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Written in accordance with the syllabus for the students of classes 11-12


WRITTEN, EDITED & COMPILED BY: MD. ABDUR RAZZAK SARKER B.A. (Hons). M.A. in English (University of Dhaka) (Double stand- S.S.C. 15th & H.S.C. 6th) Associate Professor of English Head of the Department of English Cambrian College, Dhaka. & Formerly Head of the Department of English College of Development Alternative (CODA), Dhaka. Part-time Lecturer University of Development alternative (UODA), Dhaka. Writer: Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English, Second Paper (Classes 11-12) Co-writer: Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English, First Paper (Classes 11-12) Lecture Sheet (English For Today, Classes 11-2)

CAMBRIAN PUBLICATIONS Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Published by: Cambrian Publications Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka-1212  9891919, 01720557160/170

[All rights reserved by the publisher]

First Edition: July 2012 Second Edition: February 2013 Trade Mark Reg. No.96504, Class-16 Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh

Computer Compose & Designed: Md. Imam Hossain Md. Arif Bhandary

Price: Complementary (Only for the students of Cambrian College) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Dedicated to Our respectable Chairman, Vice Chairman & My parents

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


It is a great pleasure that I have with the mercy of the Almighty been able to publish this book. The book, I think, will be very helpful to the students and teachers to provide them with reading materials necessary to solve the problems related to their course of English Second Paper as well as to improve the skill in English language. Here I have tried to enclose added materials to the items of questions that characteristically deserve scopes. In addition, this book corresponds to all the guidelines of Teachers’ Guide book to the necessary extent. Despite my whole hearted efforts there may be some unexpected mistakes. If I am kindly informed, I will cordially welcome and try to correct them. In addition, I invite any sort of suggestion in favour of the improvement and elevation of this book. I owe a great deal to our honorable Chairman for his great inspiration, valuable suggestion and providing me with necessary logistic supports that have greatly contributed to the coming of the book in existence. I am also grateful to my wife whose inspiration has accelerated the work. Special thanks to my pretty little kids Prionty & Roshan and heartiest thanks to Md. Zoynul Abadin who has managed the whole work with great care and sincerity.

Md. Abdur Razzak Sarker Associate Professor Department of English Cambrian College, Dhaka.

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Message from the publisher Cambrian College has established its own position not only in teaching but in education research, creative publications and publishing helping books also. Its target is to achieve the utmost success and ensure higher education for students along with their acquisition of knowledge. That is why the meritorious and experienced teachers of Cambrian College are using their dynamic ability to write or prepare textbooks or helping books for the students. Md. Abdur Razzak Sarker has written this “Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English” for the students of HSC level as their English 2nd Paper helping book. We suppose, this book will help the students of HSC level to get themselves prepared well for public examination. The book has been published for the learners of Cambrian College and will be distributed among them free of cost. However, the copyright of this book is preserved by Cambrian Publication. An audio CD is also issued along with it to help the students. In this regard, we expect comments and advice from the teachers and the learners even. Last but not the least, my cordial thanks for the writer of this book. I hope his success as well as an influential new era of Cambrian Publication.

Ln. M.K. Bashar PMJF

February 2013

Publisher Cambrian Publications Plot # 2, Gulshan Circle # 2, Dhaka -1212

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

i SYLLABUS A. Grammar (Note: Grammar items introduced previously may be used, if needed.) 1. Modifiers. 2. Questions with Noun, Adverb and Adjective. (e.g. Do you know what time the shop closes?) 3. Further use of Adjectives and Adverbs. (e.g. Adjectives without comparative & superlative forms and using words both as Adjective and Adverbs) 4. Word Formation. (suffix-prefix) 5. Sentence Structures. 6. Further use of Modals. 7. Subject-Verb Agreement. 8. Further use of Direct and Indirect Speech. 9. Further use of Transformation of Sentences. 10. Further use of Tenses. (e.g. Past in Future, used to, to be + used to, etc.) 11. Linking Words. 12. Appropriate Prepositions. 13. Further use of Articles. 14. Idioms and Phrases. 15. Emphatic statements. (e.g. Do come here.) 16. Further use of Infinitives and Participles. B. Composition (Note: Focus should be on the practice of the grammar points introduced in Section- A above, as far as possible. Composition topics here are suggestive, words: about 250) 1. Writing instructions. 2. Writing summaries. 3. Writing arguments logically and clearly. 4. Writing compositions about ceremonies, festivals, events, travels, experiences, topics of public interest, environment, etc. 5. Writing compositions using charts, pictures, graphs, etc. 6. Completing a story/passage. 7. Writing a dialogue on a given situation. 8. Writing informal/formal letters (Including job applications, filling in forms, CV and e-mail) 9. Writing compositions on imaginary situations 10. Writing reports.

ii DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS PAPER II Part-A (40 Marks) [Answer any eight questions out of nine] 1. Use right form of verbs (with clues) 1×5=5 Or, Use right form of verb (without clues) 1×5=5 2. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition (with clues) 1×5=5 Or, Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition (without clues) 1×5=5 3. Fill in the blanks with an article. .5 × 10 = 5 4. Fill in the blanks with a linking word (with clues) 1×5=5 Or, Fill in the blanks with a linking word (without clues) 1×5=5 5. Make sensible sentence with the following idioms (any five) 5 6. Turn the following sentences into indirect narration. 1×5=5 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5 8. Fill in the blanks with tag question. 1×5=5 9. Complete the following sentence. 1×5=5 10. Fill in the blanks with clues. 1×5=5 Or, Fill in the blanks without clues. 1×5=5 Part-B (60 Marks) 11. Write a report. Or, Write a model paragraph. Or, Write a paragraph. 12. Write a short essay. Or, Write an argumentative essay. 13. Write an application/letter. Or, Write a job application. 14. Write a dialogue. Or, Write a summary of a given passage. 15. Complete the following story.

10 10 10 15 15 10 10 10 10 15







For class 11-12 and HSC Examination Subject: English Second Paper Full Marks: 100 Time: Three hours [Answer any eight questions] Part –A Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense Use the negatives where necessary. 1x5=5 drive meet get down become embrace scold touch While (a)_____ towards Farmgate area, I suddenly saw Nilu, one of my old friends, standing at the bus stop. It was long since we last (b) _____. I stopped my car and (c) _____. She hadn't seen me. I quickly walked towards her and (d) _____ her from behind. Nilu (e) _____ very surprised to see me there. Or, Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1x5=5 As I (a) _____ down to write about a childhood memory, I (b) _____ that fateful day when my friend Saleh almost got drowned. Saleh and I (c) _____ to the river for a swim. We were enjoying ourselves thoroughly, but suddenly I (d) _____ Saleh cry out for help. He was (e) _____ under water. I panicked for a moment, but then swam quickly towards him. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition.1x5=5 Dear Samina, I was very sorry to receive your letter (a) _____ resignation. You have certainly been an asset (b) _____ the Sales Department (c) _____ two years. And we shall be sorry to see you go. Nevertheless, I'd like to congratulate you (d) _____ your new job and wish you every success (e) _____ the future. Yours sincerely, Shafiqul Islam Or, Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition from the list. 1x5=5 beside link through during on in upon It was late night when I started for my home. While I was walking (a) —— the roads, it looked (b) ______ an unknown Dhaka. Some dogs were lying idly (c) _____ the footpath. There was no busy traffic as it is often found (d) _____ the day time. I stopped (e) _____ the neighbouring park and took a long breath. Suddenly a police car stopped before me and asked what I was doing there alone at such late night. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 1 x5=5 My aunt lived on (a) _____ ground floor of (b) _____ old house on (c) _____ River Thames. She was much afraid of (d) ______ burglars and always locked up (e) _____ house very carefully before she went to (f) _____ bed. She also took (g) —— precaution of looking under (h) _____ bed to see if (i) ____ burglar was hiding there. She knew that modern burglars didn't hide under beds, but she went on looking just (j) _____ same. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1 x5=5 because






even though

(a) ____ the Green Team played hard and refused to lose, they lost. (b) ____ many fans were happy because the Green Team won many games. (c) _____


5. 6.




the Green Team didn't go to the finals, everyone was still happy with their good performance during the year. The team, (d) _____, had a problem. (e) _____ they found a stadium to practice regularly, they would have to move to another city. Or. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate linking words. 1x5=5 Traffic jam has become a regular phenomenon in Dhaka. (a) _____ we cannot go anywhere on time. Everyday the population and number of vehicles are increasing but the roads are not. (b) ____ the ever increasing number of rickshaws is also causing traffic congestion. (c) _____ people's limited knowledge about traffic laws is also creating troubles for commuters. (d) _____ the Government has taken different measures to minimise traffic jam. (e) _____ there has been no significant change. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1x5=5 cut off, blow out, send for, at length, skim through, take pity on. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "I've made a terrible mistake'' said Aman. "That's not surprising. You're always making mistakes'', said Ruma. ''What have you done?" "I've forgotten to pay my exam fee. Yesterday was the last date," said Aman. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in the brackets. 1x5=5 Once upon a time, there was a king. (a) He had a beautiful daughter who he loved very much (Make it compound) (b) One day the princess went to countryside and she was accompanied by her friends (Make it simple). (c) While crossing a rice farm, she saw a young handsome farmer playing flute under a tree (Make it complex). (d) The princess was impressed by the melody of the flute (Make it active). (e) In the end, the princess called the young farmer and rewarded him (Make it passive). Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1x5=5 : You aren't resigning from your job, (a) _______? : No, not yet. Unless I get another job, I can't, (b) _______? : Of course not. Well, you can use a computer, (c) _______? : Yes, I did a course last year. : And you don't mind working in a friend's firm, (d) _______? : What do you mean? : Well, if I offer you a job in my office, you won't refuse it, (e) _______? Complete the following sentences. 1x5=5 (a) Mirza didn’t have any money because ____________. (b) He decided to get a job, so he ___________. (c) At first he was quite optimistic, but ___________. (d) Then he met a man who ___________. (e) Mirza took he job. The pay was good, although __________. 10. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the list. 1x5=5 visits loves that full earlier family been have anyone to in with Mitu is 20. Her problem is (a) ____ she cannot share her problems with (b) ____. Her father, Mr Alam has been a (c) ____ time politician and he does not (d) ____ enough time to stay with his (e) ____. Her mother, Mrs Alam was a housewife (f) ____ but for the last few years she has (g) ____ working in a collegiate school.

v Mitu (h) ____ her mother but she is annoyed (i) ____ her as well. Whenever a friend (j) ____ Mitu, her mother gets upset. Or, Complete the following passage with suitable words. 1x5=5 Mitu's mother doesn't let her pass a (a) — moment along with them. Naturally, she has (b) — measure every word she is using with (c) — friends. She is not allowed to go to (d) — friends' house, receive any phone calls and (e) — sleep in her own room. She has (f) share her room with her teen-aged brother. If she smiles a little more, (g) — mother asks, ''Why are you so happy (h) —?" If she is serious, there is a (i) — question, 'What has happened to you?" Mitu (j) — this life. Part B-Composition: 60 Marks 11. You are a reporter of a television channel. You have interviewed many people on how they use their leisure time. Now write a report on your findings. 10 Or,Read the following paragraph. Using this as a model, write a paragraph on “Floods in Bangladesh”. First write a good topic sentence and then write sentences to develop that idea. 10 Road Accidents Road accidents happening almost every day nowadays in our country result from several causes. Firstly, the recklessness of the drivers often causes accidents that result in the loss of lives. Secondly, inadequate traffic rules and inefficient traffic police are also responsible for road accidents. Violation of traffic rules often account for a lot of road accidents. Thirdly, mechanical failures such as, faulty brakes can also be a cause of fatal accidents. Fourthly, overloaded transports can sometimes be the cause of accidents. Hence, drivers, traffic police and the others concerned with the road communication are responsible for almost all the road accidents. Or, Write a paragraph about a day out you had by answering the questions below. 10 Where did you go? (to a famous place, or the sea-side, or_). And when was that? Who did you go with? What time did you leave home? How did you get there? What was the weather like? What did you see and do there? What time did you get home? Do you want to go there again? Why /Why not? 12. Write a short composition that tells about a time that made you really proud. 15 Or, Write a short composition that expresses your opinion about the value of watching television. 15 13. On behalf of the students of your class, write a letter to your principal asking his or her permission to set up an English language club at your college. 10 Or,Read the following advertisement from the Daily News, dated 12 December, 2006, and then write a cover letter and a CV in response to it. 10 Tutor Wanted: For a student of Standard 3 of an English medium school. The candidate must be very good at English and Maths. He/She must have a pleasant personality. Good remuneration may be given to outstanding candidates. Final Year university students may apply. Apply by 30 December, 2006, with CV and a cover letter to — Anisul Huq 21 Moneshwar Road Zigatola, Dhaka-1209.

vi 14. You are a customer in a shop. Think of something you want to buy. The shopkeeper hasn't got what you want, but offers an alternative. Write a dialogue between yourself and the shopkeeper. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. 10 Computers have become very important in the modern world, especially in government, science, business and education. Since computers are very efficient, schools, banks and other organizations use them for many kinds of work in which speed is essential. For example, banks often use computers to monitor accounts. In many city banks, computers keep all the records of customer's deposits and withdrawals. Customers can also do their banking at any time of the day, thanks to computers. They can go to an outside window where they punch a code number on a computer. The computer will take care of their deposits or withdrawals. If they are depositing, they put their money in an envelope and insert it in the machine. If the customer is withdrawing, the machine will return money in an envelope. Computers help us in other areas too. They help scientists do many experiments. Because of computers we have made progress in many areas, such as health care, communication systems, business management, and space exploration. Large hotels, airlines and other businesses use computers too to control reservations, keep records, pay employees, and compute bills. In fact, it is now difficult to imagine the world without computers. And it is not difficult to predict the importance of these 'thinking machines" In the future. 15. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 Only a faint light from the house far to the left reached the spot. All around him was quiet with the occasional hooting of an owl somewhere. The trees looked dark and ominous. Then suddenly ..............................



3. 4.


ANSWER TO SAMPLE QUESTION A Grammar: 40 Marks Right form of verbs with clues (a) driving; (b) had last met; (c) got down; (d) embraced: (e) became. Or, Right form of verbs without clues (a) sat; (b) remembered; (c) had gone; (d) heard; (e) going. Appropriate prepositions without clues (a) of: (b) to: (c) for: (d) on; (c) in. Or, Appropriate prepositions with clues (a) through; (b) like; (c) on; (d) during: (e) beside. Use of articles (a) the; (b) an; (c) the; (d) x; (e) the: (f) x; (g) the; (h) the; (i) a: (j) the. Use of linking words with clues (a) Although; (b) Yet; (C) Even though; (d) however; (e) Unless. Or, Use of linking words without clues. (a) This is why; (b) Moreover; (c) On the other hand; (d) However; (e) In spite of Making sentences with phrases & Idioms Cut off (wew”Qbœ Kiv )-I have cut off relation with him. Blow out (†bfv‡bv)-Do not blow out the lamp. Send for (†W‡K cvVv‡bv)-He was sent for a doctor. At length (wek`fv‡e)-He discussed the matter at length.

vii Skim through (fvmv fvmv cov)- You should not skim through it. Take pity on (`qv Kiv)- He took pity on the helpless people. 6. Changing the form of speech Aman exclaimed with sorrow that he had made a terrible mistake. Ruma said that that was not surprising. She also added that he was always making mistakes. She asked Aman what he had done. Aman said that he had forgotten to pay his exam fee. The last date had been the day before. 7. Transformation of sentences (a) He had a beautiful daughter and he loved her very much. (b) One day the princess accompanied by her friends went to countryside. (c) While crossing a rice farm she saw a young, handsome farmer who was playing flute under a tree. (d) The melody of the flute impressed the princess. (e) In the end, the young farmer was called and rewarded by the princess. 8. Tag questions You aren't resigning from your job, (a) are you? No, not yet. Unless I get another job, I can't, (b) can I? Of course, not. Well, you can use a computer, (c) can't you? Yes, I did a course last year. And you don't mind working in a friend's firm, (d) do you? What do you mean? Well, if I offer you a job in my office, you won't refuse it, (e) will you? 9. Completing sentences (a) Mirza didn't have any money because he was unemployed. (b) He decided to get a job, so he started applying at different places. (c) At first he was quite optimistic, but soon he became frustrated. (d) Then he met a man who offered him a job. (e) Mirza took the sob. The pay was good, although he had to work long. 10. Cloze test with clues (a) that; (b) anyone; (c) full; (d) have; (e) family; (f) earlier; (g) been; (h) loves; (i) with; (j) visits. Or, Cloze test without clues (a) single; (b) to; (c) her; (d) any; (e) to; (f) to; (g) her: (h) dear; (i) bitter; (j) hates. B-Composition: 60 Marks See the composition section of the book.


Prepared by: National Curriculum & Textbook Board

The question items in the sample question paper should be treated as models. No item from the sample question paper should be used in school or any exams. A GRAMMAR: (40 Marks) In an examination 8 questions should be set and there should not be any alternative to any item. In the sample question paper, alternatives are given to some items only to show the patterns of test items which can be set in the examination. In question items with clues, the number of clues should be more than necessary. For instance, for 5 gaps there should be at least 7 clues and for 10 gaps there should be at least 12 clues. Types of items 1. Right form of verbs In this item, a short passage with 5 blanks will be given either with clues or without clues. Students need to use the verbs in the correct tense. 2. Appropriate prepositions A passage with 5 clues will be given in this item. Students will choose the correct preposition for each blank from the given box. 3. Articles A passage with 10 gaps should be given and students will be asked to use articles where necessary. The passage must have few blanks where articles are not necessary. 4. Linking words/idioms Three alternatives have been provided as samples. However, only one type of question will be set for actual exam. 5. Rewriting sentences in direct or indirect speech Although the sample asks students to rewrite sentences in reported speech, vice versa can also be done. 6. Transformation Five specific sentences from a continuous passage should be indicated for transformation. Students will change these sentences as directed. 7. Tag questions Students will fill in 5 gaps with appropriate tag questions. This item can be set in a dialogue form or in isolated sentences as suitable. 8. Completing sentences 5 incomplete sentences will be given and students will be asked to complete them in their own way. 9. Cloze tests A cloze passage is a passage with blanks in it. In a cloze passage, usually every fifth, sixth or seventh word is left out and students are asked to fill in each gap with a suitable word. In an examination, a passage with or without clues could be given. B COMPOSITION: (60 Marks) 10. There will be no alternatives in the final exam. Students will be asked to write either a report or a paragraph from a model. A paragraph from a model A model paragraph should be about someone or something in this item and students will be asked to write a similar paragraph from their own experience. Or, A paragraph by answering questions A topic will be given with some questions to write a paragraph. The students will be asked to include the answers to these questions in their paragraph.

ix 11. Short composition There should be no alternatives here. Students would be asked to write a short composition about themselves, objects, places or events. Traditional topics should be avoided. 12. Formal/informal letters According to syllabus specifications, students will be asked to write a formal or informal letter. Topics of letters must be related to the student's own life and experience. 13. Writing dialogue Two alternatives have been given as examples in the sample question paper. However, students will be asked to write a sample dialogue they usually carry on in their day-to-day life. A topic with a situation should be given for this. 14. Completing a story In the question paper, a few lines of a story (in the beginning or ending) will be given. Students will expand and complete the story with their own imagination.

CONTENTS Syllabus & Distribution of Marks Sample Question and Answer provided by NCTB Notes for Teachers

i-ii iii-vii viii-ix




 Use of the Right form of the Verbs


 Article


 Appropriate Preposition  Use of detached preposition  Some preposition: Difference& uses  Appropriate Preposition

20-41 20 23 25

 Question Tag/Tag Question


 Transformation of Sentences  The Sentence (According to meaning) • From affirmative to Negative • From Negative to affirmative • From Assertive to Interrogative • From Interrogative to Assertive • From Exclamatory to Assertive • From Assertive to Exclamatory • From Assertive to Imperative  The Sentence (According to structure) • From Simple to Complex and Compound • From Complex to Simple and Compound • From Compound to Simple and Complex • From Compound to Complex and Simple • Exceptional-Compound-Complex & Simple  Change of Degree (Comparison of Adjectives) • From Superlative to Positive • From Comparative to Positive • From Superlative to Comparative • From Positive to Comparative • From Comparative to Superlative • From Positive to Superlative  Voice • Definition& Classification • Rules of changing Voice • Voice change of Assertive Sentence • Voice change of Imperative Sentence

51-92 51 54 57 58 59 59 60 61 61 62 65 67 68 69 71 76 77 78 79 80 81 81 81 82 83 84



• Voice change of Interrogative Sentence • Reflexive Pronoun • Passive voice with double object • Passive voice of intransitive verbs • Quasi-passive voice • Voice of compound sentence • Voice of complex sentence • Some exceptional rules • Uses of passive voice • Voice with different preposition


84 85 85 85 86 86 86 87 88 89

 Narration/Speech  Definition of Narration  Classification of Narration  Rules of changing direct speech to indirect speech  Assertive Sentence  Interrogative Sentence  Imperative Sentence  Optative Sentence  Exclamatory Sentence  Some Exceptional Rules of Narration  Passage Narration

93-106 93 93 93 95 96 97 98 99 100 102

 Idioms and Phrases


 Completing Sentence  Basic structures in brief  Rules of Completing Sentences

121-133 121 123



 Linking Words  List of Linkers  Meaning of Linkers  Linking words within sentence  Linking words between/across sentence  BASIC GRAMMAR  Subject and Predicate Parts of Speech: Noun:  Classification of Noun  Identification of Noun Pronoun:  Classification of Pronoun Adjective:  Classification of Adjective Verb:  Classification of Verb  Use of Infinitive  Use of Present Participle

134-142 134 136 138 140 143-205 143 143-172 143 145 146 147 148 150 151

 Gerund  Conjugation of Verbs  The Modal Auxiliaries Adverb:  Classification of Adverb  Position of Adverb  Formation of Adverb Preposition:  Classification of Preposition Conjunction:  Definition &Classification  Use of coordinating Conjunction  Use of subordinating Conjunction  Use of correlative Conjunction Interjection:  Definition Conditionals:  Conditional sentence  Classification Tense:  Classification of Tenses  ing †hvM Kivi wbqg Phrase:  Classification of Phrase Clause:  Classification of Clause Sequence of Tense:  Rules of Sequence of Tense Subject-verb Agreement:  Rules of Agreement Introductory There & It:  Introductory ‘There’  Preparatory ‘It’ WH Question:  Rules of making WH questions  Use of WH words Punctuation:  Use of different punctuations Translations: Joining Sentences: PART B: GUIDED WRITING (60 MARKS) Report Writing 1. Write a short report on your visit to ‘International Trade Fair’. 2. Write a report on Eve-teasing in Dhaka city. 3. Write a report on child labour in Bangladesh. 4. Write a report on drug addiction. 5. Write a report on unfair means in the examination hall.

151 152 159 164 166 166 167 168 169 170 172 172 172 173 176-185 176 179 185-188 185 189-194 189 194-195 194 195-199 195 199-200 199 200 201-204 202 202 204 206-233 234-238 239-254 239 239 240 240 240


Write a report on the condition of compulsory free primary education in Bangladesh. 241 7. Write a report on complaining about reckless driving in the streets. 241 8. Write a report on beggar problem in Bangladesh. 241 9. Write a report on computer fair. 242 10. Write a report on arsenic pollution. 242 11. Write a report on seeking to prohibit smoking in public places. 242 12. Write a report on fire at WASA office. 243 13. Write a report on outbreak of diarrhoea. 243 14. Write a report on fishing of jhatka. 244 15. Write a report on May Day. 244 16. Write a report on the incident a collision between a trawler and a motor launch. 244 17. Write a report on ‘The Jamuna Multi-purpose Bridge’ over the mighty river Jamuna. 245 18. Write a report on the greeting the New Year 2012. 245 19. Write a report on the publishing of HSC Exam. 245 20. Write a report on protesting against indiscriminate use of mikes and loud speakers. 246 21. Write a report on the mosquito menace. 246 22. Write a report on a storm in your locality. 246 23. Write a report on cyclone sidr in Southern districts. 247 24. Write a report on nor'easter in some parts of Rangpur. 247 25. Write a report on Drama Festival. 247 26. Write a report on the rising of prices of essential commodities in the Market that event. 248 27. Write a report on the celebration of 'The Boishakhi Mela'. 248 28. Write a report on the programme of farewell to the H.S.C Examinees. 248 29. Write a short report on load shedding in your locality. 249 30. Write a short report on the occasion of the International Mother Language Day. 249 31. Write a report on the celebration of ‘The Victory Day’. 250 32. Write a report on the celebration of the "Ekushey Book Fair". 250 33. Write a short report on Devastating Flood. 250 34. Write a report on a prize giving ceremony of your college. 251 35. Write a report on Freshers’ Reception it. 251 36. Write a report on Devastating fire at Neemtali. 252 37. Write a report on the celebration of Nazrul Joyonti to be published in the newspaper. 252 38. Write a report on a devastating fire on G.K Garment Factory occurred recently. 252 39. Write a report on Anthrax menace in Savar. 253 40. Write a report on food adulteration in Savar. 253 41. Write a report on ‘The Reception Programme’ of the GPA 5 Holders-2010. 253 42. Write a report on the sufferings of slum dwellers. 254 43. Write a report on celebration of Robindra Joyanti (Birth Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore). 254 Paragraph Writing 255-284 1. ARSENIC PROBLEM 255 2. YOUR FAVOURITE GAME 255

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.


255 256 256 256 257 257 258 258 258 259 259 259 260 260 261 261 262 262 263 263 263 264 264 264 265 265 265 266 266 266 267 267 267 268 268 268 269 269 269 270 270 270 271 271 272 272 272 273


21. MY FAVOURITE POET 298 22. A MEMORABLE DAY IN MY LIFE 298 23. MY LAST DAY AT SCHOOL 299 24. A JOURNEY BY BOAT 299 25. A JOURNEY BY TRAIN 300 26. MY NATIVE VILLAGE 300 27. A VILLAGE MARKET 301 28. A VILLAGE FAIR 302 29. THE RAINY SEASON OF BANGLADESH 302 30. THE NECESSITY OF PHYSICAL EXERCISE 303 31. COMMON BIRDS OF BANGLADESH 303 32. SOME COMMON FLOWERS OF BANGLADESH 304 33. MY DAILY ACTIVITIES 304 34. THE RIVERS OF BANGLADESH 305 35. A VISIT TO A PLACE OF HISTORICAL INTEREST 306 36. THE GAME I LIKE MOST 306 37. MY CHILDHOOD MEMORIES 307 38. THE NIGHT BEFORE AN EXAMINATION 308 39. TRAVELLING AND ITS BENEFITS 308 40. NATURAL CALAMITIES IN BANGLADESH 309 41. UNEMPLOYMENT PROBLEM IN BANGLADESH 309 42. WONDERS OF MODERN SCIENCE 310 43. OPENING CEREMONY OF ICC WORLD CUP-2011 311 44. TREE PLANTATION 312 45. MODERN TECHNOLOGY AND GLOBALIZATION 312 46. MASS EDUCATION 313 47. ROLE OF WOMEN IN NATION BUILDING 314 48. CHILD LABOUR IN BANGLADESH 314 49. DIGITAL BANGLADESH 315 50. CLIMATE CHANGE 316 Letter Writing (Informal) 317-340 1. Write a letter to your friend about your aim in life. 318 2. Write a letter to your younger brother now in Australia advising him to adjust with the new place and food with patience and courage. 319 3. Write a letter to your friend describing your visit to a place of interest on study tour. 319 4. Write a letter to your friend describing a terrible street accident you witnessed. 320 5. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant result in the SSC examination. 320 6. Write a letter to your brother/sister telling him/her about the importance of reading newspaper. 320 7. Write a letter to your friend about your experience of an encounter with a mugger. 321 8. Write a letter to your friend describing the annual sports of your college. 321 9. Write a letter to your younger brother advising him not to adopt unfair means in the examination. 322


Write a letter to your friend who lives at 12, Elephant Road, Dhaka 1205 describing your recent experience of traffic jam. 11. Write a letter to your friend about a picnic you have enjoyed recently. 12. Write a letter to your friend who wants to know about Bangladesh. 13. Write a letter to a friend describing harmful effects of junk food. 14. Write a letter to your friend thanking him for his hospitality when you were in his home. 15. Write a letter to your friend describing your experience of visiting a book fair. 16. Write a letter to your friend telling him about your preparation for the coming HSC Examination. 17. Write a letter to your friend describing the Statue of Liberty you have recently visited. 18. Write a letter to your friend describing the recent fair held in your village. 19. Write a letter to your friend informing him about various aspects of a place of historical importance. 20. Write a letter to your friend Anik/Anika telling him/her about how to improve in English. 21. Write a letter to your younger brother informing him the procedures of opening a bank account. 22. Write a letter to your friend describing your experience of plane journey to your friend who has not traveled by plane. 23. Write a letter to your friend consoling him/her at the death of his/her father/mother. 24. Write a letter to your friend thanking him for the birthday present. 25. Write a letter to your friend inviting him to join the picnic you are going to enjoy. 26. Write a letter to your friend inviting him to join the marriage ceremony. 27. Write a letter to your friend telling him what you want to do after your examination is over. 28. Write a letter to your younger brother telling him of the bad effects of smoking and to give it up. 29. Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to take physical exercise regularly. 30. Write a letter to your friend requesting him to return the book. 31. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send some money for the purpose of purchasing a number of books that your need urgently. 32. Write a letter to your friend inviting him to spend the holidays with you. 33. Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to be punctual and diligent in his studies. 34. Write a letter to your Non Bangladeshi friend Donn who lives at Derriford Road, Plymoth PLG8BH. UK, describing your experience about train journey. 35. Write a letter to your friend consoling him at his failure in the HSC examination. 36. Write a letter to your friend describing the co-curricular activities of your school. 37. Write a letter to your pen-friend describing your country using the clues.

322 323 323 324 324 324 325 325 326 326 327 327 328 328 328 329 329 330 330 330 331 331 332 332 332 333 333 334


Write a letter to your foreign friend describing the foods and food habits in Bangladesh. 334 39. Write a letter to your father telling him about your progress of studies. 335 40. Write a letter to your friend telling him about your native village using the clues. 335 41. Write a letter to Kamal, one of your friends, who lives in Chittagong inviting him to attend the party of your birthday. 336 42. Write a letter to your friend informing him/her about your school using the clues. 336 43. Write a latter to your friend, Kamal/Kamilia who lives at 10 Nazrul Avenue, Kandirpar, Comilla, describing the sports day at your school. 336 44. Write a letter to your friend describing the recent fair of your village. 337 45. Write a letter to him/her about a picnic using the clues. 337 46. Write a letter to your relative requesting him to give up the habit of drug addiction. 338 47. Write a letter to your friend describing the importance of learning English in our country. 338 48. Write a letter to your friend describing what you would like to do with the lottery money. 339 49. Write a letter to your cousin who lives abroad and could not come to the wedding, describing your new aunt in such a way that your cousin gets a fairly good idea of what she is like. 339 50. Write a letter to your friend advising him to give up the hobby of birdhunting. 340 51. Write a letter to your foreign friend giving him tips on how to adjust to life here. 340 Letter Writing (Formal) 341-364 1. Write an application to the Principal of your college to set up a computer club. 341 2. Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission and necessary funds to stage a drama in the college auditorium. 341 3. Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for some money for the study tour. 342 4. Write an application to your Principal praying for three days' leave of absence. 342 5. Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for four days' leave in advance. 342 6. Write an application to the principal praying for remission of delay fine. 343 7. Write an application to the principal praying for a seat in the college hostel to continue your studies in your present school. 343 8. Write an application to the principal praying for organizing a literary club in your college. 344 9. Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for permission to go to an excursion. 344 10. Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for morning school. 344 11. Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for financial help from the college fund. 345


Write an application to the Principal praying for increasing common room facilities in your college. 345 13. Write an application to the Principal praying for a testimonial. 346 14. Write an application to the Principal praying for a transfer certificate. 346 15. Write an application to your Principal requesting him for opening a canteen in the school campus. 346 16. Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Council for the construction of a bridge over the canal in your locality. 347 17. Write an application to the Principal of your college for a full free studentship. 347 18. Write an application to the Principal of your college for a testimonial. 348 19. Write an application to the Principal r of your college seeking permission to open a relief camp for the flood victims in the college compound. 348 20. Write an application to the Principal for opening a common room/reading room. 349 21. Write an application to the chairman to repair the road immediately. 349 22. Write an application to the Postmaster General requesting him to setup a post office in your locality. 350 23. Write a letter to the Deputy Commissioner requesting him to assist the students affected by the river erosion in your district. 350 24. Write a letter to the manager of a hotel for booking a room. 350 25. Write a letter to the Manager of Rangs Bangladesh complaining about a TV set you have bought recently. 351 26. Write a letter to the Director of the Bureau of Manpower requesting for information about positions available now in the Middle East that might suit your qualification. 351 27. Write an application to the Thana Nirbahi officer for immediate relief for the flood affected people of your area. 352 28. Write an application to the chairman of union parishad for granting fund to start a public library in your village. 352 Letters to Editors 353-357 1. Write a letter to the editor of The Daily Star explaining how you suffered and why indiscriminate use of loudspeakers should be stopped. 353 2. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper to be published in its letters' column to raise public awareness about the problem of waste management in Dhaka city. 353 3. Write a letter to The Daily Star expressing your views on recent changes in forms of entertainment for young people. 353 4. Write a letter to the editor of a daily about the campus violence to attract the attention of the concerned authority. 354 5. Draft a letter to the editor of a daily protesting and showing the effect of polythene. 354 6. Draft a report on street children in Bangladesh for a newspaper. 355 7. Write a letter to the editor of The Rising Sun urging the authorities to build an underground transport system for the traffic congested city of Dhaka. 356 8. Write an article for The Rising Sun about the usefulness of e-mail for the students in Bangladesh. 356


Write a letter to the Editor of the Daily Star addressing about arsenic problem that your locality faces, suggesting some possible measures that can be taken immediately. 357 Job Application 358-362 1. Write an application for the post of graphic designer. 358 2. Write an application with C.V. for the post of lecturer in English. 359 3. Write an application with C.V. for the post of English language teacher. 361 Asking for further information 362-364 1. Write a letter asking for further information about the employment (e.g. country, company, position, salary, working hour, leaves and other facilities, etc.) 362 2. Write a letter asking for further information about the land such as location, area, price, dispute free or not etc. (100 words) 363 3. Now write a letter asking for further information about the traveling (e.g. schedule of the travel, fare of tickets, the countries to be traveled, facilities, conditions etc.) 364 Dialogue Writing 365-391 1. Write a dialogue between two friends about their coming examination. 365 2. Write a dialogue between Akmal and Adnan about the benefits of early rising. 366 3. Write a dialogue between you and your friend on how to get rid of this curse from our country. 366 4. Write a dialogue between you and him on the bad effects of smoking and how he can give it up. 367 5. Write a dialogue between two friends about the importance of learning English. 367 6. Write a dialogue between Rizwan and Minhaj about their plan of studies after H.S.C examination. 368 7. Write a dialogue between you and your friend about an interesting book which your friend Adit is reading. 369 8. Write a dialogue between you and your friend on your recent visit to the book fair. 369 9. Write a dialogue between you and the Manager about the way of opening of a bank account. 370 10. Write a dialogue between you and the teacher about your ensuing examination. 370 11. Write a dialogue with a senior student who got GPA 5 (golden) about the strategies of making a good result/how to do well in the examination. 371 12. Write a dialogue between a Principal and a student over a Transfer Certificate. 371 13. Write a dialogue between two friends on a new teacher. 372 14. Write a dialogue between a doctor and a patient. 372 15. Write a dialogue between a salesman and a customer about buying a shirt. 373 16. Write a dialogue between two friends Pallab and Liton about planning a picnic. 373

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.

Write a dialogue between two friends Pallab and Polok about road accident. Write a dialogue between a gentleman and a hotel manager about booking a room over phone. Write a dialogue between two friends Polok and Kabir about their hobbies. Write a dialogue between the two friends about the Compulsory Primary Education in Bangladesh. Write a dialogue between mother and daughter on the daughter's bad habits. Write a dialogue between two friends on the Necessity of Learning English. Write a dialogue between Lata and Runa about the bad effect of cutting down the trees on the environment. Write a dialogue between myself and Milton about the greenhouse effect on our environment: Write a dialogue between Rokeya and Rahima about newspaper reading. Write a dialogue between Rezul and Babul about bad effect of smoking. Write a dialogue between a reporter and the Principal of a college on the result of the H.S.C Examination. Write a dialogue between you and your friend about the students’ failure in English. A dialogue between myself and Tuhin about the street children: Write a dialogue between a teacher and a student who has failed in the examination. Write a dialogue between two friends Village life and city life. Write a dialogue between a Booking-Clerk and Rokeya for ticket in the Parjatan Corporation Office. Write a dialogue between two friends on how to improve your English. Write a dialogue between two friends on student politics. Write a dialogue between two friends about price hike. Write a dialogue between two friends on the advantages and disadvantages of village life and city life. Write a dialogue between you and your teacher about tree plantation. Write a dialogue between you and your principal about organizing an English Club. Write a dialogue between you and your students about going on an excursion. Write a dialogue between father and son about son’s career. Write a dialogue between Samad and Saiful about the destruction caused by earthquake. Write a dialogue between two friends on what they will do after the HSC examination. Write a dialogue between you and the salesman about buying a pair of shoes. Write a dialogue between two friends about the “Necessity of Tree Plantation” Write a dialogue between yourself and the book seller about buying books. A dialogue between two friends about a drama they watched last night:

373 374 375 375 376 376 377 377 378 379 379 380 380 381 381 382 382 383 383 384 384 385 385 385 386 386 387 388 388 388


Write a dialogue between two friends Tuhin and Jamal about the uses and abuses of cell phone. (good and bad sides of mobile phone.) 389 48. Write a dialogue between you (Badal) and your friend (Riad) about the corruption in Bangladesh: 389 49. Write a dialogue between myself Jamal and my friend (Kamal) about the importance of reading newspaper: 390 50. Write a dialogue between you and your friend, Neela about the importance of punctuality. 390 Summary Writing 392-407 1. Passages for summary writing 392 2. Answer (Summary of the above passages) 404 Completing Story 408-438 1. Grapes are Sour 408 2. Abu Bin Adham and the Angel 408 3. The Greatness of Hatem Tai 408 4. A Frustrated Boy and His Tragic Meet 409 5. The Boys and the Frogs in the Pond 409 6. A Lion and a Mouse 410 7. The Greedy King 410 8. A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed 411 9. Greed Leads to Misery 411 10. Foolish Greedy Farmer 412 11. A Birthday Party 412 12. Never Believe a Cunning Fellow 413 13. Industry is the Key to Success 413 14. The Evil Deeds Bring Punishment 414 15. The Cowboy and the Tiger 414 16. Fate for the Thief 414 17. A Clever Astrologer 415 18. Honesty is Always Rewarded 415 19. A Noble Deed 416 20. Failure is the Pillar of Success 416 21. Ready Wit of a Boy 417 22. Greed Leads to Sin and Sin Leads to Death 417 23. Unity is Strength 418 24. A Foolish Crow and a Cunning Fox 418 25. Solomon's Wisdom 418 26. A Memorable Day in My Life 419 27. Intelligence of a Boy 419 28. The Ant and the Dove 420 29. Happiness doesn't Last Long 420 30. Who will Bell the Cat 420 31. An Honest Wood-cutter 421 32. Money can Never Bring Happiness 421 33. The Beggar King 422 34. Slow and Steady Wins the Race 422 35. A Grocer and a Fruit-seller 423

36. Bayazid's Devotion for His Mother 37. Coal will Take No Other Hue 38. A King without a Kingdom 39. Quarrelling of Two Women over a Child 40. Young Writer and His Lady Guest 41. Value of Dress 42. Tragic Death of Rokeya 43. The Scholar and the Boatman 44. An Honest Gardener 45. The Generosity of a Noble Man 46. A Thirsty Crow 47. A Fox without a Tail 48. Two Rats and a Monkey 49. The Pied Piper of Hamelin 50. The Wolf and the Crane 51. Traffic Jam Badly Affects Our Life 52. A Foolish King 53. A Just Ruler and a Brave Quazi 54. The Truthfulness of Abdul Quader Jilany 55. Ali Baba and Forty Thieves 56. Look Before You Leap 57. Lord Buddha and a Bereaved Mother 58. A Widow and Her Cock 59. Hidden Treasure 60. Tit For Tat 61. Only Allah can Help Us 62. Finding out a Contented Man Model Questions Serial No

Model Questions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


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46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53


BOARD QUESTION  DHAKA BOARD (2009-2012)  COMILLA BOARD (2009-2012)  RAJSHAHI BOARD (2009-2012)  JESSORE BOARD (2009-2012)  SYLHET BOARD (2009-2012)  CHITTAGONG BOARD (2009-2012)  DINAJPUR BOARD (2009-2012)  BARISAL BOARD (2009-2012) SOLUTION TO MODEL QUESTIONS(M.Q. 1--- M.Q. 53) SOLUTION TO BOARD QUESTION  DHAKA BOARD (2009-2012)  COMILLA BOARD (2009-2012)  RAJSHAHI BOARD (2009-2012)  JESSORE BOARD (2009-2012)  SYLHET BOARD (2009-2012)  CHITTAGONG BOARD (2009-2012)  DINAJPUR BOARD (2009-2012)  BARISAL BOARD (2009-2012)

522 524 526 527 528 531 532 534 536-587 536-542 542-548 548-554 555-561 561-567 567-574 574-580 580-587 588-622 623-653 624-627 627-631 631-635 635-639 639-642 642-645 646-649 649-653



Use of the Right Form of the Verb

1. hw` †Kvb Sentence Present Indefinite Tense- G †`Iqv _v‡K Ges D³ Sentence- Gi Subject hw` 3rd person singular A_©vr He, she, it Ges Singular noun nq Zvn‡j Principal verb Gi mv‡_ ‘s’ ev ‘es’ hy³ n‡e| †hgb: She (make) a cup of tea. Ans. She makes a cup of tea. The boy (catch) a bird. Ans. The boy catches a bird. He (go) to school everyday. Ans: He goes to school everyday. The man (know) the answer. Ans: The man knows the answer. 2. hw` †Kvb Sentence G Be verb bv _v‡K ‡m‡¶‡Î Negative ev Interrogative Kivi mgq Present Indefinite Tense G 3rd person singular subject Gi Rb¨ does e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e Ges ZLb gyj verb Gi ‘s’ ev ‘es’ Zz‡j w`‡Z n‡e| Ab¨vb¨ Subject Gi †ejvq do e¨eüZ n‡e| Past Indefinite Tense n‡j me subject Gi mv‡_B did e¨eüZ n‡e Ges ZLb gyj verb Gi present form e¨eüZ n‡e| †hgb: She makes a cup of tea. She made a cup of tea. Does she make a cup of tea? (Interrogative) She did not make a cup of tea. (Negative) She does not make a cup of tea. (Negative) Did she make a cup of tea? (Interrogative) 3. †h me Interrogative Sentence G What, Where, Who, Which, Whose, Why, How, cÖf„wZ WH-word _v‡K †m¸‡jvi Subject Gi cy‡e© Tense I Person Abyhvqx do, does, did ev Ab¨vb¨ Auxiliary verb e‡m| †hgb: Why she (make) a cup of tea? Ans. Why does she make a cup of tea? Why she (made) a cup of tea? Ans. Why did she make a cup of tea? Why she (is making) a cup of tea? Ans. Why is she making a cup of tea? 4. ‡Kvb Sentence Gi Øviv Universal truth (wPišÍb mZ¨), Habitual fact (Af¨vmMZ Kg©) cÖKvk †c‡j Present Indefinite Tense nq| †hgb: The earth (move) round the sun. Ans. The earth moves round the sun. The sun (set) in the east. Ans: The sun sets in the east. He (bathe) in the pond everyday. Ans: He bathes in the pond everyday. 5. (be) ev (to be) _vK‡j Present tense Gi Rb¨ am/ is / are, Past tense Gi Rb¨ was/were, Future tense Gi Rb¨ Shall/will + be n‡e| †hgb: I (to be) a student. favour Ans: I am a student. He (be) absent yesterday. Ans: He was absent yesterday. Rana (be) a doctor in future. Ans: Rana will be a doctor in future. 6. †Kvb Sentence Gi g‡a¨ eZ©gv‡b Pj‡Q Ggb wb‡`©kK †Kvb wPý (†hgb now, at this moment) _vK‡j Present Continuous Tense nq| †hgb: The girl (sing) a song at this moment. Ans. The girl is singing a song at this moment. He (play) in the field now. Ans: He is playing in the field now. Rahat and Karim (go ) to the market at this moment. Ans:Rahat and Karim are going to the market at this moment. 7. mvaviYZ Always, regularly, sometimes, often, generally, daily, everyday, occasionally, usually, normally BZ¨vw` †Kvb Sentence G _vK‡j Zv Present Indefinite Tense nq| †hgb: He always (make) a noise in the class. Ans. He always makes a noise in the class. She (learn) her lesson regularly. Ans: She learns her lesson regularly. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Use of the Right Form of the Verb

Rahat always (come) late. Ans: Rahat always comes late. My son and daughter (go) to school everyday. Ans:My son and daughter go to school everyday. We (meet) him daily. Ans:We meet him daily. 8. mvaviYZ Just, just now, already, yet, ever, lately, recently †Kvb Sentence G _vK‡j Present Perfect Tense nq| †hgb: I (got) it recently. Ans. I have got it recently. I already (do) the work. Ans. I have already done the work. You (see) her lately? Ans. Have you seen her lately? You ever (be) to Cox’s Bazar? Ans. Have you ever been to Cox’s Bazar? He already (get) the news. Ans:He has already got the news. I just (come) from the market. Ans:I have just come from the market. 9. †Kvb Sentence G AZxZ wb‡`©kK kã ev Phrase †hgb: ago, long since, yesterday, last night BZ¨vw` _vK‡j verb Gi Past form n‡e| †hgb: My father (come) home yesterday. Ans. My father came home yesterday. I (see) you long ago. Ans. I saw you long ago. He (come) home last night. Ans:He came home last night The guard (call) the man yesterday? Ans: Did the guard call the man yesterday? He (leave) two months ago. Ans: He left two months ago. 10. Since hy³ Sentence Gi cÖ_g Ask Present Indefinite Tense/Present Perfect Tense n‡j cieZ©x Ask Past Indefinite n‡e| †hgb: It is many years since I (come) to Dhaka. Ans: It is many years since I came to Dhaka. It is two years since he (die). Ans:It is two years since he died. Two years have passed since he (leave) Dhaka. Ans:Two years have passed since he left Dhaka. 11. Since hy³ Sentence Gi cÖ_g Ask Past Indefinite Tense n‡j c‡ii Ask Past Perfect Tense n‡e| †hgb : It was twenty years since the author first (meet) his lady guest. Ans. It was twenty years since the author had first met his lady guest. It was two months since he (came) to Dhaka. Ans:It was two months since he had come to Dhaka. Five months passed since he (stop) teaching Ans:Five months passed since he had stopped teaching. 12. †Kvb Simple Sentence G `yÕwU verb _vK‡j cieZ©x Verb Gi mv‡_ ‘ing’ hy³ Ki‡Z nq| Avi cieZx© verb-Gi Øviv D‡Ïk¨ eySv‡j Gi mvg‡b to e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| †hgb : I saw him (go) home. Ans: I saw him going home. I went to market (buy) a book. Ans: I went to market to buy a book. 13. Would that Øviv †Kvb Sentence ïi“ n‡j Subject Gi c‡i Could e‡m| †hgb : Would that I (go) to college again. Ans. Would that I could go to college again. 14. †Kvb Sentence G lest _vK‡j Gi c‡i †h subject _v‡K Zvi c‡i should/might e‡m| †hgb: We started early lest we (miss) the train. Ans: We started early lest we should miss the train. Walk fast lest you (miss) the class. Ans:Walk fast lest you should miss the class. He beat me lest I (tell) a lie. Ans:He beat me lest I should tell a lie. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


15. While Gi ci ciB hw` †Kvb verb e¨eüZ nq Zvn‡j D³ verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ Ki‡Z nq| wKš‘ While Gi c‡i hw` Subject _v‡K Zvn‡j Gi c‡ii AskwU Present Continuous Tense/Past Continuous Tense n‡e| †hgb: I saw a bird while (walk) in the garden. Ans. I saw a bird while walking in the garden. I saw a bird while I (walk) in the garden. Ans. I saw a bird while I was walking in the garden. Do not make a noise while your father (sleep). Ans. Do not make a noise while your father is sleeping. 16. †Kvb Sentence -G It is time, it is high time, wish, fancy e¨eüZ n‡j Gi cieZ©x verb Gi Past form e¨eüZ n‡e| †hgb: It is time we (send) our children to school. Ans. It is time we sent our children to school. I wish I (sing) a song. Ans. I wish I sang a song. I fancy I (turn) a trifle pale. Ans. I fancy I turned a trifle pale. N.B: Z‡e It is high time, It is time Gi ci hw` Subject bv _v‡K, Zvn‡j Zvi c‡ii eªv‡K‡Ui Verb wUi Av‡M to em‡e| †hgbt It is high time (go) there. Ans:.It is high time to go there. It is time (to pray) Ans: It is time to pray. 17. As if / as though hy³ sentence -Gi cÖ_g Ask Present Indefinite Tense G n‡j cieZ©x AskwU Past Indefinite Tense n‡e| Avi hw` G‡`i cÖ_g Ask Past Indefinite Tense nq Zvn‡j c‡ii Ask Past Perfect Tense n‡e| †hgb: He speaks as though he (know) it well. Ans. He speaks as though he knew it well. He pretends as though he (know) nothing. Ans:He pretends as though he knew nothing. He spoke as though he (know) it well. Ans. He spoke as though he had known it well. He talked as if he not (know) me. Ans:He talked as if he had not known me. 18. As though, as if, wish †Kvb Sentence G e¨eüZ n‡j G‡`i cieZ©x‡Z to be verb Gi cÖ‡qvRb n‡j were e‡m| †hgb: I wish I (to be) a great poet. Ans. I wish I were a great poet. I wish today (be) Friday. Ans. I wish today were Friday. 19. †Kvb Sentence G To be, Being Ges Having e¨eüZ n‡j G‡`i c‡ii verb Gi Past Participle e‡m| †hgb: I want the work to be (do). Ans. I want the work to be done. Computers are being (use) everywhere. Ans. Computers are being used everywhere. The thief ran away having (take) the bag. Ans. The thief ran away having taken the bag. 20. Mind, worth, without, past, cannot help, with a view to, look forward to, would you mind, get used to _vK‡j Ges to ev‡` †h‡Kvb preposition _vK‡j c‡ii verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb: We went there with a view to (buy) some books. Ans. We went there with a view to buying some books. Without (read) more you cannot make a good result. Ans. Without reading more you cannot make a good result. I am past (care) what happens. Ans. I am past caring what happens. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Use of the Right Form of the Verb

I can’t help (laugh). Ans. I can’t help laughing. 21. †Kvb Sentence G No sooner had ............... than, Scarcely had .................... when, Hardly had .................before _vK‡j cÖ_g verb Gi Past participle n‡e| Gi cieZ©x verb Gi Past form n‡e| †hgb: No sooner had he (reach) the station than the train (leave). Ans. No sooner had he reached the station than the train left. No sooner had they (leave) the house than it (collapse). Ans. No sooner had they left the house than it collapsed. No sooner had I (reach) the station than the train (steam) off. Ans. No sooner had I reached the station than the train steamed off. No sooner had he (go) out than the storm (blow). Ans. No sooner had he gone out than the storm blew. Scarcely had he (reach) the stadium when it (rain). Ans. Scarcely had he reached the stadium when it rained. Scarcely had we (leave) the school premises when it (begin) to rain. Ans. Scarcely had we left the school premises when it began to rain. Scarcely had the teacher (enter) the classroom when we all (stand) up. Ans. Scarcely had the teacher entered the classroom when we all stood up. Hardly had I (reach) the station when (or, before) the train (leave). Ans. Hardly had I reached the station when (or, before) the train left. Hardly had we (start) when (or, before) it (begin) to rain. Ans. Hardly had we started when (or, before) it began to rain. 22. Had better, had rather, would better, would rather, let, must, need, dare, make, have to, has to Gi c‡i verb Gi present form e¨eüZ nq Ges verb Gi Av‡M to e‡m bv| †hgb: I will not let you (to do) the work alone. Ans. I will not let you do the work alone. You had better (to go) home. Ans. You had better go home. He made me (to do) it. Ans. He made me do it. You would rather (to go) there. Ans. You would rather go there. 23. Before Gi Av‡M Ges After Gi c‡i Past Perfect Tense nq Ges Ab¨ clause wU Past Indefinite Tense nq| †hgb: The patient (die) before the doctor (come). Ans. The patient had died before the doctor came. The Patient (die) after the doctor (come). Ans. The patient died after the doctor had come. 24. hw` `ywU evK¨ If w`‡q hy³ nq Ges If w`‡q hy³ evK¨wU Present Indefinite Tense nq, Zvn‡j Ab¨ evK¨wU Future Indefinite Tense(A_©vr ZLb ev‡K¨i MVb n‡e GgbtSubject+shall/will+1g Verb+---) n‡e| †hgb: If it rains, I (not go). Ans. If it rains, I will not go. If he works hard, he (gain) knowledge. Ans: If he works hard, he will gain knowledge. I shall meet you if father (come) here. Ans:I shall meet you if father comes here. They will do the work if they (know) it. Ans: They will do the work if they know it. 25. hw` `ywU evK¨ If w`‡q hy³ nq Ges If w`‡q hy³ evK¨wU Past Indefinite Tense nq Zvn‡j Ab¨ evK¨wU Past Conditional (A_©vr ZLb ev‡K¨i MVY n‡e Ggbt-Subject+would/ could/might +1g Verb+---) n‡e| †hgb: Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


If it rained, I (may not go). Ans. If it rained, I might not go. If Rahat wanted me, I (help) him. Ans:If Rahat wanted me, I would help him. We (avoid) it if we got chance. Ans:We would avoid it if we got chance. I would write a letter if I (have) a pen. Ans:I would write a letter if I had a pen. 26. hw` `ywU evK¨If w`‡q hy³ nq Ges If w`‡q hy³ evK¨wU Past Perfect Tense nq Zvn‡j Ab¨ evK¨wU Perfect Conditional (A_©vr ZLb ev‡K¨i MVb n‡e Ggbt-Subject+would have/could have/might have+3q Verb+---) n‡e| †hgb: If it had rained, I might have (miss) the train. Ans. If it had rained, I might have missed the train. If I had done it, I (give) it to you. Ans:If I had done it, I would have given it to you. If he had seen the matter, he (inform) you in time. Ans:If he had seen the matter, he would have informed you in time. He (get) the result if he had taken medicine earlier. Ans:He would have got the result if he had taken medicine earlier. I would have punished him if he (go) outside. Ans:I would have punished him if he had gone outside. 27. Abyiƒcfv‡e If w`‡q hy³ evK¨wUi MVb hw` Ggb nq If +Subject+ were+----- Zvn‡j Ab¨ evK¨wU Past Conditional (A_©vr ZLb ev‡K¨i MVb n‡e Ggbt-Subject+would/could/might +1g Verb+---) ev Perfect Conditional (A_©vr ZLb ev‡K¨i MVb n‡e GgbtSubject+would have/could have/might have+3q Verb+---) Gi †h †Kvb GKwU n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb: If I were you, I not (do ) it. Ans:If I were you, I would not do it. Or, Ans: If I were you, I would not have done it. If he were an honest man, all (respect) him. Ans:If he were an honest man, all would respect him. Or, Ans: If he were an honest man, all would have respected him. She (help) you if she were a rich man. Ans: She would help you if she were a rich man. Or, Ans: She would have helped you if she were a rich man. 28.‡Kvb Sentence hw` Had+ Subject +Past participle Øviv ïi“ nq Zvn‡j Gi Aci clause wU Perfect conditional n‡q _v‡K| Gi Subject Gi c‡i Would have /Could have/Might have e‡m Ges eÜbx¯’ Verb wUi Past participle nq| †hgb: Had I known this before, I (inform) it in time. Ans. Had I known this before, I would have informed it in time. Had I known it before,I not (do ) it. Ans:Had I known it before, I would not have done it. Had he done it, all (respect) him. Ans: Had he done it, all would have respected him. 29. †Kvb Sentence G hw` can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would cÖf„wZ modal Auxiliary Verb _v‡K Zvn‡j g~j Verb Gi Present form e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: He can (did) the work. Ans. He can do the work. We had better (leave) the place at once. Ans:We had better leave the place at once. People should always (respect) the old. Ans:People should always respect the old. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Use of the Right Form of the Verb

30. Indirect Speech G Reporting Verb Gi hw` Past Tense _v‡K Zvn‡j eÜbx¯’ Verb G Abyiƒc Past Tense nq| †hgb: He said that he (go) to Dhaka yesterday. Ans. He said that he went to Dhaka yesterday. 31. Tomorrow, next day, latter etc. _vK‡j Future Indefinite Tense n‡e| †hgb: The next day (be) holiday. Ans. The next day will be holiday. He (to go) to Dhaka tomorrow. Ans: He will go to Dhaka tomorrow./He is going to Dhaka tomorrow My father (come) back next month. Ans: My father will come back next month. 32. Have, get, want, etc-Gi object (Noun/Pronoun)-Gi ci verb –Gi past participle e‡m| †hgb: I get my hair (dress). Ans. I get my hair dressed. I have the work (finish). Ans. I have the work finished. 33. hw` evK¨wU Passive Voice G _v‡K, Zvn‡j Subject Gi ci GKwU mvnvh¨Kvix Verb wb‡Z n‡e (hw` mvnvh¨Kvix Verb bv _v‡K) Ges g~j Verb Gi 3q iƒc n‡e| †hgb: I was (tell) to go. Ans: I was told to go. All my friends (invite) to the ceremoney. Ans:All my friends are invited to the ceremoney. He (make) Chairman of the committee. Ans: He was made Chairman of the committee. 34. Get, make, have, want, find BZ¨vw` Verb Gi ci hw` e¯‘evPK Object _v‡K, Zvn‡j Zvic‡ii eªv‡K‡Ui Verb wU Past Participle (3q iƒc) n‡e| †hgb: He wants the building (paint). Ans: He wants the building painted. I made the work (do) Ans:I made the work done I want to have my hair (cut). Ans:I want to have my hair cut. 35. hw` ev‡K¨i gvSLv‡b That _v‡K Ges That Gi Av‡Mi evK¨wU Present Tense nq Zvn‡j That Gi c‡ii evK¨wU Ae¯’vbyhvqx †h †Kvb Tense n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb: He tells that he (come). Ans:He tells that he will come. He has told that he (to do) it. Ans:He has told that he will do it. 36. Z‡e That Gi Av‡Mi evK¨wU hw` Past Indefinite Tense nq Zvn‡j That Gi c‡ii evK¨wU Past Indefinite Tense ev Past Perfect Tense n‡e| wKš‘ That Gi c‡ii ev‡K¨ hw` Future evPK †Kvb kã (†hgb: tomorrow, the next day,the following day,the coming year, the next month BZ¨vw`) _v‡K Zvn‡j That Gi c‡ii ev‡K¨i Subject Gi ci would n‡e Ges Verb Gi Present iƒc n‡e| †hgb: He told me that he (to do) it. Ans:He told me that he had done it. Ram said that he (come) here tomorrow. Ans:Ram said that he would come here tomorrow. 37. hw` ev‡K¨i gvSLv‡b after _v‡K Zvn‡j after Gi Av‡Mi evK¨wU Past Indefinite Tense (Subject+Past form of the verb+Object/Extension)n‡e Ges after Gi c‡ii evK¨wU Past Perfect Tense(Subject+had+Past participle of Verb+ Object/Extension) n‡e | †hgb: He left Dhaka after father (reach) home. Ans: He left Dhaka after father had reached home. The tall player caught the ball after the little boy(catch) it. Ans:The tall player caught the ball after the little boy had caught it. Rina (get) the news after Raju had phoned her. Ans: Rina got the news after Raju had phoned her. 38. hw` ev‡K¨i gvSLv†b Before _v‡K Zvn‡j Before Gi Av‡Mi evK¨wU Past Perfect Tense(Subject+had+Past participle of Verb+ Object/Extension) n‡e Ges Before Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Gi c‡ii evK¨wU Past Indefinite Tense (Subject+Past form verb+Object/Extension) n‡e |†hgb: He (come) home before I reached home. Ans:He had come home before I reached home Rana (take) my pen before I saw him. Ans:Rana had taken my pen before I saw him. Students (start) playing cricket before I reached there. Ans:Students had started playing cricket before I reached there.




EXERCISE-1 Rewrite the following sentences using the right form of verbs: 1.The man (come) late. 2. He always (remember) it. 3. I am (wait) for her. 4. It (rain) cats and dogs for three hours. 5. He always (feel) comfortable in this house. 6. The moon (shine) at night. 7. He (carry) an umbrella daily. 8. Ice (float) on water. 9. What he (do) now? 10. Why you (look) so angry? 11. He (come) to enjoy television often? 12. He usually (go) to office by office bus. 13.When he (go) to college everyday? 14. I (feel) hungry every morning. 15. What you (go) to do now? 16. He (come) home just now. 17. The show just (begin).18. He not yet (write) the letter. 19. I just (have) my breakfast. 20. Have you ever (be) to Sylhet? 21. Why he (look) so gloomy? 22. My family just (go) to a new place. 23. I can't help (laugh) at this.24. You (see) her lately? 25. I have seen him (go) there. 26. He kept me (wait). 27. I don't mind (abuse) you. 28.He saw me (go) to the town. 29. I answered (thank) her. 30. Rana went away (leave) the girl. 31. The players just (reach) the play ground. 32. What he generally (do) in the evening? 33. Remon just (receive) the letter. 34. I just (reach) home. 35. The house not (shed) its festive look yet. 36. He already (leave) the country. 37. He found the boy (lie) on the bed. 38. The patient (die) before the doctor came. 39. It is many years since they first (meet) 40.We reached the station after the train (leave) the station. 41. It was long since I (see) her last. 42. Eight years have passed since Jerry (come). 43. They (play) football since morning. 44. Their family (live) in Dhaka for the last five years. 45. I not (choose)my career yet. 46. I (see) her long since. 47. Last night I (dream) a wonderful dream. 48. He (leave) ten minutes ago. 49. His father (break) her leg in a car accident last year. 50. He (to be) in Swetzerland since his childhood. 51. The boy (suffer) from fever for five days. 52. It is high time we (start) the work. 53. It is time he (catch) fish. 54. It is high time they (earn) their livelihood. 55. He talks as though he (to be) a king. 56. He wishes he (to be) a philosopher like Socrates. 57. Munni wishes she (to be) a millionaire. 58. Mili runs fast as if she (to be) a leopard. 59. I wish I (be) a singer like Mickle jackson. 60. She proceeded as though I not (speak). 61. He pretends as if he (know) it. 62. I fancy I (turn) a trifle pale. 63. The door was (open) by the owner of the house. 64. Jim was greatly (hug) by Della. 65. When was the book (lose)? 66. The beggar went away (beg). 67. The children came to us (run). 68. He looked at his mother (smile). 69. They (sail) away to the south until they arrived in cold grey sea. 70. Della (save) every penny she could. 71. Today she (weigh) twenty one stone. 72. It is time (play) cricket. 73. Why (be) you not with her? 74. If I were a bird, I (fly) in the sky. 75.He wants to (be) a doctor. 76. Jim's income (be) shrunk to twenty dollars. 77. He wants the book to be (return). 78. When you (come) last night? 79. Where they (see) him last week? 80. Why he (go) to market yesterday? 81. It is high time we (start) for the school. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Use of the Right Form of the Verb

EXERCISE-2 Rewrite the following sentences using the right form of verbs: 1. It (be) like him. 2. Would that I (enter) the room. 3. The principal desired the notice to be (hang) 4. I went outside the cabin having (forget) him. 5. If I (be) you, I would not have done this. 6. It is high time we (change) the condition of our country. 7. If I see him, I (tell) him the matter. 8. If you wanted, I (help) you. 9. If I (see) him, I would have given him the news. 10. If he comes, I (go). 11. Had Rana told me, I (bring) the pen. 12. Had the Queen of Sheba lived in that house, Della (let) her hair hang out. 13. Had King Solomon been the janitor, Jim (pull) out his watch. 14. English is (speak) all over the world. 15. If he ran fast, he (get) the prize. 16. If I (try), I might have succeeded. 17. Had you brought me here yesterday, I (feel) differently. 18. If you read more, you (learn) more. 19.If he comes here, I (punish) you. 20. I want the work (do) by him. 21. I want the letter (write). 22. We want the house (paint). 23. The porter found the words (inscribe) on the door. 24. I normally (take) my breakfast at 7. a. m. 25. If you play in the rain, you (catch) cold. 26. The bus (leave) before I reached the station. 27. We reached after the train (leave). 28. I did not get used to (write) on this rough paper. 29. None should say anything without (know). 30. Rome was not (build) in a day. 31. The headmaster prevented the boy from (tell) lies. 32. He is capable of (do) the work. 33. Would you mind (open) the door? 34. He insisted on my (go) to college. 35. We never planned of (go) there before. 36. Runa went to New Market with a view to (meet) his elder brother. 37. They are bent upon (do) the work. 38. Rashed decided that he (appear) at the H. S. C. Examination the next year. 39. Tuli said that she already (fïnish) reading the book. 40. Rupom said that he (go) home next week. 41. You had better (leave) the place at once. 42. He does not let him (to do) the work. 43. I would rather (to die) than beg. 44. The writer dare not (to drive) at night. 45. The man was (hang) for murder. 46. How long you (wait) for me? 47. He may be (find) in the bazar. 48.1 asked what his name (be). 49. Rice is going to be (sell). 50. Mangoes are (sell) here. 51. They appear as though they (go) too far. 52. He is looking forward to (get) something from me. 53. While (walk) on the road, a bird flew over our head. 54. While we (play), the rain came. 55. He read more attevtively lest he (fail) in the examination. 56. He saved money as much as possible lest he (fall) into trouble. 139. He got the work (do) 57. It is no good (waste) time. 58. My father (to go) to Dhaka tomorrow. 59. Nosooner had he (reach) the station than the bus left the stand. 60. Scarcely had we (go) home when the electricity went off. 61. Today he (meet) you at the play ground. 62. I knocked the door without (observe) the notice.63. He (to be) ill for three days. 64. He prefers (read) to writing. 65. By (write) more you can write a good hand. 66. The book is worth (read). 67. He was busy (read) the novel. 68. His dad (come) to Bangladesh tomorrow. 69. I (to be) absent since Friday. 70. While (go) there we saw some crocodiles. 71. Have you had your hair (cut)? 72 .I wish I (be) a child again. 73. He is getting used to (have) a heavy lunch. 74.He (take) tea every morning. 75. It is time they (attend) the class. 76. I not yet (take) final decision. 77. If someone had not mentioned her name, I hardly think I (recognise) her. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


EXERCISE-3 (According to NCTB) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 work award be attend proper present highlight Mr. Rahman is a doctor. He (a) —— in Dhaka Medical College for two years. Recently he (b) —— FRCS degree. Last year he (c) —— a seminar in London. He (d) —— a paper (e) —— the prevention of HIV virus in Bangladesh. 2. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 go write celebrate forget know join return Many days have passed since you (a) —— to me. I thought you (b) — learn that you (c) —— on well with your studies. You have wanted (d) —— how I (e) — — my birthday. 3. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 reach go serve be have pay see Last year I visited Chittagong with my elder brother who (a) —— there at that time. I (b) —— to see the mazar of Bayzid Bostami. There (c) —— many big turtles. After (d) —— my visit there, I went to Patenga. It began to rain after we (e) —— there. 4. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 withstand attack be reign do grab run It was long since Robert Bruce was the King of Scotland. He was a good ruler and brave warrior. He (a) —— over the country quite well, and his subjects (b) —— very happy under his rule. But the greedy King of England tried to (c) — — his territory. As such the English soldiers (d) —— Scotland. Bruce (e) —— the enemy with all his forces. 5. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 get have be work reach go take While (a) —— in an NGO, I (b) —— to Sylhet. The executive director said to me, "I (c) —— ready. You are welcome to Chittagong." (d) —— great interest in journey, within a short time I (e) —— myself ready. 6. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 gain be check go suffer report happen The prices of essential commodities already (a) —— up beyond the purchasing capacity of the common people. While visiting different kitchen markets in Dhaka city yesterday, our correspondent (b) --— that the price of coarse rice was Tk. 35 per kg. The prices of vegetables (c) —— manifolds. If this trend of rising prices cannot be (d) ——, the people of low income group will not be able to buy their daily necessaries and so they (e) —— untold sufferings. 7. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 happen get lie put pick see be Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Use of the Right Form of the Verb

While I was walking along the road the other day, I (a) —— to notice a small brown leather bag (b) —— on the pavement. I (c) —— it up and opened it (d) —— if I could find out the owner's name. There (e) —— nothing inside it except some small changes and an old photograph. 8. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 be give begin held call come distribute The annual prize giving ceremony of our college came off yesterday. It (a) —— in the college compound. The function began after the chief guest (b) ——. The Principal (c) —— the names of the recipients and the prizes (d) —— by the chief guest. This (e) —— over, the principal thanked all. 9. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 suffer render kill come bring have try In the spring of 1945 the Second World War was (a) —— to an end. The war had (b) —— a great misery to the whole world. Millions of people (c) —— and wounded. They included men, women and children. Millions of people were (d) —— homeless and (e) —— from poverty, hunger and disease. 10. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 run walk reach get open buy sit Yesterday I went to the zoo with some of my friends. We (a) —— there before the gate (b) ——. Then we (c) —— some tickets and entered the zoo. While we (d) ——, I saw my friend (e) —— towards us. 11. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 feel work turn be flip see talk Mr. Robin is an engineer. He (a) —— in South Korea for seven years. He has not (b) ——able to return home even once in this period. He has a three-year old daughter and he always (c) —— the pictures sent from home. As he (d) — — the pages of the album, he (e) —— sad. 12. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 go be damage look visit affect shock Flood is a curse. It (a) —— Bangladesh every year. Flood (b) —— a lot this year. Many roads and highways (c) ——. During flood the villages of Bangladesh (d) —— under water and (e) —— like an island. 13. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 be sail toss come reach go visit My journey to the Sundurbans was very memorable. At first we reached Bagerhat. After (a) —— there, we hired a mechanized country boat. Our boat (b) —— with tremendous speed. The day (c) —— sunny, we enjoyed a lot. The large waves (d) —— the boat. The boat (e) —— to the deep forest before it was 10 a.m. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


EXERCISE-4 (According to NCTB) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1 × 5 = 5 Yesterday a man (a) —— into the Janata Bank in Elephant Road and (b) —— a note to the cashier. He spoke as if he (c) —— him. The cashier read the note and (d) ——frightened. He was afraid that he might (e) —— a gun, the cashier followed the instruction of the note. 2. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1 × 5 = 5 On Sunday last, all the boarders of our hostel (a) —— to bathe in the nearby river Pasur. A new boarder was with us. We all (b) —— into the river like merry ducks. Suddenly there (c) —— a sharp piercing cry. I (d) —— up and saw that the newcomer (e) —— away by a strong current. 3. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1 × 5 = 5 Dhaka is a very ancient and historical city. It (a) —— into limelight when Islam Khan (b) —— Dhaka the seat of provincial government in 1612. Present old Dhaka (c) —— once the heart of Dhaka city that (d) —— by many foreigners. So this city (e) —— historical importance. 4. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1 × 5 = 5 It was Sunday evening. I (a) —— from New Market. Suddenly a young boy raised his hand (b) —— me as though he (c) —— me. I started (d) —— at a double speed, because of fear. I (e) —— him to be a snatcher. 5. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1 × 5 = 5 Sylhet is considered as one of the most beautiful places of the country. Every year it (a) —— a large number of tourists. It is (b) —— by the hills. It is also famous for (c) —— tea. The biggest waterfall of Bangladesh is (d) —— here. If you come here, you (e) —— its fascinating natural beauty. 6. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1 × 5 = 5 A walk by the riverside in the evening is very useful and pleasant. One (a) —— not only beautiful sights but also (b) —— fresh air. It (c) —— the mind when one (d) —— a walk by the riverside. The murmuring sound of the river (e) —— his heart with sweet melody. 7. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1 × 5 = 5 One day I along with some of my friends were going to the national museum. After (a) —— New Market, we took some snacks. From there we did not (b) — — any vehicle. We were just walking. No sooner had we reached the Elephant Road than we (c) —— an accident. A young boy was (d) —— over by a truck. We felt (e) —— at the horrible sight of the boy being fatally injured. 8. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1 × 5 = 5 The National Memorial of Bangladesh (a) —— at Savar. It (b) —— the supreme sacrifice of the valiant sons of the soil who (c) — their lives for the cause of the country. Every year people from all walks of life (d) —— here for (e) —— their respect and love for the martyrs. 9. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1 × 5 = 5 Last Sunday I went to bed at 9 p.m. and (a) —— a sound sleep. I woke up at about midnight (b) —— a hue and cry at a little distance. I got up from bed and (c) —— to the spot. I saw a cottage (d) ——. At once I understood that the house (e) —— fire. 10. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1 × 5 = 5 Self-control (a) —— all other virtues. Man generally (b) —— on impulses and strong desires. A vicious desire (c) —— the purity of heart and mind resulting in the degradation of human nature. It is self-control that can help a man (d) — Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Use of the Right Form of the Verb

— up a pure character which is very essential to (e) — above the level of inhumanity. 11. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1 × 5 = 5 Once a man went boating in a wide river. The weather was fine but the wind was (a) —— very hard. The man (b) —— silently and was looking at the sights and scenery. Suddenly his turban (c) —— off his head and fell in the river. "I've lost all my fortune," he (d) ——. But he felt happy that it had (e) —— to his neighbour. 12. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1 × 5 = 5 Our university campus is very beautiful. It is very large and green. It (a) —— to me a dreamland. There (b) —— about fifteen residential halls. The students (c) —— in the halls. The sense of togetherness (d) ——in us. The lakes and big ponds will (e) —— you 13. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1 × 5 = 5 Last Friday evening I was enjoying a film in the auditorium of National Museum. Suddenly I (a) —— a big sound. Within a moment the viewers started (b) ——. After some time I realised that it (c) —— the blasting of a powerful bomb. I (d) —— to escape (e) —— on the ground. 14. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give then- correct tense. 1 × 5 = 5 Vitamin A (a) —— our eye-sight. Blindness is (b) —— by the deficiency of vitamin A. Molafish which (c) —— in our rivers and canals (d) —— a lot of vitamin A. We (e) —— a lot of Molafish as well as vegetables to protect our eye-sight. 15. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1 × 5 = 5 I have been in Dhaka for a couple of days and already (a) —— "Aprajeo Bangla" and I must (b) —— something about it. It is a marvelous piece of sculpture. In English Aprajeo Bangla (c) —— unconquerable Bangladesh. It (d) —— right in front of the Arts Building (e) —— the lawn and the main gate. 16. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give then correct tense. 1 × 5 = 5 During my childhood I (a) —— to play in the ground beside our house. There was a river in our village. During summer we (b) —— into the river and (c) — — like ducks. (d) —— and catching fishes (e) —— our regular task. 17. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1 × 5 = 5 Once there was an idle king. He did not (a) —— physical labour. As a result, he (b) —— bulky and (c) —— move from one place to another. He (d) —— in a doctor. The doctor (e) —— very clever, did not suggest any medicine.

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170



‘Article’ is a member of a small group of words that gives definiteness or indefiniteness to the use of a noun. In other word, article indicates any one of a group of words which are used to signal nouns and to specify their use. (Bs‡iRx Article kã Øviv Aí K‡qKwU k‡ãi †h †Kvb GKwU eywS hvi Øviv †Kvb noun †K wbw`©ó ev Awbw`©ó K‡i †evSv‡bv nq|) Kinds of Article: Article



Dc‡ii QK †_‡K eySv hvq Article `yB cÖKvi| 1. Definite Article Ges 2. Indefinite Article. The n‡jv Definite Article Ges A I An n‡jv Indefinite Article. Definite Article: †Kvb noun †K wbw`©ó K‡i †evSv‡Z Definite Article e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb: • The bird is flying in the sky at large. • The engineer has designed it. GLv‡b Avgiv GKwU wbw`©ó cvwL I GKRb wbw`©ó cÖ‡KŠkjx‡K eywS hviv e³v I †kªvZv Df‡qiB cwiwPZ| Indefinite Article: If we want to generalise the noun, we use the Indefinite Article. (†Kvb GKwU Noun †K Awbw`©ó K‡i †evSv‡bvi Rb¨ Indefinite Article e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e|) †hgb: • A doctor has come. • A man came to meet you with a letter.

Indefinite Article (A, An) Gi e¨envi A or An is used only for singular number but for all genders. The choice between A and An is determined by sound. A is used before a word beginning with a consonant sound and An is used before a word beginning with a vowel sound. (ïaygvÎ GKeP‡b mKj wj‡½i mv‡_ A ev An e‡m| Consonant sound-Gi c~‡e© A Ges vowel Sound-Gi c~‡e© An e‡m|) †hgb: a boy a book a bag a cat

A a woman a chair a dog a horse

An an ass an ice-cream an ant an idiot an apple an egg an arm an ear

But if a word begins with ‘eu’ or ‘oa’ (Iqv) sound in spite of having vowel at the beginning, we have to use A, not An. (wKš‘ vowel w`‡q ïiæ nIqv m‡Z¡I hw` GKwU kã ‘BDÕ ev ÔIqvÕ kã w`‡q ïiæ nq Z‡e Zvi c~‡e© A e‡m, An bq|) †hgb: a ewe, a European, a union, a university, a one-rupee note, etc. In the same way, if a word begins with vowel sound in spite of having consonant at the beginning, we have to use An, not A (Ab¨w`‡K consonant w`‡q ïiæ nIqv m‡Z¡I hw` GKwU kã vowel sound w`‡q ïiæ nq Z‡e Zvi c~‡e© An e‡m, A bq|) †hgb: an hour, an heir, an honest man, an M. A., an M. P., an L. L. B., etc. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170



A A_ev An †h me †¶‡Î e¨envi Kiv nq 1. when it is mentioning someone or something (Single Countable Noun) for the first time. (hLb †Kvb GKwU e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K cÖ_g ev‡ii g‡Zv wb‡`©k K‡i|) †hgb: • An old man came to our house. • I saw a girl on the street. 2. hLb †Kvb GKwU GKK‡K wb‡`©k K‡i| †hgb: • One hundred centimeters make a meter. • An ounce is enough. 3. Proper Noun Ges Common Noun GKB iKg wn‡m‡e †evSv‡Z| †hgb: • I see you are a Nazrul. • He seems to be an Indian. 4. GKwU AcwiwPZ bvg ev c`exi c~‡e©| †hgb: • A Rahim came to meet you. • An Arif came here to collect the news. GLv‡b Rahim Ges Arif e³v I †kªvZvi Kv‡Q AcwiwPZ| 5. †Kvb ‡ckv, †kªYx A_ev e¨emv eySv‡Z | †hgb: • He is a doctor • He is an engineer. 6. mvaviYfv‡e 'dozen', 'hundred', 'thousand', 'million' BZ¨vw` eySv‡Z| †hgb: • He sells the mangoes at TK 50 a dozen. • There are a thousand people. 7. cÖ‡Z¨K ev cÖwZ eySv‡Z • The car is running 50 miles an hour. 8. GKwU we‡kl †kªYx‡K m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c †evSv‡Z †hgb: • A dog is a faithful animal. 9. †h Exclamatory Sentence ¸‡jv What w`‡q ïiæ nq Zv‡Z| †hgb: • What a pretty girl! • What a nice bird it is! 10. Superlative degree 'most' Øviv ‘very’ eySv‡j †mB superlative-Gi c~‡e© | †hgb: • He saw a most wonderful picture. (a most = a very) • This is a most interesting story. (a most = a very) 11. ('few', 'little', 'lot of, good deal, great many, good many BZ¨vw`i c~‡e© Ges gv‡S gv‡S Many Gi c‡i|) †hgb: • Here is a lot of books. • A great many students want to go on a tour • I saw a good many boys playing in the field. • There are a few books on the table. • There is a little sugar in the bottle. Definite Article (The): (Singular I Plural number Ges mKj wj‡½i Rb¨B wbw`©ó K‡i eySv‡Z Definite Article The e¨envi Kiv nq):

The †h me †¶‡Î e¨envi Kiv nq 1. †Kvb e¯‘ ev e¨w³‡K wbw`©ó K‡i eySv‡Z| †hgb: • Look at the little boys. • I want the red pen in the third row. 2. †Kvb GKwU Noun- GKevi e¨env‡ii d‡j wbw`©ó n‡q †M‡j| †hgb: • I have a garden and the garden is in front of my reading room. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


3. Before a noun made definite by the addition of a phrase or clause. (†Kvb Noun Gi AwZwi³ Phrase ev Clause e¨env‡ii d‡j †mB noun wbw`©ó n‡q †M‡j|) | †hgb: • The boy who came here is my brother. • The pen which I bought from market had been stolen. 4. Before a singular noun to represent a whole class. (hLb Singular Noun-Gi Øviv mg¯Í RvwZ‡K eySvq) | †hgb: • The dog is a faithful animal. • The rose is the sweetest of all flowers. 5. Uncountable Noun- †K hLb wbw`©ó Kiv nq | †hgb: • The gold of the ring is very shiny. • The water of the sea is salty. 6. cÖK…wZ‡Z ïay GKwU gvÎ Av‡Q Ggb †Kvb wKQyi bv‡gi c~‡e© | †hgb: • The sun shines in the sky. • The earth moves round the sun. 7. †h Noun Øviv †Kvb RvwZ ev †Mvwô †evSvq Zvi c~‡e©| †hgb: • The English speak English. • The Bangalees are intelligent but idle. 8. †Kvb Road-Gi bv‡gi c~‡e©, wKš‘ †Kvb Street ev Avenue Gi bv‡gi c~‡e© bq| †hgb: The bus is running on the Mirpur Road. • The book has been bought from College Street. 9. †ckv eySv‡Z wKQy wKQy Noun Gi c~‡e©| | †hgb: • He joined the Army. 10. Ordinal number †hgb - first, second, etc Gi cy‡e©| †hgb: • Who is the second boy in the class? • The 16th December is a red letter day. 11. †fŠ‡MvwjK fv‡e ¸iæZ¡c~Y© ev mgwó evPK †`‡ki bv‡gi c~‡e©| †hgb: • the U. S. A. (the United States of America.) • the U. K. (the United Kingdom.) • the U.A.E(the United Arab Emirate) 12. †Kvb Adjective Øviv hLb †Kvb we‡kl †kªYx †evSvq, ZLb Zvi c~‡e©| †hgb: • The rich are not always happy. • The poor are not always dishonest. 13. Superlative Degree †Z Adjective Gi c~‡e©| †hgb: • He is the best boy in the class. • She is the most beautiful girl. 14. wKQy wKQy Comparative Gi c~‡e© Adverb wn‡m‡e | • The more we have, the more we want. • The more you read, the more you learn. 15. mvaviYZ: Proper Noun Gi c~‡e© the e‡m bv| wKš‘ wKQy wKQy Proper Noun Gi c~‡e© The e‡m | †hgb: newspapers, ships, trains, aeroplanes, spacecrafts, famous buildings, rivers, seas, oceans, gulfs, mountain ranges, groups of islands, deserts and directions. | †hgb: (i) Names of holy books : the Quran, the Bible, the Ramayana. (ii) Names of newspapers : the Prothom-Alo, the Daily Star. (iii)Names of ships : the Titanic, the M. V. Akbar. (iv) Names of train : the Silk City, the Lalmonirhat Express. (v) Names of aeroplanes : the Dakota, the Boeing 707. (vi) Names of spacecrafts : the Apollo. (vii) Names of famous buildings: the Tajmahal, the Victoria Memorial Hall. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170



(viii) Names of rivers : the Padma, the Jamuna. (ix) Names of seas : the Arabian Sea, the Mediterranean Sea (x) Names of Oceans : the Indian Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean. (xi) Names of gulfs : the Persian Gulf, the Bay of Bengal. (xii) Names of mountain ranges : the Himalayas, the Alps. (xiii) Names of groups of islands : the Andamans, the West Indies, the Hebrides. (xiv) Names of desert : the Sahara, the Gobi. (xv) Names of the directions : Go to the north and then turn to the south. Note. GKwU gvÎ ce©Z ev Øxc, AšÍixc ev n«‡`i bv‡gi c~‡e© The e‡m bv| †hgb: Mount Everest, Vesuvius, Ceylon, Sicily, Java and so on. 16 †Kvb we‡kl †kªYxi g‡a¨ Zzjvbv eySv‡j Proper Noun-Gi c~‡e© | †hgb: • Dhaka is the London of Bangladesh. • Rabindranath is the Shakespeare of India. 17. Proper Noun hw` Adjective ev Adjectival phrases ev clauses Øviv we‡kwlZ nq, Z‡e Zvi c~‡e©| †hgb: • The great Caesar. • The immortal Kalidas.

Omission of the Article wKQy wKQy †ÿÎ Av‡Q †hLv‡b Article e¨envi Kivi cÖ‡qvRb c‡o bv| mvaviYZ: ‡h mKj †ÿ‡Î Article e¨envi Kiv nq bv: 1. Proper Noun Gi c~‡e© | †hgb: • †hgb: Dhaka is the capital city of Bangladesh. wKšÍy hLb Proper Noun Gi c~‡e© Article e¨envi Kiv nq ZLb Zv Common Noun n‡q hvq| • A Newton (= a scientist) cannot be a Milton (= a poet). 2. Material Noun Gi c~‡e© | †hgb: • Gold is a precious metal. • Iron is the most useful metal. wKšÍy hLb †Kvb Material Noun ‡K wbw`©ó K‡i eySv‡bv nq ZLb Zvi c~‡e© The e¨envi Kiv nq| • The mangoes of Rajshahi are very tasty. 3. Abstract Noun Gi c~‡e© | †hgb: • Health is Wealth. • Honesty is the best policy. wKšÍy hLb †Kvb e¨w³i Abstract Noun ‡K wbw`©ó K‡i eySv‡bv nq ZLb Zvi c~‡e© The e¨envi Kiv nq|†hgb: • The greatness of Akabr is known to all. Ges Abstract Noun Gi c~‡e© Adjective _vK‡j Zvi c~‡e© Article e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb: • He died a peaceful death. • He met a serious accident. 4. cÖkœ‡evaK ev‡K¨ Common Noun Gi c~‡e© kind of, sort of, species of RvZxq Phrase _vK‡j †mB Common Noun Gi c~‡e© Article e‡m bv, Z‡e assertive sentence G e‡m| †hgb: • What kind of book is it? • What sort of man is he? wKš‘ Assertive Sentence-G | †hgb: • The rose is a kind of flower. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


5. School, college, church, bed, hospital market, prison BZ¨vw` hLb Zv‡`i mvaviY ev cÖv_wgK D‡Ï‡k¨ ågb ev e¨envi Kiv nq ZLb Zvi c~‡e© Article e‡m bv, Z‡e we‡kl †Kvb D‡Ï‡k e¨envi ev ågb eySv‡Z D³ kã¸wji c~‡e© the em‡e| | †hgb: • We go to school /college (to learn). • Someone goes to church (to pray) • Someone to bed (to sleep) • Someone to market (to sell or buy) • Someone to prison (as a punishment) • Someone to hospital (for treatment) wKš‘ GB RvqMv¸‡jv we‡kl †Kvb D‡Ï‡k¨ e¨envi ev ågb Kiv n‡j Zvi c~‡e© Article e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb: • I went to the school to see the Headmaster. • He went to the hospital to see his uncle. 6. Man ev woman hw` gvbyl RvwZ‡K eySvq Ges father, mother, uncle, aunt, baby BZ¨vw` hLb Avgv‡`i father, mother, uncle, aunt, baby BZ¨vw` eySvq ZLb Zvi c~‡e© Article e‡m bv| †hgb: • Father is coming. Man is mortal. 7. mvaviYfv‡e hLb Home kãwU e³v ev †kªvZvi Home ‡K wb‡`©k K‡i, ZLb Zvi c~‡e© The e‡m bv | †hgb: • Go home. • Stay at home. wKš‘ Home-Gi c~‡e© descriptive phrase ev clause _vK‡j Zvi c~‡e© the e‡m| †hgb: ● He returned to the home where he was born 15 years ago. 8. Games ev meals Gi bv‡gi c~‡e©| | †hgb: • We like to play football/cricket /hockey / tennis / badminton etc. • We have dinner /breakfast as usual time. 9. †Kvb FZz ev Drm‡ei bv‡gi c~‡e© †hgb: • Summer /winter/spring /autumn [But, the rainy season] 10. Squares, buildings, parks, streets, avenue BZ¨vw`i bv‡gi c~‡e©| †hgb: Buckingham Palace, College Street. 11. King ev Queen-Gi mv‡_ Zv‡`i bvg _vK‡j wKsev †Kvb Title †Kvb Noun-Gi apposition n‡q em‡j Zvi c~‡e© Article e‡m bv| Example: Mr. Chowdhury, Headmaster of our school, is a well-known figure. 12. Transitive Verb-Gi Complement Gi c~‡e©| †hgb: • People made him President. • He was elected captain of the class.

Repetition of the Article When two or more nouns or adjectives refer to (hLb `yBwU ev Zvi †P‡q †ewk Noun ev Adjective wb‡`©k K‡i): 1. Avjv`v Avjv`v e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡j ZLb Zvi cÖ‡Z¨KwUi c~‡e© Article e‡m| | †hgb: ● The Headmaster and the Secretary are coming. (Two different persons) • He had a clever and a black cat. (Two different cats) • Give me a red and a blue pencil. (Two different pencils) 2. `ywU noun hLb GKB e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K eySvq, ZLb ïaygvÎ cÖ_g Adjective ev Noun Gi c~‡e© Article e‡m| †hgb: ● The Headmaster and secretary is coming. (One person) • He had a clever and black cat. (One cat) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170



• Give me a red and blue pencil. (One pencil). 3. Zzjvbv eySv‡Z `yBwU Noun hw` Avjv`v Avjv`v e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K eySvq ZLb Zvi cÖ‡Z¨KwUi mv‡_ Article e‡m; Ab¨‡ÿ‡Î e‡m bv| †hgb: • He is a better statesman than a philosopher. (Different persons) • He is a better statesman than philosopher. (Same person) EXERCISE (According to NCTB) 1. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 5 It was (a) —— open field in Delhi. In it there was no room left for any more people. Some boys, some young and the old (b) —— all assembled there to watch (c) —— elephant fighting. (d) —— Prince was watching the fighting sitting at (e) —— side of the field. (f) —— fight was going on. Suddenly an elephant rushed towards (g) —— innocent child. The people began to run away out of (h) —— fear. The Prince found difficult to get through (i) —— rush of so many people. He brought out his sword and saved the child by fighting with (j) —— elephant. 2. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 5 Here is (a) —— story about (b) —— English King. This King lived in England many years ago. His name was Alfred. Alfred was (c) —— good King because he helped his people. You know England is (d) —— land of the English people. But in those days, there were also people in England from (e) —— other land, Denmark. They wanted to take away England from the English people. So there were fights between these two nations. In (f) —— one fight Alfred fought all the day but in the end he had to run away. All (g) —— day he walked and at night he slept under a big banyan tree. Next day he looked for a house. He found (h) — — little house in the fields and went up to the door. (i) —— old woman opened (j) —— door and gave him shelter and food. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 5 (a) —— ant is (b) —— industrious insect. No other insect is as industrious as (c) —— ant. If we observe the life of (d) —— successful man, we will find that he was (e) —— industrious. The industrious are liked by all in (f) —— world. On (g) —— other hand (h) —— idle person is disliked by all. So, industry is (i) — — must to prosper in (j) —— life because we know industry is the key to success. 4. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 5 (a) —— library is usually a room or a building where (b) —— huge collection of books of various subjects are kept ready for the readers. (c) —— students come here to pass their leisure hours by reading books, magazines, journals, etc. There is (d) —— librarian who is in charge of (e) —— library. His duty is to keep the books in (f) —— library in (g) —— perfect order. (h) —— true function of (i) —— school library is to supply the students (j) —— good books that widen their knowledge. 5. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 5 (a) —— national flag is (b) —— symbol of (c) —— independence of a nation. Being (d) —— free nation, we have (e) —— national flag of our own. (f) —— national flag is the symbol of our national integrity, solidarity and (g) —— sovereignty. We achieved our national flag at (h) —— cost of (i) —— sea of blood in 1971. Our national flag is (j) —— source of our spirits, hopes and aspirations. 6. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 5 (a) —— reporter is (b) —— person who collects (c) —— news from any place of the country or from any country of the world. He works for (d) —— certain newspaper or (e) —— news agency. He plays (f) —— important role in the newspaper industry. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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He supplies (g) —— various news to (h) —— news agency or newspaper. A reporter should be (i) —— ideal person to supply true reports. He must be (j) — — industrious person too. 7. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 5 Freedom is (a) —— eternal desire of man. (b) —— spirit of revolution emerges from this desire. This very spirit inspires (c) —— man to achieve his freedom. We are the inhabitants of (d) —— independent Bangladesh. But it was not free in (e) —— past. Bangladesh lost her independence in (f) —— different phases of (g) —— history. At last, Bangladesh became free in 1971 from (h) —— then Pakistani rulers after (i) —— fierce fighting. Now, it is our duty to make (j) —— Liberation War meaningful by realizing its importance on our national life.

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Appropriate Preposition

Pre = c~‡e© Ges Position = Ae¯’vb| A_©vr preposition ‡Kvb noun ev noun equivalent –Gi c~‡e© e‡m H noun –Gi ms‡M sentence-Gi Ab¨vb¨ word-Gi m¤úK© ¯’vcb K‡i| Preposition mvaviYZ `ywU KvR K‡i: (i) Adjective (ii) Adverbial ev adverbial particle. The tree in front my house †hgb: (i) is very big. adjective noun is in front of my house (ii) There a big tree V adverb Zvn‡j †`Lv †Mj preposition noun Gi Ae¨ewnZ c‡i e‡m noun –Gi A_©‡K mxgve× Ki‡j †m †ÿ‡Î adjective Avi hw` verb ‡K modify K‡i ev †Kv‡bv place, time, purpose, cause BZ¨vw` wb‡`©k K‡i Zvn‡j adverbial.

wewfbœ Detached Preposition – Gi e¨envi j¶¨ Ki At

Time (mgq): He rises at dawn. People take rest at noon. We sleep at night. Age (eqm): He got a job at the age of twenty-five. He got married at twenty-two. Place (mywbw`©ó ¯’vb, mvaviYZ Aí cwim‡ii ¯’vb eySv‡Z): He lives at Mirpur. He is at home/school/office. He is at the bus stop/the bridge/the valley. State (Ae¯’v): He is at rest now. He is at the head of the procession. Aim (jÿ¨): He aimed at the tiger. Value (g~j¨): Rice is sold at taka twenty per kg. Degree (gvÎv): The train is running at a high speed. Agency (KZ…©Z¡): I am suffering at their hands. Direction (w`‡K): The dog ran at the cat. Consequence (cwiYv‡g): I came at your call. Cause (Kvi‡Y): He was glad at the news. On

w`b I Zvwi‡Li mv‡_ e¨envi Kiv nq: He came back on Sunday. He went on 25th March, 2006.He will start for London next week. N.B. wKšÍy this morning/last Sunday/next day/next Friday etc. †ÿ‡Î preposition e¨envi Kivi cÖ‡qvRb †bB| To indicate position and contact (Ae¯’vb I ms¯úk© wb‡`©‡ki †ÿ‡Î): The book is on the table. About (m¤^‡Ü): Write a paragraph on 'Discipline'. To indicate time (mgq wb‡`©‡ki Rb¨): He met me on Friday. To indicate dependence (wbf©iZv wb‡`©‡ki Rb¨): We depend on our parents. To indicate reason (KviY wb‡`©‡ki Rb¨): We congratulated him on his success. In accordance with (Abymv‡i): He acted on his teachers' advice. To indicate ‘just after’ (©Ae¨ewnZ c‡i wb‡`©‡ki Rb¨): On the arrival of mutton chop, she took me to task. By

wbw`©ó †Kv‡bv ZvwiL ev mg‡qi g‡a¨ ev c~‡e©, wKšÍy Zvi c‡i bq Gi~c eySv‡Z: He will come back by 4 p.m.Submit your application on by 7 May 2003. Nearness (ˆbKU¨): She sat by her mother. Agency (Kvh©vw` m¤úv`‡bi wbwgË): The letter was written by me. The street was lit by electricity. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Measure (cwigvY): Rice is sold by the kilo. Our class room is fifty feet by twenty. Way (aib): He pulled the boy by the ear. Communication (hvZvqvZ): He went to Kolkata by bus/by air/by water. Oath (cÖwZÁv): He swore by Allah /God/Jove. According to (Abymv‡i): What is the time by your watch? Nearly (KvQvKvwQ mg‡q): He will come here by 1 p.m. During (mg‡q): He works only by day. In respect of (m¤^‡Ü): He is a relation of mine by blood. From

mvaviYZ to/till/until-Gi mv‡_ e¨eüZ nq: He works from nine to five. He will work from morning till night. To indicate place or time (¯’vb ev mgq wb‡`©‡ki Rb¨): He came from Khulna. For the cause of (Kvi‡Y): He died from overeating. Since

Since †Kvb wbw`©ó mg‡q ïiæ n‡q Av‡iKwU wbw`©ó mgq ch©šÍ P‡jwQ‡jv ev GLb I Pj‡Q Giƒc eySv‡Z A_©vr present perfect (continuous) A_ev past perfect -Gi mv‡_ e¨eüZ nq: He has been here since Monday. I have been suffering from fever since Friday last. We have known him since 1998. Before

†Kvb mgq ev avivi Av‡M N‡U GiKg †evSv‡Z-He passed SSC examination before 1992. Your turn will come before me. m¤§y‡L †evSv‡Z: He stood before me. He fainted before me. AwaKZi ¸iæZ¡ †evSv‡Z: He always emphasizes hard work before brain. We want prevention before cure. we‡ePbvq Avbv †evSv‡Z: He put the proposal before our Chairman. After

c‡i N‡U G iKg A‡_©: Where will you go after dinner? He will meet me after his lunch. wcQy †bIqv ev avIqv Kiv A‡_©: We ran after the thief. Do not hanker after money. cwiKíYv, aiY ev Ab¨ wKQy AbymiY †evSv‡Z: The museum is built after my design. This pen was bought after my choice. He is named after his father. avivevwnKZv †evSv‡Z: We entered one after another. For

Period of time A_©vr cuvP w`b, `yB eQi, wPiKvj BZ¨vw` eySv‡Z e¨eüZ nq : I have been reading for two hours. We have known him for ten years. In the direction (w`‡K): The ship is bound for Hong Kong. Cause (KviY): He could not come to college for his illness. For the purpose of (D‡Ï‡k¨): He died for the freedom of our country. In exchange of (wewbg‡q): He bought this pen for Tk. 50/In place of (cwie‡Z©): He acted for me. In spite of (m‡Ë¡I): For all his riches, he is unhappy. Regarding (MY¨ Kiv): We took him for a learned man. Considering (we‡ePbvq): The boy was pardoned for his age. Over

mivmwi Dc‡i †evSv‡Z: She held her hand over my head. ¯úk© Ki‡Q bv Ggb †evSv‡Z: The ball is hanging over his head. Dc‡i †X‡K Av‡Q: She stretched the cloth over her body. GKcvk †_‡K Ab¨ cv‡k †evSv‡Z: I jumped over the bench. cÖfve ev wbqš¿Y †evSv‡Z: He ruled over those people. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Appropriate Preposition


wcQ‡b A‡_©: He came behind you. He shouted from behind the wall. Amvÿv‡Z: You curse him behind the back. wej¤^ A‡_©:You are behind me. mg_©b ev mvnm: Don’t get frightened, we are behind you. In

gvm, w`b, ermi, FZz, w`‡bi Askwe‡kl BZ¨vw`i †ejvq e¨eüZ nq| we¯Z…Z AÂj, †`k/DcZ¨Kv, eo kni eySv‡Z A_ev †Kv‡bv ¯’vb hvi mxgvbv Av‡Q: I get up from sleep early in the morning. Wheat grows in winter. He left the village in 1998. We live in Bangladesh. He lives in a village. He is swimming in the river. Place (¯’vb): He lives in Dhaka. Time (mgq): He works in the morning/in the afternoon/ in the evening. He will come back in an hour. Condition (Ae¯’v): He is not in good health. The house is in a broken condition. Occupation (†ckv): He is in the army. I am in the bar. During: cwiwPZ Period of time eySv‡Z e¨eüZ nq: He learnt swimming during his boyhood. I went outside during interval. Above

Beyond (`~i): We should not live above our means. At a higher point (AwaKZi D‡”P) : The bird is flying above the tree. Higher than (msL¨v, ¸‡Y †ewk): He is above you in merit. The subscription came to above Tk. 500/-. Now the time is above 10 a.m. Superior (D‡aŸ©): Nobody is above law. Than (A‡cÿv): I value character above everything. Higher than (eySv‡Z): The plane is flying above the clouds. With

†Kvb e¨w³i mv‡_ †evSv‡Z: She lives with her parents. I spent the vacation with my friends. Kv‡Ri †Kvb DcKiY †evSv‡Z: Don’t play with match. I write everything with this pen. m‡Ë¡I A‡_©:With all his learning, he is dishonest. e¯‘evPK ev ¸bevPK Ae¯’v cÖKvk Ki‡Z: He looked at her with fixed eyes. He works with confidence. c‡ÿ ev wec‡ÿ †evSv‡Z: Babar fought with Ibrahim Lodi. Bahram Khan was always with Akbor. †Kvb wel‡q ev e¨vcvi †evSv‡Z: Be careful with Knife. About

†Kvb wel‡q ev †Kvb wKQy m¤^‡Ü wKQy ejv ev Kiv A‡_©:I am telling you about my career. Let us talk about our business. cÖvq A‡_©: He is about to rise feet. I need about 50 thousand taka. Pviw`‡K A‡_©: There is a lake about the locality. Wrap the pieces of cloth about my finger. mg‡qi m¤¢ve¨Zv †evSv‡Z: It is about 8 O’clock. The bus will start about now. Dcjÿ ev D‡Ïk¨ ‡evSv‡Z: She came to my house about that matter. Under

wbPz ¯’vb ev †Kvb wKQyi wb‡P †evSv‡Z-We took rest under a banyan tree. Keep the bag under the table. Kv‡iv Aaxb KvR Kiv ev †Kvb Ae¯’vq _vKv A‡_©-I am doing under Mr. Robert. Try to keep the boy under control. kvmbvgj †evSv‡Z: Were we in peace under British rules? cÖwµqvaxb †evSv‡Z: He can work hard under pressure. Your proposal was under consideration. Abyhvqx A‡_: Under the term, he would be punished if he failed to repay. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Off gyjZt Adverb wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| Z‡e GLv‡b Preposition wn‡m‡e wKQy e¨envi †`Lv‡bv nj| KvQvKvwQ †Nu‡l bq, `~‡i G iKg †evSv‡Z-Take the chair off the room. Keep off the plant. wew”QbœZv ev wePz¨wZ †evSv‡Z-Take the shoes off your feet. Get the spot off your dream. Af¨¯ÍZv †evSv‡Z-The patient is off his meal. For some reasons, he is off his jovial mood. mgy‡`ªi KvQvKvwQ-We went off the shore. Of

gvwjKvbv ev AwaKvi †evSv‡Z: He lives in the house of his uncle. This is a book of my brother. †Kvb wKQy w`‡q ˆZix ev Kv‡iv Øviv wbwg©Z, m„ó ev iwPZ †Kvb wKQy ‡evSv‡Z-Give me a ring of gold. I like houses made of brick. Please sing a song of Lalon Shah. mgwói g‡a¨ GKwU/GKvwaK †evSv‡Z: I like one of her poems. Many of them have said so. m¤^‡Ü †evSv‡Z: I do not know of Milton. Drm †evSv‡Z: The rice of Barishal is famous. He is a man of Khulna. D™¢~Z †evSv‡Z: He comes of a respectable family. KviY †evSv‡Z: He died of over eating. we`¨gvb Ae¯’v †evSv‡Z: Mahbub is a man of Character. Bangladesh is a country of peace and happiness. ZvwiL †evSv‡Z: The 12th of March. GKB wRwb‡mi AwfbœZv †evSv‡Z: He lives in the city of Dhaka. He died at the age of seventy. Dhaka is called the city of mosque. To

wbw`©ó †Kvb ¯’vb ev we›`y‡Z eySv‡Z| †hgb: Go to the south. He has gone to school. ch©šÍ A‡_© †hgb: Life means waiting from birth to death . Abyhvqx A‡_©: This dress is really to my choice. I found the place to my liking. gy‡LvgywL ev †Nlv‡Nwl A‡_©-Talk to him face to face. Gi A‡_©: Industry is the key to success. cÖwZ ev D‡Ïk¨ A‡_©: Send the letter to Simu. We invited him to the party. mgq evKx Av‡Q eySv‡Z: It is quarter to ten. How long is it to lunch? DcbxZ nIqv ev cwiYZ A‡_©: Burn the paper to ashes. He was sentenced to the jail.

Some prepositions: Differences and Uses In/At: eo ¯’vb ev mg‡qi c~‡e© in Ges A‡cÿvK…Z †QvU ¯’vb ev mg‡qi c~‡e© at e‡m| Z‡e mg‡qi c~‡e© in

em‡j Zvi ci noun Gi cy‡e© the e‡m| wKš‘ mg‡qi c~‡e© at em‡j Zvici the e‡m bv| He lives at Rajshahi in Bangdesh. He came to me at 8 P.M. in 2007. He walks in the morning. In/Into: †Kvb wKQyi †fZ‡i Kv‡iv ev †Kvb wKQyi Ae¯’v‡bi w¯’wZkxjZv eySv‡Z in Ges Ae¯’v‡bi MwZkxjZv ev iƒcvšÍi †evSv‡Z into e‡m| The students are in the classroom. The teacher enters into the classroom. In/Within: mvaviYZ fwel¨rKv‡j wbw`©ó e¨vcK mg‡qi †kl gyn~‡Z© †evSv‡Z in Ges H mg‡qi g‡a¨ †evSv‡Z within e‡m| I will be back in a week. I will be back within a week. On/In/At: w`b ev Zvwi‡Li Av‡M On, gvm ev eQ‡ii Av‡M in Ges wbw`©ó mg‡qi c~‡e© at e‡m| I joined the job at 8 am on Sunday in 2007. In/By/Before/After: fwel¨rKv‡j e¨vcK mg‡qi g‡a¨ †evSv‡Z in, wbw`©ó mg‡qi c~‡e© by/before Ges AZxZKv‡ji e¨vcK mg‡qi c‡i After e¨eüZ nq| Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Appropriate Preposition

She will come back in a week. She will come back by 7P.M She came back home after one month. In/On/To: mxgvi g‡a¨ Ae¯’vb †evSv‡Z in, mxgvi evB‡i Ae¯’vb †evSv‡Z to Ges mxgvi g‡a¨ Dcwifv‡M Ae¯’vb †evSv‡Z On e¨eüZ nq| Rangpur is in the north of Bangladesh. The Bay of Bengal is to the south of Bangladesh. Tajindong is on the south of Bangladesh. Since/From/For: wbw`©ó mg‡qi c~‡e© Since e‡m Ges Zv me mgq Perfect ev Perfect Continuous Tense G e¨eüZ nq| From wbw`©ó mg‡qi c~‡e© e¨eüZ nq Ges for e¨vcK mg‡qi c~‡e© e‡m| Since ej‡Z Point of time Ges For ej‡Z Duration of time †evSvq| It has been raining since Monday. It has been raining for a week. It did not rain from January. By/with: †h KvRwU K‡i Zvi c~‡e© by e‡m Ges †h hš¿ ev nvwZqvi e¨envi Kiv nq Zvi c~‡e© with e‡m| The snake was killed by the boy with a stick. This letter is written by you with this pen. Between/Among: `yB Gi g‡a¨ †evSv‡j between Ges `yB Gi AwaK n‡j among e¨eüZ nq| Divide the fruits between Rusel and Rana. Distribute the books among all students. Beside/Besides: cv‡k A‡_© beside Ges AwaKš‘ A‡_© Besides e¨eüZ nq| He sits beside me. Besides the pond I like the house. Above/On/Over: Zj ¯úk© K‡i _vK‡j On Ges Z‡ji Ic‡i _vK‡j Over e‡m| ¯úk©nxb Ae¯’vq _vK‡j above e‡m| The ball is on my head. The shade is over my head. The sky is above us. Under/below: †Kvb Z‡ji wb‡P _vK‡j Under Ges Zj ¯úk© K‡i _vK‡j below e¨eüZ nq| Keep the basket under the table There is a bag below the box. Except/Without: ev` w`‡q ev e¨wZ‡i‡K A‡_© Except Ges Qvov ev †bB A‡_© without e¨eüZ nq| I like him except his hair style. I can’t do without him. In order to/with a view to: †Kvb wKQy Kivi D‡Ï‡k¨ A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z GB `ywU Pharse e¨eüZ nq| Z‡e in order to Gi ci infinitive Ges with a view to Gi c‡i verb Gi ing form e¨eüZ nq| He went to market in order to buy a shirt. He went to market with a view to observing price.

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Appropriate Preposition A Abide by (†g‡b Pjv) : Students should abide by their teachers' advice. Abide with (ms‡M _vKv): He abides with me. Abide in (evm Kiv): I abide in Dhaka. Abstain from (weiZ _vKv): Everyone should abstain from smoking. Accuse of (Awf‡hvM Kiv): He was accused of theft. Abound with (c~Y© _vKv): The Padma abounds with fishes. Abound in (cÖPzi cwigv‡Y _vKv): Fish abounds in the Padma. Accede to (ivRx nIqv): I acceded to his request. Account for (†Kvb wKQzi Rb¨ ˆKwdqZ †`Iqv): We shall have to account to God for our deeds. Account to (Kvnv‡iv Kv‡Q ˆKwdqZ †`Iqv): We shall have to account to God for our deeds. Admit to (fwZ© nIqv) : I was admitted to Dhaka City College. Acquit of (†eKmyi Lvjvm †`Iqv): He was acquitted of the charge of murder. Adhere to (†j‡M _vKv) : I must adhere to my principles. Agree with (e¨w³i mv‡_ ivRx nIqv) : I agreed with him. Agree to (†Kvb cÖ¯vÍ ‡e ivRx nIqv) : I cannot agree to your proposal. Agree on (†Kvb wel‡q ivRx nIqv) : I can agree with you on this point. Apologise to (Kv‡iv Kv‡Q ÿgv PvIqv) : The student appologised to the Principal for his misbehaviour. Apologise for (†Kvb wKQzi Rb¨ ÿgv PvIqv) : The student apologised to the Principal for his misbehaviour. Answer for (†Kvb wKQzi Rb¨ Revew`wn Kiv) : We are to answer to God for our actions. Aim at (jÿ¨ Kiv) : The police aimed at the robber. Appear before (nvwRi nIqv) : It appears before me that he is innocent. Appear to (cÖZxqgvb nIqv) : It appears to me that he is innocent. Appear in (cÖKvwkZ nIqv) : The news appeared in the Ittefaq. Appeal to (Kv‡iv Kv‡Q Av‡e`b Kiv) : I appealed to him for help. Appeal to, against (cybivq wePvi Kiv) : He appealed to the Supreme Court against the judgments. Apply to (Kv‡iv Kv‡Q Av‡e`b Kiv) : I applied to the Principal for medical leave. Apply to (cÖ‡qvM Kiv) : The rule does not apply to my case. Attend to (g‡bv‡hvM †`Iqv) : Students should attend to their lessons. Attend at (Mgb Kiv) : He does not attend at his office timely. Attend on (†mev Kiv) : A nurse attends on patients. Approve of (Aby‡gv`b Kiv) : I approved of his action. Aspire after (AvKv•Lv Kiv): Man aspires after riches. Appoint to (wb‡qvM Kiv) ÍThe Principal appointed him to the post. Ask for (Kv‡iv Kv‡Q †Kvb wKQz PvIqv) : I asked for a boy to chop wood. Avenge on, for (Kv‡iv Dci †Kvb wKQzi cÖwZ‡kva jIqv) : I avenged on him for his rudeness. Atone for (cÖvqwPð Kiv) : A sinner has to atone for his sins. Absorbed in (wbgMœ) : He is absorbed in deep studies. Absent from (Abycw¯’Z) : He was absent from the meeting. Acquainted with (cwiwPZ) : I am acquainted with him. Addicted to (Lvivc Kv‡R Avm³) : He is addicted to gambling. Accustomed to (Af¨¯Í) : Jerry was accustomed to hard work. Adjacent to (msjMœ) : His house is adjacent to mine. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Appropriate Preposition

Adapted from (M„nxZ) : The story is adapted from Gulliver's Travels. Accompanied by (mv‡_ wb‡q) : The politician joined the meeting accompanied by his supporters. Adequate to (ch©vß) : This little amount of money is adequate to my purpose. Adapted for (Dc‡hvMx) : This story has been adapted for school boys. Accountable to (Kv‡iv Kv‡Q †Kv‡bv wKQzi Rb¨ `vqx) : We are accountable to Allah for our deeds. Afraid of (fxZ) : He is not afraid of anybody. Agreeable to (iæwPm¤§Z) : The climate of this place is agreeable to me. Alive to (ÁvZ) : A politican is always alive to his flatters. Alien to (we‡ivax) : Flattery is alien to my nature. Alarmed at (mš¿¯Í) : I was alarmed at the violence. Angry with, for (Kv‡iv Kv‡Q †Kvb wKQzi R‡b¨ ivMvwš^Z) : He is angry with me for doing this. Annoyed with, for (†Kvb wKQzi R‡b¨ Kv‡iv cÖwZ wei³ : Father is annoyed with his son for going to cinema. Anxious about (wPwšÍZ) : Students are anxious about their result. Ashamed of (jw¾Z) : I am ashamed of his conduct. Astonished at (wew¯§Z) : The authoress was astonished at Jerry's integrity. Appropriate to (Dchy³) : His remark was appropriate to the occasion. Award of (AeMZ) : Students should be aware of their duties. Attentive to (g‡bv‡hvMx) : Students should be attentive to their lessons. Affectionate to (†mœnc~Y©) : The authoress was affectionate to Jerry. Amazed at (wew¯§Z) : The authoress was amazed at Jerry's sense of duty. Accomplished in (`ÿ) : The boy is accomplished in painting. Ambitious of (D”PvKv•Lv) : Nepolean was ambitious of fame. Attach to (Ry‡o †`Iqv) : I attached the documents to the application. Allotted to (e›UbK…Z) : The shares were allotted to the partners. Amenable to (eva¨) : The lady is not amenable to reason. Access to (cÖ‡ekvwaKvi) : We have access to the Principal's room. Affection for (†mœn) : The postmaster had affection for Ratan. Ambition for (D”PvKv•Lv) : Napolean had ambition for fame. Appetite for (ÿzav) : I have no appetite for food. Authority on (wKQz‡Z we‡klÁ) : Dr. Shahidullah had authority on Bengali language. Authority over (AvwacZ¨) : The father has no authority over his sons. Authority for (AwaKvi) : He has no authority for such a statement. Aversion to (weZ…òv): I have a serious aversion to smoking. Aptitude for (cÖeYZv) : The girl has a great aptitude for music. Apology for (ÿgv cÖv_©bv) : The student had to apology to the teacher for his misbehaviour. Antidote to, for or against (cÖwZ‡laK) : Paracetamol is antidote to/for/against fever and headache. Addiction to (g›` Kv‡R Avmw³) : Addiction to gambling is very bad. Absence from (Abycw¯’Z) : His absence from the function shocked me much. Aspire after (D”P Avkv Kiv) : Man aspires after riches. Assure of (wbwðZ Kiv) : I assured him of my help. Argue with (ZK© Kiv) : Students should not argue with their teachers. Apprise of (ÁvZ Kiv) : I would like to apprise you of the fact. Abhorance of (N„Yv) : A drunkard has no abhorrence of wine. Abhorrent to (N„Yv) : Drinking is abhorrent to me. According to (Abymv‡i) : He acted according to my advice. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


B Bark at (†ND †ND Kiv) : The dog always barks at a stranger. Bar of (evav) : Poverty is a bar of his success. Based on (wfwËi Dci cÖwZwôZ) : His allegation was based on facts. Bask in (†iŠ`ª †cvnvb) : In winter people bask in the sun. Beware of (mZK© nIqv) : Beware of thieves. Beg of (cÖv_©bv Kiv) : I beg mercy of the Principal. Beg for (cÖv_©bv Kiv) : (Pray a person for a thing) The poor beg for alms of the rich. Believe in (wek¦vm Kiv) : I do not believe in overloading my stomach. Beneficial to (DcKvix) : Morning walk is beneficial to health. Bereft of (ewÂZ) : Jerry was bereft of motherly affection. Bent upon (msKíe×) : He is bent upon going to the meeting. Bequeath to ((DB‡ji Øviv w`‡q hvIqv) : My father bequeathed a portion of his land to my mother. Beset with (†ewóZ) : The Principal is beset with flatterers. Bestow on (cÖ`vb Kiv) : God bestows His mercy on us. Blind of (AÜ) :The man is blind of one eye. Blind to (†`‡LI bv †`Lv) : He is blind to his son's fault. Boast of (`¤¢ Kiv) : He boasts of his riches. Born in (Rb¥) : I was born in Khulna. Born of (RvZ) : I was born of middle class family. Born to (Rb¥ †`Iqv) : A female child was born to her. Borrow from (avi jIqv) : He borrowed a book from his friend. Bound for (†Kvb ¯’v‡bi D‡Ï‡k¨ hvÎv) : The ship is bound for London. Brood on or over (welbœfv‡e wPšÍv Kiv) : One should not brood on or over one's failure. Burdened with (fvivµvšÍ) : Jim was burdened with a family. Busy at (e¨¯Í) : The student is busy at his desk. Burst into (Kvbœvq †f‡½ cov) : Suddenly he burst into tears. Burst out (nvwm‡Z †d‡U cov) : They burst out into a laughter hearing my jokes. C

Capable of (mÿg) : He is capable of solving the problem. Care for (MÖvn¨ Kiv) : He does not care for anybody. Care of (hZœ) : We should take care of our health. Callous to (D`vmxb) : We should not be callous to the sufferings of the poor. Capacity for (`ÿZv) : We should have capacity for hard labour. Cause for (KviY) : There is no cause for anxiety. Cautious of (mZK©) : He is not cautious of his future. Caution against (mveavb) : We should take proper caution against cancer. Close to (wbK‡U) : My house is close to my college. Clue to (m~Î) : I found a clue to the mystery. Clear of (gy³) :We should always be clear of our debts. Cling to (†j‡M _vKv) : One should cling to one's plan. Certain of wbwðZ) : He is certain of passing the examination. Characterised by (mywPwýZ) : The dramas of Shakespeare are characterised by great knowledge. Charge against (KvnviI weiæ‡× Awf‡hvM) : He brought a charge against me. Charge on (Awfhy³ Kiv) : The murder was charged on the innocent man. Clothed with (mw¾Z) : Clothed with glory he stood up in the meeting. Clothed in (†cvkvK cwiwnZ) : The lady was clothed in white. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Appropriate Preposition

Communicate to (Lei †`Iqv) : Please communicate the news to my mother. Communicate with (msev` Av`vb cÖ`vb Kiv) : I shall communicate with my mother on the matter. Coincide with (wg‡j hvIqv) : His opinion coincided with me. Compare with (GKB RvZxq wRwb‡mi Zzjbv Kiv) : Nazrul can be compared with Shelley. Compare to (Amg e¯‘i Zzjbv Kiv) : Life may be compared to flowers. Commit to (gyL¯Í Kiv) : I committed the poem to memory. Comment on (gšÍe¨ Kiv) : He commented on the lecture. Commend to (cÖksmv Kiv) : The teacher commended the book to the students. Common to (gšÍe¨ Kiv : Death is common to all. Commence on (ïiæ nIqv) : Our examination will commence on Monday. Compensate for (ÿwZc~iY Kiv) : He will compensate for my loss. Competent for (Dchy³) : He is competent for the post. Compete with (cÖwZ‡hvwMZv Kiv) : I shall not compete with you for the post of Principal. Complain to, against (Awf‡hvM Kiv) : The teacher complained to the Principal against the unruly students. Comply with (m¤§Z nIqv) : He complied with my request. Composed of (MwVZ) : Water is composed of oxygen and hydrogen. Complement on (cÖksmv Kiv) : The Principal complemented the student on his brilliant success. Conceive of (wPšÍv Kiv) : I could not conceive of dishonesty in him. Concentrate in, on (g‡bv‡hvM †`qv) : At last the unruly boy concentrated in his studies. Concerned in (mswkøó) : He is not concerned in the plot. Concerned for (DwØMœ) : Students are concerned for their result. Concur with (GKgZ nIqv): The lawyer concurred with the decision of the client. Condemn to (`vqx nIqv) : The criminal was condemned to death. Condole with, on (mg‡e`bv cÖKvk Kiv) : I condole with my friend on his father's death. Conducive to (DcKvix) : Early rising is conducive to health. Confess to (¯^xKvi Kiv : He confessed to his guilt. Confide in (wek¦vm Kiv) : I can confide in his honest. Confide to (wek¦vm K‡i ejv) : I confided the secret to him. Confident of (Avkvev`x : I am confident of my success. Confined in (Ave×) : He was confined in prison for a murder case. Confined to (kh¨vMZ) : He was confined to bed by an attack of dysentery. Conform with (GKgZ nIqv) : His words conform with his work. Conform to (gvb¨ Kiv) : We are to conform to social norms. Conformity with (Abymv‡i) : I did the work in conformity with the plan. Confuse with (Zvj‡Mvj cvKv‡bv): Don't confuse liberty with licence. Conceal from (jyKv‡bv): The criminal concealed many things from the police officer. Congenial to (Dc‡hvMx) : The climate of new place is congenial to my health. Congratulate on (Awfb›`b Ávcb Kiv) : The teacher congratulated the students on their bright result. Connives at (D‡cÿv Kiv) : Sometimes a mother connives at her son's fault. Conscious of (m‡PZb) : I am conscious of my duties and responsibilities. Consist of (MwVZ) : The committee consists of ten members. Consist in (wbwnZ nIqv) : True happiness consists in contentment. Consideration for (we‡ePbv) : He was showed consideration for his old age. Consistent with (GKB cÖKvi) : His words were not consistent with his actions. Conspicuous for (¸iæZ¡c~Y©) : Once Dhaka was conspicuous for Muslim. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Contemporary of, with (mgmvgwqK) : Nazrul was contemporary of Tagore. Contend with (cÖwZ‡hvwMZv Kiv) : He contended with a strong rival. Contiguous to (wbKUeZ©x) : My residence was contiguous to my college. Contrary to (wecixZfv‡e) : The student acted contrary to his teacher's direction. Contrast to (ˆemv`„k¨) : His action is contrast to his profession. Contrast with (ˆemv`„k¨ †`Lvb) : He drew a contrast Nazrul with Tagore. Contribute to (mvnvh¨ Kiv) : I contributed a good amount to the flood affected area. Control of, over (wbqš¿Y) : The man has no control over his sons. Conversant with (cyivcywi AeMZ) : The officer is conversant with all the facts. Converse with (Avjvc-Av‡jvPbv Kiv) : I conversed with him on our national problems. Converted to (ag©všÍwiZ) : He was converted to Islam. Convict of (Acivax e‡j ivq †`qv) : The criminal was convicted of murder. Convince of (wek¦vm Rb¥vb) : The writer was convinced of Jerry's honesty. Cope with (G‡U DVv) : I failed to cope with the new environment. Correspond with, about (wPwV c‡Îi Av`vb cÖ`vb Kiv): I regularly correspond with my family. Count for (we‡ewPZ nIqv) : His father's advice counts for nothing on him. Covetous of (†jvfx) : He is covetous of wealth. Crave for/after (evmbv Kiv) : I do not crave for/after money. Credit to (Rgv Kiv) : The manager credited the amount to my account. Cure of (Av‡ivM¨ nIqv) : The patient has been cured of his disease. Cure for (cÖwZKvi) : Napa is a cure for headache. D

Dawn on (cÖwZfvZ nIqv) : At last the truth dawned on him. Deaf to (AMÖvn¨ Kiv) : The student turned a deaf ear to his teacher's advice. Deal in (e¨emv Kiv) : He deals in rice. Deal with (e¨envi Kiv) : He does not know how to deal with a gentleman. Decide upon (w¯’i Kiv) : The boy has not decided upon his programme. Decide against (weiæ× wm×všÍ †bqv): The judgement was decided against the innocent boy. Dedicate to (DrmM© Kiv): Our Principal has dedicated his life to the service of the college. Defend from (iÿv Kiv) : One should defend oneself from evil temptations. Defend against (wbivcËv weavb Kiv): We should defend our country against all attacks. Delete from (ev` †`qv) : The book was deleted from the list. Delight in (Avbw›`Z nIqv) : I delight in sports and games. Deliver to (†`qv) : I delivered his letter to his mother. Deficient in (A`Ÿ) : The boy is deficient in English. Demand for (Pvwn`v) : Jerry had no demand for high amount. Demand from or of (`vwe Kiv) : I demanded the amount from him. Depend upon (wbf©i Kiv) : I depended upon his word. Dependent on (wbf©ikxj) : Our family is dependent on me. Deprive of (ewÂZ) : He was deprived of the property. Derive from (cvIqv) : Wordsworth derived much inspiration from his sister. Deserving of (†hvM¨) : His honesty is deserving of praise. Desire for or of (AvKvsLv) : I have no desire for riches. Despair of (nZvk nIqv) : A lazy boy always despairs of success in life. Descent from (es‡kv™¢~Z) : He claims to have descended from a noble family. Desirous of (AvKvsLv) : My father is not desirous of wealth. Destined for or to (wba©vwiZ nIqv) : I am destined for teaching profession. Destitute of (ïb¨) : A street urchin is destitute of wealth. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Appropriate Preposition

Destructive of or to (ÿwZKviK) : Smoking is destructive of/to health. Detach from (wew”Qbœ) : He is detached from his family. Determined on (msKíe×) : I am determined on carrying on my studies. Detrimental to (ÿwZRbK) : Smoking is detrimental to health. Deviate (Pz¨Z nIqv) : My father never deviated from the truth. Devoid of (ewR©Z) : He is devoid of common sense. Devote to (wb‡qvwRZ Kiv): The Principal devoted all his energy to the welfare of the college. Die of (†Kvb †iv‡M giv) : He died of cholera. Die from (†Kvb Kvi‡Y giv) : He died from over eating. Die by (AvKw¯§K ev B”QvK…Zfv‡e giv) : He died by suicide. Die for (AvZ¥Z¨vM Kiv) : We are ready to die for our country. Differ from (GK e¯‘i mwnZ Ab¨e¯Íyi cv_©K¨) : The rose differs from marigold. Differ with (wfbœgZ †cvlY Kiv) : I differ with you on this point. Different from (c„_K) : This pen in different from that. Diffident of (AvZ¥wek¦vmnxb) : A lazy boy is always diffident of success. Disgrace to (j¾v) : A notorious boy is disgrace to his family. Disgusted with, at (wei³): The teacher is disgusted with the student at his misconduct Dislike to/for (AcQ›`) : I have a dislike to evil company. Displeased with (AmšÍyó) : The teacher is displeased with the student. Dispose of (mym¤úbœ Kiv) : The Principal ordered the clerk to dispose of the file. Disqualified for (Abychy³) : You are disqualified for the post for your overage. Dispute with, about or on (weev`) : There is none to dispute with my right. Dissimilar to (wem`„k) : This pen is dissimilar to that. Distinguish between (cv_©K¨ †`Lvb) : Distinguish between the two. Distinguish from (GK wRwbm n‡Z Ab¨ wRwb‡mi cv_©K¨ †`Lvb) : He tried to distinguish right from wrong. Distract from (Ag‡bv‡hvMx Kiv) : The music distracted my attention from my study. Distrust of (Awek¦vm) : An honest man has no distrust of anyone. Dispense with (Z¨vM Kiv) : The headmaster dispensed the clerk with his services. Divide into (fvM Kiv) : He divided the mangoes into two equal halves Doubt about or of (m‡›`n) : I have doubt about his success, Due to (KviY/cÖvc¨): I could not go to college due to my illness. /The prize was due to me. Dull of (†eva kw³nxb) : The boy is dull of hearing Dull at (KuvPv) : He is dull at English. Divert from (c_ cwiZ¨vM Kiv‡bv) : He diverted me from my purpose Duty to (KZ©e¨) : We must do our duty to our parents. Dwell in (evm Kiv) : The manager dwells in a fine house Dwell upon (Av‡jvPbv Kiv) : The teacher dwelled upon the subject. E

Expose to (Abve„Z ivLv) : Don't expose the syrup to babies. Expert at (`ÿ) : The girl is expert at drawing. Expert in (`ÿ) : Mr. Jalil is expert in English. Excuse from (ÿgv Kiv) : The Headmaster excused him from fine. Excuse for (ˆKwdqr) : His excuse for his absence was not granted. Expect from (Avkv Kiv) : I expect a good result from my younger brother. Exult over (Avb›` Kiv) : Don't exult over a defeated foe. Exclude from (ev` †`qv) : He was excluded from the list. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Exclusive of (ev` w`‡q): The rent of the house is five thousand taka exclusive of current bill. Exhausted with (K¬všÍ) : I am exhausted with hard work. Eager for (DrmyK) : A greedy man is eager for riches Earnest in (AvMÖnx) : Students should be earnest in their studies Easy of (mn‡R) : The problem is easy of solution Eligible for (†hvM¨) : He is not eligible for the post. Emerge from (†ei nIqv) : Suddenly a tiger emerged from the bush End in (d‡jv`q nIqv) : All his attempts ended in smoke Endowed with (f~wlZ) : Sher-E-Bangla was endowed with many qualities. Engaged to (evM`Ëv) : She is engaged to a doctor. Engaged in (wbgMœ) : He is engaged in writing a book. Enveloped in (Av”Qbœ) : The sky is enveloped in black clouds. Envy at (†Kvb wKQz‡Z Cl©v) : His heart was filled with envy at my grand success. Envious of (Cl©v civqb) : He is envious of my success. Enquire of. About (†LvuR †bqv) : He enquired of my where about. Enter into (†XvKv) : The thief entered into the room at dead of night Enlist in (ZvwjKvfy³ nIqv) : He is enlisted in the party. Equal in with (mgKÿ) : I am equal in rank with you. Equally with (mgvbfv‡e) : The manager is to blame equally with the clerk. Escape from (gyw³): Man has no escape from death. Essential to (AZ¨vek¨K) : Sound health is essential to succeed in life. Excel in (`ÿ) : The boy excels in painting. Exception to (e¨wZµg) : There is an exception to every rule. Exempt from (wb¯‹…wZ cvIqv) : The poor student was exempted from tuition fees. Exile from (wbe©vwmZ) : The king was exiled from the country. Experience in (AwfÁZv) : Professor Abdur Rashid has vast experience in English. F

Faith in (wek¦vm) : I have faith in his honesty. Faith with (wek¦¯ÍZv) : He has broken faith with me. Faithful to (wek¦vmx) : The dog is a faithful animal to its master. Failure of (mvdj¨nxbZv) : The failure of my younger brother in the examination shocked me very much. False to (Awek¦vm) : The boy is false to his teacher. Familiar with (Nwbô) : I am familiar with him. Famous for (weL¨vZ) : Mohsin is famous for his kindness. Favourable for (AbyK~j) : The soil of Sylhet is favourable for growing oranges. Favour of (c‡ÿ) : His report was in favour of me. Fear of (fq) : The rich are in fear of their lives. Fear for (AvZ¼) : The rich fear for their lives. Fearful of (fq) : I am fearful of enemies. Feed on (†L‡q †eu‡P _vKv) : The cow feeds on grass. Fire at (¸wj Kiv) : The police fired at the criminal. Fire upon (¸wj Kiv) : The police fired upon the mob. Filled with (c~Y©) : The sailors were filled with fear. Fine for (Rwigvbv) : He had to pay heavy fine for his misbehaviour. Fit for (Dchy³) : He is fit for the post. Fix to (jvMvb) : Fix the stamp to the envelope. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Appropriate Preposition

Fond of (wcÖq) : I am fond of meat. Fondness of (cQ›`) : I have fondness of sweets. Foreign to (AÁvZ) : Telling lies is foreign to an honest man. Forgetful of (fy‡j hvIqv) : Man is forgetful of the past. Free from (gy³) : Man is not free from cares and anxieties. Free of (e¨wZZ) : The goods reached free of cost. Frown in or at (åKzwU Kiv) : The teacher frowned in or at the boy who made noise the class. Fruitful in (mg„×) : Bangladesh is fruitful in gas resources. Full of (cwic~Y©) : The glass is full of dirty water. Furnish with (mw¾Z) : The college was furnished with fine furniture. G

Glad of (mšÍyó) : I am glad of your help. Glad at (Avbw›`Z) : My parents are glad at my success. Glance at (ZvKv‡bv) : I glanced at the building. Glance over (†PvL eyjv‡bv) : I glanced over the paper. Glimpse of (GK cjK †`Lv) : The crowd were waiting to have a glimpse of the leader. Glory in (Me© Abyfe Kiv) : My parents glory in my success. Good at (`ÿ) : Emran is good at cricket. Grateful to, for (K…ZÁ) : I am grateful to Chowdhury for his kind help. Grasp at (AvuKwo‡q aiv) : He grasped at the shadow and lost the thing. Greedy of or after (†jvfx) : A saint is not greedy of or after riches. Grieve at or for or about (`ytL Kiv) : My parents grieved at or for or about my unsuccess. Grumbles at, about (Am‡šÍvl cÖKvk Kiv) : A coward grumbles at or about his lot. Guard from (cvnviv †`qv) : The watch guards our house from thieves. Guard against (mZK© _vKv) : We must guard against our mistakes. Guess at (Abygvb Kiv) : Wordsworth failed to guess at the reaper's song. Guilty of (†`vlx) : The servant was guilty of theft. H

Hanker after (jvjvwqZ) : A saint does not hanker after riches. Hatred of or for (N„Yv) : We should not have hatred of or for any body. Heed to (gb w`‡q †kvbv) : The sons did not pay heed to their father's advice. Heir of (DËivwaKvix e¨w³) : Muhsin has no heir of/to his property. Hesitate at (BZ¯ÍtZ Kiv) : A brave man does not hesitate at anything. Hinder from (evav †`qv) : My father hindered me from going to cinema. Hindrance to (evav) : Poverty is hindrance to my success. Hint at (Avevm †`qv) : I hinted him at the matter. Hope of (Avkv) : A coward has no hope of success in life. Hopeful of (Avkvev`x) : Kanta is hopeful of her success. Hit upon (gZje LvUvb) : We hit upon a plan. Hostile of (we‡ivax) : The Pakistani armies were hostile to the Freedom Fighters. Hunt after or for (n‡b¨ n‡q †div) : Don't hunt after or for wealth. I

Ignorant of (AÁ) : He is ignorant of the murder. Ill with (cxwoZ) : It will go ill with me if I do not abide by my father's advice. Immersed in (wbgw¾Z) : One should not be immersed in debts. Impatient of (Aaxi) : The workers are impatient of delay. Impose upon (avh© Kiv) : The duty was imposed upon me. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Impress with (Pvcv‡bv) : I was impressed with his stern sense of duty. Incentive to (Drmvn `vqK) : onus is incentive to workers. Include in (AšÍfy©³ Kiv) : My name was included in the list. Inclination to.for (cÖeYZv, †SvK) : Tinni has a deep inclination to or for music. Imcumbent on (KZ©e¨) : It is incumbent on us to help the poor. Indebted to (FYx) : I am greatly indebted to my teachers. Independent of (¯^vaxb) : None is independent of society. Indifferent to (D`vmxb) : Students should not be indifferent to their studies. Indispensible to (GKvšÍ Avek¨K) : Sincere workers are indispensible to our country. Influence over (cÖfve) : The old man has no influence over his sons. Influence on /upon (cÖfve) : The advice of the teacher bore influence on/upon the students. Influenced by (cÖfvweZ) : I am influenced by my father's honesty. Inform against (KvnviI weiæ‡× Awf‡hvM Avbv) : The villagers informed the' police against the murder. Inform of (†Kvb e¯Íy m¤^‡Ü Rvbv‡bv) : I informed him of his result. Inherent in (mnRvZ) : Honesty is inherent in Jerry. Innocent of (wb‡`©vl) : The officer is innocent of the charge. Inquire of/about (wR‡Ám Kiv) : The police inquired of him about the murder. Insist on (wR` Kiv) : He insisted on my going to cinema. Inspire with (AbycÖvwbZ Kiv) : The advice of the teacher inspired us with courage. Instinct with (AbycÖvwYZ) : Nazrul's poems are instinct with patriotic feelings. Interest in (g‡bv‡hvM †`qv) : Monira takes interest in music. Interfere with, in (AbwaKvi PP©v Kiv) : He always interferes with me in my affairs. Intimate with (Nwbô) : Jerry was intimate with pat. Intimate to (Rvbv‡bv) : Please intimate to him about the result. Introduce to (cwiPq Kiv) : I introduced my friend to my parents. Intrude upon (AbwaKvi cÖ‡ek) : I don't want you to intrude upon our discussion. Invest with (f~wlZ Kiv) : The captain was invested with new power. Involve in (wjß nIqv) : The boy is involved in the affair. Irrelevent to (AcÖvmw½K) : His remark is irrelevant to the subject. Irrespective of (wbwe©Pv‡i) : All are equal irrespective of caste and creed. J

Jealous of (Clv©civqY) : He is jealous of my prosperity. Jeer at (VvÆv Kiv) : We should not jeer at the poor. Jest at (Zvgvkv Kiv) : One should not jest at the poor. Join to or with (ms‡hvM Kiv) : The two families were joined with or to each other by marriage. Judge by (wePvi Kiv) : We should not judge anyone by appearance. Justification for (mg_©b Kiv) : There is no justification for his saying so. K

Key to (PvweKvwV) : Industry is the key to success. Kind to (`qvjy) : The rich should be kind to the poor. L

Lack of (Afve) : He has lack of money. Lack in (Afve nIqv) : He lacks in courtesy. Lame of (†Lvov) : The poor man is lame of one leg. Lament for (AbyZvc Kiv) : One should not lament for the past. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Appropriate Preposition

Laugh at (VvÆv Kiv) : We should not laugh at the poor. Lavish of (AwgZe¨qx) : He is lavish of money. Level with (mgvb Kiv) : Distinction between the rich and the poor should be leveled with. Liable to (`vqx) : Man is liable to error. Liable for (`vqx) : Jerry was not liable for the breaking of the axe handle. Likeness to (mv`„k¨) : He recognised the girl by her likeness to her mother. Liking for (cQ›`) : I have no liking for him. Live in (evm Kiv) : Man lives in society. Live on (LvBqv Rxeb avib Kiv) : The cow lives on grass. Long for (cÖZ¨vkv Kiv) : Man longs for peace and happiness. Lost in (bó nIqv) : The building was lost in a storm. M

Marry to (weevwnZ) : Nurjahan was married to Jahangir. Martyr to (knx`) : The freedom fighters were martyr to the independence of Bangladesh. Match for (Zzjbxq) : The girl is no match for the man. Meditate on/upon (Mfxifv‡e wPšÍv Kiv) : One should not meditate upon the past actions. Meet with (m¤§yLxb nIqv) : The boy met with an accident. Mindful of (g‡bv‡hvMx) : The student is mindful of his studies. Mix with (wgwkªZ Kiv) : He does not mix with other boys. Merge with (wgwjZ nIqv) : They merged with bad boys. Mourn for (†kvK Kiv) : England mourns for the fallen. Moved by (wePwjZ Kiv) : I was moved by his sense of courtesy. Muse on (Mfxi fv‡e wPšÍv Kiv) : He mused on his lot. N

Natural to (¯^vfvweK) : Death is natural to all. Necessity for (Avek¨KZv) : I have no necessity for the book. Necessity to (cÖ‡qvRbxqZv) : Rest is necessity to me now. Necessary for (`iKvix) : Industry is necessary for success. Need of (cÖ‡qvRb) : I am badly in need of a seat in the hostel. Neglectful of (Ag‡bv‡hvMx) : Students should not be neglectful of their studies. Negligent in (Ag‡bv‡hvMx) : Students should not be negligent in their duties and responsibilities. Noted for (L¨vZ) : Mohsin was noted for his kindness. O

Object to (AvcwË Kiv) : I objected to his proposal. Objection to/ against (AvcwË) : I have no objection to/against his proposal. Oblige to, for (evwaZ) : I am obliged to you for granting my prayer. Obligatory on (eva¨Zvg~jK) : It is obligatory on sons to look after their old parents. Oblivious of (we¯Z…Z) : Man is oblivious of the past. Observant of (ch©‡eÿK) : The teacher is observant of the students, feelings. Obstacle to (evav) : Poverty was obstacle to his success in life. Occupied with (e¨¯Í) : Mr. Khan is occupied with his books. Occupied in (e¨vc„Z) : He is occupied in writing a grammar. Offend against (jsNb Kiv) : You have offended against college discipline. Offensive to (cxov`vqK) : The smell of this scent is offensive to me. Open to (Db¥y³) : The national zoo is open to all. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Opportunity for (my‡hvM) : I have missed an opportunity for going abroad. Opportunity of (myweav) : I have no opportunity of going abroad. Opposition to (we‡ivwaZv) : Students raised a strong opposition to the order of the Principal. Originate with/from (Drcbœ nIqv) : All the rivers of Bangladesh originate from the Himalayas. Originate in/from (ïiæ nIqv) : The fire originated in his shop. Oust from (ewn¯‹…Z) : He was ousted from the College. Overwhelmed with (Awff~Z) : The widow was overwhelmed with grief. Owe to (FYx nIqv) : I owe to my teacher. P

Parallel to (mgvšÍivj) : This line is parallel to that. Parody on/of (we`ªæcvZ¥K bKj) : The poem is a parody on a poem of Nazrul. Part from (†Kvb e¨w³ n‡Z wew”Qbœ nIqv) : The writer parted from Jerry. Part with (†Kvb e¯‘ Z¨vM Kiv) : I cannot part with this pen. Partial to (cÿcvZ`yó) : We should not be partial to our relatives. Partiality to for (cÿcvwZZ¡) : I have no partiality for my relatives. Passion for (fvev‡eM) : Sakila has a deep passion for music. Patient of (mwnòz) : The sick man is patient of his sufferings. Patience with (ˆah¨©) : The father lost all his patience with his son. Permit of (gÄyi nIqvi †hvM¨) : His conduct permits of no excuse. Play at (†Ljv Kiv) : Students should not play at cards. Play on (evRv‡bv) : The third girl played on a tune. Play with (†njv †Ljv Kiv) : Don't play with matches. Plead for (Av‡e`b Kiv) : The poor plead for justice but in vain. Plead against (cÿ mg_©‡b ev`vbyev`) : I pleaded against his conduct. Plunged in (wbgw¾Z) : He is plunged in deep study. Ponder over (Mfxifv‡e wPšÍv Kiv) : The boy is pondering over the mistakes. Popular with, for (RbwcÖq) : The principal is popular with the pupils for his politeness. Possessed of (AwaKvix) : Muhsin was possessed of vast wealth. Precaution against (mZK©Zv) : We should take precaution against disease. Prefer to (cQ›` Kiv) : He prefers reading to writing. Preside over (mfvcwZZ¡ Kiv) : The Principal presided over the meeting. Pretend to (fvb Kiv) : Hamlet pretended to madness. Pretext for (Qj) : His headache is a pretext for his not attending the class. Prevent from (weiZ Kiv) : My father prevented me from going to cinema. Previous to (c~e©) : Previous to that he was a typist. Prey to (wkKvi ¯^iƒc) : One should not be prey to greed. Pride in (Me©) He takes pride in his wealth. Proficient in (`ÿ) - Our Principal is proficient in English. Profit by (jvfevb nIqv) : Students are profited by their teacher's instructions. Profitable to (jvRRbK) : The co-operative shop was profitable to the students. Prohibit from (weiZ ivLv) : I prohibited him from going to cinema. Prompt in (Zrci) : Jerry was prompt in doing his duties. Proportionate to (mgvbycvwZK) : Punishment should be proportionate to crime. Protect from (iÿv Kiv) : There was no cloud to protect the sailors from the burning sun. Provide against (`yw`©‡bi Rb¨ mÂq Kiv) : Everyone should provide something against rainy days. Provide with (†`qv) : He provided me with a loading. Q

Qualified for (Dchy³) : He is qualified for the post. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Appropriate Preposition

Quarrel with (KvnviI mv‡_ SMov Kiv) : We should not quarrel with one another. Quarrel about (wel‡q Kjn) : The two brothers quarrelled with each other about a piece of land. Quick at (PUc‡U) : Jerry was quick at his works. R

Rely on (wbf©i Kiv) : The authoress relied on Jerry. Remarkable for (weL¨vZ) : Khan Jahan Ali is remarkable for his social works. Remedy for (cÖwZKvi) : There is no remedy for cancer. Remind of (g‡b Kwi‡q †`qv) : I reminded him of the accident. Repent of (AbyZvc Kiv) : The old sailor repented of his sin. Repentance for (AbyZvc) : The old man felt repentance for his sin. Replace by (¯’vbvšÍwiZ Kiv) : The bench was replaced by a new one. Requisite for (cÖ‡qvRbxq wRwbm) : A Haji has to take many requisites for pilgrimage. Resort to (MÖnb Kiv) : The authority resorted to force to put down anarchy. Respect for (fw³) : Students should have respect for their teachers. Respond to (Reve †`qv) : God cannot but respond to the call of a man. Responsible to (`vqx) : We are responsible to Allah. Restrict to (mxgve×) : Admission to Dhaka City College is restricted to only first division students. Result of (dj) : The result of dishonesty is terrible. Result from (D™¢~Z nIqv) : Misery results from vice. Result in (d‡j ch©ewmZ nIqv) : Vice results in misery. Retire from (Aemi MÖnb Kiv) : The Principal retired from vice. Retire to (wekªvg Kiv) : He has retired to bed. Revenge upon (cÖwZ‡kva MÖnY Kiv) : Immortal gods revenged upon the lady. Rich in (mg„×) : Bangladesh is rich in natural gas. Rob of (Pzwi Kiv) : The servant robbed me of everything. Ready at (`ÿ) : He is ready at passing running comment. Ready for (Dchy³) : They are ready to do anything for the country. Reason with (ZK© Kiv) : Students should not reason with the teachers. Rebel against (we‡`ªvn Kiv) : The workers rebelled against the mill owner. Reconciled with (gxgvsmv Kiv) : Samson is reconciled with his wife. Reconciled to (MÖnY Kiv) : Samson has become reconciled to his lot. Recover from (Av‡ivM¨ jvf Kiv) : The patient has recovered from his illness. Reduced to (cwiYZ nIqv) : The old man has been reduced to poverty. Refer to (Bw½Z Kiv) : The case was referred to police for inquiry. Reflect upon (wPšÍv Kiv) : Samson reflected upon his past life. Refrain from (weiZ nIqv) : Father refrained me from going to cinema. Regard for (fw³) : Students should have regard for their teachers. Regard to (cÖm½) : In regard to his character I know nothing. S

Slave to (`vm) : Man should not be slave to his passion. Smile upon (cÖmbœ nIqv) : Fortune smiles upon the brave. Smile at (we`ªæc Kiv) : The rich should not smile at the poor. Sneer at (bvK wmUKvb) : Man should not sneer at anybody. Solicit for (Av‡e`b Kiv) : The flood affected people solicited the Government for help. Sorry for (`ytwLZ) : I am sorry for my rude behaviour. Stare at (GK `„‡ó PvIqv) : Jim stared at Delia. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Startle at (Avðh©vwš^Z) : The writer was startled to see the bill of fare. Stick to (†j‡M _vKv) : I shall stick to my principles. Subject to (wbf©ikxj) : The poor are subject to hardship. Submit to (bwZ¯^xKvi Kiv) : Man must submit to his fate. Subordinate to (Aax‡b) : The teaching staff of an academy is subordinate to the Principal. Subscribe to (Puv`v †`qv) : We must subscribe to the poor fund. Subversive of (aŸsmKvix) : He did not take part in any activity subversive of the state. Succeed (mvdj¨ jvf Kiv) : He succeeded in his mission. Succeed to (DËivwaKvix nIqv) : Generally sons and daughters succeed to their parents' property. Sufficient for (h‡_ó) : The saving of Delia was not sufficient for her purpose. Suffer from (mn¨ Kiv) : The poor suffer from many troubles. Suitable for (Dchy³) : He is suitable for the post. Suited to (cwic~iK) : His comment was suited to the occasion. Supply with (†Kvb wKQy mieivn Kiv) : The Lilliputians supplied Gulliver with meat. Supply to (KvD‡K †Kvb wKQy mieivn Kiv) : The Lilliputians supplied meat to Gulliver. Sure of (wbwðZ) : I am sure of my success. Susceptible of (MÖnYÿg) : The poem is susceptible of secondary meaning. Susceptible to (Abyf~wZcÖb) : The baby is susceptible to cold. Suspicious of (m‡›`ncÖeb) : The police is suspicious of his movement. Sympathy for (mnvbyf~wZ) : The rich should have sympathy for the poor. Sympathise with (Kvnv‡iv cÖwZ mnvbyf~wZ †`Lv‡bv) : The authoress sympathised with Jerry. Synonym for (mgv_©‡evaK) : He gave a synonym for the hard word. Sanguine of (Avkve`x) : I am sanguine of my success. Satisfied with (mšÍyó) : Man should be satisfied with what he has. Satisfied of (wbtm‡›`‡n) : The authoress was satisfied of Jerry's honesty. Satisfaction in (m‡šÍvl) : The officer feels satisfaction in his conduct. Search for (AbymÜvb Kiv) : The police searched for the criminal. Secure from (wbivc`) : The village is secure from the attacks of wild animals. Seek for (†LvuR Kiv) : Man seeks for bread. Sensible of (AeMZ) : The politician is sensible of the danger ahead. Sensitive to (ms‡e`bkxj) : Jerry was sensitive to motherly love and sympathy. Short of (AfveMÖ¯)Í : The college is short of funds. Sick of (K¬všÍ) : Ulysess was sick of idle life. Side with (cÿ MÖnY Kiv) : I sided with him. Similar to (mgvb) : Ignorance is similar to darkness. Sin against (cvc Kiv) : The old sailor sinned against God. T

Talk to, about or over (Avjvc-Av‡jvPbv Kiv) : The authoress did not talk to Miss Clark about Jerry's mother. Taste of (¯^v`) : I have had taste of bitter experience of life. Taste for (cQ›`) : I have no taste for music. Thankful for, to (K…ZÁ) : We should be thankful to God. Thirst for (evmbv Kiv) : Man has unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Tired with (K¬všÍ) : I am tired with hard work. Tired of (wei³) : I am tired of his flattery. Tolerant of (mnbkxj) : Poets are tolerant of other's criticism. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Appropriate Preposition

Triumph over (Rqjvf Kiv) : Truth triumphs over falsehood. True to (AUj) : I am true to my word. Trust to (wbf©i Kiv) : I trusted the work to him. Trust with (wek¦vm Kiv) : I trusted him with the money. Trust in (wek¦vm Kiv) : We trust in Allah. U

Union with (wgjb) : Generally a husband seeks union with his wife after a petty quarrel. Unite with (wgjb nIqv) : Samson did not unite with his wife. Urge upon (cxovcxwo Kiv) : The people urged upon the politician for donation. Use for (cÖ‡qvRb) : I have no use for the book. Use of (cÖ‡qvRb) : There is no use of buying the book. Used to (Af¨¯Í) : Jerry was used to hard work. Useful to (cÖ‡qvRbxq) : Trees are useful to us in many ways. V

Vain of (Mwe©Z) : The lady is vain of her dress. Vary from (c„_K nIqv) : Opinion varies from man to man. Versed in (`Ÿ) : Sher-e Bangla was versed in politics. Vest in (Awc©Z) : The power has been vested in the minister. Vest with (b¨v¯Í) : The minister has been vested with power. Vexed with (wei³) : Tareq was vexed with the rude behaviour of other students. Victim of (Ke‡j cwZZ) : The poor man was a victim of the circumstances. Victim to (wkKvi) : Bangladesh falls a victim to flood every year. Vie with (cÖwZ‡hvwMKv Kiv) : The sycophants vied with one another to appease the leader. Visit to (cwi`k©b) : The Inspector went on a visit to the college. Void of (weiwnZ) : His words are void of meaning. Vote for (†fvU †`qv) : He voted for me. W

Wait for (A‡cÿv Kiv) : They waited for us at the station. Wait upon (†mev Kiv) : A nurse attends upon the patients. Want of (Afve) : I have want of money. Warn against (KvnviI weiæ‡× mZK© Kiv) : The vizier warned the Caliph against the drunkards. Wink at (†`‡L bv †`Lv) : Parents should not wink at their son's fault Wish for (evmbv Kiv) : Man wishes for happiness. Wonder at (AevK nIqv) : The porter wondered at the beauty of the three girls. Worthy of (†hvM¨ nIqv) : Jerry was worthy of praise. Y

Yield to (bwZ ¯^xKvi Kiv) : Man must yield to fate. Z

Zealous for (Drmvnx) : A slave is always zealous for freedom. Zest for (AbyivM) : Nita has zest for music. Zeal for (Drmvnx) : Begum Rokeya had a great zeal for education.

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Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


EXERCISE-1 (According to NCTB) 1. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1 × 5 = 5 Dear Areef, I’m really disappointed that you have no clear conception (a) —— punctuality. It means the habit (b) —— doing things (c) —— the right time. You should stick (d) —— your study. Otherwise you will suffer (e) ——the long run. Lovingly yours Farid 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1 × 5 = 5 Dear David, Thank you (a) —— your sweet note. I think you have just written to me (b) — — a long time. Anyway, I am very much grateful (c) —— believe friendship is based (d) —— strong foundation of relationship. It will never cut (e) —— in the days to come. Yours truly, John 3. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1 × 5 = 5 Dear Mou, You have wanted to pay a visit (a) —— my house which lies (b) —— a village called Shantipur. As you are fed up (c) —— the din and bustle of city life you need to relax. My village is awash (d) —— a lot of attractions that can soothe one’s mind. (e) —— the azure sky, everything looks splendid and unique. Yours sincerely, Ruhi 4. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1 × 5 = 5 Dear Soilee, I am really very sorry (a) —— having failed to join the birthday party (b) —— you. Since I was preoccupied (c) —— my parents’ illness, I was unable to attend the programme. I tender my apology (d) —— having failed to keep my appointment with you. I am ashamed (e) —— my conduct. Yours truly, Sharmee 5. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1 × 5 = 5 Dear Ruhel, I have been in Dhaka (a) —— a couple of days and have already visited a number (b) —— interesting places. ‘Aparajeo Bangla’ is indeed a glorious tribute (c) —— the supreme sacrifices as well as achievements of our freedom fighters. We always remember the martyrs who laid (d) —— their lives (e) —— the sake of their motherland. No more today. Yours truly, Rubel 6. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5 =5 Dear Sarnia, I’m going to give an account (a) —— my experience in the examination hall. When I sat (b) — my desk in the examination hall, my pen fell on the floor from my hand and as I bent (c) —— to pick it up, my glasses fell on the floor and broke (d) —— pieces. My eye-sight was so poor that I could neither read nor write (e) —— glasses. That’s all today. Yours sincerely, Samira. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Appropriate Preposition

7. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1 × 5 = 5 Dear Ishtiak, I’m going to tell you something (a) —— my recent visit to Mainamati, Comilla. The remains of a Buddhist monastery have been dug out along (b) —— a central shrine. History tells us that a new royal dynasty called the Chanda Dynasty rose (c) —— the fall of the Pals. They ruled (d) —— the south-eastern Bengal (e) —— the 9th and the 11th century. No more today. Yours sincerely, Imtiaz 8. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1 × 5 = 5 Dear Priyanka, You have wanted to know (a) —— the etiquette in English society. The British are accustomed (b) —— keeping their emotions private. Their life style and behavior are different (c) —— Bangladeshis. They cling (d) —— some norms and customs. Courtesy is deeply ingrained (e) —— the British. That’s all today. Yours sincerely, Pamela 9. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1 × 5 = 5 Dear Fahim, My parents were beside themselves (a) —— joy when they came to know (b) — — hospitality you extended (c) —— us. Since hospitality is a part of our culture, most of the people of our country are acquainted (d) —— it. Let me express my heart-felt gratitude (e) —— you for your kind hospitality. Thank you all. Yours sincerely, Shakib EXERCISE-2 (According to NCTB) 1. Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition from the list. 1×5=5 after out of in of to with In making a phone call, first find (a) —— from the Telephone Directory the phone number (b) —— the person whom you like to ring. If you get the dial tone, dial the number one digit (c) —— another. If you do not get hold (d) —— the ringing tone or the line is engaged, dial the number once again. Eventually you will be able (e) —— receiving the phone call. 2. Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition from the list. 1×5=5 out upon on through down with for One morning (a) —— my way to school I suddenly came (b) —— the wicked boy and his squad. His eyes seemed to bear (c) —— me. He, at once, came (d) —— with its brass knuckles and struck my head. I fell (e) —— and lost consciousness. 3. Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition from the list. 1×5=5 for by of through with into along When I entered the dentist's room, I kept my eyes closed all (a) —— the treatment and felt like shrieking (b) —— pain when an injection was pushed (c) —— my gums and the tooth was uprooted (d) —— the dentist. The next moment, I experienced a great deal (e) —— relief. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


4. Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition from the list. 1×5=5 from against after to in without about In my opinion, the best thing would be to keep an open mind (a) —— foreign culture and we should adhere (b) —— our own culture. We should try to develop and enrich our culture (c) —— having any prejudice (d) —— foreign culture. We should not hanker (e) —— foreign culture. 5. Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition from the list. 1×5=5 for in during to by/beside with beyond (a) —— the last summer vacation I was accompanied (b) —— my father to pay a visit (c) —— my native village. There I went to the village market which stood (d) —— the river. The market was replete (e) —— a large number of people who were buying and selling. 6. Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition from the list. 1×5=5 for among against between of with in Not that I would speak ill (a) —— guide books, I cannot comfortably go about (b) —— one in my hand or consult it (c) —— public (d) —— eyes that glance backwards and forwards (e) —— the book and some ruined temple or great man's tomb. 7. Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition from the list. 1×5=5 in over with to on from after I along (a) —— my friends took a tour (b) —— the Sundarbans. It was possible since everybody was keen (c) —— going out. First, we started our journey (d) —— Dhaka to Khulna by bus. (e) —— six hours we reached Khulna 8. Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition from the list. 1×5=5 with in to from for beyond beside I was there (a) —— autumn. I wanted quiet, isolation, to do some troublesome writing. I wanted mountain air to blow out the malaria (b) —— too long a time (c) —— the sub-tropics. I was homesick, too, (d) —— the flaming of maples in October and for corn shocks and pumpkins and black walnut trees and the lift of hills. I found them all, living in a cabin that belonged (e) —— the orphanage.

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Question Tag/Tag Question

Question Tag: Tag k‡ãi A_© Ry‡o †`Iqv| K‡_vcK‡_v‡bi ev Conversation Gi mgq Sentence Gi †k‡l †kªvZvi ¯^xK…wZ ev mg_©b †P‡q †h cÖkœ ms‡hvRb Kiv nq Zv‡K Question Tag ev Tag Question ejv nq| †hgb : He eats rice, doesn’t he? Reza is honest, isn’t he? Question Tag MV‡bi wbqgvejx: (i) cÖ`Ë Sentence wU cÖ_‡g AcwiewZ©Z Ae¯’vq e‡m + comma (,) + Tag + Note of interrogative (?) e‡m| (ii) Affirmative Sentence Gi Negative Tag Ges Negative Sentence Gi Affirmative Tag nq| †hgb: Fishes swim in water, don’t they? The boy doesn’t study, does he? (iii) cÖ`Ë Sentence wUi Subject Gi Pronoun mevi †k‡l e‡m| Avgiv Dc‡ii evK¨¸‡jv jÿ¨ Ki‡j †`L‡Z cve 1g I 2q ev‡K¨ Fishes Ges The boy Gi Pronoun h_vµ‡g they Ges he e‡m‡Q| • wKfv‡e Avgiv Negative A_ev Affirmative tag MVb Kie Zv wb‡Pi Contraction QKwU jÿ¨ Ki‡j eyS‡Z cvie| am not aren’t did not didn’t is not isn’t should not shouldn’t was not wasn’t will not won’t were not weren’t would not wouldn’t have not haven’t cannot can’t has not hasn’t could not couldn’t had not hadn’t may not mayn't do not don’t might not mightn’t does not doesn’t must not mustn’t dare not daren’t ought not oughtn’t need not needn’t used not usedn’t wb‡Pi AviI wKQy Contraction †`Lv‡bv n‡jv| I'm I am I’ve I have We’ve We have You’re you are

I’d He’s It’s He’ll

I would/I had He is/he has It is / it has He will

Assertive Sentence Gi Tag Question

(i) Affirmative Sentence: MVb cÖbvjx (Structure): cÖ`Ë Sentence + Comma (,) + be verb / auxiliary verb not Gi mswÿß form + subject Gi Pronoun + question mark (?) †hgb: Karim can swim, ___________? Karim can swim, can’t he? I am well, ___________? I am well, aren't I? (ii) Negative Sentence: MVb cÖbvjx (Structure) : cÖ`Ë Sentence + Comma (,) + be verb / auxiliary verb + subject Gi pronoun + question mark (?) †hgb: I am not well, ___________? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


I am not well, am I? We shouldn’t pollute water, ___________? We shouldn’t pollute water, should we? Be verb / auxiliary verb wenxb ev‡K¨i (Present Indefinite Ges Past Indefinite) Tag question Kivi mgq g~j verb Gi tense Abyhvqx do, does A_ev did Gi mvnvh¨ wb‡Z nq| †hgb: We eat rice, don’t we ? She sings a song, doesn’t she? You went there, didn’t you?

Imperative Sentence Gi Tag Question

Affirmative Imperative: nu¨v †evaK Imperative sentence Gi Tag Kivi mgq will you/won’t you ev can you / can’t you ev could you/couldn't you BZ¨vw` e‡m| †hgb: Open the door, ___________? Open the door, will you? A_ev Open the door, won’t you? hw` †kªvZvi m¤§wZ AvnŸvb Kiv nq A_ev politely ejv nq will you e¨eüZ nq| myZivs G‡ÿ‡Î ïay won’t you e¨envi Kiv AwaK †kªq|†hgb: Shut up, can’t you? * Negative Imperative: bv †evaK Imperative Sentence G ïay will you e‡m| †hgb: Do not open the door, ___________? Do not open the door, will you? Don’t go there, ___________? Don’t go there, will you? Let hy³ Imperative * Let hy³ Imperative Sentence Gi tag nu¨v †evaK Imperative Sentence Gi wbq‡g nq | †hgbLet me come, ___________? Let me come, won't you? Let him do it, ___________? Let him do it, won’t you? * Let us: Let's hy³ imperative sentence Gi Tag mvaviYZ: shall we nq | †hgb: Let us play now, ___________? Let us lay now, shall we? Let us discuss it, ___________? Let us discuss it, shall we? we: `ª: Let Gi c‡i ïay us _vK‡j subject we n‡e wKšÍy Ab¨ me †ÿ‡Î A_©vr Let Gi c‡i me, you, him, her, them _vK‡j subject wnmv‡e will you em‡e| †hgb:

Exclamatory Sentence Gi Tag Question

* Be verb hy³ Exclamatory Sentence Gi tag mvaviYZ: be verb + not Ges Zvici subject (subject noun n‡j Gi pronoun n‡e)| †hgb: How fine the bird is!, ___________? How fine the bird is, isn’t it? * g~j verb hy³ exclamatory sentence Gi Tag Gi †ÿ‡Î don't/doesn't/didn't (tense Abyhvqx) nq | †hgbHow fast my hair grows!, ___________? How fast my hair grows, doesn't it? How sweetly the girl sings!, ___________? How sweetly the girl sings, doesn’t she? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Question Tag / Tag Question

Important Rules to be Noted Rule–1: †Kvb evK¨ There A_ev it Øviv ïiæ n‡j D³ ev‡K¨i Tag question Kivi mgq Pronoun wn‡m‡e there A_ev it em‡e| †hgb: There is a school in our locality,........................? There is a school in our locality, isn’t there? It is true, ...........................? It is true, isn’t it? Rule–2: †Kvb Sentence Gi Subject hw` nothing /anything/ something / everything nq Zvn‡j G‡`i cwie‡Z© it e‡m| †hgb: Everything was lost, ..........................? Everything was lost, wasn’t it? Rule–3: ‡Kvb Sentence Gi Subject hw` everybody/somebody/anybody /everyone /someone /anyone/nobody/ none/all nq Zvn‡j Zv‡`i cwie‡Z© they e‡m| †hgb: Everybody loves flower, .....................? Everybody loves flower, don’t they? GLv‡b jÿYxq, verb Gi mv‡_ ‘S’ hy³ _vKv m‡Ë¡I Avgiv doesn’t bv w`‡q don’t e¨envi K‡iwQ KviY they Gi †ÿ‡Î do e‡m| Rule–4: †Kvb ev‡K¨i Subject hw` all of us / some of us / everyone of us / most of us / none of us BZ¨vw` nq Zvn‡j G‡`i cwie‡Z© we e‡m| †hgb: None of us did the work, ---------------? None of us did the work, did we? Rule–5: ‡Kvb ev‡K¨i Subject hw` all of them / some of them/ everyone of them/ most of them / few of them BZ¨vw` nq Zvn‡j G‡`i cwie‡Z© they e‡m| †hgb: All of them were present, ........................? All of them were present, weren’t they? Rule–6: †Kvb ev‡K¨i Subject hw` all of you / some of you/ everyone of you/ most of you / few of you BZ¨vw` nq Zvn‡j G‡`i cwie‡Z© you e‡m| †hgb: All of you were gossiping, .....................? All of you were gossiping, weren’t you? Rule–7: Need g~jZ Negative Ges Interrogative Sentence-G Modal wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| †m‡ÿ‡Î Needn’t/Neededn’t Øviv Negative Sentence MwVZ n‡j Need/Needed e¨envi K‡i Question Tag Ki‡Z n‡e| wKšÍy hw` don’t/doesn’t/ didn’t e¨envi K‡i Need hy³ Sentence Gi negative Kiv nq Zvn‡j D³ do/does/did Øviv Question Tag Ki‡Z n‡e| Giƒc †ÿ‡Î Present Indefinite Tense- G Subject 3rd Person singular number n‡jI Need verb Gi mv‡_ ‘s’ hy³ n‡e bv| Dare Gi †ÿ‡ÎI Need Gi wbqg Abymib Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb: You need not worry, ...................? You need not worry, need you? You needed not worry, ...................? You needed not worry, needed you? You need not have gone there, ...................? You need not have gone there, need you? You need not go, .....................................? You need not go, need you? He need not do it, ................? He need not do it, need he? I don’t need any help from you, ....................? I don’t need any help from you, do I? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


She does not need any help, ..........................? She does not need any help, does she? He dare not do it, ...............................? He dare not do it, dare he? He dared not do it, .............................? He dared not do it, dared he? I dare not go there, ............................? I dare not go there, dare I? I dared not go there, ...........................? I dared not go there, dared I? g~jZ Affirmative Sentence-G ‘Need’ Principal Verb wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| GLv‡b Present Indefinite Tense-G Subject 3rd Person singular number n‡j Need verb Gi mv‡_ ‘s’ hy³ n‡e| Giƒc Sentence-Gi Question Tag Kivi mgq Tense Abyhvqx do/does/did e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| Dare Gi †ÿ‡ÎI Need Gi wbqg Abymib Ki‡Z n‡e| When ‘Need’ and ‘Dare’ are used alone in a sentence or they are used with the infinitive- then they are used as the Principal verb. †hgbI need your help, ........................? I need your help, don't I? I needed your help, ..........................? I needed your help, didn't I? She needs your help, ........................? She needs your help, doesn't she? She needed a pen, ........................? She needed a pen, didn't she? He needs to know the fact, ...................? He needs to know the fact, doesn't he? My shoe needs mending, .....................? My shoe needs mending, doesn't it? He dares go there, ................................? He dares go there, doesn't he? He dares to go there, ...........................? He dares to go there, doesn't he? He dared to go there, .........................? He dared to go there, didn't he? Rule – 8: A‡bK mgq have hy³ verb Gi †ÿ‡Î American Ges British Style Gi cv_©K¨ cwijwÿZ nq| ‡hgb: I had a pen, .........................? I had a pen, didn't I? (American) I had a pen, hadn't I? (British) I have a pen, ..............................? I have a pen, don’t I? (American) I have a pen, haven’t I? (British) Rule–9: wKQy Negative kã †hgb- never, hardly, barely, no, nobody, rarely, scarcely, nothing, seldom, few, little, too-to BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Tag affirmative n‡e| ‡hgb There is little water in the pond, ..........................? There is little water in the pond, is there? He hardly comes here, ........................? He hardly comes here, does he? wKš‘ a little Ges a few ‡K nu¨v †evaK aiv nq Ges G‡ÿ‡Î Tag Negative n‡e| †hgbCambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Question Tag / Tag Question

There is a little water, ............................? There is a little water, isn’t there? I have a few friends, .....................? I have a few friends, haven't I or don't I? Rule–10: A‡bK mgq Sentence G Subject Ges verb mswÿß AvKv‡i _v‡K| †hgb He’s doing the work, ---------------? He’s doing the work, isn’t he? He's done the work, ---------------? He’s done the work, hasn’t he? Rule–11: A‡bK mgq had †K ms‡ÿ‡c ’d Øviv Ges would †K ms‡ÿ‡c ’d Øviv cÖKvk Kiv nq| GLb ’d Øviv KLb had eySv‡”Q Avi KLb would eySv‡”Q Zv eySvi Rb¨ had/ would Gi c‡ii Verb Gi cÖwZ †Lqvj ivL‡Z n‡e| hw` had/ would Gi c‡ii Verb wU Present nq, Zvn‡j g‡b Ki‡Z n‡e ’d Øviv would eySv‡”Q| myZivs †mB Abyhvqx Tag Question Kivi mgq mvnvh¨Kvix Verb, would wb‡Z n‡e| Avi hw` had/ would Gi c‡ii Verb wU Past Participle nq Zvn‡j g‡b Ki‡Z n‡e ’d Øviv had eySv‡”Q| myZivs †mB Abyhvqx Tag Question Kivi mgq mvnvh¨Kvix Verb, had wb‡Z n‡e Ges mvnvh¨Kvix Verb Gi mv‡_ not em‡e hw` g~j ev‡K¨ not bv _v‡K| Avi hw` g~j ev‡K¨ not _v‡K Zvn‡j not D‡V hv‡e| †hgb He‘d do it tomorrow,.........................? He‘d do it tomorrow, wouldn’t he? They’d found my phone busy, .....................? They’d found my phone busy, hadn’t they? Rana’d not done the work,...........................? Rana’d not done the work, had he?

Rule–12: mvaviYZ †`k (country), b`x (river), gvZ…f~wg (motherland), c„w_ex (earth), Puv` (moon), Rvnv‡Ri bvg (ship), †Uªb (train), †dwi (ferry) BZ¨vw` Feminine Gender ev ¯¿x RvZxq e‡j MY¨ nq Ges G‡`i cwie‡Z© Tag question -Gi subject wn‡m‡e she e¨eüZ nq| †hgb:Bangladesh is a land of rivers, ..............................? Bangladesh is a land of rivers, isn’t she? The moon is very beautiful to look at, ......................? The moon is very beautiful to look at, isn’t she? The Padma flows into the Bay of Bengal, .................? The Padma flows into the Bay of Bengal, doesn’t she? America is a prosperous country, ................................? America is a prosperous country, isn’t she? Rule–13: Sentence Gi subject hw` BZi cÖvYx, Ro c`v_©, †QvU wkï BZ¨vw` Singular numberG nq Z‡e Tag question -Gi subject wn‡m‡e it em‡e| †hgb:The baby is walking, .............? The baby is walking, isn’t it? The dog barks when it sees stranger, .................? The dog barks when it sees stranger, doesn’t it? The bird is flying, ....................? The bird is flying, isn’t it? My pen writes well, ..................? My pen writes well, doesn’t it? A cat catches mice, ..................? A cat catches mice, doesn’t it? Rule–14: hw` †Kvb Sentence G had better _v‡K Z‡e Tag question -G hadn’t Ges would rather _vK‡j wouldn’t n‡e| †hgb:Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


You’d better go now, ....................? You’d better go now, hadn’t you? You’d rather take it, ........................? You’d rather take it, wouldn’t you? Rule–15: hw` ‡Kvb ev‡K¨i Subject Abstract Noun nq (†h Noun Øviv †`v‡li bvg, ¸‡bi bvg eySvq) Tag Question Kivi mgq Abstract Noun Gi cwie‡Z© it wb‡Z n‡e Ges mvnvh¨Kvix Verb Gi mv‡_ not em‡e hw` not bv _v‡K| Avi hw` not _v‡K Zvn‡j not D‡V hv‡e| The mother rose in her to see the baby,...............? The mother rose in her to see the baby, didn’t it? Rule–16: hw` ‡Kvb ev‡K¨i Subject The + adjective hy³ nq Tag Question Kivi mgq The+ adjective Gi cwie‡Z© they wb‡Z n‡e Ges mvnvh¨Kvix Verb Gi mv‡_ not em‡e hw` not bv _v‡K| Avi hw` not _v‡K Zvn‡j not D‡V hv‡e|†hgb The poor are always happy,...................? The poor are always happy, aren’t they? The rich should not be unkind,...................?

The rich should not be unkind, should they? Rule–17: hw` ‡Kvb ev‡K¨i Subject Material Noun nq (†h Noun Øviv `ª‡e¨i bvg eySvq Ges hv ¸Yv hvq bv ïaygvÎ IRb Kiv hvq) Tag Question Kivi mgq Material Noun Gi cwie‡Z© it wb‡Z n‡e Ges mvnvh¨Kvix Verb Gi mv‡_ not em‡e| hw` not bv _v‡K Avi hw` not _v‡K Zvn‡j not D‡V hv‡e| †hgb: Water is liquid,..................? Water is liquid, isn’t it? Honey tastes sweet..................? Honey tastes sweet, doesn’t it? Rule–18: †Kvb Sentence -G used to _vK‡j Tag question -G cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡j sentencewU affirmative n‡j didn’t e‡m, Ges negative n‡j did e‡m I Zvici sentence Gi subject e‡m Z‡e used e¨envi K‡iI Kiv hvq| †hgb: She usedn’t smoke, ....................? She usedn’t smoke, did she?/ used she? They used to play, .....................? They used to play, didn’t they?/ usedn't they? Jubair used to swim in the pond,.......................? Jubair used to swim in the pond, didn’t he?/ usedn't he? Rule–19: Abyiƒcfv‡e A‡bK mgq has †K ms‡ÿ‡c ’s Øviv Ges is †K ms‡ÿ‡c ’s Øviv cÖKvk Kiv nq GLb ’s Øviv KLb has eySv‡”Q Avi KLb is eySv‡”Q Zv eySvi Rb¨ has/ is Gi c‡ii Verb Gi cÖwZ †Lqvj ivL‡Z n‡e| hw` has/is Gi c‡ii Verb wU ing nq Zvn‡j g‡b Ki‡Z n‡e ’s Øviv is eySv‡”Q myZivs †mB Abyhvqx Tag Question Kivi mgq mvnvh¨Kvix Verb, is wb‡Z n‡e Avi hw` has/is Gi c‡ii Verb wU Past Participle nq Zvn‡j g‡b Ki‡Z n‡e ’s Øviv has eySv‡”Q| myZivs †mB Abyhvqx Tag Question Kivi mgq mvnvh¨Kvix Verb, has wb‡Z n‡e Ges mvnvh¨Kvix Verb Gi mv‡_ not em‡e hw` not bv _v‡K, Avi hw` not _v‡K Zvn‡j not D‡V hv‡e| He‘s done it ,.................? He‘s done it, hasn’t he? He’s writing a letter,.............? He’s writing a letter, isn’t he? Rule–20: hw` g~j ev‡K¨ have, has ev had Av‡m Zvn‡j †`L‡Z n‡e have, has ev had †K Principal Verb bv Auxiliary Verb wnmv‡e e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q| hw` have, has ev had †K Principal Verb wnmv‡e e¨envi Kiv nq Zvn‡j have, has Gi cwie‡Z© do/does †K Avi Had _vK‡j did †K Tag Question Gi Auxiliary Verbwnmv‡e e¨envi Kiv hv‡e| Avevi have, has ev had †KI Auxiliary Verb wnmv‡e e¨envi Kiv hv‡e †hgb: Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Question Tag / Tag Question

I have a pen, ............................? I have a pen, don’t I /haven’t I? I had a nice pen, ............................? I had a nice pen, didn’t I /hadn’t I?

Tag of Complex Sentence Complex Sentence Gi Tag Question Kivi mgq Principal Clause Gi AskwUB Tag Question G cÖvavb¨ cv‡e|A_©vr †h ev‡K¨ that, who,which, what,because,though, although BZ¨vw` _vK‡e bv †m ev‡K¨i Subject Abyhvqx GKwU Subject wb‡Z n‡e Ges †mB ev‡K¨i Verb Abyhvqx GKwU Auxiliary Verb wb‡Z n‡e| †hgb: He told me that I have a pen,..............................? He told me that I have a pen, don’t I /haven’t I? He will not come because he is ill ,....................? He will not come because he is ill, will he? Z‡e †h mg¯Í evK¨ I think ev I do not think, I suppose, I imagine Øviv ïiæ n‡e Zv‡`i‡K Tag Question Kivi mgq I think ev I donot think Gi c‡ii Ask Abyhvqx Ki‡Z n‡e A_©vr I think ev I donot think Gi c‡ii ev‡K¨i Subject Abyhvqx GKwU Subject wb‡Z n‡e Ges †mB ev‡K¨i Verb Abyhvqx GKwU Auxiliary Verb wb‡Z n‡e| I think he is a Bangladeshi, .............? I think he is a Bangladeshi, isn’t he? I don’t think he may come,.............? I don’t think he may come, may he? But if the both subjects are same, then the tag will be of the first part. I do not think I can do the work alone, ………….? I do not think I can do the work alone, do I?

Tag of Ellipsis Spoken English G Avgiv Subject I Verb Qvov wKQz evK¨ e¨envi K‡i _vwK ,‡hgb- Nice day. G iKg evK¨¸wj‡K Tag Question Kivi mgq g‡b g‡b GKwU Subject I Verb a‡i wb‡Z n‡e †hgbIt is a nice day. Abyiƒcfv‡e I am coming tomorrow bv e‡j Spoken English G Avgiv coming tomorrow e‡j _vwK| Tag Question Kivi mgq †mB Abyhvqx GKwU Subject wb‡Z n‡e Ges †mB Verb Abyhvqx GKwU Auxiliary Verb wb‡Z n‡e| Z‡e G †ÿ‡Î hw` Tag Question wU Affirmative nq Zvn‡j AffirmativeI Kiv hv‡e Avevi NegativeI Kiv hv‡e| †hgb: Coming tomorrow, ........? Coming tomorrow, aren’t I? Nice day, ...........? Nice day, isn’t it? EXERCISE-1 Make tag questions from the following sentences. 1. I am a boy 2. Let’s discuss the topic. 3. Please help me. 4. Fishes can’t fly. 5. You should not neglect the poor. 6. The sun rises in the east. 7. He does not like cricket. 8. I read newspaper daily. 9. They were not guilty. 10. He’s done the work. 11. He’s reading the book. 12. Only Allah can help us. 13. They’d go to cinema 14. We’d solved the problem. 15. We’ll go to market tonight. 16. I’m busy today. 17. We’ve gone through the pages of the book. 18. You’re responsible for the downfall. 19. We ought to respect our elders. 20. We must perform our duty timely. 21. You might help the man. 22. Shark can attack very fast. 23. It would not happen. 24. Mim will sing a song. 25. We should be punctual and sincere. 26. I shall be with you as long as you need. 27. We won the match. 28. He did his best. 29. You need not go there. 30. I dare not do the work in your absence. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


31. Saad draws a picture. 32. Sumona prepares her lesson daily. 33. The boy has caught a bird. 34. We have noticed the signboard. 35. He is doing well in the exam. 36. The mother rose in her. 37. Her motherly behaviours charmed me very much. 38. The moon shines at night 39. The Sun is the brightest Star in the Solar system. 40. There was a king in China. 41. Nobody believes a liar. 42. Everybody likes flower. 43. Someone came here. 44. Nothing is impossible to Allah. 45. Everything was done. 46. Something is working with you. 47. It is known to me. 48. Let him do the work. 49. Please follow my suggestion. 50. Kindly help me. 51. Don’t cry over spilt milk. 52. What a nice picture it is! 53. How beautifully the girl dances! 54. How fine! 55. Let’s have a party. EXERCISE (According to NCTB) 1. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : Most students start cramming when the examination approaches, (a) ——? : Sure. But cramming is not a good method. We cannot learn a lesson well through cramming, (b) ——? : No, we cannot. Regular work right from the beginning of the school term makes one thorough, (c) ——? : You are right. It's no good memorising things without understanding or thinking about them, (d) ——? : Certainly. To make a good result study regularly, think about the lesson, make your own notes and revise them frequently, (e) ——? 2. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : You know that my birthday celebration is today at 3.30 p.m., (a) ——? : Certainly. And I must have been invited to the party, (b) ——? : Of course. You are joining us at 3.00 p.m., (c) ——? : If mother permits me, I will certainly come, (d) ——? : I will be disappointed if you do not come. My absence should not spoil your party, (e) ——? 3. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : We need to prepare very well for the examination, (a) ——? : Sure. To do so we must study regularly, (b) ——? : Certainly. But we do not follow the rule at all, (c) ——? : No, we do not. And when the examination approaches there is no way but start cramming, (d) ——? : That's exactly what I do. : You should not do that, (e) ——? 4. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : You have got a scholarship from Dutch-Bangla Bank, (a) ——? : Yes, I have. Now it is necessary for me to open an account with the bank,(b) —? : Sure. You have to fill in an application form and be introduced by someone who has an account with the bank, (c) ——? : Oh, I see. : Your introducer must put his signature and write his address and account number in the form, (d) ——? : Let's go to the bank, (e) ——? 5. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : Mina is having a birthday party in the afternoon, (a) ——? : Yes, she is. She has been busy cleaning and dusting the drawing room, (b) — —? : Yesterday her father brought her a lovely dress, (c) ——? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Question Tag / Tag Question

: And her mother wants to give her a pleasant surprise, (d) ——? : Certainly. Let us buy a nice gift for her, (e) ——? 6. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : We have to learn two languages, (a) ——? : Sure. But Bangla doesn't cause much difficulty, (b) ——? : No, it does not. But English seems to be a difficult language to learn, (c) ——? : Read story books for children and try to use words given there, (d) ——? : I cannot understand the meaning of some words used there. You must look them up in the dictionary, (e) ——? 7. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : We know the proverb as dead as dodo, (a) ——? : Right. It is one of the birds which is now extinct, (b) ——? : Yes, it is. The Portuguese explorers saw it first in Mauritius, (c) ——? : But you can hardly see any dodo in the world now, (d) ——? : You are right. You will see only some of dodo paintings in Oxford Museum, (e) ——? 8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : Do you think that our small town is getting polluted every day? : Yes, I think so. The brickfield by the main road is the main source of pollution in our locality, (a) -—? : You are right. A lot of motor vehicles also pollute our small town, (b) ——? : The incinerator of the hospital, chemicals and detergents used in the tanneries are polluting our water, (c) ——? : Right you are. A few years ago our town was not so polluted, (d) ——? : Our environment should be kept pollution free for our sound living, (e) ——? 9. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : I think you live in an extended family like us, (a) ——? : Yes, I do. But I think a small family is not favourable for our mental growth, (b)——? : You are right. We have to spend most of the time alone in a house, (c) ——? : This is because our parents cannot spare time for us, (d) ——? : Let us live in an extended family as our grandparents did, (e) ——? 10. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : I have not meet you for a long time. You are a college student now, (a) ——? : Yes, I am. You got GPA-5 in the last SSC examination, (b) ——? No. Unfortunately I got 4.90. : That's no matter. There is little we can do about it, (c) ——? : It will be wise for me to work for a good result in the HSC examination, (d) — —? : Thank you for your wise idea. You must not retreat from the lofty aim of life, (e)——? 11. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : Let's discuss the story of Ruplal that Mrs Amin told us, (a) ——? : Yes, thank you. The story is very interesting (b) ——? : You're quite right. He wanted to enjoy peace and quiet in the jungle, (c) ——? : But he could not live there alone, : (d) ——? No, he felt the necessity of other men. We should not leave others for our own happiness, (e) ——? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Transformation of Sentence


The Sentence (evK¨) Sentence n‡jv fvlvi GKwU GKK hv GKwU word ev GKvwaK k„•Ljve× word Øviv ˆZix, hv‡Z mPivPi GKwU subject I GKwU verb _v‡K, hvi sense I meaning Av‡Q Ges expression cÖKv‡k mÿg| Zvn‡j word ev word ¸”Q hw` sense, meaning Ges expression mn GKwU language Gi unit wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡Z cv‡i, Z‡e Zviv sentence wn‡m‡e Mb¨ n‡e| mnR fv‡e ejv hvq: †h kã ¸”Q g‡bi fve ev avibv m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡K Sentence e‡j| (A Sentence is a group of words expressing a complete sense or meaning.) †hgb: Rubby: Trees are our living friends. Rony: Really? Rubby: Certainly. GLv‡b Rubby Ges Rony Gi wZbwU expression B sentence wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i hw`I †k‡li `ywU expression-G verb ‡bB Ges GB expression `yÕwU gvÎ GKwU K‡i word w`‡q MwVZ|

Kinds of Senctences A_©‡f‡` Sentence †K cuvP fv‡M fvM Kiv n‡q‡Q: 1. Assertive Sentence (wee„wZg~jK evK¨) 2. Interrogative Sentence (cÖkœ‡evaK evK¨) 3. Imperative Sentence (Aby&Áv evPK evK¨) 4. Optative Sentence (B”Qv ev cÖv_©bvg~jK evK¨) 5. Exclamatory Sentence (we¯§qm~PK evK¨) Structure Abyhvqx Sentence †K wZb fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| h_v: (1) Simple Sentence (mij evK¨) (2) Complex Sentence (RwUj evK¨) Ges (3) Compound Sentence (†hŠwMK evK¨) Classification of Sentence at a glance

Sentence According to Meaning Assertive


According to Structure Imperative Simple

Affirmative + Negative





Affirmative + Negative

Sentences-According to Meaning 1. Assertive Sentence: †h Sentence Øviv †Kvb wee„wZ cÖ`vb Kiv nq Zv‡K Assertive Sentence e‡j| †hgb:- He is doing the sum. I am not going to school. wPbvi Dcvq:- Assertive Sentence Gi ïiæ‡Z me©`vB GKUv Subject _vK‡e|

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Transformation of Sentences

Assertive Sentence `yÕ cÖKvi: (i) Affirmative Sentence (nuv-†evaK evK¨) (ii) Negative Sentence (bv-†evaK evK¨) Affirmative Sentence: †h Sentence Gi Øviv †Kvb wKQy ¯^xKvi Kiv nq ev nuv-‡evaK DËi †`qv nq Zv‡K Affirmative Sentence e‡j| †hgb:- She has completed the work. They are playing football. Negative Sentence: †h Sentence Øviv †Kvb wKQy A¯^xKvi Kiv nq ev bv-†evaK DËi cÖ`vb Kiv nq Zv‡K Negative Sentence e‡j| †hgb: They do not complete the work Negative (bv †evaK) Sentence Gi Structure: “To be” Ges “To have” Gi †ÿ‡Î Structure wU n‡e Subject + Verb + not + Extension. †hgb:- He is not working hard. He has not done the work. Auxiliary Verb bv _vK‡j Structure wU n‡e wb¤œiƒc: Subject + do not/does not/did not + Verb + Extension. †hgb:- He does not like it. We do not go there. She did not make a cup of tea. æTo have” verb hy³ Sentence -†K wbæwjwLZ Structure-Gi gva¨‡gI Negative cÖKvk Kiv hvq| †m †ÿ‡Î Structure n‡e wb¤œiƒc: Structure: Subject + do/does/did + not + have + Extension. Affirmative Negative We have a shop. We do not have a shop. He has a nice pen. He does not have a nice pen. I had a nice pen. I did not have a nice pen. 2. Interrogative Sentence: †h Sentence Øviv †Kvb cÖkœ Kiv nq Zv‡K Interrogative Sentence e‡j| †hgb: How have gone there? Do you want to make it? wPbvi Dcvq: Interrogative Sentence Gi †k‡l me©`vB GKUv Note of Interrogation (?) _vK‡e| æTo be” I æTo have” Verb hy³ Interrogative Sentence Gi †ÿ‡Î Structure wU n‡e wb¤œiƒc: Verb + Subject + Extension + note of Interrogation. Was + he + present in the meeting? Were + they + present in the meeting yesterday? Has + he + a red shirt? Have +we + a good house in Dhaka? Z‡e æto have” Verb hy³ Sentence - †K Interrogative Kivi mgq Structure wb¤œiƒcI n‡Z cv‡i: Do/Does/Did + Subject + Verb + Extension + note of Interrogation. Do you have a pen? Does he have a pen? Did he have a pen? mvnvh¨Kvix Verb bv _vK‡j Interrogative Sentence –Gi Structure wU n‡e wb¤œiƒc: Do/Does/Did + Subject + Verb + Extension + note of Interrogation. Do you prepare your home work yourself? Does he like it? Did he go home yesterday? mvnvh¨Kvix Verb hy³ Interrogative Sentence –Gi Structure wU n‡e wb¤œiƒc:Auxiliary Verb + Subject + Principal Verb + Extension + note of interrogation. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Is he doing the work? Had they completed the work? Shall we go to the book fair? Auxiliary Verb Øviv Interrogative Sentence ïiæ n‡j Zvi DËi æYes” ev æNo” Øviv †`Iqv hvq wKšÍy who, which, whom, when, why, what, where, whose, how Øviv hw` Interrogative Sentence ïiæ nq Zvi Dˇi c~Y© Sentence wjL‡Z nq| †hgb: Have you done the work? Yes, I have or No, I have not. What class do you read in? I read in class IX. Interrogative Sentence Negative n‡j ZLb Zv‡K Negative Interrogative e‡j| G †ÿ‡Î Structure wU wb¤œiƒc: Question word + Auxiliary Verb + Subject + Principal Verb + Extension + note of Interrogation.†hgb: Didn’t he go to school yesterday? Did he not go to school yesterday? Did not Karim go to school? wKšÍy Did Karim not go to school? †jLv hv‡e bv| 3. Imperative Sentence: †h Sentence Øviv Av‡`k, Dc‡`k, Aby‡iva, Ges wb‡la eySvq Zv‡K Imperative Sentence e‡j| Get out of my room at once. (Order) Be attentive in your study. (Advice) Please, help the poor. (Request) Don’t make a noise in the class. (Forbid) Imperative Sentence –Gi †ÿ‡Î Subject æYou” Dn¨ _v‡K| Imperative Sentence Affirmative Ges Negative GB `yÕB cÖKvi n‡Z cv‡i| Affirmative Negative Do the work Don’t do the work. First person Ges third person – Gi †ÿ‡Î Let Øviv Imperative Sentence ïiæ n‡j: Structure : Let + First person/third person Gi Objective case + Verb + Extension. †hgb: Let us go out. Let him go now. wPbvi Dcvq: Imperative Sentence Gi ïiæ‡Z GKUv Verb/Let/Please/Kindly _vK‡e| Imperative Sentence Gi Structure: a. Verb+........ †hgb: Go home at once. b. Let +object +Verb+...... †hgb: Let me do the work. c. Do not +Verb+....... †hgb: Do not do the work at once. d. Please/Kindly+ Verb+...... †hgb: Please come here. 4. Optative Sentence: †h Sentence Gi Øviv g‡bi B”Qv ev cÖv_©bv cÖKvk cvq Zv‡K Optative Sentence e‡j| wPbvi Dcvq:- Optative Sentence Gi ïiæ‡Z May/ Long live _vK‡e| Structure: May/Long live + Subject + Verb + Extension. †hgb: May Bangladesh prosper in future. Long live our President. 5. Exclamatory Sentence: †h Sentence Gi Øviv g‡bi AvKw¯§K Abyf~wZ ev D”Q¡vm cÖKvk cvq Zv‡K Exclamatory Sentence e‡j| wPbvi Dcvq:- Exclamatory Sentence Gi ïiæ‡Z Ah!/Oh!/Alas!/Hurrah/Hush! BZ¨vw` Exclamatory evPK kã _vK‡Z cv‡i A_ev Bnv What/How Øviv ïiæ n‡Z cv‡i| Exclamatory Sentence Gi Structure: Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Transformation of Sentences

a. What+ article+ adjective +noun+ Subject + Verb! †hgb: What an interesting book it is! b. How +adjective +Subject +Verb+! †hgb: How interesting the book is! c. Exclamatory Word +Subject +Verb+...... †hgb: Alas! I am undone. †hgb: Hurrah! We have won the game. What a beautiful garden it is ! What a fine shirt it is ! Alas! the man is dead. Fie! Fie! he is a thief. If I were a king! Had I the wings of a bird! EXERCISE Identify the following sentences: 1. He does not like to read at all. 2. Shakespeare is a great dramatist. 3. Let him sing a song. 4. Has he a cat? 5. May you succeed in life. 6. What a dangerous thing a little learning is ! 7. March forward. 8. Don’t kill your time. 9. May his soul rest in peace. 10. Alas! I have failed. 11. All’s well that ends well. 12. When did you come? 13. What a fine bird it is! 14. The pious are happy. 15. He has a nice car. 16. Do the work at once. 17. May Allah bless you? 18. Do you like to play cricket? 19. English is an international language. 20. How long did you wait for me?

Transformation of Sentences Affirmative into Negative Rule-1. Affirmative sentence G only ev alone hw` _v‡K Avi Zv hw` Allah / God A_ev †Kvb e¨w³‡K wb‡`©k K‡i Zvn‡j D³ only ev alone D‡V hvq Ges Zvi cwie‡Z© DËi e¨v‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z None but e¨envi Ki‡Z nq Ges Zvici D³ SubjectwU e‡m| Example : Affirmative: Allah alone can help us. Negative: None but Allah can help us. GLv‡b alone Øviv Allah ‡K wb‡`©k Kiv n‡q‡Q ZvB DËi ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡ZB None but e‡m‡Q| Affirmative: Only the graduates can apply. Negative: None but the graduates can apply. GLv‡b Only Øviv graduates A_©vr e¨w³ eySv‡bv n‡q‡Q| ZvB DËi e¨v‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z None but e‡m‡Q| Rule-2. Affirmative sentence G hw` only ev alone †Kvb e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k K‡i Zvn‡j D³ only ev alone DwV‡q w`‡q D³ e¯Íyi mvg‡b nothing but e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| Example : Affirmative:A child likes only sweets. Negative: A child likes nothing but sweets. Affirmative: I have only a few books. Negative: I have nothing but a few books. Sentence `yÕwU‡Z only Av‡Q Ges Zv Øviv sweets I books e¯‘y wb‡`©k Kivq wbqg Abyhvqx nothing but e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q | Rule-3. hw` only Øviv msL¨v wb‡`©k K‡i Z‡e DËi ev‡K¨ only Gi cwie‡Z© not more than ev not less than e‡m | Example : Affirmative: My brother is only ten. Negative: My brother is not more than ten. Affirmative: The lady was only forty two. Negative: The lady was not less than forty two. Ten Ges forty-two msL¨v wb‡`©k K‡i‡Q | myZivs only Gi cwie‡Z© not more than/not less than e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q| Rule-4. Affirmative sentence G must _vK‡j Negative Kivi mgq Must Gi cwie‡Z© cannot but / cannot help e‡m| Z‡e cannot help Gi c‡ii verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ Ki‡Z nq| Example : Affirmative: We must help the poor. Negative: We cannot but help the poor. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Affirmative: You must obey your teachers. Negative: You cannot help obeying your teachers. Rule-5. Both ------- and / and hy³ †Kvb affirmative sentence ‡K Negative Ki‡Z n‡j DËi ev‡K¨i KL‡bv ïiæ‡Z Avevi KL‡bv gv‡S not only--- but also e¨eüZ nq | Example: Affirmative: Both Salim and Rina did the work. Negative: Not only Salim but also Rina did the work. Affirmative:. He took money and gold. Negative: He took not only money but also gold. Rule-6. Every hy³ †Kvb affirmative sentence †K Negative Ki‡Z n‡j DËi ev‡K¨i every Gi ¯’‡j there is no + every Gi c‡ii kãwU e‡m + but + cÖ`Ë ev‡K¨i evKx Ask e‡m | Example: Affirmative: Every mother loves her child. Negative: There is no mother but loves her child. Affirmative: Everyone hates a liar. Negative: There is no one but hates a liar. Note : There is no............ but Gi cwie‡Z© There is .......... who e¨envi Kiv hvq| Z‡e who Gi c‡i tense Abyhvqx negative Ki‡Z n‡e| Example : Affirmative: Every mother loves her child. Negative: There is no mother who does not love her child. Avevi, Every hy³ affirmative sentence †K Negative Kivi mgq every Gi cwie‡Z© no Ges evK¨w¯’Z affirmative kãwUi Negative iƒc ewm‡qI Negative Kiv hvq| Example: Affirmative: Every mother loves her child. Negative: No mother hates her child. Rule-7. Superlative degree hy³ evK¨‡K Negative Ki‡Z n‡j bx‡Pi structure Abyhvqx cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡e| No other + object mn evKx Ask + verb + so + superlative degree Gi positive form + as + cÖ`Ë sentence Gi subject | Example : Affirmative: He is the oldest man in the village. Negative: No other man in the village is so old as he. Rule-8. we‡kl †Kvb wPý A_©vr only, alone, every, must, always, too-to Qvov mvaviY affirmative sentence †K Negative sentence G cwiYZ Ki‡Z n‡j DËi ev‡K¨ cÖ`Ë ev‡K¨i affirmative ‡evaK kãwUi Negative †evaK ev wecixZv_©K kã e¨envi Ki‡Z nq Ges †mB kãwUi c~‡e© not emv‡Z nq| Example : Affirmative: He is a good student. Negative: He is not a bad student. Affirmative: I shall remember you. Negative: I shall not forget you. Affirmative: Jerry was an honest boy. Negative: Jerry was not a dishonest boy.

wKQy wecixZ A_©‡evaK k‡ãi bg~bv Word good happy always big absent love honest moral

Opposite word bad unhappy never small present hate dishonest immoral

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Transformation of Sentences

mortal immortal kind cruel remember forget possible impossible active inactive honour dishonour right wrong obey disobey common uncommon rich poor wise unwise healthy unhealthy punctual late agreed disagreed sincere insincere literate illiterate Rule-10. Always _vK‡j Always Gi cwie‡Z© never e‡m Ges affirmative kãwUi wecixZ kã e‡m| Example: Affirmative: He is always absent from the meeting. Negative: He is never present at the meeting. Affirmative: He is always punctual. Negative: He is never late. Rule-11. Too .......... to hy³ affirmative sentence †K negative Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g sentence Gi subject + verb e‡m + too Gi cwie‡Z© H RvqMvq so e‡m + too Gi c‡ii adjective/adverb + that, cÖ_g subject Avevi e‡m (cÖ_g subject noun n‡j Zvi pronoun e¨eüZ n‡e) + tense Abyhvqx cannot / could not e‡m + to Gi c‡ii Ask| Example : Affirmative: The boy is too weak to walk. Negative: The boy is so weak that he cannot walk. Affirmative:I was too poor to buy a car. Negative: I was so poor that I could not buy a car. Rule-12. Affirmative sentence G sometimes _vK‡j negative Kivi mgq sometimes Gi cwie‡Z© always Ges Zvi c~‡e© tense Abyhvqx negative n‡e | Example: Affirmative: He sometimes meets me. Negative: He does not always meet me. Affirmative: A poor man is sometimes happy. Negative: A poor man is not always happy. Rule-13. Many _vK‡j not a few e‡m| Example : Affirmative: There are many books on the table. Negative: There are not a few books on the table. Rule-14. A few _vK‡j not many e‡m| Example: Affirmative: I have a few novels. Negative: I have not many novels. Rule-15. A little _vK‡j not much e‡m| Example: Affirmative: I have a little sugar. Negative: I have not much sugar. Rule-16. Much _vK‡j not a little e‡m | Example: Affirmative: The man has much money. Negative: The man has not a little money. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Rule-17. As ........... as _vK‡j cÖ_g as Gi RvqMvq not less e‡m Ges 2q as Gi RvqMvq than e‡m | Example : Affirmative: The boy is as wise as my father. Negative: The boy is not less wise than my father. Rule-18. wPišÍb A_©‡evaK affirmative sentence ‡K negative Ki‡Z n‡j wbqgwU n‡e mvnvh¨Kvix verb + n’t + evKx Ask + cÖkœ‡evaK| Ab¨w`‡K, mvnvh¨Kvix verb bv _vK‡j Zvi cwie‡Z© DËi ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z don’t / doesn’t + subject + main verb Gi present form + evKx Ask + cÖkœ‡evaK e‡m| Example : Affirmative: The earth is round. Negative: Isn’t the earth round? Affirmative: The earth moves round the sun. Negative: Doesn’t the earth move round the sun? EXERCISE Transform the following affirmative sentences into negative: 1. The boy alone lives in the building. 2. Only the brave deserve the fair. 3. Only the graduates should apply. 4. Man must submit to destiny. 5. All men must die. 6. Every rose has a thorn. 7. Man is mortal. 8. The boy is strong in English. 9. The man is poor. 10. Train journey is always pleasant. 11. Everyone believes in his truthfulness. 12. As soon as we reached the station, the train left. 13. A good student always respects his teachers. 14. I forgot his name. 15. Every man hates a liar.

Negative into Affirmative Negative †_‡K Affirmative Kivi wbqg Affirmative †_‡K Negative Gi wbqg¸wji D‡ëv A_©vr Av‡M Negative Kivi mgq Avgiv Only Gi RvqMvq None but wb‡qwQ GLb None but _vK‡j Only wb‡Z n‡e| Abyiƒcfv‡e Av‡M hLb ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ must wQj ZLb H must DwV‡q Avgiv Z_vq cannot but wb‡qwQ GLb cannot but Gi RvqMvq must wb‡Z n‡e| wVK GKB fv‡e evKx wbqg¸wj n‡e| Example: Negative: None but a liar can do it. Affirmative: Only a liar can do it. Negative: He left no stone unturned Affirmative: He tried all plans. Negative: There is no rose but a thorn. Affirmative: Every rose has a thorn. Negative: None can escape destiny. Affirmative: All must submit to destiny. EXERCISE Transform the following negative sentences into affirmative: (1)I cannot help doing this. (2) Shafiq was never idle. (3) The teacher did not find many students in the class.(4) No sooner had the police come than the procession broke up.(5) You cannot but yield to your destiny.(6) My father never disagreed with me.(7) Jerry was not dishonest.(8) We were not neglectful to our student.(9) No one will dislike my proposal. (10) It was not an ordinary ship. (11) The lady guest was not considerate.(12)Nobody disbelieves in God.(13) I shall never forget his advice.(14) None but the rich can buy this house.(15) Never disobey your parents.(16)Never tell a lie. (17) None but you can go there. (18)He did not agree to join us. (19) It is not possible for me to go there. (20) He was not present in the meeting.(21)He will not live long. (22)There is none but wishes to be happy. (23) I Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Transformation of Sentences

am not as poor as he. (24)There is no smoke without fire (25) This was not the last attack.

Assertive into Interrogative Rule-1. A‡_©i cwieZ©b bv K‡i ‘to be’ hy³ Affirmative A_©‡evaK Assertive Sentence ‡K Interrogative Sentence G cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡j wb‡Pi Structure AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e| Verb ‘to be’ + not + subject + evKx Ask + cÖkœ‡evaK wPý| Example : Assertive: He is a clever boy. Interrogative: Isn’t he a clever boy? Rule-2. Negative A_©‡evaK Assertive Sentence †K Interrogative Kivi mgq Negative kãwU D‡V hvq Ges mvnvh¨Kvix verbwU cÖ_g e‡m| Example: Assertive: The girl is not beautiful. Interrogative: Is the girl beautiful? Assertive: Jerry was not dishonest. Interrogative: Was Jerry dishonest? Rule-3. mvnvh¨Kvix verb wenxb Assertive Sentence †K Interrogative Kivi mgq DËi ev‡K¨ cÖ_‡g subject I tense Abyhvqx don’t / doesn’t / didn’t e‡m + subject + principal verb Gi present form + cÖkœ‡evaK wPý e‡m| Example : Assertive: My friend likes me. Interrogative: Doesn’t my friend like me? Assertive: The man went there Interrogative: Didn’t the man go there? Rule-4. Assertive Sentence G never Ges nothing _vK‡j Interrogative Ki‡Z n‡j DËi ev‡K¨ never Gi ¯’‡j ever Ges nothing Gi ¯’‡j anything e‡m | Example: Assertive: I never tell a lie. Interrogative: Do I ever tell a lie? Assertive: We have nothing to do. Interrogative: Have we anything to do? Rule-5. All/ Everyone/ Everybody hy³ Assertive Sentence †K Interrogative Ki‡Z n‡j DËi ev‡K¨ G‡`i ¯’‡j who e‡m + don’t / doesn’t / didn’t + Principal verb Gi present form + principal verb Gi c‡ii As‡k + cÖkœ‡evaK wPý e‡m| Example: Assertive: All love a good student. Interrogative: Who doesn’t love a good student? Assertive: Everyone visited the palace. Interrogative: Who didn’t visit the palace? Rule-6. †h mKj Sentence G nobody /none/ no one _v‡K †m¸‡jvi Interrogative Ki‡Z n‡j DËi ev‡K¨ nobody /none/ no one Gi ¯’‡j who e‡m + evKx Ask + cÖkœ‡evaK wPý e‡m| A‡bK †ÿ‡Î who Gi cwie‡Z© any one / anybody I em‡Z cv‡i| Example : Assertive: No one can solve the problem. Interrogative: Who can solve the problem? Assertive: None can do this. Interrogative: Who can do this? Assertive: Nobody likes a liar. Interrogative: Who likes a liar? Or, Does anybody like a liar? EXERCISE Transform the following assertive sentences into interrogative: 1. I never went to Cox’s Bazar. 2. Prevention is better than cure. 3. Karim liked the late spring. 4. None can ever tolerate this. 5. Everybody wants to be rich. 6. The old Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


man could not sleep. 7. We can insult you anytime. 8. The boy was an idiot. 9. No one hits accurately every time. 10. I never went there.

Interrogative into Assertive

Interrogative †_‡K Assertive Kivi wbqg Assertive †_‡K Interrogative Gi wbqg¸wji D‡ëv A_©vr Av‡M Interrogative Kivi mgq Avgiv never _vK‡j never DwV‡q Z`¯’‡j ever wb‡qwQ GLb ever _vK‡j ever DwV‡q Z`¯’‡j never wb‡Z n‡e Abyiƒcfv‡e Av‡M hLb ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z nobody/no one/ none Gi †Kvb GKwU Avm‡j DwV‡q who wb‡qwQ, GLb ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z who Avm‡j D‡V wM‡q nobody/no one/ none Gi †Kvb GKwU ewm‡q Assertive Ki‡Z n‡e wVK GKB fv‡e evKx wbqg¸wj n‡e| Example: Interrogative: Why waste time? Assertive: It is no use wasting time/ It is foolish to waste time. Interrogative: Do you not repent for your misconduct? Assertive: Surely, you repent for your misconduct. Interrogative: Can their glory ever be fade? Assertive: Their glory can never be fade. Interrogative: Is he not a fool? Assertive: He is a great fool. Interrogative: What is the use of the statue? Assertive: There is no use of the statue.

Exclamatory into Assertive Exclamatory Sentence nj Ggb evK¨ hvi †k‡l GKwU Note of Exclamation (!) _vK‡e Ges Av‡eM cÖKvk K‡i|| Exclamatory ‡_‡K Assertive Kivi Rb¨ bx‡Pi wbqg¸wj AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e| (1) hw` ev‡K¨ Hurrah _v‡K Zvn‡j Hurrah D‡V hv‡e Ges †mLv‡b It is matter of joy that +evKx Ask e‡m hv‡e (A_ev Hurrah D‡V Z`¯’‡j H ev‡K¨i sub Abyhvqx GKUv subject+ rejoice that + evKx Ask) †hgb: Exclamatory: Hurrah! We’ve won the game. Assertive: It is a matter of joy that we've won the game. /We rejoice that we've won the game. Exclamatory: Hurrah! I have won the game. Assertive: I rejoice that I have won the game. Exclamatory: Hurrah! We are free. Assertive: We rejoice that we are free. (2) ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z hw` Fie! Av‡m Zvn‡j Fie D‡V hv‡e Ges Z_vq It is shameful that em‡e + evKx Ask| Avi hw` fie `yevi _v‡K (Fie! Fie) Zvn‡j It is very shameful that + evKx Ask| †hgb: Exclamatory: Fie! you are a thief. Assertive: It is shameful that you are a thief. Exclamatory: Fie! Fie! You stole my pen. Assertive: It is very shameful that you stole my pen. (3) ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z hw` good+cÖni (†hgb: Good Morning , good afternoon BZ¨vw`) Zvn‡j cÖ_‡gB I wish you + evKx Ask e‡m hv‡e | †hgb: Exclamatory: Good morning, Mr. Rahat! Assertive: I wish you good morning, Mr. Rahat. (4) ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z hw` How ev What Av‡m Ges Gi ci adjective _v‡K Ges sub I verb bv _v‡K Zvn‡j Ae¯’v Abyhvqx sub I verb a‡i wb‡Z n‡e Ges Zvici how ev What D‡V very/ great/ most + evKx Ask | †hgb:Exclamatory: What a stupid you are! Assertive: You are a great stupid. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170







Transformation of Sentences

Exclamatory: How nice the scenery is! Assertive: The scenery is very nice. Exclamatory: What a fine bird it is! Assertive: It is a very fine bird. Exclamatory: What a clever boy he is! Assertive: He is a very clever boy. Exclamatory: How nice the girl is! Assertive: The girl is very nice. Exclamatory: How excellent! Assertive: It is very excellent. Exclamatory: How fine! Assertive: It is very fine. ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z hw` Oh!for Ges Gi ci Noun Phrase _v‡K Ges sub I verb bv _v‡K Zvn‡j Ae¯’v Abyhvqx sub a‡i wb‡Z n‡e + wish+Subject+had+noun phrase | †hgb: ---Exclamatory: Oh! For a good house. Assertive: I wish I had a good house. hw` ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z Alas Av‡m, Zvn‡j Alas D‡V Z_vq It is a matter of sorrow that+ evKx Ask em‡e (A_ev Alas D‡V †mLv‡b H ev‡K¨i sub Abyhvqx GKUv sub + regret+ that+ evKx Ask)†hgb: Exclamatory: Alas! My dog is no more. Assertive: It is a matter of sorrow that my dog is no more. hw` ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z If Av‡m Zvn‡j If D‡V Z_vq H ev‡K¨i sub + wish +sub---- em‡e| †hgb: Exclamatory: If I were a rich! Assertive: I wish I were a rich. Exclamatory: If I were a bird! Assertive: I wish I were a bird. Exclamatory: If I were a millionaire! Assertive: I wish I were a millionaire. ev‡K¨i ïiƒ‡Z Would that ev Oh that _vK‡j D‡V wM‡q H ev‡K¨i sub+wish+ evKx Ask --†hgb : Exclamatory: Would that I could be a child again! Assertive: I wish I could be a child again. Exclamatory: Oh that I were young again! Assertive: I wish I were young again. ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z hw` Had Av‡m Zvn‡j Had D‡V H ev‡K¨i sub + wish+Avevi sub +had+ evKx Ask | †hgb: Exclamatory: Had I the wings of bird! Assertive: I wish I had the wings of a bird. Exclamatory: Had I been a king! Assertive: I wish I had been the king. Exclamatory: Had I been a child again! Assertive: I wish I had been a child again. EXERCISE

Transform the following exclamatory sentences into assertive: 1. What a beautiful bird it is! 2. How nice the scenery is! 3. Hurrah! We have won the match. 4. How exciting the night is! 5. How time does fly! 6. If I were a child again! 7. Alas! I am undone. 8. What a fool you are! 9. If I were a millionaire! 10. Hurrah! We are victorious.

Assertive into Exclamatory Rule-1. Assertive Sentence G hw` verb Gi c‡i a/an _v‡K Z‡e exclamatory cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡j wb‡Pi structure Abyhvqx Ki‡Z n‡e| Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


What a / what an + adjective + verb + evKx Ask (hw` _v‡K) + note of exclamation. Example: Assertive: It is a very nice morning. Exclamatory: What a nice morning it is! Assertive: It is a very beautiful garden. Exclamatory: What a beautiful garden it is! Note: Very _vK‡j how Øviv Exclamatory ïiæ Ki‡Z nq| Example : Assertive: This place is very beautiful. Exclamatory: How beautiful this place is! Assertive: The cow is very useful animal. Exclamatory: How useful animal the cow is! Rule-2. Assertive Sentence G wish _vK‡j Exclamatory Kivi mgq ïiæ‡Z if / had e‡m| Example: Assertive: I wish I were a king. Exclamatory: If I were a king! Assertive: I wish I had the wings of a bird. Exclamatory: Had I the wings of a bird! Assertive: I wish I had been a king. Exclamatory: Had I been a king! EXERCISE Transform the following assertive sentences into exclamatory: 1. It is a very nice place. 2. It was a very lucky day. 3. The woman was very talkative. 4. I wish I were a child. 5. I wish I could fly in the sky.

Assertive into Imperative Assertive Sentence ‡K Imperative Sentence G cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡j cÖ_‡g cÖ`Ë Sentence Gi g~j verb Gi present form e‡m Ges g~j verb c‡ii Ask e¨envi K‡i Imperative Sentence MVb Ki‡Z nq| Example: Assertive: You should go to school. Imperative: Go to school. Assertive: We should speak the truth. Imperative: Speak the truth. EXERCISE Transform the following Assertive sentences into Imperative: (1) You should be honest. 2. You should go there. 3. We propose that we should go out for a walk. 4. You should not waste your time. 5. You should oil your own machine.

Sentences-According to Structure Structure Abyhvqx Sentence †K wZb fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| h_v: (1) Simple Sentence (2) Complex Sentence Ges (3) Compound Sentence Simple Sentence: †h Sentence G GKwU Subject Ges GKwU Finite verb _v‡K Zv‡K Simple Sentence e‡j| †hgb - The boy is brilliant. He is honest. Dc‡ii Sentence `yÕwU‡Z GKwU K‡i Subject h_v: The boy/He Ges GKwU K‡i Finite Verb h_v: is/is Av‡Q| ZvB Dc‡iv³ Sentence `yÕwU Simple Sentence. Complex Sentence: †h Sentence GKwU gvÎ Principal Clause Ges GK ev GKvw`K Subordinate clause _v‡K Zv‡K Complex Sentence e‡j| †hgb - Though the boy is poor, he is brilliant. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Transformation of Sentences

Dc‡ii Sentence wU‡Z He is brilliant AskwU n‡”Q Principal Clause Ges Though the boy is poor AskwU Subordinate clause. AZGe GwU GKwU Complex Sentence. Compound sentence: †h Sentence G Principal Clouse Co-ordination conjunction Øviv hy³ _v‡K Zv‡K Compound sentence e‡j | †hgb : The man is poor but he is honest. GLv‡b The man is poor Ges He is honest `yÕwU AskB Principal clause Ges But Øviv hy³ n‡q‡Q| AZGe GwU GKwU Compound sentence. EXERCISE Find out Simple, Complex and Compound sentence from the following.

1. Shahana missed the bus. He wore a nice dress. 2. He watched some water snakes which were swimming in the river. 3. He saw the man and he was coming towards him. 4. Bangladesh needs some golden boys. 5. This is the book which is very interesting. 6. Be industrious and you will shine in life. 7. Ill news runs apace.8. I have no time and so I will not go out. 9. He saw that I was going. 10. He was idle but could shine in life. 11. I need a guard who is honest.12. Speak the truth and I will let you go.13. There were two people on board. 14. He did regular exercise and shone in life. 15. Empty vassal sounds much. 16. The boy was very idle and so he could not succeed in life. 17. He worked hard but could not maintain his family.

Simple †_‡K Complex Ges Compound Kivi wbqg 1. Simple Sentence Gi †h As‡k Present Participle _v‡K †mB Ask‡K g~j Aski Tense G cwieZ©b K‡i Sub-ordinate Clause MVb Ki‡Z n‡e| Clause wU Øviv KviY eySv‡j ïiæ‡Z since ev as emv‡Z n‡e Ges c‡i g~j Ask em‡e| mgq wb‡`©k Ki‡j when, ¯’vb n‡j where em‡e| †hgb: Simple - Complex Simple: Going to market, I saw my friend. Complex: When I went to market, I saw my friend. Simple: Being honest, he was rewarded. Complex: As he was honest, he was rewarded. Simple: The question being hard, I could not answer. Complex: Since the question was hard, I could not answer. GB ai‡Yi Sentence †K Compound Sentence G cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡j Simple Sentence Gi †h As‡k Present Participle _v‡K †m Ask‡K g~j As‡ki Tense G cwieZ©b K‡i Principal Clause MVb Ki‡Z n‡e, and emv‡Z n‡e, g~j AskwU emv‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Simple: Going to market, I saw my friend. Compound: I went to market and saw my friend. Simple: Being honest, he was rewarded. Compound: He was honest and was rewarded. Simple: The question being hard, I could not answer. Compound: The question was hard and I could not answer. N.B. Compound Sentence G hw` `yBwU Clause Gi Subject GKB nq Z‡e wØZxq As‡k Subject Dn¨ ivLv hvq | 2. Simple sentence 'because of' Øviv ïiæ n‡j Rule-1 Abyhvqx n‡e Z‡e G †ÿ‡Î ïiæ Since Ges as n‡e, when n‡e bv| †hgb: Simple: Because of my weakness in English, I could not pass. Complex: Since I was weak in English, I could not pass. Simple: Because of their being late, they missed the train. Complex: As they were late, they missed the train. G ai‡Yi Sentence †K Compound Kivi mgq Because of hy³ As‡ki Subject Avb‡Z n‡e Ges Principal Clause MVb Ki‡Z n‡e, and emv‡Z n‡e, g~j Clause emv‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Simple: Because of my weakness in English, I could not pass Compound: I was weak in English and I could not pass. Simple: Because of their being late, they missed the train. Compound: They were late and they missed the train. 3. Simple sentence G Adverbial Phrase †hgb- in the afternoon, at noon, in the morning BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Complex Sentence Gi Sub-ordinate Clause when Øviv ïiæ n‡e Ges c~‡e©i wbqg Abyhvqx Sub-ordinate clause MVb Ki‡Z n‡e, comma w`‡Z n‡e, principal clause wU emv‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Simple: In the afternoon, I came back. Complex: When it was afternoon, I came back. Simple: In summer, I visited my friend's house. Complex: When it was summer, I went to my friend's house. G ai‡Yi Simple sentence †K Compound Kivi mgq AwaKvsk †ÿ‡ÎB it w`‡q ïiæ K‡i adverbial phrase wU‡K g~j As‡ki tense Gi mv‡_ wgj †i‡L Sentence G iƒcvšÍi Ki‡Z n‡e, and emv‡Z n‡e, g~j AskwU emv‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Simple: In the afternoon, I came back. Compound: It was afternoon and I came back. Simple: In summer, I visited my friend’s house. Compound: It was summer and I visited my friend’s house. 4. Simple Sentence MVb hw` too + adj./Adv. + to nq Zvn‡j Complex Kivi mgq too Gi cwie‡Z© so emv‡Z n‡e, Tense Abyhvqx cannot ev could not emv‡Z n‡e, g~j verb Gi Present form emv‡Z n‡e Ges c‡i evKx Ask em‡e| †hgb: Simple: I am too weak to walk. Complex: I am so weak that I cannot walk. Simple: He was too busy to meet me. Complex: He was so busy that he could not meet me. G ai‡Yi Sentence †K Compound Kivi mgq too Gi cwie‡Z© very e‡m, Adjective Avb‡Z n‡e, and em‡e, cannot ev could not e‡m, g~j verb Gi present form e‡m Ges evwK Ask e‡m| ‡hgb Simple: I am too weak to walk. Compound: I am very weak and I can not walk. Simple: He was too busy to meet me. Compound: He was very busy and he could not meet me. 5. Simple sentence G infinitive ‘to’ ev in order to _vK‡j complex Kivi mgq to A_ev in order to Gi cwie‡Z© so that e‡m, tense Abyhvqx may / can A_ev might / could e‡m verb Gi present form e‡m Ges evKx Ask e‡m | †hgb: Simple: I go to college to learn. Complex: I go to college so that I can learn. Simple: He came in order to help me. Complex: He came so that he could help me. Compound Ki‡Z n‡j Subject + Want to / Wanted + to + 2q Verb ........ + and so 1g clause. †hgb: Simple: I go to college to learn Compound: I want to learn and so I go to college. Simple: He came in order to help me. Compound: He wanted to help me and so he came. 6. Simple sentence G in spite of _vK‡j complex Kivi mgq in spite of Gi cwie‡Z© though/ although e‡m, subject e‡m, g~j As‡ki tense Abyhvqx clause MVb Ki‡Z n‡e, comma e‡m, g~j clause wU e‡m| †hgb: Simple: In spite of his being poor, he is large hearted. Complex: Though he is poor, he is large hearted./He is poor but large hearted. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Transformation of Sentences

Simple: In spite of my working hard, I failed. Complex: Though I worked hard, I failed. Or, I worked hard but failed. G ai‡Yi Sentence ‡K compound Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g subject Avb‡Z n‡e, verb emv‡Z n‡e Ges but em‡e| ‡hgb: Simple: In spite of his being poor, he is large hearted Compound: He is poor but he is large hearted Simple: In spite of my working hard, I failed Compound: I worked hard but I failed. 7. Simple sentence hw` By + gerund _v‡K Z‡e complex Kivi †ÿ‡Î if Øviv clause MVb Ki‡Z nq| g~j Ask AcwiewZ©Z _vK‡e| †hgb: Simple: By reading more, we can know more. Complex: If we read more, we can know more. Simple: By playing well, you can win the match. Complex: If you play well, you can win the match. G ai‡Yi sentence ‡K compound Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g subject Avb‡Z n‡e, (Z‡e Imperative sentence n‡j cÖ_‡g subject em‡e bv) verb emv‡Z n‡e, evKx Ask emv‡Z n‡e, and emv‡Z n‡e, g~j Ask emv‡Z n‡e | †hgb: Simple: By reading more, we can know more. Compound: We read more and we can know more. Simple: By playing well, you can win the match. Compound: Play well and win the match. 8. Simple sentence hw` without + gerund _v‡K Z‡e complex Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g If ewm‡q subject Avb‡Z n‡e, verb emv‡Z n‡e, evwK Ask emv‡Z n‡e, and emv‡Z n‡e, g~j Ask emv‡Z n‡e| †hgb:Simple: Without working more, we will not succeed. Complex: If we do not work more, we will not succeed. Simple: Without reading more, you cannot learn more. Complex: If you do not read more, you cannot learn more. G ai‡Yi simple sentence ‡K compound Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g subject Avb‡Z n‡e, (Z‡e Imperative sentence n‡j cÖ_‡g subject em‡e bv) verb emv‡Z n‡e, evKx Ask emv‡Z n‡e, or emv‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Simple: Without working more, we will not succeed. Compound: We work more or we will not succeed. Or, We should work more or we will not succeed. Simple: Without reading more, you cannot learn more. Compound: Read more or you cannot learn more. Or, You should read more or you cannot learn more./ You read more or you cannot learn more. 9. Simple sentence G present participle _vK‡j A‡bK mgq relative pronoun Gi mvnv‡h¨ complex Ki‡Z nq | †hgb: Simple: I found the boy writing. Complex: I found the boy who was writing. Simple: The man working in the factory is my brother. Complex: The man who is working in the factory is my brother. G ai‡Yi sentence ‡K compound Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g subject Avb‡Z n‡e, g~j As‡k tense Abyhvqx clause MVb Ki‡Z n‡e and emv‡Z n‡e, g~j Ask emv‡Z n‡e | †hgb: Simple: I found the boy writing. Compound: I found the boy and he was writing. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Simple: The man working in the factory is my brother. Compound: The man is my brother and he is working in the factory.

Complex †_‡K Simple Ges Compound Kivi wbqg (1) Complex sentence hw` as, since ev when Øviv ïiæ nq Z‡e, GB As‡ki verb †K present participle Ki‡Z n‡e| `yBwU clause Gi subject GKB n‡j cÖ_g As‡k subject wjL‡Z nq bv| wKš‘ subject wfbœ n‡j †Kvb subject ev` †`qv hv‡e bv| †hgb: Complex: When I went to market, I saw my friend. Simple: Going to market, I saw my friend. Complex: As he was honest, he was rewarded. Simple: Being honest, he was rewarded. Complex: Since the question was hard, I could not answer. Simple: The question being hard, I could not answer. G ai‡Yi sentence †K compound Kivi mgq as, when ev since hy&³ Ask‡K cÖ_‡g subject w`‡q ïiæ K‡i co-ordinate clause MVb Ki‡Z n‡e, and so emv‡Z n‡e, g~j AskwU emv‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Complex: When I went to market, I saw my friend. Compound: I went to market and saw my friend. Complex: As he was honest, he was rewarded. Compound: He was honest and he was rewarded. Complex: Since the question was hard, I could not answer Compound: The question was hard and so I could not answer. (2) As ev since w`‡q complex sentence ïiæ n‡j simple sentence Kivi mgq because of I e¨envi Kiv hv‡e | †hgb : Complex: Since I was poor, I could not study. Simple: Because of my poverty, I could not study. Complex: As they were late, they missed the train. Simple: Because of their being late, they missed the train. Complex: Since the question was hard, I could not answer. Compound: The question was hard and I could not answer. G ai‡Yi sentence †K compound Ki‡Z n‡j since ev as DwV‡q w`‡q principal clause MVb Ki‡Z n‡e, and emv‡Z n‡e Ges c‡i g~j AskwU emv‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Complex: Since I was poor, I could not study. Compound:I was poor and I could not study. Complex: As they were late, they missed the train. Compound: They were late and missed the train. (3) When w`‡q complex sentence ïiæ n‡j adverbial phrase Øviv simple sentence G cwieZ©b Kiv hv‡e| G †ÿ‡Î cÖ_‡g adverbial phrase wjL‡Z n‡e Ges g~j AskwU wjL‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Complex: When it was evening, I went to play. Simple: In the evening, I went to play. Complex: When it was winter, the writer started writing. Simple: It was winter and the writer started writing. G ai‡Yi sentence ‡K compound Kivi mgq when DwV‡q w`‡q cÖ_‡g subject G‡b Principal clause MVb Ki‡Z n‡e, and emv‡Z n‡e Ges c‡i g~j AskwU emv‡Z n‡e| ‡hgb: Complex: When it was evening, I went to play. Compound: It was evening and I went to play. Complex: When it was winter, the writer started writing. Compound: It was winter, the writer started writing. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Transformation of Sentences

(4) Complex sentence G MVb hw` so + adj/adv + that _v‡K Ges `ywU clause Gi subject GK iKg nq Zvn‡j simple sentence Gi too + adj/adv + to + verb MVb Ki‡Z n‡e, and emv‡Z n‡e Ges c‡i g~j AskwU emv‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Complex: He is so weak that he cannot walk. Simple: He is too weak to walk. Complex: Deer run so fast that they cannot be caught easily. Simple: Deer run too fast to be caught easily. (5) So that hy³ complex sentence ‡K simple Kivi mgq so that Gi cwie‡Z© to/in order to e‡m| So that Gi c‡i subject I auxiliary verb D‡V hvq Ges g~j verb Gi present form e‡m| †hgb: Complex: I read attentively so that I can learn. Simple: I read attentively to learn. Complex: He came so that he could help me. Simple: He came in order to help me. Compound Kivi mgq Sub-ordinate clause Gi Sub. + want / wanted + V1 + and so + principal Clause g~j AskwU wjL‡Z n‡e| so that Gi cwie‡Z© and em‡e, c‡ii Ask can/could, may/might DwV‡q w`‡Z n‡e c~e©eZx© As‡ki mv‡_ wgwj‡q tense wjL‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Complex: I read attentively so that I can learn. Compound: I want to learn and so I read attentively. Complex: He came so that he could help me. Compound: He wanted to help me and so he came. (6) Complex sentence G Though _vK‡j simple sentence G in spite of n‡e, Though Gi c‡ii subject hw` personal pronoun nq Z‡e Zvi possessive case Ki‡Z n‡e, verb + ing Ki‡Z n‡e, evKx Ask em‡e, comma n‡e Ges c‡i g~j Ask em‡e| †hgb: Complex: Though he is poor, he is large hearted. Simple: In spite of his being poor, he is large hearted. Complex: Though I worked hard, I failed. Simple: In spite of my working hard, I failed. G ai‡Yi sentence ‡K compound Kivi mgq though Zz‡j w`‡q co-ordinate clause MVb Ki‡Z n‡e, but emv‡Z n‡e, c‡ii AskwU emv‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Complex: Though he is poor, he is large hearted. Compound: He is poor but large hearted. Complex: In spite of my working hard, I failed. Compound: I worked hard but failed. (7) Complex sentence G if hy³ clause wU hw` affirmative G _v‡K Z‡e By + Gerund w`‡q simple sentence MVb Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Complex: If we read more, we can learn more. Simple: By reading more, we can learn more. Complex: If you play well, you can win the match Simple: By playing well, you can win the match. G ai‡Yi sentence †K compound Kivi mgq if D‡V‡q w`‡q principal clause MVb Ki‡Z n‡e, and emv‡Z n‡e, g~j AskwU emv‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Complex: If we read more, we can know more. Compound: We read more and we can learn more. Complex: If you play well, you can win the match. Compound: Play well and you can win the match. (8) Complex sentence G if hy³ clause wU hw` negative G _v‡K Z‡e without + Gerund w`‡q simple sentence MVb Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Complex: If we do not work more, we will not succeed. Simple: Without working more, we will not succeed. Complex: If you do not read more, you cannot learn more. Simple: Without reading more, you cannot learn more. G ai‡Yi sentence ‡K compound Kivi mgq if D‡V‡q w`‡q principal clause MVb Ki‡Z n‡e, clause wU affirmative Ki‡Z n‡e, or em‡e, g~j AskwU emv‡Z n‡e | †hgb: Complex: If we do not work more, we will not succeed. Compound: We work more or we will not succeed. Complex: If you do not read more, you cannot learn more. Compound: Read more or you cannot learn more. (9) Complex sentence G hw` relative pronoun _v‡K Z‡e simple sentence G iƒcvšÍi Kivi mgq present participle Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Complex: I saw the man who was sleeping. Simple: I saw the man sleeping. Complex: The man who is working in the factory is my brother. Simple: The man working in the factory is my brother. G ai‡Yi sentence ‡K compound Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g subject Avb‡Z n‡e, gyj As‡ki tense Abyhvqx clause MVb Ki‡Z n‡e, and emv‡Z n‡e, g~j Ask emv‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Complex: I saw the man who was sleeping. Compound: I saw the man and he was sleeping. Complex: The man who is working in the factory is my brother. Compound: The man is my brother and he is working in the factory.

Compound †_‡K Simple Ges Complex Kivi wbqg (1) hLb †Kvb Compound Sentence, and w`‡q hy³ _v‡K Ges and Gi ev‡g am, is, are, ev was, were, _v†K Ges ev‡K¨i Subject `'ywU `'y iK‡gi wKQy eySv‡e ZLb †m evK¨‡K Simple Kivi mgq and Gi ev‡gi am, is,are,was ev were D‡V wM‡q †mLv‡b being em‡e| Avi hw` am, is, are, ev was, were, bv _v‡K Ges have, has, ev had, Gi †Kvb GKwU _v‡K ZLb †m †ÿ‡Î have, has, ev had, D‡V having em‡e| Avi hw` G‡`i †KvbwU bv _v‡K Ges Ab¨ verb _v‡K Zvn‡j †mB verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ n‡e| Ges and D‡V †mLv‡b GKwU Kgv wb‡Z n‡e Ges evKx Ask e‡m hv‡e| Structure: am, is are, had, has, and D‡V Sub + being / having/ Verb+ing+ ------+, I evKx Ask | †hgb: Compound: The game was over and we returned home. Simple: The game being over, we returned home. Compound: The sun had set and we reached home. Simple: The sun having set, we reached home. Compound: The bus reached and we got down. Simple: The bus reaching, we got down. G iKg evK¨‡K Complex Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g GKwU when em‡e Ges 1g evK¨ em‡e, and D‡V GKUv Kgv (,) em‡e Ges 2q evK¨ e‡m hv‡e| Structure: and D‡V When + subject+ verb+-------+, + Sub+ verb+---------. ‡hgb : Compound: The game was over and we returned home. Complex: When the game was over, we returned home. Compound: The sun had set and we reached home. Complex: When the sun had set, we reached home. Compound: The bus reached and we got down. Complex: When the bus reached, we got down. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Transformation of Sentences

(2) wKš‘ hw` `ywU ev‡K¨i subject GKB iKg nq Zvn‡j simple Kivi mgvq am, is, are, was, were, D‡V cÖ_‡gB Being wb‡Z n‡e| Avi hw` Have ,Has, ev Had, _v‡K Zvn‡j cÖ_‡gB Having wb‡Z n‡e| Abyyiƒc fv‡e hw` G‡`i †KvbwU bv _v‡K Ges Ab¨ verb _v‡K Zvn‡j verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ n‡e I and D‡V (,) Kgv Ges 1g ev‡K¨i sub GLv‡b em‡e| Structure: and D‡V Being / Having/ verb+ing+ -------- + sub+ verb+-------.‡hgb: Compound:He was displeased and gave up teaching Simple: Being displeased, he gave up teaching G iKg evK¨‡K Complex Kivi cÖ_‡g As ev when +1g evK¨, and D‡V hv‡e Ges Kgv (,) em‡e 1g ev‡K¨i subject Abyhvqx 1Uv subject em‡e+ evKx Ask | Structure: And D‡V As/ when +1g evK¨ ,+I sub+evKx Ask|‡hgb: Compound: He was displeased and gave up stealing. Complex: As he was displeased, he gave up stealing. Compound: I reached home and found my mother ill. Complex: When I reached home, I found my mother ill.

Compound †_‡K Complex Ges Simple Kivi wbqg (1) hLb †Kvb Compound Sentence ,but w`‡q hy³ _vK‡e ZLb Zv‡K Complex Kivi mgq cÖ_‡gB Though / Although wb‡Z n‡e + but D‡V hv‡e Ges hw` but Gi c†i †Kvb Sub bv _v‡K Zvn‡j1g Sub Abyhvqx GKwU Sub wb‡Z n‡e + evKx Ask e‡m hv‡e| Compound: I called him but he did not respond me. Complex: Though I called him, he did not respond me. Compound: He worked hard but he cannot lead his family. Complex: Though he worked hard, he cannot lead his family. hw` G iKg evK¨ Simple Ki‡Z nq Zvn‡j cÖ_‡g Despite/ Inspite of wb‡Z n‡e Ges Subject Gi possessive (A_©vr I _vK‡j my, he _vK‡j his, she _vK‡j her, they _vK‡j their, you _vK‡j your,we _vK‡j our BZ¨vw` ) wb‡Z n‡e+am,is, are,was,were _vK‡j being n‡e| Have, has,had, _vK‡j having n‡e| Avi hw` Zv‡`i ‡KvbwUB bv _v‡K Zvn‡j Verb _vK‡e Ges H verb wU ing hy³ n‡e+but ch©šÍ em‡e+but D‡V hv‡e Ges Subect bv _vK‡j 1g Subject GLv‡b em‡e + evKx Ask | ‡hgb: Compound: He ran fast but could not catch the train. Simple: In spite of his running fast, he could not catch the train. Compound: He was ill but came to the meeting. Simple: In spite of his being ill, he came to the meeting. (2) hLb †Kvb Compound Sentence ,or w`‡q hy³ _v‡K Ges evK¨wU Imperative Sentence nq ZLb Zv‡K Complex Kivi mgq cÖ_‡gB Unless wb‡Z n‡e | AZtci you wb‡Z n‡e Ges cÖ_g evK¨ e‡m hv‡e+ or D‡V hv‡e Ges hw` or Gi c†i †Kvb Sub bv _v‡K Zvn‡j 1g Sub Abyhvqx GKwU Sub wb‡Z n‡e| Avi hw` Sub _v‡K Zvn‡j hv Av‡Q ZvB e‡m hv‡e + evKx Ask e‡m hv‡e| Compound: Read attentively or you will fail in the examination. Complex: Unless you read attentively, you will fail in the examination. Compound: Come here quickly or I will punish you. Complex: Unless you come here quickly, I will punish you. Avi hw` evK¨wU Imperative Sentence bv nq Zvn‡j cÖ_‡gB Unless wb‡Z n‡e, cÖ_g evK¨ e‡m hv‡e+ or D‡V hv‡e Ges hw` or Gi c†i †Kvb Sub bv _v‡K Zvn‡j 1g Sub Abyhvqx GKwU Sub wb‡Z n‡e| Avi hw` Sub _v‡K Zvn‡j hv Av‡Q ZvB e‡m hv‡e + evKx Ask e‡m hv‡e| Z‡e Unless Gi cwie‡Z© If +Subject+do not/does not/did not (Ae¯’vbyhvqx) †bqv †h‡Z cv‡i| Compound: I will go there or you will wait for me. Complex: Unless I go there, you will wait for me./If I do not go there, you will wait for me. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Compound: He will return my pen or I will punish him. Complex: Unless he returns my pen, I will punish him/If he does not return my pen, I will punish him. Giƒc evK¨‡K Simple Ki‡Z n‡j cÖ_‡g hw` Sub Av‡m Zvn‡j Zv ev` w`‡q Without wb‡Z n‡eGes †mLv‡b †h Verb _vK‡e Zvi mv‡_ ing hy³ Ki‡Z n‡e Ges or ch©šÍ e‡m hv‡e Ges or D‡V hv‡e Ges hw` or Gi c†i †Kvb Sub bv _v‡K Zvn‡j 1g Sub Abyhvqx GKwU Sub wb‡Z n‡e Avi hw` Sub _v‡K Zvn‡j hv Av‡Q ZvB e‡m hv‡e + evKx Ask e‡m hv‡e| Compound: Read attentively or you will fail in the examination. Complex: Without reading attentively you will fail in the examination. Compound: Come here quickly or I will punish you. Complex: Without coming here quickly I will punish you. (3) hLb †Kv&b Compound Sentence, and w`‡q hy³ _v‡K Ges cÖ_‡g Sentence Øviv KviY eySvq, ZLb Zv‡K Complex Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g Since/ As/ Because hy³ n‡e+1g †_‡K and chšÍ© em‡e + and D‡V GKwU Kgv (,) I Sub bv _vK‡j cÖ_‡g Sub Abyhvqx GKwU Sub em‡e + evKx Ask | Compound: He is ill and cannot walk at all. Complex: As he is ill, he cannot walk at all. Compound: He was strong and could carry the load. Complex: Since he was strong, he could carry the load. hw` G iKg evK¨‡K Simple Ki‡Z nq Zvn‡j cÖ_‡g Because of /For/ On account of em‡e + Sub Gi possessive+ am,is,are, was, were _vK‡j D‡V being n‡e Ges have,has, had _vK‡j D‡V having n‡e A_ev Ab¨ Verb _vK‡j Verb+ing n‡e+ ----andD‡V GKwU Kgv(,) ISub bv _vK‡j Sub + evKx Ask | ‡hgb: Compound: He is ill and cannot walk at all. Simple: Because of his being ill, he can not walk at all. Compound: They played well and won the game. Simple: Because of their playing well, they won the game.

Exceptional Rules Compound-Complex & Simple (1) hLb †Kvb Compound Sentence ,or w`‡q hy³ _v‡K Ges or Gi Dfq cv‡k Verb nq ZLb Zv‡K Complex Kivi mgq cÖ_‡gB Unless wb‡Z n‡e AZtci you wb‡Z n‡e Ges cÖ_g evK¨ e‡m hv‡e+ or D‡V hv‡e Ges you will wb‡Z n‡e + evKx Ask e‡m hv‡e| Z‡e Unless Gi cwie‡Z© If +Subject+do not/does not/did not Ae¯’vbyhvqx †bqv †h‡Z cv‡i|‡hgbtCompound: Read or fail. Complex: Unless you read, you will fail./If you do not read, you will fail. Compound: Do or die. Complex: Unless you do, you will die./ If you do not do, you will die. GBiƒc evK¨‡K Simple Kivi mgq k~iæ‡ZB In case of your failure to wb‡Z n‡e+evKx Ask e‡m hv‡e ev Without your wb‡Z n‡e Ges †h Verb _vK‡e Zvi mv‡_ ing hy³ n‡e Ges or D‡V hv‡e Ges you will wb‡Z n‡e + evKx Ask e‡m hv‡e| Compound: Read or fail. Simple: In case of your failure to read, you will fail./ Without your reading, you will fail. Compound: Do or die. Simple: In case of your failure to do, you will die./ Without your doing you will die. (2) Z‡e hLb †Kvb Compound Sentence, and w`‡q hy³ _v‡K Ges and Gi Dfq cv‡k Verb nq ZLb Zv‡K Complex Kivi mgq cÖ_‡gB If you wb‡Z n‡e Ges cÖ_g evK¨ e‡m hv‡e + and D‡V hv‡e Ges you will wb‡Z n‡e + evKx Ask e‡m hv‡e| ‡hgbtCambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Transformation of Sentences


Compound: Move and die. Complex: If you move, you will die. Compound: Do and die. Complex: If you do, you will die. GBiƒc evK¨‡K Simple Kivi mgq k~iæ‡ZB In case of your wb‡Z n‡e Ges †h Verb_vK‡e Zvi mv‡_ ing hy³ n‡e ev By wb‡Z n‡e Ges †h Verb_vK‡e Zvi mv‡_ ing hy³ n‡e Ges or D‡V hv‡e Ges you will wb‡Z n‡e + evKx Ask e‡m hv‡e| Compound: Move and die. Simple: By moving, you will die./ In case of your moving you will die. Compound: Do and die. Simple: By doing, you will die./In case of your doing you will die. (3) hLb †Kvb Compound Sentence, not only.......but also w`‡q hy³ _v‡K ZLb Zv‡K Simple Kivi mgq cÖ_‡gi Subject I not only D‡V hv‡e Ges Besides wb‡Z n‡e AZtci †h Verb _vK‡e Zvi mv‡_ ing hy³ n‡e Ges cÖ_g ev‡K¨i evKx Ask e‡m hv‡e + but also DwV‡q cÖ_g ev‡K¨i Subject wb‡Z n‡e + evKx Ask e‡m hv‡e|‡hgbtCompound: He not only ate rice but also went to college. Simple: Besides eating rice he went to college. Compound: The farmers not only work for themselves but also contribute to the economy of the country. Simple: Besides working for themselves the farmers contribute to the economy of the country. Giƒc evK¨‡K Complex Kivi mgq ïiæ‡ZB When wb‡Z n‡e+ not only D‡V hv‡e+ but also ch©šÍ e‡m hv‡e Ges but also D‡V cÖ_g Subject Gi Av‡jv‡K GKwU Subject wb‡Z n‡e+ evKx Ask e‡m hv‡e|‡hgbtCompound: He not only ate rice but also went to college. Complex: When he ate rice he went to college. Compound: He not only caught fish but also cooked food. Complex: When he caught fish he cooked food.

More Examples Simple Complex Simple Complex Simple Complex Simple Complex Simple Complex Simple Complex Simple Complex Simple Complex Simple Complex Simple Complex Simple

: I know your name. : I know what your name is. : Honesty is the best policy. : It is honesty which is the best policy. : My mouth was watered at the sight of the asparagas. : My mouth was watered when I saw the asparagas. : He is the tallest man in our village. : This is the man who is the tallest in our village. : He is an intelligent student. : It is he who is an intelligent student. : He came during summer season. : He came when it was summer season. : I desire to attend the party. : I desire that I will attend the party. : I am sure of his success. : I am sure that he will succeed. : He will come at 10 P.M : It is 10 P.M when he will come. : I will certainly come. : It is certain that I will come. : He criticized my action

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Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Complex Simple Complex Simple Complex

: He criticized what I did. : I have no money to spare. : I have no money that I can spare. : Only the graduates should apply. : Those who are graduates should apply. EXERCISE Transform the following sentences as directed. (1)He sold the books to get money. (Complex, Compound)(2)He is too weak to walk. (Complex, Compound) (3) The sun having set, we went home.(Complex, Compound) (4) He is rich but he did not help the poor.(Simple, Complex) (5) Coming home he began to work.(Complex, Compound). (6) We must eat to live. (Complex, Compound). (7) He came to the station and bought two tickets.(Simple, Complex) (8) He was punished because he was disobedient.(Simple, Compound) (9) The man thanked me and walked his way.(Complex, simple). (10) They turned to the left and got the mosque (Complex, simple). (11) The examination was over and the student went home (Complex, simple) (12) I must finish to catch the bus. (Complex, Compound). (13) Closing the shop, he went home. (Complex, Compound). (14) Being punished, he left stealing.(Complex, Compound). (15) Being tall, he played basket ball well.(Complex, Compound). (16) If you donot speak the truth, you will be punished.(Simple, Compound). (17) He comes here to learn English.(Complex, Compound) (18) In spite of his being poor, he was honest.(Complex, Compound) (19) Seeing his daughter, the man was happy,(Complex, Compound) (20) Getting the news he left in a taxi. (Complex, Compoud) (21) She loves a handsome man. (Complex, Compound) (21) We need white dresses.(Complex, Compound) (22) Though he came earlier, he could not catch the bus.(Compound, Simple) (23) We hate him because he is a liar.(Compound, Simple). (24) Bangladesh needs some golden boys. (Complex, Compound). (25) He was displeased and left the place. (Complex, Simple)

Change of Degrees Comparison of Adjectives †Kvb wKQzi †`vl, ¸Y, Ae¯’v BZ¨vw`i ZviZg¨ eySv‡Z Adjective -Gi †h cwieZ©b nq, Zv‡K Comparison of Adjective e‡j| Avevi GKwU AciwUi †P‡q †`vl ev ¸‡Yi ZviZ‡g¨i †h cwigvb eySvq †m cwigvY‡K Degrees of Comparison e‡j| †hgb: (a) Rahim is a tall boy. (b) Rahim is taller than Rana (c) Rahim is the tallest of all. GLv‡b 'tall' Adjective wU wZbwU Ae¯’vq (tall-taller-tallest) Av‡Q| cÖ_g Sentence G tall Øviv ïaygvÎ Adjective Gi ¯^vfvweK Ae¯’v cÖKvwkZ n‡q‡Q Ges GLv‡b tall Positive Degree. wØZxq Sentence-G taller Øviv `yÕR‡bi g‡a¨ Zzjbv eySv‡bv n‡q‡Q| †mRb¨ tall Gi Ae¯’vi cwieZ©b n‡q taller n‡q‡Q| GwU Comparative Degree. Z…Zxq Sentence –G tallest Øviv mK‡ji mv‡_ Zzjbv Kiv n‡q‡Q| ZvB tall Gi Ae¯’vi cwieZ©b n‡q tallest n‡q‡Q| tallest G Adjective wU Superlative Degree. Degree of comparison wZb cÖKvi| †hgb: (i) Positive Degree (ii) Comparative Degree (iii) Superlative Degree (i) Adjective –Gi DegreeÕi (gvÎv) hLb Zzjbv Kiv hvq bv (mvaviY ¸Y cÖKvk Kiv hvq), ZLb Zv Adjective Gi Positive Degree nq| Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Transformation of Sentences


Adjective –Gi DegreeÕi gva¨‡g `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK e¨w³ ev e¯‘yi mwnZ Zzjbv Kiv n‡j ZLb Zv Adjective Gi Comparative Degree nq| (iii) hLb Adjective –Gi gva¨‡g A‡b‡Ki g‡a¨ Zzjbv Kiv nq ZLb Zv Adjective Gi Superlative Degree nq|


Rules of Changing the Adjectives 1. †h mKj Adjective Gi †k‡l `yÕwU Consonant _v‡K A_ev GKwU Consonant I Zvi c~‡e© `yÕwU Vowel _v‡K Zv‡`i †k‡l er †hvM K‡i comparative Ges est †hvM K‡i Superlative Degree ‡Z cwieZ©b Ki‡Z nq| Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree Bright Brighter Brightest Black Blacker Blackest Bold Bolder Boldest Cold Colder Coldest Deep Deeper Deepest Hard Harder Hardest High Higher Highest Low Lower Lowest Light Lighter Lightest Tall Taller Tallest New Newer Newest Poor Poorer Poorest Rich Richer Richest Strong Stronger Strongest 2. †h mKj Adjective Gi †k‡l GKwU Consonant ev GKwU Vowel _v‡K Zv‡`i †kl AÿiwU Doubled n‡q Zvici h_vµ‡g er Ges est ‡hvM K‡i h_vµ‡g Comparative Ges Superlative Ki‡Z nq| †hgb: Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree Big Bigger Biggest Fat Fatter Fattest Hot Hotter Hottest Red Redder Reddest Thin Thinner Thinnest 3. †h mKj Adjective Gi †k‡l e _v‡K Zv‡`i †k‡l ïaygvÎ r †hvM K‡i comparative Ges st †hvM K‡i Superlative Degree ˆZix Ki‡Z nq| †hgb: Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree Brave Braver Bravest Fine Finer Finest Gentle Gentler Gentest Large Larger Largest Noble Nobler Noblest Nice Nicer Nicest True Truer Truest Wise Wiser Wisest Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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4. †h mKj Adjective Gi †k‡l y Ges Zvi c~‡e© Consonant _v‡K Zv‡`i y Gi ¯’‡j i ewm‡q h_vµ‡g er Ges est †hvM K‡i Comparative I Superlative Degree ˆZix Ki‡Z nq| †hgb: Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree Dry Drier driest Busy Busier busiest Happy Happier happiest Heavy Heavier heaviest Lazy Lazier laziest Pretty Prettier prettiest Merry Merrier merriest wKš‘y y-Gi c~‡e© Vowel _vK‡j y Gi †Kvb cwieZ©b bv K‡i ïay er †hvM K‡i Comparative Ges est †hvM K‡i Superlative Ki‡Z nq| Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree Gay Gayer Gayest Grey Greyer Greyest 5. mvaviYZ `yB Gi AwaK syllable hy³ mKj Adjective Ges ‘ful’ hy³ mKj Adjective Gi c~‡e© more ev less ‡hvM K‡i Comparative Ges most ev least ‡hvM K‡i Superlative Degree ‡Z cwieZ©b Ki‡Z nq| †hgb: Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree Beautiful more beautiful/ less beautiful most beautiful/ least beautiful Careful more careful/ less careful most careful/ least careful Comfortable


more comfortable/ less comfortable most comfortable/ least comfortable more cunning /less cunning most cunning/ least cunning more dangerous/ less dangerous most dangerous/ least dangerous more honest/ less honest most honest/ least honest


more important/ less important

Cunning Dangerous

most important/ least important Interesting more interesting/ less interesting most interesting/ least interesting 6. wKQz Adjective Av‡Q hv‡`i‡K Comparative Ges Superlative degree †Z cwieZ©b Kivi †Kvb mywbw`©ó wbqg †bB| G ai‡bi Adjective †K Zv‡`i‡K Irregualr Adjective e‡j| †hgb: Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree Good Better Best Bad, evil, ill Worse Worst Late Later/Latter Latest/Last Many More Most Much More Most Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Transformation of Sentences

Old Fore

Older, Elder Former

Oldest, Eldest Foremost, First

7. wKQz wKQz Adverb Av‡Q †h¸‡jv Øviv Zzjbv Kiv n‡j Adjective wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree Far Farther farthest Fur Further furthest In Inner innermost, inmost Out Outer utter most, utmost Up Upper uppermost 8. (a) GKwU cÖvYx ev e¯Íyi mv‡_ †mB †kªYxi Ab¨ mg¯Í cÖvYx ev e¯Íyi Zzjbv Ki‡Z Comparative Degree e¨envi Kiv nq Ges ZLb Adjective Gi ci than any other ev than all other e¨eüZ nq| than any other Gi c‡i singular noun Ges than all other Gi c‡i plural noun nq| †hgb: They boy is smaller than all other boys. The boy is smaller than any other boy. Homer is greater than any other epic poet. (b) GKB e¨w³ ev e¯Íyi wewfbœ ¸‡Yi (Adjective) g‡a¨ Zzjbv Ki‡Z cÖ_g ¸Y (Adjective) wUi c~‡e© me©`v more e¨envi K‡i Comparative Ki‡Z nq| †hgb: The boy is more brave than storng. (c) GKB ¸Y m¤úbœ †Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯Íyi g‡a¨ Zzjbv Kiv n‡j Ges †m `ywUi g‡a¨ GKwU †e‡Q †bIqv A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j Comparative Gi Av‡M 'the' Ges c‡i 'of' e‡m| †hgb: Rahima is the taller of the two girls. Shanta is the braver of the two boys. (d) Zzjbv A‡_© `yÕwU Noun –Gi cÖ_gwU Possessive case n‡j cieZx©wUiI Possessive case nq| GKB Noun †K wØZxqevi bv wj‡L †m RvqMvq that of ev those of e¨envi K‡i I Comparative Kiv hvq| †hgb: Rahim’s shirt is better than Rana’s. Or, Rahim’s shirt is better than that of Rana. The rice of Dinajpur is better than Rajshahi’s. Or, The rice of Dinajpur is better than that of Rajshahi. The climate of Chittagong is better than that of Dhaka. (e) Affirmative Sentence-G `yÕwU mgvb mgvb e¨w³ ev e¯‘i g‡a¨ Zzjbv eySv‡Z Affirmative Sentence -G as.....as Ges Negative Sentence -G as .....as/so .....as e‡m| He is as all as his brother. Rahim is not so (as) wise as Rana. (f) e„w× ev n«vm mgvbycvwZK fv‡e cÖKvk Kivi mgq the + Comparative ....... the + Comparative Structure wU e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| The sooner, the better. The more money he has, the more unhappy he is. (g) †Kvb †ÿ‡Î e„w× ev n«vm µgvš^‡q NU‡j and Øviv hy³ adjective Gi comparative form `yBevi e¨eüZ n‡e| He is getting fatter and fatter. The day is becoming hotter and hotter. –

wKQz Adjective Gi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© e¨envi Older, elder, oldest, eldest Older I Oldest- Ôeq‡m AwaKZi eo ev mePvB‡Z eoÕ A‡_© mvaviY fv‡e e¨eüZ nq| Rahim is older than my brother. My grandfather is the oldest of all in the village. Elder I eldest- GKB cwievi fy³ m`m¨‡`i mwnZ Zzjbv A‡_© Ôeq‡m AwaKZi eo ev mePvB‡Z eoÕ eySv‡Z e¨eüZ nq| My elder brother was a very good student. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


The eldest son of the old man is the only earning member of his family. First, foremost First- Ôme©cÖ_gÕ A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j e¨eüZ nq| She is the first girl to attend the function. Foremost- Ôme©vwaK ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Õ A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j e¨eüZ nq| The foremost duty of a student is to study. Next, nearest Next- ÔcieZ©xÕ A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j e¨eüZ nq| I am supposed to go to Dhaka next week. Nearest- Ôme‡P‡q wbKUeZ©xÕ A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j e¨eüZ nq | This is the nearest post office in our locality. Farther, Further Farther- ÔAwaKZi `~ieZ©xÕ A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j e¨eüZ nq | Chittagong is farther from Comilla than Noakhali. Further- ÔAviIÕ A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j e¨eüZ nq | I would like to have further information about this matter. Outer, utter Outer - ÔAe¯’vbÕ A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j e¨eüZ nq | He is making the outer fence around his garden. Utter- ÔgvÎvÕ A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j e¨eüZ nq | This is an utter surprise not to know about the matter. Less, Fewer Less - Ôcwigv‡bi w`K †_‡K AíZiÕ A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j e¨eüZ nq | I have less money than you. Fewer- ÔmsL¨vi w`K †_‡K AwaKZiÕ Kg A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j e¨eüZ nq | I have no fewer than one hundred stamps in my collection. Few, little Few- ÔmsL¨vi w`K †_‡K KgÕ A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j e¨eüZ nq | He has very few friends in this locality. Little Ôcwigv‡bi w`K †_‡K AíÕ A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j e¨eüZ nq | Give me a little sugar, please. Latter, later, latest, last Latter I latest- ÔmgqÕ A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j e¨eüZ nq | The boy came later than I. I do not know the latest information about the situation. Later I last- Ôµg/ch©vqÕ (order) A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j e¨eüZ nq | The later part of the magazine was written with great care. I was the last person to leave the place. wKQz Adjective Av‡Q †h¸‡jv j¨vwUb fvlv ‡_‡K G‡m‡Q Zv‡`i‡K Latin Comparatives e‡j Ges G‡`i msL¨v 12wU| ‡m¸‡jv n‡jvÑ Exterior, interior, ulterior, major, minor, superior, inferior, senior, junior, prior, anterior I posterion. G‡`i g‡a¨ superior, inferior, senior, junior, prior, anterior I posterior Comparative Degree wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq Ges G‡`i c‡i than Gi cwi‡eZ© to e¨eüZ nq| Avi evwK Exterior, interior, ulterior, major, minor G¸‡jv Positive Degree wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq| He is senior to me. The boy is junior to my brother by two years. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Transformation of Sentences

Preferable, Prefer Preferable, Prefer - ÔAwaKZi cQ›`Õ A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j e¨eüZ nq, Z‡e infinitive e¨envi bv K‡i gerund e¨eüZ nq | Honour is preferable to wealth. I prefer milk to coffee. The girl prefers singing to dancing.

Superlative into Positive Superlative Degree †K Positive Degree †Z iƒcvšÍi Kivi wbqg One of the wenxb Superlative Degree †K Positive Degree †Z cwieZ©b Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g No other e‡m + Object mn evKx Ask e‡m + Verb e‡m + so e‡m + Adjective Gi Positive form e‡m + as e‡m + g~j Sentence Gi Subject e‡m| Zvn‡j Structure wU wb‡gœv³ iƒ‡c †`Lv‡bv hvq No other + Object mn evKx Ask + verb + so + Superlative degree Gi Positive form + as + cÖ`Ë Sentence Gi Subject. Examples: Superlative: Rahim is the smallest boy in the school. Positive: No other+boy in the school+is+so+small+as+Rahim. Superlative: My mother is the best house wife. Positive: No other house wife is so good as my mother. Superlative: Mr Rahim is the wisest man in the village. Positive: No other man in the village is so wise as Mr. Rahim. we: `ª: Superlative degree- Gi c‡i of all/of any _vK‡j D‡V hvq| Superlative: It burns the prettiest of any wood. Positive: No other wood burns so pretty as it. Superlative: Mutton chop was the cheapest of all dishes on the menu. Positive: No other dish on the menu was so cheap as mutton chop. One of the hy³ Superlative Degree †K Positive Degree †Z iƒcvšÍi Kivi wbqg One of the hy³ Superlative degree †K Positive Degree †Z iƒcvšÍi Kivi mgq: cÖ_‡g very few e‡m + Object mn evKx Ask + verb Gi Plural form e‡m + so e‡m + Adjective Gi Positive form e‡m + as e‡m + cÖ`Ë sentence Gi subject e‡m| Zvn‡j Structure wU wb‡gœv³ iƒ‡c †`Lv‡bv hvq: Structure: Very few + Superlative degree Gi c‡ii Ask e‡m + verb Gi Plural form e‡m + so + Superlative degree Gi Positive form e‡m + as + cÖ`Ë sentence Gi subject. Examples: Superlative: Khulna is one of the largest cities in Bangladesh. Positive: Very few cities in Bangladesh are so large as Khulna.

EXERCISE Turn the following sentences into positive. 1. The Magi were the wisest of all men who give present. 2. Kamal is the noblest person I have ever found. 3. Milk is the most nutritious of all kinds of food. 4. The Padma is the largest river in Bangladesh. 5. Gold is the most precious metal in the world. 6. Karim is the best boy I have ever found. 7. Mr. Rahman is the most popular teacher in our school. 8. It burns the prettiest of any wood. 9. Foyot's is one of the most expensive restaurants. 10. The mutton chop was the cheapest dish on the menu. 11. This is one of the greatest pictures in the world. 12. Rani is the most beautiful girl in the class. 13. The rose is the finest of all flowers. 14. The cow is the most useful of all animals. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Comparative into Positive Than any other/all other hy³ Comparative Degree †K Positive Degree †Z iƒcvšÍi Than any other/all other hy³ Comparative degree †K Positive Degree †Z iƒcvšÍi Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g no other e‡m + Object mn evKx Ask + verb e‡m + so e‡m + Adjective Gi Positive form e‡m + as e‡m + cÖ`Ë sentence Gi subject e‡m| Zvn‡j Structure wU wb‡gœv³ iƒ‡c †`Lv‡bv hvq Structure: No other + Object mn evKx Ask + verb + so + Adjective Gi Positive form + as + cÖ`Ë sentence Gi subject| Comparative: Jamal is taller than any other boy in the class. Positive: No other + boy in the class + is + so + tall + as + Jamal. Comparative: Dhaka is bigger than all other cities in Bangladesh Positive: No other + city in Bangladesh + is +so + big +as + Dhaka. ïay Than hy³ Comparative Degree †K Positive Degree †Z iƒcvšÍi ïay Than hy³ Comparative degree †K Positive Degree †Z iƒcvšÍi Kivi mgqcÖ_‡g than Gi c‡ii Ask e‡m + verb e‡m + cÖ`Ë sentecnewU affirmative n‡j Negative nq| cÖ`Ë sentecnewU negative n‡j affirmative nq + so e‡m + Adjective Gi Positive form e‡m + as e‡m + cÖ_g subject e‡m| Zvn‡j Structure wU wb‡gœv³ iƒ‡c †`Lv‡bv hvq Structure: Than Gi c‡ii Ask + verb + affirmative ev Negative + so + Adjective Gi Positive form + as + cÖ`Ë sentence Gi cÖ_g subject| Comparative: Rahim is stronger than Hasan. Positive: Hasan is not so wise as Rahim. (cÖ`Ë sentence wU affirmative wQj, weavq GLv‡b not e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q|) Comparative: Rana is not stronger than Mizan. Positive: Mizan is so strong as Rana. (cÖ`Ë sentence wU negative wQj, weavq GLv‡b not Zz‡j †`qv n‡q‡Q|) Comparative: He is stronger than I. Positive: I am not so strong as he. Comparative: A deer runs faster than a horse. Positive: A horse does not run so fast as a deer. Comparative: Apples are cheaper than oranges. Positive: Oranges are not so cheap as apples. Comparative: Nipon is not more intelligent than Nipa. Positive: Nipa is as intelligent as Nipon. Than most other/than few other hy³ Comparative Degree †K Positive Degree †Z iƒcvšÍi: Than most other/than few other hy³ Comparative degree †K Positive Degree †Z cwieZ©b Kivi mgq ïiæ‡Z very few e‡m + Object mn evKx Ask e‡m + verb Gi plural form e‡m + so e‡m + adjective Gi positive form e‡m + as e‡m + cÖ`Ë sentence Gi subject e‡m| Zvn‡j Structure wU wb‡gœv³ iƒ‡c †`Lv‡bv hvq Structure: Very few + Object mn evKx Ask + verb Gi plural form + so + Adjective Gi Positive form + as + cÖ`Ë sentence Gi subject| Comparative: The dog is more faithful than most other animals. Positive: Very few animals are so faithful as the dog. Comparative: A. K. Fazlul Haque was greater than most other politicians in Bangladesh. Positive: Very few politicians in Bangladesh were as great A. K. Fazlul Haque. No less/Not less .... than hy³ Comparative Degree †K Positive Degree †Z iƒcvšÍi: Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Transformation of Sentences

No less/Not less ............. than hy³ Comparative degree †K Positive Degree †Z cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡j ïaygvÎ no less/not less Gi ¯’‡j as e‡m Ges than Gi ¯’‡jI as e‡m| cÖ`Ë sentence Gi Avi †Kvb cwieZ©b Kivi cÖ‡qvRb c‡o bv| wKšÍy hw` †Kvb sentence G ïay less .............. than _v‡K Zvn‡j less Gi cwie‡Z© D³ RvqMvq not as Ges than Gi cwie‡Z© D³ RvqMvq as ewm‡q cÖ`Ë sentence Gi Avi †Kvb cwieZ©b Kivi cÖ‡qvRb c‡o bv| †hgb: Comparative: The boy is no less strong than you. Positive: The boy is as strong as you. Comparative: Jim and Della were not less wise than the Magi. Positive: Jim and Della were as wise as the Magi. Comparative: Karim is less brilliant than his brother. Positive: Karim is not so brilliant as his brother. EXERCISE Turn the following sentences into positive 1. The porter was cleverer than any other person in the company. 2. This forbidden book lasted longer than all the rest. 3. They were better written than the penny blood. 4. Iron is more useful than any other metal. 5. Misery is greater than any other mystery. 6. A lion is not braver than tiger. 7. Jim and Della were not less wise than the Magi. 8. You are older than I. 9. Prevention is better than cure. 10. I guess her hands are bigger than yours. 11. A train runs faster than a bus. 12. Her teeth were brighter than a string of pearls. 13. An aeroplane flies faster than a bird. 14. She is less ugly than you said. 15. Imran Khan is greater than most other cricketers. 16. Jim's watch was more valuable than the treasures of King Solomon. 17. Della's hair was better than the jewels of Queen of Sheba. 18. Tomatoes are cheaper than oranges. 19. It is more than honesty. 20. You do not know him more than I. 21. Bhutan is smaller than most other countries in the world. 22. Arif knows English more than you. 23. He is not less intelligent than any other boy. 24. Her face was not less radiant than the full moon. 25. Her eyes were more lustrous than a gazelle's.

Superlative into Comparative Superlative Degree †K Comparative Degree †Z iƒcvšÍi Kivi wbqg Superlative Degree ‡K Comparative Degree ‡Z iƒcvšÍi Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g cÖ`Ë sentence Gi subject mn verb e‡m + Adjective Gi Comparative form e‡m + than any other/than all other e‡m + Object mn evKx Ask e‡m| Zvn‡j Structure wU wb‡gœv³ iƒ‡c †`Lv‡bv hvq Structure: Subject + verb + Adjective Gi Comparative form + than any other/ than all other + Object mn evKx Ask| Superlative: My grandfather is the oldest man in the village. Comparative: My grandfather is older than any other man in the village. Superlative: Chittagong is the largest sea port in Bangladesh. Comparative: Chittagong is larger than any other sea port in Bangladesh. of all _vK‡j †m‡ÿ‡Î of all Gi RvqMvq than all other e‡m Ges of any Gi cwie‡Z© than any other e‡m | Superlative: Mr. Rahim is the richest of all men in the village. Comparative: Mr. Rahim is richer than all other men in the village. Superlative: Akbar was the greatest of any king in India. Comparative: Akbar was greater than any other king in India. One of the hy³ Superlative degree †K Comparative degree †Z iƒcvšÍi Kivi wbqg Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


One of the hy³ Superlative degree †K Comparative degree †Z cwieZ©b Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g cÖ`Ë sentence Gi subject mn verb e‡m + one of the D‡V hvq + Adjective Gi Comparative form e‡m + Zvici than most other/than many other e‡m + Object mn evKx Ask e‡m| Zvn‡j Structure wU wb‡gœv³ iƒ‡c †`Lv‡bv hvq Structure: Subject + verb + Adjective Gi Comparative form + than most other/than many other + Object mn evKx Ask| Superlative: Kabir is one of the tallest boys in the class. Comparative: Kabir is taller than most other boys in the class. Superlative: Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world. Comparative: Bangladesh is poorer than most other countries in the world. Superlative: Runa is one of the most intelligent girls in the class. Comparative: Runa is more intelligent than most other girls in the class. EXERCISE Turn the following superlatives into comparative. 1. Della was the best house wife. 2. Jerry is the best boy I have ever seen. 3. Iron is the most useful of all metals. 4. It burns the prettiest of any wood. 5. He is the noblest person I have ever found. 6. Dhaka is the largest city in Bangladesh. 7. This is one of the greatest pictures of the world. 8. The Magi were the wisest of all who give and receive gifts. 9. Chittagong is the biggest port in Bangladesh. 10. He is one of the wisest men in the village. 11. Milk is the most nutritious of all kinds of food. 12. Bangladesh is one of the smallest countries in the world. 13. Swimming is the best exercise. 14. The Hamlet is the most read drama in the world. 15. The Everest is the highest of all peaks in the world. 16. This is one of the most beautiful pictures in the exhibition. 17. The porter was the most humorous of all men in the company. 18. Akbar was one of the greatest kings of this sub-continent. 19. The ancient mariner is the cruelest man that made the sea voyage. 20. Australia is the largest of all islands in the world.

Positive into Comparative No other hy³ Positive Degree †K Comparative Degree †Z iƒcvšÍi No other hy³ Positive Degree †K Comparative Degree †Z cwieZ©b Kivi mgq cÖ`Ë sentence Gi †k‡li subject wU cÖ_‡g e‡m + verb e‡m + Adjective Gi Comparative form e‡m + than any other/than all other e‡m + no other Gi ci †_‡K verb Gi c~e© ch©šÍ e‡m| Zvn‡j Structure wU wb‡gœv³ iƒ‡c †`Lv‡bv hvq: Structure: cÖ`Ë sentence Gi †k‡li subject + verb + Adjective Gi Comparative form + than any other/ than all other + no other Gi ci †_‡K verb Gi c~e© ch©šÍ e‡m| †hgb: Positive: No other boy in the class is so tall as he. Comparative: He is taller than any other boy in the class. Positive: No other city in Bangladesh is so big as Dhaka. Comparative: Dhaka is bigger than all other cities in Bangladesh. Very few hy³ Positive degree †K Comparative degree †Z iƒcvšÍi Very few hy³ Positive degree †K Comparative degree †Z iƒcvšÍi Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g cÖ`Ë sentence Gi †k‡li subject wU cÖ_‡g e‡m + verb e‡m + Adjective Gi Comparative form e‡m + than most other e‡m + very few Gi ci †_‡K verb Gi c~e© ch©šÍ e‡m| Zvn‡j Structure wU wb‡gœv³ iƒ‡c †`Lv‡bv hvq Structure: cÖ`Ë sentence Gi †k‡li subject + verb + Adjective Gi Comparative form + than most other e‡m + very few Gi ci †_‡K verb Gi c~e© ch©šÍ Ask| Positive: Very few metals are as useful as iron in the world. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Transformation of Sentences

Comparative: Iron is more useful than most other metals in the world. As .............As hy³ Positive degree †K Comparative degree †Z iƒcvšÍi As .............as hy³ Positive degree †K Comparative degree †Z cwieZ©b Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g cÖ`Ë sentence Gi †k‡li subject e‡m + verb e‡m + cÖ`Ë sentecnewU affirmative n‡j not e‡m Ges cÖ`Ë sentecnewU negative n‡j not D‡V hvq + Adjective Gi Comparative form e‡m + than e‡m + cÖ`Ë sentence Gi cÖ_g subject e‡m| Structure: †k‡li subject + verb + not e‡m / not D‡V hvq + Adjective Gi Comparative form + than + cÖ`Ë sentence Gi cÖ_g subject| Example: Positive: The boy is as tall as his brother. Comparative: The boy’s brother is not taller than he. Positive: The boy is not as strong as his brother. Comparative: The boy’s brother is stronger than he. EXERCISE Turn the following Sentences into comparative 1. No other food on the menu was so cheap as the mutton chop. 2. Very few metals are so precious as gold. 3. A bird cannot fly so fast as a plane. 4. I guess your hands are not so big as hers. 5. Very few restaurants are so fashionable as Foyot's. 6. A string of pearls was not so bright as her teeth. 7. Honesty is not as much as it. 8. She is not as ugly as you said. 9. Cure is not so good as prevention. 10. Your pen is not so fine as his. 11. He is as dull as an ass. 12. The rice of Barisal is not so fine as that of Dinajpur. 13. The lady was not so young as I expected. 14. A lily was not so white as her forehead. 15. No other wood burns so pretty as the apple log. 16. Very few boys are so good as Jerry the authoress has ever found. 17. I do not write English so correctly as he. 18. You do not hate him so much as I. 19. No other story book is so popular as the Arabian Nights.

Comparative into Superlative Comparative Degree †K Superlative Degree †Z iƒcvšÍi Than any other, than all other hy³ Comparative Degree †K Superlative Degree †Z iƒcvšÍi Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g cÖ`Ë sentence Gi subject mn verb e‡m + Adjective Gi Superlative form Gi c~‡e© the e‡m + Object mn evKx Ask e‡m| Zvn‡j Structure wU wb‡gœv³ iƒ‡c †`Lv‡bv hvqStructure: Subject + verb + the + AdjectiveGi Superlative form+Object mn evKx Ask| Example: Comparative: He is taller than any other boy in the class. Superlative: He is the tallest boy in the class. D‡j­L¨ Other Gi c‡i Plural Noun _vK‡j Superlative Gi c‡i of all e‡m| Comparative: He is taller than all other boys. Superlative: He is the tallest of all boys. Than Gi ci most other/few other hy³ Comparative Than Gi ci most other/few other hy³ n‡q Comparative degree n‡j Superlative Degree †Z iƒcvšÍi Kivi mgq: cÖ`Ë sentence Gi subject mn verb e‡m + Adjective Gi Superlative form Gi c~‡e© one of the e‡m + Object mn evKx Ask e‡m| Zvn‡j Structure wU wb‡gœv³ iƒ‡c †`Lv‡bv hvq Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Structure: Subject + verb + one of the + Adjective Gi Superlative form + Object mn evKx Ask| Comparative: Kazi Nazrul is more famous than most other poets in Bangladesh. Superlative: Kazi Nazrul is one of the most famous poets in Bangladesh. Comparative: Dhaka is bigger than most other cities in Bangladesh. Superlative: Dhaka is one of the biggest cities in Bangladesh. EXERCISE Turn the following sentences into superlative 1. Mutton chop was cheaper than any other dish on the menu. 2. Iron is more useful than any other metal. 3. He is nobler than any other person I have ever found. 4, Della was better than any other housewife. 5. "Hamlet" is more popular than most other dramas. 6. Akbar was greater than all other kings of India. 7. Mr. Zaman is wiser than any other man in the village. 8. Chittagong is bigger than any other sea port in Bangladesh. 9. Of all who give and receive gifts, these two are wiser. 10. It burns prettier than any other wood. 11. Jerry is better than any other boy I have ever found. 12. "Arabian Nights" is better than most other story books. 13. The porter was cleverer than any other person in the company. 14. Rubel is younger than all other boys in the class. 15. She is worse than any other girl.

Positive into Superlative No other hy³ Positive Degree †K Superlative Degree †Z iƒcvšÍi Positive Degree †K Superlative Degree †Z iƒcvšÍi Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g sentence Gi †k‡li subject wU e‡m + verb e‡m + the e‡m + Adjectvie Gi Superlative form e‡m + Object mn evKx Ask| Zvn‡j Structure wU wb‡gœv³ iƒ‡c †`Lv‡bv hvq: Structure: cÖ_‡g sentence Gi †k‡li subject + verb + the + Adjective Gi Superlative form + Object mn evKx Ask| Positive: No other boy in the class is as intelligent as Jabbar. Super: Jabbar is the most intelligent boy in the class. Very few hy³ Positive degree †K Superlative degree †Z iƒcvšÍi Very few hy³ Positive degree †K Superlative degree †Z iƒcvšÍi Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g sentence wUi †k‡li subject mn verb e‡m + one of the e‡m + Adjective Gi Superlative form e‡m + very few Gi ci †_‡K verb Gi c~e© ch©šÍ e‡m| Zvn‡j Structure wU wb‡gœv³ iƒ‡c †`Lv‡bv hvq Structure: cÖ_‡g sentence wUi †k‡li subject mn verb + one of the + Adjective Gi Superlative form + very few Gi ci †_‡K verb Gi c~e© ch©šÍ| Positive: Very few men in the village are as honest as his father. Super: His father is one of the most honest men in the village.

Voice (evP¨) Voice is the form of the verb which indicates whether the subject does the work or something has been done to it. [wµqv cÖKv‡ki fw½gv‡KB voice ev evP¨ e‡j| wµqvi cÖKvk fw½ e‡j †`q KZ©v KvRwU wb‡R Ki‡Q, bv KZ©vi Øviv †Kvb KvR m¤úbœ n‡”Q|] Ab¨fv‡e ejv hvq-Voice n‡”Q verb- Gi †mB iƒc (form) hv Subject wb‡R K‡i-bv A‡b¨i Øviv K…Z Kv‡Ri dj MÖnY K‡i Zv †`wL‡q _v‡K| There are three kinds of voices (evP¨ wZb iK‡gi) i. Active voice ii. Passive voice iii. Quasi-passive voice. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Transformation of Sentences

Active voice: When the subject of a sentence is the doer or actor, the verb is in Active voice. It is so because the subject is active. (KZ©v hLb wb‡RB wµqvi KvR m¤úbœ K‡i, ZLb wµqv Active voice-G _v‡K| KviY ZLb Subjcet ev KZ©v Active mwµq|) I read a book. She cooks food etc. Passive Voice: When the subject of a sentence is acted upon, the verb is in passive voice. It is so because the subject is passive. [KZ©vi Øviv hLb †Kvb KvR m¤úbœ nq, ZLb wµqvi Passive voice nq| GLv‡b Kv‡Ri Zzjbvq KZ©vi ¸iæZ¡ K‡g hvq|] A book is read by me. Food is cooked by her. Rules for changing Active voice into Passive Rule 1: The object of the verb in the Active voice becomes the subject of the verb in the passive voice. [mvaviYZ: Active voice- Gi object (Kg©) Passive voice-Gi Subject (KZ©v) nq|] Rule 2: The subject of the verb in the Active voice becomes the object in the passive voice generally preceded by the preposition by. [Active voice Gi subject wU Passive voice-Gi object-G cwiYZ nq Ges Zvi c~‡e© mvaviYZ t by e‡m|] Rule 3: The main verb is changed into the past participle form and it is preceded by the correct form of the verb ‘to be’ in passive voice. [ Active voice-Gi g~j verb wU Passive voice-G Past Participle-G cwiewZ©Z nq Ges Zvi c~‡e© ‘to be’ verb Gi cÖ‡qvRbxq form emv‡Z nq|] Rule 4 : There are some verbs with two objects. In such cases either of the objects can be changed into the subject and the other is retained as an object. This object is called retained object. [Active voice-G hw` †Kvb verb-Gi `ywU object _v‡K, Zvn‡j GKwU object-‡K Subject K‡i AciwU‡K Object iƒ‡c ivL‡Z nq| Passive-G †hwU Object iƒ‡c †_‡K hvq, Zv‡K Retained object e‡j| GLv‡b D‡j­L¨ Passive Kivi mgq Indirect Object †K Subject evwb‡q Passive Voice KivB fvj| He gives me a flower. Indirect obj. Direct obj. Rule 5 : Double passive should be avoided in a simple sentence or in a single clause as it is liable to give a wrong meaning. But in changing the voice of complex sentences the voices of both the principal and subordinate clause should be changed. [‡Kvb simple sentence-G ev †Kvb GKwU clause-G Double passive Kiv DwPZ bq, KviY G‡Z ev‡K¨i A_© fyj n‡q hvq| Aek¨ complex sentence-G Principal Ges subordinate `ywU clause-GiB passive Ki‡Z nq|] Verb Patterns of Passive Voice Tense Abyhvqx Passive voice-G verb Gi MVb: Tense to be / to have example Simple present am /is /are + verb Gi Active: He does the work. past participle Passive: The work is done by him. Simple past was / were + verb Gi Active: He did the work past participle Passive: The work was done by him. Simple future shall be / will be + Active: He will do the work. verb Gi past participle Passive: The work will be done by him Present am being / is being / Active: He is doing the work. continuous are being + verb Gi Passive: The work is being done past participle by him. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Past continuous Future continuous Present perfect Past perfect Future perfect

was being / were being + verb Gi past participle shall be being / will be being + verb Gi past participle have been / has been + verb Gi past participle had been + verb Gi past participle

shall have been / will have been + verb Gi past participle Going to future am/is/are going to be + verb Gi past participle


Active: He was doing the work. Passive: The work was being done by him. Active: He will be doing the work. Passive: The work will be being done by him. Active: He has done the work. Passive: The work has been done by him. Active: He had done the work. Passive: The work had been done by him. Active: He will have done the work. Passive: The work will have been done by him. Active: He is going to build a house.

Passive: A house is going to be built by him. Present to be + verb Gi past Active: He wants me to do the infinitive participle work. Passive: He wants the work to be done by me. Objective forms of pronouns Subject Object Subject Object form form form form I me He him We us She her You you They them Assertive Sentence mvaviYZ Assertive Sentence Gi ïiæ‡Z Subject _v‡K Ges †k‡l Full Stop (.) _v‡K Assertive Sentence Gi Passive voice Kivi Rb¨ Tense Gi Passive voice ¸wj Rvbv Riæix| Active: I did the work. Passive: The work was done by me. Active: I have eaten rice. Passive: Rice has been eaten by me. Active: I am eating rice. Passive: Rice is being eaten by me. Active: I do it. Passive: It is done by me. Active: I was eating rice. Passive: Rice was being eaten by me. Active: I had done it. Passive: It had been done by me. Active: I shall have done it. Passive: It will have been done by me. Active: I shall be doing it. Passive: It will be being done by me. Active: I have eaten rice. Passive: Rice has been eaten by me. Active: I have not eaten rice. Passive: Rice has not been eaten by me. Active: I was not eating rice. Passive: Rice was not being eaten by me. Active: I did not do the work. Passive: The work was not done by me. Active: I have not eaten rice. Passive: Rice has not been eaten by me Active: I am not eating rice. Passive: Rice is not being eaten by me. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Transformation of Sentences

Active: I do not do it. Passive: It is not done by me. Active: I shall not have done it. Passive: It will not have been done by me. Active: I shall not be doing it. Passive: It will not be being done by me. Active: I had not done it. Passive: It had not been done by me. Imperative Sentence Imperative Sentence-G Av‡`k, Aby‡iva, Dc‡`k BZ¨vw` †evSv‡j ev‡K¨i cÖ_‡g Let †hvM K‡i Passive Kiv nq Ges gyj Verb Gi Past participle-Gi c~‡e© ‘be’ hy³ nq| wKš‘ Imperative sentence-G Active voice G hw` Please K_vwU _v‡K, Zvn‡j Passive voice G ‘You are requested to’ K_v¸wj e¨eüZ nq| Avevi hw`I mvaviYZt Intransitive verb AKg©K wµqvi Passive voice nq bv, Zey Giƒc †ÿ‡Î Please _vK‡j ‘You are requested to’ †hvM K‡i Zvi I Passive Voice Kiv hvq| Examples: Active Passive 1. Do this work. Let this work be done. 2. Open the door. Let the door be opened. 3. Please do not smoke. You are requested not to smoke. 4. Keep your word. Your word should be kept. 5. Love the children The children should be loved. N.B: Let hy³ Imperative Sentence Gi †ÿ‡Î AwZwi³ Let-Gi e¨env‡ii cÖ‡qvRb nq bv| †hgb: Let him do it. (Active) Let it be done by him. (Passive) Imperative Sentence -Gi cÖ_‡g Please e¨eüZ n‡j †m †ÿ‡Î Passive voice-G Sentence-Gi cÖ_‡g you are requested to e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: Active: Please come here . Passive: You are requested to come here. Active: Please put the book on the desk. Passive: You are requested to put the book on the desk. Active voice Gi gyj verb Gi c~‡e© auxiliary verb wnmv‡e may, might, should, would, can, could, must, ought to ev going to e¨eüZ n‡j, †m‡ÿ‡Î Passive voice G G‡`i c‡i be e‡m Ges gyj verb Gi Past participle form e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: Active: He is going to build a house. Passive: A house is going to be built by him. Interrogative Sentence An interrogative sentence in Active voice keeps its interrogative form in its passive voice. If the Interrogative sentence begins with the Auxiliary verb do, the process of changing is convenient by changing it into assertive first and then into Interrogative. But if the Interrogative sentence does not begin with do, or begins with a wh-word it can be directly changed into passive. (Active voice Gi †ÿ‡Î e¨eüZ Auxiliary verb do ev does Gi cwie‡Z© am, is, are, did-Gi cwie‡Z© Was/were, shall/will Gi cwie‡Z© Shall be/will be Ges Has I Have Gi cwie‡Z© Has been/Have been e‡m|) i. Do you see the bird? [Assertive: You see the bird.- The bird is seen by you] Is the bird seen by you? (Passive) i. Did you see the man? [Assertive: You saw the man.-The man was seen by you] Was the man seen by you? (Passive) ‘Wh’ Questions: Who taught you English? (Active) By whom were you taught English? (Passive) What do you want? (Active) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


What is wanted by you? (Passive) Whom did you call? (Active) Who was called by you? (Passive) Reflexive Pronoun Active voice Gi Object wU Reflexive Pronoun w`‡q hy³ nq A_©vr Self/selves hy³ kã w`‡q MwVZ nq, †hgb: myself, himself, ourselves, themselves hy³ Sentence ‡K Passive form – G cwieZ©‡bi mgq Subject ev Object Gi †ÿ‡Î †Kvb cwieZ©b nq bv| ev‡K¨i Subject wU Subject Gi RvqMvq _vK‡e| AZtci 1wU Auxiliary Verb em‡e Zvici Verb Gi Past Participle em‡e Ges By hy³ n‡q Self /selves hy³ kãwU e‡m hv‡e| (S+Av + V Gi Past participle + by + ref. obj) Active: He killed himself. Passive: He was killed by himself. Active: You should help yourself. Passive: You should be helped by yourself. Active: I am fanning myself. Passive: I am being fanned by myself. Passive voice with double objects `ywU Object hy³ sentence-Gi †h †Kvb GKwU Object †K Subject wnmv‡e MÖnY K‡i active voice †_‡K Passive voice- G cwieZ©b Kiv hvq| †hgb: He gave me a book. (Active) A book was given me by him. Or, I was given a book by him. (Passive) N.B. mvaviYZt give, send, show, lend, pay, promise, refuse, tell BZ¨vw` verb Gi †ÿ‡Î `ywU Object-e¨eüZ nq| i. Active voice Gi †ÿ‡Î Object Gi g‡a¨ hw` GKwUi c~‡e© Preposition _v‡K, H‡ÿ‡Î Object-Gi c~‡e© Preposition hy³ Object wU Passive voice-Gi Subject wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq bv| †hgb: He did a lot of things for me. (Active) A lot of things were done for me by him. (Passive) ii. Explain Ges suggest G `ywU verb Gi †ÿ‡Î e¨eüZ Indirect Object, Passive voice G subject wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq bv| †hgb: He explained the problem to the students. (Active) The problem was explained to the students by him. (Passive) They suggested a plan to us. (Active) A plan was suggested to us by them. (Passive) iii. Some prepositional verbs are mainly used in the active voice. They cannot be used in the passive. †hgb: Everybody agreed with me. (not I was agreed with everybody) We walked into the room (not the room was walked by us. Passive voice of intransitive verb mvaviYZt intransitive verb – Gi Passive form nq bv| wKš‘ cognate object hy³ intransitive verb-Gi Passive form nq| Active: He ran a race. Passive: A race was run by him. Note: KLbI KLbI intransitive verb –Gi c‡i verb Gi mgv_©K word-Object wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| Intransitive verb Gi Giƒc Object †K Cognate Object e‡j| Preposition hy³ group verb ¸‡jv transitive verb –Gi b¨vq KvR K‡i e‡j G‡`i‡K Passive voice-G iƒcvšÍwiZ Kiv hvq| †hgb: Active: He looks at the picture. Passive: The picture is looked at by him. Active: We talked of them. Passive: They were talked of by us. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Transformation of Sentences

Quasi-Passive voice (Kg©KZ©„evP¨) Quasi-Passive voice is active in form but passive in sense. It may be changed in the passive form in the following way. (†h mKj verb-Active verb wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q Passive A_© cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡`i‡K Quasi passive verb e‡j| Quasi passive verb `yB cÖKvi| h_v: (i) With a complement Active: Honey tastes sweet. Passive: Honey is sweet when it is tasted. Or, Honey is tested sweet. (GLv‡b taste-verb-Gi Complement n‡jv sweet) (ii) Without a complement: Active: The house is building. Passive: The house is being built. Active: The book is printing. Passive: The book is being printed. Voice of Compound Sentence hLb †Kvb evK¨ And, but, or BZ¨vw` Compound Word Øviv hy³ nq ZLb Zv‡`i passive Kivi mgq `yBUv evK¨‡K Avjv`v Avjv`vfv‡e passive Ki‡Z n‡e| G‡ÿ‡Î hw` `yBwU ev‡K¨i Subject GKBRb nq Zvn‡j `yBwU evK¨‡K Avjv`vfv‡e passive Kivi ci By †hv‡M Subject wU Object n‡q †k‡l e‡m hv‡e| †hgb: Active: He took the pen and wrote a letter. Passive: The pen was taken and a letter was written by him. Active: He read the passage or wrote the letter. Passive: The passage was read or the letter was written by him. GLv‡b cÖ_g D`vni‡Y Avgiv hw` `ywU evK¨‡K Avjv`v Kwi Zvn‡j †`Lv hvq †h He took the pen GKwU evK¨ Ges wrote a letter GKwU evK¨| G‡`i ga¨Lv‡b and e‡m‡Q Ges cÖ_g ev‡K¨i Subject wUB wØZxq ev‡K¨i Subject †Kbbv wØZxq ev‡K¨i Subject †bB myZvivs by him ‡k‡l e‡m‡Q Ges `ywU evK¨‡K Avjv`vfv‡ePassive Kiv n‡q‡Q| Z‡e hw` `yBwU ev‡K¨i Subject `yBRb nq Zvn‡j `yBwU evK¨‡K Avjv`vfv‡e passive Ki‡Z n‡e Ges Dfq ev‡K¨B By †hv‡M Subject wU Object n‡e| †hgb: Active: He read the poem but I read the story. Passive: The poem was read by him but the story was read by me. Voice of Complex Sentence In changing the voice of complex sentences the voices of both the principal and the subordinate clauses should be changed. The introductory it may also be sometimes used in such cases. (Complex sentence- Gi †ÿ‡Î Principal Ges subordinate Dfq Clause –Gi verb-Passive form-G cwiewZ©Z nq| G‡ÿ‡Î A‡bK mgq Introductory-‘It’ passive form G Subject wnmv‡e e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i| Dfq clause-Gi Subject hw` GKB nq, Zvn‡j ïaygvÎ †k‡li clause Gi c‡i subject, by †hv‡M object-G cwiewZ©Z nq| †hgb: Active: We know that Columbus discovered America. Passive: It is known to us that America was discovered by Columbus. Active: He said that he had not heard it. Passive: It was said by him that it had not been heard by him. Active: I know that he will do the work. Passive: It is known to me that the work will be done by him. Active: I know that you will not do it. Passive: It is known to me that it will not be done by you. Complex sentence-Gi Active voice-G GKwU cy‡iv clause hw` Subject ev Object wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq, Zvn‡j passive voice-G cy‡iv clause wUB Subject ev Object wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Active: I know what he thinks. Passive: What is thought by him is known to me Active: One should read only what one likes. Passive: What is liked by one should be read. Some Exceptional Rules (1) hw` Subject Gi ci like, love, want, wish, hope BZ¨vw` Verb Gi †Kvb GKwU Av‡m Ges Zvici infinitive _v‡K (A_©vr to+ Verb Gi Present iƒc) Zvn‡ªj Zv‡K Passive Kivi mgq bx‡Pi wbqg AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e| Subject +Verb+ infinitive Gi object +to be+ infinitive Gi Verb Gi Past participle. Example: Active: He wants me to do it. Passive: He wants it to be done. Active: He likes you to make a good result. Passive: He likes a good result to be made. GLv‡b wants Verb Gi ci GKwU infinitive to do Av‡Q Zvici infinitive Gi object Av‡Q Passive Kivi mgq Active Voice Gi Subject I Verb e‡m‡Q Ges Zvici infinitive Gi object e‡m‡Q Ges †k‡l to be+ infinitive Gi Verb Gi Past participle n‡q‡Q| (2) hw` Subject Gi ci advise, beg, order, urge, recommend BZ¨vw` Verb Gi †Kvb GKwU Av‡m Ges Zvici infinitive _v‡K (A_©vr to + Verb Gi Present iƒc) Zvn‡j Zv‡K Passive Kivi mgq bx‡Pi wbqg AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e| Subject +Verb+ that+ infinitive Gi O/S+should be+ infinitive Gi Verb Gi Past participle. Example: Active: He advised me to do it. Passive: He advised that it should be done. Active: He ordered me to read the book. Passive: He ordered that the book should be read. (3) hw` Subject Gi ci agree, arrange, decide, demand, be determined, be anxious BZ¨vw` Verb Gi †Kvb GKwU Av‡m Ges Zvici infinitive _v‡K (A_©vr to+Verb Gi Present iƒc) Zvn‡j Zv‡K Passive Kivi mgq bx‡Pi wbqg AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e| Subject +Verb+ that+ infinitive Gi O/S+ should be+ infinitive Gi Verb Gi Past participle. Example: Active: He agreed to help me. Passive: He agreed that I should be helped Active: He demanded to punish the criminal. Passive: He demanded that the criminal should be punished. (4) hw` Subject Gi ci advise, insist, propose, suggest, recommend BZ¨vw` Verb Gi †Kvb GKwU Av‡m Ges Zvici Gerund _v‡K (A_©vr Verb Gi Present iƒc+ing) Zvn‡j Zv‡K Passive Kivi mgq bx‡Pi wbqg AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e| Subject +Verb+ that+ infinitive Gi O/S+ should be + infinitive Gi Verb Gi Past participle. Example: Active: He insisted reading the book. Passive: He insisted that the book should be read. Active: He advised avoiding bad company. Passive: He advised that bad company should be avoided. (4) hw` ev‡K¨ Modal Auxiliary †hgb: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must BZ¨w`i †Kvb GKwU _v‡K Zvn‡j Zv‡K Passive Ki‡Z n‡j †h Modal Auxiliary _vK‡e Zvi mv‡_ be †hvM Ki‡Z n‡e A_©vr hw` Can _v‡K Zvn‡j Can Gi mv‡_ be †hvM n‡q can be n‡e| Abyiƒcfv‡e hw` Could _v‡K Zvn‡j Could Gi mv‡_ be †hvM n‡q could be n‡e ZLb ev‡K¨i MVY n‡e Ggb: Object ‡K Subject + Modal Auxiliary Verb + be + Past Participle form of verb + by + Subject ‡K Object. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Transformation of Sentences

For example: (1) Active: I can help you. Passive: You can be helped by you. (2) Active: We should respect our parents. Passive: Our parents should be respected by us. (5) Abyiƒcfv‡e hw` ev‡K¨ Periphrastic Modal Auxiliary †hgb: am to, is to, are to, am going to, is going to, are going to, was going to, were going to, have to, has to, shall have to, will have to, used to, ought to BZ¨w`i †Kvb GKwU _v‡K Zvn‡j Zv‡K Passive Ki‡Z n‡j Object ‡K Subject Ki‡Z n‡e| AZtci Ae¯’vbyhvqx mvnvh¨Kvix Verb em‡e Ges Zvi mv‡_ be †hvM Ki‡Z n‡e Z‡e ¯§ib ivL‡Z n‡e mvnvh¨Kvix Verb wU Subject Abyhvqx em‡e ZLb ev‡K¨i MVY n‡e Ggb: Object ‡K Subject + H Modal Auxiliary Verb + be + Past Participle form of verb + by + subject ‡K Object. Example: Active: I am going to buy an umbrella. Passive: An umbrella is going to be bought by me. Active: They will have to do it. Passive: It will have to be done by them. (6) hw` †Kvb Simple Sentence G `yBwU Verb _v‡K ZLb †`L‡Z n‡e wØZxq Verb wU ing hy³ wKbv hw` wØZxq Verb wU ing hy³ nq Zvn‡j H Ae¯’vq g~j Verb Gi c‡i e‡m hv‡e Avi hw` wØZxq Verb wU ing hy³ bv nq Zvn‡j wØZxq Verb wUi Av‡M to em‡e Ges Zvnv g~j Verb Gi c‡i em‡e ZLb ev‡K¨i MVY n‡e Ggb: Object ‡K Subject + Auxiliary Verb + Past Participle form of verb +ing hy³ Verb ev to+ Verb Gi Present iƒc by + Subject ‡K Object. For example: Active: I saw him going there. Passive: He was seen to go there by me. Active: We found him dancing. Passive: He was found dancing by us. The uses of passive voice 1. When it is not necessary to say who performed the action. A_©vr KvRwU †h K‡i‡Q †hLv‡b Zvi D‡j­‡Li cÖ‡qvRb †bB, †mLv‡b verb-Gi passive form e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: The appointment letter was issued today. Mr. Kamal was told to come to the office. Jute is grown in Bangladesh. 2. When it is preferable not to mention the performer or doer, A_©vr KvRwU †h K‡i‡Q †hLv‡b Zvi D‡j­L mgxPxb g‡b Kiv nq bv, †mLv‡b verb-Gi Passive form e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: A notice was pasted on the gate. I was informed of the news earlier. 3. When we wish to emphasise the receiver of the action rather than the performer or doer. A_©vr †hLv‡b KZ©vi PvB‡Z wµqvi Kg©‡K †ewk cÖvavb¨ †`qv nq †mLv‡b verb-Gi Passive form e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: He is said to have earned a lot of money He was congratulated on his success. 4. To describe social and historical significance and events. A_©vr D‡j­L‡hvM¨ mvgvwRK ev HwZnvwmK NUbvi D‡j­‡Li †ÿ‡Î verb-Gi Passive form e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: The battle was fought at Plassey. America was discovered by Columbus. 5. In invitations, requests and announcements. A_©vr Avgš¿Y, Aby‡iva Ges †NvlYv Kivi †ÿ‡Î verb-Gi Passive form e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: Passengers are requested not to smoke in the bus. You are invited to attend the party. Students are requested not to make a noise. 6. In newspaper reports A_©vr msev`c‡Î †Kvb NUbvi weeiY w`‡Z verb-Gi passive form e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Chittagong port was lashed by cyclone last night. The goal was scored in the 14 minute of the first half. Cox’s bazar was flooded by a tidal swrge. 7. To inform the ending of any activities. A_©vr †Kvb Kv‡Ri †kl ev djvdj eySv‡Z| †hgbt The meeting was postponed. 8. In a passive form we can mention the person or the thing that does the action after the word ‘by’. †hgb: He was insulted by a silly woman. 9. Receiver A_©vr fy³‡fvMxi Dci †Rvi eySv‡j| †hgb: A boy was knocked down by a car. 10. A passive sentence is more formal than an active one. †hgb: Active: We are going to introduce a new system soon in our education. (Informal comment). Passive: A new system is going to be introduced soon in our education (formal statement) N.B: Appear, belong, comprise, disappear, despair, occur, ensure, result, wonder, perish, refer, issue, indulge BZ¨vw` Verb ¸wj‡K Verb Intransitive e‡j| G‡`i Passive Voice mvaviYZ nq bv| Passive voice with different preposition Passive Voice G AwaKvsk mgq by e‡m wKš‘ mKj Verb Gi c‡i by e‡m bv| wKQy wKQy Verb Gi c‡i wfbœ ai‡bi Preposition e‡m| †hgb: (i) Know verb Gi c‡i to e‡m| †hgb: Active: I know this. Passive: This is known to me. Active: I know the fact. Passive: The fact is known to me. (not by me) (ii) Please, displease, vex, annoy, satisfy, marvel, charm, astonish BZ¨vw` Verb Gi c‡i hw` e¨vw³evPK Object _v‡K Zvn‡j with e‡m| Avi hw` e¯‘evPK ev Ae¨w³evPK Object _v‡K Zvn‡j at e‡m| †hgb: Active: The beauty of the garden charmed us. Passive: We were charmed at the beauty of the garden. Active: We pleased him. Passive: He was pleased with us. (iii) Seize Gi c‡i with e‡m, contain Gi c‡i in e‡m| †hgb: Active: Panic seized me. Passive: I was seized with panic. Some peculiarities in voice Active: One should keep one’s promise. Passive: A promise should be kept. Active: Someone built this building in 2000. Passive: This building was built in 2000. Active: He considers me honest. Passive: I am considered honest by him. Active: We ought to help the poor. Passive: The poor ought to be helped by us. Active: I may help you. Passive: You may be helped by me. Active: It is time to do your duty. Passive: It is time for your duty to be done. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Transformation of Sentences

EXERCISE (According to NCTB) 1. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1x5=5 Cricket in-Bangladesh will be developed one day. (a) There are a lot of possibilities of the development of cricket in Bangladesh (Complex) (b) It is necessary to improve the school cricket (Passive). (c) All players should have a deep patriotic zeal for their country. (Complex). (d) If a player has no patriotic feeling, he will not devote himself to the game. (Simple) (e) All players must sacrifice themselves for the betterment of the cricket in this country. (Negative). People of this country are waiting to hear the good news from them. 2. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1x5=5 Once upon a time, Abdul Quadir was going to Baghdad. (a) He had to go to Baghdad to receive education. (Complex). He was going to Baghdad accompanied by a few merchants. (b) They were attacked by a band of robbers. (Active) (c) He did not tell a lie when he fell in 'danger. (Simple) (d) He confessed that he had twenty gold coins. (Compound) (e) It is one of the best stories of Abdul Quadir's boyhood. (Positive). 3. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1x5=5 (a) Zeema, the wife of Ruku brought a plate of food for Ruku. (Complex) (b) She put it roughly. (Passive) (c) When she left the place, she did not look at him. (Simple) (d) Ruku understood that Zeema misbehaved with him for his poverty. (Compound). Ultimately, Ruku came to know that Zeema loved him very much through the conversation of Dryad. (e) Zeema was one of the best wives of Ozama island. (Positive). 4. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5=5 The play 'Revenge' is an excellent one-act play. (a) It contains four scenes based on Greek Mythology. (Complex) (b) The people of Ozama island led a happy life and it was the time of thousand years ago. (Simple) (c) The people of Ozama island cut the trees indiscriminately. (Passive) (d As the people of the island were very cruel, they suffered a lot for want of food and rain. (Compound) (e) At the end, people could not but plant trees. (Affirmative). It is really an imaginative short day. 5. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5=5 (a) I was awakened in the middle of the night. (Complex) (b) It was a dozen years of ago when I came to the world. (Simple) (c) While scouting, I met an excellent girl. (Compound). At last she became my dear wife. (d) I was surrounded by a tribe of monsters. (Active) (e) They were as terrible as other creatures. (Comparative) 6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5=5 Bangladesh is proud of Kazi Nazrul Islam. (a) Kazi Nazrul Islam, our national poet was born in May 1899. (Complex) (b) He lost his father when he was a boy of under fifteen. (Simple) (c) He spent his early life in great hardship. (Passive) (d) As he led a sorrowful life, he was called Dukhu Mia. (Compound) (e) No other poet was as great as Kazi Nazrul. (Superlative) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5=5 (a) Robert Bruce the king of Scotland, sat in a lonely hall (Complex) (b) He lay down on the ground and saw a spider trying to reach the ceiling. (Simple) (c) When he tried to reach the ceiling, he dropped frequently. (Compound) (d) The spider did not give up the struggle. ( Passive) (e) It tried again and again. (Interrogative) This inspiration helped Robert Bruce for his next war. 8. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5=5 (a) Nadi, a young girl of a middle class family got a nice job. (Complex) (b) She obtained her graduation degree from Dhaka University. (Passive) (c) No other girl is as dutiful as Nadi in her office. (Comparative). Everybody is pleased with her. (d) When she was ten years old, she lost her father. (Simple) (e) As she is still a spinster she has taken a seat in the lady hostel. (Compound). She is now a happy girl. 9. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5=5 (a) The birds that come to our country in time of winter are called guest birds. (Simple) (b) As they cannot tolerate the severe cold in their native land, they come to a temperate country like Bangladesh. (Compound) (c) They come to our country to search a better shelter. (Complex) (d) They perform an important role to balance the environment. (Passive) (e) They cannot but fly far away from our country. (Affirmative). They are the gifts of nature. 10. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5=5 (a) It was 1971 when Bangladesh got independence. (Simple) (b) It is the most significant event in the history of Bangladesh. (Positive) Bangladesh was under British until 1947. (c) The lives of the people of Bangladesh have been shaped by tragedy. (Active). Though growth rate has slowed down, it has almost doubled since independence. (d) Despite many negative aspects, Bangladesh becomes a country of possibility. (Complex) (e) The 21st February 1952 immediately comes to our mind. (Complex) 11. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5=5 (a) The sun, a star in the sky, is one of the greatest sources of energy. (Complex) (b) We call it as solar energy. (Passive) It is very unfortunate that it is not an easy task to use. (c) As we use oil, diesel, coal for our everyday life, our precious environment becomes polluted. (Compound) (d) We can use the sun instead of using oil, coal and diesel. (Passive) (e) Burning of oil, diesel and coal produces carbon dioxide that is harmful for human beings. (Simple) 12. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1x5=5 Once upon a time there was a robber. (a) He was so dangerous that he used to loot all the money and treasures of the wayfarers. (Compound) (b) He did not raid any house for robbery. (Passive) (c) When he saw any passenger approaching, he at once jumped before him. (Simple) (d) Do you know the name of the robber (Complex)? An event changed his life. (e) He was one of the greatest saints of that time. (Positive). Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Transformation of Sentences

13. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1x5=5 It is a hot summer day. (a) A cunning fox was passing through a bush. (Complex) (b) The fox was thirsty and was looking for water. (Simple) (c) It could not find any source of water. (Passive) (d) Suddenly he saw a bush of ripe juicy grapes hanging down. (Compound) (e) Those grapes were more delicious than others. (Positive). 14. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5=5 (a) Cox's Bazar sea-beach, the longest sea-beach in the world is very beautiful to look at. (Complex) (b) It is one of the most beautiful sea beaches in the world. (Positive) (c) It is called pleasure seekers’ paradise. (Active) (d) The visitors of home and abroad go there for enjoying natural beauties. (Compound) (e) Those who become tired may go to relax themselves. (Simple) 15. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5=5 (a) Sundarbans that is the unique creation of nature is called the 52nd World Heritage site. (Simple) (b) It is called the mangrove forest. (Passive) It is situated in the Southern part of Bangladesh. (c) It is one of the biggest mangrove forests in the world. (Positive) (d) The Sundarbans protect southern part of our country in time of natural disasters. (Complex) (e) Many people go to Sundarbans to observe the natural beauties. (Compound) In the forest, you not only find a natural and peaceful atmosphere there but you may be lucky enough to see the famous Royal Bengal Tigers or spotted deer. 16. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences at directed. 1×5=5 (a) The Iron Bridge across England's longest river, the Severn, is the world's first iron Bridge. (Complex) (b) The surrounding area was remarkable because concentrates the industrial activity. (Simple) (c) Though the Iron Bridge was built in 1779 it was opened in 1781. (Compound). (d) It is one of the most beautiful bridges in England. (Positive) (e) It has brought a worldwide recognition at that time. (Passive) It is the first industrial area to be listed as a World Heritage Site.

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170



The speech of the speaker is called Narration. e³vi K_vB Narration. Bs‡iwR‡Z Speech ev Narration `yB cÖKvi| h_v: (i) Direct Speech ev Direct Narration: e³vi Dw³‡Z AweKj Zvi wb‡Ri fvlvq e¨³ Kiv‡K Direct Speech ev Direct Narration e‡j| †hgb : Karim says to me, “I am ill” (ii) Indirect Speech ev Indirect Narration: e³vi Dw³‡K ûeû DׄZ bv K‡i A_© wVK †i‡L A‡b¨i fvlvq cÖKvk Kiv‡K ejv nq Indirect Speech ev Indirect Narration. †hgb: Karim says to me that he is ill. Reported Speech I Reporting Verb Karim says to me, “ I am ill.” (Principal Clause) (Subordinate clause) Direct Speech Gi Subordinate Clause ev Inverted Comma-i g‡a¨ e³vi K_v¸‡jv‡K Reported Speech e‡j| †hgb: " I am ill" Karim says to me, reported speech Direct Speech Gi Principal Clause ev Inverted Comma-i evB‡i †h Verb Gi mvnv‡h¨ e³vi K_v¸‡jv cÖKvk Kiv nq Zv‡K Reporting Verb e‡j| †hgb: Karim says to me, “I am ill” Reporting Verb Direct speech †_‡K Indirect speech- G cwieZ©‡bi mgq †h mKj †ÿ‡Îi cwieZ©b N‡U †m¸‡jv n‡”Q| (i) Reporting verb Gi cwieZ©b| (ii) Reported speech Gi Person I Tense Gi cwieZ©b| (iii) Reporting verb Ges Reported speech-Gi gv‡S Conjunction wn‡m‡e That, whether, if ev to e‡m| (iv) ˆbKU¨ I `yiZ¡ m~PK word mg~‡ni cwieZ©b|

Person- Gi bx‡Pi wbq‡g cwieZ©b n‡e

(i) Reported speech-Gi Subject 1st person n‡j Zv Principal clause –Gi Subject Abyhvqx cwieZ©b nq| (ii) Reported speech-Gi Subject 2nd person n‡j Zv Principal clause Gi Object Abyhvqx cwieZ©b nq| (iii) Reported speech-Gi Subject 3rd person n‡j Zvi †Kvb cwieZ©b Ki‡Z nq bv|

Tense-Gi cwieZ©b

(i) hw` Reporting Gi Verb wU Present Tense ev Future Tense G _v‡K Zvn‡j Reported Speech Gi Verb Gi †Kvb cwieZ©b n‡e bv ïaygvÎ Person Gi cwieZ©b n‡e †hgb: Direct: He says to me, “ I am weak” Indirect: He says to me that he is weak. Direct: Rana says to me, “You are poor.” Indirect: Rana says to me that I am poor. Direct: I will say to you, “ He is weak.” Indirect: I will say to you that he is weak. Direct: He has said to me, “You were honest.” Indirect: He has said to me that I was honest. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170



(ii) hw` Reporting Gi Verb wU Past Tense G _v‡K Zvn‡j Reported Speech Gi Verb wU bx‡Pi wbq‡g cwieZ©b n‡e †hgb: Tense-Gi cwieZ©b wb‡”v³ fv‡e n‡q _v‡K: Reporting verb Present/Future Past Past Past Past Past Past Past Past Past

Reported speech Present/Future/Past Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Present Perfect /Past Perfect Present Continuous Past Continuous/Present Perfect Continuous Universal truth Shall, will, can, may Would, Could, might, ought to, used to Must

cwieZ©b n‡q n‡e †Kvb cwieZ©b †bB| Past Indefinite Past Perfect Past Perfect Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous †Kvb cwieZ©b n‡e bv Would, could, might †Kvb cwieZ©b n‡e bv| had to

Direct: He said to me, “I am weak.” Indirect: He said to me that he was weak. Direct: Father said to me, “I have lost my pen.” Indirect: Father told me that he had lost his pen.

Direct: Runa said to me, “You were there.” Indirect: Runa told me that I had been there. Direct: He said to me, “I wrote a letter.” Indirect: He told me that he had written a letter. Direct: We said to them, “You know the man.” Indirect: We told them that they knew the man.

Direct: He said to me, “I caught fish.” Indirect: He told me that he had caught fish. Direct: He said to me, “I can help the poor.” Indirect: He told me that he could help the poor.

Direct: Father said to me, “You will do it.” Indirect: Father told me that I would do it.

KLb cwieZ©b nq bv

(i) hw` Verb Gi ev‡g to _v‡K, Verb Gi mv‡_ ing _v‡K A_ev Verb Gi Past Participle nq GB wZb Ae¯’vq Verb Gi †Kvb cwieZ©b n‡e bv| †hgb: Direct: Rana said to me, “He came here to see me.” Indirect: Rana told me that he had come to see him (Rana). Direct: Runa said to me, “I saw him going there.” Indirect: Runa told me that she had seen him going there. Direct: He said to me, “I have done my duty.” Indirect: He told me that he had done his duty. (ii) hw` Reported Speech Gi AskUzKz Universal Truth (wPimZ¨) ev Habitual Fact (Af¨vmMZ) KvR eySvq Zvn‡j ïaygvÎ Person Gi cwieZ©b n‡e, Verb Gi †Kvb cwieZ©b n‡e bv| †hgb: Direct: He said to me, “The sun rises in the east.” Indirect: He told me that the sun rises in the east. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Direct: Rashed said to me, “I take tea every morning.” Indirect: Rashed told me that he takes tea every morning. (iii) hw` Reported Speech G could, might, would, should, ought to, had _v‡K Zvn‡j Zv‡`i‡K Avi cwieZ©b Kiv hv‡e bv| †hgb: Direct: He said to me, “I could help you.” Indirect: He said to me that he could help me. Direct: Josna said to me, “I ought to help you.” Indirect: Josna told me that she ought to help me. (iv) hw` Reported Speech G must _v‡K Ges must Øviv wPiKvjxb eva¨evaKZv eySvq Zvn‡j must B em‡e Avi hw` must Øviv wPiKvjxb eva¨evaKZv bv eySvq Zvn‡j must D‡V had to n‡e| †hgb: Direct: Ruma said to me, “You must obey your parents.” Indirect: Ruma told me that I must obey my parents. Direct: Kamal said to me, “You must do it.” Indirect: Kamal told me that I had to do it. (v)hw` must kZ©hy³ ev‡K¨ _v‡K Ges must Øviv fwel¨Z Kv‡Ri eva¨evaKZv eySvq Zvn‡j must D‡V would have to n‡e| †hgb: Direct: He said to me, “You must meet me if he comes.” Indirect: He told me that I would have to meet him if he came. Reporting verb wU hw` Past tense _v‡K, Z‡e wb¤œwjwLZ ˆbKU¨m~PK k㸇jv Direct Speech ‡_‡K Indirect Speech-G `yiZ¡ m~PK k‡ã cwiewZ©Z nq| †hgb: Direct This Today/tonight/ the same day/ the same night These Here Ago Come Next week Now Tomorrow Yesterday Last month/year/week Thus Hence

Indirect that that day/that night those there before go the following week then the next day/the following day the previous day/the day before previous month/year/week so Thence

Assertive Sentence

Assertive Sentence †K Indirect Narration G cwieZ©b: Assertive Sentence G hw` said to _v‡K Zvn‡j Zv D‡V told †`qv hvq Avevi said to ivLv hvq| Z‡e told ‡`qv fvj wKš‘ hw` ïay said _v‡K, Zvn‡j Avi told †`qv hv‡e bv ZLb ïay said B em‡e| Indirect Narration Gi Structure: Subject + told/said to + Object + that + subject + Verb + .................................. Direct: Karim says to me, “I am ill.” Indirect: Karim says to me that he is ill. Direct: Karim said to me, “I am writing a letter.” Indirect: Karim said to /told me that he was writing a letter. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170



Direct: Jahid will say, “I do the sum”. Indirect: Jahid will say that he does the sum. Direct: The teacher said, “Ice floats on water”. Indirect: The teacher said that Ice floats on water. Direct: Karim says to me, “I am ill.” Indirect: Karim says me that he is ill. Direct: Karim said to me, “I am writing a letter.” Indirect: Karim said to /told me that he was writing a letter. Direct: Father said to me, “You took me to the hospital.” Indirect: Father told me that I had taken him to the hospital. EXERCISE Re-write the following sentences in the reported speech. (1) He said to me “I shall go to college tomorrow.”(2) Raju said to me, “I cannot help you.”(3) “I did the work when you came” said he. (4) Tina said, “I was writing a letter to my parents.”(5) Ali says, “I saw him in the field.”(6) “I am weak and shall not be able to go to college”(7) “The sun rises in the east” said he. (7) Rana said, “I know you and your father very well.”

Interrogative Sentence

(i) Interrogative Sentence †K Indirect Narration G cwieZ©b Indirect Narration-G Reporting Verb, ask, enquire of, demand of, wonder ev want to know BZ¨vw`‡Z cwiewZ©Z nq| Indirect Narration Gi Structure: Subject + asked + Object + if + Subject + Verb +.... Direct: Rafiq said to me, “Do you need any help?” Indirect: Rafiq asked me if I needed any help. Direct: Rafiq said to me, “Do you need any help?” Indirect: Rafiq asked me if I needed any help. Direct: Rajib said to me, “Did he go there?” Indirect: Rajib asked me if he had gone there. Direct: Mother said to me, “Will you do the work?” Indirect: Mother told me if I would do the work. (ii) Interrogative Sentence wU hw` mvnvh¨Kvix Verb w`‡q ïiæ bv n†q Wh Word ‡hgb: Who, Which, What, Why, Where, How Øviv ïiæ n‡j Inverted Comma D‡V H¸wjB em‡e if/ whether †bqv hv‡e bv | bx‡P GwU Structure AvKv‡i †`qv nj: Indirect Narration Gi Structure: Subject + asked + Object + wh + Subject + Verb + ..... Direct: My friend said to me, “What did you want?” Indirect: My friend wanted to know what I had wanted. Direct: I said to him, “What is your name?” Indirect: I asked him what his name was. Direct: Ruma said to me, “How have you got it?” Indirect: Ruma asked me how I had got it. EXERCISE Re-write the following sentences in the reported speech. (1) He said to me, “Have you done your duty?”(2) “Do you know my father?”said Mr. Ana. (3)Father asked me, “Have you gone to school to see him?”(4) Students said to me, “How can we solve the sum.”(5) He said to me, “Do you know the man who came here yesterday?”(6) He said, “Is it impossible to go out at midnight?”(7)”Have you ever been to the zoo?”(8)He said, “Why have you come here?”(9) Ruba said, “Whom did you see in the park yesterday?”(10) My friend said, “What can I do for you?”(11) Ali says, “Can you play cricket?”(12) “Whose pen is this?”asked he. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Imperative sentence


Imperative sentence †K Indirect Narration G cwieZ©b Reported Speech Gi A_© I fvevbymv‡i Indirect Narration G Reporting verb- ask, order, request, advise, command, beg, BZ¨vw`‡Z cwiewZ©Z nq| Affirmative sentence Gi †ÿ‡Î Imperative sentence-Gi verb Gi c~‡e© to Ges negative sentence-Gi †ÿ‡Î Imperative sentence-Gi Verb Gi c~‡e© not to e‡m| Indirect Narration Gi Structure: Subject + told/requested/ordered/advised + Object + to/ not to + Verb +.......... Example: Direct: Rahim said to his servant, “Do as I tell you.” Indirect: Rahim ordered his servant to do as he told him. Direct: The doctor said to the patient, “Don’t smoke.” Indirect: The doctor adivsed the patient not to smoke. Direct: He said to his friend, “Please open the window.” Indirect: He requested his friend politely to open the window. Imperative beginning with ‘Let’ 1. Let w`‡q m~wPZ Imperative sentence Gi Direct speech Øviv hw` †Kvb Proposal ev Suggestion e¨³ Kiv nq †m‡ÿ‡ÎReporting Verb wU Propose ev Suggest G cwiewZ©Z nq| Reported speech Gi c~‡e© Conjunction ‘that’ Ges Let Gi ¯’‡j Should e‡m| Indirect Narration Gi Structure: Subject + proposed to/suggested + Object + that + Subject + should + Verb + .............. Direct: My mother said to me, “Let us go home”. Indirect: My mother proposed to me that we should go home. Direct: Father said to me, “Let us help the poor.” Indirect: Father proposed to me that we should help the poor. Direct: Rana said to Rima, “Let us drop the matter.” Indirect: Rana suggested Rima that they should drop the matter. Direct: You said to him, “Let us decide now.” Indirect: You suggested him that you should decide now. 2. Let hw` Proposal ev Suggestion A‡_© e¨eüZ bv n‡q AbygwZ cÖ`vb A‡_© e¨eüZ nq †m‡ÿ‡Î Reporting verb mvaviYZ cwieZ©b nq bv| ZLb Let Gi cwie‡Z© may/might ev May be allowed to/might be allowed to e‡m| Direct: He said, “Let him do the work.” Indirect: He said that he might do the work. Direct: I said to him, “Let them eat something.” Indirect: I requested him that they might eat something. N.B: wKš‘ KZK¸‡jv evK¨ could ev would w`‡q Avi¤¢ n‡q Interrogative sentence MVb Ki‡jI cÖK…Z A‡_© H¸‡jv‡K Imperative sentence wnmv‡e aiv nq| Ges Imperative sentence Gi wbqgvbymv‡i †m¸‡jvi Direct †_‡K Indirect Narration-G cwiewZ©Z nq| Example Direct: He said to me, “Would you help me to do the sum?” Indirect: He requested me to help him to do the sum. Direct: I said to my sister, “Could you give me a cup of tea?” Indirect: I requested my sister to give me a cup of tea. Direct: Rahim said to his servant, “Do as I tell you.” Indirect: Rahim ordered his servant to do as he told him. Direct: The doctor said to the patient, “Don’t smoke.” Indirect: The doctor advised the patient not to smoke. Direct: He said to his friend, “Please open the window.” Indirect: He requested his friend politely to open the window. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170



m‡¤§vab m~PK evK¨

(i) hw` Reported Speech Gi g‡a¨ m‡¤§vabm~PK kã _v‡K Ges †mwU hw` bvg w`‡q m‡¤§vab nq Zvn‡j Reporting Speech Gi Object D‡V †mLv‡b bvg evPK m‡¤§vabm~PK kãwU e‡m| said to D‡V Sentence Abyhvqx GKwU ReportingVerb wb‡Z n‡e, Inverted Comma D‡V Sentence Abyhvqx that/if/to wb‡Z n‡e Ges evKx Ask Sentence Abyhvqx cwieZ©b n‡e| bx‡P GwU Structure AvKv‡i †`qv nj: Indirect Narration Gi Structure: Subject + ...... + Object + bvg evPK m‡¤§vabm~PK kã + Subject + ........ †hgb: Direct: He said to me, “Anis, come here.” Indirect: He ordered Anis to come here. Direct: The teacher said to me, “Rana, do not go there.” Indirect: The teacher advised Rana not to go there. Direct: We said to him, “Ali, help your father.” Indirect: We told Ali to help his father. (ii) Reported Speech- Gi g‡a¨ hw` brother, sister, friend, madam, mistress BZ¨vw` _v‡K Z‡e Indirect Kivi mgq Addressing ......... as Øviv ïi”Ki‡Z nq| Indirect Narration Gi Structure: Addressing + object + as + hv e‡j m‡¤§vab Ki‡e+ Subject + ............. + Object + ............. Example: Direct: “My friend, will you help me with some money?”Rahim said to Kamal. Indirect: Addressing Kamal as friend Rahim asked him (K) if he would help him (R) with some money. Direct: He said to me,, “Stop you, villain.” Indirect: Addressing me as villain he ordered me to stop. Direct: Rana said to me, “Friend, help me in danger.” Indirect: Addressing as friend Rana requested me to help him in danger. (iii) hw` Reported Speech Gi g‡a¨ sir _v‡K Zvn‡j sir D‡V Reporting Speech Gi †k‡l respectfully/with respect hy³ n‡e| said to D‡V Sentence Abyhvqx GKwU ReportingVerb wb‡Z n‡e, Inverted Comma D‡V Sentence Abyhvqx that/if/towb‡Z n‡e Ges evKx Ask Sentence Abyhvqx cwieZ©b n‡e| bx‡P GwU Structure AvKv‡i †`qv nj: Indirect Narration Gi Structure : Subject + ........... + Object+with respect/respectfully + ..........+ Subject + ............... Example: Direct: He said to me, “Excuse me, sir.” Indirect: He requested me respectfully to excuse him. Direct: Rana said to me, “Sir, can I help you.” Indirect: Rana asked me respectfully/with respect if he could help me. EXERCISE Re-write the following sentences in the reported speech. (1) He said to me, “Come here, please.”(2) “Do not vex us” they said. (3) “Be attentive to your studies or you will be punished,” the teacher said to the students. (4) He said to me, “Rony, come to class.”(5) He said, “Let me help him.”(6) “Let us discuss the matter.” said Mr. Raj. (7) They said to us, “Let us sit here until he come.”(8) Father said to me, “Come to me, my boy.”(9) He said, “Let me play together”(10) He said to you, “Let us hear the TV news.”

Optative Sentence

Optative Sentence †K Indirect Narration G cwieZ©b : Reported speech Gi A_© I fvevbymv‡i Indirect narration G Reporting verb-Pray ev WishG cwiewZ©Z nq| Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Conjunction-That e‡m Ges Optative Sentence-G e¨eüZ May Gi cwie‡Z© Might e¨veüZ nq| Long live Gi ¯’‡j might live long e‡m | Indirect Narration Gi Structure: Subject + prayed/wished + that + Subject + might + Verb + ................ Example: Direct: Mother said, “May Allah bless you.” Indirect: Mother prayed that Allah might bless me. Optative Sentence wU hw` Long live w`‡q ïi”nq Zvn‡j Zv‡K Indirect Speech Kivi mgq said to/said –Object mn D‡V Prayed ev Wished n‡e| Inverted Comma D‡V that wb‡Z n‡e AZ:ci GKwU Subjectwb‡Z n‡e Ges Might e¨eüZ nq| Long live Gi ¯’‡j live long e‡m| bx‡P GwU Structure AvKv‡i †`qv nj: Indirect Narration Gi Structure : Subject + prayed/wished + that + Subject + might + live long + ............... Direct: He said to me, “Long live your father.” Indirect: He wished that my father might live long. Direct: Rumi said to me, “Long live our country.” Indirect: Rumi prayed that their country might live long.

EXERCISE Re-write the following sentences in the reported speech. (1) I said to him, “May you live long.”(2) Rana said to me, “May he pass the examination.”(3) He said to me, “May you all succeed.”(4) We said to them, “Long live your conjugal life.”(5) Father said to me, “May you do well in the examination.”(6) “May Allah give you a son.”(7) The old man said to me, “May you be great in life.”(8) Raju said to me, “Long live your parents.”(9) “May Bangladesh prosper.”said the minister. (10) They said to us, “May you bring glory for the nation.”

Exclamatory Sentence

Exclamatory Sentence †K Direct †_‡K Indirect Narration G cwieZ©b Kivi wbqg: 1. A_© I fvevbymv‡i Indirect narration G reporting verb-exclaim in grief, exclaim in joy, exclaim with sorrow, delight, regret, wonder, applaud BZ¨vw` cwiewZ©Z nq| 2. Reported speech-Gi Exclamation ev Av‡eMmyPK Sentence wU Indirect Narration-G Assertive sentence-G iƒcvšÍwiZ nq| 3. Reported speech-Gi c~‡e© conjunction ‘that’ e‡m| 4. Av‡e‡Mi ZxeªZv eySv‡Z Exclamatory sentence wU hw` what ev How w`‡q ïi”nq, Zvn‡j Zvi cwie‡Z© Noun Gi c~‡e© great Ges Adjective Gi c~‡e© Very e‡m| Conjunction wn‡m‡e that e‡m| Indirect Narration Gi Structure: Subject + exclaimed with joy / sorrow + that + Subject + ............. Example: Direct: Rina said, “How helpless I am!” Indirect: Rina exclaimed with sorrow that she was very helpless. Direct: Salim said, “What a fine bird it is!” Indirect: Salim exclaimed with joy that it was a very fine bird. Direct: The old man said, “By Allah! What a good news it is!” Indirect: The old man swore by Allah that it was very good news. Direct: Rina said, “How helpless I am!” Indirect: Rina exclaimed with sorrow that she was very helpless. Direct: Salim said, “What a fine bird it is”! Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170



Indirect: Salim exclaimed with joy that it was a very fine bird. Direct: He said to me, “Alas! I am undone.” Indirect: He exclaimed with sorrow that he was undone. Direct: We said to them, “Hurrah! He is the winner.” Indirect: We exclaimed with joy that he was the winner. *** Exclamatory evPK kã Alas, Hurrah, Bravo BZ¨vw` D‡V hv‡e| EXERCISE Re-write the following sentences in the reported speech. (1)He said to me, “How fine the scenery is!”(2) “Alas! My dog is no more.”exclaimed Borsha. (3) Rana said, “Hurrah! The little boy has come first.”(4) The gentle man said to me, “What a nice painting it has got!”(5) He said to me, “By God! I never saw it.”(6) “Good morning, Mr. Raj.”My friend said. (7) You said to me “How clever the boy is!”(8) He said to me, “Congratulations.”(9) Runa exclaimed,”How nice!”(10) “How nice the scenery of Cox’s Bazar is!”

Some Exceptional Rules of Narration

(i) hw` Reported Speech Gi g‡a¨ By+God Gi bvg †hgb: By God, by Allah, By Jove BZ¨vw` _v‡K †mwU‡K Indirect narration Kivi mgq said to/said D‡V †mLv‡b swore by + God Gi bvg em‡e ev ïi”‡ZB Swearing by+God Gi bvg em‡e , Inverted Comma D‡V that wb‡Z n‡e Ges evKx Ask Ae¯’v Abyhvqx cwieZ©b n‡e| bx‡P GwU Structure AvKv‡i †`qv nj: Indirect Narration Gi Structure : Subject + swore by + God Gi bvg + that + Subject +.... Or, Swearing by+God Gi bvg Subject + told + that + Subject + verb +........... Example: Direct: He said to me, “By Allah! I will never do it again.” Indirect: He swore by Allah that he would never do it again. Direct: I said, “By God! I have not done it.” Indirect: Swearing by God I told that I had not done it. Direct: Rana said, “By Jove! I shall help you.” Indirect: Rana swore by Jove that he would help me. Direct: “By Allah,” he replied, “I will help you.” Indirect: Swering by Allah, he replied that he would help me. (ii) hw` Reported Speech Gi g‡a¨ Good bye BZ¨vw` _v‡K †mwU‡K Indirect narration Kivi mgq said to/said D‡V †mLv‡b bade em‡e| AZ:ci Object wb‡Z n‡e Ges good bye em‡e| bx‡P GwU Structure AvKv‡i †`qv nj: Indirect Narration Gi Structure: Subject + bade + object + good bye. ev Subject + bade + good bye + to + Object Example: Direct: He said to me, “Good bye, my friends.” Indirect: He bade his friends good bye. Direct: Rana said, “Good bye.” Indirect: Rana bade good bye. Direct: Rashel said, “Good bye, all my friends.” Indirect: Rashel bade good bye to all his friends. Direct: Mr Karim said, “Good night, my friends.” Indirect: Mr. Karim bade his friends good night. Direct: Ataur said, “Farewell, my friends.” Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Indirect: Ataur bade his friends farewell. Direct: She said, “Good by my friends.” Indirect: She bade his friends good bye. (iii) hw` Reported Speech Gi g‡a¨ Good+ cÖni _v‡K †hgb: Good morning, Good evening, Good afternoon BZ¨vw` _v‡K †mwU‡K Indirect narration Kivi mgq said to/said D‡V †mLv‡b wished/greeted em‡e AZ:ci Object wb‡Z n‡e Ges Good+ cÖni em‡e | bx‡P GwU Structure AvKv‡i †`qv nj: Indirect Narration Gi Structure: Subject + wished/greeted + object + good morning/good evening Example: Direct: I said Rahul, “Good morning.” Indirect: I wished Rahul good morning. Direct: He said to me, “Good morning.” Indirect: He wished me good morning. Direct: They said, “Good morning, Mr. Khan.” Indirect: They wished Mr. Khan good morning. Direct: Rahim said, “Good morning, my friends.” Indirect: Rahim wished good morning to his friends. (iv) hw` Reported Speech Gi g‡a¨ congratulation _v‡K, †mwU‡K Indirect narration Kivi mgq said to/said D‡V †mLv‡b congratulated em‡e| AZ:ci Object wb‡Z n‡e Ges eKx Ask em‡e| bx‡P GwU Structure AvKv‡i †`qv nj: Indirect Narration Gi Structure: Subject + congratulated + object + ................ Example: Direct: He said to me, “Congratulations.” Indirect: He congratulated me. Direct: Rana said, “Congratulations on your success.” Indirect: Rana congratulated me on my success. (v) hw` Reported Speech Gi g‡a¨ thank/thank you _v‡K †mwU‡K Indirect narration Kivi mgq said to/said D‡V †mLv‡b thanked em‡e AZ:ci Object wb‡Z n‡e Ges evKx Ask em‡e | Indirect Narration Gi Structure: Subject + thanked + object+................. †hgb: Direct: He said to me, “Thank you.” Indirect: He thanked me. Direct: The boy said to me, “Thank you” Indirect: The boy thanked me. EXERCISE Re-write the following sentences in the reported speech. (1) He said to Raj, “You are wrong.”(2) Sir said to me, “Are you still ill today?”(3) He said to me, “What are you doing now?”(4) The man said to me, “When will you return home?”(5) “He has already been a friend of mine.”(6) He said, “I am very glad to meet you.”(7) The man said to us, “Is poverty really a curse?”(8) “May you be happy in life”said Karim. (9) “How nice he looked.”(10) “Will you go to Dhaka?”, father said to me. (11) “Ah! What a mistake I did.” said he. (12) The teacher asked me, “Why have you failed in the examination?”(13) “I have done it before.” said the man. (14) “Allah is kind” he said. (15) He said, “The sun rises in the east.”(16) “Who are you and why have you come here?”said the old man. (17) He said, “May your intelligence grow.”(18) The man said, “Alas! We could not win the game.”(19) Munna said to me, “Can you tell me who he is!”(20) He said, “Tell him to come.”(21) Mr. Khan said, “Let me do it.”(22) Rafique said, “Do not hate the poor.” Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170



Passage Narration

Passage Narration Gi Rb¨ Avjv`v †Kvb wbqg †bB| Av‡Mi Narration Gi wbqg¸wjB Passage Narration Gi wbqg| †QvU †QvU Narration Ges Passage Narration GKB wbqg Øviv cwieZ©b Kiv n‡q _v‡K| ZeyI Passage Narration Gi Rb¨ KZK¸‡jv we‡kl wbqg-Kvbyb Av‡Q| wbqg¸‡jv ms‡ÿ‡c wb‡gœ cÖ`Ë n‡jv: Rule 01: cÖ_‡g Passage wU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i c‡o e³v (Speaker) Ges †kªvZv (Listener) wbb©q Ki‡Z n‡e| KviY hw` e³v Avi †kªvZv bv †ei Kiv †M‡j Passage Narration Kiv KwVb n‡q hvq| g~jZ: Passage Narration nj e³vGes †kªvZvi g‡a¨ wKQ~ K_vi wewbgq| A‡bK mgq †`Lv hvq Reporting Speech †`qv _v‡K bv †m‡ÿ‡Î cyiv Passage wU c‡o ev‡K¨i Ae¯’v Abyhvqx Reporting Speech ˆZix Ki‡Z n‡e| ZvB GB e³e¨¸wj Avjv`v Kiv GKwU ¸i”Z¡c~Y© welq| Rule 02: hw` Reporting Verb Gi D‡jøL bv _v‡K, Z‡e Indirect Kivi mgq Sentence Abyhvqx Reporting Verb emv‡Z n‡e| Example: Direct: “How are you?”said Karim. “Well”Akash said. Ans: Karim asked Akash how he was. Akash replied that he was well. Rule 03: hw` ci ci `yÕwU Speech -Gi GKB Reporting Verb ‘said’ _v‡K Ges cÖ_g I wØZxq Speech -Gi Subject GKB nq Z‡e added e¨envi Ki‡Z nq wKšÍy Subject hw` wfbœ wfbœ nq Z‡e said e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| Rule 04: Direct Narration -Gi ‘Yes’ ev ‘No’ ‡K Indirect Narration –G †h Verb Dn¨ _v‡K Zv D‡jøL Ki‡Z n‡e| A_ev Reporting Speech -Gi Subject -Gi ci appropriate auxiliary verb Øviv Zv m¤ú~Y© Ki‡Z n‡e| Yes ev No Gi †ÿ‡Î Reporting Verb- ‡K replied in the affirmative ev replied in the negative Kivi ci and said that ‡hvM K‡i cieZx© Speech ‡K cwieZ©b Ki‡Z nq| †hgb: Direct: The man asked the boy, “Are you ill?” The boy replied, “No.” Indirect: The man asked the boy if he was ill. The boy replied that he was not. Direct: Rahim said to me, “Will you do it?”and I said, “Yes.” Indirect: Rahim asked me if I would do it and I replied that I would. Direct: He said to me, “Have you done the work.”“No” I said. “I have not done the work.” Indirect: He asked me if I had done the work. I replied in the negative and said that I had not done the work. Direct:”Have you done your duty?”said Khan, “Yes, sir.” said Rana. Ans: Khan asked if he had done his duty. Rana replied respectfully that he had. Direct: Rumi said to me, “Do you know the man who came here?”I said, “No, I never saw him.” Ans: Rumi asked me if I know the man who had come here. I replied that I did not and told that I had never seen him. Rule 05: Direct Narration- G cÖ‡kœi DËi †ekxi fvM mgqB m¤ú~Y© Sentence -G †`Iqv nq bv| wKšÍy Indirect Narration -Kivi mgq Sentence wU m¤ú~Y© K‡i w`‡Z nq| †hgb: Direct: Shain- “What’s your name, boy? The boy- “Rabin.” Indirect: Rabin asked the boy what his name was. And the boy replied that his name was Rabin. Rule 06: GKB e³vi ci ci GKvwaK Dw³ _vK‡j wØZxq. Z…Zxq ev Gi cieZ©x Dw³¸‡jvi †ÿ‡Î wbgœiƒ‡c cwieZ©b Kiv nq| wØZxq Dw³ †_‡K ch©vqµ‡g GgbwU Kiv hvq| (a) hw` evK¨Mywj Assertive Sentence nq ZLb wØZxq Dw³i †ÿ‡Î and added that ev also said that ev again said that BZ¨vw` wb‡Z n‡e|Avi Z…Zxq Dw³i †ÿ‡Î further added that hy³ Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Direct:-He said to me, “I am busy. I shall meet you tomorrow.” Ans: He told me that he was busy. He also told that he would meet me the next day. Direct: Jerry said, “I can chop some wood today. I shall come again tomorrow.” Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Indirect: Jerry said that he could chop some wood that day. He added that (also said that) he would come again the next day. (b) Avi Interrogative Sentence Gi †ÿ‡Î and asked if ev also asked if ev again asked if BZ¨vw`i †h‡Kvb GKwU hy³ Ki‡Z n‡e| Direct: Hemel said to me, “Will you buy my pen? It will cost you ten taka.” Ans: Hemel asked me if I would buy his pen. He also told that it would cost me ten taka. (c)Ab¨b¨ Sentence Gi †ÿ‡Î wVK GKBfv‡e cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡e| Rule 07: hLb Inverted comma- Gi evB‡i †Kvb Phrase ev Clause _v‡K Zv AcwiewZ©Z Ae¯’vq Sentence- Gi ïi”‡Z e‡m|mvaviYZ Present Participle phrase ev‡K¨i ïi”‡Z _v‡K| Direct: “Are you brothers?”asked the master of the house, turning to the dervishes. Indirect: Turning to the dervishes the mistress of the house asked them if they were brothers. Rule 08: Direct Narration- G Assertive sentence- Gi †k‡l cÖkœ‡evaK wPý _v‡K ZLb Indirect Kivi mgq Reporting verb Gi c~‡e© Being surprised wj‡L Reporting verb wU‡K ask/asks/asked-G cwieZ©b Ki‡Z nq| †hgb:Direct: He asked me, “You have forgot how I have helped you only after a few days? Indirect: Being surprised, he asked me If I had forgot how he had helped me only after a few days. Rule 09: Reported Speech -Gi g‡a¨ hw` Kv‡iv bvg D‡jøL _v‡K, Z‡e Indirect Kivi mgq Zv Reporting Verb Gi object wn‡m‡e wjL‡Z nq| †hgb:Direct: He said, “What are you doing, Rina?” Indirect: He asked Rina what she was doing. Examples to be worked out (i) Direct: “You look a little bit like my mother.” he said “especially in the dark by the fire.” “But you were only four, Jerry when you came here. You have remembered how she looked, all these years?”said the writer. “My mother lives in Mannville,” said he. Indirect: Jerry told the writer that she looked a little bit like his mother, especially in the dark by the fire. But the writer told Jerry that he had been only four when he had gone there. Being surprised the writer asked Jerry if he had remembered how she had looked all those years. He said that his mother lived in Mannville. (ii) Direct: Once I asked a sweet little girl. “What is your mother’s name?”She replied cleverly, “I know my mother’s name but I won’t tell you that. “What a clever girl you are!” “I don’t tell my mother’s name to anybody whom I don’t know.” she spoke with an air of confidence. Indirect: Once I asked a sweet little girl what her mother’s name was. She replied cleverly that she knew her mother’s name but she would not tell me that. I exclaimed with wonder that she was a very clever girl. With an air of confidence she spoke that she did not tell her mother’s name to any body whom she did not know. (iii) Direct: “Have you seen her, Jerry lately?” “I see her every summer. She sends for me.” I wanted to cry out. “Why are you not with her? How can she let you go away again?” He said, “She comes up here from Mannville whenever she can. She does not have a job now.” Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170



Indirect: The writer asked Jerry if he had seen her (his mother) lately. Jerry replied that he saw her every summer. He added that she sent for him. The writer wanted to cry out and asked him why he was not with her. She also asked him how she could let him go away again. Jerry replied that she (his mother) came up there from Mannville whenever she could. He also said that she (his mother) did not have a job then. (iv) Direct:-”Follow my example, “she said as we shook hands, “and never eat more than one thing for luncheon.” “I will do better than that, “I retorted. “I will eat nothing for dinner tonight.” “Humorist!”she cried gaily, jumping into a cab. Indirect: As we shook hands she advised me to follow her example and never eat more than one thing for luncheon. I retorted that I would do better than that. I also said that I would eat nothing for dinner that night. Jumping into a cab, she cried gaily and called me a humorist. (v) Direct: He said, “I can chop some wood today.”I said, “But I have a boy coming from the orphanage.” “I am the boy.” You? “But you are small.” “Size do not matter chopping wood,” he said. Indirect: He told me that he could chop some wood that day. I said to him that but I had a boy coming from the orphanage. He said that he was the boy. Being surprised I asked if he was the boy. I also said that he was small. He said that size did not matter chopping wood. (vi) Direct: “Aren’t you going to have any?” the lady guest said. “No. I never eat asparagus.” the writer said. “I know there are people who don’t like them. The fact is you ruin your palate by all the meat you eat.” Indirect: The lady guest asked the writer if he was not going to have any. The writer replied in the negative that he never ate asparagus. The lady said that she knew that there were people who didn’t like them. She added that the fact was he ruined his palate by all the meat he ate. (vii) Direct: “You have cut off your hair?”asked Jim. “Cut it off and sold it,” said Della, “Don’t you like me anyhow? I’m me, without my hair, aren’t I?” Indirect: Being surprised Jim asked Della if she had cut off her hair. Della replied that she had cut it off and sold it. She asked him if he did not like her anyhow. She that she was her without her hair. She also asked Jim if it was not she. (viii) Direct: “I’ll pay for it,” he said. “I broke it. I brought the axe down careless.” “But no one hits accurately every time,” I told him. “The fault was in the wood of the handle. I’ll see the man from whom I bought it.” Indirect: He said that he would pay for it as he had broken it. He again said that he had brought the handle down careless. I told him that no one hits accurately every time. I again said that the fault had been in the wood of the handle. I also told him that I would see the man from whom I had bought it. (ix) Direct: “I never drink anything for luncheon” she said. “Neither do I,”I answered promptly. “Except white Wine,” she proceeded as though I had not spoken “These French white wines were so light. They are wonderful for the digestion.” Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Indirect: She said that she never drank anything for luncheon. I answered promptly that I did neither. She proceeded as though I had not spoken that she never drank anything except white wine. She again said that those French white wines had been so light. She also said that they were wonderful for the digestion. (x) Direct: “I never eat anything for luncheon,” she said. Oh, don’t say that,’ I answered generously. ‘I never eat more than one thing,” she said. ‘I think people eat far too much now a day. A little fish, perhaps I wondered if they have any salmon.” Indirect: She told that she never ate anything for lunch. I answered generously not to say that. She said that she never ate more than one thing. She added that she thought people ate far too much in those days. She also said that she wanted to eat a little fish perhaps she had wondered if they had any salmon. EXERCISE (According to NCTB) 1. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Excuse me, I want to know about reference books of the library," said the student. "In one part of the library you can go to read books but you can't take them out of the building," said the librarian. "What do you call that section of the library?" said the student. "Closed Reserve, However, you'll find some useful books there and you'll need them for the exam," said the librarian. 2. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Dear student, there will be an exam. on next Monday," said Mrs. Kibria. "What sort of exam.?" said Mamun. "It's an open book exam." said Mrs. Kibria. "Does that mean I can have the textbook with me during the exam.?" said Mamun. "Yes you are right," said Mrs. Kibria. 3. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 “What would you like, Annie?" said Nafisa, "Pizza, sandwich, hot dog or fried rice?" "I like something easy. Fried rice sounds good," said Annie. "Ok. I'll have a cheese and tomato sandwich. Anything to drink?" said Nafisa. "Get me a coffee," said Annie. 4. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Excuse me, can you help me? I was looking for the Main Hall," said Maria. "I can. I'm looking for the Main Hall too. I think it's in the Administrative Building. Are you a new student?" said Hasan. "Yes, I am," said Maria. 5. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "What should we take for the new baby and the mother? We must take them something," said Amina. "I always think flowers are good to take to someone in hospital," said Laila. "Everyone always brings flowers and they don't last. What about a big box of chocolates for the mother?" said Amina. "Ok, chocolates sound fine. We should get something for the baby too," said Laila. 6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Sorry to keep you waiting. The programme starts at 10 o'clock. All the students will gather in the Main Hall," said the receptionist. "How do I find the Main Hall?" said the student. "Walk along the Language Laboratory and then pass the library, which is next to the Language Lab, on the same side, and facing you is the Main Hall," said the receptionist. 7. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Good morning. Can I help you?" said the officer. "Yes, I'd like to get some insurance for the contents of my home," said the woman. "When did you move Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170



into the house?" said the officer. "A few weeks ago. It's a two bedroom apartment," said the woman. "How much is the rent?" said the officer. "It's 5000 taka per month," said the woman. 8. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Hello. I'm John Matthew," said the officer. "Hello, I've been referred to you because I'm enquiring about the courses that you run. I'd like to find out a bit more about them," said the student. "We run few different courses for students who are both undergraduate and postgraduate. Are you an undergraduate or a postgraduate? Arts or Sciences?" said the officer. "Undergraduate, and I'm in the Business faculty," said the student. 9. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "What kept you so long?" said Tareq. "I'm sorry for being so late. Have you been waiting long?" said Masud. "It is half an hour, but it doesn't matter. I've had coffee and I've been reading this guidebook for tourists," said Tareq. 10. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Good morning," said Mostofa. "Good morning. How can I help you?" said the supervisor. "Can you tell me from where I can get the schedule of the examinations?" said Mostofa. "It is on the notice board. Do you know where it is?" said the supervisor. "No," said Mostofa. "It is on the wall just beside the office room," said the supervisor. 11. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "May I help you Ma'm?" said the salesman. ."Yes, will you tell me from where I can get frozen food?" said Mrs. Rahman. "It is in the right corner beside the counter. What are the foods you want to buy?" said the salesman. "I want to buy some frozen beef roles and fish cutlet," said Mrs. Rahman.

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Idioms and Phrase A

ABC (the rudiments, cÖv_wgK Ávb): He does not know the A B C of the matter. Above all (chiefly, m‡e©vcwi): Mr. Rahim was above all a pious man. After all (†gv‡Ui Ici): His father is after all an honest man. All but (almost, cÖvq ): The old man is all but a skeleton All on a sudden (unexpectedly, AvKw¤§Kfv‡e): All on a sudden, he fell into debt. All in all (all powerful, m‡e©me©v): The Headmaster is all in all in the school. Above board (open, beyond reproach, m‡›`‡ni AZxZ) t His dealings with clients are fair and above board. All at once (suddenly mnmv): All at once, I saw a crowd in front of the pond. All the same (the same is the result, GKB ev AcwiewZ©Z): It is all the same to me whether you come or not. At all events (in any case, hvB NUzK bv †Kb): At all events, we shall start for Khulna tomorrow. All the same (same result, GKB ev AcwiewZ©Z): It is all the same to me whether you believe it or not. An open question (an undecided matter, AgxgvswmZ welq): It is still an open question to all. Apple of discord (subject of quarrel, Kj‡ni welq): This plot of land is the apple of discord between the two brothers. At bottom (in essential character, g~jZ) : Mr. Rahman is at bottom a good man. At bay (in a position from which escape is impossible, msKUve¯’v ev †KvYVvmv Ae¯’v) t When any tiger is at bay, it often becomes desperate. At the point/on the verge of (very near, AwZ mwbœK‡U): The old man was at the point of death. At hand (near, wbK‡U, nv‡Zi Kv‡Q): Work hard because your final examination is close at hand. At least (at the lower estimate, AšÍZt): He is not your superior, he is at least your equal. All at once (suddenly nVvr): All at once a tiger came out of the forest. All of a sudden (suddenly, nVvr): All of a sudden he came out of his home without informing anybody. At large (at liberty, gy³) : Birds fly in the sky at large. At one's disposal (under one's control, Kv‡iv wbqš’ª‡Y ev AwaKv‡i): I can give you a job as it is at my disposal. At the latest (not later than, wKQy‡ZB c‡i bq) : Complete the work on Monday at the latest. At arm's length (at a little distance): Our school is at an arm's length. At variance with (in consistent with, we‡ivax, wgjnxb): His words are at variance with his conduct. At times or now and then (occasionally, gv‡S gv‡S): My brother comes home from college hostel at times. At a low ebb (decreasing, n«vm cvIqv): His popularity is at a low ebb. At any rate Or, in any case (whatever happens, hvB NUzK bv ‡Kb) : At any rate , you must see him tomorrow Achilles' heel (weak point, `ye©jZv): Fear of examination is the Achilles' heel of Rana’s failure. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Idioms and Phrases

At home (comfortable, Avivg`vqK): I feel at home to stay at college hostel. At one with (GKgZ) : I am at one with you on this point. At one's own sweet will (according to wishes, B”Qvbyhvqx) : He still does it at his own sweet will As it were (so to say, †hb): The moon is, as it were a dish in the sky. As usual (h_vixwZ) : He went to fishing as usual. At a loss (confused, wKsKZ©e¨weg~p): I am at a loss what do in such an adverse situation. At all events (in any case, hvB NUzK bv †Kb): At all events, we shall help you. At daggers drawn (at enmity, weev`gvb Ae¯’vq): They are at daggers drawn with each other only for a small plot of land. At home in (familiar with, `ÿ) : He is quite at home in Mathematics. At last (Ae‡k‡l) : He overcame the problem at last. At least (AšÍZ, Kgc‡ÿ) : You need at least ten thousand taka to start the business. At large (at liberty, gy³) : Birds fly in the sky at large. At one's finger-ends ( bL`c©‡Y, Avq‡Ë¡) : I have my lessons at my finger-ends. At a stretch (without a break, GKbvMv‡i): He can run five kilometers at a stretch. At the eleventh hour (at the last moment, †kl gyn~‡Z©) : The boy came to the spot at the eleventh hour. At a stake (in danger, wecbœ) : His life is now at a stake At sixes and sevens (in disorder, wek„sLjfv‡e): The books were at sixes and sevens on the table. At one's wit's end (m¤ú~b© weåvšÍ) : The boy is at his wit's end to solve these difficult sums. At times (occasionally, gv‡S gv‡S): My brother comes to see me at times. At one's beck and call (to be always ready for service, Kv‡iv AvÁvevnx): He is always at the beck and call of his family members. At random (without any aim, G‡jvcv_vwo): He hit the ball at random which brought their defeat. B Bad blood (enmity, we‡Øl) : There is a bad blood among the friends. Bed of roses (a pleasant condition of life, cy®úkh¨v) : Life is not a bed of roses. Beat about the bush (G‡jvcv_vwofv‡e Av‡jvPbv Kiv) : You should not beat about the bush but speak to the point. Black and blue (to beat severely, †e`g cÖnvi Kiv) : They beat the thief black and blue. Break open (to open by force, †Rvi K‡i fv½v) t The robbers had broken open the door. Break the news (to communicate bad news to a person, `ymsev` ‡`qv) t We all hesitated to break the news of his death to his mother. Bring into play (to give an opportunity for the exercise of, †`Lvevi my‡hvM †`qv) t In his difficulties, he brought into play all his talents. Bull in a china shop (a reckless destroyer, b›`b Kvb‡b `vbe) : Heavily drunk, he entered the house like a bull in a china shop. Beggar description (indescribable, eY©bvZxZ nIqv) : The sufferings of the Sidr affected people beggar description. Bird's eye view (†gvUv‡gvwU aviYv) : While flying over Delhi, I had a bird's eye view of the city. Back out (to retreat, to break a promise, cÖwZkÖæwZ f½ Kiv, †cQ‡b nUv) : He backed out at the last moment. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Back up (to support, mg_©b Kiv) : He is backing up the case. Be on one's last legs (about to fall, e¨_©Zv ev Aemv‡`i Pig mxgvq) : At present, this bank is on its last legs. Beside the mark Or, the point (irrelevant, AcÖvmw½K) : What you say is beside the mark. Be-all and end- all (the sole purpose, GKgvÎ jÿ¨) : To serve the poor is the beand end-all of his life. Bid adieu (to bid farewell, we`vq †bqv) : He bade adieu before sailing for Japan. Bag and baggage (with all belongings, ZwíZívmn):He left the college hostel bag and baggage. Bed of thorns (uncomfortable condition, K›UKkh¨v): Our life is nothing but a bed of thorns. But for (without, Qvov) :But for your help I would have failed. Before long (soon, kxNÖB) : He will attend the meeting before long. By chance (by accident, nVvr):I met him on the way by chance. By far (in all respects, mKj w`K w`‡q) : He is by far the best boy in the class. Birds of a feather (persons of the same nature, GKB ai‡bi) : Birds of a feather flock together. Black sheep (a man of bad character, Kzjv½vi) : He is a black sheep in his family. Blue blood (high birth, AvwfRvZ¨) : You should not take pride of your blue blood. Bolt from the blue (webv †g‡N eRªcvZ) : The news of his father’s death came to him as a bolt from the blue. Bone of contention (subject of dispute, Kj‡ni KviY) : This small plot of land became the bone of contention between the two brothers. Bosom friend (AšÍi½ eÜz) : It is expected to get help from such a bosom friend. Beyond doubt (undoubtedly, wbtm‡›`‡n) : He will be by your side in danger by no doubt. Break the news (`ymsev` ‡`qv) : We all hesitated to break the news of his mother’s death. Bring to light (to let the public know, cÖKvk Kiv) : The secret was brought to light at last. By and large (mostly, AwaKvsk) : People in our village are by and large farmers. Book worm (one who always reads books only, eB co–qv) : He is sure to make a good result because he is a book worm. Build castles in the air (indulge in idle vision, AvKvk Kzmyg ¯^cœ †`Lv): Don't build castles in the air, think practical. Breathe one's last (die, †kl wbtk¦vm Z¨vM Kiv): The old man breathed his last on Sunday last. Brown study (fit of reverie, w`ev ¯^cœ) :He is absorbed in brown study. Bring to book (ˆKwdqr PvIqv) : He was brought to book for his misconduct with his teacher. Because of (for, Rb¨) : He succeeded in life because of his perseverance and honesty. By fits and starts (impulsively and irregularly, gv‡S gv‡S) t You will not be able to make a good result if you study by fits and starts. By and by (soon, AwP‡iB) : The patient will come round by and by. By dint of (by means of, mvnv‡h¨) : He succeeded in life by dint of hard work. By virtue of (by means of, e‡j) : He made a good result by virtue of his hard work. By the by (incidentally, cÖm½µ‡g) : By the by the tragic death of the old man. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Idioms and Phrases

By leaps and bounds (very rapidly, `ªæZ MwZ‡Z) : The price of necessary goods is going up by leaps and bounds. By turns (one after another, cvjvµ‡g) : Weal and woe come by turns. By chance (incidentally, nVvr K‡i/ˆ`eµ‡g) : I met one of my friends by chance on the street. By degrees (gradually, ax‡i ax‡i) : He will come round soon by degrees. By all means (Aek¨B) : By all means, I will try to make a good result. By no means (not at all, wKQy‡ZB bv) : Your performance is by no means satisfactory. By hook or by crook (anyhow, †hgb K‡iB †nvK) : I shall do it by hook or by crook. Burning question (¸iæZ¡c~Y©): Population control is now the burning question of the day in Bangladesh. C Call in question (to doubt, m‡›`n Kiv) : His honesty cannot be called in question. Call to account (to call for an explanation, ˆKwdqr `vwe Kiv) : He was called to account by the headmaster. Call to mind (to remember, ¯§iY Kiv) : I cannot call to mind my old friend. Carry into effect (to execute, m¤úv`b Kiv) : This plan was carried into effect by the Government. Carry the day (to win, Rqjvf Kiv) : He took part in the competition and carried the day. Chicken-hearted man (a coward, fxiæ) : You can’t rely on him because he is a chicken hearted man. Close-fisted man (a miser, KÄym) : Nobody likes a close-fisted man. Cock and bull story (Avlv‡p Mí/MvRv‡Lvix Mí) : Nobody will believe your cock and bull story. Come to light (to be known, RvbvRvwb nIqv) : The secret has come to light at last. Come true ( mZ¨ e‡j cÖgvwYZ nIqv) : His dream has come true. Curry favour (be favourite through flattery, ‡Zvlv‡gv` K‡i wcÖq nIqv): He knows how to curry favour with officers. Catch red handed (catch with the stolen articles, nv‡Z bv‡Z aiv): The thief was caught red-handed. Cats and dogs (verb heavily, cÖejfv‡e) : It has been raining cats and dogs since morning. Chip of the old block (a worthy son of a worthy father, ev‡ci †eUv): Rasel is a chip of the old block. Come to terms (Av‡cvl Kiv) : He was convinced to come to terms with the enemy. Come to nothing (e¨_© nIqv) : All his efforts to prosper in life came to nothing for many reasons. Crocodile tears (pretended grief, gvqvKvbœv) : He shed crocodile tears at the death of his enemy. Crying need (urgent necessary, ¸iæZi cÖ‡qvRb) : Female education is the crying need of the country. Cut short (to shorten, ms‡ÿc Kiv) : He had to cut short his speech for shortage of time. Call into play (to bring into action, e¨³ Kiv) : Adversity calls into play the best qualities of a man. Carry weight (to exert influence, ¸iæZ¡c~b© nIqv) : The advice of the president always carries weight with the Ministry. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Cut a sorry figure (to produce a bad performance) : We don't know why he cut a sorry figure in the examination again and again. Call a spade a spade (to speak plainly, mivmwi ejv): I have no hesitation to call a spade a spade. Cut to the quick (be hurt, gg©vnZ nIqv) : I was cut to the quick by his misbehaviour. Come off with flying colours (win a victory, Rqx nIqv) : Our school team came off with flying colours. D Dark horse (AÁvZ e¨w³) : You should not believe a dark horse like him. Dead letter (out of date, AKvh©Ki) : This law is now a dead letter in our country. Die in harness (Kg©iZ Ae¯’vq g‡i hvIqv) : The old farmer died in harness. Dog-in-the manger policy (AKvi‡Y A‡b¨i Amyweav Kivi bxwZ) : He always try to follow a dog-in-the manger policy. Drive into a corner (to put into a difficult situation, †KvbVvmv Kiv) : The police drove the man into a corner. Dead against (bitterly against, †Nvi we‡ivax) : I am dead against the old law. Dead language (a language no longer in use, Ae¨en~Z fvlv) : Sanskrit is now a dead language. Dead of night (mid night, Mfxi iv‡Z) :The robbers broke into the house at dead of night. E End in smoke (to become useless, djcÖmy bv nIqv) : All his efforts to develop ended in smoke. Ever and anon (every now and then, gv‡S gv‡S) : Rahim came to our house ever and anon. Every other day (on alternate days, GKw`b AšÍi AšÍi): You should take medicine every other day. Eat into to vitals (to decay life, Rxebx kw³ bó Kiv) : Constant anxiety ate into his vitals Eat one's words (to withdraw one's words, K_v cÖZ¨vnvi Kiv) : You should eat your words in the presence of your friends. F Fair and square (honest and just, mr) : He was fair and square in all his dealings. Fair weather friend (false friend, mymg‡qi eÜz) : Never trust a fair weather friend. Fall a prey to (to fall a victim to, wkKv‡i cwiYZ nIqv) : The deer fall a prey to the lion. Fall short of (be inadequate, NvUwZ cov) : Our food production falls short of our need. Far and near ev, Far and wide (all around, ev PZzw`©‡K) : His fame spread far and wide. Few and far between (gv‡S g‡a¨, weij) : In this part of the country, houses are few and far between. Fight shy of (to avoid, Gwo‡q Pjv) : Why do you try to fight shy of your friends? Fire and fury (violent passion, cÖPÛ †ivl I D‡ËRbv) : The leader delivered a speech which was full of fire and fury. First and foremost (of the greatest importance, cÖ_g I me©vwaK ¸iæZ¡c~Y©) : The first and foremost duty of a student is to study as well as to be punctual. Find fault with (†`vl aiv) : He is always in the habit of finding fault with others. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Idioms and Phrases

Fish out of water (A¯^w¯ÍKi Ae¯’vq cwZZ e¨w³) : He feels like a fish out of water in the midst of new people. Flesh and blood (i³ gvs‡mi kixi) : Every human flesh and blood should have his own self respect. For the time being (for the present, eZ©gvb mg‡qi Rb¨) : This is not a permanent situation, it is for the time being. For the sake of (on account of, Rb¨ ev wbwgË) : Many people sacrificed their lives for the sake of their country. For good (for ever, wPiZ‡i) : He left the country for good. Fool's paradise (g~‡L©i ¯^M©) : You should not live in a fool's paradise. From hand to mouth (w`b G‡b w`b Lvq) : The farmers of Bangladesh live from hand to mouth. From head to foot (Avcv`g¯ÍK) : The police eyed the rogue from head to foot. From pillar to post (GK Avkªq n‡Z Ab¨ Avkª‡q) : The poor have to be driven from pillar to post. Fresh blood (new and enthusiastic person, bZzb D`¨gx m`m¨) : We want some fresh blood in the office to run the program. Free and easy (unrestrained, D`vi I mnR) : His free and easy manner won the hearts of all family members. Fall flat (not to be effecter cÖfve we¯Ív‡i e¨_© nIqv) : His lecture fell flat on the audience. Fall foul of (to quarrel, Kjn Kiv) : He is in the habit of falling foul of everybody. Fall in with (to agree with, GKgZ nIqv) : I cannot fall in with your views. Fish in a troubled water (take advantage of disturbed situation, my‡hvM MªnY Kiv)ÍHe made a lot of money by fishing in a troubled water. From A to Z (from the beginning to the end, ïiæ †_‡K †kl ch©šÍ): Read the passage from A to Z. G Gala day (a day of festivity Avb‡›`vrm‡ei w`b) : The 16th of December is a gala day for all Bangladeshis. Get rid of (gy³ nIqv) : You should immediately get rid of this bad habit. Get the better of (to gain superiority over, AwaK cÖvavb¨ jvf Kiv) : The youngest daughter is likely to get the better of family members. Gift of the gab (a talent for speaking, evKcUzZv) : A good leader must have the gift of the gab. Golden age (¯^b© hyM) : The reign of queen Elizaeth is called the golden age in English history. Golden opportunity (an excellent opportunity, myeY© my‡hvM) : You should not miss this golden opportunity. H Hard times (times of difficulty, `ytmn mgq) : The farmers of Bangladesh have to pass through very hard times. Hole and corner (secret, †Mvcb ev inm¨c~Y©) : I do not like his hole and corner policy. Haunted house (fyZz‡i evwo) : It is fearful for us to live in a haunted house. Hold water (cixÿvq DZiv‡q hvIqv) : His argument does not hold water here. Hold good (to prove valid, LvUv) : This policy will hold good in the field of sustainable development. Hue and cry (up roar, †kvi‡Mvj) : I rushed to the spot hearing a hue and cry. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Hush money (Nyl) : Nobody should run after hush money. Hard and fast (fixed, evav-aiv) : There is no hard and fast rule in this matter. Heart and soul (earnestly, cÖvYc‡Y) : He is trying heart and soul to pass in the examination. Head and tail ( gv_vgyÛy) : I couldn't understand head and tail of the matter. High time (far advanced time, Dchy³ mgq) : It is high time you sent your children to school. High and low (all classes of society, abx I Mixe) : All men, high and low were invited. Hard nut to crack (a difficult problem, KwVb mgm¨v) : Female education is really a hard nut to crack. Head and ears (complete, m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c) : He is over head and ears in debt. Household word (familiar name, cwiwPZ bvg): Mother Teresa's name has now become a household word. I In accordance with (according to, Abymv‡i) : Do the work in accordance with the teacher’s advice. In a fix (in a difficult situation, wKsKZ©e¨ wegyp) : I am in a fix what to do in such an adverse situation. In black and white (wjwLZfv‡e) : You should place your statement in black and white. In cold blood (deliberately, axi gw¯Í‡K) : The man was murdered in cold blood. In case (if, hw`) : In case you fail, what will happen to your family? In as much as (since, †h‡nZz) : In as much as you are repentant, I pardon you this time. In keeping with (consistent with, mvgÄm¨c~Y©) : What he does is hardly in keeping with what he says. In the event of (in case, NUbvP‡µ) : What will you do in the event of your father’s death? In fine (in short, Dcmsnv‡i) : In fine, it was decided to give importance to primary education. In full swing (in full force, cy‡iv`‡g) : He started the work in full swing. In lieu of (instead of, cwie‡Z©) : He took up English in lieu of History. In no time (soon, kxNÖ) : His father will come here in no time. Irony of fate (by bad luck, fv‡M¨i wbg©g cwinvm):He could not succeed by irony of fate. In one's teens (between thirteen and nineteen years of age, ‡lvokx) : She is yet in her teens. In spite of (not withstanding, m‡Ë¡I) : He went to market in spite of bad weather outside. In the long run (ultimately, me©‡k‡l) : You will have to suffer in the long run for your conduct. Ins and outs (details, LyuwUbvwU) : I know the ins and outs of the matter. In the face of (in opposition to, mivmwi we‡ivwaZv K‡i) : He proceeded with this work in the face of protest. In good stead (be of specialise, Kv‡iv Kv‡R Avmv) : Your teacher’s advice will stand you in good stead at all times. In defence of (in support of, mg_©‡b) : The convict pleaded in defence of his conduct. In time (in proper time, wVK mg‡q):He reached the station in time. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Idioms and Phrases

In force (in activity, Kvh©Ki) : This law is not in force now. In vain (fruitless, e„_v):All his attempts to shine in life were in vain. In the nick of time (right moment, wVK mgqgZ) : She arrived at the station in the nick of time. In a nut-shell (in short, ms‡ÿ‡c) : Mr. Rahman told us the story in a nut-shell. In quest of (in search of, AbymÜv‡b) : Many people come to Dhaka in quest of living. In season and out of season (at all times, mg‡q Amg‡q) : You should not disturb him in season and out of season. In order that (so that, hv‡Z) : He worked very hard in order that he could make a good result. In respect of (in point of, wel‡q) : I am senior to him in respect of age. In the good books of (in favour with, mybR‡i) : He is in the good books of the Headmaster. In the teeth of (in opposition to, cÖZ¨ÿ we‡ivwaZv c~e©K) : He could solve the problem in the teeth of strong opposition. In view of (in consideration of, we‡ePbvq) : In view of your ill health, I advise you to take regular physical exercise. In vogue (current, cÖPwjZ) : This law is not now in vogue in Bangladesh. J Jack of all trades (me Kv‡Ri KvRx): Mr. Rafiq is jack of all trades but master of none. Jump at an offer (mvb‡›` MÖnY): He had nothing to do but to jump at an offer of the post of Manager. K Keep body and soul together (to keep alive, †Kvb g‡Z †e‡P _vKv) : Our farmers have to work hard to keep body and soul together. Kith and kin (relatives, ÁvwZ-KzUz¤^) : I do not have any kith and kin in this big city. Kill time (to waste, mgq AcPq Kiv) : You should not kill your time because your examination is knocking at the door. Know no bounds (boundless, mxgvnxb nIqv) : The sufferings of the flood affected people knew no bounds. Keep house (to manage the household, M„‡ni ZË¡veavb Kiv) : He keeps the house for her brother. Keep a good table (to be hospitable, AwZw_ ev †mevcivqY nIqv) : The man who keeps a good table is generally popular. Keep the wolf from the door (to keep off starvation, `vwi`ª ev Abkb †VKvb) : The Government faced great difficulties in keeping the wolf from door. Keep up late (ivZ RvMv):He always keeps up late for study. L

Laughing stock (nv‡m¨v‡`ªKKvix e¨w³): Do not be a laughing stock of others. Lay heads together (GK†Î civgk© Kiv) : They will lay their heads together to hit upon a new plan. Lead by the nose (controlling completely, bv‡K `wo w`‡q Nyiv‡bv) : He is leading all the members of his party by the nose. Leave no stone unturned (†Póvi ÎywU bv Kiv) : I will leave no stone unturned to make it a success. Lay bare (to expose, cÖKvk ev Abve„Z Kiv) : He will not stop till he lays bare the whole conspiracy. Lay waste (to devastate, wea¯Í Kiv) : The enemy will lay waste the whole country in case of a war Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Lose ground (become less powerful, nwUqv Avmv) : The belief in black magic is losing ground. Live from hand to mouth (w`b G‡b w`b LvIqv) : Inspite of hard labour our farmers have to live from hand to mouth. Lion's share (major portion, e„nËg Ask) : Give up your habit of enjoying the lion’s share. Loaves and fishes (gains, my‡hvM-myweav) : He thought only for the loaves and fishes of the poor people. Look down upon (to hate, N„Yv Kiv) : You should not look down upon the poor. Long and short (the simple fact, †gvU K_v) : The long and short of it is that I am not with you anymore. Lose heart (to be in despair, wbivk nIqv) : Don't lose heart when you are in danger. Live fast (to lead a dissolute life, D”Q„•Lj Rxeb hvcb Kiv) : The man who lives fast dies early. Look sharp (to make haste, Z¡ivwš^Z nIqv) : Look sharp and start at once otherwise you will miss the train. Look daggers (to look angrily, KUgU K‡i ZvKvb) : My enemy looked daggers at me. Leading light (educated and famous man, wkwÿZ I L¨vwZgvb e¨w³) : All the leading lights of the city addressed the meeting. Learn by heart (gyL¯’ Kiv): He learnt the poem by heart. Lose one’s heart (†cÖ‡g cov) : He lost his heart to the girl. Lump sum (GK Kvjxb) : He gave us lump sum money. Lame excuse (bad plea, ev‡R ARynvZ): This lame excuse will not do here. M

Man of parts (a talented person, †gavex e¨w³): A man of parts like him is sure to prosper in life. Man of letters (learned man, weØvb): A man of letters is respected by all. Maiden speech (first speech, cÖ_g e³„Zv): He was very nervous when he was delivering his maiden speech. Make a mess of (managing badly, Zvj‡Mvj cvKvb): He is making a mess while arranging the party. Make sure of (wbwðZfv‡e Rvbv) : You must make sure of your plan before starting a nwe business. Make a living (to earn a livelihood, RxweKv AR©b Kiv): He makes his living by doing odd jobs. Make good (to compensate, ÿwZc~ib Kiv): You should make good of your wasted time. Muster strong (to assemble, Rgv‡qZ nIqv): People mustered strong to enjoy the cultural function. Man of straw (a worthless man, A‡Kv‡Rv ‡jvK) : We do not care a big for that man of straw. Make both ends meet (live within means, `ygy‡Vv fvZ LvIqv):I cannot make both ends meet with my small income. Moot point (an undecided matter, AwggvswmZ welq):Dowry system is still a moot point in China. Make a clean breast of (to confess, Keyj Kiv) : The convict made a clean breast of the whole affair. Make one's mark (to be famous, L¨vwZ jvf Kiv) : He is sure to make his mark in life. Move heaven and earth (to try every possible means, ¯^M©gZ¨ †Zvjcvo Kiv) : He moved heaven and earth to search for his lost child. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Idioms and Phrases


Nip in the bud (AsKz‡i webvk Kiv) : All his hopes were nipped in the bud by the sudden death of his father. Now and then (occasionally, gv‡S gv‡S): My friends come here now and then. Null and void (invalid, evwZj): This law is now null and void in our country. O

On the verge of (very near to, AwZ mwbœK‡U) : The old man is on the verge of death. On behalf of (c‡ÿ): Our captain will speak on behalf of our club. Odds and ends (stray things, UwzK UvwK¸‡jv): Your brain is filled with all sorts of odds and ends. On the brink of/on the verge of (very near to, AwZ mwbœK‡U): The gentleman is on the brink of ruin. On the score of/on the ground of (on account of m‡Ë¡I): The clerk was dismissed on the score of his long absence from office. Out of the wood (free from danger, wec`gy³): He is not yet out of the wood. Out of sorts (not well, fv‡jv bq): He is out of sorts now. Out of order (defective, A‡K‡Rv): This car is out of order. Out of temper (angry, ivMx): He is out of temper now. One and all (everyone and separately, cÖ‡Z¨K): The members, one and all declared him innocent. On pain of (subject to penalty of, kvw¯Íi fq †`LvBqv): The man was forced to sign the document on pain of continued harassment. On the whole (generally speaking, †gv‡Ui Dci): The boy's conduct was on the whole good. Out of doors (in or into the open air, †Lvjv RvqMvq): Boys were playing out of doors. Over head and ears (deeply involved, Wyey Wyey): Mr. Rahman was always over head and ears in debt. On the wane (declining, K‡g hvIqv): His fame is on the wane now. On the spure of the moment (under the impulse of the moment, Aí mg‡qi D‡ËRbvq): He did it on the spur of the moment. On the contrary (is quite otherwise, cÿvšÍ‡i): I do not hate you, on the contrary you hate me. Of course (Aek¨B): Of course, the boy will succeed because he is industrious. Once in a while (rarely, KLb KLb): My friend comes to our house once in a while. Once and again (cÖvqB): I warned him once and again not to go out in the rain. Once for all (†klev‡ii gZ): He left his country once for all. Off and on (occasionally, gv‡S g‡a¨): My friend comes here off and on. Of late (recently, m¤cÖwZ): Of late traffic jam has become a talked topic. On the eve of (just before, cÖv°v‡j): On the eve of the World War II people were in great tension. On the point of (about to, AwZ wbK‡U): The old man is now on the point of death. On the lookout for (searching for, mÜv‡b): He is on the lookout for a job. Open secret (†h ¸ß inm¨ A‡b‡KiB Rvbv): It is an open secret that some high officials take bribe. Out and out (fully, m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c): He was out and out a criminal. Out of gear (APj) : War and famine throw human society out of gear. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Out of pocket (UvKv Kwonxb): I can’t help you because I am now out of pocket. Out of date (old fashion, †m‡K‡j): This fashion is now out of date. Over again (once more, cybivq): He may do well if he tries over again. Over and again (repeatedly, evisevi): His teacher warned him over and again not to do that. Over and above (besides, AwaKš‘): Over and above being lazy, he is poor. P

Palmy days (days of prosperity, mymgq): Do not believe the friends who flock around in your palmy days. Part and parcel (an integral part, Acwinvh© Ask): A library is a part and parcel of a college. Pay the piper (is to bear the cost, e¨q enb Kiv): You should be ready to pay the piper for this work. Play to the gallery (to seek popular praise, Rbmvavi‡Yi g‡bviÄb K‡i m¯Ív cÖksmv PvIqv) : He was a great platform speaker because he knew the art of playing to the gallery. Pave the way (c_ †ei Kiv) : He paved the way to gain success. Pin money (¯¿xi †`qv nvZ LiP) : She saved her pin money. Pick one’s pocket (c‡KU gviv) : He tried to pick my pocket. Pick a quarrel (SMov Kiv) :Do not pick a quarrel. Pack up a quarrel (SMov wgUv‡bv) : He packed up their quarrel. Post master (expert, `ÿ e¨w³) : He is a post master in the art of oratory. Point blank (directly, bluntly, mivmwi ev ¯úófv‡e): We asked him about the bribery point blank. Pros and cons (LywUbvwU) : I do not know the pros and cons of the matter. Play one false (to betray, to cheat, Kv‡iv mwnZ Qjbv Kiv) : A true friend never plays one false. Play fast and loose (trifle with, †Ljv Kiv) : Don't play fast and loose with the innocent man. Prevail upon (is to persuade, eywS‡q ivwR Kivb) : He prevailed upon me to go with him. Pros and cons (details, we¯ÍvwiZ):You should consider the pros and cons of the system. Pandora’s Box (AvcvZt `„wó‡Z fv‡jv g‡b n‡jI Avm‡j fv‡jv bq) : His words proved to be Pandora’s box. Pack of lies (Wvunv wg_¨v) : He told pack of lies to prove himself innocent. Pass away (gviv hvIqv) : He passed away last night. R

Red-letter day (a memorable day, D‡jøL‡hvM¨ w`em) : The 26th march is a redletter day to the people of Bangladesh. Ready money (cash, bM` UvKv) : He had a lot of ready money but can’t take any plan. Right and left (on all sides, me w`‡K) : My mother always keeps an eye right and left. Read between the lines (understand the significance, AšÍwbwnZ A_© eySv) Try to read between the lines of the letter. Run high (†e‡o hvIqv) : The price of everything has run high. Run short (KgwZ cov) :I ran short of money. Round the clock (twenty-four hours, PweŸk N›Uv): He is working round the clock. Root and branch (completely, k¦v‡m gy‡j) : The evil practice in the society must be stopped root and branch. Run the risk of (SzuwK jIqv) : You should not run the risk of losing your hard earned money. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Idioms and Phrases

Rope of sand (a bond or tie easily broken, nvjKv m¤úK©) : Friendship with a dishonest person is but a rope of sand. Rank and file (common men, mvaviY †jvKRb) : We should pay attention to the rank and file of the country. Red tape (official formalities, Awd‡mi KvR): We can’t do any work in office in time because of red tape problem. S

Sheet anchor (the final support, †kl Aej¤^b): The boy is the sheet anchor of the poor old. Skin and bone (skeleton, Aw¯’-Pg©mvi) : This disease has left the old man skin and bone. Slow coach (Ajm †jvK) : You should not depend on a slow coach like him in such an urgent matter. Set out (hvÎv Kiv): I will set out in time for Chittagong. Set something right (wVK Kiv): He will set the machine right. Sheet anchor (nv‡Zi c¨vP): This small piece of land is the sheet anchor of the old farmer. Short cut (mswÿß c_): He comes here every day by this short cut way. Short temper (iMPUv): He is a man of short temper. Snake in the grass (a secret foe, ¸ß kÎæ): You should not rely on him because he is the snake in the grass. So to say or, so to speak (ej‡Z wK) : The head clerk is so to say all in all this office. Square meal (full meal, †cU fiv Avnvi) : Beggars beg whole day to earn for only one or two square meal a day. Stone's throw (a short distance, AwZ wbK‡U) : The school is within a stone’s throw from my house. Sum and substance (summary, mvigg©) : The sum and substance of this poem is very enthusiastic. Storm in a tea-pot (Zz”Q wel‡q cÖPÐ we‡ÿvf) : They raised a storm in a tea pot over the political situation. Stand to (to stick to, AwePwjZ fv‡e †j‡M _vKv) : My friend will ever stand to his promise. Set free (liberate, gyw³ †`qv):The prisoners were set free. Slip of the pen (slight mistake in writing, †jLvi f~j):This mistake is due to a slip of the pen. Slip of the tongue (a slight mistake in speaking, K_vi f~j):This is a slip of the tongue. Steer clear of (avoid, `~‡i _vKv):You must steer clear of evil company. Safe and sound (wbivc‡`): He reached home safe and sound. Salt of the earth (¸iæZ¡c~Y© e¨w³eM©): The salt of the earth is remembered always. See to (we‡ePbv Kiv): I will see to the matter latter. T

Tall talk (eo eo K_v): I can’t rely on your tall talk. Take heart (to be encouraged, DrmvwnZ nIqv): The boy took heart at his teacher's advice. Tell upon (to affect, ÿwZ Kiv): Smoking tells upon our health. Through and through (completely, m¤ú~Y©fv‡e): He has read the book through and through. The three R's (b~¨bZg wkÿv): The man doesn’t have the three R’S about the matter. Tooth and nail (desperately, D‡V c‡o jvMv): They fought tooth and nail for their right. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


To the backbone (nv‡o nv‡o) : This boy is wicked to the backbone. To the letter (strictly, h_vh_fv‡e) : You should follow your teacher’s advice to the letter Talk big (to boast, eo eo K_v ejv) : He talks big about himself. To the letter (strictly, h_vh_fv‡e) : You should follow my instructions to the letter. To be in one's teens (†Zi ‡_‡K Dwbk eq‡mi) Karim is still in his teens. Take into account/consideration (to regard, we‡ePbvi welqfy³ Kiv) : While teaching the boys a teacher should take their age into account. Through thick and thin (through all difficulties, mg¯Í mgm¨vi g‡a¨):Ruma followed her husband through thick and thin. Turn a deaf ear to (pay no attention, cÖZ¨vLvb Kiv) :He turned a deaf ear to my proposal. Turn down (refuse, cÖZ¨vLvb Kiv) :He turned down my proposal. Turn over a new leaf (begin a new phase of life, beRxeb ïiæ Kiv) :After his failure he turned over a new leaf. The dogs of war (i³cvZ I aŸsmjxjv):Nadir Shah let loose the dogs of war on Delhi. To a fault (excessively, gvÎv Qvwo‡q) : She is generous to a fault of her son. To the contrary (in opposition, wecix‡Z) : I like the child very much, on the contrary it is afraid of me. To a T (mwVKfv‡e) : This new office suits me to a T. Take to heart (to be mortified, e¨v_v cvIqv) : Mr. Khan took the insult to heart. Take to heart (cut to the quick, gg©vnZ nIqv):He took his remark to heart. Take to one's heels (to run away, cvjv‡bv):The thieves took to their heels to see the police. To and fro (hither and thither, Gw`K Iw`K):The man is walking to and fro. Take one to task (rebuke, wZi¯‹vi Kiv):He took me to task for my negligence of duty. U

Ups and downs (DÌvb cZb): There are ups and downs in every man's life. Under consideration (we‡ePbvaxb): His appeal is under consideration. Under the aegis of (c„ó‡cvlKZvq): We established a school under the aegis of Mr. Rahman. Up and doing (mwµq n‡q): Be up and doing if you want to pass in the examination. Under a cloud (nZgvb): Now he is in under a cloud. Utopian scheme (AvKvk Kzmyg Kíbv): It is nothing but an utopian scheme. Up to date (mgq Dc‡hvMx): Her result is not up to date. Under cover of darkness (iv‡Zi Avav‡i): He stole all my belongings under cover of darkness. V

Victim of (ewj) : The poor man is a victim of circumstances. Vie with (cÖwZØw›ØZv Kiv) : Two brothers vied with one another for their father’s property. W

Watery grave (mwjj mgvwa) : The ill fated passenger met with a watery grave in the accident. Weal and woe (my‡LI `yt†L) : Well and woe come to our life one after another. With a view to (D‡Ïk¨) : He went to New Market with a view to buying a book. Well off (m”Qj) : He is not well off at present. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Idioms and Phrases

Widow's mite (small contribution of a poor man, Mwi‡ei Aí`vb): A widow's mite is no less important than a large contribution of a rich man. With the sweat of one’s brow (gv_vi Nvg cv‡q †d‡j) : He earns his livelihood with the sweat of his brow. With a lavish hand (gy³ n‡¯Í): Give away something with a lavish hand. With might and main (h_v kw³ w`‡q) : He tried with might and main to help the boy. Well up (`ÿ) : He is well up in English. Well-to-do (Ae¯’vcbœ) : He comes of a well-to-do family. What not (Avi KZ wK) : Rabindranath was a poet, a novelist, a dramatist and what not. With an eye to (`„wó †i‡L) : He arranged the function with an eye to entertaining all. With an exception of (e¨ZxZ) : All attended the function with an exception of our chairman. With flying colors (weRqx) : Our team came out with flying colors. With one voice (GK ev‡K¨) : All accepted the proposal of the headmaster with me voice. Without fail (Aek¨B) : I will meet you tomorrow without fail. Well up (mycwÛZ): Our Headmaster is well up in English. White elephant (a costly unprofitable undertaking,LiPhy³ Ajvfnxb c`‡ÿc):The high salaried new officer has now become a white elephant for this small company. Wild goose chase (useless pursuit, cÛkªg) : Do not waste time in wild goose chase. Y

Yeoman’s service (webv ¯^v‡_© fv‡jv KvR): Many great men did yeoman’s service for female education. Yellow dog (nxb e¨w³): A yellow dog in the society is hated by all.

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Completing Sentence

Completing Sentence denotes the system of completing an incomplete sentence. g~jZt Completing Sentence Gi A_© nj GKwU Acwic~Y© evK¨‡K cwic~Y© Kiv|GLb GB cwic~Y© Kiv wewfbœfv‡e n‡Z cv‡i| Completing Sentence Gi Rb¨ Bs‡iRxi Structure Abyhvqx evK¨ mwVK n‡Z n‡e Ges A_©c~Y© evK¨ n‡Z n‡e | Before going to our topic discussion, we have to know something about the following grammatical topics: They are as follows:  Sentence and it’s classification  Clause  Use of tense  Structure Now we can start our topic discussion. There are some structures which we have to follow. Such as:

Structures in short  So that : †hb / hv‡Z K‡i Structure: Sub + verb + so that + sub + can/may/could/might +verb (base form). Example: He went there so that ------------------Ans: He went there so that he could buy a pen.  So ----------------- that: GZB ------ †h Structure: Sub + auxiliary verb + so + adjective/ Adverb + that +Sub + can/could/cannot/could not +verb. Example: The question is so easy that ---------------------Ans: The question is so easy that I can solve it.  Too --------- to: GZB ------- †h Structure: Sub + auxiliary verb + too + adj. + to + verb. Example: She is too lazy to ------------------Ans: She is too lazy to go there.  To / in order to: D‡Ïk¨ Structure: Sub + main verb + to + main verb. Example: They went the place to -----------------Ans: They went the place to collect money.  Though / Although: Òhw`IÓ (wecixZagx© A_© eySv‡j) Structure: though /although + sub + verb + adj. /noun/ + verb + subject+ noun/adj. Example: Though he is a boy, ---------------------------Ans: Though he is a boy, he can do the work.  But: wKš‘ (wecixZag©x) Structure: sub + verb + adj. + but + (subject + verb) + noun/adj. (wecixZ evK¨) Example: The man is industrious but ------------------Ans: The man is industrious but fails to achieve success.  Since / As: †h‡nZz / Kvib Structure: Since /as + sub + verb + ext.+ sub + verb + ext. Example: Since he is sick, ------------------------Ans: Since he is sick, he cannot go to college. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Completing Sentences

He cannot go to school as ---------------------Ans: He cannot go to school as he is ill.  Provided / Provided that: hw` Structure: sub + verb + ext. + provided /provided that / providing that + Sub + verb + ext. Example: Today we will go to visit him provided that --------------------Ans: Today we will go to visit him provided that it does not rain.  It is time / It is high time: Dchy³ mgq Structure: It is time / It is high time + Sub. + verb (past) + ext. Example: It is high time -------------------Ans: It is high time we could go there  As if / As though : †hb Structure: sub + verb(present) + as if / as though + sub + were / verb (past form) + ext. Structure: sub + verb(past) + as if / as though + sub + past perfect + ext. Example: He speaks as though ---------------------. Ans: He speaks as though he were mad. He proceeded as if he ---------------------Ans: He proceeded as if he knew all.  No Sooner --------- than: Ò†h‡Z bv †h‡ZBÓ Structure: No sooner + had + sub. + verb (past participle) + ext. + than + sub. + verb (past). Example: No sooner had the man gone there than -------------------Ans : No sooner had the man gone there than karim left the place. N.B – Scarcely ---------when, Hardly ---------when follow the same rule above.  I wish / If + Unreal Past: Am¤¢e B”Qv cÖKvkK Structure: I wish / if + sub. + were / had / could + ext. Example: I wish, I ----------------Ans: I wish, I could join the meeting.  Unless: hw` bv Structure: Unless + sub + verb + adj. / noun + sub. + will not / would not + verb + ext. Example: Unless he works efficiently, ---------------Ans: Unless he works efficiently, he cannot shine in life.  Till / Until: Òch©šÍ / †h ch©šÍ bvÓhw` bv (bv ‡evaK cÖKvkK) Structure: sub + verb + ext. + till / until + sub. + verb. Example: I will wait till --------------------Ans: I will wait till you come.  Lest: ÒZv bv n‡jÓ Structure: sub + verb + adj. / adv. + lest + sub + should + verb + ext. Example: The man walked faster lest -------------------------Ans: The man walked faster lest he should miss the bus.  As soon as: ÒKi‡Z bv Ki‡ZBÓ Structure: as soon as + sub + verb (past) + sub + verb + ext. Example: As soon as I went there, -----------------Ans: As soon as I went there, he came.  If + Present + Future: Structure: If + sub + verb +ext., sub + verb (will / shall) + main verb. Example: If you come ------------Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Ans: If you come, I will go.  If + Past + Past Conditional: Structure: If + sub + verb (past) + ext., + sub + would/could/might + verb (present) Example: If I knew the man, -------------------Ans: If I knew the man, I would help him.  If + Past Perfect + Perfect Conditional: Structure: If + sub + had + verb (past participle) +ext., + sub + would have/could have/might have + verb (past participle) + ext. Example: If I had seen the boy, ----------------------------Ans: If I had seen the boy, I would have helped him.  Had + Past Perfect + ext., + sub. + would have/could have/might have + verb (past participle) +ext. Example: Had I been a king, ----------------------Ans: Had I been a king, I would have bought a building.


If + Present + Future

If + Past + Past Conditional

If + Past Perfect + Perfect Conditional

Had + Past Perfect + Perfect Conditional

Rules of Completing Sentences Rule-01: (i) Too ........... to Øviv incomplete sentence †K complete Kivi wbqg : Incomplete Sentence-G Adjective ev Adverb –Gi c~‡e© too _vK‡j D³ incomplete sentence –Gi †k‡l to + msMwZc~b© verb + A_©en kã / kãmgwó Øviv sentence wU‡K m¤ú~b© Ki‡Z nq| G †ÿ‡Î structure wU wb¤œiƒc| Structure: Sub + verb + too + adj. / adv + to + GKwU ms½wZc~Y© verb. Example: (a) He is too weak................................................... Ans: He is too weak to walk. (b) Kamal was too sick............................................. Ans: Kamal was too sick to go to college yesterday. (ii) Incomplete Sentence-Gi too + adjective / adverb Gi c‡i for + personal object + (me, us, you, them, him, her I †Kvb bvg) _vK‡j Zvici to + GKwU ms½wZc~b© verb I A_©enkã ev kã mgwó Øviv sentence m¤ú~b© Ki‡Z nq| Example: (a) The load is too heavy for me................................ Ans: The load is too heavy for me to carry. (b) The problem was too hard for them....................... Ans: The problem was too hard for them to solve. Rule-02: So ------- that: (GZ ------------- †h) G †ÿ‡Î incomplete sentence wU‡Z so Gi c‡i adj/adverb _vK‡j Zvic‡i that + subject + cannot / could not + GKwU ms½wZc~b© verb + others words Øviv sentence wU m¤ú~b© Ki‡Z nq| that-Gi c~‡e©i verb hw` past tense nq Z‡e that- Gi c‡i †h subject e‡m Zvic‡i could not emv‡Z n‡e| Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Completing Sentences

Structure: Subject +verb + so + adjective/adverb + that + subject + can/could/may/might + verb +………….. Or, Structure: Subject+ verb+ so+ Adjective/Adverb + that+ subject +Verb +..................... Example: (a) He is so honest ---------Ans: He is so honest that everybody believes him. (b) It rained so heavily that .................. Ans: It rained so heavily that we could not go out. (c) He walked so fast that ........................ Ans: He walked so fast that he was able to catch me. (d) He speaks so loudly that .......................... Ans: He speaks so loudly that I do not understand it. (e) The man was so ill .................................... Ans: The man was so ill that he could not walk. Rule-03: So that/ In order that/that: (hvnv‡Z) hy³ incomplete sentence –Gi †k‡l so that _vK‡j Zvici cÖ_g subject + may / can e‡m ev might / could + A_©c~b© Verb e‡m + ...................... Note: cÖ_g clause wU present tense n‡j may/can e‡m| Avi past tense n‡j might / could Ÿ‡m| Structure: Sub + verb+ Obj. + so that /that/in order that + subject + can / could / may / might +Verb +................. Or, Structure: Subject+ Verb+ Object+ so that/that/in order that+ subject +Verb +...................... Example: (a) He rebuked me so that ...................... Ans: He rebuked me so that I might not make the same mistake. (b) He writes more so that ........................ Ans: He writes more so that he can write a good hand in the examination. (c) He speaks loudly so that........................... Ans: He speaks loudly so that I understand it. (d) He walked fast in order that....... Ans: He walked fast in order that he could catch the bus. (e) He takes medicine that....................... Ans: He takes medicine that he can come round soon. (f) I gave him some money so that he ........................ Ans: I gave him some money so that he could buy a new shirt. (g) The farmers sow good seeds so that....................... Ans: The farmers sow good seeds so that they may have a good harvest. (h) Della went to a hair shop in order that...................... Ans: Della went to a hair shop in order that she could sell her hair. (i) He saved some money in order that......................... Ans: He saved some money in order that he could buy a calculator. Rule-04: provided / provided that / providing that : provided / provided that / providing that Gi A_© hw` Ges Zv if Gi b¨vq A_© cÖKvk K‡i| G †ÿ‡Î incomplete sentence-Gi †k‡l provided / provided that / providing that _vK‡j Zvici Ggb GKwU sentence †hvM Ki‡Z nq hv cÖ_g sentence Gi mv‡_ m½wZc~Y© Ges ZviØviv Õhw`Õ A_©wU cÖKvk cvq| Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Example: (a) The plane will take off in time provided..................... Ans: The plane will take off in time provided that the weather is good. (b) He will shine in life provided that ………………. Ans: He will shine in life provided that he works hard. Rule-05: Lest: lest k‡ãi A_© ÒZv bv n‡jÓ (other wise) lest negative A_© cÖ`vb K‡i| AZGe lest Øviv †h clause Avi¤¢ nq Zv‡Z no ev not e‡m bv| Bnv Øviv †h clause ïiæ nq Zvic‡i should /might e‡m| Example: (a) The officer was sympathetic to the peon lest................... Ans: The officer was sympathetic to the peon lest he should go away. Rule-06: (i) Till: till Gi mv‡_ GKwU full sentence †hvM K‡i cÖ`Ë incomplete sentence wU‡K complete Ki‡Z nq| till Gi c‡ii AskwU affirmative/Negative nq| Structure: Subject + Verb+ Object + till + Subject + Verb+ object. Or, Structure: Verb + Object + till + Subject + Verb+ object. (a) He will wait for me till ...................... Ans: He will wait for me till I come. (b) We shall nurse him till ...................... Ans: We shall nurse him till he comes round. (ii) Until: (ch©šÍ...........bv) Bnv Till Gi Negative iƒc| Bnv `yBwU ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b e‡m Ges ch©šÍ......bv A_© cÖ`vb K‡i| G †ÿ‡Î Avgiv bx‡Pi MVb ¸wj AbymiY Ki‡Z cvwi| Until Gi ci Negative nq bv| Structure: Subject + Verb+ Object + until + Subject + Verb + object. Or, Structure: Verb + Object + until + Subject + Verb+ object. Example: (a) He will wait for me until ................... Ans: He will wait for me until you come. (b) We shall nurse him until .................... Ans: We shall nurse him until he comes round. (c) Wait until ..................... Ans: Wait until the rain stops. (d) Wait for me until …………………… Ans: Wait for me until I come back. Rule-07: Unless: unless A_© If .............. not (hw` bv) ZvB unless Øviv †h clause ïiæ nq, †m clause-G not e¨eüZ nq bv| unless hy³ incomplete sentence-†K complete Ki‡Z n‡j cÖ`Ë incomplete sentence wU e‡m + Gi mv‡_ m½wZc~b© GKwU c~b© sentence †hvM Ki‡Z nq| Structure: Unless+ Subject+ Verb+ object, Subject +Verb +Object Or, Structure: Subject+ Verb+ object + unless +Subject+ Verb+ Object Example: (a) Unless he comes here, .............. Ans: Unless he comes here, I shall not go there. (b) ....................... unless you go there. Ans: He will beat you unless you go there. (c) I would go there unless...................... Ans: I would go there unless he came. Rule-08: As long as: (hZÿY.....ZZÿY): GKwU Kv‡Ri Kvi‡Y Av‡iKwU Kv‡Ri Ae¯’v †Kgb nq Zv cÖKvk Ki‡Z `yBwU ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z ev ga¨Lv‡b As long as e‡m| As long as hy³ incomplete sentence wUi mv‡_ GKwU c~bv½ sentence †hvM K‡i cÖ`Ë incomplete sentence ‡K complete Ki‡Z nq| Structure: As long as +Subject +Verb+ Object, Subject + Verb+ Object. Or, Structure: Subject +Verb+ Object + as long as +Subject+ Verb+ Object. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Completing Sentences

Example: (a) Wait here as long as........................ Ans: Wait here as long as it rains. (b) Allah will be with us as long as …………………….. Ans: Allah will be with us as long as our aim is honest. (c) I shall wait here as long as................... Ans: I shall wait here as long as he teaches. (d) We will be beside you as long as................... Ans: We will be beside you as long as you will be in the right path. (e) As long as they were honest....................... Ans: As long as they were honest, we would be beside them. Rule-09: Though/Although: A_© (hw`I.........ZeyI)| Though/Although Sentence Gi ïiæ‡Z em‡Z cv‡i, ga¨Lv‡bI em‡Z cv‡i|Giv `yBwU weciwZagx© evK¨‡K hy³ Ki‡Z e‡m| Gi GKwU evK¨ hw` Present Tense nq Zvn‡j AciwUI Present Tense n‡e| Abyiƒcfv‡e hw` GKwU Past Tense nq Zvn‡j AciwUI Past Tense n‡e| bx‡P GwUi MVY †`qv nj: Structure: Though + Subject + Verb + Object/Extension, Subject + Verb + object/Extension. Or, Structure: Subject +Verb+ Object +though+ Subject + Verb+ object. Example: (a) Though .........., he wanted more. Ans: Though he had a lot, he wanted more. (b) He was punished though……….......... Ans: He was punished though he was not responsible. Rule-10: In spite of/despite: Gi A_© m‡Ë¡I| G RvZxq kã Øviv simple sentence MwVZ nq| incomplete sentence-G in spite of/despite _vK‡j G‡`i wecixZ A_©‡evaK sentence Øviv cÖ`Ë incomplete sentence wU complete Ki‡Z nq| G‡ÿ‡Î incomplete Gi mv‡_ sub + verb + ..........e‡m| Structure: In spite of/Despite +possessive +noun, Subject + Verb+ object. Or, Structure: Subject +Verb+ Object + in spite of/despite + possessive +noun. Example: (a) He will come in spite of............... Ans: He could not come in spite of his illness. (b) I know nothing in spite of.................. Ans: I know nothing in spite of my presence there. (c) In spite of his poverty....................... Ans: In spite of his poverty he is honest. (d) Despite his good qualification………………. Ans: Despite his good qualification, he did not get a suitable job. Rule-11: Because of/On account of/Owing to/Due to: (G‡`i A_© Kvi‡b) Giv `yBwU ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z e‡m Avevi †kl As‡kI e‡m| Structure: Because of /On account of/Owing to/Due to + Possessive + Noun, Sub. + Verb + Obj. Or, Structure: Sub + Verb + Obj. + because of/ on account of/owing to/due to + Possessive + Noun. Example: (a) Everybody loves him because of …..................... Ans: Everybody loves him because of his honesty. (b) On account of his illness........................ Ans: On account of his illness he could not attend the class. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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(c) He could not come because of................... Ans: He could not come because of his illness. (d) Because of his bad leg, he........................... Ans: Because of his bad leg, he cannot walk well. Rule-12: (i) Would rather / would Sooner Gi A_© eis| would rather / would Sooner GKB A_© enb K‡i Z‡e would rather –Gi e¨envi †ewk| would ratehr / would Sooner hy³ sentence –G than e¨eüZ nq| Structure: Sub + would rather + verb Gi present form ......... + than + verb /noun Example: (a) I would rather die.................. Ans: I would rather die than beg. (b) He would rather drink tea..................... Ans: He would rather drink tea than coffee. (ii) Had better: Gi A_© ZeyI / eis fvj| Had better –Gi ci mvaviYZ verb –Gi present form e‡m| Example: (a) You had better..................... You had better go home now. Rule-13: No Sooner had.............. than, Scarcely had ............... when, Hardly had ............... when/before- G RvZxq structure Øviv †h‡Z bv †h‡ZB, †L‡Z ............ bv †L‡ZB, †cŠQv‡Z bv †cŠQv‡ZB BZ¨vw` A_© cÖKvk cvq| Dc‡i structure ¸wji when I than -Gi c~e© ch©šÍ past perfect tense Ges when I than-Gi c‡ii Ask past indefinite tense. Structure: No sooner had +Subject + Verb (3)+ Object + than + Subject + Verb (2) + Object. Structure: Hardly had +subject + Verb (3) + Object + when + Subject + Verb (2) + Object. Structure: Scarcely had +Sub + Verb (3) + Object + when/before +Sub + Verb (2) + Object Example: (a) No sooner had he seen me than.......................... Ans: No sooner had he seen me than he ran away. (b) No Sooner had I gone out.............................. Ans: No Sooner had I gone out than he came. (c) Scarcely had we reached the station when.................... Ans: Scarcely had we reached the station when the train left (d) ................ had he started reading when the electricity was off. Ans: Scarcely had he started reading when the electricity was off. (e) Hardly had he reached the college when............................. Ans: Hardly had he reached the college when the examination began. Rule-14: If hy³ evK¨wUi MVb If + Subject + were +.......... n‡j Aci evK¨wU Past conditional n‡e| Structure: Subject + would /could/ might + Verb Gi Present Form + Object. A_ev Perfect conditional n‡e| A_©vr ZLb ev‡K¨i MVb n‡e Structure: Subject + would have /could have/ might have + Verb Gi Past Participle + Object. Past conditional: Structure: If + Subject + were +.........., Subject + would /could/ might +Verb (1) +Object. Perfect conditional: Structure: If + Sub.+ were +....., Subject +would have /could have/ might have +Verb (3) +Obj. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Completing Sentences

Example: (a) If I were you,..................... Ans: If I were you, I would not agree to the proposal. (b) I would help the poor if................... Ans: I would have helped the poor if I were rich. Rule-15: Had: Gi A_© nj hw`| GwU `yBwU Sentence Gi ïiæ‡Z em‡e |GwU GKB mv‡_ Past Perfect Tense Gi KvR K‡i Avevi If Gi A_© cÖ`vb K‡i| hw` evK¨wU Had Øviv ïiæ nq Zvn‡j Aci evK¨wU Perfect Conditional n‡e| A_©vr ZLb ev‡K¨i MVb n‡e : Structure: Had+ Sub. +Verb (3) + Object, Sub +would have /could have/ might have +Verb (3) +Obj. Example: (a) Had I been the king,........................ Ans: Had I been the king, I would have helped the poor. (b) Had I passed the examination,........................ Ans: Had I passed the examination, I would have offered you sweet. (c) Had I seen him,........................ Ans: Had I seen him, I would have given him the news Rule-16: The place .................. where: cÖ`Ë incomplete sentence –G ¯’vb wb‡`©k Ki‡j incomplete sentence –Gi †k‡l where + subject + verb + .................... Structure: ¯’vbevPK kã +Verb + the place + where + Subject + Verb + ......... Example: (a) Rupgonj is the place........................ Ans: Rupgonj is the place where Urmi was born. (b) A railway station is the place ………………… Ans: A railway station is the place where trains stop. (c) Dhaka is the place where.......................................... Ans: Dhaka is the place where most of the big guns live. (d) Chittagong is the place where...................................... Ans: Chittagong is the place where the business centre is situated. Rule-17: The time ............... when: cÖ`Ë incomplete sentence –G mg‡qi D‡jøL Ki‡j incomplete sentence –Gi †k‡l when + subject + verb +....................... Structure: mgq evPK kã +Verb + the time + When + Subject + Verb + ......... Example: (a) Saturday is the day.............. Ans: Saturday is the day when the week begins. (b) 1971 is the year..................... Ans: 1971 is the year when Bangladesh became independent. (a) Friday is the day when _______________. Ans: Friday is the day when the Muslim go to mosque for prayer. (b) 26th December, 1971 is the day when ................................ Ans: 26th December, 1971 is the day when our liberation war took place. Rule-18: So much / So many: So much Øviv cwigvb Ges So many Øviv msL¨v eySvq| So much / So many hy³ incomplete sentence -‡K complete Ki‡Z n‡j incomplete As‡ki †k‡l that + cÖ_g subject + verb +obj. e‡m| Example: (a) You have so much intelligence...................... Ans: You have so much intelligence that you can get a job. (b) I have not so much time ................................ Ans: I have not so much time that I can accompany you all day. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Rule-19: In case: Gi A_© nj hw`| GUv If Gi gZ nq| If †hgb ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z em‡Z cv‡i Avevi ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b em‡Z cv‡i wVK GKBfv‡e in case I ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z em‡Z cv‡i Avevi ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b em‡Z cv‡i| Example: (a) He will fail in case................. Ans: He will fail in case he does not study hard. (b) I will not go to school in case ……………… Ans: I will not go to school in case it rains today. Note: †Kvb KvR msNwUZ n‡q‡Q Giƒc eySv‡Z in case hy³ sentence Gi Dfq clause –G past tense e¨eüZ nq| Example: (a) He carried an umbrella in case................. Ans: He carried an umbrella in case it rained. (b) I waited at the station in case................... Ans: I waited at the station in case he came. Rule-20: Would that / I wish: Am¤¢e B”Qv, AvKvs•Lv BZ¨vw` cÖKvk Ki‡Z would that / I wish BZ¨vw` e¨eüZ nq| G‡ÿ‡Î verb –Gi subjunctive past tense nq| Structure: Would that/I wish + Subject +were + adjective/noun (a) Would that I.......................... Ans: Would that I were a king. (b) Would that my son............... Ans: Would that my son were studious. (c) I wish I ............................. Ans: I wish I were a rich man (d) Would that he.................. Ans: Would that he were alive today. Rule-21: Would you mind + Verb + ing /Would you please + Verb (g‡b Ki‡eb wK): cig kª×vi mv‡_ †Kvb Aby‡iva Kivi Rb¨ GB `yBwU e¨envi Kiv nq| Would you mind Gi c‡ii Verb wU ing n‡e Avi Would you please Gi c‡ii Verb wU Present form n‡e| G‡ÿ‡Î bx‡Pi MVbwU AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e| Structure: Would you mind + Verb + ing ................ Structure: Would you please +Verb........ Example: (a) Would you mind......................... Ans: Would you mind having a cup of tea with me? (b) Would you mind...................... Ans: Would you mind opening the door? (a) Would you please.......................... Ans: Would you please mention your name? Rule-22: Since/As: Gi A_© nj †h‡nZz.......†m‡nZz| GwU `yBwU Sentence Gi ïiæ‡Z em‡Z cv‡i Avevi ga¨Lv‡bI em‡Z cv‡i| me©`vB Giv KviYhy³ ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z e‡m| Structure: Since /As + Subject + Verb + Object, Subject + Verb + object. Or, Structure: Subject + Verb + Object + since /as + Subject + Verb + object. Example: (a) Since he was tired........................... Ans: Since he was tired, he did not come. (b) I came to see him since....................... Ans: I came to see him since he was tired. Rule-23: Because: Gi A_© nj KviY| GwU `yBwU Sentence Gi ïiæ‡Z em‡Z cv‡i Avevi ga¨Lv‡bI em‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e AwaKvsk mgq ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b e‡m| me©`vB& Giv KviYhy³ ev‡K¨ em‡e| Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Completing Sentences

Structure: Subject + Verb + Object + because + Subject + Verb + object. Example: (a) He was absent because.................... Ans: He was absent because he was ill. (b) Because.................... I won’t go. Ans: Because his father is not at home, I won’t go. Rule-24: Not only...........but also (ïay ...bq..eis..e‡U): Bnv `yBwU ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z ev †k‡l ev ga¨Lv‡b em‡Z cv‡i| hw` Not only Subject Gi Av‡M e‡m Zvn‡j but also I Subject Gi Av‡M em‡e| wVK GKBfv‡e hw` Not only Verb Gi Av‡M e‡m Zvn‡j but also I Verb Gi Av‡M em‡e| wVK GKBfv‡e hw` Not only Object Gi Av‡M e‡m Zvn‡j but alsoI Object Gi Av‡M em‡e| Not only +Subject+ but also + Subject + Verb+ Object. Subject + not only +Verb+ object +not only + Verb + Object. Subject +Verb+ not only +object + Verb + not only + Object . Example: (a) Not only he but also...................... Ans: Not only he but also his brother saw it. (b) He not only ate rice but also.................. Ans: He not only ate rice but also took rest. (c) I have taken not only a pen but also.......... Ans: I have taken not only a pen but also a book. Rule-25: Either...or / Neither.....nor: (i) Either...or (nq....GUv bv...nq...IUv): Bnv ev‡K¨i Ae¯’vbyhvqx em‡e| Either...or Gi MVYI Not only.......but also Gi gZ| Example: (a) Either you or...................... Ans: Either you or he came. (b) He will either do it............. Ans: He will either do it or go there. (ii) Neither.....nor (GUvI...bv...IUvI..bv): Bnv ev‡K¨i Ae¯’vbyhvqx em‡e| Either...or Gi MVbI Not only.......but also Gi gZ| Example: (a) Neither the boy nor……………. Ans: Neither the boy nor his brother came. (b) He knows neither him ………….Ans: He knows neither him nor his father. Rule-26: That(†h ev hvnv): A_© †h ev hvnv| GwU `ywU ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b em‡e| hw` That wU Relative Pronoun wnmv‡e e¨en~Z nq Zvn‡j Gi A_© n‡e hvnv Ges hw` GwU Conjunction wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq Zvn‡j Gi A_© n‡e †h| ZLb That Gi Av‡Mi evK¨wU hw` Present Tense nq, Zvn‡j That Gi c‡ii evK¨wU Ae¯’vbyhvqx †h †Kvb Tense n‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e That Gi Av‡Mi evK¨wU hw` Past Indefinite Tense nq Zvn‡j That Gi c‡ii evK¨wU Past Indefinite Tense ev Past Perfect Tense n‡e| wKšÍ That Gi c‡ii ev‡K¨ hw` Future evPK †Kvb kã (†hgb: tomorrow, the next day,the following day,the coming year, the next month BZ¨vw`) _v‡K Zvn‡j That Gi c‡ii ev‡K¨i Subject Gi ci would n‡e Ges Verb Gi Present iƒc n‡e | Example: He tells that he ............................ Ans:He tells that he will come. He has told that............................. Ans:He has told that he will do it. I know that................................... Ans: I know that the earth is round. He told me that................................ Ans:He told me that he had done it. Rana said that.................................. Ans:Rana said that he would come here tomorrow. Rule-27: Whether (wK ...........bv): Bnv `yBwU weKí wPšÍv ev Kv‡Ri †ÿ‡Î e‡m| Bnv ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z em‡Z cv‡i| Avevi ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b em‡Z cv‡i Z‡e AwaKvsk mgq ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b em‡Z †`Lv hvq| Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Structure: Subject + Verb+ Object + whether + Subject + Verb+ Object. Or, Structure: Whether + Subject + Verb+ object, Subject+ Verb + Object Example: (a) I don’t know whether................ Ans: I don’t know you whether he will come or not. (b) I asked him whether................... Ans: I asked him whether he knows it or not. (c) Whether he comes or not, ....................... Ans: Whether he comes or not, I shall come. Rule-28: While Gi ci ciB hw` †Kvb verb e¨eüZ nq Zvn‡j D³ verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ Ki‡Z nq| wKš‘ While Gi c‡i hw` Subject _v‡K Zvn‡j Gi c‡ii AskwU Present Continuous Tense/Past Continuous Tense n‡e| Example: I saw a bird while.................................. Ans. I saw a bird while walking in the garden. I saw a bird while I........................................... Ans. I saw a bird while I was walking in the garden. Do not make a noise while your father....................... Ans. Do not make a noise while your father is sleeping. Rule-29: (i) Since hy³ Sentence Gi cÖ_g Ask Past Indefinite Tense n‡j c‡ii Ask Past Perfect Tense n‡e| Example: It was twenty years since the author.................................... Ans. It was twenty years since the author had first met his lady guest. (ii) Since hy³ Sentence Gi cÖ_g Ask Present Indefinite Tense/Present Perfect Tense n‡j cieZ©x Ask Past Indefinite n‡e| †hgb : It is many years since I................................ Ans. It is many years since I came to Dhaka. Rule-30: So ............. that (GZ ----------…… †h) G †ÿ‡Î incomplete sentence wU‡Z so Gi c‡i adjective/adverb _vK‡j Zvic‡i that + subject + cannot / could not + GKwU ms½wZc~b© verb + others Øviv sentence wU m¤ú~b© Ki‡Z nq| that-Gi c~‡e©i verb hw` past tense nh Z‡e that- Gi c‡i †h subject e‡m Zvic‡i could not emv‡Z n‡e| Structure: Subject + verb + so + adjective/adverb + that + subject + can/could/may/might + Verb +......... Or, Structure: Subject + Verb + so + Adjective/Adverb + that + subject + Verb +..... Example: (a) He is so honest................ Ans: He is so honest that everybody believes him. (b) It rained so heavily that.................. Ans: It rained so heavily that we could not go out. (c) He walked so fast that........................ Ans: He walked so fast that he was able to catch me. (d) He speaks so loudly that.......................... Ans: He speaks so loudly that I do not understand it. (e) The man was so ill.................................... Ans: The man was so ill that he could not walk. Rule-31: Feel, suppose, imagine, report, discover, know, judge, assume BZ¨vw` verb-Gici to be ewm‡q incomplete sentence - ‡K complete Ki‡Z nq| Example: (a) I know him to be....................... Ans: I know him to be honest. (b) We felt the decision to be wise. Ans. We felt the decision to be wise. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Completing Sentences

EXERCISE (According to NCTB) 1. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) She was competent enough to ÍÍÍ. (b) Getting a scholarship is so competitive that ÍÍÍ. (c) Studying abroad is too expensive for an ordinary student to ÍÍÍ. (d) Sheema is applying for a scholarship so that she can ÍÍÍ. (e) Studying abroad will not only upgrade her qualifications but also ÍÍÍ. 2. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Luna didn't have enough time to ÍÍÍ. (b) Her teacher was speaking so quickly that she could not ÍÍÍ. (c) Moreover the subject was too difficult for her to ÍÍÍ. (d) Her teacher should have spoken slowly so that students could ÍÍÍ. (e) A good teacher is careful not only about what to say but also about ÍÍÍ. 3. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Salma was old enough to ÍÍÍ. (b) Rahnuma was so excited that ÍÍÍ. (c) When she saw her picture in newspaper, she was too ÍÍÍ. (d) She bought some more copies of the newspaper so that ÍÍÍ. (e) Not only her parents but also her neighbours ÍÍÍ. 4. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) The students were clever enough to ÍÍÍ. (b) They were so frightened that they could not ÍÍÍ. (c) They became too frightened to ÍÍÍ. (d) One of the boys came forward so that ÍÍÍ. (e) Not only the students but also the stranger had to ÍÍÍ. 5. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Swimming is an excellent way to ÍÍ. (b) By swimming you cannot only make your heart stronger but also ÍÍ. (c) Swimming makes your body flexible as well as ÍÍ. (d) Neither badminton nor tennis ÍÍ. (e) In order to be a good tennis player, you have to be sharp enough to ÍÍ. 6. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Travelling by plane is complicated as ÍÍÍ. (b) The passengers need to report at the desk so that ÍÍÍ. (c) You have to fill in an embarkation card to ÍÍÍ. (d) If you have more baggage which weighs more than the limit, ÍÍÍ. (e) Unless your body is searched by a security, ÍÍÍ. 7. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) As I was sitting at the front seat, ÍÍÍ. (b) A rickshaw van which was overloaded with good was ÍÍÍ. (c) The rickshaw puller was not strong enough ÍÍÍ. (d) The bus was running so fast that ÍÍÍ. (e) As soon as the bus hit the rickshaw van, ÍÍÍ. 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) We have a debating club in our school which ÍÍÍ. (b) The club arranges debating competitions both among classes and ÍÍÍ. (c) Our English teacher not only guides us in writing good speeches ÍÍ. (d) Taking part in debates is a great experience as long as ÍÍÍ. (e) You cannot expect to win a debating competition unless ÍÍÍ. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

9. Complete the following sentences. (a) We should say 'no’ to corruption because _________. (b) Corrupt persons are not only dishonest but also _________. (c) Now, it is high time ________. (d) We should work together if ________. (e) But we are so self-centered _________. 10. Complete the following sentences: a) You cannot find others to love you unless ______. b) It is love that ______. c) Love is divine which ______. d) Your friends cannot help loving you if ______. e) If you are not loved, it is a good evidence that ______. 11. Complete the following sentences: (a) No sooner had he reached the station ________. (b) She ran fast lest __________. (c) He could not avail __________. (d) I prevented him ______. (e) All should do something to. 12. Complete the following sentences: (a) The poor man is too hungry to ______. (b) I came here with a view to ______. (c) The weather was so cold that ______. (d) Hasib behaves as if ______. (e) The higher we fly the harder ______.

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1×5= 5




The Linking Words

Linking Word ej‡Z eySvq wKQy word ev phrase hv `ywU clause †K GK‡Î mshy³ K‡i| Avevi †Kvb GKwU para ev Aby‡”Q‡`i fve ev e³‡e¨i g‡a¨ avivevwnKZv eRvq ivL‡Z c~e©eZ©x sentence Gi mv‡_ cieZ©x sentence Gi g‡a¨ ms‡hvMKvix word mg~n‡K Linking words / sentence linkers / sentence connectors ejv nq| †hgb : But, as longer, as though, besides, at the same time, subsequently, while, first, I’m afraid, in short, in fact BZ¨vw`| cÖv‡qvwMK w`K †_‡K Linking words `yB cÖKvi: • Linking words within a sentence, • Linking words between or across the sentence. GQvov relative pronounI Linking words wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq| Linking words

Linking words Linking words between within a sentence or across the sentences Linking Words wn‡m‡e Avgiv mvaviYZ relative pronoun, relative adverb, conjunctive pronoun, conjunctive adverb, prepositional phrase ev co-coordinating / subordinating conjunction e¨envi Kwi| †hgb : I know the young girl who came here yesterday. (Relative pronoun) I know who came here yesterday. (Conjunctive adverbs) I take color first in order to remain healthy (prepositional phrase) The lady is fine but frailty. (Co-ordinating conjunction) You cannot succeed unless you read attentively. (Sub-ordinating conjunction) Linkers Gi ZvwjKv Linker mg~n‡K Zv‡`i e¨env‡ii wfwˇZ fvM Kiv n‡jv| e¨env‡ii wfwˇZ Zv‡`i cÖavbZ wZb fv‡M fvM Kiv n‡q‡Q| h_v: Co-ordinating, sub-ordinating Ges correlative linkers| (i) Co-ordinating linker n‡jv †mBme Linker hv `y‡Uv word ev `y‡Uv mggh©v`vi clause ev evK¨‡K hy³ K‡i| and, but, or, as well as cÖf„wZ co-ordinating linkers| Giv Avevi Pvi ai‡bi; ‡hgb1. Cumulative ev Copulative (ms‡hvRbg~jK) 2. Adversative (fv‡ei cv_©K¨m~PK ev Zzjbvg~jK) 3. Alternative (weKíg~jK) 4. Illative (Kvh©KviY m¤úK©g~jK) (ii) Sub-ordinative linker nj †mBme Linker hv GKwU Principal clause Ges ev GKvwaK subordinating clause-hy³ K‡i| †hgb- that, since, so that, as, so ....... that cÖf„wZ| G‡`i‡K Avevi Apposition (D‡Ïk¨/we‡aq), Cause (KviY/†nZz), Effect (djvdj/cÖfve), Purpose (D‡Ïk¨), Condition (kZ©), Confession ev Recognition (¯^xK…wZ), Comparison (Zzjbv), Manner (aib), Time (mgq), Place (¯’vb) cÖf„wZ fv‡M fv‡M Kiv hvq| (iii) Correlative linker ci¯úi m¤úK©hy³ `y‡Uv Linking word wg‡j GKwU linking word Zv‡`i‡K correlative linking words e‡j| Giv me©`vB †Rvovq †Rvovq e¨eüZ nq| †hgb- either ...... or, neither .... nor, whether ..... or, not only .... but also cÖf„wZ| D‡jL¨ GKUv wbw`©ó linker Avevi GKvwaK f~wgKv cvjb Ki‡Z cv‡i Ges G Kvi‡Y Zv GKvwaK e‡M©i AvIZvq co‡Z cv‡i| Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


GK bR‡i Linkers (List of Coordinating, subordinating, Correlatives and others linkers) Usage (e¨venvi) Cumulating, addition, Copulation (ms‡hvRb) Adversation (fv‡ei cv_©K¨ ev Zzjbv) Illation (Kvh©KviY m¤úK© ev Abygvb) Alternation (weKí)

Linkers (ms‡hvRKmg~n) Class (†kªYx ev eM©) and, also, as well as, not only ... but also, thus, as, too, to sum up, in addition to, on the whole, both ... and but, or yet, still, where

for, therefore, so, thus, therefore, afterwards, nevertheless, rather, already or, nor, else, beside / otherwise / besides / on the other hand, whether ... or, either. .... or, alternatively, as a result, as a result, as a consequence Cause or Reason since, as, because, that is why, for this (KviY ev †nZz) Confession of though, although, in spite of, whereas recognition (¯^xK…wZ) Contrast (ˆemv`„k¨ ev though / although, in spite of, whereas, in ˆecixZ¨) contrast, on the contrary, in other words, after that Comparisons (Zzjbv) so long as, as .... as, so ....as, as / like, than other ... than, comparatively, compare with, such as, more, most, less, least, Time (Kvj/mgq) where / when, while, after, since, before, as soon as, so long as, till / until, in the beginning, at the beginning, in the middle, in the end, at the end, at last after that, in the meantime, previously, formerly Manner (Ae¯’v / Dcvq) as, how, thus, in this way, in that way, in particular, particularly, notably, chiefly, mainly, mostly, similarly, hence, thence, specially. Relative Pronoun that, who, which, what, whose, but (m¤úK©hy³ me©bvg) Possession (AwaKvi/¯^Z¡) whom, here / there Place (¯’vb) where / where ever Adverb of whoever, whatever, whichever, however, concession (¯^xK…wZ) however, ever if, whether Order of event / firstly, secondly, lastly, finally, at last, in ordinal numeral (aviv between, in the middle of, in conclusion ev µgm~PK msL¨v) Order or sequence next, afterword, after all, then (µg) Exaggeration of in addition to, furthermore, moreover, above Information (Z‡_¨i all, all in all AwZwi³ aviYv) Example (`„óvšÍ / for example, for instance, such as.




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D`vniY) Similarity (mggvb/mgZzj¨) Unexpectation (AcÖZ¨vkv)

Conclusion (Dcmsnvi)

The Linking Words

similarly, in the same way, in a similar manner, likewise, all the same anyhow, anyway, however, nevertheless, after all, all the same, in any case, either. ............ or, neither. ............. nor, whether. ........ or, other. ........... or, other. ........... than, both. ............ and, not only. .......... but also. at the end of, in the end of,on the whole, after all,above all,to sum up,to summarise, in conclusion, in short, in briefly GK bR‡i Meaning of Linkers

Linkers After a while Afterwards At last At that time Currently Eventually Formerly In the meantime mgq wb‡`©k Kivi Rb¨ In the past Later Meanwhile Simultaneously Since then Subsequently Until now Whenever In the same way Similarly As.....as More All the same `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK e¨vw³ ev e¯‘i g‡a¨ In comparison wgj ev Awgj †`Lv‡Z Correspondingly Also Equally Likewise Too On the other hand On the contrary In contrast ˆemv`„k¨g~jK ev Awgj eySv‡bvi Rb¨ In fact Instead Rather

Bangla Meaning wKQyÿY c‡i cieZx©‡Z Ae‡k‡l †m mgq m¤cÖwZ Ae‡k‡l Av‡M BZtg‡a¨ Av‡M cieZx©‡Z BZtg‡a¨ GKB mv‡_ ZLb †_‡K cieZx©‡Z GLbI hLbB GKB mv‡_ Abyiƒcfv‡e †hgb...†Zgb/gZ †ekx GKB K_v Zzjbv Ki‡j GKBfv‡e I mgvbfv‡e GKBfv‡e I Aci c‡ÿ Aciw`K w`‡q Aci c‡ÿ Avm‡j cwie‡Z© eis

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Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

wewfbœ wRwb‡li D`vniY

AwZwi³ Z_¨ cÖ`vb Kivi Rb¨

NUbv eY©bv Kivi mgq cÖ_‡g wK, AZtci wK

†Kvb wKQyi eY©bv †k‡l Dcmsnvi

By contrast In reality For example In other words Such as That is to say For instance To demonstrate As an illustration To illustrate In addition Further more Moreover Above all Besides Again Particularly Then Especially/Specially Indeed What is more At last Lastly Last of all Next After that Afterwards Then First/at first/firstly Second/Secondly/In the second place Thirdly/ in the third place Fourth/Fourthly At the beginning In the outset At the outset In the end In short / In brief Last of all To sum up To summarise On the whole In conclusion Hence Over all Finally To conclude

Aciw`K w`‡q ev¯Í‡e D`vniY ¯^iƒc Ab¨ K_vq †hgb A_©vr †hgb e¨vL¨v ¯^iƒc e¨vL¨v ¯^iƒc e¨vL¨v ¯^iƒc ZvQvov AviI/Dciš‘ Dciš‘ m‡e©vcwi Zv QvovI Avevi we‡kl K‡i ZLb we‡kl K‡i cÖK„Z c‡ÿ ZvQvovI cÖ_gZt wØZxqZt Z…ZxqZt PZz_©Zt ïiæ‡Z ïiæ‡Z ïiæ‡Z †k‡l Ae‡k‡l †k‡l me‡k‡l cieZx©‡Z †gv‡Ui Dci cieZx©‡Z Zvici ms‡ÿ‡c me‡k‡l †kl K_vq Dcmsnv‡i me©cwi Dcmsnv‡i G‡ÿ‡Î †gvUvgywU †k‡l Dcmsnv‡i

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The Linking Words


†Kvb wKQyi e¨vL¨v †`Iqvi mgq

†Kvb KvR Av‡MB †kl n‡q‡Q wKš‘ Zvi d‡j GKUv djvdj `vwo‡q‡Q †m¸wj cÖKvk Kivi Rb¨

That is to say That is Namely Chiefly/Mainly Such as In particular/Particularly Accordingly As a result As a consequence Consequently

A_©vr A_©vr bv‡g cÖavbZt †hgb we‡kl K‡i †mB Abyhvqx d‡j djkÖƒwZ‡Z d‡j

For this reason For that reason So Therefore

GB Kvi‡Y GB Kvi‡Y ZvB AZGe

Linking words within a sentence 1. `ywU clause Gi g‡a¨ hw` wecixZ aviYv eySvq Z‡e but, yet, still, despite, in spite of, though, although, whereas, even if BZ¨vw` Linking words e¨eüZ nq| Example: (a) But (wKš‘): Our hoards are little but our hearts are great. He was intelligent but he was not selected. He has much money but leads a simple life. He was poor but honest. He was a scholar but nobody values him. (b) Yet (Zv m‡Z¡I /Z_vwcI): He ran fast yet he could not catch the train. He is poor yet he is happy. (c) Still (Zv m‡Z¡I /Z_vwcI): He has money still he is unhappy. He is poor still he is happy. The man is rich still he wants more. He is weak still he wants to go. (d) Though/Although (hw`I........ZeyI): Nayem wants to fly though she feels afraid. Although he had a lot, he wanted more. He was punished though he was innocent. (e) Even if: Even if it rains, I will start my journey. 2. `ywU clause Øviv hw` ‘time of action, eySvq Z‡e prior, till, until, when, before, after, while, since, wherever, as, as long as, as soon as, BZ¨vw` Linking words e¨eüZ nq| Example: (a) Till / Until (ch©šÍ)/(ch©šÍ...........bv): Wait till / until I come back. He will wait for me till / until you come. We shall nurse him till / until you come round. He will wait for me till / until you come. (b) When (hLb........ZLb/KLb): I was busy when you phoned me. When he came, I was writing. I don’t know when he comes. (c) Before (Av‡M): The patient had died before the doctor came. He had lost the pen before he came here. I will have done it before you come. (d) After(c‡i): I arrived home after he had left. He came after I had come. Father meets him after I will have reached. (e) As long as: I will remember that day as long as I live. (f) While (A_P /Ab¨w`‡K): Don’t make a noise while you are in the class. He passed the examination while his sister could not. I like it while he does not like. (g) Wherever: I will see you wherever I get time. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


3. `ywU clause Øviv hw` ‡Kvb NUbvi KviY ev djvdj eySvq Z‡e since, as, because, for, BZ¨vw` Linking words e¨eüZ nq| Example: (a) Since (nj): I like him since he is an honest man. It is two years since he died. Two months have passed since he left school. (b) As (‡h‡nZz...........†m‡nZz ev KviY) : I could not go to school as I was ill. As he was tired, he wouldn’t go. I came to see him as he has nobody to see. (c) Because (KviY): I’ve got admitted into Cambrian College because I want to get GPA 5 in the exam. He was absent because his father was ill. Because it is raining, I won’t go. 4. kZ©hy³ `ywU clause †K GKwÎZ Kivi mgq if, unless, in case, provided/providing that, on condition that, supposing that, once, as long as BZ¨vw` Linking words e¨eüZ nq| Example: (a) If (hw`): If it rains tomorrow, I will not go to school. (b) Unless (hw`...........bv): You can’t come in unless you have a ticket. Unless you work hard, you will fail. He will not shine in life unless he works hard. You will phone me unless I meet you. (c) Provided that (hw`): You can came provided that you don’t make noise. Provided that it does not rain, I shall go. You will catch cold provided that you play in the rain. Provided that I had seen him earlier, I would have informed him. (d) On condition that: You can borrow my bike on condition that you will return it in time. 5. †Kvb Kv‡Ri aiY ev KvRwU wKfv‡e Kiv nq Zv wb‡`©k Ki‡Z as, as if, as though, how, however, like, so, BZ¨vw` Linking words wn‡m‡e `ywU clause ‡K hy³ K‡i| Example: (a) As if (†hb): He talks as if he were mad. He requested me as if he had done it. (b) As (†h‡nZz...........†m‡nZz ev KviY): Rupa behaved as she always does. As he was tired, he wouldn’t go. I came to see him as he has nobody to see. (c) As though (†hb): He talked as though he were a parrot. (d) So (ZvB/myZivs): As you saw, so shall you reap. He did not work hard, so he could not do well. I know this, so you need not waste time. (e) However(AZGe) : You can travel however you like. You are weak. However you can do simple work. He will come. However you should wait. 6. †Kvb Kv‡Ri D‡Ïk¨ I djvdj e¨³ Ki‡Z to, in order to, so as to, that, so that, in order that, for, lest BZ¨vw` Linking words wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q `ywU clause ‡K hy³ K‡i| Example: (a) Lest (hv‡Z...........bv): Run fast lest you should miss the train. He punished me lest I should tell a lie. Walk fast lest you should miss the class. (b) So that (hv‡Z/ hvnv‡Z) : We work hard so that we may succeed in life. (c) That (†h ev hvnv): I am so tired that I can’t work. He says that he is honest. Father told me that he wouldn’t come. I know that the earth is round. (d) That: They started early that they might reach early. (D‡Ïk¨) Linking words between or across the sentences

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The Linking Words

1. c~‡e© hv ejv n‡q‡Q Zvi mv‡_ cieZ©x sentence Gi fv‡ei g‡a¨ ms‡hvM ¯’vcb Ki‡Z moreover, in addition, furthermore, besides, to, as well, likewise, similarly, apart from, also, either, neither, BZ¨vw` Linking words e¨eüZ nq| Example: Mr. Rahman is a learned man. Moreover, he is gentle and polite. Mr. Noor has a latest model car. In addition, he has a beautiful house. I don’t like those shoes; besides, they are too expensive. He gets a handsome salary. Apart from this, he has good private income. 2. ci¯úi wecixZgyLx fve cÖKvk Ki‡Z however, nevertheless, after all, alternatively, instead, in contrast, by contrast, otherwise, on the contrary, on the other hand, even so, in spite of BZ¨vw` Linkers e¨eüZ nq| Example: We were to lose the game. However, we tried our best. She is after all rude to me; nevertheless I like her. We have no coffee, would you like tea instead? We could take the train or, alternatively go by car. 6. Av‡M ev c‡ii †Kvb NUbv cÖKvk Ki‡Z soon, then, after words, before that, after that, since then, by the time, subsequently BZ¨vw` Linkers e¨eüZ nq| Example: First we went to the theatre. After that, we had a meal. Kamal tried to get a job. But he failed. Subsequently, he started a business. I last met her is 1999. Since then, I haven’t seen her. 7. ‘†m hvB †nvK' G A‡_© c~e©eZ©x sentence Gi mv‡_ cieZ©x sentence Gi e³‡e¨i ms‡hvM ¯’vcb Ki‡Z any way, anyhow, at any rate, at least BZ¨vw` Linkers e¨eüZ nq| Example: It’s too late now. Anyhow, you can try. He may be slow but at least, he is reliable. 8. †Kvb e³‡e¨I cvi¯úwiK avivevwnKZv eRvq ivL‡Z first / firstly, second / secondly, third / thirdly, finally, at the end, then, next in fine BZ¨vw` Linkers e¨eüZ nq| Example: To make a garden first you have to select a piece of land. Finally, you have to work at least two hours. In fine, all of us want a Golden Bangladesh. 9. `ywU wecixZagx© fv‡ei g‡a¨ mgZv weavb Ki‡Z A‡bK mgq on the other hand, while, whereas, as BZ¨vw` Linking Words e¨eüZ nq| Example: I like you while you hate me. I like spending my holidays in the mountains whereas my friends seaside. 10. c~‡e© hv ejv n‡q‡Q Zvi djkÖæwZ‡Z hyw³msMZ cwiYwZ ev djvdj e¨³ Ki‡Z therefore, as a result, as a consequence, consequently, so , then, hence, thus BZ¨vw` Linkers e¨eüZ nq| Example: My car broke down and consequently I was late. The road was under water. The police therefore closed it. Someone switched the freeze off; as a result all the food was spoilt. 11. GKB mg‡q msNwUZ mgm¨vg~jK `ywU NUbv cÖKvk Ki‡Z and, now, in the mean time, similarly, meanwhile, at the same time, at that time, at the very moment BZ¨vw` Linkers e¨eüZ nq| Example: She was singing and dancing at the same time. I was entering the hall at the very moment he was enjoying the movie. I went to college. Meanwhile, all my friends left the hall. GQvov wbæwjwLZ Words ev Phrase ¸‡jv- †hgb : for example, for instance, regarding, as regards, as far as, incidentally, by the way, in any case, on the whole, broadly speaking, in most cases, actually, that is to say, in other words, apparently, so to speak, really, I suppose, well, I’m afraid, frankly, no doubt, actually, in fact, as a Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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matter of fact, in conclusion, briefly, in short BZ¨vw` Linkers ev Linking Words wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq| Example: Well : Do you like it? Well, it’s all right. I’m afraid : Would please help me? I’m afraid, I can’t. I suppose : I suppose, you are very busy just at the moment. In short : He is lazy, ignorant and stupid. In short, he is useless. EXERCISE (According to NCTB) 1. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5 = 5 through regarding so that which since because as Aslam and Anwar are close friends. They read in the same school (a) ______ in the same class. They go to school together. Aslam is now ill. (b) ______ he cannot go to school. (c) ______ he does not go to school, he is getting daily information regarding class lessons from his classmate Anwar. He provides Aslam with all the class information (d) ______ he can be acquainted with school works, Anwar is sorry (e) ______ he is missing Aslams company during school hours. 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 which while then that and thereupon but The Caliph marveled at the grace and radiance of the young girls, (a) ______ was astonished to see (b) ______ each of the dervishes was blind in the left eye. The girls offered him a cup of wine (c) ______he excused himself saying, "I am setting forth on a pilgrimage to Mecca shortly." (d) ______ one of the girls put down before him a small table, on (e) ______ she placed a cup of Chinese porcelain. The Caliph kept on seeing all these wonderful things done by the girls. 3. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5 = 5 because or even that who although almost Today almost every city has an airport, (a) ______ two in the case of some big cities. It is true (b) ______ like a railway station an airport is very busy place. It is crowded with people, (c) ______ there are many passengers (d) ……………. are either waiting for a fight (e) ……………. have just landed there. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 and instead of since For but even therefore A person once went to a saint (a) ______ asked two questions. Why do people say God is everywhere? I see him nowhere. (b) ______ show me where he is. Why is man punished for crime, (c) ______ he is not a free agent (d) ______made to do as God wishes? The saint took a lump of earth and flung it at the head of the questioner. The man went to the Judge and complained against the Saint (e) ______ having inflicted a severe pain in his head. 5. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 otherwise but so although however which accordingly Every citizen has some duties and responsibilities for his nation. (a) ______ most of the people are careless in this respect. People of this country have achieved national identity at the cost of a great sacrifice (b) ______ is still evaluated nationally (c) ______some selfish people never want to give them Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

The Linking Words


recognition. (d) ______ we all should do some benevolent activities (e) ______ we will be guilty to the nation. 6. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate linking words from the list. 1×5 = 5 because of




At the age



Hellen Keller was born in 1880 at Tashambia in America. She was born as a (a) and normal child (b) lost her eyesight later. (c) of one and a half she was attacked by brain (d) This disease took away her power of seeing. She (e) lost her power of hearing. 7. Fill in the blanks with the suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 unless


according to






The foods that we eat can be divided into six kinds (a) _____ what substances they contain and (b) ______benefits they do to us. Fish, meat, peas, and milk provide us with protein (c) _____ builds our body and help us grow. (d) ______we do not take all these, we cannot grow well. Vitamins and mineral salts protect us from diseases (e) ______ keep us fit for work. 8. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 which while then that and thereupon but The Caliph marveled at the grace and radiance of the young girls, (a) ______ was astonished to see (b) ______ each of the dervishes was blind in the left eye. The girls offered him a cup of wine (c) ______he excused himself saying, "I am setting forth on a pilgrimage to Mecca shortly." (d) ______ one of the girls put down before him a small table, on (e) ______ she placed a cup of Chinese porcelain. The Caliph kept on seeing all these wonderful things done by the girls.

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BASIC GRAMMAR Subject and Predicate GKwU Sentence Gi `yÕwU Ask _v‡K| †hgb: (i) Subject Ges (ii) Predicate Subject: Subject - A_© KZ©v| hvi Øviv Sentence Gi KvRwU m¤úbœ nq Zv‡K e‡j Subject| Avevi Ab¨fv‡e ejv hvq, Sentence- G hvi m¤ú‡K© wKQy ejv ev †jLv nq Zv‡K e‡j Subject (e¨w³, e¯Íy , cÖvYx) | Sentence Gi Subject Part mvaviYZ Noun. Predicate: Predicate- A_© we‡aq| Subject m¤^‡Ü hv wKQy ejv nq ZvB Predicate | A_©vr GKwU Sentence G Subject Qvov evKx m¤ú~Y© AskB n‡jv Predicate| Predicate As‡k verb AZ¨vek¨Kxq| †hgb: Subject


I They She We

go to school every day. play football in the field. is making a cup of tea. are reading.

Dc‡ii Sentence ¸wj jÿ¨ Ki‡j †`Lv hvq †h, Predicate As‡k Verb mn Object, Complement, adjunct i‡q‡Q|

The Parts of Speech Bs‡iRx fvlvq GKwU Sentence Gi word ¸‡jvi cÖ‡Z¨KwU wfbœ wfbœ Kvh© m¤úv`b K‡i| Avi Kvh© m¤úv`‡bi w`K †_‡K Sentence-G e¨eüZ kã ¸‡jv‡K 8fv‡M e¨envi Kiv hvq, G‡`i cÖ‡Z¨K fvM‡K Part of Speech e‡j| †Kvb kãwU †Kvb ai‡bi Part of Speech Zv †m kãwU e¨env‡ii Dci wbf©i K‡i| Example: I know that boy. Here 'that' is an Adjective. Don’t do that. Here 'that' is a Pronoun. I told that he did it. Here 'that' is a Conjunction. Bs‡iRx‡Z Parts of Speech 8 cÖKvi| (i) Noun (ii) Pronoun (iii) Adjective (iv) Verb (v) Adverb (vi) Preposition (vii) Conjunction and (viii) Interjection. Noun A naming word of any place, thing, action quality, nation etc. A Noun names something. (†Kvb e¨w³, e¯‘, ¯’vb, RvwZ, KvR ev ¸‡Yi bvgevPK kã‡K Noun e‡j)| Noun Countable Ges Uncountable n‡Z cv‡i| Countable Nouns: ‡h me Noun MYbv Kiv hvq †m¸‡jv Countable Noun| Example: pen, book, chair, friend etc. We can count those things. Uncountable Nouns: ‡h me Noun MYbv Kiv hvq bv †m¸‡jv Uncountable Noun| Example: water, milk, sugar, oil, salt, etc. We cannot count those things. Classification of Noun: Noun cÖavbZ `yB fv‡M wef³: (1) Abstract Nouns (2) Concrete Nouns 1. Abstract Nouns: †h me Noun †K †`Lv hvq bv wKš‘ Dcjwä Kiv hvq ev †evSv hvq †m¸‡jv Abstract Noun| Example: kindness, happiness, honesty, beauty, truth, love, silence, sorrow, etc. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Basic Grammar


2. Concrete Nouns: †h me Noun †`Lv hvq I eySv hvq †m¸‡jv Concrete Noun| Concrete Noun Avevi 4fv‡M wef³| bx‡P QK Gi gva¨‡g Noun Gi cÖKvi‡f` †`qv nj: Noun







GLb Concrete Noun Gi GB Pvi cÖKvi Ges Abstract Noun wg‡j Noun †gvU cvuP| (a) Proper Noun; (b) Common Noun; (c) Collective Noun; (d) Material Noun; (e) Abstract Noun; (a) Proper Noun: †h me Noun †Kvb wbw`©ó e¨w³, e¯‘ ev ¯’vb‡K eySvq †m¸‡jv Proper Noun| Example: Arif, Asia, April, Dhaka, Friday, the Meghna, etc. (b) Common Noun: †h me Noun †Kvb wbw`©ó e¨w³, e¯‘ ev ¯’vb‡K bv eywS‡q H RvZxq cÖwZwU wRwbm‡K †evSvq †m¸‡jv Common Noun| Example: boy, city, river, month, continent, etc. Proper Noun Ges Common Noun wb‡q hv‡Z Avgiv Confused ev wØav ؇›Ø bv cwo Zvi Rb¨ bx‡Pi Chart wU e¨envi Ki‡Z cvwi| Common Noun

Proper Noun

Common Noun

(1) Man

Ali, Rana,

(6) City

(2) Woman (3) River (4) Day (5) Month

Rima, Shima Padma, Meghna Friday, Sunday January, March

(7) Vehicle (8) Festival (9) Book (10)Country

Proper Noun

Dhaka, New York Ulka, Hanif Eid-ul-Fitre, Quran, Bible China, Canada.

(c) Material Noun: †h me Noun Ggb e¯‘‡K eySvq hv MYbv Kiv hvq bv wKš‘ IRb Kiv hvq †m¸‡jv Material Noun| Example: gold, oil, rice, sugar, iron, gas, milk, water, etc. (d) Collective Noun: †h me Noun GKB RvZxq e¨w³, e¯‘ ev cÖvYx‡K Avjv`vfv‡e bv eywS‡q mgwóMZfv‡e ‡evSvq †m¸‡jv Collective Noun| Example: team, committee, party, class, etc. cÖvqB †`Lv hvq †h QvÎ-QvÎxiv Common Noun Ges Collective Noun Gi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| hw` bx‡Pi QKUvi w`‡K GKUz bRi †`q Zvn‡j mn‡RB GB mgm¨v Gwo‡q Pj‡Z cvie| Common Noun Collective Noun Common Noun Collective Noun (a) Players team (e) Members committee (b) Books library (f) Fish shoal(SvK) (c) Students class (g) Hair tuft.(‡MvQv) (d) Sheep herd(cvj) (h) Robbers gang(`j) Dc‡iv³ D`vniY ¸wji cÖ_gwU‡Z Players Øviv †L‡jvqvo‡`i‡K eySv‡”Q wKš‘ hLbB eje Team ZLbB GUv gv_vq Avm‡e †h Team gv‡bB A‡bK¸wj Player Gi mgwó| myZvivs Team n‡e Collective Noun Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Abyiƒcfv‡e wØZxq D`vni†Yi Books kã Øviv eB†K eySvq wKš‘ hLbB eje Library ZLbB GUv A‡bK¸wj Book Gi mgwó eySv‡e| Abyiƒcfv‡e Z…Zxq D`vni†Yi Students kã Øviv mg¯Í QvÎ-QvÎx†KB eySvq wKš‘ hLbB eje Class ZLbB GUv Avgv‡`i ey‡S wb‡Z n‡e †h GKUv Class GKRb QvÎ-QvÎx wb‡q MwVZ nq bv eis GKUv Class gv‡bB A‡bK ¸wj QvÎ-QvÎxi mgwó Abyiƒcfv‡e evKx ¸wji †ÿ‡ÎI GKB Ae¯’v n‡e| GLv‡b GKUv welq †Lqvj ivLv `iKvi ‡h Collective Noun nj Common Noun Gi mgwó | Identification of Noun 1. Noun mvaviYZ Determiner Gi c‡i e‡m| Determiners are : Articles (a, an, the) possessive case (my, his, her, your, our, their, its.), Demonstrative Pronoun (this, these, those, that), Numerals (one, two, three, first, second), Quantifiers (any, many, some, much, more, no, each, several, every, a lot of, lots of, less, few, a few, little, a little, plenty of, a good deal of) Example: The book, His pen, Those boys, Three men, Some pictures, A lot of money, A few bird. 2. Verb Gi Subject I Object n‡jv Noun. Example: Truth is beauty. I see a tiger. The police caught the thief. 3. Preposition Gi ci Noun e‡m Ges Zv object-Gi gZ KvR K‡i| Example: He was working for money. He depends on my generosity. I dreamt of traveling everywhere. We believe in freedom. 4. GKwU Common Noun A_ev GKwU Collective Noun KLbB Sentence-G GKv e¨eüZ nq bv| nq Noun wU plural nq A_ev Noun wUi mv‡_ Determiner _v‡K| Example: A boy/Boys is/are coming. (ïay boy n‡e bv|) A class/Classes is/are going. (ïay Class n‡e bv|) 5. Gerund, Participle I Infinitive Gi Object n‡”Q Noun. Example: Gerund: Reading books is always amusing. Participle: Seeing a snake you turned pale. Infinitive: To face truth is hard. She likes to drink water. 6. Verb to be Gi ci Noun em‡Z cv‡i| Example: He was the captain of the team. It will be the room. 7. KZ¸‡jv Adjective Noun wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| ZLb Adjective wUi c~‡e© Ôthe’ e‡m Ges verb wU plural nq| Example: The rich are not always happy. Sometimes the poor are happy. EXERCISE Identify the proper, common, collective, material and abstract noun from the following sentences: Water is necessary for all. Gold is a precious metal. He passed the examination last year. He is the best boy in this class. I have lost the pen. Always speak the truth. Never tell a lie. She is the best girl in this class. The book which you gave me is interesting. Kamal and Jamal are two brothers. The fan is moving over our head. He is an honest man. Raju and Saju are talking in the field. The committee will take the decision. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. The Muslims fast during Ramadan. Have you heard the name of Kazi Nazrul Islam? He is a boy of good moral. The ant is an industrious animal. He reads in class ten. February is the second month of English year. A gang of dacoits attacked the caravan. Honey tastes sweet. He sat on the chair and started writing on the paper. Momtaz is a beauty. Everyone should respect their parents. We read the daily Prothom Alo every day. An umbrella is an important instrument to save one from heat of the sun and rain. Kindness is a great virtue. The students should show their truthfulness. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Basic Grammar


Pronoun A Pronoun is a word used instead of a Noun. (Noun Gi cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ kã‡K Pronoun e‡j|) Example: Kamal has a book. He reads the book. Classification of Pronoun: Pronoun †K 8 fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| bx‡P Q‡Ki gva¨‡g ‡mwU †`qv nj: Pronoun Personal





Reflexive Indefinite


1. Personal Pronoun: †Kvb e¨w³i cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ Pronoun ¸‡jv Personal Pronoun. There are three types of personal Pronoun: (i) Nominative (ii) Objective and (iii) Possessive. Personal Pronouns Singular Plural Nominative I, You, He, She, It We, You, They Possessive

My, Mine, Your, Yours, His, Her, Its

Our, Ours, Your, Yours, Their, Theirs


Me, You, Him, Her, It

Us, You, Them

2. Demonstrative Pronoun: †h Pronoun GK ev GKvwaK e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k K‡i ‡m¸‡jv Demonstrative Pronoun. Example: This is my pen. That is her bag. The climate of Sylhet is better than that of Dhaka. 3. Interrogative Pronoun: †h me Pronoun cÖkœ Kivi Kv‡R e¨eüZ nq †m¸‡jv Interrogative Pronoun. Example: Who are you? What is he? Whom do you love most? 4. Relative Pronoun: †h me Pronoun Zvi c~‡e©v‡jøwLZ Noun ev Pronoun Gi mv‡_ m¤úK© ¯’vcb K‡i †m¸‡jv Relative Pronoun. Example: I met the man who had just returned. All that glitters is not gold. (Who, What, Whom, Which, Whose, That.) 5. Indefinite Pronoun: †h me Pronoun †Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K Awbw`©ófv‡e wb‡`©k K‡i †m¸‡jv Indefinite Pronoun. Example: One should do one’s duty. Some are born great. Many of my friends are talking. (someone, anyone, many) 6. Distributive Pronoun: †h me Pronoun cÖ‡Z¨KwU e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K Avjv`vfv‡e wb‡`©k K‡i †m¸‡jv Distributive Pronoun. Example: Each of the boys gets a prize. Everyone has done the sum. Either of the girls is very simple. Neither of them is here. 7. Reflexive Pronoun: †h me Pronoun Subject-Gi KvRwU‡K cÖwZdwjZ K‡i †m¸‡jv Reflexive Pronoun| GwU AvZ¥wb‡`©kK Pronoun Example: Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


I clean my room myself. Clean your room yourself. The boys cleaned the room themselves. The snake is hiding itself. We do it ourselves. 8. Reciprocal Pronoun: †h me Pronoun cvi¯úwiK m¤úK© wb‡`©k K‡i †m¸‡jv Reciprocal Pronoun. Example: Tamal and Kamal helped each other (one another) EXERCISE Find out pronouns from the following sentences : We can not do whatever we like. There is no man but wishes to be happy. This is the woman who lost her bag. The boy whom you met yesterday is my brother. The boy whose pen was lost was poor. I took a cabin which was small. We want such men as are active. These are the books that have just arrived. Such boys who are irregular will be punished. Everyone of them supported hím. Each of the boys has done his duty. Neither of the two sisters are friendly. She fans herself. He killed himself.They hurt themselves.He lost himself. I myself saw the man.We saw the principal himself. Do not praise yourself. We availed ourselves of the chance. Many were interviewed but few were seleçted. One should take care of one's health.Have you seen any tiger? No, I have not seen any. There is none but hates a liar.He is greater than she. He and I went there together. It was not I who did it. It is a sin to tell a lie. You have wronged me. His pen is finer than yours. Our school is better than theirs. The roads of Dhaka are better than those of Khulna. He will do the same as his brother. This pen is old, please give me a new one. These mangoes are green, give me some ripe ones. If you are a well wisher, prove yourself as such. This pen is better than that. These pens are good but those are not so good. Listen to what your teachers say. What is lotted can not be blotted. The two girls love each other. The three brothers quarrel with one another. What does he do in the room? Who has broken the glass? Which of the pens did he buy? Whom did you see? What is Jessore famous for? Whose pen did you borrow? Either of the two pens will do. Adjective †h me word Noun A_ev Pronoun m¤^‡Ü wKQy e‡j ev G‡`i we‡kwlZ (Qualify) K‡i †m¸‡jv Adjective. Classification of Adjective: Adjective Pvi fv‡M wef³| h_v: 1. Adjective of Quality: It shows the kind or quality of persons or things. (†h Adjective e¨w³ ev e¯‘i aiY‡K eySvq †m¸‡jv Adjective of quality.) Example: He became polite. We are Bangladeshi people. It is essential to be honest and wise. (good, bad, clever, lazy, weak, intelligent, old, healthy, wide, blue, honest, modest, essential, calm, polite, Asian, Bangladeshi, Greek, etc.) 2. Adjective of Quantity: †h Adjective e¨w³ ev e¯‘i cwigvY‡K eySvq †m¸‡jv Adjective of quantity. Example: I ate some rice. I have little money. You had enough books. 3. Adjective of Number: †h Adjective ev‡K¨ †Kvb Noun-Gi msL¨v wb‡`©k K‡i †m¸‡jv Adjective of Number. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Basic Grammar


Example: The hand has five fingers. It is the first day of the month. (One, two, three, first, second, third, some, all) 4. Pronominal Adjective: When any Pronoun is used as an adjective. It has four types. (Adjective wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ Pronoun) (a) Possessive Adjectives: Possessive Pronoun hLb Noun-Gi mv‡_ e¨eüZ nq ZLb Zv Possessive Adjective. Example: My pen is costlier than your one. (my, your, his, her, our, their, etc.) (b) Demonstrative Adjective: †h me Pronoun wbw`©ó e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k K‡i ZLb Zv Demonstrative Adjective. Example: That boy is industrious. Those pictures are remarkable. (c) Interrogative Adjectives: What, Which, Whose mn Noun Øviv cÖkœ Kiv n‡j †mB Question Word ¸‡jv‡K Interrogative Adjective e‡j| Example: What things do you sell? Whose pen is this? (d) Distributive Adjective: †h me Adjective †Kvb Noun-Gi cÖwZwU‡K wb‡`©k K‡i ZLb Zv Distributive Adjective. Example: Each boy reads here. Neither of the boys will stay. (every, either, neither, each.) Verb Verb: ‡h word Øviv †Kvb KvR Kiv ev nIqv eySvq Zv‡K verb e‡j| †hgb: a. He walks slowly. b. We know it. Dc‡ii D`vniY؇qi `vM †`qv AskUzKz verb KviY H¸wj KvR Kiv eySv‡”Q| †Kbbv cÖ_gwUi A_© ÔnvUvÕ Ges wØZxqwUi A_© ÔRvbvÕ| Kinds of Verb: Verb Finite Principal

Non-finite Auxiliary













Dc‡ii QK †_‡K Avgiv eyS‡Z cvwi Verb cÖavbZ: `yB cÖKvi| h_v: Finite Verb I Non-finite Verb. Finite Verb: Subject Gi Number I Person Abyhvqx †h Verb Gi cwieZ©b nq Zv‡K Finite Verb e‡j| †hgb: a. He goes to college. b. Rana knows it. D³ Sentence ؇qi verb h_vµ‡g goes I knows| D³ verb Øq Zv‡`i Subject → He I Rana Gi Kvi‡Y es ev s MÖnY K‡i‡Q| Finite Verb Gi cÖKvi‡f`: Finite Verb †K `yB fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| h_v: Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


a. Principal Verb b. Auxiliary Verb a. Principal Verb: †h Verb Ab¨ †Kvb Verb Gi mvnvh¨ Qvov ¯^vaxbfv‡e m¤ú~Y© A_© cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡K Principal Verb e‡j| †hgb: a. We play cricket. b. Man makes fire. c. People know it. d. We need money. GLv‡b play, makes, know Ges need G¸wj g~j verb KviY GB¸wj wb‡RivB ¯^vaxbfv‡e A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z cvi‡Q| b. Auxiliary Verb: †h Verb g~j Verb †K wewfbœ cÖKvi Sentence MV‡bi Rb¨ mvnvh¨ K‡i Zv‡K Auxiliary Verb e‡j| †hgb: a. I am reading a novel. b. Students are making a noise. c. We should respect our parents. GLv‡b am, are I should GB ¸wj Auxiliary Verb KviY GB¸wj Zv‡`i Principal Verb †K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Q| Kinds of Principal Verb: Principal Verb ‡K Avevi 3 fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| a. Transitive Verb b. Intransitive Verb c. Linking Verb a. Transitive Verb: †h Verb Zvi A_© cwic~Y© Kivi Rb¨ Object MÖnY K‡i Zv‡K Transitive Verb e‡j| †hgb: He flies a kite. We lost the pen. GLv‡b flies I lost Dfq Transitive Verb KviY Zviv Object MÖnY K‡i‡Q| b. Intransitive Verb: †h verb Zvi A_© cwic~Y© Kivi Rb¨ Object Gi cÖ‡qvRb †eva K‡i bv Zv‡K Intransitive Verb e‡j| †hgb: The girl sings. Birds fly. GLv‡b sings I fly verb Øq intransitive KviY object MÖnY Kiv QvovB Zviv A_© cwic~Y©fv‡e cÖKvk Ki‡Z †c‡i‡Q| c. Linking Verb: †h Verb Subject Ges Complement Gi g‡a¨ ms‡hvM mvab K‡i †`q Zv‡K Linking Verb e‡j| †hgb: He is a student. He was a doctor. GLv‡b ‘is’ I Ôwas’ linking verb KviY Zviv He Gi mv‡_ student I doctor Gi ms‡hvM K‡i w`‡q‡Q| N.B: be, appear, become, feel, get, go, grow, keep, look, prove, sound, run, smell, seem, taste, turn, GB Verb ¸‡jv‡K A‡bK mgq Linking Verb wn‡m‡e e¨envi Kiv nq| Auxiliary Verb Gi cÖKvi‡f`: Auxiliary Verb †K wZb fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| h_v: a. Primary Auxiliary b. Modal Auxiliary c. Periphrastic Modal Auxiliary a. Primary Auxiliary: †h verb Ae¯’vbyhvqx mvnvh¨Kvix Avevi Ae¯’vbyhvqx Principal verb wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq ZvnvB Primary Auxiliary verb. G‡`i msL¨v 3wU| h_v: be, do I have be → be Gi 8wU iƒc Av‡Q| h_v: am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been. †hgb: I am a student. I am reading English. do → do Gi 3Uv iƒc Av‡Q| h_v: do, does, did. †hgb: He did it. I did not do it. Have → Have Gi 3 Uv iƒc Av‡Q| h_v: Have, Has I Had †hgb: I have a pen. I have lost a pen. b. Modal Auxiliary: †h verb ¸wji ci base form of verb e‡m, to e‡m bv Ges ingI hy³ nq bv Zv‡K Modal Auxiliary e‡j| †hgb: He can do it. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

msL¨v : Modal Auxiliary Gi msL¨v 13wU| h_v: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, need, dare, had better, would rather. c. Periphrastic Modal Auxiliary: †h Verb ¸wji ci me©`vB to e‡m Zv‡K Periphrastic Modal Auxiliary e‡j| †hgb: We ought to help others. msL¨v: G‡`i msL¨v 6wU | h_v: be to, be going to, used to, ought to, be about to, have to Non-Finite Verb Gi cÖKvi‡f`: Non-Finite Verb †K wZb fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| h_v: a. Infinitive. b. Participle. c. Gerund. a. Infinitive: Verb Gi Present iƒc Gi c~‡e© to hy³ Ki‡j †h iƒc MwVZ nq ZvnvB Infinitive. †hgb: a. He came to meet me. b. They want you to make a good result. Use of Infinitive a. Verb Gi Subject wnmv‡e e‡m| †hgb: (i) To swim is a good exercise. (ii) To tell a lie is a great sin. (c) To err is human. b. Transitive Verb Gi Object wnmv‡e e‡m| †hgb: (i) My wife has planned to go there. (ii) He likes to play football. (iii) He wants to teach me. c. Subject Gi Complement wnmv‡e e‡m| †hgb: (i) His target is to get A+. (ii) My hobby is to angle. d. Preposition Gi Object iƒ‡c em‡Z cv‡i| †hgb: (i) The man was about to die. (ii) The flower was about to bloom but did not bloom. e. Verb Gi Adverb wnmv‡e e‡m Verb †K Modify Ki‡Z cv‡i | †hgb: (i) He came to see me. (ii) We went to observe it. f. Adjective Gi ci Infinitive e‡m Adjective †K Modify Ki‡Z cv‡i | †hgb: (i) He is ready to go there. (ii) Students are anxious to have a good result. g. Noun Gi ci Infinitive e‡m Noun †K Modify Ki‡Z cv‡i | †hgb: (i) There is a chair to sit on. (ii) I have no pen to write with. h. A‡bK mgq Sentence Gi ïiæ‡Z Infinitive G‡m Sentence Gi A_©‡K cwic~Y© K‡i| †hgb: (i) To speak the truth, he is an honest man. (ii) To be brief, he will not come. Bare Infinitive: Avgiv Rvwb cvkvcvwk `yBUv Verb Avm‡j c‡ii Verb wU Gerund nq A_ev Participle nq wKš‘ wKQy Verb Av‡Q hv‡`i c‡i Infinitive emv DwPr wQj wKš‘ e‡m bv Zv‡`i‡K Bare Infinitive ejv nq| G RvZxq Verb ¸wji c‡i GKUv Object e‡m AZtci GKUv Base form of Verb e‡m |G RvZxq Verb ¸wj nj: let, make, see, watch, hear, behold, (i) He does not let me go home. (ii) They saw me go there. (iii) We heard her sing a song. (iv) Father made us understand it. b. Participle: Verb Gi †h iƒc GKB mv‡_ Verb I Adjective Gi KvR K‡i Zv‡K Participle e‡j| †hgb: a. We saw a singing bird. b. Lost health can hardly be recovered. Participle †K Avevi 3 fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| h_v: (a) Present Participle (b) Past Participle (c) Perfect Participle (a) Present Participle: Verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ Ki‡j hw` †mwU Verb I Adjective wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i Zvn‡j Present Participle. †hgb: Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

a. A barking dog seldom bites. c. We found them playing cricket.


b. None should get on a running bus. d. We were enjoying an exciting game.

Use of Present Participle a. Verb Gi Continuous Tense MV‡b e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: a. He was enjoying television. b. They are eating rice. b. Noun Gi Av‡M e‡m Noun Gi ¸Y cÖKvk K‡i| †hgb: a.This is an interesting story. b. He has a pleasing voice. c. He shot a flying bird. c. A‡bK mgq linking verb I be Gi c‡i predicative use of adjective iƒ‡c e‡m| †hgb: a. The scenery looks charming. b. The game is exciting. d. ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z G‡m Present Participle wnmv‡e KvR Ki‡Z cv‡i| †hgb: a. Learning English he will come back. b. Playing football I get pleasure. e. ev‡K¨i †k‡l G‡m Present Participle wnmv‡e em‡Z cv‡i| †hgb: a. He went away closing the door. b. He burst into tears hearing the news. f. KL‡bv KL‡bv Preposition wnmv‡e em‡Z cv‡i| †hgb: a. The boy knew nothing regarding it. b. Nobody came saving(except) one. c. He gave a piece of information regarding (about) him. g. †Kvb Simple Sentence G Subject Gi c‡i I g~j Verb Gi Av‡M Subject Gi ¸Y cÖKvk Kivi Rb¨ Participle em‡Z cv‡i| †hgb: a. The house belonging to me now will be yours. b. The car running quickly collided against a wall. h. A‡bK mgq see, hear, watch, find BZ¨vw` verb Gi ci Subject Ges Zvi c‡ii AskwU Present Participle wn‡m‡e MY¨ nq| †hgb: a. He saw me coming here. b. We heard her singing. i. Have, get, start, keep, leave, find, catch BZ¨vw` Verb Gi ci Subject Ges Zvici ing hy³ Ask _vK‡j †mwU Present Participle wn‡m‡e MY¨ nq| †hgb: a. He kept me waiting. b. I caught the man stealing a mango. j. A‡bK mgq Finite Verb Gi mv‡_ m¤úK©nxbfv‡e ev‡K¨i cÖ_g As‡k Present Participle em‡Z cv‡i| †hgb: a. The game being over, we went away. b. The restaurant being dirty , we don’t eat there. k. Present Participle KLbI KLbI mgq, KviY I kZ© cÖKvk Kivi Rb¨ e¨eüZ nq| †hgb t a. Being ill, he could not come to the meeting. b. While walking along the road, I saw a dead cow. c. Turning to the left, you will find my house. (b) Past Participle: Verb Gi Past Participle ev 3q iƒc hLb GKB mv‡_ Verb I Adjective Gi KvR K‡i ZLb Zv‡K Past Participle e‡j| †hgb: a. Remove the broken glass. b. His father is a retired army officer. c. Don’t drink arsenic contaminated water. (c) Prefect Participle: Having + g~j verb Gi Past participle †K Perfect Participle e‡j| `ywU Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ GKwU m¤úbœ Kivi ci Ab¨wU Kiv n‡j H m¤úbœ KvRwUi †ÿ‡Î GB MVb e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: a. Having done it, he went away. b. He went away having closed the door. Gerund Verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ Ki‡j hw` GKB mv‡_ Verb I Noun Gi KvR K‡i Zvn‡j Zv‡K Gerund e‡j| †hgb: a. Walking is a good exercise. b. He stops reading novels. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Basic Grammar


Use of Gerund a. Verb Gi Subject wnmv‡e e‡m| †hgb: Swimming is a good exercise. b. Transitive Verb Gi Object wnmv‡e e‡m| †hgb: My wife loves gardening. c. Subject Gi Complement wnmv‡e e‡m| †hgb: a. His target is getting A+. b. My hobby is angling. d. Preposition Gi Object iƒ‡c em‡Z cv‡i| †hgb: a. He is absorbed in reading. b. I am fond of playing. e. Compound Noun Gi Ask wnmv‡e em‡Z cv‡i| †hgb: a. This is our dressing table. b. He is in the drawing room. f. hw` Possessive (†hgb: my, his, her, your, their BZ¨vw`)-Gi ci Verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ nq, Z‡e †mwU Gerund| †hgb: a. He scolded me for my telling a lie. b. I am afraid of its happening.

Conjugation of Verbs Verb-Gi wZbwU form ev iƒc Av‡Q| h_v: Present form, Past form Ges Past Participle Form. Verb-Gi Past Tense Gi Past Participle MV‡bi ixwZ Abymv‡i D³ Verb ¸wj‡K `yÕfv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| h_v: a. Weak Verb or Regular Verb b. Strong Verb or Irregular Verb a. Strong Verb: Verb -Gi AšÍM©Z Vowel cwieZ©b K‡i Past Tense Ges AšÍM©Z Vowel cwieZ©b K‡i A_ev n, en, ne †hvM K‡i ‡h mKj Verb Gi Past Participle MVb Kiv nq, Zv‡`i‡K Strong Verb e‡j| †hgb: Present Form Past Form Past Participle Form Arise Arose Arisen Break Broke Broken b. Weak Verb: Verb Gi †k‡l d, ed A_ev t †hvM K‡i Past Tense Ges Past Participle Kiv †M‡j †m Verb ¸wj‡K Weak Verb e‡j|†hgb: Present Form Past Form Past Participle Form Call Called Called Want Wanted Wanted Clap Clapped Clapped Note: wKQy wKQy Weak Verb -Gi Past Tesse I Past Participle iƒc MV‡bi mgq d ev t †hvM bv K‡i AšÍe©Zx Vowel cwieZ©b K‡i Kiv hvq| †hgb: Present Form Past Form Past Participle Form Teach Taught Taught Catch Caught Caught Strong/Irregular Verb Gi Past I Past Participle Form Present Abide Arise Awake Be (am,is,are) Bear Bear

Meaning _vKv, evmKiv DVv †R‡M DVv nIqv (enb Kiv cÖke Kiv/Rb¥ `vb Kiv

Past Abode Arose Awoke Was, Were Bore Bore

Past Participle Abode Arisen Awoken Been Borne Born

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Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Beat Become Befall Beget Begin Behold Bid Bind Bite Blow Break Chide Choose Cleave Cling Come Dig Do Draw Drink Eat Fall Fight Find Fly Forbear Forbid Forget Forgive Forsake Freeze Get Go Hang Hide Hold Know Lie Mistake Ride Ring Rise Run See Sew Shake Shave

cÖnvi Kiv nIqv NUv Drcbœ Kiv Avi¤¢ Kiv ev nIqv †`Lv

Av‡`k Kiv, wbjvg WvKv

evuav Kvgovb cÖevwnZ/evZvm fv½v wZi¯‹vi Kiv cQ›` Kiv wPwiqv †djv jvwMqv _vKv Avmv Lbb Kiv Kiv Uvbv cvb Kiv LvIqv cwZZ nIqv hy× Kiv †`Lv, Lyu‡R cvIqv Dov mn¨ Kiv wb‡la Kiv fywjqv hvIqv ÿgv Kiv Z¨vM Kiv Rwgqv hvIqv cvIqv hvIqv Szjvb jyKvb aiv, aviY Kiv Rvbv kqb Kiv fyj Kiv †Nvovq Pov N›Uv evRvb DVv †`Šovb †`Lv †mjvB Kiv bvov `vuwo PvuQv

Beat Became Befell Begot Began Beheld Bade, Bid Bound Bit Blew Broke Chid Chose Clove Clung Came Dug Did Drew Drank Ate Fell Fought Found Flew Forbore Forbade Forgot Forgave Forsook Froze Got Went Hung Hid Held Knew Lay Mistook Rode Rang Rose Ran Saw Sewed Shook Shaved


Beaten Become Befallen Begot, Begotten Begun Beheld Bidden, Bid Bound Bitten, Bit Blown Broken Chidden, Chid Chosen Cleft, Cloven Clung Come Dug Done Drawn Drunk, drunken Eaten Fallen Fought Found Flown Forborne Forbidden Forgotten Forgiven Forsaken Frozen Got/Gotten Gone Hung Hid, Hidden Held Known Lain Mistaken Ridden Rung Risen Run Seen Sewed, Sodden Shaken Shaven

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Basic Grammar


Shine Sing Sink Sit Speak Spring Stand Steal Sting Stride Strike Swear Swell Swim Take Tear Throw Wake Wear Weave Win Write

wKiY †`Iqv Mvb MvIqv Wy‡e hvIqv emv K_v ejv jvud †`Iqv `vovb Pzwi Kiv ûj dzUv‡bv j¤^v cv †d‡j Pjv AvNvZ Kiv kc_ Kiv ùxZ nIqv mvZvi KvUv jIqv wQ‡o †djv wb‡ÿc Kiv RvMv cwiavb Kiv †evbv Rqjvf Kiv †jLv

Shone Sang Sank Sat Spoke Sprang Stood Stole Stung Strode Struck Swore Swelled Swam Took Tore Threw Woke Wore Wove Won Wrote

Shone Sung Sunk Sat Spoken Sprung Stood Stolen Stung Stridden Struck, Stricken Sworn Swelled Swum Taken Torn Thrown Woken Worn Woven Won Written

Weak/Regular Verb Gi Past I Past Participle Form 1. hw` Verb Gi †k‡l d Av‡m Zvn‡j Zv‡K Past I Past Participle Kivi mgq d D‡V t hy³ n‡e| †hgb: Present Meaning Past Past Participle Bend evKv Kiv Bent/Bended Bent/Bended Build wbg©vY Kiv Built Built Lend avi †`&Iqv Lent Lent Rend we`xY© Kiv Rent Rent Send cvVv‡bv Sent Sent Spend e¨q Kiv Spent Spent Gild †mvbvi gZ D¾j Kiv Gilt/Gilded Gilt/Gilded Gird evav/†e÷b Kiv Girt/Girded Girt/Girded Rebuild cybivq wbg©vb Kiv Rebuilt Rebuilt Unbend wXjv Kiv Unbent Unbent e¨wZµg: Tend Pivb Tended Tended 2. hw` Verb Gi †k‡l GKwUB gvÎ Consonant _v‡K Ges Zvi Av‡M GKwUB gvÎ Vowel _v‡K Zvn‡j Zv‡`i‡K Past I Past Participle Kivi mgq †k‡li Consonant wU wØZ¡ (Double) K‡i ed †hvM Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Present Meaning Past Past Participle Admit ¯^xKvi Kiv Admitted Admitted Allot e›Ub Kiv Allotted Allotted Abhor N„bv Kiv Abhorred Abhorred Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Abet Annul Appal Bag Beg

LvivcKv‡R mvnvh¨ Kiv evwZj Kiv AvZswKZ Kiv _wj‡Z fiv wfÿv Kiv

Abetted Annulled Appalled Bagged Begged


Abetted Annulled Appalled Bagged Begged

wKš‘Verb Gi †k‡l hw` W ev X ev Y Gi †Kvb GKwU _v‡K Zvn‡j D³ wbqg cÖ‡hvR¨ n‡e bv A_©vr ZLb Verb Gi †k‡li Consonant wU Double Kiv hv‡e bv eis ïaygvÎ ed †hvM K‡i Past I Past participle Ki‡Z n‡e †hgb: Present Meaning Past Past Participle Box Nywl gviv Boxed Boxed Borrow avi Kiv Borrowed Borrowed G Qvov&I GB wbq‡gi †ek wKQy e¨wZµg Av‡Q A_©vr Verb Gi †k‡l GKwUB gvÎ Consonant _v‡K Ges Zvi Av‡M GKwUB gvÎ Vowel _v‡K wKš‘ Zv‡`i‡K Past I Past Participle Kivi mgq †k‡li Consonant wU w`Z¡ (Double) bv K‡i ed †hvM Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Present Meaning Past Past Participle Suffer †fvMv Suffered Suffered Visit cwi`k©b Kiv Visited Visited Open ‡Lvjv Opened Opened Differ wfbœ n&Iqv Differed Differed Vomit ewg Kiv Vomited Vomited Offer cÖ¯Íve Kiv Offered Offered 3. Avgiv Rvwb Adjective Gi †k‡l en †hvM K‡i Verb ˆZix Kiv n‡j H mg¯Í Verb †K Past I past participle Kivi mgq ïaygvÎ ed Ki‡Z n‡e A_©vr ZLb Verb Gi †k‡li Consonant wU Double Kiv hv‡e bv †hgb: Present Meaning Past Past Participle Blacken Kv‡jv Kiv Blackened Blackened Gladden Lywk Kiv Gladdened Gladdened Whiten mv`v Kiv Whitened Whitened Roughen Lmov Kiv Roughened Roughened Sicken cxwoZ Kiv Sickened Sickened Smarten wdUdvU Kiv Smartened Smartened Shorten Lv‡Uv Kiv Shortened Shortened 4. hw` Verb Gi †k‡l Y _v‡K Ges Gi Av‡Mi AÿiwU Consonant nq Zvn‡j Y D‡V hv‡e Ges Y Gi cwie‡Z© i n‡e, AZtci Zvi mv‡_ ed †hvM K‡i Past I Past Participle Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Present Meaning Past Past Participle Accompany msMx n&Iqv Accompanied Accompanied Acidify U‡K cwiYZ Kiv Acidified Acidified Ally eÜzZ¡ Kiv Allied Allied Amplify m¤cÖmviY Kiv Amplified Amplified 5. Verb Gi †k‡l hw` C _v‡K Ges Gi Av‡M Vowel _v‡K Zvn‡j C Gi ci K hy³ n‡e, AZtci Zvi mv‡_ ed †hvM K‡i Past I Past Participle Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Present Meaning Past Past Participle Havoc e¨vcK ÿwZ Kiv Havocked Havocked Mimic Zvgvkvi Rb¨ bKj Kiv Mimicked Mimicked Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

Panic DwØMœ Kiv ev n&Iqv Panicked Panicked Traffic †jb †`b Kiv Trafficked Trafficked 6. Ggb wKQy Verb Av‡Q hv‡`i gvSLv‡b `yBwU Vowel _v‡K| †mB `yBwU Vowel †_‡K GKwU Vowel ev` w`‡q Past I Past Participle MVb Kiv nq| †hgb: Present Meaning Past Past Participle Bleed i³cvZ n&Iqv Bled Bled Breed jvjb cvjb Kiv Bred Bred Feed Lv&Iqv‡bv Fed Fed Meet mvÿvr Kiv Met Met Lead cwiPvjbv Kiv Led Led Speed `ªƒZ †e‡M Pjv Sped Sped Shoot ¸wj Kiv Shot Shot Overshoot Dci w`‡q ¸wj Kiv Overshot Overshot Plead IKvjwZ ev wgbwZ Kiv Pled Pled 7. Ggb wKQy Verb Av‡Q hv‡`i †k‡l t hy³ Kwiqv Past I Past Participle MVY Kiv nq| †hgb: Present Meaning Past Past Participle Misdeal Zvm f~j evUv Misdealt Misdealt Dream ¯^cœ †`Lv Dreamt Dreamt Mean eySvb Meant Meant Lean †njvb †`qv Leant Leant Leap jvd †`qv Leapt Leapt Learn †kLv Learnt/ learned Learnt/ learned Spoil bó Kiv Spoilt Spoilt 8. Verb Gi ‡k‡l hw` `yBUv ll (Gj) _v‡K Ges Zvi Av‡M GKUv Vowel _v‡K Zvn‡j †k‡li l(Gj) Uv D‡V hv‡e Ges Zvi cwie‡Z© t hy³ K‡i Past I Past Participle Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Present Meaning Past Past Participle Dwell evm Kiv Dwelt Dwelt Smell NÖvb jIqv Smelt Smelt Spell evbvb Kiv Spelt Spelt Spill Qj‡K cov Spilt Spilt Misspell f~j evbvb Kiv Misspelt Misspelt 9. Verb Gi †k‡l hw` GKUv Consonant _v‡K Ges Zvi Av‡M `yBUv Vowel _v‡K Zvn‡j Vowel GKUv D‡V hv‡e Ges Zvi cwie‡Z© †k‡l t †hvM K‡i Past I Past Participle Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Present Meaning Past Past Participle Feel Abyfe Kiv Felt Felt Keep ivLv Kept Kept Creep nvgv¸wo †`qv Crept Crept Sleep Nygv‡bv Slept Slept Sweep Svo– †`qv Swept Swept Kneel nvUz †M‡o emv Knelt Knelt Oversleep AwZwi³ Nygv‡bv Overslept Overslept Weep Kvu`v Wept Wept 10. Ggb wKQy Verb Av‡Q hv‡`i Past I Past Participle GKB iK‡gi| †hgb: Present Meaning Past Past Participle Bid Av‡`k Kiv Bid Bid Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Bet evwR aiv Bet Bet Burst †d‡U cov Burst Burst Cost LiP jvMv Cost Cost Cast wb‡ÿc Kiv Cast Cast Cut KvUv Cut Cut Hit AvNvZ Kiv Hit Hit Broadcast m¤cÖPvi Kiv Broadcast Broadcast Beset cwi‡ewóZ Kiv Beset Beset Let AbygwZ †`qv Let Let Quiet †Q‡o †`qv Quiet Quiet Set mvRv‡bv Set Set Shed Qvov‡bv Shed Shed Shut eÜ Kiv Shut Shut Spread Qwo‡q †`qv Spread Spread Thrust av°v gviv Thrust Thrust Read cov Read Read Rid gyw³ †`qv Rid Rid Knit †evbv Knit Knit Wed we‡q Kiv Wed/ Weded Wed/ Weded Telecast m¤úªPvi Kiv Telecast Telecast 11. Dc‡i D‡jwLZ Verb Qvov hZ iK‡gi Verb Av‡Q Zv‡`i †ÿ‡Î wbqg njt-hw` Verb Gi †k‡l e _v‡K Zvn‡j d hy³ n‡e Avi hw` e bv _v‡K Zvn‡j ed hy³ n‡e | G RvZxq Verb Gi msL¨v A‡bK †ekx | bx‡P Zvi wKQy Ask †`qv nj: Present Meaning Past Past Participle Abolish iwnZ Kiv Abolished Abolished Abuse Mvwj †`qv Abused Abused Add †hvM Kiv Added Added Agree m¤§Z n&Iqv Agreed Agreed Aim ZvK Kiv Aimed Aimed Decide wm×všÍ Kiv Decided Decided Want PvIqv Wanted Wanted Wish B”Qv Kiv Wished Wished Confusing Verbs †h mKj Verb Gi Past I Past Participle wb‡q Avgiv cÖvqB wecv‡K c‡o _vwK Zvi wKQz Ask bx‡P †`qv nj: Present Meaning Past Past Participle Lie _vKv Lay Lain Lie wg_¨v ejv Lied Lied Lay ivLv Laid Laid Fall cwZZ nIqv Fell Fallen Fell †K‡U †djv Felled Felled Feel Abyfe Kiv Felt Felt Flee cjvqb Kiv Fled Fled Flow cÖevwnZ Kiv Flowed Flowed Fill c~Y© Kiv Filled Filled Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Basic Grammar


Fly Hang Hang Wake Wake Find Found Leave Live Raise Rise Arise Wind Wound Strike Stroke

Dov Szjv‡bv dvwm †`qv RvMv RvMv‡bv cvIqv cÖwZôv Kiv cwiZ¨vM Kiv evm Kiv DVv‡bv DVv DVv `g †`qv AvnZ nIqv AvNvZ Kiv nvZ eywj‡q †`qv

Flew Hung Hanged Woke Waked Found Founded Left Lived Raised Rose Arose Wound Wounded Struck Stroked

Flown Hung Hanged Waked Woke/Woken Found Founded Left Lived Raised Risen Arisen Wound Wounded Struck Stroked

†h mg¯Í Weak Verbs Gi wZbwU form-B GKB iKg Zv‡`i ZvwjKv Present Burst Cast Cost Cut Hit Hurt Let Put Read Rid Set Shed Shut Split Slit Spread

Past Burst Cast Cost Cut Hit Hurt Let Put Read Rid Set Shed Shut Split Slit Spread

Past Participle Burst Cast Cost Cut Hit Hurt Let Put Read Rid Set Shed Shut Split Slit Spread

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The Modal Auxiliaries †h mg¯Í Auxiliary Verbs g~j Verb-Gi mv‡_ hy³ n‡q wewfbœ A_© cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡K Modal Auxiliaries e‡j| Modal Auxiliaries –Gi mv‡_ s/es, ing ev ed, Participles hy³ nq bv| Modal Auxiliaries-Gi ZvwjKv: Can/could, may/might, shall/should, will/would, must, dare, need, ought to, used to, have to, be going to, be to, would rather, had better. wb”wjwLZ Q‡Ki gva¨‡g Modal Auxiliaries- Gi wewfbœ Form †`Lv‡bv n‡jv: Non-negative Uncontracted negative Contracted negative Can Cannot can't could could not couldn't May may not mayn't might might not mightn't Shall shall not shan't should should not shouldn't will / '11 will not / 'll not won't would / 'd would not / 'd not wouldn't must must not mustn't ought to ought not to oughtn't to used to used not to didn't use to/usedn't to Need need not needn't Dare dare not daren't Modal Auxiliaries-Gi e¨envi May/Might -Gi e¨envi (i) Permission (AbygwZ) eySv‡Z: Present and Future Tense-G mKj Person- Gi mv‡_ AbygwZ cÖv_©bv A‡_© may e¨eüZ nq| May I come in? You may leave the room. (I give you permission to leave the room.) He may borrow my book. (I give him permission to borrow my book.) (ii) Possibility (m¤¢ve¨Zv) A‡_©: May/Might- Present/Future Tense- Gi †ÿ‡Î m¤¢vebv A‡_© e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: He may /might tell me the fact. (Perhaps he tells /will tell me the fact) That might be our car. (but I doubt it) Note: might Øviv may- Gi †P‡q †ewk AwbðqZv cÖKvk cvq| †hgb: He may/might be waiting at the station. Conditional ev c~‡e© cÖKvwkZ Past Verb- Gi †ÿ‡Î might e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: If I told him, he might help me. (Conditional) He said that he might help you. (Indirect speech) I know you might do the work. (iii) Purpose (D‡Ïk¨) eySv‡Z: He studies hard so that he may pass in the examination. He studied hard so that he might pass in the examination. (iv) (B”Qv, AvKv•Lv) eySv‡Z may e¨eüZ nq| D`vniY: Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

May our President live long. (v) Information (Rvbvi †ÿ‡Î May/might e¨eüZ nq|) Z‡e G‡ÿ‡Î might Gi e¨envi †ewk cÖ‡hvR¨| Well, who may / might you be? He asked who she might be. Can -Gi e¨envi (i) Permission (AbygwZ) eySv‡Z : Present and Future Tense-G mKj Person- Gi Subject Gi mv‡_ can e¨eüZ nq| D`vniY : Can I use your pen? Yes, you can. (ii) Ability (ÿgZv ev mvg_©) eySv‡Z: He can walk fast. I cannot do the sum alone. (iii) like, dislike, desire, feel, hear, realize, satisfy, see, smell, taste, understand GB Verb ¸‡jvi c~‡e© mvaviYZ can Ÿ¨eüZ nq| †hgb: I can hear music. I can smell the delicious food. (ii) Occasional possibility eySv‡Z: Diarrhoea can be quite dangerous. (Sometimes they are quite dangerous.) Could -Gi e¨envi Can- Gi Past Tense æCould” (i) Permission (AbygwZ) A_© : Could I go there? Yes, you could. (ii) Polite request eySv‡Z : Could you show me the way to bank? Note : would you Gi e`‡j could you emv‡bv hvq| (iii) Result (djvdj wb‡`©k) Ki‡Z : I am so sick that I could fall down. (iv) Past ability (AZxZ ÿgZv) eySv‡Z : When I was young, I could play football well. (v) Suggestion (cÖ¯Íve) eySv‡Z: You could talk to the Principal about the matter. (vi) kZ© cÖKv‡ki †ÿ‡Î eZ©gv‡bi A_© eySv‡Z: Could he get another job if he left this one. (vii) AZxZ †Kvb KvR Kivi ÿgZv ev my‡hvM _vKv m‡Ë¡I Zv e¨envi Kiv nqwb eySv‡Z could e¨eüZ nq| Structure: Subject + could have + Verb-Gi Past Participle + evKx Ask| He could have passed the examination. (but he did not) Shall- Gi e¨envi 1. fwel¨‡Zi †Kvb NUbv/KvR eySv‡Z mvaviYZt I/we Gi mv‡_ shall e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: I shall do the work. 2. Request /order/advice/offers I Suggestions Aby‡iva/Av‡`k/Dc‡`k/wbgš¿Y/cÖ¯Ívebv eySv‡Z- I / we Gi c‡i shall e¨eüZ nq| Where shall I keep the money? (Request for order) Which one shall carry out my order? (Command) You shall be punished. (Threat) The college shall remain closed on Sunday. (Authoritative order) e³vi intention ev cÖej AvMÖn ev cÖej B”Qv eySv‡Z 2nd I 3rd Person-G Shall e¨eüZ nq| You shall have nice pen. (I`II give you a pen/I`II see that you get a red pen) He shan’t enter my room. ( I won’t let him enter my room.) 3. e³vi determination ev `„pZv eySv‡Z 2nd I 3rd Person-G Shall e¨eüZ nq| The women shall be given equal rights. Should- Gi e¨envi Should Gi c‡i bare infinitive e‡m| (i) Obligation /duty ev eva¨evaKZv / `vwqZ¡ eySv‡Z: We should obey our teachers. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


(ii) Advice/recommendation cÖKvk Ki‡Z: He should stop smoking. (iii) To make polite request ev f`ªfv‡e Aby‡iva : Shall I help you? (iv) D‡Ïk¨ eySv‡Z so that Ges in order that Gi c‡i should e‡m| †hgbI worked hard so that everybody should follow me. (v) AvksKv eySv‡Z Purpose Clause-G lest Gi c‡i should e‡m| He ran fast lest he should miss the bus. (vi)That clause-G anxious, sorry, happy concerned, delighted, absurd, determination, insist, order, propose, recommend, request, stipulate, suggest, urge BZ¨vw` verb Gi c‡i should e¨eüZ nq| †hgbI am delighted that he should take that opinion. (vii) eZ©gvb mg‡qi Obligation cÖKvk Kivi †ÿ‡Î should e¨eüZ nq| Structure: subject + should + be + verb-G mv‡_ ing. He should be working now. (But he is not working.) (viii) AZx‡Zi Obligation cÖKvk Kivi †ÿ‡Î should e¨eüZ nq| Structure: Subject + should + have + verb –Gi past participle + …….. He should have studied sincerely. (ix) hw` That clause G _v‡K Zvn‡j agree, arrange, ask, beg, command, decision demand, determination, insist, order, propose, recommend, request, stipulate, suggest, urge, BZ¨vw` verb Gi c‡i should e¨eüZ nq| †hgbI ordered that he should keep the room locked. I ordered that the room should be kept locked. (x) Present, Past Ges Future Tense-G assumption (Abygvb) eySv‡Z should e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: It should be raining now. (I expect it is raining.) He should have reached home by 5 P.M. (I expect he has reached.) Will- Gi e¨envi 1. fwel¨‡Zi NUbv eySv‡Z mKj person-G will e‡m| You will do the work. He will come home in time. 2. Future Predication ev fwel¨r c~f©vevm eySv‡Z: He will open a bank very soon. 3. Order (Av‡`k eySv‡Z) 2nd I 3rd person-G will e¨eüZ nq| You will carry out instruction. He will do it according to the rules. 4. Determination (`„p cÖwZÁv) eySv‡Z 1st person-G will e¨eüZ nq| I will do the work by hook or by crook. 5. Assumption eySv‡Z assume, be afraid, sure, believe, doubt, expect, hope, know, suppose, think, wonder BZ¨vw` verb Gi-c~‡e© ev perhaps, possibly, probably, surely BZ¨vw` adverb-Gi mv‡_ will e¨eüZ nq| Z‡e &G¸‡jv QvovI assumption eySv‡Z will e¨eüZ nq| I am sure he will come back soon. 6. Future habitual actions (fwel¨Z Af¨vmMZ Kg©) eySv‡Z will e¨eüZ nq| Spring will come again. 7. Intention (Zxeª B”Qv ) eySv‡Z: I will wait for you. I will buy the book. 8. Clauses of condition, time Ges Purpose eySv‡Z simple future-G A‡bK mgq will e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: If you go, you will find him. (condition) When water boils, it will begin to vapour. Would- Gi e¨envi 1. Polite request eySv‡Z Would e¨eüZ nq| Would you mind posting the letter? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

2. Preference ev AwaKZi cQ›` eySv‡Z like, love, hate, prefer, care, be, glad, happy Gi mv‡_ would e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: I would like to go there. 3. D‡Ïk¨ eySv‡Z in order that/ so that Gic‡i would e¨eüZ nq| He studied hard so that he would prosper in life. 4. If clause wU Past Tense –G _vK‡j Principal Clause-G Subject-Gi c‡i would e‡m| If you wanted, I would inform you. 5. If clause wU Past Perfect Tense –G _vK‡j Principal Clause-G Subject-Gi c‡i would have + Past Participle e‡m| If I had seen him, I would have told him about the matter. 6. Preference (AwaKZi cQ›`) eySv‡Z rather/sooner Gi mv‡_ would e¨eüZ nq| would rather/would sooner Gi c‡i verb Gi Present form (bare infinitive) e¨eüZ nq| He would rather die than beg. hw`I Would rather I would sooner Gi g‡a¨ we‡kl †Kvb cv_©K¨ †bB Zvic‡iI would rather me©vwaK e¨eüZ nq| Must- Gi e¨envi Modal verb wn‡m‡e must, Present Ges Future Tense-G e¨eüZ nq Ges Past Tense-Gi †ÿ‡Î must Gi A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z had e¨eüZ nq| wewfbœ Tense-G must -Gi iƒc: Obligation Negative Obligation Future must, shall/will have shan’t/won’t have to Present must, have to, has to don’t/doesn’t/ have to Past had to didn’t have to 1. Obligation (eva¨evaKZv) eySv‡Z: You must obey your parents. 2. Advice (Dc‡`k) eySv‡Z: You must take more exercise. 3. Logical conclusion (†hŠw³K wmÜvšÍ) eySv‡Z: You must get hungry after covering the long distance. 4. Certainty ev wbðqZv eySv‡Z: He must be a good student. 5. Indicating insistence (m~Pbv cÖwZÁv) eySv‡Z: You must put your name down for the team. 6. Determination (`„p cÖwZÁv): I must want the work to be done. D‡jøL¨ AZxZ wbðqZv eySv‡Z must-Gi m‡½ have hy³ nq| You must have gone there. Have to- Gi e¨envi 1. Obligation (eva¨evaKZv) eySv‡Z mKj Person G: Present Tense; have to/has to/ Past Tense-G had to Ges Future Tense-G Shall have to/will have to e‡m| †hgb: He has to pass the examination to get a job. He had to do the work. Note: Have to hy³ sentence †K Negative I Interrogative Kivi mgq Tense, Person Number Abyhvqx Do/Does/Did e¨eüZ nq| Negative: You don’t have to go there? Interrogative: Does she have to go to the school everyday? 2. Indication of advice: You have to learn English. Need - Gi e¨envi ‘Need’ Principal I Auxiliary Dfq Verb-iƒ‡c e¨eüZ nq| Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Need hLb Auxiliary Verb-iƒ‡c e¨eüZ nq ZLb Zv‡K Semi-modal e‡j| Need hLb modal wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq ZLb Zv negative A_© cÖKvk K‡i| Gi A_© `vovq (cÖ‡qvRb †bB)| Modal wn‡m‡e Need, Present Indefinite Tense-G e¨eüZ nq| G‡ÿ‡Î need-Gici infinitive ‘to’ Dn¨ Zv‡K| Present Indefinite Tense-G Negative I Interrogative Sentence MVb Kivi mgq Singular Number I 3rd Person Subject Gi †ÿ‡Î Òs” need Gi mv‡_ †hvM nq bv| Modal æneed” Øviv MwVZ Interrogative Sentence-Gi DËi me mgq Negative nq| He need not go there Need he do it? = No, he needn’t. AZxZ †Kvb KvR Kivi `iKvi wQj bv Giƒc aviYv cÖKvk Ki‡Z Need not have + verb Gi Past Participle form e¨eüZ nq| You need not have gone there. Principal Verb wn‡m‡e need, require/want (PvIqv) A‡_© e¨eüZ nq| Bnv †h †Kvb Tense G e¨eüZ nq| Present Tense –Gi Subject Gi †ÿ‡Î Third Person Singular Number-G Need -Gi mv‡_ æs” †hvM nq| G‡ÿ‡Î infinitive Gi æto” Dn¨ _v‡K bv| He needs to know the exact amount. Need-Passive, infinitive Ges gerund Gi mv‡_ e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb: My watch needs to be repaired. (Passive infinitive) My watch needs repairing. (Gerund – A‡_©) Dare - Gi e¨envi Dare-Principal I Auxiliary Dfq Verb iƒ‡c e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i| Dare hLb Auxiliary Verb iƒ‡c e¨eüZ nq ZLb Zv‡K Semi-modal e‡j| Modal wnmv‡e dare †Kvb wKQy Kivi mvnm ev a„óZv eySvq| Bnv ïay Interrogative I Negative Sentence –G e¨eüZ nq| Present Indefinite Tense -Gi †ÿ‡Î Subject Gi 3rd Person Singular Number Gi mv‡_ s/es †hvM nq bv| G modal -wUi ci mvaviYZ: infinitive æto” Dn¨ _v‡K| He dare not go there. (dares bq) Dare he go there. (dares bq) A‡b¨i Kv‡Ri cÖwZ †ÿvf ev ivM (indignation) cÖKvk Ki‡Z mvaviYZ How dare/dared you /he/she/they e¨eüZ nq| How dare he say so? Principal Verb –iƒ‡c ædare” Gi e¨envi: mvnm Kiv A‡_© (venture), dare, Principal Verb iƒ‡c e¨eüZ nq| G‡ÿ‡Î dare Gi past form, durst I dared. Negative Sentence-G `ywU form –e¨eüZ nq| wKš‘ affirmative sentence-G ïay dared e¨eüZ nq| durst Gici to Dn¨ _v‡K| wKš‘ dared Gic‡i infinitive ‘to’ Dn¨ _vK‡Z cv‡i Avevi bvI _vK‡Z cv‡i| He durst/dared not go there. He dared go there. He dared to go there. Challenge ev evwR A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z dare e¨eüZ nq| G‡ÿ‡Î Structure wU `vovq Sub + dare + object + full infinitive (to) + verb Gi present from He dares/dared me to do the work. Used - Gi e¨envi Affirmative: Used to Negative: Used not to/usedn’t to Interrogative: Used you/he/they? Negative interrogative: Used you not /usedn’t you. Note: Did e¨eüZ K‡iI Negative I Interrogative Sentence MVb Kiv hvq| Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

didn’t use to, did you use to? didn’t you use to? 1. AZx‡Zi wbqwgZ Af¨vm eySv‡Z mKj person G used to e¨eüZ nq| I used to drink tea; now I drink coffee. Omar (R.) used to lead a very simple life. Modal wn‡m‡e be -Gi e¨envi Be (am, is, are, was, were) + to 1. Duty I Necessity (KZ©e¨ I Avek¨KZv) eySv‡Z: I am to look after my old parents. (Duty) I am to study hard to shine in life. (Necessity) He was to accompany him in function. (Necessity/Duty) 2. Arrangement eySv‡Z: The floods affected are to be helped massively. (Arrangement) 3. Destiny (wbqwZ) eySv‡Z Past Indefinite Tense-G: He was never to get his position again. 4. Command/order Av‡`k/wb‡`©k eySv‡Z: The workers are to obey the rules of the factory. Going to - Gi e¨envi 1. For future intention (fwel¨‡Zi B”Qv cÖKvk) Ki‡Z: They are going to open a bank very soon 2. For future prediction (fwel¨Z m¤ú‡K© †Kvb avibv Kiv) A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z: How old the man is! I am sure he is going to die. Had better - Gi e¨envi Modal A‡_© had better, unreal past ev Present A_ev future tense Gi A_© cÖKvk K‡i| †Kvb wKQy Kiv fvj Ggb aviYv eySv‡Z mKj Person-Gi Subject Gi mv‡_ had better e¨eüZ nq| You had better do it. Negative-Gi †ÿ‡Î better Gi c‡i not e‡m| You had better not neglect your study. Dc‡`k eySv‡Z Negative-interrogative Sentence-G had better e¨eüZ nq| Hadn’t you better ask him first? Indirect speech-G 1st and 3rd person-G had better AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K| 2nd person-G AcwiewZ©Z _vK‡Z cv‡i ev advice + object + infinitive Øviv cwieZ©b Kiv hvq| He said, æI had better go there.” He said that he had better go there.” He said to me, æYou had better hurry.” He said to me that I had better hurry. He said to me, æI had better go there.” He said to me that I had better go there. He advised me to go there. Adverb †h me Word Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Phrase ev full sentence †K modify K‡i A_©vr we‡klfv‡e cÖKvk K‡i †m¸‡jv Adverbs. Adverb Noun ev Pronoun ‡K Modify K‡i bv| Example: The man walks slowly. (modifies verb) He is always late. (modifies Adjective) The boy runs very fast. (modifies Adverb) Eventually, I got the first prize. (modifies a sentence) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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I have got a very nice College bag. (modifies a phrase.) Adverbs Zv‡`i e¨envi Abyhvqx wZb cÖKvi| h_v: (1) Simple Adverb: †h Adverb¸‡jv time, place, manner, quantity, cause and effect †K Modify K‡i †m¸‡jv Simple Adverb. This Adverb is divided into six types. (i) Adverb of manner: GwU Verb Gi KvRwU m¤úbœ Kivi aiY ev c×wZ cÖKvk K‡i| Example: Please talk politely/slowly/quietly. We read the news attentively. Suddenly, he fell. He goes there regularly. He walks quickly. He works hard. Don’t speak so loud. Take it easy. Stand still. (Openly, freely, correctly, fairly, honestly, gladly, etc.) (ii) Adverb of place: GwU Verb Gi KvRwU m¤úbœ Kivi ¯’vb‡K wb‡`©k K‡i| Example: Come here. Let us go out. Walk backward. He goes up and down. I see him everywhere. Go there. He stood outside. I sat inside. (iii) Adverb of Time: GwU Verb Gi KvRwU m¤úbœ Kivi mgq‡K cÖKvk K‡i| Example: He comes daily. Do it now. He came yesterday. Do it again. I heard him before. Sometimes, he writes to me. (tomorrow, all day, often, never, always, soon, late, etc.). (iv) Adverb of Quantity or degree: GwU Adjective ev Adverb Gi gvÎv ev cwigvY wb‡`©k K‡i| Example: I am quite happy. He is too weak to walk. The mango was almost ripe. She is somewhat crazy. She is very nice. He writes extremely well. (v) Adverb of order: GwU Verb Gi KvRwU m¤úbœ nIqvi ch©vq ev µg cÖKvk K‡i| Example: He came here once. This market sits twice a week. He came first. She stood second. He went last of all. (vi) Adverb of cause and effect: †h me Adverb †Kvb wKQyi KviY I djvdj wb‡`©k K‡i †m¸‡jv Adverb of cause and effect. Example: He failed because he did not work hard. We therefore left the place at once. (2) Interrogative Adverb: †h me Adverb cÖkœ Kivi Kv‡R e¨eüZ nq Ges Zv w`‡q time, place, number, cause, manner, condition BZ¨vw` wb‡`©k K‡i †m¸‡jv Interrogative Adverb. Example: Where is Rashed? (Place) When did he go? (Time) How high is the building? (Condition) Why are you late? (Cause) How many boys are there? (Number) (3) Relative Adverb: †h me Adverb ïaygvÎ †Kvb kã‡KB modify K‡i bv Avevi `yÕwU Clause ‡KI m¤ú„³ K‡i †m¸‡jv Relative Adverb. Example: I know the reason why he did it. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

This is the place where he lives. Do you know the time when he will go? Note: Adverb e¨env‡ii †ÿ‡Î avivevwnKZv n‡”Q: Manner→Place → Time He works sincerely in his office everyday. She went there at 10 a.m. Position of Adverb Adverb Gi Position ev Adverb †Kv_vq em‡e Zv wb‡q cÖvqB QvÎ QvÎxiv mgm¨vq c‡o Ges Adverb emv‡bvi †Kvb wbw`©ó wbqg †bB| wewfbœ ai‡bi Adverb wewfbœ RvqMvq e‡m bx‡P †m ¸wj †`qv nj: K. hw` ev‡K¨i Verb wU Transitive nq Zvn‡j Transitive Verb Gi Object Gi c‡i Adverb em‡e| †hgb: a. He knew me well. b. He solved the problem tactfully. c. He does the work carefully. L. hw` ev‡K¨i Verb wU Intransitive nq Zvn‡j Intransitive Verb Gi c‡i Adverb em‡e †hgb: a. He talked loudly. b. He ran slowly. c. We went rapidly. M. †Rvi cÖ‡qvM Kivi Rb¨ ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z Adverb e‡m| †hgb: a. Always speak the truth. b. Never tell a lie. N. wKQy wKQy Adverb Av‡Q hviv Principal Verb I Auxiliary Verb Gi gvSLv‡b e‡m| †hgb: a. He has just come from Dhaka. b. He has not yet reached college. O. hw` ev‡K¨ Auxiliary Verb bv _v‡K Zvn‡j Subject Gi ciB Adverb em‡e| †hgb: a. I always see him in the park. b. Students sometimes make a noise in the class. P. Adverb hw` Adjective †K we‡klfv‡e we‡lwkZ ev Modify Ki‡Z Pvq Zvn‡j Adjective Gi c~‡e©B Adverb †K emv‡Z n‡e| †hgb: a. Mr. Khan is a very honest man. b. Students of this college are very meritorious. Q. Adverb hw` Adverb †K we‡klfv‡e we‡lwkZ ev Modify Ki‡Z PvB Zvn‡j †h Adverb †K Modify Ki‡Z PvB Zvi Av‡M em‡e| †hgb: a. He walks very slowly. b. He did the work very tactfully. c. I know him very well. Formation of Adverb (a) mvaviYZt Adjective Gi †k‡l ly †hvM K‡i Adverb MVb Ki‡Z nq| †hgb: Adjective Adverb Adjective Adverb Sure Surely Adequate Adequately Madly Madly Nice Nicely Wise Wisely Beautiful Beautifully (b) hw` Adjective Gi †k‡l Y _v‡K Ges YGi Av‡Mi AÿiwU Consonant nq Zvn‡j Zv‡K Adverb Kivi mgq Y wU D‡V i n‡e Ges Zvi mv‡_ ly †hvM K‡i Adverb MVb Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Adjective Adverb Adjective Adverb Happy Happily Noisy Noisily Merry Merrily Heavy Heavily (c) hw` Adjective Gi †k‡l e _v‡K Zvn‡j Zv‡K Adverb Kivi mgq e wU D‡V Zvi mv‡_ y †hvM K‡i Adverb MVb Ki‡Z n‡e | ‡hgb: Adjective Adverb Adjective Adverb able ably noticeable noticeably EXERCISE Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Find out the adverbs from the following: I am never punctual. He only plays football. He sometimes writes to me. He will not do the sum at once. I will not do it tomorrow. Finally he came first. He is kind enough to help you. Almost all students will get A+. He solved the problem honestly and wisely. He did it so beautifully that everybody praised him. I know him very well. He will not certainly come in time. Yes, he did it yesterday. He quickly came to me. I will meet you tomorrow. Now they are playing in the field. He phoned me twice daily. I meet him sometimes. He never did it and will never do it. Why did you come here. How did he break his leg? I went where I lived. He is indeed a great hero. I therefore hope that you will come. Our team will play today. It may rain tomorrow. I clean my teeth everyday. It rained yesterday. Students are working hard to gain a good result. Runa is a very good girl. I am quite happy today. The horse can run very fast. I have hardly any money. There are many students in the class room. I usually get up early in the morning. Everyday he comes late. We should always help him. They are still waiting for us. He has already returned from Dhaka. Read out the lines of the passage loudly. None could answer correctly. He plays football daily. I shall never drink wine. He will never do it. He sometimes gets up late. Preposition A Preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show its relation to some other words in the sentence. Pre = Av‡M/c~‡e©, position = ¯’vb| A_©vr Preposition nj †mB me word hviv †Kvb k‡ãi Av‡M e‡m c~e©eZ©x word Ges H word Gi g‡a¨ m¤úK© ¯’vcb K‡i| Ab¨ K_vq ejv hvq, †h Word ev Word mgwó Noun ev Pronoun A_ev Noun equivalent Gi c~‡e© e‡m ev‡K¨i Ab¨vb¨ As‡ki mv‡_ Noun ev Pronoun A_ev Noun equivalent-Gi m¤úK© ¯’vcb Kwi‡q †`q Zv-B Preposition. Kinds of Preposition: MVb, Kvh© Ges e¨env‡ii wfwˇZ Preposition ‡K Qqfv‡M fvM Kiv nq| †hgb: i. Simple preposition: Simple Preposition gyjZt GKwU word Øviv MwVZ| †hgb: at, on, of, but, by, down, from, like, out etc. ii. Double preposition: `y‡Uv preposition GK‡Î hy³ n‡q GKwU Double preposition MVb K‡i| †hgb: upon (up+on), without (with+out) etc. iii. Compound preposition: Noun, Adjective ev Adverb Gi c~‡e© Simple preposition hy³ n‡q †h preposition MVb K‡i Zv‡K Compound Preposition e‡j| †hgb: about (on+by+out), behind (by+hind) etc. across (on+cross), beneath (by+neath) [a=on, be=by] iv. Phrase preposition: `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK preposition wg‡j A_ev `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK Preposition Ges Ab¨ word wg‡j GKK preposition iƒ‡c e¨eüZ n‡j Z‡e Zv‡K Phrase Preposition e‡j| †hgb: by means of, in front of etc. v. Participle Preposition: Present Participle Ges Past Participle hw` Preposition –Gi gZ KvR K‡i Z‡e Zv‡K Participle Preposition e‡j| †hgb: The man went (past) me. Considering the quality the price is not so high. vi. Disguised Preposition: KL‡bv KL‡bv on, at, of, per-Preposition ¸‡jvi cwie‡Z© o ev a e¨eüZ nq, Giƒc o ev a †K Disguised Preposition e‡j| †hgb: He gets up at 8 O’clock (O = of). She comes here once a week. (a = per) Preposition may be used before other parts of speech. Such asHe walks about from here to there. (Preposition before adverb) I have heard of this before now. (Preposition before adverb) He is about to go. (Preposition before infinitive) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Basic Grammar


Sometimes preposition is used before a phrase or clause and governs it. He is ignorant of how to swim. (Preposition before phrase). I told everyone of what I have heard. (Preposition before clause). It depends on how you do our duty. (Preposition before clause). Bs‡iwR‡Z wKQy Preposition-Gi m‡½ evsjv wefw³i GKUv m¤úK© jÿ¨ Kiv hvq| wb‡P ZvwjKvwU wkÿv_©x‡`i Preposition m¤ú‡K© cwi¯‹vi aviYv wb‡Z mvnvh¨ Ki‡e| wefw³ Preposition Example KZ©vq 1gv Abid is a doctor (no preposition) K‡g© 2qv, †K, †i, He goes to school (¯‹z‡ji cÖwZ ev w`‡K) To cÖwZ The gift was given to my friend. (Avgvi eÜz‡K) By (a doer) The letter is written by me. (Avgvi Øviv) Ki‡Y 3qv, Øviv, With The letter is written with pen.(Kj‡gi Øviv) w`qv, KZ©„K (an instrument) wbwg‡Ë 4_©x, Rb¨ Acv`‡b 5gx, nB‡Z, †_‡K, †P‡q m¤^‡Ü 6ôx, i, Gi

From, than

AwaKi‡Y 7gxG,q, †Z

In, at



I waited for him.(Zvnvi Rb¨) The books fell from the table. (‡Uwej †_‡K) He will not take less than twenty rupees. (wek UvKvi †Pq Kg) This dress is of Abid (Avwe‡`i ‡cvkvK) He lives in Bangladesh. (evsjv‡`‡ki) He lives at Khulna. (Lyjbvq) He is swimming in the river. (b`x‡Z)

GKB A‡_© ev GKvwaK A‡_© wewfbœ Preposition Gi e¨envi BwZevPK Ae¯’vb MšÍ‡e¨i †ÿ‡Î-at, to, on, onto, in, into etc. Drm ev †bwZevPK Ae¯’v eySv‡Z away, from, off, out, of etc. cvi¯úwiK Ae¯’vb over, above, under, below, beneath etc. `~iæZ¡g~jK Ae¯’vb by, beside, with, near, close to, opposite, between, among, amongst, amid, amidst, around, round, about etc. e. `~iæZ¡ AwZµg-across, through, past, up, down etc. f. djkÖæZ A‡_©- from, out, of etc. g. e¨¯Í A‡_©- over, throughout, with etc. h. mgq cÖKv‡k- at, on, in, by etc. i. ¯’vwqZ¡- for, during, over, through, throughout, upto, before, after, since, till, until, by etc. j. D‡Ïk¨ I MšÍe¨ for. k. jÿ¨ for, to, at etc. l. Drm ev DrcwË- from m. Dcvq- by, with, without etc. n. mn ev mv‡_- with o. mg_©b I we‡ivaxZv-for, with, against etc. P. m‡Ë¡I A‡_©- in spite of, despite , but for, with all etc. q. cÖwZwµqv- at, to etc. r. ÷¨vÛvW©- for, at etc. a. b. c. d.

Conjunction †h me Word `ywU word, clause, group of words ev sentence †K join K‡i †m¸‡jv Conjunction. Conjunctions wZb fv‡M wef³| h_v: 1. Co-ordinating conjunction: †h me Conjunction `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK clause †K mshy³ K‡i †m¸‡jv Co-ordinating conjunction. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Example: I went to college and took the class. Work hard and you will pass. The day is wet and cold. The knife is not sharp but blunt. Hasan or Mahmud will come here. Walk fast or you will miss the bus. I am sure that he will pass. He ran fast yet he could not get the train. I hate him for so he is lazy. He as well as his friends is lazy. He along with his friends is coming. I worked while he was sleeping. He wrote whereas I read. (therefore, then, thus, however, only, while, whereas, nevertheless) 2. Subordinating conjunction: †h me Conjunction subordinate clause †K main clause-Gi mv‡_ mshy³ K‡i Ges G‡K Ac‡ii Dci wbf©ikxj _v‡K †m¸‡jv Sub-ordinating conjunction. Example: I had reached the college before the examination began. Don’t go out if it rains, I did not go because I did not know. It is one month since I received the letter. As/since you like it, I will give it. He could not reach though he walked fast. Sit here till/until I finish my work. They will not come unless I play. You ran after I had seen you. He looks as if/ as though he saw a ghost. Walk slowly lest you should fail. 3. Correlative Conjunction: †h me Conjunction †Rvovq †Rvovq e‡m `ywU Word, Clause ev Sentence †K ci¯úi m¤úK© hy³ K‡i †m¸‡jv Correlative conjunction. Example: Both Salim and his brother are absent today. He has both strength and money. The day was either wet or dry. Either he or his father has done that. I have neither pens nor books. The field is so small that I cannot play. I shall go out whether the day is wet or not. The shirt has the same colour that I wear. Karim is no less strong than Rahim. The dog is as clever as the fox. He is not only a good student but also a good player. Use of Some Co-ordinating Conjunction But (wKš‘): Bnv `yBwU we‡ivag~jK ev‡K¨i gvSLv‡b em‡e| †hgb: a) He was intelligent but he was not selected. b) He has much money but leads a simple life. c) He was poor but honest. d) He was a scholar but nobody values him. And (Ges): Bnv `yBwU ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b e‡m Ges `yB evK¨ Øviv mgvb wKQy eySvq| †hgb: a) He can read and write well. b) Rahim took the pen and wrote a letter. Or/Otherwise (Ab¨_vq/bq‡Z): Bnv `yBwU ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b e‡m Ges Or/Otherwise Gi Subject em‡e Ges Zvici Verb em‡e| †hgb: a) Do the work at once or you will be punished. b) Read attentively or you will fail. Yet (Zv m‡Ë¡I /Z_vwc): Bnv `yBwU ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b e‡m Z‡e †mwU m‡Ë¡I wb‡`©k K‡i| †hgb: He is poor. Yet he is happy. While (A_P /Ab¨w`‡K): Bnv `yBwU wecwiZagx© ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b e‡m| †hgb: a) He passed the examination while his sister could not. b) I like it while he does not like. Whereas (A_P /Ab¨w`‡K): Bnv `yBwU wecwiZagx© ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b e‡m ˆecwiZ¨ wKQy wb‡`©k K‡i | †hgb: a) He is rich whereas his brother is poor. b) He plays cricket whereas I play football. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

2. Subordinating conjunction: Gme Conjunction subordinate clause †K main clause-Gi mv‡_ mshy³ K‡i Ges G‡K Ac‡ii Dci wbf©ikxj _v‡K| Example: a) I had reached the college before the examination began. b) Don’t go out if it rains. I did not go because I did not know. c) It is one month since I received the letter. d) As/since you like it, I will give it. e) He could not reach though he walked fast. f) Sit here till/until I finish my work. g) They will not come unless I play. h) You ran after I had seen you. i) He looks as if/ as though he saw a ghost. j) Walk fast lest you should miss the class. Use of Some Subordinating Conjunction That(†h ev hvnv): GwUi A_© †h ev hvnv| GwU `ywU ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b em‡e Ges †h ev hvnv A_© cÖ`vb Ki‡e| a) He says that he is honest. b) Father told me that he won’t come. c) I know that the earth is round. For (Kvi‡Y ev KviY): For Gi evsjv A_© Kvi‡b ev KviY| hLb GwU `yBwU ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b em‡e ZLb Gi A_© n‡e Kvib Avi hLb GwU †Kvb Phrase Gi Av‡M em‡e ZLb GwUi A_© n‡e Kvi‡b Z‡e `ywU ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ †h evK¨wU Øviv Kvib eySv‡”Q †mwUi Av‡M em‡e| a) He could not come for he was ill. b) He does not know it for he is not present. Because (KviY): Bnv `yBwU ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z em‡Z cv‡i Avevi `yBwU ev‡K¨i gvSLv‡bI em‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e me©`vB ¯§iY ivL‡e `yB ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ †h evK¨ Øviv KviY eySv‡e Zvi Av‡M em‡e| †hgb: a) He was absent because his father was ill. b) Because it is raining, I won’t go. Since/As (†h‡nZz...........†m‡nZz ev KviY): Bnv `yBwU ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z em‡Z cv‡i Avevi `yBwU ev‡K¨i gvSLv‡bI em‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e me©`vB ¯§iY ivL‡e `yB ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ †h evK¨ Øviv KviY eySv‡e Zvi Av‡M em‡e| †hgb: a) Since he was tired, he won’t go. b) I came to see him as he has nobody to see. Though/ Although (hw`I........ZeyI): Bnv `yBwU ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z em‡Z cv‡i Avevi `yBwU ev‡K¨i gvSLv‡bI em‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e me©`vB ¯§iY ivL‡e `yB ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ †h evK¨ Øviv m‡Ë¡I eySv‡e Zvi Av‡M em‡e| a) Though he had a lot, he wanted more. b) He was punished though he was innocent. Before (Av‡M): Bnv `yBwU ev‡K¨i gvSLv‡b em‡e| Z‡e Before Gi Av‡Mi evK¨Uv Past Perfect Tense(Subject + had + Past participle of Verb + Object/Extension) n‡j c‡ii evK¨Uv Past Indefinite Tense (Subject + Past form of the verb+Object/Extension) n‡e| Avi Before Gi Av‡Mi evK¨wU Future Perfect Tense n‡j Ges Before Gi c‡ii evK¨wU Future Indefinite Tense ev Present Indefinite Tense n‡e| †hgb: a) He had lost the pen before he came here. b) I will have done it before you come. After (c‡i): Bnv `yBwU ev‡K¨i gvSLv‡b em‡e| Z‡e After Gi Av‡Mi evK¨Uv Past Indefinite Tense (Subject+Past form of the verb+Object/Extension) n‡j c‡ii evK¨Uv Past Perfect Tense(Subject + had + Past participle of Verb + Object/Extension) n‡e| Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Avi After Gi Av‡Mi evK¨wU Future Indefinite Tense ev Present Indefinite Tense n‡j After Gi c‡ii evK¨wU Future Perfect Tense n‡e| †hgb: a) He came after I had come. b) Father meets him after I will have reached. Lest (hv‡Z...........bv): Bnv `yBwU ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b e‡m Ges Lest Gi Subject em‡e Ges Zvici should em‡e| †hgb: a) He punished me lest I should tell a lie. b) Walk fast lest you should miss the class. Unless (hvw`...........bv): Bnv If Gi Negative iƒc| Bnv If Gi gZ `yBwU ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b em‡Z cv‡i Avevi ïiæ‡ZI em‡Z cv‡i Z‡e hLb G¸wj ev‡K¨ em‡e ZLb If Gi gZ KvVv‡gvMZ wbqg wVK _vK‡e| a) Unless you work hard, you will fail. b) He will shine in life unless he works hard. c) You will phone me unless I meet you. Till (ch©šÍ): Bnv `yBwU ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b e†m Ges ch©šÍ A_© cÖ`vb K‡i| †hgb: a) He will wait for me till you come. b) We shall nurse you till you come round. Until (ch©šÍ...........bv): Bnv Till Gi Negative iƒc| Bnv `yBwU ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b e†m Ges ch©šÍ......bv A_© cÖ`vb K‡i| †hgb: a) He will wait for me until you come. b) We shall nurse him until he come round. Since (nj): Bnv `yBwU ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b e‡m Ges GKwU Kv‡Ri ci Av‡iKwU KvR A‡bK w`b nj Ggb wKQy wb‡`©k K‡i| †hgb: a) It is two years since he died. b) Two months have passed since he left school. As if/ as though (†hb): Bnv `yBwU ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b e‡m GKwU Zzjbvg~jK Kv‡Ri eY©Yv †`qv e~Svq| †hgb:He talks as if he were a mad. He requested me as if he had done it. So.........that (GZB...........†h): Bnv `yBwU ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b e‡m Z‡e so Gi ci adjective e‡m Ges Zvici that e‡m Ges Gi ci wØZxq evK¨wU em‡e| †hgb: a) Many farmers of our country are so poor that they cannot keep body and soul together. b) He was so honest that he didn’t take bribe. So that/that/ in order that (hv‡Z/ hvnv‡Z): Bnv `yBwU ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b e‡m| GLv‡b cÖ_g evK¨ Øviv KviY Ges wØZxq evK¨ dj eySvq| a) We eat so that we may live well. b) He reads attentively so that he can make a good result. c) He punished me so that I do not tell a lie. 3. Correlative Conjunction: G me Conjunction †Rvovq †Rvovq e‡m `ywU Word, Clause ev Sentence †K ci¯úi m¤úK© hy³ K‡i| Example: a) Both Salim and his brother are absent today. b) He has both strength and money. c) The day was either wet or dry. d) Either he or his father has done that. e) I have neither pens nor books. f) The field is so small that I cannot play. g) I shall go out whether the day is wet or not. h) The shirt has the same colour that I wear. i) Karim is no less strong than Rahim j) The dog is as clever as the fox. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

Use of Some Correlative Conjunction Whether (wK...........bv): Bnv `yBwU weKí wPšÍv ev Kv‡Ri †ÿ‡Î e‡m| †hgb: a) I don’t know you whether he will come or not. b) I asked him whether he knows it or not. No sooner had..................than/ Hardly had...........when / Scarcely had.......when/before (bv.....†ZB........): GKwU KvR †kl n‡Z bv n‡ZB Av‡iKwU KvR Avi¤¢ n‡q †Mj G iKg A_© cÖ`vb Ki‡Z ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z No sooner had e‡m Ges hw` ïiæ‡Z No sooner had e‡m Zvn‡j ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b than e‡m Ges Zvici wØZxq evK¨wU em‡e wVK GKBfv‡e hw` ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z Scarcely had Av‡m Zvn‡j ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b when e‡m Ges Zvici wØZxq evK¨wU em‡e wVK GKBfv‡e hw` ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z Hardly had Av‡m Zvn‡j ev‡K¨i ga¨Lv‡b before e‡m Ges Zvici wØZxq evK¨wU em‡e| †hgb: a) No sooner had he seen me than he ran away. b) Scarcely had we reached the station when the train left. c) Hardly had he started reading before the electricity was off. d) Hardly had I entered the stadium before the game started. Not only.......but also (ïay ...bq..eis..e‡U): Bnv `yBwU ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z ev †k‡l ev ga¨Lv‡b em‡Z cv‡i| a) Not only he but also his brother saw it. b) He not only ate rice but also took rest. c) I have taken not only a pen but also a book. Both........... and (Df‡qB): Bnv Not only.......but also Gi gZ `yBwU ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z ev †k‡l ev ga¨Lv‡b em‡Z cv‡i| a) Both Rana and Raju came here. b) I know both you and your brother. Either...or (nq....GUv bv nq...IUv): Bnv ev‡K¨i Ae¯’vbyhvqx em‡e| a) Either you or he came. b) He will either do it or go there. Neither.....nor (GUvI...bv...IUvI..bv): Bnv ev‡K¨i Ae¯’vbyhvqx em‡e| a) Neither the boy nor his brother came. b) He knows neither him nor his father. Interjection Interjections express some sudden feeling and emotion. They are not grammatically connected with other words. (†h me word Øviv mvgwqK Avb›`, `ytL, welv`, we¯§q ev Av‡eM cÖKvk cvq) (i) Hurrah! We have won. (Happiness/Avb›`) (ii) Alas! I failed. (Distress, sorrow/`ytL) (iii) Bravo! You have done well. (Approval/Aby‡gv`b) (iv) Fie! Fie! (Hatred/N„Yv, making fun/VvÆv Kiv) (v) Hi! Hello! (calling/Avnevb) (vi) Hess! Humph! (doubt/m‡›`n) (vii) Hush! (Attention/g‡bv‡hvM AvKl©Y)

Conditional Sentence Conditional Sentence ej‡Z mvaviYZ: Complex Sentence †K eySvq| Complex Sentence Gi Subordinate Clause wU hw` Predicate Clause Gi Condition (kZ©) wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq Zvn‡j Sentence wU‡K Conditional Sentence e‡j| †hgb: If we take rest, we will feel fresh. He will get remuneration if he works. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Dc‡ivwjøwLZ Sentence ¸‡jv we‡kølY Ki‡j †`Lv hvq †h, Subordinate Clause n‡jv kZ© Ges Predicate Clause n‡jv djvdj| Conditional Sentence G Subordinate Clause mvaviYZ: If w`‡q ïiæ nq| GRb¨ GB Clause †K if clauseI ejv nh| If clause ev‡K¨i cÖ_‡g wKsev †k‡l †h †Kvb ¯’v‡b em‡Z cv‡i, Z‡e ev‡K¨i cÖ_‡g em‡j if clause Gi †k‡l GKwU Kgv (,) e‡m| Classification Conditional Sentence Gi kZ© c~iY nIqvi m¤¢ve¨Zvi Dci wfwË K‡i G¸‡jv‡K wZbwU †kªYx‡Z wef³ Kiv n‡q‡Q| †hgb: 1. First Conditional (Sentence with probable condition) 2. Second Conditional (Sentence with improbable condition) 3. Third Conditional (Sentence with impossible condition) GQvovI wKQy e¨wZµgag©x Sentence †K Mixed Conditional †kªYxf~³ e‡j we‡ePbv Kiv nq| 1. First Conditional Sentence: GB Sentence Gi kZ© c~iY nIqvi m¤¢vebv i‡q‡Q e‡j GUv‡K Probable Conditional Sentence I ejv nq| If Clause Gi verb wU mvaviYZ: First Conditional Sentence G Present Indefinite G cÖKvwkZ nq Ges †m‡ÿ‡Î main clause Gi verbwU future tense G cÖKvwkZ nq| Present Indefinite tense kZ© Av‡Mi NUbvi K_v

Subordinate clause

If Clause

NUv m¤¢e

Independent clause Main clause

Future Tense

c‡i NUvi K_v

a) If + Present Indefinite + Future Indefinite If you work well, you will live well. If you come, I shall go. First Conditional Sentence wb” wjwLZ structureI n‡Z c‡i | If + Present + may / might (m¤¢vebv) If you can earn enough money, you may be happy. If the driver is not expert, there may / might be an accident. GLv‡b conditional sentence Gi main clause wU GKwU m¤¢vebv eySv‡”Q| b) If + Present Indefinite + may (Permission AbygwZ) If you are ready, you may start the machine. If he finishes his duty, he may go now. If + Present + can (ability – mvg_©) If you read more, you can pass. If it stops raining, we can start walking. b) If + Present Indefinite + must /should/had better GB structure G sentence ˆZix n‡j Zvi main clause Øviv mvaviYZ Av‡`k (command), Dc‡`k (advice) ev Aby‡iva (request) cÖKvwkZ nq| †hgb: If you want to pass, you must study hard. If you want to pass, you should study hard. If you want to pass, you had better study hard. d) If + Present Indefinite + Present Indefinite GB structure wU mvaviYZ: main clause Øviv †Kvb Af¨vmMZ KvR (habitual action) ev ¯^qswµq djvdj (automatic results) ev weÁvb m¤§Z mZ¨ (scientific truth) cÖKvwkZ nIqvi †ÿ‡Î e¨eüZ nq| †hgb : Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Basic Grammar


If a man drinks poison, he dies. If prices are high, demand is decreased. If water is boiled, it turns into vapour. Variation of the ‘If’ clause Probable conditional sentence G if clause Gi verbwU †h me mgq Present Indefinite Tense G n‡e Zv bq eis GB clause Gi tensewU cwieZ©b Kiv hvq| Z‡e †m cwieZ©bUv Present tense Gi AvIZvq _vK‡Z n‡e| †hgb: a) If + Present Continuous If you are suffering from fever, you should consult a doctor. If he is starting a new business, he will succeed. c) If + Present Perfect If you have studied well, you will pass. If he has not done this, he will not be held responsible. c) If + Present Indefinite + Imperative If you want to pass, read attentively. If you go there, hurry up.


Present Indefinite


Present continuous


Present perfect



2. 2 Conditional Sentence/Improbable Conditional: GB Conditional Sentence G (kZ©) c~iY nIqv Am¤¢e bv n‡jI c~iY nIqvi m¤¢vebv LyeB Kg, †h Kvi‡Y GB Conditional ‡K Improbable Conditional Sentence e‡j| GB Conditional Sentence G Subordinate clause wU mvaviYZ: Past Indefinite Tense nq Ges main clause wU past conditional (would / should; might/could) nq| †hgb: If I worked hard, I would draw a good salary. If I were you, I would live in a grand house. If I lived there, I might be sorry. I knew how to swim, I could participate in the competition. If I knew her name, I should tell you. b) If + Past + Past G RvZxq Conditional Øviv †Kvb automatic (¯^Z:ùzZ©) ev habitual ( Af¨vmMZ) wµqv-cÖwZwµqv eySvq| GwU Øviv †Kvb Am¤¢e KvR‡K eySvq bv| †hgb : If he wanted anything, his father gave him immediately. If he came, I went there. nd 2 Conditional Sentence Gi Principal Clause G mvaviYZ: Past Conditional (would/could/might) nq, KLbI KLbI Past Continuous TenseI nq| †hgb : If I were rich, I could be helping people all through my life. Variations a) If + Past Continuous If we were playing, we would feel better. If he was reading more, he could learn a lot. If he was coming here, he would inform me. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


b) If + Past + Perfect kZ© ev if clause Gi KvRwU NUvi K_v wQj AZx‡Z wKš‘ djvdj eZ©gv‡b ev fwel¨‡Z nIqvi K_v Giƒc eySv‡j GB structure e¨eüZ nq| †hgb : If you had worked this, you would not suffer now. If he had worked in that way, he would be a rich man now. If I had a nice tone, I could sing. would/might/could/V1 Past Indefinite (base form of verb) If

Past Continuous

would/might/could+be+V (ing)

Past Perfect

Past Indefinite Tense

3. Third Conditional / Impossible Conditional : GB Conditional Sentence G if clause wU †h Kv‡Ri K_v e‡j Zv AZxZKv‡j NUvi K_v wQj A_©vr kZ©wU AZxZ Kv‡ji Ges kZ©wU c~ib nqwb e‡j GLb Avi c~iY nIqv m¤¢e bq| †m Kvi‡YB GB Conditional †K Impossible Conditional Sentence e‡j | GB Conditional G if clause Gi verb wU Past Perfect Tense G cÖKvwkZ nq Ges main clause wU Perfect Conditional G cÖKvwkZ nq| If + Past Perfect Tense + Perfect Conditional Past Perfect Tense  Sub + had + V3 ( Past Participle) Perfect Conditional  Sub + (Would have/might have/could have) +V3 ( Past Participle) If I had known that, I would have met you. If he had worked hard, he would have been happy. If he had advised me, I could have done accordingly. If I hadn’t lost the book, I might have read it. NUv m¤¢e bq

had + V3 (Past P.)

If Clause KvRwU N‡Uwb


would/might/could + have + V3 (Past Participle) Main clause NUv m¤¢e bq

kZ© c~ib n‡j KvRwU NUZ

KvRwU N‡Uwb

Variations a) 3 Conditional G if clause G Past Perfect Continuous TenseI e¨envi Kiv hvq| If I had been walking along the main road, I would have been killed by the accident. If the car had been running fast, the truck could not have overtaken it. b) If clause wU Past Perfect Tense n‡j main clause wU wb” wjwLZ fv‡e †jLv hvq| If you had thought it before, you would not have been suffering. If you had thought it before, you would not be suffering now. If I hadn’t read it, I wouldn’t learn it. rd

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Basic Grammar


Others a) If + negative verb = unless + affirmative verb. If he does not study, he will not pass. Unless he studies, he will not pass. b) If Gi cwie‡Z© In case e¨eüZ nq| I will give you the book in case you need it. In case Gi c‡i hw` noun e¨eüZ nq Zvn‡jI A_© if Gi gZB nq| In case of a problem inform me. c) Provided / Provided that / Providing that Gi A_© hw` Ges G¸‡jv if Gi cwie‡Z© e‡m| I will agree to go there provided that my expenses are paid. The plane will take off in time provided the weather is good. He will shine in life providing that he works hard. d) Had Sentence Gi ïiæ‡Z if Gi cwie‡Z© e‡m| Had I the wings as a bird! Had he been a singer!

Tense Tense k‡ãi evsjv A_© ÔKvjÕ| wµqv m¤úbœ nIqvi mgq‡K Tense e‡j| evK¨ MVb, cwieZ©b ev ms‡hvRb me‡ÿ‡ÎB Tense Gi cÖ‡qvRb Av‡Q| 1. He does the sum. 2. He did the sum. 3. He will do the sun. GLv‡b D‡jøwLZ evK¨¸‡jvi g‡a¨ cÖ_g evK¨wUi wµqv 'doesÕ w`‡q eZ©gvb mgq, wØZxq evK¨wUi wµqv Ôdid’ w`‡q AZxZ mgq I Z…Zxq ev‡K¨ will/do w`‡q fwel¨r mgq‡K †evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q| Zvn‡j †evSv hv‡”Q Tense g~jZ wZb cÖKvi| h_v: Present Tense Tense

Past Tense Future Tense

Present Tense: Verb hLb eZ©gvb mg‡qi †Kvb KvR †evSvq ZLb eZ©gvb Kvj nq| Past Tense: AZxZ mg‡q †Kvb KvR †kl n‡q †M‡Q †evSv‡Z AZxZ Kvj ejv nq| Future Tense: fwel¨‡Z †Kvb KvR n‡e Ggb †evSv‡Z fwel¨r Kvj nq| Present Tense Gi PviwU iƒc Av‡Q| h_v: • Present Tense 1. Present Indefinite Tense/Simple Present Tense 2. Present Continuous Tense/ Present Progressive Tense 3. Present Perfect Tense 4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense Past Tense Gi PviwU iƒc Av‡Q| h_v: • Past Tense 1. Past Indefinite Tense/Simple Past Tense 2. Past Continuous Tense/ Past Progressive Tense 3. Past Perfect Tense 4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


• Future Tense Future Tense Gi PviwU iƒc Av‡Q| h_v: 1. Future Indefinite Tense/Simple Future Tense 2. Future Continuous Tense/Future Progressive Tense 3. Future Perfect Tense 4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense Tense Present Present Indefinite

Present Continuous

Past Indefinite


Past Present Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous

Future Indefinite

Future Continuous

Past Continuous

Past Perfect

Future Perfect

Future Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

cÖ‡Z¨KwU Tense Gi Avevi PviwU K‡i iƒc Av‡Q| h_v: a. Affirmative b. Negative c. Interrogative d. Negative-Interrogative 1. Present Indefinite Tense/Simple Present Tense:†h Tense Øviv wPišÍb mZ¨, Af¨vmMZ mZ¨ A_ev mPivPi NUbv eY©bv Kiv nq Zv‡K Present Indefinite Tense e‡j| h_v: He goes to school. Structure: Subject + Present form of Verb + Object + evKx Ask The boy eats rice. (Present Indefinite Tense-Gi †ÿ‡Î subject 3rd person singular number n‡j verb Gi mv‡_ s/es †hvM nq|) s/es †hvM Kivi wbqg hw` ev‡K¨i Subject wU He, She, It, BZ¨vw` Third Person Singular Number nq Zvn‡j Verb Gi mv‡_ wb‡gœi †ÿθ‡jv‡Z s/es hy³ Ki‡Z n‡e| 1. hw` Verb Gi †k‡l Ch _v‡K †hgb: catch-catches, 2. hw` Verb Gi †k‡l Sh _v‡K †hgb: punish-punishes, 3. hw` Verb Gi †k‡l GKUv gvÎ O _v‡K †hgb: Go-goes, veto-vetoes 4. hw` Verb Gi †k‡l SS _v‡K †hgb: miss-misses 5. hw` Verb Gi †k‡l Z _v‡K †hgb: buzz-buzzes 6. hw` Verb Gi †k‡l X _v‡K †hgb: mix-mixes Negative Gi Structure: Subject+ does not/ do not+ Present form of Verb + Object/Extension.  gv fvZ ivbœv K‡i bv| Mother does not cook rice.  Avgiv wµ‡KU †Lwj bv| We do not play cricket.  †m fvZ Lvq bv|He does not eat rice.  Avwg K‡j‡R hvB bv| I do not go to college. Interrogative Gi Structure: Does / Do +Subject+ Present form of Verb + Object/Extension.  gv wK fvZ ivbœv K‡i? Does mother cook rice? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

 Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwj? Do we play cricket?  †m wK fvZ Lvq? Does he eat rice?  Avwg wK K‡j‡R hvB? Do I go to college? Negative-Interrogative Gi Structure: Does / Do +Subject+ not+ Present form of Verb + Object/Extension.  gv wK fvZ ivbœv K‡i bv? Does mother not cook rice?  Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwj bv ? Do we not play cricket?  †m wK fvZ Lvq bv ? Does he not eat rice?  Avwg wK K‡j‡R hvB bv? Do I not go to college? N.B: Negative-Interrogative Gi †ÿ‡Î not wU Subject Gi c‡i em‡e| Z‡e ev‡K¨i Subject wU hw` Proper Noun nq Zvn‡j not wU Subject Gi Av‡M em‡e| †hgb: iwng wK K‡j‡R hvq bv?-- Doesn’t Rahim go to college? GLv‡b iwng kãwU GKwU e¨vw³i bvg A_©vr GwU Proper Noun myZivs G‡ÿ‡Î not wU Subject Gi Av‡M em‡Q| ZvB GB Tense mvaviYZ General Truths, Customs and habits, Future actions & Present moment Gi †ÿ‡Î e¨eüZ nq| (a) Karim likes sweets (General Truth) (b) We celebrate the Independence Day. (Customs & Habits) (c) Hamid goes to Dhaka tomorrow (Future action) (d) I want to speak to you. (Present moment) Present Indefinite Tense mvaviYZ †h me †ÿ‡Î e¨eüZ nq: i. In Universal Truth (wPišÍb mZ¨ NUbvi †ÿ‡Î) : The earth moves round the sun. ii. In Habitual Truth (Af¨vmMZ mZ¨ NUbvi †ÿ‡Î) : My Mother reads the holy Quran everyday. iii. In Historical Truth (HwZnvwmK mZ¨ NUbvi †ÿ‡Î) : Bangladesh comes into being in 1971. iv. To indicate near future (wbKUeZx© fwel¨r eySv‡bvi †ÿ‡Î) : Ramadan begins next month. v. Always, everyday, every month, on Mondays, occasionally, often, thrice, usually, sometimes G mKj kã m¤^wjZ ev‡K¨) : He always goes to school. vi. In Proverbs (cÖev` Gi †ÿ‡Î ) : Birds of the same feather flock together. vii. In quotations (Dw³i †ÿ‡Î ) : Keats says, "Beauty is truth, truth beauty." 2. Present Continuous Tense/ Present Progressive Tense: eZ©gvb mg‡q †Kvb KvR msNwUZ n‡”Q †evSv‡Z Present Continuous Tense e¨eüZ nq| evsjv wµqvi †k‡l †ZwQ, †ZQ, †Z‡Qb, ”Q, w”Q, †”Q, †”Qb BZ¨vw` _v‡K| Structure: Subject + Present form of Be Verb (am / is / are) + g~j Verb + ing + Object. They + are + play + ing + football. Negative Gi Structure: Subject+ am not/ is not/are not+ Present form of Verb +ing + Object/Extension.  †m fvZ Lv‡”Q bv| He is not eating rice.  Avwg ¯‹z‡j hvw”Q bv| I am not going to school.  gv fvZ ivbœv Ki‡Q bv| Mother is not cooking rice.  Avgiv wµ‡KU †Lwj‡ZwQ bv| We are not playing cricket. Interrogative Gi Structure: Am/Is/Are + Subject + Present form of Verb + ing + Object /Extension.  †m wK fvZ Lv‡”Q ? Is he eating rice?  Avwg wK ¯‹z‡j hvw”Q? Am I going to school?  gv wK fvZ ivbœv Ki‡Q? Is mother cooking rice?  Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwj‡ZwQ? Are we playing cricket? Negative-Interrogative Gi Structure: Am/Is/Are + Subject +not +Present form of Verb+ing +Obj/Ext.  †m wK fvZ Lv‡”Q bv? Is he not eating rice?  Avwg wK K‡j‡R hvw”Q bv? Am I not going to College?  gv wK fvZ ivbœv Ki‡Q bv? Is mother not cooking rice? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


 Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwj‡ZwQ bv? Are we not playing cricket? Present Continuous Tense mvaviYZ †h me †ÿ‡Î e¨eüZ nq: (i) To indicate near future (wbKUeZx© fwel¨r eySv‡bvi †ÿ‡Î mvaviYZ e¨eüZ nq): I am going to Chittagong tomorrow. (ii) In habitual act (Af¨vmMZ mZ¨ NUbvi †ÿ‡Î ) : I am playing football even at this old age. (iii)In changing condition (cwieZ©bkxj welq eY©bvi †ÿ‡Î): The world climate is changing rapidly. ing †hvM Kivi wbqg æing” †hvM Kivi wbqg ¸wj bx‡P †`qv nj: 1. hw` Verb Gi †k‡l e _v‡K Ges e Gi Av‡Mi AÿiwU consonant nq Zvn‡j e D‡V ing †hvM n‡e| †hgb: Take - Taking, Make Making, 2. hw` Verb Gi †k‡l ie _v‡K Ges ie Gi Av‡Mi AÿiwU consonant nq, Zvn‡j ie D‡V y n‡e| Zvici ing †hvM n‡e| †hgb: lie-lying, tie-tying, Vie-Vying 3. hw` Verb Gi †k‡l GKwU gvÎ consonant _v‡K Ges Zvi Av‡M GKwU gvÎ Vowel _v‡K, Zvn‡j †k‡li consonant wU Double n‡e| Zvici ing †hvM n‡e| †hgb: Run Running Impel Impelling swim Swimming Can Canning wKš‘ Verb Gi †k‡l hw` W ev X ev Y Gi †Kvb GKwU _v‡K, Zvn‡j D³ wbqg cÖ‡hvR¨ n‡e bv| A_©vr ZLb Verb Gi †k‡li Consonant wU Double Kiv hv‡e bv| eis ïaygvÎ ing †hvM Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb: Present Meaning ing Box Nywl gviv Boxing Borrow avi Kiv Borrowing G QvovI GB wbq‡gi †ek wKQy e¨wZµg Av‡Q| †hgb: verb Gi †k‡l hw` GKwUB gvÎ Consonant _v‡K Ges Zvi Av‡M hw` GKwUB gvÎ Vowel _v‡K, Zv‡`i mv‡_ ing Kivi mgq †k‡li Consonant wU Double bv n‡q A‡bK mgq ïaygvÎ ing †hvM nq| †hgb: Suffer Kó cvIqv/†fvMv Suffering Visit cwi`k©b Kiv Visiting Open ‡Lvjv Opening Differ wfbœ nIqv Differing Vomit ewg Kiv Vomiting Offer cÖ¯Íve Kiv Offering 4. Avgiv Rvwb Adjective Gi †k‡l en †hvM K‡i Verb ˆZix Kiv nq| H mg¯Í Verb †K ing Kivi mgq ïaygvÎ ing Ki‡Z nq| A_©vr ZLb Verb Gi †k‡li Consonant wU Double n‡e bv | †hgb: Blacken Kv‡jv Kiv Blackening Gladden Lywk Kiv Gladdening Whiten mv`v Kiv Whitening Roughen Lmov Kiv Roughening Sicken cxwoZ Kiv Sickening Smarten wdUdvU Kiv Smartening Shorten Lv‡Uv Kiv Shortening 5. hw` Verb Gi †k‡l Y _v‡K, Zvn‡j Y D‡V hv‡e bv| ïaygvÎ ing †hvM n‡e| †hgb: Present Meaning ing Accompany msMx nIqv Accompanying Acidify U‡K cwiYZ Kiv Acidifying Ally eÜzZ¡ Kiv Allying Amplify m¤cÖmviY Kiv Amplifying Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

3. Present Perfect Tense: †Kvb KvR †kl n‡q †M‡Q wKš‘ Zvi djvdj GL‡bv we`¨gvb Giƒc †evSv‡Z Present Perfect Tense e¨eüZ nq| evsjv wµqvi †k‡l qvQ, qvwQ, qv‡Q, qv‡Qb, †qwQ, †qQ BZ¨vw` _v‡K| Structure: Subject+ (have/has)+Past Participle form of Verb+Object + evKx Ask They have completed the work themselves. Negative Gi Structure: Subject+ have not/ has not+ Past Participle form of Verb + Object/Extension  †m fvZ Lvq bvB| He has not eaten rice.  Avwg K‡j‡R hvB bvB| I have not gone to college.  gv fvZ ivbœv K‡i bvB| Mother has not cooked rice.  Avgiv wµ‡KU †Lwj bvB|We have not played cricket. Interrogative Gi Structure: Have/Has+Subject+Past Participle form of Verb + Object/Extension.  †m wK fvZ †L‡q‡Q ? Has he eaten rice?  Avwg wK K‡j‡R wM‡qwQ? Have I gone to College?  gv wK fvZ ivbœv K‡i‡Q? Has mother cooked rice?  Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †LwjqvwQ? Have we played cricket? Negative-Interrogative Gi Structure: Have/Has + Subject + not + Past Participle form of Verb + Object / Extension.  †m wK fvZ Lvq bvB ? Has he not eaten rice?  Avwg wK K‡j‡R hvB bvB ? Have I not gone to college?  gv wK fvZ ivbœv K‡i bvB ? Has mother not cooked rice?  Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwj bvB ? Have we not played cricket? Present Perfect Tense mvaviYZ †h me †ÿ‡Î e¨eüZ nq:(i) KvR †kl n‡q †M‡Q wKš‘ dj eZ©gvb Av‡Q Giƒc †evSv‡bvi †ÿ‡Î mvaviYZ e¨eüZ nq| Haji Muhammad Mohsin has helped the poor but brilliant student. (ii) AZxZ mg‡qi †Kvb KvR †hLv‡b mg‡qi D‡jøL †bB| I have read the poem but I have forgotten the most of it. (iii) just, just now, already, yet, never, ever, lately, recently, of late Gme k‡ãi c‡i| He has already finished reading the book. 4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense: ‡h wµqvi KvR AZxZ mg‡q ïiæ n‡q GL‡bv Pj‡Q Zv‡K Present Perfect Continuous Tense e‡j| Structure: Subject + (have/has) + been + Verb + ing + Object. They + have + been+ do + ing + the work. (sub.) + (have v.) + (been) + (v.) + ing + (obj.) Negative Gi Structure: Subject + have not been/has not been + Present form of Verb + ing + obj./ext. + for/since + Time.  †m cuvP wgwbU a‡i fvZ Lv‡”Q bv| He has not been eating rice for five minutes.  Avwg †mvgevi †_‡K K‡j‡R hvw”Q bv| I have not been going to college since Monday.  gv `k wgwbU a‡i fvZ ivbœv Ki†Q bv| Mother has not been cooking rice for ten minutes.  Avgiv 1996 mvj †_‡K wµ‡KU †Lwj‡ZwQ bv| We have not been playing cricket since 1996. Interrogative Gi Structure: Have/ Has + Subject + been +Present form of Verb + ing + obj./ext. + for/since +Time.  †m wK cuvP wgwbU a‡i fvZ Lv‡”Q ? Has he been eating rice for five minutes?  Avwg wK MZKvj †_‡K K‡jR hvw”Q ? Have I been going to college since yesterday?  gv wK `k wgwbU a‡i fvZ ivbœv Ki†Q ? Has mother been cooking rice for ten minutes?  Avgiv wK 1996 mvj †_‡K wµ‡KU †Lwj‡ZwQ ? Have we been playing cricket since 1996 ? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Negative - Interrogative Gi Structure: Have/ Has + Subject + not been + Present form of Verb + ing + obj./ext. + for/since + Time.  †m wK cuvP wgwbU a‡i fvZ Lv‡”Q bv? Has he not been eating rice for five minutes?  Avwg wK MZKvj †_‡K K‡j‡R hvw”Q bv? Have I not been going to College since yesterday?  gv wK `k wgwbU a‡i fvZ ivbœv Ki†Q bv ? Has mother not been cooking rice for ten minutes?  Avgiv wK 1996 mvj †_‡K wµ‡KU †Lwj‡ZwQ bv? Have we not been playing cricket since 1996? N.B: Negative-Interrogative Gi †ÿ‡Î not wU Subject Gi c‡i em‡e Z‡e ev‡K¨i Subject wU hw` Proper Noun nq Zvn‡j not wU Subject Gi Av‡M em‡e| Present Perfect Continuous Tense mvaviYZ †h me †ÿ‡Î e¨eüZ nq: Before ‘since’ (a fixed time/point of time) and ‘for’ (a long time/period of time) (‘since’ Ges ‘for’ Gi Av‡M) : He has been reading the book for two hours. 5. Past Indefinite Tense/Simple Past Tense: AZxZ mg‡qi †Kvb KvR eySv‡Z Past Indefinite Tense e¨eüZ nq| evsjv wµqvi †k‡l jvg, †j, j, †jb, Zvg, †Z, †Zb BZ¨vw` _v‡K| Structure: Subject + Past form of Verb + Object + evKx Ask They made a basket yesterday. Negative Gi Structure: Subject + did not + Present form of Verb + Object/Extension.  †m fvZ Lvq bvB| He did not eat rice.  Avwg K‡j‡R hvB bvB| I did not go to college.  gv fvZ ivbœv K‡i bvB| Mother did not cook rice.  Avgiv wµ‡KU †Lwj bvB| We did not play cricket Interrogative Gi Structure: Did + Subject + Present form of Verb + Object/Extension?  †m wK fvZ †L‡qwQj ? Did he eat rice?  Avwg wK K‡j‡R wM‡qwQjvg? Did I go to college?  gv wK fvZ ivbœv K‡iwQj? Did mother cook rice?  Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †LwjqvwQjvg? Did we play cricket? Negative-Interrogative Gi Structure:- Did + Subject + not + Present form of Verb + Object/Extension.  †m wK fvZ Lvq bvB ? Did he not eat rice?  Avwg wK K‡jR hvB bvB? Did I not go to college?  gv wK fvZ ivbœv K‡i bvB? Did mother not cook rice?  Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwj bvB? Did we not play cricket? Uses of Past Indefinite Tense/Simple Past Tense: (i) HwZnvwmK NUbv eY©bvi †ÿ‡Î: Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) got divine message at the age of forty. (ii) In habitual act of past (AZxZ mg‡qi †Kvb Af¨vm eY©bvi †ÿ‡Î) t I used to walk five miles in the morning. (iii)‘it is time’, ‘it is high time’ wish, fancy, ago, yesterday, last etc. k‡ãi c‡i t It is high time we started for the station. 6. Past Continuous Tense/ Past Progressive Tense: AZxZ mg‡q †Kvb KvR PjwQj Giƒc eySv‡Z Past Continuous Tense e¨eüZ nq| evsjv wµqvi †k‡l †ZwQj, †ZwQjvg, †ZwQ‡j BZ¨vw` _v‡K| Structure: Subject + was / were + Verb + ing + Object/ext. They were doing the work with the help of the labourers. Negative Gi Structure: Subject+ was not/were not + Present form of Verb + ing + Object/Extension.  †m fvZ Lvw”Qj bv| He was not eating rice. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

 Avwg K‡jR hvwPQjvg bv| I was not going to college.  gv fvZ ivbœv KiwQj bv | Mother was not cooking rice.  Avgiv wµ‡KU †LjwQjvg bv| We were not playing cricket Interrogative Gi Structure: Was/Were + Subject+ Present form of Verb + ing + Object/Extension.  †m wK fvZ Lvw”Qj ? Was he eating rice?  Avwg wK K‡j‡R hvw”Qjvg? Was I going to college?  gv wK fvZ ivbœv KiwQj? Was mother cooking rice?  Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwj‡ZwQjvg? Were we playing cricket? Negative-Interrogative Gi Structure: Was/Were + Subject + not + Present form of Verb + ing + Object/Extension.  †m wK fvZ Lvw”Qj bv ? Was he not eating rice ?  Avwg wK K‡j‡R hvw”Qjvg bv ? Was I not going to college ?  gv wK fvZ ivbœv KiwQj bv ? Was mother not cooking rice ?  Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †LjwQjvg bv ? Were we not playing cricket? N.B: Negative Interrogative Gi †ÿ‡Î not wU Subject Gi c‡i em‡e Z‡e ev‡K¨i Subject wU hw` Proper Noun nq Zvn‡j not wU Subject Gi Av‡M em‡e| 7. Past Perfect Tense: If there are two actions at the past time, then comparatively previous verb is called Past Perfect Tense. hw` AZxZ mg‡q `ywU KvR msNwVZ nq Zvn‡j A‡cÿvK…Z c~e©eZx© Kv‡Ri †ÿ‡Î Past Perfect Tense e¨eüZ nq Ges cieZ©x KvRwU Past Indefinite Tense nq| Example: • I had reached the college before the examination began. • He came home after I had finished my work. Structure: Subject + (had) + Past Participle form of Verb + Object. They had done the work before I came. They did the work after I had come. 8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense: AZx‡Z GKwU wbw`©ó mgq a‡i †Kvb KvR Pj‡Z _vK‡j Zv‡K Past Perfect Continuous Tense e‡j| Structure: Subject + (had) + been + Verb + ing + Object. • She had been reading a novel when I went to meet her. 9. Future Indefinite Tense/Simple Future Tense: When the action of a verb takes place generally at future time it is called Future Indefinite Tense. fwel¨Z mg‡q †Kvb KvR msNwUZ n‡e eySv‡j Zv‡K Future Indefinite Tense e‡j| evsjv wµqvi †k‡l †e, e, ev, †eb BZ¨vw` _v‡K| Example: • During conversation a Latin American will frequently hold the other person’s arm with his hand. • She will go tomorrow. Structure: Subject + Shall/Will + Base form of Verb + Object. I + shall + do + the work. (sub.) + will + (v.) + (obj.) Negative Gi Structure: Subject+ shall not/ will not+ Present form of Verb + Object/Extension.  †m fvZ Lv‡e bv| He will not eat rice.  Avwg K‡j‡R hve bv| I shall not go to college.  gv fvZ ivbœv Ki‡e bv| Mother will not cook rice.  Avgiv wµ‡KU †Lje bv|We shall not play cricket Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Interrogative Gi Structure: Shall/Will+ Subject+ Present form of Verb + Object/Extension.  †m wK fvZ Lv‡e ? Will he eat rice?  Avwg wK K‡j‡R hve? Shall I go to college?  gv wK fvZ ivbœv Ki‡e? Will mother cook rice?  Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lje? Shall we play cricket? Negative Interrogative Gi Structure: Shall /Will +Subject+ not+ Present form of Verb + Object/Extension.  †m wK fvZ Lv‡e bv ? Will he not eat rice?  Avwg wK K‡j‡R hv‡e bv ? Shall I not go to college?  gv wK fvZ ivbœv Ki‡e bv ? Will mother not cook rice?  Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lje bv ? Shall we not play cricket? 10. Future Continuous Tense/Future progressive Tense: fwel¨r mg‡q †Kvb KvR ïiæ n‡q Pj‡Z _vK‡e †evSv‡j Zv‡K Future Continuous Tense e‡j| evsjv wµqvi †k‡l †Z _vKe, †Z _vK‡e, †Z _vK‡eb BZ¨vw` _v‡K| Structure: Subject + Shall/Will +be+ Verb + ing + Object. I + shall + be + do + ing + it. (sub.) + (will) + (be) + (v.) + ing + (obj.) Negative Gi Structure:- Subject+ shall not be/will not be + Present form of Verb + ing + Object/Extension.  †m fvZ LvB‡Z _vK‡e bv| He will not be eating rice.  Avwg K‡j‡R hvB‡Z _vKe bv| I shall not be going to college.  gv fvZ ivbœv Ki‡Z _vK‡e bv| Mother will not be cooking rice.  Avgiv wµ‡KU †Lwj‡Z _vKe bv| We will not be playing cricket Interrogative Gi Structure: Shall/Will + Subject +be + Present form of Verb + ing + Object/Extension.  †m wK fvZ LvB‡Z _vKe ? Will he be eating rice?  Avwg wK K‡j‡R hvB‡Z _vKe ? Shall I be going to college?  gv wK fvZ ivbœv Ki‡Z _vK‡e ? Will mother be cooking rice?  Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwj‡Z _vKe ? Shall we be playing cricket? Negative Interrogative Gi Structure: Shall/Will +Subject+ not+ be+ Present form of Verb+ ing + Object/Extension.  †m wK fvZ LvB‡Z _vKe bv ? Will he not be eating rice?  Avwg wK K‡j‡R hvB‡Z _vKe bv ? Shall I not be going to college?  gv wK fvZ ivbœv Ki‡Z _vK‡e bv ? Will mother not be cooking rice?  Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwj‡Z _vKe bv ? Shall we not be playing cricket? 11. Future Perfect Tense: fwel¨‡Z †Kvb wbw`©ó mg‡q KvR m¤úbœ n‡e †evSv‡Z Future Perfect Tense e¨eüZ nq| Structure: Subject + Shall/Will + Have + Past Participle form of Verb +Object. They + will + have + done + it. (sub.) + (will) + (have v.) + (p.p.of v.) + (obj.) Negative Gi Structure:- Subject + shall not have/will not have + Past Participle form of Verb + Object/Extension.  †m fvZ LvBqv _vK‡e bv| He will not have eaten rice.  Avwg K‡j‡R hvBqv _vKe bv| I will not have gone to college.  gv fvZ ivbœv K‡i _vK‡e bv| Mother will not have cooked rice.  Avgiv wµ‡KU †Lwjqv _vKe bv|We shall not have played cricket. Interrogative Gi Structure:-Shall/Will+Subject+ have+Past Participle form of Verb + Object/Extension. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

 †m wK fvZ LvBqv _vK‡e ? Will he have eaten rice?  Avwg wK K‡j‡R hvBqv _vKe ? Shall I have gone to college?  gv wK fvZ ivbœv K‡i _vK‡e ? Will mother have cooked rice?  Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwjqv _vKe ? Shall we have played cricket? Negative Interrogative Gi Structure:- Shall/Will +Subject+ not have+ Past Participle form of Verb + Object/Extension.  †m wK fvZ LvBqv _vK†e bv ? Will he not have eaten rice?  Avwg wK K‡j‡R hvBqv _vKe bv ? Shall I not have gone to college?  gv wK fvZ ivbœv K‡i _vK‡e bv ? Will mother not have cooked rice?  Avgiv wK wµ‡KU †Lwjqv _vKe bv ? Will we not have played cricket? 12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense: fwel¨‡Z `xN© mgq a‡i `ywU KvR Pj‡Z _vK‡j cÖ_g KvRwU‡K Future Perfect Continuous Tense e‡j| Structure: Subject + shall/will + have + been + Verb + ing + Object. They + will + have + been + do + ing + it. (Sub.) + (will) + (have v.) + (been) + (v.) + ing + (obj.) EXERCISE-1 Identify the following tenses: 1. He wants to meet me. 2. He went back to his native village. 3. Mother was cooking rice. 4. His mother is not letting him go there. 5. He set up a charitable dispensary. 6. He has not yet done his homework. 7. He served the poor village people.8. My mother does not let me go there. 9. None will have come to help him.10. They prayed to Allah for his long life.11. It has been raining for two hours.12. Did you know the answer?13. He reads attentively.4. They will have heard the news.15. I saw a saw in the market.16. Have you finished reading the book?17. I will start writing the letter.18. His mother read novels everyday. EXERCISE-2 Change the tense of the following sentences as directed. Education makes a man perfect.(Future Indefinite) He was lying on the bed.(Past Indefinite) Who knows the answer?(Future Perfect) The little boy owns a small piece of land.(Past Indefinite) We saw him waiting at the station.(Present Perfect) Humayon lost three times at the battle of Panipath.(Past Perfect) I know the man who comes here sometimes.(Past Indefinite) We need to be careful about the weak students.(Future Indefinite) Our Headmaster teaches us English. (Past Indefinite) Players will play in this field. (Present Continuous) My parents have taught me how to read and write.(Past Indefinite) The Muslim fast during the Ramadan.(Future Indefinite) I have not gone through the book.(Future Indefinite) I have a pen(Past Indefinite) He has lost his pen.(Past Indefinite) I do not know the man.(future Indefinite) My mother lives in Mannville.(Past Indefinite) Rahim and Karim are going to school.(Future ContinuousThis is the pen which I want.(Past Indefinite) He will die today or tomorrow.(Past Indefinite)No one knows the answer.(Future Indefinite) My mother does not let me go there.(Past Continuous) Each boy, each girl, each teacher and each staff has got an umbrella.(Future Perfect) They waited for me at the station.(Future Continuous) He wants to make the country corruption free.(Past Indefinite) They need a pen. (Past Indefinite) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


EXERCISE-3 1. Rewrite the following passage in the Present Tense. Abdullah was poor but he was honest and hard working. He looked after a large mango garden. The owner of the garden was Abdus Salam who was a very rich man. Some of Abdus Salam's friends came to visit him. It was during the summer season when mangoes were ripe. So Abdus Salam asked Abdullah to pick some of the ripe manoges and give them to his friends. Abdullah went to the orchard and carefully picked some nice mangoes. 2. Rewrite the following passage in the Past Tense. Mr. Khan is our Principal. He is a strong administrator. He lives in the quarter of the college. He teaches us English. He is a good teacher too. He loves all the students. Students also love and respect him. He speaks easy English. In his class we get inspiration from his English. He makes an English environment in his class. 3. Rewrite the following passage in the Past Tense. I am Rashik . I am a student of Will’s Little Flower College. I love garedning. On holidays I work in my garden. When my friends come to our home, I take them into my garden and show them various flowers. They become very glad to see my garden and thank me. It has improved my body and mind. The beauty and smell of the garden make me jolly. The garden is a part and parcel of my life. I love it more than anything else.

Phrase GKwU kã ¸”Q hvi †Kvb Subject ev, Finite Verb †bB, wKš‘ Sentence G e¨eüZ n‡q Part of speech Gi gZ AvPiY K‡i, Zv‡K Phrase e‡j| (A phrase is a group of words that does not make a complete sense and contain a finite verb but it is used as a single part of speech) Classification: Phrase


Noun Adjective

Prepositional Adverb





Phrase ‡K 9 fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| Aek¨ A‡b‡K GUv‡K 7 fv‡M fvM K‡i‡Qb| h_v: (i) Noun Phrase (ii) Adjective Phrase (iii) Verb Phrase (iv) Adverbial Phrase (v) Prepositional Phrase (vi) Conjunctional Phrase (vii) Interjectional Phrase (viii) Infinitive Phrase (ix) Participle Phrase Noun Phrase: GKwU Phrase hLb Noun Gi KvR K‡i ZLb Zv‡K Noun Phrase e‡j| †hgb t Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

Rahim enjoys watching TV. Our life is not a bed of roses. His going to school is uncertain. Noun Phrase Gi KvR t 1. Verb Gi subject wn‡m‡e| h_v: Swimming is a good exercise. To walk in the morning is good for health. The reading of history books is a good habit. cª`Ë evK¨¸wji cÖ‡Z¨KwU‡Z is g~j verb wnmv‡e KvR Ki‡Q Ges g~j verb Gi Av‡Mi AskwU me©`vB Subject wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq| myZivs cÖ_g ev‡K¨ Swimming, wØZxq ev‡K¨ To walk in the morning, Ges Z…Zxq ev‡K¨ The reading of history books ev‡K¨i Subject wnmv‡e KvR Ki‡Q| myZivs Giv Noun Phrase. 2. Transitive verb Gi object wn‡m‡e: h_v: (a) I like to play cricket. (b) He wanted to have a cup of tea. (c) I do not know how to swim. (d) He tried hard to solve our problems. (e) I wanted to stand first in my class. (f) He got a nice blue pen. cª`Ë evK¨¸wji cÖ_gwU‡Z like wØZxqUv‡Z wanted Z…ZxqUv‡Z know PZz_©wU‡Z tried cÂgwU‡Z wanted I lôwU‡Z got g~j verb wnmv‡e KvR Ki‡Q Ges Giv mevB Transitive verb| Avgiv Rvwb Transitive verb Gi c‡ii AskwU me©`vB Object wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq| myZivs cÖ_g ev‡K¨ to play cricket wØZxq ev‡K¨ to have a cup of tea Z…Zxq ev‡K¨ how to swim PZz_©wU‡Z to solve our problems cÂgwU‡Z to stand first in the class I lôwU‡Z a nice blue book ev‡K¨i Object wnmv‡e KvR Ki‡Q| myZvivs Giv Noun Phrase. 3. Subject Gi Complement wn‡m‡e| h_v: (a) He is a man of letters. (b) My brother is a man of word (c) The lion is the king of beast. (d) Our life is not a bed of roses. cª`Ë evK¨¸wji cÖ_gwU, wØZxqwU, Z…ZxqUv‡Z Ges PZz_©wU‡Z is nj Be Verb Ges Avgiv Rvwb Be Verb Gi c‡ii AskwU me©`vB Complement wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq| myZivs cÖ_g ev‡K¨ a man of letters wØZxq ev‡K¨ a man of word Z…Zxq ev‡K¨ the king of beast Ges PZz_©wU‡Z a bed of roses AskUzKz Complement wnmv‡e KvR Ki‡Q| myZivs Giv Noun Phrase. 4. Preposition Gi object wn‡m‡e| h_v: (a) The boy is proud of his excellent result. (b) Our school is good at playing cricket. (c) He depends on my speech. cª`Ë evK¨¸wji cÖ_gwU‡Z of wØZxqU‡Z at Ges Z…ZxqwU‡Z on nj Preposition Ges Avgiv Rvwb Preposition Gi c‡ii AskwU me©`vB Preposition Gi Object wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq| myZivs cÖ_g ev‡K¨ of his excellent result wØZxq ev‡K¨ at playing cricket Ges Z…Zxq ev‡K¨ on my speech AskUzKz Preposition Gi Object wnmv‡e KvR Ki‡Q| myZivs Giv Noun Phrase. 5. Noun apposition wn‡m‡e| h_v : (a) Karim, my best friend is no more. (b) Mr. Rahman, the principal of our college, is pious man. (c) Mr. Akash, my next door neighbour, is living in the U.S.A. Apposition nj †Kvb Noun/Pronoun m¤ú‡K© AwZwi³ Z_¨ cª`vb Kiv cª`Ë evK¨¸wji cÖ_gwU‡Z my best friend I wØZxqUv‡Z the principal of our college Ges Z…ZxqUv‡Z my next door neighbour nj Apposition| ‡h‡nZz Giv cÖ‡Z¨‡KB G‡`i Av‡Mi kã m¤ú‡K© AwZwi³ Z_¨ cÖ`vb Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Ki‡Q myZivs cÖ_g ev‡K¨ my best friend wØZxq ev‡K¨ the principal of our college Ges Z…Zxq ev‡K¨ my next door neighbour AskUzKz Noun Phrase. Noun Phrase Gi MVb t 1. Adjective +Noun (A_©vr Adjective Gi c‡i Noun e¨eüZ n‡e|) (a) The boy feels proud of his blue blood. (b) The man wore a blue shirt. 2. `yÕwU Noun cvkvcvwk e¨eüZ n‡q Noun Phrase MVb K‡i| (a) He is my room-mate. (b) Rafiq is my bosom friend. 3. Noun + Preposition + Object. (a) An ass is called a beast of burden. (b) Life is not a bed of roses. 4. And Ges Or conjunction Øviv hy³ Noun w`‡q Noun Phrase nq| (a) Dhaka is a part and parcel of Bangladesh. (b) Time and tide wait for none. 5. Infinite w`‡q Noun Phrase MVb Kiv hvq| (a) To swim is good for health. (b) I like to play cricket. Note: Noun Phrase Gi †ÿ‡Î, infinite Gi c~‡e© Noun ev Adjective e‡m bv, hw` e‡m Zvn‡j Zviv Phrase n‡e| †hgbt (a) I want a pen to write with. Adjective Phrase: ‡h me Phrase ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ n‡q Adjective Gi gZ Ab¨ †Kvb Noun, Pronoun ev Noun Phrase Gi †`vl, ¸Y, Ae¯’v BZ¨vw` ˆewkó cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡K Adjective Phrase e‡j| †hgb t (a) The girl in the first bench is my sister. (b) The fox without a tail called a meeting. (c) The man with the bag came here. (d) Mr. Choudhury was a leader second to none. (e) A thing of beauty is a joy forever. (f) The tree in front of our house is cut off. (g) The boy playing in the field is my brother. Verbal Phrase: GK ev GKvwaK Word GK‡Î wg‡j hLb GKwU Verb Gi gZ KvR K‡i ZLb Zv‡K Verbal Phrase e‡j| †hgb t (a) You should give up smoking. (b) He looked for a good j. (c) Rahim looks after his father. (d) Put on your shirt. mvaviYZt Verb Gi ci wewfbœ ai‡Yi Preposition hy³ n‡q Verbal Phrase MwVZ nq| cª`Ë evK¨¸wji cÖ_gwU‡Z give Gi ci up wØZxqUv‡Z look Gi ci for Z…ZxqwU‡Z look Gi ci after Ges PZz_©wU‡Z Put Gi ci on nj Preposition myZivs GB ¸wjB Verbal Phrase wnmv‡e MY¨ n‡e|ob Adverbial Phrase: ‡h me Phrase ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ n‡q Adverb Gi gZ KvR K‡i Zv‡K Adverb Phrase e‡j| †hgb t (a) They beat the thief black and blue. (b) The boy tried heart and soul to succeed. (c) He left the village for good. (d) The two sisters sat under the tree. (e) I want it at this moment. (f) They boy is under the tree. (g) He left the town once for all. (h) He will come at an early date. Prepositional Phrase: Noun Gi Av‡M GKwU Preposition Ges c‡i GKwU Preposition hy³ n‡j Zv‡K Prepositional Phrase e‡j | †hgb: (a) There is a tree in front of my house. (c) The old man is at the point of death. (b) He took history in lieu of mathematics. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

(d) The boy could not come on account of his illness. Conjunctional Phrase: ‡h Phrase `ywU sentence †K hy³ K‡i Zv‡K Conjunctional Phrase e‡j| ‡hgb: (a) I shall come back as soon as I can. (b) No sooner had he seen the police than the thief ran away. Interjectional Phrase: ‡h Phrase Interjection Gi gZ KvR K‡i Zv‡K Interjectional Phrase e‡j| †hgb: What a pity! Infinitive Phrase: Avgiv Rvwb To+ base form of Verb †K Infinitive ejv nq| Avi Infinitive Phrase nj To+ base form of Verb+ ---------------. †hgbt (a) To walk in the morning is good for health. (b) He likes to read English. To walk nj Infinitive| Avi To walk in the morning nj Infinitive Phrase| hw`I GUv‡K Noun Phrase Gi AvIZvfy³ Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i Avevi GUv‡K Infinitive Phrase Gi g‡a¨I AšÍfy³ Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| bx‡P Gi AviI wKQy D`vniY †`qv nj t Participle Phrase: Participle Phrase m¤ú‡K© Rvbvi Av‡M participle m¤ú‡K© Rvbv `iKvi| bx‡P G m¤ú‡K© Av‡jvKcvZ Kiv njt Participle: Verb Gi †h form GKB mv‡_ verb Ges Adjective Gi KvR m¤úv`b K‡i Zv‡K Participle e‡j| Participle wZb cÖKvi| h_v: (a) Present participle. (b) Past participle (c) Perfect participle Present participle: Verb Gi Present iæc Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ Ki‡j hw` GKB mv‡_ Verb Ges Adjective Gi KvR K‡i Zvn‡j Zv‡K Present Participle e‡j | †hgb: Eating rice, he went to market. Present participle phrase: -- Verb + ing + -------‡K present participle phrase e‡j| †hgb : (a) The old man , riding on bicycle, is coming here. (b) The girl waiting for me is my cousin. Past participle: Verb Gi present form Gi mv‡_ t, ed, d, BZ¨vw` hy³ Ki‡j †h iæc MwVZ nq †mwU Past participle. †gvU K_v, Verb Gi cÖPwjZ wZbUv iæc Gi g‡a¨ Z„ZxqwU Past Participle iæc| ‡hgb: (a)The bridge broken yesterday will be repaired. (b) The book written by me will soon be published. Past participle phrase: Verb Gi 3q iæc +------- wU past participle phrase e‡j Mb¨ nq| ‡hgb: The book, written by him has not yet been published. Perfect participle: Having Gi ci g~j Verb Gi Z…Zxq ev past participle iƒc em‡j †mwU perfect participle. ‡hgb: Having read the book, I’ll go to college. Having done the work he went away. Perfect participle phrase: Having + 3q Verb +----------+‡K perfect participle phrase e‡j| †hgb:-Having finished the work I went to market.

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Clause g~jZt Clause kãwUi A_© n‡jv ev‡K¨i Ask ev LÛ| †Kvb e„nr ev‡K¨i ÿ`ªZi Ask‡K Clause e‡j| Complex Ges Compund Sentence ¸‡jv‡Z hLb GKvwaK Simple Sentence ev, Ask _v‡K ZLb G Simple Sentence ¸‡jv‡K G‡KKwU Clause ejv nq| Clause A‡bKUv Parts of Speech Gi gZ AvPiY K‡i| A_©vr K‡qKwU kã wg‡j hLb GKwU A_© cÖKvk K‡i Ges hv‡`i Subject I Finite Verb _v‡K Zv‡`i‡K clause e‡j| (Clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a finite verb but works as a part of a sentence) Example: I know that he will help you. The boy who came here is my brother. Difference between Phrase and Clause A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a predicate of its own but works as a part of sentence. A phrase is a group of words that does not contain subject and a finite verb. A_©vr clause GKwU kã mgwó hvi Subject I Finite Verb _v‡K, Avi Phrase GKwU kã mgwó hvi Subject I Finite Verb _v‡K bv| Classification: Clause Principal






Clause cÖavbZ 3 cÖKvi| h_v t 1. Principal Clause 2. Subordinate Clause Ges 3. Co-ordinate Clause 1. Principal Clause/Main Clause/Independent: - Sentence Gi g‡a¨ Aew¯’Z †h Clause wU ev AskwU m¤ú~Y© A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z cv‡i Zv‡K Main Clause e‡j| †hgb t (a) They know that they will get the information in time. (b) I have a ring which is made of gold. GLv‡b cÖ_g ev‡K¨ They know AskwU Ges wØZxq ev‡K¨ I have a ring cwic~Y© A_© cÖKvk K‡i, myZivs, GB AskwUB n‡”Q D³ ev‡K¨ Main Clause. 2. Subordinate Clause/Dependent Clause: evK¨w¯’Z †h AskwU g‡bi fve m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c cÖKvk Ki‡Z cv‡i bv, cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ Ab¨ GKwU As‡ki Dci wbf©i Ki‡Z nq Zv‡K Sub-ordinate clause e‡j| Example: (a) The boy who came here yesterday is my father. (b) Unless you work hard, you will fail in the examination. (c) I know the man who rebuked him. GLv‡b cÖ_g ev‡K¨ who came here yesterday AskwU ,wØZxq ev‡K¨ unless you work hard Ges Z…Zxq ev‡K¨ who rebuked him cwic~Y© g‡bi fve cÖKvk Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| ZvB Giv Dependent /Sub-ordinate Clause. N.B: Sub-ordinate Clause me©`vB what, when, whom, where, whose, which, who, why, how BZ¨vw` WH-Words, Ges if, as, that, till, untill, no-sooner, BZ¨vw` Øviv m~wPZ nq| Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

3. Co-ordinate Clause: hLb `ywU Principal Clause †Kvb Co-ordinating Conjunction Øviv hy³ n‡q GKwU Sentence MVb K‡i ZLb H Sentence Gi cÖwZwU Ask‡K Co-ordinate clause e‡j| Example: a. Work hard otherwise you will fail. b. I went there and met the minister. c. We make our fortunes and call them fate. D‡jøL¨ †h, and, but, yet, either-or, neither-nor, because, otherwise, before, after BZ¨vw` k㸇jv‡K Co-ordinating Conjunction e‡j| Co-ordinate Clause A‡©_i w`K †_‡K ¯^qsm¤ú~Y©| A_©vr G‡`i cÖ‡Z¨KwU c~Y© A_© ÁvcK Sentence| (a) I had reached school before it started raining. (b) The patient died after the doctor had come. Kinds of Sub-ordinate Clause Sub-ordinate Clause Avevi 3 fv‡M wef³| h_vt a. Noun Clause. b. Adjective Clause c. Adverb Clause. a. Noun Clause: †h Sub-ordinate Clause wU Sentence G Ae¯’vb K‡i †Kvb Noun Gi KvR K‡i Zv‡K Noun Clause e‡j| A_©vr Sentence Gi g‡a¨ Noun †h me Ae¯’vb MÖnY K‡i Noun ClauseI †m mKj Ae¯’vb MÖnY K‡i| Sentence-G GKwU Noun Clause A‡bK KvR K‡i _v‡K| bx‡P Noun Clause Gi KvR †`qv njt--(1)Subject of a verb ev ev‡K¨i Subject wn‡m‡e| Example: (a) What you say isn’t clear to me. (b) That he is a good boy is known to all (c) That he would go is known to everybody. cª`Ë evK¨¸wji cÖ‡Z¨KwU‡Z is g~j verb wnmv‡e KvR Ki‡Q Ges g~j verb Gi Av‡Mi AskwU me©`vB Subject wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq| myZivs cÖ_g ev‡K¨ What you say, wØZxq ev‡K¨ That he is a good boy Ges Z…Zxq ev‡K¨ That he would go ev‡K¨i Subject wnmv‡e KvR Ki‡Q| myZvivs Giv Noun Clause. (2) Object of a Transitive Verb ev Transitive Verb Gi Object wn‡m‡e: Example: (a) I don’t know who he is. (b) Tell me why you are here. (c) We know that the earth is round. cª`Ë evK¨¸wji cÖ_gwU‡Z know, wØZxqU‡Z Tell, Z…ZxqU‡Z know, g~j verb wnmv‡e KvR Ki‡Q Ges Avgiv Rvwb g~j verb wU Transitive n‡jGi c‡ii AskwU me©`vB Object wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq| myZivs cÖ_g ev‡K¨ Who he is, wØZxq ev‡K¨ Why you are here Ges Z…Zxq ev‡K¨ That the earth is round ev‡K¨i Object wnmv‡e KvR Ki‡Q| myZvivs Giv Noun Clause. (3) Object of a preposition ev Preposition Gi Object wn‡m‡e t(a) I know nothing of what my father will do. (b) Listen to what your teachers say. (c) We can not rely on what you utter. cª`Ë evK¨¸wji cÖ_gwU‡Z of wØZxqU‡Z To Z…ZxqwU‡Z on nj Preposition Ges Avgiv Rvwb Preposition Gi c‡ii AskwU me©`vB Preposition Gi Object wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq| myZivs cÖ_g ev‡K¨ What my father will say wØZxq ev‡K¨ What your teachers say Ges Z…Zxq ev‡K¨ what you utter AskUzKz Preposition Gi Object wnmv‡e KvR Ki‡Q| myZvivs Giv Noun Clause. (4) Complement to a verb ev Verb Gi Complement wn‡m‡e| Example: (a) This is what he says. (b) His fear is that he may fail in the examination. (c) That is how he killed his wife. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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cª`Ë evK¨¸wji cÖ_gwU I wØZxqwU Ges Z…ZxqwU‡Z is nj Be Verb Ges Avgiv Rvwb Be Verb Gi c‡ii AskwU me©`vB Complement wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq| myZivs cÖ_g ev‡K¨ What he says wØZxq ev‡K¨ That he may fail in the examination Ges Z…Zxq ev‡K¨ how he killed his wife AskUzKz Complement wnmv‡e KvR Ki‡Q| myZvivs Giv Noun Clause. (5) Apposition to a Noun/ Pronoun wn‡m‡e Example: (a) It is known to all that the sun sets in the west. (b) It is unfortunate that the chief guest is absent. (c) There is a rumour that he is no more. Apposition nj †Kvb Noun/Pronoun m¤ú‡K© AwZwi³ Z_¨ cª`vb Kiv |cª`Ë evK¨¸wji cÖ_gwU‡Z that the sun sets in the west.I wØZxqUv‡Z that the chief guest is absent Ges Z…ZxqUv‡Z that he is no more nj Apposition ‡h‡nZz Giv cÖ‡Z¨‡KB G‡`i Av‡Mi kã m¤ú‡K© AwZwi³ Z_¨ cÖ`vb Ki‡Q| myZivs cÖ_g ev‡K¨ that the sun sets in the west ,wØZxq ev‡K¨ that the chief guest is absent Ges Z…Zxq ev‡K¨ that he is no more AskUzKz Noun Clause. b. Adjective Clause: ‡h Sub-ordinate Clause ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ n‡q Adjective –Gi KvR K‡i Zv‡K Adjective Clause e‡j| mvaviYZ It takes places after a noun to shorten its function| Bnv mvaviYZ: Who, which, that, but, as when, why, where BZ¨vw` Øviv ïiæ nq| a. This is the pen which I am looking for. b. The man whom you helped is my brother. c. Tell me the time when he will come. d. I know the boy who stood first. e. I remember the place where I was born. cÖ_g Sentence G Which †K the pen, 2q Sentence G Whom †K man, 3q Sentence G When ‡K Time, 4_© Sentence G Who †K boy Ges 5g Sentence-G Where †K Place Øviv qualify Kiv n‡q‡Q| myZivs G¸‡jv Adjective clause. Difference between Noun Clause & Adjective Clause Noun Clause Adjective Clause I know who came here yesterday. I know the man who came here yesterday. He told me why he came here last He told me the reason why he came night. here last night. He narrated how he killed his friend. He narrated the process how he killed his friend. Fahter asked me when I came back Father asked me the time when I came back home. home. They knew what I wanted from you. They knew the matter what I wanted from you. cª`Ë evK¨¸wji cÖ_g N‡ii evKv Ask ¸wj Noun Clause, †Kbbv Giv mevB G‡`i Av‡Mi †h Verb Av‡Q Zvi Object wnmv‡e KvR Ki‡Q wKš‘ wØZxh N‡ii evKv Ask ¸wj Adjective Clause hw`I Giv ‡`L‡Z Av‡Mi ev‡K¨i gZB| Giv mevB G†`i Av‡Mi †h Noun Av‡Q Zvi Ae¯’v cªKvk Ki‡Q | Adverbial/Adverb Clause: †h Sub-ordinate Clause ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ n‡q Adverb Gi KvR K‡i Zv‡K Adverb Clause e‡j| A_©vr Verb, Adjective I Adverb ‡K Qualify K‡i| Kinds of Adverb Clause Adverb Clause ‡K wbæwjwLZ `kfv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| h_vt SL Name Example Example in the sentence 01 Time when, till, until, while, He came when I went out. Wait since until I came back. 02 Place where, wherever, You may go where you like. I Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Basic Grammar


shall live where you live. I did not go to college because I was ill. 04 so.....that, such...that I am so tired that I can not go out. 05 as, as if She can dance as her sister does. 06 Comparison as, like, than, as...as I love you better than any other girl. 07 Condition if, unless, whether, If you come, I shall go. He will provided, not go unless you come. 08 Purpose so that, lest, in order that He punished me lest I should tell a lie. 09 Concession however, even if I shall not go even if he comes. 10 Contrast though, although Though he is poor, he is honest. ev‡K¨i Ae¯’v Abyhvqx Adverb Clause wewfbœ ai‡Yi n‡Z cv‡i| WH Gi Øviv MwVZ wKQy Adverb Clause Gi D`vniY bx‡P D‡jøL Kiv njtWhere: (a) He told me where he lives. (Noun Clause) (b) He told me the place where he lives. (Adjective Clause) (c) He went where he lives. (Adverb Clause) cÖ`Ë evK¨¸wji cÖ‡Z¨KwU‡Z where he lives Av‡Q wKš‘ wZbwU ev‡K¨ wZb ai‡bi Clause n‡q‡Q| cÖ_g ev‡K¨ where he lives AskUzKz told Gi Object wnmv‡e KvR Ki‡Q ZvB GwU Noun Clause Ges wØZxq ev‡K¨ where he lives Gi Av‡M the place kãwU D‡jøL _vKvq Bnv Adjective Clause n‡q‡Q Ges Z…Zxq ev‡K¨ where he lives Gi Av‡M Intransitive Verb _vKvq Adverb Clause n‡q‡Q †Kbbv went Uv Intransitive Verb, Avi Intransitive Verb Gi ci Object _v‡K bv eis Adverb _v‡K| When: (a) I know when he will come. (Noun Clause) (b) I know the time when he will come. (Adjective Clause) (c) I shall come when he will come. (Adverb Clause) cÖ`Ë evK¨¸wji cÖ‡Z¨KwU‡Z when he will come Av‡Q wKš‘ wZbwU ev‡K¨ wZb ai‡bi Clause n‡q‡Q| cÖ_g ev‡K¨ when he will come AskUzKz know Gi Object wnmv‡e KvR K‡i‡Q| ZvB GwU Noun Clause Ges wØZxh ev‡K¨ when he will come Gi Av‡M the time kãwU D‡jøL _vKvq Bnv Adjective Clause n‡q‡Q Ges Z…Zxq ev‡K¨ when he will come Gi Av‡M Intransitive Verb _vKvq Adverb Clause n‡q‡Q| †Kbbv come Uv Intransitive Verb, Avi Intransitive Verb Gi ci Object _v‡K bv eis Adverb _v‡K| Why: (a) He explained why he came. (Noun Clause) (b) He explained the reason why he came. (Adjective Clause) cÖ`Ë evK¨¸wji cÖ‡Z¨KwU‡Z why he came Av‡Q wKš‘ `yBwU ev‡K¨ `yB ai‡bi Clause n‡q‡Q| cÖ_g ev‡K¨ why he came AskUzKz explained Gi Object wnmv‡e KvR K‡i‡Q| ZvB GwU Noun Clause Ges wØZxq ev‡K¨ why he came Gi Av‡M the reason kãwU D‡jøL _vKvq Bnv Adjective Clause n‡q‡Q| Which: (a)Do you know which is lost? (Noun Clause) (b) This is the pen which I lost. (Adjective Clause) 03

Cause or reason Effect or result Manner

because, as, since, why

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cÖ`Ë evK¨¸wji cÖ_gwU‡Z which is lost AskUzKz know Gi Object wnmv‡e KvR Ki‡Q ZvB GwU Noun Clause Ges wØZxh ev‡K¨ which I lost Gi Av‡M the pen kãwU D‡jøL _vKvq Bnv Adjective Clause n‡q‡Q | Who: (a) I do not know who came here. (Noun Clause) (b) I do not know the man who came here. (Adjective Clause) cÖ`Ë evK¨¸wji cÖ‡Z¨KwU‡Z who came here Av‡Q wKš‘ `yBwU ev‡K¨ `yB ai‡bi Clause n‡q‡Q| cÖ_g ev‡K¨ who came here AskUzKz know Gi Object wnmv‡e KvR Ki‡Q ZvB GwU Noun Clause Ges wØZxq ev‡K¨ who came here Gi Av‡M the man kãwU D‡jøL _vKvq Bnv Adjective Clause n‡q‡Q| myZivs Dc‡ii Av‡jvPbv †_‡K GUv ¯úó †h Clause wbY©‡qi Rb¨ Verb wU Transitive bv Intransitive Zv Rvbv `iKvi| bx‡P G m¤ú‡K© ms‡ÿ‡c Av‡jvKcvZ Kiv njt a. Transitive Verb: ‡h Verb Zvi A_© cwic~Y© Kivi Rb¨ Object MÖnY K‡i Zv‡K Transitive Verb e‡j| †hgb t (i) He flies a kite. (ii) We lost the pen. GLv‡b flies I lost Dfq Transitive Verb KviY Zviv Object MÖnY K‡i‡Q| b. Intransitive Verb: ‡h verb Zvi A_© cwic~Y© Kivi Rb¨ Object Gi cÖ‡qvRb †eva K‡i bv Zv‡K Intransitive verb e‡j| †hgb t (a) The girl sings. b. Birds fly. GLv‡b sings I fly verb Øq intransitive KviY object MÖnY Kiv QvovB Zviv A_© cwic~Y©fv‡e cÖKvk Ki‡Z †c‡i‡Q| Exercise-1 Find out Principal, Sub-ordinate and Co-ordinate clause from the following: 1. As I am ill today, I will not go to the office. 2. Though everybody rebuked him, he did not leave them. 3. This is the man who came yesterday. 4. He is not only my father but also my teacher. 5. Patriotism is a great virtue but nobody can gain it. 6. I went there but I did not find him. 7. I know the man who is your father. 8. I have lost the pen that you gave me. 9. What is lotted cannot be blotted. 10. Read attentively otherwise you will be punished. Exercise-2 Find out Sub-ordinate, Noun, Adjective and Adverb Clause from the following underlined sentences: Though he is poor, he is honest. I shall come if father is not at home. I knew the answer what he asked. I know what he will tell us. That he is honest is known to all. Why he has not come is a mystery. How he did it is a matter of thinking. He told us why he had not come yesterday. He is one of the best boys who came yesterday. I know nothing of what he will say. He is so poor that he cannot lead his family well. I know that he is absent today. He explained why he was absent. Will you go where I live? I do not know what he knows. Whatever he does does not require permission. I shall punish him whoever he may be. I do not like what he likes. This is why he killed the man. He told the process how he killed the man. Gardening is a hobby which gives us pleasure. The patient had died before the doctor came. What he says is true. Unless he reads attentively, he will not pass the examination. Please wait for me until I come back. This is the house where he is found in disguise. We eat so that we may live. I like them who love their country. He will have to be found out wherever he fled. It is what he said in the seminar. It depends on what he will do next. We waited until he came here. He will be fined provided he is late. It is true that he will not come today. They know that she is not their real mother. It is certain Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

that his father is dead. We are sure that he will not pass the examination. All who came here are my friends. We read attentively so that we may pass the examination. I like what I made. Who is the man that came here yesterday? The cows which are fat will be slaughtered. Rony noticed that his friends had changed their behaviour towards her. The car hit a man who was crossing a road.

Sequence of Tense Subordinate clause-Gi Verb Gi Tense †h wbqgvbymv‡i wbqwš¿Z nq Zv‡K Sequence of Tense e‡j| Kamal says that he is ill. He will say that he knows everything He said that he did the work. Karim waited until his friend came. Sentence-¸‡jvi cÖ‡Z¨KwUB `yÕwU clause Øviv MwVZ| Zv‡`i g‡a¨ GKwU Principal Clause I Ab¨wU Subordiante Clause. Subordiante Clause me mgq Principal Clause-Gi Ici wbf©i K‡i Ges m¤ú~Y© Sentence Gi cÖK…Z A_© cÖKvk K‡i| Sequence of Tense-Gi wbqgvejx: 1. Principal Clause-Gi verb hw` Present ev Future Tense G _v‡K ZLb Subordinate Clause- Gi Tense- Gi †Kvb cwieZ©b Ki‡Z nq bv; ev A_© Abyhvqx †h †Kvb Tense- G _vK‡Z cv‡i| GLv‡b that e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| †hgb: He says that he is singing a song. He will say that you can do it. 2. hw` Principal Clause- Gi Verb past tense- G _v‡K Zvn‡j Subordinate Clause- G Abyiƒc Past Tense n‡e †hgb: He said that he would try to make a good result. He hoped that he would succeed in course of time. He would go if he could. They said that they would not be able to do the work. 3. wKšÍy Principal Clause- Gi g~j verb- wU Past Tense- G _vK‡jI Subordinate ClauseGi verb- wU hw` universal truth (wPišÍb mZ¨) ev habitual fact (Af¨vmMZ mZ¨), Proverb (cÖev`), historical fact (HwZnvwmK NUbv eZ©gvb) cÖKvk K‡i Z‡e Subordinate Clause- Gi verb Present Indefinite Tense- B _vK‡e| †hgb: The teacher said that the earth moves round the sun. He said that milk is white. We know that two and two make four. We know that practice makes a man perfect. 4. hw` Subordinate Clause Øviv Zzjbv eySvq Zvn‡j Principal Clause- G †h †Kvb Tense –Gi verb-Gi ci Subordinate Clause- G †h †Kvb Tense –Gi verb e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb: He did better last year than he has done this year. The teacher loves those who learn their lessons. 5. hw` Principal Clause- Gi verb Past Tense nq Ges Subordinate Clause- wU adjective clause nq, Zv n‡j †h †Kvb tense n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb: He went to the house where you stayed. He came to my place where I reside. 6. Since Ges ago -G Adverb `yÕwU e¨vcK mgh Gi c‡i e‡m Ges G‡`i c~‡e© Past Tense- Gi Verb e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: He went to Delhi three years ago (since) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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He left the office an hour ago (since) 7. Since hLb Conjunction wn‡m‡e e‡m ZLb 1g Ask Present/Future n‡j c‡ii Ask Past Indefinite n‡e, Avi 1g Ask Past Indefinite n‡j, c‡ii Ask Past perfect (A_©vr Sub. +had + verb Gi Past participle n‡e)| Five years have passed since I met her last. It is a month since I received the letter. It was many years since I had seen her. 8. As if Øviv `ywU Clause hy³ n‡j Gi c~e©eZ©x clause- Gi verb- wU Present tense- Gi n‡jI Gi cieZ©x clause- Gi verb- wU Past Tense -Gi nq Avi 1g Ask Past Indefinite n‡j 2q Ask Past Perfect n‡e| †hgb: He runs as if he were mad. He speaks as if he knew the fact well. He talked as if he had known everything. 9. AZxZ Kv‡ji `yÕwU Kv‡Ri GKwU c~‡e© msNwUZ n‡qwQj eySv‡Z When hy³ time clause- G Past Perfect Ges main clause- G Simple Past Tense e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb: When I had lived there for three years I made a plan. When- Gi cwie‡Z© after I e¨envi Kiv P‡j| †hgbAfter I had lived there for five years I met a friend. 10. Lest Øviv Subordinate Clause ïiæ n‡j Principal Clause- Gi verb ‡h †Kvb Tense -G _vKzK bv †Kb Subordinate Clause- G Past Tense (should) em‡e| †hgb: He runs fast lest he should miss the train. He walks slowly lest he should stumble. 11. AZx‡Zi †Kvb Kv‡Ri Pjgvb Ae¯’v eySv‡Z when clause- G Past Continuous e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgbÍ When I was reading a book I heard a noise out side my room. 12. Past Tense- Gi mv‡_ wish e¨eüZ n‡j Kvg¨ e¯‘ ev NUbvi Am¤¢ve¨Zvi R‡b¨ `ytL ev cÖej AvKv•Lv ev Kvgbv cÖKvk K‡i Ges I wish I were a king A‡_© me person- G subject Gi mv‡_ were em‡Z cv‡i| 13. †Kvb Kv‡Ri Rb¨ †`wi n‡q †M‡Q Ges Avi †`wi bv K‡i GLbB ïiæ Kiv DwPZ| G A‡_© It is time, It is high time e‡m Ges Gi cieZ©x Verb past n‡e| †hgbÍ It is time we started for the school. 14. Lately ev recently, of late, ever, already e¨eüZ †Kvb ev‡K¨ Present Perfect Tense e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: Have you read any novel lately? I have helped him recently. Have you ever been to London? I have already done this.

Subject-Verb Agreement A Verb which agrees with its subject in number and person is called subject verb agreement. Rules of Agreement rd 1. Subject 3 person singular number n‡j present Indefinite Tense-G-verb Gi mv‡_ Ae¯’v Abyhvqx s/es hy³ n‡e| †hgb : (a) Water (pass) through pipe. Ans: passes (b) He (punish) the students sometimes. Ans: punishes Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

2. `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK subject hw` and w`‡q hy³ nq Ges GKwU Awfbœ fve cÖKvk K‡i Zvn‡j verb wU plural n‡e| †hgb : (a) Rana and Raju (is/are) going to school. Ans: are (b) Time and tide (wait/waits) for none. Ans: wait 3. Z‡e `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK Subject hw` and w`‡q hy³ nq Ges GKwU Awfbœ fve cÖKvk K‡i Zvn‡j verb wU Singular n‡e| (a) Bread and butter (is/are) available everywhere. Ans: is (b) Slow and steady (win/wins) the race. Ans: wins (c) A hue and cry (was/were) raised. Ans: was 4. hw` 2wU Subject, and Øviv hy³ nq Ges and Gi Av‡Mi Subject wU‡Z article _v‡K I c‡ii subject wU‡ZI article _v‡K Zvn‡j g‡b Ki‡Z n‡e DfqUvB wfbœ wfbœ e¨w³ ev e¯‘, myZivs †mB Abyhvqx verb eû ePb n‡e| †hgb : (a) The Headmaster and the Secretary (is/are) coming. Ans: are (b) A blue and a red pen (was/were) lost. Ans: were (c) The poet and the novelist (have/has) come. Ans: have Z‡e hw` and Gi Av‡Mi kãwUi Av‡M Article _v‡K Ges c‡ii kãwUi Av‡M Article bv _v‡K Zvn‡j GKB e¨w³ ev e¯‘ g‡b Ki‡Z n‡e| myZivs †mB Abyhvqx Verb GKePb n‡e| †hgb: (a) The Headmaster and Secretary (is/are) coming. Ans: is (b) The Chairman and Treasurer (have/has) come. Ans: has 5. ev‡K¨i Verb Zvi Subject Gi Number I Person Abyhvqx e‡m| hw` Subject wU Singular nq Zvn‡j verb wUI Singular n‡e| Abyiƒcfv‡e Subject hw` Plural nq Zvn‡j verb wUI plural n‡e| (a) They (is/are) eating a banana. Ans: are (b) We (have/has) created this problem. Ans: have 6. hw` ev‡K¨i Subject wU Preposition w`‡q hy³ nq Zvn‡j preposition Gi Av‡Mi kã Abyhvqx verb em‡e| †hgbt (a) The presence of so many boys (is/are) encouraging. Ans: is (b) The mangoes in the box (have/has) been rotten. Ans: have 7. hLb †Kvb evK¨ There w`‡q ïiæ n‡e ZLb Zv‡`i Subject wU verb Gi c‡i e‡m wKš‘ me©`vB ¯§iY ivL‡e ev‡K¨i verb wU Subject Abyhvqx em‡e| †hgb : (a) There (is/are) a pen on the table. Ans: is (b) There (is/are) a pen, a book and a clock on the table. Ans: are 8. Infinitive, Gerund, Verbal Noun, Phrase Ges Clause hw` ev‡K¨i subject nq Zvn‡j verb wU singular n‡e| (a) To err (is/are) human. Ans: is (b) Walking (is/are) the best exercise. Ans: is (c) The reading of novel (is/are) interesting Ans: is (d) That he is honest (is/are) known to all. Ans: is (e) Success at any cost (is/are) his only goal. Ans: is 9. Collective Noun mvaviYZt singular aiv nq myZivs collective noun hw` ev‡K¨i subject nq Zvn‡j verb wU Singular nq| †hgb : (a) The army (was/were) defeated. Ans: was (b) The committee (have/has) approved the decision. Ans: has (c) The class (is/are) large. Ans: is Z‡e collective noun hLb noun of multitude (A_©vr mgwóMZfv‡e mKj‡K bv eySvBqv ¯^Zš¿fv‡e eySvq) wnmv‡e e¨eüZ n‡e ZLb subject wU plural n‡e| †hgb : (a) The Jury (was/were) divided in their opinions. Ans: were (b) The audience (is/are) requested to take their seats. Ans: are (c) The mob (do not/does not) know their mind. Ans: do not Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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10. Many a Gi c‡ii noun I verb DfqwUB GKePb nq Ges A Many Gi c‡ii noun I verb DfqwU eûePb nq| †hgb : (a) Many a students (have not/has not) yet to school. Ans: (b) A great many boys (are/is) coming come. Ans: 11. A number Gi c‡ii Noun I verb eû ePb nq wKš‘ The number Gi c‡ii noun wU eûePb Avi verb wU GKePb n‡e| †hgb: (a) A number of students (is/are) absent today. Ans: are (b) A number of books (was/were) lost. Ans: are (c) The number of players (is/are) poor. Ans: is 12. Distance (`yiZ¡) evPK kã, cwigvb evPK kã, ‰`N©¨ evPK kã Ges Arithmetical Operation (AsK kv¯¿xq welq) hLb ev‡K¨i Subject nq ZLb ev‡K¨i verb wU GKePb n‡e| (hw`I subject wU Plural nq) (a) Ten miles (is/are) a long distance. Ans: is (b) Five maunds (is/are) a heavy weight. Ans: is (c) Two and two (is/are) four. Ans: is 13. Each I Every Gi c‡ii Verb I Noun GKePb n‡e Avi no Gi c‡ii Noun wU hw` GKePb nq Zvn‡j verb GKePb n‡e noun eûePb n‡j verb eûePb n‡e| †hgb: (a) Each boy and each girl (have/has) got an umbrella. Ans: has (b) Every star and every planet (is/are) the handiwork of Allah. Ans: is (c) No bus and no rickshaw (was/were) seen yesterday. Ans: was (d) No friends and no relatives (care/cares) for me. Ans: care 14. hw` ev‡K¨i Subject wU and no ev and not Øviv hy³ nq Zvn‡j and no ev and not Gi Av‡Mi subject Abyhvqx verb em‡e| †hgb : (a) A friend, and not an enemy (greet/greets) you. Ans: greets (b) Two pens only, and no book (is/are) required. Ans: are (c) Only Rana and not his brother (is/are) absent. Ans: is 15. †`‡ki bvg, eB‡qi bvg, gvby‡li bvg BZ¨vw`i mv‡_ s hy³ _vK‡jB Plural n‡e bv eis Zviv singular Ges Zv‡`i verb wUI Singular n‡e| †hgb : (a) Charles Dickens (is/are) an eminent writer. Ans: is (b) Gulliver’s Travels (is/are) a famous book. Ans: is (c) The United States of America (is/are) a large country. Ans: is 16. Adjective Gi Av‡M The hy³ n‡j ZLb Avi Adjective _v‡K bv †mwU Plural Common Noun n‡q hvq| myZivs †h‡nZz plural nq ZvB verb wU Plural n‡e| (The old, the poor, the virtuous) (a) (Is/are) the poor always happy? Ans: are (b) The meritorious (get/gets) jobs always. Ans: get 17. hLb †Kvb ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z GKwU Subject AZtci as well as, along with, together with, accompanied by, in addition to ev with Gi †Kvb GKwU _v‡K, AZtci Av‡iKwU Subject _v‡K ZLb cÖ_g Subject Abyhvqx verb em‡e| †hgbt (a) He as well as I (am/is) to blame. Ans: is (b) The principal accompanied by the teachers (have/has) done. Ans: has (c) Rana with his parents (was/were) going to market. Ans: was 18. Aci c‡ÿ hLb Either .............. or, Neither ................. nor, Not only....................... but also `ywU Subject ‡K hy³ Ki‡e ZLb 2q Subject Abyhvqx verb em‡e| (a) Either you or he (have/has) done it. Ans: has (b) Neither Kamal nor his friends (are/is) present. Ans: are (c) Not only he but also I (do not/does not) smoke. Ans: do not 19. Relative Pronoun Gi verb Zvi antecedent (c~e©eZ©x kã) Abyhvqx e‡m| †hgb : (a) It is I who (am/is) to blame. Ans: am Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

(b) This is the boy who (have/has) taken my pen. Ans: has (c) These are the pens which (were/was) lost yesterday. Ans: were 20. News, innings, gallows, bonafides, optics, wages, where about BZ¨vw` kã¸wji mv‡_ s hy³ _vK‡jI Avm‡j k㸇jv plural bq eis Zviv singular myZivs G¸wji c‡ii verb me©`vB singular n‡q _v‡K| †hgb : (a) Ill news (run) apace. Ans: runs (b) His whereabouts (is/are) not good. Ans: is (c) The wages of sin (to be) death. Ans: is 21. Aci c‡ÿ Aristocracy, artillery, cattle, clergy, gentry, poultry, folk, Vermin, nobility, people, majority, peasantry, public, audience BZ¨vw` kã¸wji mv‡_ hw`I eûeP‡bi s †bB ZvB Zv‡`i‡K singular ‡`L‡Z g‡b n‡jI Giv Avm‡j plural myZivs G‡`i c‡ii verb wUI plural n‡e| †hgb : (a) The cattle (is/are) grazing in the field. Ans: are (b) The people of our village (is/are) related to it. Ans: are 22. Physics, Civics, Mathematics, Electronics, Dynamics, Ethics, Economics, BZ¨vw` Subject evPK bvg¸wji hw`I (S) hy³ Av‡Q Z_vwcI Verb wU GKePb n‡e| †hgb : (a) Economics (is/are) a subject of arts. Ans: is (b) Dynamics (are not/is not) taught here. Ans: is not 23. Spectacles, Scissors, Trousers, Binoculars, Ashes, Alms, Assets, Amends, Auspices, Billiards measles, shears, annals, jaws, BZ¨vw` noun ¸wj plural ZvB G‡`i c‡ii verb I plural n‡e| †hgb : (a) His trousers (are/is) torn out in the accident. Ans: are (b) Her Jaws (have/has) increased her beauty. Ans: have 24. fMœvs‡ki †ÿ‡Î (One-third, One-fourth, Two-seventh) fMœvs‡ki c‡i GKwU of _vK‡e Ges of c‡ii noun hw` GKePb nq Zvn‡j verb GKePb Avi hw` eûePb nq Zvn‡j verb wU eûePb n‡e| †hgb: (a) One-fourth of the work (is/are) done. Ans: is (b) Half of the students (are/is) absent today. Ans: are (c) A lot of students (are/is) present today. Ans: are (d) Three-fourth of the mangoes (is/are) rotten. Ans: are 25. One of, Each of, Every of, None of, Either of, Neither of, Gi c‡ii noun ev Pronoun eûePb n‡jI verb wU GKePb n‡e|†hgb : (a) Each of the boys (is/are) poor. Ans: is (b) None of you (have/has) got a prize. Ans: has 26. More than one Gi c‡ii noun I verb DfqwUB GKePb n‡e Avi More than two Gi c‡ii noun I verb DfqwUB plural n‡e wKš‘ one and a half Gi c‡ii noun wU eûePb n‡jI verb wU GKePb n‡e|†hgb : (a) More than one girl (was/were) absent. Ans: was (b) One and a half of the mangoes (is/are) found. Ans: is 27. One in Gi c‡ii verb wU GKePb n‡e Avi Two in Gi c‡ii verb wU eûePb n‡e| †hgb : (a) One in ten boys (have/has) passed in the exam. Ans: has (b) Two in twenty students (are/is) present. Ans: are 28. hLb †Kvb ev‡K¨ 3Uv person GK‡Î cvkvcvwk e‡m ZLb hw` evK¨ Øviv †`v‡li wKQy bv eySvq A_©vr mvaviY Ae¯’v eySvq ZLb 231 wnmv‡e em‡e A_©vr cÖ_‡g 2nd person, Zvici 3rd person Ges Zvici 1st person. wKš‘ evK¨Uv Øviv hw` †`v‡li wKQy eySvq Zvn‡j 132 Abyhvqx em‡e Ges Dfq †ÿ‡ÎB verb wU plural n‡e|†hgb : (a) You, Rana, and I (is/are) responsible for it. Ans: are (b) I, Rana, and you (is/are) guilty. Ans: are 29. Everybody, Everyone ev Nobody, No one, None ev‡K¨i Subject n‡j G‡`i c‡ii verb wU plural n‡e| †hgb : (a) Everybody (hate) a liar. Ans: hates (b) Nobody (is/are) present in the meeting. Ans: is Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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EXERCISE-1 The man who quarrels with his brother (is/are) not loved by anybody. I know where the house of the brothers (is/are).These acts of the king (is/are) very unpopular. To honour our superior (is/are) our duty. To walk in the morning (is/are) the best exercise. Twenty shillings (make/makes) one pound. The pleasures of sin (is/are) short. That he will come (is/are) uncertain. What is said (is/are) words. Early to bed and early to rise (make/makes) a man healthy wealthy and wise. Curry and rice (is/are) my favorite food. The people with their beloved leader (is/are) going to the field. EXERCISE-2 I am the man who (help) you. It was I who (am/is/are) your teacher. You are the man who (is/are) to suffer for it. The number of students in this college (to be) increasing. Neither he nor you (is/are) guilty. His bonafides (is/are) in doubt. No news (mean/means) good news. The good (is/are) the winners. He is one of the students who (is/are) encouraged by all. Each house, each tree, each room (look/looks) nice. My brother and not I (have/has) done it. No man, no woman and no child (is/are) safe. Sixty seconds (make/makes) are a minute. The eminent critic and the statesman (have/has) said so. EXERCISE-3 (1) Half of the mangoes (are/is) rotten. (2) His spectacles (are/is) lost. (3) The audience (were/was) excited to the over boundary. (4) Nobody (knows/know) the answer. (5) The number of students (is/are) increasing day by day. (6) Bread and butter (is/are) my favourite breakfast. (7) Each of the boys (is/are) in the meeting. (8) One of the boys (have/has) lost the pen. (9) Either of the pens (do not/ does not) write well. (10) Reza (cross/crosses) the road. (11) Flowers (are/is) gift of nature. (12) There (is/are) a book, a pen, a chair and a table in my room. (28) Playing in the sun (is not/ are not) good for health. (13) The pious (are/ is) always respected. (30) The young (is/are) always evaluated. (14) The man who quarrels with his brother (is/are) not loved by anybody. (15) I know where the house of the brothers (is/are). (16) These acts of the king (is/are) very unpopular. (17) To honour our superior (is/are) our duty. (18) To walk in the morning (is/are) the best exercise. (9)Twenty shillings (make/makes) one pound. (20) The pleasures of sin (is/are) short (21) That he will come (is/are) uncertain. (22) What is said (is/are) words. (23) Early to bed and early to rise (make/makes) a man healthy wealthy and wise. (24) Curry and rice (is/are) my favorite food. (25) The people with their beloved leader (is/are) going to the field. (13) Nobody (takes/take) tea here. (26) Everybody (hates/hate) him. (27) More than two girls (are/is) necessary to run the class.

Introductory ‘There’ and Preparatory ‘It’ Introductory ‘There’ Introductory ‘There’ is different from adverb, ‘There’ meaning in that place. In the structure, it is just used as an introductory subject and followed by a form of ‘be’ and then a noun group. evsjvq ‘Z_vqÕ A_©‡evaK ‘There’ (adverb) ‡_‡K GB m~PbvevPK ‘There’ wfbœ| GK ai‡Yi evK¨MVb cÖwµqvi GB Introductory ‘There’ mvaviY subject Gi gZB ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z e‡m| Zvic‡i ‘be’ verb Gi iƒc Ges Zvic‡i noun e‡m| †hgb : There + be verb form + noun…… Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

jÿYxq : (a) There Gi c‡i e¨eüZ be verb Gi iƒc tense I Zvi c‡i e¨eüZ noun Gi number Abyhvqx e‡m| †hgb : (i) There + is + a book + on the table. (ii) There + was + a book on the table. (iii) There + are + two schools in our village. (b) GB Structure wU †Kvb noun Gi Ae¯’vb ev Aw¯ÍZ¡ m¤ú‡K© aviYv †`q| †hgb : (i) There is a book on the table. G‡ÿ‡Î evK¨wU †Uwe‡ji Dc‡i GKwU eB Gi Ae¯’vb wb‡`©k Ki‡Q| (c) GB structure wU †Kv_vI †Kvb noun Gi Ae¯’vb, Aw¯ÍZ¡, †Kvb NUbv ev †Kvb noun Gi msL¨v m¤úwK©Z Z_¨ †`q| Besides telling about the presence, existence an occurrence, this construction tells about the member or amount of a noun or nouns. †hgb : (i) There is a book on the table ( eB Gi Ae¯’vb) (ii) There was an accident on the road ( NUbv) (iii) There are forty of us ( msL¨v) (d) We can also use æThere” with a modal followed by ‘be’ or ‘have been’ Avgiv There Gi c‡i be ev have been ‡K c‡i hy³ K‡i modal verb ‡K e¨envi Ki‡Z cvwi| †hgb : (i) There could be a problem. (ii) There should have been a change in the government. (e) In spoken and informal written English short form of ‘be’ or a modal are normally used after there. (f) We can also use ‘there’ with ‘appear’ or ‘seem’ followed by ‘to be’ ev to have been. There seems to be a mistake in the answer. (g) There lived a king in Arabia. The verbs of existence can be used after ‘there’ Exercise Reconstruct the following sentences beginning with introductory ‘there’. (a) A hole is in your trousers. (b) A man lived in this hut. (c) Five members were on the committee. (d) A series of postal stamps is in my album. (e) A fierce battle was between policemen and robbers. Preparatory ‘It’ ‘It’ is normally a pronoun. Its plural form is they/them. ‘It’ is used for lifeless things, animals or a baby. ‘it’ is used as impersonal subject. mvaviYZ ‘It’ GKwU Pronoun Bnvi eûePb A_©vr Plural form they / them, AcÖvYxevPK noun, cÖvYx I wkïi cwie‡Z© e‡m| GKwU Ae¨w³evPK A_©vr ˆbe¨w³K subject wnmv‡e ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z ‘it’ e‡m| Uses of ‘it’ as a subject (a) We use ‘it’ with a form of ‘be’ to talk about the time or the date. Avgiv mgq ev ZvwiL msµvšÍ ev‡K¨ Subject wnmv‡e ‘it’ Zvic‡i verb wnmv‡e ‘be’ verb Gi form emv‡Z cvwi| †hgb : It is 10 ’O clock. (b) We can use impersonal ‘it’ with verbs which refer to the weather Avgiv AvenvIqv msµvšÍ verb †hgb, rain, pour, steel, thunder, hail, snow BZ¨vw`i subject wnmv‡e it ‡K e¨envi Ki‡Z cvwi| †hgb : It is raining now. (c) We can describe the weather by using ‘it’ followed by ‘be’ and an adjective with or without a noun. (i) It is a lovely day. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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(ii) It was very bright. (a) It is getting cold. We can describe a change in the weather by using ‘it’ followed by get and an adjective. (e) We can use impersonal ‘it’ followed by a form of an adjective or noun group to express our opinion about a place, situation or an event. The adjective or noun group can be followed by an adverbial clause or a verb with ‘ing’ an infinitive or a that clause. Avgiv ˆbe¨w³K ‘it’ Gi c‡i ‘be’ verb Gi form Zvic‡i GKwU adjective A_ev noun group ewm‡q †Kvb RvqMv, Ae¯’v A_ev †Kvb NUbv m¤ú‡K© Avgv‡`i g‡bvfve cÖKvk Ki‡Z cvwi| ‘be’ verb Gi c‡i e¨eüZ adjective ev noun group c‡i adverbial clause, ing hy³ verb ev infinitive emv‡Z cvwi| †hgb: It is terribly cold in England. It is fun working for him It is pleasure to be here. It is strong that you have to play. (f) We can use ‘it’ followed by a verb such as interest, please, surprise or upset which indicates someone’s reaction to a fact, situation or event. This verb is followed by a noun group, and a that clause or an infinitive. Avgiv ‘it’ Gi c‡i interest, please, surprise or upset BZ¨vw` verb ewm‡q †Kvb NUbv, Ae¯’v ev welq m¤ú‡K© †Kvb e¨w³i cÖwZwµqv e¨³ Ki‡Z cvwi| GB verb ¸wji c‡i noun, infinite ev that clause em‡Z cv‡i| †hgb: It pleases me that you are honest. It surprises him to meet the president. (g) We can use ‘it’ with the passive of a reporting verb and then a that clause to suggest that an opinion or belief is shared by many people. Avgiv ‘it’ Gi c‡i reporting verb Gi passive voice ewm‡q Ges Zvi ci GKwU ‘that’ clause ewm‡q Avgiv Avgv‡`i †Kvb wek¦vm ev gZvgZ‡K Ab¨‡`i mv‡_ fvMvfvwM K‡i †bIqvi A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z cvwi| It is said that honesty is the best policy. (h) In order to make any noun or pronoun emphatic we can use ‘it’ followed by ‘be’ and then the noun or pronoun which is then followed by a relative clause. †Kvb noun ev pronoun †K †Rvi †`qvi Rb¨ Avgiv ‘it’ Gi c‡i ‘be’ Zvici H noun ev pronoun hvi c‡i GKwU relative clause emv‡Z cvwi| It is Karim, who can speak English well.

Wh - Questions The interrogative sentences that begin with Wh-words are known as Wh-Questions. †h mKj cÖkœ‡evaK evK¨ Wh-words Øviv ïiæ nq Zv‡`i‡K Wh-Question e‡j | Wh-words ej‡Z : Who, Whom, Which, Whose, What, Where, When, Why Ges How †K eySvq| The Wh-words can be classified into three according to their parts of speech. i. Interrogative pronoun: Who, Whom, Whose, Which and What. ii. Interrogative adjective: What, Which iii. Interrogative adverb: When, Where, Why and How. Wh-words ¸wj ev‡K¨ subject, object, complement, determiner I adverb wnmv‡e KvR K‡i| Z‡e †h parts of speech wnmv‡e KvR KiæK bv †Kb interrogative sentence -G GB c‡`i Ae¯’vb ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z n‡q _v‡K| we:`ª: GKwU Bs‡iRx evK¨ wewfbœ DcKiY †hgb- Subject, object, complement, modifier BZ¨vw`i mgš^‡q MwVZ nq| GKwU cÖkœ ev‡K¨ (Wh-Question) ˆZix Kivi Rb¨ H ev‡K¨i †Kvb As‡ki Dci asking A_©vr wRÁvmv ˆZix Ki‡Z n‡e, Zvi Dci wbf©i K‡iB Wh-word e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e| Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

†hgb - Kamal speaks English well Subject Verb Object Adverb (Modifier) GB Sentence wUi Dci Avgiv GKvwaK Wh-Questions ˆZix Ki‡Z cvwi| a) Subject Gi ¯’‡j Wh-word (who) ewm‡h Wh-Questions MVb Ki‡j Avgiv cvB : Who speaks English well? b) Object Gi ¯’‡j Wh-word ewm‡q cvB: What does Kamal speak well? The matters important to make a Wh-Questions If the element containing the wh-word in object, complement or adverbial, place the operator (the first auxiliary in verb phrase or the finite verb ‘be’) in front of the subject. †h evK¨wUi Dci GKwU Wh-word ˆZix Ki‡Z n‡e Ges Zvi †h As‡ki Dci Wh-element ˆZix Ki‡Z n‡e Zv hw` object, complement or adverbial nq Z‡e Wh-word Gi c‡i Ges subject Gi c~‡e© auxiliary verb ev Õbe’ Gi iƒc emv‡Z n‡e| Wh-element object n‡j: (i) They bought a car What did they buy? N.B. Object wwU e¨w³ evPK n‡j Wh-word Whom n‡e | (i) You believe Karim. Whom do you believe? Wh-element complement n‡j: (i) The name of the boy is Kamal. Complement What is the name of the boy? ‡Kvb ev‡K¨i complement wU hw` †Kvb objective nq Ges Dnv hw` subject Gi ¸bMZ gvb eySvq Z‡e †m‡ÿ‡Î what ‡K wh-word wnmv‡e e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e Ges evK¨wUi †k‡l like em‡e| What ......... like? (i) The book is interesting. Complement. What is the book like? Wh-element adverbial n‡j: They will leave tomorrow. Adverbial When will they leave? Wh-element subject n‡j: If the element containing the wh-word is the subject, the verb phrase remains the same as in the corresponding statement and no inversion or do-construction is necessary. Wh-element subject n‡j verb phase Gi Ae¯’vb wVK cÖ`Ë wee„wZg~jK ev‡K¨i gZ n‡e| †m‡ÿ‡Î do ‡K auxiliary verb wn‡m‡e e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e bv| Kamal gave Ruma a pen. Sub Who gave Ruma a pen? Wh-element wU Possessive case n‡j: G‡ÿ‡Î wh-word ‘whose’ e¨eüZ nq| Kamal’s college is in Dhaka. Whose college is in Dhaka? N.B. If any preposition is related with the wh-word it normally comes at the end of the sentence. Wh-word Gi m‡½ hw` †Kvb Preposition hy³ _v‡K Z‡e mvaviYZ: Dnv Sentence Gi †k‡l e‡m| He reads in class ten. Which class does he read in? wewfbœ Wh-word Gi e¨envi I A_© m¤ú©‡K Av‡jvPbv Who : Who + verb + object (hw` _v‡K) + ............ ? cÖ`Ë evK¨ : Karim is coming. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Wh-Ques: Who is coming? Whom: Whom + auxiliary verb + subject + verb + ..................... ? cÖ`Ë evK¨ : Kamal likes his teachers. Whom does Kamal like? we: `ª: Whom Gi ms‡M hw` †Kvb Preposition _v‡K Z‡e Whom Gi c~‡e© H Preposition _vK‡Z cv‡i| †hgb : He talks to Kamal. To whom does he talk? Or Whom does he talk to? What mvaviYZ: Ae¨w³evPK Subject (singular/plural) object I Complement Gi cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: (i) Storm destroyed the village. What destroyed the village? (ii) He likes tea. What does he like? †h k‡ãi cwie‡Z© What e‡m Zvi m‡½ hw` †Kvb Preposition _v‡K Z‡e H Preposition what Gi c~‡e© bv ewm‡q Sentence Gi †k‡l emv‡bv hvq| †hgb : He opened the box with a key. What did he open the door with? †Kvb Sentence Gi object ev complement hw` †Kvb noun nq Ges Zv‡`i c~‡e© hw` †Kvb adjective _v‡K hv H noun Gi cÖKvi‡f` eySvq Z‡e H object ev complement Gi Dci Whword ‰Zix Ki‡Z n‡j (What Kind of + adjective + noun + auxiliary verb + subject + main verb ) MVb ixwZi cÖ‡qvM Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb : He likes sweet fruits. What kind of fruits does he like? Which mvaviYZ: ev‡K¨i Subject ev object Gi Dci wfwË K‡i cÖkœ ˆZix Ki‡Z nq, H Subject ev object hw` noun n‡q _v‡K Avi H noun Gi m‡½ hw` †Kvb wbe©vPbxq wb‡`©kK _v‡K Z‡e which + H noun ‡K auxiliary verb Gi c~‡e© emv‡Z nq| †hgb : He likes green colour. Which colour does he like? G‡ÿ‡Î †h Noun ‡K cÖkœ Ki‡Z n‡e Zv hw` †Kvb Pronoun nq Ges H noun hw` †Kvb common noun Gi †Mvwôf~³ nq Z‡e †m‡ÿ‡ÎWhich + common noun w`‡q cÖkœ evK¨ ïiæ n‡e| G‡ÿ‡Î Proper noun ev` hv‡e| †hgb : Dhaka is over populated. Which city is over populated? ‘Where’ ¯’vb‡K wb‡`©k K‡i cÖkœ ˆZix Ki‡Z n‡jWhere + auxiliary verb + subject + verb .............†hgb : He lives in Dhaka. Where does he live? ‘When’ mgq‡K wb‡`©k K‡i cÖkœ Ki‡Z n‡j Sentence wUi MVb : When + auxiliary verb + subject + verb ........................? †hgb : People work by day. When do people work? ‘Why’ †Kvb KviY ev D‡Ï‡k¨ m¤ú‡K© Rvbvi Rb¨ why Øviv cÖkœ ïiæ Ki‡Z nq| †m‡ÿ‡Î ev‡K¨i MVb iƒc: Why + auxiliary verb + subject + verb ........................? †hgb : We read to learn. Why do we read? ‘How’ Kxfv‡e, †Kgb K‡i, cÖf„wZ cÖkœ‡Z how Gi e¨envi nq| evK¨ MVb : How + auxiliary verb + subject + verb + .......................? †hgb : He works slowly. How does he work? `yiZ¡, cwigvb, msL¨v, ˆ`N©¨ msµvšÍ Z_¨ Rvbvi Rb¨ How + H A_©‡evaK kã w`‡q evK¨ ïiæ Ki‡Z nq| †hgb How + far - `yiZ¡ = How far did they go? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Basic Grammar

How + much – cwigvY = How much will you spend ? How + many – msL¨v = How many are the books here ? How + deep – MfxiZv = How deep is water here ? How + long – ˆ`N©¨/cwigvb = How long will you wait ? How + old – eqm = How old are you ? How + tall – D”PZv = How tall is the tree ? How + cold/hot – kxZjZv/DÂZv = How cold is today ? Punctuation Mark of Punctuation ej‡Z Ggb KZ¸‡jv wPý †evSvq hv Avgiv K_v ej‡Z ev wjL‡Z e¨envi K‡i _vwK| Ab¨K_vq, Punctuation ev weiwZ wPý nj wbw`©ó KZK¸‡jv wPý hv g‡bi fve cÖKvk Ki‡Z ev wjL‡Z e¨envi K‡i _vwK| wb‡æ cÖavb cÖavb weiwZ wPý Ges ‡m¸‡jvi ev‡K¨ e¨envi †`Lv‡bv nj:  Full Stop …………………………… (.)  Comma ……………………………. (,)  Semi-colon …………………………..(;)  Colon ……………………………… (:)  Note of Interrogation ……………… (?)  Note of Exclamation ……………… (!)  Dash ………………………………. (−)  Inverted Comma .............................. (æ ”)  Hyphen …………………………. . (-)  Apostrophe ……………………….. . (’)  Brackets / Parenthesis …………….. (`) Full Stop c~Y© weivg wPý Asserative Sentence †kl n‡j Full Stop ev c~Y© weivg wPý e‡m| †hgb: Man is mortal. He goes to school. Imperative Sentence †kl n‡j- Full Stop e‡m| †hgb: Buy me a pen. Tell him do the work. Optative Sentence Gi †k‡l - Full Stop e‡m| †hgb: May you be happy. †Kvb bv‡gi Av`¨ÿi I mswÿßiƒ‡ci k‡ãi c‡i Full Stop e‡m| †hgb: B.A. M.A. A.K. Khan. Comma (The shortest pause) Comma me‡P‡q Kg mgq _vgvi wP‡ý Comma e¨eüZ nq| i. GKB Part of Speech Gi kã ev GK RvZxq kãmgwó ci ci em‡j †m¸wj‡K wew”Qbœ Ki‡Z| †hgb: I bought oil, rice flour and sugar. He entered the room, wrote a letter and then left the place. wKš‘ GK RvZxq `yBwU kã hLb and Øviv hy³ nq ZLb Comma e‡m bv| †hgb: Belal and Hasan came here. ii. †Rvovq †Rvovq kã e¨eüZ n‡j cÖ‡Z¨K †Rvov wew”Qbœ Ki‡Z Comma e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: High and low, wise and foolish, must all die. iii. cybive„Ë k‡ãi g‡a¨ †Kvb Verb omit Kiv n‡q‡Q Zv †`Lv‡Z| †hgb: I will never, never go there. iv. Qutation ev Direct Speech †K wew”Qbœ Ki‡Z Comma e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb: Belal said, æI am so so” v. GKvwaK Noun cluse ev adjective clause †K wew”Qbœ Ki‡Z Comma e¨envi Kiv nq; †hgb: Helal does not know where his father is, when he will come, or what his condition is. vi. And Øviv hy³ c„_K c„_K subject wewkó co-ordinante clause ¸wji g‡a¨ and Qvov Ab¨ conjunction Øviv hy³ GKB subject wewkó co-ordinante clause ¸wji g‡a¨ -Comma e‡m| †hgb: Hasan is ill, and his mother too is away. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Semi-colon- Gi e¨envi Semi-colon n‡”Q Comma -i †P‡q AwaK mgq _vgvi wPý i. wewfbœ subject wewkó co-ordinante clause ¸‡jv wew”Qbœ Ki‡Z Semi-colon e¨eüZ nq| †hgb: My friend stepped in ; he called the fools ; all people stopped. ii. But, still, yet, nevertheless BZ¨vw` conjunction Øviv co-ordinate clause hy³ opposite A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j IB co-ordinate clause ¸wji g‡a¨ semi-colon e‡m| †hgb: I at once went there; but he had already left for Dhaka. Colon-Gi e¨envi Semi-colon - Gi †P‡q AwaK mgq _vgvi wPý n‡”Q- Colon i. Mbbv Ki‡Z GK GK K‡i e‡j hvIqvi mgq Colon e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb: Example of the common noun are : boy, book, cow etc. 2. c~e©eZ©x †Kvb sentence Gi wel‡q †Kvb KviY ev Ggb †`Lv‡Z Colon Gi e¨envi nq ;†hgb: Belal knows me well: we lived together last two years. Note of Interrogation -Gi e¨envi Interrogative sentence Gi †k‡l Note of Interrogation ev cÖkœ‡evaK wPý e¨envi Kiv nq ; †hgb: Have you done your home task? Where did you go? Note of Exclamation -Gi e¨envi Exclamatory sentence I kã mgwói c‡i †k‡l Note of Exclamation e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb: What a fine flower it is! Alas! I am undone. Dash- Gi e¨envi wPšÍvq ev fv‡e AvKw¯§K cwieZ©b n‡j ev‡K¨ Dash e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb : If my father were alive –but why weep for the past ? ii. KLbI KLbI ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ GKwU AmsjMœ Ask Ry‡o †`Iqvi Av‡M I c‡i `yBwU Dash e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb: Belal told us–and he wept as he did so – how he had lost – his all. Inverted Comma - (DׄwZ wPý) Gi e¨envi i. †Kvb e³vi K_v ûeû ev AweKj DׄZ Ki‡j Inverted Comma e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb: æI wish I were dead” said the young widow. ii. †Kvb DׄZ As‡ki g‡a¨ Aci †Kvb DׄZ Ask _vK‡j, †k‡lv³ DׄZvs‡k Single Inverted Comma (‘-’) e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb: The postman said to me, æI was astonished to hear a girl say, æI will kick you’ to her mother” Hyphen- Gi e¨envi i. Compound word ev †hŠwMK k‡ãi wewfbœ Ask mshy³ Ki‡Z Hyphen e¨eüZ nq| Mother-in- law, Passers-by. ii. Compound word Q‡Îi †k‡l †Kvb Am¤ú~Y© k‡ãi Aewkó Ask Ab¨ Q‡Î wjL‡ZI Hyphen e¨eüZ nq ; They were playing football in the afternoon. Apostrophe - Gi e¨envi i. Compound word ev †Kvb Aÿi ev Aÿi mgwó gy³ n‡q‡Q Zv †`Lv‡Z Apostrophe e¨envi Kiv nq †hgb: Don’t (do not). I’ve (I have) ii. Possessive Case e¨envi Ki‡Z Ges msL¨v I e‡Y©i eû eP‡b Apostrophe e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb: Kamal’s book, 1’s, 2’s, 5’s Brackets or Parentheses- Gi e¨envi †Kvb k㸔Q, evK¨vsk A_ev evK¨ †K eÜbxi g‡a¨ ivL‡Z-GB wPý e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb: When he left the country (it is twelve years ago) he was but a baby.

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TRANSLATION am/is/are/have/has/had/was/were-used as principal verb Avgvi GKwU Kjg Av‡Q| Avgvi GKwU Kjg wQj| Avgvi GKwU Kjg _vK‡e| AvKvk †gNv”Qbœ| †jvKUv `qvjy| †jvKwU `qvjy wQj| †jvKwU `qvjy n‡e| Avwg hw` cvwL nZvg! Zvi GKwU Miæ Av‡Q| †m wQj GKRb QvÎ| Avwg GKRb QvÎ|` Zviv QvÎ|

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Future indefinite Present Indefinite Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Future indefinite Past Indefinite Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Present Indefinite Present Indefinite

I have a pen. I had pen. I will have a pen. The sky is cloudy. The man is kind. The man was kind. The man will be kind. If I were a bird! He has a cow. He was a student. I am a student. They are students.

Important sentences to be memorised Avgv‡K wjL‡Z nq| I am to write (I have to write). Avgv‡K wjL‡Z n‡e| I have to write. Avvgv‡K wjL‡Z n‡Zv| I had to write. Avgvi ‡jLvi K_v wQj| I was to write. Avwg wjLZvg| I used to write. Avwg wjL‡Z Af¨¯Í AvwQ| I am used to writing. Avwg wjL‡Z Af¨¯Í wQjvg| I was used to writing. Avwg hw` ivRv nZvg ! If I were a king! GB kn‡i Avgvi GKwU evwo _vKvi K_v wQj| I was supposed to have a house in this city. MZKvj Avgvi GKwU wPwV cvIqvi K_v wQj| I was supposed to get a letter yesterday. Avwg AvMvgx Kvj Lyjbv hvw”Q| I am going to Khulna tomorrow. Avwg Pzj KvUvjvg| I had my hair cut. Avwg Pzj KvwU‡qwQ| I have had my hair cut. Avwg bv¯Ív K†iwQ| I have had my breakfast. Avwg bv¯Ív K‡iwQjvg| I had my breakfast.

TRANSLATIONS BASED ON TENSES THE PRESENT TENSE 1. The Present Indefinite: Bs‡iRx evK¨ e½vbyev` 1. Habib goes to college regularly. 1. nvwee wbqwgZ K‡j‡R hvq| 2. We are present in the seminar. 2. Avgiv †mwgbv‡i Dcw¯’Z AvwQ| 3. His conduct is above suspicion. 3. Zvi AvPi‡Y m‡›`‡ni wKQy †bB| 4. It does not appeal to me. 4. GwU Avgvi g‡b a‡i bv| 5. I have my bath in the river everyday. 5. Avwg cÖwZw`b b`x‡Z mœvb Kwi| 6. He gets up at five in the morning. 6. †m †fvi cvuPUvq kh¨vZ¨vM K‡i| 7. I read eight hours a day. 7. Avwg w`‡b AvU NÈv cwo| 8. The earth moves round the sun. 8. c„w_ex m~‡h©i Pviw`‡K Ny‡i| Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

9. Truth wins at last.

9. me‡k‡l m‡Z¨i Rq nq|

2. The Present Continuous: Bs‡iRx evK¨ 1. The woman is sweeping the room. 2. The lion is roaring. 3. The water is simmering in the kettle. 4. Mother is now cooking food in the kitchen.

e½vbyev` 1. ¯¿x‡jvKwU Ni SvU w`‡”Q| 2. wmsn MR©b Ki‡Q| 3. †KUwji cvwb UMeM Ki‡Q| 4. gv GLb ivbœv N‡i Lvevi ivbœv Ki‡Qb|

3. The Present Perfect: Bs‡iRx evK¨ 1. Mahbub has passed the S.S.C. examination this year. 2. I have received a letter from Kamal. 3. He has got a house to his liking. 4. Ferdousi has composed the Shahnama. 5. I have not yet eaten my meal. 6. He has not yet gone to sleep. 7. I have never been to Sylhet. 8. None of them has attended the function. 4. The Present Perfect Continuous: Bs‡iRx evK¨ 1. They have been living at Khulna for the last ten years. 2. He has been fasting since Saturday. 3. The Headmaster has been teaching us English for a long time. 4. The boy has been suffering from fever since Friday last.

e½vbyev` 1. gvneye G eQi Gm.Gm.wm cvk K‡i‡Q| 2. Avwg Kvgv‡ji wPwV †c‡qwQ| 3. †m g‡bi gZ evmv †c‡q‡Q| 4. †di‡`Šmx kvn&bvgv iPbv K‡i‡Qb| 5. Avwg GL‡bv Avnvi Kwi bvB| 6. †m GL‡bv Nygy‡Z hvq wb| 7. Avwg KL‡bv wm‡jU hvq bvB| 8. Zviv †KD Abyôv‡b †hvM`vb K‡i wb| e½vbyev` 1. Zviv MZ `k eQi hver Lyjbvq evm Ki‡Q| 2. wZwb kwbevi †_‡K †ivRv ivL‡Qb| 3. †nWgv÷vi mv‡ne A‡bKw`b hver Avgv‡`i Bs‡iRx cov‡”Qb| 4. †Q‡jwU MZ ïµevi †_‡K R¡‡i fzM‡Q|

THE PAST TENSE 5. The Past Indefinite: Bs‡iwR evK¨ 1. We visited Mainamoti last year. 2. I met a friend on the way. 3. My grandmother lived up to the age of ninety five. 4. He bought ten eggs for ten taka. 5. They went out for a walk in the moonlight. 6. Rahim began to walk fast towards the station. 6. The Past Continuous: Bs‡iRx evK¨ 1. What were you doing at that time? 2. We were playing.


e½vbyev` 1. Avgiv MZ eQi gqbvgwZ †`L‡Z wM‡qwvQjvg| 2. c‡_ GK eÜzi mv‡_ Avgvi †`Lv nj| 3. Avgvi wcZvgnx cuPvbeŸB eQi †eu‡PwQ‡jb| 4. wZwb `k UvKvq `kwU wWg wK‡bwQ‡jb| 5. Zviv P›`ªv‡jv‡K †eov‡Z †ei n‡qwQj| 6. iwng `ªæZ †÷k‡bi w`‡K nvuU‡Z jvMj|

e½vbyev` 1. Zzwg ZLb wK KiwQ‡j? 2. Avgiv †Ljv KiwQjvg|

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3. Salma was peeling potatoes. 4. He was sleeping then. 5. The boys were running in the sun. 6. While they were quarrelling we were working in the field. 7. Rina was cleaning the windows and Mina was sweeping the floor. 8. He was reading a book when I came. 9. A naughty boy threw stones at me while I was crossing the bridges. 10. The sun was setting as we reached home. 7. The Past Perfect: Bs‡iRx evK¨ 1. We returned home after the day had dawned. 2. The train had steamed off before he reached the station. 3. He came after we had reached the college. 4. He told me that he had done the work. 5. He had completed his education before he married. 6. Ripa had lived in Karachi ten years when her father died. 7. They had wanted to help me but could not come here in time. 8. We had expected that you would be able to visit us. 8. The Past Perfect Continuous: Bs‡iRx evK¨ 1. We came to know that rioting had still been going on in the city. 2. He had been reading in the same class for the last three years. 3. The pilgrims had been spending a month on board the ship before they reached Mecca. 4. They had been getting the poem by heart. 5. It had been raining since Saturday.

3. mvjgv Avjyi †Lvmv Qvovw”Qj| 4. †m ZLb Nygvw”Qj| 5. †Q‡j¸‡jv †iv‡` †`Šovw”Qj| 6. Zviv hLb SMov KiwQj ZLb Avgiv gv‡V KvR KiwQjvg| 7. ixbv Rvbvjv¸‡jv cwi®‹vi KiwQj Ges gxbv †g‡S SuvU w`w”Qj| 8. Avwg hLb Avmjvg ZLb †m eB co‡ZwQj| 9. Avwg hLb †mZzwU cvi nw”Qjvg ZLb GKwU `yóz †Q‡j Avgv‡K wXj gvij| 10. Avgiv hLb evwo †cŠuQjvg ZLb m~h© A¯Í hvw”Qj| e½vbyev` 1. cÖfvZ nIqvi ci Avgiv evwo wdijvg| 2. †m †÷k‡b †cŠuQvi c~‡e© †Uªb †Q‡o w`j| 3. Avgiv K‡j‡R †cŠuwQevi c‡i wZwb Avwm‡jb| 4.‡m Avgv‡K ejj †h †m KvRwU K‡iwQj| 5. we‡q nIqvi c~‡e© Zvi †jLvcov †kl n‡qwQj| 6. wicv `k eQi KivPx‡Z _vKvi ci Zvi evev gviv †Mj| 7. Zviv &Avgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z †P‡qwQj wKš‘ h_vmg‡q GLv‡b Avm‡Z cv‡iwb| 8. Avgiv Avkv K‡iwQjvg Zzwg Avgv‡`i mv‡_ †`Lv Ki‡Z cvi‡e| e½vbyev` 1. Avgiv Rvb‡Z cvijvg †h, kn‡i ZLbI `v½v Pj‡Q| 2. MZ wZb eQi a‡i †m GKB K¬v‡m co‡ZwQj| 3. g°v †cŠuQvi c~‡e© n¾¡ hvÎxiv GK gvm Rvnv‡R KvUvw”Q‡jb| 4. Zviv `yÕNÈv a‡i KweZvwU gyL¯’ KiwQj| 5. kwbevi n‡Z e„wó nB‡ZwQj|

THE FUTURE TENSE 9. The Future Indefinite: Bs‡iRx evK¨ e½vbyev` 1. Father will buy a story book for me. 1. AveŸv Avgvi Rb¨ GKwU M‡íi eB wKb‡eb| 2. I shall go to college at 11 o’clock 2. Avwg AvMvgxKvj GMv‡ivUvq K‡j‡R hve| tomorrow. 3. They will not go out for a walk today. 3. Zviv AvR †eov‡Z hv‡e bv| Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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4. We will give him a present. 5. You shall obey your superiors. 6. You shall not bath today. 7. Shall he go to cinema with you? 8. Will you attend the meeting today? 9. Shall I carry your luggage?

4. Avgiv Zv‡K GKwU Dcnvi †`e| 5. †Zvgvi ¸iæRb‡K gvb¨ Ki‡e| 6. Zzwg AvR †Mvmj Ki‡e bv| 7. †m wK †Zvgvi mv‡_ wm‡bgvq hv‡e? 8. Zzwg wK AvR mfvq Dcw¯’Z _vK‡e? 9. Avwg wK Avcbvi jUeni enb Kie?

10. The Future Continuous: Bs‡iRx evK¨ 1. I shall be working till 5 p.m. 2. They will be reading even after 11 p.m. 3. I shall be writing a letter everyday in the next month. 4. We shall be waiting for you until you come back. 5. When I get home, my sister will probably be listening to the radio. 6. In a few days time we shall be enjoying ourselves at Cox’s Bazar. 7. They will be waiting at the airport to greet us. 8. He will be working late every evening next week. 9. We shall be traveling at night.

e½vbyev` 1. Avwg we‡Kj cvuPUv ch©šÍ KvR Ki‡Z _vKe| 2. ivZ GMv‡ivUvi ciI Zviv co‡Z _vK‡e| 3. AvMvgx gv‡m Avwg †ivR GKwU K‡i cÎ wjL‡Z _vKe| 4. †Zvgvi bv Avmv ch©šÍ Avgiv †Zvgvi Rb¨ A‡cÿv Ki‡Z _vKe| 5. Avwg hLb evwo †cŠuQe Avgvi †evb m¤¢eZ ZLb †iwWI ïb‡Z _vK‡e| 6. K‡qKw`b mg‡qi g‡a¨ Avgiv K·evRv‡i Avb›` Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z _vKe| 7. Avgv‡`i Af¨_©bv Rvbv‡Z Zviv wegvb e›`‡i cÖZxÿv Ki‡Z _vK‡e| 8. AvMvgx mßv‡n cÖwZ mܨvq †m †`wi K‡i KvR Ki‡Z _vK‡e| 9. mvivivZ Avwg c_ Pj‡Z _vKe|

11. The Future Perfect: Bs‡iRx evK¨ 1. We shall have finished the work by Sunday. 2. You will have read Nazrul Islam’s poems. 3. I shall have finished the work before you come back. 4. They will have reached the station before the train leaves the platform. 5. I shall have read the major works of Nazrul by the end of the year. 6. I shall have finished reading the book by five in the afternoon. 7. You will have heard the news. 8. You will have noticed from my lecture how complicated the subject really is. 9. He will consult me before he has taken up. 10. Don’t come until I have finished the work. 11. The trees will look different when the leaves have fallen off.

e½vbyev` 1. Avwg †iveev‡ii g‡a¨ KvRwU †kl K‡i †dje| 2. Zzwg bRiyj Bmjv‡gi KweZv c‡o _vK‡e| 3. Zzwg Avmevi c~‡e© Avwg KvRwU †kl K‡i †dje| 4. †Uªb cøvUdg© Qvovi c~‡e©B Zviv †÷k‡b †cŠu‡Q _vK‡e| 5. eQ‡ii †kl bvMv` Avwg bRiy‡ji cÖavb cÖavb iPbv c‡o †dje| 6. we‡Kj cvuPUvi g‡a¨B Avwg eBwU c‡o †kl Kie| 7. msev`wU Zzwg ï‡b _vK‡e| 8. Avgvi e³…Zv †_‡K jÿ¨ K‡i _vK‡e, welqwU KZLvwb RwUj| 9. KvRwU nv‡Z †bIqvi Av‡M †m Avgvi mv‡_ civgk© Ki‡e| 10. Avgvi KvR †kl bv nIqv ch©šÍ G‡mv bv| 11. cvZv¸‡jv hLb R‡i co‡e ZLb MvQ¸‡jv wfbœiƒc †`Lv‡e|

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12. The Future Perfect Continuous: Bs‡iRx evK¨ 1. I shall have been reading a detective novel for some time before I go out. 2. You will have been sleeping till that time. 3. I shall have been walking the whole day tomorrow before I reach home.

e½vbyev` 1. †eov‡Z hvIqvi Av‡M Avwg wW‡UKwUf Dcb¨vm co‡Z _vKe| 2. †Zvgiv ZLb chšÍ Nygv‡Z _vK‡e| 3. Avwg Kvj mvivw`b †nu‡U Z‡e evwo †cŠuQve|

USE OF CORRELATIVES Both.............. and Both the father and the son are involved in this wcZvcyÎ `yRbB G gvgvjvq RwoZ case. †m Aek¨B mvdj¨ jvf Kwi‡e, KviY ¯^v¯’¨ I kw³ He must come out successful, because he has `yB-B Zvnvi Av‡Q both health and energy. fvB‡K Avgvi Abœ-e¯¿ Dfq w`qv mvnvh¨ Kwi‡Z I have to help my brother with both food and nq clothing. Not only.............. but also †m ïay †evKv bq, evPvjI e‡U He is not only foolish but also talkative. wZwb †Kej ¯^‡`‡k bb mgMÖ c„w_ex‡Z weL¨vZ He is famous not only in his own country but also all over the world. Whether.............. or Zzwg euvP wK gi Zv‡Z Avgvi wKQz Av‡m hvq bv It matters little to me whether you live or die. †m ga¨vý‡fvRb K‡i, bv ïay Pv Lvq Zv Avwg Rvwb I don’t know whether he eats his dinner or only bv takes tea. Either.............. or nq nvwg` mv‡ne bv nq Zvi †Q‡jiv GUv K‡i‡Q Either Mr. Hamid or his sons have done this. KvRwU nq g‡bv‡hvM w`‡q Ki, bqZ †Q‡o `vI Either do the work attentively or give it up. nq †m Avgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡e, bqZ Avwg Zv‡K Either he will help me or I shall help him. mvnvh¨ Kie Neither.............. nor Rbve nv‡kg wKsev Zvi †Q‡jiv †KD GUv K‡iwb Neither Mr. Hashem nor his sons have done it. Puv` wKsev Zviv wKQzB ZLb AvKv‡k `„k¨gvb wQj Neither the moon nor the stars were then visible bv in the sky. Kwig wb‡RI c‡o bv, Ab¨‡KI co‡Z †`q bv Karim neither reads himself nor lets other read. Other.............. than Avwbm Qvov Avi †KD N‡i cÖ‡ek K‡iwb

There entered no other man than Anis into the room. He is no other than my nephew. I have no other pen in this box than this.

†m Avgvi fvB‡cv Qvov Avi †KD bq GB ev‡· GB KjgwU Qvov Avgvi Avi †Kvb Kjg †bB Rather.............. than Avwg eis bv †L‡q _vKe, Zey wfÿv Kie bv I would rather starve than beg. †m fv½‡e Zey gPKv‡e bv He would rather break in twain than bend. Avgiv gie Zey AvZ¥mgc©Y Kie bv We would rather die than surrender. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Such.............. As Zuvi gZ `ÿ Aa¨ÿ mPivPi †`Lv hvq bv †h me Kg©Pvix `yb©xwZcivqb Zviv †kl ch©šÍ aiv c‡o Avgv‡`i †`‡ki Ggb †jv‡Ki `iKvi hviv mwZ¨Kvi A‡_© †`k‡cÖwgK Avwg Zv‡K Ggb eKzwb w`jvg †h †m Pzc n‡q †Mj

Such an efficient principal as he is rare. Such officers as are corrupt are detected in the long run. Our country needs such men as are patriots in the real sense of the term. I gave him such a scolding as to cause him to be silent.

As .............. As; So ............. As Zvi (¯¿x) †cvkvK wQj Zzlv‡ii gZ mv`v Her dress was as white as snow. †jvKwU k„Mv‡ji b¨vq a~Z© The man is as sly as a fox. b~iRvnvb †hgb iƒceZx †Zgb ¸YeZx wQ‡jb Nurjahan was as beautiful as she was accomplished. †Zvgvi fvB hZ j¤^v Zzwg ZZ j¤^v bI You are not so tall as your brother. Zv‡K hZUv †evKv g‡b nq †m ZZ †evKv bq He is not so foolish as he seems to be. Zzwg hZ UvKv PvI ZZ UvKv Avgvi †bB I don’t have so much money as you want. So ..............that †m GZ `ye©j †h nuvwU‡Z cv‡i bv He is so weak that he cannot walk. Avwg GZ `ªæZ †`ŠovBjvg †h Zvnviv Avgv‡K I ran so fast that they could not catch me up. awi‡Z cvwij bv No sooner..............than, Scarcely..............When, Hardly............... When (Before) Zviv M„nZ¨vM Ki‡Z bv Ki‡ZB †mLvbv †f‡½ coj No sooner had they left the house than it collapsed. Avwg †÷k‡b †cuŠQvevi mv‡_ mv‡_ †UªbwU †Q‡o No sooner had I reached the station than the w`j train steamed off. †m evB‡i †h‡Z bv †h‡ZB So DVj No sooner had he gone out than the storm blew. Avgiv ¯‹zj M„n Z¨vM Ki‡Z bv Ki‡ZB e„wó Avi¤¢ Scarcely had we left the school premises when it nBj began to rain. wkÿK †kªYxK‡ÿ XyK‡Z bv XyK‡ZB Avgiv mevB Scarcely had the teacher entered the classroom D‡V `uvovjvg when we all stood up. Avwg †÷k‡b †cuŠwQevgvÎ Mvwo Qvwoqv w`j Hardly had I reached the station when (or, before) the train left. The + Comparative.............. the + Comparative †Q‡jwU hZ cvq ZZ Pvq The more the boy gets, the more he wants. Zzwg hZ ZvovZvwo Avm‡e Avgv‡`i Rb¨ ZZB fvj The sooner you come, the better it is for us. hZB cwo‡e ZZB wkwL‡e The more you will read, the more will you learn. hZ †ewk Pvc †`‡e GUv ZZ †ewk e¨_v †`‡e The more you press, the more it hurts. w`b hZ eo n‡e ivZ ZZ †QvU n‡e The longer (is) the day, the shorter (is) the night. Kzqv hZ Mfxi n‡e cvwb ZZ weï× n‡e The deeper (is) the well, the purer (is) the water.

PROVERBS Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170



AwZ Pvjv‡Ki Mjvq `wo AwZ fw³ †Pv‡ii jÿY AwZ †jv‡f ZuvZx bó AwZ `‡c© nZ j¼v| A‡bK mbœ¨vmx‡Z MvRb bó Afv‡e ¯^fve bó Aí we`¨v fqsKix Ai‡Y¨ †iv`b Amv‡ii ZR©Y MR©b mvi Avcb fvj‡Zv RMr fvj AvKvk-Kzmyg wPšÍv Kiv Avcwb euvP‡j ev‡ci bvg Avq ey‡S e¨q Ki B”Qv _vwK‡j Dcvq nq DVšÍ g~‡jv cˇbB †Pbv hvq D‡`vi wcwÐ ey‡avi Nv‡o Djye‡b gy³v Qovb (evb‡ii Mjvq gy³vi nvi) GK wX‡j `yB cvwL gviv (i_ †`Lv Kjv †ePv) GK gy‡L `yB K_v GK nv‡Z Zvwj ev‡R bv GK gv‡N kxZ hvq bv Kó bv Kwi‡j †Kó †g‡j bv Kqjv ayB‡jI gqjv Qv‡o bv KuvPvq bv †bvqv‡j euvk, cvK‡j K‡i Vvm Vvm KuvUv w`qv KuvUv †Zvjv KvUv Nv‡q by‡bi wQUv (givi Dci Lvovi Nv) KviI me©bvk, KviI †cŠl gvm Kvj‡bwgi j¼v fvM (Mv‡Q KuvVvj †Muv‡d †Zj) wKj †L‡q wKj Pzwi Kiv Miæ †g‡i Ry‡Zv `vb MZm¨ †kvPbv bvw¯Í Mv‡q bv gv‡b Avcwb †gvoj MvB‡Z MvB‡Z Mv‡qb Ni‡cvov Miæ wmu`y‡i †gN †`L‡j Wivq PvPv Avcbv euvPv †Pviv bv ï‡b a‡g©i Kvwnbx †Pv‡i †Pv‡i gvmZz‡Zv fvB †Pvi cvjv‡j eyw× ev‡o Pvjyb e‡j QzuP †Zvgvi †cQ‡b †Kb Qu¨v`v †Quov PvUvB‡q ï‡q jvL UvKvi ¯^cœ †`Lv †Rvi hvi gyjøyK Zvi RjšÍ Av¸‡b N„ZvûwZ †Svc ey‡S †Kvc gviv wXjwU gvi‡j cvU‡KjwU †L‡Z nq †Zjv gv_vq †Zj †`Iqv `‡ki jvwV G‡Ki †evSv

Too much cunning overreaches itself. Too much courtesy, too much craft. Grasp all, lose all. Pride goeth before a fall. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Necessity knows no law. A little learning is a dangerous thing. Crying in the wilderness. Empty vessels sound much. To the pure all things are pure. To build castles in the air. Self-preservation is the first law of nature. Cut your coat according to your cloth. Where there’s will, there’s a way. Morning shows the day. One doth the scathe, another hath the scorn. To cast pearls before swine. To kill two birds with one stone. To blow hot and cold in the same breath. It takes two to make a quarrel. One swallow does not make a summer. No pains, no gains. Black will take no other hue. Strike the iron while it is hot. To set a thief to catch a thief. To add insult to injury Some have the hop, some stick in the gap. (or, Nero fiddles while Rome burns.) To count one’s chickens before they are hatched. To pocket an insult. To rob Peter to pay Paul. Let by gones be by gones. A fool to others, himself a sage. Practice makes a man perfect. A burnt child dreads the fire. Every man for himself. A rogue is deaf to all good. Birds of the same feather flock together. To lock the stable-door when the steed is stolen. The pot calls the kettle black. To build castles in the air. Might is right. To add fuel to the fire. Make hay while the sun shines. Tit for tat. To make a mountain out of a mole hill. Many a little (or, pickle) makes a mickle.

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Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

`uvZ _vK‡Z `uv‡Zi gh©v`v eySv hvq bv `ytL webv myL jvf nq wK gnx‡Z? `yó Miæi †P‡q k~b¨ †Mvqvj fvj awi gvQ bv QuyB cvwb bvB gvgvi †P‡q Kvbv gvgv fvj bvP‡Z bv Rvbj DVvb euvKv bvbv gywbi bvbv gZ wb‡Ri bvK †K‡U c‡ii hvÎv f½ Kiv bv AvuPv‡j wek¦vm bvB c‡ii gv_vq KuvVvj fv½v c‡ii g›` Ki‡Z †M‡j wb‡Ri g›` Av‡M d‡j cvbbv ZvB Lvbbv cv‡ci ab cÖvqwð‡Ë hvq †c‡U †L‡j wc‡V mq d¨vb w`‡q fvZ Lvq, Mí K‡i `B webv †g‡N eRªcvZ em‡Z †c‡j ï‡Z Pvq eRª AvuUzwb d¯‹v wM‡iv evgyb †Mj Ni †Zv jv½j Zz‡j ai †m e‡ii N‡ii gvmx K‡bi N‡ii wcmx wfÿvi Pvj Kuvov Avi AvKuvov cvwb‡Z Kzgxi, Wv½vq evN gvwiZ MÐvi, jywUZ fvÐvi wgwó K_vq wPu‡o wf‡R bv gkv gvi‡Z Kvgvb `vMv †gI a‡i †K? g‡š¿i mvab wKsev kixi cvZb givi Dci Luvovi Nv giv nvwZ jvL UvKv gybxbv gwZågt †gvMj-cvVvb nÏ nj dviwm c‡o ZuvZx †hgb evc †Zgb †eUv †hLv‡b ev‡Ni fq †mLv‡bB ivZ nq hv‡K †`L‡Z bvwi, Zvi Pjb euvKv hvi R¡vjv †mB Rv‡b hvi †Q‡j hZ cvq Zvi †Q‡j ZZ Pvq ivB Kuywo‡q †ej †kl iÿvB iÿv kuyoxi mvÿx gvZvj ïay K_vq †cU f‡i bv m¯Ívi wZb Ae¯’v mey‡i †gIqv d‡j †mB ivgI †bB, †mB A‡hva¨vI †bB mvZ gY †ZjI cyo‡e bv, ivavI bvP‡e bv


Blessings are not valued till they are gone. No pains, no gains. Better an empty house than a bad tenant. A cat loves fish but is loath to wet her feet. Something is better than nothing. A bad workman quarrels with his tools. Many men, many minds. To cut off one’s nose to spite one’s face. There’s many a slip between the cup and the lip. To make a cat’s paw of a person. Harm hatch, harm catch. The grapes are sour. Ill got, ill spent. Give me roast meat and beat me with the spit. Great boast, small roast. A bolt from the blue. Give him an inch, and he will take an ell. The more laws, the more offenders. When the cat is away, the mice will play. He runs with the hare and hunts with the hound. Beggars must not be choosers. Between the devil and the deep sea. Pitch your aims high. Fine words butter no parsnips. To break a butterfly upon a wheel. Who is to bell the cat? To do or die. To pour water on a drowned mouse. The very ruins of greatness are great. To err is human. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Like father, like son. Dangers often come where danger is feared. Faults are thick where love is thin. The wearer best knows where the shoe pinches. The more they get, the more they want. Many a little makes a mickle. All’s well that ends well. An interested witness is no witness. Wishes never fill the bag. Cheap goods are dear in the long run. Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. O the times, O the manners. We shall catch larks when the sky falls.

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170



MISCELLANEOUS TRANSLATIONS ejv mnR wKš‘ Kiv KwVb MZKvj †h †jvKwU GLv‡b G‡mwQ‡jb wZwb Avgvi eÜz cixÿvq K…ZKvh© n‡Z n‡j †Zvgv‡K Lye LvU‡Z n‡e e„wó _vg‡j Avgiv ‡eov‡Z hve Avwg †f‡ewQjvg wZwb GKRb mr‡jvK Wv³vi Avwmevi ci †ivMx gviv †Mj Avwg †÷k‡b †cuŠQvgvÎ Mvwo †Q‡o w`j wg_¨v ejv gnvcvc Mvwo Avmvi Av‡M Avwg †Zvgvi wUwKU wK‡b †dj‡ev cÖfvZ nIqvi ci Avwg evwo wdijvg wfLvix Øv‡i Øv‡i wfÿv K‡i Avwg cÖZ¨n b`x‡Z mœvb Kwi Zzwg Avmvi c~‡e© Avwg eBwU †kl Ki‡ev †ivg bMix GKw`‡b wbwg©Z nqwb QvÎ Rxeb msMÖv‡gi Rb¨ cÖ¯‘wZi mgq †m nuvcv‡Z nuvcv‡Z GLv‡b Avmj mKvj nB‡Z Muywo Muywo e„wó nB‡Z‡Q PK PK Ki‡j †mvbv nq bv evsjv‡`k b`xgvZ…K †`k Avwg XvKv G‡mwQ GK mßvn n‡jv Dc‡`k A‡cÿv `„óvšÍ fvj wZwb mvZw`b hver Amy¯’ cwikªg †mŠfv‡M¨i cÖm~wZ Kgjvcyi †÷kbwU †hgb eo †Zgwb my›`i ÿgv GKwU gnr ¸Y GKZvB ej Pzwi Kiv gnvcvc mZ¨K_v ejv GKwU gnr¸Y QwewU cÖvPx‡i Szwj‡q ivLv n‡qwQj †eMg †iv‡Kqv 1880 mv‡j Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib Avwg hw` abx nZvg Zvn‡j †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ KiZvg e‡½vcmvMi evsjv‡`‡ki `wÿ‡Y Aew¯’Z M½v wngvjq n‡Z DwÌZ n‡q e‡½vcmvM‡i c‡o‡Q `wi`ª‡K Dcnvm Kiv DwPZ bq ev! dzjwU my›`i gv wkï‡K `ya LvIqv‡”Qb †m nvm‡Z nvm‡Z N‡i XyKj Aíwe`¨v fq¼ix

It is easy to say but difficult to do. The man who came here yesterday is my friend. You have to work hard if you want to succeed in the examination. We shall go out for a walk when the rain stops. I thought that he was an honest man. The patient died after the doctor had come. No sooner had I reached the station than the train steamed off. To tell a lie is a great sin. I shall have bought a ticket for you before the train comes in. I returned home after the day had dawned. The beggar begs from door to door. I bathe in the river everyday. I shall have finished the book before you come. Rome was not built in a day. Student life is the time for preparing oneself for the struggle for existence. He came here panting. It has been drizzling since morning. All that glitters is not gold. Bangladesh is a country of rivers. A week has passed since I came to Dhaka. Example is better than precept. He has been ill for seven days. Industry is the mother of good luck. The Kamalapur station is as big as it is beautiful. Forgiveness is a noble virtue. Unity is strength. To steal is a great sin. To speak the truth is a noble virtue. The picture was hung on the wall. Begum Rokeya was born in 1880. If I were rich, I would have helped you. The Bay of Bengal is to the south of Bangladesh. The Ganges rises from the Himalayas and falls into the Bay of Bengal. The poor should not be laughed at. Oh! How beautiful the flower is! Mother feeds the baby with milk. He entered the house laughing. A little learning is a dangerous thing.

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

we`¨v AbšÍ, Rxeb mswÿß PwiÎ Rxe‡bi gyKzU me fvj Zvi †kl fvj hvi mey‡i †gIqv d‡j Avq ey‡S e¨q Ki ÁvbB ej Afv‡e ¯^fve bó Avc fvj †Zv RMr fvj B”Qv _vK‡jB Dcvq nq hZÿY k¦vm ZZÿY Avk KviI me©bvk KviI †cŠlgvm `yR‡b eÜzZ¡ nq, wZbR‡b Kjn nq G.†K. dRjyj nK ïay GKRb cwÐZ wQ‡jb bv, wZwb GKRb eo ivRbxwZwe`I wQ‡jb †m wg_¨vev`x, ZvB bq wK? Zzwg bv Avmv ch©šÍ Avgiv ‡Zvgvi Rb¨ A‡cÿv Kwi‡Z _vwKe Avwg hw` AvKv‡k Dwo‡Z cvwiZvg! †m ïay GKRb fvj QvÎB bq, fvj †L‡jvqvoI A¼wU GZ KwVb †h Avwg Ki‡Z cviwQ bv jÛb kni †hgb eo, †Zgwb my›`i Zzwg wK KLbI XvKv wM‡qQ? †m ev Zvnvi eÜziv †KD GRb¨ `vqx bq Zzwg h‡_ó Bs‡iwR wkwLqvQ, ZvB bv? GB ce©ZwU GZ DuPz †h Avgiv DwV‡Z cvwi bv c„w_exi RbmsL¨v Lye `ªæZ MwZ‡Z evwo‡Z‡Q, ZvB bv? †m †Kv_vq _v‡K Avwg Rvwb XvKv wK Rb¨ weL¨vZ Avwg Rvwb †h‡nZz †m K¬všÍ, Zvnvi wekªvg cÖ‡qvRb c„w_ex wK m~‡h©i Pvwiw`‡K Ny‡i bv? †m abx wKš‘ AmyLx †h †Q‡jiv K‡Vvi cwikªg K‡i Zvnviv K…ZKvh© nB‡e †m AsK Ges Bs‡iwR‡Z fvj, bq wK? Avwg wkïwU‡K Mvwo Pvcv co‡Z †`‡LwQ †Póv bv Ki‡j mdj n‡Z cvi‡e bv Avwg AvMvgxKvj wm‡jU hvw”Q †m AvMvgxKvj ewikvj hv‡e cuvP wgwb‡Ui g‡a¨ Mvwo Avwm‡Z‡Q †h †jvKwU MZKvj GLv‡b AvwmqvwQj †m Avgvi cwiwPwZ mevi mv‡_ Lvc LvB‡q Pjv mnR bq Avwg hw` †Zvgv‡K Av‡M wPwbZvg! Zzwg wK KLbI wPwoqvLvbv wM‡qQ?


Art is long, life is short. Character is the crown of life. All’s well that ends well. All things come to him who waits. Cut your coat according to your cloth. Knowledge is power. Necessity knows no law. To the pure all things are pure. Where there is a will there is a way. While there is life, there is hope. What is sport to the cat is death to the rat. Two is company, three is none. A.K. Fazlul Huque was not only a great scholar but also a great politician. He is a liar, isn’t he? We will be waiting for you till you come. If I could fly in the sky! He is not only a good student but also a good player. The sum is so difficult that I cannot do it. or, The sum is too difficult for me to do. London is as big as beautiful. Have you ever been to Dhaka? Neither he nor his friends are responsible for it. You have learnt enough English, haven’t you? This mountain is so high that we cannot climb it. The population of the world is growing fast, isn’t it? I know where he lives. I know what Dhaka is famous for. Since he is tired he needs rest. Doesn’t the earth move round the sun? He is rich but unhappy. Only those boys who work hard will succeed. He is good at Mathematics and English, isn’t he? I have seen the child being run over by a car. Without making an effort you cannot succeed. I am going to Sylhet tomorrow. He is leaving for Barisal tomorrow. The train is coming in five minutes. The man who came here yesterday is known to me. It is not easy to get along with one and all. If only I had known you before! Or, Would that I had known you before! Have you ever been to the zoo?

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wKQz Kivi Av‡M fvj K‡i †f‡e bvI a~gcvb ¯^v¯’¨i Rb¨ ÿwZKi †m GZÿY evwo †cuŠ‡Q _vK‡e †m MZ ciï XvKvq wM‡q‡Q ZzwgB Bnv K‡iQ AvR Lye Mig, ZvB bq wK? Avwg hw` eo Kwe n‡Z cviZvg! Zv‡K †`L‡Z bv †`L‡ZB †m A`„k¨ n‡q †Mj ¸R‡e Kvb †`Iqv DwPZ bq h‡kvi wK‡mi Rb¨ weL¨vZ? cixÿv Avi¤¢ nIqvi c‡i Avwg K‡j‡R †cuŠ‡QwQjvg Rvgvj GB ermi cixÿv w`‡e, ZvB bv? e„× †jvKwU‡K KZB bv myLx g‡b nq! myL I `ytL cvjvµ‡g Av‡m weKvj cuvPUvi g‡a¨B Avwg eBUv c‡o †kl Kie Avgvi hw` cvwLi gZ Wvbv _vwKZ! GLb †cŠ‡b `y‡Uv Avwg eis gie Zey Pzwi Kie bv †m A‡bK K_v cvKv is e‡U! †m Avgv‡K ewjj †h, †m c‡ii w`b XvKv hvB‡e †g‡qwU nvm‡Z nvm‡Z P‡j †Mj Avwg Zv‡K kn‡ii w`‡K †h‡Z †`Ljvg m~h© A¯Í †M‡j Zviv evwo wdwij mg‡q Amg‡q Zv‡K wei³ Ki bv G msmv‡i Avgvi Avcb †Kn bvB KuvPv Avg †L‡Z UK jv‡M Mv‡Q GLbI dj a‡iwb †Zvgvi KjgwU fvj †j‡L, ZvB bv? GB K¨v‡givq d‡Uv fvj †Zvjv hvq Avwg hw` cixÿvq cÖ_g nZvg! MvQwU‡Z dzj dz‡U‡Q iv¯ÍvwU GZ miæ †h wi·v Pj‡Z cv‡i bv Zzwg wK Rvb bv cuv‡P cuv‡P `k nq? wkÿK ejj, ÒmZZvB mePvB‡Z DrK…ó c_ÓN‡i cÖ‡ek K‡i Avwg evwZ R¡vjvjvg †jvKwU nvm‡Z nvm‡Z Avgvi w`‡K Avmj Zvi RyZv †givgZ Kiv cÖ‡qvRb

Think well before you do anything. Or, Look before you leap. Smoking is injurious to health. He will have reached home by this time. He went to Dhaka day before yesterday. It is you who have done this. It is very hot today, isn’t it? Only if I could be a great poet! Or, Could I be a great poet! Scarcely had I caught sight of him before (or, when) he went out of sight. One should not give ear to rumour. What is Jessore famous for? I reached the college after the examination had begun or commenced. Jamal will sit for the examination this year, won’t he? How happy the old man seems to be! Weal and woe (or. Happiness and misery) come by turns. I shall have finished reading the book by five in the afternoon. Had I the wings of a bird! It is a quarter to two now. or, It is fifteen minutes to two now. I will rather die than steal. It is a long story. It is fast colour, indeed. He told me that he would go to Dhaka the following day. The girl went away laughing. I saw him going towards the town. The sun having set, they returned home. Don’t vex him in season and out of season. I have none to call my own in this world. Green mangoes taste sour. or, Green mangoes are sour to the taste. The tree has not yet borne fruit. Your pen writes well, doesn’t it? This camera can take good snaps. Would that I stood first in the examination! The tree is in flower. The lane is too narrow for a rickshaw to pass. Don’t you know that five and five make ten? The teacher said, æHonesty is the best policy.” On entering the room I lighted a lamp. The man came towards me laughing. His shoes need to be mended. or, His shoes

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need mending. Did you see anybody standing at the door? He is not only a good student but also a good †m ïay GKRb fvj QvÎB bq, fvj †L‡jvqvoI sportsman. †iv‡gj nqZ GZÿ‡Y evwo †cuŠ‡Q _vK‡e Romel may have reached home by now. jÛb kni †hgb eo, †ZgbB my›`i The city of London is as large as it is beautiful. †h †Q‡jwU cixÿvq cÖ_g ¯’vb AwaKvi Kwiqv‡Q, Zywg Do you know the boy who has stood first in the wK Zv‡K †Pb? examination? Zzwg myLx nI May you be happy. AveŸv Pvb Avgiv D”P wkwÿZ nB Father wants us to be highly educated. †m cÖwZÁv Kij †m Avi KLbI wej‡¤^ K‡j‡R He promised that he would never come late to Avm‡ebv college again. bvwe‡Kiv e„× bvweK‡K ïay AwfkvcB †`qwb, The sailors not only cursed the old mariner but wZi®‹viI K‡iwQj also rebuked him. nq †m A_ev Zvi fvB G RNb¨ KvRwU K‡i‡Q Either he or his brother has done this vile deed. Zzwg †Zvgvi fvB‡qi gZ j¤^v bI You are not as tall as your brother. AsKwU ZZ KwVb wQj bv hZUv g‡b n‡qwQj The sum was not so hard as it seemed to be. †jLK hZUv Avkv K‡iwQ‡jb AwZw_bx ZZUv my›`ix The lady guest was not so beautiful as the writer wQ‡jb bv expected. nq Zzwg A_ev †Zvgvi fvB AvMvgxKvj Avgvi mwnZ Either you or your brother will meet me †`Lv Ki‡e tomorrow. †jvKwU GZ Amnvq bq hZUv g‡b nq The man is not so helpless as he seems to be. LvB‡j LvI bq P‡j hvI Either eat or go away. gybxi c‡oI bv KvRI K‡i bv Munir neither reads nor works. †m evoxI _v‡K bv ¯‹z‡jI hvq bv He neither stays at home nor goes to school. Neither the moon nor the stars were visible in Puv` wKsev Zviv wKQyB ZLb AvKv‡k `„k¨gvb wQj bv the sky at that time †jvKwU jvwV Øviv GKwU mc© gvwij The man killed a snake by a stick. Hardly had the thief seen the police when he ran cywjk‡K †`Lv gvÎ †PviwU †`Šwo‡q cvjvj away. evjKwU Rvbvjv w`‡q DuwK gvwij The boy peeped through the window. wgwb `ya Ges gvsm `yB cQ›` K‡i Mini likes both milk and meat. Both Mecca and Medina are the holy places for g°v I gw`bv DfqB gymjgvb‡`i Zx_©¯’vb the Muslims. Both the father and the son are involved in this wcZvcyÎ `yBRbB G gvgjvq RwoZ case. Zzwg hvI wK bv hvI GKB K_v It is all the same whether you go or not. †Zvgvi Kjg Øviv Avwg wjL‡Z cvwi bv I cannot write with your pen. Scarcely had the teacher entered the classroom when wkÿK †kªYxK‡ÿ XyK‡Z bv XyK‡ZB QvÎiv D‡V `vuovj the students stood up. He was born at Dagaria in the district of biwms`x ‡Rjvi `Mwiqvq Zvnvi Rb¥ nq Narsingdi. Zzwg euvP wK gi Zv‡Z Avgvi wKQy Av‡m hvq bv It matters little to me whether you live or die. No sooner had we reached the station than the Avgiv †÷k‡b †cuŠQ‡Z bv †cuŠQ‡ZB †UªbwU †Q‡owQj train left. †m †jLvcov K‡i wK K‡i bv Rvwb bv I do not know whether he reads or not. 1992 mv‡ji 12B RyjvB g½jevi weKvj 5 Uvq The child was born at 5 pm on Tuesday, the 12th Avcwb wK KvD‡K `iRvq `uvwo‡q _vK‡Z †`‡LwQ‡jb?

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wkïwUi Rb¥ nq GB eB¸wj Qvov Avgvi AviI A‡bK¸wj eB Av‡Q

July in 1992. Besides these books, I have many other books. They have been living in Dhaka for the last ten Zvnviv MZ `k eQi awiqv XvKvq evm Kwi‡Z‡Q years. Avgv‡`i K‡j‡Ri cv‡k GKwU gv‡K©U Av‡Q There is a market beside our college. mKvj †_‡K e„wó n‡”Q It has been raining since morning. weKvj 6 Uvq Avwg †Zvgvi mwnZ †`Lv Kie I will meet you at 6 pm. Avgiv `yÕNÈvq XvKvq †cŠ‡QwQjvg We reached Dhaka in two hours. Avgiv GKgv‡mi g‡a¨ LvjwU Lbb Kie We shall dig the canal within a month. †Q‡jwU N‡i cÖ‡ek Kij The boy entered into the room. Avwg `yÕNÈv hver cwo‡ZwQ I have been reading for two hours. Avwg weKvj PviUvi g‡a¨ KvRwU †kl K‡i †dje I shall have finished the work by 4 pm. KvVwU‡Z GKwU †c‡iK gvi Drive a nail into the wood. QvÎiv K¬vkiæ‡g Av‡Q The students are in the classroom. Avg¸wj evjK‡`i g‡a¨ fvM K‡i `vI Distribute the mangoes among the boys. gv wjPz¸wj Avgv‡`i `yBR‡bi g‡a¨ fvM K‡i w`‡jb Mother distributed the liches between two of us. B”Qv nq, hw` gi‡Z cviZvg! If I were dead! Avgvi hw` cvwLi gZ Wvbv _vwKZ Had I the wings of a bird! Avwg hw` Avevi wkï n‡Z cviZvg! If I were a child again! Avwg hw` jÿcwZ nZvg If I were a millionaire! Avwg hw` Zzwg nZvg Zvn‡j GKvR KwiZvg bv If I were you I would not do this work. my›`ieb †`‡ki `wÿ‡Y The Sundarbans is in the south of the country. The Science Laboratory is to the east of Dhaka mvBÝ j¨ve‡iUix XvKv wmwU K‡j‡Ri c~‡e© City College. hw` †m Av‡M iIbv n‡Zv Zvn‡j †m †UªbwU ai‡Z If he had started earlier, he could have caught cviZ the train. eywoM½v XvKvi `wÿ‡Y The Buriganga is on the south of Dhaka. Avi †`ix bv K‡i †Zvgvi a~gcvb †Q‡o †`qv DwPZ It is high time you gave up smoking. Avi †`ix bv K‡i Avgv‡`i hvÎv Kiv DwPZ It is high time we started. hw` Zzwg Avm‡Z Zvn‡j Avwg †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ If you had come, I would have helped you. KiZvg He speaks in such a way as if he knew †m Ggbfv‡e K_v e‡j †hb †m me Rv‡b everything. †Uªb bv Avmv ch©šÍ Avgv‡`i‡K A‡cÿv Ki‡Z n‡e We shall have to wait until the train arrives. fvjK‡i †jLvcov Ki cv‡Q me nvivI Read attentively lest you should lose all. †h KjgwU Avwg †Zvgv‡K w`‡qwQjvg Dnv `vgx The pen which I gave you was costly `ªæZ nvU cv‡Q Mvox nvivI Walk fast lest you should miss the train. Avgwš¿Z bv n‡j Avwg mfvq hve bv I will not attend the meeting unless I am invited. Zzwg wK KvD‡K `iRvq `uvwo‡q _vK‡Z †`‡LwQ‡j? Did you see anyone standing at the door? †h †`k‡K fv‡jvev‡m †m †`k‡cÖwgK He who loves the country is a patriot. †m †hb GKwU gvZv‡ji gZ K_v e‡j He speaks as though he were a mad. cwikªg bv Ki‡j †Kn Rxe‡b DbœwZ Ki‡Z cv‡i bv None can prosper in life unless he works hard. Zzwg Ggb fve Ki‡Qv †hb Zzwg GKRb wekvj cwÐZ You act as though you were a great scholar. e¨w³ †h evjKwU MZKvj Uªv‡Ki bx‡P Pvcv c‡owQj, Zv‡K Do you know the boy who was run over by a wK Zzwg †Pb? truck yesterday? Avwg Zzwg †m GK‡Î K‡j‡R hve You he and I will go to college together. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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†h evjKwU cixÿvq cÖ_g n‡qwQj †m Avgvi fvB e„× bvweK wb‡`©vl cvLxwU‡K nZ¨v Kij evwjKvwU Pv ˆZwi K‡i †h‡nZz †m Amy¯’ wQj †m‡nZz †m K‡j‡R Avm‡Z cv‡iwb †Rix A‡bK AcÖ‡qvRbxq KvR K‡iwQj †m memgq †`ix‡Z iv‡Z Lvevi Lvq Zvi ¯^cœ KLbI ev¯ÍevwqZ n‡e bv evjKwU gv‡V †Lwj‡Z‡Q Avgvi Rb¥w`‡b †m Avgv‡K GKwU Kjg Dcnvi w`j Avwg MZKvj Zv‡K GKwU cv‡m©j cvwV‡qwQjvg hw`I Zv‡`i Mwo bvB, ZeyI Zviv Avm‡e †Zvgvi eBwU wK Avgv‡K w`‡e? B”Qv _vKv m‡Ë¡I †jLK k¨vg‡cb cvb Ki‡Z cv‡ib wb Miex nIqv m‡Ë¡I †m mr Amy¯’Zvi R‡b¨ †m mfvq †hvMw`‡Z cv‡i wb AveŸv Avgvi R‡b¨ GKwU Rvgv wKwb‡jb Avgvi eÜz Avgv‡K GKwU eB w`‡qwQj †m KLbI KvD‡K wKQy avi †`q bv †Zvgiv ZvovZvwo ˆZix n‡q bvI, GLbB hvÎv ïiæ Ki‡Z n‡e wZwb eûw`b we‡j‡Z KvwU‡q‡Qb Zzwg MZKvj wbDgv‡K©‡U wM‡qwQ‡j, ZvB bv? h‡kvi evsjv‡`‡ki GKwU Ab¨Zg mxgvšÍeZ©x †Rjv Avwg hw` Zvi bvgUv Av‡M RvbZvg! †m K‡e evox †cŠQ‡e? Avgiv Zv‡K †Pqvig¨vb evbvjvg Kzwgjøv †_‡K moK c‡_ XvKv †h‡Z KZ mgq jv‡M? Avgiv dRjyj nK‡K †ki-G-evsjv e‡j _vwK c„w_ex m~‡h©i Pviw`‡K †Nv‡i, ZvB bv? ivRkvnx‡Z †`‡ki weL¨vZ †ikgx e‡¯¿i KviLvbvwU Aew¯’Z †m Avgv‡K †evKv ejj †m hLb evox †cuŠQ‡jv, ZLb gyljav‡i e„wó nw”Q‡jv PÆMÖv‡gi cÖvK…wZK `„k¨ KZB bv g‡bvig! †m †ivR eKzwb Lvq †h †jvKwU GLv‡b G‡mwQ‡jv †m GKRb mgvR †meK mevi mv‡_ Lvc LvB‡q Pjv mnR bq XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq‡K cÖv‡P¨i A·‡dvW© ejv nq Avwg hw` eo Kwe n‡Z cviZvg! Avwg ejjvg Avwg †mLv‡b wM‡qwQjvg


The boy who stood first in the examination is my brother. The old sailor killed the harmless bird. The girl makes tea. Since he was ill, he could not come to college. Jerry did many unnecessary works. He always takes his supper late. His dream will never come true. The boy is playing in the field. He presented me a pen on my birth day. Yesterday I sent him a parcel. Though they have no car, they will come. Will you give me your book? The writer could not drink champagne despite his willingness. In spite of his poverty he is honest. He could not join the meeting because of his illness. Father bought a shirt for me. My friend gave me a book. He never lends anything to anybody. Get ready quickly, we shall have to start right now. He spent many days in London. You went to New Market yesterday, didn’t you? Jessore is one of the border districts of Bangladesh. Had I known his name before! On what day will he reach home? We made him chairman. How long does it take to go to Comilla by road? We call Fazlul Haque Sher-e-Bangla. The earth moves round the sun, doesn’t it? The famous silk industry of the country is situated in Rajshahi. He called me a fool. It was raining cats and dogs when he reached home. How charming the natural scenery of Chittagong is! He is scolded/rebuked daily. The man who came here is a social worker. It is not easy to adjust with all. Dhaka University is called the Oxford of the East. Had I been a great poet! I said that I had gone there.

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170



AvR Lye Mig, ZvB bq wK? Zv‡K †`L‡Z bv †`L‡ZB †m A`„k¨ n‡q †Mj Zzwg wK KL‡bv we‡`k wM‡qQ? ZzwgB Bnv K‡iQ Avwg hv ewj Zv †kvb Zvi we‡q‡Z Avgv‡K `vIqvZ Kiv nqwb KZw`b †Zvgvi Lei Rvwb bv †m XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡q Aa¨vqb KiwQ‡jv Zzwg GLb wcqv‡bv evRv‡e, ZvB bv? †m MZ ciï XvKvq wM‡q‡Q Zvnvi †g‡qwU fvj Mvb Mvq, ZvB bq wK? Avwg hw` †Zvgv‡K Av‡M wPbZvg! Avwg hw` abx nZvg Z‡e Mixe‡`i mvnvh¨ KiZvg Zvi mv‡_ Avgvi mym¤úK© ‡bB AvR Avgvi covq gb em‡Q bv Zzwg wK KLbI wPwowqvLvbv wM‡qQ? wKQz Kivi Av‡M fvj K‡i †f‡e bvI Zzwg KZÿY `uvwo‡q AvQ? a~gcvb ¯^v‡¯’¨i Rb¨ ÿwZKi †m GZÿY evox †cŠ‡Q _vK‡e †g‡qwU dz‡ji gZ my›`i e„wó _vg‡j Avgiv †Ljv ïiæ Kie B”Qv _vK‡j Dcvq nq ¸R‡e Kvb †`Iqv DwPZ bq Zzwg QvÎ ivRbxwZ cQ›` Ki bv, Ki wK †m †Q‡jwU‡K fxlY cÖnvi K‡iwQj Bmjvg mv‡ne †hgb `qvjy †Zgwb webqx †m hw` GLv‡b _vKZ, Z‡e AvmZ h‡kvi wK‡mi Rb¨ weL¨vZ? cixÿv Avi¤¢ nevi c~‡e© Avwg K‡j‡R †cuŠ‡QwQjvg Rvgvj GB ermi cixÿv w`‡e Zzwg bv Avmv ch©šÍ Avgiv †Zvgvi Rb¨ A‡cÿv Kwi‡Z _vwKe Avwg hw` Avevi wkï nB‡Z cvwiZvg Zzwg wK Zvi †`ix Kivi KviY ej‡Z cvi? †Zvgiv cov-gyL¯Í Ki, bZzev gykwK‡j cwo‡e iwng `ªæZ †÷k‡bi w`‡K nvwU‡Z jvwMj Zzwg wK KvD‡K `iRvq `uvwo‡q _vK‡Z †`‡LwQ‡j? `yB NÈv a‡i cÖej e„wó n‡”Q Avwg †÷k‡b †cuŠQv‡bvi mv‡_ mv‡_ †UªbUv †Q‡o w`j weKvj cuvPUvi g‡a¨B Avwg eBUv c‡o †kl Kie mevi mv‡_ Lvc LvB‡q Pjv KZ bv KwVb GB gv‡mi 10 ZvwiL †_‡K e„wó n‡”Q

It is very hot today, isn’t it? No sooner had I seen him than he went out of sight. Have you ever been/gone to abroad? It is you who have done it. Listen to what I say. I have not been invited to his marriage ceremony. I do not know about you for a long time. He had been studying in Dhaka University. You will play on the piano, won’t you? He went to Dhaka the day before yesterday. His daughter sings well, doesn’t she? Had I known you earlier! If I were rich, I would help the poor. I am not on good terms with him. Today I cannot concentrate my mind on studies Have you ever been/ gone to the zoo? Think well before you do something. How long have you been waiting? Smoking is harmful to health. He will have reached home by this time. The girl is as beautiful as a flower. We shall start playing after the rain has stopped. Where there is a will, there is a way. One should not pay heed to rumours. You do not like students politics, do you? He beat the boy severely. Mr. Islam is as modest as kind. Had he been here, he would have come. What is Jessore famous for? I had reached college before the examination began. Jamal will appear at the examination this year. We shall be waiting for you until you come. I wish I were a child again. Can you tell me the reason of his being late? Get your lesson by heart, otherwise you will be in trouble. Rahim began to walk fast towards the station. Did you see anyone standing at the door? It has been raining heavily for two hours. As soon as I reached the station, the train left. I shall have finished reading the book by 5 p.m. How difficult it is to adjust with all! It has been raining since the l0th of this month.

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Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Zvnviv wK MZKvj †Zvgvi m‡½ mvÿvr K‡i‡Q? e„× †jvKwU‡K KZB bv myLx g‡b nq! Avgiv K‡j‡R †cuŠwQevi ci wZwb Avwm‡jb ‡m wg_¨vev`x bq, ZvB bv? Zzwg bv Avmv ch©šÍ Avgiv †Zvgvi Rb¨ A‡cÿv Ki‡Z _vKe †m †h KjgwU nvivBqv †dwjqv‡Q Dnv wQj Kvj wZwb †Zvgv‡K Kv‡b Kv‡b wK ewj‡jb? bvP‡Z bv Rvb‡j DVvb euvKv Avgvi hw` cvwLi g‡Zv Wvbv _vwKZ! Avgvi †mLv‡b hvevi K_v wQj †m GLbI Nygv‡Z hvqwb myL I `ytL cvjvµ‡g Av‡m Zzwg `iLv¯Í K‡iQ, ZvB bv? B”Qv _vK‡j Dcvq nqGLb ‡cŠ‡b `y‡Uv Avwg eis gie Zey Pzwi Kie bv †m A‡bK K_v cvKv is e‡U †h KjgwU Avwg †Zvgv‡K w`‡qwQjvg Dnv wQj Kvj hZB cwo‡e, ZZB wkwL‡e jÛb kni †hgb eo, ‡Zgb my›`i †g‡qwU †hgb my›`ix, †Zgwb eyw×gwZ Kgjvcyi †÷kbwU †hgb eo, †Zgb my›`i cvwLwUi cvjK `y‡ai gZ mv`v hZB cwo‡e ZZB wkwL‡e dzjwU i‡³i gZ jvj gnwmb †hgb `qvjy wQ‡jb †Zgb webqx wQ‡jb hZ †ewk ZZ Lykx ‡h hZ cvq †m ZZ Pvq hZ kªxNÖ, ZZ fv‡jv †h hZ †ewk Nygvq †m ZZ †ekx Ajm nq Zzwg AvMvgx Kvj evwo hv‡e, bq wK? gvbyl evqyQvov euvP‡Z cv‡i wK? cvwLiv AvKv‡k D‡o, bq wK? AvR eÇ kxZ, ZvB bv? Kwig †Zv AvR Avm‡Q, ZvB bv? †g‡qwU nvm‡Z nvm‡Z Avgvi w`‡K Gj KzKziwU †jR bvwo‡Z bvwo‡Z cÖfyi Kv‡Q †Mj Zv‡K Mvb Mvwn‡Z †`wLjvg †Q‡jwU †`ŠovBqv Avgvi w`‡K Avwmj evwjKvwU bvwP‡Z bvwP‡Z Pwjqv †Mj †m NygvBqv K_v e‡j †m LvBqv, Mí Kwiqv Ges NygvBqv mgq KvUvq GB ewjqv ivRv e„ׇK ZvovBqv w`‡jb N‡i cÖ‡ek Kwiqv Avwg evwZwU R¡vjvjvg cv_‡ii c‡i ewmqv e„× bvweK AwZw_‡`i Zvi cvk w`qv


Did they meet you yesterday? How happy the old man seems to be! He came after we had reached college. He is not a liar, is he? We shall be waiting for you until you come. The pen which he lost was black. What did he whisper into your ear? A bad workman quarrels with his tools. Had I the wings of a bird! I was supposed to go there He has not gone to bed yet. Weal and woe come by turns. You have applied, haven’t you? Where there is a will, there is a way. It is quarter to two now. I would rather die than steal. It is a long story. The colour is fast indeed. The pen which I gave you was black. The more you read, the more you learn. The city of London is as big as beautiful. The girl is as beautiful as intelligent. The Kamalapur station is as big as beautiful. The feather of the bird is as white as milk. The more you read, the more you will learn. The flower is as red as blood. Muhsin was as kind as modest. The more, the merrier. The more he gets, the more he wants. The sooner, the better. The more he sleeps, the lazier he becomes. You will go home tomorrow, won’t you? Man cannot live without air, can he? Birds fly in the sky, don’t they? It is very cold today, isn’t it? Karim is coming today, isn’t he? The girl came to me laughing. The dog went to its master shaking its tail. I saw him singing. The boy came to me running. The girl went away dancing. He talks while sleeping. He spends his time eating, gossiping and sleeping. Saying this, the king drove the old man away. Entering the room, I lit the lamp. Sitting on a stone, the old sailor saw the guests

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170



nvwUqv hvB‡Z †`wL‡jb evox hvBqv †m gv‡qi g„Zz¨i msev` ïwbj Pzj wewµ Kwiqv †Wjv Rx‡gi R‡b¨ eow`‡bi cyi¯‹vi wKwbj muvZvi KvUv GKUv fvj e¨vqvg fvj eB cVb gvbwmK kvwšÍ Av‡b †`kågY wkÿvi GKwU Ask BwZnvm cvV Avgv‡K Avb›` †`q Avwg KweZvcov cQ›` Kwi K‡Vvi cwikªg K‡i Zzwg Rxe‡b DbœwZ Ki‡Z cvi mylg Lv`¨ †L‡q Zzwg fvjfv‡e euvP‡Z cvi Nwo †`‡L Zzwg mgq Rvb‡Z cvi fyj Kiv gvby‡li ¯^vfve ÿgv ¯^Mxq wg_¨v ejv gnvcvc Avwg BwZnvm cov cQ›` Kwi ‡jvKwU gigi n‡q‡Q. A‡b¨i †`vl aiv mnR Pzwi Kiv Aciva cÖv_©bv Kiv fvj KgjvwU LvB‡Z UK Avwg GKwU wjwLevi Kjg PvB Zv‡K ewmevi GKwU †Pqvi `vI Zvi cwievi RyZv bvB Avgvi wjwLevi KvMR bvB †m wjwLevi Kvwj wKwbj Zv‡K wb‡`©vl e‡j g‡b nq †`qvjwU coco nBqv‡Q mZ¨ K_v ej‡Z wK †m GKRb ev‡R‡jvK ms‡ÿ‡c ej‡Z †M‡j †m GKRb fvj gvbyl Pv wU GZ †ekx Mig †h cvb Kiv hvq bv Avwg GZ `~e©j †h GK Bw bo‡Z cvwi bv KweZvwU GZ KwVb †h wZwb eyS‡Z cv‡ib bv iv¯ÍvwU GZ miæ †h wi·v Pj‡Z cv‡i bv †evSvwU GZ fvix †h †m enb Ki‡Z cv‡i bv Avwg K‡Vvi cwikªg Ki‡Z Af¨¯’ mygb KweZv wjL‡Z Af¨¯’ n‡q c‡o‡Q †m Mfxi iv‡Z co‡Z Af¨¯’ n‡q c‡owQ‡jv †m GZ ivMvwš^Z †h K_v ej‡Z cv‡i bv Avwg `ªæZ †`Šovjvg hv‡Z †UªYwU ai‡Z cvwi †Rix A‡bK¸wj wg‡_¨ K_v e‡jwQj hv‡Z †m †jwLKvi mv‡_ m¤úK© ¯’vcb Ki‡Z cv‡iLwjdv Q›`‡e‡k †ei n‡jb hv‡Z K‡i †KD Zv‡K wPb‡Z bv cv‡i †m ïay GKRb fvj QvÎB bq, GKRb fvj †L‡jvqvoI Avgiv Zv‡K ïay LveviB †`Bwb, AvkªqI w`‡qwQjvg

walking past him. Going home, he heard the death news of his mother. Selling hair, Della bought Christmas gift for Jim. Swimming is a good exercise. Reading good books brings mental peace. Travelling is a part of education. The reading of history delights me. I like the reading of poetry. By working hard you can prosper in life. By eating a balanced diet you can live well. By looking at a watch you can know the time. To err is human. To forgive is divine. To tell a lie is a great sin. I like to read history. The man is about to die. It is easy to find fault with others. To steal is an offence. To pray is wise. The orange is sour to taste. I want a pen to write with. Give him a chair to sit on. He has no shoes to put on. I have no paper to write on. He bought ink to write in. He seems to be innocent. The wall is about to collapse. To speak the truth, he is a rubbish fellow. To tell in short, he is a nice soul. The tea is too hot to be drunk. I am too weak to move an inch. The poem is too difficult for him to understand. The road is too narrow for a rickshaw to move. The load is too heavy for him to carry. I am used to working hard. Sumon has become used to writing poetry. He got used to reading at late night. He is so angry that he cannot speak. I ran fast so that I could catch the train. Jerry told a series of lies so that he might establish a relation with the authoress. The caliph went out in disguise so that none could recognize him. He is not only a good student but also a good player.

We gave him not only food but also shelter.

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

†Zvgvi K…ZKvh©Zvi msev` ï‡b Avwg Avbw›`Z njvg Zvi AvR XvKvq hvIqvi K_v Av‡Q †m GZ Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í K_v ej‡Q †h Avgiv ïb‡Z cviwQbv


I was glad to hear the news of your success. Today he is to go to Dhaka. He is speaking so low that we cannot hear him

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

PASSAGE TRANSLATION 1 ˆmKZ ˆkk‡e cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡q hvq| cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq †Q‡o †m gva¨wgK we`¨vj‡q cÖ‡ek K‡i| covïbv †kl bv n‡ZB Zvi wcZv gviv hvq| wcZvi g„Zz¨i Kvi‡Y Zv‡K we`¨vjq Z¨vM Ki‡Z nq| wbR kni †Q‡o hvevi ci †m GKwU PvKwi cvq| wKQz UvKv mÂq bv Kiv ch©šÍ †m GK KvVwgw¯¿i mv‡_ KvR K‡i| wKQzw`b ci evwo wd‡i mwÂZ UvKv w`‡q †m Zvi cwievi‡K mvnvh¨ K‡i| Shaikat went to a primary school in his childhood. After leaving the primary school he entered into a secondary school. His father had died before he completed his education. He had to leave school owing to his father’s death. He got a job after he had left his native town. He worked with a carpenter until he could save some money. After some days he returned home and helped his family with his savings. 2 ivwÎ †kl bv n‡ZB iv‡k‡`i gvZv kh¨v Z¨vM Kwiqv DwV‡jb| ZvovZvwo fvZ iuvwaqv iv‡k`‡K WvwK‡Z †M‡jb| ZLbI Pvwiw`‡K †ek AÜKvi| gvZvi AvnŸv‡b iv‡k` kh¨vi Dci DwVqv ewmj| †m ewjj, ÒGZ mKv‡j †Kv_vq hvBe? Zvnvi gvZv ewj‡jb, ÒN‡i †Kvb ZiKvwi bvB, evev| evRv‡i hvBqv wKQz ZiKvwi wKwbqv Avb|Ó Scarcely had the night ended when Rashed’s mother got up from bed. Having cooked a little rice in a hurry, she went to call Rashed up. It was still quite dark all around. At his mother’s call, Rashed woke up and sat on his bed. He said, “Where shall I go so early in the morning?” His mother said, “My son, there are no vegetables in the house. Go to market, buy some vegetables and bring them home.” 3 Avgv‡`i †`‡k bvbv m¤cÖ`v‡qi †jvK evm K‡i| G‡`i iO Ges †PnvivI Avjv`v| †ckvI GK bq| me‡P‡q eo †ckv nj Pvlevm| kZKiv cÖvq cuPvwk Rb K…wl wbf©i| Pvlxiv mevi Rb¨ Lv`¨ Drcv`b K‡i| wKš‘ Giv Ae‡nwjZ| People of different communities live in our country. Their colour and appearance are also different. Their occupation too is not the same. Their main occupation is cultivation. Almost 85% of them are dependent on agriculture. The cultivators produce food for all people. But they themselves are neglected. 4 cÖK…Z eÜz Kviv? G‡`i msL¨v LyeB Kg| myw`‡b A‡bK eÜz cvIqv hvq| Giv A_©‡jvfx| Giv ¯^v_©ciI e‡U| `yw`©‡b Giv eÜz‡K Z¨vM K‡i| GKRb mwZ¨Kvi eÜz my‡L-`y‡L eÜzi cv‡k _v‡K| Who are real friends? Their number is very small. (or, They are very few in number.) There comes many a friend in the days of prosperity. They are not only greedy of money but selfish also. (or, They are greedy of money. They are selfish too.) They desert a friend in adversity. A real friend stands by his friend in weal or woe. 5 Avgiv mgv‡R evm Kwi| mgv‡R Avgv‡`i kvwšÍ eRvq ivLv DwPZ| KviY mgvR Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ kvwšÍ I k„•Ljv cÖ‡qvRb| Av`k© mgvR e¨e¯’v Dbœq‡bi c~e©kZ©| GKwU myLx mgvR MVb Kiv Avgv‡`i cweÎ `vwqZ¡| We live in society. We should maintain peace in society because peace and order are essential for social development. An ideal social system is the pre-requisite of development. It is our sacred duty to build up a happy and prosperous society. 6 evsjv‡`k eo †`k bq wKš‘ GLv‡b †ewk †jvK evm K‡i| †gŠmygx evqy G‡`‡k cÖPzi e„wócvZ NUvq| Gi AwaKvsk f~wgB mgZj| GLv‡b b`x Av‡Q| †`kwU †`L‡Z my›`i KviY Gi me©ÎB meyR MvQ I meyR dmj| cÖwZ eQi elv©Kv‡j A‡bK RvqMv c­vweZ nq| Rbmvavi‡Yi ZLb †bŠKv `iKvi nq Ges Rxeb ZvB KwVb n‡q c‡o| Bangladesh is not a large country but too many people live here. The monsoon causes abundant rainfall here. Most part of it is plain land. There are many rivers here. The country is beautiful to look at because there are green trees and crops all over it. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Many of its places get inundated in the rainy season every year. Then people require boats and for this reason life becomes difficult. 7 evsjv‡`k GKwU †QvU †`k| wKš‘ cÖvK…wZK m¤ú‡` fiv Avgv‡`i GB †`k| GB m¤ú‡`i myôz e¨env‡ii Dci Avgv‡`i DbœwZ wbf©ikxj| Avj‡m¨ Kvjhvcb Kwi‡j Pwj‡e bv| †`k‡K Mwoqv †Zvjvi `vwqZ¡ Avgv‡`i| GRb¨ Avgv‡`i mK‡ji K‡Vvi cwikªg Kwi‡Z nB‡e| g‡b ivwL‡Z nB‡e †h, cwikªg mvd‡j¨i PvweKvwV| Bangladesh is a small country. But this country of ours is rich in natural resources. Our progress depends on the proper use of these resources. It will not do if we while away our time in idleness. It is our responsibility to build up the country. For this we all have to work hard. We should bear in mind that industry is the key to success. 8 †mw`b fq¼i Mig| N‡i e‡m _vKvI KóKi| ZvB GKUz nvIqvi Rb¨ Avwg evB‡i †Mjvg| m‡½ Avgvi †QvU †g‡q wgZv| †m ejj, ÒAveŸv, b`xi av‡i †eov‡Z Pj|Ó Avgiv nvU‡Z nvU‡Z b`xi cv‡o †Mjvg| ZLb m~h© cÖvq WyeyWyey| It was very hot that day. It was difficult even to stay at home. This is why I went out for a little breath of cool air. My youngest daughter Mita was with me. She said, “Father, let us go for a walk along the bank of the river.” We walked to the riverbank. The sun was about to set at that time. 9 cwikªg DbœwZi g~j| webv cwikª‡g †Kvb gnr KvR mvab Kiv m¤¢e bq| Avgv‡`i evsjv‡`k `wi`ª †`k| wKš‘ Avgiv Bnv‡K †mvbvi evsjv e‡j Me© Kwi| mwZ¨Kv‡ii †mvbvi evsjv M‡o Zzj‡Z K‡Vvi cwikªg cÖ‡qvRb| DbœZ †`‡ki Awaevmxiv AZ¨šÍ cwikªgx| Aci w`‡K Avgv‡`i A‡b‡KB Ajm I Kg©wegyL| Industry is at the root of all success. It is not possible to do any noble deed without industry. Our Bangladesh is a poor country. But we take pride in calling her golden Bengal. It requires hard labour to build golden Bengal in the true sense of the term. The people of the developed countries are very industrious. Many of us, on the other hand, are lazy and averse to work. 10 gvneye GLb Kó K‡i †jLvcov Ki‡Q| †m Mixe n‡jI †jLvcov †Q‡o †`qwb| cÖwZw`b †m A‡bK `~i †_‡K †n‡U G‡m K‡j‡R Dcw¯’Z nq| †m Kómwnòz, webqx I cwikªgx| Zvi AvPi‡Y mevB gy»| gva¨wgK mvwU©wd‡KU cix¶vq †m `kg ¯’vb AwaKvi K‡iwQj| me©Î fvj QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i mybvg Av‡Q| Mahboob is carrying on with his studies through hardship. Though he is poor, he has not given up his studies. Every day he attends college covering a long distance on foot. He is hard-working, modest and industrious. Everyone is pleased with his conduct. He stood tenth in order of merit in the Secondary School Certificate Examination. Good students are given due appreciation everywhere. 11 Avgiv weÁv‡bi hy‡M evm Kwi| Rxe‡bi me©‡¶‡Î Avgiv weÁv‡bi cÖfve †`L‡Z cvB| weÁvb Avgv‡`i ˆ`bw›`b Rxe‡bi wbZ¨ m½x| weÁv‡bi mvnv‡h¨ Avgiv Am¤¢e‡K m¤¢e K‡iwQ| AvaywbK mf¨Zv‡K weÁv‡bi Ae`vb ejv nq| weÁv‡bi mvnv‡h¨ `vwi`ª I e¨vwa‡K Rq Ki‡Z n‡e| gvbe RvwZi e„nËi Kj¨v‡Y weÁvb‡K wb‡qvwRZ Ki‡Z n‡e| We live in an age of science. We find the impact of science in all spheres of life. Science is the constant companion in our daily life. We have made possible what was impossible before. The modern civilization may be called the gift of science. We have to triumph over poverty and diseases with the help of science. We have to employ science for the greater welfare of mankind. 12 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Passage Translation

evsjv‡`k `w¶Y Gwkqvi GKwU ¯^vaxb †`k| AvqZ‡bi Zzjbvq Bnvi RbmsL¨v AZ¨š— †ewk| d‡j we‡`k nB‡Z cÖwZ eQi cÖPzi Lv`¨km¨ Avg`vwb Kwi‡Z nq| Bnv‡Z cÖPzi ˆe‡`wkK gy`ªv LiP nq| Lv`¨k‡m¨i Drcv`b evovB‡Z bv cvwi‡j †`‡ki cÖK…Z †Kvb DbœwZ nB‡e bv| GB e¨vcv‡i Avgv‡`i mK‡ji †Póv Kiv DwPZ| Lv`¨k‡m¨i Drcv`b e„w×i Rb¨ ˆeÁvwbK c×wZ‡Z Pvlvev` Kiv DwPZ| Bangladesh is an independent country of South Asia. Its population is too large for its size. As a result, we have to import a large quantity of food grains from foreign countries every year. This incurs the expenditure of a lot of foreign exchange. No real progress of the country is possible unless we can increase the production of foodgrains. All of us should try to gain this objective. We should apply scientific method of cultivation in order to increase the production of foodgrains. 13 fvZ Avgv‡`i cÖavb Lv`¨| Avgv‡`i †`‡k G ermi cÖPzi avb Drcbœ n‡q‡Q| `wi`ª †jv‡Kiv `y'gy‡Vv fvZ cv‡e Avkv Ki‡Q| Avgv‡`i mK‡ji DwPZ `vwi`ª¨ †gvP‡bi j‡¶¨ K‡Vvi cwikªg Kiv| cwikªg e¨ZxZ AwaK km¨ Drcbœ KivI m¤¢e bq| eZ©gv‡b Avgiv DbœZ Rv‡Zi avb Pvl Kwi| GRb¨ h‡_ó LvU‡Z nq| Rice is our staple food. Plenty of rice (or, abundant paddy) has grown in our country this year. The poor expect to get two handfuls of rice. All of us should work hard in order to remove poverty. It is not at all possible to produce bumper crops without hard work. At present we are cultivating high yielding variety of rice. This requires a good deal of hard work. 14 GKw`b Avgiv MÖv‡gi wfZi w`qv nvwUqv evwo hvB‡ZwQjvg| GKwU Mv‡Qi wb‡P gvby‡li wfo †`wL‡Z cvBjvg| Zvnviv GKRb ¯¿x‡jv‡Ki cÖwZ ZvKvB‡ZwQj| Zvnvi †Kv‡j wQj GKwU iæMœ wkï| wkïwUi nvZ-cv wQj KvwVi gZ miæ| Avgiv Rvwb‡Z cvwijvg †h wkïwU Wvqwiqvq fywM‡Z‡Q| A‡b‡K Zvnv‡K m¨vjvBb LvIqvBevi Dc‡`k w`‡ZwQj| One day we were going home on foot through a village. We found a crowd of people under a tree. They were looking at a woman. She had a sickly child in her arms. The hands and legs of the child were as thin as sticks. We came to know that the child had been suffering from diarrhoea. Many of the people were advising her to give the child oral saline. 15 iwdK I ivRxe MÖv‡gi ¯‹z‡j c‡o| `ye©j Qv·`i Zviv covïbvq mvnvh¨ K‡i| wk¶KMY wb‡Riv G e¨e¯’v K‡i‡Qb| Dc‡ii †kªYxi QvÎiv ¯‹z‡ji evMv‡b mâxi Avev` K‡i‡Q| Gme wewµ K‡i Zviv †h A_© cvq Zv w`‡q Zviv `wi`ª Qv·`i cy¯K Í wK‡b †`q| MÖvgevmxiv G ¯‹z‡ji QvÎ-wk¶‡Ki D”P cÖksmv K‡i| Rafiq and Rajib read in a village school. They help the weak students in preparing their lessons. The teachers themselves have made this arrangement. The students of the upper classes have cultivated vegetables in the school garden. They buy books for the poor students with the money they get by selling all these. The villagers speak highly of the students and the teachers of this school. 16 evsjv‡`k GKwU ¶z`ª †`k| wKš‘ Bnvi †jvKmsL¨v ¶z`ª bq| GB †`‡k cÖvq ‡lvj †KvwU †jvK evm K‡i| Zvnv‡`i AwaKvskB `wi`ª| Zvnviv w`b Av‡b w`b Lvq| Avgv‡`i DwPZ Zvnv‡`i fv‡M¨vbœq‡bi †Póv Ki| †Póv Kwi‡j Amva¨ mvab Kiv hvq| Bangladesh is a small country. But its population is not small. Approximately sixteen crores of people (or, one hundred and sixty million people) live in this country. Most of them are poor. They live from hand to mouth. We should try to improve their lot. One can make the impossible possible if one tries hard. 17 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


mgq AZ¨šÍ g~j¨evb| mgq KviI Rb¨ A‡c¶v K‡i bv| Avgv‡`i cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki mg‡qi mبenvi Kiv DwPZ| †h e¨w³ mg‡qi mبenvi K‡i Zvi mvdj¨ Awbevh©| hviv mgq AcPq K‡i Zviv Rxe‡b mvdj¨ AR©b Ki‡Z cv‡i| c„w_exi mKj weL¨vZ e¨w³B mg‡qi mبenvi K‡i‡Qb| Avgv‡`i Zuv‡`i AbymiY Kiv DwPZ| Time is highly valuable. Time waits for none. Every one of us should make proper use of time. The success of the man who makes proper use of time is inevitable. Those who waste time cannot succeed in life. All great men of the world have made proper use of time. We should follow in their footsteps. 18 XvKv GKwU cÖvPxb kni| Bnv eywoM½v b`xi Zx‡i Aew¯’Z| GLv‡b weivU weivU AÆvwjKv wbwg©Z n‡q‡Q| K‡qKwU cvK© XvKv kn‡ii †mŠ›`h© e„w× K‡i‡Q| fvj fvj iv¯Ív-NvUI ˆZwi n‡q‡Q| RvZxq hv`yNi †`Lvi gZ wRwbm| G‡Z A‡bK wb`k©b i‡q‡Q| G¸wj †`‡L A‡bK wKQz †kLv hvq| Dhaka is an old town. It stands on the bank of the Buriganga. A large number of big buildings have been constructed here. Some beautiful parks have added to the beauty of Dhaka city. Many good roads and streets have also been constructed. National Museum is worth seeing. There are many old relics in it. Many things can be learnt by seeing them. 19 †mw`b wQj eyaevi| Avgiv K‡qKRb eÜz Avgv‡`i MÖv‡gi evwo †eovB‡Z hvB‡ZwQjvg| cuvP wgwbU nuvUvi ci Avgiv †ij †÷k‡b †cuŠwQjvg| K‡qK wgwU‡bi g‡a¨ †Uªb Avwmj| Avgiv mK‡jB GKwU wØZxq †kªYxi Kvgivq DwVjvg| †UªbwU hLb Avgv‡`i †QvU †÷k‡b †cuŠwQj ZLb mܨv nq nq| `yB gvBj nuvUvi ci ivZ 8 NwUKvq Avgiv evwo †cuŠwQjvg| It was Wednesday. We, some friends, were going to pay a visit to our village home. We reached the railway station after walking for five minutes. The train arrived after a few minutes. All of us got into a second class compartment. When the train reached our small station, it was nearly getting (or growing) dark. We reached home at 8 p.m. after walking two miles. 20 dzUej GKwU RbwcÖq †Ljv| `ywU `‡ji g‡a¨ G †Ljv nq| GKwU `‡j GMviRb GK mv‡_ †Lj‡Z cv‡i| evsjv‡`k dzUe‡j DbœwZ K‡i‡Q| wmsn‡j evsjv‡`‡ki dzUej `j fvi‡Zi `j‡K nvwi‡q‡Q| ¯‹zj¸‡jv‡Z dzUej †Ljv PP©v Ki‡j fvj fvj †L‡jvqvo ˆZwi n‡e| dzUej g~jZ MÖx®§ I el©v FZzi †Ljv| Football is a popular game. It is played between two teams. Eleven players can play in a team. Bangladesh has made a good deal of progress in the game of football. In Sri Lanka the Bangladesh team has defeated the Indian team. If the game of football is practised regularly in schools, many good players are likely to flourish. Football is mainly a game of summer and rainy seasons. 21 GKRb fvj QvÎ wbqwgZ Aa¨qb K‡i| †m Zvi wcZvgvZv I wk¶KMY‡K †g‡b P‡j| †m wg_¨v e‡j bv, Amr m‡½I _v‡K bv| Zv‡K †`L‡Z f`ª I eyw×gvb g‡b nq| †m cÖwZw`b we‡K‡j fvj †Q‡j‡`i mv‡_ GK NÈv †Ljva~jv K‡i| †KD Zv‡K AcQ›` K‡i bv| A good student studies regularly. He obeys his parents and teachers. He neither tells a lie nor keeps evil company. He appears gentle and intelligent. In every afternoon he plays with good boys for an hour. Nobody dislikes him. 22 wk¶v RvwZi †giæ`Û| wk¶v Qvov †Kvb RvwZ DbœwZ Kwi‡Z cv‡i bv| AÁZv AÜKv‡ii mvwgj| ZvB mgv‡Ri Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRb wk¶vi Av‡jv| mKj‡K GB mZ¨wU Dcjwä Kwi‡Z nB‡e| QvÎQvÎxw`M‡K Zvnv‡`i `vwqZ¡ m¤ú‡K© m‡PZb nB‡Z nB‡e| Ab¨_vq RvwZi †Kvb Avkv _vwK‡e bv| Education is the backbone of a nation. No nation can make progress without education. Ignorance is compared to darkness. So the light of education is essential Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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for society. Everyone has to realize this truth. The students should be aware of their responsibilities. Otherwise there will be no hope for the nation. 23 †Zvgiv wbðqB †eMg †iv‡Kqvi bvg ïwbqv _vwK‡e| wZwb iscyi †Rjvi cvqive›` MÖv‡g Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| †Q‡j‡ejv †_‡KB †jLvcovi cÖwZ Zuvnvi Mfxi AvMÖn wQj| gymwjg bvix mgv‡Ri RvMi‡Y wZwb wQ‡jb GKRb AMÖ`~Z| evsjv mvwn‡Z¨ Zuvnvi Ae`vb bMY¨ bq| wZwb wQ‡jb GKRb gwnqmx bvix| Avgiv Zuvnv‡K kª×vi mv‡_ ¯§iY Kwi| You must have heard the name of Begum Rokeya. She was born at the village of Pairaband in the district of Rangpur. She had deep devotion to learning from her childhood. She was one of the pioneers of the awakening of the Muslim women. Her contribution to Bengali literature is of no mean merit. She was a noble lady. We remember her with due respect. 24 Avgv‡`i †`‡ki †ewki fvM †jvK Mixe| Zviv w`b Av‡b w`b Lvq| kixi‡K my¯’ ivLvi Rb¨ Zviv fvj Lvevi cvq bv Ges fvj Kvco-†PvcoI wKb‡Z cv‡i bv| wKš‘ Zviv K‡Vvi cwikªg K‡i| GUv AZ¨šÍ `yt‡Li e¨vcvi| Avgv‡`i mevi DwPZ †`‡ki `vwi`ª¨ `~i Kiv| The majority of our countrymen are poor. They live from hand to mouth. They cannot get proper food to keep their body sound, nor can they buy good clothes. But they labour hard. It is a matter of great regret. We all should try to remove the poverty of the country. 25 †mw`b we‡K‡j Avgiv †eov‡Z †ewi‡qwQjvg| `yB gvBj nuvUvi ci Avgiv GKwU †Ljvi gv‡S Dcw¯’Z njvg| †mLv‡b †`Ljvg †Q‡jiv †Ljva~jv Ki‡Q| gv‡V hviv `k©K wQj Zv‡`i mv‡_ wKQz¶Y K_v ejjvg| Zvici m~h© A¯— †M‡j Avgiv evwo wdijvg| The other day we went out for a walk in the afternoon. After walking about two miles we came to a playground. We found boys playing there. We talked for some time to the spectators who were present in the field. Then we returned home after sun-set. 26 GKz‡k †deªæqvwi Avgv‡`i Rxe‡b GKwU ¯§iYxq w`b| cÖwZ eQi GB w`bwU Avgiv kª×vi mv‡_ ¯§iY Kwi| w`bwU miKvwi QzwUi w`b| GB w`‡b RvZxq cZvKv Aa©bwgZ Kiv nq| bvbv mfv-mwgwZ AbywôZ nq Ges cÖwZwU knx` wgbvi dz‡j dz‡j †X‡K hvq| hviv fvlvi R‡b¨ Rxeb w`‡q‡Q Zviv Agi| The twenty-first February is a memorable day in our life. We remember this day with great honour. The day is Government holiday. On this day our national flag is kept flying half mast. Meetings and assemblies of different kinds are arranged and every Shahid Minar is strewn with flowers. Those who have laid down their lives for language are immortal. 27 †mw`b Avwg K‡j‡R hvw”Qjvg| Avgvi mv‡_ K‡qKRb mncvVx wQj| nVvr GK cÖPÛ kã ï‡b Avgiv †cQ‡b ZvKvjvg| †`Ljvg GKwU †Q‡j Mvox Pvcv c‡o‡Q| Pvicv‡k †jvKRb wPrKvi Ki‡Q| †Q‡jwUi Mv‡q †Quov Rvgv, cv‡q Ry‡Zv †bB| Avgiv AvnZ †Q‡jwU‡K nvmcvZv‡j wb‡q †Mjvg| That day I was on my way to college, accompanied by a number of class fellows. Suddenly a terrible sound reached our ear and we looked back. We saw that a boy was run over by a car and people were crying all around. The boy had a torn shirt on and was barefooted. We took the wounded boy to the hospital. 28 Avwg †mw`b mKv‡j GKvKx b`xi av‡i †eovw”Qjvg| wKQz`~i wM‡q †`Ljvg GK †R‡j gvQ ai‡Q| Zvi mv‡_ wQj GKwU `k-ev‡iv eQ‡ii †Q‡j| Avwg †mLv‡b _vgjvg Avi †Q‡jwU‡K WvKjvg| †m †`Šo w`‡q Avgvi Kv‡Q Avmj| Avwg Zv‡K ejjvg, Ò†Zvgvi bvg wK, Avi †bŠKvq H †jvKwU †K?Ó †m ejj, ÒAvgvi bvg †mvnvM Avi Dwb Avgvi AveŸvÓ| Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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That day I was walking alone the riverside in the morning. Going a little distance, I saw that a fisherman was catching fish. He was accompanied by a boy of ten or twelve years old. I stopped there and called the boy. He came to me running. I said to him, “What’s your name and who is that man in the boat?” He said, “My name is Shohag and that man is my father.” 29 Rvnvb I UzUzj `yB fvB| `yÕRbvB MZ `k eQi XvKvq evm Ki‡Q| Rvnvb XvKvq GKwU we‡`kx dv‡g© PvKwi K‡i| wKš‘ †QvU fvB UzUzj †jLvcovI K‡i bv, PvKwiI K‡i bv| †m ïay †Ljva~jv wb‡qB e¨¯Í _v‡K| ZvB Rvnvb‡K A‡bK K‡ó msmvi Pvjv‡Z nq| ZeyI †m UzUz‡ji Dci ivM K‡i bv| Jahan and Tutul are two brothers. Both of them have been living in Dhaka for the last ten years. Jahan works in a foreign firm in Dhaka. But the younger brother Tutul neither studies nor does any job. He only remains busy with games and sports. So, Jahan has to maintain the family with much difficulty. Yet he is not angry with Tutul. 30 eb¨v GKwU cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM| evsjv‡`k cÖwZ eQi GB eb¨vi Ke‡j c‡o| eb¨vi mgq gvbyl I Ab¨vb¨ cÖvYx AeY©bxq `ytL-Kó †fvM K‡i| dm‡jiI e¨vcK ¶wZ nq| eb¨vi ci D`ivgq I K‡jivi b¨vq bvbv cÖKvi †ivM gnvgvix AvKv‡i †`Lv †`q| Kv‡RB eb¨v Avgv‡`i †`‡ki c‡¶ GKwU gvivZ¥K mgm¨v| miKvi GB mgm¨v mgvav‡bi †Póv Ki‡Qb| Flood is a natural calamity. Every year Bangladesh falls a victim to flood. During flood men and other animals suffer from miseries which beggar description. Crops are also damaged to a great extent. After flood various diseases like diarrhoea and cholera break out in an epidemic form. So, flood is a dangerous problem to our country. The Government is trying to solve this problem. 31 Avgvi `v`v GKRb Lye Mixe K…lK wQ‡jb| wKš‘ wZwb mr Ges cwikªgx wQ‡jb| `v`vi mZZvi Rb¨ MÖv‡gi mK‡jB Zuv‡K Lye fvjevmZ| cwikªg K‡i wZwb A‡bK m¤úwË K‡ib| wZwb gv‡VI cÖPzi dmj djv‡Zb| dmj †_‡K Zuvi cÖPzi †ivRMvi nZ| Gfv‡e wZwb Zuvi Avw_©K Ae¯’vi cwieZ©Y K‡ib| My grandfather was a very poor farmer but he was honest and hardworking. Everybody in the village loved him for his honesty. He acquired a vast property by working hard. He also produced a lot of crops in the field. He earned plenty of money from the crops. Thus he changed his economic condition. 32 evsjv‡`k Avgv‡`i Rb¥f~wg| Avgiv fvjevwm G‡`‡ki bxj AvKvk, meyR gvV, b`xi Kzj Kzj aŸwb Avi mij gvbyl| †h †`k‡K fvjev‡m †m †`k‡cÖwgK| GKRb h_v_© †`k‡cÖwgK wb‡Ri Rxe‡bi †P‡q wb‡Ri †`k‡K †ewk fvjev‡m| Rb¥f~wgi g½j I DbœwZi Rb¨ †Póv Kiv Avgv‡`i cweÎ `vwqZ¡| Bangladesh is our land of birth. We love the blue sky, the green field, the murmuring sound of the rivers and the simple minded people of this country. The man who loves his country is a patriot. A real patriot loves his country more than his life. It is our holy duty to make efforts for the welfare and progress of our motherland. 33 MÖvgwUi cvk w`‡q GKwU †QvU b`x cÖengvb| G b`x‡Z MÖv‡gi †jv‡Kiv †Mvmj K‡i I muvZvi Kv‡U| b`x‡Z cÖPzi gvQ Av‡Q| MÖv‡gi †jv‡Kiv GLv‡b gvQ a‡i| el©vq b`xi `yÕK~j cøvweZ nq e‡j GLv‡b gv‡V A‡bK dmj d‡j| A small river flows by the village. The villagers take bath and swim in this river. There are plenty of fishes in the river. The villagers catch fish here. Crops grow here abundantly as both sides of the river are inundated in the rainy season. 34 Avjx mv‡ne fvj QvÎ wQ‡jb| wZwb ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vjq †_‡K AvBb wel‡q mœvZK wWMÖx jvf K‡ib| eyw×gvb I Kg©V Avjx mv‡ne AvBbRxex wnmv‡e A‡bK mvdj¨ AR©b K‡ib| c‡bi eQi AvBbRxex _vKvi ci wZwb mycÖxg †Kv‡U©i wePvi‡Ki c‡` wb‡qvM jvf K‡ib| Kvjµ‡g wZwb cÖavb wePvicwZ nb| Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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Mr. Ali was a good student. He got Bachelor degree in law from the Rajshahi University. Mr Ali achieved much success as a lawyer as he was intelligent and active. He was appointed a justice of the Supreme Court after he had been practising as a lawyer for fifteen years. In course of time he became the Chief Justice. 35 1971 mv‡j evsjv‡`k ¯^vaxb n‡q‡Q| †`‡ki ¯^vaxbZvi Rb¨ A‡bK †jvK cÖvY w`‡q‡Qb| A‡bK exi hy× Ki‡Z Ki‡Z knx` n‡q‡Qb| b~i †gvnv¤§` †kL †ZgbB GKRb ˆmwbK| AvR Avgiv Zv‡K kª×vi mv‡_ ¯§iY Kwi| Bangladesh became independent in 1971. A great many people laid down their lives for the freedom of the country. Many heroes fell martyr while fighting. Nur Mohammad Shekh was such a fighter. Today we remember him with due honour. 36 Avgiv 1971 m‡bi 16B wW‡m¤^i ¯^vaxbZv jvf KwiqvwQ| A‡bK Z¨v‡Mi d‡j GB ¯^vaxbZv AwR©Z nBqv‡Q| wKš‘ Avgiv wK mwZ¨Kvi A‡_© ¯^vaxbZvi ¯^v` cvBqvwQ? mgv‡R AvRI Afve, `vwi`ª¨, Awk¶v I AwePvi weivR Kwi‡Z‡Q| AvRI A‡bK †jvK M„nnviv, Avkªqnxb| abx AviI †ewk abx Ges Mixe AviI †ewk Mixe nBqv‡Q| †`‡ki GB `yie¯’v `~i Kiv Avgv‡`i cweÎ `vwqZ¡| We won freedom on December 16, 1971. This freedom was won as a result of great sacrifice. But have we got the taste of freedom in the true sense of the term? Privation, poverty, illiteracy and injustice are still prevalent in society. Even today many people are homeless and shelter less. The rich have become richer and the poor, poorer. It is our sacred duty to remove this miserable condition of the country. 37 AvR Pviw`b hver iwng †iv‡M fywM‡Z‡Q| †ivMUv †h wK Zv Wv³viiv ai‡Z cvi‡Qb bv| kni †_‡K GKRb eo Wv³vi Avbv n‡qwQj MZKvj| wZwb A‡bK¶Y a‡i iwng‡K cix¶v Ki‡jb; wKš‘ wZwbI mdjKvg n‡jb bv| GLb GKgvÎ Dcvq iwng‡K XvKvi wc.wR. nvmcvZv‡j wb‡q hvIqv| Rahim has been suffering from illness for the last four days. The physicians have failed to diagnose his disease. Yesterday a highly qualified doctor from the town was called in. He examined Rahim for a long time but he too failed to diagnose the disease. Now the only course is to take Rahim to the P.G. hospital in Dhaka. 38 nhiZ ev‡qwR‡`i bvg †K bv ïwbqv‡Q? evj¨Kvj nB‡Z wZwb mZ¨ev`x wQ‡jb| mZ¨ K_v ewjevi wk¶v wZwb Zuvnvi gv‡qi wbKU nB‡Z cvBqvwQ‡jb| wZwb gv‡K Lye fw³ Kwi‡Zb| Zuvnv‡K Avgiv kª×vi mwnZ ¯§iY Kwi| Who has not heard the name of Hazrat Bayezid? He was truthful from his boyhood. He learnt the lessons of telling the truth from his mother. He held his mother in great esteem. We remember him with great honour. 39 m`v mZ¨ K_v ewj‡e| KLbI wg_¨v ewjI bv| wg_¨vev`x‡K †Kn wek¦vm K‡i bv| †m mZ¨ K_v ewj‡jI wg_¨vev`x ewjqv we‡ewPZ nq| msmv‡i Zvnvi gZ nZfvM¨ †Kn †bB| Always speak the truth. Never tell a lie. Nobody believes a liar. Even his truth is considered to be a lie. Nobody in the world is as unfortunate as he. 40 mKj QvÎ-QvÎxB cix¶vq fvj dj jvf Ki‡Z Pvq| wKš‘ Zvi Rb¨ †h cwikªg `iKvi Zv Zviv Ki‡Z Pvq bv| Zviv Pvq Aí cwikª‡g fvj dj †c‡Z Ges Gi Rb¨ Zviv wbf©i K‡i cÖvB‡fU wk¶‡Ki Dci| wKš‘ cÖwZev‡ii gZ AvR‡Ki cix¶vI A‡b‡Ki Kv‡QB cÖgvY Ki‡e G wbf©iZv KZUzKz Awbf©i‡hvM¨| ZvB †ewk cwikª‡gi A‡f¨m M‡o †ZvjvB mgm¨vi mnR mgvavb| All students want to make a good result in the examination. But they do not like to work as hard as is necessary for this. They want to make good result with little labour and they depend on private tutors for this. But today’s examination, like that of every year, will prove to many how unreliable this dependence is. Hence an easy solution of the problem is to form the habit of working hard. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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41 `ya Av`k© Lv`¨| me¸wj Lv`¨cÖvY Av‡Q e‡j G‡K Av`k© Lv`¨ ejv nq| Avgiv Miæ †_‡K `ya cvB| LuvwU `ya †c‡Z n‡j Miæ †cvlv `iKvi| ¯^v¯’¨ i¶vi Rb¨ Miæi `y‡ai Zzjbv nq bv| Milk is an ideal food. It is called an ideal food because it contains all the vitamins in it. We get milk from the cow. We have to rear cows if we want to get pure milk. Cow’s milk stands incomparable in point of preservation of health. 42 mij ¯^fv‡ei Rb¨ nhiZ Igi mycÖwm× wQ‡jb| wZwb wb‡R‡K KLbI gnr ev abx g‡b Kwi‡Zb bv| wZwb mKj mgq AwZ mvaviYfv‡e _vwK‡Zb| wZwb †gvUv iæwU I †LRyi LvB‡Zb| A‡bK mgq we‡`kx †jvKRb Avwmqv Zuvnv‡K wRÁvmv KwiZ, ÒLwjdv †Kv_vq?Ó Hazrat Omar (R) was famous for his simplicity. He never considered himself a great or rich man. He always led a simple life. He used to take coarse bread and dates. Often people from abroad came and asked him, “Where is the Caliph?” 43 Avgiv evsjv‡`k cvBqvwQ| evsjv‡`‡ki bxj AvKvk, k¨vgj †¶Î, wbg©j evqy meB Avgv‡`i Kv‡Q wcÖq| cÖ‡Z¨K RvwZi Kv‡Q Zvnvi Rb¥f~wg wcÖq| evsjv‡`kI Avgv‡`i Kv‡Q AZ¨š— wcÖq| GB wcÖq evsjv‡`k Mwoqv Zzwjevi `vwqZ¡ Avgv‡`i| We have achieved Bangladesh. The blue sky, green meadows, fresh air-all these of Bangladesh are dear to us. Motherland is dear to every nation. Bangladesh is also dear to us. It is our responsibility to build up this dear Bangladesh. 44 MZKvj Avwg XvKvq AvwmqvwQ| XvKv GKwU HwZnvwmK kni| eZ©gv‡b Bnv ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki ivRavbx| kniUv w`b w`bB evwo‡Z‡Q| GB kni‡K my›`i I cwi”Qbœ ivLv cÖ‡Z¨K bvMwi‡Ki KZ©e¨| I arrived in Dhaka yesterday. Dhaka is a historical city. At present it is the capital of independent Bangladesh. The city is expanding day by day. It is the duty of every citizen to keep this city neat and clean. 45 evMvb Kiv Avgvi mL| Avwg evMv‡b ïay dz‡ji Pvl Kwi| A‡b‡K evMv‡b kvK-mewR Drcv`b K‡i| GUv Avgvi cQ›` bq| hLb MvQ¸wj‡Z dzj dz‡U ZLb gb Avb‡›` f‡i I‡V| Gardening is my hobby. I grow only flowers in my garden. Many people produce vegetables in the garden. I do not like this. When flowers bloom on the plants, my heart is filled up with joy. 46 †h †`k‡K fvjev‡m †m †`k‡cÖwgK| †`k‡cÖwg‡Kiv wb‡Ri Rxe‡bi †P‡q wb‡Ri †`k‡K †ewk fvjev‡m| Zuviv †`‡ki g½‡ji Rb¨ Rxeb w`‡Z cÖ¯‘Z| Zuv‡`i‡K mevB m¤§vb K‡i| g„Zz¨i ciI Zuviv †eu‡P _v‡K| He who loves his country is a patriot. The patriots love their native land more dearly than their own life. They are ready to lay down their life for the welfare of their country. Everybody honours them. They live even after their death. 47 MvQ Avgv‡`i A‡bK Kv‡R jv‡M| MvQ †_‡K Avgiv Aw·‡Rb cvB| KvV Øviv bvbv cÖKvi AvmevecÎ ˆZwi Kiv nq| MvQ gvwUi De©iZv e„w× K‡i| wKš‘ cÖ‡qvR‡bi Zzjbvq Avgv‡`i ebf~wg LyeB Kg| Trees are of various uses to us. We get oxygen from trees. Various kinds of furniture are made of wood. Trees increase the fertility of the soil. But the area of our forests is very small in comparison to our need. 48 eo nIqv KwVb e¨vcvi| eo n‡Z n‡j KZK¸wj ¸Y _vKv `iKvi| mZZv I mvnm Zv‡`i g‡a¨ `y‡Uv| Av‡Mi †jvK‡`i GB `y‡Uv ¸Y wQj| GLb LyeB `yj©f GB ¸Y `y‡Uv| Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Passage Translation

It is very difficult to be great. Some qualities are required to become great. Honesty and courage are two of them. People of former times possessed these qualities. Now these qualities are very rare. 49 Avgv‡`i †`‡ki kZKiv 85 Rb †jvK MÖv‡g evm K‡i| Zvnviv `wi`ª I Awkw¶Z| Zvnv‡`i A‡b‡KB f~wgnxb K…lK| Zvnviv mviv ermi A‡b¨i Rwg Pvl K‡i| dm‡ji fvM LyeKg cvq| Eighty-five percent people of our country live in villages. They are poor and illiterate. Many of them are landless peasants. They cultivate other people’s land all the year round (or, throughout the year). They get a very scanty (or, small) share of the crops. 50 nhiZ Avãyj Kv‡`i wRjvbx GKRb weL¨vZ mvaK wQ‡jb| wZwb KLbI wg_¨v K_v e‡jb bvB| WvKvZ‡`i Kv‡QI wZwb mZ¨ K_v e‡jwQ‡jb| gv‡qi cÖwZ Zuvi AMva kª×v wQj| wZwb Avgv‡`i Rb¨ D¾¡j Av`k©| Hazrat Abdul Qader Jilani was a great saint. He never told a lie. He spoke the truth even to the robbers. He had boundless devotion to his mother. He is a bright ideal for us. 51 fvj Qv·K mK‡jB fvjev‡m| fvj QvÎ nB‡Z nB‡j wbqwgZ covïbv Kiv `iKvi| mgq bó Kiv †gv‡UB DwPZ bq| hvnviv mgq bó K‡i, Zvnviv fvj QvÎ nB‡Z cv‡i bv| mK‡jB Zvnvw`M‡K AcQ›` K‡i| Everybody loves a good student. Regular studies are necessary to be a good student. One should not waste one’s time at all. Those who waste their time cannot be good students. Everybody dislikes them. 52 evsjv‡`‡k A‡bK b`x Av‡Q| el©vKv‡j GB b`x¸wj cvwb‡Z f‡i hvq| gvbyl †mB mgq †bŠKvq PjvPj K‡i| eo eo b`x‡Z ÷xgvi P‡j| b`x¸wj ZLb my›`i †`Lvq| There are many rivers in Bangladesh. These rivers are filled with water during rainy season. At that time people move about by boat. Steamers ply in big rivers. The rivers then look fine. 53 Avgvi eÜz Kwig Pvwiw`b hver R¡‡i fywM‡Z‡Q| Avwg MZKvj Zvnv‡K †`wL‡Z wMqvwQjvg| GKRb fvj Wv³vi Zvnvi wPwKrmv Kwi‡Z‡Q| †m wbqwgZ Jla LvB‡Z‡Q wKš‘ my¯’ nB‡Z‡Q bv| My friend Karim has been suffering from fever for the last four days. Yesterday I went to see him. He is under treatment of a good physician. He is taking medicine regularly, but he is not recovering. 54 Avgv‡`i †`‡ki cÖvq mKj QvÎB DËi gyL¯’ Ki‡Z I¯—v`| DËi¸‡jv Zviv wb‡Riv ˆZwi K‡i bv, wk¶K‡K w`‡q ˆZwi Kwi‡q †bq| Zv‡`i c‡¶ Zv‡`i gvB‡b Kiv wk¶Kiv gv_v LvUvb| d‡j Zv‡`i wPšÍvkw³i weKvk N‡U bv| Zviv fvj dj Ki‡jI Zv‡`i †Kvb K…wZZ¡ †bB| Almost all the students in our country are expert in memorising answers. They themselves do not prepare the answers. They get them prepared by their teachers. Their paid teachers exercise their brain for them. As a result, their power of thinking does not develop. Though they achieve good results, they have no credit of their own. 55 evsjv‡`k Avgv‡`i gvZ…f~wg| GB †`‡ki bxj AvKvk I wbg©j evqy Avgv‡`i Kv‡Q AZ¨šÍ wcÖq| GB wcÖq evsjv‡`k‡K Mwoqv Zzwjevi `vwqZ¡ Avgv‡`i| Bnv GKwU cweÎ `vwqZ¡| Avgiv hw` wbR wbR `vwqZ¡ cvjb Kwi, Z‡eB Avgv‡`i †`k Mwoqv DwV‡e| Bangladesh is the land of our birth. The blue sky and the fresh air of this land are very dear to us. It is our duty to build up our dear Bangladesh. It is a sacred duty. If we do our respective duties, only then our country will make progress. 56 iwng `ªæZ †÷k‡bi w`‡K nuvwU‡Z jvwMj| wKš‘ †m †÷k‡b bv †cuŠQv‡ZB Mvwo Qvwoqv w`j| iwng wec‡` cwoj| †m GLb †Kgb Kwiqv evwo hvB‡e? ivwÎ †ejv GKv nuvwUqv hvIqv m¤¢e b‡n| Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Rahim began to walk fast towards the station. But scarcely had he reached the station when the train left. Rahim was in trouble. How would he go home now? It was not possible to go on foot alone at night. 57 Avwg AvMvgx gv‡mi 10 Zvwi‡L XvKv hve| Avgvi eÜz gvmy` e‡jwQj †mI Avgvi mv‡_ hv‡e| wKš‘ MZ g½jevi †_‡K Zvi †Kvb †LuvR cvw”Q bv| mncvVx wjUb ejj, Ògvmy` Lyjbvq Zvi gvgvi evwo‡Z †M‡Q| GMvi Zvwi‡Li Av‡M †m wdi‡Q bv|Ó I shall go to Dhaka on the 10th of the next month. My friend Masud said that he would also accompany me. But I have not been getting his whereabouts since Tuesday last. My classmate Liton said, “Masud has gone to his maternal uncle’s house in Khulna. He is not coming back before the 11th instant.” 58 †Póv Kwi‡j Kv‡R mdjKvg nIqv hvq| †h ¯^qs †Póv K‡i Avjøvn& Zvnvi mnvq nb| c„w_ex‡Z huvnviv eo nBqv‡Qb Zuvnv‡`i Rxebx nB‡Z Avgiv GB wk¶vB cvBqv _vwK| we`¨vB nDK, Avi abB nDK, ¯^qs †Póv bv Kwi‡j †KnB Dnv jvf Kwi‡Z cv‡i bv| GB K_vwU Avgv‡`i ¯§iY ivLv DwPZ| One can become successful in work if one tries. God helps him who tries himself. We learn this lesson from the life-stories of those who have become great in the world. Be it learning or wealth, nobody can achieve it if he does not try himself. We should remember this truth. 59 wKQzw`b Av‡M Avwg MÖv‡gi evwo‡Z wM‡qwQjvg| ZLb wQj el©vKvj| cÖej el©vq c_NvU cÖvq Wy‡e wM‡qwQj| evwo‡Z †cuŠQv‡Z Lye Kó n‡qwQj| wKš‘ †cuŠQvevi ci c‡_i me Kó fy‡j wM‡qwQjvg| A few days ago I went to my country house. Then it was the rainy season. The roads and passages almost went under water owing to heavy rains. I had to suffer much trouble to reach home. But after reaching home I forgot all the trouble of the way. 60 gvbyl GKv _vwK‡Z cv‡i bv, ZvB †m m½ Pvq| A‡b¨i mvnvh¨ Qvov †m GKw`bI euvwP‡Z cv‡i bv| GB Rb¨B A‡b¨i m‡½ wgwjqv wgwkqv GK‡Î evm K‡i| GBfv‡e mgvR MwVZ nq| Man cannot live alone, so he wants company. He cannot live even for a day without the help of others. This is why he lives in association with others. Society is formed in this way. 61 Avgv‡`i †`‡ki AwaKvsk †jvK wbi¶i| Zviv cwo‡ZI Rv‡b bv, wjwL‡ZI Rv‡b bv, A_P †jLvcov bv Rvwb‡j gvbyl DbœwZ Kwi‡Z cv‡i bv| Avgv‡`i miKvi wbi¶iZv `~i Kwi‡Z †Póv Kwi‡Z‡Qb| Bnv Avgv‡`i Rb¨ AZ¨š— Avb‡›`i msev`| Most of the people of our country are illiterate. They do not know how to read or how to write. But man cannot prosper without education. Our government is trying to remove illiteracy. It is a very happy news for us. 62 GKw`b `yLy wgqv GK kn‡i wMqv nvwRi n‡jv| kn‡ii bvg Avmvb‡mvj| †mLv‡b †m G‡Kev‡i bZzb| Gi Av‡M †m †Kvbw`b †mB kni †`‡Lwb| ZvB e‡j †m †gv‡UB Nveovj bv| One day Dukhu Mia put in his appearance at a certain town. The name of the town was Asansol. He was quite new there. He had never seen that town before. But for this he was not at all nervous. 63 Qv·`i DwPZ ¯^v‡¯’¨i wbqg cvjb Kiv| Zuvnviv cÖZ~¨‡l kh¨v nB‡Z DwV‡e, cÖvZtågY Kwi‡e; GZبZxZ e¨vqvg Kwi‡e| Zvnv‡`i cwikªgx nB‡Z nB‡e| cwikªg mKj DbœwZi g~j| Ajm e¨w³ †Kvb DbœwZ Kwi‡Z cv‡i bv| Students should abide by the rules of health. They will get up early in the morning, take a morning walk and, over and above this, will take exercise. They must be industrious. Industry is at the root of all progress. An idle man cannot make any progress in life. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

JOINING SENTENCE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

1. 2. 3. 4.

USE OF “TOO-----TO” The writer was very poor. He could not eat caviare. Ans: The writer was too poor + to + eat caviare. The sailors were very thirsty. They could not speak. Ans: The sailors were too thirsty + to + speak. Jim was very poor. He could not buy a fob chain. Ans: Jim was too poor + to + buy a fob chain. Jerry was too honest. He did not show any excuse for his carelessness. Ans: Jerry was too honest + to + show any excuse for his carelessness. He is extremely tired. He cannot move at all. Ans: He is too tried + to + move at all. The boy is very small. He cannot do this work. Ans: The boy is too small + to + do this work. The old sailor was very cruel. He did not feel pity for the innocent albatross. Ans: The old sailor was too cruel + to + feel pity for the innocent albatross. She is very foolish. She cannot understand any simple matter. Ans: She is too foolish + to + understand any simple matter. The water is very cold. I cannot touch it. Ans: The water is too cold + for + me + to touch. The box is heavy. I cannot carry it. Ans: The box is too heavy + for + me + to carry. The problem is very hard. We cannot solve it. Ans: The problem is too hard for us to solve. The tea was very hot. He could not drink it. Ans. The tea was too hot for him to drink. The mountain is very high. They cannot climb it. Ans: The Mountain is too high for them to climb. Champagne was very costly. The writer could not afford it. Ans: Champagne was too costly for the writer to afford. He is very clever. He cannot be understood easily. Ans: He is too clever to be understood easily. The parcel is very heavy. It cannot be sent by post. Ans: The parcel is too heavy to be sent by post. She is singing very softly. She cannot be understood easily. Ans: She is singing too softly to be understood easily. They are very nice. They cannot be used just at present. Ans. They are too nice to be used just at present. Della saved a very small amount. She could not buy a nice gift for Jim. Ans. Della saved too small an amount to buy a nice gift for Jim. USE OF ENOUGH He is very rich. He can buy a car Ans: He is rich + enough to + buy a car. He is not strong. He cannot carry the load. Ans: He is not strong + enough to + carry the load. He was very meritorious. He won the first prize. Ans: He was meritorious enough to win the first prize. They are very rich. They can help the poor. Ans: They are rich enough to help the poor. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.


Jim and Della were very wise. They sacrificed for each other. Ans: Jim and Della were wise enough to sacrifice for each other. Jerry was very honest. He spoke the truth. Ans: Jerry was honest enough to speak the truth. He has much money. He can help the poor. Ans: He has enough money to help the poor. He does not earn much money. He cannot maintain his family. Ans: He does not earn enough money to maintain his family. The boy has much intelligence. He can make a good result. Ans: The boy has enough intelligence to make a good result. Jim did not possess vast property. He could not spend lavishly. Ans : Jim did not possess enough property to spend lavishly. Mr Hasan has a lot of wealth. He can establish a college. Ans: Mr. Hasan has enough wealth to establish a college. You are very foolish. I can deceive you. Ans: You are foolish enough for me to deceive. The problem is very easy. The students can solve it. Ans: The problem is easy enough for the students to solve. He is very slow. I can overtake him. Ans: He is slow enough for me to overtake. The mountain is not very high. We can climb it. Ans: The Mountain is not high enough for us to climb.

USE OF “BECAUSE OF He is healthy. He is happy. Ans: Because of + his + being healthy, he is happy. 2. The boy has merits. He is praised by all. Ans: Because of having merits, the boy is praised by all. 3. I have much money. I can buy a car. Ans: Because of my having much money, I can buy a car. 4. They worked hard. They succeeded. Ans: Because of their working hard, they succeeded. 5. He was rewarded. He was honest. Ans: He was rewarded because of his being honest 6. There was heavy fog. We could not go out. Ans: Because of heavy fog, we could not go out. 7. Every body likes Nipa. She is very simple. Ans: Everybody likes Nipa because of her being very simple. 8. He had wide experience. He was made chairman. Ans: Becuase of his having wide experience, he was made chairman. 9. Jerry was very sincere. The authoress loved him. Ans: Because of being very sincere, the authoress loved Jerry. 10. The weather was very cold. There were no animals in the snow covered country. Ans: Because of the weather being very cold, there were no animals in the snow covered country. 11. He behaved badly. He was punished. Ans: Because of his behaving badly, he was punished. 12. Della had tiny close lying curls. She now looked like a truant school boy. Ans: Because of having tiny close lying curls, Della now looked like a truant school boy. 1.

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Joining Sentence

USE OF “IN SPITE OF” He had all the qualifications. Yet he did not get a job. Ans: In spite of + his + having + all the qualifications, he did not get a job. The boy had merit. He could not pass. Ans: In spite of having merit, the boy could not pass. The man works hard. He cannot prosper. Ans: In spite of working hard, the man cannot prosper. Mr. Rahim had qualification. He did not get a good job. Ans: In spite of having qualification, Mr. Rahim did not get a good job. He is rich. He is not honest. Ans: In spite of his being rich, he is not honest. He worked hard. He could not succeed. Ans: In spite of his working hard, he could not succeed. The man has vast wealth. Yet he leads a poor life. Ans: In spite of having vast wealth, the man leads a poor life. The writer turned a trifle pale. He ordered half a bottle of champagne for the lady guest. Ans: In spite of turning a trifle pale, the writer ordered half a bottle of champagne for the lady guest. The weather was very foggy. They drove at night. Ans: In spite of the weather being very foggy, they drove at night.

USE OF “THOUGH/ALTHOUGH” He ran fast. Yet, he could not get the train. Ans: Although he ran fast, he could not get the train. 2. He is rich. He is honest. Ans: Though he is rich, he is honest. 3. I burned with questions. I could not ask. Ans: Though/although I burned with questions, I could not ask. 4. He went out without an umbrella. It was raining heavily. Ans: He went out without an umbrella although it was raining heavily. 5. Jerry could chop wood well. He was very small. Ans: Jerry could chop wood well although he was very small. 1.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

USE OF “SO THAT” He works hard. He wants to prosper in life. Ans: He works hard + so that + he + can + prosper in life. Della sold her hair. She wanted to buy a gift for Jim. Ans: Della sold her hair so that she could buy a gift for Jim. The writer drank water. He wanted to save money. Ans: The writer drank water so that he could save money. I read more. I want to make a good result. Ans: I read more so that I can make a good result. The authoress wanted mountain air. She wanted to blow out malaria. Ans: The authoress wanted mountain air so that she could blow out malaria. He wants to shine in life. He works hard. Ans: He works hard so that he may shine in life. He reads more. His aim is to make a good result. Ans: He reads more so that he may make a good result. They established a college. Their mission was to educate the illiterate men. Ans: They established a college so that they could educate the illiterate men. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English



The girl went to London. Her purpose was to receive higher education. Ans: The girl went to London so that she could receive higher education. 10. The Caliph went out in disguise. He did not want anybody to know him. Ans: The Caliph went out in disguise so that anybody might not know him. 11. He bears my educational expenses. He wants me to make a good result. Ans: He bears my educational expenses so that I can make a good result. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

USE OF “SO--------THAT” He spoke very slowly. I could not follow him. Ans: He spoke so slowly that I could not follow him. It is a very interesting matter. I cannot overlook it. Ans: It is so interesting a matter that I can not overlook it. Della saved a very small amount. She could not buy a gift for Jim. Ans: Della saved so small an amount that she could not buy a gift for Jim. These French white wines are very light. They are wonderful for digestion. Ans: These French white wines are so light that they are wonderful for digestion. The problem is very hard. We cannot solve it. Ans: The problem is so hard that we cannot solve it. The weather is extremely cold. We cannot go out of the room. Ans: The weather is so cold that we cannot go out of the room. He runs quite fast. I cannot overtake him. Ans: He runs so fast that I cannot overtake him. USE OF PRESENT PARTICIPLE The authoress closed the door. She went back to work. Ans: Closing the door, the authoress went back to work. The old sailor went away. He left the marriage guest. Ans: The old sailor went away leaving the marriage guest. The marriage ceremony was over. The guests were all going to the feast. Ans: The marriage ceremony being over, the guests were all going to the feast. I saw him. He was playing football. Ans: I saw him playing football. I received from her another letter. It said that she would meet me on the following Thursday. Ans: I received from her another letter saying that she would meet me on the following Thursday. I had a tiny apartment in the Latin Quarters. It overlooked a cemetery. Ans: I had a tiny apartment in the Latin Quarters overlooking a cemetery. USE OF “NOT ONLY--------BUT ALSO” He is a good student. He is also a good player. Ans: He is not only a good student but also a good player. He is weak in English. He is also weak in Bengali. Ans: He is weak not only in English but also in Bengali. They punished him. They fined him, too. Ans: They not only punished him but also fined him. We attended the meeting. They also attended the meeting. Ans: Not only we but also they attended the meeting. We gave him food. We also gave him shelter. Ans: We gave him not only food but also shelter. The brakes were defective. The engines needed repair too. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


7. 8.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



Joining Sentence

Ans: Not only the brakes were defective but also the engines needed repair. The coffee was made. The frying pan too was ready to cook the chops. Ans: Not only the coffee was made but also the frying pan was ready to cook the chops on. My friend who always gets good marks in the examination is intelligent. He is hardworking as well. Ans: My friend who always gets good marks in the examination is not only intelligent but also hard working. USE OF INFINITIVE I go to the library. I read there. Ans: I go to the library to read there. I went to the market. I bought a shirt. Ans: I went to the market to buy a shirt. Della went to a hair shop. She sold her hair. Ans: Della went to a hair shop to sell her hair. People buy fish and vegetables. They go to the market. Ans : People go to market to buy fish and vegetables. Jerry took the dollar from the writer. He wanted to buy gloves for his mother. Ans: Jerry took the dollar from the writer to buy gloves for his mother. I am decided. I shall never do it again. Ans : I am decided never to do it again. USE OF SINCE The weather was very cold. There were no birds or animals in that snow covered country. Ans: Since the weather was very cold, there were no birds or animals in that snow covered country. Jim was very poor. He could not buy a fob chain. Ans: Since Jim was very poor, he could not buy a fob chain.

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REPORT WRITING Report k‡ãi evsjv A_© cÖwZ‡e`b ev †Kvb Z‡_¨i ev †Kvb NUbvi weeiY| †Kvb mgm¨v ev †Kvb NUbvi Rb¨ cwÎKvq †h msev` cÖKvwkZ nq ZvnvB g~jZt Report| Report mvaviYZt `yB ai‡Yi n‡q _v‡K| h_v: (a) General Reporting: †Kvb wel‡q Z_¨ mg„× †idv‡iÝ m¤^wjZ †h cÖwZ‡e`b ZvnvB g~jZt General Reporting (b) News Reporting: Avi †Kvb NUbvi Av‡jv‡K RbmvaviY‡K cwÎKvi gva¨‡g †h cÖwZ‡e`b cÖKvk Kiv nq ZvnvB News Reporting. GKwU Report Gi cvuPwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Ask Av‡Q h_v: (a) Caption /Headline ev wk‡ivbvg: Report Gi Aek¨B GKwU Caption /Headline ev wk‡ivbvg _vK‡Z n‡e| (b) Introduction (m~Pbv): Report Gi GKUv f~wgKv _vK‡e| (c) Description(eY©bv): Report †h wel‡qi Zvi Dci GKwU mswÿß eY©bv _vK‡e| (d) Conclusion (Dcmsnvi): m‡e©vcwi GKwU Conclusion _vK‡e| G Qvov Caption /Headline ev wk‡ivbvg Gi ciB Report †jLvi ïiæ‡Z GKwU Source ev Drm, Date ev ZvwiL, Ges Place ev ¯’v‡bi bvg D‡jøL _vK‡e| 1. Suppose you have visited the ‘International Trade Fair’. Write a short report on your visit. A Gathering at International Trade Fair Staff reporter, 10 December 2011: In our country International Trade Fair is held at Shere-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka. This year æInternational Trade Fair” was inaugurated by the Prime Minister on the 1st January and it lasted for the whole month. Thousands of stalls from home and abroad were set up. They were decorated beautifully to draw the attention of the buyers. More than 50 countries of the world participated in the fair with different products. This reporter visited the fair last day and witnessed a huge gathering of people as it was a government holyday. People were seen busy buying different kinds of things. The buyers had special attraction on electronic and ceramic products and fanciful products for the children. Things of daily use were in high demand. Visitors bought their expected goods comparing their value and quality. Foreign goods in the international trade fair are cheap and people are happy to buy them. 2. You are a reporter of a Daily newspaper. You have covered the news on Eve-teasing. Write a report on Eve-teasing in Dhaka city. Eve-teasing Md. Rakibul Hasan, 10 October 2011: In Dhaka city, eve-teasing has become a common incident. It occurs in buses, shopping arcades, cinema halls, shopping malls, restaurant, taxi/bus terminals, railway booking counters etc. but the places where it happens alarmingly are the roads of the Dhaka city. Girls are never spared in the streets or footpaths. A vulgar stare, a sly whistle, a wink, a well-timed clap, an unwarranted bump, a seemingly casual touch, a lingering look at vulnerable time, the humming of a suggestive song Í all these are typical examples of such unusual harassment. The ways they can harass a woman is surely endless! Eve-teasers gather in front of the educational institutions or road sides or passages of the young girls, shopping centers or market places and abuse them with slang words. Sometimes they offer love (†cÖg wb‡e`b) to them. Many girls suffer from mental agonies caused by eve-teasing, which they cannot share with anybody. To prevent eve-teasing the government has taken some hasty steps like setting up mobile court, amendment of previous Women Repression Act, sending the teasers to prison, taking fine etc. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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3. Some families have to engage their children in physical labour from a very early age. You have covered the news of child labour. Now write a report on child labour in Bangladesh. Child Labour in Bangladesh Staff Correspondent, 21 December, 2011 Child labour has become a common phenomenon, more or less to every country in the world. Life of the children in Bangladesh is not so happy and enjoyable. When there appear groups go to school in order to acquire knowledge, then they are struggling for their existence engaging in different works. Sometimes they work as a domestic servant. They are also found to work in the fields, shops, hotels, vehicles, as a hawker, puller etc. Their sufferings know no bounds. These unfortunate children have to work for a long time but they are not paid well. For the lack of proper nutrition, they can't grow up normally and suffer from various diseases. As a result, in the long run they die before blooming. For the greater interests of our notion, our government has taken steps to preserve our future wealth. The government has also taken necessary measures to stop child labour by enforcing law and by declaration of compulsory education. Besides this, people have also been encouraged to come forward to remove this problem from the society. 4. Drug addiction has become a devastating national problem in our country. Now write a report on drug addiction. Drug Addiction Staff Correspondent, 21 December 2011 In the present world, drug addiction has appeared as a serious threat to any country. Many helpless and hopeless youths addict to opium-based products such as morphine, marijuana, heroin, cocaine etc. The number of the drug addicts is increasing day by day. Most of them are young. They are found in the street, in the park, even in the educational institutions. In the city, slums are considered as a fearless shelter for them. An addicted youth moves in his imaginary dreamland and thinks himself as the king of that world. The addicts are in need of money and they do not bother to be involved in any criminal act. He becomes a terrorist gradually. He enters into the dark under world. Sometimes he feels dire need of money. For this, from the passerby and even from his parents he tries to collect this money, illegally through hijacking, stealing, and robbery by showing unauthorized arms. For taking these opium-based products he can never come back to normal life easily. No medicine can bring him back to the previous condition. He becomes desperate and cools down only after taking drug again. The concerned authorities are trying to take necessary measures in order to save the nation from this problem. 5. Adoption of unfair means in the examination has become a crucial problem in our system of education now-a-day. Now write a report on unfairmeans in the examination hall. Adoption of Unfairmeans in the Examination Staff Correspondent, 21 December 2011 Adoption of unfair means in the examination hall has become a great problem in our education system. Now a day it is a very common thing. In the past when the students and the teachers both were reliable, responsible and careful, they counted it as a matter of great shame and sorrow. But at present, many of the students can avail unfair means in the examination hall easily. Even some immoral teachers help the guilty students to supply copies. Sometimes they (teacher) offer bribery to the visitors under such a condition that they (visitors) can't visit the hall properly and can't report about this. Very often the criminal students create an unexpected situation to make noises near the surrounding areas of the Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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examination hall when some honest teachers expel them. Some students any how collect the question papers before the examination. Sometimes, the answer-sheets are also supplied from the outside. Those students pass in the examination adopting unfair means and they can't learn properly. For this, they are not able to get any jobs. As a result, the number of educated unemployed people is increasing day by day. At this moment, the government has taken a strict decision and people also have come forward to remove this. 6. Primary education consists in giving elementary knowledge about the mother tongue. Such education is at the root of all kinds of education. Now write a report on the condition of compulsory free primary education in Bangladesh. Compulsory Free Primary Education Staff Correspondent, 21 December 2011 Primary education has been termed as the minimum training that creates the proper conditions for success of a nation. Government has made primary education compulsory and compulsory primary education means education for all. Its aim is to ensure education to all. A nation cannot make progress if a large section of her people remains illiterate. Illiteracy frustrates all development works of a country. The primary education can solve this problem. About 8 million children study in 44,000 primary schools. But all children do not go to school and a great many children simply leave their school after a few years. To solve this problem the government has made the primary education compulsory. The government of Bangladesh has undertaken some steps to wipe out illiteracy from the society. It has already set up more primary schools, appointed more teachers, established more training institutions and launched food for ‘Education Program’. To remove the illiteracy problem, children above five years old should be sent to schools. Free books and educational materials are being supplied to the children of the poor families. Teachers are trained to be generous and sympathetic to the infants. The steps taken by the government have drastically changed the condition of primary education. 7. You are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Now write a report on complaining about reckless driving in the streets. Reckless Driving in the Roads and Streets Staff Correspondent, 21 September 2011 The reckless driving of motor vehicles in the roads and streets of Dhaka has presently become very rampant. Of course, automobiles are an indispensable part of our modern life, but their drivers seem to think that the public roads are exclusively only for their use. They are not in a mood to think public roods and streets are made and maintained at public expense and the other have as much right to use them as the motor drivers themselves. This mentality has lead to frequent street accidents. Somtimes the infuriated people take the law in their own hands and try to handle the drivers. Though it is improper and illegal, people very often think themselves to be bound to do that. In fact the danger to life has grown so serious that if a person out on the street is late to return, his family gets upset and starts making enquires in the hospitals and police stations. Our concerned authorities have taken manifold measures to control it and they are very much vigilant to enforce the present laws. 8. The beggar problem is very acute in our country. The condition of the beggars can better be imagined than described. Now write a report on beggar problem in Bangladesh. Beggar Problem in Bangladesh Staff Correspondent, 10 October 2010 The number of beggars in our country is increasing day by day and it is creating inconvenience for the citizens. They are found loitering in larger numbers along the streets at Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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all hours of the day. They annoy the citizens on their way to offices and firms. They run behind them for alms when they travel in the city. They are also a threat to public health. Almost all the beggars spread germs of serious infectious diseases. They frequently move to our corridors and bus stands for alms or food. They do not leave the places until something is given to them. As one walks along a street in Dhaka, one only meets with beggars and beggars. There are some beggars who are old and infirm. But there are some able bodied beggars who are merely idlers and are beggars by profession. With a view to putting a stop to begging, government has taken steps to build work-houses in the outskirts of every town to house the beggars and to give them food and clothing. Able-bodied beggars are made encouraged by conscious people to do such work as gardening, weaving, tailoring, spinning etc. The expenses of all these way are met partly by the government. 9. Recently you have visited the computer fair in Dhaka. Now write a report on computer fair. A Visit to a Computer Fair Held in BCS Computer City Local Correspondent, 5 July 2011 Recently a computer fair was held for six days in Agargaon at BCS computer city building. It turned very important fair for the people of the country. Many inhabitants of city took part in the fair. They visited the fair eagerly and bought computers according to their necessity. Many visitors came to the fair only to know prices of computers. Computer fair held in Agargaon, Dhaka, played a very important role in spreading the utility, versatility of computer. The salesman of the stall in the computer fair tried to convince the visitors about different kinds of benefits of buying a computer. P-l, P-2, P-3, P4, Apple, Macintosh, dual-core, core-to-do etc. brand computers were displayed by the stall owners. It drew the attention of the people who came to visit. Comparatively the young generation was greatly attracted by the latest computers. It is true that a computer fair helps the nation know different kinds of computer and their utilities. We should welcome it for our massive development. In fact, the computer fair held in Agargaon, Dhaka was a matter of great value and importance. The inhabitants of Dhaka city made the fair a successful one with their friendly participation and cooperation. Participation of children was also mentionable. They went there to buy different CDs and DVDs for kids. 10. You are a reporter of a daily newspaper. You have covered the news of arsenic pollution Bogra. Now write a report on arsenic pollution. Arsenic Pollution in Bogra Local Correspondent, 21 December 2011 Arsenic is found in water of Bogra at a bigger ratio and it is creating different kinds of disease to those who drink it. The people of Bogra are getting badly affected by arsenic as their drinking water is mixed with arsenic at a larger ratio. Most of the people of this district are being affected with different water borne diseases and arsenic acts as a vital point of it. Many people are illiterate and they do not know what to do. Local authority has taken some immediate steps to mitigate arsenic pollution. Some health workers have been trained and they are helping the people attacked with arsenic pollution. The government has already extended its helping hands towards the helpless people of Bogra. Some of them are getting physically handicapped and mentally feeble due to its severity. Concerted efforts taken by local people play a vital role in this respect. 11. You are reporter of a daily newspaper. You have covered the news on bill seeking to prohibit smoking in public places. Now write a report on seeking to prohibit smoking in public places. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Smoking Prohibited in Public Places Staff reporter, 23 March 2008 Health and family welfare Minister introduced a bill in parliament seeking to prohibit smoking in public places and public transports. The public places included educational institutions, government, semi-government and autonomous offices, library, lift, hospitals, clinics, court building, airport, railway stations and bus terminal buildings, ferry, cinema, seaport and river-port buildings, covered exhibition centre, theater hall, children's park and other places designated by gazette notifications. The bill also, seeks to provide for restrictions on advertisement of tobacco products in cinema, government, private TV channels, sale of films or tapes containing tobaccos products, publication of advertisement in book, magazine, leaflet, handbill, bill board, newspaper etc. There is also a provision of penalty of Tk.50 for smoking in above mentioned public places. The bill has greatly been appreciated by people from all walks of life. 12. You are a reporter of a Daily newspaper. You have covered the news on fire at Dhaka WASA office. Now write a report on fire at WASA office. Fire at WASA Office Staff reporter, 21 December 2011 A fire at the Karwan Bazar headquarters of Dhaka Water and Sewerage Authority, (WASA) yesterday injured 14 people including three women unconscious. The flame is also suspected to have damaged the transmission system of NTV situated on the second floor of the eightstorey WASA Bhaban. The fire is guessed to have originated from one of the numerous electric stoves used by WASA staff for cooking on the fifth and sixth floors. It broke out at around 01: 50 pm when most of the employees had already gone out on lunch break and for Johr prayers or were preparing to go. Dhaka WASA Superintending Engineer said, "A tea stall on the fifth floor might have caused the fire. The risk of fire was always there with so many electric stoves running on most of the floors," he noted. Ironically, none of the fire fighting equipment kept on every floor of the building was not put to use. They had enough equipments but the WASA management had never arranged any fire fighting drill. 'There are fire extinguishers on most of the floors but there was no staff trained or know how to operate the gears in case of emergency." said a WASA official, asking not to be named. 13. You are a reporter and you have covered the news of the outbreak of diarrhoea in Bogra. Now write a report on that incident. Outbreak of Diarrhoea Local Correspondent, 21 December 2011 Our correspondence reports that diarrhoea has broken out in an epidemic form in five villages of Bogra. Recently a devastating flood has occurred and it has caused a great loss of life and property. Many people are suffering from various water borne diseases of which diarrhoea is spreading recklessly. Shortage of pure drinking water has become very acute. Diarrhoea has already claimed for lives and attacked about 200 people in the last few days. The situation is getting worsen day by day. Specially the children are the worst victims. Thana Health Officer said that because of taking adulterated food and scarcity of pure drinking water people have become the victim of diarrhoea. Thana Health Complex is giving treatment to the diarrhoeal patients but their arrangements for the serious patients are not enough. So, the serious patients have been sent to Hospital for Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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better treatment. Government has sent a medical team with necessary medicines to treat the patients. Some local NGOs have also extended their co-operation to supply food to poverty stricken people and to treat the diarrhoeal patients. Many health workers are engaged to make people aware about the aftermath of flood. People are also informed how to handle the diarrhoeal patients. 14. It is reported that about 120 ton Hilsa fries are being nettled in our country. You are a reporter of daily newspaper and now write a report on that issue. The Fishing of Jhatka Local Correspondent, 7 June 2010 Indiscriminate fishing of Hilsha fries (jhatka) by current nets is going on from the river Meghna and the Padma. The fishermen are not caring about the prohibition of catching jhatka. About 120 tons of fries are being caught every day from the two rivers using over 2,000 current nets. Besides Hilsha fries, other small size fishes are also being caught from the rivers. Mobile courts are being operated and they have seized about 1,000 current nets. Mobile court has also fined few factories which are producing current nets. Two major Hilsha breeding grounds have been located in the Meghna and in the Padma. The number of mother hilsha has drastically reduced. Some fishermen tell our correspondent that they know about the bad effects of catching jhatka but they are doing it only to earn their livelihood. According to Reverine Fisheries institute, on an average about 4,380 tons of Hilsha fries are caught from the rivers every year. Government forces are vigilant to stop the fishermen from catching jhatka but the number of forces is not enough to stop the act totally. Local people have demanded more mobile courts to be operated. 15. May Day is observed all over the world every year. Suppose you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Now write a report on May Day. May Day Staff reporter, 3 May 2011 In the 1st day of May every year people observe 'May day' commemorating the sacrifice of workers in Chicago in 1886. Previously workers in the world were oppressed by the capitalist rich people. These poor working people worked for long hours. But they could not get the basic necessaries of life with their low wages. People started movement against these exploitations demanding eight hours duty daily instead of twelve or thirteen. On the 1st May the capitalist Government and its agents open fire on the procession brought by the workers. Hundreds of workers were injured and a few met death. At last, their demand was accepted. Latter the labour organizations make a decision to observe 1st May as the day of labours world wide to respect their sacrifice worldwide with due solemnity and respect. This day gives inspirations to workers all over the world to remain united in achieving their legal rights. To observe the day the workers hold processions, meetings and demand for economic justice. On the May Day, workers would take a pledge to bring prosperity through their sincere toil but they will not bow their heads to any injustice. 16. 5o people were killed and 60 others missing following a collision between a trawler and a motor launch near Galachipa town. You are a reporter of Daily newspaper. Now write a report on that incident. 50 die and 60 missing in launch-trawler collision Staff reporter, Galachipa, 14 April 2008 Fifty persons including women and children were reportedly killed and others believed to be missing following a head on collision between a trawler and a motor launch in the river near Galachipa town Monday morning. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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An eye witness said that a passenger trawler which left Dulia terminal in Zalkati upazila, collided with the Patuakhali Route passenger launch Zahid which left Ramzanpur terminal. As a result, the passenger trawler capsized in the river and many passengers were left missing. Early in the morning, bodies of an unidentified man and a woman were recovered. Divers came to rescue the victims but the divers failed to recover the sunken trawler till filing of the report. Deputy Commissioner and Police Superintendent visited the place of occurrence. Madaripur police seized the passenger launch which collided with the ill-fated trawler. Police arrested the staff of the launch. 17. You are a reporter of daily newspaper. You have covered the news on ‘The Jamuna Multi-purpose Bridge’ over the mighty river Jamuna. Now write a report on it. The Jamuna Multi-Purpose Bridge Staff reporter, 20 October 2010 The long cherished desire of the people of Bangladesh has been fulfilled by the opening of the Jamuna Multi-purpose Bridge over the mighty river Jamuna. The total project was jointly financed by the government of Bangladesh, the government of Japan, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank. 4.8 kilometres long and 18.5 metres wide, this bridge which connects the districts of Tangail and Sirajganj is the longest ever in Bangladesh and the eleventh largest in the whole world. The main bridge was constructed by the Hyundai Construction Co. of South Korea. About 15,000 people worked for four years to build this gigantic bridge. The bridge is connected with a 15.3 km approach road on the east and another of 14.4 km on the west. It has 50 pillars and 49 spans. Each of its 121 piles has an average depth of 83 metres to guarantee its strength and durability. Apart from railway and motorway communication, this multi-purpose bridge will also facilitate gas, electricity and telecommunication lines between the two parts of the country. 18. Write a report greeting the New Year 2012. Welcome New Year-2012 Staff reporter, 1 January 2012 The year 2012 rings in today with people leaving the old with a melodious song and to recall the right and forget the wrong of 2011. On New Year's Eve, the last day of the Gregorian calendar year 2011, the President, the Prime Minister, the Chief leaders of different political parties greeted all the countrymen. In separate messages the honorable President said the year 2011 was an eventful time. The positive achievement of the year 2011 will inspire us to march towards a bright future. He hoped that New Year would bring about success in fulfilling people's hopes and aspirations. He expressed his optimism that New Year would open up a new horizon in fulfilling the nation's expectations in social, political and economic areas. The year 2011 will remain a milestone in our national life for social peace and economic development. With the concerted efforts this march forward will continue. Different organizations held different programmes to welcome the New Year. People from other countries too pray, “May New Year bring peace and world brotherhood to the billions of people across the globe, ushering in freedom from the clutches of war and terrorism" 19. You have covered the news of the publication of HSC results as a reporter of a daily newspaper. Now write a report on the publishing of HSC Examination results. The Publication of the Results of HSC Examination Staff reporter, 5 September 2004 The results of the HSC Examinations under 8 Education Boards were published yesterday. It was a jubilant day for the students, guardians and teachers. The result of this year is satisfactory and the average percentage is 51%. It is 5% higher than the previous year. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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7,70,000 students appeared in the examination out of which 3,90,000 came out successful. Total 12,000 students in all boards secured GPA 5. The percentage of successful students in Dhaka Board is 60%, Comilla Board 55%, Rajshahi Board 55%, Jessore Board 50%, Chittagong Board 45%, Sylhet Board 45%, Barisal Board 40% and Dinajpur Board 55%. Of all the coleges in Dhaka Board, Motijheel Ideal School and College, Viqarunnisa Noon School and College, RAJUK Model School and College, Mirzapur Cadet College showed their outstanding performances. But the results of rural areas are not satisfactory. The number of colleges with 0% student pass has decreased and the number of colleges with 100% students pass has increased in comparison to the last year. 20. Suppose you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Write a report on protesting against indiscriminate use of mikes and loud speakers. Sound Pollution Caused by Mikes and Loudspeakers Staff Correspondent, 10 August 2011 Recently indiscriminate use of mikes and loudspeakers by the inconsiderate shop keepers of the way side shops has turned into a hellish problem. The city dwellers are very much disturbed by the constant use of this instrument. But it has now become a fashion, a craze or just a mania with some inconsiderate people to use them in season and out of season. The shopkeepers care little to consider whether their neighbors feel pleased or annoyed. They entirely forget that the hospitals, offices, schools and colleges are situated near or on the streets and that silence is the very life of them. The students cannot engage themselves with full attention to their studies. This also creates disturbance to the persons who are offering prayers. Noise is also responsible for some ailments such as nerve disease, blood pressure and heart attacks. The authorities concerned to take immediate steps earlier to ban the use of loudspeakers in all cases .Control of noise is the crying need of the day. 21. Suppose you are reporter of a daily newspaper. You have covered the news about mosquito menace and the necessity of its control in Dhaka city. Now write a report on the mosquito menace. Mosquito Menace in Dhaka City Staff Correspondent, 20 September 2011 The alarming increase of mosquitoes in the city of Dhaka has become a veritable menace. These tiny creatures have over powered all over night and made life extremely miserable. It has become nearly impossible to pass a night without the stinging of mosquitoes. Just after sunset, mosquitoes come out in larger number and spread to all places. None can work with due attention after sunset. The students and the slum dwellers are the worst sufferers. Students cannot continue their studies attentively for mosquito menace. Many slum dwellers cannot afford mosquito net. They cannot even sleep properly. Drains and ditches are mainly the breeding place of mosquitoes. The dustbins and drains are open and not cleared regularly. Now it has become a great threat to the public health. Moreover a larger number of patients of malarial fever have been reported. The concerned authorities and departments of the government have launched an attack upon these enemies and made life secure against them. 22. You have covered the news of storm in your locality as a reporter of a daily newspaper. Now write a report on a storm in your locality. Violent Storm in Patuakhali Local reporter, 22 March 2010, Patuakhali. A violent storm hit Patuakhali district yesterday at about 3p.m. The storm flew at a speed of 150 km/h. The storm lasted for about an hour. The storm was associated with thunder and lightning. It hit about 15 villages of the district and damaged almost all the houses of those Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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villages. It took away the lives of 7 villagers and many were injured seriously. Many trees were uprooted and the crops were damaged totally. Many domestic animals also died in the storm. Many people have become homeless, foodless and shelter less. The affected villagers have been undergoing untold sufferings. Hundreds of people are now living under the open sky. They are now greatly in need of food, medicine, pure drinking water etc. Government and some other welfare organizations have come forward to help the affected. 23. You have covered the news of cyclone sidr in your locality as a reporter of a daily newspaper. Now write a report on cyclone sidr in Southern districts. Sidr Attacked in Southern Part of Bangladesh Special reporter, 22 November 2008 Cyclone 'Sidr' in Patuakhali district deteriorated further inundating fresh areas. It has rendered many people homeless. About 16,000 homeless people took shelter at 11 flood shelters centre and many other people spent their night under the open sky but in the affected areas only 60 mounds of chira was distributed as relief. It was estimated that about 54,300 families are badly affected by the sidr. Diarrhoea broke out at Galachipa, Danmonidi and kuakata areas of Patuakhali, Bauphal. Fressh areas of Pautuakhali thana had been flooded as strong currents greatly damaged the flood control embankment at Tengra and Meladi. Standing crops, vegetables, Fish farms on thousand hectares of land have also been washed away by floodwater. 24. You have covered the news of nor'easter in some parts of Rangpur as a reporter of a daily newspaper. Now write a report on the calamity. Nor’easter kills six in Rangpur Staff reporter, 16 November 2008 At least six persons were killed and many were left injured as nor'easter swept over some parts of Rangpur on Wednesday. Three persons were killed in Rangpur sadar and others were killed Pirgonj thana. An eye witnessed said that 5 people were injured when their tempo collided with a truck on road during the storm. According to the police, at least 50 persons were injured as a nor'easter hit different thanas on Wednesday evening. The body of an unidentified elderly women was recovered from a field at Palashbari thana after the storm was over The dead was identified as Rokeya (7), daughter of Bakshi Sheikh. 2 dead bodies were recovered from the debris of a house which collapsed during the nor'easter. Of the injured, 24 were admitted to nearest health complexes. The nor’easter also destroyed hundreds of houses and uprooted huge trees. Telecommunications and power supply in the areas were disrupted. 25. You have covered the news of on Drama Festival in Munsinganj as a reporter of a daily newspaper. Now write a report on the issue. Drama Festival in Munsiganj Staff reporter, 27 May 2011 A six day-long National Drama Festival concluded at the local Shilpakala Academy auditorium recently. The festival was arranged by the Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy. A total number of six drama groups from various districts of the country took part in the festival. Each group presented a drama during the festival from May 16 to May 26. On the concluding day, Ankur Nattya Academy, the leading drama group of the district, presented a drama titled 'Paoa Hoi Nai Path Bhulia'. The other drama group Uttsho presented a drama in the festival. Other participants were Chandpur Drama of Chandpur, Sangket Nattya of Tangail, Theatre Circle of Munshiganj, Provati Nattya Goshti of Barisal and Rangpur Nattya Kendro of Rangpur. Thousands of drama fans enjoyed all the dramas. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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26. Suppose you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. You have covered the news on the rising of prices of essential commodities in the Market. Now write a report on that event. Rising of Prices of Necessary Commodities/Price Hike Special correspondence, 14 November 2010, Dhaka. The price of essential commodities especially rice, groceries vegetables have already gone up beyond the purchasing capacity of the common people. While visiting different kitchen markets in Dhaka city two days ago our correspondent found that the price of coarse rice including other essential commodities increased manifolds. The price of some essential commodities in some markets in the city has almost been sky-high. It is not only a headache for the poor but also each and every one of the country. The price of baby food, milk, wheat, rice, vegetables, meat, fish etc. has increased a lot in comparison with those of last week. With the interview of some buyers and shop keepers it was found that some dishonest businessmen are responsible for price hike in the market. They are hoarding the necessary goods in their stock for more profit. However, the government has already taken some steps to control the prices of essential commodities though it is not working well. In few cases the dishonest businessmen and hoarders of goods are given exemplary punishment. 27. Imagine that you have celebrated 'A Boishakhi Mela' in your locality. Now write a report on the celebration of 'The Boishakhi Mela'. A Boishakhi Mela Held at Laksmipur in Gaibandha Laksmipur, Gaibandha, April 20: A grand mela was held at Laksmipur under Gaibandha Sadar thana, Gaibandha. On the occasion of the Pahela Baishakh, the Bengali New Year's Day, thousands of villagers from the nearby village and around the locality attended the mela. The mela continued from morning till evening for three days. The main attractions of the mela included nagar dola, magic show, jarigan, kabi gan,sari gan, baul gan, lathi khela. Different attractive local handicrafts were sold to the customers and clients. The shopkeepers opened the 'hal khata' in keeping with the age-old-tradition of the country on this occasion. The local MP visited the mela and stressed the need for such a fair focusing on our Bengali culture and heritage. Every day in the afternoon a cultural function was held to give added pleasure to the villagers. The performers of different villages came to perform their different physical tactics. Songs, dramas and jokes were most important elements to entertain them. The mela gave much pleasure to the common people of the village. No unexpected incident occurred on the occasion as the law enforcing agency was alert to maintain law and order. 28. Suppose you are a student of Gaibandha Govt. College. In your college premise, a farewell to the H.S.C Examinees was held. Now write a report on the programme. Farewell to HSC Examinees Sabbir, Gaibandha, 21 April 2011: A function to bid farewell to the HSC examinees of 2011 of Gaibandha Govt. College was held in the college premise on 20 April 2011. The local MP and president of the governing body was present there as the chief guest. The Principal of the college presided over the function. At 2:30 pm the function began in the college auditorium with the recitation from the Holy Quran. 400 hundred HSC examinees along with their guardians attended the function. The local MP advised the departing students to be more attentive to their studies. He encouraged them saying some instances from his own life while speaking. He asked them to respect the age-old fame of the college. Two students from the examinees spoke on the occasion. Most of the teachers of the college were present in the function. Some teachers advised them on how they would write in the Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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examination hall. Mr. Rahman, the head of the department of religious studies led a munajat for the success of the examinees. At the end of the function, the Principal delivered presidential speech and thanked all. 29. Suppose you are a student of a Dhaka City College. You live in Dhanmondi. Your examination is knocking at the door. But because of load shedding you can not read well. Now write a short report on the situation. Load-shedding at Dhanmondi Staff reporter, 14 May 2010 Load shedding has become a common affair in Dhanmondi area. Life has become unbearable for the people living in this area. The H.S.C Examination is knocking at the door. Students cannot concentrate on their studies because of load shedding. No other area of Dhaka city is as affected by load shedding as Dhanmondi. Most of the roads of this area are plunged into darkness. The law and order situation has deteriorated. Hijackers and kidnappers remain active in the dark. The theft and robbery in this area has increased comparatively. In some days it is seen that electricity is off when people are getting preparation for sleeping. Too much heat and load shedding are competing with each other. Owing to load shedding the production of the industries situated at this area are becoming less. As a result it is creating a pressure on the economy of the country. There are some hospitals and clinics in this area. Bangladesh Medical College, the biggest private hospital of the country, is situated here. But on account of load shedding, the operation is very often hampered. Sometimes there is seen the fluctuation of voltage. As a result, low voltage creates many problems. It damages our television sets, computers, bulbs and the refrigerators. People of this area have called for the improvement of this condition 30. An elaborate programme was arranged in your college on the occasion of the International Mother Language Day. You have covered the news of on it as a reporter of a daily newspaper. Now write a report on the issue. Observance of International Mother Language Day Staff reporter, 22 February 2011 This year Gaibandha Govt. College has observed the International Mother Language Day with much enthusiasm and solemnity. A day long programme was arranged on this occasion. Most important of this programme were morning procession, offering floral wreaths at the foot of Shaheed Minar, discussion meeting, cultural function and prayer offered to the martyrs. The programme began early in the morning with a silent procession in barefooted towards the Shaheed Minar of Gaibandha Govt. College compound. The programme was attended by the students and teachers of the institution. The participants wore black badges and carried a banner and floral wreaths to offer the wreaths at the foot of the Shaheed Minar. A discussion meeting was held in the college auditorium. The TNO, upazila chairman along with respectable persons of the society were present there. The speakers discussed importance of the Shaheed Dibash. They remembered the sacrifice of the language martyrs with profound respect. Some of the teachers of the college took part in the discussion. Next to the discussion, a cultural function was held. It included the performance of a short play by the students and recitation of poems related to the 21 February and our independence. Finally, a munajat was arranged. The participants prayed for the salvation of the departed souls of the language martyrs. Next sweets and snacks were distributed. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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31. Your college has recently celebrated 'The Victory Day'. A large number of programmes were arranged to observe the day. You have covered the news of on it as a reporter of a daily newspaper. Now write a report on the celebration of ‘The Victory Day’. Observance of Victory Day Rahul, Dhaka, 17 December 2011: The 40th Victory Day was observed at Cambrian College on December 16, with great enthusiasm and solemnity. On this occasion the college authority arranged some programs. The programs included discussion meeting, cultural function and prayer offered to the martyrs. To celebrate the occasion the college buildings were decorated very tastefully. The education secretary was the chief guest. Some freedom fighters were invited as special guests. The Principal of the college presided over the ceremony. The program of the day started with the singing of the national anthem and hoisting of the national flag at 8:00 am. After that the invited guests took their seats. With that the main program began. With the recitation from the Holy Quran the discussion was started. The freedom fighters who were invited as special guests expressed their practical experience to the new generation. The young generation could understand from their discussion that they achieved independence through much pain, pangs and struggle. The chief guest delivered his speech on the prospect of the independence. In between the discussion some patriotic songs were played through microphones. Students of the school participated in the program voluntarily. They also sang patriotic songs and danced rhythmically. Spectators were amused at the performance of the students. At the end of the program a munajat was arranged and prayed for the departed soul. 32. Suppose you have visited the "Ekushey Book Fair" held in the Bangla Academy premises. Write a short report on your visit. A Gathering at ‘Ekushey Book Fair’ Rahul, 20 February 2011, Dhaka: The greatest book fair of the country is going on in the Bangla Academy premises for about a month. Yesterday it became the most crowded place as it was a holiday. The attention of book lovers all over the country is now to the fair. There are many book stalls in the fair. There are also fast food shops and shops displaying beautiful showpieces. Every day new books are coming. Yesterday much more new books came to the fair. This year the fair is quite different from the previous years. There are two separate gates. One is for entry and another is for coming out from the fair. As a result discipline is maintained well. People can enter and go out peacefully. Besides, to avoid the chaos and disorder, security has been increased. None is allowed to enter without checking. The book stalls were filled with books of various interests. There were story books, comics, novels, computer books and so on. This year the children book is much more available. Many spectators and book lovers were visiting the fair. A lot of young children and teenagers crowded the fair. 33. You have covered the news of a terrible flood recently in your locality as a reporter of a daily newspaper. Now write a report on this to be published in the newspaper. Devastating Flood Rendered People Homeless Rahul, Dhaka, 10 December 2010: This year flood has devastated lives and properties of Patuakhali. About 90 per cent area of the district has been flooded. Loss of lives and properties can’t be measured. Standing crops have been completely washed away. The condition of livestock is painful. Many people and domestic animals have taken shelter on embankment and in some educational institutions. Many of them are passing their days under the open sky. All the people are suffering seriously for food, drinking water and shelter. Relief from the Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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government is too little to meet huge demand. Some NGOs and rich people of society have come forward with their helping hands. The government has also helped the flood affected people with emergency relief. It is reported that six people have died due to want of food and shelter. Because of lack of sufficient relief many more people may die. Moreover, many people are suffering from various water borne diseases and they are badly in need of emergency medical help. 34. Suppose you are a student of Chauadanga Govt. College. Recently a prize giving ceremony of your college was held at your college. Now write a report on it. Prize Giving Ceremony Observed in Chauadanga Govt. College Hanif, Chauadanga, 28 March 2011: The annual prize-giving ceremony of Chauadanga Govt. College was held on 27 March 2011 in the college premise. The whole college wore a festive look on the occasion. The college building along with the auditorium and its doors was beautifully decorated with flags and flowers. At the main gate of the college a gorgeous gate was decorated. The education secretary was the chief guest. The guardians of the students and the respectable persons of the town attended the ceremony as guests. The Principal of the college presided over the function. The invited guests came and took their seats. The function started at 2:30 pm with the recitation from the Holy Quran. At the very beginning of the programme the Principal of our college read out the annual report of the college. The special guests recommended some steps for the development of the college. After that, the chief guest made a short speech praising the progress of the school. He congratulated those who won the prizes but those who did not win the prizes were also encouraged to do better in future. A cultural programme was held after the distribution of the prizes. There were recitations, songs and a drama in which twenty students took part. As soon as cultural function was over, our Principal thanked the guests for attending the programme. The function came to an end in the late afternoon. 35. Suppose you are a student of Cambrian College. Recently Freshers’ Reception of your college was held. Now write a report on it. Freshers’ Reception Held in Cambrian College Rahat, Dhaka, 12 July 2009: Freshers’ reception of Cambrian College was arranged in Basundhara Convention Centre on 11 July 2009. The programme started at 9:30 a.m. Newly admitted students with a new hope and aspiration in mind students came to the Baundhara Convention Centre. The programme started in time with the recitation from the Holy Quran. Near about twelve hundred students along with their guardians attended the function. Chairman, Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, Dhaka was the chief guest. After the recitation, the Principal of the college made the students introduced with the teachers. Now the heads of different departments delivered short speech on different aspects of the college. They also told about the rules and regulation of the college. Two students spoke on the occasion. Now the turn of the chief guest came. At the very beginning he congratulated the new comers of the college. He also expressed his great hope on their future success on the HSC Examination from this college. He advised the students to be more attentive to their studies. He asked the students to uphold the fame and prestige of the college. Next to it, the Chairman of the college delivered presidential speech and thanked all. He asked the students to abide by the rules and regulations of the college. He made the students understand differentiate between the H.S.C. level and S.S.C. level. Mr. Rahman, the head of the department of religious studies led a munajat for the success of the students. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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A cultural program was arranged after the main ceremony. Some students from Cambrian college and many other performers from different cultural organizations perform in the function. The program came to an end in the late afternoon. 36. You have covered the news of a devastating fire occurred recently as a reporter of a daily newspaper. Now write a report on it. A Devastating Fire at Neemtali, Old Dhaka Staff reporter, 4 June 2010: The worst and devastating fire incident occurred on the 3 June 2010. Local people said that fire had been originated from a godown of chemical on the ground floor of the five storeyed building at 43/5, Nababkatra, Old Dhaka. At that time a marriage engagement function was in progress on the second floor of the same building. Within an incredibly short time fire engulfed the adjoining buildings. Hearing the hue and cry of the affected people, the local people rushed to the spot but failed to bring the fire under control. The fire fighters came to the spot and succeeded to extinguish the fire with the help of local people after 12 hours of frantic efforts. About 117 people were reportedly met sad death and the whole Neemtali area had turned into a valley of the death. The air of the area became heavy due to the shout and mourning of the people who lost their near and dear ones. The Government has declared a day of national mourning across the country in memory of the victims of the fire. The national flags were kept half mast at all the Government and Semi-government offices across the country. A one minute silence was observed in the Parliament House as a mark of respect to the memory of the dead and the other victims. 37. You have covered the news of celebration of Nazrul Joyanti held (Birth Anniversary of Poet Kazi Nazrul Naurul Islam) last Friday as a reporter of a daily newspaper. Now write a report on the celebration of Joyanti to be published in the newspaper. Nazrul Joyanti Observed in the Country Staff reporter, 6 June 2010 The 112th birthday of national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was observed on the 5th June 2010 in through various programs. Different socio-cultural organizations organized programs in observance of Nazrul Joyanti. Dhaka University library arranged a seminar on the life, works and deeds of the great poet. The recitation from his poems, Nazrul Songeet and cultural functions were held after a short discussion on Nazrul Islam. The program lasted for about three hours. A great many poets and writers, educationists, University teachers, journalists were present in the program. The Vice-Chancellor of Dhaka University was the chief guest. He delivered a speech on the life of the poet and his contribution to the field of Bengali literature. He told that Nazrul fought against tyranny, injustice, oppression and worked for the common humanity. He stressed on the need that the teachings of Nazrul Islam should be spread among the young generations so that they can stand against corruption, injustice, oppression and discrimination in the society. Before the end of the program a munajat was offered seeking eternal peace of the departed soul of the respected poet. 38. You have covered the news of a devastating fire on G.K Garment Factory occurred recently as a reporter of a daily newspaper. Now write a report on it. A Devastating Fire at G.K Garment Factory Staff reporter, 20 June 2010 A massive fire broke out at midnight at G.K Garment Factory at Savar on the 13th June 2010. It is a six storey building and approximately 500 workers were working inside it. The local people, the guards and factory workers said that the fire originated from a short circuit. Within an incredibly short time the fire engulfed the whole building. Hearing the Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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news panic seized the workers and they were trying to come out through the narrow stair of the building. While passing through only stair some of the panicky workers fell on the stair and met a tragic death. Death toll rose 15 and 50 others were seriously wounded. The fire brigade came to the spot within a very short time and succeeded to extinguish the blaze of the fire with frantic efforts. The factory suffered a huge loss due to the sudden outbreak of fire. It was estimated that the total loss would be about 4 crore taka. A case was filed at Savar Police Station in this connection. The factory owner was arrested and a three member investigation committee was formed. It was blamed that the factory workers did not get any training on fire safety. 39. You are a reporter of a Daily newspaper. You have covered the news on Anthrax menace. Now write a report on Anthrax menace in Savar. Anthrax Menace in Savar Staff Reporter, The Daily Star, 20 November 2010: Anthrax attacked two cattle farms in Savar areas and as a result more than five hundred cows were gutted underground. Reports are coming of anthrax attack from other regions of the country as well. Since its first report of attack, about one thousand cattle have died of it and hundreds of cattle farms have been closed to prevent the attack. The Govt. has banned the import of any cattle or cow across the border and asked for taking precautionary measures in this regard. Authorities are also monitoring the matter so that it can’t spread to fresh areas. The reports of anthrax attack have affected beef market causing prices falling down, and lowering the supplies. Farm owners are having trouble from all sides, incurring financial loss and creating uncertainty about the business. The Government has decided to provide support to cattle owners to fight anthrax and will also give monetary help to the affected cattle businessmen and beef sellers. 40. You are a reporter of a Daily newspaper. You have covered the news on food adulteration. Now write a report on food adulteration in Savar. Adulterated Foods Kill Lives Silently Masud Haider, New Market, 8 August 2011: Foods are called the life giving force but are now being adulterated in an intolerable limit. In hotels and restaurants stale and rotten foods are mixed with fresh food and served to the customers. Fish and vegetables are adulterated by putting chemicals and other preservatives on them in order to make them look fresh. It is found that more or less all the large fishes are adulterated with harmful chemicals like formalin. Some customers also complained that the dishonest and greedy businessmen and shop keepers make the foods adulterated for quick profit. In fact, all kinds of foods and food items are adulterated. Taking adulterated foods, the people become sick and even meet death. A professor of Dhaka Medical College said, "Adulterated foods cause many fatal diseases". Dealing in adulterated food is a great crime. People of all walks of life as well as the government have already come forward to bring the criminals to book and solve the problem of food adulteration. 41. You are a reporter of a Daily newspaper. You have covered the news on ‘The Reception Programme’ of the GPA 5 Holders-2010. Now write a report on the reception programme. The Reception Programme of the GPA 5 Holders-2010 Rangpur Correspondent, BTV, 20 July 2010: A grand reception was accorded yesterday to the students of the district who obtained GPA-5 in the last HSC examination. The reception programme arranged by the district Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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administration was held in the district council auditorium. The auditorium was decorated beautifully. The chief guest was the Deputy Commissioner. The elite of the city and the guardians were invited to attend the function. The students who secured GPA-5 were present. They were welcomed with the petals of flowers. A crest and a certificate were given to each of the students. The chief guest advised them to read more and to make even better result in future. The programme was followed by a cultural function in which some well-known singers sang melodious songs. 42. You are a reporter of a Daily newspaper. You have covered the news on ‘The Sufferings of the Slum Dwellers’. Now write a report on the slum dwellers. The Sufferings of the Slum Dwellers Staff reporter, 19 July 2010: About five lakh people lead inhuman life in different slums around the capital. The number of slum dwellers is increasing day by day. When asked, Kuddus Mia, from Jaldova Slum said that they suffer from a series of problems. They have no facility of pure drinking water, electricity, sewerage system. They pass their days amidst scorching heat, biting cold and heavy rainfall. They live from hand to mouth. Jarina Begum of Talpukur Slum said that she and some of her neighbours are the victims of different exploitations. The local miscreants torture them. The criminals use the slums for taking drugs, selling drugs and doing other antisocial activities. Most of the slum dwellers are rickshaw pullers, day labourers, hawkers etc. They are deprived of the basic needs. Their children cannot go to schools as there are no primary schools in most of the slum areas. They do not get proper medicine and treatment. So the ways of living of the slum dwellers are very miserable. The government has taken some steps in this regard to minimise their sufferings. 43. You have covered the news of celebration of Robindra Joyanti (Birth Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore) last Friday as a reporter of a daily newspaper. Now write a report on the celebration of Joyanti to be published in the newspaper. Robindra Joyanti Observed in Tangail Govt. College Staff reporter, 8 May 2011: The 150th birth anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore was observed through various programs. Different socio-cultural organizations organized programs in observance of Rabindra Joyanti. Dhaka University library arranged a seminar on the life, works and deeds of the great poet. The recitation from his poems, Rabindra Songeet and cultural functions were held after a short discussion on Rabindranath Tagore. The program lasted for about three hours. A great many poets and writers, educationists, university teachers, journalists were present in the program. The Vice-Chancellor of Dhaka University was the chief guest. He delivered a speech on the life of the poet and his contribution to the field of Bengali literature. He told that Robindranath fought against tyranny, injustice, oppression and worked for the common humanity. He stressed the need that the teachings of Rabindranath should be spread among the young generations.

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PARAGRAPH WRITING 1. Arsenic Problem (a) What is arsenic? (b) Where is it found? (c) How does it harm human body? (d) How can we solve the problem? (e) What should we do to keep in safe from arsenic? Arsenic is an element found in water. Among the elements of environment water is one of the most important elements. Man cannot live without water. But unfortunately at present arsenic contamination in drinking water has become one of the most severe problems of Bangladesh. Arsenic is a very poisonous white compound of frail element. This element is found out largely in the tubewell water of many districts of our country. This polluted water causes many serious diseases in human body such as arsenicosis sores, stomach troubles and gangrene. About 24 million people of Bangladesh are suffering from this problem. People should be conscious of it. We can get rid of it through drinking arsenic-free water. In this regard, deep tubewells should be set up with a large extent. Immediate steps must be taken by the government in order to check this pollution such as- research and analysis of source arsenic free water, investigation of possibility of alternative source of safe water, marking of dangerous tubewell and arrangements of proper treatment of arsenic patients.

2. Your Favourite Game (Cricket) What is your favorite game? How and where is cricket played? How many types of cricket are there? How is the winner of the match determined? What awards are given to the players? What is the role of cricket in building up friendship and good relationship? What is the importance of playing cricket? Cricket the international outdoor game. It is my favorite sport among all the sports of the world It is considered the most uncertain game. There are lots of people who love the game of cricket. It is very interesting, exciting and calculative. Cricket was not played in all countries in past times. Nowadays it is getting popularity and is played with interest in many countries. In schools, colleges, universities and even in every open place in Bangladesh cricket is played. It is played in a big round field. There is a pitch in the middle of the field. Six stamps are placed with three stamps in both sides of the pitch. Two teams play in a match. Every team consists of eleven players. Each team bats as well as bowls. Bowlers throw the cricket ball to the batsmen who try to score runs. There are fielders who are at the service of stopping the runs. Three umpires, two on the field and the third umpire from outside the field control the match. There are three types of cricket match which are One day, T-20 and Test match. One Day match is played for 50 over, T-20 is for 20 over and Test match is played normally for five days. World Cup Cricket is the most thrilling tournament of the game which is played in the form of One Day match. The winning team is determined by calculating the runs of both the teams to see that which team has got more runs. So, scoring runs is more important than keeping wickets in hand. Matches can be tied in both form of the game. It happens most in test matches. Cricket can develop friendship and brotherhood among the participants and participating countries. Lots of people watch this game standing or sitting around the field. People come together and can know each other’s culture, ideas and thoughts. I love the game very much which provides me amusement and pleasure which keeps me fresh.

3. Your Visit to the National Memorial (a) When did you go there? (b) Who did you go with? (c) How did you go? (d) What did you see there? (e) What attracted you most? (f) How did you feel when you stood before the graves of the martyred freedom fighters? I had a chance to visit the National Memorial at Savar on the 15th March last year. I live in Dhaka. The members of my family and some of my friends went with me. Savar is a few Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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miles away from here. We got up early in the morning and having prepared we started for the National Memorial at Savar by bus and reached there at about 9:30 in the morning. A lot of people were there and all of them were busy talking to one another. I along with my parents and other companions went round the complex and saw the beautiful area of the memorial. The memorial is built with rod, concrete and cement, but made of blood, history and heritage and the life sacrificing actions. Actually it has a series of seven towers. It stands 150 feet tall. The compound of the memorial attracted me most. It is really very impressive and attractive. When I stood in front of the memorial, I felt sad and happy at the same time. I felt sad when I stood before the graves of the martyred freedom fighters. I bowed my head for them with profound respect.

4. A tea stall (a) Where is a tea-stall found? (b) How it is furnished? (c) What things are sold here? (d) Who serves tea? (e) Where does the manager sit and collects money? (f) What do the customers do in the tea-stall? A tea stall is a small shop where ready tea with some light foods is served to the customers. It is generally found in market places, at railway stations, bus stands, and launch ghats and at every turn of roads and highways. It is also found around offices, near hospitals, around mills and factories as well as educational institutions. It is furnished with a few tables, chairs or benches. It is neither gorgeous nor luxurious. It is rather an ordinary shop. There is a cash counter where the manager sits to handle the cash. Biscuits, cakes, bread, bananas, betel leaf, cigarettes etc. are sold here. One or more boys are employed here to serve tea to the customers. It opens early in the morning and closes late night so people can have tea there at any time. Passengers, rickshaw pullers, officials, labourers, passers-by, students, political workers are the customers in a tea stall. The customers come to a tea stall for tea, gossip and relaxation. Someone reads newspaper; others discuss politics and other matters. Sometimes people raise a storm over a cup of tea. It plays an important role for socialization. A tea stall is an important place because it is the most common place for the weary travellers, the tired official, labourers, rickshaw-pullers and the students. As it is visited by people of all age groups and of all walks of life, cleanliness should be ensured.

5. Junk Food (a) What is junk food? (b) What does it contain? (c) How does junk food harm teeth and skin? (d) Why should we avoid having junk food? (e) What is home-made food? Junk food is a kind of food which is eaten by people for its pungent taste though it has little food value. It is a great attraction to eat junk food and it looks very appealing and appetizing. Some added chemicals are used to make it tasty. It mainly contains a lot of animal fat and sugar. When people eat junk food, it tastes nice to them. Foods like chips, burgers, crisps, cakes, biscuits etc. are high in animal fats. Sweets and fizzy drinks, like cola and lemonade are high in sugar. Junk food is not good for health. The animal fats form fatty tissues in our body that cause harm to our skin. The sugar in the junk food damages our teeth. Junk food lacks in the vitamins and minerals that we need for our health. It does much harm to our health. It is better to take various home-made foods prepared from vegetables, rice and flour which are more fresh and nutritious.

6. Pahela Baishakh (a) Which day is called Pahela Baishakh? (b) Why do we celebrate it? (c) Where is it celebrated? (d) What do rural people arrange on this day? (e) What do the shopkeepers do? (f) How do the urban people observe it? (g) What do they put on? (h) What do people bring out? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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(i) What do different organisations arrange? (j) What is the significance of the day? Pahela Baishakh is the first day of Bangla Year. We celebrate it to welcome the Bengali New Year. The day is observed throughout the country through various traditional activities and festivities. The day bears a special significance in the life of Bangalee. It is significant in bringing unity among the Bangalee people. Different cultural organisations arrange various programmes to celebrate the day. In keeping with the Bengali tradition shopkeepers and businessmen open halkhata and offer sweets to their customers. Radio and TV telecast special programmes on the occasion. The first programme of the day starts at Ramna Batamul. Bangla Academy, Bulbul Lalitakala Academy and Shishu Academy arrange various programmes on this day. In fact, people of all walks of life of our country observe the day forgetting their religion, customs and colours wearing traditional dress.

7. A Place of Historical Interest (Shat Gombuj Mosque) (a) How do you see visiting a historical place? (b) Did you visit any historical place? (c) Which place did you visit? (d) Why did you visit that place? (e) When and with whom did you go there? (f) What attraction does the place have for the visitors? (g) What did you see there? (h) How did you enjoy the place? The famous multi-domed Shat Gambuj Mosque is situated Bagerhat. It was built by Ulugh Khan Jahan Ali, one of the earliest torchbearers of Islam, in the mid-fifteenth century during the reign of Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah of Delhi. This magnificent structure stands on the eastern bank of a vast sweet-water tank clustered around by a beautiful landscape. It has seventy seven squat domes including seven four sided in the middle row, a vast prayer hall having eleven arched doorways on the east and seven each on the north and south for light and ventilation. It has seven longitudinal aisles and eleven deep bays. The interior designs of the western wall with terracotta flowers and foliage are the main attractions of the mosque. The mosque was sometimes used both as the court and prayer hall of Khan Jahan Ali. However, it has a historical value; it bears the testimony of the ancient affluent city of 'Khalifatabad'. Now this mosque has been declared as world site and it stands inviting tourists with religious and artistic significance.

8. My Experience of Train Journey (a) When did you make a journey? (b) Who did you go with? (c) How did you go? (d) What did you see while travelling? (e) What attracted you most? A journey by train is always pleasing to me and getting an opportunity I made a train journey on last autumn vacation. I took preparation for it. My mother helped me in this matter. She washed my clothes, arranged my necessary articles and things. It was decided that I would make this journey to the village home of a friend. During the last autumn vacation I took up the journey. We were four in number and it was a six hour journey. We started at about 9 in the morning. The railway compartment was very crowded and noisy. My seat was beside a window and I could look out of the window. After sometime the train started to move. Soon we left behind the platform, the familiar houses, shops and offices. The train was passing through small villages and corn fields. In fifteen minutes we crossed a bridge. As the train passed over the bridge, a booming sound was produced. Inside the train the people were talking and the hawkers were selling their goods. Outside, there was beautiful nature all around. The train was moving at a great speed. The trees and houses seemed to run back. I saw the various natural sights. Finally, we reached the destination. We got down from the train and my friend was there to welcome me. I enjoyed the journey very much and it will remain ever fresh in my memory. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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9. May Day (a) Which day is observed as May Day? (b) Why is it observed? (c) What is its historical background? (d) What were the rights that the workers had fought for? (e) What is the importance of the day? The 1st day of May is observed as May Day all over the world. ‘May Day’ is a red letter day. It is very significant to the working people. 1st May is now observed as the international workers' day. The day is observed globally with profound respect. Earlier there was no rule for the working people. They had to work as long as their employers wish and they had no job security. They could not protest for fear of losing job. However, they protested against the injustice done to them brought out a procession demanding their rights. Many workers were injured and at least one died as police fired at the procession. Previously the workers had to work 16 to 18 hours. In 1886 a labour organization started movement demanding eight hours working period. On May 3, 1886 police fired into a procession of workers in Chicago. The day is observed to pay respect to the workers who sacrificed their lives to establish their demand. The workers now enjoy job safety, a minimum wage and an eight hour working period. These are the rights they have achieved by their struggle. This day reminds the working class that the workers will continue to be exploited until they stand up and speak out to gain much better working condition, better pay and standard of life. The importance of the day lies in the realization of the fact that the working class should be united to establish their rights.

10. A Street Hawker (a) Who is a street hawker? (b) Where does he usually live? (c) How does he earn his livelihood? (d) How does he attract the customers? (e) What is his life style? A street hawker is a familiar figure in the streets of a town or city. He sells a variety of things. He moves from street to street. He carries his things sometimes on the head, sometimes in his hands and at some other times in a small hand-cart. He sells toys, ribbons, clothing, sweets, fruits, utensils, newspapers, fancy goods and things of domestic use by bringing them up to people's doors. Generally he is a clever fellow who knows his business well. He brings one kind of goods for children, another kind for women folk and yet another kind for men. He chooses things for children that will attract children and for women that will attract women. So he has to be very careful about what things to sell. He attracts the attention of his customers by making a peculiar sound. The children here and there gather around him and stop him. The hawker generally has to choose an hour when the male members of the family are out of home and the female members are free from their works. He hopes thereby to make a good bargain. In towns everywhere we see hawkers and though many of them are making good business, the standard of their life is not good. Sometimes they have to be mentally and physically tortured. But they also should be treated as an important part of our society.

11. My favourite Bangladeshi food (a) What types of foods are available in Bangladesh? (b) Which foods do you like most? (c) Which fish do you like? (d) Do you like some seasonal foods like pithas? (e) What fruits are available in Bangladesh? In Bangladeshi culture we find different types of foods that are eaten by the people. Among those foods some are very dear to me. Rice is the staple food of the Bangalees. It is cooked in water in a pot. Rice is eaten with pulses, fish, vegetables, milk or meat. Fish is fried in oil or cooked with vegetables. Pulses are cooked in water and smashed into a liquid paste. Several vegetables are mixed together and cooked into a paste. Sometimes, pulses are added to it. This kind of food is very good for health. Rice and fish are the popular food of the people of Bangladesh. Rice and milk come second in popularity to me. Rice kept wet in water for Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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several hours i.e. Panta Bhat is a favourite food in the villages. This wet and fermented rice is eaten with chilli and onion or with pulses, fried fish or vegetables. On special occasions fine rice is cooked with ghee or butter oil. It is called polao. Rice and pulses cooked together is called khichuri. It is also a popular food. Wheat as cereal occupies the second position in the list of Bangladeshi foods. Wheat is crushed into flour and chapati is made of this flour. Fruits that are popular with the Bangladeshi people are jackfruit, mango, banana, pineapple and blackberries. I like rice, hilsa fish and vegetables as they are good for health.

12. Air Pollution (a) What is air pollution? (b) How do people pollute air? (c) How do mills and factories pollute it? (d) What will be the result of it? (e) What should we do to prevent air pollution? Air is an important element of our environment. But this element is in the grip of serious pollution. The process through which air becomes dangerously dirty, poisonous and not suitable for people to use is popularly understood as air pollution. People often pollute air in various ways like making fire and smoke, cutting down trees, discharging waste in open spaces, burning coals and fossil fuels etc. Again, mills and factories produce huge amount of toxic gases and smoke which pollute air badly. All these are causing a desperate global warming. This pollution affects life and the environment in a fatal way. Man, animal and trees often suffer from incurable diseases because of air pollution. Environmental balance is interrupted drastically and the life on the planet is under a threat of mass-extinction. In order to prevent air pollution without any further delay, we should stop indiscriminate cutting down of forests and use of fossil fuels, find out renewable or sustainable energy, use of environmentally friendly transports and ozone friendly products. We should also stop or lessen industrial pollution. Above all people should be aware of the dire consequence of air pollution.

13. A Book Fair (a) What is a book fair? (b) What was the occasion of the fair? (c) Where was it held? (d) How was the environment? (e) What experience did you gather by visiting the fair? Book fair is a special kind of fair where various kinds of books are displayed and sold. It is of a recent origin but it still draws vast crowds every year from far and near. The fair has become very popular. The main purpose for organising a book fair is to raise the interest of the people from all walks of life in books. The ‘Ekushey Boi Mela’ is the most notable of them where I visited with my friends last year. An open place of the Bangla Academy is selected for this purpose. The Leading publishers of the country participate in the fair. They open their stalls there. The publishers display their latest publication in those stalls. There were at least three hundred stalls. The book fair was arranged in such a way that could attract the attention of the interested readers. There were various kinds of books such as poetry, short stories, novels and essays on a wide range of topics. The people were moving from one stall to another to choose books according to their taste. It becomes crowded in the evening. Seminars and discussions were held in a book fair. It creates an interesting relationship between the readers and the writers. Some popular writers themselves are present in some stalls. I tried to buy a lot of books but my purse did not permit me. I had to buy a few books including a short story, poetry and some detective books. It was a great experience for me to visit the book fair.

14. Your Visit to a Baishakhi Mela (a) When is a Baishakhi Mela held? (b) Why do we celebrate it? (c) When did you visit the mela? (d) What did rural people arrange on that day? (e) What did you see there? (f) How did the shop keepers observe it? (g) What did the people put on? (h) What did different organisations arrange? (i) How did you enjoy the day? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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Baishakhi Mela is a fair held on the 1st day of Baishakh in celebration of the Bengali New Year's Day. It is a part and parcel of Bangladeshi culture. Last year I got an opportunity to visit a Baishakh mela. On the first day of Baishakh a mela was held in our school premises. It was decorated very tastefully with coloured-paper, festoons, balloons and cloth bags of multicolours. Two gates were erected—one for entrance and the other for exit. Bamboo enclosure was put up around the premises. There were about a hundred stalls and the shopkeepers displayed varieties of fascinating articles to sell. The decoration and building work was done by volunteers who were also engaged in maintaining order and discipline in the fair. The whole premises looked like a dreamland and it was dazzling with lights. The children were most happy in the fair and had a lot of fun and excitement. The famous artists were singing welcoming the New Year. A large number of people of all ages assembled there. Temporary hotels sold traditional Bangali foods. This attracted me most. I bought a plate of wet rice and hilsha fish and ate it to my heart's content. I bought fancy articles and was overjoyed with them. People of all ages and occupations, irrespective of caste and creed crowded the fair, bought things and enjoyed a lot. I was also in a very festive mood and passed over three hours in the fair with my friends. I enjoyed a great deal to remember for another year to come.

15. A Bus Stand (a) Where is the bus-stand situated? (b) What is the necessity of this? (c) Why is the bus stand a busy place? (d) What is the condition of an over crowded bus? (e) What type of hawkers is seen? A bus stand is a place where a bus stops for the passengers to get down and to get into the bus. Bus stands are very common phenomenon inside a city area at different busy spots. School or college gates, market places, medical centres and the crossing points of two or more roads are the main spots where bus stands are usually situated. Local buses generally do not maintain fixed bus stands. However for intercity buses there are fixed bus stands on highways. A bus stand plays an important role in the sector of communication. Though sometimes it creates problems, like traffic jam, our communication system would break down without it. A bus stand becomes busy mainly at peak hour when people come out for work and also when it is time for them to go back home. When a bus reaches the station, the whole place becomes more busy and noisy. Passengers are always found waiting at these stands. When a bus comes and stops at such a stand, there is an unusual bustle and hurry among the passengers. Some passengers hurry to get down from the bus, while the others want to get into it. As a result, there is a great collision among the passengers. In such a situation the old and the weak find it difficult to get into or get down. The situation often goes so far that it seems passengers are fighting with one another to get in or, to get down first. People waiting there try to get into the bus before the passengers. It looks like a mini battle field. However, nowadays there are some bus stands where some rules and regulations are maintained. For a secured and comfortable journey, the service facilities of each bus stand should be developed. As a bus stand is a public place, neatness and cleanliness should strictly be maintained.

16. International Mother Language Day (a) What do you mean by International Mother Language Day? (b) When was it declared as an International Mother Language Day? (c) Who got martyrdom for Bangla as mother language? (d) How many countries are enjoying it as an International Mother Language Day? (e) What did Pakistani rulers do? Mother Language is a heavenly gift and bless to the people of any nation in the world. "The International Mother Language Day" is a glorious and unforgettable Language Martyrs Day which is observed around the world now. In 17th November 1999, UNESCO's declaration of 21st February as the International Mother Language Day has brought additional glory and Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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prestige to Bangladesh. It is a great achievement for Bangladesh. In August 1947, a new state called Pakistan emerged on the world map. Bangladesh had a highly developed culture that was little in common with the culture of the people of the western part of Pakistan. But in 1952 the neocolonial, power hungry, arrogant rulers of Pakistan declared that ‘Urdu’ would be the state language of Pakistan. This declaration disheartened the Bengali greatly. The people of East Pakistan whose mother tongue is Bangla, rose in anger to protest the vicious undemocratic decisions of the government. The Pakistani ruler wanted to choke the protests by brute force. As a result, Rafik, Salam, Jabber, Barkat embraced death. As the news of those deaths spread, all the people of the eastern part felt greatly involved emotionally. 21st February became a symbol of lightness and honesty. Since 1953, the immortal 21st February has been observed as a great national event all over Bangladesh and also beyond the frontiers of Bangladesh where there is a considerable number of Bangla speaking people. Now the world will remember us and we will be closer to other countries observing International Mother Language Day as it is our achievement. Cultural significance of the International Mother Language Day is enough. Nearly 200 countries of the world, various people speaking various languages and belonging to different national cultures will observe 21st February as the International Mother Language Day. Bangla is the language of our mother, our heart. We feel great pleasure expressing ourselves in this language.

17. A College Magazine (a) What is a college magazine? (b) What does it contain? (c)How are the topics for the magazine selected? (d) Why is a college magazine important? (e)How do you feel having a college magazine in your hand? The college magazine which is an integral part of a college is the mouthpiece of the college. It is usually published annually by the college. Its aim is to encourage the literary and cultural activities of the students as well as to find out the latent talent in them. It is written by the students and teachers of the college and is distributed to them as well as to guardians and other prominent persons free of cost. A magazine committee is formed and the publication of the school magazine is organised by that Magazine committee. The Magazine Secretary collects the articles, essays and poems and the Editorial Board does the selection work. The activities regarding the publication of the magazine are supervised by a teacher who is incharge of Magazine Section. The concerned college will provide the requisite fund. In the college magazine there is foreword by the Principal and it is followed generally by the 'Annual Report’ either by the assistant. Principal or the teacher in-charge. The magazine publishes various literary works done by the students and outstanding performances made by any students. Then comes the poems, short stories, essays, one-act play or any short drama, criticism. Here and there may be the group photo of the Editorial Board and of the teaching staff. In the front page, the photograph of the school building may also be enclosed. The photograph of the Headmaster is also placed somewhere in the magazine with his message. A college magazine may have two sections-English and Bengali or it may have one section. Many students may come out as a great writer. Moreover, the college magazine is important in the sense that it shows the standard of the school and inspires the students to show their creative power.

18. Food Adulteration (a) What does food adulteration mean? (b) What does adulterated food contain? (c) How are the adulterated foods injurious to health? (d) Who are responsible for this crime? (e) What should the government do to check this practice? Food is the basic need of human being. Man cannot live without food. It is essential for health and life. But this food must be pure, clean and fresh. Nowadays foods are often adulterated. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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In hotels and restaurants stale and rotten foods are mixed with fresh food and served to the customers. Fish and vegetables are adulterated by putting on them chemicals and other preservatives in order to make them look fresh. Bakery and confectionery products are also prepared by using toxic substances and thus they get adulterated. Junk food contains harmful chemicals. Even fruits, milk and beverages are also not free from adulteration. In fact all kinds of foods and food articles are adulterated by dishonest and greedy businessmen and shop keepers for quick and unearned profit. Adulterated foods are a serious health hazard. They cause many fatal diseases and even death. Food adulteration has become an alarming problem in our country. Dealing in adulterated food is a great crime. The criminals have to be identified and punished. Public awareness should be created so that they become careful about buying foods and food articles. People should see to it that the dishonest and greedy food dealers should be looked down upon in the society. The relevant departments of the government should be vigilant against food adulteration. Our government has already taken some appropriate measures to remove this problem, punish the criminals and save the people from fatal diseases.

19. Problem with Polybags (a) What harm do the use and production of polybags do? (b) How do the polybags do harm? (c) Why is burning of polybags not enough to get rid of its harm? (d) Why have our traditional jute and cloth bags lost their market? Polybag is a great threat to our environment. The use and production of polybgas do a great deal of harm to our environment and drainage system as well as to the whole environment. In our country, thousands of pieces of polythenes are being used everyday. This huge amount of polythene is not being re-used and it is not capable to be decomposed by natural way. Most of the bags are just thrown out after its first use. They find their way into the drains. Then the polybags block our drainage system and obstructs the regular flow of water into the drains. As a result low-lying areas in the cities frequently go under water when flood occurs. These polybags make our cultivable land unfertile and crops do not grow in plenty in such lands. Polybags remain unchanged like a curtain through which nothing can pass. So the land does not irrigate water. Polybags are burnt to get rid of its direct effect but smoke emitting from polyfire pollutes our air in a massive way. Such pollution is very harmful for human health. We should strictly avoid using this harmful product. Only for this enemy of environment our traditional jute and cloth bags have lost their market. They are now out of use. So polybags create many problems. If people become aware of its bad effects, our environment will get rid of pollution to some extent. Our people should be encouraged to use recyclable cotton or jute bags.

20. Our National Flag a) What is a national flag? b) What does it symbolize? c) How did we achieve it? d) What are its size, shape and colour? e) What does their colour symbolize? f) What should we do to uphold its dignity and honour? National flag is the identity of an independent nation. So every free country has a national flag of her own, which symbolizes the sovereignty of the country. Like other countries we also have a distinctive national flag and it is very sacred to us. We are really proud of it. We achieved it after a nine months' bloody war of liberation in 1971. It bears a great significance and testimony of the valiant struggle of freedom loving people. It is the pride and symbol of our nation’s respect and great sacrifice. It is rectangular in shape and is very nice to look at. It may be of different sizes but its length and breadth must be in the ratio of 10:6. The middle portion of it is round and red which symbolizes the rising sun. The remaining portion of it is bottle green in colour. Its bottle green colour stands for the everlasting freshness of our youth and vitality of our nation. The red portion of it indicates our prosperity and bright future. It is the symbol of all our hopes and aspirations. It Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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is our duty to uphold the honour of our national flag and pay homage to it. So, all of us should remain ever vigilant to safeguard its honour even at the cost of our life.

21. Water Pollution (a) What is water pollution? (b) How do people pollute water? (c) How do mills and factories pollute it? (d) What will be the result of it? (e) What should we do to prevent water pollution? Among all the elements of the environment water is important. No living thing can live without it as it is essential for life. But this water is being polluted in many ways. Firstly, our farmers use chemical fertilizers in their fields to grow more crops. Again, they use insecticides to kill the harmful insects that damage their crops. These are sometimes washed away into the rivers, canals and ponds and get mixed with water and thus pollute it. Sometimes mills and factories throw their waste products containing poisonous chemicals into rivers and canals and pollute water. Again, motor launches and steamers and even sailboats pollute water by throwing oil, food waste and human waste into the rivers. Often human waste and filth from the insanitary latrines and kutchha drains run into the water of the rivers and canals and ponds and thus pollute water. Polluted water causes various kinds of diseases and causes death. So, we must prevent the pollution of water in order to live a healthier and happier life. People should be conscious and government should impose new laws to control all forms of environmental pollutions.

22. A Railway Station (a) Where is the railway station situated? (b) What is the necessity of this? (c) Why is the railway station a busy place? (d) What is the condition of an over crowded train? (e) What type of hawkers is seen? A railway station is a place from where passengers can get in and get down from the trains. A railway station is an important place in the system of train communication. It remains busy almost all the time of the day and night. Every station has one or more than one platforms so that the passengers can easily get in or get down from the trains. In every station there is at least a building, which is called station house. The building has several rooms which are used as a booking office, ticket counters, and waiting rooms for passengers. Besides, there are rooms for stationmaster, guards and other officials and so on. The stationmaster is all in all in a station. He is assisted by a number of other staffs, railway police and guards. The passengers are seen to collect their tickets from the ticket counter before the arrival of the train. Sometimes there is a long queue in front of the counter. When a train arrives, the whole place becomes busy and noisy. Some passengers hurry to get down from the train, at the same time passengers waiting for the trains want to get into it. There are porters who are found busy carrying luggage of the passengers. When the guard wave his green signals and blows his whistle the train leaves and the station again becomes calm and quiet.

23. Grameen Bank (a) What is the concept of ‘Grameen Bank’? (b) Who is the founder of the bank? (c) Who is an eligible for getting loan? (d) What are the procedures? (e) Who is the responsible person for the disciplinary activity? (f) How is the bank now? Grameen Bank works with village people in rural areas. Grameen Bank is a financial institution that works for the poor rural people of Bangladesh. This conception was introduced by Dr Muhammad Yunus, Professor of Economics at Chittagong University. He understood that the country could never prosper keeping the rural poor people who form the vast majority of our population. So, he established Grameen Bank with the intention of helping the poor financially. Only the poor and landless people are eligible for getting loans Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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from the bank. There are some procedures of getting the loan. Before getting the loan, people have to make 5-6 groups of workers each having five members. The members should be disciplined and are obliged to obey the rules of the bank. Basically, the group chairperson is responsible for maintaining discipline in the group. The borrowers are given advice to make the best use of the money. People can repay the interest and the borrowed money from their profits. This bank has brought a revolutionary change in our rural economy. Grameen Bank thus helped the poor people become self-sufficient. The bank is playing a vital role in poverty reduction not only in Bangladesh but also in many other under-developed countries of the world. 24. Myself a) What do you think about your childhood? b) How is your relation with your parents? c) Which other people do you know outside your family? d) How do you cope with your student life? e) What are your other activities? I was born in an extended family. My family consists of my parents, a young sister and my old grandparents. My father seems to be a reserved man but never entered or left the house without a smile on his face. My mother is a busy housewife. She loved and cared for us as best as she could. My younger sister was my first playmate in life. It was my grandma in whose lap I grew up. I passed most of my evenings listening to her fairy tales. It was indeed a happy, contented family in every sense of the word. I am now 17 years old and I can not remember that I have ever done anything that might hurt my parents or others around me. I am very respectful and sincere to my studies. My neighbours love me very much as I always behave well with them. As a student, I read seriously when it is time to read. I do not believe learning lessons is the only duty of a student. I play both football and cricket. I am also a member of a local club that organizes social works and blood donation camp. I have not yet decided about my future plan but I have a desire to serve the people who are in great distress.

25. Your Mother a) How is the family status of her family? b) Which qualities in her do you think worthy of imitation? c) Do you notice in her anything that pains you? d) Do you feel proud of being a child of such a mother? e) How do you love and respect her? My mother was born in a poor rural family. My mother’s name is Mahmuda Rahman. She was married a little bit early age. My mother did her B.A. as a housewife. She then completed B. Ed course and joined a private high school as a teacher. As a wife to an educated man, my mother took the challenge and patiently manages all problems of the family. This fighting spirit inspires me when I become frustrated. It is a pity that her health does not always go well. She never complains or shuns her duty in the family or at school. I have never seen such an undemanding person in my life. This really makes me feel proud of her. She maintains best relationship with all our kith and kin and our neighbours. As all children do, I also love and respect my mother. Her soft polite behaviour and submissive attitude invite me to be like her.

26. Your Daily Life/Your Daily Activities a) How do you start the day? b) When do you go to college? c) What do you do after returning from college? d) How much time do you spend for study? e) How do you end up spending the time before going to bed? I am a student and my life follows a fixed routine. I get up at half past five in the morning and say my morning prayer. After that I take some free-hand exercise. Then I have my breakfast. From 7 o'clock to 9 o'clock I take my bath and sit at my table preparing homework. I take my meal and start for college at 9.30 a.m. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. I am at college. I come home by half past four. I then change my clothes, take some food and rush to the playground. I play for Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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about an hour and half. By 6 p.m. I am at home. I spend the time between 6.30 and 9.30 p.m. studying. Then, I have my supper and watch TV. When it is exactly 10.30 pm I am in bed. Of course, there are some variations from this daily routine on Fridays and holidays. The time also varies according to the seasons.

27. Life of a Farmer (a) Who is a farmer? (b) What are his daily activities? (c) What are his pleasures and pains? (d) What is the standard of his life? A farmer is a man who does agricultural works for his livelihood. He has his own land or sometimes borrows some land where he works all day long. Generally, there are two sowing seasons. One is summer and the other is late autumn. The farmer tills his land during the last Bengali two months. After rainfall he sows the seeds of jute or paddy in his land. When the plants come out, he weeds out the grasses. He works very hard for the successful growth of his plant. When the crops are matured, farmers harvest them. But still now, he has to use some tools like plough, leveler, rake, spade, hoe etc. which are hand made. He works hard all day long. When he gets a good harvest his joys know no bounds. But sometimes he does not get good price of his crops. Then he has to lead a very poor life. If he falls in disease, he has no way to get better treatment. And other thing is that, he has no good dress to put on. Thus, he lives a very miserable life in our country. The work of a farmer is greatly important for our economy. But though they play a vital role in our society, they are not properly respected and cared for.

28. Your Pets a) Do you have any pet? b) What types of pets do you have? c) Why are you fond of keeping pets? d) How do you take care of them? e) Do your pets cause any problem to you or other members of your family? I am a student and I have been in the habit of keeping pets from my early childhood. They are my closest companions. Birds and animals are among the finest creations of Allah. They never betray their master. I keep only those pets which are very common. My dearest pets now are a dog and a singing bird. My uncle gave me a puppy last year on my birthday. It has now grown into a robust, brave dog. The bird is a gift from our servant. It is now so tame that it stays at home without a cage. I have taught it to talk. It is my constant companion at home. I feed the dog with leftovers from our meals. Feeding the bird also is not a problem. It eats ground corns soaked with water. It also eats rice. After every three or four days, I give them a bath. In return for my care and affection, they are also very affectionate to me. The dog keeps awake all night and guards our house with vigilant eyes. The bird passes the night under my bed. They do not cause any problem at all to me or anyone else in the family. Rather, they provide everyone pleasure. Other members of the family also love and take care of them when I am not at home.

29. An Ideal Student (a) Who is an ideal student? (b) What are the duties of an ideal student? (c) Does he participate in co-curricular activities? (d) Does he take part in games and sports? (e) Is he obedient to his parents and teachers? A student who is good in studies, respectful in behaviour, loveable in dealings, skilled in cocurricular activities, amiable in disposition and praise worthy in character is an ideal student. An ideal student always remains busy with his study to make good results. He never engages himself in any anti-social activities. The first and foremost duty of an ideal student is to read and acquire knowledge. He maintains discipline in every sphere of life. He always prepares his lessons regularly and attends his class everyday. He respects his teachers and shows friendly behaviour to his fellow students. He listens attentively to what his teachers say. An Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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ideal student never thinks of adopting unfair means in the examinations. He always avoids bad habits like smoking tobacco products and quarrelling with others. He shows his friendliness to all and does harm to none. He is not bookish, rather learns from his surroundings and nature. He learns from person, family, social, national and global events. An ideal student is a good citizen of the country. He thinks for the betterment of the society. In his leisure, he tries to help the distressed people of the society. He does not care for his personal interest. He participates in co-curricular activities like cultural function, traveling debating, reciting etc. for his mental development. He takes physical exercise regularly. He obeys his parents, teachers and elders to draw their blessings, affection and love. He tries to remove the illiteracy from the society. He prepares himself to take up the future responsibility of the nation. An ideal student is the pride and glory of a society.

30. Mobile Phone (a) What is a mobile phone? (b) Who usually uses it? (c) Where and how can it be used? (d) What are the advantages and disadvantages of it? (e) Do you like to use mobile phone? Mobile phone is a recent and the latest addition to the mode of communication. A cellular phone is an electronic telecommunication device which can be used from any place within a specific network. It is an advanced edition of wireless telephone. Most current mobile phones connect to the network using a wireless radio wave transmission technology. The mobile phone communicates via a network of base stations. At present people of all walks of life are using cellular phones. Mobile phone has become a daily companion and has made our life easy and comfortable. A man can communicate with others urgently by using this staying even in the furthest corner of the world. Now it has become a part and parcel of our life. Though it is more useful to us, it has some bad sides too. Many people can not afford to use it as it is expensive. Besides, it may cause some serious diseases and harm to our brain and hearing. Our students often use it as a fashion and waste their money and time gossiping with friends. Though it has some dark aspects, its usefulness can’t be ignored.

31. Traffic Jam (a) What is traffic jam? (b) How is traffic jam created? (c) How does it affect our city life? (d) How can we solve this problem? (e) What do you think about traffic jam in Bangladesh? Traffic jam is a common affair in big cities and towns like Dhaka, Chittagong etc. It is one of the major problems of Bangladesh. Mainly this problem is seen in big cities. Everyday in the city people have to face this unbearable problem. There are various causes of traffic jam. The density of population is the main cause of traffic jam. Day by day this problem is becoming more serious. The enormous increasing of the number of buses, trucks, auto rickshaws, and rickshaws is also responsible for this problem. Moreover, the traffic control system is not up to date in our country. Now this problem has come to the position of out of control. Besides, overtaking tendency also causes traffic jam. The number of traffic police is not enough. Most often traffic jam occurs at office time and also at the time when the offices break. It causes great sufferings to the ambulance carrying dying patients. However, this problem can be reduced by adopting some practical measures. To solve this, we need spacious roads. Traffic rules should be maintained strictly. Sufficient traffic police should be recruited and posted in all the important points. If the government takes proper steps, we can hope to have a better and safer transport and traffic system. For our easy and comfortable movement, we should also raise public awareness.

32. My Class Room (a) What is a classroom? (b) Where is your classroom situated? (c) How many pieces of furniture are there? (d) How many students can sit there? (f) How do you maintain the Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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classroom? (g) How do you feel in your classroom? (h) What furniture is there in your class room? I am a student of class X in Cambrian School. Our classroom is set on the second floor of the main building of the college. It is long in size. It is about forty feet long and twenty five feet wide. Our classroom is situated at the south side of the college. It has two doors and six windows. The room is air-conditioned. There are thirty high benches and thirty low benches in each of the two rows. There is a platform at one corner of the room. A dais is placed for the teachers’ use. There is a white board on the wall just at the left side of teachers' dais. Five students can sit in one bench. There are also eight fans and three tube lights in the classroom. It is well ventilated. So, the light and the fresh air can easily enter into our class room. It is really a nice room for us to get proper facilities of education. I feel comfort at my classroom.

33. My Reading Room (a) What is a reading room? (b) How many pieces of furniture are there in your reading room? (c) How is your reading room? (d) How do you maintain your reading room? (e) How do you feel in your reading room? I have a reading room of my own. My reading room is better than any other room of our house. It is small in size but the reading room is very neat and clean. It is situated at the south side of the house. It has one door and three windows. As a result, light and fresh air can easily enter into my reading room and I can fully concentrate in my reading. The reading room is furnished with a chair, a table and a book shelf. I sit on the chair. I make my home task regularly by placing my books on the table. I keep my books on the shelf. I always keep them well arranged. My class routine is hung on the wall in front of my reading table. I like my reading room very dearly. I feel comfort at my reading room.

34. My Grandmother (a) Where does your grandmother live? (b) What qualities of your grandmother do you admire? (c) What does she like? (d) What type of food does she eat? (e) What is her favourite dress? (f) How do you feel about her? My grandmother is near about seventy years old. She lives in our house. She is gentle, kind, sympathetic, large-hearted and intelligent. She is very kind to the poor and tries to help them in all respects. Though she is old, she is very conscious of her duties. She is very caring of all the members of our family. But she takes special care of me. Some times she sits with us and tells us interesting stories to give us pleasure. In any case of my illness, she becomes anxious. She becomes happy when I come round. Usually she wears in shari and her favorite foods are native cakes or pithas. Besides, she likes to hear Nazrul’s song. She is a very pious, generous and charming lady. She loves us very dearly and we are very fond of her as well. She plays the role of a guardian of our family.

35. My Mother (a) What is your mother like? (b) How does she manage your family? (c) How does she feel for you? (d) How does she spend her pastime? My mother's name is Mrs. Rabeya Khatun. She is an ideal housewife. She was born in a respectable Muslim family. She is about fifty years old. She has some qualities of an ideal mother. She is very polite, affectionate and intelligent. She never gets tempered. She thinks over anything deeply and then does it. She does every household work skillfully. She is a woman of good taste. She keeps our house neat and clean. She takes great care of our education, food and clothing. She loves me dearly and gives me good advice. She is always ready to sacrifice her own happiness for my happiness. She wants to see me well-educated and established in life. In fact, she is my best teacher and best guide and guardian. She is a Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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woman of plain living and high-thinking. In her pastime she works in her farm where she looks after about 150 hens. Besides, she helps the poor woman to teach about health and family planning. Actually, she is very kind to the poor in the times of need. I love her very much and respect her most. I am proud of having such an ideal mother.

36. A Street Beggar (a) Who is a street beggar? (b) Where is a street beggar seen to beg? (c) How is his cloth? (d) What does a street beggar do to have alms? (e) What does he do to those people who give him alms? The beggar who begs alms in the street is called a street beggar. He is seen sitting or standing everywhere in the street of towns or cities. His appearance is not neat and clean. He wears old and torn clothes. Bad smell emits from his clothes. Sometimes a street beggar is alone and sometimes he begs in a group. A street beggar may be able-bodied, blind, lame or crippled. He carries a bag hanging down his shoulder and a plate in his hand. When a passer-by walks past him, he stretches his begging bowl for alms. He tries to attract the attention of passers-by reciting some sentences of the Holy Quran or the Kalema and asks for money in the name of Allah and His holy prophet. However, some passers-by give him some coins and some leave being annoyed at his loud shouts. A street beggar prays for the passers-by who help him. If anyone refuses to give him something, he silently leaves the place and goes to another. Sometimes a street beggar earns a lot. Though he begs the whole day long, he leads a miserable life. It is not unusual to see him to be tortured physically. But we should consider him as a human being.

37. A Winter Morning (a) How is a winter morning? (b) How do people and animal feel in a winter morning? (c) What do the villagers do in a winter morning? (d) What kinds of food are available in a winter morning? (e) How do you like a winter morning? A winter morning is usually foggy. It is cold outside. There is dense fog every where. Grass and leaves of trees are wet with dew drops. Nature looks dull in a winter morning. Very often things at a distance cannot be seen clearly. The sun rises late. Generally people do not get out very early. The rich people get up late and go to their work late but the labourers or farmers have to go to their work early. So they suffer much from cold. Winter morning is very uncomfortable for the old and the children. So, being afraid of biting cold the aged people and the children remain inside their houses. They gather straw or dried leaves and make fire to keep themselves warm. The poor people bask in the sun. Winter is distressing to the poor and the old. The students who have to go to school do not like a winter morning. Various special kinds of foods are found tasty in winter morning. In the winter morning, people enjoy eating native cakes or pithas and drinking date-juice. There is every chance of fatal road accidents when the morning is very much foggy and misty.

38. Early Rising (a) What is early rising? (b) What are the benefits of early rising? (c) What does one enjoy in the morning? (d) Why is early rising necessary? (e) Who should rise early in the morning? Early rising is the habit of getting up from bed in the morning. It is a very good habit. It is essential and good for health. This is of special use to a man in various ways. The man who rises early in the morning can take some exercises or a walk in the morning breathing fresh air by the riverside or in the open field. The morning air refreshes both body and mind. Then the air is full of oxygen. There is a calm and serene atmosphere everywhere. One can enjoy the beauty of nature in the early morning. Nature smiles in the morning with colorful flowers and green leaves. The chirping of birds is also heard in the morning. All these make them Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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cheerful and healthy. The beautiful gifts and colorful nature in the morning remind everybody of the Creator. One feels like praying to God. An early riser has many advantages. He can start his daily work a bit earlier than those who do not wake up early in the morning. He had nothing to worry as he can remain fresh along the day with sound mind and physique whereas a late-riser is always in a fix to complete the day’s work. He is never found in haste. Early rising really makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Particularly student life is the proper time to form the habit of early rising. If any student can acquire the maximum benefit from rising early in the morning, he is sure to continue it throughout his life. As an early riser has enough time to work, he can earn more and become wealthy.

39. Road Accident (a) What is road accident? (b) Why does it frequently occur in Bangladesh? (c) What is its consequence? (d) Who are the worst sufferers? (e) How can it be checked? Nowadays road accident has become a very common incident in our country. When a vehicle collides with another vehicle in the road is called road accident. Our country is over populated and roads are very busy. So, road accident is increasing very rapidly. Everyday we find the news of many road accidents in newspaper. Last week I saw a serious road accident. It occurred before my eyes. An old man was crossing the Mirpur Road near the Science Laboratory. Just at that time, a truck was coming at a great speed. The ill fated old man noticed it but he could not go on the other side of the road. The driver of the truck tried to control but could not stop and then it speeded away. I rushed to the spot. I was greatly shocked at this tragic scene. It was impossible to identify the old man any more. I could not forget this scene. The effect of road accident is very pathetic. However, steps should be taken to avoid road accident. The old vehicles should not be allowed to drive in the road. The drivers should drive carefully. The people should come forward to overcome the problem jointly.

40. A Moonlit Night (a) What is a moonlit night? (b) How does nature look like at a moon lit night? (c) How do people feel on a moonlit night? (d) What does it remind us? (e) How do you enjoy the beauty of a moonlit night? A night when it is enlightened by moon beams is called a moonlit night. It is a model of beauty and joy. Thousands of sparkling stars twinkle around the moon enhancing the beauty of the night. The moon bathes the whole earth with her eye soothing beams. The watery places like rivers, canals, ponds seem to smile on a moonlit night. The young children make merry playing games in the silvery light. It arises emotions in people. The poets and beauty loving people pass an imaginative moment at that time. Elderly men and women pass hours outside the home with gossiping and story telling. Even the innocent children stretch their hands to catch the moon. Nature assumes a new shape under the rays of the moon. It reminds us of the beauty of the Creator and the creation. It loses the dullness of a night and becomes a glorious broad daylight. It is really a great blessing of the Creator to men and nature.

41. The Postman (a) Who is a postman? (b) How is his appearance? (c) What kind of dress does he wear? (d) What are his activities? (e) How is his life status? A postman is a very familiar figure in our society. A postman is a person who delivers letters, money orders, and other postal articles to the proper addressees. The postman who serves in the town puts on a khaki dress. But the postman who works in the village has no particular dress. He puts on plain dress. The postman has a definite area where he has to go. The postman carries across his shoulders a bag containing letters, parcels and money orders and Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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other postal articles. He goes from one house to another to deliver letters, money orders and other postal articles to the addressees. The postman is very sincere and dutiful. He performs his duties regularly and sincerely. He has to perform his duties on foot. He does not find mental peace unless and until he discharges his duties. He works just like a machine. He goes from house to house in fair weather or foul. Sometimes the postman gets some tips when he delivers letters of good news. The postman is so careful that he does not deliver any thing without the legal owner of the thing to be delivered. Nevertheless he is ill paid. His position is humble in the society. He brings good news and sometimes ill. He renders an important and great service to the society. He is such a great friend to us that everyday we expect his knock on the door. He is a very responsible person in the society. He should be honoured and cared for properly.

42. A Rickshaw Puller (a) Who is a rickshaw puller? (b) Where does he usually live? (c) How does he support his family? (d) How does he pass his days? A rickshaw puller is a very familiar figure both in towns and villages. The man who pulls rickshaw for money is a rickshaw puller. He usually lives in a slum. His dress is very shabby. His income is very poor. He supports his family through much hardship. Many of them have no rickshaw of their own. He works hard. In all weathers good and bad he has to carry passengers. He bargains with his passengers for fare. He demands more when the weather is very hot or foul. Sometimes he is cheated by passengers. A rickshaw puller is seen sleeping on his rickshaw beneath a tree or sitting idly on his rickshaw. He drives rickshaw from morning till late night but he leads a very miserable life. His life is full of sorrows and sufferings. Some days he can’t go to pull rickshaw and on that day he has to starve with his family. He can not enjoy peace and happiness. If he can earn more than his expectation, his face smiles. But this opportunity is very rare in his life. We should not look down upon a rickshaw puller. After all, he is a human being and he is leading his life in an honest way. So he should be given proper dignity.

43. Deforestation (a) What is deforestation? How is it caused? (a) What are the impacts of deforestation upon atmosphere? (a) What do climatologists say about it? (a) How can you prevent deforestation? Trees play an important role in maintaining ecological balance. Trees produce oxygen, which is necessary for us to survive and which take away carbon dioxide. It gives shade and makes the environment cool. Trees are necessary for healthy living. It also saves us from natural calamities. But many trees are being cut down every year. This is called deforestation. This is a problem haunting the whole world. According to the ecologists, for liveable environment, there should be 25% forest land of the total land àrea. In Bangladesh, there is 16% forest of the total land. In India, there is 13% forest of the total land. To meet up the bàsic needs of food and housing man is destroying forest without caring for the ecological balance. Green patches of land are no morè green. New areas of the world are becoming deserts as an immediate effect of deforestation. In absence of trees carbon dioxide is increasing world wide. As a result, there is a global warming. The sea level is rising. Any time in future the earth may be engulfed by seas. Government should impose new rules to prevent deforestation as well as make people informed about the danger of it. Last but not the least, trees should be planted in plenty and those that were planted before should be preserved.

44. A Rainy Day a. What is a rainy day? b. How is a rainy day? c. How does the sky look? d. How do people feel on a rainy day? e. What happens to the poor? f. What do animals do on a rainy day? g. How do school going boys and girls feel on a rainy day? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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A rainy day is very common in the rainy season. On a rainy day it rains all day long. A rainy day is dull and gloomy. The sky is overcast with thick clouds. The sun can’t be seen. People go out with umbrella. Water stands on roads and roads become muddy and slippery. Those who have offices and other business have to go out with umbrellas over the head, shoes in hand and clothes folded up to knee. Passers-by also move in the same way. Sometimes people slip and fall on the slippery muddy road. When it rains in torrents, water stands on roads and it seems a sudden flood. The poor suffer much on a rainy day. They can not go out in quest of work and can not earn their daily food. They pass the day staying at home. A rainy day is very desirable to many students. Most of the students do not go to school. Only a few go to school but they get drenched on the way. All classes are not held and it is a day of great joy to them. Other people also stay at home and pass the day without doing anything. Their daily routine hampers. The cattle keep standing in their sheds and bellow for fodder. A rainy day may be a source of pleasure for many people. It inspires the poets to write poems. The rich pass the day taking rest. But it is not pleasant to all specially for the working class.

45. Load Shedding a) What does load shedding mean? b) When does load shedding occur? c) What problems are caused by load-shedding? d) What should we do to stop load shedding? When the supply of electricity discontinues, it is called load-shedding. Load-shedding occurs when generation of power is less than the demand. It is also caused for unplanned distribution of electricity. It creates too many problems and hampers the socio-economic development of a country. Houses, mills, factories, industries, shops, hospitals all fall a victim to it. The activities of running mills, factories and industries are stopped. Load-shedding hampers all types of productivity. Domestic life becomes painful. The housewives grope in the darkness in the kitchen. The sufferings of the students due to load shedding beggar description. The patients also can’t escape from the suffering of terrible load-shedding. The foods kept in the refrigerators get rotten. The commodities preserved in cold storages get spoiled. In fact, loadshedding causes great sufferings to the people and hampers all types of development work. The entire life-domestic and industrial comes to a standstill. Our concerned authority should be active to check the dishonest customers. People should try to save electricity by keeping their lights and fans off when they are out of room or home. All out efforts should be made to check load-shedding.

46. A Fisherman (a) Who is a fisherman? (b) Where does he live? (c) How does he maintain his family? (d) How does he pass his days? (e) What is his pleasure? A fisherman is a person who earns his livelihood by catching fish and selling them in the market. A fisherman generally lives by the rivers, big canals, marshy lands and seas for his professional advantages. A fisherman lives with his family. He works hard all day and all night in order to support his family. He is always busy in making his fishing nets, repairing them, taking care of the fishing boat, dying and painting them. He passes most of his time in fishing in the river and in the sea. His life is not free from risk. Sometimes he goes in the deep sea for fishing and his family becomes anxious about his safe return. Very often he faces dangers. He cannot afford to buy a radio set and motor boats. As a result he can not listen to the weather warning. So he can not return to the shore safely. A fisherman leads a very poor life. He has hardly nets and boats of his own. He does not get loans on easy terms. His face beams with smile when he catches a lot of fish. A fisherman does much good to us by supplying us with fish. So a fisherman plays an important role and he should be given proper dignity. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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47. Your College Library (a) What is a library? (b) What is the importance of a college library? (c) Where is it located? (d) How are the books arranged? (e) How are the books issued for the students? (f) How do you feel of your college library? The place where books, magazines and reading materials are kept is known as library. A college library is a part and parcel of a college. Any student can enrich his intelligence and outlook in a college library. Every college should have a library. The knowledge contained in the prescribed courses can’t be complete without a library. Our college has a rich library. Our college library is housed in the first floor of the College Building. It has a collection of near about five thousand books covering the groups of arts, science and commerce. Besides, there are a large number of journals and magazines. The books are arranged according to subjects, languages and authors. There are two spacious reading rooms in the library. There is a good arrangement for the students. Students and teachers come to the library to study when they have no class. I use the library to prepare notes and assignments. The library is conducted by an experienced librarian and his assistant. Each student uses a library card, and books are distributed classwise on different dates. The library gives us an opportunity for free reading according to our taste and choice. It remains open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on all working days. We feel proud of our college library.

48. Importance of Physical Exercise (a) What is physical exercise? (b) How many means are there to take it? (c) What are the benefits of taking it? (d) Who are suggested to take it? (e) What types of exercise are harmful? Physical exercise is regular movement of the limbs of the body following certain rules. Physical exercise keeps our body fit. A man, who takes exercise all through his life, is sure to enjoy sound health. All of us want to have sound health, but we do not know how to get it. There are various forms of exercise. Walking, racing, swimming, rowing, riding, gymnastics, wrestling etc. are good forms of exercise. Some are specially useful for old and aged people. Walking is an excellent exercise. People of all ages can take this exercise. Those who cannot take any other exercise should make time to have a walk daily. Walking helps us to have a strong appetite and it also helps good digestion. Swimming is another effective exercise. The whole limbs of the body are moved in it. It is suitable for the people of all ages. All kinds of sports can be regarded as physical exercise. Modern games such as football, cricket, hockey, tennis etc. and country games such as Ha-du-du, Dariabandha, and run race all these are good kinds of exercise. Gymnastics is another fine exercise. It needs great skill in the movement of the limbs of the body. Riding cycle, boat racing are good physical exercise. But all forms of exercise are not suitable for all men. Again over-exercise does harm to health. If we want to live a happy life, we must build both our body and mind together. For this, we should form a habit of taking some kind of exercise regularly.

49. Necessity of Tree Plantation (a) What does tree plantation mean? (b) Why is tree plantation important? (c) What is the best time for tree plantation? (d) Where can we plant trees? (e) What measures should be taken to make the tree plantation programme successful? Tree plantation means planting seedling and sapling to enrich our forest resources. Trees are very important for our existence. Trees are the gift of nature and they are our best friends. There are many kinds of trees. Some are big and some are small. Some are valuable for fruits and some are for supplying food. Trees give shade and shelter to people. Birds build nests in the trees and man gets building-materials from the tree. Many people use trees as fuel. Above Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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all, trees purify air by taking carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. They make our land fertile and save us from floods and cyclones. Most of the people of our country are illiterate and they cut down trees indiscriminately. So our country is losing her trees. If this process continues, she will soon be turned into a desert. So every body should plant trees around his home and look after them. Shady and fruit trees should be planted by the side of roads, railways, ponds, dams and in the surroundings of schools and colleges. The months of June and July are the proper time for planting trees. Our government has become aware of it and has already taken some positive steps in this regard. Tree plantation week must not be held in towns only. Tree plantation programme should be expanded to the remote corners of the country. Attempts should be made for making the programme a grand success so that we can lead a happy, peaceful and sound life under the shade of green trees.

50. A Day Labourer (a) Who is a day labourer? (b) What are his daily activities? (c) How is the life of a day labourer? (d) What are his pleasures and pains? When a person does heavy manual labour in various fields to earn his livelihood is called a day labourer. He is quite known to all. He should be physically strong and stout. He lives with his family in a slum. Usually he gets up early in the morning and goes out in search of work. He works hard from dawn to dusk for his employer and gets his wages at evening. Taking his wage he goes to market, buys his daily necessaries and returns to his slum. He has to depend on his employer. When he gets more work, he earns more and then he and the members of his family eat with their heart's content. He does not know what rest is. Sometimes he and his family go without food if he cannot manage work. In harvesting season he is in great demand and then he gets more work. Except that the life of a day labourer is full of sorrows and sufferings. He can hardly enjoy peace and happiness. In all weathers-good or foul he works hard all day long and earns his livelihood by the sweat of his brow. The importance of the work of a day labourer cannot be ignored. He is ill paid and can hardly make both ends. He is not hold in due respect. So we should have soft feeling for him so that he can lead a decent life with dignity.

51. A Wedding Ceremony I Attended. (a) Whose wedding ceremony was it? (b) Where did it take place? (c) How was the place decorated? (d) How many guests attended there? (e) How were the guests entertained? Last week I got an opportunity to enjoy the feasts and festivities that were provided on the occasion of the marriage ceremony of the daughter of Mr. Abid Azad, one of our rich and respectable neighbours. A big pandal with shamiana above was erected there. A big and beautiful gate was made at the entrance of the pandal. In the evening the big house of Mr. Azad, the pandal and the gate were dazzling with multi-colored electric bulbs in a manner that made a great show. Mr. Azad invited his friends and relatives to attend the wedding of his daughter. The invited guests began to come in the evening in motorcars, scooters or rickshaws. The bridegroom’s party started from Dhanmondi at 6 p.m. The party proceeded in a motor cavalcade and reached the bride’s house at 7-30 p.m. Then the bridal guests were given seats with great decorum. The bridegroom had his seat specially prepared and decorated for him. About five hundred guests attended the ceremony. A little while later, sweet sherbet was served to the guests. After a short time the guests were served to a sumptuous dinner. Then betel-leaf was distributed and the guests went for relaxation. They left their respective seats and entered upon friendly chats and gossips in small groups. I felt delighted that the occasion gave me an opportunity to meet many at one place and to enjoy a pleasant evening. The rituals and formalities of the marriage ceremony enriched my experience and gave me great pleasure. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Paragraph Writing

52. Failure in English (a) What are the causes of failure in English? (b) Why are most of the students afraid of English? (c) Why don’t the students want to learn English? (d) What should the teachers do to encourage the students? Among all subjects in Bangladesh, English is a vulnerable subject for the students on which they get the lowest even the F grade. It is not difficult to find out why the students frequently fail in English. Since English is a foreign language, students do not have the right approach to English. Very few students have the real interest in learning English. Students want to cross the barriers of examinations. To most of them learning is unpleasant and examination is fearful. Students do not want to learn this foreign language. Teaching this subject becomes difficult when learners are not interested to learn. As per the situation English teacher can hardly find out a technique suitable for all types of students. Thus, teachers fail to motivate the learners regarding this subject. To possess an adaptable skill of English one has to master the four skills of the language, which are speaking, listening, reading and writing. There is no easy way of learning a foreign language but learners have to practice a lot to adapt the subjects. Moreover, teachers fail to make the language learning interesting. Textbooks for different classes can play important role to provide the students with necessary scopes. In the examinations, the form of the questions leads the students to a confusion or fear rather than learning the language. The students incline to adopt unfair means or follow touch and pass system to get rid of the English examination. Teachers should present the subject in an easy and understandable way to the students so that the students can learn English and use it in practice.

53. Necessity of Learning English (a) Why is English so important? (b) What will happen if we do not know English? (c) What are the advantages of learning English? (d) How is English important for higher study? (e) Is it important for getting a good job? (f) How many people speak in English in the world? Once the British Empire ruled the whole world. Since then English has been an influential language. Gradually, it won the recognition as international language. During the British colonial rule in this subcontinent, English was widely practised in all sorts of academic and official works. As a language, English has become common communicative media between the developed countries and the rest of the world. In the present age of scientific and commercial advancement, learning English is essential. Students are bound to learn it to enter into the world of knowledge where English proves prerequisite and effective. All the books on higher education of every branch of knowledge are written in English. If we want to earn vast knowledge and higher education in any branch, we are to take the help from those books. All that is the best in European and American thought is available through English. Today more than 80% of all the information in the world's computers is in English. So if we don't know English, we will fail to keep pace with the progressive force of the world. English is a must in order to get a good job. Today organizations need employees who speak and write a standard form of English. So it helps a man to get a good job and to earn more money. It is the official or semi-official language in more than 60 countries and of many international organizations. So to maintain daily official correspondence English is essential. Statistics show that about 350 million people speak English as a first language and another 300 million uses it as second language. From this we can say that we need to learn English to join the advanced and developed world. Then we can say that English is a passport to a successful future.

54. Your Favorite Person (a) Who is this person? (b) How old is he/she? (c) How does he/she look? (d) What sort of a person he/she is? (e) Why do you like him/her? (f) What are the things you like about him/her most? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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I am a young boy of S.S.C level. By this time I have come across a lot of people. But all of them are not very interesting to me. A very few of them are really interesting. One of them is Mr. Amartya Sen who very recently visited our dear Bangladesh. Once he was among us at Wari in Dhaka. He visited Bangladesh after winning the Nobel Prize in Economics. He is the first Asian who has won Nobel Prize in Economics. Yes, Mr. Amortya Sen is the most interesting person I have ever met. One may ask why Mr. Sen is after my choice an interesting man. Undoubtedly, there are reasons for my choice. It was a matter of great joy to me when I heard that Mr. Sen was in Dhaka. I came to know through newspapers that he would pay a visit to saint Gregory High School. I also stood in a long queue of the students who gathered there to see and hear Mr. Sen. In due time a well dressed person appeared on the stage. Every body welcomed him with sole heart. The announcer announced that he was going to address the students and the people. I looked at him for the first time. It seemed to me that he was a talented man. He was born on November 3,1933. Dr. A.T. Sen is his father and Amita Sen is his mother. He was born at Gurupalli in Santiniketon. He was born in a mud-walled house of straw-roof. He was named by Rabindranath Tagore when he came to see the baby. He spent most of his childhood in Santiniketon. His father travelled Burma (present Myanmer), Bangladesh and Kalkata and had to stay in these places for some years. So, Amartya Sen had the chance to live in those places. In his boyhood he was attacked with malignant malaria. When he took part in Metriculation i. e. Entrance Examination, he was seriously ill. In spite of that, he got star marks. However, he was a brilliant student. Mr. Sen had a strange eating habit in his very boyhood. He often quarreled with his sister over milkbutter. He was very much interested in storybooks. Not only that he loved to hear fairy tales from his grandmother in a dark room. Besides, he had a great interest in gossiping, cycling and travelling. He also published newspaper. He took active part in dramas. He is a good actor, too. He had a great interest in photography and music. Still he is interested in all these branches of learning. So, he is a man of versatile virtues and qualities. I like him not only for the Nobel Prize but also for his interesting personality and manifold knowledge. So, to me he is the most favorite person with whom I have ever met.

55. Drug Addiction What is addiction? What is drug addiction? Why is it taken? Who are mostly affected by it? What is the result of taking drug? How can we remove this social curse from our society? Addiction means strong attraction for any harmful thing. Drug addiction means taking heroine, opium, marijuana, morphine, cocaine, phensidyl etc. These drugs are taken for intoxicating and stimulating effects. The frequent taking of these drugs leads a man to death. It is a curse of modern civilization. It is not only a national but also a global problem. There are so many reasons for which people take drugs. Frustration is the main cause of taking drugs. When there is no hope left for the young people, they addict to drugs. It may also come from the lack of love of parents. Drugs have a terrible effect on human body. People feel drowsy and lose appetite. It may damage the brain and internal function of the body. The addicts feel intensive pain in the body. The treatment of drug addicts is expensive and difficult. In Bangladesh the drug problem has become so acute that thousands of families in cities, and even in rural areas are directly or indirectly affected by it. Recently Bangladesh is used by the international drug smugglers as a transit of transmission from one country to another. To remove this dangerous problem from the country all concerned must create awareness. Parents must be careful. The law must be enforced. Thus, if each and every person is sincere to drive this curse, the human being will get rid of this harmful thing. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Paragraph Writing

56. A Birthday Party (a) What do you mean by a birthday party? (b) How is the party celebrated? (c)When is your birthday? (d)How did you enjoy your birthday last year? (e) What did you get as gift on the day? The day on which a man is born is called birthday and it is the most important day in his life. That is why a man cannot forget this day and throughout his life he celebrates this day. A birthday party is generally held in the drawing room of a house. On a coloured paper "Happy Birthday" is written down for whom it is being celebrated. Candles are lighted depending on the age of the person. The birthday cake is the central attraction of a birthday party. Various snacks are served on a birthday party. Generally a birthday party is given in the afternoon in a homely atmosphere. So it is very enjoyable. I was born on the 4th November 1977. So, on this day we arranged a birthday party last year. My parents invited our kith and kin. Our house was decorated with coloured papers and birthday balloons. The party started at 6.00 pm. The guests started to come at 4.00 pm. Some of my best friends also attended the party. All of them prayed for my bright future. My joys knew no bound when I saw them in the party. I cut my cake. After having some delicious foods, we gossiped in my bed room. In our ecstasy we sang and danced. I got a lot of presents on the occasion. My friends presented me some books of Tagore who is my favourite poet. Finally, my father thanked everybody for attending the party. And the party came to an end at about 9.30 pm.

57. A Visit to a Computer Fair (a) What is a computer fair? (b) Did you enjoy any computer fair? (c) How did you go there? (d) When did you go there? (e) Who adorned the fair? A computer fair is such an exhibition of computers where computers are not only exhibited but also sold. People get some commission or special offer in such computer fairs. To make it more popular computer fairs are very often held in important places of the country. Last year such a fair was held at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar in the city of Dhaka. It was Friday. The day was a holiday. I woke up early in the morning. I had my bath quickly and had my breakfast also. My mother asked me why I was in such a hurry. I told her to be ready soon. She wanted to know where we would go. This time I could not but tell her my intention. I told her that we would go to visit the computer fair which was going on at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar. We started for the fair at about 8 am from our home. We decided to go on foot and not by any vehicle. She agreed. We walked on and on along the Mirpur Road. By this time buses, rickshaws and pushcarts had already started plying. However, we went on talking to each other very joyfully and reached the fair at about 10 am. The area of the fair was really a big one. Numerous shops and stalls filled with computers were set up. Some Japanese, Korean, Chinese and some other foreign countries adorned the fair with their respective computers and related materials. We went round the fair for about four hours. We experienced many things. We bought a full set of computer and returned home by an auto rickshaw at about 4.30p.m.

58. A Trade Fair (a) What do you mean by a trade fair? (b) Why is a trade fair organized? (c) In Bangladesh where is a trade fair normally arranged? (d) How is the fair arranged? (e) What things are found in a trade fair? A trade fair is a fair for the display of industrial goods to the foreign buyers to get them acquainted with the exportable items of the country. By arranging trade fair we can make people aware of the market price. We can inform the customers about the quality of the product. In a trade fair a lot of companies take active part. In our country every year we arrange a lot of trade fairs. The government organizes an international trade fair every year in Sher-e-Bangla Nagar. A trade fair gives immense pleasure and opportunity to the customers. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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So it cannot be organized by an individual. It is normally held once a year. A great publicity is done for this purpose. And this publicity is made through advertisement in the national and international dailies to draw the attention of the industrialists and producers. The host country also advises friendly countries to install stalls in trade fair to display their exportable goods to the importers of the host country. As a trade fair gives scope to a country to display her products, friendly countries gladly respond to the call of the host countries. There are also arrangements for recreation, food etc, for the visitors. Thus a trade fair is very much useful. A host country can know the other parts of the globe through a trade fair. A trade fair should be held every year to encourage importers of foreign countries to import goods from our country. The day is no more so far when we shall be able to import necessary goods keeping the balance of trade in our favour.

59. Merits and Demerits of Satellite Channels What do you understand by Satellite TV Channels? What are the functions of Satellite Channels? Do you think that satellite channels cause cultural decay as moral degeneration have bad influence on our society? What programmes do you expect from satellite channel to enrich our national culture? Can you make any suggestion regarding the positive use of the satellite T.V. channel? Satellites are the artificial objects or machines that are put in orbit round the earth. They relay back the earth radio and TV signals, which are used by the different channels to telecast their programmes. These satellite channels have brought a great change in the world of education and entertainment of the people. The main functions of the satellite channels are to telecast different types of programmes through air. The popular channels telecast many interesting programmes. They telecast musical performance, dances, drama, film show and so on. People can watch movies as well as other channels like Discovery Channel, Geography channel, etc. Some telecast live shows and commercial series. The most watched one are Ten Sports, Star Sports and ESPN. Both children and old people are fond of the channels that telecast cartoon films. BBC and CNN are very prominent news channels. Though the channels have contributed a lot in educating and entertaining the people, some channels telecast programmes and movies of violent nature. They also show obscene music and films. These channels cause cultural decay and moral degradation. These adversely affect the children and particularly the young generation because some ugly parts of western culture have encroached our own culture. There should be a government committee to enforce a policy regarding which channels can be permitted or to be censored. And this is how the satellite TV channels can be made to play a positive role and our national culture can be enriched.

60. Rights of Children Have you noticed young Children working around you for livelihood? How do you feel for them? Do you think that they are being deprived of their fundamental rights? What are the rights they are deprived of? How do they lead their life? What do you feel the government and concerned people should do for them? Child labour has become a common sight in Bangladesh. Many young children are seen working for a living around us. The sight of these working children pains everybody. The thought of our failure to do anything for them saddens us. These young working children are being deprived of their fundamental rights. They don’t get proper food and clothes; they neither live in a healthy environment nor possess good health. Rather they are being deprived of education. They are supposed to be at schools like other children but they work in garments factories, or as tempo and bus helpers and even they are seen collecting garbage. They live an inhuman life. I think the government and the people concerned should preserve their rights and stop their labour. The government should rehabilitate the slum-dwellers and should create working opportunities for them to develop their living standard. The govt. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Paragraph Writing

should sanction more money for food for education programmes. The concerned people can come forward to help the working children. More child homes should be established for deserted children. After doing all these we can expect the children enjoying their fundamental rights and a child labour free Bangladesh.

61. Child Labour Child labour means manual labour which is forcefully imposed upon children aging from 8 to 12 years. Child labour harms the normal growth of children. Children who work hard in a factory or in a field cannot get opportunities to develop themselves physically and mentally. They are born to suffer and die in darkness. With their weak physiques they work in shops, hotels and restaurants. They are seen to break brick and stones. They are also found to carry brick and other building materials from one place to another. Children engaged as house servants or maid-servants have to work from early morning to midnight. They are always treated cruelly and very often they are punished mercilessly. The masters and the housewives are very harsh to them. In fact, they are not treated as human beings. Similarly they are also ill-treated in hotels, shops and factories. They cry, they weep, and even they die but cannot get freedom to enjoy life or to go to school or find a ray of hope. They could contribute to the country if they were educated and skilled persons. The government should give serious thought to this problem. Proper initiatives should be taken to root out this child labour problem by giving them proper education and food, making education compulsory for children, paying allowances to the poor parents to send their children to school and so on. People in general should be more humane and sympathetic in their behaviour towards the working children.

62. An Exciting Cricket Match I Have Recently Enjoyed Cricket is nowadays a very popular game and a form of entertainment. It is a game of glorious uncertainty and excitement. The result of the game may change any time. I have witnessed many exciting cricket matches but the match between India and England in the ICC World Cup Cricket 2011is worth mentioning. It was a tie match. It was the league match of ICC World Cup Cricket. It was a stunning one that created excitement among the spectators. India won the toss and decided to bat first and scored 338 runs for eight wickets. Sachin made a brilliant hundred. It seemed unimaginable for England to chase. England came to bat in the second half. England was bating well with the target of scoring 339. England was performing well scoring 282 runs for 3 wickets up to the 42nd over. Then England lost 3 quick wickets and the match went on the favour of India. India picked another two wickets in the 47th over with the tremendous bowling of Jaheer Khan and Munaf Patel. England was trying heart and soul to score 22 runs from 18 balls to win the match. Tension was prevailing among the players as well as the spectators. From the last over, England needed 11 runs. Then Munaf Patel came to bowl and Bresnen scored a great 6 from the first ball. Again tension and uncertainty grew higher among the spectators and the players. England needed only 2 runs from last ball. All the spectators were silent. Finally the bowler came to bowl but Shajad managed to score one run. And the match was tied at last. It was really a thrilling match I have ever watched. I enjoyed the match very much as an unforgettable one.

63. Dangers of Smoking (a) What do you mean by smoking? (b) How does it harm our health? (c) Does a non-smoker face any problem by the smokers? (d) What are the diseases caused by smoking? (e) What should we do to stop smoking? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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The word ‘smoking’ means drawing in and exhaling smoke from a cigarette, cigar, or pipe. It is undoubtedly a bad habit. It is harmful for all generations both physically and financially. A smoker does harm himself as welll as others. He has to spend an amount for smoking which is nothing but wastage of money. The dangers of smoking are uncountable. It gives rise to various serious diseases. It may cause cancer, bronchitis and many other brain, respiratory and lung diseases. Our young generation is the worst victim of it. They are addicted to smoking. Not only that, a non-smoker who breathes the fume of cigarette is at the risk of being affected with hypertension. One puff of cigarette smoke contains nicotin that may cause the above stated diseases. So a smoker always causes a serious harm to a nonsmoker. So, for the well being of all, a smoker should give up smoking. His determination can make him stop smoking. In this regard, he can give up this bad habit on the occasion of his birthday or on the birthday of his near and dear ones. One can protect oneself from smoking through avoiding one’s smoker friends. Massive campaign should be made to stop smoking. Smokers must be made aware of the bad effects so as to give up smoking. It is heartening to note that the government has already taken steps to ban smoking in public places.

64. College Canteen What is a canteen ? What is your idea about your college canteen ? What are available in your college canteen ? What is the benefït of a college canteen ? How much do you like your college canteen and why ? A college canteen is a place where the students, teachers, employees and guests can take light snackes. It is a favourite place for the students of our college. It is located in one corner in the ground floor of our colllege building. There are many tables and chairs in the canteen arranged in an orderly way. In one corner of the large room, there is a counter. The manager sits behind the counter. The assistants stand in front of the counter and serve snacks and drinks wanted by the students. Different kinds of food are available in the canteen such as singara, chops, eggs,samucha, sweets etc. All these things are tasty. Prices of these things are much cheaper than in the market outside. During the breaks, the canteen becomes overcrowded. Most of the students come to have their tiffin at this time. But some of the students come here to gossip and pass their time discussing fashion, politics, personal affairs etc. Thus they remove their tiredness and gain energy. So, it is very favourite for the students.

65. Satellite TV Channels What do you understand by Satellite TV Channels? What are the functions of satellite TV channels? Do you think that satellite channels cause cultural decay as moral degeneration and have bad influence on our society? What programmes do you expect from satellite channel to enrich our national culture? Can you make any suggestion regarding the positive use of the satellite T.V. channel? Satellites are the artificial objects or machines that are put in orbit round the earth. They relay back radio and TV signals, which are used by different channels to telecast their programmes to the earth. These satellite channels have brought a great change in the world of education and entertainment of the people. The main functions of the satellite channels are to telecast different types of programmes through air. The popular channels telecast many interesting programmes. They telecast musical performance, dance, drama, film show and so on. People can also watch other channels like Discovery channel, Geography channel, etc. Some channels telecast live shows and commercial series. The most watched ones are Ten Sports, Star sports and ESPN. Both children and old people are fond of the channels that telecast cartoon films. BBC and CNN are very prominent news channels. Though the channels have contributed a lot in educating and entertaining the people, some channels telecast programmes and movies of violent nature. They also show obscene music and films. These channels cause Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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cultural decay and moral degradation. These adversely affect the children and particularly the young generation because some ugly parts of western culture have encroached us to our own culture. There should be a government committee to enforce a policy regarding which channels can be permitted or to be censored. And this is how the satellite TV channels can be made to play a positive role and our national culture can be enriched.

66. Swine Flu Swine flu is an infection by any one of several types of swine-influenced virus. This virus is found in pigs. Swine flu is common throughout pig population worldwide. Transmission of the virus from pigs to humans is not common and does not always lead to human influenza. If transmission causes human influenza, it is called Zoonotic swine flu. People with regular exposure to pigs are at risk of swine flu infection. The meat of an infected animal poses no risk of infection when properly cooked. During the mid-20th century, identification of influenza became possible allowing accurate diagnosis of transmission to humans. Symptoms of swine flu in humans are similar to those of influenza and influenza-like illness. Diagnosis of confirmed swine flu requires laboratory testing. Fatalities are more likely in young children and the elderly people. Swine flu cannot spread by pork products, since the virus is not transmitted through food. The swine flu in human remains most contagious during the first five days of the illness although some people can remain contagious up to ten days. Diagnosis can be made by sending a specimen collected during the first five days for analysis. Recommendations to prevent spread of the virus among humans include using standard infection control against influenza. This includes frequent washing of hands with soap and water, especially after being out in public. If a person becomes sick with swine flu, anti viral drugs can make the illness milder and make the patient feel better faster. They may also prevent serious flu complications. For treatment, anti-viral drugs work best if started soon after getting sick.

67. The Picnic I have enjoyed The word ‘Picnic’ means a meal eaten outdoors, as on an excursion. It is enjoyable for each and every human being. Everyone wants some refreshment to remove the monotony of his daily life. And in this matter picnic plays a great role. Recently I have enjoyed a picnic with some of my friends. We selected Shilaidah in Kustia for the picnic spot. It is some 150 miles away from Dhaka. We were twelve in number. We started at 5:00 a.m. from Gabtoli bus stand and reached Kustia by bus at 9:30 a.m. After reaching there, we took our breakfast in a restaurant in Kustia. Then we took another bus and reached Shilaidah at 11:30 a.m. Though we took all necessary utensils and materials for cooking, we did not take any cook with us. Our friend Nabil is an expert in cooking. He became busy with cooking. We helped him in different works. It took us almost two hours to make the lunch ready. By this time all of us became very hungry. All of us took our lunch to our hearts’ content. After lunch we went out for sight seeing. We visited the Kuthibari of our Biswa Kabi Rabindranath Tagore which is a place of historical importance. There are lots of things which were used by the poet himself. We also saw the famous piece of land ‘Dui Bigha Jomi’ there. There is calm and quiet atmosphere surrounding the Kuthibari. We were really charmed by the beauties of the place. However, the sun was gradually setting and we had to start our return journey. We started for home at 6:00 p.m. and reached home at 11:00 p.m. We enjoyed the picnic most and the day will remain ever fresh in my mind.

68. Annual Sports Day of Your College Sports day is a day which is desired by every student. Annual sports day of our college was held on last Sunday. On that day we decorated the college compound with numerous Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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colourful flags and festoons. A nice gate was also erected at the entrance of the college. We also decorated the college auditorium nicely. A large stage was erected. Adequate sitting arrangements were made for both male and female spectators. A band party was also hired to make the sports day more attractive. The guests and the Principal took their seats on the stage. The honourable DC of our district was in the chair. At the beginning of the ceremony the national flag was hoisted and the national anthem was sung. The flying of the pigeons of peace added a very special feature to the inauguration of the ceremony. The Principal made the inaugural speech. The sports day was divided into two parts. Many games and sports events took place in the first half and in the second half prizes were distributed among the winners. Among the games and sports there were 100 metre and 200 metre race, cock-fight, relay race, high jump, long jump, pillow passing, etc. I took part in three events: 100 metre race, cock fight and long jump. I won two prizes: first prize in long jump and second prize in 100 metre race. However, after the sports were over the principal read out the annual report of the college. Then only the champions of different events were awarded by the chief guest himself and the remaining winners received their prizes from the principal. Then, the chief guest delivered an instructive and didactic speech that inspired all the students greatly. This joyous function came to an end with the speech of the principal. The day was indeed a very happy one to me.

69. Poverty Alleviation Bangladesh is , beyond doubt, a poverty stricken country. In the vicious cycle of poverty, the aspirations of the nation spin in utter frustration, human rights howl in wilderness and all the dreams of development groan under the heavy weight of crashing poverty. Hence, it needs no telling that alleviation of poverty is a crying need on the first priority basis. And to alleviate this poverty what we need to do first is just to find out the factors conducive to poverty in varying degrees, then to prescribe the antidotes for the cure of this national malady. Of all the factors, what proceeds is our population that outnumbers the capacity of our country. It’s hovering ominous effects subdue all the positive and probable sectors here in our country and help other problems such as famine, unemployment, terrorism and above all low standard of living spiral up increasingly adding to the current condition of crisis. Illiteracy, ignorance, isolation to the utilization of science and technology and people’s want of consciousness jointly compound the curse of Poverty. In addition, the want of utilization of our natural wealth and human resources gives a backward drive to our national advancement. Above all, the skeleton of our poor economy is often licked up by natural disasters as well as human vices like corruption and consuming capitalism. In Order to jack up our paralyzed economy and thereby alleviate poverty, it is high time we started to chalk out and execute very pragmatic and collective steps as the invariable target of the nation. Hence our population has to be turned into skilled manpower through proper education and training. Then the mad horse of population rise has to be bridled through the execution of family planning. Furthermore, our natural resources gas, oil, coal and forests have to be properly preserved and utilized contributing to our economic growth and the expansion of our industrial sector creating more and more employment facilities. In addition, the corrosive corruption, terrorism and nepotism have to be, at any cost, put on exile. Though late but hopeful is that a realization has just arisen that our government has already taken a comprehensive measure of poverty alleviation. Both the government and the public sector have to work hand in hand to do the great job of killing the giant of poverty.

70. Attraction for Tourist in Bangladesh There are innumerous beauties in Bangladesh where people particularly the beauty seekers can find immense pleasure paying a visit to it. They may have a fresh look of nature here. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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Tourists can have diversity by visiting different places in Bangladesh. It is a land of lovely sight with the largest sea-beach of the world, the Cox’s bazar sea beach. People from different countries visit here frequently. It is one of the most valuable resources of our earning foreign currency in terms of tourism business. The kuakata sea beach is also an attraction for the visitors. Tourists can enjoy watching the burning and diminishing lamp of the earth from these beaches. Bangladesh has the sea washed Sundarbans, the largest mangrove forest of the world. The Shatgambuj Mosque at Bagerhat and the Buddhist Bihara at Paharpur are two historical resorts, which has been attracting the tourists for long. The Sundarbans, the Shatgambuj Mosque and the Buddhist Bihara are declared world Heritage sites for their glaring beauty, the Chittagong Hill tracks and the Garo Hills in Mymensingh have a wild beauty to attract the tourists. Our lovely tea gardens in Sylhet can refresh people’s mind. To enjoy an exquisite tranquility and sea washed beauty, tourists can visit the saint Martins, a coral island. Some architectural beauties like Ahsan Manzil, Fort of Lalbag along with modern architectures like Jatiya Sangsad and Jamuna Bridge attract the enthusiastic people very much. Since ours is an agricultural country, visitors can observe the fresh green fields after fields. In the rainy seasons tourists can catch the sight of boats and busy fishermen and the children playing with rains. In fine, the pleasure lies in the seekers eyes how they want to enjoy the things and our resourceful country has all the attractions that can please the seeker’s eyes.

71. Students and Social Service (a) What is main business of a student? (b) What does the nation expect from a student? (c) How can a student help the disaster-affected people? (d) What can students do to remove illiteracy? (e) How can students create hygienic sense among the people? (f) What is the role of a student in agriculture during his leisure time? Student’s main business is to study and learn his lessons regularly. But a nation expects that students should stand by the nation in the hour of need. Since students belong to the most energetic and spirited group of people, they have ample scopes to involve themselves in social and humanitarian activities. Moreover, students are collectively a great national force which can contribute a lot to the nation building activities. They can come forward to help the people in their leisure period. The student community can feel more for the society and country than the others. Students should help the distressed people. In the hour of flood, cyclone, and earthquake or in any sort of disaster, students can organize relief team and collect money from the well off people to buy food, clothes and other necessities for the disaster affected area. Illiteracy is a curse. The students can volunteer their service to remove this curse from the society. Even the students can make the people conscious about population control. The people of our village are not at all aware of even primary lessons of hygiene. A large number of people suffer from various diseases. Because of the lack of hygienic sense they cannot get rid of diseases. The students can do a lot in the field of health by their sincere efforts during vacation. They can impart sincere service during vacation. They can teach the lessons of sanitation and hygiene. Even the girl students can play a vital role in this regard. They can teach the illiterate women-folk of the country. They can convince the people to the utility of cleanliness. Being an agricultural country, Bangladesh depends on agriculture. Students can convince people about the utility of modern method of cultivation. In this case, students can teach illiterate farmers. The students in a body can drive campaign against social maladies like dowry injustice, superstition and discrimination. So the students can serve the society in various ways.

72. Eve-teasing There are some social vices in our society. Among them eve-teasing is the most alarming issue in the present perspective (†cÖ¶vcU) of Bangladesh. It is an act of annoying or teasing women like young maidens, school, college and university going students, adult women by Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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some misguided young boys in different ways. It is a kind of crime prevailed in the past. But nowadays it has increased alarmingly in the country and it has been a great concern for all. Protest, massive demonstration, postering, campaign, public meeting, seminars etc against eve-teasing are going on. At the same time its sharp claws are spreading in every nook and corner of the country. However, there are some causes of eve-teasing. Illiteracy, refusal of love proposal, unemployment, bad association, drug addiction, intrusion of foreign culture, breaking of family ties carelessness of parents, indecent dress of the maidens and their body movement etc. are responsible for eve-teasing. Satellite channels and obscene Bangla films are also aggravating this situation. Eve-teasers gather in front of the educational institutions or road sides or passages of the young girls, shopping centers or market places and abuse them with slang words. Sometimes they offer love (†cÖg wb‡e`b) to them. If they refuse their offer, they threaten them throwing acids. The young girls instead of telling it to their parents silently tolerate it themselves. They think that if they tell the matter to their parents, they would blame them to be involved in it. Day after day they bear it and sometimes being utterly depressed they commit suicide. Even the parents of the maidens become the victims of attack of the eve-teasers. This is a common phenomenon (NUbv) nowadays. To prevent eve-teasing the government has taken some hasty steps like setting up mobile court, amendment of previous Women Repression Act, sending the teasers to prison, taking fine etc. Moreover, social awareness, social protection, change of outlook towards women, observing the movement of the young boys by the parents, due punishment etc are some of the measures to eliminate eve-teasing. In addition, Radio, TV, Press media can play a vital role to create social consciousness against this social malady. 73. Digital Bangladesh 'Digital Bangladesh' is at present a buzzword to the people of all classes. It means digitalizing Bangladesh by ensuring an ICT based society. All possible tasks of the government and other non-government or semi-government will be performed using digital technology. The motto of digital Bangladesh is to establish technology based digital governance, e-commerce, eagriculture, e-production, e-education etc. emphasizing the overall development of the country and the nation. The benefits of digital Bangladesh are many. If we can establish a digital Bangladesh, corruption will be drastically reduced by enhancing transparency and accountability. It will make people think globally and connect them with the whole world economically, politically, socially, academically and even culturally. It will improve banking and financial activities. Agriculture, health, education, commerce — all these sectors will be highly benefited by making Bangladesh a digital one. For implementing this dream of digital Bangladesh, government has to take certain initiatives. First of all, uninterrupted power supply has to be ensured. We have to develop computer network infrastructures throughout the country. We also have to train our people to acquire ICT skill and ensure equitable access to digital governance services for all strata of the society. Digital governance will curb crime and corruption and pave the way for our country's rapid development. So, to see our country a digital one, government's commitment and people's co-operation are urgently required. Finally, our education should be computer based and in primary and secondary schools students should get easy access to the computer. 74. Earthquake Earthquake is a great natural disaster. It is a sudden movement of a part of the earth’s surface caused by deep crack in the earth or by volcanic eruption. It causes great havoc. Some regions of the earth are prone to earthquake while others are comparatively safe from this natural disaster. It is now frequently felt in Bangladesh. But most of our people are not aware of the gravity of its loss. Because of the recurrence of earthquakes, experts have given more attention to this issue in recent times. Some countries like Japan, Iran, Indonesia, China etc. are frequently hit by earthquake. Houses and bridges in these countries are built shock-proof. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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Forecast regarding the occurrence of earthquake is not possible. A severe earthquake causes widespread destruction of houses, and properties. Communication system is totally disrupted. Often several quakes hit a place at short intervals. So after a quake people live in tents in the open field. When a severe quake hits a populous city, thousands of people are killed and injured. Many people get trapped in the broken houses and it takes days to rescue them. The only way to get rid of the ravages of this natural disaster is to build houses, bridges and roads in such a way that they can resist the tremors. It should be followed strictly. People’s awareness is also necessary in this regard and they should be thought what they should do in the event of an earthquake. Only then, we can minimize the losses from this disaster. 75. The Street Children The street children are found in streets. The street children are those who have no permanent address of their own. They are either orphan or fatherless living at the station, bus stand, at the road side or open place. They are also seen in slums. To keep body and soul together they pull rickshaws or work as a day laborer. Some of them work in hotels and some work at the station or bus stand as porters. Few work as helper of tampoo and bus driver. Many of them are seen collecting wastage things like papers, polythine and waste food. These children are supposed to go to school to get education and play games with other boys. But they are found selling flowers on the busy highways or streets. Sometimes the street children become the tool of terrorist people. They force them to do criminal activities like mugging, stealing, bomb-bursting. During hartal they are seen shouting slogans and used as picketer in the streets. Very often, they have to bear physical assault or punishment from their employees. In fact, they are deprived of all kinds of child rights. They suffer from malnutrition, hunger and diseases. Sometimes they die pathetically for want of medicine. Being a conscious citizen we should feel sympathy for the street children. Because today’s children are tomorrow’s future. Different non-government organizations are coming forward to help them by giving education. We should be more and more careful of them. Otherwise, the living atmosphere will be greatly disturbed when they will be grown up. 76. The Disabled among Us (a) What do you understand by disabled? (b) Give some examples of disabilities that you see commonly around you? (c) What negative attitudes towards disabled persons have you noticed? (d) What is the current statistics of disabled people of Bangladesh? (e) What are they neglected? (f) What steps have been taken for disable people? The word ‘disabled’ means the people who cannot move or use a certain part or limb of their body properly. The people may become disabled either physically or mentally. Partial or total blindness, deafness, crippledness, dumbness are the common disabilities among people. People may become disabled by accidents or diseases. Again due to psychological problem some people may become mentally disabled. Most of the cases disabled people are neglected. Some superstitious people think that to see the disabled people’s face is a sign of bad omen, which is highly pathetic. Current statistics show that about 10% of the total population of Bangladesh is disabled. The number of disabled people is increasing every year. It is important to realise that many of these disabilities might have been prevented if there was health awareness and timely intervention. Lack of knowledge about disabilities results in negative attitudes towards them. As a result, many of these people have little or no access to basic rights like education and employment. It is time to do something better for the disabled people. The UN has already taken some steps for the betterment of the disabled. The UN declared December 3rd “The International Day for the Disabled” recognising the severity of the situation. Bangladesh has declared the first Wednesday of April, the National Day for people with disabilities. Our government should take more fruitful steps. Different electronic media can play a great role by cautionary programmes and writings regarding the disabled people. The disabled deserve sympathy and right and we all should do something good for them. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

COMPOSITION WRITING 1. NEWSPAPER Newspaper means an objective printed medium of news and views that keeps us in close contact with the whole world. It provides us with knowledge, experience and pleasure to life to a great extent. The first letters of the words — North, East West and South has formed the word “News”. And newspapers supply news from all corners of the world from north, east, west and south. We can know about the whole world by reading newspapers. James Ellis says, "Newspapers are world's mirrors." It is the storehouse of knowledge. In fact, it is called the people's parliament. Now-a-days it is an indispensable part of our every day life. There are various kinds of newspapers. Such as dailies, weeklies, fortnightlies, monthlies, quarterlies and even half yearly. Others are known as periodicals and magazines. The daily newspapers mainly publish the current news and views of the whole world. So everybody is fond of daily newspapers. Other papers publish stories, articles, speeches, poems and advertisement along with the news and views. They are published in different languages and from different point of view. A newspaper is the supplier of all sorts of news and views. Different professionals are benefited for different reasons. Merchants read the paper to know market conditions. Sportsmen amuse themselves with national and international sports news. A professor or a teacher gathers news and views on literary topics. Politicians keep themselves informed of the diplomacy of the world. Newspapers have also corners for children and women. Students read newspapers to supplement the curriculum that they receive at schools and colleges. It is our good companion in solitary hours or during journey. It brings sleep on the wakeful eyes of the sick. It circulates government notices to the public and the public opinion to the government. It forms public opinion. It is a powerful instrument for publicity. Railway timings, government notifications, laws, bills and projects are given publicity through newspapers. The newspapers have made the world closer to us. It helps us to know manners and customs of the people of different nations of the world and an universal brotherhood is created among us. Though the main duty of newspaper is to publish correct news and impartial views. It sometimes suppresses the truth and spreads lies through yellow journalism. Hence, newspapers are not always unmixed blessing. The motto of reporters should be ‘We report you decide’. In this regard Napoleon said, "Four hostile newspapers are to be feared than a thousand bayonets." Newspaper is a great blessing of modern civilization. Reading newspaper broadens our outlook and enriches our general knowledge. So, we should read newspaper daily. Those, who do not read newspapers, are like frogs in a narrow well. At last reporters and editors should remind one thing that their duty is to reform not to mislead or destroy.

2. THE SEASON I LIKE MOST (THE SPRING) Bangladesh is the darling child of nature. Nature has given us wealth more than any other countries. There are six seasons in Bangladesh. The spring is one of them. But Spring is called the king of all seasons. When spring comes nature regains its youth, beauty and charms. Then it seems that it is a playground of incomparable natural beauty .Hence, of all seasons, I like spring most. Spring is followed by winter and lasts from Falgun to Chaitra. Sometimes it does not last full two months. In spring the sky is found blue and clear. The Southwest wind blows gently. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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Nature looks fresh. The weather is neither hot nor cold. It offers us a soothing and pleasing weather. Spring is rich in colour, beauty, music and fragrance. Nature puts on a gay and lively appearance. Trees and plants put forth new leaves. The flowers of all colours bloom forth in every garden which soothes our eyes. Our heart is charmed with the sweet smell of flowers. The colourful wings of butterflies are pleasing to the eyes. Spring is also the season of song in Bangladesh. The cuckoo presents sweet songs living behind the leaves of trees. The twittering of other birds produces trembling music in the air. Bees hum and fly from flower to flower in search of honey. The charming sights and sounds exercise a great influence on the people of Bangladesh. The poets and writers are inspired to compose lyrical verses and lovely stories. Heart touching songs are written and sung describing the beauties of spring. The song of the cuckoo makes people emotional for the time. Spring offers the largest number of charming sights and sounds. It makes people forget the sufferings and weariness of the past memories of day to day life. Sometimes, I feel this season is liked not only by me but also by all of our country men. Everybody waits eagerly to welcome spring every year in our country.

3. TELEVISION All should agree that the most wonderful invention of nineteenth century is television. It is the most up-to-date means of communication. It serves much more than newspapers, radio sets and other means. It gives us both picture and sound. We can enjoy the news and views live from every corner of the world through television. The word ‘Television' is formed with half Greek and half Latin. Here the Greek word 'tele' means distance and the Latin word 'vision' means to see. The meaning of television is 'seeing something form distance'. In fact, television is an electronic device which displays sights and sound at the same time. The idea of television first came to the mind of a German scientist named Paul Nepkov. Later experiments by scientists gave shape to his idea and television was invented by John Byard, the German scientist in 1925. After much improvement television took the present form in 1945. Television serves us with various purposes. Now-a-days television has become much popular to the people both in rural and urban areas. Television is a unique source of education. In western countries television is being used to spread education from door to door. At present, television is being used to remove illiteracy from our country. Model teaching is also being done through television. Distance education for example, is doing wonderful work through television. Television is an ultra-modern means of recreation. Various types of entertainments such as music, play, dramas, magazines, talk shows, etc. are enjoyed by us. Students can especially enjoy debate competition on different topics which work well to enrich their knowledge as well as their intelligence. Now-a-days, we need not go to stadium to enjoy games and sports of home and abroad. We can enjoy football, cricket, hockey, tennis and other games live and exclusive through television. Many national and international TV channels serve us in this purpose. John Lahr says, "In front of the small screen life becomes fiction and fiction life." Television plays an important role in communication. It has made the world closer. We can know the recent event of home and abroad through television. It has conquered time and distance. Television linked man to man and place to place. It has extended commercial values, and thus added significant role in world economy. To build public opinion television works much more than other means. Businessmen can show their goods to the consumers Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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through TV advertisements. They can also know the market price of different goods of different countries. Besides blessings the most significant thing is that transformation of art and culture has been easier by means of this wonderful electric device. Television has some bad effects too. The programmes that the youngsters enjoy through TV are, for the most part, vulgar. This gradually brings their moral degradation. As it has some evil effects, enjoyable but constructive programmes should be made with great care. In fact, it is a boon of science for mankind and we all should make good use of it.

4. MY HOBBY Hobby means a favourite activity that a person does for pleasure and not as her or his regular business. It is a sort of pastime that one pursues in which he or she takes a great delight. It is necessary for mental rest and recreation. Different hobbies are followed by different tastes of different persons. There are various types of hobbies such as gardening, keeping, kite flying, painting, singing, walking, stamp collecting etc: There are examples of having own hobbies among the greatest persons of the world. They took hobbies to relieve themselves from the monotony of their main business. Plato, Alexander, Washington, Napoleon, Tolstoy, Rahindranath, Bernard Show all had their hobbies. I am a student. I too have a hobby and it is gardening. One may wonder why I should give time and thought to such a work. One may say it is a mere wastage of time and energy. But I do not feel or think so. The one or two hours that 1 spend daily in my garden is not lost. This strengthens my body and refreshes my mind. Then I can attend to my studies with added energy and can make progress better. My garden is in front of our house. Whenever I find time I work in it. I make the soil lose with a spade, weed out the grass and plant flower in it. Sometime I sow some plants and water them regularly. I have also put fence around my garden. It keeps away cattle and naughty children. The benefits I derive from my garden are many. Before I made this garden, I was a sickly boy. I lost my appetite and became very weak. But when I stared this garden and worked in it for sometime, my health improved. Now I am quite a healthy young man both physically and mentally. Besides this, I grow vegetables in a corner of the garden. This saves a lot of family expenses. I am very happy with my garden; especially my joy knows no bounds, when I see a lot of flowers bloomed in my garden. The flowers are very beautiful as well as they smell around the environment. When I sit in my reading room opening the window, the fragrance from my garden refreshes my mind. Sometimes, I take it as a Garden of Eden. Thus gardening is helpful to me in several ways. It refreshes my mind. It makes me forget the troubles and worries of life. In fact, a man or a woman should have a hobby for delightful pursuits to make life happy and pleasant.

5. TREE PLANTATION The earth is the only planet which is suitable for man to live in and the earth can not be thought without tree. So to say, trees are the constant companions of our life from the very beginning of the world. They are our great friends for all ages. They help us in many ways. Availability of some important natural resources like soil, air, water, coal, oil, gas etc. are also influenced by trees. We are given wood, shade, food, oxygen, fuel, medicine, flower and so on by trees. In a word, trees play most important role in our life and economy. In this regard our poet Rabindranath Tagore remarks: "Dao Firia sa oronnya lao a nagor" Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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Trees save our life. They absorb carbon dioxide and supply oxygen. Without oxygen we cannot live for a moment. Only a single tree takes about 6 Kg carbon dioxide and supplies 9.5 Kg oxygen in a year. Trees give shade to all of us even to a wood-cutter. The tired passersby remove their tiredness sitting under the shady trees. We can’t think of our houses and residence where we live in without trees. Trees have great impact on climate. They cause rainfall and help our agriculture. If there is no rain, our country, known as a land of plenty and beauty will turn into a desert. Then our economy will face a great crisis as it depends on our agriculture which is dependent on rain. We can be saved from natural calamities with the benevolent service of trees. Besides, they prevent soil erosion and lessen air pollution. They work as a milestone against greenhouse effect. Trees help us to maintain ecological balance. To maintain ecological balance 25% land is required as forest. But we have only 6% forestland of our total land area. This dreadful situation should be checked immediately by planting more and more trees. Trees can be planted near our home, by the side of the roads, ponds, dams, canals, rivers, railway lines, high-ways, educational institutions and low-lying unused areas. Sea-beaches and beds of agricultural lands can also be used for tree plantation. June and July are the proper time for tree plantation. Every year in the first week of July 'Tree Plantation Week’ is held to make the awareness of the people so that they can plant more and more trees. Then people are seen planting trees at a large scale. But it is a great regret that they are not seen taking care of them. So the aim of tree plantation proves in vain. On the other hand, the unconscious people and some selfish commercial persons are cutting down trees regularly. With the increase of towns and cities large number of trees are also cut down. As a result our forests are losing so many trees. The conscious people as well as the government should work together to preserve trees and increase tree plantation. For this, positive steps should be taken. Unconscious people should be conscious, tree plantation should be held both in urban and rural areas. In fact, trees are essential from cradle to grave. So it is our duty to plant more and more trees to maintain harmony between man and nature and to stop the destruction of our own.

6. STUDENT LIFE/DUTIES OF A STUDENT Student life is the evolving stage when a student grows up mentally, physically and knowledgeably. So, Student life is a period of preparation for the future. It is a period when a man equip his mind to face the struggles of life. Then it is rightly called the seed time of human life. Human life is not a bed of roses. So no rights without duties and no pleasures without pains will come to us. A student also has certain duties to perform. He has to discharge duties to his own self, to his parents, to his family, to his country, to the wide world and what is more to God. The first and foremost duty of a student is to acquire knowledge. But he should not enrich himself only with the knowledge from text books. He must read newspapers, magazines, novels, dramas and poetry during his leisure. This kind of reading will broaden their out look and enable them to be enriched with many things of around the world. A sound mind lives in a sound body. A student should realize this truth and keeping it in mind should work accordingly. Good health is the key to success. In order to enjoy a good health a student must observe the rules of health. Picnic, excursion, tour play important role in a student’s life. By attending them they can view many things with their own eyes which they read in their text books. So, a student should go on excursion and picnic when the get chance. All these things will bear good effect Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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on him. They will drive his monotony. Excursion will increase his knowledge. His mental outlook will be broad. Student life can’t be complete only by receiving formal education. A student should take part in co-curricular activities. School and college arrange debate, discussion, seminars and symposium. A student can take part in all these things and widen his knowledge. As a result he may be something great in future. A student can take part in many social and humanitarian activities. He can teach the village people about the importance of family planning, malnutrition, sanitation, population explosion etc. During the time of natural calamities nation expects them to be the side of affected people. So he can distribute food, medicine pure drinking water and cloths to the victim. These activities enable a student to gain practical training in humanitarian work. In fine we can say that student life is the golden period of life. During this period a person can be well equipped with what he can face as problem in his way of life.

7. THE POSTMAN The postman is a very familiar figure in the society. He delivers letters, parcels and postal order to the certain persons. He is more or less expected person to all. In the past people used to live at home with their kith and kin. But with the advancement of civilization man now lives far from his families and relatives. So he has to remain anxious for news from near and dear ones. This demand has been met up through the introduction of postal system. Without the service of a postman we can’t remain in comfort at home. The postman is employed by the postal department to deliver postal matters like letters, parcels, money orders etc. to the addressees. In our daily life the postman is the most familiar figure. Everyday he is seen passing through the streets. He carries a bag hanging on his shoulder. He is the most eagerly expected person. Our heart leaps with joy when we see him approaching our doors. He brings news from our near and dear ones living in home and abroad. The service of a postman is very significant. He attends the office in time and performs his duties sincerely. If he fails to perform his duties properly any day, it may cause irreparable loss to the persons concerned. In all weathers good and bad he has to perform his duty accordingly. The postman starts his work in the post office. He opens the mail bag and sorts the letters and other postal articles. He hands over the outgoing mail to the runner. Then he starts for his own round. In the town the postman has to maintain an official air. He moves very fast from door to door and quietly drops the letters into the letter boxes. If he finds a house without letter box, he drops down the letters through the doors or windows. In delivering registered parcels, money orders etc. he calls the addressees. Sometimes he gets tips when he brings good news. Though the service of the post man is of great importance to us, he is very much neglected. He is ill paid and can hardly maintain his family. He is not held in due respect. Our government should think about their salary. They should be paid well. We all should show him proper respect. He has his own dignity. His great service has connected the whole world.

8. THE SERVICE OF A VILLAGE DOCTOR A village doctor is a doctor who treats the villagers but he is not a qualified doctor. Bangladesh is a densely populated country. In comparison to her population the numbers of doctors are a few. So it goes without saying that the village doctor is a person of great importance. He is quite familiar to the villagers. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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The village doctor is not well educated. He does not receive his degree from any institution. He takes the job of a salesman in a medicine shop or the works as a compounder under a qualified doctor. He gathers his knowledge by reading books at home. He learns how to push injections, stitch and bandage. Then he sets up a dispensary at busy place of a village. He stocks some common medicine in his dispensary. There are two or three old almirahs in which he preserves his medicines. He has a poor wooden chair to sit on and a broken table of poor quality. There are one or two benches for the visitors and patients to sit on. Some patients have to wait for long time to see him. The village doctor has to lead a simple but busy life. He gets up early in the morning, takes his breakfast and becomes ready for the day's work. He attends the patients who gather at his dispensary. He treats, prescribes and examines with his first experience. Sometimes he fails to diagnosis but he gives treatment. He also attends serious patients going to their home. He returns late in the afternoon finishing his daily round. In the afternoon he takes little rest. In the evening he again gets ready to attend to his patients. He does not mind in attending a patient even in the late hours of night. The villagers trust him innocently though sometimes fails to diagnosis the disease. He is the best friend to the village people because they find him whenever they call him. Though the village doctor works hard, he is not so well off. He is satisfied with what he earns. He does not hanker after money. He always tries to render his best service to the villagers. His joys know no bound when he sees his patients recovered. He is not qualified but the villagers can’t do without his service.

9. DISCIPLINE Discipline means obedience to certain rules. Without it no sector can run orderly. It is absolutely necessary for peace, progress and prosperity of a society or of a country. It regulates human conduct and prevents him from doing wrongs with others. It strengthens law and order in society. In order to keep peace and stability in the society discipline is a must. Discipline is essential in every sector. For want of discipline a home cannot be a real home, a society cannot be a peaceful society and a nation cannot be a strong and civilized one. In army department discipline is maintained strictly. An army without discipline is a rabble. A small but disciplined army can outdo a large but indisciplined army. So discipline is obvious in every sphere of life. Discipline is needed in games and sports. In games and sports if the players do not obey the orders of the captain, they can't attain their goal. In every institution discipline is needed. Discipline is necessary in every educational institution. No educational institution can run and do well without discipline. Similarly, the student can't learn anything good if they do not obey the rules of their institution. An industry cannot run smoothly without discipline among its workers. Even a family without discipline can’t ensure peace and happiness for the family members. In different walks of our life we also find the necessity of discipline. In the market, bus stand, railway station, cricket or football stadium every where discipline should be maintained. Otherwise every body will try to get his thing first and there will prevail chaos. If on the other hand they form a queue, each of them will get his thing with least trouble. Even we can’t pass a road safely if the vehicles are not disciplined and follow the traffic rules. Discipline is ever present in the system of universe. The sun, the moon, the stars, and all the planets of the universe follow discipline. Any break of discipline here will bring about the total demise of the universe. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Success in life can’t be gained avoiding discipline. Life without it is like a ship without a rudder. Without it our life will be at hazards. Life, which is not associated with discipline, is sure to ruin. So all of us should maintain discipline from the very beginning of life.



Time is the most valuable factor in our life. Without realising the importance of value of time, no success can be enjoyed. But time is very tyrant. It does not wait for any one. It pays no heed to anybody’s request. Nobody can stop the passage of time. So, it is wise to make proper use of time so long we are alive. There is no certainty that we would live tomorrow. So, present is the best time of which we must make the best use of it. Our life is nothing but a collection of some moments, hours, days, months and years. Our life is very short but the work we are supposed to perform is vast. So, we should utilize every moment to make our life a success. Every work has its proper time. So any negligence or delay may lead us to failure. The habit of keeping anything for tomorrow is a great enemy to our way of success. To make life fruitful we should, therefore, make the proper use of time. Students must follow this rule strictly. They must sit to read when it is time for reading and go to play when it is time for playing and so on. If he keeps today’s work for tomorrow he will lag behind and sure to suffer in the long run. History shows that all the great men in world have made the best use of time. Time once gone is gone forever. Lost wealth may be regained by hard labour, lost knowledge by study, lost health by taking proper food and medicine but lost time can never be regained by any means. It always goes on and on and waits for none. By utilizing every moment of our time, we can hope to achieve success in our life. There is a common saying that “Time is money.” Those who realise the value of time can make money and lead a wealthy life. So to make any wastage of time is a loss. Those who waste their time in idleness cannot succeed in life. They suffer in the long run. The wastage of time keeps us away from happiness and progress and paves the way for disgrace and distress. We should, therefore, make the best use of our time.



A newspaper is a paper that carries news and views of home and abroad to us. We read newspaper everyday. Newspapers are like our daily food. We cannot do without newspaper even for a day. Venice in Europe was the first to bring out newspaper. England first published newspaper during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. ‘The India Gazette’ was the first newspaper in IndoBangladesh. It was published in 1774. 'Samachar Darpan' was the first Bangla newspaper. Newspapers are of various kinds. They are dailies, bi-weeklies, weeklies, monthlies and even quarterlies. The daily newspaper contains news and views about daily affairs. Others are known as periodicals and magazines. They contain stories, poems, essays, novels, dramas etc. Newspaper gives us both information and pleasure. All that happens at home and abroad reach us through newspaper. We can know the economic situation of the country and the condition of various people of the world through them. We also find trade news, sports and market news in newspaper. Newspapers are very useful to all sections of people. They help the growth of public opinion and contain views on current topics. New bills and plans of govt. are circulated through them. The achievements of great men are given publicity in newspaper. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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Newspapers sometimes publish exaggerated information. They create misunderstanding and bitter relations between individuals, parties and nations. Sometimes they preach violence and incite war. This is surely a wrong use of newspaper. Still modern life is not possible without newspaper. They have become very power in the land. Governments of different countries are afraid of the fearless criticism of newspaper. The freedom of the press is the first requisite for the freedom of the people.



Almighty creator has gifted us merit and intelligence. Using these gifts man has invented many things and gifted them to the world. Today's civilization owes much to these gifts. So long we were enjoying the benefits of cinema, radio, television, telegraph, telephone, nuclear energy, rocket, X-ray and so on. But now we are enjoying the benefit of another wonderful invention of science. It works as a substitute for human brain. It’s name is computer the wonder. Computer wasn't invented overnight and took hard work and considerable span of time by a lot of scientists. Charles Babe, a British professor of Mathematics, deserves the credit of the invention of computer first. He made two machines known as analytical and differential. Electronic parts did not come into use at that time. So using some metal parts he made his engines. But the engines did not function properly. Following his theory an American scientist named Howard Akin invented an improved computer. It could do difficult sums. But computers recently made with electronic parts work as a wonder. A computer has mainly three parts:- central processing unit (CPU), input device and output device. The central processing unit is the brain of the computer. Scanner, Keyboard, Mouse, etc:- are known as input device and monitor, printer, etc work as output device. The input part receives signals and the output part gives result. At first, the only work of the computer was to count numbers quickly. It could do lengthy plus and minus sums and difficult multiplications and divisions within a very short time. It works so quickly that three hundred multiplications can be done in a second. Computers are of two kinds:- the Analogue and the Digital. An Analogue computer solves the difficult problems of mathematics. A Digital computer can do varieties of things which an analogue computer cannot. It keeps accounts in one hand and finds the defects of a machine, on the other. Today computer means Digital computer. The questions are arranged through some signals. This signaling is called a programme. The signals are sent to the central unit of the machine. The signal has its special language. Different programming languages are used in different computers. The questions are sent to the receiver machine. The receiver machine sends them to the preservation machine with thousands of words and numbers arranged in it. They are the brain or memory of the computer. The central machine functions in accordance with the direction of the preservation machine and finds out the solution. The result comes out of the output device of the machine. Many are the advantages of a computer. It calculates sums correctly. It translates literature successfully. Computers are doing many works in mills and factories there. In America computers do most of the agricultural works. The machine ploughs, manures, sows seeds, reaps corns and thrashes them. In conquering the space computer played a very important role. The present Government has promised to make our country a digital one. Though we Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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don’t know how they will succeed but we should welcome this step. It will increase transparency. The only disadvantage of a computer is that it will make unemployment problem more acute. But it has so many blessings that we must welcome it, otherwise we’ll fail to keep pace with the progressive world. 13. PRIZE GIVING CEREMONY/ THE PRIZE DAY AT YOUR COLLEGE The prize giving ceremony is an occasion which is arranged once a year and given prizes for performing well in academic curriculum. A day was fixed for the award of the students who topped the list at the examinations. The list of successful candidates in the annual and test examinations was prepared. Almost all the students were happy as it was after all, an affair of the school. So a large number of students remained busy in decorating the college premises. The prize giving event was supposed to be followed by a cultural function. So the artists among the students were busy in-rehearsing songs, dances, comic and a one-act play. The entrance of the hall room in which the function was to be held, was decorated with flowers and festoons. The time for the ceremony was fixed at 4 p.m. The invited guests started coming by 3 p.m. The volunteers were receiving the guests and leading them to their respective seats. Guardians were to sit on one side, officials on another, pressmen, photographers and students on different sides. The President came punctually at 4 p.m. He was received by the students, principal and a few teachers. He was given a guard of honour. He was garlanded which was followed by a loud cheering from the audience. The proceedings of the function started with the National Anthem. This was followed by the annual report of the school by the principal. In his report he mentioned the developments of the school during past years, the achievements of the students in the past and the present, in University examinations, athletics and other extra-curricular activities. He did not forget to speak about the difficulties of the school, lack of funds, and want of space for the expansion of the building, lack of sufficient number of efficient teachers. After this started the cultural function which was superb. The audience seemed to get much pleasure from it. Then the prize giving event started. The principal called each recipient by name and announced the subject in which the award was made. The president handed over the prizes to the recipients. The winners were vigorously cheered by all. Those who cheered were perhaps happier than the recipients. The winners were somewhat shy. As the first boy/girl of my class I was also awarded. After distribution of prizes the President rose to speak. He congratulated the students and teachers for their past achievements. He observed that all these were possible because there was co-operation all round. His announcement of a holiday on the occasion was hailed by loud cheers and great joy. When the function came to a close the president was taken to his car. Gradually the gathering broke up and dispersed. This day would remain as a memorable day of my life.



Flood is a natural calamity. A large quantity of water covering an area that is usually dry is called flood. Bangladesh is a land of thousands of rivers. In the rainy season, they are full to the brim with water. Sometimes it rains cats and dogs and water flows above the danger level. Excessive rainfall is the main cause of flood. It rains in torrents sometimes. There is excessive water in the river. The river loses its capacity to contain the water. It overflows its banks and the surrounding areas go under water. Thus flood occurs. Sometimes flood is caused by tidal waves. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Earthquake and volcanic eruption are sometimes responsible for flood. Excessive melting of ice in the peaks of the Himalayas and rains in the upper regions of our river are the other cause of flood. Flood causes great havoc. Standing crops, trees, houses, men and beasts are washed away by flood water. People become homeless and helpless. They take shelter in schools and colleges, in roads and on trees and roofs of their houses. Flood in Bangladesh is a well-known fact. It visits our country almost every year. The floods that occurred in the years 1954, 1960, 1968, 1970, 1972, 1974, 1987, 1988, 1998 and 2001 were terrible. Almost the entire country was submerged in the years 1954, 1970, 1987, 1988 and most of the towns went under water. Flood visited our country two times in 1968 and three times in 1984 and caused a huge loss of life and property. The flood of 1998 has broken all the records of losses. Ninety per cent villages and towns went under water for several days. Water stayed for long time. The after effects of flood are much more serious. People suffer from want of food, pure drinking water, shelter and medicine. Diseases like cholera, typhoid and dysentery break out in an epidemic form. Prices of daily commodities go high and flood affected people cannot buy them. Though flood causes huge loss of our lives and property. It has its bright side too. Flood water carries silt and makes land fertile. It washes away filthy things and helps in keeping the surroundings clean and healthy. In Bangladesh flood occurs almost every year causing a good deal of sufferings to the people. As we know prevention is better than cure attempts should be taken by the Govt. to control flood than helping the affected people.



The word aim means trying to achieve something. When this word is connected with life it can’t be denied. Every man should have an aim in life. An aim keeps a man steady in life. Life without an aim is like a ship without a rudder. To young students this world is like a sea. There are so many paths or courses are opened to them. Some of these are good and some are not suitable. If a man or student can choose a suitable profession for himself, he may reach to his goal. On the contrary, if a man or student fails to choose his profession he suffers in life and drags a miserable existence. Different persons have different aims. Since my boyhood, it has been my cherished aim of life to serve my country as a doctor. Due to my father's influence I have decided to take this career. My father is a doctor. He has often said that a doctor can give real service to his country. There are many reasons for choosing the profession of a doctor. About 90 percent people live in village. Almost all of them are poor. They suffer from various diseases but there are a few qualified doctors to serve them. There are few quacks but they cannot serve the people properly. Many people meet premature death for want of proper treatment. So, I have decided to serve the people of my village through this profession. Medical college takes only brighter students with good results in SSC and HSC. I am now appearing at the HSC examination. The preparation in all subjects is well. I have prepared well in all subjects. I am sure to cut a good figure in the examination. After passing the HSC with a brilliant result, I shall get myself admitted into a medical college. Then I will obtain the MBBS degree. After completing MBBS course successfully I will go back to my native village to serve the suffering people. I will set up a charitable dispensary in my village. I will take money from the rich. Medicines will be given among the poor free of cost. I have also a plan to set up a hospital with free beds for serious cases. I want to live in the midst of poor villagers till the last day of my life. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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The man who has self-confidence and definite aim in life can surely succeed. Success in life depends much on the proper choice of profession. I pray to Allah that I may lead this ideal life and serve my country and countrymen to the best of my abilities. I must not forget that he who serves man serves Allah. Everyman must die. Before his/her death one should do something which will make him memorable. I believe my profession will help me to this purpose.



“Excess of anything is very bad” can be the perfect proverb to describe our population. Population of a country is an asset. However, it becomes a problem when the country cannot afford to her people of the basic necessaries of life. Bangladesh, a country of 55,598 square miles is burdened with 120 million people. Every year more than two million people are being added to our existing population. The growing population is the burning question for the day. It is a very serious problem for us. In fact, it has now come to the position of explosion. The total area of Bangladesh is 55,598 square miles. Density of population per square mile is 1675. Quantity of land per head is 0.38 acre only and annual per capita income is TK. 2,200 only. She occupies the 8th position among the countries of the world in respect of population. Though her land area is very small. The present growth rate of population in Bangladesh is 2.36%. If this alarming growth rate continues, we have to face a challenge to our existence as a nation. There are many causes of rapid growth of population. Illiteracy, strong faith in fate, prejudice, early-marriage, polygamy, poverty etc. have been causing tremendous growth rate of population in Bangladesh. The high growth rate of our population are creating difficulties in every sphere of our life. It creates problems of food, clothing, accommodation, health, education and so on. If the population is allowed to grow in this way, people will find no place to live in and they have to starve. The whole nation will suffer from the grievous consequence. We should all come forward to control it. To remove this problem we should follow the following arrangements:- Education is undoubtedly prime solution of this problem. Education makes a man or a woman conscious and self-reliant removing all his/her darkness of life. A family should not consist of more than two children. Such a family is an ideal and happy one and this family should be provided with extra facilities. Early marriage should be banned. If we do not stop early marriage, the people of our country will be increasing deadly day by day. The population problem is a great malady for Bangladesh. But this can be solved if the government and the people are firmly determined to control birth and grow more food at the same time. We should realize the truth that over population hampers any kind of development No improvement is possible unless this problem is solved. So, we all must take the solemn vow to solve this problem. And we all are badly in need of realizing this problem. 17. A STREET HAWKER A street hawker is a person who leads his life by a small trade. He is a familiar figure in a locality. He sells goods mainly on the street or sometimes at the doors of houses. There are some hawkers who sell saris and clothes usually carries a big sack on his back. The hawker selling plastic bowls and buckets carries a pair of big baskets that he yokes with a bamboo pole. And the hawker who actually sells varieties of small items like, combs, Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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hairpins, earrings, nail polish, bun-case, lip stick and plastic toys hang all his items on a bamboo frame that he carries on his shoulder. He may carry them on a bi-cycle carrier or on a push cart or a rickshaw van. All the hawkers whether they are selling clothes, toys, fruits or fish have to yell out his things in order to attract the attention of the people of the locality. Many hawkers, however, like the ice-cream peddler, carry bells which they jingle to draw the attention of the children. The hawker by nature has to be a patient man. He is extremely cunning. He always wins a bargain through his beguiling nature. The hawker has to sell his things through many business tricks. He has to convince his customers that though his things are cheap, they are good in quality. Secondly his buyers are mostly housewives who cannot win a bargain with him. So, he visits a locality when the men have gone out to work. He vends toys in an area where there are many children who force their parents to buy toys. A street hawker is an example of lower-middle class of our society. Though a convincing personality, a hawker is never financially well off. He does not get any dignity. But we should think that after all they are human beings and they are also doing good for the people.



Bangladesh is now a proud nation amidst the countries of the world. It has emerged through a glorious freedom fight. Though we have got the freedom, the spirit of the freedom fight is yet to be established. In Pakistan, the people of the then East-Pakistan were exploited economically and politically. Money earned from East-Pakistan was used in the development of West-Pakistan. In 1952, the question about the state language turned into a big issue. Restlessness continued against the military regime of Pakistan. In 1966, Awami League placed a six point demand which actually was the mandate for the independence of Bangladesh. In 1969, the political turmoil reached such a point that the iron man of Pakistan, President Ayub Khan, had to resign. There was a general election in 1970 in which Awami League made a landslide. Sheikh Mujib was to become the Prime Minister of Pakistan. But the military junta of Pakistan refused to hand over power and they conspired against the people of the then East Pakistan. On the fateful night of March the 25th in the year 1971, President Yahya Khan called troops in to kill the innocent people. This incident led to the War of Independence. The liberation war started and freedom fighters took birth overnight and faced the welltrained occupation forces of Pakistan bravely. At Mujibnagar the government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh was formed on 17th April, 1971. But the Pakistanis went on committing genocide. The world press believed the atrocity of the occupying forces exceeded all limits. Millions of innocent Bangalees fled across the border in fear of their lives. When their crimes were full, the Pakistanis came under direct attack of the combined forces of India and Bangladesh. The final stage of the war took a couple of days only, and on the glorious day of 16th December, the Pakistani army surrendered unconditionally. Dhaka and other parts of the country came out of the painful experiences that prevailed for more than nine months. Our victory day confirmed the birth of Bangladesh on the world map. We were so happy that we won, but we were deeply shocked to realise that the extent of torture by the Pakistan forces was more severe than we ever imagined. Not only that thousands of freedom fighters got killed, women were raped and killed and millions of people had been perished but main chosen intellectuals of the country were also killed by the most Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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heinous groups of people against humanity. Though we achieved our independence through much bloodshed, we still are not emerging as a powerful nation. We seem to have forgotten the supreme sacrifice we made in 1971. We also seem to have forgotten to choose the friends from the foes. People who actively opposed our independence in 1971 seem to be quite well settled amongst us while still opposing the spirit of the liberation war. Now it is time to teach a good lesson to the war-criminals and there should have no argument in the question of punishing them.



Of the few national days we have, the Victory Day is the most festive. It comes off on the 16th of December in celebration of the victory we made over the Pakistani forces in 1971. This was the day which gave us recognition as a free nation in this world. The government has its way of observing a national day. All the major government and public edifices and buildings hoist the national flag full mast from dawn to dusk. At night, the buildings and other important sites beam with neon and coloured lights. The President or the Prime Minister receives the salute in the march past of the defense forces and students of different institutions. Most people enjoy a public holiday. But in the Victory Day more people are found in a celebratory mood than on other national days. It is the day when we became the citizen of a dependent nation. It is also considered the greatest achievement of us in the history of Bangladesh. On this day the whole country wears a festive look. Different cultural organizations bring out different programmes, and various theatre groups hold street drama containing themes of the liberation war. Some film clubs show films made on the liberation war. Bangladesh Postal Department releases new stamps. And the whole atmosphere remains jubilant throughout the day. Children and student organizations bring out colourful procession bearing placards and posters. Painting exhibitions by children are held. As the evening sets in the air is filled with songs. Those memorable songs sung during the liberation war are now sung by the local artists. On a personal count the Victory Day is a memorable day for me because I get my poems published in the Victory Day Supplements of several newspapers.



Arsenic is a kind of poison mixed with water and causes several diseases in human body. Arsenic pollution has created a serious problem in our country. In about two-third areas of our country there is more arsenic in water beyond the people's tolerance. By drinking arsenic contaminated water people become sick. Recently international dailies have compared the arsenic problem of Bangladesh with the greatest poisoning in the history. Arsenic is a compound chemical. More than 240 mineral elements are found in it. There are about 20 elements in the earth that are more than necessary. Arsenic is one of them. It is metalled chemical element, tasteless and without smell. It is found everywhere under the earth-surface. Arsenic is found at a tolerable level everywhere. Almost all the districts of Rajshahi and Jessore divisions it is found above the tolerable range. It is also found in Comilla, Mymensingh, Tangail, Sherpur, Sylhet, Chandpur, Noakhali districts. People living in these districts are in the risk of arsenic poisoning. From a recent survey it has come to our knowledge that about two corer people drink arsenic contaminated ground water and suffer from various diseases in varying degrees. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Another report surveyed by the Dhaka Community Hospital says that 3.8 percent people are affected by arsenic in 20 districts. The first symptom of arsenicosis is black spots seen on the skin or some parts of the skin will rise creating hard black spot. Generally it attacks first on the skins of hands and legs. There are other symptoms of arsenicosis such as change of colour of the skin, cold and cough diseases for a long time, decrease of working strength, loss of preventive power of diseases in body. Consequence of drinking arsenic water is a long term process. In human body it attacks in five to ten years. People, who drink arsenic contaminated water for six months, may be attacked by it in the form of cancer. Arsenic disturbs the growth and fertility in human body and child in the womb may die. Steps have been taken against arsenicosis, such as raise awareness among the people, campaign against it and the treatment of it. But we should remind that prevention is better than cure. We hope our people will get rid of it one day.



No man is everlasting in this world. But their great works have made them memorable. Many great persons came to this world that has left their memory in the core of our heart. Among those persons I admire most the contribution of our great poet Rabindranath Tagore. He was not only a poet but also a scholar, philosopher and a legend in the arena of Bengali Literature. His unequal contribution has placed him to the summit of success. Though he was originally and mainly a poet, there is no branch of literature where we do not find his fervent footstep. He is unquestionably one of the best authors of fiction and articles of Bengali Literature. His philosophy of life has been exhibited in his writings which have become classics and will remain so throughout the ages. Since I am talking of my own perception, I must undoubtedly tell that he is the most favourite author to me. Rabindranath was born on 7 May 1861 to the then famous family of Jorashanko, Kolkata. He had no inclination to academic education. As a result never in his life, he was able to continue his studies at any specific educational institute and no academic certificates was acquired by him in his life. Tagore's genius was exposed since his boyhood and he started to think poetically from his early childhood. When he was only twelve, he published his first book titled "PrittUraj Parajoy". Among his many awards, the novel prize is remarkable which was awarded for his famous creation “Gitanjoli” in 1913 at the age of 52. He had a multi-faced genius. It is dazzlingly surprising that he wrote so many books of poetry, novel, short story, prose, essay etc. I have very clear explanations why Rabindranath is my most favourite person. He was a man who had a keen observation of life. He observed life both from near and far. He was so assertive in his outlook that he never hesitated to criticize himself in his writings. Though he belonged to the aristocratic class, he had deep sympathy for the underclass which is focused through his creations. Most of the characters of his creations are taken from lower class society. To be frank, I do not have the ability and skill to analyze his talent. Only what I can do is to identify my own self with his work and perception. To me he is one of the most honoured and extraordinary men of the world. So I like him very much.



In our everyday life we face a lot of events necessary and unnecessary. We do not remember all of them. Some days are so significant that we cannot but remember them. And we bear the Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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effect of that event in our mind forever. One such memorable day of my life is my first flight. I was preparing for the Junior Scholarship Examination. My elder brother who lives in Dhaka with his wife and children, told me that he would send me an air ticket from Jessore to Dhaka if I got the scholarship. Fortunately, I got a Talent Pool Scholarship and my brother kept his promise. It was in my summer vacation. I went to the Biman Office by a rickshaw. A bus of Bangladesh Biman took us to airport. After checking in I was given a boarding card with my seat number on it. I was waiting in the lounge with other passengers for the plane. Then there was an announcement for the passengers to board the plane. I was full of excitement. Nervousness seized me. Then I walked up the stairs with other passengers. An air hostess welcomed the passengers. Another man showed my seat. Luckily it was beside a window. In a short time the pilot welcomed us. He told us to fasten our seat-belts and the plane took off. I was scared at the deafening sound and the jerk. Gradually everything became easy. I managed to fit myself with the current situation. The houses below looked like toy houses. We were given orange juice to drink. They also gave us chocolates, sandwich and cakes. After only 50 minutes the plane landed at Zia International Airport, Dhaka. Within few minutes I got out and found my brother waiting for me. My flight from Jessore to Dhaka was of a very short duration. But it had a lasting effect on me. It was really the most memorable day of my life. I collect pleasure form this memory in my leisure period.



Three days more and the SSC examination would commence. We, the candidates, went to school to take the blessings of the teachers. The students of our school bade us farewell. It was on the 4th March. This day was the last day of mine at high school. The hall was nicely decorated. Separate arrangement was made for us to sit. Our respected teachers took their seat on the dais. One of our teachers called the names of some students. We went up the dais one by one and saluted the teachers. The students gave us flowers and the Headmaster gave some books each of us. With the gifts we came back to our seats. A Karim delivered a short speech on behalf of all the SSC candidates and begged forgiveness for our misbehaviour if any. We were given valuable advice by our teachers. Some of my friends couldn’t but cry like child. Their affectionate words still ring in my ears. The function being over, we were entertained with refreshment. Then we entered into the Headmaster’s room. The Headmaster said that the name and fame of the school depended on our success. His valuable instructions made a deep impression on my heart. Next we met those with whom we were intimate. We took leave of the teachers and left the school compound. Standing on the road, I looked back to my school. It seemed that the school building was shedding tears. I came back home with a heavy heart. Up till now this is the most memorable day in my life. The appeal, advice and message of the day left great importance to me which can better be felt than described.



To get rid of the weariness of city life, we often think of a journey. A journey by boat is very pleasant as well as interesting. A few days ago I made such a journey with some of my friends from Demra to Ghorasal. It was something like a thrilling adventure to me. It gave me a golden opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature apart from the noise of the city. After making all necessary arrangements we hired a small buy beautiful boat. It was 15th August 2009, we started our journey just at 12 noon. The boatmen began to row the boat and it was moving slowly. A gentle breeze was blowing and small waves were Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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beating against the boat. The ripples of the waves made a sweet murmuring sound. We enjoyed the beautiful sights on both sides of the river. The green trees and paddy fields on either side of the river gave a nice view. We saw the fishermen catching fishes and boys and girls bathing and swimming in the river. Houses and trees on the both sides of the river were seen coming and going slowly. At about 2 p.m. our boat reached near a village market. Some of my friends got down from the boat and bought some sweetmeat including a large hilsha fish. One of my friends cooked it and we had a nice meal. At about 4 p.m. we started our journey again. The evening assumes new shape with beauty and glory. I with some of my friends got on the roof of the boat and enjoyed the grand sight of nature. The crimson rays of the setting sun and the beauty of the green fields charmed us. We reached Ghorasal at about 9 p.m. after passing 7 hours in the river journey. We spent a happy time there. After a lapse of about three hours we again got into the boat and started our return journey. The return journey was equally pleasant. The boat was passing very gently. It was a moon-lit-night. All my friends came out of the hood and sat on the roof. The moon's beam flooded the whole river and filled it with uncommon beauty which I never saw before. We were singing sweet songs. I thought I was in a dreamland where only joy and beauty prevails. When the night was becoming deep we entered inside the hood and lay down and fell asleep. The next morning when we woke up it was just daylight. Our boat reached Demra and we got down from the boat. Thus our journey came to an end. Our country is really the owner of mind-blousing beauty. And from this journey we again came to know this truth.



Journey is always pleasing to me. My annual examination was over. I had free time for some days. During this time of the year the weather is good enough to make a journey. I with some of my friends took a sudden decision to go to my sister's house in Chittagong by train. On the appointed day we arrived at Kamalapur railway station an hour before the schedule time. We bought our tickets and got into the train just at 6 a.m. When the train arrived the whole place became very noisy. When the guard blew the whistle and waved his green flag, the train started moving slowly. My seat was beside a window. I could look outside through the window. The sun was rising with all its splendid beauty. Soon leaving urban areas, the train was running through the green fields of the rural areas. I looked at the houses, trees and meadows with a cheerful mind. Everything seemed to be running swiftly to the opposite direction. That was really a new experience to me. The train was moving with mild jerking and rhythmic sounds. Now and then it crossed a bridge over a river or a canal with a chattering noise. As it was an express train, it stopped only at a few big stations. At about noon we arrived within the areas of Chittagong district. I felt great joy seeing the hills on either side of the line, as I had never seen a hill before. After a journey of eight hours, the train reached Chittagong railway station at about 2 p.m. We got down from the train and was received by my brother-in-law. Though this pleasant and enjoyable journey lasted for a few hours but the journey left a permanent impression in my mind. I never forget the sweet memory of this journey. I seek pleasure into my sweet memory when I become tired of the mechanical urban life.



I came from a village. The name of my village is Dhankuty. It is a renowned village in the district of Gaibandha. It bears the testimony to the rich heritage of its glorious past. Nature Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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has adorned her with green trees and meadows. Her beautiful scenes and scenery soothe the eyes of the villagers. To me it is the sweetest place on earth. Its land area is about four square kilometres. It has a vast green fields on all sides. Two semipucca roads run through the village leading to all directions. The houses stand on both sides of the roads. Nearly three thousand people live in my village. Most of them are Muslims. There are people from other religions. Both the Hindus and the Muslims live together in peace here. The villagers are simple, innocent and peace-loving. Most of them belong to middle class. Agriculture is the main occupation of the villagers. About 80% of the people are involved in agriculture. There are some people who are traders and service holders. The villagers always try to develop the village in order to make it an ideal one. There are two primary schools, two high schools and a madrasha in the village. Besides of these, there is a market in the middle of the village where the villagers get the necessary commodities of their daily life. The communication system of the village is highly developed. An inter-district road runs through the village that leads to different districts. One can easily go along this road to the district town and the nearest railway station. The overall atmosphere of the village is undoubted fair and good. It is quite congenial to the health of the people all the year. So, most of the people here are healthy. I am really very proud of my village and hope to do something fair for my village and its dwellers.



A village market is a place where people from different places can easily come for buying and selling their necessary commodities. It is an important centre for the villagers. It is the backbone of the rural economy. A village market usually sits at the centre of the village. There are two kinds of village markets - the daily market and the weekly market. The daily market is called 'Bazar'. It sits daily in the morning or evening. The weekly market is called 'Hat'. It sits once or twice a week in the afternoon and continues till late in the evening. The shops in a village market are arranged in a systematic way. There are some permanent shops, temporary shops and open space shops. The open space shops also sell the same kind of things and are arranged in rows. Generally fish, milk, fruit, betel leaves, vegetables etc. are bought and sold in the open space shops. The temporary shops are held in sheds having only their roofs. In these shops oil, rice, salt, pepper, spices etc. are sold. Usually the grocers, cloth dealers, stationers and tea-sellers have their permanent shops. There are different sections in a market. They are the fish market, the vegetables market, the rice market, the fruits market and so on. The fish and vegetables markets are the most noisy and crowded places in the market. Haggling is one of the main characteristics of a village market. Nothing is sold without bargaining. The village market plays important role in the life of the villagers. Here they get almost all the necessary things of their daily use. The village market also has its social value. It brings the people of different villages closer and thus strengthens their relation. It is an important place for village politics and a place of entertainment for the villagers too. There are some people who come here only to pass a pleasant time in roaming about. Village market is a great attraction to the children. They went to market with their parents to buy sweet meat. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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A village market is part and parcel in village life. It is a place of gathering of a large number of people providing opportunities for exchanging views and news as well as for buying and selling daily necessaries. It saves the villagers from the trouble of going to distant places to buy things of daily use. Villagers can’t go on with their daily life without a village market.



A village fair is a tradition of our country. A village fair is a large gathering of men, women and children on a particular occasion. It is like an integral part of rural life. It brings a change in the monotonous life of the villagers. People of all ages specially the children eagerly wait for this happy occasion. A village fair is usually took place on the first or the last day of Bengali year or on the occasion of some religious or national festival. The bank of a river is a suitable place for a village fair. In a village fair local products are displayed. The people of different professions living in villages, such as potters, carpenters, blacksmiths, weavers etc. bring their own hand made products for display and sale. Different kinds of fancy goods such as toys, whistles, combs, hair pins, cosmetics, looking glasses, earthen wares, balloons etc. are sold in the fair. Various kinds of fancy articles of wood, bamboo and cane are found in the fair. Besides of these, varieties of sweets and seasonal fruits are also available here. Everybody buys things after his own taste and choice. Special arrangements are made when a fair is supposed to be held. Circus, Magic shows, Jatra and Jarigan are the main attractions of them. Merry-go-rounds, puppet shows and cock fights are some other special attractions. A village fair appears before the villagers with all opportunities to give them pleasure and joy. It gives them much relief to their toilsome and monotonous life. In fact, the village fair is a part of our cultural life. It brings a variation in the life of villagers.



There are six seasons in Bangladesh. The rainy season is one of them. The Bengali months of Ashar and Sravan are called the rainy season. After a long spell of hot weather, the rainy season comes with showers to cool the earth. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Our economy, culture and way of life are closely related to it. The monsoon causes the rainy season. The south-west monsoon that blows over Bangladesh from the Bay of Bengal and it brings much vapour with it. As a result, there occurs heavy rainfall during the monsoon in our country. The sky often remains overcast with thick black clouds. The sun can’t be seen. Very often strong wind blows, lightning of flashes and thunder roars. The sun remains hidden behind the clouds and it rains in torrents. Sometimes, there is continuous rain for days together. The lowlying lands go under water and rain water can’t pass quickly. The low-lying area looks like a vast ocean. In the rainy season nature assumes a new appearance. All the trees become more green. The rainwater washes away the filth and purifies the surface of the earth. It brings relief from the intense heat of summer. It makes our land alluvial, fertile and suitable for growing good crops. The atmosphere looks fresher than ever. The rainy season has its disadvantages too. During this season the roads in the countryside become muddy and slippery. People can’t go out for their daily necessity easily. Sometimes Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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heavy rainfall overflows the banks of the rivers and causes floods. Thus flood washed away our crops, cattle and properties. Though the rainy season has some demerits, it is the most important and useful season in our country. The prosperity and development of our agriculture greatly depend on the mercy of the rainy season. The people of Bangladesh always welcome it and like to enjoy its beauty. The rainy season also has a great impact in the creation of great poet, writers, novelists and artists. This season is different from other with its distinctive characteristics.



There goes a common proverb that sound mind is found in a sound body. Sound body is possible only when a person follows some certain rules of health. Physical exercise helps a man to possess good heath. Physical exercise means the regular movement of different parts of the body to keep them active and strong. Without physical exercise none can expect good health which is a must for any kind of success in life. Physical exercise keeps us free from diseases and makes us physically strong, stout and healthy. We need a sound body and a sound mind in order to live well. It is physical exercise which enables us to have a sound mind in a sound body. Physical exercise gives some other benefits too. It offers us recreations. It takes our mind away from the monotony of work and fills it with joy. It restores our energy and helps us to return to work with renewed energy. We can enjoy a healthy and happy life if we take regular physical exercise. It prolongs our life and keeps our body and mind fit for work. It is also important for maintaining discipline and regularity. So, we all should take some sort of physical exercise regularly. It is also important to choose suitable exercise. There are various forms of physical exercise such as: - walking, swimming, riding, running and playing cricket, football, hockey, badminton, tennis and various forms of gymnastics. But all forms of exercises are not equally suitable to all of us. For the young, all kinds of games such as football, cricket, hockey, tennis are quite good. For the women badminton and table tennis are quite nice. On the other hand, walking is good for the weak. We should also remember that morning and evening are the best time for taking physical exercise. And no exercise should be taken in empty stomach or immediately after taking meal. As good health is the prerequisite for all kinds of development, we all should take some form of physical exercise.



Bangladesh is the darling child of nature. Birds are important element of nature. Bangladesh is a home of different kinds of birds. Hearing the sweet twittering of birds we get up from bed in the morning. Though birds are our neighbor, we do not know the names of all birds. Various kinds of birds live in Bangladesh. They are different from others in size, colour and habit. The birds can also be classified into different groups. They are teasing birds, singing birds, talking birds, game birds, birds of prey, tailor birds, migratory birds, domestic birds, wild birds, plundering birds etc. Short description of some birds is given below. The crow is the most familiar and common bird in Bangladesh. It belongs to the class of teasing birds. It is black and ugly to look at. Its voice is harsh too. Nobody likes it though it plays important role to keep our environment clean. The cuckoo, the doel, the shyama and the koel are widely known as singing birds. The cuckoo is famous for its sweet song. It comes at the beginning of the spring. doel is our national bird. Mentionable characteristics of it is that while singing it makes its tail dance. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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The mayna, the shalik, the chandana and the parrot are called talking birds. They can imitate the voice of man when they are trained. The sparrow is another common tiny bird. It is restless in nature. Sometimes we become annoyed with its chirping. The duck, the pigeon, the hen, the cock and the goose are also from the bird’s family. They are famous for their eggs and flesh. Their eggs and meat are rich in protein. The stork, crane and the sandpiper are aquatic birds. Their meat is also delicious to eat. The kingfisher, the woodpecker and the kakatua are very beautiful birds. The pankouri is another bird living near marshy place. The kite and the hawk are known as plundering birds. They have keen eyes and sharp nails. The vulture is a big and ugly bird. It feeds on the dead bodies of animals. The babui, the tuntuni and the Swallow are known as tailor-birds. They show great skill in weaving their nests. We wonder at their works. There are some birds, which come out mostly at night. The owl and the bat are of this kind. The owl can see more clearly dark in the night. Again, some birds are seen in our country in autumn and winter. They come from foreign countries and as such they are called migratory or visiting birds. They stay here for a short time. Birds are like our friends. They should be treated as a creation of the almighty. People should be kind to them.



Bangladesh is blessed with various gifts of nature. Nature has adorned her with different kinds of flowers and the flowers have enhanced the beauty of the country. There are various types of flowers. Short description of some flowers is given below:The best known flowers of Bangladesh are the rose, the krishnachura, the shimul, the rajanigondha, the gandharaj, the bakul, the jui, the belli, the kamini, the chameli, the lotus, the lily, the water lily, the dalia, the jasmine, the tagor, the champa and the sheuli etc. The rose is called the queen of flowers. It is more attractive than all other flowers in colour and smell. The krishnachura, the palash, the shimul and the champa are well known flowers of the spring. Though they look very beautiful, they have no smell. The sheuli is the flower of autumn. It has bright white petals. It looks very charming. The marigold is a flower of winter. It has various colours, shapes and sizes. It looks very beautiful and charming. There are some flowers such as:- the rajanigandha, the gandharaj, the bakul, the hasnahena and the jui that bloom at night and spread their sweet fragrance. The cosmos, the dalia, the chameli etc. add to the beauty of our gardens in winter. There are some other flowers that bloom in marshy lands, beels, canals and ponds. The lotus and the shapla are such flowers which are born in water. The lotus has its fragrance. Shapla is our national flower. It is white and pink in colour. When they are bloomed, the whole marshy land seems to be a heaven of beauty. There are some other flowers which usually grow and fade beyond our notice. But they are beautiful indeed. Flowers are the wonderful gift of nature. They are now being used as the source of lively hood. Flowers can be cultivated commercially and additional earning to the national economy.



I am a student. I very well realize the truth that everybody should have a daily routine to do his duties regularly. None can do his daily works perfectly without having a daily routine. I myself have made a daily routine and I always try to follow it. I get up from bed early in the Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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morning. Then I spend sometime for ablution and say my prayers. After saying my prayers, I go out for a walk in the open field. I usually come back home before the sun rises. After breakfast, I go to my reading room. First, I revise my old lessons and then go on with my class works for the day. After preparing my lessons, I take my bathe in a nearby pond. I swim, dive and rub my body in the clear water at that time. This keeps my body healthy and saves me from any sort of skin disease. After bathing, I come back and get myself ready to go to college. I go to my room and put on dress and start for college. Generally my mother takes me to college. I go for school before 10 a.m. and take my seat in the front bench. This helps me much in listening to the lectures of my teachers attentively and taking down important points of their lectures. At 1.00 p.m. we have a break for half an hour. I say my Jahur prayer and take my mid day meal. The college breaks up at 4.00 p.m. and I come back home straight. After taking a light refreshment I usually go to the playground and play football, cricket etc. with my friends. After performing my evening prayers, I prepare my new lessons next day. I go on with my studies up to 11.00 p.m. Then I take my supper and get ready for going to bed. Before going to bed I usually take a glass of milk. Every day I try my best to follow my daily activities perfectly. On holidays there is a little change in my routine and take part in other jobs. I think my daily routine will help me to reach to my goal.



Bangladesh is a land of rivers. There are too many rivers in Bangladesh compared to the other countries of the world. Most of the rivers in Bangladesh rise from the Himalayas and fall into the Bay of Bengal. The rivers become full to the brim in the rainy season but in summer the situation is quite opposite. There are two kinds of rivers in our country. They are the big rivers and the small rivers. The big rivers are the Meghna, the Padma, the Jamuna, the Brahmaputra, the Buriganga, the Karnafuly etc. and the small rivers are the Madhumati, the Gomoti, the Surma etc. Besides these, there are many other beautiful rivers in Bangladesh. They are the Surma, the Sitalakhaya, the Tetulia, and the Mahananda etc. There are some rivers which are great source of energy. They are now being used to produce power. The Karnofuli hydro-electric project is playing vital rote to solve the power problem of Bangladesh. Our rivers are also a great source of wealth. They are abound in fish. Fish is our one of the main items of food after rice. The fishermen of our country catch fishes from the rivers and earn their livelihood. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. So the rivers are the heart of our agriculture. Rivers play an important role in our national economy. During the rainy season the rivers become full to the brim. Very often they over flow their banks. Then the rivers carry the silt with their water. This silt increases the fertility of our lands. So jute, paddy, wheat and other valuable crops grow in plenty in that fertile land. Our rivers play a very significant role in our communication. Steamers, launches and boats ply in the rivers all the year round in the big rivers and carry passengers and goods. The rivers of Bangladesh are the source of beauty as well as the inspiration. Their beauty is a great relief to the people who go to enjoy the murmuring sound of the river. They also have Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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made Bangladesh rich, beautiful and happy. Our life is influenced by them in many ways. Many writers, novelists and artists have been inspired to produce their great deeds. Most of the rural songs like Bhatiali and Jari are associated with the people living on the banks of the rivers. People living on the banks derive immense benefit from the rivers. Much of our joys and sorrows depend on the rivers. The rivers do not bring unmixed blessings. Our rivers are usually calm in the morning of winter, but they look violent and fearful in summer and autumn. In these times they become wild and wash away large areas causing heavy damage to the crops and properties. Our rivers have a profound influence on our national economy. Without rivers Bangladesh cannot be developed economically. They are great blessing for our country. They are the life of this country. If there were no rivers in Bangladesh, she would become a desert. We should be vigilant about the water flow and depth of the rivers. They should be kept free from pollution.



Visiting to a new place is very pleasing to many. It is a very pleasant outing with a great variety. It opens before our eyes a newer world of knowledge and experience. A visit to a place of historical interest helps us greatly to our understanding of the history of the country. Visiting to a historical place we come very close to what we read in the books. Shakespeare could very well understand the importance of it and therefore said, “Those who have never moved an inch from their house remain ignorant of many things. They are just like frogs in a well.” I dreamt of visiting our capital, Dhaka. The chance at last came last year during the summer vacation. My father had a training course of his department in Dhaka for a week. My father took me to Dhaka with him. Dhaka is a place of historical interest. It was founded by Islam Khan during the reign of emperor Jahangeer. At first I went to see the fort of Lalbagh built by Shaista Khan. Then I visited Bara Katara, Choto Katara and the tomb of Pori Banu. Next I visited the Dhakeswari Temple, the Hosseni Dalan, the cannon of Mir Jumla and the Ahsan Manjil of the Nawab of Dhaka. All these have great historical importance and I have read much about them. I also paid a visit to new Dhaka. The things and places I saw in new Dhaka were mainly the Medical College, the University, the Salimullah Muslim Hall, the New Market, the Ramna Lake, the Bangladesh Bank, The National Stadium, the Airport, the National Museum and the Botanical Garden in Mirpur. I spent the whole week to see those important historical places. My visit to Dhaka was really very interesting and instructive to me. When ever I remember the sweet memory of the visit, my heart leaps with joy. This memory well remain evergreen in my mind.



There are many types of games and sports. Among different games Cricket is my favourite game. It is a very interesting and popular outdoor game. It is now played all over the world. I like it most because it is full of thrill and excitement, whole the time. Not only that it is the first game where there is no contradiction. Cricket is played between two teams. Each team has eleven players including captain, wicketkeeper. By tossing the umpire signals to start the game, one team takes to batting and other bowling and fielding. The bowler bowls the ball to the batsman who strikes the ball with the bat. The wicket-keeper and the fielders are to defend or catch the ball. Three fieldsmen are Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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placed on 'on' side, one at square leg, one at mid-on and third at long-on. Some fieldsmen are placed near the boundary line. The captain of the team can change the arrangement of fielders after consulting the bowler. The target of the both teams is to score more runs than the other. Batsman hits the ball and runs between the wickets when the bowler balls. If the ball touches the boundary line, four runs are scored. If it flies over the boundary line, six runs are scored. The batsman may be out in many ways. Thus when all the batsmen are out, the innings end. Generally two innings are played in cricket. The team that scores more run is declared winner. There is no scope of being confused. Each and every decision is taken perfectly. Three umpires conduct and supervise the game. They also maintain rules and regulations in the game. The third umpire is called on the critical positions only. He gives the decision with the help of computer. If the batsman, after hitting the ball, can change his position once with his partner before the ball is received at the wicket, one run is scored. Thus, if he can change his position twice, two runs are scored. If the ball crosses the boundary line, four runs are made. When the ball flies over the boundary lines, six runs are scored. On the other hand, if the ball hits the stumps, the batsman is said to be bowled out. After his hitting if the ball is caught, he is caught out. Again while making run if the ball is thrown against the stumps before he has reached the wicket the batsman is run out. If he places his leg before the wicket against a straight ball, he is out (LBW). First innings of one side continues till the tenth player of the batting side is out. Then comes the rival team. The team, which can score more runs, wins the match. Cricket helps the players to keep in good health. It also develops the spirit of co-operation and brotherhood. Cricket is a very costly game. Once upon a time football was the only world favourite game. But now it seems that football is being replaced by cricket.



The things which are lost always leave an impact of want. Time is very tyrant. It does not pay any need to anybody’s request. A thing of beauty is a joy forever. My childhood days were beautiful. It is really sweet to remember the days of my childhood. Now, I am a grown-up man. All my days aren't equally happy. But it is impossible go get back. So, I remember my golden childhood to feel happy again. I was the youngest son of my parents. So, all the members of family loved me very much. They always tried to make me satisfied. They took a great care of me. They bought for me nice toys and sweet meats. My grandmother was very fond of me. She told me many interesting fairy stories. The village market was a great attraction to me. I went to the village market with my father. I passed a happy time there. My father bought me sweetmeats. The village hat sat twice a week and I eagerly waited for those two hat days. I can remember one thing very well and that was one of my birthday celebrations. I was five years old. Then my birthday ceremony was held. I was very happy on that day. Many relatives came to our house. They took me to their laps and brought me many nice things and toys. The village market was another sweet memory in my life. I grew six years old. A Moulavi Shaheb taught me Arabic early in the morning. We some little children sat together and read the lesson with loud sound. Then I went to a primary school with my father. My teachers were very kind to me. The classmates also loved me. I took my first lesson. That was indeed a new experience for me. I am now far from my classmates but I shall never forget them. I grew ten years old when my sister's marriage ceremony came of. Our house was decorated very well. Many guests were invited. They came to our house. The day was very pleasant for Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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the children because the guest brought with them huge sweets. I remember that we all bathed in small river. The summer days gave me great pleasure. This season brings with it many juicy fruits. We plucked these fruits and ate them. We ran beside the corn fields. The whole day we roamed about the village. Sometimes I forgot about my midday meals. Sometimes I alone used to pass a happy time there. How happy I was in my childhood days! Even today the golden childhood days peep into my mind. I feel that I was really happy in my childhood. I wish I could have my happy childhood days again.



All the nights in a man’s life are not equally important. The night before an examination is very important for a candidate. During the night, he takes preparation to appear in the examination next day. He should also take mental and physical preparation to face the coming examination. He should know about exam strategy and exam fitness. Besides revising his lessons, he must check and double-check exam dates and times. He should also make the things ready to be taken with him in the exam hall. He must arrange the things which are allowed in the examination hall. Moreover, he must make a plan by which he will approach the examination. It is said that about 50% chances of success in an examination depend on examination skill rather than subject knowledge. And so he must budget his final time-table on the night before an examination. He should also follow other strategies to ensure desirable success in the examination. Therefore, he should think over the exam strategies in the night before the examination. The night before an examination is a night of tension. At that night the mind becomes unstable and unsettled. It is also a night of sleeplessness. During the night, the candidate cannot sleep well. His mind is filled with different anxieties. He remains anxious whether he can appear in the coming examination safe and sound, keep time-table, answer all the questions to the point, achieve desirable success in the examination concerned and make parents, relatives, well-wishers, friends happy about the results. So, sound sleep is rarely enjoyed in the night before an examination. Any candidate can come out successful if he can take a plan appropriately and can apply it according in the exam.



Travelling is a part of education. It is pleasing to many. Travelling means going from one place to another. By travelling one can know the unknown, see the unseen, enjoy the unenjoyed things. One can enrich one's mind with new ideas, knowledge, thoughts and experience by travelling. Therefore, travelling is of great value. Human mind is always thirsty for knowledge. Travelling plays important role to gain knowledge and wisdom. It provides the traveller with the first hand experience. And so it is regarded as a part of education. During travelling, a traveller visits different places and can know about different regions, faiths, customs and languages. He come across many geographical regions what about he reads in the text. Educational institutions often arrange tours for students. The authorities concerned specially take them on tours to the places of historical importance like the World Heritage Sites, dams, river projects, power houses, hilly regions. Travelling as well as tours widen their outlook and help them develop in the fullest sense The earth is full of natural beauty, attractions, novelties, variety and diversity. A traveller can enjoy and see them with their own eyes. Without travelling, education remains incomplete Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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and imperfect. Therefore, every one of us should take travelling whenever he finds opportunity. In ancient time people mainly travelled on foot as there were no vehicles. Nowa-days modern communication system has made traveling very easy. As a result now any body can travel to anywhere very easily. We can travel by bus, car, train, cycle, motorcycle, plane and what not. We can travel to a long distance by modern vehicles within a very short time. Another great benefit of it is that travelling removes the monotony of life and brings relief with pleasure. It also removes the boredom of our mind and helps us to start our work with renewed energy. The importance of travelling can’t be described in words. In fine, it can be said that travelling is the practical education of human beings.



The life of the people of Bangladesh is shaped with tragedy. Bangladesh is such a country that is affected by various natural calamities almost every year. It seems that these natural calamities are ever present specter in Bangladesh. For this reason, Bangladesh is often called a land of natural calamities. Bangladesh is commonly considered as a country of natural calamities and poverty. The natural disasters which visit Bangladesh every year are flood, cyclone and drought. Flood is the most familiar natural calamity which visits our country almost every year. It is mainly caused by heavy rainfall in the rainy season. The flood causes a heavy loss of life, property and crops, streets, roads and even houses go under water. Crops and cattle are washed away. People take shelter on house tops, trees, boats and embankments. They become homeless and helpless. The after effect of flood is more serious. Various diseases break out as epidemic. The flood of 1988 and 1998 was the most terrible in Bangladesh. Flood is a curse to our country. But it has some advantages too. It makes our land fertile by scattering silt over it. Another natural calamity that brings much suffering is cyclone. Cyclone is a violent type of winds rotating around any region. Bangladesh is a low-lying land. So, cyclones visit Bangladesh very frequently. The origin of cyclone is on the sea owing to low pressure of atmosphere. Depression in the Bay of Bengal is the likely cause of cyclones in Bangladesh. This depression results in a severe cyclone, storm which advances rapidly and hits the off-shore island. Crops, cattle, houses and properties are washed away. Sometimes cyclone is attended with tidal bore. Cyclone of 1991 had brought untold sufferings to human life and caused a great havoc to properties. Natural calamity is nothing but a whim of nature. We can’t control it but we can take some precautionary measures to minimise losses. Drought is another frequent natural calamity in Bangladesh. It mainly occurs in summer. Indiscriminate cutting down of trees is the prime cause of drought. It turns the country into a desert. It causes damage to crops almost every year. The irrigation system of Bangladesh is not much developed. Besides, the flow of water in the rivers of our country is not strong enough to carry water. As a result, our people have to suffer a lot to grow crops in the dry season and they don’t get a good harvest. People from all walks of life should come forward to help the victims by providing food, clothes, shelter and other necessary things. People should be encouraged to face the natural calamities.



Bangladesh is a small country but has a large population. She is facing so many problems, such as population problem, food problem, education problem etc. Unemployment problem is one of them. It has now turned into an acute problem. There are many causes of unemployment problem. Underdevelopment, unequal distribution of national wealth and over Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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population are mainly responsible for unemployment problem. Rapid growth of population is the prime cause of unemployment problem. The present growth rate of population in Bangladesh is 1.48%, which is very high. Abnormal growth of this population is a burden as this increase in population requires employment opportunity. Our country is industrially very backward. There are few mills, factories and firms in our country. The mills and factories that we have can give employment only to a limited number of people. We should all realize truth that our system of education fails to give a student an independent start of life. It has little provision for vocational training. Moreover most of the students want to a get job. Being an underdeveloped country, a major part of our population is still ignorant. Our students and youth have a false sense of dignity and prestige of being officers. They think that service is more honourable than independent business. People aren't very much conscious of the fact that people can be self employed which is more honourable. In our country national wealth is not distributed equally. It creates unemployment problem directly or indirectly. The supply of land is so limited that it cannot employ a large number of people in agriculture. Unemployment is a curse to men. Every man wants to live in peace. The unemployment problem obstructs this expectation of man. An unemployed man has to lead a vagabond life. Life becomes burden to him. This problem is responsible for creating many other problems. The evil effect of unemployment is not confined to the economic field only. It leads a person to sacrifice his morality and involves himself in anti-social activities. A society burdened with unemployed fellows can never prosper in the world. Our government along with the rich people should work coordinately to solve the unemployment problem. New revenues should be created and students should be inspired to seek self-employment after completing their education.



Science is a blessing for human civilisation. It is an integral part of human life. Everywhere in human life there is the contribution of science. The people living in towns or cities enjoy most of the facilities of modern science. But the people living in the villages can't be benefited largely by science. Even after that it is seemed that life will stand still without science. Modern communication is so well that we can move to any place whenever we like with in the shortest possible time. Motor cars, aero planes, trains, all these play a vital role in the communication system. But before the invention of these wonderful things it was much troublesome to move anywhere. It is only science which has made our travelling more comfortable and easier. Science has discovered processes to purify and supply drinking water. Mills, factories and industries can't be thought of without science. Because of science they can produce their products suitable for the consumers in good quality. Modern science had made immerse progress in medical science. Science has been able to relieve human sufferings. A modern man dares to fight any critical disease bravely. In ancient time it was thought that diseases were a curse from creator but now people know the reasons and get treatment. A patient is examined scientifically. A doctor uses scientific instruments such as X-ray, ultraviolet ray to cure a serious patient. Science has left its great influence on education. Information technology has helped the teachers and students acquire knowledge widely. A student can get any information on any Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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subject just using the internet. With the help of science we can acquire knowledge easily with a single click of mouse of computer. The release of nuclear energy is one of the most wonderful inventions of science. It has performed the manufacturing of the Atom Bomb, the Hydrogen Bomb and the missiles. Atomic energy has immense possibility to be used for peaceful and constructive purposes. T.V, fridge, fan, computer, electricity all are the great inventions of science which has made our daily life comfortable. T.V has now become the most commonly used entertainment source. We can know with in a very short moment what is happening in even in the furthest corner of the world. Computer is one of the greatest inventions of modern science. Our everyday life is closely related to computer. Computer does many benefits to human. We can use a computer for recreational purpose. Examination results can be accurately given by computer within the shortest span of time. We can do the work of difficult mathematical calculation within a second. We can store large mass of information in a computer. It is computer that helps man to conquer the space. In fine, we can say science is meant for the service of humanity. Without the blessings of science we can't run our everyday life. It is our responsibility to use the blessings of science in a proper way. 43. OPENING CEREMONY OF ICC WORLD CUP-2011 OR INAUGURATION CEREMONY OF ICC WORLD CUP-2011 The 17th February is a very day in the history of Bangladesh as the Opening Ceremony of ICC World Cup Cricket- 2011 was held at Bangaladesh National stadium in Dhaka. Undoubtedly Bangladesh is highly proud of holding such a kind of international ceremony of international sporting events. The stadium was decorated gorgeously. Modern equipments were used to enhance the beauty of the Bangladesh National Stadium. Specially the lighting was the most attracting and fascinating element of the ceremony. The great ceremony was presided over by Mostafa Kamal, honourable MP. The chief guest was honourable prime minister Sheikh Hosina. Other honouble personalifies include Sharad Power, honorouble president of ICC and some other persons from ICC. Mr. Mostafa Kamal thanked the prime minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina for her providing budget of around Tk 350 crore for the purpose of cricket flourishment in Bangladesh. At first Bangladeshi culture got prior importance. Actually, it was a triumph of our culture, when fourteen captains entered the stadium by rickshaws which are a traditional pollution free transport of Bangladesh. Then the most enchanting event began when acrobats rappelled down the nearby Bangladesh Development Bank limited Bhaban and played vertical cricket, suspended from ropes and illuminated by LED bats and a virtual ball. The proud history of Bangladesh was presented beautifully with songs and scenes depicting the language Movement of 1952 and the liberation war of 1971. The tradition and cuture of India and Srilanka was illustrated by the matured performance of different artists of both countries. Most of the people took the Srilanka segment as their favourite part. The fortunate audiences who were present at the stadium to enjoy the ceremony were highly entertained. Their joys knew know bounds when colourful ligting and fruiful result of modern technology puzzled their eyes and heart. How enchanting the ceremony was. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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The prominent singers of Bangladesh, Specially Sabina Yasmin and Runa Laila sang the songs well. However the ceremony was over successfully except the audience’s entering problem. They had to face hardship during their entrance in the stadium. In some cases, police behaved badly with the people at the time of entrance. But this negative side can be ignored. In confine, it is said that the ‘Opening Ceremony of ICC World Cup Cricket- 2011’ is a great achievement for Bangladesh. Our motherland has been newly and elaborately introduced all over the world for holding this ceremony. We will never forget this event and moment. 44. TREE PLANTATION Trees are not only trees, but they are gifts of nature. Trees are our great friends. They are useful to us. They have influence upon the climatic condition of the world. This is why we should plant more trees. Trees are essential for different purposes in our life and society. They give us food, shelter, and oxygen. They protect our land and protect us from flood, cyclone, and natural calamities. Trees also make the land fertile and save land from erosion. We can also get timber from trees. The people of different countries use timber as firing wood. This timber is used generally in making boats, ships, houses and furniture. In fine they protect us from the extreme heat of the sun. Trees give us various fruits. Among them the mango trees, coconut trees, black berry etc. are most important. These fruits provide us vital vitamins. So, trees solve food problem. They can help us to get good health. Trees are the main source of rain. They prevent our land from becoming a desert. They maintain ecological balance and save the global environment. Trees are most beautiful things of natural beauty. The green trees in the forest soothe our eyes. So, trees are the most essential to human beings. Trees prevent air pollution. The ignorant people of our country cut down trees without knowing the importance of trees. Besides they use wood as fuel. Trees are burnt in the 'Brick fields'. As a result, the country is losing many trees day by day. Of course, this is a great threat to human environment. If such process continues the country must turn into a desert. It is very important to plant trees in proper time. The months of June and July are the proper time for planting trees. Every man of our country should plant trees every year. Now it has the slogan that trees and save the country. Trees can be planted by the road sides, fronts, dams and railway lines, college and school premises. Trees are part and parcel of our life. So, it is our foremost duty to plant trees and take care of them. We should come forward to make it a success. 45. MODERN TECHNOLOGY AND GLOBALIZATION Technology is related to knowledge or the use of mechanical art and applied sciences. On the other hand “globalization” is a fashionable word in the era of international relations. Globalization is related to trade, commerce and international relationship. However, modern technology and globalization are very much related to each other. Globalization process runs smoothly with the help of technology. Globalization is a process of expanding trade and commerce all over the world by creating a borderless market. It allows the free movement of manpower, goods, services and information technology across national borders. In short, it covers the whole world regarding global affairs. But it has a far reaching effect on many aspects of life. Only because of globalization countries all over the world are like families in a village. They are interrelated. They can share their joys and sorrows like next door neighbors. If one country is in distress, others can immediately assist it. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Globalization has a far reaching effect on many aspects of human life. It has created challenges as well as opportunities for us. We have to fight well to survive in the competitive world. Our labor is very cheap. So, our production cost will be naturally cheaper. But at the same time we have to ensure better qualities of products. By using this global opportunity we can develop our economy. But in the process of globalization to keep pace with the developed countries is very difficult or the developing ones. The investors of the developed countries have huge capital, efficiency and reputation. On the other hand, the investors of the third world countries have little capital and efficiency. So, globalization is creating more opportunities for the rich countries rather than developing ones. In the name of help and co-operation the industrially developed countries are exploiting the cheap labors available in the poor countries. As a result, the gap between the wealth and poverty, between the rich and poor is ever widening. The rich countries press the poor countries to get their products to the developing countries but the products of the developing countries cannot create demand. So, this disparity should be removed. Due to globalization and modern technology the foreign culture is intruding (AbycÖ‡ek) into our own culture. It is a threat to our national cultural identity. It has a profound impact on our young generation. Modern technology plays an important role in the globalization process. It has largely changed banking and financial activities of the world. Through electronic media we can send money from one country to another within a few seconds. Software and T.V programs are also amenable to digital or electronic transmission. World wide money transfer, transaction of business have now become a matter of clicking of the mouse of a computer. We can now buy and sell goods through the electronic screen. Thus we see computer, internet and other electronic media are playing an important role in the globalization process. At the same time, international sports, universal brotherhood and mutual understanding, sharing views and opinions among the member countries can fulfill the objectives of globalization. 46. MASS EDUCATION Bangladesh is the most densely populated country. A large number of our population is illiterate. Illiteracy is one of the greatest problems of our country. But it is our misfortune that we belong to one of the illiterate countries of the world. Every citizen of Bangladesh feels the necessity of education. Yet we do not pay any attention to solve this problem. This problem may be solved very easily. So education must be made free and compulsory at least up to the primary level. At present government has made primary education attractive by supplying books free of cost. As a result, a large number of poor and illiterate peasants of our country are encouraged to send their children to primary schools. Children of poor peasants and workers have to think for earning at a very early age. They cannot afford books, paper and pencil for learning. Night schools can enable them to learn elementary things for the working children and adults. Students of upper classes, colleges, madrashas and universities may start night schooling in their respective localities on a voluntary basis. The adults can refresh their minds and recollect what they learnt in the past. Thus the students can utilise their leisure hours by teaching the adults and the children of the workers in these night schools. The experts in education of our country should find out the ways and means to teach the adults and the poor children. Children at a very early age should be advised by parents about the necessity of education. Good students should be rewarded in order to encourage them. In this way the other students will get incentive to be attentive in their studies. The role of government for mass education is much essential. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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A large number of primary schools and night schools should be set up all over the country. Teaching profession should be made attractive and lucrative so that good scholars may come to the teaching profession. Economic development of a country depends on the number of the educated people. Literacy among adults is essential for the welfare of the country. Educated people can improve the quality as well as quantity of the agricultural products. They can implement different schemes and projects of the Government. Therefore, mass education is highly essential for a country. 47. ROLE OF WOMEN IN NATION BUILDING Development of a country comes from the collective contribution of men and women. Near about half of the total population of our country is women but some difference are noticed in their status. These differences are rooted in the political, economic, social and cultural framework. But we cannot expect the advancement of the nation keeping away this huge number of population from the development activities. Once women were treated unequally and looked down upon as feeble creature. They were far away from the development activities of the country. Their position in the family, society and state were disgraceful. Their role was confined as a mother, home maker and wife. In addition, she would give birth to children and bring them up. She was believed to be soft, submissive, obedient and dependent on men for their care and protection. But the present society is drastically changed. Nowadays women are participating in different development activities of the country. They are no longer confined within the four walls of their house. Whether it is due to economic necessity or individual identity or both many women are entering the outside workforce. They are joining a wide range of professions liketeaching, official jobs, banking, specialized, advisory and executive posts, defence, medical, engineering and agricultural sectors and so on. Moreover, it is not only educated but women who have little education or no education are coming out of their cocoons and becoming self reliant. They are working shoulder to shoulder with men in all the development programmes of the country. Women can play an important role in our economy. Especially we can mention garments sector. Bangladesh earns a lot of foreign currency from readymade garments. About 20 lacs women are engaged in garment sector. So, our women are playing a very significant role in the economic process of the country. About 90% women of our country live in the rural areas. We can not utilize this large manpower into productive force. At present the government is very much conscious of their development. Girls’ education from class One to Degree Level has already been made free. 60% female Teachers are recruited in the Primary levels. Employment of women in other sectors like science, judicial and law enforcing agencies have been increased. Women are equal partners to men. They can contribute to the destiny of the nation if opportunities are made open to them. For this, the government should provide proper training and other facilities for them to prove their worth in the competitive world. 48. CHILD LABOUR IN BANGLADESH Today’s child is the future hope and leader of the nation. Islam considers the children as the flowers of Heaven. So, children should be taught noble virtues and values to grow up physically and mentally good, ideal and responsible citizens of the country. But it is a matter of great sorrow that when they are supposed to play with their play mates, they are being compelled to do manual works. Child labor is not a new issue in the present world. They are seen on the streets more frequently in many countries of the world like India, Bangladesh Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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and some other poorer countries of Asia and Africa. About 200 million children in the world today are involved in child labor. About 25% of the total population of our country are children. Many of them are involved in organized, unorganized and house hold sectors in order to earn their livelihood. Children between the age 5-14 years old are engaged in various kinds of income generating activities in Bangladesh. These children are working in manufacturing factories, transport sectors, mills and factories, construction sector , tanneries, hotels and restaurants, garment factories, selling flowers, domestic house hold and also in agricultural sector. Many factors are working behind the creation of child labour. Extreme poverty, children from the broken family, river-erosion, national calamities like flood, drought, SIDR, AILA, lack of initiative by the government are root causes of child labor. When the poor parents cannot afford their kids, they force them to do manual works to earn their own livelihood. They are found on the busy road sides of cities selling news papers, garlands, clothes and many other things just to keep body and soul together. They often take risk of lives in doing manual works of their employers. Even some of the children are engaged in drug trafficking, addiction, stealing, snatching, hijacking etc. Child labor is a great threat to the nation. It hampers the development activities taken by the government. We cannot expect major progress of the nation keeping our children in a miserable condition. When the children are engaged in hard labour they cannot get opportunity to be educated. They cannot earn enough to have good food, sanitation and medical services. Child labour is a crime against child right Act. It must be stopped. The government should take proper steps to solve this problem. The government should ensure that they are provided with food, clothes, medicines, shelter, education and social security. Regarding this International Child right Act Should be implemented. Disparity upon children should be stopped. The government should allot a special budget for the welfare of the children.

DIGITAL BANGLADESH ‘Digital Bangladesh’ is a new but ambitious concept in the country. The present government, under the project titled ‘Vision-2021’has taken a great step to bring a radical change in the lives of millions of people by using sophisticated science and technology in every field. 'Digital Bangladesh' is at present a buzzword to the people of all classes. It means digitalizing Bangladesh by ensuring an ICT based society. All possible tasks of the government and other non-government or semi-government will be performed using digital technology. The motto of digital Bangladesh is to establish technology based digital governance, e-commerce, eagriculture, e-production, e-education etc. emphasizing the overall development of the country and the nation. Digitalisation is the process of implementing various initiatives, including e-governance, ecommerce, 100 percent literacy rate, sanitation, low mortality rate, high life expectancy, employment generation and making people skilled human resources through orientation of the use of computer as well as internet. Digital Bangladesh is a dream vision of bringing digital change in every sector. It is a process of digitalising everything in our national life. Our lifestyle, daily activities, business transaction, communications, entertainment, studies, etc would be made online. It is a process of making the common people aware about the widespread use of internet in their daily life to gear up the wheels of our overall socio-economic life. Economically rich and industrially developed countries are fully dependent on digitalisation process. They have made everything online. They have reduced using papers and very much accustomed in using emails and facsimiles to accomplish their activities. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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Educated people have to play a vital role in discharging their duties and responsibilities. They have to work together with the government to reach its goal of building a digital Bangladesh. In Bangladesh digitalization would bring a horizon of ray and hope for millions of people through their active participation in various developmental activities. We would be able to fight poverty. Above all, we need to change our mindset to make it happen. The benefits of digital Bangladesh are many. If we can establish a digital Bangladesh, corruption will be drastically reduced by enhancing transparency and accountability. It will make people think globally and connect them with the whole world economically, politically, socially, academically and even culturally. It will improve banking and financial activities. Agriculture, health, education, commerce — all these sectors will be highly benefited by making Bangladesh a digital one. For implementing this dream of digital Bangladesh, government has to take certain initiatives. First of all, uninterrupted power supply has to be ensured. We have to develop computer network infrastructures throughout the country. We also have to train our people to acquire ICT skill and ensure equitable access to digital governance services for all strata of the society. Digital governance will curb crime and corruption and pave the way for our country's rapid development. So, to see our country a digital one, government's commitment and people's co-operation are urgently required. Finally, our education should be computer based and in primary and secondary schools students should get easy access to the computer.



Global climate change is the most pressing issue at the moment over the world. The global climate is changing rapidly as the developed countries are emitting greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, for their own interests. As a result, the earth’s average temperature is rising and its consequences are leaving a bad impact on climate change. The poorer countries are forced to face natural calamities and poverty. Climate change impacts include temperature rise, greenhouse and carbon dioxide gas emissions, erratic rainfall, salinity intrusion, rise of floods, cyclones, storm surges and draught, ice sheets melting which will seriously affect the agriculture and livelihoods. Developing countries like Bangladesh, for their geographical locations, are likely to be the most affected, and the developed nations, which are more responsible for such climate changes, should take responsibilities to protect the countries already bearing the brunt. An irreversible climatic shift would displace millions of people worldwide. The Maldives is also one of the worst victims of climate change. A one metre sea-level rise will submerge about one-third of the total area of Bangladesh, which will severely affect 25-30 million people of Bangladesh. They will become refugees of climate change. Climatologists believed that failure in tackling greenhouse gas emissions during the last two decades is held responsible for rapid increase in rise of global temperature. An effective response to climate change challenges required striking a balance between mitigation and adaptation. All major greenhouse gas emitters must reduce the emissions significantly to stabilise the atmosphere. Clean development mechanism was not reaching all developing countries equally, especially to LDCs. The danger of climate change occurs in our planet so we cannot any longer consider this to be someone else’s problem. What happens to the Maldives and Bangladesh today, will happen to the rest of world tomorrow. So the industrially rich and developed countries must take steps in the coming climate change summit.

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Informal Letter Writing wPwV n‡”Q GK ai‡bi message ev msev`| ci¯ú‡ii mv‡_ †hvMv‡hvM Kivi Rb¨ GwU nj GKwU Ab¨Zg gva¨g| GKwU wPwV‡Z GKRb Zvi g‡bi K_v, cÖ‡qvRbxq welq, mgm¨v BZ¨vw` Zz‡j ai‡Z cv‡i| †mRb¨ wPwV Avgv‡`i Rxe‡b AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© f~wgKv cvjb K‡i| wPwV wewfbœ ai‡bi n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb :1. Private letter t G ai‡bi Letter cwiev‡ii AvZ¥xq ¯^Rb I eÜz ev܇ei Kv‡Q †jLv nq| 2. Business letter t evwYwR¨K cÖwZôv‡bi g‡a¨ wewbgq gva¨g nj Business Letter| †h †Kvb e¨w³I evwbwR¨K cÖwZôv‡bi Kv‡Q wPwV wjL‡Z cv‡i| 3. Official letter t miKvix, Avav miKvix Awd‡m †h me wPwV †jLv nq Zv Official letter e‡j cwiwPZ| Business I Official letter mvaviYZ formal c×wZ‡Z †jLv nq| 4. Public letter t Rb¯^v‡_© KZ…©c‡ÿi `„wó AvKl©‡bi Rb¨ msev` c‡Î †h wPwV †jLv nq Zv nj Public letter| ZvQvov AviI A‡bK ai‡bi wPwV †jLv n‡q _v‡K| †hgb -Request letter, Complaint letter, Social letter BZ¨vw`| Z‡e g‡b ivLv `iKvi †h, wPwVi fvlv Ggb nIqv DwPr hv Ac‡ii Kv‡Q †evaMg¨ Ki‡Z DrmvwnZ Kiv nq| †mRb¨ wPwV wjL‡Z mnR fvlv e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e| wPwV †jLvi c×wZ:wPwV‡Z QqwU Ask _v‡K| h_v t 1. Heading 2. Salutation 3. Body 4. Subscription 5. Signature 6. Address 1. Heading (wk‡ivbvg) t GB As‡k †jLK †Kv_v †_‡K wjL‡Q Zv Rvbv hvq| GB As‡k †jL‡Ki mswÿß wVKvbv Ges wPwV †jLvi ZvwiL D‡jøL _v‡K| Heading wU wPwVi cÖ_g c„ôvi Dc‡ii w`‡K Wvb cv‡ki †Kvbvq wjL‡Z nq| cÖ_‡g wVKvbv Ges Zvi wb‡P wPwV †jLvi ZvwiL D‡jøL Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb t Kwei †dbx †_‡K XvKv‡Z emevmiZ Zvi fvB gvwnb‡K wPwV wjL‡Z ‡M‡j wbæiƒc wjL‡Z n‡e| cÎ †cÖiK Kwe‡ii wVKvbv 32,School Road, Feni, 20 March 2012 Heading-G Punctuation Gi e¨envi m¤^‡Ü Rvbv `iKvi| cvov/gnjøv, MÖvg, WvKNi, _vbv, †Rjv, ZvwiL BZ¨vw` wjL‡Z Dc‡ii wbq‡g Kgv e¨envi Ki‡Z nq Ges †k‡l full stop emv‡Z n‡e| wKš‘ GB As‡k ‡Kv_vI Kgv e¨envi bv Ki‡jI P‡j| †hgb t Mirpur Road, Dhaka, 25 March, 07 2. Salutation/Greeting (m¤¢vlb) t wPwVi ïiæ‡Z m‡ævab m~PK kã mgwó GB As‡k †jLv nq| wPwVi Heading Gi GKUz wb‡P evg cv‡k GB AskwU wjL‡Z nq| cÎ †cÖiK Ges cÎ cÖvc‡Ki g‡a¨ m¤ú‡K©i g‡a¨ m¤ú‡K©i wfwˇZ m‡¤^vab ev m¤¢vlY g~jK k㸇jv e¨eüZ nq| †hgb t a. cwiev‡ii m`m¨ Ges AvZ¥xq ¯^R‡bi Kv‡Q wjL‡Z †M‡j Dear/My Dear Father, Mother, Uncle, Aunt, Son, Daughter BZ¨vw` wjL‡Z n‡e| b. cwiwPZ eÜz‡`i †ÿ‡Î Dear/My Dear Sumi †jLv hvq| Z‡e Dear Sumi †jLvB †kªq| c. AcwiwPZ n‡j Dear Sir/Dear Madam, wjL‡Z nq| A_©vr eÜz‡`i †ÿ‡Î (cwiwPZ/AcwiwPZ) Dear †jLv DËg| d. ‡h mg¯Í e¨w³ Lye cwiwPZ ev Lye Nwbó bq Ges Hme e¨w³ c`¯’ †m‡ÿ‡Î cyiæl n‡j Dear/ Mr. Rahat, Dear Mr. Munir Gfv‡e wjL‡Z nq| wKš‘ gwnjv n‡j Dear Mrs. Fatema, Dear Mrs. Nazneen wjL‡Z n‡e| e. e¨emv ev Awdm msµvšÍ n‡j Sir/Dear sir †jLv nq| Z‡e Sir/Dear Sir/ Sirs wbæiƒc wbqg Abyhvqx wjL‡Z n‡e| e¨emv cÖwZôvb The Manager/Director/Chairman ............................. Sir/Dear Sir, Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Letter Writing

miKvix/†emiKvix wkÿv cÖwZôvb/Awdm t Sir/Madam The Principal/Headmaster .........................College/School Sir/Madam, g. ‡QvU‡`i †ÿ‡Î bvg D‡jøL Kiv hvq| †hgbt Dear/My Dear Sujon, My Dear Rubel, Dear Sumon BZ¨vw` ‡jLv hvq| 3. Body (g~j K_v) t G As‡k wPwV ev Av‡e`b c‡Îi g~j welq e¯‘i D‡jøL _v‡K| Z‡e, g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h, wPwVi fvlv mnR, mvejxj Ges †QvU †QvU wbf~©j evK¨ nIqv DwPZ| †Kvb A‡eva¨ kã e¨envi bv KivB †kªq| wPwVi G AskwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y©| ¸iæZ¡ Abyhvqx wPwV eo ev †QvU n‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e welq e¯‘ wfbœ wfbœ n‡j Avjv`v Avjv`v Para / As‡k †jLv DwPr| A_©vr wPwVi G As‡k Para n‡Z cv‡i| Salutation Gi bx‡P GKUz space (duvKv) †i‡L G Ask ïiæ Ki‡Z nq| 4. Subscription (we`vq Dw³): wPwV †jLv †kl K‡i KwZcq kã (hv formal ev non-formal Dfq †ÿ‡Î) e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| G Ask †jL‡Ki Signature Gi Dc‡i _v‡K| wPwVi cÖK…wZ Abyhvqx Salutation wfbœ wfbœ n‡q _v‡K| †hgb t (i) evev-gv, m¤§vbxZ AvZ¥xq-¯^R‡bi †ÿ‡Î – Your obedient/loving/affectionately/lovingly son/daughter......., Your affectionately/lovingly ............ etc. e¨envi Kiv hvq| (ii) eÜz ev܇ei †ÿ‡Î Yours sincerely/Yours ever/Sincerely yours/Yours sincere friend .........BZ¨vw`| (iii) AcwiwPZ e¨w³/Aí cwiwPZ e¨w³/eÜzevÜe/e¨emv msµvšÍ/Awdm msµvšÍ wPwVi †ÿ‡Î Yours faithfully/Your truly/Truly yours .........BZ¨vw`| (iv) wkÿv cÖwZôv‡bi †ÿ‡Î - (QvÎ/QvÎx‡`i ‡ÿ‡Î) I remain, Sir/Madam, Yours obediently/Your most obediently ............. 5. Signature (¯^vÿi) t G As‡k †jL‡Ki bvg/¯^vÿi _v‡K| SubscriptionGi wVK bx‡P Signature Ki‡Z n‡e | Signature Kivi mgq †jL‡Ki c~Y© bvg bv wjLv eva¨Zvg~jK bq| 6. Superscription (wVKvbv wjLb) t hv‡K ‡jLv nq Zvi wVKvbv Lv‡gi Dci †jLv‡K Superscription e‡j| Post Card ev Envelope Gi Wvb cv‡k WvKwU‡K‡Ui wb‡P wVKvbv wjL‡Z nq| wVKvbv‡Z cÖvc‡Ki bvg, MÖvg/gnjøv, †ivW bs, WvK, †Rjvi bvg D‡jøL _vKv Avek¨K| Writing Informal Letter f.

1. Write a letter to your friend about your aim in life. 06, Santinagar Road, Dhaka October 30, 2010 My Dear Rumpa, Your letter of the 20th instant is just to my hand. You're very eager to know about my aim in life. Thank you for your interest and here I am writing about it. I have told you that I have a keen interest in computer learning. Actually, I want to be a computer engineer. Of course, there are some practical reasons for choosing this aim of my life. Nowadays computer influences our practical life greatly. In fact, modern life cannot run without computer. This machine is used in treatment, communication, calculation, games and sports, making any plan and so on. So a man without any knowledge of computer is blamed to be back-dated. He may not get a good job. On the other hand, job facilities are open for those persons who have good knowledge of computer. So I'm determined to pursue my higher studies in computer science and technology. I have firm faith that I would succeed in my attempt. No more today. What are you thinking about your future aim? Please let me know as soon as possible. With best wishes to you all. Yours ever, Sumi Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Form Name: ------------------Vill: ---------------------P.O: ---------------------Thana: ------------------Dist: ----------------------



To Name: ------------------Vill: ---------------------P.O: ---------------------Thana: ------------------Dist: ----------------------

2. Write a letter to your younger brother now in Australia advising him to adjust with the new place and food with patience and courage. 8A Dhanmondi, Dhaka 4 March 2010 My Dear Rafiq, I hope that my letter will find you hale and hearty. I had a letter from you yesterday. You are now in Australia. You have gone there for about six months. Australia is a new place to you. You have never been there before. So it is very normal to face some problems there. You are having the troubles with the new place and new food. The culture there is quite different from ours. The eating habits are different too. The way we eat is not the same. The people of Australia do not use hands while eating. They use forks and spoons. You may face problems in eating food in any hotel or restaurant. The movement in the street is also very difficult. People strictly abide by the traffic rules. You cannot move freely as you are in the habit of moving in your own country. So, I would like to advise you to adjust yourself to this new situation. First of all, you are advised to find out a Bangladeshi national who can help you in eating and going around. I think you will need a few days to adjust yourself there. You should remember that time is the healer of every problem. Secondly, you should try to observe how the people move in the street in cars or vehicles and eat in the hotel and restaurant. If you do so, everything will become easy for you there. No more today. I am well. Do write me back when you have sometime. You need not worry. Everything will be fine. No more today. With the best of luck. Yours ever, Nasir (An envelope should be drawn) 3. Write a letter to your friend describing your visit to a place of interest on study tour. 9, Mymensingh Road, Dhaka-1000 15 May 2011 My Dear Robi, Thank you very much for your letter of the 10th instant. I am glad to know that you have decided to visit our country soon. You will be glad to know that last week we had a very pleasant time for a day. We went on a study tour. It was the 5th of May, 2009. We were ten in number. We went to Cox's Bazar. We hired a micro bus and started for the place at about 8 p.m. We reached there the next day at about 11 a.m. The place is a beautiful spot. The long sea beach is really a thing of beauty. I saw the setting of the sun, the fishermen catching fish in boats and trawlers, the coming and leaving of the ships, people of different ages bathing in the water and in the sun and so many surprising things, sights and scenery. I was greatly amazed with games of light in water of vast sea. A tour is always educative. It has an educative value. From the tour I have got knowledge of the sea, the knowledge of the tribal people and what not. It would have been Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Letter Writing

more enjoyable and pleasant if you were with us. I expect to have a chance when you will come to my country. I am fine. I wish you good luck. Ever yours, Nabin (An envelope should be drawn) 4. Write a letter to your friend describing a terrible street accident you witnessed. 9, Tajmahal Road, Dhaka-1000 20 January 2011 My dear Naheed, You will be shocked to know about a terrible accident I witnessed last day. The accident took place near Science Laboratory. A school boy was crossing the road near his school at about 8 a.m. Suddenly a speedy truck was passing with a great speed. The boy fell on the road. Some of his classmates ran to the spot and found that one leg of the boy was bleeding heavily. The boy cried loudly. In the meantime many people assembled there. I also rushed to the spot. Some students took the boy to the medical college hospital. The accident touched me very much. How unsafe our life is! You never know what will happen to you when you are out of doors. It is a pity that despite a lot of accidents, traffic rules are not maintained strictly. Authorities concerned should be vigilant to check accidents. No more today. With best wishes. Yours sincerely Nabil (An envelope should be drawn) 5. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant result in the SSC examination. Barisal Cadet College, Barisal February 10, 2011 My Dear Habib, Congratulations! I hope you have understood the reason of my congratulating you I am very happy to learn from your letter that you have passed the SSC examination getting GPA 5. It is a brilliant result for which anybody can feel proud. This result will help you to build your future career. It is such a result that makes everyone envious of you. I am sure that it has been possible for your hard work and planned study. This will inspire you as well as your friends in future. My parents are also very pleased to hear about your result and they wish you good luck.It will be very pleasing for me if you pay a short visit to our house as soon as possible. No more today. Convey my salam to your parents and love to the youngers. With best wishes. Yours ever, Sakil (An envelope should be drawn) 6. Write a letter to your brother/sister telling him/her about the importance of reading newspaper. 9 Nurjahan Road, Dhaka 23 June 2011 My Dear Mina, I am sorry to learn that you do not read newspaper. But you should know that newspaper is a storehouse of knowledge and information. You can’t be up-to-date without knowing the national and international events that newspaper brings to our door everyday. So by reading newspaper you can know what is happening in our country as well as in other countries. You Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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can know about other peoples, their manners and customs by reading newspaper. Not only that a newspaper contains news about games and sports also. The radio and television cannot cover all the events. So in order to have complete information you must read the newspaper. So I am advising you to make a habit of reading newspaper daily. It will help you a lot to enrich yourself in general knowledge. No more today. Be attentive to your study. I wish you good luck. Your brother, Hiron (An envelope should be drawn) 7. Write a letter to your friend about your experience of an encounter with a mugger. Uttara, Section-9, Dhaka November 18, 2011 My Dear X, I have not heard from you for a long time. I hope you are quite well by the grace of the Almighty and you are going on well with your study. Now I am telling you about an unpleasant experience of being attacked by a hijacker. Last week I was returning from my teacher's house alone. It was about 8 p.m. When I reached Azampur area, a young man told me to stop. I stopped. Instantly the young man took out a revolver from his pocket and aimed at me. He also told me to give him everything I had. As you know I am a student and I did not have enough money except rickshaw fare, I handed it to him out of fear. The young man threatened me to kill if I would not give him the watch and the gold chain on my neck. Though I did not want to give them, the mugger forced me to give them. Then I shouted for help. There were some people but they did not come forward to help me. After taking everything he began to run. I also ran after him but instantly he vanished in the crowd. At last some people came forward but it was late then. I returned home with a broken heart. No more today. Be careful in moving here and there. Convey my salam to your parents. Yours ever, Kamal (An envelope should be drawn) 08. Write a letter to your friend describing the annual sports of your college. Jail Road, Pabna 2 October 2011 My Dear Rakin, Thank you for your letter. I am sorry for being late to answer. I was busy with the college function. The annual sports and prize giving ceremony of our college was held yesterday. The prize giving ceremony was held in college auditorium on 1st October 2009. The function started at 9.00 a.m. The college auditorium was nicely decorated with flowers and festoons. The Director of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board was the chief guest and the Deputy Director was the special guest. Guardians were invited to the function. The ceremony was divided in two phases. The first part included recitation from the Holy Quran, speech by some guests, the Secretary and Principal and after that prizes were given for the best performance in examinations and co-curricular activities. The Director delivered an excellent speech advising us to be good citizen as well as great scholars. The second phase was a cultural programme. It included songs, reciting poems and dance. I also have received three prizes. No more today. My love to you all. With best wishes. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Letter Writing

Yours lovingly, Sumona (An envelope should be drawn) 09. Write a letter to your younger brother advising him not to adopt unfair means in the examination. 123, Azimpur, Dhaka-1207 10 November 2011 Dear Anil, Yesterday I received a letter from one of your friends. Reading the letter I've come to know about you and your progress in studies. I am not satisfied with your study. Nowadays you often go out and remain outside hostel even till after evening. You know this is never good for a student. I've also come to know that you don’t find interest in study. But if you do not study seriously you won't be able to do well in the examination. Your annual exam is knocking at the door. So your lack of interest in study indicates that you are planning to adopt unfair means in the examination. This is extremely destructive and suicidal. If you do it, you will kill your future. You'll not be able to pursue higher studies. You won't get any good job either. The present age is highly competitive and you will have to show your creative power to get any job. But copying in the exam, will destroy your creative power. You should remember that now your time is ahead to take the responsibility of the family. So from now be serious about your study and get prepared for the coming annual examination. I advise you to make it a point that you should in no way adopt unfair means in the examination. No more today. I wish you a bright result. Your elder brother, Ariful Huq (An envelope should be drawn) 10. Write a letter to your friend who lives at 12, Elephant Road, Dhaka - 1205 describing your recent experience of traffic jam. 12, New Circular Road, Dhaka March 13, 2011 My Dear X, It is quite a long time since I have heard from you. I am now writing to you about the late entry in the examination hall caused by traffic jam. It was 10 March, Thursday, 2009. It was the date for English 1st Paper. Dhanmondi Govt. Boys' High School was my examination centre. I started from 12, New Circular Road, Dhaka an hour before starting the examination. But unfortunately, I fell on a traffic jam. Finding no other alternative I got down from the bus and took a rickshaw. But it was very slow as my time was very short. When I reached the examination hall it was about half an hour late. After entering the exam hall the invigilators gave me the script and the question paper. All the questions were common to me and I started to write. But I could not write the full answer of any question. The final bell rang out it seemed to me that time passed away very fast. At last I left the hall with a great tension. Convey my salam to your parents and love to the younger brothers and sisters. Hoping you to be hale and hearty. Yours ever, Deena (An envelope should be drawn) 11. Write a letter to your friend about a picnic you have enjoyed recently. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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40/3, Jhiltuly, Faridpur, February 3, 2011 My Dear Siplu, Your letter is just to my hand. I am happy to know that you are going on well with your study. You will be glad to know that some of my friends and I have recently made a picnic and now I am writing about it. We went to Mainamati for a picnic on the 1st February. You know Mainamati is a place of historical interest. We reached Mainamati by a hired bus. The bus came to our school gate in the morning. We took utensils and other necessary things on it. I took a seat beside a window. We started for the picnic spot at 9.00 am. It took us an hour and a half to reach there. We had our breakfast in the bus. On the bus we were enjoying ourselves by singing in chorus. The picnic spot was very beautiful. We moved around the place and enjoyed the natural beauty. We also saw the relics of the ancient civilization. We took our lunch at 2. p.m. After lunch we arranged a cultural function. Some of my friends sang and danced and some recited poems. I did not take part but enjoyed silently. After passing the whole day we returned to our school at 6 p.m. It was really a wonderful day. We spent the whole day enjoying and merry-making. It will remain ever fresh in my mind. No more today. I am looking forward to knowing about you. With all the best wishes. Yours sincerely, Fahim (An envelope should be drawn) 12. Write a letter to your friend who wants to know about Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh. March 3, 2011 My Dear Johan, I'm very glad to receive your letter. I am happy to know that you are well. In your letter you wanted to know about our country. Well, you know ours is an independent country and it is the country of green beauty. She is a land of flora and fauna. Its land area is of 1, 47,570 square kilometre with a huge population of about 140 million. It's a densely populated country. Most of the people are Muslims. Bangla is our mother tongue for which many people sacrificed their lives in 1952. UNESCO has recently declared 21st February as International Mother Language Day. Nature has bestowed us beauties and bounties. There are green trees, rivers and the largest sea-beach of the world in Cox's Bazar. Poets and artists are charmed by this beauty. We have a rich cultural heritage and we are proud of it. There are three World Heritage Sites in our country. Our country has produced world famous poets, novelists and artist. You will be amazed at her beauty. We are proud of being born in this land. No more today. Write to me about your country. It will be very pleasing for me if you pay a short visit to our country. With love and best wishes for you all. Sincerely yours, Murshan (An envelope should be drawn) 13. Write a letter to a friend describing harmful effects of junk food. Iqbal Road, Dhaka. March 3, 2011 My Dear Rakhi, I have come to know from your letter that you have developed a habit of eating junk food. It is really a very bad habit. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Letter Writing


Junk food is very appealing to look and very pungent in taste. But it does no good to our body. Rather junk foods do a lot of harm. The added chemicals are mixed in junk foods. Junk foods like chips, burgers, crisp, cakes, biscuits etc. are rich in high animal fats. Animal fats are turned into fatty tissues. As a result you will become bulky. On the other hand sweets and frizzy drinks are high in sugar which can damage your teeth and skin. Junk food does not contain vitamins and minerals which are essential for keeping us healthy. Now you find that junk food does more harm than good to our body. I hope you will give up this injurious habit as early as possible. I am well and hope you to be so. Convey my salam to your parents and love to the youngers. With love and best wishes for you. Your loving friend, Shamim (An envelope should be drawn) 14. Write a letter to your friend thanking him for his hospitality when you were in his home. New Market Road, Rajshahi. November 09, 2010 My Dear Rahat, I am happy to tell you that I reached home at 4 p.m. from your home yesterday. It took me 4 hours to come home from your residence. All the way I thought about you and your family. I can’t forget your hospitality. I spent two days at your home. It felt at home as all the members of your house received me cordially. Specially, I cannot forget the loving touch of your mother. The way she talked to me was simply wonderful. It seemed that my own mother was before me who is no more in this world. Your father was also very friendly to me. I was moved by the hospitality he offered me. Your grand parents showed great affection to me. They were also very good to me. I told my father about you and your family. He also became very happy hearing everything. My father and I will be very happy if you will come to visit us. No more today. I am well. Please convey my best regards to your parents and love to the youngers. I wish you best of luck. Yours ever, Salma (An envelope should be drawn) 15. Write a letter to your friend describing your experience of visiting a book fair. Shahjahanpur, Dhaka February 28, 2010 Dear Shimul, I had got your letter last week. But I am sorry to make delay to reply your letter. You will be very glad to know that I have visited Ekuser Boi Mela. Now I am going to tell about it. On the last 28 February I went to Ekushey Boi Mela held at Bangla Academy premises on the occasion of 21st February. You know that I am always fond of reading books. So I purchase books whenever I can manage money. There were about two hundred stalls. All sorts of books such as fictions, novels, dramas, poems and books of medicine, engineering, politics, histories, general knowledge, etc. had been displayed in Ekushey Boi Mela. The book fair Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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was crowdy. Both male and female gather in Ekushey Boi Mela. The writers also visit the fair regularly. When I bought a novel from a stall, I noticed a big gathering in front of a specific stall. This stall was writers stall. I went there and came to know that some famous novelist were present there. I became interested in collecting autograph and collected autographs of two poets. Cultural program was arranged by Bangla Academy and I enjoyed it very much. Nomore today. More when we will meet. Yours ever, Anika (An envelope should be drawn) 16. Write a letter to your friend telling him about your preparation for the coming HSC Examination. 32, Arambag, Dhaka November 09, 2010 My dear Rahima, I have received you letter of the 5th instant. In your letter you have wanted to know about my preparation for the HSC exam. I am now going to write you about my preparation for the HSC examination. You will be glad to know that I stood first in the final model test of our college. You know I could not do very well in the Pre-test exam. But after it was over, I began to study seriously and sincerely. Earlier I did not study on any subject very seriously except Mathematics and got good marks only in math. Before our Test Exam I studied well all the subjects. Everyday I started to study at 6:30 p.m. closing the door of my reading room and continued up to 12:00 (mid night) with a gap of 20 minutes for supper in the middle. And every morning I checked what I learnt the previous night through writing. You can say, I was in deep study at night and I sat for checking in every morning. This practice helped me so much that I have done quite well in the model test held after the Test exam of our college. Now I am quite confident that it will be possible for me to cut a good figure in the HSC Exam. Please tell your parents to pray for me. Convey my salam to your parents and love to the youngers. I will be happy if you write about your study. I wish you best of luck. Your loving friend Bablu (An envelope should be drawn) 17. Write a letter to your friend describing the Statue of Liberty you have recently visited. 32, Armanitola, Dhaka 13 March 2010 Dear X, I have received you letter of the 10th instant. I am very pleased to know that you are well and going on well with your studies. You will be glad to know that I had got an opportunity to visit the Statue of Liberty in America. Here I am giving you an idea about my visit. The Statue of Liberty, originally called Liberty Enlightening the world. The Statue is on Liberty Island formerly known as Bedloe's island in the harbour of New York. The statue symbolises liberty in the form of a woman wearing flowing robes and spiked crown. The statue, the island and nearby Ellis Island had been declared a national monument in 1924. The whole statue is formed of copper sheets riveted to an iron framework. It is one of the largest Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Letter Writing

statues in the world. It measures, 93.6 m from the bottom of the pedestal to the tip of the torch. The figure itself is 46.4m high: the right arm is 12.8 m long: the hand is 5.03 m long: and the head which is reachable by staircase or emergency lift. I was very charmed at the sight of the statue. No more today. Please convey my best regards to your parents and love to the younger. Yours ever, Kisor (An envelope should be drawn) 18. Write a letter to your friend describing the recent fair held in your village. 12, New Circular Road, Dhaka March 3, 2010 My Dear X, I can’t help telling you about a fair held in my village last day. In my village, every year in the Baishakh, people are awaken with a new spirit of celebration and they gather in the mela with great passion. Last day I witnessed the fair. Thousands of people from the native village and the nearby localities gathered at the place under the century-old banyan tree on the river bank. Traders and merry makers came two days ago and made their tents at the place. The whole place was dazzling with little lamps and huts and people walking and working there. All the preparation was finished before the fixed day and people began to come to the place. It became a huge mob by the afternoon and the place was buzzing with life. Youngsters played with toys and flutes, flew kites in the sky, tasted biscuits and sweetmeats. Hundreds of little shops of handicrafts, potteries, toys were displayed there. The magician was playing his tricks. The snake charmer was charming the fearful snakes to the timid viewers as well. Not only the youngmen but also the aged came to make their life a little happy. The mela ended at 7 in the evening, and I wondered, I could have been happier if you were with me. I am inviting you to the fair next year in advance. Convey my salam to your parents and love to the youngers. With best wishes. Yours ever, Y (An envelope should be drawn) 19. Write a letter to your friend informing him about various aspects of a place of historical importance. 16 Arambug, Dhaka December 12, 2010 My Dear Ashiq, I received your letter yesterday. Thank you very much for your letter. You have wanted to know about our last visit to the National Memorial at Savar. You know the National Memorial is about thirty kilometers away from Dhaka. Last week I went to visit the National Memorial with my parents. We went there in the afternoon by bus. It took us about an hour to reach there. Anyway, when we reached Savar cantonment we could see the tall towers of the memorial. I got excited seeing it. Within five minutes we got down from bus in front of the memorial. Then we entered the complex and walked straight to the towers. There are a number of graves close to the towers. We bowed down our heads standing in front of the Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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graves. Then we walked all around. There is a museum where the relics of our Independence War have been preserved for the visitors. The entire complex covers an area of 126 acres. We all enjoyed our visit very much. At last there came down the darkness of evening and we set for our residence. It was, in fact, a very impressive visit. It would be very enjoying if you were with us. No more today. Convey my regards to your parents and love to your younger sister. Yours ever, Samir (An envelope should be drawn) 20. Write a letter to your friend Anik/Anika telling him/her about how to improve in English. 12, Darussalam Road, Dhaka 13 March 2010 My dear Anika, I got your letter yesterday. I am happy to learn that you are well. I am well too. You have written to me that you are weak in English. I am not at home in English either. However, as a friend I must tell you what I have recently learnt regarding it. Learning English is not something to memorise rather it is something to acquire through constant practice. First, I am suggesting you to read newspaper quite a lot. This will help you increase your stock of vocabulary and increase your power to understand. Remember, you may not understand all the words. But, try to guess their meanings from the context, no need to look them up in the dictionary. Then I would like to suggest you to know the grammatical rules. This will help you know how sentences are formed. Next, you should attend English classes regularly. In the class you should speak English with your friends. If possible, attend special coaching for learning English. Try to use English in speaking and writing in a precise way. In this way, I think you will be able to improve English gradually. Don’t worry if people laugh at you when you make mistake. You will certainly learn through mistakes. Yours ever, Rubby (An envelope should be drawn) 21. Write a letter to your younger brother informing him the procedures of opening a bank account. 07, Khan Jahan Ali Road, Khulna 13 March 2010 My Dear Mahim, I have received your letter in time. I am very happy to know that you have got a scholarship. Congralations for you brilliant result. Thank you very much for your idea to deposit the scholarship money with a bank. But you have told that you do not know how to open it. Opening a bank account is quite easy. First choose a bank of good service where you can open an account. Then go to the nearest branch of the bank and collect an application form. Next, fill it up giving all the data required. Now attached your photograph attested by an introducer who has account with this bank. Then give your signature by which you would like to deposit and withdraw your money. After all these take the form to the official concerned. Then he will allow you to open an account. Of course you have to deposit a definite amount of money at the time of opening your account. Now the official will give you an account number and a valid cheque-book. Thus you will be able to operate with your bank activities. No more today. Convey my salam to the seniors and love to the youngers. Your brother, Arifa (An envelope should be drawn) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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22. Write a letter to your friend describing your experience of plane journey to your friend who has not travelled by plane. 9 Nasirabad, Chittagong. October 30, 2010 My Dear Neloy, It is long since I am not getting any letter from you. I hope you are well and going on well with you studies. You will be glad to hear that recently I have made a plane journey from Chittagong to Dhaka. It was a wonderful new experience as it was my first plane journey. On 24th of October my father obtained two economy class air tickets for Dhaka. He surprised me by informing that I was accompanying him in his Dhaka journey. My father and I reached the Chittagong airport in time. We were properly checked by port authority before crossing the passenger lounge. When I got in the plane I was totally amazed. The air hostess gave us direction. We fastened our seatbelts properly. In due time the plane started for destination. Within a few minutes we were flying in the sky. I was in great tension. My seat was by the side of a window and I was looking outside through the window. The buildings and trees were looking very tiny. All the houses and trees looked like miniature. The roads and rivers looked like snake. I enjoyed the journey very much. We reached Dhaka within half an hour. No more today. Convey my best regards to your parents and love to the younger. With the best wishes. Yours ever, Lubna (An envelope should be drawn) 23. Write a letter to your friend consoling him/her at the death of his/her father/mother. Barisal Cantonment, Barisal. 9 May 2010 Dear Kamrul, I am deeply shocked to hear that you have lost your father. I went to school yesterday and heard it from one of my friends Kader. The sad news came to me as a bolt from the blue. I can't imagine even now that your father is no more. I knew your father was bed ridden. I am really shocked. Though he was your father, he loved me as his own son. I can’t console you in words. But it is the harsh reality that he will never come back. I feel much for you. What pains me most is that your father died an unexpected premature death. His death reminds me once again that none can escape the icy hands of death. His death must be a serious shock to your mother, too. I am requesting you to bear the shock and you should know that death is in evitable to all living things. What I can say is that you should not break down at this crucial moment. His death has thrown upon you greater responsibilities. Have patience and tackle the situation. I feel with you in your sorrow. I pray that Allah might give you courage to bear this loss and peace for the departed soul. May his soul rest in peace. No more today. Take care of you and your mother. Ever yours, Ratna (An envelope should be drawn) 24. Imagine that you celebrated your 15th birthday. One of your friends couldn't attend it, but he sent you a beautiful present. You felt delighted and thankful to him for such a present. Now, write a letter to your friend thanking him for the birthday present. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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32 Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1205 20 June2010 Dear Ziaul, Your letter of the 10th instant brought a great delight to me. The exquisitely beautiful watch that you sent me on the occasion of my 15th birthday gladdened me most. It was very nice of you to have remembered me on my birthday. I thank you heartily for sending me such an attractive present. I missed you very much. Many of my friends came except you. We are all keeping well. It will give me much pleasure if you kindly pay a visit to our house soon. Please convey my best regards to your parents and love to the youngsters. This is all for the day. Your loving friend, Rupom (An envelope should be drawn) 25. Suppose you and all of your classmates have decided to go to a picnic at the National Park at Rajendrapur. Everything is ready in this connection. Now write a letter to your friend inviting him to join the picnic you are going to enjoy. 7 A Dhanmondi Dhaka-1205. 13 June 2010 Dear Ripon, Our Test Examination is just over and we have a vacation for 6 days. You'll be glad to know that we are going to have a picnic at the National Park at Rajendrapur on Friday next. Almost all the students of our class are expected to take part in it. Two of our teachers will guide us. We shall start for the picnic spot from our school campus just at 8 a.m. I expect it would be a cheerful and enjoyable one. We have hired a small bus. I'll be very glad if you join with us. My friends will also be happy to find you in our midst on this happy occasion. Please do not miss it. Come in time to catch the bus from our school campus. Convey my best regards to your parents. With love and best wishes. Yours ever, Rifat (An envelope should be drawn) 26. Suppose the marriage ceremony of your elder sister is going to be held on 29th instant. Everything is ready for the purpose. Now write a letter to your friend inviting him to join the ceremony. 16/4 Nasirabad Chittagong, 10 July 2010 Dear Tomal, You'll be happy to know that the marriage ceremony of my elder sister is going to be held on 29th instant. It'll be celebrated at our residence at 7 p.m. All arrangements have been made for the entertainment of a number of guests. We have erected a gate in front of our house to welcome the guest. I shall be happy if you kindly join the function and attend the dinner. You know my parents take you as me. They also will be very glad to find you in our midst on this happy occasion. Don't forget to come in time. Pray for my sister. I am looking forward to having you in our midst. I am well. Please convey my best regards to your parents. With love and best wishes. Your loving friend, Nahim (An envelope should be drawn) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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27. Suppose you are an HSC Examinee. After the examination is over you'll have enough time, when you like to spend doing some social work in your village. Now write a letter to your friend telling him what you want to do after your examination is over. 24/7 Green Road, Dhaka-1200 20 February 2010 Dear Firoza, I have received your letter in time. My HSC Examination is over and now I have enough free time. You have expressed your desire to know what I'm going to do after my HSC Examination. Here I am giving you a vivid description of it. I have already taken a plan for spending this long period. I will go to my village and engage myself in doing some social works. At first, I will let the villagers to know the importance of the use of health and sanitation. Next, I will teach them the rules of health and how to maintain them. I will also make them alert about the necessity of family planning in order to control our population growth. Besides this, I will teach the illiterate adult people of my village how to read and write. My uncle will help me in this respect. I think you will like my idea. No more today. I wish you to have a good health. Yours ever, Rumpa. (An envelope should be drawn) 28. Suppose you have a younger brother. He has recently been addicted to smoking, which causes lungs cancer, bronchitis and other respiratory troubles. Now, write a letter to your younger brother telling him of the bad effects of smoking and to give it up. 5/B Green Road, Dhaka. 23 July 2010 Dear Mahbub, I received your letter of the 10th instant yesterday. I am glad to learn that you are taking good preparations for the coming HSC Examination. But from one of your friends’ letter I have come to know that you have recently been addicted to smoking. Don't you know how dreadful smoking is? To form this habit is to commit suicide. It's as harmful as poison. There is a poison like nicotine in it, which causes lungs cancer, bronchitis, heart disease etc. It ruins the vitality of life and hastens death. It can be said that smoking is as like as committing suicide. So, I would like to advise you to give up smoking before it is too late. I do believe you will follow my advice and give up smoking altogether from the moment you receive this letter. I am coming home soon. Render my regards to parents. Take care of your health. With love and best wishes. Your elder brother, Bakul (An envelope should be drawn) 29. Suppose your younger brother is unwilling to take physical exercise which is essential for keeping in good health and hard work. Now, write a letter to your younger brother advising him to take physical exercise regularly. Azam Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka. 25 June 2010 Dear Mizanur, I have received your letter of the 20th instant. I am happy to know that you are going on well with your studies. I came to learn that recently you are not keeping in good health in spite of Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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having good food. I suspect that you are not taking regular physical exercise. Physical exercise is essential for keeping in good health. It builds up our body and makes you stout and healthy. You know a sound mind is found in a sound body. It keeps our blood circulation regular. It gives us fresh energy and helps us return to work with renewed energy. If you want to do well in the examination, you have to be physically strong and stout. The man who is physically weak can't achieve anything good in life. So the earlier you realise the importance of physical exercise, the better it is for you. Don’t think that the time spent for physical exercise merely a waste of time. No more today. Convey my best regards to parents and love to younger ones. I am wishing you to have a good health. Your elder brother, Zabir (An envelope should be drawn) 30. Suppose one of your friends borrowed a book from you for just ten days. Even after two months he/she has not returned the book. Your examination is near and you badly need the book. Now, write a letter to him/ her requesting him to return the book. Raninagar, Rajshahi. 20 February 2010 My dear Bally, It is long since we met last. I hope you're well and going on well with your study. You know that my final examination is knocking at the door. Do you remember that you borrowed my copy of English Grammar and Composition just after Test Examination? You told me that you would return the book within ten days. I'm sure you have finished reading it and do not need to keep it any longer. I think you have forgotten to return the book. As the examination is very near, I am badly in need of the book. So, please return the book as soon as possible. No more today. Convey my salam to your parents and love to the youngers. I hope you cut a good figure in the coming exam. With best of luck. Yours ever, Yasir (An envelope should be drawn) 31. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send some money for the purpose of purchasing a number of books that you need urgently. College Hostel Asheq Mahmud College, Jamalpur. 5 October 2010 Dear Father, Take my salam. I hope you are well by the grace of Allah. I am also fine. I am writing to tell you that our Biology teacher has suggested a number of books that I must buy immediately. These latest books are mainly for advanced students. Our teacher says that those who expect to secure high marks in this subject must study these books. The books will cost me about tk. 375/-. So, please send this amount as soon as possible. Best regards to you and mother. Give my love to my little sister Rina. Take care of your health. Yours affectionately, Mahmuda (An envelope should be drawn) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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32. Suppose your friend has got a week's holiday. You wish that he would spend his holidays with you at your village home. Now write a letter to your friend inviting him to spend the holidays with you. Vill. & Post: Bhairab District: Kishoregong. 20 May 2010 My Dear Subir, I have just received your letter. I am very glad to know that you will soon have a week's holiday. Do you remember the promise you once made to me that you would visit us during your vacation? Now you have got a golden opportunity to fulfill your promise. I will be extremely delighted and happy if you come to our village home to pass the holidays with us. I am sure you will feel much better here as there will be a change of climate for you. Here you will breathe in fresh air and enjoy the natural sight and scenery far away from your town which is full of noises. I am sure that your visit to my village will refresh your mind and give you new energy to do your work. No more today. More when we will meet. With best regards for your parents and love to you. Your loving friend, Rifat (An envelope should be drawn) 33. Suppose your younger brother is not punctual and serious in his studies. He is very inattentive and as a result his progress report has not become up to your expectation. Now write a letter to your younger brother advising him to be punctual and diligent in his studies. 30 Sardar Road, Sylhet 20 May 2010 My Dear Alam, I have received your progress-report from your school. It is strange that you have failed almost in all subjects. I am very shocked at it. Father and mother also have felt shock. This has happened because you are neglecting your studies. I have also come to know that you are not regular at school even. You should realize that time is ahead to take the responsibility of the family. Be diligent and keep company with only good boys. If you follow this advice, it will not be hard for you to do well in the next examination. Inform me if you have any particular problems with your studies. Do not forget that we all have high hope about you. You should also know that bad habit once formed is not easy to give up. Be confident in your worth. With best wishes. Take care of your health. Your loving elder brother, Ashik (An envelope should be drawn) 34. Imagine, you are Sumon/Sumona of Mymensingh Road, Dhaka-1000, Few days ago you made a train journey from Mymensingh to Dhaka. Now write a letter to your Non Bangladeshi friend Donn who lives at Derriford Road, Plymoth PLG8BH. UK, describing your experience about train journey. Mymensingh Road, Dhaka-1000 15 March 2010 Dear Deena, Take my heartiest love. I hope you are quite well by the grace of Almighty. I am very happy to give you a description of a journey by train that I made in the last autumn vacation from Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Mymenshingh to Dhaka. I reached the station at 8.00 am though the train was supposed to come at 9.00 am. It was then a very busy time. After sometime hearing a whistle, the passengers stood in a queue before the ticket counter. I also stood in the line and bought a second class ticket. The train came accordingly and the guard whistled and waved his flag. The station became noisy and every passenger tried to get into the train first. I got into a second class compartment. Fortunately I got my seat beside a window luckily. The train left the station. I looked outside and found the beauty of nature. The train was running through green paddy fields. They were tossing their heads in the breeze. Some of the passengers in the compartment were talking on various matters. Some were reading newspapers and magazines. Hawkers came up to us with their goods for sale. The train reached at the Kamalapur Station and I got down. The journey gave me much pleasure. Indeed it was one of the most memorable days in my life. The journey will remain ever fresh in my memory. I am well. With best wishes and love. No more today. I will be very pleased if you come to my house for a visit. Yours sincerely, Sumona (An envelope should be drawn) 35. Write a letter to your friend consoling him at his failure in the HSC examination. Daulatpur, Khulna April 14, 2010 Dear Lucy, With great enthusiasm I was waiting to get the happy news of your success. But I was greatly shocked when I came to know that you have failed in the Exam. I did not think it before that I would have to receive such shocking news. Dear friend, what is gone, gone forever and what is lotted, cannot be blotted. You should not take your failure to heart. I know the reason of your bad result. You had been sick for long time your long illness before your examination troubled your studies. Moreover, your mother was sick and you had to look after all the household affairs. All these are responsible for your failure. We all know about your brilliant result in the previous examinations. I do still believe that if you start to work hard right from now, next year you will make again a brilliant result. No more today. Don’t lose hope. Keep studying and you will surely make a good result. Yours sincerely, Surma (An envelope should be drawn) 36. Suppose, you are Monir/Monira living at Sonapur, Chandpur and a student of Nurpur High School. Your friend, Nazim/Nazuia is a rural student living at Kaptai, Rangamati He/She wants to know about the co-curricular activities of your college. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the co-curricular activities of your college. Sonapur, Chandpur 12 September 2010 My Dear Nazim, Take my cordial love. Hope, you are well by the grace of Almighty. I received your letter yesterday. In your letter you have wanted to know about the co-curricular activities of our college. I am writing a short description about it. Academic activities as well as co-curricular activities of our college are all along given equal importance. Only academic activities can’t make a student perfect in the fullest sense in the spacious play ground of our college. We regularly play football, cricket, table tennis, badminton, volleyball and many other games. We take part into indoor and outdoor games. We work in our college garden by turns. We Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Letter Writing

take part in debates, extempore speeches, selected speeches etc. arranged by our college. We also publish a college magazine yearly. We also take part in debating and drawing competitions. One of our teachers runs an English language club and debating club. Every year we go on a picnic and study-tour. Throughout the whole year our teacher keeps us busy with the extracurricular activities. We feel much interested in doing these activities. This, help us to be educated properly. I am fine. Convey my salam to your parents and love to younger. No more now. More when we will meet. With best wishes. Yours ever, Monir (An envelope should be drawn) 37. Imagine you are Kamal of 1 Mirpur Road, Dhaka. You have a pen-friend named Iqbal who lives at 15 Tajmahal Road, Agra, India. He has wanted to know about your country. Now write a letter to your pen-friend describing your country. Use the following clues. 1, Mirpur Road, Dhaka 24 August 2010 Dear Istiaq, I have received your letter recently. You have wanted to know about my country and here I am giving you the description of the people, their habits and culture and the important places of our country. Bangladesh is a free country but she has too many people compared to her area. About 80 per cent people live in the villages. Most of the people of our country are Muslims. Besides there are Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and Tribes here. The people are very hospitable. Most of the people of our country wear lungi and shirts. The people observe various traditional festivals like Pahela Baishakh, Nabanna Utsab etc. Bangladesh is known as the darling child of nature, it is a country of scenic beauty. Bangladesh has three world heritage sites. The Sundarbans, the forests of hilly districts, the tea gardens of Sylhet and Cox's Bazar sea-beach are the important tourist spots of our country. No more today. I will be very happy if you write about your country. Wish you all the best. Yours sincerely, Kamrul (An envelope should be drawn) 38. Suppose your name is 'X’. You have a pen-friend in Japan who wants to know about Bangladeshi food. Now, write a letter to her/him describing the foods and food habits in Bangladesh. Dhanmondi, Dhaka. Bangladesh 12 March 2010 My Dear Peter, Take my cordial love. I hope you are well. I am also fine. In your letter you have wanted to know about our food and I am now writing to you about the foods and food-habits in Bangladesh. The people of Bangladesh are mostly farmers. They grow vegetables, pulses, fish and rear goats, cows, etc. You know that the food habits depend on the geographical position and foods grown in the region. For the same reason they are fond of rice, pulses, vegetables, meat, and milk. They like developing their food habits of eating rice, vegetables and fish. They take meals three times a day. Besides, they have their breakfast in the morning Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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and a little refreshment in the evening. You are in Japan. I am very much interested to know the foods and food habits of your people. No more today. I am well. How are your parents? It will be pleasing if you manage time to visit our country. With best of luck. Yours ever, X (An envelope should be drawn) 39. Suppose you are Nahid/Nahida and you are a candidate of SSC examination. Now, write a letter to your father telling him about your progress of studies. 32, Armanitola, Dhaka 20 November 2010 My Dear Father, Take my salam. I have not heard from you for a long time. I hope you are all fine. I am also fine. You will be glad to know that I stood first in the last final model test of our school though I could not do very well in the Pre-test exam. But after it was over, I began to study seriously and sincerely. Earlier I did not study on any subject very seriously except Mathematics and got good marks only in math. Before our Test Exam I studied well all the sujects. Everyday I started to study at 6:30 p.m. closing the door of my reading room and continued up to 12:00 (mid night) with a gap of only 20 minutes for supper in the middle. And every morning I checked what I learnt the previous night through writing. You can say, I was in deep study at night and I sat for checking in every morning. This practice helped me so much that I have done quite well in the model test held good figure in the SSC Exam. Please convey my salam to mother and love to the younger. Your affectionate son, Nahid (An envelope should be drawn) 40. Imagine, you are Taufiq/Taufiqa of village Domorgram, Upazila Kahaloo, Dist. Bogra. You have a pen-friend named Robert who lives at 12, Derriford Road, Playmouth PL G8 HB, UK. Now, write a letter to him about your native village. Bogra, Bangladesh. 10 March 2010 Dear Robert, I have received your letter recently. I am happy to know that you are well and studying very seriously. In your letter you have wanted to know about my village. Now I am writing about it. The name of my village is Domorgram. It is quite far from the town. It is situated in the upazilla of Kahaloo in the district of Bogra. It is beautiful. About five thousand people live in this village. Most of the people are farmers. But some other occupations as blacksmiths, potters etc. are also available. The villagers live in a happy condition. Our chairman and our educated people take good care of our village. There are two primary schools, two high schools and one college. Our village is blessed with natural beauties. Our village has a fame in the district of Bogra, because, most of the people here are educated. There are many people who are serving as doctors, teachers and engineers. And thus our village is quite developed compared to other villages of Bogra. I love my village very much and inviting you to visit my village. No more today. Thanks for your interest in knowing about my village. Convey my salam to your parents and love to the youngers. Yours ever, Taufiq Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Letter Writing

(An envelope should be drawn) 41. Suppose, you are Ratan/Ratna of Kandirpar, Comilla. You are going to observe your birthday on the 15th April, 2005. You have decided to invite some of your friends. Now, write a letter to Kamal, one of your friends, who lives in Chittagong and invite him to attend the party of your birthday. Kandirpar, Comilla 10th April 2010 Dear Kamal, I am glad to write you that I am going to celebrate my 15th birthday anniversary. It will be held on the 15th April, 2009 at our residence. I have invited many of friends. My Parents also have invited some of our nearest relatives. My uncle has promised me last year to give me a nice present on this occasion. I hope you will attend my birthday party and give us pleasure. We have also taken a plan to arrange a mini cultural function performed by my friends and cousins. No more today. More when I shall meet you. With best wishes to you and love to the younger and respect to your parents and elders. Yours ever, Ratna (An envelope should be drawn) 42. Suppose, you are a student of 'Z’ college. Your friend Hassan/Hasna wants to know about your school. Now, write a letter to your friend informing him/her about your college. 123, Baridhara, Dhaka-1208 15 March 2010 Dear Hassan, Yesterday I received a letter from you. Thank you very much for your nice letter. In your letter you have mentioned that you have decided to change your college and that is why you have wanted to know about my college. I am writing to you about it. I am a student of ‘Z’ college. It is situated on the Dhaka-Chittagong Highway in the southern part of Dhaka city. Our college is the biggest school in the town. It has about 30 class rooms, two or more sections in each class. We have about 50 teachers. They are excellent. They are devoted and sincere. Our college has reputation for extracurricular activities. We have a debating club and a computer club. Students have their choice to pursue their hobbies here. We have a separate laboratory building for science students. There is a very big library for students. Many students can study at a time. In front of the college there is a spacious playground. Students play various games in the field. Our college always maintains congenial academic environment. So you are invited to visit our college at least one time before you take final decision. Convey my salam to your parents and love to the youngers. With best wishes. Yours ever, Kanta (An envelope should be drawn) 43. Imagine that the Annual Sports of your college have recently been held. You were one of the participants and became champion. Suppose, you are Ratan/Ratna of 12, K. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Ali Road Bagerhat. Now, write a letter to your friend, Kamal/Kamilia who lives at 10 Nazrul Avenue, Kandirpar, Comilla, describing the sports day at your school. 12, K. Ali Road, Bagerhat 10 March 2010 My dear Kamal, I have received your letter very recently. You will be glad to know that we have enjoyed the annual sports day of our college and I myself became champion. The ceremony was held on the 5th instant in a befitting manner in the college campus. It was presided over by the Director General of Higher and Secondary Education, Bangladesh. The honourable education minister was the chief guest at the function. Our guardians and many other people of our locality attended the function. The function began at 9.00 a.m. with the recitation from the holy Quran. Our principal first read out the annual report of the college. The chief guests delivered his speech. Then the events of games started. I have won the first prize in three events and became the champion. The chief guest then gave away prizes to the winners. He advised the students to maintain discipline and build their character to become good citizens of the country. Before the end of the function we arranged a cultural program and everybody enjoyed it greatly. No more today. Convey my salam to your parents and love to the youngers. That's all for today. Yours ever, Ratna (An envelope should be drawn) 44. Imagine your friend Rajib seems to be curious to know about the village fair that is held in your village every year. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the recent fair of your village. Master Para, Rangpur 15 March 2010 Dear Rajib, Yesterday I received your letter. You have wanted to know about the village fair that I have recently visited. Now I am giving you a description of it. The fair was held under a big banyan tree. It lasted a week. There were many big and small stalls in the fair. Besides, the chief attractions of the fair were circus party, magic show, puppet show, merry-go-round etc. People of all ages gathered in the fair. Children and young men enjoyed the fair very much. I went to the fair with some of my friends in the afternoon. The whole place was full of joy and busy activities. There were different types of shops. There were wooden toys, clay dolls, balloons and food items etc. in the shops. I passed three hours and returned home in the evening. It was a hectic day. However, I hope you will enjoy my description. No more today, Convey my salam to your parents and love to the younger. With best of luck. Ever yours, Rubayet (An envelope should be drawn) 45. Suppose, you and some of your friends had recently been to a picnic at a place of historical importance. You have a friend named Shipu at Dhanmondi in Dhaka. He / She is too much interested to know how you have enjoyed it. Now, write a letter to him/her about the picnic. 7 Kakoli, Dhaka 10 March 2010 My dear Shipu, I am very glad to receive your letter. In your letter you have wanted to know about our recent picnic and here I am writing about it to you. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Letter Writing

It was 20th of February. The day was Friday, a public holiday. We, about 50 students from our class arranged a picnic at Mainamati, Comilla. It is a place of great historical importance. As you know it is about fifty kilometres from here, we started at 8 am from our school compound by a big hired bus led by three of our teachers. We reached there at about 10 am. After having breakfast we went out for sight seeing. The Shalban Bihar and the relics of an old Buddhist civilization charmed us all. We played games and had great fun and a lot of amusement. We walked around the whole area and became tired. We took a cook and other necessary utensils to cook a delicious lunch. And I played the role of an assistant cook. At noon we were very tired and hungry. Then the lunch was served and we ate to our heart's content. Everybody congratulated me on my helping the cook prepare a delicious dish of food and drink. Then after a little rest, some of us began to sing, some cracking jokes while some other were encouraging them by handclapping. In fact it was a day to remember for a long time, but I missed you. No more today. Convey my salam to your parents and love for the younger. I am looking forward to knowing about you. With best of luck. Yours ever, Pincky (An envelope should be drawn) 46. You have been secretly informed that a relative of yours is a drug addict. Write a letter to the relative requesting him to give up this habit. 403 Shobanbag, Dhaka 28 May 2010 Dear Mahbub, It is long since we met each other last on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr. I felt very happy meeting you. But at the same time I have become very shocked. From one of your friends I have come to know that you have been addicted to drug. You know that drug abuse has been a common affair in our country nowadays. Now it has assumed a horrible shape and engulfed our young generation. But you are aware of the harmful effects of drugs on human body and mind. Though now you feel excitement and intoxication by taking drugs, it is not permanent. This type of enjoyment is temporary and may lead you even to death. So it is high time you could realize the harmful impact of it and give up this bad habit. No more today. More when you we will meet again. See you again. Yours ever, Mamun (An envelope should be drawn) 47. Write a letter to your friend describing the importance of learning English in our country. 114, South Hostel Dhaka College, Dhaka 28 May 2010 Dear Mamun, I have received your letter recently. I am happy to know that you are well by the grace of Almighty. In your last letter you have wanted to know about the necessity of learning English. Here I am telling you about it. English is an international language. Almost every nation of the world depends on this language for national and international affairs. In order to achieve higher education in a Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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university in our country as well as in foreign countries, we need to learn English. Because all the books of university level are written in English. So without learning English, it is very tough to achieve higher education. Then our career largely depends on our communicative competence in English. A person with good communicative skill in English is likely to have a good job. The economy of our country depends on foreign aids and investments. These aids and investment negotiations with development and investment, partners are made out in English. So to maintain international relations and co-existence with other countries we must have the knowledge of English. It is imperative for personal development as well as national development. No more today. More when you we will meet again. See you again. Yours ever, Munayam (An envelope should be drawn) 48. Imagine that you have won the first prize in a lottery draw. Now write a letter to your friend describing what you would like to do with the money. 10 Shahbag, Dhaka 25 May 2011 Dear Ripon, I hope you are well by the grace of Almighty. You will be surprised to hear that I have won the first prize in a lottery draw and got a handsome amount of Taka 5 lac. At first I was in a fix what to do. But finally I have made a plan in regard to how I will spend all this money. Now I am telling about it. I have decided to spend a large portion of this money for myself. With the rest of the money I will go to my village home and distribute money among the poor but brilliant students. I will make a fund in remembrance of our late headmaster and will contribute all this money to that fund. Every year, from the fund, students will be given scholarships for their better academic performance. I think my plan will be praised by you as it will encourage the poor brilliant students. No more today. Convey my salam to your parents and love to the youngers. With of best luck. Lovingly yours, Evana (An envelope should be drawn) 49. Imagine your uncle has recently got married. Write a letter to your cousin who lives abroad and could not come to the wedding, describing your new aunt in such a way that your cousin gets a fairly good idea of what she is like . 125, Shahbag, Dhaka-1217 25 May 2011 Dear Muktar, Take my heartiest love at the very beginning of the letter. Your letter is just at hand. In fact, we are sorry that we missed you on the marriage day of our dear uncle. You have wanted to know about our new aunt and here I am telling about her. You will be glad to know that we have got a nice aunt. She is 24 years old. She is from a family of high status. She is very frank, modern, and well-behaved. She has completed her B.A (Honours) in English from Chittagong University. She is very jolly, fun loving and very hospitable. She is much conscious of her juniors and seniors. She likes music and cultural functions. She avoids indiscipline life. She is skilled in handicrafts also. On the whole, she is a perfect lady. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Letter Writing


No more today. Come to Bangladesh as soon as possible. Convey my best wishes to uncle and aunt. With best of luck. Yours lovingly, Shemul (An envelope should be drawn) 50. Imagine you have heard that a friend of yours is interested in bird-hunting. Write a letter to him advising him to give this up. Taj Mahal Road, Mommadpur 25 April 2011 My dear Emon, I have received your letter of 20th instant. In your letter you have described your latest experience of bird-hunting. But this has made me greatly shocked. Bird-hunting accelerates their extinction. So, the involvement of a conscious person like you is very sad. Through bird hunting, some of the rare species of birds’ house will be extinguished. It will create an imbalance in our eco-system. If our environment becomes imbalanced our life will also be threatened. I am advising you to give up this cruel hobby. No more today. Convey my salam to your parents and love to the younger. With best of luck. Yours lovingly, Evana (An envelope should be drawn) 51. One of your foreign friends is coming to visit Bangladesh. Write a letter giving him tips on how to adjust to life here. 2/8 Nurjahan Road, Dhaka-1207 25 May 2011 Dear Main, I have become very glad to know that you are going to pay a visit to our country very soon. I welcome you here heartily. But to adjust to our life, I want to inform you about certain manners of our country. Here are some tips for you. All of your manners and etiquette are well-fitted for our life except a few ones. You often address your seniors by their first names. But avoid addressing such a way in our country. In our country it is like a blasphemy Here people may ask you some personal questions but those a questions are not for doing harm. So just show a sign of happiness in your face and talk to them on things you are interested in. All of your other manners are very nice and hence won't create any problem I think. No more today. Convey my salam to your parents. With the best of luck. Yours ever, Muhan (An envelope should be drawn)

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Application Writing Official Letter 1. Suppose, your college has not yet set up a computer club. As a result, you are not in a good position to get the benefit of learning computer. It is important to do the job as early as possible. So, write an application to the Principal of your college to set up a computer club. 15 May 2011 The Principal Sylhet Govt. College, Sylhet. Subject: Prayer for setting up a computer club in the college Dear Sir, We would like to inform you that we are keenly interested in computers. But it is a matter of sorrow that we don’t have any computer club and our college has not yet taken steps for setting up a computer club. A computer club is necessary to develop the educational condition of our school. Computer Science has been included in the SSC and HSC curriculum. Bangladesh has entered into the computer era and has gained access to Internet. Without computer we will not be able to cope with the modern world. I would like to request you to take steps for setting up a computer club to widen the horizon of our knowledge and thus oblige. Sincerely yours, Md. Abdur Rahim On behalf of the students of Sylhet Govt. College, Sylhet 2. Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission and necessary funds to stage a drama in the college auditorium. 14 August 2011 The Principal Gaibandha Govt. College, Gaibandha. Subject: Prayer for seeking permission to stage a drama Dear Sir, I, on behalf of the students of your college, beg to draw your kind attention to fact that we would like to stage a short drama in our school auditorium in the evening of 25 August 2011. The rehearsals have already been started with the participation of fifteen students under the direction of our cultural teacher. In order to meet the expenses for staging the drama, we have raised an amount of TK. 2000. But this amount is not enough. So we need a further amount of TK. 3000/= to run the program. I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to permit us to stage the drama as well as sanction us TK. 3000/= and oblige thereby. Yours obediently, Mahmud Ahmed Cultural Secretary Students' Union Gaibandha Govt. College, Gaibandha. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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3. The students of your class have undertaken the programme of a study tour in the coming vacation. Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for some money for the study tour. 23 May 2011 The Principal Sylhet Govt. College, Sylhet. Subject: Prayer for money for a study tour Dear Sir, I, on behalf of the students of class XII beg to state that we would like to go on a study tour in and around Hill Tracks, Chittagong during the next summer vacation. You know a study tour complete our education. Our purpose is to gain first-hand knowledge of the geographical features and the tribal people of that region. We would also like to see the hydroelectric dam at Kaptai from where electricity is supplied to large areas in our country. We will be able to see things we read in our textbook. We have requested two of our teachers and they have kindly agreed to accompany us as our guide during the tour. The estimated expense of the entire programme is TK. 10,000. Each of us will contribute TK. 500/=. But we need a further amount of TK. 6000/=. We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to permit us to go to the tour programme and sanction TK. 6000 for the purpose and thus oblige. Yours obediently, Munir Hossain Roll no: 130, On behalf of the students of class: XII 4. You could not attend classes for three days because of marriage ceremony of your sister. Now write an application to your Principal praying for three days' leave of absence. March 23, 2011 The Principal Rajshahi Govt. College, Rajshahi. Subject: Prayer for three days' leave Sir, I beg most respectfully to state that I am a student of class XII of your college. I could not attend my classes from 20th to 22nd March on account of marriage ceremony of my sister. As I don’t have any other brother, I could not manage to come to college. May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me leave of absence for those days and oblige thereby. Your most obedient pupil, Rashed Ahmed Class- XII Roll no. 4 5. Suppose your elder sister's marriage ceremony is going to be held on Monday, the 30th April. You have to do a lot of works in this connection and as such you need four days' leave in advance. Now, write an application to the Principal of your college praying for four days' leave in advance. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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April 24, 2011 The Principal Rajshahi Govt. College, Rajshahi. Subject: Prayer for four days' leave in advance Sir, I beg most respectfully to state that my elder sister's marriage ceremony is going to be held on Monday, the 30th April. I don’t have any other brother. That is why I will remain busy at home for necessary preparation and arrangement of the ceremony. So it will not be possible for me to come to school from 27th to 30th April. For your kind information I like to mention here that my father depends much on me in this regard. I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me four days' leave in advance and oblige thereby. Your most obedient pupil, Sabbir Ahmed, Class-XII, Roll no.- 3 6. Your father was in problem for a few months. As such, you could not clear up your tuition fees in time. Now write an application to the Principal praying for remission of delay fine. August 15, 2011 The Principal Nasirabad Government College, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for remission of delay fine Sir, I beg most respectfully to state that I am a student of class XII in your college. I could not pay my tuition fees for the months of June, July and August in time as my father was in financial hardship for some family problems. Now he has managed to pay my fees. I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to remit me from paying the delay fine and allow me to pay off the usual fees only. Your most obedient pupil, Md. Ziaul Hassan, Class- XII Roll no-2 7. Suppose your father has recently been transferred from Gaibandha to Rajshahi. As you want to continue your studies at Gaibandha Govt. College, Gaibandha, you need accommodation in the your present college hostel. Now, write an application to the Principal praying for a seat in the college hostel to continue your studies in your present school. March 3, 2011 The Principal Gaibandha Govt. College, Gaibandha. Subject: Prayer for allotting a seat in the college hostel Dear Sir, I beg most respectfully to state that I am a student of class XII in your college. I have been living here in Gaibandha with my parents for three years. But my father who is a Govt. official has now been transferred to Rajshahi from Gaibandha. He will join his new post in Rajshahi on the first day of the next month. Mother and other members of our family have already shifted to Rajshahi. I have no close relation here with whom I can stay up to my H.S.C. Examination and continue my studies in this college. So, I am badly in need of a seat in the college hostel. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Application Writing

In the above circumstances, I hope and pray that you would be kind enough to allocate a seat for me in the college hostel so that I can continue my studies in your college without any anxiety. Your most obedient pupil, Hayat Ali, Class-XII, Roll no. 24 8. Write an application to the Principal praying for organizing a literary club in your college. 28 November 2011 The Principal Nasirabad Government College, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for organizing a literary club Dear Sir, I, on behalf of the students of our college, beg most respectfully to state that ours is a big and famous college and the students of this school are very literary-minded. They are very much interested in organising a literary club in the college campus. We know that literature is the mirror of life and water mark of society. But we do not have any opportunity to study art and literature. So, we want to organize a literary club under your guidance. This club will help us to arrange literary meetings, debates, seminars and cultural activities. Therefore, we hope you will take necessary steps to organize a literary club in the college campus and thus oblige thereby. Yours obediently, Ratan On behalf of the students of Nasirabad Government College, Chittagong. 9. Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for permission to go to an excursion. 20 August 2011 The Principal Nasirabad Government College, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for permission to go on an excursion Dear Sir, With due respect and humble submission we would like to state that we, the students of Class XII of your school, are interested to go on an excursion to the Sunderbans in the coming summer vacation. We have completed the primary preparation for the excursion with the help of our honourable English teacher. We have requested him to accompany us and he has given his kind consent. Now we need your permission and some monetary help to complete the excursion which will be helpful to enrich our knowledge. Not only that we will be able to see the place and things we read in the text book. We, therefore, hope that you would be kind enough to give us permission to go to on the excursion and oblige thereby. Yours obediently, Md Kazal Hossain On behalf of the students of Nasirabad Government College, Chittagong. 10. Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for Morning College. 28 March 2011 The Principal Nasirabad Government College, Chittagong. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Subject: Prayer for morning college Dear Sir, With due respect I would like to tell you that I am a student of class XII of your college. This is to inform you that the scorching heat of the sun is very unbearable when we are in the classes at noon. Because of extreme heat we cannot continue our class from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. comfortably. Morning college can help us to attend the classes properly. I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take proper steps for Morning College during this hot season and thus oblige. Yours obediently, Md Muniruzzaman Class-XII On behalf of the students of Nasirabad Government College, Chittagong. 11. Write an application to the Headmaster of your college praying for financial help from the school fund. 28 March 2011 The Principal Nasirabad Government College, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for financial help from the poor fund Dear Sir, With due respect and humble submission I would like to inform you that I am a student of Class XII of your college. My father is a poor Govt. employee. His salary is not good. I have three more school going brothers and sister. Now he is unable to bear my educational expenses. But I want to continue my studies because I have always been successful in showing good results and have a strong desire to continue my education. But to do so, I need to have some financial assistance from the poor fund of your college. I, therefore, hope that you would be kind enough to sanction an amount from the poor fund so that I can continue my studies and oblige thereby. Sincerely yours, Alam Class-XII, Roll No-1 12. Write an application to the Principal praying for increasing common room facilities in your college. 21 October 2011 The Principal Nasirabad Government College, Chittagong. Sub: Prayer for increasing facilities for the college common room Dear Sir, With due respect we, the students of class XII, beg to state that our school has a common room for the students. This room is spacious and its ventilation system is very good. But it lacks modern facilities. There are no fans and water supply in the room. Moreover, only a very few students can sit there at a time. The condition becomes serious in the hot summer days. We are badly in need of water supply the need in the common room. Newspaper supply is also inadequate in compared to the students. It would be better if there were a mirror on the wall. Therefore, we pray and hope that you would be kind enough to make the arrangements mentioned above and help solve this long standing problem as early as possible. Yours truly, Ratul On behalf of the students of Nasirabad Government College, Chittagong. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Application Writing


13. Suppose you have passed the H.S.C Examination this year. Now you need a testimonial from the Principal of your college stating your academic and co-curricular activities for your admission into a college. Now, write an application to the principal praying for a testimonial. August 10, 2011 The Principal Nasirabad Government College, Chittagong. Subject: Prayer for issuing a testimonial Dear Sir, With due respect and humble submission, I beg to state that I have passed the H.S.C Examination this year from your college bearing Roll Dhaka no. 108030 and got G.P.A -4.5. Now I want to get myself admitted into a college. So I am in need of a testimonial from you to be submitted to the college authority. I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to issue me a testimonial mentioning my academic records, character and other activities during my stay in your college and oblige thereby. Your most obedient pupil, Farah Ashraf Class:XI Roll no. 108030 14. Suppose your father has recently been transferred from Rajshahi to Chittagong. As such you have to leave your present college. So you need a transfer certificate from your present college in order to get yourself admitted into a school in Chittagong. Now, write an application to the Principal praying for a transfer certificate. August 16, 2011 The Principal Rajshahi Govt. College, Rajshahi. Subject: Prayer for a transfer certificate Dear Sir, With due respect and humble submission, I beg to state that my father who is a government employee has recently been transferred from Rajshahi to Chittagong. Our family has already been shifted there. Now I will have to leave your college though I have a great fascination for the school. Here I am mentioning that here I don’t have any kith and keen from where I can continue study. In this connection, I beg to add that I have already cleared up all my dues up to the current month and that there is no book or any college article lying with me. I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to issue me a transfer certificate and oblige thereby. Your most obedient pupil, Md. Akash Hossain Class-XII, Roll no. 3 15. The students of your college have been suffering much for want of a canteen in the college campus. A canteen in the college campus will facilitate them to have their tiffin and light refreshment at noon. Now, write an application to your Principal requesting him for opening a canteen in the college campus. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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May 17, 2011 The Principal Gaibandha Govt. College, Gaibandha. Sub: Prayer for opening a canteen in the college campus. Dear Sir, We, the students of your college, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that we don’t have any canteen in our college. Our college is one of the most famous and the biggest college in the city. About one thousand students study here. Many of us come from remote places by bus or, train. As our college begins at 10 a.m., we have to start from home early in the morning. We can’t take our breakfast properly. Naturally we need light tiffin at noon. But as there is no canteen in the college campus, we have to go outside the campus to have light tiffin. It is really difficult, time consuming and not hygienic. In the above circumstances, we pray and hope that you would be kind enough to start a canteen in our college campus to remove our sufferings. Yours obediently, The students of Gaibandha Govt. College, Gaibandha. 16. Suppose a big canal runs along your village. People have to cross it everyday but they face many problems. Only a construction of a bridge can solve the problem. Now, write an application to the Chairman of your Union Council for the construction of a bridge over the canal in your locality. 15 June 2011 The Chairman, Laksmipur Union Parishad, Gaibandha. Subject: Construction/repair of a bridge Sir, I, on behalf of the people of Dhankuty, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that there runs an important canal along our village. It is near our school and market. Many people including students have to cross this canal everyday. During the rainy season boats are not available. The only way to cross the canal is on foot. There has been put some bamboos over it to cross. But it is impossible for children and girl students to cross the canal on foot because the canal has become deep and wide now-a-days. So, they cannot attend school for several months. Only a small bridge over the canal can remove all these problems. In the above circumstances, I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take necessary steps to construct a bridge over the canal and oblige thereby. Yours faithfully, Sadique Vill.- Dhankuty P.O.- Hat Laksmipur Dist.- Gaibandha 17. Suppose your father is a poor government employee. You have 3 school going brothers and sisters. Your father can not bear your educational expenses. Now write an application to your Principal of your college for a full free studentship. 12 November 2011 The Principal Rajshahi Govt. College, Rajshahi. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Subject: Prayer for a full free studentship/stipend/grant/help from the poor fund Dear Sir, With due respect and humble submission I beg to state that I am a student of class XI in your college. My father is a poor govt. employee in an office. He is the only earning member in our family. His income is very poor. With his poor income he has to maintain a big family of seven members. Moreover I have three brothers and sisters who are studying in different schools and colleges. It is almost impossible on his part to bear my educational expenses anymore. So I am badly in need of a full free studentship otherwise I will have to stop. In these circumstances, I pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to grant me a full free studentship to continue my study and oblige there by. Your most obedient student, Tuhen Class XI 18. Write an application to the Principal of your college for a testimonial. 25 December 2011 The Principal Rajshahi Govt. College, Rajshahi. Subject: Prayer for a testimonial Sir, I have the honour to state that I had been a student of your college for the session 1990-91. I was a student of Arts group. I passed the H.S.C Examination in 1992 and obtained star marks. It may be noted that I was a regular student. I participated in all cultural activities of the school and wrote articles in the school magazines. I was good at sports and won many prizes in different competitions. Now I desire to get myself admitted into college. So I need a testimonial from you mentioning my academic career, character and co-curricular activities In the circumstances stated above. I pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to issue me a testimonial and oblige thereby. Yours obediently, Nazmul Haque Khan Roll. No. 25 19. Assume that the people of your locality have been severely affected by the recent flood. Many people are suffering much for want of shelter, food and drinking water. Now, write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to open a relief camp for the flood victims in the college compound. August 5, 2010 The Principal Rajshahi Govt. College, Rajshahi. Subject: Prayer for permission to open a relief camp in the college compound Sir, We, the students of class XII of your college, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that the recent devastating flood has caused untold miseries to the people of our locality. Most of the people have lost their shelters and properties. Now they are passing their days on boats, dams and on the roofs of the houses without food and drinking water. Some relief measures should be taken to save them. So we have decided to come forward to help the victims. For Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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that we want to open a relief camp in our school compound in order to provide shelter and food to the homeless and foodless people. We are collecting relief goods from the rich and we will distribute them to the affected people. We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to permit us to open a relief camp in our school compound so that we may involve ourselves to the service of the flood affected people of our locality. Yours most obediently, Rafiqul Islam On behalf of the students of Rajshahi Govt. College, Rajshahi. 20. Suppose there is no common room/reading room in your college. For want of a common room/reading room the students waste their leisure hours aimlessly. You are in need of a common room/reading room in your college. Now, write an application to your Principal for opening a common room/reading room. 10 January 2011 The Principal Rangpur Govt. College, Rangpur. Subject: Prayer for opening a common room/reading room Sir, I, on behalf of the students of your college, beg most respectfully to state that our college is one of the biggest and most famous colleges in the town. But it is a matter of great sorrow that there is no common room/reading room in our college. As a result the students spend their leisure hours and off periods either by gossiping or roaming aimlessly. This often disturbs the classes. Not only that a common room is an inevitable part of a school without which a college can’t be complete. So, we keenly feel the necessity of opening a common room/reading room in the college. May I, therefore, pray and hope that your honour would take necessary steps for opening a common room/reading room in our college and oblige thereby. I remain, Sir, Your most obedient pupil, Joynul Abedin Class XII, Roll No. 19 21. Suppose the main road in your locality has been badly damaged by the recent flood. As such, it requires immediate repair. Now, write an application to the chairman to repair the road immediately. August 25, 2011 The Chairman Betmari Union Parishad, Sherpur. Subject: Prayer for repairing the damaged road from Bhimgonj to Khunua Bazar Sir, I, on behalf of the people of Betmari Union Parishad, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that the road which connects the union to the centre of the district has been damaged badly by the recent flood. As such the people of this area are suffering greatly. Thousands of people go to the town through this road. As the road has been damaged badly, no vehicle can ply smoothly on it. The students suffer greatly as they have to go to their school. Moreover risks of accidents have been increased. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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In the circumstances, I would request you to take necessary steps for the immediate repair of the damaged road so that the people and students may carry on their activities comfortably. Yours faithfully, Abul Kalam On behalf of the inhabitants of Betmari Union Parishad, Sherpur 22. Suppose there is no post office in your locality. People suffer greatly for want of it. Now, write an application to the Postmaster General requesting him to setup a post office in your locality. April 19, 2011 The Postmaster General Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka. Subject: Prayer for establishing a post office Sir, We, the inhabitants of the village Dhankuty in the district of Gaibandha, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that we don’t have any post office in our locality. Ours is a big village with a population of nearly five thousand. Many people work in different parts of the country as well as the world. As the nearest post office is about four kilometres away from our village, we have to walk a long distance to post the letters and to purchase post cards, envelopes, stamps etc. The situation gets worse in the rainy season when the village roads get muddy and the postman finds it difficult to perform his normal duties. In the above circumstances, we pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take necessary steps to setup a branch post office in our village at your earliest convenience in order to remove the sufferings of the villagers. Yours faithfully The inhabitants of the village Dhankuty 23. Write a letter to the Deputy Commissioner requesting him to assist the students affected by the river erosion in your district. 19 May 2011 The Deputy Commissioner, Jessore. Subject: Prayer for help from the educational development fund Dear Sir, I have the honour to inform you that during the last flood, a vast area of cultivable land, houses, educational institutions and many other properties of our locality have been washed away by the erosion of the mighty river. Most of the families are now homeless and food less. Most of the inhabitants of these areas are farmers. Now they are moneyless. Their children are unable to attend school. So they need help from the government fund. We request you to visit our thana and sanction a grant for the flood affected students. I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to sanction a large amount for the flood affected-students so that they can go on with their studies. Yours faithfully, Murshidul Maruf On behalf of the inhabitants of Jessore. 24. Write a letter to the manager of a hotel for booking a room. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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10 October 2011 5 Fuller Road Dhaka-1000 The Manager Hotel Sea Queen, Cox's Bazar. Dear Sir, I would like to book a room with two beds at your hotel for three nights from 12 to 14 October. It would be better if you have a room with a balcony and attached bath. Please let me know if you need an advance payment for booking. I am looking forward to hearing from you as early as possible. Yours faithfully, Abul Kalam 25. Write a formal letter to the Manager of Rangs Bangladesh complaining about a TV set you have bought recently. 38/10 Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205 9 May 2011 The Manager Rangs Bangladesh Ltd Dhanmondi, Dhaka Dear Sir, I am very sorry to complain to you for my new TV set that I bought from your branch last week. It does not work properly. The picture is not clear and lively. But you offered one year guarantee and free service. Now, I expect your cooperation in this respect. I will be very happy if you replace it with a new one. I hope you would take immediate action in this regard. Yours faithfully, Taijul Islam 26. Write a letter to the Director of the Bureau of Manpower requesting for information about positions available now in the Middle East that might suit your qualification. 9 May 2011 Bureau of Manpower, Dhaka Dear Sir, With due respect I would like to mention that I have come to know form your advertisement that you are exporting manpower to the Middle East. I would be very happy if you help me supplying valuable information about exporting manpower and situation in the Middle East. I have a valid driving license and an HSC degree. I want to go there for a job. So, I need to know more about job situation, residence and other facilities remaining in the Middle East. I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to send me necessary information as early as possible and thus oblige. Yours sincerely, Mahbub Hossain

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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27. Suppose a devastating flood occurred recently in your area. It has caused the people untold sufferings by damaging crops, houses, cattle and poultry. Now write an application to the Thana Nirbahi officer for immediate relief for the flood affected people of your area. 10 March 2011 The Thana Nirbahi Officer Palashbari, Gaibandha. Subject: Prayer for relief goods for the flood affected people Dear Sir, I beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that the people in our area are suffering much because of the recent flood. The flood damaged the growing crops and submerged many houses. Most of the cattle and poultry were washed away. The daily wage-earners are suffering much for want of work. They depend on charity of others. Most of the people are suffering from diarrhoea and other water borne diseases. An epidemic may break out any moment if proper measures are not taken. These distressed people need immediate help, government grants of money and other relief goods. Many of them are sure to die if help and assistance are not provided on an urgent basis. I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to pay a kind visit to this floodaffected area and take necessary measures at your earliest convenience. Yours faithfully, Abul Kalam Azad On behalf of the inhabitant of Palashbari, Gaibandha. 28. Suppose there is no library in your village. As an educated person, you feel necessity of a library. Now write an application to the chairman of union parishad for granting fund to start a public library in your village. 10 March 2011 The Chairman Laksmipur Union Parishad, Gaibandha. Subject: Prayer for monetary help for the establishment of a public library Dear Sir, I, on behalf of the people of the village of Dhankuty, beg to state that there is no library in our village. Ours is a quite large village. This village can boast of a high literacy percentage. There are two High Schools and one Madrasa and two primary schools in this village. Everyone who is educated feels an urge to pass his leisure time in reading books, periodicals, or newspapers. But we have no public library where people can pursue this. If there is a library, it will be highly beneficial to the students and the common people of this village. Under the above circumstances, we will be highly obliged if you please take the initiative to fulfill this particular need of our village. Yours faithfully, Nasir Mollah.

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Letters to the Editor 1. Write a letter to the editor of The Daily Star explaining how you suffered and why indiscriminate use of loudspeakers should be stopped. 04 May 2011 The Editor The Daily Star, Dhaka- 1000. Subject: The indiscriminate use of loudspeaker and its harmful effect and measures Dear Sir, Sometimes life may become intolerable by the indiscriminate use of loud speakers by some unconscious people. Few days ago, there was a birthday party in our next-door neighbour’s house. Though it was a matter of great pleasure, they should also be aware of the fact that one's pleasure may be the cause of other's disturbance. They seemed to be inconsiderate and indifferent of others. The loud sound coming from the amplifier did not let us concentrate to our study. Besides, there was a hospital nearby. In spite of knowing all these, they did not care about it. Now it is felt that there should be strict laws in order to stop such indiscriminate use of loud speakers. Above all people should be conscious and considerate of others. Yours faithfully, Mehedi Hasan, Khulna. 2. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper to be published in its letters' column to raise public awareness about the problem of waste management in Dhaka city. 25 March 2011 The Editor The Daily Star 19, Karwan Bazar, Dhaka Dear Sir, I would be grateful to you if you publish my letter in the letters' column of your famous daily and help raise public awareness about the problem of waste management in Dhaka. Yours faithfully, Kamrul Hasan Dhaka Problem of Waste Management Waste or rubbish is what we throw away everyday. It includes everything from unwanted old cars to cigarette packets. Population of the world is increasing rapidly and as a result, the amount of waste is growing rapidly all over the world and polluting the environment because of the shortage of suitable place. We cannot altogether get rid of our waste, but a proper management of it can certainly reduce it. If we think of burning, burying, recycling and thus reducing our waste, we can save our environment to a large extent. Some waste can be used as fuel. Vegetable waste can be used to make compost and improve our agriculture. In many countries there are companies which recycle old bottles and cans. More and more companies should come forward to promote recycling process. Everybody should come forward to manage our daily waste and save our environment. 3. Write a letter to The Daily Star expressing your views on recent changes in forms of entertainment for young people. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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13/D Shahbagh, Dhaka-1000 5 May 2011 The Editor The Daily Star 19, Karwan Bazar, Dhaka. Dear Sir, I will be highly grateful to you if you publish the following article in the letters' column of your esteemed daily for our greater interest. Yours faithfully Azmol Hossain Rangpur. Save Our Culture Entertainment is the part of our culture. But nowadays, it is a matter of great anxiety that our own forms of entertainment, which are the part and parcel of our culture and tradition, are on the verge of extinction. 'Jarigan', 'palagan', 'kabigan', 'jatra', 'puppet show', 'ha-du-du', 'punthi path', 'lathikhela' and many other indigenous forms of entertainment are soon going to be only a part of our past culture. Our culture is losing its appeal and it is now becoming westernized. All of us should be more conscious to save our rich forms of entertainment which are our cultural heritage and identity. We all should realize the truth that a nation lives through its culture. Our young generation should be taught to maintain our own culture. 4. Write a letter to the editor of a daily about the campus violence to attract the attention of the concerned authority. 9 May 2011 The Editor The Daily Star 19, Karwan Bazar, Dhaka. Dear Sir I shall be highly grateful if you kindly publish the following article in your esteemed daily regarding campus violence. Yours sincerely, Topon Masterpara, Rangpur. Cox's Bazar Campus Violence It is a great tragedy that campus violence has become a common affair in our educational institutions. The campus violence is a great evil in the fate of the nation. The places of nationbuilding have become the heaven of terrorism. The violence often forces the closure of the institutions. The general students are not strong enough to protest against it. As the nature of campus violence is basically political, it has to be faced politically. All educational institutions should be made politics free. So political decision and a pragmatic education policy can make the campuses calm. 5. Draft a letter to the editor of a daily protesting and showing the effect of polythene. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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5 May 2011 The Editor The Daily Star 19, Kawran Bazar, Dhaka Dear Sir, I will be highly grateful if you kindly publish the following in the letters column of your esteemed daily and thus oblige. Thank you very much. Yours truly, Tamanna D.B. Road, Gaibandha. Polybags Are Still Being Produced Indiscriminately Realizing the harmful effect of polybags, the govt. has banned production and distribution of polybags. Before going to the implementation of the ban many awareness programmes had been taken and the people, especially the producers of polybags had been repeatedly informed of the government's decision through different media. But ignoring the declaration some greedy and dishonest traders are still manufacturing the same threatening products. Polybags of different size, colour and thickness are being frequently noticed in the streets of Dhaka as well as elsewhere in the country. We, therefore, earnestly requesting the concerned authority to come forward and make people bound following the government decision. People should be made aware through awareness raising programmes. Rokon On behalf of the local inhabitants of Gaibandha. 6. Draft a report on street children in Bangladesh for a newspaper. 25, Kalyanpur Dhaka-1207 9 May 2011 The Editor The Rising Sun 13/D Shahbag, Dhaka Dear Sir, I will be very happy and grateful to you if you publish the following report in your popular daily. Yours faithfully, Ahmed Rana. Street Children in Bangladesh The number of street children has now become a problem. All of us know about the street children of Bangladesh more or less. The real condition of these street children is very miserable. They are deprived of basic human rights. They have no fixed living or sleeping place. They sleep on streets. They sometimes move or walk on the street aimlessly. Some are found pushing push-cart or vehicles. Sometimes, they beg on the street. They may have parents but they are not cared for or fed by them. They do not get the opportunity of taking education. Sometimes, they are being oppressed physically. They should be in school at their age but instead they are facing harsh reality to keep their head above water. Today's child is tomorrow's future. So the government should take some steps so that the street children can enjoy their rights. Only the govt. is not capable enough to solve this problem. So all capable Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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people should come forward to assist the street children. All of us should also pay our proper attention to the street children and think of doing something for their welfare. 7. Write a letter to the editor of The Rising Sun urging the authorities to build an underground transport system for the traffic congested city of Dhaka. 251 Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1205 06 May 2011 The Editor The Daily Star 19, Karwan Bazar, Dhaka. Dear Sir, I would be happy and grateful to you if you kindly publish the following letter in your esteemed daily for the interest of the inhabitants of Dhaka city. Faithfully yours Md Kamal Hossain Dhaka Needs Underground Transport System Dhaka is a big city but one of the most populous cities of the world. This city is beset with too many difficulties. I would like to talk about roads and streets. She has small number of roads compared to the number of vehicles. As a result, there is always the pressure of people and vehicles on the roads of the city and the problem is becoming severe day by day.We know time is money. But this valuable time is being wasted because of serious traffic jam. To avoid traffic jam and extra pressure on the roads we can make underground railway like London or Paris. If traffic jam can be minimized, city life of the people will be comfortable. 8. Write an article for The Rising Sun about the usefulness of e-mail for the students in Bangladesh. 3/5 Gulshan, Dhaka-1212 3 May 2011 The Editor The Rising Sun 13/D Shahbag Dhaka-1000. Dear Sir, I request you to publish the following article in your esteemed daily for the greater interest of our students. Yours faithfully, Mosarrof Ahmed Usefulness of e-mail for the Students in Bangladesh E-mail is the latest addition to modem communication system. All people as well as students get a lot of benefits from e-mail. The students of different countries are taking the advantages of e-mail. It is true that e-mail system is not available to many in Bangladesh as they cannot afford personal computers. But they are using commercially operated E-mail. A student can contact with teachers staying at home. Even after missing important classes a student can get the lesson. A student can do library work sitting at home. He can also get necessary academic information from administrative office by e-mail. He can also discuss his academic lessons with his friends by e-mail. By e-mail, a student can get not only academic help but also personal support. He can easily communicate with anybody by e-mail. So it is clear that the Bangladeshi students are getting much benefit by using e-mail facilities. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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9. Write a letter to the Editor of the Daily Star addressing about arsenic problem that your locality faces, suggesting some possible measures that can be taken immediately. 2 May 2011 The Editor The Daily Star Karwan Bazar, Dhaka Subject: The problem of arsenic poisoning Dear Sir, We, the inhabitants of Sherpur Union, are suffering from arsenic problem. In the meantime, many of us are affected with arsenicosis. So, we want the article to be published in your daily so that the people may get rid of this curse soon. Sincerely yours, Sajib Khan Arsenic Problem in Sherpur Arsenic is a poisonous element found in ground water. Arsenic problem has taken a serious turn in Sherpur union. People have already been affected by arsenic poisoning and many are being affected. The local people are not conscious of the problem. So the local authority should take active step to reduce sufferings of the people caused by arsenic. Only a few tubewells have been tested but all our tube wells should be checked whether they are arsenic contaminated or not. The local NGOs should come with their helping hand to mitigate the problem. They may inform the people of the slow poison. Using of rain water, surface water and taking proper foods should be inspired. I would like to request the concerned authority through your esteemed daily to look into the matter and take necessary steps to put a stop to this problem. Sincerely yours, Sajib Khan On behalf of the people of Sherpur Union Parishad, Sherpur.

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Application Writing


Curriculum Vitae/Resume 1. Read the following advertisement and prepare an application with a detailed C.V. Wanted Post : Graphic Designer Last date : March 16, 2010 Ishita Computers 82 Elephant Road,Dhaka-1205 10 March 2010 The General Manager Ishita Computers 82 Elephant Road, Dhaka-1205 Subject: Application for an appointment to the post of Graphic Designer Dear Sir, From your advertisement published in “The Daily Star” I came to know some designers will be appointed in your company. As a candidate of the same I would like to offer myself and provide here with my C.V and other necessary particular for favour of kind consideration. Curriculum Vitae Name : Rashed Akbor Father’s name : Abdur Rahman Mother’s name : Mst. Rabeya Begum Permanent address : Vill: Aroa Para Thana: Kumar Khali Present address : Ka-25 Norda Bazar, Gulshan, Dhaka. Nationality : Bangladeshi. Date of birth : 25.03.1982 Religion : Islam Marital Status : Unmarried Educational Qualification: Exam S.S.C. H.S.C. B.Sc.(Hons) M.Sc.(Computer Science)

Year 1998 2000 2005 2006

Board/University Rajshahi Board Rajshahi Board Dhaka University Dhaka University

Dist: Kushtia.

Result 1st Division 1st Division 2nd Class 2nd Class


: (i) Md. Anwarul Karim Professor, Department of Accounting University of Dhaka. (ii) Dr. Shamsul Islam Department of Medicine Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka. Experience : I have been working in Selsela Technology for two years. Language skill : Fluent in Bangla and English, excellent at written and spoken English. Interest: Playing cricket and reading books. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to select me for the post and give me an opportunity to serve your company. Yours faithfully, -----------------------(Rashed Akbor) Attachment: (i) A complete CV of mine. (ii) Attested photocopies of all academic certificates (iii) Attested photocopies of all testimonials (iv) Two copies of passport size photographs (v) Certificate of my present employer. 2. Read the following advertisement and prepare an application with a detailed C.V. Rajuk Uttara Model College Ishakha Avenue, Sector-6, Uttara, Dhaka. Applications are invited for the following post: Lecturer in English Scale:11000+ others Write to the Principal Last date of application: 12.06.2010 20 May 2010 The Principal Rajuk Uttara Model College Ishakha Avenue, Sector-6 Uttara, Dhaka. Subject: Application for the post of Lecturer in English Sir, In response to the advertisement published in “The Daily Ittefaq” on 15 May 2010 for an appointment to the post of Lecturer in English, I would like to offer myself as a candidate and furnish here with my C.V and other necessary particulars for favour of your kind attention and sympathetic consideration. May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to select me for the post and thus oblige. Sincerely yours, ---------------------------------(Muhammad Saiful Islam) Curriculum Vitae Muhammad Saiful Islam Contact no: Mailing Address:

01716 xx xx xx House-40, Road-01, Sector-06 Uttara, Dhaka. Career Objective…………………………………………………………………… To pursue & build up career in an organization where working environment will be more exciting so that it can foster my professional and personal growth. I prefer challenging Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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profession & assignment that will allow me to contribute to my work utilizing my skills, knowledge and experiences. Education…………………………………………………….……………………….. M.A. 2002 (result published in 2005) Subject: English Chittagong University Result: Second Class Position: Fifth B.A. (Hons.) 2001 Subject: English Chittagong University Result: Second Class Position: Second H.S.C. (Humanities), 1997 V.J. School, Chuadanga. Result: First Division S.S.C. (Humanities), 1995 V.J School, Chuadanga, Chuadanga. Result: First Division Computer skill……………………………………………………………………………. Office software: MS-word, MS-Excel, MS-Power Point Working Experiences in Teaching…………………………………………….  I have extensive experience and deep knowledge in teaching.  Now I have been working for one year and a half as a Lecturer in English in Asian University.  Before that I was a Lecturer in English in Milestone School and College, Dhaka  I have also taught at Holy Child Public School and College, Uttara, Dhaka. Other Experiences……………………………………………………………………... From my early stage of life I was involved in different social and cultural activities. Here are the highlights:  Debate competition  Essay competition  Writing article in school magazine  Working in relief team Communication and language skill……………………………………….. Bengali and English (Proficiency in writing, speaking and presentation) Personal Skills and Attitude…………………………………………………….  Suited to teamwork for better achievement and delivery  Attitude and willingness to work under pressure  Analytical and problem solving skill Achievements & Awards………………………………………………………………  Junior Scholarship  Awarded Scholarships for S.S.C result  Awarded by College, different cultural debate, essay writing etc. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Personal Details………………………………………………………………………. Father’s Name Mother’s Name Present Address Permanent Address Date of Birth Nationality Religion

: Fazlur Rahaman : Jahanara Begum. : House-40,Road-01,Sector-06 Uttara, Dhaka-1230. : Vill.- Aliar Pur, P.O.- Badar Gonj Bazar, Thana: Chuadanga, District: Chuadanga. : 01-03-1981 : Bangladeshi : Islam

Interests……………………………………………………………………………… Music, gardening and reading literature, history, Journals on contemporary issues, stories and novels. I also enjoy witnessing Cricket, Cinema & Theatre. Signature Date 3. Read the following advertisement and prepare an application with a complete C.V Wanted A Language Teacher Write to the Principal, Bangladesh International School and College Road-24 Gulshan-1 Dhaka-1212 5 May 2011 The Principal Bangladesh International School and College Road-24 Gulsan-1 Dhaka. Subject: Application for the post of English Language Teacher Sir, With reference to the advertisement published in “The Daily Star” on 13th May 2008 for an appointment to the post of English language Teacher, I would like to offer myself as a candidate and provide here with my C.V and other necessary particulars for favour of your kind perusal and sympathetic consideration. May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to select me for the post and thus oblige. Sincerely yours, -----------------------(Md. Ejaj Khan) Curriculum Vitae Of Md. Ejaj Khan 23, New Polton Line Dhaka-1205 Phone: 0191xxxxxxx Objective: To build up my career as a teacher and do challenging job Father’s name : Md. Nawsed Khan Mother’s name : Ayesha Begum Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Application Writing


Permanent address : Vill: Nolchiti. P.O: Nolchiti. Dist: Barisal Present address : 23, New Polton Line, Dhaka-1205 Nationality : Bangladeshi by birth Date of birth : 12 November 1981 Religion : Muslim Marital status : Unmarried Education: Exam Year Board/University Result SSC 1997 Dhaka Board 1st Division HSC 1999 Dhaka Board 1st Division B.A. Hons in English 2003 Dhaka University 2nd Class M.A. in English 2004 Dhaka University 2nd Class Reference : (i) Md. Anwarul Karim Professor, Department of Accounting University of Dhaka. (ii) Dr. Shamsul Islam Department of Medicine Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka. Experience : I have been working in Sunny Dale International School and College for two years. Language skill : Fluent in Bangla and English, excellent at written and spoken English. Computer skill : Skilled in MS-Word, Excel, and Power Point. Interest : Playing cricket and reading books. Signature Date: Attachment: (i) A complete CV of mine. (ii) Attested photocopies of all academic certificates (iii) Attested photocopies of all testimonials (iv) Two copies of passport size photographs (v) Certificate of my present employer. Further Information 1. Look at the advertisement below: Overseas Employees Needed First come, first served Write to: Recruiting officer Bureau of Manpower 10, Kakrail, Dhaka. Write a letter asking for further information about the employment (e.g. country, company, position, salary, working hour, leaves and other facilities, etc.) 13 September 2010 The Recruiting Officer Bureau of Manpower 10, Kakrail, Dhaka. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Subject: Asking for further information about overseas employment. Dear Sir I have come to know through your advertisement published in ‘ The Bangladesh Observer’ dated 15 August 2010 that some employees are going to be appointed in some overseas countries soon under the Bureau of Manpower on the basis of first come first served. Your advertisement has attracted me very much because I have a long cherished dream to build up my carrier working in an overseas country. Being an unemployed but technically skilled I am interested and would like to offer myself as a candidate. Now I am intend to know the details about the specific country, company, position, salary, working hour, leaves, required money, the procedures, terms and condition etc. I am going to be engaged with a business firm. If you inform me the details it may lead my life to a new turn. I hope I experience will help me in doing the job efficiently. If you provide me all the above-mentioned information in details it will be inspiring for me. I will be highly grateful to you. I am waiting for your detail information. With thanks “X” (Draw an envelope) 2. Look at the advertisement below: Land for sale Write to Mr. Emran Khan House No. 10 Block C Lalmatia, Dhaka. Write a letter asking for further information about the land such as location, area, price and dispute free or not etc. (100 words) 25 September 2010 Mr. Emran Khan House No. 10 Block C Lalmatia, Dhaka. Subject: Asking for further information about the land. Dear Sir In response to your advertisement published in “The Daily Star” dated 20 September 2010 that you have a piece of land in your possession near Baridhara for sale. I am a solvent businessman and looking for a piece of suitable land for constructing a multi-storied building. Your advertisement has attracted me very much but it has failed to provide all necessary information .Now I am willing to get more information about your land. Is the land developed enough for use at once? How much area does it cover? How much is the price? Is it free from any dispute? I want to know further information such as size of the land, deed and other condition etc. I will be highly grateful to you if you dispatch me the above-mentioned information as your shortest possible time. With thanks “X” (Draw an envelope) 3. Look at the advertisement below: Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Application Writing


Traveling Abroad First come, first served Write to: Manager Emirates Airlines 25, Gulshan, Dhaka. Now write a letter asking for further information about the traveling (e.g. schedule of the travel, fare of tickets, the countries to be traveled, facilities, conditions etc.) (100 words) 15 September 2010 Manager Emirates Airlines 25, Gulshan, Dhaka Subject: Asking for further information about traveling abroad. Dear Sir In response to your advertisement published in ‘The Daily Star’ dated 20 August 2010 I have come to know that Emirates Airlines is offering an excellent opportunity to travel abroad. I am an international businessman and have a long cherished dream to visit abroad. So your advertisement attracted me very much. I have already visited many countries of the world. Now I am highly interested to be a member of your traveling abroad programme. For this I required clear concept about the travels because our advertisement lacks some necessary information. I am interested to know the schedule of the travel, fair of tickets, the countries, facilities, conditions, the number of people, snacks arrangement etc. under the programme. I would again request you to provide me all the above-mentioned information, which will help me to make further contact. I am eagerly waiting for your reply. With thanks “X”

(Draw an envelope)

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

DIALOGUE WRITING Dialogue kãwU dia Ges logue kã †_‡K G‡m‡Q| dia A_© `yB Avi logue A_© K_v| myZivs Dialogue k‡ãi A_© `yBR‡bi g‡a¨ K_v ev AvjvcPvwiZv|`yÕRb e¨w³i g‡a¨ †Kvb NUbv ev welq wb‡q †gŠwLK ev wjwLZ K‡_vcb‡K Bs‡iRx‡Z Dialogue e‡j|(‘ Dialogue is an art of conversation generally held between two persons regarding an incident or problem or any subject matter’.) Z‡e `y‡qi AwaK e¨w³i g‡a¨I G AvjvcPvwiZv n‡Z cv‡i| e¨w³ Rxe‡bi cÖ‡qvR‡b Ges civg‡k©i ZvwM‡` gvbyl wewfbœ mgq wewfbœfv‡e Avjvc Av‡jvPbv K‡i| GB Avjvc Av‡jvPbvB nj Dialogue ev msjvc| Dialogue `yB cÖKvi h_v: a) Written Dialogue Ges b) Spoken Dialogue e³v I †kªvZvi g‡a¨ mivmwi †h Avjvc P‡j ZvB Spoken Dialogue; cÿvšÍ‡i e³v I †kªvZvi Dcw¯’wZ‡K Kíbv K‡i †h wjwLZ iƒc ˆZix nq Zv nj- Written Dialogue Av`k© Dialogue Gi ˆewkó: 1. Dialogue Gi evK¨ n‡Z n‡e h_v m¤¢e †QvU Ges j¤^v jvBb gy³| 2. fvlv n‡Z n‡e Aek¨B mnR, my›`i Ges kÖæwZgayi| 3. Dialogue G me©`v Contraction form e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e| ‡hgb is not bv e‡j isn’t wjL‡Z n‡e| are not bv e‡j aren’t wjL‡Z n‡e| 4. Dialogue G Greetings _vK‡e| g~j wel‡qi Dci Av‡jvPbv _vK‡e Ges †k‡l we`vq m¤ú‡K© m¤¢vlb Rvwb‡q Dialogue †kl Ki‡Z n‡e| 5. ‡h welq wb‡q Dialogue wjL‡Z ejv nq H wel‡qi e³e¨¸‡jv Ggbfv‡e mvRv‡Z n‡e hv‡Z NUbvi avivevwnKZv _v‡K| 6. bvUKxqZvi Qvc _vK‡Z n‡e| 7. cwi”Qbœ I cwiwgZ †KŠZzK ev nvm¨i‡m cwic~Y© †jLv A‡bK fv‡jv| 8. Dialogue Gi cÖ‡Z¨KwU Pwi·K ¸iæZ¡ w`‡Z n‡e| 9. cÖ‡Z¨K Pwi‡Îi c‡i Dash (Í) ev Colon (:) w`‡Z n‡e |

Some Examples of Dialogue Writing 1. Suppose you are Fahim. Your examination is near at hand. You have met your friend Tahin and had a talk with him about your coming examination. Now, make a dialogue about the coming examination. A dialogue between Tahin and Fahim about coming examination: Tahin : Hello, Fahim. How do you do? Fahim : Fine. And you? Tahin : Fine. But I'm very worried about my annual examination. My preparation is not yet so nice now. Fahim : Well, have you made your own notes? Tahin : I've made some notes. But my understanding of the hard topics is not clear now. Fahim : Don't worry. You have a month in hand. If you are really serious, you can make it completed. Tahin : I'm trying my best. I've decided myself to follow the suggestions and test papers of Mizan Publications. But mathematics and English Grammar are causing pressure on me. Fahim : I'd like to help you. Come and see. You will be free from anxiety. You should remember that only practice of difficult sums will help you do better in the final examination. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Dialogue Writing

Tahin : Well, I will do that but I can’t understand how I can do well in English. Fahim : Don’t worry. At first you should read the important rules and then practice the grammatical items from any test paper. Tahin : Yes, I have understood. Now tell me what I can do about the writing part. Fahim : No problem. Make a good suggestion and then write them again and again after memorizing. Tahin : Thanks a lot for your helping hand. Fahim : You’re welcome. 2. Adnan gets up late in the morning. So he cannot complete his lessons on time. As a result he can’t do well in the examination. On the other hand, Akmal rises early in the morning and learns his lesson properly. He is doing well in the examination. Now write a dialogue between Akmal and Adnan about the benefits of early rising. A dialogue between Akmal and Adnan about the benefits of early rising: Adnan : Hello, Kamal. Good morning. Akmal : Good morning, Adnan. Adnan : What's the matter? You look worried. Akmal : I’m worried about my results. I’m not getting good marks. Adnan : But why? Akmal : I don't know. I just can’t finish my lessons on time. Adnan : I think you get up late in the morning. Akmal : Yes, but what can I do now? Adnan : At first you should make a habit of getting up early in the morning. By getting up early you will find enough time to complete your lesson. Akmal : I tried many times to get up early but I couldn’t. Adnan : Well, if you get up early, you’ll get enough time not only to complete your studies but also to refresh your mind. Adnan : Well, but I try to complete my studies at night and that’s why I go to bed late night. Akmal : But you should know that going to bed late regularly will hamper your health and you won’t be able to concentrate on your studies. On the other hand the atmosphere in the morning is calm and quiet. Akmal : Thank you very much for your good advice. I will try to follow them. Adnan : Ok. See you again. 3. Illiteracy is a great problem in Bangladesh. It badly hampers all the development programmes. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend on how to get rid of this curse from our country. A dialogue between Adnan and Akash about how to get rid of the curse of illiteracy from our country: Adnan : Hi Akash, how have you enjoyed the education minister's visit in your school? Akash : Oh, it was great. He was pleased with everything about our school. Adnan : What did he say about our education? Akash : Well, he discussed the consequences of illiteracy. Adnan : What's your opinion about it? Akash : I also agree with him. It's the mother cause of ignorance. Adnan : Do you think illiteracy eradication is essential for development? Akash : Certainly. I think, no development effort can be taken into action without illiteracy eradication. Adnan : What should we do now? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Akash : We should work hand in hand to educate the illiterate. Adnan : We also need to create our people's awareness so that they send their children to school. Akash : Yes, of course. It is the key factor. Our government has already taken steps to remove illiteracy. Adnan : We must co-operate with the government. Akash : Yes, we must come forward in this respect. Adnan : I agree with you. Thank you very much. Akash : You're welcome. 4. Suppose you are Reza. You have met one of your friends Sabrin who is addicted to smoking. Now write a dialogue between you and him on the bad effects of smoking and how he can give it up. A dialogue between myself (Reza) and my friend Sabrin on the bad effects of smoking and how he can give up: Reza : Hi Sabrin, How are you? Sabrin : Hi! I’m fine. What about you? Reza : I am fine too. But I’m shocked as I’ve heard that you’ve become a chain smoker. Sabrin : So what? You must not worry about it. It doesn't affect me at all. Reza : Stupid. It's so harmful that you can't imagine. Sabrin : But I can't give it up. I’m so habituated that I can't do any work without it. Reza : Don’t you know that it causes cancer, heart attack, chronic bronchitis and many more fatal diseases? Sabrin : How dangerous! Reza : Not only that, a non-smoker who breathes the fume of cigarette is at the risk of being affected with hypertension. Sabrin : Is it true? I never thought like that. Reza : One puff of cigarette smoke contains nicotin that may cause the above stated diseases. So a smoker always causes a serious harm to a non-smoker. Sabrin : Oh my God! But how can I leave it? Reza : You have to be very strong willed. You have to think about the dangers of smoking and then only you can check it up. Sabrin : Well! I must try to give up smoking immediately, I promise. But will it be possible for me? Reza : Of course you can. Remember, one can protect oneself from smoking through avoiding one’s smoker friends. Sabrin : Yes, I have understood. I must have to avoid some of my smoker friends. Reza : Thank you friend. May Allah save you as well as your family. Sabrin : You’re welcome. 5. Write a dialogue between two friends about the importance of learning English. A dialogue between myself and my friend Shahin about the importance of learning English: Myself : Good morning Shahin, how are you? Shahin : I’m fine and you? Myself : I’m fine too. Friend, we know English is an international language. It is called linguafranka of the world. Let us discuses about the importance of learning English. Shahin : English is necessary for overseas employment, higher study, export and import purpose, international transactions etc. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Dialogue Writing

Myself : English is also necessary for our science and technology, information technology, international labour market and so on. Shahin : Friend to get a good job either in home and abroad we should have a good command over English. Myself : Right you are. Today’s world is a global village. To communicate with the members of this global village we should learn English. Shahin : Ours is an independent nation. To maintain commercial, political and diplomatic relations with the whole world we need to learn English. Myself : English is so important for us that if we don’t learn English we will be cut off from the global information network. Shahin : Friend, you are right. Actually English serves as our window on the world and it is the high way language to shine in life. Myself : So we should learn English. Shahin : I think so. Myself : Thank you for your opinion. Good Bye. Shahin : Good bye. See you next. 6. Write a dialogue between Rizwan and Minhaj about their plan of studies after H.S.C examination. A dialogue between Rizwan and Minhaj about their plan of studies after H.S.C examination: Rizwan : Good morning Minhaj. How’re you? Minhaj : Good morning, Rizwan. I’m fine and you? Rizwan : I’m fine too. Friend, H.S.C Examination is over. Let me know what your plan of studies is now. Minhij : After passing the H.S.C with a bright result I want to get myself admitted in M.B.B.S course to be a good doctor Rizwan : Why do you like to be a doctor? Minhaj : Friend, you know most of the people of our country are poor and illiterate. They suffer from various diseases. I want to give them proper treatment. However, let me know your study plan after HSC. Rizwan : Will take money from them? Minhaj : Good question. I will take money only from the rich. I also have a plan to establish a charitable dispensary in my village home. Rizwan : That will be great. In this way you will be able give service to mankind i.e. to God. Minhaj : Exactly. Actually it is our duty to serve the humanity. What is your plan? Rizwan : I think, you’ve chosen a nice profession. I’d like to be an English teacher. Minhaj : Why? Rizwan : English is an international language. For the lack of knowledge in English the people of our country do not get good job either in home or abroad. So being an English teacher I’d like to improve the quality of English in our country. Minhaj : Not only that. Our students have a fear about English but they must remove their fear otherwise our young generation will lag behind. Rizwan : I also think so. They enjoy learning English. Minhaj : I think you have chosen a nice subject. I hope you’ll be successful. Rizwan : I also bless for you. Good bye, see you again Minhaj : Good bye. See you again. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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7. Suppose you are Akmal. You want to know about an interesting book which your friend Adit is reading. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend on it. A dialogue between myself and my friend Adit about an interesting book: Myself : Hello Adit, how’re you? Adit : I’m fine. What about you? Myself : I’m also fine. I’ve come to know that you are currently reading a book æThe Golden Age” by Tahmina Anam. Adit : Yes. At present, I am reading this marvelous book. Do you know the subject matter of the book? Myself : A little bit. I have heard from a friend o mine. This is a novel written on our glorious Liberation War. How do you feel with the book? Adit : I feel charmed with the book. The book gives us a pen-picture of our great Liberation War. Myself : Has the book described the liberation war only? Is there anything more in it? Adit : Yes, this book has also autobiographical elements. Myself : Would you lend me the book? I would like to read the book. Adit : Yes, you can borrow the book from me. But I will give it after a few days because I haven’t yet finished reading the book. You should go through it. Myself : Do you have any more book in your collection? Adit : I have many other books of famous writers. You can borrow from me. Myself : Thanks a lot. I will spend my free time by reading those books. Myself : Ok. Let’s move now. Good bye. Adit : Thank you. See you again. 8. Suppose, you are Mitul. You have visited a book fair recently. Now, make a dialogue between you and your friend on your visit to the book fair. A dialogue between myself and my friend Toma about visiting a book fair: Mitul : Good afternoon, Toma. Toma : Good afternoon. How’re you, Mitul? Mitul : Quite fine. Where did you go yesterday? Toma : In Ekushe book fair. Mitul : I wanted to go but couldn’t for my mother’s sickness. Toma : You should go. Otherwise you will miss a great thing. Mitul : I’ll try. Now tell me how have you enjoyed the fair? Toma : Very nice. The book stalls charmed me very much. There are hundreds of book stalls and the stalls are beautifully set up. Mitul : Have you bought any book? Toma : Yes. I've bought a good number of books including some renowned novels and Poetical works. Mitul : I want to read all these books. Toma : Why not? You can borrow the books which you choose. Mitul : Oh! If I were with you! Toma : It’ll be more enjoyable. Mitul : Who came to the fair? Toma : Mitul, so many people. People from all ages came to the fair. The place was crowded but discipline was maintained strictly. There were two gates- one was for entry and the other was for exit. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Dialogue Writing

370 Mitul

: It showed that a great many people of all classes have become book minded. Did any writer come? Toma : Of course. Fortunately I took autographs of many famous writers. Mitul : Exciting. Soon I will pay a visit. I've got quite a big list. I shall buy the books just before I leave the fair. Meanwhile, mayn't we go over there to the food-court and have a chat over a cup of tea. Toma : You should do so. Let’s move now. Toma : Ok. See you again. 9. Suppose, you are Mitul. You want to open a bank account and keep your scholarship money in it. You have gone to a bank as a client and have a talk with the Manager of the bank. Now, write a dialogue between you and the Manager about the way of opening of a bank account. A dialogue between myself and the Manager about opening a bank account: Myself : May I come in, sir? Manager : Yes, come in. Myself : Would you help me, sir? Manager : Yes, you can tell me your problem. Myself : Sir, I need to open a savings account. Manager : What do you do? Myself : I'm a student. Manager : Why do you need to open a bank account? Myself : I've received an amount of scholarship money and I want to keep it in your bank. Manager : Ok. I have understood. At first take an application form. Fill it up with the recommendation of a person who has an account with this bank. Myself : After that what will I have to do? Manager : Then you will have to deposit Tk. 500/ to open the account. After then you can use your account whenever you wish. Myself : Thanks a lot for your kind co-operation. Manager : No mention. It’s my pleasure. Myself : Let me come tomorrow with the forms filled in, sir. Manager : Ok. Thank you. 10. You are Mitul. Your examination is near at hand. But your preparation in English is not satisfactory. So you have gone to your teacher. Now, make a dialogue between you and the teacher about your ensuing examination. A dialogue between Mitul and his teacher about examination: Mitul : Good morning, sir. Teacher : Good morning. How are you? Mitul : I’m not fine, sir. Teacher : But why? Mitul : My preparation in English is not satisfactory. I have not prepared well. Teacher : Don't worry. I’ll help you to prepare your lessons quickly. Mitul : Examination is near at hand. First, you will teach me grammar. Teacher : No problem, I’ll teach you step by step. Mitul : I need to learn narration, voice, simple, complex and compound sentences. Teacher : Ok. Within seven days, you will learn these. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Mitul : Then we'll discuss the text book. I think it will be easy for me. Teacher : You should read the text book between the lines. Clue and without clue come from the text. Give importance to the small passages. Mitul : Yes, sir, I shall try my best to read the text book carefully. Teacher : There is no alternative to reading. Mitul : Thank you sir. Teacher : You’re welcome. 11. Write a dialogue with a senior student who got GPA 5 (golden) about the strategies of making a good result/how to do well in the examination. A dialogue between myself and a senior student who got GPA 5 (golden) about the strategies of making bright result: Myself : Good afternoon, brother. Senior Student : Good afternoon. Myself : Congratulations for making a bright result. Senior student : Thank you. Myself : I’ve heard you have got A+, haven’t you? Senior Student : You’re right. Myself : Could you please tell me the secret of your good result? Senior Student : Of course, studying from the beginning of the year in a disciplined way is the top secret of it. Myself : Did you study long hours? Senior Student : I studied 8 hours a day, but I maintained regularity. Myself : What else did you do? Senior Student : I didn't memorize anything without understanding. I made my own note myself. Myself : I'll follow you but I'm afraid, my handwriting is not so good. Senior Student : You should be careful of your handwriting. A neat and clean answer script with good handwriting plays a role to score good marks. Always try to make your handwriting legible. Myself : What else should I do? Senior Student : You should practise the difficult item more and more. Myself : Of course I will follow your advice to the point. Senior Student : Don’t worry. Go ahead confidently. Myself : Thank you very much. Senior Student : Thank you too. Wish a bright result for you. 12. Write a dialogue between a Principal and a student over a Transfer Certificate. A dialogue between a Principal and a student over a Transfer Certificate: Student : May I come in, sir? Principal : Yes, come in. Student : Good morning, sir. Principal : Good morning. What do you want? Student : Sir, I want a Transfer Certificate. Principal : A Transfer Certificate! Why do you need a Transfer Certificate? It is the middle of the session. Student : My father has been transferred from Dhaka to Khulna. Principal : Oh! I see. Can't you stay here for the rest of the session? Student : Sorry sir, I can't. My father is unable to afford me here. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Dialogue Writing

Principal : Don't you have any relative here? Student : No. I haven't. Principal : It would be better if you could complete the rest of the session. Student : I think so. I will face much trouble in the new environment but I have nothing to do. Principal : Where is your application? Student : Here it is, sir. Principal : Have you paid your tuition fees? Student : Yes sir. Here is the receipt. Principal : Meet the head clerk. Student : Thank you, sir. 13. Suppose, you are Sumi. You and your friend Lubna are talking about a teacher who has recently joined in your college. Now write a dialogue between two friends on a new teacher. A dialogue between two friends on a new teacher: Sumi : Hello Lubna, how do you like the new English teacher who has joined? Lubna : Oh! He is a very nice teacher. Sumi : How can you say that he is a nice teacher? Have you attended any of his classes? Lubna : Yes. I’ve attended the classes taken by him in which he has shown his worth. Sumi : Do you know about his academic career? Lubna : Of course. His career is brilliant. He obtained first division both in the SSC and HSC. He secured second class both in Honours and Masters. Sumi : Do you think that a brilliant result is the sign of good teacher? Lubna : No. I don't think so. I take him for a good teacher not because of his brilliant result but because of his teaching qualities. Sumi : Please, mention the qualities. Lubna : His method of teaching and art of speaking are attractive. He can easily make an unpleasant thing pleasant. Sumi : You are really fortunate that you have got such a good teacher. Yes, we are proud of him. Lubna : Yes, we are proud of him. 14. Write a dialogue between a doctor and a patient. A dialogue between a doctor and a patient: Patient : Good evening doctor. Will you spend me some minutes? Doctor : Of course, I can. Patient : I’ve been suffering from fever for few months, doctor Doctor : What are the signs of your fever? Patient : It’s usually between 5 to 6 P.M. Doctor : Do you feel any quivering sensation then? Patient : Yes. I do. Doctor : Well, Do you get thirst then? Patient : Yes. I get. I wish I could drink very cold water. Doctor : When does the fever remit? Patient : At late hours of the night. Doctor : Didn't you take any sort of treatment? Patient : I was under the treatment of a village quack. Doctor : Please, show me the prescription. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Patient : Here, it is, sir. Doctor : Oh, he has prescribed you wrong medicine. Yours is malaria but he has given you the medicine of typhoid. Let me prescribe some medicines for you. Patient : Thank you, sir. 15. Write a dialogue between a salesman and a customer about buying a shirt. A dialogue between a salesman and a customer about buying a shirt: Salesman : Good morning, sir. Customer : Good morning, I like to buy a shirt and a tie. Salesman : Ok, here are they. Customer : Thanks. Let me have a sight at them. Salesman : I think this will suit you well. Customer : No. the shirt is tight a bit. Salesman : Well, here is another one. Customer : Yes, this suits me well. Now show me the tie. Salesman : Here it is. Customer : No, the colour is not after my mind. Salesman : What colour do you prefer sir? Customer : Navy blue. Salesman : Ok, we have got a nice tie of that colour. Here it is. Customer : That's fine. What's the price please? Salesman : It is all together Tk. 700/ only. Customer : Take this. Salesman : Thanks, come again. Myself : It’s my pleasure. 16. Write a dialogue between two friends Pallab and Liton about planning a picnic. A dialogue between two friends Pallab and Liton about planning a picnic: Pallab : Good morning. Liton : Good morning. How are you? Pallab : I'm fine. How are you getting on your time? Liton : Quite well. Pallab : How do you think of enjoying a picnic? Liton : A good idea indeed. Let’s fix up a date and the venue. Pallab : How will it be if we select Sonargaon spot next Friday? Liton : Oh! Fine. That is a beautiful and historical place. Pallab : Who will be with us? Liton : Only your brothers and sisters and mine. When shall we start please and where from? Pallab : We shall start at7 O'clock from our residence. Liton : What about the menu? Pallab : Why, Biriani. Don't you like it? Liton : Hundred times. But we will cook our food ourselves. Pallab : I shall take my camera and take snaps. Liton : That's fine. Good-bye. Pallab : Good-bye. 17. Write a dialogue between two friends Pallab and Polok about road accident. A dialogue between two friends Pallab and Polok about road accident: Pallab : Good morning. Where are you going? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Dialogue Writing

Polok : Good morning. I am going to Nawabpur to buy some electronic materials. Where do you want to go? Pallab : I also want to go out for shopping. Polok : Ok. You may accompany me, then. Let's go on foot. Pallab : But why? Can't we hire a rickshaw? Polok : Yes, we can. But I don't want to. Have you noticed the shocking news on road accident in the newspaper? Pallab : Yes, I have. I don't understand why such reckless driving causing frequent road accidents could not be checked in our country. Polok : What do you think about its causes? Pallab : There are many causes. Reckless driving, ignorance of the drivers, overtaking tendency, violating traffic signals and rules etc. contribute greatly to the frequent accidents. Polok : Right you are. But steps should be taken immediately to control it. What do you think about it? Pallab : Strict laws must be introduced in this regard. Illiterate and careless drivers should be identified and their driving license must be cancelled. Polok : You are right. We all should come forward to raise public awareness in this regard. Pallab : Definitely we should do so. I am really afraid of being out on the streets. My friend, none is there to ponder about such things. The occurrences of such accidents will not be taken into account. Polok : Right you are. Here everybody is busy for making name and fame. We have no time to stand and stare. Let us go forward Pallab : Ok. Let’s move now. 18. Write a dialogue between a gentleman and a hotel manager about booking a room over phone. A dialogue between a gentleman and a hotel manager about booking a room over phone: Gentleman : Is it Hotel Agrabad International? Manager : Yes, sir. Gentleman : May I talk to the manager? Manager : Manager is speaking. Gentleman : I am Dr. Asim speaking from Barisal Medical College. Manager : What can I do for you, sir? Gentleman : I'd like to book a room from the 25th instant. Manager : Is it a single-seated or a double-seated room? Gentleman : We need a double-seated room. Manager : Ok, sir. Your room is available. Gentleman : What facilities does this room have? Manager : This room is fully air conditioned and it has attached bath room and a TV set with dish connection. Gentleman : How much will it cost me per day? Manager : Only Tk. 1800/ per day. Gentleman : Ok. This room will be suitable for me. Manager : How long do you like to stay? Gentleman : For three days only. Should I make any advance payment? Manager : No, sir. You needn't. Gentleman : Ok. Then we are going to meet you on the 25th instant. Thank you. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Manager : You are most welcome, sir. 19. Write a dialogue between two friends Polok and Kabir about their hobbies. A dialogue between two friends about their hobbies: Polok : Hello. Do you know my uncle has just sent me some Japanese stamps? Kabir : What a fun! Are you going to paste them in your album? Polok : Yes, here it is. I have got quite a nice collection now. Kabir : What a lot! French, Italian, Dutch, German, American and Turkish. You seem to have some from almost every country. Polok : Oh! There are a lot I have not got yet. And some rare ones are very expensive. Kabir : But what is the use of collecting stamps? Polok : Oh! Well it's a hobby. And it teaches you some geography and sometimes it brings money. Kabir : How is that? Polok : Why? A really good collection sometimes sells for hundreds of pounds. Why don't you go in for stamp collecting? What is your hobby? Kabir : My hobby is a different one. It is more interesting to me. I like reading books. Polok : How is it so interesting? Kabir : It gives me practical knowledge. Some books make me laugh. Others supply new thoughts and ideas. Polok : Yea! Great. Your hobby is interesting but mine is not less interesting. I can come to know a conception of the country seeing the stamp of the country. It informs me about their culture. You will be happy to hear that I have got stamps of 60 countries of the world. Kabir : It is so nice. I think nothing is less important. Polok : Yes, of course. I agree with you. Kabir : Thanks for your agreement. Polok : Ok. Good bye. Kabir : Thanks. See you again. 20. Write a dialogue between the two friends about the Compulsory Primary Education in Bangladesh. A dialogue between Babul and Liton about the Compulsory Primary Education in Bangladesh: Babul : Hello Babul, you seem to be absorbed in thought. Liton : You have rightly guessed. I am thinking about the children of the country. Babul : Children! Very funny. They will grow like, all other children of the country. Liton : I am thinking about their education. Babul : You need not worry. Our Government has made Primary Education compulsory. Liton : Is it so? Babul : Yes, every child between ages five to ten must complete the Primary Education. It is compulsory. Liton : What about their financial support. Babul : Well, they will get their books free. Besides our girl children will get money every month for their good attendance in shool. Liton : Great. But don’t we have any responsibility in this respect? Babul : Of course we have. We should make our people aware about this programme. Liton : Then it’s happy news for us. But will this programme be successful? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Dialogue Writing

Babul : Oh! Liton, you always think about the dark side of everything. The government has launched Food for Education Programme to make it fully successful. Liton : What does it mean by Food for Education Programme? Baul : It means that the school going children will get a certain amount of food grains every month. Liton : It means that the parents o those children won’t have to think about their food. Babul : Exactly. For this programme their parents won’t engage them in any income generating activity. Liton : You are right. The educated people also should come forward in this regard. Babul : Sure, why not? Ok Liton, let’s move now. Liton : Ok. See you again. 21. Write a dialogue between mother and daughter on the daughter's bad habits. A dialogue between mother and her daughter Nagma: Mother : Well, Nagma, what are you doing? Nagma : I'm brushing my teeth. Mother : You are brushing your teeth now but when did you get up from bed? Nagma : I got up from bed at 8.45 am. Mother : Is it the right time to get up from bed? Nagma : On holidays, I am sure. Mother : Not on holidays either. It is unhealthy to get up so late. Don't you take any physical exercise? Nagma : No, I don't have time to take any exercise. Mother : If you get up late, you will never have time. Take physical exercise regularly, otherwise you will have a poor health. Nagma : What can I do now mom? Mother : At first you should make a habit of getting up early in the morning. By getting up early you will find enough time to complete your lesson. Nagma : I tried many times to get up early but I couldn’t. Mother : Well, if you get up early, you’ll get enough time not only to complete your studies but also to refresh your mind. Nagma : Well, but I try to complete my studies at night and that’s why I go to bed late night. Mother : But you should know that going to bed late regularly will hamper your health and you won’t be able to concentrate on your studies. On the other hand the atmosphere in the morning is calm and quiet. Nagma : Promise mom, I will try heart and soul to get up early from this very day. Mother : I hear that you take too many cups of tea a day. How many cups? Nagma : About twenty. Mother : Is that right? Nagma : What can I do? I feel hungry at the college that's why I drink tea? Mother : Can't you eat fruits? Nagma : Oh fine, Mother, I'll do that from now. Mother : Ok. 22. Write a dialogue between two friends on the Necessity of Learning English. A dialogue between two friends Milton and Amin about the Necessity of Learning English: Milton : Hello, Amin, how’re you? Amin : Fine and you? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Milton : Nice. Amin : What is the B.A result of your brother? Milton : What should I say; he has failed in English though total marks are above 650. Amin : Really, I'm shocked at this news. I can't imagine it. Milton : English has been taught as compulsory subject in our educational system. Yet a number of students fail in English every year. Amin : Right. Milton : Actually, I do not understand why everybody doesn’t study English seriously? Amin : I also think so. Everybody should know that English is an international language Milton : Yes, the necessity of learning this language cannot be overstated. Amin : Really, if we know English we can live. It also helps to travel other countries. Milton : Besides, English enables us to enter into the store house of knowledge. Amin : Yes. If the students don’t understand it, they won’t be able to be a great man. Milton : Exactly. Moreover, for international relation English is a must. Amin : In a word, English is needed everywhere. Milton : Undoubtedly. Ok. Bye. Amin : Bye. See you. 23. Write a dialogue between Lata and Runa about the bad effect of cutting down the trees on the environment. A dialogue between Lata and Runa about the bad effect of cutting down the trees on the environment: Lata : Hello Runa, how are you? Runa : I am well but I am sorry to say that our poor villagers are cutting down trees. Lata : Really. They cut down trees for fuel and money. Runa : People do not know that trees are our best friends. Lata : Really so, trees are useful to man. Runa : What do trees give us? Lata : You know it well. Trees take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen without which we can’t live. Runa : Right. It also gives shade, fruits, timber and fuel. Lata : Not only that but also it protects us from flood and drought. It protects our rich soil top from being washed away. Runa : Once upon a time, a country became barren losing all the trees. When there are no trees, there will be no rain in time. Lata : Usually villagers aren’t aware about the importance of trees. So, they do not like to plant trees. Runa : It is bad and our future generation will suffer much for their ignorance. Lata : For want of trees, there will be drought. Our villagers should be made conscious about the dangerous effect of cutting down of trees. Runa : We should be alert to grow more trees for our future benefit. Lata : Really and thanks for your valuable discussion. Runa : Ok. See you again. 24. Read the paragraph and write a dialogue between you and your friend Shamim about the "Greenhouse Effect". A rise of temperature in atmosphere is known as the "Green house Effect". The carbon dioxide is primarily and mainly responsible for temperature rise in atmosphere. As a result, the ice covering the North and South poles is melting. If measures are not taken to stop icemelting, many areas may go under water. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Dialogue Writing

A dialogue between myself and Milton about the greenhouse effect on our environment: Myself : Hello Shamim, how are you? Milton : I am fine. Do you know about Green House Effect? Myself : I've heard but I want to know more. Can you tell me more about it? Milton : Do you know what causes this effect? Myself : Carbon dioxide. Increasing amount of carbon dioxide. But how isn’t clear to me? Milton : The gas accumulates in the atmosphere and causes temperature rise in the atmosphere. As a result, the ice covering of the North and South poles is melting. Thus it may flood many areas of the world. Myself : Has it any other effect? Milton : Of course. Tropical forests are being reduced every year and it increases world desert. New areas of the world are becoming deserts as an immediate effect of greenhouse effect. Myself : I think we are heading towards a great disaster. Milton : Yes. If the environment is not protected soon, the world will be soon uninhabitable. Myself : Is the sea level rise caused by it? Milton : Our sea level is rising as the ultimate consequence of greenhouse effect. If this situation continues, lower parts of the world will go under water. Myself : What will happen to Bangladesh? Milton : Lower southerner part of Bangladesh will go under water. Myself : How dangerous! Thank you for important information. Milton : Ok. See you again. 25. Read the paragraph and write a dialogue between Emma and Remma: Rokeya was sad. Her family doesn’t take the newspaper daily. But she is very fond of reading newspaper. Rahima said to Rokeya, "Newspaper is the people's parliament." She also added that the newspaper plays a vital role in modern civilization. It is said to be the mirror of the world. We must have the habit of reading the newspaper daily. It helps us in acquiring general knowledge which is essential for our education. Nobody can keep contact with the outside world without reading the newspaper. I have taken up a planning that I will read the newspaper daily in anyhow. A dialogue between Rokeya and Rahima about newspaper reading: Rokeya : How are you, Rahima? Rahima : Fine, what about you? Rokeya : I am fine. But I am sad because I don’t have scope to read newspaper? Rahima : That’s sad. Newspaper is the people's parliament. It plays a vital role in modern civilization. It is the mirror of the world. So everybody should read it. Rokeya : I also agree that we must have a habit of reading newspaper. Rahima : It helps us acquiring knowledge. It is essential for our education. Without it nobody can keep contact with the outside world. I have taken up a planning that I will read the newspaper daily anyhow. Rokeya : But my parents are not allowing newspaper daily. Rahima : You may share with me or you can go to the public library. Rokeya : Good idea. Public Library isn’t far from my house. I can go there easily and get the chance to read newspaper. Rahima : There you can read many other newspapers. Rokeya : Thank you. Let’s move now. Rahima : Welcome. See you again. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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26. Read the following dialogue and write a summary on the basis of it. Smoking is injurious to health. It is a dangerous habit which causes many life taking diseases like cancer, heart attack, chronic bronchitis, cough etc. These fatal diseases eventually kill the human beings. There is not a single benefit of smoking. We all should realize the truth that smoking is nothing but taking slow poison. So, everybody should give up the habit of smoking for good health, better living and long life. A dialogue between Rezul and Babul about bad effect of smoking: Rezaul : Hello, Babu. How are you? Babul : I am not well. I have been suffering from cough. Rezaul : I have heard that you have become a chain smoker. Smoking may be one of the major reasons of your sickness. Babul : Doctor has also said so. Rezaul : Why don't you give up smoking? Don't you know the dangers of smoking? Babul : I tried to give it up, but I couldn’t. I can’t even concentrate on my study without smoking. Rezaul : If you had thought seriously about its bad effect, you would not have smoked any more. Babul : How much harmful can smoking be? Rezaul : Smoking causes many fatal diseases. It causes cancer, heart attack, chronic bronchitis etc. Besides it is also very expensive. Babul : Is there anything good in smoking? Rezaul : Of course not. Nobody could put any argument in favour of smoking. Babul : Well within a short time I will give up smoking totally. Rezaul : Thank you. The sooner you give it up the better it will be for you. 27. Write a dialogue between a reporter and the Principal of a college on the result of the H.S.C Examination. A dialogue between a Reporter and the Principle of a college about the result of his/her college: Reporter : May I come in sir? Principal : Yes, come in. Reporter : Sir, I am Abul Kashem, senior staff reporter from ‘The Daily Star’. Principal : Have a seat, please. What can I do for you? Reporter : I came to know that the result of your College in the H.S.C Examination is excellent. Principal : Yes, the result is satisfactory. 400 candidates appeared at the Examination. Of them 300 secured A + and 50 A. My college topped the 2nd position in Dhaka Board. Reporter : You deserve all credits, sir. Principal : You are wrong. It is not my credit. It is the achievement of the teachers, guardians and discipline of the college. Reporter : Students also worked hard to pick up a glorious result. Principal : You are right. But the guardians also worked hard and took a great care of their kids. Reporter : I think it is a combined effort of the students, teachers, guardians and your proper guidance sir. Principal : I think so. Reporter : Thank you sir for spending your valuable time Principal : You are welcome. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Dialogue Writing

28. Suppose you are Rajon and your friend is Akram. You are talking about the students’ failure in English. Now write a dialogue between you and your friend about the students’ failure in English. A dialogue between Rajon and Akram about the students’ failure in English: Rajon : Good morning, Akram. How are you? Akram : Good morning, Rajon. I am fine, thanks. Then you? Rajon : I’m fine too. Friend, let’s discuss on an important topic regarding students’ failure in English. Akram : We all know that English is not our mother tongue. It is a foreign language. Lack of trained teachers, not learning tendency, students’ panic in English, lack of sufficient word stock etc. are responsible for it. Rajon : In addition, lack of English environment, lack of interest in English, illiterate family back ground etc. are also causes of failure in English. Akram : Besides most of the students are callous to English in Bangladesh. They don’t give importance in English. They memorize some probable questions to get only pass marks. Rajon : You are night. They study English only to acquire certificate not for learning it. Lack of efficient and experienced teachers also contributes much to fail in English. Akram : I agree with you. But lack of motivation and fear in English are also important causes of failure in English. Rajon : How can we solve the problem? Akram : At first we have to remove our fear about English. Then our English teaching method should be made interesting. Rajon : I think so. Our teachers should be trained well. Akram : Thank you for your excellent opinions regarding the matter. Rajon : You are welcome. 29. Read the passage again and write a dialogue between you and Babul on the basis of it. Everybody has some idea about the street children of Bangladesh. The real picture of these street children is very pathetic. They are shelter less and have to earn their own livelihood. They have no particular living and sleeping place. They sleep on street. Sometimes, they move aimlessly in the street. Some of them are seen to draw carts for earning their livelihood. They are also found begging in the street. They may have parents. But their parents do not take proper care of them. They cannot go to school. They are completely helpless and uncared. They remain illiterate. Sometimes, they have to bear physical abuse. In fact, they are deprived of all sorts of child rights. It is a matter of great regret. Today's child is tomorrow's future. So all of us including the government should take necessary steps so that they can enjoy their legal rights. A dialogue between myself and Tuhin about the street children: Myself : Hello, Tuhin, how are you? Tuhin : I am fine. Thank you and you? Myself : I am also fine. Tuhin, I have a lot of question about street children. Tuhin : I have some idea about street children of Bangladesh. The real picture of these street children is very pathetic. Myself : What are the condition of the street children? Tuhin : They are shelter less. They have no particular living and sleeping place. Myself : What do you think about their parents? Tuhin : They may have parents. But their parents do not take proper care of them. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Myself : Do they have any opportunity to go to school? Tuhin : Yes, but it is limited. Some may go to the school but they have to drop out after a few years. Some of them are completely illiterate. Myself : What is the great regret? Tuhin : They are deprived of all sorts of child rights. They have to earn their own livelihood. Myself : What is the solution? Tuhin : All of us including the government should take necessary steps so that they can enjoy their legal rights. Myself : Thank you so much for giving important information. Tuhin : You’re most welcome. 30. Write a dialogue between a teacher and a student who has failed in the examination. A dialogue between a teacher and a student who has failed: Student : Good morning, sir. Teacher : Good morning, how are you? Student : Curse me, sir, curse me. I am down and out. Teacher : Why? What happens to you? Student : I couldn’t pass in the HSC examination sir. Teacher : I am really sorry for you. But don’t be so upset. Student : I can’t think it, sir. This is so unexpected for me. Teacher : No doubt it is. You know, examination is just like a game of chance. Even bright boy may fail in it. Don’t you know? Student : Yes, I know. But I was so sure, sir. Teacher : Don't be disheartened. Fortune favours the brave. You will surely do well next time. Try once again and you will surely do well next time. Student : Of course, sir. Next year I must succeed. Teacher : I know. You can. Student : Pray for me sir. Teacher : Sure. 31. Write a dialogue between two friends Village life and city life. A dialogue between two friends about village life and city life: Habib : Good morning, Monir. I see you in the town after a long time. Are you going to stay here? Monir : Good morning, Habib. I came here for a piece of business. I shall go home tomorrow. Habib : Why do you go back so soon? Don't you like town life? Monir : I don't find any pleasure in the town. There is no fresh air. There is dust everywhere. There is smoke everywhere. Habib : But I cannot live in village. Village life is slow and dull. Monir : Town life is very fast. Everybody is very busy. It is full of din and bustle. I cannot sleep. Habib : Still then city life provides better facilities. Better education, better treatment and what not. Monir : I think you have seen the merits of town life but you do not think of the demerits. Habib : Everyman likes his own living place. Town life is fine to me. Monir : Both the lives have merits and demerits. Habib : You are right. Thank you. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Dialogue Writing

Monir : Welcome. 32. Write a dialogue between a Booking-Clerk and Rokeya for ticket in the Parjatan Corporation Office. A dialogue between Rokeya and Booking-Clerk: Rokeya : Excuse me; will you give me a ticket to Sylhet? Booking Clerk : Certainly. Do you want to travel by our tourist-bus and visit the place? Rokeya : Yes. Will there be any guide in your tourist bus? Booking Clerk : Yes, of course. Rokeya : Is there any acility to stay there? Booking Clerk : Yes, we have. How many days will you want to stay? Rokeya : I want to stay there two days. Booking Clerk : No problem. You can stay. Rokeya : How much will it cost for a day? Booking Clerk : It will cost Tk. 1000/- for a day. It includes charges for food too. Rokeya : When does the bus leave? Booking Clerk : At 8:45 a.m. Rokeya : The bus will bring me back, won't it? Booking Clerk : Yes. Rokeya : Here's the money, please. Booking Clerk : Here's the ticket and the change. Rokeya : Thank you very much. 33. Suppose you are Tawfiq. You want to improve your skill in English. You wish to get suggestion from your friend Ripon. Now write a dialogue between two friends on how to improve your English. A dialogue between Tawfiq and Ripon on how to improve your English: Tawfiq : Hi Ripon, How are you? Ripon : Not so good. Tawfiq : Why? What happens to you? Ripon : I am sorry to say that I have cut a sorry figure in English in the examination. I know you are well in English. Now I want your help and suggestion. Tawfiq : Well. I am not an expert but I can tell you how I have developed. Ripon : I think that is enough. Tawfiq : You know my father is a professor of English. He helps me more. He first taught me tense which is the main thing of learning English. Ripon : How did he teach tense? I have already learnt tense. Yet I can not do well. Tawfiq : He first taught me the identification marks of every tense in Bangla. After that, he taught me the structure of every tense. Then I did some translation. Ripon : Yea, I can understand my lack. What did he teach you next? Tawfiq : He taught some words and showed me how to use them. Ripon : What is next? Tawfiq : He taught me the common use of preposition. Ripon : Fine. Is it all? Tawfiq : Now he encourages me to read rapid books which are written in easy English. He also advised me to read English newspaper. Ripon : Can I follow these? Tawfiq : Yes, of course. Ripon : While reading English newspaper, if you fall into any problem, what do you do then? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Tawfiq : I consult with my father. Of course you can consult a dictionary. Ripon : Thank you very much. Tawfiq : You are most welcome. 34. Student Politics is now very contradictory subject. Some like it. Some do not like it. Now compose a dialogue between two friends on student politics. A dialogue between Anis and Abir about student politics: Hasan : Good morning, Abir, how are you? Habib : Good morning, I am well. And you? Hasan : I am so so. I came to you to talk to you about student politics of our country. Have you read the view of some respectable persons about student politics? Do you agree with them? Habib : I think so. Our honourable superiors have rightly pointed that student politics should be banned. Hasan : I do not think so. It is true that student politics has lost its appeal now; but it has a glorious past. Habib : I agree with you. But now it has lost that glory. Hasan : But you should know that the students are not fully responsible for it. Some selfish politicians manipulate them. They use the students as their weapon. Habib : I know that. But now it is absurdity what is going on in the name of student politics. Hasan : But student politics is needed for the creation of future leader. Habib : Exactly. Our student politics should be modified. Hasan : You’re right. Let’s drop it now. We will talk later. Thank you. Habib : You are most welcome. 35. Nowadays price hike has become a major problem. For it a silent starvation is running all over the country. Now write a dialogue between two friends about price hike. A dialogue between Kanta and Kona about price hike: Kanta : Hello Kanta, how are you? Kona : Well, what about you? Kanta : Not so bad. But I am thinking about something. Kona : Will you share the matter? Kanta : Sure. Do you read the newspaper regularly? The price of necessary things is going to touch the sky. The poor are suffering much. Kona : Yes, I agree with you. The price of essential commodities especially rice, groceries vegetables have already gone up beyond the purchasing capacity of the common people Kanta : It is not only a headache for the poor but also each and every one of the country. Kona : You will be surprised to know that the parents of the poor children send their children to get OMS’ rice. Kanta : That can’t be a happy news for the civil society. Kona : Actually excessive population, flood, less production and world market are the main reasons of it. Kanta : Don’t you think black market is responsible for it? Kona : Yes, it is also responsible for it. Kanta : Moreover, some dishonest businessmen are responsible for price hike in the market. They are hoarding the necessary goods in their stock for more profit. Kona : The government has already taken some steps to control the prices of essential commodities though it is not working well. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Dialogue Writing

Kanta : Our conscience will arise and this is the only way of solution. Kona : Thanks a lot. No more today. Kanta : It’s ok. See you again. 36. Kabir and Kamal are two friends. Kabir lives in a village and Kamal lives in a city. Now write a dialogue between two friends on the advantages and disadvantages of village life and city life. A dialogue between two friends on the advantages and disadvantages of village life and city life: Kabir : How do you enjoy my village? Kamal : Wonderful! Really it is as nice as a picture. Kabir : Is it? You are city dweller. How does it snatch your heart? Kamal : I think village life is more charming and interesting than city life. Kabir : I can’t agree with you in this case. Especially, you can not deny the better advantages and comforts. Kamal : You are partially right. But do you get any touch of innocence and simplicity? Kabir : In our village life, we get fresh air, titanic blue sky, vast green fields and innocence of the simple people and their generous behaviour. Kamal : What about city life? Kabir : It’s full of noise and pollution. Kamal : I feel so. I don't find any pleasure in the town. There is no fresh air. There is dust everywhere. There is smoke everywhere. Kabir : But in spite of this I can’t live in village. Village life is slow and dull. Kamal :Town life is very fast. Everybody is very busy. It is full of din and bustle. I can’t sleep. Kabir :Still then city life provides better facilities. Better education, better treatment and what not. Kamal : That’s right. Is it mechanical? Kabir : Yes, it’s mechanical but village life is natural. Kamal : Thanks for ideas. Kabir : You’re welcome. 37. Suppose you are Kamal. Your teacher has talked to you about the necessity and importance of tree plantation. Now write a dialogue between you and your teacher about tree plantation. A dialogue between myself and my teacher on tree plantation: Teacher : Hello, Amit. Why are you cutting so small tree? Kamal : Wah sir! I wish to make a flower garden here. Teacher : Flower garden is good undoubtedly. It increases the beauty of a house. But trees will give you a nice shade and protection from natural disaster. Kamal : Sir, actually I do not know well about the importance of tree plantation. Would you please tell me about it? Teacher : Of course! Listen to me. Trees and plants are the lie of our environment and they provide us a lot of foods and oxygen. Kamal : Are trees necessary for our agriculture? Teacher : Of course. Without trees there will be no rain in time and our farmers won’t be able to grow good crops. Kamal : Sir, I have heard that without trees our country will turn into a desert, am I right? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Teacher : Yeah, not only that. Without trees the world temperature will rise. Kamal : Don’t you get medicine from trees? Teacher : Yes. Kamal : Sir, if so, we should plant more and more trees. Teacher : Certainly, we should plant trees. Today is the day of tree plantation. You should plant tree, not destroy. Kamal : I am sorry, sir. I am going to the nursery to buy trees and today I will plant more than two trees. Thank you sir for giving me advice. Teacher : OK my boy. 38. Suppose you are Rabbi. You are the student of Cambrian College. You want to organise an English Club in your college. Now make a dialogue between you and your principal. A dialogue between you and the Principal of your college about organizing an English Club: Badhan : May I come in, Sir? Principal : Yes, come in. Badhan : Sir, As salamu alaikum. Principal : Oalaikum As salam. How are you, Badhan? Badhan : I am fine, sir and thank you? What about you, sir? Principal : I am also fine. By the by, do you have anything to say? Badhan : Yes, sir. I intend to organise an English Club in our college. Would you please help me? Principal : Of course, I will help you. It is a good idea. It will develop students’ skills in English. Submit an application and I will recommend it. Badhan : Sir. Here is the application. Principal : OK I will take all steps to establish it quickly. No problem. All my assistance will be your side, my boy. Badhan : Thank you very much. Principal : You are welcome. 39. Suppose you are a class Teacher of class XII. Your students want to go on an excursion. Now write a dialogue between you and your students about it. A dialogue between the class teacher and students of a college: Class Teacher : Dear students, happy news is waiting for you. Students : What is that, sir? Class Teacher : Soon our college is going to arrange a study tour. It will be very nice, won’t it? Students : Wah! What a nice news! Tamanna : What is the venue? Class Teacher : Where do you like most? Soma : Swapnapuri Sir! Swapnapuri sir! Class Teacher : I am sorry because it is not a historical place. Bonna : May we select Cox’s Bazar, Sir? Class Teacher : It is too far. Besides, it is also not a place of historical importance. Mona : What about Modhu Bon? Salma : No! No! It is quite known to us. Class Teacher : Let’s go to Bagerhat. It is a historical place. Students : Oh! It is an excellent idea. We all agree with you. Thank you, sir. Class Teacher : Welcome. Next, I will talk to you. 40. Suppose you are Akash. You are talking with your father about your future career. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Dialogue Writing

Now write a dialogue between father and son. A dialogue between father and son about son’s career: Akash : Good evening dad, have you called me? Father : Yes, my son. I have called you to talk to you about an important matter of your life. Akash : What is that, dad? Father : What do you think about your career? Akash : I do not think about it. You can choose one for me. Father : No, you’re not right. I may only help you. Which profession attracts you most? Akash : I always dream to be a famous doctor. Father : Is it so? Are you tempted by a lot of money, my boy? Akash : No father, no! I only want to serve the suffering people. Father : Every doctor tells it before coming to their profession. They write tall talks in their examination scripts while they are students. But do they do it? They forget their promise. Akash : That’s right in most cases. So I can’t speak of others. I can say of myself. My heart suffers from the sufferings of the poor people. They die for want of proper treatment. If I get a chance, I shall involve myself in the service of the suffering humanity. Father : That’s good. Then take hard preparation to get chance in medical college. May Allah bless you. Akash : Pray for me, dad. Father : My doa will always be on you. 41. Earthquake is a destructive force. It can destroy all things in incredibly short time. Now write a dialogue between Samad and Saiful about it. A dialogue between Samad and Saiful about the destruction caused by earthquake: Samad : Hello Saiful, why do you look so gloomy? Saiful : My mind is not so good. Samad : But why? Saiful : Have you not read the news of destructive earthquake in Chittagong? Samad : Oh! yes, yes, I have read. Saiful : My only uncle with his wife and children are killed. Samad : How sad! Total family is dead! Saiful : Yes. Samad : Really we are unlucky that our country is in the active earth quake zone. But we have no preparation to face it. Saiful : If a medium category earthquake is taken place in Dhaka city, there will be no place to keep dead body. Samad : You are right. So we should develop our earthquake resistant building code. Saiful : The development of code is not followed at all. It should be followed as mandatory. Samad : People should be made aware about the dangerous consequences of earthquake. Saiful : People should take precautionary measures to minimize losses. Samad : Yes, my friend. However, I have to go now. No more today. Saiful : I think so. Samad : Good-bye. Saiful : Bye. See you next. 42. Suppose you are Rahat and your friend is Anwar. Your HSC examination is over and you have much free time in your hand. Now write a dialogue between two friends on what they will do after the HSC examination. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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A dialogue between you and your friend about your plan: Rahat : Good morning, Anwar. How are you? Anwar : I’m fine, thanks. And what about you? Rahat : I’m also fine. Friend, our H.S.C examination is over. What are you going to do after the examination? Anwar : After the H.S.C Examination I have decided to go to my native village . Rahat : Why? What’s your plan to go there? Anwar : I have a noble plan. I want to open a Night School at my village and teach the illiterate people. Rahat : I appreciate your plan. What will you teach them? Anwar : You know ours is an over populated country. Most of the people are illiterate. They can’t read and write. Rahat : Not only that they have no knowledge about education, health, sanitation, family planning and scientific method of cultivation. How will you teach them? Anwar : Friend, first I will teach them how to read and write. I will make them conscious of all other things. Rahat : I offer you thanks for arranging such a nice program. Will you accompany me in your program? I want to remove the darkness of ignorance of the people of your village. Anwar : Of course, why not? I welcome you to participate with me in the program Rahat : Through our combined effort we would like to make your village an illiteracy free village in Bangladesh. But who will help you there? Anwar : Well, I have already talked with one of my uncles and he has agreed to help. Rahat : Great. Then our work will be easy then. Anwar : Thanks for your encouragement. I hope we will fulfill our desire. Rahat : I hope so. Let’s move now. Anwar : ok. See you again. 43. Suppose you are in need of a pair of shoes and you have gone to shoe store to buy it. Now write a dialogue between you and the salesman about buying a pair of shoes. A dialogue between you and the salesman about buying a pair of shoes: Myself : Good morning. Do you have good quality shoes? Salesman : Good morning. Yes, we’ve very good quality shoes made in home and abroad. If you like, I can show you those. Myself : I don’t like to buy foreign shoes. I want local products of pure leather. Can you ensure me of pure leather? Salesman : Why not? We have lots of pure leather shoes. Myself : Show me that black ones. Salesman : What size? Myself : I wear 7 size. Salesman : Here are some pairs of your size. You can choose any one from here. My self : This pair is okay. How much do they cost? Salesman : One thousand taka only. Myself : The price seems too much. My cousin bought a same pair only by 5 hundred taka last Friday. Salesman : No, sir. This is genuine leather. Okay give 8 hundred taka. Myself : All right. I’ll buy then. Here is the money. Salesman : Thanks, come again. Myself : It’s my pleasure. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Dialogue Writing

44. Write a dialogue between two friends about the æNecessity of Tree Plantation” A dialogue between you and your friend on the necessity of tree plantation: Hamid : Good morning, Asif. How are you? Afraz : I’m fine, thanks. What about you? Hamid : I’m fine too. Friend, now it is the month of June. Tree plantation week is going on. Let’s discuss the importance of tree plantation. Afraz : What does tree plantation mean? What is the utility of it? Hamid : Tree plantation means planting of trees more and more. Trees are of great use. Asif : Could you mention some benefits of trees. Hamid : Trees give us food, fruits, firewood, timber for furniture etc. Many kinds of medicines are also made from trees. Afraz : Do they provide any more benefit for us? Hamid : They give us shade. They prevent soil erosion, control flood, check storm and cyclone. Afraz : They also give us oxygen and receive carbon dioxide which is harmful for us. Hamid : Not only that they provide us with vitamins and minerals. They also prevent air pollution and increase the beauty of the country. Afraz : Friend, they are our best friends. Actually the importance of trees needs no mention. So, we should plant more trees. When should we plant them? Hamid : June and July are the best time for planning trees. We should plant them in that time. Afraz : We should plant more trees beside our house, school, college, road side or any fallow land. Hamid : At the same time we should make people conscious of the necessity of trees. Afraz : Thank you for discussing the importance of trees. Hamid : You’re welcome. 45. Write a dialogue between yourself and the book seller about buying books. A dialogue between myself and the book seller about buying books: Myself : Good evening. I am looking for a few books. Salesman : Good evening. Can I help you? What kinds of books do you want? Myself : I want to buy some famous novels of Bangladeshi writers and some of English writers. Salesman : Wait a bit. I am getting the books from the shelf. Myself : Ok, keep these books. Do you have novels of Charles Dickens? Salesman : Why not? Mention some of the novels of Dickens. Myself : They are Great Expectation, Oliver twist, A Tale of two Cities. Salesman : Do you like to buy any more books? Myself : That’s all for the moment. How much do they cost? Salesman : Only two thousand taka. Myself : Don’t you give any discount? Salesman : Sorry, we don’t have any scope to give discount. Myself : Ok. Here is your money. Salesman : All right, thank you. Myself : You’re welcome. 46. Writing a dialogue between two friends about a drama they watched last night. A dialogue between two friends about a drama they watched last night: Snigdha : Good morning. Zerin : Good morning. How are you? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Snigdha Zerin Snigdha Zerin Snigdha Zerin Snigdha


: I'm so so. What about you? : Sad. : Why? What has happened to you? : Nothing but the drama Romeo and Juliet I watched last night in the TV made me sad. : Did you watch that last night? : Yes. How did you feel about it? : My feeling was too deep to bear. My words can’t give vent to my feeling about Romeo and Juliet. How pathetic! Zerin : Ah! The unfortunate boy and the girl died a premature death. Snigdha : Exactly. But can you imagine how the two young people sacrificed their lives! Zerin : That was a great tragedy. And the drama made us cry. Snigdha : Really you are right. Zerin : Ok. Snigdha. Good-bye. 47. Writing a dialogue between two friends Tuhin and Jamal about the uses and abuses of cell phone. (good and bad sides of mobile phone.) Tuhin : Hi, Jamal! How are you? Jamal : Thanks. I'm fine. And you? Tuhin : I'm fine too. It's long time since I met you last. But we've kept constant contact only because of the mobile phone. Jamal : Yes, a mobile phone is a very important factor in life. It's highly useful. Today we can't do without a mobile phone. Tuhin : Right. A mobile phone reduces uncertainty, doubt, anxious waiting and painful suspense. Jamal : As a matter of fact, mobile phone's made our life easy and comfortable. Tuhin : I've seen its utility in global communication. Jamal : But unfortunately the mobile phone has some disadvantages, too. Tuhin : True. Students, especially teenagers, waste time by talking long time. Emotional boys and girls may spoil their careers for it. Jamal : Sometimes it may be injurious to our brain and hearing. Tuhin : The excessive use of mobile phone can damage our hearing organs and create brain cancer and tumor. It’s also a threat for the little babies and pregnant women. Jamal : It’s true. Besides, telling lies are very easy through mobile phone. Tuhin : Yes. I think the criminals can carry out their operations with the help of mobile phones. Jamal : So the use of mobile phone should be maintained properly. Tuhin : Then we will get benefit from it. Jamal : Ok. Thank you. Nice to discuss with you. I need to go now. Tuhin : See you again. Jamal : Bye bye. 48. Write a dialogue between you (Badal) and your friend (Riad) about the corruption in Bangladesh: A dialogue between myself and my friend about the corruption in Bangladesh: Badal : Hi Riad! How are you? Riad : I’m fine and you? Badal : I’m also fine. Riad : But you look so sad. Badal : Yes. I’m worried about the corruption in Bangladesh. Riad : Oh! Probably you’ve read the article published in æThe Daily Star”. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Dialogue Writing

390 Badal Riad Badal Riad

: Yes friend. : I’ve also read and tensed about it. : Almost every sector of Bangladesh is affected by corruption. : I think, the most corrupted departments are the police, the law enforcing agencies, the public administration and the ministry itself etc. Badal : How do you define corruption? Riad : In brief, corruption is unethical and unfair practice to draw any benefit. Badal : Right you are. I think dishonesty, greed, immorality, desire for exercising power, nepotism are some of the reasons of corruption. Riad : For example, taking bribe, appointing unqualified candidates in jobs. Badal : All right. Riad : This corruption should be removed from our country. Badal : Of course. We’ve already lost our prestige among international communities. Riad : Yes because Bangladesh has championed several times for corruption. Badal : It’s a matter of great regret. Riad : The government should take drastic action to remove it. Badal : Besides, people from all walks of life should come forward to check it. Riad : Thank you. We will talk more tomorrow. Badal : Good-bye. Riad : Ok. See you again. 49. A dialogue between myself Jamal and my friend (Kamal) about the importance of reading newspaper: A dialogue between myself and my friend Kamal about the necessity of reading newspaper: Jamal : Hi Kamal, how’re you? Kamal : I'm pretty well and you? Jamal : Kamal, I’ve heard that you don’t read newspaper, do you? Kamal : Yes, I don't read newspaper. It's only a waste of time. Jamal : There you're entirely in the wrong, my friend. Newspaper reading is never a waste of time. Kamal : May be. Tell me why you're so much fond of reading newspaper. Jamal : You see, a newspaper is a mirror of the world. By reading newspaper we get all kinds of news and views. Kamal : I see. It widens the horizon of one's knowledge about the country as well as the world. Jamal : Exactly so. : Kamal : I've got your point. But doesn't it appear monotonous? Jamal : Not at all. It caters to the need and taste of all classes of people. Kamal : Now I understand that newspaper is a very useful thing. Jamal : Of course. It has a very great educative value. Kamal : You've told a lot of things about newspaper. I'll start reading newspaper immediately. Jamal : I'm sure, you'll find that the time spent in reading newspaper is amply rewarding. Kamal : Ok. Good bye now. Jamal : Bye, see you. 50. Write a dialogue between you and your friend, Neela about the importance of punctuality: A dialogue between myself and my friend about importance of punctuality: Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Nora Neela Nora Neela Nora Neela Nora Neela Nora Neela Nora Neela Nora Neela


: Hi Neela, how are you? : Fine, What about you? : Well, Neela. Do you know about punctuality? : Yeah. Punctuality's the quality of doing things at the right time. It can bring every success in life. : Right you are. An unpunctual student often fails in his examination. : Exactly. We've to realise that punctuality is important in every sphere of life. : This habit should be formed early in life. The habit of unpunctuality once formed cannot be altered easily. : Yes. Punctuality is of great value. It saves time. Our time is short and work is long. On the other hand, time and tide wait for none. : Students should be punctual. They can’t shine in life if they can’t be so. A punctual student learns his lessons in time. He is never late at school for his lessons. : Nora, I have heard that Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated in the Battle of Waterloo for the unpunctuality of his general. The Prophet of Islam observed punctuality all throughout his life. : Lack of punctuality even in an office causes many problems. : Right. Lack of punctuality hampers orderly progress. I’m now clear about its importance. Thank you very much. : You're welcome. : Ok. See you again.

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

SUMMARY WRITING Summary k‡ãi A_© mvivsk ev mvigg©| H.S.C cixÿvi cÖ‡kœ GKwU Passage †`Iqv nq| D³ Passage wUi mvi-ms‡ÿc Aí K_vq wjL‡Z nq Ges Gfv‡e ms‡ÿ‡c †jLvi bvgB n‡”Q Summary. Summary †K composition Gi mswÿß iƒc ejv nq| Bnv‡K small composition-I ejv nq| Summary wjL‡Z QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i wb¤œwjwLZ welq¸‡jv g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e: 1. Summary Gi fvlv n‡e m¤ú~Y© wb‡Ri, mnR-mij Ges Grammatically Accurate. 2. Bnvi ˆ`N©¨ n‡e g~j Passage Gi GK Z…Zxqvsk| 3. g~j Passage-wU K‡qKevi fvj fv‡e c‡o summary wjL‡Z n‡e| 4. Summary †Z Direct speech e¨envi bv KivB fvj| Write summary of the following passages: 1. Mobile phone is a great invention of modern science. The consumers of mobile phone are increasing day by day. People are getting benefits. But it is unfortunate that mobile phone sometimes becomes the cause of health hazards; especially the children are affected much. Scientists believe that mobile phones cause brain tumours, genetic damage and many other incurable diseases. They believe that invisible uncontrolled radioactivity of the mobile phones causes irreparable damage to human body. They say that government should control radioactive sources. It is true that millions of people are getting benefits from modern cellular phone but most are blissfully unaware of the danger of it. Doctors say if a user continues his or her conversation more than two minutes, the 'blood brain barrier' gets damaged. The blood pressure gets high and red blood cells are damaged if a person gets unbroken exposure to radiation caused by cellular telephone. Using cellular phone is also harmful for the pregnant women also. So Bangladesh government should have an official restriction on using mobile. 2. A woodman was cutting down a tree on the bank of a river. By chance he let slip his axe into the river. It sank into the bottom at last. In great distress for his loss, he sat down by the side of the river and wept bitterly. Mercury, the god of water, took pity on him. He appeared before him. Hearing the cause of his sorrow, he dived into the bottom of the river, brought a golden axe and asked the man if that was his. 3. Tolerance is one of the greatest virtues of a civilized age. It is the virtue that helps to, put up with those who are not like us, who have different ways and opinions, different ideas and outlook on life. It enables us to see always the side of things, to suffer fouls with patience, deal with fanatics without losing temper. In" earlier days difference in religion led to persecution;' difference in politics created bad blood; non-conforming in social matters led to ostracism and difference in opinions ended in blows. This is intolerance, the refusal to be just and fair minded. How many thousands of men and women in Europe were burnt to death for religious differences? A whole community might be massacred in the name of God. Even today persecution and purges for political reason have not been banished from society. All this intolerance comes from narrowness and blind self-conceit. It is the result of dogmatism, a belief that there is only one attitude that is right and of ah unwillingness to consider all questions dispassionately with the help of reason. 4. Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean; And the pleasant land. Little deeds of kindness, Little words of love, Make our earth an Eden. 5. Corruption has been the burning question in the third world countries like ours. Bangladesh had been 1st in term of corruption by World Bank. But fortunately this position has been Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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3rd this year. But according to the report of Transparency International 2004 Bangladesh is; marked as the most corrupted country of the world. Due to corruption 2003 she lost an amount of Tk. 11256 crores which is 4.75% of GDP of 99-2000 fiscal. According to the report of TI of, Bangladesh, the law enforcing agencies are the most corrupted sector of administration. Police, BDR Ansar and VDP are under this agency. Education sector is placed next to this as a corrupted sector. Health Care and Forest and Environment sectors got their position next1 to the list respectively- This survey report clarifies that top to bottom and the servants of the republic are involved in corruption. It also indicates that the tendencies of corruption are: observed mostly among the class one officer. However, this is a humiliating report for us as a nation. It furnishes our image at home and abroad. Where there is an absence of strong moral convictions, people take the path of corruption. Corruption may be defined as the uncanny, ways of realising one's interest illegally. Taking bribe is a glaring example of corruption. Fund defalcation, nepotism, misuse of power is the forms of corruption. Foreign loans and public funds are being plundered. The donors now hesitate to give us loans as corruption impedes our development. However, all the people should raise voice against corruption. The general people are no less responsible for the deplorable condition. They should change their mentality and should not allure the officials to take bribe. Govt. has to ensure good governance free from corruption. 6. I was the third of five sons. My father sent me at fourteen years old to Cambridge University, where I worked hard. But he could not afford to keep me there for more than three years. For the next four years, I studied medicine under Mr. Bates, a famous doctor. I always believed that one day I should travel. I, therefore, spent small sums of money in gaining knowledge that would be valuable to a traveller. When I left Mr. Bates my father and other relations gave me enough money to study medicine at Leyden University in Holland. Soon after my return from Leyden I was appointed doctor on the Swallow, in which I made several voyages. Then I settled in London as a doctor. I took part of a small house and got married. 7. It is the root cause of ignorance which frustrates all development efforts of the government and the community. No development efforts can succeed unless illiteracy is eradicated. Eradication of illiteracy in a country like Bangladesh with so vast a population is undoubtedly a gigantic task, No individual, community or organization, not even the government is capable of solving this huge problem single-handed. It is the social responsibility of all the literate people, men and women, to make some concerted efforts to remove illiteracy from society. The Government of Bangladesh has already undertaken some important programmes in this regard. To provide primary education for at least 70 percent of the children of nine to ten years of age by the end of 1990, the Government has launched a programme called the Universal Primary Education (UPE) Project. The objectives are to increase enrolment, especially of girls, reduce dropouts and retain them at school till the completion of their primary education. 8. The use of English as the common language of the world has been growing so rapidly in recent years that no other explanation is needed to justify the efforts of the hundreds or thousands who every year set about studying English. It is the interest of all those students that English should be taught properly and accurately in accordance with certain clearly defined such standards as examinations in English were instituted and the fact that many tens of thousands of students take these examinations annually is an acknowledgement of just how successful the examining bodies have been in setting and upholding these standards. Many students start out on their study of English without knowing of the various qualifications. They can be obtained as evidence of success or of the benefits that can be derived from diverting their studies along the well tried like of a balanced examination syllabus. But they will soon find that entering for an Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Summary Writing

examination will greatly help them to concentrate their attention on the essentials of English studies. A few hours' daily work spent in following syllabus will considerably increase the rate at which they acquire the language and incidentally the interest of their studies. 9. Since the dawn of civilization, science has progressed to the present position step by step. Science has recently made rapid strides. It has conquered every sphere of life with its blessing as well as with its curse. We have made the impossible things possible with science. We have invented and discovered many wonderful wonders with the help of science and technology. Mobile phone is one of the wonderful wonders of science. It has added a new dimension to our life and to communication system. It is a telephone system that works without any wire. It can be moved easily and quickly from place to place. Through mobile phone, we can send messages to distant places, play games and sports, know about time, solve the work of calculation, and be aware of different kinds of news and views. At present the popularity of the mobile phone is increasing. Many companies are also being set up for selling mobile phone. The price of mobile phone is also decreasing in comparison with the past. People are being encouraged to buy a mobile-phone set at a cheaper rate. However with the touch of science and technology, the whole world seems to be a global village. In a very single moment, we can communicate with the people living in a very distant place. With all its advantages, the mobile phone has still some drawbacks in disguise. Though the price of it is decreasing, per minute bill is not decreasing. So everybody cannot possess it. Scientists have recently discovered that mobile phone can cause cancer to the users. Besides, it has become a fashion with the young people. Last but not the least; terrorists are using it to spread out terrorism all around the world. But in spite of all these disadvantages, it can be finalised here that the necessity of a mobile phone in exchanging messages, cannot be denied in the true sense of the term in our practical life. 10. You will find dirt and filth almost everywhere in side the house and in its surroundings, in most private and public places. Most of the drains and latrines which are exposed stink all the time. Obnoxious smell from all these are enough to make one sick. Besides, there is stagnant water in the drains and ditches which are the ideal breeding places for flies and mosquitoes, two deadly enemies of human beings. In shops and houses, various articles are often kept uncovered. Flies, carrying germs of certain diseases, settle on the exposed food and contaminate it. Flies thus spread diseases like small pox, measles, diphtheria etc. Mosquitoes transmit such diseases as malaria and elephantiasis. Some deadly diseases like cholera, diarrhea, dysentery and typhoid spread through water. Hence they are called waters borne diseases. Tuberculosis and influenza can spread even without any agents like flies and mosquitoes. These are known as air-borne diseases. The germs of these diseases keep floating in the air and one can easily inhale them without one's knowledge. Factories and mills and motor vehicles cause air-pollution by omitting obnoxious smoke and dangerous gases. Human body is, therefore, in constant danger of contracting some disease or other. 11. Shylock, a Jew, lived at Venice. He was a usurer, a man who had gathered together a great fortune by lending money at high interest to Christian merchants. He was a cruel man, hard of heart and as sharp as a knife blade. He was much disliked by all good men and particularly by Antonio, a young merchant of Venice. Shylock in his turn, hated Antonio, because he lent out money to people who were in trouble and would never take any interest for it. Wherever Antonio met Shylock on the Railto (or the Exchange) he scolded him for hard dealings while the Jew listened with summing patience, but secretly planned his revenge. 12. Patriotism is a very noble virtue. It inspires a man to do everything just and fair for the well- being and betterment of the country. It is the quality that impels a man to sacrifice his Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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own interest, comfort, pleasure and even his life for the sake of his country. Patriotic zeal makes a man dutiful, energetic and enthusiastic. He obeys the law, pays taxes and thinks for the country. Patriotism teaches a man fellow feeling, fraternity and love and sympathy for the countrymen. A patriot is also praised and honoured by his countrymen. An unpatriotic man, on the other hand, is an ignoble person. He is self-centered. He engages all his time in achieving his mean end. He causes harm to the country by his unyielding and reckless activities. He is an enemy to the liberty and sovereignty of the country. He feels no scruples to plot against the country. He gets his return in the same way. He may have high titles, immense wealth, high social status and noble birth. However, despite his worldly achievements, he remains a worthless person. His power and pelf fail to bring him any glory. Because during his lifetime, such a man is never honoured by anybody. Rather he is despised because of his perfidy. No minstrel ever sings for him. Such a man dies a double death. During his lifetime he possesses a dead soul and he remains completely forgotten by the people. This is his first-death. Then comes his natural demise. After expiring, his body gets mixed with the vile dust from which it sprang. Nobody remembers him or shows any honour to him. Nobody sheds tears for him. He sinks into oblivion. 13. The history of the development of transport shows how people have been trying from prehistoric times to use more and more advanced types of transport, thereby replacing gradually the traditional means of carrying men and goods. Ancient people were nomads. They used to travel on foot from place to place and carry their belongings themselves. They also knew how to use pack animals to carry loads. But with the passage of time, people multiplied and their needs for movement multiplied too. In their efforts to find out quicker and easier means of transport, they invented the wheel which revolutionised the modes of carrying men and goods. In fact, the invention of wheel is a landmark in the history of human civilization. As a result of this invention they succeeded in making wheeled vehicles like carts and wagons for carrying goods and carriages for carrying people on land quickly and easily. They also made water transport like boats to be moved with paddles and barges and ships to be moved by sails. At a later stage knowledge of science and technology came in a big way to help them invent modern transport suitable for quicker and more comfortable movement of men and goods not only on land and sea but also in the air. No place on earth is any longer remote. A place which could not be reached before in six months can now be reached in six hours. Only a sixteen hours flight from Dhaka even by an ordinary commercial airliner can take you to London which is 9,600 km from Dhaka. If you fly a Concord aero plane you can now go half the world round in a matter of a few hours. This is the magic the modern mechanical transport is performing today. Nevertheless the traditional non-mechanical transport cannot be discarded altogether, for they are still very useful means of transport in many countries of the world. 14. Long ago there lived in Persia a brave warrior named Rustam, who was dearly loved by his fellow countrymen for bold deeds and generous heart. So wonderful were his deeds even as a youth that all men stood in awe of him and believed that his strength and courage were more than human. He spent his days wandering about the world in search of adventures accompanied by his horse Rukesh, the most faithful friend a man ever had. Whenever the weak were oppressed or the innocent ill treated, there Rustom and his horse would appear and soon all would be righted and the evil doers would be punished for his wrongs and misdeeds. 15. Traffic jam is a common affair in the big cities and towns. This problem is the result of rapid growth of population and the increasing number of vehicles. Most often this problem occurs in the congested areas where the roads are very narrow. In proportion to our population roads have not increased. There are many unlicensed vehicles which should be Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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brought under control. The drivers are not willing to obey the traffic rules. Overtaking tendency also causes traffic jam. The number of traffic police is insufficient. Most often traffic jam occurs at office time and also at the time when the offices break. It kills our valuable time and our work is hampered. It causes great harm to many. So this problem should not be continued. Everyone should be obliged to follow traffic rules. 16. Once upon a time, a fox was caught in a trap. He freed himself but had to leave his tail behind. At first he was ashamed to show himself among his fellow foxes. But at last he put a bolder face upon the loss of his tail and called all the foxes to a meeting. So one day all the foxes gathered round him, and he began to talk to them about their tails. "Tails are really of no use," said he. "They are nothing but a dead weight hanging on to one. How good it is without a tail! Do let me advise you all to cut off yours." Thus he went for some time until one of the foxes spoke up, "That is all, very well, but I do not think you would have so advised us if you had not lost the tail yourself" 17. In poetry, music, painting, handicrafts, dance, the villages of the subcontinent have a rich civilization, and certainly in Bengal it was deeply ingrained in common life. Yet left to itself it could hardly help dying out. The prestige of the cosmopolitan culture of cities, spreading from the west with the growth of literacy, is too high and is tied up with the money, economy of modern times. The farmer who sells every foot of land can spare to get his son an English education and hopes to see him with a post in a government office or a business firm. To keep up with the times the boy learns to wear a European suit, a hum the tunes picked up from cafe juke-boxes, see an American film and practises Hollywood slang. 18. A young king of East, anxious on his ascent of the throne to rule his kingdom justly, sent for the wise men of his country and ordered them together the wisdom of the world in books so that he might read them and learn how best to conduct himself. They went away and after thirty years returned with a string of camels laden with five thousand books. Here, they told him that they collected everything that they have learnt of the history and destiny of man. But the king was immersed in affairs of state and could not read so many books, so he bade them go and condense this knowledge into a smaller number. 19. For the first year of his confinement, as far as one could judge from his brief notes, the prisoner suffered severely from loneliness and depression. The sounds of the piano could be heard continually day and night from his lodge. He refused wine and tobacco. Wine, he wrote, excites the desires and desires are the worst foes of the prisoners; and besides this, nothing could be more dearly than drinking good wine and seeing no one. And tobacco spoilt the air of his room. In the first year the books he sent for were principally of a light character; novels with a complicated love plot, sensational and fantastic stories and so on. 20. Nobody ever saw this countryside, but it was always somewhere round the corner. It is a dream that would appear to be as old as civilized man himself, touching men’s imagination when towns were little more than speaks in the green countryside. Poets who lived in the country, who passed all their days among real shepherds and dairymaids, could sing of this other country where there was nothing ugly nor any pain and sorrow, knowing full well that this was not the land that stretched itself beyond their gates but a land they had never seen. It is one of the more homely manifestations of that ideal unchanging beauty which hunts the mind of man everywhere and in every age, and from which there is no escape except into brutishness. Its shadow can fall even upon a number of little pieces of painted tin newly come from the toyshop. 21. Population explosion is a constant threat to our environment and existence. Especially in Bangladesh, the population is growing at such a high rate environment may soon fail to supply the people with their minimum necessity. Unless we take immediate steps to stop Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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this rapid growth of population environment will one day encounter unpredictable difficulty and danger. Consequently, the inhabitants may experience destruction. With the growth of population, people need more things. They need more clothes, accommodation, furniture, education and medical facilities and so. But a developing country like Bangladesh cannot supply the people with necessities. A great number of people are deprived of basic educational and medical facilities. Many people are not getting jobs to earn their living. A lot of people are making their homes in the land of cultivation. Vehicles are increasing day by day and causing traffic jams in towns and cities. Being unemployed some people becoming addicted to drugs and involved in terrorism. Besides a large number people make their latrines on the bank of the river and canal and throw waste into in the open space. Thus the environment is becoming unhealthy. It is right time to control the over growth of population. Unless we attempt to a considerable extent our environment is certain to face destruction. Therefore, to save ourselves and to live peacefully and happily, we should take immediate measure to keep our population within a limit. 22. "Women represent 50 per cent of the adult world population and one third official labour force. They perform two thirds of all working hours for which receive only one tenth of world income and own less than one per cent of the property". In Bangladesh discrimination against women has its roots not so much in the country or in the tenets of Islam as in our social customs and traditions. Islam has given women many rights. The holy Prophet Muhammad (Sm.) said, "The seeking of knowledge is an obligation for every Muslim man and woman". Muslim women have been given the right to own property. They inherit their father's and husband's property. An adult Muslim woman can under no circumstances be married without her own consent and her husband has to make a settlement in her favour at the time of marriage. This is known as Mahr. Muslim marriage is a civil contract between the husband and the wife which gives the husband no right to own his wife's property. A Muslim woman acts in all matters relating to herself and her property in her own individual right without the intervention of her husband or father. There is a law in Bangladesh which forbids the marriage of a girl before the age of eighteen; nevertheless the majority of the girls are married off before that age. Demanding dowry is also a punishable offence, yet the practice goes on unchecked. Although Islam gives the husband the option to dissolve the marriage, the act was pronounced by the holy Prophet Muhammad (Sm.) to be most abominable in the sight of the Lord'. Women in Bangladesh are not aware of the rights which Islam and the law of the country provide for them because of their lack of education. As a result they suffer silently the inferior position to which their family and the society relegate them. In our country literacy rate among men is 31 per cent while among women it is only 16 per cent. Girls account for 37 per cent of the total enrolment at the primary level. 25 per cent at the secondary level and 19 per cent at the tertiary level. Out of every 100 girls between the ages of 5 and 14, 50 have never gone to school. 23. Bangladesh earns foreign exchange mainly by exporting agricultural and other raw goods. Next important exports are hides and skins, and leather and tea. There are the traditional items on the list of exports. In recent years, export of frozen fish shrimps, frog legs, paper, handicrafts and ready-made garments has proved quite profitable. They are non-traditional item. Also, remittance of foreign currency by Bangladeshi citizens working abroad has increased our foreign exchange earning. Finally, loans, grants and aids from different countries, agencies and institutions are also a source of foreign exchange. Bangladesh trades with different countries of the world and for the convenience of international payments her currency is linked to dollar, for it is readily accepted money in the international market and the value of dollar is relatively stable. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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Foreign exchange is earned through the export of goods and services and spent by importing various items needed by the country. The difference in value between exports and imports of a country is called balance of trade. If a country's exports are greater than her imports, she is said to have favourable balance of trade or a surplus. If the country's exports are less than its imports, the balance of trade becomes unfavourable and is said to be in deficit. The balance of trade includes only the visible items of import and export. In addition, a country may export or import invisible trade items such as transportation and tourism services. Remittances from migrant workers are also considered an invisible trade item. These invisible items together with the balance of trade on visible items form the current account of a country's trade statistics. A country like Bangladesh also receives foreign exchange in the form of grants and loans from other countries or agencies like the World Bank. International Monetary Fund, the Asian Development Bank and the Islamic Development Bank, Individuals or firms of other countries may also wish to invest their money in Bangladesh. These investments would be included as foreign exchange earnings. If however, Bangladeshis invest in other countries, this would be considered as a foreign exchange loss, Private investments, grants and loans are called capital flow and bring the capital account of a country's trade statistics. 24. Addiction means strong attraction for any harmful things. Drug addiction means taking heroine, opium, marijuana, morphine, cocaine, phensidyle etc. Some of these are taken by smoking or through injection. These drugs are used for intoxicating and stimulating effects. The frequent taking of these drugs leads a man to death. Drug addiction is not only a national but also a global problem. The drug addiction has grasped the young generation of our country. The drugs are very expensive. Young boys cannot afford to buy them. They have to commit-crime to arrange money. Drug addiction is a curse of modern civilization. Frustration is the cause of this addiction. When there is no hope left for the young people, they addict to drug. Drugs have a terrible effect on human body. People feel drowsy and lose appetite. The poisonous effect of drug is dangerous. It may damage the brain and all internal functions of the body. The addicts feel intensive pain in the body. The treatment of the drug addicts is expensive and difficult. In Bangladesh the drug problem has become so acute. Thousands of families in cities, towns and even rural areas are directly or indirectly affected by it. Recently, Bangladesh is often used by the international drug smugglers as a transit of transmission of drug from one country to another. In the above circumstances, all concerned must create awareness at personal and family levels against the dangerous impact of drug addiction among the youth. The remedy for drug addiction is not very easy. Drug business is punishable and the highest punishment is death sentence in Bangladesh. This law must be enforced immediately. When each and every person is sincere to drive this curse of drug addiction from society, the human will get rid of it. 25. It is better to have brain than beauty. While physical beauty is purely visual, the beauty of brain is all encompassing. It is, therefore, a known fact that beauty is only skin-deep. Most beautiful people are just superficial, beneath their exterior countenance lie nefarious qualities of jealousy, wickedness, pride and arrogance. What is worse is that physical beauty is not everlasting, for it declines with age and time. Thus what is at its peak in youth withers out with age? It goes beyond recognition in old age. Contrary to this, our brain and mental faculty improves and grows with age. We become wiser, more experienced and people look up to us for advice and direction. Another important aspect of the brain is that it is all pervasive. It spreads its influence over us in all that we do or say. Thus a person with a pleasing mental disposition could leave a very satisfying influence on the people around him for a long time. This is in harp contrast to beauty that it by its glamour can only dazzle Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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us but for a moment. Some beauty also lives in vain, unnoticed and unsung, in the words of Thomas Gray. "For many a flower is born to blush unseen. And waste its freshness on the desert air," A noble mind on the other hand, brings out beauty within while beauty can enthrall use for the present, the brain with its inspiration can reach out and influence the lives of countless people profoundly, this is exemplified in the life and travails of Florence Nightingale. She could also have lived a normal life like other girls of her age, but she chose to reach out the injured and suffering people. The maiden with the lamp not only frightened the lives of those she came in contact with, but also blazed a new trail of the nursing profession. The impact of our brain on our personality is but an acknowledged fact. This is the reason why even at national and international beauty pageants, an effort is made to gauge the intelligence of the participants. 26. There is an old saying. "If you want to grow a tree in a certain direction, you bend it that way when it is young, because trees do not bend easily when full grown. The proverb, of course, refers not only to trees but to people as well. Human beings are creatures of habit, and the habits that are formed early in life are very difficult to break later. Those who develop good habits in childhood have an easier time adjusting to adulthood, but some parents apply the old saying very strictly in raising their children. It is expected that parents should keep their children aware of other people’s beliefs and opinions while teaching them their own values and views. They should also help them increase their freedom and selfdetermination as they grow older. Parents should also teach their children the basic rules of etiquette and some objective moral standard to guide their behaviour. The word "objective" means something that takes them beyond their own feelings and makes them mindful of the rights of others. Besides, parents should teach their children their religious views. They should take them to their sacred religious place or places. Not only that, they should also learn about other religions and values. At this, their mind will be broadened. Similarly, when children enter the teen years, their parents should increase their freedom and self-determination to a great extent. This will help them develop their confidence. Just as the young people need to learn to accept greater responsibility as they get older, so they need to learn how to make wise choice and decision. This does not of course mean that the children will enjoy unbridled freedom which may lead them astray. What is needed is that they should be taught when they are young, but be allowed to act with increasing freedom as they get older. 27. Education is the harmonious development of mind, body and soul. The enlargement of the mental horizon is one of the prime objects of education. Students dedicate their lives for the acquisition of knowledge, which is akin to light. There is no alternative to proper knowledge. So, study is the main pursuit of the students but they should train themselves in discharging the duties and responsibilities to be imposed on them just after their return from the educational institutions. In order to do something great selflessly for the society in the later life, students should render some social services. It will develop their dormant qualities, foster their capabilities and help them remove self-centredness, narrowness and bigotry and widen their outlook on life. At the time of national crisis, the students never lag behind. In times of natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, cyclones and violent storms, many people are rendered homeless, then their sufferings know no bounds. They drag their miserable existence. Though study is the main pursuit of the students, they should stand by them and try their utmost to alleviate their miseries. Diseases break out in the wake of floods and cyclones. The students should then go out in batches to nurse them and distribute medicine among them. Feeding and clothing them are of great importance and the crying need of the hour. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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28. 'Health is wealth' goes an old wise saying. Health is the root of all happiness. But what is health? According to the World Health Organization (WHO) health is 'a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being'. Generally, people in poor countries have poor health and people in rich countries have much better health. A baby born in Africa is 20 times more likely to die before its first birthday than a baby born in Sweden. And a Japanese girl can expect to live 28 years longer than a Bangladeshi girl. Good health is more precious than any other wealth in life. Good health depends on many different things. We need a healthy environment. We need good medical care and we need to take care of our own bodies and limbs. Environment pollution is one of the causes of our ill health. Food which is not fresh or properly prepared can cause food poisoning, typhoid and dysentery. Dirty water can lead to cholera, and dirty air to bronchitis. Bad housing conditions cause accidents and the health of people at work can be damaged by fumes, noise, machinery or stress and strain. In poor countries, where three-quarters of the world's population live, most illness and deaths are caused by very basic things such as dirty water, bad sanitation and lack of good food. People can have a good influence on their own health. By smoking tobacco, people run the risk of getting lung cancer and bronchitis. Drinking too much alcohol or taking drugs can also cause severe damage to people's health. And there is evidence that people who eat too much fatty food, are most likely to suffer from heart diseases. Sugary foods rot teeth and may make one fat. Taking regular exercise is good for health. 29. "O Mary, go and call the cattle home, And call the cattle home The western wind was wild and dank with foam And all alone she went, The western tide crept up along the sand. And o'er and o'er the sand, As far as eye could see The rolling mist came down and hid the land; And never home came she. 30. Everyone has heard of Solomon, the king of the Jews, who was famous all the world over for his wealth and magnificence and specially for his wisdom. The Queen of Sheba had heard much about the grandeur of Solomon's court and the worldwide reputation of his learning and wisdom. Attracted by such report, she came to test the king. She brought with her two garlands of flowers, one natural and the other artificial. Solomon was puzzled for a time. While pondering, he noticed some bees hunting for honey in a withered rose. He asked the windows to be opened. The bees came in and settled on the natural flowers. Thus seeing her riddle solved by the king, the Queen of Sheba was surprised and went away admiring the king's great wisdom. 31. In spite of tremendous advancement in medical science, thousands of people die of various diseases every year, especially in the Third World countries. Many of those precious human lives can be saved if people maintain cleanliness and observe the general rules of health and sanitation. "Prevention is better than cure" goes the old wise saying. It is extremely difficult and sometimes impossible to recover health if it is once lost. Fresh and clean food, water and air are essential for the preservation of health. In order to ensure freshness and cleanliness of these three things it is necessary for us to observe and practise certain rules of sanitation. By keeping one's teeth, finger-nails and body clean, by eating clean food and drinking clean water and by breathing clean air one can keep oneself healthy. It is important to keep the food covered to prevent contamination by flies and other insects and also by dust and dirt. It Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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is the responsibility of every individual in a society to take care of his personal as well as community health. The people should be made aware of the importance of keeping their surroundings clean and free from pollution to avoid health-hazards. Spitting indiscriminately, sneezing without covering the mouth and nose and smoking in public are some of the habits which are undesirable as they may cause serious health problems for others. Such habits should be given up. In order to keep good health every individual should meticulously try to observe the basic rules of health and sanitation. 32. Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, it is often easier to find work and there is usually a choice of public transport. So you don't need to own a car. Also, there are lots of interesting things to do and places to see. For example, you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums and go to the theatre and to concerts. What is more, when you want to relax, you can usually find a park where you can feed ducks or just sit on a park bench and read a book. All city life is full of bustle and variety and need never be bored. However, for every plus there is a minus. For one thing you might have a job, but unless it is well paid, you will not be able to afford many of the things that there are to do. Because living in a city is often very expensive. It is particularly difficult to find good, cheap accommodation. What is more public transport is sometimes crowded and dirty, particularly in the rush hours and even the parks can become very crowded, especially on Sundays when it seems that every city dweller is looking for some open space and green grass. Last of all, despite all the crowds, it is still possible to feel very lonely in a city. Thus it is obvious that city life can be particularly appealing to young people, who like the excitement of the city and don't mind the noise and pollution. However many people, when they get older, and particularly when they have young children, often prefer peace and fresh air of the countryside. 33. There was a man who earned his living by telling fortunes in the market-place of a great town. He was very busy one day. He was telling the crowd of customers about all the strange things that would happen to them. But at that time a man brought him a word that thieves had broken into his house. The fortune-teller ran off for his home as fast as his legs would take him. But on the way he was brought to a full stop by a stranger who said, "Pardon me, sir; but will you tell me how it is that you are so clever at telling other people's fortunes and yet you know so little about your own?" 34. My name is Robinson Crusoe. My father was a merchant and lives in the city of York. At an early age I left home to go to sea and visited distant lands. When I sailed for the American coast, a storm broke out. We sat down in a small boat and rowed on. A big wave turned the boat down and I began to swim. I swam on to the shore. Night fell and I was wet and hungry. I had no food to eat nor water to drink. I climbed a tree and sat on it. Soon I fell fast asleep. When I awoke, it was broad day. I got down from the tree and walked to the shore. 35. The ocean has always been a source of food for man. But until now only about one per cent of mankind's food comes from the sea and much of it is fish. Besides fish, there are prawns, shrimps, lobsters and whales are commonly called fish, although they are scientifically classified differently. There are over twenty thousand kinds of fishes living in the sea. We eat only a few kinds. We should try to eat some other kinds, too. To increase the sea's yield of fish, we will have to start fish farming in the sea. In China, sea weed is now harvested for use both as a food and as a fertilizer. Today the world is faced with a growing energy shortage. We need to explore new sources of energy. The ocean's energy, locked up in the constantly changing temperatures of the ocean currents, is boundless. In France, the energy of the oceans tides is being harnessed to produce electricity. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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The sea is a huge store of mineral wealth. All the known chemicals and minerals exist in sea water, some in great amount: yet only common salt, potassium, magnesium, iodine, bromine and a few other substances have been extracted from sea water. We still follow the traditional method of extracting salt from sea water by evaporation. Iodine is obtained from the ashes of sea-weeds. There is also a great reserve of petroleum and natural gas beneath the sea-bed. Off-shore drilling for oil and gas has already proved productive. Making fresh water by removing salt from sea water is still a very expensive process. If a good method of de-salting sea water could be developed, huge sea water could be used for irrigation to transform millions of square kilometres of desert into farm land. 36. It was decided that the young man should spend the years of his captivity under the strictest supervision in one of the lodges in the banker's garden. It was agreed that for fifteen years he should not be free to cross the threshold of the lodge, to see human beings, to hear the human voice, or to receive letters and news papers. He was allowed to have a musical instrument and books, and was allowed to write letters, to drink wine, and to smoke. Be the terms of the agreement, the only relations he could have with the outer world were by a little window made purposely for that object. He might have anything he wantedÍbooks, music, and wine, and so on in any quantity he desired by writing an order but could only receive them through the window. The agreement provided for every detail and every trifle that would make his imprisonment strictly solitary and bound the young was to stay there exactly fifteen years. 37. Your books have given me wisdom. All that the unresting thought of man has created in the ages is compressed into a small compass in my brain. I know that I am wiser than all of you. And I despise your books. I despise wisdom and the blessing of the world. It is all worthless, fleeting, illusory and deceptive, like a mirage. You may proud, wise, and fine, but death will wipe you off the face of the earth as though you were no more than mice burrowing under the floor and your posterity, your history, your immortal geniuses will burn or freeze together with the earthly globe. 38. This, of course is much easier said than done, because poverty is so deep rooted in this country. The economists say there is absolute poverty here, which means that the people go without even the subsistence level of protein in their food or the barest minimum of clothing, shelter, medical care and education. We are told that 80 percent of our people live below the poverty line. It has to be determined why we are in such abject poverty. The Almighty created every nation end provided it with the means of subsistence. Why then are we deprived of it? The reason is man. Man has created man's poverty. Land always belonged to the peasants of this country but the colonialists gave permanent land ownership in 1793 to their agents who levied exorbitant land-taxes on the peasants. Inability to pay these taxes compelled the peasants to borrow from the money lenders, by mortgaging their hearths and homes. Then the inability to repay the loan, multiplied several times by astronomically high interest rates, led to the loss of the farmer's hearths and homes. The abysmal plight of the farmers finally found relief in the decree of the Debt Settlement Board in 1937, which made provision for wiping out the loans. In 1950 the Zaminderis, which were the official awards to the tax-collectors were abolished. But the land which had slipped out of the helpless farmer's hands was gone forever. 39. Bangladesh earns foreign exchange mainly by exporting agricultural and other raw goods. About sixty percent of the total earnings of the country come from the export of raw jute and jute goods. Next important exports are hides and skins and leather and tea. These are the traditional items on the list of exports. In recent years, export of frozen fish, shrimps, frog legs, paper, handicrafts and readymade garments has proved quite profitable. They Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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are non-traditional items. Also, remittance of foreign currency by Bangladeshi citizens working abroad has increased our foreign exchange earnings. Finally, loans, grants and aids from different countries, agencies and institutions are also a source of foreign exchange. 40. Any device that helps people perform mathematical calculations may be called a 'computer'. In this sense, the abacus is also a simple computer. Today, however, the term 'computer' refers to a special kind of electronic machine that can perform mathematical calculations and process large masses of information at a great speed. In a few minutes a computer can perform calculations that trained mathematical would need years to complete. The fastest computers can handle millions of problems in a few seconds. It can not only solve complex mathematical problems quickly and accurately, but also perform many operations at one and the same time without any confusion. The computer promises to free men from many monotonous and routine tasks. Now-a-days the computer has become very sophisticated and can perform many complicated tasks. It can run "a business, play chess, or even compose music. This is why many people call the computer 'an electronic brain'. 41. Special-purpose computers are designed to accomplish a single task, whereas general purpose computers have been designed to accept instructions for carrying out different tasks. For example, one special purpose computer has been designed strictly to compute navigational calculations for ships and aircraft. The instructions for carrying out these tasks are built inside the electronic curiosity of that machine so that the navigator simply enters data into it and receives answers. In contrast, a general purpose computer used by a corporation might accomplish tasks relating to prepare of pay rolls, production schedules, analysis of financial marketing and engineering data all in one day. Thus the general purpose computer has the flexibility of satisfying the needs of various users to solve different types of problems. 42. When there are too many people in a country compared to its size and available resources, it is called over-populated. Overpopulation causes serious economic, social and political problems. It is also one of the principal causes of illiteracy and backwardness. There is a direct relation between the size of population and the living condition of the people. A country with a small number of people is generally better off than a country with a large number of people, because it is fewer people to support and fewer problems to deal with. If a country has a very large population and has limited resources, it will have immense difficulty in providing the population even with the bare necessities of life, such as food, clothing and shelter, let alone facilities for education, health care, transport, recreation etc. 43. The Computer is a fairly recent invention. It has now become an essential part of modern life. It has greatly, benefited us and brought about revolutionary changes in our life. Any device that helps people perform mathematical calculations may be called a 'computer'. In this sense, the abacus is also a simple computer. Today, however, the term 'computer' refers to a special kind of electronic machine that can perform mathematical calculations and process large masses of information at a great speed. In a few minutes a computer can perform calculations that trained mathematicians would need years to complete. The fastest computers can handle millions of problems in a few seconds. It can not only solve complex mathematical problems quickly and accurately, but also perform many operations at one and the same time without any confusion. The computer promises to free men from many monotonous and routine tasks. Now-a-days the computer has become very sophisticated and can perform many complicated tasks. It can run a business, play chess, or even compose music. This is why many people call the computer 'an electronic brain'. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Summary Writing

Answer : 1. Summary: Mobile phone has made our life easy and comfortable. The usefulness of mobile phone can’t be avoided in the present civilization. It has also some negative effects. Its excessive use can cause many fatal diseases to us. So the government as well as the conscious should be conscious about the safe use of mobile phone. 2. Summary: Once a woodman was cutting a tree on the bank of a river. Suddenly his axe slipped off his hand and sank into the river. He felt very sorry and was weeping bitterly. So the water goddess Mercury took pity on him and brought up a golden axe for him diving into the river and asked him whether it was his. 3. Summary: Tolerance is a great virtue. It teaches a man how to respect other’s opinion. In ancient time many bloody activities took place. Even today many bloody feuds occured. Feud is held up only because of narrowness of our mind. 4. Summary: Even the little things are not to be neglected. They together can build up great things. Little drops of water have made the vast ocean. Little particles of sand have made the beautiful land. Little deeds of kindness can make the earth as sweet as Eden of Heaven. 5. Summary: Corruption has become a national problem in Bangladesh. Its root has deepened in its highest depth. One after another it has got number one position in the list of corrupted countries of the world. So it is high time to raise a voice against corruption. 6. Summary: The narrator was the third of the five sons of his father. His father sent him to Cambridge University to study medicine but he could not bear his educational expenses. He studied for four years under Mr. Bates. He wanted to become a traveller. So, he saved money and then he studied medicine at Leyden University in Holland. He made several voyages returning from Leyden. At last, he settled in London as a doctor and got married. 7. Summary: Illiteracy is a curse. It hampers all development programmes. Neither Government nor any other organisation can eradicate it single-handed. All literate persons should come forward to remove this curse. Our government has launched a programme to provide education for 70 percent of the children. The aim is to increase enrolment and reduce dropouts of the children from schools. 8. Summary: The use of English language is increasing all over the world day by day. As a result more and more varieties have emerged. So it should be taught properly and accurately maintaining its standard. Especially we should learn basic knowledge. Knowledge of English helps learners to get everything well. It will also help its interest in English language. 9. Summary: Mobile phone is blessing of modern science. In the field of communication it has radically changed human life and style. We can now send messages in any corner of the world within a second. Thus the popularity of mobile phone is increasing rapidly. Besides this it has dark sides too. The user cannot avoid the risk of cancer. In spite of its disadvantages, we cannot ignore its utility. For this its usages are increasing in geometric rate. 10. Summary: Our surrounding is full of dirt and filth. Ditches and drains are the breeding places of mosquitoes and flies. Flies spread the germs of small pox, measles, diphtheria etc. Malaria and elephantiasis are spread by mosquito. Cholera, Typhoid, Dysentery etc. are water borne diseases. Tuberculosis and Influenza are air borne diseases. Smoke and, gas from motor vehicles, mills and factories pollute air and cause many fatal diseases. 11. Summary: Shylock was a usurer who earned a great wealth by lending money at a high interest rate. He was not liked by Antonio, a Christian merchant of Venice. Shylock also did not like Antonio who would lend money without any interest. Antonio scolded Shylock for his hard dealings. So, Shylock planned to take revenge upon Antonio. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


12. Summary: Patriotism is a good quality. It means loyalty and devotion to one’s country. A patriot can sacrifice anything for the sake of his country. People pay homage for his patriotic zeal and love him from the core of their heart. On the other hand, people who do not love his country are considered a traitor. Nobody loves him though he has vast knowledge. He meets an unhonourable death which is meant his double death. 13. Summary: The development of transportation is the greatest achievement of mankind. The day when the wheel was invented is regarded as the beginning day of the civilization. With the invention of wheels the distance of six months has become the task of six hours. The impossible dream of travelling half of the world has become a matter of few hours. The world has now been a global village. 14. Summary: Rustam, a brave warrior of Persia, was dearly loved by the people for his bold deeds and generous heart. He spent his days in wandering the world accompanied by his most faithful horse, Rukesh. Wherever the weak were oppressed and the innocent were illtreated, he and his horse appeared at their help. Finally the evil doers would be punished. 15. Summary: The most common affair in Bangladesh is traffic jam. Rapid growth of population is the main cause of it. Besides this, violation of traffic rules, insufficient traffic police and narrow roads have added fuel to this problem. Traffic jam kills our valuable time and greatly hampers our daily activity. 16. Summary: Once a fox was caught in a trap and lost his tail. As he alone was looking ugly, he wished all foxes to be like him. He called a meeting of foxes and said that tails were of no use to foxes and they should all cut off theirs. But one of them understood his policy and told the other foxes about the cunning fox’s ill intention. 17. Summary: Once poetry, music, painting, handicrafts, dance have a rich civilization. It is a common life. Now in modern times they are left. To learn English we have forgotten even our own culture. 18. Summary: Once a young king was very anxious to gather knowledge from the history. So he ordered his followers to collect books full of knowledge of the world. After collecting all books the king himself was astonished. 19. Summary: During the first year of his confinement the prisoner suffered severely from loneliness. The sounds of his piano could be heard continually days and night. He refused wine and tobacco. During the first years the books demanded were of a light character: novels and fantastic stories. 20. Summary: The painted farm is the ideal countryside. But it has ever been dreamt of by the civilized people of all ages in all places. It does not have any ugliness pain or sorrow rather it is full of unfailing beauty. 21. Summary: Over growth of population is a vital problem for our environment. Every day thousand of mouths are being added, though the material of livelihood is not increasing. Our country has failed to provide with all basic facilities. So it is high time to control population problem to save natural economy and environment. 22. Summary: Discrimination against woman is an inhuman act. It has been created by the social custom and tradition. Islam has given many opportunities for the women. But the women folk are not aware of their right. They have right to take the wealth of their husband and father as well as can enjoy many other opportunities. 23. Summary: Earning foreign exchange plays important role in a country’s economy. Bangladesh earns it from various sources. Exporting different things like frozen fish shrimps, frog legs, paper, handicrafts and ready-made garments are most important among them. But with the exporting money the country cannot do all the development activities. As a result she has to take loan from the World Bank and the rich countries of the world. 24. Summary: Drug addiction is a national and international problem. It has grasped the young generation of Bangladesh. They commit crimes to collect money any how sacrificing Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Summary Writing

their morality. It is also a great threat to the law and order of the country. So to get rid of it we should try to control it with an iron hand. 25. Summary: The beauty of brain is ever green and everlasting. The physical beauty must decay today or tomorrow but the beauty of brain has no decay. Through the proper use the noble minded people hold a mighty position in the history of the world. The appeal of physical beauty is temporary but the appeal of brain is forever. 26. Summary: Childhood is the high time to teach the children. In this time it is very easy to influence their fresh mind. So parents should teach them with great care so that they can learn the basic rules of etiquette and standard knowledge of the society. Besides, too much strictness might bring negative effect on them. So we should be careful while teaching them. 27. Summary: Three important inseparable parts of human body are body itself, mind and soul. Only education can flourish these three forces. Study is the main meditation of the students but they should do something else to decorate their life. They should give social service to the general people. Especially they should come forward during national crisis like flood, earth quake and so on. 28. Summary: Health is the blessing and precious possession. It cannot be exchanged with anything else. A good health depends on good medical care, clean environment etc. Besides we have to avoid fumes, noise, smoking, fatty sugary food etc. Physical exercise can also help to have good health. 29. Summary: Mary was asked to call the cattle home from the sands of a river. She was asked not to make late. While she went out, a strong wind began to blow from the west, a tide rose up and covered the bank, and a dense mist darkened the land. Mary was drowned in the river by the foul weather and could never come back. 30. Summary: King Solomon had worldwide fame for his wealth, knowledge and wisdom. The Queen of Sheba came to test his wisdom with two garlands of flowers- one natural and the other artificial. The queen wanted to know from him which one was natural. Seeing some bees settled on one garland, Solomon said that it was the natural garland. The queen was really surprised and appreciated his wisdom and went away. 31. Summary: Health is wealth in a man’s life. To possess good health, we should emphasize on the importance of good health. At the time of taking food and drinking we should maintain cleanliness. In the same way harmful habit for health should be stopped. Besides these, for our betterment we should be careful. 32. Summary: The city life starts with various advantages and disadvantages. In the city life we find the facilities of easy transport, recreation, good restaurant etc. But it has some dark sides too. City life is very expensive. Living and maintenance cost is very high. Intolerable noise and foul fragrance seems to suffocate human life. 33. Summary: A man earned his livelihood by fortune-telling. One day he was telling of wonderful fortunes to a crowd of men. Then he heard news of a theft in his house. So he ran home immediately. A stranger stopped him on the way and asked him how he could tell other men their fortunes, whereas he did not even know his own. 34. Summary: Robinson Crusoe was the son of a merchant of York. Early in life he sailed for far-off lands. He was caught in a storm one day. He rowed in a small boat. Soon the storm over-turned it. He swam to the shore. He passed the night on a tree without food and drink, but had a good sleep. Next morning he walked on to the shore. 35. Summary: The Ocean is the great source of foods. There are about twenty thousand kinds of foods in the sea. But man eats only a few kinds. This type of human habit should be changed to decrease food crisis. For the energy, iodine, petroleum, natural gas and irrigation we can use the sea massively. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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36. Summary: A young man agreed to be strictly confined himself to a lodge of a banker's garden. During this period he would not communicate with any man nor receive letters and newspapers. It is said that he might have enough books, music and wine through the window. 37. Summary: The speakers got entire wisdom from books. He now, feels the hollowness wisdom and blessings and rejects them. Death is powerful and it will destroy even the powerful events of human being. 38. Summary: The economists say that in our country most of our people are deprived of minimum of clothing, shelter, medical care and education. About 80 percent of our people live below the poverty line which is the creation of the people themselves. The colonialists in this country gave permanent land ownership in 1793 to their agent. The peasants are compelled to borrow from the money-lenders by mortgaging everything to pay their taxes. The Debt Settlement Board in 1937 wiped out the farmer's loans. In 1950 the Zamindaris were abolished but the landless farmers lost their land forever. 39. Summary: Bangladesh earns foreign exchange from jute and jute products, hides and skins and leather and tea. In recent years it also earns foreign exchange by exporting frozen fish, shrimps, frog-legs, paper, handicrafts and readymade garments. Loans, grants, and aids from foreign countries, agencies and institutions are also the sources of our foreign exchange. 40. Summary: Computer is a special kind of electronic machine which performs mathematical calculations and process large masses of information at a great speed with accuracy. The fastest computers solve complex mathematical problems; perform many operation and complicated tasks. For its various uses people call it "an electronic brain" 41. Summary: Computers for special-purpose serve special purposes and general purpose computers serve various purposes. A computer designed to compute navigational calculations for ships and aircraft receives only navigational data and answers. But a general purpose computer may be used to prepare pay rolls, production schedules etc. of a corporation as well as solving different types of problems. 42. Summary: The number of population influences the living condition of the people in a society. A country with fewer people has fewer problems to solve. But an over-populated country cannot provide the population with the basic necessaries of life with its limited resources. 43. Summary: The computer is a fairly recent invention. It has brought about revolutionary change in our life. It is a kind of special electronic machine that can perform calculation and process large masses of information in a second. It can solve complex mathematical problems within a great speed. It can run a business, play chess or even compose music. So, people call it 'an electronic brain',

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

COMPLETING STORY 1. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a suitable title to it. One day two jackals were walking through a bush and were talking about grapes. One of them was praising the taste of grapes which he had eaten in a nearby vineyard. The other jackal never ate grapes. Hearing about the delicious taste, the other jackal became …….......... Grapes are Sour One day two jackals were walking through a bush and were talking about grapes. One of them was praising the taste of grapes which he had eaten in a nearby vineyard. The other jackal never ate grapes. Hearing about the delicious taste, the other jackal became much tempted to have the taste of these grapes. He got the location of the vineyard from the first Jackal. He went there and from outside the garden he saw that really some beautiful grapes were hanging in bunches at different branches of different trees in that vineyard. Some were yellow in colour and ripe while some other black and ripe. Some were large in size while some were small in size. He was surprised at the sweet smell of all those grapes. But Alas! He could not find any way to enter the garden. At last he managed to enter the garden through a hole beneath the boundary wall. He appeared before the grapes. Another problem arose. The trees were so high that he was not able to reach the grapes. He looked around. None was there. He tried to climb the trees but failed. He waited for sometimes and tried to find out solution. Again he tried to jump. He did it several times but he failed again and again. Then he became angry within himself and left to have the taste of grapes. Now he scolded his friend and, went back saying, "Grapes are sour, grapes are sour." 2. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a suitable title to it. There lived a pious man named Abu Bin Adham in a holy city. He was very devoted to Allah . He always helped the poor in danger. He was very friendly and cooperative, to his neighbors. He advised the people ………………………………………… Abu Bin Adham and the Angel There lived a pious man named Abu Bin Adham in a holy city. He was very devoted to Allah . He always helped the poor in danger. He was very friendly and cooperative to his neighbors. He advised the people to be good. He always extended his helping hands towards the sick and the distressed. He advised people to love their fellowmen. He also told that we must have to abide by the orders of Allah and follow the footsteps of the beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sm). Since boyhood, Abu Bin Adham was very helpful to others, especially to humanity. His humanitarian activities spread everywhere in the city and he was greatly loved by the city people. Days were passing by. One night, Abu Bin Adham was sleeping in his room. Suddenly, he woke up at the presence of someone in the room. He guessed that his room was enlightened with bright rays. He understood that this bright man was an angel. He found that the angel was writing something in his diary. With great courage Abu Bin Adham asked the angel, “What are you writing there in your diary?" The angel replied, "I'm writing the names of those people who love the Lord." "And is mine one?" asked Abu. "No, not so," replied the angel. Then, Abu said, "Please write down my name as one who loves His fellowmen." Without giving any answer the angel went away. The next night the angel appeared again and showed Abu the names of those who had been blessed by God. This time the name of Abu was at the top o the list. 3. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a suitable title to it. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


Long, long ago, there lived a very kind and generous man, called Hatem Tai in Yemen. The people loved Hatern Tai and praised him more than the king of the country. He gave away his riches to the poor and distressed. The king became very jealous and ……………………....... The Greatness of Hatem Tai Long, long ago, there lived a very kind and generous man, called Hatem Tai in Yemen. The people loved Hatern Tai and praised him more than the king of the country. He gave away his riches to the poor and distressed. The king became very jealous and wanted to kill him. The king sent his soldiers to kill Hatem Tai. Hatem Tai got the news and he left his palace to hide in a forest. The king declared a handsome reward of gold coins for killing Hatem Tai. A poor man with his wife was walking near the bush. They didn't know that Hatem Tai was hiding in the bush. They said that if they could arrest Hatem Tai, they would get the reward money and they would become rich. Hearing this, Hatem Tai surrendered himself to them. The poor couple became surprised at the generosity of Hatem Tai and refused to take Hatem to the king. But unfortunately the king’s armed men came and took away Hatem Tai from them. The poor couple also followed them. Everybody of the soldiers claimed to the king that he had caught Hatem. But Hatem said that it was the poor couple who caught and brought Hatem Tai to the king. He requested the king to give the promised money to the poor family so that they could live in peace. The king heard everything from the poor and he himself became astonished. Before meeting Hatem Tai, the king could not believe that a human could be so kind and generous to his fellowmen. The king told him that he was free to do anything he liked and got the great lesson of helping the mankind even at the cost of his own life. 4. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a suitable title to it. Rahim was an unemployed youth but was very optimistic about his future. He studied staying at a Resident Hall. His father sent him money every month in a great hardship....................... ……………………………………………….. A Frustrated Boy and His Tragic Meet Rahim was an unemployed youth but was very optimistic about his future. He studied staying at a Resident Hall. His father sent him money every month in a great hardship. However, one day he completed his Masters degree and kept trying to find a better job. Every day he looked into the daily newspaper searching 'wanted' advertisement and applying to the concerned authorities. In this way he was passing his days. But he could not manage any job. At one stage, he became hopeless and latter he became quite frustrated. He decided to leave his own country but he had not enough money to go abroad. He had to leave his allotted seat in the university hall and he was staying in a mess. He was doing private tuitions to maintain his daily expenses. One day he was aimlessly walking beside a field. Suddenly he was called by some of his old friends who were doing some unlawful acts at the corner of that field. They offered him to take drug. Being disappointed, he accepted their offer. In this way, he got habituated and every day he has to take drugs. His parents could realize that their only hope has lost. Their life got worse day by day. 5. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a suitable title to it. There was a beautiful pond near a school. In the rainy season the pond became full to the brim. Every day the students of the school played near the pond. One day in the afternoon, there was a heavy shower of rain. ……………………………………….............. The Boys and the Frogs in the Pond There was a beautiful pond near a school. In the rainy season the pond became full to the brim. Every day the students of the school played near the pond. One day in the afternoon, Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Completing Story

there was a heavy shower of rain. The pond was full to the brim. Some frogs lived in that pond and raising their heads they were croaking out of joy. In the meantime, the school broke and some naughty boys were returning home. While passing by the pond they could hear the croaking sound of the frogs. Soon an evil idea rushed into their brains. They looked around and found a heap of some broken bricks nearby. Without delay the boys started throwing the pieces of bricks at those croaking frogs. At this many frogs got hurt and they found some frogs floating dead. Their joy doubled and they began to throw pieces of bricks with more merriment. Gradually some more frogs were dead and they were floating on water. By this time, there started raining heavily. Those naughty boys became more joyous. They were playing in the rains and throwing stones into the water. At this, all the frogs became frightened. They decided to request the boys to stop it. Then an old frog raised its head out of water and said, "Oh dear boys, stop this cruel act; what is a sport to you is death to us. You should bear in mind that we are also created by Allah”. The naughty boys paid heed to the earnest request of the frogs and stop throwing stones to them. 6. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a suitable title to it. One day a lion was sleeping in a cave. A mouse was playing nearby. While playing, the mouse suddenly fell on the body of the lion. At this, the lion felt disturbed and woke up from sleep. He soon he caught the mouse. Out of anger………………………………………... A Lion and a Mouse One day a lion was sleeping in a cave. A mouse was playing nearby. While playing, the mouse suddenly fell on the body of the lion. At this, the lion felt disturbed and woke up from sleep. He soon caught the mouse. Out of anger, he roared and said, "How dare you wake me up, you tiny creature? I shall kill you." The mouse was terribly frightened. He begged his pardon and said with folded hands pitifully, "My Lord! Don't kill me. Please, please let me go. I have done it mistakenly. If you let me go, someday I may help you in danger." The lion smiled loudly and said, 'You! You such a tiny creature! How will you help me? Anyway, I have forgiven you and you may go now." Few days passed by. The mouse was playing somewhere. Suddenly it heard the crying of a lion. It was requesting for help. It tried to guess by raising its ears. It could realize that the roar must have been of that particular lion. Without delay, it rushed to the spot and found that the lion was caught in a trap. He was in a great danger. He was not able to get free. He was roaring and rolling. The mouse went to him and started cutting the hard rope of the trap with its sharp teeth. In a moment, the lion found the way out and got free. Being free, he said to the mouse, "It is a great lesson for me. Now I believe that even a tiny creature may be a great help to a giant." 7. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a suitable title to it. Once there lived a king named Midas. The King was very greedy. He had a lot of wealth. But he wanted more and more. One night Midas ………………………………………….. The Greedy King Once there lived a king named Midas. The King was very greedy. He had a lot of wealth. But he wanted more and more. One night Midas prayed, "Oh God, give me as much gold as you can. I like to be the owner of all the gold of the world. Let me have a golden touch." At that time, he heard a strange voice. The Voice said, "King Midas, your prayer has been granted. Now whatever you touch will be turned into gold."At this the king became very pleased and he was eagerly waiting to prove it tomorrow. He was without sleep for the whole night. The night passed on. Next morning, the Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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King went to his garden and saw many apples there. He touched them and all the apples turned into gold instantly. He was delighted at his golden touch. He came back home and went to the dining table to take his breakfast. When he touched the plate of bread and butter, it too turned into gold. The King became very glad. Then he touched the glass of water to drink; but it also turned into gold. Though he was hungry, he could neither eat nor drink. Now he started becoming disappointed. He sat on the bed and instantly it also turned into gold. The king could not sit on his bed. The most terrible thing happens when his only daughter came running to him. His daughter appeared before him and out of affection, he took her in the arms and instantly she turned into gold. At this he became shocked and let her go but no change took place. He did the same thing again and again but his daughter remains still gold. The king told into a grave remorse and felt sorry for his greed. He requested the God to take away his gift. At last the Almighty took pity him and took off the golden touch. The king realized that it was his greed which led him to great disaster. 8. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a suitable title to it. Once there lived two friends in a village. They were very intimate friends. One day they were passing through a jungle. The jungle was full of ferocious animals. Both of them were afraid but they promised never to part with ……………………………………………… A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed Once there lived two friends in a village. They were very intimate friends. One day they were passing through a jungle. The jungle was full of ferocious animals. Both of them were afraid but they promised never to part with each other in any danger. Anyway they kept going on talking each other through the narrow passage of the dense forest. Suddenly a bear appeared before them. Both of them got scared and could not understand what to do. One of the friends forgot their promise and soon climbed upon a nearby tree to save his own life from the attack of bear. The other friend was helpless because he did not know how to climb a tree. He was thinking what to do. Soon he remembered that a bear does not touch a dead man. So he lay flat on the ground and stopped breathing. Meantime the bear came near him and took the smell. Thinking him dead the bear went away. Then the friend on the branch of the tree climbed down and asked his friend, "What did the bear whisper into your ears?" The friend cleverly replied that it advised me not to trust a friend who leaves you in danger. At first the ungrateful friend did not understand anything. He asked his friend, "Why are you speaking in such a way?” Then the friend said, "You did not even think of me leaving your friend in danger and saving your own life. You had forgotten your promise”. The ungrateful friend got the point and felt very ashamed. 9. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a suitable title to it: Once a dog felt very hungry. He was searching for a piece of meat. He was going here and there but could not manage any piece of meat. At one point he was almost hopeless and sat at a corner of a market place. There he found a butcher’s shop………………………………. Greed Leads to Misery Once a dog felt very hungry. He was searching for a piece of meat. He was going here and there but could not manage any piece of meat. At one point he was almost hopeless and sat at a corner of a market place. There he found a butcher’s shop. The butcher slaughters a goat and cut the goat into small pieces for the customers. The butcher put the pieces on a place. Some customers were coming and buying the meat of the goat. The shop was a bit crowdy and the dog stealthily stole a piece of meat and started running. The butcher shouted at the dog but soon the dog was out of his reach. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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The dog was still running to find a safe place to eat the piece of flesh. On the way, the dog found a bridge over a small canal. Now he started walking at a slow pace. While crossing the bridge he looked at the clear water below. He saw another dog also carrying a piece of meat at his mouth. He thought to get that piece of meat too. He became greedy and said to himself, "Wait, I'll see you, I must snatch the piece from you. Saying so, he jumped into the water and tried to fight with the dog he had seen in the water. But he found no dog there. Soon he lost his own piece of meat. He searched for a long time but he could not get the piece back. He became very sad and rebuked himself for becoming greedy. 10. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a suitable title to it: Once there lived a farmer in village. He did not work at all. He had a wonderful goose, which laid a golden egg every day. The farmer sold it in the market. He bought food and clothing with that money and ……………………………….............. Foolish Greedy Farmer Once there lived a farmer in village. He did not work at all. He had a wonderful goose, which laid a golden egg every day. The farmer sold it in the market. He bought food and clothing with that money and could manage his family smoothly. Thus he became quite solvent and lived happily. But his happy days soon were over since he was greedy. Though he was rich, he wanted to be richer. He was always thinking how to be richer. One day he told his wife about his intention. His wife told him not to be greedy and advised him to remain satisfied with what he had. But the greedy farmer did not pay any heed to his wife. As he was a fool, he thought that he would be able to get a lot of eggs inside the stomach of the goose. One day he decided to kill his wonderful goose in the hope of getting all the golden eggs at a time. One morning, he took a sharp knife and took the goose to the backyard of their house. There was nobody around, even his wife. Looking around, he pierced open the stomach of the goose in the hope of getting the golden eggs. But alas! To his utter amazement, he saw not a single egg inside the belly. The wonderful goose died instantly. The greedy foolish farmer could understand his fault and sat on the ground with his hands on the head. He started screaming like a child and hearing the scream his wife rushed to him. She found that her husband was behaving like a mad keeping the dead goose in front of him. His greed made him loss everything. 11. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a suitable title to it. Mitu was a girl of a middle class family. She reads in class VII. She was a good student. The girl was loved by the students and the teachers. She was a jolly-minded girl. Once she arranged her birthday party …………………………………………………… A Birthday Party Mitu was a girl of a middle class family. She reads in class VII. She was a good student. The girl was loved by the students and the teachers. She was a jolly-minded girl. Once she arranged her birthday party at their home. She made up her mind that she would celebrate her birthday with great pomp and she would invite many of her friends. She was taking preparation from few days ago. She along with her younger brothers and sisters decorated their home very beautifully. Mitu borrowed a camera from one of her friends for the party. Her parents helped her cordially by providing her with necessary articles. She invited all of her friends along with some of her close relatives. They gave Mitu nice gifts on her birthday. Her mother made a big size fruitcake. Mitu cut the cake amid the clapping of the friends and flashing of camera. Mitu became very happy. Everybody was much delighted. Mitu's mother made many delicious dishes for the guests. Mitu together with all other friends took the dishes to their heart's content. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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After taking meal, they began to enjoy themselves. Some of her friends started singing songs. The whole house got a festive look. The elders got pleasure to see the youths enjoying themselves. The programme was over at about 9:00 p.m. The memory of the day will remain ever fresh in the mind of Mitu 12. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a suitable title to it. Once a crocodile wanted her four children to be educated. She heard that the fox has a school at his home where he taught children. So she went to a fox and asked him if he could teach her children. The cunning fox became very happy ………………………………………… Never Believe a Cunning Fellow Once a crocodile wanted her four children to be educated. She heard that the fox has a school at his home where he taught children. So she went to a fox and asked him if he could teach her children. The cunning fox became very happy and gladly accepted the offer. The crocodile left all her children with the fox and went back to the river. The fox was fond of eating flesh of crocodile. One day he ate up one of the children of the crocodile. After some days, the crocodile came to see the progress of her children. The cunning fox told her to sit. He did not bring the children together. At first he brought three children before her and took them inside. Then he brought one of the children again before her to complete the count. The foolish crocodile could not understand the tricks and returned to the river. Every day the fox thought of eating the children. It was difficult for him to resist the temptation and finally he could not. He ate up another child of the crocodile. The crocodile again came to see her children. The fox applied the same tricks again. The crocodile did not suspect the fox and returned to the river. The fox ate up the third one. The crocodile sensed something wrong when she came to visit her children. She asked the fox to bring all her four children together before her, not one by one. The fox fell on a great trouble. He was thinking what to do. The fox realized that his trick was revealed. The fox went inside to bring the crocodile’s children but did not come back. The crocodile became so angry and went inside but found none except his only alive son. She returned to the river with the only child left alive. She repented for her foolishness. 13. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Rezaul Karim is now a solvent poultry farmer. He has a big poultry farm. He has to pass through a great hardship to reach this present condition. His childhood was full of sorrows and sufferings. He lost his father when ………………………………………………. Industry is the Key to Success Rezaul Karim is now a solvent poultry farmer. He has a big poultry farm. He has to pass through a great hardship to reach this present condition. His childhood was full of sorrows and sufferings. He lost his father when he was a student of class VIII. In the family, there were his mother and three sisters. So Rezaul had to leave the school and work hard to feed the members of his-family. He was intelligent, energetic and hard- working. He did not want to remain satisfied with his earning as a day labourer. He thought of changing and improving his lot. He attended a training programme in the upazilla arranged for making the young people self-reliant. Later he met the Jubo Unnayan officer. There he was selected for training in poultry farming. There he took training on it. He learnt how to look after the chicken, when to give them food and what kind of food. He also learnt about the treatment of some common diseases of chickens. He was always attentive and successfully completed the training. With his improved knowledge he started a farm and gradually he made his farm larger and larger. He-sells eggs, chickens and earns a lot of money. Now he has employed six young men of the Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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village in his farm. He is a successful self employed person. He himself could not believe his own radical change. The youths of the village are very much inspired at his great success. Everybody realized that only through industry everything is possible. 14. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it: Once there was a bad man living in a village. He always did evil work. He did all sorts of mischief to the villagers. The villagers could not live in peace for him. Every time he did any wrong, he would say, "God has it done by me." …………………………………………… The Evil Deeds Bring Punishment Once there was a bad man living in a village. He always did evil work. He did all sorts of mischief to the villagers. The villagers could not live in peace for him. Every time he did any wrong, he would say, "God has it done by me." One day the bad man was stealing some mangoes from the garden of a neighbour. The owner of the garden saw him stealing the mangoes and he hurried to the garden. "Why are you stealing mangoes from my garden?" asked the owner of the garden. "Because God is getting it done by me," replied the bad man. The owner of the garden said nothing. He was thinking what to do. He managed a stick and was waiting under the tree for the bad man till he came down from the tree. When the bad man came down, the owner of the garden caught hold of him and began to beat him with the stick. 'Stop! Stop', said the bad man. 'What have I done to deserve it? "God is having it done by me," replied the owner of the garden. "I cannot stop unless God gets it done by me.” The bad man started screaming like a child."Oh! It's simply unbearable. Please sir stop beating. I will never do such a wrong in future," cried the bad man. Then the owner of the garden stopped beating and said, "The evil-deeds shall be punished but the good shall be rewarded. So do good deeds and avoid wrong ones. There after the bad man did no mischief to the villagers and the villagers felt very happy since then. 15. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Long long ago there lived a cowboy in a village. There was a dense forest. He used to graze the cattle in the field near the forest. ………………………………………………………… The Cowboy and the Tiger Long long ago there lived a cowboy in a village. There was a dense forest. He used to graze the cattle in the field near the forest. He mows grass, washed the cattle and fed them. Leaving the cattle to graze in the field he would sing, play flute and gossip with other boys. The boy had a bad habit. Very often he made fun by shouting and saying 'tiger' 'tiger’ ‘tiger' ‘help’ ‘help’. People used to come running towards him hearing his shouting as they thought that he was really in danger. He got enjoyment with this. One afternoon, he was grazing in the field. Suddenly he saw a tiger. He became afraid and shouted saying 'tiger' 'tiger’ ‘tiger' ‘help’ ‘help’. But this time nobody came to save him. He tried to climb up the tree to save himself but failed. The tiger attacked him very swiftly and killed him. When people found him as a dead body, they had nothing to do. It was nothing but his joke that brought mishap in his life. It was the fault of the cowboy. If he didn't tell a lie shouting tiger, people would come running and perhaps he could have been saved. So we should not tell a lie even for making a fun. 16. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it: The master of the house with his family was sleeping soundly. The night and weather were very calm and peaceful. It was a very dark dead night. A thief came to …………………… Fate for the Thief The master of the house with his family was sleeping soundly. The weather of the night was very calm and peaceful. It was a dark dead night. A thief came to the house. He peeped into Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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the room through the ventilator. Observing everybody asleep, he decided to enter the house and steal from the house. The thief found that the one of the doors of the house was not strong enough and he managed to push himself through the door. Entering the room he started to collect different materials from the room. No member of the house could understand what was happening inside the room. But a problem arose to his life while taking the plates. A plate fell from his hand on the floor and it made a loud sound. The master along with other family members awoke. The master did not understand anything at first. After a moment, he realized the fact and lit up the light. The thief could not go out of the room. As he tried to go out, the master caught him and shouted saying ‘thief’. His wife and brothers from other rooms came running with strong sticks. All of them caught the thief by hand. They beat him very much. The thief was frightened at first. He was trembling and lastly he was unable to flee. But the master wanted to do something exception i.e. he wanted to forgive the thief. The thief promised not to steal anymore and only then he was relieved. Actually from the fact, the thief became a good man again for the rest of his life. 17. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it: Once upon a time there was a king who was very fond of knowing his future from astrologers. A good astrologer happened to stop at his capital on his way to Benaras. The king called in him to know his future……………………………………………………. A Clever Astrologer Once upon a time there was a king who was very fond of knowing his future from astrologers. A good astrologer happened to stop at his capital on his way to Benaras. The king called in him to know his future. The astrologer asked him whether he wanted to know about his good fortune first or his misfortune. The king wanted to know his good fortune first. The astrologer calculated the positions of stars and observed their movements. Then he started telling the king's good fortunes. The king felt very happy because the astrologer told something very pleasant. Then the astrologer started telling the king of his misfortunes. This time what the astrologer said was very unpleasant. After listening to so many good fortunes, the king was getting really annoyed to hear so much misfortune. At one point he got so impatient that he stopped the astrologer abruptly. He called the guards and ordered them to take the astrologer away and lock him up. Latter the king condemned him to death saying, "Men like you should not live to spoil the peace of the world." But another thought crossed his mind before the astrologer was removed for execution. "How long would you live?" asked the king. The astrologer was pretty clever and witty. He understood instantly that whatever date he would say, it would not matter. The king would order for his execution and prove him a liar. The astrologer thought for a while and tried to find out a way of escape. With ready wit he said, "The stars declare that I shall die only a week before your Majesty. So, good-bye. I shall wait to receive your Majesty where you have been sending me”. At this, the king turned pale as dead and shouted, "Drive this wretch away, and let him not come again." 18. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Mr. Rafique had a habit of walking in the morning. One day he found a bag lying beside the road while walking. He opened it and found a lot of money…………………………. Honesty is always Rewarded Mr. Rafique had a habit of walking in the morning. One day he found a bag lying beside the road while walking. He opened it and found a lot of money. He was horrified to think what to do with the bag of money. He had never seen so big amount of money at a time in his life before. But he was absolutely honest. He never could think of using even a single coin from Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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the money of the bag though he was in want. In many ways he tried to find out the original owner of the bag but failed. He was thinking over the problem to get rid of. He took help of newspaper and published an advertisement in a Bengali leading daily mentioning the lost bag. Seeing the advertisement one day a man came to him claiming the bag. But he failed to show the real proof a the owner. So, Mr. Rafique did not give him the bag. Mr. Rafique was in tension. Then after two days the real owner of the bag came to Mr. Rafique. He could prove his real identity and Rafique gave back the bag to him. The owner of the bag found that not a single penny was lost. He simply got astonished to discover such an honest man. Since then, they became the best friends. They jointly established a business. They were able to make a good profit. Only for honesty, industry and sincerity, both of them are leading a happy and prosperous life. 19. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. It was the rainy season and the day was cloudy. At noon I was walking alone. Suddenly I heard a hue and cry of some children……………………………………. A Noble Deed It was the rainy season and the day was cloudy. At noon I was walking alone. Suddenly I heard a hue and cry of some children. The sound was coming from a nearby pond. I rushed to the spot quickly. Going there I found two children in the middle of the pond fighting hard to save themselves from being drowned. Two other children were on the bank of the pond shouting loudly for help. For a while I was just puzzled. I could not think what to do. But the next moment I dived into the pond and swam as quickly as I could towards the drowning children. They were very close to each other. Both the children enfolded in each other's arm were going down to the bottom of the pond. Fortunately I took a short training on swimming and learnt how to rescue a drowning man. I caught hold of the cloth of two children and swiftly pulled them up to the surface and swam back to the bank. By this time a large crowd gathered on the bank of the pond. When I reached the bank, the crowd clapped cheering my ready wit and skill. The two children got very much frightened and were finally senseless. Some people suggested to make them lie on their backs and pumped water out of their stomach. The two children gradually opened their eyes. The parents of the two children came running. They could not say but was simply trembling. After a lapse of few minutes they expressed their gratitude to me for saving the lives of their children. They took their children home. The crowd started leaving the spot. I sat on the bank of the pond for a while and a pleasant feeling filled my heart. 20. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. There was a good king in Scotland named Robert Bruce. He loved his country and his subjects very dearly. His subjects also were…………………………………………. Failure is the Pillar of Success There was a good king in Scotland named Robert Bruce. He loved his country and his subjects very dearly. His subjects also were very affectionate to him. Once his enemies invaded his country. Robert Bruce withstood the enemy with all his forces. He tried his best to uphold the independence of his country and to safeguard its liberty and glory. But fortune did not smile upon him. He was defeated. But he did not lose heart. The king with his faithful soldiers and subjects went to a forest and took shelter in a cave. He gathered more soldiers and weapons and wished to regain his lost kingdom at any cost. Then he attacked his enemies severely. But alas! This time he was unsuccessful to defeat his enemy. This way he made six attempts one after another to defeat his enemies but failed each time. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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One day sitting in his hiding place, he was brooding over his misfortune. Suddenly he noticed a spider trying to reach the ceiling of the cave with the help of its silken thread to complete the cobweb. The spider tried again and again to go up but dropped several times. But the spider did not give up trying. The spider went on with his struggle and finally it succeeded to reach the ceiling. Robert Bruce observed the spider with keen interest and saw that the spider succeeded after making many efforts. The perseverance of the spider encouraged Robert Bruce. He saw a ray of hope. Filled with new hope and energy, he brought together his scattered forces and faced his enemies once more. This time he prevailed over his enemies and succeeded in defeating them. Again he retained his kingdom and freedom of it. The subjects of the kingdom felt very happy to be ruled by their dear king again. 21. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Once an old man was walking by the side of a river. The old man was weak and feeble. He could not keep control and while walking he suddenly fell to the ground and then rolled down to the water………………………………………………………… Ready Wit of a Boy Once an old man was walking by the side of a river. The old man was weak and feeble. He could not keep control and while walking he suddenly fell to the ground and then rolled down to the water. The old man was not in a position to rescue himself. A boy of 14/15 was bathing in the river. The boy saw the incident and was quite puzzled what to do. He thought that it was not possible for him to rescue the man. So with his ready wit he cried out for help. He started shouting at the top of his voice. Fortunately some people were walking past the road by the riverside. They heard the shouting and rushed to the spot instantly. They saw that an old man was struggling to swim but could not. The little boy approached the old man swimming and was trying to rescue the old man from drowning. But the little boy was not able to rescue the drowning man. Without wasting any time three people dived into river and took the drowning old man by holding his cloth and at last brought him safely to the shore. All .the people who were present there appreciated the little boy for his ready wit and thanked him heartily. His presence of mind was worth mentioning. His timely action saved the drowning man. Everybody felt proud of this little boy. 22. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it: Once upon a time there lived three friends in a certain village. One day they set out on a long journey on foot. Before starting their journey they promised to help one another and to be by the side if and when any problem arises ……………………………………. Greed Leads to Sin and Sin Leads to Death Once upon a time there lived three friends in a certain village. One day they set out on a long journey on foot. Before starting their journey they promised to help one another and to be by the side if and when any problem arises. On the journey they had to pass through a jungle. While they were passing through the jungle, suddenly they saw a bag full of gold lying on the ground. They became excited with joy and decided to divide them equally among three friends. Meanwhile, they got tired and felt very hungry. Through negotiation, they sent one of the friends to the nearby market to buy some food. When he went for food, the two other friends plotted against him and planned to kill him otherwise he should be given one-third of the shares. On the other hand, while going for buying food, he thought to himself that the food should be poisoned so that the other two friends get killed by eating the poisoned food. Then he alone could get the whole share of the gold coins. He returned with food mixed with poison. No sooner had he returned than the two other friends got him strangulated to make sure that he died. They felt contented and sat together to eat the food without any delay. They Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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ate food without any doubt and were poisoned to death. The bag of gold remained lying on the ground but there was none alive to claim the ownership. 23. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Once there lived an old farmer in a certain village. He had four sons but they used to quarrel with one another. The old farmer felt very sorry but……………………………………. Unity is Strength Once there lived an old farmer in a certain village. He had four sons but they used to quarrel with one another. The old farmer felt very sorry but could do nothing. One day the farmer called his sons and advised them to live in peace. But they did not listen to him. The farmer was very sad at heart. He thought that their future was dark. The farmer was becoming more and more feeble. He thought he might die at any moment. He would not live long. What would his sons do after his death? If they quarrelled with one another, they would spoil his property and be poor. Other evil people would also take benefit. He deeply thought of their future and at last he hit upon a plan to unite them. So, one day he asked his sons to bring a bundle of sticks. The sons did so. He then ordered his eldest son to break the bundle. He tried again and again but failed. The second and third son did the same thing but in vain. The old man then ordered them to untie the bundle. They untied it. The old man then told them to break the sticks one by one. This time they could easily break the sticks. Now the old man said to his sons, "My dear sons, none of you could break the bundle of sticks. But when the sticks are separate, you could easily break. So, from here take lesson and remain united and then none will be able to do any harm to you." 24. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. One day a crow stole a piece of meat from a butcher's shop in the market. She flew away with it and sat on the branch of a tree……………………………………………………. A foolish crow and a cunning fox One day a crow stole a piece of meat from a butcher's shop in the market. She flew away with it and sat on the branch of a tree. The crow was planning to eat but at that time a cunning jackal was passing under the tree. As soon as he saw the crow with the meat in her beak, he felt greedy to have it. He thought for some time and started to praise the beauty of the crow. The crow took pride at his praising words. But next time the jackal asked the crow whether she could sing a song. Then he asked the crow to sing a song with her beautiful voice if she could. The foolish crow at first did not want to sing but the sly jackal said, "If you start your singing most of the animals of the forest will come to hear and you will be famous." Hearing it the foolish crow was encouraged and started singing. When she opened her beak the piece of meat fell down. Then the sly jackal took it and went away. The foolish crow could do nothing. 25. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Once there was a king whose fame spread far and wide. He was very famous for his ready wit and wisdom. Everyday many people came to ask him many questions to test his wisdom. He answered all the questions……………………………………………………… Solomon's Wisdom Once there was a king whose fame spread far and wide. He was very famous for his ready wit and wisdom. Everyday many people came to ask him many questions to test his wisdom. He answered all the questions. So, people called him “wise Solomon”. In another country there ruled a Queen. The name of the country was Sheba. One day the Queen of Sheba said to the people of her country, “People call King Solomon ‘Wise Solomon’. But is he really wise? I’ll go to his kingdom and test his wisdom.” Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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She wanted to test the knowledge and wisdom of Solomon. In order to test his wisdom the Queen of Sheba brought two garlands of roses. The Queen of Sheba then placed them on a table before the King. Both the garlands looked alike. The queen turned to King Solomon and asked him. “O King, look at these two garlands of roses. They look alike. But one garland is a garland of real roses. The other garland is a garland of paper roses. Which of the two garlands is the garland of real roses? Tell me this and I’ll say that you are really wise.” Solomon thought for a while. It was very difficult to identify the real rose. Just then he saw some bees humming outside the window in the garden. King Solomon told his men to open the window. Then some bees came in and sat on the garland of real flowers. The king then pointed to that garland. The Queen of Sheba was greatly charmed at his ready wit and wisdom. She said "May God grant you long life. You are really 'Solomon the wise." 26. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it Last Friday was a memorable day in my life. I went to the river for taking my bath at 9 in the morning. In the bathing place there were two other boys bathing at that time………………. A Memorable Day in My Life Last Friday was a memorable day in my life. I went to the river for taking my bath at 9 in the morning. In the bathing place there were two other boys bathing at that time. Suddenly one of them fell in deep water and he cried out for help as he did not know how to swim. Hearing his shouting I jumped into the water. The boy was about to drown. I started swimming to reach the boy. I had long towel with me and instantly I threw it to rescue the boy. Still then the boy was going under the deep water slowly. He tried to catch the part of the towel, but couldn't touch. I swam quickly to catch hold of the boy. After some time I caught the drowning hand of the boy and tried to pull him towards the bank. But the hand slipped several times. Then I caught hold the cloth of the boy and dragged him towards the bank. I rescued the boy struggling hard. But the boy got frightened and became unconscious. He drank a lot of water. By this time some other people gathered there. They suggested pumping out the water through pressing on the belly. The water was pumped out gradually and regained his sense after few minutes. A friend of the boy was present there. We requested his friend to accompany him to his house. I felt happy and returned home with that sad but somewhat happy memory. 27. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. One day a boy was returning home from his school was situated on the other side of a rail line. While he was crossing the rail line, he found one of the slippers of the rail line missing. Then he thought he would go………………………………………….. Intelligence of a Boy One day a boy was returning home from his school was situated on the other side of a rail line. While he was crossing the rail line, he found one of the slippers of the rail line missing. Then he thought he would go and inform the authority of the nearest railway station but he heard a whistle at that time. He found that a passenger train was coming. He was in a fix what to do. Fortunately he remembered the story of a film from which he learnt that he ought to show a red signal to stop the train. But he didn't have anything red. He was very much worried and getting frantic as the train was becoming close. Suddenly he remembered that he wore a red shirt. He put off his shirt hurriedly and started to wave it raising his hand standing on the rail line. The driver of the train saw the red signal and slowly stopped the train. The boy was trembling with fear. The driver became very angry and got down from the train angrily to know the matter. Some passengers also accompany the driver. Then he told them everything and showed that one of the slippers was missing. Now the driver understood the matter and showed his gratitude to the intelligent boy. He along with the passengers thanked Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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him again and again for saving their lives. The authority was informed of the matter. The reporters of the local newspapers came and interviewed him. The authority took initiative and repaired the line. After two hours, the line was repaired and the train could move again. The next morning, all the local newspapers published the news of that intelligent boy. 28. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it: Once an ant was very thirsty. He was looking water here and there but did not find any source of water nearby. At last he went to a river to drink some water. While he was drinking, a strong wave swept him away……………………………………………….. The Ant and the Dove Once an ant was very thirsty. He was looking water here and there but did not find any source of water nearby. At last he went to a river to drink some water. While he was drinking, a strong wave swept him away. He was about to drown. He was trying to get up the shore but failed. Suddenly a dove sitting on a tree beside the river saw the incident. Then it plucked a leaf and dropped it on the river water. The leave fell very near to the ant. Then the ant got on the leaf and came to the land. It thanked the dove for saving his life. The ant promised to help the dove if he got any chance. One day the dove was sitting on the same tree. There was a hunter who aimed at the dove. The ant saw it. The ant thought that it was the right time to show his gratefulness to the dove. When the hunter was about to shoot the dove, the ant bit him in the leg. The hunter missed his aim and immediately the dove flew away. In this way the ant saved the life of the dove. They became good friends. They were pledge-bound to help each other in their weal and woe. 29. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Once some mice were having a good time in a house in a certain village. The house was very old and it was owned by a rich farmer. The mice were living in peace in that house. The farmer hardly visited the house………………………………………………. Happiness Doesn't Last Long Once some mice were having a good time in a house in a certain village. The house was very old and it was owned by a rich farmer. The mice were living in peace in that house. The farmer hardly visited the house. So they were enjoying a free and carefree life with their near and dear ones. They were giving birth to a lot of kids as they didn't have to worry about food. In the store there was a huge stock of food grains and the mice were merrily having those grains. One day the owner of the house came to visit it in order to see whether the grains were in a good condition or not. Having opened the door of the store, the farmer was astonished to see the condition of the house. He instantly called in the guard of the store to take necessary steps to get rid of mice. The guard tried his level best to stop the nuisance of mice but failed. At last he brought two big cats there to kill the mice. It worked well. Now they could not move freely and always felt insecure. They could not even get out eating and they become thin. They remain hiding and remember the happy days they enjoyed. Finally all the mice fled away to save their lives. 30. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Once some mice were having a good time in a house in a certain village. The house was very old and it was owned by a rich farmer. The mice were living in peace in that house. The farmer hardly visited the house……………………………………………… Who will bell the cat? Once some mice were having a good time in a house in a certain village. The house was very old and it was owned by a rich farmer. The mice were living in peace in that house. The Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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farmer hardly visited the house. So they were enjoying a free and carefree life with their near and dear ones. They were giving birth to a lot of kids as they didn't have to worry about food. In the store there was a huge stock of food grains and the mice were merrily having those grains. One day the owner of the house came to visit it in order to see whether the grains were in a good condition or not. Having opened the door of the store, the farmer was astonished to see the condition of the house. He instantly called in the guard of the store to take necessary steps to get rid of mice. The guard tried his level best to stop the nuisance of mice but failed. At last he brought two big cats there to kill the mice. Now none dared to come outside in fear. They stopped moving to and fro. They were scared on the arrival of the cat. One day the mice gathered together and held a meeting and decided to find out a way to get rid of the danger. All the mice discussed the issue. At length a young mouse said, "I hit upon a very good plan for your consideration. First, we will tie a bell round the cat's neck. Then all of us will hear the sound of his arrival. As a result, we'll be able to run away and hide ourselves in time. In this way we'll be able to be free from the cat's threat." All the mice in a body supported the plan and thanked the young mouse for presenting this plan. Meanwhile, an old mouse rose up and said that the plan is undoubtedly good. But it is a matter of great concern who'll bell the cat?" Hearing this, all the mice remained silent. Everybody realized the reality and did not comment on the plan. So, the mice failed to get rid of their danger. 31. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Once there lived a very poor woodcutter in a village. Every day he went out to cut wood in the jungle and sold them in the local market. One day while he………………..………… An Honest Wood-cutter Once there lived a very poor woodcutter in a village. Every day he went out to cut wood in the jungle and sold them in the local market. One day while he was cutting wood beside a river, suddenly his axe slipped out of his hand and fell into deep water. He became very sad as he would not be able to cut wood any more to earn his living and maintain his family. He sat beside the river and began to cry bitterly like a child. Water goddess noticed the incident and felt very pity for him. She appeared before the woodcutter and asked him what had happened. The woodcutter told him the whole story and told about his helpless condition without the axe. The water goddess consoled him and told him not to cry. Then the goddess dived into the river and brought a gold axe. But the honest woodcutter did not feel tempted. He said that the axe was not his. The goddess dived into the river again and brought a silver axe. The woodcutter told her that it, too, was not his own axe. Now the goddess again dived into the river and brought a common iron axe with an old wooden handle. At once the woodcutter said that it was his own axe. At this the goddess became very much pleased at the poor woodcutter's honesty and devotion to truth. She gave the woodcutter all the three axes. He sold the silver and gold axes in the market, got a huge amount of money. He started an independent business and changed his condition. Now he is an affluent man now. He is leading a happy and honest life. 32. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. There lived a happy cobbler in a certain village. He passed his days working and signing from morning till night. He had no dissatisfaction and had mental peace and happiness. A rich neighbour of his was a banker. One day the banker……………………………………. Money can Never Bring Happiness There lived a happy cobbler in a certain village. He passed his days working and signing from morning till night. He had no dissatisfaction and had mental peace and happiness. A rich neighbour of his was a banker. One day the banker came to him and said to him "How much a Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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year do you earn?' The cobbler answered, "I never count in this way but what I can tell you now is that I can somehow maintain my family." The Banker said, "I am going to end your suffering. Take the bag of money and here you have some gold coins and remove your poverty." The cobbler took the bag of gold coins and went to his house with a happy mood. He told his wife about the gold coin. His wife was very clever and she kept it as confidential. After a few days, the cobbler sold those gold coins and started to build a palace. Then he left his hut and lived in that palace with his wife. He left his former job and spent his days in leisure. He appointed some servants to take care of his daily chores. But it was a matter of regret that both he and his wife were in trouble. Their happiness faded somehow. They were not mentally happy as they always remained idle. Besides this he kept a large amount of money in a secret place so that no one can steal them. Now a new thinking came to them that someone might steal the money when they would go to sleep. They did not have a sound sleep for this thought. At last the cobbler went to the banker and told him about their present condition. The banker could understand him well and advised him to take his former profession. The cobbler himself decided to do his former job and started doing that. Then he was able to regain his happiness and he was living in mental peace and happiness again. 33. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. There was a king who was very fond of eating. Once it so happened that he fell seriously ill and could not attend his court. The king was in great trouble. He could not bear his physical agony. He called in all famous doctors of the kingdom………….………………………… The Beggar King There was a king who was very fond of eating. Once it so happened that he fell seriously ill and could not attend his court. The king was in great trouble. He could not bear his physical agony. He called in all famous doctors of the kingdom. The doctors tried their level best to cure him but in vain. Finally they told that he would not be cured of his disease. Hearing this the king became very upset. He was quite at a loss what to do. After few a days a dervish came to his palace and wanted to see the king. At first, the king did not agree to meet him. But as the queen requested him he finally consented to meet the man. The dervish could understand that it was his mental pressure that made him ill. The dervish then told the king that he would cure the king if he followed his advice. The king asked him what his advice was. The dervish told him that he would be cured if he kept himself aloof from the kingdom for the time being. In addition he had to lead a life of a beggar. He had to beg from door to door for one year. The king agreed to the proposal of the dervish without any hesitation. He left all the thought of royal comfort and came out of his palace. He moved about the whole of his kingdom like a beggar. All the day he begged and in the evening cooked food and then went to sleep after eating. Now in his life there is no anxiety and responsibility of a king. He felt free and could sleep soundly. After one year he was relieved of his disease and came to his kingdom happily. The queen was happy to get him back. But this time the king refused to take the responsibility of a king and accordingly he nominated his eldest son as the king of his kingdom. 34. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Once there lived a hare in a jungle. A tortoise also lived nearby. One day the tortoise was going without disturbing the hare. Suddenly the hare stopped the tortoise and said, "You a slow coach! I feel pity for your speed."………………………………………………. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Slow and Steady Wins the Race Once there lived a hare in a jungle. A tortoise also lived nearby. One day the tortoise was going without disturbing the hare. Suddenly the hare stopped the tortoise and said, "You a slow coach! I feel pity for your speed." The tortoise kept silent and went away. But the hare did not feel tired to insult him. One day the tortoise felt very insulted and took the challenge of a race with the hare. At this the hare was much amused. So he said, "Come along, let's fix a date for the race." They fixed a date. They requested a fox to come to see the race and play the role of a judge. The tortoise and the hare came to the venue on the appointed day. The fox gave signal waving his flag and the race began. The hare began to run very fast. She jumped and jumped. He ran a long distance in a few minutes. Soon he found the tortoise far behind her. Then he stopped. He said to himself, "What's the use of going so fast? Perhaps, the tortoise has covered only a few yards by this time. So, I can very well have a good sleep before the tortoise comes up." By saying this the hare went to sleep for a short while. But with in a very short time he fell asleep. In the meantime the tortoise did not take any rest rather he walked on and on. He passed the lazy hare saw it was lying fast asleep. He only smiled but did not let it know that he was going to win the race. The hare woke up after a long time and found that it was already evening. He immediately began to run very fast. But alas! The tortoise had already gone far. He could see the final point. But the tortoise was already crossing the winning post. The hare felt much ashamed. Then he realized that excessive pride led him to lose. The hare now said to himself, "It is true that slow and steady wins the race." 35. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. One day a grocer borrowed a balance and weights from a fruit seller. After a few days the fruit seller asked the grocer to return his balance and weights…………………… A Grocer and a Fruit-seller One day a grocer borrowed a balance and weights from a fruit seller. After a few days the fruit seller asked the grocer to return his balance and weights. The grocer was dishonest and showed an excuse that the mice had eaten up his balance and weights. The lame excuse of the dishonest grocer made the fruit-seller very angry. But he controlled his temper and told him that it was his bad luck. The cunning grocer took him to be a fool. But the fruit-seller was thinking of a plan to teach him a good lesson. Accordingly, once the fruit-seller requested the grocer to allow his son to go with him to the town as he was going there to do some shopping. The grocer allowed his son to go with him. The next day the fruit seller returned alone from the town. The grocer asked him about his son. The fruit seller replied that a crow had carried his son away. At this the grocer grew very angry and calling him a liar asked him how a crow could carry his son away. The fruit seller instantly replied that it carried his son away in the same way as mice could eat up his balance and weights. The grocer understood what the fruit seller meant. He returned the balance and the weights to the fruit seller and requested the fruit seller to pardon him for telling a lie to him and also requested him to give him back his son. The fruit seller sent the boy back to his father. 36. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. One night Bayazid was reading. His mother was sleeping next to his reading room. Suddenly, he heard his mother was asking for water. He went to her but found that she was again in fast asleep. He wanted to give a glass…………………………………… Bayazid's Devotion for His Mother One night Bayazid was reading. His mother was sleeping next to his reading room. Suddenly, he heard his mother was asking for water. He went to her but found that she was Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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again in fast asleep. He wanted to give a glass of water but found no water in the house. He looked outside through windows and the night was dark. He went out with a jar at that dark night to fetch water. He got frightened but he did not give up his effort of fetching water. He remembered that there was a tubewell at the end of the village which was far away from his residence. He started walking quickly. Uttering the name of Allah he was walking on and on. It took him about an hour to reach the tubewell. He filled the jar with water and began to walk fast towards his residence. It was nearly dead night when he reached home. He found his mother in deep sleep. He did not disturb his mother and stood beside her bed with a glass of water. His mother got up from bed early in the morning. She was astonished to see her son standing with a glass of water. Then she remembered the incident of night. She realized the devotion of her son and earnestly prayed to Allah with the highest spiritual honour. Allah granted her prayer and latter Bayazid become world famous for his great devotion to his mother and to Allah. 37. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. There lived a saint in a forest. He was very kind to every creature of God. Once a mouse ran because a cat attacked it. The saint felt pity for the poor mouse. So he turned the mouse into a beautiful woman. At this great change……………………………………… Coal will Take no Other Hue There lived a saint in a forest. He was very kind to every creature of God. Once a mouse ran because a cat attacked it. The saint felt pity for the poor mouse. So he turned the mouse into a beautiful woman. At this great change the mouse became surprisingly happy. The saint told it that he had to behave and act like a human being. The saint also warned it that if it behaved like a mouse for once, it would instantly get back its original form. The mouse followed the saint's instructions. She was then a total human being. She was so beautiful that her beauty charmed even the animals living in the forest. She fetched water from the nearby stream and cooked meals for the saint. She was passing her days as a human being instead of life of a mouse. One day the prince of the kingdom came to the forest for hunting. When he went near the stream, he caught sight of her. Her beauty cast a spell on him. He fell in love with her at his first sight. He met the saint and told him that he was in love with her and wanted to marry her. The saint tried to make him understand that she was not his match. But the prince was madly in love with her. He went back to his palace and convinced the king to give consent to his desire. Very soon the marriage ceremony was held in a gorgeous and stately fashion. On the nuptial night when they were sleeping together, the prince’s silk attire attracted the bride. She could not resist the temptation of eating the colourful silk cloth. No sooner had she put her teeth into the cloth than she turned into a mouse again. She cried and repented but no changed happened. 38. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Once upon a time there was a king in England. He had three-daughters. He made up his mind to divide his kingdom among them. He made plan on how to divide the kingdom among the daughters. According to his plan he wanted to know,…………………………………… A King without a Kingdom Once upon a time there was a king in England. He had three-daughters. He made up his mind to divide his kingdom among them. He made plan on how to divide the kingdom among the daughters. According to his plan he wanted to know, firstly, how much they loved him. Therefore, the king called his three daughters to his Royal Court and in front of the courtiers Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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he called his eldest daughter and wanted to know how much she loved him. She smilingly and lovingly uttered some beautiful words and told her father that she loved him more man anything else in this world. The king could not understand her flattery and took her flattery for the reality. He at once marked on one-third area of his kingdom on the map and declared that it would be hers and for her heirs forever. Then he called his second daughter and asked the same question. The princess, like her elder sister uttered even fine words. She said that she loved the king more than her life, even more than her sister and more than what her words could express. The king was profoundly delighted with the answer of his second daughter and marked a large part of his kingdom on the map for her. Finally came the turn of his youngest daughter. The king asked her to answer him the same question. The king wanted even a much better answer and loving words from his dearest daughter. Unfortunately, the daughter came silently to her father without showing any emotion. She said to her father that she loves him as much as a daughter should love her father. She tells that she loves him as a daughter, but when she marries she will, of course, love her husband too. Her honest, forthright reply displeased the king. Out of anger he decided not to give anything to the youngest daughter and divided the whole kingdom between the two daughters. The king now decided to live in two daughters’ castle by turn. First he went to his eldest daughter's house with some of his servants and knights. His daughter treated him ill and soon he found her to be a liar and false. Then he decided to go to his second daughter with all his servants and knights. Reaching there he had to wait a long time to see her and while she met her father she asked him why he left the house of his sister, even she asked him to go back to her and beg pardon of her to live there. Being disappointed with the second daughter the king became mad and cursing her he left her palace and went into the wilderness. Nobody accompanied him except one of his faithful servants. 39. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Once there lived two women in a village. One of them had a baby. But the other woman was childless. One the woman who had no child claimed that baby. As a result both of them engaged ……………………………………………………………………… Quarrelling of Two Women over a Child Once there lived two women in a village. One of them had a baby. But the other woman was childless. One the woman who had no child claimed that baby. As a result both of them engaged in an unending quarrel. Many people crowded round them. At a stage, the police arrived at the spot and asked both of them what the case really was. The women who was the real mother said to police, "I regularly take him here every afternoon, let him play with other children and then in the evening we return home. As before, I've done the same today. But today this woman has appeared here and is about to take him away. That moment my child has started crying and I've rushed to him." The other woman who had been claiming the child to be hers said, "She's telling a lie. This is my child. Two years ago, I lost this child of mine in the market. Since then I've been madly looking for him here and there but all my attempts turned into smoke every time. Today I've come here for the same reason and found him." As soon as she stopped her talk with the police, she burst into tears. Then she said that she wanted to get her child back. The police again asked her if she had any proof that this child belonged to her. She replied that she had some photos of him and his birth registration certificate. The other woman stood helplessly over there and soon afterwards started crying. Then she said that the woman was telling a lie. The police officer was very intelligent and made a plan. According to his plan, he told that he would cut the baby into two pieces and would the two pieces to them equally. He pretended to do so according to his plan but the woman who claimed the boy to be hers shouted and requested to stop cutting the baby. The Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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police officer and the people presented there then realized who was the real mother of the boy. Then the woman who took the boy to the park said, "I'm a childless woman. Two years back, I and my husband got him near the market. We tried hard to look for his parents and not finding his parents, I began to bring him up with motherly affection." Then the police realized the real story. They told the childless mother to give the child to his mother. She became very unhappy and giving the child to his mother, she left the place with tears in her eyes. On the other hand, the real mother was overwhelmed with joy and took her child to the house. 40. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. It was twenty years ago when I was living in an apartment overlooking a cemetery. I was just living from hand to mouth. At that time a lady wrote a letter to me praising one of my books just published in the newspaper…………………………………………………………. Young Writer and His Lady Guest It was twenty years ago when I was living in an apartment overlooking a cemetery. I was just living from hand to mouth. At that time a lady wrote a letter to me praising one of my books just published in the newspaper. It made me so excited that I sent her a letter of thanks. Immediately after that she wrote me second letter saying that she was passing through Paris and would like to have a chat with me. The lady also requested me to give her a little luncheon at Foyot’s. Having got the letter I became pleased and excited. I could not turn down the request of the lady as I was a young writer and did not learn to say “No” to a woman. In addition I was eager to enjoy the company of the young lady. However, at Foyot’s I met the lady. I was disappointed to see the guest. She was not so charming and young as I expected her to be. She was a woman of forty having more teeth. She was also talkative. When we sat together the waiter brought the menu of the food. I was startled to see the bill of fare because the prices were much higher than I had anticipated. I had only 80 francs to last me the rest of the month. But the lady guest assured me that she never ate more than one item in the luncheon. At first she said, “I take nothing at luncheon. “A little later she said”, I don’t like to take more than one thing in the luncheon. But practically she was a liar and she took many costly items under various pretexts. First I ordered for Salmon as my guest wanted to eat it. While it was being cooked she took caviare. When the question of drink came, she said that her doctor absolutely had forbidden her to drink anything except champagne. After that she took asparagus, ice cream, and coffee and last of all a peach fruit though she said she didn’t like to take more than one thing in the luncheon. I took only mutton chop to keep the bill balance. Having all these items the lady was advising me to follow her and never to eat more than one thing in the luncheon. The writer was in a great tension for the bill. He was thinking whether successfully he would be able pay the bill or not. When he paid the bill, he had only three francs out of 80. He gave these 3 francs to the waiter as tip. When he came out of the restaurant, he had the whole month before him and not a single penny in his pocket. This is how, the young writer fell in a trap of the cunning lady who exploited him. It was the painful experience of the young writer at Foyot’s. 41. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Sheik saadi was a great poet of Iran. He was very famous for his knowledge and wisdom. He was very simple in his ways o life. Once he was invited to the royal court by the great king of Iran…………………………………………………………………………… Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Value of Dress Sheik saadi was a great poet of Iran. He was very famous for his knowledge and wisdom. He was very simple in his ways of life. Once he was invited to the royal court by the great king of Iran. Saadi started his journey on foot. He walked a long way but he could not cover the whole distance by day. On his way the night fell. He took shelter in a rich man’s house. The poet used to wear simple dress and on that day he was in plain dress. The rich man took him as an ordinary passerby and his servants treated him in a simple way. They did not entertain him with good food. Saadi on the following day left the rich man’s house and reached the court of the king. The king received him warmly and gave him new dress and valuable gifts. There the poet was introduced with many royal guests. The poet started his journey and this time again he took shelter in the same rich man’s house. The rich man thought him great at the sight of his dress and greeted him with due respect and honour. He himself took great care of the poet and ordered his servants to entertain the guest with sincerity. The man entertained him with delicious food and drink. Then happened an interesting incident. The rich man and the servants noticed that the guest was putting the food into the pockets of his coat. Seeing this, the rich man became astonished and asked him, “What’s wrong with you? Why are you putting the foods in your pockets?” Then Saadi smiled and said, “This valuable and tasty food is not for me but my dress deserves this delicious food. When I was in poorly dressed, you did not serve me rich dishes and now, as I have dressed a royal dress, you have served me delicious dishes”. The rich man now understood his mistake and felt ashamed of his previous behavior with the poet and begged his pardon. The rich man became astonished to know that the great poet of Iran had become his guest and passed his night at his home. From the incident of Saadi he got the lesson that the value of man lies in his qualities, not in dress. 42. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Rokeya was a girl of little education but she was very optimistic and hard working. With the hope of changing her lot she came to Dhaka. She got a job in a big garments factory. There were about five hundred workers in the factory……………………........................ Tragic Death of Rokeya Rokeya was a girl of little education but she was very optimistic and hard working. With the hope of changing her lot she came to Dhaka. She got a job in a big garments factory. There were about five hundred workers in the factory. She was happy with her work. One day as usual she was busy at her work. Suddenly a word came to her ear that fire broke out in the factory from a short circuit. The news spread very fast among the workers. But no one noticed whether there was actually any fire or not. Panic seized the workers. They were in a fix what to do. They were running here and there of the factory to save their life. They thought that they would die a tragic death. Being afraid they lost the sense of right or wrong. There raised a hue and cry in the factory. All the workers were trying to get out at a time but alas! there was only one gate in the factory. The workers were shouting for help. They began to rush the ground floor using the only narrow stair. They did not have any training to face a fire accident or any unexpected accident. So at a time they tried to come down fast leaving others behind. So many workers gathered at the gate and were pushing one another to cross it. Consequently some weak workers fell on the stair and others got down crossing over them leaving the others seriously wounded. Unfortunately Rokeya while coming out of the crowd of workers fell on the floor. She lost her sense within a short time and she did not know what happened next. Those who tried to jump to the ground from upstairs broke their legs. Actually there was no fire and it was merely a rumour. Rokeya along with many injured workers were taken to hospitals but alas! She was already dead then. Cruel death had taken away all her hopes and inspiration to change her lot. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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43. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. There lived a poor boatman in a village. He was not educated. He had to maintain his family by rowing boat from morning till evening…………………………………. The Scholar and the Boatman There lived a poor boatman in a village. He was not educated. He had to maintain his family by rowing boat from morning till evening. Every day he had to do the same job and he got no scope of thinking anything else. There was no meaning of knowledge to him. One day he went to the river to row boat as usual. It was the month of Baishakh. That day a scholar got into his boat to cross the river. He was enjoying his journey very much because the weather was very fine. He was gossiping with the boatman. At one point he said, “Did you have any knowledge about the creation of the universe?” the scholar asked the boatman. The boatman replied that he did not know what is universe. The scholar got astonished and told him that without the knowledge of astronomy half of his life spoilt. The boatman became very sad thinking that his life was useless. After a while he again asked the boatman if he had any knowledge about the history of human civilization. The boatman again replied in the negative. This time the scholar told the boatman that he had already spoilt three-fourths of his life. The scholar added that he could not come to any use to the society. The boatman did not tell anything and kept on rowing boat in a sad mood. It was almost evening and the weather became rough. The sky was overcast with thick black clouds. There was darkness all around. There started heavy showers with lightening. The boat was about to sink. The scholar got frightened and started trembling with fear. But the boatman was as usual because he was familiar to this weather. The boatman said to the scholar, “Sir, do you know how to swim?” The scholar replied that he did not know how to swim. Now the boatman said, “Alas! Your life is totally spoilt.” 44. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Once upon a time there lived a man named Suruj Ali. He was poor but he was honest and hard working. He was engaged a caretaker of a mango orchard by a rich man. He looked after the large orchard………………………………………………………... An Honest Gardener Once upon a time there lived a man named Suruj Ali. He was poor but he was honest and hard working. He was engaged a caretaker of a mango orchard by a rich man. He looked after the large orchard. He was always busy with his master. He never neglected any work of his master. The owner of the orchard was Mr. Rahman. He was very rich and loved to be visited by his relatives and friends. One day he invited some of his friends to visit him. It was the summer season and the mangoes were ripe. Mr. Rahman asked Suruj Ali to pick up some sweet and tasty mangoes and give them to his friends. Suruj Ali went to the garden to pick some mangoes. He looked at different trees and picked up some large nice mangoes. He cut them down and gave them to the guests. Mr. Rahman and his friends started eating the mangoes but they could not eat the mangoes. Those mangoes were not sweet and they were sour. Mr. Rahman ordered Suruj Ali to bring some sweet mangoes. Suruj Ali went to the orchard and brought some large nice mangoes. Again the mangoes were sour and this time they even could not put them to mouth. Mr. Rahman became very angry and rebuked him for taking sour mangoes again and again. Suruj Ali requested his master to pardon him and told that he could tell whether the mangoes are sour or sweet because he did never eat any mangoes of his garden. Hearing this the master and his Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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friends became astonished at his honesty. They told Suruj Ali to bring some mangoes after tasting. Then Suruj Ali tasted some mangoes and brought some sweet mangoes. The master and his friends ate them with heart’s content. They praised Suruj Ali very much and told that they did not see such an honest man like Suruj Ali. 45. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. One day a farmer was taking some sacks of wheat to a mill. The mill was a few kilometres away from his home. On the way the horse stumbled and one of the sacks fell on to the ground. The farmer tried to get it up and ……………………………………….. The Generosity of a Noble Man One day a farmer was taking some sacks of wheat to a mill. The mill was a few kilometres away from his home. On the way the horse stumbled and one of the sacks fell on to the ground. The farmer tried to get it up and place it on the back of the horse. But the sack was so heavy that it was impossible for the farmer to lift the load alone. He looked around if there was anybody to help him. He found none to help him. He fell into great trouble and could not think what to do. Meanwhile, he saw a horseman coming towards him. The farmer got water in his heart. For this he became over joyous. He thought he could lift it with the help of the stranger. But alas! As the rider was coming nearer, he came to know the man. He was a nobleman who lived in a grand house at the top of the hill. Everybody in the village respect him. He became more frustrated. He dared not request him. He thought to himself that a noble man like him might not help him. Besides the noble man might take it dishonouring to him and would punish him. So the farmer decided that he would not ask him to help to lift the sack on the horse back. But as the man was noble in nature, he was able to realize his problem. He came to him and got down from his horse. He could understand the problem of the farmer and offered help to lift the sack. The farmer was astonished by the generosity of the noble horseman. The farmer could not even think that the nobleman would willingly help him. The farmer showed his gratitude to the horseman and went to mill with a happy mind. Going back home at night he told this story to his wife and children. They all were impressed with the generosity and nobleness of the horseman. 46. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. One day a crow became very thirsty. He flew from place to place in search of water but found no water. At last, he grew so thirsty that he thought that he would die. He, however, continued his search………………………………………………….. A Thirsty Crow One day a crow became very thirsty. He flew from place to place in search of water but found no water. At last, he grew so thirsty that he thought that he would die. He, however, continued his search. It was the month of Chaitra. The day was very hot: There was scorching rays of the sun all around. There was no water anywhere. It flew here and there looking for water. But it could not find water anywhere. It seems that it was about to die for want of water. Without becoming hopeless he kept on searching. At last it found a jar containing some water at a little distance. The crow became hopeful and at once flew down to have a drink of water from the jar. He looked inside the jar and found the jar was not full. There was only a very little water at the bottom of the jar. It thrust its beak into the jar but it could by no means reach it with its beak but did not lose heart. It tried and tried to jerk the jar but failed. He was then thinking of a new plan to get water. It was about to fly away to find a new source of water and at that time it noticed some little pieces of stones nearby. At the sight of the stones a plan came to its mind. It picked up the little pieces of stones one by one and Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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dropped them into the jar. When he had dropped a large number of stones, the water level in the jar rose high enough to drink. Finally, the crow drank water and quenched its thirst. 47. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. One day a fox was walking through the jungle. Suddenly, he fell into a trap. He struggled hard but could not get free from the trap. At last he managed to get out of the trap but lost his tail. Without the tail the fox looked strange…………………………………………… A Fox without a Tail One day a fox was walking through the jungle. Suddenly, he fell into a trap. He struggled hard but could not get free from the trap. At last he managed to get out of the trap but lost his tail. Without the tail the fox looked strange. He felt sad and ashamed. He thought and thought what to be done. But the fox was very cunning and he hit upon a plan. He invited all the foxes to come to a meeting. According to his plan he called a meeting of all the foxes in the jungle. When all the foxes came to the meeting, the fox without the tail felt pleased and said, "Dear friends, I've made a great discovery. You will agree with me. Do you think there is any necessity of our tails? Actually it has no use at all. Without my tail I feel so light, free and sportive. I can also run faster than ever before. So, cut off your tails as I've already done.” The foxes listened to the cunning fox with attention and many of them thought his suggestion a good one. Many foxes were convinced with his suggestion and said, "We'll cut our tails off without any delay." Telling this they were about to leave the meeting place but at that moment an old wise fox raised his voice and said, "Do not make mistake. Listen to me, please. Don't believe the cunning fox. The real fact is that the cunning fox incidentally fell into a trap and lost his tail. Now he looks funny and strange. He feels shy to go in front of other animals. So, he wants us all to look like him. Don't follow his suggestion." Hearing this, the other foxes realized the trick of the cunning fox. They hated the cunning fox and promised not to mix with it. At this, the fox without a tail felt ashamed and left the place quickly. 48. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. One day two rats stole a piece of bread. They tried to divide the bread but failed to divide it in equal two parts as both of them wanted the larger part. They quarreled over it but could not settle down………………………………………………………… Two Rats and a Monkey One day two rats stole a piece of bread. They tried to divide the bread but failed to divide it in equal two parts as both of them wanted the larger part. They quarreled over it but could not settle down. Finally they decided to go to a monkey. All the animals of the forest knew him as the wiser animal. They went to the monkey and requested him to divide the bread into two equal halves. The monkey thought to himself that he got a chance to satisfy his hunger but he behaved very gently with them. He said that it would be very difficult for him to divide the bread equally. It was better for them to settle the matter themselves. But the rats said that they had tried but failed and now they would like to divide it by him. Then the monkey brought a pair of scales and cut the bread into two pieces. He put the pieces on the scales. The monkey told that one piece was heavier than the other. He took the heavier piece and bit a small piece from it. Then the other piece became heavier. Then the monkey bit a portion from that piece and put it on the scales. The pieces remained unequal. And the monkey did the same thing again and again. After some time there remained only one small piece of the bread. Then the rats asked the monkey not to divide the bread. They said that they themselves would be able to divide it equally. They asked for that small piece of bread. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Then the monkey said angrily, “No, this piece is mine. I’ve suffered much trouble to divide it into equal pieces.” Saying this the monkey ate up rest of the bread and went away. The foolish and greedy rats became very sad and promised not to make any quarrel over any matter. 49. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. In an ancient time the people of Hamelin, an old town of Germany, could not live in peace for the nuisance of rats. It became full of rats. The rats were so big and fierce that they fought with the dogs, killed the cats and ………………………………………………… The Pied Piper of Hamelin In an ancient time the people of Hamelin, an old town of Germany, could not live in peace for the nuisance of rats. It became full of rats. The rats were so big and fierce that they fought with the dogs, killed the cats and bit the babies in the cradles. Rats cut their crops, cloths, things for domestic use and what not? They chirped and ran to and fro in their houses without the least fear of the cats. Rather they would chase the cats and latter they fled away. The people talked and talked, and found no way. At last the people came to the town Hall and said to the Mayor, “Do something about the rats or we will send you packing.” The Mayor trembled. He called a meeting of his councilors and talked about the problems for hours but they could not find a way out. They became frustrated. At that moment a tall thin stranger entered the halls. His dress was made of pieces of cloth of different colors. He went up to the councilor’s tables and said, “People call me the pied paper. If you pay me one thousand guilders, I will make the town free of rats.” The Mayor said, “All right, I will pay you a thousand guilders. When will you set to work?”. “Just now,” replied the pied paper with a mysterious smile. The pied piper got out of the hall and went to the street and took out a strange pipe from his bag. Then he began to play on the pipe. Soon rats were coming from every house of Hamelin in tumbling. There were hundreds of thousands of them. The man was still playing on his pipe, moving along the streets and the rats were following him. The people of the town were surprised to see a huge number of rats at a time. The piper went down to the bank of the river Weser and waded into the river. Every rat that followed him was drowned. Then, the Pied piper came back to the Mayor and demanded the promised money. The Mayor thought that the task did not take much time and the piper should not be paid the said amount. Then the Mayor said, “That was a joke only. Take only five hundred and go away”. The mayor refused to take the little amount. However, the pied piper left the Mayor`s office and stood in the street. He took up another pipe of different tune and began to play it. Hearing the tune the children of the town began to come out of their houses and followed the piper. The piper and the children entered into a mountain and the door of it closed. The people of the town saw this and stood helpless. They realized that it was their fault for which they lost their kids. The accused the Mayor for their great loss but it was too late. 50. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Once there was a strong wolf lived in a dense forest. One day he killed a lamb and started eating. But while eating the flesh, a bone stuck on his throat. This gave him much pain. He tried his best to get out of it but failed……………………………………………………… The Wolf and the Crane Once there was a strong wolf lived in a dense forest. One day he killed a lamb and started eating. But while eating the flesh, a bone stuck on his throat. This gave him much pain. He tried his best to get out of it but failed. He was groaning for pain but did not know what to do. He even could not finish his meal. Day by day his condition was deteriorating. Becoming Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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helpless and frustrated the wolf stood beside the forest and asked many animals passing by him to relieve him from the bone. But no animals dared to help him because they knew him to be a ferocious one. It had killed many innocent animals as its food. Suddenly it saw a crane by the side of a stream. It was searching for food. The wolf went near it and told helplessly “Good morning, Mr. Crane, could you please do me a favour? A bone has stuck in my throat and is giving me a lot of pain. You have a long bill. Could you take the bone out? I’ll give you anything you ask for.” The Crane thought, “The Wolf is very ill and very much helpless now.” So, he wanted to help the Wolf. He said to the Wolf, “Sir, Please, open your mouth wide and soon after I will get out your bone.” The wolf opened its mouth widely and the crane entered its long bill into the wolf’s mouth and pulled the bone out. The wolf got relieved of his severe pain but forgot to give the Crane due reward. The wolf was about to leave. The Crane stood in front of the wolf and said, “May I have my reward now?”. The ungrateful wolf smiled and told “What rewards? You have put your bill into my mouth but I have not eaten up your head and you are still alive. Is it not enough reward?”. “If you demand any reward I shall kill you really and eat you up.” said the wolf. The Crane frightened. He at once flew away calling the wolf a traitor. He added that he had made a great mistake believing a rogue. 51. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. My HSC examination was going on. I did well in first three examinations but unfortunately on the examination date of English 2nd paper I was late to reach at the examination hall……………………………………………………………. Traffic Jam Badly Affects Our Life My HSC examination was going on. I did well in first three examinations but unfortunately on the examination date of English 2nd paper I was late to reach at the examination hall. On the way I was caught by an unending traffic jam. So I reached the exam hall half an hour late. I was sweating and trembling after entering the exam hall. I found that all the examinees were busy in writing. The invigilator who was on duty gave me the answer script and the question paper; I got nervous when I looked at the question because it seemed to me that all the questions were uncommon to me. I felt very much worried. When I started writing, my hands were shaking and I could not write anything. One of the invigilators noticed my situation and came very close to me. He advised me to feel easy and encouraged me by telling that I have enough time complete my exam. I told the invigilator that I would like to drink water as I felt very thirsty. I drank a glass of water and felt a bit fresh. It seemed to me that my head and heart had become cool. I looked at the question paper for the second time and this time the question paper seemed easy to me. I carefully chose some suitable questions answer first and I started answering those questions. I looked at my watch several times and it seemed to me that time was passing more quickly. However writing one by one I was getting close to the end of answering. I found that I had only two questions left to answer and I had only half an hour. I became speedier and finally answered all the remaining questions. I was lucky that I was able to finish the examination quite well. But as I had to answer all the questions within two and half an hour, I shortened the answers of some questions. When the last bell rang, I went out of the examination hall with much pleasure forgetting about the bothering I faced before coming to the examination hall. I thought I would not get expected marks. The traffic system of our country really disappointed me. It was about to take away a year from my life. 52. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Once there was a king in a certain island. The land of his kingdom was fertile. There were innumerable green trees everywhere in the island. All his people were living in peace and plenty………………………………………………………………… A Foolish King Once there was a king in a certain island. The land of his kingdom was fertile. There were innumerable green trees everywhere in the island. All his people were living in peace and plenty. But the king was dull headed and haughty in nature. Once he decided to cut down all the trees and build a magnificent palace in the island. He called a meeting and discussed the matter. The counsellors of the king did not agree. He did not pay any heed to the counseling. Rather he ordered his men to cut down all the trees. The common people of the kingdom could understood the dangerous consequence of it and they opposed the king's idea but he did not pay heed to the right and legal opposition of anybody. So people were compelled to obey the king's order. To materialise the purpose of the king, they cut down all the trees. As a result a great change took place in the climate of the island. Soon the island turned into a desert. Farmers were eagerly waiting for rain but there was no rain. Crops did not grow well because of the shortage of water. Within a few months a famine broke out all over the island. Shortage of food became very acute. People had to starve for days together. People could not tolerate the change of climate of their dear country. One day they came to the king's palace together and protested against the foolish decision of the king. They made the king wholly responsible for their suffering. They wanted food from the king but the king could not give them any food. At last, they became very excited and furious. They dragged the king from his chair and on the spot the excited people killed him cruelly. The king had met a tragic death for his foolish decision. 53. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Once upon a time there was a Sultan in Bengal. His name was Gias Uddin Azam. His capital was at Sonargaon near Dhaka. He was a very just and kind ruler. He was very much fond of archery…………………………………………………………………… A Just Ruler and a Brave Quazi Once upon a time there was a Sultan in Bengal. His name was Gias Uddin Azam. His capital was at Sonargaon near Dhaka. He was a very just and kind ruler. He was very much fond of archery. He used to practise archery. The sultan’s another favourite hobby was hunting. One day he was on hunting deer in the jungle. He shot an arrow aiming at a fawn. But unfortunately the arrow missed his target. By chance it pierced a boy standing in the jungle. It pierced into the breast of the young boy who died instantly. The boy was the only son of a widow. The widow was very much shocked at this. So, she went to the Quazi and issued a complaint against the sultan for justice. The Quazi was a courageous judge of that time. He never feared anybody. He always ruled on the basis of justice. The Quazi called for the Sultan and said, “According to the law of the country, you shall be punished. But if you can please the widow by giving her compensation for the loss, you may get rid of the due punishment.” Giasuddin Azam Shah readily obeyed the Quazi 's order and paid the fine and the widow was satisfied.Then the Quzai got down from his seat and showed Sultan due respect. The Sultan then drew his sword and said to the Kazi," If you failed to do your duties properly as a judge being afraid of me, I would punish you with this sword." Then the Quazi got down of his seat and said to the ruler, "If you disobeyed my verdict, I would punish you with my cane." 54. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilany was very pious from his childhood. His mother sent him to Bagdad to receive education accompanied by a few merchants. At the time of his departure, his mother advised him not to tell a lie even in danger………………………………. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Completing Story

The Truthfulness of Abdul Quader Jilany Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilany was very pious from his childhood. His mother sent him to Bagdad to receive education accompanied by a few merchants. At the time of his departure, his mother advised him not to tell a lie even in danger. They started their journey. At that time the roads were not safe at all. After a few days a band of robbers fell upon them. The robbers robbed all the belongings and money of the merchants. On their way back the robbers saw Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilany. They asked him if he had got anything with him. The leader told the others that the boy might not have any money with him. But the boy promptly said that he had got fourteen gold coins. At first the robbers did not understand him. They asked him where the money was. He told that his mother sewed it under his cloths. The robbers took the boy and checked him thoroughly and found forty gold coins sewed under his cloth. The robbers became surprised at this. They asked him why he had told them the truth. He might not told about the gold coins but Abdul Quader replied that he had learnt from his mother not to tell a lie. He told them that to tell a lie is a sin and that everyone should always speak the truth. The robbers were highly surprised by the honesty of the boy. They got a great lesson from the little boy. All of them were impressed at the honesty of the boy. They sat together with their leader and decided to give up robbery and left robbery from that very day. 55. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Long long ago there lived a poor wood-cutter named Ali Baba. He used to cut wood from the jungle and sold them in the local market and earned his livelihood. In one early morning…………………………………………………………….. Ali Baba and Forty Thieves Long long ago there lived a poor wood-cutter named Ali Baba. He used to cut wood from the jungle and sold them in the local market and earned his livelihood. In one early morning, while he was cutting wood in the forest, he heard the sound of horses' hoofs. He thought it might be thief and he was afraid. He quickly climbed up a tall tree and hid himself among the branches. He could He could see about forty thieves were coming towards on fine horses and stood under his tree. Seeing them Ali Baba got frightened. He saw that the back of the horses were full of heavy bags. Among them one person seemed to play the role of a leader. After a while the leader led them to a rock nearby. There was a door. He stood in front of the door and uttered the words “ChiChing Fak”. The door in the rock opened instantly and the thieves followed their captain into a cave. Entering into it he uttered the words “ChiChing Bondh”. Ali Baba did not make any sound and he was watching everything carefully. As all the thieves got into the cave, he got down from the tree and left the place. Another day Ali Baba went there and tried to understand what the matter was. Climbing to a tall tree he watched everything hiding behind the branches. He saw the thieves went away. Then he came near the door and did the same thing uttering the same words. The door opened. He entered and found the cave full of gold and many other precious metals. He took a lot of gold and gold coins as much as he could. While he came to the door, he forgot the words to open the door. He tried to remember the words but failed. It was about to fall evening and the thief came and found Ali Baba inside. Ali Baba requested them to let him go but they did not pay heed to him. They cut Ali Baba into pieces. 56. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Once a fox become very thirsty. He looked for water here and there. He could not get even a little drop of water. At one stage suddenly he noticed a well nearby. He came to the well. He found water but………………………………………………………. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Look Before You Leap Once a fox become very thirsty. He looked for water here and there. He could not get even a little drop of water. At one stage suddenly he noticed a well nearby. He came to the well. He found water but it was out his reach. There was nothing to get down into the well. But he felt that he might die soon if he failed to get water. Finding no other way he jumped into the well to quench his thirst. He quenched his thirst but alas! he could not get out of the well as the walls of the well were higher than his height. He made several attempts but in vain. After a while a goat came to the well to drink water. He saw the fox and said, “I could not get any water. Is there any water to drink? I am very thirsty, friend, may I get a drink from the well here?” said the goat to the fox. The cunning fox was glad to see the goat and at once he made a plan. He invited the goat and said, “My friend, this well is famous for its sweet water. I have jumped into it and now I’m drinking to my heart’s content. If you want a taste of it yourself, pleasure jump into it.” The goat was also thirsty. She could not understand that there might have any trick. So she felt attracted by the invitation of the fox. She then jumped into the well. The fox then found an opportunity to leap on the goat's back and then on his long horns. Standing on the horns of the goat he made a high jump and got out of the well. Getting out of the well, the fox advised the goat saying, "Look before you leap." 57. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Long long ago there lived a woman who had none except her only son. She took her son as the only place of her comfort. Her son was the apple of her eye. But unfortunately one day the boy got lost………………………………………………… Lord Buddha and a Bereaved Mother Long long ago there lived a woman who had none except her only son. She took her son as the only place of her comfort. Her son was the apple of her eye. But unfortunately one day the boy got lost. The mother made a search but she found his dead body. She was not ready about this shocking incident. At last she came to Lord Buddha and asked to bring her dead child to life. Lord Buddha was profoundly touched by the great sorrow of the bereaved mother and he could not say ‘no’ to her. He thought for a while and told her to bring a handful of mustard seed from a house where death did not enter. The mother got hope of getting her son alive again. She went out in search of a handful of mustard where death had never entered. She went to every house around her but could find any house as Buddha told. At every door she got the same sad reply. One said, "I have lost my husband." Another said, "I have lost my youngest child last year." The woman became tired but failed to manage the mustard seed. The woman returned with a heavy heart and described to Lord Buddha her sad experience. Then Buddha consoled her saying that death is the common to all human beings. Everyone will have to accept the taste of death. It does not follow calendar. The bereaved mother understood then that her dear son would never come back and went back home with broken heart. 58. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. There lived an old widow in a village. She was very rich and owned large property. She had some maid servants to help her in domestic activities. She had also a cock in her house…………………………………………………………….. A Widow and Her Cock There lived an old widow in a village. She was very rich and owned large property. She had some maid servants to help her in domestic activities. She had also a cock in her house. The cock worked as a signal for the maid servants to start their activities. As it crowed in the early Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Completing Story

morning, the widow awoke them up from sleep. The same thing happened daily. They could not sleep for a bit long in the morning. All the maid servants became very angry with the cock. One day the maid servants called a meeting and discussed what they can do to get rid of the disturb of the cock. Several proposals came from different servants. At last they decided that they would slaughter the cock. They thought that they could be relieved of getting up early in the morning if the cock would not crow. Thus they slaughtered it according to their plan and threw it in a hiding place. The widow could not understand that the cock had been slaughtered. Next morning she did not heard the crowing of the cock and made late to rise from bed. The servants were very happy to think that their plan had worked perfectly. The widow made a search of the cock but could not find out. But one practice began to develop. The maid servants saw that the widow became more an early riser than the cock. She began to leave bed very early in the morning and began to rouse them from sleep. They thought they had done a great mistake by slaughtering it. The cock left for ever. The widow became the cock. They became sad again. 59. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Once there lived an old farmer in a village. He had three sons. They were very idle. They would never do any work. The farmer tried many times to inspire them to work but could not. The farmer advised them in many ways……………………………………………………. Hidden Treasure Once there lived an old farmer in a village. He had three sons. They were very idle. They would never do any work. The farmer tried many times to inspire them to work but could not. The farmer advised them in many ways. He told them, “Industry and perseverance is the key to success.” But they did not pay any heed to his advice. He thought and thought over the matter. While the old man came to the door of death, he hit upon a plan. He called his three sons to his bed side and said, “My sons, go to the wonder field. I have laid hidden treasure there. Dig the soil and you will find the treasure there.’’ Just after saying this the old farmer took his last breath. The sons believed their father and went to the field at once in search of treasure. They worked very hard and dug the entire field. But they found nothing. They said to themselves that they should keep digging the field. Some of the farmers saw them working very hard and told them, “Don’t leave the land barren, sow some corn seeds in the field. You will find golden crops.’’ Thus, they planted the field with corn. In due course, golden corn came out and the sons became very happy. They then understood the meaning of the hidden treasure of their father. From then, they began to work hard. They were no longer idle. Gradually, they have changed their lot radically and within a few years became rich in the village. 60. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Once a monkey was playing in the branches of trees near a river. He was swinging in the branches of trees in playful mood. He saw an elephant while playing to take rest on the bank of the river……………………………………………………. Tit For Tat Once a monkey was playing in the branches of trees near a river. He was swinging in the branches of trees in playful mood. He saw an elephant while playing to take rest on the bank of the river. The monkey was very naughty and wanted to make a fun with the elephant. He got down from the tree and collected some stones. Going close to the elephant he began to throw stones one after another at the elephant. The elephant woke up and it looked to and fro but found no one as the monkey went hiding behind trees. The elephant again tried to take rest but the monkey again threw a stone at the elephant. At this time, the elephant saw the Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


monkey and became angry. The monkey did the same thing time and again. The elephant became very furious but could do nothing to the monkey. It thought for a while and then went to the river. The elephant filled his trunk with a lot of cold water. When it arrived at the bank of the river, the monkey again threw a stone at the elephant. Then it threw water at the monkey with a great speed and the monkey was unable to flee away. The monkey got wet all over the body. The water was very cold and cold wind was blowing bitterly. The monkey caught cold and fallen ill. He even could not go out to search for food Day by day, his condition deteriorated. The monkey got a good lesson. He could understand his fault. He got cured after a long suffering. Since then he decided not to make any fun with others and gave up his bad habits. 61. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Once there lived two blind men in Rome. They did not have enough wealth to lead their lives and so they had to beg to live. They sat side by side in the street of Rome to beg. While begging both of them uttered some different………………………………………….. Only Allah can Help Us Once there lived two blind men in Rome. They did not have enough wealth to lead their lives and so they had to beg to live. They sat side by side in the street of Rome to beg. While begging both of them uttered some different words to attract the attention of the passersby. One of them praised Allah and said that only Allah could help him. The other beggar praised the king and said that only the king could help him. The people passing them were familiar with such shouting. One day the king himself was going somewhere passing the blind men. He heard them saying so. The king stopped for a while and he became very pleased with the second blind man who was praising him. He came back to his palace and sent a piece of bread filled with gold coins inside it for the second blind man with a servant. The servant of the king went near to them and gave the bread filled with gold coins to the second blind man. The blind man felt that the bread was heavy. He thought that it had not been properly baked that’s why it was very heavy. He planned to sell it to the first blind man. The first blind man took the bread to home and got the gold coins. He became very grateful to Allah and praised Allah again for his kindness. After few months the king was again walking past the same way and he found the second blind man begging as usual and praising him. But he did not found the other blind man there. The king asked him whether the servant had given the bread of gold coin to him or not. He told the king that he had got the bread but he thought that the bread was not properly baked and that’s why he sold it to fellow blind man. Then he learnt from him what he had done with the bread. He then advised him to take lesson that Allah alone can help a man. 62. Read the following incomplete story and then complete the story using your own imagination and give a title to it. Once there was a rich man. He had a lot of wealth and he thought himself very happy. He was very much curious about human mind. One day a strange thought came to his mind that he would test whether there was any man …………………………………………….. Finding out a Contented Man Once there was a rich man. He had a lot of wealth and he thought himself very happy. He was very much curious about human mind. One day a strange thought came to his mind that he would test whether there was any man who was really contented with what he had. Keeping it in mind he built a grand house. On the front of the gate of that house he wrote these words “This house is to be given to the first man who will be able to prove that he is contented.” People walking passed the house was attracted by the words at the gate but nobody dared to claim the house. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Completing Story

One day a stranger was passing through that way. He looked at the gate and saw the inscription. He knocked at the door of the gate and wanted to talk to the rich man about the house. The stranger met the rich man and said, “I have come to have the possession of this house because I am contented.” The rich man looked at him with attention and asked, “How would you prove yourself a contented man?”The stranger replied that he had owned much properties but he always hoped to get more and more. He also said, “The hope of getting new things always makes me happy.” The rich man replied, “He who is satisfied with what he has is a contented man. You are not contented because you are not satisfied with your belongings. You’re greedy to get more.”The stranger then understood that it was not his contentment rather it was his greed. He felt very ashamed and left the house. Another day a poor man was passing through the same way and was very much amazed at the inscription at the gate. He felt very interested to have a look at the great man who had built the grand house only for others. Accordingly he knocked at the gate and entered the house. The rich man appeared before him and told him to prove him as a contented man. In reply the poor man told him that he had come here only to meet him, not to claim the house. Hearing this, rich man became astonished and offered him the grand house. But the poor man refused to accept it and started to go out of the house. This time the rich man was confirmed that the poor man was really a contented man and then he repeatedly requested him to take the ownership of this house. The rich man made the poor man understand that a really contented man is he who is always happy with what he has.

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MODEL QUESTION Model Question -01 1.







Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 stretch be use build know begin can The first bridge that (a) —— by man was probably a natural bridge. Man no doubt (b) — — a tree to go across a stream. Later, man built his own bridges. We (c) –— that bridgebuilding began very early in history. The Chinese and the Greeks (d) —— bridges thousands of years ago. But the greatest bridge-builders of ancient times (e) —— the Romans but they built only simple wooden bridges. Here is a part of the letter written by a girl to her friend. Put in suitable prepositions in the blanks. 1×5=5 Dear Rakib, I hope you are alright. What are you going to do (a) —— the next autumn vacation? Please come to my place. I invite you to pass a few days (b) —— me in my village. I hope you will have a jolly good time here. My village is (c) —— the bank of a small river which is full (d) —— the brim (e) —— the rainy season. Sincerely yours Rahat Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 (a) —— ant is (b) —— industrious insect. No other insect is as industrious as (c) —— ant. If we open (d) —— pages of history, we shall see that (e) —— men who have become great were (f) —— industrious. (g) —— industrious are liked by all. On (h) —— other hand (i) —— idle are hated by all. So industry is (j) —— must to prosper in life. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 as soon as and that Because so though since (a) —— it was a cold evening, everything seemed enticing to Rafi. The dying day, the distant tune of flute, dingy little cottages, dark greenery, all must have the power to enchant people, he thought. All are (b) —— inviting (c) —— entertaining (d) —— he wondered how he could ignore this beauty. (e) —— he entered his grandmother's small cottage, he surrendered himself to the affectionate embrace of the little lady. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 1×5=5 The teacher said to Bakul, "Why are you talking in the class? You should behave yourself." Bakul said, "Sir, I am sorry. I am asking Ruma to lend me her pen. My pen has run out." The teacher said, "Be attentive and listen to my lecture." Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets. 1×5=5 (a) As angling is my hobby, I usually catch fish with a fishing line.(Compound) (b) A man of patience should go for catching fish with a fishing line .(Negative) (c) One gets much pleasure catching a big fish. (Complex) (d) This feeling cannot be expressed in words. (Active) (e) Today I shall buy a fishing line and angle in our pond. (Simple) Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) I am busy, ——? (b) Anwar will teach you a good lesson, ——? (c) Let us go out for a walk, ——? (d) We ought to love our country, ——? (e) Don't forget me, ——? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

8. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5 (a) I closed the door of my room so that ——. (b) Danger comes where ——. (c) The guard watched carefully lest ——. (d) They will not go out until——. (e) It is high time——. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. Suppose, you are Shakil. You went on a study tour to a place of historical interest recently. Write a short report on it. 10 10. The rainy season is one of the six seasons in Bangladesh. This season has great influence on the life and people of our country. Write a short composition about the rainy season in Bangladesh. 15 11. Imagine, your name is Shakil. You are studying in 'Sylhet Govt. College. Your father, who is a government officer, has recently been transferred to Comilla. Your family will move there soon. But you want to continue your studies in this college till the HSC Exam is over. Now, write an application to the Principal of your college for a seat in the college hostel. 10 12. You want to open a bank account and keep your scholarship money in it. You have gone to a bank as a client and had a talk with the Manager. Now, write a dialogue between a client and the manager of the bank. 10 13. Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story. 15 Once upon a time there was a king who was very fond of knowing his future from astrologers. A good astrologer happened to stop at his capital on his way to Banaras.....................................

Model Question -02 Part A: Grammar: 40 Marks 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 work award be attend proper present highlight Mr. Rahman is a doctor. He (a) —— in Dhaka Medical College for two years. Recently he (b) —— FRCS degree. Last year he (c) —— a seminar in London. He (d) —— a paper (e) —— the prevention of HIV virus in Bangladesh. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Arif, I'm really disappointed that you have no clear conception (a) —— punctuality. It means the habit (b) —— doing things (c) —— the right time. You should stick (d) —— your study. Otherwise you will suffer (e) ——the long run. Lovingly yours Robin Or, Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition from the list. 1×5=5 after out of In of to with In making a phone call, first find (a) —— from the Telephone Directory the phone number (b) —— the person whom you like to ring. If you get the dial tone, dial the number one digit (c) —— another. If you do not get hold (d) —— the ringing tone or the line is engaged, dial the number once again. Eventually you will be able (e) —— receiving the phone call. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 Tea is a drink. It is also (a)  refreshing drink. The preparation of tea is a long but (b)  interesting process, (c)  water is first boiled in (d)  kettle and (e)  desired quantity of (f)  tea dust is put in it. After (g)  few minutes (h)  bailed leaves are separated (i)  liquor. Then the liquor is poured into (j)  cup and some milk and sugar are mixed with it. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 if besides first of all even As with a view to rather (a) —— solving the problem of copying in the examination, the government has taken some preventive measures. (b) —— the government is trying to raise public awareness. Recently the government has announced a law that if any student is found copying in the examination hall, he/she will be expelled from the hall. (c) —— any invigilator is found helping any examinee, legal action will be taken against him/her. (d) —— if outsiders are found involved in helping any examinee in copying, they will also be punished. (e) —— the government has interchanged examination centres and formed invigilators teams to monitor the overall condition of the examination centres. 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 a bed of roses, a slow coach, a thankless task, an eye wash, castles in the air, crocodile tears, 6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "What's the matter to you? You look so pale!" said mother. "I'm not feeling well since the morning," said Rabia. "I have pain in my stomach from the early morning." "Did you take any stale food last night?" said mother. 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5=5 Fulershari, a beautiful village, is situated at Satkhira. (a) It is called Fulershari because there are many flower gardens at the verge of the village. (Simple) (b) One day a little girl went to a garden for plucking flowers at the verge of the village. (Complex) (c) Hearing the sound of the petal of a flower she was surprised. (Compound) (d) Don't touch me (Passive). She heard the words 'Don't touch me frequently. (e) When she looked forward, she saw another little girl pouring water to the flower. (Simple) 8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 Let's go to visit our flower and vegetable garden. Our garden is really beautiful, (a)——? You are right. It's a good source of your vegetables and recreation. We had to work hard for it. But now we are getting benefit from it, (b) ——? Yes, you are. And you do not need much labour for its care now, (c) ——? No, much labour is not necessary now. Look at those flowers. A number of flowers have made the garden colourful, (d) ——? Let's sit near those beautiful roses, (e) ——? 9. Complete the following passage with suitable words. 1×5=5 Millions of people in our country fall a (a) —— to floods every year. Floods (b) —— a lot of (c) —— to our people. Roads and houses go (d) —— flood water. Many people become (e) ——. Our (f) —— crops are damaged. Men and animals are (g) —— away. In the (h) —— of floods the diseases (i) —— diarrhoea, cholera and typhoid (j) —— out and many people die. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. You are anxious about the high rising prices of essential commodities. Now write a report on it. 10 Or, Write a paragraph about gender discrimination by answering the questions below. 10 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

What is gender discrimination? When does it begin? How long does it continue? What are the causes and effects of gender discrimination in Bangladesh? What should we do to solve this problem? 11. Write a short composition that tells about your first day at college. 15 12. Imagine you are Afzal Khan, a student of Faruque Iqbal College, Malibagh, Dhaka. Flood has caused a great damage to your locality. Now, write an application to the principal of your college to open a relief camp at your college (organised by the students) so that you can send relief goods to the flood affected people in your locality. 10 13. Imagine, people are talking about the programmes of the Tree Plantation Fortnight which is near at hand. A great concern about deforestation is clear in their talks. You want to know from your friend, Rifat about the bad effects of deforestation and have a talk with him. Now, put your talk in the form of a dialogue between you and Rifat. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. 10 Although Bangladesh is a populous country, we cannot definitely say that it is over populated. All its resources have not yet been utilized fully. It has plenty of unused, unexplored natural resources which can help build many new industries. Its agriculture too is potentially rich. Hence this enormous population has the possibility of being used productively. But of all the resources of Bangladesh human resource is the most important. This huge population can become a powerful source of human energy to build its economy. To utilize this plentiful natural resource, a number of practical measures for technical training, vocational guidance and promotion of employment have recently been taken by the Government. It has set up employment exchange centres in different places of the country to help unemployed people find suitable jobs. As women constitute almost 50 per cent of our population, they should also be included in our development programmes. For the development of the country full participation of the women in the economic activities is essential. There are areas where our women have already proved their efficiency. They are working not only in the agricultural fields but also in the mills and factories and in administration too more in the economic activities which suit their ability and aptitude. A large number of women, both literate and illiterate are in desperate need for employment now. With a view to helping them, employment exchange centers have recently been started and efforts are being made to find suitable employment for them. 14. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 One-day two Jackals were talking each Other about grapes. One of them was praising the taste of grapes, which He had eaten in a nearby vineyard. Hearing about the delicious taste the other jackal became much tempted to have the taste of these grapes. He wanted to know the location of the vineyard. The first jackal.........................................................

Model Question -03 Part A : Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 lament go blow sit carry fall make Once a man went boating in a wide river. The weather was fine but the wind was (a) — very hard. The man was (b) —— silently and looking at the sights and scenery. Suddenly his turban (c) —— off his head and fell in the river. "I've lost all my fortune," he (d) —— . But he felt happy that it had (e) —— to his neighbour. 2. Here is a part of a story/continuous passage. Put in suitable prepositions in the blanks. 1×5=5 In my childhood I had a close relation (a) —— the river Dhaleswari. It was then a river (b) — — great importance. The village of my maternal grandfather was (c) —— the bank of this Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


river. When I had been there, I always bathed (d) —— this river. Alas! I do not go there for long. Because all my maternal uncles have left the village home and moved (e) — town. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where no article is needed. 1× 5 = 5 Bangladesh is (a) ______ world's most densely populated country. Our development efforts are frustrated because of (b) ______ great size of our population. (c) ______ population explosion is (d) ______ constant threat to our environment and (e) ______society. Her population is growing at such (f)______ high rate that (g) ______environment may soon fail to supply (h) ______ people with their minimum necessities. It is indeed (i) ______ alarming situation. Something should be done to change (j) ______situation. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1× 5 = 5 otherwise but so although however which Accordingly Every citizen has some duties and responsibilities for his nation. (a) ______ most of the people are careless in this respect. People of this country have achieved national identity at the cost of a great sacrifice (b) ______ is still evaluated nationally (c) ______some selfish people never want to give them recognition. (d) ______ we all should do some benevolent activities (e) ______ we will be guilty to the nation. 5. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Have you ever heard the name of Dinesh Chandra Sen?" Rahim said to Karim. "Yes, he is famous for Moimonshingho Gitika, a collection of poems by rural poets," Karim said. 6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets. 1×5=5 (a) All on a sudden Eva lost her balance and fell into the river. (Complex) (b) Tom was standing near. (Negative). In a moment he jumped into the river (c) He grasped Eva, held her by his arms and swam towards the boat. (Simple) (d) Everyone rushed to help Eva. (Negative) (e) They pulled her up into the boat. (Passive) Tom went back to his place unnoticed. 7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Everybody can't be clever, ——? (b) We each have our problems,——? (c) Please do the sums, ——? (d) Don't make a noise,——? (e) They won't tell the false, ——? 8. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Though it was expected, ——. (b) Everybody liked him because,——. (c) The weather was so rough that —––. (d) The clock strikes when——. (e) Don't jump into water if——. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. Write a paragraph on how to learn English. Your paragraph should include the answers of the following questions. 10 (a) What is the importance of English? (b) What are the procedures of learning English? (c) How to develop listening English? (d) How to develop writing and speaking English? (e) How to develop communicating English? 10. You are a student and you have selected your future career to reach your goal. Write a short composition about the career you have selected. 15 11. Imagine that you have no tubewell in your locality. So, the people of the locality have to drink impure water which causes diseases. Write an application to the chairman of your Union Parishad requesting him to sanction a tubewell in your locality. 10 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

12. Illiteracy is one of the serious problems of Bangladesh. Now write a dialogue between yourself and your friend on how to eradicate the illiteracy problem from Bangladesh. 10 13. Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. 15 Long, long ago, there lived a very kind and generous man, called Hatem Tai in Yamen. He gave away his riches to the poor and distressed. The people loved Hatem Tai and praised him more than the king of the country. So, the king became jealous.................

Model Question -04 1.




5. 6.

Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary. 1× 5 = 5 arrive give start be decorate The last prize giving ceremony of our school (a) —— held on last April. It was held in school compound. We (b) —— the school building very tastefully. The chief guests (c) —— just a few minutes before the starting of the programme. He was (d) —— a warm reception. The function (e) ——just at 10 a.m. Put in suitable preposition in the blanks. 0.5×10 = 5 Rahim was falsely accused (a) —— theft. So charges were brought (b) —— him. Actually he had abhorrence (c) —— theft. He could not understand how he was shown involved (d) —— the theft. He never thought (e) —— theft as he was accustomed (f) —— hard work. He knew that industry is the key (g) —— success. However, he appeared (h) —— the court. He did not tremble (i) —— fear because he had firm faith (j) —— his honesty. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed. 0.5×10=5 English is (a) —— international language. It is spoken all over (b) —— world. So the importance of (c) —— English cannot be described in words. All (d) —— books on higher education are written in English. Today organizations need employees who speak and write (e) —— standard form of English. It helps (f) —— educated man to get a good (g) ——job. It is (h) —— official or semi-official language all over the world. Ours is (i) —— age of globalization. We need to learn English to join the advanced world. So English has become (j) —— essential matter for us. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 but eventually then soon though just before as One day (a) —— daylight I was surprised to see the light of a fire on the shore about two miles away. I stopped in alarm, (b) —— dashed back to my castle, pulling the ladder over after me. For two hours I did not move, (c) —— I was too excited to stay longer. I climbed over the wall, and with my telescope crept along close to the ground. I (d) —— discovered there were no fewer than nine savages sitting round a small fire they had made and cruelly feasting on their prisoners. Their canoes were lying on the shore. The cannibals finished their dreadful meal and (e) —— went off on their boats. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 1×5=5 “Is that your donkey?” the man asked. "You will kill him if you make him carry a heavy man and a boy. Why don't you carry the poor donkey?” Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets. 1×5=5 (a) Snow White was the fairest of all women. (Positive) This made the queen ferocious. (b) She ordered her huntsman to kill Snow White. (Passive) (c) The huntsman took the child into the forest but he did not want to kill her. (Complex) (d) He killed a young boar instead and took its lungs and liver to the queen. (Simple) (e) The queen was convinced at it. (Active) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) They had to do it, ——? (b) Sinners suffer in the long run,——? (c) You will meet me tomorrow, ——? (d) A story is told by him, ——? (e) They are not doing anything, ——? 8. Complete the sentence parts. 1×5=5 (a) The boy is so small ——. (b) The mountain is so high that——. (c) —— where trains stop. (d) —— so that he may shine in life. (e) I have not so much time ——. 9. Complete the passage with suitable words from the list. You can use one word more than once. 0.5 × 10=5 lift towards ask farmer heavy horse kilometers carry wheat Once upon a time there was (a) —— in a certain village. He had a (b) ——. One day he was taking some sacks of (c) —— to a mill on the back of his horse. The mill was a few (d) —–– away. The loads were too heavy for the horse to (e) –––– on his back. The horse stumbled. One of the sacks (f) –––– to the ground. It was so (g) –––– that the farmer could not (h) –––– it. Then a noble man was coming (i) —— him. He dared not (j) —— him to help him. Or, Complete the following passage with suitable words. 1×5=5 To (a) –––– a lie is a great sin. Everybody hates a (b) —––. So we should not tell (c) —–. Once there was a cowboy. He used to make fun by (d) —— lies (e) —— 'tiger' 'tiger'. One day a tiger came really. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Write a paragraph about your childhood. Your paragraph should include the answers to the following questions. 10 (a) Whom do you live with? (b) What is your position in the family? (c) How were grandfather, grandmother, father and mother? (d) What class is your younger brother in? (e) What class are you in? (f) What memories of childhood can you recollect? 11. Write a composition about newspaper. 15 12. Suppose, there is no literary club in your school for want of which the students can not develop their literary faculty properly. 10 Now, write an application to the Principal of your college for a literary club. 13. You are Fahim. You are in an interview board. Write a dialogue between you and the appointing authority (Mr Kamal). 10 14. Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story. 15 The man was badly in need of a job. He was visiting different offices and factories in search of a job. One day he met a manager of Squire Company ...................................

Model Question -05 Part A: Grammar: 40 Marks 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1×5=5 On Sunday last, all the boarders of our hostel (a) —— to bathe in the nearby river Pasur. A new boarder was with us. We all (b) —— into the river like merry ducks. Suddenly there (c) —— a sharp piercing cry. I (d) —— up and saw that the newcomer (e) —— away by a strong current. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170




5. 6. 7.



Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Dear David, Thank you (a) —— your sweet note. I think you have just written to me (b) ——a long time. Anyway, I am very much grateful (c) —— believe that friendship is based (d) —— strong foundation of relationship. It will never cut (e) —— in the days to come. Yours truly, John Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed. 0.5×10=5 Mark Twain was born in Missouri, (a) —— small town of Florida in 1835. He left school when he was 12 after (b) —— death of his father. He put his hand to (c) —— variety of occupations such as painter, journalist, travel writer and publisher. After piloting river steamers along the Mississippi for four years, he began writing (d) —— humorous short story for newspapers. He made fortunes from his writing, but towards (e) —— end of his life, he had to undertake lecture tours to pay off debts. He died in Connecticut in 1910 and left behind him (f) —— unique legacy (g) —— accurate and nostalgic picture of American life and (h) —— spirit in a simpler bygone age. He was (i) —— excellent story-teller and perhaps (j) —— most widely read of all American authors. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate linking words. 1×5=5 Four days after setting out, (a) —— the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge ice-berg was suddenly spotted by a look out. (b) —— the alarm had been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid a collision, (c) ——, there was a slight trembling sound from below, and the captain went down to see what had happened. The noise had been so faint (d) —— no one thought that the ship had been damaged. Below, the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly, for five of her sixteen water-tight compartments had (e) —— been flooded. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 a man of spirit, a fair weather friend, by leaps and bound, flesh and blood, instead of, ins and outs. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Have you got the news?" said Rafiq. "No, what happened?" said Salam. "Our friend Munir has become a father. The baby was born this morning. It's a boy," said Rafiq. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. Cricket in-Bangladesh will be developed one day. (a) There are a lot of possibilities of the development of cricket in Bangladesh. (Complex) (b) It is necessary to improve the school cricket. (Passive) (c) All players should have a deep patriotic zeal for their country. (Complex) (d) If a player has no patriotic feeling, he will not devote himself to the game. (Simple) (e) All players must sacrifice themselves for the betterment of the cricket in this country. (Negative) People of this country are waiting to hear the good news from them. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. It is our moral obligation to think of the maintenance of neighbourhood, (a)——? Undoubtedly. It's a must for our daily life. But some of our inconsiderate neighbours do not think it wrong to enjoy music in loud sound, (b) ——? And our neighbour's youngest son has started smoking, (c) ——? I know it very well. His smoking habit may affect our younger. Besides our next-door neighbours leave their daily waste out of the front door, (d)——? Cleanliness improves our health and elevates our mind. So, we cannot remain silent in the maintenance of neighbourhood, (e) ——? Complete the following sentences. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


(a) Sofia is so old that ——— (b) As a nurse, her job is that ——— (c) She cannot visit her parents often as ——— (d) Though she works in a rural hospital, ——— (e) When she has a day off, ——— Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Suppose, you are Bikash, a student of Rangpur Govt. College. Write a report on the Independence Day that you have observed at your college premises to be published in the college magazine. 10 Or, Write a paragraph about newspaper by answering the questions below. What is a newspaper? When was the newspaper published first? What is the necessity of a newspaper? What are the demerits of a newspaper? How are the people benefitted from a newspaper? 11. Write a short composition that expresses your opinion about the importance of satellite TV. 15 12. Imagine, you are M.S. Alam, living at Sadarghat, Dhaka. There is no children's park at your locality. You feel the necessity of a children's park. Now, write an application to the Mayor of Dhaka City Corporation drawing his attention to the need of a children's park in your locality. 10 Or, Read the advertisement and prepare an application along with a detailed CV. Wanted Post : Graphic Designer Last date : March 16, 2012 Ishita Computers 82 Elephant Road,Dhaka-1205 13. Imagine, you are Rafique and you have a friend whose name is Arman. Your college is going to recruit a few good teachers. This has set you thinking about the importance and qualities of a good teacher. You have discussed the matter with Arman. Now, put your discussion in the form of a dialogue between you and Arman. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. Interpol is the name of the international criminal police organization. The word 'Interpol' comes from two words 'international and 'police' and stands for the International Criminal Police Commission. Interpol is strictly a non-political, non-religious, non-racial organization in which the police forces of more than one hundred different nations cooperate with one another. Its headquarter is situated in Paris. The job of the Interpol is to trace the criminals. According to international law, the police of one country cannot enter the territory of another country to catch the criminals. Interpol helps in such situations to trace out the criminals. Every country has its representatives in Interpol. After the First World War, crimes increased considerably in Europe, especially in Austria. After committing crimes, the criminals used to go to some neighbouring countries and hide themselves there. In order to arrest such criminals, John Scober, the then police chief of Vienna, called a meeting of the police officials of different countries in 1923. It was in this meeting that twenty countries jointly established Interpol. Its first head office was made in Vienna and John became its president. In 1938, Germany invaded Austria and with this came the end of Interpol. During the Second World War, Interpol remained inactive. After this war, Flaurent Lovagy, Inspector General of Belgium Police, revived it. Due to the absence of necessary facilities in Belgium the head office of Interpol could not be established there. Paris became its new head office. By 1955, fifty five countries became members of Interpol. In 1956, Interpol was given a new constitution. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

14. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 Long, long ago, there lived a very kind and generous man, called Hatem Tai in Yamen. He gave away his riches to the poor and distressed. The people loved Hatem Tai and praised him more than the king of the country. So, the king became jealous..........

Model Question -06 1.




Part A: Grammar: 40 Marks Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 reach go serve be have pay see Last year I visited Chittagong with my elder brother who (a) —— there at that time. I (b) —— to see the mazar of Bayzid Bostami. There (c) —— many big turtles. After (d) —— my visit there, I went to Patenga. It began to rain after we (e) —— there. Or, Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1x5=5 Dhaka is a very ancient and historical city. It (a) —— into limelight when Islam Khan (b) —— Dhaka the seat of provincial government in 1612. Present old Dhaka (c) —— once the heart of Dhaka city that (d) —— by many foreigners. So this city (e) —— historical importance. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. Dear Mou, You have wanted to pay a visit (a) —— my house which lies (b) —— a village called Shantipur. As you are fed up (c) —— the din and bustle of city life you need to relax. My village is awash (d) —— a lot of attractions that can soothe one's mind (e) —— the azure sky, everything looks splendid and unique. Yours sincerely, Ruhi Or, Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition from the list. 1× 10 = 5 out upon on through down with on One morning (a) —— my way to school I suddenly came (b) —— the wicked boy and his squad. His eyes seemed to bear (c) —— me. He, at once, came (d) —— with its brass knuckles and struck my head. I fell (e) —— and lost consciousness. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 It was (a) —— open field in Delhi. In it there was no room left for any more people. Some boys, some young and the old (b) —— all assembled there to watch (c) —— elephant fighting. (d) —— Prince was watching the fighting sitting at (e) —— side of the field. (f)—— fight was going on. Suddenly an elephant rushed towards (g) —— innocent child. The people began to run away out of (h) —— fear. The Prince found difficult to get through (i) —— rush of so many people. He brought out his sword and saved the child by fighting with (j) —— elephant. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 before once as when which so yet Queen Victoria, (a) —— a little girl, was taught economical habits by her excellent governess. The princess had a set allowance for pocket money and was not permitted to exceed it. (b) —— at the market at the Turn bridge Wells, she had exhausted all her supply of money in buying a number of presents for relatives and friends, (c) —— she was leaving she remembered another cousin to whom, she thought, she would like to make a present. She saw a box marked half a crown (d) —— she considered, would be just the very thing for him. But alas! The money had all gone. The people in the shop said they would just enclose the box with the other articles but her governess said, "No, you see the princess has not the money and (e) ——, of course, she cannot buy the box." Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 a Utopian scheme, a cock and bull story, an iron will, jack of all trades, in the heart of, hard and fast. 6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 1×5=5 "Look, I've brought for you some needles," said Luna. "And here's some material for you, Annie." "I don't want it," said Annie. "Don't you need?" shouted Luna," You'll, have to begin making things for the baby." 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1× 5 = 5 Once upon a time, Abdul Quadir was going to Baghdad. (a) He had to go to Baghdad to receive education. (Complex) He was going to Baghdad accompanied by a few merchants, (b) They were attacked by a band of robbers. (Active) (c) He did not tell a lie when he fell in danger. (Simple) (d) He confessed that he had twenty gold coins. (Compound) (e) It is one of the best stories of Abdul Quadir's boyhood. (Positive) 8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : Don't make a noise in the class, (a) ——? : Why not? The teacher is absent. He will not come at this hour, (b) ——? : But excess of making noise is very bad. : The other day Arif broke his leg while scuffling. : Don't take the matter seriously. We cannot but enjoy the time, (c) ——? : No, we cannot. But we can use the time more effectively by discussing our class. lessons. Our exams are close at hand, (d) ——? : You are always worried about exams. It is an excess. Let's enjoy the moment carelessly, (e) ——? 9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Our aim is to ———. (b) Our country cannot develop unless ———. (c) Our girls should have the ability ———. (d) Many of our girls are working outside despite ———. (e) Our girls are playing important roles not only in the offices but also ———. 10. Complete the following passage with suitable words. 1×5=5 In my opinion, a (a) —— happy man is he or she who (b) —— to society. Let us think out. She (c) —— Mother Teresa. She was not a wealthy (d) —— a (e) —— herself to the (f) —— of under-privileged people (g) —— her life. Her contribution to society was (h) —— and it will continue to (i) —— people all over the world in the days to (j) —— Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 11. Suppose, you are Mitul. You joined a birthday ceremony of your friend. Now write a report on this ceremony. 10 Or, Write a paragraph about rural life by answering the questions below. 10 What is rural life? What are the main features of rural life? How is it different from urban life? Do you like rural life? What measures may be taken to improve the standard of rural life? 12. Write a short composition that tells about the days of your childhood. 15 Or, Write a short composition that expresses your opinion about the importance of female education in Bangladesh. 15 13. Write an application to the Principal of your college asking for permission to open a cultural club in your college premises. 10 14. Imagine, you are Hamid and Liton is your friend. You both have gone to witness a football match. Now, write a dialogue between you and Liton about the football match. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. 10 The natural gas is one of the most important energy resources. Since the discovery of natural gas in early sixties, it is being increasingly supplied for both domestic and Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

industrial consumption. There are now three gas companies operating in the country. They are the Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Co. the Jalalabad Gas Co. and the Bakhrabad Gas Co. Through networks of pipelines they are distributing gas to the different towns and industrial areas in the eastern region of the country. As for petroleum, as an energy resource, we have yet to discover it in our country. Now we depend entirely on imported petroleum. The Eastern Refinery at Chittagong produces petrol, diesel oil, furnace oil, mobil, kerosene etc. from imported crude oil or petroleum. The petroleum products play a very vital role in running our industries and transport system. Another source of our energy is water. In mid-fifties a dam was built across the Karnaphuli river for the production of hydro-electricity. We are now getting 130 megawatts of electric power from there. The power generation and consumption in our country is rather meager compared to the advanced countries of the world. The per capita power consumption is an indicator of the advancement of a country. 15. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 The crows are ugly to look at. So they are unhappy. They want to be beautiful. But how! Once a crow got a chance to be beautiful. One day the crow found some beautiful feathers of a peacock in a jungle. He became very glad..................

Model Question -07 1.




Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 sacrifice work follow like know have give Love for one's country (a) –––– as patriotism. Every man (b) –––– great love for his country. Many of our freedom fighters (c) —— their lives in 1971 for the sake of our country due to this noble virtue. At present still there are some people who (d) —— relentlessly for the sake of our country because they love our country. We (e) —— their foot print. Put in suitable prepositions in the blanks. 1×5=5 The moon is a very familiar figure (a) —— all of us. She awakens a feeling (b) —— love and tenderness in our heart. Even the infant stretches (c) —— its hands to grasp this beautiful object. Nor is her appeal confined (d) —— only children. Ever since the stirring of the poetic faculty in man, she has furnished a theme (e) —— poets and artists. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed. 0.5x10=5 Once a rabbit and a tortoise took part in (a) —— race. The rabbit could run fast but (b) — — tortoise was slow. They started running. The rabbit passed (c) —— long way in a short time but (d) —— other remained behind. After (e) —— while the rabbit saw that the tortoise was far behind him and he could take rest for a while. So it slept under (f) — tree. After sleeping for some time (g) —— first one found the second one still far behind. So, it again slept. When it woke up it was (h) —— afternoon. It became very worried and began to run fast again. But when it reached his destination, it became surprised that (i) —— other had reached there (j) —— long before. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 unless if according to what where which and until The foods that we eat can be divided into six kinds (a) ______ what substances they contain and (b) ______benefits they do to us. Fish, meat, peas, and milk provide us with protein (c) _____ builds our body and helps us grow. (d) ______we do not take all these, we cannot grow well. Vitamins and mineral salts protect us from diseases (e) ______ keep us fit for work. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


5. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 1×5=5 The Youngman said, "I can't stay any longer. The king had sent me to do a very important work." "Friend, tell me what your important work is. I can also help you," The man requested. 6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets. 1×5=5 (a) Once upon a time there was a girl named Jesmin. (Complex) (b) Though she was a nice little girl, she wasn't an ordinary child. (Compound) (c) She passed her time in reading and writing. (Interrogative) (d) Her parents liked her very much. (Negative) (e) But they did not understand why she was so different from the other children of the locality. (Simple) 7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) We should not pollute our environment, ——? (b) He is studying,——? (c) There is no king in China,——? (d) We have not finished the work, ——? (e) Let's have a walk, ——? 8. Complete the passage with suitable words from the list. You can use one word more than once. 0.5×10=5 environment be healthy live save stand with alarming became without on dependent Plants are important elements of our environments and nature. Almost all living beings are (a) — on the plants either directly or indirectly. We can live (b) —— earth as plants exist. If there (c) —— no plants, the earth will (d) —— lifeless. Most of the living beings on earth (e) —— on plant oriented food like fruits, vegetables, leaves etc. We cannot live a single moment on earth (f) —— any tree. But nowadays plants are being destroyed at an (g) —— rate. So to save nature, to (h) —— ourselves from being destroyed we should (i) —— against deforestation to ensure a (j) —— environment for our successors. Part B : Composition (60 Marks) 9. Obviously you have looked at your college library. What are the information about your library especially on the following. 10 (a) How is your college library? (b) How is it furnished? (c) What kinds of book are kept there? (d) What other facilities does it provide to the students? (e) What do the students do in the library? (f) Why is it important for the students? Now, answer the question to write a short description about the library. The title would be "My College Library". 10. Write a composition on 'The Advancement of Computer in Bangladesh'. 15 Or, Write a composition on "What you would do if you were the Home Minister of Bangladesh." 11. Suppose, you are a student of class XI in Rangpur Cadet College. You are aware of the necessity of English language skills. Now, write an application to your principal to set up a language club to develop your speaking as well as other skills of English language. 10 12. Suppose, Sharif of class XI wants to entertain his all class friends and they have decided to have a lunch. The waiter comes to them. Sharif gives order for fried rice, chicken curry, vegetables and tea. Now, write a dialogue between them. 10 13. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it. 15 There was a boy of class X. His name was Hasan. He was very intelligent. He was very disciplined and used to play with his playmates after completing his lesson. Once he decided to set out to a new adventure and made a plan ............ Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Model Question -08 1.








Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 make be start decide work appoint have Kamal determined to do well in the examination, began (a) —— hard. But his health, which (b) —— rather delicate, was causing a lot of trouble. So he (c) —— to consult with a doctor. The doctor (d) —— a busy man. So he (e) —— an appointment to see him one afternoon. Put the suitable prepositions in the blanks. 1×5=5 The Eiffel Tower was named (a) —— Gustave Eiffel, a Frenchman. He was born (b) — — a prosperous family in 1832. He graduated (c) —— the Central School of Engineering (d) —— Paris and went to work (e) —— a railway construction. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × l0 = 5 The postman is (a) —— person who delivers letters, money orders, parcels and other postal articles to (b) —— proper addresses. (c) —— person who distributes (d) —— postal articles, is not (e) —— unfamiliar one. The postman who serves in (f) —— cities, puts on (g) —— khaki dress. He has (h) —— definite area where he has to work. But (i) —— postman working in (j) —— village has no particular dress. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 by however while even which after where The other day (a) —— I was passing along Manik Miah Avenue, I suddenly heard a loud crack. I turned my eyes to the direction (b) —— the sound came from. I went there hastily. I can't express what I saw with my own eyes. A boy of my age fell under the wheels of a big dragon (bus) (c) —— was running fast. I saw the boy groaning under pain and struggling with death. Within a few minutes the boy succumbed to his injuries and everything came to an end. (d) —— making proper queries I found that he was our common friend Sahil. I couldn't check my tears. His parents were informed of the accident (e) —— the police and the dead body was taken to the hospital for autopsy. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Have you seen your mother, Jerry?" "I see here very summer. She sends for me." I wanted to cry out. "Why are you not with her? How can she let you go away again?" He said, "She comes up here from Manville whenever she can. She does not have a job now." Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets. 1×5=5 Rana comes of a poor Muslim family. (a) He is the most brilliant student in our class. (Positive) (b) He always works hard to improve his result. (Complex). (c) His father is a simple clerk in a government office. (Complex) (d) His father earns a meagre amount. (Passive) He is not economically well off. (e) But his honesty is known to all. (Complex) Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) We can play cricket, —— ? (b) You should do the work, —— ? (c) I am hungry, —— ? (d) He will go home tomorrow, —— ? (e) Let us sing a song, —— ? Complete the sentences. 1×5=5 (a) What he said yesterday —— . (b) Mr Kamal is an English Professor —— . Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


(c) This is the book ––––. (d) Since the winter is very cold ——. (e) If I were you ——. Part B : Composition (60 Marks) 9. Suppose, you are an HSC candidate. While preparing your lesson, you are facing problem because of regular electricity interruption. Off and on load-shedding takes place. Now, you write a paragraph on 'Load-shedding' in about 100-120 words answering the following questions. 10 What does load-shedding mean? When does it occur? What problem does it create? What happens to other people? What measures should we take to stop it? 10. Suppose, you are a good athlete. You have taken part in two events of your annual athletic meet and come out victorious. The Deputy Commissioner has given away prizes among the winners. Now, write a short composition about 'The annual prizegiving ceremony of your college' in-about 200 words. 15 Or, Write a short composition on 'The duties of a student' in about 200 words. 11. Think, you are Shuvo, a student of Barisal Govt. College, Barisal. You are going to sit for the public examination very soon. You need to prepare notes on some subjects. The number of books available in the college library is not enough for preparing notes. Now, write an application to the Principal of your college praying for enhancing library facilities. 10 12. There is a boy whose name is Monir. He wants to be an Engineer. Mr. Jamil, his father, wants to make his son a good doctor. Now, write a dialogue between Monir and Mr. Jamil regarding Monir's future plan. 10 Or, Write down the summary of the following passage. Give a suitable title. Air is an important element in our environment. Clean air is essential for life. But air can be polluted in many ways. One thing that pollutes air is smoke. By inhaling polluted air we become sick. Man makes fire to cook his food. We use fire to make bricks and to burn refuse. In order to melt pitch for road construction we make fires. By burning wood and melting pitch people create more smoke. Railway engines and power houses use coal and oil. Coal and oil create smoke when they burn. Mills and factories use not only coal and oil, but also many chemicals. Buses, trucks and cars use petrol and diesel. Their engines burn these things to make energy. All kinds of smoke pollute the air. But the most serious air pollution occurs most often in big industrial areas where there are many mills and factories. Serious air pollution also occurs in big cities where there are many buses, trucks and cars plying on the street everyday. By preventing air pollution we can be healthier and happier. 13. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it. 15 The name of the village is Dhankuty. There lives a man named Abdur Rashid. He has a few acres of land property. He has two sons namely, Sajal and Kazal and a daughter, Beauty. He is very ambitious and decides to give proper education to his children. So he has sent them to Dhaka .............

Model Question -9 Part A: Grammar: 40 Marks 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 need learn go do modify revise design Communicative competence in English is urgently (a) ----- in our country. The present world (b) ----- fast and developing by leaps and bounds. In order to keep pace with the Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

present world, we cannot help (c) ----- English, but the present system of teaching and learning English is not up to the mark. The textbooks (d) ----- for the classes XI-XII have to (e) ----- and made updated. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Soilee, I am really very sorry (a) —— having failed to join the birthday party (b) —— you. Since I was preoccupied (c) —— my parents' illness, I was unable to attend the programme. I tender my apology (d) —— having failed to keep my appointment with you. I am ashamed (e) —— my conduct. Yours truly Sharmee 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 The camel is not (a) —— animal of our country. It is (b) —— animal of (c) —— desert. Desert is an area without any trees or water except (d) —— date trees. Though (e) —— camel looks ugly indeed, there is no other animal so useful as it. There is (f) —— hump on (g) —— back of the camel. The camel can live if it does not get any food for fifteen days, (h) —— date trees grow in the abundance in the desert. The camel lives on date leaves. There is (i) —— bladder in the throat of the camel. It preserves water in it and can run fast on the sand with heavy loads. So it is called (j) —— ship of desert. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 so that if as if that as although in order to Most of our students cannot write their examination paper fairly well, (a)  they cannot understand the questions properly, they often beat about the bush and cram their answer with irrelevant and unnecessary details, (b)  their teachers suggest (c)  their answers should be brief and precise, they often lengthen these unnecessarily, (d)  get expected marks, you all should understand the questions well and answer them to the point. Don't worry (e)  your answers are fairly short. 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 at the eleventh hour, through and through, ups and downs, as soon as, get rid of, to and fro. 6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Who's she?" asked Mita. "She is my cousin. She just came from the village yesterday," said Nasrin. "How old is she?" asked Mita. "Same age as I am," said Nasrin. 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5 (a) Dryad, a nymph presided over woods. (Complex) (b) She lived in every tree (Interrogative). She was a beautiful woman, according to Greek mythology. (c) She advised Ruku that he should not cut the wood. (Simple) (d) She assured Ruku for giving a bundle of wood everyday. (Compound) As the people of Ozama Island cut trees indiscriminately, they suffered a lot for want of food and water. (e) Ozama Island was one of the most beautiful islands. (Positive) 8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : Environment pollution is the most serious problem of the present world. We all know the enormity of the problem, (a) ——? :You are right. Water, air and sound pollution, cutting down and burning forests, excessive industries, factories and vehicles have polluted to a great extent, (b)——? : Obviously. The forests, wetlands, seas and coasts are also in a worse state today than they were before, (c) ——? : Yes, it is. Carbon dioxide is increasing and water level is rising as a consequence of global warming, (d) —— ? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


: Undoubtedly. There should be a movement towards taxing environmental pollution on the 'Pollution Pays' principle, (e) ——? 9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) I joined this school when ——— (b) I am very happy about my school as ——— (c) Our school has helped me grow up socially as well as ——— (d) Our teachers not only teach us on a personal level but also ——— (e) Our teachers work extremely hard so that ——— 10. Complete the following passage with suitable words. 1×5=5 (a) ——with some of my friends had decided to (b) —— Pahela Baishakh at Ramna Batamul. So we (c) —— for the place before sunrise to (d) —— the cultural programme (e) —— by 'Chhayanat', a (f) —- cultural organization of the country. When I reached the (g) ——I saw people pouring in processions from all (h) ——. The programme began on (i) —— and the renowned artists of the country took (j)——. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 11. You are a reporter of a television channel. At present you are finding many significant changes in the role of women in society. Now write a report on your findings. 10 Or, Write a paragraph about load-shedding by answering the questions below. 10 What is load-shedding? What are the causes of load-shedding? What are its effects? Who are the worst sufferers? How can we minimize load-shedding? 12. Write a short composition that expresses your opinion about the impact of globalisation. 15 13. Read the advertisement and prepare an application along with a detailed CV. 10 Young and smart representative required by a multinational company. Only graduates should apply. Write to: General Manager Nova International, 25, Gulshan-1, Dhaka. 14. Imagine, 'Tree plantation fortnight' is in the run. Preparation is going on in all institutions to plant more and more trees. Your teacher advises you to plant as many trees as you can and to encourage your friends and others to do the same. Now, write a dialogue between you and your teacher on 'Tree Plantation'. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. 10 An intellectual is one who is an enlightened person. He has to give light to others who are in need of it. In every society we find intellectuals, such as, philosophers, scientists, scholars, writers and critics; and they as enlightened men, have a great responsibility toward society. In a society, all cannot be intellectuals. If a time comes when all are intellectuals, it would be blessed time indeed; but at present, at any rate, all are not intellectuals and those who are intellectuals have the great responsibility of guiding others on to the right path. If today we have our civilization and culture, if we have order and security in life and if our life is better than that of our primitive ancestors, it is because the intellectuals who from time to time have been guiding humanity on the path of felicity and amity. An intellectual should come out of his ivory tower and try to elevate others to his level. This is the theme of Tennyson's famous poem "The Palace of Art". An intellectual has the duty of seeing the truth and teaching it to others. An intellectual contemplates on the eternal laws of the universe to explore the truth. The perception of the truth is almost the same as the perception of beauty and the duty of an intellectual is to see this truth or beauty and to reveal it to others. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

15. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 The crows are ugly to look at. So they are unhappy. They want to be beautiful. But how! Once a crow got a chance to be beautiful. One day the crow found some beautiful feathers of a peacock in a jungle....................... Model Question -10 Part A: Grammar: 40 Marks 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. get have be work reach go take While (a) —— in an NGO, I (b) —— to Sylhet. The executive director said to me, "I (c) —— ready. You are welcome to Chittagong." (d) —— great interest in journey, within a short time I (e) —— myself ready. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Ruhul, I have been in Dhaka (a) —— a couple of days and have already visited a number (b) — — interesting places. 'Aparajeo Bangla' is indeed a glorious tribute (c) —— the supreme sacrifices as well as achievements of our freedom fighters. We always remember the martyrs who laid (d) —— their lives (e) —— the sake of their motherland. No more today. Yours truly, Rubel Or, Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions from the list. for by of through with into along When I entered the dentist's room, I kept my eyes closed all (a) —— the treatment and felt like shrieking (b) —— pain when an injection was pushed (c) —— my gums and the tooth was uprooted (d) —— the dentist. The next moment I experienced a great deal (e) —— relief. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 Here is (a) —— story about (b) —— English King. This King lived in England many years ago. His name was Alfred. Alfred was (c) —— good King because he helped his people. You know England is (d) —— land of the English people. But in those days, there were also people in England from (e) —— other land, Denmark. They wanted to take away England from the English people. So there were fights between these two nations. In (f) —— one fight Alfred fought all the day but in the end he had to run away. All (g) —— day he walked and at night he slept under a big banyan tree. Next day he looked for a house. He found (h) —— little house in the fields and went up to the door. (i) —— old woman opened (j) —— door and gave him shelter and food. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words. 1×5=5 One very conspicuous change in our society is the presence of working women outside the home. (a) ——, it has to be acknowledged that women have always worked within the household (b) —— this commonly is not counted as 'work'. It is unfortunate that women's roles in agricultural societies have not been recognised either. (c) —— it is due to economic necessity or the urge to establish an individual identity or both, (d) —— many women are entering the outside workforce. They are joining a wide range of professions. (e) ——, it is not only educated women who are opting to work but women with little or no education have come out of their cocoons to earn and become self-reliant. 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


again and again, a gala day, in spite of, keep body and soul together, by fits and stars, in black and white. 6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "If you'll tell me what to do I'll do it," Masum said. "There's nothing to do. Just leave me alone", Rafiq said angrily. "You look very unhappy. What happened, my dear friend?" said Masum. "I have lost my wallet. That's why I'm so unhappy," said Rafiq. 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5 (a) Zeema, the wife of Ruku brought a plate of food for Ruku. (Complex) (b) She put it roughly. (Passive) (c) When she left the place, she did not look at him. (Simple) (d) Ruku understood that Zeema misbehaved with him for his poverty. (Compound) Ultimately, Ruku came to know that Zeema loved him very much through the conversation of Dryad, (e) Zeema was one of the best wives of Ozama island. (Positive) 8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 We have been neglecting mushroom, the fungi food for a long time, (a) ——? Yes. A misconception about it is the cause of negligence towards it, (b) ——? But it has great nutritional value and medicinal qualities. It provides prevention against jaundice, stomach disorders, premature hairless and anaemia, (c) ——? : And you don't even require large open space to grow it, (d) ——? : You are right. A mushroom producer can relax and see his crop grow inside a room, (e) ——? 9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) I decided to come to Devonport High School because ——— (b) The school is not only big but also ——— (c) The teachers are both supportive and——— (d) Here we learn not only for examinations but also ——— (e) If there is recognition from everyone around us ——— Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Suppose, you are Sumon/Sumona, a student of class XI. Your first day at college was really thrilling. Now write a report on it. 10 Or, Write a paragraph about computer by answering the questions below. What is a computer? Who invented it? What are its functions? What is its contribution to modern world? Does it have any bad impact? 11. Write a short composition that expresses your opinion about child labour that it is an act against humanity. 15 12. Imagine you are Mahfuzur Rahman, a student of Rajbari Govt College, Rajbari. You intend to stage a drama at our College auditorium. Now, write a letter to your Headmaster praying for permission to stage a drama at the College auditorium. 10 13. Imagine, HSC examination has commenced today with English first paper. At the end of the examination, you've gone to the gate of the examination centre to meet your friends. You've met Reena and Sheela while coming out of the examination hall and talking about their respective performance. Now, write a dialogue between Reena and Sheela while coming out of the hall after the examination. Or, Write a summary of the following passage. Nationalism is one of the popular political theories which is regarded as one of the best means of controlling of power of politics of the modern world. At first, Machiavelly expressed this theory during sixteenth century. It created coruscation throughout the world during nineteenth and twentieth century. Nationalism one day worked as the magic of emancipation of thousands of men. In general, nationalism means mental feelings and fondness of forming national life according to the will of any nation. Nationalism Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

motivates man to political awareness. That’s why, nationalism is "recognised as a public society of political awareness". Regarding nationalism Lord Brice said, "Nationalism means a united nation by language, literature, ideas, politics and heritage which is supposed to be separate from other same formed nations." However, nationalism is a mental idea. It is one kind of mental instinct and tendency through which a nation being united can live together. It has some characteristics or elements which may be geographical, racial, linguistic, religious, economical, political, historical, cultural and mental unity. These elements of nationalism play a very important role in forming a nation. But a particular element is not enough for awaking the sense of nationalism. The prime speech of nationalism is the sense of unity. So, the importance of nationalism in the modern world is unlimited. But perverted nationalism creates excessive pride in one's nation. It gradually produces imperialism. Straying nationalism encourages a nation to be aggressive towards other nations. 14. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 Long ago, there was a Sultan in Bengal. His name was Giasuddin Azam. His capital was Sonargaon near Dhaka. He was a very just and kind ruler. The Sultan's hobby was hunting. Very often he went on hunting......................

Model Question -11 Part A: Grammar: 40 Marks 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 gain be check go suffer report happen The prices of essential commodities already (a) —— up beyond the purchasing capacity of the common people. While visiting different kitchen markets in Dhaka city yesterday, our correspondent (b) —— that the price of coarse rice was Tk. 35 per kg. The prices of vegetables (c) —— manifolds. If this trend of rising prices is not (d) —— the people of low income group will not be able to buy their daily necessaries and so they (e) —— untold sufferings. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Sarna, I'm going to give an account (a) —— my experience in the examination hall. When I sat (b) -— my desk in the examination hall, my pen fell on the floor from my hand and as I bent (c) —— to pick it up, my glasses fell on the floor and broke (d) —— pieces. My eye-sight was so poor that I could neither read nor write (e) —— glasses. That's all today. Yours sincerely, Samira. Or, Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition from the list. 1×5=5 from against after To in without about In my opinion, the best thing would be to keep an open mind (a) —— foreign culture and we should adhere (b) —— our own culture. We should try to develop and enrich our culture (c) —— having any prejudice (d) —— foreign culture. We should not hanker (e) —— foreign culture. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 1 × 5 = 5 (a) —— ant is (b) —— industrious insect. No other insect is as industrious as (c) —— ant. If we observe the life of (d) —— successful man, we will find that he was (e) —— industrious. The industrious are liked by all in (f) —— world. On (g) —— other hand (h) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


—— idle person is disliked by all. So, industry is (i) —— must to prosper in (j) —— life because we know industry is the key to success. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 although and somewhat though not only after yet A postman is a familiar figure both in the towns and in the villages. He usually wears a khaki dress and carries on his shoulder a bag containing stamps, letters, post cards, parcels, money orders etc. (a) —— a postman is a low grade employee of the postal department, he performs a responsible job. (b) —— having finished his job in the post office, he goes out on his beat twice or thrice a week. He comes to the market place on hat days (c) ——delivers letters, parcels, money orders etc. to their respective addresses. A postman is (d) —— a good man but also a friend to us. (e) —— he is hailed by everybody and hated by none, he is not properly valued by people in society. 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 an uphill task, at sixes and sevens, at home, in case of, far and wide, all and sundry. 6. Rewrite the following into the reported speech. 5 "May I help you Ma'm?" said the salesman. ."Yes, will you tell me from where I can get frozen food?" said Mrs. Rahman. "It is in the right corner beside the counter. What are the foods you want to buy?" said the salesman. "I want to buy some frozen beef roles and fish cutlet," said Mrs. Rahman. 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5 (a) Princess Sasa, the only daughter of the king of Ozama island, went to Tazila. (Complex) (b) She left the Ozama island when the people faced drought. (Simple) (c) The king, the father of princess Sasa did not leave the island because of the love of the island. (Compound) (d) Roalu, the prince of Tazila. got a royal palace as a gift. (Passive) (e) Sasa was more beautiful than any other girl in the island. (Positive) 8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. : It is said that education is the backbone of a nation, (a) ——? : If this be so, both boys and girls should be equally educated at the same time to achieve national prosperity, (b) ——? : But in the past there was not much opportunity for girls to receive education, : No, our women had to remain at home. They didn't have anything to do except household work, (d) ——? : But mode of life has changed now. Our women have become conscious of their rights, (e) ——? 9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) The school system in Japan produces very high standards both in mathematics and ——— (b) Since students are interested in learning, ——— (c) In Japanese schools martial arts are taught to ——— (d) As Japan is famous for martial arts, _________ (e) I wish I ——— Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. You are a reporter of a daily newspaper. You are informed of a boat capsized in the Buriganga. Now write a report on it. 15 11. Write a short composition that tells about the necessity of physical exercise. 10 12. Read the advertisement and prepare an application along with a detailed CV. 10 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Career Opportunity Dream 2000 Limited located in EPZ, Savar needs a Textile Engineer. Please apply before or on 7 May 2012. Write to : The Manager Dream 2000 Limited, Savar, Dhaka. 13. Imagine, you are Rosie. You have a friend named Seema. She knows that English is your favourite subject. She also wants to learn English. She has come to you to talk about the difficulties in learning English. Now, write a dialogue between Rosie and Seema about the difficulties in learning English. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. 10 Tolerance is one of the greatest virtues of a civilized age. It is the virtue that helps to, put up with those who are not like us, who have different ways and opinions, different ideas and outlook on life. It enables us to see always the side of things, to suffer fouls with patience, deal with fanatics without losing temper. In" earlier days difference in religion led to persecution;' difference in politics created bad blood; non-conforming in social matters led to ostracism and difference in opinions ended in blows. This is intolerance, the refusal to be just and fair minded. How many thousands of men and women in Europe were burnt to death for religious differences? A whole community might be massacred in the name of God. Even today persecution and purges for political reason have not been banished from society. All this intolerance comes from narrowness and blind self-conceit. It is the result of dogmatism, a belief that there is only one attitude that is right and of ah unwillingness to consider all questions dispassionately with the help of reason. 14. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 One day a crow became very thirsty. He flew from place to place in search of water but found no water. At last he grew so thirsty ---------------------.

Model Question -12 Part A: Grammar: 40 Marks 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 happen get lie put pick see be While I was walking along the road the other day, I (a) —— to notice a small brown leather bag (b) —— on the pavement. I (c) —— it up and opened it (d) —— if I could find out the owner's name. There (e) —— nothing inside it except some small changes and a rather old photograph. Or, Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. A walk by the riverside in the evening is very useful and pleasant. One (a) —— not only beautiful sights but also (b) —— fresh air. It (c) —— the mind when one (d) —— a walk by the riverside. The murmuring sound of the river (e) —— his heart with sweet melody. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Ishtiak, I'm going to tell you something (a) —— my recent visit to Mainamati, Comilla. The remains of a Buddhist monastery have been dug out along (b) —— a central shrine. History tells us that a new royal dynasty called the Chanda Dynasty rose (c) —— the fall of the Pals. They ruled (d) —— the south-eastern Bengal (e) —— the 9th and the 11th century. No more today. Yours sincerely, Imtiaz Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 (a) —— library is usually a room or a building where (b) —— huge collection of books of various subjects are kept ready for the readers. (c) —— students come here to pass their leisure hours by reading books, magazines, journals, etc. There is (d) —— librarian who is in charge of (e) —— library. His duty is to keep the books in (f) —— library in (g) —— perfect order. (h) —— true function of (i) —— college library is to supply the students (j) —— good books that widen their knowledge. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 meanwhile on an average owing to although at least as while Sufferings of the flood affected people in the north and north-eastern parts of the country increased (a) —— shortage of food, drinking water and medicines (b) —— most of the eastern parts of Dhaka went under flood water. (c) —— the relief materials allocated for the destitute flood affected people, are not being distributed properly. Over 10,000 people in Pabna are not getting adequate gas supply, (d) —— a pipeline was damaged due to floods. (e) ——, most of the eastern part of Dhaka, from Badda police station to Nurerchala went under flood water leaving 70,000 people shelterless. 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1x5=5 in full swing, ABC of something, a laughing stock, a fool's paradise, well off, null and void. 6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "I never eat anything for luncheon", said the lady. "Oh, don't say that!" the writer asked generously. "I never eat more than one thing," said the lady. "What are you going to take then?" said the writer. "I'm not in the least hungry, but if you insist I don't mind having some asparagus," said the lady. 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5 The play 'Revenge' is an excellent one-act play. (a) It contains four scenes based on Greek Mythology. (Complex) (b) The people of Ozama island led a happy life and it was the time of thousand years ago. (Simple) (c) The people of Ozama island cut the trees indiscriminately. (Passive) (d) As the people of the island were very cruel, they suffered a lot for want of food and rain. (Compound) (e) At the end, people could not but plant trees. (Affirmative) It is really an imaginative short day. 8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 :Nowadays information and culture are freely flowing from one country to another, (a) ——? :Certainly. Culture has many good and bad aspects. But you won't agree that foreign culture is destroying our own culture, (b) ——? :No, I won't. Most of the foreign T. V. programmes, if not all, are rich in moral and educative information. We can learn a lot from them, (c) ——? :Undoubtedly. Our culture has some drawbacks, (d) ——? :You are right. We should modify our drawbacks towards the good way if we take the good things from them, (e) ——? 9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) I studied at Kuliarchar Pilot High School which — (b) Since there was no electricity in those days, ——— (c) Kerosene lamps were so dim that ——— (d) The students of the present days are lucky because ——— (e) Now we have electricity not only in the urban areas but also ——— Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. You are Sayem, a student of class XI. You have celebrated Pahela Baishakh with your friends. Now write a short report on it. 10 Or, Write a paragraph about your last birthday party by answering the questions below. Do you celebrate your birthday? Whom do you invite to it? When did you celebrate your last birthday? What arrangements did you make for it? How did you enjoy it? 11. Write a short composition that expresses your opinion about the importance of travelling. 15 12. Suppose, you are the students of City College, Faridpur. You are in science group and use the laboratory for your experiment but in the laboratory you have little facilities. Now, apply to your principal for increasing the facilities in the laboratory at your college. 10 Or,Read the advertisement and prepare an application along with a detailed CV. 10 Career Opportunity Sales Executive, Minimum Graduate, Last date of application : 20 September 2008 Sales Link : House-24, Road 119, Gulshan R/A, Dhaka 13. Imagine, you are Kristie. Your friend Nasreen has been suffering from a bitter headache for a few days. You've gone to see her. She tells you that air pollution is the cause of her ailment. Now, write a dialogue between Kristie and Nasreen about air pollution. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. 10 Since the dawn of civilization, science has progressed to the present position step by step. Science has recently made rapid strides. It has conquered every sphere of life with its blessing as well as with its curse. We have made the impossible things possible with science. We have invented and discovered many wonderful wonders with the help of science and technology. Mobile phone is one of the wonderful wonders of science. It has added a new dimension to our life and to communication system. It is a telephone system that works without any wire. It can be moved easily and quickly from place to place. Through mobile phone, we can send messages to distant places, play games and sports, know about time, solve the work of calculation, and be aware of different kinds of news and views. At present the popularity of the mobile phone is increasing. Many companies are also being set up for selling mobile phone. The price of mobile phone is also decreasing in comparison with the past. People are being encouraged to buy a mobilephone set at a cheaper rate. However with the touch of science and technology, the whole world seems to be a global village. In a very single moment, we can communicate with the people living in a very distant place. With all its advantages, the mobile phone has still some drawbacks in disguise. Though the price of it is decreasing, per minute bill is not decreasing. So everybody cannot possess it. Scientists have recently discovered that mobile phone can cause cancer to the users. Besides, it has become a fashion with the young people. Last but not the least; terrorists are using it to spread out terrorism all around the world. But in spite of all these disadvantages, it can be finalised here that the necessity of a mobile phone in exchanging messages, cannot be denied in the true sense of the term in our practical life. 14. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 Once upon a time, there lived a very clever fox. He lived in a jungle. One day, when the fox was walking through the jungle, ----------------------. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


Model Question -13 Part A: Grammar: 40 Marks 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 One day I along with some of my friends were going to the national museum. After (a) — — New Market, we took some snacks. From there we did not (b) —— any vehicle. We were just walking. No sooner had we reached the Elephant Road than we (c) —— an accident. A young boy was (d) —— over by a truck. We felt (e) —— at the horrible sight of the boy being fatally injured. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Priyanka, You have wanted to know (a) —— the etiquette in English society. The British are accustomed (b) —— keeping their emotions private. Their life style and behaviour are different (c) —— Bangladeshis. They cling (d) —— some norms and customs. Courtesy is deeply ingrained (e) —— the British. That's all today. Yours sincerely, Pamela 3.Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5


5. 6.



(a) ----- Morning walk is a good habit for all classes of people. It is (b) ----- simple exercise and good for health and (c) ----- mentality. In the morning, (d) ----- air is fresh and free from any kind of noise and pollution. This pure (e) ----- environment makes an effect on (f) ----- walkers’ health and mind. When (g) ----- man enjoys (h) --- beauties and solemnity of (i) ----- nature in (j) ----- morning. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 can even by wrapping not only by holding but also with to pick up An elephant does many things with its trunk. It can (a) —— smell, feel and pick up things with its trunk (b) —— can uproot trees with its trunk. They can defend themselves by wrapping their trunks around their enemies and dashing them to the ground. But they use their trunk (c) —— peanuts, too. They (d) ——- brush off flies. In the lumberyards of India, elephants learn to pull logs out of rivers and stack them. Elephants had even been taught to sweep. (e) —— a broom in its trunk, an elephant can sweep a floor clean of sawdust. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 bear in mind, break up, call in question, a red letter day, ways and means, off and on. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "How are you?" George asked. "I'm not in a hilarious spirit," Simon answered. "Is it Tom again?" said George. "Yes, it's Tom again", Simon sighed. "Why don't you chuck him? You've done everything in the world for him. You must know by now that he's quite hopeless," said George. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5 (a) I was awakened in the middle of the night. (Complex) (b) It was a dozen years ago when I came to the world. (Simple) (c) While scouting, I met an excellent girl. (Compound). At last she became my dear wife. I was a captain of Adnaxas planet but am now a common man. (d) I was surrounded by a tribe of monsters. (Active) (e) They were as terrible as other creatures. (Comparative) Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

: Do not forget that mother's birthday falls on July, 25, (a) ——? : Yes, today is 22nd. Only three days left. How about buying her a gift? : Good idea. Let's go to a jewellery shop and buy a chain, (b) ——? : I think mother would prefer a simple thing of daily use, (c) ——? The other birthday we gave her nothing, (d) ——? Won't she mind if we buy for her a thing of daily use? : Really. I think she needs a good wrist watch. Then let's go to a watch shop, (e)——? 9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) We have a debating club in our school which ——— (b) The club arranges debating competitions both among classes and ——— (c) Our English teacher not only guides us in writing good speeches but also ——— (d) Taking part in debates is a great experience as long as ——— (e) You cannot expect to win a debating competition unless ——— Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Suppose, you are Rifat. You have travelled many places. Now write a report on travelling as a part of education. 10 Write a paragraph about watching TV answering the questions below. 10 Do you watch TV regularly? How much time do you usually spend watching TV? What types of programmes do you enjoy? Do you get any benefit from watching TV? What is your idea about satellite telecasting? 11. Write a short composition that expresses your opinion about an ideal student. 15 12. Imagine, you are a student of Sadarpur Govt. College, Faridpur. A cyclone hit your area and damaged your college building. Now, write an application to the principal of your college for holding the Test Examination a week later. 10 13. Imagine, you are Kamal. You have gone to visit a book fair. There you've meet your friend, Kabir. Now, write a dialogue between Kamal and Kabir while visiting the book fair. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. 10 Nowadays terrorism has become a major concern for the present civilization. Almost all the countries of the globe are directly or indirectly threatened by it. 11 September has drawn our attention and alertness on the facts that how within a short span of time the renowned World Trade Centre became debris causing death to thousands of innocent people without having any awareness of their involvement in tragic death. It also damaged the property worth billions of dollars. The causes of terrorism are not far to seek. It springs from multifarious causes. Of these the most common are deprivation from genuine rights of an individual or a community or a cultural or a linguistic or a racial or a colour group or a nation by another nation or a weaker by stronger either physically or economically or technically or militarily. A peace loving conscious man finds the globe—almost all countries besieged with terrorism of different kinds. To him it is very difficult to sleep without tension in this turmoiled world. To get rid of this malady the rich and the sensible intellectuals should come forward to rein the galloping exploitations, war-mongers and terrorists in different shapes and forms, to fulfill the genuine rights and requirements of the deprived. But it is not so easy to rein the greed of different interest groups or nations. Yet it is not impossible of the world's peace loving human intellectuals and nations come forward to emancipate the world from the curse of terrorism. 14. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 There was a pond full of frogs. Some of them often put their heads out of the water and croaked loudly.............................. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


Model Question -14 1.








Part A : Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 signify visit be visit write Dear X, I (a) –––– in Dhaka for a couple of days and already (b) —— a number of interesting places. Yesterday I (c) —— "Aparajeo Bangla" and I must (d) —— something about it. It is a marvelous piece of sculpture. In English “Aparajeo Bangla” (e) ––– “Unconquerable Bangladesh.” No more today. Yours lovingly Y Put in suitable prepositions in the blanks. 1×5=5 Iphitos hit (a) —— a plan. He invited the best athletes (b) —— the nearby cities to the valley of Olympia (c) —— take part in athletic contests. Iphitos' plan worked well. For a time the Greek warriors, instead (d) —— fighting their neighbours tried (e) —— outdo their rivals in friendly games and sports. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 (a) —— 16th December is (b) —— red letter day in the history of Bangladesh. On this day we achieved victory at (c) —— cost of (d) —— bloody battle. Bangladesh came into being as (e) —— independent country. It occupied a place in the world (f) —— map. Every year we observe (g) —— day with due solemnity. We remember (h) —— supreme sacrifice of our heroic sons. The day is (i) —— public holiday. The day begins with gunshot. The national flag is hoisted on (j) —— top of the each house. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words. 1×5=5 On the exam date of English first paper I got stuck up in almost a never ending traffic jam. (a) —— I reached the examination hall half an hour late. When I entered the examination hall, the invigilator gave me the answer script and the question paper. I filled up the answer script. (b) —— I looked at the questions, (c) —— all the questions were common to me. I started writing, but I could not write the full answer of any question. (d) —— I switched over another questions, (e) —— the same thing happened. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 Once I asked a sweet little girl, "What is your mother's name?" “I know my mother's name but I won't tell you that. I never tell my mother's name to anybody whom I don't know," she spoke with an air of confidence. I said, "What a clever girl you are!" Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets. 1×5=5 (a) How interesting the way of life the Maghs have! (Assertive) (b) They build their house on high platforms to keep them free from damp. (Complex) (c) They use the vacant space below their house to keep agricultural tools. (Passive) (d) No other food is as favourite to them as boiled rice with vegetables. (Superlative) (e) I wish I could visit them. (Exclamatory) Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) I am late, ––––? (b) Everybody wants to be happy,––––? (c) She is not ugly, ——? (d) Open the door, ——? (e) How sweetly the bird sings, ––––? Complete the sentence parts. 1×5=5 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

(a) If you had informed me earlier –––. (b) It is high time ——. (c) He ran fast lest ——. (d) I am sure that ——. (e) I could not walk ——. 9. Complete the passage with suitable words from the list. You can use one word more than once. 1×5=5 abandon breath human learn family ruin mammals seasonally highly parents Whale behave like (a) —— beings. We can (b) —— a lot from them. Many whales show strong (c) —— ties. The young remain with their (d) —— for upto 15 years or more. Like some land (e) ——, whales live in heard and travel (f) —— between feeding and breeding grounds. In times of danger they look after one another. When a member is wounded or sick, the others do not (g) –––– .They help it so that it can (h) –––– icy it. They may cradle it between them or support it on their freely moving. This kind of behaviour has often led to their (i) ——. Their maternal instincts are also (j) —— developed. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Write a paragraph about price hike in Bangladesh. Your paragraph should include the answers to the following questions. 10 (a) What is price hike? (b) What are the reasons of it? (c) What the impact of it in our society? (d) Who are the sufferers of it? (e) How can it be controlled? 11. Write a composition in not more than 250 words about Discipline. 15 12. Suppose, a big canal runs along your village. People have to cross it everyday but they face many problems. Only construction of a bridge can solve the problem. Now, write an application to the Chairman of your Union Council for the construction of a bridge over the canal in your locality. 10 13. You are Rifat. Your friend Raid is inclined to adapt physical exercise. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend about it. 10 14. Read the story of nuclear weapons. The story is not complete. Use your imagination and complete it. Give a title to it. 15 Various kinds of nuclear weapons have been produced in the past few years by many countries. This is new and terrible development in the history of man. Very few events can be more frightful than a nuclear war ..........

Model Question -15 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 suffer render kill come bring have try In the spring of 1945 the Second World War was (a) —— to an end. The war had (b) — — a great misery to the whole world. Millions of people (c) —— and wounded. They included men, women and children. Millions of people were (d) —— homeless, and (e) —— from poverty, hunger and disease. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Fahim, My parents were beside themselves (a) —— joy when they came to know (b) —— hospitality you extended (c) —— us. Since hospitality is a part of our culture, most of the Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question



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people of our country are acquainted (d) —— it. Let me express my heart-felt gratitude (e) —— you for your kind hospitality. Thank you all. Yours sincerely, Shakib Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 Dowry means (a) —— property or money brought by a bride to her husband. During the marriage ceremony (b) —— section of greedy people claim much wealth or money from (c) —— guardians of the brides, (d) —— poor illiterate girls become (e) —— victims of dowry. If (f) —— guardians fail to fulfill (g) ——demand of (h) —— bridegroom, the brides are maltreated. So, the poor cannot think of marriage of their daughters. It is (i) — — social curse. This curse can be eliminated by changing the outlook of (j) —— people specially the male members. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 who whenever in fact Unless somehow whatever because (a) —— a man does, does for his own necessity. He invented motor cars because he wanted to travel quickly. He spent money on medicine, (b) ——he wanted to remain healthy and he manufactures computers because he would like to make life comfortable. (c) —— all necessities persuaded him to get down taking risky ventures. In all cases, the more intense his necessity is, the more efforts he makes to achieve the goal. We eat when we are hungry. Sauce makes food tastier. But one (d) —— is hungry, does not need any sauce to make his meal delicious. (e) —— he feels hungry, he seems to eat little or nothing. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 first and foremost, carry out, out and out, safe and sound, under lock and key, come across, Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "What's the time now?" said Peter. "It is quarter to three," said Bob. "I must leave now," said Peter. "Are you in a hurry?" said Bob. "I'm meeting George at three," said Peter. "How is he?" said Bob. “He's very well,” said Peter. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5=5 There was a boatman who lived in a village. (a) One day, the weather was getting worse because there were black clouds gathering in the sky. (Simple) (b) As the weather was very rough, the hat-goers were returning home. (Compound) (c) Everybody was trying to get into Kalim Majhee's boat. (Complex) (d) My boat cannot carry the extra passengers. (Passive) (e) Nothing was as dark as the clouds in the sky. (Comparative) Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : Hello, Pip. How are you? I think you are enjoying the World Cup Cricket very well, (a) ——? : Thank you, Pintu. I am all right. I think we all enjoyed the match between Bangladesh and Pakistan, (b) ——? : I am deeply impressed that Bangladesh beat the ex-world champion Pakistan. But I think South Africa will gain the cup, (c) ——? : No, I don't agree. Pakistan has advanced so far, (d) ——? : Now let's wait and see which team will advance and achieve the goal, (e) ——? : Okay. Bye. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) It has been six years since ———. (b) I have to leave my school now because —. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

(c) My school was good enough to ———. (d) I know it will be too painful to ———. (e) Though I shall not study here anymore ———. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Suppose, you are a human rights worker. You have witnessed many differences between male and female in respect of enjoying human right. Now write a report on gender discrimination. 10 Or, Write a paragraph about greenhouse effect by answering the questions below. 10 What is greenhouse effect? How is it caused? What is the main culprit for global warming? What are the threats of global warming? What measures can we take to prevent global warming? 11. Write a short composition that tells about a game that is most favourite to you. 15 12. Imagine you are Tuhin, a student of class XI of Rajbari Govt. College, Rajbari. Your father is a government officer. Recently, he has been transferred from Dhaka to Pabna. Your family will be shifted there immediately. You have no alternative place to stay in Dhaka. Now, write an application to the principal of your college for a transfer certificate. 10 Or, Read the advertisement and prepare an application along with a detailed CV. 10 13. Imagine, you are Sharif of Bangla College, Mirpur, Dhaka. You want to open a Savings Bank Account to keep your scholarship money. You have gone to the Manager of the Mirpur branch of the Pubali Bank Limited. Now, write a dialogue between Sharif and the Manager about opening a bank account. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. 10 A tsunami is a great wave or series of waves. It extends from the surface water to the sea floor and moves the entire vertical section of ocean through which it speeds. The greater the ocean depth, the faster the tsunami travels. Speeds of up to 600 miles per hour have been recorded. Far out in the ocean the tsunami can hardly be noticed, but toward land it slows down as the bottom of the wave drags on the seabed. Its top then rises to great heights of fifty to a hundred feet or more. Tsunamis are not the same as tidal waves, which are caused by cyclonic storms and have frequently struck Bangladesh. Both waves cover the land with water, and cause much destruction, but the tsunami strikes without warning. Tidal waves, on the other hand, can be predicted by the wind speed and the level of the tide. Tsunamis can reach much greater heights than tidal waves. The causes of both waves are different. Tidal waves result from the powerful wind of storms, whereas a tsunami is caused by shifts of the earth under the sea. Fortunately Bangladesh has never in living memory been hit by a tsunami. 14. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 Long ago, there was a Sultan in Bengal. His name was Giasuddin Azam. His capital was Sonargaon near Dhaka. He was a very just and kind ruler. The Sultan's hobby was hunting. Very often he went on ..............................

Model Question -16 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 run walk reach get open buy sit Yesterday I went to the zoo with some of my friends. We (a) —— there before the gate (b) ——. Then we (c) —— some tickets and entered the zoo. While we (d) ——, I saw my friend (e) —— towards us. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question



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Or, Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1x5=5 Last Sunday I went to bed at 9 p.m. and (a) —— a sound sleep. I woke up at about midnight (b) —— a hue and cry at a little distance. I got up from bed and (c) —— to the spot. I saw a cottage (d) ——. At once I understood that the house (e) —— on fire. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Pritom, Let me tell you something about the dignity of labour. Work is worship and rest (a) —— work means the end of life. It gives us a kind (b) —— delight. Men belonging (c) —— great personalities are never afraid (d) —— doing any work. They always stick (e) —— their tasks. They are unforgettable. Yours sincerely, Piyal 3.Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 (a) —— reporter is (b) —— person who collects (c) —— news from any place of the country or from any country of the world. He works for (d) —— certain newspaper or (e) —— news agency. He plays (f) —— important role in the newspaper industry. He supplies (g) —— various news to (h) —— news agency or newspaper. A reporter should be (i) —— ideal person to supply true reports. He must be (j) —— industrious person too Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 however because which as soon as so that rather so Gender discrimination in Bangladesh begins at birth. Most parents want to have children (a) —— they can, when they are older, supplement their family income and for help with the domestic work. In the existing socio-economic set-up, male children are best suited to this purpose. (b) —— girls are born to an unwelcome world. (c) ——, they are assigned, (d) —— confined to domestic chores. Some of these girls may be at school. But all their work— domestic or academic stops (e) ——they are married off, which is the prime concern of the parents about their daughters. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 off hand, to catch red handed, apple of discord, at length, by dint of, to bell the cat. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Excuse me, Dr. Johnson. May I speak to you for a minute?" said Ms. Tahmina. "Yes, come in," said Dr. Johnson. "I'm Tahmina Ahmed. I'm taking your course in Population Studies," said Ms. Tahmina. "How can I help you?" said Dr. Johnson. "I am having a bit of trouble with the course. I think the days are very few to finish the course," said Ms. Tahmina. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. (a) Bangladesh, an overpopulated country, is situated in South-Asia. (Complex) (b) To feed the ever growing people is a major challenge. (Interrogative) (c) We should increase the production of agriculture. (Passive) (d) As our country loses thousand hectares of cultivable land, this task of increasing production is daunting (Compound). Moreover, for human settlement, our land is going to be fragmented. (e) River erosion is one of the most important causes of diminishing agricultural land. (Positive) Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 Let's discuss the story of Ruplal that Mrs. Amin told us, (a) ——? Yes, thank you. The story is very interesting, (b) ——? You're quite right. He wanted to enjoy peace and quiet in the jungle, (c) ——? But he could not live there alone, (d) ——? No, he felt the necessity of other men. We should not leave others for our own happiness, (e) ——? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) As Neela was in her hotel room the whole afternoon, ———. (b) Neela thought she had better ———. (c) Instead of taking a taxi ———. (d) As soon as she arrived at the market square, ———. (e) Neela was so upset that ———. 10. Complete the following passage with suitable words. 0.5 × 10 = 5 I was walking (a) —— the Nawabpur Road (b) —— the Bangabandhu Avenue. A boy was (c) —— the same way. He was a few steps (d) —— of me. Suddenly he turned and (e) —— to cross the road. He had just moved to the middle of the road (f) ——, all on a (g) —— a motor car came on and (h) —— him down. I ran to the boy in the (i) —— of an eye. I thought he was (j) ——. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 11. Suppose, you are Richard and working as an engineer in a mobile phone company. Now write a report on mobile phone mentioning its advantages and disadvantages. 10 12. Write a short composition that expresses your opinion about the importance of satellite TV. 15 13. Suppose, you are interested to go on a study tour. So you need permission of the Principal. Now, write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to go on a study tour. 10 Or, kead the advertisement and write an application with a detailed CV. 10 14. Imagine, you are Ripon and Shopon is your friend. You both are concerned about the corruption in Bangladesh. Now, write a dialogue between Ripon and Shopon about the corruption in Bangladesh. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. 10 It is a real wonder that people in our country are not dying in scores eating what we call food. There is hardly any food item from fish to meat, vegetables to milk and biscuits to chocolates that is not adulterated in one way or another. Recently we have come to know from newspaper reports that a whole variety of adulterated food is getting caught by mobile courts across the country. Newspaper reports have also brought to light the magnitude of adulterated of almost all sorts of food items. The mobile courts are actively operating their inspections and punishing and fining almost all the hotel managers for using unsafe food ingredients and keeping their kitchens unhygienic. The mobile courts have also caught the restaurant people red-handed for using chemicals and artificial colours, which are usually used in dying clothes, in food. The court is firmed by the Home Ministry following newspaper reports on adulterated food. Substandard and unhygienic food stuffs are being sold in most of the hotels and restaurants indiscriminately. As a result of eating stale and unsafe food, people are suffering from serious diseases including diarrhoea and dysentery round the year. The dishonest and unscrupulous businessman and hoteliers are not maintaining the rules of (BSTI) Bangladesh Standard and Testing Institute and continue to sell foods unfit for human consumption. We the general consumers ask for fresh food for our safety. Home Ministry deserves thanks for its initiative. But we hope that the BSTI will be made active and do what it is supposed to do and make sure that consumers get at least, seasonally safe food. It is our right as citizen of the country to get pure and safe foods. 15. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 One day a crow became very thirsty. He flew from place to place in search of water but found no water. At last he grew so thirsty that he thought that he would die.................... Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


Model Question -17 1.




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Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 feel work turn be flip see talk Mr. Robin is an engineer. He (a) —— in South Korea for seven years. He has not (b) — —able to return home even once in this period. He has a three-year old daughter and he always (c) —— the pictures sent from home. As he (d) —— the pages of the album, he (e) —— sad. Or, Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1×5=5 Self-control (a) —— all other virtues. Man generally (b) —— on impulses and strong desires. A vicious desire (c) —— the purity of heart and mind resulting in the degradation of human nature. It is self-control that can help a man (d) —— up a pure character which is very essential to (e) — above the level of inhumanity. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Naila, You will be glad to know (a) —— my achievements in the annual sports of our college. The sports events started (b) —— a spectacular march past and oath taking of the competitors. I took part (c) —— three events and secured 2nd positions in each event. The honourable chairman of our governing body was the chief guest and gave away the prizes (d) —— the winners. Our Principal presided (e) —— the function. Yours sincerely, Saila Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 (a) —— export fair means (b) —— fair where various types of goods and commodities are displayed in order to draw (c) —— attention of the native as well as (d) —— overseas buyers. Different organisations of (e) —— different countries set up their respective stalls with a view to displaying their commercial articles. They supply brochures to advertise (f) —— qualities of their articles. (g) —— good number of buyers of different countries are seen in this fair. The buyers of (h) —— overseas country generally do not buy things from this fair. They only justify (i) —— qualities of the things with a motive to buy in future. A fair like this bears (j) —— economic importance and value. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate linking words. 1×5=5 (a) —— the sunset, the Taj Mahal wears its prettiest beauty. At this time, the marble, (b) —— the Taj Mahal is made, reflects the beams of drowning sun. (c) —— the building and its shadow in the pool water look like the pink jewels. Others visit it also at noon (d) —— the bright sun makes the marble look pure white. But most people like to visit it at moonlit night (e) —— at that time it looks so beautiful. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 apple of eye, to back up, an open secret, beyond dispute, at daggers drawn, at long last. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Good morning," said the man. "Good morning. How can I help you?" said the woman. "I understand that the college organises trips to different places" said the man. "Yes, we run five trips every month," said the woman. "What sort of places are they?" said the man. "We take our students always to the places of historical interest," said the woman. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5=5 Bangladesh is proud of Kazi Nazrul Islam. (a) Kazi Nazrul Islam, our national poet was born in May 1899. (Complex) (b) He lost his father when he was a boy of under fifteen. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

(Simple) (c) He spent his early life in great hardship. (Passive) (d) As he led a sorrowful life, he was called Dukhu Mia. (Compound) (e) No other poet was as great as Kazi Nazrul. (Superlative) 8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 Good afternoon. How are you? Quite fine. It's a long time since we met last, (a) ——? Probably we met each other eight months ago, (b) ——? Yes, I thought you couldn't but come to the fair, (c) ——? You are right. What's that in your hand? It's Shanchita by Kazi Nazrul Islam. You did not read the whole book, (d) ——? No, I did not. I have bought it for further reading. Let's move and see other book stalls, (e) ——? 9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Neither Rafique nor ——— (b) The Kenyan batsmen were good enough to ——— (c) When Bangladesh bowlers were struggling to get a wicket ——— (d) Maurice Odumbe was so desperate to get runs that ——— (e) The run rate was good enough to ——— Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Write a short report on 'Arsenic Epidemic in recent years.' 10 Or, Write a paragraph about your neighbours by answering the questions below. Who are called neighbours? Who are your good neighbours? What do you do for your neighbours? What do your neighbours do for you? Why are good neighbours necessary for your life? 11. Write a short composition that expresses your opinion about the necessity of learning English. 15 12. Imagine/you are Aparna. Tubewell water in your area is badly affected by arsenic pollution. Now, write a letter to the editor of a newspaper to bepublished to solve arsenic problem in your locality. 10 13. Imagine, you have read the history of our War of Liberation and visited the National Memorial at Savar to pay homage to the martyrs. Now, write a dialogue between yourself and your friend, Mili about the martyrs' contribution to the Liberation War. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. 10 Many of you have probably heard about Khan Jahan Ali of Bagerhat. He was known by different names such as Khan Jahan Khan, Khan Jahan Ali, Khan Jahan Ali Khan and Khaja Jahan. He was a staunch warrior, a powerful ruler and a devoted preacher. Many people regard him as a great saint. He is most famous for his piety and philanthropic activities. It is true that Khan Jahan Ali is commonly regarded as a great saint, but he was not like other saints who devoted their lives mainly to preaching Islam and developing the spiritual life of their disciples. To most of them life in the hereafter was of greater concern and significance than life in this world. To Khan Jahan Ali both worldly and spiritual lives were equally important. He sincerely believed that Islam, as a complete code of life, could bring about both material and spiritual well-being to its followers. So after conquering Bagerhat in the beginning of the 15th century he settled down there not only to preach religion but also to help people to cultivate the fallow, swampy land of the region. His activities were thus directed towards achieving worldly welfare as well as spiritual enlightenment of the people. As a powerful leader of the people, he could build luxurious palaces and amass vast riches for his own pleasure, but he did not do so. On the contrary, he made roads, dug tanks and built mosques to lead the people of this part of Bangladesh to the path of wellCambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


being and prosperity both here and hereafter. It is said that each of his soldiers had a spade and not a gun. They were always busy with construction work and not with military exploits. It was his sincere love for the suffering people and his ceaseless effort to improve their living conditions that turned the sparsely populated jungle region of Bagerhat into a beautiful habitable land. Khan Jahan Ali was not a monarch but his deeds were no less glorious than those of a noble monarch. He was a monarch without a crown. 14. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 Robert Bruce, king of Scotland, fought several battles to regain his country's freedom but was each time defeated. Naturally he was very sad. One day sitting up in .........................

Model Question -18 1.



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Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 see slip Think rain pass be start Robin was walking home from school. As it (a) ——the road was wet and slippery, Robin (b) — about his lessons. Suddenly he (c) —— and got hurt in the right knee. He (d) —— rubbing the injured knee. A rickshaw driver was passing along the road. (e) — — the boy, he lifted him onto the rickshaw. Or, Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1×5=5 Once a man went boating in a wide river. The weather was fine but the wind was (a) —— very hard. The man (b) —— silently and was looking at the sights and scenery. Suddenly his turban (c) —— off his head and fell in the river. "I've lost all my fortune," he (d) —— . But I felt happy that it had (e) —— to his neighbour. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Rana, I was deeply shocked to hear the news (a) —— your failure in the HSC examination. You know that failure is the pillar of success. So, there is no cause (b) —— losing heart. You must adhere (c) —— your study. You should refrain yourself (d) —— wasting your time. If you study sincerely and confidently, you will get (e) —— the barriers of failure. Yours sincerely, Naina Or, Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition from the list. in over with to on from after I along (a) —— my friends took a tour (b) —— the Sundarbans. It was possible since everybody was keen (c) —— going out. First, we started our journey (d) —— Dhaka to Khulna by bus. (e) —— six hours we reached Khulna. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (X) where an article is not needed. 1×5=5 Freedom is (a) —— eternal desire of man. (b) —— spirit of revolution emerges from this desire. This very spirit inspires (c) —— man to achieve his freedom. We are the inhabitants of (d) —— independent Bangladesh. But it was not free in (e) —— past. Bangladesh lost her independence in (f) —— different phases of (g) —— history. At last, Bangladesh became free in 1971 from (h) —— then Pakistani rulers after (i) —— fierce fighting. Now, it is our duty to make (j) —— Liberation War meaningful by realizing its importance on our national life. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 break out, cut down, for good, in a hurry, at large, by no means. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Good morning," said Mostofa. "Good morning. How can I help you?" said the supervisor. "Can you tell me from where I can get the schedule of the examinations?" Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

said Mostofa. "It is on the notice board. Do you know where it is?" said the supervisor. "No," said Mostofa. "It is on the wall just beside the office room," said the supervisor. 6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5=5 (a) Robert Bruce, the king of Scotland, sat in a lonely hall. (Complex) (b) He lay down on the ground and saw a spider trying to reach the ceiling. (Simple) (c) When he tried to reach the ceiling, he dropped frequently. (Compound) (d) The spider did not give up the struggle. (Passive) (e) It tried again and again. (Interrogative) This inspiration helped Robert Bruce for his next war. 7. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : I have not meet you for a long time. You are a college student now, (a) ——? : Yes, I am. You got GPA-5 in the last SSC examination, (b) ——? No. Unfortunately I got 4.90. : That's no matter. There is little we can do about it, (c) ——? : It will be wise for me to work for a good result in the HSC examination, (d) ——? : Thank you for your wise idea. You must not retreat from the lofty aim of life, (e)——? 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) When it was evening, ———. (b) Neela left her room so that ———. (c) The smell of the Chinese food was too appetizing to ———. (d) Neela thought that she would not go back without ———. (e) Although the food called chilli chicken was delicious, ———. 9. Complete the following passage with suitable words. 1×5=5 Mother loves us all (a) ——. She takes great (b) —— of our education, food and clothing. Her anxiety knows no (c) —— whenever any of us (d) —— ill. She becomes (e) —— again when we (f) —— round. My mother is a religious (g) —— lady. She is kind to the (h) ——. Every now and (i) —— she cooks good food and (j) —— different kinds of sweets. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Suppose, you are Amin. Recently a fair was held in your village. Now write a report on it. 10 11. Write a short composition that expresses your opinion about students and social service. 15 12. Imagine, you are Nazrul Islam. You are a student of class XI. You dislike the adoption of unfair means in the examination. Now, write a letter to the editor criticising the adoption of unfair means in the examination hall. 10 13. Imagine, you are Hasnat and you are greatly concerned about the problem of illiteracy in Bangladesh. You want to do something about eradication of illiteracy. You have discussed the matter with your friend, Javed. Now, write him your discussion in the form of a dialogue between Hasnat and Javed. Or, Write a summary of the following passage. 10 Illiteracy is a great problem in Bangladesh. Most of the people of our country cannot read or write. So the literacy rate in Bangladesh is too low. In fact it is too poor to be imagined. Some other problems like poverty, unemployment and terrorism are also arising due to illiteracy. There are many reasons responsible for our illiteracy. Firstly we can mention poverty as the root cause. Majority of our people live below the poverty line. They cannot have two square meals a day. They can hardly afford to send their children to schools. Though some of the guardians send their children to schools, but many of them have to leave the schools before completing primary education. At a very early stage many of the children Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


have to leave the schools in search of work. Now some steps have been taken by the Govt. to solve this problem. Apart from free education for children at the primary level, food for education and education for girls up to the secondary level are some of the ambitious programmes undertaken by the Govt. Lack of social awareness is another reason for our illiteracy. Most of the guardians are not aware of the importance of their children's education. But it is a matter of great satisfaction that this sort of awareness is increasing day by day. In fact; concerned should be given to child education in particular. In some rural areas girls are forbidden to go to school. It is also another great problem. The guardians should give up this age-old notion and send their daughter to schools. Not only the people but also the Govt. and non Govt. organizations mu come forward to solve the problem of illiteracy. The educated people should all come forward to make positive contribution to the illiteracy drive campaign launched by the Govt. We must fight against illiteracy and make all out efforts to drive away illiteracy a it hinders progress. We sincerely believe that Bangladesh will be free from the curs of illiteracy in the days ahead. 14. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 One day a farmer was taking some sacks of wheat to a mill. The mill was a few kilometres away. On the way the horse stumbled and the farmer was at a loss. Meanwhile he saw a horseman coming towards him ............

Model Question -19 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 require achieve take become consider learn rise Education is often compared to light and (a) ----------- as the pillar of human civilization. So, it is only education which can make a nation (b) ---------------- to the level of standard development. From this point of view, it (c) ----------- quite clear to us that if a country can provide its people with education (d) ---------- for the modern aspects of life, it will be able to (e) ------ an all-out prosperity to the betterment and welfare of the nation. Or, Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. Our university campus is very beautiful. It is very large and green. It (a) —— to me a dreamland. There (b) —— about fifteen residential halls. The students (c) —— in the halls. The sense of togetherness (d) ——in us. The lakes and big ponds will (e) —— you 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Dowd, Let me give you an account of an interesting event that I enjoyed a few days ago. The; other day I spent some time looking (a) —— the shops in the Rifles Square. Suddenly I found a lady accompanied (b) —— her pretty little daughter who was prattling (c) —— her mother. (d) —— the meantime, the lady cried loudly that there was no trace (e) —— her daughter. That's all today. Yours sincerely, David Or, Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition from the list. 1×5=5 of for to before about with in Now (a) —— we commence our tour I’d just like to tell you a little bit (b) —— the history of the museum. It has been designed (c) —— a nautical flavor in mind to remind us (d) —— our links with the sea. It is a very modern building built (e) —— the post modern style. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 1 × 5 = 5 A village market is (a) —— place in (b) —— village where (c) —— villagers go to buy and sell various things. It usually sits on (d) —— bank of (e) —— river or a canal or by (f) ——side of highways. In a village market, the villagers buy and sell (g) — all kinds of daily necessaries and (h) —— other primary centre to meet people's need. It is again different kinds of food grains, commodities. It is, in fact, (i) —— meeting place of (j) — — villagers. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 although because of prior to that on the other hand as a result even until The most significant event for Bangladesh in the last century has been its birth as an independent nation. (a) ——, it experienced the British colonial rule, (b)——1947, followed by an oppressive existence as East Pakistan from 1947 to 1971. The life of our people often has been shaped by tragedy. Flood have devastated our land, tidal waves from the sea have swept away thousands of lives. Poverty has been an ever present spectre. (c) ——, nearly 70% of the population suffers from various degrees of malnutrition. Rapid population growth has added to this problem. (d) —— the growth rate has slowed down to some extent, the population has almost doubled since independence. (e) ——, turbulent politics and instability and the rise of terrorism and crime are adversely affecting society. Or, Fill in the blanks with the appropriate linking words. There are a good number of reasons (a) —— students in Bangladesh fail in English. That English is a foreign language is the main reason. (b) ——, students have no good feeling with English. Very few of them are earnest in learning. (c) —— the students seek is to cross the stairs of examinations. To most of them, learning is unpleasant and examination is fearful. (d) ——, teaching a foreign language becomes difficult when the learners are not mentally keen on the subject. In that situation, a teacher of English can (e) —— find out the technique suitable for all. 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 by the by, burst into tears, as long as, pros and cons, slow and steady, fish out of water. 6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "What kept you so long?" said Tareq. "I'm sorry for being so late. Have you been waiting long?" said Masud. "It is half an hour, but it doesn't matter. I've had coffee and I've been reading this guidebook for tourists," said Tareq. 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5 (a) Rahimuddin. a landless farmer, lives in a village of Satkhira. (Complex) (b) He has only few acres of land of what he utilizes properly. (Compound) (c) Every year, he gets a lot of crops which are very costly. (Simple) (d) He is happy to see the smiling faces of the members of his family. (Compound) (e) He is one of the happiest men in his locality. (Positive) The people of his locality love him very much. 8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : Flower selling is an emerging profession in Bangladesh, (a) ——? : But we use flowers only for decorative purposes, (b) ——? : This is because we cannot use flowers for making other things, (c) ——? : You are right. But our neighbouring country India has invented a new method of producing colours from flowers, (d) ——? : You are right. They hardly treat their extra flowers as wastes, (e) ——? 9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Singapore is one of the smallest as well as —— (b) Singapore is both a province and ——— Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


(c) People who love food can taste local as well as (d) You cannot go to Singapore unless ——— (e) If you want to stay in a cheaper hotel,——— Part B : Composition (60 Marks) 10. Suppose, you are Novera, a student of XI in Udyan College. The prize giving ceremony of your college held on few days ago. Now write a short report on it. 10 11. Write a short composition that tells about the charms of city life. 10 12. Imagine you are Shahid, a student who dislikes students' involvement in politics. Now, write a letter to the press expressing the personal opinion about students’ involvement in politics in Bangladesh. 10 13. Imagine, you are a student of Mymensingh College. You are in class XI. Your father, a government officer, has been transferred to Dhaka Collectorate. You have no relative in Mymensingh to stay with. You also need to be admitted to a new college in Dhaka. Now, write a dialogue between you and the principal of the college regarding transfer to a new college. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. 10 The use of English as the common language of the world has been growing so rapidly in recent years that no other explanation is needed to justify the efforts of the hundreds or thousands who every year set about studying English. It is the interest of all those students that English should be taught properly and accurately in accordance with certain clearly defined such standards as examinations in English were instituted and the fact that many tens of thousands of students take these examinations annually is an acknowledgement of just how successful the examining bodies have been in setting and upholding these standards. Many students start out on their study of English without knowing of the various qualifications. They can be obtained as evidence of success or of the benefits that can be derived from diverting their studies along the well tried like of a balanced examination syllabus. But they will soon find that entering for an examination will greatly help them to concentrate their attention on the essentials of English studies. A few hours' daily work spent in following syllabus will considerably increase the rate at which they acquire the language and incidentally the interest of their studies. 14. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 Once upon a time, there lived a very clever fox. He lived in a jungle. One day, when the fox was walking through the jungle, he fell into a trap...........................

Model Question -20 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 work do know hear was known show Many of you have probably (a) —— about Khan Jahan Ali of Bagerhat. He (b) —— a staunch warrior, a powerful ruler and devoted preacher. Many people (c) —— him as a great saint. Nothing is definitely (d) —— about the early life of Khan Jahan Ali. Historical evidences (e) —— that he had served for several years in the court of Delhi during the Tughlaq. 2. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions. 1×5=5 A poor man suffers (a) —— many things. He is destitute (b) —— wealth. He is deprived (c) —— the basic needs. But he is contented (d) —— what he has. He does not run (e) — — wealth. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross mark (x) where an article is not needed. ½ × 10 = 5 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

A brilliant student is (a) ______ asset. One day he may be (b) ______ engineer or (c) ______ M.B.B.S. doctor. He makes (d) ______ best use of his time. He makes a proper division of his time and does his duties accordingly. He knows that youth is (e) ______ golden period of (f) ______ life. He has (g) ______ aim in life. He knows that (h) ______ life without (i) ______aim is like (j) ______ ship without a rudder. 4. Fill in the gaps with phrases or idioms. 1×5=5 although and somewhat though not only after yet A postman is a familiar figure both in the towns and in the villages. He usually wears a khaki dress and carries on his shoulder a bag containing stamps, letters, post cards, parcels, money orders etc. (a) —— a postman is a low grade employee of the postal department, he performs a responsible job. (b) —— having finished his job in the post office, he goes out on his beat twice or thrice a week. He comes to the market place on hat days (c) ——delivers letters, parcels, money orders etc. to their respective addresses. A postman is (d) —— a good man but also a friend to us. (e) —— he is hailed by everybody and hated by none; he is not properly valued by people in society. 5. Change the form of speech. 1×5=5 "Follow my example," she said as we shook hands, "and never eat more than one thing for luncheon." "I will do better than that," I said. "I will eat nothing for dinner to night." 6. Transform the underlined sentences in the following passage as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5 (a) Though Bangladesh is not a big country, too many people live here (Simple). (b) Most of the people are poor (Negative). (c) They cannot send their children to school for poverty (Complex). (d) The monsoon causes heavy rainfall (Interrogative). (e) The country looks very beautiful (Exclamatory). 7. Make tag questions from the given sentences. 1×5=5 (a) We can speak English, ——? (b) I must sing a song, ——? (c) Don't tell it again,——? (d) He runs fast,——? (e) You need not think about it, ——? 8. Complete the sentence-part. 1×5=5 (a) I know the man ——. (b) The patient died ——. (c) We went to the place ——. (d) Where there is a will ——. (e) A man is known ——. 9. Fill in each gap using an appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage. 1×5=5 visit focus once history establish Dhaka is an ancient and (a) —— city. It came into (b) —— when Islam Khan (c) —— Dhaka the sea of Provincial Government in 1912. The present Old Dhaka was (d) —— the heart of Dhaka city. It has been (e) —— by many foreigners. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Write a short report about how you celebrated the Victory Day at your college compound. 10 Or, Write a paragraph on your visit to a book fair. Your paragraph should include the answers to the following questions. (a) Occasion, (b) Where held? (c) Arrangement of stalls, (d) Who inaugurated? (e) Great personalities you met there? (f) Usefulness. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


11. Write a composition in about 250 words about the person you like most. 15 12. Imagine you got wet in the sudden rain when you were coming home from college. As a result you caught cold and fever and could not go to college for three days. Now write an application to the Principal of your college for leave of absence. 10 13. Karim and Rahim are two friends. Karim lives in the village and Rahim in a city. Now write a dialogue between two friends on the advantages and disadvantages of village life and city life. 10 14. Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story. 15 Once a monkey was playing in the branches of trees near a river. He was swinging in the branches of trees in playful mood. He saw an elephant while playing to take rest on the bank of the river…………………………………………………….

Model Question -21 1.






Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 Student life is the golden season of life. This is the time when we should (a) —— ourselves for future. The very habits (b) —— in the student life (c) —— the later phases of life. Right from the student life, they (d) —— be careful in (e) —— discipline. Here is a part of the letter written by a girl to her friend from Comilla. Put in suitable prepositions in the blanks. 1×5=5 After having finished our breakfast, we set (a) —— getting things ready (b) —— cooking lunch. When everything was ready, we set (c) —— for sightseeing in three groups, each (d) —— a teacher. The bearers were left to cook the meal and keep watch (e) —— our things. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 1×5=5 Muhammad Yunus was born in (a) —— Chittagong (b) —— business centre of eastern Bangladesh. He was (c) —— third of 14 children of his parents. He was awarded (d) — — full bright scholarship and received his (e) —— Ph. D. from (f) —— USA. He is (g) —— founder of (h) —— Grameen Bank. In 1997 he organised (i) —— world's first Micro Credit Summit in (j) —— Washington, DC. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 can even by wrapping not only by holding but also with to pick up An elephant does many things with its trunk. It (a) —— can smell, feel and pick up things with its trunk (b) —— can uproot trees with its trunk. They can defend themselves by wrapping their trunks around their enemies and dashing them to the ground. But they use their trunk (c) —— peanuts, too. They (d) ——- brush off flies. In the lumberyards of India, elephants learn to pull logs out of rivers and stack them. Elephants had even been taught to sweep, (e) —— a broom in its trunk, an elephant can sweep a floor clean of sawdust. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 A fruit seller said, "Which fruits would you need? 1 have apple from Australia, oranges from Darjeeling, grapes from Kashmeer etc." The customer said, "What fruits do you have of our country?” The seller said, "Yes, I have coconut, guava, jackfruits etc." The customer said, "I want one kg of guava as it will be the substitute of Australian apple." Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets. 1×5=5 (a) The cuckoo is a bird of very shy-nature. (Complex) (b) It is not very often seen beside human habitation. (Affirmative) (c) They hide themselves and coo from the high Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

branches of trees. (Simple) (d) Though they are coward, they are very clever birds. (Compound) (e) They lay their eggs in the nests of crows. (Complex) 7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. (a) Don't make a noise, ——? (b) Let's go to Cox's Bazar, ——? (c) There weren't any problems, ——? (d) He doesn't take sugar in his tea, ——? (e) Nobody helped us, ——? 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) He sat in the corner because ——. (b) She used both hands so that ——. (c) We went over every detail as ——. (d) She left quietly since ——. (e) I woke up in the middle of the night in order that ——. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. Write a paragraph on 'A College Magazine'. Your paragraph should include the answers to the following questions. 10 (a) What is a college magazine? (b) How is it published? (c) What does it contain? (d) Who bear the expenditure of publication? (e) What is its usefulness? 10. There are six seasons in Bangladesh and you have a special interest to one of them. Write a short composition in about 200 words about 'The Season You like Most'. 15 11. Imagine, you are Ratan of Birtara Village of Saturia Union in Manikganj District. Your area was flooded and the roads were damaged. Now, write an application to the Deputy Comissioner for repairing the damaged roads. 10 12. Imagine, people are talking about the programmes of the Tree Plantation Fortnight which is near at hand. A great concern about deforestation is clear in their talks. You want to know from your friend, Rifat about the bad effects of deforestation and have a talk with him. Now, put your talk in the form of a dialogue between you and Rifat. 10 13. Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story. 15 There was a pond full of frogs. Some of them often put their heads out of the water and croaked loudly. One day some boys were playing by the side of the pond. When they hear the frogs croaking ..................

Model Question -22 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Complete the following passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses. 1×5=5 Experts (a) —— their opinion as regards earthquakes in Bangladesh. Some (b) –––– occurrence of earthquakes in recent years is a warning. Others (c) —— of the opinion that though there (d) —— a number of fault lines in the area covering Bangladesh, none of them is active enough to (e) —— serious earthquakes. 2. Put in suitable prepositions in the blanks. 1×5=5 Today man has been suffering (a) —— various diseases. And there is no remedy (b) —— some fatal diseases. So man is subject (c) —— decay and death. One day he will depart (d) —— this world. Here he cannot live (e) —— a long time. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 Since the creation of earth, there is (a) —— strange relationship between man and animals. In (b) —— recent newspaper article, we read about (c) —— Australian Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


swimmer who was saved from (d) —— shark by (e) —— group of dolphins. When (f) — — shark attacked (g) —— swimmer, (h) —— dolphins chased it away. They saved (i) — — swimmer's life. It is believed that the dolphins are free in (j) –––– nature living around 40 years. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 who whenever in fact unless somehow whatever because (a) —— a man does, does for his own necessity. He invented motor cars because he wanted to travel quickly. He spent money on medicine, (b) ——he wanted to remain healthy and he manufactures computers because he would like to make life comfortable. (c) —— all necessities persuaded him to take risky ventures. In all cases, the more intense his necessity is, the more efforts he makes to achieve the goal. We eat when we are hungry. Sauce makes food tastier. But one (d) —— is hungry, does not need any sauce to make his meal delicious. (e) —— he feels hungry; he seems to eat little or nothing. 5. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 1×5=5 The old man said, "Can you give me some food? I've been starving for three days." The maid said, "Why do you beg? Can't you work?" "No, I'm unable to work," the old man replied. 6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets. 1×5=5 Sumit is my friend. (a) He is a regular student. (Make it negative) (b) He is never late to attend his classes. (Make it affirmative). (c) He wants to be a doctor to serve people. (Make it complex). (d) He sits to read when it is time for reading. (Make it simple). (e) He is loved by his parents, teachers and friends. (Make it active). 7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Let's play football, ––––? (b) Shut the window, ——? (c) He will finish the work, ––––? (d) Jim helped me, ——? (e) Everyone warned you, ––––? 8. Complete these sentences. 1×5=5 (a) —— because he was weak. (b) Scarcely had we reached the station ——. (c) Though Bangladesh has limited natural resources ––––. (d) It is high time they ——. (e) The poem is so hard ——. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. You are Sumon/Sumona. You witnessed an international football match quite recently. Write a short report on it. 10 10. You made a boat journey a few days ago. Write a short composition on it in about 200 words. 15 Or, 'Bangladesh is overpopulated'. Give your opinions for or against this statement in about 200 words. 11. Imagine you are Deep or Deepa. You study at Rupgonj College, Jessore. There is no common room in your school. For want of a common room the students waste their leisure period. Now write an application to the principal of your college for opening a common room. 10 12. Imagine you are Nadim or Flora. You are at the booking counter of a hotel regarding the reservation of a room. Write a dialogue between you and the receptionist about it. 10 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Or, Write down the summary of the following passage. Give a suitable title to it. Sports are popular form of entertainment. Many international sporting events are organised from time to lime. Most of the events are sponsored by multinational manufacturing companies and business firms. They pay for the sports events in exchange for the right to advertise their products during those events. These events are telecast worldwide by satellite and people all over the world watch them live. As a result, the sponsor's products receive maximum media coverage and thus give the companies international recognition. This is only the commercial aspect of international sports but there are other aspects too. The sports venue becomes a meeting place of people from different countries when people of different nations get together on the occasion of international sporting events, they come closer to each other sharing views, opinions and friendship. This opportunity creates sense of brotherhood, and a spirit of mutual cooperation among them. Moreover, getting acquainted with different cultures helps to break down prejudice and broadens outlook. If globalisation has anything to do with the development of international relationship, then sports can certainly contribute in a big way to this. 13. Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story. 15 Rahela is a village girl of Muslim family. She is waiting for her H.S.C results. She dreams to read in a college after the end of her H.S.C examination. She would be a teacher and will take care of the young..........................

Model Question -23 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 walk get run reach sit buy open We (a) —— there before the gate (b) —— . Then we (c) —— some tickets and entered the Zoo. While we (d) —— , I saw my friend Mukul (e) —— towards us. Or, Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tense. 1×5=5 Edmund Hillary, the first man who (a) —— to reach Mount Everest along with Sherpa Tenzing, passed away at the age of 88. It is a profound loss to Nepal. Edmund Hillary (b) —— the undisputed hero of Nepal. The legendary mountaineer, adventurer and philanthropist (c) —— all of his life to helping the Sherpa people of Nepal through the Himalayan Trust. For decades from the 1960s, Hillary and his supporters (d) —— funds and (e) —— schools, hospitals and other facilities in the mountains. Edmund Hillary was the first man to expose Nepal's mountains. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Pavel, I'd like to let you know the importance of tourism. Man often takes a ride in various types of transports (a) —— having any pressing business to attend to. Being weary (b) —— the strains and stresses of modern life, he at times wants to get away (c) —— them for a few days. Man makes a tour just (d) —— pleasure too. If anybody does so, we call him a tourist. But the place he goes to must abound (e) —— such comforts and pleasures that would make him feel really happy. No more today. Yours sincerely, Pinak. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed. 1 × 5 = 5 (a) —— national flag is (b) —— symbol of (c) —— independence of a nation. Being (d) —— free nation, we have (e) —— national flag of our own. (f) —— national flag is the symbol of our national integrity, solidarity and (g) —— sovereignty. We achieved our Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


national flag at (h) —— cost of (i) —— sea of blood in 1971. Our national flag is (j) — — source of our spirits, hopes and aspirations. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words. 1×5=5 (a) ______ Bangladesh is a small country, she has a huge population. Most people live here below the poverty line. (b) ______ they cannot afford to educate their children. (c) ______ many poor children drop either out of school after just a few years (d) ______ simply do not go to school at all. (e) ______ this situation, we have far too many students to educate. 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 high time, in vogue, on the contrary, play hide and seek, a pack of lies, at a loss. 6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Hello Marium! You look very pale and tired," said Nafisa. "I was stuck in the traffic jam for one hour," said Marium. "Sit down, what would you like to drink?" said Nafisa. "I'd love really chilled mineral water or something like that," said Marium. 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5=5 (a) Nadi, a young girl of a middle class family got a nice job. (Complex) (b) She obtained her graduation degree from Dhaka University. (Passive) (c) No other girl is as dutiful as Nadi in her office. (Comparative). Everybody is pleased to her. (d) When she was ten years old, she lost her father. (Simple) (e) As she is still a spinster she has taken a seat in the ladies’ hostel. (Compound) 8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : I think we should take a decision in the primary stage of our life, (a) ——? : No, I do not agree with you. At this stage a child cannot take decision, (b) ——? : But I think parents or teachers can guide him/her in this regard, (c) ——? : I shall become a teacher. There are not sufficient qualified teachers in our country, (d) ——? : I want to be a doctor. We do not have adequate doctors in our country, (e) ——? 9. Complete the following incomplete sentences. 1×5=5 (a) As I was sitting at the front seat, ——— (b) A rickshaw van which was overloaded with goods was ——— (c) The rickshaw puller was not strong enough ——— (d) The bus was running so fast that ——— (e) As soon as the bus hit the rickshaw van, ——— Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. You have joined a picnic party recently. Now write a report on it. 10 11. Write a short composition that tells about computer, a wonderful invention of modern science. 15 12. Write a short composition that expresses your opinion about the benefits of reading newspaper. 15 13. Imagine you are Helena, the inhabitant of the village Ralutpara under Saltha thana in the district of Faridpur. The inhabitants of your locality suffer for want of electricity. Now, write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on the need for supply of electricity in your village. 10 14. Imagine, you are Hasib. Your friend Rajib wants you to stay with him in Dhaka. You have stayed for about a month and are fed up about city life. Now, make a dialogue between you and Rajib about the advantages and disadvantages of village life and city life. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. 10 Patriotism is a very noble virtue. It inspires a man to do everything just and fair for the well- being and betterment of the country. It is the quality that impels a man to sacrifice Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

his own interest, comfort, pleasure and even his life for the sake of his country. Patriotic zeal makes a man dutiful, energetic and enthusiastic. He obeys the law, pays taxes and thinks for the country. Patriotism teaches a man fellow feeling, fraternity and love and sympathy for the countrymen. A patriot is also praised and honoured by his countrymen. An unpatriotic man, on the other hand, is an ignoble person. He is self-centered. He engages all his time in achieving his mean end. He causes harm to the country by his unyielding and reckless activities. He is an enemy to the liberty and sovereignty of the country. He feels no scruples to plot against the country. He gets his return in the same way. He may have high titles, immense wealth, high social status and noble birth. However, despite his worldly achievements, he remains a worthless person. His power and pelf fail to bring him any glory. Because during his lifetime, such a man is never honoured by anybody. Rather he is despised because of his perfidy. No minstrel ever sings for him. Such a man dies a double death. During his lifetime he possesses a dead soul and he remains completely forgotten by the people. This is his first-death. Then comes his natural demise. After expiring, his body gets mixed with the vile dust from which it sprang. Nobody remembers him or shows any honour to him. Nobody sheds tears for him. He sinks into oblivion. 15. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 Robert Bruce, king of Scotland, fought several battles to regain his country's freedom but was each time defeated. Naturally he was...........................

Model Question -24 1.




Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 be sail toss come reach go visit My journey to the Sundurbans was very memorable. At first we reached Bagerhat. After (a) —— there, we hired a mechanized country boat. Our boat (b) —— with tremendous speed. The day (c) —— sunny, we enjoyed a lot. The large waves (d) —— the boat. The boat (e) —— to the deep forest before it was 10 a.m. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. Dear Zinnia, Have you ever been to the Sundarbans? It is the 52nd World Heritage Site and is the largest mangrove forest (a) —— the world. It is famous (b) —— its natural beauty, Royal Bengal Tigers, spotted deer and the estuarine crocodile. It is an excellent place to go (c) ——, far (d) -—— crowded towns and cities. It's still renowned (e) —— its great variety of wild life. No more today. Yours sincerely, Zerin Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 Long long ago (a)  mirror was found in (b)  paddy field by (c)  farmer. Neither this farmer nor anybody else in (d)  area had ever seen So, when (e)  farmer looked into (f)  mirror, he was surprised to see (g)  man looking straight at him. Now, (h)  farmer closely saw (i)  his father who had died many years ago. He thought that it was his father in (j) — it and saluted him with love and respect. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 in short though until moreover in spite of if both as Mr. x is a miser (a) _____ he earns a lot of money. He seldom buys new clothes. (b) _____, he bargains with the shopkeepers to save money. (c) _____ having many friends, he always avoids entertaining them. (d) _____ he and his wife put on shabby dresses. (e) _____ he possesses a strange personality. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 make up mind, put up with, put an end to, to the brim, take one to task, at a stretch. 6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Where will you visit today?" said the guide. "I guess the best place to start is the Cathedral and the Castle. What is the opening time for those two?" said Arif. "According to the guidebook the Cathedral is only open from nine-thirty in the morning till midday. The Castle is just open from one to five," said the guide. "We can't go to the Cathedral until lunch in that case," said Arif. 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5=5 (a) The birds that come to our country in time of winter are called guest birds. (Simple) (b) As they cannot tolerate the severe cold in their native land, they come to a temperate country like Bangladesh. (Compound) (c) They come to our country to search a better shelter. (Complex) (d) They perform an important role to balance the environment. (Passive) (e) They cannot but fly far away from our country. (Affirmative). They are the gifts of nature. 8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 You live in an extended family like us, (a) ——? Yes, I do. We face some particular problems living in a large family. You are right. We are to do a lot of household work in a large family, (b) ——? Obviously. We don't find sufficient time to study in a large family, (c) ——? The noisy atmosphere is hardly conducive to a student, (d) ——? We are to share our beds for sleeping. We cannot enjoy sound sleep at night, (e) ——? 9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) A journey by boat is different from journey by bus because ——— (b) As there are no roads in the marshy lands,—— (c) You should not take a boat journey if——— (d) The Padma is so big that ——— (e) Although journey by boat is risky, ——— 10. Complete the following passage with suitable words. 1×5=5 We went (a) —— a picnic at the National Park at Gazipur. We left for the picnic (b) —— at 9 in the morning. We went there in a (c) —— bus. It (d) —— us one hour to reach there. To get more time for (e) —— and sight-seeing, we had taken (f) —— food for our lunch. We (g) —— the picnic in a number of (h) ——. I also spoke to some (i) —— people and learnt something about their (j) ——. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 11. You are Pamel, a student of Class XII in Dhaka City College. Few days ago, you along with some of your friends went on a study tour to a place of historical interest. Now write a report on it. 10 12. Write a short composition that tells about your college library that made you really proud. 15 13. Imagine, you are Habibur Rahman living at Talma Union of Nagarkanda Upazila. Your area has been badly affected by the recent flood. Now, write a letter to the editor of a newspaper drawing attention of the appropriate authority to the insufficiency of relief operation in the flood-affected areas of your locality. 10 14. Imagine, you are Amit. You are going to celebrate your birth anniversary on next Friday. Write a dialogue between you and your friend Kadir on the occasion. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. 10 Environment pollution All we see around us are the elements of environment. However, air, water and soil are some of the main elements of our environment. But they often pose to be a threat to our Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

life, particularly when they get polluted. They are polluted in many ways. Smoke is usually responsible for air pollution to create health hazard. It mixes with air and pollutes it. Man makes fire to cook food, to make bricks, to burn refuse and to melt pitch. Fire creates smoke and pollutes air. And water is polluted by waste, insecticides and chemical fertilizers, oil etc. Trees are also a useful element of environment. Environmental pollution gives rise to ecological imbalance and brings about natural disasters. We should adopt measures to save environment. We should plant trees and work for afforestation. They cause rain and save the air from pollution, soil from erosion. People should be made aware of the importance of using sanitary latrine so that the pond water and river water remain pure. Government should also take steps to remove the factors that cause environment pollution. 15. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 Once there was a rich man. He had a lot of wealth and he thought himself very happy. He was very much curious about human mind. One day a strange thought came to his mind that he would test whether there was any man ……………………………………………..

Model Question -25 1.



4. 5.

Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 go be damage look visit affect shock Flood is a curse. It (a) —— Bangladesh every year. Flood (b) —— a lot this year. Many roads and highways (c) ——.During flood the villages of Bangladesh (d) —— under water and (e) —— like an island. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Javed, You should be worried (a) —— the role of transport in modern age. Modern life depends much (b) —— transport. We realise how important transport is when it is disrupted (c) — — natural calamities. In fact, transport has made it possible (d) —— us to reach places previously inaccessible. Transport has made it possible for the modern people to feel together and to live together, both (e) —— and outside the boundary of a nation. No more today. Yours sincerely, Junayed Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 1 × 5 = 5 Haji Mohammad Mohsin was (a) —— very kind man and used to help (b) —— poor people. One night, he woke up hearing (c) —— sudden sound and-saw (d) —— thief in (e) —— room. (f) —— thief did not try to flee away when he caught hold of him. Mohsin asked him why he had come to steal. (g) —— thief replied that his family had been starving for (h) —— few days. Mohsin told him that (i) —— stealing is a great sin and let him go with (j) —— some money and advised him to turn good. The thief took the money and went away gladly. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 at all events, out of stock, to and fro, run out, under consideration, send away. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. "I've heard that you need to move into the hostel. Is that correct?" said the hostel super. "Yes, I've been staying with my aunt and now my cousin is arriving from Singapore and my aunt needs the room for him," said Sara. "I'll need to get some particulars of you first. What's your full name?" said the hostel super. "I am Sara Parkson," said Sara. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5 (a) It was 1971 when Bangladesh got independence. (Simple) (b) It is the most significant event in the history of Bangladesh. (Positive) Bangladesh was under British until 1947. (c) The lives of the people of Bangladesh have been shaped by tragedy. (Active) Though growth rate has slowed down, it has almost doubled since independence. (d) Despite many negative aspects, Bangladesh becomes a country of possibility. (Complex) (e) The 21st February 1952 immediately comes to our mind. (Complex) 7. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : 1 think you live in an extended family like us, (a) ——? : Yes, I do. But I think a small family is not favourable for our mental growth, (b)——? : You are right. We have to spend most of the time alone in a house, (c) ——? : This is because our parents cannot spare time for us, (d) ——? : Let us live in an extended family as our grandparents did, (e) ——? 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Travelling by plane is complicated as ———. (b) The passengers need to report at the desk so that ———. (c) You have to fill in an embarkation card to ———. (d) If you have more baggage which weighs more than the limit ———. (e) Unless your body is searched by a security ———. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. Suppose, you have visited Bogra where flood has caused a great havoc. Now write a report on it. 10 10. Write a short composition that tells about your first journey by air that you have made recently. 15 11. Read the advertisement and prepare an application along with a detailed CV. 10 Foreign Company Need Marketing Trainee: University graduate (MBA will be preferable). Strong in English and Computer literacy in office package. Contact us with application and detailed CV within 20 February 2011. Contact: House # 30 (2nd floor), Road # 19/A, Banani, Dhaka-1213 12. Imagine, you have gone to visit a city, you need to put up in a hotel. Write a dialogue between you and the receptionist of the hotel about booking a single seated room. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. 10 Rice is obtained from paddy. Paddy is the grain of paddy plant. It grows in hot countries. Hot and moist climate is suitable for rice cultivation. Heavy rainfall is necessary for growing paddy. It grows in Bangladesh, India, Japan, Thailand, Burma, China, Srilanka, Egypt and Malaysia. There are three kinds of rice. They are Aus, Amon and Boro. There is another kind of rice known as IRRI. Among the different kinds, Amon is the best. To grow rice is a hard task. The farmers plough the land well in the month of March. Then after heavy rain the seeds are sown. When the plant comes out, the farmers weed out the fields. Paddy ripens in about four months. It is then harvested. After threshing paddy is dried in the sun and husked in rice mills. Thus we get rice. Chira, muri, khai, cakes etc. are made of rice. Rice is our staple food. Polau, payesh and other kinds of delicious food items are made of rice. 13. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 Hasib is a student of class XII. He is very punctual and rarely comes late to the college. But unfortunately during the Pre-test Examination, he got stuck up in a severe traffic jam on his way to college ...................................... Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Model Question -26 1.





Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses. 1×5=5 A book is like a storehouse of knowledge and a source of joy. In books, we can see the society reflected. By (a) —— books, we can equip ourselves for life and realize our best selves. So reading books is one of the worthiest things that we can do. But books (b) —— quite costly these days. Still money is well (c) —— if we buy books. Sometimes, cheaper editions are available and we can (d) —— on second hand books. A book is a good companion. It can (e) —— us with knowledge, pleasure and consolation during the periods of sufferings. Use suitable prepositions in the blanks of the following passage. 1×5=5 Patriotism refers to love for one's own country. It removes all sorts of meanness (a) —— human mind and makes it broad. Patriotism inspires a man to shed the last drop of blood to defend the freedom of his country. A man (b) —— this quality is no better than a beast. A true patriot is honoured (c) —— all. His only aim is to promote the welfare of his country and countrymen. He always remembers a wise saying "Mother and motherland are superior (d) —— heaven." There are some traitors who always try to destroy the glory of the country (e) —— self interest. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed. 0.5×10=5 Computer is (a) —— invention of (b) —— modern science. It is (c) —— manmade machine and works according to (d) —— instruction given to it. It was Pascal who invented (e) —— theory of calculation. There are five components in (f) —— computer. In (g) —— modern world computer renders great service to (h) —— civilized world. It has lessened our work load to (i) —— great extent. In fact, computer is doing a great job by substituting (j) —— human brain. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 however because which as soon as so that rather so Gender discrimination in Bangladesh begins at birth. Most parents want to have children (a) —— they can, when they are older, supplement their family income and for help with the domestic work. In the existing socio-economic set-up, male children are best suited to this purpose. (b) —— girls are born to an unwelcome world. (c) ——, they are assigned, (d) —— confined to domestic chores. Some of these girls may be at school. But all their work— domestic or academic stops (e) ——they are married off, which is the prime concern of the parents about their daughters. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 The teacher said to the boy, "Do you think that honesty is the best policy?" The boy said, "Yes, sir, I think so." "Then learn to be honest from your boyhood," said the teacher. "Thank you sir," said the boy. "May Allah grant you a long life," said the teacher to the boy. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets. 1×5=5 (a) Tigers are known as ferocious animals. (Complex) Specialist say that they do not kill any animal that comes their way. A tiger kills to eat and it kills swiftly. (b) As the paws are cushioned, a big tiger can walk through the driest leaves without causing a single crackle. (Simple) (c) The tiger is one of the most ferocious animals. (Comparative) Tigers start hunting an hour or two before dusk. (d) Tigers are stronger than lions. (Positive) The tiger's jaws are so strong that it can crush a human skull like an egg shell. (e) Tigers are extremely strong. (Exclamatory) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Let's go out for a walk, ––––? (b) Never tell a lie, ——? (c) Nobody believes a liar, ––––? (d) The mother rose in her, ––––? (e) We need not go there, —––? 8. Complete these sentences. 1×5=5 (a) They came here in order that ——. (b) We walked fast lest ——. (c) Unless you study hard ——. (d) Hardly had I reached the station ––––. (e) If we went there ——. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. Write a paragraph on 'A road accident you have witnessed'. Your paragraph should include the answers to the following questions. 10 (a) When and where did the accident take place? (b) How did it happen? (c) What happened in the accident? (d) What did people do? (e) What did you do for the victims? (f) How did you feel then? 10. Write a short composition on 'Population Problem in Bangladesh'. 15 11. Suppose, the main road in your locality has been badly damaged by rain water and has not been repaired for a long time. All the people specially the students have to suffer a lot for this. Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Council or Municipality to repair the road immediately. 10 12. Suppose you are Rafiq/Neela. You are at the bank to open an account. 10 Write a dialogue between you and the manager about it. 13. Read the following sentences and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story. 15 Once a lion was sleeping in a forest. Suddenly a mouse came here. It did not notice the sleeping lion. It was running about and playing happily. By chance it ran over the face of the lion. It awoke the lion. At this the lion grew very angry.....................

Model Question -27 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Complete the following passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. 1×5=5 leave finish promise start offer Once upon a time there was a great poet named Ferdousi. He was asked to write 'Shahanama' in honour of Sultan Mahmud. When the poet (a) —— to write 'Shahanama', the Sultan (b) —— to pay him a piece of gold for each verse. But when the epic (c) ——, it was found to contain sixty thousand verses and the Sultan now (d) —— Ferdousi only sixty thousand pieces of silver. The poet refused the offer and (e) —— the court 2. Fill in each gap with appropriate prepositions. 1×5=5 A fire broke (a) —— at Agrabad on Saturday last. The fire was caused (b) —— an explosion in a factory. No sooner had the fire brigade been informed than several fire engines rushed (c) —— the spot. The fire brigade succeeded (d) —— extinguishing the fire. A local newspaper reported that some of people were injured (e) —— the fire. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) mark where an article is not used. 0.5×10=5 The other day Mita met with an accident and was taken to (a) —— hospital. Where she was placed was too small (b) —— room. Even none was there encircling to take care of Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

(c) —— neglected. Utmost care was taken to transfer her in (d) -—— isolation ward for better care. But frustrating all our sincere efforts she breathed her (e) —— last. (f) —— inquiry committee was formed to gauge (g) —— depth of indifference shown to (h) —— victim dragging her to (i) ——jaw of death though (j) —— consequence is a foregone conclusion to many. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 5 moreover in order to even if first of all if so rather since (a) —— solve the problem of copying in the examination, the government has taken some preventive measures. (b) —— the govt. is trying to raise public awareness. Recently the govt. has announced a law that if any student is found copying in examination hall, he/she will be expelled from the hall. (c) —— any invigilator is found helping any examinee, legal action will be taken against him/her. (d) —— outsiders are found involved in helping any examinee in copying, they will also be punished. (e) —— the govt. has interchanged examination centres and formed invigilators' teams to monitor the overall condition of the examination centres. 5. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 The teacher said to Rita, "Why are you talking in the class? You should behave yourself." Rita said, "Sir, I am sorry." The teacher said, "Be attentive and listen to my lecture. May Allah bless you." 6. Transform the underlined sentences in the following passage as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5 (a) The Padma is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh. (Comparative) (b) When it is summer, it becomes emaciated. (Simple) (c) During the rainy season it assumes a terrible shape. (Complex) (d) Everybody knows this. (Interrogative) (e) Tourists from home and abroad visit its shore to enjoy themselves. (Complex) 7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Wait here a moment, ——? (b) Let's play football, ——? (c) How sweetly the bird sings, ——? (d) I shall help you, ——? (e) Everyone knows it, ——? 8. Complete the sentences parts. 1×5=5 (a) Danger comes where ——. (b) A man is known by –––. (c) Since the weather was very cold ——. (d) We left the hotel after ——. (e) Go to bed when ——. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. Write a paragraph on 'A Railway Station' in about 100 —120 words by answering the following questions. 1×5=5 (i) What is a railway station? (ii) What do passengers do here? (iii) What can one see of a station from a distance? (iv) What are the functions of the points man? (v) How does the station look when the trains arrive and depart? 10. Write a composition in about 200 words on any one of the following. 15 (a) An Exciting Football Match You Have Witnessed. (b) Your Favourite Poet. 11. Suppose, you are Tarek or Tarin. Now, write an application to your principal for setting up a computer club. 10 12. Read the following paragraph and write a dialogue between Kamal and Hasan about Hasan's advice to Kamal how he can make a good result in the examination. 10 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


Kamal cannot do well in the examination. He crams when the exam approaches. On the other hand, Hasan always makes a good result because he makes notes himself, memorises them and writes them again and again. He has good command over English. He always tries to understand what he reads. Kamal goes to Hasan to seek his advice how to make a good result in the examination. 13. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination and complete it. Give it a suitable title. 15 I live with my uncle and aunt on a tiny island called Kukuri-Kukuri Char. As usual I went to bed at 10:30 p.m. after taking my supper and fell into a deep sleep. At about 12 p.m. a cyclone occurred. It was attended with tidal bore. --------------------------------------.







Model Question -28 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the following passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. 1×5=5 I have a friend who (a) —— to see the unseen and know the (b) ——. It is very (c) —— to her. So, once I (d) —— her to visit the war cemetery at Comilla. She (e) —— her deep satisfaction and readily (i) —— my invitation. So on the (g) —— day we (h) —— for the war cemetery at Comilla. Having (i) —— there she was (j) —— to see the dedicated souls rest in peace there, irrespective of their nationalities. Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition. 0.5×10=5 I have no interest (a) —— music, but I am very much interested in English as I am quite good (b) —— English. Yet at times I am fully absorbed (c) —— music (d) —— it is a matter of feelings. In the wide world (e) —— communication, the knowledge (f) —— English is a must. No one can keep aloof (g) —— it. People all (h) —— the world are more or less acquainted (i) —— the language (j) —— its greater diversity. Fill in the gaps with articles. 0.5×l0=5 You are (a) —— students of class ten, (b) —— highest class of the school. To come to this stage you had to undergo a lot of hardships and to make (c) —— effort. None of you can deny (d) —— fact of getting help from (e) —— so many dedicated and friendly teachers. This is however, (f) —— usual process. What (g) —— tremendous job (h) —— teachers shouldered to bring you at this stage. All these have been done to you to help you in becoming (i) —— unique person, having (j) —— ability, integrity and honesty for your own excellence. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 for example though but as well as so however because Men usually want to have their own way. No one, (a) , can have his own way all the time. He has to consider the interest of others (b)  his own interests. He is free to take his own decisions, (c)  these decisions must not be unjust or harmful for others, (d) , he must be very careful while driving (e)  there are other vehicles and pedestrians on the road. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 “You look a little bit like my mother, “he said, “especially in the dark by the fire.” “But you were only four Jerry, when you came here. You have remembered how she looked all these years?” “My mother lives in Mannville,” he said. Transform the underlined sentences in the following passage as directed in brackets. 1×5=5 We all are aware of our precious wildlife. In this regard we can name the Royal Bengal Tiger. What a royal appearance it has! (a) The Royal Bengal Tigers of the Sunderbans are the most famous in the world. (Interrogative) (b) All know it for its ferocity. (Passive) (c) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Now the number of Royal Bengal Tiger is not increasing. (Affirmative) (d) The Royal Bengal Tigers are the target of the illegal poachers. (Complex) (e) We ought to preserve this precious wildlife from the extinction by any means. (Passive) 7. Make tag questions. 1×5=5 (a) It does not snow in winter in Dhaka, ——? (b) Who cares, ——? (c) Nobody could answer, ——? (d) I am happy, ——? (e) Say your prayers, ——? 8. Complete sentence parts. 1×5=5 a) A graveyard is a place where ____________. b) I am not sure whether ___________. c) The old man is walking carefully lest _____________. d) Do you mind if _________. e) Unless you work hard __________. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. Write a report on the condition of the dengue fever taking into consideration the number of the patients has already been hospitalized and so forth. 10 10. Write a composition in about 200 words on Deforestation and its effect on the environment 15 11. You are a student of Sonapur College and you have been studying in this college for the last seven years, but unfortunately your father has been transferred and the whole family will shift to his working place. As you have no near relatives to stay with and continue your study in your dream school, your study is in a stake. Now, write to the Principal of the college to provide you a seat in the college hostel to ensure your study in the hostel. 12. Read the passage carefully and make a summary of it. 10 Street children are the children of streets. They are named as street urchins, foundlings, tokais, rootless children and so on. Most of them are the abandoned children of their parents. Their life and living is miserable. Many of the street children are orphans. Generally they earn their livelihood by begging, stealing, cheating and doing the manual jobs of the wage earners. They have to bear the brunt of tiresome drudgery of day-to-day life. These street children live in the way-side shanties or in the make-shift houses of the slums. Some of them also sleep under the open sky. They also work as garbage collectors, porters, helpers of tempos and buses, table-boys in the tea-stalls and hotels and also do many other odd jobs in many places. They are not in a position to enjoy the basic needs of life let alone the so called human rights and other extra facilities. As human beings they deserve equal rights to be worthy citizens of the country. People in general and government in particular should take all possible measures to ensure a better life for the rootless; or, otherwise they will become trouble-makers and cause immense harm to society. 13. Read the beginning of the story. The story is incomplete. Now complete the story using your imagination and give it a name. 15 Long long ago there lived a king in England. He was over eighty and in the wrong side of life. He had three daughters. He decided to divide his kingdom among his three daughters, but before doing that he thought of calling each of them to know how much she loved him............. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question






Model Question -29 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 float give go setup sip board walk My journey from Dhaka to Kathmundu was very exciting as I (a) —— for the first time. At about 1p.m. we (b) —— on the plane. A few minutes later we (c) —— newspaper. After some time a stewardess came with orange and lemon squash. I took a glass and as I (d) ——, I looked through the window. There were clouds (e) —— around the plane. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Habib, It's an opportunity for you to be acquainted (a) —— the common term 'Rootless' which means something (b) —— roots. In other words, the rootless people are those who are driven (c) —— poverty to the cities in quest of jobs. Being bereft (d) —— dwelling places, they have to set up makeshift houses or sometimes they have to reside (e) —— the pavements or elsewhere. No more today. Yours sincerely, Latif Or, Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition from the list. 1×5=5 to from in with at round below The other day I along (a) —— my friends had a bus trip (b) —— Soriargaon, a renowned historical place which is awash (c) —— the relics and remnants of the history. Reaching there, we went (d) —— the historical place. We were really amazed (e) —— this wonderful site. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed. 1×5=5 In Bangladesh, we have nuclear and extended families. (a) —— nuclear family is (b) — — small family usually with parents and children. (c) —— extended family is an enlarged family with (d) —— parents, children, grandparents, uncles, aunties and cousins. There are some advantages and some disadvantages in (e) —— nuclear-• family and in (i) —— extended family. The members of (g) —— nuclear family has much time for their ownselves but they can't share (h) —— joys and sorrows with one another. On (i) —— other hand, in an extended family, the members can share their problems with others but (j) —— atmosphere for study is not congenial. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 after all

because of


in fact




Having a degree on medicine, Gulliver went on a voyage. (a) ____the ship was wrecked but he (b) _____managed to swim ashore. He slept a deep sleep (c) ____ his tiredness. (d)_____he woke up he saw many tiny creatures. (e)____, they were the human beings smaller than Gulliver himself. 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 die out, above all, in order to, in a round about way, fed up with, black sheep. 6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you. Would you have time to answer a few questions?" said the man. "What's it about?" said the woman. "We're doing some market research for a new television channel," said the man. "I want to ask you some questions." "Sure, you may ask," said the woman. 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5 (a) The sun, a star in the sky, is one of the greatest sources of energy. (Complex) (b) We call it as solar energy. (Passive) It is very unfortunate that it is not an easy task to use. (c) As we use oil, diesel, coal for our every day life, our precious environment becomes Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

polluted. (Compound) (d) We can use the sun instead of using oil, coal and diesel. (Passive) (e) Burning of oil, diesel and coal produces carbon dioxide that is harmful for human beings. (Simple) 8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : We know the proverb as dead as dodo, (a) ——? ; Right. It is one of the birds which is now extinct, (b) ——? : Yes, it is. The Portuguese explorers saw it first in Mauritius, (c) ——? : But you can hardly see any dodo in the world now, (d) ——? : You are right. You will see only some of dodo paintings in Oxford Museum, (e)——? 9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Without practising regularly, ——— (b) Cricket is not as popular as ——— (c) Both football and cricket are ——— (d) In spite of the popularity of football, our national football team is ——— (e) The performance of Bangladesh football team may improve in future provided —— Part B : Composition (60 Marks) 10. Many NGOs work for the poor people in your locality. Now write a report on an NGO which has changed the life of poor villagers by its micro-credit programme. 10 11. Write a short composition that tells about the floods in Bangladesh. 15 12. Suppose, you are an inhabitant of Rasulpur, a village under the Nagarkanda Upazila, Faridpur. The villagers suffer a lot for want of proper medical care. Now, write an application to the Upazila Nirbahi Officer to set up a charitable dispensary for the villagers as soon as possible. 10 Or, Read the advertisement and prepare an application along with a detailed CV. FACULTY SEARCH EASTERN UNIVERSITY Lecturer/Sr. Lecturer (Law/English/CSE/EEE etc) Candidates must have a Masters degree with excellent academic background from a reputed university. Please, apply with complete CV within 14 September 2012Registrar, Eastern University, House 15/2. Road 3, Dhanmondi, Dhaka. 13. Imagine, you are Nasser. You have a friend called Fahim. Write a dialogue between you and Fahim about the importance of education. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. There is an old saying. "If you want to grow a tree in a certain direction, you bend it that way when it is young, because trees do not bend easily when full grown. The proverb, of course, refers not only to trees but to people as well. Human beings are creatures of habit, and the habits that are formed early in life are very difficult to break later. Those who develop good habits in childhood have an easier time adjusting to adulthood, but some parents apply the old saying very strictly in raising their children. It is expected that parents should keep their children aware of other people’s beliefs and opinions while teaching them their own values and views. They should also help them increase their freedom and self-determination as they grow older. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


Parents should also teach their children the basic rules of etiquette and some objective moral standard to guide their behaviour. The word "objective" means something that takes them beyond their own feelings and makes them mindful of the rights of others. Besides, parents should teach their children their religious views. They should take them to their sacred religious place or places. Not only that, they should also learn about other religions and values. At this, their mind will be broadened. Similarly, when children enter the teen years, their parents should increase their freedom and self-determination to a great extent. This will help them develop their confidence. Just as the young people need to learn to accept greater responsibility as they get older, so they need to learn how to make wise choice and decision. This does not of course mean that the children will enjoy unbridled freedom which may lead them astray. What is needed is that they should be taught when they are young, but be allowed to act with increasing freedom as they get older. 14. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 In his boyhood Hazrat Abdul Quadir Zilani was going to Bagdad for education. On the eve of his departure from home, his mother said to him, "My son, never tell a lie and don't get frightened in danger". Bagdad was far away..................................

Model Question -30 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 be can go have fish use throw



4. 5.


Once upon a time there lived a fisherman who (a) —— old and poor. He (b) ——barely support his wife and three children. Every day he (c) —— to go (d) —— early in the morning but he never (e) —— his net into the sea more than four times. Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition from the list. 1×5=5 by across at after on from to That day I was enjoying the rain which had come (a) —— a long five days' spell of heat. When I was sitting (b) —— the window, looking outside aimlessly, I saw a snail moving (c) —— the path. I gazed (d) —— it and felt very happy. The event had a profound impact (e) —— my mind. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 Ismail Hossain is (a) —— affluent man now. Through (b) —— devotion and hard work he managed to turn the wheels of (c) —— fortune. He was (d) —— unemployed youth of (e) —— impoverished family. Because of poverty he had to leave his study. He worked as (f) —- day labourer. He got (g) —— training on farming and gradually became selfsufficient. Now he is (h) —— man with complete satisfaction. He is an example of (i) — — unbelievable success before us. We should follow (j) —— example of Ismail Hossain. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 a bolt from the blue, make an impression, a chicken hearted man, a white elephant, out of question, bring to book. Rewrite the following hi the reported speech. 5 "Good morning. Can I help you?" said the officer. "Yes, I'd like to get some insurance for the contents of my home," said the woman. "When did you move into the house?" said the officer. "A few weeks ago. It's a two bedroom apartment," said the woman. "How much is the rent?" said the officer. "It's 5000 taka per month," said the woman. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5 (a) Hazrat Musa (Al) is one of the four great prophets in the world. (Comparative) (b) The life of Hazrat Musa (Al was full of many interesting incidents. (Complex) (c) In the Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

sura Kahaf of the Holy Quran, an incident of Musa's life has been narrated in detail (Compound) (d) It was narrated by the prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) to his disciples. (Active) (e) One of these was his encounter with a wise man who knew the hidden mystery of everything.( Simple) 7. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : I didn't see you for three days. You are getting on well with your studies, (a) ——? ; Yes. I am trying heart and soul. I think attaining good marks is not impossible for a student, (b) ——? : Sure. But you have begun studying burning the midnight oil, (c) ——? : It's true. I am trying my best. : You look so delicate. It seems your body is weak for hardwork, (d) ——? : You are right. I must consult a doctor soon, (e) ——? 8. Complete the following sentences. 1x5=5 (a) When the old man looked out of the window, ——— (b) In spite of the darkness, he could ——— (c) Though he could recognize the person in the black leather jacket, he did not——— (d) The stranger whispered in a low voice so that ——— (e) His voice was too low for armed guards at the gate ——— Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. Suppose, you are Neela, a student of class XI in Jessore Govt. Women College. World Womens’ Day was observed few days ago in your college in a befitting manner. Now write a report on it. 10 10. Write a short composition that tells about population problem of Bangladesh. 15 11. Imagine, you are Mr. Firoz Khan. You live at the village, Trunpur under Sirajganj Sadar Upazilla. Recently your village has been attacked by devastating flood. The flood affected people of your area need urgent relief. Now, write an application to the DC of your district for relief for the flood-hit people of your area. 10 12. Imagine, you are Samira. You have a neighbour, named Munir. Both of you read in the same college. You are good friends. It pains you to see that the people of your village are steeped in ignorance. The children have now started going to college. But the adult people must also be given the light of education. You have discussed the matter with Munir. Now, write a dialogue between Samira and Munir. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. The computer is a fairly recent invention. It is very much essential for our modern life. A computer exhibition is held annually in our country to make it popular. Last year I visited a computer exhibition which was held in IDB building at Agargaon in Dhaka. Actually, computer exhibition is one kind of computer fair where various kinds of computers are assembled and exhibited. To encourage the young generation towards, the information technology it is occasionally exhibited. People come here to know about information technology. The businessmen store their documents and information in the computer. They also compose their data and necessary things through it. In various ways the businessmen are benefited by computer exhibition. I went round the exhibition. I saw various kinds of computers there. I chose one and bought it at a reasonable rate. I was pleased to visit such an exhibition and gathered a lot of experience and direct knowledge about science and technology. 13. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 There was a farmer in a village. His condition was moderately well. The farmer had a pet dog. He loved his dog very much. Every day he fed it to its heart's content. On the other hand, the dog also liked its master highly .................. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


Model Question -31 1.




5. 6.



Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1x5=5 withstand attack be reign do grab run It was long since Robert Bruce was the King of Scotland. He was a good ruler and brave warrior. He (a) —— over the country quite well, and his subjects (b) —— very happy under his rule. But the greedy King of England tried (c) —— his territory. As such the English soldiers (d) —— Scotland. Bruce (e) —— the enemy with all his forces. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Kamran, It has been a long time since you wrote to me. I intend to focus on the importance of vocational education in Bangladesh. Our country is beset (a) —— many problems and vocational education can help solve these problems. A student must be acquainted (b) — — the tradition, culture, religion, history and geography of the land (c) —— general education. But vocational education is a prerequisite (d) —— solving the unemployment problem of our country. Besides, this type of education is conducive (e) —— the development of our economy. Yours sincerely, Kaiser Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 (a) —— electronic mail is (b) —— modern method of sending (c) —— messages in an instant without (d) —— involvement of a postman. In this system, (e) —— messages are sent with the help of (f) —— computer. In (g) —— e-mail system (h) —— letter is typed and edited in a computer. It is then sent to (i) —— in the form of (j) —— electric signal. receiver through a computer Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list: 1×5 = 5 too when for this naturally because of and but Global warming is increasing day by day (a) — deforestation. We cut down trees (b)  never think of planting more trees, (c) — man and other living beings are in the threat of extinction. Time is coming (d)  there will be no tree left for us. (e)  we have to face bitter consequences of deforestation. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 a bird's eye view, above board, all for, all against, all on a sudden, as if. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "I'm sorry to bother you so early," said Mrs. Rahman. "It's ok. What happened?" said Mrs. Karim. "Could you tell me how I can get hold of a doctor?" said Mrs. Rahman. "There's a Health Centre about ten minutes' walk away, why do you need a doctor?" said Mrs. Karim. "Our daughter, Anna isn't very well this morning and I'm bit worried for her," said Mrs. Rahman. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5 Baro Bazar is famous for many things. It is in the district of Jessore. (a) In case of going there, you can see the ruins of past civilization (Complex), (b) It will inspire you to look back to the interesting stories (Compound), (c) You may see the famous tombs of Gazi. Kalu and Champabati (Passive), (d) A lot of visitors, researchers and archaeologists come so that they can see the place (Simple), (e) No other story in this area is as interesting as the story of gold articles and a greedy woman (Superlative). Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : The Eiffel Tower of Paris is one of the greatest and magnificent buildings of the Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

world, (a) ——? : Yes, it is. Gustav Eiffel, a Frenchman built the tower, (b) ——? : Certainly. And it was named after him, (c) ——? : Sure. No such building as a symbol of exhibition had ever been constructed before, (d) ——? : You are right. About one million people visit this wonderful tower every year, (e)——? 9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Television serials are getting so popular ———. (b) Despite the widespread popularity, television serials have some ———. (c) Those television programmes are affecting not only the attitudes of our youths but also ———. (d) Television programmes have to be entertaining as well as ———. (e) By telecasting good programmes, television can play a great role in ———. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Suppose, you are Richard and working as an engineer in a mobile phone company. Now write a report on mobile phone mentioning its advantages and disadvantages. 10 11. Write a short composition that tells about the birds of Bangladesh. 15 12. Suppose, you are Ramiz. You are a student of class XI of Residential Model School & College, Dhaka. You know that in the present situation of communicative method, you need a communicative English Language club. Now, write an application to the principal to establish a communicative English language club. 10 Or, Read the advertisement and prepare an application along with a detailed CV. Career Opportunity Head Office Executive, Sales Qualification : Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from any recognized university. Interested candidates are invited for a walk in interview along with an application, detailed CV and one photograph to the following address on 16 and 17 September 2012 from 10 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Write to : Chemist Laboratories Limited Corporate Head Office: 19/2 Eskaton Garden Road. Dhaka-1000 13. Imagine, you are Sabiha and you have a friend named Asha. Many of your friends have given up education because of poverty and are still unemployed. You have had a discussion about the unemployment problem and its solution. Now, write a dialogue between you and Asha. 10 14. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 The man was badly in need of a job. He was visiting different offices and factories in search of a job. One day he met a manager..................................

Model Question -32 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 may do carry have stop afford maintain Rony's father is a poor farmer (a) —— only two bighas of land. He has eight children. One day his father told him (b) —— studies as he is no longer able to (c) —— his educational expenses after (d) — a large family. Rony thought that if my parents had only two children, he (e) —— asked me so. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Munia, You know that self-control is very important in our life. Let a man give rein (a) —— his impulses and passions, and (b) —— that moment he yields up his moral freedom. He is carried (c) —— the current of life and becomes the slave of his strongest desire (d) —— the time being. A man must be able to resist instinctive impulse (e) —— the exercise of self-control. Yours sincerely, Moni 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 1 × 5 = 5 We often hesitate after taking (a) —— decision. (b) —— man who is (c) —— hesitant can hardly reach the pinnacle of success. In order to overcome (d) —— difficulties, we should remain unmoved and determined. So, to overcome (e) —— problems, we should stick to (f) —— decision once taken. In order to reach (g) —— decision, we should be careful and confident. After taking (h) —— decision, we should never change it. (i) —— changing decisions frequently is a symbol of (j) —— weakness. 4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate linking words. 1×5=5 The old man told him about his last journey on the sea. They had sailed away to the south, he said, (a) —— they arrived in cold gray seas. Even the sea was frozen and the ice was all around them. In those days there were no steamships, (b) —— the big white sails of their ship opened wide as the strong wind blew them quickly through the icy waters. The weather was very cold and there were no birds or animals in that snow covered country. (c) —— one day the sailors saw an albatross flying towards the ship. The albatross is a big sea-bird and it brings good luck to sailors, (d) —— the men were pleased to see it. They gave it food and water and it became very tame. It came to the ship everyday (e) —— the sailors called it. 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 burst out, as though, at last, at length, by fair means or foul, by means of. 6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 1×5=5 "Sorry to keep you waiting. The programme starts at 10 o'clock. All the students will gather in the Main Hall," said the receptionist. "How do I find the Main Hall?" said the student. "Walk along the Language Laboratory and then pass the library, which is next to the Language Lab, on the same side, and facing you is the Main Hall," said the receptionist. 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. Once upon a time there was a robber. (a) He was so dangerous that he used to loot all the money and treasures of the wayfarers. (Compound) (b) He did not raid any house for robbery. (Passive) (c) When he saw any passenger approaching, he at once jumped before him. (Simple) (d) Do you know the name of the robber? (Complex) An event changed his life. (e) He was one of the greatest saints of that time. (Positive). 8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : To make good results in the examination you cannot write the same thing as most students write, (a) ——? : The examiners get bored when they find almost the same answers in all scripts, (b) ——? : If you were an examiner you would do the same, (c) ——? : You are right. But what can I do now? Try to understand what you read, make your own notes and revise them frequently, (d) ——? : Do you have any other advice? : You have to have a fairly good command over the language, (e) ——? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

: Of course. 9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) BTV has morning transmission on Fridays because ———. (b) If you have an interest in wildlife, you may watch the ———. (c) I watch the BBC World channel so that ———. (d) The television programmes should cover interests of not only the adults but also ——. (e) Children should not be allowed to watch television too much, lest they should——. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Suppose, you are Rodela, a newspaper reporter. Now write a report on the bad condition of road in your district. 10 11. Write a short composition that describes the National days of Bangladesh. 15 12. Suppose, cholera has broken out in your locality in an epidemic form. Now, write an application to the Upazila Nirbahi Officer of Gazipur for immediate arrangement for vaccination in your locality. 10 13. Imagine, you are Kamal. You have a friend named Sohel. Both of you are going in for the HSC examination to be held after a few days. After the examination you'll have some spare time. You have your individual plan about how you will spend your spare time. Now, write a dialogue between you and Sohel about spending the spare tune. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. People do not eat the same food all over the world. It varies from place to place. The eating habits of the people of a country depend largely on its geographical position, climate and soil. That is to say, the kinds of food that people eat depend on what they can grow or afford to buy from other countries. For instance, people in the tropical countries eat a lot of fruits and vegetables which grow abundantly in these regions. The chief foods of the people of Hawaii and Polynesia in the pacific are taro roots, bread fruit and seafood. They also eat a lot of limes, coconuts, bananas and pineapples which grow in plenty in these islands. The Indians of Central America eat mostly fruits and vegetables which they easily get around them. Again, the Eskimos live almost entirely on meat and fish because vegetables cannot grow in the ice-covered regions they live in. It is interesting to note that the word "Eskimo" itself means the "eater of fish". In fact, a lot of fish is eaten raw by the Eskimos. Meat is eaten in the countries that have large pastures for grazing livestock. Large meat eating countries are Australia, Argentina, Canada and the USA. It is quite natural that fish should be an important food in the countries with large sea-coasts. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Japan are examples of such countries. Much of the food of Japan which is a country of islands, comes from the sea. They eat a lot of seafood such as shrimps, oysters, as well as mineral-rich seaweed. Thus we see that the kinds of food that people eat vary throughout the world. 14. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 Nasima works in a big garment factory. There are more than five hundred workers in the factory. One day as usual, she was busy at her work. Suddenly a sound came to her ear that there was a break out of fire from -------------------------------------

Model Question -33 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Fill in the blanks with right form of verbs. answer break suspect conspire keep look see receive

1×5=5 trouble increase

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


Hamlet’s heart (a) —— at the sudden death of his father. His sorrow (b) —— when his mother married his uncle. He (c) —— that his uncle and mother (d) —— and murdered his father. While he was (e) —— by this thought, he (f) —— the news that the ghost of the dead king was (g) —— before the palace gate at midnight. The ghost (h) —— gloomy. It did not (i) —— to the soldiers’ questions, but (j) —— silent. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions 1×5=5 Mr. M. R. Khan applied (a) the post of a lecturer. Being pleased (b) his performance, the authority appointed him (c) the post. Actually he had authority (d) English. Moreover, he had a great zest (e) music. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 1 × 5 = 5 Money cannot buy (a) —— happiness. Money is (b) —— must for our life. But it is not (c) —— necessary to bring our happiness. Happiness is absolutely (d) —— psychological thing. It is (e) —–– name of (f) —— feeling. It means the contenment of the mind. He who is (g) —— satisfied with what he gets and content with his life is (h) —— really happy one. Happiness cannot be purchased with (i) —— money. No doubt, money has got something to do with (j) —— happiness but it cannot give us happiness. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 usually however as above all but such as (a) —— men want to have their own way. They want to think and act as they like. No one, (b) —— can have his own way all the time. A man cannot live in society without considering the interests of others (c) —— his own interest. People in society may make their own decisions (d) —— these decisions ought not to be unjust or harmful to others. One man's decision may easily harm another person, (e) —— a motorist may be in a hurry to get to his friends house. 5. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "My dear friends, said the stranger, I have come here because I have a message to give you. Lend me your ears please". "Let him say whatever he likes" said the old man. "Oh What a joy the message has brought for us". 6. Transform the sentences as directed in brackets. 1×5=5 (a)The National Memorial which is situated at Savar is a symbol of the nation's respect. (Simple) (b) Standing in front of the graves, we bow down our heads. (Complex) (c) The towers symbolize the loftiness of the spirit of martyres. (Interrogative) (d) We always remember their memories. (Negative) (e) The construction work of the National Memorial has been completed. (Change voice) 7. Make tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) I am late for home, ——? (b) Nobody called me, ——? (c) There is no pond in this village, ——? (d) All men are brothers, ——? (e) Nothing is certain, ——? 8. Complete these sentences. 1×5=5 (a) But for your help ——. (b) —— so long our purpose is honest. (c) If I were a rich man ——. (d) Scarcely had we reached school ——. (e) —— lest they should miss the class. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Write a paragraph in about 120 words about 'Mass Literacy' by answering the following questions. 10 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

(a) What is meant by mass literacy? (b) Why is it essential to educate the general people? (c) How can it help in our national progress? (d) Who can extend their helping hands in this respect? (e) How can we make it a success? 11. Law and order is deteriorating in your locality at an alarming rate. Now, write an application to the Officer in Charge of your Police Station requesting him to take steps to control anti-social elements. 10 12. It is the time for tree plantation. Now, write a dialogue between you and your teacher on the necessity and importance of planting trees. 10 Or, Write down the summary of the poem and give a suitable title to it. Little drops of water Little grams of sand Make the mighty ocean And the pleasant land. Little deeds of kindness Little words of love Make our earth an Eden Like the Heaven above. 13. Write a composition on the wonders of modern science 15 14. Read the incomplete story. Use your imagination and complete it. Add an appropriate title to it. 15 'Human life is full of events, some are better and some are bitter'. Ratan with all his classmates went to visit Cox's Bazar sea beach. They dived down in the sea. All came back — but Rahul could not. The tragic accident still haunts Ratan--------------------------

Model Question -34 1.




Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the following passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary: 1×5=5 feel lead make inspire create imply devote Patriotism is a noble virtue. It (a) _____ a man to do everything just and fair for his country and people. Actually it (b) _____ those qualities which makes a person (c) _____ his/her life for the well being of his country. Patriotic zeal (d) _____ a person dutiful, energetic and enthusiastic. On other hand, those devoid of Patriotic zeal, (e) _____ any scruple to plot against the country. Put in suitable prepositions in the blanks. 1×5=5 My dear Mim, Happy to know your brilliant success (a) _____ medical profession. Always remember that man is the noblest creation (b) _____ Allah, and his greatness lies in selfless service (c) _____humanity as well as in doing something great and noble (d) _____ human beings irrespective of caste and colour. Waiting to hear (e) _____ you. Your well-wisher, Raihan. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not necessary. 0.5 × 10 = 5 It was (a) —— happy occasion of New Year's Day. King Aurther and his knights were sitting in (b) —— court. At that time, they heard (c) —— sound of hoofs outside. In (d) —— moment, a stranger appeared before them. He was a knight. He said that people called him (e) —— Green knight. He said to the knight's present, "I challenge anyone of you to strike me with (f) —–– blow. If I survive, you will meet at my place in (g) —— year's time and receive (h) — blow in return. All (i) –––– knights were taken aback. No one came forward to meet (j) ––— challenge. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 at first than however incidentally at last then Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


(a) — King Lear asked his eldest daughter, Goneril how much she loved him. She declared in front of the whole court that she loved him more than her life. (b) — Lear asked his second daughter, Regan the same question. She replied saying that her only happiness was in loving him. (c) —, he called his youngest daughter, Cordelia to speak. Lear expected her to speak even more lovingly (d) — her sisters had done. (e) — Cordelia just stood there and said nothing. 5. Rewrite the following sentences in the reported speech. 5 "Why is she crying?" said Habib. "What has happened to her?" "She is the wife of a farmer." said the man. "They have land on the other side of the river but they have lost it." "What does she want to do now?" said Habib. 6. Read the following passage and transform the sentences as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5 (a) Very few cities in the world are as busy as Singapore. (Comparative) (b) There arc hotels in almost every street. Of all the hotels Raffle is one of the finest. (Positive) (c) Millions of people visit Singapore every year (Interrogative) (d) People who love food can taste local as well as foreign food. (Simple) (e) The people of Singapore are very friendly. (Negative). 7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Wait here a moment, ––––? (b) She sang a song, ——? (c) Let's enjoy the party, — (d) I am happy. —? (e) We take tea every morning, ——? 8. Complete the sentence parts. 1×5=5 (a) Since Bangladesh is a disaster-prone country _____. (b) Though Bangladesh is a small country, she is burdened ____. (c) Women who comprise half of our population ______. (d) Moreover, our country is beset ______. (e) We all should come forward with a view to _______. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. Write a paragraph in about 100-120 words about your 'National Flag' by answering the questions. 10 What does it symbolize? When and where it is hoisted? When is the national flag kept half-mast? What do the colours symbolize? How do we pay respect to it? 10. Write a composition in not more than 250 words on Discipline. 15 11. Write a dialogue between you and your friend Rabi on random use of polythene. 10 Or, Write a summary of the passage. Population explosion is a constant threat to our environment and existence. Our population is growing at such a high rate that the environment may soon fail to supply the minimum necessities of life. Unless we take steps to control this growth of population, we will face much difficulty and danger. Consequently the inhabitants must experience destruction. With the growth of population, people need more things like food, shelter, education, medical facilities, furniture etc. Many people are deprived of education and treatment. Many people are unemployed. Vehicles are increasing and causing traffic jams. Being unemployed some people are becoming addicted to drugs and involved in terrorism. A large number of people are living in unhygienic conditions. They are polluting the environment seriously. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

It is right time to control the rapid growth of population. Unless we attempt to control it to a considerable extent our environment is certain to face destruction. Therefore, to save ourselves and to live peacefully and happily, we should take immediate measures to keep our population within a limit. 12. Imagine, you are the students of Sonapur College, Rangpur. You want to go on an excursion to the Sundarbans, one of the biggest mangrove forest and a World Heritage Site. Now, on behalf of the students of your school, write an application to the principal praying for permission to go on the excursion. 10 13. Read the few lines. Complete the story and give a title to it. 15 There was a clever fox in a jungle. He fell into a trap as he was passing through the jungle. He could get out of the trap but lost his tail behind. Without the tail the fox looked very odd and strange..................

Model Question -35 1.





Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. There are more words than necessary. 1×5=5 vary be find live become have earn Happiness is a relative term. A person with a crown living in a palace may not be happy whereas a day labourer may (a) —— happiness living in a shabby hut. Again happiness (b) —— from person to person. A beggar can be happy if he can (c) —— a coin but a — businessman who can (d) —— a huge sum of money in a day may not be happy. Happiness (e) —— only the blessing of Allah. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. 1×5=5 I worked hard for my HSC examination. My effort did not end (a) _____ smoke. I succeeded (b) _____the examination. My parents were glad (c) _____ my success. They congratulated me (d) _____ my brilliant results. I also owe (e) _____ my parents and teachers. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 1×5=5 You must have heard (a) _____ name of Kazi Nazrul Islam. He is our national poet. He is known as (b) _____ rebel poet. He was born in (c) _____ poor family. He passed his boyhood in great hardship. When (d) _____ First World War broke out, he joined (e) _____ army. After (f) _____ war, he began to write poems. He wrote specially for (g) _____ oppressed and down trodden people. He is called (h) _____ Shelley of Bengali literature. His poems and songs inspired (i) _____ Bangladesh in (j) _____ War of Liberation. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words. 1×5=5 The world is not only hungry (a) —— thirsty for water. This may seem strange to you (b) —— nearly 75 percent of the earth's surface is covered with water. (c) —— about 97 percent of this huge amount is sea water or salt water. Man can only drink and use the other 3 percent—the fresh water that comes from rivers, lakes, underground and other sources. (d) —— we cannot use even all of that because some of it is in the ice- bergs and glaciers. (e) —— worse, some of it has been polluted. Change the form of speech. 5 "I've got GPA-5 in the SSC examination," said Rafiq. "Congratulations!" I said. "What do you intend to do now?" "I want to study in a reputed college. I'll try to get admission in Notre Dame College," Rafiq replied. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets: 1×5=5 (a) Nawab Serajuddaula was the most courageous Nawab India has ever seen. (Comparative) (b) He forgave the English many a time. (Passive) (c) The English got desperate because of the collaboration of some of the leading personalities of his court with them. (Compound) (d) Serajuddaula was not afraid of it. (Interrogative) (e) Though they collaborated with the English, he decided to teach the English a lesson. (Simple) 7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Kindly do me a favour, ——? (b) Let's have a party, ——? (c) Their team lost, ——? d) I am punctual, ——? (e) He will finish the work, ——? 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Though he is poor, ——. (b) Had I the wings of a bird, ——. (c) He works hard so that ——. (d) —— if he had been informed, (e) Ten years have passed since ——. 9. Complete the following passage with suitable words : 1×5=5 Courtesy (a) —— gentle behaviour. One can easily win the heart of others by (b) —— gentle. None can run an office of business (c) —— without courtesy. The habit of courtesy should be (d) —— from very childhood. A courteous person never takes (e) — — in himself. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Write a paragraph about "Load-shedding". Your paragraph should include the answers to the following questions. 10 (a) What is load-shedding? (b) What are the causes of load-shedding? (c) What are the adverse effects of load-shedding? (d) What measures should be taken to solve this problem? 11. Write a short composition on A village market. 15 12. Write an application to the Chairman of a school for the post of an Assistant Teacher that has been advertised in the Daily Star on the 1st November 2009 along with Curriculum Vitae and the names and address and contact telephone of two referees. 10 13. Write a dialogue between two students about their preparation for the Test Examination. 10 14. Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give suitable title to your story. 15 There was a girl named Mita in a middle class family. She read, in class IX. She was a good student. The girl was very familiar to the students and the teachers. She was a jolly minded girl.........................

Model Question -36 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 shall have be like do cut chop He said, "I can (a) —— some wood today." I said, "But I (b) —— a boy coming from the orphanage." "I (c) —— the boy." "You? But you're small." "I (d) —— probably have to insist on an older boy," I thought. "Size (e) —— matter chopping wood," he said. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Or, Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses. 1x5=5 Once upon a time there (a) —— a young girl named Cinderella. Her mother was dead and her step-mother used to (b) —— her work hard in the house. Her two step-sisters also were very cruel. They made her (c) —— among the pots and kettle and do the household works. One day the sisters (d) -— in the house. "We (e) —— to the king's ball," they cried. 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 1×5=5 The Empire State Building is located (a) —— New York in the USA. It is much taller (b) —— the Eiffel Tower. It was 1250 feet tall during its inauguration in 1931. Then in 1951 a TV transmission tower was added (c) —— radio and TV broadcasts. Thus the tower added another 222 feet (d) —— its height and this brought to the total height of 1472 feet. The 102 storeyed Empire State Building remained the world's tallest skyscraper (e) —— 1971. But now it is challenged by some more high rise buildings. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5×l0=5 Hamlet, (a) —— living person, was (b) —— Prince of Denmark. He was (c) —— greatly shocked when his father was murdered and his mother hastily married his uncle Claudius, who became (d) —— King of Denmark. He expressed his grief by saying that even (e) — — animal of two reasons would have mourned longer. He grieved over these (f) —— sad events day after day (g) —— dreadful suspicion filled his mind. He had been told that while his father was sleeping in his garden he had died from (h) —— bite of (i) —— snake. But finally Hamlet knew that (j) —— real snake was Claudius. 4. Fill in the blanks with the suitable linking words from the list: 1×5=5 thus so as if besides because who even Honesty is a noble virtue. The man (a) ______ possesses this rare quality is the happiest person in the world. To be honest, man should have trust worthiness (b) ______ nobody trusts a liar. (c) ______ Allah helps the honest people. (d) ______ children should be taught honesty from the very beginning of life. (e) ______ children should be developed among the honest people. 5. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Mr. Fox's very clever," the other foxes said, "What's he going to tell us?" Mr Fox said, "Listen to me, my friends. I've made an important discovery. Do you want to know about it?" 6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets. 1×5=5 Robert Bruce was the king of England. His army was defeated again and again against king Edward I of England. (a) Being defeated for six times, he lost all hope. (Compound) (b) He fled away to save his life. (Complex) One day he was lying in a cave in a forest. (c) He noticed a spider trying to reach the top of the steep wall of the cave. (Complex) (d) It fell down again and again, but it did not give up its attempts. (Simple) At its seventh attempt, it succeeded in reaching the top. (e) This encouraged Bruce very much. (Passive) Gathering his soldiers together, he led an expedition against England. He overthrew the English army and secured the independence of Scotland. 7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) We were warned of the danger, ——? (b) Do your work without speaking, ——? (c) I have written the letter, ——? (d) The wind blows, ——? (e) I do not remember you, ——? 8. Complete these sentences. 1×5=5 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

I said that ——. —— that he is right. Ripa hopes that ——. Mother found that the glass ——. People believe that the earth ——. Part B : Composition (60 Marks) 9. You are a reporter of a renowned newspaper. You have experienced an unexpected fire on a garment factory. Now, write a report on it. 10 10. Write a short composition on 'The annual cultural function of your college'. 15 11. Suppose you want to apply to a foreign university for higher studies. You need all your papers in English. Now write an application to the chairman of your Education Board to issue your HSC certificates in English. 10 12. Afsar gets up late in the morning. So he cannot complete his lessons on time. The result is bad result in the examination. On the other band Shahin rises early in the morning and learns his lesson. He is doing well in the examination. Now write a dialogue between Afsar and Shahin about the benefits of early rising. 10 13. Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to the story. 15 In his boyhood Hazrat Abdul Quadir Zilani was going to Bagdad for education. On the eve of his departure from home, his mother said to him, "My son, never tell a lie and don't get frightened in danger". Bagdad was far away from his home........................................

Model Question -37 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary: 1×5 = 5 ensure refer buy mean call satisfy feel Money (a)  happiness. Happiness is absolutely a psychological thing. It (b) — the contentment of the mind. He who (c)  with what he gets and is content with his life (d)  a happy man. It is only moral and spiritual development which (e)  happiness in our life. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Mushfique, It is undeniable that today the role of women is changing. They are no longer confined (a) —— the four walls of their house. They have come (b) —— of their cocoons and are working side by side (c) —— men in all the development activities. They are competing (d) —— men and have proved their worth. They are contributing much (e) —— the economy of our country. Yours sincerely, Momen 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (X) where an article is not needed. 1×5=5 Flood is a natural calamity. It is almost (a) — annual affair in Bangladesh. It is caused by heavy (b) —— showers of rain, water to (c) —— rivers and canals can't carry the rain water to (d) —— sea rapidly. So there is (e) —— increase of water in (f) —— rivers and canals which overflow their banks and cause flood. During flood men and other animals suffer from miseries which beggar description. Crops are also damaged to (g) —— great extent. After flood various diseases like diarrhoea and cholera break out in (h) —— epidemic form. So flood is (i) —— dangerous problem in our country. (j) —— Government is trying to solve the problem. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

4. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 jump at an offer; die out; at length; far and near; golden age; bring to book; at stake. 5. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Excuse me, could you tell me where is the Computer Laboratory?" said the student. "Yes, you go down to the end of this corridor, turn right. The Computer Laboratory is immediately on your right," said the officer. "Thank you", said the student. 6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5 Tashrif Saihan, a small boy of primary school lived in a village, (a) He got a talentpool scholarship being a student of a registered primary school (Complex), (b) He got admitted in a zilla school that was famous for a great performance (Simple), (c) It is one of the best schools in that locality (Positive), (d) As he has an intention to be a doctor, he reads hard depending on the will of Almighty Allah (Compound), (e) Every day he completes his lesson in his house (Passive). He is the blazing example of rural students who read in a remote area. 7. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : Mina is having a birthday party in the afternoon, (a) ——? : Yes, she is. She has been busy cleaning and dusting the drawing room, (b) — ? : Yesterday her father brought her a lovely dress, (c) ——? : And her mother wants to give her a pleasant surprise, (d) ——? : Certainly. Let us buy a nice gift for her. (e) ——? 8. Complete the following sentences. (a) As I was a young boy, I could not ——— (b) My childhood days were so exciting that I can still (c) When I woke up in the morning, ——— (d)The weather was so hot that no animals ——— (e) Although it was raining outside, _______. Part B : Composition (60 Marks) 9. Suppose, you are Sadman. “Pahela Baishakh” was observed with great enthusiasm in your college. Now write a report on it. 10 10. Write a short composition that tells about the wonders of modern science. 15 11. Imagine, you have passed the SSC Examination this year. You intend to get yourself admitted into a college. So, you require a testimonial to get admitted there. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school for a testimonial. 10 12. You are Munir. You have appeared at the HSC examination. Mr. Jamil is a respectable man in your neighbourhood. You call him uncle. He wants to know about your future plan. Reproduce the dialogue between you and Mr. Jamil. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. An ideal political leader In my opinion, Sher-e-Bangla Abul Kasem Fazlul Huq is an ideal political leader. He is regarded as the father of the renaissance of the Muslims of Bengal. He was a born leader. He developed his leadership qualities from his boyhood. He was a great scholar too. He could make the people spell-bound by dint of his knowledge and wisdom. He was a great orator. When he delivered lecture in public meetings, all people listened to him with rapt attention. He was an ardent upholder of democracy and a great parliamentarian. His arguments were invincible. He had a good sense of humour also. A. K. Fazlul Huq was a great patron of education. He was a beloved friend of people. The Bengal Tenancy Act was passed at his initiative. This law rescued poor peasants from the oppression of the Hindu Zemindars. The famous "Lahore Resolution" was drafted and moved by him. He was the first Muslim Mayor of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation. He was Education Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


Minister and Chief Minister of the then Bengal. During Pakistan Period he was sometime the Chief Minister and Governor of East Pakistan and Home Minister of Pakistan. But he always led a very simple life. He was very close to the common people. So common masses loved and respected him as their friend, philosopher and guide. For these qualities and strong principle, he is an ideal leader undoubtedly. Those who are involved in politics can be followers of Sher-e-Bangla A. K. Fazlul Huq minutely to move in the sphere of politics successfully. 13. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 There was a farmer in a village. His condition was moderately well. The farmer had a pet dog. He loved his dog very much. Everyday he fed it to its heart's content. On the other hand, the dog also liked its master highly ..................

Model Question -38 1.



4. 5.


Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 overwhelm hug touch tell run hear look One day my friend Runa came (a) —— to me and (b) —— me. She looked at me as if she (c) —— about my scholarship. I (d) —— her about it and she (e) —— with joy. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Rima, Now I'm going to talk (a) —— the importance of co-curricular activities. Mere bookish knowledge can't provide us (b) —— perfect knowledge. (c) —— co-curricular activities the full blooming of body, mind and soul is quite impossible. Co-curricular activities are part and parcel (d) —— the full nourishment of the faculty of the students. Besides, these activities create a bond of friendship (e) —— the students. Yours sincerely, Ruma Or, Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition from the list. in with for on to below from Sometimes I am occupied (a) —— angling. Whenever I get time, I go (b) angling. I feel very happy as soon as I collect fish. This is my favourite hobby. I take all necessary things (c) —— angling (d) —— me. Angling remains lively (e) —— my mind. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 1 × 5 = 5 Bangladesh is an independent country. We won freedom on (a) —— December 16, 1971. This freedom was won as (b) —— result of great sacrifice. (c) —— great many people laid down their lives for (d) —— freedom of (e) —— country. (f) —— man who loves his country is (g) —— patriot. (h) —— real patriot loves his country more than his life. Being patriot, we all should try to make (i) —— effort for the welfare and (j) —— progress of our motherland. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 subject to, victim of, with an eye to, sine die, to one's heart's content, in a nutshell. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "I've just had some good news, Susan has had her baby," said Sarah. "Do you know when she had it?" said John. "Yesterday, the tenth of August", said Sarah. "Is it a boy or a girl?" said John. "It's a boy," said Sarah. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5=5 Gulliver was the third of five sons of his parents. (a) Having a degree on medicine, he went on a voyage as a ship surgeon. (Compound) (b) Unfortunately, the ship was Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

wrecked but Gulliver somehow managed to swim ashore. (Complex) (c) When he woke up, it was daylight. (Simple) He slept a deep sleep because of his tiredness. (d) He saw many small people. (Passive) It was the country of Lilliputians, the small human being, (e) Gulliver was taller than Lilliputians. (Positive) 7. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : We have to learn two languages, (a) ——? : Sure. But Bengali doesn't cause much difficulty, (b) ——? : No, it does not. But English seems to be a difficult language to learn, (c) ——? : Read story books for children and try to use words given there, (d) ——? : I cannot understand the meaning of some words used there. You must look them up in the dictionary, (e) ——? 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Sabiha was intelligent enough to ——— (b) The seeds were so good that ——— (c) During the exam season the students became too busy to ——— (d) After planting saplings the students put fencing around them so that ——— (e) The headmaster is not only learned but also ——— . 9. Complete the following passage with suitable words. 1×5=5 Cox's Bazar is the most (a) —— tourist (b) —— of the country. The town was named (c) —— Lieutenant Cox (d) —— died here in 1798. Cox's Bazar is (e) —— 150 km from Chittagong and is (f) —— to the port city by bus, air and steamer (g) ——. The town and (h) —— places have many colourful pagodas tand Buddhist temples. There are many tribal people (i) —— here. They have their (j) —— distinct customs and traditions. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Suppose, you are Sabrina, a student of Rangpur Govt. Girls' College. The annual sports of your college held few days ago. Now write a report on it. 10 11. Write a short composition that tells about the rivers of Bangladesh. 15 12. Suppose, your college has not yet set up any computer club. As a result, you are not in a good position to get benefit of learning computer. So, write an appliction to the Principal of your college asking for setting up a computer club. 10 13. Imagine, you are Russel. You have gone to a Chinese restaurant for dinner. Reproduce your dialogue with the waiter of that restaurant. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. 10 Drugs are commonly understood as medicines that are used for treating the cause or symptoms of an illness. In this sense drugs are certainly beneficial, but, there are some drugs which have no beneficial use at all. People who use these drugs take them for recreational reasons and there is no medical approval for it. Unwanted use of drugs takes its course to drug abuse. The consequences of recreational drug-taking are pernicious not only to the individual but also to the people who are around them. In the past, most people who abused drugs either had easy access to medicines or were impoverished people for whom drug provided the only escape from frustration and hopelessness of life. In the 1950's more people of all class and occupations began to use mood changing drugs, and some other kinds of mood changing drugs are available through both legal and illegal channels. Some mood changing drugs induce relaxation or sleep. Others induce feelings of exhilaration. All affect the nervous system and all can cause emotional change. 14. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 Once a lion was sleeping in a forest. Suddenly a mouse came there. It did not notice the sleeping lion. It was running about and playing happily. By chance it ran over the face of the lion. It awoke................................... Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


Model Question -39 1.




5. 6.



Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 loot carry make have attack reach blame An Arab ship (a) —— a party of Muslims from Ceylon to Makka for the Hajj. The ship (b) —— by the sea-robbers at Debul, a sea-port in Sind. The robbers (c) —— all the wealth and (d) —— away many Muslim women and children. This sad news (e) —— the Governor of Iraq and it made him very angry. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Amin, (a) —— effort there can be no progress (b) —— life. Games become dull if there is lack (c) —— real competition. You know that industry is the key (d) —— success. So, all should adhere (e) —— efforts. Yours sincerely, Abid Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 Teaching English to (a) —— native people of Bangladesh is not at all (b) —— easy task. In school, (c) —— traditional Grammar—Translation method is followed. So (d) —— pupils only develop their reading and (e) —— writing skills; but they can't speak or understand English by listening. So, (f) —— direct method, which gives stress to (g) — — listening and speaking has been evolved. (h) —— teacher has to draw picture, act to create (i) —— situation and has to show (j) —— models or real objects. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 otherwise accordingly now like moreover but besides Human being (a) —— other elements are important for the environment (b) —— plants and other animals are being destroyed indiscriminately by us. The lives of many wild animals are (c) —— under threat. If it is not stopped, our lives will also be challenging. (d) ——, the birds and other animals are killed for various reasons. The number of animals is decreasing (e) ——. But all the species are important for ecological balance. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 come to light, bone of contention, get away with, hold off, ins and outs, from time to time. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "What should we take for the new baby and the mother? We must take them something," said Amina. "I always think flowers are good to take to someone in hospital," said Laila.' "Everyone always brings flowers and they don't last. What about a big box of chocolates for the mother?" said Amina. "Ok, chocolates sound fine. We should get something for the baby too," said Laila. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5 It is a hot summer day. (a) A cunning fox was passing through a bush. (Complex) (b) The fox was thirsty and was looking for water. (Simple) (c) It could not find any source of water. (Passive) (d) Suddenly he saw a bush of ripe juicy grapes hanging down. (Compound) (e) Those grapes were more delicious than others. (Positive). Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : You are a bright student. You have always come first in the exam, (a) ——? : Yes, I have. I think you are also happy about your result, (b) ——? : No, not at all. I hope I can have a word with you about this, (c) ——? : Sure. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

: You know the secret of your brilliant success, (d) ——? : There is no secret to make a good result. You must do certain things for it, (e) ——? 9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) The giant became happy enough to ——— (b) The chairman was so kind that he gave ——— (c) On the first day of school Anwar was too nervous to (d) He works hard so that ——— (e) Ahmed is not only punctual but also ——— Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Suppose, you are Sumona, a student of class XI in Udyan College. The Freshers’ Reception function of your college was held with great enthusiasm. Now write a report on it. 10 11. Write a short composition that expresses your opinion about girls' education that should be made compulsory up to higher secondary level. 15 12. Suppose, your father is a retired college teacher. Yours is a large family consisting of six members. Your father is not in a position to bear your educational expenses. Now, write an application to the principal of your college to grant you a stipend from the poor fund of your college. 10 Or, Look at the advertisement below and apply for one of the posts. 10 Hotel Al-Faisal International Ltd. 1050 Nur Ahmed Road, Chittagong WANTED (a) House Supervisor (b) Receptionist Applications with complete CV and recent photograph will be received up to 15 December, 2011 13. Imagine, you are Rashid. You are worried about the street children. Write a dialogue between you and your friend, Kabir about the street children. 10 14. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 The man was badly in need of a job. He was visiting different offices and factories in search of a job. One day he met a manager of Squire Company ...........

Model Question -40 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 offend irritate find smoke use take belong People addicted to (a) —— often suffer from various diseases including cancer which (b) —— a heavy toll of human lives every year. Medical science is yet to (c) —— out a cure for it. Besides, smoking (d) —— the eyes and (e) —— nose. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Anika, I'm going to tell you about the books. Books are man's best companions (a) —— life. They are always ready to be (b) —— your side. Books provide us (c) —— knowledge. Some books may make you laugh, some others may give you much pleasure, others, again, may give you knowledge and new ideas. In fact, they are teeming (d) —— pleasure and knowledge. They are your friends (e) —— your life. Yours sincerely, Anita Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


Or, Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition from the list. 1×5=5 of on for before in to from The bill came and when I paid it I found that I had only enough (a) —— a quite inadequate tip. Her eyes rested for an instant (b) —— the three francs I left (c) —— the waiter and I knew that she thought me mean. But when I walked out (d) —— the restaurant I had the whole month (e) —— me. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (X) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 At present (a) —— small family is an ideal family because (b) —— overpopulation is (c) —— main problem of our country. It is (d) —— age of (e) —— competition now. With the income of one member, it is not possible to support five or six other members of (f) —— family. All male or female members of (g) —— family should earn money to (h) — — best of their abilities. (i) ——educated person can earn easily. So everybody must be educated in (j) —— society. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1x5=5 therefore however also from besides always though (a) —— the very beginning of their life, the girls of our society are thought to believe that the best foods should be preserved for the male members of the family. They are (b) —— taught that they should eat less than the male members. (c) ——, this trend helps the girls grow in a different way. (d) ——, they are victimized by social and familial disparity. (e) —— we, the conscious people, should come forward to bring back their lost dignity. 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 in the long run, look after, on the verge of, pass through, on the eve of, nip in the bud. 6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Where are you from?" said the teacher. "I am from Indonesia," said the student. "How did you find Cambridge when you first arrived?" said the teacher. "Well, I like it here. I think the city is very beautiful," said the student. 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5 (a) Cox's Bazar sea-beach, the longest sea-beach in the world is very beautiful to look at. (Complex) (b) It is one of the most beautiful sea beaches in the world. (Positive) (c) It is called pleasure seeker's paradise. (Active) (d) The visitors of home and abroad go there for enjoying natural beauties. (Compound) (e) Those who become tired may go to relax themselves. (Simple) 8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 : What do you mean by a good breakfast? : A good breakfast is such a breakfast that contains all the essential food elements, (a) — —? : One should have a good breakfast to keep one's body fit, (b) ——? : Yes, you are right. At night we don't have any food for a long time, (c) —— : No, we do not. Our body waits for energy that food provides, (d) ——? : Certainly. Eating a poor breakfast does not prepare you for the day ahead, (e)——? 9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) The six blind men were eager enough to ——— (b) Rina is so careless that ——— (c) Anwar grew too old to ——— (d) I opened the door so that the (e) Gardening is not only profitable but also ——— Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Suppose, you are Sumona a newspaper reporter. You are anxious about the adverse effect of dish-antenna. Now write a report on it. 10 Or, Write a paragraph about your mother by answering the questions below. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

What is your mother like? How does she manage your family? How does she feel for you? How does she spend her pastime? 11 Write a short composition that expresses your opinion about the merits and demerits of country life and city life. 15 12. Suppose, there are very few books in your college library. No books were purchased in the last few years. The students feel the need to have more books in the library, because they can take much benefit from the library. Now write an application to the principal of your college asking for more facilities in the college library. 10 13. Imagine, you are Samad. You want to go to Dhaka by Egarosindur Intercity Train day after tomorrow. You have gone to Kishoreganj Railway Station and bought a ticket. Reproduce the dialogue between you and the Booking Clerk. 10 14. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 King Solomon was the wisest man of his time. His fame spread far and wide. Once, the queen of Seba came to test his wisdom. She brought two garlands of roses and asked the king to take the natural one from them ......................................

Model Question -41 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Complete the following passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct form. Use negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 command help memorize claim prepare think have Most of the students of our country are experts in (a) –––– answers. They don't prepare note by themselves. They get them (b) —— by their tutors. Their tutors exercise their brain for the students. So, the (c) —— power of the students does not develop. They do not have any (d) —— over the language. They of course, do well in the examination. But for this they can claim no credit for their own. This result (e) —— them in their later life. 1. 2. Read the following the letter and fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition : 1 × 5 = 5 Dear Rimi, You know, the world we live (a) _____ is full (b) _____different things. There are many things (c) _____ us. All these things make (d) ____ our environment. We should not turn a good, clean environment (e) _____ a bad polluted one. Yours ever, Sumi 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 People of (a) —— developing countries have always been fascinated with (b) —— dream of living in (c) —— some developed countries like America, Canada etc. so that they can lead a better life, (d) —— better civic facilities and (e) —— earn as well. As a result, every year a lot of people migrate to (f) –––– these countries. In fact people who settle there are either skilled or well educated in (g) –––– their respective sectors. After (h) —— settling there they are to abide by (i) —— rules and regulations of those countries. These people are known as (j) —— immigrants. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 sometimes as now further more nevertheless but though while Kabir is the eldest son of a poor day labourer. This year he passed the SSC Examination with GPA-5. (a) —— poverty always haunted him, he was determined to do well in the examination. (b) —— he did not even get two square meals a day. (c) —— , he could not purchase all his necessary books and other things. (d) —— he never got disheartened. (e) he wants to take, admission into a good college and do well in his HSC Examination. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


5. Rewrite the following passage in the reported speech. 5 "Are you ill?" he said coldly. "No," I said. "Then why are you sitting when all others are working? Go out at once give them a hand," he said. 6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets. 1×5=5 (a) Once the old sailor killed an innocent bird Albatross (Complex) After this bad luck descended upon them. The fellow sailors hung the dead Albatross round the neck of the old sailor as punishment. The sun shone hotly overhead. (b) The wind stopped blowing and the ship came to a standstill. (Complex). Their supply of drinking water was finished. (c) They become so thirsty that they could not speak. (Simple) In the night the Ship of Death came to take away the lives of the suffering sailors. (d) Fear filled their hearts as soon as they saw it. (Passive) (e) It was not an ordinary ship. (Affirmative) Rather it had the image of a ship. In the ship there were only two crew—one was a woman and the other was death itself. The woman had red lips and white skin. They took the lives of the fellow sailors to the land of death 7. Complete the following sentences by using a clause. 1×5=5 (a) We left the hotel after ——. (b) His silence proves that he ——. (c) I closed the door of my room so that ——. (d) If you grant my application, I——. (e) The girl has come here since she ——. 8. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Nobody phoned, ——? (b) Don't forget me, ——? (c) 1 have hardly seen her, —? (d) The weather was fine, ——? (e) Let's talk about it, ——? Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. Many NGO's have been working for the women in our country. Make a report on an NGO of our country, which has been playing a vital role in educating the women and making them aware as to their health, rights and so on. 10 10. Write a short composition within 200 words about Importance of Media. 15 11. Suppose you have completed SSC Exam. You want to get yourself admitted into a college. You need some information i.e. admission process & requirements, financial matters etc. Now make conversation between you and an admission officer of a college. 10 12. Read the following advertisement taken from The Daily Star. House Tutor Wanted For a student of class five a qualified and experienced house tutor is wanted immediately. Interested candidates may approach to the following address: House # 75 Road # 12 (New) Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka -1205 Now, write a letter to the advertiser requesting to provide you some information — — location, time, salary etc. 10 13. Read the following incomplete story and complete it in your own way. Give it a suitable title. 15 Yesterday I went to Gulshan to visit my friend. I became greatly astonished when he took me to the roof of his house. I could not believe whether I was on the roof of a house in a city or in some rural place. Because............................... Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Model Question -42 1.







Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the following passage with suitable verbs given in the box below. Give their correct tenses. Use negative form if necessary. 1×5=5 inscribe unhygienic preserve carry occupy assemble be Last week a rally was held by Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon demanding planned development and safe (a) —— of all parks and playgrounds of the country. The city dwellers, school students and the representatives of different socio-cultural organization (b) —— at Battala in front of the National Museum. They were carrying banners and placards in which various slogans (c) ——. They demanded safe return of all parks and other (d) —— open areas. They also demanded proper management of them. It is said that the environment is getting (e) —— very rapidly. So the govt. should take necessary steps immediately. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. 1×5=5 Rangamati is a hilly town and it is the headquarters of Rangamati District. It is about 77 kilometers away (a) —— Chittagong. It is connected (b) — Chittagong by a metalled road. The town is situated (c) —— the western bank of Kaptai Lake. It has beautiful landscape and scenic beauty. It is famous (d) —— its uncommon flora and fauna, home spun textiles, bamboo hand bags, flower vases and silver jewellery. The hanging bridge (e) —— Kaptai Lake looks very beautiful and rowing in the lake is also very enjoyable. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 (a) —— IT village will be setup in (b) —— Chittagong. (c) —— Govt. has already taken decision in this regard. This was disclosed in (d) —— meeting by the Education Minister. He stressed (e) —— need for extensive training on (f) —— IT. At present IT is (g) —— important sector. We can alleviate unemployment problem through IT. (h) —— function was also addressed by (i) —— British High Commissioner. The function was followed by (j) —— magic show. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 at the same time otherwise for instance so last of all not only but also The rapid growth of population must be controlled. (a) —— all sorts of attempts to solve food problem will fail. (b) —— we have to increase our food production very rapidly. We may mostly solve our food problem by changing our traditional food habit, (c) —— we can take potato instead of rice. (d) –––– it is high time we changed our eating habit. (e) –––– knowledge of nutritive value of food can help solve our food problem to a great extent. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 1×5=5 "I've got GPA-5 in the HSC Examination," said Tuhin. "Congratulations!" I said, "What do you intend to do now?" "I want to study medicine," Tuhin replied. "I'll try to get admission into a government medical college." Transform the underlined sentences in the given passage. 1×5=5 (a) Neela became bored as she was in her hotel-room alone the whole afternoon (Compound). (b) Her father couldn’t come as he was working overtime (Simple). (c) It was evening and the shops were dazzling with bright lights (Complex). (d) Neela left her room to explore China Town (Simple). (e) The sightseeing of the night market was very impressive (Exclamatory). Add tag-questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) There was no King in China, ——? (b) Hasan put the book on his reading table, ——? (c) Don't touch live electric wire, ——? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


(d) I may attend the party, ——? (e) Nothing happened, ——? 8. Complete these sentences. 1×5=5 (a) 1 shall submit my application after —— . (b) As soon as the rain stopped, —— . (c) The bus will start in time provided —— . (d) Since it was raining heavily, —— , (e) If you went to New York, —— . B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. Write a paragraph in about 120 words about 'Load-Shedding' by answering the following questions. 10 What do you mean by load-shedding? When does load-shedding occur? What problems does it cause to the students? What problems does it cause to the industrial sector? What should we do to stop load-shedding? 10. Write a composition on any one of the following topics: 15 (a) International Mother Language Day, (b) An exciting football match that you have recently enjoyed. 11. Read the following advertisement from the Daily Star. 10 Job Opportunity Are you interested to pass time with books? Are you a student? Do you agree to work 15 hours a week? Then apply for a part time position of a library assistant. Along with your application, your CV and a passport size photograph should reach the librarian, Rani Bilashmoni Govt. Boys' High School, Gazipur-1700. before 31 December 2011. Imagine, you are Tanzim. Now, write a job application in response to the above advertisement. 10 12. Write a dialogue between two friends about their Future Plan of Studies. 10 13. Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story. 15 The name of the village is Sujanagor. There lives a man named Abdur Rashid. He has a few acres of land property. He has two sons namely, Sajal and Kazal and a daughter, Beauty. He is very ambitious and decides to give proper education to his children. So he has sent them to Dhaka -------------------------------------------.

Model Question -43 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 necessary build act rise breed damage conclude want Self-control (a) —— all other virtues. Man generally (b) —— on impulses and strong desires. Vicious desire (c) —— the purity of heart and mind resulting in the degradation of human nature. It is self-control that can help a man (d) —— up a pure character which is very essential to (e) —— above the level of inhumanity. 2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. 1×5=5 Everyone desires (a) —— wealth. But a few attain it. Some people hanker (b) —— riches. Some are content (c) —— what they have. True happiness lies (d) —— contentment. It is high time we gave (e) —— the habit of covetousness. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

3. Complete the following sentences with the linkers from the list. 1×5=5 that neither but at last also especially The soldiers were informed (a) _____ their leader would come soon. They (b) ____ knew that he was (c) _____ a good man nor a bad man. (d)______all their hopes and plans ended in smoke when they (e) ________received their leader riding back on his own horse, lifeless. 4. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Great king of the genies" called the monster, "I will never disobey you." Hearing these words, the fisherman became very brave and said, "Tell me why you were locked up in the vase?" The giant looked at the fisherman and said, "Speak to me more politely or 1 shall kill you." "Why should you kill me?" asked the fisherman. 5. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets. 5 (a) It was Wednesday and we were going to our village. (Complex) (b) After walking for five minutes we reached at our station. (Compound) (c) But scarcely had we reached there when the train left. (Negative) (d) So we waited long to get the next train. (Complex) (e) At last it came when the sun was about to set. (Simple) 6. Complete these sentences. 1×5=5 (a) It would be nice if ––––. (b) No one can tell when ––––. (c) Though there was water everywhere ––––. (d) Danger comes where ––––. (e) I will not go till ––––. 7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) He'd done the work, ——? (b) It hardly rained during the last rainy season, ——? (c) Nobody called me, ——? (d) Let's go out for a walk, ——? (e) We ought to respect our teachers,——? 8. Complete the following passage with suitable words given in the box 0.5 × 10 = 5 high after lead predominant swallow attain climb maddened instinct disaster strong weak It is the (a) —— of everyone to (b) —— up the top in position and power. Power is the source of all (c) —— in the world. So man tries his best to (d) —— it. However excessive desire for power (e) —— to a (f) ——. Sometimes a whole nation or society is (g) —— by this passion. Then the powerful nation tries to (h) —— the smaller and (i) — — neighbours. This ambition for power is (j) —— in the politicians and high officials. B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. Write a paragraph on 'Your Visit to a Science Fair' answering the following questions. 10 (a) Where and when was the fair held? (b) Who inaugurated the fair? (c) Who did you accompany? (d) How was the arrangement of stalls, sanitation and security? (e) How did you enjoy it? 10. Write a short composition on ‘A memorable day in your life’ 15 11. Imagine you are Refat, a student of B.L. College, Sirajgonj. A devastating flood visited your area and damaged a lot. Now, write an application to your Principal for holding the 'Test Examination' a week later. 10 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


12. Suppose, you are Imran. Your examination is near at hand. You have met your friend, Fahim and had a talk with him about your coming examination. Now make a dialogue between you and Fahim about the coming examination. 10 13. Read the beginning of the story and complete it in your own way and give a suitable title to it. 15 One day a passenger was going to Kamalapur by a taxi. He had a purse with him. It contained a good amount of money. The man was in a hurry to get the train. Before getting down from the taxi.......................................

Model Question -44 1.




5. 6.


Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 make hate means aim be made take Mass education (a) —— education of the illiterate mass of our country. This programme (b) —— at imparting knowledge of letters to the illiterate with a view to (c) —— them conscious and responsible citizens capable of reading, writing and doing simple calculations. It (d) —— mass education that (e) —— people know what is right and what is wrong. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. 1×5=5 She is proud (a) —— her wealth. But you should not take pride (b) —— your health or wealth. You should not be devoid (c) –––– common sense. Moreover, you should not laugh (d) —— the poor and you should have zeal (e) —— social work. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 People think of (a) —— poverty, as (b) —— great evil, and it seems to be (c) —— accepted belief that, if people had (d) —— plenty of money, they would be happy and (e) —— useful and more out of life. As (f) —— rule there is more genuine satisfaction in life and more obtained from life in (g) —— humble cottage of (h) —— poor men than in (i) —— palaces of (j) —— rich. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 when once suddenly initially so while after that (a) –––– there was a very clever fox. He lived in a jungle. One day (b) —— walking through a jungle, he fell into a trap. He landed on his tail, (c) —— he got out of the trap, he left his tail behind. Without tail the fox looked very ugly. (d) —— loss, (e) —— he hit upon a plan. Re-write the following in reported speech. 5 The girl said, "How fine the picture is! I wish I could buy it," "But", said her mother, "it is not durable and will break down in about a month," "Then let us go, mother. We won't buy it." Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5 (a) Very few poets in Iran were as great as Ferdousi. (Superlative) (b) He was born in an affluent family. (Negative) (c) He had no wants. (Interrogative) (d) So his early life was spent in luxury. (Active) However, he suddenly fell in evil days. (e) He had to leave his birth place because of the displeasure of the government with him. (Compound) Add tag-questions to the following sentences: 1×5=5 (a) Clean water is safe, ——? (b) Don't make a noise, ——? (c) None could do it, ——? .. (d) Let's have a party, ——? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

(e) Nobody came, ——? 8. Complete the sentences: 1×5=5 (a) If I were a rich man ——. (b) Everybody trusts him ——. (c) It is high time ——. (d) Unless he works hard ——. (e) Walk fast lest ——. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. Suppose you are a student of Govt. Girls' College. You have a Collage magazine. Now write a paragraph in about 100—120 words about "Your College Magazine" by answering the following questions. 10 (a) What is meant by college magazine? (b) What is the name of your college magazine? (c) How is it published? (d) How are the topics of the magazine selected? (e) What does it contain? (f) How can the school magazine help the students? 10. Write a short composition in not more than 200 words about 'The importance of science in everyday life' Or, 'Female education'. 15 11. Suppose you are Liza. You are a student of class XI. You have no scope to drink arsenic free water in your college campus. Write an application to the Municipality Chairman praying for sinking an arsenic free deep tube-well in your college campus. 10 12. Suppose you are Soma and your friend is Ratna. Now make a dialogue about the preparation for the HSC examination to get Golden GPA-5. 10 13. The passage given below is an incomplete story. Now complete the story with the help of the passage given below and give a suitable title to it. 15 One day a boy was going to school. Suddenly he saw smoke. It was coming out of a house. He went in. He saw a house on fire. There was nobody else near the fire. Only a few women were...........................

Model Question -45 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negative where necessary. 1×5= 5 welcome prefer is boil cook overcome like The introduction of solar ponds in Bangladesh may not be (a) —— at first by our villages. This (b) —— because, many villagers are advised to eat fried food. In a solar pond the food can be (c) —— only. Also cooking together in a solar pond may not be liked by some women who (d) —— to cook privately in their homes. However, all these problems can be (e) —— through the introduction of the solar pond and by wide spread demonstrations of the value of boiled food. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: 1×5 = 5 My dear father, My best regards to you and mother. I know you are worried (a)  me and want to know how I am passing my life here. I feel quite (b)  home. Our hostel manager takes care (c)  us. I can pass my time happily and pay concentration (d)  studies. I have become accustomed (e)  my new hostel life. No more today. Your loving son Rokon 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. .5x10=5 Once (a) —— poet, (b) —— Wordsworth was wandering when he suddenly saw a great number of (c) —— daffodils beside the lake. Stretching along (d) —— shore of (e) —— Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


bay, they looked an innumerous as (f) —— stars in (g) —— Milky Way. (h) —— daffodils were fluttering and dancing so gaily in (i) —— breeze that even (j) —— dancing waves glittering in the sunshine seemed to pale in comparison. 4. Make meaningful sentences with the following phrases/idioms (any five). 1 × 5 = 5 hue and cry; of one's own accord; then and there, far-fetched; hanker after, black and blue; ask for. 5. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 1×5=5 The old man said, "Can you give me some food? I've been starving for three days." The maid said, "Why do you beg? Can't you work?" "No, I'm unable to work," The old man replied. 6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5 (a) Babur spoke to his officers, "We won a great battle over Ibrahim Lodhi. (Indirect speech) Now we are the master of the Punjab (b) How can we go back to Kabul? (Assertive) (c) Our enemies will take the Punjab from us (Passive)Can we do this? No, I must stay here and you must stay with me. (d) I shall need your help to fight in other parts of India. (Complex) and take new cities. So Babur’s officers and ministers agreed to remain with him. (e) The Emperor was pleased and gave each man a part of his treasure. (Simple) which had belonged a Sultan Ibrahim Lodhi. 7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) I shall help you, ——? (b) He has a car, ——? (c) A student must be regular in studies, ——? (d) They are brothers, -—? (e) Every mother loves her child, ——? 8. Complete these sentences. 1×5=5 (a) I was saved because ——. (b) The milk was so hot that ——. (c) I had gone to a doctor because ——. (d) Mina is not as sharp as ——. (e) He walks faster than ——. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. You are Tahmina reading in Sylhet Govt. Girls' College. Your annual examination is over. You have emjoyed a film recently. Now write a report on it. 10 11. Write a short composition on any one of the following topics. 15 (a) Importance of Reading Newspaper (b) Your Favourite Poet. 12. Suppose, your Collage has not yet set up any computer club. As a result, you are not in a good position to get benefit of learning computer. So, write an application to the Principal of your College asking for setting up a computer club. 10 13. Trees are very important for us. Now, write a dialogue between Rina and Meena about the importance of tree plantation. 10 14. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it. 15 Long ago, there was a Sultan in Bengal. His name was Giasuddin Azam. His capital was Sonargaon near Dhaka. He was a very just and kind ruler. The Sultan's hobby was hunting. Very often he went on hunting. One day he was on hunting deer in a jungle. Aiming at a fawn he shot but missed........... Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Model Question -46 1.








Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 be go become have know see take The mass media (a) —— very important in these days. At one time people (b) —— little information about the world around them. It (c) —— months for the people to learn that king (d) —— dead. But nowadays we (e) —— what is happening throughout the world in hours or minutes. Put in suitable prepositions in the blanks. 1×5=5 The Beduin did not know what to do. Blind with anger he took (a) —— the same stone and through it (b) —— the old man. It hit him (c) —— the head and killed him. Two sons of the old man caught the Beduin and brought him before king Norman for justice. The young Beduin was condemned (d) —— death. The Beduin received his death sentence calmly. He, however, begged Norman to give him enough time just to settle (e) —— his family affairs. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5×10=5 Patriotism is a noble (a) —— virtue. It inspires (b) —— man to shed last drop of blood to defend the freedom of his (c) —— country. (d) —— man without patriotism is no better than (e) —— beast. A true patriot is honored by (f) —— all. He thinks for (g) —— welfare of his country. On (.h) —— other hand (i) —— unpatriotic man thinks only of his own interest. Those who die for (j) —— country are true patriots. They are remembered even after their death. Complete the following sentences with the phrases or idioms from the list. 1×5=5 especially but so ultimately as a result for this firstly Polybags are used in many ways. (a) ______ they are used for carrying goods and packing. (b) _____these bags do not decompose at any rate. (c) ____when people throw these bags, they create many problems. These thrown bags in town and cities (d) _______ find ways in drain and sewerage. (e)_______ we should take steps to solve the problem Rewrite the following in reported speech. 5 The traveller said. "Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?" "Yes", said the peasant." Do you want one in which you can spend the night?" "No," replied the traveller. "I only want a meal." Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets. 1x5=5 (a) Observe a good teacher and you will not see him motionless. (Complex) (b) He walks about the class when he feels it necessity. (Compound) (c) He speaks as he thinks and feels. (Simple (d) He is not chained to fixed rules. (Active) (e) The class becomes effective. (Negative) Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) He sat by me, ——? (b) Nakib will be a good student, ——? (c) Give me a hand, ——? (d) Bangladesh is small country. —— ? (c) Nobody believed him, —— ? Complete the parts. 1×5=5 (a) Although Rania ran very fast, ——. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


(b) Phone me if ——. (c) —— when we go to bed. (d) Unless you read regularly ——. (e) Me came to me after ——. 9. Complete the passage with suitable words from the list. You can use one word more than once. .5 xl0=5 provide acquire theoretical but about with people supplemented study hindrance acquiring traveller Life is real, but much of what a man learns from books is (a) —— . Bookish knowledge, unless (b) —— by practical experience, is not a help, (c) —— is often a (d) —— . Travelling furnishes one with an opportunity for (e) —— that experience. Pope, the poet, sang that the proper (f) —— of mankind is man. The traveller comes into contact (g) — — various types of people, and he moves (h) —— with the observant eye, and keeps the doors and windows of his mind open, he can (i) —— a lot of practical knowledge about men and things of the world which books alone cannot (j) —— . Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Suppose, you are early riser. You have a habit of rising early in the morning. In this society people usually rise early but some do not. Now write a paragraph in about 130 words on 'Early rising'. 10 In your paragraph, answer the following questions: 10 * What is early rising? * How can it be made into a habit? * How does it benefit to an early riser? * What happens to a person who does not rise early? * What does an early riser do well to the society? * What does an English proverb say on this point? Or, Suppose, you are 'Appy' by name. You witnessed a serious road mishap yesterday. Now, write a report on the accident. 11. We are living in the age of science. We see the wonderful achievements of science around us at every moment. Modern civilization is the blessing of science. Do you agree the statement? Give your opinion, against or in favour. (Answer should be given in about 250 words) 15 Or, Write a short composition on 'A memorable day in your life'. 12. Imagine you are 'Deep' by name, and a student of Perojpur Govt College, Perojpur. The students of your College want to celebrate a cultural function. Now, write an application to your Principal for his permission to perform the function in the Collage auditorium. 10 Or, Read the following advertisement from the Daily Star. Career opportunity Ajanta Computer Center, Jamalpur. Requires an Account Officer cum Each Officer Attractive salary Apply with Bio-data and two p.ps size Photographs before 31 December 2012 13. Illiteracy is a serious problem in Bangladesh. Now, write a dialogue between yourself and your friend how to eradicate illiteracy problem from Bangladesh. 10 Or, Write down the summary of the following passage and give a suitable title to it. Sincerity is the root of success. One can go a long way if one does anything with sincerity. The rich people are sincere to their work and soothe are capable of making anything a success. The great men are also sincere because they know that sincerity is the Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

key-stone to success. Those who do not follow the rules of sincerity can never go a long way in the world. The poor people are not sometimes sincere and so they lag behind. If they do not know the benefit of sincerity, they cannot make a good use of it. Sincerity is the tonic to any work because it helps the work to be done properly. If any work is not done properly, one will never get good output from it. So we should be sincere in every walk of life. Sincerity does not mean only to do any work properly, it also means dutifulness, honesty and modesty. The people of our country are not still aware of the importance of sincerity. As a result, they do not do their work properly-and it does not give good output to them. They are becoming spiritless observing their poor output. They blame their lot but do not think that they are not sincere in-their work. It is we who are responsible for our poor condition. If we are aware of this fact, we can easily be sincere to our work. 14. Read the beginning of the story given below and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it. 15 Once there was a king called Midas. He was very rich. Rich people, are never satisfied. They want more and more. The more they have the more they want. The king was not satisfied.....................

Model Question -47 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Complete the following passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary: 1×5=5 begin say hold bid call invite recite A few days ago the marriage ceremony of my elder sister was (a) _____ in a very befitting manner. We (b) _____ our friends and relatives. The invited guests (c) _____ to come in the evening. After the arrival of the bridegroom the Qazi solemnized the marriage (d) _____ the related verses from the holy Quran. While (e) _____ farewell to my sister my parents burst into tears. 2. Read the following the letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition: 1 × 5 = 5 Dear Mohon, Sorry for my unwilling delay to attend the function (a) _____ your residence. When I was ready (b) _____ the function, my father, (c) _____ giving me any information, came to me. He had fallen seriously ill. So I could not help taking him (d) _____ a clinic for immediate treatment. I hope I will visit you (e) _____ a week. No more today. Lovingly yours Razon 3. Fill in the gaps with articles where necessary. 0.5×10=5 Ha-du-du is (a) —— very popular game in Bangladesh. It is (b) —— out-door game. Hadu-du requires (c) —— small playground. (d) —— ground is divided into two equal parts. A line is drawn across (e) — middle of (f) —— field. The young strong and stout boys of (g) —— country play ha-du-du. (h) —— umpire decides (i) —— number of (j) —— players. 4. Fill in the blanks with linking words from the list. 1×5=5 if as now a days but and which that Patriotism stands for love for the nations (a) ___ does not stand against internationalism or universal brotherhood. (b)____ there is hatred, bloodshed (c) ___ unrest in many Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


countries of the world will prevail under the false cover of patriotism and world peace is not possible. (d) __ we do not stand for human dignity (e) ___ is the basic condition of patriotism. 5. Transform the underlined sentences in the following passage as directed in the brackets. 5 (a) Rafiq a student of class XI reads in a Government College. (Complex) (b) It is the most famous College in the town. (Positive) The teachers of the College are very friendly with the students in the town (c) The teachers of the College are very friendly with the students (Negative). (d) The English teacher helps the students to prepare good speech (Passive). (e) Rafiq as a student of Government College, he feels very proud (Compound). 6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech: 5 "You look a little bit like my mother," he said, "especially in the dark by the fire." "But you were only four, Jerry, when you came here." the writer said. "My mother lives in Mannville." 7. Make tag questions from the given sentences. 5 (a) We ought to love our country, —— ? (b) The principal was present there, —— ? (c) Nobody believes a liar, —— ? (d) Babu plucks mangoes, —— ? (e) I saw a bird flying, —— ? 8. Complete the sentence parts. 5 (a) —— although they have no car. (b) The weather was so cold that —. (c) I saw the man who —— . (d) I can give you what —— . (e) I saw him when he —— . Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. Imagine that you are going to appear at the HSC Examination next year. But you can't study properly because of load-shedding. Read the following questions and write a paragraph in about 100 words by answering them. 10 (a) What is load-shedding? (b) When does it occur? (c) What problems do you face? (d) Give some remedial suggestions. 10. Write a composition in about 200 words on 'A Memorable Day in Your Life'. Use the following clues. 15 11. Imagine you are Zishan of 105 Santinagar Road, Dhaka-1200. One of your bosom friends named Ruma who lives at 86, Sobani Ghat, Sylhet, wants to know about the prize giving ceremony of your College. Now write a letter to your friend Ruman about the prize giving ceremony of your College. Use the following clues. 10 12. Read the following passage and write a summary on it. 10 Habits of idleness once firmly fixed cannot be suddenly thrown off. The man who has wasted the precious hours of life's seed time finds that he cannot reap a harvest in lifes autumn. Lost wealth may be regained by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone forever. In the long list of excuses for neglect of duty, there is none which drops often from men's lips or which is founded on more of self-delusion than the want of leisure. People are always cheating themselves with the idea that would do this or that desirable thing if only they had time. It is thus that the lazy and the selfish excuse themselves from a thousand things which conscience dictates to be done. Remember that the men who have done the most for their own and Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

the general are not the wealthy, leisurely people who have abundance of time to themselves and nothing to do. They are men who are in ceaseless activity from January to December. Men who, however, passed with business, are always found capable of doing a little more, you may rely on them in their busiest seasons with ten times more assurance than an idle man. 13. Read the story. It is not complete. Use your imagination and complete it. Give it a title. 15 Once a dog found a piece of bone. He was eating it sitting under a tree. There sat a crow on the tree. It wished to take away the bone ------------------------------------------.

Model Question -48 1.







Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs. 1×5=5 We (a) —— independence from Pakistan in 1971. Almost all of us (b) —— in Bangla. There (c) —— a number of tribal language too. We are mainly Muslims but don't be (d) —— to hear that I (e) —— Hindus, Christian and Buddhist friends too. Here is a part of the letter written by a boy to his friend from Dhaka. Put in suitable prepositions in the blanks. 1×5=5 You know that Joydevpur is a place of scenic beauty (a) —— delightful picnic spots. We shall go (b) —— a hired bus. It will start (c) —— our house. We are going to start (d) — — 7.00 a.m. We shall take all the necessaries (e) —— us including a camera and a shot gun. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5×10=5 Everybody knows that sincerity is (a) —— key to success. (b) —— person can prosper in life by doing hard work. The man who does not follow (c) —— rules of sincerity can never go (d) —— long way in (e) —— world. Many (f) —— man is not conscious of (g) —— importance of (h) —— sincerity for which they don't have (i) —— benefit of (j) — — success. However, we should be sincere to our work. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 although and when so after there because (a) —— I was born in a village, I passed my boyhood in a town. (b) —— my birth, my parents become worried about my education, (c) —— there was no good school in the village. (d) —— I was four we began living in our district town and I got myself admitted into a good school (e) ——. Change the form of speech. "Porter, you may go," said the mistress of the house laughing. "You have gained your freedom." "By Allah," he replied, "I will not leave this house until I have heard the stories of my companions." Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets. 5 Ramzan Ali is a farmer. (a) He cultivates rice. (Passive) (b) When it is time to sow seeds, he remains so much busy. (Simple) (c) His family members also help him. (Passive) (d) He starts his work very early in the morning and continues it till late night. (Simple) His wife helps him in every work (e) As soon as she hears Fazar Azan, she gets up from bed. (Use No sooner ---------------- than) Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Laila knows you, —— ? (b) Sumi will not go to Khulna, —— ? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


(c) You are the new secretary, —— ? (d) We shall go there, —— ? (e) He reads in this college, ——? 8. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5 (a) —— because he is ill. (b) They will come ——. (c) Unless you read ——. (d) As soon as we went there ——. (e) We eat ——. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. Write a paragraph on 'Women's contribution to the development of our country' using the following clues. 10 (a) garments industry; (b) banking sectors: (c) better treatment; (d) in teaching; (e) as an administrator; (f) social and political sector. 10. Write a composition on 'An exciting cricket match you have witnessed recently'. 15 11. Write an application to your principal for an English newspaper for your common room. 10 12. Rina visited The National Memorial. Rina describes The National Memorial to her friends Ritu. 10 Now write a dialogue between Rina and Ritu about it. 13. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination. How did you take him to the place? What things did you show him? How did you spend the day with him and return home? 15 One day one of my cousins came to our house from Barisal. He didn't come here before. He wished to go Mahasthangarh. Early in the morning I woke up from the bed and told..........

Model Question -49 1.




Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses. 0.5×l0=5 Language (a) —— a very important role from the moment we wake up in the morning. We (b) —— language for different purposes. We (c) —— it to express our feeling and emotions. We use it to (d)—— an information, to (e) —— our ideas, thoughts to (f) —— - our message or to (g) —— an information to others. Language (h) ——- ever present in our activities and I experiences. It is an inseparable part of what we (i) —— and what we (j) —— perceive and believe. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: 1×5 = 5 Everyone desires (a) wealth. But very few can attain it. Some people hanker (b) riches. Some are content (c) what they have. True happiness lies (d)— contentment. It is high time we gave (e) the habit of covetousness. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5×10=5 (a) —— discipline is seen in (b) —— nature. Every morning (c) —— sun rises in (d) — — east, day follows (e) —— night, birds sing and (f) —— plants blossom. Everywhere in (g) —— nature, there is (h) -—— harmony. If there were no discipline in (i) —— nature, there would have been (j) —— chaos everywhere. Complete the following sentences with the phrases or idioms from the list. who as so moreover than though Neighbours are those persons (a) —— live around a famly in the same area. (b) —— man is social being, he needs company, sympathy and help of others. (c) —— to live peacefully, happily and smoothly good neighbours are a blessing to all.Their contribution Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

is much more (d) —— any body else. I live in Dhaka city. I have so many neighbours. (e) —— they belong to different professions, they come to help in my necessity. 5. Rewrite the following passage changing the form of narration. 5 Mother said to Asif, "Are you going to college now?" "Yes," Asif replied. "You have to return home- soon because we will go for Eid shopping," said mother. "What a nice idea! Mum, you are great." Asif said further. 6. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. 1×5=5 (a) I am sure that, I shall pass. (Simple) (b) I do not know his father's name. (Complex) (c) They handed him a leaflet. (Passive) (d) Besides being rich, he is learned. (Complex) (e) He leads a most unhappy life. (Exclamatory) 7. Make tag questions from the given sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Nobody came, ——? (b) You need not go there, ——? (c) What a pity! —? (d) Let's enjoy the movie, ——? (e) Never touch the live electric wire, ——? 8. Complete the sentence parts. 1×5=5 (a) No sooner had he come ——. (b) —— as though he were a leader. (c) Unless you read ——. (d) —— you should eat a balanced diet. (e) The moment which is lost ——. 9. Complete the following passage with suitable words from the list. You can use one word more than once. 0.5×10=5 free unless rule earn raise eat value mean enjoy descend come although Liberty does not (a) —— on people. People must (b) —— themselves to it. It is a fruit that must be (c) —— before it can be (d) ——. That freedom means freedom only from foreign (e) —— is an out-worn idea. It is not merely government that should be (f) ——, but people themselves should be free. And no (g) —— has any real (h) —— for the common man or woman (i) —— it also (j) —— freedom from want, disease and ignorance. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Many NGO’s work for the poor people in your locality. Now, make a report on an NGO which has changed the life of poor villagers by its micro-credit programme. 10 11. Write a short composition about 'Tree Plantation' Or, 'Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh'. 15 12. Imagine you are Shuhan of Nilgonj College. You have got many facilities in your college. But there is no cultural club in your college. Now, write an application to your principal for setting up a cultural club in your college. 10 13. Suppose you are Meena. A microbus carrying a patient just stopped beside you in front of your college. A man gets down and asks you about the location of Mymensingh Medical College Hospital. Now make a dialogue between you and the man about it. 10 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


14. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it: 15 There was a pond full of frogs. Some of them often put their heads out of the water and croaked loudly. One day some boys were playing by the side of the pond, when they heard the frogs croaking.........

Model Question -50 1.







Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 attract be decorate suggest build stand go The Shatgambuj Mosque is a World Heritage Site of Bangladesh. It (a) —— by Khan Jahan Ali in 1440. It (b) —— on sixty pillars with 77 domes. Its wall (c) —— two metres thick and the interior (d) —— wall and the beauty of the mosque (e) —— the tourists. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Promi, I think you will agree (a) —— me regarding the ever growing population of the country. Population explosion slows (b) —— the development activities of country. It is a curse (c) —— the society. Over population gives rise (d) —— many pernicious problems. It is high time the government wiped (e) —— this problem. Yours sincerely, Priya Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 1 × 5 = 5 Mr. Khan is (a) —— adviser of (b) —— international organisation. He is (c) —— one eyed person. He lost (d) —— eyesight of his left eye in (e) —— accident. His office is at Gulshan. He lives in (f) —— apartment at Lalmatia. So, he goes to office by (g) —— private car usually. He starts for office at nine in (h) —— morning and returns home at 9 at night. He takes his lunch with a sandwich. He is a man of (i) —— punctuality and (j) —— sincerity. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 since what though besides by therefore as (a) —— the last century is over, we will not forget it for some significant events. The last century saw the emergence of Bangladesh (b) —— an independent country. We have the bitter experience of being ruled (c) —— foreign states. Population problem is a great problem (d) —— has to be faced by us. (e) ——, terrorism also is a serious problem. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Hello. I'm here to register for the First Year Law Course," said the student. You just have to fill out this form for our records. What's your name?" said the clerk. "Julia Perkins," said the student. "Address?" said the clerk. "Flat 5, 15 Waratals Road, Brisbane," said the student. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. (a) The Iron Bridge across England's longest river, the Severn, is the world's first iron Bridge. (Complex) (b) The surrounding area was remarkable because it concentrates the industrial activity. (Simple) (c) Though the Iron Bridge was built in 1779 it was opened in 1781. (Compound) (d) It is one of the most beautiful bridges in England. (Positive) (e) It has brought a world wide recognition at that time. (Passive) It is the first industrial area to be listed as a World Heritage Site. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5 =5 : Did you visit the Empire State Building? : Yes, I did. It is a city within a city, (a) ——? : Certainly. It was 1250 feet tall when President Hoover opened it in 1930, (b) ——? ; Yes, it was. The radio and television tower added 222 feet more to its height, (c)——? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

: You are right. It provides every kind of service for its 16,000 permanent tenants, (d)——? : Obviously. There are 2,500,000 feet of electric wires to give it light and heat, (e)——? 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) My friend knows enough tales to ———. (b) His skill of story-telling is so interesting ————. (c) Some of the stories are too funny for the listeners to ————. (d) We often arrange a get together so that ————. (e) Some of the stories are not only interesting ————. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. Suppose, you are Easmeen. You know that population explosion is a big problem in Bangladesh. Now write a report on it. 10 10. Write a short composition that tells about the seasons in Bangladesh. 15 11. Imagine you have passed the HSC Examinaton this year. You intend to get yourself admitted into a university. So, you require a testimonial to get admitted there. Now write an application to the principal of your college for a testimonial. 10 Or, Read the advertisement and prepare an application along with a detailed CV. Career Opportunity Dream 2000 Limited located in EPZ, Savar needs a Textile Engineer. Please apply before or on 7 May 2011. Write to: Manager Dream 2000 Limited, Savar, Dhaka. 12. Imagine, you are Genia. You have a friend named Raisa. She does not read newspaper. Now, write a dialogue between you and Raisa about the necessity of reading newspaper. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. Over the last ten years or so, the garments industries have emerged as the largest sector as the source of earning foreign currency. Hundreds of garments factories have been set up throughout the country in the recent past few years. They have immensely contributed to the economy. The prime reason why garments industries have come out to be the champion in the field of export is obviously, "Cheap labour." Labour is not as cheap anywhere in the world as it is in Bangladesh. And what is noteworthy is that the women contribute to the bulk of the working force in these garments factories as they are relatively cheaper than the men. The most remarkable characteristic of the garments industries are the revolutionary changes it has brought in the lives of thousands of poor women across the country. Women whose only alternative of earning was confined to the household work of domestic servant, suddenly found a new way of earning and becoming financially independent. A job at garments factories may mean long hours and no free meals but this has not prevented thousands of women from work. These women have little or no education to work in these industries. A job at a garments factory gives a woman not only a steady income but also independence and dignity. Be it poverty or circumstances the fact is that the scenario has changed a lot. The garments factories are the clear evidence of it. Here in the garments factories one has to work above ten hours a day very often without any weekly holiday, sometimes with a monthly salary of taka 1200. But still most of the women working here are happy of the fact that they can earn their own living and manage their family. 13. Complete the following story following the cue. 10 Once a lion was sleeping in a forest. Suddenly a mouse came there. It did not notice the sleeping lion. It was running about and playing happily. By chance it ran over the face of the lion. It awoke the lion. At this the lion grew very angry ----------------------------------Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


Model Question -51 1.







Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 run be reach suffer live hamper go The people (a) — in the big cities and towns greatly (b) — from traffic jam. Their office activities (c) . They (d)  their working places in time. Several factors (e)  responsible for this severe and chronic problem. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5=5 Dear Neaz, You will be glad that I'm going to talk about the system how examination papers are marked in Britain. (a) —— the paper has been completed by the candidates, it is collected (b) —— the invigilator who bundles the papers together and places them, counted and labelled (c) —— an envelope. They are then sent (d) ——recorded delivery to the chief examiner, who distributes them (e) —— marking. Yours sincerely Navid Use articles where necessary put a cross (x) where an article is not needed: 0.5 × 10 = 5 We were returning home. On (a) _____ way we met (b) _____ little girl. She was selling (c) _____ flowers on (d) _____ street. She requested us to buy (e) _____ flower. My mother is (f) _____ kind-hearted woman. (g) _____ motherly affection rose at (h) _____ sight of her. She gave her (i) _____ ten taka note and bought some flowers. We should be kind to (j) _____ helpless. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 so that give between rather recently however rather Experts do not give any direct answer to the question regarding the possibility of earthquake (a) —— they emphasise on adequate precautions (b) —— losses can be minimized. (c) —— alarmed by recurrent earthquakes, the experts have called for earthquake resistance building code. (d) —— there are some divisions (e) —— these two groups of experts. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Oh, there you are!" said Mary, "I thought you were never going to come back." "Sorry! The canteen was absolutely packed and I had to wait for ages," said Selina. "It's ok. Could you manage to get any food for us?" said Mary. "Yes, I got pizza, apple and a bottle of orange juice," said Selina. "Great. Thanks a lot," said Mary. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1x5=5 The development of railways in the 19th century has had a profound influence on social and economic developments in many parts of the world. (a) The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, the first and outstanding model of a passenger train goes up a mountain. (Complex) (b) People call it the Toy Train. (Passive) (c) Though it has colourful wagons, it goes slowly. (Compound) (d) If you go to the district of Darjeeling in the state of West Bengal in India, you may enjoy it. (Simple) (e) It is one of the most beautiful places in India. (Positive) Many visitors of home and abroad come to the place for enjoying the innovative transportation system. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1x5=5 : The recent flood has caused untold sufferings for our people, (a) ——? : Everyday different newspapers publish news about the flood victims of our locality, (b) ——? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

: At present hundreds and thousands of our men have no houses to live in, (c) ——? : Exactly. But we are living in danger free area till now, (d) ——? : Let us come together and raise funds for them, (e) ——? 8. Complete the following sentences. (a) She was competent enough to ——— (b) Getting a scholarship is so competitive that ——— (c) Studying abroad is too expensive for an ordinary student to ——— (d) Sheema is applying for a scholarship so that she can ——— (e) Studying abroad will not only upgrade her qualifications but also ——— Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. Suppose, you are Rajan. Write a newspaper report on a horrifying Street Accident that took place in your locality. 10 10. Many kinds of flowers grow in Bangladesh. Write a short composition about the flowers of Bangladesh. 15 11. Imagine you are Sanjida Begum, a student of Govt. Yasin College, Faridpur. The number of books in the college library is inadequate to meet the demands of the students. Now write an application to your principal for buying some books for the college library. 10 Or, Read the advertisement and write an application with a detailed CV. Office Executive Wanted Write to : General Manager Transcom Limited 150/A, Motijheel C/A. Dhaka 12. Imagine, you are Hannan and you have a friend named Raju. You find a great crisis of pure water in your locality. Now, write a dialogue between you and Raju about the crisis of pure water. 10 13. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 One day in the evening two friends were passing through a jungle. They were very intimate friends. There lived many wild beasts in the jungle. After walking for sometimes they saw a bear coming ................................ Model Question -52 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 live go take leave destroy find have Rahman Ali lost everything in a devastating flood. The flood (a) —— the life of his wife and his two sons. It also (b) —— his house. The only child (c) —— alive was his teenaged daughter. For many days he (d) —— no reasons for (e) —— in the world. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 1 × 5 = 5 Dear Ruma, I have just heard (a) ______ your brother that you have been ill (b) ______ the hospital (a) ______ the last two weeks. I am very sorry. I should have written (d) ______ time. I hope you will come (e) ______ soon.No more today. Yours sincerely, Rahat 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 1×5=5 (a) —— Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden awarded (b) —— Nobel Peace Prize 2006 to Dr. Muhammad Yunus, our National hero. Though he is an economist and a banker, he has been awarded this prize because his economic theory and (c) —— scholarship has been proved to be (d) —— method for (e) —— poverty alleviation and economic disparity reduction. In the Nobel Prize history, this is (f) —— unique matter. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


This is (g) —— example of (h) —— recognition of hard work. Dr. Yunus has (i) —— immeasurable effort to reduce poverty and he has gained success. We are proud of (j) — — great achievement of Dr. Yunus. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. for example however even because and besides but With the passage of time all wounds are healed automatically and all pains subside and are forgotten. Time thus takes the role of great physician (a) ——it is time which wholly removes all pangs and sufferings. The doctor heals our diseases and illness with medicine. These are disease of our body, (b) —— what about the disease of our mind, troubles of our psyche, sufferings of our soul? No worldly physicians can be of any use so far our pains and sufferings of mind. We cannot (c) —— treat our mind in a scientific way. It passes on (d) —— gradually removes all our frustration, sorrows, pains and sufferings. The passage of time enables us to gradually forget these. (e) ——, time enables us to bear intense affliction of mind at the death of a dear one or depression caused by a tragic failure in life. 5. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. "Will you come to my house tomorrow?" I asked the boy. "We can discuss terms and conditions then" I said. "I shall be very happy to meet you at your house. Thank you so much," he replied. 6. Transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1x5=5 (a) Though an efficient banking system is important for economic growth, it is often unable to lend money to the poor. (Simple) (b) Grameen Bank is one of the best examples of micro-credit institution. (Positive) (c) Grameen Bank provides credit to the poor rural women. (Complex) (d) They provide loan to the rural women so that; they can develop their life style. (Compound) (e) Grameen Bank got prestigious Nobel Prize in 2006. (Passive) 7. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. : How to do good in exams often comes as a tips topic in newspapers, magazines and periodicals, (a) ——? : Actually no tips work if it is given just on the eve of examinations, (b) ——? : Would you please explain why? : It is not possible to ease a whole year's task in just one or two days, (c) ——? : Right you are. A student cannot be a scholarly examinee in just one day, (d) ——? : No, he cannot be. He must complete the whole syllabus before the examination,(e)——? 8. Complete the following sentences. 1x5=5 (a) Luna didn't have enough time to ——— (b) Her teacher was speaking so quickly that she could not ——— (c) Moreover the subject was too difficult for her to ——— (d) Her teacher should have spoken slowly so that students could ——— (e) A good teacher is careful not only about what to say but also about ——— Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. Suppose, you are Sayem, living in the city of Dhaka. Write a report describing the difficulties you are facing now and the facilities people used to enjoy twenty years back. 10 10. Write a short composition that tells about patriotism. 15 11. Imagine, you are M.S. Alam, living at Sadarghat, Dhaka. There is no children's park at your locality. You feel the necessity of a children's park. Now, write an application to the Mayor of Dhaka City Corporation drawing his attention to the need of a children's park in your locality. 12. Imagine, you are Reza and you have a friend named Babu. You are non-smokers. But some of your friends are addicted to smoking. They are indifferent to its bad Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

effects. You want to make them aware of the bad effects of smoking. You have had a discussion between yourselves on this matter. Now, reconstruct your discussion in the form of a dialogue between you and Babu about the bad effects of smoking. 10 13. Complete the following story following the cue. 15 One day a boy was going to school. Suddenly he saw smoke. It was coming out of a house. He went in. He saw a house on fire. There was nobody else near the fire. Only a few women were running -----------------------------.

Model Question -53 1.






Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Fill in the gaps in the following passage with right form of verbs. 0.5×10=5 I (a) —— your letter yesterday. In it you (b) —— your inability to join us in the picnic. You also (c) —— to know my experience in the picnic. Dear Sweety, what a pleasure it would have been if you (d) —— in the midst of us! Really, we (e) —— you very much. Anyhow here is a short description of the same. We selected Sonargaon for the picnic spot. It (f) —— some twenty miles of Dhaka. We (g) —— about thirty five in number including one of our teachers. We (h) —— there by bus at about 11 a.m. with all necessary utensils and materials. After (i) —— Sonargaon, we (j) —— our breakfast by 9.30 am. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 1×5=5 Mr. Rahman is a director in a project. He believes (a) —— sincerity and punctuality. He is strict (b) —— his subordinates. He wants everyone to abide (c) —— the rules and regulations of the project, but he pays full attention (d) —— their welfare. He offers them thanks if he is satisfied (e) —— their job. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × l0=5 Providing enough energy to meet (a) ____ ever-increasing demand is one of (b) ____ gravest problems (c) _____ world is now facing. Energy is (d) ____ Key to (e) ____ industrialized economy, which calls for (f) ____ doubling of electrical output every ten to twelve years. Meanwhile (g) _____ days of cheap abundant and environmentally acceptable power may be coming to (h) _____ end. Coal is plentiful but polluting, natural gas is (i) ____ scarce, oil is not found everywhere. Nuclear power now appears (j) ____ costly and risky. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 besides even and that when nor but The moon is a very familiar figure to all of us. She awakens a feeling of love and tenderness in our hearts. (a) —— the infant in arm stretches out its hands to grab this beautiful object. (b) —— her appeal is not confined to only children. The full moon has always played an important role in literature. (c) —— science has different things to tell about the moon. (d) —— on a clear night, we look out on the magic of moon light, it is often difficult for us to realise (e) —— the moon is shining in borrowed feathers. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 “Oh, my Lord, please do not kill the child,” said the woman. "Let her have him" the king said. "Now everything is clear to me," pointing to the woman, he said to the servant, "Give her the child. She is the mother of the baby.” Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets. 1×5=5 (a) The sun, a star in the sky, is one of the greatest sources of energy. (Complex) (b) We call it as solar energy. (Passive) It is very unfortunate that it is not an easy task to use. (c) As we use oil, diesel, coal for our everyday life, our precious environment becomes polluted. (Compound) (d) We can use the sun instead of using oil, coal and diesel. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Model Question


(Passive) (e) Burning of oil, diesel and coal produces carbon dioxide that is harmful for human beings. (Simple) 7. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) He dare not do it, ——? (b) Neither of them went, ——? (c) Somebody will say so, ——? (d) I shall support you, ——? (e) A barking dog seldom bites, ——? 8. Complete the sentences parts (Complex). 1×5=5 (a) Five years have passed since ——. (b) Would that I ——. (c) Walk fast lest ——. (d) The dinner was so delicious that ——. (e) Shut the door or ——. 9. Complete the passage with suitable words from the list. You can use one word more than once. 1×5=5 present drink certain away leafy wide controls drinking must keep helps food Vitamin arid mineral salts (a) —— our body fit for work and also keep (b) —— diseases. By eating (c) —— and (d) —— other vegetables, fruits, eggs, fish, meat and by (e) —— milk we get vitamins. Such foods also contain mineral salts. Water is (f) —— in almost every (g) ——. Of course, we can also (h) —— water. Water (i) —— to digest. It also (j) —— the heat of the body and keeps our blood healthy. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Suppose, you are Sabina and a student of Govt. KC College. Your college accorded a Farewell to HSC Examinees this year. Write a short report on the programme. 11. Write a short composition in about 200 words about 'A Memorable Day in Your Life'. 15 12. Write an application to the Principal of your College for opening a canteen in your college premises to supply hygienic food. 10 13. Write a dialogue between you and your friend Monika about the bad sides of LoadShedding. Such as it hampers domestic life, students study, productivity of mills and factories, refrigeration, operation etc. 10 Or, Write down the summary of the passage. Man is the maker of his own fortune. If we are afraid of work, we cannot prosper in life. Some people think that success in life depends on luck or chance. Nothing can be farther from truth. Scientists have toiled day and night in their laboratories to invent radio, television and computer which have added to the joy of our life. Life is not a bed of roses. It may be full of discomforts and problems if we are reluctant to work. In fact, life may be a misery if we shrink from labour and fail to earn enough money to meet our daily expenses. Industry can bring success in life. It is not only for an individual but also for a nation. America, Russia, Japan and China are powerful nations of the world today. They have attained this power, position and wealth by virtue of earnest toil of their citizens. However, Bangladesh is a developing country. If we want to improve the quality of our life, we must work hard which they key to success is. 14. Read the following story. The story is not complete. Use your imagination: 15 There lived a wood cutter in a village. One day he was cutting wood near a river. Suddenly, his axe fell into the river. The river was very deep.........................

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Full marks-100 Part A− Grammar (Marks-40) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary: 1×5 = 5 occur increase punish keep clean bring obey Most often traffic problem (a)  in the congested areas where the roads are very narrow. In proportion to our population roads (b) . There are many unlicensed vehicles which should (c)  under control. The drivers are not willing to (d)  the traffic rules. Irresponsible drivers (e)  strictly. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: 1×5=5 Dear Bina, I am very glad to receive your letter (a)  time. You have stood first (b)  the examination. I would like to offer congratulations (c)  your grand success. We are really proud (d)  you. I hope you will do better (e)  your future examinations. With best wishes. Your elder brother Nasim. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) mark where an article is not needed: 1×5 = 5 Tea is a drink. It is also (a)  refreshing drink. The preparation of tea is a long but (b)  interesting process. (c)  water is first boiled in (d)  kettle and (e)  desired quantity of (f)  tea dust is put in it. After (g)  few minutes (h)  boiled leaves are separated (i)  liquor. Then the liquor is poured into (j)  cup and some milk and sugar are mixed with it. 4. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five): 1×5 = 5 on the contrary; an open secret; in the mean time; in the event of; as soon as; in front of ; as though. 5. Re-write the following passage in the reported speech. 1×5=5 “Oh, my Lord, please do not kill the child,” said the woman. "Let her have him" the king said. "Now everything is clear to me," pointing to the woman, he said to the servant, "Give her the child. She is the mother of the baby.” 6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed:1×5 = 5 (a) Anika wrote a letter to her mother yesterday. (Passive) (b) She told her mother to send Tk. 1000 to buy some books. (Complex) (c) In the letter, she told her that she should not worry about her studies. (Simple) (d) Her mother often writes to her. (Interrogative) (e) She feels, that her mother is better than all other mothers in the world. (Superlative) 7. Fill in the blanks with tag questions: 1×5 = 5 (a) Everybody is liable to error, _____? (b) Very few students are devoted to studies, ________? (c) Please, don't waste your time, ________? (d) Let us go out for a walk, ________? (e) Fire bums,_______? 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5 = 5 (a) United we stand,_____________ . (b) Rupa talks as if ___________. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


(c) Since the body and mind go together, ______________. (d) Zinia is so tired __________. (e) As I had forgotten her, __________. Part-B: Composition (Marks 60) 9. Suppose, you are Abir Hasan, a reporter of a reputed daily. Recently you have visited a book fair in Dhaka. Now, write a report on it. 10 10. Write a short composition on any one of the following. 15 (a) The Natural Beauties of Bangladesh (b) Population Problem in Bangladesh 11. Write an application to the Upazilla Chairman for the repairment of the roads in your locality. 10 12. Write a dialogue between two friends on Environmental Pollution. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. Sincerity is the root of success of all work. One can go a long way if one does anything with sincerity. The rich are sincere to their work and they are capable of making anything a success. The great men are also sincere because they know that sincerity is the key to success. Those who do not follow the rules of sincerity can never go a long way in the world. Sincerity is the secret of any work because it helps the work to be done property. If any work is not done properly, one will never get good output from it. So we should be sincere in every walk of life. 13. Complete the following story with the cue. 15 Once there was a selfish giant who had a large and beautiful garden. The garden was full of soft green grass. Here and there all over the grass stood many colorful flowers like stars. The garden was a nice playground for the beautiful children................... . DHAKA BOARD-2011 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours

Full marks-100 Part-A- Grammar (Marks-40) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 require achieve take become consider learn rise Education is often compared to light and (a) ______ as the pillar of human civilization. So, it is only education which can make a nation (b) ______ to the level of standard development. From this point of view, it (c) ______ quite clear to us that if a country can provide its people with education (d) ______ for the modern aspects of life, it will be able to (e) ______ an all-out prosperity to the betterment and welfare of the nation. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 5 Dear Rony, Thanks for your letter. I have learnt that you are keen (a) ______ learning English. I appreciate your interest. You can listen (b) ______ BBC, CNN and such other news programmes. You should go (c) ______ English newspapers, story books etc. You can maintain a diary and write your feelings (d) ______ English. You should communicate (e) ______ others in English. Go ahead. I hope you will be successful. Your elder brother, Farhan Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 Bangladesh is (a) ______ world's most densely populated country. Our development efforts are frustrated because of (b) ______ great size of our population. (c) ______ population explosion is (d) ______ constant threat to our environment and (e) ______society. Her population is growing at such (f)______ high rate that (g) ______environment may soon fail to supply (h) ______ people with their minimum necessities. It is indeed (i) ______ alarming situation. Something should be done to change (j) ______situation. 4. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five): 1×5=5 look down upon; at random; beggar description; at sixes and sevens; apple of discord; as a result; a black sheep. 5. Rewrite the following passage in the reported speech: 5 "Follow my example," she said as we shook hands, "and never eat more than one thing for luncheon." "I'll do better than that," I retorted. "I'll eat nothing for dinner tonight." "Humorist," she cried gaily, jumping into a cab. 6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5 (a) Water, an important element of environment, is polluted by various ways. (Complex) (b) The water which is pure is necessary for us. (Simple) (c) Men pollute water by throwing waste in it. (Compound) (d) The farmers use water in time of cultivation largely. (Passive) (e) It is one of the most important elements of all living beings. (Positive) 7. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5 =5 (a) Life is full of troubles and difficulties, _____? (b) They have to be overcome if we are to succeed in life, _____? (c) So, we should face them with courage, _____? (d) We may fail at first, _____? (e) But we must not loose heart, _____? 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) We should say 'no’ to corruption because _____. (b) Corrupt persons are not only dishonest but also _____. (c) Now, it is high time _____. (d) We should work together if _____. (e) But we are so self-centered _____. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. Suppose, you are a reporter of a reputed daily. You have interviewed a number of common people recently about the price hike of day-to-day commodities. Now, write a report on your interview. 10 10. Write a short composition on the following: 15 World Cup Cricket in Bangladesh. 11. Write an application to the principal of your college seeking permission to arrange a voting camp for the selection of the Sundarbans as one of the seven wonders of the world. 10 12. Write a dialogue between two friends about their future plan of studies. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage: Most men long for wealth. Wealth, they think, brings happiness. But often wealth brings a great deal of worry instead of much happiness. A millionaire is a very wealthy man indeed, but his great wealth is also a great responsibility. He may have large estates and Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


factories. Estates and factories usually need a lot of attention. There may be disputes between the millionaire and his workers over one trouble or another. These disputes may lead to strike. In that case, the millionaire may lose a lot of money; or some gangsters may kidnap his child and demand thousands of pounds to return his child safe and sound. A very rich man, in spite of his great wealth, may not have an easy life. 13. Complete the following story with the cue. 15 Once there lived a poor wood-cutter in a village. He was very honest. Every day he went to cut wood in the jungle. One day while cutting wood ------------------------------DHAKA BOARD-2010 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours

Full marks-100 Part-A: Grammar (Marks-40) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list, Put them in the correct tense. 1×5 = 5 need learn go do modify revise design Communicative competence in English is urgently (a) ______ in our country. The present world (b) ______fast and developing by leaps and bounds. In order to keep pace with the present world, we cannot help (c) ______ English, but the present system of teaching and learning English is not up to the mark. The textbooks (d) ______ for the classes XI-XII have to (e) ______ and made updated. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 1×5 = 5 My dear Mim, Happy to know your brilliant success (a) ______ medical profession. Always remember that man is the noblest creation (b) ______ Allah, and his greatness lies in selfless service (c) ______humanity as well as in doing something great and noble (d) ______ human beings irrespective of caste and colour. Waiting to hear (e) ______ you. Your well-wisher, Raihan. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross mark (x) where it is not necessary. ½ ×10=5 (a) ______ Morning walk is a good habit for all classes of people. It is (b) ______ simple exercise and good for health and (c) ______ mentality. In the morning, (d) ______ air is fresh and free from any kind of noise and pollution. This pure (e) ______ environment makes an effect on (f) ______ walkers’ health and mind, when (g) ______ man enjoys (h) ______ beauties and solemnity of (i) ______ nature in (j) ______ morning. 4. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5 = 5 jump at an offer; die out; at length; far and near; golden age; bring to book; at stake. 5. Re-write the following in the reported speech. 5 “Where are you going?” said the merchant. “I was coming to see you.” “What do you want?” “To earn my bread by the labour of my hands.” “Do you really want work?” said the merchant. “Yes, if you have any.” “Then follow me and carry a box from a shop to my house.” “I do not see how I can do that.” said the youth. 6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5= 5 Raju is a good boy. (a) I do not know his father’s name. (Complex) (b) But I know the place where he was born. (simple). He is an active man (c) Though he is poor, he is honest (compound). (d) He is the best player. (Negative). (e) What a simple life he leads! (Assertive) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

7. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5= 5 a) Every student wants to do well in the examination, ______? b) But it is not an easy task, ______? c) A student should read the texts again and again, ______? d) He must not memorise the answer without knowing the meaning, ______? e) He can render social services, ______? 8. Complete the following sentences: 1×5= 5 a) You cannot find others to love you unless ______. b) It is love that ______. c) Love is divine which ______. d) Your friends cannot help loving you if ______. e) If you are not loved, it is a good evidence that ______. Part B: Composition 10. Suppose, an award-giving ceremony to the meritorious students of your college was held in you college auditorium a few days ago. Now, write a report regarding it. 10 11. Write a composition on “Modern Technology and Globalisation.” 15 12. Write an application to your Union Council Chairman for construction of a bridge over a canal which runs through your village. 10 13. Write a dialogue between two friends on the choice of career. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage. Presentation is of very importance in good writing. Your opening paragraph should arrest the reader’s attention and show him what you are writing about and why. If you are going to give the readers some information, tell them what subject you are going to deal with. If you are going to argue in support of a particular point of view, say what this point of view is. There is no harm is startling the reader in this paragraph by putting forward a new and apparently paradoxical point of view, provided you have convincing ideas to support it in the rest of what you write. The main body of your piece of writing should collect together and present the ideas promised in the first paragraph, or give good arguments to support the view put forward there. You should come to the point at once, say what you promised to say, avoiding irrelevant material, and then finish. Your last paragraph or sentence should bring what you have written to a neat satisfying end, leaving the reader with a clear idea of what you have been saying. 14. Read the following story. The story is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give a title to it: 15 Rahela is a village girl of a Muslim family. She is waiting for her HSC results. She dreams to read in a university after the end of her HSC examination. She would be a teacher and will take care of the young students. She is also anxious of her conservative parents. They think otherwise. Educating a daughter is mere waste of time and money………. DHAKA BOARD-2009 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part-A: Grammar (Marks-40) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense: 1×5=5 take pray offer remain keep do publish With extreme competition everywhere parents are constantly worried about the results. This is a common sight during the S.S.C Examinations in thousands of families. Special Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question



4. 5.





prayers (a) ______ in families having such an examinee. Parents (b) ______ special care of their children. They make sure that their wards get along with studies without the slightest of problems even without mosquito bites. Parents shuttle to mazars and temples and (c) ______for the examinees. Sometimes they give cash money and kinds for their wards. Parents of an examinee usually (d) ______worried until the result (e) ______. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: 1 × 5 = 5 Dear Rumi, It was very nice of you to have written to me. You will be glad to know that I got the first prize (a) ______ the debate competition in English of our college (b) ______ the topic "The importance of Learning English." I will now tell you (c) ______ brief what I said there. English is an international language. All that is best in modern civilization is available (d) ______ English. If we avoid English, we will keep ourselves aloof (e) ______ the civilized world. Yours ever, Fahim. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross mark (x) where an article is not needed.½ × 10 = 5 A brilliant student is (a) ______ asset. One day he may be (b) ______ engineer or (c) ______ M.B.B.S. doctor. He makes (d) ______ best use of his time. He makes a proper division of his time and does his duties accordingly. He knows that youth is (e) ______ golden period of (f) _____ life. He has (g) ______ aim in life. He knows that (h) ______ life without (i) ______aim is like (j) _____ ship without a rudder. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five):1×5=5 in the guise of; hard times; a black sheep; for the purpose of; storm in a tea-cup; from time immemorial; end in smoke. Re-write the following in the reported speech: 5 "Have you seen your mother, Jerry?" "I see her every summer. She sends for me." I wanted to cry out. "Why are you not with her? How can she let you go away again?" He said, "She comes up here from Manville whenever she can. She does not have a job now." Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed:- 1 × 5 = 5 (a) Day to day life in Dhaka is expensive. (Negative) (b) People living below the poverty line lead a miserable life. (Complex) (c) Price hike is one of the biggest problems for them. (Positive) (d) The government has taken necessary measures to keep the price hike under control. (Passive) (e) The people who are greedy are responsible for price spiral. (Simple) Fill in the blanks with tag questions: 1×5=5 : We're going to visit the Fantasy Kingdom today, (a) ______? : But we can't start our journey unless it stops raining, (b) ______? : Why don't we start now? It's only drizzling, (c) ______? : The spot is quite far from here, (d) ______? : So, let's put off our visit for tomorrow, (e) ______? Complete the following sentences: 1×5=5 (a) Since Bangladesh is an agricultural country, ______. (b) As her economy depends on agriculture, ______. (c) We have to develop cultivation scientifically so that ______. (d) Though our farmers work hard, they do not get what ______. (e) They cannot improve their condition because ______. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Part-B: Composition 9. You are a reporter of a reputed daily. You have interviewed many slum-dwellers about their ways of life. Now write a report on them. 10 10. Write a short composition on "The Uses and Abuses of Satellite Channels". 15 11. Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him/her for permission to set up an "English Debating Club" at your college. 10 12. Write a dialogue between two friends on frequent road accidents in our country.10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage and give a suitable title to it:Money cannot buy happiness. Money is a must for our life. But it is not the thing that necessarily brings our happiness. Happiness is absolutely a psychological thing. It is the name of feeling. It means the contentment of mind. He who is satisfied with what he gets and remains content with money. No doubt money has got something to do with happiness but it can not give us happiness. So, we see that the richest men of our society are not the happiest men. They lead a life burdened with cares and anxieties and pass sleepless nights. On the other hand, there are a large number of poor men who are happy and they enjoy a sound sleep. The men who is honest and virtuous though not rich, does not suffer from the anguish of the soul. His conscience does not torment him. Hence, money cannot ensure happiness. It is only moral and spiritual development that gives us happiness. 13. Complete the given story following the cue: 15 Once the house of a rich man was infested with rats. The house became like the town of Hamelin. There were rats everywhere......................... COMILLA BOARD-2012ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part A− Grammar (Marks-40)[Answer any eight questions out of nine] 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary: 1×5 = 5 run be reach suffer live hamper go The people (a) — in the big cities and towns greatly (b) — from traffic jam. Their office activities (c) . They (d)  their working places in time. Several factors (e)  responsible for this severe and chronic problem. 2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions: 1×5 = 5 Rana is a good boy. He is conscious (a)  his studies. He is not indifferent (b)  his duties. He is also respectful (c)  his teachers. He is popular (d)  his friends (e)  his good behaviour. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed: .5×10 = 5 (a)  16th December is (b)  red letter day in the history of Bangladesh. On this day, we achieved (c)  freedom at the cost of (d)  bloody battle and Bangladesh came into (e)  being and made a place in (f)  world map as (g)  independent country. Every year this day is celebrated in (h)  enthusiastic atmosphere. We remember (i)  great sacrifice of our heroic sons who died for this country. We also pay (j)  great tribute to them. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking word from the list. 0.5×10 = 5 who while or that when because though Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


(a)  taking food, we should bear in mind (b)  we do not eat just to satisfy hunger (c)  to fill the belly. We eat to preserve our health. Some people (d)  live in the midst of plenty, do not eat the food they need for good health (e)  they have no knowledge of the science of health and nutrition. 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms. (any five) 1×5 = 5 beggar description, a dark horse, far and wide, well off, on the sly, skim through, in not time 6. Re-write the following passage in the reported speech. 5 The traveller said to the peasant, "Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?" The peasant said, "Yes, I can. Do you want one in which you can spend the night?" The traveller said, "I do not wish to stay there, but I only want a meal." 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets: 1×5=5 (a) My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox's Bazar. (Make it interrogative) (b) I gladly-accepted the invitation. (Make it passive) (c) When I reached there, my friend received me cordially. (Make it compound) (d) I was very glad to see the sea-beach. (Make it exclamatory) (e) It was one of the most memorable journeys in my life. (Make it positive) 8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions: 1×5 = 5 (a) Trees are our best friends, ? (b) We should plant more trees,  ? (c) Nobody phoned me that day, ? (d) The spot is quite far from here, ? (e) Let us go out for a walk, ? 9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5 = 5 (a) As the poor man was hungry __________. (b) The weather was so cold that __________. (c) Hasib behaves as if __________. (d) It is high time we __________. (e) A patriot is respected because __________. Part-B: Composition (Marks 60) 10. Write a paragraph on 'Your College Library" by answering the questions below. 10 (a) What do you mean by a college library? (b) Where is it housed? (c) What is the necessity of a college library? (d) What kinds of books are found in a college library? (e) What is your feeling about your college library? 11. Write a short composition on You Childhood Memories Or, A Journey by Train you have recently enjoyed. 15 12. Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him/her for permission to set up an "English Debating Club" at your college. 10 13. Write a dialogue between two friends on the choice of career. 10 14. Complete the following story with the cue. 15 Once there lived a good king in Scotland. His name was Robert Bruce. He loved his country and his subjects very dearly. His subjects had great love and respect for him. One day his enemies attacked his country and drove him away from his kingdom................ . Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

COMILLA BOARD-2011 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) [Answer any eight questions out of nine] 1. Complete the following passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives necessary. 1×5=5 walk get run reach sit buy open We (a) ______ there before the gate (b) ______. Then we (c) ______ some tickets and entered the Zoo. While we (d) ______ , I saw my friend Mukul (e) ______towards us. 2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. 1×5=5 The ceremony began (a) ______ 2. P.m. Our principal presided (b) ______ the function. The function started (c) ______ the recitation from the Holy Quran. One of our senior teachers read (d) ______ the annual report. The Deputy Commissioner, the honourable chief guest, delivered a brief speech. He advised the students to be regular in studies and take part in the movement (e) ______ illiteracy. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 5 = 5 (a) ______ honest boy is he who never tells a lie. He carries out (b) ______ orders of his parents. He has (c) ______ aim in life. He develops (d) ______ attitude to serve his nation. He is (e) ______ active worker who upholds (f) ______ interest of his nation above everything. He thinks that he has (g) ______ role to play in all matters. We cordially expect such (h) ______ boy to change (f) ______ selfish motive of (j) ______ people. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 otherwise but so although however which accordingly Every citizen has some duties and responsibilities for his nation. (a) ______ most of the people are careless in this respect. People of this country have achieved national identity at the cost of a great sacrifice (b) ______ is still evaluated nationally (c) ______some selfish people never want to give them recognition. (d) ______ we all should do some benevolent activities (e) ______ we will be guilty to the nation. 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 by means of; blue blood; dead against; end in smoke; nip in the bud; give away; take after. 6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Porter, you may go," said the mistress of the house laughing. "You have gained your freedom." “By Allah,” he replied, "I will not leave this house until I have heard the stories of my companions." 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets. 1×5=5 (a) The birds that come to our country in winter are called migratory birds. (Make it simple) (b) In winter the weather is too cold for them to live in the north. (Make it complex) (c) They find a better shelter in Bangladesh. (Make it passive) (d) We must protect them. (Make it negative) (e) Migratory birds run faster than the dove. (Make it positive) 8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions: 1×5=5 (a) Let us have a discussion, ______? (b) Time and tide wait for none, ______? (c) Many of us waste our time, ______? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


(d) None could prosper in life without utilizing time, ______? (e) Everybody should realize this truth, ______? 9. Complete the following sentences: 1×5=5 (a) No sooner had he reached the station _________. (b) She ran fast lest ___________. (c) He could not avail _____________. (d) I prevented him ___________. (e) All should do something to ______________. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Suppose, you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Write a report on "A village fair" you have recently visited. 10 11. Write a short composition on "The uses and abuses of satellite channels". 15 12. Write an application to the principal of your college seeking permission to go on a study tour. (Use imaginary name and address) 10 13. Write a dialogue between two friends about the causes of road accidents in our country. 10 14. Complete the following story with the clue: 15 Once there was a thirsty crow. It flew to and fro in search of water. But it found water nowhere. So, it became helpless. All on a sudden it saw a jar COMILLA BOARD-2010 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) [Answer any eight questions out of nine] 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs form the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives necessary. 1×5=5 be fight regain brood try inspire help Robert Bruce was the king of Scotland. Once he (a) ______ with the British forces and lost his kingdom to England. He fought several times with the British forces to (b) ______ his country but failed. One day, he sat in a lonely cave (c) ______ over his sad lot. Suddenly he caught sight of a spider. It was (d) ______ to reach the ceiling. But each time it tried, it dropped. After six attempts it became successful. This perseverance of the spider (e) ______ Bruce to fight again with the British and this time he was able to free his country form the enemy. 2. Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition : 1×5=5 One day some boys were playing by a pond. All (a) ______ a sudden, they saw some frogs were swimming in it. They started throwing stones (b) ______ them. Two or three frogs died (c) ______ it. One senior frog holding its head (d) ______ said, “Please stop this cruel act of yours.” They boys said, “We are playing a game. We will not stop.” “What is a game for you is a cause of death (e) ______ us,” said the frog. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed:½ ×10=5 It is (a) known fact that English is (b) international language. (c) language used by international community is important. Statistics show that 350 million people speak English as (d) first language and another 300 Million use it as (e) second. It is (f) official language in more than 60 countries of the world. Once it was also (g) official language of our country. Most (h) books of science and technology are written in English. So (i) _____ importance of learning English beggars description. It is (j) must. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate linking words from the list below : 1×5 = 5 because of healthy also later at the age fever but Hellen Keller was born in 1880 at Tashambia in America. She was born as a (a) and normal child (b) lost her eyesight later. (c) of one and a half she was attacked by brain (d) .This disease took away her power of seeing. She (e) lost her power of hearing. 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms and phrases (any five ) 1×5 = 5 ins and outs; go through; instead of; above all; for good; to catch sight of; to give up; by all means. 6. Re-write the following passage in the reported speech : 5 “May I come in, sir?” A boy standing at the door said to him. Then without waiting for his reply the boy entered the room and said, “Sir, I have come from Palashpur with a letter from Mr. Ajit Bose.” “Ajit Bose? How is he?” He said smiling. “He is not well. He has been suffering from a serious illness for two years.” The boy said. “How sad it is! May God cure him.” He said. 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed : 1×5 = 5 (a) Long, long ago there was a king who was very wise. (Make it simple) (b) People called him wise Solomon. (Make it passive) (c) Actually, at that time he was the wisest of all. (Make it comparative) (d) There was another ruler also named queen of Sheba. (Make if compound). (e) One day she thought Solomon’s wisdom should not remain untested. (Make it complex). 8. Fill in the blanks with tag question : 1×5 = 5 a) Certainly you will go there, _____? b) I know you have not hidden my pen, _____? c) A boy like you should not do this, ______? d) The earth is round, _____? e) Let us go for a walk, ______? 9. Complete the following sentences : 1×5 = 5 a) He has a lot of money but ______. b) My father gave me taka 500 so that ______ . c) She has been suffering from fever for ______ . d) Though it rained yesterday _______. e) The train had left the station before ______. Part-B-Composition 10. You are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Write a report on a road accident you have witnessed. 10 11. Write a short composition on the dangers of drug addiction. 15 12. Write an application to the Principal of your college for permission to stage a drama in the college auditorium. 10 13. Write a dialogue between two friends about the importance of tree plantation. 10 14. Complete the following story with the clue. 15 Once there lived a poor man in a village. He had a peculiar goose which laid a golden egg every day. The poor man earned his livelihood by………… COMILLA BOARD-2009 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) [Answer any eight questions out of nine] 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary: 1×5=5 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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5. 6.





say be provide face participate enrich Human life (a) _____ not static but dynamic. A man cannot reach the highest peak of success if he (b)_____ in extra co-curricular activities. Travelling is also an important part of co-curricular activities. It is travelling which (c) _____ our knowledge, experience and promotes our attitudes. Therefore, travelling (d) _____ us with knowledge and practical experience. It can be clearly (e) _____ that our knowledge can be mobilized by travelling the different corners of the vast globe. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions: 1×5=5 Everyone desires (a) ______ wealth. But a few attain it. Some people hanker (b) ______ riches. Some are content (c) ______ what they have. True happiness lies (d) ______ contentment. It is high time we gave (e) ______the habit of covetousness. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross mark (x) where an article is not needed: ½ × 10 = 5 (a) ______ idle man and (b) ______ active man cannot be equal. We know (c) ______ story of (d) ______ ant and (e) ______ grasshopper. (f) ______ ant was industrious. On the other hand, the grasshopper was really (g) ______lazy. The ant knew that (h) ______ industrious shine. On (i) ______ contrary, (j) ______ lazy suffer in life. Fill in the blanks with the suitable linking words from the list; 1×5=5 unless if according to what where which and until The foods that we eat can be divided into six kinds (a) _____ what substances they contain and (b) ______benefits they do to us. Fish, meat, peas, and milk provide us with protein (c) _____ builds our body and helps us grow. (d) ______we do not take all these, we cannot grow well. Vitamins and mineral salts protect us from diseases (e) ______ keep us fit for work. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five):5 a white elephant, skim through, gala day, to and fro, on the sly, instead of, flesh and blood. Re-write the following in the reported speech: 1×5=5 "I came here yesterday from my village," he said. "Why did you come?" I asked. "My mother sent me to you with this letter." "How is your mother? I have not seen her for a long time. I hope she is quite well." Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in the brackets: 1×5=5 (a) Very few insects are as busy as a bee. (Make it comparative) It is known as an industrious creature. (b) It lives together. (Make it negative) (c) It flies from flower to flower and collects honey. (Make it simple) (d) It stores honey in the hive. (Make it passive) (e) In winter, it remains idle but it works hard in spring. (Make it complex) It leads a disciplined life. Fill in the blanks with tag question: 1×5=5 (a) Nothing is certain, ______? (b) Nila knows you better, ______? (c) Let's have a discussion, ______ ? (d) He seldom comes here, ______? (e) You are right, ______? Complete the following sentences: 1×5=5 (a) Water is so vital of all natural resources that __________. (b) It is water which __________. (c) Our agriculture which __________. (d) Though Bangladesh is blessed with rivers __________. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

(e) If the rainfall is timely __________. Part-B: Composition (Marks-60) 10. You are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Write a report on the rising of prices of essential commodities in the market. 10 11. Write a short composition on uses and abuses of the wonders of science. 15 12. Write an application to the principal of your college seeking permission to go on a study tour. 10 13. Write a dialogue between two friends stating the causes of failure in English and solution to the problem. 10 14. Complete the following given story: 10 Once there lived a poor wood cutter. But he was very honest. He earned his livelihood by selling wood in the market. One day while he ........................ RAJSHAHI BOARD-2012ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part A− Grammar (Marks-40) [Answer any eight questions out of nine] 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary: 1×5 = 5 do change eat diversify catch sell do To alleviate poverty, the first step (a)  be diversification of the economy. This may be (b)  on two fronts. First because ours is an agro-based economy. It is imperative to (c)  our agricultural output. At the same time, we have to (d)  our habits. Rice is our staple food, but side by side with rice, we have to develop the habit of (e)  potatoes and wheat to reduce the excessive pressure on rice. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: 1×5 = 5 My dear father, My best regards to you and mother. I know you are worried (a)  me and want to know how I am passing my life here. I feel quite (b)  home. Our hostel manager takes care (c)  us. I can pass my time happily and pay concentration (d)  studies. I have become accustomed (e)  my new hostel life. Your loving son Raihan 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross mark (x) where an article is not needed: ½ × 10 = 5 Once upon (a)  time there was (b)  king. His palace was surrounded by (c)  beautiful gardens. One day he fell ill. He called in (d)  doctor. But (e) doctor could not say what wrong was with him. More (f)  doctors were called. Finally they said that (g)  king could be healed if he wore (h)  shirt of (i)  happy man. (j) messengers were sent everywhere, but no happy man could be found. 4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate linking word from the list below. 1×5 = 5 so that if as if that as although in order to Most of our students cannot write their examination paper fairly well. (a)  they cannot understand the questions properly, they often beat about the bush and cram their answer with irrelevant and unnecessary details. (b)  their teachers suggest (c)  their answers Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


should be brief and precise, they often lengthen these unnecessarily. (d) get expected marks, you all should understand the questions well and answer them to the point. Don't worry (e)  your answers are fairly short. 5. Make the meaningful sentences with the following idioms and phrases, (any five) 1×5=5 Win over; Let the cat out of bag; On the sly, An irony of fate, Give vent to, In a nutshell, Of one's own accord. 6. Re-write the following passage in the reported speech. 5 "Have you heard the name of Aesop?" asked the teacher. "No sir, who was he?" "Read the lesson attentively and then you will be able to know about him. How interesting and instructive his fables are!" said the teacher. 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets: 1×5 = 5 Once there was a small village where Ayesha Begum lived with her husband. (a) As her husband had no land, he used to work on other people's land. (Compound) (b) With great effort they married their two daughters off when they reached teenage. (Simple) (c) Her only son went to town for earning his livelihood. (Complex) When Ayesha Begum and her husband became hungry, there was nobody to feed. (d) Years of malnutrition and depravation made them look older. (Passive) One day, she started begging in the village to feed her old and invalid husband. (e) Very few women were as needy as Ayesha Begum. (Superlative) 8. Form tag questions for the following: 1×5 = 5 (a) What a pity,__________? (b) None of you went there, ___________? (c) Let us have a discussion, _________? (d) Our college won the match, __________? (e) He does not take sugar in tea, __________? 9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) The weather is so cold that ___________. (b) He was strong enough ______________. (c) He came here with a view to _____________. (d) Hasib behaves as if ____________. (e) You had better ___________. Part-B: Composition (Marks 60) 10. Write a paragraph on "A Baishakhi Mela" by answering the questions below. 10 (a) Have you ever gone to a Baishakhi Mela? (b) Where was it arranged? (c) With whom did you go there? (d) What did you see there? (e) What was your feeling? 11. Write a short composition on "Uses and Abuses of Wonders of Science". 15 12. Write a dialogue between two friends on the choice of career. 10 13. Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to set up an English Speaking Club. 10 14. Complete the story following the cue. 15 Sheikh Saadi was a great poet. He used to put on simple dress. Once, he took shelter in the house of a nobleman. The nobleman could not recognize him and treated him as an ordinary man........................................ Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English





4. 5.



Full marks-100 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 waste suffer envelope educate do study be It is high time you (a) ______ for the Test Exam. You (b) ______ much time wandering aimlessly and doing meaningless jobs. Don't you know that your parents and relatives highly expect you to (c) ______. But if you are not serious right from now, you (d) ______ in the long run. Besides, your future (e) ______ in darkness. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 1×5=5 Madhu Mela at Sagardanri arranged on the occasion of Bengali epic poet Michael Madhusudan Dutt's 182nd Birth Anniversary started (a) _____ January 24, 2006. The Mela was duly observed gorgeously along (b) _____ a number of daily programmes (c) _____ the week. Seminars and symposiums were held (d) _____ the poet's life and literary works and his contribution (e) _____ Bengali literature as well as to the world literature. Use articles in the following passage where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5 There was (a) ______ idle man who inherited vast property from his father. He did not like physical labour. As (b) ______ result, he became very fat and could not move from one place to another. He called in (c) ______ European doctor. (d) ______ doctor was very intelligent. He did not prescribe any medicine for (e) ______ man. He advised him to buy (f) ______ heavy club and move it in (g) ______ air till he got (h) ______ tired. Following the advice of the doctor, he became (i) ______ thin from (j) ______ obese man. Make meaningful sentences with the following phrases/idioms (any five). 1 × 5 = 5 adhere to, beyond doubt, dead language, ups and downs, a maiden speech, as far as, make up. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "I came here yesterday from my village", he said. "Why did you come?" I asked. "My mother sent me to you with this letter." "How is your mother? I have not seen her for a long time. I hope she is quite well." Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in the brackets. 1×5=5 (a) Water, a vital element of environment, is polluted in different ways. (Complex) People pollute water by throwing waste into it. Farmers use chemicals, fertilizers and insecticides in the fields. (b) When rain and flood wash away some of these chemicals, they get mixed with water. (Simple) (c) Mills and factories also pollute water. (Passive) (d) Water vehicles pollute rivers by dumping oil, food waste and human waste into them. (Compound) (e) Thus water is contaminated by various kinds of waste and filth. (Active) Complete the following sentences : 1×5=5 (a) AIDS is a fatal disease which. (b) It is such a disease that. (c) The first AIDS patient was a man who. (d) The doctors suggest that. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


(e) There is no further remedy that. 8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 (a) Let us have a discussion, ______? (b) Do not forget me, ______? (c) The weather was fine yesterday, ______? (d) Our college won the match, ______? (e) He does not take sugar in tea, ______? Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. Write a paragraph on "Internet" by answering the questions below: 10 (a) What do you understand by internet? (b) How does it work? (c) What is the importance of internet? (d) Is it widespread throughout the country? (e) Why are the people all over Bangladesh deprived of the benefit of internet? 11. Write a short composition on "Deforestation and its effect on the environment". 15 12. Complete the story following the cue: 15 Once a school boy named Sumon was going home after completing his classes. When he was crossing the road, he saw an old woman lying on the road. She was senseless. There was nobody to help her ……………………….. 13. Write a dialogue between two HSC candidates about load-shedding. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage: An intellectual is one who is an enlightened person. He has to give light to others who are in need of it. In every society we find intellectuals, such as, philosophers, scientists, scholars, writers and critics; and they as enlightened men, have a great responsibility toward society. In a society, all cannot be intellectuals. If a time comes when all are intellectuals, it would be blessed time indeed; but at present, at any rate, all are not intellectuals and those who are intellectuals have the great responsibility of guiding others on to the right path. If today we have our civilization and culture, if we have order and security in life and if our life is better than that of our primitive ancestors, it is because the intellectuals who from time to time have been guiding humanity on the path of felicity and amity. An intellectual should come out of his ivory tower and try to elevate others to his level. This is the theme of Tennyson's famous poem "The Palace of Art". An intellectual has the duty of seeing the truth and teaching it to others. An intellectual contemplates on the eternal laws of the universe to explore the truth. The perception of the truth is almost the same as the perception of beauty and the duty of an intellectual is to see this truth or beauty and to reveal it to others. 13. Write an application to the principal of your college to open a relief camp in your college premises so that you can send relief goods to the flood affected people in 10 your locality. RAJSHAHI BOARD-2010 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours

Full marks-100 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary : 1×5 =5 suffer render kill come Bring have try In the spring of 1945, the Second World War (a) to an end. The war had (b)____ great misery to the whole world. Millions of people (c) and wounded. They included Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

men, women and children. Millions of people (d) homeless and (e) ______ from poverty, hunger and disease. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition : 1 × 5 = 5 Dear Preety, I received from you another e-mail saying that you will pass (a) Dhaka next week. In your letter you wished that you would like to have a chat (b) me about your course of study. You also mentioned that your time is very limited and the only free day you have is (c) the next Friday. You planned to spend the morning at Banani and requested me to give a little luncheon (d) my residence in the noon. I agree (e) your plan. Thanks. Your Uncle, Tahsin 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed : 0.5×10 = 5 Though newspaper is not always (a) ______ unmixed blessing, it is (b) ______ most useful thing in our life. We rarely thing of (c) ______ day without reading (d) ______ newspaper. Reading newspaper is one of (e) ______ good habits of a man. We shall be like (f) ______ frog in a dark well if we neglect developing this habit. However, some people prefer (g) ______ electronic media to reading (h) ______ newspaper. But (i) ______ newspaper offers more to its readers than (j) ______ electronic media. 4. Make meaningful sentences with the following phrases/idioms (any five) : 1×5 = 5 for the sake of; storm in a tea-pot; in cold blood; look forward to; heart and soul; keep pace with; look down upon. 5. Rewrite the following sentences into indirect speeches. 5 A hawker said, “Will you buy any paper? I have all types of Newspapers and Magazines. Please take one from me.” “I buy books but now I need a weekly. Don’t you have any weekly Magazine?” said Sushmita. 6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in the brackets : 1×5 =5 (a) Once a cook roasted a duck for his master. (Passive) (b) The roast looked so delicious that the cook could not resist the temptation. (Simple) He ate one of the drumsticks. (c) When his master sat down to eat, he quickly noticed the missing drumstick. (Compound) (d) The master enquired of the missing leg. (Interrogative) (e) But the cook told him that this duck had only one leg. (Negative) 7. Complete the following sentences : 1×5 = 5 a) Walk fast lest_____. b) Our students are so meritorious_____. c) Scarcely had the teacher gone out of the room_____. d) If I knew his mobile number_____. e) It is time we_____. 8. Fill in the blanks with tag question : 1×5 = 5 a) Hamidur Rahman gave the shape to the Shaheed Minar, _____? b) He combined in it the Bangalee aspirations, _____? c) He was the pioneer of the new painting movement, _____? d) People admire him for his outstanding design of the central Shaheed Minar, _____? e) We should never forget him, _____? Part B: Composition (Marks-60) 9. Write a paragraph on “Your College Library” by answering the questions below. 10 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


What do you mean by a college library? Where is it housed? What is the necessity of a college library? What kind of books are found in a college library? What is your feeling about your college library? 10. Write a short composition on “The Common Fruits of Bangladesh”. 15 11. Complete the story following the clue: 15 Once upon a time two friends went on a journey. They had to go through a forest. As they came through the wood, they saw a bag lying on the ground……. 12. Write a dialogue between you Rizwan and Minhaj about their plan of studies after H.S.C. examination is over. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage: Co-operation means working together for the benefit of all. Without co-operation modern society cannot exist. Co-operation has been seen at its best among farmers in the dry regions of some parts of Australia and America. The fields have been irrigated in these regions. Crops cannot be grown without water. Water cannot be brought to the fields without streams being tapped higher up. For this purpose canals and dams have been built. The canals have been cut through the fields of more than one farmer. Those who live higher up the valley than the others have allowed canals to be built through their land in order to carry water to the fields of farmers lower down. In time of Drought all are able to the water. Instead of taking all water for themselves the farmers on the higher land leave enough for their neighbours down the valley. Farming in dry areas hag been made possible by such co-operation. By co-operation farmers have learned to make even the desert produce crops. 13. Write an application to the principal of model college, Barisal for increasing facilities in the college common room. 10 RAJSHAHI BOARD-2009 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours

Full marks-100 Part-A: Grammar 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 walk get run reach sit buy open Last Friday I went to the zoo with some of my friends. We (a) ____there before the gate (b) ____. Then we (c) ___some tickets and entered the zoo. While we (d) ____, I saw my friend Raihan (e) ____towards us. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: 1×5=5 Dear Sagor, I'm going to tell you (a) ____ the proper use of holidays. They give us relief (b) ____ heavy pressure of regular work or normal duties. They help us to get rid (c) ______the din and bustle of life. We know that to work (d) ____ pause is tiresome. So, holidays are essential (e) ____ our life. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed:1 × 5 = 5 Bangladesh is a land of (a) ____ scenic beauty. (b) ____ land, (c) ____ rivers and the forests are (d) ____ sources of this beauty. Geographically Bangladesh can be divided into four regions. In many places there are a lot of amazing beautiful spots. There are many historical places also. For this reason, (e) ____ tourism business can flourish here. (f) ____wild animals of (g) ____ Sundarbans are also (h) ____ great asset. Tourism can play (i) ____ vital role in national economy. But it is still in its tender age. So, we have to cross (j) ____ long way. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

4. Fill in the blanks with the suitable linking words from the list: 1×5=5 otherwise but so although however which accordingly Every citizen has some duties and responsibilities for his nation. (a) ____ most of the people are careless in this respect. The people of this country have achieved national identity by dint of a great sacrifice (b) ____ is still evaluated nationally (c) ____ some selfish people never want to give their recognition. (d) ____, we all should do some benevolent activities. (e) ____, we will be indebted to the nation. 5. Re-write the following in the reported speech: 5 "Where are you from?" said the teacher. "I am from Nepal," said the student. "How did you find Dhaka when you first arrived?" said the teacher. "Well, I like it. I think the city is very beautiful," said the student. 6. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five):1×5=5 by means of; on the sly; above all; in the long run; nip in the bud; on the eve of; take after. 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed:- 1 × 5 = 5 (a) Cox's Bazar sea-beach is the longest sea-beach in the world. (Complex) (b) It is one of the most beautiful sea-beaches in the world. (Positive) (c) It is called pleasure seekers’ paradise. (Active) (d) The visitors go there for enjoying natural beauties. (Compound) (e) Those who become tired may go to relax there. (Simple) 8. Complete the following sentences: 1×5=5 (a) The poor man is too hungry to ____. (b) I came here with a view to ____. (c) The weather was so cold that ____. (d) Hasib behaves as if ____. (e) The higher we fly the harder ____. Part B – Composition (Marks-60) 9. Suppose, you are Maria, a student of Class XI of Rajshahi Government Mohila College. The cultural week of your college was observed a few days ago. Now, write a report on it. 10 10. Write a short composition that tells about your first day at college. 15 11. Complete the following story following the cue: 15 Once there lived a happy cobbler who passed his days in working and singing. A rich neighbour of his was a banker who one day said to him," How much a year do you earn?"............................. 12. Recently you have read an interesting novel. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend Tania. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage: The general view against student politics is that they are immature and it is likely that they will be easily misguided by clever agents from politics altogether, they will remain political lobbies even when they are grown up and they will be more easily misled in later life on account of their ignorance and inexperience. The famous philosopher Aristotle says, "Every human being is a political being." At schools, colleges and universities students read history, public administration, civics, political philosophy and economy. If they can understand these things in the abstract, why should they be kept away from the concrete realities of life? Secondly, it is true that students may discover later in life that the interest they took in politics in the early years was on the wrong lines and they might change their opinions. 13. Write a letter to your friend Nasif telling him about the study tour you enjoyed a few days ago. 10 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


JESSORE BOARD-2012ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part A− Grammar (Marks-40) [Answer any eight questions out of nine] 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary: 1×5 = 5 command help memories prepare develop have Most of the students of our country are experts in (a)  answers. They don't prepare notes themselves. They get them (b)  by their tutors. Their tutors exercise their brain for the students. So, the thinking power of the students (c) . They do not have any (d)  over the language. They of course, do well in the examination. But for this they can claim no credit of their own. This result (e)  them in their later life. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: 1×5 = 5 21st February is red letter day (a)  the history of Bangladesh. (b)  this day in 1952 about half a dozen young students sacrificed their lives (c)  making Bangla one of the state languages (d)  Pakistan. But the blood spilt is not in vain. In 1956 the first Constitution (e)  Pakistan recognized this demand. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) mark where an article is not needed: 1×5 = 5 Long long ago (a)  mirror was found in (b)  paddy field by (c)  farmer. Neither this farmer nor anybody else in (d)  area had ever seen. So, when (e)  farmer looked into (f)  mirror, he was surprised to see (g)  man looking straight at him. Now, (h)  farmer closely (i)  resembled his father who had died many years ago. He thought that it was his father (j) — inside it and saluted him with love and respect. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list: 1×5 = 5 too when for this naturally because of and but Global warming is increasing day by day (a) — deforestation. We cut down trees (b)  never think of planting more trees. (c) — man and other living beings are in the threat of extinction. Time is coming (d)  there will be no tree left for us. (e)  we have to face bitter consequences of deforestation. 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five): 1×5 = 5 good for nothing; end in smoke; bad blood; hard and fast; get rid of; catch sight of: make up one's mind. 6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech: 1×5 = 5 "Follow my example," she said as we shook hands, "and never eat more than one thing for luncheon." "I'll do better than that," I retorted. "I'll eat nothing for dinner for tonight. "Humourist, quite a humourist!" she cried gaily, jumping into a cab. 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed.1×5 = 5 Anger is nothing but a vice. (a) It begets only the worst. (Negative) (b) Anger is one of the most inhuman vices. (Positive) (c) So, we should control it for our own sake. (Passive) (d) He who is taken by anger causes a lot of troubles. (Simple) (e) Realising it we should try to be emotionally balanced. (Complex) 8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions: 1×5 = 5 (a) Everyone would do so, ? (b) You need not do this,—? (c) There is a little water in this pond, ? (d) You is a pronoun,—? (e) A man like you should not do this, ? 9. Complete the following sentence: 1×5 = 5 (a) A college is a seat of learning, so . Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

(b) It should be a peaceful place where . (c) But now a days peaceful atmosphere is absent from the college because . (d) The students who . (e) The sooner it can be controlled, the . Part B- Composition (Marks- 60) 10. Suppose, you are a reporter of a reputed daily. Now write a report on the rising prices of the essential commodities. 10 11. Write a short composition on the blessings of science. 15 12. Write an application to the Principal of your college for an English newspaper for the college common room. 10 13. Write a dialogue between two friends about the ways of keeping good health. 10 14. Complete the following story using the cue: 15 There was a shepherd boy. He used to graze a block of sheep near a forest. It was not far from his village. One day he wanted to make a fun............................ JESSORE BOARD-2011 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) [Answer any eight of the following questions] 1. Complete the following passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 see learn blow want cast screen lower Robert Frost (a) _____ any severance of his ties with nature. Even when the window was (b) ______ at night and the tree (c) ______ from his view he (d) ______ a shadow outline of the tree which (e) ______ a more profound influence over him than the rustling of leaves. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 1 × 5 = 5 Dear Sejuti, Here goes the story of an explorer which you have wanted to know from me. In 1955 he led an expedition to Eastern Island, a tiny speck of land (a) ______ 2000 miles (b) ______ the western coast of Chile. Here he found stone statues, some weighing (c) ______ fifty tons, relics of very early civilization. How could a primitive people have carried them? How could they have stood them (d) ______? But the mysteries of Eastern Island went far (e) ______ its statues. My next letter will follow the last part of the story. With best of love Kiran 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 1×5=5 "Under the Greenwood Tree" is (a) ______ song derived from "As You Like It" (b) ______ comedy by Shakespeare. In this song (c) ______ writer's love of nature has found (d) ______ eloquent expression, as has, as le) ______ undertone, his deep concern for (f) ______ limitations of (g) ______ human society. In the forest (h) ______ only enemy of man is bitter winter and rough weather. Nature has no particular enmity towards man and it treats all equally. The forest is the place for one who is content with (i) ______ small pleasures of life and has (j) ______ little ambition. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 which while then that and thereupon but The Caliph marveled at the grace and radiance of the young girls, (a) ______ was astonished to see (b) ______ each of the dervishes was blind in the left eye. The girls Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


offered him a cup of wine (c) ______he excused himself saying, "I am setting forth on a pilgrimage to Mecca shortly." (d) ______ one of the girls put down before him a small table, on (e) ______ she placed a cup of Chinese porcelain. The Caliph kept on seeing all these wonderful things done by the girls. 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five). 1×5=5 of one's own accord; keep body and soul together; in the least, on the instant; beyond one's means; cut out; a bone of contention; lean against. 6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Have you cut your hair off?" asked Jim. "Cut it off and sold it," said Della. "Don't you like me just as well, anyhow? I'm me without my hair, ain't I? 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed.1 × 5 = 5 (a) But at last God took pity on him. (Make it negative without changing the meaning) (b) One day the old sailor was watching the water snakes swimming round the ship. (Make it passive). Their colours were very beautiful and (c) he was filled with a strange wonder (Make it active). Then he felt a great love for them and blessed them from his heart. (d) At once the dead albatross fell from his neck into the sea, and the old man fell into a deep sleep. (Make it complex) (e) When he woke up, it was raining. (Make it simple). 8. Complete the following sentences: 1×5=5 (a) United we stand, ______. . (b) ______ know this wise saying? (c) Unless you are united, you ______. (d) The story of the old man and his sons teaches us ______. (e) It is high time we ______. 9. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the list. 0.5×10=5 without humane yardstick redefined growing that approximately alone advancement degrees about symbol higher Almost twelve years ago the population of the world was only 1.7 billion. Now it is (a) ______ 5.7 billion. Statistics say that world population (b) ______ at the rate of nearly 100 million people a year. Sociologists say (c) ______ with the passage of time there will not be enough food and shelter for all, let (d) ______ education. But we believe that (e) ______ means development and development is not possible (f) ______ education. Education is the (g) ______ of development. Education perhaps has to be (h) ______. It is not only getting (i) ______ from schools, colleges and universities but something more, something deeper, something more lasting, more (j) ______. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 9. A huge number of students fail in English every year in public examinations despite studying it as a compulsory subject from class I to Honours level. Now, prepare a report focusing on different causes of their failures in English for a daily newspaper. 10 10. Write a short composition on any one of the following : 15 (a) The value of time; (b) Students and social service. 11. Write an application to the principal of your college requesting him/her not to allow any student or teacher to use cell phone in the classroom or in the examination hall. 10 12. Student politics has been a common affair to cause campus violence which is contributing much to the session jam. Now, prepare a dialogue between you and your friend highlighting the bad effects of student politics. 10 13. Complete the following story using the cue given below : 15 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Last year we had a tour to the Sundarbans. It was just 3:15 when we reached Katka. Under a forest guide and a coast guard we started going down to the deep forest. I was so beguiled with the wonderful green of the Sundarbans that even I forgot to follow our teammates. But when I came into sense ............................ JESSORE BOARD-2010 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 1. Complete the following letter with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary : 1×5 = 5 do have Imagine Learn get go be Dear Farah, It seems hard to believe that I (a) ____ in Saver for a whole month now! I promised to write and tell you how I was going on, so here (b) ____! When I first got here, I just (c) ____ used to the slow pace of life. Now, though, I (d) ____ to take things easy and I’m beginning to really feel at home. You can’t (e) ____ how beautiful the University campus is! With best wishes. Sarah 2. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition: 1×5 = 5 It was the middle (a) ____ April. The afternoon sun shone brightly (b) ____ the village Ravelope. The air was fresh and warm. The villagers were (c) ____ of their cottage. They were in the park enjoying the sunny spring afternoon. A man walked (d) ____ the park. He was lean and thin and had a pale face. He had a bag hung (e) ____ his shoulder. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed: 0.5×10 = 5 Once you have completed (a) ____ initial diagnosis of your students. You are faced with selecting subject matter appropriate to their (b) ____ interests, abilities, and personalsocial adjustment as well as to your own teaching objectives. Frequently, (c) ____ selection and planning of content are not seen as integral (d) ____ parts of (e) ____ evaluation process. (f) ____ techniques you select to evaluate how well you and your students have achieved your objectives are inextricably bound to (g) ____ subject matter used to teach these objectives. In (h) ____ sense, you must evaluate (i) ____ subjectmatter itself to (j) ____ determine if it is appropriate for your objectives. 4. Make meaningful sentences with the following phrases and idioms (any five): 1 × 5 = 5 Make up one’s mind, As well as, Beggar description, Once in a blue moon, Hue and cry, At random, For good. 5. Rewrite the following in the indirect speech: 5 “You look a little bit like my mother, “he said, “especially in the dark by the fire.” “But you were only four Jerry, when you came here. You have remembered how she looked all these years?” “My mother lives in Mannville,” he said. 6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets: 5 It was a hot summer day. (a) A cunning fox was passing through a forest. (Complex) (b) The fox was thirsty and was looking for water. (Simple) (c) It could not find any source of water. (Passive) (d) He felt very helpless. (Interrogative) Suddenly he found a pitcher of water. (e) It seemed to the fox that it was the happiest animal in the world. (Comparative) 7. Fill in the blanks with appropriate tag question: 1×5 =5 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


a) Let’s have a walk outside the farm, ____? b) I’m in the habit of walking every morning, ____? c) Morning entertains us with fresh air, ____? d) No one should miss this opportunity, ____? e) Have a try to form this habit of morning walk, ____? 8. Complete the following sentences: 1×5 = 5 a) A graveyard is a place where ____________. b) I am not sure whether ___________. c) The old man is walking carefully lest _____________. d) Do you mind if _________. e) Unless you work hard __________. 9. Complete the following passage with suitable words. 0.5×10 = 5 There was a violent clash in the university (a) yesterday between two (b) groups of students. The clash began (c) half-past ten in the morning (d) one group was chanting (e) against the other. Suddenly one group chased their (f) from behind. But instead of (g) away the second group launched a counter (h) ____. The campus turned into a battlefield. One student was stabbed to (i) and many others were seriously injured. At last the police came, arrested some of the students and brought the (j) under control. Part B – Composition (Marks-60) 10. The results of HSC examination of this year have just come out. Now prepare an elaborate report in it for the daily you are working for. 10 11. Write a short composition on “The Rivers of Bangladesh.” 15 12. Write an application to the principal of Natore College asking permission to participate in the Relief Fund Raising Programme for the SIDR-hit people of the southern part of Bangladesh. 10 13. Write a summary of the following passage: 10 The prisoner went to bed, but could not get any sleep. He lay awake the whole night. The images of his past life came to his mind one after another. He saw before his eyes his wife, as if alive, asking him not to go to the fair. He heard her speak and laugh. He saw his two children. He saw himself how merry and free from care he had been before he was arrested. Then came to his mind the pictures of his twenty six years’ prison life, how he was flogged, how he was chained, how the people stood around enjoying his sufferings. He felt so wretched that he though of killing himself. 14. Complete the following story with the cue below: 15 When I was five father took me to a school quite far away from our home. There I followed my father to a room where I saw a big bald-headed man. He looked pleased to see my father but I got frightened when……………………… JESSORE BOARD-2009 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours

Full marks-100 Part-A: Grammar [Answer any eight questions out of nine] 1. Complete the following passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary: 1×5=5 do get beg want write receive choose I (a) ______ your letter just now. You (b) ______ to know where I (c) ______ myself admitted and which subjects I (d) _______. I am now (e) ______ everything in detail. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

2. Read the following the letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition: 1 × 5 = 5 Dear Arif, Thank you so much (a) __ your kind invitation to your birthday party. I think we shall make enjoy the day very much. Will Karim be present (b) __that day? I shall go to your house (c) __ my younger sister. Convey my best regards (d) __ your parents. (e) __best wishes. Yours Tomal 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed: 0.5 × 10 = 5 Bangladesh is (a) _____ world’s most densely populated country. Our development efforts are frustrated because of (b) _____ great size of our population. (c) _____ population explosion is (d) _____ constant threat to our environment and (e) _____ society. Here population is growing at such (f) _____ high rate that (g) _____ environment may soon fall to supply (h) _____ people with their minimum necessities. It is indeed (i) _____ alarming situation. Something should be done to change (j) _____ situation. 4. Fill in the blanks with the suitable linking words from the list:1×5=5 in short though until more over in spite of if both as Mr. X is a miser (a) _____ he earns a lot of money. He seldom buys new clothes. (b) _____, he bargains with the shopkeepers to save money. (c) _____ having many friends, he always avoids entertaining them. (d) _____ he and his wife put on shabby dresses. (e) _____ he possess a strange personality. 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following phrases and idioms (any five): 1 × 5 = 5 cut out, burning question, in the event of, at present, far and wide, make fun of, on the whole. 6. Rewrite the following in the indirect speech: 5 Once I asked a little girl. "What is your mother's name?" She replied cleverly, "I know my mother's name but I won't tell you that." I said, "What a clever girl you are! May you prosper in life." 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed: 1 × 5 (a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Complex) (b) People all over the world enjoy this game very much. (Passive) (c) At present cricket is one of the most popular games in our country. (Comparative) (d) Though it is a very costly game, young men and children get a great deal of delight playing it. (Compound) (e) It is a matter of sorrow that the performance of Bangladesh Cricket Team is not up to the mark. (Exclamatory) 8. Complete the following sentences: 1×5=5 (a) My father is a teacher who ______. (b) Unless he gets up early in the morning ______. (c) It is high time we ______. (d) Though it is raining, ______. (e) A patriot is respected ______. 9. Complete the following passage with suitable words: 0.5 × 10 = 5 Truthfulness is a noble (a) _____. It is considered to be the (b) ______ and noblest of all virtues. It denotes the (c) _____ habit of speaking the truth. It is synonymous with the (d) ______ straight-forwardness. This very simple and unique virtue (e) _____ a man is nothing but earns for him a lot. For example, it crowns a man with (f) _____ and dignity. Besides, everybody believes him and (g) ______ him. Furthermore he always enjoys (h) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


_____ease and peace. He is (i) _____ of none but the Almighty. But sometimes a (j) _______ man is to face an untoward situation and may fall prey to some culprits. Part B: Composition (Marks-60) 10. Suppose, you are Hasan Utpol, a reporter of a daily newspaper. You have visited a vote-centre. Write a report on your observation. 10 11. Write a paragraph on "Your favourite Teacher" answering the following questions. 15 Who is your favourite teacher? Why is he favourite to you? What difference do you find between your favourite teacher and others? How does he influence his students in his classroom? Do you desire to be a teacher like him? Why? 12. Suppose you are Tanima Chowdhury, a student of Mymensingh City College. Write an application to your principal seeking his permission to set up an English Speaking Club in your College. 10 13. Suppose, you want to buy some books. Now, write a dialogue between you and the book-seller. 10 14. Complete the following story with the cue below: 15 There was a crow on a tree with a piece of meat in its beak. A hungry fox sat under the tree …………………………………………. SYLHET BOARD-2012ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part A− Grammar (Marks-40) [Answer any eight questions out of nine] 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary: 1×5 = 5 work invent discover come take give bring Computer has (a)  about a revolutionary change in the world. But it (b)  overnight. It (c)  a long time to invent computer. Many votaries of science (d)  hard for years and finally (e)  out successful. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: 1×5 = 5 Mr. M. R. Khan applied (a)  the post of a lecturer. Being pleased (b)  his performance, the authority appointed him (c)  the post. Actually he had authority (d)  English. Moreover, he had a great zest (e)  music. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed: 1×5 = 5 Socrates believed that (a)  angry man was more of (b) beast than human being. He had a wife who used to lose her temper on (c)  slightest excuse. One day (d)  woman got more furious and began to insult him. He went out and sat on the door step of his (e)  house. He looked out on the public (f)  street. The wife found that he was paying (g)  least heed to her. So she began to pour hot water on (h)  head of Socrates. The passers-by were very amused at (i)  incident. They had seen such (j)  incident before. 4. Re-write the following in the reported speech: 5 "You've cut off your hair?" asked Jim. "Cut it off and sold it," said Della. "Don't you like me just as well, anyhow? I'm me, without my hair, ain't I?" 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five): 1×5 = 5 Skim through, An irony of fate, The lion’s share, Bed of thorns, Hard nut to crack, Scape goat, Learn by heart. 6. Read the following passage and transform the sentences as directed: 1×5 = 5 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

(a) Cox's Bazar sea-beach is the largest sea-beach in the world. (Complex) (b) It is one of the most beautiful sea-beaches in the world. (Positive) (c) It is called pleasure seekers' paradise. (Active) (d) The visitors go there to enjoy natural beauties. (Compound) (e) Those who become tired may go to relax there. (Simple) 7. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words: 1×5 = 5 Honesty is a noble virtue. The man (a)  possesses this rare quality is the happiest person in the world. To be honest, man should have trust worthiness (b)  nobody trusts a liar. (c)  Allah helps the honest people, (d)  children should be taught honesty from the very beginning of life. (e)  children should be developed among the honest people. 8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions: 1×5 = 5 (a) I'd meet you, ? (b) There are many problems in our college, ? (c) It is impossible, ? (d) You cannot be sure, ? (d) Their performance shows it, ? 9. Complete the following sentences: 1×5 = 5 (a) I wish . (b) He works hard so that . (c) There is hardly any person . (d) Man is boom free but . (e) It is our sacred duty —. Part B- Composition (Marks- 60) 10. Suppose, you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Write report on the prize giving ceremony of Dhaka College. 10 11. Write a short composition on any one of the following: 15 (a) Childhood Memories; (b) Female Education; (b) The Value of Time. 12. Write a dialogue between yourself and your friend about "Eve- teasing'. 10 13. Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to change one of your elective subjects. 10 14. Complete the following story using the cue:15 Shaikh Sadi was a great poet. He used to put on simple dress. Once he took shelter in the house of a nobleman. The nobleman could not recognize him and treated him as an ordinary man................................ SYLHET BOARD-2011 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) [Answer any eight questions out of nine] 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the box and put them in correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 drop fall find fly carry advise show The poor farmer (a) ______ purse of gold, which (b) ______ by a passer-by. He (c) ______ it home and (d) ______ it to his wife who (e) ______ him to use it. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 1 × 5 = 5 Dear Ruma, I have just heard (a) ______ your brother that you have been ill (b) ______ the hospital (d) ______ the last two weeks. I am very sorry. I should have written (d) ______ time. I hope you will come (e) ______ soon. No more today. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


Yours sincerely, Rahat 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 1 × 5 = 5 I live in (a) ______ Jigatola near (b) ______ Rifles Square. When I was (c) ______ student of (d) ______ University of Dhaka, stayed at Wari in (e) ______ old Dhaka. Actually, it was in (f) ______ Bonogram Lane that originates from (g) ______ BCC Road which is a branch of (h) ______ Renkin Street. (i) ______ Bangabhaban and (j) ______ Baldha Garden are adjacent to this area. 4. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five): 1×5=5 out and out; beggar description; every nook and cranny; in full swing; give away; put. down; kick off. 5. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate linking words. 1×5=5 (a) ______ Bangladesh is a small country, she has a huge population. Most people live here below the poverty line. (b) ______ they cannot afford to educate their children. (c) ______ many poor children drop either out of school after just a few years (d) ______ simply do not go to school at all. (e) ______ this situation, we have far too many students to educate. 6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 "Will you come to my house tomorrow?" I asked the boy. "We can discuss terms and conditions then" I said. "I shall be very happy to meet you at your house. Thank you so much," he replied. 7. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 (a) His name was Jerry, ______? (b) They waste their valuable time, ______? (c) Everyone knows this, ______? (d) He can never help people of the society, ______? (e) Everybody dislikes him, ______? 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) Walk fast lest ______________. (b) It is high time ________________. (c) Modern husbands are __________________. (d) For good health _______________. (e) If I help him in danger _______________. 9. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 5 (a) The National Memorial which is situated at Savar is a symbol of the nation's respect. (Simple) (b) Standing in front of the graves, we bow down our heads. (Compound) (c) The towers symbolized the loftiness of the spirit of the martyred freedom fighters. (Interrogative) (d) We always remember their memories. (Negative) (e) Everyday many people go to visit it. (Interrogative) Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. You are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Make a report on the rising prices of essential commodities. 11. Write a short composition on any one of the following: 15 (a) Drug addiction; (b) Students and social service; (c) Benefits of reading newspaper. 12. Write an application to the principal of your college for a study tour. 10 13. You have met your friend just after the H.S.C. Examination results. Write a dialogue between you and your friend about admission in a university. 10 14. Complete the following story with the cue. 15 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Once there was a very powerful man in a city. He had everything under his disposal. He always boasted of his money and power. There lived another man in the same city, who had neither power nor money; but what he had was immense love from the commoners who used to call him a saint, a great lover of man. There began a rivalry between these two over a simple thing……………………… SYLHET BOARD-2010 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) [Answer any eight questions out of nine] 1. Complete the following passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct. Use negatives where necessary : 1×5=5 find look feel hear be return send Gafur was sitting thoughtfully on the verands. Mahesh (a) anywhere since yesterday. Gafur was very weak again. So Amina (b) in search of him since morning. She(c) home at about sun-set and said, “You (d) father? Manik Ghosh’s men (e) Mahesh to the police station.” 2. Read the following the letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition : 1×5=5 Dear Runu, How are you? Well, I hope you’re ok and working hard, as usual. Can I ask (a) ____ a favour? I will be in Dhaka for a week (b) ____ your Aunty’s medical check-up. Can you put me (c) ____? We will turn (d) ____ just two days after. I look forward (e) __ hearing from you soon. Love to kids. Best wishes. Uncle Tahiti. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed: 1×5=5 Providing enough energy to meet (a) ____ ever-increasing demand is one of (b) ____ gravest problems (c) _____ world is now facing. Energy is (d) ____ key to (e) ____ industrialized economy, which calls for (f) ____ doubling of electrical output every ten to twelve years. Meanwhile (g) _____ days of cheap abundant and environmentally acceptable power may be coming to (h) _____ end. Coal is plentiful but polluting, natural gas is (i) ____ scarce, oil is not found everywhere. Nuclear power now appears (j) ____ costly and risky. 4. Fill in the blanks with the suitable linking words : 1×5 = 5 These two girls are from a village. They look malnourished. Their parents, landless (a) ______ jobless, had to migrate to the city just to make a living. (b) ______ they have found a shelter in a slum. The male members of their family are either rickshaw- pullers or day labourers or do some small business. The female members work as part – time or full – time housemaids in the neighbourhood. These girls do not go to school, or (c) ______ they do, they go to an underprivileged children’s school or a non-formal education centre. They have to earn something to supplement the family income before (d) ______ after school. They do not know (e) ______ they will do in future. 5. Re-write the following in the reported speech : 5 “I’ll pay for it.” he said. “I broke it. I brought the axe down careless.” “But no one hits accurately every time, Jerry. Moreover, the fault was in the wood of the handle. I’ll see the man who I have bought it from.” I told him. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed:1 × 5 = 5 (a) Heath is wealth. (Make it complex). (b) A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man. (Make it positive) (c) When a healthy man is an asset to his family, an unhealthy man is a liability (Make it compound) (d) He can succeed in life. (Make it interrogative) (e) Everybody must be conscious of health. (Make it negative) 7. Fill in the blanks with tag question : 1×5=5 a) You need not come here tomorrow, ______? b) Let’s help the poor boy, ______? c) Nobody phoned me that day, ______? d) She has little idea about it, ______? e) He reads newspapers every day, ______? 8. Complete the following sentences : 1×5=5 (a) It is easy to say but ______. (b) Five years passed since ______. (c) A graveyard is a place ______. (d) She insisted that ______. (e) Unless you work hard ______. 9. Complete the following passage with suitable words : 0.5 × 10= 5 Smoking is a very (a) ______ habit. It is injurious to (b) ______. Generally young people smoke to look (c) ______. The farmers and labourer (d) ______ for relaxation. Smoking causes fatal (e) ______. It causes cancer, heart attack, chronic bronchitis and (f) ______ other diseases. One puff of cigarette smoke (g) ______ fifteen billion particles of matter some of (h) ______ are fatal to human (i) ______. So we should (j) ______ up smoking. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Suppose you had a chance to pay a visit to a village fair at your Locality last month. Now prepare a report on that fair for the daily paper you are working for. 10 11. Write a short composition on any of the following : 15 (a) Rural Development. (b) Unemployment Problem. (c) The Value of Time. 12. Write an application to the Principal of your college for increasing library facilities. 10 13. Prepare a dialogue between a reporter and the principal of your college on the results of your college in the last HSC examination. 10 14. Complete the story following the clue: 15 It was twenty years ago when I was living in an apartment overlooking a cemetery. I was just living from hand to mouth. At that time a lady wrote a letter to me praising one of my writings just published in the newspaper. It made me so excited that I sent her a letter of thanks. Immediately after that she wrote her second letter saying that ……………… SYLHET BOARD-2009 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part-A- Grammar (Marks-40) [Answer any eight questions out of nine] 1. Complete the following passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary: 5 dare not visit be desire attain face shall Everybody (a) ______ success in life, but few (b) ______ it. One of the main reasons for this failure is that many people (c) ______ take risks. Life (d) ______ not a bed of roses. It is full of troubles and difficulties. We (e) ______ them with courage. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition: 1 × 5 = 5 My dear Mimi, Love to you. I am very glad to know that you have stood first in order (a) ____merit. I know you would do well in the examination as you worked hard. So it is rightly said that industry is the key (b) ____ success. Very few students can do well in the examination (c) ____ dint of merit. It is seen that those who became great in this modern world have become so (d) ____ hard labour and perseverance. I pray to omnipotent creator (e) ____ your brilliant result. Your elder brother Rashid. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed: 1 × 5 = 5 Newspaper plays (a) ______ important role in our society. It is (b) ______most useful thing in our modern life. We cannot think of (c) ______ day without it. To read newspaper is (d) ______ good habit. (e) ______ more we read newspaper (f) ______ more we can acquire knowledge. If we don't read it, we shall be (g) ______ frogs in (h) ______ dark well. It is (i) ______ looking glass of (j) ______ modern world. 4. Fill in the blanks with the suitable linking words from the list: 1×5=5 thus so as if besides because who even Honesty is a noble virtue. The man (a) ______ possesses this rare quality is the happiest person in the world. To be honest, man should have trust worthiness (b) ______ nobody trusts a liar. (c) ______ Allah helps the honest people. (d) ______ children should be taught honesty from the very beginning of life. (e) ______ children should be developed among the honest people. 5. Re-write the following in the reported speech. 5 Once I said to a sweet girl, "What is your mother's name?" She replied cleverly, "I know my mother's name but I won't tell you that." I said, "What a clever girl you are!" "I don't tell my mother's name to anybody whom I don't know." She spoke with an air of confidence. 6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5 The name of our motherland is Bangladesh. It is a land of rivers. (a) The Jamuna is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh. (Make it comparative) (b) When it is summer, it becomes emaciated. (Make it simple) (c) During the rainy season, it assumes a terrible shape. (Make it complex) (d) Every body knows it. (Make it interrogative) (e) Tourists from home and abroad visit its shore. (Make it passive). 7. Fill in the blanks with appropriate tag question: 1×5=5 : You are going abroad, (a) ______? : No, not yet, unless I can manage money, I cannot go, (b) ______? : I admit you can't. But you have much money, (c) _________? : You don't know our present state. Now my father has to maintain a very large family, (d) ______? : I admit. Your father can manage it if he wishes, (e) ______? 8. Complete the following sentences: 1×5=5 (a) It is true that most of the parents in our country are not interested enough to ____. (b) Parents think that spending money for the children's education is unwise specially when____. (c) They think female children need no education because they ___. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


(d) To lessen discrimination in children's educational status the government gives subsidy for female children so that ____. (e) It is a good sign that now a days ____. 9. Complete the following passage with suitable words: 0.5×10 = 5 No sooner (a) ____ Rahim entered my office (b) ____ I offered him a cup of tea. Through he is my close friend, he is junior (e) ______ me by 2 years. He joined (d) ____ army 5 years ago. I said to him, "My car (e) ____ stolen just now.” He consoled me. He told me that he (f) ______solve the matter. He also said that it was (g) ____ easy task for him (h) ____ find out the thief. (i) ____ he took a cup of tea and went to the (j) ____ police station. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. You are a reporter of a renowned newspaper. You have experienced an unexpected fire on a garment factory. Now, write a report on it. 10 11. Write a short composition on a journey by train you have recently enjoyed. 15 12. Suppose you are Rana, you are a regular student of XII class of Barisal college. You have a common room without modern facilities. Now, write an application to the principal of your college for increasing facilities for the college common room. 10 13. Hasan gets up late in the morning. So he cannot complete his lesson in time. His result is bad in the examination. On the other hand Kamal gets up early in the morning and prepares his lesson accordingly. He is doing well in the examination. Now, write a dialogue between Hasan and Kamal about the benefits of early rising. 10 14. Complete the story following the cue:15 Once there lived a good King in Scotland. His name was Robert Bruce. He loved his country and his subjects very dearly. His subjects had a great love and respect for him. One day his enemies attacked his country and drove him away from his kingdom………….................. CHITTAGONG BOARD-2012ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part A− Grammar (Marks-40) [Answer any eight questions out of nine] 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary: 1×5 = 5 ensure refer buy mean call satisfy feel Money (a)  happiness. Happiness is absolutely a psychological thing. It (b) — the contentment of the mind. He who (c)  with what he gets and is content with his life (d)  a happy man. It is only moral and spiritual development which (e)  happiness in our life. 2. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions: 1×5 = 5 Every year millions of people all (a)  the world die as a result (b)  pollution. These unfortunate deaths are brought (c)  by four specific factors. They are air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and odour pollution. We should take determined action to control these problems and clean (d)  the environment. Moreover, we have to raise awareness (e) — the people. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) mark where an article is not needed: 1×5= 5 Today women are playing (a)  important role in all spheres of (b)  life. They are no longer confined within (c)  four walls of the kitchens. They have come out of their cocoons and are working hand in hand with (d)  men. They are joining (e)  wide Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

range of professions and making a great (f)  contribution to the economy. Now it has come to (g)  realisation of all that it is not possible to develop the country keeping women, (h)  large section of (i)  population in (j)  dark. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the box. 1×5=5 for example though but as well as so however because Men usually want to have their own way. No one, (a) , can have his own way all the time. He has to consider the interest of others (b)  his own interests. He is free to take his own decisions, (c)  these decisions must not be unjust or harmful for others. (d) , he must be very careful while driving (e)  there are other vehicles and pedestrians on the road. 6. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms/phrases (any five):1×5 = 5 For the sake of, Make up one's mind, Of one's own accord, Beyond doubt, Look after, Leave no stone unturned, Take place 7. Re-write the following in the reported speech. 5 "Why are you putting the foods in your pocket, Sir? Why don't you eat?" asked the nobleman. "I'm doing the right thing. My dress deserves these rich dishes," replied Sheikh Saadi. "I'm sorry. I don't understand what you mean to say," said the nobleman. 8. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed: 1×5 = 5 (a) E-mail is a computer-based messaging system. (Complex) It is a speedy mode of communication. (b) It eliminates the time spent in establishing phone calls. (Interrogative) (c) It is cheaper than telephone calls. (Positive) It permits communication between two parties without the parties actually being present simultaneously. (d) It takes only a few seconds to transmit a message from one country to another. (Negative) It has, however, not reached everyone, especially in developing countries like ours. (e) But even here people use commercially operated e-mail facilities for important purposes. (Passive) 8. Fill in the blanks with appropriate tag questions: 1×5 = 5 (a) Telling lies is a great sin,? (b) One lie begets hundred lies, ? (c) None believes a liar,? (d) He has to lead a miserable life,? (e) So all of us ought to refrain from telling lies,? 9. Complete the following sentences. 1×5 = 5 (a) We want that . (b) Man dies but . (c) People work with a view to . (d) I wish . (e) A patriot is person whom . Part-B: Composition (Marks 60) 10. Suppose, you are a reporter of a renowned newspaper. Write a report for your newspaper on "Deforestation and its devastating consequences." 10 11. Write a short composition on any one of the following. 15 (a) Internet (b) Childhood Memories (c) A Journey by Train 12. Write an application to the principal of your college seeking permission to stage a drama in the college auditorium. 10 13. Write a dialogue between two HSC candidates about their preparation for the final examination. 10 14. Complete the following story using the cue given below. Long ago there lived a hare in a forest. A tortoise also lived nearby. The hare was proud of his speed. He always teased the tortoise. One day...................... Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


CHITTAGONG BOARD-2011 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) (Answer any eight questions out of nine.) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. 1×5=5 dare desire attain be may should assist Everyone (a) _____ success in life but very few can (b) _____ it. One of the main reasons for this failure is that many people (c) _____ take risks. We must remember that life (d) _____ not a bed of roses. It is full of troubles and problems. We (e) _____ face them with courage. 2. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions. 1×5=5 out with beyond of in to for I was there (a) _____ autumn. I wanted quiet isolation to do some troublesome writing. I wanted mountain air to blow (b) _____ malaria. I was homesick, too (c) _____flaming of maples and for corn shocks, pumpkins and black walnut trees. I found them all living in a cabin that belonged (d) _____ the orphanage. There I became acquainted (e) _____ a boy named Jerry. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross mark (x) where an article is not needed. 0.5x10=5 At present Bangladesh faces (a) _____ number of (b) _____ problems. Of all these problems (c) _____ population problem is (d) _____ most acute one. Population is undoubtedly (e) _____ great asset of (f) _____ country. But when (g) _____ country falls feed and provide them with (h) _____ suitable jobs, they become (i) _____ burden. Similar is (j) _____ case with Bangladesh. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the box. 1 × 5 =5 so that if as if that since though in order to Most of our students cannot write out their examination papers fairly. (a) _____ cannot understand the questions properly, they often beat about the bushes and cram their answers with irrelevant and unnecessary details. (b) _____ their teachers suggest (c) _____ their answer should be brief and precise, they often lengthen those unnecessarily. (d) _____ get expected marks, a student should answer the questions to the point. He should not worry (e) _____ some of his answers are fairly short 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following phrases and idioms (any five):1 × 5 =5 at length; catch sight of; apple of one's eye; get by heart; big guns; come round; a man of letters. 6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech: 5 Once I asked a little girl, "What's your mother's name?" "I know my mother's name but I won't tell you that. I never tell my mother's name to anybody whom I don't know." I said, "How clever you are!" 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 5 (a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory) (b) People of all ages enjoy this game. (Passive) (c) At present cricket is the most popular game in our country. (Positive) (d) Bangladesh is one of the weakest test playing countries. (Comparative) So most of the people do not like watching test cricket. (e) They are fond of watching "twenty-twenty" cricket. (Interrogative) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


8. Fill in the gaps with appropriate tag questions: 1 × 5 =5 (a) Health is wealth,___________? (b) A sick rich man is not happier than a healthy poor man, __________? (c) An unhealthy man cannot prosper in life, __________? (d) Nobody pays him due respect, __________? (e) We must take care of our health, __________? 9. Complete the following sentences. 1 × 5 =5 (a) Arif studies attentively so that__________. (b) Hardly had the leader finished his speech__________. (c) I walked fast lest__________. (d) A fish market is the place where people go__________. (e) It is disappointing to note that the price of__________. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Write a paragraph on "Your favourite teacher" by answering the following questions: 10 (a) Who is your favourite teacher? (b) Why do you like him most? (c) What differences do you find between his teaching methodology and that of others? (d) How does he motivate his students in his classroom? (e) Do you wish to be a teacher like him? 11. Write a short composition on the uses and abuses of television. 15 12. Write an application to the principal of Khulna College for organizing a literacy club in the college. 10 13. Suppose, you want to buy some books. Now, write a dialogue between you and the book-seller. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage: The process of learning may well be compared to the undertaking of a journey. The learner or student is a journey taker or traveler. Just as a traveler he has to undergo all the botherations of buying his ticket, booking his baggage, showing up his ticket, taking care of things, boarding a train or a bus and facing unexpected problems during the journey. So, a learner, too, has to manage his learning affair himself. It is a laborious process and no one can do the labour for him. There is no trick or magic in it. It cannot be acquired at second hand just as a traveller can enquire here and there in case of doubt or difficulty, so can a learner take help or advice from guiders or teachers whenever he is in difficulty. However, the journey is the passenger's own concern. In the same way, learning is entirely the concern of the student or the learner. 14. Complete the following story with the cue below: 15 Once upon a time, there was a king in England. He had three daughters. One day, he made up his mind to divide his kingdom among them. So, he called them in the court and asked each of them how much they loved him………………………. CHITTAGONG BOARD-2010 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours

Full marks-100 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) 1. Complete the following passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary : Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Board Question


work invent discover come take give bring Computer has (a) ____ about a revolutionary change in the world. But it (b) ___ overnight. It (c) _____ a long time to invent computer. Many votaries of science (d) ___ hard for years and finally (e) _____ out successful. 2. Read the following the letter and fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition :1 × 5 = 5 Dear Rimi, You know, the world we live (a) _____ is full (b) _____different things. There are many things (c) _____ us. All these things make (d) ____ our environment. We should not turn a good, clean environment (e) ____ a bad polluted one. Yours ever, Sumi 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed: 0.5×10 = 5 James Norman Hall was (a) _____ American writer. He wrote (b) ____ story about (c) ____ wonderful piece of business that took place between him and a farmer. While in (d)______ Tahiti, he was short of (e) _______ money and rented (f) ____ one room house about 22 kilometres from (g) ______ town. He was doing (h) ____ interesting writing there. To save money he wanted to make (i) ____ vegetable Garden in front of his house. But (j) _____ land was full of ants and land-crabs. They foiled all his attempts. 4. Fill in the blanks with the suitable phrase and linking words from the list : 1×5 = 5 who when while because though that and (a) ____ taking food we should bear in mind (b) _____ we do not eat just to satisfy hunger (c) _____to fill the belly. We eat to preserve our health. Some people (d) ____ live in the midst of plenty do not eat the food they need for good health (e) ____ they have no knowledge of the science of health and nutrition. 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following phrases and idioms (any five) : 1×5 = 5 Once for all; take after; far and wide; a black sheep; at the sight of; Beggar description; in the long run. 6. Re-write the following in the reported speech : 5 “Follow my example” she said, as we shook hands “and never eat more than one thing for luncheon.” “I’ll do better than that” I’ll eat nothing for dinner tonight.” 7. Fill in the blanks with tag question : 1×5 = 5 (a) Trees are our best friends, ________? (b) They help us in many ways, ________? (c) But many men do not realize the importance of trees, ________? (d) The country will change into a desert without trees, ________? (e) So, we should plant more trees, ________? 8. Complete the following sentences : (a) They went to college after they______. (b) This poem is too difficult for______. (c) No sooner had she seen me_____. (d) He speaks as if ______. (e) It is high time we_____. Part B- Composition Marks-60 9. Write a paragraph on your the following questions : 10 (a) What is your future plan? (b) Why have you adopted this plan? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

(c) How are you preparing yourself? (d) Do you find it difficult to materialize your plan? (e) What do your parents think about your plan? 10. Write a short composition on your first day at college : 15 11. Write an application to the principal of Rajshahi college requesting him to change one of your elective subject : 10 12. Write a dialogue between two friends after visiting a book fair. Or, Write a summary of the following passage: 10 Co-operation means working together for the benefit of all. Without co-operation modern society could not exist. Co-operation has been seen at its best among farmers in the dry regions of certain parts of Australia and America. The fields have been irrigated in these regions. Crops cannot be grown without water. Water cannot be brought to the fields without streams being tapped higher up. For this purpose canals and dams have been built. The canals have been cut through the fields of more than have allowed canals to be built through their land in order to carry water to the fields of farmers lower down. In times of drought all are able to share the water. Because of themselves the farmers on the fatherland leave enough for their neighbours down the valley. Farming dry areas has been made possible by such co-operation. By co-operation farmers have learnt to make even the desert produce crops. 13. Complete the story following the clue: There was an old house in a village. A number of mice lived in that house. They were doing a lot of mischief there. The master of the house was very annoyed and made a plan……………… CHITTAGONG BOARD-2009 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) (Answer any eight questions out of nine.) 1. Complete the following passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary: 1×5=5 feel lead make inspire create imply devote Patriotism is a noble virtue. It (a) _____ a man to do everything just and fair for his country and people. Actually it (b) _____ those qualities which makes a person (c) _____ his/her life for the well being of his country. Patriotic zeal (d) _____ a person dutiful, energetic and enthusiastic. On other hand, those devoid of Patriotic zeal, (e) _____ any scruple to plot against the country. 2. Read the following the letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition: 1 × 5 = 5 Dear Srabanty, We are pleased to learn that you will be able to start the course (a) _____ Business Studies from September this year. In reply (b) _____ your request, we have allotted you room number 315 in the East Hall. You must complete your registration (c) _____ August. Classes will start (d) _____ September 12. We look forward (e) _____ meeting you. Patricia Jones. 3. Use articles where necessary, put a cross (×) where an article is not needed: 1 × 5 = 5 An angry man is not liked (a) _____even by (b) _____ idiot. There is difference between the educated and (c) _____ uneducated. An educated (d) _____ person should come Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


forward to educate (e) _____ uneducated. On the other hand (f) _____ rich man should have (g) ______ sympathy for (h) _____ poor. There is difference between (i) _____ poor man and (j) ____rich man. 4. Fill in the blanks with the suitable phrase and linking words from the list: 1 × 5 = 5 after all

5. 6.




because of


in fact




Having a degree on medicine, Gulliver went on a voyage. (a) ____the ship was wrecked but he (b) _____managed to swim ashore. He slept a deep sleep (c) ____ his tiredness. (d)_____he woke up he saw many tiny creatures. (e)____, they were the human beings smaller than Gulliver himself. Make meaningful sentences with the following phrases and idioms (any five): 1 × 5 = 5 well off, put up with, in order to, ups and downs, so that, by hook or by crook. Change the form of speech of the following passage: 5 "Where is my son?” said the grocer. "A crow carried your son away?" said the fruit seller. "You liar! How can a crow carry away such a big boy?" "Just the same way as mice can eat away the balance and weights." Read the following passage and transfer the underlined sentences directed: 1 × 5 = 5 (a) Robert Frost lived in a small apartment in the capital city Toronto. (Complex) (b) His wife Catherine loves gardening. (Negative) (c) Toronto is one of the most expensive cities of the world. (Positive) His relatives often come to stay with him. (d) They don't realize the high cost of living in Toronto. (Interrogative) (e) However, he loves his relatives a great deal. (Passive) Fill in the blanks with tag question: 1×5=5 Congratulations Terence. You have made an excellent result, (a) _____? Thanks. But my parents and teachers also deserve the credit, (b) _____? Right you are. We ought to remain grateful to them, (c) _____? Certainly, you too study hard, (d) _____? Yes, it is our duty to study in a disciplined way, (e) _____? Complete the following sentences: 1×5=5 (a) Acid rain is harmful because _____. (b) The wind was so strong that _____. (c) Had he been a little careful _____. (d) They were frightened when _____. (e) Take your umbrella lest_____.

Part B – Composition (Marks-60) 10. Write a report on the problem of traffic jam in your locality bringing out the causes, effects and possible solutions. 10 Or, Write a paragraph on your visit to a trade fair by answering the following questions:(a) When and where was that fair held? (b) What was the area of the fair and how many stalls were there? (c) What kinds of stalls were there? (d) What is the impact of such fairs on the economy? 11. Write a composition on Wonders of Modern Science or Benefits of Reading Newspapers. 15 12. Write an application to the principal of your college requesting him to pass necessary orders for a study tour for the outgoing students of class XII after the sent-up test. 10 13. Write a dialogue between two friends on the choice of career. 10 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Or, Write a summary of the following passage: The dowry system is a curse to our society. It can be an amount of money, or some kind of property that a wife or her family is to pay to the bridegroom or his family. It was a social custom in ancient times in many parts of the world. But at present, dowry is nothing less than a dreadful bane to a family with a marriageable daughter or sister. In this subcontinent most of the families face this heinous problem. A family with a maiden or spinster finds it impossible to marry her off only if they are not wealthy. In many cases, the parents of the bride are compelled against their conscience to promise an amount of dowry to the groom or his relatives knowing fully well that it is beyond their capacity to pay it in the near future. More often than not, the helpless girl starts being tortured within a few weeks or at best months for her family's inability to pay the promised dowry. And as we all know, the luckless girl is often tortured physically and kicked out of the house or even brutally killed for having not been born in a family with enough wealth to meet the lusty demands of the family with so-called superiority of having a son. Our young generation as to be conscious about this dreadful curse. It is high time that all eligible bachelors started to shout a big 'no' to this heinous vice. We must start large-scale posturing, canvassing and advertising to motivate and persuade people against this abominable crime against humanity. 14. Complete the following story following the cue. 10 Once a dog stole a piece of meat from a shop. Holding it in his mouth, he was running beside a stream. When the dog was crossing a bridge over the stream, it discovered an image in the water..................... DINAJPUR BOARD-2012ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) (Answer any eight questions out of nine.) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary: 1×5 = 5 irritate belong offend use take addict find People (a)  to smoking find it difficult to give up this fatal habit. Many of them suffer from various incurable diseases including cancer which (b)  a heavy toll of lives every year. An effective cure for this deadly disease has not been (c)  out yet. In addition, smoking (d)  eyes and (e)  the nose. 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: 1×5 = 5 We are to be content (a)  what we have. We should bear in mind that money is the root (b)  all evils. But this does not mean that we can live (c)  money. We should maintain dignity and honesty (d)  earning money. Money (e)  any cost should not be our target. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) mark where an article is not needed: .5×10 = 5 (a) ant is (b)  industrious insect. Bees are also (c)  industrious insects. If we observe the life of (d)  successful man, we will find that he is also (e)  industrious. (f)  industrious are appreciated by all. On the other hand, (g)  idle are disliked by all. So, industry is (h)  must to prosper in (i)  life. We all know that industry is the key to success and laziness leads us to (j)  misfortune. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5 = 5 unless shortly in this regard hardly even which like Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question






Illiteracy is a curse. It is the root cause of ignorance (a)  frustrates all development efforts of the government and the community. No development effort can succeed (b)  illiteracy can be removed. Eradication of illiteracy, in a country (c) , Bangladesh with so vast a population is undoubtedly a mammoth task. Any individual, community or organization (d)  the government is not capable of solving this tremendous problem single-handed. It is the social responsibility of all the educated people, men and women to make some all out efforts to remove illiteracy from the society. The Government of Bangladesh has already undertaken some effective programmes (e) . Re-write the following in the reported speech. 5 “Will you buy my hair?” asked Della. "I buy hair," said Madame. "Take your hat off and let's have a sight at the looks of it." "Twenty dollars," said Madame. "Give it to me quick," said Della. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5 = 5 Frugality is a good habit. (a) A man who is frugal does not like to spend money without reasons. (Simple) (b) The target of a frugal man is to save money for future. (Complex) (c) Everyone should practise frugality to make a well-planned family. (Passive) (d) Since a frugal man saves money, he can spend it in time of crisis. (Compound) (e) A frugal man is happier than a prodigal man. (Positive) Fill in the blanks with tag questions: 1×5 = 5 : Rana as well as his friends enjoyed the film, (a) ? : Let me be alone, (b) ? : We ought not to do this, (c) ? : Everyone welcome us, (d) ? : I have the right to get your help, (e) ? Complete the following sentences: 1×5 = 5 (a) Since Bangladesh is a disaster-prone country _____. (b) Though Bangladesh is a small country, she is burdened ____. (c) Women who comprise half of our population ______. (d) Moreover, our country is beset ______. (e) We all should come forward with a view to _______.

9. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms and phrases (any five).1×5 =5 A bone of contention, A bed of roses, End in smoke, Catch sight of, Commit something to memory, Put up with, Black and blue Part-B: Composition (Marks 60) 10. The prices of essential commodities have gone beyond the reach of the poor people. Now write a report on it. 10 11. Write a short composition on the wonders of modern science. 15 12. Make a dialogue between you and your friend on the abuses of mobile phone particularly by the teenagers in the recent times. 10 13. Write an application to the Principal of your college to allot you a seat in the college hostel. 10 14. Complete the story with the following clue. 15 There was a shepherd boy. He used to graze a flock of sheep near a forest. It was not far from his village. One day, he wanted to make fun of ..................... Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

DINAJPUR BOARD- 2011 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) [Answer any 8 questions out of 9] 1. Complete the following passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary: 1×5=5 be reach work come confine dominate succeed Today women play an important role in all spheres of life. Once they were (a) _____ by men. They (b) _____ no longer (c) _____ within the four walls. They have (d) _____ out of kitchens and are (e) _____ hand in hand with man. 2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. 1×5=5 I worked hard for my HSC examination. My effort did not end (a) _____ smoke. I succeeded (b) _____the examination. My parents were glad (c) _____ my success. They congratulated me (d) _____ my brilliant results. I also owe (e) _____ my parents and teachers. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 1×5=5 You must have heard (a) _____ name of Kazi Nazrul Islam. He is our national poet. He is known as (b) _____ rebel poet. He was born in (c) _____ poor family. He passed his boyhood in great hardship. When (d) _____ First World War broke out, he joined (e) _____ army. After (f) _____ war, he began to write poems. He wrote specially for (g) _____ oppressed and down trodden people. He is called (h) _____ Shelley of Bengali literature. His poems and songs inspired (i) _____ Bangladesh in (j) _____ War of Liberation. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list. 1×5=5 either if also or as moreover and English gives us easy access to the ever-expanding knowledge of science and technology, arts and education, innovations and discoveries. (a) _____ all the books,journals, reports, research findings are available in English. (b) _____ any important books, papers etc. are (c) _____ written in English (d) _____ translated into English immediately after they are published in other language. You can easily learn about them (e) _____ you have acquired the reading skills in English. 5. Rewrite the following in the reported speech. 5 The stranger said to the boy, "Will you tell me the way to the nearest hotel?" "Yes, I will. Do you want a residential one in which you can spend the night?" the boy said. "I do not want to stay here, but I only want a meal," the stranger replied. The boy said, “Follow me." 6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5 Stephen Hawking was born in 1942. He was born in an educated family. (a) He is considered the greatest physicist after Einstein. (Active) (b) In 1979 he joined Cambridge University. (Complex) (c) When he was thirty-two years old he received the prestigious Albert Einstein Award. (Simple) (d) He wrote a book explaining cosmology for general public. (Compound) (e) He is one of the greatest scientists in the present world. (Positive) 7. Fill in the blanks with tag questions. 1×5=5 You are not resigning from your job, (a) _____? No, not yet, unless I get another job I can't, (b) _____? Of course not. Well, you can use a computer, (c) _____? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


And you do not mind working in a friend's firm, (d) _____? Well, if I offer you a job in my office, you won't refuse it, (e) _____? 8. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5 (a) I don't like people who __________. (b) Do you know where __________? (c) It was long since ___________. (d) You will not prosper unless ____________. (e) Had I been proposed to go _________________. 9. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms and phrases (any five): 1 × 5 = 5 null and void; take after; maiden speech; in lieu of; for good; at a stretch; bad blood. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Suppose, you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. You have witnessed a terrible road accident. Now, write a report on it. 10 11. Write a short composition on Female Education in Bangladesh. 15 12. Make a dialogue between a father and a son about the future course of son's study. 10 13. Suppose, you are a student of XII class of Rangpur Cadet College. Write an application to your principal for setting up a Computer Club in your college. 10 14. Complete the story with the following clue. 15 Once there lived a woodcutter. He was very poor but honest. He lived on the bank of a river near a forest. He used to cut wood ……………………….. DINAJPUR BOARD- 2010 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) (Answer any eight questions out of nine.) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary : 1×5 = 5 sail carry contain move be build regard The great ship, Titanic (a) _____ for Now York from Southampton on April 10, 1912. She (b) _____1316 passengers. At that time she (c) _____ the largest ship that ever (d) _____ and (e) _____as unsinkable. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition : 1×5 = 5 Dear Rahim, I have received your letter just now and am very anxious (a) _____ your Studies because your HSC Exam is knocking (b) ______ the door. How have you prepared yourself? Here is a piece of advice (c) ______ you. Make a routine, dividing the days, allotting (d) _______ each subject. At least, write one broad and two short answers a day (e) _______ practice or you will forget them and will not be able to reproduce them in the exam. Yours sincerely, Rabbi 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. ½ ×10=5 We know (a) ______ men is (b) ______ rational creature. It is (c) ______ rationality in him which makes him (d) _____ different species. He can differentiate between (e) _____ right and (f) _____ wrong. This is why (g) _____ man is considered (h) _____ best creation of (i) ______ creator of (j) _______ universe. 4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate linking words from the list below : 1×5 = 5 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

but that not only but also above all also who Rokeya is a Bangladeshi girl (a) _____ is about to finish school. (b) _____ she has no hope of going on to college. Her parents are (c) _____ illiterate (d) _____ superstitious. (e) _____ they think that educating girls is nothing but a mere wastage of money. 5. Re-write the following in the reported speech : 5 “Why don’t you attend classes regularly?” the teacher said to the student. “You can’t expect good results unless you attend classes as I tell you.” “I am sorry sir, I have offended you, “said the student. 6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed : 1 × 5 = 5 (a) Water, an important vital element of environment, is polluted by various ways. (Complex) (b) The water which is pure is necessary for us. (Simple) (c) Men pollute water by throwing waste in it. (Compound) (d) The farmers use water in time of cultivation largely. (Passive) It is one of the most important elements of all living beings. (Positive) 7. Fill in the blanks with tag questions : 1×5=5 (a) You are not used to taking potatoes, _____? (b) No, I don’t like it. I think you also don’t like potatoes, _____? (c) It is true. But in a country like Bangladesh we ought to take alternative food, _____? (d) The wise say like that, _____? (e) But I don’t think, they will be satisfied with potatoes instead of rice, _____? 8. Complete the following sentences : 1×5=5 (a) As you sow, so _____. (b) Although Bangladesh is a populous country, it ___________. (c) He is my teacher who _______? (d) I wish I ______. (e) He took up a part-time job so that ______. 9. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms and phrases (any five) : 1×5 = 5 chicken-hearted, apple of discord, at sixes and sevens, by dint of, blue blood, in front of. Part-B Composition 10. Write a paragraph about ‘Load-Shedding’ by answering the questions blow : 10 (a) What is load-shedding? (b) Why does it occur and when? (c) What happens when it occurs frequently? (d) Who are the worst sufferers of it? (e) How can we solve the problem? 11. Write a short composition on your hobby. 15 12. Recently you have read an article about ‘the students’ failure in English.’ Now make a dialogue between you and your friend on the causes of failure. 10 13. Suppose you are a student of XI class of X college. Write an application to your principal for a seat in your college hostel : 10 14. Complete the following story with the following clue : 15 Once there lived a happy cobbler who passed his days in working and singing. A rich businessman said to him one day, “How much a year do you earn?”……………. DINAJPUR BOARD-2009 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part-A- Grammar (Marks-40) (Answer any eight questions out of nine) 1. Complete the following passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary: 1×5=5 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question




5. 6.





begin say hold bid call invite recite A few days ago the marriage ceremony of my elder sister was (a) _____ in a very befitting manner. We (b) _____ our friends and relatives. The invited guests (c) _____ to come in the evening. After the arrival of the bridegroom the Qazi solemnized the marriage (d) _____ the related verses from the holy Quran. While (e) _____ farewell to my sister my parents burst into tears. Read the following the letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition: 1×5=5 Dear Mohon, Sorry for my unwilling delay to attend the function (a) _____ your residence. When I was ready (b) _____ the function, my father, (c) _____ giving me any information, came to me. He had fallen seriously ill. So I could not help taking him (d) _____ a clinic for immediate treatment. I hope I will visit you (e) _____ a week. Yours sincerely Mahtab Use articles where necessary put a cross (x) where an article is not needed: 0.5 × 10 = 5 We were returning home. On (a) _____ way we met (b) _____ little girl. She was selling (c) _____ flowers on (d) _____ street. She requested us to buy (e) _____ flower. My mother is (f) _____ kind-hearted woman. (g) _____ motherly affection rose at (h) _____ sight of her. She gave her (i) _____ ten taka note and bought some flowers. We should be kind to (j) _____ helpless. Fill in the blanks with the suitable linking words: 1×5=5 (a) _____ being a small country, Bangladesh has a huge population. Most people here live below the poverty line and are (b) _____ unable to educate their children. (c) _____ this situation, we have far too many students to educate. (d) _____ financial and resource constraints, the government cannot fund the requisite number of educational institutions. (e) _____ every educational institution is over-crowded. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five): 5 for the sake of, in spite of, in the long run, good for nothing, at a glance, to and fro Re-write the following in the reported speech: 1×5=5 I asked Nisa, “What's your mother's name?” "I know my mother's name but I won't tell you that. I don't tell my mother's name to anybody whom I don't know" said she. I said, "What a clever girl you are!" Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed:- 1 × 5 = 5 (a) Health is wealth. (Make it complex) (b) A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man. (Make it positive) (c) Though a healthy man is an asset to his family, an unhealthy man is a liability. (Make it compound) (d) He can succeed in life. (Make it interrogative) (e) Everybody must be conscious of health. (Make it negative) Fill in the blanks with tag questions: 1×5=5 Do you know about computer? Of course, it is a fairly recent invention, (a) _____? It has now become an essential part of modern life, (b) _____? It has greatly benefited us, (c) _____? Any device that helps people perform mathematical calculation can be called computer, (d) _____? Now, let’s hope for the latest one, (e) ________? Complete the following sentences: 1×5=5 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

(a) There goes a proverb that _____. (b) Though lost wealth can be regained by hard work, lost time _____. (c) Time is so valuable that ______. (d) Those who have become great in life ______. (e) If we make the best use of time ______. Part-B Composition (Marks – 60) 10. Write a paragraph about 'Newspaper' by answering the questions below: 10 (a) What is a newspaper? (b) When and where was the newspaper published first? (c) What is the necessity of a newspaper? (d) What are the demerits of a newspaper? (e) How are the people benefited from a newspaper? 11. Write a short composition on your childhood memories. 15 12. Suppose, you have passed the H.S.C Examination this year. Now you need a testimonial for your admission to a university. Write an application to the principal of your college for a testimonial. 10 13. Suppose, you are Nafis. You are talking with your friend Sagar about the frequent failure of Bangladesh Cricket Team in the international matches. Now, make a dialogue between you and your friend Sagar on the said topic. 10 14. Complete the story following the cue: 15 Shaikh Sadi was a great poet. He used to put on simple dress. Once he took shelter in the house of a nobleman. The nobleman could not recognize him and treated him as an ordinary man …………............. BARISAL BOARD-2012ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part-A- Grammar (Marks-40) (Answer any eight questions out of nine) 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary: 1×5 = 5 value indulge try think encourage be do evaluate Many of us often (a)  in an undesirable act which is finding faults with others. But we (b)  to find out our own faults. It is difficult for one (c)  one's short-comings because most often man (d)  himself to be in no way meaner, less intelligent, less experienced. Only those who are great of heart (e)  themselves on their own. 2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: 1×5 = 5 Everyone desires (a)  wealth. But very few can attain it. Some people hanker (b)  riches. Some are content (c)  what they have. True happiness lies (d) — contentment. It is high time we gave (e)  the habit of covetousness. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) mark where an article is not needed: 1×5 = 5 Childhood or boyhood is (a) ____ man's formative period. During this period (b) — child receives training from its mother. (c) — mother's tender heart always looks to (d)  welfare and well-being of (e)  child. If during this period (f) — mother tries to bring (g)  child up carefully and according to her (h) — best ideas, (i)  child is sure to grow with its superiors, parents and teachers end love (j)  all irrespective of cast creed and colour. 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list: 1×5 = 5 as in spite of moreover in short both if until though Mr. Joy is always sparing in use of money (a)  he earns a lot of money. He seldom buys new cloths. (b)  he bargains with the shopkeepers to save money. (c) having Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


many friends and relatives, he always tries to avoid entertaining them. (d) he and his wife put on shabby dresses. (e) , he has a strange personality. 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five): 1×5 = 5 drop out; look down upon; on the instant; beggar description; black and blue; rainy day; cut off. 6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech: 5 "You look a little bit like my mother," he said, "especially in the dark by the fire." "But you were only four, Jerry, when you came here." the writer said. "My mother lives in Mannville." 7. Fill in the blanks with tag questions: 1×5 = 5 (a) Everybody loves flowers, ? (b) Today flowers are used on different occasions, ? (c) We need flowers to greet our honourable guests, ? (d) Now many people cultivate flowers, ? (e) This will better the living condition of the poor flower sellers, ? 8. Complete the following sentences: 1×5 = 5 (a) He hurried to the station lest, . (b) People are advised to take oral-saline since . (c) Where there is a will, . (d) The weather was so unbearable that . (e) When the final hour of departure came, . 9. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 1×5 = 5 There are two ways of developing competence in a language- acquiring the language or learning it. (a) Acquiring a language is more successful than learning. (Make it positive) (b) Teachers encourage the learners of a second language to practice the language. (Make it passive) (c) Students who wish to acquire proficiency in language should practice the language. (Make it smile) (d) Communicative competence can be achieved in a shorttime. (Make it interrogative without changing meaning) (e) A language learner must shake off reticence and he is sure to succeed in his effort. (Make it complex) Part B- Composition (Marks- 60) 10. Think, you are the local correspondent of national daily newspaper. You have visited the spot of an accident that took place on Dhaka-Barisal highway. Now write a report for newspaper. 10 11. Write a short composition on any one of the following: 15 (a) Wonders of Modern Science. (b) Your First Day at College. 12. Write a letter to the Mayor of your town asking him to provide street-lights in your locality. 10 Or, Write a letter to your father telling him about your aim in life. 13. Complete the following story using the cue: 15 Once upon a time there lived a tortoise and a hare in a forest. The hare now and then teased the tortoise for its slow pace. One day................. 14. Write a dialogue between two friends about their preparation for the coming examination. 10 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

BARISAL BOARD-2011 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) [Answer any eight questions out of nine] 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary. l×5=5 try make be think ponder abide indulge mend We often see young people (a) _____ in pompous ways of life. They (b) _____ by the advices of the seniors, not even of their guardians. Even they (c) _____ to realize the negative aspects of it. Pompous life (d) _____ them gradually derailed. When they realize the consequence on their lives, they often find it quite impossible to (e) _____ the damages. 2. Fill, in the gaps with appropriate prepositions: l×5=5 You must have come across the name of Leo Tolstoy, a great writer in world literature. No novelist stands parallel (a) _____ him. All his novels and short stories convey a message. His purpose of writing was the purification of human mind and soul (b) _____ all kinds of evils and misjudgments. His heroes suffer (c) _____ inner conflict, pass (d) _____ ups and downs of life and struggle (e) _____ deprivation caused by feudal and bourgeois society. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed.0.5×10=5 We live on (a) _____ ground floor of (b) _____ old house on (c) _____ river Kirtankhola. We are very much afraid of (d) _____ burglars and always lock up (e) _____ house very carefully before we go to (f) _____ bed. We also take (g) _____ precaution of looking under (h) _____ bed to see if (i) _____ burglar is hiding there. We know modern burglars do not hide under beds, but we go on looking just (j) _____ same. 4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate linking words from the list below. l × 5 = 5 likewise until whenever however consequently otherwise on the contrary Aloka is a very sincere student. (a) _____ she gets time, she sits to study. She does well in her college tests. (b) _____ she does not forget to take physical exercise. (c) _____ her sister Anika is very inattentive to her studies. (d) _____ she cannot do well in her school tests. One day her father called her and said, "You should be attentive to study. (e) _____ you won't be able to shine in life." 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms and phrases (any five): l × 5 = 5 hue and cry; of one's own accord; then and there, far-fetched; hanker after, black and blue; ask for. 6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech : 5 "Could I help you, Sir?" said the receptionist. The man replied, "Sure, I want to meet the Managing Director of the company." The receptionist said, "Do you have an appointment?" "Yes, I have," he said. 7. Form tag questions from the following: l×5=5 (a) You must have heard the name of Jalaluddin Rumi, _______? (b) He achieved fame as a spiritual leader, _______? (c) He was also renowned as a mystic poet, _______? (d) Thousands of people admired him in his life time, _______? (e) Still today millions of people all over the world find pleasure in his poetic works, _______? 8. Complete the following sentences: l×5=5 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


(a) We work hard so that ____________. (b) There is nobody who ____________. (c) As he is devoted to studies ____________. (d) He left the place after____________. (e) As soon as the police came ____________. 9. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed. 5 (a) Very few insects are as busy as a bee (Make it comparative). It is known as an industrious creature. (b) It only lives in a hive. (Make it negative) (c) It flies from flower to flower to collect honey. (Make it compound) (d) Collected honey is stored in the hive. (Make it active) (e) In winter, it remains idle, but works hard in spring. (Make it complex) Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Suppose, you are a reporter of a national daily. You have recently visited the area affected by the erosion of the Meghna. Now, write a report on the miseries of the people living in the area. 10 11. Write a short composition on "Rivers of Bangladesh" 15 12. Write an application to the principal of your college requesting him to improve the facilities in the college library. 10 13. Write a dialogue between two friends about the recent success of the Bangladesh Cricket Team in international cricket. 10 14. Complete the given story following the cue. 15 One day in the evening two friends were passing through a jungle. They were very intimate friends. There lived many wild beasts in the jungle. After walking for sometimes they saw a bear coming ................................ BARISAL BOARD-2010 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part A: Grammar (40 Marks) [Answer any eight questions out of nine] 1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use the negatives where necessary : 1×5 = 5 continue cause increase find burn go predict Within the last century, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (a) _____ dramatically because people (b) _____ vast amounts of coal and petroleum. Average global temperature has also increased by about 0.6º Celsius within the past century. Scientists (c) _____ that human activities are responsible for at least half of that temperature increase. They (d) _____ that unless drastic action is taken, global temperature (e) _____ to rise by 1.4º to 5.8º Celsius over the next century. 2. Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition : 1×5 = 5 Population growth is one (a) _____ the causes (b) _____ the world’s environmental problem. Although the growth rate (c) _____ the world’s population has slowed slightly since the 1990s, still it increases (d) _____ 77 million human beings each year. (e) _____ the increasing number of people, destruction of habitats and the use of additional natural resources are gradually increasing. 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. ½ ×10=5 Cellular radio telephone, also called cellular telephone or cell phone provides voice telephone and other services to (a) _____ mobile users. Cellular telephones primarily operate like portable or cordless telephones. However, unlike conventional wire-based cordless phones, Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

cell phones are completely portable and do not require (b) _____ jack to access (c) _____ wire-based networks operated by local telephone companies. (d) _____ new generation of services for cell phones includes video conferencing and (e) _____ internet access with (f) _____ ability to send e-mail. Cellular telephones have become very popular with (g) _____ professionals and (h) _____ consumers as (i) _____ way to communicate easily. It has been (j) _____ alternative to conventional wire-based services. 4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate linking words from the list below : 1×5 = 5 hence as who when that if Students are the future leaders of a country (a) _____ are to lead a nation (b) _____ they must seek to fulfill their potential. They possess the art (c) _____ can lead to their success story. (d) _____ leaders, they can decide our fates (e) _____ they discharge their responsibilities with great efficiency, we can reach the target of perfection. 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms and phrases (any five): 1×5 = 5 beggar description, all on a sudden, cold war, Achilles’ heel, part and parcel, cope with, out and out. 6. Re-write the following passage in the reported speech : 1×5 = 5 “Will you go to college today?” the mother said to her son. “No, mother. Our classes are suspended.” “Then go to the market and bring some vegetables.” “Let me be ready and give me money.” 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed : 1 × 5 = 5 Adulteration is the act of making any commodity impure by admixture of other or baser ingredients.(a)The admixture may corrupt the nature of the original commodity.(Make it passive) (b)The value or the effectiveness of the finished product is destroyed by adulteration. (Make it active) Adulterated foods and beverages cause a serious health hazards. (c) We have laws and law-enforcing agencies to stop the dishonest businessmen. (Make it complex) (d) Their effort has been proved ineffective since adulteration of foods and other commodities is on the increase. (Make it compound) (e) It is strong public awareness which is essential for the fight against adulteration. (Make it simple) 8. Fill in the blank with tag questions : 1×5 = 5 (a) Rimi is trying her best to make a good result, ____________? (b) She thinks she will complete all the subjects before December, ____________? (c) Her parents are also serious, ____________? (d) They feel her absence, ____________? (e) She should not miss her classes now, ____________? 9. Complete the following sentences: 1×5 = 5 (a) He could not attend the meeting because _________. (b) We went to his residence as soon as _________. (c) He was so ill that _________. (d) We immediately decided to shift him to a hospital where _________. (e) No sooner had we reached the hospital _________. Part B: Composition (60 Marks) 10. Suppose you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. You have witnesses a massive fire on a garment factory. Write a report on it. 10 11. Write a short composition on the “Price Hike in Bangladesh.” 15 12. Write an application to the Principal of Bluebird College asking permission for setting up a debating club. 10 13. Write a summary of the following passage: 10 Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


Internet is the computer-based global information system. It is composed of many interconnected computer networks. Each network may link tens, hundreds, or even thousands of computers enabling them to share information with one another. The internet has made it possible for people all over the world to communicate with one another effectively and inexpensively. Unlike trade casting media, such as radio and television, the internet does not have a centralized distribution system. Instead, an individual who has internet access can communicate directly with anyone else on the internet, make information available to others, find information provided by others or sell products with a minimum overhead cost. The internet has brought new opportunities to government, business, and education. Governments use the internet for internal communication, distribution of information, and automated tax- processing. In addition to offering goods and services online to customers, business uses the internet to interact with other businesses. Many individuals use the internet for communicating through electronic mail (e-mail), for news and research information, shopping, paying bills, and online banking. Educational institutions use the internet for research and to deliver courses materials to students. 14. Complete the given story following the clue: 15 Once there lived a poor farmer who worked very hard to maintain his big family. But he could hardly manage two square meals a day. One day while working in the field found a basket. He picked and carried it……….. BARISAL BOARD-2009 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Time-3 hours Full marks-100 Part-A- Grammar (Marks-40) [Answer any eight questions out of nine] 1. Complete the following passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary: write reach happen come do twinkle return At last your long awaited letter (a) _____ us yesterday. You can hardly imagine how I jumped for joy and how mummy's eyes (b) _____ with delight. When papa (c) _____ home in the evening and we told him that you (d) _____ very well in your mid-term examination, he too was very pleased. So you may be sure of a very warm welcome when you (e) _____ here for Christmas. 2. Read the following the letter and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition: 1 × 5 = 5 Dear Sir, I shall be grateful to you if you kindly publish the following write-up in your newspaper. "Culture is the mirror and reflection (a) _____ life (b) _____ a society, (c) _____ a country. From the beginning of cable TV, the western as well as Indian culture is sweeping (d) _____ our culture. If we fail to make our people interested (e) _____ our own culture, the cultural invasion is a must. We should make all our efforts to improve our cultural heritage an entertainment media, so that we can uphold our heritage." Yours sincerely, A. Salam Writes from Oxford University 3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needs:- .5 ×10 = 5 When (a) _____ great poet, Ferdousi, began to write (b) _____ Shahnama, the sultan promised him (c) _____ piece of gold for each (d) _____ verse. When (e) _____ epic was finished, it contained sixty thousand (f) _____ verses. Instead of giving gold coins, he offered the poet only sixty thousand silver (g) _____ coins. The poet refused to take the Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

silver coins and left the court with (h) _____ broken heart. He was (i) _____ aggrieved man. Later on the sultan realised that he had made (j) _____ blunder. 4. Fill in the blanks with the suitable linking words from the list: 1×5=5 in fact recently sometimes besides for instance though while (a) ________ man has made tremendous technological progress, he has not been able to conquer nature completely. (b) _____, he is hit by natural calamities. (c) _____, a devastating flood very often occurs in Bangladesh leaving people homeless (d) _____ other various calamities damage and destroy life and property. (e) _____, some of the African countries are affected by drought. 5. Make meaningful sentences with the following phrases and idioms (any five):- 1 × 5 = 5 at the sight of, black and blue, hard and fast, the lion’s share, beat about the bush, throw dust in ones eyes, well off. 6. Rewrite the following in the indirect speech: 5 "Where did you go yesterday?" said Lipi. "I went to Chittagong to see my mother," said Mina, "She has been suffering from high blood pressure." "Is she sound now?" said Lipi. "No," said Mina. 7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed: 1 × 5 = 5 (a) Pahela Baishakh is undoubtedly the most celebrated festival in Bangladesh. (Complex) (b) It is the day of the year when the roads get so jam packed. (Simple) (c) Almost everyone enjoys the day in his own way. (Passive) (d) Although I hate gathering, I enjoy activities of the flood of masses this day. (Compound) (e) How enthusiastic the people look on this day! (Assertive) 8. Fill in the blanks with appropriate tag question: 1×5=5 : Hi Rahim, why are you staying here alongside the road? : Actually I am waiting for Kamal, (a) _____? : Kamal? I also have come here to meet him, (b_____? : Has he told you about something? : No. He just told me to meet him here. I don't know more about this, (c) _____? : So far as I know, he wants to go to the fair, (d) _____? : Really? Oh, here's Kamal coming. Let's discuss this with him, (e) _____? 9. Complete the following sentences: 1×5=5 (a) Yesterday Mita had an accident while _______ (b) No sooner had we heard the news_____ (c) We took her to a hospital which_____ (d) As it was a public hospital_____ (e) But our patient was so serious that_____ Part B – Composition (Marks-60) 10. Write a report on the devastating consequences of drug addiction in the context of Bangladesh. 10 Or, Write a paragraph on 'Your Future Plan of Life' by answering the questions below: 10 (a) What is your future plan of life? (b) Why have you adopted this plan? (c) How are you preparing yourself according to this? (d) Do you find it difficult to materialise your plan? (e) What is your parents' idea about your plan? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Board Question


11. Write a short composition on the celebration of the Pahela Baishakh as a common festival in Bangladesh on the basis of your personal experience. 15 Or, Write a short composition that expresses your opinion about the birds of Bangladesh. 12. Write an application to the Principal of your college for a seat in the college hostel. 10 Or, Read the following advertisement from the Daily New Nation and then write an application with a CV in response to it: 10 Vacancy Announcement Applications are invited for recruitment of an Assistant Accountant for Shahin Girls' College. Interested candidates having at least graduation degree are encouraged to apply by 15 September 2008 Write to: Principal Shahin Girls' College Dhaka Cantt. Dhaka 13. Suppose you are Lina and your friend is Hena. Now, make a dialogue between you and your friend about the importance of punctuality in student life. 10 Or, Write a summary of the following passage: There are many causes of greenhouse effect. The deforestation and burning down of the tropical forests, rapid growth of unplanned industries, overpopulation, pollution, increase of temperature etc. are the causative factors of greenhouse effect. Overpopulation is a problem for any country. They need additional things for their survival. They need to cut down trees to build their houses, furniture, boats, fuel etc. Thus we are losing our forests and trees. It causes natural imbalance. The use of various chemicals in mills and factories has a great effect on our environment. Besides, these mills and factories emit black smoke and pollute the air. Thus deforestation, the rapid growth of unplanned industries, the use of chlorofluorocarbons in packaging and manufacturing chemical products etc., produce huge amount of carbon dioxide gas, which acts as the main agent of greenhouse effect. 14. Complete the given story following the cue: 15 I live in Chittagong. My elder brother works in Sylhet. Last summer he asked me to stay a few days with him and sent me a plane ticket. That was my first journey by air. I arrived at the airport about an hour before the flight and checked in and waited in the lounge. I………………………………………….

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Solution To Model Questions

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Solution To Model Question


Model Question-01 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) was used (b) stretched (c) know (d) built (e) were 2. (a) in (b) with (c) on (d) to (e) during/in 3. (a) An (b) an (c) an (d) the (e) the (f) x (g) The (h) the (i) the (j) a 4. (a) Since (b) so (c) and (d) that (e) As soon as. 5. The teacher asked Bakul why he was talking in the class and told that he should behave himself. Bakul respectfully replied that he was sorry and added that he was asking Ruma to lend him her pen. He again added that his pen had run out. The teacher advised him to be attentive and listen to his lecture. 6. (a) Angling is my hobby and so I usually catch fish with a fishing line. (b) A man without patience should not go for catching fish with a fishing line. or, An impatient man should not go for catching fish with a fishing line. (c) One gets much pleasure if/when he catches a big fish. (d) We/One cannot express this feeling in words. (e) Buying a fishing line today I shall angle in our pond. 7. (a) aren’t I? (b) won’t he? (c) shall we? (d) oughtn’t we? (e) will you? 8. (a) I closed the door of my room so that no thief could enter my room. (b) Danger comes where danger is feared. (c) The guard watched carefully lest someone should enter the house. (d) It is high time you came back. (e) They will not go out until we started our journey.

Model Question-02 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) has been working (b) has been awarded (c) attended (d) presented (e) highlighting. 2. (a) about (b) of (c) at (d) to (e) in or, (a) out (b) of (c) after (d) of (e) in 3. (a) a (b) an / x (c) x (d) a (e) the / a (f) x (g) a (h) the (i) the (j) a 4. (a) With a view to (b) First of all (c) If (d) Even (e) Besides Or, (a) Besides (b) As (c) If (d) (e) So. 5. A bed of rose: Life is not a bed of roses. A slow coach: A slow coach like him can never shine in life. A thankless task: Now-a-days serving in this office seems to be a thankless task. An eye wash: His activity seems to be an eye wash. Castle in the air: We should not build castle in the air. Crocodile tears: His crocodile tears could not please us. 6. Mother asked Rabia what the matter was to her and exclaimed that she looked so pale. Rabia replied that she was not feeling well since the morning. She added that she had pain in her stomach from the early morning. Mother asked her if she had taken any stale food the previous night. 7. (a) It is called Fulershari because of many flower gardens at the verge of the village. (b) One day a little girl went to a garden at verge of the village so that she could pluck flowers. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

(c) She heard the sound of the petal of a flower and she was surprised. (d) Let not me be touched. or, You are not allowed to touch me. (e) Looking forward, she saw another little girl pouring water to the flower. 8. (a) isn’t it? (b) aren’t we? (c) do you? (d) haven’t they? (e) shall we? 9. (a) victim (b) cause (c) sufferings (d) under (e) homeless (f) food (g) washed (h) time (i) like (j) break.

Model Question-03 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) blowing (b) sitting (c) fell (d) lamented (e) gone 2. (a) with (b) of (c) on (d) in (e) to 3. (a) the (b) the (c) x (d) a (e) x (f) a (g) the (h) the (i) an (j) the 4. (a) But (b) which (c) although (d) However/So (e) otherwise 5. Rahim asked Karim if he (k) had ever heard the name of Dinesh Chandra Sen. Karim replied that he had heard and added that he is famous for Moimensigho Gitika, a collection of poems by rural poets. 6. (a) All on a sudden Eva fell into the river just when she lost her balance. (b) Tom was not standing away. (c) Grasping Eva, holding her by his arms, he swam towards the boat. (d) There was no one but rushed to help Eva. (e) She was pulled up into the boat by them. 7. (a) can they? (b) haven’t we? / don’t we? (c) will you? (d) will you? (e) will they? 8. (a) Though it was expected, it did not happen. (b) Everybody liked him because, he was a good student. (c) The weather was so rough that we could not go out. (d) The clock strikes when it is twelve o’clock. (e) Don't jump into water if you do not know how to swim.

Model Question-04 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) was (b) decorated (c) arrived (d) given (e) started. 2. (a) of (b) against (c) to (d) in (e) of (f) to (g) to (h) before (i) with (j) in. 3. (a) an (b) the (c) x (d) the (e) x (f) an (g) x (h) an (i) an (j) an 4. (a) just before (b) soon (c) as (d) eventually (e) then. 5. The man asked him if that was his donkey. He said that he would kill him if he made him carry a heavy man and a boy. The man asked him why he did not carry the poor donkey. 6. (a) No other woman was so fair as Snow White. (b) Her huntsman was ordered to kill Snow White by her. (c) Though the huntsman took the child into the forest, he did not want to kill her. (d) Killing a young boar instead, he took its lungs and liver to the queen. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Solution To Model Question


(e) It convinced the queen. 7. (a) hadn’t they? (b) don’t they? (c) won’t you? (d) isn’t it? (e) are they? 8. (a) The boy is so small that he cannot do the work. (b) The mountain is so high that people cannot climb it up. (c) A station is the place where trains stop. (d) He works hard so that he may shine in life. (e) I have not so much time that I can gossip with you. 9. (a) farmer (b) horse (c) wheat (d) kilometres (e) carry (f) fell (g) heavy (h) lift (i) towards (j) ask Or, (a) tell (b) liar (c) lies (d) telling (e) shouting

Model Question-05 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) went (b) jumped (c) was (d) got (e) had been taken. 2. (a) for (b) after (c) to (d) on (e) off. 3. (a) a (b) the (c) a (d) a (e) the (f) a (g) an (h) the (i) an (j) the. 4. (a) while (b) When (c) but (d) that (e) already. 5. A man of spirit: Mr. Kamal is a man of spirit. A fair weather: We should not believe a fair weather friend. By leaps and bounds: The prices of daily necessaries are rising by leaps and bounds. Flesh and blood: No flesh and blood can endure such an insult. Instead of: He took Logic instead of History. Ins and outs: I know the ins and outs of the incident. 6. Rafiq asked Salam if he had got the news. Salam replied that he had not and asked what had happened. Rafiq replied that their friend Munir had become a father and added that the baby had been born that morning and also added that it was a boy. 7. (a) There are a lot of possibilities that the cricket in Bangladesh will develop. (b) The school cricket should be improved./The school cricket is necessary to be improved. (c) All players should have a patriotic zeal for the country which is deep. (d) Without having a patriotic feeling, a player will not devote himself to the game. (e) All players cannot but sacrifice themselves for the betterment of the cricket in this country. 8. (a) isn’t it? (b) do they? (c) hasn’t he? (d) don’t they? (e) can we? 9. (a) Sofia is so old that she cannot work hard now. (b) As a nurse, her job is that of taking care of the patients. (c) She cannot visit her parents often as she has to attend her duty regularly. (d) Though she works in a rural hospital, she has to attend many patients. (e) When she has a day off, she takes rest. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Model Question-06 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) was serving (b) went (c) were (d) paying (e) had reached or, (a) came (b) made (c) was (d) was visited (e) has 2. (a) to (b) in (c) with (d) with (e) in or, (a) on (b) upon (c) on (d) out (e) down 3. (a) an (b) x (c) an (d) A (e) the (f) The (g) the (g) an (h) x (i) the (j) the 4. (a) when (b) Once (c) As (d) which (e) so 5. A utopian scheme: Buying a horse is a utopian scheme for me. A cock and bull story: It is a cock and bull story. An iron will: She has an iron will to become a doctor. Jack of all trades: He is jack of all trades but master of none. In the heart of: His memory will remain fresh in the heart of men. Hard and fast: There is no hard and fast rule in this. 6. Luna drew the attention of Annie and told her that she (L) had brought for her some needles and added that there were some material for her (A). Annie said that she did not want that. Luna asked Annie shouting if she did not need and told that she would have to begin making things for the baby. 7. (a) He had to go to Baghdad so that he could receive education. (b) A band of robbers attacked them. (c) He did not tell a lie even at the time of his falling in danger. (d) He had twenty gold coins and he confessed it. (e) Very few stories of Abdul Quadir’s boyhood are so good as it. 8. (a) will you? (b) will he? (c) can we? (d) aren’t they? (e) shall we? 9. (a) Our aim is to educate our girls. (b) Our country cannot develop unless we educate our girls. (c) Our girls should have the ability to work outside. (d) Many of our girls are working outside despite family restrictions. (e) Our girls are playing important roles not only in the offices but also in the families. 10. (a) truly (b) contributes (c) is (d) person (e) dedicated (f) welfare (g) throughout (h) incomparable (i) serve (j) come.

Model Question-07 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) is known (b) should have (c) sacrificed (d) work/are working (e) should follow. 2. (a) to (b) of (c) out (d) to (e) for 3. (a) a (b) the (c) a (d) the (e) a (f) a (g) the (h) x (i) the (j) x. 4. (a) according to (b) what (c) which (d) If (e) and 5. The young man told the man that he could not stay any longer and added that the king had sent him to do a very important work. Addressing the young man as friend, the man requested him to tell him what his important work was and told that he could also help him. 6. (a) Once upon a time, there was a girl who was named Jesmin. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Solution To Model Question


(b) She was a nice little girl but she was not an ordinary child. (c) Didn’t she pass her time in reading and writing? (d) Her parents did not dislike her at all. (e) But they did not know the reason of her being so different from the other children of the locality. 7. (a) should we? (b) isn’t he? (c) is there? (d) have we? (e) shall we? 8. (a) depended (b) on (c) are (d) become (e) live (f) without (g) alarming (h) save (i) stand (j) healthy

Model Question-08 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) working (b) was (c) decided (d) was (e) made 2. (a) after (b) in (c) from (d) in (e) in/for 3. (a) a (b) the (c) A (d) x/the (e) an (f) the (g) a (h) a (i) a (j) a 4. (a) while (b) where (c) which (d) After (e) by 5. The speaker asked Jerry if he had seen his mother. Jerry replied that he saw her every summer and she sent for him. Hearing his speech the speaker wanted to cry out and asked him why he was not with him and how she could let him go away again. He (Jerry) said that she (Jerry’s mother) came up from Manville wherever she could. He added that she didn’t have a job then. 6. (a) No other student in our class is as brilliant as he. (b) He always works hard so that he can improve his result. (c) His father is a simple clerk who works in a government Office. Or, His father is a clerk in a government office who is simple. (d) A meagre amount is earned by his father. (e) But he is honest that is known to all. Or, But it is his honesty which is known to all. 7. (a) can’t we? (b) shouldn’t you? (c) aren’t I? (d) won’t he? (e) shall he? 8 (a) What he said yesterday was totally wrong. (b) Mr Kamal is an English Professor who works in a college. (c) This is the book which I want. (d) Since the winter is very cold we need warm dress. (e) If I were you I would buy a car.

Model Question-9 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) needed (b) is going (c) learning (d) designed (e) be modified Or, (a) was returning (b) to attract (c) had known (d) walking (e) thought 2. (a) for (b) of (c) with (d) for (e) of 3. (a) an (b) an (c) x (d) x/the (e) the (f) a (g) the (h) The (i) a (j) the 4. (a) as (b) although (c) that (d) in order to (e) if 5. (i) at the eleventh hour: Jahir reached station at the eleventh hour. (ii) through and through: Mr. Malliek is Bangali through and through. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

(iii) ups and down: Every life has ups and downs. (iv) as soon as: As soon as I saw the thief, he ran away. (v) get rid of: How can we get rid of environment pollution. (vi) to and fro: Badal walked to and fro to see his friend. 6. Mita asked Nasrin who she was. Nasrin replied that she was her cousin and added that she had just come from the village the previous day. Then Mita asked how old she was. Nasrin replied that she was the same age as she (N) was. 7. (a) Dryad who was a nymph presided over woods. (b) Didn’t she live in every tree? (c) She advised Ruku not to cut the wood. (d) She promised to give Ruku a bundle of wood everyday and assured it. (e) Very few islands are as beautiful as Ozama island. 8. (a) don’t we? (b) haven’t they? (c) aren’t they? (d) aren’t they? (e) shouldn’t they? 9. (a) I joined this school when I was small. (b) I am very happy about my school as it is a famous school in our locality. (c) Our school has helped me grow up socially as well as morally. (d) Our teachers not only teach us on a personal level but also a moral level. (e) Our teachers work extremely hard so that they can improve this school. 10. (a) I (b) celebrate (c) left (d) see/observe (e) held (f) leading (g) place (h) sides (i) time (j) seats

Model Question-10 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) working (b) went (c) am (d) Having (e) got 2. (a) for (b) of (c) to (d) down (e) for Or, (a) along (b) with (c) into (d) by (e) of 3. (a) a (b) an (c) a (d) the (e) the (f) x (g) the (h) a (i) An (j) the 4. (a) of course (b) but (c) whether (d) nowadays (e) Moreover 5. (i) again and again: Ovi requested me again and again to go to market. (ii) a gala day: 16 December is a gala day in our national life. (ii) in spite of: Ovi attended the class in spite of his illness. (iv) keep body and soul together: The poor can earn less to keep body and soul together. Or, He is so poor that he can hardly keep body and soul together. (v) by fits and starts : Ovi shows great energy by fits and starts. (vi) in black and white: Put your arguments in black and white. 6. Masum said to Rfiq that if he (R) would tell him (M) what to do, he would do it. Rafiq told angrily that there was nothing to do and requested him (M) to leave him alone. Masum said that Rafiq looked very unhappy and addressing as dear friend he asked him what had happened. Rafiq replied that he had lost his wallet and that’s why he was so unhappy. 7. (a) Zeema who was the wife of Ruku brought a plate of food for Ruku. (b) It was put roughly by her. (d) Zeema misbehaved with Ruku for his poverly and he understood it. (c) At the time of leaving the place, she did not look at him (e) Very few wives of Qzama island were as good as Zeema. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Solution To Model Question




(a) haven’t we? (b) isn’t it? (c) doesn’t it? (d) do you? (e) can’t he. (a) I decided to come to Devonport High School because it was a famous school. (b) The school is not only big but also beautiful. (c) The teachers are both supportive and kind hearted. (d) Here we learn not only for examinations but also for our future career. (e) If there is recognition from everyone around us we become pleased.

Model Question-11 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) have already gone (b) reported (c) were (d) checked (e) will suffer 2. (a) of (b) at (c) down (d) into (e) without Or, (a) about (b) to (c) without (d) against (e) after 3. (a) an/the (b) an (c) an (d) a (e) x (f) the (g) the (h) an (i) a (j) x 4. (a) Thought (b) After (c) and (d) not only (e) Although 5. (i) an uphill task: Rafi had to face an uphill task. (ii) at sixes and sevens: All my books were at sixes and sevens in the room. (iii) at home: Apu is at home in English./ I am at home here. (iv) in case of: In case of late, I will punish you. (v) far and wide: My uncle’s fame spread for and wide. (vi) all and sundry: The news was given to all and sundry. 6. Addressing as Ma’m the salesman if he might help her. Mrs Rahman replied that he might and asked if he would to tell her where she could get frozen food. The salesman replied that it was in the right corner beside the country. Then he asdek what the fruits were he wanted to buy. Mrs. Rahman said that she wanted to buy some frozen beef roles and fish cutlet. 7. (a) Princess Sasa who was the only daughter of the king of Ozama island, went to Tazial. (b) She left the Ozama island at the time of the people’s facing drought. (c) The king, the father of princess Sasa loved the island and so he did not leave the island. (d) A royal palace was got as a gift by Roalu, the prince of Tazila (e) No other girl in the island was so beautiful as Sasa. 8. (a) isn’t it? (b) shouldn’t they? (d) did they (e) haven’t they? 9. (a) The school system in Japan produces very high standards both in mathematics and Physics. (b) Since students are interested in learning, the authority provides them with learning materials. (c) In Japanese schools martial arts are taught to save themselves from attack. (d) As Japan is famous for martial arts, people go there for learning it. (e) I wish I learnt martial arts. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Model Question-12 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) happened (b) lying (c) picked (d) to see (e) was. Or, (a) enjoys/can enjoy (b) inhales/inhale (c) refreshes (d) makes (e) fills 2. (a) about (b) with (c) after (d) over (e) between 3. (a) The (b) a (c) The (d) a (e) the (f) the (g) a (h) The (i) a (j) x 4. (a) owing to (b) as (c) While (d) as (e) Meanwhile. 5. (i) In full swing: your should continue your study in full swing. (ii) ABC of something: Sakil does not know the ABC of grammar. (iii) Laughing stock: He beeamla laughing stock for his behavior. (iv) A fool’s paradise: Don’t live in a fool’s paradise. (v) Well off: His family is not well off. (vi) Null and void: the former constitution was declared null and void. 6. The lady assured the writer that she never ate anything for luncheon. Ther writer asked gorgeously not to say that. The lady said that she never ate more than one thing. The writer asked what she was going to take then. The lady replied that she was not in the least hungry, but if he insisted she didn’t mend having some asparagus. 7. (a) It contains four scenes which are based on Greek Mythology. (b) Thousand years ago the people of Ozama island led a happy life. (c) The trees were cut indiscriminately by the people of Ozama island. (d) The people of the island were very cruel and so they suffered a lot for want of food and rain. (e) At the end, people had to/must plant trees. 8. (a) aren’t they? (b) will you? (c) can’t we? (d) hasn’t it? (e) shouldn’t we? 9. (a) I studied at Kuliarchar Pilot High School which was famous at that time. (b) Since there was no electricity in those days, I used to use kerosene lamps. (c) Kerosene lamps were so dim that it could not give enough light. (d) The students of the present days are lucky because they have electricity. (e) Now we have electricity not only in the urban areas but also in rural areas.

Model Question-13 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) reaching (b) hire/get (c) saw (d) run (e) frightened 2. (a) about (b) to (c) from (d) to (e) by 3. (a) x (b) a (c) x (d) the (e) x (f) the (g) a (h) the (i) x (j) the 4. (a) not only (b) but also (c) to pickup (d)can even (e) by wrapping 5. (i) Bear in mind: You should bear in mind that study is the first duty of a student. (ii) Break up: Jim started to break the ice up on the frozen lake. (iii) Call in question: Why do you call in question what I say. (iv) A red letter day: 16 December is a red letter day in our life. (v) Ways and means: There are ways and means of getting drugs in prison. (vi) Off and on: I go there off and on 6. George asked Simon how he was. Simon answered that he was not in hilarious spirit. George asked if it was Tom again. Simon sighed and replied that it was Tom again. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Solution To Model Question


George asked Simon why he did not chuck him and told that he(s) had done everything in the world for him. George added said that he(s) had to know by then that he(s) was quite hopeless. 7. (a) I was awakened when it was the middle of the night. (b) A dozen years ago, I came to the world. (c) I was scouting and at the same time I met an excellent girl. (d) A tribe of monsters surrounded me. (e) Other creatures were not more terrible than they. 8. (a) will you? (b) shall we? (c) wouldn’t she? (d) did we? (e) shall we? 9. (a) We have a debating club in our school which is well organized. (b) The club arranges debating competitions both among classes and other schools. (c) Our English teacher not only guides us in writing good speeches but also helps us how to present. (d) Taking part in debates is a great experience as long as we stay in school. (e) You cannot expect to win a debating competition unless you take good preparation.

Model Question-14 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) have been (b)have already visited (c) visited (d)write (e) signifies. 2. (a) upon (b) in (c) of (d) from (e) in. 3. (a) The (b) a (c) the (d) a (e) an (f) x (g) the (h) the (i) a (j) the. 4. (a) For this (b) When (c) fortunately (d) then (e) but. 5. Once I asked a sweet little girl what her mother’s name was. She spoke with an air of confidence and replied that she knew her mother’s name but she would not tell me that. She added that she never told her mother’s name to anybody whom she did not know. I exclaimed that she was a very clever girl. 6. (a) The Maghs have very interesting way of life. (b) They build their house on high platform so that they can keep them free from damp. (c) The vacant space below their house is used to keep agricultural tools by them. (d) Boiled rice with vegetables is the most favourite food to them. (e) Would that I could visit them. Or, If I could visit them. 7. (a) aren’t I? (b) don’t they? (c) isn’t she? (d) won’t you? (e) doesn’t it? 8. (a) If you had informed me earlier I would have met you. (b) It is high time we left the place. (c) He ran fast lest he should miss the train. (d) I am sure that he will come. (e) I could not walk because I was ill. 9. (a) human (b)learn (c) family (d) parents (e) mammals (f) seasonally (g) abandon (h) breathe (i) ruin (j) highly Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Model Question-15 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) come (b) brought (c) were killed (d) rendered (e) suffered 2. (a) with (b) about (c) to (d) with (e) to 3. (a) the (b) a (c) the (d) The (e) the (f) the (g) the (h) the (i) a (j) the 4. (a) Whatever (b) because (c) In fact (d) who (e) unless 5. First and foremost: The first and foremost duty of a student is to study property. Carry out: I must carry out your order. Out and out: He is out and out a gentle man. Safe and sound: He reached home safe and sound. Under lock and key: We keep our valuables under lock and key. Come across: She came across some old photographs in a drawer. 6. Peter asked Bob what the time was then. Bob replied that it was quarter to three. Peter added that he had to leave then. Bob asked him (P) if he was in a hurry. Peter replied that he (P) was meeting George at three. Bob asked Peter how he (G) was. Peter replied that he (G) was very well. 7. (a) One day, the weather was getting worse because of the black clouds gathering in the sky. (b) The weather was very rough and the hat-goers were returning home. (c) Everybody was trying so that they could get into Kalim Majhee’s boat. (d) The extra passengers cannot be carried by my boat. (e) The clouds in the sky were darker than anything else. 8. (a) aren’t you ? (b) didn’t? (c) won’t she/it ? (d) hasn’t she/it? (e) shall we ? 9. (a) It has been six years since I got admitted into this school. (b) I have to leave my school now because my father has been transferred to another district. (c) My school was good enough to help me to make a good result. (d) I know it will be too painful to leave this school. (e) Though I shall not study here anymore, I will remember the school forever.

Model Question-16 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) had reached (b) was opened (c) bought (d) were walking (e) running Or, (a) had (b) hearing (c) rushed (d) nearby (e) was 2. (a) from (b) of (c) to (d) of (e) to 3. (a ) A (b) a (c) x (d) a (e) a (f) an (g) x (h) the (i) an (j) an 4. (a) so that (b) So (c) However (d) rather (e) as soon as 5. Off hand: He can give advice off hand. To catch red handed: The thief was caught red handed. Apple of discord : The plot of land is the apple of discord between the two brothers. At length: At length he agreed to attend the meeting. By dint of: He succeeded by dint of hard labor. To bell the cat: Nobody dared to bell the cat. 6. Drawing attention, Ms. Tahmina asked Dr. Johnson. if she might speak to hi for a minute. Dr. Johnson replied in the affirmative and told her (T) to go in. Then Ms. Tahmina said that she was Tahmina Ahmed and she was taking his course in Population Studies. Dr. Johnson asked her how Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Solution To Model Question


he (J) could help her (T). Ms. Tahmina replied that she was having a bit of trouble with the curse and also said that she thought the days were very few to finish the course. 7. a. Bangladesh which is an overpopulated country is situated in south Asia. b. Isn’t it a major challenge to feed the ever growing people? c. The production of agriculture should be increased by us. d. Our country loses thousand hectares of cultivable land and this task of increasing production is daunting. e. Very few caurses of diminishing agricultural land are as important as river erosion. 8. a. shall we? b. isn’t? c. didn’t he? d. could he ? e. should we ? 9. a. As Neela was in her hotel room the whole afternoon, she felt bored. b. Neela thought she had better go out c. Instead of taking a taxi she started walking. d. As soon as she arrived at the market square, her bag was snatched by a man. e. Neela was so upset that she could not understand what to do. 10. a. towards b. from c. on d. ahead e. tried f. when g. sudden h. knocked i. twinkle j. alive.

Model Question-17 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) has been working (b) been (c) sees (d) turns (e) feels/becomes Or, (a) controls (b) depends/ acts (c) spoils (d) build (e) raise 2. (a) about (b) with (c) in (d) among (e) over 3. (a) An (b) a (c) the (d) the (e) x (f) the (g) A (h) the (i) the (j) an 4. (a) After (b) of which (c) Both (d) when (e) because 5. Apple of eye: The boy is the apple of eye of the parents. To back up: I will back you up if they cannot do it alone. An open secret: That he takes bribe is an open secret to all. Beyond dispute: His opinions are beyond dispute. At daggers drawn: The two brothers are at daggers drawn. At long last: At long fast he agreed to go there. 6. The man wished the woman good morning. The woman wished good morning and asked him how she could help him. The man said that he understood that the school organized trips to different places. The woman replied in the affirmative and said that they ran five trips every month. The man asked her what sort of places they were. The woman replied that they took their students always to the places of historical interest. 7. a. Kazi Nazrul islam who is our national poet was born in May 1899. b. He lost his father at the age of under fifteen. c. His early life was spent in great hardship by him. d. He led a sorrowful life and so he was called Dukhu Mia. e. Kazi Nazrul was the greatest poet. 8. a. isn’t it ? b. didn’t we? c. could you ? d. did you ? e. shall we. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


a. Neither Rafique nor Razzak was hopeful about winning the match. b. The Kenyan batsmen were good enough to beat Bangladesh. c. When Bangladesh bowlers were struggling to get a wicket the Kenyan batsman made a mistake. d. Maurice Odumbe was so desperate to get runs that he became impatient. e. The run rate was good enough to win the match.

Model Question-18 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) was raining (b) was thinking (c) slipped (d) started (e) seeing. Or, (a) blowing (b) was sitting (c) blew (d) said (e) gone 2. (a) of (b) of (c) to (d) from (e) over Or, (a) with (b) to (c) on (d) from (e) After 3. (a) an (b) the (c) a (d) an (e) the (f) x (g) x (h) the (i) a (j) the 4. (a) therefore (b) although (c) while (d) though (e) but 5. Break out : Diarrhoea broke out in the village after flood. Cut down : Some people cut down trees indiscreminately and cause great harm to the environment. For good: He left the town for good. In a hurry: He went out in a hurry At large: Birds fly in the sky at large. By no means: She is by no means an inexperienced teacher. 6. Mostofa wished the superviser good morning. The supervisor also wished him good morning and asked how he (s) could help him (M). Then he (M) asked the supervisor if he could tell him from where he (M) could get the schedule of the examinations. The supervisor replied that it was on the notice board and asked if he knew where it was. Mostafa replied that he did not know. The supervisor told him that it was on the wall just beside the office room. 7. (a) Robert Bruce who was the king of Scotland sat in a lonely hall. (b) Lying down on the ground, he saw a spider trying to reach the ceiling. (c) He tried to reach the ceiling and dropped frequently. (d) The struggle was not given up by the spider. (e) Didn’t it try again ? 8. (a) aren’t you ? (b) didn’t you? (c) is there ? (d) won’t it ? (e) must you ? 9. (a) When it was evening, she wanted to go out . (b) Neela left her room so that she could visit the whole town. (c) The smell of the Chinese food was too appetizing to avoid. (d) Neela thought that she would not go back without eating the food. (e) Although the food called chilli chicken was delicious, she did not like it. 10. (a) equally (b) care (c) bonds (d) falls (e) happy (f) come (g) minded (h) maids (i) then (j)prepares.

Model Question-19 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) is considered (b) rise (c) becomes (d) required (e) achieve Or, (a) seems (b) are (c) live (d) prevail (e) charm 2. (a) around (b) by (c) with (d) In (e) of Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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Or, (a) before (b) about (c) with (d) of (e) in 3. (a) a (b) a (c) the (d) the (e) a (f) the (g) x (h) x (i) a (j) the 4. (a) Prior to that (b) until (c)as a result (d) Although (e) On the other hand Or, (a) why (b) Besides (c) What (d) moreover (e) hardly 5. By the by: He told me the matter by the by. Burst into tears: The boy burst into tears hearing the news of accident. As long as: You can stay here as long as you can. Pros and cons: I know the pros and cons of the matter. Slow and steady: Slow and steady wins the race. Fish out of water: I feel like a fish out of water. 6. Tareq asked Masud what had kept him so long. Masud replied that he was sorry for being so late and asked him (T) if he had been waiting long. Tareq replied that it was half an hour but it did not matter. He (T) added that he (T) had coffee and he (T) had been reading that guidebook for tourists. 7. a. Rahimuddin who is a landless farmer lives in a village of satkhira. b. He has only few acres of land and he utilities them properly. c. Every year, he gets a lot of costly crops. d. He sees the smiling faces of the members of his family and he is happy. e. Very few men in his locality are so happy as he. 8. (a) isn’t it ? (b) don’t we ? (c) can we? (d) hasn’t she? (e) do they ? 9. (a) Singapore is one of the smallest as well as richest cities. (b) Singapore is both a province and a state. (c) People who love food can taste local as well as foreign food. (d) You cannot go to Singapore unless you have money to afford the cost. (e) If you want to stay in a cheaper hotel, you can contact the local offices.

Model Question-20 Part A: Grammar 1. a) heard b) was c) know d) known e) show 2. a) from b) of c) of d) with e) after 3. (a) an (b) an (c) an (d) the (e) the (f) x (g) an (h) x / a (i) an (j) a 4. a) Though b) After c) and d) not only e) Although. 5. As we shook hands, she advised me to follow her example and never to eat more than one thing for luncheon. I said that I would do better than that as I would eat nothing for dinner that night. 6. a) Inspite of not being a big country, too many people live here in Bangladesh. b) Most of the people are not rich. c) They cannot send their children to school as they are poor. d) Doesn’t the monsoon cause heavy rainfall? e) How beautiful the country looks! 7. a) can’t we? b) mustn’t I? c) will you? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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d) doesn’t he? e) need you? 8. a) I know the man who came here yesterday. b) The patient died after the doctor had come. c) We went to the place where Tareq was born. d) Where there is a will there is a way. e) A man is known by the company he keeps. 9. a) historical b) focus c) established d) once (e) visited.

Model Question-21 Part A: Grammar 1. a) prepare b) formed c) help d) should e) maintaining 2. a) out b) for c) out d) with e) on 3. a) x b) the c) the d) a e) x f) the g) the (h) the (i) the (j) x 4. a) not only b) but also c) to pickup d) can even e) By holding 5. A fruit seller asked the customer which fruits he would need. He (f) then said that he had apple from Australia, oranges from Darjeeling, grapes from kashmeer etc. The customer asked the fruit seller what fruits he (f) had of his country. The seller replied in the affirmative and said that he had coconut, Jackfruit etc. The customer said that he (c) wanted one kg of guava as it would be the substitute of Australian apple. 6. a) The cuckoo is the bird which is very shy-nature. b) It is hardly seen beside human bahitabon. c) Hiding themselves, they coo from the high branches of tress. d) They are coward but very clever birds. e) They lay their eggs which is the nests of crows. Or, It is the nests of the crows where they lay their eggs. 7. a) will you? b) shall we? c) were there? d) does he? e) did they ? 8. a) he wanted to stay separately. b) she could finish the work early. c) we could. d) she had felt uncomfortable. e) I could see the where about my purse.

Model Question-22 Part A: Grammar 1. a) give b) think c) are d) are e) pose / create. 2. a) from b) for c) to d) from e) for 3. a) a b) a c) an d) a e) a f) the g) the h) the i) the j) x 4. a) Whatever b) because c) In fact d) who e) Whenever 5. The old man asked the maid if she could give him some food. He added that he had been starving for three days. The maid asked him why he begged and again asked if he couldn’t work. The old man replied that he couldn’t and added that he was unable to work. 6. a) He is not an irregular student. b) He is always punctual to attend his classes. c) He wants to be a doctor so that he can serve people. d) He sits to read at the time of reading. e) His parents, teachers and friends love him. 7. a) shall we? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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b) won’t you? c) won’t he? d) didn’t he? e) didn’t they? 8. (a) He could not move because he was weak. (b) Scarcely had we reached the station when the train left. (c) Though Bangladesh has limited natural resources she cannot utilize it properly. (d) It is high time they left the place. (e) The poem is so hard that it cannot be understood.

Model Question-23 Part A: Grammar 1. a) had reached b) was opened c) bought d) were walking e) running Or, a) succeeded b) was c) dedicated d) raised / collected e) established / set up 2. a) for b) about c) from d) for e) with 3. a) x b) a c) x d) a e) a f) The g) x h) the i) a j) the 4. (a) Though/Although (b) And (c) Moreover/Therefore/So (d) or (e) Despite/In spite of. 5. In vogue: The fashion is not in vogue now. High time: This is high time we sent our children to school. On the contrary: I love him, on the contrary, he hates me. Play hide and seek: They are playing hide and seek about the matter. A pack of lies: The whole story is nothing but a pack of lies. At a loss: He is at a loss after his father's death. 6. Drawing the attention of Marium, Nafisa told Marium that she looked very pale and tired. Marium told Nafisa that she had been stuck in the traffic jam for one hour. Nafisa told her to sit down and asked her what she would like to drink. Marium replied that she would love chilled really mineral water or something like that. 7. a) Nadi who was a young girl of a middle class family got a nice job. b) Her graduation degree was obtained from Dhaka University by her. c) Nadi is more dutiful than any other girl in her office. d) At the age of ten, she lost her father. e) She is still a spinster and so she has taken a seat in the ladies’ hostel. 8. a) shouldn't we? b) can he? c) can't they d) are there e) do we? 9. (a) As I was sitting at the front seat, I could see everything clearly. (b) A rickshaw van which was overloaded with good was trying to cross the road. (c) The rickshaw puller was not strong enough to carry the van quickly. (d) The bus was running so fast that it could not control its speed. (e) As soon as the bus hit the rickshaw van, the puller fell down from the van.

Model Question-24

Part A: Grammar 1. a) reaching b) was sailing c) was d) were tossing e) had gone. 2. a) in b) for c) to d) from e) for 3. (a) a (b) a (c) a (d) the (e) the (f) the (g) a (h) the (i) × (j) × 4. (a) though (b) Moreover (c) In spite of (d) Both (e) In short 5. Make up mind: He made up his mind to do the work. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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Put up with: None can put up with such an insult. Put an end to: we should put an end to the ill practice of taking brible. To the brim: The river is full to the brim and so we dare not cross it by boat. Take one to task: She took me to task for having mutton chop. At a stretch: I cannot walk five miles at a stretch. 6. The guide asked Arif where he would visit that day. Arif replied that he (A) guessed the best place to start was the cathedral and the castle. He asked him what the opening time was for those two. The guide replied that according to the guide book the cathedral was only open from nine thirty in the morning till midday and added that the castle was just open from one to five. Arif said that they couldn't go to the cathedral until lunch in that case. 7. a) The birds coming to our country in time of winter are called guest birds. b) They cannot tolerate the severe cold in their native land and so they come to a temperate country like Bangladesh. c) They come to our country so that they can search a better shelter. d) An important role is performed by them to balance the environment. e) They must fly away from our country. 8. a) don't we? b) aren't we? c) do we? d) is it? e) can we? 9. (a) A journey by boat is different from journey by bus because boat journey is made in a river. (b) As there are no roads in the marshy lands, people have to make journey by boat. (c) You should not take a boat journey if you do not know how to swim. (d) The Padma is so big that that is cannot be crossed easily by boat. (e) Although journey by boat is risky, most people enjoy it. 10. a) for b) spot c) small d) took e) enjoying f) cooked / prepared g) enjoyed h) groups i) local j) lives / culture

Model Question-25 Part A: Grammar 1. a) visits b) damages c) are affected d) go e) look. 2. a) about b) on c) by d) for e) inside 3. (a) a (b) the (c) a (d) a (e) the (e) the (f) the (g) The (h) a (i) x (j) x 4. At all events: At all events, we shall help you. Out of stock: I read them out of laughing stock. In order to: We went to market in order to buy some goods. Run out: the ink of my pen has run out. Under consideration: Your proposal is under consideration. Send away: Father sent me away from you to another place. 5. The hostel super told Sara that he had heard that she needed to move. Sara replied in the affirmative and said that she had been staying with her aunt and then her cousin was arriving from Singapore and her aunt needed the room for him. The hostel super then told her that he would need to get some particulars of her first. He asked what her full name was. Sara replied that she was Sara Parkson. 6. a) Bangladesh got independence in 1971. b) No other event in the history of Bangladesh is as significant as it. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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c) Tragedy has shaped the lives of the people of Bangladesh. d) Though Bangladesh has many negative aspects, she becomes a country of possibility. e) It is the 21st February 1952 which immediately comes to our mind. 7. a) don't you? b) is it ? c) haven't we? d) can they? d) shall we? 8. (a) Travelling by plane is complicated as it needs a lot of formalities. (b) The passengers need to report at the desk so that they can get the boarding card. (c) You have to fill in an embarkation card to travel by plane. (d) If you have more baggage which weighs more than the limit you will have to pay for it. (e) Unless your body is searched by a security you can’t enter.

Model Question-26 Part A: Grammar 1. a) reading b) are c) valued / needed d) depend e) enrich 2. a) from b) without c) by d) to e) for 3. a) an b) x c) the d) the e) the f) a g) the h) the i) a j) x 4. a) so that b) So c) However d) rather e) as soon as 5. The teacher asked the boy if he thought that honesty is the best policy. The boy respectfully replied that he thought so. The teacher then advised the boy to learn to be honest from his boyhood. The boy respectfully thanked his teacher. The teacher prayed for the boy that Allah might grant him a long life. 6. a) Tigers are animals which are known as ferocious. or. It is known that tigers are ferocious animals. b) Beeause of the cushioned paws, a big tiger can walk through the driest leaves without causing a single crackle. c) The tiger is more ferocious than most other animals. d) Lions are not so strong as tigers. e) How strong tigers are! 7. a) shall we? b) will you? c) do they? d) didn't it? e) need we? 8. (a) They came here in order that they could help us in solving the problem. (b) We walked fast lest we should miss the train. (c) Unless you study hard you will fail. (d) Hardly had I reached the station when the train left. (e) If we went there we could know the matter.

Model Question-27 Part A: Grammar 1. a) started b) promised c) was finished d) offered e) left 2. a) out b) by c) to d) in e) by 3. (a) a (b) a (c) the (d) an (e) x (f) an (g) the (h) the (i) the (j) the 4. a) In order to b) First of all c) Even if d) If e) Moreover Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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5. The teacher asked Rita why she was talking in the class. He also said that she should behave herself. Rita replied respectfully that she was sorry. The teacher then advised her to be attentive and listen to his lecture. We also prayed that Allah might bless her. 6. a) The Padma is bigger than most other rivers in Bangladesh. b) In summer, it becomes emaciated. c) When it is rainy season, it assumes a terrible shape. d) Who doesn't know this? e) Tourists from home and abroad visit its shore so that they can enjoy themselves. 7. a) won't you? b) shall we? c) doesn't it? d) shan't I? e) don't they? 8. (a) Danger comes where danger is feared. (b) A man is known by the company he keeps. (c) Since the weather was very cold we couldn't go out. / there were no birds or animals. (d) We left the hotel after we had paid the bill. (e) Go to bed when you have finished your studies.

Model Question-28 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) wants (b) unknown (c) interesting (d) invited (e) expressed (f) accepted (g) next (h) started (i) reached/gone j) astonished/shocked 2. (a) in (b) in / at (c) in (d) as (e) of (f) of (g) from (h) over (i) with (j) for. 3. (a) the (b) the (c) an / x (d) the (e) x (f) a (g) a (h) the (i) a (j) an. 4. (a) however (b) as well as (c) but (d) for example (e) because 5. Jerry told the speaker that she looked a little bit like his mother especially in the dark by the fire. The speaker told that he (Jerry) had been only four when he had gone there. Being surprised she asked Jerry if he had remembered how she looked all those years. He told that his mother lived in Mannville. 6. (a) Aren’t the Royal Bengal Tiger of the Sunderbans the most famous in the world? (b) It is known to all for its ferocity. (c) Now the number of Royal Bengal Tiger is decreasing. (d) There are the Royal Bengal Tigers which are the target of the illegal poachers. (e) This precious wildlife ought to be preserved from the extinction by any means by us. 7. (a) does it? (b) do they? (c) could they? (d) ain’t I?/aren’t I? (e) will you? / won’t you? 8. (a) A grave yard is a place where the dead bodies are buried. (b) I am not sure whether he will attend the meeting or not. (c) The old man is walking carefully lest he should fall down. (d) Do you mind if I take a seat beside you?. (e) Unless you work hard, you can’t shine in life.

Model Question-29 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) went (b) boarded (c) were given (d) sipped (e) floating. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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2. (a) with (b) without (c) by (d) of (e) in or, (a) with (b) to (c) of (d) in (e) at. 3. (a) The (b) a (c) The (d) x (e) a (f) an (g) a (h) x (i) the (j) an. 4. (a) unfortunately (b) somehow (c) because of (d) when (e) in fact. 5. Die out: Many superstitions are dying out. Above all: Above all, he is a good man. In order to: We have come here in order to learn something. In a roundabout way: He always behaves in a roundabout away. Fed up with: I am fed up with his behaviour. Black sheep: She is a black ship in her family. 6. The man told the woman to excuse him (the man) and also said that he was sorry to bother her (the woman). He again asked if he (the man) would have time to answer a few questions. The woman asked what it was about. The man replied that they were doing some market research for a new television channel. The man also told that he wanted to ask her some questions. The woman replied with assurance that he (the man) might ask. 7. (a) The sun which is a star in the sky, is one of the greatest sources of energy. (b) It is called as solar energy by us. (c) We use oil, diesel, coal for our everyday life and so our precious environment becomes polluted. (d) The sun can be used instead of using oil, coal and diesel by us. (e) Producing carbon dioxide by burning of oil, coal and diesel is harmful for human beings. 8. (a) don’t we? (b) isn’t it? (c) didn’t they? (d) can you? (e) won’t you? 9. (a) Without practising regularly you cannot learn it. (b) Cricket is not as popular as football. (c) Both football and cricket are national game / sport. (d) In spite of the popularity of football, our national football team is lagged behind. (e) The performance of Bangladesh football team may improve in future provided that the players practise regular.

Model Question-30 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) was (b) could (c) used (d) fishing (e) threw. 2. (a) after (b) by (c) across (d) at (e) on. 3. (a) an (b) x (c) x (d) an (e) an (f) a (g) a (h) a (i) an (j) the. 4. A bolt from the blue: His result came to me or a bolt from the blue. Make an impression: His honesty made an impression. A chicken hearted man: Our chairman is not a chicken hearted man. White elephant: This proposal is nothing but a white elephant. Out of question: It is out of questions whether he will come or not. Bring to book: He was brought to book for his fault 5. The officer wished the woman good morning and he also asked her if he could help her. The woman replied positively and said that she would like to get some insurance for the contents of her home. The officer asked when she had moved into the house. The woman replied that she went there a few weeks before. She added him that it was a two bedroom Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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apartment. The officer asked how much the rent was. The woman answered that it was 5000 taka per month. 6. (a) Hazrat Musa (Al) is greater than most other four prophets in the world. (b) The life of Hazrat Musa (Al) was full of many incidents which were interesting. (c) There is a Sura Kahaf in the Holy Quran and an ancient of Musa’s life has been narrated in detail in it. (d) The prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM) narrated it to his disciples. (e) One of these was his encounter with a wise man knowing the hidden mystery of everything. 7. (a) aren’t you? (b) is it? (c) haven’t you? (d) isn’t it? (e) mustn’t I? 8. (a) When the old man looked out of the window, he saw a person. (b) In spite of the darkness, he could he could recognise the person. (c) Though he could recognize the person in the black leather jacket, he did not disclose it. (d) The stranger whispered in a low voice so that nobody could hear. (e) His voice was too low for armed guards at the gate to hear.

Model Question-31 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) reigned/ruled (b) were (c) to grab (d) withstood (e) attacked 2. (a) with (b) with (c) as (d) for (e) to 3. (a) x (b) the (c) x (d) the (e) the (f) a (g) x (h) a (i) x (j) an 4. (a) because of (b) but (c) for this / naturally (d) when (e) and / naturally 5. A bird’s eye view: I have a bird eye view of the book. Above board: He is above board in his manner. All for: I am all for accepting the offer. All against: He is all against the corruption. All on a sudden: All on a sudden he left the house. As if: He behaves as if he were mad. 6. Mrs Rahman told Mrs. Karim that she was sorry to bother her so early. Mrs. Karim told her that it was ok and asked her what had happened. Mrs. Rahman asked if she could tell her how she could get hold of a doctor. Mrs. Karim told that there was a health centre about ten minutes walk away and she asked her why she needed a doctor. Mrs. Rahman replied that their daughter Anna was not very well that morning and she was bit worried for her. 7. (a) If you go there, you can see the ruins of past civilization (b) You look back to the interesting stories and it will inspire you. (c) The famous tombs of Gazi, kalu and Champabati may be seen by you. (d) A lot of visitors, researchers and archaeologists come to see the place. (e) The story of gold articles and a greedy woman is the most interesting story in this area. 8. (a) isn’t it? (b) didn’t he? (c) wasn’t it? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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(d) had it? (e) don’t they? 9. (a) Television serials are getting so popular that it can help to entertain people. (b) Despite the widespread popularity, television serials have some demerits also. (c) Those television programmes are affecting not only the attitudes of our youths but also the thinking of adults. (d) Television programmes have to be entertaining as well as educative. (e) By telecasting good programmes, television can play a great role in our day to day life.

Model Question-32 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) having (b) to stop (c) afford (d) maintaining (e) might not have 2. (a) over (b) at (c) by (d) for (e) on 3. (a) a (b) A (c) x (d) x (e) the (f) the (g) a (h) a (i) The (j) x 4. (a) until (b) so (c) Suddenly (d) so (e) when 5. Burst out: I burst out laughing when I saw her. As though: He talked as though he had known all. At last: He was satisfied with my argument at last. Fair means or foul: He is determined to get what he wants, by fair means or foul. At length: At length he worked the problem out. By means of: He passed the examination by means of hard work. 6. The receptionist apologized to the student that he (R) was sorry to keep him (st) waiting. He added that the programme started at 10 o’clock. He again said that all the students would gather is the main Hall. The student asked how he (st) found the main Hall. The receptionist advised him (st) to walk along the language laboratory and then pass the library, which was next to the language lab, on the same side and facing him (st) was the main Hall. 7. (a) He was very dangerous and used to loot all the money and treasures of the wayfarers. (b) Any house was not raided for robbery. (c) Seeing any passenger approaching, he at once jumped before him. (d) Do you know what the name of robber is! (e) Very few saints of that time were so / as great as he. 8. (a) can you? (b) don’t they? (c) wouldn’t you (d) will you? (e)haven’t you? 9. (a) BTV has morning transmission on Fridays because Friday is a holiday. (b) If you have an interest in wildlife, you may watch the discovery channel. (c) I watch the BBC World channel so that I can get the latest world news. (d) The television programmes should cover interests of not only the adults but also the children. (e) Children should not be allowed to watch television too much, lest they should fail in the examination. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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Model Question-33 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) broke (b) increased (c) suspected (d) conspired (e) troubling (f) received (g) seen (h) looked (i) answer (j) kept 2. (a) for (b) with / at / about (c) to (d) on (e) for 3. (a) x (b) a (c) x (d) a (e) the (f) a (g) x (h) a/x (i) x (j) x 4. (a) Usually (b) however (c) as (d) but (e) such as. 5. Addressing him as dear friend the Stranger told the old man that he (stranger) had come here because he had a message to give him (old man). He also requested politely to lend him his (old man) earns. The old man said that he might say whatever he liked. The old man exclaimed with wonder that the message had brought for him was a great joy. 6. (a) The National Memorial situated at saver is a symbol of the nation’s respect. (b) When we stand in front of the graves, we bow down our heads. (c) Don’t the towers symbolize the loftiness of the spirit of martyrs? (d) We never forget their memories. (e) The authority has completed the work of construction work of the National memorial. 7. (a) aren’t I? (b) did they? (c) is there? (d) aren’t they? (e) is it ? 8. (a) But for your help, I cannot complete it. (b) We can get victory so long our purpose is honest. (c) If I were a rich man, I would help you. (d) Scarcely had we reached school when he closed the door. (e) Everybody runs fast lest they should miss the class.

Model Question-34 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) inspires (b) implies (c) lead (d) makes (e) don’t feel 2. (a) in (b) of (c) to (d) for (e) from 3. a) a b) the c) the d) a e) the f) a g) a h) a i) the j) the 4. a) At first b) Then c) At last d) than e) However 5. Habib asked the man why she was cry and what had happened to her. The man replied that she was the wife of a farmer. He added said that they had land on the other side of the river but they had lost that. Then Habib asked him what she wanted to do then. 6. a) Singapore is busier than many other / most other cities in the world. b) Very few of all the hotels are so fine as Raffle. c) Do not millions of people visit Singapore every year? d) Food loving people can taste local as well as foreign food. e) The people of Singapore are not less friendly. 7. a) will you? b) didn't she? c) shall we? d) Aren't I? e) don't we? 8. (a) Since Bangladesh is a disaster-prone country she fails to materialize development programmes smoothly. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Solution To Model Question


(b) Though Bangladesh is a small country, she is burdened with numerous problems because of high density of population. (c) Women who comprise half of our population are still lagging behind. (d) Moreover, our country is beset with multifarious problems. (e) We all should come forward with a view to eradicating all problems.

Model Question-35 Part A: Grammar 1. a) find b) varies c) have d) earn e) is 2. (a) in (b) in (c) of (d) on (e) to. 3. (a) the (b) a/the (c) a (d) the (e) the (f) the (g) the (h) the (i) the (j) the. 4. a) but also b) that c) But d) However e) More 5. Rafiq told me that he had got GPA - 5 in the SSC Examination. I congratulated him and asked what he intended to do then . He replied that he wanted to study in a reputed college and added that he would try to get admission in Notre Dame college. 6. a) Nawab Serajuddaula was more courageous than all other Nawabs India has ever seen. b) The English were forgiven many a time by him. c) The English had the collaboration of some of the leading personalities of his court with them and so they got desperate. d) Was Serajuddaula afraid of it? e) In spite of their collaboration with the English. he decided to teach the English a lesson. 7. a) will you? b) shall we? c) don't they? d) aren't I? e) won't he? 8. a) Though he is poor, he is happy. b) Had I the wings of a bird, I would have flown away. c) He works hard so that he can earn more. d. He would work have attended the meeting if he had been informed. e) Ten years have passed since I saw him last. 9. a) means b) behaving c) even d) formed e) pride

Model Question-36 Part A: Grammar 1. a) chop b) have c) am d) should e) does not Or, a) was / lived b) make c) stay d) were shouting e) are going 2. a) in b) than c) for d) to e) till 3. a) a b) the c) x d) the e) an f) x g) a h) the i) a j) the 4. (a) who (b) because (c) Even (d) So (e) Thus 5. The other foxes said that Mr. Fox was very clever. Then they asked what he was going to tell them. Addressing the other foxes as his friends Mr. Fox attracted their attention and requested to listen to him that he had made an important discovery. Then he asked them if they wanted to know about that. 6. a) He had been defeated for six times and so he lost all hope. b) He fled away so that he would save his life. c) He noticed a spider which was trying to reach the top of the steep wall of the cave. d) Despite falling down again and again it did not give up its attempts. e) Bruce was very much encouraged by this. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

7. a) weren't we? b) will you? c) haven't I? d) doesn't it? e) do I? 8. a) I said that I had an idea. b) The news proves that he is right. c) Ripa hopes that they will win the match. d) Mother found that the glass had been broken. e) People believe that the earth is round.

Model Question-37

Part A: Grammar 1. (a) cannot buy (b) means (c) is satisfied (d) is called (e) ensures 2. a) to b) out c) with d) with e) to 3. a) an b) x c) the d) the e) an f) the g) a h) an i) a j) The 4. (a) Jump at an offer (jy‡d ‡bIqv) : He jumped at the offer of bribe. (b) Die out (w¶Y nIqv ev wejyß nIqv): His inspiration is dying out. (c) At length (Ae‡k‡l): We discussed the matter at length. (d) Far and near (me©Î) : His name and fame spread far and near. (e) Golden Age (¯^Y© hyM) :The 21st century is a golden age of science. (f) Bring to book (kvw¯— †`qv) : The boy was brought to book for his misconduct. (e) At stake (wecbœ) : His life is at stake now. 5. The student politely asked the officer if he could tell him where the computer laboratory was. The officer replied that he could and told the student to go down to the end of the corridor and to turn right and added that the computer laboratory was on his right. Then the student thanked the officer. 6. a) He who was a student of a registered primary school, got a talent pool scholarship. b) He got admitted in a zilla school famous for a great performance. c) very few schools in that locality are so good as it. d) He has an intention to be a doctor and so he reads hard depending on the will of Almighty Allah. e) Everyday his lesson is completed in his house by him. 7. a) isn’t she? b) hasn't she? c) didn't he? d) doesn't she? e) shall we? 8. a) As I was a young boy, I could not control myself. b) My child hood days were so exciting that I can still remember those. c) When I woke up in the morning, I found it was too late. d) The weather was so hot that no animals could tolerate it. e) Although it was raining outside, it was too hot.

Model Question-38 Part A: Grammar 1. a) running b) hugged c) had/ heard d) told e) was overwhelmed 2. a) about b) with c) Without d) for e) among Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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or, a) in b) on c) for d) with e) to 3. a) x b) a c) A d) the e) the f) A g) a h) A i) an j) x / the 4. Subject to: Man is a subject to death. Victim of: He is a victim of adverse situation. With an eye to: He reads more with an eye to get a good result. Sine die: The case was fixed sine die. To his heart’s content: He spoke in the parliament to his heart’s content. In a nutshell: Nambi told his last story in a nut shell. 5. Sarah told John that she had just had some good news that Susan had her baby. Susan asked her if she knew when Susan had it. Sarah replied that it was the day before and that was the tenth of August. John again asked if it was a boy or a girl. Sarah replied that it was a boy. 6. a) He had a degree on medicine and then he went on a voyage as a ship surgeon. b) Unfortunately the ship was wrecked, though Gulliver somehow managed to swim ashore. c) He woke up at the time of daylight. d) Many small people were seen by him. e) Lilliputians were not so tall as Gulliver. 7. a) haven’t we? b) does it? c) doesn't it? d) will you? e) mustn't you? 8. a) Sabiha was intelligent enough to understand her lesson quickly. b) The seeds were so good that all of those grew. c) During the exam season the students became too busy to collect notes. d) After planting saplings the students put fencing around them so that the garden could be protected. e) The headmaster is not only learned but also experienced. 10. a) attracting b) spot c) after d) who e) about f) connected g) simultaneously h) adjacent i) living j) own.

Model Question-39 Part A: Grammar 1. a) was carrying b) was attacked c) looted d) carried e) reached 2. a) without b) is c) of d) to e) to 3. a) the b) an c) the d) the e) x f) a g) x h) The i) a j) the 4. (a) like (b) but (c) now (d) Besides (e) accordingly 5. Come to light: The truth has come to light. Bone of contention: The piece of land is the bone of contention between two brothers. Get away with: Thief got away with computer equipments worth five million taka. Hold off: The rain held off just long enough for us. Ins and outs: He knows ins and outs of this matter. From time to time: Please visit us from time to time. 6. Amina asked Laila what they should take for the new baby and she told that they must had to take them something. Laila replied that she always thought flowers were good to take to someone in hospital. But Amina said that everyone always brought flowers and they did not last. She then asked Laila what about a big box of chocolates for the mother. Laila agreed with her that chocolates sounded fine and they should get something for the baby too. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

7. a) A fox which was cunning was passing through a bush. b) The fox being thirsty was looking for water. c) Any source of water could not be found by it. d) Suddenly he saw a bush and it was of ripe juicy grapes hanging down. e) Other grapes were not so delicious as those are. 8. a) haven't you? b) aren't you? c) can't I? d) don't you? e) mustn’t you? 9. a) The giant became happy enough to dance with the boys. b) The chairman was so kind that he gave some money to the poor boy. c) On the first day of college Anwar was too nervous to talk with others. d) He works hard so that he can make a good result. e) Ahmed is not only punctual but also industrious.

Model Question-40 Part A: Grammar 1. a) smoking b) takes c) find d) irritates e) offends 2. a) in b) by c) with d) with e) in or, a) to b) on c) for d) from e) before 3. a) a b) x c) the d) the e) x f) a / the g) a h) the i) an j) the 4. a) From b) always / also c) However d) Besides e) Therefore 5. In the long run: Sinners suffer in the long run. Look after: I look after my parents On the verge of: The boy is on the verge of ruin. Passing through: Now we are passing through hard times. On the eve of: He was absent on the eve of my departure Nip in the bud: All his hopes were nipped in the bud at his father's death. 6. The teacher asked the student where he was. The student replied that he was from Indonesia. The teacher then asked him how he had found Cambridge when he had first arrived. The student replied that he liked it there and added that he thought the city was very beautiful. 7. a) Cox's Bazar sea-beach which is the longest sea-beach in the world is very beautiful to look at. b) Very few sea-beaches in the world are so beautiful as it is. c) People call it pleasure seekers’ paradise. d) The visitors of home and abroad want to enjoy natural beauties and so go there. e) Tired people may go to relax themselves. 8. a) doesn't it? b) shouldn't they? c) do we? d) doesn't it? e) does it? 9. a) The six blind men were eager enough to know about the elephant. b) Rina is so careless that she avoids her studies. c) Anwar grew too old to carry the responsibility. d) I opened the door so that the man could enter into my room. e) Gardening is not only profitable but also enjoyable. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Solution To Model Question


Model Question-41 Part A: Grammar 1. a) memorizing b) prepared c) thinking d) command e) does not help. 2. (a) in (b) of (c) around (d) up (e) into 3. a) the b) the c) x d) a e) x f) x g) h) x i) the j) the. 4. a) Though b) Sometimes c) Furthermore d) Nevertheless e) Now 5. He asked me if I was ill. I replied that I was not. He then asked why I was sitting when all others were working. He ordered me to go out at once and give them a hand. 6. a) Once the old sailor killed the albatross which was an innocent bird. b) When the wind stopped blowing, the ship came to a standstill. c) They become too thirsty to speak. d) Their hearts were filled with fear as soon as they saw it. e) It was an extra-ordinary ship. 7. a) We left the hotel after we had paid the bill. b) His silence proves that he is a wise man. c) I closed the door of my room so that nobody could enter into my room. d) If you grant my application, I shall be highly pleased. e) The girl has come here since she searched for her brother. 8. a) did they? b) will you? c) have I ? d) wasn't it? e) Shall we?

Model Question-42 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) preservation (b) assembled (c) were inscribed (d) occupied (e) unhygienic 2. (a) from (b) with (c) on (d) for (e) over 3. (a) An (b) x (c) The (d) a (e) the (f) the (g) an (h) The (i) the (j) a 4. (a) Otherwise (b) At the same (c) for instance (d) So (e) Last of all 5. Tuhin said to me that he had got GPA-5 in the HSC Examination. I congratulated him and asked what he (T) intended to do then. He replied that he wanted to study medicine. He added that he would try to get admission into a government medical college. 6. (a) Neela was in her hotel-room alone the whole afternoon and she became bored. (b) For working overtime, his father couldn’t come. (c) Since it was evening, the shops were dazzling with bright lights. (d) For exploring China Town, Neela left her room. (e) How impressive the sightseeing of the night market was! 7. (a) was there? (b) didn’t he? (c) will you? (d) mayn’t it? (e) did it? 8. (a) I shall submit my application after I have written it. (b) As soon as the rain stopped, we got down from the train. (c) The bus will start in time provided that the weather is good. (d) Since it was raining heavily, I had gone to a market to take shelter. (e) If you went to New York, you would be able to find me. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

Model Question-43 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) breeds (b) acts (c) damages (d) build (e) rise 2. (a) for (b) after (c) with (d) in (e) up 3. (a) that (b) also (c) neither (d) But (e) at last 4. Addressing him as the great king of genies, the monster told the fisherman that he would never again disobey him. Hearing those words, the fisherman became brave and ordered to tell him why he had been locked up in the vase. The giant looked at the fisherman and told him to speak to him more politely or he would kill him. The fisherman asked why he (G) should kill him. 5. (a) When it was Wednesday, we were going to our village. (b) We walked for five minutes and reached at our station. (c) But no sooner had we reached there than the train left. (d) We waited long time so that we could get the next train. (e) At last it came at the time of sunset. 6. (a) It would be nice if you brought a flower for me. (b) No one can tell when the death will come. (c) Though there was water everywhere, there was not a drop to drink. (d) Danger comes where danger is feared. (e) I will not go till you return. 7. (a) hadn’t he? (b) did it? (c) did they? (d) shall we? (e) oughtn’t we? 8. (a) instinct (b) climb (c) strength (d) attain (e) leads (f) disaster (g) maddened/led (h) swallow (i) weaker (j) predominant

Model Question-44 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) means (b) aims (c) making (d) is (e) makes 2. (a) of (b) in (c) of (d) at (e) for 3. (a) x (b) a (c) an (d) a (e) x (f) the (g) the (h) the (i) the (j) the 4. (a) Once (b) while (c) when (d) After that (e) suddenly 5. The girl exclaimed with joy that the picture was very fine. She told that she wished she could buy it. But her mother said that it was not durable and would break down in about a month. Then the girl proposed her mother that they should go. She said that they wouldn’t buy it. 6. (a) Ferdousi was one of the greatest poets in Iran. (b) He was not born in a poor family. (c) Had he wants? (d) So he spent his early life in luxury. (e) The government was displeased with him and he must leave his birth place. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Solution To Model Question



(a) isn’t it? (b) will you? (c) could they? (d) shall we? (e) did they? 8. (a) If I were a rich man I could buy a car. (b) Everybody trusts him as he is honest. (c) It is high time we changed our eating habits. (d) Unless he works hard he will not shine in life. (e) Walk fast lest you should miss the train.

Model Question-45 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) welcomed (b) is (c) boiled (d) like (e) overcome 2. (a) about (b) at (c) of (d) on (e) to 3. (a) a (b) x (c) x (d) the (e) the (f) the (g) the (h) The (i) the (j) x 4. Hue and cry (†mvi‡Mvj) : Load-shedding has raised a hue and cry among the people. Of one's own accord (wb‡Ri B”Qvq) t Jerry did the unnecessary things for the writer of his own accord. Then and there (Zvr¶wYK) : I shouted for help and he came then and there. Far-fetched (wek¦vm Kiv KwVb) : The whole story sounds very far-fetched. Hanker after (wcQy †QvUv) : A good man never hankers after money. Black and blue (wb`©qfv‡e) : They beat the thief black and blue. Ask for (PvIqv) : He asked for my help in his distress. 5. The old man asked the maid if she could give him some food. He added that he had been starving for three days .The maid asked him why he begged and further asked him if he could not work. The maid replied in the negative and said that he was unable to work. 6. (a) Babur told his officers that they had won a great battle over Ibrahim Lodhi. (b) We don’t know how to go back to Kabul. (c) The Punjab will be taken from us by our enemies. (d) I shall need help so that I can fight in other parts of India. (e) Being pleased, the emperor gave each man a part of his treasure. 7. (a) shan’t I? (b) hasn’t he? (c) mustn’t he? (d) aren’t they? (e) don’t they? 8. (a) I was saved because he helped me. (b) The milk was so hot that I could not drink it. (c) I had gone to a doctor because I was ill. (d) Mina is not so sharp because she is lazy. (e) He walks faster than I anticipated.

Model Question-46 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) are (b) had (c) took (d) was (e) can know 2. (a) up (b) at (c) on (d) to (c) down Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

3. (a) x (b) a (c) x (d) A (e) a (f) x (g) the (h) the (i) an (j) the 4. (a) Firstly (b) But (c) For this (d) ultimately (e) So. 5. The traveler asked the peasant if he could tell him the way to the nearest Inn. The peasant replied that he could. The peasant asked the traveler if he wanted one in which he could spend the night. The traveler replied in the negative and said that he only wanted a meal. 6. (a) If you observe a good teacher, you will not see him motionless. (b) He feels necessity and walks about the class. (c) He speaks according to his thoughts and feelings. (d) The authority does not chain him to fixed rules. (e) The class does not become in effective. 7. (a) didn’t he? (b) won’t he? (c) won’t you? (d) isn’t she? (e) did they? 8. (a) Although Rania ran very fast, she could not get the bus. (b) Phone me if you need. (c) It is 11.30 p.m. when we go to bed. (d) Unless you read regularly, you will get poor marks in the examinations. (e) He came to me after he had taken his class. 9. (a) theoretical, (b) acquired (c) but (d) hindrance (e) acquiring (f) supplement (g) with (h) about (i) acquire (j) provide.

Model Question-47 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) held (b) invited (c) began (d) reciting (e) bidding 2. (a) at (b) for (c) without (d) to (e) in 3. (a) a (b) an (c) a (d) the (e) the (f) the (g) the (h) an (i) the (j) the 4. (a) but (b) if (c) and (d) Now a days (e) which. 5. (a) Rafiq who is a student of Class XI reads in a govt. College. (b) No other college in the town is so famous as it. (c) The teachers of the college are not unfriendly with the students. (d) The students are helped to prepare good speech by the English teachers. (e) Rafiq is a student of Govt. College and so he feels very proud. 6. Jerry told the writer that she looked a little like his mother especially in the dark by the fire. The writer wondered and said that he had been only four when he had gone there. Then Jerry said that his mother lived in Mannville. 7. (a) oughtn’t we? (b) wasn’t he? (c) do they? (d) doesn’t he? (e) didn’t I? 8. (a) They are using car although they have no car. (b) The weather was so cold that we cannot go out of home. (c) I saw the man who came here yesterday. (d) I can give you what you want. (e) I saw him when he was working in the factory. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Solution To Model Question


Model Question-48 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) got/ achieved (b) speak (c) are (d) surprised/ astonished (e) have 2. (a) with (b) by (c) from (d) at (e) with 3. (a) the (b) A (c)the (d) a (e) the (f) a (g) the (h) x (i) the (j) x 4. (a) Although (b) After (c) because (d) When (e) there 5. The mistress of the house laughingly told the porter that he might go and added that he had gained his freedom. Swearing by Allah he replied that he would not leave that house until he had heard the stories of his companions. 6. (a) Rice is cultivated by him. (b) He remains busy at the time of sowing seeds. (c) He is also helped by his family members. (d) Starting his work very early in the morning, he continues it till late night. (e) No sooner had she heard Fozar Azan than she got up from bed. 7. (a) doesn't she? (b) will she? (c) aren't you? (d) shan't we? (e) doesn't he? 8. (a) He is absent from the meeting because he is ill. (b) They will come if we invite them. (c) Unless you read, you will not pass in the examination. (d) As soon as we went there, we got the news. (e) We eat to live.

Model Question-49 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) plays (b) use (c) use (d) gather/get/have (e) share (f) send (g) give (h) is (i) do (j) can 2. (a) for (b) after (c) with (d) in (e) up 3. (a) x (b) the / x (c) the (d) the (e) x (f) the (g) the (h) a (i) the (j) a 4. (a) who (b) As (c) Moreover (d) than (e) though. 5. Mother asked Asif whether he was going to college then. Asif replied that he was. Mother told him that he had to return home soon because they would go for Eid shopping. Asif exclaimed with joy that it was a very nice idea and said that his mum was great. 6. (a) I am sure of passing. (b) I do not know what his father's name is (c) A leaflet was handed him by them./ He was handed a leaflet by them. (d) He is not only rich but also learned. (e) What an unhappy life he leads! 7. (a) did they? (b) need you? (c) isn't it? (d) shall we? (e) will you? 8. (a) No sooner had he come than he wanted some money. (b) He talks as though he were a leader. (c) Unless you read well, you will not do well in the examination. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170



Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

(d) If you want to keep body fit, you should eat a balanced diet. (e) The moment which is lost can never be returned. (a) come (b) descend (c) earned (d) enjoyed (e) rule (f) free (g) freedom (h) value (i) unless (j) raises.

Model Question-50 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) was built (b) stands (c) are (d) decorated (e) attracts 2. (a) with (b) down (c) to (d) to (e) out 3. (a) an (b) an (c)a (d) the (e) an (f) an (g) a (h) the (i) x (j) x 4. (a) Though (b) as (c) by (d) what (e) Besides. 5. The student drew the attention of the clerk and said that he was there to register for the first year law course. The clerk told him that he just had to fill out that form for their records and asked what his name was. The student replied him that her name was Julia Perkins. The clerk asked what her address was. The student replied that was flat 5, 15 Waratals Road, Brisbane. 6. (a) The Iron Bridge which is across England's longest river, the seven, is the world’s iron Bridge. (b) The surrounding area was remarkable because of the industrial activity. (c) The Iron Bridge was built in 1779 but it was opened in 1781. (d) Very few bridges in England are as beautiful as it. (e) A world wide recognition has been brought at that time. 7. (a) isn't it? (b) wasn't it? (c) didn’t they? (d) doesn’t it? (e) aren’t there? 8. (a) My friend knows enough tales to tell you. (b) His skill of storytelling is so interesting that everyone will like to listen to his story. (c) Some of the stories are too funny for the listeners to keep in mind. (d) We often arrange a get-together so that we can meet again. (e) Some of the stories are not only interesting but also educative.

Model Question-51 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) living (b) suffer (c) are hampered (d) cannot / may not reach (e) are 2. (a) After (b) by (c) on (d) to (e) for 3. (a) the (b) a (c) x (d) the (e) a (f) a (g) the (h) The (i) a (j) the 4. (a) rather (b) so that (c) Recently (d) However (e) between 5. Being surprised Mary told Selina that she was there and she added that she had thought she had never been going to come back. Selina apologized that the canteen had absolutely been packed and she had to wait for ages. Mary then told her(S) that it was alright and asked if she could manage to get any food for them. Selina assured that she had got pizza, apple and a bottle of orange juice. Mary said that it was great and thanked her a lot. 6. (a) The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway which is the first and outstanding model of a passenger train goes up a mountain. (b) It is called Toy Train by people. (c) It has colourful wagons but goes slowly. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Solution To Model Question


(d) By going to the district of Darjeeling in the state of West Bangle in India, you may enjoy it. (e) Very few places in India are as beautiful as it. 7. (a) hasn’t it? (b) don’t they? (c) have they (d) aren’t we? (e) shall we? 8. (a) She was competent enough to do the work. (b) Getting a scholarship is so competitive that many brilliant students cannot achieve it. (c) Studying in abroad is too expensive for an ordinary student to study. (d) Sheema is applying for a scholarship so that she can get a scholarship. (e) Studying abroad will not only upgrade her qualifications but also make her skilled.

Model Question-52 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) took (b) destroyed (c) leaving (d) found (e) living 2. (a) from (b) in (c) for (d) in (e) round. 3. (a) the (b) the (c) x (d) a (e) the (f)a (g) an (h) the (i) an (j) the 4. (a) because (b) but (c) even (d) and (e) Besides 5. I asked the boy if/whether he would come to my house the next day. I told him that we could discuss terms and conditions then. He replied that he would be very happy to meet me at my house and also thanked me so much. 6. (a) In spite of the importance of an effective banking system, it is often unable to lend money to the poor. (b) Very few examples of micro credit institution are as good as Grameen Bank. (c) Grameen Bank provides credit to the rural women who are poor. (d) They want to develop their life style and so they provide loan to the rural women. (e) Prestigious Nobel Prize was got in 2006 by Grameen. 7. (a) doesn’t it? (b) do they? (c) is it? (d) can he? (e) mustn’t he? 8. (a) Luna did not have enough time to spend for searching facebook. (b) Her teacher was speaking so quickly that she could not understand him. (c) Moreover the subject was too difficult for her to understand. (d) Her teacher should have spoken slowly so that students could understand the class clearly. (e) A good teacher is careful not only about what to say but also about what to do.

Model Question-53 Part A: Grammar 1. (a) received (b) expressed (c) wanted (d) had been (e) missed (f) was/was situated (g) were (h) went (i) reaching (j) had/took. 2. (a) in (b) to (c) by (d) to (e) with. 3. (a) the (b) the (c) the (d) the (e) the / an (f) the Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

(g) the (h) an (i) x (j) x 4. (a) Even (b) But (c) Besides (d) When (e) that 5. Addressing the king as her lord, the woman requested him not to kill the child. The king ordered the servant to have the woman the children and also said that then everything was clear to him. Pointing to the woman, the king ordered the servant to give her (woman) the child. He also said that she (the woman) was the mother of the baby. 6. (a) The sun which is a star in the sky, is one of the greatest sources of energy. (b) It is called as solar energy by us. (c) We use oil, diesel, and coal for our everyday life and thus our precious environment becomes polluted. (d) The sun can be used instead of using oil, coal and diesel by us. (e) Burning of oil, diesel and coal produces harmful carbon dioxide for human beings. 7. (a) dare he? (b) did they? (c) won’t they? (d) shan’t I? (e) does it/he? 8. (a) Five years have passed since I met her last. (b) Would that I could go to school again. (c) Walk fast lest you should miss the train. (d) The dinner was so delicious that I could not but take it. (e) Shut the door or you will face problem. 9. (a) Keep (b) away (c) leafy (d) certain (e) drinking (f) present (g) food (h) drink (i) helps (j) controls.

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Solution To Board Questions2009-2012



Solution to Board Question

ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Part A: Grammar 1. (a) occurs (b) are not increasing / have not increased / have not been increased / should be increased / must be increased (c) be brought (d) obey (e) should be punished / must be punished 2. (a) in / on (b) in (c) on (d) of (e) in 3. (a) a (b) an / x (c) x (d) a (e) the / a (f) x (g) a (h) the (i) the (j) a 4. On the contrary: He hates me; on the contrary, I love him very much. An open secret: Bribery is an open secret now. In the mean time: In the mean time he might have reached home. In the event of: You should try again in the event of failure. As soon as: I shall come back as soon as I can. In front of: There is a playground in front of our school. As though: He talks as though he were a fool. 5. Addressing the king as her lord, the woman requested him not to kill the child. The king ordered the servant to have the woman the child and said that then everything was clear to him. Pointing to the woman, the king ordered the servant to give her (woman) the child. He also said that she (the woman) was the mother of the baby. 6. (a) Yesterday a letter was written by Anika to her mother. (b) She told her mother to send Tk. 1000 so that she could / might buy some books (c) In the letter she told her not to worry about her studies. (d) Doesn't her mother often write to her? (e) She feels that her mother is the best of all mothers in the world. Or, She feels that her mother is the best mother in the world. 7. (a) Everybody is liable to error, aren't they? (b) Very few students are devoted to studies, are they? (c) Please, don't waste your time will you ? (d) Let us go out for a walk, shall we? (e) Fire burns, doesn't it? 8. (a) United we stand, divided we fall. (b) Rupa talks as if she knew everything. (c) Since the body and mind go together, the illness of one affects the other. (d) Zinia is so tired that she cannot study. (e) As I had forgotten her, I did not write any letter to her. 9. See report writing chapter. 10. See composition chapter. 11. See application chapter. 12. See dialogue chapter. 13. See story writing chapter. DHAKA BOARD-2011 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Part A: Grammar 1. Right form of verbs with clues (a) considered/is considered/taken/is taken; (b) rise; (c) becomes/has become; (d) required; (e) achieve. 2. Appropriate prepositions without clues Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

3. 4.





9. 10. 11. 12. 13.


(a) on; (b) to; (c) through; (d) in; (e) with. Use of articles (a) the; (b) the; (c) ×; (d) a; (e) ×; (f) a; (g) the; (h) the/×; (i) an; (j) the. Making sentences with phrases & idioms Look down upon (N„Yv Kiv/AeÁv Kiv): We should not look down upon the poor. At random (wbwe©Pv‡i): Nowadays people are cutting down trees at random. Beggar description (eY©bvZxZ): His sufferings simply beggar description. At sixes and sevens (G‡jv‡g‡jv): The books are at sixes and sevens on the table. Apple of discord (weev‡`i welq): A piece of land is the apple of discord between the two brothers. As a result (d‡j): She worked hard and as a result she reached the culmination of success. A black sheep (Kzjv½vi): He is a black sheep in our family. Changing the form of speech While shaking hands she advised me to follow her example. She also told me not to eat more than one thing for luncheon. I retorted that I would do better than that by eating nothing for dinner that night. Then jumping into a cab she cried gaily and told that I was a humorist. Transformation of sentences (a) Water, which is an important element of environment, is polluted by various ways. (b) Pure water is necessary for us. (c) Men throw waste in water and (thus) pollute it. (d) Water is largely used by the farmers in time of cultivation. (e) Very few important elements of all living beings are as important as it. Or, Most other elements of all living beings are not so important as it. Tag questions (a) Life is full of troubles and difficulties, isn't it? (b) They have to be overcome if we are to succeed in life, haven't they/don't they? (c) So, we should face them with courage, shouldn't we? (d) We may fail at first, mayn't we? (e) But we must not lose heart, must we? Completing sentences (a) We should say 'no' to corruption because corruption is disgraceful. (b) Corrupt persons are not only dishonest but also criminals. (c) Now, it is high time we removed corruption from the society. (d) We should work together if we want to establish a corruption free country. (e) But we are so self-centred that we always think of self-interest. See report writing chapter. See composition chapter. See application chapter. See dialogue chapter. See story writing chapter. DHAKA BOARD-2010 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER

Part A: Grammar 1. (a) needed (b) is going (e) be revised / be modified. 2. (a) in (b) of

(c) learning (c) to

(d) for

(d) designed (e) from

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Solution to Board Question

3. (a) x (b) a (c) x (d) the (e) x (f) the (g) a (h) the (i) x (j) the 4. (a) Jump at an offer (jy‡d ‡bIqv) : He jumped at the offer of bribe. (b) Die out (w¶Y nIqv ev wejyß nIqv): His inspiration is dying out. (c) At length (Ae‡k‡l): We discussed the matter at length. (d) Far and near (me©Î) : His name and fame spread far and near. (e) Golden Age (¯^Y© hyM) :The 21st century is a golden age of science. (f) Bring to book (kvw¯— †`qv) : The boy was brought to book for his misconduct. (e) At stake (wecbœ) : His life is at stake now. 5. The merchant asked the youth where he was going. The youth replied that he had been going to see him. The merchant then asked him (youth) what he wanted. He (youth) replied that he wanted to earn his bread by the labour of his hands. The merchant again asked him (youth) if he really wanted work. The youth replied in the affirmative and said that he wanted work if he had any. The merchant told him to follow him and carry a box from a shop to his house. The youth hesitated and replied that he did not see how he could do that. 6. (a) I don’t know what his father’s name is. (b) But I know his birth place. (c) He is poor but honest. (d) No other player is as good as he. (e) He leads a very simple life. 7. (a) don’t they? (b) is it? (c) shouldn’t he? (d) must he? (e) can’t he? 8. (a) You cannot find others to love you unless you love them. (b) It is love that conquers all. (c) Love is divine which comes from the heaven. (d) Your friends cannot help loving you if you love them. (e) If you are not loved, it is a good evidence that you don’t love them. 9. See report writing chapter. 10. See composition chapter. 11. See application chapter. 12. See dialogue chapter. 13. See story writing chapter. DHAKA BOARD-2009 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Part A: Grammar 1. Right form of verbs with clues (a) are offered (b) take (c) pray (d) remain (e) is published 2. Appropriate prepositions without clues (a) in (b) on (c) in (d) in (e) from 3. Use of articles (a) an (b) an (c) an (d) the (e) the (f) x (g) an (h) x / a (i) an (j) a 4. Making sentences with phrases & idioms Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13.


In the guise of (QÙ‡e‡k) : He came here in the guise of a bagger. Hard times (KwVb mgq) : We are passing hard times now. A black sheep (Kzjv½vi) : Karim is a black sheep in his family. For the purpose of (D‡Ï‡k¨): My father went to Dhaka for the purpose of attending a conference. Storm in a tea cup (Zz”Q wel‡q weev`): He raised a storm in a tea cup without considering the matter. From time immemorial (¯^ibvZxZ Kvj †_‡K): Man has been living in society from the time immemorial. End in smoke (e¨_© nIqv): All his all attempts ended in smoke. Changing the form of speech The speaker asked Jerry if he had seen his mother. Jerry replied that he saw her every summer and she sent for him. Hearing his speech the speaker wanted to cry out and asked him why he was not with him and how she could let him go away again. He (Jerry) said that she (Jerry’s mother) came up from Manville whenever she could. He added that she didn’t have a job then. Transformation of sentences (a) Day to day life in Dhaka is not cheap. (b) People who live below the poverty line lead a miserable life. (c) Very few problems are as big as price hike for them. (d) Necessary measures have been taken by the government to keep the price like under control. (e) The greedy people are responsible for price spiral. Tag questions (a) aren’t we? (b) can we? (c) isn’t it? (d) isn’t it? (e) shall we? Completing sentences (a) her economy largely depends on agriculture. (b) We should improve our agriculture. (c) We can grow more crops. (d) they need/deserve. (e) the government does not take necessary steps to improve their condition/they are illiterate. See report writing chapter. See composition chapter. See application chapter. See dialogue chapter. See story writing chapter. COMILLA BOARD-2012 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER

Part A: Grammar 1. (a) living (b) suffer (c) are hampered (d) cannot / may not reach (e) are 2. (a) of (b) to (c) to / towards (d) with / among (e) for 3. (a) The (b) a (c) x (d) a (e) x (f) the (g) an (h) an (i) the (j) a / x 4. (a) While (b) that (c) or (d) who (e) because 5. Beggar description: The suffering of the flood affected people beggars description. A dark horse: We should not discuss politics with a dark horse. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170






10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Solution to Board Question

Far and wide: His reputation spread far and wide. Well off: He came of a well off family. On the sly: He entered the room on the sly. Skim through: Don't skim through the text. In no time: I shall come back in no time. The traveller asked the peasant if he (p) could tell him (t) the way to the nearest inn. The peasant replied in the affirmative and said that he could. Then he asked him if he (t) wanted one in which he could spend the night. The traveller replied that he didn't wish to stay there but added that he only wanted a meal. (a) Didn't my friend invite me to pay a visit to Cox's Bazar? (b) The invitation was gladly accepted (by me). (c) I reached there and my friend received me cordially. (d) How glad I was to see the sea-beach! (c) Very few journeys in my life were as / so memorable as it. (a) Trees are our best friends, aren't they? (b) We should plant more trees, shouldn't we? (c) Nobody phoned me that day, did they? (d) The spot is quite far from here, isn't it? (e) Let us go out for a walk, shall we? (a) As the poor man was hungry, he wanted food. (b) The weather was so cold that we could not go out. (c) Hasib behaves as if he were mad. (d) It is high time we gave up our bad habits. (e) A patriot is respected because he works for the country. See paragraph chapter See composition chapter See application chapter See dialogue chapter See story writing chapter COMILLA BOARD-2011 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER

Part A : Grammar 1. Right form of verbs with clues (a) had reached (b) was opened/opened (c) bought (d) were walking/were sitting (e) running. 2. Appropriate prepositions without clues (a) at; (b) over; (c) with; (d) out; (e) against. 3. Use of articles (a) an; (b) the; (c) an; (d) an; (e) an; (f) the; (g) a; (h) a; (i) the; (j) ×. 4. Use of linking words (a) But (b) which (c) although (d) However/So (e) otherwise. 5. Making sentences with phrases & idioms By means of (Dcv‡q) t He succeeded in life by means of hard work. Blue blood (AvwfRvZ¨) t One should not be proud of one's blue blood. Dead against (‡Nvi we‡ivax) t He is dead against the proposal. End in smoke (wbõj nIqv) t His attempts to succeed in life ended in smoke. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


Nip in the bud (A¼z‡i webvk nIqv) t All his hopes were nipped in the bud at the sudden death of his father. Give away (weZiY Kiv) t The principal gave away the prizes among the winners. Take after (mv`„k¨ nIqv) t The girl takes after her mother. Changing the form of speech The mistress of the house told the porter laughing that he might go. She also added that he had gained his freedom. Swearing by Allan, the porter replied that he would not leave the house until he had heard the stories of his companions. Transformation of sentences (a) Birds coming to our country in winter are called migratory birds. (b) In winter the weather is so cold that they cannot live in the north. (c) A better shelter is found in Bangladesh by them. (d) We cannot but protect them. Or, We cannot help protecting them. (e) The dove cannot run so fast as migratory birds. Or, The dove does not run as fast as migratory birds. Tag questions (a) Let us have a discussion, shall we? (b) Time and tide wait for none, do they? (c) Many of us waste our time, don't we? (d) None could-prosper in life without utilizing time, could they? (e) Everybody should realize this truth, shouldn't they? Completing sentences (a) No sooner had he reached the station than the train left. (b) She ran fast lest she should miss the train. (c) He could not avail himself of the opportunity. (d) I prevented him from going there. (e) All should do something to reduce poverty. See report writing chapter See composition chapter See dialogue chapter See application chapter See story writing chapter COMILLA BOARD-2010 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER

Part A: Grammar 1. (a) fought (b) regain (c) brooding (d) trying (e) inspired 2. (a) on (b) at (c) by (d) up (e) for / to 3. (a) a (b) an (c) the (d) a (e) a (f) the (g) an (h) the (i) the (j) a 4. (a) healthy (b) but (c) At the age (d) fever (e) also 5. (a) Ins and outs (LywUbvwU) : Ripan knows the ins and outs of our family. (b) Go through (c‡o †kl Kiv): Every student should go through his text book carefully. (c) Instead of (cwie‡Z©): He took Biology instead of Mathematics. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Solution to Board Question

(d) For good (wPiZ‡i) : He left his village for good. (e) Above all (cÖavbZ) : Above all he is an honest man in the society. (f) To catch sight of (‡`Lv) : I caught sight of him at the theatre. (e) To give up (Z¨vM Kiv) : Try to give up your bad habit. (f) By all means (me© cÖKv‡i) : I shall help you by all means in your danger. 6. A boy standing at the door asked him (the person) if he might go in. Then without waiting for his reply the boy entered the room and said respectfully that he had come from Palashpur with a letter from Mr. Ajit Bose. Being surprised the man smilingly asked the boy if he was Ajit Bose and how he was. The boy replied that he was not well and he had been suffering from a serious illness for two years. The man exclaimed with sorrow and said it was very sad. Then he prayed that God might cure him. 7. (a) Long, long ago there was a very wise king. (b) He was called wise Solomon by people. (c) Actually, at that time he was wiser than any others. (d) There was also another ruler and her name was queen of Sheba. (f) One day she thought that Solomon’s wisdom should not remain untested. 8. (a) won’t you? (b) have you? (c) should you? (d) isn’t it? (e) shall we? 9. (a) He has a lot of money but he does not help the poor. (b) My father gave me taka 500 so that I could buy a new shirt. (c) He has been suffering from fever for five days. (d) Though it rained yesterday, the fields were dry. (e) The train had left the station before he reached. 10. See report writing chapter 11. See composition chapter 12. See dialogue chapter 13. See application chapter 14. See story writing chapter COMILLA BOARD-2009 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Part A: Grammar 1. (a) is (b) does not participate (c) enriches (d) provides (e) said 2. (a) for (b) after (c) with (d) in (e) up 3. (a) an (b) an (c) the (d) an (e) a (f) the (g) x (h) the (i) the (j) the 4. (a) according to (b) what (c) which (d) If (e) and 5. A white elephant (e¨qeûj): The Adamjee Jute Mills became a white elephant project for the government. Skim through (fvmv fvmv fv‡e cov): We should not skim through a book. Gala day (Avb‡›`i w`b): The 16th December is a gala day for us. To and fro (Gw`b Iw`K): The children are running to and fro. On the sly (‡Mvc‡b): He came to meet me on the sly. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English





10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


Instead of (cwie‡Z©): He took Mathematics instead of Biology. Flesh and blood (i³ gvs‡mi kixi): No flash and blood can tolerate such an insult. He told me that he had gone there the previous day from his village. I asked why he had come. In reply he said that his mother had sent him to me with that letter. Then I asked him how his mother was and added that I had not seen her for a long time. I hoped that she was quite well. (a) A bee is busier than most other insects. (b) It does not live alone /separately (c) It flies from flower to flower to collect honey. / Flying from flower to flower, it collects honey. (d) Honey is stored in the hive by it. (e) Though in winter it remains idle, it works hard in spring. (a) Nothing is certain, is it? (b) Nila knows you better, doesn’t she? (c) Let’s have a discussion, shall we? (d) He seldom comes here, does he? (e) You are right, aren’t you? (a) Water is so vital of all natural resources that we can’t do without it a single day. (b) It is water which is very essential for our life. (c) Our agriculture which is the backbone of our economy, depends on water. (d) Though Bangladesh is blessed with rivers, she faces scarcity of water during dry season. (e) If the rainfall is timely, the farmers get good crops. See report writing chapter. See composition chapter. See dialogue chapter. See application chapter. See story writing chapter. RAJSHAHI BOARD-2012 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER

Part A: Grammar 1. (a) can (b) done (c) diversify (d) change (e) caring 2. (a) about (b) at (c) of (d) on (e) to 3. (a) a (b) a (c) × (d) a (e) the (f) × (g) the (h) the (i) a (j) × 4. (a) as (b) although (c) that (d) in order to (e) if 5. Win over: He won over me in the end. Let the cat out of bag: I was trying to keep the matter a secret, but my friend let the cat out of (the) bag. On the sly: They left the room on the sly. An irony of fate: It is an irony of fate that he got the appointment letter after his death. Give vent to: The meeting was an opportunity for everyone to give vent to their feelings. In a nut-shell: He told the story in a nut-shell. Of one's own accord: He came here of his own accord, no one asked him to come. 6. The teacher asked the student if / whether he (S) had heard the name of Aesop. The student respectfully replied in the negative and asked who he (A) was / had been. The teacher advised the student to read the lesson attentively and then he (S) would be able to Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Solution to Board Question

know about him (A). The teacher exclaimed that his (A) fables are very interesting and instructive. 7. (a) Her husband had no land and (so) he used to work on other people's land. (b) With great effort they married their two daughters off at their teenage. (c) Her only son went to town so that he could earn his livelihood. (d) They were made to look older by years of malnutrition and depreciation. (e) Ayesha Begum was one of the neediest women. 8. (a) isn't it? (b) did you? (c) shall we? (d) didn't they? (e) does he? 9. (a) we cannot go out (b) to carry the load (c) meeting his friends (d) he were the leader a king (e) go to Dhaka (to see a doctor) 10. See composition chapter 11. See dialogue chapter 12. See the letter chapter 13. See story writing chapter RAJSHAHI BOARD-2011 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Part A: Grammar 1. Right form of verbs with clues (a.) studied; (b) have wasted/wasted; (c) to be educated; (d) will suffer/will have to suffer; (e) will be enveloped/may be enveloped. 2. Appropriate prepositions without clues (a) on/from; (b) with; (c) throughout/during/for; (d) on; (e) to. 3. Use of articles (a) an; (b) a; (c) a; (d) The; (e) the; (f) a; (g) the; (h) ×; (i) ×; (j) an. 4. Making sentences with phrases & idioms Adhere to (‡j‡M _vKv) t I must adhere to my principle. Beyond doubt (m‡›`nvZxZ) t Beyond all doubt he is an honest man. Dead language (AcÖPwjZ) t Latin is almost a dead language nowadays. Ups and downs (DÌvb-cZb) t There is ups and downs in a man's life. A maiden speech (cÖ_g e³„Zv) t His maiden speech charmed us all. As far as (hZ`~i ch©š—) t As far as I know he is an honest man. Make up (w¯’i Kiv) t He made up his mind to setup a college in his village. 5. Changing the form of speech He said to me that he had come/had gone there the previous/last day from his village. I asked him why he had come/gone. He replied that his mother had sent him to me with that letter. I asked him how his mother was. I added that I had not seen her for a long time and I hoped she was quite well. 6. Transformation of sentences (a) Water which is a vital element of environment is polluted in different ways. (b) By being/being washed away by rain and flood some of these chemicals get mixed with water. (c) Water is also polluted by mills and factories. (d) Water vehicles dump oil, food waste and human waste into rivers and pollute them. (e) Thus various kinds of waste and filth contaminate water. 7. Completing sentences (a) AIDS is a fatal disease which breaks out as an epidemic. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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9. 10. 11. 12. 13.


(b) It is such a disease that leads the patient to death/there is no remedy for it. (c) The first AIDS patient was a man who worked in the Royal Navy. (d) The doctors suggest that people take precautionary measures to prevent this disease. (e) There is no further remedy that can cure the patient. Tag questions (a) Let us have a discussion, shall we? (b) Do not forget me, will you? (c) The weather was fine yesterday, wasn't it? (d) Our college won the match, didn't it? (e) He does not take sugar in tea, does he? See report writing chapter. See composition chapter. See application chapter. See dialogue chapter. See story writing chapter. RAJSHAHI BOARD-2010 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER

Part A: Grammar 1. (a) came (b) brought (c) were killed (d) were rendered (e) suffered. 2. (a) through (b) with (c) on (d) at (e) to 3. (a) an (b) the (c) a (d) X (e) the (f) a (g) x (h) x (i) a (j) the 4. (a) For the sake of (Rb¨) : Many freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for the sake of our independence. (b) Storm in a tea-pot (‡Zvjcvo Kiv): Mina started a storm in a tea-pot for a simple matter. (c) In cold blood (VvÛv gv_vq): The killer killed the baby in cold blood. (d) Look forward to (cÖwZ¶vq _vKv) : We are looking forward to seeing you again. (e) Above all (cÖavbZ) : Above all, Rahim is an honest man. (f) Heart and soul (cÖvbc‡Y) : He tried heart and soul to do well in the S.S.C examination. (e) Keep pace with (Zvj wgwj‡q Pjv) : We should try to keep pace with the modern world (f) Look down upon (N„bv Kiv) : We should not look down upon the poor. 5. A hawker asked Sushmita if she would buy any paper. He added that he had all types of Newspapers and Magazines. The hawker again requested Sushmita to take one from him. Sushmita replied that she bought books but then she needed a weekly. At last she asked him (h) if he did not have any weekly Magazine. 6. (a) Once a duck was roasted for his master by a cook. (b) The roast looked too delicious for the cook to resist the temptation. (c) His master sat down to eat and quickly noticed the missing drumstick. (d) Didn’t the master enquire of the missing leg? (f) But the cook told him that this duck did not have more than one leg. 7 . (a) Walk fast lest you should miss the train. (b) The students are so meritorious that they will cut a good figure in the H.S.C Examination. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Solution to Board Question

(c) Scarcely had the teacher gone out of the room when the students started shouting. (d) If I knew his mobile number, I could contact with him. (e) It is time we started the programme. 8. (a) didn’t he? (b) didn’t he? (c) wasn’t he? (d) don’t they? (e) shouldn’t we? 9. See report writing chapter. 10. See composition chapter. 11. See application chapter. 12. See dialogue chapter. 13. See story writing chapter. RAJSHAHI BOARD-2009 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Part A: Grammar 1. (a) had reached (b) opened (c) bought (d) were walking /sitting (e) walking/running/walk/run 2. (a) about (b) from (c) of (d) without (e) for 3. (a) x (b) the (c) the (d) the (e) x (f) the (g) the (h) a (i) a (g) a 4. (a) But (b) Which (c) although (d) However (e) Otherwise 5. The teacher asked the student where he was from. The student replied that he was from Nepal. The teacher again asked the student how he had found Dhaka when he (s) had first arrived. The student replied that he liked it well and he thought that the city was very beautiful. 6. By means of (Dcv‡q): Man can shine in life by means of hard labour. On the sly (‡Mvc‡b): Ripan entered my room on the sly and pressed my eyes. Above all (cÖavbZ) : Above all Rasel is an honest man In the long run (cwibv‡g): A sinner suffers in the long run Nip in the bud (A¼z‡i webó n‡q hvIqv): His all hopes were nipped in the bud. On the eve of (cÖv°v‡j): I went to the Airport on the eve of my friend’s departure. Take after (m`„k nIqv): Ruma takes after her mother. 7. (a) It is Cox’s Bazar which is the longest sea beach in the world. (b) Very few sea beaches in the world are as beautiful as it. (c) People call it pleasure seekers’ paradise. (d) The visitors go there and enjoy natural beauty. (e) Tired people may go to relax there. 8. (a)The poor man is too hungry to walk / move / work. (b) I came here with view to meeting my friend. (c) The weather was so cold that we could not go out. (d) Hasib behaves as if he were mad / he knew everything. (e) The higher we fly, the harder we fall. 9. See report writing chapter. 10. See composition chapter. 11. See application chapter. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

12. 13.


See dialogue chapter. See story writing chapter.

JESSORE BOARD-2012 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER 1. memorising (b) prepared (c) does not develop / cannot develop / cannot be developed (d) command (e) does not help / cannot help / will not help / won't help 2. (a) in (b) on (c) for (d) of /to (e) of 3. (a) a (b) a (c) an (d) the (e) the (f) the (g) a (h) the (i) × (j) × 4. (a) because of (b) but (c) for this / naturally (d) when (e) and / naturally 5. Good for nothing: He is good for nothing. End in smoke: All my hopes ended in smoke. Bad blood: There is bad blood between two sisters. Hard and fast: I don't like hard and fast rules. Get rid of: I want to get rid of suffering. Catch sight of: I caught sight of her at the play. Make up one's mind: I have made up my mind to go abroad. 6. As we shook hands she advised me to follow her example and not to eat more than one thing for luncheon. I retorted that I would do better than that and I added that I would eat nothing for dinner that night. Jumping into a cab she cried gaily and addressed me as a quite humourist. 7. (a) It begets nothing but the worst. (b) Very few vices are as inhuman as anger. (c) So, it should be controlled (by us) for our own sake. (d) A person / man taken by anger causes a lot of troubles. Or, One / he taken by anger causes a lot of troubles. Or, An angry / angered man causes a lot of troubles. (e) If / As / When we realise it. we should try to be emotionally balanced. 8. (a) Everyone would do so, wouldn't they? (b) You need not do this, need you? (c) There is a little water in this pond, isn't there? (d) You is a pronoun, isn't it? (e) A man like you should not do this, should you? 9. (a) A college is a seat of learning, so we should keep it free from violence. (b) It should be a peaceful place where there will not be any disturbance. (c) But now a day peaceful atmosphere is absent from the college because it is full of violence. (d) The students who are engaged in campus violence cannot do well in the exam. (e) The sooner it can be controlled, the better will be the welfare of the students. 10. See report writing chapter 11. See composition chapter 12. See application chapter 13. See dialogue chapter 14. See story writing chapter JESSORE BOARD-2011 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Solution to Board Question

SECOND PAPER Part A : Grammar 1. Right form of verbs with clues (a) doesn't want/didn't want; (b) was lowered; (c) was screened; (d) saw/would see; (e) cast/would cast. 2. Appropriate prepositions without clues (a) about/around; (b) off/from; (c) about; (d) up/straight; (e) from/beyond. 3. Use of articles (a) a; (b) a; (c) the; (d) an/×; (e) an/×; (f) the; (g) ×/a/the; (h) the; (i) the/×; (j) ×. 4. Use of linking words (a) and; (b) that; (c) but; (d) Thereupon/Then; (e) which. 5. Making sentences with phrases & idioms Of one's own accord (wb‡Ri B”Qvq): Jerry did things of his own accord. Keep body and soul together (†Kvb iK‡g Rxeb hvcb Kiv): The factory workers earn barely enough to keep their body and soul together. In the least (Aš—Z): Although he lost everything due to Sidr, he was not in the least upset. On the instant (Zvr¶wbK): I recognized her on the instant. Beyond one's means (KvnviI mv‡a¨i evB‡i): It was beyond her means to buy a flat in Dhaka. Cut out (ev` †`qv): He has cut out tea from his breakfast menu. A bone of contention (weev‡`i welq)t This piece of land is a bone of contention between the two persons. Lean against (‡njvb †`qv): A ladder was leaning against the wall. 6. Changing the form of speech Jim asked Della if she had cut her hair off. Della replied that she had cut it off and sold it. She then asked Jim if he did not like her just as well, anyhow. She also told him that she was her without her hair. She again asked Jim if she was not. 7. Transformation of sentences (a) But at last God couldn't but/didn't but take pity on him. Or, But at last God couldn't help taking pity on him. Or, But didn't God take pity on him at last? Or, But at last God didn’t punish him. (b) One day, the water snakes were being watched swimming round the sea by the old sailor. Or, One day, the water snakes swimming round the sea were being watched by the old sailor, (c) A strange wonder filled him. (d) As soon as the dead albatross fell from his neck into the sea. the old man fell into a deep sleep. Or, No sooner had the dead albatross fell from his neck into the sea than the old man fell into a deep sleep. Or, Since/As at once the dead albatross fell from his neck into the sea, the old man fell into a deep sleep. (e) On his waking up, it was raining. Or, At the time of his waking up, it was raining. Or, He woke up in the raining/during the raining. Or, While raining, he woke up. 8. Completing sentences (a) United we stand, divided we fall. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


(b) Don't you/who does not/who/do you know this wise saying? (c) Unless you are united, you will fail/will not prosper. (d) The story of the old man and his sons teaches us that unity is strength/to be united/unity/the necessity of unity. (e) It is high time we got united/we became united Ave learnt the lesson. Cloze test with clues (a) approximately/about (b) is growing/grows/growing (c) that (d) alone (e) advancement (f) without (g) yardstick (h) redefined; (i) degrees (j) humane See report writing chapter See composition chapter See dialogue chapter See application chapter See story writing chapter JESSORE BOARD-2010 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER

Part A: Grammar 1. (a) have been (b) goes (c) got (d) am learning (e) imagine. 2. (a) of (b) on (c) out of (d) though (e) on 3. (a) an (b) x (c) the (d) x (e) an (f) the (g) the (h) a (i) the (j) x 4. (a) Make up one’s mind (gbw¯’i Kiv): I have made up my mind to write a book on composition. (b) As well as (AviI): He, as well as his brother is guilty of this. (c) Beggar description (eY©bvZxZ): His miseries beggar description. (d) Once in a blue moon (K`vwPr): He visits his village home once in a blue moon. (e) Hue and cry (‡kvi‡Mvj): The boys are making hue and cry in the field. (f) At random (D`vmxb fv‡e): People are cutting down trees at random.. (g) For good (wPiZ‡i): He left the village for good. 5. Jerry told the speaker that she looked a little bit like his mother especially in the dark by the fire. The speaker told that he (Jerry) had been only four when he had gone there. Being surprised she asked Jerry if he had remembered how she looked all those years. He told that his mother lived in Mannville. 6. (a)The fox which was cunning was passing through a forest. (b) The thirsty fox was looking for water. (c) Any source of water could not be found by it. (d) Didn’t he feel very helpless? (f) It seemed to the fox that it was happier than any other animal in the world. 7. (a) shall we? (b) aren’t I? (c) doesn’t it? (d) should they? (e) won’t you? 8. (a) A grave yard is a place where the dead bodies are buried. (b) I am not sure whether he will attend the meeting or not. (c) The old man is walking carefully lest he should fall down. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Solution to Board Question

(d) Do you mind if I take a seat beside you?. (e) Unless you work hard, you can’t shine in life. 9. (a) Campus (b)rival / political (c) at (d) when slogans (f) rivals / opposite (g) running (h) attack (i) death 10. See report writing chapter 11. See composition chapter 12. See dialogue chapter 13. See application chapter 14. See story writing chapter

(e) loudly / (j) situation.

JESSORE BOARD-2009 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Part A: Grammar 1. (a) have received (b) wanted (c) would get (d) would choose (e) writing 2. (a) for (b) on (c) with (d) to (e) with. 3. (a) the (b) the (c) x (d) a (e) x (f) a (g) the (h) x (i) an (j) the 4. (a) though (b) Moreover (c) In spite of (d) Both (e) In short 5. Cut out (ev` †`Iqv): His name has been cut out from the final list. Burning question (Ri“ix mgm¨v): Population explosion is a burning question for our country. In the event of (‡Kvb wKQy NUvi gyû‡Z©): The whole country assumes a festive look in the event of Pahela Baisahk. (aviYv Kiv) At present (eZ©gv‡b): At present, he is very busy with his business. Far and wide (me©Î): His name and fame spread far and wide Make fun of (VvÆv Kiv): We should not make fun of the poor people. On the whole (‡gv‡Ui Dci): On the whole, he is an honest man. 6. Once I asked a sweet little girl what her mother’s name was. She replied cleverly that she knew her mother’s name but she would not tell me that. I exclaimed with wonder that she was a very clever girl. I prayed for her that she might prosper in life. 7. (a) Cricket is a game which is very exciting. (b) This game is enjoyed very much by the People all over the world. (c) At present cricket is more popular than most other games in our country. (d) It is a very costly game but young men and children get a great deal of delight playing it. (e) Alas! The performance of Bangladesh Cricket Team is not up to the mark. 8. (a) teaches in a college. (b) he will miss the train . (c) left the place. (d) the boys are playing in the rain. (e) because he works for the country. 9. (a) quality; (b) greatest; (c) good; (d) quality; (e) gives; (f) honour; (g) respects /loves; (h) much; (i) afraid; (j) truthful 10. See report writing chapter 11. See composition chapter 12. See dialogue chapter 13. See application chapter 14. See story writing chapter SYLHET BOARD-2012 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


SECOND PAPER Part A: Grammar 1. (a) brought (b) was not invented (c) took (d) worked (e) came 2. (a) for (b) with / at / about (c) to (d) on (e) for 3. (a) an (b) a (c) the (d) the (e) x (f) x (g) the (h) the (i) the (j) an 4. Being surprised Jim asked Della if she had cut off her hair. Della replied that she had cut it off and sold it. She then asked him if he didn't like her just as well, anyhow. Then she told him that she was herself without her hair. She again asked him if she was not so. 5. Skim through: He skimmed through the paper. An irony of fate: It was an irony of fate that the brilliant boy failed in the examination. The lion's share: He takes the lion's share of the business. Bed of thorns: Life is a bed of thorns. Hard nut to crack: It will not be easy to convince him, he is a hard nut to crack. Scapegoat: He was made scapegoat of the incident. Learn by heart: I learnt the poem by heart. 6. (a) It is Cox's Bazar sea-beach which is the largest sea-beach in the world. (b) Very few sea-beaches in the world are as / so beautiful as it. (c) People/ We call it pleasure seeker’s paradise. (d) The visitors go there and enjoy natural beauties. (e) The tired person(s) may go to relax there. 7. (a) who / that (b) as / because/ for (c) Even / also (d) so / this (d) so/ this is why / hence (e) besides/ moreover / furthermore / in addition. 8. (a) I’d meet you, wouldn’t I? (b) There are many problems in our college, aren’t there? (c) It is impossible, isn’t it? (d) You cannot be sure, can you? (e) Their performance shows it, doesn’t it? 9. (a) I wish I were a child again. (b) He works hard so that he can shine in life. (c) There is hardly any person who doesn't wish to be happy. (d) Man is born free but everywhere he is in chain. (e) It is our sacred duty to uphold the dignity of our country. 10. See report writing chapter 11. See composition chapter 12. See dialogue chapter 13. See application chapter 14. See story writing chapter SYLHET BOARD-2011 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Part A : Grammar 1. Right form of verbs with clues (a) found; (b) was dropped; (c) carried; (d) showed; (e) advised. 2. Appropriate prepositions without clues (a) from (b) in (c) for (d) in (e) round. 3. Use of articles (a) × (b) × (c) a (d) the (e) × (f) × (g) the (h) × (i) The (j) the Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170








10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Solution to Board Question

Making sentences with phrases & idioms Out and out (nv‡o nv‡o) t Mr. Rahman is out and out an honest man. Beggar description (eY©bvZxZ) t His sorrows beggar description. Every nook and cranny (me©Î) t The wind blew into every nook and cranny. In full swing (cy‡iv`‡g) t Our classes are going on in full swing. /The machine is running in full swing. Give away (weZiY Kiv) t Hazi Mohsin gave away all his properties for the poor. /The chairman ave away the prizes. Put down (wj‡L ivLv) t Please put down what I say. /I put down his address in my note book. Kick off (ïi“ nIqv) t The game was kicked off after our arrival at the stadium. /He kicked off the ball. Use of linking words (a) Though/Although; (b) And; (c) Moreover/Therefore/So; (d) or; (e) Despite/In spite of. Changing the form of speech I asked the boy if/whether he would come to my house the next day. Then I told him that we could discuss terms and conditions then. He replied that he would be very happy to meet me at my house and thanked me so much. Tag questions (a) His name was' Jerry, wasn't it? (b) They waste their valuable time, don't they? (c) Everyone knows this, don't they? (d) He can never help people of the society, can he? (e) Everybody dislikes him, don't they? Completing sentences (a) Walk fast lest you should miss the train. Or, Walk fast lest you might miss the train. (b) It is high time you left this place. (c) Modern husbands are very smart/afraid of their wives. (d) For good health you should eat balanced diet. (e) If I help him in danger, he should also help me/he will help me too in future. Transformation of sentences (a) The National Memorial at Savar is a symbol of the nation's respect. (b) We stand in front of the graves and bow down our heads. (c) Don't the towers symbolize the loftiness of the spirit of the martyred freedom fighters? (d) We never forget their memories. (e) Don't many people go to visit it every day? See report writing chapter See composition chapter See dialogue chapter See application chapter See story writing chapter SYLHET BOARD-2010 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


SECOND PAPER Part A: Grammar 1. (a) wasn’t found (b) was / had been / was sent (c) returned (d) have you heard / did you hear (e) have sent. 2. (a) for (b) for (c) up (d) up (e) to 3. (a) the (b) the (c) the (d) the (e) the / an (f) the (g) the (h) an (i) x (j) x 4. (a) and / or (b) Any how / Somehow (c) even if (d) or / and (e) what 5. Jerry said that he would pay for that as he had brought the axe down careless. I opposed the idea of Jerry and told him that no one hits accurately every time. Moreover I told him that the fault was in the wood of the handle. I assured him that I would see the man who I had bought it from. 6. (a) It is wealth which is wealth. (b) A sick moneyed man is not as happy as a healthy poor man. (c) A healthy man is an asset to his family but an unhealthy man is a liability. (d) Can’t he succeed in life? (e) Everybody can’t but be conscious of health. 7. (a) need you? (b) shall we? (c) did they? (d) has he/does he? (e) doesn’t he? 8. (a) It is easy to say but difficult to do. (b) Five years passed since he had met him last. (c) A grave yard is a place where dead body is buried. (d) She insisted that I should eat something with her. (e) Unless you work hard you will fail in the Examination. 9. (a) bad (b) health (c) smart (d) smoke (e) diseases (f) many (g) contains (h) which (i)health / body (j) give. 10. See report writing chapter 11. See composition chapter 12. See dialogue chapter 13. See application chapter 14. See story writing chapter SYLHET BOARD-2009 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Part A: Grammar 1. (a) desires (d) is 2. (a) of 3. (a) an (f) the 4. (a) who (d) So

(b) to (b) the (g) x

(b) attain / can attain (c) dare not (e) should face (c) by (d) through / by (e) for (c) a (d) a (e) the (h) a (i) a (j) the (b) because (c) Even (e) Thus

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170




7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Solution to Board Question

Once I asked a sweet girl what her mother’s name was. She replied clearly that she knew her mother’s name but she would not tell me that. I exclaimed with wonder that she was a very clever girl. She again spoke with an air of confidence that she did not tell her mother’s name to anybody whom she did not know. (a) The Jamuna is bigger than most other rivers in Bangladesh. (b) In summer, it becomes emaciated. (c) When it is the rainy season, it assumes a terrible shape. (d) Who does not know it? (e) Its shore is visited by tourists from home and abroad. (a) aren’t you? (b) can I? (c) haven’t yon? (d) hasn’t he? (e) can’t he? (a) educate their daughters. (b) the parents are poor. (c) leave their parents after their marriage. (d) they can be educated. (e) female children are getting educated. (a) had (b) than (c) to (d) the (e) has been (f) would (g) very (h) to (i) when (j) near by See report writing chapter See composition chapter See dialogue chapter See application chapter See story writing chapter CHITTAGONG BOARD-2012 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER

Part A: Grammar 1. (a) cannot buy (b) means (c) is satisfied (d) is called (e) ensures 2. (a) over (b) of (c) about (d) up (e) among 3. (a) an (b) × (c) the (d) × (e) a (f) × (g) the (h) a (i) × (j) the 4. (a) however (b) as well as (c) but (d) for example (e) because 5. For the sake of : He did the work for the sake of his welfare. Make up one's mind: He made up his mind to leave the country. Of one's own accord: He went there of his own accord. Beyond doubt: His honesty is beyond doubt. Look after: He looks after his parents. Leave no stone unturned: He left no stone unturned to do the job. Take place: Our war of independence took place in 1971. 6. Addressing Sheikh Saadi as sir the nobleman asked why he (S) was putting the foods in his (S) pocket. He again asked why he (S) didn't eat. Sheikh Saadi replied that he was doing the right thing. He (S) added that his (S) dress deserved those rich dishes. The nobleman said that he was sorry. He added that he (N) didn't understand what he (S) meant to say. 7. (a) E-mail is a messaging system which is computer-based . (b) Doesn't it eliminate the time spent in establishing phone calls? (c) Telephone calls are not as cheap as it. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


(d) It takes only not more than a few seconds to transmit a message from one country to another. (e) But even here commercially operated e-mail facilities for important purposes are used. (a) isn't it? (b) doesn't one? (c) do they? (d) hasn't he? (e) oughtn't we? (a) they should go there (b) soul is alive (c) earning their livelihood (d) I were a poet (e) everybody loves See report writing chapter. See composition chapter. See dialogue chapter. See application chapter. See story writing chapter. CHITTAGONG BOARD-2011 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER

Part A: Grammar 1. Right form of verbs with clues (a) desires; (b) attain; (c) dare not; (d) is; (e) should. 2. Appropriate prepositions with clues (a) in; (b) out; (c) for; (d) to; (e) with. 3. Use of articles (a) a; (b) ×; (c) ×/the; (d) the; (e) a; (f) a; (g) the; (h) ×; (i) a; (j) the. 4. Use of Linking words (a) Since; (b) Though; (c) that; (d) In order to; (e) if. 5. Making sentences with phrases & idioms At length (Ae‡k‡l) t We discussed the matter at length. Catch sight of (`„wó‡MvPi nIqv) t I caught sight of her at the station. Apple of one's eye (bq‡bi gwY) t He is the apple of his father's eye. Get by heart (gyL¯— Kiv) t I got the whole poem by heart. Big guns (‡nvgiv-†Pvgiv) t People follow the big guns of the society. Come round (my¯’ nIqv) t His mother has not yet come round from her illness. A man of letters (cwÛZ e¨w³) t Sher-e-Bangla was a man of letters. 6. Changing the form of speech Once I asked a little girl what her mother's name was. She replied that she knew her mother's name but she would not tell me that. She also added that she never told her mother's name to anybody whom she did not know. I exclaimed with joy that she was a very clever girl. 7. Transformation of sentences (a) What an exciting game cricket is! Or, How exciting a game cricket is! (b) This game is enjoyed by people of all ages. (c) At present no other game in our country is as/so popular as cricket. (d) Bangladesh is weaker than most/many/other test playing countries. (e) Aren't they/Are they not fond of watching 'twenty-twenty' cricket? 8. Tag questions (a) Health is wealth, isn't it? (b) A sick rich man is not happier than a healthy poor man, is he? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170



10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Solution to Board Question

(c) An unhealthy man cannot prosper in life, can he? (d) Nobody pays him due respect, do they? (e) We must take care of our health, mustn't we? Completing sentences (a) Arif studies attentively so that he can pass the exam, (b) Hardly had the leader finished his speech when the clash began. (c) I walked fast lest I should miss the class. (d) A fish market is the place where people go to buy fishes. (e) It is disappointing to note that the price of rice is rising. See report writing chapter See composition chapter See dialogue chapter See application chapter See story writing chapter CHITTAGONG BOARD-2010 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER

Part A: Grammar 1. (a) brought (b) was not invented (c) took (d) worked (e) came. 2. (a) in (b) of (c) around (d) up (e) into 3. (a) an (b) a (c) a / the (d) x (e) x (f) a (g) the (h) an (i) a (j) the. 4. (a) while (b) that (c) or (d) who (e) because 5. (a) Once for all (wPiZ‡i): He left the place once for all. (b) Take after (m`„k nIqv): The son takes after his father. (c) Far and wide (me©Î): His name and fame spread far and wide. (d) A black sheep (Kzjv½vi): He is a black sheep in the family. (e) At the sight of (‡`Lv): The thief ran away at the sight of the police. (f) Beggar description (eY©bvZxZ): His miseries beggar description. (g) In the long run (cwiYv‡g): He will suffer in the long run for his misdeeds. 6. As we shook hands she told/advised me to follow her example and never to eat more than one thing for luncheon. I told her that I would do better than that and I would eat nothing for dinner that night. 7. (a) aren’t they? (b) don’t they? (c) do they? (d) won’t it? (e) shouldn’t we? 8. (a) They went to college after they had taken their breakfast. (b) This poem is too difficult for the student to understand. (c) No sooner had she seen me than she left the place. (d) He speaks as if he were a mad / he knew everything. (e) It is high time we left the place. 9. See report writing chapter 10. See composition chapter 11. See application chapter 12. See dialogue chapter 13. See story writing chapter Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

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CHITTAGONG BOARD-2009 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Part A: Grammar 1. (a) inspires (b) implies (c) lead (d) makes (e) don’t feel 2. (a) on (b) to (c) by (d) on /from (e) to 3. (a) x (b) an (c) the (e) the (f) a (g) x (h) the (i) a (j) a 4. (a) unfortunately (b) somehow (c) because of (d) when (e) in fact. 5. Well off (¯^”Qj): Rupa’s family is not well off economically. Put up with (mn¨ Kiv): I can’t put up with such an insult. In order to (D‡Ï‡k¨): He went to Makka in order to perform Hazz. Ups and downs (DÌvb cZb): Man’s life is full of ups and down So that(hv‡Z): He works hard so that he can shine in life By hook or by crook: (‡h K‡iB ‡nvK): I shall help you by hook or by crook 6. The grocer asked the fruit seller where his son was. The fruit seller replied that a crow had carried his son away. The grocer called him (fruit seller) a liar and asked how a crow could carry away such a big boy. Then the fruit seller replied that just the same way as mice could eat away the balance and weights. 7. (a) Robert Frost lived in a small apartment which is in the capital city of Toronto. (b) His wife Catherine does not hate gardening. (c) Very few cities of the world are as expensive as Toronto. (d) Do they realize the high cost of living in Toronto? (e) However, his relatives are loved a great deal by him. 8. (a) haven’t you? (b) don’t they? (c) oughtn’t we? (d) didn’t you? (e) isn’t it? 9. (a) Acid rain is harmful because it spoils the fertility of soil/it causes harm to our health soil, crops etc. (b) The wind was so strong that it blew away every thing. (c) Had he been a little careful, he could have saved him. (d) They were frightened when they saw a bear coming towards them. (e) Take your umbrella lest you should get wet. 10. See report writing chapter 11. See composition chapter 12. See dialogue chapter 13. See application chapter 14. See story writing chapter DINAJPUR BOARD-2012 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Part A: Grammar 1. (a) used (b) takes (c) found (d) irritates (e) offends 2. (a) with (b) of (c) without (d) in (e) at 3. (a) the (b) an (c) × (d) a (e) × (f) the (g) the (h) a (i) × (j) × 4. (a) which (b) unless (c) like (d) even (e) in this regard Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Solution to Board Question


Della asked Madame if she would buy her hair. Madame replied that she used to buy hair. Then she (M) told Della to take her hat off and let them have a sight at the looks of it. Madame then offered to give Della twenty dollars. Della told Madame to give that to her quick. 6. (a) A frugal man does not like to spend money without reasons. (b) The target of a man who is frugal is to save money for future. (c) Frugality should be practised to make a well-planned family by every one. (d) A frugal man saves money and can spend it in time of crisis. (e) A prodigal man is not so happy as a frugal man. 7. (a) didn’t they? (b) will you? (c) oughtn’t we? (d) didn't they? (e) haven't I? 8. (a) She fails to materialize development programmes smoothly (b) with numerous problems because of high density of population (c) are still lagging behind (d) with multifarious problems (e) eradicating all problems 9. A bone of contention: Parental property is a bone of contention between the two brothers. A bed of roses: Life is not a bed of roses. End in smoke: All my efforts ended in smoke. Catch sight of: I caught sight of him in the school. Commit something to memory: He committed the poem to memory. Put up with: I do not know how you put up with her. Black and blue: The pick-pocket has been beaten black and blue. 10. See report writing chapter 11. See composition chapter 12. See dialogue chapter 13. See application chapter 14. See story writing chapter DINAJPUR BOARD-2011 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER

Part A: Grammar 1. Right form of verbs with clues (a) dominated ; (b) are; (c) confined; (d) come; (e) working. 2. Appropriate prepositions without clues (a) in (b) in (c) of (d) on (e) to. 3. Use of articles (a) the (b) a/the (c) a (d) the (e) the (f) the (g) the (h) the (i) the (j) the. 4. Use of Linking words (a) Moreover (b) And (c) either (d) or (e) if 5. Changing the form of speech The stranger asked/enquired of the boy if/whether he would tell him the way to the nearest hotel. The boy replied that he would but asked him if he wanted a residential one in which he could spend the night. The stranger replied that he did not want to stay there, but he only wanted a meal. The boy told/requested him to follow him. 6. Transformation of sentences (a) People /They/We consider him (to be) the greatest physicist after Einstein. (b) It was 1979 when he joined Cambridge. Or, It was in 1979 that/when he joined Cambridge University. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English




10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


Or, When he joined Cambridge University it was 1979. (c) At/At the age of thirty two, he received the prestigious Albert Einstein Award. (d) He wrote a book and explained cosmology for general public in it. Or, He wrote a book and it explained/explains cosmology for general public. (e) Very few scientists in the world are as great as he. Or, In the world very few scientists are as great as he. Tag questions You are not resigning from your job, (a) are you? No, not yet. Unless I get another job I can't, (b) can I? Of course not. Well, you can see a computer, (c) can't you? And you do not mind working in a friend's firm, (d) do you? Well, if I offer you a job in my office, you won't refuse if, (e) will you? Completing sentences (a) I don't like people who are idle lazy. (b) Do you know where he lives? (c) It was long since I had met you. (d) You will not prosper unless you work hard. (e) Had I been proposed to go I would have gone there. Making sentences with phrases & idioms Null and void (evwZj): This rule is null and void now. Take after (mv`„k¨): The girl takes after her mother. Maiden speech (cÖ_g e³„Zv): I was charmed by his maiden speech, In lieu of (cwie‡Z©): He took Mathematics in lieu of Physics. For good (wPiZ‡i): She left me for good. At a stretch (GKUvbv): I can walk five miles at a stretch. Bad blood (kΓZv): There is no bad blood between the two leaders. See report writing chapter See composition chapter See dialogue chapter See application chapter See story writing chapter DINAJPUR BOARD-2010 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER

Part A: Grammar 1. (a) sailed (b) was carrying (c) was (d)was built (e) was regarded 2. (a) about /for (b) at (c) for (d) to (e) for 3. (a) x (b) a (c) the (d) x (e) the (f) the (g) x (h) the (i) the (j) the. 4. (a) who (b) but (c) not only (d) but also (e) above all 5. The teacher asked the student why he didn’t attend classes regularly. He (teacher) again told him (student) that he could not expect good results unless he attended classes as he told him. The student respectfully told him he was sorry and said that he had offended him. 6. (a) Water which is an important vital element of environment is polluted by various ways. (b) Pure water is necessary for us. (c) Men throw waste into water and pollute it. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Solution to Board Question

(d) Water is used largely by farmers in time of cultivation. (e) Very few elements of all living beings are as important as it. 7. (a) are you? (b) do you? (c) oughtn’t we? (d) don’t they? (e) will they? 8. (a) As you sow, so you reap. (b) Although Bangladesh is a populous country, it is developing day by day. (c) He is my teacher who teaches me English. (d) I wish I were a poet like Nazurl. (e) He took up a part time job so that he could earn some money to maintain his family well. 9. Chicken hearted (fxZz): A chicken hearted like you can not do it. Apple of discord (weev‡`i welq): A piece of land is an apple of discord between two brothers. At sixes and sevens (G‡jv‡g‡jv) : The furniture of house are fallen at sixes and sevens. By dint of (e‡j): Ripan stood firsh in the class by dint of his hard labour. Blue blood (AwfRvZ): He is proud of his blue blood. In front of (m¤§y‡L): The incident occurred in front of me. 10. See report writing chapter 11. See composition chapter 12. See dialogue chapter 13. See application chapter 14. See story writing chapter DINAJPUR BOARD-2009 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Part A: Grammar 1. (a) held (b) invited (c) began (d) reciting (e) bidding 2. (a) at (b) for (c) without (d) to (e) in 3. (a) the (b) a (c) x (d) the (e) a (f) a (g) the (h) The (i) a (j) the 4. (a) In spite of (b) also / quite (c) Despite (d) Due to / owing to (e) As a result 5. For the sake of (D‡Ï‡k¨): A student should study hard for the sake of good /bright result. In spite of (m‡Ë¡I): In spite of being rich, he is not happy. In the long run (cwiYv‡g): He will suffer in the long run for his laziness. Good for nothing (A‡K‡Rv): A lazy man is good for nothing. At a glance (GK bR‡i): He read the book at a glance. To and fro (Gw`K Iw`K): The boys are running to and fro in the field. 6. I asked Nisa what her mother’s name was. She replied that she knew her mother’s name but she would not tell me that. She also told me that she did not tell her mother’s name to anybody whom she didn’t know. I exclaimed with surprise that she was a very clever girl. 7. (a) It is health which is wealth. (b) A sick moneyed man is not so happy as a healthy poor man. (c) A healthy man is an asset to his family but an unhealthy man is a liability. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


(d) Can’t he succeed in life? (e) Nobody must be unconscious of health. 8. (a) isn’t it? (b) hasn’t it? (c) hasn’t it? (d) can’t it? (e) shall we? 9. (a) There goes a proverb that time and tide wait for none. (b) Though lost wealth can be regained by hard work, lost time cannot be got back. (c) Time is so valuable that we should not waste a single moment. (d) Those who have become great in life did not waste time in vain/made the best use of time. (e) If we make the best use of time, we will shine in life. 10. See report writing chapter 11. See composition chapter 12. See dialogue chapter 13. See application chapter 14. See story writing chapter BARISAL BOARD-2012 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Part A: Grammar 1. (a) indulge (b) do not try / are (c) to evaluate / to value (d) thinks (e) evaluate 2. (a) for (b) after (c) with (d) in (e) up 3. (a) x / a (b) a (c) A (d) the (e) the (f) the (g) the (h) × (i) the (j) × 4. (a) though (b) moreover (c) in spite of (d) both (e) in short 5. Drop out: Many students drop out of school because of poverty. Look down upon: Do not look down upon the poor. On the instant: The accident happened on the instant. Beggar description: His sufferings beggar description. Black and blue: The boy was beaten black and blue. Rainy day: We should save for rainy day. Cut off: She cut off her hair. 6. Jerry told the writer that she looked a little like his mother especially in the dark by the fire. The writer wondered and said that he had been only four when he had gone there. Then Jerry said that his mother lived in Mannville. 7. (a) don't they? (b) aren’t they? (c) don’t we? (d) don't they? (e) won’t this / it? 8. (a) He hurried to the station lest, he should miss the train. (b) People are advised to take oral-saline since oral-saline is necessary for dehydration. (c) Where there is a will, there is a way. (d) The weather was so unbearable that we could not go to college. (e) When the final hour of departure came, we felt excited. 9. (a) Learning a language is not so successful as acquiring. (b) The learners of a second language are encouraged to practise the language by teachers. (c) Students wishing to acquire proficiency in a language should practise the language. (d) Can't communicative competence be achieved in a short-time? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Solution to Board Question

(e) If a language learner must shake off reticence, he is sure to succeed in his effort. Or, A language learner must shake off reticence so that he can be sure to succeed in his effort. See report writing chapter See composition chapter See dialogue chapter See application chapter See story writing chapter BARISAL BOARD-2011 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER

Part A: Grammar 1. Right form of verbs with clues (a) indulge/indulging (b) do not abide (c) do not try (d) makes (e) mend. 2. Appropriate prepositions without clues (a) with (b) from (c) from (d) through (e) against. 3. Use of articles (a) the; (b) an; (c) the; (d) ×; (e) the; (f) ×; (g) ×/the; (h) the; (i) a; (j) the. 4. Use of linking words (a) Whenever; (b) Likewise; (c) On the contrary; (d) Consequently; (e) Otherwise. 5. Making sentences with phrases & idioms Hue and cry (†mvi‡Mvj) t Load-shedding has raised a hue and cry among the people. Of one's own accord (wb‡Ri B”Qvq) t Jerry did the unnecessary things for the writer of his own accord. Then and there (Zvr¶wYK) t I shouted for help and he came then and there. Far-fetched (wek¦vm Kiv KwVb) t The whole story sounds very far-fetched. Hanker after (wcQy †QvUv) t A good man never hankers after money. Black and blue (wb`©qfv‡e) t They beat the thief black and blue. Ask for (PvIqv) t He asked for my help in his distress. 6. Changing the form of speech The receptionist asked the man respectfully/with respect if he could help him (M). The man accepted the offer and said that he (M) wanted to meet the Managing Director of the company. The receptionist again asked him if he (M) had an appointment. The man replied in the affirmative and said that he (M) had an appointment. 7. Tag questions (a) You must have heard the name of Jalaluddin Rumi, mustn't you? (b) He achieved fame as a spiritual leader, didn't he? (c) He was also renowned as a mystic poet, wasn't he? (d) Thousands of people admired him in his lifetime, didn't they? (e) Still today millions of people all over the world find pleasure in his poetic works, don't they? 8. Completing sentences (a) We work hard so that we can prosper/shine in life. (b) There is nobody who does not hate a liar. Or, There is nobody who believes a liar. (c) As he is devoted to studies, he makes a good result. (d) He left the place after he had finished the work. (e) As soon as the police came, the thief ran away. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English


10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


Transformation of sentences (a) A bee is busier than most other insects. (b) It does not live anywhere but in a hive. Or, It lives nothing but in a hive. (c) It flies from flower to flower and collect honey. Or, It wants to collect honey and so it flies from flower to flower. (d) It/a bee stores/collected honey in a hive. (e) Though/Although in winter it remains idle, it works in spring. See report writing chapter See composition chapter See dialogue chapter See application chapter See story writing chapter BARISAL BOARD-2010 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER

Part A: Grammar 1. (a) increased (b) burnt (c) find/have found (d) predict/have predicted (e) will continue. 2. (a) of (b) of (c) of (d) about (e) With 3. (a) the (b) a (c) the (d) the (e) x (f) the (g) the (h) the (i) a (j) an 4. (a) who (b) Hence (c) that (d) As (e) if 5. (a) Beggar description (eY©bvZxZ): The miseries of flood affected people beggar description. (b) All on a sudden (nVvr): The accident happened all on a sudden. (c) Achille’s heel (`ye©j w`K):You have to find the Achille’s heel of your enemy. (d) Part and parcel (Awe‡”Q`¨): Baisakhi Mela is a part and parcel of our culture. (e) Cope with (G‡U DVv): We have to cope with many situations in our life. (f) Look down upon (‡nq Kiv): We should not look down upon the poor. (g) All on a sudden (nVvr): All on a sudden it began to rain. (h) Cold war (VvÛv hy× / ¯’yj hy×): The cold war between Pakistan and India will never end. 6. The mother asked the son if he would go to college that day. Addressing her as mother the son replied in the negative and told that their classes were suspended. The mother then ordered the son to go to the market and bring some vegetables. The son told his mother that he might be allowed to be ready and requested her to give him money. 7. (a) The nature of original commodity may be corrupted by admixture. (b) Adulteration destroys the value or the effectiveness of the finished product. (c) We have laws and law enforcing agencies so that they can stop he dishonest businessman. (d) Adulteration of the foods and other commodities is on the increase and so their effort has been proved ineffective. (e) Strong public awareness is essential for the fight against adulteration. 8. (a) isn’t she? (b) won’t she? (c) aren’t they? (d) don’t they? (e) should she? Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


Solution to Board Question

9. (a) He could not attend the meeting because he was ill. (b) We went to his residence as soon as we heard the news. (c) He was no ill that he could not move. (d) We immediately decided to shift him to a hospital where he was given proper treatment. (e) No sooner had we reached the hospital than he took his last breath. 10. See report writing chapter 11. See composition chapter 12. See dialogue chapter 13. See application chapter 14. See story writing chapter BARISAL BOARD-2009 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Part A: Grammar 1. (a) reached (b) were twinkling / twinkled (c) returned (d) had done / did (e) will come. 2. (a) of (b) of (c) of (d) over (e) in 3. (a) the (b) the (c) a (d) x (e) the (f) x (g) x (h) a (i) an (j) a 4. (a) Though (b) Sometimes/For instance (c) Besides (d) While (e) Recently. 5. At the sight of (†`‡L): At the sight of RAB, the criminals went away. Black and blue (cÖPÛ fv†e): The boy was beaten black and blue by the Headmaster. Hard and fast (evav aiv): There is no hard and fast rule here. The lion’s share (wmsn fvM): He demanded the lion’s share of the profit. Beat about the bush (NyivBqv wdivBqv ejv): He beat about the bush without coming to the point. Throw dust in one’s eyes (‡Pv‡L ay‡jv †`Iqv): An evil man tries to throw dust in other’s eyes. Well off (¯^”Qj): Now, he is economically well off. 6. Lipi asked Mina where she had gone the previous day. Mina replied that she had gone to Chittagong to see her mother as she had been suffering from high blood pressure. Lipi again asked her (Mina) if she was sound then. Mina replied in the negative. 7. (a) It is Pahela Baishakh which is undoubtedly the most celebrated festival in Bangladesh. Or, There is no doubt that Pahela Baisakh is the most celebrated festival in Bangladesh. Or, It is undoubted that Pahela Baishakh is the most celebrated festival in Bangladesh. (b) On this day of the year, the roads get so jam packed. (c) The day is enjoyed by almost everyone in his own way. (d) I hate gathering but I enjoy activities of the flood of masses this day. (e)The people look very enthusiastic on this day. 8. (a) aren’t I? (b) haven’t I? (c) do I? (d) doesn’t he? (e) shall we? 9. (a) Yesterday Mita had an accident while she was going to college. (b) No sooner had we heard the news than we left the place. Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170

Cambrian Learners’ Communicative English

(c) We took her to a hospital which was not so far. (d) As it was a public hospital she was treated free of cost. (e) But our patient was so serious that we became very nervous. 10. See report writing chapter 11. See composition chapter 12. See dialogue chapter 13. See application chapter 14. See story writing chapter

Cambrian Publications: Plot-2, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka.  9891919, 01720557160/170


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