Welcome to the Philosophy books catalogue 2015. Here you will find new and forthcoming titles, representing the highest level of academic research from renowned authors. Our highlights this year include a new and expanded edition of The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, a philosophical biography of Jean-Paul Sartre, An Introduction to Philosophy of Science, The Cambridge Rawls Lexicon, and several outstanding titles in political philosophy including Interactive Democracy and The Cambridge Companion to Liberalism. Our publications are available in a variety of formats, including ebooks and print, as well as online collections for institutional purchase via our publishing service University Publishing Online, which incorporates the Cambridge Books Online platform. We also publish a range of leading Philosophy journals, including Philosophy and the Journal of the American Philosophical Association launching in 2015 (see back inside page for more information) You can recommend our books, online collections and journals to your librarian by filling out the form at the back of this catalogue. To see more book listings, product information, preview extracts and reviews, and to find out which conferences we are attending, you can find us online at You can also keep up to date with the latest news and author views from our academic blog at We hope that you enjoy reading about our latest publications. For queries, suggestions or proposals, you can find a list of useful contacts at the back of this catalogue.
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ROBERT AUDI Robert Audi is John A. O’Brien Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. He is the author of numerous books and articles. His recent books include Moral Perception (2013); Democratic Authority and the Separation of Church and State (2011); Rationality and
Religious Commitment (2011); Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge (2010); and Moral Value and Human
and a former director of the National Endowment for the Humanities’ Summer Seminars and Institutes Programs.
“...probably the best short reference work in English on philosophy” Richard Rorty “...a remarkable achievement...” Alasdair MacIntyre “...a superb reference work...” Edward Said “...Compact, clearly written, and covering a vast range of topics...” Sissela Bok
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Widely acclaimed as the most authoritative and accessible one-volume dictionary of philosophy available in English (and now with translations into Chinese, Italian, Korean, Russian and Spanish forthcoming) this second edition, written by an international team of 440 contributors, offers an even richer, more comprehensive, and more up-to-date survey of ideas and thinkers.
Philosophy texts
Key features of this second edition:
™ The most comprehensive entries on major philosophers ™ 400 new entries including 50 on pre-eminent contemporary philosophers ™ Extensive coverage of rapidly developing fields such as the philosophy of
History of philosophy
mind and applied ethics (bioethics, environmental, medical and professional ethics)
™ More entries on non-Western and non-European philosophy than any
comparable volume, including African, Arabic, Islamic, Japanese, Jewish, Korean, and Latin-American philosophy
Philosophy (general)
“ essential reference work...”
editor of the Journal of Philosophical Research,
Diversity (2007). Audi is a past president of the American Philosophical Association, a former
see page 1
This is the leading, full-scale comprehensive
dictionary of philosophical terms and thinkers to appear in English in more than half a
century. Written by a team of more than
550 experts and now widely translated, it contains approximately 5,000 entries ranging from short definitions to longer articles. It is designed to facilitate the understanding of philosophy at all levels and in all fields.
Key features of this third edition: • 500 new entries covering Eastern as well as Western philosophy, and covering individual countries such as China, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain • Increased coverage of such growing fields as ethics and philosophy of mind • More than 100 new intellectual portraits of leading contemporary thinkers • Wider coverage of Continental philosophy • Dozens of new technical concepts in cognitive science and other areas • Enhanced cross-referencing to add context and increase understanding • Expansions in both text and index to facilitate research and browsing
™ Broader coverage of Continental philosophy
Cover art: Paul Klee (1879-1940), Keramisch Mystisch,
Ancient philosophy
Private Collection. Reproduced by permission of Bridgeman/Art Resources, NY. Cover design by Adventure House, NYC Printed in the United States of America
Medieval philosophy
Nineteenth-century philosophy 9780521192941 Jacket C M Y K
Twentieth-century philosophy Philosophy of science
ADAM SW IFT University of Warwick
John Rawls is widely regarded as one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century, and his work has permanently shaped the nature and terms of moral and political philosophy, deploying a robust and specialized vocabulary that reaches beyond philosophy to political science, economics, sociology, and law. This volume is a complete and accessible guide to Rawls’s vocabulary, with over 200 alphabetical encyclopaedic entries written by the world’s leading Rawls scholars. From basic structure to burdened society, from Sidgwick to strains of commitment, and from Nash point to natural duties, the volume covers the entirety of Rawls’s central ideas and terminology, with illuminating detail and careful cross-referencing. It will be an essential resource for students and scholars of Rawls, as well as for other readers in political philosophy, ethics, political science, sociology, international relations, and law.
14 16 17
Eighteenth-century philosophy
10 “Rawls’s political philosophy evolved over more than 50 years, and he left us with an extremely rich and complex body of work. With more than 200 entries – from abortion to Wittgenstein – this volume is a really useful resource for finding one’s way through the full range of his thinking.”
MANDLE & REIDY The Cambridge Rawls Lexicon
David A. Reidy is Professor of Philosophy at The University of Tennessee. He is the co-editor of Rawls’s Law of Peoples: A Realistic Utopia (2006) and A Companion to Rawls (2014).
Early modern philosophy
Jon Mandle is Professor of Philosophy at the University at Albany (SUNY). He is the author of Rawls’s A Theory of Justice: An Introduction (2009) and co-editor of A Companion to Rawls (2014).
John Rawls is widely regarded as one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century, and his work has permanently shaped the nature and terms of moral and political philosophy, deploying a robust and specialized vocabulary that reaches beyond philosophy to political science, economics, sociology, and law. This volume is a complete and accessible guide to Rawls’s vocabulary, with over 200 alphabetical encyclopaedic entries written by the world’s leading Rawls scholars. From basic structure to burdened society, from Sidgwick to strains of commitment, and from Nash point to natural duties, the volume covers the entirety of Rawls’s central ideas and terminology, with illuminating detail and careful crossreferencing. It will be an essential resource for students and scholars of Rawls, as well as for other readers in political philosophy, ethics, political science, sociology, international relations, and law.
see page1
e di t e d b y
Jon Mandle and David A. Reidy
Logic 20 Printed in the United Kingdom
Philosophy of mind and language 21 Epistemology and metaphysics
Ethics 23 Political philosophy
Legal philosophy
Philosophy of social science
Philosophy of religion
Also of interest
Philosophy for schools
Sartre A Philosophical Biography
see page 4
thom as r. fly nn
see page 20
Information on related journals Inside back cover
Torture, Power and Law David Luban
see page 32
Featured authors Kent W. Staley, St Louis University, Missouri Author of An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science ‘This is a fine introductory text. It incorpor in philosophical ates recent advances research on scientific engaging and methodology, easy-to-read and Staley’s style makes beginning philosop it an excellent work for hy of science students.’ Joseph pitt,
Students come into my survey course on philosophy of science with a wide variety of
camb ridg
stal ey
Virginia College
This book guides
of Technolog
by gradual steps and debates through the in the philosoph central concepts y of science. from the history Using concrete examples of science, Kent Staley shows philosophical how seemingl issues are relevant y abstract to important practice. Structure aspects of scientific d in two parts, the book first concepts of the tackles the central philosophy of science, such tion, falsificati as the problem onism, and underdet of inducermination, and movemen and importan ts, such as the t figures logical empiricis Paul Feyeraben ts, Thomas Kuhn, d. The second and part turns to the philosoph contemporary y of science, debates in such as scientific role of values realism, explanati in science, the on, the different views probability. This of scientific inference broad yet detailed , and overview will grounding whilst give readers also providing a strong opportunities It will be of particular for further exploratio interest to students n. philosophy of of philosoph y, the science, and science.
1112499 PPC.
Cover illustration:
Series cover
© Vladumir Kolosov
design: Sue Watson
Kent W. staley is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Saint Louis University, Missouri. His publications include The Evidence for the Top Quark: Objectivity and Bias in Collaborati ve Experimen tation (Cambridg e, 2004).
of science Ken t W. stal ey
foundation for further philosophical study and also highlight how philosophical
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Staley 978052
students. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science aims to provide a strong
tion s to philo soph y
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and pre-professional studies. I wanted to write a book for this diverse group of
an introduct
majors and backgrounds, including philosophy, social and natural sciences, humanities,
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/ Alamy.
inquiry can make a difference to the conduct and import of scientific research.
Robert Audi, University of Notre Dame, Indiana General Editor of The Dictionary of Philosophy 3rd Edition GENERAL EDITOR
Philosophy concerns ideas and issues of all sorts – knowledge and ignorance,
work in English on philosophy” Richard Rorty “...a remarkable achievement...” Alasdair MacIntyre “...a superb reference work...” Edward Said “...Compact, clearly written, and covering a vast range of topics...” Sissela Bok “ essential reference work...” Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Key features of this second edition:
™ The most comprehensive entries on major philosophers ™ 400 new entries including 50 on pre-eminent contemporary philosophers ™ Extensive coverage of rapidly developing fields
such as the philosophy mind and applied ethics of (bioethics, environmental, medical and professional ethics)
™ More entries on non-Western and non-European
philosophy than any comparable volume, including African, Arabic, Islamic, Japanese, Jewish, Korean, and Latin-American philosophy
Cover art: Paul Klee (1879-1940), Keramisch Mystisch, Private Collection. Reproduced by permission of Bridgeman/Art Resources, NY.
™ Broader coverage of Continental philosophy
some of familiar exciting, and some the forgotten memorable. It defines, explains,
Cover design by Adventure House, NYC Printed in the United States of America
• Wider coverage of Continental philosophy • Dozens of new technical concepts in cognitive science and other areas • Enhanced cross-referencing to add context and increase understanding
Carol C. Gould, Hunter College, City University of New York Author of Interactive Democracy Departing from existing theories of global justice and democracy, I argue that deepening democratic participation and achieving global justice are mutually economic institutions necessary for the realization of both of these norms. This book offers
Key features of this third edition: • 500 new entries covering Eastern as well as Western philosophy, and covering individual countries such as China, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain
• Expansions in both text and index to facilitate research and browsing
probes, buries stereotypes, and piques curiosity.
dependent. New modes of democratic interaction are possible and new political and
This is the leading, full-scale comprehensive dictionary of philosophical terms and thinkers to appear in English in more than half a century. Written by a team of more than 550 experts and now widely translated, it contains approximately 5,000 entries ranging from short definitions to longer articles. It is designed to facilitate the understanding of philosophy at all levels and in all fields.
• Increased coverage of such growing fields as ethics and philosophy of mind • More than 100 new intellectual portraits of leading contemporary thinkers
philosophers who have led the way. It makes some of the obscure intelligible,
“...probably the best short reference
Widely acclaimed as the most authoritative and accessible one-volume of philosophy available dictionary in English (and now with translations into Chinese, Korean, Russian and Spanish Italian, forthcoming) this second edition, written by an international team of 440 contributors, offers an even richer, more comprehensive, and more up-to-date survey of ideas and thinkers.
central for issues, and explains the leading positions on the issues and the
players in the debates. This dictionary concisely sketches ideas, defines terms
mind and body, right and wrong, truth and falsehood – and it studies the major
Robert Audi is John A. O’Brien Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. He is the author of numerous books and articles. His recent books include Moral Perception (2013); Democratic Authority and the Separation of Church and State (2011); Rationality and Religious Commitment (2011); Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge (2010); and Moral Value and Human Diversity (2007). Audi is a past president of the American Philosophical Association, a former editor of the Journal of Philosophical Research, and a former director of the National Endowment for the Humanities’ Summer Seminars and Institutes Programs.
C T IV E IN T E R A AC Y R C O DE M tice Global Jus Roots of The Social
an original framework for understanding the role of transnational solidarities, democratic management, and emancipatory networking, as well as care, recognition, and empathy for distant others. C A RO L
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Philosophy (general)
Philosophy (general) Highlight
The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy Third edition Edited by Robert Audi University of Notre Dame, Indiana
This is the leading, full-scale comprehensive dictionary of philosophical terms and thinkers to appear in English in more than half a century. Written by a team of more than 550 experts and now widely translated, it contains approximately 5,000 entries ranging from short definitions to longer articles. It is designed to facilitate the understanding of philosophy at all levels and in all fields. Key features of this third edition include: • 500 new entries covering Eastern as well as Western philosophy, and covering individual countries such as China, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain • Increased coverage of such growing fields as ethics and philosophy of mind • More than 100 new intellectual portraits of leading contemporary thinkers • Wider coverage of Continental philosophy • Dozens of new technical concepts in cognitive science and other areas • Enhanced cross-referencing to add context and increase understanding • Expansions in both text and index to facilitate research and browsing 2015 253 x 177 mm 1312pp 978-1-107-01505-0 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 978-1-107-64379-6 Paperback £30.00 / US$45.00 Publication June 2015 For all formats available, see
literary vagueness should be read as a defining quality of modernist fiction. 2015 228 x 152 mm 246pp 978-1-107-08959-4 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 Publication March 2015 For all formats available, see
Anti-Semitism and its Metaphysical Origins David Patterson University of Texas, Dallas
This book articulates a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of Jew hatred as a metaphysical aspect of the human soul. David Patterson argues that anti-Semitism arises from the temptation to be as God, and thus to flee from an absolute accountability to and for the other human being. Advance praise: ‘David Patterson’s remarkable book offers a new method for a provocative evaluation of anti-Semitism. It uses a ‘Jewish approach to understanding Jew hatred’ and sees the roots of this hatred springing from ancient, metaphysical origins. Analyzing the human ambition for unlimited power, it argues that longing to kill God drives the desire to kill the Jews. Incisive, lucid and extremely well researched, this work opens up new questions and gives new answers to the urgent issue of the hatred of the Jews.’ Zsuzsanna Ozsvath, Leah and Paul Lewis Chair of Holocaust Studies, Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies, University of Texas, Dallas 2015 228 x 152 mm 344pp 978-1-107-04074-8 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 Publication February 2015 For all formats available, see
Key Reference
The Cambridge Rawls Lexicon
Modernist Fiction and Vagueness
Edited by Jon Mandle
Philosophy, Form, and Language Megan Quigley
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Villanova University, Pennsylvania
Modernist Fiction and Vagueness examines the development of the modernist novel in relation to changing approaches to philosophy. It argues that the puzzle of vagueness challenged the great thinkers of the early twentieth century. Building on recent interest in the connections between philosophy and literature, this book posits that
State University of New York, Albany
and David A. Reidy
John Rawls is widely regarded as one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century, and his work has permanently shaped the nature and terms of moral and political philosophy, deploying a robust and specialized vocabulary that reaches beyond philosophy to political science, economics, sociology, and law. This volume is a complete and accessible guide to Rawls’ vocabulary, with over 200 alphabetical encyclopaedic entries
written by the world’s leading Rawls scholars. From ‘basic structure’ to ‘burdened society’, from ‘Sidgwick’ to ‘strains of commitment’, and from ‘Nash point’ to ‘natural duties’, the volume covers the entirety of Rawls’ central ideas and terminology, with illuminating detail and careful cross-referencing. It will be an essential resource for students and scholars of Rawls, as well as for other readers in political philosophy, ethics, political science, sociology, international relations and law. ‘Rawls’ political philosophy evolved over more than 50 years, and he left us with an extremely rich and complex body of work. With more than 200 entries – from abortion to Wittgenstein – this volume is a really useful resource for finding one’s way through the full range of his thinking.’ Adam Swift, University of Warwick
Contributors: Jaime Ahlberg, Catherine Audard, Eric Beerbohm, Jeff Bercuson, Juliana Bidadanure, Michael Blake, James Boettcher, Gillian Brock, Victoria Costa, Adam Cureton, Norman Daniels, Helena de Bres, Peter de Marneffe, Dan Dombrowski, Gerald Doppelt, Dale Dorsey, Nir Eyal, Andreas Follesdal, Jon Garthoff, Pablo Gilabert, Kevin Graham, Alan Grose, Todd Hedrick, Iwao Hirose, Adam Hosein, George Klosko, Larry Krasnoff, Rahul Kumar, Anthony Laden, David Lefkowitz, Micah Lewin, Andrew Lister, Matthew Lister, Sharon Lloyd, David Lyons, Alistair Macleod, Colin Macleod, Jon Mandle, Rex Martin, Frank Michelman, Darrel Moellendorf, J. Donald Moon, Veronique Munoz-Darde, Pete Murray, Chris Naticchia, Jim Nickel, Martin O’Neill, Kristi Olson, Rodney Peffer, David Peritz, Ryan Pevnick, Jonathan Quong, David Reidy, Jeffrey Reiman, Henry Richardson, Walter Riker, Faviola Rivera-Castro, Miriam Ronzoni, João Manuel, Cardoso Rosas, Walter Schaller, Sibyl Schwarzenbach, Shlomi Segall, Jim Sterba, Robert Talisse, Alan Thomas, Peter Vallentyne, Kevin Vallier, Bas van der Vossen, Helga Varden, Paul Voice, Jeppe von Platz, Steven Wall, Daniel Weinstock, Paul Weithman, Thad Williamson 2014 253 x 177 mm 920pp 978-0-521-19294-1 Hardback £110.00 / US$175.00 For all formats available, see
Acts of Consciousness A Social Psychology Standpoint Guy Saunders University of the West of England, Bristol
A novel approach to the study of consciousness, examining it from a social psychological perspective. Through classic thought experiment stories, research interviews with former captives and treatments in the arts, the author develops a ‘cubist psychology of
eBooks available at
Philosophy (general) consciousness’ allowing the topic to be studied from a fresh angle. ‘The rich personal and intellectual journey that has taken Saunders to the writing of this book – and its warm and wise personal voice – is a creative achievement that makes it a most attractive point of entry for readers seeking access to the social psychological uses of consciousness whether by political prisoners, artists, writers, or ‘ordinary’ interested citizens.’ Ciarán Benson, Emeritus Professor, University College Dublin
feeling; 7. Forces and the will; 8. Opacity; Part III. Questions of Form: 9. Ubiquitous form; 10. Linguistic turns; 11. Form, narrative, novel; 12. Forms and fragments; Afterword: limits. Cambridge Introductions to Literature
2014 228 x 152 mm 238pp 978-1-107-01054-3 Hardback £55.00 / US$80.00 978-0-521-28123-2 Paperback £17.99 / US$27.99 For all formats available, see
2014 228 x 152 mm 348pp 978-0-521-11124-9 Hardback £55.00 / US$95.00
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art
978-0-521-12854-4 Paperback £19.99 / US$34.99
Second edition Richard Eldridge
For all formats available, see
Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania
A clear and compact survey of philosophical theories of the nature and value of art, in a new, expanded edition.
New in Paperback
Esotericism and the Academy Rejected Knowledge in Western Culture Wouter J. Hanegraaff Universiteit van Amsterdam
The neglected history of how intellectuals since the Renaissance have approached ideas of the occult which challenged biblical religion. 2014 229 x 152 mm 480pp 4 tables 978-1-107-68097-5 Paperback £22.99 / US$34.99 Also available 978-0-521-19621-5 Hardback £69.99 / US$119.99 For all formats available, see
The Cambridge Introduction to Literature and Philosophy Anthony J. Cascardi University of California, Berkeley
This Introduction provides an original, synthetic overview of the relations between literature and philosophy from ancient times to the present. Contents: Introduction; Part I. Questions of Truth and Knowledge: 1. The ‘ancient quarrel’; 2. Action, imitations, conventions of make-believe; 3. The single observer standpoint and its limits; 4. Contingency, irony, edification: changing the conversation about truth; Part II. Questions of Value: 5. Values, contingencies, conflicts; 6. Reason and autonomy, imagination and
Contents: Preface; 1. The situation and tasks of the philosophy of art; 2. Representation, imitation, and resemblance; 3. Beauty and form; 4. Expression; 5. Originality and imagination; 6. Understanding art; 7. Identifying and evaluating art; 8. Art and emotion; 9. Art and morality; 10. Art and society: some contemporary practices of art; 11. Epilogue: the evidence of things not seen. Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy
2014 247 x 174 mm 326pp 978-1-107-04169-1 Hardback £55.00 / US$85.00 978-1-107-61444-4 Paperback £19.99 / US$29.99 For all formats available, see
Life Edited by William Brown Darwin College, Cambridge
and Andrew Fabian Darwin College, Cambridge
Eight distinguished scholars present a vibrant and thought-provoking collection of essays from their own areas of expertise that expose both conventional and unconventional views on the meaning of life, the enigmatic boundaries between the living and the dead, and what may or may not follow afterwards. Darwin College Lectures, 25
2014 247 x 174 mm 187pp 32 b/w illus. 9 colour illus. 3 tables 978-1-107-61255-6 Paperback £12.99 / US$19.99 For all formats available, see
Philosophical Traditions Volume 74 Edited by Anthony O’Hear Royal Institute of Philosophy, London
Following the Royal Institute of Philosophy’s London Lecture series for 2012–13, Philosophical Traditions explores continuities and discontinuities in world philosophy. This volume contains contributions from scholars expert in different philosophical traditions, including Indian and African philosophy, Jewish and Islamic thought, Modern Japanese approaches, the ‘Continental’ tradition and analytical philosophy. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements, 74
2014 228 x 152 mm 328pp 978-1-107-43448-6 Paperback £23.99 / US$39.00 For all formats available, see
Philosophical Aesthetics and the Sciences of Art Volume 75 Edited by Gregory Currie University of York
Matthew Kieran University of Leeds
Aaron Meskin University of Leeds
and Margaret Moore University of Tennessee, Knoxville
This collection of essays, originating in a conference at the Leeds Art Gallery in 2012, reviews the role of empirical enquiry in philosophical aesthetics. Contributions address aesthetic testimony, the processing and appreciation of poetry, creativity, musical cognition, the aesthetics of disgust and evolutionary constraints on art appreciation. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements, 75
2014 228 x 152 mm 272pp 978-1-107-65458-7 Paperback £23.99 / US$39.00 For all formats available, see
Philosophy texts
Philosophy texts New in Paperback
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: Heidelberg Writings Journal Publications Georg Wilhelm Fredrich Hegel Edited by Brady Bowman Pennsylvania State University
and Allen Speight Boston University
This work brings together, for the first time in English translation, Hegel’s journal publications from his years in Heidelberg (1816–18), writings which have been previously either untranslated or only partially translated into English. The Heidelberg years marked Hegel’s return to university teaching and represented an important transition in his life and thought. The translated texts include his important reassessment of the works of the philosopher F. H. Jacobi, whose engagement with Spinozism, especially, was of decisive significance for the philosophical development of German Idealism. They also include his most influential writing about contemporary political events, his essay on the constitutional assembly in his native Württemberg, which was written against the background of the dramatic political and social changes occurring in post-Napoleonic Germany. The translators have provided an introduction and notes that offer a scholarly commentary on the philosophical and political background of Hegel’s Heidelberg writings. Cambridge Hegel Translations
2015 229 x 152 mm 200pp 978-1-107-49970-6 Paperback c. £17.99 / c. US$26.99 Publication May 2015 Also available 978-0-521-83300-4 Hardback £74.99 / US$109.99 For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Basic Outline Part 1: Science of Logic Georg Wilhelm Fredrich Hegel Edited by Klaus Brinkmann Boston University
and Daniel O. Dahlstrom Boston University
Hegel’s Encyclopaedia Logic constitutes the foundation of the system of philosophy presented in his Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences. Together with his Science of Logic, it contains the most explicit formulation of his enduringly influential dialectical method and of the categorical system underlying his thought. It offers a more compact presentation of his dialectical method than is found elsewhere, and also incorporates changes that he would have made to the second edition of the Science of Logic if he had lived to do so. This volume presents it in a new translation with a helpful introduction and notes. It will be a valuable reference work for scholars and students of Hegel and German idealism, as well as for those who are interested in the post-Hegelian character of contemporary philosophy. Cambridge Hegel Translations
2015 229 x 152 mm 380pp 978-1-107-49969-0 Paperback £22.99 / US$34.99 Also available 978-0-521-82914-4 Hardback £69.99 / US$109.99 For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: The Science of Logic Georg Wilhelm Fredrich Hegel Edited and translated by George Di Giovanni
to Fichte and Kant. In the introduction to the volume, George Di Giovanni presents in synoptic form the results of recent scholarship on the subject, and, while recognizing the fault lines in Hegel’s System that allow opposite interpretations, argues that the Logic marks the end of classical metaphysics. The translation is accompanied by a full apparatus of historical and explanatory notes. Cambridge Hegel Translations
2015 229 x 152 mm 866pp 978-1-107-49963-8 Paperback £40.00 / US$60.00 Also available 978-0-521-83255-7 Hardback £139.99 / US$204.99 For all formats available, see
Descartes: Meditations on First Philosophy With Selections from the Objections and Replies Second edition Edited and translated by John Cottingham Emeritus, University of Reading
Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy remains one of the most widely studied works of Western philosophy. This volume is a refreshed and updated edition of John Cottingham’s authoritative translation, first published in 1996. The second edition offers the reader additional material in the thematic abridgement of the Objections and Replies, providing a deeper understanding of how Descartes developed and clarified his arguments in response to critics. Contents: Introductory essay Bernard Williams; Introduction; Chronology; Meditations on first philosophy; Selections from the objections and replies; Index. Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy
2015 228 x 152 mm 188pp 978-1-107-05920-7 Hardback c. £45.00 / c. US$85.00 978-1-107-66573-6 Paperback c. £10.99 / c. US$20.99
McGill University, Montréal
Publication November 2015
This 2010 translation of The Science of Logic (also known as ‘Greater Logic’) includes the revised Book I (1832), Book II (1813) and Book III (1816). Recent research has given us a detailed picture of the process that led Hegel to his final conception of the System and of the place of the Logic within it. We now understand how and why Hegel distanced himself from Schelling, how radical this break with his early mentor was, and to what extent it entailed a return (but with a difference)
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Philosophy texts / History of philosophy New in Paperback
Schopenhauer: The World as Will and Representation Volume 1 Edited and translated by Judith Norman Trinity University, Texas
and Alistair Welchman University of Texas, San Antonio
Edited by Christopher Janaway University of Southampton
A translation of Schopenhauer’s major and influential work which contains his entire philosophical system. The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Schopenhauer
2014 229 x 152 mm 696pp 6 b/w illus. 978-1-107-41477-8 Paperback £25.99 / US$39.99
Magic in Western Culture From Antiquity to the Enlightenment Brian P. Copenhaver University of California, Los Angeles
The story of the beliefs and practices called ‘magic’ starts in ancient Iran, Greece and Rome, before entering its crucial Christian phase in the Middle Ages. Centering on the Renaissance and Marsilio Ficino, this richly illustrated and groundbreaking book treats magic as a classical tradition with foundations that were philosophical. 2015 228 x 152 mm 578pp 108 b/w illus. 978-1-107-07052-3 Hardback £80.00 / US$125.00 Publication July 2015
the defining ideas of Sartre’s oeuvre: the literary and the philosophical, the imaginary and the conceptual, his descriptive phenomenology and his phenomenological concept of intentionality, and his conjunction of ethics and politics with an ‘egoless’ consciousness. It will appeal to all who are interested in Sartre’s philosophy and its relation to his life. Advance praise: ‘This exploration of Sartre’s thought in the context of his life is both extensive and comprehensive: a major contribution to Sartre studies.’ Thomas Busch, Villanova University 2015 228 x 152 mm 480pp 978-0-521-82640-2 Hardback £30.00 / US$39.95 Publication February 2015 For all formats available, see
Also available 978-0-521-87184-6 Hardback £104.99 / US$179.99
For all formats available, see
For all formats available, see
The Theory of the Sublime from Longinus to Kant
The Frankfurt School, Jewish Lives, and Antisemitism
History of philosophy Key Reference
The Cambridge Descartes Lexicon Edited by Lawrence Nolan California State University, Long Beach
The Cambridge Descartes Lexicon is the definitive reference source on René Descartes, ‘the father of modern philosophy’ and arguably among the most important philosophers of all time. Examining the full range of Descartes’ achievements and legacy, it includes 256 in-depth entries that explain key concepts relating to his thought. Cumulatively they uncover interpretative disputes, trace his influences, and explain how his work was received by critics and developed by followers. There are entries on topics such as certainty, cogito ergo sum, doubt, dualism, free will, God, geometry, happiness, human being, knowledge, Meditations on First Philosophy, mind, passion, physics, and virtue, which are written by the largest and most distinguished team of Cartesian scholars ever assembled for a collaborative research project – 92 contributors from ten countries. 2015 253 x 177 mm 808pp 34 b/w illus. 978-0-521-19352-8 Hardback c. £95.00 / c. US$150.00 Publication December 2015 For all formats available, see
Robert Doran
Jack Jacobs
University of Rochester, New York
John Jay College and the Graduate Center
This is the first in-depth treatment of the major theories of the sublime, one of the most important concepts in contemporary philosophy. Robert Doran addresses theories from the ancient Greek treatise On the Sublime (attributed to ‘Longinus’) and its early modern reception to the philosophical accounts of Burke and Kant.
This book investigates how the Jewish backgrounds of major Critical Theorists, and the differing ways in which they related to their origins, impacted their work, the history of the Frankfurt School, and differences that emerged among them over time.
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‘… The Frankfurt School, Jewish Lives, and Antisemitism is in part biographically based, revealing the essence of thinkers’ hearts and lives while avoiding anecdotal trivia … thanks to Jacobs’ lucid presentation …’
Benjamin Ivry, The Jewish Daily Forward
2015 228 x 152 mm 320pp 978-1-107-10153-1 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 Publication June 2015
Sartre A Philosophical Biography Thomas R. Flynn Emory University, Atlanta
Jean-Paul Sartre (1905–1980) was one of the most influential thinkers of the twentieth century. Regarded as the father of existentialist philosophy, he was also a political critic, moralist, playwright, novelist, and author of biographies and short stories. Thomas R. Flynn provides the first book-length account of Sartre as a philosopher of the imaginary, mapping the intellectual development of his ideas throughout his life, and building a narrative that is not only philosophical but also attentive to the political and literary dimensions of his work. Exploring Sartre’s existentialism, politics, ethics, and ontology, this book illuminates
2014 228 x 152 mm 275pp 978-0-521-51375-3 Hardback £55.00 / US$90.00 For all formats available, see
Individual and Community in Nietzsche’s Philosophy Edited by Julian Young Wake Forest University, North Carolina
A traditional interpretation of Nietzsche claims that he values only the exceptional individual. Yet there are passages in which he seems to value the flourishing of the community above that of the individual. The ten essays that comprise this volume wrestle with this tension, some defending the traditional
History of philosophy interpretation, others arguing for the importance of community. 2014 228 x 152 mm 258pp 978-1-107-04985-7 Hardback £55.00 / US$90.00 For all formats available, see
New in Paperback Highlight
Philosophical Religions from Plato to Spinoza Reason, Religion, and Autonomy Carlos Fraenkel McGill University, Montréal
This book argues that for many pagan, Jewish, Christian and Muslim philosophers there was no meaningful distinction between philosophy and religion until the Enlightenment. It also offers a new interpretation of Spinoza’s take on religion that reveals the extent to which it is rooted in medieval Muslim and Jewish philosophy. ‘In this brilliant and original book, Carlos Fraenkel introduces us to a new strand in the history of both religious and philosophical thought: the idea of a philosophical religion, where reason and religion coincide. Fraenkel leads the reader through the history of philosophical religion, from Plato, through late ancient Judaism and Christianity, through Islam to Spinoza and beyond, transforming our conception of both religion and philosophy.’ Daniel Garber, Princeton University 2014 229 x 152 mm 358pp 978-1-107-43737-1 Paperback £18.99 / US$32.99 Also available 978-0-521-19457-0 Hardback £59.99 / US$104.99 For all formats available, see
Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Psychology Martin Farrell University of Manchester
For students of the history of psychology, this textbook connects the big ideas and key thinkers of psychology and philosophy in a cohesive theoretical narrative. Students are led to understand the relations between different schools of thought, and to connect the
various thinkers, theories and facts in psychology’s history. ‘A refreshing text … the author’s narrative is clear, focused, and engaging, and the central ideas and concepts – even the difficult ones – are presented in an accessible and comprehensible fashion.’ Edwin E. Gantt, Brigham Young University
Contents: Part I. Philosophy of Science: 1. Logical positivism and Popper’s falsificationism; 2. Kuhn and scientific revolutions; 3. Lakatos and Feyerabend: research programmes and anarchism; Part II. Historical Development of the Philosophy of Mind: 4. Descartes and the mind-body problem; 5. Locke, Berkeley, and empiricism; 6. Hume, Kant, and Enlightenment; 7. Schopenhauer and Nietzsche; Part III. Psychology: 8. Psychophysics and physiological psychology; 9. Evolution and psychology; 10. Freud and psychoanalysis; 11. Wundt and the birth of experimental psychology; 12. Titchener, introspection, and positivism; 13. Gestalt psychology; 14. William James and the stream of consciousness; 15. Dewey and functionalism; 16. Behaviourism; 17. Cognitive psychology; 18. Modularity, neuroscience, and embodied cognition. 2014 247 x 174 mm 488pp 46 b/w illus. 978-1-107-00599-0 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 978-0-521-18480-9 Paperback £29.99 / US$49.99 For all formats available, see
Key Reference
A History of Modern Aesthetics Paul Guyer Brown University, Rhode Island
A History of Modern Aesthetics narrates the history of philosophical aesthetics from the beginning of the eighteenth century through the twentieth century. Aesthetics began with Aristotle’s defense of the cognitive value of tragedy in response to Plato’s famous attack on the arts in The Republic, and cognitivist accounts of aesthetic experience have been central to the field ever since. But in the eighteenth century, two new ideas were introduced: that aesthetic experience is important because of emotional impact – precisely what Plato criticized – and because it is a pleasurable free play of many or all of our mental powers. This book tells how these ideas have been synthesized or separated by both the best-known and lesser-known aestheticians of modern times, focusing on Britain, France and Germany in the eighteenth century; Germany and Britain in the nineteenth;
and Germany, Britain and the United States in the twentieth. ‘In this splendid study, Paul Guyer knits together the controversies of the eighteenth century, placing in dialogue the influential theorists – some famous, some forgotten – of Britain, France, and Germany. Not only is this a work of stunning historical scholarship, it is also a compelling and distinctive analysis of the complex character of modern aesthetics.’ Carolyn Korsmeyer, University at Buffalo, State University of New York 2014 228 x 152 mm 1752pp 978-1-107-64322-2 3 Volume Hardback Set £195.00 / US$335.00 For all formats available, see
The Cambridge Companion to Hume’s Treatise Edited by Donald C. Ainslie University of Toronto
and Annemarie Butler Iowa State University
A valuable resource for students of Hume, British empiricism and modern philosophy, this Companion examines the arguments in A Treatise of Human Nature and considers their historical context. Hume’s distinctive views on causation, motivation, free will, moral evaluation and the origins of justice continue to influence present-day philosophical debate. Advance praise: ‘This eagerly awaited volume is excellent and an indispensable aid to scholar and student alike in the study of Hume’s Treatise.’ Eric Schliesser, Universiteit Gent, Belgium Cambridge Companions to Philosophy
2015 228 x 152 mm 422pp 978-0-521-82167-4 Hardback £55.00 / US$95.00 978-0-521-52914-3 Paperback £19.99 / US$32.99 Publication February 2015 For all formats available, see
The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics Edited by Ronald Polansky Duquesne University, Pittsburgh
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics is the first and arguably most important treatise on ethics in Western philosophy. Covering all sections of the Nicomachean Ethics and selected
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History of philosophy / Ancient philosophy topics in Aristotle’s Eudemian Ethics and Protrepticus, this volume offers the reader a solid foundation in Aristotle’s ethical philosophy. ‘A high-grade collection of new essays on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics with several important contributions on central issues. This collection, with its helpful bibliography, deserves to be widely used in graduate seminars and undergraduate courses on the Ethics.’ David Charles, Oxford University Cambridge Companions to Philosophy
2014 228 x 152 mm 488pp 978-0-521-19276-7 Hardback £60.00 / US$99.00 978-0-521-12273-3 Paperback £22.99 / US$36.99 For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
Understanding Moral Obligation Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard Robert Stern University of Sheffield
This book traces the development of theories of moral obligation of three key philosophers, showing how each tries to deal with the tension between obligation and autonomy. Of interest to those concerned with the history of modern ethics and the interaction of historical debate to constructivism and moral realism. ‘In his thoroughly researched and tightly argued new book, Robert Stern proposes that the ‘standard story’ of Kant as an ethical constructivist – in particular, the idea that Kant rejected value realism as a threat to autonomy – is seriously misleading … Stern’s book is a model of how systematic philosophy can be fruitfully pursued in dialogue with historical sources without doing violence to the historical particularity of those sources.’ Philosophy in Review
Ancient philosophy
explore a text that at first sight seems forbidding.
Porphyry’s Commentary on Ptolemy’s Harmonics
Publication May 2015
A Greek Text and Annotated Translation Edited and translated by Andrew Barker
Theory and Practice in Aristotle’s Natural Science
University of Birmingham
Porphyry’s Commentary, the only surviving ancient commentary on a technical text, is not merely a study of Ptolemy’s Harmonics. It includes virtually free-standing philosophical essays on epistemology, metaphysics, scientific methodology, aspects of the Aristotelian categories and the relations between Aristotle’s views and Plato’s, and a host of briefer comments on other matters of wide philosophical interest. For musicologists it is widely recognised as a treasury of quotations from earlier treatises, many of them otherwise unknown; but Porphyry’s own reflections on musical concepts (for instance notes, intervals and their relation to ratios, quantitative and qualitative conceptions of pitch, the continuous and discontinuous forms of vocal movement, and so on) and his snapshots of contemporary music-making have been undeservedly neglected. This volume presents the first English translation and a revised Greek text of the Commentary, with an Introduction and notes designed to assist readers in engaging with this important and intricate work. 2015 228 x 152 mm 528pp 30 b/w illus. 978-1-107-00385-9 Hardback £100.00 / US$160.00 Publication June 2015 For all formats available, see
Sextus Empiricus and Ancient Physics
Modern European Philosophy
Edited by Keimpe Algra
2014 229 x 152 mm 292pp 978-1-107-43440-0 Paperback £19.99 / US$29.99
and Katerina Ierodiakonou
Also available 978-1-107-01207-3 Hardback £59.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see
Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands University of Athens, Greece
Sextus’ Against the Physicists offers a detailed discussion of the key concepts and arguments used in ancient physics. This volume is an invaluable companion to Sextus’ work for those interested in Hellenistic philosophy and ancient science and will help readers to
2015 228 x 152 mm 480pp 4 b/w illus. 978-1-107-06924-4 Hardback £84.99 / US$135.00 For all formats available, see
Edited by David Ebrey Northwestern University, Illinois
These groundbreaking essays show how Aristotle’s natural science and his philosophy shed light on one another. This is the first volume in forty years to discuss both biological and nonbiological works. Topics include the role of blood, the goal of meteorological phenomena, and the value of reasonable claims in science. 2015 228 x 152 mm 300pp 978-1-107-05513-1 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 Publication May 2015 For all formats available, see
Bridging the Gap between Aristotle’s Science and Ethics Edited by Devin Henry University of Western Ontario
and Karen Margrethe Nielsen University of Oxford
Intended for scholars interested in the history of ethics. It consolidates emerging research on Aristotle’s science and ethics in order to explore the extent to which he uses the concepts, methods, and practices developed for scientific inquiry and explanation to investigate moral phenomena. 2015 228 x 152 mm 320pp 978-1-107-01036-9 Hardback £70.00 / US$110.00 Publication April 2015 For all formats available, see
The Structure of Enquiry in Plato’s Early Dialogues Vasilis Politis Trinity College, Dublin
Providing an alternative to the traditional interpretation, this book defends a radically new view of Plato’s method of argument in the early dialogues, centred on dilemmas and aporiai. Offering new directions for the debate around Plato’s method, it will
Ancient philosophy Paul Rigby demonstrates the value of Augustine’s testimony of conversion for those struggling with theistic incredulity and religious narcissism.
agency) in a selection of late antique philosophers, ‘pagan’ and Christian alike.’
For all formats available, see
2015 228 x 152 mm 354pp 978-1-107-09492-5 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00
2015 228 x 152 mm 312pp 978-1-107-06153-8 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00
Publication March 2015
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For all formats available, see
be a valuable resource for advanced students and scholars of Plato. 2015 228 x 152 mm 220pp 2 b/w illus. 978-1-107-06811-7 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 Publication April 2015
Plato’s Anti-hedonism and the Protagoras J. Clerk Shaw University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Anti-hedonism is the core of Plato’s critical project in ethics and politics, including in his seemingly hedonist work, the Protagoras. In this book, J. Clerk Shaw reconciles the Protagoras with Plato’s other dialogues, arguing that the Protagoras as a whole actually reflects Plato’s anti-hedonism. 2015 228 x 152 mm 240pp 978-1-107-04665-8 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 Publication March 2015 For all formats available, see
The Birth of Critical Thinking in Republican Rome Claudia Moatti University of Southern California
Translated by Janet Lloyd Foreword by Malcolm Schofield University of Cambridge
Classic work arguing that the major social and political changes occurring during the last century of the Roman Republic were accompanied by major intellectual developments which saw a move away from traditional understandings of where consensus and authority were to be located to approaches to knowledge based on critical reasoning.
Ilaria Ramelli, Catholic University, Milan
New in Paperback
Aristotle’s Ethics and Moral Responsibility Javier Echeñique Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Echeñique argues that Aristotle developed an original and compelling theory of moral responsibility and contributed in novel ways to our understanding of coercion, ignorance and violence. Of interest to students and academics interested in ancient ethics, as well as those interested in moral responsibility and criminal liability more broadly. ‘This historically and philosophically meticulous study of Aristotle on the voluntary argues that his view is ‘voluntariness as attributability, not as accountability’. The book is a considerable achievement, and a real and serious addition to the literature in the area.’ Timothy Chappell, Open University 2015 229 x 152 mm 218pp 978-1-107-49965-2 Paperback £18.99 / US$29.99 Also available 978-1-107-02158-7 Hardback £59.99 / US$104.99 For all formats available, see
Causation and Creation in Late Antiquity
The Demiurge in Ancient Thought Secondary Gods and Divine Mediators Carl Séan O’Brien Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany
A lucid and wide-ranging book arguing that the concept of the Demiurge, or Craftsman-god, first advanced by Plato’s Timaeus, was highly influential on the many discussions of world-generation operating in Middle Platonist, Gnostic, Hermetic and Christian contexts in the first three centuries AD, until its demise in Neoplatonism. 2015 228 x 152 mm 346pp 1 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-107-07536-8 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see
The Sublime Seneca Ethics, Literature, Metaphysics Erik Gunderson University of Toronto
A reading of Seneca’s philosophy and tragedy together, exploring the possibility of enlightenment and the human capacity for wisdom and knowledge. It offers readings of a broad swathe of his works, producing an account of Seneca’s vision of both philosophy and literature, and the need to fuse the two.
2015 228 x 152 mm 416pp 978-0-521-89578-1 Hardback £75.00 / US$115.00
Edited by Anna Marmodoro
2015 228 x 152 mm 240pp 978-1-107-09001-9 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00
University of Oxford
For all formats available, see
Publication March 2015
and Brian D. Prince
University of Oxford
For all formats available, see
The Theology of Augustine’s Confessions Paul Rigby Saint Paul University, Ottawa
Engaging with contemporary philosophers and psychologists antagonistic to religion, this study of Augustine’s Confessions reveals the sophistication of his response to timeless problems such as free will, predestination, and innocent suffering.
This volume is a unique collection of essays by an international team of leading scholars investigating the views of pagan and Christian philosophers on causation and creation in late antiquity. The book will be of interest to upper-level students and scholars of philosophy, classics, ancient history and theology. ‘A fascinating investigation by leading experts into the issues of creation and causation (including moral
Socratic and Platonic Political Philosophy Practicing a Politics of Reading Christopher P. Long Pennsylvania State University
Focusing on the Protagoras, Gorgias, Phaedo, Apology, and Phaedrus, this book delineates the political practices of Platonic writing and invites us to cultivate habits of collaborative reading capable of enriching our lives together. ‘In presenting analyses of five dialogues – Protagoras, Gorgias, Phaedo, Apology of Socrates, and
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Ancient philosophy Phaedrus – Long draws extensively on a wide range of Platonic scholarship. His interpretation of the meaning of Socrates’ claim to practice the true art of politics, its exemplification in the specific dialogues he treats, and the way in which Plato’s dialogues are intended to replicate it is nevertheless quite original. Emphasizing the importance of dialogue and the ways in which Socrates addressed specific individuals and tried to benefit them by forming a philosophical community, Long’s account of Socrates’ true art of politics does not describe political practice as it was ordinarily understood. It is much nobler and more high minded.’ Catherine Zuckert, University of Notre Dame 2014 228 x 152 mm 240pp 978-1-107-04035-9 Hardback £60.00 / US$90.00 For all formats available, see
The Pleasures of Reason in Plato, Aristotle, and the Hellenistic Hedonists James Warren University of Cambridge
Human lives are full of pleasures and pains. And humans are able to think: to learn, understand, remember and recall, plan and anticipate. Ancient philosophers were interested in both of these facts and, what is more, were interested in how these two facts are related to one another. 2014 228 x 152 mm 246pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-02544-8 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
What Would Socrates Do? Self-Examination, Civic Engagement, and the Politics of Philosophy Joel Alden Schlosser Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania
What Would Socrates Do? speaks to contemporary concerns with democratic citizenship, civic engagement, and political education. The main purposes of the book are twofold: first, to challenge the received opinion about Socrates by showing how his activities in democratic Athens involved productively challenging the extant political consensus; and second, to imagine alternative forms
of political engagement inspired by Socrates. ‘Drawing on Plato, Aristophanes, and Xenophon, What Would Socrates Do? reconstructs Socrates’ philosophy alongside and against Athens’s late fifth-century political culture. Sensitive to text and context, it brings to light the ways in which Socrates’ engagements with foreigners, women, slaves, and citizens alike challenged the exclusions of Athens’s democratic ideology and transformed Athenian practices of accountability, free speech, and freedom in the direction of more democracy. [This book] develops ‘a philosophy that lives in the people who practice it together’ as a mode of civic engagement that is no less relevant for contemporary democratic culture than it was for fifth-century Athens.’ Jill Frank, University of South Carolina 2014 228 x 152 mm 212pp 978-1-107-06742-4 Hardback £55.00 / US$90.00 For all formats available, see
Interpreting Proclus From Antiquity to the Renaissance Edited by Stephen Gersh University of Notre Dame, Indiana
Proclus was the most important philosopher of late antiquity, a dominant voice in Byzantine thought, influential in the later western Middle Ages, and a major figure in the revival of Greek philosophy in the Renaissance. This pioneering volume discusses his influence on the thought of Europe and beyond. 2014 228 x 152 mm 417pp 978-0-521-19849-3 Hardback £70.00 / US$110.00 For all formats available, see
Probabilities, Hypotheticals, and Counterfactuals in Ancient Greek Thought
human knowledge and the possibilities of ethical and political agency. 2014 228 x 152 mm 305pp 8 b/w illus. 978-1-107-05049-5 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
Early Hellenistic Portraiture Image, Style, Context Edited by Peter Schultz The Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota
and Ralf von den Hoff Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany
Examines the styles and contexts of portrait statues produced during one of the most dynamic eras of Western art, the early Hellenistic age. Using methodologies from a wide range of fields, an international team of experts investigates problems that have consistently marked this fascinating body of ancient material culture. 2014 253 x 177 mm 311pp 978-1-107-66185-1 Paperback £24.99 / US$39.99 Also available 978-0-521-86659-0 Hardback £74.99 / US$134.99 For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
Nature and Divinity in Plato’s Timaeus Sarah Broadie University of St Andrews, Scotland
Broadie brings Plato’s ideas to life, proposing new interpretations of major elements of the Timaeus including the separate Demiurge, the cosmic ‘beginning’, the ‘second mixing’, the Receptacle and the Atlantis story. For everyone interested in Ancient Greek philosophy, cosmology and mythology. 2014 229 x 152 mm 316pp 978-1-107-68619-9 Paperback £19.99 / US$29.99
Edited by Victoria Wohl
Also available 978-1-107-01206-6 Hardback £59.99 / US$104.99
University of Toronto
For all formats available, see
Explores the conceptual terrain defined by the Greek word eikos: the probable, likely, or reasonable. Ranges from the plausible arguments of courtroom speakers to verisimilitude in art and literature, the likelihood of resemblance in human reproduction, the limits of
A History of Pythagoreanism Edited by Carl A. Huffman DePauw University, Indiana
This is a comprehensive, authoritative and innovative account of Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism, one of the most enigmatic and influential philosophies in the West. In twenty-one chapters
Ancient philosophy covering a timespan from the sixth century BC to the seventeenth century AD, leading scholars construct a number of different images of Pythagoras and his community, assessing current scholarship and offering new answers to central problems. Chapters are devoted to the early Pythagoreans, and the full breadth of Pythagorean thought is explored including politics, religion, music theory, science, mathematics and magic. Separate chapters consider Pythagoreanism in Plato, Aristotle, the Peripatetics and the later Academic tradition, while others describe Pythagoreanism in the historical tradition, in Rome and in the pseudoPythagorean writings. The three great lives of Pythagoras by Diogenes Laertius, Porphyry and Iamblichus are also discussed in detail, as is the significance of Pythagoras for the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Contributors: Carl A. Huffman, Geoffrey Lloyd, Daniel W. Graham, Malcolm Schofield, Leonid Zhmud, Catherine Rowett, M. Laura Gemelli Marciano, Gábor Betegh, Reviel Netz, Andrew Barker, John Palmer, Oliver Primavesi, John Dillon, Stefan Schorn, Bruno Centrone, Jaap-Jan Flinterman, André Laks, Constantinos Macris, Dominic J. O’Meara, Andrew Hicks, Michael J. B. Allen 2014 228 x 152 mm 530pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-01439-8 Hardback £70.00 / US$110.00 For all formats available, see
Playing Hesiod The ‘Myth of the Races’ in Classical Antiquity Helen Van Noorden Girton College, Cambridge
Focusing on key ancient responses to the five-part narrative of human history in Hesiod’s Works and Days, this book argues that critical disciplines from philosophy to satire defined themselves in part through questions about ‘Hesiodic’ teaching. Of interest to scholars of ancient literature and the development of intellectual traditions.
citizenship and the impact of rhetoric in shaping the forms and content of political discourse in societies.
Philosophical Life in Cicero’s Letters
Cambridge Classical Studies
University of East Anglia
2014 216 x 138 mm 281pp 978-1-107-07288-6 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
Apuleius’ Platonism The Impersonation of Philosophy Richard Fletcher Ohio State University
Apuleius of Madauros (c.AD 120–180), known to us today for his Latin fiction, the Metamorphoses, was also a Platonic philosopher. This book is the first exploration of his idiosyncratic brand of Platonism across his multifarious literary corpus, contributing to the study of the dynamic between literature and philosophy in antiquity. Cambridge Classical Studies
2014 216 x 138 mm 329pp 978-1-107-02547-9 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see
Aristophanes’ Thesmophoriazusae Philosophizing Theatre and the Politics of Perception in Late Fifth-Century Athens Ashley Clements Trinity College, Dublin
Offers scholars of Greek literature new evidence of Aristophanes’ polemical use of philosophy in poetic competition; ancient philosophers new evidence of the popular reception of Parmenides; and scholars in theatre studies new evidence that explicit theorizing about theatre begins with a comic appropriation of Eleatic ideas about reality and illusion. Cambridge Classical Studies
2014 216 x 138 mm 244pp 978-1-107-04082-3 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
2014 216 x 138 mm 360pp 978-0-521-76081-2 Hardback £70.00 / US$110.00
Performing Citizenship in Plato’s Laws
Sean McConnell
A fresh and exciting study of Cicero’s philosophical activities and the enduring interest of his ethical and political thought. Cambridge Classical Studies
Cambridge Classical Studies
For all formats available, see
2014 216 x 138 mm 268pp 978-1-107-04081-6 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
Aenesidemus of Cnossus Edited and translated by Roberto Polito University of Cambridge
This book provides the first edition of all the testimonia on the Sceptic philosopher Aenesidemus of Cnossus, who is deemed to be the source of Sextus Empiricus, the main surviving authority on ancient Scepticism. It provides an extensive philosophical and historical commentary, and throws light on a series of questions concerning the philosophy of the late Academy, Stoic Heracliteanism, and the interaction between medicine and philosophy in the late Hellenistic era. It will be an essential reference work for all those scholars and students dealing with the history of ancient Scepticism. Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries, 52
2014 216 x 138 mm 280pp 1 b/w illus. 978-0-521-19025-1 Hardback £75.00 / US$115.00 For all formats available, see
The Cambridge Companion to Augustine Second edition Edited by David Vincent Meconi St Louis University, Missouri
and Eleonore Stump St Louis University, Missouri
This volume is a new edition of the earlier Cambridge Companion to Augustine, with eleven new essays, revised versions of others, and a comprehensive updated bibliography. It will be an ideal reference work for
Lucia Prauscello University of Cambridge
Shows how Plato, in the Laws, theorizes citizenship as simultaneously a political, ethical, and aesthetic practice. Essential reading for all scholars interested in
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Ancient philosophy / Medieval philosophy students as well as for scholars working in the field. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy
2014 228 x 152 mm 404pp 978-1-107-02533-2 Hardback £55.00 / US$90.00 978-1-107-68073-9 Paperback £20.99 / US$32.99 For all formats available, see
Aristotle’s Physics A Critical Guide Edited by Mariska Leunissen University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
This volume provides cutting-edge research on Aristotle’s Physics by reassessing its key-concepts, reconstructing its methodology, and determining the boundaries of Aristotle’s natural philosophy. Because of the foundational nature of Aristotle’s Physics itself, this volume is a must-read for all scholars working on Aristotle. Cambridge Critical Guides
2015 228 x 152 mm 350pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-03146-3 Hardback c. £65.00 / c. US$110.00 Publication October 2015 For all formats available, see
civ. would be hard pressed not to find several essays here suitable for assigning as supplemental reading …’ David Neal Greenwood, Bryn Mawr Classical Review Cambridge Critical Guides
Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy
2014 229 x 152 mm 280pp 978-1-107-46318-9 Paperback £22.99 / US$34.99
2014 228 x 152 mm 280pp 978-1-107-03960-5 Hardback £40.00 / US$60.00
Also available 978-0-521-19994-0 Hardback £59.99 / US$99.99
978-1-107-61223-5 Paperback £14.99 / US$22.99
For all formats available, see
Augustine’s City of God A Critical Guide Edited by James Wetzel Villanova University, Pennsylvania
This volume examines the relationship between theology and philosophy in Augustine’s City of God, offering ways of negotiating the contested boundary between faith and reason. Topics covered include Augustine’s notion of the secular, his critique of pagan virtue, dystopian politics and moral psychology, and his conception of a Christian philosophy. ‘To guide readers into the bishop’s magnum opus, this collection of twelve essays, one of fifteen titles in the Cambridge Critical Guide series focusing on philosophical authors, draws upon specialists from the fields of theology, philosophy, and classics … a helpful resource for suitably equipped readers critically examining De civitate Dei … The contributions are diverse enough that few are likely to agree with every argument, but those arguments are generally well presented and the collection will stimulate discussion … academics in any pertinent field leading honours/ upper-division students through De
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Lucretius: De Rerum Natura Book III Second edition Edited by E. J. Kenney University of Cambridge
The best available guide to appreciating the literary art of this book expounding the implications of Epicurus’ dictum that death does not matter. Completely revised, with a considerably enlarged Commentary and a new supplementary introduction taking account of the great amount of new scholarship of the last forty years. Contents: Introduction; Supplementary introduction; Text; Commentary. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics
New in Paperback
Contents: Introduction; Chronology; Further reading; Note on the text; Nicomachean Ethics; Book I; Book II; Book III; Book IV; Book V; Book VI; Book VII; Book VIII; Book IX; Book X; Glossary; Index.
2014 216 x 138 mm 272pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-00211-1 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00 978-0-521-17389-6 Paperback £19.99 / US$34.99 For all formats available, see
Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics Second edition Edited and translated by Roger Crisp St Anne’s College, Oxford
This new edition provides an accurate, readable and accessible translation of one of the world’s greatest ethical works, enabling readers to come close to Aristotle’s original. Primarily for non-Greek readers, this book is also of wider interest to students and scholars of ethics, ancient philosophy, Aristotle and classics. Praise for the first edition: ‘A teacher looking for a single translation of the Nicomachean Ethics to use as a textbook, and a general reader who wishes to rely on a single translation of this work, will do well to choose Crisp.’ Utilitas
Corinthian Wisdom, Stoic Philosophy, and the Ancient Economy Timothy A. Brookins Houston Baptist University
This work re-examines the divisive wisdom in 1 Corinthians on the basis of consistent discourse similarities between the views of the Corinthians and the Stoic system of thought. Brookins argues that access to philosophical training moved the church’s wealthier members to conflate Paul’s message with Stoicism, resulting in disturbances within the church. Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series, 159
2014 228 x 152 mm 288pp 9 tables 978-1-107-04637-5 Hardback £60.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see
Medieval philosophy Aristotle and the Arabic Tradition Edited by Ahmed Alwishah Pitzer College, Claremont
and Josh Hayes Alvernia University, Pennsylvania
This rich and wide ranging collection of essays devoted to the influence of Aristotle upon medieval Arabic philosophy will appeal to those who are interested in the themes, development and context of Aristotle’s legacy within the Arabic tradition. The book provides a critical analysis of philosophical topics in this tradition. 2015 228 x 152 mm 300pp 5 b/w illus. 2 tables 978-1-107-10173-9 Hardback c. £60.00 / c. US$99.00 Publication October 2015 For all formats available, see
Medieval philosophy / Early modern philosophy Self-Awareness in Islamic Philosophy Avicenna and Beyond Jari Kaukua University of Jyväskylä, Finland
This book provides an extended analysis of human selfhood and selfawareness in Avicenna and two of the most important post-classical Islamic philosophers, Suhrawardī and Mulla Sadra. It is of interest to readers in the history of philosophy, intellectual history, selfhood studies, Islamic studies, history of ideas and philosophy of mind. 2015 228 x 152 mm 268pp 978-1-107-08879-5 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy Second edition Edited by Robert Pasnau University of Colorado Boulder
Edited in association with Christina van Dyke Calvin College, Michigan
The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy comprises over fifty specially commissioned essays by experts on the philosophy of this period. Starting in the late eighth century, with the renewal of learning some centuries after the fall of the Roman Empire, a sequence of chapters takes the reader through developments in many and varied fields, including logic and language, natural philosophy, ethics, metaphysics, and theology. Close attention is paid to the context of medieval philosophy, with discussions of the rise of the universities and developments in the cultural and linguistic spheres. A striking feature is the continuous coverage of Islamic, Jewish, and Christian material. There are useful biographies of the philosophers, and a comprehensive bibliography. The volumes illuminate a rich and remarkable period in the history of philosophy and will be the authoritative source on medieval philosophy for the next generation of scholars and students alike. Contributors: Robert Pasnau, Dimitri Gutas, John Marenbon, Katerina Ierodiakonou, Steven P. Marrone, David Luscombe, Jan A. Aertsen, Gareth B. Matthews, François-Xavier Putallaz, Roger Ariew, Christopher J. Martin, E. Jennifer Ashworth, Gyula Klima, Stephen Read, Paul Vincent Spade, Irène Rosier-Catach, Nadja Germann, Taneli Kukkonen, Rega Wood, Cecilia Trifogli, Johannes M. M. H. Thijssen, John Haldane, Dag Nikolaus Hasse, Deborah Black, A. Mark Smith, Claude
Panaccio, Timothy Noone, Dominik Perler, Peter Adamson, Tobias Hoffmann, Simo Knuuttila, Richard Cross, Lenn E. Goodman, Mikko Yrjönsuuri, John Boler, Bonnie Kent, Jean Porter, Rudolf Schüssler, Antony Black, Cary J. Nederman, G. R. Evans, Michael F. Cusato, Frederick H. Russell, John F. Wippel, Alessandro D. Conti, Joël Biard, Calvin G. Normore, Maarten J. F. M. Hoenen, Robert Wisnovsky, William E. Mann, Christina Van Dyke, Brian Leftow, Thomas Williams, Hester Goodenough Gelber, Eleonore Stump, Sarah Pessin, Michele Trizio, Charles Burnett, John A. Demetracopoulos, Mauro Zonta 2014 228 x 152 mm 1242pp 978-1-107-63001-7 2 Volume Paperback Boxed Set £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
Early modern philosophy Spinoza and the Stoics Jon Miller Queen’s University, Ontario
Spinoza and the Stoics is the first booklength systematic examination of the key elements of Spinoza’s metaphysics, epistemology, philosophical psychology, and ethics in relation to their Stoic counterparts. It is of great interest to scholars and students of ancient philosophy, early modern philosophy, Spinoza, and the philosophy of the Stoics. 2015 228 x 152 mm 220pp 4 tables 978-1-107-00070-4 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 Publication March 2015 For all formats available, see
Spinoza and Medieval Jewish Philosophy Edited by Steven Nadler University of Wisconsin, Madison
This essay collection considers the various dimensions of the rich but under-studied relationship between Spinoza’s thought and medieval Jewish philosophy. It provides an extensive analysis of how different elements in Spinoza’s metaphysics, epistemology, moral philosophy, and political and religious thought relate to the views of his Jewish philosophical forebears.
contribution to the study of Jewish philosophy’s greatest figure, Moses Maimonides.’ Menachem Kellner, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 2014 228 x 152 mm 247pp 978-1-107-03786-1 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.99 For all formats available, see
Spinoza and the Case for Philosophy Elhanan Yakira Hebrew University of Jerusalem
This book analyzes three often-debated questions of Spinoza’s legacy: was Spinoza a religious thinker? How should we understand Spinoza’s mind-body doctrine? What meaning can be given to Spinoza’s notions – such as salvation, beatitude, and freedom – which are seemingly incompatible with his determinism, his secularism, and his critique of religion. 2014 228 x 152 mm 297pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-06998-5 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
Margaret Cavendish Gender, Science and Politics Lisa Walters University of Ghent
The first major study to link Cavendish’s political theory to her natural science, her literary texts and her understandings of gender, this book will be of interest to scholars and students of early modern literature, philosophy, science, politics and gender studies. ‘This book admirably demonstrates that Cavendish was a sophisticated thinker who actively engaged with, and fearlessly challenged, the dominant political and scientific ideas of her time. Walters’ text is the result of much painstaking research and careful analysis – it will undoubtedly convince readers that Cavendish’s philosophical vision was even more radical than previously thought.’ Jacqueline Broad, Monash University 2014 228 x 152 mm 264pp 978-1-107-06643-4 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
‘This is a book which will obviously interest students of Spinoza, but it also represents a valuable scholarly
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Early modern philosophy / Eighteenth-century philosophy Representing Space in the Scientific Revolution David Marshall Miller Iowa State University
Using an integrated historical and philosophical approach, this book explores the origin of modern physics in Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, and others. It analyzes representations of space in the scientific revolution, and will be essential reading for scholars and students of the history and philosophy of science. ‘In this exciting new study, Miller argues that the Scientific Revolution depended crucially on the adoption of an oriented representation of space, privileging parallel lines instead of centers. From this novel perspective he throws fresh light on the disparate contributions of Averroës, Gilbert, Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, Fermat, Roberval, Hooke and Newton. Highly recommended for all those with an interest in the birth of modern cosmology.’ Richard T. W. Arthur, McMaster University 2014 228 x 152 mm 246pp 21 b/w illus. 978-1-107-04673-3 Hardback £55.00 / US$90.00 For all formats available, see
Squaring the Circle in Descartes’ Meditations The Strong Validation of Reason Stephen I. Wagner Saint John’s University, Minnesota
Descartes’ Meditations offers some of the most influential ideas in Western thought. By providing a clear, accessible analysis of the text and innovative ways to understand Descartes’ ideas, this book defends Descartes’ arguments against the classic challenges, and will be of great interest to scholars of Descartes, philosophy, and theology. 2014 228 x 152 mm 253pp 978-1-107-07206-0 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
Descartes’ Meditations A Critical Guide Edited by Karen Detlefsen University of Pennsylvania
Descartes’ Meditations, one of the most influential works in western philosophy, continues to provoke discussion and debate. These essays by leading established and emerging early modern
scholars examine a range of central and less-studied topics in the Meditations. Cambridge Critical Guides
2014 229 x 152 mm 278pp 978-1-107-46317-2 Paperback £20.99 / US$32.99 Also available 978-0-521-11160-7 Hardback £54.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see
Newton: Philosophical Writings Second edition Edited by Andrew Janiak Duke University, North Carolina
This newly expanded second edition contains excerpts from Newton’s earliest optical writings, some of his unpublished reflections on the interpretation of Scriptural passages, and his correspondence with important figures in his day. Known now primarily as a scientist, Newton developed important philosophical views that were hugely influential in his era. Contents: Introduction; Chronology; Further reading; Note on texts and translations; 1. ‘New theory about light and colors’ [1672]; 2. Correspondence with Robert Boyle [1679]; 3. De Gravitatione [date unknown]; 4. The Principia [1687, first edition]; 5. ‘An account of the system of the world’ [c.1687]; 6. Correspondence with Richard Bentley [1691–3]; 7. Correspondence with Leibniz [1693 and 1711–12]; 8. Correspondence with Roger Cotes [1713]; 9. An Account of the Book Entitled Commercium Epistolicum [1715]; 10. Queries to the Opticks [1721]. Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy
2014 228 x 152 mm 246pp 16 b/w illus. 978-1-107-04238-4 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00 978-1-107-61593-9 Paperback £19.99 / US$29.99 For all formats available, see
Eighteenthcentury philosophy New in Paperback
Kant’s Construction of Nature A Reading of the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science Michael Friedman Stanford University, California
Develops a new reading of Kant’s Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science, reconstructing his main argument in clear detail. Michael Friedman articulates a radically new perspective of Kant’s critical philosophy as a whole and convincingly demonstrates the importance of eighteenth-century science and Isaac Newton’s legacy for Kant and modern philosophy. ‘A profound contribution to the debate about what science can teach us about the world.’ The Times Literary Supplement 2015 229 x 152 mm 646pp 4 b/w illus. 978-1-107-51545-1 Paperback c. £24.99 / c. US$37.99 Publication April 2015 Also available 978-0-521-19839-4 Hardback £74.99 / US$114.99 For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
Kant on Moral Autonomy Edited by Oliver Sensen Tulane University, Louisiana
Explores Kant’s concept of autonomy – of central importance for contemporary philosophy and moral thought and often said to be the justification for human rights. Of interest to human rights theorists, graduate and advanced undergraduate students of Kantian studies, moral philosophy, legal and political philosophy, the history of philosophy and psychology. 2015 229 x 152 mm 314pp 978-1-107-49203-5 Paperback £18.99 / US$32.99 Also available 978-1-107-00486-3 Hardback £54.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see
Eighteenth-century philosophy Key Reference
A History of Women’s Political Thought in Europe, 1700–1800 Karen Green University of Melbourne
From Astell, Macaulay, and Olympe de Gouges, to Jeanne-Marie Roland and Eleanora Pimentel, this volume explores and examines the important and historically overlooked contribution of women thinkers to enlightenment political thought. It is an essential resource for readers of political philosophy, intellectual history, eighteenth-century studies and women’s studies. ‘Karen Green’s bold survey of women writers on politics and society across Europe and England convincingly demonstrates the presence and profound centrality of women of letters to Enlightenment argument. A must-read for those committed to understanding the diversity and authority of women’s intellectual history.’ Wendy Gunther-Canada, University of Alabama, Birmingham 2014 228 x 152 mm 312pp 978-1-107-08583-1 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see
Kant’s Empirical Psychology Patrick R. Frierson Whitman College, Washington
This book examines the under-explored topic of Kant’s empirical psychology. Frierson shows how Kant’s ideas can be applied throughout his philosophy and to contemporary philosophical issues, making this book of interest to students and scholars of Kant, the history of psychology, philosophy of psychology, and philosophy of action. ‘With this lucid explanation and analysis of Kant’s empirical psychology, Patrick Frierson makes a major contribution to Kant scholarship. Up till now, the general lack of familiarity with this aspect of Kant’s philosophy has led many to conflate his moral theory and his empirical psychology, which in turn has produced many misguided objections and caricatures. Frierson’s clear and balanced discussion enables readers to gain a deeper understanding of Kant’s empirical account of human cognition and action, and to situate it properly in its broader philosophical context.’ Pauline Kleingeld, University of Groningen
2014 228 x 152 mm 288pp 5 b/w illus. 978-1-107-03265-1 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
Kant’s Lectures on Ethics A Critical Guide Edited by Lara Denis Agnes Scott College, Decatur
Rousseau’s Critique of Inequality Reconstructing the Second Discourse Frederick Neuhouser Columbia University, New York
This book gives readers at all levels access to a vastly influential text of modern philosophy, Rousseau’s Second Discourse. Neuhouser evaluates and reconstructs Rousseau’s arguments on why economic inequalities are so common in society and the dangers they pose to human well-being: unhappiness, loss of freedom, immorality, conflict and alienation. ‘For two decades now Frederick Neuhouser has been one of the most brilliant philosophical readers of Rousseau that we have, and his new book offers a masterly reconstruction of the central argument of the Second Discourse. Solid in exposition, tightly argued throughout, and compelling in the details, Neuhouser shows clearly – as so much of the scholarship does not – just what Rousseau’s answers in fact were to the two questions he set himself to answer: what is the origin of human inequality, and does it have its foundations in the natural law?’ Christopher Brooke, University of Bristol 2014 228 x 152 mm 245pp 978-1-107-06474-4 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
Immanuel Kant: Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals A German–English edition Edited and translated by Mary Gregor and Jens Timmermann University of St Andrews, Scotland
The first facing-page GermanEnglish edition of the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant’s central contribution to modern moral philosophy.
and Oliver Sensen Tulane University, Louisiana
This collection of new essays is the only book devoted to a philosophical and scholarly study of Kant’s lectures on ethics. Providing significant new insights into Kant’s moral thought it is of interest to students and scholars of Kant, ethics, political philosophy, religious studies and the history of ideas. Cambridge Critical Guides
2015 228 x 152 mm 320pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-03631-4 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 Publication February 2015 For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
Kant’s Observations and Remarks A Critical Guide Edited by Susan Meld Shell Boston College, Massachusetts
and Richard Velkley Tulane University, Louisiana
Kant’s Observations of 1764 and Remarks of 1764–5 (a set of fragments written in the margins of his copy of the Observations) document a crucial turning point in his life and thought. Both reveal the growing importance for him of ethics, anthropology and politics, but with an important difference. The Observations attempts to observe human nature directly. The Remarks, by contrast, reveals a revolution in Kant’s thinking, largely inspired by Rousseau, who ‘turned him around’ by disclosing to Kant the idea of a ‘state of freedom’ (modelled on the state of nature) as a touchstone for his thinking. This and related thoughts anticipate such famous later doctrines as the categorical imperative. This collection of essays by leading Kant scholars illuminates the many and varied topics within these two rich works, including the emerging relations between theory and practice, ethics and anthropology, men and
2014 229 x 152 mm 214pp 978-1-107-61590-8 Paperback £18.99 / US$28.99 Also available 978-0-521-51457-6 Hardback £54.99 / US$94.99 For all formats available, see
eBooks available at
Eighteenth-century philosophy / Nineteenth-century philosophy women, philosophy, history and the ‘rights of man’. Contributors: Susan Meld Shell, Richard Velkley, Dieter Henrich, Corey W. Dyck, Patrick R. Frierson, Paul Guyer, Rudolf A. Makkreel, Robert R. Clewis, Alix Cohen, G. Felicitas Munzel, Reinhard Brandt, Robert. B. Louden, Peter Fenves, John H. Zammito, Karl Ameriks
Kant’s Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason A Critical Guide Edited by Gordon E. Michalson New College, Florida
This volume provides a synoptic view of Kant’s major work of religious thought.
Cambridge Critical Guides
Cambridge Critical Guides
2014 229 x 152 mm 304pp 978-1-107-46315-8 Paperback £25.99 / US$39.99
2014 228 x 152 mm 279pp 978-1-107-01852-5 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00
Also available 978-0-521-76942-6 Hardback £59.99 / US$99.99
For all formats available, see
For all formats available, see
Kant’s Lectures on Anthropology A Critical Guide Edited by Alix Cohen University of Edinburgh
This volume is the first comprehensive assessment of Kant’s lectures on anthropology. Exploring a wide range of topics, from the epistemological and psychological to the moral and cultural, this collection is of interest to scholars and upper-level students of Kant, the history of anthropology and the social sciences. ‘The volume addresses many important topics in Kant’s anthropological writings and does so in a scholarly, philosophically sustained, and accessible manner. Alix Cohen is to be thanked for putting this excellent collection of essays together; it will prove a valuable resource to students and teachers of Kant’s philosophy and is bound to attract the attention of intellectual historians and political philosophers.’ Katerina Deligiorgi, University of Sussex Cambridge Critical Guides
2014 228 x 152 mm 287pp 5 tables 978-1-107-02491-5 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see
Berkeley’s A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge An Introduction P. J. E. Kail University of Oxford
This highly readable and lucid introduction to Berkeley’s Principles of Human Knowledge covers all the major topics in Berkeley’s work, and provides a substantial, but lively, account of its historical context. The book deals with topics such as abstract ideas, immaterialism, God and reality, science, mathematics, the self and action. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Context and aims; 3. The introduction to the principles; 4. The argument for immaterialism; 5. Against the philosophers: the refutation of materialism; 6. Reality and God; 7. Science and mathematics; 8. Spirits. Cambridge Introductions to Key Philosophical Texts
2014 216 x 138 mm 200pp 978-1-107-00178-7 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00 978-0-521-17311-7 Paperback £18.99 / US$27.99 For all formats available, see
Kant: Critique of Practical Reason Second edition Introduction by Andrews Reath University of California, Riverside
Translated by Mary Gregor
The Critique of Practical Reason is one of Kant’s major works on moral theory, a seminal text in the history of ethics, and an important part of Kant’s philosophical system. This edition is the authoritative translation, with a lucid
critical introduction that provides a reader’s guide to the work. Contents: Introduction; Chronology; Further reading; Critique of Practical Reason: Preface; Introduction; Part I. Doctrine of the Elements of Pure Practical Reason: 1. The analytic of pure practical reason; 2. Dialectic of pure practical reason; Part II. Doctrine of the Method of Pure Practical Reason; Conclusion. Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy
2015 228 x 152 mm 180pp 978-1-107-09271-6 Hardback £40.00 / US$65.00 978-1-107-46705-7 Paperback £16.99 / US$24.99 For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
Kant’s Theory of Virtue The Value of Autocracy Anne Margaret Baxley Washington University, St Louis
Anne Margaret Baxley offers a systematic interpretation of Kant’s theory of virtue, showing how the distinctive features of Kant’s moral theory offer an important and overlooked alternative to the Aristotelian views which have dominated contemporary virtue ethics. Modern European Philosophy
2015 229 x 152 mm 206pp 978-1-107-49197-7 Paperback £18.99 / US$29.99 Also available 978-0-521-76623-4 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see
Nineteenthcentury philosophy Hegel versus ‘Inter-Faith Dialogue’ A General Theory of True Xenophilia Andrew Shanks Manchester Cathedral
As an alternative to the problematic notion of ‘inter-faith dialogue’, Andrew Shanks advocates a Hegelian approach representing maximum xenophilia, or love for the unfamiliar. Shanks’s theory identifies faith as an inflection of the will towards perfect openness of spirit and
Nineteenth-century philosophy recognises the potential for God’s work in all religious traditions.
of social and historical conditions as a context for our actions.
2015 228 x 152 mm 288pp 978-1-107-09736-0 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00
2015 228 x 152 mm 230pp 2 tables 978-1-107-07812-3 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00
Publication April 2015
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For all formats available, see
Interpreting Schelling New in Paperback
Kierkegaard and the Problem of Self-Love John Lippitt University of Hertfordshire
This book shows the relevance of a Kierkegaard-inspired account of what it means to love oneself properly to such topics as friendship, romantic love, trust, forgiveness and pride. It will be of interest to scholars and students of Kierkegaard and those interested in philosophical and theological ethics and moral psychology. ‘This is the most important book on Kierkegaard and love to appear since Jamie Ferreira’s classic Love’s Grateful Striving; in particular, it offers the most detailed treatment available on the notion of proper self-love in Works of Love. This work also brings Kierkegaard directly into current debates in moral psychology regarding love for particular others such as family and friends, and their relation to forms of self-love. The discussions of forgiveness, including self-forgiveness and self-respect, are especially rewarding. Lippitt writes clearly and his analyses will be accessible to readers without a prior speciality in Kierkegaard, including anyone interested in theories of love and various forms of love in their own right – and especially in theological contexts.’
Critical Essays Edited by Lara Ostaric Temple University, Philadelphia
This volume, the first in English that systematically explores the historical development of Schelling’s philosophy, offers a new interpretation of his place in the history of German Idealism. It will be of interest to those studying German Idealism, German philosophy, and German Romanticism. 2014 228 x 152 mm 268pp 978-1-107-01892-1 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see
Publication March 2015 Also available 978-1-107-03561-4 Hardback £54.99 / US$104.99 For all formats available, see
Hegel’s Theory of Responsibility Mark Alznauer Northwestern University, Illinois
The first book-length treatment of a central concept in Hegel’s practical philosophy – the theory of responsibility. This theory is both original and radical in its emphasis on the role and importance
written, accessible and meticulously researched – has an impressive command of the secondary research, and it will be considered a welcome addition to the recent arsenal of naturalist perspectives on Nietzsche.’ Dirk R. Johnson, Hampden-Sydney College 2014 228 x 152 mm 263pp 978-1-107-05963-4 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
Nietzsche’s Last Laugh Ecce Homo as Satire Nicholas D. More Westminster College, Utah
Demonstrates that Nietzsche’s autobiographical and much-maligned Ecce Homo is a sophisticated satire by which the thinker unifies his disparate corpus. 2014 228 x 152 mm 235pp 978-1-107-05081-5 Hardback £60.00 / US$90.00 For all formats available, see
Hegel, the End of History, and the Future Eric Michael Dale Emerson College, Boston
This book offers an alternative understanding to the common interpretation of Hegel’s ‘end of history’, drawing attention to those parts of his arguments which deserve to endure. Elegantly written, it will be of interest to advanced students and scholars of Hegel, continental philosophy and the philosophy of history. 2014 228 x 152 mm 265pp 978-1-107-06302-0 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling A Critical Guide Edited by Daniel Conway Texas A & M University
Offering a fresh set of perspectives on one of Kierkegaard’s most influential and popular works, this collection of essays offers both newcomers and Kierkegaard scholars a wide range of balanced interpretations, from traditional philosophical readings to recent textual and literary accounts. Cambridge Critical Guides
2015 228 x 152 mm 294pp 978-1-107-03461-7 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00
Nietzsche’s Naturalism
For all formats available, see
John J. Davenport, Fordham University 2015 229 x 152 mm 222pp 978-1-107-50254-3 Paperback £18.99 / US$29.99
Philosophy and the Life Sciences in the Nineteenth Century Christian J. Emden Rice University, Houston
Through the encounters between neo-Kantianism and the life sciences in the nineteenth century, this book explores Nietzsche’s naturalism and his understanding of normativity. Proposing specific historical reasons for Nietzsche adopting the views that he did, Emden argues that Nietzsche asked questions about naturalism and normativity that are still relevant today. ‘Emden manages to convey the broader historical and scientific backdrop against which Nietzsche was operating, and he offers the reader new material with which to assess Nietzsche’s thought. His work – well-
New in Paperback
Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morality A Critical Guide Edited by Simon May King’s College London
Where does our contemporary morality come from and what purposes does it really serve? What would postmoral values look like? Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morality tackles such central questions of ethics with unsurpassed brilliance and here fourteen
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Nineteenth-century philosophy / Twentieth-century philosophy leading philosophers mine that work for answers to these and other questions. ‘This is a fine volume with a very impressive range, featuring genuinely new and, in some cases, provocative lines of interpretation. It will make an incisive contribution to discussion of this important text.’
Benjamin Rutter has written a wonderfully illuminating study – an indispensable book – that fills this gap and establishes Hegel as arguably the single most important modern theorist of the arts.’ Richard Eldridge, Swarthmore College Modern European Philosophy
Cambridge Critical Guides
2015 229 x 152 mm 298pp 978-1-107-49966-9 Paperback £20.99 / US$32.99
2014 229 x 152 mm 356pp 978-1-107-43723-4 Paperback £19.99 / US$32.99
Also available 978-0-521-11401-1 Hardback £59.99 / US$99.99
Also available 978-0-521-51880-2 Hardback £59.99 / US$109.99
For all formats available, see
Duncan Large, Swansea University
For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
Hegel and the Metaphysics of Absolute Negativity Brady Bowman Pennsylvania State University
Bowman explores how Hegel developed a methodology identifiably his own, making a break with predecessors such as Kant and Wolff. His book provides a robustly metaphysical, Hegelian account of the relation between appearance, thought and reality, and will be of great interest to students and scholars of Hegel. Cambridge Studies in the History and Theory of Politics
2015 229 x 152 mm 298pp 978-1-107-49968-3 Paperback £20.99 / US$32.99 Also available 978-1-107-03359-7 Hardback £54.99 / US$104.99 For all formats available, see
Twentiethcentury philosophy New Approaches to Neo-Kantianism Edited by Nicolas de Warren Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
and Andrea Staiti Boston College, Massachusetts
This collection of new essays assesses the most influential philosophical movement in early twentiethcentury Europe, looking at topics in areas such as ethics, culture, and theory of knowledge. It will interest researchers and upper-level students of Kant, twentieth-century philosophy, continental philosophy, psychology, and the social sciences. 2015 228 x 152 mm 280pp 978-1-107-03257-6 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 Publication June 2015 For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
Benjamin Rutter
Hegel’s farseeing suggestion that art reaches its ‘end’ in modernity resonates powerfully today. Drawing on unpublished lectures, Rutter recasts received views of Hegel’s position, demonstrating the subtlety and relevance of his responses to Dutch painting and Romantic poetry and arguing, finally, for Hegel’s importance as a philosopher of modern life. ‘Until now, there has been no systematic book that elucidates Hegel’s detailed accounts of exactly how works in the various media of art present freedom sensuously.
‘Andrea Staiti’s book presents an account of Husserl’s thought that does full justice to the richness of his contribution to the philosophical elucidation of life, nature, the cultural world, and history. It should greatly facilitate dialogue between phenomenology and other philosophical approaches to these topics.’ Steven Crowell, Rice University 2014 228 x 152 mm 323pp 978-1-107-06630-4 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
Hegel on the Modern Arts
and the history of twentieth-century philosophy.
Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenology Nature, Spirit, and Life Andrea Staiti Boston College, Massachusetts
Looking at writings on the natural and human sciences that are not available in English translation, Staiti shows the powerful impact of key Neo-Kantians and life-philosophers on the development of Husserl’s phenomenology. This book will interest scholars and students of Husserl, phenomenology, intellectual history,
Pragmatism and the Philosophy of Religion Michael Slater Georgetown University, Washington DC
This book shows the contemporary relevance of American pragmatism for thinking about the nature and legitimacy of religious faith. The book will be of particular interest to philosophers – especially philosophers of religion and specialists in American philosophy – as well as to theologians and scholars of religion. 2014 228 x 152 mm 215pp 978-1-107-07727-0 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
Key Reference
The Cambridge Foucault Lexicon Edited by Leonard Lawlor Pennsylvania State University
and John Nale Pennsylvania State University
The Cambridge Foucault Lexicon is a reference tool that provides clear and incisive definitions and descriptions of all of Foucault’s major terms and influences, including history, knowledge, language, philosophy and power. It also includes entries on philosophers about whom Foucault wrote and who influenced Foucault’s thinking, such as Deleuze, Heidegger, Nietzsche and Canguilhem. The entries are written by scholars of Foucault from a variety of disciplines such as philosophy, gender studies, political science and history. Together, they shed light on concepts key to Foucault and to ongoing discussions of his work today. ‘The Cambridge Foucault Lexicon promises to be an essential tool for all Foucault scholars because of its
Twentieth-century philosophy / Philosophy of science excellent organization and easy-touse format. Lawlor and Nale have gathered the most prominent Englishspeaking Foucault scholars to write the entries for this book.’ Kelly Oliver, Vanderbilt University
Contributors: Dianna Taylor, Erinn Gilson, Gary Gutting, Richard A. Lynch, H. A. Nethery IV, Eduardo Mendieta, John Protevi, Stephanie Jenkins, James Bernauer, Paul Patton, Corey McCall, Leonard Lawlor, Jeffrey T. Nealon, Christopher Penfield, Arun Iyer, Margaret McLaren, Devonya N. Havis, Gilles Deleuze, Ann V. Murphy, Kevin Thompson, Jana Sawicki, Joshua Kurdys, Charles E. Scott, Todd May, Pol Vandevelde, Judith Revel, Nicolae Morar, Samuel Talcott, Robert Vallier, Phillipe Artière, Mary Beth Mader, Fred Evans, Andrew Dilts, Jared Hibbard-Swanson, Hugh J. Silverman, Paolo Savoia, Alan D. Schrift, Bill Martin, Luca Paltrinieri, Ladelle McWhorter, DavidOlivier Gougelet, Gary Shapiro, Miguel de Beistegui, Amy Allen, Brad Stone, Colin Koopman, Chloë Taylor, Adrian Switzer, Robert Bernasconi, Carlos Prado, Johanna Oksala, Mark G. E. Kelly, Lynne Huffer, Olivia Custer, Banu Bargu, Stuart Elden, Ed McGushin, John Nale, Patrick Singy, Allan Stoekl, Don T. Deere, Warren Montag, Frédéric Gros, Shannon Winnubst, Kas Saghafi, Samir Haddad, David Webb, Marc Djaballah, Federico Leoni, Jean-François Bert, Timothy O’Leary, Thomas R. Flynn, Andrew Cutrofello 2014 228 x 152 mm 756pp 978-0-521-11921-4 Hardback £95.00 / US$150.00 For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
The Singular Universe and the Reality of Time
Classification in the Natural and Social Sciences Muhammad Ali Khalidi
A Proposal in Natural Philosophy Roberto Mangabeira Unger
York University, Toronto
and Lee Smolin
In this book, Muhammad Ali Khalidi draws on a detailed examination of classification in the natural and social sciences to argue against essentialism and for a naturalist account of natural kinds. His book is a significant contribution to the growing movement towards naturalism in recent philosophy.
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada
Tom Nickles, University of Nevada, Reno 2015 229 x 152 mm 268pp 5 b/w illus. 978-1-107-52172-8 Paperback c. £18.99 / c. US$32.99 Publication May 2015 Also available 978-1-107-01274-5 Hardback £54.99 / US$94.99 For all formats available, see
Philosophy of science
Models of DecisionMaking
Ockham’s Razors
University of Missouri, Columbia
A User’s Manual Elliott Sober University of Wisconsin, Madison
The theory of Ockham’s Razor has a history dating back to Aristotle. In this book Elliot Sober presents a clear and multidimensional study of the various different incarnations of the theory including their history, the role which they play in several different sciences, and their importance to philosophical argumentation. 2015 247 x 174 mm 240pp 42 b/w illus. 978-1-107-06849-0 Hardback c. £55.00 / c. US$90.00 978-1-107-69253-4 Paperback c. £15.99 / c. US$27.99 Publication July 2015
Natural Categories and Human Kinds
‘Muhammad Ali Khalidi has given us the best articulated treatment to date of a flexible, naturalistic approach to natural kinds. His wide-ranging treatment of kinds in the special sciences is especially noteworthy. Moreover, the book is so well written that it works well as an introduction to this difficult topic area as well as providing plenty of stimulation for seasoned professionals. It will surely be at the center of future discussion among scientific philosophers and philosophical scientists.’
Simplifying Choices Paul Weirich
Classical decision theory evaluates entire worlds, specified so as to include everything a decision-maker cares about. Paul Weirich argues that we need only compare small parts of the options we face in order to make a rational decision, and explains how we can simplify and streamline our choices. 2015 228 x 152 mm 276pp 15 b/w illus. 7 tables 978-1-107-07779-9 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
Harvard Law School, Massachusetts
Cosmology is in crisis. The more we discover, the more puzzling the universe appears to be. How and why are the laws of nature what they are? A philosopher and a physicist, worldrenowned for their radical ideas in their fields, argue for a revolution. To keep cosmology scientific, we must replace the old view in which the universe is governed by immutable laws by a new one in which laws evolve. Then we can hope to explain them. The revolution that Roberto Mangabeira Unger and Lee Smolin propose relies on three central ideas. There is only one universe at a time. Time is real: everything in the structure and regularities of nature changes sooner or later. Mathematics, which has trouble with time, is not the oracle of nature and the prophet of science; it is simply a tool with great power and immense limitations. The argument is readily accessible to nonscientists as well as to the physicists and cosmologists whom it challenges. ‘It might be one of the most important books of our time … Right or wrong, this book is an event.’ Bryan Appleyard, The Sunday Times 2015 228 x 152 mm 566pp 978-1-107-07406-4 Hardback £19.99 / US$29.99 For all formats available, see
Causal Reasoning in Physics Mathias Frisch University of Maryland, College Park
This book will be of interest to professional philosophers, graduate students, and anyone interested in the role of causal thinking in science. Through detailed case studies and critical analyses of anti-causal arguments, the book argues that causal reasoning plays an important role even in well-established theories of physics. 2014 228 x 152 mm 264pp 11 b/w illus. 978-1-107-03149-4 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
For all formats available, see
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Philosophy of science Evolution of the Social Contract Second edition Brian Skyrms University of California, Irvine
This new edition of Brian Skyrms’ acclaimed book applies game theory to an analysis of the origins of social contracts. Featuring new material and an updated bibliography, it will be of great interest to readers in the philosophy of science, social science, evolutionary biology, game and decision theory, and political theory. ‘This second edition is an important update of Brian Skyrms’ important book. Game theorists in evolutionary biology, economics and philosophy will continue to profit from, and enjoy, Skyrms’ groundbreaking work.’ Elliott Sober, University of Wisconsin, Madison
practical relevance of the philosophical discussion.
in the philosophy of mind and the philosophy of science.
2014 228 x 152 mm 258pp 2 b/w illus. 36 tables 978-1-107-02089-4 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00
2014 228 x 152 mm 225pp 17 b/w illus. 978-1-107-07386-9 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00
For all formats available, see
Interpreting Gödel Critical Essays Edited by Juliette Kennedy University of Helsinki
In this groundbreaking volume, leading philosophers and mathematicians explore almost every aspect of Kurt Gödel’s work on the foundations and philosophy of mathematics. It will be invaluable to students, historians, logicians and philosophers who wish to understand the current thinking on Gödel’s intellectual legacy.
2014 216 x 138 mm 164pp 5 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-107-07728-7 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00
2014 228 x 152 mm 288pp 978-1-107-00266-1 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00
978-1-107-43428-8 Paperback £18.99 / US$29.99
For all formats available, see
Philosophy and the Precautionary Principle Science, Evidence, and Environmental Policy Daniel Steel Michigan State University
Scholars in philosophy, law, economics and other fields have widely debated how science, environmental precaution, and economic interests should be balanced in urgent contemporary problems. This book tackles these issues by developing and defending a new interpretation of the precautionary principle from the perspective of philosophy of science. 2014 228 x 152 mm 266pp 1 b/w illus. 10 tables 978-1-107-07816-1 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00
For all formats available, see
Philosophy of Microbiology Maureen O’Malley University of Sydney
Filling a major gap in the philosophy of biology by examining central philosophical issues in microbiology, this book is aimed at philosophers and scientists who wish to gain insight into the basic philosophical issues of microbiology. Topics are drawn from evolutionary microbiology, microbial ecology, and microbial classification. 2014 228 x 152 mm 277pp 26 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-107-02425-0 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 978-1-107-62150-3 Paperback £19.99 / US$31.99 For all formats available, see
The Realistic Empiricism of Mach, James, and Russell
Evidence, Decision and Causality
Neutral Monism Reconceived Erik C. Banks
For all formats available, see
Arif Ahmed University of Cambridge
Aimed at philosophers and those with an interest in rational choice. Economic theory, quantum mechanics and voting all seem to illustrate a deep puzzle about the practical role of causality. This book advances the debate, introduces many new examples and assesses the
For all formats available, see
Wright State University, Ohio
Redevelops an important movement in philosophy for the first time, exploring the ways in which three of the greatest thinkers can be connected, and applying their ideas to contemporary problems
New in Paperback
The Road to Maxwell’s Demon Conceptual Foundations of Statistical Mechanics Meir Hemmo University of Haifa, Israel
and Orly R. Shenker Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Addressing fundamental problems in physics, this book provides a philosophical perspective to statistical mechanics. Mathematical treatments are avoided and instead newly developed conceptual tools are used. This is a fascinating book for graduate students and researchers interested in the foundations and philosophy of physics. ‘The Road to Maxwell’s Demon is an exceptionally clear and readable book, intended for readers without physics or philosophy backgrounds. It is also a highly original and important contribution to the foundations of physics. It goes against much of the received wisdom and offers novel solutions to many problems: among them, discussions of time asymmetry in classical mechanics, an empiricist alternative to typicality, a criticism of the role of ergodicity, the notion of a physical observer and the irrelevance of information theory to the foundations of statistical mechanics. Readers interested in the foundations of physics will welcome such a fresh outlook on these topics.’ Amit Hagar, Metascience 2014 229 x 152 mm 340pp 105 b/w illus. 978-1-107-42432-6 Paperback £40.00 / US$65.00 Also available 978-1-107-01968-3 Hardback £74.99 / US$104.99 For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
Science and Spirituality Making Room for Faith in the Age of Science Michael Ruse Florida State University
Michael Ruse offers a new analysis of the often troubled relationship between science and religion. Arguing against both extremes – in one corner, the New
Philosophy of science Atheists; in the other, the Creationists and their offspring the Intelligent Designers – he asserts that science is the highest source of human inquiry. Yet, by its very nature and its deep reliance on metaphor, science restricts itself and is unable to answer basic, significant questions about the meaning of the universe and humankind’s place within it: why is there something rather than nothing? What is the meaning of it all? Ruse shows that one can legitimately be a skeptic about these questions, and yet why it is open for a Christian, or member of any faith, to offer answers. Scientists, he concludes, should be proud of their achievements but modest about their scope. Christians should be confident of their mission but respectful of the successes of science. ‘Michael Ruse has written an insightful and accessible book belonging to the genre of rapprochements between science and religion. Ruse is not only a leading philosopher of science but also an exemplary popular writer whose style is sophisticated and lucid, but not dry.’ Science and Education 2014 228 x 152 mm 269pp 14 b/w illus. 978-1-107-68181-1 Paperback £15.99 / US$22.99 Also available 978-0-521-75594-8 Hardback £23.99 / US$39.99 For all formats available, see
Discrete or Continuous? The Quest for Fundamental Length in Modern Physics Amit Hagar Indiana University, Bloomington
Combining novel conceptual analysis, fresh historical perspectives, and concrete physical examples, this unique book tells the story of the search for discrete length in modern physics, presenting philosophical theses in an accessible format that avoids complex mathematics, and which sheds light on one of the most thought-provoking topics in physics. ‘Amit Hagar’s Discrete or Continuous?: The Quest for Fundamental Length in Modern Physics takes the reader on an enjoyable journey – by turns historical, philosophical, and physical – in a quest to unravel many of the subtleties that underlie the concept of a minimum length in physics.’ Luis J. Garay, Physics Today
2014 247 x 174 mm 276pp 7 b/w illus. 978-1-107-06280-1 Hardback £60.00 / US$90.00 For all formats available, see
The Social Evolution of Human Nature From Biology to Language Harry Smit Universiteit Maastricht, Netherlands
Evolutionary Biology Conceptual, Ethical, and Religious Issues Edited by R. Paul Thompson University of Toronto
and Denis Walsh University of Toronto
This volume explores the philosophical and biological richness of twenty-firstcentury evolution: its concepts, methods, structure and religious implications.
Harry Smit examines the elements of current evolutionary theory and how they bear on the evolution of the human mind.
2014 228 x 152 mm 252pp 9 b/w illus. 2 tables 978-1-107-02701-5 Hardback £60.00 / US$90.00
2014 228 x 152 mm 237pp 978-1-107-05519-3 Hardback £60.00 / US$90.00
For all formats available, see
A Critical History and Philosophy of Psychology Diversity of Context, Thought, and Practice Richard T. G. Walsh Wilfrid Laurier University, Ontario
Thomas Teo York University, Toronto
and Angelina Baydala University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Presents a fresh perspective that explores the development of psychology as both a human and a natural science.
For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
Kurt Gödel and the Foundations of Mathematics Horizons of Truth Edited by Matthias Baaz Technische Universität Wien, Austria
Christos H. Papadimitriou University of California, Berkeley
Hilary W. Putnam Harvard University, Massachusetts
Dana S. Scott Carnegie Mellon University, Pennsylvania
and Charles L. Harper, Jr Consulting, United States
This volume commemorates the life, work and foundational views of Kurt Gödel by exploring the impact of his work and its future implications.
‘A much-needed text whose extraordinary depth and breadth of perspective skilfully invites thought on the part of the reader.’
2014 254 x 178 mm 540pp 22 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-107-67799-9 Paperback £38.99 / US$59.99
Kurt Danziger, Professor Emeritus, York University, Canada
Also available 978-0-521-76144-4 Hardback £84.99 / US$124.99
Contents: 1. Introducing the history and philosophy of psychology; 2. Ancient and premodern psychological thought; 3. Early modern psychological thought; 4. The philosophical and scientific climate in the nineteenth century; 5. Early naturalscience psychology; 6. Natural-science psychology between the world wars; 7. Natural-science psychology after World War II; 8. Applied and professional psychology; 9. Human-science psychologies: psychoanalysis; 10. Human-science psychologies: hermeneutic to transpersonal; 11. Constructing psychological research; 12. Critical philosophical and historical reflections. 2014 246 x 189 mm 728pp 24 b/w illus. 5 tables 978-0-521-87076-4 Hardback £75.00 / US$120.00
For all formats available, see
The Cambridge Companion to Einstein Edited by Michel Janssen University of Minnesota
and Christoph Lehner Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin
These fourteen essays by leading historians and philosophers of science introduce the reader to the work of Albert Einstein. Following an introduction that places Einstein’s work in the context of his life and times, the essays explain his main contributions to
978-0-521-69126-0 Paperback £29.99 / US$50.00 For all formats available, see
eBooks available at
Philosophy of science / Logic physics in terms that are accessible to a general audience. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy
2014 228 x 152 mm 575pp 47 b/w illus. 978-0-521-82834-5 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 978-0-521-53542-7 Paperback £22.99 / US$36.99 For all formats available, see
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science Kent W. Staley St Louis University, Missouri
Guiding readers through the central philosophical debates within the philosophy of science, this book focuses first on the key figures, movements, and concepts in the philosophy of science, and then moves on to contemporary debates. It is of essential interest to students of philosophy of science, philosophy, and science. ‘This is a fine introductory text. It incorporates recent advances in philosophical research on scientific methodology, and Staley’s engaging and easy-to-read style makes it an excellent work for beginning philosophy of science students.’ Joseph Pitt, Virginia College of Technology
Contents: Preface: philosophy of science for philosophers, scientists, and everyone else; Part I. Background and Basic Concepts: 1. Some problems of induction; 2. Falsificationism: science without induction?; 3. Underdetermination; 4. Logical empiricism and scientific theories; 5. Kuhn: scientific revolutions as paradigm changes; 6. Lakatos: scientific research programmes; 7. Feyerabend: epistemological anarchism; Part II. Ongoing Investigations: 8. Reasoning with probability: Bayesianism; 9. Reasoning with probability: frequentism; 10. Realism and anti-realism; 11. Explanation; 12. Values in science; References; Index. Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy
2014 247 x 174 mm 299pp 8 b/w illus. 6 tables 978-0-521-11249-9 Hardback £55.00 / US$85.00 978-0-521-12999-2 Paperback £19.99 / US$29.99 For all formats available, see
Hermann Lotze An Intellectual Biography William R. Woodward University of New Hampshire
As a philosopher, psychologist, and physiologist, the nineteenth-century German thinker Hermann Lotze defies classification. This book is the first full-length historical study of Lotze’s intellectual origins and institutional context and thus enriches the current scholarship in the history of philosophy, psychology, and medicine.
construction of persuasive arguments in politics, law and social policy. 2015 228 x 152 mm 240pp 978-1-107-10111-1 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 Publication June 2015 For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
Logicism and its Philosophical Legacy
Cambridge Studies in the History of Psychology
William Demopoulos
2015 228 x 152 mm 496pp 30 b/w illus. 978-0-521-41848-5 Hardback £75.00 / US$120.00
This book will appeal to readers interested in analytic philosophy and its history. Avoiding mathematical detail and locating the relevant developments in their historical context, the book explains and extends recent advances in the philosophy of mathematics and our understanding of questions about the nature of scientific reality.
Publication June 2015 For all formats available, see
The Prisoner’s Dilemma Edited by Martin Peterson Texas A & M University
This volume of new essays examines and explores the ramifications of the Prisoner’s Dilemma, one of the most debated thought experiments in philosophy and the social sciences. It is a vital and accessible resource for students and scholars in philosophy, game theory, economics, and the social and political sciences. Classic Philosophical Arguments
2015 247 x 174 mm 270pp 42 b/w illus. 7 tables 978-1-107-04435-7 Hardback £64.99 / US$110.00 Publication June 2015 For all formats available, see
Logic The Philosophy of Argument and Audience Reception Christopher W. Tindale University of Windsor, Ontario
This book shifts the focus in the philosophy of argument and argumentation theory from arguments themselves onto how they are experienced by audiences. The resulting insights about the nature of different audiences and their receptiveness to argumentation will assist the
University of Western Ontario
2015 229 x 152 mm 286pp 2 b/w illus. 978-1-107-50258-1 Paperback £18.99 / US$29.99 Publication March 2015 Also available 978-1-107-02980-4 Hardback £59.99 / US$104.99 For all formats available, see
The Metaphysics of Logic Edited by Penelope Rush University of Tasmania
This book provides an analysis of the role and nature of logic and its relationship to us and the world. Looking at the key topics and debates in the metaphysics of logic, this wideranging collection of essays offers readers of mathematics, logic and philosophy an in-depth overview of the field. ‘Rush’s volume will be recommended as important reading for anyone interested in the philosophy of logic. Each article is interesting and well edited, doing a service to the study of logic.’ James Cargile, University of Virginia 2014 228 x 152 mm 270pp 978-1-107-03964-3 Hardback £60.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see
Logic / Philosophy of mind and language Burden of Proof, Presumption and Argumentation Douglas Walton University of Windsor, Ontario
The notion of burden of proof and its companion notion of presumption are central to argumentation studies. This book argues that we can learn a lot from how the courts have developed procedures over the years for allocating and reasoning with presumptions and burdens of proof, and from how artificial intelligence has built precise formal and computational systems to represent this kind of reasoning. ‘Douglas Walton has done it again. This important and timely book should be read by everyone concerned with the health and state of argumentation in a world that seems devoid of reasoning.’ Ian I. Mitroff, Center for Catastrophic Risk Management, University of California, Berkeley 2014 228 x 152 mm 318pp 52 b/w illus. 978-1-107-04662-7 Hardback £55.00 / US$85.00 978-1-107-67882-8 Paperback £19.99 / US$32.99 For all formats available, see
The Logic of Infinity Barnaby Sheppard
Few mathematical results capture the imagination like Georg Cantor’s theory of infinity. Bridging the gap between technical accounts of mathematical foundations and popular accounts of logic, this book conveys to the novice the big ideas in the rigorous mathematical theory of infinite sets.
Emotive Language in Argumentation Fabrizio Macagno Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
and Douglas Walton University of Windsor, Ontario
This book analyzes the uses and implicit dimensions of emotive language from a pragmatic, dialectical, epistemic and rhetorical perspective. 2014 228 x 152 mm 301pp 25 tables 978-1-107-03598-0 Hardback £55.00 / US$90.00 978-1-107-67665-7 Paperback £19.99 / US$32.99 For all formats available, see
Philosophy of mind and language Free Will and the Brain Neuroscientific, Philosophical, and Legal Perspectives Edited by Walter Glannon University of Calgary
Drawing upon the perspectives of neuroscience, philosophy, psychology and law in explaining and assessing human thought and behavior, Free Will and the Brain provides a distinctive approach to the perennial question of whether we have free will and can be responsible for our actions. 2015 228 x 152 mm 280pp 2 b/w illus. 978-1-107-03603-1 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 Publication October 2015
2014 247 x 174 mm 494pp 45 b/w illus. 978-1-107-05831-6 Hardback £70.00 / US$110.00
For all formats available, see
978-1-107-67866-8 Paperback £27.99 / US$42.99
Externalism, SelfKnowledge, and Skepticism
For all formats available, see
New Essays Edited by Sanford C. Goldberg Northwestern University, Illinois
Looking at the implications of semantic externalism for self-knowledge and skepticism through debates at the intersection of philosophy of mind, philosophy of language and epistemology, this collection of new essays will appeal greatly to graduate students and scholars working in these fields, as well as in cognitive science and psychology. Advance praise: ‘This is a truly exciting collection of essays on a fundamental topic lying at
the intersection of philosophy of mind and epistemology. The essays are of uniformly high quality, and Goldberg’s introduction sets out the critical issues in a wonderfully clear and succinct manner.’ Richard Fumerton, University of Iowa 2015 228 x 152 mm 260pp 978-1-107-06350-1 Hardback c. £60.00 / c. US$99.00 Publication October 2015 For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
New Perspectives on Type Identity The Mental and the Physical Edited by Simone Gozzano Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Italy
and Christopher S. Hill Brown University, Rhode Island
Defends a solution to the mind/body problem of great importance historically, namely that a wide range of mental states are identical with physical states of the brain. Throws light on such topics as mental causation, consciousness and the nature of various specific mental phenomena, including visual experiences and pains. 2015 229 x 152 mm 306pp 978-1-107-51542-0 Paperback c. £20.99 / c. US$32.99 Publication April 2015 Also available 978-1-107-00014-8 Hardback £59.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see
Pretense and Pathology Philosophical Fictionalism and its Applications Bradley Armour-Garb University at Albany, State University of New York
and James A. Woodbridge University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Distinguishing and evaluating different fictionalist approaches in philosophy, this book explains how a particular philosophical fictionalism can solve a wide range of traditional philosophical puzzles and paradoxes. It is of interest to scholars and upper-level students of the philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, logic, epistemology, linguistics, and metaphysics. 2015 228 x 152 mm 240pp 978-1-107-02827-2 Hardback £65.00 / US$110.00 Publication March 2015 For all formats available, see
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Philosophy of mind and language / Epistemology and metaphysics Rational Intuition Philosophical Roots, Scientific Investigations Edited by Lisa M. Osbeck University of West Georgia
and Barbara S. Held Bowdoin College, Maine
Rational Intuition explores how intuition is implicated in rational activity in its diverse forms. In bringing the philosophical history of intuition into novel dialogue with contemporary philosophical and empirical research, Lisa M. Osbeck and Barbara S. Held invite a comparison of the conceptions and functions of intuition, thereby clarifying and advancing conceptual analysis across disciplines. ‘Rational Intuition is a timely collection on the philosophy and psychology of intuition. It is an excellent resource for anyone interested in the methodology of philosophy or the nature of human cognition.’ Ernest Sosa, Board of Governors Professor, Rutgers University 2014 228 x 152 mm 440pp 8 b/w illus. 3 tables 978-1-107-02239-3 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see
The Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence Edited by Keith Frankish The Open University, Milton Keynes
and William M. Ramsey University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Cognitive Science An Introduction to the Science of the Mind Second edition José Luis Bermúdez Texas A & M University
Cognitive Science combines the interdisciplinary streams of cognitive science into a unified narrative in an allencompassing introduction to the field. ‘The most carefully written, thorough, up-to-date, and accessible singleauthor textbook on the theoretical issues of cognitive science I have read.’ John Douard, Rutgers University
Contents: Preface; Part I. Historical Landmarks: Introduction to Part I; 1. The prehistory of cognitive science; 2. The discipline matures: three milestones; 3. The turn to the brain; Part II. The Integration Challenge: Introduction to Part II; 4. Cognitive science and the integration challenge; 5. Tackling the integration challenge; Part III. Information-Processing Models of the Mind: Introduction to Part III; 6. Physical symbol systems and the language of thought; 7. Applying the symbolic paradigm; 8. Neural networks and distributed information processing; 9. Neural network models of cognitive processes; Part IV. The Organization of the Mind: Introduction to Part IV; 10. How are cognitive systems organized?; 11. Strategies for brain mapping; 12. A case study: exploring mindreading; Part V. New Horizons: Introduction to Part V; 13. New horizons: dynamical systems and situated cognition; 14. The cognitive science of consciousness; 15. Looking ahead: challenges and applications; Glossary.
This volume of original essays by leading experts describes cutting-edge work in artificial intelligence. Written for non-specialists, it covers the discipline’s foundations, major theories, and principal research areas, plus related topics such as artificial life. It is ideal for anyone wanting an accessible and authoritative introduction to this exciting field.
2014 246 x 189 mm 553pp 18 b/w illus. 118 colour illus. 9 tables 978-1-107-05162-1 Hardback £85.00 / US$135.00
2014 247 x 174 mm 368pp 29 b/w illus. 1 table 978-0-521-87142-6 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychology
978-0-521-69191-8 Paperback £19.99 / US$29.99 For all formats available, see
978-1-107-65335-1 Paperback £40.00 / US$70.00
relationship between mind, brain, body, and world. Contents: 1. What psychology is; 2. Autonomy and reduction in psychology; 3. Modularity and cognitive architecture; 4. Nativism, development, and change; 5. Beyond the brain and body; 6. Perception and action; 7. Attention and consciousness; 8. The social mind; 9. Thought and language. Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy
2015 247 x 174 mm 328pp 3 b/w illus. 978-0-521-51929-8 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00 978-0-521-74020-3 Paperback £18.99 / US$29.99 For all formats available, see
Epistemology and metaphysics Chinese Metaphysics and its Problems Edited by Chenyang Li Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
and Franklin Perkins DePaul University, Chicago
Written by a team of leading scholars, this comprehensive anthology is the first English-language volume focused on Chinese metaphysics. Provides an invaluable tool for students and readers interested in metaphysics and Chinese philosophy, expanding their understanding and appreciation of the key philosophical traditions in China from pre-Qin to modern times. 2015 228 x 152 mm 240pp 7 b/w illus. 3 tables 978-1-107-09350-8 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 Publication May 2015 For all formats available, see
For all formats available, see
Daniel Weiskopf Georgia State University
and Fred Adams University of Delaware
Psychology strives to give a scientific account of how the mind works. This book explains how a science of mind is possible through detailed case studies of perception and action, consciousness, attention, social cognition, language, and higher thought, as well as the
Qualia and Mental Causation in a Physical World Themes from the Philosophy of Jaegwon Kim Edited by Terence Horgan University of Arizona
Marcelo Sabates Kansas State University
and David Sosa University of Texas, Austin
How does mind fit into nature? No contemporary philosopher has done more to clarify this question than Jaegwon Kim, a distinguished analytic philosopher specializing in metaphysics and philosophy of mind. With new contributions from an outstanding
Epistemology and metaphysics / Ethics line-up of eminent scholars, this volume focuses on issues raised in Kim’s work. 2015 228 x 152 mm 300pp 978-1-107-07783-6 Hardback £65.00 / US$90.00 Publication February 2015 For all formats available, see
Defending the Correspondence Theory of Truth Joshua Rasmussen Azusa Pacific University
This book offers a precise account of the correspondence theory of truth and new responses to recent objections. Accessible and original, it will appeal to readers coming from a variety of viewpoints, from advanced students to scholars, to those seeking a deeper understanding of the relationship between truth and reality. 2014 228 x 152 mm 234pp 5 b/w illus. 978-1-107-05774-6 Hardback £55.00 / US$90.00 For all formats available, see
Existence Essays in Ontology Peter van Inwagen University of Notre Dame, Indiana
This is a collection of Peter van Inwagen’s recent essays on ontology and meta-ontology.
Evidence Matters Science, Proof, and Truth in the Law Susan Haack University of Miami
With her characteristic clarity and verve, Susan Haack brings her original and distinctive work in theory of knowledge and philosophy of science to bear on real-life legal issues. She includes analyses of a variety of cases and summaries of relevant scientific work, of the many roles of the scientific peer-review system, and of relevant legal developments. ‘There is tremendous confusion in both law and science (including especially epidemiology) about the proper role of scientific evidence and interpretation of standards of proof in the law. No one has come close to the insight and understanding that should be crystal clear to anyone who reads this perfectly organized collection of essays. Haack alone delves into the historical development of the current confusion and brings her deep understanding of law and philosophy to mark the way out of the confusion. I hope that a copy will be sent to every justice on the US Supreme Court.’ Richard W. Wright, Distinguished Professor of Law, IIT Chicago-Kent, College of Law Law in Context
2014 228 x 152 mm 444pp 978-1-107-03996-4 Hardback £65.00 / US$95.00
2014 228 x 152 mm 267pp 1 table 978-1-107-04712-9 Hardback £50.00 / US$85.00
978-1-107-69834-5 Paperback £24.99 / US$34.99
978-1-107-62526-6 Paperback £18.99 / US$29.99
For all formats available, see
Naturalizing Epistemic Virtue Edited by Abrol Fairweather
For all formats available, see
Ethics Lincoln’s Ethics Thomas Carson
San Francisco State University
Loyola University, Chicago
and Owen Flanagan
Unlike many important historical figures, Abraham Lincoln is generally regarded as a morally virtuous person. Lincoln’s Ethics addresses the question of whether Lincoln deserves his reputation as a moral exemplar. It discusses some of his morally controversial policies and presents evidence for thinking he was morally virtuous in many important respects.
Duke University, North Carolina
Explores virtue epistemology as naturalistic and presents new opportunities for work on epistemic abilities, epistemic virtues and cognitive character. 2014 228 x 152 mm 279pp 978-1-107-02857-9 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
2015 228 x 152 mm 362pp 13 b/w illus. 4 maps 978-1-107-03014-5 Hardback c. £22.99 / c. US$32.99 Publication July 2015 For all formats available, see
Reasons, Rights, and Values Robert Audi University of Notre Dame, Indiana
This collection of essays, by a leading scholar in ethics and political philosophy, presents original views on central topics in ethics such as reasons, intuition, obligation, value, virtue and rights. Written in a clear and engaging style, it is a valuable resource for students as well as scholars. Advance praise: ‘Reasons, Rights, and Values is an excellent collection by one of the leading figures in contemporary philosophy. Audi writes with great insight and clarity, advancing our understanding of a broad range of issues in ethics, moral epistemology, and political philosophy.’ Mark Timmons, University of Arizona 2015 228 x 152 mm 260pp 978-1-107-09690-5 Hardback £55.00 / US$85.00 978-1-107-48080-3 Paperback £19.99 / US$34.99 Publication March 2015 For all formats available, see
The Ethics of Insurgency A Critical Guide to Just Guerrilla Warfare Michael L. Gross University of Haifa, Israel
The Ethics of Insurgency explains how guerrillas who pursue national selfdetermination may justly utilize many unlawful practices of war as long as they target military objectives, respect the rights of noncombatants and reject terrorism. Advance praise: ‘The Ethics of Insurgency brings conceptual clarity to a vexed area of military ethics: the ethical permissibility of tactic used by weaker military forces against much stronger, usually state, militaries. It is a provocative and comprehensive exploration of a very complex issue. A valuable contribution to just war scholarship.’ Martin L. Cook, Stockdale Chair of Professional Military Ethics, United States Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island 2015 228 x 152 mm 320pp 2 maps 6 tables 978-1-107-01907-2 Hardback £55.00 / US$90.00 978-1-107-68464-5 Paperback £19.99 / US$32.99 Publication February 2015 For all formats available, see
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Ethics A Darkling Plain Stories of Conflict and Humanity during War Kristen Renwick Monroe University of California, Irvine
With Chloe Lampros-Monroe University of California, Irvine
and Jonah Robnett Pellecchia University of California, Irvine
What helps people maintain their humanity during wars? Despite its obvious importance, this question remarkably remains overlooked by scholars. Studying what helps people survive wartime trauma is an extremely valuable, if not an urgent enterprise. Advance praise: ‘A Darkling Plain: Stories of Conflict and Humanity during War provides a fresh interdisciplinary perspective to address an important understudied studied topic: how do individuals maintain their humanity in war and its aftermath? This is one of those rare non-fiction books that is hard to put aside once you start reading it. In spite of the harrowing nature of the wartime stories of suffering that are described in first-person accounts, this material is also rich in conveying courage, emotional connectedness, and personal growth and healing. Moreover, A Darkling Plain uses these poignant interviews as well as drawing from others to test a variety of theories about resilience in the face of suffering – theories ranging from the situational/environmental, to the existential/psychoanalytic, and to the literature on post-traumatic stress disorder. There is much in A Darkling Plain to stimulate further thinking and insight about this understudied topic of resilience and humanity in war.’ Cheryl Koopman, Stanford University 2015 228 x 152 mm 296pp 978-1-107-03499-0 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00 978-1-107-69017-2 Paperback £18.99 / US$28.99 Publication February 2015 For all formats available, see
Medical Humanities An Introduction Thomas R. Cole University of Texas, Houston School of Medicine
Nathan S. Carlin University of Texas, Houston School of Medicine
and Ronald A. Carson University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston
This textbook helps students and health professionals develop critical-thinking skills as well as compassion by using the many concepts and methods of the humanities. Readers are invited to
consider existential issues relating to topics such as the experience of disease, care of the dying, health policy, religion and health, and medical technology. Advance praise: ‘This book is essential to any medical program that endeavors to develop the physicians of tomorrow in today’s complex social, cultural, ethical and political world. It combines a clear introduction to the roles of the humanities in medical education with the detail required for an indispensable source book for teachers and students alike. Medical humanities, as an educational pursuit, has waited a long time for this textbook and who better to write it than three such distinguished originators and advocates of the field.’ Jane Macnaugton, Durham University
Contents: Part I. History and Medicine: 1. The doctor-patient relationship; 2. Constructing disease; 3. Educating doctors; 4. Technology and medicine; 5. The health of populations; 6. Death and dying; Part II. Literature, the Arts, and Medicine: 7. Narratives of illness; 8. Aging in film; 9. Medicine and media; 10. Poetry and moral imagination; 11. Doctor-writers; 12. Studying medicine; Part III. Philosophy and Medicine: 13. Ways of knowing; 14. Goals of medicine; 15. Health and disease; 16. Moral philosophy and bioethics; 17. Medicine and power; 18. Just health care; Part IV. Religion and Medicine: 19. World religions for medical humanities; 20. Religion and health; 21. Religion and reality; 22. Religion and bioethics; 23. Suffering and hope; Contributions to chapters. 2015 253 x 177 mm 466pp 24 b/w illus. 978-1-107-01562-3 Hardback £75.00 / US$125.00 978-1-107-61417-8 Paperback £35.00 / US$60.00 Publication February 2015 For all formats available, see
Business Ethics A Contemporary Approach Gael McDonald Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Business Ethics introduces students to ethical issues and decision-making in a variety of contemporary contexts. The book addresses corporate social responsibility, stakeholder management and sustainability. It develops an awareness of the many ways in which ethical considerations can manifest in commercial domains, thereby helping
prepare students for their professional careers. Contents: Part I. Business Ethics Overview: 1. Introduction to business ethics; 2. Ethical terminology; Part II. Business Ethical Issues: 3. Ethical issues in information technology; 4. Ethical issues in human resource management; 5. Ethical issues in marketing; 6. Ethical issues in accounting and finance; 7. Ethical issues in financial entities; 8. Ethical issues in entrepreneurship and small business; 9. Ethical issues in international business; Part III. Business Ethical Theory and Analysis: 10. Ethical theory; 11. Ethical decision-making; Part IV. Personal Ethical Decision-Making: 12. Ethics in organisations. 2015 247 x 174 mm 400pp 49 b/w illus. 43 colour illus. 1 map 978-1-107-67405-9 Paperback £44.99 / US$85.00 For all formats available, see
Happiness and Virtue Ethics in Business The Ultimate Value Proposition Alejo José G. Sison Universidad de Navarra, Spain
This book draws on the latest research in economics and psychology as well as Aristotelian virtue ethics to show why happiness is the ultimate value proposition for business. It will appeal to a wide readership, including graduate students and researchers in business ethics, moral philosophy and positive psychology. 2015 228 x 152 mm 317pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-04463-0 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see
Augustine Deformed Love, Sin and Freedom in the Western Moral Tradition John M. Rist University of Toronto
This volume traces the distortion of Augustine’s moral thought from the twelfth century to the present day and examines the consequences of replacing it with increasingly secular and impersonal moral systems. In order to avoid the nihilistic conclusions of these systems, John M. Rist proposes a return to a revitalized Augustinian Christianity. PROSE Award for Theology and Religious Studies 2015 – Winner 2014 228 x 152 mm 419pp 978-1-107-07579-5 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see
Ethics Natural Human Rights A Theory Michael Boylan Marymount University, Virginia
This timely book by internationally regarded scholar of ethics, Michael Boylan, focuses on the history, application and significance of human rights in the West and China. Combining technical argument with four fictional narratives about human rights, the book invites readers to engage with the most important aspects of the discipline. ‘In this important book Boylan the philosopher and Boylan the novelist join forces. By combining fine stories; conceptual, historical, and literary analysis; an extended systematic argument; and pertinent case studies, Boylan successfully develops his theory of universal human rights. A demonstration of admirable scholarship and a superb addition to philosophy!’ Klaus Steigleder, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany 2014 228 x 152 mm 312pp 2 tables 978-1-107-02985-9 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 978-1-107-66421-0 Paperback £19.99 / US$29.99 For all formats available, see
Practicing Medicine and Ethics Integrating Wisdom, Conscience, and Goals of Care Lauris Christopher Kaldjian University of Iowa
This book explores medicine, ethics, and the challenge of moral diversity in health care, looking at how a health professional’s moral beliefs influence the care they provide. The book culminates in a framework for practical wisdom in medicine that reflects the importance of integration, moral dialogue, humility, and professionals’ obligations. ‘Both our shared political discourse and the day-to-day encounters between physicians and their patients are characterized by complex questions about the place of conscience in medicine. Lauris Kaldjian, trained as both physician and ethicist, offers a way to think through these difficulties by focusing on medicine as a practice shaped by its goals and marked by important virtues. Both patients and physicians can find here help for thinking in moral terms about the encounters they share.’ Gilbert Meilaender, Valparaiso University
2014 228 x 152 mm 304pp 978-1-107-01216-5 Hardback £60.00 / US$90.00 For all formats available, see
Ethics and the Global Financial Crisis Why Incompetence is Worse than Greed Boudewijn de Bruin Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands
This topical book examines the ethical ‘blind spots’ that lay at the heart of the global financial crisis. Using concrete examples and case studies, the author develops a novel theory of epistemic virtue through which he examines the decision making of key stakeholders – the banks, their clients, rating agencies, and regulators. ‘The witty aphorism, ‘never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity’, suggests that malice and stupidity are distinct, that ethics and knowledge are two separate aspects of decision making. But what if they are closely connected? The author of this original and insightful book, Boudewijn de Bruin, brings together classical ethical theory, recent psychological research, and a deep understanding of modern financial practice to offer a prescription for reforming our troubled financial system that focuses on the character of decision makers. The provocative idea that the act of knowing has a moral dimension and carries with it moral responsibility provides a novel and fruitful approach to much-needed financial reform.’ John Boatright, Raymond C. Baumhart, S. J., Graduate School of Business, Loyola University Chicago Business, Value Creation, and Society
2015 228 x 152 mm 244pp 978-1-107-02891-3 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
Ethics and Law An Introduction W. Bradley Wendel Cornell University, New York
Using real-world examples, this book introduces some of the classic problems of legal ethics. Covering issues such as the moral responsibility of lawyers, the nature of law, and the relationship between law and morality, it is of
vital interest to students of law, the philosophy of law, and ethics. ‘A superb, engaging and accessible introduction to the intersection of ethics and law.’ Adam Dodek, University of Ottawa
Contents: Part I. Lawyers, Ethics, and the Law: 1. Defining the problem; 2. Justifying principles of professional ethics; 3. The adversary system; 4. The nature of law and why it matters; 5. Legal obligation and authority; 6. Unjust laws and legal systems; Part II. The Many Roles of Lawyers: 7. Criminal defense and the problem of client selection; 8. Prosecutors; 9. Civil litigation; 10. Counseling clients; 11. Representing corporations: lawyers as gatekeepers? Cambridge Applied Ethics
2014 247 x 174 mm 261pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-04256-8 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00 978-1-107-61724-7 Paperback £18.99 / US$29.99 For all formats available, see
The Right to Know and the Right Not to Know Genetic Privacy and Responsibility Second edition Edited by Ruth Chadwick Mairi Levitt Lancaster University
and Darren Shickle University of Leeds
Personal genetic information is increasingly accessible. Consumers can obtain and share information through DNA tests purchased online. Databases make personal details available for research or criminal investigation. This book examines the right to know or not to know genetic information about yourself and others. Cambridge Bioethics and Law
2014 228 x 152 mm 232pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-07607-5 Hardback £55.00 / US$90.00 978-1-107-42979-6 Paperback £24.99 / US$39.99 For all formats available, see
An Introduction to Catholic Ethics since Vatican II Andrew Kim Walsh University
This introduction provides a comprehensive overview of Catholic ethics in the post-conciliar period, covering Catholic social teaching, natural law, virtue ethics, and bioethics.
eBooks available at
Ethics / Political philosophy Andrew Kim discusses contemporary controversies surrounding abortion, contraception, labor rights, poverty, and war, and he places these issues in the context of the Catholic moral tradition. Introduction to Religion
2015 228 x 152 mm 233pp 978-1-107-08465-0 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00 978-1-107-44656-4 Paperback £19.99 / US$29.99 Publication March 2015 For all formats available, see
Lying and Christian Ethics Christopher O. Tollefsen University of South Carolina
This book defends the controversial ‘absolute view’ that lying is always wrong. Whereas most people believe that lying for a good cause is morally acceptable, Tollefsen argues that Christians should support the absolute view, invoking Augustine and Aquinas to illustrate that lying violates the goods of integrity, sociality, religion, and truth. New Studies in Christian Ethics
2014 228 x 152 mm 220pp 978-1-107-06109-5 Hardback £60.00 / US$90.00 For all formats available, see
Political philosophy Explaining Social Behavior More Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences Second edition Jon Elster
The Ethics of Nuclear Energy Risk, Justice and Democracy in the post-Fukushima Era Edited by Behnam Taebi Technische Universiteit Delft, The Netherlands
and Sabine Roeser Technische Universiteit Delft, The Netherlands
Written by leading international contributors, this book examines the ethical issues concerning nuclear energy technology and waste disposal. Discussing topics such as risk, safety, security, justice and democracy, it is relevant to a broad range of readers including scholars of environmental philosophy, ethics, energy policy studies and the social sciences. 2015 228 x 152 mm 240pp 6 b/w illus. 8 tables 978-1-107-05484-4 Hardback c. £55.00 / c. US$99.00 Publication August 2015 For all formats available, see
Alienation and Nature in Environmental Philosophy Simon Hailwood University of Liverpool
Is it possible to understand the idea of alienation from nature without recourse to excessive romanticism or mythologising? This book tackles this key question in environmental philosophy, examining it in light of different philosophical traditions. It is of interest to scholars and advanced students of environmental philosophy and environmental studies. 2015 228 x 152 mm 240pp 978-1-107-08196-3 Hardback c. £60.00 / c. US$99.00 Publication August 2015
2015 228 x 152 mm 525pp 43 b/w illus. 8 tables 978-1-107-07118-6 Hardback c. £70.00 / c. US$110.00 978-1-107-41641-3 Paperback c. £22.99 / c. US$36.99 Publication September 2015 For all formats available, see
2015 229 x 152 mm 246pp 978-1-107-50257-4 Paperback c. £18.99 / c. US$29.99 Publication May 2015 Also available 978-0-521-76113-0 Hardback £54.99 / US$94.99 For all formats available, see
Zionism and Judaism A New Theory David Novak University of Toronto
This book argues that Zionism is only a coherent political stance when it is intelligently rooted in Judaism, especially in the classical Jewish doctrine of God’s election of the people of Israel and the commandment to them to settle the land of Israel. Advance praise: ‘Anyone who is serious about the idea that God gave Israel the Torah and the land of Israel must read this book by today’s doyen of Jewish philosophical theology. Those who study it will learn immensely from David Novak’s lifetime of learning, and those who differ with his conclusions, or his premises, will be challenged to see if they can do better in addressing one of the great questions facing Judaism today: how the modern state of Israel can thrive as a Jewish, democratic state at peace with its neighbors, its living heritage and itself.’ Lenn E. Goodman, Vanderbilt University, Tennessee 2015 216 x 138 mm 280pp 978-1-107-09995-1 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 Publication April 2015 For all formats available, see
For all formats available, see
Collège de France, Paris
This substantially revised edition of Jon Elster’s acclaimed book exploring the nature of social behavior features a wholly new chapter and a new conclusion. Proposing choice as the central concept of the social sciences, this book will greatly interest upper-level students and undergraduates of political philosophy, economics, psychology and social theory.
intervention. For readers in political philosophy and international relations.
New in Paperback
Insurrection and Intervention The Two Faces of Sovereignty Ned Dobos University of New South Wales, Sydney
There is a reluctance to accept that foreign intervention is justified wherever there is insurrection, but an oppressed people’s right to fight for liberal democratic reforms in their country remains axiomatic. This is an investigation into the philosophical and ethical dimensions of humanitarian
The General Will The Evolution of a Concept Edited by James Farr Northwestern University, Illinois
and David Lay Williams DePaul University, Chicago
The sixteen essays of The General Will: The Evolution of a Concept, written by prominent political theorists and philosophers, chronicle the evolution of the general will, which is most centrally associated with the political philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, from the seventeenth to the twentieth century. Advance praise: ‘An original and wide-ranging inquiry into the general will before, in, and after Rousseau. There is no other work quite like this one, and it fills
Political philosophy an important gap in the voluminous scholarly literature on the general will. Professors Farr and Williams have assembled a group of eminent scholars, each of whom contributes an essay remarkable for its range and erudition.’
Rationality, Democracy, and Justice
Terence Ball, Arizona State University
and Julia Maskivker
2015 228 x 152 mm 538pp 978-1-107-05701-2 Hardback £75.00 / US$125.00 Publication April 2015 For all formats available, see
Commentary on Thomas Aquinas’ Treatise on Law J. Budziszewski University of Texas, Austin
Thomas Aquinas shows how the foundations of law and ethics are rooted in God’s creational design, reflected in man’s nature, and implemented by wise legislators. J. Budziszewski’s commentary on the Treatise is written in luminously clear prose and should attract anyone interested in politics, jurisprudence, ethical controversies, or interreligious dialogue. Advance praise: ‘In this much-needed contribution to the lively debates that currently rage about natural law theory, Budziszewski provides a superb lineby-line commentary on the complete text of Aquinas’ treatise on law – the first complete commentary of this sort in centuries. The Commentary offers insightful comments on the implications of modern philosophical developments for interpreting and evaluating the positions taken by Aquinas. An enormously valuable text, not only for scholars specializing in the field but also for those just embarking on a careful study of the work.’ Fr. Joseph W. Koterski, S.J., Fordham University, New York 2015 228 x 152 mm 518pp 978-1-107-02939-2 Hardback £70.00 / US$110.00 Publication February 2015 For all formats available, see
The Legacy of Jon Elster Edited by Claudio López-Guerra Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE), Mexico City Rollins College, Florida
This volume advances the research agenda of one of the most remarkable political thinkers of our time: Jon Elster. It features studies in five areas of political and social theory: rationality and collective action, political and social norms, democracy and constitution making, transitional justice, and the explanation of social behavior. 2015 228 x 152 mm 304pp 8 b/w illus. 3 tables 978-1-107-06523-9 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see
Distributive Justice and Access to Advantage G. A. Cohen’s Egalitarianism Edited by Alexander Kaufman University of Georgia
Should egalitarians seek to equalize welfare, resources, opportunity, or some other indicator of well-being? G. A. Cohen’s classic writings offer one of the most influential responses to the currency of the egalitarianism justice question. In this volume, major scholars assess and respond to Cohen’s contribution. ‘G. A. Cohen would have enjoyed this superb volume immensely, regardless of the fact that many of the contributors take him to task. The chapters exhibit the seriousness of purpose and quality of argument that characterized his own work.’ Jon Elster, Robert K. Merton Professor of the Social Sciences, Columbia University, New York 2014 228 x 152 mm 286pp 978-1-107-07901-4 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
Making Religion Safe for Democracy Transformation from Hobbes to Tocqueville J. Judd Owen Emory University, Atlanta
J. Judd Owen sheds new light on the ambiguous status of religion in modern democratic society by tracing a surprisingly unified reinterpretation of Christianity by Thomas Hobbes,
John Locke, and Thomas Jefferson and comparing that reinterpretation to Alexis de Tocqueville’s analysis of the democratic transformation of religion in the early United States. ‘A study of religion in the advance of liberal political theory culminating in Tocqueville, who changes its place profoundly. J. Judd Owen’s book is distinguished for clarity and eloquence of its own, and because it discerns and borrows from Tocqueville’s wisdom.’ Harvey Mansfield, Harvard Unviersity, Massachusetts and Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution 2014 228 x 152 mm 182pp 978-1-107-03679-6 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
Empire and Modern Political Thought Edited by Sankar Muthu University of Chicago
This collection of original essays by leading historians of political thought examines modern European thinkers’ writings about conquest, colonization and empire, surveying the central moral and political questions occasioned by the development of overseas empires and European encounters with the nonEuropean world among theologians, historians, philosophers, diplomats and merchants. 2014 229 x 152 mm 418pp 978-1-107-46003-4 Paperback £19.99 / US$22.99 Also available 978-0-521-83942-6 Hardback £64.99 / US$104.99 For all formats available, see
The End of Socialism James Otteson Wake Forest University, North Carolina
The End of Socialism explores the exact nature of the practical difficulties socialism faces and then examines the extent to which its moral ideals can, or should, guide policy nonetheless. ‘Distinguishing between what socialism has meant ‘in principle’ and what it has meant ‘in practice’, James Otteson deftly dissects the key claims that underlie the resurgent reliance on the state in society. In doing so, he harks back to a preMarxist conception of ‘socialism’, finessing a narrow focus on stateowned enterprise. This debate – the real debate – over socialism is as old
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Political philosophy as Plato, and as new as tomorrow’s newspaper. A serious treatment of a serious subject.’
Charity Law and the Liberal State
Michael Munger, Director, PPE Program, Duke University
University of Melbourne
2014 216 x 138 mm 240pp 978-1-107-01731-3 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00 978-1-107-60596-1 Paperback £18.99 / US$28.99 For all formats available, see
The Key Texts of Political Philosophy An Introduction Thomas L. Pangle University of Texas, Austin
and Timothy W. Burns Baylor University, Texas
This book introduces readers to analytical interpretation of seminal writings and thinkers in the history of political thought, including Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, the Bible, Thomas Aquinas, Machiavelli, Bacon, Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Tocqueville, Marx, and Nietzsche. Chronologically arranged, each chapter in the book is devoted to the work of a single thinker.
Matthew Harding
Informed by liberal philosophical commitments and of interest to both charity lawyers and political philosophers, Charity Law and the Liberal State considers the questions relating to state action and public discourse that are raised by the law of charity. 2014 228 x 152 mm 272pp 978-1-107-02233-1 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
Citizenship and the Pursuit of the Worthy Life David Thunder Villanova University, Pennsylvania
This book argues that the insulation of public life from the ethical standpoint puts in jeopardy not only our integrity as persons but also the legitimacy and long-term survival of our political communities. In response to this predicament, David Thunder aims to rehabilitate the ethical standpoint in political philosophy.
2014 228 x 152 mm 225pp 978-1-107-06893-3 Hardback £55.00 / US$85.00
Michael Zuckert, University of Notre Dame
For all formats available, see
2014 228 x 152 mm 445pp 978-1-107-00607-2 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 978-0-521-18500-4 Paperback £21.99 / US$34.99 For all formats available, see
Andrew Gamble, University of Cambridge 2014 228 x 152 mm 272pp 3 b/w illus. 2 tables 978-1-107-06846-9 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00 978-1-107-67113-3 Paperback £18.99 / US$29.99 For all formats available, see
Interactive Democracy The Social Roots of Global Justice Carol C. Gould Hunter College, City University of New York
‘Pangle and Burns manage the impressive achievement of presenting textually sensitive readings of the major philosophers and texts in the history of political philosophy, while at the same time bringing out the human meaning, significance, and relevance of what the philosophers are saying. Pangle and Burns help the students see that they are actually being addressed by these philosophers – with a message of importance for their lives and communities.’
Contents: Part I. Classical Political Philosophy: 1. Plato’s Apology of Socrates; 2. Plato’s Republic, book one; 3. Aristotle’s Politics; Part II. Biblical Political Theology: 4. The Bible; 5. St Thomas Aquinas’s Treatise on Law; Part III. Modern Political Philosophy: 6. Machiavelli’s Discourses and Prince; 7. Bacon’s New Atlantis; 8. Hobbes’s Leviathan; 9. Locke’s Second Treatise of Government; 10. Montesquieu’s Spirit of the Laws; Part IV. Modernity in Question: 11. Rousseau’s First and Second Discourses; 12. Marx and Engels: The Communist Manifesto; 13. Tocqueville’s Democracy in America; 14. Nietzsche and his Zarathustra.
politics, and how we might reach a better understanding of it as ‘the care of the common’. It is a compelling read.’
‘David Thunder makes an excellent case for the wholeness of citizenship, in which the best citizen and the best person come together. His analysis is useful whether one agrees or not and is stated so agreeably that all can admire its clarity and persuasiveness.’ Harvey C. Mansfield, Harvard University; Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Politics and the Search for the Common Good Hans Sluga University of California, Berkeley
Providing an original analysis and assessment of the political thought of Carl Schmitt, Hannah Arendt, and Michel Foucault, this book rethinks politics in a new vocabulary. It is of great interest to upper-level students and scholars of political philosophy, political theory, history of ideas, and political science. ‘The current standing of politics and politicians is low, citizens are disaffected and disengaged, and much writing on politics is empty and abstract. In this important new study Hans Sluga reflects on the nature of
In this book, Carol C. Gould proposes an integrative approach to the core values of democracy, justice, and human rights, looking beyond traditional politics to the social conditions that would realize them. It is of interest to scholars and students of political philosophy, global justice, social and political science, and gender studies. ‘Carol Gould demonstrates again why she is one of the world’s best thinkers on interlinked questions of democracy, justice, freedom, and human rights. Her fresh interactive approach yields compelling arguments and new insights on the whole range of key questions in political philosophy, especially as they confront a globalizing world.’ John Dryzek, Australian National University 2014 228 x 152 mm 303pp 978-1-107-02474-8 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00 978-1-107-60741-5 Paperback £19.99 / US$29.99 For all formats available, see
Religion, War, and Ethics A Sourcebook of Textual Traditions Edited by Gregory M. Reichberg Peace Research Institute Oslo
and Henrik Syse Peace Research Institute Oslo
Assisted by Nicole M. Hartwell
Religion, War, and Ethics is a collection of primary sources from the world’s major religions on the ethics of war. Each chapter brings together annotated texts – scriptural, theological, ethical, and legal – from a variety of historical periods that reflect each tradition’s
Political philosophy response to perennial questions about the nature of war. Contents: Preface; Introduction; 1. Judaism; 2. Roman Catholic Christianity; 3. Eastern Orthodox Christianity; 4. Protestant Christianity; 5. Sunni Islam; 6. Shia Islam; 7. Hinduism; 8. Theravada Buddhism; 9. Chinese and Korean religious traditions; 10. Japanese religious traditions; 11. Sikhism. 2014 253 x 177 mm 750pp 978-0-521-45038-6 Hardback £70.00 / US$120.00 978-0-521-73827-9 Paperback £27.99 / US$49.99 For all formats available, see
Equality for Inegalitarians George Sher Rice University, Houston
Taking an original look at the relations between choice, talent, desert and responsibility, Sher offers a compelling alternative account of distributive justice to luck egalitarianism, discussing basic questions about moral and distributive equality. Of interest to students and academics interested in debates surrounding luck egalitarianism and distributive justice. ‘At once a magisterial overview of the field and a deeply original and important contribution, this is a must-read for anyone interested in contemporary debates over justice and egalitarianism. Sher’s book promises to change the contours of those debates in lasting ways.’ David McCabe, Colgate University 2014 228 x 152 mm 190pp 978-1-107-00957-8 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00 978-0-521-25170-9 Paperback £17.99 / US$29.99 For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
Globalization and Global Justice Shrinking Distance, Expanding Obligations Nicole Hassoun State University of New York, Binghamton
This book considers the case for free trade and foreign aid in light of a new argument for significant obligations to the global poor, and concludes with a new proposal for fair trade in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. Suitable for those interested in
economics, political science and public policy. ‘Globalization and Global Justice provides concrete policy advice based on rigorous philosophical argument, relevantly blending empirical evidence with rich philosophical analysis. It explores theoretically informed, but practically focused proposals for how we can implement more justice in our actual, imperfect world. An excellent example of the contributions philosophers can make to important debates on matters of global justice.’ Gillian Brock, University of Auckland 2014 229 x 152 mm 248pp 6 tables 978-1-107-42492-0 Paperback £20.99 / US$32.99 Also available 978-1-107-01030-7 Hardback £54.99 / US$89.99 For all formats available, see
The Decline of Mercy in Public Life Alex Tuckness Iowa State University
and John M. Parrish Loyola Marymount University, California
This study explores why mercy, once prominent, is now rarely invoked in contemporary political discourse. Covering thought from Homer to the late Enlightenment, and including treatment of Buddhist, Islamic, and Eastern Orthodox traditions, this book will be valuable to students of political philosophy, political theory, and the philosophy of law. ‘This is a well done, well written, and very useful book. It will quickly become a standard reference for scholars seeking to understand the history of thought about mercy in the west and elsewhere as well as the current ‘decline of mercy in public life’. The authors provide a useful and persuasive account of the transformation of thinking about mercy and the growth of a belief in the opposition of mercy and justice.’ Austin D. Sarat, Amherst College 2014 228 x 152 mm 318pp 1 table 978-1-107-05014-3 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
Compulsory Voting For and Against Jason Brennan Georgetown University, Washington DC
and Lisa Hill University of Adelaide
Two leading political theorists debate whether compulsory voting is the solution to the decline in overall voter turnout. Jason Brennan argues that compulsory voting will not only fail to make governments more responsive to the needs of the disadvantaged, but that it might actually harm them. Lisa Hill argues that compulsory voting makes the political system more democratic. ‘The frustrating thing about arguments over citizenship in democracies is that everyone is right, meaning that everyone is also wrong. There are powerful arguments in favor of asking citizens to act on a moral obligation to become informed, so as to move toward an ideal world. In that view, argued ably here by Jason Brennan, anyone who fails to become informed should voluntarily abstain. Lisa Hill argues that Brennan has it backwards: ‘good’ elections are not the result of an informed citizenry. Rather, a broadly accepted electoral process, legitimated by universal participation, is what creates an informed citizenry. Who is right? An extraordinary and very fair-minded treatment of significant issues in democracy around the world.’ Michael Munger, Duke University 2014 228 x 152 mm 240pp 978-1-107-04151-6 Hardback £55.00 / US$85.00 978-1-107-61392-8 Paperback £18.99 / US$29.99 For all formats available, see
Reason and Emotion in International Ethics Renée Jeffery Australian National University, Canberra
Renée Jeffery examines the role played by the emotions in making moral judgments and motivating ethical actions. Focusing on the problem of world poverty, she draws on the work of eighteenth-century moral sentiment theorists and recent advances in the neurosciences to develop an original account of international ethics. ‘This innovative book establishes the foundation for what could be called ‘sentimentalist cosmopolitanism’. Challenging the rationalist assumptions that underpin much of cosmopolitan thought, Renée Jeffery convincingly argues that reason and
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Political philosophy emotion are intrinsically linked as well as essential to both decision making and ethical judgement.’
and highlights the implications of ethical considerations for both public policy and personal action.’
Roland Bleiker, University of Queensland
Ronald Sandler, Northeastern University
2014 228 x 152 mm 259pp 978-1-107-03741-0 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
The Democratic Horizon Hyperpluralism and the Renewal of Political Liberalism Alessandro Ferrara Università degli Studi di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’
Alessandro Ferrara explains what he terms ‘the democratic horizon’ – the idea that democracy is no longer simply one form of government among others, but is instead almost universally regarded as the only legitimate form of government, the horizon to which most of us look. ‘A major contribution to contemporary political philosophy, which analyzes the pitfalls and promises of liberal democracies by emphasizing the spirit of democracy and imaginative openness. Alessandro Ferrara develops a set of innovative categories such as hyperpluralism, conjectural strategies, and the multivariate democratic polity to offer solutions to present quandaries.’ Seyla Benhabib, Eugene Meyer Professor of Political Science and Philosophy, Yale University 2014 228 x 152 mm 251pp 978-1-107-03551-5 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
The Ethics of Global Climate Change
2014 229 x 152 mm 354pp 16 b/w illus. 3 tables 978-1-107-66601-6 Paperback £23.99 / US$35.99 Also available 978-1-107-00069-8 Hardback £59.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see
Burdens of Political Responsibility Narrative and The Cultivation of Responsiveness Jade Larissa Schiff Oberlin College, Ohio
Burdens of Political Responsibility addresses our experiences of political responsibility. It explains how and why we try to flee responsibility, and how we might embrace it. The book engages seriously with phenomenology, the philosophy of literature, literary criticism, and sociology. ‘In Burdens of Political Responsibility, Jade Schiff has many stories to tell – of engagement and disengagement, bad faith and good, power and powerlessness, the meaning of identity, and the claims that our specific identities make upon us. This is a nuanced, careful, and deeply felt exploration into the relationship between the ordinary and extraordinary experiences of life in a world that too often frustrates our desires to act in responsible ways. Yet Schiff is not frustrated. She instead acts as a steady and encouraging voice for new ways of facing power and connecting with others.’ Thomas Dumm, Amherst College
Edited by Denis G. Arnold
2014 228 x 152 mm 222pp 978-1-107-04162-2 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
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Global climate change is one of the most daunting ethical and political challenges confronting humanity in the twenty-first century. In this book, authors argue for new ways of conceptualising our ethical obligations in order to address a problem of this scope and difficulty.
‘The Ethics of Global Climate Change is the first collection to engage the full range of ethical issues posed by global climate change. With original, insightful and accessible contributions from many of the best researchers currently working on the ethics of climate change, it clarifies the ethical dimensions of global climate change
Religious Pluralism and Values in the Public Sphere Lenn E. Goodman Vanderbilt University, Tennessee
Does tolerance require us to deny our deep differences or give up claims to truth, to trade our received traditions for skepticism or relativism? Cultural philosopher Lenn E. Goodman argues that we can respect one another and learn from one another’s ways without
either sharing them or relinquishing our own. ‘Lenn Goodman invites us to consider – through insight, suggestion, and example – how mature, thoughtful pluralists would decide about matters of public policy, human rights, and humanitarian intervention. While he does not scant highly empirical, topical political discussions, he traces the values that inform such current discussions down to their philosophical foundations. In this way, Goodman’s book is a unique contribution to the literature on pluralism. It is written in an inimitable literary style; its prose is resonant with rich descriptions, vivid examples, evocative commentaries on texts from several religious traditions, lucidly argued moral suasion, and careful scholarly criticism.’ Alan Mittleman, The Jewish Theological Seminary 2014 216 x 138 mm 227pp 978-1-107-05213-0 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00 978-1-107-65805-9 Paperback £18.99 / US$28.99 For all formats available, see
New in Paperback
The Deepening Darkness Patriarchy, Resistance, and Democracy’s Future Carol Gilligan New York University
and David A. J. Richards New York University
Why is America again unjustly at war? Why is its politics distorted by wedge issues like abortion and gay marriage? Why is anti-Semitism still so powerfully resurgent? Such contradictions within democracies arise from a patriarchal psychology still alive in our personal and political lives in tension with the equal voice that is the basis of democracy. This book joins a psychological approach with a political-theoretical one that traces both this psychology (based on loss in intimate life) and resistance to it (based on the love of equals) to the Roman Republic and Empire and to three Latin masterpieces: Virgil’s Aeneid, Apuleius’s The Golden Ass, and Augustine’s Confessions. In addition, this book explains many other aspects of our present situation including why movements of ethical resistance are often accompanied by a freeing of sexuality and why we are witnessing an
Political philosophy / Legal philosophy aggressive fundamentalism at home and abroad.
topics including freedom, equality, toleration, religion, and nationalism.
is of vital interest to students of Rawls, political philosophy and political theory.
2014 234 x 156 mm 352pp 978-1-107-67233-8 Paperback £20.99 / US$31.99
Cambridge Companions to Philosophy
Classic Philosophical Arguments
2015 228 x 152 mm 400pp 978-1-107-08007-2 Hardback £55.00 / US$90.00
2015 247 x 174 mm 270pp 2 tables 978-1-107-04448-7 Hardback c. £55.00 / c. US$99.00
978-1-107-43941-2 Paperback £21.99 / US$34.99
978-1-107-62751-2 Paperback c. £18.99 / c. US$27.99
Publication February 2015
Publication October 2015
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For all formats available, see
Also available 978-0-521-89898-0 Hardback £22.99 / US$34.99 For all formats available, see
Imagining Europe Myth, Memory, and Identity Chiara Bottici New School for Social Research, New York
and Benoît Challand New York University
Chiara Bottici and Benoît Challand explore the formative process of a European identity situated between myth and memory. 2014 228 x 152 mm 217pp 15 b/w illus. 2 maps 7 tables 978-1-107-01561-6 Hardback £55.00 / US$85.00 978-1-107-64164-8 Paperback £18.99 / US$29.99 For all formats available, see
The Ethics of Armed Humanitarian Intervention Edited by Don E. Scheid Winona State University, Minnesota
Addresses philosophical and normative (moral/legal) issues arising from the 2011 NATO bombing in Libya, and armed humanitarian intervention more generally. Of great interest to those studying political philosophy, international relations, and humanitarian law. 2014 228 x 152 mm 294pp 2 b/w illus. 978-1-107-03636-9 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 978-1-107-61067-5 Paperback £19.99 / US$30.99 For all formats available, see
Rousseau’s Social Contract An Introduction David Lay Williams DePaul University, Chicago
Rousseau’s Social Contract: An Introduction offers a thorough and systematic tour of this notoriously paradoxical and challenging text. ‘David Lay Williams’ splendid new commentary on Rousseau’s greatest contribution to political philosophy will rapidly become the ‘standard’ work on this subject. In The Social Contract Rousseau formulates his most famous idea, ‘the general will’, and Williams throws more light on this difficult notion than any scholar in the past half-century. This is a truly remarkable book.’ Patrick Riley, author of The General Will before Rousseau
Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Book I; 3. Book II; 4. Book III; 5. Book IV; 6. Conclusion; Appendix A. On the general will; Appendix B. On women in the Social Contract? Cambridge Introductions to Key Philosophical Texts
2014 228 x 152 mm 322pp 978-0-521-19755-7 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00 978-0-521-12444-7 Paperback £18.99 / US$29.99 For all formats available, see
The Original Position Edited by Timothy Hinton
The Cambridge Companion to Liberalism Edited by Steven Wall University of Arizona
Liberalism emerged as a tradition of political thought in Europe during the Enlightenment and extended throughout the continent and to America into the twentieth century. This volume provides an expert survey of liberal approaches and responses to a range of important
North Carolina State University
Written by a team of distinguished scholars, this book looks at the arguments, reception and critiques of John Rawls’s Original Position argument, one of the most influential ideas in twentieth-century political philosophy. It
Legal philosophy Property and Practical Reason Adam J. MacLeod Faulkner University, Alabama
Property and Practical Reason makes a moral argument for common law property institutions and norms, and challenges the prevailing dichotomy between individual rights and state interests and its assumption that individual preferences and the good of communities must be in conflict. 2015 228 x 152 mm 300pp 978-1-107-09576-2 Hardback £69.99 / US$110.00 Publication May 2015 For all formats available, see
A Philosophy of Criminal Attempts Bebhinn Donnelly-Lazarov Swansea University
Attempting is one of the most intriguing and perplexing dimensions of human action. Its implications in criminal law are profound. Bebhinn Donnelly-Lazarov explores the philosophical connections between attempting and intending, acting, subjectivity and possibility, and proposes a theory of criminal attempts derived from the anatomy of attempting thus revealed. 2015 228 x 152 mm 256pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-02983-5 Hardback £69.99 / US$110.00 Publication April 2015 For all formats available, see
eBooks available at
Legal philosophy Reasons and Intentions in Law and Practical Agency
Stanley Fish on Philosophy, Politics and Law
Edited by George Pavlakos
How Fish Works Michael Robertson
Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium and University of Glasgow
and Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco University of Birmingham
Exploring how and why we act when we follow practical standards, this collection of new essays focuses on the interplay of intentions and practical reasons in practical agency, making it of interest to scholars and students of philosophy of action, legal philosophy, cognitive psychology, law, social science, and ethics. ‘… essential reading …’ Dennis Patterson, European University Institute
University of Otago, New Zealand
Stanley Fish is a provocative author who is often misunderstood precisely because of his polemical approach. This book sets out and evaluates his arguments in a clear fashion which makes his contribution to philosophy, politics and law more accessible for both generalist and specialist readers. 2014 228 x 152 mm 384pp 978-1-107-07474-3 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see
2015 228 x 152 mm 342pp 978-1-107-07072-1 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00
Justice through Apologies
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Remorse, Reform, and Punishment Nick Smith
Torture, Power, and Law David Luban Georgetown University, Washington DC
David Luban is one of the leading US voices in the torture debate. This volume brings together his most important writings on torture and executive power and includes two new essays which analyze what torture is and discuss the Obama administration’s failure to hold torturers accountable. ‘David Luban has written … an extraordinarily compelling set of philosophical, legal (and simply human) reflections on what has unfortunately become a defining issue – torture. He raises crucial questions not only about the role of lawyers in legitimizing indefensible practices, but also about broader aspects of moral argument, especially the common practice of relying on ‘extreme cases’ and ‘brainteasers’ as alternatives to confronting more mundane (and horrific) realities. The book therefore promises to be important even after that happy day when torture has indeed been eliminated from the world.’ Sanford Levinson, University of Texas, Austin
PROSE Award for Philosophy 2015 – Winner 2014 228 x 152 mm 320pp 978-1-107-05109-6 Hardback £55.00 / US$85.00 978-1-107-65629-1 Paperback £19.99 / US$29.99 For all formats available, see
University of New Hampshire
In this follow up to I Was Wrong: The Meanings of Apologies, Nick Smith expands his ambitious theories of categorical apologies to civil and criminal law. This book explains that penitentiaries were originally designed to bring about penance – something like apology – and this has been lost in the assembly line of mass incarceration. ‘In I was Wrong, Nick Smith provided a unique and richly complex introduction to the world of apologies. Now, in this engaging follow up, Justice through Apologies, he has extended his analysis into their use in criminal and civil law. A feature of his earlier book – wonderful illustrations and endless provocative questions – graces the present one, challenging glibness and ensuring that his work will remain a go-to resource for those who, like Smith, are both impressed by the moral power of apologies but troubled by their performative exploitation.’ John Kleinig, Emeritus, John Jay College of Criminal Justice 2014 228 x 152 mm 413pp 978-1-107-00754-3 Hardback £55.00 / US$90.00 978-0-521-18945-3 Paperback £19.99 / US$32.99 For all formats available, see
Key Reference
The Cambridge Handbook of Human Dignity Interdisciplinary Perspectives Edited by Marcus Düwell Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands
Jens Braarvig Universitetet i Oslo
Roger Brownsword King’s College London
and Dietmar Mieth Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Germany
A multidisciplinary exploration of the concept of human dignity in relation to a range of questions, topics, contexts and cultures. 2014 228 x 152 mm 629pp 978-0-521-19578-2 Hardback £90.00 / US$145.00 For all formats available, see
Deontic Logic and Legal Systems Pablo E. Navarro Blas Pascal University, Argentina
and Jorge L. Rodríguez National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina
Many books and papers have analyzed normative concepts using new techniques developed by logicians; however, few have bridged the gap between the English legal culture and the Continental (i.e. European and Latin American) tradition in legal philosophy. This book addresses this by offering an introductory study on the many possibilities that logical analysis offers the study of legal systems. Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy and Law
2014 228 x 152 mm 288pp 4 b/w illus. 978-0-521-76739-2 Hardback £55.00 / US$85.00 978-0-521-13990-8 Paperback £19.99 / US$29.99 For all formats available, see
What Makes Law An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law Liam Murphy New York University
This advanced introduction to central questions in legal philosophy attempts to breathe new life into stalled research. It introduces existing views about the nature of law, but rather than survey the existing literature it investigates what might be at stake in these old debates,
Legal philosophy / Philosophy of social science / Philosophy of religion
Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy and Law
Philosophy of social science
2014 228 x 152 mm 222pp 978-0-521-83427-8 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00
and what the prospects for progress might be.
978-0-521-54219-7 Paperback £19.99 / US$29.99 For all formats available, see
Intimations of Global Law Neil Walker University of Edinburgh
A strain of law has emerged since the mid-1960s which asserts a global reach and jurisdiction beyond any international or transnational remit. Intimations of Global Law identifies this new strain in diverse areas of the law, and explores how its development might influence the nature of our legal-ethical horizons. Contents: 1. Why global law?; 2. Taking law to the world; 3. Seven species of global law; 4. The circuit of global law; 5. Intimations of global law; 6. Confronting global law. Global Law Series
2014 228 x 152 mm 240pp 2 b/w illus. 2 tables 978-1-107-09162-7 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 978-1-107-46378-3 Paperback £24.99 / US$39.99 For all formats available, see
Crime, Reason and History A Critical Introduction to Criminal Law Third edition Alan Norrie University of Warwick
Crime, Reason and History critically analyses the general principles of criminal law and offers a different viewpoint: that the law is systematically structured around conflicting elements. Updated to include two new chapters with an extended treatment of offence and defence, this new edition combines challenging and sophisticated analysis with accessibility. Law in Context
2014 247 x 174 mm 424pp 978-0-521-51646-4 Hardback £70.00 / US$110.00 978-0-521-73168-3 Paperback £32.99 / US$49.99 For all formats available, see
Understanding Pleasure at the Misfortune of Others Edited by Wilco W. van Dijk
profession unable to address issues of fundamental concern on account of its social organization? These questions and many others are investigated in this very welcome volume.’ John B. Davis, Marquette University, Wisconsin and Universiteit van Amsterdam
Universiteit Leiden
2014 228 x 152 mm 374pp 13 b/w illus. 24 tables 978-1-107-01570-8 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00
and Jaap W. Ouwerkerk
For all formats available, see
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
When and why do we derive pleasure from other people’s misfortune? This book provides a comprehensive summary of current theoretical and empirical work on schadenfreude from psychological, philosophical and other scientific perspectives. It increases our understanding of the nature of this emotion and the role it plays in social relations. ‘While the Germanic language is hardly the lingua franca of the modern world, the word ‘schadenfreude’ has become global coinage. This new international collection is a fascinating multidisciplinary exploration of an extremely problematic emotion – the pleasure at another’s suffering – in a wide array of social contexts. It should be essential reading for social psychologists and those working in ethics where concerns of status, envy and justice render schadenfreude a widely felt emotion.’ M. J. McNamee, Swansea University 2014 228 x 152 mm 330pp 10 b/w illus. 2 tables 978-1-107-01750-4 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see
The Economics of Economists Institutional Setting, Individual Incentives, and Future Prospects Edited by Alessandro Lanteri American University of Beirut
and Jack Vromen Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
In this volume, leading scholars investigate the profession of academic economics. The book addresses timely topics such as the consequences of the financial crisis on the discipline, as well as pluralism in research, academic organizations, teaching methodology, gender issues and professional ethics. Its interdisciplinary approach will attract a broad readership.
New in Paperback Highlight
The Politics and Ethics of Identity In Search of Ourselves Richard Ned Lebow King’s College London
Challenges the notion of consistent unitary identities, arguing that we are multiple, changing selves, shaped by social contexts and processes. 2014 229 x 152 mm 444pp 978-1-107-67557-5 Paperback £21.99 / US$34.99 Also available 978-1-107-02765-7 Hardback £69.99 / US$114.99 For all formats available, see
Philosophy of religion Kabbalah and Ecology God’s Image in the More-ThanHuman World David Mevorach Seidenberg
Kabbalah and Ecology resets the conversation about ecology and the Abrahamic traditions. David Mevorach Seidenberg challenges the anthropocentric reading of the Torah, showing that a radically different orientation to the more-than-human world of nature leads to a more accurate interpretation of scripture, rabbinic texts, Maimonides, and Kabbalah. 2015 228 x 152 mm 376pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-08133-8 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 Publication June 2015 For all formats available, see
‘This is a very important and muchneeded contribution to scholarship on the economics profession. Is there herding behavior in economics? Is the
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Philosophy of religion / Also of interest Highlight
Dissent on Core Beliefs Religious and Secular Perspectives Edited by Simone Chambers University of Toronto
and Peter Nosco University of British Columbia, Vancouver
This study compares the ways in which nine different ethical and religious traditions manage dissent on core beliefs, and is of interest to upperlevel students, graduate students and researchers in theological ethics, religious studies, comparative ethics, political theory and philosophy of religion. 2015 228 x 152 mm 240pp 1 table 978-1-107-10152-4 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 Publication May 2015 For all formats available, see
Describing Gods An Investigation of Divine Attributes Graham Oppy Monash University, Victoria
A substantial and careful discussion of this central topic in the philosophy of religion, distinctive both for its focus on under-explored attributes such as infinity, simplicity, incorporeality, beauty and fundamentality, and for what it says about more commonly examined attributes such as perfection, omnipotence, omniscience, goodness, necessity, eternity and freedom. 2014 228 x 152 mm 334pp 978-1-107-08704-0 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see
Rethinking the Buddha Early Buddhist Philosophy as Meditative Perception Eviatar Shulman Tel Aviv University
Although many see the four noble truths as the kernel of the historical Buddha’s teachings, early texts reveal they are a later development. Shulman illustrates that these truths originated as observations to be cultivated during meditation, challenging the conventional view that the Buddha’s teachings represent universal themes of human existence.
Philosophy of Religion Towards a More Humane Approach John Cottingham University of Reading and Heythrop College, University of London
John Cottingham’s Philosophy of Religion shows how fruitful discussion of the philosophy of religion is not just about abstract intellectual argument; it also impinges on aspects of ordinary human experience. Cottingham covers the main topics of the subject, including the meaning of religious claims, the existence of God and the relation between religion and morality, as well as the role of religious spirituality. ‘This insightful and beautifully clear book shows us how to think philosophically about religion – not just religious beliefs but also the habits, practices and transformations that constitute religious life. Cottingham combines careful, rigorous analysis and exemplary scholarship with rare sensitivity to the spiritual questions which animate the philosophy of religion but are too often obscured by it. Everyone interested in the philosophy of religion needs to read this elegant, compelling book.’ Clare Carlisle, King’s College London Cambridge Studies in Religion, Philosophy, and Society
2014 228 x 152 mm 205pp 978-1-107-02360-4 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00 978-1-107-63877-8 Paperback £18.99 / US$27.99 For all formats available, see
Also of interest Rights Come to Mind Brain Injury, Ethics, and the Struggle for Consciousness Joseph J. Fins Cornell University, New York
Through the sobering story of Maggie Worthen and her mother, Nancy, this book tells of one family’s struggle with severe brain injury and how developments in neuroscience call for a reconsideration of what society owes patients at the edge of consciousness. 2015 228 x 152 mm 250pp 4 b/w illus. 978-0-521-88750-2 Hardback c. £30.00 / c. US$50.00 Publication September 2015 For all formats available, see
The Digital Humanities
2014 228 x 152 mm 208pp 978-1-107-01943-0 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00
A Primer for Students and Scholars Eileen Gardiner
978-1-107-69518-4 Paperback £18.99 / US$27.99
and Ronald G. Musto
For all formats available, see
Religious Diversity Philosophical and Political Dimensions Roger Trigg University of Oxford
Religious diversity, and conflict between religions, poses philosophical problems. It also provides growing political problems among the nations. How can religious pluralism be politically managed? Religious Diversity: Philosophical and Political Dimensions argues that the need for tolerance must not result in an attack on the ability of any religion to claim truth. Religious freedom matters, and the search for a truth that applies to all.
For all formats available, see
‘A much-needed and illuminating discussion of both the philosophical and social issues of religious freedom and diversity in contemporary societies.’
Keith Ward, University of Oxford
2014 228 x 152 mm 221pp 978-1-107-06239-9 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00
Cambridge Studies in Religion, Philosophy, and Society
Italica Press Italica Press
This book introduces readers to the impact of the digital on humanities research. Beginning with definitions and a brief historical survey of the humanities, it examines how humanists have been affected by the digital and how, in turn, they shape it to research, organize, analyze and publish their work. 2015 228 x 152 mm 250pp 14 b/w illus. 978-1-107-01319-3 Hardback c. £60.00 / c. US$95.00 978-1-107-60102-4 Paperback c. £19.99 / c. US$29.99 Publication June 2015 For all formats available, see
Also of interest / Philosophy for schools New in Paperback
The Political Economy of Economic Growth in Africa, 1960–2000 Volume 2: Country Case Studies Edited by Benno J. Ndulu The World Bank
Stephen A. O’Connell Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania
Jean-Paul Azam Université de Toulouse
Robert H. Bates Harvard University, Massachusetts
Augustin K. Fosu United Nations, Geneva
Jan Willem Gunning Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
and Dominique Nijinkeu International Lawyers and Economists Against Poverty (ILEAP)
The Political Economy of Economic Growth in Africa, 1960–2000 is by far the most ambitious and comprehensive assessment of Africa’s postindependence economic performance to date. Volume 2 supports and extends the analysis presented in the first volume by providing twenty-six case studies of individual African economies. ‘This book is chock-full of fascinating data, interesting hypotheses, and country details; it is a rich review of Africa’s troubled postcolonial economic history that will be a reference and an inspiration for political economists for years to come.’ Foreign Affairs 2015 244 x 170 mm 760pp 62 b/w illus. 170 tables 978-1-107-49626-2 Paperback £32.99 / US$49.99 Also available 978-0-521-87849-4 Hardback £124.99 / US$204.99 For all formats available, see
Science and Human Experience Values, Culture, and the Mind Leon N. Cooper Brown University, Rhode Island
Does science have limits? Where does order come from? Can we understand consciousness? Written by Nobel Laureate Leon N. Cooper, this book places pressing scientific questions in the broader context of how they relate to human experience. Widely considered to be a highly original thinker, Cooper has written and given talks on a large variety of subjects, ranging from the relationship between art and science,
possible limits of science, to the relevance of the Turing test. These essays and talks have been brought together for the first time in this fascinating book, giving readers an opportunity to experience Cooper’s unique perspective on a range of subjects. Tackling a diverse spectrum of topics, from the conflict of faith and science to whether understanding neural networks could lead to machines that think like humans, this book will captivate anyone interested in the interaction of science with society. ‘As a scientist and a humanist, Cooper is well-versed in philosophy, literature, art, and the practicalities of making science serve humanity, as opposed to being in thrall to special interests. His intellectual open-mindedness and compelling prose style make Science and Human Experience a thoughtprovoking pleasure to read.’ Peter Byrne, author of The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett III: Multiple Universes, Mutual Assured Destruction, and the Meltdown of a Nuclear Family
a rallying call for more researchers to join those working to shape this future.’ Jonathan Gray, Director of Policy and Research, Open Knowledge 2014 216 x 138 mm 226pp 6 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-107-09789-6 Hardback £30.00 / US$50.00 978-1-107-48401-6 Paperback £12.99 / US$19.99 For all formats available, see
Philosophy for schools Thinking Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Second edition John Butterworth and Geoff Thwaites
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Thinking Skills, second edition, is the only endorsed coursebook that provides complete coverage of the Cambridge AS and A Level Thinking Skills syllabus.
Cambridge International Examinations
2014 216 x 138 mm 256pp 33 b/w illus. 978-1-107-04317-6 Hardback £17.99 / US$28.99
Available Open Access
Open Access and the Humanities Contexts, Controversies and the Future Martin Paul Eve University of Lincoln
Open Access and the Humanities is essential reading for all who work in the humanities. It gives a clear summary of the histories of open, online access to research, the specific challenges and benefits to the humanities, and the controversies that have raged about scholarly communication in a digital age. This title is also available as open access via Cambridge Books Online. ‘Eve’s book gives a synoptic and multi-layered overview of many of the different factors at play in scholarly communication in the humanities, and offers valuable suggestions about how a transition to open access in the humanities might take better account of these factors, bringing much needed critical and constructive reflection to the contemporary pursuit of a long held dream. It is essential reading for anyone interested in the future of open access and scholarly communication in the humanities, and
2013 246 x 189 mm 351pp 978-1-107-60630-2 Paperback £19.95 / US$46.25 For all formats available, see
Critical Thinking An Introduction Second edition Alec Fisher
In this second edition of the popular Critical Thinking: An Introduction, Alec Fisher concentrates on developing critical thinking skills explicitly and directly. Cambridge International Examinations
2011 247 x 174 mm 302pp 978-1-107-40198-3 Paperback £16.95 / US$32.75 For all formats available, see
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Index A Acts of Consciousness..............................1 Adams, Fred...........................................22 Aenesidemus of Cnossus..........................9 Ahmed, Arif............................................18 Ainslie, Donald C......................................5 Algra, Keimpe...........................................6 Alienation and Nature in Environmental Philosophy..........................................26 Alwishah, Ahmed...................................10 Alznauer, Mark.......................................15 Anti-Semitism and its Metaphysical Origins..................................................1 Apuleius’ Platonism..................................9 Aristophanes’ Thesmophoriazusae............9 Aristotle and the Arabic Tradition............10 Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics.................10 Aristotle’s Ethics and Moral Responsibility.7 Aristotle’s Physics...................................10 Armour-Garb, Bradley.............................21 Arnold, Denis G......................................30 Audi, Robert....................................... 1, 23 Augustine Deformed..............................24 Augustine’s City of God..........................10 Azam, Jean-Paul.....................................35
B Baaz, Matthias.......................................19 Banks, Erik C..........................................18 Barker, Andrew.........................................6 Bates, Robert H......................................35 Baxley, Anne Margaret...........................14 Baydala, Angelina..................................19 Berkeley’s A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge...........14 Bermúdez, José Luis...............................22 Birth of Critical Thinking in Republican Rome, The.............................................7 Bottici, Chiara........................................31 Bowman, Brady.................................. 3, 16 Boylan, Michael......................................25 Braarvig, Jens.........................................32 Brennan, Jason.......................................29 Bridging the Gap between Aristotle’s Science and Ethics.................................6 Brinkmann, Klaus.....................................3 Broadie, Sarah..........................................8 Brookins, Timothy A................................10 Brown, William.........................................2 Brownsword, Roger................................32 Budziszewski, J.......................................27 Burden of Proof, Presumption and Argumentation....................................21 Burdens of Political Responsibility...........30 Burns, Timothy W....................................28 Business Ethics.......................................24 Butler, Annemarie.....................................5 Butterworth, John..................................35
C Cambridge Companion to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, The........................5 Cambridge Companion to Augustine, The.. 9 Cambridge Companion to Einstein, The...19 Cambridge Companion to Hume’s Treatise, The..........................................5 Cambridge Companion to Liberalism, The.....................................................31 Cambridge Descartes Lexicon, The............4
Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, The...1 Cambridge Foucault Lexicon, The............16 Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, The...................................22 Cambridge Handbook of Human Dignity, The.....................................................32 Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy, The....................................11 Cambridge Introduction to Literature and Philosophy, The...............................2 Cambridge Rawls Lexicon, The..................1 Carlin, Nathan S.....................................24 Carson, Ronald A....................................24 Carson, Thomas......................................23 Cascardi, Anthony J..................................2 Causal Reasoning in Physics...................17 Causation and Creation in Late Antiquity..7 Chadwick, Ruth......................................25 Challand, Benoît....................................31 Chambers, Simone.................................34 Charity Law and the Liberal State...........28 Chinese Metaphysics and its Problems....22 Citizenship and the Pursuit of the Worthy Life..........................................28 Clements, Ashley......................................9 Cognitive Science...................................22 Cohen, Alix............................................14 Cole, Thomas R.......................................24 Commentary on Thomas Aquinas’ Treatise on Law...................................27 Compulsory Voting.................................29 Conway, Daniel......................................15 Cooper, Leon N.......................................35 Copenhaver, Brian P..................................4 Corinthian Wisdom, Stoic Philosophy, and the Ancient Economy....................10 Cottingham, John............................... 3, 34 Crime, Reason and History......................33 Crisp, Roger...........................................10 Critical History and Philosophy of Psychology, A......................................19 Critical Thinking.....................................35 Currie, Gregory.........................................2
D Dahlstrom, Daniel O..................................3 Dale, Eric Michael...................................15 Darkling Plain, A....................................24 de Bruin, Boudewijn...............................25 de Warren, Nicolas.................................16 Decline of Mercy in Public Life, The.........29 Deepening Darkness, The........................30 Defending the Correspondence Theory of Truth...............................................23 Demiurge in Ancient Thought, The.............7 Democratic Horizon, The.........................30 Demopoulos, William..............................20 Denis, Lara.............................................13 Deontic Logic and Legal Systems............32 Descartes: Meditations on First Philosophy............................................3 Descartes’ Meditations...........................12 Describing Gods.....................................34 Detlefsen, Karen.....................................12 Di Giovanni, George.................................3 Digital Humanities, The...........................34 Discrete or Continuous?.........................19 Dissent on Core Beliefs...........................34 Distributive Justice and Access to Advantage..........................................27
Dobos, Ned............................................26 Donnelly-Lazarov, Bebhinn.....................31 Doran, Robert...........................................4 Düwell, Marcus......................................32
E Early Hellenistic Portraiture.......................8 Ebrey, David.............................................6 Echeñique, Javier......................................7 Economics of Economists, The.................33 Eldridge, Richard......................................2 Elster, Jon...............................................26 Emden, Christian J..................................15 Emotive Language in Argumentation......21 Empire and Modern Political Thought......27 End of Socialism, The..............................27 Equality for Inegalitarians.......................29 Esotericism and the Academy...................2 Ethics and Law.......................................25 Ethics and the Global Financial Crisis......25 Ethics of Armed Humanitarian Intervention, The..................................31 Ethics of Global Climate Change, The......30 Ethics of Insurgency, The.........................23 Ethics of Nuclear Energy, The..................26 Eve, Martin Paul.....................................35 Evidence Matters....................................23 Evidence, Decision and Causality.............18 Evolution of the Social Contract..............18 Evolutionary Biology...............................19 Existence................................................23 Explaining Social Behavior......................26 Externalism, Self-Knowledge, and Skepticism...........................................21
F Fabian, Andrew........................................2 Fairweather, Abrol..................................23 Farr, James.............................................26 Farrell, Martin..........................................5 Ferrara, Alessandro.................................30 Fins, Joseph J..........................................34 Fisher, Alec.............................................35 Flanagan, Owen.....................................23 Fletcher, Richard.......................................9 Flynn, Thomas R.......................................4 Fosu, Augustin K.....................................35 Fraenkel, Carlos........................................5 Frankfurt School, Jewish Lives, and Antisemitism, The..................................4 Frankish, Keith........................................22 Free Will and the Brain...........................21 Friedman, Michael..................................12 Frierson, Patrick R...................................13 Frisch, Mathias.......................................17
G Gardiner, Eileen......................................34 General Will, The....................................26 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Basic Outline........................3 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: Heidelberg Writings...............................3 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: The Science of Logic.....................................3 Gersh, Stephen.........................................8 Gilligan, Carol........................................30 Glannon, Walter.....................................21
Index Globalization and Global Justice.............29 Goldberg, Sanford C...............................21 Goodman, Lenn E...................................30 Gould, Carol C........................................28 Gozzano, Simone...................................21 Green, Karen..........................................13 Gregor, Mary.................................... 13, 14 Gross, Michael L.....................................23 Gunderson, Erik.......................................7 Gunning, Jan Willem..............................35 Guyer, Paul...............................................5
H Haack, Susan.........................................23 Hagar, Amit............................................19 Hailwood, Simon....................................26 Hanegraaff, Wouter J................................2 Happiness and Virtue Ethics in Business..24 Harding, Matthew..................................28 Harper, Jr, Charles L................................19 Hartwell, Nicole M..................................28 Hassoun, Nicole.....................................29 Hayes, Josh............................................10 Hegel and the Metaphysics of Absolute Negativity............................................16 Hegel on the Modern Arts......................16 Hegel versus ‘Inter-Faith Dialogue’..........14 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Fredrich..................3 Hegel, the End of History, and the Future.15 Hegel’s Theory of Responsibility..............15 Held, Barbara S.......................................22 Hemmo, Meir.........................................18 Henry, Devin.............................................6 Hermann Lotze.......................................20 Hill, Christopher S...................................21 Hill, Lisa.................................................29 Hinton, Timothy......................................31 Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Psychology........................................5 History of Modern Aesthetics, A................5 History of Pythagoreanism, A....................8 History of Women’s Political Thought in Europe, 1700–1800, A........................13 Horgan, Terence.....................................22 Huffman, Carl A........................................8 Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenology..................................16
I Ierodiakonou, Katerina.............................6 Imagining Europe...................................31 Immanuel Kant: Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals.........................13 Individual and Community in Nietzsche’s Philosophy............................................4 Insurrection and Intervention..................26 Interactive Democracy............................28 Interpreting Gödel..................................18 Interpreting Proclus..................................8 Interpreting Schelling.............................15 Intimations of Global Law.......................33 Introduction to Catholic Ethics since Vatican II, An.......................................25 Introduction to the Philosophy of Art, An...2 Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychology, An....................................22 Introduction to the Philosophy of Science, An..........................................20 Inwagen, Peter van.................................23
J Jacobs, Jack..............................................4 Janaway, Christopher................................4 Janiak, Andrew.......................................12 Janssen, Michel......................................19 Jeffery, Renée.........................................29 Justice through Apologies.......................32
K Kabbalah and Ecology............................33 Kail, P. J. E..............................................14 Kaldjian, Lauris Christopher....................25 Kant on Moral Autonomy.......................12 Kant: Critique of Practical Reason...........14 Kant’s Construction of Nature.................12 Kant’s Empirical Psychology....................13 Kant’s Lectures on Anthropology.............14 Kant’s Lectures on Ethics........................13 Kant’s Observations and Remarks...........13 Kant’s Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason.......................................14 Kant’s Theory of Virtue............................14 Kaufman, Alexander...............................27 Kaukua, Jari...........................................11 Kennedy, Juliette....................................18 Kenney, E. J............................................10 Key Texts of Political Philosophy, The.......28 Khalidi, Muhammad Ali..........................17 Kieran, Matthew......................................2 Kierkegaard and the Problem of SelfLove....................................................15 Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling............15 Kim, Andrew..........................................25 Kurt Gödel and the Foundations of Mathematics.......................................19
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M Macagno, Fabrizio..................................21 MacLeod, Adam J...................................31 Magic in Western Culture.........................4 Making Religion Safe for Democracy.......27 Mandle, Jon.............................................1 Margaret Cavendish...............................11 Marmodoro, Anna....................................7 Maskivker, Julia......................................27 May, Simon............................................15 McConnell, Sean......................................9
McDonald, Gael.....................................24 Meconi, David Vincent..............................9 Medical Humanities................................24 Meskin, Aaron..........................................2 Metaphysics of Logic, The.......................20 Michalson, Gordon E..............................14 Mieth, Dietmar.......................................32 Miller, David Marshall.............................12 Miller, Jon..............................................11 Moatti, Claudia........................................7 Models of Decision-Making....................17 Modernist Fiction and Vagueness..............1 Monroe, Kristen Renwick........................24 Moore, Margaret......................................2 More, Nicholas D....................................15 Murphy, Liam.........................................32 Musto, Ronald G.....................................34 Muthu, Sankar.......................................27
N Nadler, Steven........................................11 Nale, John..............................................16 Natural Categories and Human Kinds.....17 Natural Human Rights............................25 Naturalizing Epistemic Virtue..................23 Nature and Divinity in Plato’s Timaeus......8 Navarro, Pablo E.....................................32 Ndulu, Benno J.......................................35 Neuhouser, Frederick..............................13 New Approaches to Neo-Kantianism.......16 New Perspectives on Type Identity..........21 Newton: Philosophical Writings..............12 Nielsen, Karen Margrethe.........................6 Nietzsche’s Last Laugh...........................15 Nietzsche’s Naturalism...........................15 Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morality..............................................15 Nolan, Lawrence......................................4 Norman, Judith........................................4 Norrie, Alan............................................33 Nosco, Peter...........................................34 Novak, David..........................................26
O O’Brien, Carl Séan....................................7 O’Connell, Stephen A.............................35 O’Hear, Anthony.......................................2 O’Malley, Maureen.................................18 Ockham’s Razors....................................17 Open Access and the Humanities............35 Oppy, Graham........................................34 Original Position, The..............................31 Osbeck, Lisa M.......................................22 Ostaric, Lara...........................................15 Otteson, James.......................................27 Ouwerkerk, Jaap W.................................33 Owen, J. Judd.........................................27
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Index Philosophical Aesthetics and the Sciences of Art.......................................2 Philosophical Life in Cicero’s Letters..........9 Philosophical Religions from Plato to Spinoza.................................................5 Philosophical Traditions............................2 Philosophy and the Precautionary Principle..............................................18 Philosophy of Argument and Audience Reception, The.....................................20 Philosophy of Criminal Attempts, A.........31 Philosophy of Microbiology.....................18 Philosophy of Religion............................34 Plato’s Anti-hedonism and the Protagoras.7 Playing Hesiod.........................................9 Pleasures of Reason in Plato, Aristotle, and the Hellenistic Hedonists, The..........8 Polansky, Ronald......................................5 Political Economy of Economic Growth in Africa, 1960–2000, The...................35 Politics and Ethics of Identity, The...........33 Politics and the Search for the Common Good..................................................28 Politis, Vasilis............................................6 Polito, Roberto.........................................9 Porphyry’s Commentary on Ptolemy’s Harmonics.............................................6 Practicing Medicine and Ethics................25 Pragmatism and the Philosophy of Religion...............................................16 Prauscello, Lucia.......................................9 Pretense and Pathology..........................21 Prince, Brian D..........................................7 Prisoner’s Dilemma, The..........................20 Probabilities, Hypotheticals, and Counterfactuals in Ancient Greek Thought................................................8 Property and Practical Reason.................31 Putnam, Hilary W....................................19
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Right to Know and the Right Not to Know, The...........................................25 Rights Come to Mind.............................34 Rist, John M...........................................24 Road to Maxwell’s Demon, The...............18 Robertson, Michael................................32 Rodriguez-Blanco, Veronica....................32 Rodríguez, Jorge L..................................32 Roeser, Sabine........................................26 Rousseau’s Critique of Inequality............13 Rousseau’s Social Contract.....................31 Ruse, Michael.........................................18 Rush, Penelope.......................................20 Rutter, Benjamin.....................................16
S Sabates, Marcelo....................................22 Sartre.......................................................4 Saunders, Guy..........................................1 Schadenfreude.......................................33 Scheid, Don E.........................................31 Schiff, Jade Larissa..................................30 Schlosser, Joel Alden.................................8 Schofield, Malcolm...................................7 Schopenhauer: ‘The World as Will and Representation’.....................................4 Schultz, Peter...........................................8 Science and Human Experience...............35 Science and Spirituality...........................18 Scott, Dana S..........................................19 Seidenberg, David Mevorach..................33 Self-Awareness in Islamic Philosophy......11 Sensen, Oliver.................................. 12, 13 Sextus Empiricus and Ancient Physics........6 Shanks, Andrew......................................14 Shaw, J. Clerk...........................................7 Shell, Susan Meld...................................13 Shenker, Orly R.......................................18 Sheppard, Barnaby.................................21 Sher, George..........................................29 Shickle, Darren.......................................25 Shulman, Eviatar....................................34 Singular Universe and the Reality of Time, The.............................................17 Sison, Alejo José G..................................24 Skyrms, Brian.........................................18 Slater, Michael........................................16 Sluga, Hans............................................28 Smit, Harry.............................................19 Smith, Nick............................................32 Smolin, Lee............................................17 Sober, Elliott...........................................17 Social Evolution of Human Nature, The....19 Socratic and Platonic Political Philosophy..7 Sosa, David............................................22 Speight, Allen...........................................3 Spinoza and Medieval Jewish Philosophy.11 Spinoza and the Case for Philosophy......11 Spinoza and the Stoics...........................11 Squaring the Circle in Descartes’ Meditations.........................................12 Staiti, Andrea.........................................16 Staley, Kent W........................................20 Stanley Fish on Philosophy, Politics and Law.....................................................32 Steel, Daniel...........................................18 Stern, Robert............................................6 Structure of Enquiry in Plato’s Early Dialogues, The.......................................6 Stump, Eleonore.......................................9
Sublime Seneca, The.................................7 Syse, Henrik...........................................28
T Taebi, Behnam.......................................26 Teo, Thomas...........................................19 Theology of Augustine’s Confessions, The.. 7 Theory and Practice in Aristotle’s Natural Science..................................................6 Theory of the Sublime from Longinus to Kant, The...............................................4 Thinking Skills........................................35 Thompson, R. Paul..................................19 Thunder, David.......................................28 Thwaites, Geoff......................................35 Timmermann, Jens..................................13 Tindale, Christopher W............................20 Tollefsen, Christopher O..........................26 Torture, Power, and Law.........................32 Trigg, Roger...........................................34 Tuckness, Alex........................................29
U Understanding Moral Obligation...............6 Unger, Roberto Mangabeira....................17
V van Dijk, Wilco W...................................33 van Dyke, Christina.................................11 Van Noorden, Helen.................................9 Velkley, Richard......................................13 von den Hoff, Ralf.....................................8 Vromen, Jack.........................................33
W Wagner, Stephen I..................................12 Walker, Neil............................................33 Wall, Steven...........................................31 Walsh, Denis..........................................19 Walsh, Richard T. G.................................19 Walters, Lisa...........................................11 Walton, Douglas.....................................21 Warren, James..........................................8 Weirich, Paul..........................................17 Weiskopf, Daniel.....................................22 Welchman, Alistair...................................4 Wendel, W. Bradley................................25 Wetzel, James........................................10 What Makes Law...................................32 What Would Socrates Do?........................8 Williams, David Lay.......................... 26, 31 Wohl, Victoria...........................................8 Woodbridge, James A.............................21 Woodward, William R.............................20
Y Yakira, Elhanan......................................11 Young, Julian............................................4
Z Zionism and Judaism..............................26
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