Weekly Bulletin 21 February 2020

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Headmaster Francis Forbes Society

Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship CGS and CGGS Parent Education Seminar

Middle School Friday Activities

Year 7 Lord Somers Camp Courage to Care Incursion for Year 8 Year 7 Parent Information Evening School Photos

Junior School

Junior School Music Prep and Year 1 Reading and Writing Together

Years 4 and 5 Parent Information/ Cyber Safety Presentation Key Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA Year Level Dates Links to Flyers

Edition 78, 21 February 2020

From the Headmaster Francis Forbes Society The Francis Forbes Society is a prestigious annual Essay Competition that seeks to recognise excellence in the study of Australian legal history. I am very pleased to announce that Rohan Hodges (Public Speaking and Debating Prefect) was chosen as the national winner of the Senior Secondary Division for his essay titled “The Tasmanian Dams Case: To what extent has it influenced Australia’s environmental management? Was the dramatic response to the High Court’s decision justified?”.

Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship Congratulations to Tom Sun (Year 11) who is the recipient of the Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship for Science. This scholarship was given to the school in a bequest from Mr Kenneth Atock, an old boy, and is awarded to students for their academic performance in the Sciences, to promote and encourage scientific education with the emphasis upon studies of outer space and rocketry amongst scholars attending Camberwell Grammar School. In light of Tom’s consistent high-level academic performances in Science last year, he is a most worthy recipient of this Scholarship.

CGS and CGGS Parent Education Seminar Our next Parent Education Seminar, Inflating Balloons of Self Belief will take place at 7.00pm on Wednesday 26 February 2020 at Camberwell Girls Grammar School. The guest speaker on the evening will be Mr James Shone who, following a 16-year teaching career embodies a positive attitude to life and a determination to turn setbacks into springboards by inspiring confidence in every individual to enable them to know who they are and what they are able to do, rather than focusing on what they can’t. Please let our convenor of the Parent Education Seminars, Mr John Allen, know if you are intending to come on mja@cgs.vic.edu.au. Further information is included in this flyer. Paul Hicks, Headmaster

Middle School Friday Activities This afternoon Year 8 students continued with their Outdoor Education Program, ahead of next Friday’s full-day experience. Please note departure times on Friday for various activities may vary, depending on location, and groups will be notified. While Year 8 were out, Year 6 and 7 continued with their House Athletics Trials and team building activities.

Year 7 Lord Somers Camp

Camberwell Grammar School 55 Mont Albert Road Canterbury Victoria 3126 T +61 3 9835 1777 registrar@cgs.vic.edu.au www.cgs.vic.edu.au

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Staff and students are excited about the upcoming Year 7 Lord Somers Camp in Week 6. Students will enjoy five days at the Camp from Monday 2 March to Friday 6 March. The camp boasts wonderful facilities at an ideal beachside location. There is an excellent range of activities planned that focus on building relationships within the year level. I am looking forward to spending time with the students at the camp and watching their self-confidence soar as they stretch their comfort zones. Camp information booklets will be distributed to families through email and posted on the School Portal.

Courage to Care Incursion for Year 8 Next Monday (for 8R, M, K, S) and Tuesday (for 8B, J, C) Year 8 groups will be participating in a Courage to Care workshop, that aims to promote ‘upstander’ behaviour. The workshop includes interactive displays as well as a presentation from a Holocaust Survivor. This is an excellent lead into the upcoming Year 8 English Text, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.


Headmaster Francis Forbes Society

Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship CGS and CGGS Parent Education Seminar

Middle School Friday Activities

Year 7 Lord Somers Camp Courage to Care Incursion for Year 8 Year 7 Parent Information Evening School Photos

Junior School

Junior School Music Prep and Year 1 Reading and Writing Together

Years 4 and 5 Parent Information/ Cyber Safety Presentation Key Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA Year Level Dates Links to Flyers

Year 7 Parent Information Evening - Wednesday 26 February 2020 Next Wednesday Schoology workshops will take place in the William Angliss Building from 6.30pm to 7.00pm. Year 7 parents are then invited to attend the Sleep Study presentation in the Performing Arts Centre from 7.00pm to 7.30pm, followed by the Year 7 Camp Information Session. To conclude the evening, there will be drinks and nibbles in various locations around the PAC. This Information Evening presents an excellent opportunity to meet with other parents from the same form group. If you are intending to come, please ensure that you have replied through the TryBooking form and link that was emailed out earlier in the week.

School Photos Middle School Form group photos will be taken on Thursday 27 February. Students who were unable to have their individual photo taken on the previous photo days will have the opportunity to do so on this day. Troy Stanley, Head of Middle School

Junior School

I have just returned from camp, a little weary to be sure, but also quite delighted with the way the program served the students and the manner in which they responded. Year 4 spent three days at Anglesea last week, and during the previous week Year 5 headed to the bush of Lancefield. The camps extend over three days and took the students away from the comforts of home into different environments with their own set of challenges, opportunities and expectations. These camps give students time to be with one another, to share experiences that may be new and challenging, as well as the opportunity to get a better sense of themselves. The camps focus on outdoor experiences that encourage participation, cooperation, team building, problem solving and the growth of confidence in an enjoyable, supportive setting. Netting in the lagoon at Airlie’s Inlet had the Year 4 boys totally engaged with the thrill of the catch and the wonder of the variety of creatures they had gathered to admire, assess and release. They were up to their knees in nature and loving it! While there was excitement there was also plenty of education as our naturalist experts presented the context and asked questions that required the students to think beyond who had caught the biggest or brightest specimen. Mastering the skills of canoeing and working cooperatively to get the craft to go in the intended direction brought plenty of fun, frustration and challenge. For some students it came easily, while others had to work at it. Students were learning about themselves and were gaining the satisfaction that comes from adding a new skill and experience to one’s repertoire. Many learnt the value of persisting and repeated practice. Climbing the lighthouse took some students into their uncomfortable zone, but for them the journey down the stairs, having done the lap around the top, was filled with pride and achievement. Earlier, at the Year 5 camp with its array of initiative and group problem solving tasks, it was evident with each rotation that the boys were developing a sense of team. They were thinking more in terms of the group rather than as a collection of individuals. They were also developing respect for suggestions and skills that were available through their group members. The momentum gathered over the course of the camp as the boys experienced canoeing, bike riding, flying fox, and the challenges of solving the maze. In amongst all the adrenalin, perspiration and problem solving the camp experiences at Year 4 and 5 encouraged friendship, built confidence and generated a lot of laughs and fond memories. It was a privilege to have that time with the students.

Junior School Music Now that Year 4 and Year 5 camps are completed, the Junior School Music Program is in full swing. Instrumental lessons are underway, and most Ensembles have commenced rehearsals. If your son learns a musical instrument at School, please access his lesson information through the School Portal. Most Junior School Ensembles rehearse before School and at lunchtime. Details of the Ensemble timetable can be found on the Junior School Class Portal. Please note in particular, the Junior School Orchestra and the Junior School Choir will perform at the Autumn Concert on Wednesday 25 March at 7.30pm in the PAC. Details of this Concert will be sent to parents soon. We look forward to learning together and hope you enjoy sharing a year of fine music with us.

Prep and Year 1 Reading and Writing Together Parents of boys in Prep and Year 1 are invited to attend an Information Session on strategies to help beginning readers and writers and answer any questions you might have. Mrs Caroline Gatley, Deputy Head (Curriculum), Miss Emily Bond, Year 1 Teacher, Mrs Eunice Goessler, Year 2 Teacher, and Mrs Colleen Jarrett-Burke, Head of Learning Enhancement, will be giving a talk on how to help your son with reading, handwriting and spelling. Date: Wednesday 26 February 2020 Time: 8.45am to 10.15am Venue: Prep Classroom

Years 4 and 5 Parent Information/ Cyber Safety Presentation As helpful and powerful as Information Technology might be, in the hands of our students, it does come with its inherent risks of misuse, overuse and misadventure. To have parents well informed and confident to provide a safe home environment and responsible use of technology, we have planned a Parent Information/ Cyber Safety Presentation and Discussion. This will occur on Thursday 5 March at 6.45pm until 8.30pm in the Middleton Theatre. This Cybersafety Session is for parents only. Page 2


Headmaster Francis Forbes Society

Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship CGS and CGGS Parent Education Seminar

Middle School Friday Activities

Year 7 Lord Somers Camp Courage to Care Incursion for Year 8 Year 7 Parent Information Evening School Photos

Junior School

Junior School Music Prep and Year 1 Reading and Writing Together

Years 4 and 5 Parent Information/ Cyber Safety Presentation Key Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA Year Level Dates Links to Flyers

The presenter for our evening will be Robyn Treyvaud, who is the founder of Cyber Safe Kids and a well respected Cyber Safety expert. Robyn provides advice to the media, industry and governments in Australia ensuring a balanced and evidence based view on her work within schools in Australia and Asia for the past decade. She assists educators, schools and parent communities to understand the challenges of living and working in the digital world, equipping them with tools to meet these challenges. Please note that it is required for at least one parent from each Year 4 family to attend, and it is strongly encouraged that Year 5 parents also avail themselves of this important opportunity.

Key Dates Ahead Tuesday 25 February Numeracy Parent Information Session, 8.30am to 10.00am, Wheelton Building W310, W311 Wednesday 26 February Assembly, Year 4B hosts, Middleton Theatre Prep-Year 1 Early Literacy Parent Information Session, 8.45am to 10.30am Junior School SYD Swimming Championships, MSAC, 9.30am to 1.00pm selected students) Friday 28 February Years 3/4/5 House Swimming Carnival, 12.00 noon to 2.30pm, dismissal from pool Wednesday 4 March Prep and Year 1 Parent Spelling Information Session, 8.45am to 9.45am Thursday 5 March Year 4 and 5 Parent Information/Cyber Safety Presentation, 6.45pm to 8.30pm, Camberwell Room Howard Kelly, Head of Junior School


There are two rounds remaining in the AGSV Summer Sport season. Next week will be the final week of training for all sports except Cycling, Golf, Kayaking, Lawn Bowls, Orienteering, Squash, Swimming and Triathlon, as they all have competitions beyond next weekend. After a close loss to Trinity in the final round of the season last weekend, Firsts Volleyball encounter our old foes again this weekend in the semi-final. In their first finals appearance in a number of years, we wish the team all the very best. Firsts Basketball play their final match of the season, while Firsts Cricket and Firsts Tennis will be playing for a chance to play finals next week. While some teams’ season are coming to a close, the Swimming squad’s season is heating up. Last week, they took on Trinity in a Duel in the Pool, while they take on Ivanhoe on Friday afternoon. The AGSV Swimming Finals take place on Friday 20 March! Friends of Groups are busy preparing their respective Sport Presentation evenings. Invitations have been or will be emailed to parents and they can also be found within the Weekly Bulletin. They are always enjoyable evenings and a great way to reflect on the season, so it would be fantastic to see as many students and parents there as possible. Winter Sport trials for Firsts teams will commence in the last few weeks of Term 1 in preparation for the beginning of the AGSV Winter Sport season in Term 2. Teachers in charge of the respective sports will advertise details to students on Schoology. Running sessions with Craig Mottram continue to take place throughout the remainder of Term 1, on Monday and Wednesday mornings. The sessions start at 7.00am, held on the KAO, and are open to students of all ages and abilities. The focus of the sessions is to improve running technique, as well as speed and endurance. It is a brilliant way to prepare for the Winter Sport season! Notifications of Sport cancellations due to weather are posted on Twitter @CamberwellSport and TeamApp camberwellgrammarsport.teamapp.com. More information about the Sport Program can also be found on TeamApp which can also be downloaded from the App Store. For clarification or for more information, any questions or concerns regarding Sport can be directed to me at ljc@cgs.vic.edu.au.

Sport Report Facing a talented Marcellin side, the 1st Squash team held off their competition to continue their undefeated run. Up against the division’s best player, Kai Sapolu (Year 10) fought bravely, denying the opposition any easy points, but eventually lost to an accomplished opposition. However, the remaining singles matches were won by Camberwell, led by captain Arman Cakmakcioglu (Year 12). Jake Ford (Year 10) and James Thorn (Year 12) also made amends with victories in their respective singles to win the tie before going into the doubles matches. With the combination of Arman and Kai up against Marcellin’s strongest pair, the boys went down in the first set but triumphed in the second as they worked persistently together. The final set of doubles was taken by Marcellin, even so, Camberwell finished victorious, 3-7-174 to 2-7-193. Returning from a solid block of training over the summer break, Camberwell’s Orienteering squad competed at Ruffey Lake. Team captain, Felix McCuaig (Year 12) led the squad, with standout performances from Ben Price (Year 10) (first in his division) and James Bush (Year 11), 4th. The 2nd Blue Basketball team played Mentone as they looked to close out their season triumphantly. Will Day (Year 12) contributed to the scoreboard from the outset, cementing an early lead. Ruben Hopkins extended their lead with penetrating drives on offence, reinforced by the defensive physicality of Hamish Wild (both Year 12). Stellar performances from Geoff Gong and Chris Golz (both Year 12) saw the team win 37 to 22. 10A Tennis faced Trinity in a close affair. Following a sluggish start to the match, the side found their form as a pairing between Hugo Thornton and Marcus Peeters-Williams (both Year 10) won Camberwell’s first set, 6 Page 3


Headmaster Francis Forbes Society

Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship CGS and CGGS Parent Education Seminar

Middle School Friday Activities

Year 7 Lord Somers Camp Courage to Care Incursion for Year 8 Year 7 Parent Information Evening School Photos

Junior School

Junior School Music Prep and Year 1 Reading and Writing Together

Years 4 and 5 Parent Information/ Cyber Safety Presentation Key Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA Year Level Dates Links to Flyers

games to 4. As the team moved into singles matches, Daniel Meagher, Alec McDougal, Will Govenlock and Kevin Wang (all Year 10) kept the opposition’s games to a minimum, each winning their respective sets with ease. Marcus Peters-Williams was quick to close out the match and get out of the rain, winning convincingly 6 games to 1. Camberwell eventually defeated Trinity 7 sets to 5 in a great turnaround. The Lawn Bowls team continued their undefeated streak with two outstanding matches on Saturday against Trinity B and Ivanhoe B. Kristian Bite (Year 10) played with composure, while solid performances by cocaptains Will Cook and Elijah Pannozzo (both Year 11) helped secure consecutive victories in 19 to 1 and 15 to 1. A focused and concerted effort saw Camberwell’s 1st Table Tennis shut down the efforts of Trinity in a dominant performance. Unaffected by their competition, the team took all head to head singles rubbers and followed on from there to complete a comprehensive clean sweep, 15 rubbers to 0. Nathan Shi and Ethan Tang (both Year 12) asserted themselves with assured victories and Bryden Tan (Year 12) maintained the team’s immaculate record. The team has set a high benchmark for the next generation of players, with six of the squad members having now played out one of their last games for the School. Camberwell’s golf squad had all three teams competing in the Ambrose competition last Wednesday, in which two teams tied for first with a score of 4 over par. Winners included Ben Zhang (Year 12), Jordan Huang (Year 9), Matthew Haig (Year 9), Gage Tan (Year 10), Daniel Chen (Year 8) and George Karametos (Year 7). In their Sunday competition, Josh (Year 11) and Callum Yates (Year 8) played through tough conditions for a respectable finish. Matthew Haig (Year 9) is also to be commended, as he completed his first handicapped round with the squad, performing admirably. They squad look towards their next major event, being AGSV/APS/BAS Golf Day at Spring Valley on Monday 20 April. Tom Bowers, Captain of Games Lachlan Crawford, Director of Sport

Careers DATE


Monday 2 March

UCAT Registrations Open for Medicine and Dentistry Candidates

Thursday 12 March

CGS Careers Evening, 4.00pm to 6.30pm

Friday 27 March

Deadline for Submission of WEP1 Forms

Thursday 30 April to 3 May

VCE and Careers Expo - Caulfield Racecourse

Monday 1 to 5 June

Year 10 Work Experience Week

Jobs of the Future – CGS Careers Night 2020 The annual Careers Night is fast approaching and both parents and students in Years 10 to 12 are invited to attend. It looks like being a fabulous evening with a new and diverse range of interesting speakers and careers already secured. All Year 10 students will be invited to choose the three themed panels they wish to attend. Please reserve the evening of Thursday 12 March in your diary now. Note, there will be sausages (and a few vegie burgers) provided for all Year 10 students from 3.30pm.

Monash Uni Student Videos Interested in studying Medicine, Biomedical Science or Nursing at Monash? The new Day in My Life video series, hosted by current students, takes you inside their lectures, placements and favourite places on campus to show what a typical day looks like.

Finding the Best University The Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching website (QILT) is designed to assist students in choosing a university or higher education institution that is best for them. Encourage your son to make an informed choice about his higher education options by viewing and comparing survey data from all Australian universities on student experience and graduate employment at QILT.

Free TAFE The Victorian Government’s Free TAFE for Priority Courses initiative means TAFE students, who are eligible for government-subsidised training, can have their tuition fees covered for a range of courses. Got a green thumb? Consider Horticulture. Always loved building? Think about a pre-apprenticeship in Carpentry. Perhaps you have a passion for accounting. There’s a Diploma course in that too. There are 27 free priority TAFE courses currently offered at Swinburne. More information can be found here.

CGS Careers Website Want to create a C/V, search tertiary courses Australia wide, or make an appointment with the Careers Counsellor? All this and more can be done on our Careers website at www.camberwellgrammarcareers.com. Browse it today! Lynette Reiger, Careers Counsellor

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Headmaster Francis Forbes Society

Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship

Calendar Term 1, Week 5 Day




24 February

VCE Art and Studio Art Excursion, NGV, 9.00am to 3.30pm Year 8 Courage to Care Program and Workshop 1 (24 to 25 February) Camberwell Room, P3, 4 and 5.


25 February

Year 6 Swim Program Week 3 to Week 6, Tuesdays 9.25am to 10.40am, and 11.10 to 12.25pm Year 10 Science Badger Creek Excursion (all day) (10B and 10G) Year 8 Courage to Care Program and Workshop 2, Camberwell Room, P3, 4 and 5. Cadet Auxiliary AGM, 7.00pm Development Office Junior School Numeracy Parent Information Session, WLC, 8.30am to 10.00am


26 February

Year 7 Sleep Study Presentation, Camberwell Room. 8.30am to 8.45am (students) Year 7 Sleep Study Presentation, PAC. 7.00pm to 7.30pm (parents) Year 7 Camp and Reporting Information 7.30pm to 8.00pm and Parent Drinks 8.00pm to 9.00pm, PAC. Parent Education Seminar, Mr James Shone, “Inspiring Confidence in Every Individual” Camberwell Girl’s Grammar School, 7.30pm Junior School Prep and Year 1 Early Literacy Parent Information Session, 8.45am to 10:30am Schoology Workshops for Middle School Parents, WAB, 6.30pm to 7.00pm Junior School South Yarra District Swimming Championships, MSAC, 9.30am to 12.30pm Friends of Library AGM, Development Office, 7.30pm


27 February

No Senior School Assembly - extended Period 1 Year 4 and 5 Parents Cyber Safety Information Evening, Camberwell Room, 6.45pm Senior School House Music Competition, 7.30pm House Music Instrumental Rehearsals, PAC, Periods 1-8


28 February

AGSV Swimming - CGS Championships at CGS AGSV Summer Sport Training Concludes (except Swimming, Cycling, Squash, Kayaking, Triathlon and Lawn Bowls) Year 8 Outdoor Ed, 8.15am to 4.30pm, (round 3 of 3) OCGA Golf Challenge, Kew Golf Club Junior School House Swimming Carnival (Years 3-5), CGS, 12.00 noon 2.30pm Middle School Athletics Trials, Year 6 and 7, CGS, 2.45pm to 4.00pm Senior School Activities, Round 1, 2.45pm to 4.00pm CGS Swimming Championships


29 February

AGSV Summer Sport, Round 9, Firsts Table Tennis and Volleyball Grand Finals, Firsts Basketball, Cricket and Tennis Semi Finals

CGS and CGGS Parent Education Seminar

Middle School Friday Activities

Year 7 Lord Somers Camp Courage to Care Incursion for Year 8 Year 7 Parent Information Evening School Photos

Junior School

Junior School Music Prep and Year 1 Reading and Writing Together

Years 4 and 5 Parent Information/ Cyber Safety Presentation Key Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA Year Level Dates Links to Flyers

Sport Diary Dates

Page 5





22 February

Round 8 AGSV Summer Sport


29 February

Round 9 AGSV Summer Sport


5 March

Volleyball Presentation Evening


13 March

Basketball Presentation Evening


14 March

Tennis Presentation Evening


18 March

Cricket Presentation Evening


20 March

AGSV Swimming Finals


Support Groups


Cafeteria Roster


Francis Forbes Society


24 February

Joanna Richardson, Sarah Sutherland


25 February

Irene Ong

CGS and CGGS Parent Education Seminar


26 February

Karen Treagus


27 February

Julia Quin, Vivienne Katsoulotos

Friday Activities


28 February

Sweet Lee-Brown, Astrid Toms

Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship

Middle School

Year 7 Lord Somers Camp Courage to Care Incursion for Year 8 Year 7 Parent Information Evening School Photos

PLUS Roster



22 February

Stephanie Martin, Kate Shirrefs, Joyce Jiang


26 February

Shaani Graves, Janet Rice, Juliette Mills

Junior School

CGS Auxiliary

Prep and Year 1 Reading and Writing Together

Memorabilia Purchase your piece of CGS Memorabilia today by visiting https://www.trybooking.com/BHTOV. Orders can be collected from the Development Office or some items can be posted at an additional cost. Please see flyer attached or click on the Trybooking link for further details.

Junior School Music

Years 4 and 5 Parent Information/ Cyber Safety Presentation Key Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA Year Level Dates Links to Flyers

Entertainment Book Membership If you would like to purchase an Entertainment Book and help support this school it can be done through www.entertainmentbook.com.au/orderbooks/1802k50. All Entertainment Book Memberships are now 100% digital, making them more environmentally sustainable whilst also providing greater flexibility for members and merchants.

Cafeteria Roster The Camberwell Grammar Cafeteria “The Green Room” has had a make-over! Our new catering company “Chartwells” is providing delicious healthy options for students and staff. We invite our parents to volunteer for a shift at the cafeteria by clicking on the volunteer sign up link: https://volunteersignup.org/KLKPQ. New volunteers are very welcome.

Cadet Auxiliary The Cadet Auxiliary will hold their AGM on Tuesday 25 February at 7.00pm in the Development Office. A short general meeting will follow. All parents of boys doing cadets are welcome to attend to find out a bit more about our activities.

Friends of Kayaking Friends of Kayaking will hold their AGM on Tuesday 25 February at 7.30pm in the Phillips Room. All welcome to attend.

Friends of Library Friends of Library will hold their AGM on Wednesday 26 February at 7.30pm in the Development Office. All welcome to attend.

Friends of Volleyball Presentation Night Date: Time: Venue: Bookings: Details:

Thursday 5 March 6.30pm to 7.30pm Camberwell Room Through TryBooking, click here https://www.trybooking.com/BIDNX See flyer here

Parents’ Association AGM The Parents’ Association will hold their AGM on Tuesday 10 March at 8.00pm in the Camberwell Room. All Friends of Groups are required to have someone in attendance. Please send your reports through to Karley in the Development Office fog@cgs.vic.edu.au.

Friends of Basketball Friends of Basketball Presentation Night Date: Thursday 12 March Time: 6.00pm – 8.00pm Venue: Camberwell Room Page 6


Headmaster Francis Forbes Society

Bookings: Details:

https://www.trybooking.com/BIODE See flyer attached here

Friends of Basketball Volunteers Needed

Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship

Friends of Basketball are also looking for volunteers to help assist on Presentation Night. If you can spare some time please sign up at volunteersignup.org/PYH7R.

CGS and CGGS Parent Education Seminar

Friends of Tennis Presentation Soiree

Middle School Friday Activities

Year 7 Lord Somers Camp Courage to Care Incursion for Year 8 Year 7 Parent Information Evening School Photos

Date: Time: Venue: Bookings: Details:

Friday 13 March 4.30pm (Racquet Demo sessions) 6.30pm Dinner, 7.15pm Presentations School Cafeteria & PAC Foyer https://www.trybooking.com/BIOZG See flyer attached here

Friends of Cricket Presentation Night – Save the Date

Junior School

Junior School Music

Date: Venue: Details:

Prep and Year 1 Reading and Writing Together

Friends of Cycling – SOCKS

Years 4 and 5 Parent Information/ Cyber Safety Presentation Key Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA Year Level Dates Links to Flyers

Wednesday 18 March Camberwell Sports Centre More details to follow

Support Friends of Cycling with the purchase of CGS Pro-Cycling socks (Ventura brand) for the cyclist in your family. Anti-bacterial, odour resistant coolmax fabric providing moisture wicking for guaranteed comfort. Purchases available through Trybooking https://www.trybooking.com/BIPDQ or at the CGS PLUS Shop. See flyer attached here.

OCGA OCGA Events Friday

28 February

OCGA Golf Challenge 2020, Kew Golf Club, 12.00 noon


3 March

OCGA Annual General Meeting, Camberwell Room, 7.00pm

OCGA Golf Challenge 2020 All members of the CGS Community and their guests are invited to participate. Please see this flyer for further details.

Year Level Dates Year 4A Parents’ Dinner Date: Saturday 22 February Time: 7.00pm Venue: Elyros Restaurant Address: 871 Burke Road, Camberwell Cost: $73 per person, “Cretan Sharing Menu”, excluding drinks Bookings: Trybooking at https://www.trybooking.com/BIERF Year 4B Parents’ Dinner Date: Saturday 22 February Time: 7.30pm Venue: Q.P.O (upstairs room) Address: 186 High Street, Kew Bookings: TryBooking at https://www.trybooking.com/600830 Details: See attached flyer here Year 5 Coffee and Walk Date: Friday 28 February Time: 8.30am (after drop off) Venue: Meet at Elle Café Address: 1/80 Canterbury Road, Canterbury Details: Please see flyer attached here

Page 7


Headmaster Francis Forbes Society

Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship CGS and CGGS Parent Education Seminar

Middle School Friday Activities

Year 7 Lord Somers Camp Courage to Care Incursion for Year 8 Year 7 Parent Information Evening School Photos

Junior School

Junior School Music Prep and Year 1 Reading and Writing Together

Years 4 and 5 Parent Information/ Cyber Safety Presentation Key Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA Year Level Dates Links to Flyers

Year 10 Parents’ Lunch Date: Friday 28 February Time: 12.00 noon Venue: The National Hotel Address: 344 Victoria Street, Richmond RSVP: Are appreciated. Please see the attached flyer here Year 2 Coffee Morning Date: Wednesday 4 March Time: 9.45am (straight after Assembly) Venue: Town and Country Café Address: 24 Whitehorse Road, Deepdene RSVP: Monday 2 March to your Class Reps Details: Siblings welcome Year 7 Mothers’ and Sons’ Breakfast Date: Thursday 12 March Time: 7.00am – 8.00am Venue: Performing Arts Centre Foyer Address: Camberwell Grammar School RSVP: Thursday 5 March through Trybooking https://www.trybooking.com/BIFAH Details: See attached flyer here Year 1 Park Play Date: Saturday 14 March Time: 2.00pm Venue: Beckett Park Address: 27 Parring Road, Balwyn RSVP: To your Class Rep or CGS Year 1 WhatsApp Group Pre-Prep Park Day Date: Sunday 15 March Time: 2.30pm Venue: Phoenix Park Playground Address: 3 Ivanhoe Grove, Malvern East RSVP: To your Class Rep by Sunday 8 March Details: See attached flyer here Year 5 Family Dinner Date: Sunday 15 March Time: 5.00pm Venue: Matthew Flinders Hotel Address: 667 Warrigal Road, Chadstone Details: See attached flyer here Year 2 Library Book Covering Session Date: Wednesday 18 March Time: 8.40am – 10.30am Venue: Junior School Library Year 12 Coffee/Breakfast Morning Date: Friday 20 March Time: After drop off Venue: East & Co. Address: 182 Whitehorse Road, Balwyn Year 9 Parents’ Drinks Evening Date: Friday 20 March Time: TBC Venue: The home of Shaani & John Graves

Page 8


Headmaster Francis Forbes Society

Kenneth Atock Memorial Scholarship CGS and CGGS Parent Education Seminar

Middle School Friday Activities

Year 7 Lord Somers Camp Courage to Care Incursion for Year 8 Year 7 Parent Information Evening School Photos

Junior School

Junior School Music Prep and Year 1 Reading and Writing Together

Years 4 and 5 Parent Information/ Cyber Safety Presentation Key Dates Ahead

Sport Careers Calendar Support Groups OCGA Year Level Dates Links to Flyers

Page 9

Address: RSVP: Details:

19 Collings Street, Camberwell through Trybooking https://www.trybooking.com/605306 See attached flyer here

Year 7 Parent Function Date: Saturday 21 March Time: 7.00pm Venue: The Auburn Hotel Address: 85 Auburn Road, Hawthorn East RSVP: by Tuesday 10 March through Trybooking https://www.trybooking.com/BIMYP Details: See attached flyer here Year 11 Parents Soiree Date: Saturday 21 March Time: 7.30pm Venue: Home of Jane and Tim Oldham RSVP: Thursday 19 March through Trybooking https://www.trybooking.com/603147 Details: See attached flyer here

Flyers •

Parent Education Seminar - James Shone - 26 February

2020 Student Residential Address Collection Notice

New Student Card and Flexischools

Semester 1 Tennis Lessons Flyer

OCGA Golf Challenge 2020

CGS Gifts and Memorabilia 2020

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