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A Cambrian Publication

Secretarial Science and Office Management (2nd Paper)

Published by Cambrian Publication 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka Phone : 8849375-6

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2nd Publication : 1 February, 2010 Trade Mark Reg. No 96504, Class-16 Government of the people's republic of Bangladesh

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Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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Secretarial Science and Office Management (2nd Paper)

A Cambrian Publication

Higher Secondary Secretarial Science & Office Management 2nd Paper

Office Management Subject Code: 236 Lesson Plan, Question Bank Lecture Sheet & Guide

Written by

Abdus Salam

Md. Mahbubur Rahman

B.Com (Hon's), M.Com (Mgt.)

H.S.C Board Stand (8th), B.Com (Hon's), M.Com (Accounting)

Associate Professor and Head of the Department Secretarial Science & Office Management Department

Assistant Professor Secretarial Science & Office Management Department

Md. Jahangir Hossain Howlader B.Com (Hon's), M.Com (Management)

Assistant Professor Secretarial Science & Office Management Department

Md. Shahidul Islam B.Com

Md. Kabirul Islam

(Hon's), M.Com (Mgt.)

B.Com (Hon's), M.Com (Management)

Senior Lecturer Secretarial Science & Office Management Department

Lecturer Secretarial Science & Office Management Department

Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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Secretarial Science and Office Management (2nd Paper)

A Cambrian Publication

Lesson Plan, Question Bank, Lecture Sheet & Guide Secretarial Science and office Management (2nd Paper)

Office Management Subject Code: 236

Session : 2010-11 Annual Lesson Plan

Group Class Duration Total Classes Place of Subject Method of Teaching

: : : : : :

Business Studies XII 6 (Six) Months 112 Elective/Optional Lecture, Seminar & Practical

Objective: A student will learn how an office can be managed scientifically by studying this subject. The main objective of office management is to coordinate, Manage and control office, Departmentation, Recruitment, Training, Office Form, Computer Operating, Selection of Office Location, Office Layout, File Management, Office Expenses Accounts, Communication, Meeting, Agenda, Minutes, Postal Communication, Office Inspection & Report with other departments for achieving a definite goal. So students getting educated in this subject, doing all works of business firm and office will take the country to the highest peak of development.

Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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Secretarial Science and Office Management (2nd Paper)

A Cambrian Publication

Lesson Plan

Teacher's Name: _______________________ Designation: __________ Subject: Secretarial Science & Office Management (2nd Paper) Class : XII General Lession : Office Management Time : 1 Hours (Variable) Special Lession : ___________________

Level Introduction 05 minutes

Pre Discussion 10 Minutes Main Discussion 30 Minutes Final Phase 10 minutes Conclusion 5 Minutes

Function Salutation and exchange of greetings and creation of general idea about subject matter. review of previous day’s class Office and its function


Objective Making attentive in receiving lesson

Assessment of previous knowledge Giving detailed idea.

Making any difficult subject clear if there is problem to understand

Helping Materials Board & Marker

Board, Marker & Still picture Board, Marker, Projector & Still picture Board, Marker & Group work

Concluding class thanking all

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A Cambrian Publication

Syllabus for Higher Secondary Office Management Full Marks - 100 1. Office Management: Scope of office Management, Office function, Departmentation, Coordination among different departments of office, management of office personnel. 2. Office form and computer: Office form, selection of stationary products, telephone, telex, fax, intercom photocopier, duplicating machine, primary concept about computer and maintenance of office equipment. 3. Selection of office location and machinery installation: Selection of office location and layout, selection of furniture and machineries and layout and their maintenance. 4. File management: Maintenance and preservation of files, its importance, indexing, classification and method of filing. 5. Maintenance of office expense accounts: Importance maintaining office expense accounts, method of maintaining accounts. 6. Communication: Classification of communication and medium, role of secretary in communication, commercial letter as a medium of communication, method of writing commercial letter, writing method of discussion topic and minute of meeting and preservation, receiving letter and distributing method, file movement register. 7. Postal Communication: Registered letter , parcel, book post, money order, postal order, E.M.S, G.E.P, postage rate, use of telegraph, courier service. 8. Office inspection & reporting.

Higher Secondary Office Management (2nd Paper) Marks Distribution Theoretical 80 Marks Practical (Sessional) 20 Marks __________________________________ Total 100 Marks Essay Type Question: 6 Questions are to be answered

6 Ă—10 = 60

Short Question: 4 Questions are to be answered Sessional (Office Inspection and Report):

4Ă—5 = 20 20 Total 100

Questions Paper Design Policy There will be alternative (or) question to all essay type and short questions

Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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Secretarial Science and Office Management (2nd Paper)

A Cambrian Publication

Secretarial Science & Office Management (2nd Paper) Course Plan & Marks Distribution First Term Examination Class / Weekly Test 1st Weekly 2nd Weekly Revision Term Exam.

Chapter 1st 2nd

Question Bank No 1-23 1-24

Previous Lesson revision


Total Class

25 25 100

16 16 8 40


Total Class

25 25 100

20 10 6 36


Total Class

25 25

20 10 6 36

2nd Term Examination Class / Weekly Test 3rd Weekly 4th Weekly Revision Term Exam.

Chapter 3rd + 4th 5th

Question Bank No 1-12 + 1-15 1-6

Previous Lesson revision

3rd Term Examination Class / Weekly Test 5th Weekly 6th Weekly Revision Term Exam.

Chapter 6th 7 + 8th th

Question Bank No 1-24 1-11 + 1-3

Previous Lesson revision + Office Inspection & reporting

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80 + 20

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Secretarial Science and Office Management (2nd Paper)

A Cambrian Publication




Page No.

Name Question

Questions of all Chapter


Chapter 1st + 8th


1st chapter

Office Management


2nd chapter

Office Form & Computer


3rd chapter

Selection of office site & Installation of Machine


4th chapter

Filing Management


5th chapter

Office Expenditure Maintenance Accounts


6th chapter



7th chapter

Postal Communication


8th chapter

Inspection report of office (Sessional)


Bank Lecture Sheet

Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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Secretarial Science and Office Management (2nd Paper)

Question Bank First Chapter : Office Management Q) 1. What is called office? Q) 2. Discuss the function of office. Q) 3. What is called office management? Q) 4. Describe the objective of office management. Q) 5. Discuss the functions of office management. Q) 6. Discuss the importance of office management. Q) 7. Describe the scope of office management. Q) 8. What is called Departmentation of office? Q) 9. Discuss the Departmentation of office. Q) 10. What is co-ordination between various office departments? Q) 11. Discuss the co-ordination among various office departments. Q) 12. Discuss the importance or necessity of co-ordination in various departments of office. Q) 13. Who is an office manager? Q) 14. Discuss the qualities of an office personal manager. Q) 15. What is called recruitment of office personnel? Q. 16. Discuss the methods/sources of office personal recruitment. Q) 17. What is called selection of office personnel? Q) 18. Discuss the selection procedure of office personnel. Q) 19. What is called training of office personnel? Q) 20. Discuss the various methods/techniques of office personnel training. Q) 22. What is called office personnel management? Q) 23. Discuss the functions of office personnel management.

Second Chapter : Office Form and Computer Q) 1. What is office form? Q) 2. Discuss the importance/objective of office form. Q) 3. Describe the designing of office form. Q) 4. Describe the objectives of using office form. Q) 5. What is office form control? Q) 6. Write down the steps in office form control. Q) 7. Discuss the types of office form. Q) 8. What is stationery? Q) 9. Give the list of stationary goods used in office. Q) 10. What is sorting of stationary? Q) 11. Discuss the considering factors of sorting stationary. Q) 12. Write down the courtesy of using telephone. Q) 13. Discuss the application of computer in Bangladesh. Q) 14. Discuss the using or application of computer (Bangladesh and Developed countries). Q) 15. Write down the difference between Analogue and Digital Computer. Q) 16. Write down the difference between photocopier & duplicating machine. Q) 17. Write down the difference between hardware & software. Q) 18. Write down the difference between telex & fax. Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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Q) 19. What is office equipment maintenance? Q) 20. Discuss the importance of office equipment maintenance. Q) 21. Discuss the procedure of office equipment maintenance. Q) 22. What is intercom? Q) 23. What is E-mail? Q) 24. What is E-Commerce?

Third Chapter : Selection of Office Place and Machinery Installation Q) 1. What is selection of office site? Q) 2. Considering factors of modern office site selection. Q) 3. What is office layout? Q) 4. Describe the considering factors of office layout. Q) 5. What is selection of office machine? Q) 6. Describe the factors to be considered in selection of office machine. Q) 7. What is selection of furniture? Q) 8. Describe the considering factors of an office furniture layout. Q) 9. What is layout of furniture? Q) 10. Discuss the considering factors of an office furniture layout. Q) 11. What is office machine lay out/office mechanization? Q) 12. Discuss the considering factors of office machine layout.

Fourth Chapter : Filing Management Q) 1. What is called file management? Q) 2. Write down the objective of file management. Q) 3. Discuss the features and principles of good filing. Q) 4. Describe the methods of filing. Q) 5. Write down the difference between centralized and decentralized filing. Q) 6. What is indexing? Q) 7. Describe the methods of indexing. Q) 8. Write down the difference between filing and indexing. Q) 9. Why filing is called the memory of business? Q) 10. What is filing? Q) 11. Discuss the advantage of filing. Q) 12. What is card indexing? Discuss the advantages & disadvantages of it. Q) 13. Discuss the importance of record/file management. Q) 14. Discuss the principles or record preservation and record management. Q) 15. Rules of transposing units of the caption.

Fifth Chapter : Keeping Accounts of Office Expense Q) 1. What is office expenditure maintenance accounts? Q) 2. Discuss the objective of office expenditure maintenance. Q) 3. Discuss the importance/advantages of office expenditure maintenance. Q) 4. Discuss the methods of maintaining modern office expenditure. Q) 5. Write down the subsidiary register of office. Q) 6. Mathematical Solution

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Secretarial Science and Office Management (2nd Paper)

Sixth Chapter : Communication Q) 1. What is communication? Q) 2. What is business communication? Q) 3. Discuss the importance of communication. Q) 4. Describe the types of communication. Q) 5. What is formal communication? Q) 6. What is informal communication? Q) 7. Write down the difference between formal and informal communication. Q) 8. Describe the methods of communication. Q) 9. Discuss the media of communication. Q) 10. Write down the difference between written & oral communication. Q) 11. Discuss the roles of secretary on communication. Q) 12. Discuss the importance of business letter as a media of communication. Q) 13. Definition of commercial letter. Q) 14. Discuss the various parts of a business letter. Q) 15. Describe the life cycle of a letter. Q) 16. What is meeting? Q) 17. What is company meeting? Q) 18. Discuss the conditions of valid meeting. Q) 19. Show the classification of Company Meeting. Q) 20. What is agenda of meeting? Q) 21. What is a minute of meeting? Q) 22. Write down the difference between agenda and minutes. Q) 23. Discuss the considering factors of preparing minutes. Q) 24. What is file movement register.

Seventh Chapter : Postal Communication Q) 1. What is postal communication? Q) 2. What is registered letter? Discuss the Rules of registration of a letter. Q) 3. What is courier service? Discuss the rules of courier service. Q) 4. Discuss the importance of courier service. Q) 5. What is money order? Write down the rules of money order. Q) 6. Write down difference between ordinary letter & registered letter. Q) 7. What is guaranteed express post? Discuss the rules of guaranteed express post. Q) 8. What is express mail service? Q) 9. What is postal order? Discuss the rules of postal order. Q) 10. What is insured letter? Discuss the rules of insured letter. Q) 11. Describe the causes of popularity in courier service.

8th Chapter : Office Inspection and Report Q. 1. What is report? Q. 2. Write down the procedure of office inspection? Q. 3. Discuss the classification Report.

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Secretarial Science and Office Management (2nd Paper)

A Cambrian Publication

1st Chapter Office Management Teacher's Name: _______________________ Designation: __________ Subject: Secretarial Science & Office Management (2nd Paper) Class : XII General Lession : Office Management Time : 1 Hours (Variable) Special Lession : ___________________

BASIC DISCUSS Q: 1. What is office? Ans: Office means a place from where activity is done. This word ‘office’ is very profoundly used in Bangla. To manage and run economic, social, state or institutional function properly a specific place is required. Place centering which all kinds of institutional functions are executed is known as office. Some popular definitions of office is given below: 1) According to George Terry, “Office function includes functions regarding collection of information, processing, preservation and distribution.” 2) According to J.C. Denyer, “Office is such a place where all clerical functions are done.” Q) 2. Discuss the function of office. Ans: Numerous activities take place in an office. Amount of work and characteristic of all kinds of office are not same. Generally there are some such works that all officers do. The way different management specialists describe the functions of office can be divided into two main groups: a) Daily functions. b) Administrative functions. a.

Daily functions: 1. Preparing routine. 2. Information collection and preservation 3. Filing Information 4. Processing information 5. Communication 6. Accounts 7. Stationary 8. Campaign and advertisement

b. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Administrative functions Determination of aims and objectives. Planning and co-ordination Recruitment and appointment of personnel Office form and control of stationary products Selection of office materials and purchase Effective mass-communication Providing employee training Concerning meeting

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A Cambrian Publication

Q) 3. What is called office management? Ans: Office is the nerve centre of any firm. Executing all office function smoothly and easily is called office management. Office management is the collection of works that are to be done for executing functions regarding office of the firm. Here are some popular definitions of office management: • According to George R. Terry, “Policy making and planning for achieving objectives determined before and controlling of office organization and employees for implementing them is called office management.” • According to B.N. Tandon, “Techniques of controlling office for achieving main aims and objectives of office is called office management.” Q) 4. Describe the objective of office management. Ans: Office management is the function of planning, coordination and inspiration for smooth use of employee effort to accomplish predetermined objectives of office. Office management is a part of over all arrangement. So objective of office management is very profound like the objective of management. The main objective of management is the proper co-ordination, among different departments or sections, control, organization and giving direction for accomplishing aims and objectives of firm. 1) Information collection. 2) Data/Information processing. 3) Preservation of information. 4) Supplying information. 5) Departmentation. 6) Coordination. 7) Giving motivation. 8) Control

9) Achieving economy. 10) Distribution of responsibilities. 11) Observation of work. 12) Assessing result. 13) Effective administration. 14) Identifying problems and solution. 15) Selection of office location. 16) Selection, arrangement and preservation of machineries. 17) Communication.

Q) 5. Discuss the functions of office management. Ans: Office is the life centre of a firm. In modern business firm the importance of function of office is as much as the importance of the brain for human body. Proper management of office means over all management of a firm. Any function of an office is the function of office management. So function of office management is very profound. For achieving the main objective and keeping momentum what the office management has to do are as follows: 1. Planning 2. Making organizational structure 3. Employing personnel 4. Asset unification/mobilization 5. Supervision 6. Departmentation 7. Coordination 8. Giving motivation

9. Control 10. Advanced communication 11. Distribution of duties and responsibilities 12. Advance filing and indexing 13. Providing training to personnel 14. Office layout 15. Office location layout.

Q) 6. Discuss the importance of office management. Ans: Importance of office management is profound. Relationship between business and office just like the relationship between watch and spring inside watch. A skilled

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management is essential for an office. For obtaining expected objective of firm planning, making policy, giving order, coordination and implementation of them are directly related with office management. So office management plays important role in achieving main aims and objectives of firm. Importance and necessity of office management is discussed below: 1. Determining objective 2. Determining policy 3. Planning 4. Making organizational structure 5. Information collection and analysis 6. Information collection and preservation 7. Office Departmentation

8. Coordination 9. Distribution of duties and responsibilities 10. Control 11. Giving motivation 12. Keeping accounts 13. Collecting materials 14. Worker management relationship 15. Work environment

Q) 7. Describe the scope of office management. Ans: Office management is a part of the whole management. Scope of office management is very wide. Office management includes skilled and proper execution of all official functions. Office management includes all matters relating to policy implementation for achieving aims and objectives of the firm. Scope of office management has been presented in a chart below. Scope of office management

Administrative a) Determining Aims and assumption. b) Planning. c) Organizational functions. f) Departmentation. d) Giving order e) Co-ordination f) Motivational function. g) Imposing control

Communication a) Verbal communication b) Written communication c) Postal Communication d) Modern communication

Record Management

Regarding Accounts

a) Record management. b) Asset preservation. c) Stationary. d) Filing. e) Receiving letter and dispatching. f) File movement Register

a) Regarding accounts b) Budgeting c) Keeping accounts d) Accounts analysis e) Expense control.

Q) 8. What is departmentation of office? Ans: Departmentation means dividing. In general sense the process by which different works of a firm is divided based on different characteristic is called departmentation. Process of dividing office function into different departments according to their type is called office departmentation. Here are some popular definitions of office departmentalization: • According to S.P. Aurora, “Departmentalization is such a process by which a firm’s functions are divided into different departments based on homogenesis.” • According to R.M Hodgetts, “Departmentalization is orderly division or arrangement of work which is executed by employees.”

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Q) 9. Discuss the basis of office departmentation. Ans: Dividing modern office function is very essential. Function of vast firm is divided into departments according to their type for easy completion of work.. This kind of division plays effective role from running the firm to time motivation and control. Matters that are considered during departmentation are called basis of departmentation. All management specialist hold the basis of departmentalization from their point of view and almost all of them spoke of nearly the same basis. Common basis of departmentalization that are found by analyzing the mentioned divisions are as follows. 1. Number based departmentation. 2. Work based departmentation. 3. Product or service based departmentation 4. Matrix or mixed departmentation 5. Time based departmentation 6. Client or customer based departmentation

7. Purpose based departmentation 8. Employee based departmentation 9. Process or machinery based departmentation 10. Merit based departmentation 11. Office machine based departmentaion.

Q) 10. What is co-ordination between various office departments? Ans: Co-ordination among office departments means such a process where executive authority creates disciplined and orderly pattern among the efforts of personnel under him and brings harmony and balance among works. Some popular definitions are given below: • According to G.R Terry, “Coordination is balanced amount of contemporary allot, result of time and instruction which brings unity of work and helps the work to go to the intended destination. • According to Muni and Reilly, “Coordination is such a proper arrangement of team effort, where all the works advances to a common goal in an intensive harmony.” Q) 11. Discuss the coordination between various office departments. Ans: To coordinate among office departments the executive of an office has to follow these methods / processes: 1. Making objective clear 2. Easy organizational method 3. Balanced planning 4. Well planned communication 5. Regular meeting of executives 6. Leadership and supervision

7. Forming coordinating committee 8. Appointing co-ordination officer 9. Mutual co-operation 10. Inter-departmental relationship 11. Bringing balance. 12. Influencing psychology

Q) 12. Discuss the importance or necessity of co-ordination in various departments of office. Ans: Importance or necessity of coordination different departments of office is discussed below. 9. Reduction of expense and increase of profit. 1. Creation of balance 10. Creation of better work environment. 2. Creation of equity 11. Unity of personnel and material. 3. Advantage of specialization 12. Full implementation of work. 4. Establishing integration 13. Help in the works of management. 5. Increasing speed. 14. United effort. 6. Removal of disagreement. 15. Departmentation. 7. Increase of skill. 8. Development of morale. Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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Q) 13. Who is as office manager? Ans: People who are engaged for execution and supervision of all works of office are called office personnel. And the person who is engaged as the director or guide of all the personnel of office is office manager. In other words, to achieve the intended right aims and objects of a firm different functions are executed in every office. And to run and control them successfully the person carries out duty as the executive is called office manager. Some popular definitions of office manager in given below: • According to B.N tendon, “The person who is entrusted with the work of managing the office is called office manager.” Q) 14. Discus the qualities of an office personal manger. Ans: At the presented competitive world the work of worker management is very complicated and risky. To accomplish this work successfully a shield office worker is required. Managerial specialist Briggs say “ A good skilled manager must be a organizer, a controller, a diplomat, a countess hearer , a friend and above all a student of human psychology and philosophy.” Former dean of Dhaka university commerce faculty late professor Dr. Habibullah to mention the qualities of a good office manager coined a word in his essay called “CRICKET” it means:-C=careful R= Rational I= Innovative C= Creative K= Knowledge E= Experienced T= Tactful Qualities of an office worker manager is discussed below: 1. Suitable education. 2. Suitable training 3. General knowledge 4. Ability to acquire knowledge 5. Ability of conferring authority. 6. Organizational capacity. 7. Administrative skill and authority. 8. Ability to lead.

9. Ability to take decision. 10. Knowledge about law. 11. Experience. 12. Confidence. 13. Self-control. 14. Consistency in word and deed. 15. Personal qualities.

15) Q. What is recruitment of office personnel? Ans: Recruitment of personnel: To implement a plan and objective competent and honest worker is required. Competence and honest worker can run function of a firm properly. Simply recruitment of office personnel means finding out personnel. Recruitment of office personnel process is extended from collection of requisition of personnel from different departments; to fixation of source in consideration of the said personnel; giving necessary circular according to source and encouraging probable job seekers to apply by creating interest among them. Recruitment of office personnel is the most important work of personnel management. Some definition of recruitment of office personnel are given below: • According to B.N Tandon “ Selecting appropriate person for appropriate place is called recruitment of office personnel.” • According to Griffin: “Encouraging competent persons to apply for job in cal recruitment of office personal.” Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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16) Q. Discuss the methods/sources of office personnel recruitment. Ans: One of the main responsibilities of personnel management is to recruit personnel. This type of management recruits personnel from different sources for recruiting executives and personnel of different levels of the firm. Different methods/sources for different jobs may be considered fit. Generally personnel are recruited from two sources: a) Internal source. b) External source. a) Internal Source: 1) Promotion. 2) Recommendation of trade union. 3) Recommendation of employed personnel. 4) Transfer or demotion. 5) Giving confirmation.

b) External source: 1) Invitation of application. 2) Advertisement. 3) Educational institution. 4) Training. 5) Personnel investment organization. 6) Internet. 7) Former personnel.

17) Q. What is called selection of office personnel? Ans: Next step of personnel recruitment is the selection of personnel. Immediately after personnel recruitment selection process is started. Of course personnel selection not only means selection of new personnel but also means promotion of old personnel, demotion, transfer, suspension etc. In general sense, process by which competent personnel is selected is called selection of personnel. Some popular definition of personnel selection are given below: • According to R.M Hodgetts, “Selection is such a process by which a firm selects most competent persons for a specific post from applicants.” • According to C.B Gupta, “Selection of personnel involves the function of selecting appropriate applicant from applicants for filling up vacant posts.” Q) 18. Discuss the selection procedure of office personnel. Ans: Procedure or stages of personnel selection is discussed below: 1. Preliminary Interview. 2. Application. 3. Selection interview. 4. Personal inquiry. 5. Intelligence assessment. 6. Competence assessment. 7. Assessment through appointing in work. 8. Recognition by departmental head.

9. Health examination. 10. Collecting confidential information. 11. Final decision of selection. 12. Giving appointment. 13. Joining report. 14. Temporary appointment. 15. Confirmation of appointment.

Q) 19. What is called training of office personnel? Ans: Man does not born with skill in any wonk. He cannot suddenly establish himself as a good worker easily. He is to acquire knowledge about definite work and learn by hand. Here are some popular definitions of office personnel training: • According to Jucious, “Process of increasing skill, ability, aptitude for work of personnel to execute any work is training.” • According to R.M. Hodgetts, Training in a process of improving attitude and behaviour of personnel so that possibility of reaching goal increases.”

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Q) 20. Discuss the importance of training. Ans: In this present world the importance and necessity of training is incomparable for progress of industry and business. In the present world there are such works in commerce or industry that are very difficult to understand for common people. For this, role of training is very significant. Besides this, training is very effective for increasing work skill of new and old personnel. Importance of training is given below. 1. Introduction with work 2. Effective Instruction. 3. Increase of work skill. 4. Increase of management skill. 5. Increase of personnel’s morale. 6. Creation of responsibility. 7. Development of human relationship. 8. Easy supervision.

9. Proper use of machines. 10. Execution of complex work. 11. Reduction of indirect expense. 12. Development of newer thoughts. 13. Reduction of magnitude of accident and loss. 14. Labour cycle and reduction of labour unrest. 15. Coordination.

Q) 21. Discuss the various methods/techniques of office personnel training. Ans: To implement a firm’s aims and objectives, personnel are appointed in every level of office organization. Training is necessary so that keeping the main objective in hand the office personnel can show more skill and ability. Be it small or large, every firm adopts different methods to train their personnel. Whatever training method is adopted the objective is to give the personnel effective training. Koontz and Weihrich have given two ideas about training: a) Training through work. b) Training outside work b) Training outside work a) Training through work. 1) Organizational Training. 1) Introductory training. 2) Seminar system. 2) Training by hand. 3) Incident review method. 3) Probation. 4) Workshop. 4) Observation method. 5) Discussion meeting. 5) Exhibition. 6) Professional meeting. 6) Apprenticeship. 7) Coaching method. 7) Training through committee. Q) 22. What is office personnel management? Ans: Different firms and persons gave definitions of management. Some are given below: • According to E.F.L Breach, “Employee management is a part of management method concerned with human materials of an organization.” • According to M.J. Jucious, “Personnel management is a side of management which organizes and controls use of work force, preservation, development and planning regarding procurement.” Q) 23. Discuss the function of office personnel management. Ans: Function of personnel management can be viewed from two perspectives. Firstly managerial function and secondly operative work. These are briefly discussed below: a) Managerial functions: 1. Planning. 2. Organizing. 3. Conducting. 4. Control. b) Operative function: 1. Procurement and selection of personnel.

2. Training and development. 3. Promotion and transfer. 4. Suspension, retrenchment etc. 5. Preserving proper environment of work. 6. Protecting personnel from hazards. 7. Justifiable salary and allowance of personnel.

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2nd Chapter Office Form and Computer Teacher's Name: _______________________ Designation: __________ Subject: Secretarial Science & Office Management (2nd Paper) Class : XII General Lesion : Office form and Computer Time : 1 Hours (Variable) Special Lesson : ___________________

Basic Discuss Q) 1. What is called office form? Ans: Office form is a special document used in office. Office form is a continuous statement of daily work or guideline which used as document in future necessity. Documents and materials that plays direct role to speed up functions of each firm among them office firm is one of the main. A imaginational diagram of office form is presented below. Cash Memo/Bill

Mrs. Al-Sahaf Traders 204, Sabgram, Bogra, Mob: 01710750695

Sl. No. 571 Date:.............................. Name :........................................................................................................................... Address :.............................................................. Ph./Mob:......................................... Total Tk. Sl. No. Particular Quantity Rate per unit Tk. Paisa In Word (.................................................) Total Tk. Signature of Purchaser

Signature of Seller

Some popular definitions of office are given below: • According to J.C Denyer, “Office form is a length of printed paper or card where information is written against specific heads.” • According to S.P Aurora,” Office form is a printed paper where there is space for writing record, information instruction which will be supplied to other person, department or among firms.”

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Secretarial Science and Office Management (2nd Paper)

Q) 2. Discuss the importance/objective of office form. Ans: Office form is considered as a special helping tool for fast and proper completion of office function. In execution of organizational work different kinds of information is required everyday. To make writing of all kinds of necessary information easy and fast different kinds of forms and cards have been introduced. Maximum use of time is ensured in use of form and card. Though some mechanistic feature appears when office form is used, the following benefits are obtained: 1. Fast completion of work. 2. Mention of required matters. 3. Information collection. 4. Analysis of information. 5. Correctness. 6. Creation of discipline. 7. Guideline of work. 8. Evidence.

9. Personnel skill. 10. Work quality. 11. Minimum expense. 12. Confidentiality. 13. Increase of reputation. 14. Control. 15. Area of responsibility.

Q. 3. Describe the designing the office form. Ans: To ensure maximum benefit of form, office must prepare design and structure according to a plan. Before designing a form the following matters are to be considered. 9. Free form mistakes 1. Objective. 10. Appropriate size 2. Proper planning 11. Form size 3. Use of heads 12. Avoiding complexity 4. Work type 13. Attractive printing 5. Mention of subject matter 14. Paper quality 6. Presentation of relevant subject 15. Low expense 7. Presentation in table 16. Determining appropriate type and amount 8. Scope for mentioning additional 17. Making hole in the left margin information A imaginational diagram of office form is presented below.

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Sl. No. Admit Card Date:......................... Name : ................................................................... Roll/ID...................................... Class : ................................... Section : ..................... Session :............................. Principal Exam. Controller Q. 4. Describe the objectives of using office form. Ans: Purposes of using form in a firm are given below: 5. Easy preservation 1. Establishment of Discipline in Office 6. Used as proof 2. Expected use of labour and time 3. Establishment of flawless and continuous 7. Easy information collection 8. Establishment of effective control trend of work 4. Keeping proper standard of work

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Q) 5. What is office form control? Ans: As office form bears the identity of a firm, its indiscriminate use could be harmful for the firm. To execute daily official function in the modern world different kinds of form is used. These forms are prepared against different heads as per different type of functions. For example: purchase form, sale form, production form, cash memo, order book, admission form, voucher etc. Some popular definitions are given below: • According to J.P. Bose, “For proper forms control the post of a forms control officer may be created. The officer may have his own staff.” • According to B.N. Tandon, “Preparing different office forms according to importance of different office works, it is essential to control office form to get the maximum benefit.” Q) 6. Write down the steps in office form control. Ans: Steps generally taken by form controller or appointed person engaged in firm to control form are as follows: 7. Establishment of form standard. 1. Preparing form list. 8. Execution of printing work. 2. Determining area of form control. 9. Following routine. 3. Determining demand. 10. Re-production. 4. Preservation of necessary register. 11. Serial Number. 5. Movement analysis of form use. 12. Seal & Signature. 6. Launching new form. Q) 7. Discuss the types of office form. Ans: 1. Attendance Book 2. Peon Book 3. Voucher 4. Office Pad 5. Invoice 6. Bill form 7. File Sheet 8. Note Sheet

9. Acknowledgement letter 10. Delivery form 11. Indenture 12. Debit Credit note 13. Different kinds of envelops 14. Office memo form 15. Different kinds of cards

Q) 8. What is stationery? Ans: Generally office stationary means daily essential things used in office works. Cheap daily essentials used in office work are called office stationary. Office stationary is a very essential thing without which office work can not be done smoothly and properly. Besides office stationary is one of the things used to keep office work going fast. Stationary means different kinds of things used in office. Every office uses various kinds of small things in executing works. These small things are collectively called stationary. According to nature two types of stationeries are used in each firm. For example: Stationary made of papers like envelop, cash book, attendance book, invoice, receipt etc and other stationary products like: ink, pen, rubber, stapler, flower vase etc. make office work easy and speedy. Some popular definitions of stationeries are as follows: • According to P.H. Collin, “Stationary means office supplies for writing such as paper, carbon, pens etc.” • According to Prof. M.C. Petter, “Small things used in daily office works in called stationary.”

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Q) 9. Give the list of stationary goods used in offices. Ans: Various stationary goods are necessary for running office. Procuring these from different sources office manager supplies them regularly to different department of office. As a result function of office is executed properly. List of different stationeries used in different offices are presented here in a table. Stationary Goods

Paper Stationeries

Pen and Ink

Stationeries used in table

Other Stationary Products

Stationeries regarding files

Regarding Shorthand and type

Stationeries Regarding post

Stationaries Regarding books Miscellaneous

1. Papers of different colours, size, type and quality. 2. Files 3. Type paper 4. Duplicating paper 5. Carbon paper 6. Cash book

7. Cash memo, voucher 8. Different kinds of envelops 9. Note and attendance book 10. Peon Book 11. Office memo 12. Various kinds of stationeries with register book

Q) 10. What is sorting of stationery? Ans: Stationary products is the collection of different products used in office work. Successful use of which keeps work of an office running. In running of office different stationery products are necessary all the time. Above all it could be said that controller of stationary should always keep an eye so that all kinds of stationeries are at hand all the time. Otherwise due to deficit of stationary products even a big firm may incur loss. So officer engaged in this job has to select stationery with honesty and dedication. Good quality stationery increases standard, beauty and speed of office work. Q) 11. Discuss the considering factors of sorting stationary. Ans: Stationary is like life blood of a firm. Stationary products play effective role in proper execution of daily official works. Selection of correct stationery for the correct work at a specified time is very significant and difficult. So to do this work, things to be considered are as follows: 11. Easy use 6. Availability 1. Nature of work 12. Increase of office status 7. Price 2. Financial capacity 13. Communication 8. Quantity 3. Budget 14. Environment friendly 9. Introduction 4. Durability 10. Employee expectation 5. Quality

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Q) 12. Write down the courtesy of using telephone. Q) 13. Discuss the importance of computer. Ans: Importance of computer in modern age is endless. Modern civilization and computer cannot be thought of separately. Specialties for which computer is playing important role in modern age are flawless function, speed, memory, automatic, tolerance etc. Computer has brought revolutionary change in training, business and administration. Computer has opened new horizon in education, research, science, engineering, medicine, communication etc. Importance of computer is discussed below: 9. Stock exchange 10. In work field 11. Graphics and design 12. Sports 13. In curbing crime 14. Earning foreign exchange

1. Accurate execution of work 2. Automatic working capacity 3. Reduction of labour 4. Education sector 5. In health sector 6. Publishing industry 7. Bank 8. Insurance and financial firm

15. In scientific research

Q) 14. Discuss the application of computer (Bangladesh and developed countries). Ans: Significance of computer in the modern world is endless. Modern age and computer cannot be thought of separately. Specialities for which computer plays important role are accurate execution of work, fastness, memory, automatic working capacity, tolerance etc. as a result doing more works in short time is possible side by side obtaining good. At present beginning from daily life to social, state and religious life computer is used in every sector so profoundly that it cannot be expressed in words. There is no sector where there is no use of computer. This profound use of computer can be divided into these following sectors: a) Data processing, b) control, c) design and development, d) data communication, e) multimedia etc. a) Data processing 1) Pay role 2) Keeping accounts of sale and stock 3) Word processing. 4) Insurance 5) Stock exchange 6) Medical science

b) Control 1) Process control in industry. 2) Control of production. 3) Electricity production center

c) Design and development 1) Project management 2) Computer aided design

d) Data Communication. 1) Internet 2) E-mail 3) E-commerce 4) Telephone 5) Sending Fax 6) Bank

e) Multimedia 1) Entertainment 2) Publication 3) Education sector

Q) 15. Write down the difference between Analogue and Digital Computer. Ans: Analogue Computer: Analogue came from the word ‘analogy’. Analogue means similarity. Computer that expresses through meter or hand using electricity is called analogue computer. For example: Speed meter of motor car. Digital Computer: Digital came from the word ‘digit’. Digit means number. Computer that is run based on mathematical principal, gives accurate and flawless result through letter, number, sign, code etc. is digital computer. Difference between analogue and digital computer is mentioned below: Subject of Difference 1. Definition 2. Origin 3. Kinds 4. Convention 5. Technology

6. Use 7. Result 8. Speed 9. Working capacity 10. Display 11. Acceptability

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12. Code 13. Subtlety 14. Input

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Q) 16. Write down the difference between photocopier & duplicating machine. Ans: Photocopier: Machine by which any letter, documents, picture can be copied exactly is called photocopier. Duplicating machine: Machine by which typed letters, writing or computer compose can be duplicated is called duplicating machine. Difference between photocopier and duplicating machine are mentioned below: 8. Size of copy 4. Use of ink Subject of Difference 9. Method of making copy 5. Number 1. Definition 10. Standard of copy 6. Use of Power 2. Kinds 11. Use 7. True copy of main copy 3. Speed Q) 17. Write down the difference between hardware & software. Ans: Hardware: All physical parts, devices of a computer are called hardware together, i.e. that is external structure of computer is hardware which we can touched. For example: Disk drive, key-board, mouse, monitor, printer etc. Hardwares are mainly of 3 kinds: For example: a) Input, b) C.P.U, c) Output. Software: Disciplined and continuously arranged set of rules that instructs computer as to how a computer will work or what a computer does by a set of rules is called software. Software is mainly of two kinds: For example: a) System software, b) Application software. Difference of system software and hardware are given below: 12. Dependence 6. Identity Difference of Subject 13. Structure 7. Manufacture 1. Definition 14. copy 8. Example 2. Work 15. Level 9. Inter connection 3. Price 10. Existence 4. Kinds 11. Control 5. Skill Q) 18. Write down the difference between telex & fax. Ans: Telex: The machine using which typing specific numbers news is sent from one place to another is called telex machine. Fax: The machine using which typing specific numbers exact copy any information, data, picture, copy can be sent from one place to another is called fax machine. Difference of telex and fax machine is given below: 12. Operator 6. Control Difference of Subject 13. Price 7. Sending expense 1. Defination 14. Medium 8. Infromation storage 2. Invention 15. Use. 9. Method of sending news 3. User 10. Replay 4. Objective 11. Language 5. Size Q) 19. What is office equipment maintenance? Ans: Equipments used in offices today are of two kinds, for example: 1) Furniture: like chair, table, almirah, rack etc. 2) Machineries; like phone, fax, internet, intercom, photocopier etc.

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According to P.H. Collin, “Equipments are machineries and furniture used in factory or office.” Preservation of all kinds of equipments used in office is a very important matter. Quality and success of work depend to a great extent on proper and correct preservation of equipments. So it could be said that to maintain continuity of all office works and to increase pace of work the method of proper preservation of equipment in called preservation of office equipment maintenance.

Q) 20. Discus the importance of office equipment maintenance. Ans. Office is like life of a firm. Importance of office equipment is immense in running daily office work. Different kinds of equipments have to be used to run an office. It is essential to preserve these equipments. Importance of office equipment maintenance is discussed below: 8) Production expense, Difference of Subject 9) Reduction of accidents, 1) Proper use, 10) Continuity of work, 2) Reduction of damage risk, 11) Development of work standard, 3) Replacement, 12) Best utility, 4) Increase of longevity, 13) Increase of work skill, 5) Preventing financial loss, 14) Interruption in work, 6) Easy instructions, 15) Increase of reputation. 7) Correct coordination, Q. 21) Discuss the procedure of office equipment maintenance. Ans. Office equipment is very important in any firm. There are a lot of methods of maintaining office equipments. Durability of machines depends on proper maintenance. Method of maintaining office equipment in discussed below: 8. Management Difference of Subject 9. Use of cover 1. Dedicated department 10. Brushing 2. Experienced operator 11. Use of oil 3. Regular use 12. Sifting of equipments 4. Cleanliness 13. Use of desk 5. Fast repair 14. Flat place 6. Open environment 15. Single handed management 7. Proper servicing Q) 22. What is intercom? Q) 23. What is E-mail? Q) 24. What is E-Commerce? Ans: When business is conducted through internet it is called ecommerce. Ecommerce is such an interest arousing name in the world that it means that a business firm is not confined to an area, district or country rather it is extended throughout the world. The whole world is a market. All the business magnets in the world are taking this advantage of ecommerce. So demand of ecommerce professionals is also at its peak. Some definitions of e-commerce are given below: 1) “Everything you need to know about doing business on the internet is called ecommerce.” 2) “The process of buying or selling a product or service over an electronic network is called e-commerce.”

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3rd Chapter Selection of Office Place and Machinery Installation Teacher's Name: _______________________ Designation: __________ Subject: Secretarial Science & Office Management (2nd Paper) Class : XII General Lession : Selection of Office Place and Machinery Installation Time : 1 Hours (Variable) Special Lession : _________________

Basic Discuss Q) 1. What is selection of office site? Ans: Office is such a fixed place or room with wall surrounding it from where officers and personnel plan and implement all functions of office. For this, selection of site for any firm is an important work for which some facilities should be considered. Selection of office site means fixing permanent place for execution of office function. One of the three main parts of planning regarding office management is the planning of selecting site of office. Selecting appropriate site of office for increasing reputation and maintaining existence is recognized as a basic function. Process by which a favourable site is selected for accomplishing aims and objectives of a firm and management of officers and personnel and easy control is called selection of office site. Some popular definitions of selection of office site are given below: •

According to Prof. M.C. Shukla, “Fixing place for office considering working environment, easy communication, safety guarantee and other favourable conditions for the personnel is called selection of office place.”

According to Prof. Shaesta Khan, “Determining as to what will be the maximum expected location and area for office is called selection of office site.”

Q) 2. Considering factors of modern office site selection. Ans: A complex function of office management is the selection of good place for office. Because in an office site there should excellent communication system, healthy environment and above all it should be attractive to personnel and others. Office is the life centre of a firm. So the work of selecting office site is recognized as a complex work of office management. To make this work effective the following matters are to be considered. 8) Availability of manpower Difference of Subject 9) Safety 1) Excellent communication. 10) Financial firm 2) Availability of transport 11) Favourable climate 3) Ideal location 12) Nearness of service providing institution 4) Enough space 13) Healthy Environment 5) Low expense: 14) Location of factory 6) Nearness of similar industry 15) Nature and ability of firm 7) Nearness of market

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Q) 3. What is office layout? Ans: Office lay out means decoration or arrangement of office; it means arrangement and decoration of departments and its instruments under an office in such a way so that office work can be run easily and comfortably. Process by which a favourable, expected environment is created to ensure easy movement of personnel, to ensure maximum use of available space by installing furniture, machineries used in different departments of office according to type, nature and importance of work is called office layout. In easy language arranging all elements and materials used in office and departments is called office layout. Some popular definitions of office layout are given below. •

According to C.B. Gupta, “Orderly arrangement and installation of personnel, equipment and furniture under each department and selection of office for maximum utilization of available space is called office lay out.”

According to G.R. Terry, “Office lay out is the arrangement of visible elements in such a way so that the best result could be obtained from each element and skilful and attractive co-ordination could be made among these elements.”

Q) 4. Describe the considering factors of office layout. Ans: Office layout means interior decoration of office. For easy and undisturbed execution of function of office personnel, arrangement and decoration of furniture and machineries in office is essential: 8. Movement Difference of Subject 9. Toilet facility 1. Maximum use of space 10. Preservation of files 2. Determining correct method 11. Important machineries 3. Consideration of departments 12. Arrangement of expansion 4. Location of departmental heads 13. Free from external influence 5. Reception 14. Cleanliness and healthy environment 6. Location of office personnel 15. Canteen and other facilities 7. Confidentiality Q) 5. What is selection of office machine? Ans: The aim of modern office is to perform more work within short time. Use of machine increases pace of office. Process by which the best quality machine could be selected is called the selection of office machine. Various kinds of machines have taken the place of manual labour. Selection of machine for office is a process through which overall arrangement for procurement of necessary machines of an office is taken in specified time. Some popular definitions of selection of office machines are given below: •

According to J.P. Bose, “Use of machines is a common characteristic of modern age. Machines are used in production in factory, in agriculture, household work and in offices.”

Q) 6. Describe the factors to be considered in selection of office machine. Ans: Nowadays machines are widely used in bringing pace in office work by lessening manual labour. So use of machine in execution of office function is an important matter. But which work will require which type of machine depends on some matters that are known as considering policy of selection of office machine.

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Difference of Subject 1) Financial condition of firm. 2) Expense of machine. 3) Standardization. 4) Durability. 5) Benefit.

6) Field of application. 7) Multiuse. 8) Availability. 9) Personnel support. 10) Job nature and amount.

11) Repair. 12) Operating advantage. 13) Advanced Brand. 14) Expense analysis. 15) Sufficiency.

Q) 7. What is selection of office furniture? Ans: Furniture is one of the elements that are imperative for proper execution of office work. Furniture means different essential things used in office like chair, table, desk etc. Adopting appropriate plan and arrangement of its implementation for supply of appropriate furniture considering different designations, nature of work, place for office use etc. for different level and departments in an office is called selection of office furniture. Popular definitions of selection of office furniture are given below: •

According to S.P. Arora, “An essential part of appropriate environment where office personnel work”. It is such a kind of facility where personnel identifies himself separately. Quality furniture gives maximum comfortable to personnel and reduces tiredness and health hazard.”

Q.8. Describe the considering factors in selecting furniture. Ans: Furniture is an essential element for office and may be of various kinds depending on designation and importance. Beautiful. comfortable and durable furniture is one of the way to give mental peace to every office personnel. Thing that are to be considered in selecting furniture are discussed below: 11) Safety. 5) Durability. Difference of Subject 12) Risk of damage. 6) Quality. 1) Nature of firm. 13) Design. 7) Size and area. 2) Consideration of organizational 14) Multilateral use. 8) Comfortableness. capacity. 15) Consideration of 9) Modernity. 3) Determining demand. rival office. 10) Saving labour. 4) Proper use of space. Q) 9. What is layout of furniture? Ans: Layout of furniture is such a process by which furniture used in office is arranged beautifully, neatly and charmingly at a safe distance in the allotted space considering designation of personnel. Q. 10) Discuss the considering factors of an office furniture layout. Ans: Furniture layout inside office is an important work of office management. So to execute this work property a definite plan is required. Main objective of office is hampered if furniture is not arranged appropriately. Arrangement of furniture is a complex matter. So before arrangement of furniture special care should be taken in the following matters: 11. Increase of beauty. 5. Shelf and almirah. Difference of Subject 12. Separate arrangement. 1) Internal movement convenience. 6. Office equipments. 13. Sufficient space. 7. Control of outsiders. 2. Good use of available space. 14. Continuity of work 8. Health friendly. 3. Avoidance of unnecessary 9. Confidentiality. discussion. 10. Designation. 4. Supervision. Q. 11) What is office machine lay-out office mechanization?

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Q) 12. Discuss the considering factors of an office machine layout. Ans: Blessing of mechanized civilization has made today’s office speedy and dynamic. In modern offices different kinds of labour saving devices are being used. In execution of office function, side by side selecting machine, they are to be arranged in specific places. Because skill and speed of office function depends much on office machine layout. But if they are not arranged properly then objective of procurement of such kind of machine may not be accomplished. So machine layout is essential for making office work speedy and profitable. For this, things to be considered for an effective office machine layout is discussed below: Difference of Subject 1) Firm type. 2) Number and quality of office personnel. 3) Office location. 4) Office room type. 5) Machineries used.

6) Financial condition. 7) Necessity of internal movement. 8) Supervision. 9) Coordination. 10) Favourable environment.

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11) Safety. 12) Price of machine. 13) Confidentiality. 14) Consistency of work. 15) Shift.

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4th Chapter Filing Management Teacher's Name: _______________________ Designation: __________ Subject: Secretarial Science & Office Management (2nd Paper) Class : XII General Lession : Filing Management Time : 1 Hours (Variable) Special Lession : _________________

Basic Discuss Q) 1. What is file management? Ans: Some popular definitions of filing management are given below: •

According to S.P. Arora, “Records management is in its broadest sense concerns itself with records creation distribution maintenance, retention, preservation and disposal.”

According to Herbert Hoover, “A business decision is only as good as the facts on which it is based on records.”

Q) 2. Write down the objective of file management. Ans: Filing is one of the most important weapons of file management and preservation in modern office. The main objective of office management of a firm is to achieve its goal. No management can execute its work skilfully if it can not preserve its important official papers, deeds, documents, letters etc. Objective of filing management and preservation is discussed below: 8) Increase of pace. Difference of Subject 9) Taking easy decision. 1) Accomplishment of firm’s objective. 10) Planning. 2) Preservation of papers on progress. 11) Flawless and fast execution of work. 3) Identification of real condition. 12) Settlement of dispute. 4) Checking mistake and wastage. 13) Maintaining discipline. 5) Disposal of unnecessary file. 14) Reformation. 6) Comparative analysis. 15) Proof 7) Use as clue. Q) 3. Discuss the features and principles of good filing. Ans: Various methods of filing exist at present. Same method of filing is not equally effective for all offices. So different firms use convenient filing system according to their

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need. Whatever method is used for filing an ideal filing method should have some quality or characteristics or principles which are as follows: 12. Acceptability. 6. Speed. Difference of Subject 13. Use of reference. 7. Safety. 1. Simplicity. 14. Use of modern equipments. 8. Economy. 2. Easy identification. 9. File preservation. 15. Issuing out order 3. Intensiveness. 10. Classification. 4. Easy availability. 11. Effectiveness. 5. Appropriateness. Q) 4. Describe the methods of filing. Ans: From very ancient time there are various methods of preserving important letters, deeds of office, courts and business firms. So methods of filing at present are as follows: There are mainly two filing systems at present: 1) Colloquial method; 2) Modern method; Description: i) Colloquial method: 1) Pigeon hole method. 2) Box file filing. 3) Press copy filing 4) Guard book filing 5) Wire bar filing 6) Concertina filing

(ii) Modern method 1) Manual method, a) Parallel filing b) Vertical filing c) Pilot filing d) Card board filing

e) Shannon filing f) Motored filing 2) Computerized method.

Q) 5. Write down the difference between centralized and decentralized filing. Ans: Centralized filing: preserving all documents, deeds in a centrally special place is called centralized filing. Decentralized filing: Method in which documents are preserved not in a central room but rather in each department or section is called decentralized filing. Difference seen in the methods between centralized and decentralized are as follows: 6. Speed Subject of Difference 7. Confidentiality 1. Definition 8. Sense of responsibility 2. Filing personnel 9. Skill 3. Space 10. Equality 4. Copying 5. Expense Q) 6. What is indexing? Ans: Index is a method by which files and folders are found out fast. Indexing means special method taken for finding out filed papers and documents of firm quickly. Some popular definitions of indexing given below: •

According to Shukla & Saxena, “Indexing can be described as such a method which indicates location of filed papers and documents.”

According to J.C. Denyer, “Indexing is such a method which is used as reference of filed matters.”

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Q) 7. Describe the methods of indexing. Ans: At present with the increase of files in office the importance of indexing has increased in one hand and in the other hand various methods of indexing has been invented and introduced. At present there are various kinds of indexing methods for finding out papers fast. Methods of indexing are mainly of five kinds: 2. Indexing according to vowel. 3. Card indexing: a) Open or vertical card indexing. b) Visible card indexing. 4) Strip indexing. 5) Rotary or circle indexing.

1) General indexing: a) Specific general indexing. b) Relaxed general indexing. c) Extended general indexing. d) Automatic general indexing.

Q) 8. Write down the difference between filing and indexing. Ans: Filing: Process of preserving letters, deeds-documents and valuable papers in proper order is called filing. Indexing: Method that helps to find filed letters and deed-documents is called indexing. Difference between filing and indexing is given below: Subject of Difference 1. Definition 2. Origin 3. Objective 4. Importance

5. Effectiveness 6. Necessity 7. Scope 8. Execution of work 9. Expense

10. Level 11. Basis 12. Mutual Relationship 13. Space

Q) 9. Why filing is called the memory of business? Q) 10. What is filing? Ans: Filing is an important technique of office management. Special method by which letters and documents are preserved is called filing. Everyday numerous letters are exchanged in business firm or office. They are to be preserved for future necessity. Special method by which files are preserved in orderly manner and scientifically is known as filing. Some popular definitions of filing are given below: •

According to J.C. Denyer, “Filing is the method of arranging and preserving documents so that at the time of necessity these could be found easily.”

According to B.N. Tandon, “Preserving all information, letters, documents, statement etc. scientifically for meeting future necessity is called filing.”

Q) 11. Discuss the advantage of filing. Ans: In modern office management filing is a very important technique. Preservation and management of file is one of the functions that are done by office management. Proper scientific method filing increases reputation of firm. As a result of filing concerned firm enjoys some benefits which are mentioned below: Subject of Difference 1) Safe preservation of papers. 2) Preservation of complete details. 3) Preservation of history. 4) Legal obligation. 5) Easy Access.

6) Achievement of economy. 7) Library facility. 8) Memory. 9) Market research. 10) Business evaluation. 11) Neatness.

12) Full use of space. 13) Increase of work speed. 14) Appropriate storing of files. 15) Help in law suit.

Q) 12. What is card indexing? Discuss the advantages & disadvantages of it. Q) 13. Discuss the importance of record/filing management. Q) 14. Discuss the principles or record preservation and record management. Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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5th Chapter Office Expenditure Maintenance Accounts Teacher's Name: _______________________ Designation: __________ Subject: Secretarial Science & Office Management (2nd Paper) Class : XII General Lession : Office Expenditure Maintenance Accounts Time : 1 Hours (Variable) Special Lession : _________________

Basic Discuss Q) 1. What is office expenditure maintenance accounts? Ans: Office is the life centre of a firm. The office manager spends money in different sectors to make plan and in implementation of plan. Technique and methods of writing down this expenditure in different sectors is called office expenditure maintenance accounts. According to Rishikesh Chakrabarti, “Technique of orderly writing of daily expense in accounts book for execution of daily office function is called office expenditure maintenance accounts.� Q) 2. Discuss the objective of office expenditure maintenance. Ans: Objectives of office expenditure maintenance are as follows: 1) Permanent expenditure maintenance. 2) Expense Control 3. Maintaining expenditure of cash 4. Checking/Preventing misappropriation of fund/forgery 5. Determining economic condition

6. Determining total expense 7. Help in running Office 8. Total income 9. Increase of Profit 10. Authentic documents

11. Decision making 12. Meeting urgent demand 13. Increase of work skill 14. Internal prevention system 15. Helping chief accounts officer

Q) 3. Discuss the importance/advantages of office expenditure maintenance. Ans: Office expenditure maintenance in modern office is very important. Technique of writing expenditure needed for execution of daily official works is called office expenditure maintenance. In every office there is arrangement of office expenditure maintenance for necessary expense. Importance of office expenditure maintenance is discussed below: 1) Accounts guide. 2) Control of expenditure. 3) Comparative analysis of expenditure. 4) Help in budgeting. 5) Checking misappropriation and irregularity. 6) Detecting mistakes and correction.

7) Authentic documents. 8) Avoidance of dependence on memory. 9) Flow of work. 10) Determining price of products. 11) Helping management. 12) Appropriate use of money.

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13) Debit and Credit Accounts. 14) Increase of income. 15) Tax assessment. 16) Taking decision.

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Q) 4. Discuss the methods of maintaining modern office expenditure. Ans: Different accounts are opened to run the function of office expenditure maintenance. Different accounts are written in register through voucher. To run methods of office expenditure the following accounts are opened. 1. Debit and credit accounts, 2. Ledger of expenditure, 3. Accounts of service providing firm. Q) 5. Write down the subsidiary register of office. Ans: Every firm makes different kinds of expenses in execution of daily works. Among these some are permanent expenditure and some are temporary expenses. These expenses are to be maintained for future expense. Register book is used as tool of keeping all kinds of accounts. Generally registers used for maintaining office expenditure are as follows: 1) Salary register. 2) Stock register. a) Register regarding property/land. b) Register regarding machinery. c) Others.

3. Stationary register. 4. Cheque register.

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6th Chapter Communication Teacher's Name: _______________________ Designation: __________ Subject: Secretarial Science & Office Management (2nd Paper) Class : XII General Lession : Communication Time : 1 Hours (Variable) Special Lession : _________________

Basic Discuss Q) 1. What is communication? Ans: The word communication came from Latin word “Communis” which means ‘common’ or general. Three elements are involved in communication. For example: Specific information, sender of information and recipient of information. In general sense, process by which two or more persons or group or firm exchange information is called communication. In broader sense, process by which information or feeling is exchanged in written or articulately or verbally between two or more persons is called communication. Some popular definition of communication is given below: •

According to Newman, “Technique of exchanging feeling, information and views between more than one people at any time, in any place is called communication.”

According to R.S. Daves, “Result of inter-reaction among persons of firm which is made effective by their mutual understanding is communication.”

Q) 2. What is business communication? Ans: Ans: Business communication is a part of overall communication. As man cannot do without communications in the same way business activities is not possible without communication. So communication that takes place in the business world is called business communication. To conduct various functions of business communication is to be maintained with different parties like: buyer, seller, worker, assistant business loan provider, government etc. So information exchange between two parties or more than two parties regarding business is called business communication. Production, distribution and all works subsidiary to them are included in business communication. Some popular definitions of business communication are given below: •

According to Prof. W.H. Meaning, “The exchange of ideas, news and views in connection with business among the related parties is called business communication.”

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According to Merrihue, “Business communication is the expected behaviour of sender regarding business or possible reply of recipient.”

According to Prof. G.R. Terry, “Business communication is the lubricant of running functions of management properly.”

According to Prof. J. Hust, “Business communication is the communication that takes place between two or more than two persons for running business or firm properly.”

Q) 3. Discuss the importance of communication. Ans: Man is a social being. So living in society without communication is very difficult. For this soon after birth man becomes dependent on communication. It is such a kind of process which keeps life functional all the time. It is more applicable in respect of business firm. Without proper and strong communication system no organization can complete work of management. For this communication plays important role in proper and smooth execution of function of firm management. Importance/necessity/role of communication is discussed below: 9. Development of mutual relationship 1. Information transfer 10. Development of skill and morale 2. Policy making 11. International relationship 3. Accomplishing aims and objectives 12. Creation of awareness 4. Planning and implementation 13. Help in advertisement 5. Taking decision fast 14. Extension of leadership 6. Instruction 15. Carrying out social responsibility 7. Co-ordination 8. Job satisfaction Q) 4. Describe the types of communication. Ans: There exist a direct relationship between work and personnel and personnel and between personnel and organization. This relation can be kept functional through communication. Many people of different class work in a firm and there are different departments, so communication is also of different kinds. A firm cannot run under any circumstance without communication. So management specialists have invented different models based on size, work nature, number of employee of a firm etc. Types of communication are discussed below from different points of view. 1. Communication in the sense of origin a) One way communication b) Two way communication c) Multilateral communication

2. Types in view of information flow. a) Parallel Communication b) Vertical communication i) Upward communication ii) Downward communication c) Conical communication

3. Types based on organizational environment a) Internal communication b) External communication

4. Communication based on formality. a) Formal communication b) Formal communication

5. Communication based on work a) Organizational communication b) Casual communication c) Special departmental communication d) Developmental communication

Q) 5. What is formal communication? Ans: In general sense, communication by different officers and employees inside a firm following rules for achieving aims of firms is called formal communication. In broader sense, communication that is established following rules taken by firm is called formal communication.” Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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Some definitions of formal communication are given below: • According to David H. Holt, “Formal communication is a kind of reporting relationship which is fixed by managerial structure and where instruction is given to send information.” • According to G. R. Terry, “ Formal communication follows the chain of command of formal organization.” Q) 6. What is informal communication? Ans: Activity of information exchange that is not officially approved is called informal communication. When information is exchanged between two parties without following any rules it is called informal communication. Some popular definitions regarding informal communication are given below: •

S. P. Arora, “Informal communication can be defined as the transmission of messages between members of a group on the basis of informal relation.”

David H. Holt, “Due to social and friendly relationship on the basis of personal communication, unapproved communication is called informal communication.”

Q) 7. Write down the difference between formal and informal communication. Ans: Formal communication: Communication that is established following rules formulated by the firm is called formal communication. Some call it regulated communication. Informal communication: Communication that is established between two parties without following rules of the organization they work for is called informal communication. Differences between formal and informal communications are given below: 13. Reference 7. Environment Difference 14. Distortion of information 8. Flexibility 1. Definition: 15. Preservation 9. Emotion 2. Subject 16. Worker-management relationship 10. Compulsion 3. Mistakes 17. Fear 11. Spontaneity 4. Behaviour 18. Recognition 12. Imperativeness 5. Sincerity 6. Expense and time Q) 8. Describe the methods of communication. Ans: Communication method is directly related with language. Communication does not take place without language. Whatever language is used in communication the help of language is to be taken. So it is necessary to know about language before discussion of communication methods: 5) Audible-visible communication 1) Verbal communication 6) Sign communication 2) Written communication 7) Silent communication 3) Visible communication 8) Communication through work 4) Audible communication Q) 9. Discuss the media of communication. Ans: The element called communication is involved deeply in every level of human life. To lead a social life human has been creating relationship with others. Mediums mentioned by Leffingwell & Robinson in their books for executing personal, social, political, organizational functions are as follows:

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Subject of Difference 1) Personal letter 2) Commercial letter 3) Telephone 4) Mobile 5) Fax

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6) Internet 7) Intercom 8) Advertisement 9) Postal department 10) Courier

11) Newspaper 12) Radio 13) Television 14) Computer 15) Notice

Q) 10. Write down the difference between written & oral communication. Ans: Written communication: When any news, information, feeling, view is expressed in written it is called written communication. Oral communication: When any news, information, feeling, view is exchanged between two parties directly or through radio, telephone, television etc. it is called oral communication. Difference between written and oral communication are shown below: 8. Use Subject of Difference 9. Reaction 1. Presenting information 10. Reliability 2. Medium 11. Advantage of client 3. Expense 12. Confidentiality 4. Permanent record 13. Relationship 5. Denial 14. Distortion 6. Time 15. Legal value 7. Importance Q) 11. Discuss the roles of secretary on communication. Ans: Communication and secretary are involved deeply. A firm makes policy and plan in execution of its over all function. And secretary makes arrangement of implementing all these plucky and plan by communicating with officers and employees of all levels. In the function of firm secretary is the liaison and communication is the main tool. So role of secretary is very important in designing and development of communication system. In most respects secretary determines how the communication of firm will be, what kind of communication system will be adopted and when and which one is the best for firm. Progress of any firm is mostly dependent on proper communication system. And introduction of that communication system and successful firm depends much on secretary. Regarding the role of Secretary S. Sengupta I.B.R Saha says, “All secretaries perform some common duties because of the unique position he holds in the organization set up. Roles played by secretary for development of communication system and successful are as follows: 8) Instruction Subject of Difference 1) Presumption 2) Planning 3) Introduction of communication 4) Implementation of communication 5) Testing and development of communication 6) Coordination 7) Motivation

9) Information collection 10) Personnel management 11) Forms and stationary 12) Convening meeting 13) Training 14) Budget 15) Control

Q) 12. Discuss the importance of business letter as a media of communication. Ans: Business letter is the most used and most popular medium among mediums used for communication in business world. Because this form of communication has many benefits. In the present world of wide business world in establishing communication and settling transaction the importance of business letter as the medium of communication is beyond Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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description. It is called the life of modern business. It is business through which the world is becoming smaller and world businessmen are coming closer. Importance or role of commercial letter as medium of communication is discussed below: 12) Universal access 7) Bringing balance between Subject of Difference 1) Advanced medium of communication 2) Easy presentation of speech 3) Settlement of transaction 4) Exchange of information 5) Establishing relationship 6) Creation of demand

demand and supply 8) Creation of market 9) Expansion of business 10) Advantage of preservation 11) Solution to problem

13) Driving force of foreign business 14) Maintaining confidentiality 15) Accomplishment of economy 16) Establishment of reputation

Q) 13. Definition of commercial letter. Ans: Communication by letter is one of the most conventional and easily available mediums of communication. And commercial letter is an important part of communication by letter. In general sense, letter exchanged between two or more than two persons or firms in relation to business transaction is called commercial letter. In broader sense, different information exchanged between two or more than two persons or firms through letter to initiate business transaction, expansion or settlement is called commercial letter. Some popular definitions of commercial letter are given below: •

Prof. J.H. Hanson, “The letters which are exchanged among businessmen in connection with business affairs are called business letter.”

Pro. W.J. Weston, “Commercial correspondence is a system of conducting business transaction by means of writing.”

Q) 14. Discuss the various parts of a business letter. Ans: A business letter has four main parts. Again they have 15 parts. Among these parts some are essential. Which are necessary whenever a business letter is written. And some parts are not that necessary. They are used only in times of necessity. Different parts of a commercial letter is shown below in an imaginary graph: Title



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Q) 15. Describe the life cycle of a letter. Ans: From birth to death man is dependent on communication. Man remembers his close ones whenever necessary. For this we resort to letter among various mediums of communication to exchange feeling with a distant person. Letter is the medium by which one can converse with other without being present face to face. So we write many letters for personal and business need. As a letter, though a non living thing, represents human being like a living thing it has its own life cycles. A letter from the beginning of writing to sending to the other party and accomplishment of objective of a letter travels different levels of life. It is called life cycle of a letter. Life cycle of a letter is shown in a graph below: Specific reason Filing letter

taking plan Reply

sender Recipient

collecting materials Medium

finalizing letter

Method drafting

Life cycle of a letter Q) 16. What is meeting? Ans: Meeting is a medium of communication. Generally meeting is such a medium of communication by which many people discuss any subject face to face. In other words when a few persons hold discussion and take decision on any specific matter regarding their lawful interest is called a meeting. Meeting are generally of different kinds. For example-company meeting, political meeting, religious meeting, family meeting etc. are mentionable. Meeting is considered as an essential part in democratic system. There may be problem is very small or big firm. Owner, officers and employees, shareholders of a firm sit together to discuss these problems and take final decision. In this modern progressive society women, men, educated, uneducated, young and old ones are involved with meetings one way or another. Because meeting plays important role as the excellent medium of solving problem. But in office management meeting generally means company meeting. Before convening this meeting the members are to be notified with discussion topic. In fine it may be said that when concerned people hold discussion regarding any problem or lawful matter and takes final decision in a specific time and place it is called meeting. Different topics are discussed in this kind of meeting. Q) 17. What is company meeting? Ans: Generally when a few people get together to discuss a topic concerned with their interest it is called meeting. But company is a firm constituted following law. So when persons concerned with company interest convenes meeting for over all discussion and taking decision as per company law or existing laws it is called company meeting. Shareholders, directors and loan provider etc. persons are people concerned with company. So in broader sense it can be said that meeting of company members or directors to discuss any company interest as per exiting company law is called company meeting. Some popular definitions of company meeting are given below: Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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M.C. Shukla, “A meeting may be defined as a gathering of some persons by previous notice for transacting some lawful business by passing resolution.”

J.C. Deyer, “Company meeting means an organized assembly of persons (shareholder/ directors/ creditors) according to law for transaction of business of common interest.

Q) 18. Discuss the conditions of valid meeting. Ans: Company has to perform its all functions lawfully. Meetings are to be convened through legal procedures. But not all meeting can be called valid meeting. Meetings conducted according to law can only be called valid meeting. There are some conditions about a valid meeting. Conditions of a valid meeting are discussed below: 1) Convening meeting through competent authority 2) Quorum 3) Appropriate notice 4) Legal objective

5) Proper mediums 6) Notifying agenda 7) Electing chairman 8) Conducting meeting

9) Attendance of appropriate persons 10) Specific place 11) Conducting meeting according to agenda

Q) 19. Show the classification of Company Meeting. Ans: As joint venture business is constituted according to company law in the same way company meeting is to be convened according to company law. Different kinds of meetings are seen to be held starting from the constitutions of a company to dissolution. Classification of company meeting are shown below: Company Meeting

Directors Meeting

Committee Meeting

Council Meeting

Meeting of shareholders

Regulated Meeting

General Meeting

Special Meeting

Special meeting

Class Meeting

Creditor’s Meeting

Q) 20. What is agenda of meeting? Ans: Agenda means things that is to be done. Agenda is the plural of agendum. Things that are to be discussed a minute of that discussion is called the agenda of meeting. Agenda is the advance design or minute of things that will be done in a meeting. Some popular definitions of agenda are given below: •

B.N. Tandon, “The term ‘agenda’ means the program of business to be transacted in a meeting.”

Professor M.A. Hannan, “Orderly list of topics that will be discussed in a meeting is called agenda of meeting.”

Q) 21. What is minutes of meeting? Ans: Different papers are seen to be used regarding company meeting. Among them minutes of meeting is one of the papers used as authentic documents. Some popular definitions of minutes are given below: • B.N. Tandon, “Official record of any meeting is called minutes of that meeting.” Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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J.P. Bose, “The minutes are accurate but condensed official record of what have taken place at a meeting.” Prof. Dr. M.A. Mannan, “A brief and official record of discussion in the company meeting and discussion taken on the basis of discussion is called minutes.”

Q) 22. Write down the difference between agenda and minutes. Ans: Agenda of meeting: Disciplined description of subjects that will be discussed in a meeting is called agenda of a meeting. Minutes of a meeting: Summary of subjects that are discussed according to agenda of a meeting and then decision taken with the opinion of all is called minutes of a meeting. Difference between agenda and minutes are discussed below: 7. Type Subject of Difference 8. Approval 1. Definition 9. Proposal 2. Preparation time 10. Necessity 3. Notification 11. Stage 4. Planning 12. Dispatch 5. Name of members 6. Nature Q) 23. Discuss the considering factors of preparing minutes. Ans: In a meeting of an organization matters are discussed according to agenda and decision are taken. These decisions are recorded briefly by the secretary. Brief meaningful description of decision taken in the meeting as per agenda is called minutes of meeting. In respect of company the secretary records decisions being present in the meeting of members, directors and company law and then records them in minute book. Writing minutes of meeting is an important work of secretary. During writing minutes of meeting secretary has to keep an eye to some special things. They are discussed below: 11) Proposal 6) Following agenda Subject of Difference 12) Number of absence 7) Serial No: 1) Name of the firm 13) Paragraph 8) Profusion of information 2) Name of meeting 14) Following structure 9) Writing data 3) Date and Time 15) Signature with date 10) Easy language 4) Name 5) Name of the present members Q) 24. What is file movement register?

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7th Chapter Postal Communication Teacher's Name: _______________________ Designation: __________ Subject: Secretarial Science & Office Management (2nd Paper) Class : XII General Lession : Postal Communication Time : 1 Hours (Variable) Special Lession : _________________

Basic Discuss Q) 1. What is postal communication? Ans: Postal communication is a very important matter in communication system. Postal communication exists in all the countries of the world. With the extension of business and commerce the necessity of exchanging letters, parcel, money order etc. easily and at low expense though postal service. Postal communication is the oldest member of communication network family. Everyday in execution of business-commerce, official function •

According to J.P. Bose, “Skill and reputation of an office depends on receiving and dispatching of correspondence of that office.”

According to S.P. Arora, “Correspondence is the written communication that is supplied by the postman of a post office.”

Q) 2. What is registered letter? Discuss the Rules of registration of a letter. Q) 3. What is courier service? Discuss the rules of courier service. Q) 4. Discuss the importance of courier service. Q) 5. What is money order? Write down the rules of money order. Q) 6. Write down difference between ordinary letter & registered letter. Ans: Ordinary letter: When sender sends his feelings using 1.00 Taka postcard or 2.00 Taka envelop it is called ordinary letter. Registered letter: Special method in which pays extra 4.00 Taka fees the title of letter is written clearly in a printed book of post office with date, number and name-address of sender and recipient is called registered letter.

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Difference between ordinary letter and registered letter are given below: 8. Return 4. Address Subject of Difference 9. Record 5. Recipient 1. Definition 10. Insurance 6. Guarantee 2. Kinds 7. Compensation 3. Postage Q) 7. What is guaranteed express post? Discuss the rules of guaranteed express post. Q) 8. What is express mail service? Q) 9. What is postal order? Discuss the rules of postal order. Q) 10. What is insured letter? Discuss the rules of insured letter. Q) 11. Describe the causes of popularity in courier service.

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8th Chapter Office Inspection and Report Teacher's Name: _______________________ Designation: __________ Subject: Secretarial Science & Office Management (2nd Paper) Class : XII General Lession : Office Inspection and Report Time : 1 Hours (Variable) Special Lession : _________________

Basic Discuss Q) 1. What is report? Ans: English word ‘Report’ originated from French word ‘Reportes’ . In france it was used to mean bringing some similar kinds of sentences together. In English it is also used in the same sense. A person who writes reports is called a reporter. In reports any statement or description is prepared with a special technique. In fine well thought view about any matter, organized preservation and added statement which a reporter prepares with utmost care, honesty and on the basis of reason is called report. Here are some definitions given by specialists: •

According to Petter Little, “Report is such a statement where there is a description of something obtained by observation, examination and inquiry and recommendation and conclusion are added.”

According to C.A. Brown, “Report is a communication from such a person who has some necessary information, person who has contacts with that person needs there information.”

According to M. Hatch, “Report is an organized informative statement which is brief yet correct narrarion about any speech.”

George R. Terry, “A report is a formal presentation of summary information dealing with utilization of resources or status of operation useful in evaluation of programs making decisions and directing activities.”

According to S. A. Taintor, “Report is careful and accurate presentation of facts the wording of which should be simple, clear, complete, concise and facts should be accurate.”

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Q) 2. Write down the procedure of office inspection. Ans: Any education gains success by the blending of theoretical education with practical education. To this end office inspection and report have been included in the subject of office management. In office management students are taught about office function, filing, indexing, postal communication, receiving and distribution of letter, convening company meeting etc. 11. Picture or graph 6. Different sources of 1. Convenient site information 12. Writing notes 2. Permission of authority 7. Instructions 13. Draft Preparing 3. Preparing list 8. Behaviour of cooperation 14. Preparing report 4. Supervision 9. Different groups 5. Preparation class 10. Question and answer Q) 3. Discuss the classification of reports. Ans: Reports are of different kinds. Reports are prepared keeping an eye on different situations during office inspection. For this concerned officer or reporter has to determine the subject of preparing report. Classification of reports widely used are given below: 13. Asked report 7. Executive report 1. Business report 8. Informative report 2. Non business report 14. Unasked report 9. Analytic report 3. Government report 15. Written report 10. Statistical report 4. Non government report 16. Oral report 11. Special report 5. Formal report 17. Recommendation report 12. Temporary report 6. Informal report

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A Guide to Office Management

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First Chapter Office Management Questions and Answers

Q) 1. What is called office? Q) 2. Discuss the function of office. Q) 3. What is called office management? Q) 4. Describe the objective of office management. Q) 5. Discuss the functions of office management. Q) 6. Discuss the importance of office management. Q) 7. Describe the scope of office management. Q) 8. What is called Departmentation of office? Q) 9. Discuss the Departmentation of office. Q) 10. What is co-ordination between various office departments? Q) 11. Discuss the co-ordination among various office departments. Q) 12. Discuss the importance or necessity of co-ordination in various departments of office. Q) 13. Who is an office manager? Q) 14. Discuss the qualities of an office personal manager. Q) 15. What is called recruitment of office personnel? Q. 16. Discuss the methods/sources of office personal recruitment. Q) 17. What is called selection of office personnel? Q) 18. Discuss the selection procedure of office personnel. Q) 19. What is called training of office personnel? Q) 20. Discuss the various methods/techniques of office personnel training. Q) 22. What is called office personnel management? Q) 23. Discuss the functions of office personnel management.

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Q) 1. What is called office? Ans: ‘Office’ means a place or centre of running activities. We also call it ‘office’ in Bangla. For running economic, social, political or state functions smoothly a specific place is required. A place centering which all kinds of functions are executed is known as office. In general sense, office means such a place where employees do all kinds of works of the firm/institution. In broader sense, a place sitting where the owner and directors or employees organize, run and control all their works is called an office. An office maintains and coordinates communication among all the departments of the firm/institution. Success or failure of a firm/institution depends to a great extent on office efficiency and frugality. Some popular definitions of ‘office’ are given below: •

According to Professor Hust, “The main place of function from where all directions of firm/institution is given and where results of the mentioned directions are assessed and documents regarding the functions of the firm/institution is preserved is called an office.”

According to George Terry, “Office function includes functions regarding collection of information, processing, preservation and distribution.”

According to J.C. Denyer, “Office is such a place where all clerical functions are done.”

According to Dr. M.A. Mannan, “Any place used for executing clerical functions in order to prepare files, use and preservation.”

According to B.B. Gosh, “Office is the seat of administration where policy decision are taken and from where all activities of the organization are directed.”

The following characteristics are found from the above definitions: 1. Office is a place. 2. Centre of firm’s/institution’s administration. 3. All functions are executed in office. 4. All kinds of services are provided. In conclusion it may be said an office means such an institution where employees do all functions of organizing, running and controlling. Office is a centre of establishing relationship among different elements of firm/institutions where clerical functions are executed and different kinds of information is collected and preserved. As nerve keeps the whole body functional, similarly a functional office gives the firm overall momentum. Q) 2. Discuss the function of office. Ans: Numerous activities take place in an office. Amount of work and characteristic of all kinds of office are not same. Generally there are some such works that all officers do. The way different management specialists describe the functions of office can be divided into two main groups: a) Daily functions. b) Administrative functions.

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Description: a) Daily functions: Functions that are done regularly and continuously on daily basis that are consistent with the objectives of the firm is called daily or regular functions which are as follows: i.

Preparing routine: For executing daily office function a brief index/roaster is prepared which is called routine.


Information collection and preservation: Different kinds of information concerned with running office are to be preserved in scientific methods.


Filing Information: Collected/Gathered information is to be filed for ready to use in future.


Processing information: Processing, specification and classification of information is imperative for correctness of all collected information. Office does this work.


Communication: Internal and external communication of firm is an integral part of office function. One of the main functions of the office is to maintain communication using different means among different departments of firm and world outside.


Accounting: Accounting is a basis of the firm on which different plans and decisions are taken. To get a picture of different departments accounting is required. For this keeping all accounting is the function of office.


Stationary: To do daily official works different kinds of stationary products are required. Office does the work of collection and preservation of these stationary products.


Campaign and advertisements: Suitable, continuous campaign and advertisement are necessary for improvement of different matters of the firm. So office is to do different works regarding this matter.

b) Administrative functions: Works that are done regarding management and administration for running a firm smoothly is called administrative functions which are as follows: i.

Determination of aims and objectives: Office determines the objectives of a firm why a firm has been established what will be its the aims objectives. Besides determining how the firm will advance itself for accomplishing a goal is also the function of an office.


Planning and co-ordination: Making realistic plan as to what steps are to be taken for accomplishing objectives of the office and doing coordination according to that are also function of the office.


Recruitment and appointment of personnel: Personnel are required to implement plan and so office has to recruit personnel from different sources. Appointing personnel in different levels of firm is a function of office.


Office form and control of stationary products: Numerous forms are used to run office function easily. It is the responsibility of the office to keep an eye so that these forms are not used indiscriminately.


Selection of materials and purchase: Function of office includes selection and purchase of office materials, selection and purchase of required number of machineries, labour saving devices and furniture for firm and office.

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Effective mass-communication: One important aspect of modern office function is mass-communication. Doing different functions for establishing intimate relationship between the firm and people is the responsibility of office.


Proving employee training: Providing required training to the employees and making them skilled is one of the main functions of the office.


Concerning meeting: Convening meeting of persons concerned with administration and management and preparing required papers.

In conclusion it may be said it is difficult to specify the function of office. Because functions of office are determined by type and nature of the firm. Yet all offices have to execute some functions mentioned above. Q) 3. What is called office management? Ans: Office is the nerve centre of any firm. Executing all office function smoothly and easily is called office management. Office management is the collection of works that are to be done for executing functions regarding office of the firm. Functions of office are to be executed in such a way so that the main objective of office is achieved. So it can be said that office management is a part of overall management that is involved in functions regarding determination of objective, designing plan, making organizational structure, running and regulation. Here are some popular definitions of office management: •

According to George R. Terry, “Policy making and planning for achieving objectives determined before and controlling of office organization and employees for implementing them is called office management.”

According to Whiley and Brist, “Office management is making sure of control and use of employee, method, machine and materials for accomplishment of best result”.

According to J.C. Denier, “Office management is the name of using employees by ensuring the suitable environment of using the office organization and appropriate machineries, material and best method for accomplishing any definite objective.”

According to B.N. Tandon, “Techniques of controlling office for achieving main aims and objectives of office is called office management.”

According to Newner and Killing, “Taking manpower to intended goal through execution of office work, planning and control is office management.

The following characteristics are found from the above definitions: a) Controlling office organization and employees. b) Achievement of best result. c) One of the main sections of management. d) Running office smoothly. In conclusion it may be said that office management is planning, office organization and employee control for achieving predetermined goal. Planning, organizing, directing, coordination, motivation and control for executing office functions properly is called office management.

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Q) 4. Describe the objective of office management. Ans: Office management is the function of planning, coordination and inspiration for smooth use of employee effort to accomplish predetermined objectives of office. Office management is a part of over all arrangement. So objective of office management is very profound like the objective of management. The main objective of management is the proper co-ordination, among different department or sections, control, organization and giving direction for accomplishing aims and objectives of firm. Objectives of office management are discussed below: i.

Information collection: For accomplishing objectives office management collects necessary information from inside of the firm and firms outside Because these information are controlling power of running firm.


Data/Information processing: It is an important objective of office management. Because to use the collected/compiled information it must be processed or analyzed appropriately. Processing means classifying information, summarizing, reporting, making statement, making statistics table, presentation by graph etc. By analyzing information the best and most required information is used and the unwanted information is discarded.


Preservation of information: After collection and analysis necessary information is to be preserved for future function, planning and policy making of the firm. So one of the main objectives of office management is to preserve necessary papers, documents and other information.


Supplying information: One of the main objectives of office management is to supply information to firms outside besides supplying preserved information for smooth running of different departments of firms.


Departmentation: The method of dividing all the functions of an office into different categories for running an office effectively is called Departmentation. And this Departmentation is one of the main objectives of office management.


Co-ordination: Simply dividing office work is not enough, rather an effective coordination or adjustment are to be maintained. And making this co-ordination is a function of office management.


Giving motivation: Another objective of office is the arrangement of giving different kinds of financial and non-financial motivation so that office employees work properly, get encouragement in work, get salary properly.


Control: An office without control is just like a horse without a rein. Office management helps to control among different departments of office. Because in absence of proper control among different departments of office there arises chaos.


Achieving economy: Since office management controls all departments of the office, it can achieve economy by reducing different expense.


Distribution of responsibilities: An important objective of office management is to distribute responsibilities and duties among the officers and employees of the office. In absence of proper distribution of duties and responsibilities many employees cannot do their work properly.

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Observation of work: Inspection of work at times that are executed for accomplishment of aim of the firm is also one of the main objectives of office management.


Assessing result: Another main objective of office management is to assess result through analysis of the firm’s report, statement to see how much of office work has been done smoothly.


Effective administration: Without effective administration a firm cannot reach its intended goal. So one main objective of office management is to supervise officer and employees of office, develop them through training, motivation, co-ordination, control etc.


Identifying problems and solution: Identifying problems that arise in executing daily office function in order to solve them for taking appropriate measure for routine solution.


Management of files: There are a lot of correspondence, deed, valuable document exchange every day in office. So objective of office management is to manage these files such a way so that they could be found quickly at the time of necessity.


Selection of office location: Selection of location with favourable environment for officers and employees to work for accomplishing the goal of firm is one of the main objective of office management. For example-Dhaka Motijheel Commercial Area, Agrabad Commercial Area, Chittagong etc.


Selection, arrangement and preservation of machineries: The present age is the age of machineries. Men do most of the works in short time and at a low expense with the help of machines. So selection of right machines and their arrangement and preservation are essential objective of office management.


Communication: Another important objective of office management is to create a network of communication with people inside and outside and other firms. Because without proper communication a firm is inanimate like a life less body.

In conclusion it many be said that the objective of office management is proper execution of all works including planning, control, co-ordination, management of office. Q) 5. Discuss the functions of office management. Ans: Office is the life centre of a firm. In modern business firm the importance of function of office is as much as the importance of the brain for human body. Proper management of office means over all management of a firm. Any function of an office is the function of office management. So function of office management is very profound. For achieving the main objective and keeping pace what the office management has to do are as follows: i.

Planning: The main function of office management is planning. Planning means thinking in advance as to what to do in future. Planning could be termed as clear guideline for future. George R. Terry said, “Through planning the members of management try to look forward, takes guess of incidents, take preparation for facing crisis, make sketch of works and make continuous method for accomplishing objectives.


Making organizational structure: Organizational structure is like a steady palace which establishes the whole foundation of the firm. Regarding structure of organization A.D. Chandler says, “It is the design of organization through which a firm is administered.” Organizational structure determines the power and boundary of

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any firm and manages and completes the function of management. So organization is mainly concerned with function-authority. iii.

Appointing personnel: For making plan and implementation of plan personnel are required. So taking effective measure for appointing competent and skilled personnel for different works according to firms organizational structure is one of the function of office management. Success of office management depends on appointing personnel correctly. Starting from appointing personnel to preserving all information for each personnel is the function of office management.


Unification/mobilization of asset: Appointing personnel for implementation of plan alone will not bring result; side by side ensuring capital supply and supply of machineries are also one of the main functions of office management. Expenses that are incidental to running office such as keeping accounts of fare, meeting expense, entertainment, purchase of stationary products etc. include in the office function.


Supervision: Supervising whether personnel engaged in the organization are advancing according to instructions is also a function of office management. Besides own office department, giving correct instruction at the correct time to the officers and personnel on behalf of authority and supervising whether work is being done properly according to instruction is a function of office management.


Departmentation: Dividing all the office function according to their type and nature for implementation and accomplishment of objective is called Departmentation. Department is an important tool of office, so Departmentation is an important function of office management. Every single department is under control of an officer.


Co-ordination: Bringing consistency among different departments of office and uniformity of function is called co-ordination. Doing such an effective co-ordination among departments is the function of office management. Co-ordination about work among different departments and section according to order of firm’s executives is an important function of office management. Office management ensures this kind of coordination by collecting information from various departments and supplying to others.


Giving motivation: Motivation is an inherent power of human being that gives pace to his behaviour and makes objective successful, i.e. by motivation such a work inspiration is aroused in mind by which a man can achieve his intended goal. Motivation leads men to work. It inspires men towards work. To motivate personnel, the management has to be aware of the need or demand of workers and program is to be taken accordingly.


Control: Control means evaluation of executed works and taking correction measure if necessary so that work is completed according to plan. According to Henry Feol, “Control is to test whether work is going on according to taken plan, issued order and established policy.� Through control one can be sure that work is going on according to plan. Through proper control all the office work can be executed with skill and speed.


Advanced communication: Office management does the work of creating a suitable and advanced communication system by blending different mediums of communication of inside and outside of office. Communication is a basic thing of office management. Most of the function of an office is executed through this communication. In fact office is one of the main channel of communication. For

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ensuring good communication some policy are to be followed. Such as: policy of attention, policy of clarity, policy of objectiveness, policy of economy, etc. xi.

Distribution of duties and responsibilities: Office management does the work of determining area of duties and responsibilities for all officers and personnel of the office and distributes duties and responsibilities of each officer and personnel properly. For the necessity of office different kinds of information is to be collected, preserved and supplied and allotted among them.


Advanced filing and indexing: One of the main functions of office management is to introduce advanced and modern filing and indexing system for keeping work speed proper and smooth. Important works that office management includes are introduction and use of filing and indexing method for easily finding out records, files and deed or documents of the firm.


Providing training to personnel: Office management does the work of taking training program in hand for concerned office personnel of the department and in cases for personnel of other departments. Training is a tool for advancement. So different kinds of skill developmental training for employees of different departments of office is arranged by office management.


Office decoration: Another work of office management is to modernize office and to arrange materials used in office, furniture and machineries in as excellent way. To keep pace in office function necessary materials for office are to be procured. And supplying these materials according to indenture of different departments is also a function of office management.


Arrangement of Office Space: Specific location for office and every unit of building is very important. Office is to be arranged and decorated keeping an eye to the matter that every inch of space is used. Besides office space is to be arranged and decorated in such a way that external communication is effective with the office.

In conclusion it may be said that functions of office management is mainly related directly or indirectly with the subject of determining program and its implementation. Office management has to determine working method, procurement of stationary, procurement and preservation of furniture including many other functions. So success or failure of an instruction depends to a great extent on working skill of office management. Q) 6. Discuss the importance of office management. Ans: Importance of office management is profound. According to Dicksy, “Office is as important for a business in the similarly spring is for watch.� An efficient management is essential for office. Planning, policy making, controlling, co-ordination and their implementation is directly related with office management. So office management plays important role in achieving the main aims and objectives of firm. Importance and necessity of office management is discussed below: i.

Determination of objective: No work can become successful unless aims and objectives are right. Office management determines the objective of establishment of firm. A team of skilled people from management determines the aims and objectives of the firm.


Policy making: Policy means explanation of work i.e. explanation of how the work will be done. Office management determines what policy it will adopt to achieve its objective and execute its function.

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Planning: One of the main functions of office management is planning. Appropriate plan is called half of the work. Besides all works of firm could be done skillfully and economically through planning.


Making organizational structure: Determining which responsibility and where the work force engaged in the organization will be given for implementing plan of the organization.


Collecting and analysis of information: Different kinds of information are to be collected and analyzed for the firm. In this regard office management has to play role because office is the only medium of giving and receiving information.


Supply and preservation of information: Role of office management is unique in supplying information to the different sections or departments of office and in preserving different information for future.


Office Departmentation: Role of office management is essential in dividing office in different departments according to their type and nature for maintaining pace of office functions and in appointing skilled people in different departments.


Co-ordination: Balanced co-ordination among all employees engaged in office and materials used by them is essential.


Distribution of duties and responsibilities: Office management has to complete the work of distributing duties and responsibilities among the personnel.


Control: Office management has to control all functions of office. Speed and quality of work depends on correct control. In this respect office management has great importance.


Providing motivation: Office management plays important role in increasing personnel motivation by giving financial and non-financial incentive.


Keeping accounts: Accounts of office expense is required for preparing over all accounts of the firm. Office management helps to preserve office expense accounts correctly.


Procurement of materials: Arrangement of things that are necessary for personnel to execute works, especially office form, stationary etc. is one of the responsibility of office management.


Labour-management good term: Aims and objectives can easily be accomplished when there is good term between labour and management.


Working environment: Office management takes different kinds of steps for creating good working environment. Management plays important role to achieve the aims and objectives of business. Office management being a field level supervisor implements over all functions and takes the firm to its intended goal.

In conclusion it may be said that office management is very important for running any firm’s office. Without office personnel management, communication, file management, postal communication no official function of a firm can run. So day by day importance of office management is increasing.

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Q) 7. Describe the scope of office management. Ans: Office management is a part of the whole management. Scope of office management is very wide. Office management includes skilled and proper execution of all official functions. Office management includes all matters relating to policy implementation for achieving aims and objectives of the firm. Scope of office management is presented below with a table. Scope of office management



Record Management

Regarding Accounts

a) Determining Aims and assumption. b) Planning. c) Organizational functions. f) Departmentation. d) Giving order e) Co-ordination f) Motivational function.

a) Verbal communication b) Written communication c) Postal Communication d) Modern communication

a) Record management. b) Asset preservation. c) Stationary. d) Filing. e) Receiving letter and dispatching. f) File management. g) Register

a) Regarding accounts b) Budgeting c) Keeping accounts d) Accounts analysis e) Expense control.

Scope of office management is given below: i.

Administrative scope: All kinds of administrative function of office or firm is included in office management, i.e. administrative function of office management includes all activities beginning from firm’s planning to control and review of result which are as follows: a) Determining aims and pre-assumption: Office management includes the aim the firm has been established for and works relating firm’s goal or target determination. Besides making pre-assumption about functions taken by firm and result are also included in office management. b) Planning: Taking advance decision as to what will be done in future, where it will be done, how it will be done, by whom will be done is called planning. So it can be said designing and making decision in advance for future function are included in planning. c) Organizational Function: After plan is made a team of worker is required to implement which can run only through a good organizational structure. Making this organizational structure is included in administrative function of office management. d) Departmentation: To bring pace in functions of office they are to be departmentalized. It is the function of office management to divide office function according to their character. e) Giving order: After procurement of all necessary materials and elements, employees are to be ordered to commence work. f) Co-ordination: When there is a good co-ordination among different departments there is reduction of distance, dispute and creation of harmony in work which is very rewarding for firm. For this, solving problem by internal communication among different departments through communication is a subject of office management.

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g) Function regarding motivation: Motivation is an inherent power of human mind which brings space in his behaviour and makes the objective successful. By motivation such an inspiration is created in human mind through which man can accomplish his main goal. h) Imposing control: When a work is started it is to be controlled. Whether the work is advancing according to plan is to be tested at regular intervals. ii. Communication: Communication is a dynamic (pবাহমান) process by which administration is kept moving: a) Verbal Communication: Oral or verbal communication is the most ancient and easiest way of communication. By this employees could be given order of easy task. These methods are: Telephone and mobile, intercom, conversation. b) Written communication: Function of information exchange of the firm that is run in written form is mainly: written communication. Mentionable among these are notice, circular and advertisement, voucher, memo, invoice, tender, different forms etc. c) Postal communication: Everyday office receives and sends numerous letter, parcel, documents etc. Timely and proper distribution and preservation of these are the function of office management. d) Modern communication: Modern age is called the age electronics. So different mediums are seen to be used for fast and urgent exchange of information, such as: internet, telex, fax etc. By these electronic mediums information can be exchanged fast. iii. Preserving record: Different kinds of material and elements rich with information are used for executing daily official function. It is essential to preserve them. a) Preserving asset: Furniture and machines including different assets are used in official works. Preserving these is very important work. b) Stationary: An office is kept moving using different stationary products, such as paper, pencil, stapler, pin, envelop, gum etc. It is very important to use them properly and preserve them. c) Filing: Valuable papers, deeds and letters used in daily works are to be preserved by correct indexing system. d) Indexing: Papers which are filed are to be indexed for finding them fast in times of necessity. Indexing system is the clue or instruction of finding file. e) Receiving and dispatching letter: Numerous letters come to office from outside and they are to be sent outside. These letters are to be received and distributed in systematic fashion. f) File movement registrar: All kinds of information are preserved by file. A file’s location and its purpose of stay in a place can be known from file movement register. iv. Regarding accounts: In execution of daily activities of office there are different kinds of expenses which are to be brought into account. Functions for this are: a) Budgeting: For execution of financial function of office a budget is to be formulated properly. b) Keeping accounts: Head of income-expense for running daily activities are to be preserved in accounts book.

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c) Accounts analysis: Accounts is to be analyzed properly for proper determination of heads of income-expense. d) Expense control: Measure is to be taken so that excess expense does not happen in any head. In conclusion it may be said that the scope of office management is very wide. No section fundamental or total system can function without office management. Q) 8. What is called Departmentation of office? Ans: Departmentation means dividing. In general sense the process by which different works of a firm is divided based on different characteristic is called Departmentation. Process of dividing office function into different departments according to their type is called office Departmentation. Process and method of dividing large or medium business office function according to amount of work, nature and type into different departments for executing office function properly and in orderly fashion is called Departmentation of office. Works of huge and medium sized firm can easily be done when different works are divided according to their type. Dividing a firm’s works into different department a personnel is given the main charge of one department. They are called departmental head. Functions of an office are divided into production, purchase and sales, accounts department etc. Here are some popular definitions of office Departmentation:

According to professor M.A. Mannan, “Departmentation means such a process by which function of a firm is divided into different departments based on common characteristics.”

According to S.P. Arora, “Departmentation is such a process by which a firm’s functions are divided into different departments based on homogeneous function.”

According to Professor M.H. Ali, “Departmentation is the process of dividing a firm’s works into different departments according to their type.”

According to R.M Hodgetts, “Departmentation is orderly division or arrangement of work which is executed by employees.”

According to Terry and Franklin, “Departmentation means formal organizational structure. Here different managing post is opened and their mutual relationship is shown.”

We find the following characteristic from the above definitions: a) Departmentation is done according to characteristics. b) Departmentation is done for working benefit. c) Personnel skill increases. d) Responsibility and power are decentralized. e) Control becomes easier. In conclusion it may be said that during Departmentation an eye must be kept of the fact that the number of departments is no more than expected number under any circumstances. Because the more the number of the firm departments the more the organizational structure will increase. Expense increases when there is excessive organizational structure and proper control becomes impossible sometimes. So it could finally be said that the process of dividing different office function according to their type within expected limit is called office Departmentation.

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Q) 9. Discuss the basis of office Departmentation. Ans: Dividing modern office function is very essential. As vast firm’s function is divided into departments according to their type for easy completion of work.. This kind of division plays effective role from running the firm to control of time and motivation. Matters that are considered during Departmentation are called basis of Departmentation. All management specialist hold the basis of Departmentation from their point of view and almost all of them spoke of basis nearly the same. Common basis of Departmentation that is found by analysis of the mentioned divisions are as follows. i. Number based Departmentation: It is the most ancient method of Departmentation. This method of Departmentation is done on the basis of personnel employed in a firm and magnitude of supervision of manager. The method of Departmentation on the basis of number of personnel is called Departmentation based on number. For example form 1 to 50 “A” section from 51 to 100 section “B” etc. ii. Work based Departmentation: Different kinds of works are to be done in a firm. When Departmentation is done on the basis of work type of the firm it is called work based Departmentation. Production department, purchase department, accounts department, administration departments are example of this kind of method. iii. Product or service based Departmentation: When function is divided on the basis of product or service of firm is called product or service based Departmentation. In our country this kind of Departmentation is seen in multinational companies, NGO firms and departmental centers. iv. Matrix or mixed Departmentation: Mixed state of arrangement based on product or function is called matrix Departmentation. In this kind of Departmentation generally two kinds of authority work simultaneously. One team does work of production or project and the other team collects and supplies necessary materials or elements. Work advances with joint effort of the teams. Manager supervises their over all function. v. Time based Departmentation: It is also an ancient method of Departmentation. It is used in low level of organizational structure. When firm’s work is divided according to time, it is called time based Departmentation. In our country this method is seen to be used in garments industry, transport organization, educational institution, hotel, airport etc. such as: morning shift, day shift, night shift etc. vi. Place or zone based Departmentation: Generally multinational companies use this method in production and distribution. Method by which work area of a firm is divided into advantageous zone and work is executed it is called place or zone based Departmentation. For example: Bogra Zone, Dhaka Zone and Rajshahi zone etc. vii. Client or customer based Departmentation: It is a competitive method. When Departmentation is done considering customer nature or class for providing advanced service is called client or customer based Departmentation. For example lower middle class purchasers, middle class purchasers and high class purchasers etc. viii. Objective based Departmentation: Keeping any objective in hand when Departmentation is done it is called objective based Departmentation. Generally this kind of Departmentation is done in respect of project. Once the objective is implemented, work of this department comes to an end. ix. Employee based Departmentation: When work is divided on the basis of workers engaged in firms is called Departmentation on the basis of workers. For example: male department, female department etc.

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Process or machinery based Departmentation: When Departmentation is done on the basics of process of work or machineries used in firm is called process or machinery based Departmentation. Generally this kind of Departmentation is seen is fertilizer factory, sugar mill, Jute mill, garment factory etc. Merit based Departmentation: Some times separate salary, promotion and other benefit are given by assessing merit through competitive examination. Office machine based Departmentation: Nowadays in many modern offices machines are used for running all works in office. Such as computer, type writer, telephone, fax, photocopier, scanner etc.

In fine it could be said that to run any firm smoothly Departmentation is generally done in the above manner. What kind of Departmentation is be done in a firm depends on its type of work. 10. What is co-ordination between various office departments? Ans: Co-ordination means to bind in a single thread or make harmony of between or among works. Co-ordination among different departments of office means establishing relationship among all departments. To execute functions of a vast office they are divided into administrative, labour, research and planning, accounts, production, audit, purchase sale etc. according to their work type. Due to lack of mutual communication among these departments or absence of harmony of their functions some department will run very well but there will be problem in other departments. Inevitably due to incompetent departments functions of competent departments will be hampered. As a result main objective of the party will end in failure. In general sense, establishing mutual relationship among different departments of office is called co-ordination of office departments. But in the language of management integrity of different parts of office, maintaining unity of function is called co-ordination. So, coordination is intensively involved with organization. In broader sense, coordination among departments is such a process where the executive authority creates an order and pattern of effort made by personnel under him and brings unity and balance in their works. Some popular definitions are given below: • According to Professor Newman, “Coordination is related with the work effort of a team of people for unification. Coordinated work method is such where the workers work effort is united, added or coordinated for a common objective.” • According to G.R Terry, “Coordination is balanced amount of contemporary effort, result of time and instruction which brings unity of work and helps the work to go to the intended destination.” • According to Muni and Reilly, “Coordination is such a proper arrangement of team effort, where all the works advance to a common goal in an intensive harmony.” • According to Dalton E. McFarland, “Coordination is such a process where the executive creates as order and pattern by people under him and brings harmony and balance in function. The following characteristics are from the above definitions: a) Good relations ship is established between personnel management and materials used. b) Unity among all personnel and balance in work is created. c) Mistakes are reduced and speed and discipline increases.

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In conclusion it can be said that the process by which office can be run smoothly by establishing mutual communication among different departments of office is called coordination among different departments of office. Maintaining discipline in any team effort and brining unity and balance among different works is called co-ordination which is very important for a firm. Q) 11. Discuss the coordination among various office departments. Ans: An executive of an office not only carries out the responsibility of the head of an office rather he has to supervise work of every section or department and make arrangement of coordination among them. Or else the objective of Departmentation will end in failure. How coordination of departments of a firm will be executed is mentioned is the firm’s policy. For coordination among office department the executive has to maintain the following method/process: Taking united decision, functions of departments is arranged through this process in such a way that each and every department comes under a single umbrella. So taking correct plan is the main method of coordination among different departments. Every departmental executive and personnel moves forward to coordination by their work. i.

Making objective clear: To make coordination effective in an office first its aims and objectives are to be made clear. Then the departmental managers will have to explain the personnel about the objective of office establishment and will have to bring unity in the individual efforts for fulfilling objective.


Easy organizational method: The easier the organizational structure of a firm the easier coordination i.e. to coordinate through organization the organization is to be easy and formed clearly.


Balanced planning: Coordination depends to a great extent on balanced planning and policy. Lack of balance and faults in planning, program and policy and imbalance hampers coordination. So it can be said that taking proper and balanced plan is the main strategy of coordination among departments.


Well planned communication: Proper communication method helps to co-ordinate works. Proper communication method means conveying instruction clearly and timely to a specific place. Co-ordination in also done with the same objective i.e. for correct execution of work.


Regular meeting of executives: Coordination becomes easy when the executive manager makes arrangement of weekly or monthly meeting of departmental executive or managers.


Leadership and supervision: Success in co-ordination can be achieved through powerful leadership and supervision. Effective leadership, planning brings excellent coordination in the work of personnel’s implementation work.


Forming coordination committee: In this method a powerful co-ordination committee can be formed with different person of each department. Whose only work will be mutual assistance for co-ordination.


Appointing co-ordinations officer: To oversee co-ordination of each department a co-ordination officer may be appointed.


Mutual co-operation: Co-ordination can be hastened through formal and informal co-operation of different kinds among personnel of different departments.

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Inter-departmental relationship: For balanced co-ordination excellent interdepartmental relationship is to be developed.


Bringing equity: Over all co-ordination may also be brought by bringing equity of work, wage/salary, power and authority among officer and personnel of each department.


Influencing psychology: Co-ordination can be done by influencing personnel’s psychology. Mind has profound influence on human work. So influencing personnel’s enthusiasm can be created among them and mutual assistance can be increased.


Personal communication of executives: Co-ordination also develops among different departments through personal communication of executives of any firm. If the chief supervisor maintains communication with departmental personnel through departmental heads and gives instruction directly and then all personnel will execute function on the basis of mutual co-operation like family members.


Quick solution to problems: Sometimes many problems arise in running function of different departments. Office executive has to solve these problems quickly.


Transfer: For co-ordination among the departments there should be arrangement of transfer of personnel from one department to another. As a result all people become skilled and experienced in all jobs. Office personnel form a good idea about all departments of office.

In conclusion it could be said that arrangement of effective coordination should be made among different departments by detection and invention of methods through research. When co-ordination is effective among different departments, it brings success in achieving objective of firm. Q) 12. Discuss the importance or necessity of co-ordination in various departments of office. Ans: In this modern age it is necessary to departmentalize office for making office speedy. For this is this era of massive production and specialization the whole function is divided in one hand and in the other work effort of many people creates groups and subgroups. And this Departmentation will be effective when an effective co-ordination system will be adopted for advancing different groups and their function for achieving a specific goal Importance or necessity of coordination among different departments of office is discussed below: i.

Creation of balance: To accomplish objective of a firm establishment of balance is necessary between human and material resource engaged in office. In absence of balance between these elements used in different departments there is imbalance in the use of these elements and chaos arises in the office function. As a result in the present world of huge firm, co-ordination among different firms, coordination plays an important role among thousands of workers and modern machineries for unity balance and integrity.


Equity: Sometimes there exists inequity of human skill and departmental capacity engaged in different departments or sub departments of office. As a result some want to advance fast again some cannot cope with it. Both the matter may bring bad result for the firm. So co-ordination in this circumstance brings equity and helps to achieve goal.

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Advantage of specialization: One very important matter of modern office is specialization. And to enjoy this benefit of specialization all offices are departmentalized. And for doing this Departmentation importance of co-ordination is profound.


Establishment of integrity: To maintain unity and integrity among different departments of office, coordination plays an important role. Because as a result of coordination team effort is enforced, office organization becomes cemented and the whole work gets the status of integrated work.


Increase of pace: Coordination plays important role in increasing pace in working place. Because the aim of coordination is to simultaneously advance work of different departments, directorates to accomplish the main objective of the firm by binding them in one string.


Removal of disagreement: Dispute or disagreement among different levels of workers in not unusual at all. Only of a firm can be taken to the peak of success through removal of all kinds of disagreement by co-ordination among all departments.


Increase of skill: As a result of co-ordination correct instruction is attained as to who, when and how the work will be done. As a result every department and subdepartment can work in orderly fashion. At this with the increase of skill both quality and amount of work increases.


Morale development: Coordination plays important role in increasing morale of personnel working in firm. Because disciplined and orderly coordinated function provides encouragement among personnel. As a result the personnel is encouraged in executing work or finds mental strength in executing function.


Expense reduction and increase of profit: As a result of co-ordination with the increase of mental strength and skill many uncalled cor expense or damage loss is reduced. All departments work with the same pace. As a result time is not lost. So expense is reduced in executing work and normally amount of profit increases when expense is reduced.


Creation of better working environment: As a result of co-ordination among different persons and departments of office an environment of order and discipline is created. Achievement of unity and integrity becomes possible due to removal of all disputes immediately. At this office workers get encouragement in executing office work and image of the firm increases.


Unity of personnel and material things: System of co-ordination depends on labour department and production. At present world thousands of labours and modern machineries are being used in large industries.


Full implementation of works: Coordination helps full implementation of team statement. Work is executed in joint effort of team members through coordination.


Assistance in the function of management: Co-ordination is such a method that works as a key to planning, motivation and control etc. Mainly function of management is closely related with one another. In that sense it could be said that correct execution of work depends on effective coordination.


United effort: To achieve organizational success efforts of personnel of each department will have to be united and directed in the same sector. And this could be possible through coordination of different person and departments.

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Departmentation: Ensuring skillful operation of office function for accomplishing general/common objective of firm, departmental functions are to be divided into different sections. But in absence of coordination among different departments there will be no value of Departmentation.

In the end it could be said that importance of proper coordination among different departments is immense. At present no office could be run properly without this. Because coordination builds a bridge among all level of workers. As a result all work efforts of a firm advances to a singular destination comfortably. So it could be said without coordination vast activities cannot be run in the present age. Q) 13. Who is an office manager? Ans: In ancient time when there were not many big sized firms, then proprietor of a firm himself used to do the work of management and running. Then size of firm was small. Number of employee was small and area of production and distribution was limited/small. So a proprietor could run his firm at will. There was no need to think of the necessity of separate management. But with the increase of business size and area management started taking different form. As a result management obtained the recognition of a profession and salaried manager took the place of proprietor. In the present age with the extension of organization, function of management has taken complex form. And so classifying different function of management according to their type, including them in different departments the process of Departmentation has been started. As a result office management has been established as a separate department/section and this section is run and controlled under a manager like other sections or departments. So we can say the person under whom part of office management function is run is called office manager. Office manager is mainly an executive level officer. As an officer is charge of office his main job is to organize and control office. In other words office manager is an executive who is in charge of office and his main work is to organize and control office. Again, people engaged in executing and supervising all office works are called office personnel.. Person who is engaged as the director or usher of the whole team of personnel of office is a manager. In other words to accomplish aims and objective of a firm different functions are executed in an office. To conduct and control those, the person carries out duties as an executive is called an office manager. Some popular definitions of office manager in given below: •

According to B.N Tendon, “The person who is entrusted with the work of managing the office is called office manager.”

According to S.P Arora, “An executive who is in charge of an office and whose chief function is to organize and control is called office manager.”

Definitional characteristics: a) A mid level officer. b) He organizes and controls office. c) Implements upper level directions by people under him. d) An important person for an office. Form the above discussion we can say an office manager is a person who accounts for his work to his senior authority in one side, and in the other persons under him are accountable to him for their work. He is simultaneously a supervising and coordination officer. But what ever his designation is, any person in charge of over all management of an office is known as office manager. Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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Q. 14. Discus the qualities of an office personal manger. Ans: At the present competitive world the function of personnel management is very complicated and risky. To accomplish this work successfully a skilled office worker is required. Management specialist Briggs says “ A good skilled manager must be an organizer, a controller, a diplomat, a confession listener, a friend and above all a student of human psychology and philosophy.” Former dean of Dhaka university commerce faculty late professor Dr. Habibullah coined a word in his essay to mention the qualities of a good office manager which is called “CRICKET” it means:C=careful R= Rational I= Innovative C= Creative K= Knowledge E= Experienced T= Tactful Qualities of an office personnel manager is given below: i. Good education: An office manger should have good education so that he can carry out the heavy responsibility properly. Here education means formal and informal both kind of education. ii. Good training: Training is the tool of advancement. So an office manager should have training of office management to become a good office manager. Sometimes good educational qualification becomes valueless in absence of effective training. So a trained person can expect to become a good skilled manger. iii. General knowledge: General knowledge is another quality by which as office personnel manager can understand any complex problem easily. Lack of general knowledge sometimes turns easy matter into in to a complex one. iv. Power to acquire knowledge: An office manager must have the power of acquiring knowledge. Power of acquiring knowledge means the power of finding out correct solution by using power of sense and by analyzing problem minutely with an analytical mind. v. Power of conferring authority: Office manager must have the power to confer authority to people working under him, if necessary, work load of office manager decreases when conferment of authority is done correctly. vi. Organizational capacity: Office personal manager is to be a good and skilled organizer because besides all works of office the whole responsibility of office organization rests on him. vii. Administrative skill and authority: An office manager has to have administrative skill and power. To run function, control of function is necessary. Organizing, giving order, carrying out order, coordination etc. are administrative work. viii. Ability to lead: An office manager is also a leader of the organization. Like a political leader, an office manger organizing a team of people and running it tries to accomplish the intended goal of office organization. ix. Ability to take decision: Immediate and quick decision is to be taken with open mind, impartial view and considering all things for accomplishment of goal of the firm.

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Knowledge about law: To manage personnel of a firm an office manager has to have knowledge of existing factory law 1969. Experience: To execute any work skillfully experience is necessary. Experience makes a man ripe in his field of work Education lays foundation of a personnel and experience helps to build apartment on that foundation. Confidence: A good manager is always to be powered by confidence. An office personal manager should have confidence in his work or leadership otherwise he cannot be successful. Self-control: Using power of self-control a man is able to control him even in the most extreme situation. Balance in word and deed: An office personal manager has to be true to his word and deed. Otherwise personal under him will not obey him. Personal qualities: Personality is a combined form of a few qualities. By which a man can present himself to another person attractively.

In conclusion it can be said that good education, environment and training assist a person to become an efficient manager. But when qualities mentioned above are found in an office personal manager, he is called a good office personal manager. Q) 15. What is called recruitment of office personal? Ans: Recruitment of personal: To implement a plan and accomplish objective, competent and honest personnel is required. Competent and honest personnel worker can run function of a firm properly. Simply recruitment of office personal means finding out personnel. The recruitment of office personnel starts from collection of requisition for appointment of personnel from different departments of farm to determining source of consideration of the mentioned personnel, giving necessary circular according to source and encouraging probable job seekers by creating interest among them. Recruitment of office personnel is the most important work of personnel management. Some definitions of recruitment of office personal are given below: •

According to B.N Tandon, “Selecting appropriate person for appropriate place is called recruitment of office personnel.”

According Griffin, “Encouraging competent persons to apply for job is called recruitment of office personal.”

According to D.D. Van Fleet, “Recruitment of human resource and management for accomplishing objective of firm is called recruitment of personnel.”

According to E.D Flippo, “Recruitment of personnel is such a process by which necessary personnel are found out and encouraged to apply for job.”

According to Prof. Tina Agrell, “The process by which when people are informed about opportunity of job, more competent number of people can apply for the job is called recruitment of office personal.

The following mentioned characteristics are found by analyzing the above definitions: a) It is a continuous process. b) It is the first stage of personal management. c) Personnel could be attracted to job in this method. d) More competent people can be found by this.

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In fine it can be said that recruitment of personnel is such a process by which a limited number of personnel of definite quality for the necessity of firm could be selected and work is run. This human element called personnel are the people behind the scene for execution of work which keeps the office moving. So recruitment of personal is one of the main functions of office management. Q) 16. Discuss the methods/sources of office personal recruitment. Ans: One of the main responsibilities of personal management is to recruit personnel. This type of management recruits personnel from different sources for recruitment of different levels of executive and personnel in the office or firm. Different methods/sources for different jobs may be considered fit. Generally personnel are recruited from two sources: a) Internal source b) External source. Description: a) Internal source: When a vacant post or newly created post is filled up taking personnel from existing personnel of firm, it is called recruitment of personnel from internal source. When personnel is recruited from an internal source, an easy idea could be obtained about qualification of the personnel in one hand, and in the other hand less time and money are required. These kinds of sources are: i.

Promotion: When a personnel is given a higher position considering his skill, competence and experience it is called promotion. It is one of the main among internal sources.


Recommendation of trade union: Generally in big firms personal could be recruited in this method at the recommendation of trade union


Recommendation of employed personnel: In emergency situation or when a few number of personnel is required then with the recommendation of existing personnel or from the relatives personal is recruited in this method.


Transfer or demotion: Personnel is recruited by changing designation of personnel or demotion as punishment.


Making permanent: Personnel could be recruited by making temporary personal permanent.

b) External source: Except this internal source personnel could be recruited from different external source. This source are called external source. External sources are as follows: i.

Invitation of application: Sometimes people looking for job applies willingly coming to personnel management department of office. Recruitment of personnel from this kind of source is very profitable.


Advertisement: Advertisement is one of the main sources of external source. Daily newspaper, by-weekly, radio, TV, Internet etc. are the main mediums of advertisements. Recruitment of personal through advertisement is a very conventional method.


Educational institution: Appointing firm can recruit personnel from different educational institutions informing their demand or giving notice. This method is mostly used in advanced countries. In our country this method is also seen.

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Training centre: Personnel could be recruited from different training centre. Especially after successful completion of different course required personnel could be appointed.


Personal investment organization: An appropriate measure for recruitment of personnel is personnel investment organization. Different government and nongovernment personnel investment organization supply personnel.


Internet: At present contact is established between job seeker and firm using internet technology. In our counts too this kind of technology is used for recruitment of personnel. For example: www.bdjobs.Com.


Formal personal: Personnel who worked before, resigned job willingly or for any other reason, appointing skilled and dedicated people personnel could be reappointed and recruited.

In fine it could be said that nowadays sources of recruitment of personnel have increased, especially using information technology. At present different institutions recruit personnel from formal and informal sources. Q) 17. What is called selection of office personal ? Next step of personnel recruitment is personnel selection. Immediately after personnel recruitment, personnel selection process in started. Of course personnel selection not only means selection of new personnel but also promotion of old personnel, demotion, transfer, suspension etc. In general sense, process by which complement personnel in selected is called selection of personnel. In broader sense, office personnel selection is the process by which appropriate personnel is selected for work from recruited meritorious and promising personnel by different examinations. Some popular definitions of personnel selection are given below:•

According to R.M Hodgetts, “selection is such a process by which a firm selects most competent persons for a specific post from applicants.”

According to Dale Yoder, “Selection is such a process where workers are divided into two for appointing them in job, one group of them are proposed for job and another group are not proposed for job.”

According to Mr. Van Fleet, “Personnel selection is a process of selecting the best personnel from probable applicants.”

According to Koontz and Weithrich, “Selecting appropriate personnel from inside or outside of firm for future or present is called selection of personnel.”

According to C.B Gupta, “Selection of personnel involves the function of selecting appropriate applicant from applicants for filling up vacant posts.”

The following characteristics are found from the above definitions: a) It is a step of personnel recruitment. b) It is a dynamic and sensitive work. c) The most competent applicant can be selected through this. d) Success of firm depends on its success.

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In fine it can be said that process of forming a skilled and competent workforce and appointment of personnel by selecting application in different posts for running it from internal and external source for higher posts is called selection. Q) 18. Discuss the selection procedure of office personnel. Personnel selection procedure in different levels of firm is an own matter of firm and it also depends on nature of the post. Generally personnel selection means recruiting personnel from outside source. Among different methods of personnel recruitment, personnel manager gets some possible job applicant. From these probable applicants he determines whether they are fit for the work through different examinations. This method of verifying qualification is called selection process. Office personnel selection process or stages are discussed below: i.

Preliminary interview: Recruited personnel or applicants come to face preliminary interview in selection department at first. In this interview primary idea of an applicant is received. In this stage the selection board gets an idea about the applicant and the applicant also gets an idea about his work in advance.


Application: If the preliminary interview is satisfactory he is asked to apply in prescribed form. Detailed information about the applicant can be obtained through application. In this stage refusing most of the incompetent applicant, only a handful applicants with reasonable competence are kept.


Selection interview: People who will be thought primarily competent seeing their application will be called for section examination in selection board of firm.


Personal inquiry: To remove dependence on recommendation or testimonial the applicants are to mention reference of any responsible person. By these correct and reliable information about the applicant could by collected.


Intelligence assessment: In these stage of applicant selection, intelligence of applicant is assessed .Techniques profoundly used in this are assessment of (a) aptitude (b) success (d) personality and (e) intelligence.


Competence assessment: In this method judgment is made whether the applicant has practical competence about the said work.. This examination is generally done by picture or machine. For example: For appositions of ambulance driver it will have to be seen before selection whether he has the competence to drive ambulance.


Assessment through appointment in job: In this stage of selection the applicant is engaged in practical work in different environment of working place. It will be found out that two employees with same ability will show varying performance due to work environment only, one will be successful and the other will not be that successful.


Recognition by Departmental Head: After passing other procedures the personnel is handed over to the head of the department under whom he will work. If the departmental dead is satisfied with work he will give recognition.


Medical examination: After passing of the above mentioned stages, an applicant has to appear for medical examination. The objective of medical examination is to verify whether an applicant has physical ability although he has all other qualities mentioned above.


Collecting secret information: After medical examination police verification is conducted for inquiry of a person’s personal or social information. In this stage if there is no objectionable information final decision to select the applicant is taken.

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Final decision for selection: Final decision is to be taken for selection of limited number of applicants though examination and different process mentioned above.


Giving appointment letter: Applicant passed in the examinations mentioned in the above procedures are given appointment letter mentioned terms and conditions of job and date.


Joining report: After giving appointment letter the applicant submits joining report to the department and office.


Temporary appointment: At this stage the applicant is temporarily appointed for a specific time.


Permanent appointment: Applicant is appointed permanently if he can pass the temporary term successfully.

In conclusion it can be said that processes discussed in the above for selection of new personnel may not be followed in every firms equally. Yet if personnel are selected following this method most competent personnel can be selected. Q) 19. What is training of office personnel? Ans: Man is born with skill in any wonk. He cannot suddenly establish himself as a good worker easily. He is to acquire knowledge about definite work and learn by hand. In general sense, training means teaching personnel by hand about a specific matter. But in the language of management training is a method of increasing knowledge and skill of personnel for executing any special work properly. In broader sense, training of office personnel is such kind of program or initiative through which personnel are made fit for adapting themselves with the reality by removing their lack of skill, inexperience and inability. Here are some popular definitions of office personnel training:•

According to Edwin B Flippo, “Training is the method by which a personnel’s skill, ability and attraction towards work is increased, as a result of which a personnel could complete the work properly.”

According to M. Juciouis, “Process of increasing skill ability, aptitude for work of personnel to execute any work is training.”

According to R.M. Hodgetts, “Training is a process of improving attitude and behaviour of personnel so that possibility of accomplishing goal is brightened.”

According to M.H. Ali, “Professional training provided to the personnel for their work is called training.”

According to Dale Yoder, “ Training increases skill of the personnel and provides extended knowledge as to how a specific work is to be done.”

In fine it could be said that training is a process by which an unskilled personnel is made skilled, informed about his duties and responsibilities and taught how a complex work could be completed in the easiest way. Training is blending of theoretical education with practical knowledge.

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Q) 20. Discuss the importance of training. Ans: In this present world the importance and necessity of training is incomparable for progress of industry and business. In the present world there are such works in commerce or industry which is very difficult to understand for common people. For this, role of training is very significant. Besides this, training is very effective for increasing work skill of new and old personnel. Importance of training is given below. i.

Introduction to work: As a result of training newly appointed personnel may get introduced with their respective work or working method. Besides this workers gain knowledge about techniques of execution of work. In this respect the importance of training is indescribable.


Effective instruction: When a trained personnel is given any instruction it can be implemented very easily. But common personnel without training cannot do this. Importance of training in this respect cannot be denied.


Increase of work skill: To do any work skillfully some techniques are to be learned properly. Imparting training to the personnel is very essential so that they can do specific job with skill.


Increase of management skill: Trained personnel assist the authority in management function such as-planning, organization, instructions, supervision and control. As a result skill in management increases.


Increase of morale: Training helps a personnel to develop his skill because as a result of training new matter is learnt. At this personnel morale increases normally.


Creation of responsibility: As a result of training consciousness increases normally. For this personnel thinks of welfare of the firm does more works without neglecting his responsibility.


Development of human relationship: Through training office personnel obtain the attitude of working together and staying together. As a result training contributes a lot in improving advanced human relationship among office personnel.


Easy supervision: Supervision is essential for any firm. Trained personnel can carry out respective responsibility with skill and without fault. As a result supervision of the executives becomes easy.


Proper use of machineries: At present to execute office works properly different kinds of machineries are used. And to use these machineries there is no alternative to training.


Execution of complex work: There are both easy and complex works in a firm. In this respect to execute complex works, training becomes essential. Because without training personnel cannot execute complex works.


Indirect reduction of expense: As a result of training, skill of personnel increases and effective use of materials in an office is ensured. But if training is not imparted different kinds of waste and expense increase due to lack of skill.


Development of thought: Due to training personnel are informed about the latest theory and information. Through training they get the opportunity of knowing the firms advantages, disadvantage and the environment. Their thought and perception develop.

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Reduction of magnitude of accident and loss: Because of training a personnel knows about possible risk involved in work and use of machineries. As a result magnitude of accident and loss of machineries get reduced.


Labour cycle and reduction of labour unrest: As a result of training personnel get introduced with new techniques and technology which increases their skill and can feel intimate with the firm. As a result labour cycle and labour unrest reduce.


Coordination: Objectives of training is to make overall progress by coordination among all. Different kinds of works executed in each department. Though those works are different in nature, coordination is necessary among them. Assistance and coordination among personnel of different departments are done through training.

In fine it may be said that training for improvement of personnel of firm is essential. Only trained personnel can open the door of success. The profundity and importance of training in the development of firm is beyond description. Q) 21. Discuss the various methods/techniques office personnel training. Ans: To implement a firm’s aims and objectives, personnel are appointed in every level of office organization. Training is necessary so that the main objective in hand the office personnel can show more skill and ability. Be it small or large every firm adopts different methods to train their personnel. Whatever training method is adopted the objective is to give effective training. Koontz and Weihrich have given two ideas about training: a) Training through work. b) Training outside work. Description: a) Training through work: The method in which the management at its own effort trains personnel inside the firm is called training through work. Its types are as follows: i.

Introductory work: After joining the work the method used to introduce the personnel with firm and colleagues is called introductory training.


Training by hand: After joining the work a new personnel learns practical knowledge under supervision of experienced personnel, it is called training by hand.


Probation: The method in which a trainee works under an executive for gaining practical knowledge along with theoretical knowledge about a specific work is called probation.


Observation method: In this method senior managers appointing junior managers or office personnel as their assistant make them fit for management responsibility. In this method junior personnel learns different techniques about work under direct supervision of senior officer.


5. Exhibition: Experienced personnel appointed in a firm shows practical picture of a specific subject to help new personnel in solving their problems which is known as exhibition.


Apprenticeship: One of the most conventional methods of office personnel training is apprenticeship. In this method apprentice personnel according to an agreement with a firm continues to learn techniques of work duration of apprenticeship lasting generally 6 month to 2 Years.

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Training through committee: In Large firms, committee are formed with executives skilled and experienced in organizational matter for training of personnel. Personnel acquire knowledge about work by exchanging advice and view with this committee.

b) Training outside work: The method in which personnel are trained outside of the firm is called training outside work. Its types are as follows: i.

Organizational Training: The method in which technical and management training is provided following a specific syllabus in called organizational training. This type of training is imparted in the institutions of B.I.B.M, I.B.A etc.


Seminar system: It is a formal training system. In this method experienced person presents his knowledge and experience to the trainees in such a way that the audience can easily understands and can remember.


Incident review method: In this method using discussion on real condition, review and theoretical study with the help of adjectives a person is taught to solve problem.


Workshop: In this method supervisor and junior managers are given training. Trainees dividing themselves into small groups ask the trainer questions through discussion and get solutions to different problems.


Discussion meeting: Senior executives at different times sit with their juniors together and discuss information about different subjects and gives necessary instructions. It is a democratic method of training.


Professional training: Different kinds of office makes arrangement of professional training in different training centers for increasing skill of personnel. For example: Diploma-in-Personnel Management, Diploma-in-Education, Diploma-inAdministration Management etc.


Coaching method: Giving a pre-idea about a subject is called coaching. In this method executive teaches the method of work to his juniors, i.e. tells how a work is to be done.


Workshop: At present in many cases along with imparting theoretical knowledge arrangement of workshop is with junior level executives.

In fine it can be said that besides the above mentioned methods training could be imparted through giving advice, squadron method, business tour, educational curriculum, panel method etc. So each firm should have a training policy. Q) 22. What is called office personnel management? Ans: Personnel are life blood of a firm. Because without personnel whatever modern devices these may be in an office will become useless. Close fist of the personnel maintains the continuity of a firm. So there must be a system/arrangement of their appointment, selection, preservation of training environment, giving salary and wage, giving mental motivation, creating advantage and overseeing all this. Process by which these arrangements are completed is called personnel management. Personnel management plays an important role in every institutions like business and commerce, industry, government, non government and religious institutions. Personnel management is prevalent everywhere where human is engaged in firms. Personnel management is intensely involved with the persons engaged in the mentioned institutions. Different firms and persons gave definitions of management. Some are given below:

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According to E.F.L Breach, “Employee management is a part of management method concerned with human materials of an organization.”

According to George R. Terry, “Personnel management is concerned with the obtaining and the maintaining of satisfactory and satisfied work force.

According definition of British Institute of Personnel Management, “Personnel management is that part of management which is involved with mutual relationship of people working in a firm.”

According to M.J. Jucious, “Personnel management is a side of management which organizes and controls use of work force, preservation, development and planning regarding procurement.”

According to Dale Yoder, “Personnel management is the provision of leadership and direction of people on their working of relationships.”

Definitional characteristics: a. It is a branch of management. b. works for human welfare. c. policy implementation for personnel. d. takes the firm forward. In fine it could be said that personnel management is a process of continuous recruitment of manpower, integration of personnel in the organization, vitalization of personnel potential and favourable support process for work force preservation. Q) 23. Discuss the function of office personnel management. Ans: In a business, industrial firm or office there are different levels of personnel and workers. Their work natures are different and designations are different in nature. So maintaining all things for accomplishment of organizational objective personnel management has to do some works for attaining their utmost effort. The more effective these functions will be the stronger will be personnel management. Function of personnel management can be viewed from two perspectives. Firstly managerial function and secondly operative work. a) Managerial functions: i.

Planning: Personnel manager make up a suitable personnel program for personnel. Selecting personnel, training, promotion, motivation etc. firm should have proper policy and program. Personnel management carries out this responsibility of designing policy and program.


Organization: Personnel are to be organized for achievement of firm’s goal. Organization means determination of mutual responsibility, duty and relationship. It is the second main function of personnel management.


Directing: There is no guarantee as to personnel will work spontaneously and successfully only by organizing. There may be many obstacles in the way that may hamper execution of work. For this reason they need right direction, motivation etc. Personnel management directing personnel to the right way helps to achieve goal of organization.


Control: Observing whether personnel are working according to plan and bringing necessary correction is called control. It is the last function of managerial function of personnel management.

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b) Operative Function : i.

Personnel recruitment and selection: To implement objective like plan of firm competent person is very necessary. When there is competent officer and personnel in firm one can be sure of success to some extent. So the second main objective of personnel is to recruit competent persons from correct source and select them for appropriate work.


Training and Development: When personnel are selected then the concerned work seems more or less new to them. If he is given a little training he may achieve competence in that job and develop his work skill.


Promotion and transfer: After joining the service when personnel acquire more and more competence then observing a specific policy of giving promoting is the responsibility of management. Besides it is the responsibility of management to consider which personnel will be good at which position and transfer him to that position.. Attraction of the personnel’s to the firm depends on proper formulation of these two policies.


Suspension, retrenchment etc.: Discipline of production i.e. success depends on observance of rules of the firm. Due to misuse of power, disgrace of principles, disobedience to direction etc. there could be chaos. So, in this condition suspension of accused personnel, retrenchment etc. punishing measure is to be taken. Of course care must be taken so that it is done for the welfare of the firm. Or else other personnel may revolt.


Maintaining congenial environment of work: Favourable environment of work is the pre-condition of timely and skillful execution of work. Place which is filled with smoke, odour, excessive light or low light etc. adverse work environment, good work cannot be expected there. As a result objective of firm is not achieved and personnel could become upset and lose spirit for work environment.


Safety of personnel from different risks: Any personnel might meet accident in this factory. For example machinery or Factory may break down or fire may break out or there be the pear of death by electrocution. So one main function of personnel management is to make arrangement of removing all kinds of risks.


Deserved salary and wage of personnel: Personnel and workers express interest to their work when they get deserved reward of salary and labour. It is the main tool for creating interest towards work. It is a result of well coordinated policy of salary and wage. Management should make such a salary and wage policy that all will be satisfied with it..


Labour welfare function: Every personnel has a mind to enjoy service. It is a natural human instinct to have weakness for extra benefit. For example their affection could easily be bought if services like medical, residential, entertainment, bonus etc. are given to personnel. So management’s benevolent eye in this matter is expected.


Evaluation of work and merit Rating: With the increase of experience and skill it is necessary to evaluate personnel’s work and merit. Management duty is to give proper recognition to personnel work by evaluation. At this other personnel pose confidence to the policy of firm and they advance themselves with their respective improvement following this policy.


Labour management relationship: Friendly relationship and harmony between management and labour is essential for achieving objective.

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Many research show that when there is no good relation ship between labour and management the personnel always keep busy to embarrass the management. They have no interest for institutional function. Frequent strike is its practical example. In this circumstance the duty management in to maintain good relationship with the personnel.


11. Ensuring personnel participation in management: Since personnel are engaged to implement objective, they know best as to what method would be best in execution level. So if their advice is taken during decision making implementation will be easy. Personnel also thinking it is their own decision will work in full swing.


12. Agreement with trade union: Since there is mobilization of people coming from different environment and character so unwanted incident is not at all unusual. In this circumstance it can be solved through discussion and executing agreement. Besides agreement with trade union regarding over removal of lack of skill, development of method and increase of production could be beneficial.


13. Review of personnel need: With the gradual expansion, import and setting up of modern machineries in the firm and due to increase of of production amount the necessary of reviewing personnel skill and competence is an essential function of management. As a result necessary demand of firm could be met and any required developmental work could be executed.

In fine it could be said that management has to perform many other function besides the function mentioned above. Because, a firm where there are mobilization of animate and inanimate things there it is not so easy to run work of management by co-ordinations them. Still when the personnel management is far-sighted and dutiful all the functions could completed properly.

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Second Chapter Office Form and Computer Questions and Answers Q) 1. What is office form? Q) 2. Discuss the importance/objective of office form. Q) 3. Describe the designing of office form. Q) 4. Describe the objectives of using office form. Q) 5. What is office form control? Q) 6. Write down the steps in office form control. Q) 7. Discuss the types of office form. Q) 8. What is stationery? Q) 9. Give the list of stationary goods used in office. Q) 10. What is sorting of stationary? Q) 11. Discuss the considering factors of sorting stationary. Q) 12. Write down the courtesy of using telephone. Q) 13. Discuss the application of computer in Bangladesh. Q) 14. Discuss the using or application of computer (Bangladesh and Developed countries). Q) 15. Write down the difference between Analogue and Digital Computer. Q) 16. Write down the difference between photocopier & duplicating machine. Q) 17. Write down the difference between hardware & software. Q) 18. Write down the difference between telex & fax. Q) 19. What is office equipment maintenance? Q) 20. Discuss the importance of office equipment maintenance. Q) 21. Discuss the procedure of office equipment maintenance. Q) 22. What is intercom? Q) 23. What is E-mail? Q) What is E-Commerce?

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Q) 1. What is called office form? Ans: Office form is a special document used in office. Office form is a continuous statement of daily work or guideline which used as document in future necessity. Documents and materials that plays direct role to speed up functions of each firm among them office firm is one of the main. Office form is such a length printed paper with relative information according to subject of which office assistant executes functions by collecting information. Printed paper or card with heads against work using of which a personal does office job easily is called office form. Office personnel or concerned person typing or writing required information in the blank space of right side of form executes respective function. Some popular definitions of office are given below: •

According to J.C Denyer, “Office form is a length of printed paper or card where information is written against specific heads.”

According to S.P Aurora,” Office form is a printed paper where there is space for writing record, information instruction which will be supplied to other person, department or among firms.”

According to B.N Tandon,” Gaps or blanks are used for typing or writing to furnish the necessary information, such printed matters on a paper is called office form.”

According to J.P Bose,” Form is a big or small piece of paper with special design in the middle of which there is specific head or is of dotted blank space so that required matter, word or sign could be written by hand or typed.

According to G.P Verma, “Office form is a printed sheet of paper with marked heading leaving suitable blank spaces for entries to be made therein.”

The following mentioned characteristics are seen in the above definitions: a. On the left of it subject matter and on the right there is blank space, b. filling it up the user signs it. In fine is could be said that office form is a printed piece of paper where information is arranged in pre-determined system. At present use of form is very important in progressive offices, without which office or court is completely dysfunctional. Use of form is increasing day by day. Q) 2. Discuss the importance/objective of office form. Ans: Office form is considered as a special helping tool for fast and proper completion of office function. In execution of organizational work different kinds of information is required everyday. To make writing of all kinds of necessary information easy and fast different kinds of forms and cards have been introduced. Maximum use of time is ensured in use of form and card. Though some mechanistic feature comes when office form is used, the following benefits are obtained: i. Fast completion of work: Work can be completed fast if person engaged in office work writes information in a definite table. ii. Mention of required matters: According to the nature of work subject matter of work that is to be done is written thoughtfully in forms used in office. iii. Information collection: As subject matter is written in office form, information could be collected very easily against that. Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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Analysis of information: As information is arranged continuously and neatly, it could be easily analyzed. v. Correctness: As correct information is collected using form possibility of making mistakes is thin. vi. Creation of discipline: As required information is arranged in a planned way there is discipline in completing work. vii. Guideline of work: Office form works as a guideline of work for inexperienced office personal. As office personal has to fill up blank space of form speed of work increases. viii. Evidence: Forms used today will be considered evidence of the work for tomorrow. ix. Personnel skill: Using office form personnel does the same work again and again. As a result personal become more skilled in his work. x. Work quality: As a result of use form personnel becomes skilled in one hand and in the other quality of work improves. xi. Minimum expense: Office form plays important role in achieving economy by stopping wastage of money, time and labour. xii. Confidentiality: Confidentiality is very important for each office. Office form protects all confidentiality of office. xiii. Increase of reputation: As a result of use of office form a standard of office work is maintained. This increases reputation of organization. xiv. Control: Whether work is being done as per instruction could be known from information mentioned in the form. As a result work could be controlled easily. xv. Area of responsibility: Using form area of personnel’s responsibility could be determined easily. In conclusion it can be said that in the modern age in every office function office form is considered as a very important element. It helps office and user to execute office work easily. Q. 3. Describe the designing the office form. Ans: Office form is a series of statement or guideline of everyday work which is used as documents in future. In running office function properly suitable design of form is very important. Because due to use of low standard form mistake and expense increase and bad reaction is seen regarding firm. To ensure maximum benefit using form, office must prepare design and structure according to a plan. Before designing a form the following matters are to be considered. i. Objective: Form should be designed such a way so that a definite objective could be accomplished. General purpose of form is to ease the work of clerical job. What information and how this information from what department will be collected or written is an important matter of consideration in designing form. So the objective of use of form is to be known first. ii. Proper planning: Office form is an important paper. Different forms are used for different works of office. For designing office form number of colour, size, design appropriate plan is to be adapted. iii. Use of heads: For presenting all information in brief and in a disciplined way appropriate heads of each subject is to be mentioned so that mentioning the required matter against the subject user can make it easily. iv.

Work type: Different kinds of functions are executed in a firm. Keeping harmony with these works office form is to be prepared.

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Mention of subject matter: To write different information after a specific head the main subject is to be written clearly on the left of the form and to write information there is to be blank space on the right. Presentation of relevant subject: Relevant subject must be mentioned is office form. Standard and utility of form increase at this. Whatever information of firm is required including name of firm, address, date, monogram, form type; serial number etc. should be there in a table, structure in a form. Presentation in table: In the interest of presenting office form beautifully and attractively its head and blank spaces for filling up are to be presented by table if necessary. At this it becomes easy for the user to use in one hand and in the other proper presentation also becomes easy. Table ensures economy of paper and time. Scope for mentioning additional information: Besides information included in form heads, mentioning additional information may become necessary. So it is necessary to keep some blank space in another head with other names so that user of form can use it comfortably. This increases flexibility of using form. Free form mistakes: Sometimes office form plays the role of ambassador of firm. So mistakes in form damages image of firm. For this its arrangement of subject, spelling, use of type etc. must be free from mistakes. Appropriate size: Size or dimension is an important matter for designing form. Care should be taken that paper used for writing required information does not become too small or too big. At this side by side of increasing beauty preservation becomes easy. Form size: Size of form depends on nature of information that will be written in form. Care is to be taken so that form is not small or big in writing necessary information. If it is necessary to use form in machines then care is to be taken as to what sized paper could be used in the concerned machine. Avoiding complexity: During designing of office form all complexity and illegibility are to be discarded and designed clearly so that the users face no problem. Attractive printing: Office form bears introductory mark of the firm. So the other parties form an idea through this about the firm. So it is necessary to print it attractively. If necessary arrangement should be made to print it in multi-colour, beautiful type, design and by advanced machine. Paper quality: During designing of office form the quality of paper must be considered. Depending on form used and preservation time, suitable standard of paper should be determined. Because beauty and attraction of form especial depend on paper quality. Low expense: During designing of form special consideration is to be given to expense. Every firm tries to design form beautifully and attractively at a low expense. So care is to be taken as to how expense of design, type and printing could be reduced. Determining appropriate type and amount: During designing of form types and amounts of form should be considered especially. How many forms are required in a time should be determined and cost could be reduced if all of them are printed at a time. Making hole in the left margin: For preservation of form or indexing there should be arrangement of making hole on the left side of form with punching machine. For this during designing of form necessary space should be kept on the left margin.

In conclusion it may be said that if form is designed considering above matters wastage of time, labour and money will be reduced and checked and speed of work will increase. As a result objective of designing form is accomplished and work becomes easy and comfortable and it increases reputation of firm. Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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Q. 4. Describe the objectives of using office form. Ans: In this present world of business there is a competition to do more works in short time. So all offices big or small use office form to do daily works fast and properly. Using office form a firm can execute its function investing less time and labour at a great speed and flawlessly. As a result the firm can reach its intended destination easily. So the purposes of using form in a firm are given below: i.

Establishment of Discipline in Office: Office form is used to run function of office management properly. As there are printed heads, information could be written in a disciplined way. As a result possibility of missing something while writing or writing unnecessary information is reduced. As a result establishment of discipline in office becomes possible. And it is one of the main objectives of using office form.


Expected use of labour and time: Office form is used to ensure expected use of labour and time of client and office personnel. As there is opportunity of executing work with little labour and time, naturally speed of work increases. For this reason office form is used widely.


Establishment of flawless and continuous trend of work: During designing of office form it is designed and arranged flawlessly. The user only has to fill up blank space against specific heads. As there are date and serial number flawless and continuous trend of work can be maintained. And office form is used keeping this objective in mind.


Keeping proper standard of work: Due to use of office form it is possible to maintain same standard of work in each work of firm. As there is specific head information could be arranged that way. As a result natural trend and standard can be maintained in office which increases office reputation.


Easy preservation: As date and serial number are mentioned in office form they are preserved continuously. Again as there is hole on the left of form and they are of same measurement, they can be easily filed.


Used as proof: Office form is preserved according to type, date and serial number which is used as proof in future. As a result of use of form any confusion in future could be resolved easily.


Easy information collection: Form is printed according to pre-meditated plan and information could be collected fast. For example a client fills up form while opening a bank account. As a result bank can easily collect a client’s information.


Establishment of effective control: Office form is also used for the purpose of establishing effective control in different works of firm. In some firms there are specific heads for expenditure. In this case if the specific heads are mentioned in the said voucher form other expenses are controlled. Expense is controlled when there is arrangement of signature of senior officer in voucher.


Pace: Form is printed according to a plan as a result personnel can complete work fast using form easily.


Reduction of expense: As a result of use of from in official works different expenses are reduced.


Technique of writing information: There is indication as to how to write information in form, as a result information could be written easily.

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Determining demand: Determining before hand how much form is required for different works in a specified time.


Guideline: In absence of high officials in emergency time personnel get advance guidelines using office form.


Clear Statement: Office form makes subject clear in any work.


Preparing routine: Helps to make routine for executing daily functions.

In conclusion it could be said that office form is used for fast conduction of daily works properly. But in every condition use of this kind of form keeps office activity up and running and helps to execute work skilfully. As a result a firm is developed in all respects. Q) 5. What is office form control? Ans: As office form bears the identity of a firm, its indiscriminate use could be harmful for the firm. To execute daily official function in the modern world different kinds of form is used. These forms are prepared against different heads as per different type of functions. For example: purchase form, sale form, production form, cash memo, order book, admission form, voucher etc. To get maximum benefit from office form its control is essential. Ensuring expected use of forms suitable for use in an office is called form control. Supervising if office forms supplied to the office are used as per plan and ensuring maximum use of forms through taking correctitude measure is called office form control. Some popular definitions of office form control are given below: •

According to J.P. Bose, “For proper forms control the post of a forms control officer may be created. The officer may have his own staff.”

According to B.N. Tandon, “Preparing different office forms according to importance of different office works, it is essential to control office form to get the maximum benefit.”

In small and medium scale firm, office manager himself controls office form. But in large scale firm as it is very difficult and very important specialist person is appointed for establishing correct control of form. In large firms officer appointed for this kind of work is called office form controller. Some benefits are obtained through proper use of office form. For example: a) Form according to necessity can be prepared. b) Correct stock of form can be known. In the end it could be said that through control of office form speed of work increases and standard of work improves. So control of each office form is very important. Q) 6. Write down the steps in office form control. Ans: Proper and correct control is essential for effective use and preparation of office form. Ensuring effective use of form suitable for use in office is called form control. As a result of control of office form, overall speed of work increase in one hand and standard of work increases on the other hand. For this proper control of office form is essential. Steps generally taken by form controller or appointed person engaged in firm to control form are as follows: i.

Preparing form list: The first step for office form control process is to make a list of forms used in a firm. In this respect according to type and nature of work office forms are used in different classes.

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Determining area of form control: Importance of all forms is not the same. So forms that are most essential in terms of importance are to be controlled only.


Determining demand: At this level of form control, amount of demand of each form is to be determined.


Preservation of necessary registrar: Form registrar is to be preserved to know how much form is in stock and how many types of forms are used in a specific time.


Movement analysis of form use: At this level form controller collects necessary information regarding use, movement, colour, size, type, advantage, disadvantage etc.


Launching new form: Newer works are executed keeping harmony with circumstance. So keeping harmony with work form controller has to design forms anew.


Establishment of form standard: Separate standard for each form is another step for controlling each form. In this respect size, colour, design, paper quality etc. can be specified.


Execution of printing work: Keeping an eye on form movement, use and utility, arrangement for printing new form is essential.


Following routine: During use of office form daily routine is to be followed properly.


Re-production: In the state of urgent necessity if new form is required it is to be prepared quickly.


Serial Number: To prevent forgery of office form serial number of prepared form is to be used.


Seal & Signature: A specific place is to be kept blank under the form so that seal and signature could be used.


Comparing with work: For controlling form it is necessary to compare the amount of forms used with another year. Besides number of unused form is to be compared.


Inquiry: After a specific interval the form controller taking information from his inspection statement or note will review movement, advantage-disadvantage etc. of different forms. In conclusion it may be said that form control is essential for controlling forms in any office. The mentioned steps are to be taken continuously for controlling office form to easy and flawless execution of daily official functions. Q) 7. Discuss the types of office form? Ans: At present to bring pace in official function in every firm papers and materials that play direct role office form is one of them, office form is recognized as an important technique or way for making office work easy, speedy and attractive. Various kinds of forms are used in an office. Generally though we understand voucher and receipt as form only, actually all documents, books, register etc. are included in the form. Form used in office for different purposes according to their nature, type are as follows: i. Attendance Book: To specify arrival and departure time of the personnel working in almost all firms, small or big, attendance book is prepared through attendance form. ii. Peon Book: Book used as proof of sending notice, letter, circular etc, inside or outside of firm is called peon book.

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Voucher: Voucher form is used for the purpose of writing and preserving financial expenses of a firm. Name of the firm address, monogram, expense head, name of expender, statement, signature, signature of the authority etc. are printed there. iv. Office Pad: For the purpose of office work letters are written and sent in different places. On the top of the pad name of the firm, monogram, contact address, phone number, fax number etc are printed. Copy with this kind of form is called pad. v. Invoice: Invoice in widely used in respect of supply of goods. Name of sent goods, amount and price are written here. Collecting slip by sending money on behalf of a specific firm into the treasury is called treasury invoice. vi. Bill form: Bill form is used for the purpose of accounts or financial transaction of a firm. Bill form is prepared with special table or design mentioning name of bill recipient, address, description of sold product or service, amount, price. vii. File Sheet: To preserve record of different letters, deeds, valuable papers used in office they are to be failed. For the purpose of filing, file sheet is to be prepared with the form with name of organization and name. viii. Note Sheet: Opinion, comments, work report etc. are to be written concented with different daily official works. To write note on the work, paper with definite table used by a specific officer is called note sheet. ix. Acknowledgement letter: After receiving different kinds of production or goods letter is written to acknowledge reception of goods to the sender, it is called acknowledgement letter. It is also a kind of office form. x. Delivery form: Nowadays manufacturers or dealers supply goods from door to door by their own vehicles. In this respect supplier of goods use a kind of form during supply of their own goods with names of their goods. It is called delivery form. xi. Indenture: Different things are required for regular and proper conduction of office work. And papers used for collecting all these things are called indenture. Names of things necessary for the firm are printed here. It can be made writing amount in front of the required heads. But at present form is made by the supplying firms and supplies to the orderer. Goods necessary for a firm is printed in this form, and it is made writing amount in front of the required heads. It is also used as indenture. xii. Debit Credit note: Financial firms, banks or a department of a firm uses special form to maintain accounts of a firm. Here debit and credit is mentioned. This form is designed according to office’s own plan and rule. xiii. Different kinds of envelops: Nowadays most of the offices use their own envelop to send office letter. There is opportunity to mention name, monogram, address, especial comment on the envelop. Receipt of letter in this kind envelop creates positive idea about a firm. xiv. Office memo form: Paper with special design and graphics used for circular of different kinds of official work like production and service, imported and exported products, investment, capital is called office memo form. Different kinds of memo form are used in different works with multiple purposes. xv. Different kinds of cards: Now-a-days authority of firm sends courtesy card on different occasion like marriage, birthday etc. for keeping good relationship with different parties. These are also kinds of forms. In conclusion it may be said that in running official works with maximum success different kinds of offices use different kinds of form according to their need. Forms are used in government offices according to variety of their work. Similarity bank, insurance, import and export firms use different kinds of forms according to their own necessity.

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Q) 8. What is stationery? Ans: Generally office stationary means daily essential things used in office works. Cheap daily essentials used in office work are called office stationary. Office stationary is a very essential thing without which office work can not be done smoothly and properly. Besides office stationary is one of the things used to keep office work going fast. Stationary means different kinds of things used in office. Every office uses various kinds of small things in executing works. These small things are collectively called stationary. According to nature two types of stationeries are used in each firm. For example: Stationary made of papers like envelop, cash book, attendance book, invoice, receipt etc and other stationary products like: ink, pen, rubber, stapler, flower vase etc. make office work easy and speedy. Some popular definitions of stationeries are as follows: • According to P.H. Collin, “Stationary means office supplies for writing such as paper, carbon, pens etc.” • According to B.N. Tandon, “Office stationary includes not only envelops, letterheads, but it includes printed from, ink pencils, erasers, jambs, carbon paper, pins, file cover, typewriter, ribbons, paper weight etc. • According to Prof. M.C. Petter, “Small things used in daily office works in called stationary.” • According to Pear Ahmad Chowdhury, “Necessary things used in daily official works is called office stationery.” • According to Chambers Dictionary, “ An office need some useful and conventive materials like pens, books, cotton, chip, stapler etc & stationary providing those things.” From the above discussion and specialist opinion we find that:1) Stationary is used in office; 2) Stationary is of less price; 3) Daily essentials; 4) It maintains speed of work; 5) Stock of stationary is per-determined; In conclusion it may be said that office manager or secretary has to keep detailed knowledge of stationary products. Especially idea about the quality of stationary and time of stationary use is necessary. Some items of stationary things are supplied early so that works are not delayed. Q) 9. Give the list of stationary goods used in offices. Ans: Various stationary goods are necessary for running office. Procuring these from different sources office manager supplies them regularly to different department of office. As a result function of office is executed properly. List of different stationeries used in different offices are presented here in a table. Stationary Goods Paper Stationeries

Pen and Ink

Stationeries used in

Other Stationary Products

Stationeries regarding

Regarding Shorthand and

Stationeries Regarding

Stationaries Regarding Miscellaneou

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Stationery goods are primarily divided in two divisions: For example:a) Paper stationeries b) Other stationeries Description: a) Paper stationary products: Stationeries made by paper or hard card is called paper stationary. These types of stationeries are: 1. Paper of different colours, type and quality. 2. Files 3. Type paper 4. Duplicating paper 5. Carbon paper 6. Cash book 7. Cash memo, voucher 8. Various types of envelop 9. Note book and attendance book 10. Peon Book 11. Office memo 12. Different types of stationeries including register book. b) Other stationary products: Other products that are not directly related with paper are called other supplied stationary products. These types of stationary products are: 1. Pen and ink, like: Different kinds of pens, pencils of different colours, pencil cutter, photocopy ink, pad ink. 2. Stationery used on table, like: Different kinds of file tray, table calendar, calling bell, stapler, knife and scissors, paper weight, pen vase, flower vase. 3. Stationeries regarding files, like: Different kinds of files and boards, indexing cards, indexing sheet, file cover, file binding lace, marking board, file drawer, punching machine etc. 4. Regarding shorthand and type: Special copy for writing shorthand, pencil for writing shorthand, eraser or rubber, ribbon of type machine, wood pencil, ruler etc. 5. Stationary regarding post, like: Different kinds of envelops, tag, gum and seal, weighing scale, faxing machine, candle, stitching needle and thread, scissor, punching machine etc. 6. Stationary regarding books, like: Office manual, guide book regarding information, telephone directory, dictionary, map book, reference book, tourist guide book, magazine etc. 7. Miscellaneous, like: Calendar, watch, towel, broomstick, mat, screen, soap, chalk, duster, board etc. In conclusion it may be said that the above mentioned stationeries are seen to be used in every office. But use of these stationeries depend on office nature, work type, objective etc. Q) 10. What is sorting of stationery? Ans: Stationary products is the collection of different products used in office work. Successful use of which keeps work of an office running. In running of office different stationery products are necessary all the time. Stationary products necessary for executing office function properly are different in colour, size, type, use, utility, source, presence of alternative products and use. During selection of

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office stationery considering the mentioned matter the best product is to be picked. So it could be said that considering product durability, quality, price, availability, utility out of various products pound in market picking up the correct stationary at the correct time is the method of sorting of stationery. In other words picking up the necessary and appropriate product according to the type of office work is called selection of stationary products. During purchase of office stationery products care should be taken that they are of good quality and durable. Use of quality stationary helps to make office work beautiful and precise. Above all it could be said that controller of stationary should always keep an eye so that all kinds of stationeries are at hand all the time. Otherwise due to deficit of stationary products even a big firm may incur loss. So officer engaged in this job has to select stationery with honesty and dedication. Good quality stationery increases standard, beauty and speed of office work. Q) 11. Discuss the considering factors of sorting stationary. Ans: Stationary is like life blood of a firm. Stationary products play effective role in proper execution of daily official works. Selection of correct stationery for the correct work at a specified time is very significant and difficult. So to do this work, things to be considered are as follows: 1) Nature of work: In a modern office different kinds of works are executed every day. At the beginning of stationery selection, kind of stationery that will be used should be considered. Stationeries that are essential according to nature of work to be procured after selection. 2) Financial capacity: At the second level of stationery selection stationery products are to be selected considering overall financial condition of a firm. Because same kind of stationery, product ranges in price from low to high. 3) Budget: Modern firms plan budget for each work. So according to specific budget decision is to be made regarding stationery selection keeping budget under consideration. 4) Durability: It is essential to select durable stationery product though it could be a bit costlier for an office. These kinds of products do not get damaged and can be used any time. Stationery increases loss when they are fragile and less durable. 5) Quality: During procurement quality of stationery is very sensitive. During selection of stationery products quality of products must be considered. Use of good quality stationery makes of official work speedy and beautiful. 6) Availability: Stationeries that are always found at nearby location should be selected. Stationeries that are not easily available should not be chosen. 7) Price: During selection of stationery products its price must be considered. Keeping budget in mind effort is to be given to purchase better quality product at minimum price. 8) Quantity: During selection of stationeries quantity of each stationery must be considered. If the amount is less than necessary then it will create problem in office work and if the amount is more than necessary stationery may be wasted. But purchase of stationery would be most reasonable if it is bought consulting stock ledger. 9) Introduction: During selection of stationeries care should be taken that officers and employees are acquainted with the products to be bought. Products that they are not used to use should not be selected. 10) Employee expectation: Stationery should be such as are liked by the employee of office. At this they feel comfortable in office work.

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11) Easy use: During selection of stationary such product should be picked up that could be used by all in office. Because many stationeries are difficult to use. 12) Increase of office status: During procurement of stationery quality and price are to be considered. Because important works and as a result of use of quality and advanced stationeries works are done smoothly in one hand and office status increases in the other. 13) Communication: For internal communication cheap and low quality stationery could be used but good quality and expensive stationeries must be used for external and foreign communication which will increase firm’s reputation. 14) Environment friendly: During selection of stationeries another matter must be considered and that is selecting such products that are not harmful to environment. Stationeries should be such that are conducive to health. Because personnel are like life of an office. In fine it could be said that in selecting and procuring stationery products the above matters should be considered. As a result procured materials increase skill of personnel and plays important role in reducing organizational expense. Q) 12. Write down the courtesy of using telephone. Ans: Different techniques and rules of telephone for conversation using telephone is called courtesy of using telephone. For successful conversation it is necessary to have good knowledge about these courtesy of using telephone. Because the speaker must know how to express the appropriate sentence. In the book “The voice with a smile” American telephone and telegraph company mentioned the following courtesy for improvement of telephone courtesy: i.

Before talking on telephone own thought is to be organized.


The statement is to be fixed before with easy language.


The entire sentence is to be made articulate.


To make someone understand own idea it is to be made brief.


Language ornaments should be avoided.


Cannot be talked interrupting the other person.


It is not right to address again and again saying ‘hello’.


Correct number should be dialed seeing directory. At this time and money is not wasted, besides embarrassment can be avoided due to wrong dialing.


If wrong number is dialed, apology should be begged immediately.


Immediately after receiving call identification of self and firm should be made.


Conversation is to be at normal tone. Shrill, high pitch or low pitch voice should be avoided.


Mouth piece should be kept two inches away from mouth.


At first the identity of the person spoken to should be known and saluted.


Conversation should be conducted very attentively. Annoyance of the listener cannot be aroused saying hello, ok, hu etc. without reason.


If an incoming call is looking for someone and he is not present, then it is to be informed with intelligence and technique, you will try to give the news sincerely.

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At the end of conversation farewell salutation should be made.


Words that are not usually clear over telephone should be avoided.

In the end it can be said that a very important medium of communication of present age is telephone. Firm reputation will increase if the above mentioned conduct and rules are followed during telephone conversation. Q) 13. Discuss the importance of computer. Ans: Importance of computer in modern age is endless. Modern civilization and computer cannot be thought of separately. Specialties for which computer is playing important role in modern age are flawless function, speed, memory, automatic, tolerance etc. Computer has brought revolutionary change in training, business and administration. Computer has opened new horizon in education, research, science, engineering, medicine, communication etc. Importance of computer is discussed below: i.

Accurate execution of work: Modern computer has proved that man makes mistakes, but computer does not make mistake. Computer has no possibility of making mistakes if instructed correctly.


Automatic working capacity: Automatic, i.e. without human help, execution of work is an aspect of computer. Blending suitable instruments it is possible to do different kinds of works automatically.


Reduction of labour: Expense necessary for engaging human resource to do huge job can be cut to a great extent using computer. To prepare monthly salary accounts of 40,000 labour a team of 25/30 people and 15/20 days will be required. Computer can do this job in 2/1 days.


Education sector: Different elements involved in Bangladesh education are controlled by computer. As the whole world is floating on computer education, Bangladesh government is also thinking of making computer education compulsory. At present there is facility of higher degree in computer education in each higher educational institution especially in universities and colleges.


In health sector: Computer is used in different clinics, diagnostic centers for diagnosis in different government and non-government hospitals for providing advanced Medicare to the people. As a result health sector has progressed much.


Publishing industry: Even in eighties printing work would be done in publishing industry of Bangladesh using type machine. But at present computer is used in every sector of publishing industry. For example: Newspaper office, press, weekly magazine etc. are using computer and made much progress.


Bank: At present banking activities of all kinds of government and non government section is controlled by computer. As a result banking sector has become developed and speedy. Specially, use of computer controlled ATM has made banking service speedy.


Insurance and financial firm: Insurance companies are using computer in executing their daily activities and other financial firms also using computers.


Stock exchange: Computer is used to vitalize Bangladesh share market and to keep pace with international commerce

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In work field: Computer is now used in government and non government offices though type writer was used previously. As a result quality of work has improved in one hand and offices have become faster.


Graphics and design: In the development of graphics and design non government firms are using computer widely.


Sports: At present sports specially the most popular game cricket is controlled and conducted by computer.


In curbing crime: Law and order enforcing agency is taking help of computer in curbing crime.


Earning foreign exchange: Every year exporting software Bangladesh earns mention worthy amount of foreign exchange.


In scientific research: Though Bangladesh is a poor country computer is used widely in scientific research. Computer is being used in Bangladesh paddy, jute, water, agriculture, atomic power commission research etc.

In conclusion it may be said that importance of computer in modern age is profound. Use of computer in business, commerce, office, court, medicine, science has made human work brief, flawless and fast. We are hopeful that use of computer will be more widespread in future. Q) 14. Discuss the application of computer (Bangladesh and developed countries). Ans: Significance of computer in the modern world is endless. Modern age and computer cannot be thought of separately. Specialities for which computer plays important role are accurate execution of work, fastness, memory, automatic working capacity, tolerance etc. as a result doing more works in short time is possible side by side obtaining good. At present beginning from daily life to social, state and religious life computer is used in every sector so profoundly that it cannot be expressed in words. There is no sector where there is no use of computer. This profound use of computer can be divided into these following sectors: a) Data processing, b) control, c) design and development, d) data communication, e) multimedia etc. i) Data processing: Accounts regarding mathematics and statistics and data processing for example: pay role, accounting, marketing, management, inventory, word processing etc. are included in data processing. Some specific data processing done by computer is mentioned below: a. Pay role: In big firms computer is used to make total salary by adding, deducting personnel’s basic salary, different kinds of allowance, overtime, income tax, provident fund etc. Even computer prints salary cheque in each personnel’s name. b. Keeping accounts of sale and stock: In big shops accounts of sale and stock is maintained by computer. Accounts of total sale, price and total sale in the entire day can be kept by using computer. At the end of day accounts of things that are left can be kept using computer. c. Word processing: Word processing means composing letters, deeds, books etc and processing using computer. Instead of normal type writer the use of word processing is increasing day by day. For this a word processor is to be used in computer. Document processed by computer can be saved for future use. d. To write same letter to different persons subject matter and address of the recipients are to be saved in two different files. Later using word processing package and Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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blending two files together separate letters could be written with separate addresses. This is called mail merge. e. Insurance: In insurance companies premiums notice is printed and accounts of premium notice is done by using computer. Besides computer is used to collect information, preserve data, process and analyze data. f. Stock exchange: Using online system share price can be known any time. Share price and commission can be known by computer. Analyzing all data by computer regarding share, profitable sale or purchase of share can be determined. g. Medical science: Widespread use of computer can be seen in all fields of medical science. In the modern age diagnosis, operation, care and observation of patients can not be even thought of without computer. All data regarding symptom, blood, urine, cough etc. of different persons are preserved in computer. Now all symptoms and result of all diagnosis are put into computer. Analysing these data computer detects the possible sickness. Application of artificial intelligence in computer has brought unthinkable success. ii. Control: Computer can control different kinds of mechanical device and process. Giving instruction in factories or traffic control in big cities for mitigating jam can be done using computer. Some examples of process control are given below: a. Process control in industry: Process is controlled in chemical factory, steel plant, power centre etc. by using computer. In industrial centre pressure, heat etc are measured at regular intervals which indicates if every system is working properly. If system does not work that can be corrected suitably. Process can be controlled in two ways by using computer. For example: Open loop process control and stop loop process control. In open loop process control computer examines if all machinery reading (by which pressure and heat can be detected) are examined, if standard is not normal then man is charge is given correctional signal. And in stop loop process control computer can itself takes measure of correction in an automatic system. At this production increases and possibility of accident decreases. b. Control of production: Computer can control production and quality of product. Computer keeps an eye on the production rate and normalizes production if production falls. If due to any reason standard of products is not correct, it gives a signal. Different subtle unit is made by numerical control machine. c. Power house: New and newer electricity generation plant, hydroelectricity and atomic energy structure and conduction are becoming more and more complex for production of cheap electricity. A lot of subtle measurement on different matters are needed to run boiler, turbine, switch gear etc. properly. For measurement of these very subtle and sensitive machineries are used in power house control room. Reading of these machineries changes after regularly. So steps are taken by collecting regular reading of machineries and then processing them. Computer is also used to control load of power house. iii) Design and development: Engineers can test project design before implementation and manufacture. Some examples are given below: a. Project management: It is difficult to determine the completion time of project when implemented by phases. But modern computer can do this kind of analysis. It is called

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critical path analysis. In this way project can be implemented properly thorough analysis. b. Computer aided design: Using computer graphics design of instruments; motor vehicle; ships; aeroplane; spaceship; electronic circuit; bridge etc. are made. Its advantage is that within limited time many designs of a same thing can be done and their advantages and disadvantages can be compared. These images can be seen from different angles; besides enlarging these images any subtle unit could be scrutinized. In this way reaching and taking any decision is possible. iv) Data Communication: Computer has brought revolutionary change in data communication or information exchange. With the blessing of computer implementation of internet, e-mail, e-commerce etc. has become possible. Besides use of computer is profoundly seen in different communication systems like satellite communication, telecommunication, wireless communication etc. Some examples of data communications are given below: a. Internet: Internet, the ocean of information, is the harvest of computer. As a result of computer and internet connection the world has come into the palm of human hand. Any information can be collected from internet whenever necessary. At present business in advanced world can not be even thought of without internet. b. Email: With the help of electronic mail one can communicate with other from any place of the world i.e. information can be collected from and sent to distant computer. c. Ecommerce: Information exchange has become so fast and advanced that with the blessing of computer conducting business is possible sitting inside home. Any one can find product of his choice from World Wide Web. Then order for purchasing the product can be given from home. Online business is the blessing of modern computer. Q) 15. Write down the difference between Analogue and Digital Computer. Ans: Analogue Computer: Analogue came from the word ‘analogy’. Analogue means similarity. Computer that expresses through meter or hand using electricity is called analogue computer. For example: Speed meter of motor car. Digital Computer: Digital came from the word ‘digit’. Digit means number. Computer that is run based on mathematical principal, gives accurate and flawless result through letter, number, sign, code etc. is digital computer. Difference between analogue and digital computer is mentioned below: Subject of Difference 1. Definition

2. Origin 3. Kinds

Analogue Computer

Digital Computer

Computer that expresses through meter or hand using electricity is called analogue computer. Analogue came from the word ‘analogy’. Analogue means similarity. Analogue computer has no kinds.

Computer that is run based on the principal of digit or mathematics is digital computer Digit means number. Digital originated from the word ‘digit’. Digital computer has many kinds. For example-super computer, mainframe computer, micro computer etc.

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Analogue Computer

Use of analogue computer is decreasing day by day. 5. Technology This kind of computer cannot be used in modern technology. 6. Use

Analogue computer is not used much.

7. Result

Analogue computer cannot express correct information It is less reliable than digital computer and has less speed. This kind of computer cannot work much. This kind of computer does not display correct graphics. Result of analogue computer is less acceptable. In analogue computer continuous alternating signal or analogue signal is used. Main feature of analogue computer is that its reading fluctuates.

8. Speed 9. Working capacity 10. Display 11. 12. Code

13. Subtlety

Analogue computer has less subtlety, i.e. 0.1%.

14. Input

For alternating date of pressure, heat, flow of liquid etc. electrical signal is used as input of analogue computer.

Digital Computer Use of digital computer is increasing day by day. This kind of computer is used in advanced technology of the world. Digital computer has widespread and multi use. Digital computer expresses correct information. It is comparatively flawless, reliable and fast. This kind of computer can do huge amount of work at a time. This kind of computers displays flawless graphics. Result of digital computer is more acceptable. In digital computer measurement is taken starting or stopping digital signal or electricity flow, i.e. completes all types of works using ‘1’ or ‘0’. Subtlety of digital computer is profound because during addition and subtraction many digits can be used after point (to a limit) For data processing in digital computer letter and number is used as input.

In the end it could be said there are significant differences between analogue and digital computer. In a word at present computer means digital computer.

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Q) 16. Write down the difference between photocopier & duplicating machine. Ans: Photocopier: Machine by which any letter, documents, picture can be copied exactly is called photocopier. Duplicating machine: Machine by which typed letters, writing or computer compose can be duplicated is called duplicating machine. Difference between photocopier and duplicating machine are mentioned below: Subject of Difference 1. Definition

Photocopier Machine

Duplicating Machine

Machine by which exact copy of letter, Machine by which copy of typed documents, picture etc. can be made is letters, writing or computer compose called photocopier machine. can be duplicated is called duplicating machine. 2. Kinds Generally photocopier is of one kind. Duplicating machine is of two kinds, Manual and Electrical. 3. Speed Fast work can be done by this. Duplicating machine comparatively takes more time. 4. Use of ink Using photocopier colour photocopy Using duplicating machine copy of can be made. different colour is not possible. 5. Number Photocopier is used to make any Duplicating machine is used only for number of copies. making a lot of copies. 6. Use of Using electricity this kind of machine Duplicating machine can be operated Power is operated. using electrical power or by rotating hand. 7. True copy of In this kind of machine copy can be Duplicating machine can make copy main copy made in any paper from written or only from stencil or master set. graphics. 8. Size of copy Using photocopier machine same or Duplicating machine can only make any sized copy can be made. copy of similar size. 9. Method of In this kind of machine written, In duplicating machine the main stencil making copy graphics, design or similar things can paper is cut with hand, printing be copied by placing them in a specific machine or computer printer. Then place and using switch. setting it into machine copies are made. 10. Standard of Copy made by photocopier is generally Writing of copy made by duplicating copy bright and clear. machine or its exterior is generally not bright or clear. 11. Use Use of photocopier machine is Use of duplicating machine is increasing fast. comparatively limited.

In the end it may be said that though photocopier and duplicating machine are essential for office use as photocopier machine is used widely nowadays photocopier machine is more used than duplicating machine. Q) 17. Write down the difference between hardware & software. Ans: Hardware: All physical parts, devices of a computer are called hardware together, i.e. that is external structure of computer is hardware which we can touched. For example: Disk drive, key-board, mouse, monitor, printer etc. Hardwares are mainly of 3 kinds: For example: a) Input, b) C.P.U, c) Output. Software: Disciplined and continuously arranged set of rules that instructs computer as to how a computer will work or what a computer does by a set of rules is called software. Software is mainly of two kinds: For example: a) System software, b) Application software. Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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Difference of system software and hardware are given below: Difference of Subject 1. Definition 2. Work 3. Price 4. Kinds 5. Skill 6. Identity 7. Manufacture 8. Example 9. Inter connection 10. Existence 11. Control 12. Dependence 13. Structure 14. copy 15. Level

Hardware All structural parts of computer is called hardware It does the work of computing Price of hardware is relatively lower than the software Hardware are of 3 kinds. To manufacture hardware physical skill is necessary People who make this are called computer engineer Not everyone can manufacture this Key-board, mouse, joystick, monitor, printer etc. There is interconnection among each parts. It has physical existence. Hardware is controlled by software Hardware is completely dependent on software. Physical structure of hardware is touchable. It can not be copied. It if first level.

Software Programs that materializes the working capacity of hardware is called software It runs computer Price of software is relatively high. Software is of two kinds To write software mental knowledge is necessary People who make this are called computer programmer Any user can make this MS-Word; Lotus-1,2,3; Excel; Windows2000; FoxPro etc. There is no interconnection. It has no physical existence. Software controls hardware. Every part of software is automatic. As software is internal part it cannot be touched. It can be copied. It is the final level.

Q) 18. Write down the difference between telex & fax. Ans: Telex: The machine using which typing specific numbers news is sent from one place to another is called telex machine. Fax: The machine using which typing specific numbers exact copy any information, data, picture, copy can be sent from one place to another is called fax machine. Difference of telex and fax machine is given below: Subject of Telex Fax Difference 1. Definition The machine using which The machine using which typing specific typing specific numbers news numbers exact copy any information, is sent from one place to data, picture, copy can be sent from one another is called telex place to another is called fax machine. Difference of telex and fax machine is machine given below 2. Invention Telex machine was invented Fax machine was invented a lot later i.e. at the primary stage of after introduction of telephone. scientific application of communication. 3. User Not all firms can use it as this Firms small or large even person can use machine is relatively large and it as this machine is relatively small and cheap. costly. Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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Subject of Difference 4. Objective:

5. Size 6. Control

7. Sending expense 8. Type of information

9. Method of sending news.

9. Method of sending message 10. Repay

11. Language

12. Operator

13. Price 14. Medium 15. Use



Primary objective of invention of this machine was to make business communication easy and fast. This machine is very large in size Telex works by separate connection under T & T Board. Sending telex information does not cost much. Only the things that can be typed by this machine can be sent as information.

Objective of invention of this machine was to make advantage of telephone more beneficial and effective. This machine is not very large rather it is a bit bigger than a telephone set. Fax also works under control of T & T through telephone connection.

Sending fax information is costlier. Bill is charged by minute in this machine. Exact copy of different kinds of picture, data, graphics, map etc. can be sent in monochrome side by side information that can be typed.. To send information in this To send information in this machine, the machine, the information is information is inserted exactly in the typed and sent to another telex machine and sent to another fax number. number. To send any information in To send any information it is to be this machine it is to be typed inserted into the machine exactly and in key board and sent to sent to another fax machine. another telex number. In this machine whether the In fax machine whether the information information has reached the has reached the destination can be known destination can not be known. immediately because in a few minutes after sending information a repay comes. Language of telex is only in No separate language is necessary for English i.e. to send any news fax. Any language or writing can be sent anywhere it must be translated to the desired destination. in English. To operate a telex machine an To operate a fax machine an operator is operator has to be engaged all not necessary. the time. Telex machine is costlier than Fax machine is cheaper than telex fax machine. machine. Telex is controlled by T & T Fax is connected by telephone through separate connection connection. Use of telex is less than fax Use of fax is increasing day by day.

In conclusion it may be said that though both telex and fax are used in office their effectiveness are completely different. Due to time of invention and scientific excellence there are great differences between these two machines.

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Q) 19. What is office equipment maintenance? Ans: Preservation of all equipments to maintain speed in office work is called office equipment maintenance. To maintain continuity of office function equipment of office plays very important role, without use of equipments an office cannot go ahead, running of office becomes difficult. Equipments used in offices today are of two kinds, for example: 1) Furniture: like chair, table, almirah, rack etc. 2) Machineries; like phone, fax, internet, intercom, photocopier etc. According to P.H. Collin, “Equipments are machineries and furniture used in factory or office.� Preservation of all kinds of equipments used in office is a very important matter. Quality and success of work depend to a great extent on proper and correct preservation of equipments. So it could be said that to maintain continuity of all office works and to increase pace of work the method of proper preservation of equipment in called preservation of office equipment maintenance. In the end it may be said that maintenance of office equipment is essential in every office. Without use of necessary equipments an office becomes slow, running of office becomes difficult. Preservation of all equipment in an office is called office equipment maintenance. Q) 20. Discus the importance of office equipment maintenance Ans. Office is like life of a firm. Importance of office equipment is immense in running daily office work. Different kinds of equipments have to be used to run an office. It is essential to preserve these equipments. Importance of office equipment maintenance is discussed below: i.

Proper use: Office equipments are of different kinds, they are generally of wood, iron and electrical goods. To use them properly they have to be maintained regularly.


Reduction of wastage risk: Equipments used in office may run out of order quickly if not maintained properly. As a result firm may run into problem in conducting function. Risk of damage of equipments is reduced by proper preservation of equipments.


Replacement: When different kinds of equipments used in office get out of order suddenly, replacement of them are time consuming and expensive. So this kind of risk could be avoided by regular maintenance of equipments.


Increase of longevity: Longevity of equipment increases if equipments are maintained in proper method. Correct preservation of equipments is essential for long use.


Preventing financial damage: Generally office equipments are expensive. They may go out of order if kept uncared for and neglected. As a result firm faces big loss. So to avoid financial loss it is necessary to preserve them.


Easy instructions: Instruction can be given and implemented easily through office equipments. So they have to be maintained properly.


Correct Co-ordination: When office equipments are maintained correctly, coordination can be done among different works through using these.


Production expense: When office equipments are up and running production expense is reduced.

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Reduction of accidents: To avoid accidents in daily office work maintenance of office equipments is obligatory.


Continuity of work: Equipment must be maintained continuously because if any equipment goes out of order flow of work is damaged.


Development of work standard: Necessity of maintaining machinery is profound because if equipments are in good order standard of work increase.


Best utility: As a result of machinery preservation the best utility from any machine can be obtained.


Increase of work skill: Through preservation machine can be used for a long time. Because of operating one machine a personnel becomes skilled in that job.


Interruption in work: Normal pace of work continues if office equipments is preserved properly and does not create interruption.


Increase of reputation: As a result of correct maintenance of office equipments standard of work and pace increase. As a result customer receives good service and reputation of that firm reaches far and wide.

In conclusion it may be said necessity of proper preservation of office equipments in profound. Present age is called the age of machines. Existence of a firm depends on proper maintenance of all materials used in execution of daily works. So preservation of all machineries and furniture in very important. Q. 21) Discuss the procedure of office equipment maintenance. Ans. Office equipment is very important in any firm. There are a lot of methods of maintaining office equipments. Durability of machines depends on proper maintenance. Method of maintaining office equipment in discussed below: i.

Dedicated department: There should be a dedicated department for maintenance of office equipment whose only responsibility will be proper maintenance of equipments used in office.


Experienced operator: Skilled and experienced person can execute any work properly and flawlessly, so to maintain office equipments experienced operator has to be appointed.


Regular use: Every equipment used in office should be used regularly. Otherwise there is risk that they will go out of order.


Cleanliness: Without cleanliness nothing could be at its correct state. So equipments should be kept clean to prevent it from dirt.


Fast repair: If fault appears with equipments they must be repaired fast.


Open environment: When equipments are used in open airy place its durability increases.


Proper servicing: A very important method of preserving equipments is the suitable arrangement of servicing after a specific period. Otherwise error may appear.


Management: Durability of equipments depends much on skilled management. So machineries and furniture should be managed skillfully.


Use of cover: Suitable cover should be used to cover all equipments.

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Q. 22) What is intercom? Ans: The device used for communication from one place to another place or from one room to another or from one building to another is called intercom. Intercom is used most generally in big busy offices. Sometimes it is necessary to communicate mutually between officer or employer. In this case talking directly to a person is difficult and time consuming. To remove this barrier of communication; use of intercom has been started. Without main telephone connection intercom is not possible. To initiate intercom system an intercom machine is required. Intercom service will be in operation once this machine is connected will all the sets in office or building. No money is charged for intercom call. Use of intercom use makes office work accurate and fast. As there is no charge for intercom, it brings skill and speed in office work if intercom system is introduced. Area of intercom use: To make intercom system an intercom device is necessary. How many sets could be used depends on the capacity of machine. Though intercom looks like a telephone it is very cheap. After the main device is installed no charge is to be paid for each call like telephone. Area of intercom use is discussed below: i.

Government office: This device is used for mutual communication in secretariat, different government offices at different division, district and police station level where many officers work together in different tables. Using this device any officer sitting at his table can easily complete necessary conversation, discussion or consultation. As a result time is saved and communication becomes fast.


Multi-storey building: Now-a-days is big cities due to lack of space or expected use, multi-storey building have been built. Big cities established different branches in different floors of multi-storey building. So personnel movement among these floors of such multi-storey building is a time consuming matter. In this circumstance for instant communication among these offices located in different floors intercom is important as medium of communication.


Hospital and educational institution: There are different departments in hospital and educational institution. Communication is necessary among these departments for many reasons. Intercom is used as the medium of necessary conversation.


Bank and other offices: Many people work together at a time in banks, financial firms and not-government offices. In this situation communication among officers working at different table in different departments, sections is necessary. Wide use of intercom is found in this respect.


Check post and gate: Intercom is used to question, converse, discuss etc. with person or guest coming to checkpoint of airport, reception room or border or main gate of different office.

Advantage of intercom: Because of profound advantage of intercom its use and popularity is on the rise. Advantages of intercom is discussed below: i.

Fast and easy communication: Fast and easy communication could be established through intercom. At this office work becomes fast and easy. Concerned person can easily communicate others and get necessary solution.

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Necessity of meeting in person: Concerned person complete necessary communication with required person or visitors sitting at his own place. At this necessity and problem of meeting in person reduces.


Communication in short time: In huge and multi-storey building office, business centre, hospital, bank etc. one can easily communicate with others in very short time using intercom. As a result speed of work increases.


Communication at low expense: As a result of communication through intercom in different offices, business centre and firm expense reduces. Because there no government tax or fee is required. There is no expense of intercom other than purchase and installation expense. As a result of time is saved and amount of direct expense is reduced.


Reduction of problem: As a result of use of intercom concerned officer and employee can work avoiding problem. As there is intercom at the gate or reception room no unwanted person can cause annoyance coming into room. Necessary conversation can be completed through intercom, so no one can get opportunity of making unnecessary conversation.


Supervision and co-ordination facility: Use of intercom has made supervision and co-ordination in work field. Whether personnel are working or work's progress can be known easily communicating through this. Different persons and departments can easily co-ordinate mutual work communicating each other.

From the above discussion it may be said intercom has no match for easy and fast communication inside office. Sitting in his own place officers/personnel can establish communication among themselves in a short time and exchange mutual information, news and necessary directions. As a result work becomes fast and proper use of time becomes possible. So it is recognized that without intercom running modern office is not possible. Q) 23. What is E-mail? Ans: Sending mail or information from one computer to another electronically is called email. E-mail has now become a common medium of communication. A statistics shows that in the USA people communicate through e-mail many more times than using phone. Though you can easily send or receive e-mail from your desktop pc at home or cyber-cafÊ, have you ever thought how e-mail technology works? How it reaches to your relative from one corner of the world to the other in seconds or how attached photograph with your e-mail reaches you correctly. Suppose Rafiq wants to send an e-mail to his friend Jamal through and e-mail software. Rafiq has added his digital picture as attachment. The e-mail software transforms all data into ASKI data. ASKI data is data format for expressing unformatted or simple text used in computer. Then the e-mail software establishes contact with a software called SMTP Server. The server responds with client e-mail software. Then client informs server that it has an email for sending it to a specific address. Then SMTP sends its own message to send the message. Then the client sends the message and waits for confirmation whether it has reached its destination correctly. Then SMTP server contacts domain name server which fixes the correct destination from e-mail address. The later part of e-mail sign tells which route will be best for it. Routers take decision which router or route the e-mail will take. While going the message sometimes could go through gateway which translates for different system like: UNIX, Windows or Mackintosh. When the message reaches recipient Jamal’s SMTP server taking various routes it is transferred to another server called pop server and the message is stored in this pop server until Jamal checks mail. When Jamal checks his email through email Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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software the message is downloaded in his computer from mail server after user name and password is checked from pop server. The software encodes any data into readable data before Jamal. As a result if there is any attachment it could be seen side by side. In conclusion it may be said that any person can be contacted from any place of the world. Data can be retrieved or send to and from a distant computer. Q) 24. What is E-Commerce? Ans: When business is conducted through internet it is called ecommerce. Ecommerce is such an interest arousing name in the world that it means that a business firm is not confined to an area, district or country rather it is extended throughout the world. The whole world is a market. All the business magnets in the world are taking this advantage of ecommerce. So demand of ecommerce professionals is also at its peak. Some definitions of e-commerce are given below:

“Everything you need to know about doing business on the internet is called ecommerce.”

“The process of buying or selling a product or service over an electronic network is called e-commerce.”

E-commerce means electronic commerce. It may be called modern format of business. As it is possible to become successful depending on quality products, in the same way good web site plays important role for e-commerce. Question may arise, why relationship between website and business is so important. There is only one answer to this question, it is not enough to display products only; the matter of making it centre of attraction has to be brought under consideration. To run e-commerce different hardware and software are necessary side by side products. Different software will be necessary including computer, LAN card and internet connection. Dream Weber, HTML, PHP, SQL and Java may be necessary to make web page. Besides the work of design could be done by adobe Photoshop, illustrator etc. How e-commerce work: When a customer will buy anything from the list in the website then request made by customer in the web server will be sent to database. Whether product demanded by the customer will be checked with the information stored in database server and return to web server. According to list of product and price provided by database server, web server will show the customer full information. Why use of e-commerce is necessary? E-commerce is necessary for the following reasons: • Easy availability of modern technology; • To find out the correct thing in little time; • To bring more new information in business structure; • Uniqueness in presenting products; • Ensuring improved service to the customer. Effect of ecommerce: Importance of ecommerce in business area is immense. Especially in the present circumstance e-commerce is the touch of new potentiality. As a result of blessings of this modern technology proper use of time has become possible. Old fashioned business is not a problem now because of distance and time rather a new life is created in business due to ecommerce. Possibility of loss has reduced but due to fluctuation in market price, retailers may incur a little loss. Sometimes difference in products may create problem. In some trend of electronic commerce like business to consumer electronic commerce (B to C or E-tailers) the whole process of business from production to transfer of product to the Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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consumer directly conducted between the business firm and buyer. The process continues electronically. Some websites based on ecommerce of our country are:. htt://www.deshigreetings.com




The process of learning and using e-commerce in Bangladesh is going on. Both the government and non government will have to take necessary measure so that this may play role in developing career of youths. In conclusion it may be said that e-commerce is such a system by which purchase-sale of products can be ensured through network and internet. Information exchange has become so fast and improved that business and commerce is possible sitting at home. Online business and commerce is the blessing of modern computer.

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Third Chapter Selection of Office Place and Machinery Installation Questions & Answers Q) 1. What is selection of office site? Q) 2. Considering factors of modern office site selection. Q) 3. What is office layout? Q) 4. Describe the considering factors of office layout. Q) 5. What is selection of office machine? Q) 6. Describe the factors to be considered in selection of office machine. Q) 7. What is selection of furniture? Q) 8. Describe the considering factors of an office furniture layout. Q) 9. What is layout of furniture? Q) 10. Discuss the considering factors of an office furniture layout. Q) 11. What is office machine lay out/office mechanization? Q) 12. Discuss the considering factors of office machine layout. Q) 1. What is selection of office site? Ans: Office is such a fixed place or room with wall surrounding it from where officers and personnel plan and implement all functions of office. For this, selection of site for any firm is an important work for which some facilities should be considered. Selection of office site means fixing permanent place for execution of office function. One of the three main parts of planning regarding office management is the planning of selecting site of office. Selecting appropriate site of office for increasing reputation and maintaining existence is recognized as a basic function. Process by which a favourable site is selected for accomplishing aims and objectives of a firm and management of officers and personnel and easy control is called selection of office site. Some popular definitions of selection of office site are given below: •

According to Prof. M.C. Shukla, “Fixing place for office considering working environment, easy communication, safety guarantee and other favourable conditions for the personnel is called selection of office place.”

According to B.N. Tandon, “Site selected for the office may be either in the heart of the city or in suburban in a nearby industrial area.”

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According to Pear Ahmed Chowdhury, “Site selected with the aim to execute office function is called selection of office place.”

According to Prof. Shaesta Khan, “Determining as to what will be the maximum expected location and area for office is called selection of office site.”

Following characteristic is found from the above definitions: a) selecting a geographical place for office; b) it will be liked by personnel; c) easy communication from everywhere; d) safe and expected environment will prevail; and e) facility of easy labour availability, nearness of market, expansion will exist. In conclusion it many be said that selection of office place is such a process or method through which such a place is selected that is acceptable to personnel working there, easily communicable and satisfactory and safe from all sides. Q) 2. Considering factors of modern office site selection. Ans: A complex function of office management is the selection of good place for office. Because in an office site there should excellent communication system, healthy environment and above all it should be attractive to personnel and others. Office is the life centre of a firm. So the work of selecting office site is recognized as a complex work of office management. To make this work effective the following matters are to be considered. i. Excellent communication: In execution of daily office works people from different parties besides personnel working inside communicate with office. So office place should be selected in such a place where over all communication system will be excellent. ii. Availability of transport: Easy availability and sufficiency of transportation should be considered for the place where office will be set up. So most of the offices are set up by the side of railway station or bus stop, launch or steamer jetty. Because transportation is available in these places. iii. Ideal location: Location of office should be beside the firm or inside the firm so that departments and sections related to it can maintain easy communication. iv. Enough space: Office location should be fixed in such a site so that it could be expanded easily in future necessity. v. Low expense: Selection of office site is an expensive matter. So keeping an eye to the financial matter the matter of expense should be considered with importance. vi. Nearness of similar industry: Various advantages are obtained when similar types of office of industries exist in a same place. So a place where there are similar types of firms, selection that place for office is more profitable. vii. Nearness of market: Market is an important matter in the world of business. So selection of office site near market is more profitable. viii. Availability of manpower: Personnel are the life of firm, personnel keep the firm up and running with their work effort through implementation of executive’s order. So office should be set up in such a place where personnel could be recruited easily. ix. Financial firm: To execute daily financial transaction, office should be near bank or insurance firm.

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Favourable climate: Office should be in a place where climate is favourable to the health of personnel. Nearness of service providing institution: Office should be set up near different service providing institution like: post office, hospital, mosque, electricity, gas, fire fighting station etc. Healthy Environment: The place of office must be in a place where healthy environment is maintained. Unhealthy environment makes offices and personnel sick. Location of factory: During selection of office site it should be considered whether the office is near factory. Communication between office and factory becomes difficult if office is far from factory. Nature and ability of firm: Nature and ability of firm are to be considered in selection of office site.

In conclusion it may be said that various matters should be considered very carefully in selection of office site. It is essential to consider choice of entrepreneur, employees and officers. But in selection of office site not all the advantages mentioned above may be found together. Office should be set up in a place where most of the advantages are found. Q) 3. What is office layout? Ans: Office lay out means decoration or arrangement of office; it means arrangement and decoration of departments and its instruments under an office in such a way so that office work can be run easily and comfortably. Process by which a favourable, expected environment is created to ensure easy movement of personnel, to ensure maximum use of available space by installing furniture, machineries used in different departments of office according to type, nature and importance of work is called office layout. In easy language arranging all elements and materials used in office and departments is called office layout. Some popular definitions of office layout are given below: • According to C.B. Gupta, “Orderly arrangement and installation of personnel, equipment and furniture under each department and selection of office for maximum utilization of available space is called office lay out.” • According to G.R. Terry, “Office lay out is the arrangement of visible elements in such a way so that the best result could be obtained from each element and skilful and attractive co-ordination could be made among these elements.” • According to Prof. Mostafa Harun, “Technique or method of interior decoration of office according to a definite plan is called office layout.” • According to B. N. Tandon, “Office layout means the arrangement of different rooms etc.” In the light of above definitions office layout is: a) Co-existence of all elements used inside office; b) As a result of this over all environment inside office remains neat and clean; c) Personnel get encouragement and remains joyful; and d) Standard and pace of work improves. In conclusion it may be said that to create proper working environment and for the necessity of execution of work by personnel in short time scientific office layout is essential.

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Q) 4. Describe the considering factors of office layout. Ans: Office layout means interior decoration of office. For easy and undisturbed execution of function of office personnel, arrangement and decoration of furniture and machineries in office is essential: Considering factors in office layout is discussed below: i. Maximum use of space: Care should be taken that all available space of office is used properly. Full use of office space is expected. ii. Determining correct method: At present method used in arrangement of a big office are integrated, compartmental and mixed method. So method that will be used to arrange office will have to be determined. iii. Consideration of departments: Determining number of departments into which office work has been divided and ensuring necessary space for each department according to importance. iv. Location of departmental heads: Necessary space of departmental heads should be in such a place so that supervising work of people under him is very easy. v. Reception: Office should be arranged in such a way so that any party could be welcomed who comes from outside. vi. Location of office personnel: Arrangement of office furniture and place for keeping machineries are to be arranged in such a way so that office personnel could seat near departmental heads. vii. Confidentiality: Confidentiality is a very sensitive issue. There should be arrangement to protect confidentiality of various works. viii. Movement: During making of office layout care should be taken that there is arrangement of movement of personnel and if necessary for others in the allocated space of office. There should be no problem in movement from one department to another, from one table to another. ix. Toilet facility: Number of toilets in consideration of employee number and their location should be brought into consideration. x. Preservation of files: Arrangement should be made so that documents related to the work of firm are preserved in appropriate place. xi. Important machineries: Various machines are used in office. Among them some are very important and sensitive. So the matter of proper preservation of them should be considered. xii. Arrangement of expansion: Arrangement should be made so that benefit of expansion can be derived in future necessity. xiii. Free from external influence: Arrangement should be made so that external matter cannot create any influence in execution of daily function. xiv. Cleanliness and healthy environment: Eye should be kept on the matter that there is an appearance of neatness in the arrangement of departments, furniture, equipments and manpower of office and the environment is healthy for all. xv. Canteen and other facilities: In huge office where a lot of workers work together there should be an arrangement of canteen for their food. There should be prayer room if necessary. In conclusion it may be said in office lay out or arrangement various matters are to be considered carefully. As a result working environment in office improves. Before making an office layout the above mentioned matters are to be considered with importance. Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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Q) 5. What is selection of office machine? Ans: The aim of modern office is to perform more work within short time. Use of machine increases pace of office. Process by which the best quality machine could be selected is called the selection of office machine. Various kinds of machines have taken the place of manual labour. Selection of machine for office is a process through which overall arrangement for procurement of necessary machines of an office is taken in specified time. Some popular definitions of selection of office machines are given below: •

According to J.P. Bose, “Use of machines is a common characteristic of modern age. Machines are used in production in factory, in agriculture, household work and in offices.”

According to S. Sen, “Gupta & B.R. Shaha, “This is an age of machine. In fact, not a single phase of office work is performed without the help of one or more machines or labour saving devices.”

According to S.K. Dutta, “The machines or equipments which are used to save labour cost are known as labour saving devices.”

According to John S. Wittes, “Every office executive realized that the weight of his job is lessened by having adequate equipment in his office.”

In light of above definitions selection of office equipment is: a) procurement of machines of standard quality and price; b) personnel has to have ability and support; and c) realization and supply will be enough. In fine it may be said that in the present scientific age there is no alternative to machine to make work comfortable and accurate lessening physical labour. But determining machine according to type of work is an important matter. Q) 6. Describe the factors to be considered in selection of office machine. Ans: Nowadays machines are widely used in bringing pace in office work by lessening manual labour. So use of machine in execution of office function is an important matter. But which work will require which type of machine depends on some matters that are known as considering policy of selection of office machine. i.

Financial condition of firm: In selecting office machine the subject to be considered at first by office management is over all financial conditions of the firm. Because procurement of machine is an expensive matter. So arrangement of procuring machine should be consistent with financial condition.


Expense of machine: During selection of machine purchase expense and operational expense has to be considered. Purchase of machines is more profitable that are less expensive and operational expense is low.


Standardization: Standardization means determining standard. Purchase of same quality machines gives several advantages like: commission, low maintenance expense, easy and skilful operation.


Durability: Before purchasing any machine durability of it should be considered. Though less durable machine could be cheap it should not purchased. At this total expense increases.

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Benefit: Before purchasing machine it should be considered whether appropriate benefit would be derived from it. If obtained benefit from machine is not more than expense, it will be a financial loss.


Field of application: Only procurement of machine will not work alone. Whether the procured machine could be used correctly or its applicable field is extended should be considered.


Multiuse: At present such machines have been invented using which various kinds of work could be performed at a time with the same machine. So multitasking machine is more profitable for a firm.


Availability: Machine that will be purchased whether it will be available in urgent situation in local market is a matter of consideration.


Personnel support: Personnel are an important matter. As a result of labour saving machine some times excessive pressure may be created on some personnel and at the same time some personnel may become jobless. So before procurement of machine overall reaction of office personnel should be considered.


Job nature and amount: Job nature and amount is another matter of consideration. Use of machine is more profitable in that firm where job nature and amount is complex and requiring more thinking.


Repair: Machine decays due to usage or may run out of order due to accident. In this circumstance such machine should be selected that could be repaired easily and with little expense.


Operating advantage: Machine of office is generally operated by salaried operator. So such machine should be used, skilled and experienced operator of which could be recruited easily.


Advanced Brand: Advanced brand of renowned company may be expensive but should be bought. Because various benefits including guarantee and service facility can be obtained.


Expense analysis: During purchase of office machine expense should be analysed. If overall expense of any machine is expensive then such machine should be purchased that could be moved to another place or excluded.


Sufficiency: Such machine should be bought that is found in sufficient number.

In conclusion it may be said that as selection of machine is very important matter it has to be made effective with a lot of thinking. Procurement of machines considering above mentioned matters will be profitable in all respects. Q) 7. What is selection of office furniture? Ans: Furniture is one of the elements that are imperative for proper execution of office work. Furniture means different essential things used in office like chair, table, desk etc. Adopting appropriate plan and arrangement of its implementation for supply of appropriate furniture considering different designations, nature of work, place for office use etc. for different level and departments in an office is called selection of office furniture. Some popular definitions of selection of office furniture are given below: •

According to S.P. Arora, “An essential part of appropriate environment where office personnel work�. It is such a kind of facility where personnel identifies himself

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separately. Quality furniture gives maximum comfortable to personnel and reduces tiredness and health hazard.” •

According to R.S.N. Pillai “ In well furnished office, workers will feel happy to work. So selection of office furniture may be given careful consideration.”

According to B.N. Tendon.” Purchasing the furniture, one should not take into consideration its utility only but also pay attention to its appearance which fact gives an attractive value to the office which in turn appeals to the office workers who have to work in it.”

In light of above information selection of furniture is: a) To consider designation of personnel. b) To determine nature and importance of work. c) Making most use of available place. d) To keep personnel’s mind in joy and increase attentiveness in work. In conclusion it may be said that according to designation and skill of personnel identification and selection of comfortable chair and table for each person is called selection of furniture. Like other function of office it is also very important. Q.8. Describe the considering factors in selecting furniture. Ans: Furniture is an essential element for office and may be of various kinds depending on designation and importance. Beautiful. comfortable and durable furniture is one of the way to give mental peace to every office personnel. Thing that are to be considered in selecting furniture are discussed below: i.

Nature of firm: In selecting furniture of office nature of office is to be considered. The Quality of furniture used in small or common standard office is naturally lower than the quality used in large modern type of office.


Consideration of organizational capacity: In selecting furniture organizational capacity or allotted amount of money in this respect should be considered.


Determining demand: In selecting furniture what types of furniture is required by a specific department has to be determined in the light of demand.


Proper use of space: Arrangements should be made so that full use of space allotted for executing internal functions is ensured.


Durability: In selecting furniture durability of furniture should be considered with importance.


Quality: Quality furniture lasts longer in one hand and in the other improves working environment and personnel motivation.


Size and area: furniture is to be selected according to used furniture and office area.


Comfortableness: In the interest of work some personnel work at chair table all the time and some moves from place to place, so during selection of furniture the matter of comfortableness should be considered.


Modernity: In selecting furniture it should be considered whether the furniture is modern and attractive enough for the firm. Because an office helps in the overall development of the firm.

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Saving labour: Office furniture should be selected in such a way so that office work could be executed by easy movement.


Safety: Furniture should be smooth so that users do not face hazard when using them.


Risk of damage: Wood and partex damage quickly when comes into contact with water, again iron rusts quickly.


Design: Design of furniture should be modern and attractive. For this in selecting furniture their design should be considered.


Multilateral use: In selecting furniture importance should be given in multilateral use of them. As a result same furniture could be used in different works.


Consideration of rival office: In selecting furniture consideration should be given to standard and type of furniture used by rival office and then select own furniture.

In conclusion it may be said that the work of selecting furniture should be done considering capacity, nature of work, aims and objectives, environment and other things of the firm. Q) 9. What is layout of furniture? Ans: Different elements are seen to be used in daily execution of official works. Among these furniture is one of the elements that directly influence personnel’s mind. Layout of furniture is such a process by which furniture used in office is arranged beautifully, neatly and charmingly at a safe distance in the allotted space considering designation of personnel. Layout of furniture means arrangement of furniture so that maximum use of available space inside office is ensured. An appropriate working environment is created when furniture is arranged properly. As a result personnel pay attention to work spontaneously. Furniture should be arranged inside the office in such a way so that normal activity is not hampered. Arrangement should be made to ensure easy movement inside the office, enough ventilation, easy supervision and management, communication among different departments, file movement etc. An office is not considered modern and skilled if only office building is beautiful and furniture is costly. In this respect good arrangement of furniture is essential. In other words layout of furniture is such a process through which furniture is laid making them worthy of work so that office personnel could do their work with skill and its beauty increases side by side maximum use of office room. Characteristics/Considering factors: i) Maximum use of available space inside ii) Consideration of designation of personal. iii) Making co-ordination and dependence easy among departments. iv) Preserving confidentiality and arrangement of easy movement. In light of above mentioned discussion it may be said that ensuring the maximum use of office space placing furniture according to plan, designation of personnel and importance of work is layout of furniture.

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Q. 10) Discuss the considering factors of an office furniture layout. Ans: Furniture layout inside office is an important work of office management. So to execute this work property a definite plan is required. Main objective of office is hampered if furniture is not arranged appropriately. Arrangement of furniture is a complex matter. So before arrangement of furniture special care should be taken in the following matters: i.

Internal movement convenience: Furniture should be arranged in such a way so that system of internal movement remains normal. Furniture should be arranged considering the convenience of easy and fast movement from one table to another, from one section to another and one department to another.


Good use of available space: Furniture should be arranged in a pre planned way so that maximum use of allotted space inside office is ensured. At this wastage of valuable space is checked.


Avoidance of unnecessary discussion: Furniture should be arranged in such a way so that personnel do not get opportunity to sit face to face. Amount of gossip and conversation increases when people sit face to face. So to reduce unnecessary discussion there is no alternative to proper furniture layout.


Supervision: Superintending officers supervise work of office personnel. So during making furniture layout it should be kept in mind that superintendents can supervise work of office personnel easily and properly. As a result speed and standard of personnel’s work increases.


Shelf and almirah: Various kinds of shelf and almirah are used to preserve files and documents. So shelf and almirah should be arranged in such a way that personnel can easily keep and retrieve necessary papers, documents, record etc. So it is essential to keep shelf and almirah within reach of personnel.


Office equipments: In furniture layout equipments used in office are to be considered. Considering type, nature, size and installation place of machines in departments of office furniture layout is to be made.


Control of outsiders: Everyday various kinds of clients from outside concerned with office work come to office. Furniture should be arranged keeping an eye on them so that they cannot wander inside the office or do their properly. For this necessary furniture should be arranged in the guest room for the visitors. But in front of table of personnel there should not be any unnecessary chair. So furniture layout should be such that outsiders are discouraged to wander inside.


Health friendly: In furniture layout consideration should be given so that natural light and air can enter the office. If this layout is in neat and health friendly then personnel’s mental capacity develops.


Confidentiality: Furniture should be arranged considering confidentiality of each work. Because maintaining confidentiality is an important matter of office management. If this work is not executed properly firm may incur big loss. So furniture should be arranged in such away that confidentiality is maintained.


Designation: During furniture layout designation of personnel should be considered. For example executive’s table should be in a secluded area and sitting place for officers and personnel should be in less secluded area i.e. in front of office. Besides furniture are costly, less costly, small or big according to designation.

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Increase of beauty: Proper office layout is an essential matter for increasing beauty of office. As a result office personnel’s mind develops and pace of work increases.


Separate arrangement: Each personnel should be provided with separate table, desk and almirah so that they can preserve their documents without worry and supply them quickly in times of necessity.


Sufficient space: Arrangement for personnel’s seat should be according to the pace of office work and there should be sufficient space by table so that concerned personnel can move easily.


Continuity of work: Furniture or table in office should be arranged in such a way that so that file of one table can be sent hand to hand. At this extra personnel will not be required, continuity of work will be maintained and expense will be reduced. In conclusion it may be said that furniture is an essential element of office. Implementation of aims and objectives of office depends on proper and correct layout of furniture. So furniture lay out should be proper for increasing skill and speed of personnel. Besides the above matters furniture lay out could be done according to office place, size and type. Q. 11) What is office machine lay-out office mechanization?

Ans: Office mechanization is an important matter. Objective of using this kind of machine is to save labour of personnel and making the work easier and faster. As a result of use of office machine personnel skill in work field increases. But if such kind of machines are not selected or installed properly expected outcome may not be possible. So proper office machine lay out/office mechanization is considered as a very important matter. As machine is bought for a specific purpose, it is also necessary to install it in a specific place. If office machine is left at sixes and sevens it creates disorder in one hand and may cause accidents in the other. As a result life and property may come to harm and there may be problem in smooth running of office activities. So machines used in office should be installed in lines. Method or system by which machines used inside office is installed in lines and reasonably is called office machine lay out. This word “lay out” means neatness and good order in arrangement. In broader sense: Office machine lay-out means arrangement of machineries procured in office in an specified time, method of their arrangement in a safe distance for appropriate work. Office machine lay-out inside office is: 1) ensuring easy movement. 2) arrangement of open environment/sufficient light. 3) installation in array and maintaining continuum of work. 4) ensuring safety. 5) preventing wastage of space. In conclusion installing appropriate machine for appropriate work according to a pre plan for increasing skill and pace is called machine lay-out. This regularization of machine lay-out is called office mechanization by some. As a result of office machine lay out running office work smoothly is possible, control becomes easy and firm can reach its destination easily.

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Q) 12. Discuss the considering factors of an office machine layout. Ans: Blessing of mechanized civilization has made today’s office speedy and dynamic. In modern offices different kinds of labour saving devices are being used. In execution of office function, side by side selecting machine, they are to be arranged in specific places. Because skill and speed of office function depends much on office machine layout. But if they are not arranged properly then objective of procurement of such kind of machine may not be accomplished. So machine layout is essential for making office work speedy and profitable. For this, things to be considered for an effective office machine layout is discussed below: i.

Firm type: In office machine layout type or nature of office is to be considered especially. Firms are of production, service, importer, exporter, bank insurance type. So use of machines in these firms vary. For example: machine layout in production firm will be different normally than a service providing firm.


Number and quality of office personnel: One important matter of office machine layout is that machines are arranged considering number of personnel, condition, work skill, experience etc. Layout is to be made is one way if there is enough office personnel or if there is not then in some other way.


Office location: At this stage of office machine layout sufficient space in side office should be considered. Machine can be arranged when there is sufficient space. But in insufficient place this task is to be completed arranged considering different sides.


Office room type: Rooms inside an office are different just like offices are different. Rooms could be small or big, tin shed or building. Again office could be one storey or multi-storey. So during office machine lay out type and condition of office room are to be considered.


Machineries used: Now a days different kinds of machineries are used in execution of office function. Some machines are very delicate and small in size. So machine layout depends much on machineries used.


Financial condition: In machine lay out financial condition of firm has to be considered. Firms that are financially solvent can arrange machines getting new rooms or buy more than one machine and install in different places. And firms that are not much financially well off can arrangement machine considering their financial condition.


Necessity of internal movement: During office machine layout necessity of internal movement is to be considered. Office personnel move for necessity of work in different sections and departments. So machines are to be arranged is such a way so that office personnel can move easily


Supervision: Office machine is to be arranged in such a way that works of personnel could be supervised properly. So that superintendent can supervise works of people under him easily sitting in one place.


Coordination: During machine lay out coordination of office function should be considered. Because without proper, realistic and effective coordination office function can never run properly. For this office layout should be such that proper and realistic coordination among different departments and sections happen.


Favourable environment: Office personnel do their responsibility with sincerity if working environment of office is beautiful and charming to them. And this matter must be considered during machine lay out so that the firm can complete its work

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timely by using machines. As a result aims and objective is achieved. In this respect arrangement of sufficient light in the work place should be made. xi.

Safety: During machine layout safety of machine and its user is very important.


Price of machine: In machine layout its price should be considered. Costly machine should be installed separately and in safer place than relatively cheap machine.


Confidentiality: Maintaining confidentiality is an important matter for all offices. During machine layout machines for confidential work must be installed in confidential place. For example: Computer fixed for preparing question paper must be kept in a confidential place. So machines are to be installed in such a way so that confidentiality of sensitive things can be easily protected. For this it is necessary to preserve computer or machine by which confidential things are done in rooms which are under senior officer.


Consistency of work: To complete productive or service providing work various stages are to be crossed and moves round by various hands. So machine lay out should be made according to serial of work. So the matter of serial has to be kept in mind.


Shift: During machine lay out consideration should be given to the fact that they are easily movable from one place to another.

Besides the considering factors mentioned above office machine lay out is depended on type, size, location and time. Proper and appropriate machine lay out helps firm to achieve its aims and objectives. So to implement objective of purchase of firm it should be arranged in such a way that maximum benefit is obtained from it.

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Fourth Chapter Filing Management Questions & Answers Q) 1. What is called file management? Q) 2. Write down the objective of file management. Q) 3. Discuss the features and principles of good filing. Q) 4. Describe the methods of filing. Q) 5. Write down the difference between centralized and decentralized filing. Q) 6. What is indexing? Q) 7. Describe the methods of indexing. Q) 8. Write down the difference between filing and indexing. Q) 9. Why filing is called the memory of business? Q) 10. What is filing? Q) 11. Discuss the advantage of filing. Q) 12. What is card indexing? Discuss the advantages & disadvantages of it. Q) 13. Discuss the importance of record/file management. Q) 14. Discuss the principles or record preservation and record management. Q) 15. Rules of transposing units of the caption. Q) 1. What is file management? Ans: Preparing, preservation of documents used in office and disposal of unnecessary documents is file management. Function of various types of business firm, government and non-government offices function is depended on proper preservation and management of files. Preservation and management depends of records. For this reason use of file management is increasing day by day. Overall function of preserving record, making policy and effective implementation is filing management. Some popular definitions of filing management are given below: •

According to S.P. Arora, “Records management is in its broadest sense concerns itself with records creation distribution maintenance, retention, preservation and disposal.”

According to Herbert Hoover, “A business decision is only as good as the facts on which it is based on records.”

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According to Littlefield, “Records management, broadly defined, includes forms, reports, reproduction of written materials filing, records retention, micro filing and rotated service.”

In light of above discussion filing management is: a) collecting required information; b) orderly preservation of all papers; and c) disposal of used and unnecessary papers. In conclusion it may be said that filing management is preservation of letter, information and necessary documents and disposal of unnecessary files by selecting them. Q) 2. Write down the objective of file management. Ans: Filing is one of the most important weapons of file management and preservation in modern office. The main objective of office management of a firm is to achieve its goal. No management can execute its work skilfully if it can not preserve its important official papers, deeds, documents, letters etc. Objective of filing management and preservation is discussed below: i.

Accomplishment of firm’s objective: For accomplishment of firm’s aim sometimes many past papers, file, valuable information budget may be necessary. Receiving all those papers through file management helps to accomplish the objective of the firm.


Preservation of papers on progress: Department of filing management preserves records and papers like result of different function, deed, undertaking, letters, statement of obtained success, accounts of income-expense, debit-credit etc.


Identification of real condition: Real condition of firm can be known very easily through file management.


Checking mistake and wastage: If different function or decision taken in the past proves to be wrong or waste then remembering them as an example measure can be taken so that they are not repeated again.


Cancelling unnecessary file: Everyday many letters, deeds and valuable papers are piled up in office. Through file management unnecessary files are to be cancelled after selection at a regular interval.


Comparative analysis: To do comparative analysis of different departments of the firm papers of all the departments are required. This kind of comparative analysis removes inefficiency and weakness from different departments.


Use as clue: Papers preserved in firm can be used as clue/reference in different future necessity. Many problems can be solved by this.


Increase of pace: Pace means coping with time and circumstance. Filing department of firms arranges necessary papers in such a way that they are easy to find and could be used fast.


Taking easy decision: As a result of necessary file supply by filing department of the firm, any decision can be taken seeing these.


Planning: Planning for future is done from previous plan. Planning becomes easy if all past documents are preserved.

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Flawless and fast execution of work: All functions of office can be executed flawlessly and fast when all important papers are preserved.


Settlement of dispute: All kinds of information can be preserved through filing. As a result any dispute arisen regarding any subject necessary information can be retrieved from preserved file and all kinds of dispute can be settled.


Maintaining discipline: Another important objective of file management of office is to bring discipline in office function. As a result of disciplined preservation of all documents of each department discipline comes back in all official function.


Reformation: All functions of firm can be done reviewing past files.


Proof: As all kinds of papers can be preserved through filing it can be used as proof.

In conclusion it may be said that objective of filing management and preservation is to accomplish the main objective of the firm. Objective of filing management and preservation in any office is profound. Q) 3. Discuss the features and principles of good filing. Ans: Various methods of filing exist at present. Same method of filing is not equally effective for all offices. So different firms use convenient filing system according to their need. Whatever method is used for filing an ideal filing method should have some quality or characteristics or principles which are as follows: i. Simplicity: Filing method as far as possible should be easy and simple, at this all concerned with the firm can easily understand and apply the method. In easy filing method unnecessary complexity can be avoided. ii. Easy identification: It is necessary to apply filing method considering easy identification and retrieval of file from filed papers. iii. Intensiveness: Valuable office space should not be wasted for filing. The most intensive and least valuable space should be used for filing. iv. Easy availability: The biggest feature of ideal filing system is that it is within reach of hand at the time of necessity. v. Appropriateness: Filing system must be consistent and appropriate with the firm. Step for filing should be taken considering aims and objectives, size, area, type etc. of the firm. vi. Speed: Every firm is on the flow. So filing system should be such that it can be changed, extended, or controlled (there is opportunity) keeping consistency with the situation. vii. Safety: Filing system should be such that necessary safety of preserved papers is ensured. For this preserved paper are not wasted or lost under any circumstance. viii. Economy: No such filing method can be adopted which will require more time, money or labour. Method by which economy of these three can be earned should be adopted. ix. File preservation: Principle of preserving all necessary or unnecessary papers of firm should be followed. Only the files that are necessary for the firm and will be used in future should be preserved. x. Classification: Classification of file should be done on the basis of section, department or unit of firm. Classification is such a system by which file could be easily found out.

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xi. xii.


xiv. xv.

Secretarial Science and Office Management (2nd Paper)

Effectiveness: Filing method for the firm must be effective and suitable otherwise system of filing will only increase expense of the firm. Acceptability: Before taking decision as to which method will be followed to preserve file should be considered its acceptability. Adaptation with the size, area of firm and at the same time support of the personnel is to be considered. Use of reference: After filing of papers to find them out quickly later, written reference or index is to be made and preserved properly. So a quality of excellent filing system is the opportunity of appropriate reference. Use of modern equipments: To derive maximum benefit of filing scientific and modern equipments must be supplied. Issuing out order: Paper may need to be transported into another department from its inventory. In this respect there should be arrangement for writing down the location and recipient of the paper.

In conclusion it may be said that a good filing system must have some basic quality or feature. Whatever filing method is followed its success depends on principles taken for it. Q) 4. Describe the methods of filing. Ans: From very ancient time there are various methods of preserving important letters, deeds of office, courts and business firms. So methods of filing at present are as follows: There are mainly two filing systems at present: 1) Colloquial method; 2) Modern method; Description: i) Colloquial method: Method invented and used from ancient time till 19th century is mainly colloquial method which are as follows: 1. Pigeon hole method: In this method a specially made almirah is used for filing papers. In this method there are 26 separate rooms for 26 letters. These rooms look like pigeon hole. 2. Box file filing: In this method a box specially made by card board is used for filing papers. Box is 7 to 19 centimetres deep. 3. Press copy filing: In this method bound copy is used for filing papers. This method is applicable for only small firms. 4. Guard book filing: It is a special hard cover book. In this method papers are stuck with page of book by clip. 5. Wire bar filing: In this method thin metal wire is attached with a piece of wood or plastic to file papers. In one end of wire a piece of wood or plastic is attached and the other end is pointed. Papers are transfixed by the pointed end. 6. Concertina filing: Concertina file is made by card board. There are many small pockets. A letter is written in each pocket. Papers are kept in these pockets according to letters. (ii) Modern method: After 19th century till present age methods invented and used for filing are mainly modern method. It is again of two types: 1) Manual method, 2) Computerized method.

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1) Manual method: Reformed methods used at present, except computer, is mainly known as manual method. These are as follows:a) Parallel filing: In this method wood or metal steel box is used for filing paper. In each box letters marked with alphabet are separately arranged which are put on the above of another in parallel according to serial number or alphabet. b) Vertical filing: In this method almirah or file cabinet with numerous drawers are used for filing papers. Files are vertically arranged in drawers. c) Pilot filing: In this method cover made by card board or thick paper is used as file and each file has pilot made by iron sheet. Making hole in the letters, deed and documents with punching machine they are arranged beautifully in pilots. The pilot can be opened or closed with spring. As a result there is no possibility of papers getting lost. d) Card board filing: In this method documents are tied to hard board with lace or rope and statement is written on a piece of paper. e) Shannon filing: In this method hole is made by iron bar in papers and kept in wood or steel drawer. f) Motored filing: In this method filing is done with the help of electronic motor. In this method there are many trays. Papers are arranged in trays. Trays with motor are rotated by electricity. When switched the tray comes in front and at the end of work it goes back when switch is pressed. 2. Computerized method: Modern age is the age of computer. There is no work in the world that are not controlled by computer. So nowadays computer is used to preserve data of big firms in the world and small or big firms in our country. In the advanced world computer is the only help in filing. In conclusion it may be said that amount and necessity of files have increased in one hand and in the other various methods of preserving files have been developed. In can be said undoubtedly that newer trends will be added in filing system keeping consistency with necessity. Q) 5. Write down the difference between centralized and decentralized filing. Ans: Centralized filing: preserving all documents, deeds in a centrally special place is called centralized filing. Decentralized filing: Method in which documents are preserved not in a central room but rather in each department or section is called decentralized filing. Difference seen in the methods between centralized and decentralized are as follows: Subject of Difference 1. Definition

Centralized Filing

Decentralized Filing

Preserving files in a central room of Preserving files under supervision of the firm is called centralized filing departments of firm is called decentralized filing

2. Filing personnel In this system filing personnel centrally does the work of filing.

In this system departmental personnel do the work of filling.

3. Space

In this system office space is saved

In this system office space is required.

4. Copying

Copying of files is reduced in this system.

Copying of files increases in this method.

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Subject of Difference

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Centralized Filing

Decentralized Filing

5. Expense

In this system less materials are required so expense is less

In this system as every department requires copy of materials, expense is more.

6. Speed

Finding files in this system requires Files can be found out fast. more time.

7. Confidentiality

There is apprehension of leaking out Relatively more confidentiality is of confidentiality. preserved.

8. Sense of responsibility

Filing personnel are seen to work with responsibility.

Personnel have tendency to avoid responsibility.

9. Skill

Special skill is obtained in this system.

No especial skill is obtained in this system.

10. Equality

In this filing system equality and excellence among different departments are obtained.

In this filing system there is not much equality among different departments.

In fine it may be said that the above mentioned differences are seen in the systems of centralised and decentralised systems. In spite their differences they are considered to be supplementary to each other. Q) 6. What is indexing? Ans: Index is a method by which files and folders are found out fast. Indexing means special method taken for finding out filed papers and documents of firm quickly. Some popular definitions of indexing given below: •

According to Shukla & Saxena, “Indexing can be described as such a method which indicates location of filed papers and documents.”

According to J.C. Denyer, “Indexing is such a method which is used as reference of filed matters.”

According to U.K. Bhushan, “Method used for giving reference about content of file is indexing.”

So indexing is: 1) the next phase of file preservation; 2) is a list indicating location of file; 3) is prepared for finding out files fast; and 4) less time and labour is wasted as a result of this. In conclusion it can be said that method using which an idea about definite location of filed letters, report etc. can be known is indexing. Indexing can be termed as reference regarding location of papers in life. Q) 7. Describe the methods of indexing. Ans: At present with the increase of files in office the importance of indexing has increased in one hand and in the other hand various methods of indexing has been invented and Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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introduced. At present there are various kinds of indexing methods for finding out papers fast. Methods of indexing are mainly of five kinds: 1) General indexing,

2) Alphabetical indexing,

4) Strip indexing and

5) Cycle indexing.

3) Card indexing,

Description: 1) General indexing: It is the easiest way of indexing. In this method one or more pages are used for each letter. For example: Names with initial E, a page can be used for them. So to know about file of Abul Hossain as Hossain Abul page of H will have to be seen. Again general indexing is of 8 kinds, for example: a) Specific general indexing: In this method indexes are stuck to a bound copy or book. As a result copy or book regarding all kinds of the firm are found. b) Relaxed general indexing: In this method pages of index are transfixed according to letters. As a result any new page can be added or excluded any time. c) Extended general indexing: In this method indexing is done in a bound copy. On the left of the copy letters a to ত are inscribed. As a result letters could be seen and index can be done easily. d) Automatic general indexing: This method is also like extended general indexing but the right corner of each page is cut in such a way that all the letters can be seen at a time from outside. Telephone index book is the example of this kind of indexing. 2. Indexing according to vowel: It is an advanced indexing of general indexing. In this method a specific page is allotted for each letter, the page or pages are divided into six divisions into Ka, Ke, Ki, Ko, Ku etc. When name “Abul Kalam” is arranged in indexing name Kalam Abul it will be looked into the page of Ka. 3. Card indexing: Among the methods of indexing card indexing is known as modern indexing method. The method in which during indexing a card is used for each sender of letter is called card indexing. In each card name, address of the sender, subject matter of letter, filing number is mentioned. Card indexing are again of two kinds: a) Open or vertical card indexing: In this method cards are kept open or vertically. Sometimes holes are made into cards, iron stick is driven and stuck with drawer. To find out the desired card necessary instruction is written outside of each drawer. b) Visible card indexing: In this method cards are stuck with transparent cover inside iron frame or tray in such a way that name, address and other information are easily visible. Cards are arranged on the basis of letter or number. 4) Strip indexing: In this method instead of preserving index in copy or book necessary information for office is written in a card board or note paper and hung or kept under table glass in frame. This kind of indexing is especially suitable for telephone number, account number, licence number, post office code etc. 5) Rotary or circle indexing: In this method two holes are made on the left side of all cards and stuck with thick circular wire through the sticks with disc are set horizontally. As a result rotating the stick specific card can be taken out. In conclusion it may be said that importance of indexing increased much as the number of files increased. For execution of proper and disciplined indexing the above mentioned methods are really necessary. Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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Q) 8. Write down the difference between filing and indexing. Ans: Filing: Process of preserving letters, deeds-documents and valuable papers in proper order is called filing. Indexing: Method that helps to find filed letters and deed-documents is called indexing. Difference between filing and indexing is given below: Subject of Difference 1. Definition

2. Origin 3. Objective

4. Importance

5. Effectiveness 6. Necessity 7. Scope 8. Execution of work 9. Expense 10. Level 11. Basis 12. Mutual Relationship 13. Space



Disciplined preservation of deeds, papers, records etc is called filing Filing originates on the basis files of firm Objective of filing is to preserve necessary papers and documents and find them easily. Filing helps to save space and to maintain cleanliness of office. Filing ensures safety of necessary office papers. Filing is the precondition of indexing Scope of filing is profound Filing is not complete and correct without indexing Filing is expensive Filing is to be done at first Filing is done based on important papers. Without filing indexing is meaningless. Filing requires more space

A method to find out files preserved in file system is called indexing. Indexing originates on the basis of filing Objective of indexing is to make filing system more effective and fast.

Helps to find filed papers easily and fast. It has no relationship with indexing. Without filing indexing is meaningless. Indexing is a part of filing Indexing does not originate without filing Indexing is relatively inexpensive Indexing is the next phase of filing Indexing is done based on filing. Without indexing utility of filing is reduced. Indexing requires less space.

Q) 9. Why filing is called the memory of business? Ans: Filing is a process of preserving records of firm. Filing is a basic part of office management. Everyday numerous papers, letters, deeds, voucher, receipt, challan, documents etc. are prepared, supplied or received from one department to other department inside office or from departments from outside. All personnel are flesh and blood. He has to exchange information all the time in discharging duty. To continue work through various problems and adversities personnel may not remember all information or may forget. On the other hand he needs to use information to discharge daily works. For this to overcome this limitation a personnel preserves required information through filing. Exact information of past can be retrieved from file. As the filing works as the alternative of human memory generally filing is called memory of business. Main reason of calling filling the memory of business are given below:

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Preserving information: Various information of firm or information concerned with firm from outside is to be preserved in office. Important information of firm like production, purchase, sale, personnel, investment, profit etc. are preserved in office. These are useful to take necessary decision.


Preserving valuable deeds and documents: All important deeds and documents of firm are preserved in firm. Office preserves deed of partnership business, company memorandum and memorandum of association, personal file of personnel, project proposal etc. properly so that they can be found at the time of necessity.


Preserving authentic deeds: Important receipt, bill, voucher etc. related with firm are preserved in office. Rent receipt, gas, water, electricity, telephone bill, income tax certificate etc. are preserved in office. So in case of any complexity office resolves problem supplying these authentic documents.

In conclusion it may be said as memory keeps us awake about our past, present and future, in the same way filing carries various matters of business. As the system of filing makes a bridge among past, present and future of business or office it is called the memory of business. Q) 10. What is filing? Ans: Filing is an important technique of office management. Special method by which letters and documents are preserved is called filing. Everyday numerous letters are exchanged in business firm or office. They are to be preserved for future necessity. Special method by which files are preserved in orderly manner and scientifically is known as filing. Some popular definitions of filing are given below: •

According to J.C. Denyer, “Filing is the method of arranging and preserving documents so that at the time of necessity these could be found easily.”

According to B.N. Tandon, “Preserving all information, letters, documents, statement etc. scientifically for meeting future necessity is called filing.”

According to Leffingwell, “Filing is such a process of arranging file and papers so that in times of necessity they can be found quickly.”

According to M.C. Shukla, “Filing means orderly arrangement of business letters and documents so that they can be found and supplied quickly.”

According to Gilbert Khan, “Filing is such a method of classification of record, orderly arrangement of files so that they could be found quickly at the time of necessity.”

Filing in the light of above discussion: a) Filing is directly related with all valuable papers and records. b) Through this all papers are arranged in proper order. c) It works as the memory of firm, and (d) Main objective of it is to find out and supply papers quickly. In fine it could be said that filing is such a scientific method by which all papers of office could be arranged and preserved in orderly manner and can be found and supplied in times of necessity.

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Q) 11. Discuss the advantage of filing. Ans: In modern office management filing is a very important technique. Preservation and management of file is one of the functions that are done by office management. Proper scientific method filing increases reputation of firm. As a result of filing concerned firm enjoys some benefits which are mentioned below: i.

Safe preservation of papers: The biggest advantage of ideal filing system is the preservation of urgent and essential papers of firm according to date and on the basis of mutual relationship.


Preservation of complete details: In filing system complete details of a firm can be preserved. As a result any subject can be known at any time.


Preservation of history: No person or firm can survive denying its/his history. Through filing it can preserve its all history.


Legal obligation: There is legal obligation to preserve documents, papers of firm to a definite time. Filing helps to observe this kind of legal obligation.


Easy Access: Through filing preserved papers could be found at hand easily, as a result the firm is saved from unnecessary embarrassment.


Achievement of economy: Advanced and ideal filing system helps to achieve economy in finance, time and labour of execution of work.


Library facility: Filing is also called miniature of library. Because as books are preserved in library in orderly manner, in the same way papers of firm can be preserved through filing.


Memory: Filing is the memory of business. There is opportunity of using this memory in any work.


Market research: Some times market research is necessary in the office of firm. Filed papers help in this kind of market research.


Business evaluation: Filing helps in important functions like planning, policy making and decision taking of business.


Neatness: Another facility of filing is that orderly system keeps office neat and clean.


Full use of space: Papers are preserved in arranged way though filing. As a result full use of space can be done.


Increase of work speed: Another objective of preservation of files is to increase speed of daily works.


Appropriate storing of files: Files are stored appropriately for use as reference in future so that the file can be found at hand at the time of necessity.


Help in law suit: In law suit of firm papers preserved in file provides help.

In conclusion it may be said that main objective of filing is the preservation of files and finding them out easily in times of necessity. To implement the above mentioned objectives filing is done.

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Q) 12. What is card indexing? Discuss the advantages & disadvantages of it. Ans: Among the methods indexing card indexing is known as modern indexing. During indexing a card is used for each sender of letter, it is called card indexing. In each card name, address, subject matter of letter, filing number etc. are written. Later cards are arranged in a specific box according to letter of name. At this desired file can be found easily. It is a scientific method. The following materials are required for card indexing. a. A file cabinet with drawer. b. Card Name: Name and address is written. It is to mention that there is a separate card for each sender of letter. c. Guide card/instruction card: These are made of card board. There are 26 cards. Guide divides the cabinet drawer in 26 divisions as per English alphabet. d. Drawer level: It is used to identify files outside of file cabinet. Because of this level files in the drawer could be easily specified. Card indexing could be divided into three divisions according to preservation method: i. Open/Vertical card indexing: In this method cards are kept openly/vertically. Sometimes holes are made in cards; iron stick is driven into it and stuck with drawer. To find out desired card necessary instruction is written outside of each drawer. ii. Visible card indexing: In this method cards are stuck in metal frame/tray with transparent cover in such a way that written name, address and other information in the card can easily be seen. Cards are arranged on the basis of letter/number. iii. Rotary/Circular indexing: Copy Advantages of card indexing: a. Scientific method: Indexing of this kind is very scientific and relevant. As a result it can be used as necessary. b. Less expense: Installation and launching of this method is very cheap. To install this method only desired measurement of card and drawer are necessary. c. Alternating: With expansion and contraction of firm it can be increased or decreased. d. Easy access: In this method as cards preserved in drawer are arranged in alphabetical order they can be found out easily. e. Instruction of subject matter: As subject matter is written in each card subject matter of the letter can be easily known by seeing the card without having to taken out the file. f. Management: Management of this method is very easy. g. Usable everywhere: This indexing is usable in all kinds of filing. h. Use of new card: New card can be easily inserted instead of old card. i. Use of clue: Use of counter clue is easy is this method. j. Address: Each card of this method can be used as address book. Disadvantages of card indexing: a. Large firm: Firm relatively large cannot use this method. b. Use of more than one card: Sometimes as more than one card is compared time and labourer are wasted. Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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c. Displacement of Card: If any card is displaced by mistake it can be found out easily. d. Card change: Out of animosity any one may change card. e. Separate personnel: To manage card index a separate personnel is required. f. Sufficient space: For indexing in this method sufficient office space is required. In conclusion it may be said that among the indexing methods card indexing is known as modern method. Though there are some disadvantages of card indexing this method of indexing is the best and most modern. Q) 13. Discuss the importance of record/filing management. Ans: In the present business age transaction has expanded much. As a result with the increase of files importance of file management is increasing day by day. Regarding this S.P. Arora says, “Modern community depends much upon records.� With the expansion of market, advertisement of products, speciality, labour departmentation, development of inter-country and international relationship etc. everyday firm has to exchange numerous letters and urgent deed, documents etc. For this there is great importance of proper and scientific management of file in every firm. i.

Information store: File is called information store of office. Because important information, letter, documents of firm are preserved scientifically in files. As a result they can be easily found in times of necessity. For this files are called the memory of business.


Authentic documents: Documents that are preserved through files work as authentic documents of business activities. As a result they work to settle any unwanted problem or dispute among different parties and at the same time it gives instructions to the future work.


Help in taking decision: During taking any decision for collection and analysis of information it is necessary to see old records. In the system of preserving files necessary files can be easily be found. As a result decision making becomes easy.


Help in planning: Statistics and analysis of information of past years is necessary for planning. As a result of preserving files necessary information can be found analysing of which planning becomes easy.


Help in control: As a result of file management and preservation controlling firm also becomes easy. This kind of management helps in management planning or in making budget and at the same time collects and files report about the actual work. As a result senior authority can easily determine aberrancy by comparing planning and actual result and take correctional measure.


Fast execution of work: The faster decision is taken the faster is the execution of work. As file management of firm helps to take fast decision, execution of any work becomes easy and fast.


Increase of skill: Skill of office management increases through modern file management. Because due to receiving necessary file fast the managers can take fast decision in one hand and control of work becomes easy. As a result speed and skill of all works increase.


Correction of mistakes: Good management of file of firm plays important role in correcting mistakes. Firms where huge of amount of transaction takes place, making

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mistakes is not impossible. Due to this kind of mistakes there may be misunderstanding with others. This kind of mistakes can easily be found out and corrected when information is preserved. ix.

Good use of space: As a result of use modern filing, more files can be preserved in less amount of space. Good use of office space is possible at this.


Fast communication: With the expansion of firm amount of office management and complexity increases much. As a result more amount of letters, documents, accounts statements etc. are needed to be prepared, exchanged and preserved. As a result fast communication becomes possible in times of necessity.


Prevention of time and money waste: Through file management any file could be found out fast and waste of time and money is prevented much.


Facing urgent situation: Sometimes there are some instant problems in firm. For solving this kind of problems it is possible to solve problem seeing files.


Help in market research: At present market research is very important in sale of products and service. To conduct this kind of research it is necessary to collect information and analyse from inside and outside of firm. By dint of good file preservation system collecting information from internal and external source they can be used in research after preserving them.


Increase of reputation: Modern filing and indexing i.e. file preservation management plays important role in increasing firm’s reputation. Firms where files are preserved properly buyer, seller, customer, businessman feel encouraged to transact with them. Because due to effective file management firm becomes reliable and faithful to them.


Surviving competition: In modern competitive world intense competition exist in the field of business and commerce including all fields. To survive this competition it is essential to have proper file management in modern office.

In conclusion it may be said that file management and preservation makes modern office management skilled and speedy. As a result reputation and advancement of business increase. Importance of file management and preservation in modern office is beyond description/explanation. Q) 14. Discuss the principles or record preservation and record management. Ans: There are definite principles of record management and record preservation. Following those principles of record management aims & objectives of firm can be implemented. In this regard S.P. Arora says, “Records management, to be successful, must be based on principal.� Principles of record management is given below: i.

Accomplishment of objective: Files are to be preserved keeping a specific aim in mind. Letters that are prepared and exchanged in everyday office may not be necessary to be preserved. So it is essential to preserve letter that are necessary for accomplishing objectives. At this unnecessary problem can be reduced.


Classification: A general principle of record management is to classify files. Without it proper execution of work is not possible. Classified file can be found out in short time and with little labour. Bringing this kind of classified file under necessary indexing, it can be made more effective.

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Preservation of necessary files: Another principle of file management is to preserve necessary file i.e. preserving files that may be necessary in future and keeping them aside. As a result discipline is established in preservation of files and problems of work is reduced to a great extent.


Control of expense: Another important principle of file management and preservation is to control expense of firm. Care has to be taken so that firm’s expense does not increase much and preserved file play effective role in running of firm.


Ensuring accountancy: An important policy of file management is the specification of responsibility among concerned personnel. At this if files are lost or damaged concerned personnel can be held responsible. At this accountancy is ensured. Besides if responsibility is specified each and everyone understands and carries out his responsibility.


Determining responsibility: Responsibility of file management and preservation has to be specified so that if any file is lost or damaged the concerned personnel can be held responsible. But arrangement should be made to train all personnel about this filing process and necessary benefit should be given.


Easy Availability: Policy of file management and preservation should be such that any file can be found out easily at the time of necessity. Besides important and necessary files are to be kept near.

In conclusion it may be said that file management and preservation is basic matter of modern office management. Finding out the preserved file in times of necessity is the mentionable principle of file management. Q) 15. Rules of transposing units of the caption. Ans: 1. If there is one unit in personal name then it will go to first unit. In case more than one unit the last part will go into first unit, first part into second unit, second part into third unit and later parts will go into the separate units on the right. (N.B. If brief Md./Mst. then full Mohammad/Mosammat will have to be written). For example: Given word First Unit Second Unit Third Unit Fourth Unit Mohsin Mohsin Mst. Fatema Fatema Mosammat Sadia Akter Sheuly Sheuly Sadia Akter Md. Nurul Alam Chowdhury Mohammad Nurul Alam Chowdhury Sree Nabo Kumar Kundu Kundu Sree Nabo Kumar Hamida Begum Begum Hamida 2. Addressing words are Mr., Mrs., Mia, Janab, Janaba etc. are not considered units. They are written at the end in single bracket. For example: Given word First Unit Second Unit Third Unit Mr. Rafiqul Hoque Hoque Rafiqul (Mr.) Janab Shams Uddin Ahmed Ahmed Shams Uddin (Janab) Mrs. Ayesha Khanam Chowdhury Chowdhury Ayesha Khanam (Mrs.) Miss Fateha Yeasmin Belly Belly Fateha Yeasmin (Miss) Mr. Bush Senior Bush Senior (Mr.) Nabo Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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3. Abbreviated names in personal name should be considered as separate unit. For example: Given word F. Rahman J. A. Fatema A. T. M. Rafiqul Islam

First Unit Rahman Fatema Islam

Second Unit Third Unit Fourth Unit Fifth Unit F. J. A. A. T. M. Rafiqul

4. If there is a hyphen between two words of an individual name then first and later both of the words of last hyphen are to be considered as one unit and word before the first hyphen are to be considered as one unit. For example: Given word Nasim-Ul Gani Hasan Uz-Zaman Ansari Abdullah Al-Mamun Mohammad Al-Shariar Rokon Habib-Un-Nabi Rasel Mr. Nasim-Ul-Haider Harun-Or-Rashid Hasib-Ul-Hasan Khan

First Unit Gani Ansari Al-Mamun Rokon Rasel Ul-Haider Or-Rashid Khan

Second Unit Nasim-ul Hasan Abdullah Mohammad Habib-Un Nasim (Mr.) Harun Hasib

Third Unit Uz-Zaman Al-Shariar Nabi


5. If there is Al, Ul, Or, Uz, Ur, Ibne, Binte, Da, De, Al, Mc etc. are without hyphen inside name of person from home/abroad then it is to be considered as a unit with next word. If it is at the beginning of name then 2nd part of name will go to 2nd Unit. For example: Given Word Rafiq Ul Islam Daniel Di Lansi Abdullah Ibne Saeed Al Mamun Abdullah

First Unit Ul Islam Di Lansi Ibne Saeed Abdullah

Second Unit Rafiq Daniel Abdullah Al Mamun

6. Title, Degree and Designation won’t be considered as unit in indexing. If there is a degree/title with a name and if there are more than one parts degree/title should be written in bracket in last unit. For example: Given Word Dr. Kamal Hossain Professor Siraj Uddin Ahmad

First Unit Hossain Ahmad

Second Unit Kamal (Dr.) Siraj

Third Unit Uddin (Professor)

7. Degree/Title with one name will be considered one unit. In this case without changing place they are to be arranged normally in two separate units. For example: Given Word General Osmani Major Gani Maolana Bhasani

First Unit General Major Maolana

Second Unit Osmani Gani Bhasani

8. Junior or Senior at the end of heading is considered as separate unit. But they must be written in the last unit. If this kind of word is written in bracket at the end of heading then it is written in the last unit with bracket. And if this kind of word is written at the end of heading then it is to be written in one unit. For example: Given word Abdus Samad Sarkar, Senior Mosammat Nargis Sultana (Junior) Dulal Kumar Banik, Senior Mrs. Fatema Begum, Junior

First Unit Sarkar Sultana Banik Begum

Second Unit Abdus Mosammat Dulal Fatema

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Third Unit Fourth Unit Samad Senior Nargis (Junior) Kumar Junior (Mrs.)

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9. If there are two degrees/titles with one name any of these two should be considered separately and in last unit. The other degree/title is to be written in last unit in bracket. For example: Given Word Professor Dr. Nurul Islam Dr. Shamsul Hoque Mia Senior Late Dr. Sazzad Hossain Mr. Bush Junior Major Rezaul Karim P.S.C Late Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani Maolana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani

First Unit Islam Mia Hossain Bush Karim Bhasani Bhasani

Second Unit Nurul Shamsul Sazzad Senior (Mr.) Razaul Abdul Abdul

Third Unit Dr: (Professor) Hoque Dr. (Late) Major (P.S.C) Hamid Hamid

Fourth Unit Senior (Dr.)

Khan (Late) Khan (Maolana)

10. Sometimes there is husband’s/father’s name with woman’s name. If there is husband’s name after Mrs. and the woman’s own name in bracket or her own name after Mrs. and husband’s name in bracket then giving priority to the woman’s main name (the first part of woman’s name) is to be written in first unit and last part of husband’s name in second unit. In last unit Mrs. is to be written in bracket. For example: Given Word First Unit Second Unit Mrs. Shamsur Rahman (Sultana Jahan) Sultana Rahman (Mrs.) Mrs. Asma Begum (Munir Uddin Ahmed) Asma Ahmed (Mrs.) Mrs. Saiful Islam (Shahinur Begum) Shahinur Alam (Mrs.) Begum Abdul Bari (Firoza Khatun) Firoza Bari Mrs. Mostafizur Rahman (Sufia Begum) Sufia Rahman (Mrs.) Mrs. Asma Jahanara (Anisur Rahman) Asma Rahman (Mrs.) 11. If after Mrs. there is name of woman/husband then rules of change of place is to be followed and Mrs. is to be written in last unit in bracket. (N.B. Part of name “Begum” it is to be written according to change of place). For example: Given Word First Unit Second Unit Third Unit Mrs. Rashedul Islam Islam Rashedul (Mrs.) Jahan (Mrs.) Begum Sultana Yeasmin Yeasmin Begum Sultana Mrs. Jobaida Islam Islam Jobaida (Mrs.) Mrs. Ayesha Khanam Chowdhury Chowdhury Ayesha Khanam (Mrs.) Mrs. Dilruba Hossain Hossain Dilruba (Mrs.) Mrs. Tania Rashid (Tithi) Rashid Tania (Mrs. Tithi) 12. If there is a unit of personal name with firm’s name place of parts of the names are not changed. But each part is to be considered separately. For example: Given word First Unit Second Unit Third Unit Fourth Unit Hamida Hardware Stores Hamida Hardware Stores Roni General Electric House (Tithi) Roni General Electric House 13. If there are more than one parts of personal name with firm’s name only more than one parts of personal name are changed. For example: Given name First Unit Second Unit Third Unit Fourth Unit Motiar Rahman Auto Traders Rahman Motiar Auto Traders Goutam Kumar Trasport Company Kumar Goutam Transport Company Abu Saeed Saodagar Saeed Abu Saodagar

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14. If there are more than one persons’ name with firms name added with hyphen person’s names are written normally separately. For example: Given name First Unit Second Unit Third Unit Fourth Unit Arun-Barun Ice Cream Company Arun Barun Ice Cream Company Helal-Dulal Steel Mills Helal Dulal Steel Mills 15. If there is and, in, of, for, the with business firm or any other firm these are to be excluded. Besides apostrophe “s” with any firm’s name is to be excluded. But plurals are to be written. Besides important parts like: country, division, district etc. is to be brought to the first unit and rest parts are to be arranged normally. For example: Given name First Unit Second Third Fourth Unit Unit Unit The Angel Publications Angel Publications Habib & Brothers Habib Brothers Anis’s Restaurant Anis Restaurant Habib’s Daoakhana Habib Daoakhana Secretarial Science Teacher’s Society Secrtarial Science Teahcer’s Society Hotel Sheraton Sheraton Hotel Hotel Sonargaon, Dhaka Dhaka Sonargaon Hotel Biman Bangladesh Airlines Bangladesh Biman Airlines Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel Sonargaon Pan Pacific Hotel Fantasy Kingdom Fantasy Kingdom Bangladesh Telex & Telephone Board Bangladesh Telex Telephone Board T & T College, Khulna Khulna T T College 16. If there are country, division, city, upazilla etc then first country, then division, district, city, upazilla will come separately in units. For example: Given name Sonali Bank, Station Road, Sylhet City College, Dhaka, Bangladesh Palli Unnayan Academy, Comilla Rupali Bank, RAJUK Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd., Motijheel, Dhaka

First Unit

Second Unit Station Road

Third Unit Sonali

Fourth Unit Bank


Fifth Unit











Rupali Motijheel

Bank Islami


Banglade sh

Sixth Unit


17. If people’s Republic, Division of, Board of, Royal etc. is written with government institution or ministry then first name of country, later government, then ministry will have to be written. In case of foreign government firm or ministry name of government is to be excluded and indexed. For example: Given word First unit Second Third Fourth unit unit unit People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Government Education Ministry Ministry of Education Japan Government, Ministry of Japan Defence Ministry Defence

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18. There may be M/s. at the beginning of firm. M/s. is not written in unit. ‘Co.’ as part of firm is to be written in full (Company, Limited). For example: Given word First unit Second unit Third unit Fourth unit M/s. Habib Auto Traders Habib Auto Traders Paban Transport Co. Ltd. Paban Transport Company Limited 19. If there is number with name of firm it is to be written by spelling. At the end of name beginning with number the name of place in the first unit and number is written in second unit. If number is at the end of heading the mentioned number is to be written in the last unit. For example: Given word First Unit Second Unit Third Unit Fourth Unit 150, Bipani Bitan One Hundred Bipani Bitan Fifty Dhaka City College, Dhaka City College Twelve 1205 Hundred Five 17, Chalkbazar, Comilla Seventeen Chalkbazar Comilla 57, Halishahar, Chittagong Fifty Seven Halishahar Chittagong 10th, Mirpur Road Tenth Mirpur Dhaka Road No-27, Dhaka Road No. Dhanmondi Dhanmondi, Dhaka Twenty Seven 27, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka Twenty Seven Motijheel Commercial Dhaka Flat No. 5, Karnophuli Flat No. 5 Karnophuli Garden City Garden City 20. Abbreviated name of business firm, some other firm or part of name is to be written in full. Short form of word used in heading are to be written separately in full. For example: Given word First Unit Second Unit Third Unit Fourth Unit Fifth Unit CAB Consumer Association Bangladesh BTEB Bangladesh Technical Education Board BSS Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha BOU Bangladesh Open University BADO Bangladesh Agricultural Development Organization BCTS Bangladesh College Teachers’ Society BKSP Bangladesh Krira Shikkha Protisthan BSTI Bangladesh Standard Testing Institute BTTB Bangladesh Telegram Telephone Board BRTC Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation BRTA Bangladesh Road Transport Authority BTV Bangladesh Television BCIC Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation BIBM Bangladesh Institute Bank Management BMDC Bangladesh Management Development Centre BIWTC Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Center BADC Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation

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First Unit Bangladesh Criminal Compressed Chittagong Dhaka Dhaka Institute International Export Federation National Rajdhani Rapid Value Rajshahi General

Secretarial Science and Office Management (2nd Paper)

Second Unit Garments Investigation Natural Export Metropoliton City Cost Finance Processing Bangladesh Curriculum Unnayan Action Added City Post

Third Unit Manufacturing Department Gas Processing Police Corporation Management Investment Zone Chambers Text Book Kartripakkha Battalion Tax Corporation Office

Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

Fourth Unit Fifth Unit Exporters Association


Accounts Commerce Commerce Board

Bank Industries

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Board Questions & Solutions Dhaka, Comilla, Jessore, Chittagong, Barisal, Sylhet Board-2007 Given word Dr. Abul Kalam Azad I.F.I.C. Bank, Dhaka Jamuna Bahumukhi Setu Kartripakkha Bangladesh Biman Airlines Combined Military Hospital, Bogra National University, Gazipur Inter District Truck Transport Organization Rajshahi Lawyer Society B.K.S.P Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Chittagong Kazi Abdul Matin North-South University Adamji Jute Mills Comilla Bus Owner Society BTEB Sonali Bank, Agrabad, Chittagong Mrs. Jahanara Begum (Abdul Gani) Minitry of Education, Bangladesh Government BRTC District Education Offce, Comilla Late A. Hamid Khan Bhasani Mrs. Asma Banu (Abdur Rahman) BADC Inter District Bus Transport Organization North South University, Dhaka The Karnaphuli Trading Agency 565, Agrabad, Chittagong

First unit

Second unit

Third unit

Fourth unit

Fifth unit

Azad Dhaka Jamuna

Abul International Bahumukhi

Kalam (Dr.) Finance Setu

Investment Kartripakkha











Inter District






Bangladesh Chittagon

Krira Secondary

Shikkha Higher Secondary

Matin NorthSouth Adamji Comilla

Kazi University


Jute Bus

Mills Owner


Bangladesh Chittagong

Technical Agrabad

Education Sonali

Board Bank


Goni (Mrs.)





Bangladesh Comilla

Road District

Transport Education

Corporaton Office




Khan (Late)


Rahman (Mrs.) Agriculture Bus

Development Transport

Corporation Organization








Five Hundred Sixty Five


Bangladesh Inter District

Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

Sixth unit Bank



Pratisthan Education


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Given word

First unit

Second unit

Third unit

Ministry of Communication, Bangladesh Governmnet T & T, School & College Sonali Bank, Railgate, RAjshahi Sher-E-Bangla Krishi University, Dhaka BSS Navana Motors Ltd. Professor Abdul Hannan, M.A The Dhaka Publications Ltd. 222, Aman Housing Society



Communicati on













Bangladesh Navana Hannan

Sher-EBangla Sangbad Motors Abdul



Sangstha Limited Professor (M.A) Limited

Two Hundred Twenty Two Mazumdar











Rebecca Bangladesh

Rahman (Mrs.) Government



Rahman Jahanara

Mohammad Faruq (Mrs.)




Thirty Two






Ahmed (Professor) Development












Professor (Dr.)

Major Bangladesh

Rafiq Government


Bangladesh North

Bank Sugar Mill


Md. Harun-Or-Rashid Majumdar Alam-Hasan Transport Organization Mrs. Abidur Rahman (Rebecca Sultana) Government of the peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh, Ministry of Commerce Md. Motiur Rahman Mrs. Akter Faruq (Jahanara Begum) The Jamuna Publishers National Museum, Dhaka, 32, Newmarket, Chittagong Professor Jafar Ahmed Talukdar Silk Development Board, Rajshahi Mukti Transport Co. Ltd. Dhaka-Tangail Bus Owner Society Professor Md. Yunus Major Rafiq Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Ministry of Finance Bangladesh Bank North Bengal Sugar

Fourth unit

Fifth unit

Sixth unit


Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681




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Given word Mill Organization Mrs. Mosarraf Hossain (Jasmine Akter) 410, Bagura Daighar

Abdullah Al-Mamun National University, Gazipur

First unit Bengal Jasmine

Four Hundred Ten Al-Mamun Gazipur

Second unit

Third unit

Fourth unit

Fifth unit

Sixth unit

Hossain (Mrs.) Bagura


Abdullah National


Alphabetical presentation: After dividing the headings in units they are to be arranged alphabetically in second final phase in answer script. To arrange alphabetically initial of first unit is to be considered. In case initial of first unit is in more than one headings the initial of second unit is to be considered. In case initial of second unit is in more than one headings the initial of third unit is to be considered. For the convenience of finding out based on alphabet, Bangla alphabet is given by the side:

A Av B C D E F G H I J KLMNOPQRST UVWXYZ_`ab cdefghIjk lmnopqrt

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Board Question & Solution Dhaka Board-2006 Given Name

Mahbuba Karim &

Indexing Rule Formation 3rd Unit 4th Unit

1st Unit

2nd Unit









Station Road









One Hundred








Senior (Dr.)






5th Unit

Alphabetically Place 5

Sons FBCCI Sonali Bank Station


4 10

Road, Sylhet Prof. Jahangir Alam, Ph.D



The National



Insurance Co. Ltd. 110, Bipani Bitan


Ten Commerce Ministry of



Bangladesh Govt. Dr. Habibur Rahman


Senior BIWTA Mrs. Abdur Rahman (Rabeya Begum)



3 9


Alphabetically arranged: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Alam Jahangir Professor (Ph.D) Bangladesh Government Commerce Ministry Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority Federation Bangladesh Chamber Commerce Industries Mahbuba Karim Sons National Insurance Company Limited One Hundred Ten Bipani Bitan Rahman Habibur Senior (Dr.) Rabeya Rahman (Misses) Sylhet Station Road Sonali Bank

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Fifth Chapter Keeping Accounts of Office Expense Questions and Answer Q) 1. What is office expenditure maintenance accounts? Q) 2. Discuss the objective of office expenditure maintenance. Q) 3. Discuss the importance/advantages of office expenditure maintenance. Q) 4. Discuss the methods of maintaining modern office expenditure. Q) 5. Write down the subsidiary register of office. Q) 1. What is office expenditure maintenance accounts? Ans: Office is the life centre of a firm. The office manager spends money in different sectors to make plan and in implementation of plan. Technique and methods of writing down this expenditure in different sectors is called office expenditure maintenance accounts. There are daily expense in different sectors of government, non government or autonomous installations or small/big all offices. For example employee salary, office rent, electrical bill, telephone bill, gas, Wasa, sewerage, purchase of stationary, conveyance expense, purchase of furniture and machinery, maintenance and installation, newspaper and magazine bill, entertainment expense and various other heads. These daily expenses are done from a specific office fund. So it can be said that writing down daily office expenses date wise and head wise is called office expenditure maintenance accounts. According to Rishikesh Chakrabarti, “Technique of orderly writing of daily expense in accounts book for execution of daily office function is called office expenditure maintenance accounts.� From the above discussion the following idea is obtained: a) Recorded as per rules of accounts. b) Accounts is recorded date and head wise. c) After a specific date approval from manager is to be taken. In conclusion it may be said that after a specific time of office expenditure, accounts book used for keeping accounts is to be approval by office manager or officer in charge. Writing down and preservation of daily expense properly is called office expenditure maintenance.

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Q) 2. Discuss the objective of office expenditure maintenance. Ans: It is necessary to keep accounts of expenditure is an office in a specified time. Maintaining accounts of office expenditure supplies detailed information about expense control, determining financial policy, planning, stopping wastage, checking financial misappropriation or forgery, debt, credit, income-expense etc. As a result objective of firm can be accomplished by running office properly and successfully. Objectives of office expenditure maintenance are as follows: i. Permanent expenditure maintenance: As office expenses are maintained permanently, time of each expense can be known. ii. Expense Control : If expenditure is not maintained there will be excessive expenditure and it is human nature. So to control expense of firm it is necessary to maintain expenditure. iii. Maintaining expenditure of cash : As arrival of cash money in office and expense of cash money is written in cash accounts, the amount of cash money can be known at any time. iv. Cheeking/Preventing misappropriation of fund/forgery : Misappropriation of fund or forgery can be cheeked if office expenditure is maintained properly. v. Determining economic condition: Through proper office expenditure maintenance of accounts economic condition of office can be known. Because balance of amount expended is transferred to finance account after a specific time. vi. Determining total expense: Through office expenditure maintenance daily, monthly or yearly expense can be known. vii. Help in running Office: Proper office expenditure maintenance helps in running Office, control, policy making etc. viii. Total income: By Office expenditure maintenance total Office expense can be determined. And determining this total expense total income of Office is determined. ix. Increase of Profit: When accounts is kept properly many unnecessary/extra expense is reduced and profit increases. x. Authentic documents: Proper accounts of Office expenditure works as authentic documents of firm. Future dispute or problem can be solved by these accounts. xi. Decision making: Maintaining office expenditure is a continuous process. So from past Office expenditure decision of future expenditure can be taken. xii. Meeting urgent demand: Office administrator or Accounts Officer of office is given a specific amount of money at the beginning of each month. As a result in urgent situation money is easily available i.e. complexity is not created in getting fund. xiii. Increase of work skill: Correct and regular keeping accounts of Office increases overall Office skill. xiv. Internal prevention system: Audit of office expenditure maintenance is completed through monthly maintenance of expenditure. xv. Helping chief accounts officer: Office administrator generally takes lump sum expense of office expenditure like-conveyance, newspaper, entertainment, telephone bill, stationary etc. from chief accounts officer. As a result the chief accounts officer being from worry gets total expenditure of office at a time. In fine it may be said that real condition of office can be easily understood through office expenditure maintenance. Office expenditure maintenance gives a picture of firm in one hand and helps to accomplish goal of firm. Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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Q) 3. Discuss the importance/advantages of office expenditure maintenance. Ans: Office expenditure maintenance in modern office is very important. Technique of writing expenditure needed for execution of daily official works is called office expenditure maintenance. In every office there is arrangement of office expenditure maintenance for necessary expense. Importance of office expenditure maintenance is discussed below: i. Accounts guide: Time, amount and place of expenditure can be known if office expenditure is maintained. ii. Control of expenditure: The matter of controlling expense is very important. The main way to control this kind of expense is to ensure whether expenses are being done appropriately in appropriate sector with the approval of authority. iii. Comparative analysis of expenditure: Reason for increase and decrease of expenditure between two years can be known when office expenditure is maintained. iv. Help in budgeting: If all office expenditure is maintained it gives an idea about how much expense office may require next year and helps in budgeting. v. Checking misappropriation and irregularity: All irregularity, misappropriation and cheating are removed when office expenditure maintenance is properly functional. vi. Detecting mistakes and correction: There may be mistakes in office expenditure or income-expense of office. So when office expenditure is maintained any mistake can be detected and corrected. vii. Authentic documents: Accounts book, bill, voucher etc. work as proof. viii. Avoidance of dependence on memory: Through office expenditure maintenance dependence on memory can be avoided. Different kinds of expense of office can not be remembered for a long time. But as a result of written expenditure maintenance there can be no mistakes and they are long term documents too. ix. Flow of work: Different kinds of expense can be paid up immediately. No complexity arises. Because money for necessary expense are sanctioned at the beginning of month. Flow of work increases at this. x. Determining price of products: To fix price of any product of a firm all expenditure is deducted and price is fixed. So to fix price of product office expenditure is essential. xi. Helping management: With the help of information obtained from preserved accounts planning, control and policy making become easy. xii. Appropriate use of money: Success of firm depends on the appropriate use of monthly office expense. Only correct expenditure maintenance can ensure appropriate use of money. xiii. Debit and Credit Accounts: As arrival of cash money and expense in cash are written in debit and credit accounts the amount of cash of a firm can be known at any time. xiv. Increase of income: As all expenditures are written down there is economy in expenditure, as a result income increases. xv. Tax assessment: Through maintenance of office expenditure tax of a firm can be assessed. xvi. Taking decision: A picture of all kinds of expenditure can be obtained together; as a result decision can be taken easily. In conclusion it may be said that office expenditure maintenance is an important matter of skilled office management. Maintaining office expenditure is one of the main functions of Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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office management. With proper office expenditure maintenance office cannot run smoothly. So it can be said easily that importance of office expenditure maintenance is profound. Q) 4. Discuss the methods of maintaining modern office expenditure. Ans: Different accounts are opened to run the function of office expenditure maintenance. Different accounts are written in register through voucher. To run methods of office expenditure the following accounts are opened. i. Debit and credit accounts: Expense that take place in execution of daily official works need cash money. Money received in cash is written in receipt in cash which is called debit. On the other hand expense in cash is written in payment in cash section which is called credit. Opening balance of cash money is put on debit side. Balance is obtained by deducting the amount of total payment from total receipt. The characteristic of debit and credit accounts is that it always expresses debit balance. ii. Ledger of expenditure: Expenses in offices may be small in amount but heads are different. So the expenses are written in different ledger according to their heads. Any balance at the beginning of a month is written on the debit side of ledger against debit credit accounts. Unfinished accounts within a period is carried forward to the next month. iii. Accounts of service providing firm: Like the accounts of other firms service providing firms have to prepare debit and credit accounts of office expenditure for correct preservation of records. Like commercial office here also cash deposit is found from closing balance. Here also cash receipt and expenditure in cash may be equal or payment may be less than receipt. In fine it may be said that as office expenditure maintenance is important in a firm among various other works it is necessary to execute this work very skillfully. Business firm and service providing firms generally maintains expenditure in the above manner. Q) 5. Write down the subsidiary register of office. Ans: Every firm makes different kinds of expenses in execution of daily works. Among these some are permanent expenditure and some are temporary expenses. These expenses are to be maintained for future expense. Register book is used as tool of keeping all kinds of accounts. Generally registers used for maintaining office expenditure are as follows: 1) Salary register: In every firm there are officers and employees of different designation. Register where their names, designation, salary scale, house rent, conveyance, bonus etc. all information are written is called salary register. During receipt of these every one has to sign revenue stamp. 2) Stock register: Stock register is one of the main books used for office expenditure maintenance. Price of all property is written here. It is of following types: a) Register regarding property/land: In this kind of register all expenses regarding permanent land are written. b) Register regarding machinery: All accounts of expense regarding all machineries are written in register regarding machinery. c) Others: All expenses regarding all assets are written here. 3. Stationary register: Small goods of low price use of which keeps office running is called stationary. Register where all expenses regarding stationary is preserved is stationary register.

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4. Cheque register: Nowadays money transaction is done through bank for executing office expenditure. So book where cheque number, date, amount of taka, name of recipient, purpose of payment are written are called cheque register. In fine it may be said that medium and large firm use the above mentioned registers for executing office expense. Register is not used much in executing expense of small firms. They use only one register to meet all kinds of expenses. Q) Mathematical solution. 1. Ledger balance of M/s. Sahaf & Ritu Co. office in 1st March 2009 are as follows: Cash account


Salary account


Rent account


Entertainment account


Conveyance account


In the said month of March the following transaction took place: 2009, March-2 withdrawal from bank ” 5 payment of office rent ” 16 payment of employee salary ” 25 payment of telephone bill ” 30 payment of conveyance To be done: a) Cash account b) concerned ledger.

Tk.6,000.00 Tk.5,000.00 Tk.4,000.00 Tk.1,500.00 Tk.400.00

Solution: M/s. Sahaf & Ritu Co. Cash Account Debit


Date 2009 March-1 March-2



Balance B/D Bank account

Taka 8,000/6,000/-

Date 2009 March-5 March-16 March-25 March-30 March-31




Office rent Employee Salary Telephone bill Conveyance Balance C/D

14,000/2009 April-1




Balance B/D

Rent Account Debit Date 2009 March-1 ” 5 2009 April-1

Details Balance B/D Cash Account

Balance B/D



Date 2009 3,000 March-31 5,000 8,000

Details Balance C/D


Credit Taka 8,000 8,000


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Salary Account Debit Date 2009 March-1 � 16 2009 April-1



Balance B/D Cash Account

Balance B/D


Date 2009 5,000 March-31 4,000 9,000



Balance C/D

Credit Taka 9,000 9,000


Telephone Bill Account Debit Date Details 2009 March-25 Cash Account 2009 April-1



Date 2009 1,500 March-31



Balance C/D

Credit Taka 1,500




Balance B/D

Conveyance Account Debit Date 2009 March-1 � 30 2009 April-1



Balance B/D Cash Account Balance B/D


Date 2009 550 March-31 400 950



Credit Taka 950

Balance C/D


950 Entertainment Account

Debit Date 2009 March-1

Details Balance B/D



Date 2009 300 March-31

Details Balance C/D

300 2009 April-1

Balance B/D


Credit Taka 300 300


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2. Transactions of Jafrin & Co. in March, 2009. 2009, March 1 Cash in hand ” 10 Employee Salary ” 18 Telephone Bill ” 25 Conveyance Expense ” 27 Purchase of Stationary ” 31 Newspaper Purchase

Tk. 5,000.00 Tk. 2,000.00 Tk. 500.00 Tk. 100.00 Tk. 200.00 Tk. 200.00

To be done: (a) Cash account b) concerned ledger. Solution: Cash Account Debit Date 2009 March-1

Balance B/D

2009 April-1

Balance B/D




Date 2009 5,000 March-10 ” 18 ” 25 ” 27 ” 31 ” 31 5,000



Employee Salary Telephone Bill Conveyance Exp. Stationary Newspaper Balance C/D

Credit Taka 2,000 500 100 200 200 2,000 5,000


Salary Account Debit Date 2009 March-10




Date 2009 2,000 March-31

Cash account



Balance C/D


2,000 2009 April-1

Balance B/D

Credit Taka



Telephone Bill Account Debit Date 2009 March-18

Details Cash account

2009 April-1



Date 2009 500 March-31

500 Balance B/D

Details Balance C/D


Credit Taka 500 500


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Conveyance account Debit Date 2009 March-26




Date 2009 100 March-31

Cash Account



Balance C/D


100 2009 April-1

Balance B/D

Credit Taka


100 Stationary Account

Debit Date 2009 March-27




Date 2009 200 March-31

Cash Account



Balance C/D


200 2009 April-1

Balance B/D

Credit Taka



Newspaper Account Debit Date 2009 March-31



Cash Account


Date 2009 200 March-31



Balance C/D

200 2009 April-1

Balance B/D

Credit Taka 200 200


3. After execution of office expense in 2009 Mahbub & Co. had balance was as follows at the last date of January: 2009, January 31

Cash Fund

Tk. 6,000.00


Tk. 1,000.00


Tk. 900.00

Transaction in February 2009 were: 2009, February


Received from cashier

Tk. 4,000.00


Employee salary

Tk. 6,000.00


Electricity Bill

Tk. 500.00



Tk. 400.00


Conveyance expense

Tk. 200.00

To be done: (a) Cash account b) concerned ledger.

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Solution: Cash Account Debit Date 2009 Feb.-1 " -1

Balance B/D Chief Cash A/C

2009 March-1

Balance B/D




Date 2009 6,000 February-5 ” 10 4,000 ” 15 ” 20 ” 28 10,000



Salary Electricity Bill Stationary Conveyance Balance C/D

Credit Taka 6,000 500 400 200 2,900 10,000

2,900 Salary Account

Debit Date 2009 Feb.-5




Date Details 2009 6,000 February-28 Balance C/D

Cash Account

Credit C.F Taka 6,000

6,000 2009 March-1

Balance B/D


6,000 Electricity Bill Account

Debit Date 2009 Feb. -10




Date 2009 500 February-28

Cash Account

Details Balance C/D

500 2009 March-1

Balance B/D


Credit Taka 500 500

500 Stationary Account

Debit Date 2009 Feb.- 1 ’’ 15 2009 March-1

Details Balance B/D Cash Account

Balance B/D



Date 2009 1,000 Feb.-28 400 1,400

Details Balance C/D

Credit C.F Taka 1,400 1,400


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Conveyance Account Debit Date 2009 Feb.-20



Cash Account


Date 2009 200 Feb.-28

Details Balance C/D

200 2009 March-1

Balance B/D


Credit Taka 200 200


Entertainment Account Debit Date 2009 Feb.-1 2009 March-1

Details Balance B/D



Date 2009 900 Feb.-28 900

Balance B/D

Details Balance C/D

Credit L.F Taka 900 900


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Sixth Chapter Communication Questions and Answers Q) 1. What is communication? Q) 2. What is business communication? Q) 3. Discuss the importance of communication. Q) 4. Describe the types of communication. Q) 5. What is formal communication? Q) 6. What is informal communication? Q) 7. Write down the difference between formal and informal communication. Q) 8. Describe the methods of communication. Q) 9. Discuss the media of communication. Q) 10. Write down the difference between written & oral communication. Q) 11. Discuss the roles of secretary on communication. Q) 12. Discuss the importance of business letter as a media of communication. Q) 13. Definition of commercial letter. Q) 14. Discuss the various parts of a business letter. Q) 15. Describe the life cycle of a letter. Q) 16. What is meeting? Q) 17. What is company meeting? Q) 18. Discuss the conditions of valid meeting. Q) 19. Show the classification of Company Meeting. Q) 20. What is agenda of meeting? Q) 21. What is a minute of meeting? Q) 22. Write down the difference between agenda and minutes. Q) 23. Discuss the considering factors of preparing minutes. Q) 24. What is file movement register.

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Q) 1. What is communication? Ans: The word communication came from Latin word “Communis” which means ‘common’ or general. The word “Communication” is used for various meaning. For example: to an electrical engineer communication is mainly: light, fan, radio, television, telephone etc. On the other hand to a civil engineer communication means rail track, road etc. But to a manager communication is used in a different sense. To a manager communication is exchange of views with juniors; instruction and notification of decision etc. Though different people have different meaning it has a general meaning. It means establishing contact between one or more than one person or firms. Generally: Communication means exchange of information or letters. When this exchange creates mutual understanding or aim is accomplished then communication is successful. So communication is not limited to only information, expression of feeling or giving statement; it also includes the matter so that the other party understands and make necessary reply. For example sender, specific information, recipient and reply elements continue through this process. Here three elements of communication are involved: specific information, sender of informationand recipient of information. In general sense, process by which two or more persons or group or firm exchange information is called communication. In broader sense, process by which information or feeling is exchanged in written or articulately or verbally between two or more persons is called communication. Some popular definition of communication is given below: •

According to Jacques, “Communication is the sum of total of directly and indirectly, consciously and unconsciously transmitted feeling, attitudes and wishes.”

According to Newman, “Technique of exchanging feeling, information and views between more than one people at any time, in any place is called communication.”

According to R.S. Daves, “Result of inter-reaction among persons of firm which is made effective by their mutual understanding is communication.”

According to Murphy and Peck, “Communication is two way process of exchanging ideas or information between human beings.”

According to B.N. Tandon, “Communication means to converse with some person.”

Definitional feature: There are more than one party. One party sends information and the other party receives information. Feeling is exchanged. There will be specific information. Specific medium is used. In conclusion it may be said that process of exchanging feeling, information, views between or among two or more than two persons or groups is called communication. Communication may be established through writing, verbally, articulation, facial expression and even by keeping silent. Besides contact may be established through meeting, telegram, telephone, fax, telex, letters, newspapers, news etc.

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Q) 2. What is business communication? Ans: Ans: Business communication is a part of overall communication. As man cannot do without communications in the same way business activities is not possible without communication. So communication that takes place in the business world is called business communication. To conduct various functions of business communication is to be maintained with different parties like: buyer, seller, worker, assistant business loan provider, government etc. So information exchange between two parties or more than two parties regarding business is called business communication. Production, distribution and all works subsidiary to them are included in business communication. Some popular definitions of business communication are given below: • According to Prof. W.H. Meaning, “The exchange of ideas, news and views in connection with business among the related parties is called business communication.” • According to Brenman, “Business communication is the expression, channelling, receiving and interchanging of ideas in commerce and industry.” • According to Merrihue, “Business communication is the expected behaviour of sender regarding business or possible reply of recipient.” • According to Prof. G.R. Terry, “Business communication is the lubricant of running functions of management properly.” • According to Prof. J. Hust, “Business communication is the communication that takes place between two or more than two persons for running business or firm properly.” Definitional characteristics: It is a part of main communication. It centres on business. This communication may take place inside firm or different parties outside. Here profit and loss is a matter of concern. It is used to accomplish aims and objectives of a business firm. In conclusion it may be said that communication that is established regarding any matter inside the firm or different parties outside regarding business and commerce is called business communication. Q) 3. Discuss the importance of communication. Ans: Man is a social being. So living in society without communication is very difficult. For this soon after birth man becomes dependent on communication. It is such a kind of process which keeps life functional all the time. It is more applicable in respect of business firm. Without proper and strong communication system no organization can complete work of management. For this communication plays important role in proper and smooth execution of function of firm management. Importance/necessity/role of communication is discussed below: i. Information transfer: Without exchange of information no business firm can run their activities. Because exchange of information or news is the first and main function of communication. In execution of daily works business firm exchange information among different personnel of office and parties outside. Communication plays the main role in this collection and exchange of information. ii. Policy making: Every firm has a policy which establishes its the base of its style. And information necessary to make these policy are collected through communication. Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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Accomplishing aims and objectives: The main objective of management is to accomplish objective of firm. Every level from person to society from society to firm and state has its own objective/goal. And role of communication is undeniable to accomplish this goal. Planning and implementation: Advance written expression of work is called plan. To make plan of a business firm manager has to collect information from different sources. And it is possible through communication system. Communication gives special help in effective and correct implementation of decision. Taking decision fast: In execution of daily works of firm due to various reasons taking decision fast becomes necessary. So correct decision can be taken by collecting information fast from different sources through proper communication. So importance of communication in taking decision is of no less importance. Instruction: Order of starting work is called instruction. Instruction as to who and what work will be done can be given through communication. So it can be said that communication is very important in respect of instruction. Co-ordination: Various kinds of materials are used beside human beings in execution of firm’s work. Correct and easy coordination among these material can be done through communication. Job satisfaction: Communication is imperative in bringing job satisfaction of firm’s executive and employees. Because if information and feeling are exchanged between the executives and low ranking officers and employees. As a result mutual trust and relationship is developed which is helpful to bring job satisfaction. Development of mutual relationship: Communication is imperative to maintain friendly relationship among different persons or parties from inside or outside of firm. So to develop internal and external relationship communication plays very important role. Development of skill and morale: Communication is important in increasing skill and morale of personnel of different level and due to absence of effective communication misconception and misunderstanding are created. As a result skill and morale of personnel decrease. Through direct and indirect communication system development of skill and morale of personnel becomes possible as a result coordination and control system become effective. International relationship: To run business with abroad communication is to be maintained regularly. Because raw materials and machineries are collected from abroad and manufactured products are to be exported. So importance of communication in international business is profound. Creation of awareness: Another objective of communication is to create awareness among personnel. Communication is imperative for making personnel and executives to make them aware about their duties and responsibilities. Help in advertisement: Communication contributes in increasing advertisement and campaign of products and service. As a result of written and oral communication in different mass media like radio, T.V., newspaper products gets familiarity. In this way product of market expands that plays positive role for business firm. Extension of leadership: Any executive of a firm can extend his leadership through communication. Leadership is bound to fail if importance is not given on communication. So it can be said that communication is imperative in expansion of leadership.

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Carrying out social responsibility: Communication also plays special role in carrying out social responsibility. Modern business firms put importance on social welfare activities side by side earning profit. So knowledge about social demand and social welfare activities communication helps businessman.

In fine it may be said without communication the present world is completely immobile. At present running business firm is not possible in any way without communication. At present businessman put the highest importance on establishing relationship with different parties inside and out side of firm and to run management activities properly. This communication not only plays role in business world but also in personal, social and family world. Q) 4. Describe the types of communication. Ans: There exist a direct relationship between work and personnel and personnel and between personnel and organization. This relation can be kept functional through communication. Many people of different class work in a firm and there are different departments, so communication is also of different kinds. A firm cannot run under any circumstance without communication. So management specialists have invented different models based on size, work nature, number of employee of a firm etc. Types of communication are discussed below from different points of view. 1) Communication in the sense of origin: Communication specialists divide communication in three types from the point of origin. i. One way communication: When a person or firm communicates with another person or firm for his/its own necessity it is called one way communication. For example: Communication of advertisement, TV, radio, newspaper etc. ii. Two way communication: Two way communications is the most important in the process of communication. In two way communications sender of news sends news to recipient and news recipient in return sends his reaction to the real sender of news. For example: Face to face conversation, phone conversation etc. iii. Multilateral communication: When different officer and employees or people of different level of society establish communication with a specific matter or information or data it is called multilateral communication. 2. Types in view of information flow: From the view of information flow communication is of five types. For example: i.

Parallel Communication: It is one of the main for different kinds of communication of organization. Exchange of feeling or information among different persons of same status is called parallel communication. For example: Communication among managers of purchase, sale, and production department is parallel communication. Parallel communication is made to cooperate among different departments, to keep normal flow of work and to increase mutual relationship.


Vertical communication: Exchange of information or feeling among different persons of different status in an organization is called vertical communication. Upward and downward communication are called vertical communication together.


Upward communication: When the lower class personnel of organization exchange their need, complaint or different matters it is called upward communication.


Downward communication: It is the opposite of upward communication. This kind of communication starts from highest level and moves to medium level and then to

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the lowest level of firm. when executives give order or instruction to the juniors it is also called instructional communication. v.

Conical communication: In emergency situation this kind of communication is done to maintain normal organizational activities. Besides this kind of communication is necessary for knowing different kinds of sensitive and confidential information. When there is communication between a manager of a department and assistant manager or supervisor of another department it is called conical communication.

3. Types based on organizational environment: Communication can be divided into two types on the basis of organizational environment which are as follows: i. Internal communication: Communication for exchange of feeling and information among employees, officers of all levels of different departments working in the same firm is called internal communication. This communication takes place through downward, upward, vertical, horizontal and conical communication. This kind of communication is imperative for maintaining normal flow of internal work of firm. ii. External communication: A firm has to maintain a dynamic balance with different external environmental matters of firm. For this communication is to be established with debtor, creditor, supplier, mediator, patron, client, banker, insurance company, share holder, different govt. departments etc. This kind of communication is external communication. 4. Informal communication: Communication on the basis of established rules and channel are of two types. For example: i. Formal communication: When communication is done following specific rules and through established channel it is called formal communication. Through formal communication a definite objective, policy and different programs are implemented. For example: conversation, interview, instructions, report, memorandum, bulletin, phone conversation etc. ii. Formal communication: Communication among officer and employees of different levels at different time without following rules for increasing pace of formal communication and activities is called informal communication. For example: conversation regarding office among employees in entertainment club, tea party or in any other is known as informal communication. Intimacy develops among the communicators through this kind of communication. This kind of communication is also called communication without formality. 5. Communication based on work: On the basis of function executed in office can be divided into four: i. Organizational communication: Communication to organize a team of personnel or to establish an organization is called organizational communication. This communication is introduced in execution of legal documents, articles of association, structural graph, instructions for work and different conference. As a result of this a firm takes birth, makes policy and determines objective and functions are controlled. ii. Casual communication: Exchange of information during conduction of daily function is called casual communication. Daily functions like-information collection, analysis, preservation, file preparation, writing letter, giving instructions, making telephone call, preserving stocked goods, information about these works are organized spontaneously and transformed in a definite method. iii. Special departmental communication: When communication takes place among different departments of business firm, like: accounts department, procurement Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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department, engineering department, sales department, production department, letters, report, telephone etc. are called special departmental communication. This communication increases courtesy or intimacy among different departments. Developmental communication: Communication with the objective of advancement of business, establishment of reputation, attainment of growth, development of service, development of mass communication is called developmental communication. These communications could be internal and external, formal and informal. This kind of communication is generally done through promotional letter, company newspaper, advertisement campaign etc.

In fine it may be said that besides classification of communication there are some more patterns. For example: communication in normal state, communication in emergency, national communication, mass communication, communication based on electronics and non electronics. These are also known as communication pattern. The same kind of communication can be based on different class. So, though communication may be of different kinds based on necessity, circumstance, the above mentioned communications are usually seen to be used. Q) 5. What is formal communication? Ans: Overall aims and objective of business firm are different. And to implement this aims and objectives different kinds of communication takes place. Among different kinds of communication formal communication is one of the main. In general sense, communication by different officers and employees inside a firm following rules for achieving aims of firms is called formal communication. In broader sense, communication that is established following rules taken by firm is called formal communication.” Some definitions of formal communication are given below: • According to Professor Hunt, “Formal communication are those communication that follow the chain of command established by the organization hierarchy.” • According to S. P. Arora, “Formal communication is the transmission of direction or information in the formal organizational structure.” • According to David H. Holt, “Formal communication is a kind of reporting relationship which is fixed by managerial structure and where instruction is given to send information.” • According to G. R. Terry, “ Formal communication follows the chain of command of formal organization.” • According to Bovee and his associates, “Formal communication is such a flow of information which is originated from regulated structure of organization.” Formal communication may be of both internal and external. Internal formal communication is established though downwards, upwards or parallel communication. Through this management authority informs employees about the necessary order regarding objectives of management and implementation. In conclusion it may be said that communication that is done following approved rules and customs of different officers, employees and parties outside and inside for achieving definite aims of a firm.

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Q) 6. What is informal communication? Ans: Activity of information exchange that is not officially approved is called informal communication. When information is exchanged between two parties without following any rules it is called informal communication. To establish informal communication person appointed by firm can exchange feelings through discussion with his desired person. In this kind of communication spontaneity gets preference instead of formality. So it is observed that concerned people informally communicate on different subjects during morning walk, at dining table, in sports field, in club or during staying together in a function. Some popular definitions regarding informal communication are given below: • S. P. Arora, “Informal communication can be defined as the transmission of messages between members of a group on the basis of informal relation.” • C. B. Memoria, “Informal communication grows out of the social interactions among people who work together.” • David H. Holt, “Due to social and friendly relationship on the basis of personal communication, unapproved communication is called informal communication.” • According to Bovee and his associates, “When flow of information exist on the basis of reporting relationship disregarding organizational structure and chain of command it is called informal communication.” • According to Stover and his associates, “Communication system that is established out side the formal custom of organization it is called informal communication.” In fine it may be said that in implementation of overall aims and objectives of firm when personnel establish communication spontaneously without following any rules for easy execution of work conferred on them it is called informal communication. Q) 7. Write down the difference between formal and informal communication. Ans: Formal communication: Communication that is established following rules formulated by the firm is called formal communication. Some call it regulated communication. Informal communication: Communication that is established between two parties without following rules of the organization they work for is called informal communication. Differences between formal and informal communications are given below: Difference 1. Definition:

2. Subject

3. Mistakes

4. Behaviour

5. Sincerity

Formal communication Formal communication is the communication following organizational rules. Formal communication is done to inform about important matters of firm like policy, program, decision etc. As this communication is established with enough care and necessary formality, there is slim possibility of making mistakes In this kind of communication behaviour of senior personnel is authoritative. Opportunity of personnel intimacy and cordiality is slim.

Informal communication Formal communication is the communication of persons without following organizational rules. Informal communication is done regarding less important matter As information is presented in unregulated method there is more possibility of making mistakes Courtesy is created among personnel when information is exchanged through this kind of communication This kind of communication is conducive to personnel level intimacy and cordiality

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Difference 6. Expense and time

Formal communication As communication is to be established following formality formulated by firm it is more expensive and time consuming. 7. Environment of formal communication is Environment serious. 8. Flexibility As this communication is done following rules it is less flexible. It can not be changed at will 9. Emotion There is no opportunity of expressing present feeling in this kind of communication 10. Every personnel of firm has to follow Compulsion formal communication compulsorily. 11. In respect of informal communication Spontaneity personnel cannot express their feeling spontaneously 12. In respect of some matters formal Imperativeness communication is imperative. For example: planning. 13. Reference As permanent record of information sent can be kept through formal communication it works as reference in future. 14. Distortion Specific rules are followed in this respect of information and as information is written no distortion takes place 15. As subject matter is written formally it Preservation can be preserved 16. Workermanagement relationship 17. Fear 18. Recognition

This kind of communication does not contribute much to sweeten relationship between worker and management In this communication inhibition due to fear is observed As formal communication takes place under organizational structure it has recognition

Informal communication As it is created spontaneously it can be done with little time and expense. Environment of informal communication is open. As there is no compulsion to follow rules in this communication it is more flexible This communication is done to express personnel feeling In informal communication nothing is to be followed compulsorily. In respect of this communication personnel can express their feeling spontaneously In informal communication there is no matter such as compulsion/imperativeness. This communication has no permanent record. So use of this as reference is out of question. As information is exchanged verbally there is possibility of distortion As it is communication of unwritten/ verbal method its information cannot be preserved In establishing advanced relationship role of informal communication is undeniable In informal communication inhibition due to fear is observed As this communication takes place outside of an organizational structure it has no recognition.

In fine it may be said that there are much difference between formal and informal communications. Yet informal communication can be used as supplementary of formal communication. Accomplishing organizational objectives is not possible only through formal communication. For this importance should be given on informal communications too. As a result communication of firm will be developed and accomplishment of objective will be easier. Q) 8. Describe the methods of communication. Ans: Communication method is directly related with language. Communication does not take place without language. Whatever language is used in communication the help of language is to be taken. So it is necessary to know about language before discussion of communication methods. Definition of language: Signs used for expressing and exchanging of human thought and feeling, the method using those signs is language. Language can both be verbal or non verbal. Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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Methods of expressing feeling based on sounds is called verbal language. On the other hand smile, articulation, silence, picture, chart model, graph or other signs or mathematical signs express non verbal language. Again verbal language can be both verbal and written. In fact verbal language is profoundly used than non verbal language. In case of business communication. Communication system based on language can be divided in the following divisions: i.

Verbal communication: When news provider presents any news, information, view, opinion, feeling verbally to the recipient it is called verbal communication. Establishing communication through verbal means is verbal communication. Techniques of verbal communication are-conversation, telephone conversation, speech, team discussion etc.


Written communication: When news provider presents any news, information, view, opinion, feeling in written instead of verbal means it is called written communication. It is a kind of technique. Techniques used in written communication are-letters, bulletin, weekly, biweekly, monthly magazine, deed, report, advertisement, circular etc.


Visible communication: Communication method in which communication is established through picture, map and design is called visible communication. Communication that can be seen by eyes is visible communication. This communication is more suitable with illiterate people. For example: Communication of prayer house is more effective with illiterate people. Red light is the example of saying not to pray.


Audible communication: Method in which communication conveys sound to the recipient’s ear and communication recipient gives appropriate reply is called audible communication. Calling bell of office is an example of such communication.


Audible-visible communication: Communication created by combined visible and audible communication is visible-audible communication. As visible and audible communication is combined it is known as more advanced and effective method. Besides in this method mistakes of both methods can be avoided. For example: cinema, television, video etc. are example of this kind of communication.


Sign communication: When function of communication is executed by sign, gesture, it is called sign communication. For example: Traffic police uses this communication to control vehicle. Twinkling eyes means joking or intimacy, sign of V with two finders is the sign of victory, extending hand is showing greetings.


Silent communication: Communication done by keeping silent or inactive is called silent communication. Silence has been recognized as an important medium of communication. Actually silence expresses both positive and negative feeling.


Communication through work: Execution of work has been recognized is also one of the method or technique. For example-Office executive or supervisor can establish communication by presenting exemplary work before all. As a result employees working under him may become dutiful following examples of executive.

In fine it may be said that for a person or firm to reach its desired goal communication is to be maintained among persons of departments of it. This communication has many methods. Among them use of written and verbal communication are used most. So, person or firm may use one or more than one methods and implement its objective.

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Q) 9. Discuss the media of communication. Ans: The element called communication is involved deeply in every level of human life. To lead a social life human has been creating relationship with others. Mediums mentioned by Leffingwell & Robinson in their books for executing personal, social, political, organizational functions are as follows: i. Personal letter: The most used and conventional method among different mediums is personal letter. When a person communicates another person expressing his feeling through writing a letter it is called personal letter. ii. Commercial letter: When a businessman writes letter to another businessman for information regarding business it is called commercial letter. iii. Telephone: Machine used to talk to a distant person is telephone. Telephone is the easiest and most important medium of communication in the business world. iv. Mobile: It is a wireless telephone by which one can talk with a person living in a distant place easily. v. Fax: Besides news and information sometimes it is necessary to send picture and different kinds of documents. In this respect fax plays important role. vi. Internet: E-mail can be sent from one computer to another computer very easily and cheaply using internet. At present widespread use of internet has made communication easy and fast. vii. Intercom: Intercom is widely used in internal communication among different departments of large or group companies. Using intercom communication is fast yet cheap. viii. Advertisement: Advertisement is such a medium by which manufacturer can inform buyer all news of products. Advertisement is used as medium of communication between manufacturer and buyer. ix. Postal department: Postal department is one of the main mediums of communication. Postal department distributes letters and executes many other works and crease bridge among people of home and abroad. x. Courier: Courier is the fastest non government postal service. At present it is one of the most used medium. xi. Newspaper: Another important medium of communication is newspaper. Newspaper introduces us with past, present and future instantly. Newspaper may be daily, weekly, monthly etc. xii. Radio: Radio is widely used conventional mass media. With this news of the world can be known. xiii. Television: Television is a medium mass media. By this medium picture from all over the world can be seen and news can be heard. xiv. Computer: Computer is the king of all mediums of communication. Computer is such a machine by which communication can be done with any country of the world fast. xv. Notice: Government, semi government and NGOs communicate with their employees through notice. In fine it may be said that present life and world are not confined to any boundary. With the new and newer invention of science different methods have been invented as mediums of communication. So medium of communication is dynamic.

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Q) 10. Write down the difference between written & oral communication. Ans: Written communication: When any news, information, feeling, view is expressed in written it is called written communication. Oral communication: When any news, information, feeling, view is exchanged between two parties directly or through radio, telephone, television etc. it is called oral communication. Difference between written and oral communication are shown below: Subject of Difference 1. Presenting information 2. Medium

3. Expense

4. Permanent record 5. Denial 6. Time 7. Importance 8. Use

9. Reaction 10. Reliability 11. Advantage of client 12. Confidentiality 13. Relationship

14. Distortion 15. Legal value

Written communication

Oral communication

In written communication information is presented through language and paper Letter, report, memorandum etc. are written communication

In verbal communication information is presented through mutual conversation Verbal communication takes place through conversation, telephone and speech. Verbal communication is less expensive than written communication

Written communication is more expensive as paper, ink, pen, typewriter and computer are used Written communication can be presented as permanent record Written communication cannot be denied Written communication takes a lot of time Written communication has much importance Being a time consuming communication this method has less use Client’s immediate reaction cannot be known in written communication Its reliability is much for the benefit of information preservation Written communication is more convenient to educated person There is confidentiality in written communication In respect of written communication an indirect relationship is established between sender and recipient of message As information is written there is no possibility of information distortion Subject matter of written communication is easy to prove in court

Verbal communication has no permanent record Verbal communication can be denied Verbal communication tales little time Verbal communication has less importance Being fast and easy communication its use is much Client’s immediate reaction can be known in oral communication Its reliability is less for the benefit of information preservation Oral communication is more convenient to the uneducated person There is no confidentiality in oral communication In respect of oral communication a direct relationship is established between sender and recipient of message. As information is not written may be distorted in oral communication Subject matter of oral communication is had to prove in court

In fine it may be said that both written and verbal communication are much in use. Though above mentioned difference are seen in technique of their use and utility they are used to supplement each one another.

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Q) 11. Discuss the roles of secretary on communication. Ans: Communication and secretary are involved deeply. A firm makes policy and plan in execution of its over all function. And secretary makes arrangement of implementing all these plucky and plan by communicating with officers and employees of all levels. In the function of firm secretary is the liaison and communication is the main tool. So role of secretary is very important in designing and development of communication system. In most respects secretary determines how the communication of firm will be, what kind of communication system will be adopted and when and which one is the best for firm. Progress of any firm is mostly dependent on proper communication system. And introduction of that communication system and successful firm depends much on secretary. Regarding the role of Secretary S. Sengupta I.B.R Saha says, “All secretaries perform some common duties because of the unique position he holds in the organization set up. Roles played by secretary for development of communication system and successful are as follows: i.

Presumption: Considering different firms and their communication system the best communication for the firm is to be assumed and selected.


Planning: Planning is the preparation of advance design. Managing authority makes plan for execution of overall activities. And secretary collects information necessary for planning through communication and establishes necessary communication with people working under him and in implementation of plan.


Introduction of communication: Effective communication system should be introduced for smooth execution of all organizational work. And a skilled secretary does this job.


Implementation of communication: After introduction of communication for execution of organizational function different kinds of communication methods are used. Secretary plays important role in implementation of specific medium or method selected by manager.


Testing and development of communication: A secretary observes whether a specific method of communication system introduced by manager is observed and takes necessary measure to remove any weakness in the methods followed and recommends management to introduce new method of communication.


Coordination: In respect of communication secretary coordinates with all offices/employees of inside and outside of firm in all matters. Besides secretary works as a mediator among these office personal and elements used in office.


Motivation: A very important work of office management is giving motivation to department personnel. Secretary not only establishes communication among different departments and office on behalf of the firm but also provides different kinds of financial and non financial motivation to these department officers and employees and encourage them to executed work.


Instruction: Instruction is an important function of office management. Communication is necessary so that instructions reach the personnel of concerned department duly. Secretary adopts necessary communications system to implement instructions.


Information collection: Collecting different information is necessary in implementation of aims and objectives of firm. Secretary not only collects

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information but also analyzes preserves and supplies information. And secretary does all these works through communication. x.

Personnel management: The main function of personnel management in a firm are recruitment, selection, training, promotion of personnel. Communication is necessary for these works.


Forms and stationary: Work of selecting, procurement, preparation of different kinds of forms and stationeries are to be done in office. To this end communication inside and outside of office is necessary. So secretary plays important role in establishing necessary communication to procure and distribute forms and stationary products.


Convening meeting: Different kinds of meetings take place in a firm. To make this kind of meeting effective communication is necessary to give circular to ensure attendance of important/concerned personnel. And in establishing this kind of communication secretary plays the main role.


Training: Communication is a very important matter among different parties in respect of training. Establishing communication with speaker or guest or trainer, fixing place and giving booking, communication with trainee, execution of different works related with management need proper communication. On be half of executive secretary has to play the main role in establishing this kind of communication.


Budget: No work of a firm can be executed without money. For this to implement the aims and objectives of firm appropriate and realistic budget should be made. To do this work smoothly communication has to be established among different persons or departments inside and outside of firm. So it can be said that secretary helps to keep firm functional by making budget through communication in all respects.


Control: Control is an important function of office management. Control is observation whether work is being done as per plan and taking correctional measure if error is detected. To make this system of control secretary collects information from field level and helps the management.

In fine it can be said that secretary occupies such an important post of a firm that he plays important role as communication officer, co-ordination officer and liaison officer as principal assistant if not the executive officer. This is why a secretary plays effective role in maintaining and establishing communication. Q) 12. Discuss the importance of business letter as a media of communication. Ans: Business letter is the most used and most popular medium among mediums used for communication in business world. Because this form of communication has many benefits. In the present world of wide business world in establishing communication and settling transaction the importance of business letter as the medium of communication is beyond description. It is called the life of modern business. It is business through which the world is becoming smaller and world businessmen are coming closer. Importance or role of commercial letter as medium of communication is discussed below: i. Advanced medium of communication: In the present world of large business the easiest and advanced medium of communication is business letter. By this communication can be established in home and abroad in a very short time. As a result pace of commerce increases and development is ensured. For this commercial letter is called the messenger of business.

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Easy presentation of speech: A firm can easily present its statement to another firm through commercial letter. Statement can be presented beautifully and flawlessly through this medium. So communication specialists have termed commercial letter as silent messenger. Settlement of transaction: Communication may be necessary for a long time from starting to give indenture to payment of debit-credit. So through business letter payment of debit-credit can be made very easily and satisfactorily. Exchange of information: To run business smoothly different decision are to be taken. For this different information are to be collected. On the other hand others are to be informed about different information and news. Commercial letter plays important role in exchange of this kind of information. Establishing relationship: Commercial letter builds bridge among different businessmen. Business relationship can be easily developed among more than one person or firms. Besides this kind of letter plays important role in maintaining old relationship. Creation of demand: Through commercial letter especially circular mass population can be informed about products and service. At this demand for new products is created in one hand and demand of old product increases. At this business is expanded. Bringing balance between demand and supply: Collection of information regarding products and product service becomes easy through commercial letter. Besides in many respects goods are procured or produced after receiving indenture. At this bringing balance between demand supply becomes easy. As a result possibility of loss reduces. Creation of market: Necessary action can be taken by collecting information about products, market movement through commercial letter. As a result market of old products is extended and market of new products can be created. So commercial letter plays important role in creating market of production. Expansion of business: Expansion of business is not possible in this present world only through personal communication. A business man can conduct business contacting businessman of other places and countries. As a result area of business is expanded. Advantage of preservation: Commercial letter can be easily preserved through filing. But oral communication can not be preserved. As a result this kind of letter is received and used world wide with keen interest. Solution to problem: In business misunderstanding and problem can arise at any time about any subject. Establishing contact through commercial letter or if necessary presenting concerned letter problem can be easily solved. For this kind of letter is considered as evidence. Universal access: Presence and access of commercial letter is universal. A person cannot enter many places or offices. Besides there are so many formality of passport, Visa etc. But commercial letter can enter any place irrespective of time and place and accomplish its work. Driving force of foreign business: This type of letter plays the most important role in case of foreign commerce. In this case due to distance between buyers and sellers all communications take place through commercial letter. For a transaction to take place starting from giving indenture till full settlement of transaction letter may need to be exchanged many times.

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Maintaining confidentiality: Among the different medium of communication commercial letter is one of the main to preserve confidentiality. For this wide use of business inquiry can be seen. Accomplishment of economy: Communication through commercial letter takes less time and a lot less expense. As expense in the important sector like communication is low it leaves a positive effect on total expense. Establishment of reputation: Commercial letter plays the role of person in establishing relationship and maintain communication. So this type of ideal letter can accomplish objective upholding interest of firm. As a result along with execution of work it increases reputation of organization.

Above all it may be said commercial letter can be considered as an excellent method of written communication. Without this letter present world of commerce would come to a standstill and immobile. So role of commercial letter as medium of communication is recognized by all. Q) 13. Definition of commercial letter. Ans: Communication by letter is one of the most conventional and easily available mediums of communication. And commercial letter is an important part of communication by letter. In general sense, letter exchanged between two or more than two persons or firms in relation to business transaction is called commercial letter. In broader sense, different information exchanged between two or more than two persons or firms through letter to initiate business transaction, expansion or settlement is called commercial letter. Some popular definitions of commercial letter are given below: •

Prof. J.H. Hanson, “The letters which are exchanged among businessmen in connection with business affairs are called business letter.”

Pro. W.J. Weston, “Commercial correspondence is a system of conducting business transaction by means of writing.”

Prof. Rahman, “Correspondence having commercial or business is known as commercial correspondence.”

Dr. M.A. Mannan, “Letters exchanged among businessman mentioning matters of their interest is called commercial letter.”

Professor Taintor, “All letters composed regarding business affairs are called commercial letter.”

Definitional feature: a.

There must be commercial interest in the letter.


It is to be exchanged between two or more than two parties.


Commercial massage is sent/received by this.

In conclusion it may be said that the letter in which only matter of business is mentioned and matter of business interest is exchanged between businessmen it is called commercial letter. This communication can take place in internal and international commerce and between governmental and non governmental institution.

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Q) 14. Discuss the various parts of a business letter. Ans: A business letter has four main parts. Again they have 15 parts. Among these parts some are essential. Which are necessary whenever a business letter is written. And some parts are not that necessary. They are used only in times of necessity. Different parts of a commercial letter is shown below in an imaginary graph: Title




Kazi Publications 38, Banglabazar (2nd Floor) Dhaka-1100 Fax#998877, Phone: 7123275 Mob: 017152533658 Memo No. S.B. 05/2006 June 15, 2006 Manager Hasan Book Hosue 10/College Road, Jessore Attention: Abdur Rahim Sales Manager Dear Sir Subject: Regarding sending of book “Secretarial Science and Office Management” ……………………………. Body …………………………….. …………………………….. Yours Faithfully Abul Kalam Azad Manager Enclosure: Price List Of Kazi Publication Copy: Nazrul Islam, Assistant Professor, Dhaka Commerce College N.B: Please acknowledge receipt identification mark: A.H

1) Address of sender 2) Memo/Ref No. 3) Date

4) Internal Address 5) Attention 6) Introduction Salutation

7) Title fo subject

8) Subject arrangement

9. Closing salutation 10. Signature 11. Name and identity for sender 12. Enclosure 13. Copy 14. N.B. 15. Identification mark

Q) 15. Describe the life cycle of a letter. Ans: From birth to death man is dependent on communication. Man remembers his close ones whenever necessary. For this we resort to letter among various mediums of communication to exchange feeling with a distant person. Letter is the medium by which one can converse with other without being present face to face. So we write many letters for personal and business need. As a letter, though a non living thing, represents human being like a living thing it has its own life cycles. A letter from the beginning of writing to sending to the other party and accomplishment of objective of a letter travels different levels of life. It is called life cycle of a letter. Life cycle of a letter is shown in a graph below: Specific reason taking plan sender collecting materials Method Filing letter



Medium finalizing letter


Life cycle of a letter Different levels of life cycle of a letter are discussed below: i.

Specific reason: Man uses different medium to express his feeling to others. When he chooses letter as an excellent medium to exchange information or news then the seed of letter germinates. Letter starts its journey by someone’s hand. For example: Whenever goods are necessary the necessity of indenture is felt.

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Taking plan: Communicator at this stage takes plan to write letter to meet necessity. At this stage recipient, time and writing method are determined.


Sender: When necessity of writing letter is felt on behalf of joint family or firm some one is given the responsibility to write the letter. Person who is given the responsibility is called sender of letter. And getting responsibility sender starts to write letter.


Collection of material: At this level the sender starts collecting necessary materials for writing letter. For example: paper, pen, ink, pad etc. Organizational letters are commonly composed by type machine or computer.


Method: Personal letter is written at will and using ornamental language. But to write business or organizational letter specific method or style is to be followed. Though there are 7 styles of writing commercial letter, most of the firms use Full Blocked, Blocked, Semi Blocked system to write letters.


Drafting: To write letter according to plan letter is drafted at this level. Most of the time personal assistant or office assistant of executive prepares this kind of draft.


Finalizing letter: After preparation of draft the preparer makes correction or includes/ excludes matters and finalizes the letter. Then writing it beautifully or composing it the sender signs it. In official letter number is mentioned in this letter.


Medium: There are different mediums of sending letter in this present age. For example: by messenger, postal department, courier service, fax and some more advance mediums. At this level sender selects specific medium considering importance of letter, time and expenditure etc.


Recipient: At this stage of life cycle of a letter sender sends the letter to the recipient through a specific medium. When official letter arrives at the office of recipient it is written in letter reception register and presented to the recipient through distribution register. After receiving letter the recipient wants to inform about his own feeling about information sent to him.


Reply: Recipient after receiving letter reads it and determines what is to be done in reply to the statement contained in the letter. At this level duty of recipient is to reply the letter or work according to the letter. This kind of work could also be considered as reply.


Filing of letter: A letter is a silent witness to different kinds of information. So as they may be required at any time they are preserved properly. So letters are filed so that they can be found out easily at the time of necessity. But if it is not really necessary this letter being confined in file loses its utility. But this is to mention that personal letters need not be filed. So it can be said that letters are preserved at the last stage of life cycle of a letter.

In fine it may be said that as human passes different stages of life childhood, adolescence, youth, old after birth and dies, in the same way a letter starting its journey passes the above mentioned stages and reaches at its last stage of life cycle when it is confined in file.

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Q) 16. What is meeting? Ans: Meeting is a medium of communication. Generally meeting is such a medium of communication by which many people discuss any subject face to face. In other words when a few persons hold discussion and take decision on any specific matter regarding their lawful interest is called a meeting. Meeting are generally of different kinds. For example-company meeting, political meeting, religious meeting, family meeting etc. are mentionable. Meeting is considered as an essential part in democratic system. There may be problem is very small or big firm. Owner, officers and employees, shareholders of a firm sit together to discuss these problems and take final decision. In this modern progressive society women, men, educated, uneducated, young and old ones are involved with meetings one way or another. Because meeting plays important role as the excellent medium of solving problem. But in office management meeting generally means company meeting. Before convening this meeting the members are to be notified with discussion topic. In fine it may be said that when concerned people hold discussion regarding any problem or lawful matter and takes final decision in a specific time and place it is called meeting. Different topics are discussed in this kind of meeting. Q) 17. What is company meeting? Ans: Generally when a few people get together to discuss a topic concerned with their interest it is called meeting. But company is a firm constituted following law. So when persons concerned with company interest convenes meeting for over all discussion and taking decision as per company law or existing laws it is called company meeting. Shareholders, directors and loan provider etc. persons are people concerned with company. So in broader sense it can be said that meeting of company members or directors to discuss any company interest as per exiting company law is called company meeting. Some popular definitions of company meeting are given below: •

M.C. Shukla, “A meeting may be defined as a gathering of some persons by previous notice for transacting some lawful business by passing resolution.”

J.C. Deyer, “Company meeting means an organized assembly of persons (shareholder / directors / creditors) according to law for transaction of business of common interest.

Prof. M.A. Mannan, “When members or directors of company according to conventional law meet to discuss any concerned matter of company functions and take necessary decision it is called company meeting.”

The following ideas are obtained from the above definitions: a. It means assembly of shareholders and directors. b. Rules of running company are formulated in meeting. c. Meeting is to be hold serving notice before a specific time. d. Different information of company is exchanged here. e. Function of convening and holding of meeting is done following company law. As per section 85 (1) A of Companies Act 1994, Annual General Meeting called serving written notice keeping at least 14 days in hand. But except annual general meeting other general meetings for taking any special notice can be convened serving 21 days notice. Company meeting can be held for various reasons.

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For example: i. For maintaining interest of director or owner or creditors. ii. For observing rules of law. iii. For taking decision regarding any business matter. iv. This meeting is held in a predefined time, date and place. v. This meeting convened for any special incident or company related transaction. In fine it may be said that meeting of members or directors or creditor regarding company business held in different times according to company law is called company meeting. As meeting for each company is very important company secretary convenes company meeting with strict discipline of law and skill. Q) 18. Discuss the conditions of valid meeting. Ans: Company has to perform its all functions lawfully. Meetings are to be convened through legal procedures. But not all meeting can be called valid meeting. Meetings conducted according to law can only be called valid meeting. There are some conditions about a valid meeting. Conditions of a valid meeting are discussed below: i.

Convening meeting through competent authority: To make company meeting valid a meeting should be convened by appropriate authority. Council of directors takes all necessary measures for convening meeting and valid decision of convening meeting is to be submitted in council meeting.


Quorum: As an essential element of valid meeting quorum is specially required. Because to maintain validity of meeting presence of minimum numbers of members as per company law is necessary.


Appropriate notice: For convening company meeting before or specific time people concerned with company are to be notified through serving notice. Otherwise legal validity is undermined. The notice must be served in time and according to rule.


Legal objective: Company meeting can be held pivoting any objective. This kind of objective must be legal. Otherwise legality of meeting cannot be maintained.


Proper mediums: Notice is to be served to concerned persons for convening meetings. There are different mediums of serving notice. For example: newspaper, letter, telephone, mobile etc. Among these mediums the most effective one should be used to ensure attendance of the concerned parties.


Notifying agenda: List of discussion topics in the meeting is called the agenda of meeting. Before convening a meeting agenda of meeting has to be notified to all concerned. Otherwise validity of meeting will be undermined.


Electing chairman: To make meeting valid an appropriately appointed person will preside over the meeting. Chairman must be elected from all members. Chairman conducts a meeting. But sometimes authorised person as per governing rules of firm or existing law carries out responsibility of chairman.


Conducting meeting: Valid meeting is conducted as per notice and mentioned agenda. It is not legal to discuss anything outside agenda. So if any matter is discussed outside the agenda the meeting will not be valid.


Attendance of appropriate persons: To make company meeting valid appropriate persons or members must be present. Except the concerned persons no other persons can be present in the meeting.

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Specific place: Place of holding meeting must be mentioned in the notice. Because if meeting place and time is not fixed before, meeting cannot be conducted. So to make meeting valid fixing specific time and place is imperative.


Conducting meeting according to agenda: To make meeting valid function of meeting is to be conducted as per agenda mentioned in the notice. Meeting will not be valid if other subjects are discussed except the formal subject matters.

In fine it can be said that any breach of the above mentioned conditions or elements will undermine validity of meeting. So people concerned with meeting should convene and conduct meeting following this conditions. Otherwise they will be fully responsible for legality of meeting’s validity. Q) 19. Show the classification of Company Meeting. Ans: As joint venture business is constituted according to company law in the same way company meeting is to be convened according to company law. Different kinds of meetings are seen to be held starting from the constitutions of a company to dissolution. Classification of company meeting are shown below: Company Meeting

Directors Meeting

Committee Meeting

Council Meeting

Meeting of shareholders

Regulated Meeting

General Meeting

Special Meeting

Special meeting

Class Meeting

Creditor’s Meeting

1) Director’s meeting: Meeting held by company directors according to companies act is called directors meeting. This kind of meeting is of two kinds. a) Committee meeting: Permanent or temporary committee is formed by taking members from directors panel to do a special work or solve a problem or to inquire about any special incident and submit report. When meeting is convened for those members to discuss or making decision it is called committee meeting. b) Council meeting: Company directors are jointly called council or board. At this council is constituted by directors it is called board of directors. Company directors are elected by company share holders in the annual general meeting. Board of directors sit in a meeting at times to conduct daily functions and to solve other problems to make policy. It is called meeting of board of directors. Generally meeting method of board of directors is written in the articles of association of concerned company. As per section 95, Companies Act of 1994 it is essential to hold one board meeting in three months and at least four board meetings in one year. 2) Meeting of shareholders: Shareholders are the highest authority collectively. So when shareholders of company assemble to discuss about a definite topic it is called meeting of share holders. Besides holding this meeting once a year it may be necessary to hold this meeting more than once for different necessity. Different meetings of shareholders are discussed below: a. Regulated meeting: After getting permission of starting work of public limited company as per law to inform the share holders of the company about different Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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matters of the company the mandatory meeting convened is called regulated meeting. As per section 83 (1), Companies Act of 1994 after one month from the data of starting work and within maximum six months (180 days) this kind of meeting is to be held. Before holding this meeting the members must be informed at least 21 days before through notice. This kind of meeting is held only once in the life time of company. b. Annual general meeting: After registration of company the meeting that is to be convened within 18 months is called First Annual General meeting. After this, arrangement Annual General Meeting has to be made once a year. But as per section 81 (1) of companies act 1994, 15 months gap between two general meeting is not legal. All kinds of companies including public to private have to arrange this kind of meeting. All concerned have to be notified before 21 days through quotation. c. Special/Emergency general meeting: Meeting held at any time between two annual general meeting to discuss and to take decision about any emergency and important matter is called special or extra general meeting. It is also called emergency general meeting. Except regulated meeting and annual meeting all other meetings are included in this meeting. This meeting is generally convened by directors but in special cases shareholders convene this meeting as per law. 3) Special meeting: Annual general meeting and meeting of board of directors are the main meeting in a company. But in special case meeting of special kind of shareholder and creditors can be held. Such special meetings are discussed below: a. Class meeting: There are different kinds of shares in a company. For example: General share, privileged share etc. On the basis of class of shares, share holders are called general share holder, privileged shareholder etc. So when a meeting is called in the interest of special class shareholder it is called class meeting. Not all the shareholder can be present in this meeting. Only concerned class of shareholder can be present in this meeting. This meeting is generally held to establish right and benefit of special class shareholders or for transformation of one class to another class shareholders or for transformation of one class to another class or to get consent of special share holder for changing articles of association. b. Meeting of creditors: Meeting of creditors is convened by the directors or legal advisors appointed by them. This kind of meetings can be held by the order of court. During dissolution of company or unification of company or reformation the meeting called to compromise or to get their consent is called the meeting of creditors. In this meeting decision has to be taken with the presence of at least 他 creditors. Objective of this meeting is to take approval of creditors for avoiding a problem or settlement by compromise. Q) 20. What is agenda of meeting? Ans: Agenda means things that is to be done. Agenda is the plural of agendum. Things that are to be discussed a minute of that discussion is called the agenda of meeting. Agenda is the advance design or minute of things that will be done in a meeting. Topics that are written in agenda are discussed by the members present in the meeting. Agenda is to be prepared in advance and sent to the members so that members present in the meeting can express their opinion. Objectives of preparing it before are: conducting meeting following rules; important matters are not excluded; making discussion of meeting brief;

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giving members an idea about discussion topics of meeting etc. Some popular definitions of agenda are given below: •

B.N. Tandon, “The term ‘agenda’ means the program of business to be transacted in a meeting.”

R.S.N. Pillai, “The agenda of a meeting is written in form of items to be discussed at a meeting.”

Professor M.A. Hannan, “Orderly list of topics that will be discussed in a meeting is called agenda of meeting.”

So about agenda it can be said that it is a brief list of a specific subject; it is prepared before holding a meeting and it is sent to the members through a notice so that members can take preparation about the meeting. From the discussion above it can be said that secretary of company or society prepares agenda discussing with the chairman. A copy is kept for chairman and another copy is sent to the members. Agenda for the chairman is generally prepared in an open page and a margin is kept of the left. In this margin the chairman makes a note regarding decision of topics discussed. Place time and date of meeting are to be mentioned in agenda. It is considered as an important document of any meeting. Specimen agenda of a regulated meeting: Misbah Trading Co. Ltd. Airport Road, Sylhet Date: April 10, 2005 th

Will be held on tomorrow 24 Company.

April, Saturday, at 10:00 a.m. the Head Office of the

Agenda of the meeting: i.

Reading notice of meeting by Secretary.


Reading topics of regulated meeting;


General discussion on regulated report;


Asking question by the chairman whether anyone has any question regarding regulated report and brief speech by the chairman regarding company future.


Approval of regulated report.


Discussion about company constitution.



Honourable share holders are requested to be present in that meeting. By the order of Board of Directors (Addur Rashid) Secretary Q) 21. What is minutes of meeting? Ans: Different papers are seen to be used regarding company meeting. Among them minutes of meeting is one of the papers used as authentic documents. Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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Minutes mean brief description of meeting. Things discussed in a meeting and decision taken on the basis of every one’s opinion summary description of it is called minutes of the meeting. In case of company, secretary of the company being present in shareholder’s meeting, director’s meeting and any other meeting as per companies act writes the decision taken as per agenda and summary description prepared with the aim to preserve the decision or resolution is called minutes of the meeting. Minutes works a reference in future. Brief description is written about agenda. All topics discussed in the meeting are not written in details. Decision taken is written in brief in this. It is prepared during meeting. Some popular definitions of minutes are given below: • B.N. Tandon, “Official record of any meeting is called minutes of that meeting.” • J.P. Bose, “The minutes are accurate but condensed official record of what have taken place at a meeting.” • S.K. Dutta, “The minutes of a meeting may be defined as the official record of the proceeding of the meeting and decision arrive of the meeting.” • Prof. Dr. M.A. Mannan, “A brief and official record of discussion in the company meeting and discussion taken on the basis of discussion is called minutes.” • R.S.N. Pillai, “Minutes are the official records of business transacted at a meeting.” In fine it may be said that subjects that are discussed in company meeting and decision taken o the basis of discussion a brief and official record of that is called minutes. Minutes of a meeting has to be approved by the members in the past meeting. Minutes is considered as a permanent document of functions and decision of meeting. Q) 22. Write down the difference between agenda and minutes. Ans: Agenda of meeting: Disciplined description of subjects that will be discussed in a meeting is called agenda of a meeting. Minutes of a meeting: Summary of subjects that are discussed according to agenda of a meeting and then decision taken with the opinion of all is called minutes of a meeting. Difference between agenda and minutes are discussed below: Subject of Difference 1. Definition

Agenda of Meeting

Minutes of Meeting

Disciplined written list of subjects Meaningful description/ official record that will be discussed is agenda of of decision taken in meeting according meeting to agenda is called minutes of meeting.

2. Preparation Agenda of meeting is prepared Minutes of meeting is prepared on the time before holding of meeting. basis of decision taken in meeting as per agenda. 3. Notification

It is mandatory to send agenda to the It is not mandatory to send minutes of members before a specific time of meeting to the members. meeting.

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Agenda of Meeting

Minutes of Meeting

4. Planning

It is prepared discussing with senior Minutes is not prepared discussing with authority or chairman. anyone.

5. Name members

of Name of members are not required Name of present members have to be in the agenda. written in minutes.

6. Nature

Agenda is the pre plan of meeting.

Minutes is the summary of meeting.

7. Type

Two types agenda of meeting is Minutes of meeting is of two kinds. One prepared. One for chairman and the is descriptive and the other is on other is for all members. decisions.

8. 9. Approval

Agenda of meeting is not to be Minutes of meeting has to be approved approved by general members. by members in the next meeting.

10. Proposal

Different kinds of proposals are Decision is taken to take next step presented in agenda of meeting. regarding proposals written in minutes of meeting.

11. Necessity

To make meeting lawful agenda is to Without minutes be prepared valueless.

12. Stage

Agenda is the first stage of meeting.

13. Dispatch

It is sent before meeting through It is not sent. different mediums of communication.



Minutes is the last stage of meeting.

Above all it may be said that it is natural there will be some difference between agenda of meeting and minutes of meeting. Because these two subjects work with two different objectives. Yet difference of these two have been discussed here because many people think they are the same. In reality functions of these two are different and function of one starts after one is completed. Q) 23. Discuss the considering factors of preparing minutes. Ans: In a meeting of an organization matters are discussed according to agenda and decision are taken. These decisions are recorded briefly by the secretary. Brief meaningful description of decision taken in the meeting as per agenda is called minutes of meeting. In respect of company the secretary records decisions being present in the meeting of members, directors and company law and then records them in minute book. Writing minutes of meeting is an important work of secretary. During writing minutes of meeting secretary has to keep an eye to some special things. They are discussed below: i.

Name of the firm: Name and address of firm are to be mentioned at the very beginning of minutes. For example: Rahim & sons co. Limited. 108, Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka-1000.


Name of meeting: Name of the meeting is to be mentioned in the minutes. For example: Annual General Meeting, Regulated Meeting, Special Meeting.


Date and Time: According to agenda of meeting day, date, time and place of meeting etc. have to be mentioned. For example: Meeting held on 30th June, at 4:00 pm in the Comp

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Name: During preparation of minutes of meeting name of the chairman, board of directors and secretary are to be mentioned.


Name of the present members: List of names with signature of members present in the meeting will have to be mentioned.


Following agenda: Minutes will have be written maintaining serial of agenda.


Serial No: During preparation of minutes separate serial number has to be used for each subject.


Profusion of information: Decision taken in meeting will have to be written in brief. But they must be full of information.


Writing data: Any data like amount of money, date etc. are to be written very carefully.


Easy language: Subject of decisions taken in meeting will have to be presented in simple and easy language in minutes. Using hard or lofty language will have to be avoided. Minutes must always be written in positive language. Correct word and appropriate sentence must be used.


Proposal: During writing decision in minutes name of proposal, proposer, voting method, result of vote are to be written in details.


Number of absence: Name of the absent members will have to be mentioned in minutes. Besides number of apology letter will have to be mentioned.


Paragraph: Minutes of meeting will have to be divided into some paragraph.


Following structure: In writing minutes conventional and specific structures are to be followed so that no problem occurs.


Signature with date: At the end of minutes there must be date and signature of chairman and secretary. After approval of minutes signature of chairman will have to be taken again.

Q) 24. What is file movement register? Ans: At present to execute daily function of a firm various kinds of information are used. Among the materials used for preserving these information register is one of the main. Register where location of file and its reason for stay is written is called file management register. To approve a work/project of a firm by its executive, office requires to take opinion of employee and officer of bottom level to the highest level. File first goes to the lower class employee. He first paying statement of information found on the spot sends the file to the concerned high level officer. Receiving the file the officer writes his opinion. This way the file reaches the highest level of administration and gets approval. But statement as to the location of file with person or department and its reason for staying is to be preserved. So it may be said that register among the registers in which details of file’s location and its reason for stay are written is called file movement register. In other words in large farms different files are exchanged among the internal departments or branches and offices outside. Many important matters are included in this file. Register that preserves information about files location and reason for its stay in that location is called file movement register. Numerous files on different subjects are exchanged everyday in large offices like Bangladesh secretariat, different ministries, band and insurance head office.

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Without keeping information on exchange of these files in the file register its location, reason and duration can not be known. For this in every large firm it is preserved. In this date, file number, subject, file’s location, reason etc. are mentioned. As file movement is written according to date its location and reason of stay can be known easily from the register. Different offices preserved file movement register differently. Besides file register is a special copy made of hard and thick covered paper where date, time, subject, location and reason’s of file’s stay are written in brief. Objective of preserving file registration are as follows: • knowing a file’s location at a specified time. • knowing the reason for its stay. • to see file is not felt anywhere unnecessarily. • ensuring safety of important files. • increasing speed of work making arrangement of over all communication among employee and officers. • ensuring accountancy of works. • Executing work of the file timely. • executing work of the file to brighten the image of the firm. Structure of file movement register is presented in the following table: Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Ministry of Education Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka-1000 (File Movement Register) Date File No. Subject June HS/20/12/06 Higher Secondary Certificate 15 Examination ‘06

Location Mass Communication Officer

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Seventh Chapter

Postal Communication Questions & Answers

Q) 1. What is postal communication? Q) 2. What is registered letter? Discuss the Rules of registration of a letter. Q) 3. What is courier service? Discuss the rules of courier service. Q) 4. Discuss the importance of courier service. Q) 5. What is money order? Write down the rules of money order. Q) 6. Write down difference between ordinary letter & registered letter. Q) 7. What is guaranteed express post? Discuss the rules of guaranteed express post. Q) 8. What is express mail service? Q) 9. What is postal order? Discuss the rules of postal order. Q) 10. What is insured letter? Discuss the rules of insured letter. Q) 11. Describe the causes of popularity in courier service. Q) 1. What is postal communication? Ans: Postal communication is a very important matter in communication system. Postal communication exists in all the countries of the world. With the extension of business and commerce the necessity of exchanging letters, parcel, money order etc. easily and at low expense though postal service. Postal communication is the oldest member of communication network family. Everyday in execution of business-commerce, official function •

According to J.P. Bose, “Skill and reputation of an office depends on receiving and dispatching of correspondence of that office.”

According to S.P. Arora, “Correspondence is the written communication that is supplied by the postman of a post office.”

According to Y.P Verma, “The post office is perhaps the most important and useful institution in the present civilized countries of the world.”

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Works that are done by Bangladesh postal department are letters, registered letters, insurance letter, post card, post code, book post, money order, parcel, emergency postal service, postal order, guaranteed express post etc. In fine it could be said that people of all walks of life are involved with postal communication. It is every citizen’s duty to familiarize himself with the rules of postal service. To give knowledge about the postal communication Bangladesh postal department has published a book called “Post Office Guide”. All matters about postal service is written in this book. Q) 2. What is registered letter? Discuss the Rules of registration of a letter. Ans: Writing the heading of a letter with date and number in post office book is called registered letter. A letter is registered so that it is not lost or damaged and it reaches the recipient without fail. Sometimes letters do not reach recipient if sent by general post. Due to various reasons a letter is lost or damaged, to avoid this situation sender of a letter paying extra 4.00 (Four) Taka postage is called registered letter. •

In general sense, “Writing the title of a letter with date and number in the post office book is called registered letter.

According to R.S.N Pillai, “All the incoming letters have to be entered in a register called letter received soon or letter received registered.”

In fine it can be said that registration is done so that letter reaches its recipient without fail. After the letter reaches the recipient signature acknowledging receipt from the recipient is sent back to its sender. In the language of postal department it is called acknowledgment letter. Rules of registering letter: Sender registers a letter to send a letter to the recipient without fail. For this a sender of a letter has to follow some special rules which are as follows: i.

Registry fee: To register a letter the sender of a letter has to pay 4.00 (Four) Taka registry for normal weight according to post office rules.


Pasting postal stamp: Paying registry fee 4.00 (Four) Taka collecting stamp or stamp is to be pasted on envelop by franking machine.


Mentioning ‘Registered”: The word “Registered” is to be written in Bengali or English or envelop.


Mentioning address: Name, address of sender and recipient are to be written clearly on the envelop of registered letter.


Giving receipt: Post office from where a letter is registered gives a recipient as proof registration of a letter.


Acknowledgment form: During registration of a letter if the sender wishes “A.D Registered” is to be mentioned paying extra 2.00 Taka fee. Filling up this kind of form it is pasted with letters.


Signature in acknowledgement letter: Giving letter to recipient taking signature of the recipient in acknowledgement form it is sent back to the sender.


Definite recipient: Registered letter is not normal transferred to any one else except the recipient.

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Legal measure: If a registered letter does not reach the recipient then the sender can take legal measure the recipient given by office authority.


Realization of compensation: Postal department pays maximum 100 (One Hundred Taka) compensation for registered letter.


Paying extra fees: Extra charge for registered letter is to be paid than general letter.


Late arrival: As registered letter is written in different registered it reaches destination a little later than normal letter.


Seal: To maintain extra confidentiality of registered letter sometimes sender seals on behalf of his firm.


Insurance: Without insurance if internal registered letter is lost or damaged postal department is not responsible for that.

In fine it may be said that postal department gives special assurance to reach registered letter to recipient than general letter. In case of sending any important emergency letter registration of letter is letter. Q) 3. What is courier service? Discuss the rules of courier service. Ans: Courier means messenger or herald. And service means the firm as bearer of news. Origin: In 1967 a courier service called DHL started its journey in the USA. Three friends of California named Adrian Dalsey, Larry Hilbolm and Rober Lay established a courier service called DHL for fast exchange of news and information. Constituted from initials of three friend (D from Dalsey, H from Hilbolm, L from Lay) was the first courier service in the world. Evolution: After introduction of courier service in the USA in 1967 it was pledge bound to reach letters within maximum 24 hours and any goods within 72 hours. At present there are 60/70 courier services in our country large or small. •

In broader sense, “Obeying existing carrier law the non government medium side by side government that reaches goods to the recipient with trust and very fast is called courier service.

To execute function of courier service properly they have some disciplined policy which is regulated by carrier law is approved by government. In fine it may be said that courier service providing its service with trust and very fast following its principles is getting more and more confidence of the people. Rules of courier service: i.

Prohibition: Sending cash money, cheque, gift cheque, prize bond etc. is prohibited.


Notification: The sender will notify the company about the goods that will be sent. Sender will be legally responsible if he provides wrong or incomplete information.


Loss in normal accident: During transportation of goods company will not be responsible for any unexpected accidents. Company is not bound to pay compensation to the sender on recipient for this.


Responsibility: The sender will reveal the truth about information or news in side letter or goods to be sent. Legal responsibility of written information will be borne by the sender.

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Objection: After reception of consignment or document by the recipient or legal recipient no complaint regarding loss is accepted. Objection regarding documents has be raised before reception.


Communication: The company has the right to adopt any form of communication system for fast and trouble free dispatch of letters and goods. Sender’s advice or recommendation in this regard will not be acceptable.


Conditions: Company reserves the right to amend, change, add or exclude its rules or conditions.


Power: Courier service authority reserves the right to abandon or destroy and materials or goods any time they are apprehended to be harmful to any person, transport or property.


Natural calamity: Due to natural calamities like flood, cyclone, fire, meeting if letters or goods are damaged company will not be responsible.


Examination: During reception or handing over of goods the company reserves the right to examine goods partially or thoroughly.


Claim: Recipient must receive the goods within 30 days of booking date. Otherwise afther 30 days the sender or recipient cannot claim goods legally.


Insurance: Sender can insure his goods. Sender will have to bear insurance expense.


Acknowledgement receipt: Courier office preserves acknowledgement receipt up to two months from the booking date. Within that time sender has to collect the receipt.


Compensation method: Due to irresponsibility of company goods have been damaged company will pay compensation in the following rate: a.

Maximum 300 Taka is paid as compensation for 1 kg goods.


For goods more than 1 kg, 300 Taka for the first kg and 100 taka for each next kg………


Company pays 80% compensation of damaged good according to price declared by company.

In fine it could be said that sender or recipient has to follow the above mentioned terms and conditions for receiving service. Due to fastness and trustworthiness activities of courier service is increasing world wide. In our country also courier service is also carrying out their responsibility side by side state postal service. Q) 4. Discuss the importance of courier service. Ans: Courier means messenger or herald. Formed side by side of government postal department this courier service has attained attraction of all walks of life of society in little time by their skill, trust, honesty and fastness. Generally reasons for introduction of non government postal department called courier are as follows: i.

Fastness: In postal communication sending goods, letters to a specific destination fast is an important matter. Compared to state postal service letters or goods received by courier service reach destination faster in courier service.


Skill: Courier service has attained enough skill in respect of postal communication. They try to reach letters, parcel, book post, cheque etc. to the destination within 24 hours.

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Safety: Non government courier service carrier out their duty with a lot of responsibility in sending letter or goods. In case something unexpected happens to letters or goods there is a guarantee to compensate the recipient.


Trust: As there is competition among the courier service firms they try their utmost to attain sender’s trust. As a firm to survive in postal service there is no alternative to trust.


Confidentiality: Each recipient expects guarantee of confidentiality of his letter or goods. Courier tries to maintain confidentiality of sender’s letters or goods for their own interest.


Responsibility: As courier service activities are run by government condition or approval they are careful about sending illegal or prohibited goods.


Guarantee: Sender always wants to send guarantee to send his materials to the desired destination and courier service reaches letters and goods to the destination with 100% guarantee.


Notification: Sender will notify the company about goods to be sent. Sender will be legally responsible for mistakes or incomplete information about consignment.


Communication/Transportation: Company adopts any means of communication to send received products fast and smoothly.


Insurance: Sender may insure his goods to be sent.


Claim: Recipient must receive goods within 30 days of booking.


Acknowledgement Receipt: Courier service preserves acknowledgment receipt for two months from the date of booking.


Compensation method: Cop from 15 of previous question.

Q) 5. What is money order? Write down the rules of money order. Ans: Men transfer money from one place to another for daily execution of different works. To send money of people the method postal department adopts side by side bank is called money order. Paying specific fees anyone can take service of postal department. In this system maximum 5,000.00(Five thousand) in home and abroad. • In general sense, if a sender sends money to the recipient through post office it is called money order. • In broader sense, system by which postal department sends money of sender to the recipient in disciplined and legal way is called money order. The world is changing fast. As a result taste, habit, liking and demand of client are changing from fast to faster. And to cope with this change postal department has introduced two systems of money order called Telegraph Money Order (T.M.O) and Guaranteed Express Post (G.E.P) by which a client in return of a specific charge can send money to a specific recipient within a specific time. Generally 50 paisa money order is to be collected from post office. Filling up the money order from paying a specific fees money is sent. Rules of money order: The most important medium of sending money is the system of money order. To do money order some official system are to be observed. Description of different methods/process of money order is given below: i.

Collecting form: “Money Order” is to be bought paying 50 paisa.

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Amount of money: Minimum 10.00 Taka and maximum 5,000.00 Taka can be sent through money order.


Commission: To do money order 50 paisa for first 10 Taka and for later every 10 Taka or fraction of it 25 paisa commission is to be paid.


Receipt: After doing money order post office gives the sender a receipt with signature and seal where name of sender and recipient are written


Return: If the money order does not find the recipient if comes back the sender.


Scope: Money order can be sent to any place inside the country and outside the country like UK, USA, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Kuwait, Malaysia and Sweden.


Sender’s statement: There is some blank space under the form where sender can write something to the recipient.


T.M.) System: Postal department has introduced T.M.O or Telegraphic Money Order system to send money fast.


G.E.P system: The latest system introduced by the postal department for complete safety and guarantee is called G.E.P.

In conclusion it may be said that common people of the country are related with money order system. Due to filling up money order form of Bangladesh postal service and complexity of use, low standard of postal service people are unwilling to use it. Confidence on this service will return if timely and fast decision is taken by the government. Q) 6. Write down difference between ordinary letter & registered letter. Ans: Ordinary letter: When sender sends his feelings using 1.00 Taka postcard or 2.00 Taka envelop it is called ordinary letter. Registered letter: Special method in which pays extra 4.00 Taka fees the title of letter is written clearly in a printed book of post office with date, number and name-address of sender and recipient is called registered letter. Difference between ordinary letter and registered letter are given below: Subject of Difference

Ordinary Letter

Registered Letter

1. Definition

Letter the title of which is not written in the book of post office is called ordinary letter

Letter the title of which is written in the book of post office with date and number is called registered letter.

2. Kinds

Ordinary letters are of two kinds post card and envelop

Registered letter has no classification

3. Postage

Ordinary letter’s postage is 1 Taka for post card and 2 Taka for envelop.

Postage of registered letter is 4 Taka more.

4. Address

Recipients address is the ordinary letter is enough.

In registered letter orders of both sender and recipient is compulsory.

5. Recipient

Postal department does not give receipt for ordinary letter.

Postal department gives receipt for registered letter.

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6. Guarantee

Ordinary letter does not give guarantee of reaching destination.

There is state guarantee to reach the registered letter to the recipient.

7. Compensation Postal department does not give any compensation if ordinary letter is lost

If registered letter is lost postal service pays 100 Taka compensation subject to presentation of proof.

8. Return

Ordinary letters do not come back to the sender if not received by recipient

Registered letter comes back if does not find the recipient.

9. Record

Ordinary letter is not recorded at its Registered letter is recorded at its different way point. different way point.

10. Insurance

Ordinary letter cannot be insured for its safety

Registered letter can be insured for its safety.

In fine it may be said that there is a lot of difference between ordinary letter and registered letter. It is always better to send important letter as registered letter. Q) 7. What is guaranteed express post? Discuss the rules of guaranteed express post. Ans: Bangladesh postal department to make its activities faster and strengthen it and competing with non government courier service to meet people’s demand the method introduced is guaranteed express post or G.E.P in short. Bangladesh postal department this method of service is called guaranteed Express Post in 19 th February 1984. At the beginning it was introduced in four divisional town and later made arrangement to reach letter and goods in 24 hours in Sylhet and Jessore by running activities. Methods that exist in Bangladesh among them G.E.P is the fastest. Bangladesh postal service is giving guarantee to reach received letter within 24 hours in any town of Bangladesh in return of 10 taka only. Dhaka-1000

Principal Post office of districts


Rules of Guaranteed Express Post (G.E.P) i.

Fast dispatch and distribution: For fast dispatching and distribution of received letters through different cell system have been introduced.


Sending post office: To accomplish the objectives of sending letters in 24 hours arrangement of sending and distribution of letter is made as soon as letter comes to any post office.


Special post man: To run the activities of G.E.P smoothly special postman is appointed whose only job is to make arrangement of fast dispatch and distribution of letters regarding G.E.P.


Weight: Maximum 2 kg letters or other goods could be sent in this system.


Postage: For this first 100 gram or fraction below it 10.00 Taka is to be paid. For next 100 gram or fraction below it 2.00 Taka postage is to be paid.


Amount: Maximum 2 kg of letter could be sent by this service.


Compensation: Except natural cause or reason beyond the capacity of post office there is arrangement of paying 100 Taka compensation subject of presentation of proof if any material is lost.

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Area of activity: Goods received in G.E.P system is distributed only in the divisions and district cities.

In fine it may be said that GEP is a reasonable cheap and good service among the services of Bangladesh postal department. At only 10.00 Taka Bangladesh postal service gives guarantee of reaching any letter to the recipient in the same town or from one town to another Q) 8. What is express mail service? Ans: With the influence of globalization and information technology everything around us are changing fast. As a result human expectation, demand necessity are changing fast. To adapt with this change Bangladesh postal department also has radically changed their activities, one of the glaring example of which is (EMS) is the introduction of the EMS. As a result of introduction of this service Bangladesh postal service has been able to cope with international postal service. In this system Bangladesh postal service introduced emergency mail service in 1984 first. Definition: System by which Bangladesh postal service has been sending letters, documents and 20 kgs of goods successfully unless any prohibition is imposed since 1984 till today is called Emergency mail Service (EMS). Bangladesh introduced Emergency Mail Service (EMS) first with UK in 1984. Till 1998 it expanded and added 45 countries. In 1999 Bangladesh has launched Emergency Mail Service (EMS) with 7 more countries. With this 7 countries the number of emergency mail service now stands at 52. In these countries letters, business documents and up to 20 kgs of goods can be sent unless the other party impose any prohibition. To run Emergency mail service (EMS) Bangladesh postal department has formed separate cells in divisional cities and district cities. The biggest facility is that through this system Bangladesh postal service successfully received goods in foreign land within 3 days at one fourth expense of non government courier services. Depending on geographical location and distance letters could be sent at 190.00 Taka to 580.00 Taka. To send goods up to 20 kg maximum 3,000/-is spend. In fine it could be said that through introduction of emergency mail service (EMS) sending letters and goods in short time and at low expense Bangladesh postal department has been able to introduce itself to the international postal service and stay in competition. It is a epoch making step of Bangladesh postal service. Q) 9. What is postal order? Discuss the rules of postal order. Ans: Order for money in postal system is postal order. The present civilization is completely dependent on money. So to run activities of money transfer easily Bangladesh postal service has introduced postal order as an alternative to money. In general sense as alternative to easy transfer of small amount of money a specific form accepted by all introduced by postal department which is used as an alternative to money. •

According to Y. P. Kerma, “The postal order is a kind of order given by a branch of the post office to pay a definite sum of money to the person mentioned in the order by any branch of the post office�

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Kinds: There are 8 kinds of postal order starting from minimum 50 paisa to maximum 50 Taka. Susch as 50 paisa, 1.00 Taka, 2.00 Taka, 4.00 Taka, 5.00 Taka, 10.00 Taka, 50.00 Taka postal order. Recipient or his representative encash it from post office during office hour. i.

Part: There are two parts in postal order. First part is kept with the purchaser and second part is given in the name of recipient.


Purchase-sale: Postal order can be bought and encashed from post office.


Encashment: Recipient or his representative can encash postal order.


Validity: No fee is needed in postal order is encashed within six months from the date of purchase.


Postage: After purchase from the sixth month till one year to encash postal order 20 paisa worth stamp is to be pasted with each postal order and after one year permission from general director will require to encash it. Postage is to be pasted or the back side.


Confiscation: Postal order is confiscated if not encashed within 12 months after purchase. But director general may reconsider the matter.


Transfer: It is easily transferable.


Acceptability: Acceptability of postal order is universal.


Avoiding change: Avoiding change postal order can be changed into taka by pasting stamp.

In fine it can be said that as an alternative to Taka use of postal order is widespread. As encashment of postal order is easy different firms orders the use of postal order. Besides there is state guarantee regarding postal order. Introduction of postal order has reduced the risk of carrying cash money. Q) 10. What is insured letter? Discuss the rules of insured letter. Ans: To ensure safety letter is insured after registration. Sender insures letter, documents, valuable and confidential papers for ensuring safe arrival of them to the recipient. •

In general sense, insuring any letter for ensuring safety of letter after registration is called insured letter.


In broader sense, giving guarantee of received letter when postal department received extra postage for insurance beside registration it is called insured letter.

After insuring a letter postal department gives the sender a receipt. If insured letter is lost or damaged the concerned post is bound to pay compensation when complained is made. Rules of insuring letter: i.

Sealing: Inserting letter into envelop it is to be closed with glue and sealed.


Use of envelop: There is separate envelop for insuring envelop. Using this specific envelop or quality envelop from outside letter is to be insured.


Name and address: At this stage of insured letter a name and address of sender and recipient are to be written on the left and right of top of the envelop.


Registration: To ensure letter it is to be registered first. Later it is to be insured.

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Mentioning “Registered”: Amount of insured taka will have to be clearly mentioned in number and words on the insured letter.


Compensation: If the letter is lost the postal department pays the exact amount of insured money.


Maximum insurance: Maximum 5,000/-Taka insurance can be done.


Fee: For insurance up to 3,00/-Taka 5.00Taka postage is to be given. For taka over 300.00 for each 100 taka or fraction of it postage at the rate of 2.00 Taka is to be paid.


Receipt: Like ordinary registration a receipt is also given for insured letter. But “insured” should be written.


Area: Besides all the areas of Bangladesh insured letter can be sent in 51 countries.

In conclusion it may be said that insured letter has the most guarantee for reaching the recipient safely. For this while sending any important letter it is best to send insured letter after registration. To insure letter through Bangladesh postal department the above rules are to be followed. Q) 11. Describe the causes of popularity in courier service. Ans: Popularity of courier service is increasing day by day. First courier service of the world was introduced in 1967. With its growing popularity it was first introduced in Bangladesh in 1979. at present there are many courier services of home and abroad. This popularity of courier service has many reasons which are described below: i.

Fastness: Courier service attained their popularity by sending documents from one place to another very fast.


Section: Courier service have established thousand of branches to reach their product or documents to the grass root level.


Service: One of the main reasons of popularity of courier service is the attainment of confidentiality of people by providing service.


Competition: As the number of courier services are many their objective is the attainment of profit and popularity by increasing their service.


Postage: In many respects courier service sends goods and documents at low postage rate so that people use more and courier service than postal departments.


Compensation: Pays compensation if any goods is lost subject to appropriate proof.


Acknowledgement: Courier service sends acknowledgement slip to the sender without extra charge.


Home service: Courier service receives documents from home if necessary.


Delivery of goods: Special courier service even delivers goods 24 hours or even on holidays.


Modern technology: One of the main reason of popularity of courier service is that they use the latest technology of the world in transporting documents. For example: Sometimes they use their own aeroplane for fast transportation of goods.


All kinds of products: For attainment of confidence of people courier service sends different kinds of products like-letter, raw materials, documents, foods etc.

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Trust: One of the main reason of popularity of courier service is its trustworthiness. It is their work to send any goods or documents very trustworthily.


Guarantee: One of the main reason of popularity of courier service is its trustworthiness. It is their work to send any goods or documents very trustworthily.


Confidentiality: Work of courier service is to reach goods or documents to the recipients with full confidentiality.


Receiving goods: Courier service receive goods or looking of documents till 7 pm through their thousands fo branches.

Above all it can be said that side by side government postal service keeping their originality intact, considering cline’s convenience increasing their activities day by day. And for these reasons popularity of courier service is increasing day by day.

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Eight Chapter Office Inspection and Report Question & Answer

Q. 1. What is report? Q. 2. Write down the procedure of office inspection? Q. 3. Discuss the classification Report. Q) 1. What is report? Ans: English word ‘Report’ originated from French word ‘Reportes’ . In france it was used to mean bringing some similar kinds of sentences together. In English it is also used in the same sense. A person who writes reports is called a reporter. In reports any statement or description is prepared with a special technique. In fine well thought view about any matter, organized preservation and added statement which a reporter prepares with utmost care, honesty and on the basis of reason is called report. Here are some definitions given by specialists: i.

According to Petter Little, “Report is such a statement where there is a description of something obtained by observation, examination and inquiry and recommendation and conclusion are added.”


According to C.A. Brown, “Report is a communication from such a person who has some necessary information, person who has contacts with that person needs there information.”


According to M. Hatch, “Report is an organized informative statement which is brief yet correct narrarion about any speech.”


George R. Terry, “A report is a formal presentation of summary information dealing with utilization of resources or status of operation useful in evaluation of programs making decisions and directing activities.”


According to S. A. Taintor, “Report is careful and accurate presentation of facts the wording of which should be simple, clear, complete, concise and facts should be accurate.”

In fine it may be said that the statement that is prepared by proper observation, review, inquiry, research and analysis about different incidents, condition, result, information, decision, functions etc. for the necessity of person or form is called report.

Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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A Cambrian Publication

Secretarial Science and Office Management (2nd Paper)

Q) 2. Write down the procedure of office inspection. Ans: Any education gains success by the blending of theoretical education with practical education. To this end office inspection and report have been included in the subject of office management. In office management students are taught about office function, filing, indexing, postal communication, receiving and distribution of letter, convening company meeting etc. In reality report is to be prepared going to any office seeing these matters with own eyes and acquiring knowledge,. An educational institution has to follow some rules for student’s office inspection. Surprise inspection without prior permissions should not be made. Generally the following matters should be kept in mind while visiting any office. i. Convenient site: Convenient site should be selected for office inspection. Arrangement of inspection of a convenient site should be made being completely knowledgeable about communication, safety and suitable environment. ii. Permission of authority: Prior permission of the authority of concerned office is necessary for office inspection. It is essential to communicate with the authority of office that will be inspected for making the office fit for inspection. iii. Preparing list: A list of places is to be prepared before to determine the places to be shown to the students for different data collection. As a result inspection of all places and matters will be possible for collection of information and in short time. iv. Supervision: It is necessary to have a departmental teacher or concerned teacher to be with the students for all time supervision during inspection. They will also carry out duty as supervisor to complete all works of inspection team properly. v. Preparation class: Before office inspection students need training as to what information are to be collected during inspection and information on the basis of which report will have to be prepared. Concerned teacher will inform the students about different information and process of information collection through training class. vi. Different sources of information: Sources of information as per plan with the concerned office should be prepared by communication before for easy availability of information that is necessary to collect during inspection. vii. Instructions: During office inspection it is essential to have instructions as to the things to be done by the students about each subject. viii. Behaviour of cooperation: It is essential for each member of inspection team to show behaviour of cooperation with the authority of the office that will be inspected. ix. Different groups: When the number of students is too many then depending on size of office, condition, capacity students are to be grouped. Inspection of each group should be completed under supervision of a concerned teacher. x. Question and answer: Reporters will continuously question and the authority will answer. xi. Picture or graph: If necessary students can add picture or graph, chart etc. xii. Writing notes: Students will note down necessary information for preparing report. xiii. Draft Preparing: Students will prepare report first and show it their guide teachers. xiv. Preparing report: Preparing report according to instructions of concerned teacher students will submit marks sheet to the education board within specified time. In fine it may be said it is essential to keep an eye on the above mentioned matters for office inspection. At this objective of inspection will be successful. Besides educational institution and office authority can complete inspection activity imposing new methods. Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

Page 187

A Cambrian Publication

Secretarial Science and Office Management (2nd Paper)

Q) 3. Discuss the classification of reports. Ans: Reports are of different kinds. Reports are prepared keeping an eye on different situations during office inspection. For this concerned officer or reporter has to determine the subject of preparing report. Classification of reports widely used are given below: i. Business report: Reports prepared for business purpose is called business report. For example: Commodity market report. ii. Non business report: Report prepared depending on education, service, politics, organization etc. other than business purpose is called non business report. For example: Higher secondary result 2001. iii. Government report: Report prepared on government activities by any department of the government is called government report. For example: 2001-2002. iv. Non government report: Report prepared on any subject of non government organization, organization, service providing firm, N.G.O etc. social and economic organization is called non government report. For example: Condition of Dhaka Slum Dwellers. v. Formal report: Report prepared subject to different conditions imposed by concerned firm for determining government and non government decisions important for people. vi. Informal report: Report preparation that does not require any specific policy and less important are called informal report. For example: …………………….. vii. Executive report: Report prepared by executive or officer for organizational necessity is called executive report. viii. Informative report: Report that describes the real incident or condition exactly without any explanation is called informative report. ix. Analytic report: Report that describes the real incident and side by side gives clear idea through explanation-analysis it is called analytic report. x. Statistical report: If statistical information is arranged during preparation of report then it is called statistical report. This kind of report can be presented through graph. xi. Special report: Besides temporary or regular report, report prepared is called special report. For example: Opinion of purchaser or consumer. xii. Temporary report: In some respects some reports are prepared at a regular intervals depending on time is called temporary report. For example: Weekly report. xiii. Asked report: Report prepared on special subject regularly according to the will of authority is called asked report. xiv. Unasked report: Junior officers or employees jointly prepare report in their interest without the authority knowing and submits. This kind of report is called unasked report. xv. Written report: Generally legal report means written report. Report prepared in written form is called written report. xvi. Oral report: In special situation when reporter attending before authority present statement verbally instead of preparing written report it is called oral report. xvii. Recommendation report: Report where remark or recommendation speech is written it is called recommendation report. In fine it may be said that classification of report is a complex work. Different organizations prepare report according to their need. As a result there are different kinds of differences in terms of objective, subject, size, nature etc.

Cambrian College; 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. Phone: 8833681

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