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Basic English Grammar Lecture Sheet Session-2013-14, Exam-2015
Written, Compiled and Edited by
Department of English
Cambrian Publications, Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka, 9891919,01720557160/170
Page No.
Class –
Introduction to Letter, Word, & Syllable + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English
Class –
Elements of Sentence, Parts of Speech. + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English
Class –
Noun & Pronoun (Identification & Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English
Class –
Number (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English
Class –
Verb (Classification & Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English
Class –
Adjective (Classification & Exercise)+ Vocabulary 15+Spoken English
Class –
Adverb (Classification & Exercise)+Vocabulary15 +Spoken English
Class –
Preposition, Conjunction & Interjection (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English
Class –
Identification of Parts of Speech. + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English
Class –
Sentence (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English
Class –
Article (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English
Class –
Article (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English
Class –
Tense: Indefinite (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English
Class –
Tense: Continuous (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English
Class –
Tense: Perfect (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English
Class –
Tense: Perfect Continuous (Exercise), Translation, + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English
Class –
Subject-Verb Agreement (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English
Class –
Subject-Verb Agreement (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English
Class –
Usage of Modals (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English
Class –
Translation in Voice (Active & Passive) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English
Footnotes: 1. Lecture Schedule would be: 10 minutes (Oral assessment of previous class)+05 minutes (solution of Home Work) + 30 minutes (lecture) 2. Vocabulary is set from the text book according to Units & Lessons. 3. At least 5 sentences of spoken English would be taught a class. 4. Every topics has practice sheet 5. An environment of English would be encouraged in the class.
Cambrian College Department of English
Basic English Grammar
Lecture Sheet Introduction to Letter, Word, Syllable
Class No-1
Welcome to the world of English alphabet. There are twenty six letters in English alphabet. They can be written into two forms. Capital letters & Small letters:-
Small Letter
Capital Letter Capital letters: A B C M N O Y Z
Small Letters: a b c m n o y z
d p
e q
f r
g s
h t
i u
j v
k w
l x
We can find all the letters in a single sentence. Do you want to know what the sentence is? That is A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Of these letters, five are special. They are called vowels. They are: A E I O U We can find these five words in a word. Such as Education. Rests of the twenty one words are called consonant. Such as B C D F etc Students should remember that in every word there must have at least one vowel. There is no word in English but contains vowels except dry, cry etc but there is y which is called semi vowel. Word: When some letters sit side by side and give a meaning, it is called word. Such as; do, man, girl, woman etc. Syllable: The parts of a word in which the word can be divided according to pronunciations is called syllable. It is of four kinds. They are shown in a diagram.
Syllable Mono (One) School
Di (Two) Col-lege
Tri(Three) Uni-ver-sity
Poly (Four) Re-ser-va-tion
Home Work Now arrange the letters in each of the following groups in alphabetical order of abc. The first one has done for you. 1. d a c b c abcde 2. g f h j I -----3. m o n l k -----4. t s r q p -----5. z y x u w v -----Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Basic English Grammar
Lecture Sheet
6. Write your name in Capital Letter in the box 7. Write your father’s name in Capital Letter in the box. 8. Write your grand father’s name in Small Letter in the box. 9. Now make meaningful words from the jumbled words. amn = ________ ybo = ngki = ________ ligr = ________ esnru = nmwao = ________ dfirne = trodoc = ________ utsdnte = actehre = SPOKEN ENGLISH
________ ________ ________ ________ ________
Simple Greetings Hi! Hello! Hello there! General Greeting How are you? / How do you do? (Do you know the difference between these two?) How is it going? How is everything? How have you been? Word Meaning 1
A¨dzwj A¨wcq¨vi
cÖPÊfv‡e g‡b nIqv
Boring Beck and call Close at hand
‡evwis ‡eK GÛ Kj ‡K¬vR q¨vU n¨vÛ ‡PvI(i)
weiw³Ki AvÁven wbK‡U
g‡bv‡hvM †`qv cv_©K¨ Kiv
Envy Festive Fence Imagine Scream Ankle
Kbmb‡UªU wWd¨Õ †ibwk‡qU Gbwf ‡dmwUf ‡dbm BÕg¨vwRb ¯Œxg& A¨vsK&j
Association Acquisition
Chore Concentrate Differentiate
Awfully Appear
English Meaning
extremely, very come into sight, arrive dull, prosaic, to obey one’s order very near
fearfully seem
small household work give attention to discriminate, disseminate
small household work
wnsmv Kiv Avb›`Nb ‡eov Kíbv Kiv wPrKvi Kiv ‡Mvovjx
jealousy, greed mirthful defence, conceive, think shriek, sudden cry
to be jealous feast like a barrier put round a garden, form a mental image cry out joint connecting the foot with the leg group organized for a joint purpose; thing acquired
‡QvU M„nv¯’jx KvR
tiresome to obey one’s order very near
pay attention constitute a difference between
Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English Class No-2
Basic English Grammar
Lecture Sheet Elements of Sentence & Parts of Speech
Read these words: Grass eats the cow. Do these words make any sentence or are they simply four words? Now read the same words in another order. The cow eats grass. Do these words make sense? Yes, they do. The words have now been placed in their proper order and they form a sentence. A sentence makes sense. Students should remember when they write any sentence, they will start the sentence with a capital letter. You know a sentence contains two parts. They are shown in a diagram below.
Subject: The word or a group of words that we speak about in a sentence is called the subject. The subject is the doer of the action. Predicate: The predicate of a sentence is the word or group of words that tells us something about the subject. Subject Predicate A little boy ran down the street He came at night So, what we have learnt Generally a noun or a pronoun can be a subject. There is always at least a verb in the predicate. Dear students, If I say, The man tells. The cat killed. You would be puzzled. You would say ‘Proceed on’ Complete the sentence. Tell us what the man tells. Tell us what the cat killed. So we see the verbs, “tell” and “killed” can not make any sense by themselves. You must put something after them to make sense. So we can say like this, The man tells a story. The cat killed a mouse. “Oh, yes,” You say at once “that makes sense.” So the word, ‘a story’ and ‘a mouse’ are objects Object: The object of a verb is a noun or pronoun which tells us about the person or thing. So, the object is the receiver of the action. We can find out subject and object in this way, Who/What _____ Verb= Subject Verb____ what/whom? = Object. Adverbial: Again if I say, The student goes to school. Here definitely ‘the student’ = subject. ` ‘goes’ = Verb, ’to school’ = ? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Basic English Grammar
Lecture Sheet
Is it object? Does it answer with ‘what’ or ‘whom’? ‘No, certainly not.’ It answers when we ask with ‘where’ So when we get answer with ‘when, where and how’ we call them ‘adverbial.’ Complement: ‘The man is’ is not a complete sentence. It needs something to make it complete. If I say ‘The man is a teacher’ You will say the teacher is not an object is because ‘the man’ does not do anything to the teacher. He is the teacher: He= teacher We can give a special name to words which complete a sentence after verbs like be ( am, is, are was, were) seem, become. They are complements. PARTS OF SPEECH Parts of Speech Bs‡iwR Mªvgv‡ii GKwU ¸i“Z¡c~Y© welq| Parts of Speech Qvov Bs‡iwR wkLv Am¤¢e| ï× Bs‡iwR Rvbvi ‡¶‡Î Parts of Speech Gi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv AblxKvh©| Definition: ev‡K¨i Aš—M©Z cÖ‡Z¨KwU A_©‡evaK kã‡K Parts of Speech e‡j| GLb Avgiv Rvbe Parts of Speech c‡o Avgv‡`i wK jvf n‡e|Avwg Av‡MB e‡jwQ Parts of Speech Gi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv wj‡L †kl Kiv Am¤¢e Zvici&I Avgiv ej‡Z cvwi Parts of Speech †_‡K mainly wZbwU welq Rvbv GKvš— Ri“ix| ‡m ¸wj nj: (a) Identifying Parts of Speech:A_©vr Parts of Speech wPb‡Z n‡e KviY ‡Kvb kãUv †Kvb Parts of Speech Zv hw` bv ai‡Z cvwi Zvn‡j Avgiv kã mwVKfv‡e e¨envi Ki‡Z cvie bv ZvB GKUv k‡ãi A_© Rvbvi cvkvcvwk Avgv‡`i Rvbv `iKvi kãUv †Kvb Parts of Speech. (b) Word Function: k‡ãi KvR A_©vr GKUv kã ev‡K¨ wK wnmv‡e KvR Ki‡e|Verb wnmv‡e bv Noun wnmv‡e |hw` kãUv noun nq Zvn‡j noun wnmv‡e hw` kãUv Verb nq Zvn‡j Verb wnmv‡e KvR Ki‡e| (c) Word Formation: kã MVb A_©vr GKUv kã †_‡K Av‡iKUv kã MVb Kiv| nq‡Zv GKUv k‡ãi A_© Avgiv gyL¯’ Kijvg , gyL¯’ Kivi mgq †`L‡Z n‡e kãUv Noun bv Adjective hw` kãUv Noun nq Zvn‡j Gi Ab¨iƒc¸wj †hgb: Adjective,Verb,Adverb wK n‡e| †hgb: Success kãUv Noun Gi A_© mdjZv GLb Rvbv `iKvi Gi Ab¨ iƒc¸wj wK †m¸wj nj: Success k‡ãi Verb nj Succeed A_© mdj n&Iqv| Gi Adjective nj Successful A_© mdj|Gi Adverb nj Successfully A_© mdjfv‡e|Gfv‡e Avgiv GKUv kã †_‡K PviUv kã Rvb‡Z cvwi|
CLASSIFICATION Parts of Speech are of eight kinds (Parts of Speech AvU cÖKvi)| h_v: (a) Noun (b) Pronoun (c) Verb (e) Adverb (f) Preposition (g) Conjunction
(d) Adjective (g) Interjection
Parts of Speech Pronoun
Conjunction Interjection
GLb GB 8 cÖKv‡ii GK K_vq msÁv †`Lve: (a) Noun : A noun is a naming word. (b) Pronoun : A pronoun is a replacing word. (c) Verb : A verb is a doing word. (d) Adjective : An adjective is a qualifying word. (e) Adverb : An adverb is a modifying word. (f) Preposition : A preposition is a relating word. (g) Conjunction : A conjunction is a joining word. (h) Interjection : An interjection is an emotion expressing word.
Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
Home Work a) Add predicate to these subject. 1. Birds __________. 2. An old man_________. 3. The man______________. 4. The cat_______________. 5. I______________________. b) Add subject to these predicate. 1. __________ opened the door. 2. __________ went to shop. 3. __________laid an egg. 4. __________ have lost all their leaves. 5. __________ answered all the questions. c) Complete the following sentences by adding a complement. 1. Mr. Carter is ________. 2. Today is________ and tomorrow will be________. 3. She was ________ but now she seems to be________. 4. The news was ________. 5. Water is ________. SPOKEN ENGLISH
Greetings for various times of the day Good morning!(From 12 am to 12 pm) Good afternoon!(From 12 pm to 5 pm) Good evening!(From 5 pm to 12 am) (Differentiate between good night and good evening) Small talk Expressing your state of health I am fine. Okay All right. Word Meaning
Conduct Control Clap Courage Courtesy Dilemma Disintegration Develop Decline Expense Explicit Experience
KbWvKU Kb‡Uªvj K¬¨vc KvwiR †K¨vUwm wWÕ †jg¨ wWwmbwU‡MÖBU wW‡fj¨c wWKjvBb BKm‡cbm BKmwcwmU BKmwcq¨wiq¨bm
cwiPvjbv Kiv wbqš¿Y Kiv nvZ Zvwj †`qv mvnm ‡mŠRb¨Zv Dfq msKU wefvRb DbœwZ Kiv n«vm cvIqv e¨q cÖKvwkZ AwfÁZv
bravery civility difficult situation, breakup advance, build up diminish, decor. cost, expenditure, obvious, clear, collaborate wisdom; knowledge
Exactly Emphasis
BMR¨KUwj Ggd¨wmm
mwVKfv‡e ¸i“Z¡
correctly, precisely, forceful, importance
we‡bv`b Kiv
amuse, divert
Synonyms lead or guide, regulate
English Meaning to direct a group of people hold in cheek strike with the palm of the hand. ability to disregard fear courteous behaviour or act. predicament separation into integral parts come into a state deteriorate; lose strength payment of money, expressly stated observation of or practical acquaintance with facts or events. accurately special importance that is given to something
entertaining or being entertained.
Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet Class No-3
Basic English Grammar
Noun & Pronoun
The name of anything is called a noun (‡Kvb wKQyi bvg ‡K Noun e‡j|) ‡hgb: (a)Rahim is a good boy. (b)Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. (c)January is the first month of English year. GLv‡b Rahim, Dhaka, Ges January bvg eySv‡PQ Rahim Øviv GKRb e¨vw³i bvg eySvq ,Dhaka Øviv GKwU ¯’v‡bi bvg eySvq Ges January Øviv GKwU gv‡mi bvg eySvq|
Classification of Noun Traditional Grammar Abyhvqx noun cÖ_gZ: `yB cÖKvi| h_v: (i) Concrete Noun; (i) Abstract Noun; (i) Concrete Noun: Concrete Noun Avevi Pvi cÖKvi| h_v: (a)Proper Noun; (b) Common Noun; (c)Collective noun
(d)Material Noun;
GLb Concrete Gi GB Pvi cÖKvi Ges Abstract Noun wg‡j †gvU cvuP cÖKvi Noun nj| bx‡P QK Gi gva¨‡g Noun Gi cÖKvi‡f` †`qv njt-
Abstract Common
GLb Concrete Noun Gi GB Pvi cÖKvi Ges Abstract Noun wg‡j Noun †gvU cvuP cÖKvi nj †m ¸wj nj: (a) Proper Noun; (b) Common Noun; (c) Collective Noun; (d) Material Noun; (e) Abstract Noun; (a) Proper Noun: ‡h kã Øviv †Kvb e¨w³, e¯‘ ev ¯’v‡bi wbw`©ó bvg eySvq Zv‡K Proper Noun e‡j| ‡hgb: (a) Rahim is a good boy. (b)Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. (b) Common Noun: ‡h kã Øviv †Kvb e¨w³, e¯‘ ev ¯’v‡bi mvaviY bvg eySvq Zv‡K Common Noune‡j| a. He is a good boy. b. His father is a doctor. (c) Collective Noun: hv Øviv GKKfv‡e KvD‡K bv eySv‡q †Kvb wKQyi mgwóMZ bvg eySv‡e| wPbvi Dcvqt- wPbvi Rb¨ †Lqvj ivLv `iKvi †h Collective Noun nj K‡qKwU Noun Gi mgwó GUv Øviv GKvGKv KvD‡K eySv‡e bv eis mK‡ji mw¤§wjZ bvg eySv‡e| ‡hgb: (a) I read in class seven. (b) I saw a herd of sheep in the field. Here class and herd are collective noun. (d) Material Noun: (`ªe¨ evPK we‡kl¨) †h mg¯— wRwbl ¸bv hvq bv kyaygvÎ IRb Kiv hvq Zv‡K Material Noun e‡j| Material Noun Gi †¶‡Î hw` Avgiv bx‡Pi Q›`wU g‡b ivwL Zvn‡j †Pbv mnR n‡e¸b‡Z cvwi bv IRb Kwi , Material Noun Zv‡K awi| Material Noun Gi Av‡M Articles Kfy bvwn jv‡M| ‡hgb: (a) Gold is a precious metal. (b)Water is liquid. GLv‡b Gold nj Material KviY Gi A_© ¯^Y© GUv MYYv Kiv hvq bv eis GUv &IR‡bi gva¨‡g cwigvc Kiv nq Abyiƒcfv‡e wØZxq D`vni‡Yi Water nj Material KviY Gi A_© cvwb GUv MYYv Kiv hvq bv eis GUv &IR‡bi gva¨‡g cwigvc Kiv nq|Abyiƒcfv‡e bx‡Pi †gvUv A¶‡ii kã¸wj&I ZvB eySv‡PQ(c) He is eating rice. (d) Sugar is sweet. (e) Milk is white.
Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
(e) Abstract Noun: hv Øviv †`v‡li bvg, ¸‡bi bvg eySvq, Ae¯’vi bvg eySvq, hv aiv hvq bv, †Qvqv hvq bv,ïaygvÎ Abyfe Kiv hvq ZvnvB Abstract Noun. ‡hgb: (a)Kindness is a great virtue. (b)Honesty is the best policy. GLv‡b cÖ_g D`vni‡Yi Kindness Øviv GKUv ¸‡bi bvg eySv‡PQ KviY `qvjy GUv ¸Y wKš‘ `qv GUv GKUv ¸‡Yi bvg| Abyiƒcfv‡e wØZxq D`vni‡Yi Honesty nj Abstract Noun KviY Gi A_© mZZv GUv GKUv ¸‡bi bvg eySv‡PQ KviY mr GUv ¸Y wKš‘ mZZv GKUv ¸‡Yi bvg| Abyiƒcfv‡e bx‡Pi †gvUv A¶‡ii kã¸wjI ZvB eySv‡PQ-(a) Patience has its reward. (b) Unity is strength. (c) Friendship makes a man happy. **hLb †Kvb k‡ãi †k‡l cy, ce, age, ry, ice, ship, tion, ness, ism, ty, ment BZ¨vw` _vK‡e ZLb †m ¸wj Abstract Noun n‡e †hgb: Advice, carefulness, wisdom, growth, accuracy, heroism. GQvov&I wb¤§wjwLZ cvuP cÖKv‡ii kã Abstract Noun wnmv‡e MY¨ n‡e| Quality(¸YevPK kã) State(Ae¯’v evPK kã) Action(KvR evPK kã) Name of Science and Arts (Science Ges Arts Gi Subject mg~‡ni bvg) (e) Name of Disease (‡iv‡Mi bvg) (a) (b) (c) (d)
Function of a Noun in the sentence: (1)ev‡K¨i Subject wnmv‡e e‡m (2) ev‡K¨i Object wnmv‡e e‡m (3) Verb Gi Complement wnmv‡e e‡m (4) Preposition Gi Object wnmv‡e e‡m (5)Case in Apposition wnmv‡e e‡m
Gentleness, Greatness, Strength, Healthy, sickness, Childhood, freedom, Arrival, Departure, education, obedience Chemistry, Physics, Logic, Economics Malaria, Asthma, Gastric, Dysentery,
The dog is faithful to its master. He reads a book. I'll buy a pencil. We made him captain. He is a teacher He was absent from the meeting. Kamal, the teacher of Dhaka University is a pious man.
Home Work a. Find out noun from the following: 1. Have you heard her name? 2. A lot of practice is needed to keep balance. 3. No one knows the answer. 4. Who knows the man? 5. He believes in God. 6. I am sure of his success. 7. He is the captain of this class. 8. They are talking to Rahim. 9. I know the man who came here yesterday. 10. He is the captain of this class.
b. Identify proper, common, collective, material and abstract noun from the following: 1) He is an honest man. 2) Raju and Saju are talking in the field. 3) The committee will take the decision. 4) Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Basic English Grammar
Lecture Sheet
5) The Muslims fast during Ramadan. 6) February is the second month of English year. 7) Water is necessary for all. 8) Gold is a precious metal. 9) He passed the examination last year. 10) Kindness is a great virtue.
PRONOUN Definition: A Pronoun is a word used instead of a Noun. A_©vr Noun Gi cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ kã‡K Pronoun e‡j| Example: Salim has a book. He reads the book. He reads it. GL‡b cÖ_g ev‡K¨ Salim kãwU Subject n‡q‡Q wØZxq I Z…Zxq ev‡K¨ Salim Gi cwie‡Z© He kãwU Subject wnmv‡e e¨envi n‡q‡Q| Classification: Pronoun ‡K 8 fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| bx‡P Q‡Ki gva¨‡g ‡mwU †`qv njt Pronoun Personal
Reflexive Indefinite
GLb G‡`i we¯—vwiZ D`vniYmn †`qv njt Name Personal
Example in words I, we, he, she ,it, my, his, her This, That, These, Those Each, Every, Either, Neither Who, What, Whom, Whose
Who, What, Which, Whom
Indefinite Reflexive Reciprocal
One, Someone, Anyone
Demonstrative Distributive
Myself, Himself, Themselves,
Each other, One another
Example in sentences We know the matter very well. He came in the evening. These were lost last night. That was her pen. Each of the boys has got A+. Either of the pen will do. Who came late today? What do you know about it? I know who came here yesterday. Do what he says to do. One can help you. Some one has done it. I myself did it. He killed himself. They are talking to each other.
1. Personal Pronoun: ‡h Pronoun e¨w³i cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ nq| Example: a. I know this. b. We have done this. c. You have caught fish. 2. Demonstrative Pronoun: ‡h Pronoun GK ev GKvwaK e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k K‡i| Example: (a)This is my pen. (b)These are mine. (c) That is her bag. (d)The climate of Sylhet is better than that of Dhaka. 3. Interrogative Pronoun: ‡h me Pronoun cÖkœ Kivi Kv‡R e¨eüZ nq| Example: (a) Who are you? (b) What is he? (c) Whom do you love most? 4. Relative Pronoun: ‡h me Pronoun Zvi c~‡e©v‡jwLZ Noun Gi mv‡_ m¤úK© ¯’vcb K‡i| Example: (a) I met the man who had just returned. (b)I know what he likes. (c) All that glitters is not gold. 5. Indefinite Pronoun: ‡h me Pronoun †Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K Awbw`©ófv‡e wb‡`©k K‡i|
Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
Example: (a) One should do one’s duty. (b) Some are born great. (c) Many of my friends are talking. 6. Distributive Pronoun: ‡h me Pronoun cÖ‡Z¨KwU e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K c„_Kfv‡e eÈb wb‡`©k K‡i| Example: (a) Each of the boys gets a prize. (b) Everyone has done the sum. (c) Either of the girls is very simple. (d) Neither of them is here. 7. Reflexive Pronoun: ‡h me Pronoun Subject-Gi KvRwU‡K cÖwZdwjZ K‡i| GwU AvZ¥wb‡`©kK Pronoun. Example: (a) I clean my room myself. (b) Clean your room yourself. (c) The boys cleaned the room themselves. (d) The snake is hiding itself. (e) We do it ourselves. 8. Reciprocal Pronoun: ‡h me Pronoun cvi¯úwiK m¤úK© wb‡`©k K‡i| Example: (a) Tamal and Kamal helped each other. (b) All students are talking to one another.
Home Work FIND OUT PRONOUN FROM THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES : 1. He is greater than she. 2. He and I went there together. 3. It was not I who did it. 4. It is a sin to tell a lie. 5. You have wronged me. 6. His pen is finer than yours. 7. Our school is better than theirs. 8. The roads of Dhaka are better than those of Khulna. 9. He will do the same as his brother. 10. This pen is old, please give me a new one. Spoken English-3 Small Talk Telling how you have been doing-Positive Keeping busy Keeping myself busy Keeping out of trouble. Telling how you have been doing-Negative Not good. Not so good. Not great. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet Word Meaning
Word Consumption
D”PviY Kbm¨v¤úkb
A_© ‡fvM, e¨envi
Basic English Grammar
Synonyms consuming, utilisation
English Meaning the act of using energy, food or materials
Of or near seashore or
adjacent area of sea.
gnv`y‡h©vMgq _vev/wbôzi Kej
dangerous, risky
K¨vUvmUªwdK K¬vP
snatch, grip, grasp
to hold sb/sth tightly.
MVb Kiv
be composed of consist
to have sb/sth as parts or member.
of include. Compare
Zzjbv Kiv
to examine things how they are similar/different
Contribute Constraint
Kb&wUªwe¨DU& Kvb&‡÷ªBb&U&
K¬ªvk& K¨vbwUªweDU
NU‡Z mvnvh¨ Kiv have a say/add
to give sth to help sth/sb
mxgve×Zv, Pvc, restriction eva¨KiY msNl©, we‡iva, conflict wKQy †`Iqv ev have a say/add Ask MÖnY Kiv
a thing that limits or restricts sth
the way to behave and react in a
lively, active, vibrant
a fight between two to give or bear a part with others
particular situation. Disaster Disposal
wWRn¨vmUvi wWm‡cŠRvj&
`y‡h©vM e¨e¯’v, AcmviY
tragedy, ruin, calamity
an unexpected event
removal, discarding,
the act of getting rid of sth.
dumping Decline
A continuous decrease in the number.
K‡Vvifv‡e, cÖPÊfv‡e msKí
radically, severely
serious or violent effect on sth.
will power, resolve
the quality that makes you continue trying to do sth.
‡Wbm wW÷ªvKkb wW‡dv‡im‡Ukb ‡Wfvm‡UBwUs
Nb mwbœweó webvk eb DRvoKiY aŸsmvZ¥K
close, compact, pack
containing a lot of people.
ruin, devastation
the act of destroying sth.
cutting of trees
the act of cutting down
destructive, disastrous.
causing a lot of damage.
c„_K Kiv gvÎv, AvqZb,
differ, differentiate
separate or divide by some mark
wWm&wUO&¸Bk& wWÕ‡gb&k&b&
measurement, length,
wbM©Z Kiv,
release, discharge
to send out sth such as heat, gas etc.
Dense Destruction Deforestation Devastating Distinguish
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Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet Class No-4
Basic English Grammar
Numbert e¨vw³ ev e¯‘i msL¨v‡K Number ejv nq| Number Gi cÖKvi‡f`t Bs‡iRx‡Z Number `yB cÖKvi h_vt a. Singular Number. b. Plural Number. Singular Number: †h Word Øviv GKwU Noun/Pronoun †K wb‡`©k Kiv nq Zv‡K Singular Number e‡j| h_vt- Boy, man, pen Plural Number: †h Word Øviv G‡Ki †ekx Noun/Pronoun wb‡`©k Kiv nq Zv‡K Plural Number ejv nq| h_vt- Boys, men, pens ï× Bs‡iRx Rvbvi Rb¨ wKfv‡e Singular Number †_‡K Plural Number Ki‡Z nq Zv Rvbv `iKvi| bx‡P Singular Number †_‡K Plural Number Kivi wbqg Av‡jvPbv Kiv njt 1. mvaviYZt Singular Number Gi †k‡l S †hvM K‡i Plural Number Ki‡Z nq| h_vt Singular Plural Singular Plural Book Books Novel Novels Pen Pens Table Tables Chair Chairs Spoon Spoons Boy Boys Khata Khatas Girl Girls Computer Computers 2. hw` Singular Number Gi †k‡l Sh,Ch ,SS, X,Z (hw` Ch Gi D”Pvib P Gi gZ nq) _v‡K, Zvn‡j G‡`i †k‡l ES †hvM K‡i Plural Number Ki‡Z n‡e| ‡hgbt Singular Plural Singular Plural Loss Losses Glass Glasses Bush Bushes Bus Buses Bench Benches Dish Dishes Box Boxes Ass Asses Topaz Topazes Match Matches Z‡e Ch Gi D”PviY hw` K Gi gZ nq Zvn‡j ES †hvM bv n‡q ïaygvÎ S †hvM K‡i Plural Number Ki‡Z n‡e|‡hgbt Singular Plural Singular Plural Monarch Monarchs Stomach Stomachs 3. hw` Singular Number Gi †k‡l GKUv gvÎ O _v‡K Ges Zvi Av‡Mi A¶iwU Consonant nq Zvn‡j Zv‡`i‡K ES †hvM K‡i Plural Number Ki‡Z n‡e| h_vtSingular Plural Singular Plural Hero Heroes Potato Potatoes Mango Mangoes Volcano Volcanoes Z‡e hw` `yBUv O _v‡K ev Gi Av‡Mi A¶iwU Vowel nq Zvn‡j Avi ES †hvM Kiv hv‡e bv ZLb ïaygvÎ S ‡hvM K‡i Plural Number Ki‡Z n‡e| ‡hgbt Singular Plural Singular Plural Cuckoo Cuckoos Folio Folios Bamboo Bamboos Studio Studios e¨wZµgt-GB wbq‡gi wKQz e¨wZµg Av‡Q A_©vr Singular Number Gi †k‡l GKUv gvÎ O Av‡Q Ges Zvi Av‡Mi A¶iwU Consonant Av‡Q Zv m‡Z¡I Zv‡`i‡K S †hvM K‡i Plural Number Ki‡Z n‡e| h_vtSingular Plural Singular Plural Photo Photos Radio Radios Piano Pianos 4. Singular Number Gi †k‡l hw` Y _v‡K Ges Y Gi Av‡Mi A¶iwU hw` Consonant nq Zvn‡j Y D‡V hv‡e AZtci Zvi mv‡_ ies hy³ n‡q Plural Number n‡e| ‡hgbtSingular Plural Singular Plural Lady Ladies Army Armies baby babies Fly Flies Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
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Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
Z‡e Singular Number Gi †k‡l hw` Y _v‡K Ges Y Gi Av‡Mi A¶iwU hw` Vowel nq Zvn‡j Avi Y DV‡e bv eis Zvi mv‡_B S hy³ n‡q Plural Number n‡e| ‡hgbtSingular Plural Singular Plural Boy Boys Key Keys Toy Toys Monkey Monkeys 5. Singular Number Gi †k‡l hw` f /fe _v‡K Zvn‡j f /fe D‡V hv‡e AZtci Zvi mv‡_ ves hy³ n‡q Plural Number n‡e ‡hgbtSingular Plural Singular Plural Life Lives Half Halves Calf Calves Knife Knives Z‡e Singular Number Gi †k‡l hw` oof, ief, fe, ff, rf, _v‡K Zvn‡j Avi DV‡e bv eis Zvi mv‡_B S hy³ n‡q Plural Number n‡e| ‡hgbt Singular Plural Singular Plural Roof Roofs Dwarf Dwarfs Proof Proofs Cliff Cliffs e¨wZµgt- Z‡e GB wbq‡gi e¨wZµg Av‡Q| ‡hgbtSingular Plural Singular Plural Safe Safes Thief Thieves Strife Strifes Avevi wKQz wKQz Singular Number Av‡Q hv‡`i †k‡l ff, rf, oof Av‡Q Zv‡`i‡K `yBfv‡e Plural Number Kiv hvq h_vtSingular Plural Singular Plural Staff Staffs/Staves Scarf Scarfs/carves Wharf Wharfs/Wharves Hoof Hoofs/Hoves 6. wKQz wKQz Singular Number Av‡Q hv‡`i g‡a¨i Vowel cwieZ©b K‡i Plural Number Ki‡Z n‡e|G‡¶‡Î hw` wfZ‡i `yBUv oo _v‡K Zvn‡j Zv‡`i‡K `yBUv ee †Z cwiYZ Ki‡Z n‡e Abyiƒcfv‡e hw` a _v‡K Zvn‡j Zv‡`i‡K e †Z cwiYZ Ki‡Z n‡e|Avevi hw` ouse _v‡K Zvn‡j ouse D‡V ice hy³ n‡e| ‡hgbtSingular Plural Singular Plural Man Men Foot Feet Woman Women Tooth Teeth Goose Geese Mouse Mice Louse Lice 7. wKQz wKQz Singular Number Av‡Q hv‡`i ‡k‡l en,ren,ne K‡i Plural Number Ki‡Z n‡e| Singular Plural Singular Plural Ox Oxen Brother Brothers/Brethren Child Children Cow Cows/Kine 8. Compound Noun Gi †k‡l hw` man kã _v‡K Ges †mB man kã Øviv gvbyl eySvq Zvn‡j man kãwU‡K men K‡i Plural Number Ki‡Z n‡e| ‡hgbt Singular Plural Singular Plural Fisherman Fishermen Salesman Salesmen Boatman Boatmen Workman Workmen 9. Z‡e Compound Noun Gi †k‡l hw` man kã _v‡K Ges †mB man kã Øviv hw` gvbyl bv eySvq Zvn‡j man kãwUi mv‡_ S †hvM K‡i Plural Number Ki‡Z n‡e| ‡hgbt Singular Plural Singular Plural Mussalman Mussalmans German Germans Brahman Brahmans Norman Normans 10. ‡h mg¯— Compound Noun `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK kã w`‡q MwVZ nq Ges G‡`i ga¨Lv‡b Hypen _v‡K Zv‡`i‡K Plural Number Ki‡Z n‡j wKQz Av‡Q hv‡`i cÖavb As‡ki mv‡_ S †hvM K‡i Plural Number Ki‡Z n‡e| ‡hgbt Singular Plural Singular Plural Brother -in-law Brothers-in-law Passer-by Passers-by Sister-in-law Sisters-in-law Step-sister Step-sisters Maid-servant Maid-servants Commander-in-chief Commanders-in-chief Avevi wKQz wKQz Compound Noun Av‡Q hv‡`i Dfq As‡ki mv‡_B S †hvM Ki‡Z nq| ‡hgbt-
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Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
Singular Plural Singular Plural Lord-justice Lords -justices Man-servant Men-servants Woman-servant Women-servants 12. we‡`k †_‡K AvMZ wKQz kã Av‡Q hv‡`i‡K Plural Number Kivi mgq bx‡Pi wbqg¸wj Abymib Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| h_vt K. wKQy Greek Word Av‡Q, Zv‡`i †k‡l hw` is _v‡K Zvn‡j is D‡V es hy³ n‡e| h_vtSingular Plural Singular Plural Axis Axes Crisis Crises Analysis Analyses Parenthesis Parentheses Basis Bases Hypothesis Hypotheses Thesis Theses Synopsis Synopses L. hw` Singular Number Gi †k‡l us _v‡K Zvn‡j us D‡V i hy³ n‡e h_vt Singular Plural Singular Plural Alumnus Alumni Syllabus Syllabi/ Syllabuses Focus Foci Terminus Termini/ Terminuses Radius Radii/ Radiuses Locus Loci M. wKQy Latin Word Av‡Q hv‡`i †k‡l hw` um _v‡K Zvn‡j um D‡V a hy³ n‡e h_vt Singular Plural Singular Plural Agendum Agenda Medium Media Datum Data Memorandum Memoranda Referendum Referenda Erratum Errata N. hw` Singular Number Gi †k‡l ix / ex _v‡K Zvn‡j ices hy³ n‡e h_vt Singular Plural Singular Appendix Appendices Vertex
1. 2. 3. 4.
Plural Vertices
O. wKQy Greek Word Av‡Q hv‡`i †k‡l hw` a _v‡K Zvn‡j Zvi mv‡_ s/e hy³ n‡e Avevi hw` †k‡l on _v‡K Zvn‡j Zvi mv‡_ a hy³ n‡e| h_vt Singular Plural Singular Plural Formula Formulae/Formulas Phenomenon Phenomena Criterion Criteria we.`ª:AviI we¯—vwiZ Rvbvi Rb¨ co–b A University Grammar of English by Randolph Quirk and Sidney Greenbaum Edition-1995 Page-88. HOME WORK Turn the following into Plural. Box, Child, Book, Stomach, noise, Turn the following into Plural. Name, Formula, Appendix, life, calf, Turn the following into Plural. Leaf, lady, louse, mouse, maid servant, Turn the following into Plural. Lord, justice, army, fly, Medium, knife
Spoken English-4 Small Talk Explaining that you have been busy I am busy. Keeping busy . Inviting a friend for a drink or coffee Do you have time for coffee? How about a cup of coffee? Let’s go for coffee. When you have just been introduced to someone Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
Good to meet you. Nice to meet you. I am happy to meet you. Glad to meet you. Word Meaning
Exemplified Evidence
BMÕ†Rgwcdv BW GwfWvÝ
`„óvš— ev D`vniY Øviv cÖ`wk©Z cÖgvY
demonstrated, represented proof
wejywß, webvk
Extreme Erosion
BKֻxg Bikvb
Pig cÖvK…wZK kw³i d‡j ¶q
Expert Expose
G·cvU© BKm‡cŠR
we‡klÁ m¤§yLxb, cÖ`k©b Kiv,
extermination, destruction acute, exceptional corrosion destruction Quake tremor, trembling master, specialist. interpretation
Abve„Z Kiv,
Exceeding Enlighten Ennoble Eloquence Either
AwZµg Kiv|
Bb&jvBU&b& B&Õ‡bŠe&j& GjÕKIqvb&m& AvB`v(i&)
Exist Forward Further
Av‡jvwKZ Kiv ˆbwZKZv‡K DbœxZ Kiv evKcUzZv, my›`i evPbfw½ `yB‡qi †h †Kvb GKwU, Dciš‘, GQvovI we`¨gvb _vKv, wU‡K _vKv
Av‡iv, AwaKZi `y‡i
mswgkªY, Mjb
Green horn
MÖxb nY©
AbwfÁ e¨w³
Gunny sack
Mvwb m¨vK
P‡Ui _‡j
Greedy Gradually Habitat
µgvMZ, µgk
¯^vfvweK evm¯’vb
Hamper Harsh Humanity Horizontal
n¨v¤úvi Nvik
¶wZMÖ¯— Kiv KK©k
wnDg¨vbwU nwiR›U¨vj
gvbeZv, Avbyf~wgK
English Meaning explanation of sth. signs that make you believe that sth is true. a situation in which a plant, a life etc. stops existing. very great in degree. destruction of some solid things. violent shaking of the earth’s surface. a person with special knowledge. not protected by sth., to show something that is usually hidden
beyond instruct dignify fluency whichever
cross over something throw light upon to make great expressiveness fluently one of two
stay alive advanced, foremost additional, more, extra mixture
an act of living towards a place. in addition to what has just been said to process or result of joining two or more things together to one the whole world.
worldwide, universal Continuous inexperienced person. Sacks/bags made of jute. covetous, craving slowly Home, environment, surroundings, damage comfortless, surer humane flat
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happening slowly over a long period. a person who has little experience. a large bag made from rough material. wanting more money power etc. over a long period of time the place where a particular type of animal or plant is normally found. to prevent sb from easily doing. unkind, hard the quality of human being parallel to the horizon, flat
Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
Class No-5 Verb Verb: ‡h word Øviv †Kvb KvR Kiv ev nIqv eySvq Zv‡K verb e‡j| †hgb t a) He walks slowly. b) We know it. Dc‡ii D`vniY؇qi `vM †`qv AskUzKz verb KviY H¸wj KvR Kiv eySv‡”Q| †Kbbv cÖ_gwUi A_© ÔnvUvÕ Ges wØZxqwUi A_© ÔRvbvÕ| Kinds of Verb:
Verb Finite Principal
Dc‡ii QK †_‡K Avgiv eyS‡Z cvwi Verb cÖavbZt `yB cÖKvi h_v t (i) Finite Verb I (ii) Non-finite Verb. (i) Finite Verb: Subject Gi Number I Person Abyhvqx †h Verb cwieZ©b nq Zv‡K Finite Verb e‡j| †hgb t a. He goes to college. b. Rana knows it. D³ Sentenece ؇qi verb h_vµ‡g goes I knows D³ verb Øq Zv‡`i Subject → He I Rana Gi Kvi‡Y es ev s MÖnY K‡i‡Q| Finite Verb Gi cÖKvi‡f` t Finite Verb †K `yB fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| h_vt (i) Principal Verb (ii) Auxiliary Verb (i) Principal Verb: †h Verb Ab¨ †Kvb Verb Gi mvnvh¨ Qvov ¯^vaxbfv‡e m¤ú~Y© A_© cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡K Principal Verb e‡j| †hgb t a. We play cricket. b. Man makes fire. c. People know it. d. We need money. GLv‡b play, makes, know Ges need G¸wj g~j verb KviY GB¸wj wb‡RivB ¯^vaxbfv‡e A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z cvi‡Q| (ii) Auxiliary Verb: †h Verb g~j Verb †K wewfbœ cÖKvi Sentence MV‡bi Rb¨ mvnvh¨ K‡i Zv‡K Auxiliary Verb e‡j| †hgb t a. I am reading a novel b. Students are making a noise. c. We should respect our parents. GLv‡b am, are I should GB ¸wj Auxiliary Verb KviY GB¸wj Zv‡`i Principal Verb ‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Q| Kinds of Principal Verb: Principal Verb ‡K Avevi 3 fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| (i) Transitive Verb (ii) Intransitive Verb (iii) Linking Verb Transitive Verb: ‡h Verb Zvi A_© cwic~Y© Kivi Rb¨ Object MÖnY K‡i Zv‡K Transitive Verb e‡j| †hgb t a. He flies a kite. b. We lost the pen. GLv‡b flies I lost Dfq Transitive Verb KviY Zviv Object MÖnY K‡i‡Q| (ii) Intransitive Verb: ‡h verb Zvi A_© cwic~Y© Kivi Rb¨ Object Gi cÖ‡qvRb †eva K‡i bv Zv‡K Intransitive verb e‡j| †hgb t a.The girl sings. b. Birds fly. GLv‡b sings I fly verb Øq intransitive KviY object MÖnY Kiv QvovB, Zviv A_© cwic~Y©fv‡e cÖKvk Ki‡Z †c‡i‡Q| (i)
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Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
(iii) Linking Verb: ‡h Verb, Subject Ges Complement Gi g‡a¨ ms‡hvM mvab K‡i †`q Zv‡K Linking Verb e‡j| †hgb t a. He is a student. b. He was a doctor. GLv‡b ‘is’ I Ôwas’ linking verb KviY Zviv He Gi mv‡_ student I doctor Gi ms‡hvM K‡i w`‡q‡Q| N.B: be, appear, become, feel, get, go, grow, keep, look, prove, sound, run, smell, seem, taste, turn, GB Verb ¸‡jv‡K A‡bK mgq Linking Verb wn‡m‡e e¨envi Kiv nq| Auxiliary Verb Gi cÖKvi‡f` t Auxiliary Verb ‡K wZb fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| h_v t a. Primary Auxiliary b. Modal Auxiliary c. Periphrastic Modal Auxiliary. (a) Primary Auxiliary: †h verb Ae¯’vbyhvqx mvnvh¨Kvix Avevi Ae¯’vbyhvqx Principal verb wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq ZvnvB Primary Auxiliary verb. G‡`i msL¨v 3wU| h_v t be, do I have (i) be → be Gi 8wU iƒc Av‡Q| h_vt am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been, ‡hgb t a. I am a student. b. I am reading English. GLv‡b Sentence G am wU Principal verb n‡q‡Q Avi wØZxq Sentence G am wU Auxiliary verb n‡q‡Q (ii) do → do Gi 3Uv iƒc Av‡Q| h_v t do, does, did. ‡hgb t a. He did it. b. I did not do it. GLv‡b Sentence G did wU Principal verb n‡q‡Q Avi wØZxq Sentence G did wU Auxiliary verb n‡q‡Q (iii) Have → Have Gi 3 Uv iƒc Av‡Q| h_v-Have, Has I Had ‡hgb t a. I have a pen. b. I have lost a pen. GLv‡b Sentence G have wU Principal verb n‡q‡Q Avi wØZxq Sentence G have wU Auxiliary verb n‡q‡Q| (b) Modal Auxiliary: ‡h verb ¸wji ci base form of verb e‡m, to e‡m bv Ges ing I hy³ nq bv Zv‡K Modal Auxiliary e‡j| †hgb t He can do it. msL¨v t Modal Auxiliary Gi msL¨v 13wU| h_v t can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, need, dare, had better, would rather. G‡`i ‰ewkót1. G‡`i c‡i to e‡m bv | 2. G‡`i c‡i ing hy³ n‡e bv | 3. G‡`i c‡ii Verb wU Past ev Past Participle †KvbUvB n‡e bv| 4. G‡`i c‡ii Verb wU Present Form n‡e| 5. G‡`i c‡ii Verb wUi mv‡_ s/es †hvM Kiv hv‡e bv| myZivs ejv hv‡e bv- He can does it. He can doing it. He can to do it. (c) Periphrastic Modal Auxiliary: ‡h verb ¸wji ci to Av‡Q Ges to Gi Verb wU Present Form n‡e Zv‡K Periphrastic Modal Auxiliary e‡j| †hgb t He is going to do it. msL¨v t Periphrastic Modal Auxiliary Gi msL¨v 6 wU| h_v t be to, be going to, have to, used to, be about to, ought to. G‡`i ‰ewkót1. G‡`i c‡i to e‡m | 2. G‡`i c‡i ing hy³ n‡e bv | 3. G‡`i c‡ii Verb wU Present Form n‡e|
Home Work 1. Find out transitive, intransitive and liking verb from the following. a. He will read English. b. They are taking tea. c. They should supply all things. d. Will you come here? e. Do not make a noise. f.
Have you heard the news?
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Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
g. He will eat rice. h. Will you take tea? i.
He seems to be mad.
We will be a doctor.
k. He will see the matter. l.
We should go there to meet him.
2. Find out primary, modal and periphrastic modal auxiliary from the following. (a) He can do the work. (b) He will make a note. (c) We were waiting for him. (d) I hope he will come. (e) We ought to listen to him. (f) Students should not waste their time. (h) We have to do it. (i) We are going to have a snack. (j) They are willing to go there. (k) They would have finished reading the book.
3. Correct the following sentence. a. He cans do the work. b. He may to help me. c. Rashed will coming home. d. Students should studied well. e. He would makes tea.
Spoken English
After you have been introduced to some one I have been waiting to meet you for some time. I have heard so much about you. Asking some one how some one is How are you? How is your family? How are you doing? Are you felling better today? Do you feel better today? How have you been?
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Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
Word Meaning-5
Harmony Humanitarian
HK¨ gvbe wn‰Zlx, †jvKwnZKi DËivaxKvi
ci¯ú‡ii m‡½ m¤úK©hy³ fvimvg¨nxbZv, Amvgb¨Zv ¸i“Z¡c~Y©
Improve Include
Bg‡cÖvf BbK¬zW&
DbœwZ Kiv Aš—©f~³ Kiv
cÖfve, djvdj
advance, enhance comprise, contain, consist of effect, influence.
Incredibly Inadequate Insulation
Bb‡µWveBjx BbÕA¨vwW‡KvqvU& BbwmD‡jBkb
Informative Influence
Bb&‡dvgvwUf& Bb&d&jyAvb&m&
Awek¦vm¨iƒ‡c Ach©vß Aš—iY, Aš—iY mvgMÖx wbi¶i, A¶i Ávbnxb, AÁ eyw×e„wËK, †eŠw×K AÁZv, AbwfÁZv Z_¨c~Y©, cÖfve, ¶gZv,
Loudness Malice
jvDW‡bm g¨vwjm
Mandatory Minimise
g¨vb‡WBUwi wgwbgvBR
ZxeªZv, D”PZv, A‡b¨i AcKv‡ii B”Qv,Aïf Kvgbv eva¨Zvg~jK n«vm Kiv, Kgv‡bv
D‡jL Kiv
i¶Yv‡e¶Y, fiY-‡cvlY
Mode Melody
†gŠW& †gjvwW
Kg©c×wZ, aiY, m½xZ, myi, my‡ijv aŸwb
A‡bK, wecyj msL¨K
do-gooder, humancentered Inheritance, Legacy, Portion, Bequest not large
inequity, disparity significant
amazingly, unbelievably Insufficient padding, filling unlettered, uneducate, ignorant. inventive, learned, academic, mental, illiteracy educative, instructive draw, excite, lead, prompt, urge, clamour, noise, intensity enmity, bitterness compulsory, obligatory cut down, decrease, lessen, diminish. announce, reveal, report, quote, name, tell, take-care
pattern, method tune, song, music, harmony, symphony. many, manifold, various, several,
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English Meaning agreement person who seeks to promote human welfare. what is or may be inherited having or showing low selfesteem. connected to each other. a situation in which two or more things are not of the same size having a great effect on people or things to become better than before. add sth to sth the powerful effect that sth has on sb/sth. that is very difficult to believe. not enough the act of protecting sth with a material that prevent heat. not knowing how to read or write using a person’s ability to think in a logical way a lack of knowledge or information about sth giving useful information the power that sb/sth has to make sb/sth behave in a particular way making a lot of noise a feeling of hatred for sb that causes a desire to harm required by law to reduce sth to write or speak about sth. especially the act of keeping sth in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly a particular way of doing sth a piece of music or a song with a clear or simple tune being many
Cambrian College Department of English
Basic English Grammar
Lecture Sheet Class No-6
‡h me word- Noun A_ev Pronoun Gi †`vl, ¸Y, Ae¯’v, msL¨v, cwigvY BZ¨vw` cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡K Adjective e‡j| Example: (a) She was weak in English. (b) The boy was intelligent. (c) I was alone. (d) There are ten students in this class. (e) I need some water. GLv‡b cÖ_g D`vni‡Y weak kã Øviv ‡`vl eySv‡”Q, wØZxq D`vni‡Y intelligent kã Øviv ¸Y eySv‡”Q, Z…Zxq D`vni‡Y alone kã Øviv Ae¯’v eySv‡”Q, PZz_© D`vni‡Y ten kã Øviv msL¨v eySv‡”Q, ‡kl D`vni‡Y some kã Øviv cwigvb eySv‡”Q| Classification Adjective
Dc‡ii QK †_‡K eySv hvq †h, Adjective cÖavbZ: cuvP cÖKvi h_v: Adjective of Quality
Adjective of Quantity Adjective of Number
Proper Adjective Pronominal Adjective
‡Kgb e‡j cÖkœ Ki‡j †h DËi honest, true, good, bad, cvIqv hvq Zvnv Adjective clever, lazy, weak, intelligent, old, healthy, of Quality wide, blue, honest, modest, essential, calm, KZUzKz e‡j cÖkœ Ki‡j †h little, some, many, few, DËi cvIqv hvq Zvnv less, enough, Adjective of Quantity KqRb e‡j cÖkœ Ki‡j †h One, two, three, first, DËi cvIqv hvq Zvnv second, third, some, all Adjective of Number
He became polite. The boy was honest. He was lazy. The students are intelligent. I ate some rice. I have little money. You had enough books The hand has five fingers. It is the first day of the month.
‡h mKj Adjective Proper Noun †_‡K DrcwË n‡q‡Q ‡h mKj Adjective Pronoun †_‡K DrcwË n‡q‡Q
I have an Italian friend. He has some English friends. This pen is mine. Those books are theirs.
Bangladeshi, American, English, Italian, Spanish This, That, These, Those
Classification of Pronominal Adjective Pronominal Adjective g~jZt †Kvb Adjective bq| GwU Øviv H mg¯— Adjective †K eySvq †h ¸wj Pronoun †_‡K DrcwË n‡q‡Q| myZvivs †mB Av‡jv‡K Pronominal Adjective †K wb¤§wjwLZ K‡qKfv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| h_vt Possessive Possessive Pronoun hLb my, your, his, My pen is costlier Adjectives her, our, their, etc than yours. Noun-Gi mv‡_ e¨eüZ nq| Demonstrative That boy is †h me Pronoun wbw`©ó e¨w³ ev this, that, these, Adjective those industrious. Those e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k K‡i pictures are remarkable.
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Distributive Adjective
‡h me Wh Word Adjective Gi KvR K‡i Ges hv Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡Ze¨envi Kiv nq Zv‡K Interrogative Adjectives e‡j| ‡h me Adjective †Kvb Noun-Gi cÖwZwU‡K wb‡`©k K‡i
Emphatic Adjective
‡h me Adjective ‡Rvi w`‡q very, own eySvq
Interrogative Adjectives
Basic English Grammar
What, Whose, How, Whom, Who
What things do you sell? Whose pen is this?
every, either, neither, each
Each boy reads here. Neither of the boys will stay This is the very book that I want. This is our own country.
Identification of Adjective 1. Adjective mvaviYZ Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m H Noun †K we‡kwlZ K‡i| Example: (a) Any logical essay is appreciable. (b) The art is an artificial work. (c) This is an honorary degree. (d) It is an incredible incident. 2. `yBUv Noun cvkvcvwk em‡j c~‡e©i Noun wU Adjective wn‡m‡e MY¨ Kiv nq| Example: A ten page book, a two week vacation, five taka note, two day leave, cottage girl, school bag, bed cover, university student. 3. Noun Gi c~‡e© e¨eüZ mg¯— Participle n‡”Q Adjective. Example: A burnt house, A playing ground. 4. mg¯— determiners adjective wnmv‡e MY¨ Kiv nq| Example: An apple, our country, three lakes, second girl, many books, several people, few friends, less importance, much rice etc. GLb Rvbv `iKvi determiners KqwU| G m¤ú‡K© we¯—vwiZ Rvbvi Rb¨ eBwUi determiners Aa¨vqwU co‡Z n‡e| bx‡P G m¤ú‡K© ms‡¶‡c Av‡jvPbv Kiv nj t -
Determiners nj 5wU h_v: (a)Articles: a, an, the. (b)Demonstrative: This, that, These, Those, (c)Possessive: My, his, her, your, our, its, their.......... . (d)Numerals: Two, three, four, five, etc. (e) Quantifiers: Some, many, much, a lot, all............ .
Home Work Find out adjective from the following: 1. She is a village girl. 2. Sujon is a good boy. 3. There is much water in the pond. 4. Many men many minds.
Ans: Ans: Ans: Ans:
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Ans: Ans: Ans: Ans: Ans: Ans: Ans:
Ruma is weak in English. He drinks little water. Rana earns much money. You will get the whole property after my death. I donot like that pen. They have few friends. He is hard of hearing.
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Cambrian College Department of English 12. 13. 14. 15.
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Lecture Sheet
His father is weak in English. He drinks little milk daily. He is the first boy in the class. A little learning is a dangerous thing.
Ans: Ans: Ans: Ans:
Ending a conversation Signaling the end of a conversation Oh, look at the time! It is getting late. Well, Konok, it is really good to meet you but I have to go. Sorry, I can’t talk to you any more. Word Meaning-6
English Meaning
Annoy Amuse Accord Acrobat
A¨vbq A¨vwgDR A¨v‡KvW A¨vKi&ve¨vU
wei³ nIqv Avb›` †`qv m¤§wZ KmiZex`
vex, irritate please, delight grant gymnast
Custom Contribute
Kvm&Uvg K¨bwUªwe¨DU
cÖ_v Ae`vb ivLv
manner subscribe
Embed Expression
Bg‡eW BKÕm‡cÖkb
cÖwZwôZ Awfe¨w³
ready to talk and impart information. ability, capacity, quality throng, multitude, mob, put deeply into appearance indicting feeling aforetime, anciently, previously habitually, constantly
Fell off Assault
‡dj Ae AvÕ†mvj&U&
c‡o hvIqv AvNvZ, nvgjv
stitch down abuse, violate, attack
AvµgbvZœK, AvMÖvmx
antagonistic, assertive, destructive
D˜MxiY Kiv
we¯Z…Z Kiv ev nIqv
emit, release, discharge widen out
to let air come up moistly from your stomach. to become widen to increase
djvdj, cwiYwZ
a result of sth that has happened.
Rjevq~ weÁvbx
result, effect, outcome disastrously, ruinously. Specialists who resurrection climate
anger or distress slightly cause to laugh or smile be in harmony, one who can do clever things with his body usual behaviour give (time, money, etc.) towards a common purpose. ready and willing to talk and give quality flock into or crowd round; fix firmly in a surrounding mass. expressing or being expressed. in former times. occurring often or in close succession. stitch down act of attacking, act of criticizing. ready to attack
a sudden event that causes many people to suffer. the scientist of climate.
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Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet Class No-7
Basic English Grammar
†h me Word Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Phrase ev full sentence ‡K modify K‡i A_©vr we‡klfv‡e cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡K Adverb e‡j| ev, †h me Word wµqv ev Verb, KLb, †Kv_vq, wKfv‡e Ges †Kb Kvh© m¤úv`b K‡i Zv e‡j †`q Zv‡K Adverb e‡j| Example: a. The man walks slowly. b. He is always late. c. The boy runs very fast. d. Eventually, I got the first prize. e. I have got a very nice college bag. Classification: Adverb ‡K Zv‡`i e¨envi Abyhvqx cÖavbZt wZb fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq h_vt-A. Simple Adverb. B. Relative Adverb. C. Interrogative Adverb. (A) Simple Adverb: ‡h mKj Word Øviv mgq, ¯’vb,KviY, c×wZ BZ¨vw` cÖKvk cvq Zv‡K Simple Adverb e‡j| For example: a. He comes very slowly. b. He is seen everywhere. (B) Interrogative Adverb: Where ,When, Why, How GB Adverb ¸wj hLb cÖkœ Kivi Kv‡R e¨eüZ nq Interrogative Adverb e‡j| Example: a. Where is Rashed? d. When did he go? b. How high is the building? e. Why are you late? c. How many boys are there? (C) Relative Adverb: Where ,When, Why, How GB Adverb ¸wj hLb ev‡K¨i gvSLv‡b e‡m GKwU m¤úK© m„wó K‡i Zv‡K Relative Adverb e‡j | Example: a. I know the reason why he did it. b. This is the place where he lives. c. Do you know the time when he will go? Simple Adverb ‡K wbæwjwLZ K‡qKfv‡M fvM Kiv hvq h_vt--(i) Adverb of manner: Verb Gi KvRwU m¤úbœ Kivi aiY ev c×wZ cÖKvk K‡i| wµqv‡K wKfv‡e e‡j cÖkœ Ki‡j †h DËi cvIqv hvq †mwU Adverb of manner. Example: a. Please talk politely b. We read the news attentively. c. Suddenly, he fell. G RvZxq adverb Gi mv‡_ mvaviYZt ly hy³ _v‡K †hgbt slowly, badly, quickly, cordially, hardly, loudly, suddenly, wisely BZ¨vw` G RvZxq adverb Gi D`vniY| (ii) Adverb of place: Verb Gi KvRwU m¤úbœ Kivi ¯’vb‡K wb‡`©k K‡i K‡i| wµqv‡K ‡Kv_vq e‡j cÖkœ Ki‡j †h DËi cvIqv hvq †mwU Adverb of place. Example: a. Come here. b. Let us go out. c. Walk backward. d. He goes up and down e. I see him everywhere. f. Go there. Here, there, up, below, outside, in, near, far, inside BZ¨vw` G RvZxq adverb Gi D`vniY| (iii) Adverb of Time: Verb Gi KvRwU m¤úbœ Kivi mgq‡K cÖKvk K‡i| wµqv‡K KLb e‡j cÖkœ Ki‡j †h DËi cvIqv hvq †mwU Adverb of Time. Example: a. He comes daily. b. Do it now. c. He came yesterday. d. Do it again. e. I heard him before. f. Sometimes, he writes to me. Now, yesterday, ago, last night, last year, last month ,currently, presently, today, tomorrow, afterword, soon, already, always BZ¨vw` G RvZxq adverb Gi D`vniY|
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(iv) Adverb of Quantity or degree: Adjective ev Adverb Gi gvÎv ev cwigvY wb‡`©k K‡i| Example: a. I am quite happy. b. He is too weak to walk. c. The mango was almost ripe. d. She is somewhat crazy. e. She is very nice. f. He writes extremely well. (v) Adverb of order: Verb Gi KvRwU m¤úbœ nIqvi ch©vq ev µg cÖKvk K‡i| Example: a. He came here once. b. This market sits twice a week. c. He came first. d. She stood second. e. He went last of all. Again, frequently, never, sometimes, ever, secondly, once, twice, thrice BZ¨vw` G RvZxq adverb Gi D`vniY| (vi) Adverb of cause and effect: †h me Adverb ‡Kvb wKQyi KviY I djvdj wb‡`©k K‡i| Example: a.He failed because he did not work hard. b. We therefore left the place at once. Accordingly, consequently, so, because, hence, therefore BZ¨vw` G RvZxq adverb Gi D`vniY| (vii) Adverb of Affirmation and Negation: ‡h Adverb Øviv n¨u ev bv eySvq Zv‡K Adverb of Affirmation and Negation e‡j| †hgb: a. Yes, he will come very soon. b. No, he will not come tomorrow.
Home Work Find out the adverbs from the following: 1. Our team will play today.
2. It may rain tomorrow.
3. I clean my teeth everyday.
4. It rained yesterday.
5. Students are working hard to gain a good result.
6. Runa is a very good girl.
7. I am quite happy today.
8. The horse can run very fast.
9. I have hardly any money.
10. There are many students in the class room.
Spoken English
Good bye Simple good byes Good bye. Good night. Good night until next time. See you later. I will try to meet you later. See you tomorrow.
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Cambrian College Department of English
Basic English Grammar
Lecture Sheet Word Meaning-7
Word Onset
D”PviY Ab‡mU
A_© ïi“, AvµgY
Synonyms beginning
English Meaning the beginning of sth, especially sth unpleasant.
evav, cÖwZeÜK
hindrance, difficulty,
hindrance, an impediment
impediment, bar Oversea
ˆe‡`wkK, evav †`Iqv
foreign avert, foil, check,
to stop sb from doing sth.
stop Polluted
harmful substance.
infected Poisonous Provide Particularly Procedure
cB‡Rvbvm ‡cÖvfvBW cvwU©wKDjviwj ‡cÖvmxWDi
welv³ cÖ`vb Kiv, mieivn Kiv we‡klZ c×wZ
toxic, venomous
causing death or illness
give, offer, supply,
to give sth to sb.
afford Specially
especially; more than usual
action, method,
a way of doing sth.
formula. Protection Particularly
cÖ‡UKkb cvwU©wKDjviwj
cÖwZ‡iva we‡kl K‡i
cover, defence.
the act of protecting sb/sth.
do sth specially
exceptionally Protect
i¶v Kiv
defend, escort
to make sure that sb/sth is not harmed.
Pose Process
Rb¥`vb Kiv, DÌvcb Kiv cÖwµqv
attitude, position,
pretend to be sb in order to trick
posture, stance theory, method,
a method of doing or making sth
procedure Provide
supply, prepare,
to give sth to sb
contribute, give, Purpose Promote
cvi&cvm& cÖ‡gvU&
aim, goal
the intention, aim
DrmvwnZ Kiv
raise, lift, elevate,
to help sth to happen
encourage, forward Participant Poverty
cvwU©wmc¨v›U †cvfvwU©
AskMÖvnK `vwi`ª
member, contributor
a person who is taking part in an
contestant, applicant
scarcity, shortage
the state of being poor
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Cambrian College Department of English Class No-8
Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
Preposition, Conjunction & Interjection
What is Preposition? A Preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show its relation to some other words in the sentence Pre=Av‡M/c~‡e©, position=Ae¯’vb| A_©vr Preposition nj †mB me word hviv †Kvb k‡ãi Av‡M e‡m c~e©eZ©x word Ges H word Gi g‡a¨ m¤úK© ¯’vcb K‡i| Ab¨ K_vq ejv hvq, †h Word ev Word mgwó Noun ev Pronoun A_ev Noun equivalent Gi m‡½ m¤úK© ¯’vcb Kwi‡q †`q Zv-B Preposition. Kinds of Preposition: MVb Kvh© Ges e¨env‡ii wfwˇZ Preposition ‡K Qqfv‡M fvM Kiv nq| ‡hgb t i. Simple preposition: at, on, of, but, by etc. ii. Double preposition: upon (up+on), without (with+out) etc. iii. Compound preposition: about (on+by+out), behind (by+hind) etc. iv. Phrase preposition: by means of, in front of etc. v. Participle Preposition: The man went past me. vi. Disguised preposition: He gets up at 8 O’clock (O=of)
CONJUNCTION †h me Word `ywU word, clause, group of words ev sentence ‡K join K‡i| Classification: Conjunctions are of three types: 1. Co-ordinating conjunction: ‡h me Conjunction `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK clause ‡K mshy³ K‡i| ‡hgbt therefore, then, thus, however, only, while, whereas, nevertheless. Example: a) I went to college and took the class. h) He ran fast yet he could not get the train. b) Work hard and you will pass. i) I hate him for so he is lazy. c) The day is wet and cold. j) He as well as his friends is lazy. d) The knife is not sharp but blunt. k) He along with his friends is coming. e) Hasan or Mahmud will come here. l) I worked while he was sleeping. f) Walk fast or you will miss the bus. m) He wrote whereas I read. g) I am sure that he will pass. 2. Subordinating conjunction: ‡h me Conjunction subordinate clause ‡K main clause-Gi mv‡_ mshy³ K‡i Ges G‡K Ac‡ii Dci wbf©ikxj _v‡K| Example: a) I had reached the college before the examination began. b) Don’t go out if it rains. I did not go because I did not know. c) It is one month since I received the letter. d) As/since you like it, I will give it. e) He could not reach though he walked fast. f) Sit here till/until I finish my work. g) They will not come unless I play. h) You ran after I had seen you. i) He looks as if / as though he saw a ghost. j) Walk slowly lest you should fall down. 3. Correlative Conjunction: ‡h me Conjunction ‡Rvovq †Rvovq e‡m `ywU Word, Clause ev Sentence ‡K ci¯úi m¤úK© hy³ K‡i| Example: a) Both Salim and his brother are absent today. b) He has both strength and money. c) The day was either wet or dry. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet
d) Either he or his father has done that. INTERJECTION ‡h me word Øviv mvgwqK Avb›`, `ytL, welv`, we¯§q ev Av‡eM cÖKvk cvq| (i) Hurrah! We have won. (Happiness/Avb›`) (ii) Alas! I failed. (Distress, sorrow/`ytL) (iii) What a beautiful scenery it is! (wonder/we¯§q) (iv) How beautiful the scenery is! (Wonder/we¯§q) (v) Bravo! You have done well. (Approval/Aby‡gv`b) (vi) Fie! Fie! (Hatred/N„Yv, making fun/VvÆv Kiv) (vii) Hi!, Hello! (calling/Avnevb) (viii) Hess!, Humph! (doubt/m‡›`n) (ix) Hush! (Attention/g‡bv‡hvM AvKl©Y) Home work Find out preposition conjunction & interjection: 1. I know nothing about him.
2. The knife is not sharp but blunt.
3. Write an essay on flood.
4. Hasan or Mahmud will come here.
5. Walk fast or you will miss the bus.
6. I am sure that he will pass.
7. I saw him in the park.
8. I have neither a pen nor a book.
9. The field is so small that I cannot play.
10. It was beyond my means to go there.
11. I shall go out whether the day is wet or not.
12. The shirt has the same colour that I wear.
13. I am sure of his success.
14. Karim is no less strong than Rahim.
15. The dog is as clever as the fox.
Simple agreement You are right Right you are Sure You got it. Absolutely Agreeing with a speaker So it seems. So it would seem. 26
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Basic English Grammar
Cambrian College Department of English
Basic English Grammar
Lecture Sheet
So to speak. Word Meaning-8
Word Procedure Proficiency
D”PviY cÖmxuhv(i) cÖwd‡kwø
A_© Kvh©cÖYvjx cvi`wk©Zv
English Meaning
method, theory
a way of doing sth
efficiency, skill, apt
ability of doing sth well because of training and practice
Quiet Respiratory Refabricate
†Kvqv‡qU ‡imcv‡iBUwi wid¨vewi‡KU
cÖkvš—, myw¯’i, kvš—, bgª
silent, calm, still, pacified, secret, soft
k¦vm-cÖk¦vm msµvš— cybt wbg©vY Kiv cybivq e¨envi Kiv `ª“ZMwZ‡Z
calm, at rest, gentle, mild connected with breathing, relating to breathing
to invent false information in
order to trick people
reconstitute, recycle
to use sth again.
fast, promptly
happening in a short period of time.
Rubbish Render Resistant
ivwek ‡ibWvi wiwRmUvbU
AveR©bv NUv‡bv cÖwZ‡ivaK
debris, litter, trash
things that you throw away
cause to be, make
to give sb sth.
defiant, hostile,
not affected by sth.
obstinate Refine Restriction
ixdvBb& †iw÷ªK&kb&
†kvab Kiv,
to make something pure
limit, constraint
restraint Resource Range Replace Refer Rude Reputation
wi‡mvm© †iÄ wi‡cm& †idvi iƒW& †iwcD‡Uk&b
m¤ú`, msMwZ cwimi cÖwZ¯’vcb Kiv wb‡`©k Kiv, D‡jL Kiv AwebxZ, KK©k L¨vwZ
fortune, fund
fortune, fund
take the place of
take the place of
point to as the source
point to as the source or origin of
or origin of impolite harsh
impolite harsh
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Cambrian College Department of English Class No-9
Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
Identification Of Parts of Speech
Parts of Speech Gi K¬vk¸wj‡Z Avgiv G‡`i cwiwPwZ m¤ú‡K© †R‡bwQ| GLb Avgiv bx‡Pi evK¨¸wj †_‡K †m¸wj Ly‡R †ei Kie|
1. Identify parts of speech of each of the following words. Arsenic contamination in Bangladesh is now a very burning question. Thousands of people of Bangladesh have already been affected by arsenic poisoning and many others are being affected by it day by day. The effects of arsenic poisoning are very harmful and injurious to our health as well as to our life. Arsenic poisoning causes a disease called 'Arsenicosis'. 2. Identify parts of speech of each of the following words. Bird flue is a serious disease that affects birds especially chicken that can spread from birds to human body causing death. Recently the breaking out of Bird flue has taken us aback. Actually it is a virus that comes from Avian Influenza Virus which causes bird flue. 3. Name the parts of speech of the following underlined words. 1. An umbrella is an important instrument to save one from heat of the sun and rain. 2. There is no man but wishes to be happy. 3. This is the woman who lost her bag. 4. The boy whom you met yesterday is my brother. 5. The boy whose pen was lost was poor. 6. I took a cabin which was small. 7. An intelligent boy like Rony is rarely found in our locality. 8. Most of the girls now a days want boys of tall figure. 9. Some boys are strong in mathematics. 10. Any pen will do. 11. Kindness is a great virtue. 12. The students should show their truthfulness. 13. This is our house. 14. I know him very well. 15. He will not certainly come in time. Home Work Name the parts of speech of the following underlined words. 1. Yes, he did it yesterday. 2. He quickly came to me. 3. That is my pen. 4. Those are her pencils. 5. He gave me much good advice.
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Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
6. Many men many minds. 7. Momtaz is a beauty. 8. Everyone should respect their parents. 9. We read the daily Prothom Alo everyday. 10. I have a few friends there. 11. My own brother does not help me. 12. I will meet you tomorrow. 13. Now they are playing in the field. 14. He phoned me twice daily. 15. I meet him sometimes. 16. He never did it and will never do it. 17. Why did you come here? 18. I have neither pens nor books. 19. The field is so small that I cannot play. 20. How did he break his leg? 21. I went where I lived. 22. He is indeed a great hero. 23. Neither of the pens will do. 24. You can take either of these two. 25. I therefore hope that you will come. 26. Either he or his father has done that. 27. I shall go out whether the day is wet or not. 28. The shirt has the same colour that I wear. 29. Karim is no less strong than Rahim. 30. The dog is as clever as the fox.
Stating your confirmedness That is true. That is right. That is for damn sure. I agree with you 100%. I could not agree with you more. I have no problem with that. You took the words right out of my mouth.
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Cambrian College Department of English
Basic English Grammar
Lecture Sheet Word Meaning-9
Word Reserved Reaction Rush
wiRvf&©W& wiA¨vK&kb& ivk&
Pvcv ¯^fv‡ei cÖwZwµqv `ª“Z‡e‡M cÖ‡ek Kiv wek¦vm cÖ`vb Kiv, Avk¦¯’ Kiv weL¨vZ, j¶¨ Kivi †hvM¨
English Meaning
unemotional action in return enter hastily
unemotional action in return enter hastily
comfort, encourage, hearten, support.
give confidence to distinguished, noteworthy
Surroundings Suitable
mvivDÛBs myUvej
cwicvk¦©, PZzw`©K Dchy³
famous, extraordinary, conspicuous, environs, settings appropriate, fit, proper important, noteworthy infertility
RevB Kiv
Specific Seriously Submergd Swamp Surge
¯úvwmwdK wmAvwiAvm&wj mvegvR©W& mqv¤ú mR&
mywbw`©ó ¸i“Z¡mnKv‡i cvweZ cvweZ n‡qwQj R‡jv”Qvm
Swept over Spark
‡mv‡qc&U& IJfvi ¯úvK©
`ª“Z e‡q hvIqv ùzwjsM
exact, precise definite critically, severely drowned, inundated deluged, flooded a sudden flood, high tidal wave swiftly, brushed away flake, flicker, flash
Scarcity Safer Straight Safe
‡¯‹qvmvwU ‡mBdvi ‡÷ªBU& ‡mBd
Afve/¯^íZv wbivc` ‡mvRv, mij wbivc`
shortage, crisis innocent direct foolproof, guarded, secured, free pointed, edged, poignant critical, dang intelligence,
that is near or around sth. right or appropriate large or important enough not good enough to produce crops. the killing of animals for their meat. detailed and exact. in a serious way. to go under the surface of water. an area that is very wet. to move quickly and with force in a particular direction. to clean a surface. a very small burning piece of material. shortage sth. which can safe sth/sb. not in a curve. protected from any danger. having a fine edge or point. thinking about things in a careful way. the power of feeling
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Cambrian College Department of English
Basic English Grammar
Lecture Sheet Class-10
Definition: Sentence n‡jv language Gi GKK hv GKwU word ev GKvwaK k„•Ljve× word Øviv ˆZix, hv‡Z mPivPi GKwU subject I GKwU verb _v‡K, hvi sense I meaning Av‡Q Ges expression cÖKv‡k m¶g| myZivs, ms‡¶‡c Avgiv ej‡Z cvwi †h, word ev word ¸”Q hw` sense, meaning Ges expression mn GKwU language Gi unit wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡Z cv‡i, ZvB sentence. Bs‡iwR‡ZA word or a set of ordered words having sense, meaning and expression and acting as a unit of a language is called a sentence. ‡hgba. He comes here everyday. b. I know the matter very well. c. Rashed can not read English fluently.
Classification of Sentence Sentence
According to Meaning
According to Structure
Dc‡ii QK †_‡K mn‡RB eySv hv‡”Q Sentence ‡K `yBfv‡e fvM Kiv hvq h_vtK. A_© Abyhvqx (According to Meaning) L. MVY Abyhvqx (According to Structure) K. A_© Abyhvqx (According to Meaning) Simple English Sentence †K Meaning Abyhvqx cuvP fv‡M Classify Kiv hvq| †hgbti. Assertive Sentence ii. Interrogative Sentence. iii. Imperative Sentence Ges iv. Optative Sentence v. Exclamatory Sentence
Assertive Sentence ‡h sentence Øviv †Kvb wKQyi wee„wZ ev eY©bv †`Iqv eySvq Zv‡K Assertive Sentence e‡j| †hgb t I am going to speak to the manager today. He is not a bad boy. wPbvi Dcvqt- Assertive Sentence Gi ïi“‡Z me©`vB GKUv Subject _vK‡e| Assertive Sentence Gi Structure t-Subject + Verb+--------------- .
Interrogative Sentence ‡h sentence Øviv †Kvb cÖkœ Kiv eySvq Zv‡K Interrogative Sentence e‡j| ‡hgb t Will you see him today? Who do you want to speak to? wPbvi Dcvqt- Interrogative Sentence Gi ‡k‡l me©`vB GKUv Note of Interrogation(?) _vK‡e| Interrogative Sentence Gi Structure t-a. Auxiliary Verb+ Subject+------------? b. Wh +auxiliary Verb + Subject+-------?
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Basic English Grammar
Imperative Sentence ‡h sentence Øviv †Kvb Av‡`k, Dc‡`k, Aby‡iva, wb‡la BZ¨vw` cÖKvk cvq Zv‡K Imperative Sentence e‡j| †hgb t Speak to the author today. Follow this way. wPbvi Dcvqt- Imperative Sentence Gi ïi“‡Z GKUv Verb/Let/Please/Kindly _vK‡e| Imperative Sentence Gi Structure t- a. Verb+-------. b. Let+obj+Verb+----c. Donot+Verb+----d. Please/Kindly+ Verb+----
Optative Sentence ‡h sentence Øviv †Kvb B”Qv ev cÖv_©bv cÖKvk cvq Zv‡K Optative Sentence e‡j| †hgb t May Bangladesh win. Long live Bangladesh wPbvi Dcvqt- Imperative Sentence Gi ïi“‡Z May/ Long live _vK‡e| Optative Sentence Gi Structure t- a. May + Subject + Verb+------. b. Long live+ Subject+---------.
Exclamatory Sentence ‡h sentence Øviv g‡bi nl©, welv`, N„bv, †¶vf, wa°vi BZ¨vw` cÖKvk cvq Zv‡K Zv‡K Exclamatory Sentence e‡j| †hgbt What a noise they are making!, Hush ! The baby is sleeping. wPbvi Dcvqt- Exclamatory Sentence Gi ïi“‡Z Ah!/Oh!/Alas!/Hurrah/Hush! BZ¨vw` Exclamatory evPK kã _vK‡Z cv‡i A_ev Bnv What/How Øviv ïi“ n‡Z cv‡i| Exclamatory SentenceGi Structuret a. What+article+ adj+noun+Subject+Verb! b. How+adjective+Subject+Verb+! c. Exclamatory Word +Subject+Verb+...... NB. GB cuvP iKg Sentence Gi cÖ‡Z¨KwU†K Avevi `yB fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| †hgb : i) Affirmative sentence ii) Negative sentence. i) Affirmative sentence: n¨uv-evPK ev BwZevPK evK¨‡KB Bs‡iwR‡Z Affirmative sentence e‡j| †hgb: In our country, corruption is everywhere. ii) Negative sentence: ‡bwZevPK ev bv-evPK evK¨‡KB Bs‡iwR‡Z Negative sentence e‡j| †hgb: Farid was not an extrovert. L. MVY Abyhvqx (According to structures): Structure Abyhvqx sentence wZbfv‡M fvM Kiv nq| h_vt(a) Simple Sentence. (b) Complex Sentence (c) Compound Sentence. cieZx©‡Z G m¤ú‡K© Av‡jvPbv Kiv n‡e|
Home Work Find out assertive, interrogative, imperative, optative and exclamatory sentence. (1)Shahana missed the bus. Ans: (2)May Allah help you. ` Ans: (3) Have you ever seen the zoo? Ans: (4) Long live Bangladesh. Ans: (5) Who will go there? Ans: (6)Do not make a noise in the class. Ans: (7) What a dangerous thing a little learning is! Ans: (8)We must obey our parents. Ans:
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Cambrian College Department of English
Basic English Grammar
Lecture Sheet
(9)Only the qualified will be called for interview. (10) Can anybody answer the question? (11)What a nice bird it is! (12)How charming ! (13)Alas! my father is no more. (14) Let me let the house. (15)Had I the wings of a dove!
Ans: Ans: Ans: Ans: Ans: Ans: Ans:
Expressing acceptance It is fine I think it is fine It’s good enough. I think it’s great. It’s wonderful. It’s perfect. It could not be better. Word Meaning-10 Situation Several
wmPzGBkb& †mf&ivj&
Ae¯’v, Ae¯’vb ¯^Zš¿, KZ¸wj
Stagger Significant Spectator
÷¨vMvi wmMwbwdKv›U †¯úK&‡UBUi
Ujgj Kiv Zvrch©c~Y© `k©K
Toxic Trapped
UK&wmK& Uª¨c&U
welv³ AvU‡K c‡owQj
‡Rvqvi fvUv
†Uwjwfk‡b †h Abyôvb cÖPvi nq
Unfortunate Urban Universal
Avb‡dvÕPzbvU Avievb&
`yf©vM¨evb bvMwiK/kû‡i
Velocity Vast
wfjmvwU fvmU
MwZ, MwZ‡eM wekvj
circumstance diverse, separate, various, different, reel, stumble important, noteworthy viewer, observer, witness poisonous, deadly caught, engulfed flowing and ebbing periodically patience, forbearance, marvelous, wonderful, great conventional, usual, customary, timehonoured, accustomed. broadcast, show, televise without need, pointlessly ill-fated, unlucky general, whole, total, comprehensive, rapidly, quickness rate. large, colossal
condition location distinct, a few totter expressive an on-looker containing poison situation from which it is hard to escape. the regular rise and fall of the sea. able to accept what other people say or do. astounding of a custom
television broad cast programme or item more than is needed having bad luck city, civic, town general the speed of sth in a particular area
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Class No-11
Definition: ‡h mKj kã Øviv †Kvb noun †K wbw`©ó ev Awbw`©ó K‡i †evSv‡bv nq Zv‡K Article ejv nq| ev A, An I The †K Bs‡iRx‡Z Article ejv nq| Kinds:
Dc‡ii QK †_‡K mn‡RB eySv hvq Article `yB cÖKvi| h_v: 1. Definite Article Ges 2. Indefinite Article. The n‡jv Definite Article Ges A I An n‡jv Indefinite Article. Definite Article:hw` Avgiv †Kvb noun †K wbw`©ó K‡i †evSv‡Z PvB Z‡e Definite Article e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| Examples: (a) The bird is flying in the blue sky. (b)The doctor has come. Note: GLv‡b Avgiv GKwU wbw`©ó cvwL I GKRb wbw`©ó Wv³vi‡K eywS hviv e³v I †kªvZv Df‡qiB cwiwPZ| Indefinite Article: Avgiv hw` GKwU Noun ‡K Awbw`©ó K‡i e¨envi Kwi Z‡e Indefinite Article e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e| Examples: (a) A police man has come. (b) I saw an old lady in the street. Note: GLv‡b Police man ev lady Gi †KDB †Kvb wbw`©ó Police ev Man bq| Zviv e³vi ev ‡kªvZvi cwiwPZ bq| ZvB ejv hvq †h mvaviYZt Singular Countable Noun Gi c~‡e© wbqgvbyhvqx a/an em‡e, Ab¨w`‡K Singular Countable Noun, Plural Countable Noun Ges Uncountable Gi Av‡M The e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i| A/An The There is a fan over my head. The fan runs well. I have an umbrella. The fans of the room are new. The information I gave you yesterday was true. Uses of Indefinite Article (A, An): A. hw` kãUv Consonant Sound w`‡q ïi“ nq Zvn‡j Zvi Av‡M a e‡m Avi hw` kãUv Vowel Sound w`‡q ïi“ nq Zvn‡j Zvi Av‡M an e‡m|Examples: A An a boy a woman an ass an ice-cream a book a chair an ant an idiot a bag a dog an apple an egg a cat a horse an arm an ear an eye B. wKš‘ vowel w`‡q ïi“ nIqv m‡Z¡I hw` GKwU kã ‘BDÕ ev ÔIqvÕ Gi gZ D”PvwiZ nq Z‡e Zvi c~‡e© A e‡m, An bq| ‡Kbbv GLv‡b GwU Consonant Sound. Examples: (a) The man has a ewe. (b)I have a European friend. (c)I need a one-taka note. ‡Kbbv GLv‡b GwU Vowel Sound. C. hw` k‡ãi ïi“‡Z h Av‡m Ges Zvi D”PviY ÓAÓ Gi gZ nq Zvn‡j Zvi Av‡M a bv e‡m an e‡m| Examples: (a) Wait for an hour. (b)He is an heir of this property.(c) My father is an honest man. D. hw` k‡ãi ïi“‡Z abbreviation (ms‡¶wcZ kã) Av‡m Ges Zvi D”PviY vowel Gi gZ nq, Zvn‡j Zvi Av‡M a bv e‡m an e‡m| Examples: (a) His mother is also an M. A. (b) His uncle is an M. P. (c) The man in the chair is an L.LB. GLv‡b cÖ_g I wØZxq D`vni‡Y Gg evbvb Ki‡Z †M‡j ïi“‡Z ÓGÓ Av‡m ZvB Gi Av‡M an e‡m‡Q| Abyiƒcfv‡e Z…Zxq D`vni‡Y Gj evbvb Ki‡Z †M‡j ïi“‡Z G Av‡m ZvB Gi Av‡MI a bv e‡m an e‡m‡Q| E. wKš‘ hw` Zvi D”PviY Consonant Gi gZ nq Zvn‡j Zvi Av‡M a em‡e| ‡hgbt (a) The man standing before you is a B.A.
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Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
More uses of A/An 1. hLb GKUv e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K cÖ_g ev‡ii g‡Zv wb‡`©k K‡i Zvn‡j Zvi Av‡M a ev an e‡m| Examples: a. I saw a man on the street. b. An old lady came to our house. 2. Unit ev IRb ev gv‡ciGKK wb‡`©k Kivi Rb¨ Consonant Gi Av‡M a e‡m Ges Vowel Gi Av‡M an e‡m| Examples: a. One hundred centimeters make a meter. b.An ounce is enough. 3. mvaviYZ: Proper Noun Gi Av‡M KLbI Article e‡m bv wKš‘ hLb Proper Noun Gi mv‡_ Pronoun Gi Zzjbv Kiv nq ZLb Zvi Av‡M a ev an e‡m| Examples: a. He thinks he is a Nazrul. b. You are a Robindranath, I see. 4. GKwU AcwiwPZ bvg ev c`exi c~‡e© a ev an e‡m | Examples: a. A Kamal called on you. b.An Arif came here to collect the news. N. B. GLv‡b Kamal Ges Arif-Gi c~‡e© A ev An bv _vK‡j eySv‡e Zviv e³v I †kªvZvi Kv‡Q cwiwPZ| 5. ‡ckv, †kªYx A_ev e¨emv eySv‡Z a ev an e‡m | Examples: a. He is a businessman. b. He is an engineer. 6. 'dozen', 'hundred', 'thousand', 'million' BZ¨vw` eySv‡Z a ev an e‡m| Examples: a. Here are a dozen of bananas. b. There are a thousand people. 7. Per ev Each A_©vr cÖ‡Z¨K ev cÖwZ eySv‡Z a ev an e‡m| Examples: a.He earns one thousand rupees a month. b. He drives the car at 50 miles an hour. 8. GKwU †kªYx‡K m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c †evSv‡Z a ev an e‡m | Examples: a. A cow has horns.(i.e.All cows have horns.) b. An elephant is also necessary. 9. hLb Exclamatory Sentences ¸‡jv What w`‡q ïi“ nq ZLb What Gi ci a ev an e‡m | Examples: a. What a pretty girl! b. What a nice bird it is! 10. Superlative Degree-Gi c~‡e© mvaviYZ The e‡m Z‡e superlative hLb very Gi A_© cÖKvk K‡i ZLb Gi Av‡M a e‡m| Examples : a. He saw a most wonderful sight. (a most = a very) b. This is a most interesting story. (a most = a very) 11. wKQy wKQy Phrase †hgb: 'few', 'little', 'lot of, good deal, great many, good many BZ¨vw`i c~‡e© Ges gv‡S gv‡S Many Gi c‡i a ev an e‡m | Examples: a. Here are a lot of books. b. A great many soldiers entered the town. c. I saw a good many boys there. d. There are a few books on the table. e. There is a little honey in the bottle. f. Many a time I have asked you not to do it.
Home Work FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH APPROPRIATE ARTICLES 1. At school Adeb met ——— lot of people. Ans: 2. Kasem is —— cleverest boy in our class. Ans: 3. Rashed is — old bearer of——— school. Ans: 4. Doesn't it make — good profit? Ans: 5. Rina's grandmother had — accident. Ans: 6. Anser worked in — garden at his old school. Ans: 7. Gardening is ———— interesting hobby. Ans: 8. ——— blacksmíths were strong. Ans: 9. The students worked for — hour and a half. Ans: 10. Jamal gave — example of beautiful things. Ans: 11. They were looking at ——— old lady. Ans: 12. Once upon — time there were two friends. Ans: 13. Mr.Alam woke up early in ___ morning. Ans: 14. Greece is — country in __ south of Europe. Ans: 15. Mr. Rajjak was ——— idle farmer. Ans: 16. Mr. Azam is ——— active farmer. Ans:
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Making sure you have understood Do you know what I mean? Do you what I am talking about? Am I making sense? Are you following me? Do you hear what I am saying? Word Meaning-11 Violence Widespread Worst Wide Westernise
fvBqjvÝ IAvBW †¯cÖW Iqv÷ IqvBW
cÖPÛZv e¨vcK me‡P‡q Lvivc PIo
cvðv˨ mf¨Zvi cÖeZ©b Kiv h_vh_, gvbvbmB
Apart Audience
AvÕcv:U& IÕwWAvb&m
`y‡i, GKw`‡K †kªvZvgÊjx, cvVKmgvR
iƒc, †Pnviv, `„wó‡KvY
mdjKvg nIqv, j‡¶¨ †cuŠQv‡bv,
D‡ËwRZ ev we¶zä Kiv Kg©vw`i `vwqZ¡ Ac©b Kiv Kó †`Iqv, Amy¯’ nIqv cÖvq mwVK cwigvb, wbKUeZ©x ch©vß, h‡_ó
¯^xKvi Kiv, mZ¨Zv, cÖvwß ¯^xKvi Kiv Av‡ivc Kiv
MÖnY, AR©b
‡cvl¨ MÖnY Kiv, `ËK †bIqv, Aej¤^b Kiv
brutality, hostility pervasive very bad, mouthy bad broad, large, extensive, open
applicable, fit, correct, proper, right, suitable at a distance assembly, crowd, listeners, gathering, spectators, viewers angle, attribute, characteristic, circumstance, attitude, expression accomplish, achieve, acquire, earn, fulfill, gain, get, obtain, excite allocate
vehemence existing over a large area the poorest quality. broad introduce western civilization into fit aside the number of people who watch or listen to the same thing. angle of vision
to achieve, to accomplish.
to create excitement to engage somebody to do something
Troubles, afflicts, pains About, around, some
Fairly correct, near to the actual
Decent, enough, fair to middling, passable Admit, cite, know, mention, notice, receipt, recognize
Sufficient, satisfactory
Ascribe, assign, dimension, impute, property Accomplishment, acquirement, attainment, learning, skill Acquire, assume, take in, borrow, take over
Written or said by, regard as belonging to
Recognize, accept the truth
Acquiring or being acquired
Legally take (a person) into a relationship
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Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet Class No-12
Basic English Grammar
Uses of The 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
‡Kvb wbw`©ó e¯‘ ev e¨w³ eySv‡Z The e‡m| Examples: a. Look at the boys. They are peculiarly dressed. b. I want the Golden Book of Treasures. The book is out of print. †mB Noun-Gi c~‡e© hv GKevi e¨env‡ii d‡j wbw`©ó n‡q †M‡Q Zvi c~‡e© The e‡m | Examples: a. There is a tree in the garden. The tree looks very nice. ‡mB Noun Gi c~‡e© hvi mv‡_ AwZwi³ Phrase ev Clause e¨env‡ii d‡j Zv wbw`©ó n‡q †M‡Q Zvi c~‡e© The e‡m | Examples: a. The boy who came here is my friend. b. The pen which I bought from market is not so good. Singular Noun-Gi c~‡e© hLb The e¨envi Kiv nq ZLb Zv Øviv mg¯— RvwZ‡K eySvq| Examples: a. The dog is a faithful animal. b. The rose is the sweetest of all flowers. Material Noun-Gi c~‡e© mvaviYZ Article e‡m bv Z‡e Gi c‡i hLb of _v‡K Ges GwU‡K wbw`©ó Kiv nq ZLb Gi Av‡M The e‡m | Examples: a.The gold of the ring is very bright. b.The water of the Padma is dirty. cÖK…wZ‡Z GKwU gvÎ Av‡Q Ggb †Kvb wKQyi bv‡gi c~‡e© The e‡m | Examples: a.The sun shines in the sky. b.The earth moves round the sun. ‡h Noun Øviv †Kvb RvwZ ev †Mvwô †evSvq Zvi c~‡e© The e‡m | Examples: a.The English are industrious. b.The Bangalees are intelligent but idle. †Kvb Road Gi bv‡gi c~‡e© The e‡m | wKš‘ †Kvb Street ev Avenue Gi bv‡gi c~‡e© bq| Examples: a.The bus is running on the Shere Bangla Road. b.The book is bought from College Street. ‡ckv eySv‡Z wKQy Noun Gi c~‡e© The e‡m | Examples: a.He joined the Bar. b. He joined the Church. Ordinal number Gi cy‡e© The e‡m | Examples: a.Who is the first boy? b.The 23rd January is a red letter day. (But January, 23) mgwó evPK †`‡ki bv‡gi c~‡e© The e‡m | Examples: a.The U. S. A. (the United States of America.) is a powerful country. b.The U. K. (the United Kingdom.) is favourite to all. Adjective hLb †Kvb we‡kl †kªYx †evSvq, ZLb Zvi c~‡e© The e‡m | Examples: a.The rich (= rich men) are not always happy. b. The poor ( = poor men) are not always dishonest. Superlative Degree Gi c~‡e© The e‡m | Examples: a. He is the best boy in the class. b. She is the most beautiful girl. A‡bK mgq kãUv Superlative Degree _v‡K bv wKš‘ sense Uv Superlative Degree _v‡K ZLbI Zvi Av‡M The e‡m | Examples: a.He is the singer of the day. b.He is the man of the match. Comparative Degree-Gi c~‡e© mvaviYZ Article e‡m bv Z‡e Gi c‡i hLb of the two A_ev of+ Proper Noun _v‡K ZLb Comparative Degree Gi c~‡e© The e‡m Examples: a. Rana is the better of the two. b. Of Rahim and Karim, Rahim is the better. hZ ZZ A‡_© Comparative Adverb Gi c~‡e© The e‡m | Examples: a. The sooner, the better. b.The more we have, the more we want. mvaviYZt Proper Noun Gi c~‡e© the e‡m bv| wKš‘ wKQy wKQy Proper Noun Gi c~‡e© The e‡m †m¸‡jv n‡jv Examples: • Names of holy books(ag© MÖ‡š’i bv‡gi Av‡M): the Bible, the Quran, the Ramayana. • Names of newspapers(cwÎKvi bv‡gi Av‡M): the Prothom-Alo, the Daily Star. • Names of ships(Rvnv‡Ri bv‡gi Av‡M): the Titanic, the M. V. Akbar. • Names of train(†Uª‡bi bv‡gi Av‡M): the Silk City, the Lalmonirhat Express. • Names of aeroplanes(†c‡bi bv‡gi Av‡M): the Dakota, the Boeing 707. • Names of space crafts(gnvKvk hv‡bi bv‡gi Av‡M): the Apollo. • Names of famous buildings(weL¨vZ `vjv‡bi bv‡gi Av‡M): the Tajmahal, the Victoria Memorial Hall. • Names of rivers(b`xi bv‡gi Av‡M): the Padma, the Jamuna. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
• Names of seas(mgy‡`ªi bv‡gi Av‡M): the Arabian Sea, the Mediterranean Sea • Names of oceans(gnvmvM‡ii bv‡gi Av‡M): the Indian Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean. • Names of gulfs (DcmvM‡ii bv‡gi Av‡M): the Persian Gulf, the Bay of Bengal. • Names of mountain ranges(cvnv‡oi bv‡gi Av‡M): the Himalayas, the Alps. • Names of groups of islands(Øx‡ci mgwói bv‡gi Av‡M): the Andamans, the West Indies, the Hebrides. • Names of desert(gi“f~wgi bv‡gi Av‡M) : the Sahara, the Gobi. • Names of the directions( w`‡Ki bv‡gi Av‡M) : Go to the north and then turn to the south. Note. GKwU gvÎ ce©Z ev Øxc, Aš—ixc ev n«‡`i bv‡gi c~‡e© The e‡m bv| Examples: Mount Abu, Mount Everest, Vesuvius, Ceylon, Sicily, Java and so on. 18. hLb Proper Noun Gi mv‡_ Proper Noun Gi Zzjbv eySv‡e ZLb wØZxq Proper Noun-Gi c~‡e© The e‡m| Examples: (a) Rabindranath is the Shakespeare of India. (b)Dhaka is the London of Bangladesh. 19. Proper Noun hw` Adjective ev Adjectival phrases ev clauses Øviv we‡kwlZ nq, Z‡e Zvi c~‡e© The e‡m| Examples: a. The great Caesar is a historical person. b. The immortal Kalidas reminds us always.
Home Work 1. Use articles in the blanks. Dhaka stands on(a)--- Buriganga. It is (b)--- old city.(c)---- city is overpopulated. People of different communities live in the city. Their occupation is not (d)----- same.There is (e)----- engineering university in the city. Ans: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 2. Use articles in the following blanks I saw (a)------- one eyed man in the street. He is (b)---------- old man. He depends on (c)------ help of others. He can not go (c)------ single day without the help of others. He always looks for (d)------- opportunity to get money from (e)----- rich. Ans: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 3. Use articles in the blanks. Nasiruddin was (a)-------- emperor of Delhi. Though he was an emperor, he lived like a poor man. He was always busy for (b)----- welfare of his subjects. He did not take(c)----- single farthing from (d)---- Royal Treasury. He led (e)----- honest life. Ans: (a) (b) (c) (d)
4. Use articles in the blanks. There were many applications for (a)------ post. Sultan was unable to choose (b)---- honest man. So he asked the counsellor to help him.(c)------ counsellor advised him to invite all (d)----- applicants to (e)--palace. Ans: (a) (b) (c) (d)
5. Use articles in the blanks. I often remember (a)----- days of my childhood. Whenever I am sick of the present, I recall memories of my childhood. I was born in a small village in (b)---- district of Khulna. My father was (c)---- school teacher. The school is situated far from our home. Ours was (d)---- simple home where I lived in (e)--- midst of my parents, brothers and sisters. Ans: (a) (b) (c) (d)
Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Basic English Grammar
Lecture Sheet Spoken
Disagreeing That’s not true. That’s not right. You have got that wrong. I disagree with you completely. Expressing refusal No way You are out of luck. Absolutely not. Word Meaning-12
Assist Blasphemy
AvÕwmmU e¨vmdxwg
Behind Basement Basic
wenvBÛ ‡eBmg¨v›U ‡eBmK
Concert Conspiracy Clash Concept
KÕb&mvU& Kvb&w¯úivwm K¬¨vk Kb‡mÞ
Convey Century Conquer
Kb‡f †mÂzwi KOKv(i)
Kvbw¯ú wKDAvm
English Meaning
g‡bv‡hvM †`Iqv, hZœevb nIqv m‡PZb, AewnZ, mveavb cÖfvweZ Kiv, ¶wZMÖ¯— Kiv mvnvh¨ Kiv Aa©vwg‡Ki b¨vq K_vevZ©v wcQ‡bi w`K wfwË wfwËK, †gŠwjK, cÖv_wgK jvfRbK, g½jKi
Accompanied, assisted, paid attention, saw
to pay attention to what somebody is saying etc.
Consciousness, knowingness
Conscious, having knowledge
Impact, impress, involve
Attack, move emotionally
assistance, attend wickedness
Help to talk impiously
at the back underground room Beginning, introductory, primary, basal
at the back of foundation serving as a base; fundamental.
Good, salutary
K‡_vcK_b, msjvc, Avjvc-Av‡jvPbv we‡ePbv Kiv, MY¨ Kiv, g‡bv‡hv‡Mi mv‡_ fvev HKZvbev`b lohš¿ msNl© aviYv
advantageous; having benefits. familiar intercourse
think about
take into account
show plan scheme plot conflict, disagreement idea, notion, thought, theory unite, join, mingle
a musical entertainment plan scheme plot collision of bodies, a fight a notion
carry, express one hundred years overcome by effort, be victorious.
GKÎ Kiv, mshy³ Kiv enb Kiv kZel© Rq Kiv, kΓ‡K ek Kiv `„wó AvKl©K, mn‡R †`Lv hvq Ggb
defeat, beat, triumph noticeable eye-catching prominent
league together
clearly visible; attracting, notice noteworthy.
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Cambrian College Department of English
Basic English Grammar
Lecture Sheet
Class no -13
Tense & All Indefinite Tenses
Definition: wµqv msNwUZ nIqvi mgq‡K Tense e‡j| Tense cÖ_gZt wZb cÖKvi| h_vt 1. Present Tense 2. Past Tense 3. Future Tense bx‡P G¸wj‡K Diagram AvKv‡i †`qv njt
Present Tense: hv Verb Gi eZ©gvb Ae¯’v cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡K Present Tense e‡j| Example: I play football. Past Tense: hv Verb Gi AZxZ Ae¯’v cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡K Past Tense e‡j| Example: I played football. Future Tense: hv Verb Gi fwel¨Z Ae¯’v cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡K Future Tense e‡j| Example: I will play football. cÖ‡Z¨KUv Tense †K Avevi Pvi fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| h_vt • Present Tense 1. Present Indefinite Tense/Simple Present Tense 2. Present Continuous Tense/ Present Progressive Tense 3. Present Perfect Tense 4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense • Past Tense 1. Past Indefinite Tense/Simple Past Tense 2. Past Continuous Tense/ Past Progressive Tense 3. Past Perfect Tense 4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense • Future Tense 1. Future Indefinite Tense/Simple Future Tense 2. Future Continuous Tense/Future Progressive Tense 3. Future Perfect Tense 4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Present Indefinite
Present Continuous
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
Future Indefinite
Past Indefinite
Past Continuous
Future Continuous
Past Perfect
Future Perfect
Future Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous
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Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet
cÖ‡Z¨KwU Tense Gi Avevi PviwU K‡i iƒc Av‡Q| h_vt a. Affirmative b. Negative c. Interrogative
Basic English Grammar
d. Negative-Interrogative
Present Indefinite Tense/Simple Present Tense: evsjvq ‡Pbvi Dcvqt- evsjv ev‡K¨i wµqvi †k‡l v (Av Kvi), † (G Kvi), I (Kvi), B, q BZ¨vw` _vK‡e| Structure: Subject + Present form of Verb + Object/Extension. ‡hgbt †m fvZ Lvq ---He eats rice. Avwg K‡j‡R hvB ------ I go to college. gv fvZ ivbœv K‡i --- Mother cooks rice. Avgiv wµ‡KU †Lwj---- We play cricket. N. B.: hw` ev‡K¨i Subject wU He, She, It, BZ¨vw` Third Person Singular Number nq, Zvn‡j Verb Gi mv‡_ s/es hy³ Ki‡Z n‡e| Negative Gi Structure: Subject+ does not/ do not+ Present form of Verb + Object/Extension. †m fvZ Lvq bv ---He does not eat rice. Avwg K‡j‡R hvB bv------ I do not go to college. gv fvZ ivbœv K‡i bv--- Mother does not cook rice. Avgiv wµ‡KU †Lwj bv-- We do not play cricket Interrogative Gi Structure: Does / Do +Subject+ Present form of Verb + Object/Extension. †m wK fvZ Lvq ? ---- Does he eat rice? Avwg wK K‡j‡R hvB?---- Do I go to college? gv wK fvZ ivbœv K‡i? ---- Does mother cook rice? Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwj ---- Do we play cricket? Negative-Interrogative Gi Structure: Does / Do +Subject+ not+ Present form of Verb + Object/Extension. †m wK fvZ Lvq bv ? -----Does he not eat rice? / Doesn’t he eat rice? Avwg wK K‡j‡R hvB bv? ------Do I not go to College? / Don’t I go to College? gv wK fvZ ivbœv K‡i bv?----- Does mother not cook rice? / Doesn’t mother cook rice? Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwj bv? ---- Do we not play cricket? / Don’t we play cricket? N.B: Negative-Interrogative Gi †¶‡Î not wU Subject Gi c‡i em‡e| Z‡e ev‡K¨i Subject wU hw` Noun nq Zvn‡j not wU Subject Gi Av‡M em‡e| ‡hgbt- iwng wK K‡j‡R hvq bv?-- Does not Rahim go to college? GLv‡b iwng kãwU GKwU e¨vw³i bvg A_©vr GwU Noun myZivs G‡¶‡Î not wU Subject Gi Av‡M em‡e| hw` do not, does not BZ¨vw`i short form e¨envi Kiv nq †hgb don’t, doesn’t BZ¨vw` nq Zv n‡j subject Gi c‡i not emv‡bvi `iKvi bvB|
Past Indefinite Tense/Simple Past Tense: evsjvq ‡Pbvi Dcvqt- evsjv ev‡K¨i wµqvi †k‡l qvwQj, qvwQ‡j, qvwQ‡jb,jvg,j,†j,†jb,Zvg,Z,†Zb,†Zg BZ¨vw` _vK‡e| Structure: Subject + Past form of Verb + Object. ‡hgbt †m fvZ LvBj ---He ate rice. Avwg K‡j‡R wM‡qwQjvg ------ I went to college. gv fvZ ivbœv K‡iwQj --- Mother cooked rice. Avgiv wµ‡KU †L‡jwQjvg-- We played cricket Negative Gi Structure: Subject + did not + Present form of Verb + Object/Extension. †m fvZ Lvq bvB ---He did not eat rice. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
Avwg K‡j‡R hvB bvB------ I did not go to college. gv fvZ ivbœv K‡i bvB--- Mother did not cook rice. Avgiv wµ‡KU †Lwj bvB-- We did not play cricket Interrogative Gi Structure:- Did + Subject + Present form of Verb + Object/Extension? †m wK fvZ †L‡qwQjvg ? ---Did he eat rice? Avwg wK K‡j‡R wM‡qwQjvg?--- Did I go to college? gv wK fvZ ivbœv K‡iwQj? ---Did mother cook rice? Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †LwjqvwQjvg -- Did we play cricket? Negative-Interrogative Gi Structure:- Did + Subject + not + Present form of Verb + Object/Extension. †m wK fvZ Lvq bvB ? ---Did he not eat rice? / Didn’t he eat rice? Avwg wK K‡jR hvB bvB? --- Did I not go to college? / Didn’t I go to college? gv wK fvZ ivbœv K‡i bvB?--- Did mother not cook rice? / Didn’t mother cook rice? Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwj bvB? Did we not play cricket? / Didn’t we play cricket? Future Indefinite Tense/Simple Future Tense: evsjvq ‡Pbvi Dcvqt- evsjv ev‡K¨i wµqvi †k‡l ev,e †e,‡eb BZ¨vw` _vK‡e| Structure: Subject + shall/will+ Present form of Verb + Object. ‡hgbt— †m fvZ Lv‡e ---He will eat rice. Avwg K‡j‡R hve ------ I shall go to college. gv fvZ ivbœv Ki‡e --- Mother will cook rice. Avgiv wµ‡KU †Lje----We shall play cricket. N. B.: hw` ev‡K¨i Subject wU First Person nq A_©vr I/We nq Zvn‡j shall n‡e Ab¨ mKj Person Gi †¶‡Î will n‡e Z‡e AvaywbK Bs‡iRx‡Z mKj Person G will e¨envi Kiv hvq Z‡e mKj Person G shall e¨envi Kiv hv‡e bv| Negative Gi Structure:- Subject+ shall not/ will not+ Present form of Verb + Object/Extension. †m fvZ Lv‡e bv ---He will not eat rice. Avwg K‡j‡R hve bv------ I shall not go to college. gv fvZ ivbœv Ki‡e bv--- Mother will not cook rice. Avgiv wµ‡KU †Lje bv---We shall not play cricket Interrogative Gi Structure:-Shall/Will+ Subject+ Present form of Verb + Object/Extension. †m wK fvZ Lv‡e ? ---Will he eat rice? Avwg wK K‡j‡R hve?------Shall I go to college? gv wK fvZ ivbœv Ki‡e? ---Will mother cook rice? Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lje? --Shall we play cricket? Negative Interrogative Gi Structure:- Shall /Will +Subject+ not+ Present form of Verb + Object/Extension. †m wK fvZ Lv‡e bv ?---Will he not eat rice? / Won’t he eat rice? Avwg wK K‡j‡R hv‡e bv ?----Shall I not go to college? / Shan’t I go to college? gv wK fvZ ivbœv Ki‡e bv ?--- Will mother not cook rice.? / Won’t mother cook rice.? Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lje bv ? ---Shall we not play cricket? Shan’t we play cricket?
Focusing attention Pardon me Excuse me. Are you listening to me? Are you paying attention? Am I making myself heard? 42
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Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
Word Meaning-13
wKQy †`qv ev AskMÖnY Kiv mf¨Zv
Contribution Compete
KbwUªweDkb KgcxU
`vb, AskMÖnY cÖwZ‡hvwMZv Kiv †ikg ¸wU
infectious, transmittable
formation, invention,
Douse Deteriorate
WvDm& wWUxwiq‡iU&
Dismal Distinction Depict
wWm&g¨vj& wWm&wU¼&kb wWwcK&U
Damp Desperation
W¨v¤ú& ‡WmcvÕ †iBkb
iPbv ev iPbv †KŠkj e¨vcx, hver, †Kvb mgq a‡i hy× Kivi Rb¨ †kªYxe× fv‡e Qov‡bv Dc‡i Rj Xvjv AwaKZi Lvivc nIqv, wbivb›` ¯^vZš¿¨, cv_©K¨ eY©bv Kiv, wPwÎZ Kiv m¨uvZ‡mu‡Z gwiqv ev †ec‡ivqv n‡q IVv eÂbv, AwaKvi niY weZiY ev eÈb K‡i †`qv m¤ú~Y©, cy‡ivcywi
cÖPwjZ Av`e Kvq`v, bgª AvPiY
Av‡M, Abyf~wZ
Avwj½b Kiv, MÖnY Kiv
English Meaning
donate, supply, put in
help to bring about a result, to give sth to help sth/sb
society, national, culture dedicated devoted donation, part, share fight, struggle, battle
advanced stage or system of social development faithful
wrap, insulate, protect
silky case spun by insect larvae for protection as pupae, protective covering, a-(of a person) likely to transmit a disease by contact. act or method of putting together
act of contributing. take part in a contest etc
throughout, in
for the time it lasts
arrange, organise, set up
spread out in a line of battle
decline, depreciate dull, depressing
throw water over get worse, go down,
describe, show, represent, illustrate
gloomy, miserable difference describe, paint, give a picture of,
wet, humid, worry, fear, anxiety
moist nervousness,
Loss, privation, want
depriving or being deprived
give shares of; deal out
all, full, whole, complete, total, unbroken, intact, manners, behaviour, conventionality, politeness, protocol, code. passion, feeling, excitement, desire, hug
including everything
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the formal rules, correct or public behaviour
a strong feeling such as love, fear or anger to put your arms around somebody as a sign of love
Cambrian College Department of English Class No-14
Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
Continuous Tenses
Present Continuous Tense/ Present Progressive Tense: evsjvq ‡Pbvi Dcvqt- evsjv ev‡K¨i wµqvi †k‡l ‡ZwQ, †ZQ , †Z‡Qb ev ”Q BZ¨vw` _vK‡e| Structure: Subject + am/is/are+ Present form of Verb + ing + Object. ‡hgbt- †m fvZ Lv‡”Q ---He is eating rice. Avwg ¯‹z‡j hvw”Q ------ I am going to school. gv fvZ ivbœv Ki†Q --- Mother is cooking rice. Avgiv wµ‡KU †Lwj‡ZwQ-----We are playing cricket. N. B.: hw` ev‡K¨i Subject wU He, She, It, BZ¨vw` Third Person Singular Number nq Zvn‡j is em‡e hw` ev‡K¨i Subject wU I nq Zvn‡j am em‡e, hw` ev‡K¨i Subject wU we/you nq Zvn‡j are em‡e| Negative Gi Structure: Subject+ am not/ is not/are not+ Present form of Verb +ing + Object/Extension. †m fvZ Lv‡”Q bv ---He is not eating rice. Avwg ¯‹z‡j hw”Q bv------ I am not going to school. gv fvZ ivbœv Ki‡Q bv--- Mother is not cooking rice. Avgiv wµ‡KU †Lwj‡ZwQ bv-- We are not playing cricket Interrogative Gi Structure: Am/Is/Are + Subject+ Present form of Verb + ing + Object/Extension †m wK fvZ Lv‡”Q ? ---Is he eating rice? Avwg wK ¯‹z‡j hvw”Q?------Am I going to school? gv wK fvZ ivbœv Ki‡Q? ----Is mother cooking rice? Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwj‡ZwQ? ----Are we playing cricket? Negative-Interrogative Gi Structure:- Am/Is/Are +Subject+ not+ Present form of Verb+ing +Obj/Ex. †m wK fvZ Lv‡”Q bv ?---Is he not eating rice? Avwg wK K‡j‡R hvw”Q bv?------Am I not going to College? gv wK fvZ ivbœv Ki‡Q bv?--- Is mother not cooking rice? Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwj‡ZwQ bv? ----Are we not playing cricket? Note: See, feel, like, love, hate, smell, hear, believe, consist, bring, hope, forgive, desire, want, belong, remember, think, understand, notice, recognize, know, wish etc. GB Verb ¸wj‡K Av‡M Present Continuous Tense G e¨envi Kiv nZ bv| wKš‘ AvaywbK Bs‡iRx‡Z G‡`i e¨envi Kiv nq|. Example: (i) I am seeing a bird. (ii) She is feeling unwell. (iii) I am thinking of the matter.
Past Continuous Tense/ Past Progressive Tense evsjvq ‡Pbvi Dcvqt- evsjv ev‡K¨i wµqvi †k‡l ‡ZwQj,†ZwQ‡j ,†ZwQ‡jb ev ”Qj BZ¨vw` _vK‡e| Structure: Subject + was/were+ Present form of Verb + ing + Object. ‡hgbt- †m fvZ Lvw”Qj ---He was eating rice. Avwg K‡j‡R hvw”Qjvg ------ I was going to College. gv fvZ ivbœv KiwQj --- Mother was cooking rice. Avgiv wµ‡KU †LjwQjvg-----We were playing cricket. N. B.: hw` ev‡K¨i Subject wU He, She , It Singular wKQy BZ¨vw` Third Person Singular Number nq Zvn‡j Was em‡e hw` ev‡K¨i Subject wU I nq, Zvn‡j Was em‡e hw` ev‡K¨i Subject wU we nq Zvn‡j Were em‡e| Negative Gi Structure:- Subject+ was not/were not + Present form of Verb + ing + Object/Extension. †m fvZ Lvw”Qj bv ---He was not eating rice. Avwg K‡jR hvwPQjvg bv------ I was not going to college. gv fvZ ivbœv KiwQj bv --- Mother was not cooking rice.
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Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
Avgiv wµ‡KU †LjwQjvg bv -- We were not playing cricket Interrogative Gi Structure:-Was/Were + Subject+ Present form of Verb + ing + Object/Extension. †m wK fvZ Lvw”Qj ? ---Was he eating rice? Avwg wK K‡j‡R hvw”Qjvg?------ Was I going to college? gv wK fvZ ivbœv KiwQj? --- Was mother cooking rice? Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwj‡ZwQjvg -- Were we playing cricket? Negative-Interrogative Gi Structure:- Was/Were + Subject + not + Present form of Verb + ing + Object/Extension. †m wK fvZ Lvw”Qj bv ?--- Was he not eating rice ? Avwg wK K‡j‡R hvw”Qjvg bv ?------ Was I not going to college ? gv wK fvZ ivbœv KiwQj bv ?--- Was mother not cooking rice ? Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †LjwQjvg bv ?- Were we not playing cricket? Future Continuous Tense/ Future Progressive Tense evsjvq wPbvi Dcvqt- evsjv ev‡K¨i wµqvi †k‡l ‡Z _vKe,†Z _vK‡e ,†Z _vK‡eb BZ¨vw` _vK‡e| Structure: Subject + shall be/will be+ Present form of Verb + ing + Object. ‡hgbt- †m fvZ LvB‡Z _vK‡e ---He will be eating rice. Avwg K‡j‡R hvB‡Z _vKe ------ I shall be going to college. gv fvZ ivbœv Ki‡Z _vK‡e --- Mother will be cooking rice. Avgiv wµ‡KU †Lj‡Z _vK‡ev ---We shall be playing cricket. Negative Gi Structure:- Subject+ shall not be/will not be + Present form of Verb + ing + Object/Extension. †m fvZ LvB‡Z _vK‡e bv ---He shall not be eating rice. Avwg K‡j‡R hvB‡Z _vKe bv --- I shall not be going to college. gv fvZ ivbœv Ki‡Z _vK‡e bv--- Mother will not be cooking rice. Avgiv wµ‡KU †Lwj‡Z _vKe bv-- We will not be playing cricket Interrogative Gi Structure:-Shall/Will + Subject +be + Present form of Verb + ing + Object/Extension. †m wK fvZ LvB‡Z _vKe ? ---Will he be eating rice? Avwg wK K‡j‡R hvB‡Z _vKe?------Shall I be going to college? gv wK fvZ ivbœv Ki‡Z _vK‡e? ---Will mother be cooking rice? Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwj‡Z _vKe---Shall we be playing cricket? Negative Interrogative Gi Structure:- Shall/Will +Subject+ not+ be+ Present form of Verb+ ing + Object/Extension. †m wK fvZ LvB‡Z _vKe bv ?---Will he not be eating rice? Avwg wK K‡j‡R hvB‡Z _vKe bv ?---Shall I not be going to college? gv wK fvZ ivbœv Ki‡Z _vK‡e bv ?--- Will mother not be cooking rice? Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwj‡Z _vKe bv ?-- Shall we not be playing cricket?
Expressing support for some one I will stand by you. I am standing behind you. I am with you. I am on your side. You can trust me. You can put your faith on me. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Basic English Grammar
Lecture Sheet Word Meaning-14
Eventually Enthusiasm
C‡fb&wPDq¨vwj Gb&w_DwRq¨vR&g&
Ae‡k‡l Mfxi AvMÖn
cÖ‡Póv, kw³ cÖ‡qvM ¸i“Z¡c~Y© NUbv eûj mgvb we‡ePbv Kiv e¨qfvi Pvwc‡q †`Iqv m¶g Kiv, ¶gZv cÖ`vb Kiv cÖ‡hvRbxq, Acwinvh© evov‡bv ev e„w× Kiv
Flame Fresco
†d¬g †d«m‡Kv
ultimately zeal, passion, eagerness, affection, keeness, craze, excitement, mania. Attempt, campaign, endeavor, cause
in the end, at last ardent zeal
marked by noteworthy events
Corresponded, compared, likened
regard as equal or equivalent. be equal or equivalent to
Implicates, implies, means
necessitate or involve unavoidably
make possible
all important, necessary, requisite
necessary; indispensable
Heighten, raise
intensify (qualities, powers, etc.); improve (something already good) inform (about a subject). 2 (as enlightened adj.) progressive
Ávb`vb Kiv, AÁvZ ev wg_¨v wek¦vm `~i Kiv Ri“ix Ae¯’v
Clarify, clear up, shed light on, sort out
wbwðZ Kiv, wbivc` Kiv AwMœwkLv cÖvPxiwPÎ
Ascertain, assure
`ye©j wPË, wb‡¯—R
Decrepit, infirm
use of physical or mental energy. determined attempt
sudden state of danger etc. requiring immediate action. make certain, make safe the blame of a fire a wall painting in water colours on freshly plaster lacking strength, energy, or effectiveness.
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Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet Class No-15
Basic English Grammar
Perfect Tenses
Present Perfect Tense
evsjvq ‡Pbvi Dcvqt- evsjv ev‡K¨i wµqvi †k‡l qvwQ, qvQ, qv‡Qb BZ¨vw` _vK‡e| Structure: Subject + have/has+ Past Participle form of Verb + Object. ‡hgbt †m fvZ ‡L‡q‡Q ---He has eaten rice. †m K‡j‡R wM‡q‡Q ------ He has gone to college. Avgiv wµ‡KU †L‡jwQ-----We have played cricket. N. B.: hw` ev‡K¨i Subject wU He, She ,It A_ev Proper noun ( Younus, Anowar, Shanta) BZ¨vw` Third Person Singular Number nq, Zvn‡j has em‡e| hw` ev‡K¨i Subject wU I/We nq, Zvn‡j have em‡e | Negative Gi Structure:- Subject+ have not/ has not+ Past Participle form of Verb + Object/Extension Avwg K‡j‡R hvB bvB------ I have not gone to college. gv fvZ ivbœv K‡i bvB--- Mother has not cooked rice. Avgiv wµ‡KU †Lwj bvB---We have not played cricket. Interrogative Gi Structure: Have/Has + Subject + Past Participle form of Verb + Object/Extension? †m wK fvZ ‡L‡q‡Q ? ---Has he eaten rice? Avwg wK K‡j‡R wM‡qwQ?------Have I gone to College.? gv wK fvZ ivbœv K‡i‡Q? ---Has mother cooked rice? Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †LwjqvwQ? --Have we played cricket? Negative - Interrogative Gi Structure:- Have/Has + Subject + Not + Past Participle form of Verb + Object / Extension. †m wK fvZ Lvq bvB ? ---Has he not eaten rice? Avwg wK K‡j‡R hvB bvB ?------ Have I not gone to College.? gv wK fvZ ivbœv K‡i bvB ?--- Has mother not cooked rice? Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwj bvB ?---Have we not played cricket?
Past Perfect Tense
evsjvq †Pbvi Dcvqt- evsjv ev‡K¨i wµqvi †k‡l qvwQj, qvwQ‡j, qvwQ‡jb,jvg,j,†j,†jb,Zvg,Z,†Zb,†Zg BZ¨vw` _vK‡e| GB Tense G `yBUv NUbv‡K Av‡M (Before) ev c‡i (After) kã Øviv hy³ _vK‡e| †h KvRUv Av‡M msNwUZ n‡e †mwU Past Perfect Tense Avi †h KvRUv c‡i msNwUZ n‡e †mwU Past Indefinite Tense n‡e| Z‡e me©`vB g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e Before kãwUi c‡ii Ask Ges c‡i k‡ãi Av‡Mi Ask n‡e Past Indefinite Tense Abyiƒcfv‡e Av‡M kãwUi Av‡Mi Ask Ges After k‡ãi c‡ii Ask Past Perfect Tense n‡e| Z‡e ev‡K¨ Av‡M ev c‡i †h kãB _vKzK bv †Kb Translation me©`vB Wvb w`K †_‡K ïi“ Ki‡Z n‡e| bx‡P G‡`i Structure †`qv njtAv‡M msNwVZ KvRt Past Perfect Tense t- Subject+ had+ Past Participle form of the verb + Object/Extension. c‡i msNwVZ KvRt Past Indefinite Tense t- Subject +Past form of the verb +Object/Extension. ‡hgbt Wv³vi Avmvi Av‡M i“wMwU gviv †Mj- The patient had died before the doctor came. Wv³vi Avmvi c‡i i“wMwU gviv †Mj- The patient died after the doctor had come. Zzwg Avmvi c‡i Avwg †mLv‡b wM‡qwQjvg- I went there after you had come. GLv‡b cÖ_g ev‡K¨ i“wMwU gviv †Mj GB AskUzKz Av‡M msNwVZ n‡q‡Q ZvB GwU Past Perfect Tense Ges †h‡nZz Translation me©`vB Wvb w`K †_‡K ïi“ Ki‡Z n‡e ZvB i“wMwU gviv †Mj GB AskUzK’ Av‡M Ki‡Z n‡q‡Q| Future Perfect Tense evsjvq ‡Pbvi Dcvqt- evsjv ev‡K¨i wµqvi †k‡l qv _vK‡e, qv _vKe ,qv _vK‡eb BZ¨vw` _vK‡e| Structure: Subject + shall have/will have+ Past Participle form of Verb + Object. ‡hgbt- †m fvZ LvBqv _vK‡e ---He will have eaten rice. Avwg K‡j‡R hvBqv _vKe ------ I shall have gone to college. gv fvZ ivbœv Kwiqv _vK‡e --- Mother will have cooked rice. Avgiv wµ‡KU †Lwjqv _vKe-----We shall have played cricket. Negative Gi Structure:- Subject+ shall not have/will not have + Past Participle form of Verb + Object/Extension. †m fvZ LvBqv _vK‡e bv ---He will not have eaten rice. Avwg K‡j‡R hvBqv _vKe bv------ I will not have gone to college. gv fvZ ivbœv K‡i _vK‡e bv--- Mother will not have cooked rice. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Basic English Grammar
Lecture Sheet
Avgiv wµ‡KU †Lwjqv _vKe bv---We shall not have played cricket. Interrogative Gi Structure:-Shall/Will +Subject+ have + Past Participle form of Verb + Object/Extension. †m wK fvZ LvBqv _vK‡e ? ---Will he have eaten rice? Avwg wK K‡j‡R hvBqv _vKe?------Shall I have gone to college? gv wK fvZ ivbœv K‡i _vK‡e? ---Will mother have cooked rice? Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwjqv _vKe? -Shall we have played cricket? Negative Interrogative Gi Structure:- Shall/Will +Subject+ not have+ Past Participle form of Verb + Object/Extension? †m wK fvZ LvBqv _vKe bv ? ---Will he not have eaten rice? Avwg wK K‡j‡R hvBqv _vKe bv ?------ Shall I not have gone to college? gv wK fvZ ivbœv K‡i _vK‡e bv ?--- Will mother not have cooked rice? Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwjqv _vKe bv ?---Will we not have played cricket?
Expressing encouragement. Go on, you can do it. Give it a try. It is now or never. Give it your best. I expect to see some result soon. Word Meaning-15
Impose Injured
Bg&‡cvR& BbRvi&W&
Impression Initial Identity Inner
Bg&‡cÖkb& Bwbk¨vj& AvB‡Ww›UwU Bbvi&
AMg¨Zv, Ajf¨Zv, AbwZMg¨Zv wkï, AcÖvßeq¯‹v Babe, baby, infantile
av°v gviv
English Meaning
`ywf©¶, Pig Lv`¨vfve e¨vL¨v Kiv, Abyev` Kiv Av‡ivcb Kiv hvi Dci Ab¨vq Kiv n‡q‡Q Ggb
Dearth, shortage
extreme scarcity, esp. of food.
declare, understand, decode, decipher. press wounded
expound, translate
wPý, A¯úó avibv wek¦vm
sign, belief beginning distinctiveness inward, internal, private, interior, real, secret, inside. Charge, commit, send Contrive, discover
Aviw¤¢K Abb¨Zv, A‡f` Avf¨š—wiK
cÖwZ¯’vcb, cÖeZ©b, ms¯’vcb m„wó ev D™¢veb Kiv cÖfve, cÖZvc, cÖwZcwË A½xf~ZKiY, GKv½xfeb
act upon, charm Consolidation, desegregation, integrating Unavailability
jolt, joggle, scramble, shake, throng, shove,
lay on person on whom illegal task has been done a mark , a notion, belief of the beginning the state of being the same Interior
made dependent after a long period in an institution. create by thought, originate (a method, device, etc.) power that can be imposed joining together
not accessible, unapproachable the earliest period of a child’s life, schoolchild below the age of seven years strike against
Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet
Class No-16
Basic English Grammar
Perfect Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
evsjvq ‡Pbvi Dcvqt- evsjv ev‡K¨ wµqvi †k‡l ‡ZwQ,†ZQ ,†Z‡Qb ev ”Q BZ¨vw` _vK‡e Ges Zvi mv‡_ nB‡Z/†_‡K ev awiqv/hver kã D‡jL _vK‡e| Structure: Subject + have been/ has been+ Present form of Verb + ing + Object +for / since +Time. ‡hgbt †m cuvP wgwbU a‡i fvZ Lv‡”Q ---He has been eating rice for five minutes. Avwg ‡mvgevi †_‡K K‡j‡R hvw”Q ------ I have been going to College since Monday. gv `k wgwbU a‡i fvZ ivbœv Ki†Q --- Mother has been cooking rice for ten minutes. Avgiv 1996 mvj †_‡K wµ‡KU †Lwj‡ZwQ-----We have been playing cricket since 1996 A.D. N. B.: g~jZt SimpleContinuous Tense Ges Perfect Continuous Gi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ nj mg‡qi †¶‡Î| Simple Continuous Tense G evsjv ev‡K¨ mg‡qi D‡jL _vK‡e bv| Avi Perfect Continuous G mg‡qi D‡jL _vK‡e | hw` evsjv ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ awiqv ev hver _v‡K, Zvn‡j for n‡e Avi hw` nB‡Z ev †_‡K kã D‡jL _v‡K, Zvn‡j since em‡e| nB‡Z/†_‡K - since mKvj †_‡K - since morning mKvj 7Uv †_‡K - since 7 a.m 1990 mvj †_‡K - since 1990 A.D
awiqv/hver - for 5 wgwbU a‡i - for 5 minutes 1 gvm a‡i -for 1 month 10 w`b hver - for 10 days.
Negative Gi Structur: Subject + have not been/has not been + Present form of Verb + ing + O/E + for/since + Time. †m cuvP wgwbU a‡i fvZ Lv‡”Q bv ---He has not been eating rice for five minutes. Avwg †mvgevi †_‡K K‡j‡R hvw”Q bv------ I have not been going to College since Monday. gv `k wgwbU a‡i fvZ ivbœv Ki†Q bv --- Mother has not been cooking rice for ten minutes. Avgiv 1996 mvj †_‡K wµ‡KU †Lwj‡ZwQ bv---We have not been playing cricket since 1996 A.D. Interrogative Gi Structure:-Have/ Has +Subject+ been +Present form of Verb +ing + O/E+ for/since +Time? †m wK cuvP wgwbU a‡i fvZ Lv‡”Q ?---Has he been eating rice for five minutes? Avwg wK MZKvj †_‡K K‡jR hvw”Q ?------ Have I been going to College since yesterday? gv wK `k wgwbU a‡i fvZ ivbœv Ki†Q ? --- Has mother been cooking rice for ten minutes? Avgiv wK 1996 mvj †_‡K wµ‡KU †Lwj‡ZwQ ?---Have we been playing cricket since 1996 A.D? Negative - Interrogative Gi Structure:-Have/ Has + Subject + not been + Present form of Verb + ing + O/E + for/since + Time? †m wK cuvP wgwbU a‡i fvZ Lv‡”Q bv ? ---Has he not been eating rice for five minutes? Avwg wK MZKvj †_‡K K‡j‡R hvw”Q bv? --- Have I not been going to College since yesterday? gv wK `k wgwbU a‡i fvZ ivbœv Ki†Q bv ?-- Has mother not been cooking rice for ten minutes? Avgiv wK 1996 mvj †_‡K wµ‡KU †Lwj‡ZwQ bv?-Have we not been playing cricket since 1996 A.D?
Past Perfect Continuous Tense evsjvq wPbvi Dcvqt- evsjv ev‡K¨i wµqvi †k‡l ‡ZwQj,†ZwQ‡j ,†ZwQ‡jb ev ”Qj BZ¨vw` _vK‡e Ges Zvi mv‡_ nB‡Z/†_‡K ev awiqv/hver kã D‡jL _vK‡e| Structure: Subject + had been + Present form of Verb + ing + Object+for/since+Time ‡hgbt †m cvuP wgwbU a‡i fvZ Lvw”Qj ---He had been eating rice for five minutes. Avwg MZKvj †_‡K K‡j‡R hvw”Qjvg ------ I had been going to college since yesterday. gv `k wgwbU a‡i fvZ ivbœv KiwQj --- Mother had been cooking rice for ten minutes. Avgiv 1996 mvj †_‡K wµ‡KU †Lwj‡ZwQjvg-----We had been playing cricket since 1996 A.D. N. B.: g~jZt Simple Continuous Tense Ges Perfect Continuous Gi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ nj mg‡qi †¶‡Î Simple Continuous Tense G evsjv ev‡K¨ mg‡qi D‡jL _vK‡e bv| Avi Perfect Continuous G mg‡qi D‡jL _vK‡e | hw` evsjv ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ awiqv ev hver _v‡K Zvn‡j for n‡e| Avi hw` nB‡Z ev †_‡K kã D‡jL _v‡K Zvn‡j since em‡e| Negative Gi Structure:- Subject+ had not been + Present form of Verb + ing + O/E+ for/since +Time. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
†m cvuP wgwbU a‡i fvZ Lvw”Qj bv ---He had not been eating rice for five minutes. Avwg MZKvj †_‡K K‡j‡R hvw”Qjvg bv------ I had not been going to college since yesterday. gv `k wgwbU a‡i fvZ ivbœv KiwQj bv --- Mother had not been cooking rice for ten minutes. Avgiv 1996 mvj †_‡K wµ‡KU †Lwj‡ZwQjvg bv--We had not been playing cricket since 1996 A.D. Interrogative Gi Structure:-Had +Subject+ been +Present form of Verb + ing + O/E+ for/since +Time? †m wK cuvP wgwbU a‡i fvZ Lvw”Qj ?---Had he been eating rice for five minutes? Avwg wK MZKvj †_‡K K‡j‡R hvw”Qjvg ?------ Had I been going to college since yesterday? gv wK `k wgwbU a‡i fvZ ivbœv KiwQj ? ---Had mother been cooking rice for ten minutes? Avgiv wK 1996 mvj †_‡K wµ‡KU †Lwj‡ZwQjvg ?--Had we been playing cricket since1996 A.D.? Negative Interrogative Gi Structure:-Had+Subject+ not been+ Present form of Verb + ing + O/E+ for/since +Time? †m wK cvuP wgwbU a‡i fvZ Lvw”Qj bv? ---Had he not been eating rice for five minutes? Avwg wK MZKvj †_‡K K‡j‡R hvw”Qjvg bv?--- Had I not been going to college since yesterday? gv wK `k wgwbU a‡i fvZ ivbœv KiwQj bv?--Had mother not been cooking rice for ten minutes? Avgiv wK 1996 mvj †_‡K wµ‡KU †Lwj‡ZwQjvg bv?--Had we not been playing cricket since 1996 A.D.? N.B: Negative Interrogative Gi †¶‡Î not wU Subject Gi c‡i em‡e Z‡e ev‡K¨i Subject wU hw` Proper Noun nq Zvn‡j not wU Subject Gi Av‡M em‡e| Future Perfect Continuous Tense evsjvq wPbvi Dcvqt- evsjv ev‡K¨i wµqvi †k‡l ‡Z _vKe, †Z _vK‡e ,†Z _vK‡eb BZ¨vw` _vK‡e Ges Zvi mv‡_ nB‡Z/†_‡K ev awiqv/hver kã D‡jL _vK‡e| Structure: Subject + shall have been/ will have been+ Present form of Verb + ing + Object+ for/ since + Time ‡hgbt- †m cuvP wgwbU a‡i fvZ LvB‡Z _vK‡e ---He shall have been eating rice for five minutes. Avwg AvMvgxKvj †_‡K K‡j‡R hvB‡Z _vKe-- I shall have been going to college since tomorrow. gv `k wgwbU a‡i fvZ ivbœv Ki†Z _vK‡e--- Mother will have been cooking rice for ten minutes. Avgiv 1996 mvj †_‡K wµ‡KU †Lwj‡Z _vKe--We shall have been playing cricket since 1996 A.D. N. B.: g~jZt SimpleContinuous Tense Ges Perfect Continuous Gi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ nj mg‡qi †¶‡Î Simple Continuous Tense G evsjv ev‡K¨ mg‡qi D‡jL _vK‡e bv Avi Perfect Continuous G mg‡qi D‡jL _vK‡e | hw` evsjv ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ awiqv ev hver _v‡K Zvn‡j for n‡e Avi hw` nB‡Z ev †_‡K kã D‡jL _v‡K Zvn‡j since em‡e| Negative Gi Structure:- Subject+ have not been/has not been+ Present form of Verb +ing + O/E+ for/since +Time. †m cuvP wgwbU a‡i fvZ LvB‡Z _vK‡e bv ---He will not have been eating rice for five minutes. Avwg AvMvgxKvj †_‡K K‡j‡R hvB‡Z _vKe bv-- I shall not have been going to college since tomorrow. gv `k wgwbU a‡i fvZ ivbœv Ki†Z _vK‡e bv -- Mother will not have been cooking rice for ten minutes. Avgiv 1996 mvj †_‡K wµ‡KU †Lwj‡Z _vKe bv---We shall not have been playing cricket since 1996 A.D. Interrogative Gi Structure:-Shall/Will +Subject+ have been +Present form of Verb +ing + O/E+ for/since +Time? †m wK cvP wgwbU a‡i fvZ LvB‡Z _vK‡e ?---Will he have been eating rice for five minutes? Avwg wK AvMvgxKvj †_‡K K‡j‡R hvB‡Z _vKe ?-- Shall I have been going to college since tomorrow? gv wK `k wgwbU a‡i fvZ ivbœv Ki†Z _vK‡e ? --- Will mother have been cooking rice for ten minutes? Avgiv wK 1996 mvj †_‡K wµ‡KU †Lwj‡Z _vK‡e ?-----Shall we have been playing cricket since 1996 A.D? Negative Interrogative Gi Structure:-Shall/Will +Subject+ not have been+ Present form of Verb +ing + O/E+ for/since +Time? †m wK cvuP wgwbU a‡i fvZ LvBZ _vK‡e bv ?---Will he not have been eating rice for five minutes? Avwg wK AvMvgxKvj †_‡K K‡j‡R hvB‡Z _vKe bv?--- Shall I not have been going to college since tomorrow ? gv wK `k wgwbU a‡i fvZ ivbœv Ki†Z _vK‡e bv ?-Will mother not have been cooking rice for ten minutes ? Avgiv wK mKvj †_‡K A‡c¶v Ki‡Z _vKe bv?-Shall we not have been waiting since morning?
Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Basic English Grammar
Lecture Sheet Spoken
Encouraging some one to relax. Keep cool. Slow down. Be calm. Take it easy. Relax, calm your self. Word Meaning-16
English Meaning
lawfully, de jure, legally
duration, extent, range,
avi †`Iqv
Loan, advance
cwigvc, cwigvb
Martyrdom Manifestation
gvU©viWvg& g¨vwb‡dm&‡Ukb&
knx‡`i AvZ¥ewj Awfe¨w³, cÖKvk, cÖ`k©b
calculate, evaluate step, initiative sacrifice, devotion demonstration expression appearance
great work
the best specimen of a work or art
image, design pattern
the main distinct of out standing idea of theme in a work of art
wkíx ev Kwei †kªô Ae`vb wkí mvwn‡Z¨i g~j Dcv`vb ev cÖavb cÖm½ Acywó, cywónxbZv
aeficiency disease
huge, verious
many, consisting of many
gvZ…Z¡, cÖm~wZ nvmcvZvj wecyj msL¨K, A‡bK, eû wec¶Zv
condition resulting from the lack of foods necessary for health concerned with principles of right ad wrong behaviour. motherhood, motherliness
antagonism, hostility, conflict Duty, responsibility
‰bwZK ev AvBbMZ eva¨evaKZv
of or based on law; concerned with law measurement or extent from end to end allow the use of (money) at interest. to judge the importance, value or effect of sth,quantity etc the death of a martyr display
constraining power of a law, duty, contract, etc
Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
Class No- 17 Subject-verb Agreement A Verb, which agrees with its subject in number and person is called subject verb agreement. A_©vr hLb †Kvb ev‡K¨ Subject Gi mv‡_ m½wZ †i‡L Verb e‡m ZLb †mwU‡KB Subject Verb Agreement e‡j| me©`vB †Lqvj ivLv `iKvi †h ev‡K¨i Verb wU Aek¨B Zvi Subject Gi mv‡_ m½wZ †i‡L em‡e| hv‡nvK bx‡P Subject Verb Agreement Gi wKQz wbqg †`qv n‡jv hv wk¶v_x©‡`i A‡bK Kv‡R Avm‡e e‡j Avkv Kiv hvq|
Rules of agreement 1. `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK Subject hw` and w`‡q hy³ nq Ges GKB fve cÖKvk K‡i Zvn‡j Verb wU Singular n‡e| †hgb t (a) Bread and butter (is/are) found everywhere. Ans: is (b) Slow and steady (win/wins) the race. Ans: wins (c) A hue and cry (was/were) raised. Ans: was GLv‡b Bread Ges butter hw`I `yBwU Avjv`v Avjv`v Lvevi wKš‘ GB ¸wj AwaKvsk mgq GKmv‡_ LvIqv nq ZvB G‡`i c‡i Verb wU Singular n‡q‡Q|ZvQvov GwU GLb Phrase wnmv‡e e¨envi Kiv nq| evKx D`vniY¸wji †¶‡ÎI ZvB n‡q‡Q| Z‡e `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK subject hw` and w`‡q hy³ nq Ges wfbœ wfbœ fve cÖKvk K‡i Zvn‡j Verb wU plural n‡e| (a) Ruba and Raju (was/were) going to college. Ans: were (b) Time and tide (wait/waits) for none. Ans: wait GLv‡b i“ev Ges ivRy `yBRb e¨vw³ ZvB Verb wU eûePb n‡q‡Q|Abyiƒcfv‡e wØZxq D`vni‡YI ZvB n‡q‡Q| 2. hw` 2wU Subject, and Øviv hy³ nq Ges and Gi Av‡Mi Subject wU‡Z article _v‡K I c‡ii subject wU‡ZI article _v‡K Zvn‡j g‡b Ki‡Z n‡e DfqUvB wfbœ wfbœ e¨w³ ev e¯‘, myZivs †mB Abyhvqx verb eû ePb n‡e| †hgb t (a) The Principal and the Secretary (is/are) coming. Ans: are (b) A blue and a red pen (was/were) lost. Ans: were (c) The poet and the novelist (have/has) come. Ans: have GLv‡b Headmaster Gi A‡MI the e‡m‡Q Ges Secretary Gi Av‡MI the e‡m‡Q ZvB g‡b Ki‡Z n‡e `yBRb Avjv`v Avjv`v e¨vw³ ZvB G‡`i c‡i Verb wU plural n‡q‡Q|evKx D`vniY¸wji †¶‡ÎI ZvB n‡q‡Q| Z‡e hw` and Gi Av‡Mi kãwUi Av‡M Article _v‡K Ges c‡ii kãwUi Av‡M Article bv _v‡K Zvn‡j GKB e¨w³ ev e¯‘ g‡b Ki‡Z n‡e| myZivs †mB Abyhvqx Verb GKePb n‡e| †hgbt (a)The Headmaster and Secretary (is/are) coming. Ans: is (b)The Chairman and Treasurer (have/has) come. Ans: has 3. ev‡K¨i Verb Zvi Subject Gi Number I Person Abyhvqx e‡m| hw` Subject wU Singular nq Zvn‡j verb wUI Singular n‡e| Abyiƒcfv‡e Subject hw` Plural nq Zvn‡j verb wUI plural n‡e| (a) They (is/are) eating a banana. Ans: are (b) We (have/has) created this problem. Ans: have 4. hw` ev‡K¨i Subject wU Preposition w`‡q hy³ nq Zvn‡j preposition Gi Av‡Mi kã Abyhvqx verb em‡e| †hgbt (a) The presence of so many boys (is/are) encouraging. Ans: is (b) The mangoes in the box (have/has) been rotten. Ans: have 5. hLb †Kvb evK¨ There w`‡q ïi“ n‡e ZLb Zv‡`i Subject wU verb Gi c‡i e‡m wKš‘ me©`vB ¯§iY ivL‡e ev‡K¨i verb wU Subject Abyhvqx em‡e| †hgb t (a) There (is/are) a book on the table. Ans: is (b) There (is/are) a pen, a book and a clock on the table. Ans: are 6. Infinitive, Gerund, Verbal Noun, Phrase Ges Clause hw` ev‡K¨i subject nq Zvn‡j verb wU singular n‡e| (a) To walk in the morning (is/are) necessary. Ans: is (b) Walking (is/are) the best exercise. Ans: is (c) The reading of history (is/are) is interesting. Ans: is (d) That he will come (is/are) known to all. Ans: is (e) Success at any cost (is/are) his only goal. Ans: is GLv‡b cÖ_g D`vni‡Y To walk Infinitive ZvB verb wU singular n‡q‡Q| wVK GKBfv‡e wØZxq D`vni‡Y Walking Gerund Ges Z…Zxq D`vni‡Y The reading of history wU Verbal Noun ZvB verb wU singular n‡q‡Q| we.`ªt- GLb Rvbv `iKvi Infinitive, Gerund, Verbal Noun, Phrase Ges Clause Kv‡K e‡j ? To + Verb Gi cÖ_g iƒc‡K Infinitive ejv nq| ing hy³ Verb hw` Noun wnmv‡e KvR K‡i Zv‡K Gerund e‡j| ing hy³ Verb Gi Av‡M hw` The Ges c‡i of _v‡K Zvn‡j Zv‡K Verbal Noun e‡j|GQvov Phrase Ges Clause m¤ú‡K© GB eB‡q Av‡jvPbv Kiv Av‡Q|
Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
7. Collective Noun mvaviYZt singular aiv nq myZivs collective noun hw` ev‡K¨i subject nq Zvn‡j verb wU Singular nq| †hgb t (a) The army (was/were) defeated. Ans: was (b) The committee (have/has) approved the decision. Ans: has (c) The class (is/are) large. Ans: is Z‡e collective noun hLb noun of multitude wnmv‡e e¨eüZ n‡e ZLb subject wU plural n‡e| (noun of multitude ej‡Z H mg¯— noun †K eySvq hv mgwóMZfv‡e mKj‡K bv eySvBqv ¯^Zš¿fv‡e eySvq)| †hgb t (a) The Jury (was/were) divided in their opinions. Ans: were (b) The audience (is/are) requested to take their seats. Ans: are (c) The mob (do not/does not) know their mind. Ans: do not 8. Many a Gi c‡ii noun I verb DfqwUB GKePb nq Ges A Many Gi c‡ii noun I verb DfqwU eûePb nq| †hgb t (a) Many a student (have not/has not) yet gone to school. Ans: has not (b) A great many boys (are/is) coming home. Ans: are 9. A number Gi c‡ii Noun I verb eû ePb nq wKš‘ The number Gi c‡ii noun wU eûePb Avi verb wU GKePb n‡e| †hgbt (a) A number of boys (is/are) playing there. Ans: are (b) A number of students (was/were) waiting. Ans: were (c) The number of players (is/are) poor. Ans: is 10. Distance (`yiZ¡) evPK kã, cwigvb evPK kã, ‰`N©¨ evPK kã Ges Arithmetical Operation (AsK kv¯¿xq welq) hLb ev‡K¨i Subject nq ZLb ev‡K¨i Subject wU Plural n‡jI Verb wU GKePb n‡e| (a) Five miles (is/are) a long distance. Ans: is (b) Ten maunds (is/are) a heavy weight. Ans: is (c) Two and two (makes/make) four. Ans: makes 11. Each I Every Gi c‡ii Verb I Noun GKePb n‡e Avi no Gic‡ii Noun wU hw` GKePb nq Zvn‡j verb GKePb n‡e noun eûePb n‡j verb eûePb n‡e| †hgbt (a) Each boy and each girl (have/has) got an English book. Ans: has (b) Every star and every planet (is/are) the handiwork of Allah. Ans: is (c) No bus and no rickshaw (was/were) seen yesterday. Ans: was (d) No friends and no relatives (care/cares) for me. Ans: care 12. hw` ev‡K¨i Subject wU and no ev and not Øviv hy³ nq Zvn‡j and no ev and not Gi Av‡Mi subject Abyhvqx verb em‡e| †hgb t (a) A friend, and not an enemy (greet/greets) you. Ans: greets (b) Two pens only, and no book (is/are) required. Ans: are (c) Only Rana and not his brother (is/are) absent. Ans: is 13. †`‡ki bvg, eB‡qi bvg, gvby‡li bvg BZ¨vw`i mv‡_ s hy³ _vK‡j Ges Zviv ev‡K¨i Subject n‡j hw`I Zv‡`i‡K †`L‡Z g‡b nq Plural wKš‘ Zviv Plural bq eis Zviv singular Ges Zv‡`i verb wUI Singular n‡e| †hgb t (a) Dickens (is/are) an eminent writer. Ans: is (b) Gulliver’s Travels (is/are) a famous book. Ans: is (c) The United States of America (is/are) a large country. Ans: is 14. Adjective Gi Av‡M The hy³ n‡j ZLb Avi Adjective _v‡K bv †mwU Plural Common Noun n‡q hvq| myZivs †h‡nZz plural nq ZvB verb wU Plural n‡e| (†hgb t The old, the poor, the virtuous GLv‡b The old Gi A_© e„×iv the poor Gi A_© Mwi‡eiv the virtuous Gi A_© avwg©‡Kiv myZivs A_©MZ w`Kw`‡q eySv hvq Giv Plural) (a) (Is/Are) the rich always happy? Ans: Are (b) The pious (get/gets) relief always. Ans: get
Home Work a. Find out the right one. (1) The people with their beloved leader (is/are) going to the field. (2) Nobody (takes/take) tea here. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Basic English Grammar
Lecture Sheet
(3) Everybody (hates/hate) him. (4) More than two girls (are/is) necessary. (5) To walk in the morning (is/are) the best exercise. (6) To honour our superior (is/are) his duty. (7) The pleasures of sin (is/are) short) (8) That he will come (is/are) uncertain. (9) What is said (is/are) words. (10) Early to bed and early to rise (make/makes) a man healthy weal thy and wise. b. Use the right form of verb. (1) The good (to be) the winners. (2) He is one of the students who (to be) encouraged by all. (3) Each house, each tree, each room (look) nice. (4) My brother and not I (have) done it. (5) No man, no woman and no child (be) safe.
Spoken English When you are in trouble. I am in deep trouble. I am in over my head. My neck is on the line. Offering help to some one. Let me know if there is anything that I can do. I am here if you need me. I will always be there for you.
Word Meaning-17
D”PviY ‡mjdwijvBAvb&U ‡mfivj
A_© AvZ¥cÖZ¨qkxj, AvZ¥wbf©ikxj wZb ev Z‡ZvwaK, eû bq Z‡e wKQy a‡i ivLv, mn¨ Kiv
Tool Tips
Uzj wUc&m
hš¿ Bw½Z
Theatre Traits
_xqvUvi& †UªBU&
bvU¨kvjv ˆewkó¨
Theme Topical
_xg& UwcKvj
Thatched Unfortunate
_¨vP&U Avb‡dvPzbvU&
Violation Verse
fvBAv‡jBkb& fvm©
g~jfve eZ©gvb cÖm½ ev welq m¤^Üxq ïKbv L‡oi QvDwb `~f©vM¨RbK, `ytLRbK, †kvPbxq j•Nb KweZv
Word Self reliant
Synonyms autonomous, selfdirected respective, various
instrument, utensil guidelines, instruction
carry on, maintain, prolong
mannerism, peculiarity calm, controlled, moderate, idea, topic, matter relevant, newsworthy roofed inauspicious, unfortunate person abuse, contravention rhyme, stanza, canto
English Meaning reliance on one's own resources etc.; independence more than two but not many; a few support, bear the weight of, esp. for a long period. 2 encourage, support an instrument used by workmen a hint play-house a distinguishing feature free from extremes of heat and cold a keynote about a subject of current interest of-covering of straw, reeds, etc unlucky. 2 unhappy transgression poetry
Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet Class No-18
Basic English Grammar
Subject-Verb Agreement
15. hLb †Kvb ev‡K¨i ïi“‡Z GKwU Subject AZtci as well as, along with, together with, accompanied by, in addition to ev with Gi †Kvb GKwU _v‡K, AZtci Av‡iKwU Subject _v‡K ZLb cÖ_g Subject Abyhvqx verb em‡e| †hgbt (a) He as well as I (am/is) to blame. Ans: is (b) The principal accompanied by the teachers (have/has) done. Ans: has (c) Rana with his parents (was/were) going to market. Ans: was 16. Aci c‡¶ hLb Either ..............or, Neither ................. nor, Not only....................... but also `ywU Subject ‡K hy³ Ki‡e ZLb 2q Subject Abyhvqx verb em‡e|†hgbt-(a) Either you or he (have/has) done it. Ans: has (b) Neither Kamal nor his friends (are/is) present. Ans: are (c) Not only he but also I (do not/does not) smoke. Ans: do not 17. Relative Pronoun Gi verb Zvi antecedent (c~e©eZ©x kã) Abyhvqx e‡m| †hgb t (a) It is I who (am/is) to blame. Ans: am (b) This is the boy who (have/has) taken my pen. Ans: has (c) These are the pens which (were/was) lost yesterday. Ans: were GLv‡b cÖ_g I wØZxq ev‡K¨ who Ges Z„Zxq ev‡K¨ which Relative Pronoun cÖ_g ev‡K¨ who Gi Av‡M I Av‡Q †mB Abyhvqx am e‡m‡Q|Abyiƒcfv‡e wØZxq I Z…Zxq ev‡K¨ †mB Abyhvqx e‡m‡Q| 18. News, innings, gallows, bonafides, optics, wages, where abouts BZ¨vw` kã¸wji mv‡_ s hy³ _vK‡jI Avm‡j k㸇jv plural bq eis Zviv singular myZivs G¸wji c‡ii verb me©`vB singular n‡q _v‡K|†hgbt (a) Ill news (run/runs) a pace. Ans: runs (b) His whereabouts (is/are) not good. Ans: is (c) The wages of sin (are/is) death. Ans: is 19. Aci c‡¶ Aristocracy, artillery, cattle, clergy, gentry, poultry, folk, Vermin, nobility, people, police, majority, pesantry, public, audience BZ¨vw` kã¸wji mv‡_ hw`I eûeP‡bi s †bB ZvB Zv‡`i‡K singular ‡`L‡Z g‡b n‡jI Giv Avm‡j plural myZivs G‡`i c‡ii verb wUI plural n‡e|†hgbt(a) The cattle (is/are) grazing in the field. Ans: are (b) The people of our village (is/are) related to it. Ans: are 20. Physics, Civics, Mathematics, Electronics, Dynamics, Ethics, Economics, BZ¨vw` Subject evPK bvg¸wji mv‡_ hw`I (S) hy³ Av‡Q Z_vwcI Verb wU GKePb n‡e|†hgbt(a) Economics (is/are) a subject of arts. Ans: is (b) Dynamics (are not/is not) taught here. Ans: is 21. Spectacles, Scissors, Trousers, Binoculars, Ashes, Alms, Assets, Amends, Auspices, Billiards measles, shears, annals, jaws, BZ¨vw` noun ¸wj plural ZvB G‡`i c‡ii verb I plural n‡e|†hgbt(a) His trousers (are/is) torn out in the accident. Ans: are (b) Her jaws (have/has) increased her beauty. Ans: have 22. fMœvs‡ki †¶‡Î (One-third, One-fourth, Two-sevenths BZ¨vw`) fMœvs‡ki c‡i GKwU of _vK‡e Ges of c‡ii noun hw` GKePb nq Zvn‡j verb GKePb Avi hw` noun eûePb nq Zvn‡j verb wU eûePb n‡e| †hgbt-(a) One-fourth of the work (is/are) done. Ans: is (b) Half of the students (are/is) absent today. Ans: are Ans: are (c) A lot of students (are/is) present today. (d) Three-fourths of the mangoes (is/are) rotten. Ans: are 23. One of, Each of, Every of, None of, Either of, Neither of, Gi c‡ii noun ev Pronoun eûePb n‡jI verb wU GKePb n‡e|†hgbt-(a) Each of the boys (is/are) poor. Ans: is (c) None of you (have/has) got a prize. Ans: has
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Basic English Grammar
24. More than one Gi c‡ii noun I verb DfqwUB GKePb n‡e Avi More than two Gi c‡ii noun I verb DfqwUB plural n‡e wKš‘ one and a half Gi c‡ii noun wU eûePb n‡jI verb wU GKePb n‡e|†hgbt(a) More than one girl (was/were) absent. Ans: was (b) One and a half of the mangoes (is/are) found. Ans: is 25. One in Gi c‡ii verb wU GKePb n‡e Avi Two in Gi c‡ii verb wU eûePb n‡e|†hgbt-(a) One in ten boys (have/has) passed in the exam. Ans: has (b) Two in twenty students (are/is) present. Ans: are 26. hLb †Kvb ev‡K¨ 3Uv person GK‡Î cvkvcvwk e‡m ZLb hw` evK¨ Øviv †`v‡li wKQy bv eySvq A_©vr mvaviY Ae¯’v eySvq ZLb 231 wnmv‡e em‡e A_©vr cÖ_‡g 2nd person, Zvici 3rd person Ges Zvici 1st person. wKš‘ evK¨Uv Øviv hw` †`v‡li wKQy eySvq Zvn‡j 132 Abyhvqx em‡e Ges Dfq †¶‡ÎB verb wU plural n‡e|†hgbt(a) You, Rana, and I (is/are) responsible for it. Ans: are (b) I, Rana, and you (is/are) guilty. Ans: are 27. Everybody, Everyone ev Nobody, No one, None ev‡K¨i Subject n‡j G‡`i c‡ii verb wU Singular n‡e| †hgb t(a) Everybody (hate/hates) a liar. Ans: hates (b) Nobody (is/are) present in the meeting. Ans: is 28. The greater part ev The greatest part hLb †Kvb ev‡K¨i Subject n‡e ZLb G‡`i c‡i GKwU of _vK‡e Ges of Gi c‡ii noun hw` GKePb nq Zvn‡j verb GKePb Avi hw` noun eûePb nq Zvn‡j verb wU eûePb n‡e| †hgbt-(a) The greater part of the land (is/are) uncultivated. Ans: is (b) The greater of the apples (are/is) rotten. Ans: are
Home Work a. Find out the right one from the bracket. (1) The number of students (is/are) increasing day by day. (2) Bread and butter (is/are) my favourite breakfast. (3) Each of the boys (is/are) in the meeting. (4) One of the boys (have/has) lost the pen. (5) Either of the pens (do not/ does not) write well. (6) Reza (cross/crosses) the road. (7) Flowers (are/ is) gift of nature. (8) There (is/are) a book, a pen, a chair and a table in my room. (9) Half of the mangoes (are/is) rotten. (10)His spectacles (are/is) lost. b. Use the right form of the verbs in the bracket. (1) The number of students in this college (to be) increasing. (2) Neither he nor you (to be) guilty. (3) His bonafides (to be) in doubt. (4) No news (mean) good news. (5) The good (to be) the winners. (6) The number of students (is/are) increasing day by day. (7) Bread and butter (is/are) my favourite breakfast. (8) Each of the boys (is/are) in the meeting. (9) One of the boys (have/has) lost the pen. (10)Either of the pens (do not/ does not) write well.
Spoken English
Asking time Rana: Excuse me, what time is it? Raju: It is ten O’clock sharp. Rana: Thanks a lot. Raju: Don’t mention it.
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Basic English Grammar
Telling days and dates Karim: What day is today? Rahim: Today is Wednesday. Karim: What is the date/What date is today? Rahim: It’s September13. Word Meaning-18 Word Wide
Synonyms across-the-board, all-embracing far-flung adjourn, back away
A_© PvIqv, cÖk¯—, we¯—xY© eûwe¯Z…Z m‡i hvIqv, Zz‡j †bIqv ivM
Widespread Withdraw
IAvBW‡¯cÖW DB`‡Wªv
Anger Application
Av‡e`b, cÖ‡qvM
Advantage Ancient Attention
AvWfvbwUR GBbkvb&U& Av‡Ub&k&b&
myweav, my‡hvM cÖvPxb g‡bv‡hvM
Benefit, Serve, Obsolete, Old, Care, Observation
mwVKfv‡e g~j¨vqb Kiv Kó †`Iqv
w`K, `„k¨
Lovely, Sweet, Pulling Deed, Feat, Work, Exploit Value, Respect, Esteem Agonies, Distress, Exercise Attitude, view point goods, facilities
wbqwš¿Z n‡Z AvMÖnx
Fury,Temper Study,
agreeable, willing
English Meaning having sides far apart, broad, not narrow widely distributed pull or take aside or back. 2 discontinue, cancel, retract extreme or passionate displeasure formal request. beneficial feature of long ago act or faculty of applying one’s mind; good-looking act of achieving. esteem highly distress physically or mentally viewpoint, feature, etc. to be considered pleasant or useful feature or facility. answerable to law
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No-19 Use of Modals Av‡MB Avgiv Modals m¤ú‡K© †R‡bwQ| GLb Avgiv G‡`i e¨envi m¤ú©‡K Rvbe| evsjv ev‡K¨i †k‡l hLb †Z cviv/†Z cvwi/†Z cv‡i _v‡K Zvn‡j Can, Could, may, might Gi †h †Kvb GKwU bx‡Pi e¨envi Abyhvqx em‡e| (i) Can (1) Bnv ability ev ¶gZv eySvq For example, K. Avwg †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cvwi | L. Zzwg Pv ˆZix Ki‡Z cvi| I can help you. You can make tea. (2) Permission ev AbygwZ eySvq For example, K. Avwg wK evB‡i †h‡Z cvwi? L. Zzwg KvRUv Ki‡Z cvi | Can I go outside? You can do the work. (ii) Could (1) request ev Aby‡iva eySv‡bvi Rb¨ e‡m †hgb: K. Avwg wK Avcbvi ‡dvbwU e¨envi Ki‡Z cvwi? L. Avcwb wK `iRvUv eÜ Ki‡Z cvi‡eb? Could I use your phone? Could you close the door? (2) Possibility ev m¤¢vebv eySv‡bvi Rb¨ e‡m †hgb: K. Zzwg wVK ej‡Z cvi | L. †m Avm‡Z cv‡i | You could be right. He could come. (3) suggestion ev civgk© eySv‡bvi Rb¨ e‡m Such as K. Zzwg Zv‡K †Zvgvi mv‡_ †h‡Z ej‡Z cvi | You could ask her to go with you. (iii) May (1) Possibility ev m¤¢vebv eySv‡bvi Rb¨ e‡m †hgb: K. GB eBwU ivbvi n‡Z cv‡i| L. †m Avm‡Z fy‡j †h‡Z cv‡i| This book may be Rana's. He may forget to come. (2) Permission ev AbygwZ eySvq †hgb: K. Avwg wK em‡Z cvwi? L. Avwg wK evB‡i †h‡Z cvwi? May I sit down? May I go outside? (3) B”Qv cÖKvk Kivi Rb¨ may e‡m †hgb: K. Zzwg gnr nI L. †m Zvi B”Qv c~ib Ki“K May you be great. May he fulfill his desire. (iv) Might (1) slight possibility ev Kg m¤¢vebv eySv‡bvi Rb¨ e‡m †hgb: K. †m evox _vK‡Z cv‡i L. AvR e„wó n‡Z cv‡i He might be at home. It might rain today. (2) Permission ev AbygwZ eySvq| †hgb: K. Avwg wK civgk© Ki‡Z cvwi? Might I make a suggestion? (3) Polite request eySv‡bvi Rb¨ e‡m †hgb: K. Zzwg Aš—Z: mvnv‡h¨i cÖ¯—ve w`‡Z cvi You might at least offer to help? (v) Shall/Will (1) Bnv Future Tense G e¨eüZ nq evsjvq G‡`i A_© ev, e, †e †eb BZ¨vw` †hgb: K. †m AvMvgxKvj Avm‡e He will come tomorrow. st (2) A‡bK mgq †Rvi ev ¸i“Z¡ w`‡q eySv‡bvi Rb¨ 1 Person Gi mv‡_ shall Gi RvqMvq will e‡m Ges 2nd I 3rd Person Gi mv‡_ shall e‡m| †hgb: K. †m AvMvgxKvj Avm‡eB L. Avwg †hfv‡eB †nvK Bnv Ki‡evB He shall come tomorrow. I will do it by hook or by crook. (vi) Should DwPr Gi evsjv A_© DwPr myZivs evsjv ev‡K¨i †k‡l hLb DwPr kã _vK‡e ZLb wbgœwjwLZ †¶‡Î Bnv em‡e| (1) Obligation ev eva¨evaKZv eySv‡bvi Rb¨ e‡m †hgb: K. ‡Zvgvi GLb P‡j hvIqv DwPr You should leave now. (2) uncertain conclusion ev AwbwðZ mgvwß eySv‡bvi Rb¨ e‡m †hgb: K. mÜvi Av‡M Avgv‡`i ‡cŠQv‡bv DwPr We should reach before dark. (3) advice ev Dc‡`k †`qv eySv‡bvi Rb¨ e‡m †hgb: K. †Zvgvi aygcvb eÜ Kiv DwPr You should stop smoking. (4) polite request ev web‡qi mv‡_ Aby‡iva eySv‡bvi Rb¨ e‡m| †hgb: K. Avwg GKUv †dvb Ki‡Z PvB Should I make a phone call, please?
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(vii) Would Bnv will Gi past iƒc (1) Polite Request eySv‡bvi Rb¨ e‡m| †hgb: K. `qv K‡i GKUv Rvbvjv Lyj‡eb wK? (2) offer ev invitation eySv‡bvi Rb¨ e‡m †hgb: K. Avcwb m¨ÛDBP Lv‡eb wK? (3) KviI B”Qv ev cQ›` cÖKvk Kivi Rb¨ e‡m †hgb: K. Avwg GKKvc Pv †L‡Z cQ›` Kwi
Basic English Grammar
Would you open a window, please? Would you like a sandwich? I would love a cup of tea.
(viii) Must Aek¨B (1) Obligation eySv‡bvi Rb¨ e‡m †hgb: K. Zzwg hvIqvi Av‡M Aek¨B KvRUv †kl Ki‡e L. cwi`k©Kiv Aek¨B cvwL‡`i‡K LvIqv‡e bv You must finish your work before you go. Visitors must not feed the birds. (2) Strong probability eySv‡bvi Rb¨ e‡m †hgb: K. åg‡bi ci Aek¨B Zzwg K¬vš— n‡q hv‡e You must be tired after your journey.
Need & Dare
Need k‡ãi A_© cª‡qvRb ev cÖ‡qvRb nIqv Avi Dare k‡ãi A_© mvnm Kiv | GB `ywU hw`I Modal Auxiliary Gi g‡a¨ MY¨ Kiv nq Z_vwcI G‡`i Ab¨ e¨enviI Av‡Q A_©vr Giv Principal Auxiliary `yfv‡e e¨envi n‡Z cv‡i A. Need as Principal Verb (1) Need ev‡K¨ Principal Verb wnmv‡e e‡m K. Avgvi GKUv Kjg `iKvi L. Zvi GKUv eB `iKvi I need a pen. He needs a book (2) Need hLb Principal Verb wnmv‡e e‡m ZLbG‡`i c‡i infinitive Gi to e‡m †hgb: K. Avgvi Bs‡iRx cov `iKvi L. Zvi GLv‡b Avmv `iKvi I need to read English. He needs to come here B. Need as an auxiliary verb: (1) Need hLb Auxiliary Verb wnmv‡e e‡m ZLbG‡`i c‡i infinitive Gi to e‡m bv| †hgb: K. Avgvi †mLv‡b hvIqv `iKvi L. Avgv‡`i Bnv Kivi `iKvi †bB I need go there. We need not do it. Other Uses A. Need+ Gerund (Verb + ing) : It is used when a thing is used as subject. A_©vr hLb e¯‘evPK wKQy ev‡K¨i Subject n‡e ZLb Bnv e¨eüZ nq †hgb: K. wUwf Uv †givgZ Kiv `iKvi L. evoxUv †givgZ Kiv `iKvi The TV needs repairing. The house needs repairing Aek¨ Dc‡iv³ evK¨wU‡K Gfv‡e cªKvk Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i need to be + past participle of verb a. The TV needs to be repaired. b. The house needs to be painted. B.
Subject+ be + in need of +Noun Need ‡K †cªv³ structure Abyhvqx noun wnmv‡eI e¨envi Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i †hgb: K. Avgv‡`i UvKv `iKvi We are in need of money(= We need money). L. ivbvi UvKvi `iKvi n‡qwQj Rana was in need of money.(= Rana needed money) OR need not have + Past participle
did not need to + present form of verb
‡Kvb KvR Kivi ci g‡b nq †h KvRUv Kivi †Kvb cÖ‡qvRb wQj bv GB A‡_© Bnv e‡m †hgb: K. Avgv‡`i †cbwmjUv Avbvi `iKvi wQj bv L. Zvi †mLv‡b hvIqvi `iKvi wQjbv We need not have brought the pencil. He did not need to go there.
A. Dare as a Principal Verb: Need Gi gZ DareI ev‡K¨ Principal Verb wnmv‡e e‡m †hgb: K. Avwg †mLv‡b hvIqvi mvnm Kwi bv L. †m Avgv‡K mgv‡jvPbv Kivi mvnm K‡i bv I do not dare to go there. He does not dare to criticise me. B. Dare as an Auxiliary Verb :Need hLb Auxiliary Verb wnmv‡e e‡m ZLb G‡`i c‡i infinitive Gi to e‡m bv| †hgb: K. †m GLv‡b Avmvi mvnm K‡i bv L. Avgiv Bnv Kivi mvnm Kwi bv Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
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He dare not come here. We dare not do it. Periphrastic Modal Auxiliary: †h Verb ¸wji c‡i me©`vB to e‡m Zv‡K Periphrastic Modal Auxiliary e‡j| †hgb t We ought to help others. msL¨v t G‡`i msL¨v 6wU | h_v t be to, be going to, used to, ought to, be about to, Have to Use of Periphrastic Modal Auxiliary A. Be to: Be Verb Gi 8 wU form Av‡Q h_v: am, is , are, was, were, be ,been ,being (1) am to / is to / are to + Verb Bnv evsjvq Ó†Z nq ev K_v Av‡QÓ A_© eySv†bvi Rb¨ e‡m †hgb: K. Avgvi †mLv‡b hvIqvi K_v Av‡Q L. Zv‡K gv‡S gv‡S Bnv Ki‡Z nq I am to go there. He is to do it sometimes. (2) was to/ were to + verb evsjvq ÓK_v wQjÓ A‡_© Bnv e‡m †hgb: K. Avgvi †mLv‡b hvIqvi K_v wQj L. Zvi Avgv‡K `k UvKv †`Iqvi K_v wQj I was to go there. He was to give me ten taka. B. Have to :Have Verb Gi 3 wU form Av‡Q h_v : have, has, had (1) Have to /Has to + Verb evsjv ev‡K¨i †k‡l hLb Ó†Z n‡eÓ _v‡K ZLb Bnv em‡e| Bnv must Gi gZ eva¨evaKZv eySv‡bvi Rb¨ e‡m Z‡e Bnv must Gi †P‡q Kg stronger. †hgb: K. Avgv‡K Bnv Ki‡Z n‡e L. Zv‡K GLv‡b Avm‡Z n‡e I have to do it. He has to come here. Had to +Verb Bnv AZxZKvjxb eva¨evaKZv eySv‡bvi Rb¨ e‡m evsjvq Gi A_© n‡e "†Z n†qwQjÓ †hgb: K. Avgv‡K RwgUv wewµ Ki‡Z n‡qwQj L. †Zvgv‡K GUv wb‡Z n‡qwQj I had to sell the land. You had to take it. Be going to : Bnv ÓD‡Ïk¨Ó eySv‡bvi Rb¨ e‡m †hgb: K. Avwg GKwU QvZv wKb‡Z hvw”Q L. Zzwg KjgUv wKb‡Z hv”Q I am going to buy an umbrella. You are going to take the pen. Be about to : ‡Kvb KvR cÖvq N‡U wM‡qwQj Zv eySv‡bvi Rb¨ be about to e‡m †hgb: K. Avgiv cÖvq †cŠ‡Q wM‡qwQ L. †m cÖvq g‡iB wM‡qwQj We are about to reach. He was about to die. Used to: AZxZKvjxb wbqwgZ Af¨vm eySv‡bvi Rb¨ e‡m| evsjv ev‡K¨i †k‡l hLb Zvg, Z, †Z, †Zb, ‡Zg _v‡K ZLb GwU em‡e| †hgb: K. †m mKv‡j nvUZ L. Avwg b`x‡Z †Mvmj KiZvg He used to walk in the morning. I used to bathe in the pond. Ought to:Bnvi evsjv A_© DwPr Bnvi e¨envi should Gi gZ †hgb: K. Avgv‡`i g‡bv‡hvM w`‡q cov DwPr L. †Zvgvi Bnv Kiv DwPr We ought to read attentively. You ought to do it. (2)
C. D. E.
Home Work Translate the following sentences into English:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Avwg wK †Zvgvi KjgwU †c‡Z cvwi? Avwg hLb †QvU wQjvg ZLb Avwg muvZvi KvU‡Z cviZvg| exw_ AsKwU Ki‡Z cviZ| AvR e„wó n‡Z cv‡i| Zv‡`I cÖPzi Abykxjb Kiv DwPr| Zzwg Aek¨B covïbv †kl Ki‡e| mvwR‡`I e„wË cvIqv `iKvi| Avwg Av‡M Pv cvb KiZvg| Avwmd‡K cix¶v w`‡Z n‡qwQj| cvwLwU cÖvq gviv hvw”Qj| `qv K‡i Avgv‡K K¨vw¤^ªqvb K‡j‡Ri wVKvbvwU ej‡eb Kx? nvwg` AvMvgxKvj evwo wdi‡Z cv‡i| ‡m Rxe‡b DbœwZ Ki“K| evsjv‡`k AvMvgx‡Z ïay R‡qi Rb¨ †Lj‡e| ‡Zvgvi Zv&ovZvwo Kivi cÖ‡qvRb †bB|
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Basic English Grammar
Daily Activities Runa: When do you get up? Shima: I get up at six fifteen. Runa: When do you take your breakfast? Shima: Breakfast is always at a quarter to eight. Runa: How much time do you spend in reading in a day? Shima: 6 hours a day. Word Meaning 19 Word Credit
D”PviY ‡µwWU
A_© K…wZZ¡, FY
Synonyms approval, distraction tillage of land
fixed, static
Cockerel Conflict Cherish Challenge
K°vivj Kbwd¬KU ‡Pwik P¨vwjbR
ev”Pv †gviM msNvZ jvjb Kiv cix¶v
a young cock clash, argument foster, nurture test, trial
restricted, limited unable
‡cŠl¨, wbf©ikxj c~e© wba©vwiZ Kiv wewj Kiv, †cŠ‡Q †`Iqv `wjj
Defence Durable
wW‡db&m& wWDive&j&
cÖwZi¶v ‡UKmB, gReyZ cÖZviYvg~jK
Dishonorab le Despite Distress
wWmcvBU wWm‡Uªm
m‡Ë¡I Pig `y`©kv
English Meaning source of honour, pride. prepare and use (soil etc.) for crops or gardening. occurring frequently (constant complaints). a young cock. a state of opposition. protect or tend lovingly. to take part in a contest etc. or to prove or justify something. keep or restrict (within certain limits). deprived of an ability or function
judgment, settlement choice, result needy, reliant,
act or process of deciding
be destined to be fated or preordained to distribute (letters, goods, etc.) to their destination(s) thing providing a record or evidence of events, agreement, discussion between people with different opinions being far off
Supply certificats, paper, writing, Coíloquy, Discourse, absence, space, Interval guard, constant, stable, permanent misleading, unreliable, Humiliating, disgrace. in spite of misery
unable to do without
Defending or protection with a relatively long useful life likely to deceive or misleading loss of honour or respect; in spite of. anguish or suffering caused by pain, sorrow, worry, etc.
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Cambrian College Department of English
Lecture Sheet
Basic English Grammar
Class No-20 Translation in Voice Avgiv Rvwb, Voice n‡jv Sentence G Subject wµqvkxj wKbv Zvi cÖKvk| Avi Subject wbw®Œq _vK‡j Zv‡K Passive Voice e‡j| Bs‡iRx‡Z K_v ej‡Z wM‡q ev wjL‡Z wM‡q Avgiv Ggb KZ¸‡jv evK¨ cve †h¸‡jv‡Z Subject Dn¨ _v‡K| Gme evK¨ e¨envi Ki‡Z Voice Rvbv Ri“wi| †hgb: AvBb cÖ‡qvM nIqv DwPr (Law should be imposed.)| G ev‡K¨ †K AvBb cÖ‡qvM Ki‡e Zv ejv †bB| G‡¶‡Î Passive Voice e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e| Bs‡iRx‡Z Gi MVb n‡jv, Subject + ‘BE’ Verb + Past participle form of Verb [+ Preposition (by) + Object.] Avi, wewfbœ Tense G e¨eüZ ‘BE’ Verb Gi iƒc¸‡jv n‡jv: am, is, are, was, were, shall be, will be, have been, has been, had been, shall have been, will have been, being BZ¨vw`| Gev‡i Avgiv wewfbœ Tense G Gi cÖ‡qvM †`Le| Z‡e Present, Past I Future Tense G Perfect Continuous form Gi e¨envi Passive voice G nq bv ej‡jB P‡j| ZvB GB Tense ¸‡jv GLv‡b Av‡jvPbv Kiv n‡jv bv| j¶¨ Ki: Tense Structure Bangla Sentence English Form Present Indefinite English is taught here. GLv‡b Bs‡iRx ‡kLv‡bv nq| S+Be(am/is/are)+V pp +(…..) Past Indefinite They were requested. Zv‡`i‡K Aby‡iva Kiv S+Be(was/were)+V pp +(…..) n‡qwQj| Future Indefinite Some books will be KZK¸‡jv eB †Kbv n‡e| S+Be(shall be/will bought. be)+V pp +(..) Present Continuous S+(am/is/are)+being+V pp +(..) The work is being done. KvRwU Kiv n‡”Q| Past Continuous The picture was being QwewU †`Lv‡bv nw”Qj| S+(was/were)+being+V pp +(..) shown. Future Continuous Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect
S+(shall be/will be)+being +V pp +(…..) S+ (have/has)+been+V pp +(..) S+had been+V pp +(…..) S+(shall/will)+have been +V pp +(…..)
RwgwU Pvl Kiv n‡Z _vK‡e| The field will be being cultivated. Zv‡K kvw¯— †`Iqv n‡q‡Q| He has been punished. G e¨vcv‡i cywjk‡K Rvbv‡bv The police had been informed of this matter. n‡qwQj| ‡Zvgv‡`i ‡cuŠQv‡bvi Av‡M H Those works will have been done before your KvR¸‡jv Kiv n‡q hv‡e| arrival.
* evsjv ev‡K¨i e³e¨ hw` `ywU evK¨vsk e¨envi K‡i ejv nq Ges Kx ejv n‡”Q Zv cÖ_g evK¨vs‡k Subject wnmv‡e D‡jL bv _v‡K Z‡e H Sentence wU Bs‡iRx‡Z ‘It’ w`‡q ïi“ Ki‡Z nq| Introductory ‘It’ hy³ wb‡Pi evK¨¸‡jv †Lqvj Ki: Tense Structure Bangla Sentence English Form It Present Indefinite It is said that…... Giƒc ejv nq †h........| Past Indefinite Future Indefinite
+Be(am/is/are)+V pp +(...)+that+... It +Be(was/were)+V pp +(..)+that+... It + Be(shall be/will be) + V pp + (..) + that +……
Giƒc fvev n‡qwQj †h......| GgbwU ejv n‡e †h..........|
It was thought that…… It will be said that…….
* ‡Kvb cÖ¯—vebv hy³ evK¨ Imperative Sentence weavq Bs‡iRx‡Z Passive form G ‘Let’ w`‡q ïi“ Ki‡Z nq: Structure Bangla Sentence English Form ‘Let’ + Subject + ‘Be’ verb + V pp + KvRwU †kl Kiv †nvK| Let the work be finished. (……) Let this be told to him. Zv‡K GK_v ejv †nvK| Let your health be taken care of. (†Zvgvi) ¯^v‡¯’i cÖwZ hZœ †bIqv †nvK|
Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English
Basic English Grammar
Lecture Sheet
Home Work Translate the following sentences into English. (1) Zv‡K fvZ †L‡Z †`Iqv †nvK| (2) Avgv‡`i‡K GKwU gRvi Aa¨vq †kLv‡bv nw”Qj| (3) Zv‡K Kó †`Iqv nw”Qj| (4) MíwU ejv n‡e| (5) we‡Kj cuvPUvi Av‡M KvRwU Kiv n‡e| (6) ‡g‡qwU‡K eBwU co‡Z †`Iqv †nvK| (7) Zv‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ Kiv n‡e| (8) Giƒc fvev n‡qwQj †h Avgiv †LjvwU‡Z wRZ‡ev| (9) GB mgm¨wUi mgvavb Kiv †nvK| (10)G wel‡q Kvh©Ki c`‡¶c MÖnY Ki‡Z n‡e| (11) XvKvq A‡bK UvKv cvIqv hvq| (12) fv‡jv PvKzwi †c‡Z n‡j QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i‡K Bs‡iwR wkL‡Z n‡e| (13) GLv‡b fv‡jv PvDj cvIqv hvq| (14) wk¶v_x©‡`i‡K 5 wU K¬v‡k Bs‡iwR †kLv‡bv n‡e| (15) Pywi Kivi Rb¨ Zv‡K kvw¯— †`qv n‡qwQj| Spoken English Asking for clarification in a college class room Could you explain that again? Please go over that part again. I still don’t understand. Could you make me clear, please?
Word Meaning
D”PviY W¨bwUs
overwhelming, discouraging lower, decrease, shorten
Domestic chores Discrimination
‡Wv‡gmwUK ‡Pvtm
N‡ii KvRKg©
household work
prejudice, disparity
Endanger Encompass
Bb&†WBbRvi& Bb&Kg&cvm&
hazard, imperil belt, enclose, compass, gird
Enormous Endow
B‡bvg©vm& Bb&WvD
wec‡` †djv ‡eób Kiv, Ave„Z Kiv cÖPzi m¤ú` cÖvwß
wbe©vwPZ ev g‡bvwbZ Kiv cÖKvwkZ nIqv
wN‡i †djv, msMÖw_Z
English Meaning discourage, intimidate. deteriorate; lose strength or vigour; decrease. of the home, household, or family affairs. showing good judgement or taste. place or thing in danger. surround
huge endue, enrich, furnish, grant appoint, choose, prefer, select
extremely large provide with talent, ability, etc. choose by voting or selection
appear, rise, escape, issue encircle, cover,
come up or out into view a surround with a wall, fence,
Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170
Cambrian College Department of English Kiv
wrap, surround
D”PviY Bg&†eªBm&
A_© MÖnb ev Avwj½b Kiv
Ensure Extreme
Bb&ïAvi& BK&m&wUªg&
wbwðZ Kiv Pig mxgv
accept, contain, enfold, clasp amplification, dilation, increase, opening assure greatest, excessive
Endeavour Electric
Bb&†Wfvi& B‡jK&wUªK&
mgvß nIqv ev †kl Kiv cÖ‡Póv ‰e`y¨wZK, D‡ËRK
close, finish, terminate, destroy aim, attempt, strive, try exciting, flashing thrilling
assure, inspire
Avk¦¯— ev DrmvwnZ Kiv we¯—vi
Av‡e‡Mi mv‡_
Basic English Grammar
Lecture Sheet Synonyms
cheer, comfort,
expansion, lengthening, stretching, dignity, excited, agitated. passionate
English Meaning hold closely in the arms, adopt (a cause, idea, etc.) expanding or being expanded make certain either of two things as remote or as different as possible extreme limit try earnestly charged with electricity or excitement give courage or confidence to part enlarging or added on especially liable to emotion
Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557160/170