Headmaster DEEDs App
Term 3 - Pick Up and Drop Off Zones Service of Nine Lessons and Carols
Middle School
A Message from the Head of Middle School
Junior School
A Message from the Head of Junior School
Sport Music Library Careers Calendar OCGA Support Groups
Edition 86, 26 June 2020
From the Headmaster
This Term has been a challenging one for all of us, and I am very grateful to all of our teachers, parents and students for the hard work, and commitment in organising and managing the majority of learning this Term from home. This last week in particular, has not been easy and I would like to thank all of our staff, students and parents for your support at this time. I am pleased to report we have had no further cases of Covid-19 reported at this time, and the boy who tested positive is well, and his family have all tested negative as well. Over one hundred of our staff were tested again for the disease yesterday, so we are doing our best to remain proactive and to protect our community as best we can. I hope the coming weeks allow our families to enjoy a more relaxed pace at home or on vacation where possible, and to spend some time simply enjoying each other’s company. However, we still need to be cautious about our health and I ask that parents and students remain vigilant about any symptoms of ill health at all – even minor sniffles or coughs – and not to return to School next Term even if those symptoms seem very mild, until those symptoms have fully resolved, or until you have received a negative Covid-19 test. Please click here to find attached a message from the Chief Health Officer with advice for families which may contain useful tips for all of us. Classes will begin again in Term 3 on Tuesday, 14 July. On Monday, 13 July, we will be conducting Professional Development activities for members of staff. The School Offices will be open as usual throughout the vacation, though many staff will be working from home. We are making plans to slowly reintroduce a range of co-curricular activities from the beginning of next Term. Sport, Music and Drama will be phased in gradually, and we will hold some Winter Sports matches the first weekend in Term 3. We remain hopeful also that the School Musical will go ahead between Wednesday 2 September to Friday 4 September in one form or another, and that we will be able to have a large Concert before the end of the year. All of that, of course, depends on the requirements of the Victorian Government at that time.
DEEDs App You should have received an update from me earlier in the week on our new DEEDs app. This app and its associated webpage with its live news stream, is now fully operational, and from the beginning of next Term it will replace the Weekly Bulletin. The DEEDs app targets news to each group of parents, and is a way for us to communicate with parents, to complete forms and to share information. News will be published as it occurs, but there will also be a weekly News Digest published on Friday afternoons. If you have not already done so, please download this free app – search for Camberwell Grammar DEEDs – in the App Store or on Google Play.
Term 3 - Pick Up and Drop Off Zones
Camberwell Grammar School 55 Mont Albert Road Canterbury Victoria 3126 T +61 3 9835 1777
Please also continue to support us when dropping off and picking up your sons from School next Term. Please only use Gate 1 for Junior School students and the Chatfield Avenue drop off for all other students. As part of our efforts to reduce the number of people on the campus, we would ask that parents not come on to the campus unless absolutely necessary. The beginning and end of each day are very busy times and I again seek your cooperation in keeping our students safe and also in respecting the amenity of our neighbours. A number of parents have been arriving very early for the Junior School pickup, and waiting in Mont Albert Road and Barnsbury Avenue, causing significant disruption to traffic and sometimes stopping across our neighbour’s driveways and nature strips. It would be greatly appreciated if parents arrived ‘just in time’ rather than having to wait nearby because they are early. Middle and Senior School parents are asked to use Chatfield Avenue as their drop off and pick up points. Enter through Gate 7 and Exit through Gate 8. Please only use Gate 5 in Mont Albert Road for dropping off students who are attending early or afternoon music rehearsals. Your co-operation in observing these drop off/pick up zones is greatly appreciated in the interest of your son’s safety, and to help us maintain positive relationships with our neighbours.
Service of Nine Lessons and Carols
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Again, in line with the Victorian Government requirements at the time, we have decided to once more hold our Annual Carol Service at St Paul’s Cathedral, Flinders Street, Melbourne on Thursday 10 December at 7.30pm.
Headmaster DEEDs App
Term 3 - Pick Up and Drop Off Zones Service of Nine Lessons and Carols
Middle School
A Message from the Head of Middle School
Junior School
A Message from the Head of Junior School
Sport Music Library Careers Calendar OCGA Support Groups
This will be a lovely way to end what has been a very strange school year and an opportunity to reflect and give thanks for 2020. Once again, enjoy the next two weeks’ vacation, please remember to download the DEEDs app to receive further news and updates from the School, and I look forward to the exciting challenges and times ahead which will no doubt await us when we return in Term 3. Paul Hicks, Headmaster
Middle School A Message from the Head of Middle School With such an unusual end of Term, I am so grateful to everyone for all of your ongoing support and encouragement of your sons through such turbulent times. As we look to the forward to the holidays, our thoughts and deep gratitude are with the students and teachers who have been quarantined and are doing their bit to ensure that this virus does not spread. During these times it is good to look for the silver lining, and it is paramount that we remain resilient and consider our values as a touchstone when we feel pressured. We have to support one another and remember that our current community are custodians for our collective reputation of our School; past, present and into the future. As stated at the beginning of this pandemic, “reputations are built in times like these,” and as we go into the holidays I urge all of our students to draw out their own report card to reflect on how they fared; what they did well and what they can improve further. I have been exceptionally proud of the camaraderie that our students have demonstrated, despite many Year 7 students only meeting face-to-face for a few weeks. I know we are all looking forward to much more time on site next Term. Semester 1 Reports will be available through DEEDs in the lead up to Term 3. I encourage all students to review their feedback and to set some goals as they approach fresh challenges in Term 3. Many thanks to Mr Feldt and Ms Stasiak for putting together the Highlights Package from Term 2. A special thanks to all of the parents who sent photos in during ‘Iso’. Troy Stanley, Head of Middle School
Junior School A Message from the Head of Junior School As we come to the end of Term, the students can take pride in what they have been able to achieve in difficult circumstances. The students, their families and, indeed, their teacher rose to the challenge of distance learning and negotiated the steep learning curve with patience and persistence. Learning any new, complex task is challenging and, at times, frustrating, but in the end rewarding. We all learnt something through this experience and my deepest gratitude goes out to our families who worked with us through this difficult time to make the best of it. In a world described by futurist Charles Fadel as volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, we need resilience, problem solving, adaptability, creativity, community, a global perspective and hope. There is no doubt that we will face more challenges this year and in the years beyond. What we have been able to show our children and each other is that, with the right mind-set and a supportive community, we can embrace the future with confidence. With the end of Term, comes School Reports which can be accessed from DEEDS through Academic Reports on the Student Profile early next week. Teachers will be available to discuss and clarify reports during Parent/Teacher zoom conferences in Week 2 of next Term. Parent/Teacher bookings open online on Tuesday 14 July, but not until 2.30pm. In preparation for Parent Teacher Interviews on the evening of Wednesday 22 July, there will be early dismissal for Junior School PrePrep – Year 5 boys at 2.00pm. Families requiring After Care are asked to make the necessary booking with Camp Australia. I wish you and your families an enjoyable and rejuvenating holiday break, and I look forward to having the students back and ready for action in Term 3. Students commence Tuesday 14 July, Monday 13 July is a Staff Professional Development Day. Howard Kelly, Head of Junior School
Sport Term 3 Winter Sport Training Schedule A commitment has been made by the AGSV to proceed with the current plan for a 3-round season. The three rounds will occur over the first three weeks of the Term – Saturday 18, 25 July and Saturday 1 August. For sports that have teams, students are yet to be allocated; however, that information will be distributed during the first week of holidays. It has been difficult to hold trials or host enough training sessions to properly sort students into teams. While teams will be set for the first week, there may be opportunities for movement within the divisions of a sport. We ask that students and parents please be understanding if a student does not feel like they have been allocated to their desired team.
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Headmaster DEEDs App
Term 3 - Pick Up and Drop Off Zones Service of Nine Lessons and Carols
Middle School
A Message from the Head of Middle School
Junior School
A Message from the Head of Junior School
Sport Music Library Careers Calendar OCGA Support Groups
Training will commence from Tuesday 14 July. Refer to the Training Schedule for the day/s and time/s that teams and squads will be training. Again, students will find out over the holidays which team they have been allocated to. Lachlan Crawford, Director of Sport
Music Elva Allan Award Applications Are Now Open The Elva Allan Award was made in memory of Mrs Elva Allan, who began teaching the Violin and Viola at Camberwell Grammar School in 1968 and worked here until 1988. From a small number of students and the introduction of string classes, we saw the formation of a string program and subsequent orchestras of which we are all extremely proud. Upon her passing in 1990, the Friends of Music established this award in recognition of Elva’s fine contribution to music at this School. The award is open to players of orchestral string instruments; students of Violin, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass in Years 6 to 11 who have gained a degree of proficiency, and who will be attending Camberwell Grammar School in 2021. Please click here to download the Information Letter and Application Form. If you have any questions, please email our Head of Strings, Ms Lisa Grosman at Ben Bishop, Director Of Music
Library BorrowBox eBooks and eAudios Hurray! All of our BorrowBox eBooks and eAudios are now available for searching on the Weickhardt Library catalogue for Middle School and Senior School students and staff! Any time you search for a title or author, our catalogue will bring up results that include our BorrowBox collection. You can search the Weickhardt library catalogue through our DEEDs homepage here. 1. To download to your device, download the BorrowBox app to your device through the app store. 2. Enter in your school network ID as username and Password: student. (If this doesn’t work, please email Mrs Miriklis at 3. Sign in to create your account, making sure that you choose Camberwell Grammar School from the drop down list of Libraries. 4. Enjoy! Browse our wonderful collection of eAudiobooks and eBooks.
Careers DATE
Month of July
Monday 3 August
VTAC Registrations Open for 2021 Course Preferences
Monday August 31
La Trobe Aspire Applications Close
Wednesday 30 December
Year 12 Results and ATARs are Released
The Signal - Doing the Maths on an Arts Degree This 15 minute podcast explores why the Government has decided that certain subjects are more worthy of funding than others, and what it might mean for you. You can listen here.
Inside Monash Seminars A new suite of Inside Monash seminars will be held in Term 3. Registrations will be open in early July. 9 July 15 July 15 July 22 July 23 July 28 July 29 July 30 July 12 August 13 August 19 August 20 August 26 August 27 August Page 3
Medicine and Biomedicine Design International Business Education Nursing and Midwifery Advanced Science Degrees Discover Unexpected Careers in the Health Sector Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Paramedicine Engineering Music IT Science Debate: Autonomous cars are better than human drivers Law
Headmaster DEEDs App
Term 3 - Pick Up and Drop Off Zones Service of Nine Lessons and Carols
Middle School
A Message from the Head of Middle School
Junior School
A Message from the Head of Junior School
Sport Music Library Careers Calendar OCGA Support Groups
Recordings from some of the past seminars are available online; simply scroll to the bottom of the linked page.
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences - Online Year 12 Chemistry Workshop This workshop aligns with the modified 2020 VCE Chemistry Curriculum. Learn about the role functional groups play in drug delivery and medicine activity and apply inter-molecular bonding concepts to the interactions between medicines and protein binding sites, including how medicines target a protein crucial to SARS-CoV-2. There will also be an opportunity to get course advice and ask questions. This event will take place on Thursday, 9 July from 10.30am to 12.00 noon. Capacity is limited to 30 attendees. Register here to secure your place today.
Morrisby – Online Career Profiling Senior students are invited to undertake the on-line career profiling test Morrisby Online to help them identify potential career paths and make informed decisions about VCE subjects and tertiary study options. Participating students will take a 105 minute online assessment, which measures a variety of elements including aptitudes, career interests, work attitudes, talents and motivations. Once the assessment is complete, students have access to personally tailored career and education suggestions. This year the test will be undertaken at home. The cost of the test is $50.00 per student. If you would like your son to take part, please register here. You can find out more about Morrisby Online by visiting their website.
CGS Careers on DEEDs You can find all this information in the careers section on our new DEEDs app and website. Lynette Reiger, Careers Counsellor
Calendar Term 3, Week 1 Day
14 July
TERM 3 COMMENCES AGSV Winter Sport Training Resumes Junior School - Parent/Teacher Interview Bookings Open Online, 2.30pm
15 July
Junior School Chapel Assembly, All Souls Chapel, 8.40am to 9.30am
16 July
17 July
Massed Singing Rehearsal (Years 6-8) , PAC, Period 1 Friends of Norge Meeting, 8.50am Middle School Activities, 2.45pm to 4.00pm Senior School Activities, Round 2, 2.45pm to 4.00pm
18 July
AGSV Winter Sport, Round 7
OCGA OCGA Art Exhibition and Sale 2020 The 15th OCGA Art Exhibition and Sale will once again be open to artists who have a connection with Camberwell Grammar School – Old Boys, parents – past and current, grandparents, staff members – past and current and present or former Artists in Residence. Please click here to view the information flyer.
Support Groups CGS Auxiliary Entertainment Books If you would like to purchase an Entertainment Book and help support the School, you can order here. All Entertainment Book Memberships are now 100% digital, making them more environmentally sustainable whilst also providing greater flexibility for members and merchants.
CGS PLUS Opening Times – Term 3 All appointment dates for Term 3 will be released in the holiday break, with PLUS opening in the first week of Term 3, on Wednesday the 15 July. If you have any questions about PLUS please contact Mrs Karley Knight, Parents’ and Friend’s Coordinator on or 9835 1743.
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