Cambridge University Press are delighted to announce a new partnership with
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
DRCOG Revision Guide
EMQs for the MRCOG Part 2 John Duthie and Paul Hodges
A Guide to Success in the New-Style Examination Nigel Davies and Paul Hodges
Sample questions and tips for candidates are provided here for the DRCOG examination. February 2008 122pp 978-1-904752-53-0 PB £36.00
SBAs for the Part 1 MRCOG
Your Essential Revision Guide
Andrew Sizer and Neil Chapman
This gives a detailed guide for MRCOG candidates, including worked examples of specimen questions. June 2006 136pp 978-1-904752-27-1 PB £36.00
MRCOG Part One Edited by Alison Fiander and Baskaran Thilaganathan
This book provides advice and sample questions for the Part 1 MRCOG examination. January 2012 144pp 978-1-906985-58-5 PB £32.00
This comprehensive handbook is essential reading for all Part 1 MRCOG candidates. P
December 2010 246 x 189 mm 620pp 978-1-904752-56-1 PB £85.00 P
Past Papers MRCOG Part One Multiple Choice Questions
Past Papers MRCOG Part Two Multiple Choice Questions
Mastering Short Answer Questions for MRCOG Part 2
Pocket Guide to the OSCE for the MRCOG
Contains real examination questions for MRCOG candidates to test their knowledge.
With Evidence-Based Answers with CD-ROM
with DVD
This book tests MRCOG candidates’ knowledge with real examination questions. December 2004 234 x 156 mm 216pp 978-1-904752-12-7 PB £32.00 P
July 2004 234 x 156 mm 178pp 978-1-904752-03-5 PB £32.00
Khaled Khaled Roopa Nair and Barry Whitlow
Adel Elkady and Evelyn Verheijen Edited by Paul Fogarty
Provides guidance on answering MRCOG short answer questions with practice examinations, accompanied by a CD-ROM. May 2009 234 x 156 mm 308pp 978-1-904752-60-8 WW £48.00
This book and accompanying DVD contain crucial tips on how to pass the MRCOG OSCE. November 2006 216 x 138 mm 80pp 978-1-904752-25-7 WW £32.00 P
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Life Saving Skills Manual
Early Pregnancy Issues for the MRCOG and Beyond
Essential Obstetric and Newborn Care Nynke van den Broek
Second edition
Alan Cameron Janet Brennand Lena Crichton and Janice Gibson
Geeta Kumar and Bidyut Kumar
This Manual accompanies a course on the delivery of safe emergency obstetric care. June 2007 297 x 210 mm 120pp 978-1-904752-28-8 PB £30.00
Fetal Medicine for the MRCOG and Beyond
Covers early pregnancy-related issues based on the RCOG curriculum. Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and Beyond November 2011 216 x 138 mm 144pp 978-1-906985-45-5 PB £32.00 P
Provides comprehensive coverage of fetal medicine and is designed for MRCOG candidates. Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and Beyond January 2011 216 x 138 mm 224pp 978-1-906985-36-3 PB £32.00 P
Gynaecological Oncology for the MRCOG and Beyond Second edition
Edited by Nigel Acheson and David Luesley
This book is aimed at MRCOG candidates, covering all aspects of gynaecological oncology. Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and Beyond
Haemorrhage and Thrombosis for the MRCOG and Beyond
Intrapartum Care for the MRCOG and Beyond Second edition
Thomas Baskett and Sabaratnam Arulkumaran
Edited by Ann Harper
This book provides guidance on haematologic problems for MRCOG candidates. Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and Beyond June 2005 216 x 138 mm 136pp 978-1-900364-96-6 PB £32.00
January 2011 216 x 138 mm 224pp 978-1-906985-21-9 PB £32.00 P
Provides a comprehensive overview of intrapartum care for MRCOG candidates. Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and Beyond October 2011 216 x 138 mm 300pp 978-1-906985-40-0 PB £32.00 P
Gynaecological and Obstetric Pathology for the MRCOG and Beyond Second edition
Michael Wells Hilary Buckley and Harold Fox
An essential guide to gynaecological and obstetric histopathology for MRCOG candidates. Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and Beyond September 2009 216 x 138 mm 238pp 978-1-904752-76-9 PB £32.00 P
Management of Infertility for the MRCOG and Beyond Second edition
Edited by Siladitya Bhattacharya and Mark Hamilton
A useful guide to the management of suboptimal fertility for MRCOG candidates. Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and Beyond January 2007 122pp 978-1-904752-26-4 PB £32.00
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Menopause for the MRCOG and Beyond Second edition
Margaret Rees
This book is a guide to perimenopausal medicine for Part 2 MRCOG examination candidates and all healthcare professionals.
Reproductive Endocrinology for the MRCOG and Beyond
Second edition
Second edition
Covers the fundamentals of childhood gynaecological conditions for MRCOG examination candidates. Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and Beyond August 2008 216 x 138 mm 114pp 978-1-904752-58-5 PB £32.00
Psychological Disorders in Obstetrics and Gynaecology for the MRCOG and Beyond
Participant Manual Second edition
Covers the psychological conditions in women’s healthcare for MRCOG candidates.
This course manual for the RCOG Basic Practical Skills in Obstetrics and Gynaecology introduces trainees to building safe surgical and obstetric skills. June 2010 297 x 210 mm 106pp 978-1-904752-51-6 PB £55.00
Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and Beyond P
Edited by Adam Balen
Provides a comprehensive overview of urogynaecology for MRCOG candidates. Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and Beyond October 2012 216 x 138 mm 156pp 978-1-906985-56-1 PB £32.00 P
Provides comprehensive information on reproductive endocrinology for MRCOG candidates. Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and Beyond May 2007 216 x 138 mm 198pp 978-1-904752-19-6 PB £32.00
Basic Practical Skills in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Khalid Ismail Ilana Crome and Patrick O’Brien
April 2006 216 x 138 mm 102pp 978-1-904752-09-7 PB £32.00
Natalia Price and Simon Jackson
Anne Garden Mary Hernon and Joanne Topping
Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and Beyond May 2008 216 x 138 mm 118pp 978-1-904752-44-8 PB £32.00
Paediatric and Urogynaecology Adolescent for the MRCOG Gynaecology for the and Beyond MRCOG and Beyond Second edition
Current Management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Christopher Sutton and Kevin Jones
Explains endometriosis from diagnosis to treatment in a succinct and clear text, with colour illustrations. May 2004 234 x 156 mm 72pp 978-1-900364-87-4 PB £24.95
Edited by Adam Balen Stephen Franks Roy Homburg and Sean Kehoe
Presents the findings of the RCOG Study Group on polycystic ovary syndrome. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Study Group October 2010 234 x 156 mm 240pp 978-1-906985-41-7 PB £80.00 P
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Gynaecological Ultrasound in Clinical Practice
Laparoscopic Surgery for Benign Gynaecology
Ultrasound Imaging in the Management of Gynaecological Conditions
with DVDs
Edited by Davor Jurkovic Lil Valentin and Sanjay Vyas
A user-friendly reference guide to ultrasound in gynaecology and early pregnancy. June 2009 246 x 189 mm 232pp 978-1-904752-29-5 HB £95.00
Cancer and Reproductive Health Edited by Sean Kehoe Eric Jauniaux Pierre Martin-Hirsch and Philip Savage
This book connects the complexity of cancer with fertility, conception and pregnancy.
Edited by Alfred Cutner and Sanjay Vyas
Acute Gynaecology and Early Pregnancy Edited by Davor Jurkovic and Roy Farquharson
Provides a comprehensive overview of gynaecologic laparoscopic surgery with operative DVDs.
This book provides an overview of acute gynaecology and early pregnancy, and reflects the RCOG’s Advanced Training Skills Module syllabus.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Advanced Skills
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Advanced Skills
November 2011 246 x 189 mm 336pp 978-1-906985-31-8 WW £95.00 P
March 2011 246 x 189 mm 256pp 978-1-906985-32-5 HB £95.00
Forensic Gynaecology
Gynaecological Cancers
Towards Better Care for the Female Victim of Sexual Assault
Biology and Therapeutics
Edited by Maureen Dalton
This book takes a multidisciplinary approach to forensic gynaecology. December 2004 234 x 156 mm 280pp 978-1-900364-84-3 PB £45.00 P
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Study Group November 2008 234 x 156 mm 294pp 978-1-904752-61-5 PB £60.00 P
A New Concept in the Treatment of Women Edited by Kevin Jones
Covers the use of one-stop clinics and day surgery in gynaecological practice. April 2008 234 x 156 mm 136pp 978-1-904752-34-9 PB £40.00
Implantation and Early Development Edited by Hilary Critchley Iain Cameron and Stephen Smith
Edited by Sean Kehoe Richard Edmondson Martin Gore and Iain McNeish
Provides comprehensive coverage of gynaecological malignancies based on the 60th RCOG Study Group.
Presents the findings of the RCOG Study Group on embryo implantation and reproductive medicine implications. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Study Group June 2005 234 x 156 mm 304pp 978-1-904752-16-5 PB £52.00
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Study Group June 2011 234 x 156 mm 434pp 978-1-906985-44-8 PB £95.00
Ambulatory Gynaecology
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Managing Obstetric Emergencies and Trauma
Renal Disease in Pregnancy
Edited by John Davison Catherine Nelson-Piercy Sean Kehoe and Philip Baker
The MOET Course Manual Second edition
Reports the findings of the RCOG Study Group on pregnant women with renal problems.
Charlotte Howell Kate Grady and Charles Cox
This is the Manual for the Managing Obstetric Emergencies and Trauma [MOET] course. March 2007 297 x 210 mm 380pp 978-1-904752-21-9 PB £56.00
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Study Group June 2008 234 x 156 mm 286pp 978-1-904752-59-2 PB £80.00
Reproductive Ageing
Edited by Sean Kehoe Lyn Chitty and Tessa Homfray
This book is based on the RCOG Study Group findings on reproductive ageing.
Presents the findings of the RCOG Study Group findings on genetics underlying reproductive function.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Study Group
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Study Group
June 2009 234 x 156 mm 232pp 978-1-906985-13-4 PB £80.00
November 2009 234 x 156 mm 232pp 978-1-906985-16-5 PB £80.00 P
Family Planning Masterclass
Chasing Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5
Evidence-Based Answers to 1000 Questions
This book presents the findings of the RCOG Study Group on Millennium Development Goals, aimed at improving maternal-fetal health.
Provides a question-based synopsis of family planning issues.
Edited by Sean Kehoe James Neilson and Jane Norman
Edited by Gillian Penney Susan Brechin and Anna Glasier
November 2006 234 x 156 mm 608pp 978-1-904752-33-2 PB £52.00 P
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Study Group June 2010 234 x 156 mm 334pp 978-1-906985-30-1 PB £95.00
Reproductive Genetics
Edited by Susan Bewley William Ledger and Dimitrios Nikolaou
Maternal and Infant Deaths
Urodynamics Illustrated
Edited by Ranee Thakar Philip Toosz-Hobson and Lucia Dolan
This is a practical guide to setting up urodynamic equipment and performing urodynamic techniques. October 2011 216 x 138 mm 160pp 978-1-906985-11-0 PB £32.00 P
On the Shoulders of Giants Eponyms and Names in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Second edition Thomas Baskett
Provides detailed profiles of 365 significant historical characters in obstetrics and gynaecology. August 2010 246 x 189 mm 420pp 978-1-904752-64-6 HB £80.00
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Special Delivery
Caesarean Birth
Francis J. Browne
The Life of the Celebrated British Obstetrician, William Nixon
The Work of François Rousset in Renaissance France – A New Treatise on Hysterotomotokie or Caesarian Childbirth
A Biography
Geoffrey Chamberlain
This is a biography of William Nixon, a leading pioneer of women’s healthcare. December 2004 164pp 978-1-900364-98-0 PB £22.00
This is a biography of the founder of modern antenatal care, Francis James Browne (1879–1963).
Ian Donald
December 2007 136pp 978-1-904752-10-3 PB £22.00
James Willocks and Wallace Barr
Edited by Tahir Mahmood Philip Owen Sabaratnam Arulkumaran and Charnjit Dhillon
A biography of the physician who revolutionised diagnostic ultrasound in obstetric practice. P
This book helps maternity service staff to improve their quality of care. November 2010 234 x 156 mm 240pp 978-1-906985-38-7 PB £32.00 P
A History of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in the British Isles Geoffrey Chamberlain
Provides a history of childbearing in the British Isles from 1540 to today. July 2007 352pp 978-1-904752-14-1 HB £80.00
Models of Care in Maternity Services
A Memoir
The first English translation of the original text promoting caesarean birth. August 2010 144pp 978-1-906985-34-9 HB £38.00
December 2004 168pp 978-1-904752-00-4 PB £22.00
Herbert Reiss
Translated by Ronald Cyr Edited by Thomas Baskett P
From Witchcraft to Wisdom
Models of Care in Women’s Health
Let’s Do Audit!
This book aims to improve the quality of gynaecological care by increasing clinical effectiveness.
Andrew Weeks Katie Lightly and Sam Ononge
A Practical Guide to Improving the Quality of Medical Care through Criterion-Based Audit
Edited by Tahir Mahmood Allan Templeton and Charnjit Dhillon
June 2009 234 x 156 mm 176pp 978-1-906985-18-9 PB £32.00
Demonstrates how to improve quality of care using simple steps. June 2010 234 x 156 mm 104pp 978-1-906985-35-6 PB £19.99
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
PROMPT Course Manual Second edition
PROMPT Maternity Foundation
This book is essential reading for all those attending a PROMPT course. August 2012 297 x 210 mm 253pp 978-1-906985-63-9 PB £25.00