, testing their ability to work in teams and pushing their boundaries, perfectly transitioning them to the ever difficult and unfamiliar Senior School. The sense of camaraderie and brotherhood created on this camp carried over into the first term, exemplified by House Music. All year levels, for the most part, showed up morning after morning, rain, hail, or shine to rehearse for the event. This effort paid off in spades on the night with a stellar performance by the Bridgland boys that saw a disappointing result, which certainly did not reflect the effort put in. Special mentions to Liam Ly for his excellent arrangements and accompaniments, and Thomas Ng and Jason Li for sublime conducting that allowed such a distinguished performance.

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Next up was Athletics, the group was determined to right their wrongs for their grievances with their performance in House Music, for what was unknown at the time, to be their last physical House event for the year. The House performed strongly on the day, which brought the boys closer than ever. The period of remote learning was certainly new ground for all those involved, which made typical House activities near obsolete. To combat this, the House enacted multiple opportunities for the boys, such as a cooking competition, that was aimed to maintain participation and interaction amongst the group. Bridgland also showed great dominance in the schoolwide House trivia competition, winning 3 out of 4 year levels. Performances like this display Bridgland’s prowess amongst the school and are a testament to the adaptability

of the boys, as well as their resilience in the face of such adversity. Ultimately, 2020 will be an unforgettable year for all, and what may get lost in translation amongst all the trials and tribulations are the efforts of the Bridgland House. It has been an honour to lead the House this year and get to know the boys as much as possible, and it was truly awesome to see the House’s growth as individuals and as a collective. Many of the achievements of the light blue persuasion would not be possible for not the leadership of Vice Captain Liam Ly and the House Prefect team, and it is with utmost gratitude that I thank them for the role they have played this year. The thanks and appreciation are also extended to all the teachers and tutors within the House, as well as the everreliable Mr Devine. Next year looks incredibly bright for the Bridgland group, with emerging and versatile leaders in the Year 11 ranks, who I and the House Prefects will eagerly pass the mantle on to, to what will hopefully be a much more normal and enjoyable year. Charlie Amling Captain of Bridgland

COLOURS Phil Alex Charlie Amling Jason Li Liam Ly Thomas Ng Lewis Winkett


Tom Georges

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After a few years of rather lukewarm performances in House events (okay, maybe more than a few years), 2020 would be the year where Clifford House proved themselves as a fierce and adaptable group of young men, pulling off excellent results across the board. Where events were cancelled, we came in doubly strong in what remained, with abundant spirit and pep. Hitting the ground running with House Music, the Year 9s got their first taste of Senior School vigour, sparing weekday mornings and Friday afternoons to produce a fabulous end result. On the night, our performance of Bonnie Tyler’s booming “Holding out for a Hero” had boundless energy (and novelty vocal percussion!), meanwhile our three-part rendition of traditional march “Men of Harlech” proved a crowd favourite, led by strong conducting from Dylan Kitchener. Fine work from our instrumentalists brought a virtuosic touch to a Vivaldi classic, bumping up our results higher and higher. The end of the night was met with great bitter-sweetness as Clifford clinched the runner-up spot, the best ranking for the House in years, and only fractions away from our first win since 1996.

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House Athletics was met with the greatest spirit I have seen in my time in Senior School, with all Houses dressing up and cheering their athletes on throughout the day. Clifford’s presence was as imposing as ever, decked out with the iconic hi‑vis vests and Mr Ruffles’ famed orange tracksuit. Although no first-place trophies were recorded across the year levels, it would be the consistency from all that led the House to a stellar equal third place. Tried and tested athletes Gregory Kerdemelidis and Flynn Chable were as great an asset as ever, while newcomer Sebastian Beck showed himself to be one of Clifford’s greatest new contenders. The last big event for the year was House Debating, held both on Zoom and in reallife where allowed. Debating is historically one of Clifford’s strongest events, and 2020 proved no different. Under the leadership of Captain of Debating Rohan Hodges, two of the four teams reached the grand finals, and although neither team came away with the win, we placed first overall – a testament to Clifford’s motto of every link in the chain making a difference.

2020 has been a wholly impressive year for Clifford, and it is right that tribute be paid properly to Mr Ruffles, who has been a great role-model to all the boys in these difficult times and whose Zoom DJ sets were highly lauded by all. It is with great pleasure I now hand over the reins to Flynn Chable, who will no doubt keep Clifford on the up-and-up, hoping that 2021 gives us even more opportunities to show our worth. To all the boys, thank you for getting involved this year whether it be on Zoom or in person, and to our Year 12s and House Prefects, cheers for an incredible six years, and onwards we go! Rhys Campbell Captain of Clifford

COLOURS Ellis Biggar Ethan Lack Rohan Hodges Dylan Kitchener Kieran McAuley Oliver Powell Alexander Ryan Andrew Shallcross Flynn Chable Nicholas Robinson


Nicholas Sarlos-Welsh

“To all the boys, thank you for getting involved this year whether it be on Zoom or in person.”

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Derham began the year with characteristic spirit, passion and flair, building on a tradition of merit in all aspects of House life. In the lead up to the highly-anticipated House Music competition, the boys banded together through a series of focused rehearsals in preparation for an electric evening of music. Following the instrumental group’s lively rendition of Waltzing Matilda, the House delivered emphatic performances of Don’t Stop Believin’ and Amazing Grace. Led by conductor Hugh McGlone and accompanist Chris How, the performances celebrated the strength of the Derham unit, culminating in a formidable fourth place finish. Eager to extend on another of Derham’s most prized events in recent years, House Athletics offered a chance for the boys to relish an afternoon of House spirit. The event saw strong individual

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and team performances across all year levels, including from our Year 11s who placed first in their year level and our Year 12s podium placing. Notably, as a hallmark of the Derham style, the boys thrived in the relay team environment, with the Year 12 team, spearheaded by Taran Laurence, achieving four years of first place victory in a row. Overall, the boys earned a third place finish, continuing Derham’s streak of enviable results in both House Music and House Athletics in recent history. Although the rest of the school year was disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, House activity did not stop; instead, opportunities arose for a unique set of Inter-House events. The boys were unfazed by the online format of House Debating, as impressive debating from our Year 9 and Year 10 teams produced grand final showdowns, with the Year 9 team of Cooper Carbone, Alan Tian and Patrick Homes being

crowned champions. In the House Exercise competition, the boys maintained fitness through running and cycling, and Derham’s second place finish proved to be a deserved bonus. The House Trivia tournament also offered entertaining moments and a sense of connection – a reminder of how much we value each other and the House. Within the House, the boys found unexpected rewards through an array of special events, games and tournaments. From a sports trick-shot competition, to a cooking competition, Fun Friday Kahoot quizzes, a House publication and an Uno competition, the core of the House was preserved with a different spin. In 2020, the boys faced every challenge with trademark Derham courage and camaraderie. As a House, we can be proud to carry on the Derham legacy into the future and beyond. I would like to extend my best wishes to Angus Aikman as House Captain next year. Matthew Wu Captain of Derham

COLOURS Michael Barry Mun Wah Chan Chris How Taran Laurence Hugh McGlone Bharat Manikoth Emmanuel Marcus Ryan Tam Philip Wang Max Whittle


Matthew Wu

“In 2020, the boys faced every challenge with trademark Derham courage and camaraderie.”

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For Macneil, 2020 was another year of resounding success, in which the House’s optimism and perseverance continually shone through.

Zac Kelly, stormed to another first place finish, this time taking their talents to Zoom sessions and virtual runs in the House Fitness and Exercise competition. Other highlights of the online period include The year fittingly opened with an emphatic Zachary Kyriakos’ magnificent Macneilrendition of The Return of the Mack at themed cupcakes in House Cooking, House Music, exceptionally conducted and Hamish Monckton’s victory in the Year arranged by Hamish Monckton; the ‘Mac’ 12 division of the inaugural House Trivia did indeed return, as Macneil Teddy Bears competition, and a resounding grand final picnicked their way to a thunderous third win for the 11/12A House Debating team, place overall. As well as the instrumental consisting of Luke Doblin, Jamie Garnham contribution of Luke Doblin, Evan Chiu, and Jarrod Papadopoulos. Aidan Oh and Hamish Monckton, it was the whole House’s commitment and Macneil’s efforts this year extended cohesion throughout rehearsals that truly beyond the sporting and cultural domains. stood out to all. With the foundations set by 2019 Captain Lachlan Doig, Macneil began This performance set the tone for the rest their charitable partnership with Guide of the year, as Macneilians demonstrated Dogs Australia this year, which, despite their versatility on the track and field by being hampered by restrictions, proved winning the elusive House Athletics trophy. a resounding sucess. The committed Leading from the front were the hot-footed ‘Pawgust’ fundraising team, spearheaded sprinters Jordan Liang, Hugo Akse and by the enthusiasm of Michael Augustes, Lachlan Harker, as well as the tireless long- succeeded in raising hundreds of dollars to distance specialists Michael Augustes, support the training of guide dogs. Jimmy Smith and Henry Shirrefs. With many notable performances from the Indeed, these numerous House activities younger year levels, the future certainly could not have occurred without the selfless looks bright for Macneil. organisational commitment of the House Prefect team, all the Year 12 Macneilians In fact, not even state-wide restrictions and especially the ever-dependable Macneil could lock down Macneil’s most dedicated, Vice Captain Matthew Bryson. Additionally, as the boys, led by Matthew Bryson and one cannot overstate the contribution 138 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

of the returning Mr Green, who has brought immeasurable wisdom, discipline and support to the Year 12 leavers, for which we will always be grateful. With James Harker set to take up the role of Macneil captain next year, the future of the House is in safe hands. Overall in 2020, House activities were a golden light in an otherwise dark year, and so while pandemics may drive us apart, the Macneil spirit – and our cherished memories thereof – will keep us together forever. Jamie Garnham Captain of Macneil

COLOURS Aiden Oh Thomas Huang Thomas Nicholson Vishal Kotecha Dimitri Topatsis Hamish Monckton Jamie Granham Jarrod Papadopolous Matthew Bryson Matthew Lewison Michael Augustes


Nick Clark

“For Macneil, 2020 was another year of resounding success, in which the House’s optimism and perseverance continually shone through.”

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2020 has been a year full of surprises that no one could have imagined at the beginning of Term 1. However, the boys have handled this unpredictable and uncertain year extremely well, adapting to the changing circumstances of remote learning with little problem. The year began with Robinson welcoming Mr Sofoulis as our new Head of House, taking over the position from Mr Smith who returned to Middle School as a Year 7 form teacher. Ms Neville was also welcomed into the House as a new tutor to replace Mr Thomas. Although many of the annual House activities on the calendar had to be written off this year, we were lucky enough to compete in House Music and Athletics in Term 1. The boys attended multiple rehearsals per week in order to prepare for the performance. Our choice of Music was Stars from Les Misérables for the unison song directed by James Thorn and With Cat Like Tread from Pirates of Penzance as our part song directed by Rhys Denison. Our instrumentalists led by Aidan Harris performed You Say Run from My Hero Academia, a popular manga series. Although the boys put in lots of hours and hard work, we unfortunately did not receive the results we were expecting. 142 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

The annual Robinson Street Soccer Tournament charity event was once again a great success with 12 teams entering from Years 9 to 12. The tournament was running smoothly up until the last round before the finals began when new restrictions caused the tournament to be suspended until further notice. Although it was unable to be completed, the tournament required a lot of help from the House Prefects and other Robinson Year 12s. Big thanks to Daniel Iacobucci for helping organise, referee and set up each round as well as competing! Due to many of the activities being called off this year, the School Prefects came up with ideas to create virtual House competitions. Although our success in the Strava competition was below expectation, Robinson found great success in the Trivia competition with Ed Harper from Year 10 and our Vice Captain, Patrick Canny, from Year 12 making the grand final! As the year came to an end, I would like to say that I am extremely proud of the courage and resilience that the boys of Robinson have shown as they were

asked to complete the school year in conditions never seen before. And despite it being difficult to compete in the many competitions and activities offered by the school, the boys all gave it their best and demonstrated strong House spirit! I am pleased to hand over my role as Captain to Jordan McCleery, a very competent and courageous leader who will do a great job leading Robinson to success in 2021. Jasper Fodor Captain of Robinson

COLOURS Henry Smith Harvey Xiao Jack Sturzaker Daniel Iacobucci Justin Leung


Aidan Harris

“The annual Robinson Street Soccer Tournament charity event was once again a great success”.

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Another year has come and gone for Schofield House, although it has been a bit of a different one this time around. While we may not have been able to do all the events we wanted to this year, we still managed to bring together a great House spirit for what we could achieve given the limitations. The year started off as all years do, straight into House singing! Schofield House sang both Hey Jude by The Beatles and Forever Blowing Bubbles by John Kellette. It was a good job by all the boys who put in such a great effort and the subsequent excellent performances. It was also great to see Weihan, Wilson, Steven and Ray partaking in the Instrumental, performing Movement III Allegretto Schaerzando, which was also terrific. We may not have achieved our deserved number one spot, but we could not have placed where we did without 146 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

Wilson Zhu from Year 11, who conducted Forever Blowing Bubbles and, organised and led the instrumental. The future is looking bright for Schofield with the likes of Wilson in charge in 2021 (hopefully he can acquire our deserved number one position).

This year, in the first lockdown, we had an Inter-House exercise competition on Strava with strong contributions, especially from Will Stamper, Hayden Newman, Billy Swingler, Mitchell Brown, Tom Bowers, Benjamin Hindhaugh, Ruben Hopkins and Felix McCuaig achieving some excellent hours!

While this year may have left much to be desired, Schofield House did excellently with what was available to us. This year Debating was able to go ahead this year as well, from sees another group of Year 12s who, although they missed out on so much, home this time, with some interesting were able to make the most of this final debates across the board. It was great to see participation in this despite it being held year and I wish them all the best of luck with their future endeavors. I have been over Zoom. There were great successes, proud to be House Captain this year and with the Year 11s and 12s coming equal I congratulate Wilson Zhu next year for first and the Year 9s and 10s with equal receiving the position, I know he will do fifth, an awesome job from all involved. an even better job. Sport this year was a bit different, we were Angus Corr still able to have the House Athletics with Captain of Schofield some memorable performances all round.


COLOURS James Balfour Ned Bennett Tom Bowers Angus Corr Lachlan Evans Michael Fok Kosta Froutzis Tim Henderson Benjamin Hindhaugh Ruben Hopkins Matthew Lim Felix Mccuaig Nicholas Pang Andrew Phan Harry Rice Bryden Tan

“While this year may have left much to be desired, Schofield House did excellently with what was available to us.”

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“Beginning the year in familiar fashion, Steven House went on to claim their fourth consecutive House Music trophy.” During such unprecedented times, 2020 has seen its ups and downs for the boys of Steven House. Nevertheless, amidst all that the pandemic brought to Melbourne and CGS, more specifically it has been an absolute honour to watch our boys rise to the challenges presented to them, and I commend the House for their hard work and perseverance during times of significant uncertainty. Beginning the year in familiar fashion, Steven House went on to claim their fourth consecutive House Music trophy in what was a historic and defining moment not only in Steven’s history, but in the history of the competition! A sight to be seen, the boys were mesmerising in their performance of Ed Sheeran’s Supermarket Flowers and Vivaldi’s Gloria, unified in harmonious fashion upon the stage. Yet, such a tremendous achievement would simply not have been possible without the devotion and passion displayed by Captain of Music, Arman Cakmakcioglu and School Captain, Geoffrey Gong, whose hard-work behind the scenes was pivotal in facilitating the House’s success on the big occasion. House Athletics saw the boys showcase their grit and endeavour on this day, bringing nothing but their best out on the track as they hurdled, skipped and 150 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

sprinted their way onto the podium. Individual efforts were aplenty, with valiant performances being displayed by a plethora of students across the year levels. As per usual, Ollie Spalding once again produced an athletics masterclass, dominating the majority of the events in which he competed in and earning himself the Gold medal for best performing Year 12 athlete, rounding off his highly successful athletics career. The Year 9s and 10s left themselves with room to improve in the years ahead. As always, the work done by team managers was pivotal to ensuring that all events were filled and that no points were lost due to poor organisation.

competition saw many Steven House boys chucking on the runners or jumping on the bike paths to map out their activities throughout the week, with the likes of the Norman brothers Mitchell and Darcy, and Alec McDougall clocking up mile after mile to lead the way in the House’s total weekly mileage. Off the track, the boys took part in the inaugural House Trivia competition, brandishing their general knowledge in a vast variety of topics. Some further congratulations to Finn Mahaffy for progressing to the Grand Final of the tournament in Year 10.

To the boys that I have been lucky enough to don the royal blue with over An exceptional display of public speaking my time here in Steven House, I thank was witnessed during the House Debating you. It has been an absolute pleasure to competition, which saw the Year 9/10 ‘A’ be able to call myself your Captain over Grade team defeating Derham in the Grand the last year, and to the House Prefects, Final to round off an excellent tournament. Tutors and Mr Young, I thank you for your Massive congratulations to Darcy Norman, uncompromising support over the last year Finn Mahaffy and Eugene Goh for their and I am forever grateful for all the hard outstanding achievement, and special work you have put in throughout the year praise to Finn Mahaffy in particular who to make Steven House such a successful was awarded Best Speaker in the final. and special place. Good luck to the future boys, and huge congratulations to next A highly successful feature of this COVID year’s House Captain Tom Sun. compromised year was the transition to ‘remote’ House activities such as House Finnegan Weston Strava and Trivia replacing the traditional Captain of Steven Swimming, Quads and Chess competitions - at least for 2020. The House Strava


COLOURS Angus Bosmans Arman Cakmakcioglu Tony Chen Oscar Cheunh Dean Christofilopoulos Thomas Cox Tory Crosgrove Will Day Kaelan Fraser Christopher Golz Geoffrey Gong Joseph Hunting Christian Ling David Maes Mitchell Norman Harry Senior Ollie Spalding Anderson Sulewski Lachlan Waycott Finnegan Weston Austin Yim

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In a year like no other, Summons House showed unity, resilience and spirit – competing fiercely in the few House events that were allowed to continue. Although not always reflected in the results, Summons’ effort this year was second to none, an encouraging sign for the future of our House. The year kicked off with House Music, a competition for which the House initially did not share my enthusiasm, given the early rehearsals and its previous lack of success. Despite the slow start, I was immensely proud to see how Summons pulled together in the weeks leading up to the performance; the sheer effort given by everyone was amazing to see. Unfortunately, the adjudication did not fall our way, and we were saddled with an outcome disproportionate to our effort – a testament to the standard of competition this year. Although the result was disappointing, our improvement was evident, and I certainly am looking forward to seeing what the boys can achieve next year. Special thanks to our conductor, Sean Liu, and accompanist Jarrod Leong for our parts song, Chicago’s Hard to Say I’m Sorry, Darcy Livingstone who accompanied our unison song Danny Boy, and to the instrumentalists who performed the crowd favourite Eagles’ Hotel California: Andrew Bishop (tenor saxophone), James Eastwood (drum kit), 154 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

Marc Dalla Riva (electric guitar), Hayden Whiteford (bass guitar) and Luke Nguyen (acoustic guitar).

efforts of Michael Campbell and Kevin Yang the Year 9 team also saw some success, a promising indication of good results to come.

Eager to avenge our defeat in Music, Summons came into the Athletics competition with renewed vigour. We were the only House to enter every student in an event, and our consistency in participation across all year levels led us to a respectable fourth place. The support the boys offered each other on the track in all the races was essential to our success, a tradition I am sure will continue in Summons’ future. Special congratulations to Alex Wilson‑Brown who added yet another Gold medal to his collection and to Max Randall for claiming Silver.

I would like to thank Vice-Captain, Ming Jin Low, and the House Prefects for their commitment this year. They helped to support Summons in what was an especially challenging year through their tireless dedication to the organisation and running of events.

In the absence of House Cross Country and Swimming, events we would have easily dominated I am sure, an online exercise competition was introduced. The point scoring was entirely participation based, so our third-place result was an excellent indicator of Summons’ dedication this year. Well done to Scott Tan who scored the highest number of individual points in the school. House Debating was allowed to continue online and saw solid contributions from all year levels. In particular, the Year 12A team reached the Grand Final and thanks to the

Thank you to all the tutors who continued to run their Tutor Groups through remote learning, your consistent commitment to the students made a big difference to their wellbeing. Special thanks to Mr Warne who assumed the duties of Head of House for a term, not only filling Ms Norris’ shoes, but offering a much more lenient stance on appropriate hair-length, something I gladly benefitted from. Finally, a huge thank you to Ms Norris, whose unwavering commitment to both the students and the House is something we can always rely on to lift us up, a quality that turned out to be especially important this year. I wish all in Summons House the best for the future and have no doubt you will continue to build on our success under Marc Dalla Riva’s leadership. Patrick Rogan Captain of Summons

COLOURS Patrick Rogan Ming Jin Low Alex Wilson-Brown Oscar Curry Michael Campbell Carson Howard Mark Lai

“I wish all in Summons House the best for the future and have no doubt you will continue to build on our success”.

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Kevin Yang

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camps and




Year 7 Lord Somers Camp Lord Somers Camp is one of the most exciting events for many Year 7 students. The camp itinerary was packed with lots of fun activities like pizza making and the Coolart Wetlands walk. The camp activities also provided us with excellent learning opportunities such as surf lifesaving and cultural learning. There were many challenges to tackle which required us to demonstrate courage.

tipped my board over and pushed me into the water. I was terrified because I have a fear of deep water. I had to muster the courage to get back onto my board each time and not let my phobia make my experience less enjoyable.

Camping out was a new experience for me. We had to deal with some obstacles that presented themselves in front of us, such as cooking couscous in a trangia for dinner. We had to pitch a tent which was quite difficult for students like me My class, 7S, had three hours to master the who did it for the first time. When sleeping art of paddleboarding with our instructor overnight in a tent I needed to step out of Tommy. With bravery, we completed the my comfort zone because I am scared of activity with flying colours. There were also the dark and it was quite frightening when I a few nerve-wracking moments woke up halfway through the night. during my experience. Most of them were when Raft building focused on communication my friends and teamwork. Many students showed courage and contributed ideas to build the rafts. Unfortunately, neither teams’ rafts stayed afloat but my team won as the other team’s raft never made it into the water. My favourite moment at camp was on Wednesday morning. I went for a

run on the beach along with Mr Stanley and two other students. We were able to capture the picturesque sunrise and see some racehorses training on the beach. While running we learned about energy release and Adenosine Trisphosphate and lactic acid (learning on camp is fun!). I learned a valuable lesson that morning. When I first stepped on the beach, I wanted to increase my speed and endurance. When I left the beach, I had learned to work as a team and now I understand the quote ‘You are as strong as your weakest link’. Some of the most memorable moments of camp occurred during my free time. We played sports, watched movies and shared meals together. This camp was a great opportunity to interact with other Year 7 students and I was able to make many new friendships. On behalf of all the Year 7 students I would like to thank the school and in particular the staff that accompanied us on this camp to Lord Somers. Justin Kwan Year 7

“The camp itinerary was packed with lots of fun activities like pizza making and the Coolart Wetlands walk.”

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Year 8 Surf Camp – Bellarine Peninsula and Surf Coast


Shortly after the school year began in February, Year 8 students made their way to the Bellarine Peninsula and Surf Coast for Surf Camp. The camp is a popular fixture on the Year 8 calendar and aims to facilitate the development of connections between students and their form teacher in an informal, outdoor setting. It also provides opportunities for students to develop or refine their surfing skills and refresh their knowledge of water safety.

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This year, form groups stayed in a number of locations in Aireys Inlet and Queenscliff and spent time at local beaches. The surf was kind to beginner surfers and the water temperature favourable for the time of year, it was pleasing to see so many students stand on their boards to ride waves to shore. Superb weather ensured that everyone enjoyed their time and returned home with a greater appreciation of beach safety and newfound surfing skills. Ms Kirsty McDougall Director of Co-Curricular Activities

“The Camp aims to facilitate the development of connections between students and their form teacher in an informal, outdoor setting.”

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At the end of a year characterised by cancellations and closures, there was much excitement associated with the announcement that all Year 8 students would have the opportunity to go on camp. Barely two weeks before the scheduled camp date, restrictions lifted to a point where Melbourne-based schools were

“Everyone embraced the challenges on offer and enjoyed the sense of freedom that came with being in the outdoors.”

permitted to travel to rural Victoria for school camps. The enthusiasm for the camp was evident in the rate at which consent forms were signed and returned. To adhere to COVID-19 restrictions still in place, the camp program was somewhat modified, but all students still had the opportunity to reconnect with peers, get to know newly appointed student leaders and spend time in the outdoors. Bridgland, Clifford, Macneil and Summons Houses made their way to Kangaroobie in Princetown first, on Monday morning, and by early afternoon groups could be found hiking along the Great Ocean Walk, canoeing down the Gellibrand River, testing their agility on the Challenge Course and roaming, GPS in hand, on a high-tech navigation course.

On Wednesday morning Derham, Robinson, Schofield and Steven boarded coaches and set out to swap places with the Houses already on camp. Once more, everyone embraced the challenges on offer and enjoyed the sense of freedom that came with being in the outdoors. It wasn’t long before students and staff alike were exclaiming how nice it was to be away, how good the camp food was and how much fun they were having. In all, camp was a magnificent way to end the school year and an invaluable opportunity for Year 8 students to begin their transition to Senior School. Ms Kirsty McDougall Director of Co-Curricular Activities

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Year 8 Camp – Kangaroobie

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“Courage to push yourself through new experiences.” Our First Community Service Tour to Borneo On 30 November 2019, 11 students and two staff members gathered at Melbourne Airport to venture on the inaugural Community Service Tour to Borneo. Not even the teacher or the Camp Leader, Rich, knew of the exciting and once-in-alifetime opportunity that lay before them. Prior to the trip, money was raised through different individual fundraising endeavours including; a music concert performed at school, part-time jobs and even a golf day!

After transferring flights to Brunei, and then Kota Kinabalu, the group made an eight‑hour bus trip to Batu Putih. There we met Martin, the leading tree conservationist at this camp, who explained that our group would be the first to attempt their new method of tree planting in order to preserve endangered local tree species. After two and a half days at Batu Putih, another bus ride took us to Sepilok, where the Sepilok Orang-Utan Rehabilitation Centre and the Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre are located. Both aim to improve the welfare and rehabilitation of these endangered species and help illustrate the importance of our tree planting work over the previous days.

Following this was a bus transfer to Bongkud Village where we spent two days undertaking cultural activities, brick laying the new community centre, transporting stone drains and playing a soccer game with the locals. The next stage of our trip was a five-day jungle trek. Each day presenting its own challenges: an undulating path, a kneeheight river crossing or traversing up a steep cliff face of rock. We were rewarded with a rest each afternoon, as well as a dip in the river or stream near the camp. After arriving back at Camp Bongkud, we spent two more days concreting a main road, repairing numerous desks at the local primary school prior to the students’ return, bead making and cooking local dishes. The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 165


Following our stay at Bongkud, a three-hour bus trip took us to Camp Tinangol, the group’s final opportunity to be able to make a difference to communities we visited. However, consistent and torrential rain halted this process, and some sessions of project work were replaced with bead making and weaving bamboo leaves as well as project work around Camp Tinangol, such as fixing up brick paths, cleaning the basketball court and fixing up locks in bathrooms and showers. We also helped concrete a road, install a drain pipe and wash out water and dirt from the unbuilt volleyball site, which was all completed in heavy rain. Our second last day in the country was spent doing some light project work in the morning and playing games, singing songs and interacting with about 35 kids from the local Tinangol area. Our final day in the country began with a four-hour bus drive back to Kota Kinabalu, a stopover at the Sumangkap Gong-Making Village, which boasts the biggest gong in Malaysia, and the rest of the afternoon was spent in the markets and shopping centres. Our final dinner was at a burger joint near our accommodation and then we visited three night markets to make any final Christmas or souvenir purchases. With a total of 35 kilometres on the hike, constant hours of community and project work, and three weeks away from home the group learnt valuable lessons and skills, not only practical and factual, but also the ability to work as a team and independently away from family. We’d like to thank Mr Devine and Mr Mason who planned the whole trip and its activities. Our gratitude also goes to Rich, our Camp Leader, who not only kept us safe but also gave us great insights from his wealth of travel experiences. Liam Ly Year 11 166 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020




On Wednesday 26 February, 14 Junior and Middle School boys travelled to the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre (MSAC) to compete in the 2020 South Yarra Schools District Swimming Championships. Congratulations to the entire team who finished in fourth place overall in the Boys Schools Division. Special mention and congratulations go to our Butterfly stars Isaac Khoo and Melvin Zhang who qualified for the Beachside Divisional Championships.

On Friday 6 March a pair of boys from Junior and Middle School competed in the Beachside Division Swimming Championships held at Oakleigh Pool. Congratulations to Isaac Khoo and Melvin Zhang on their performances. Melvin finished first in his 50m butterfly race and would have progressed through to the Southern Metro Championships had they not been cancelled. Isaac Khoo swam exceptionally well in a strong field and finished third. 10 YEARS




Isaac Khoo

50m Freestyle



50m Butterfly



4x50m Freestyle Relay



50m Freestyle





Eric Pan

Ryan Noor

50m Breaststroke



4x50m Freestyle Relay



50m Backstroke



50m Breaststroke



4x50m Freestyle Relay



50m Backstroke



4x50m Freestyle Relay






Melvin Zhang

50m Freestyle



50m Butterfly



4x50m Freestyle Relay



4x50m Medley Relay



50m Freestyle



50m Backstroke



4x50m Freestyle Relay



50m Backstroke



50m Breaststroke



4x50m Freestyle Relay



50m Breaststroke



4x50m Freestyle Relay







Isaac Chen

50m Freestyle



Alexander Zabojec

11 YEARS​​

Thomas Pritchett

Luca Sanfilippo

Sean Verghese


12/13 YEARS

Max McCool

50m Butterfly



4x50m Freestyle Relay



4x50m Medley Relay



50m Freestyle


5th 6th

50m Backstroke


4x50m Freestyle Relay



Mark Wu

50m Backstroke



Kaan Ong

50m Breaststroke



Harish R-Roshan

Maximilian Coia

50m Breaststroke



4x50m Freestyle Relay



4x50m Medley Relay



4x50m Freestyle Relay



4x50m Medley Relay



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Isaac Khoo

50m Butterfly






50m Butterfly



11 YEARS NAME Melvin Zhang

SPORT REPORT prolonged celebrations on the middle of the their changeover times and rose up the KAO in a fitting way to send off outgoing, leader board. much-loved Coach, Richard Clifton. Unfortunately, the Winter and Spring Students who gained AGSV Representative Seasons were spent in lockdown. However, selection included Ellis Biggar (Basketball), coaches, staff and students came together The AGSV Summer season proved to be Connor Laird, Jordan McCleery (Cricket), on Zoom and other online platforms to one of our most successful for some time Nathan Shi (Captain), Bryden Tan and stay connected with sport and physical with all Firsts teams finishing no lower than Ethan Tang (Table Tennis), Frank Bite and activity. Footballers were treated to guest fifth on their respective premiership ladders. Ming Jin Low (Volleyball). Unfortunately, the speakers, while the Hockey and Soccer matches were not played however, we are teams caught up regularly to continue Table Tennis had another dominant, very proud of each student’s contribution their development in theoretical and undefeated season to claim Camberwell’s to the program. practical applications. The Captain of sixth premiership in a row to take our Games, Tom Bowers demonstrated great overall tally to 19. Ethan Tang was a In our non-AGSV sports, Orienteering initiative by encouraging all students to member of all six premierships, while claimed a premiership in their Wednesday join the school’s unofficial Strava account Nathan Shi (Captain) finished his school evening Park Street competition, our top to ‘highlight the streets of Melbourne’ and Table Tennis career having not lost a single Squash team won their division and our top it was fantastic to see so many students match across five years in the team. After Lawn Bowls team were runners up in the contribute. Many kilometres were recorded stellar seasons, both Ethan and Nathan, unofficial AGSV competition. The Cycling by foot and bicycle. as well as Bryden Tan gained AGSV squad showed remarkable improvements Representative selection. and recorded outstanding results. There The Sport program continues to grow each were many podium finishes throughout the year with exciting initiatives and ventures. Volleyball and Tennis made the finals for season, but consistent performances saw Next year, we welcome the school’s very the first time in many years and both teams Zac Kelly win Senior A Grade (back-toown ‘Home of Tennis’ at Leason Street, finished a commendable fourth. Departing back), Alex Guorgi finish second in Senior C Kew. Meanwhile, in conjunction with the Captain and Coach combination, Frank Grade and Luke Ryan win Senior D Grade. Sport Academy, coaching opportunities Bite and Liam Gibson were instrumental in within the program are expanding. the Volleyball team’s success. The Tennis Kayaking had consistent and excellent team looks set for future success with a performances from many students in Due to the interrupted season, Sport host of young talent in the side, highlighted the squad. In Term 4, they competed in Colours were only awarded in the by Matthieu Gibert, who played the season the showcase event for the sport, the Summer Season. Full Colours are a as the team’s number one. Cobram 40 Miler, where the squad and reward for those who demonstrate the their families ventured up to the Murray highest levels of commitment, character Basketball and Cricket both had much River. The new year included events such and exceptional performance. Well done improved seasons, finishing in fifth as the State Marathon Championships to the following students. place and only narrowly missing out on in Geelong and the State Sprint a finals berth. Both teams completed Basketball: Ellis Biggar and Championships in Nagambie. With its their respective seasons with strong Taran Laurence extended season, it is another sport that performances. The outgoing Year 12s requires dedication and skill. Cricket: Connor Laird and of the First V were the stars of the show Jordan McCleery in a dominant 11-point win against Yarra Although the final races of the season Valley. Co-Captain, Taran Laurence had an exceptional season. Meanwhile, the First XI comfortably chased down Yarra’s total by six wickets. Members of the team were joined by Second XI players to enjoy

were cancelled, the Triathlon squad performed exceptionally well in the 2XU Triathlon Series over the summer. Lead by Dr Jack Smith and Captain, Alex Lew, the young squad learned quickly to improve

Cycling: Zac Kelly, James Stambe and Logan Taplin Kayaking: Rhys Campbell, Will Murray and Daniel Watson

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While it was disappointing that the Winter and Spring Seasons weren’t able to run throughout the year, it was pleasing that we were able to at least complete the 2019-20 Summer Season.


“To all Year 12s, stay involved in sport and even stay connected to the school through one of the Old Camberwell teams. I wish you all a healthy physical activity‑filled future.” Lawn Bowls: William Cook and Elijah Pannozzo

of Groups who continued to aid their respective sports. Some of the many contributions this year included Kayaking Orienteering: Luke Burton, Felix McCuaig ergos, an indoor Hockey goal and and Benjamin Price numerous barbecues. Thank you to all members for your ongoing support. Squash: Arman Cakmakcioglu and Kai Sapolu A host of people help to make Sport Table Tennis: Joshua Hui, Bryden Tan, Ethan Tang and Nathan Shi Triathlon: Alex Lew Volleyball: Frank Bite The Sport Department would like to recognise the efforts made by all Friends 170 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

at the school a memorable experience for everyone involved, particularly the students. None more so than the staff and coaches who guide our boys to be better sportsmen and, more importantly, shape them into fine young men. Thank you for the substantial time and effort you so willingly gave.

In what was a challenging year for many, thank you to all students and parents for making the Sport program so special. While they missed out on the majority of their final year of school Sport, I want to make special acknowledgment of the contributions of all Year 12 students to the program throughout their years at the school. To all Year 12s, stay involved in sport and stay connected to the school through one of the Old Camberwell teams. I wish you all a healthy, physical activity‑filled future. Mr Lachlan Crawford Director of Sport


The Emerging Athlete Pathway (EAP), formerly known as the Elite Athlete Pathway, has grown to nearly 40 students in 2020. The program continued to build on areas such as individualised coaching and assessment with high profile coaches, personalised strength and conditioning with Paul Sartori and Adam Earnshaw, mental and physical health monitoring and educational assistance. The introduction of an onsite Physiotherapist was both informative and collaborative. With the

introduction of the new management system DEEDS, the Sports Academy is continuing to look at inventive ways to improve processes and the introduction of a new athlete management system. The 1-on-1 Coaching Program is now known as the Personalised Coaching Program or PCP. Students can access this program before, during or after school and up to four students can attend each coaching session. They have the same access to high profile coaches, assessment and management, just like the EAP.

Jack Hale, Steve Blackley, Davide Bertamini, Paul Sartori, Jordan Russell, Rayden Tallis, Lou Cirello, Richard Clifton, Mark Freeman, Joe Gerada and Nick Ong. Several of these coaches have coached or been involved at the highest level in their sport as a player or coach.

Some of the new programs the Sports Academy has looked at have included lectures, both online and at school. The Man Cave is a company that promotes good mental health in young males. The Sports Academy orchestrated a program for all of the EAP students The numbers across the school have been during lockdown which focused on very impressive. In over 11 different sports, their mental health in unprecedented times. Lectures also focused on building 37 students are enrolled in the EAP from resilience during lockdown and how elite Years 7 to 12 while a further 108 students from Year 1 through to Year 12 participated athletes have survived during this time. in the PCP. 10% of the school now access Krystine Mottram led some of the sessions while Luke Matthews, current Australian the Sports Academy in a range of sports, 800m and 1500m athlete, gave a personal coaching and programs. account of his struggles and life beyond Some of our expert, high profile coaches COVID-19 and his journey towards the within both programs include Craig Mottram, 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games.

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What a year it has been. The Sports Academy has continued regardless and, like being down at half time in the grand final, has fought back to kick a few goals after half time. Consolidation and innovation was the key to both programs within the Academy for 2020, with a view to building a new and improved athlete management system and some developments to facilities used within the Academy. This all occurred to varying degrees under trying circumstances and will continue to do so for 2021 and beyond.

The new underground, synthetic playing surface is a new addition to the Sports Academy. Students will be able to utilise this area all year round without the fear of being rained out or their Sports Academy session cancelled due to bad weather. There is space for a cricket bowling machine, small team games and a hockey goalkeeping machine that shoots balls just to name a few. The students now

have access to some of the best coaches and facilities within any sports program within Australia. The future is always a new idea that comes to fruition. Those ideas include a range of areas, some of which include a new mental health program, further development of facilities and programs and better connections within the wider

Camberwell Grammar community. Working with current families and their sporting requirements are at the forefront of the Sports Academy’s objectives. Believe it can happen, work hard to make it happen and then change the world. Mr Jamie Watson Director of the Sports Academy


“The students now have access to some of the best coaches and facilities within any sports program within Australia.” SPORTS ACADEMY » LOVE YOUR SPORT..... » WANT TO IMPROVE..... » WHY NOT TAKE THE LEAP & JOIN THE ACADEMY » GAIN AWESOME SKILLS FROM SOME LEGENDS

STEVE BLACKLEY • Big V Division 1 Championship Coach • State Team Selector/Coach • AAU Gold license Coach in the USA • Current NBL1 Assistant Coach

RICHARD CLIFTON • Extensive history in cricket • Cricket Australia Representative Coach • Former CGS First XI Coach – 7 years • Glen Maxwell’s private batting coach • “You get the process right – the results will come”

JORDAN RUSSELL • Played AFL for Carlton and Collingwood • VFL Premiership Captain • Western Bulldogs Assistant Coach

172 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

SPORTS CENTRE Shut down was a busy period for us – we not only created an online Aquatics 2020 has been a massive year for PE Unit and a Virtual Swimming Pool, Camberwell Grammar Aquatic. Kicking the but we were able to offer support and year off, we hosted some fantastic programs ongoing programming to our swimming to our CGS and aquatic community, with community online. programs spanning across curriculum, At the end of Term 3 we had achieved the sport, extra-curricular lessons and squads following; as well as some local primary schools.

loved seeing everyone back in action as we see restrictions eased.

Matt Belgiovane and the coaching team produced two National Open Short Course Qualifiers and a further three National Age Qualifiers to compete this year. A tremendous achievement for such a young club.

After significant research and development, we successfully piloted the program in 2019 with some fantastic results. ARV (Aquatics and Recreation Victoria) have recognised the value of this program and awarded us the 2020 Innovative Program Award – we are really proud of this achievement.

• 60 athletes on individual programs • 72 swimmers participating in online prescription each week • 150 Zoom workouts hosted

Whilst we were off to a promising start to the year, things quickly came to a halt. As COVID-19 restrictions and lockdown set in we had to cancel numerous programs and events. Heartbreaking news for our AGSV Team, Learn to Swim and Club swimmers, and of course our State and National level swimmers.

• 256 online sessions (from catch ups to cooking classes) • 436 hours dedicated by coaches to online delivery • 5,460 total attendances to the sessions provided We were thankful to provide an important service to athletes during this time and

In late 2018 we began developing a new grassroot sport initiative call Junior Racers. Junior Racers is a skill based Learn to Race Program, and focuses on what kids both enjoy and need to develop confidence in.

As we move out of restrictions, we are excited to see programs recommence and help all of those in our aquatic community! Mr Nic Campbell Aquatic Manager

“ARV (Aquatics and Recreation Victoria) have recognised the value of this program and awarded it 2020 Innovative Program Award”

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Strength and Conditioning


The Strength and Conditioning Program kicked 2020 off with involvement in summer Firsts squad conditioning, PE curriculum and general student weight room use. COVID-19 lockdowns provided a great opportunity to take the program virtually, exposing a greater number of students to home body weight training. Over the two lockdown periods, 658 Zoom fitness sessions were offered to Year 6-12 students, Camberwell Grammar Aquatic swimmers and CGS staff. 4,430 attended sessions on offer for students and Firsts squads. A real focus was placed on continual student connection and love of exercise. Fun and positive engagement was promoted with fitness games, partner workouts, trivia, competitions and theme days.

All boys that gave up time either before school, lunchtime or after school must be commended for their efforts. Many students showed great dedication to their own overall physical and mental health and built fantastic habits around exercise during the year. A shout out to Ned Chesler (‘aka’ Mr Zoom) who attended the most Zoom fitness sessions over the lockdown periods, an incredible 201 sessions. 2020 emphasised the need to remain physically active, no matter the source. The Strength and Conditioning Program looks forward to a bigger and better 2021 with the return of regular conditioning sessions in the David Dyer Fitness Centre and involvement in sport training. Mr Paul Sartori Strength and Conditioning Coach











“Fun and positive engagement was promoted with fitness games, partner workouts, trivia, competitions and theme days.”

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I was privileged to have the leadership role of Captain of Archery this year, and I am absolutely stoked at the quality of the group’s performance. A special thank you must go to Rob, for enduring us as a squad and helping us become better bowmen, and to Mr Daniel for his supervision of the squad. Without them, this whole exercise would not be possible. I would like to thank Austin Yim for being my right-hand man this year as my Vice Captain. Aleksandar Rupar Captain of Archery As the teacher in charge of Archery, I would like to extend my thanks to Aleksandar for the professional way in which he fulfilled his role as Captain of Archery. His mentorship of the younger participants, particularly those new to the sport, was impressive.


In the summer 2019-2020 season of Archery there were 24 of us that participated. Four of these boys were Year 7 students who joined the school at the start of 2020 and they were impressive in their quick pickup of the sport. Training on Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning each week, the squad prepared for the two competitions that were undertaken right before the end of the season. As far as the competition went, we faced Trinity Grammar on both occasions, resulting in a win and a loss. Funnily enough, the day where we faced abysmal weather of rain and biting wind, was the competition where we came out on top. In addition to this, our external coach, Mr Rob McKenzie, graciously extended an invitation to train at his club, the Kew City Bowmen at Hays Paddock, at the end of 2019. This opportunity was great for the boys, since everybody got a chance to use a bow without a sight and if they so wished, try out a compound bow. I think I speak for everyone on the squad when I say that it was an experience that greatly improved our overall skill.

Mr Michael Daniel Teacher in Charge

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First V Basketball The 2019/20 First V Basketball season involved many ups and downs but overall my final season playing alongside my teammates and friends was a great experience. First of all, I would like to thank Friends of Basketball, the AGSV umpires, the supportive parents including Tom Power and his father Mr Andrew Power, and Coach Steve and Ms Katrina Massey for working hard all season long to give us the best experience possible. Most of all, I would like to thank all the supporters that came down to our home games and created a truly memorable atmosphere. Over the last year, I would like to think that we developed a fantastic culture bigger than First V Basketball. With the help of sausage sizzles and drum line performances, the games were the highlight of each week, and I was proud to step out on the floor in front of such a supportive crowd. One of these special moments was when Sam Veitch scored a clutch three-pointer to tie the game with seconds left against Mentone and although we ended up losing the game, it was a great feeling when the crowd went wild as the ball went through the net. Altogether, the team won four games and lost four games, narrowly missing a spot in the top four to play finals. Despite this, the season as a whole was something I will always remember and be thankful for. I would highly recommend younger players to work hard and strive for a spot on the First V Basketball team, because it is a great experience.

Overall, my ‘last dance’ alongside my friends was an exceptional and memorable few months. Ellis Biggar Co-Captain

Second Blue Basketball

Second Gold Basketball It was a very promising season from the younger of the two Seconds sides, CGS Gold. Although injury cut his season short, Ben Wardlaw’s contribution in the games that he did play were immense enough to qualify him as the MVP. He was reliable on defence and contributed voluminously on the scoreboard. However, it was Ben’s contribution as a motivator and team unifier that stood out. Most improved this season was big man Garnet Brennan. Over the off-season, Garnet developed immensely as an attacking player and was dominant on the scoreboard in most games. Some very impressive individual performances were clocked up by Petersen, Johnson, Purcell and Daniel. Who, in each of four separate games, was the difference between winning and losing. However, the most impressive aspect of this team is their passing. Their clear eyes, quick hands and excellent positioning off the ball made for a very entertaining style of play. As a group, most of them will return for a final season together next summer. There is little doubt they have the potential to go close to a clean sweep of AGSV Seconds Basketball when they do.

The 2019/20 season for the Second Blue Basketball team was a highly successful one. Joint MVPs Harry Rush and Will Day contributed on the score board and were the defensive leaders in every game. Some fantastic individual performances were clocked by improving big man, Hamish Wild, and early in the season by Jay Song, who had stepped up his game immensely in the off season. Ruben Hopkins’ last second three pointer to defeat PEGS, at PEGS, was easily the moment of the last two seasons. Individual performances aside, this playing group will be forever remembered as the team that brought back the high-five, just before the high-five was removed from the COVID-19 era list of acceptable social behaviours. The team spirit was immense all season. Watching every team member high-five every other team member, in almost every stoppage, in many of the games was quite the spectacle of comradery. This team’s spirit is the new gold standard for Seconds Mr Nick Martin Basketball at Camberwell Grammar School. Teacher in Charge Mr Nick Martin Teacher in Charge

“The team spirit was immense all season. Watching every team member high-five every other team member, in almost every stoppage, in many of the games was quite the spectacle of comradery.” 176 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

Fourth Gold Basketball

THIRD BLUE BASKETBALL MVP: Jack Sturzaker Coach’s award: Ronan Dicker Played 9, won 6, lost 1, drew 2 THIRD GOLD BASKETBALL MVP: Harry McColl Coach’s award: Sean Yang Played 9, won 8, lost 1

Fourth Blue Basketball The Fourth Blue Team had a tough and thrilling 2019/20 Summer season; from the nail-biting start against PEGS Red where the ring appeared hexed; expelling our every attempt at goal and the smashing losses against Trinity in round 3 and 6, to the eye popping gasps of the last match against our own Camberwell Grammar School Bears, it was a season like no other. The team: Chris How, Nic Feldt, Alexander Ryan, Thomas Cox, Philip Wang, Andrew Phan, Darcy de Rauch, Matthew Deayton, Steven Chen and Angus Corr, all performed brilliantly. Round 4 against Mentone Gold was also a highlight with Camberwell trailing 12:16 a half time. By digging deep and with great defensive play by Darcy de Rauch, Philip Wang and Thomas Cox the team took ground bringing the score to 30:31. With 3 seconds on the clock Matthew Deayton broke free and took a chance to snatch victory with a heroic last shot at goal, pushing the final score Camberwell’s way 32:31. The match burned deep into the team’s memory, but it was totally eclipsed by the final game of the season against Camberwell Bears. The Blues started strongly with Chris How and Matthew Deayton scoring fast, followed by Nic Feldt’s two extraordinary three pointers taking the halftime score 20:17. The Bears dug deep in the second half and with the Blue’s energy flagging they took the lead. Six points down and with minutes left the Blues clawed their way back, with seconds left on the clock Matthew Deayton played interference and snatched the ball and with a heart-pumping, on the clock, layup he took a shot; the crowd jumped to their feet and held their breath as the ball circled the hoop, falling through as the siren sounded leading to the Blue’s only draw of the season. It will be a game long remembered by those who witnessed the battle of the season!

Fourth Gold Team had a very successful 2019-2020 season winning six of the eight matches played. The first match of the season against Yarra Valley Red started brilliantly with Lewis Neil’s speedy runs and gentle layups pushing the score up. These first shots were quickly followed by Thomas Nicholson’s impressive steals and additional goals. At halftime Camberwell was in the lead 26:9 with Benjamin Svikis and James Balfour’s defensive skills preventing opponents scoring, resulting in a 63:13 win! However, the most impressive match of the season was against our old rival Trinity Green. Camberwell took the lead early and by halftime Camberwell was still ahead by one point 17:16, but Trinity was not prepared to give up and as the teams went head to head in the second half only John Thomson, Tim Heavey, Nathan Le and Dean Kotsimbos’s diligent rotating defence line prevented a likely beating. With three seconds left on the clock it looked like a well-earned Camberwell victory (26:25); however, with a sudden lucky snatch Trinity had the ball, aimed high, and as the siren blew scored the final goal taking the match 27:26. The crowd took to their feet applauding; it was the most exciting match of the season. Thanks to all the boys, coach Noah, Ms Jennifer Turnnidge and parents for supporting us this season.

Fourth Mitre Basketball

This year the Fourth Mitre boys really pulled together for a cracking final season. With the help of Team Manager Ms Jessica Cormick and Coach Mr Noah Marshallsay, we finished our Camberwell Basketball careers on a high, Thomas Nicholson and Ben Svikis part of a basketball journey many of us began years ago in Year 7. We opened the Fourth Crest Basketball season with a dominant win over Yarra Valley Grammar, a performance which set The Fourth Crest team worked well together the tone for the rest of the season, rolling to progress from heavy losses to the with high momentum. Consistent efforts occasional win as the season continued. and positivity from all team members, The team gained confidence and all players particularly Lucas Yan, Carson Howard showed improvement in their basketball and Dan Iacobucci, coupled with strong skills and match tactics; approaching every performances from Jamie Garnham, game with determination. The highlight Lachlan Waycott and Harry Senior, of the season was our game against ensured that Fourth Mitre was a formidable Yarra Valley Grammar, where we were opponent in a season to remember, a losing the match 6-11 at halftime. However, season in which we all pulled together one by actively securing rebounds and making last time to represent our school. On behalf numerous jump shots, the team turned the of the team, I would like to thank all of the game around and ended up winning by coaches, managers and support staff who 16 points! Sam Schwenk, Riley Swinburne enabled our competition, and the referees and myself all played with endeavour and who consistently umpired our games to enthusiasm, supported by Nathan Windisch the highest possible standards. and Benjamin Worley. Anthony Cao Most Valuable Player

Thomas Cox


Third Blue and Gold Basketball

Hugh McGlone Most Valuable Player The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 177


Fourth Bears Basketball The Fourth Bears team had a very enjoyable season, playing a great deal of excellent basketball and savouring an encouraging number of successes as well. Admirable wins were achieved, including the heart-stopping game against Penleigh and Essendon Grammar’s Red Team, which was hard-fought with both sides giving their all. All games were played with our boys demonstrating excellent sportsmanship and competing most impressively in both their demeanour and their positive performance. Nevertheless, the most exciting game of the season, against our very own Camberwell Blue Team, was very closely contested, with both sides leaving nothing on the court, but competing fairly, positively and in a sportsmanlike manner. The final result, a draw, was a most fitting way to end the season for both teams. There were quite a few stand out players throughout the various rounds, but congratulations must go to all members of the team for a successful season. Mr James Victor Teacher in Charge

Fourth Cubs Basketball The Fourth Cubs team proved themselves to be a determined, persistent and resilient team, enjoying an encouraging degree of success throughout the season. A most pleasing win was recorded against Mentone, in which the Cubs played very skilfully and set goals up strategically. Despite the game being very closely contested, the Cubs’ persistence paid off. Nevertheless, their determined attitude shone through in all games, giving of their best and making a determined effort. The Cubs continued to demonstrate their sportsmanship and a great deal of perseverance throughout the season. One of the special events of the season was competing in the ‘Centenary Round’ against

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Trinity, marking the 100th Anniversary of AGSV Sport. Our boys played with a great sporting spirit, displaying an admirable standard of sportsmanlike behaviour and giving their all until the very end. Congratulations must go to all team members for a very enjoyable season. Mr James Victor Teacher in Charge

10A Basketball Suffering only three losses during the season, the 10A Basketball team was a force in the competition. Tall timber Benny Grayson frequently dominated games and was well supported by the athleticism of Harrison Haintz and Thomas Power – the whole team could be listed here such was their dedication and application to the task at hand – namely, winning. There were a few games that slipped between our fingers – frustratingly, twice to Trinity. This represents a point of focus for the boys who assure me that the off season is to be spent sharpening skills and shooting hoops so that next year, as they take to the Senior competition, the boys will be hungry to set the ledger straight. Mr Will Hone Teacher in Charge

10B Basketball

player as more important than another than one could pick out the most important panel on our solar array. They all worked together to create a power that shocked the competition, week after week. Given this performance, the future looks bright as they march towards their senior career in Camberwell Basketball. Thank you to Mr Cyrus Chan for coaching the first half of the season and Ms Natalie Stevens who took over at the start of this year. Mr Will Hone Teacher in Charge

10C Blue and Gold Basketball Both the 10C Gold and 10C Blue teams proved to be strong contenders this season. The 10C Blue team members started the season with the benefit of knowing each other well which aided the team to play cohesively. As the season went by, all members played with increased confidence and flair. They developed their shooting skills and while they experienced some tough losses towards the end of the season, these only pulled the team even closer together. While initially playing more as individuals, the 10C Gold team members quickly developed their team playing skills through improving their communication on both offence and defence and through the inclusion of everyone in the team. This boosted their overall confidence and enhanced the quality of their game. It was lovely to see the camaraderie both teams demonstrated. Furthermore, both teams diligently attended training sessions and actively listened to and implemented their coaches’ advice. They can be very proud of the passion, sportsmanship and commitment they displayed throughout this season.

Undefeated. A word every coach wants to use in their season report, a catch cry for every player in the last games of the season. Coincidentally, it is also particularly accurate in describing the Camberwell Grammar 10B Basketball team’s performance in the 2019/2020 season. Though fires rages and virus set its feverish grip on the world, our boys were not distracted. Though the opposition frequently loomed large (you know who you are, Marcellin) and though the boys were Ms Christelle Phanjoo champing at the bit to have a bite at the Teacher in Charge 10A pie, the 10B team played as a machine – it is no more possible to describe one

9A and 9B Basketball

9C Gold Basketball

It was a pleasure to watch the 10C Mitre Basketball team work to improve their performances throughout this season. There were a couple of losses in the first half of the season but the boys used these losses to inspire them to listen to their coach, train hard and implement new approaches. The second half of the season saw the boys trusting one another and achieving strong wins for the team. Their final game appeared to be the consolidation of all they had worked towards. Each team member was determined and impressive; but most significantly, they worked superbly as a team to meet their opposition goal for goal until extra time gave their opposition a two‑point win. Each player had their impressive match but a special mention goes to Kyle Scheer, Leeshan Navaneetharaja and Hayden Newman. Congratulations to all 10C Mitre players; a fine effort!

Congratulations to both teams on a challenging yet fulfilling season. Competitive spirit and sportsmanship were showcased on the court each week, and each player was proud in victory, yet gracious in defeat. The games were played with an intensity and focus throughout the season and the hard work put in at training was evidenced at the games each Saturday. In the 9A team, Adam Rizzo is to be congratulated for the consistent leadership he presented, as his understanding of both the game and his teammates’ abilities helped to guide them each week. In the 9B team, Nathan Rice showed maturity and determination, actively listening to the coach’s advice and working each week to better his game. Both teams learned a lot this season and should be congratulated for their efforts.

The 9C Gold Basketball team season was a season to remember with some great games that went down to the wire. Throughout the entirety of the season, multiple players had outstanding performances and contributions. A standout game was from Jimmy Devine in the last game of the season against a tough team in Trinity. With only a minute left and the team down three, Jimmy hit three clutch free throws to secure a draw, in what was a game to remember. Some mentions are Charles Mills’ outstanding efforts on the boards throughout the season and Michael Wang’s frequent scoring to help the team stay within reach of our opponents in some games. Apart from that, I would like to thank all the boys on the team for a great season, a season that we will all look back on fondly.

Ms Stephanie Bohni Teacher in Charge

Ms Laura Dubberley Teacher in Charge

9C Blue Basketball

The 9C Blue Basketball team had an amazing season full of exciting plays and awesome shots. The team had a full line-up 10C Crest Basketball of playing styles, some preferring to stay It was a challenging season for the 10C back and provide bulletproof defence that Crest team with personal injury, illness stopped the most aggressive of teams, and quarantining preventing the team and some to go all out on offence showing from being complete for almost all games. all their ball handling and passing skills. However, individuals continued to give Whether it was Henry’s fade-aways, their all to each game and consequently Lachie’s defence, Shiv’s threes or Jarrod’s each player improved significantly during lightning fast layups, all members of the the season. While Jonathan Le and team made every game something to look Kayson Wang achieved an impressive forward to. However, we would not have number of points for the team across the achieved the amazing 67% win rate without season, each player had their particular the coaching and guidance we received match in which to impress the onlookers. from our coach, Will. Every session he had Their final game was proof of what they fun and educational drills that forwarded are capable of. Having only four players, our overall game performance. I personally it didn’t look as though they were going have thoroughly enjoyed playing for the to get very far against their opponents. 9C Blues and look forward to playing with However, some terrific coaching, teamwork these boys in the years to come. Thanks to and point scoring accuracy ensured the Mr Graham Ruffles and all the teachers that team finished the season with a superb made this season possible. win. Well done to you all! Nicholas Banjac Ms Stephanie Bohni Teacher in Charge

Oscar Smith

8A Basketball Well done to the team on a strong season of basketball! The boys played tremendously well in the first half of the season, being undefeated going into the season break. The team faced strong opponents in the second half of the season, but they showed determination and strength as a team to fight through to the end of the season. 8A finished with 5 wins out of 8 games, with many hard-fought matches. Congratulations to Ryder Cheesman who was the most valuable player for this season. Special mentions to Harry Clarke, Jackson Haintz, Will Richardson and Joel Burton who featured heavily in the best players throughout the season. Well done to all the boys in the team, who all played a vital role in their team’s success! Miss Maddi Voumard Teacher in Charge

The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 179


10C Mitre Basketball Report


8B Basketball

8C Blue and Gold Basketball

Congratulations to the 8B team on a successful season of basketball! The boys consistently played well in matches and worked hard in training to refine their technique and strategy. The team had some very dominant wins, their best win being over PEGS white in their final match with a 34-6 score line. 8B finished with five wins out of seven games, showing improvement as a team throughout the season. Congratulations to Hugh Fukumura who was the most valuable player for the season. Special mentions to Jamison Smith and Jason Liang who featured in many matches as valuable players. Well done to the whole team on a great season!

Congratulations to both teams on a very successful season. The season started off full of enthusiasm and team spirit. The boys were enthusiastic and looked forward to their training session each week as well as their games on the weekend. Throughout the season all players worked extremely well together and improved in all aspects of the game. They tackled each game with a high level of sportsmanship as well as a deep desire to win. Both the 8C Blue and Gold teams had some exciting wins and some disappointing losses but they all played with determination and passion. They were supportive of one another and passed the ball around so that everyone had a chance to play.

Miss Maddi Voumard Teacher in Charge

There were outstanding performances by many players throughout the season. Henry Deayton and Ashton Nunn put in consistent efforts throughout the season to take out the MVPs for their respective teams. A special mention to Lachlan Young with his burst of speed bringing the ball down the court and Joe Hu and Justin Mellor for their consistent team play.

to win the majority of their games. Ioan Hillard, Parker Rush, Timothy Lu and Declan McCabe were impressive all season. The 8C Crest team battled hard all season. They played some impressive matches and always competed hard and fair. Whilst results didn’t always go their way, they impressively never gave up. Notable mentions to JP Ma, Max Pringle, Tobias Phillips and Joshua Ng who displayed much skill throughout the season. Mr Nathan Jones Teacher in Charge

7A and 7B Basketball Overall, the Year 7A and 7B Basketball teams had a reasonable season, with a fairly even spread of wins and losses across the four rounds.

Highlights of the season include two strong wins by the 7A team, with Luke Davidson, Oscar Stambanis, Karlan Ng and Riley Scott consistent performers, managing to pull the team together in some tight contests. Luke Davidson was relentless in both offence and defence, giving his best every minute of On behalf of the team I would like to thank every game. Elliott Walker, Wonlee Kua and Fraser Richardson were consistently reliable our coaches who did an amazing job and to all the parents who came and supported ball-handlers and Mitchell Graham was handy in defence. the players. Ms Suzanne Jack Teacher in Charge

8C Mitre and Crest Basketball The 8C Mitre juggernaut rolled through their season, making waves as they parted through the ocean that was their competitors. The 8C Mitre boys always competed in good spirits, no matter the result. They hustled hard each week

The 7B team had one convincing win against Assumption – so it was worth the long drive out to Kilmore – and a couple of games later went down to PEGS by only a point in the final minutes after coming back from 10 points down earlier in the game. Hugo Thompson and Luca Tassone always played well together; Beckley Kleynhans was courageous in defence, often penetrating to the basket; Jack Giang used his height effectively and Thomas Tonkin showed great dexterity and determination. Every player gave his best each game, with notable contributions from Hamish Stuart‑Adams – particularly in the game against Assumption – and notable quick moves from Ben Ngo and Fin Williams. Thanks to Kris Vos-Rutter and Max Pearce for stepping up from the C teams; they fitted in quickly and were an asset to the team. It has been a great experience for all players to participate in this competition. We have learnt to play as a team, to work together and support each other. Thanks to our coaches and staff for helping us to build our skills and for looking after us at training and at Saturday matches. Max Pearce and Fraser Richardson

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SPORT 7C Gold Basketball

7C Blue Basketball

7C Mitre and Crest Basketball

In our first game that we played against Ivanhoe we sadly lost 13-31. Perhaps this is because we did not yet know each other and our individual talents well. Standout players were Ashwin Lagana, Joshua and William as all three of them did amazing defence and offence. Our second game was against Assumption and we had a comfortable win with 47-6. It was a great game as everyone got time with the ball. In particular, Ashwin, Will and William played outstanding games with amazing defence and great passing.

Our first basketball game was against Ivanhoe Grammar. It was our first game together, and in the end, that was the deciding factor in our loss; we didn’t know each other well. Ivanhoe ultimately got the better of us, beating us 16-42. Nevertheless, Jono put up a great first game to give us something to be happy with.

The 7C Mitre and Crest teams both enjoyed successful seasons and there is plenty of strength and depth in the Year 7 cohort. 7C Mitre showed a huge amount of team work on and off the court and managed to win three out of four of their AGSV matches. Marcus Lu, Aidan Lau and Nate Seow all played well in attack and defence. Tom Robinson’s height was also a great advantage in defence. However, the overwhelming strengths of the team were the spirit, effort and determination shown by every single member of the squad. 7C Crest also improved greatly throughout the season. Max Pearce, Kristofer Vos-Rutter and Luke Tavenor all made significant contributions, but all of the players deserve great credit for their efforts throughout the season. The game against Trinity will be remembered as despite leading 23-12 at half time, Trinity managed to score the winning points with only one second remaining on the clock. Thank you to the coaches for their efforts throughout the season and to the parents who supported the team each week.

We played against Trinity in our third game and had an amazing win 26-10. The game was very close as the ball kept going up and down the court. Some amazing players on the court were William, Tomas and Thomas who played very well, blocking most of the opposition points. We played our final game against Mentone and won 31-19. It was a very close game, and everyone played well especially Will, William and Jonathon. It was an amazing season as our team got better and better together and got to know each other. Good job to everyone who helped the team and it was great to see us win three out of four games. Jonathon Haig

Our second game of the season was a great matchup against Peninsula Grammar. This time we were at home and playing our second game together. Our chemistry began to blossom and, in the end, we got the win, 23-17, with an outstanding performance from Shaya and Lachy. In our third game of the season, we had the momentum coming off our win from the previous week, but this time we were up against Trinity. The game started off quite evenly but, in the end, a strong performance from Matt and Arian got us over the line. We won 24-18. And finally, in the last game of the season, we had a very competitive match against Mentone. We had just won back-to-back games, but in the first half we did not show up, leaving us with a big gap to close in the second half. We started the second half strong but careless passes and bad shot selection made it a challenge. As we started to close the gap, they stormed off to victory, defeating us 13-35. However, Josh and Rhys put in a great effort.

Mr Mark Mews Teacher in Charge

Matthew Barrett

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First XI Cricket The First XI Cricket team had a reasonably successful season finishing with three wins, five losses and one unfortunate wash-out. Coming off a successful end to the last year, the boys were determined to make a push for finals this season. The season started with a tough loss against Trinity, who ended up playing off in the Grand Final. The next round was a loss against Mentone, who ended up being one of the strongest teams in the competition. Determined to bounce back, the boys had a great performance against semifinalists Assumption, winning comfortably by four wickets. After another disappointing loss against premiers PEGS and a wash‑out against Peninsula, the group rallied together and had a stunning performance against Ivanhoe, managing to defend 147. Needing to win the last two games to make the finals, Camberwell suffered a bitterly disappointing loss against Marcellin in the penultimate round, falling three runs short of the target of 113 after a late batting order collapse. As tough as this loss was to swallow, our heads were held high as we faced Yarra Valley the next week. In one of the all-time great bowling performances, Connor Laird took 6-29 off 10 to help bowl Yarra out for 122. As usual, Jordan McCleery batted with intent to make 43 off 42 balls to guide Camberwell home to an incredible win. Although we did not make the finals this year, the signs for the future are exciting. With Connor Laird only being in Year 10 and taking 20 wickets for the year and Jordan McCleery entering his last year of school cricket averaging

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44 with the bat, the coming years look to be extremely successful ones. With the farewell of our coach of six years, Mr Richard Clifton, Camberwell introduced our new head coach Mr Clint Hillas. A huge thank you to our assistant coaches Mr Sofoulis and Mr Robinson and Mr Clint Hillas for their incredible help throughout the year and of course our head coach Mr Richard Clifton for all the hard work and dedication he has displayed in his years as coach.

especially for the mateship and integrity that they displayed toward each other on and off the field. Sincere thanks to parents, grounds staff (Mr Regan Davis and Mr Laurie Foster), Mr Lachlan Crawford and Ms Sally White for allowing us to have such an enjoyable season. A special mention to Mr Richard Clifton for his service to cricket at Camberwell.

Ned Bennett Captain

Third Cricket

Second Cricket The season was a huge success for all boys ranging from Year 8 to 12. Throughout the summer, four players were selected for the First XI team, having started in the Seconds and another four forced their way into the team; including Simon Lewison who ended up doing a sterling job as captain. The season highlights included a nail-biting win against Assumption, a grinding win away at Ivanhoe and finishing the season with a convincing win against Yarra Valley. There were a number of disruptions, including two disappointing washouts following promising starts. Our sole Year 12 Lewis ‘Binga’ Matthews capped-off his cricket representation at Camberwell with another fantastic season and was awarded the ‘Coaches Award’ for his reliable and incredibly loyal contributions to the team. The MVP Award went to Mitch Horn following his tremendous efforts with bat, ball and leadership. All players should be commended for the intent and purpose that they practised through the season and

Mr Troy Stanley Teacher in Charge

The Third Cricket team enjoyed a great season this summer, making it thoroughly enjoyable on and off the field. While having three different year levels within the team, we gelled together quite well. The two standout highlights from the season were in round 2 and 3 against Trinity and PEGS, both games were won on the last ball of the match. Against Trinity, the opposition needed two runs to win off the last ball and we defended, and it and with PEGS they needed two to win off the last ball and we made it. The most consistent player throughout the summer season was Dan Sunderland leaving him with the Most Valuable Player for the season. Ki Herold received the coaches award for always being committed to the team week in and week out. The seasons end found us with three wins, four losses and one draw. Thanks to Mr Alex Henry for running training sessions and coaching/umpiring on Saturdays and to Dan for captaining the team. Miss Taylah Leslie Teacher in Charge

SPORT Intermediate A Cricket The Intermediate A Cricket team being dominant in previous years had big aspirations for the 2020 season. However, the year began with more loses than wins. With the team’s back against the wall at the mid‑season point there were still big aspirations from all team members to finish strong. The captain Will Lombardi stood out in many games batting and bowling very well to set the standard for the rest of the season. In addition to Will’s performance, there were some great batting numbers put up by Thomas Newman in the backend of the season followed by some really consistent bowling from Thomas Wong. Most improved

was Charlie Leong who put a lot of time and effort throughout the year to improving his game especially focusing on his bowling. A late injury in the final rounds of the season to star Harry Watson affected the team but they managed some great wins later in the season. The boys finished the season with two wins out of the nine games, however three of the games were draws due to wash outs.

“The season highlights included a nail-biting win against Assumption, a grinding win away at Ivanhoe and finishing the season with a convincing win against Yarra Valley.”

If the team stays together in future years anything is possible for this group which is full of potential and skills. Mr Mitchell Quinn Teacher in Charge The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 183

SPORT Intermediate B Cricket

8B Cricket

The Intermediate B Cricket team was unable to register a win this season, coming up against some very formidable competition. Even though the competition was very challenging, they were very well led by their captain Freddy Branson (Coach’s award). The Most Valuable Player was Will Kruse.

The 8B Cricket team were newly formed in 2020 and completed three matches winning two of these. Led by Flynn Parker and Edward Hare the boys enjoyed the abbreviated season and played with determination and enthusiasm. Highlights of the season included everyone having the opportunity to bat or bowl and the improvement of the skills was clearly evident. The team included Declan Collett, Sebastian Kamleshwaran, Sabir Singh, Darren Li, Minh Tran and, Year 7 boys, Payan Kolah, Charles Taliadoros, Kurt Zvirbulis who all contributed at various stages in our matches. Thanks to Tom Graves, who coached the boys brilliantly.

Mr James Kalfas Teacher in Charge

8A Cricket The 8A Cricket team had a successful season winning the majority of games. The team had to negotiate some wet Saturdays as well. We were very privileged to be coached by Mr Craig Conlan and Mr Ben Lawler. With Hugh Cran and Josh Cooper’s deadly quick pace scaring most batsmen and taking consistent wickets from opening to the tail of the innings the team had great success. Luke Cariss-Brett and Izaan Imran consistently contributed taking multiple wickets per game. Top order batting by Michael Chen and Oliver Lowe often proved a successful partnership scoring lots of runs. This included a 40 not out by Oliver. Zac Matters and Lachie McGowan often steadied the batting and their patience assisted the team to score defendable totals. Domenic Bozzone’s aggressive batting skills also contributed to increasing the run rate through the middle order. The 8A Cricket team played very well together, finishing the season with a nailbiter against Trinity. Oliver Lowe Captain 184 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

Mr Peter Robinson Teacher in Charge

7A Cricket Fifteen students were selected to train with the 7A Cricket team for the extremely short, four game season which included a bye. Due to numerous circumstances falling our way, the KAO was available and the 7A team were scheduled to play on the school oval where the eleven boys selected began their school career against Ivanhoe Grammar. Consistent performances with the bat included Angus Rynne, Daniel Teele, Adam Li and Sam Grlj who enabled the team to post winnable totals. They were ably supported by the middle and lower order when required.

Bowlers James Webb (Captain), Saveen Seneviratne and Cameron Holmes were able to keep the ball straight and full. This made it incredibly difficult for any opposition team to score freely throughout their innings. Our two keepers, Jacob Lewis and Adam Li, shared the duty each game and both provided positive encouragement to the team when we were in the field. Congratulations to the 7A boys for beginning their Camberwell Grammar School sporting career with two convincing wins from three games played. I would like to thank our assistant coach, Mr James Melville (Old Boy 2018) for his valuable input and guidance he provided the group throughout the season. Mr David Beardsley Coach

There was a palpable sense of enthusiasm and excitement at the outset of a short, but sweet season of cricketing. Most of the team arrived as new students in Term 1 and would play their very first games on behalf of their secondary school. During the four matches, they amply revealed their skills at batting and bowling, not to mention their camaraderie and commitment; so much so that they lost three times by only the narrowest of margins, and, at a fourth time, were just on the point of winning a game when it was, frustratingly, interrupted by adverse weather! Mr Samuel Gough Teacher in Charge

Cricket Development Squad 2019/2020

to Mr Freeman for his expert advice and direction during the season.

The Camberwell Grammar Cricket Development squad played two day matches against Ivanhoe Grammar and Trinity. The team was selected from the boys in Year 7 and 8 who have displayed exceptional ability during their AGSV matches. We were successful in both matches, although the point of the exercise is the experience of playing in a school representative side alongside others of similar ability, and also to play in first class conditions. The boys receive intensive coaching from Mr Mark Freeman, our Development Coach, to build on their strengths, and also to build a winning philosophy and team spirit. Many thanks

The Development Squad this season were: Year 9: William Stamper, William Lombardi, Harry Watson, Lachlan Harker, Tom Newman, and Nic Graves Year 8: Luke Cariss-Brett, Hugh Cran, Josh Cooper, Harrison Car, Oliver Lowe, Matthew Hoyling, Izaan Imran, Michael Chen, Zac Matters Year 7: James Webb, Sam Grlj, Mitchell Hedley, Adam Li, Angus Rynne, Joshua Taylor, Daniel Teele Mr Peter Robinson Teacher in Charge

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7B Cricket



In the summer season of 2019/2020, the Camberwell Grammar School Golf Squad continued their training at Kew Golf Club, under the coordination of Mr Teri Miriklis and coaching professional, Ben Jewell. This year the Golf Squad said goodbye to a lot of old members, but also said hello to many new faces. The squad has members with varying skill levels however we all managed to improve our golf skills through hard work in training. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, we did not have any AGSV golf competitions this year. However, prior to the finishing of this golf season, we played quite a few games of Ambrose against ourselves on select

Wednesdays and Sundays, from which we benefitted greatly by having a chance to put our skills into a real game. Having been in the squad for four years now, I have seen the Golf Squad go through many changes, growing from a

ORIENTEERING The Orienteering squad went into the 2019/2020 season with high hopes, promising athletes and a hunger for the title, one Camberwell Grammar had seen only once since 1992, in 2016. Optimistic that we might take home the 2020 title, we knew there would be hard work required. Despite the Monday afternoon and early Thursday morning training being grueling for many, the prospect of post event lollies on Wednesday nights provided further encouragement for every team member to perform his best. Camberwell dominated the field, taking home the title, by a huge margin, nearly 300 points or a third in points away from the closest competition, Scotch College, who had held the title every year, bar two. The squad’s success reflects the hard work put in by each and every team member, teachers Dr Rodgers, Mr Wilson and Mr Williamson and assistant Nick Lee. All members of the Orienteering squad should be commended for their hard work and unwavering commitment. Among the incredible team success there were also individual members of the team who should be congratulated for their personal success; such as Luke Burton and Henry Shirrefs who tied for first place in the B division, a course which requires

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participants run 6-8 kilometers per event! Furthermore, Ben Price achieved first place in the C division; an impressive feat considering the fierce competition. Finally, in the D division, Matt Rodier was rewarded for his efforts with first place and Ken Weeraratne for his with third place. As team captain I would like to personally congratulate the team as a whole for making this season so great as we look forward to Camberwell’s future success! Felix McCuaig Captain

small group of seven players to the squad we are today. I am privileged to be part of this group that I have learnt so much from and I am very sure it will continue to prosper in the future. Jerry Ji



It was a season of success and evolution for the CGS Kayaking team in 2019/2020. With a strong coaching staff in place, including Head Coach Mr Logan Dutton, Ms Olivia Kurczycki, Mr Callum Gosbell and Ms Jasmine Kennan, we began training for the big event pre-Christmas, the Ben Ward 40 miler race in Cobram. Our boys had some difficult but necessary training sessions in the lead up to this prestigious event. Over the course of the weekend, some of our boys would paddle over 40km in one day and participate in an 8km race the next, a grueling task for even the most experienced paddlers. Our boys were fantastic during this event, paddling with power and technique as they showed the competition just how strong we were going to be throughout the Summer. We returned from the summer break eager to build upon what had been a great start to the season. Some minor changes were made to the program in an attempt to increase efficiency, strength and confidence in the boys, as the competitions were only going to become fiercer. Our first competition took place on the Barwon River in Geelong for the State Marathon Championship, where we saw some fantastic performances from many of our paddlers, but none were more impressive than our first-year paddlers, for whom this was their first competition. Each of them put in a big effort and were fantastic in their resolve. In what would end up being our final competition for the season, we headed to Nagambie for the State Sprint Championship, where our paddlers would have a chance to show off their new found strength and confidence, highlighted by some of our stronger paddlers jumping in a K4, a marquee event for kayakers. I would like to take this time to thank the coaches for their tireless efforts in improving the skills of our paddlers, Mr Jay Ellis for working with the boys every Wednesday in the gym, Our captain Mr William Murray for his ongoing commitment to making the program the best it could be, Mr George Wakefield for towing the boats to all of the competitions and the Friends of Kayaking group for their efforts in fundraising and assisting the coaches and myself with everything that we need to succeed. I look forward to another enjoyable season and encourage anyone interested in the sport to come down and give it a try. Charlie Lockwood

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The Camberwell Grammar Lawn Bowls squad had an enjoyable season and we were pleased to welcome many new students into the sport. We played a number of matches in the AGSV competition. The A team finished second overall in the competition and were invited to play in the AGSV vs APS competition which was unfortunately cancelled. The team – Elijah Pannozzo, William Cook, Hieu Tran and Kristian Bite – worked collaboratively as a group and were always encouraging of each other and the newer players. Their high level of skill and often dominating position through the season was not rewarded in the knock-out finals round but we are pleased to see them return for the 2021 season. The Year 9-12 team narrowly missed out on a finals spot. Tony Chen was skip for most matches but Felix Brown and Mitchell Xiao filled in ably, as needed. In the Year 8 team, Eamon Wan kept control of a boisterous and large roster and was often able to save ends singlehandedly with his shots. All members saw increased focus and improvement over the season and much fun was had. The Year 7 team pulled off wins against much older players and continually showed enthusiasm and determination. James Mills acted as skip and became increasingly confident at directing his fellow players. At the start of the season we farewelled Mr Michael Cody who has been the Teacher in Charge since 2005. We thank him for his service and dedication (and bus‑-driving) in this role for all those years, and he will be missed. Mr Andrew Worsnop Teacher in Charge

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SQUASH The 2019/2020 season proved to be another magnificent year of squash for Camberwell Grammar students, with all students eager to play and develop their skills. The squad had a total of four teams spread across three divisions. To the four Year 12 players, we thank you for your service and commitment over the years, particularly to the boys who have been playing since Year 7.


The First team fought fiercely throughout the season, emerging victorious as the winners of their division. Special mentions to the younger players in the team, Kai Sapolu and Jake Ford, who both stepped up and proved to be invaluable members of the team. The Second team fought hard throughout their season, managing to secure fifth place on the ladder. Special mentions are due to Angus Bosmans, who remained undefeated throughout the whole season. The Third and Fourth teams did extremely well, with many of the boys making a debut to their squash career. Congratulations to all boys for their efforts during the season. Training was conducted by the Squash coach Mr Phillip Howe, who helped the boys refine their skills in their serve volleys, drives, cross-courts, boasts and general gameplay tactics. The boys were also lucky enough to hear Phil play some tunes on his guitar at the annual squash pizza lunch. Many thanks to Mr Burke and Mr Duong who helped with coordinating the teams and for their constant, positive support. Best of luck to all the boys competing in the 2020/2021 season! Arman Cakmakcioglu

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First VI Table Tennis With the departure of Daniel Ho and Thomas Coulter from the Camberwell First Table Tennis squad, the team looked to extend the AGSV premiership winning streak to six years in a row. The squad was supplemented with a mix of older and younger players, from Joshua Soo to Justin Kwan, and Aidan Tang and Callum Ling joining in training sessions. With this goal in mind, the boys determinedly trained every Monday and Wednesday morning under the guidance of Joe Gerada. Attention to detail and focus being maintained for every shot was the name of the game during the training sessions and it paid off tremendously for the boys in their technical game, which allowed them to have an edge over their opponents week-in and week-out. Although the morning trainings were very taxing, all the players coped well with the support of one another and this tightened the fellowship of the team members, something that is a lot more valuable and long-lasting than the results obtained every Saturday match. During this AGSV Summer Season, the competition was as fierce as ever, which can often be overshadowed by the deceiving results at the end of the week. Many tight five setters were played out, and even the three setters and four setters were not won without their share of challenges. With the concerted effort of all team members, the squad was able to remain undefeated this season and maintained their hold of the AGSV cup for the sixth year in a row, defeating arch nemesis Trinity in the Grand Final with a resounding 15-0 rubbers victory! In this final, which would sadly mark the last game that five ‘veteran’ members of the team would take part in for Camberwell Grammar, all players performed admirably and carried themselves out in good spirits. Special mention goes to ViceCaptain Ethan Tang who had to win both of his single matches through tight and 190 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

tough five setters, one of which was a comeback from being 2-0 down. Despite the stressful and tight games he played, he was determined to not give up and came away with narrow, hard fought and well-deserved wins. The grit and determination he displayed I am sure will inspire those younger in the team to do likewise in the future. Along with Ethan, the service and contribution of departing squad members Nathan Shi, Bryden Tan, Sam Kabourakis and Christian Ling has been invaluable over the years and their legacy leaves a deep hole to be filled for the next generation of hot shots, some that are in the squad and those yet to come. In appreciation of Mr Smith’s constant support and guidance over the years, the boys decided to present him with a bat with all of their signatures on it in remembrance of the 2020 First Table Tennis squad and, hopefully, to improve his game on the table! As I reflect on my involvement in Table Tennis, I take away many fond memories and it has been an honour to captain this squad for the past two seasons. With good reason Table Tennis at Camberwell Grammar is held in high regard, and I look forward to this culture being carried on and look forward to following the success of the squad in the years to come. Nathan Shi Captain

Second Blue, Gold and Mitre Table Tennis The Second Blue Table Tennis team had a successful 2019/2020 summer season with eight out of eight wins throughout the competition. Camberwell presented as a highly skilled and

determined team. Special mentions go to Jayden Thai, Hamish Wong, Joshua Soo and Ilian Aendenroomer. All-in-all, the Camberwell Second Blue team played a fantastic season of Table Tennis with everyone contributing to its success. The Second Gold Table Tennis team had an amazing 2019/2020 season with students demonstrating skills and developing strong teamwork. The hard training paid off with the team winning six out of eight games. All players did their best over the whole season, with notable players being Benjamin Cheng, Christos Kalas, Oscar Cheung, Bharat Manikoth, Daniel Duong and Michael Barry. In comparison to other seasons this was the one of most successful by far. The Second Mitre Table Tennis played exceptionally well in this summer season, seeing four out of eight games won, an excellent effort from the team. All boys played with enthusiasm and consistency, dropping very few rubbers overall. Special mentions go to Weihan Zhou, David Du, Jackson Li, Lingming Hu, Matt Dunne, Oscar Wong, Ryan Park and Alastair Joshi for their outstanding plays. Ms Emily Wang Teacher in Charge

Division 1 Table Tennis The Year 9 and 10 Division 1 Table Tennis team of Ashton Lu, Mathieu Ly, Brendan Tse, Charles Lewis, Finn Mahaffy, Oliver To, Rick Kovos and Nathan Zhang played another magnificent season, undefeated and often winning their matches 15–0. Training with the Firsts of a Monday morning certainly set them a new challenge, with many aspiring to move into that esteemed squad in the not too

Ms Penelope Wood Teacher in Charge

Division 2 Blue, Gold and Mitre Table Tennis This summer, the Camberwell Division 2 Blue Table Tennis team had a good season. The team had its ups and downs against Trinity, PEGS and Yara Valley, but everyone had a fun and exciting time. During this season, everyone in the team trained very hard and improved a lot. Everyone demonstrated skills and developed very good teamwork. All players did their best for the entire season. The Camberwell Division 2 Gold team had many good times throughout this season. The boys enjoyed competing with other schools on Saturdays and had fun playing with each other in the training. They put great effort in training which has been shown in their development of skills. The enthusiasm and resilience that the boys have demonstrated in the games are a true reflection of Camberwell values.

This season, the Camberwell Division 2 Mitre team tried their very best, and everyone in the team enjoyed training and playing games against other schools. At the beginning, they struggled as a whole, and some were even not clear about the rules of the game, but everyone has had great improvement by the end of the season. They believe that their goal is not only to defeat the opposing schools, but also to defeat their former selves. Ms Bibo Shi Teacher in Charge

Year 7 and 8 Table Tennis In the 2019/2020 season, Camberwell fielded a total of seven teams; by far the most of any school in the competition. We began the season with strong performances from our First and Second teams, who finished the year undefeated after four rounds. In 2020 we welcomed 13 new players from Year 7, making a total of 32 players in our squad. Our new players quickly learned the routines of training and the rules of competition. While most new players begin their playing career in the lower ranked teams, it was pleasing to see several of our Year 7 players (Callum Ling, Nicholas Branson, Louie Fei and

Wilson Sha) rise quickly in the rankings and perform well in our top three teams. In the second half of the season, our First and Second teams continued to play well, both winning four of the remaining five rounds, to finish with eight wins each from nine competitions. Our other teams achieved mixed results, and while they are not generally expected to win against higher ranked opposition, it was very pleasing to see Team 6 win three out of their four competitions. Our top-ranked and best performing player for the season was Joel Cheok. Included in our top 5, in rank order (with percentage of wins), were Michael Huang (96%), Callum Ling (89%), Jayden Yap (86%) and Nicholas Branson (89%). We would like to thank our coach, Mr Joe Gerada, for his firm but friendly coaching style and his ability to bring out the best in our players throughout the season. We bid farewell to our Year 8 players and wish them every success as they move up to the Year 9 and 10 teams next season. We encourage our Year 7s to continue their training, to hone their skills and increase their knowledge of the game in preparation for the 2020-2021 season. Mr Simon Barry and Mr Wei Ha Teachers in Charge

TAEKWONDO This year was the squad’s sixth year. Training commenced at the start of Term 4 and culminated in March 2020. During this period, most Jeja (students) completed two gradings, with the novices obtaining their 8th Gup (Yellow Belt with two stripes) and the longest continuing members achieving their Red Belts and the most senior among them attaining their 1st Gup, the level before full black belt. Junior belts developed their understanding of basic Taekwondo stances, punches

kicks, patterns poomsea and self-defence techniques. After several weeks training and practice they were graded and progressed on to the next belt level. Senior belts worked on continually improving their basic techniques, as well as learning more difficult and advanced patterns, skills and self-defence techniques. The improvement seen within the squad led to an outstanding conclusion to the summer season. The Squad greatly appreciates the support provided by

Mr Barry Akehurst (6th Dan Black Belt) and the Teacher in Charge and Assistant Coach Mr Hamish Green (2nd Dan Blackbelt). We would especially like to acknowledge the assistance of Mr Andrew Warne, who stood in for Mr Green while he was on long service leave. The Squad looks forward to consolidating its achievements next year. Mr Hamish Green Teacher in Charge

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distant future. Special thanks to Joe, our motivational and encouraging Coach whose help and support has been invaluable. An excellent effort from the entire team, who remained assured and committed throughout the 2019/2020 season.



First VIII Tennis The First VIII Tennis team had a successful season, qualifying for the finals after a series of strong results throughout the season. The season started with an upset loss to Trinity, some inclement weather and unfamiliar courts contributing to an unsettling season opener. Singles wins to Matthieu Gibert, Isaac Hui and Andy Lee were highlights, and set a benchmark for the team to emulate in future matches. Three more rounds were played in 2019, resulting in three wins, including wins against Mentone and PEGS, two teams that Camberwell has not recorded success against for more than five years. The dominance of the doubles pairings was telling in these matches. In particular, Lachlan O’Neill and Andy Lee were virtually unstoppable, combining flair and perseverance in equal measure. Of the four scheduled matches in 2020, two were washouts, and so with four wins and two losses for the season, Camberwell faced Peninsula in an eagerly anticipated semi-final match. The match was close fought, but with four tie-break losses, Camberwell succumbed to the season’s eventual premiers. All the boys performed well and worked hard to develop their skills throughout the season. Matthieu Gibert took on the responsibility of the number 1 position and performed well, being named as reserve in the ASGV representative team. Isaac Hui

played at number 2 and won an impressive 86% of his matches, solidifying the top order. Alex Wilson-Brown was diligent in his attendance at development squad and has, for two years as Captain, been an excellent role model for those younger players aspiring to make the First team. The boys would like to acknowledge and thank the efforts and dedication of Mr Peter Owen for his tireless commitment to developing this team to be a squad that are legitimate contenders in every match they play. Mr Manfred Pietralla Teacher in Charge

Second Tennis The Second Tennis team had another successful season under the managerial watch of Ms Crockett, an incarnation of Ash Barty, with the team only losing one match throughout the duration of the season. The team was full of great competitors including Wilson Zhu, who loved the marathon matches and the odd drop-shot, as well as the Riley Smith and Zach Lewis often putting up top-quality gameplay. The team was strengthened from top to bottom with the consistent leading pair of Nick Clark and Sean Liu, followed by the ever dominant ‘Bryan Bros’ combination of Nick Wade and Tom Georges and their not so dominant chest bumps. The team was assisted by the always winning, quiet achievers of Tom Ng and Matthew Wu, as well as the outgoing Rilee Younger, who sent the ball flying when his racquet was not. Overall, the Second’s Tennis team had a successful year and thank the leaving Year 12s for their duty. Tom Georges and Nick Wade

Third Blue Tennis This team was outstanding in every respect. Not only undefeated throughout the season but maintaining a sensational win loss ratio that boosted them to the upper reaches of the Arthurs Cup table. The high level of skills on display was matched by the impressive sportsmanship and courtesy shown in each match. Of particular note was our MVP, Mitchell Norman, who played with positivity and excellence in the number one ranked position. Rhys Denison was rightly awarded the Coach’s Award for his enthusiastic attitude coupled by his friendly demeanour. Another highlight was witnessing the comradery that had been established in the six-year combination in Doubles competition from Khalid Abbas and Kosta Froutzis. All players performed to the best of their ability and should be proud of their achievements. Mr Rick Mason Teacher in Charge

Third Gold Tennis The Third Gold Tennis team enjoyed a very successful season recording six wins and just two defeats. Players approached matches with poise, and many showed pleasing improvement throughout the season. Throughout the season, players become more considered in their match play, recognising the benefit that came from percentage tennis together with the importance of placement ahead of brute force. Our early morning training sessions usually saw energy levels increase, albeit off a fairly low base at the 7.00am commencement of training! I would like to acknowledge and applaud the player on their approach to matches, their sportsmanship and on-court respect to each other and their opponents was commendable. Mr Roger Devine Teacher in Charge

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Fourth Blue Tennis

It was a magnificent season for the Third Mitre Tennis team, winning every Saturday for the entire season.

The Fourth Blue Tennis players enjoyed many friendly training sessions where they exhibited a fine display of sportsmanship and solidarity throughout the season. Training at 7.00am often resulted in some wet and cold early morning sessions which required of the boys for some amount of devotion with a number of sessions being cancelled due to rain.

The team thoroughly enjoyed weekly training sessions with expert coaches from Top Ten and always came to every game with enthusiasm and determination to do their best. The team members that played every shot with focus were Rory Wheelhouse and Zac Davidson. Both boys were quiet achievers, always in control making very close calls, bringing home a win every time! Rory brought two challenges very close in his singles, winning by one and playing very close in points! Another moment highlighted was Zac’s drive to not let the team down but continuing to play despite feeling unwell, bringing home a very convincing win 6/0! Another mention goes to Nicholas Lathouras for his consist approach to play, never being rattled despite the pressure and always providing support to his teammates! Our last game for the season against Yarra Valley was very close defeating six out of eight in the singles and two all in the doubles, making it 8/4. The boys pushed with the games, 54 to 45. Three cheers to the Thirds Mitre for being undefeated and winning every week by double points in set and games! Ms Marita Kelly Teacher in Charge

“Three cheers to the Thirds Mitre for being undefeated and winning every week by double points in set and games!”

Fourth Mitre Tennis

It was, to say the least, an indifferent season for the Fourth Mitre Tennis boys. It took until the final rubber played at home at Koonung, for the boys to score a victory. Ahhh! Then there is forfeit rule. This meant that an undermanned Ivanhoe team had to give Camberwell Grammar School valuable, and much needed points. Ably lead by Max Taylor, appointed as Captain, the team played with sportsmanship and Throughout the season the team frequently honesty for the entire season. They may found tough competition in singles not have won many rubbers but they matches, particularly against Ivanhoe seemed to enjoy themselves. Grammar School. In the doubles games by contrast, the boys’ teamwork often Mr Vincenzo Piscioneri gave them a slight advantage; the results Teacher in Charge were 56:43 with eight games to four in Camberwell’s favour. It was pleasing to see 10A Tennis that the team did not give up in the face Like a celebrity cook-off on Master Chef, of adversity and always displayed much the 2019/2020 tennis season had a bit enthusiasm and positivity each week. of everything. From washouts to sunny summer mornings. From the En-Tout-Cas An outstanding display of courage and courts in Deepdeene to the carpark at comradeship was exuded by every player Penleigh Grammar. And from thrashings throughout the entire season, which was most notably evident from some extremely to being thrashed it was a season that tested the resolve and at times patience close encounters against Yarra Valley of the 10A Tennis boys. But through it Grammar School. all, each boy played with spirit, skill and Mr Ryan Thomson support and showed growth in their tennis game and confidence. And while results Teacher in Charge do not mean everything, it is fair to say the Camberwell Grammar boys Fourth Gold Tennis finished the season well and The Fourth Gold team had by most truly on the positive side of measures a very successful season, the ledger. Bravo! winning every match bar one and one Mr Andrew Kingham washed out. Nevertheless, made to Teacher in Charge battle and eke out these victories, the team played some scintillating tennis and showed great spirit and camaraderie, and above all good sportsmanship through it all. Steady and stoic leadership was provided by James Growse, and consistent performances from MVP Tristan van Koert and Coach’s Awardee Connor Kovos carried the season for us. The boys had lots of fun in the Friday training sessions as well as on match days. Special mention to the Year 12s as they bid farewell to Summer Sports at Camberwell Grammar. Dr Moses Khor Teacher in Charge

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Third Mitre Tennis


10B Tennis

10C Tennis

9A Tennis

The 2020 season started slow for the 10B Tennis team. It was at times, difficult to maintain motivation as poor weather and cancellations loomed close. The boys pushed through under the less than ideal conditions. Irrespective of wins and losses, the team remained in high spirits and modelled good sportsmanship through the season. 10B were sure to congratulate their teammates and each other. They trialled several doubles partnerships to identify the best duos. Colin Jiang performed consistently in his doubles and singles games and walked away with the title of MVP. Hayden Wong displayed his commitment to training, always remaining positive and enthusiastic. He well and truly earnt the Coach’s Award. Thank you to all the boys from the B team who stepped in and contributed to a successful season of tennis.

What a wonderful experience it has been for the 10C Tennis team. The team has been able to improve their skills, play against teams in various ranking positions within the team, as well as having the opportunity to play matches in various conditions. The team experienced wind, cold, rain and very hot balmy mornings. All of this enable the team members to bond together and support each other. It was especially encouraging seeing all team members not only encourage each other on court but consistently being punctual to early bus departures from Mont Albert Rd, some as early as 6.45am. Never did I hear a student complain, not once. I was proud of each and every student of the team and many times the students were positive about just being altogether and the overall result was secondary. Well done to all the students, it was delightful being a small part of the team.

The 9A Tennis team had a strong finish to the season, with many outstanding wins across the 2019/2020 season. Even in some particularly trying conditions, where rain and the elements threatened to force a washout, the team persevered in good spirits until the very last moment.

Ms Sherin George Teacher in Charge

Mr Dominic McLaughlin Teacher in Charge

Players of note included James Ciro and Thomas Cross, who proved to be consistent team players throughout the season. In addition, Sam Keenan, Cooper Lewis, Jacob Clark, James Ciro and Daniel Stephen all had the good fortune to take at least one singles set without losing a game throughout the season. Finally, the Captain of the team Darcy Albert, had the good fortune to play for the First team several times during the season, gaining some valuable experience. Mr Alastair Berg Teacher in Charge

9B Tennis The 9B Tennis team played a terrific season, always attending training and Saturday matches with a positive attitude and willingness to work as a team. The boys experienced a fantastic season winning eight out of the nine Saturday matches, with only one loss against PEGS in round 4. In training, the team participated well and appreciated the efforts put in by the coaches over the course of the season. There were some resounding wins against Yarra Valley, Ivanhoe, and Penninsula with Freddie Askew the team’s captain always putting in a great performance week in and week out and in Round 6 of the season Freddie did a tremendous job of addressing all teams present – celebrating the 100 years of AGSV Saturday sport. Other notable members of the team were Billy Booth, Erik Simo-Orgonas, Gabriel Guorgi, Andrew Hare along with Isaac Lin who always provided consistently solid performances. Thank you to all the boys in the 9B team who contributed to such a successful season of tennis. Ms Bonnie Wade Teacher in Charge

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8A Tennis

8C Tennis

The 9C Blue Tennis team had a successful season of games and the students showed consistent eagerness to improve their skills and game play strategies. Unfortunately, a small number of games were cancelled due to inclement weather, but the boys took the opportunity to excel when matches went ahead, winning four of the six games played. They also had a tightly contested match against the 9C Gold team finishing equal on sets won, but just losing out when the number of games won was calculated.

The 8A Tennis team was a high achieving group who lost only one match during their entire season, which was only by two games against a very strong PEGS side. It was a valiant effort that went right down to the wire.

The 8C Tennis team played a good season this year, coming second overall to Ivanhoe Ridgeway. Everyone worked hard and collaborated well, and our tennis improved as the season went on. The team participated well in training, and everyone was eager to learn more. A special thanks to the coaches and Mr Cathcart for his guidance and unwavering support.

They had strong wins against Ivanhoe and Trinity Gold to round off the season and there were stand out performances from Haydn Bourke, Roy Fleming and Ebyn Chan. However, all students in the team are to be congratulated for their efforts this year and they can be proud of their dedication and high level of sportsmanship.

During training the team was focused, organised and disciplined. Their hard work was evident in their strong performances each week with consistent improvements made among all members. All the team members were excellent with some absolute stand out players who consistently won their matches every week but remained humble and always showed exemplary sportsmanship. However, the greatest strength of this team was its depth. It became a regular challenge deciding who would play in the top eight and in what order. Overall a fantastic team that performed exceptionally all season in whatever conditions they were facing.

Mr Brian McManus Teacher in Charge

Mr Andreas Panousieris Teacher in Charge

9C Gold Tennis Being the first time the 9C team was split, the 9C Gold team was excited to start a great season. And a great season it was for the team. The iconic duo of Richard Liu and Justin Lu were able to go undefeated in their doubles matches. Connor Inston also had a strong season playing as the number one doubles player with Alex Harris playing well along with him. The team had many close matches that came down to just a single game, and the team was also able to smash many opponents. Despite Ms Mandusic having never coached tennis before the team was able to have a strong performance overall. Alexander Harris

8B Tennis The 8B team played an excellent season, with a steady demonstration of growth collaboratively as well as personal achievements from individual players. As the season progressed, the teams’ tennis skills strengthened, with players prepared to try new techniques and strategies learned at training. The boys demonstrated commitment with regular training and strong attendance at all games during the season. The sportsmanship and camaraderie were evident on the court as they played well, supporting and encouraging each other on and off the court. Congratulations on a strong finish.

Raphael Champion and Hamish Westcott

7A Tennis Once again, the 7A Tennis season experienced the extremes of Melbourne’s weather. Our initial grading day was beset by storms, yet at other times training took place under very hot and sunny skies. Regardless of the conditions, the team trained hard on Monday mornings and Wednesday afternoons, and many new friendships were formed. Over the course of the season, the students focused on developing their ability to play doubles effectively in a variety of pairings. Displaying good sportsmanship and also handling the mental side of the game were other key areas of focus. This year, Mattias Ho was awarded the MVP Award for his consistent efforts as our number 1 player. He often played against students who also represented their schools in the Firsts team. William Georges was the recipient of the Coach’s Award for his determination and persistence, which were particularly evident when he played his singles matches. Mrs Kathryn Smith Teacher in Charge

Ms Aneta Renieris Teacher in Charge

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9C Blue Tennis


7B Tennis After only brief trials and selection at the start of the school year, the first time the boys trained as a team they gelled well, showing good team spirit. They had a pleasing outing in the centennial weekend of the AGSV, wining against Ivanhoe seven sets to five. The fixture gave the boys a good indication of the skills that required their attention for the next match against PEGS and their training clearly had paid off as there was a noticeable improvement in the boys serving leading to some nicely sustained rallies. The drama of that second fixture was Oliver Ta, felled by a bee sting just as he finished his doubles match. Fortunately, he was fine and kudos to Harper Davidson for stepping up to play two singles matches to cover for Oli. This incident typifies the good sportsmanship the boys showed in their short season and although they did not win the final match of the season, they have shown great promise for their next Summer Sport season. Mr Jason Hall Teacher in Charge

7C Blue Tennis MVP: Dylan Wong Coach’s Award: Simon Gao Played 4, won 1, lost 2, Bye 1

7C Gold Tennis The first season of sport is always interesting and the boys of the 7C Gold Tennis team came together like champions. Mark Bishop was great in encouraging and including all his teammates whether it was during doubles or singles games. Alex Reale, Alex Liang and Alex Zhang being new to Tennis started off a little tentative but ended up finding the joy that can be had on the court. Hamish Wishart and Ethan Wang were players always keen to help and join in games when others were reluctant. Shilah Brown, Toby Sharrock and Lachlan Courmadias showed a competitive edge on the court, displaying sportsmanship always with their competitors. Samir Banerji demonstrated true passion for the sport and was always excited to play, always with a smile on his face. Wilson Zhou, MVP of the team, went undefeated for the entire season and

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showed great promise with his stellar serve. The team had a wonderful and competitive first season with results fluctuating from losing all straight sets to winning all straight sets and everything in between. One thing can be certain: Fun was had by all. Mr Peter Zagarn Teacher in Charge

“Wilson Zhou, MVP of the team, went undefeated for the entire season and showed great promise with his stellar serve.”

TRIATHLON The 2019/2020 season was a very exciting one for the CGS Triathlon squad, with many new faces joining the ranks. The results and commitment from everyone, including the first timers in the squad has shown great promise for a very strong future for Camberwell in Triathlon.


The first race at Elwood took place in less than favourable conditions but gave very favourable results. Ryan Humphries took home the fastest Camberwell time in the Fun Tri distance, with a very impressive swim leg. Newcomers Marcus Liew and Elliot Fry also had a strong race, coming one after the other following a strong bike into a blistering headwind. Charlie Chun in his first sprint distance race also impressed with 24th from a race of 40 triathletes. The second race in Sandringham took place in much nicer conditions, and despite the long transition run up the beach, many of our boys performed well. The overall fastest time was again Lucas Rodriguez but, in the water, he was beaten by six seconds by Ryan Humphries. Lucas was closely followed by Marcus, and only a couple of minutes behind were the more experienced Ben Gale, Thomas Kohne, and Freddy Askew. Debutant Ray He showed promise with a very strong swim as well. The New Year was heralded in by the third race in the series, in St Kilda. Much credit goes to the boys who turned up to race despite being in the midst of summer holidays. In his first race in the squad, William Watson impressed with the fastest swim time posted by all of the boys. The older triathlete, Billy Swingler showed that experience pays off with a transition time 30 seconds faster than the rest of the field. The fourth race in Elwood was preceded by a deluge, causing the water in the bay to be unsafe. The swim was consequently replaced by a run, much to the disappointment of the many talented swimmers in our squad. In their first races, older boys Harrison Haintz, Ben Carlisle and Lachie Harker showed promise with very solid runs. Marcus Liew once again took home top spot, this time putting over 90 seconds into all of the other boys, finishing with a very strong 16th. With the absence of a swim I was able to put up my own best finish of the season of 14th (just missing my 4min/k average!)

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Not only did our boys race in the 2XU series, but many also participated in a locally hosted Aquathon Series at Boroondara Sports Complex. Year 7 student Joshua Carlin showed his strength in his very first event for the school, competing in the junior race. In the adult distance, Camberwell took home gold with Ryan Humphries combining his stellar swim with a markedly improved run. In the second Aquathon Lucas Rodriguez took second over my third in the open age division. In the final Aquathon, and as it turned out, the final event of the 201920 triathlon season, Camberwell took home more medals with Ray He taking second in the junior event, and Lucas continuing his strong form taking third in the adult event. Unfortunately, amongst all the chaos and craziness of the Coronavirus crisis the remainder of the 2XU Triathlon Series was postponed until a decider race to occur in October 2020. However, this shortened season has shown that the Camberwell Triathlon squad has lots to look forward to as our young talent continues to train and grow stronger. I look forward to seeing everyone (and perhaps some new faces!) when we return to Triathlon training in Term 4! Alex Lew Captain of Triathlon

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First VI Volleyball The First VI Volleyball team had a successful season coming out the gates with a multitude of wins in the early rounds and being an undefeated team coming up to the finals. The team made the finals; however, the boys were unable to capitalise, losing to Yarra Valley Grammar in a heartbreaking five set loss ending the season off in fourth place. It was good to see the boys improve throughout the season through the guidance of Coach, Mr Liam Gibson and the leadership shown from Captain, Frank Bite and Vice-Captains, Ming Jin Low and Ethan Lack. The future looks bright for the First Volleyball team with strong players to make the team next season. Frank Bite Captain

Second Blue and Gold Volleyball The season began with back to basics. Our first games were not good. Our enthusiastic Coach Mr Sean Kennedy, encouraged the boys to focus and soon the Blue team was

winning games. The confidence of both teams improved and soon winning was always a possibility. Volleyball is a great team sport and by the end of the season the boys were great mates and good sportsmen. Many thanks to our Old Boy Coach Sean Kennedy.

whilst newcomers Luke Alateras and Jimmy Wu made spirited efforts to master the key skills and contribute at every opportunity. Congratulations to all players on their hard work, optimistic spirit and, most importantly, on their unflagging support of one another.

Rev Charles Butler Teacher in Charge

Dr Tebb Kusserow Teacher in Charge

9/10 Blue and Gold Volleyball The 9/10 Volleyball season was one of the best in recent memory, not because of the wins recorded on Saturday mornings (there were only a handful), but because of our wonderful external coach, Alexander. He made trainings both fun and instructive, and by the season’s conclusion, hardworking players like Cooper Carbone and Jamie Kohlmann had made immense improvement. Teams are held together by their setters, and Nicolaas Bray, Lucas Chan and Tim Howard performed this role wonderfully; Akalanka Gunawardana stood out for his great leaping blocks and spikes, whilst Jordan Yang’s impressive serving kept the team in the match on a number of occasions. They were ably supported by veteran players and all-rounders Chris Huang, Ebyn Chan and Timothy Phan,

7/8 Blue and Gold Volleyball This season brought its share of ups and downs for both teams, but their finishes did every player immense credit. The skills development and cohesion that appeared in each team in the second half of the season was a credit to their hard work, their enjoyment of the game and to the coaching of Mr Raphael Morrissey. Among the highlights were wins against teams that had defeated Blue and Gold in the first half of the season, which gave the boys a real measure of their progress. While thanks go to the Captains of each team, the individual leadership and collaboration that emerged amongst the players really meant the that leadership was exercised is a noticeably democratic and supportive way. In closing, I would like to acknowledge the efforts of Year 8 players like Lucas Chin and Arthur Lau who contributed so much toward developing a spirit that reflected the values of the school. Mr Matthew Wood Teacher in Charge

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“The First VI Volleyball team had a successful season coming out the gates with a multitude of wins in the early rounds being an undefeated team coming up to the finals.”

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Back Row L-R: James See, Marcus Katsoulotos, William Couttie, Austin Yim, Nathan Leung, Hari Ganesvaran, Mr Michael Daniel. 2nd Row L-R: Antonio Fu, Charles Ghostine, Matheus Wolters, Alexander Nielsen, Tin Lok Zhang, Timothy Yap, Christopher Cohen. Seated Row L-R: Oliver Jewell, Eric Shen, Oliver Liu-Mu, Aleksandar Rupar, Zane Fares, Ari Canale, William Kopke. Absent: Tane Parkinson, Lachlan Ramsay.


Back Row L-R: Callum Rutledge, Taran Laurence, Ollie Spalding, Sam Rendell, Ellis Biggar, Matthew Power, David Mutavdzija, Charlie Amling, Ms Katrina Massey. Seated Row L-R: Sam Veitch, Luke Doblin, Flynn Chable, Liam Thomas, Zac Johnson.


Back Row L-R: Hamish Wild, Benjamin Wardlaw, Ruben Hopkins, Garnet Brennan, Austin Petersen, David Mutavdzija, Matthew Seletto. 2nd Row L-R: Mr Nick Martin, Ben Ewens, Will Binnie-Peart, Will Day, Jasper Fodor, Harrison Hough, Jay Song. Seated Row L-R: Daniel Ho, Geoffrey Gong, Matthew Bryson, Harry Rush, Christopher Golz, Callm Rutledge, Patrick Blew.


Back Row L-R: Jack Sturzaker, Ronan Dicker, Dean Buchanan, Tom Bowers, Max Howden, Lachlan Evans. 2nd Row L-R: Harrison Kimmitt, Daniel Debowski, Patrick Canny, Nijad Yu, Michael Augustes. Seated Row L-R: Nicholas Robinson, Jack Booth, Harry McColl, Oliver Purcell, Jimmy Smith, Sean Yang. Absent: Blake Huang, Benjamin Hindhaugh, Jack Schwenck.


Back Row L-R: Seth Ponniah, Thomas Nicholson, Hugh McGlone, Anthony Cao, Angus Corr, Drew Georgiou, Daniel Koppelman, Ben Ridley, Matthew Deayton, Darcy de Rauch, Lewis Neil, Tim Heavey. 4th Row L-R: Nathan Le, Sam Schwenk, James Balfour, Daniel Iacobucci, Harry Senior, Alexander Ryan, Thomas Cox, Aidan Harris, Dean Christofilopoulos, Jarrod Papadopoulos. 3rd Row L-R: Alexander Niarchos, Carson Howard, Jacky Jia, Jack Summers, Joshua Rizzo, Josh Gale, George Kocalidis, Angus Aikman, Benjamin Worley, Cameron Hwang, Nic Feldt. 2nd Row L-R: Steven Chen, Chris How, Mason Pearson, Deylan Razmara, Mitchell Brown, Nathan Windisch, Charlie Dore, Tom Doyle, Nicholas Taranto, Ms Jessica Cormick. Seated Row L-R: Ethan Lau, Kevin Huang, Jamie Garnham, Philip Wang, Eric Yan, Lee Li, Noah Ponniah, Benjamin Richardson, Andrew Phan. Absent: Alistair Henderson, Benjamin Hicks, Lachlan Waycott, Lucas Yan, Anthony Tano, John Thomson, Dimitri Topatsis, Dylan Kitchener, Riley Swinburne, Mr James Victor, Ms Jennifer Turnnidge.

Back Row L-R: Mr Will Hone, Jerry Lu, Joshua Kohlman, Harrison Haintz. Seated Row L-R: Michael Alexander, Lewis Clarke, Benny Grayson, Sam Woods, Caleb Finlayson. Absent: Thomas Power.

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Summer Sports



Back Row L-R: Mr Will Hone, Jack Spalding, Kai Charalambous, Maclane Cross, Pavara Jayawardena, Benjamin Carlisle. Seated Row L-R: Oliver Thompson, Fletcher von Arx, Marcus Hill, Aden Shinnick, Anupa Jayasuriya, Harley Inglis.


Back Row L-R: Ms Laura Dubberley, Daniel Senior, Timothy Bryson, Aydan Yim, William Allsop, Nathan Rice, Max Vago, Rhys Lee, Patrick Niu. Seated Row L-R: Angus McNeill, Joshua Blew, Adam Rizzo, Albert Guan, Alex Dai, Owen Henderson, Will Town, Jordan Ng. Absent: Ed Lord.


Back Row L-R: Ms Maddi Voumard, Jackson Haintz, Michael Fang, Will Richardson, Charlie King. Seated Row L-R: Noah Shinnick, Will Joy, Ryder Cheesman, Joel Burton. Absent: Harry Clarke.

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Back Row L-R: William Wu, Charlie Fotheringham, Wyatt Brennan, Aden Godfrey, Charlie Chun, Kyle Scheer, Billy Ge, Marco Xu. 2nd Row L-R: Ms Stephanie Bohni, Gus Bellchambers, Maxwell Liakopoulos, Lucas Waycott, Steven Lu, Alexander Bokas, Max Farmer, Jonathan Le, Liam Corr. Seated Row L-R: Ben Joy, Darcy Norman, Hayden Newman, Brodie Carswell, Richard Luo, Julian Taft, Jeremy Lim. Absent: Maxwell Cheshire, Ethan Ensor, Oliver Steinberg, Vincent Yu, Kayson Wang, Billy Swingler, Leeshan Navaneetharaja, Ms Christelle Phanjoo.


Back Row L-R: Jack Nicholson, Archie Lowe, Yiyu Chen, Charles Mills, Jet Chao, Lachlan Nguyen, Mr Graham Ruffles. 2nd Row L-R: Nicholas Banjac, Hao Ren, Jimmy Devine, Thomas Yang, Michael Wang, Oscar Smith, Jarrod Leong. Seated Row L-R: Charles Campbell-Cowan, Cameron Haw, Matthew Lu, Shivansh Kakkar, Connor Stavrakis, Henry Chew. Absent: Tony Chen.


Back Row L-R: Ms Maddi Voumard, Jamison Smith, Christian Evans, Jason Liang, Jacob Evans, Hugh Fukumura. Seated Row L-R: Noah Smith, Mason O’Neil, Savith Jayasuriya, Josh Tomlin, Ryan Humphries.


Back Row L-R: Ewan Lewis, William Zhang, Joe Hu, Ashton Nunn, Ben Ford, Ioan Hillard, Lachlan Lewis, Justin Mellor. 3rd Row L-R: Henry Deayton, Luka Stojnic, Max Pringle, Nathan Bosmans, Nicholas Woosnam, Lucas Hu, Matthew Lau, Aidan McGrath. 2nd Row L-R: Ms Suzanne Jack, Jack Shao, Max Alexander, Declan McCabe, Justin Liu, Parker Rush, Timothy Lu, Joshua Ng, Mr Nathan Jones. Seated Row L-R: Hugo Stevens, Charlie Williams, William McPhee, George Trembath, Ben Radelczyk, Lachlan Young, Jp Ma, Brayden Chew. Absent: Campbell Davidson, Xander Lee.


Back Row L-R: Mr Scott Wyatt, Thomas Tonkin, Luke Davidson, Jack Giang, Mitchell Graham, Oscar Stambanis, Beckley Kleynhans, Fin Williams, Karlan Ng. Seated Row L-R: Luca Tassone, Fraser Richardson, Hamish Stuart-Adams, Wonlee Kua, Elliot Walker, Hugo Thompson, Riley Scott, Ben Ngo.




Back Row L-R: Goldman Xu, Rhys Bishop, Max Pearce, Thomas Robinson, Daniel Cohen, Edward Wang, Thomas Nania, Locky Crosgrove. 3rd Row L-R: Mr Mark Mews, Will Howard, Ray Zhan, Marcus Lu, Ashwin Lagana, Ethan Chen, Nate Seow, Luke Tavenor, Ms Naomi Eckersley. 2nd Row L-R: Charlie Weickhardt, Will Li, Matthew Barrett, Jonathan Cheung, Shaya Asadi, Matthew Shi, Tomas O’Brien, Tobias Smith. Seated Row L-R: Arian Asadpour, Rory Woods, Joshua Koppelman, Kristofer Vos-Rutter, Alan Zou, Darcy Merritt, Aidan Lau. Absent: Luke May, William Elliott, Raymond Fei, Jonathon Haig, Joshua McAllister.


Back Row L-R: Mr Matt Sofoulis, Nicholas Graves, Caleb Smith, Lewis Winkett, Will Stamper, James Harker, Connor Laird, Joshua Pollocks, Ben Grlj, Matthew Lewison, Mr Richard Clifton. Seated Row L-R: Mitchell Horn, Lachlan Ross, Jordan McCleery, Ned Bennett, Marc Dalla Riva, Joshua Davidson, Charles Robertson.


Back Row L-R: Charles Robertson, Marc Dalla Riva, Luke Matthews, Blake Pearson, Mr Troy Stanley, Michael Dimatos, Caleb Smith, Ben Grlj, Luke O’Brien. Seated Row L-R: Rian Maclennan, Will Howell, Lachlan Harker, Gareth Cox, Simon Lewison, Mitchell horn, Harry Gittins. Absent: Ed Harper.

Back Row L-R: Julian Lowrie, Jacob Chappell, Thomas Cooper, Rafael Bird, Mr Troy Stanley. Seated Row L-R: Rohan Hodges, Hamish Collett, Harry Rice, Manhar Singh, Daniel Sunderland, Colby Gale.

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Back Row L-R: Riley Woolfe, Thomas Newman, Harry Watson, Ben Vause, Thomas Wong, Mr Mitchell Quinn. Seated Row L-R: Owen Cox, Max Grant, William Lombardi, Charlie Leong, Benjamin Gale. Absent: James Allsop.


Back Row L-R: Lachie McGowan, Oliver Lowe, Josh Cooper, Michael Chen, Matthew Hoyling, Mr Craig Conlan. Seated Row L-R: Luke Cariss-Brett, Zac Matters, Dylan Davies, Hugh Cran, Harrison Car. Absent: Izaan Imran, Domenic Bozzone.


Back Row L-R: Mr David Beardsley, Jacob Lewis, Saveen Seneviratne, Angus Rynne, Cameron Holmes, Lucas Saunders, Mitchell Hedley. Seated Row L-R: Joshua Taylor, Sam Grlj, James Webb, Adam Li, Lachlan Charlesworth, Daniel Teele.

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Back Row L-R: Dr James Kalfas, Jason Fieldhouse, Will Kruse, Hugo Pringle, Zayd Aga, Robert Johnston, Vedant Agarwal, Rick Gui. Seated Row L-R: Lachlan Easton, Vincent Chen, Ryan O’Hoy, Freddy Branson, James Dixon, Ben Wishart, Ryan Fieldhouse. Absent: Abhinav Gujjari, Aden Hall.


Back Row L-R: Mr Peter Robinson, Kurt Zvirbulis, Sabir Singh, Darren Li, Minh Tran, Charles Taliadoros. Seated Row L-R: Payan Kolah, Edward Hare, Flynn Parker , Sebastian Kamleshwaran, Declan Collett.


Back Row L-R: Mr Sam Gough, Spencer Drew, Matthew Allsop, Will Seeley, Charlie Adams. Seated Row L-R: Sachin Kunendra, Jack Brant, Oliver Phillips, Charlie Callaghan. Absent: Patrick Hindhaugh, Daniel Lukins, Lucas Brown.



Back Row L-R: Mr Teri Miriklis, Daniel Chen, Gage Tan, Joshua Yates, Jordan Huang , Ben Zhang, Callum Yates. Seated Row L-R: Edward Oliver, Brodie Pang , Matthew Haig, Jerry Ji, Max Cornelius, George Karametos.


Back Row L-R: James Eastwood, Arya Aminazad, Thomas Ireland, Alexander Guorgi, Zac Kelly, Logan Taplin. 2nd Row L-R: Mr Marcus Jones, Ned Chesler, Kevin Chan, James Stambe, Luke Ryan, Thomas Kohne, Aj Ananthapavan. Seated Row L-R: Kelvin Le, Timothy Yeow, Marcus Liew, Aren Dosser, Jason Li, Kye Yoshimura . Absent: Marcus Elliot.



Back Row L-R: Rafael Carmel, Matthew Wakefield, Ben Bosmans, Henry Baker, Conrad Thornton, David Thomas, Joel Cooray, Faisal Al-Sabbagh, Daniel Watson, Oliver Scotter. 2nd Row L-R: Mark Thiel, George Baker, Cameron Yeang, Jonathan Pettolino, Adam Matthews, Jack Maitland, Christian Kinsella, Shen Rong, Kaiser Tan, Mr Charlie Lockwood. Seated Row L-R: Jack Zhang, James Pawson, Max McKenzie, Rhys Campbell, William Murray, Nat Navaneetharaja, Alan Wang, Gianni Cioffi. Absent: Samuel Hindhaugh, Joseph Hunting, Georgio Cioffi, Leo Yang, Eric Tang, Campbell Rowland, Benjamin Coleman.


Back Row L-R: Mr Andrew Worsnop, Hieu Tran, Joseph Pang, Mitchell Xiao, Tony Chen, Eamon Wan, Kristian Bite, James Mills. Seated Row L-R: Ethan Lau, James Gaudion, George Johnson, Elijah Pannozzo, William Cook, Jonty Neil, Samuel Chan, Joshua Mazey. Absent: Felix Brown, Oliver Devine, Maxim Renieris, Jonathan Vais.


Back Row L-R: Mr Gordon Wilson, Patrick Homes, Hamish Canny, Luke Burton, Patrick Rogan, Ken Weeraratne, James Bush, Matthew Rodier. 2nd Row L-R: Nicholas Barry, William Phillips, Andrew Ong, Justin Leung, Benjamin Price, Oliver Seeley, Anton Huynh, Dr David Rodgers. Seated Row L-R: Rico Towers, James Lau, Felix McCuaig, Rohan Wickremasinghe, Ethan Tran. Absent: Leon De Rooden, Daniel Feng, Julian Griffiths, James Reichmann, Fraser Rowe, Henry Segal, Henry Shirrefs.

Back Row L-R: Mr Tap-Long Duong, Hamish Campbell-Cowan, Flynn Helmer, Liam McCarthy, Jake Ford, Christopher Miller, Vincent Jin, Alexander Greenaway, Kai Sapolu, Mr Shaun Burke. Seated Row L-R: Jim Zhu, Marty Selvestrel, Jake Petersen, Arman Cakmakcioglu, Angus Bosmans, Isa Rose, Jayden Ou-Young. Absent, Darby Lee, James Thorn, Oliver Powell, Mitchell Wills, Caeden Yap.

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Back Row L-R: Liam Ly, Timothy Bryson, Haotian Huang, James Kerferd, Scott Tan, Dylan Lay, Ravin Desai, Jason Li, Ken Han, Harrison Meers. 4th Row L-R: William Ricker, Kunjie Wu, Taran Rose, Brandon Petherbridge, Rory Noonan, Sean Xu, Abdullah Sabaa, Zach Lewis, Kieran Teoh, Ray He. 3rd Row L-R: Blake Pahos, Michael Wang, Leonard Lee, William Watson, Charlie Fotheringham, David Li, Hugh Cran, Jarrod Leong, Mr Nic Campbell. 2nd Row L-R: Cooper Lewis, Michael Rigby, Noah Conn, Shaun Wang, Nicholas Lysikatos, Victor Shao, Lucas Rodriguez, Ryan Chung, Richard Luo, Thomas Rigby. Seated Row L-R: James Gargano, Ric Shen, Alexander Papadopoulos, Jasper Fodor, Peter Zhao, Matthew Bryson, Lachlan Young, Joshua H Ng, Thomas Nebbs.


L-R: Mr Stephen Smith, Joshua Hui, Sam Kabourakis, Christian Ling, Nathan Shi, Ethan Tang, Bryden Tan, Eugene Goh, Justin Kwan.


Back Row L-R: Louie Fei, Leo Li, Theodore Lam, Daniel An, Tommy Auwardt, Michael Huang, Ryan Gale, Joshua Morgan, Ronan Mahaffy. 2nd Row L-R: Mr Simon Barry, Matthew Lung, Ethan Ong, Andrew Wang, Julian Lim, Allan Wang, Leo Quan, Joel Cheok, Harry Chen, Liam Dosser, Dr Wei Ha. Seated Row L-R: Jayden Mai, Callum Ling, Jayden Yap, Minh Tran, Nicholas Branson, Timothy Lee, Thomas Douglas, Nathan Chan. Absent: Andy Zhang, Wilson Sha, Jasper Lim, Max Helmer, Dennis Shaliga, Henry Li.

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Back Row L-R: Rick Kovos , Charles Lewis, Ashton Lu. Seated Row L-R: Ximing Zhang, Brendan Tse, Mathieu Ly, Oliver To. Absent: Finnian Mahaffy, Ms Penelope Wood.


Back Row L-R: Tom Nguyen, Marcus Lim, Jack Yao, William Wu, Alexander Lau, Dennis Zhang, Daniel Morad, Alex Zhang. 2nd Row L-R: Anthony Choi, Alexander Hatzicostas, Daniel Seow, Kerry Sun, Alan Tian, Denton Chan, Ms Bibo Shi. Seated Row L-R: Dylan Chi, Andy Congshen, Samuel Choong, Justin Zhu, Jerry Zhou, Lidong Chen, Cam Dunne. Absent: Kevin Chen, Owen Gao, Louis Huang, Ethan Bennett, Tom Guo, Joshua Pending, Jay Shen, James Cai.


Back Row L-R: Nicholas Pang, David Du, James Yao, Christos Kalas, Terry Xiao, Daniel Duong, Mark Lai. 3rd Row L-R: Joshua Soo, Weihan Zhou, Jackson Li, Michael Barry, Jayden Thai, Oscar Wong, Hamish Wong. 2nd Row L-R: Victor Loo, Justin Fu, Jamie Tran, Kevin Yang, Oscar Cheung, Bharat Manikoth, Ms Emily Wang. Seated Row L-R: Justin Chua, Matt Dunne, Ryan Park, Ilian Aendenroomer, Hayden Whiteford, Lingming Hu, Alastair Joshi. Absent: Benjamin Cheng, Edwin Gu, Youssef Hanna, Justin Le.

Back Row L-R: Matthew Ong, Michael Fok, Mark Sonbol, Darcy Livingstone, Mun Wah Chan, Charles King, Lachie Dunne. 2nd Row L-R: Mr Barry Akehurst , Reuben Opat, Daniel Renzi, Eamon Luu, Harvey Xiao, Rui Jiang, Christopher Khong, Derrick Kwon, Mr Hamish Green. Seated Row L-R: Christien Aung, James Wong, Evan McLatchie, Harrison Varsamidis, Michael Cheung, Lachlan Khuu, William Chin, Tommy Ramsay. Absent: William Li, Lucas Thermos, Jack Fan, Sonny Wang.





Back Row L-R: Mr Manfred Pietralla, Isaac Hui, Matthew Lim, David Maes, Andrew Lee. Seated Row L-R: Ashwin Prabaharan, Lachlan O’Neill, Alex Wilson-Brown, Matthieu Gibert, Lachlan Wei.


Back Row L-R: Thomas Ng, Nick Clark, Nicholas Wade, Riley Smith, Sean Liu. Seated Row L-R: Matthew Wu, Wilson Zhu, Thomas Georges, Rilee Younger, Zach Lewis. Absent: Cameron Lim, Ms Robyn Crockett.


Back Row L-R: William Lewis, Kaelan Fraser, Kunal Ghelani, Jordan Murphy, Philip Alex, Rhys Denison, Zander Stojnic, Sam Parmenter. 3rd Row L-R: Patrick Osborne, Vishal Kotecha, Khalid Abbas, Lachlan Guerrieri, Daniel Hein, Alex Liaw, Kosta Froutzis, Mitchell Norman, Mr Rick Mason. 2nd Row L-R: Mr Roger Devine, Nicholas Lathouras, Heny Pan, Chris Caragounis, Kai-Si Tan, Hamish Monckton, Kenny Zhang, Zac Davidson, Ms Marita Kelly. Seated Row L-R: Nicholas Sarlos-Welsh, Joshua Lam, Rory Wheelhouse, Jack Hu, Kieran Teoh, Angus Oldham, Oliver Hu, Andrew Ho.

Back Row L-R: Cameron Wills, Kieran McAuley, Anderson Sulewski, Tristan van Koert, Henry Smith, George Fogarty, Tory Crosgrove, Bill Fang. 3rd Row L-R: Alex Zhang, William Yang, Conor Kovos, James Pittard, Max Taylor, Nima Asgari, Oscar Curry. 2nd Row L-R: Mr Ryan Thomson, Aidan Oh, Mitchell Reid, Aaron Song, Andrew Shallcross, Ryan Wong, Aaron Craine, James Growse, Dr Moses Khor. Seated Row L-R: Matthew Quin, Samuel Qi, Andrew Graham, Rowan Sandhu, Ethan To, Jamien Quach, Emmanuel Marcus, Blair Zhang.

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Back Row L-R: Ms Sherin George, Andrew Nguyen, Leo Simo-Orgonas, Nicholas Gazis, Colin Jiang, Ishaan Nandurkar. Seated Row L-R: Luke Nguyen, Hayden Wong, Aidan Chen, Anthony Zographos, Andrew Bishop.


Back Row L-R: Mr Andrew Kingham, Will Govenlock, Michael Hare, Marcus Peeters-Williams, Hugo Thornton, Kevin Wang. Seated Row L-R: Alec McDougall, Scott Zheng, Daniel Meagher, Ethan Aw, Jack Moodie.



Back Row L-R: Mr Dominic McLaughlin, Samuel Betts, Tony Tao, Roshan Patil, Allan Tang, Lucas Qian. Seated Row L-R: Aidan Yong, James Tomaras, Jonathan Yen, Issei Hakuta, Je-Rard Cheong, Evan Chiu.


Back Row L-R: Ms Bonnie Wade, Freddie Askew, Erik Simo-Orgonas, Andrew Hare, William Zhang. Seated Row L-R: Billy Booth, Nicholas Shim, Lachlan McFarland, Gabriel Guorgi, Isaac Lin. Absent: Alex Giang.

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Back Row L-R: Mr Alastair Berg, Daniel Stephen, Tiger Diao, Jacob Clark. Seated Row L-R: Elliot Choi, James Ciro, Thomas Cross, Keelan Hale, Cooper Lewis. Absent: Darcy Albert, Sam Keenan.


Back Row L-R: Roy Fleming, Connor Inston , Hayden Bourke, Alex Ma, Joshua Muehlebach. 2nd Row L-R: Mr Brian McManus, Stanley Xiao, Alexander Harris, William Grigg, Isaac Tan, James Alexandrakis, Justin Lu, Dr Melanie Mandusic. Seated Row L-R: Richard Liu, Michael Rigby, Adam Tiong , Liam Papas, Harry Stambanis, Jason Zhao, Joshua Hu. Absent: Ebyn Chan.



Back Row L-R: Ethan Mak, William Lardner, Nick Dillon, Tony Zhang, Michael Bao, Rylan Tan. Seated Row L-R: Matthew Tong, Nathan Wu, Hector Wong, Justin Song, Haydn Hammerton. Absent: Ms Anita Renieris, Ethan Huang.


Back Row L-R: Mr Andreas Panousieris, Ryder Smith, Adrian Chiu, Edward Pill, Orlando Kuti. Seated Row L-R: Matthew Treagus, Timothy Gunasegaram, Kadell Kuti, Joey Govenlock, Joshua Day. Absent: Ethan Loi.



Back Row L-R: Oliver Ford, Chris Lu, Allan Huang , Jaiden Lee, Raye Hsieh, Hamish Westcott. Seated Row L-R: Zifan Morris, Sam Yang, Raphael Champion, Benjamin Pai, Zaid Imran, Oliver Wu. Absent: Mr Ian Cathcart.

Back Row L-R: Ms Kathryn Smith, Benjamin Nash, Dler Toghyani-Farshid, Rick Liu. Seated Row L-R: William Georges, Owen Wu, Mattias Ho, Lachlan Cross, Lucas Ho. Absent: Thomas Alfieri, Aidan Poon, Albert Su.



Back Row L-R: Mr Jason Hall, Joshua Lipenski, Austin Dai, Calvin Wang. Seated Row L-R: Nicholas Teoh, Dylan Wong, Lachlan Lam, James Doyle. Absent: Harper Davidson, Kartikeya Kalva, Oliver Ta.

Back Row L-R: Ethan Wang, Shilah Brown, Simon Gao, Gilbert Zhang, Sean Luo, Wilson Zhou, Alex Zhang. 2nd Row L-R: Ms Michelle Pan, Hamish Wishart, Alexander Reale, Alex Liang, Caleb Chow, Aidan Fayle, Mr Peter Zagarn. Seated Row L-R: Nigel Khong, Mark Bishop, Ethan Tan, Kensey Liang, Lachlan Courmadias, Sevin Saranasuriya. Absent: Samir Banerji, Joshua S Ng, Toby Sharrock, Orville Wang.

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Back Row L-R: Lachlan Harker, Harrison Haintz , Charlie Chun , Ben Carlisle , Ray He, Freddie Askew. 2nd Row L-R: Dr Jack Smith, Ross Sykiotis , Jack Dobbyn,Elliot Fry, William Watson, Thomas Kohne , Jack Marostica, Mr John Allen. Seated Row L-R: Kensei Soegijono, Ryan Humphries, Benjamin Gale, Alex Lew, Marcus Liew , Lucas Rodriguez, Joshua Carlin. Absent: Billy Swingler.


Back Row L-R: Rev Charles Butler, Themistocles Kapnias, Connor Assauw, Jordan Bosco, James Michael Tsolakis, Mitchell Jenzen, Callum Graham, Joel Connell, Brandon Lee. Seated Row L-R: Ryan Tam, Matthew Chan, Lachlan Brain, Evan Giasoumi, Max Whittle, Thomas Huang, Hugo Fry, Samuel Hardy. Absent: Max Randall, Jake Lawrence.


Back Row L-R: Mr Matthew Wood, Byron Zhang, Silas Qian, Callum McClure, Ross Armstrong, Lachlan Wong, Lucas Chin, William Linehan, George Kitsoulis, James Tsang, Arthur Lau. Seated Row L-R: James Chan, Bach Tran, Arya Noor, Anson Lim, William Jenkin, Lucas van Koert, Elias Zakkas, Joah Quach. Absent: Will Aldred, Aedan Mayne.

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Back Row L-R: Mr John Catanzariti , Tom Sun, Christian Rogan, John Williams, Ming Han Low. Seated Row L-R: Ethan Lack, Frank Bite, Zachary Kyriakos, Ming Jin Low, Gregory Kerdemelidis . Absent: Hugo Akse.


Back Row L-R: Dr Tebb Kusserow, Kevin Xu, Akalanka Gunawardana, Christopher Huang, Roger Cao. Seated Row L-R: Jimmy Wu, Lucas Chan, Nicolaas Bray, Tim Howard, Cooper Carbone.



STAFF NOTES Andrew Beale

Huw Jones

Lynn Turner

I have known Andrew for over 30 years and had previously worked with him before I came to Camberwell Grammar, when Andrew served as the treasurer of CLTAV and CLTFA. Not only is Andrew a talented treasurer, he is a talented linguist, speaking three languages fluently and has rich experiences from traveling to China and Russia. His own learning experiences set a good example for his students and his work ethic and professionalism has contributed a great deal to the teaching and learning of Chinese, at Camberwell Grammar School. He will be greatly missed, and I think retirement is just a new start in his life.

Huw Jones joined the Junior School in Term 2 in 2019 whilst the Director of Physical Education, Mr Nick Appleyard was on Long Service Leave. Huw quickly immersed himself, developing a strong rapport with the boys and making connections with colleagues and the parent community. Huw’s position within the Junior School as Director of PE was extended for the year of 2020 as a result of Mr Appleyard fulfilling a position in the Middle School. His easy-going and nurturing nature was adored by the boys’ and he worked hard to improve boys’ confidence and enthusiasm for PE. In his short time, Huw implemented PE programs across the Junior School that focused on the skill development, game sense, sportsmanship, teamwork, technology and building confidence. He led school events, including House Cross Country and Swimming events and worked collaboratively with teachers to plan and organise overnight camps for Years 3, 4 and 5. We wish Huw all the best for his future endeavours and for the next chapter in his life in becoming a father.

After a long career in the airline industry, Lynn joined Camberwell Grammar School’s Development Office in 2003. Lynn quickly developed amazing relationships and a wonderful knowledge of the school community – alumni, donors, parents and past parents – and used this to the benefit of the school over her 17 years in the Development Office.

Mr Wei Ha Head of Chinese

Robyn Mounsey It is with sadness as we say goodbye to a close friend and colleague Robyn Mounsey who has given 31 years of service to the school and has made the decision to retire. Robyn was devoted to her career as Teacher Aide and was known for her professionalism and sense of community.

Mr Mathew McRae Year 3-5 Grade Coordinator

Steph Barras

Stephanie Barras commenced at CGS in January 2017 and left us early this year to pursue new challenges and consider furthering her training. Stephanie was the friendly face and voice on the phone in Roystead Reception and then joined the Junior School as Administration Assistant and Not only did Robyn assist the teachers First Aid Officer. In Junior School she in the classroom, she was always there supporting at camps, excursions, sporting cared for the boys who were unwell or carnivals and special event days at school. suffering playground injuries with kindness and empathy. She embraced the Junior Throughout her career she enjoyed School community and joined in staff and applying her creative talents to displays, family activities; happily supporting events sewing costumes and assisting with and contributing to both the work and the make-up for musicals. fun. In this unusual year we were unable to Over the 31 years there will be countless farewell Stephanie as we would have liked, students and staff who will remember but wish her much happiness, and Robyn fondly and who are grateful for fulfillment and satisfaction in whatever she her teaching, guidance and care. A very chooses to pursue. sincere thank you for all that you have contributed to the school and we wish you Mrs Diane Collins Deputy Head of Junior School (Admin) well in retirement. Robyn’s time spent with the boys is what she loved. She made close connections with the boys in Junior School and enjoyed watching them progress through the school. Robyn loved listening to the boys read and was always there ready to support them during class activities. A highlight for her was attending the Leavers’ Church Service and Farewell Dinner every year.

Mrs Caroline Gatley Deputy Head of Junior School Curriculum 212 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

The Development Office grew and changed over her time at CGS, as did Lynn’s role. Over the years, Lynn arranged major functions, maintained the various databases, monitored gifts and donations, helped to train new junior staff members and generally kept the office running smoothly. Lynn worked closely with Mrs Elizabeth Board, then Director of Development, who noted “Lynn’s attention to detail, immaculate record keeping and ability to relate well to a wide range of people made her a wonderful asset to Camberwell Grammar School”. Lynn will be sorely missed. Mr Ryan Whitehead Director of Community and Development

Vicki Svigos Vicky came to the school as receptionist in March 2017 and endeared herself immediately to the staff. Students, parents and visitors to the school were welcomed in a very professional manner. Nothing was ever too much trouble for Vicky, she was always extremely pleasant and happy. On entering Roystead everyone was greeted with a smile and regardless of their request Vicky was always helpful and well organised. We were sad to see Vicky leave the school in May to pursue her personal goals. Thank you Vicky, we miss your beautiful smile and wish you all the very best for the future. Mrs Ann Kerr Accounts Payable

Mark Mews

Matt Warner

Jenny commenced at Camberwell Grammar School in December 2018 and immediately made her presence felt. The mother of twin girls studying their VCE, the former Head of Art at a Melbourne state school, Jenny wanted to spend more time supporting her family and the role of art technician was perfect. Over the summer break, the studios were transformed. She reorganised the storerooms, streamlined systems and the studios were immaculate.

Mr Mark Mews leaves us for a ‘sea change’ following 10 years of loyal service. Mr Mews made many contributions to life at CGS; as a Year 6 and 7 Form teacher, Middle School Mathematics Subject Coordinator, Director of Athletics and coaching a variety of sporting teams. He will leave a huge hole, and we wish he and his family the very best.

Matt started at CGS in January 2014 as Garden and Grounds Supervisor – having previously run his own gardening and maintenance business. In 2017, Matt was appointed as Assistant Property Manager – and was a great support to Graham Briers in this role in Graham’s last few years as Property Manager.

Jenny had a can do attitude and her work ethic was second to none. She averaged 17,000 steps per day. But Jenny also possessed a wealth of knowledge and quickly shared her love of teaching studio art with colleague Kate Thornburn. This collaboration and sharing of ideas quickly grew beyond the classroom and they developed a strong friendship. Unfortunately in life, circumstances change and Jenny returned to the artrooms of Glen Waverley Secondary College after Term 1 in 2020. We miss her dearly. We miss her kind spirit, sense of fun and quick wit and her caring, warm manner. We wish Jenny and her family much happiness.

Mr Troy Stanley Head of Middle School

Michelle Pan

Michelle was employed to teach Art and Visual Communication during Term 1, replacing Mrs Amanda Kollosche who was taking Long Service Leave. With qualifications in Art and Design, Visual Arts Education and Urban Planning, as well as previous industry and teaching experience, Michelle was the stand-out candidate to join our department. Immediately, and throughout the course of the term, Michelle impressed us with her Mr David Williamson passion for teaching, friendly disposition, Head of Art and Design sense of humour and professional attitude. She confidently taught from the curriculum Alex O’Brien across six year levels in the Middle and Alex O’Brien joined the Senior Schools, instructing students in the Music School in 2016 traditional art methods of painting and as an agency temp to drawing, as well as the electronic mediums support the team for of digital illustration and 3D modelling. First the May Concert that term finished abruptly, due to the COVID-19 year. She quickly restrictions; thus we were unable to give became invaluable and Michelle a fitting farewell. I speak on behalf was hired as a of all the staff who knew and worked permanent staff member later that year. alongside Michelle in thanking her for her During her time in the Music Office, Alex work and contribution to the teaching of Art implemented integrated and automated and Visual Communication at CGS; we systems for music billing, payroll, timetable, trust she has gained much from her brief resources and events, keeping meticulous experience with us. We also congratulate records of the myriad of lessons, Michelle on gaining full-time employment, rehearsals and concerts. Behind every teaching Art and Visual Communication at music lesson was Alex’s thoughtful Kew High School from Term 2 and we wish organisation of complex schedules, her every success in her teaching career. spaces and needs. Alex was also our social coordinator, and we will miss her Mr Simon Barry joyful coordination of staff nights out at the Visual Communication Design Coordinator theatre, celebratory morning teas and cheerful presence in our office.

In addition to being a passionate ‘green thumb’, Matt was a dab hand at general maintenance too and would often be seen around campus ‘on the tools’. Matt stayed with us for six years, leaving in March 2020 and is now happily ensconced as Facilities Manager at Rowville Secondary College. Mr Chris Llyod Business Manager

Tom Brake After completing Term 2 in 2011 replacing Jon Davies with a full load, Tom was successful in picking up a permanent part-time position in Science and Maths which started in 2012. Most recently he taught a combination of Year 7 and 8 Science, with most of his teaching spent working in Middle School. It is difficult to identify individual accomplishments, but rather an overriding sense of contribution to developing curricula and individual activities, not only in Science but also Geography. The rocket launches, STEM, biology dissections, chemical practicals and other experiments were all enjoyed by students and staff alike. Developing constructive, friendly working relationships with many students was also a highlight for Tom. I know Tom will miss the camaraderie, friendliness and helpfulness of the teaching staff, laboratory technicians and service staff at CGS. Ms Katrina Massey Biology and Science Teacher

Mr Ben Bishop Director of Music

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Jenny Wunderle

Obituaries It is with great sadness that we record current and past staff who have passed since the last edition of The Grammarian.

Christopher (Chris) Bence (Past Staff) 23/10/1942 – 29/08/2020


of Ed, where he met his future wife Suellen. This initial qualification was later upgraded to a Dip. Teaching then a B.Ed. through part-time studies. In 1966 Chris commenced teaching at Camberwell Grammar School where he was employed by Mr T. H. Timpson, Headmaster, starting a teaching stint which would last until 2002, when he retired from teaching but not from CGS. In 1953 a young Christopher Bence He quickly became a very popular teacher entered grade four at Trinity Grammar with students, particularly boys in his class School, and he was greeted by his teacher, 7B, their parents and members of staff at a Mr. I. G. Mason. all levels of the school. For many years he Ian recently recounted Chris’s athletics ability: acted as Middle School House Master of Robinson and coached soccer along with a strong interest in athletics. He was a “He was a champion sprinter having regular starter for running events at House broken 10secs. for the 100yds. Mind you, Athletics. Until recently he continued to at CGS, we muttered something about it only being possible using ‘Trinity watches. attend the AGSV Athletics Carnival with Nevertheless, the AGS record for the Open Phil Hutton and Ian Mason to assist with marshalling of competitors. In 1999 Chris 4 x 100yd relay was for many years held was appointed Deputy Head of Middle by the Trinity team which included, apart School until his retirement in 2002. from Chris, Byron Williams, who ran in the 1962 Commonwealth Games; Gary Eddy, 1964/1970 Olympian, and a fourth fellow . . . Pildrie or some such name: Chris competed with the best.” Chris’s talents were not only displayed on the running track but also with voice. As a young man he was a member of the Holy Trinity Anglican Church choir in Kew. He was a founding member of Idlers Five, a pop group at its height in the ‘60s, when they were chosen to represent Australia in a world universities’ pop festival. They produced their number one hit, Melborn and Sideny in 1968, after which the group disbanded. On deciding to become a teacher, Chris completed the two-year course at Mercer House (Associated Teacher Training Institution), Malvern to obtain his Certificate

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When I started at CGS in 1976, Chris introduced me to Bambara, the school camp. It was a weekend father and son camp for members of 7B. Following the end of the school day, on the Friday, it was off to the Balwyn supermarket to purchase supplies for the weekend, then drive to the camp, unpack the food, prepare the evening meal and wait for the fathers and their sons to arrive. Chris did not stop all weekend preparing meals, supervising activities, including the father and son cross-country run, making sure all had a great experience. One thing I learnt from Chris that weekend was “Cook roast beef and vegetables, it’s so simple, put it in the oven and forget about it. The fathers and boys love it and it is so easy to cook and serve.” After a highly active weekend, he was at work bright and early the next day full of

life and smiles with many stories to tell. He was the same at Year 7 camps at Somers in February or Central Australian safaris during term holidays, making sure his 7B boys had a great time. Through his love of music Chris quickly became involved with the annual Middle School production. He wrote the lyrics and composed music for these, many which were based on J.R.R. Tolkiens book The Hobbit. In performances of Oliver he would take the part of Mr. Bumble with due sternness. In 1986 CGS celebrated its Centenary and the Middle School Play was written around the history of the school. Chris played the part of Mr T.H. Timpson the Headmaster who had initially employed him, another twist of connection for Chris. He was also a great supporter of the Music department and without having to be asked would volunteer for backstage duties at concerts. The Common Room would light up when Chris entered it with his cheerful, positive attitude and willingness to support all. His involvement did not finish at the end of the school day but would continue to support and entertain staff during Après Cinq. He was well known for his catering capabilities particularly his famous Beef Nights, supported by Peter Renwick and others even after they retired from teaching. During the 1980’s Chris, Ron Wootton, Peter Hutchinson and others transformed the Roystead Common Room into a three-hat restaurant for department dinner served to the appreciative guests. Fine crockery and cutlery were elegantly set on cloth covered tables with matching cloth napkins. Of course, beef was always served for the main course. Unfortunately, a fire in Roystead in the early 1990’s ended these nights for a time, later revived by the CRA in the new Common Room in Kingussie.

Following his retirement from teaching in 2002 Chris acted as an invigilator for VCE exams at the school. He also was an active member of the CGS Past Staff Association, named The Fossils. In November 2008, John Stafford and Ian Mason decided to retire from the running of Past Staff activities. Chris was asked to takeover and he “invited” me to join him as coordinators. Chris also took over from the Palaeontologist (IGM) as editor of Hello Again under the pseudonym of The Invigilator. Fortunately for us all Chris never left CGS after retiring. He regularly attended year group reunions, held at CGS and would remember each past student and their involvement in the school, both academically and extra-curricular. He would work the room talking to all who attended and was always warmly welcomed by all former students. He was a regular attendee at school plays and musical concerts, plus he attended Open Day each year to present the cup to the winner of the CR Bence Cup, a 75 yard handicap sprint, between current students and Old Boys, named in his honour contested at Open Day between current students and Old Boys. CGS was such an important part of his life. A former staff member recently commented about Chris; He was the ideal staff member, respected by staff, students and parents, he gave so much of himself to the school.

Dr Paul Hicks, headmaster at Camberwell Grammar School, remembers that Chris was: Chris Bence was very much a part of Camberwell Grammar School, and I suspect it became a big part of him. He was the classic servant leader, volunteering for an enormous range of activities beyond the scope of the classroom, and always determined to put the needs of the students and the School ahead of his own. His contribution to music, drama and the camping program are the stuff of legend. He set high standards for his students and would call them out if he felt they did not live up to those standards – he was also quick to praise them when they did. His Beef Nights filled the common room with the smell of garlic; his collegiality filled it with warmth and good humour. He was a regular attendee at Old Boys functions long after he retired from the classroom and he was always excited to meet up with ‘his boys’ and to hear ‘what they had been up to’. He was a loyal and generous colleague.

Margaret Leonard [Kershaw] (Past Staff) As Margaret Kershaw, this highly respected Englishwoman joined the staff of Camberwell Grammar School in 1957, teaching English and French in the Middle School. Margaret Kershaw was teaching Grade 5 at CGS until she returned to England for a year in 1968 – when she returned to CGS in 1969 the records indicate that she was teaching (again) in the Junior School, which included Year 7. As such, Margaret was the most demanding and exacting of teachers, establishing those traditional standards of punctuality, neatness in personal identity and one’s work, as well as courtesy and manners – habits which have well served her students throughout their lives. However, if her demeanour was traditional, Margaret’s teaching was inventive: boys were writing poetry and short stories, reading contemporary fiction and delighting in their recitations of Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rimes, arising from her classes in Speech and Drama (a designated part of the curriculum at the time). Margaret will be well remembered for producing the Balloon Debates which featured on Open Day for many years. Indeed, students who needed to be ridded of their Aussie twang in several school plays took advantage of her skill with voice production and public speaking. In 1960, Margaret appeared as Lady Percy in Max Howell’s production of Henry lV Pt 1, and later, with her husband John, Mr and Mrs Leonard were an unforgettable Mr. and Mrs. Sowerberry in the school production of Oliver.

For many years Margaret was a rare female presence in what was then titled the Masters’ Common Room, yet all revealed her graciousness in manner, impeccable teaching practice and concern for her students. Whilst paving the way for the many female teachers to be employed Our thoughts are with Suellen (1976 - 2000), by the School, Margaret provided a model Tim (1992) and Miles (1996). for all staff, irrespective of gender. Spectemur Agendo.

Compiled by Colin McMillan With assistance from Suellen Bence, Paulene Clarke, and Ian Mason.

Colin Black wrote glowingly of her in his 1991 Annual Report printed in The Grammarian: Mrs. Leonard is a schoolmistress who blends a warmth of manner with a strong commitment to eliciting the very best from her pupils. Her departure after so long will be difficult to accept, but we wish her well for the future. Mr John Allen Staff

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“Chris Bence was very much a part of Camberwell Grammar School, and I suspect it became a big part of him. He was the classic servant leader, volunteering for an enormous range of activities beyond the scope of the classroom.”

STAFF ROLL * New 2020 # Departed 2020

+ Temporary appointment



NOMINEE OF THE CGS FOUNDATION Mr G Powell, BComm, CA, FCIS ADDITIONAL MEMBERS: Mrs M Vienet, BPhar Mr M Neilson, LLB, BA Mrs A Smyth, BA, MBus Mr M Phillips, BEc, DipEd Mr D Haintz, CFP, FFPA, B. Ed, Dip FP, FAICD Mr T Webster (Deputy Chair), B.Bus, ASCPA Mrs D Gallacher, B.Sc (Hons)Geo

ACADEMIC STAFF HEADMASTER Dr P Hicks, BA(Hons), MEd, PGCE, PhD DEPUTY HEAD – HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL Mr R French, BA, DipEd, DipBusMgt, Adv Dip L’ship and M’ment HEAD OF MIDDLE SCHOOL Mr Troy Stanley, BEd, MEd HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL Mr H Kelly, MEd, BEd Mr N Appleyard, BEd, DipT Mr M Aram, BA(Hons), MA, PGCE Mrs K Arora, BA, AdDip FLE, CertIIIEdSup Ms R Atkinson Mr S Barry, BA, DipEd, GradDipEd # Mr A Beale, BA(Hons), DipEd Mr D Beardsley, BAppSc, BTeach Mr A Berg BComm, BA, MTeach, MEPI Dr D S Bird, BA(Hons), MA, DipEd, PhD, ALAA Mr B Bishop, BMus, PDM, GradDipEd Ms S Bohni Ms E Bond # Mr T Brake, BE(Civil), DipEd Mr S Burke, Bed, Dip Leadership and Management Rev C Butler, BTh, DipT, GradDipEdAd Mr D Byrne, BMus(Hons), BA, DipEd, CertMusEd Mr J Catanzariti, BBus, BTeach Mr I Cathcart, BSc, DipEd Mr M Christopher, BBus, GradDipEd Mr M Cody, BSc(Hons), GradDipComp, DipEd Mr M Collins, BEd, GradDipEd Mrs D Collins, BEd, TPTC Mr L Crawford, BEd Ms R Crockett, BSc(Hons), DipEd Mr T Cross, BSc, DipEd, CertOutRec Mr K Da Costa, BA, DipEd, BSW Mr M Daniel, BA(Hons),BTh, MEd, MTESOL, DipEd, GradCertRE LLM(IntLaw), GradDipEd Mr C Day, BMus, DipEd Ms J Denton Mr R Devine, BA, BEd, MEd (Student Wellbeing) Mr P Double, MEd, BEd, DipT, GradDipEdAdmin Ms L Dubberley, BA, Bed Mr T-L Duong BE(Comms), GradCertBIT, GradDipEd Mrs M Drummond, DipArts(Mus) Ms N Eckersley, BA, DipEd Ms A Fairs, BA(Mus), AMusA Mrs J Floyd, BCA, BTech(Hons) Mrs T Fry B.Mus.T(Sec)(Hons), A.Mus.A(flute) Ms C Gatley, BEd, DipT

216 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

* Ms S George * Ms E Goessler Mr S Gough, BA(Hons), GradDipDramArt(Direc), GradDipEd Ms E Grant, MAppSc, BSc, GradDipAdolChildPsy Mr H Green, MEd, MA, BA(Hons), GradDipEd, GradCertAppLing, DipOutRec, GradDipEdLdshpMgt, CertIVWPTA, PSAC Mr J Grigg, BA, DipEd Ms L Grosman Mr W Ha, BA, DipEd Mr T Haines BTeach, BA Mr J Hall, BA(Hons) Mr M Heyes, BSc, DipEd Mr W Hone, BA, GradDipEd Ms F Howie, MEd, BEdSt, DipTeachECE Mr L Ince, BSC, Bed, Med, GDQM Ms C Jarrett-Burke DipEd, GradDipStudentWelfare, MEd (Special Education) Mr N Johnston, BA (Mus), MTeach (Sec), AMusA # Mr H Jones Mr M Jones, BSc(Hons), GradDipEd Mr N Jones, BEd * Dr J Kalfas Ms M Kelly, MEd, BEd, PGradDipArt(Cur) Mr M Kerr, BA(Hons), DipEd, LTCL, FTCL, AMusA, LMusA Dr M Khor, PhD, BE(Hons), MDiv, GradDipEd, MEd Mr A Kingham Mr H Knock Mrs A Kollosche, DipVArts, BFineArt, GradDipEd Dr T Kusserow, PhD, BA, DipEd Ms N Layton Mrs H Lowe, CertIIIChildrServ, Associate Degree in Education Ms Y Lu, BSc, GradDipEd Ms M McDonald, BCI(Dance), BEd Mrs K McDougall, BEdEC, DipT, GradDipLib Ms K McDougall, MEd, GradDipEd, BA(OutDEd) Mr B McManus, BA(Hons), GradDipArtsAdmin, GradDipEd *+# Ms A McNair Mr M McRae, MEd, Bed Ms M Mandusic PhD, PGCE Mr I March, BSocSci, GradDipEd Mr N Martin, BEd Mr R Mason, BEd Ms K Massey, BSc, GradDipEd Mr S Meighan, DipMus, GradDipMus # Mr M Mews, BSc(Hons), PGCE Mr T Miriklis, BAppSc(PhysEd) Dr G Morey-Nase, PhD, BA(Hons), DipEd Ms C Morgan, BEd, DipTeach * Ms C Neville Ms C Ni Ms I Norris, BSc, DipEd, GradDip(StudWelf) Ms E Ogilvy # Ms M Pan * Mr A Panousieris Mrs H Papageorgiou, BEd, DipT Mr M Pettolino Mr F Petricca, BScEd Ms C Phanjoo Mrs J Pietralla, BEd(Librarianship) Mr M Pietralla, BA, DipEd Mr V Piscioneri, BA(Hons), PostGradDipCurStudies, B.Litt, MA, DipEd Ms M Ponert, GradDipCompStudies, GradDipCompEd Mr S Pountney, BSc(Hons), DipEd, Ms O Rae, MEd (SpecEd), BEd Mr D Ramalingam, MEdMgt, BSc, AssDipMin, GradDipEd Ms A Renieris Mr D Rayner, BCom, BEng(Hons), GradDipEd Mrs L Reiger, MBIT, BEd, CertIVCareersEd Mr G Roberts, BMus(Hons), ArtDip, LMusA

Mr P Robinson, MEd, BEd, DipT Dr J Rodgers, PhD, BAppSc(Hons), DipEd, CertIVTAA Mr G Ruffles, BAppSc, DipEd Ms M Rutter Med, GradDipEd, BA # Mr F Scalzo Ms J Sharman, BA, GradDipEd, GradDipLib * Ms B Shi Ms C Shiau, MA, BEd # Mrs G Silberer, BCom, DipEd, GradDipBus Dr J Smith, PhD, BSc(Hons), DipEd Mrs K Smith, BA, MIMS, GradDipEd Mr S Smith, BEng, GradDipEd Ms A Spragg Mr A Stocker, BA(Hons), PGCE, CertHE * Ms Cairistiona Tait Mrs H Thomas, BEd, GradDipMusEd, AMusA, LTCL Ms F Thomson DPsych, BA(Hons) Mr R Thomson BAComm/Law, MEd Ms K Thornburn, BTeach, BFine Art Ms S Tsolakis Mr J Tuckfield, BA(Hons), DipEd, DipIndEmpRel, DEd Ms J Turnnidge, MEd, BSc(Hons), BA, DipEd Mr J Victor, BA(Hons), HDE, CFPS, CertCompEd, DipLanguages * Ms M Voumard Mrs B Wade, MEd, BFArt, BTeach(Hons) Mrs A Walters, MEd, BEdSt, DipT Ms E Wang, BEd, DipAcc Miss M Wang Mr A Warne, BA, DipEd, GradDipComp Mr J Watson, BAppSc, GradDipEd Mr M Williams, MEd, BA(Hons), DipEd, GradDipTechEd, GradDipCompStd Mr D Williamson, GradDipEdAdmin, DipT Mr I Wilmoth, BA, LLB, GradDipEd Mr G Wilson, BScEd Mr M Wood, MA, MEd, CertGiftEd, CertIVTAA Ms P Wood, BEd Mr A Worsnop GradDipEd, BACom(Honours) Ms L Wostry, BEd(Mus) Mr S Wyatt, MEd, BSc(Hons), BA, AMusA Mr P Young, BA, DipEd Mr R Young Ms M Zhang, BSc, DipEd

SUPPORT STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER Mr Chris Lloyd, Chartered Accountant, M.Corp Law, FCA, FCPA, FAICD, FCIS DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY AND DEVELOPMENT Mr Ryan Whitehead, BAppSc(PEM), MSportMgmnt REGISTRAR * Ms N Borcoski PROPERTY MANAGER Mr Danny Mulcahy FINANCE MANAGER Mr G Wensor, BEc, ACA * Mr J Balfour # Miss S Barras * Miss A Barisic Ms J Bennie, BN, GradDipNurs, CertIVWorkTrain, RN * Mr G Coy Miss D Bower DipHRM Mr P Brincat * Mrs M Callenberg Mr N Campbell BAExScience Mrs M Carbone ADipBus # Mrs D Chapman DipAplSci Ms E Crawford Mr R Davis Mrs C Denbury, BA, GradDip. Mrs J Dolling, BComm Mr C Edwards Mrs J Elliott, CertIVTrainAssess Ms J Everett Mrs H Fethers

Mr S Feldt * Ms K Ferguson Miss A Gerhke BFA Mr A Green, AdDipCompSystEngin Ms T Hayes * Ms R Haynes Mr D James Mrs A Kerr Mrs K Knight BA Recreation Mrs S Li, MSc, DipEd Mrs J Luca Mrs S Marchouba, DipAplPhysicsCompSci, CertlVAssTrain Miss A McAlpine, GradDip BusHR Mrs R McArdle * Miss F McGee # Ms R Mounsey * Mrs J Mulcahy Mrs K Munro Mr M Neal Ms F Newton Mr P Newton Mrs R Nicholson, GradCertHealthPromPlan, GradCertIntHealth, GradCertAnaphyMgt, CertIVTrainAssessEd, CertIVCounselling # Ms A O’Brien *+ Miss N Palmerio Mrs C Parker, BBus Ms L Perna, CertIVBusAdmin Ms M Perna, CertIVFinServices Ms S Power, CPRM CertDetDft(Mech) DipPM AdvDipGRC Mr L Randall Mrs D Richards * Mrs K Salvatore Ms J Sangster, DipHotel/CaterOps, CertIVAdmin * Mr B Smith * Ms J Sonego Mr I Spoljaric Ms J Stasiak, CertIIIBusAdmin # Mrs V Svigos AssDip, ProfCert Mr M Tarr Ms C Tighe, CertEdSupport # Mrs L Turner Mr J Wang, BEng, AdvDipSoftDevt, MTech, CCNA Ms M Walker # Mr M Warner, AssocDipHorticult, CertIVOHS, CertIIISportsTurf, DipSportsTurf Ms S White, DipBusStud # Mrs J Wunderle

VISITING MUSIC STAFF Ms B Alekna Ms S Aw, BA(Mus), MMus Mr C Bayliss, BA, BMusEd Ms J Buzbee Ms W Couch, MA, BMusEd, GradDipMus, DipArtMus Ms S Dixon, BMus(Adv Perf) * Ms H Geary * Mr B Hamilton-Smith Mr A Hurst, BMus(Hons), Masterclass Diploma(Munich) Ms M Krupina, BMusEd, LMusA Mr G Lee, MMusPerf, BMusPerf(Hons), LMusA, AMusA * Mr D Lempriere-Laughton Ms R Martin Mr J McGee, BMus(Improv), MMus(PT), GradDipEd Mr L McLean Ms S Ng, DipMus MS L Park * Mr C Philips Ms E Rae * Ms B Reid Ms J Robertson, BA(Mus), GradDipPerf Ms E Toh, BMus(Perf), MMus(Perf), GradDipEd Mr B Siketa * Ms M Simpson * Ms E Toh Ms E Viskic, BA(Mus), GradDipEd Mr S Weatherson

Student name

Course name


Student name

Course name


Adams, Griffen Amirtharajah, Jacob Amling, Jack Anderson, Oliver Baker, Conrad

University Of Melbourne Australian Catholic University Monash University RMIT University RMIT University

Beechey, Harley Bennie, David Bolton, William Bowers, Daniel Box, Ryan Brady, Liam Brown, Lachlan Brown, Oliver Browne, Nicholas Burrows, James Chang, William Chen, Luke Chen, Ian Chew, Andrew Choong, Joshua Chu, Aidan Chua, Joshua Cirulis, Oscar Clayton, Thomas Cooper, Liam Coulter, Thomas Craigie, Benjamin Csutoros, Sebastian Dai, William Dai, Joshua

Science Visual Arts and Design Engineering (Honours)/Biomedical Science International Business Fashion and Textiles Merchandising (Associate Degree) Engineering (Honours) – Masters Accelerated Pathway Commerce/Finance Fine Arts (Visual Art) Law/Arts Commerce Commerce Business Business Business/International Business Science/Engineering Commerce Business/Marketing Commerce Science (Chancellor’s Scholars) Arts Commerce Laws (Honours)/Arts Science Commerce/Information Technology Science Business Science Arts Commerce/Engineering Dental Science (Honours) Physics/Science (Honours)

Liu, Lucas Liu, Kevin Lu, Grant Lyu, Corey Macdonald, Henry Maher, Michael Malik, Shiv Mao, Eddie Marino, Joshua Martin, Cameron McCabe, Corey

Engineering (Honours)/Computer Science Commerce Aerospace Engineering (Honours) Fine Art Commerce Business Commerce Engineering Technology (Associate Degree) Biomedical Science Paramedicine Aviation

McClure, Lachlan McColl, Jack McDonald, Harry McKenna, Matthew Melville, Lachlan Ming, Brian Nania, Samuel Narayana, Vihaan Naser, Liam Nguyen, Darren Nikou, William Oh, Jake Opat, Linus Papillo, Oliver Patsiotis, Tristan Pham, Harrison Pham, Michael Poon, Steven

Daicos, George Dancey, William

Financial Planning and Accountancy Business (Professional)

De Kretser, Ryan Di Censo, Domenico Dicurzio, Nathan Doig, Lachlan Donnelly, Will Duong, Loc Einhart, Jason Englander, Zigmund Farmer, Joshua

Arts Science Commerce Science (Chancellor’s Scholars) Property and Valuation (Honours) Science Biomedicine Arts (Psychology) Environmental Management and Sustainability Business/Arts Commerce/Engineering Laws (Honours)/Arts Business/Arts Business/Accounting Paramedicine Commerce/Biomedical Science Construction Management (Honours) Engineering (Honours)/Biomedical Science Game Art and Animation (Diploma)

Ridley, Matthew Robinson, Matthew Roff, Dean Salins, Aksels Sampson, James Seidler, Alexander

Law/International Studies Logistics and Supply Chain Management Surveying (Honours Property and Valuation (Honours) Laws (Honours)/Commerce Information Technology (Degree) Building Design Commerce Biomedical Science Accounting Building and Construction Commerce/Information Technology Science/Engineering Laws (Honours)/Engineering (Honours) Commerce Applied Science/Physiotherapy Practice Medicine Aviation (PrOfessional Pilots) (Associate Degree) Actuarial Science Biomedicine Engineering (Honours) – Masters Accelerated Pathway Engineering-Biomedical (Honours) Media and Communications (Diploma) / Arts (Degree) Science Biomedical Science Commerce Engineering (Honours) Nursing Animation

Monash University University Of Melbourne Monash University RMIT University Monash University Monash University Monash University RMIT University Monash University Australian Catholic University Swinburne University Of Technology Deakin University RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University Monash University RMIT University RMIT University Deakin University Monash University Monash University RMIT University Monash University University Of Melbourne Monash University University Of Melbourne La Trobe University The University of Adelaide RMIT University

Shang, Leon Shao, Daniel

Commerce Film and Television (Honours)

Sharrock, Benjamin

Media and Communication

Shen, Mengyang Shen, Alex Siu, Tommy Son, Ray Spencer, Daniel Steverlynck, Jamie Sutton, Henry

Information Technology Commerce Commerce Commerce Engineering (Honours)/Commerce Engineering (Honours)/Science Engineering (Honours)/Computer Science

Swingler, Harry Tang, Harry Tao, Todd Tieri, Luke Tong, Oscar Tran, Jason Tse, Paco Verrios, Niko Walia, Divjot Wall, William Walsh, Ryan Wang, Roy Wang, Jason Warburton, Angus Waycott, Coulston

Science Science/Engineering Engineering (Honours)/Commerce Design Biomedical Science – Scholars program Science/Optometry Information Technology (Degree) Computer Science Advanced (Honours) Science Architecture Exercise and Sport Science Commerce Biomedicine/Optometry Accountancy Business – Diploma

Wong, Tommy Woolf, Declan Wu, Edward Wu, Wayne Wu, Alex Xiang, Raymond Xiao, Steven Xie, Hilton Yang, William Zeng, Andrew Zhang, Tony Zhao, Nathan Zhou, William Zhou, Tianyi

Commerce Building and Construction Biomedicine Biomedicine Science/Data Science Science/Engineering Science/Engineering Economics Psychological Science Biomedicine (Chancellor’s Scholars) Business Design/Architecture Economics and Finance (Applied) Science/Optometry

Barry, Sean

Feng, Leon Feng, Nathan Finney, Benjamin Fitzgerald, Ryan Foulds, Max Garrard, Samuel Gassin, Jeremy Gooden, Nicholas Graves, Thomas Gregory, Benjamin

Monash University Monash University University Of Melbourne La Trobe University Monash University Monash University Deakin University Deakin University Monash University University Of Melbourne University Of Melbourne Monash University University Of Melbourne University Of Melbourne University Of Melbourne University Of Melbourne Monash University University Of Melbourne Monash University University Of Melbourne Monash University University Of Melbourne University Of Melbourne University Of Melbourne La Trobe University The Australian National University RMIT University Swinburne University Of Technology University Of Melbourne Monash University La Trobe University University Of Melbourne RMIT University University Of Melbourne University Of Melbourne Deakin University Deakin University

Monash University University Of Melbourne Monash University Monash University Monash University Monash University Monash University RMIT University Monash University Academy Of Interactive Entertainment Grimley, Joseph Biomedicine The University of Auckland Gunasegaram, James Biomedicine (Chancellor’s Scholars) University Of Melbourne Guthrie, Jasper Laws (Honours)/Commerce Monash University Han, Christopher Commerce Monash University Hanley, Fraser Business (PrOfessional) Swinburne University Of Technology Harper, Charles Commerce/Science Monash University He, Nicholas Business Monash University Hu, Jerry Arts (Psychology) Deakin University Huynh, Daniel Science Monash University Inglis, Max Economics and Finance RMIT University Jayasuriya, Nikila Science University Of Melbourne Jayawardena, Javana Business/Arts Monash University Jiang, Alan Laws (Honours)/Commerce Monash University Johnson, Spike Arts/Criminology Monash University Kaharudin, Ian Science/Data Science University Of Melbourne Katsoulotos, Matthew Games and Interactivity Swinburne University Of Technology Knieriemen, Robert Information Technology Monash University Kocalidis, James Commerce Monash University Koswig, Henry Music Monash University Kyriakos, Christopher Pharmacy (Honours)/Master Of Pharmacy Monash University Lai, Joseph Biomedicine University Of Melbourne Lathouras, Peter Engineering (Honours) Swinburne University Of Technology Laukens, Harry Sport Development Deakin University Le, Louis Media Communication Monash University Lee, Thomas Commerce University Of Melbourne Leong, Sam Commerce University Of Melbourne Lewis, Rory Arts University Of Melbourne Li, Siyan Biomedicine University Of Melbourne Li, Jacky Biomedicine University Of Melbourne Liu, Elvis Pharmaceutical Science Advanced (Honours) Monash University

Purcell, Lachlan Qiu, Justin Ramm, Max Rautenbach, Stefan Rice, Daniel

Monash University University Of Melbourne Monash University RMIT University La Trobe College Australia Monash University Monash University University Of Melbourne Monash University Deakin University Swinburne University Of Technology Monash University Swinburne University Of Technology Swinburne University Of Technology Monash University University Of Melbourne University Of Melbourne Monash University Monash University Monash University Swinburne University Of Technology Monash University University Of Melbourne Monash University University Of Melbourne Monash University University Of Melbourne RMIT University Monash University University Of Melbourne RMIT University Deakin University University Of Melbourne University Of Melbourne RMIT University Swinburne University Of Technology University Of Melbourne RMIT University University Of Melbourne University Of Melbourne University Of Melbourne University Of Melbourne University Of Melbourne Monash University Deakin University University Of Melbourne Monash University University Of Melbourne RMIT University University Of Melbourne

* As of October 2020, excluding results of students who do not wish to be published.

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SUPPORT GROUPS Cadet Auxiliary

Friends of Basketball

As 2020 draws to a close we can reflect on the challenges and changes we have all had to adapt to in this new way of living. While the Cadet Auxiliary has been unable to undertake our normal activities involving ANZAC Day, Open Day or the favourite lunchtime sausage BBQs, our commitment to supporting the boys in cadets remains unwavered. During this time we know the boys have also met via Zoom to maintain their camaraderie and strength of friendships. We look forward to 2021 and hope we may meet again in person soon.

Basketball continues to be a huge participation sport with over 330 boys representing 33 CGS teams. Therefore there is lots of opportunity for playing from an introductory to elite level and/or socially with friends.

Mrs Josie Reynolds Convenor

Additionally, we organised a CGS social group to attend the NBL, presented special tops to the Firsts, developed team/ parent contact cards, and just before lockdown we co-ordinated a fun, pizza presentation night involving the boys from all levels in an interactive format incorporating games and quizzes.

Camberwell Grammar School Auxiliary Despite the global pandemic, the Auxiliary were determined not to let our 36 year Pudding tradition go unmarked. With the help of Alpine Valley Fine Foods in regional Victoria, we have been able to outsource our pudding making for this first time in CGS history. The 500 puddings made, presented in the Bendigo Pottery bowls, sold out in record time! The Auxiliary also teamed with a local costume maker to produce face masks for students and staff in CGS colours. We look forward to returning to our regular Auxiliary activities in 2021. Ms Allison Guerrieri Convenor

Friends of Aquatics Friends of Aquatics supports various aspects of the school’s swimming and water polo program. This year we managed to organise a BBQ for the boys after the CGS Championships which was very well attended, unfortunately, due to lockdown we were unable to complete all scheduled activities. Although this year we have all had to leave the Speedos in the sports bag, we are looking forward to getting back into the pool. The camaraderie in the swimming team is excellent, and a terrific team culture has developed. The boys all look out for each other, enjoy the friendly competition and most importantly have a lot of fun. Mr Simon Meers President

218 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

With the aim to promote and support CGS Basketball, this year we ran a fundraising BBQ for the Firsts Basketball Friday home matches, complete with the fanfare of the CGS drum band, which encouraged huge, lively spectator support.

Ms Michelle Haintz President

Friends of Cricket The 2019/20 cricket season was launched in October 2019 at a season opening event where the boys, their families and staff heard from Marcus Harris, Australian opening batsmen. During the season, we supported the Year 8 and 9 Development Squad matches at the KAO by putting on free BBQs for players and ran a very well attended BBQ after the First XI’s victory at home in the last match of the season. Friends of Cricket conducted a dinner for the First XI and their parents in March. Ian Holland spoke about his experiences as a Premier, State and County cricketer and as a member of the US cricket team. A presentation night for all the teams was held in March to commemorate a great season of school cricket.

Friends of Cycling The Friends of Cycling (FoC) parent group eagerly support the CGS cycling team. Cycling is a summer sport with the team consisting of 22 boys, training twice a week and competing in Cycling Victoria’s Interschool Cycling Series. The 2019/20 season has been CGS’ most successful, with Zac Kelly taking senior champion, numerous boys having podium success and the cycling team finishing third in the overall series. This is a considerable feat, given our small team. Additionally the boys looked very professional on the circuit this year, sporting their new cycling kits.

Friends of Cricket is looking forward to supporting the school’s cricket program when the new season commences.

FoC hold social events during the start and end of the season. These are a great opportunity to meet staff, coaches and other parents, as well as support your sons in their sport. Thank you to the many parents who have supported these events.

Mr Martin Ross President

Mrs Maria Stambe Convenor

Friends of Norge

Friends of Snowsports

2020 was to be all about supporting new experiences and building lasting memories and friendships at school hockey. The year was certainly memorable, just not in the way intended.

The Friends of Norge is made up of Junior School parents that help organise year level social functions and Junior School major events.

The Snowsports team held out hope that we could get on the slopes this year, in fact such relief emerged from the first lockdown that the boys booked their skis and boards in for pre-season waxing! Family week looked hopeful, accommodation booked, planning for the annual Camberwell Cup, Interschools was on! Then, enormous disappointment with the second shutdown, especially for our Year 12s, some of whom have been involved since Year 7, and one who had done every Interschools competition and Family Week since Prep. A sad way to end for these boys, but we hope the team will come back strongly in 2021.

Friends of Hockey achieved two important objectives. We were able to purchase a portable goal to be used primarily in the new all-weather training zone in the carpark (we are assured that Dr Hick’s car will be safe!). Additionally, Chris Howell led the design of some exciting hockey tour concepts. Several regional Australia options could be COVID-safe and economically feasible soon.

We did a couple of fun things despite a challenging year. In Term 1, we supplied lemonade icy poles for the boys on House Games Day. In Term 2, we organised a Thank You Lunch for all Junior School staff as a token of appreciation for all their hard work in supporting distance learning. The class Reps and FoN committee catch up regularly through Friends of Norge meetings to stay in touch with the school community.

My thanks to the committee for their adaptability this year.

Friends of Norge is grateful to all committee members, class representatives/parent volunteers and school staff in ensuring a successful year for our boys and community.

Mr Tim Oldham President

Ms Debbie Cheong Convenor

Friends of Library

Friends of Performing Arts

Friends of Library began the year optimistically hoping to explore how we could best assist the libraries with any wish list items, and extending our involvement on Open Day. We donated monies towards online reading resources for the library, and provided books for students under the Camberwell Grammar School scholarship fund. Our major goal this year was to investigate a more streamlined way of offering the second-hand book swap at the school. We had lots of fun catching up on Zoom discussing the different options available to us. As a result of COVID-19 restrictions we were forced to look at outsourced businesses to run our book sale, and, for the first time are using a local business I Love Books to purchase text books. We look forward to 2021, and hope that we are able to continue providing a valuable service to the Camberwell Grammar School community.

The primary purpose of Friends of Performing Arts (FoPA) is to promote and foster music and drama in the CGS community. FoPA members volunteer at school performances by serving refreshments and assisting backstage.

Mrs Vivienne Katsoulotos Convenor

Mrs Karen Ellwood-Branson and Mrs Jennifer Bite Co-Convenors

Mrs Angela Baxter Convenor

This past year has been a challenge for everyone but particularly so for the Performing Arts. FoPA would like to extend its thanks to the leaders and teachers in the Music and Drama departments of the school for their commitment to continue to provide opportunities for the boys to perform and develop their skills in creative and innovative ways. Your work is highly valued and is greatly appreciated. We welcome all parents of boys with an interest in theatre or music to join FoPA in the coming year.

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Friends of Hockey

Pre-Loved Uniform Shop (PLUS)

Although Presentation Night, Season Launch celebrations, Family Open Day and racquet demos were sadly cancelled in light of COVID-19, we plan to host these events and much more in 2021. Being part of the Friends of Tennis community is a great way to meet other families and support our boys, coaches and staff and we look forward to seeing you next season.


Ms Melissa Kuti and Ms Charlotte Gibson Co-Convenors

Parents’ Association Friends of Soccer Our Soccer Season at Camberwell Grammar was like no other, we found ourselves in an unprecedented global pandemic. Everything is secondary to solving it and saving lives. Our Season Launch and FOS Presentation Evening are normally the highlights of the Soccer Season but unfortunately in light of growing concerns and the evolving nature on COVID-19 all events and sport were cancelled. l would like to acknowledge our FOS Committee Luke Easton, (Treasurer) Dean Sapolu (Secretary) Paul Lee and Michael Waycott. We hope that in 2021 we can raise the profile and awareness of this world-wide sport. Mrs Vicki Gazis President

Friends of Tennis CGS boys kicked off the 2019/20 tennis season with strong wins across all year levels that culminated in our Firsts team reaching the semi-finals. Congratulations go to Isaac Hui, winning the Slater Cup, Will Stamper receiving the Weeks Cup for the best players in Senior and Middle Schools respectively. The Ian Mason First VIII Tennis Most Valuable Player was awarded to Andrew Lee, while the Arthurs Cup was presented to the Thirds Mitre team and the Peter Owen Shield secured by 7A Tennis.

220 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

What a year 2020 has proven to be! From raging bushfires to COVID-19 and the year that the students spent a great deal of time studying and learning from home. Who would have thought we would be in this position when the Parents’ Association kicked off the year with Welcome Back Drinks for the Junior, Middle and Senior School parents in February 2020. All three evenings were very well attended and parents had a great night meeting other parents in the school. Due to the COVID-19 shutdown, the Parents’ Association has been mainly working behind the scenes this year and as I write this note, there have been no functions or events held during 2020. Our work on the Executive has been to continue to review and enhance our processes and systems around administration and regulatory compliance. There have been some Zoom calls with the Year Representatives but nothing else has happened in the various Friends of Groups. A very special thank you should be made to Cathy Garrard who retired from the role of President of the Parents’ Association in 2019/20 when the last of her five sons left the school in 2019. Cathy worked in a large number of roles for over 20 years at the school and has driven the growth of the Parents Association to what it is today and left it set for success for the future. Thank you Cathy. We are all hoping 2021 is a much better year for everyone. Mr Stuart Harker President

Unpredictable! The only way to describe 2020, a year like no other. The PLUS team has continued to open the shop to the school community when possible and safe, because boys keep growing! We have successfully trialled an appointment system to comply with the new restrictions in place this year. And the school community has adapted well to this new streamlined service. Thanks to all the PLUS volunteers for their continued support, a fond farewell to the volunteers who finish this year as their last son graduates. And we look forward to welcoming the new recruits in 2021. Mrs Tracey Guorgi and Mrs Vivian Lathouras Convenors

Year Representatives 2020 has been a challenging year for the Middle School and Senior School Year Representatives. We started the year well with several welcome back events. With COVID-19 restrictions occurring from the end of Term 1, many of the functions had to be cancelled. Some year levels have been creative and held Zoom catch ups. Some year levels have also created WhatsApp or Facebook groups to stay connected and support each other. Many thanks to all the Year Level Representatives, in particular the Year 12 reps who have held the role for many years and had pencilled in multiple events for the whole year. Dr Huey Miin Tan Coordinator



Junior School PRE-PREP Battye, Reid* Cai, Oliver* Chen-Low, William* Cheung, Anderson*# Chock, William* Gao, Shaun* Gu, Anderson* Huang, Victor* Jiang, Kendrick* Ku, Henry* Li, Easton* Lim, Alexander* Lu, Lucas* Man, Scott* Ng, Patrick*# Poon, Theodore* Sham, Jasper* Tao, Tony*

Wong, Michael* Xu, Maximus* Zhang, Liam* Zhang, Lucas* PREP Ai, Alex* Aminazad, Arvin Chen, Marcus Das, Niel* Das, Nikhil* Deng, Xavier Guo, Carlos* Huang, Isaac Jayalath, Tishan* Kemp, Teddy Kumar, Aarik Le, Owen Ma, Max Patamia, Xavier Patel, Arnold

Rye, Patrick Song, Eason Vohra, Ethan Wai, Zachary Wan, Henry Wu, George Yang, Jake* Zhan, Eason* Zhang, Anthony Zhong, Ryan YEAR 1 Bhattacharjee, Alexander Chen, Gordon Chong, Ethan Ding, Aiden Gration, Harrison He, Samuel Jiang, Chris Jiang, Evan Ko, Josh Li, Anthony Lim, Alexander Lin, Jake Liu, Kevin Loi, Aaron Lu, Tony Moi, Matthew O’Meara, Cooper Rajakulendran, Kai Wang, Andrew Whelan, Eoin Xi, Kimi* Xu-Zhang, Ryan Yao, Scott Yuen, Isaac Zhu, Ethan

YEAR 2 Cai, Samuel Jiang, Aiden Kanarev, Nikolai Khoo, Lucas Lai, Lawrence Leake, Christopher Lee, Tobias Legge, Samuel Ma, Kevin Mitchell, Tobias Nadarajah, Jai Ng, Pavle-Jay Pai, Samuel Palermo, Massimo Patel, Charlie Russo, Xander Tian, Patrick Waide-Hee, Patrick Wang, Declan Yakop, Alexander Yeo, Jonathan Zhang, Jerry Zhong, Henry YEAR 3 Aw, Ethan Cao, William Chan, Joshua Cheung, Nathan# Cheung, Sebastian Foroudi, Alexander Fowler, Jonas Ho, Keaghan Kedzierski, Kristian Kumar, Riaan Lew, Callum

Lim, Zachary Linehan, Edward Lu, Bennett Madden, Zachary Pillemer, Gaius Saranasuriya, Pasan Sun, Sebastian# Tahn, Leonardo Wang, Ivan Williams, Liam Yu, Alan Yuen, Jacob Zhao, Harvey Zhong, Jeffrey YEAR 4A Anderson, Harry* Barnes, William

Cai, Maxwell Canale, Takashi* Chan, Toby* Chen, Leo* Ganesvaran, Aran* Goonewardene, Tharan Huq, Zakariya Kelher, Alexander* Khoo, Isaac Li, Derek* Lin, Evan Malic, Charlie Manolidis, Christian Meaney, Jacob* Nebbs, Matthew* Ni, Samuel Noor, Ryan Rose, Charlie*

The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 221


Wang, Anson* Watson, Hugh Zabojec, Alexander* Zhang, Bryan Zhao, Ethan* YEAR 4B Austin, Xavier* Bai, Jonathan*

222 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

Betts, Thomas Bolch, Ned Chen, Evan* Curry, Patrick Deng, Felix* Gayed, Steve* Lai, Marcus* Le Page, Connor Li, Lee Li, Rowan Liew, Alexander* Lipscombe, Nicholas* Luo, Aiden Miller, Lachlan Morey, Lucas Ng, Christian* Pan, Eric* Robertson-Brown, Thomas Tran, Kiet Wan, Marcus Wang, Jonathan*

Weickhardt, Ben* Wu, Chris YEAR 5A Barnes, Lachlan Chan, Alexander Chen, Oliver Chiu, Nathan Cosolo, Luca Guan, Eric Inpanathan, Ashan Kanarev, Alexander Kokkinos, Athan Kong, Gary Li, Harold Liang, Neo Navaneetharaja, Khris Newman, William* Page, Samuel Papadopoulos, Lucas Pritchett, Thomas

Sanfilippo, Luca Smallwood, James Tang, Aiden Tao, Andy Tsui, Antony Verghese, Sean Wong, Dylan Wu, Tobias YEAR 5B Andreopoulos, Lucas Chau, Conrad Chen-Tilley, Jeremy Goh, Edward Hu, Todd Khatry, Abhik Kilroy, Sebastian Kyoong, Caius Leake, Matthew Legge, Roy Liu, Ben

Marcus, Liam Newman-Thurlby, Thomas Ouyang, Ethan Pereira, Connor Pettolino, Charles Ramsay, Sammy Sharma, Aren Smith, Felix Su, Richard Torre, Thomas Van Damme, Ethan Vohra, Kamran Yip, Justin Zhao, Sean

YEAR 6J Chao-Hong, Maxwell# Chen, Isaac Foroudi, Cyrus Green, Tom Gu, Lucas Imsic, Joshua Jack, Caleb Le, Toan Lee, Lachlan Liang, Edward Miller, Toby Ni, Joseph Ong, Kaan Peterson, Axel Pham, Christian Qi, Leo Ross, Harrison Semczyszyn, Ashton Strong, Daniel Tahn, Alexander Tang, Jerry Tiras, Leonidas Wang, Ethan Xu, Jason# Zakkas, Costas Zhang, Melvin# YEAR 6M Austin, Riley Chang, Sean Clarke, Liam Coia, Maximilian Cooke, Evan Egan, Angus Hatzicostas, Ari Kemp, William Lau, Aaron

Li, Samuel# McCool, Max# Mitchell, Hamish Nethercote, William Nguyen, William# Reichmann, Josiah R-Roshan, Harish Smith, Aston Suresh, Kathir Tan, Augustine Tong, Alex# Wang, Anson Watson, Patrick Wong, Jeremy Wu, Mark Zhang, Louis#

Zhang, Alex* Zhou, Wilson* YEAR 7C Armstrong, Ross Chen, Ethan* Crosgrove, Lachy* Fei, Louie* Feng, Daniel* Haig, Jonathon* Hindhaugh, Patrick* Jewell, Oliver* Kua, Wonlee* Lagana, Ashwin Lewis, Jacob* Li, Leo* Liang, Alex* Lim, Anson* Liu, Rick Pawson, James* Saranasuriya, Sevin Ta, Oliver* van Koert, Lucas Wang, Alan* Wang, Calvin* Zhan, Ray* Zhang, Gilbert* Zhang, Jack* Zou, Alan*

YEAR 7A Alfieri, Thomas* Banerji, Samir* Chong, Jonathan Chow, Caleb* Devine, Oliver Elliott, William* Gargano, James* Grlj, Sam Holmes, Cameron* Khong, Christopher Kleynhans, Beckley* Lukins, Daniel* McAllister, Joshua* Ng, Joshua S* Oliver, Edward Opat, Reuben* Soegijono, Kensei* Teele, Daniel* Webb, James* Williams, Fin* Yip, Lucas* Yoshimura, Kye

YEAR 7G Adams, Charlie Baker, George* Branson, Nicholas Callaghan, Charlie* Charlesworth, Lachlan* Davidson, Luke* Dosser, Liam* Douglas, Thomas* Doyle, James Georges, William*

Graham, Mitchell* Griffiths, Julian* Koppelman, Joshua Lam, Lachlan* Lee, Timothy* Liang, Kensey* Ngo, Ben* Rynne, Angus Seeley, Will* Stuart-Adams, Hamish* Teoh, Nicholas Walker, Elliot* Wang, Orville* Wong, Dylan* Yeung, Ethan* YEAR 7M Carlin, Joshua* Chen, Harry* Chen-Low, Thomas* Drew, Spencer Fayle, Aidan* Gao, Alex* Guorgi, Jonah* Hedley, Mitchell* Martin, Stirling* May, Luke* Nash, Benjamin Phillips, Oliver* Qian, Silas* Quach, Joah Richardson, Fraser* Seow, Nate* Shaliga, Dennis* Shen, Ric* Sykiotis, Ross Toghyani-Farshid, Dler Venter, Christian* Wang, Andrew* Wishart, Hamish

Woods, Rory* Wu, Owen* YEAR 7R Asadpour, Arian* Bishop, Mark Brown, Shilah* Canale, Ari* Dai, Austin Davidson, Harper* Fei, Raymond* Giang, Jack* Helmer, Max Kalva, Kartikeya* Karametos, George Kolah, Payan* Kunendra, Sachin* Lau, Aidan* Ling, Callum* Nania, Thomas Poon, Aidan* Rowe, Fraser* Saunders, Lucas* Sha, Wilson* Shen, Eric* Tavenor, Luke* Taylor, Joshua* Tonkin, Thomas* Yan, Henry*

YEAR 7S Asadi, Shaya* Bishop, Rhys* Brown, Lucas* Cross, Lachlan Gaudion, James* Kwan, Justin* Lee, Leonard* Mahaffy, Ronan* Marostica, Jack* Mills, James O’Brien, Tomas Pearce, Max* Reale, Alexander* Robinson, Thomas* Scott, Riley* Segal, Henry* Seneviratne, Saveen* Sharrock, Toby* Shi, Matthew Taliadoros, Charles* Tan, Ethan Tran, Bach* Wang, Edward Wang, Shaun* YEAR 7W Cheung, Jonathan* Cioffi, Gianni Courmadias, Lachlan* de Rooden, Leon* Kwon, Derrick* Lau, Ethan Li, Will* Lu, Marcus Luo, Sean* Mai, Jayden* Nebbs, Thomas* Ng, Joshua H* Noor, Arya

The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 223


Middle School


Renzi, Daniel* Rong, Shen* Smith, Tobias* Su, Albert* Tassone, Luca* Thompson, Hugo* Vos-Rutter, Kristofer* Wang, Ethan* Wang, James* Watson, William Xu, Goldman* Zvirbulis, Kurt* YEAR 7Z Allsop, Matthew* Barrett, Matthew* Brant, Jack* Chung, Ryan* Cohen, Daniel Conn, Noah* Gao, Simon* Ho, Lucas* Ho, Mattias* Howard, Will* Khong, Nigel* Li, Adam* Li, Henry* Lipenski, Joshua

Lysikatos, Nicholas Mazey, Joshua* Merritt, Darcy* Ng, Karlan* Papadopoulos, Alexander* Ramsay, Tommy Stambanis, Oscar* Tran, Ethan Tran, Minh Weickhardt, Charlie* YEAR 8B Chen, Michael Clarke, Harry Cohen, Christopher Cooper, Josh Cornelius, Max Cran, Hugh Hammerton, Haydn Hare, Edward Hsieh, Raye Imran, Zaid Kuti, Orlando Lim, Julian Mak, Ethan McClure, Callam Morgan, Joshua Navaneetharaja, Nat

Radelczyk, Ben Sonbol, Mark# Tong, Matthew Wickremasinghe, Rohan Wu, Oliver Yap, Jayden Yates, Callum Yeow, Timothy Zakkas, Elias YEAR 8C Car, Harrison Cheesman, Ryder Chin, Lucas Chiu, Adrian Deayton, Henry Gale, Ryan Haintz, Jackson Hillard, Ioan Kuti, Kadell Lam, Theodore Lau, Matthew Le, Kelvin McGrath, Aidan McPhee, William Nunn, Ashton Ou-Young, Jayden Pang, Brodie

Smith, Jamison Smith, Ryder Stevens, Hugo Tran, Minh Vais, Jonathan Wang, Allan Williams, Charlie Wong, Hector YEAR 8J Aldred, Will Collett, Declan Day, Joshua Dillon, Nick Dunne, Lachie Ford, Oliver Fukumura, Hugh Govenlock, Joey Huang, Michael Imran, Izaan Lee, Xander Li, Jason Lu, Chris Matters, Zac Neil, Jonty Ong, Ethan Shao, Victor Singh, Sabir

Stojnic, Luka Towers, Rico Tsang, James Yang, Sam Zhang, Andy Zhang, Manqi (William)# Zhu, Jim YEAR 8K Chan, Nathan Davies, Dylan Evans, Jacob Ford, Ben Hu, Lucas Kamleshwaran, Sebastian Khuu, Lachlan King, Charlie Kinsella, Christian Lewis, Ewan Lowe, Oliver Ma, JP McGowan, Lachie Morris, Zifan Quan, Leo Richardson, Will Rodriguez, Lucas Smith, Noah Thiel, Mark Tomlin, Josh Wong, Lachlan Woosnam, Nicholas Young, Lachlan Zhang, Byron YEAR 8M Cioffi, Georgio Davidson, Campbell Evans, Christian Fang, Michael Gunasegaram, Timothy Huang, Allan Humphries, Ryan Jayasuriya, Savith Jenkin, William Joy, Will Lau, Arthur Lee, Jaiden Lewis, Lachlan Li, Darren Linehan, William Lu, Timothy Lung, Matthew O’Neil, Mason Parker, Flynn Phillips, Tobias Pringle, Max Sutherland, Tom*

224 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

Tan, Kaiser Treagus, Matthew Yeang, Cameron YEAR 8R Alexander, Max Auwardt, Tommy Bosmans, Nathan Bozzone, Domenic Cariss-Brett, Luke Champion, Raphael Chan, James Chen, Daniel Chew, Brayden Hoyling, Matthew Kruse, Lachlan Lardner, William Lau, James Liang, Jason Lim, Jasper McCabe, Declan McKenzie, Max Mellor, Justin Pill, Edward Rinehart-Beer, Thomas Rush, Parker Shinnick, Noah Tan, Rylan Wan, Eamon Westcott, Hamish YEAR 8S An, Daniel Bao, Michael Burton, Joel Chan, Samuel Cheok, Joel Chin, William Fu, Antonio Hu, Joe Huang, Ethan Johnson, George King, Charles Kitsoulis, George Kopke, William Li, David Liu, Justin Loi, Ethan Ng, Joshua Pai, Benjamin Ramsay, Lachlan Renieris, Maxim Shao, Jack Song, Justin Trembath, George Varsamidis, Harrison Wu, Nathan Zhang, Tony

BRIDGLAND Agarwal, Vedant, 10 Alateras, Luke, 9 Albert, Darcy, 9 Alex, Philip, 12 Amling, Charlie, 12 Argall, Oliver, 11 Bird, Rafael, 10 Blew, Joshua, 9 Blew, Patrick, 11 Branson, Freddy, 10 Burton, Luke, 11 Carlisle, Benjamin, 10 Chan, Denton, 9 Chan, Kevin, 11 Chan, Matthew, 12 Chappell, Jacob, 12 Chen, Tony, 9 Chen, Yiyu, 9 Chi, Dylan, 10 Craine, Aaron, 12 Dai, Alex, 9 Davidson, Zac, 11 de Rauch, Darcy, 12 Dobbyn, Jack, 9 Doyle, Tom, 11 Du, David, 11 Fleming, Roy, 9 Ford, Jake, 10 Fotheringham, Charlie, 10 Georges, Thomas, 11 Grant, Max, 9 Grayson, Benny, 10 Greenwood, Cody, 10 Guan, Albert, 9 Guerrieri, Lachlan, 11 Haintz, Harrison, 10 Hale, Keelan, 9 Henderson, Alistair, 12 Henderson, Owen, 9

Hicks, Benjamin, 12 Hu, Jack, 11 Inston, Connor, 9 Johnston, Robert, 9 Koppelman, Daniel, 12 Koppelman, Nicholas, 10 Kotsimbos, Dean, 12 Lee, Andrew, 10 Lee, Brandon, 12 Lew, Alex, 11 Li, Jason, 12 Liaw, Alex, 12 Liu-Mu, Oliver, 9 Lu, Matthew, 9 Ly, Liam, 12 Ly, Mathieu, 10 Matthews, Adam, 10 Matthews, Luke, 12 Meagher, Daniel, 10 Miller, Christopher, 11 Ng, Thomas, 12 Niu, Patrick, 9 O’Neill, Lachlan, 9 Osborne, Patrick, 12 Pan, Heny, 11 Pending, Joshua, 10 Ponniah, Noah, 11 Ponniah, Seth, 12 Prabaharan, Ashwin, 10 Razmara, Deylan, 11

Rupar, Aleksandar, 12 Rutledge, Callum, 11 Simo-Orgonas, Erik, 9 Simo-Orgonas, Leo, 10 Steinberg, Oliver, 10 Tang, Eric, 11 Thomson, John, 12 Tran, Hieu, 10 Wakefield, Matthew, 9 Williams, John, 11 Winkett, Lewis, 12 Wong, Hamish, 12 Woods, Sam, 10 Wu, William*, 10 Xiao, Mitchell, 12 Zhang, Alex, 10 Zhao, Otto, 11 CLIFFORD Aendenroomer, Ilian, 11 Alexandrakis, James, 9 Al-Sabbagh, Faisal, 10 Asgari, Nima, 12 Beck, Sebastian, 9 Biggar, Ellis, 12 Bosco, Jordan, 11 Campbell, Rhys, 12 Carswell, Brodie, 10 Chable, Flynn, 11 Chan, Lucas, 9 Chen, Jacob, 12 Chen, Lidong, 10 Chen, Kevin*, 9 Chew, Henry, 9 Chua, Justin, 11 Collett, Hamish, 10 Deayton, Matthew, 12 Debowski, Daniel, 11 Fieldhouse, Jason, 9 Fieldhouse, Ryan, 9 Fogarty, George, 12 Fraser, William, 9


Senior School

Ganesvaran, Hari, 10 Georgiou, Drew, 11 Grlj, Ben, 10 Hardy, Samuel, 11 Harris, Alexander, 9 Heavey, Tim, 12 Hein, Daniel, 11 Hodges, Rohan, 12 Huang, Jordan, 9 Hwang, Cameron, 11 Ireland, Thomas, 12 Katsoulotos, Marcus, 10 Kerdemelidis, Gregory, 10 Kimmitt, Ben, 12 Kimmitt, Harrison, 11 Kitchener, Dylan, 12 Lack, Ethan, 12 Laird, Connor, 10 Lee, Darby, 10 Lew, Tristan, 11 Lewis, Charles, 10 Lewis, Cooper, 9 Lewis, Zach, 11 Liew, Marcus, 9 Maitland, Jack, 9 McAuley, Kieran, 12 McCarthy, Liam, 9 McInnes, Lachie, 10

McLatchie, Evan, 9 Muehlebach, Joshua, 9 Murray, William, 12 Nalonnil, Noah*, 9 Neil, Lewis, 12 Newman, Thomas, 9 Newman-Thurlby, Alexander, 10 Nguyen, William, 11 Ong, Andrew, 9 Peeters-Williams, Marcus, 10 Petersen, Austin#, 11 Petersen, Jake, 9 Phan, Timothy, 10 Powell, Oliver, 12 Robinson, Nicholas, 11 Rowland, Campbell, 10 Ryan, Alexander, 12 Sabaa, Abdullah, 11 Sarlos-Welsh, Nicholas, 11 Scheer, Kyle, 10 Scotter, Oliver, 9 Seow, Daniel, 10 Shallcross, Andrew, 12 Shim, Nicholas, 9 Smith, Caleb, 10 Stambanis, Harry, 9 Sun, Kerry, 10 Tano, Anthony, 12

Taylor, Max, 11 Thermos, Lucas, 12 Tran, Jamie, 12 van Koert, Tristan, 11 Wang, Kayson, 10 Wolters, Matheus, 10 Yang, Leo, 11 Yap, Caeden, 10 Younger, Rilee, 11 Zographos, Anthony, 10 DERHAM Aikman, Angus, 11 Alexander, Michael, 10 Aminazad, Arya, 10 Barry, Michael, 12 Barry, Nicholas, 10 Bennett, Ethan, 9 Betts, Samuel, 10 Bite, Frank, 12 Bite, Kristian, 10 Brown, Felix, 9 Buchanan, Dean, 11 Carbone, Cooper, 9 Chan, Mun Wah, 12 Charalambous, Kai, 10 Chen, Steven, 12 Cross, Thomas, 9

The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 225

Gujjari, Abhinav, 9 Gunawardana, Akalanka, 10 Guorgi, Alexander, 11 Guorgi, Gabriel, 9 Hakuta, Issei, 10 Haw, Cameron, 9 Homes, Patrick, 9 How, Chris, 12 Hu, Oliver, 11 Inglis, Harley, 10 Jenzen, Mitchell, 12 Ji, Jerry, 10


Davidson, Joshua, 10 Dosser, Aren, 9 Duong, Daniel, 12 Farmer, Max, 10 Fry, Elliot, 9 Fry, Hugo, 11 Gale, Benjamin, 9 Gale, Colby, 10 Gale, Josh, 11 Giang, Alex, 9 Graves, Nicholas, 9 Growse, James, 11

226 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

Kakkar, Shivansh, 9 Laurence, Taran, 12 Lewis, William, 11 Liakopoulos, Maxwell, 10 Lim, Marcus, 9 Lord, Ed, 9 Lord, Sam, 12 Luu, Eamon, 9 Manikoth, Bharat, 12 Marcus, Emmanuel, 12 McFarland, Lachlan, 9 McGlone, Hugh, 12 Meers, Harrison, 11 Morad, Daniel, 10 Mutavdzija, David, 11 Pahos, Blake, 9 Park, Ryan, 11 Parkinson, Tane, 9 Patil, Roshan, 10 Pearson, Blake, 11 Pearson, Mason, 11 Phillips, William, 10 Power, Matthew, 12 Power, Thomas, 10 Pringle, Hugo, 9 Purcell, Oliver, 11 Rendell, Sam, 11 Sandhu, Rowan, 12 Schwenk, Jack, 12 Schwenk, Sam, 11 See, James, 12

Seletto, Matthew, 11 Shishkin, Eric, 12 Stephen, Daniel, 9 Sunderland, Daniel, 11 Tam, Ryan, 12 Taplin, Logan, 10 Thomas, Liam, 11 Tian, Alan, 9 Wang, Kevin, 10 Wang, Philip, 12 Whittle, Max, 12 Wong, Ryan, 12 Wu, Matthew, 12 Xu, Sean, 10 Yang, Sean, 11 Yen, Jonathan, 10 Yu, Nijad, 12 Zhao, Peter, 12 MACNEIL Abbas, Khalid, 12 Akse, Hugo, 10 Augustes, Michael, 12 Aw, Ethan, 10 Binnie-Peart, Will, 12 Brain, Lachlan, 11 Bray, Nicolaas, 10 Bryson, Matthew, 12 Bryson, Timothy, 9 Burnet, Zach*, 10 Carmel, Rafael, 9 Chan, Ebyn, 9 Chen, Aidan, 10 Cheng, Benjamin, 11 Chiu, Evan, 10 Clark, Jacob, 9 Clark, Nick, 12 Cook, William, 11 Cross, Maclane, 10 Desai, Ravin, 9 Dixon, James, 9 Doblin, Luke, 11 Dunne, Cam, 9 Dunne, Matt, 11 Easton, Lachlan, 10 Ewens, Ben, 12 Fares, Zane, 9 Gao, Owen*, 9 Garnham, Jamie, 12 Gazis, Nicholas, 10

Ghelani, Kunal, 12 Graham, Andrew, 11 Hall, Aden, 10 Harker, James, 11 Harker, Lachlan, 9 Hill, Marcus, 10 Huang, Christopher, 10 Huang, Haotian, 12 Huang, Thomas, 12 Kalas, Christos, 12 Kelly, Zac, 11 Kerferd, James, 9 Kocalidis, George, 11 Kohlman, Joshua, 10 Kohlmann, Jamie, 10 Kotecha, Vishal, 12 Kyriakos, Zachary, 10 Lau, Alexander, 9 Lewison, Matthew, 12 Lewison, Simon, 10 Li, Jackson, 11 Liang, Jordan, 11 Lim, Jeremy, 10 Linehan, James#, 11 Luo, Richard, 10 McNeill, Angus, 9 Monckton, Hamish, 12 Murphy, Jordan, 11 Nicholson, Jack, 9 Nicholson, Thomas, 12 Oh, Aidan, 12 Oldham, Angus, 11 Ooi, Aidan, 12 Papadopoulos, Jarrod, 12 Petherbridge, Brandon, 11 Qi, Samuel, 12 Richardson, Benjamin, 11 Robertson, Charles, 10 Seeley, Oliver, 9 Selvestrel, Marty, 10 Shirrefs, Henry, 9 Smith, Jimmy, 11 Song, Jay, 12 Tan, Kai-Si, 12 Tang, Ethan, 12 Thornton, Conrad, 10 To, Ethan, 11 To, Oliver, 9 Topatsis, Dimitri, 12 Town, William#, 9

Wei, Lachlan, 10 Wishart, Ben, 9 Worley, Benjamin, 11 Wu, Kunjie, 9 Xiao, Terry, 11 Xu, Marco, 10 Yao, James, 11 Yap, Timothy, 9 Yong, Aidan, 10 Zhao, Jason*, 9 ROBINSON Bellchambers, Gus, 10 Bokas, Alexander, 10 Canny, Hamish, 11 Canny, Patrick, 12 Cao, Anthony, 11 Cao, Roger*, 9 Chao, Jet, 9 Chen, Vincent, 10 Connell, Joel, 12 Cooray, Joel, 10 Couttie, William, 9 Denison, Rhys, 12 Devine, Jimmy, 9 Diao, Tiger, 9 Dicker, Ronan, 12 Finlayson, Caleb, 10 Fodor, Jasper, 12 Giasoumi, Evan, 11 Gittins, Harry, 10 Guo, Tom*, 9 Harper, Ed, 10 Harris, Aidan, 11 Hatzicostas, Alexander, 9 Herold, Ki, 11 Howell, Will, 10 Huang, Kevin, 11 Huynh, Anton, 10 Iacobucci, Daniel, 12 Jayasuriya, Anupa, 10 Jia, Jacky, 12 Jiang, Rui, 9 Kalargyros, Andreas, 10 Lau, Ethan, 11 Le, Justin#, 11 Lee, Rhys, 9 Leong, Charlie, 9 Leung, Justin, 12 Li, William, 12 Lu, Jerry, 10 MacLennan, Rian, 11 May, Tom, 11 McCleery, Jordan, 11 Mills, Charles, 9 Nandurkar, Ishaan, 10 Nguyen, Lachlan, 9 O’Hoy, Ryan, 9 Ong, Matthew, 11 Parmenter, Sam, 11 Pittard, James, 11 Quach, Jaimen, 11 Reid, Mitchell, 12 Ricker, William, 11 Ridley, Ben, 11 Rose, Isa, 10 Rose, Taran, 9 Rush, Harry, 12 Shi, Nathan, 12 Singh, Manhar, 10

SCHOFIELD Allsop, James, 10 Allsop, William, 9 Assauw, Connor, 11 Balfour, James, 12 Bennett, Ned, 12 Biondo, Miloska, 12 Bowers, Tom, 12 Brown, Mitchell, 11 Bush, James, 11 Choi, Anthony, 9 Choong, Samuel, 9 Corr, Angus, 12 Corr, Liam, 10 Elliott, Marcus, 10 Ensor, Ethan, 10 Evans, Lachlan, 12 Exon, Nick, 11 Fan, Jack, 11 Fok, Michael, 12 Froutzis, Kosta, 12 Ghostine, Charles, 9 Godfrey, Aden, 10

Gu, Edwin, 11 Gui, Rick*, 9 Haig, Matthew, 9 Han, Ken, 10 He, Ray, 9 Henderson, Matthew, 10 Henderson, Tim, 12 Hillman, Alexander*, 11 Hindhaugh, Benjamin, 12 Hindhaugh, Samuel, 9 Ho, Daniel, 11 Hopkins, Ruben, 12 Hu, Lingming, 11 Huang, Blake, 12 Jayawardena, Pavara, 10 Joy, Ben, 10 Kapnias, Themistocles, 11 Kohne, Thomas, 9 Lawrence, Jake, 11 Lim, Cameron, 11 Lim, Matthew, 12 Liu, Richard, 9 Lombardi, William, 9 Lu, Steven, 10 Ma, Alex*, 9 McCuaig, Felix, 12 Navaneetharaja, Leeshan, 10 Newman, Hayden, 10 Ng, Jordan, 9 Nguyen, Andrew, 10 Pang, Nicholas, 12 Papas, Liam, 9 Pettolino, Jonathan, 10 Phan, Andrew, 12 Qian, Lucas, 10 Reichmann, James, 9 Rice, Harry, 12 Rizzo, Adam#, 9 Rizzo, Joshua, 11 Rodier, Matthew, 11 Ross, Lachlan, 10 Smith, Riley, 11 Stamper, Will, 9 Stavrakis, Connor, 9 Summers, Jack, 11 Swingler, Billy, 10 Tan, Bryden, 12 Tan, Isaac, 9 Tang, Allan, 10 Teoh, Kieran, 11

Tomaras, James, 10 Tse, Brendan, 10 Wade, Nicholas, 11 Wang, Steven, 9 Wardlaw, Benjamin, 11 Williams, Sam, 11 Wills, Cameron, 11 Wills, Mitchell, 10 Woolfe, Riley, 10 Yang, Jordan*, 9 Zervas, Alexander, 11 Zhang, Yanning, 10 Zhou, Jerry, 10 Zhou, Weihan, 11 Zhu, Wilson, 11 STEVEN Ananthapavan, Aj, 9 Banjac, Nicholas, 9 Bosmans, Angus, 12 Bosmans, Ben, 10 Bourke, Hayden, 9 Brennan, Garnet, 11 Brennan, Wyatt, 10 Cai, James*, 9 Cakmakcioglu, Arman, 12 Campbell-Cowan, Charles, 9 Campbell-Cowan, Hamish, 10 Chen, Tony, 12 Cheung, Michael, 9 Cheung, Oscar, 12 Christofilopoulos, Dean, 12 Ciro, James, 9 Clarke, Lewis, 10 Coleman, Benjamin, 10 Cox, Gareth, 11 Cox, Owen, 9 Cox, Thomas, 12 Crosgrove, Tory, 12 Day, Will, 12

Fang, Bill, 11 Fraser, Kaelan, 12 Gibert, Matthieu, 9 Goh, Eugene, 10 Golz, Christopher, 12 Gong, Geoffrey, 12 Graham, Callum, 11 Grigg, William, 9 Hare, Andrew, 9 Hare, Michael, 10 Helmer, Flynn, 9 Ho, Andrew, 11 Horn, Mitchell, 10 Hu, Joshua, 9 Hui, Isaac, 11 Hui, Joshua, 9 Hunting, Joseph, 12 Jiang, Colin, 10 Jin, Vincent, 11 Johnson, Zac, 11 Kovos, Connor, 11


Smith, Henry, 12 Smith, Oscar, 9 Song, Aaron, 11 Soo, Joshua, 12 Stojnic, Zander, 11 Sturzaker, Jack, 12 Tan, Gage, 10 Tao, Tony, 10 Thorn, James, 12 Thornton, Hugo, 10 Tiong, Adam, 9 Tsolakis, James, 11 Wang, Sonny, 12 Watson, Harry, 9 Wild, Hamish, 12 Wong, Hayden, 10 Wong, Thomas, 9 Xiao, Harvey, 12 Xu, Kevin*, 9 Yan, Lucas, 12 Yang, William, 11 Yao, Jack*, 10 Yim, Aydan, 9 Zhang, Dennis, 10 Zhang, Tin Lok, 9 Zhang, Ximing, 10

The Camberwell Grammarian 2020 | 227


Kovos, Rick, 9 Kruse, Will, 10 Li, Lee, 11 Ling, Christian, 12 Loo, Victor, 11 Lu, Ashton, 9 Maes, David, 12 Mahaffy, Finnian, 10 McDougall, Alec, 10 Nguyen, Tom, 9 Noonan, Rory, 10 Norman, Darcy, 10 Norman, Mitchell, 12 Pang, Joseph, 11 Pannozzo, Elijah, 11 Price, Benjamin, 10 Quin, Matthew, 11 Ryan, Luke, 10 Senior, Daniel, 9 Senior, Harry, 12 Shinnick, Aden*, 10 Spalding, Jack, 10 Spalding, Ollie, 12 Stambe, James, 11 Sulewski, Anderson, 12 Sun, Tom, 11 Swinburne, Riley, 11 Thomas, David, 10 Trundle, Harry, 10 Vago, Max, 9 Veitch, Sam, 10 Wang, Michael, 9 Watson, Daniel, 11 Waycott, Lachlan, 12 Waycott, Lucas, 10 Weeraratne, Ken, 11 Weston, Finnegan, 12 Windisch, Nathan, 11 Wong, Oscar, 11 Wu, William, 10 Xiao, Stanley, 9

Yang, Thomas, 9 Yim, Austin, 12 Zhang, Blair, 11 Zhang, William, 9 Zhang, Kenny, 11 Zhao, Tony*, 9 SUMMONS Askew, Freddie, 9 Aung, Christien, 9 Baker, Henry, 9 Beechey, Ty, 11 Bishop, Andrew, 10 Booth, Billy*, 9 Booth, Jack, 11 Campbell, Michael, 12 Caragounis, Chris, 12 Cheong, Je-Rard, 10 Cheshire, Maxwell, 10 Chesler, Ned, 9 Choi, Elliot, 9 Chun, Charlie, 10 Congshen, Andy, 9 Cooper, Thomas, 10 Curry, Oscar, 12 Dalla Riva, Marc, 11 Dimatos, Michael, 12 Dore, Charlie, 11 Eastwood, James, 10 Feldt, Nic, 12 Fu, Justin, 11 Ge, Billy, 10 Govenlock, Will, 10 Greenaway, Alexander, 11 Hanna, Youssef, 12 Hough, Harrison, 11 Howard, Carson, 12 Howard, Tim, 9 Howden, Max, 12 Huang, Louis, 9 Joshi, Alastair, 11 Kabourakis, Sam, 12 Keenan, Sam, 9 Lai, Mark, 12 Lam, Joshua, 11 Lathouras, Nicholas, 11 Lay, Dylan, 12 Le, Jonathan, 10 Le, Nathan, 12 Le, Ryan, 10 Leong, Jarrod, 9 Leung, Nathan, 9 Lin, Isaac, 9 Liu, Sean, 12 Livingstone, Darcy, 10 Long, David, 12 Low, Ming Han, 10

228 | The Camberwell Grammarian 2020

Low, Ming Jin, 12 Lowe, Archie, 9 Lowrie, Julian, 11 Lu, Justin, 9 McColl, Harry, 11 Moodie, Jack, 10 Nguyen, Luke, 10 Niarchos, Alexander, 11 Nielsen, Alexander, 9 O’Brien, Luke, 10 Pollocks, Joshua, 12 Randall, Max, 11 Ren, Hao, 9 Rice, Nathan, 9 Rigby, Michael, 9 Rigby, Thomas, 9 Rogan, Christian, 11 Rogan, Patrick, 12 Sapolu, Kai, 10 Svikis, Benjamin, 12 Taft, Julian, 10 Tan, Scott, 11 Taranto, Nicholas, 11 Thai, Jayden, 11 Thompson, Oliver, 10 Vause, Ben, 9 Von Arx, Fletcher, 10 Wheelhouse, Rory, 11

Whiteford, Hayden, 11 Wilson-Brown, Alex, 12 Wong, James, 10 Wu, Jimmy, 9 Yan, Eric, 11 Yang, Kevin, 12 Yassa, Emmanuel, 11 Yates, Joshua, 11 Yu, Vincent*, 10

Zhang, Ben, 12 Zhang, Alex, 12 Zheng, Scott, 10 Zhu, Justin, 9 * New # Departed As of November 2020

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