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English For Today Lecture Sheet Session: 2013-2014 Exam: 2015

Written, Compiled and Edited By

Department of English †jv‡Mv

Cambrian College 23, Pragati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka. 9891919, 01720557150/160/170/180





It is a matter of great pleasure that we have been able to publish this lecture sheets by the grace of the Almighty. These very lecture sheets, we confidently think, will be very helpful to the students and the teachers to provide them with reading materials necessary to solve the problems related to their course of English 1st Paper as well as to improve all the four skills viz. reading, writing, speaking and listening in English language. Here we have tried to enclose added materials to the items of passage based questions that characteristically deserve scopes. The lecture sheets contain the aims of the lessons, vocabularies, and grammatical features. In addition, the lecture sheets corresponds to all the guidelines of T.G and L.G book and ELTIP directions to necessary extent. In spite of our whole hearted sincere efforts there may be some unexpected mistakes. If we are kindly informed, we will gratefully welcome and try to correct them. In short, we invite any sort of suggestion in favour of the betterment and elevation of these lecture sheets. We are indebted a lot to our venerable Chairman for his great encouragement, support, valuable suggestion and providing us with necessary supports in dire needs that have greatly contributed to the publication of the lecture sheets.

Department of English Cambrian College

Course Outline for HSC English 1st Paper

COURSE OUTLINE Class Subject Session Examinee Subject Code Duration Total Class Position of the Subject

: HSC (1st Year) : English First Paper : 2013-2014 : 2015 : 107 : 8 month : 100 : Compulsory

SYLLABUS Seen Comprehension

There will be a seen comprehension passage followed by a choice of questions. The comprehension questions should be equally divided between objectives and more free/open. Comprehension question types should include the following: (a) Objective: (i) Multiple choices (ii) True/False (iii) Filling in gaps with clues (iv) Information transfer (v) Making sentences from substitution table(s) (vi) Matching phrases/pictures, etc. Note: Questions will be set on any four of the above types (objective) every year. Each type will carry marks (5x4=20). There will be 5 questions carrying 1 mark each (i.e. 1x5=5) in one type. (b) More free: (vii) Open-ended (viii) Filling in gaps without clues (ix) Summarizing (x) Making notes and (xi) Re-writing in a different form. Note: Questions will be set on any four of the above types every year. There will be 5 questions carrying 1 mark each (i.e. 1x5=5) in one type. All the questions should test the students' ability to understand the passage as a whole, rather than the ability to copy sections from it. Although the seen comprehension passage will be taken from a set textbook, it will not encourage memorisation, because (i) the passage will be reproduced on the question paper and (ii) the questions will not come form the textbook, but rather, will be new. Part B: Vocabulary: There will be question on vocabulary contextualized in the form of cloze passages with clues, and cloze passages without clues. In order to provide more communicative context, the topics should be related those already encountered by the students in seen and unseen comprehension. Part C: Writing: Guided There will be a number of writing tasks. The following types of exercises should be given: (i) producing sentences form substitution tables (ii) reordering sentences, and (iii) answering questions in a paragraph. Note: There will be no alternative questions in all these three types. HSC Syllabus 1st Paper-2013-2014(Examinee-2015)

Course Outline for HSC English 1st Paper

MARKS DISTRIBUTION 1. Seen comprehension: (a) Objective questions: 1. Multiple Choice 2. True/False 3. Filling in gaps with clues 4. Information transfer The following tasks may also be given: * Substitution tables * Matching Phrases (b) More free/open questions: 5. Open-ended questions 6. Filling in gaps without clues 7. Summarising 8. Re-writing in a different form The following tasks may also be given: * Making notes 2. Part B: Vocabulary 9. Cloze test (filling in blanks) with clues 10. Cloze test (filling in blanks) without clues

1×5=5 (20 marks) 1 × 10 = 10 1 × 10 = 10

3. Part C: Guided writing 11. Producing sentences from substitution table 12. Re-ordering sentences 13. Answering questions to make a paragraph

(40 marks) 2 × 6 = 12 1 × 14 = 14 14

HSC Syllabus 1st Paper-2013-2014(Examinee-2015)

40 Marks 1×5=5 1×5=5 1×5=5 1×5=5 1×5=5 1×5=5 1×5=5 1×5=5 1×5=5 1×5=5


1st Term Exam. Total Class:

35 (15+20)

Syllabus: Basic English Grammar (15 classes): For Model Question: Question No: (1-8) Text Range: Unit-1-6 (Each and every lesson whether it is big or small will have to be taught in class.) With clues/Without clues: Unit-1 Lesson-3 (B, C) Unit-2 Lesson-4 (C), 5 (D), 6 (D), 7 (A), Unit-3 Lesson- 2 (B),4 (C), 6 (D), 7(A) Unit-4 Lesson-2 (B-1) 2 (B-2) ,3 (C), 4 (B) Unit-5 Lesson-1 (E) 2 (C,E), 3 (B), 4(B) 5 (E) Unit-6 Lesson-2 (B,C), 5 (C), 6 (G) 7 (B) More Cloze Test with clues from Cambrian Learners' Communicative English: 17, 18, 20,23,24,25. (Question No. 9) More Cloze Test without clues from Cambrian Learners' Communicative English: 1, 5,9,10,11,30,31. (Question No. 10) Substitution Table: Unit-1 Lesson-3(B), 5(E) Unit-3 Lesson: 1(B), 2(B) Unit-4 Lesson: 2(B) More Substitution Table from Cambrian Learners' Communicative English: No. 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12. Rearrangement: Unit: 1 Lesson: 3 (C) Unit: 2 Lesson: 5 (D), 6 (D) Unit- 3 Lesson-3 (B) (D) Unit-5 Lesson-5 (E). More Rearrangement from Cambrian Learners' Communicative English: No. 1, 2,3,8,15,16. N.B. Units and lessons mentioned above for With clues/Without clues/ Substitution Table/ Rearrangement may also be set as passage of model question. Paragraph: 1. My first day at college. 2. Necessity of Learning English 3. Nuclear and Extended Family 4. Leisure 5. Environmental Pollution. N.B. Teacher will take feedback of paragraphs after every 3/4 classes from the beginning of the Term. Board Question: 2003, 2004 & 2005 (Only question no. 9, 10, 11&12)

Class Plan Class No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Topics to be taught Introduction to Letter, Word, & Syllable + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English Elements of Sentence, Parts of Speech. + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English Noun & Pronoun (Identification & Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English Number (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English Verb (Classification & Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English Adjective (Classification & Exercise)+ Vocabulary 15+Spoken English Adverb (Classification & Exercise)+Vocabulary15 +Spoken English Preposition, Conjunction & Interjection (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English Identification of Parts of Speech. + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English Sentence (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English

HSC Syllabus 1st Paper-2013-2014(Examinee-2015)

Course Outline for HSC English 1st Paper

09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Article (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English Article (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English Tense: Indefinite (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English Tense: Continuous (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English Tense: Perfect (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English Tense: Perfect Continuous (Exercise), Translation, + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English Subject-Verb Agreement (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English Subject-Verb Agreement (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English Usage of Modals (Exercise) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English Translation in Voice (Active & Passive) + Vocabulary 15+Spoken English Unit-1, Lesson-1, 2 Paragraph: My first day at college Unit-1, Lesson-4,5 More ClozeTest with clues. Nos.17,18,20,23,24,25 Unit-2, Lesson-4,5,6,7 Paragraph: Nuclear and Extended Family Unit-3, Lesson-1,2,3 Paragraph: Necessity of Learning English Unit-4, Lesson-1 Unit-4, Lesson-2,3,4 Paragraph: Leisure Unit-4, Lesson-5 Unit-5, Lesson-1,2,3 More ClozeTest without clues. Nos.1,5,9,10,11,30,31 Unit-5, Lesson-4,5 More Substitution Table.Nos. 1,2,4,8,10,12 Unit-5, Lesson-6 Unit-6, Lesson-1,2 More Rearrangement.Nos. 1,2,3,8,15,16 Unit-6, Lesson-3,4 Paragraph: Environmental Pollution Unit-6, Lesson-5,6,7 Board Question-2003(Question no.9&10) Board Question-2004(Question no.9&10) Board Question-2005(Question no.9&10) Board Question-2003(Question no.11&12) Board Question-2004(Question no.11&12) Board Question-2005(Question no.11&12) Revision

2nd Term Exam. Total Class:


Syllabus: For Model Question: Question (1-8) Text Range: Unit-7-16 (Each and every lesson whether it is big or small will have to be taught in class.) With clues/Without clues: Unit-7 Lesson-1 (C), 2 (A), 3(B), 4(B) Unit- 8 Lesson-4 (B), 5 (D) 6 (B) Unit-9 Lesson- 3(C), 4(B), 5 (B) 6 (B) 8 (A) Unit-10 Lesson-1 (C),3 (D), 4 (C)Unit-11 Lesson-4(B) 5 (C) 6 (B) 8 (B,D) Unit-12 Lesson-1(C), 5 (C), 6 (C) Unit-13 Lesson-1 (D), 2 (C), 3 (B,D,E), 4(C), 5 (B) Unit-14 Lesson- 1 (B,E), 2 (B), 3 (B), 4 (B) Unit-15 Lesson-1 (B), 2(B), 4 (B,E), 5(B,D), Unit-16 Lesson-1 (B), 2(B), 3 (B,C), 4(D). HSC Syllabus 1st Paper-2013-2014(Examinee-2015)

Course Outline for HSC English 1st Paper

More Cloze Test with clues from Cambrian Learners' Communicative English: 27, 28, 30,31,32,35 More Cloze Test without clues from Cambrian Learners' Communicative English: 40,41,47,48,50,52,56 Substitution Table: Unit: 8 Lesson:6 (B) Unit-10 Lesson- 1(C) Unit-11 Lesson-1(C) Unit-15 Lesson- 4(C), 6(B) Unit-16 Lesson-1 (B), 2 (B), 3 (B), 4(B), 5(B) More Substitution Table from Cambrian Learners' Communicative English: No. 14, 17, 18, 21, 29, and 33 Rearrangement: Unit-10 Lesson-5 (B) Unit-12 Lesson- 1(B), 3(B), 4(B), 6(B, C) Unit-13 Lesson-3 (D). More Rearrangement from Cambrian Learners' Communicative English: No. 17,18,19,25, 26, 27,29 N.B. Units and lessons mentioned above for With clues/Without clues/ Substitution Table/ Rearrangement may also be set as passage of model question. Paragraph: 1. Greenhouse Effect. 2. Importance of Games and sports. 3. Necessity of Education 4. Natural Calamities in Bangladesh 5. Deforestation 6. The Sangsad Bhaban 7. International Mother Language Day N.B. Teacher will take feedback of paragraphs after every 3/4 classes from the beginning of the Term. Board Question: 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 (Only question no. 9, 10, 11&12)

Class Plan Class No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Topics to be taught

Unit-7, Lesson-1,2,3 Unit-7, Lesson-4,5 Paragraph: Greenhouse Effect Unit-8, Lesson-3,4 Unit-8, Lesson-5,6 More ClozeTest with clues. Nos.27,28,30,31,32,35 Unit-9, Lesson-1,3 Paragraph: Importance of Games and sports Unit-9, Lesson-5,8 More ClozeTest without clues. Nos.40,41,47,48,50,52,56 Unit-10, Lesson-1,4 Paragraph: Necessity of Education Unit-11, Lesson-1,2 Unit-11, Lesson-3,4,5 More Substitution Table.Nos. 14,17,18,21,29,33 Unit-11, Lesson-6,7 Paragraph: Natural Calamities in Bangladesh Unit-11, Lesson-8,9 Unit-12, Lesson-1 Paragraph: Deforestation Unit-12, Lesson-3,4 Unit-12, Lesson-5,6 Paragraph: The Sangsad Bhaban Unit-13, Lesson-1,2 Unit-13, Lesson-3,5 Unit-13, Lesson-6 Paragraph: International Mother Language Day Unit-13, Lesson-7 Unit-14, Lesson-1,2 Unit-14, Lesson-3,4 More Rearrangement.Nos. 17,18,19,25,26,27,29 Unit-15, Lesson-2,3 Unit-15, Lesson-4,5,6

HSC Syllabus 1st Paper-2013-2014(Examinee-2015)

Course Outline for HSC English 1st Paper

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Unit-16, Lesson-1,2 Unit-16, Lesson-3,4 Unit-16, Lesson-5,6,7 Board Question-2006(Question no.9&10) Board Question-2007(Question no.9&10) Board Question-2008(Question no.9&10) Board Question-2009(Question no.9&10) Board Question-2006(Question no.11&12) Board Question-2007(Question no.11&12) Board Question-2008(Question no.11&12) Board Question-2009(Question no.11&12) Revision Revision

3rd Term/Annual Exam. Total Class: 30 Syllabus: For Model Question: Question (1-8) Text Range: Unit-17-24 (Each and every lesson whether it is big or small will have to be taught in class.) With clues/Without clues: Unit-17 Lesson-4 (C, D),7 (A) Unit-18 Lesson-1 (B), 2 (C), 3 (B), 4 (C), 5(B) Unit-19 Lesson-1 (B), 2 (C), 3 (C), 5 (B, D), 6 (D) Unit-20 Lesson- 5 (B) 9 (B) Unit-21 Lesson-1 (B), 3 (B), 5 (B,C) 6 (B) Unit-22 Lesson-1 (B), 3 (E), 4 (B,F), 5 (C) 4 (B) Unit-23 Lesson-4 (B), 5 (B), 6 (B,C),7 (C) Unit-24 Lesson-3 (B). More Cloze Test with clues from Cambrian Learners' Communicative English: 44,45,71,72,76,78,82,86. More Cloze Test without clues from Cambrian Learners' Communicative English: 61,62,63,70,72,73,81,87,93 Substitution Table: Unit-17 Lesson-5 (B, C) Unit-18 Lesson-3 (B) Unit-19 Lesson-1 (B) Unit-21 Lesson-1 (B) 5 (B) More Substitution Table from Cambrian Learners' Communicative English: 37, 55,62,64,74 Re-arrangement: Unit-18 Lesson-2 (C) 4 (C) Unit-20 Lesson-3 (B) Unit-22 Lesson-3 (C) 4 (B) 6 (A). More Rearrangement from Cambrian Learners' Communicative English: 30,38,40,43,51,54,67 N.B. Units and lessons mentioned above for With clues/Without clues/ Substitution Table/ Rearrangement may also be set as passage of model question. Paragraph: 1. Rights of Children. 2. Globalization. 3. Fax 4. E-mail 5. Dowry System. 6. The Great Wall of China. 7. The Shaheed Minar. 8. Gender discrimination. N.B. Teacher will take feedback of paragraphs after every 3/4 classes from the beginning of the Term. Board Question: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 (Only question no. 9, 10, 11&12)

HSC Syllabus 1st Paper-2013-2014(Examinee-2015)

Course Outline for HSC English 1st Paper

Class Plan Class No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Topics to be taught Unit-17, Lesson-4,5 Unit-17, Lesson-6 Paragraph: Rights of Children Unit-18, Lesson-1,2,3,4 More ClozeTest with clues. Nos.44,45,71,72 Unit-18, Lesson-5,6 Unit-19, Lesson-1,2,3 Paragraph: Globalization Unit-19, Lesson-5,6 More ClozeTest with clues. Nos.76,78,82,86 Unit-20, Lesson-2,3 Paragraph: Fax Unit-20, Lesson-4,5 More ClozeTest without clues. Nos.61,62,63,70 Unit-20, Lesson-8,9 Unit-21, Lesson-1,2 Paragraph: E-mail Unit-21, Lesson-3,4 More ClozeTest without clues. Nos.72,73,81,87,93 Unit-21, Lesson-5,6 Paragraph: Dowry System Unit-22, Lesson-1,2 More Substitution Table.Nos. 37,55,62,64,74 Unit-22, Lesson-4,5,6 Paragraph: The Great Wall of China Unit-23, Lesson-1,2 Unit-23, Lesson-3,4 More Rearrangement.Nos. 30,38,40,43 Unit-23, Lesson-6 Paragraph: The Shaheed Minar Unit-24, Lesson-4 Paragraph:Gender discrimination, More Rearrangement.Nos. 51,54,67 Board Question-2010(Question no.9&10) Board Question-2011(Question no.9&10) Board Question-2012(Question no.9&10) Board Question-2013(Question no.9&10) Board Question-2010(Question no.11&12) Board Question-2011(Question no.11&12) Board Question-2012(Question no.11&12) Board Question-2013(Question no.11&12) Revision Revision Revision Revision

HSC Syllabus 1st Paper-2013-2014(Examinee-2015)

Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

Lecture Sheet

Taught by:.............................................................

English 1st Paper Class- Eleven Section:...........

Unit 1: Families Home and Abroad, Lesson 1: Our family

Objectives: By the end of the passage you will have • read two letters. • discussed the contents of the letters. • practised using Wh-question. • written a short letter to a newspaper. Focus: Skills Functions Grammar Reading , speaking & Asking questions and giving answers, Simple present tense, wh- question writing describing situations, expressing attitudes.  The following words are found in the passage. The English and Bengali meanings of these words are given below. Memorize these meanings. Words English meaning Bengali meaning Nuclear family A family consisting of husband wife and their children. GKK cwievi Concentrate To direct or draw toward a common center; focus. Mfxi gbms‡hvM Household A domestic unit consisting of the members of a family who live together M„n¯’vwj along with non relatives such as servants. Awful Extremely bad or unpleasant; terrible. fq¼i Stream To come or go in large numbers; `‡j `‡j/†mªvZ Either Likewise; also. Ab¨_vq/†h‡Kvb GKwU Appear Look; seem. g‡b nIqv Fence A structure serving as an enclosure, a barrier, or a boundary, usually made of ‡eov posts or stakes joined together by boards, wire, or rails. Scream To utter a long, loud, piercing cry, as from pain or fear. ‡PPv‡gwP/wPrKvi Kiv Rely Depend wbf©i Kiv Festive Of, relating to, or appropriate for a feast or festival; merry; joyous. Drme gyLi Beck and call Be in a position where one does things as ordered by others. AvÁven Confuse To cause to be unable to think with clarity or act with intelligence or wØavMÖ¯— Kiv understanding; throw off. Hardly To almost no degree; almost not. K`vwPr Published Made known to the public cÖKvwk_ Rosy rose-coloured, happy and wonderful ‡Mvjvwc, myLKi Envy feel jealous of somebody Cl©v Kiv Necessarily inevitably Awbevh©fv‡e Quiet calm, peaceful kvš— Lonely without any companion wbtm½ Key Feature: Five characteristics of a nuclear family: (i) Small in size. (ii) Lonely life. (iii) All are busy with their own work. (iv) Much too quite. (iv) Unusual to live with other relatives. Five characteristics of an extended family: (i) A lot of members (ii) So much noise and confusion (iii) stream of guests. (iv) Sharing even living rooms with others (v) Lack of congenial academic atmosphere. A. Look at the people in the picture in your book and guess the relationship between them. Do you think it is a picture of a typical family in Bangladesh? If yes, why? B. Read the letters in your book; identify the problems of the writers and then answer the questions following them. C. What do you know about formal and informal letter? In which way are these letters written? Why do you think so? D. Write a letter to The Rising Sun describing the type of family you like and why. Summary (I am a first year .........): Nazneen is an HSC College Student who lives in an extended family. She faces difficulty preparing for her exams because the house is always rosy and she has to do many household chores. Guests keep coming to see the new born baby of her auntie. Again Nazneen has to share her room with her younger brothers and sisters and even with her cousins. For these reasons, she is fed up of living in an extended family. Summary (I read Nazneen’s letter .........): Zinia has no experience of living in a large family. Loneliness and boredom are her main problems in the house. The calm and quiet atmosphere in the house is not after her liking. The fact is that one who is not satisfied with his/her situation is often jealous of others. Moreover, a nuclear family has some disadvantages as well as advantages also. Grammar: (i) Simple present tense (ii) Wh Question Simple present tense: The tense by which we express an universal truths, habitual facts are an action that happens in the present time is called Simple Present Tense. Example from text: It appears the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Wh Question: The question that starts with Wh words is called Wh question. Example from text: How many members are there in your family?


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

Lecture Sheet

English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

Taught by:.............................................................


Unit 1: Families Home & Abroad, Lesson 2: A Myanmar Family Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • discussed a picture. • read an extract from a letter. • been introduced to aspects of informal writing. • compared life in two countries. Focus:


Speaking, reading, writing


Giving information, comparisons



Simple past, simple present , comparative adjectives

The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English and Bengali meanings.


English meaning

Bengali meaning

Traditional Tribal Wrap Pattern Differentiate Pagoda

Of relating to or in accordance with tradition. Of relating to or characteristic of a tribe. To cover, envelop, or encase, as by folding or coiling something about. A consistent, characteristic form, style, or method, To perceive or show the difference in or between; discriminate. A religious building of the Far East, especially a many-storied Buddhist tower, erected as a memorial or shrine Made of hard, strong, conglomerate construction material. The management of money, banking, investments, and credit. Conduct The people who live in cities To produce an effect on by imperceptible or intangible means; sway. Refreshment of one's mind or body after work through activity that amuses or stimulates; play. To develop industry in (a country or society,). To make urban in nature or character. The period when something approaches an end.

cÖ_vMZ ‡MvÎxq/DcRvZxq ‡gvov‡bv iKg/aiY cv_©K¨ Kiv ‡e․ׇ`i cÖv_©bv Ni

Concrete Finance Run City-dweller Influence Recreation Industrialization Urbanization Declining

k³/KwVb A_© cwiPvjbv Kiv kn‡ii evwm›`v cÖfve we‡bv`b wkívqY bMivqY n«vm nIqv

Key Features: (a) Myanmar gained independence in 1948 (b) Myanmar language, the main language. (c) Most of the people are Buddhists (d) Yangoon, famous for Pagodas (e) More rights of women than men. A. Look at the picture in the book and say what you see in it. B. There is a part of a letter of a Myanmar girl in your book describing the life style in Myanmar. Read it carefully and answer the questions following it. C. Answer the T/F questions in your book; give correct answers of the false sentences and match the words in column A with the definitions in column B in the next question. D. Write a short paragraph introducing Bangladesh to a foreigner. Summary: Myanmar which is a neighboring country of Bangladesh gained her in dependence in 1984. Most of the people here are Buddhists and their main language is Myanmar Language. The capital city Yangoon is famous for its many pagodas. City dwellers live in concrete houses and many of them have close ties with their relatives in their villages. Here women enjoy more rights than men. Grammar: (i) Simple Past Tense (ii) Simple Present Tense. (iii) Comparative Adjectives. Simple Past Tense: The tense which is used to denote a past habit or an action completed in the past is called simple past Tense. Example from text: We gained independence from Britain in 1948. Comparative Adjectives: Women in our country have more rights than many other Asian women.


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

Lecture Sheet

English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

Taught by:.............................................................


Unit: 1: Families Home and Abroad Lesson: 3: A Kenyan family Objectives: By the end of the passage you will have • read two passages about Kenyan family patterns and problems. • discussed important words and ideas in the passages. • made comparisons between living in different places. • written about past experiences. Focus: Skills Functions Intensive reading, Making casual connection, expressing speaking, writing. attitude, Comparing

Grammar Simple present tense, simple past tense, comparative

The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English and Bengali meanings Words English meaning Bengali meaning The condition or practice of having more than one spouse at one time. Polygamy eû weevn Embedded

To cause to be an integral part of a surrounding whole


The practice or condition of being married to only one person at a time.


A practice followed by people of a particular group or region.


A marriage partner; a husband or wife.

Give up



Direct descent from a particular ancestor; ancestry.


To affect a particular mental attitude.


A problem that seems to defy a satisfactory solution.


To a fair degree;


Requiring a large expenditure; costly.

In a fix

A difficult or embarrassing situation;


To comprehend completely or correctly.


To almost no degree; almost not.

Mvpfv‡e cÖw_Z GK weevn cÖ_v ¯^vgx/¯¿x Z¨vM Kiv eskxq m„wó Kiv/NUv‡bv Dfq msKU my›`i/Lye e¨qeûj nZeyw× Abyaveb Kiv K`vwPr

Ken Features: (a) Declining of polygamous marriage system. (b) Increasing of monogamous families. (c) Becoming city dwellers. (d) Inability to cut off lineage connection. (e) facing dilemma to run two households. A. What do you know about Kenya? Where is it situated? Discuss the marriage and family life in Kenya. Have you any idea about ‘polygamy’ and ‘monogamy’? B. There is a passage in your book about Kenyan family traditions. Read it carefully and answer the questions that follow. C. Compare and contrast between Charles’ life and the life of an average Bangladeshi city-dweller. D. Write a short passage about your past experience of putting up guests in your house. Summary: In the Past most of the families in Kenya were polygamous. But being influenced by the modern world the people are changing their concept. They are now becoming city dwellers and living with their single spouses. But they can not cut of their relationship with their rural relatives. So most of them are now facing a dilemma in supporting two households. Grammar: (i) Simple Present Tense: Example: This often poses a dilemma for them. (ii) Simple Past Tense: Polygamous families were embedded in extended family units.

Unit 1: Families Home & Abroad, Lesson 5: Changing Trends


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

Lecture Sheet

Taught by:.............................................................

Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • talked about the role of the father and the mother in the family. • discussed the present, past and future roles of husbands and wives. • read a passage for general comprehension. • written a summary. Focus: Skills Functions Speaking, reading, Talking about past and present, expressing opinion, writing summarizing.

English 1st Paper Class- Eleven Section:...........

Grammar/Structure Simple past, simple present

The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English and Bengali meanings.


English meaning

Beng. meaning


Financial or other aid provided, especially by the government, to people in need To move to a higher position; elevate


Raising Psychological Intensification Feudal Disintegrate Segregate Hearth Contribute Exercise Influence Recreation Industrialization Urbanization Declining

Of relating to or arising from the mind or emotions To make intense or more intense. Of or relating to lands held in fee or to the holding of such lands. To decompose, decay, or undergo a nuclear transformation To separate or isolate from others or from a main body or group. The floor of a fireplace, usually extending into a room and paved with brick, flagstone, or cement; Family life; the home. To give or supply in common with others; give to a common fund or for a common purpose. An act of employing or putting into play; use. To produce an effect on by imperceptible or intangible means; sway. Refreshment of one's mind or body after work through activity that amuses or stimulates; play. To develop industry in (a country or society). To make urban in nature or character. The period when something approaches an end.

D‡Ëvjb Kiv/ jvjb cvjb Kiv gvbwmK ZxeªZv ea©b mvgš—Zvwš¿K wew‛Qbœ Kiv Avjv`vKiY Dbyb/Pzjv Ae`vb ivLv PP©v Kiv cÖfve we‡bv`b wkívqY bMivqb n«vm nIqv

Key Features: (a) Disintegration of large kin groups. (b) Joining of women with work force. (c) Women’s contribution to family income. (d) Sharing works by both husband and wife (e) Psychological problems of children. A. Do you know that every thing gets changed with the passage of time? Think about yourself. What was your work about ten years back? What do you do now and what will you do after ten years? B. Now think about your family and write down some points on your family life. C. Look at the picture in the text and discuss what it shows about the changing trends in family life. D. Read the passage on changing family trends in the text and answer the questions that follow. E. What is your opinion about the role of husbands and wives in the family? There are some such views in the book; say how you feel about them and show reasons for your statements. F. Write a summery of the passage on changing trends in family life in five sentences. Summary: At Present family is important economically, socially and psychologically. But large extended families are now giving place to nuclear families. Though women were confined in house hold works, they are now joining outdoor activities and contributing to the family income. Thus they are influencing important family decisions and sharing works with their husbands. But in the developed countries marriages now often break up which creates psychological problems for children.


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

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English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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Unit: 3: Learning Language Lesson: 1: Learning a language Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • discussed the idea of communicating. • understood what learning a language means. • read a passage on the distinction between acquisition and learning. • written a dialogue. Focus: Skills Functions Grammar/structure Reading, Writing a Describing speaking conventions, asking for Contrasting device-On the other hand, dialogue, speaking and giving information, contrasting Suggest + that clause

The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English meanings.

Words Communicative

English meaning To convey information about; make known; impart.


The state or quality of being adequately or well qualified; ability.


The act of acquiring; gaining.


Not wholly conscious; partially or imperfectly conscious.


Happening or arising without apparent external cause; self-generated.


Implied or understood though not directly expressed.


Having an awareness of one's environment and one's own existence, sensations, and thoughts. Fully and clearly expressed; leaving nothing implied.


Mother tongue

A condition or fact attending an event and having some bearing on it; a determining or modifying factor. Native language


According to principle; formal rather than practical.


To participate in personally; undergo.


Advantageous; helpful.


Bengali meaning

‡hvMv‡hvM msµvš— `¶Zv AR©b Ae‡PZb ¯^Zù~Z©fv‡e Aš—©wbwnZ m‡PZb my¯úó cwiw¯’wZ gvZ…fvlv cÖv‡qvwMK AwfÁZv cQ›`bxq

Key Features of Acquisition: (a) To learn naturally (b) Longer lasting (c) Spontaneous way (d) Practice is necessary (e) Does not give importance on rules. A. Why do we use language? What do you understand by ‘exchange of information’? Express your idea of it. B. Now read the passage on communicative competence and discusses the questions that follow. C. What do you mean by dialogue? Do you know how to make it? Make a dialogue between a salesman and a customer in a stationary shop. Summary: There are two ways of developing communicative competence in a language. The first one is acquisition which is a subconscious and natural process. The other is learning which is deliberate and conscious process. Acquisition is more effective and longer lasting than learning. So language specialists now a days encourage learners of a second language to practice it in different circumstances. Grammar: Contrasting device: ‘On the other hand’: The phrase on the other hand is used to intro-duce an idea which is contradictory to an idea which is expressed before, for example: Acquisition is a natural conscious process. On the other hand learning is a conscious process.


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

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English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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Unit: 3: Learning Language, Lesson: 2&3 :Why learn English & How to learn English Objectives: By the end of these lessons you will have  read an advertisement and discussed a candidate’s needs.  analyzed your own needs .  thought about how to learn English.  read a passage on the necessity for learning English  Read a passage about ways you can learn English.  written a letter of advice. Focus:


Discussing, reading, writing, speaking

Giving reasons, writing a paragraph, giving advice


Adverbs of frequency, Present and past simple, comparing

The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English and Bengali meanings.

Words Statistics First language Second language Hold Across Frequently Standard Staff


English Meaning The mathematics of the collection, organization, and interpretation of numerical data, Mother tongue; Native language The language which is used widely beside the mother tongue To cause to take place; carry on. To assemble for and conduct the activity of; convene. So as to cross; through. From one side of to the other. Again and again An acknowledged measure of comparison for quantitative or qualitative value; a criterion. A group of assistants to a manager, an executive, or another person in authority. For that reason or cause; consequently or hence.

Bengali Meaning


gvZ…fvlv wØZxq fvlv aviY Kiv Gcvi-Icvi/ AvovAvwo fv‡e evisevi, cÖvqkB cÖgvY, gvbm¤§Z ‡Kvb cÖwZôv‡b Kg©iZ e¨w³ e„›` myZivs Kvh©Ki h_vh_fv‡e/my›`ifv‡e

Therefore Effective Producing a strong impression or response; striking. Fairly To a reasonable degree. Suitably A. Read the job advertisement in your book and discuss the importance of English in this job. B. Do you know the importance of English throughout the world? What are the reasons of its being so important? Write at least five sentences describing its importance. C. Read the following passage about the importance of English and answer the questions that follow. D. There are some words in this text that show frequency. Pick them out and give them a rating. E. Write a paragraph on the importance of English. F. What are the easy ways of learning English? Why do you think them to be easy?

G. Read the passage in your book about the easy way of learning a language and answer the questions that follow.

H. Write a letter to your younger brother giving some practical hints on how to improve his skills in English. Summary 1: English is widely used all over the world. Its importance in all the spheres of communication is obvious throughout the world. It is used as official or semi official language in more than 60 countries and more than 80% information in the world computer is in English. In order to get a good job one must know a good working knowledge of English. So importance of English can not be described in words. Summary 2: Two friends Adeeb and Raghib wanted to learn riding a cycle. Adeeb tried to learn it from a book while Raghib began to practise it with a cycle. When Raghib fell Adeeb laughed at him. But Raghib managed to learn riding farely well before Adeeb finished the first chapter of his book. In the same way we can learn English easily through practice. Grammar Adverb of Frequency: Advertisements now a day often ask for a good working knowledge of English Simple Present Tense: The Olympic committee always holds meeting in English. Simple Past Tense: Two friends Raghib and Adeeb wanted to learn how to ride a cycle. Comparing: By the time Adeeb finished the first chapter of his book, Raghib was riding his cycle fairly well.


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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Unit 4: Pastimes Lesson 1: Things we enjoy doing Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  filled in two grids with specific information.  read a passage on leisure activities in other parts of the world.  labeled pictures of different types of sports.  written questions for given answers based on a reading passage.  written a paragraph on common leisure activities. Focus: Skills Functions Reading, writing, speaking Sharing ideas, asking questions

Grammar/structure Passive structure, relative clauses

The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English and Bengali meanings.

Word Grid Emphasis Acrobat Martial Skate Board Recreational Slope Hiking Camp Facility Site

English Meaning A framework of crisscrossed or parallel bars; a grating or mesh. Special forcefulness of expression that gives importance to something singled out; stress. One who is skilled in feats of balance and agility in gymnastics. Of, relating to, or suggestive of war. A roller skate; the act or a period of skating. A flat piece of wood or similarly rigid material adapted for a special use. Of or relating to recreation. An inclined line, surface, plane, position, or direction. To go on an extended walk for pleasure or exercise. To shelter or lodge in a camp; encamp. Help; assistance The place where a structure or group of structures was, is, or is to be located. The act or an instance of chasing or pursuing. The act of clarifying or explaining.

Bengali Meaning Miv`, eM©Rvwj, ZviRvwj ‡Rvi †`Iqv Kmirwe` gvk©vj wcQ‡j Pjvi Rb¨ e¨eüZ PvKv wewkó k³cvZ j¤^v, cvZjv Ges mgZj KvV we‡bv`bg~jK Xvj cwieªvRb wkwei myweav, mnvqZv wba©vwiZ ¯’vb

Pursuit KvR, AbymiY, cðvraveb Illustration e¨vL¨v, we¯—vi, `„óvš— Key Features: (a) Various types of recreational activities. (b) Pastime is an essential part of some people’s life. (c) Two types of pastimes of the Canadians (d) Leisure association for the Germans. (e) TV watching a common form of entertainment. A. What do you mean by leisure and pastime? What do you usually do in your leisure time? Make a list of five activities. B. Fill in the grid in your book with leisure activities that are common for men and women in both town and village. C. Read the passage in your book on what the people of different parts of the world do in their leisure activities. D. What is Wh- question? Write Wh- questions for the answers given in your book. E. Do you have any idea of passive voice and relative clause? Identify the relative clauses and the passive sentences in the passage. F. Write a paragraph describing the common leisure activities on the young and old in Bangladesh. Summary: Summery: Recreational activities vary from country to country. In some countries recreational activities are regarded as essential part of their life. The Chinese the Japanese love different kinds of pastimes. Whereas, the Canadians have different kinds of seasonal pastimes. Germans are so fond of pastimes that they have a research association for it. However one form of pastime-TV watching is common all over the world. Grammar: Passive structures: Snow boarding is done on snow while skate boarding is done on skate. Relative clauses: Skate boarding involves riding on a flat piece of wood that has wheels under.


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

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English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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Unit-Four: Pastimes, Lesson-2: Some unusual pastimes

Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • classified pastimes • read two passages and answered questions based on them • inserted words in appropriate places • inserted articles in appropriate places • answered question based on the texts Focus: Skills Reading, writing


Functions Classifying ideas, processes, comparing


Grammar/Structure Present perfect tense, passive, articles, adjectives, used to + infinitive

Vocabulary: Word

English Meaning


recreation, hobby

Bengali Meaning Aemi, we‡bv`b


a homage or service to a deity

c~Rv, c~Rv Kiv


total destruction or annihilation.

wejywß, aŸsm, †jvc


house or home.

evm, evm¯’vb

art of folding paper into decorative shapes.


starting-point; source

KvMR w`‡q wewfbœ wRwb‡mi AvKvi †`qv m~Pbv, Drm


cultured; elegant




AbyKib Kiv


pleasurable activity



Key Features: (i) not much known it’s origin (ii) practiced in the Orient for countries (iii) got the sophisticated art (iv) introduced in German Kindergarten Schools during the nineteenth century (v) gained popularity as a form of geometrical construction Summary: Origami is a pastime practised in the Orient for centuries. In Japan it got the sophisticated form. Origami can take the forms of birds, fishes, insects, animals, geometrical figures and the objects with movement. It was introduced in German Kindergarten schools. And next it gained popularity in the United States and England as a pastime. Grammar: Present perfect tense: Structure: Sub + have / has + p.p. of verb + ext/obj. Origami has taken the form of sophisticated art in Japan. Passive: Origami has been practised in the Orient for centuries. Article: The craft, an art, a form Adjective: ancient, flexible, recreational Infinitive: to imitate


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

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English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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Unit 4: Pastimes, Lesson 3: Through the lens Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  matched sentences in two columns.  inserted linking words in a reading passage.  inserted sentences in the passage at appropriate places. Focus: Skills Functions Intensive reading, Giving reasons describing past writing, moments.

Grammar/structure Linking words, past continuous, simple past.

The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English and Bengali meanings.

Word Squeeze Button Background Pupil Angle Candid Appearance Bottom Coil Money maker

English Meanings To press hard on or together; compress. A push-button switch. The ground or scenery located behind something. The apparently black circular opening in the center of the iris of the eye, through which light passes to the retina. A sharp or projecting corner, as of a building; the place, position, or direction from which an object is presented to view. Not posed or rehearsed. The act or an instance of coming into sight. The deepest or lowest part; the underside. A series of connected spirals or concentric rings formed by gathering or winding. Something that helps acquisition of money or other wealth.

Beng. Meanings ms‡¶cb ‡evZvg cUf~wg ‡Pv‡Li gwb ‡KvY, `„wó †KvY AKcU, mij `„wó‡MvPi Zj‡`k KzÊjx A_© DcvR©bKvix

A. What is camera? Why do we use it? Have you ever used it? If yes, what was the occasion? What kind of pictures did you take? B. Match the guidelines in column A with their appropriate reason in column B. C. Read the passage on camera in your book and complete it by inserting words from the box. D. There are some sentences in the book. Place these sentences in the passage in such a way that they may contribute to the logical development of the passage. E. Write a paragraph on camera and its uses in the modern time.


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

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English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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Unit 4: Pastimes, Lesson 4: Plants for pleasure Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  discussed the steps in potting a plant.  read a passage on a special type of pot planting.  written sentences to compare two types of pot planting.  identified true and false information. Focus:




Intensive reading, writing, speaking

Describing process, comparing and contrasting.

Imperative and passives for describing a process, prepositions, ‘but/however/on the other hand’ for comparison.

The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English and Bengali meanings.

Word Bonsai Container Miniature Originate Aristocracy Fond Appearance Bottom Coil Money maker

English Meaning The art of growing dwarfed ornamentally shaped trees or shrubs in small shallow pots or trays. A receptacle, such as a carton, can, or jar, in which material is held or carried. A copy or model that represents or reproduces something in a greatly reduced size. To bring into being; create; to come into being; start. A hereditary ruling class; nobility. Having a strong liking, inclination, or affection. The act or an instance of coming into sight. The deepest or lowest part; the underside. A series of connected spirals or concentric rings formed by gathering or winding. Something that helps acquisition of money or other wealth.

Bengali Meaning ebmvB aviK, Ue ¶z`ªvKvi †Kvb wKQy †_‡K ïi‚ nIqv| AwfRvZZš¿, AvwfRvZ¨ cQ›` Kiv, Avm³ nIqv `„wó‡MvPiZv, Avwef©ve Zj‡`k KzÊjx A_© DcvR©bKvix

Key Features: (a) Bonsai an artistic form of pot planting. (b) Origin in China (c) Development in Japan (d) Different from ordinary pot planting. (e) Both interesting and money making. A. What do you know about pot planting? What are the procedures of it? Discuss in pairs how you are going to pot a plant. You may take the help of the nouns and verbs given in your book. B. Do you have any idea of bonsai? Read the passage in your book on it and answer the questions following it. C. Answer the true/false questions in your book. D. Do you think that normal pot planting is different from Bonsai? Why? E. Write a paragraph describing at least five differences between normal pot planting and Bonsai. Summary: Bonsai is a new and artistic form of pot planting. In this process a plant is made to grow as a miniature of a real tree. The origin of this art dates back to 1000 years in China and the Japanese also contribute to its development. The process of Bonsai planting is different from ordinary pot planting. The art of Bonsai is now not only an interesting pastime but also a money making scheme. Grammar: Imperative: The sentence which is used to order, request, command etc. is called imperative sentence. Example: Buy a bonsai from the market.


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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Positive: A bonsai is carefully shaped to remain small.

Unit 4: Pastimes, Lesson 5: Under the banyan tree Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  read a short story  answered questions based on the story  rewritten the story in your own English Focus Skills Functions Grammar / structure Reading, writing, speaking Appreciating literary writing, narrating Past tense for narrating events A. Here we will read an extract from a story by R.K Narayan. The protagonist of the story is Nambi, a story teller who lived in a remote village that was cut off from the rest of the world. Though the village Somal was situated in the forest tracts of Mempi, the villagers lived in perpetual enchantments because Nambi was very much expert in telling stories. He could tell a new story every month and each story took nearly ten days to narrate. He lived in a little temple. There was a banyan tree in front of it. He used to place a lighting lamp in a niche of the tree. Seeing it, all the villagers gathered under the banyan tree to hear stories. Before starting his story, he would ask a question. He would start a story in such a way that the audience could not understand what would happen next. When the story ended, the audience went into the temple and prayed for goddess. One night, he began to tell a story to the audience, he paused. He spent sometime staring at the ground. When he looked up, he saw only his friend Mari. He wanted to tell it the following day, but he could not. At last he was able to tell his greatest story in the following moon. The theme of the story was that everything depends on the will of the goddess. And it was his last voice. Learning new words words perpetual enchantment nestling niche trailed vague epic abruptly babble mumbling elevated plane stammer invasion famine

English meaning sth that lasts permanently charm sb with spell a bird too young to leave the nest a hollow in a wall or tree drew along the ground something that is not clear a long narrative poem all on a sudden speak like a baby hesitate to speak articulated plane speak haltingly an attack scarcity of food

Bengali meaning wPi¯’vqx hv`y ‡h c¶xkveK GLbI evmv †Q‡o Do‡Z Amg_© ‡duvKi wPwýZ A¯úó gnvKve¨ nVvr K‡i Ava Avafv‡e K_v ejv A¯úó K_v ejv DbœZ RMr ‡ZvZjvgx Kiv AvMÖvmb `ywf©¶

Learning derivatives of important words noun invasion illustration narration cease elevation direction repetition eagerness exception thank

verb invade illustrate narrate cease elevate direct repeat eager except thank

adjective invasive illustrative narrated ceaseless elevated direct repeated eager exceptional thankful

adverb illustratively ceaselessly directly repeatedly eagerly exceptionally thankfully


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English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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B. Answers of the questions B are given here. i). The favourite pastime of the villagers of Mempi was listening to stories narrated by Nambi. ii) Nambi counted his age by thinking of some particular event that everybody remembered. iii Nambi took about fifteen days to finish one story or by the time the new moon became full. iv) Nambi informed the villagers that he was ready with a story to tell by putting a lighted lamp in the niche of the big Banyan tree. v.

Nambi’s method of telling stories was very strange to the people of the village because he would not start with the main story directly but would talk about other things first.

vi) Yes, his story usually started with the new moon vii) Nambi suddenly became forgetful as he was getting old and could not remember his stories. viii) Nambi’s greatest story was the realisation that he had lost his powers and would not be able to tell stories anymore. C. Some of the activities that take place under the banyan tree are given bellow: i) Village fair, ii) Worship of the Hindus, iii) Baishakhi Mela, iv) The Hindus often play on music sitting under it, v) The tired passers-by take rest under it Summary: Nambi was popular story teller. He was a man of about sixty or seventy. He lived in a temple at the end of the village. To tell a story he lit a lamp and put it in a niche in the trunk of a Banyan tree. He took 10 days to narrate a story and the villagers were greatly imaged by his story telling. Grammar: Past Tense: He was illiterate in the sense that written word was a mystery to him.


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

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English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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Unit-Five: Personality Types, Lesson-2: Introverts and extroverts

Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • identified similar types • read a chart on self assessment • written a description of an extrovert • identified personality type from descriptions • described a particular type of person Focus: Skills



Intensive reading, writing, speaking

Identifying personality types


Vocabulary: Words introvert

English Meaning person predominantly concerned with his or her own thoughts

Bengali Meaning Aš—g~L© x


outgoing person

cÖvbeš—, ewng~©Lx


large gathering of people



a say by way of comment



seize suddenly

`Lj K‡i ‡bqv / †K‡o †bqv


exchange views forcefully or contentiously

ZK© Kiv


drive forcibly; hasten

DrmvwnZ Kiv


loud high-pitched cry of fear, pain

wPrKvi Kiv

Key Feature: (i) an introvert feels shy. (ii) an extrovert never minds to be expressed. (iii) Farid did not argue in spite of being annoyed. (iv) Sohel did not join the fun being worried about people’s thought. (v) being an extrovert Fahima screamed though she could avoid it. Summary: An introvert cannot participate or express himself or herself spontaneously. On the other hand an extrovert can do it. Farid and Sohel are introvert in their manner. Farid could not argue and Sohel could not join the fun as they were introvert. Fahim being an extrovert was very spontaneous in her work. Grammar: Adjective: An Adjective is a word describing a noun or a pronoun. Exp: The bus was crowded.(Adjective) He was worried. (Adjective) We are having a debating club. (Adjective)


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

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English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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Unit-Five: Personality Types, Lesson-5: How assertive are you? Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • discussed what to say in a given situation • selected possible responses • discussed possible responses to possible situations • matched opposite types of personalities • written a dialogue for a given story Focus: Skills Speaking, writing


Functions Expressing attitudes

Grammar/Structure Direct speech

Vocabulary: Words temptation

English Meaning attractive thing or course of action.

Bengali Meaning †jvf


obstinate, inflexible



a bend or close (a flexible thing) over upon itself

fuvR Kiv


cause to laugh or smile



prepare (food) by heating it



person having control or ownership



highly enjoyable, esp. to taste or smell



area enclosed by walls or buildings


Key Features: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

The cook ate up one drumstick of the duck. The cook failed to convince his master. The master became angry. But the cook had instant wit. The master got amused with his wit.

Summary: Once a cook roasted a duck and with temptation he ate up one drumstick. On the dinning his master became angry. But the cook had ready wit. The master being amused by his wit forgave him and warned him not to do this any more. Grammar: Direct speech: The master asked, “Where is another drumstick?” Indirect speech: The master asked where another drumstick was.


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

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English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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Unit 5: Personality Types, Lesson 6 : Jerry Objectives: By the end of this lesson you will have  read an extract from a short story.  matched words with their possible meanings.  answered comprehension questions based on a text. Focus:

Skills Intensive speaking,



Describing Character, inferencing, sifting out correct information

Adjectives, past tense for narratives

The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English and Bengali meanings.


orphanage grave integrity embed courage accurately subterfuge gracious predict cubbyhole of one’s own accord steady thoughtfulness instinctive curtain



a public institution for the care and protection of children without parents. requiring serious thought; momentous. steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. to fix firmly in a surrounding mass; To enclose snugly or firmly. the state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery. conforming exactly to fact; errorless. a deceptive stratagem or device. characterized by kindness and warm courtesy. to state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge. a snug or cramped space or room; A small compartment. willingly firm in position or place; fixed. exhibiting or characterized by careful thought. an inborn pattern of behavior that is characteristic of a species and is often a response to specific environmental stimuli. cover

Bengali Meanings GwZgLvbv ¸i‚Zi, ivkfvix mvayZv, m„RbkxjZv, mijZv `„pfv‡e †Lv`vBK…Z mvnwmKZv

h_vh_fv‡e QjPvZzix m`q, †m․Rb¨gq, f`ª fwel¨revbx Kiv e×cÖ‡Kvô ‡¯^‛Qvq w¯’wZkxj mywe‡ePbv, wPš—vkxjZv mnRvZ c`©v

Key features. (a) An orphan boy. (b) Integrity (c) Free will agent (d) Gracious (e) Uprightness. A. What do mean by short story? Have you ever read any short story? The passage in the text has been taken from a short story entitled ‘A Mother in Manville’, written by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. B. There is a table in your book containing some words and their possible meanings. Match the words with their meanings. C. From your reading of the text describe the character of Jerry. D. What do you mean by metaphor and simile? Underline the metaphors and similes in the passage. E. Make a list of the adjective that have been used by the author to describe the character of Jerry and use them in your own sentences. Add at least three more adjectives which can be used for Jerry. F. There is a list of true/false questions in your book. Say whether they are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. Summary: Jerry was an orphan boy living in an orphanage. The writer found him a boy of integrity. He never tried to find an excuse for his fault. He was large hearted, selfless and a free will agent. He did many gracious things for the comfort and convenience of the writer. With an innate sense of gratitude, Jerry had a strong sense of personality.


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English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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Unit-Six: Our Environment, Lesson-1: The environment and the ecosystem

Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • thought and discussed about the environment • read a passage about the environment and the ecosystem and completed a table • made a poster giving advice Focus: Skills



Discussion, reading, poster-making

Completing a table, expressing obligations, giving advice, making a poster

Relative clause who/which/that



Vocabulary: Words

Bengali Meaning


English Meaning convulsion of the earth's surface as a result of faults in strata or volcanic action winds rotating inwards to an area of low barometric pressure; depression region with particular weather conditions


objects or conditions around





complex series



energetic; active



firmly fixed or supported; unwavering

¯’vqx `„Xfv‡e ¯’vwcZ


the study of the interaction of people with their environment

ev¯‘ms¯’vb msµvš—



bó nIqv


place in danger

wec`vcbœ Kiv


lack of balance


earthquake cyclone

f~wgK¤ú So Rjevqy RwUj

Key Features: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

All elements of the environments are equally important. Many factors are responsible for taking place of ecological imbalance. It causes different types of natural disasters. Human beings are greatly responsible for ecological imbalance.

Summary: Human beings, animals, plants, air, water, soil, and natural forces make up the environment. There is a close inter-relationship among the elements of the environment. Their relationship is called ecology. If their relationship is disturbed, life becomes impossible. To make life healthy and comfortable we should keep the environment clean and danger free. By doing unwise things we endanger our own life. The ecological changes in the world’s climate bring about different kind of natural disasters. Grammar: Relative Clause: The ecosystem is a complex web that links animals, plants and human beings. I know the man who came here yesterday. This is the book which I lost.


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English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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Unit-Six: Our Environment, Lesson-2: How the environment is polluted Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • read two passages about environmental pollution • discussed some pollution related questions • designed a questionnaire Focus: Skills



Discussing, reading for comprehension, writing a questionnaire

Discussing state of things, gap-filling, asking questions, making a questionnaire

Simple present tense, passive voice

Vocabulary: Words produce

English Meaning manufacture or prepare

Bengali Meaning Drcbœ Kiv


of poison



items rejected as worthless; waste



make liquefied or change



emit wind noisily through the mouth


give or send out

wbM©Z nIqv


place or heap for depositing rubbish

M‡Z© †djv


not sanitary; dirty




`~wlZ Kiv


repugnant or extreme dirt



Key Features: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

Air and water are important for our existence. They are being polluted by many ways. Insanitary latrines add to water pollution. All types of smoke cause air pollution. Public awareness is essential to prevent pollution.

Summary: Various kinds of rubbish, waste and toxic industrial waste are seriously polluting the environment. Air, an important element of our environment is polluted by smoke produced by fires, mills, factories, trucks, cars etc. Water, another vital element of the environment is also polluted in different ways such as by waste, chemical fertilizers and insecticides, food waste and human waste. Grammar: Simple present tense: Sub + Verb Gi present form + object / complement Present tense: I go to college regularly. He visits our house often. Passive voice: The Voice in which the action of the sentence is done to the subject is called passive voice. Example: Karim was elected the chairman.


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Unit-Six: Our Environment, Lesson-3: The world is getting warmer Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • read a passage about global warming • discussed the effect of global warming • designed a poster Focus: Skills



Gap filling, designing a poster

Noun clause beginning with ‘that’

Words alarming

English Meaning frightening

Bengali Meaning fxwZKi


available facts, circumstances, etc.



expert of climate



progressing by degrees


device, often baited



illustrate by example

`„óvš— Øviv cÖ`wk©Z


such as, may well happen or be true, possible



quick, swift.



making of articles, esp. in a factory etc.



connected with the sea or seafaring






great and usually sudden disaster



act of seeping



the sea shore area



preference or special liking






impression of a plant or animal


Speaking, writing




Key Features: (i) Increased amount of carbon-dioxide (ii) Destruction and burning down of tropical rain forests (iii) Traffic that clogs up city streets (iv) Rapid growth of industry (v) The use of chlorofluorocarbons on packing and manufacturing commercial products Summary: In recent years there have been many alarming reports that world’s climate is undergoing a significant change. This increase in global warming is caused by increased amounts of carbon dioxide around the earth. The greenhouse effect and the global warming may affect human environment seriously. The alarming news about Bangladesh is that as a result of the rise of the sea level the lower southern part of the country may one day go under water. Grammar: That the earth is round is known to all. (noun clause beginning with ‘that’)


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Unit-Six: Our Environment, Lesson-4: Let’s not be cruel to them Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • discussed some newspaper headlines • read and discussed a passage on wildlife • written an informal letter of advice Focus: Skills



Discussion, reading, writing a letter

Giving advice, matching information, writing a letter of advice

Present tense, modal verbs—should, must

Vocabulary: Words

English Meaning

Bengali Meaning


total destruction or annihilation



of or typical of the Tropics.



large reptile of the crocodile



move or cause to move or happen more quickly

Z¡ivwY^Z Kiv



RevB Kiv


natural home of an animal or plant



substance for destroying pests



deprive of reproductive powers.



a supply with food


Key Feature: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

Wildlife is essential for maintaining ecological balance. Feeding and nestling places of all birds and animals should be preserved. Widespread use of fertilizers and pesticides should be controlled. Restriction should be imposed on hunting of birds and animals. Kindness should be shown to wild animals.

Summary: Humans, animals and plants are all important elements of the natural environment. But humans are cruelly destroying plants and animals and thereby creating a danger for all. The destruction of forests and other habitats is causing the extinction of various plants and animals everyday. The destruction of their feeding and nestling places, collection of eggs and above all the wide spread use of chemicals and pesticides and hunting have also increased the extinction of the wild animals. We know that all species are important for maintaining ecological balance. We should therefore protect our wildlife to protect the environment from being spoilt. It is happy news that many countries are now taking action to protect their endangered wildlife. Grammar: Structure: Sub + Verb Gi present form + object / complement Present tense: I go to college regularly. He visits our house often. Modal verbs: Shall, will, can, may, should, would, could, might. Shall: Where shall I keep the book? (request for order) Will: You will carry out my instruction. (order) Can: I can hear music. May: May we come in?


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Unit-Six: Our Environment, Lesson-5: Beware of pollution!

Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • read a paragraph dealing with cause and effect • looked at the organisation of the paragraph • written a similar paragraph Focus: Skills



Discussion, reading, writing a paragraph

Expressing cause & effect, understanding paragraph development

Simple present tense, passive voice

Vocabulary: Words unnecessarily

English Meaning unneeded , not needed. unnerve

Bengali Meaning AcÖ‡qvRbxqfv‡e





keep away or refrain from



clearly defined



apparatus for maintaining artificial respiration

k¦vm-cÖkv¦ m msµvš—


making no distinctions



disposing of, e.g. waste



hostile or destructive behaviour



slight pain or unease


Key Features: (i) Knowing the main four causes that are mostly responsible for death by pollution. (ii) Different types of pollution —water pollution, air pollution, sound pollution, odour pollution (iii) Water- borne diseases may be dangerous for human being. (iv) Noise pollution may be also dangerous. (v) Air pollution causes pneumonia, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. Summary: Many people die each year as a result of pollution. Water pollution causes water-borne diseases. Sound pollution increases our pulse rate. Air pollution causes different types of respiratory diseases. Odour pollution causes serious discomfort to sense of smell. These types of pollution are obviously dangerous for the existence of human being. We need to prevent pollutions for our safer existence. Grammar: Simple Present Tense: Sub + verb Gi present form + object / complement Example: He is a doctor. Passive voice: The Voice in which the action of the sentence is done to the subject is called Example: Karim was elected the chairman.


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Date:..................... Taught by:............................................................. Section:........... Unit-Six: Our Environment, Lesson-6: Forests should stay Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • listened to a passage on the utility and destruction of forests • discussed the main ideas of the passage • completed a paragraph Focus: Skills Discussion, listening for specific information, completing a paragraph

Functions Expressing probability

Grammar/Structure Present continuous tense, passive voice, first conditional

Vocabulary: Words

English Meaning

Bengali Meaning


great emotional tension



destruction of forests or trees

e„¶ wbab

global warming

increase in the temperature of the earth's atmosphere caused by the greenhouse effect

‣ewk¦K DòZv

rain forest

luxuriant tropical forest with heavy rainfall.

MÖx®§gÊjxq ebf~wg


the study of the relations of organisms to one another and to their surroundings.

ev¯‘ms¯’v we`¨v

Completing the given paragraph by using an appropriate word in each blank. If we destroy forests and cut down trees, the effects might eventually harm us all. If forests turn into desert wastes, what will absorb carbon dioxides? Then the weather pattern will be changed and the world will become warm. This is called the green house effect. If forests go, the heat of the sun will be increased inside the atmosphere. As a result the polar ice caps will be melted and this will cause the flood of large areas of the globe. Grammar: Present continuous tense: Sub + auxiliary verb (am/is/are) + (verb + ing ) + object / ext. The boys were playing football in front of the school. Passive Voice: The Voice in which the action of the sentence is done to the subject is called passive voice. Karim was elected the chairman. First conditional: If + present +, + future. If you come, I will go.


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Unit -7: Disasters We Live With, Lesson- 1:A furious force

Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • read and extract on cyclones • gone through a table about a cyclone damage report • written a letter describing a devastation Focus: Skill



reading, speaking writing

Describing weather conditions, describing after-effect, making suggestions

Simple past, passive voice, modal verbs—could, should, pronouns, introductory ‘it’,

Vocabulary: Word

English Meaning

Bengali Meaning


very angry

fqven / w¶ß


relating to, like, or affected by tides

†Rvqvi-fvUv m¤^Üxq


sudden rush



overwhelm, flood, or soak with water

ùxZ nIqv


at sea some distance from the shore

mgy`ª ZxieZ©x


places go or dive under water.



line where shore and water meet.



great and usually sudden disaster



approximate judgment



rumor, gossip.



underground channel carrying water under a road


Key Features: (i) In the cyclone, near about 12 million people wear affected in 16 districts, 18 upazilas and 6 municipalities. (ii) It was also estimated that nearly, 40,000 people lost their lives during the cyclone. (iii) Animals were hugely damaged in the cyclones. Almost 2,24000 cattle lost their heads. (iv) The cyclone occurred in 1991 affected the infrastructural development of the country. (v) About 9,287 educational institutions were damaged. Approximately 4359 Kms embankments, 972 Kms drainage channels 23350 Kms viral roads 6000 (feet) bridges were destroyed. Summary: Cyclone is one of the disastrous natural calamities of Bangladesh. In April 1991 a terrible cyclone swept over some coastal areas of our country near about I Million people in 16 districts were affected by the cyclone. About 1,40,000 people died and nearly 1,38,849 people were injured. The damages of crops and domestic animals, the destruction of houses and buildings knew no bounds. The total infrastructure was largely damaged. Grammar: Simple past: Past tense : I went to college. He visited our house yesterday. Structure : Sub + Verb Gi past form + object / complement Modal verbs: Shall, will, can, may, should, would, could, might. Shall: Where shall I keep the book? (request for order) Will: You will carry out my instruction. (order) Can: I can hear music. May: May we come in? Pronoun: Karim ate rice. He went to college. (pronoun) Introductory ‘it’: It is estimated that nearly 1,40,000 people lost their lives during this cyclone. (introductory ‘it’)


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Unit -7: Disasters We Live With, Lesson- 2: Grass fires

Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • read a text about prairie fires • differentiated between words with close meanings • prepared a table Focus: Skill Intensive reading, speaking writing in note -form

Functions Differentiating between closely-related words expressing cause & effect, suggesting action

Grammar/Structure Simple past tense, compound words, idiomatic words and phrases

Vocabulary: Word

English Meaning

Prairie fall

wide open area of level land covered, a vast grassy land autumn

Bengali Meaning



green horns

in experienced people

†evKv ev AbwfÁ e¨w³


fiery particle thrown from a fire



person who settles abroad



narrow trench made by a plough

jvO‡ji Øviv K…Z cwiLv


long-handled tool with a blade

j¤^v evUhy³ †Kv`vj





protective screen placed in front of a fireplace.


†cÖBwi Z…YvÂj kirKvj D‡Ïk¨ cÖ‡Yvw`Z

Key Features: (i) Fires occurring during ten month a year. (ii) It is becoming more serious in raining season. (iii) Lighting, carelessness of people rail road sparks causing the fire accidents (iv) Settlers different steps to protect the homesteads from this fire Summary: Prairie fire was an usual activity in North America during the Autumn. The Prairie fire could be set by fall lightning by the care less ness of the green house in the country, by sparks from the railroads and by deliberate malice. At the beginning of the fire, people went to the flames hurriedly with necessary things to stop the spreading of the fire. Sometimes fire guards were ploughed around the houses. Grammar: Simple past: Past tense: I went to college. He visited our house yesterday. Structure: Sub + Verb Gi past from + object / complement Compound Word: Gunnysacks Idiomatic word: At the sight of


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Unit -7: Disasters We Live With, Lesson- 3: The parched earth Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • read and discussed an extract from a newspaper • prepared a set of questions • done a true/false exercise • done a multiple choice exercise Focus: Skill Reading, writing, speaking, listening

Functions Expressing cause and effect, opposites

Grammar/Structure Simple present tense, simple past tense,

Vocabulary: Word remote

English Meaning far away

Bengali Meaning `~ieZ©x


prolonged absence of rain



sufficient, satisfactory



attention to safety; prudence

mZK© K‡iwQj

Key Features: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Water crisis is severe in Bangladesh during dry season River bed siltation deforestation the causes for the crises The northern, southern and south western parts of the country mostly affected by it It greatly affecting our agriculture

Summary: Drought is natural calamity. The excessive use of ground water, riverbed siltation, global warming, deforestation and low flow from the upstream of major rivers during the dry season are the main causes of drought. In the northern part of the country Tara pumps. Scientists at BARC (Bangladesh Agricultural and Research Council) cautioned about the diminishing of rice production. Grammar: Simple Present tense: Sub + verb Gi present form + object / complement. Example: He is a doctor. Simple past: Past tense: I went to college. He visited our house yesterday.


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Unit-Seven: Disasters We Live With, Lesson-5: The shake and the quake Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • read a text from a national daily for understanding and inferencing. • read to understand and infer meanings to frame sentences • done a gap-filling exercise • written short accounts Focus: Skills Speaking, writing




Describing, predicting

Modals—might, should

Vocabulary: Word experts

English Meaning a person with special knowledge, skill etc.

Bengali Meaning


enough in quantity or good enough in quality

ch©vß, h‡_ó


to reduce something to lowest possible level

by¨bZg cwigvY ev gvÎvq ch©ewmZ Kiv

`¶, AwfÁ, Kzkjx


something that is done in advance in order to prevent problems or to avoid danger the act of happening again and again


a scientist who studies geology

f~Zˡwe`, f~ZvwˡK


able to resist something




a system of written rules that state how people should behave an area with a particular feature


a personal opinion about something


SzuwK Govevi Rb¨ c~‡e©B M„nxZ mZK©Zvg~jK e¨e¯’v cyive„wË

bxwZgvjv AÂj gZ

Key Features: (i) Bangladesh lies in the active earthquake zone. (ii) According to one of the schools of experts the recurrence of earthquake in recent years should be treated as a threat of major earthquake. (iii) The second school of experts opines that the signal should not be amplified. (iv) There are number of fault lines in the geographical area comprising Bangladesh. (v) The fault lines do not pose enough threat for Bangladesh. Summary: There is no straight answer from the experts about the safety of the building in Dhaka city in the event of an earth quake but call for taking precautions to reduce losses. Bangladesh is in the active earthquake zone. Alarmed by the recurrence of quakes during recent years the development of an earthquake resistant building code should be followed as mandatory. There are two schools of experts regarding earthquakes. They hold different opinions. According to RAJUK an earthquake resistant building code should be developed to reduce the losses. Grammar: Modals : Might : (past form of may): He said that he might come the next day. (i) Used when showing that something as or was possible (ii) He might get there in time, but I can’t be sure (iii) Used to make polite suggestion: You might try doing the work. (iv) Used to ask permission politely: Might I use your phone. (v) Used to ask information: Who might she be?


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Unit-Eight: Towards Social Awareness, Lesson-3: Isn’t it too loud! Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • read a passage and answered question • interpreted tables for cause and effect • practised writing sentences with if and when Focus: Skills Reading, writing




Expressing possibilities

If + present tense

Vocabulary: Word

English Meaning

Bengali Meaning


a continuous shaking movement



that you can accept or bear






unpleasant to hear



not protected from attack or criticism


Key Features: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

Decibel is the unit by which the loudness of sound is measured. When the vibration of sound is at tolerable, pleasant level, it is called sound. When it is harsh or sharp, it is noise. City people are exposed to sounds ranging from 30 to 90 decibels. The noisiest occupations are factory work, truck driving and primary school teaching.

Summary: Decibel is the unit of measuring sound and 45 is the normal limit. Tolerable sound is called sound and harsh and sharp sound is called noise. Sound exceeding 70 decibels causes serious harm. On an average city people are exposed to 30 to 90 decibels. The noisiest occupations are factory work, truck driving and primary school teaching. By talking various measures the developed nations are trying to control it. Grammar: If + present tense: Sub + verb Gi present form + object / complement. Example: If it rains, I bring an umbrella. (i) If + present indefinite + future indefinite Example: If you work hard, you will succeed in life.


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Unit-Eight: Towards Social Awareness,Lesson-4: Think of others too Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • practised the use have to and don’t have to • read three letters form the problem page of a newspaper • discussed the letters • written an answer to one of the letters Focus: Skills Functions Reading, writing speaking, Talking about obligations

Grammar/Structure Use of have to/don’t have to, present perfect tense

Vocabulary: Words disgust

English Meaning strong aversion

Bengali Meaning wei³


incisive, witty, or angry reply



harsh piercing scream

Lye D‛Pbv‡`i KK©k kã


person one knows slightly



advanced stage or system of social development


pull along with effort

†U‡b miv‡bv


being unchanging and dependable



an intensifier

`yg `yg kã


temporary enthusiasm



Key Features: (i) Rubel’s neighbours lack in common sense. (ii) Sathi is in a fix. (iii) The residents of Sharmin’s apartment are exposed to foul smell. (iv) Sathi is not on good term with her neighbour’s son. (v) Sathi’s neighbour’s son pays no heed to Sathi’s suggestion. Summary: Sharmin’s family lives in a multi-storeyed apartment block. They try to keep the apartment clean but some of their neighbours keep it dirty by leaving the daily garbage in buckets in front their doors. Sathi’s neighbour’s son smokes. She has tried many times to prevent him from smoking but in vain. Rubel’s neighbours live right above their flat. They make noise all day and night. They don’t seem to have much civic sense. Grammar: Use of have to : Sub + have to + base form of verb +ext. Example: I have to complete my lesson. Use of don’t have to: Sub + don’t have to + base form of verb + ext. Example: I don’t have to do unfair means. Use of present perfect tense: Sub + have/has + past participle of verb + object/ext. Example: I have done the job.


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Unit-Eight: Towards Social Awareness,Lesson-5: Getting along with Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • discussed the necessity of having neighbours • read about and identified different types of neighbours • talked about your own neighbours • described people’s habits Focus: Skills Functions Reading, speaking, writing Describing habits

Grammar/Structure Simple present tense

Vocabulary: Words noise

English Meaning sound, esp. a loud or unpleasant one

Bengali Meaning †Kvjvnj


prepare (food) by heating it



mental attention



rate of recurrence



means of transport; vehicle


a unconstrained talk



irresistible urge



anger or distress slightly



lack of interest or attention



a sharing of another's feelings



unusual, peculiar, surprising, eccentric

A™¢~Z Ae¯’v





Key Features: (i) Mrs. Alim gets her household chores done by a cook (ii) Mrs. Alim takes interest in discussing other personal matter (iii) Riaz has to put up with the noise created by her neighbours (iv) A good relation prevails between Asghar’s family and Faim’s family (v) Riaz can not attend to his studies. Summary: Mrs. Alim lives in an apartment block. There are also five more families in the building. She has an experienced cook. So she need not cook herself. So she gets enough time to visit her neighbours and gossip with them. She does not mind discussing family matters with other. Asghar’s and Fahim’s families live together. They are on good term with each other. Riaz’s neighbour makes noise by keeping the TV on the whole evening. They are very inconsiderate. So, Riaz can not read attentively. Grammar: Simple present tense : Sub + verb Gi present form + object / complement ... Example: He is a doctor.


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Unit-Nine: Getting Educated, Lesson-1: Why we need education Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • thought about and discussed the problems of illiteracy • read a passage about the benefits of education • expanded a statement and written an article Focus: Skills Speaking, writing Vocabulary: Words process formal intellectual overcome enlighten capacity ennoble eloquent

Functions reading, Discussing disadvantages, expanding an idea

Grammar/Structure Relative pronouns

English Meaning method being or relating to essential form or constitution having or showing intellect, especially to a high degree to defeat (another) in competition or conflict; conquer to give spiritual or intellectual insight to; to give information to; inform or instruct ability to perform or produce; capability to make noble. characterized by persuasive, powerful discourse; vividly or movingly expressive lacking education or knowledge to make noticeable or different; set apart a meeting for consultation or discussion to raise to a more important or responsible job or rank the condition or quality of being human; humanness the ability to feel or perceive. the act of restricting; the state of being restricted.

Bengali Meaning †K․kj wbqgZvwš¿K eyw×MZ Rq Kiv Av‡jvwKZ Kiv ¶gZv gnr Kiv K_vevZ©vq cUz, evKcUz

AÁZv ignorance cv_©K¨ Kiv distinguish Av‡jvPbv conference DbœxZ Kiv promote gvbeZv humanity Abyaveb Kivi ¶gZv sensibility evav, cÖwZeÜKZv restriction Key feature: (i) Developing and ennobling one’s mind (ii) Enlightening an individual (iii) Refining one’s sensibility (iv) Helping to adopt a rational attitude (v) Training individuals to make the right choices to go ahead Summary: Education is considered one of the basic needs of human being. Without education no one can learn how to lead civilized life. Due to poverty, people in Bangladesh can not have education and therefore suffer from the curse of malnutrition and diseases. An educated person can live better by making a healthy and planned life. In fact, education removes the darkness of ignorance and creates confidence in one person with regard to one’s personal needs and duties to the society as well. Grammar:

Relative Pronoun : ‡hme Pronoun GKvwaK clause ev sentence Gi gv‡S e‡m Zv‡`i g‡a¨ m¤úK© ¯’vcb K‡i †mme Pronoun ‡K ejv nq Relative Pronoun. What, where, which, when, that BZ¨vw` n‡jv Relative Pronoun. Sentence-Gi e¨envi: (i) It is knowledge what is power. (ii) This is the place where I lost my way from. (iii) That is the pen which I am looking for. (iv) He rang me at the time when I was leaving for the station. Note: From this lesson you will get a paragraph named ‘Necessity of Education’


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Unit-9: Getting Educated, Lesson-3: Problems we face Objective: By the end of the lesson you will have • discussed the common problems of education in Bangladesh • read a passage about education in Bangladesh • converted information from a table into a passage Focus: Skills



Speaking, reading, writing a Discussing problems and giving comments, subject + transitive verb + report analysing information object Vocabulary: Words English Meaning Bengali Meaning cÖPzi, wekvj huge of exceedingly great size, extent, or quantity; tremendous myZivs therefore for that reason or cause; consequently or hence mvg_©¨ _vKv, †gjv‡bv afford to have the financial means for; be able to meet the cost of m‡Ë¡I despite in spite of; notwithstanding AZ¨vwaK, cÖPzi far too many a huge number of m¤ú`, m½wZ resource something that can be used for support or help mxgve×Zv, Pvc constraint one that restricts, limits, or regulates; a check fvÊvi, Znwej fund a source of supply; a stock cÖ‡qvRbxq, Acwinvh© requisite something that is indispensable; a requirement mgm¨v trouble to agitate; stir up mš¿vm violence the act or an instance of violent action or behavior cÖwZc¶ rival one who attempts to equal or surpass another mgvwß, QywU, eÜ closures the act of closing or the state of being closed DbœwZ Kiv progress development or growth Avkv Kiv expect to look forward to the probable occurrence or appearance of Key feature: (i) Financial and resource constraints of government (ii) Extreme poverty (iii) Poor facilities (iv) Politics and violence in educational institutions (v) Insufficient institutions Summary: Bangladesh is a small but overpopulated country. Poverty acts as a great hindrance on the way of education for many children. The number of educational institutions is not enough to accommodate all the school going children. Due to economic constraints the government is unable to finance the adequate number of educational institutions. All the teachers are not well-educated and well-trained even. Moreover, politics and violence in the campuses hamper the progress of learning. Grammar: Transitive verb : sentence-G object Gi e¨envi‡f‡` verb ‡K `yBfv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| h_v Transitive I intransitive. ‡h verb object Qvov e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i bv Zv‡K ejv nq Transitive verb. Do, make, like, want, affect, need BZ¨vw` Transitive verb. Transitive verb object Qvov e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i bv e‡j G verb hy³ Sentence-Gi nq: Sub + Transitive verb + Object Example: Bangladesh needs more schools, colleges and universities. subject tran.verb object Gfv‡e Such closures badly affect academic progress.


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Unit 9 : Getting Educated, Lesson 5 : Higher education abroad-1 Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  discussed admission to a foreign university.  read a passage on higher education in Britain.  learnt the procedures for applying to an Australian University.  drafted a letter of enquiry. Focus:




Speaking, reading, writing a letter of enquiry

Making enquiries

Subject+ modal+ infinitive

The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English and Bengali meanings.

Words Expansion Postgraduate Tremendous Some Range Courses Contribute Tuition Nevertheless Suitability Intend Assess Prerequisite Requirement Transcript

Meanings The act or process of expanding. Of, relating to, or pursuing advanced study after graduation from high school or college. Extremely large in amount, extent, or degree; enormous. About; around Extent of perception, knowledge, experience, or ability. A complete body of prescribed studies constituting a curriculum. To give or supply in common with others; give to a common fund or for a common purpose. A fee for instruction, especially at a formal institution of learning. In spite of that; nonetheless; however. Appropriate to a purpose or an occasion. To have in mind; plan. To determine the value, significance, or extent of; appraise. Required or necessary as a prior condition. Something that is required; a necessity. Something transcribed, especially a written, typewritten, or printed copy.

Beng. Meanings we¯—vi øvZ‡KvËi mycÖPzi cÖvq ‡¶Î, cwiwa cvV¨m~Px `vb Kiv, Ae`vb ivLv wk¶Y, wk¶v`vb Z_vwc, ZeyI Dc‡hvMxZv gb¯’t Kiv, msKí Kiv hvPvB Kiv, avh© Kiv c~e©kZ© cÖ‡qvRb cÖwZwjwc

Key features; (i) Dramatic expansion of higher education. (ii) Introduction of various subjects. (iii) Increasing interest for higher education. (iv) Local students receive govt. stipend but overseas students have to pay high. A. Do you know the names of the famous universities of England/ Australia/the US/ Canada? What are they? B. Do you know the procedures of applying in a foreign university? If yes, what are they? C. Read the passage in your book about higher education in Britain and answer the questions following it. D. Imagine you want to enroll in this university. Decide on a course of study and draft a letter of enquiry to the concerned chairman of the department. Summary: Higher education has expanded dramatically in Britain. The number of post graduates has also increased vigorously. Courses on a wide range of subjects including arts subjects and science and technology are now offered in the universities. The people are getting more and more interested in higher education. The students cover tuition fees and maintenance grant by the money from government awards along with the contributions of the parents. Grammar: Use of modal: (i) I would like to go to England for higher education. (ii) They need to sit for the admission test.


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Unit: 10: Entertainment , Lesson: 1: Getting the best out of TV Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  read two passages on TV.  talked about the educative functions of TV.  written a newspaper article on the negative aspects of TV. Focus: Skills Functions Reading, writing & speaking Expressing causerelationships


Grammar/Structure Simple present to express state, Future perfect.

The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English and Bengali meanings

Word Entertainment Widespread Varied Telecast Numerous Several Informative Addiction Satellite Dimension Brand Assault Expose Gradually Staggering Violence Aggressive Article

English Meaning Amusement; Recreation; the act of delighting oneself. Spread or scattered over a considerable extent; Occurring or accepted widely. Diverse ; different Broadcast; Air; Send Many; countless; immeasurable; infinite; innumerable Certain; diverse; few; many ; some; various Serving to inform; providing or disclosing information; instructive. Great fondness for something An object launched to orbit Earth or another celestial body. Breadth; scope; range Mark; label; seal Attack; violate; damaging act; harm To subject or allow to be subjected to an action or an influence. Advancing or progressing by regular or continuous degrees. Overwhelming; astonishing Abusive or unjust exercise of power. Inclined to behave in a hostile fashion. A nonfiction literary composition that forms an independent part of a publication, as of a newspaper or magazine

Bengali meaning we‡bv`b we¯Z…Z wewPÎ, wewfbœ m¤cÖPvi AmsL¨, AMwYZ KwZcq Z_¨eûj, wk¶vcÖ` Avmw³ DcMÖn gvÎv cY¨wPý Af¨vNvZ, nvgjv cÖKvk ax‡i ax‡i nZeyw×Ki mš¿vm AvMÖvmx weiPb, welqwfwËK †jLv

Key Features. (i) Popular means of entertainment. (ii) Great utilities of TV on various spheres. (iii) Satellite has added new dimension. (iv) West is becoming familiar to the east. (v) Children are admitted to TV watching. (vi) They find much interest in TV than study. A. Who are TV personalities? Name some of your favourite TV personalities and say why you like them. B. TV is a modern media of entertainment. Find out the good and bad effects of it and use them to make two columns. C. Read the passages in your book on television as a medium of entertainment and answer the questions that follow. D. Find out the bad effects of television that are not mentioned in the passages and make a list of them. E. Write a newspaper article on the bad effects of television on young people in Bangladesh in about 150 words. Summary: Television has become the most popular means of entertainment of the present age. Television is not only entertaining but also educative. Western music, entertainment and modes of life are being familiar to the East. The recent studies show that children are being influenced by TV. They spend more time in TV watching than in school. Grammar: Simple present: (i) Television programmes are not only entertaining; they can be highly educative too.


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(ii) Future perfect: By the time these kids graduate from high school. They will have spent more than 22,000 hours in front of the TV set.

Unit: 10 : Entertainment; Lesson: 4: Entertainment through the ages Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  discussed some types of entertainment from the past and present.  read a passage about the changes in modes of entertainment.  written a report about changes in the mode of entertainment. Focus: Skills Functions Grammar/Structure Reading, writing & Expressing likes/dislikes, Relative clause with which/that, link words: thus, at speaking expressing attitude the same time, as a result.

The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English and Bengali meanings.

Word Significant Exist Puppet Appeal Give place Particular Sphere Get westernized Folk Fuse Instrument Pop Spectator Replace Wrestling

Meaning Grand; great; major; meaningful; noteworthy; important; valuable To have actual being; be real; to have life; live. A small figure of a person or an animal, having a cloth body and head, manipulated by the hand; a toy representing a human figure; a doll. Interest; attraction; allurement Surrender; yield; leave place to some body or something else. Definite; specific; certain; exact. Area; field; arena Being influenced by the things of western countries. Of occurring in or originating among the common people. Mix; mingle; relate; unite. Aperture; machine; tool; a means by which something is done; an agency. Of relating to or specializing in popular music. Audience; an observer of an event. To take or fill the place of (something). Combat; compete; duel; a sport in which two competitors attempt to throw or hit each other by grappling.

Bengali Meaning ¸i‚Z¡c~Y© we`¨gvb cyZzj Av‡e`b, AvKl©Y RvqMv †Q‡o †`qv mywbw`©ó ‡¶Î, MwÊ cvðvZ¨KiY MY ev †jvK msMxZ GKwÎZ nIqv, wg‡k hvIqv hš¿cvwZ RbwcÖq msMxZ `k©K ¯’vbvš—i Kiv Kzw¯—

Key Features: (i) Great changes in entertainment. (ii) Old forms of entertainment have lost attraction. (iii) Modern music fuses melodies. (iv) Radio is being replaced by TV (v) Football is being replaced by Cricket. A. What do you mean by entertainment? Are the forms of entertainment of the past and present same? If not, name some forms of entertainment of the past and some of the present time? B. There is a chart of some entertainments in your book; find out which of them are for the present and which are for the past. C. Read the passage in your book on entertainment over the years and answer the questions that follow. D. What do you think about the changes? Are they good or bad? Write a summary of the changes mentioned in the passage. E. Write a letter to The Rising Sun expressing your views on recent changes in forms of entertainment for young people. Summary: Day by day, we find great changes, in the types of entertainment. The common forms of entertainment of the past have lost their appeal. People are interested in newer forms of entertainment. But this change often assaults the culture of developing countries. As a result, our culture is getting westernized. Grammar: Thus snake charming, puppet shows............... which were common forms of entertainment in the past have almost lost their appeal.


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Thus link words. Which forms relative clause?

Unit: 11: Cultures Around the World, Lesson: 1: Cultural Patterns Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  talked about culture and cultural differences.  read a passage about culture.  written a short passage about Bangladeshi culture. Focus: Skills Functions Reading, writing & Describing behaviour/ ways speaking living, comparing


Grammar/Structure Adjectives- polite/impolite, friendly/ hostile/ indifferent, late/punctual

The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English and Bengali meanings.

Word Culture Made up of Study Entire Pattern Individual Refer Appropriate Rude While Apart Consider Exchange Polite hostile Indifferent

English Meaning The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, Consist of; Research; the pursuit of knowledge, as by reading, observation, or research. Whole; full; complete; total; unbroken Plan; method; system Being; somebody; person Indicate; mention Right; Suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place; Crude; rough; uncultured; unpolished; unrefined At the time of; when far Regard; think; reflect; speculate To give in return for something received; trade; to give and receive reciprocally; interchange. Marked by or showing consideration for others, tact, and observance of accepted social usage; refined; Of relating to or characteristic of an enemy; feeling or showing enmity or ill will; antagonistic. Having no particular interest in or concern for; not interested; cold Acting or arriving exactly at the time appointed; prompt.

Bengali Meaning ms¯‥…wZ MwVZ Aa¨vqb Kiv m¤ú~Y© aiY, c×wZ e¨w³ we‡kl, e¨w³ ¯^Zš¿ wb‡`©k Kiv mwVK wbôzi hLb, †Kvb wKQyi gyû‡Z© `y‡i _vKv, wew‛Qbœ we‡ePbv Kiv, Avg‡j †bqv wewbgq bgª, f`ª we‡ivaxZv ev k΂Zvi m¤úK© D`vmxb, AbvMÖn

Punctual mgqvbyewZ©Zv Key Features: (i) Culture is an inevitable part of society. (ii) It varies from person to person, country to country etc. (iii) Cultural differences. (iv) 18 to 12 inches fair distance to converse. (v) Difference between Arab countries and British or American countries concerning distance while talking. A. What is culture? Write down five words regarding culture and note down a few things that make up culture. B. Read the definitions of culture in your book and discuss whether these definitions are adequate or not. There is also a list of things; say which of these things can be included within culture. Add anything else you think is important element of culture. C. Now read the passage in your book and answer the questions that come before it. D. Do you think that the cultures of different countries are same? If not, find out some differences between our culture and cultures of other countries. E. Write a short passage on Bangladeshi culture and show how it is being influenced by exposure to other cultures.


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Summary: Culture is an integral Part of a national identity. It varies from person to person, society to society. Language, music, ideas. behaviour and customs are the inseparable part of a culture. The American culture is different from European and after countries. These differences are referred to us as cultural differences.

Unit 11: Cultures around the World, Lesson 2: Changing dress patterns Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  talked about patterns of changes in dress.  read a passage on dress codes.  written a class task on the changing patterns of dress in Bangladesh. Focus:


Speaking, writing



Describing , comparing

Grammar/ Structure

Verbs- to wear, put on, dress in, Adjectives – fashionable, formal, casual, comparatives

The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English and Bengali meanings.

Words Robe Veil

Sleeve Teenager Funeral Casual Traditional Swedes Spare Lightweight Occasion Ski Particularly Distinctive

English Meaning

A long, loose, flowing outer garment, especially: A length of cloth worn by women over the head, shoulders, and often the face. A part of a garment that covers all or part of an arm. A person between the ages of 13 and 19; an adolescent. The ceremonies held in connection with the burial or cremation of a dead person. Occurring by chance; occurring at irregular or infrequent intervals; occasional. Of, relating to, or in accord with tradition. Citizen of Sweden; something related to Sweden To hold back from; withhold or avoid. One that weighs relatively little or less than average. An event or a happening; an incident. One of a pair of long flat runners of plastic, metal, or wood that curve upward in front and may be attached to a boot for gliding or traveling over snow. To a great degree; especially. Serving to identify; distinguishing.

Bengali Meaning ‡XvjvwXjv, AvjwLj­v ‡NvgUv nvZv 13 †_‡K 19 eQ‡ii evjK-evwjKv A‡š—¨wówµqv mvaviY HwZn¨MZ myB‡W‡bi Awaevmx AwZwi³,Gwo‡q Pjv nvjKv-cvZjv Dcj¶ ei‡di Dci w`‡q Pjvi Rb¨ cv‡qi Zjvq euvav Kv‡Vi j¤^v mi‚ dvwj we‡klfv‡e wbw`©ófv‡e ¯^Zš¿, c„_K, wfbœ

Key Features: (i) Differences in dress code among nations (ii) Long robes, a piece of cloth covering the head for male and with a veil for female, (iii) Swedish children are more casual than their parents. (iv) Sari for Indian women and Achkan suit for men. A. What are the common dress items in Bangladesh? Make a list of 10 items. B. Read the passage in your book about dress in different places and answer the questions that follow. C. Choose one piece of clothing worn commonly in Bangladesh. Write a letter to a foreigner friend who has never come to Bangladesh describing this dress. D. Cloth fashion among young people in Bangladesh is changing. Write a newspaper article on these changes. Summary: Dress codes differ from nation to nation. Kuwait, the traditional dress for men is a long robe and a piece of cloth to cover the head and for women is more or less same. In Sweden men wear a shirt and tie and women wear trousers. In India, women were ‘Sari’ and men achkansuits western dresses are also popular to the youths in India. Grammar:


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Verb: (i) People usually dress welling public. (ii) Indian women put on sari.

Unit 11: Cultures around the World, Lesson 3: Food habits and ways of eating Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  talked about food habits and ways of eating.  read a short passage and compared and contrasted ideas with the situation in Bangladesh.  written a letter providing information. Focus: Skills Functions Grammar/ Structure Speaking, reading, Describing habitual actions Present tense for habitual action, writing To be + used to + gerund

The following words have been taken from the passage. Memorise their English meaning and their Bengali Meaning.

Words Kentucky, fried chicken Prawn Dossa

English Meaning Food items of a chain food shop

Bengali Meaning GK cÖKvi Lvevi

Shellfish with ten legs and a long tail that can be eaten An Italian or Indian food item like a bred with boiled potato within it.

Yoghurt Buns

Thick white liquid food made by adding bacteria to milk A small bread roll, often sweetened or spiced and sometimes containing dried fruit. Sweet sticky brown fruit that grows on a tree called a date palm. limited A kind of leafy plant used as vegetable. A kind of dessert A place where meals are served to the public. Fish fried in butter nerved with chips as fast food A cheap or disreputable gathering place. A sandwich made with a patty of ground meat usually in a roll or bun.

wPswo gvQ BZvjxq ev `w¶Y fviZxq i‚wU RvZxq Lvevi UK `B i‚wU we‡kl, ebi‚wU

Dates Confined Mint Pudding Restaurant Fish ’n chips Joint Hamburger Fork Chopstick

A utensil with two or more prongs, used for eating or serving food. One of a pair of slender sticks made especially of wood or ivory, held between the thumb and fingers and used as an eating utensil in Asian countries and in restaurants serving Asian food.

‡LRyi mxgve× cyw`bv mywgó †KK we‡kl ‡i‡¯—viv fvwR gvQ I Avjyi wPcm MYRgv‡qZ ¯’vb ïKzi gvs‡mi •Zwi †KK ev wcVv KvUv PvgP Lv`¨ MÖn‡Y mnvqK GK †Rvov KvwV|

Key Features: (i) Foods habits differ from country to country are found in Britain. (ii) Restaurant from different countries. (iii) Take away food gain popularity. (iv) Some use knives and forks and the other fingers while eating. A. What are the common food items in Bangladesh? Make a list of 10 items. B. Look at the item list in your book and find out which of them are Bangladeshi and which of them are western. C. Read the passage in your book and answer the questions that follow. E. Write a letter to an English pen-friend about the changes in young people’s food habits in Bangladesh and mention some of the western items that are becoming popular. Summary: There are a lot of difference among the countries in respect of eating habits. The foods are also different and eating habits are changing. In Britain, there are many restaurants from Korea. Thailand, Japan, Malaysia and India. Take away foods are very popular among the British way of taking foods throughout the whole world are different.


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Grammar: (i) Nowadays people have been used to tasting different types of food. (ii) She was used to going to party.

Unit-11: Cultures Around the World Lesson-6 Visiting Bangladesh: tips for foreigners Objective: By the end of the lesson you will have • talked about food habits, and manner of eating • read some information about customs in Bangladesh • done a short writing task Focus: Skills



Speaking, reading, writing

Giving information, talking about habitual Simple present to express action state

Vocabulary: English Meaning Words Bengali Meaning mshy³ Kiv add put in, insert, affix, attach, include wek&ªx, weeªZKi awkward uncomfortable, embarrassed we‡kl, Amvavib especial unusual, extraordinary, outstanding, remarkable h_vh_ fair just, reasonable, light evievi, c~bð: frequent common, everyday, regular, repeated LuvwU, h_vh_ genuine real, authentic, true, actual wgj, m½wZ harmony agreement, accord, concord GjvKv locality area, region, place, position, neighborhood bovPov, ¯’vbvš—i move shift, travel, motion, progress bg&ª, mshZ polite refined, respectful, well-mannered, gracious Rjw` quickly rapidly, fast, speedily †mev, mn‡hvMxZv, PvKzix service check, to serve, repair, once-over mn‡hvMx, Aaxb¯’ subordinate assistant, minor, lesser, inferior f&gª Y Kiv travel journey, tour, voyage, move Key feature: (i) Passengers, especially foreigners like Europeans have to bargain for hiring taxi-cabs at the airport. (ii) Driving is quite difficult in Bangladesh as the drivers drive according to their own will violating traffic rule (iii) Friendliness is a sign of Bangladeshi culture and even people show their interests about overseas visitors. (iv) Unlike some modern shopping centers is rampant in local markets and foreigners do not stand a chance to win there. (v) Communication network is fairly good in Bangladesh now but time schedules are not often maintained strictly here. (vi) E-mail and internet services are quite cheap here for cyber cafes and these services have also allowed some dailies to reach readers. Students’ duty: For answering Questions Type 9, 10 and 11 students should read the six paragraphs attentively given in this lesson titled ‘At the airport, Driving, Friendliness, Shopping, Transport system and E-mail and Internet services’. Grammar: Simple Present to express State: To express state A_©vr †Kvb e¯‘ ev e¨w³i Ae¯’v ev Ae¯’vb wba©viY Ki‡Z Simple Present Tense G am, is, are Subject Gi ci e¨envi Kiv nq|


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Structure: Subject+ am/is/are + Complement. G‡¶‡Î am, is, are Gi cwie‡Z© Linking Verb ‡hgb appear, become, get, turn BZ¨vw` e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i| Example: Nahar is ill now. Space travelling seems quite enjoyable. Note: From this lesson you can get a paragraph named ‘Bangladesh for Visitors’

Unit 11: Cultures around the World Lesson 7 : Etiquette in English Society: tips for Bangladeshis going to Britain Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will have  talked about differences in life styles between Britain and Bangladesh.  read a passage about adjusting to life in Britain.  writing tips. Focus:


Speaking, intensive reading, writing


Describing, making comparisons


Similarities/ differences, imperatives, do/don’t

The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English and Bengali meanings.


Reputation Reserved Oversea Concert Audience Restrain Interpret Considerate Blaspheme Norms Convenient Appointment Host Embarrass Customary Etiquette Manner

English Meaning

The general estimation in which a person is held by the public; Slow or willing to now feelings, thoughts, or affairs or express opinions to oneself; Beyond the sea; abroad. A performance given by one or more singers or instrumentalists or both. The spectators or listeners assembled at a performance. To hold back or keep in check; control. To explain the meaning of. Having or marked by regard for the needs or feelings of others. To speak of (God or a sacred entity) in an irreverent, impious manner. A standard, model, or pattern regarded as typical. Suited or favorable to one's comfort, purpose, or needs. An arrangement to do something or meet someone at a particular time and place. One who receives or entertains guests in a social or an official capacity. To cause to feel self-conscious or ill at ease; Commonly practiced, used, or encountered; usual. The practices and forms prescribed by social convention or by authority. A way of doing something or the way in which a thing is done or happens.

Bengali Meaning mybvg, L¨vwZ msiw¶Z we‡`k A‡b‡Ki cwi‡ekbvj msMxZvbyôvb `k©K-‡mªvZv wbqš¿Y Kiv e¨vL¨v Kiv we‡ePK Ck¦i wb›`v aiY, ixwZ-bxwZ myweavRbK Kv‡Ri ev mv¶v‡Zi wbw`©ó mgqm~Px Avc¨vqbKvix, †gRevb nqivwb, weeªZ ¯^vfvweK ixwZ-bxwZ wkôvPvi AvPvi-e¨envi

Key Features: (vi) British people are reputed for keeping their emotion private. (vii) Control emotion and remain calm during public function. (viii) Simply shake hands on first meeting. (ix) Call their colleagues and teachers by first name. (x) Should maintain appointment. A. What do you mean by etiquette and manner? What do you know about etiquette and manner in Britain? Compare your list with that of another pair. B. Read the information about life in Britain and answer the questions that follow. C. From the passage, find out the similarities and differences between the patterns of life in Bangladesh and that in Britain. D. Suppose one of your British friends is coming to visit Bangladesh. Write a letter to him giving him some tips on how to adjust to life here.


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Summary: British people remain reserved in public behaviour. They do not talk to others in public transport and just shake hands on a first introduction. In theaters, concert halls and cinemas audience do not shout to express their reaction. But as a whole the British people are very friendly and considerate. They are very specific in maintaining appointment. Grammar: If you really do have to connection invitation, do let your hosts know as soon as possible.

Unit- 11: Cultures around the World, Lesson- 9: Festivals and celebrations in different cultures

Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • talked about festivals and celebrations • read about festivals in different cultures • rewritten a passage Focus: Skills Speaking, intensive, reading, writing Vocabulary: Word

Functions Describing cultural events

Grammar/structure Present simple, verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs to describe activity and atmosphere


English Meaning festival, celebration

Bengali Meaning Avb‡›`vrme





extended, minutely worked out

mywbwg©Z wekvj

sight seeing

traveling, visiting the sight

`k©bxq ¯’v‡b Ny‡i ‡`Lvi KvR


take something, suck up

ï‡l †bIqv


gaudy, showy, colorful

D¾¡j / eb©‡kvwfZ

fiesta festivity

religious festival

ag©xq Drme


magnificent 3


Read the passage again and answer the following questions. A. Do you know of any festivals and celebrations in other countries? B. Give a tittle to the passage? C. What do people do during the Rio carnival? Make a list of activities that take place. Imagine you are visiting Rio during the carnival. Write to your friend in Bangladesh telling him / her of your experience. Key feature: (i) A Traditional Festival Held For Centuries (ii) Being Introduced By The Portuguese (iii) Lasting 96 Hours Continuously (iv) Including Samba Music. Samba Dances, And Flamboyant Costumes (v) Becoming A Tourist Attraction For The World Summary: Different cultural events are celebrated at different times all over the world. These different festivals have their origin, history, tradition, religion and politics. Rio carnival is the most famous celebration which was introduced into Brazil. The first carnival was held in Rio de Janeiro. Grammar: Structure: Subject + verb (s /es) + other words Example from the text: Some see this as a sign of society Adjective : Adjective is the word which always modifies a noun or pronoun. It indicates the quality, or state of a noun of pronoun Example from the test: Different cultures all over the world are celebrated.


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These various celebrations have their origin

Unit-12 :Personalities, Lesson-1: Personalities at home Objectives: By the end of this lesson students will have  talked about some famous Bangladeshi personalities  read a passage  done a reading exercise  written a passage describing personalities Focus: Skills Functions Grammar/Structure Speaking, reading, writing Narrating past events, evaluating Simple past tense, passive actions, gap filling voice  Read the passage silently and sort out the difficult words. For the better understanding of you some words from the text are given below with their English and Bengali meanings. Memories the meaning. Words Consider Martyrdom Trumped up Flame Deploy Douse Deteriorate Profuse Eventual Erstwhile Rush

English Meaning to think about something carefully in order to make a decision. the suffering or death of a martyr fabricate or invent (an accusation etc.) to make up a false story about somebody or something bright light spread out (troops) into a line ready for action throw water over become worse extravagant occurring in due course former to move fast

Bengali Meaning we‡ePbv Kiv knx`Z¡, kvnv`vZ lohš¿g~jK AwMœwkLv ‡gvZv‡qb Kiv ‡X‡j †`Iqv n«vm cvIqv/cÖkwgZ nIqv cÖPÊ †Rv‡i/wdbwK w`‡q cwiYwZ‡Z cÖv³b `ª‚Z R‡ov nIqv

Key Features: (1) Professor of chemistry and proctor of Rajshahi University. (2) Students took part in Protest against Ayub Khan govt. (3) Section 144 was violated by students. (4) Students involved in clash with police. (5) Dr. Zoha shot dead at 4 p.m. A. Do you have known some famous persons of our country? Discuss with your partner about some great personalities of our countries. B. Make a list of five actions about the history of sacrificing Dr. Zoha’s life. C. Read the passage on page 151 (c) and fill in the blank with the appropriate words. D. Write a paragraph about a martyr of the liberation war from your own country. Summary: Dr. Shamsuzzoha was a professor of chemistry and Proctor of Rajshahi University. The students of Rajshahi University took an active part in protesting against the killing of Sergeant Zohurul Haque in prison. Tension grew in the campus and students attempted to break section 144. Armed forces were deployed and opened fire on the agitating students. Eventually Dr. Zoha was shot dead by the Pakistan army. Grammar: Simple past tense: structure – Sub + verb (past) + other words, it is used,


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to express a single act in the past---- I did it. Shaheed Dr. Shamsuzzoha attained martyrdom during the pre-liberation period of Bangladesh. to express an action actually going on at the time stated---- While they danced ( were dancing) we sang ( were singing). On February 18, tension grew (was growing) on the campus and the students prepared (were preparing) to violate Section 144. to express a habitual action in the past----- he studied (used to study) hard.

Unit-12: Personalities, Lesson-3 : Rabindranath Tagore Objectives/: By the end of this lesson students will have  talked about some of Tagore work  translated some verses  extracted specific information from a text Focus: Skills Functions Speaking, reading, Evaluating actions, writing justifying behavior

Grammar/Structure Past tense as narrative, expressing understanding “I can understand why they left the house”

The difficult words. For the better understanding of you some words from the text are given below with their English and Bengali meanings. Memorise the meaning. These words are not enough, if you find more words add them also. Words Dismal Jostling Persuade Lodging house Reassure Distinction Admiration

English Meaning gloomy; miserable roughly or in a crowd convince room or rooms rented for lodging in confirm in an opinion or impression difference between two things warm approval or pleasure

Bengali Meaning bxim, welYœ fx‡oi gv‡S av°v avw° K‡i cÖ‡ivwPZ Kiv RvqMxi evwo cybtAvk¦¯— Kiv cv_©K¨, ¯^vZš¿¨ kª×v‡eva

Key Features: (i) Wrote his first verse at the age of 8. (ii) At the age of 17 went to London. (iii) London left poor impression on him. (iv) Attended Henry Morley’s lectures in English literature. (v) Stayed as paying guest and faced opposition. (vi) Influenced by English society. (vii) Returned home without any qualifications of distinction. A. Do you know the name of the writer of our national anthem? Have you read Rabindranath’s poetry? Now discuss with your partner the important features of his poems. Read the passage silently and sort out B. Mention some title of Tagore’s poems, some names of novels and short stories by him and also translate into English two lines of one common Tagore’s song. Now discuss about his study in abroad with your partner. C. Again read the passage and answer the questions, which come before you. D. Write a paragraph in about 60 words on Rabindranath writing for our college magazine. Summary: Rabindranath was the fourteenth child of his parents. At the age of eight he started writing poems. He was sent to London to get the benefit of western education at the age of seventeen. He was greatly influenced by the western culture and society. He was called back to India and he returned to India without any qualifications of distinctions.


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Grammar: Past tense as narrative, expressing understanding: Rabindranath, the fourteenth child of Debendranath and Sarada Devi Tagore, went to school and wrote his first verse at the age of eight.

Unit-12: Personalities, Lesson-4: The man behind the Shaheed Minar Objectives: By the end of this lesson students will have  read a passage for detailed information  identified and used relative pronouns in complex sentences  written a passage Focus:


Reading, Speaking, Writing


Talking of achievement


Simple past tense, relative pronouns

Read the passage silently and sort out the unknown words. The following words are found in the passage. The English meanings are given bellow. Memorise the English meanings and their Bengali meanings.


Convey Conception Pioneer Horizontal Vertical

English Meanings

To communicate information or message Idea, notion Leading person Parallel to the horizon Pointing straight up and down in a line and forming an angle of 90 degree with the ground Form, appearance Desire, longing, wish Expression, display Similarity, alike

Bengali Meanings

cwienb Kiv/†cu․‡Q †`Iqv aviYv AMÖ`~Z/c_ cÖ`k©K Avbyf~wgK j¤^vjw¤^/Lvov

Shape AvKvi Aspiration B‛Qv Manifestation ¯úó KiY/cÖKvk Harmony mv`„k/wgj/Zvj Key Features: (i) Gave shape to the concept and design of the Shaheed Minar. (ii) Pioneer of the pain sting movement. (iii) Focused on the language movement. (iv) Balance and harmony of united stand is presented by four columns. (v) Expressed unity and strength through geometric structure. (vi) Symbol of freedom, strength & unity. A. Do you know the name of some famous artists and architects of our country? What do you know about the history of the central Shaheed Minar? Who was the architect of the Shaheed Minar? B. Read the passage and answer the following questions in one complete sentence. Such as : Summary: Hamidur Rahman was an architect and he designed the central shaheed Minar. He was the first Bangaldeshi art student and pioneer of art movement. Through the design of shaheed Minar he tried to express the national identity of the Bangalies. He used special type of material to construct it so that it can with stand in tropical climate. He is no more among us but is always remembered throughout his work. Question: 1. What does the passage say about Hamidur Rahman’s education and specialization? Answer: About Hamidur Rahman’s education the passage says that he was the first art student of Bangladesh who in the 1950s went to Europe and studied at “Ecole de beaux art in Paris” A. Identify the relative pronouns from the text and make sentences with the following relative Pronouns: Who; Which; What: B. What is wall poster? Write a wall poster for your college for coming 21 st February 2007, explaining the significance of the Shaheed Minar in our national culture. A. Grammatical analysis: In this passage we have found the use of relative pronoun, simple, complex and compound sentences. Relative pronoun: a relative pronoun not only refers to some nouns or pronouns previously mentioned but also joins two clauses. The principal relative pronouns are who, which, that, what, as and but are also used as relative pronoun. Example: I know the man who is your brother. Simple sentence: a simple sentence is a sentence having only one subject and one finite verb.


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Example: Hamidur Rahman wanted to find a new expression. Complex sentence: a complex sentence is a sentence having a principal clause and one or more subordinate clauses. Example: Hamidur Rahman was the man who gave shape to the concept and design of the Shaheed Minar. Compound sentence: a compound sentence is a sentence which has more than one principal clause connected by one or more coordinating conjunction. Example: Hamidur Rahman was the pioneer of the new painting movement in the Pakistan but he is mostly remembered for his remarkable design of the central Shaheed Minar.

Unit-12: Personalities, Lesson- 5: Wole Soyinka

Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • talked about some non-native writers writing in English • read a passage to extract specific information • written a short article on the effects of western civilization Focus: Skills Speaking, reading, writing

Functions Speaking information

Grammar/structure Passive voice

Vocabulary investigate, celebration, satirical, imposition, individuality, folklore, indigenous

Vocabulary: Word

English Meaning


dramatist, writer, author

Bengali Meaning bvU¨Kvi, †jLK


examine, look into

AbymÜvb Kiv


native, local, original

†`kxq, ¯^‡`kRvZ


ironical, a numerous but mocking piece of writing



the action of imposing sth.



myth, legends, tradition


Read the passage and answer the following question. (i) Who is Wole Soyinka? (ii) When was he born and where? (iii) What do you know about his education? (iv) What is Soyinka famous for? (v) Mention some of his writings? Now write a paragraph about the negative and positive influences of western civilization on Bangladeshi society. Key Features: (i) An African poet and playwright in English. (ii) Education at different Universities. (iii) Interested in local forms of drama. (iv) Has much knowledge about Nigerian folklore. (v) Conscious of African interest. Summary: Wole Soyinka is a Nigerian playwright and he was in the development of a Nigerian theatre. He was born in Abelkota on July, 1934. He became the director of the school of drama at the University of Ibaden in 1969. His important plays are the invention A Dance of the Forests, The lion and the Jewel is his satirical comedy and the road has its source in Nigerian folk. He also published other poems and a novel. Grammar: Example from the text: (i) The play invention was produced (ii) A play was performed at Nigeria’s Independence celebrations. (iii) The imposition of modern civilization is seen as a threat.


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Unit -12: Personalities, Lesson- 6 : A scientist on a wheel chair Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  listed names of some famous scientists of the present times.  read about a famous scientist and answered questions based on the reading.  completed some incomplete sentences.  written a paragraph in the scientist in own words. Focus: Skills Intensive reading, writing

Functions Organising ideas, sifting out information, narrating

Grammar Link words showing sequence

The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English and Bengali meaning.

Words Cosmology Reputation Prestigious Theoretical Gradually Muscle Synthesiser Convert Tremendous Handicap Relentless Soar Dishearten

Meaning The study of the physical universe considered as a totality of phenomena in time and space. The general estimation in which a person is held by the public. Having prestige; esteemed Of, relating to, or based on theory; Restricted to theory; not practical. Advancing or progressing by regular or continuous degrees. A tissue composed of fibers capable of contracting to effect bodily movement. An electronic instrument, often played with a keyboard, that combines simple waveforms to produce more complex sounds, such as those of various other instruments To change (something) into another form, substance, state, or product; transform. Extremely large in amount, extent, or degree; enormous. A race or contest in which advantages or compensations are given different contestants to equalize the chances of winning. Unyielding in severity or strictness; unrelenting. To rise, fly, or glide high and with little apparent effort. To shake or destroy the courage or resolution of; dispirit.

Bengali Meaning m„wóZË¡/wek¦ZË¡ L¨vwZ m¤§vbRbK ZË¡xq µgvbœ‡q gvsm‡ckx we‡k­lK hš¿

iƒcvš—i Kiv wekvj evav weivgnxb D‡aŸ© DVv, e„w× cvIqv wbivk Kiv

Key Features: (i) A Brief history of Time: a famous book of Stephen Hawking. (ii) Got PhD in Cosmology. (iii) Became victim of Gehrig’s disease. (iv) Confined to the wheelchair but relentless worker. (v) Is getting 24 hour nursing facilities by an American organization. A. Do you know any famous scientist of the present time? If yes, name them and say who is famous for why. B. There is a diagram in your book. Look at it and collect information about the most famous scientist of the present time like. Stephen Hawking and then answer the questions that follow. C. Read the passage on Stephen Hawking in your book and answer the True/False question and complete the incomplete sentences. E. Write a paragraph on Stephen Hawking in your own words in about 150 words. Summary:


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Stephen Hawking became famous for writing the book. “ A brief history of time: From the Big Bang to the present times. He got his PhD in cosmology from Cambridge University. He joined Cambridge University as Lucasian professor of mathematics. He received Albert Einstein award for theoretical Physics. He becomes victim to Gehrig’s disease.

Grammar: Stephen is still a relentless worker, using his computer to carry out research work as well as deliver lectures. ‘Still’ is a link word and has made a relationship with the other part.

Unit -Thirteen: We and Our Rights, Lesson- 1: Children have their rights Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • read about child labour and matched two columns • read a description of some children and discussed what rights they are deprived of • inserted articles in appropriate places • written a report for an English magazine Focus: Skills Speaking, reading, writing

Functions Describing, analysing situations, expressing feelings / reactions, writing reports

Grammar/structure Nouns, adjectives for describing / narrating, cause-effect, words to describe feelings

Vocabulary: Word

English Meaning

child labour

making children work

Bengali Meaning wkïkªg


devoid of

ewÂZ Kiv

tender age

very young age, young



roll up, engage



workman pay, remunerations

kªwgK‡`i †eZb


having no common measure

mvaviY gvb †bB Ggb


refuse part, rubbish


prefer like better

fond of

AwaKZi cQ›` Kiv

hand loom

a loom worked by hand

n¯—PvwjZ ZvZ


a message, news

Av‡`k / msev`

Grammar: Cause and effect: Cause means reason. To express cause it needs some words such as since, as, for this, because, because of, so that etc. Effect means result. To express result in a sentence it needs some words such as as a result, hence, therefore etc. Textual Example: (i) He is preferred by the passengers and for this he gets beaten by other porters. (ii) He used to be tied to (iii) a camel race so that his terrified screens would make the camel run faster.


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Unit- 13: We and Our Rights, Lesson 2: Women have rights too

Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • booked at some illustrations • interpreted a table and answered questions. • read a passage and fill in blanks by listening to your teacher. • done an exercise with prefixes. • written on analysis of a diagram. Focus: Skills Reading, writing, listening

Functions Interpreting graphs and tables, transferring information into a different format

Grammar/structure Cause-effect, uses of prefixes

Vocabulary: Word consider subservient dominate finance household miseries lack support unskilled despite male family issues

English Meaning look attentively subordinate command, control monetary support for an enterprise occupants of a house as a unit condition or feeling of wretchedness want, deficiency speak in favour of lacking in spite of of the sex that can beget offspring by fertilization set of relations, esp. parents and children law children

Bengali Meaning we‡ePbv Kiv Aaxb kvmb Kiv A_© M„n¯’vwj `ytL Kó Afve / Afve nIqv mvnvh¨ Kiv A`¶ m‡Ë¡I cyi‚l cwievi

mš—vb husbands married man cwZ / ¯^vgx knowledge awareness or familiarity Ávb recently not long past; that happened, began to exist m¤cÖwZ burden load, esp. a heavy one ‡evSv torture infliction of severe bodily pain wbh©vZb employment person's trade or profession PvKzix / KvR urban of, living in, or situated in a town or city bMi related connected m¤ú„³ Avw_©K financial of finance Key Features: (i) Helplessness of women in Bangladesh. (ii) The need and importance of female education. (iii) The importance of awareness of women about their right. (iv) The importance of the enforcement of women repression Act Summary: Women are thought inferior to men. They lack education and awareness of their rights. They are deprived and tortured in many ways. They should have education. They should, thereby, have self-dependence. Grammar:


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Cause –effect:


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Structure: As/since/when + sub + verb + adj/adv +, +effect. As the boy was weak, he could not go to college. use of prefix: Structure : Sub (prefix) + servient (main word) = subservient Mal (prefix) + treat (main word) = maltreat

Unit-13: We and Our Rights, Lesson-3: The rights of the old must not be neglected Objectives: By the end of this lesson students will have  discussed old age  made a list of the rights of the elderly after reading a passage  read a short passage and answered questions based on it  completed a passage using appropriate prepositions Focus: Skills Functions Grammar Reading, inferencing, Identifying underlying message Prepositional phrases speaking  Read the passage silently and sort out the difficult words. For the better understanding of you some words from the text are given below with their English and Bengali meanings. Memorise the meaning. Words English Meanings Bengali Meanings Experience Knowledge about sth. AwfÁZv Provide give, supply mieivn Kiv Eligible licit ‡hvM¨, Dchy³ Occasionally Sometimes gv‡S g‡a¨ Deprivation for away from rights ewÂZ Feeble Weak `ye©j Ail Make somebody weak hvZbv †`Iqv Out of desperation Finding no way gwiqv n‡q Key Features: (i) The retirement age for govt. employee in Bangladesh is 57 years and for university teachers is 63 years. (ii) In developed countries the retirement age is 65 years. (iii) Social security free medical facilities are given by the government in the form of old age benefits in developed countries but in Bangladesh it is rare. (iv) In Bangladesh housewives are not eligible for any pension. (v) The retired age old people must be an asset for the society. (vi) They need much care because they have served their family and nation. A. What do you think about the title and the rights of the old people in our country? B. Read the passage from the text and identify the right words in the brackets. C. Find out the different phrases from the passage and make ten sentences with them about your family. Summary: For govt. employees 57 is the age for retirement. After retirement the government provides some facilities such as pension and gratuity. But these are not enough. Besides, there are many who do not work in govt. offices and are therefore, not eligible for pension. According to the report of the Bureau of Statistics 6% of the population of our country are aged people. They have served their nation and families throughout their life. So, in their old age it is their right to get service from us in return. Grammar/Structure In this passage we have found the use of prepositional phrases: 1. Prepositional Phrase: The phrase, which starts with a preposition and ends with a noun, is called prepositional phrases. When a preposition is used before a noun or a noun phrase is also called prepositional phrase. Structure: Preposition + Noun / Noun Phrase Example: in the classroom, on the way, under the tree, in my house etc. 2. The main characteristic of a prepositional phrase is that, it contains a preposition at the beginning and also a preposition at the end. Example: by means of, in case of, with a view to, in spite of, for the sake of etc. 3. There are so many nouns, verbs and adjectives, which follow a particular preposition.  Structure: Noun + Preposition Example: exception to, example of, pair of, reason for, sample of etc.


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Structure: Verb + Preposition Example: decide on, depend on, pay for, instead of etc.  Structure: Adjective + Preposition Example: afraid of, fond of, inferior to, similar to, interested in etc. Textual Example: need to, provide by, belong to, eligible for, in return, care for. Home work: Write a paragraph on the right of old aged people in our country around 100 words. 

Unit-13: We and Our Rights, Lesson-6: Citizens and their rights

Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • discussed the rights of citizens and foreigners • read an extract from journal and answered questions based on it • written an informal letter Focus: Skills Speaking, intensive reading, writing

Functions Interpreting information, expressing obligation

Grammar/structure Present perfect tense, obligation – must should, have to

Vocabulary: Words citizenship

English Meaning the legal right to belong to a particular country

Bengali Meaning bvMwiKZ¡

consist legally

be composed, have as ingredients of or based on law; concerned with law

MwVZ nIqv / Aš—f~³ nIqv AvBb wm×fv‡e

resident unlimited

a permanent inhabitant unrestricted; enormous

emevmiZ Awbqwš¿Z


gain for oneself; come into possession of.

AR©b Kiv


discontinue, cancel

cÖZ¨vnvi Kiv


successfully introduce



sufficient, satisfactory



act of contributing.



acquiring or being acquired



bowels, intestines



required by law or a rule


Key Features: (i) Relaxation in the German citizenship law. (ii) The process of acquiring German citizenship (iii) The features of their process Summary: Non German children residing in Germany can apply for German citizenship; the citizenship law has been made more relaxed than before in Germany. This citizenship reform has some points that have to be followed by foreigners as mandatory for the naturalisation of citizenship. These points are— the ability to support themselves without social security payment, to refrain from committing crime, having knowledge of German language, obligation to military service. Grammar: Present perfect tense: Sub + have/has + verb Gi past participle. Obligation- must, should, have to


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(i) The foreigners must obey German law.

Unit- 13: We and Our Rights, Lesson-7: What would you call him ? Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • read a short story • guessed the meaning of specific word from the context • selected appropriate adjectives relevant to the text • identified some antonyms beginning with ‘un-’ • written the gist of the story Focus: Skills Intensive, reading, writing

Functions Reporting, feelings



Grammar/structure Past tense (continuous and simple), adjectives describing feelings, prefix “un”, opposites

Vocabulary: Words undernourishment ragged

English Meaning insufficiently nourished torn; frayed

Bengali Meaning AhZœ Rxb


blacken with grime



discover or perceive



fine or good of its kind



well known



arousing pity, sadness, or contempt



keep in the memory; not forget

¯§ib Kiv

makers life

cosmetics, as used generally

square meal

substantial meal

cÖPzi Lv`¨mvgMªx cwi‡ewkZ †fvR

swell up

louder, or more intense

ùxZ nIqv





loss of light, importance

P›`ª / m~h¨© MÖnb, Avovj Kiv


of imposing height

DbœZ / eo


greedily, or with effort


Z…wß content satisfied; adequately happy Key words: (i) A street beggar of teen age named Robi living in a makeshift hut begged in Dhaka medical college area. (ii) His deprivation and under nourishment are very pathetic. (iii) His dream, merely a square meal (iv) His dream fulfilled by Zayed and two of his two friends. Summary: Zayed and his friends, the students of Dhaka medical college one day found a street beggar looking smaller than his age for under nourishment and deprivation. His name was Robi. He lived in a makeshift hut, His dream of life was merely a square meal of rice chickens and sweets. Zayed and his friends made his dream come true by entertaining him in the cafe behind the medical college. Grammar: Present perfect tense:


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An action of recent past with the result due.


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Structure: Sub + have/has + verb Gi past participle. Modal auxiliaries: must, should, have to express obligation Structure: Sub + must/should/have to + verb Gi base form Example: The foreigners in Germany have to obey German law.

Unit-14: Human Resources, Lesson-1: Literacy: an age-old concept Objective: By the end of this lesson students will have  expanded an idea  read a few extracts  done a comprehension exercise  prepared a table Focus: Skills Functions Reading, writing, speaking Describing historical events

Grammar/Structure Superlative degree

Read the passage silently and sort out the unknown words. The following words are found in the passage. The English and Bengali meanings are given below. Memorize the meanings.

Words Institutionalize Invent Privilege

English Meanings to make sth become part of an organized system, society or culture to produce or design sth that has not existed before a special right or advantage that a particular person or group of people has a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose the activities of fighting a war to think that sth is the same as sth else or is as important the central point on which sth turner or balances very active, full of energy a plan or system for doing or organizing sth. connected with the act of making and passing laws

Bengali Meanings cÖwZôvbMZ/cÖvwZôvwbK Avwe¯‥vi we‡kl myweav

‡K․kj Strategy hy× m¤úwK©Z/m¤^Üxq Warfare mgZv Equate ‡Kw›`ªq, cÖavb, ¸i‚Z¡c~Y© Pivot exi exiµ‡g Vigorously cwiKíbv/cÖKí Scheme AvBb •Zix Kv‡R wb‡qvwRZ Legislative Key feature: (i) Literacy was first institutionalized in Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt and China. (ii) It was institutionalized after the invention of the art of writing. (iii) Only male children were sent to school by the Greeks. (iv) Islamic civilization Pivoted on literacy. (v) It was considered one of the most important social phenomenon during the middle ages. A. What do you think about literacy in Bangladesh? Have you any idea why the literacy rate in Bangladesh is low? Discuss it. B. Now read the passage on page 178(B) and try to write a summary about literacy in ancient time. C. Read the passage on page 178(C) and make a list of five points about the purpose of education. D. Read the passage attentively and answer the questions that follow. E. What do you know about the establishment of Dhaka University? F. Write a summary in about 60 words about the establishment of Dhaka University on the basis of the comprehension on page 179(E). Summary: Islamic civilization pivoted on literacy and patronage of scholarship. Ibn Sina, one of the most famous Muslim philosophers of all times, saw the task of education as creating a complete citizen physically, mentally and morally, Education was one of the most important social phenomena which made sure that the individual was prepared to acquire values and knowledge from an early age. Grammar:


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Superlative Degree; Textual Example: One of the most famous Muslim Philosophers of all times. Home work: Write a paragraph on the Institutionalization of Education and also the purpose of Education about 100 words.

Unit -14 : Human Resources, Lesson- 3: Enriching the workforce Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  read a text about workforce.  found meaning of words and framed sentences with them.  written a summary. Focus: Skills Functions Grammar Speaking, discussing, reading, Evaluating, giving reasons, Present tense for discursive writing writing giving opinions. and speaking  Read the passage about the working opportunities of women in Bangladesh. Memorise the new words and make sentences with them. For the betterment of you, some new words are given below. Words Meaning Bengali Meaning Working women Women who work outside their house Kg©Rxwe gwnjv Stride Step, pace weivU c`‡¶c Conspicuous Obvious, noticeable ¯úó `„k¨gvb Unfortunate Unlucky, ill-fated `yf©vM¨RbK Establish Set up, found cÖwZwôZ Kiv Urge Inspiration, enthusiasm AvMÖn Traditional Conventional, customary, cÖ_vMZ Compete Fight, struggle cÖwZ‡hvwMZv Kiv Worth Merit ,importance ‡hvM¨Zv Survive Carry on, live ‡e‡P _vKv Key Feature: (i) In the past women were confined only to household chores. (ii) Their role in agricultural sector and in household were not recognised as work. (iii) Today women are being engaged in different professions out side. (iv) They play a very important role in enhancing the income of the family (v) Not only educated women but also uneducated women have come out their cocoons to earn and became self-reliant. (vi) They have to fulfill their traditional role of wife mother and home maker. A. Do women in your area work outside their homes? What sort of work do they usually do? Discuss in pairs. B. After reading the passage, try to answer the questions given in page number 183 (C) C. Notice the following words, try to sort out the meaning and synonyms of those. Now discuss with your partner to frame more sentences with them. 1 unconventional-Unusual-A¯^vfvweK (Woman pilots are not usual in Bangladesh.) 2 exclusive-Special-we‡kl (The friday match was very special to me.) 3 cocoon-limit-MwÊ/mxgv-(Women are coming out of the limit.) 4 self-reliant-Self supporting-AvZ¥wbf©ikxj (By earning women can become self-supporting.) E. Now talk about different work forces and their facilities in different countries all over the world. Discuss the reasons why the people of the developing countries migrate to the other countries in search of work or higher education. Do you know what is brain drain? Write your views about it in 60 words. Summary: The passage is about the work force and also the rights and responsibilities of women in our country. In our country women have to work at home and also outside the home. They have to participate agricultural house hold and official work, but all these are not recognised as work. Both the educated and uneducated women have come out of their cocoons to earn and become self-reliant and they have to compete with the male to prove their value. So the life is more difficult for women in our country. Grammar: Present tense for discursive writing and speaking: It is not necessary to follow strictly the structure of grammar in discursive writing and speaking from one point to another. Present tense- Textual example:


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(i) This does not mean that life is any easier for women now. (ii) At work as they compete with men they have to prove their worth twice over in order to survive. Home work: Write a paragraph around 120 words about the rights and responsibilities of women in our society in the past and present time.

Unit -15 :Towards Social Development, Lesson- 2: How education can help Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  Commented on information in a chart.  Discussed how illiteracy retards social development.  Read a passage about the function of education in social development.  Practised conditional statements.  Discuss the role of students in social service. Focus: Skills Functions Grammar Reading, discussion, writing Making suggestions, listing Second conditional sentence.  The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English and Bengali meaning. Words Meaning Bengali Meaning Essential Constituting or being part of the essence of something; inherent; cÖ‡qvRbxq Basic or indispensable; necessary. Socio-economic Of or involving both social and economic factors. Av_©-mvgvwRK Attribute To relate to a particular cause or source; ascribe. Av‡ivc Kiv Inaccessibility Not accessible; unapproachable. AbwfMg¨/AcÖ‡ek¨ Sanitation Formulation and application of measures designed to protect ¯^v¯’¨ e¨e¯’v/¯^v¯’¨weavb public health. Planned A scheme, program, or method worked out beforehand for the cwiKwíZ accomplishment of an objective. Enable To supply with the means, knowledge, or opportunity; make m¶g able. Perform To begin and carry through to completion; do. m¤úv`b Kiv Raise To move to a higher position; elevate. D‡Ëvjb Kiv Responsibility The state, quality, or fact of being responsible. `vwqZ¡‡eva Rational Having or exercising the ability to reason. wePvi eyw× m¤úbœ Attitude A position of the body or manner of carrying oneself. fw½/AvPiY Enlightened To give spiritual or intellectual insight to. Av‡jvwKZ Kiv Awareness Having knowledge or cognizance. m‡PZbZv Prerequisite Required or necessary as a prior condition. †h kZ© Aek¨ c~iYxq Key feature: (i) Education is one of the five basic needs of human being. (ii) The purpose of Education is to enlighten the people. (iii) It teaches us how to earn well and spend well. (iv) Helps us to distinguish between right and wrong. (v) Helps us in agriculture, modern science and in every sphere of life to go ahead. A. Do you know why most of the people of Bangladesh are uneducated? If you have suggestions regarding removing illiteracy, mention them. B. What is the difference between the way of living of an educated man and an uneducated man? C. How can education give us a better life? D. What is conditional sentence? How many conditionals are there? Identify the second conditionals in the passage. Summary: The necessity of education cannot be described in words. It has the capacity to fulfill the basic needs. It also helps to adopt a rational attitude. The purpose of education is to enlighten the people, to control population, to teach us how to earn and spend well and to enable us to enhance agricultural production. No development can be achieved without education. Grammar:


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Second conditional: If + past ....... would/might. It indicates Simple Past tense. Sometimes this type of sentence refers to the imaginary future. Textual example: If they were educated, they could live a healthy and planned life. Imaginary future: If I were a king I would make you a minister. If he were a good player he could win.

Unit-15: Towards Social Development, Lesson-3: Work all, Prosper all Objectives: By the end of this lesson you will have  discussed odd jobs and self-employment  read a passage about women’s participation in an income-generating activity  written some conditional sentences  asked questions for given answers in an interview  drafted a dialogue Focus: Skills Functions Grammar/Structure Speaking, reading for Forming question, understanding First conditional sentence, information, writing speech conventions questions forms

Read the passage silently and sort out the unknown words. The following words are found in the passage. The English and Bengali meanings are given below. Memorize the meanings. These words are not enough if find out more words add them also. Words English Meanings Bengali Meanings my‡hvM Chance of having/doing sth Opportunity m„Rbkxj Ability to bring in new methods, ideas etc. Innovative ‡UKmB Supporting, enduring Sustainable AvZ¥wek¦vwm Independent Self-reliant `vb, e„wË, DcKvi cÖf„wZi cÖvcK Holder of a benefit Beneficiary DbœZ Kiv develop prosper Drcbœ `ªe¨, dj Profits from sale etc. Proceed

Key feature: (i) The main task of village women is to do their household chores. (ii) ILo works to reduce poverty from the developing countries. (iii) Shakina is now solvent and can finance the family. (iv) Participation of women at every sphere is needed for the development of the country. (v) ILO Stands for International Labour Organization. A. What do you think about the title? Do you have any future plan? What type of job would you like? Discuss with your partners. B. Now read the passage and try to understand the main idea and answer the questions that follow. C. What do you think about women’s participation in income generating activities? Imagine a fairly and solvent life about Sokhina’s family and write a short passage within 60 words about working opportunities of women in our country Summary: Working opportunities for rural women in our country is very poor. ILO creates working opportunities for rural women. It imparts training to rural women in various activities. It arranges training courses for them. It creates new employment opportunities. Grammar / Structure: First conditional sentence, Structure: If + clause (Present tense) + Clause (will/shall + infinitive) Example: If I see him tonight, I will make him it understand.


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If you want to get good marks in English, you will have to study it very much. Textual Example: If they continue doing their work, Sakhina and other women working with her will surely see happier days with the new employment opportunities created by the ILO project.

Unit-15: Towards Social Development, Lesson-6: Help at hand Objectives: By the end of this lesson you will have  learnt about some key international organizations  read a passage about UNICEF activities in Bangladesh  converted some jumbled information into a coherent composition Focus: Skills Functions Reading, writing, speaking Discussing roles, understanding jumbled information

Grammar/Structure Acronyms, present perfect

Read the passage silently and sort out the unknown words. The following words are found in the passage. The English and Bengali meanings are given below. Memorize the meanings. These words are not enough if find out more words add them also. Words Equipment Mortality Maternity Contagious Disaster Rehabilitation Humanitarian

English Meanings Necessary articles, clothing etc. The number of death Motherhood transmit a disease by contact great or sudden misfortune Restoration to home, position, right etc. Benevolent

Bengali Meanings hš¿cvwZ g„Zz¨ msµvš— gvZ…Z¡ ‡Quvqv‡P wech©q cybe©vmb Kj¨vbKi/gvbeZvg~jK

Key Features: (i) UNICEF stands for the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. (ii) Gives long term help to children of developing nations. (iii) Runs several welfare projects. (iv) Ensures health of the child-bearing mothers. (v) Renders help at the time of natural disasters. (vi) Assists a variety of rehabilitation programmes in Bangladesh. A. Do you have any idea about the title of the passage? Discuss it? B. Now read the passage very attentively and try to answer the questions, which come before you. C. Have you seen the UNICEF sponsored animated cartoon series Meena? What is it about? D. Here is a box in the page 198, which contains some jumbled information about an NGO. E. You have to write a short passage by using this information. Summary: UNICEF originally stands for the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. Now it is United Nation Children’s’ Fund which gives long term help to children of developing nations. It has established numerous maternity and baby care centers around the world to ensure the health of babies and child-bearing mothers. It renders help at the time of natural disasters. It also distributes reading and writing materials and also assists a variety of rehabilitation programmes.


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Grammar / Structure Acronyms---Words formed with the first letter of any name. UNICEF = United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund ADB = Asian Development Bank UNESCO = United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations FAO = Food and Agricultural Organization UNDP = United Nations Development Programme WHO = World Health Organization IMF = International Monetary Fund UCEP = Underprivileged Children Educational Programme UNIDO = United Nations Industrial Development Organization WFP = World Food Programme UNFPA = United Nations Fund for Population Activities EDM = Enfant DU Monde Present perfect tense---It is used,  to express an action just finished – I have done my duty.  to express a past action the result of which still continues—I have done a great wrong (i.e. I am still suffering from the consequences of my doing the wrong)  to express an action done in a space of time not yet gone out fully—I have been laborious from my boyhood.  to express a future perfect when preceded by when, before, after, as soon as etc. I shall go there after I have finished the work. Textual Example: (i) It has established numerous maternity and baby care centers around the country. (ii) It has helped Bangladesh get rid of contagious childhood diseases.


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Unit-16: Wonders Home and Abroad, Lesson-1: The Sangsad Bhaban Objectives: By the end of this lesson students will have  Talked about our Parliament  read a passage about the Parliament House of Bangladesh  asked and answered some questions  rewritten a sentence  explained some sentences  written your comments on our Parliament House Focus: Skills Functions Reading, writing, speaking Asking and answering questions, explaining, commenting

Grammar/Structure Comparative forms of adjective

Read the passage silently and sort out the unknown words. The following words are found in the passage. The English and Bengali meanings are given below. Memorize the meanings. These words are not enough if find out more words add them also. Words Architecture Technology Spectacular Storey Crescent Bewildering Deceptive Amenities Inaugurates

English Meanings design and construction of buildings knowledge or use of the mechanical arts and applied sciences striking, impressive Floor curved sickle shape as of the waxing or waning moon Perplexing, confusing Misleading pleasant or useful feature or facility begin (an undertaking) or initiate the public use of (a building etc.), with a ceremony

Bengali Meanings ¯’vcZ¨ we`¨v cÖhyw³ D‡j­L‡hvM¨ Zjv evKv Pvu` AvK…wZi nZwenŸj weåvwš—Ki, cÖZviYvg~jK my‡hvM myweav D‡Øvab

Key feature: (i) A wonder of modern architecture. (ii) One of the largest and most spectacular parliaments building in the world. (iii) Designed by the famous American architect Louis I Kahn. (iv) Surrounded by an artificial lake named Crescent Lake and hidden behind a strong covering with circular and triangular openings. (v) Having 334 seats for MPs, 56 for guests, 40 for journalists and 430 for spectators. A. Have you any idea about a Parliament House? What is the function of it in a country? What is the name of the Parliament in our country and what happens in it? Discuss these with our partner? B. Read the passage and make at least 5 questions on the basis of the text and discuss the answers in pairs. Such as: Question: Who designed the Sangsad Bhaban? Answer: Louis I Kahn of the USA, designed the Sangsad Bhaban. Question: Where is the Sangsad Bhaban? Answer: It is at Sher-e-Bangla nagar in Dhaka. D. Notice the following sentences, a. The Parliament House is the largest and most spectacular building in the country


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b. This is the largest building in the country. c. This is the second largest building in the country. d. This is one of the largest buildings in the country. e. This is the largest building I have ever seen. f. This is the largest building ever constructed in the country. All these above sentences are written in superlative form. You have to rewrite the sentences using the positive forms of those. E. On the basis of above example, make 5 sentences describing things or places or people using adjective in the positive, comparative or superlative degree. You must contain genuine facts. Such as, Hamidur Rahman was the most famous architect of our country. F. You have already got an idea about the Parliament House in our country. What is your thinking about having such an expensive building in a poor country like ours? Write your comments about ten sentences. Summary: The Sangad Bhaban is a wonder of modern architecture and the most spectacular parliament building in the world. It was designed by a famous American architect Louis I Kahn. An artificial lake called the Crescent Lake surrounds the building. This 155ft. high 9 storey building has 1605 doors, 335 windows 365 ventilator and corridors totaling to a length of 41.6 kilometers. It was inaugurated in 1982. The annual maintenance cost of this magnificent building is about 50 million taka. G. Make a list of five things that make the Sangsad Bhaban a wonderful structure. Grammar / structure: Comparative forms of adjectives Degree of comparison is of three kinds, Positive: Rana is a good student. Comparative: Rana is better than Sohag. Superlative: Rana is the best student in the class. Textual example: (i) It is one of the largest and most spectacular parliament buildings in the world. Home work: Write a paragraph about the structure and importance of the Parliament House of Bangladesh around 100 words.


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Unit-16: Wonders Home and abroad, Lesson-2: The Jamuna Multi-Purpose Bridge Objectives: By the end of this lesson students will have  talked about important bridges in Bangladesh  read a passage about the Jamuna Multi-Purpose Bridge  discuss some questions about the bridge  filled in a vocabulary chart  justified a statement Focus: Skills Functions Grammar/Structure Discussion, reading for Filling in a chart, giving impressions, Adjective clause inference, writing a passage giving supporting statements introduced by which  Read the passage silently and sort out the unknown words. The following words are found in the passage. The English and Bengali meanings are given below. Memorize the meanings. Words English Meanings Bengali Meanings Multipurpose Having several purposes wewfbœ D‡Ï‡k¨i Mighty Powerful, strong kw³kvjx Triumph a state of victory or success weRq Technology Knowledge or use of the mechanical arts and applied sciences cÖhyw³ Constructed Constructing or being constructed wbwg©Z Gigantic Huge, giant-like eû Depth a deepness MfxiZv Approach come near or nearer (to) in space or time wbK‡U Avmv Durable lasting; hard-wearing ‡UKmB Key feature: (i) Modern engineering and technological skill have been applied. (ii) 4.8 km long and 18.5 metres wide. (iii) The eleventh largest bridge in the world and longest in Bangladesh. (iv) Connection between the districts of Tangail and Siragonj. (v) Constructed by a Korean Company. (vi) Facilitates gas, electricity and telecommunication. A. You have known the name of the Bangabandhu Bridge. Now mention some importance of bridges in Bangladesh, where you have visited. If you have visited the Bangabandhu bridge, discuss about it with you partner. Your discussion may be as like, Yourself: Would you please tell me about some bridges in Bangladesh? Your partner: Of course. The Jamuna Multi Purpose Bridge, Buriganga Bridge, Harding Bridge etc. B. Read the passage and answer the different type of questions that follow. C. Identify the form of the following words and transform them into different parts of speech. Such as: Noun, adjective, verb, adverb. And also make at least one sentence with each of them. D. Summarize five features of the Jamuna Multi Purpose Bridge. E. Try to fill-in the gaps with correct words and add any preposition if necessary. a. The Jamuna Multi Purpose Bridge has (construct) ------the river Jamuna. b. Jamuna is considered to be a (might) _____ river. c. The river (connect)____two districts. d. It is the (long)________bridge in Bangladesh. e. The technological skill has ensured the (durable)________the bridge. Summary:


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The Jamuna Multi-purpose Bridge on the mighty river Jamuna is a glorious example of man’s victory over the mighty force of nature. It is a superb symbol of architectural and engineering excellence. The 4.8 kilometers long and 185 meters wide bridge stands on 50 strong pillars having 49 spans. The Bridge costs more than seven hundred million US dollars. It is a wonderful addition to modern route communication. Grammar/ structure : Adjective clause: It does the work of an adjective. It is introduced by who, which, that, as, when, how, why etc. Example: The book which he bought has been lost. Textual Example: The total cost of this huge structure was more than seven hundred million US dollars which came jointly from the Bangladesh Government, the World Bank, the Asian development Bank and Japan. Home work: Write a paragraph about the construction and necessity of Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge in Bangladesh around 100 words.

Unit-16 : Wonders Home and abroad, Lesson-3 The Taj Mahal Objectives: By the end of this lesson the student will have  ask and answer some questions about a building  read a passage about the Taj Mahal  answered some questions on the text  rewritten a passage  found the difference between two clauses  written your reaction to a statement Focus: Skills Functions Grammar/Structure Speaking, reading, writing Providing information, responding Adverbial clause of time and to statements cause introduced by since  Read the passage silently and sort out the unknown words. The following words are found in the passage. The English and Bengali meanings are given below. Memorize the meanings. Words English Meanings Bengali Meanings Tomb grave Kei/mgvwa Inlays embed, decorate (a thing with inlaid work) KvV, FZz, BZ¨vw`i bK&kv Ab¨ ai‡Yi KvV avZzi Dci LwPZ Kiv Arch curved structure as an opening, as a support for a bridge, ¯’vcZ¨ Aj¼vi ev †ZviY wnmv‡e wbwg©Z wLjv‡b floor, etc., or as an ornament XvKv c_, abyKvKv‡i euvKv‡bv Sandstone sedimentary rock of compressed sand. kw³ evwji wWwe/¯Z~c Dome rounded (usu. hemispherical) vault forming a roof M¤^yR, cÖmv` Screen thing used to conceal or shelter c`©v Stretch draw, be drawn, or be able to be drawn out in length or size we¯Z…Z Kiv, cÖmvwiZ Kiv Assume take or put on (an aspect, attribute, etc.) a‡i †bIqv, Abygvb Kiv Key Features: (i) Most beautiful building in the world. (ii) Emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal since he loved his wife. (iii) It is made of fine white marble with inlays of coloured marble, having eight sides and many open arches. (iv) It rests on a platform, surrounded by a beautiful garden and a long pool. (v) They lie on two graves side by side. (vi) People like to visit the Taj at moonlit night. A. Do you know where is Taj Mahal? Why was it built? Why is it called the Taj Mahal? Discuss all these in pairs. B. Read the passage again and make a short list about the beauty and significance of the Taj Mahal. C. Read the passage on page 203 (C) and replace the underlined words by synonymous words or phrases. D. What is adverbial clause? What is the different between adverbial clause of time and adverbial clause of cause? Do you know the comments of Bill Clinton while visiting the Taj Mahal? The comment is – “The world is divided into two parties – those who have visited the Taj Mahal and those who have not. I am lucky I belong to the first party”. Write your response to this statement in five sentences. Summary: The Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. It was built three hundred years ago by Emperor Shahjahan of Delhi to prove his love for Momtaj. It is made of white and coloured marble has four towers, a large and four small domes. Here lie the two bodies of Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz. The pool surrounded by the Taj mahal enhances its beauty. It looks most lovely in the moonlit night.


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Grammar/ Structure: adverbial clause: It does the work of an adverb. Adverbial clause of time------This clause is introduced by when, while, after, before, till, until, since etc. Example: Since Monday I am ill. Textual Example: Just inside the outer walls, there is an open corridor from which visitors can look through carved marble screen into a central room. Adverbial clause of cause--- This clause is introduced by because, as, since, that etc. Example: Since you are ill, you need not come. Textual Example: Empreor Shahjahan of Delhi built the Taj Mahal as a tomb for his wife in Agra. Home work: Write a paragraph on Taj Mahal around 100 words.

Unit- 16: Wonders Home and Abroad, Lesson- 6: The Empire State Building Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • talked about the United State of America • talked about Siberia • read a passage about the Empire State Building • discussed some questions on the passage • changed a simple questions on the passage • practiced adverbial clauses of concession • written a passage Focus: Skills Discussion, reading, writing

Functions Justifying statements, transferring information into a different format (poem to prose)

Grammar/structure Use of ‘despite’ & adverbial clause of concession, passive

Vocabulary: Words boroughs commercial

English Meaning self administered territory having financial profit as its primary aim

Bengali Meaning ¯^vqZ¡kvmb cÖvß kni ev bMi evwYwR¨K


person who directs or controls



enlargement of the scale or scope of a business



total, in every way



design and construction of buildings



fundamental, basic



power of perception



be greater or better than

AwZµg Kiv


make by fitting parts together; build, form



liked by many people



person or thing embodying a quality

msw¶ß mvi


mark, sign, etc. representing an object, idea, function, or process


Key Features: (i) Manhattan is the commercial part of New York, U.S.A. The U.S.A is a rich and developed country. It is in North America and to the south of Canada. (ii) Empire State building, a giant building is 381 meters. In respect of highest the position of Empire State Building is now 4th. The PETRONAS Tower in Malaysia is the tallest (iii) Skyscraper means a very tall modern building


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(iv) Empire State building 102 storeyed building designed primarily as in office building duckling facilities of 70 ton T.V tower was added on the top visited by millions of people including the king and presidents. Summary: Manhattan is a land of wish rising Skyscraper being an Island, it is now growing upward with many latest building of the world. Now there is no land left for the constructions of any building horizontally in Manhattan. So in order to meet up the demand of the people it is expanding its building vertically.

Unit- 16: Wonders Home and Abroad, Lesson- 7: The London Underground Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • talked about UK • read a passage about London underground • discussed some question on the picture and passage • talked about the use of active and passive voice • written a letter of proposal Focus: Skills Speaking, reading for inference, writing a letter of personal

Functions Making a proposal, suggesting action

Grammar/structure Active and passive voice

Vocabulary: Words stimulated

English Meaning animate, excite, arouse

Bengali Meaning DÏxwcZ K‡iwQj


long narrow usu. deep ditch



ignite or explode too early in the cylinder or exhaust

cybivq fivU Kiv


air in a room etc., esp. in field

cwi‡ek, evqygÛj


added, extra, supplementary



thing made or adapted for a special purpose

†K․kj, c×wZ


break the rest, calm, or quiet of

e¨vnZ Kiv


at the outside of a thing



place (equipment etc.) in position ready for use



enlargement of the scale or scope of a business



abnormal accumulation or obstruction, of traffic etc



engine for pulling trains

†i‡ji BwÄb


a gas into which water is changed by boiling



incite or stimulate

DÏxcbv, Zvobv


lawyer qualified to advise clients and instruct barristers


Key Features: (i) The first underground railway was introduced in London. It is operated electrically. Charles Pearson first introduced the system of underground railway (ii) The cut and cover was used to construct the London underground.


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(iii) UK Stands for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain includes England, Scotland and Wales. Some places in Britain are Buckingham palace, Bangla town . Summary: Charles Pearson, a solicitor of London introduced the underground railway systems for the first-time. In 1860 the first phase of its construction began. At first the cut and cover method was used to construct it. After the first phase of construction it attracted all out 10 million people in the first year of its operation. Later as during its expansion a new method was used to construct it without any disturbance on the surface.

Unit -16: Wonders Home and Abroad, Lesson- 5 :The Trans-Siberian Railway Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  talked about Siberia.  read a passage about a specific railway  formed new words by adding affixes to some given words  guessed meanings of a prefix in different words  made an itinerary and defended it. Focus: Skills Functions Grammar Discussion, reading, writing Making plans, Expressing intentions, Passive voice, affixes, intentions guessing meanings of words (want to/hope to/would to)  The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English and Bengali meaning. Words Meaning Bengali Meaning Longest Largest in length `xN©Zg Construction Building wbg©vY Regime Administration, Rule kvmbvgj Encountered Faced, Came upon gy‡LvgywL Enormous Immense, Tremendous e¨vcK, cÖPzi Steep Extreme high Lvov Grades Slope step Xvjyc_ Permafrost A layer of permanently frozen soil RgvUe× f~wg¯—i Extreme Excessive AZ¨vwaK, Pig Turmoil Chaos, Disturbance Aw¯’iZv Obstacles Barriers, interruptions cÖwZeÜKZvmg~n Endeavour Effort, Attempt D`¨g Electrification Making electricity available in a particular area we`y¨ZvqY Undertaken Accepted, Taken up M„nxZ Key Features: (i) The longest railway in the world. (ii) A link between Asian part and European part of Russia across Siberia. (iii) Opened for all in 1905 (iv) Modernization was done in the 1930s. (v) 38 Tunnels were cut through mountains. (vi) the all-Russian route was completed by 1971. (vii) Electrification was also undertaken. A. Do you know about Siberia or migratory birds from Siberia? If yes, say something about it. B. Discuss what you know about Trans Siberian Railway? C. Read the passage on Trans Siberian Railway in your book and answer the questions that follow. D. What is passive voice? Mention the structures of passive voice. Identify verb phrases in passive forms in the text and make at least 5 sentences with them. E. What is affix? What is suffix and what is prefix? Identify affixes from the text. Summary: The Trans-Siberian Railway is a great success of human endeavor. The 4607 mile long railway is the longest in the world. It runs across Siberia. To construct the railway, 38 tunnels were dug through mountains along the shores of Lake Baikal.


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All the natural disadvantages and obstacles including wide rivers, steep grades around Lake Baikal Permafrost in Eastern


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area extreme temperatures and political disturbances were overcome by human endeavor. Grammar: Active voice: When the subject of a sentence is the doer or actor the verb is in active voice. Example: He has bought a book. Passive voice: When subject of a sentence is acted upon, the verb is in passive voice. Example: A book has been bought by him. Passive Voice: Textual Example: (i) It was opened for use in 1905. (ii) Thirty-eight tunnels were cut through the mountains along the shores of Lake Baikal and the all Russian route, which was completed by 1917. (iii) A second track was laid later and electrification was under taken soon after.

Unit-17 : Modes of communication, Lesson-5: Fax Objectives: By the end of this lesson students will have  Talked about fax as a means of communication.  Read a passage about fax.  Transferred information presented in a figure into a descriptive passage Focus: Skills Functions Grammar/Structure Speaking intensive reading, Describing Process Active and passive voice. writing

Read the passage silently and sort out the unknown words. The following words are found in the passage. The English and Bengali meanings are given below. Memorize the meanings. Words Documents Exchange Transmission Applicable Correspond

English Meanings An official paper or book that gives information about something Giving and receiving The act or process of passing something from one person to another That can be said to be true in the case of something relevant To be the same as or match something

Bengali Meanings bw_ cÎ wewbgq ‡cÖiY cÖ‡hvR¨ ‡hvMv‡hvM Kiv

Key Features: i. Fax system is emerging as a major application of telecommunication. ii. Fax messages are received immediately after delivery iii. Fax transfer and communication information. iv. It costs less than telephone. v. It is highly suitable for business and official purpose. vi. Fax taken less time than the telephone. A. Read the passage and discuss with your partners what you know about fax. Write some uses of fax. B. Read the passage and answer the following questions in one complete sentence. Question: 1. What are the benefits of the fax? 2. Do you think telephone is cheaper than fax now days? 3. Why do people prefer fax? C. Suppose your father works in a different city, suddenly your family faced a serious problem, write a short fax message to your father requesting him to come back. Summary: Fax or facsimile is a document exchange system through receiving and transmitting functions. It is a quick mode of sending written message or printed documents. There are two types of fax systems– the photographic and the document. A


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telephone connection is need for it. Now it has become a highly suitable mode of communication for business, official purposes and personal affairs. Grammar / Structure: Active voice: Where the subject of the sentence is the doer or actor, the verb is active Example: He runs. You play football. Passive voice: When the object of the sentence is acted upon subject, the verb is passive. Example: This was said by you.

Unit-17: Modes of communication, Lesson-6: E-mail Objective: By the end of this lesson students will have  talked about e-mail.  read a passage on e-mail.  written a newspaper article on the usefulness of e-mail. Focus: Skills Functions Speaking, intensive reading, writing Describing, Facilities

Grammar/Structure Active and passive voice.

Read the passage silently and sort out the unknown words. The following words are found in the passage. The English meanings are given below. Memorise the English and Bengali meanings. Words Textual Consumption Efficiency Unavailable Simultaneous

English Meanings Connected with the text. consuming or being consumed The quality of doing something well. That can not be obtained Happening at the same time as something else

Bengali Meanings wjwLZ ‡fvM/AvZ¥xqKiY `¶Zv Ach©vß, ¯^íZv GKB mg‡q, hyMcrfv‡e

Key Features: i. E-mail is commutation of textual massages in an electronic means. ii. It can reduce the use of papers in the offices. iii. E-mail is an ultra-modern means of communication. iv. It ensures maximum privacy of the users. A. Read the passage and discuss with your partners what you know about e-mail. B. Read the passage and answer the following questions in one complete sentence. Question: 1. How is e-mail communication different from telex communication? 2. What is the advantage of e-mail? C. Write a summery about five usefulness of e-mail for students in Bangladesh. D. Write an article on the newspaper why we should use e-mail. Summary: E-mail is the most modern speedier, cheaper and more effective medium for establishing communication. Electronic equipments like telephone, personal computer and modem are needed for this. Unlike telex, it is user-to-user process. This system provides many advantages like reducing paper consumption and improving office efficiency. Moreover, today’s trade and commerce has become greatly dependent on E-mail. Grammar/Structure: In this passage we have found the use of passive voice, like as: 1. E-mail is delivered to individual electronic mail boxes based in computers


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2. Messages can be transmitted from one country to another within seconds. Potential - be developed in the future- ¶gZvevb| Destined - To do sth having a future which has been decided or plane an earlier time (c~e©wbw`©ó) Privacy - The state of being alone not watched by other people (GKvš— wbR©‡b evm) Eliminate - to remove or get rid of sth/sb (wb®‥vkb Kiv)

Unit-18: World Heritage’, Lesson-1: The glory and the splendour Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  read a text explaining a world heritage site  written a notice and a justification  studied a map  written some travel instructions Focus: Skills Functions


Acting out a dialogue, Justifying, exchanging ideas, Passive forms-'should be included, have speaking, writing a short writing a notice, giving instructions, been declared, imperatives for instructions, supporting statement sequencing action sequence words (first, then, after that, next, finally)  Now read the text silently. Sort out your unknown words. Here are some words and their English and Bengali meanings. Make sentences with them. The given words are not enough. If you find more, add those also. Word English Meaning A_© Answer something said or done in reaction to a question DËi †`Iqv Attention act or faculty of applying one's mind; g‡bv‡hvM Attractive good-looking AvKl©Yxq Collective of, by, or relating to a group or society as a whole ‡h․_ Decision act or process of deciding wm×vš— Dependent unable to do without ‡c․l¨, wbf©ikxj Heritage what is or may be inherited DËivaxKvi/HwZn« Justfication showing the justice or correctness of a person, act, assertion, etc. b¨vh¨Zv, cÖwZcv`K Preservation keeping safe or free from decay msi¶Y Question sentence worded or expressed so as to seek information or an answer cÖkœ, cÖkœ Kiv Splendour dazzling brightness; magnificence PgrKvwiZ¡, †M․ie Universal belonging to all; applicable to all cases mve©Rbxb Value worth as estimated DcKvwiZv, g~j¨ Key Features: 1. A world Heritage site is a place declared by UNESCO as heritage. 2. A country nominates a site and an international committee approves it. After the passage you will get 4 questions. Try to write the answers based on the text. Grammar: Passive: ‘Be’ verb + past participle of principal verb.


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(i) (ii)

The Lalbagh fort should be included as world Heritage site. The decision has been declared by the chairman. The above sentences are in passive form where the subjects are not in action. Imperatives for instructions: (i) Go to your seat and learn your lesson. (ii) Do not work in the sun.

Unit-18: World Heritage’, Lesson-2: A testimony of Moghul architecture Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  done a translation  read a text  written a paragraph  answered some questions Focus: Skills Functions Grammar/Structure Reading, writing, Describing places, giving advice, Simple present, modal verbs: should do, can/may speaking, listening giving information

Now read the text silently. Sort out your unknown words. Here are some words and their English and Bengali meanings. Memorise the meaning.

Word Heritage Ruin Edifice Suburb Enormous Unique

English Meaning a nation's historic buildings, monuments, countryside, etc., esp. when regarded as worthy of preservation. destroyed, wrecked, or spoiled state. building, esp an imposing one. outlying district of a city. extremely large. being the only one of its kind; having no like, equal, or parallel, remarkable extremely beautiful or delicate.

A_© DËivwaKvi m~‡Î cÖvß m¤úwË/HwZn¨ aŸsm AÆvwjKv kniZwj cÖPzi AwØZxq

Exquisitely wbLyuZ PgrKviwiZ¡c~Y© ev †m․›`h©c~Y© Key Features: 1. Shat Gombuj Mosque is a world heritage site in Bangladesh. 2. It is a 15th century Islamic edifice in the suburb of Bagerhat. 3. Founded by Khan Jahan Ali. 4. An enormous Moghul Architectural site. 5. Has sixty pillars and 77 domes. What do you think after reading the text? Whether it was right to declare the Shatgombuj Mosque a World Heritage Site? Mausoleum- A special building made to hold the dead body of an important person (RuvKRgKc~Y© mgvwa) Monument- A building built to remind people of a famous person or event. (‡Kvb e¨w³ ev NUbvi ¯§„wZi¶v‡_© wbwg©Z ¯—¤¢) Decay- The process of being destroyed by natural causes or by not being cared for (¶qcÖvß nIqv) Preserve- To keep a particular feature in quality (i¶v Kiv/msi¶Y Kiv) Summary: The Shatgombuj Mosque is one of the three world Heritage Sites in Bangladesh. This 15 th century Islamic edifice is in the suburbs of Bagerhat on the edge of the Sundarbans. This mosque is unique with sixty pillars supporting seventy-seven exquisitely curved domes. Great saint Khan Jahan Ali established this enormous Moghul architectural site. This site is some 175 km southwest of Dhaka. Grammar: (i) Simple Present: Subject + basic form of verb. It is used to express general statement, universal truth, habitual facts etc.


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Example: (i) I do not like your proposal. (ii) All the reports Provide strong evidence. Modal verbs: Modals + basic form of verb, these verbs are used as auxiliaries. Example: (i) You should do your work. (ii) He can perform well. (iii) May I have your help please?

Unit-18: World Heritage, Lesson-3: The Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have answered some questions read a text prepared a fact sheet written notes Focus: Skills Functions


Speaking, reading, Describing places, comparing, filling in a chart, Simple past, simple present, writing in note form expressing preference, giving reasons I would like to , because/so

Now read the text silently. Sort out your unknown words. Here are some words and their English and Bengali meanings. Make sentences with them. The given words are not enough. If you find more, add those also. A_© Word English Meaning mbœ¨vmx ev mbœ¨vmx‡`i gV Monastery A house for monks or nuns. Dcgnv‡`k Subcontinent large land mass, smaller than a continent. L¨vZ Renowned Famous. Layout way in which land, a building, printed matter, etc., is bKkv AuvKv arranged or set out, something arranged in a particular way; display. gvwb‡q ev Dc‡hvMx K‡i †bqv Adapt make suitable for a purpose. Unique being the only one of its kind; having no like, equal, or Abb¨ parallel, remarkable AR©b Achievement act of achieving. cÖfve Influence effect a person or thing has on another ‡NvlYv †`qv Declare announce openly or formally

Key Features: 1. Buddist Vihara at Paharpur was a centre for knowledge and intellectual training. 2. It had a far reaching influence spreading to Cambodia. 3. It was declared world heritage site by the UNESCO. Summary: The Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur is the largest single Buddihist monastery in the Indian Subcontinent. It was a renowned intellectual centre for about a thousand year. Its layout is a perfect match to its religious function. It is a unique artistic achievement influencing South Asian Buddhist architectures. This Somapura Mahavira is a World Heritage Site. Grammar: Simple Present Tense: ‘Subject + Present form of verb’ 1. This monastery-city represents a unique artistic achievement. 2. Bangladesh has three world heritage sites. Simple Past: ‘subject + Past form of verb’ 1. It was a renowned intellectual centre. 2. It was declared a world heritage site.


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I would like to: ‘would like to’ is a modal verb and follows its rules. Example: i. I would like to go to England. Because/so: ‘Because’ and ‘so’ are used to show cause and effect. Example: 1. I read because I get benefit. 2. Child labour hampers development and so we should avoid that.

Unit -18: World Heritage, Lesson- 5: The Iron bridge Gorge Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  described a picture.  given opinions  drawn comparisons Focus: Skills Functions Speaking, listening, intensive Speculating, reading, writing comparing


Grammar Simple past, adjectives for comparisons, ‘not only….but also’

The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English and Bengali meaning. Words Meaning Bengali Meaning Concentration localisation ‡K›`ªxf~ZKib, gb‡hvM Testimony indication, evidence cÖvgvwYK mv¶¨ Versatility many-sidedness eûgyLxZv Designation title, classification c`gh©v`v Remarkable noticeable weL¨vZ Demonstration display Dc¯’vcb, cÖ`k©Y Symbolic Figurative, showing mark of something cÖZxKx Significance importance Zvrch© Industrialisation Establishing many industries wkívqb Tremendous Very great, huge cÖPzi, wekvj Fame Reputation L¨vwZ Key features. 1. The Iron Bridge is an evidence of the first large-scale use of iron for structural purposes. 2. It was constructed across England’s longest river, Severn. 3. It was built in 1779. 4. It was opened on New Year’s Day in 1781. 5. It is a World Heritage Site. A. Do you know what a gorge is? If yes, say describe something about it (its length, design, metal supports etc). B. Read the passage on Iron Bridge Gorge in your book and answer the questions that follow. C. Mention the structures of simple past tense. Tell where it is used. Identify verbs in simple past form in the text and make at least 5 sentences with them D. What is ‘adjectives for comparisons’? Identify adjectives for comparisons in the text and make at least 5 sentences with them. E. Look at the usage of ‘not only…….but also’. Make sentences with that. Summary: The Iron Bridge built in 1779 on the river Severn is England’s longest and the world’s first iron bridge. The bridge area has now become World Heritage Site for its contribution towards industrialization. This graceful circular bridge has a span of 30 meters. It is a specimen of great engineering skill. It received the international recognition as a World Heritage Site in 1986. Grammar:


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Adjectives for comparison: Three degrees are used to show adjectives of more than one subjects/items. Examples: 1. He is as dangerous as a tiger. 2. A tiger is not more dangerous than him. 3. She got the warmest reception. Not only....... but also: ‘not only’ and ‘but also’ are correlatives. Example: (i) The Iron Bridge was not only an example of engineering ‘but also’ a tremendous success. (iii) Politics is responsible not only for violence but also for corruption.

Unit 18: Lesson 6: The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • read a text for general comprehension • answered some questions • selected words and made sentences with the • written a paragraph Focus: Skills Reading, speaking, writing

Functions Describing, giving comparing, redacting


Grammar/structure Future use – would might

Vocabulary: words development profound influence exceptional outstanding wagon innovative bold ingenious mountainous operational retain

English Meaning a stage of growth or advancement having or demanding great knowledge, study, or insight effect a person or thing has on another forming an exception conspicuous because of excellence our-wheeled vehicle for heavy loads bring in new methods, ideas confidently assertive; adventurous clever at inventing, organizing having many mountains of or engaged in or used for operations a keep possession of; not lose

Bengali Meaning Dbœqb myMfxi cÖfve e¨vwZµg Amvavib cb¨ cwien‡bi Mvox D™¢veb¶b mvnmx D™¢veb¶g cve©Z¨ Pvjy _vKv a‡i ivLv

Key Features: (i) The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway is the most outstanding model of a passenger train. (ii) It has colorful wagons and goes up mountain. (iii) It moves slowly. (iv) It was opened is 1881. (v) The railway contributed much to socio-economic development. Summary: The Darjeeling Railway is a model of a passenger train. It is the most outstanding one. It is known as toy train because of its colorful wagons and it moves slowly. It was opened in 1881 across a mountainous region. With the declaration of it being a World Heritage site it is hoped that it will remain operational and retain most of its original beauty. Grammar: To indicate futurity would / might can be used. Example: Such as: I would be glad to see you.


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You might come to my house any time.

Unit-19: Healthy Living, Lesson-3: Women and health Objective

   

Focus Skills Intensive writing

By the end of the lesson you will have read and explained some captions read a text on female health drafted some questions to be used in a survey written a paragraph reading,

Learning new words words vulnerable imperative life-cycle evolving subsequent impact telling unique perspective


Functions Giving information, making predictions, asking questions

English meaning sth that has no protective power very essential / necessary a series of forms into which a living being changes as it develops developing day by day the following result reaction of an event very forceful very excellent point of view

Grammar/ Structure Present continuous to express future, question forms Bengali meaning AvnZ ev ¶Z Kiv hvq Ggb GKvš— cÖ‡qvRbxq RxebPµ weKwkZ nIqv djkÖ‚wZ‡Z cÖfve Kvh©Ki, †Rviv‡jv Abb¨ `k©bvbycvZ

Key Features: 1. UNICEF considers a female as a child up to the age of 15. 2. The health of women should be cared within a life-cycle perspective. 3. It is a telling window on female inequality. 4. It has an impact on the future generations. 5. Infancy is the most vulnerable period of a woman’s life. A. The ‘life-cycle perspective’ looks at women through the various stages of life form infancy, childhood, girlhood, womanhood to the old age. Health conditions at one stage affect health conditions at subsequent stages. Or example a girl with poor health will grow up to be a young woman with poor health and babies born to such woman will automatically have poor health with less chances of survival. Women bear the responsibility of a new generation an therefore need to have good health. B. Complete questions are given in the following with the question words given here i) At what age did you get married? ii) When did you have your first child? iii) Where was your child born at home or hospital? iv) Who do you go when you are ill? v) How much can you spend on medicine for yourself? vi) What kind of food do you usually have? Summary: UNICEF focuses its attention on the girl children of Bangladesh. It is re-examining several areas such as education, work and health keeping in mind the specific needs of a girl child. This organization is giving importance on the physical needs of girls. It is speaking strongly against gender disparity. It is trying also to make people conscious of women’s health within a life-cycle perspective.


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Grammar/ structure i) If the action of the work is going to happen in the near future, the structure will be in present continuous tense. Structure: Sub + am, is, are + ing with base form of the verb. For example: We are going to establish a college. Questions: The structure of question sentences is either “Auxiliary verb + subject + principal verb+ others’ or ‘Wh + verb+ .........’. Example: 1. Have you been there? 2. What is the role of women in our society?

Unit-19: Healthy living, Lesson- 5: The disabled among us Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  read a text giving information on the disabled in Bangladesh.  answered some question.  supplied substitute words.  transferred information to a given format. Focus: Skills Functions Grammar Intensive reading, Talking about social Words with similar meanings, past speaking,, writing inequalities, stating purpose tense The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English and Bengali meaning. Words Disabled Alarming Existing Prevent Intervention Access Decade Participation Proclaim Severity Communities Opportunities

Meaning Impaired, as in physical functioning. A sudden fear caused by the realization of danger. To have actual being; be real; To have life; live. To keep from happening; To keep (someone) from doing something; impede. To come, appear, or lie between two things. A means of approaching, entering, exiting, or making use of; passage; The act of approaching. A period of ten years. The act of taking part or sharing in something. To announce officially and publicly; declare. The state or quality of being severe; The act or an instance of severe behavior, especially punishment. A group of people living in the same locality and under the same government. b. The district or locality in which such a group lives. A favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances. 6 The cardinal number equal to 10

Bengali Meaning

A¶g Avk¼vRbK we`¨gvb cÖwZ‡iva Kiv evavMÖ¯— Kiv cÖ‡ekvwaKvi `kK AskMÖnY ‡NvlYv Kiv ZxeªZv m¤cÖ`vq my‡hvM

Million `kj¶ Key features. 1. The United Nations recognised the needs of the disabled. 2. The UN declared 1983-92 as the ‘Decade of the Disabled Persons’. 3. The ESCAP Proclaimed 1983-2002 as the ‘Asian Pacific Decade of the Disabled Persons’. 4. The UN has declared 3rd December as ‘The International Day for the Disabled.’ 5. The first Wednesday of April is observed in Bangladesh as the ‘National Day for the People with Disabilities’. A. What do you mean by the word ‘disabled?’ What are the different types of disabilities and why do you call them disabled? B. Is there any disabled person in your locality? What type of disability he is suffering from and what is the attitude of other people about him? C. Read the passage on disabilities in your book and answer the questions. Then there is another passage on the programmes taken against disabilities all over the world. Read the passage carefully and transfer the information to the chart below. E. Suppose you are a member of a youth organization in your locality. Write an article to raise awareness about the disabled among the public. Summary: The United Nations proclaimed 1983 – 92 the Decade of the Disabled Person. It’s aim was to create equal opportunities for the disabled. But all their attempts were not fulfilled. Being prompted by it the ESCAP declared 1993 - 2002 the Asian and


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Pacific Decade of the Disabled Persons. Now 3rd December and the First Wednesday of April are observed as the


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International Day and the National day for the Disabled respectively. Grammar: Words with similar meanings: Look at the following words:1. Important – significant. 2. Awareness – consciousness. 3. Basic – fundamental. Here three pairs of words are shown with similar meaning. Past tense: Past tense is used to refer occurrences of past time. Examples: (i) Its aim was to create equal opportunities. (ii) The UN declared 1983 - 92 a Decade for Disabled Person.

Unit-20: Jobs and Professions, Lesson-2 : How can I be self-employed Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  talked about self employment  read a passage about financial assistance  written a summary of a passage and given a title Focus: Skills



Reading, speaking, writing

Expressing attitude; expressing views

Verbs and adjectives to express attitudes

Now read the text silently. Sort out your unknown words. Here are some words and their English and Bengali meanings. Memorise the meaning.. A_© Word English Meaning ¯^vMZ Rvbv‡bv, ‣ewkó¨ Acclaim welcome or applaud enthusiastically. K…wZZ¡, FY Credit source of honour, pride, etc. `¶ Efficient productive with minimum waste or effort. ‡Rvi †`Iqv Emphasize put emphasis on, stress. Kg©ms¯’vb Employment person's trade or profession. A_©/Avw_©K e¨e¯’v Finance management of (esp. public) money. e„w× Growth act or process of growing. ¸i‚Z¡c~Y© Important of great effect or consequence; momentous. Institution organization or society founded for a particular cÖwZôvb purpose. mieivn Kiv Provide take care of a person etc. with money, food, etc. Reduction System Section

reducing or being reduced. organized body of things. each of the parts of a thing or out of which a thing can be fitted together.

n«vm e¨e¯’v, MVb fvM, kvLv

Key Features: 1. Micro finance institutions are needed in Bangladesh as traditional banking system cannot meet up the banking facility for the poorer people. 2. The function of the Grameen Bank is to provide credit to the poor rural women. 3. Its effect is positive on socio-economic variables. There are about 800 micro – finance institutions and about 54,000 people are employed in these institutions. Summary: The prevailing banking system has failed to improve the lot of the poor people of the country. But micro-credit finance has done this. This programme has already showed its effectiveness in developing their socio-economic condition especially in employment, education and health sector. A lot of poor people particularly rural women are directly benefited by it. The Grameen Bank is playing a vital role in removing poverty of the rural poor people. Grammar: (i) Look at the following sentence: 1. A traditional bank is often unable or unwilling to lend money to the poor. 2. The NGO emphasise the need to develop skills of rural people. Here ‘lend’ and ‘emphasise’ are verbs and ‘unable’ and ‘unwilling’ are adjectives to express attitude of two subjects – A traditional bank and the NGO.


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Unit-20: Jobs and Professions’ Lesson-3: Self-help—a key to success Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have discussed some popular sayings read a text on self-reliance prepared and answered some questions Focus: Skills Reading, speaking, writing Now read the text silently. Memorise the meanings. Word Affluent Cultivation



Narrating, sequencing, summarising

Past tense

Sort out your unknown words. Here are some words and their English and Bengali meanings. English Meaning wealthy, rich. prepare and use (soil etc.) for crops or gardening.

A_© abx, ¯^‛Qj Pvl


attract by the offer of pleasure or reward.


Impoverished Outstanding Prosperity Poverty Radically Recognition Selection satisfactory Self-sufficient

make poor. conspicuous because of excellence. prosperous state; wealth; success. being poor; want. fundamental. recognizing or being recognized. selecting or being selected. adequate; giving satisfaction. able to supply one's own needs; independent.

nZ `wi`ª AmvaviY mg„w× `vwi`ª¨ Avg~j ¯^xK…wZ wbe©vPb m‡š—vlRbK ¯^qsm¤ú~Y©

Systematic Unemployed

according to a system. out of work, not in use.

wbqg gvwdK ‡eKvi

Key Features: 1. Ismail has changed his lot by hard working and devotion. 2. His sincerity and perseverance played an important role in this regard. 3. The unemployed youths can change their lots following this example. Summary: Failing to complete his education on account of poverty Ismail Hossain became a day labourer. He completed a training course from NHC on vegetable cultivation and applied the new method. He then earned huge profit from vegetables and cauliflowers. By that profit he bought some land and started cultivating his own land. Thus he has changed his lot. Grammar: Past Tense: Look at the following examples of past tense form the text. 1. I had nothing of my own before. 2. Ismail Hossain studied up to class eight.


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Unit -20: Jobs and Professions, Lesson-4: Professions with a difference Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  talked about some unconventional jobs  read a passage about an unconventional job  written a short passage Focus: Skills Functions Grammar Speaking, , reading, writing Agreeing, disagreeing, I agree, I share your views. giving reasons.  Memorise the new words and make sentences with them. For your betterment, some new words are given below. Words Seemingly Bunch To pursue Relentlessly Bewilder Irony Wage

Meaning Apparently, outwardly Group, gang To follow , to pressure, Persistently, insistently Confuse, puzzle Satire, mockery a regular amount of money that one earns for work or service.

Bengali Meaning g‡b nIqv ¸‛Q eySv‡bv evievi, weivgnxbfv‡e AevK Kiv cwinvm cvwikªwgK

Key Features: 1. The streets of Dhaka city are too busy to move freely. 2. The prices of the flowers are too cheap to bewilder one. 3. Sometimes the price is too much high to buy the flowers. 4. Some people cheat the poor people who try to sustain by selling flowers. 5. Extreme poverty leads them to sell flowers. A. Discuss some unconventional professions of recent times which are mentioned in the book (Page Number-254, A) B. Read the passage about a profession with a difference and try to answer questions which come before you. C Now discuss how popular the selling of flowers in Bangladesh is. Can people earn a decent livelihood by cultivating flowers? D Write a short passage about ten to fifteen sentences on flower cultivation and flower selling as a profession. Summary: The street children are poor and ignorant. Poverty forces them to earn their livelihood. For this they have to do many odd jobs. They have no scope to go to school. They are deceived by the unscrupulous people of our society. Grammar: I agree: (i) I agree with you on that point. (ii) I always agree to her proposal. I share your views: (i) I share your views on that point. (ii) I share your views that their livelihood is an irony.


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Unit -20: Jobs and Professions, Lesson- 8: Job interviews Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  Read two passages with different viewpoint.  Talked about job interviews.  Written a letter of advice. Focus: Skills Functions Reading, speaking, Understanding paragraph development, writing understanding writer’s attitude.

Grammar Modal verb: should/must for advice/obligation.

D. The following words have been taken from the passage. Learn their English and Bengali meaning. Words Meaning Bengali Meaning Selection The act or an instance of selecting or the fact of having been wbe©vPb selected. Interview A formal meeting in person, especially one arranged for the mv¶vrKvi assessment of the qualifications of an applicant. ‡Lvmv, Zzl Chaff Trivial or worthless matter. Pjgvb Constant Continually occurring; persistent. ch©vq Succession The act or process of following in order or sequence. webqx Humble Marked by meekness or modesty in behavior, attitude, or spirit; not arrogant or proud. Marginally Of, relating to, located at, or constituting a margin, a border, or an cÖvwš—Kfv‡e edge; Being adjacent geographically. Predict To state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially on the fwel¨revbx Kiv basis of special knowledge. bvwofuywo Entrails The internal organs, especially the intestines; viscera. Inflict To deal or mete out (something punishing or burdensome); impose. ¶wZMÖ¯— Kiv Subjective Proceeding from or taking place within a person's mind such as to g‡bvRMZ, AvZ¥wbó be unaffected by the external world. ¯^vfvweK ¸b Inherent Existing as an essential constituent or characteristic; intrinsic. my¯úó Manifest Clearly apparent to the sight or understanding; obvious. AvZ¥wek¦vm Confidence Trust or faith in a person or thing; A trusting relationship. cÖej Drmvn Enthusiasm Great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause. Kvh©cÖYvjx cÖ`k©b Kiv Demonstrate To show clearly and deliberately; manifest. Determine To decide or settle (a dispute, for example) conclusively and `„p msKí Kiv authoritatively. Well-groomed Attentive to details of dress; meticulously neat; Carefully tended or ‡ekfylvq cwicvwU curried. Modestly Having or showing a moderate estimation of one's own talents, bgªfv‡e abilities, and value. RuvKv‡jv Ostentatious Characterized by or given to ostentation; pretentious. cÖ‡qvRb Requirement Something that is required; a necessity. wPËvKl©K Impressive Making a strong or vivid impression; striking or remarkable. Displays To present or hold up to view; To provide (information or graphics) cÖ`k©b Kiv on a screen.


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Being a feature that helps to distinguish a person or thing; ‣ewkó distinctive.

Key features. 1. The job applicant should be enthusiastic to do his duties. 2. The interviewers may ask different questions to judge the applicant. 3. The job seeker must avoid nervousness in the interview board. 4. Impressive applicant must exhibit a sense of self confidence. 5. Ready wit is required to succeed in the job interview. A. What do you think regarding the view of the writer about interview as a selection process? B. What message has been given through the term “subjectivity”? Can it work in-favour of you? C. What is your view towards interview? E. What is a modal? How many modals are there? Identify the use of modals in these two passages. Summary: (The reflection interview ...) The interview system for selecting the right candidates has a very long but dishonorable history. Many regard this system as marginally successful. They consider interviews as a poor predictor of future performance of the candidate. But this interview system is acceptable by all and everywhere. Undoubtedly one should manifest confidence and enthusiasm in an interview if one likes to become successful. Summary: (To be successful........) The applicant should demonstrate his personal and professional qualities to be successful in a job interview. He should project himself in a modest dress. Moreover, he must talk knowledgeably and straight forward. Even he should manifest a self confidence and keenness for work. A little luck with the above mentioned characteristics certainly makes a candidate successful. Grammar: Modal verb: ‘should’ and ‘must’ for advice and obligation:Example: (i) Job applicants should take care to appear modestly. (ii) You must study hard for a good result. Here ‘should’ refers to an advice and ‘must’ refers to an obligation. The structure is ‘modal + basic form of verb’.


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Unit -20: Jobs and Professions, Lesson- 9: ‘The importance of money in life’ Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have • read the passage and understood the writer’s attitude • talked about the writer’s point of view, tone of voice and style of writing • written a summary Focus: Skills Reading, speaking, writing

Functions Understanding irony, understanding figurative language

Grammar/structure ‘To be (something)’ exemplification



Vocabulary: Words despise contempt scrutinise caprice precursors irksome eruption jostled rabble shrink venture morose wiseacres commemorate

English Meaning regard as inferior feeling that a person or thing deserves scorn or extreme reproach subject to scrutiny lively or fanciful work of art, music, etc. person who precedes in office etc. annoying, tiresome break out suddenly or dramatically push against; elbow, esp. roughly or in a crowd disorderly crowd, mob make or become smaller risky undertaking sullen, gloomy person who affects a wise manner preserve in memory by a celebration or ceremony

Bengali Meaning N„bv Kiv AcQ›` ZbœZbœK‡i cix¶v Kiv B‛Qv AwbwðZ weiw³Ki †Póv av°vavw° Kiv D‛Q„“Lj RbZv ms¯‥zwPZ Kiv ev nIqv SzzwKc~b© D‡`¨vM `ytLx cwÛZgb¨ g~L© ¯§„wZ i¶vg~jK ¯§viK

Key features: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Money, an important factor in life It is to be earned at the cost of pains Without it friendship, relationship do not exist. Want of it keeping friends away.

Summary: Money plays an important role in our life. Without it none can have peace, honesty and praise. But it does not come easily. It is to be earned by dint of merit and labors. Always labors and talent can not be conducive to earning. They necessarily expect a huge amount of money. Grammar: ‘To be (something)’ can be used to make an example. Such as: To be true, I disbelieve you.


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Unit-21: Globalisation, Lesson-1: The world as a global village’ Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  talked about modern means of communication  read a passage about the effect of globalisation  discussed questions on the passage  formed and used some derivatives  written a letter to a pen friend Focus: Skills functions Speaking, reading, writing a letter

Giving information

Grammar/Structure Roots & derivatives

Now read the text silently. Sort out your unknown words. Here are some words and their English and Bengali meanings. Make sentences with them. The given words are not enough. If you find more, add those also. Word Aspects Distress Globalisation Instant Mutual

English Meaning viewpoint, feature, etc. to be considered. anguish or suffering caused by pain, sorrow, worry, etc. the fact that different cultures and economic systems around the world are becoming connected and similar to each other. occurring immediately. experienced or done by each of two or more parties to or towards the other (s)

A_© w`K, `„k¨ nZvkv, `y`©kv wek¦vqb Ri‚ix, Zvr¶wbK ci¯úi

Key Features: 1. Globalization is a blessing for the developed countries but curse for the developing countries. 2. It has created a lot of facilities for the capitalists. 3. Without mutual understanding globalization would not bring happiness. After the passage you will get 5 questions. Try to write the answers based on the text. Summary: Globalisation is now an inevitable concept for the present time. It has some long lasting effects on different aspects of our life. It promises employment opportunities in poor countries and helps sharing joys and sorrows among the nations of the world. On the other hand it exploits cheap labour of poor countries and poves the way for lasting poverty. Actually it can make the world a better place when it is based on equity and justice only. Grammar: Roots and derivatives: Look at the following words. (i) Globe – global, globally, globalize, globalization.


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(ii) Base – basic, basely, basically. (iii) Commerce – commercial, commercialism, commerce. Here ‘globe’, ‘base’ and ‘commerce’ are basic words and others are derivatives of them.

Unit-21: Globalisation, Lesson-2: Globalisation and capitalism Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  talked about capitalism  read a passage about capitalism and globalisation  discussed questions on the passage  matched some words with their antonyms  written 2/3 sentences on a given structure  written a contrasting paragraph Focus: Skills


Discussion, reading, writing

Giving opinions, showing identifying antonyms

Grammar/Structure differences, use of 'more...than' in a simple sentence, antonyms

Now read the text silently. Sort out your unknown words. Here are some words and their English and Bengali meanings. Make sentences with them. The given words are not enough. If you find more, add those also. Word Amenities

English Meaning pleasant or useful feature or facility.

A_© myweavmg~n


utilize or take advantage of (esp. a person) for one's own ends.

‡kvlb Kiv


principles of justice used to correct or supplement the law.

mvg¨, b¨vqcivqb




existing in something as an essential or permanent attribute. make poor.


(also laisser-faire) policy of non-interference.

cÖavbZ evwYwR¨K †jb‡`‡b miKv‡ii n¯—‡¶c bv Kivi Aeva bxwZ


unity, esp. political or in an industrial dispute.


Strategy Universalized Widening

long-term plan or policy applicable to all cases. make or become wider.

‡K․kj ‣ewk¦K, me©Rbxb ‡e‡o P‡j‡Q


After the passage you will get 5 questions. Try to write the answers based on the text. Key Features: Golbalisation helps capitalism by enhancing opportunities for free trade and commerce all over the world. Rich countries exploit poor countries by using their cheap labour. The trifling minority refers to the few industrialised capitalist countries and the overwhelming majority refers to the great number of people in the developing countries. Summary:


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

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English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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Globalisation is now an inevitable concept for the present time. It is a process of expanding trade and commerce all over the world by creating a borderless market. It is related to international relations. It is now only what technology makes possible. It makes the world smaller. It has far-reaching effect on many aspects of life. Grammar: Use of more ........... than in a simple sentence (a) Mili is more beautiful than Shafik. (b) Rahim is more intelligent than Karim. Use of antonym: Big-small, Good- bad, Rich-Poor.

Unit-21: Globalisation Lesson-3: Modern technology and globalisation’

Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  talked about advertisements of commercial goods  read a passage on how modern technologies help globalisation  discussed questions on the passage  selected appropriate words to complete definitions  written a short report Focus Skills Functions Discussion, intensive reading, Using persuasive language, gap-filling writing

Grammar/ structure Reporting qualities

Learning new words Words breathtaking automation satellite modern instantaneous amenable transmission threat revolutionary transfer

Meaning very wonderful to make mechanization outpost something recent on the spot come to the same opinion to conduct with sb or sth to give warning innovative change move from one place to another

Bengali meaning D‡ËRbvc~Y© ¯^qsPj e¨e¯’v DcMÖn AvaywbK Zvr¶wYK gvwbqvjq Ggb ‡cÖiY ûgwK ‣ec­weK ¯’vbvš—iY

Key Features: Technology contributes a lot to the production and distribution of goods in different countries. Digital transfer of information refers to the exchange of information by electronic and telecommunication media. Banking and financial activities have now become faster and easier because of the use of computers and other electronic instruments. A. Discuss in pairs how multinational manufacturing companies advertise their products to attract global consumers. B. Have you ever been influenced by any advertisement you have watched on television? If you are influenced, say why? C. Here, there is a passage and the passage highlights on the modern technology and its effect on globalisation. From this passage, we will come to know how modern technology has added a new dimension in the field of communication, in the field of business world and above all in the field of banking and financial activities. D . Answer of the gap-filling: 1. machines , industrial 2. machine, computer , 3. electronic, messages, 4. printed, equipment Conclusion: Recapitulation of the passage through asking answering questions to make the idea of the passage clear the students. a) How has technology quickened the pace of globalisation ? b) What is meant by digital transfer of information? c) How has IT changed banking and financial activities? d) Explain the last sentence of the passage. e) Think about some disadvantages of this technological advancement. Give some examples.


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f) How can machines be a threat to working people? Summary: Globalisation has made trade and commerce possible. The technology has changed Banking and financial activities. Worldwide money transfer and transction of business have now become a matter of clicking the mouse of a computer. We can now buy and sell goods through the electronic screen. It has brought about a radical change in the world market.

Unit-21: Globalisation, Lesson-4: Sports and globalisation Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  discussed global sports and their popularity  read a passage about international sports  discussed questions based on the passage  expressed preferences and given reasons  written a paragraph Focus: Skills functions Discussion, reading, writing Expressing preference

Grammar/Structure Compound sentences with clauses joined by 'and' and 'but', link words- 'moreover'

Now read the text silently. Sort out your unknown words. Here are some words and their English and Bengali meanings. Make sentences with them. The given words are not enough. If you find more, add those also. Word Brotherhood Entertainment Encroach Manufacturing

English Meaning relationship between brothers. entertaining or being entertained. intrude on another's territory etc. making of articles, esp. in a factory etc.

A_© åvZ…Z¡‡eva Av‡gv`-cÖ‡gv` AbwaKvi cÖ‡ek Kiv Drcv`b

Occasion Sponsor

a special event or happening. person who pledges money to a charity etc. in return for another person fulfilling a sporting etc. challenge.

mgq, Dcj¶ c„ô‡cvlKZv Kiv

Key Feature: - Sports help foster universal brotherhood. - Sports broaden relationship among the nations. -Sports remove racial and cultural differences. -Today people are entertained by various games and sports. -People of different countries assemble at the venue. After the passage you will get 5 questions. Try to write the answers based on the text. Summary: In the present world sports have become a popular source of entertainment. International sporting events are now being sponsored by the multinational companies. In order to advertise their product they do it. One can get ample opportunity to share their view and opinion. This opportunity creates mutual cooperation and broadens one’s outlook. Thus sports can contribute much in globalisation.


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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Grammar: Compound sentences with clauses joined by ‘and’ ‘but’ and ‘or’. (i) Rahim is poor but honest. From text: These events are telecast worldwide by satellite and people all over the world watch them live.

Unit-21: Globalisation, Lesson-5 : Globalisation and our cultural identity Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  talked about specific cultures  discussed some Bangladeshi customs  read a passage on globalisation of culture  discussed questions on the passage  completed six sentences and arranged them into a paragraph  written a short composition. Focus: Skills functions Grammar/Structure speaking, reading, supporting/refuting a statement, arranging subject + get + past participle writing jumbled sentences Now read the text silently. Sort out your unknown words. Here are some words and their English and Bengali meanings. Make sentences with them. The given words are not enough. If you find more, add those also. A_© Word English Meaning e¨emv Business one's regular occupation or profession. Influence

effect a person or thing has on another.


Interacting Independent Perspective

reciprocally active. not depending on authority or control. mental view of the relative importance of things.

wg_¨v wµqvKiY ¯^vaxb `„wó‡KvY


having or demanding great knowledge, study, or insight.


Key Features: -Globalization mainly connected with trade, business and international relations. -Impact of satellite channels on all individual customs & cultures. -The intrusion of foreign culture. -Profound impact on our young generation. Summary: Globalisation is based on trade and commerce that has a lot of impact on our life Satellite TV channels and internet are bringing the world cultures into our home. As a result our local cultures are affected. Our young generation is particularly influenced and it is becoming a threat to our national cultural identity. Grammar: Subject +get+ Past Participle (i) Their culture got lost watching satellite channels.


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

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English 1st Paper Class- Eleven Section:...........

Unit-21: Globalisation, Lesson-6: Globalisation and English Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  talked about different ways of speaking English  read a passage about global English  discussed questions on the passage  analysed stylistic features of the passage  described Bangladeshi English Focus Skills Functions Discussion, reading, writing Giving opinions, analysing stylistic features, making comments Learning new words Words bilingual monolingual multilingual phenomenon bewildering emerge respective de-standardization intelligibility intonation

English meaning using two languages using only one language using different languages special type of occurrence the event that surprises one come out personal matter degradation from high quality of being understandable inflection of tone or sound

Grammar/ Structure use of ‘neither....nor’ & ‘more and more’ Bengali meaning wØfvwlK GKfvwlK eûfvwlK NUbv nZf¤^ Kiv MwR‡q DVv ¯^ ¯^, wbR wbR gvb wbæKiY eyw× Øviv Dcjwä Kiv hvq Ggb Kɯ^‡ii DÌvb-cZb

Key Features: Common language for international communication. -Bilingual & multilingual use of English for outnumber its monolingual native speakers. -Influence of pronunciation, grammar and idioms. -Mutual intelligibility among users of the language. A. The main reason for this difference between the native speaker & the people of other countries is the influence of the mother tongue. The sound system and intonation patterns are different in different languages. People of different languages can not speak English well because they do not have sufficient exposure to the use of English. They also lack appropriate vocabulary and knowledge of the grammatical structures of English. B. From this passage we will come to know about the importance of learning English for global communication. For the advancement of globalisation, English has composed a bridge for mutual understanding among the people of the world. So, English is no longer the unique possession of British or American or other native speaker people, but a language that belongs to the world’s people. Summary: For international communication the need for a common language arises. For different reasons English has achieved the prestige of that language. It has crossed the border of its native speakers. This language now belongs to the people the common language of the world. Grammar / structure i) If the two subjects are different, the structure will be : Neither + 1 st sub + nor + 2nd sub For example : Neither he nor his brother was present there. i) If the subjects are same but verbs are different , the structure will be: Sub + neither 1 st verb + (..........) + nor + 2nd verb ................. = He neither goes to school nor works in the field.


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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If the subjects & verbs are same, then structure will be : Sub + verb+ neither + ............+ nor +...............= He is neither a good player nor a good student. If sub, verb & obj. are same, the structure will be : Sub + verb+ obj + neither + ........... + nor + ..... = I gave him neither money nor food.

Unit-22: Conquering Space, Lesson-1: Mysteries of Space Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  discussed different bodies in space  read about black holes and answered questions on the passage  written short organised notes from scattered information Focus: Skills



speaking, reading, listening, Understanding diagrams, expanding writing listening for specific information

notes, Simple present for universal truths

Now read the text silently. Sort out your unknown words. Here are some words and their English and Bengali meanings. Make sentences with them. The given words are not enough. If you find more, add those also. Word Conquer Mystery Huge Hole Disappear Core Pinpoint

English Meaning overcome by effort. secret, hidden, or inexplicable matter. extremely large. an empty space in a solid body. cease to be visible. central or most important part of anything. something very small or sharp.

Tremendous Gravity Pull

Remarkable. a force that attracts a body to the centre of the earth etc. exert force upon (a thing, person, etc.) to move it to oneself or the origin of the force (pulled it nearer). in the direction of. establish the identity of; recognize. Huge.

Towards Identify Gigantic

A_© Rq Kiv inm¨ cÖPzi MZ© A`„k¨ nIqv gg©e¯‘ wbfy©jfv‡e †Kvb wel‡qi ¸i“‡Z¡i cÖwZ g‡bv‡hvM AvKl©Y Kiv AmvaviY gva¨vKl©Y kw³ Uvbv w`‡K wbiƒcb wekvjvK…wZ

Key Features: Stars: Stars are the distant bodies appearing as a point of light in the sky at night. They have their own light. Asteroids:- They exist in Asteroid belts round the sun. Most of them move round the sun in an elliptical orbit. They may be dangerous to earth. They can cause massive destruction. Comets: It moves round the sun. It has a tail. It melts to become gas when it comes near the sun. Hailey, a big comet is seen after every 76 years. Do you know what 'space exploration' is. How did man explore space in the past? (Through telescopes at first, through rockets, through space shuttles, through satellites, etc). How far has man gone into space? What has man achieved through these efforts?


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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After reading the text, try to write the answers of the questions. Summary: This lesson gives ideas about black holes. Huge stars produce them. They are called black holes not because there are holes in space but because they can not be seen as there is no light coming out of them. Their presence can be identified. The black holes are as large as big magnets in space.

Unit-22: Conquering Space, Lesson-2: Space Research Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  been introduced to observatories and telescopes  matched and linked sentences  read a passage and selected appropriate words  completed sentences Focus: Skills speaking, listening, writing

functions Joining ideas, debating an idea, arguing

Grammar/Structure Link words

Now read the text silently. Sort out your unknown words. Here are some words and their English and Bengali meanings. Make sentences with them. The given words are not enough. If you find more, add those also. Word Scientist Wonder CETI-Communication with Extra Terrestrial Intelligence Seek Beam Spacecraft Evidence Gravity Volcanoes Crater Meteorite Reveal Tiny Fossil

English Meaning student or expert in science. excited by what is unexpected.

A_© weÁvbx we¯§q cÖKvk Kiv AwZe„w× m¤úbœ cvw_©e gvby‡li mv‡_ †hvMv‡hvM

search or inquire. long sturdy piece of squared timber or metal used in house-building etc., ray or shaft of light or radiation. vehicle for travelling in outer space. available facts, circumstances, etc. indicating whether or not a thing is true or valid. a force that attracts a body to the centre of the earth etc. mountain or hill from which lava, steam, etc. escape through openings in the earth's crust. mouth of a volcano. fallen meteor display or show; allow to appear. very small or slight. remains or impression of a plant or animal hardened in rock.

†LuvRv Av‡jv gnvk~b¨ hvb cÖgvY ga¨vKl©Y kw³ Av‡MœqwMwi MZ© DévwcÛ cÖKvk Kiv ¶z`ª Rxevk¥

Key Features: CETI: It is a major project whose main works to establish contract with any other living being in the universe. Its full name is Communication with Extra Terrestrial Intelligence. -The space probes have been sent to Jupiter Saturn , Venus and Neptune. -Trees and life forms are absent from the Mars. After reading the text, try to write the answers of the questions Summary The scientists are trying to establish contact with other living beings in the universe. For that they have set up projects. In the past the scientists thought that there is life on mars. They have sent many space probes to get evidence of life in different planets. They are closely inspecting the elements of the other planets. Grammar:


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English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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Link word-Because, An, After. Because-Ancient astronomers did not understand heavenly bodies well because they had no telescope. After- The telescope was invented in the 17th century after a cosmologist had striven to explain the orgin and development of the universe.

Unit-22: Conquering Space, Lesson-4: Some giant steps Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  identified difference in meaning in a set of sentences  read a text and answered questions based on it  organized a jumbled text Focus:

Skills Intensive speaking

Functions reading,


writing, Organising text

Present perfect, past perfect

Now read the text silently. Sort out your unknown words. Here are some words and their English and Bengali meanings. Make sentences with them. The given words are not enough. If you find more, add those also. Word

English Meaning



imaginary or mythical being of human form but superhuman size.



make or become smaller or fewer.

n«vm Kiv ev nIqv


flow or cause to flow esp. downwards in a stream or shower.



thin tube for sucking drink through.



box, jar, etc., for holding things.



scatter in small drops or particles.

Qwo‡q ev wQwU‡q †`qv


crew member of a spacecraft.


Key Features: Gravity: E. Russian female Astronaut Valentin Tereshkova had traveled into space in 1963 before Sally Ride became the first American woman in space in 1983 D- (i) Heart beat will become lower. (ii) Bones and muscles will be weaker. (iii) Everything stays in one place, as water cannot be poured. (iv) Head will be heavy. Summary: From many Years past scientist have been thinking about this. As there is no gravity it is difficult to adjust. Heartbeat becomes slower and the head feels heavy. So the astronauts need months of training to be able to adjust.


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

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English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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Unit-23: Challenges of the New Century, Lesson-1: The last century in retrospect Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  talked about some aspects of the last century  read a passage about the last century  written about some positive and negative aspects of the last century Focus: Skills Functions Speaking intensive reading, Describing, writing events



Grammar/Structure past Complex and compound sentences, present perfect

Now read the text silently. Sort out your unknown words. Here are some words and their English and Bengali meanings. Make sentences with them. The given words are not enough. If you find more, add those also. Word Conflict Embellished Immense Opposed Testimony

English Meaning a state of opposition. beautify, adorn. extremely large; considerable . set oneself against witness's statement under oath etc.

A_© msNvZ ‡m․›`h©f~wlZ Kiv cÖPzi wec‡¶ cÖgvb, mv¶¨


give play to (vengeance or one's anger etc.). cause (damage etc.)

†f‡½ hvIqv

Key Features: A: Decade: A decade means a period of 10 Years. Century: A century means a period of 100 years. Millennium: A millennium means a period of 100 years. Positive: (i) The development of science. (ii) Advancement of science (iii) Immense progress in medical science. Negative: (i) Misuse of atomic energy. (ii) Poverty, hunger, global warming. (iii) Violence, terrorism, War. After reading the text, try to write the answers of the questions. Summary: The last century is memorable for many historical events. Scientific and technological achievements are immense. The world has seen two world wars. The people of the poor countries are the worst sufferers. Grammar: A. complex Sentence: Look at the following sentence “Many events have taken place during these days that have embellished and enriched human life.” In the above sentence, a principal clause and subordinate clause are joined by ‘that.’ B. Compound Sentence: Look at the sentence below: “Some events are telecast and people watch them live” Here two independent clauses are joined by ‘and’. C. Present Perfect: The structure of present perfect is ‘subject + has/have + past participle of verb + object.’ Example: 1. The last century has seen immense progress.


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English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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2. The world has observed two World Wars.

Unit-23: Challenges of the New Century, Lesson-2: Bangladesh in retrospect Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  talked about major events in Bangladesh  read a passage on some events of the past  Written a narrative Focus: Skills Speaking, narrative

Functions intensive



a Narrating events

Grammar/Structure Present perfect, passive voice

Now read the text silently. Sort out your unknown words. Here are some words and their English and Bengali meanings. Make sentences with them. The given words are not enough. If you find more, add those also. Word Cherish Oppressive Significant Swept Turbulent

English Meaning protect or tend lovingly. oppressing. having a meaning; indicative. clean or clear (a room or area etc.) (as) with a broom. varying irregularly.

A_© jvjb Kiv wbôzi ¸i‚Z¡c~Y© fvwm‡q †bqv Aw¯’wZkxj

A. Major events took place in the last few decades(a) Mass revolt in 1969. (b) Language movement of 1952. (c) The victory on 16th December in 1971 B. Bangali Well-known persons. (a) Rabindranath Tagore won Nobel Prize in 1913 for his Gitanjali (b) Amartya Sen won Nobel prize in 1998 in economics. (c) Dr. Mohammad Yunus won Nobel Prize in 2006 for peace. 1. Write a paragraph on “The 21st February.” After reading the text, try to write the answers of the questions. Summary: There are many reasons for which the last century is remarkable. Among them many historical events, scientific and technological achievents are immense. Colonial countries have got independence. The world has seen two world wars causing human suffering. Common features like conflict, strife, terrorism and poverty are available and the suffering of the poor people are noteworthy.


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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Unit-23: Challenges of the New Century, Lesson-3: The challenge ahead-I Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  talked about some problems facing Bangladesh  read a passage about a particular challenge facing Bangladesh  written an argument Focus: Skills Functions Grammar/Structure Speaking, intensive Making suggestions. arguing reading, writing

Past simple, present perfect tense

Now read the text silently. Sort out your unknown words. Here are some words and their English and Bengali meanings. Make sentences with them. The given words are not enough. If you find more, add those also. Word Challenge

English Meaning summons to take part in a contest etc. or to prove or justify something.

A_© cix¶v

Daunting Decline

discourage, intimidate. deteriorate; lose strength or vigour; decrease.

fq¼i Kgv‡bv

Erosion Sustain

erosive support, bear the weight of, esp. for a long period.

¶q Pvwj‡q †bqv


settling or being settled, a place occupied by settlers.


Key Features: (i) Natural wealth wildlife, forests etc. (ii) Polluter pays means that who pollutes will pay for it as penalty. (iii) Which will pollute the environment, will be taxed? The passage deals with the problem of losing its natural wealth mainly wildlife. Forests are being cut down as well as burnt indiscriminately resulting in an increase in carbon dioxide and ultimately the water level is rising. to check such problem Polluter pays’ manly be suggested. A- Causes of environmental pollution. (i) Air pollution. (ii) Water pollution. (iii) Cutting down and burning of forests. (iv) Excessive industries, vehicles, sound pollution. Factors have had to the problem: (i) The country loses about 80 thousand hectres of cultivable land. (ii) Increasing human settlement and building of infrastructure. (iii) Inadequate technological support. The most feasible suggestion: (a) Ensure the public support and developed technologies for production. * Write a paragraph on ‘Bangali people should not try to change their food habits. After reading the text, try to write the answers of the questions. Summary:


Cambrian College Department of English Date:.....................

English 1st Paper Class- Eleven

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Particular Problem: Actually the text deals with the problem of expected agricultural production for the uncontrolled population. Population is growing day by day. On the other hand the cultivable land is decreasing every year. So different measures are discussed here to maintain the balance of food production by using the unused lands in different ways.

Unit-24: People, People Everywhere, Lesson-4: Why is there discrimination? Objectives: By the end of the lesson you will have  asked and answered questions about sharing domestic work  discussed an information chart and made questions using it  written two short compositions  prepared to participate in a debate Function: asking questions, describing situations * Discrimination here means treating somebody / a group in society less fairly than others, sex / gender discrimination, discrimination against the immigrants, etc. Now read the text silently. Sort out your unknown words. Here are some words and their English and Bengali meanings. Make sentences with them. The given words are not enough. If you find more, add those also. Word Confined

English Meaning keep or restrict (within certain limits).

A_© mxgve×

Domestic chores Discrimination

of the home, household, or family affairs. showing good judgement or taste.

N‡ii KvRKg© ‣elg¨


person accompanying a person of the opposite sex socially. thing or part added to improve or provide further information. not welcome or acceptable.

cvnviv †`qv

Supplement Unwelcome

evov‡bv AevwÂZ

Key Feature: The four issues that I find important about gender discrimination in an average Bangladeshi family are. (a) Preference for a male child. (b) Girls are confined to household chores. (c) Inhuman treatment upon women in the family. (d) Religious misinterpretation. -A male child is born to welcome world. -Women are weaker than men. -They are strictly prohibited from speaking raising their voice up. After reading the text, try to write the answers of the questions. Summary: The very passage deals with gender discrimination. It begins at birth. Almost everybody prefer male than female because they can supplement their family income. Female are thought to be best suited for domestic works so they are deprived of the light of education. This treatment keeps native impact on female life.


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