Classics Catalogue 2016

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Classical 2016 Studies

Welcome to the Classical Studies books catalogue 2016. Here you will find new and forthcoming titles in which world-class authors present research of the highest quality or explore important topics in stimulating and innovative ways. Our highlights this year include a new book from Peter Thonemann, The Hellenistic World: Using Coins as Sources. It’s the first in a new series, Guides to the Coinage of the Ancient World, aimed at students and teachers of ancient history and published in conjunction with the American Numismatics Society. We also have two new books for students by renowned scholar Eleanor Dickey, An Introduction to the Composition and Analysis of Greek Prose and Learning Latin the Ancient Way. Our publications are available in a variety of formats, including ebooks and print, as well as online collections for institutional purchase via We also publish a range of leading journals including Antiquity and The Cambridge Classical Journal, You can recommend our books and online collections to your librarian by filling out the form at the back of this catalogue. To see more book listings, product information, preview extracts and reviews, and to find out which conferences we are attending, you can find us online at classics2016. You can also keep up to date with the latest news and author views from our academic blog at We hope that you enjoy reading about our latest publications. For queries, suggestions or proposals, you can find a list of useful contacts at the back of this catalogue.

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Peter Jones and Keith Sidwell

Reading Latin


see page 1

Grammar and Exercises second edition

Classical languages


Classical literature


Classical art and architecture


Classical archaeology


Peter Jones and Keith Sidwell

Ancient history


Reading Latin

Ancient philosophy


Byzantine studies


Classical studies (general)


Also of interest


Classics for schools


see page 1

Text and Vocabulary second edition

Information on related journals Inside back cover

see page 2

Le a r n i ng L at i n t h e a nci en t Way Lat in te x tbook s f rom t he a nc ient World

eLea nor Dick ey

Cover illustration: “Antinous #1” monoprint, 18" × 10" (detail) by Carmine santaniello. Used by kind permission of the artist.

9781107518377 : Lloyd : Paperback : C M Y K

Cover illustration: redrawn, from Johannes Kepler, Paralipomena to Witelo ch. 4

see page 6

An AnnoTATed TrAnslATion

JeAnnine diddle Uzzi And Jeffrey Thomson

see page 26

Analogical Investigations

G. E. R. Lloyd is Emeritus Professor of Ancient Philosophy and Science at the University of Cambridge, former Master of Darwin College, Cambridge, and Senior Scholar in Residence at the Needham Research Institute, Cambridge. He is the author of twenty-two books and editor of four, and was knighted for ‘services to the history of thought’ in 1997.



Western philosophy and science are responsible for constructing some powerful tools of investigation, aiming at discovering the truth, delivering robust explanations, verifying conjectures, showing that inferences are sound and demonstrating results conclusively. By contrast, reasoning that depends on analogies has often been viewed with suspicion. Professor Lloyd first explores the origins of those Western ideals, criticises some of their excesses and redresses the balance in favour of looser, admittedly non-demonstrative analogical reasoning. For this, he takes examples both from ancient Greek and Chinese thought and from the materials of recent ethnography to show how different ancient and modern cultures have developed different styles of reasoning. He also develops two original but controversial ideas, that of semantic stretch (to cast doubt on the literal/ metaphorical dichotomy) and the multidimensionality of reality (to bypass the realism versus relativism and nature versus nurture controversies).

The Poems of


9781107682139 : Catullus : Paperback : c M y k

“The bawdy poet Catullus wrote in the late roman republic, in latin, but he will always belong to the world at large and to the present tense – rowdy, randy, excoriating, funny, acrobatic and endlessly vernacular. he is our shameless poet of the locker-room boast and the licentious man-about-town. he sings in the gossipy, fierce voices of eros and id without apology, and we love him for this particular exhibition of the glory of the human spirit. Catullus is so much of the present tense that his poetry requires the fresh transfusion of re-translation on a regular basis, needs a booster shot of the vernacular to restore the rose to his cheeks. in these fine new translations, Jeffrey Thomson and Jeannine Uzzi perfectly catch the lively Catullan blend of eloquence and vulgarity. Thus, Catullus, and his poems, get to party one more time.” Tony Hoagland, author of What Narcissim Means To Me

The Poems of

“here are all the surviving poems of Catullus – ripostes, myths, laments, love songs, sex songs, curses – in a new, exhilarating translation. ‘The shackles are off,’ and the challenge, as Catullus himself commands, to ‘say it as you mean it!’ has been admirably met: these poems are not only beautifully attuned to the meaning and contexts of the originals, they render the panache of Catullus’ incisive pronouncements in an equally dazzling language of the twenty-first century. Thomson and Uzzi have achieved something to which all translators aspire: to allow the work to speak not only through the ages, but to our own age in particular, to let it live in two worlds simultaneously.” Sinead Morrissey, author of Parallax

U z z i An d Thomson

“Uzzi and Thomson’s American english voice erupts from Catullus’ latin and speaks directly to us, as Catullus did to his contemporaries. A literary translation (as opposed to a literal trot) of poetry of any age should be able to take its place in the contemporary poetic scene. This is what Uzzi and Thomson’s translation is poised to do.” Stanley Lombardo, Professor of Classics, Kansas University

Analogical Investigations Historical and Cross-cultural Perspectives on Human Reasoning

G. E. R. Lloyd

Featured authors Peter Thonemann Author of The Hellenistic World: Using Coins as Sources There’s not much to beat the thrill of holding in your hand a worn silver coin of Alexander the Great, struck in Babylon in 324 or 323 BC, and knowing that you’re holding part of the pay-packet of a grizzled Macedonian veteran of the battle of Gaugamela and the conquest of India. I hope that The Hellenistic World: Using Coins





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as Sources will convey some of that excitement.

Eleanor Dickey Author of An Introduction to the Composition and Analysis of Greek Prose After many years of teaching Greek prose composition I decided to produce a book on the subject that will be more help to today’s students than the

An Introduction to the

Composition and Analysis of Greek Prose ELEANOR DICKEY

materials previously available: a work that addresses adults who want to understand what they learn, is interesting, and starts at the beginning, assuming no background except a passive knowledge of Greek.

Loren J. Samons II Author of Pericles and the Conquest of History After almost 30 years of study I’ve come to believe that treating Pericles primarily as a representative of values like freedom and equality distorts the historical record. This book attempts to show that the less-than-flattering image of Pericles that was prominent in antiquity deserves serious attention. Thucydides’ final, positive view of Athens’ greatest leader represented a significant change in the historian’s perspective. Our best evidence shows that Pericles sought to ensure Athens’ position in history by exercising power over other Greeks.

Visit for a range of step-by-step guides for authors

Classical languages

Classical languages Textbook

Learn Latin from the Romans Eleanor Dickey University of Reading

A complete introductory Latin course using texts written by ancient Romans specifically for Latin learners. Includes clear explanations of grammatical concepts, five thousand easy practice sentences, and 158 longer passages (from inscriptions, graffiti and Christian texts as well as Catullus, Cicero and Virgil – and of course the ancient Latin textbooks). 2016 247 x 174 mm 350pp 1 b/w illus. 123 tables 978-1-107-14084-4 Hardback c. £55.00 / c. US$85.00 978-1-316-50619-6 Paperback c. £19.99 / c. US$29.99 For all formats available, see Publication December 2016

An Anthology of Informal Latin, 200 BC–AD 900 Fifty Texts with Translations and Linguistic Commentary Edited by J. N. Adams All Souls College, Oxford

This book contains over fifty passages of Latin from 200 BC to AD 900, each with translation and linguistic commentary. It is not intended as an elementary reader (though suitable for university courses), but as an illustrative history of Latin covering more than a millennium, with almost every century represented. Conventional histories cite constructions out of context, whereas this work gives a sense of the period, genre, stylistic aims and idiosyncrasies of specific passages. ‘Informal’ texts, particularly if they portray talk, reflect linguistic variety and change better than texts adhering to classicising norms. Some of the texts are of recent discovery or little known. Writing tablets are well represented, as are literary and technical texts down to the early medieval period, when striking changes show up. The commentaries identify innovations, discontinuities and phenomena of long duration. Anyone

reading the work will learn much about the diversity and development of Latin. 2016 228 x 152 mm 750pp 3 b/w illus. 978-1-107-03977-3 Hardback c. £120.00 / c. US$200.00 Publication December 2016 For all formats available, see

Early and Late Latin Continuity or Change? Edited by J. N. Adams All Souls College, Oxford

and Nigel Vincent University of Manchester

An original contribution to the history of the Latin language and its development into Romance by a group of leading specialists. The special focus on the issue of continuity and change, and the nature of the documentary evidence, makes this volume important for all those interested in the classical languages. 2016 228 x 152 mm 360pp 978-1-107-13225-2 Hardback c. £74.99 / c. US$120.00 Publication October 2016 For all formats available, see


Latin texts, initially adapted but later unadulterated. The accompanying Grammar and Exercises volume completes the course by supplying all the grammatical help needed. Contents: Preface; Notes to grammar and exercises; Pronunciation; Glossary of English–Latin grammar; Grammar and exercises for Parts I-VI; A-G verbs; H-I nouns, pronominal nouns/adjectives; J-K adjectives, adverbs and prepositions; L-V constructions; W word-order; Appendix: the Latin language; Total Latin-English learning vocabulary; Total English-Latin vocabulary for exercises; Index of grammar. 2016 247 x 174 mm 360pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-63226-4 Paperback c. £21.99 / c. US$36.99 Publication March 2016 For all formats available, see


Reading Latin Text and Vocabulary Second edition Peter Jones Friends of Classics

and Keith Sidwell University of Calgary

An Independent Study Guide to Reading Latin Second edition Peter Jones and Keith Sidwell University of Calgary

Accompanies the bestselling Latin course and designed for students learning Latin on their own or with only limited access to a teacher. Contains notes on and translations of the Latin texts appearing in the Text and Vocabulary volume and answers to the exercises in the Grammar and Exercises volume. 2016 247 x 174 mm 190pp 10 tables 978-1-107-61560-1 Paperback c. £20.99 / c. US$34.99 Publication May 2016 For all formats available, see


Reading Latin Grammar and Exercises Second edition Peter Jones Friends of Classics

A bestselling Latin course designed to help mature beginners read classical Latin fluently and intelligently. The Text and Vocabulary presents a series of carefully graded original classical Latin texts, initially adapted but later unadulterated. It accompanies the Grammar and Exercises volume, but could be used as a self-standing beginner’s reader. Contents: Introduction; Part I. Plautus and the Roman Comic Tradition: Section 1. Plautus’ Aululāria; Section 2. Plautus’ Amphitruō; Part II. Early Roman History: From Aeneas to Hannibal: Section 3A. Aeneas and the Trojan War; Section 3B. Romulus and Remus; Section 3C. The rape of Lucretia; Section D. Hannibal; Part III. The Demise of the Roman Republic: Section 4. Provincial corruption: the Verres scandal; Section 5. The conspiracy of Catiline in Rome, 64–62; Section 6. Poetry and politics: Caesar to Augustus; Additional reading; Total Latin-English learning vocabulary. 2016 247 x 174 mm 320pp 78 b/w illus. 5 maps 978-1-107-61870-1 Paperback c. £18.99 / c. US$32.99 Publication February 2016 For all formats available, see

and Keith Sidwell University of Calgary

A bestselling Latin course designed to help mature beginners read classical Latin fluently and intelligently. The Text and Vocabulary presents a series of carefully graded original classical

eBooks available at


Classical languages HIGHLIGHT TEXTBOOK

An Introduction to the Composition and Analysis of Greek Prose Eleanor Dickey University of Reading

This work is aimed at university students and others who have a passive knowledge of ancient Greek and would like an active command of the language. It provides a structured review of grammar and syntax together with clear explanations, examples, and large numbers of exercises both with and without key. Advance praise: ‘Eleanor Dickey’s book is nothing short of a complete, stand-alone Greek prose composition course, one that touches on the sorts of skills and practice found in recent studies to be essential to language acquisition: alternating composition with reading and analysis of sentences in the target language, constant self-testing, engaging students’ recall, interleaving various types of exercises, regularly revisiting common structures, and recontextualizing important skills. There is simply no other Greek prose composition book like it.’ Ryan C. Fowler, Franklin and Marshall College, Pennsylvania

Contents: Preface; Bibliography; Accentuation; 1. Articles; 2. Modifiers; 3. Tenses, voices, and agreement; 4. Cases; 5. Participles; 6. The structure of a Greek sentence: word order and connection; Review exercises; 7. Conditional, concessive, and potential clauses; 8. Relative clauses; 9. Pronouns; 10. Indirect statement; 11. Questions; Review exercises; 12. Purpose, fear, and effort; 13. Cause, result, and ‘on condition that’; 14. Comparison and negatives; 15. Commands, wishes, and prevention; 16. Temporal clauses; Review exercises; 17. Impersonal constructions and verbal adjectives; 18. Oratio obliqua; 19. Summary; 20. Consolidation; Appendices: A. Errors in Smyth’s Grammar; B. English tenses and their Greek equivalents (indicative only); C. Hints for analysing Greek sentences; D. English conditional clauses; E. A selection of terminologies for describing Greek

conditional sentences; F. Short, easily confused words; G. Partial answer key; H. The next step: prose composition as an art form; Principal parts; Vocabulary; Index to vocabulary.

Hellenistic Greek: Jewish literary Greek; 7. Advanced level: inscriptions; 8. Advanced level Hellenistic Greek: atticizing and literary Greek; 9. Summary of verbal paradigms; Glossary.

2016 247 x 174 mm 220pp 978-0-521-76142-0 Hardback c. £50.00 / c. US$85.00

2014 253 x 177 mm 352pp 16 b/w illus. 1 map 978-1-107-02558-5 Hardback £69.99 / US$120.00

978-0-521-18425-0 Paperback c. £17.99 / c. US$32.99 Publication February 2016

978-1-107-68628-1 Paperback £25.99 / US$39.99

For all formats available, see

For all formats available, see


Learning Latin the Ancient Way Latin Textbooks from the Ancient World Eleanor Dickey University of Exeter

During the Roman empire Greek speakers learned Latin using textbooks that still offer special advantages: authentic and enjoyable vignettes about the ancient world, easy Latin composed by Romans, insight into ancient learning practices. This book makes the ancient Latin-learning materials available to modern students for the first time. 2016 247 x 174 mm 112pp 4 b/w illus. 978-1-107-09360-7 Hardback c. £45.00 / c. US$75.00 978-1-107-47457-4 Paperback c. £15.99 / c. US$27.99 Publication February 2016 For all formats available, see


Hellenistic and Biblical Greek A Graduated Reader B. H. McLean Knox College, University of Toronto

This graduated Hellenistic Greek reader includes within-passage translation support and helps intermediate/ advanced students of Greek improve their reading ability. ‘This reader will be extremely useful to students in biblical studies, early Judaism, and early Christianity; it will also be of interest to many students in classical studies with a particular interest in cultural and religious dimensions of the Hellenistic period.’ Ellen Bradshaw Aitken, McGill University

Contents: Introduction; 1. Basic level: early Christian texts; 2. Basic level: the isometric translational Greek of the Septuagint (prose and poetry); 3. Intermediate level: Jewish recensional Greek; 4. Intermediate level: Hellenistic Greek; 5. High intermediate level: Hellenistic Greek; 6. Advanced level

New in Paperback

The Regional Diversification of Latin 200 BC – AD 600 J. N. Adams University of Oxford

This book, first published in 2007, is a comprehensive examination of regional diversification in Latin from the earliest beginnings to late antiquity. 2014 229 x 152 mm 850pp 978-1-107-68458-4 Paperback £44.99 / US$69.99 Also available 978-0-521-88149-4 Hardback £149.99 / US$249.99 For all formats available, see

Oscan in the Greek Alphabet Nicholas Zair Peterhouse, Cambridge

Collects and examines the Greekalphabet inscriptions in Oscan, which was spoken in Southern Italy in the second half of the first millennium BC. It provides new insights into the sociolinguistics, epigraphy and linguistics of ancient Italy, showing that bilingualism involving Greek was key to the evolving use of the alphabet. Cambridge Classical Studies

2016 216 x 138 mm 258pp 52 tables 978-1-107-06892-6 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 Publication January 2016 For all formats available, see

Oscan in Southern Italy and Sicily Evaluating Language Contact in a Fragmentary Corpus Katherine McDonald Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge

In pre-Roman Italy and Sicily, dozens of languages and writing systems competed and interacted. Using new archaeological evidence and modern theories of bilingualism, this book

Classical languages explores the relationship between Greek and Oscan, two of the most widely spoken languages in the south of the peninsula. Cambridge Classical Studies

2015 216 x 138 mm 325pp 26 b/w illus. 4 maps 28 tables 978-1-107-10383-2 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

Key Reference

The Colloquia of the Hermeneumata Pseudodositheana Edited by Eleanor Dickey University of Reading

The Colloquia are manuals written to help ancient Greeks and Romans get around in each other’s languages; they contain examples of how to conduct activities like shopping, banking, visiting friends, hosting parties, taking oaths, winning lawsuits, using the public baths, having fights, making excuses and going to school. They thus offer a unique glimpse of daily life in the early Roman Empire and are an important resource for understanding ancient culture. They have, however, been unjustly neglected because until now there were no modern editions of the texts, no translations into any modern language, and little understanding of what the Colloquia are and where they come from. This two-volume set makes the Colloquia accessible for the first time by combining a new edition, translation and commentary with a groundbreaking, comprehensive study of their origins. It is clearly written and will interest students, non-specialists and professional scholars alike. Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries

2015 280 x 210 mm 600pp 978-1-107-08508-4 2 Volume Hardback Set £165.00 / US$275.00 For all formats available, see

Key Reference

The Colloquia of the Hermeneumata Pseudodositheana Volume 2: Colloquium Harleianum, Colloquium Montepessulanum, Colloquium Celtis, and Fragments Edited by Eleanor Dickey University of Reading

New edition and first ever translation of three ancient depictions of daily life in the Roman Empire. Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries, 53

2015 280 x 210 mm 356pp 11 b/w illus. 20 tables 978-1-107-06539-0 Hardback £90.00 / US$150.00 For all formats available, see

Also available: Volume 1: Colloquia MonacensiaEinsidlensia, Leidense-Stephani, and Stephani Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries, 49

2012 276 x 219 mm 285pp 23 b/w illus. 12 tables 978-1-107-02010-8 Hardback £99.99 / US$165.00



The Intellectual Revolution Selections from Euripides, Thucydides and Plato Second edition Joint Association of Classical Teachers’ Greek Course

Reader for intermediate students of ancient Greek introducing three of ancient Greece’s most important authors, Euripides, Thucydides and Plato. Contents: Euripides: introductory passage: Medeia rejected (Medeia 16-575); Target passage: Medeia’s revenge (Medeia 772end); Thucydides: introductory passages: Kleon at Sphakteria (History 4.26-40); The mutilation of the Hermai (History 6.15-61); Target passage: the Sicilian expedition (History 6.30-2, 7.70-8.1); Plato: ? introductory passages: what is (Protagoras 310b-320c); Socrates refuses to compromise (Apology 28a-30c); Target passages: the life and death of Socrates (Apology 30c-35d); The life and death of Socrates (cont.) (Phaidon 116a-end); Might is right? (Gorgias 483b-522e). Reading Greek

For all formats available, see

2015 247 x 174 mm 188pp 43 b/w illus. 7 maps 978-0-521-73647-3 Paperback £21.99 / US$36.99

For all formats available, see


A World of Heroes Selections from Homer, Herodotus and Sophocles Second edition Joint Association of Classical Teachers’ Greek Course

Reader for intermediate students of ancient Greek introducing three of ancient Greece’s most important authors, Homer, Herodotus and Sophocles. Contents: Homer: introductory passage: Akhilleus and Hektor (Iliad 22.1-130); Target passages: the death of Hektor (Iliad 22.131end); Hektor and Andromakhe (Iliad 6.237end); Herodotus: introductory passages: Persian customs (Histories 1.131-140); Xerxes at Abydos (Histories 7.44-53); Target passage: the battle of Thermopylai (Histories 7.56-238); Sophocles: introductory passage: Oedipus the King (Oedipus Tyrannus 300862); Target passage: the fall of Oedipus (Oedipus Tyrannus 950-end). Reading Greek

The Teachers’ Notes to Reading Greek Second edition Joint Association of Classical Teachers’ Greek Course

These notes are intended to help teachers to use the Reading Greek course to their best advantage. Reading Greek

2012 247 x 174 mm 182pp 16 b/w illus. 978-1-107-62930-1 Paperback £27.99 / US$39.99 For all formats available, see

Speaking Greek Second edition Joint Association of Classical Teachers’ Greek Course

Two CDs containing lively new recordings of some of the ancient texts from the second edition of Reading Greek.

2015 247 x 174 mm 386pp 38 b/w illus. 5 maps 978-0-521-73646-6 Paperback £21.99 / US$36.99

Reading Greek

For all formats available, see

For all formats available, see

2008 978-0-521-72896-6 2 Audio CD set £22.99 / US$39.99

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Classical languages / Classical literature Textbook

An Independent Study Guide to Reading Greek Second edition Joint Association of Classical Teachers’ Greek Course

Updated guide and answer-book for those using the second edition of Reading Greek. ‘The quality of this course is now very hard to match indeed.’ Journal of Classics Teaching

Contents: Preface; 1. The insurance fraud; 2. The glorious past; 3. Athens and Sparta; 4. Lawlessness in Athenian life; 5. ‘Socrates corrupts the young’; 6. Socrates and Strepsiades; 7. Socrates and intellectual inquiry; 8. Aristophanes’ Birds; 9. Aristophanes’ Wasps; 10. Aristophanes’ Lysistrata; 11. Aristophanes’ Akharnians; 12. Neaira as slave; 13. Neaira as married woman; 14. Guarding a woman’s purity; 15. Alkestis in Euripides’ play; 16. Official justice: ships, state and individuals; 17. Private justice: trouble down at the farm; 18. How Zeus gave justice to men; 19. The story of Adrastos; 20. Odysseus and Nausikaa. Reading Greek

2008 247 x 174 mm 276pp 978-0-521-69850-4 Paperback £22.99 / US$39.99 For all formats available, see


Reading Greek Grammar and Exercises Second edition Joint Association of Classical Teachers

Thoroughly-revised edition of bestselling one-year introductory course in ancient Greek for students and adults. ‘Grammar and Exercises is unique – in comparison to alternative learning Greek material – in its comprehensibility. … a comprehensive guide to learning ancient Greek … Moreover, the book is accessible to independent learners and those on distance-learning courses.’ The Journal of Classics Teaching

Contents: A. Grammar and exercises for Sections One-Twenty: Alphabet and pronunciation; Part I. Sections One-Three; Part II. Sections FourSeven; Part III. Sections Eight-Ten; Part IV. Sections Eleven-Fifteen; Part V. Sections Sixteen-Eighteen;

Part VI. Section Nineteen; Part VII. Section Twenty; B. Reference Grammar; C. Language surveys; D. A total Greek-English vocabulary of all words to be learnt; E. English-Greek vocabulary; F. Grammar index.

Learning Latin and Greek from Antiquity to the Present

Reading Greek

The Johns Hopkins University

2007 247 x 174 mm 557pp 978-0-521-69852-8 Paperback £24.99 / US$44.99

William Brockliss

For all formats available, see

New York University

This volume provides a unique overview of the complete histories of Latin and Greek as second languages.


Reading Greek Text and Vocabulary Second edition Joint Association of Classical Teachers

Thoroughly-revised edition of bestselling one-year introductory course in ancient Greek for students and adults. ‘… a comprehensive guide to learning ancient Greek … Moreover, the book is accessible to independent learners and those on distance-learning courses.’ The Journal of Classics Teaching

Contents: Part I. Athens at Sea: Section 1. A-J. The insurance scam; Section 2. A-D. The glorious past; Section 3. A-E. Athens and Sparta; Part II. Moral Decay?: Section 4. A-D. Lawlessness in Athenian life; Section 5. A-D; Section 6. A-D. ‘Socrates corrupts the young’; Section 7. A-H. Socrates and intellectual inquiry; Part III. Athens through the Comic Poet’s Eyes: Section 8. A-C. Aristophanes’ Birds and visions of Utopia; Section 9. A-J. Aristophanes’ Wasps; Section 10. A-E. Aristophanes’ Lysistrata; Section 11. A-C. Aristophanes’ Akharnians; Part IV. Women in Athenian Society: Sections 12–14. The Prosecution of Neaira: Section 12. A-I. Neaira as slave; Section 13. A-I. Neaira as married woman; Section 14. A-F. Guarding a woman’s purity; Section 15. A-C. Alkestis in Euripides’ play; Part V. Athenian Views of Justice: Sections 16–17. Official and Private Justice: Section 16. A-H. Official justice, ships, state and individuals; Section 17. A-E. Private justice: trouble down at the farm; Section 18. A-E. How Zeus gave justice to men; Part VI. Gods, Fate and Man: Section 19. A-F. The story of Adrastos; Part VII. Homeric Hero and Heroine: Section 20. A-G. Odysseus and Nausikaa; A total Greek-English vocabulary of all words to be learnt. Reading Greek

2007 247 x 174 mm 316pp 75 b/w illus. 3 maps 978-0-521-69851-1 Paperback £21.99 / US$39.99 For all formats available, see

Edited by Elizabeth P. Archibald University of Wisconsin, Madison

and Jonathan Gnoza

Yale Classical Studies, 37

2015 228 x 152 mm 248pp 10 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-107-05164-5 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see

Classical literature Canonical Texts and Scholarly Practices A Global Comparative Approach Edited by Anthony Grafton Princeton University, New Jersey

and Glenn W. Most Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa

This is a major collection of essays by younger and senior scholars expanding our vision of the history of textual practices. It xplores the multiple ways across time and cultures in which texts have been selected for entry into official canons and then verified, corrected, glossed, interpreted, illustrated, excerpted, performed, archived, and otherwise put to use. 2016 247 x 174 mm 376pp 31 b/w illus. 978-1-107-10598-0 Hardback c. £74.99 / c. US$120.00 Publication October 2016 For all formats available, see

Linguistic Interaction in Roman Comedy Peter Barrios-Lech University of Massachusetts, Boston

There exist many ways in Latin of expressing the same thing, whether conveying an order or a greeting. What factors lead speakers to choose one expression over another? This book answers these questions in a comprehensive and original way. It will

Classical literature interest scholars of Latin and of Roman drama.

and readers exploring new interpretative approaches to poetic text.

tradition, allowing for the exploration of the repurposing of city lament themes.

2016 228 x 152 mm 320pp 10 b/w illus. 32 tables 978-1-107-12982-5 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99

2016 228 x 152 mm 234pp 3 b/w illus. 978-1-107-13501-7 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99

2016 228 x 152 mm 308pp 1 map 978-1-107-03196-8 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99

Publication March 2016

Publication January 2016

Publication May 2016

For all formats available, see

For all formats available, see

For all formats available, see

Virgil’s Eclogues and the Art of Fiction

The Sublime in Antiquity

A Study of the Poetic Imagination Raymond Kania

James I. Porter


Rethinking Roman Alliance A Study in Poetics and Society Bill Gladhill McGill University, Montréal

Stanford University, California

Explores the vital links between social order and cosmology through an examination of the concept of foedus (ritual alliance) in Roman religion and literature. Examines a wide range of texts from Homer to St Augustine.

Virgil’s Eclogues is a key text in the tradition of pastoral poetry. This book reappraises Virgil and his genre in the light of current theory on fiction to show how ancient literature can challenge the contemporary reader’s imagination.

2016 228 x 152 mm 275pp 978-1-107-06974-9 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99

2016 228 x 152 mm 186pp 978-1-107-08085-0 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99

Publication May 2016

Publication March 2016

For all formats available, see

For all formats available, see

University of California, Irvine

The first book to break away from existing scholarship’s dominant focus on Longinus and to outline an alternative account of the sublime in Greek and Roman poetry, philosophy, and the sciences, in addition to rhetoric and literary criticism. Argues for a tradition of sublime criticism that pre-existed and survived Longinus. 2016 228 x 152 mm 736pp 8 b/w illus. 2 tables 978-1-107-03747-2 Hardback £99.99 / US$160.00 Publication January 2016 For all formats available, see

Writing Biography in Greece and Rome Narrative Technique and Fictionalization Edited by Koen De Temmerman Universiteit Gent, Belgium

and Kristoffel Demoen Universiteit Gent, Belgium

Examines a range of ancient biographical texts, exploring how formal narrative categories such as time, space and character are constructed and how they address the borderline between historicity and fictionality. Makes a major contribution to the study of ancient biographical writing and to broader narratological approaches to ancient texts.

From Hittite to Homer The Anatolian Background of Ancient Greek Epic Mary R. Bachvarova Willamette University, Oregon

Bold new approach to the prehistory of Homeric epic. Argues that Near Eastern influence on early Greek hexameter poetry primarily came from a single Syro-Anatolian tradition of oral narrative song, which included the Song of Gilgamesh and the Kumarbi Cycle, starting in the eleventh century BCE. 2016 247 x 174 mm 600pp 27 b/w illus. 5 maps 4 tables 978-0-521-50979-4 Hardback £100.00 / US$160.00 Publication January 2016

2016 228 x 152 mm 336pp 978-1-107-12912-2 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99

For all formats available, see

Publication May 2016

The Fall of Cities in the Mediterranean

For all formats available, see

Pindar’s Poetics of Immortality Asya C. Sigelman Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania

Through close case studies of Pindar’s victory odes, Asya C. Sigelman offers a new approach to Pindar’s famously difficult poetics by focusing on the poetic aim of immortalization. This book will be of interest to classical philologists

Commemoration in Literature, Folk-Song, and Liturgy Edited by Mary R. Bachvarova Willamette University, Oregon

Dorota Dutsch

Landscape and the Spaces of Metaphor in Ancient Literary Theory and Criticism Nancy Worman Barnard College, Columbia University

Explores a previously uncharted area of ancient literary theory and criticism by examining how metaphors of place and spaces of metaphor shape discussions of literary style in Greece and beyond. Figurative imagery highlighting details of significant landscapes provide writers with a vivid and influential vocabulary for distinguishing among styles. 2015 247 x 174 mm 325pp 978-0-521-76955-6 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 Publication December 2015 For all formats available, see

Pindar and the Emergence of Literature

University of California, Santa Barbara

Boris Maslov

and Ann Suter

University of Chicago

University of Rhode Island

For much of Western history, Pindar’s work was recognized as the pinnacle of lyric poetry. This book presents an introduction to different aspects of Pindar’s art, while demonstrating its importance for the coming into being of

Intended for cultural historians and literary scholars, this volume offers new insights into the trope of the fallen city in folk-song and a variety of literary genres. The scope is expanded beyond arguing for a continuous Mediterranean

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Classical literature literature as it has been conceived of in the West. 2015 228 x 152 mm 382pp 4 tables 978-1-107-11663-4 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 For all formats available, see

Livy’s Political Philosophy Power and Personality in Early Rome Ann Vasaly Boston University

Challenging the common perception of Livy as an apolitical moralist, this book explores the political implications of the first pentad of his history of Rome. Ann Vasaly argues that Livy intended to convey crucial lessons about how the Roman republic flourished in the past and how it could be revived. 2015 247 x 174 mm 217pp 978-1-107-06567-3 Hardback £55.00 / US$90.00 For all formats available, see

The Greek Epic Cycle and its Ancient Reception A Companion Edited by Marco Fantuzzi

Georg Danek, Maria Noussia-Fantuzzi, Ian Rutherford, Alan Sommerstein, Evina Sistakou, Michael Squire, Ursula Gärtner, Gianpiero Rosati, Charles McNelis, David F. Elmer, Silvio Bär, Manuel Baumbach 2015 247 x 174 mm 690pp 29 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-107-01259-2 Hardback £120.00 / US$195.00 For all formats available, see

Costume in the Comedies of Aristophanes Gwendolyn Compton-Engle John Carroll University

This book interprets the handling of costume in the plays of the ancient Greek comic playwright Aristophanes, using as evidence the surviving plays as well as vase-paintings and terracotta figurines. This book fills a gap in the study of ancient Greek drama, focusing on performance, gender, and the body. 2015 253 x 177 mm 210pp 31 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-107-08379-0 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see

to consider his work from a fresh perspective. ‘The bawdy poet Catullus wrote in the late Roman Republic, in Latin, but he will always belong to the world at large and to the present tense – rowdy, randy, excoriating, funny, acrobatic and endlessly vernacular. He is our shameless poet of the lockerroom boast and the licentious manabout-town. He sings in the gossipy, fierce voices of Eros and Id without apology, and we love him for this particular exhibition of the glory of the human spirit. Catullus is so much of the present tense that his poetry requires the fresh transfusion of retranslation on a regular basis, needs a booster shot of the vernacular to restore the rose to his cheeks. In these fine new translations, Jeffrey Thomson and Jeannine Uzzi perfectly catch the lively Catullan blend of eloquence and vulgarity. Thus, Catullus, and his poems, get to party one more time.’ Tony Hoagland, poet and writer

Contents: Introduction; The poems; Notes. 2015 198 x 129 mm 220pp 978-1-107-02855-5 Hardback £39.99 / US$69.99 978-1-107-68213-9 Paperback £14.99 / US$24.99 For all formats available, see

Stesichorus in Context Edited by P. J. Finglass

Columbia University, New York

University of Nottingham

and Christos Tsagalis

and Adrian Kelly

University of Thessaloniki, Greece

University of Oxford

The poems of the Epic Cycle are assumed to be the reworking of myths and narratives which had their roots in an oral tradition predating that of many of the myths and narratives which took their present form in the Iliad and the Odyssey. The remains of these texts allow us to investigate diachronic aspects of epic diction as well as the extent of variation within it on the part of individual authors – two of the most important questions in modern research on archaic epic. They also help to illuminate the early history of Greek mythology. Access to the poems, however, has been thwarted by their current fragmentary state. This volume provides the scholarly community and graduate students with a thorough critical foundation for reading and interpreting them.

This book presents ten new essays on aspects of the Greek poet Stesichorus, whose works have only recently been rediscovered. It will appeal to everybody interested in Greek poetry and its influence, and in the recovery of longlost texts.

Contributors: Marco Fantuzzi, Christos Tsagalis, Jonathan Burgess, Gregory Nagy, John M. Foley, Justin Arft, Martin L. West, Wolfgang Kullmann, Margalit Finkelberg, Alberto Bernabé, Antonios Rengakos, David Konstan, Thomas H. Carpenter, Gianbattista D’alessio, Ettore Cingano, José B. TorresGuerra, Ettore Cingano, Andrea Debiasi, Bruno Currie, Adrian Kelly, Patrick Finglass,

University of Maine, Farmington

2015 247 x 174 mm 222pp 978-1-107-06973-2 Hardback £69.99 / US$110.00 For all formats available, see


The Poems of Catullus An Annotated Translation Edited and translated by Jeannine Diddle Uzzi University of Southern Maine

Translated by Jeffrey Thomson

The Roman poet Catullus is one of the most popular and frequently studied ancient authors. This new translation presents the poems as contemporary and concise with an energy and pace that both enhance Catullus’ appeal for non-specialists and challenge specialists

Antiquity Now The Classical World in the Contemporary American Imagination Thomas E. Jenkins Trinity University, Texas

Through the lens of reception studies, Antiquity Now examines the ideological uses of the classical world in contemporary media, including surprising new developments in comic books, film, drama and fiction. This book will be valuable to scholars and students of American, classical and cultural studies. 2015 247 x 174 mm 260pp 25 b/w illus. 978-0-521-19626-0 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

Classical Myths in Italian Renaissance Painting Luba Freedman Hebrew University of Jerusalem

This book retraces the development of classical imagery in the visual arts of the Italian Renaissance. The extant artifacts of Roman antiquity, in addition to the

Classical literature study of Greek and Latin texts which brought to light descriptions of ancient paintings, were used as models for recreating the visual culture of antiquity. ‘The subject of this book is of great importance to all scholars interested in Renaissance art … It takes an approach different from many others and one that opens new avenues for consideration.’ Sixteenth Century Journal 2015 253 x 177 mm 308pp 32 b/w illus. 14 colour illus. 978-1-107-51295-5 Paperback £24.99 / US$39.99

New in Paperback

The Art of Euripides Dramatic Technique and Social Context Donald J. Mastronarde University of California, Berkeley

This book explores key topics in the interpretation of the tragedies of the fifth-century BCE Athenian poet Euripides. 2015 229 x 152 mm 376pp 978-1-107-64661-2 Paperback £20.99 / US$31.99

For all formats available, see

Also available 978-0-521-76839-9 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00

For all formats available, see

Pollution and Crisis in Greek Tragedy Fabian Meinel Université d’Aix-Marseille

The first detailed analysis of the important role pollution and its counterparts – purity and purification – play in Greek tragedy. 2015 228 x 152 mm 290pp 978-1-107-04446-3 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

Roman Republican Theatre Gesine Manuwald University College London

A comprehensive history of Roman drama from its beginnings to the end of the Republican period. 2015 229 x 152 mm 404pp 978-1-107-69609-9 Paperback £21.99 / US$32.99 Also available 978-0-521-11016-7 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 For all formats available, see

Magistracy and the Historiography of the Roman Republic Politics in Prose Ayelet Haimson Lushkov University of Texas, Austin

An innovative, literary approach to historical accounts of politics, this book reveals the wide-ranging significance of Roman republican magistracy. 2015 228 x 152 mm 214pp 978-1-107-04090-8 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see


The Sublime Seneca Ethics, Literature, Metaphysics Erik Gunderson University of Toronto

Reads Seneca’s philosophy and tragedy together, exploring the possibility of enlightenment and the human capacity for wisdom and knowledge. 2015 228 x 152 mm 240pp 978-1-107-09001-9 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see

Ovid’s Early Poetry From his Single Heroides to his Remedia Amoris Thea S. Thorsen Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim

An important new exploration of the early poetry of Ovid, one of the greatest poets in the Roman and Western tradition. 2014 228 x 152 mm 236pp 978-1-107-04041-0 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see

The Structure and Performance of Euripides’ Helen C. W. Marshall University of British Columbia, Vancouver

Myth, Literature, and the Creation of the Topography of Thebes Daniel W. Berman Temple University, Philadelphia

Shows how the legendary past of Greek Thebes influenced the development of the city’s landscape in antiquity. 2015 228 x 152 mm 202pp 6 maps 1 table 978-1-107-07736-2 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see

Roman Satire and the Old Comic Tradition Jennifer L. Ferriss-Hill University of Miami

This volume demonstrates that distinctive features of Roman satire found in the writings of Lucilius, Horace, and Persius derived from Greek Old Comedy.

In his detailed study of Euripides’ play, Helen, C. W. Marshall expands our understanding of Athenian tragedy and Classical performance. 2014 247 x 174 mm 336pp 7 b/w illus. 4 tables 978-1-107-07375-3 Hardback £60.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see

Libanius A Critical Introduction Edited by Lieve Van Hoof Universiteit Gent, Belgium

The first comprehensive volume on Libanius, this book provides an essential, innovative introduction to one of Late Antiquity’s key authors. 2014 228 x 152 mm 404pp 5 tables 978-1-107-01377-3 Hardback £79.99 / US$125.00 For all formats available, see

2015 228 x 152 mm 310pp 978-1-107-08154-3 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see

eBooks available at


Classical literature Lucan’s Egyptian Civil War

Latin Literature and its Transmission

Jonathan Tracy

Edited by Richard Hunter

University of Toronto

University of Cambridge

Explores how a cultural clash between traditional Pharaonic and latter-day Ptolemaic Egypt is used to mirror the Roman civil war.

and S. P. Oakley

2014 228 x 152 mm 302pp 978-1-107-07207-7 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see


Sappho A New Translation of the Complete Works Edited and translated by Diane J. Rayor Grand Valley State University, Michigan

University of Cambridge

A series of innovative studies in the textual and literary criticism of Latin literature, exploring how these two branches of the discipline are mutually supportive. The contributors include many leading scholars in the field. Individual essays are devoted to Catullus, Cicero, Horace, Lucretius, Ovid, Tacitus and Virgil. Cambridge Classical Studies

2015 216 x 138 mm 379pp 14 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-107-11627-6 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 For all formats available, see

Introduction by André Lardinois Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen

Diane Rayor’s graceful translations and André Lardinois’s thorough introduction and notes present the best combination of intelligibility, information, and poetry. 2014 216 x 138 mm 184pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-02359-8 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

Space, Place, and Landscape in Ancient Greek Literature and Culture Edited by Kate Gilhuly

Playing Hesiod The ‘Myth of the Races’ in Classical Antiquity Helen Van Noorden Girton College, Cambridge

Analyzes important ancient responses to Hesiod’s five-part narrative of human history as keys to their broader revisions of ‘Hesiod’. Cambridge Classical Studies

2014 216 x 138 mm 360pp 978-0-521-76081-2 Hardback £70.00 / US$110.00 For all formats available, see

and Nancy Worman

Menander, New Comedy and the Visual

Barnard College, New York

Antonis K. Petrides

This collection of essays produces new ways of understanding place, space, and landscape in classical Greek literature.

Open University of Cyprus

Wellesley College, Massachusetts

2014 228 x 152 mm 294pp 978-1-107-04212-4 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

The World of Tacitus’ Dialogus de Oratoribus Aesthetics and Empire in Ancient Rome Christopher S. van den Berg Amherst College, Massachusetts

Re-evaluates Tacitus’ dialogue about the limits and possibilities of public speech in the Roman Principate. 2014 228 x 152 mm 354pp 978-1-107-02090-0 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 For all formats available, see

Shows how both verbal and visual allusion position the plays of New Comedy within the context of contemporary polis culture. Cambridge Classical Studies

2014 216 x 138 mm 334pp 9 b/w illus. 978-1-107-06843-8 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

Sophocles: Ajax Edited by P. J. Finglass University of Nottingham

Not since 1896 has Sophocles’ Ajax received such a sustained analysis on so many levels: literary, dramatic, textual and metrical. Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries, 48

2015 216 x 140 mm 624pp 3 tables 978-1-107-67671-8 Paperback £26.99 / US$39.99 Also available 978-1-107-00307-1 Hardback £125.00 / US$205.00 For all formats available, see

Stesichorus The Poems Edited by M. Davies St John’s College, Oxford

and P. J. Finglass University of Nottingham

The first full-scale treatment, with introduction and commentary, that this important ancient Greek poet has ever received. Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries, 54

2014 216 x 138 mm 706pp 978-1-107-07834-5 Hardback £120.00 / US$180.00 For all formats available, see

The Annals of Tacitus: Books 5–6 Edited by A. J. Woodman University of Virginia

This is a full edition of Books 5-6 of Tacitus’ Annals, which cover the Emperor Tiberius’ last years. Although Book 5 is mostly lost, Book 6 survives in its entirety and offers a vivid narrative of the increasingly tyrannical princeps, whose concluding obituary notice is one of the most famous passages of classical literature. Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries, 55

2016 216 x 138 mm 384pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-15270-0 Hardback c. £90.00 / c. US$140.00 Publication October 2016 For all formats available, see

Classical literature The Cambridge Companion to Xenophon Edited by Michael A. Flower Princeton University, New Jersey


Valerius Flaccus: Argonautica Book III Edited by Gesine Manuwald University College London

Xenophon, Athenian philosopher and historian, holds a central place in literary and political culture from antiquity to the present. This accessible volume explains the major problems and issues that are at stake in the study of his writings, while simultaneously pointing the way forward to newer methodologies, issues and questions.

Valerius Flaccus’ epic on the adventures of Jason and the Argonauts (one of the central myths of classical antiquity) has been the subject of much scholarly and critical attention in recent years. This is the first edition of a book of the poem suitable for graduate and advanced undergraduate students.

Cambridge Companions to Literature

Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics

2016 228 x 152 mm 320pp 3 b/w illus. 4 maps 978-1-107-05006-8 Hardback c. £60.00 / c. US$99.00 978-1-107-65215-6 Paperback c. £21.99 / c. US$34.99 Publication September 2016

Contents: Introduction; Text; Commentary. 2015 216 x 138 mm 293pp 978-1-107-03732-8 Hardback £64.99 / US$110.00 978-1-107-69726-3 Paperback £23.99 / US$39.99

The Cambridge Companion to Seneca Edited by Shadi Bartsch


Apollonius of Rhodes: Argonautica Book IV Edited by Richard Hunter

University of Chicago

University of Cambridge

and Alessandro Schiesaro

The first modern commentary in English on Apollonius’ narrative of the Argonauts’ return with the Golden Fleece. Completely accessible to advanced undergraduates and graduate students studying Greek poetry. Problems of syntax and language are fully explained, and there is a sophisticated discussion of the poem as literature.

Università degli Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’, Italy

A comprehensive, up-to-date overview of Senecan studies, this Companion thoroughly examines the complete works of the Roman statesman, philosopher and playwright, emphasizing the aspects of his writings that challenge interpretation. The authors place Seneca in historical context and trace his impressive legacy in literature, art, religion and politics into the early modern period. ‘… [a] wonderful volume … Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through faculty.’ A. M. Busch, Choice Cambridge Companions to Literature

2015 228 x 152 mm 378pp 4 b/w illus. 978-1-107-03505-8 Hardback £55.00 / US$85.00 978-1-107-69421-7 Paperback £19.99 / US$32.99 For all formats available, see


Tacitus: Agricola Edited by A. J. Woodman University of Virginia

With C. S. Kraus Yale University, Connecticut

The first commentary in English on the Agricola for almost half a century, with particular attention paid to the Latin itself. Contents: Introduction; Text; Commentary. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics

2014 216 x 138 mm 374pp 5 b/w illus. 2 maps 2 tables 978-0-521-87687-2 Hardback £59.99 / US$89.99 978-0-521-70029-0 Paperback £23.99 / US$34.99 For all formats available, see

For all formats available, see

For all formats available, see


New in Paperback

Oscar Wilde and Ancient Greece Iain Ross Colchester Royal Grammar School

Oscar Wilde’s imagination was haunted by ancient Greece; this book traces its presence in his life and works. Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture, 82

2015 229 x 152 mm 298pp 4 b/w illus. 978-1-107-47994-4 Paperback £18.99 / US$29.99 Also available 978-1-107-02032-0 Hardback £59.99 / US$104.99 For all formats available, see

Contents: Introduction; Text; Commentary. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics

2015 216 x 138 mm 352pp 1 map 978-1-107-06351-8 Hardback £64.99 / US$110.00 978-1-107-63675-0 Paperback £22.99 / US$39.99 For all formats available, see

Modernism and Homer The Odysseys of H.D., James Joyce, Osip Mandelstam, and Ezra Pound Leah Culligan Flack Marquette University, Wisconsin

Explores the surprising versatility of Homer’s epics of wandering and homecoming for the radical formal experiments and changing sociopolitical agendas of modernist writers responding to war, tyranny, censorship, and empire. Of interest to students and researchers interested in classical receptions, modernism, twentieth-century literature, and comparative literature. Classics after Antiquity

2015 228 x 152 mm 256pp 978-1-107-10803-5 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

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Classical literature / Classical art and architecture Reading Fiction with Lucian Fakes, Freaks and Hyperreality Karen ní Mheallaigh University of Exeter

Classical art and architecture New in Paperback

A captivating new interpretation of Lucian as a fictional theorist and writer to stand alongside the novelists of the day.

The Material Life of Roman Slaves

Greek Culture in the Roman World

University of Washington

2014 228 x 152 mm 317pp 978-1-107-07933-5 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see

Texts, Editors, and Readers Methods and Problems in Latin Textual Criticism Richard Tarrant Harvard University, Massachusetts

Re-examines the most traditional area of classical scholarship, offering critical assessments of the current state of the field, its methods and controversies, and the challenges it faces. Useful both to classicists who are not textual critics and to non-classicists interested in issues of editing. Roman Literature and its Contexts

2016 198 x 129 mm 150pp 5 b/w illus. 978-0-521-76657-9 Hardback £59.99 / US$84.99 978-0-521-15899-2 Paperback £18.99 / US$28.99 Publication March 2016 For all formats available, see

Sandra R. Joshel and Lauren Hackworth Petersen University of Delaware

A lively and comprehensive overview of Roman slavery, ideal for introductorylevel students of the ancient Mediterranean world. Using a variety of sources, including literature, law, and material culture, Joshel and Petersen examine all aspects of Roman slavery including legal condition, sale, family and social lives, and relations between slaves and slaveholders. ‘The object of this fascinating book is to render visible Roman slaves in the remains of the Campanian cities and villas destroyed in 79 AD by the eruption of Mt Vesuvius … The possibilities raised are of great importance, and in its legitimate concern to evoke the day-to-day realities of life in slavery [this] book is to be warmly applauded … The challenge of recovering a history of slavery from archaeological evidence has been laid down, and it is in this that the book’s special value lies.’ Classical World

The Closure of Space in Roman Poetics

PROSE Award for Classics and Ancient History 2015 - Winner (in Hardback)

Sapienza Università di Roma

Aimed at scholars and students of Latin literature and at those interested in space, security and dwelling across the humanities. Presents an ambitious and detailed analysis of the Roman literary obsession with retreat and closed spaces (caves, corners, villas, bathrooms, bodies and prisons) in the context of expanding empire.

2015 253 x 177 mm 302pp 170 b/w illus. 16 colour illus. 978-0-521-13957-1 Paperback £29.99 / US$44.99 For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

Constantine, Divine Emperor of the Christian Golden Age

The W. B. Stanford Memorial Lectures

Jonathan Bardill

2015 228 x 152 mm 367pp 4 b/w illus. 978-1-107-07926-7 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00

Constantine, Divine Emperor of the Christian Golden Age offers a radical reassessment of Constantine as an emperor, a pagan and a Christian. Setting the emperor in the context of the kings and emperors who preceded him, the book explores how Constantine’s propagandists exploited the traditional themes and imagery of rulership to portray him as having been elected

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‘Bardill’s monograph is a major contribution to Constantine studies. His overarching argument, that the emperor’s monuments offered an open-ended set of associations that may have resonated differently for different viewers, but which cohered into a consistent vision of divinely sanctioned solar monotheism, is a welcome response to more one-dimensional interpretations of the reign. The volume is well written, thoroughly researched and handsomely produced. Its abundant illustrations include illuminating reconstructions of several key monuments in their ancient environments.’ Elizabeth Marlowe, The Journal of Roman Studies 2015 279 x 216 mm 465pp 227 b/w illus. 2 maps 978-1-107-53898-6 Paperback £23.99 / US$36.99 Also available 978-0-521-76423-0 Hardback £84.99 / US$135.00 For all formats available, see

Innovative Vaulting in the Architecture of the Roman Empire 1st to 4th Centuries CE Lynne C. Lancaster Ohio University

PROSE Award for Excellence in Humanities 2015 - Winner (in Hardback)

Empire’s Inward Turn Victoria Rimell

by the supreme solar God to save his people and inaugurate a brilliant golden age.

This book on Roman construction explains why and how Roman builders employed a set of unusual vaulting techniques and explores why each is confined to a particular area of the Empire. It is written to be accessible to advanced students as well as experts in the field. 2015 279 x 216 mm 256pp 108 b/w illus. 13 maps 2 tables 978-1-107-05935-1 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

The Image of the Artist in Archaic and Classical Greece Art, Poetry, and Subjectivity Guy Hedreen Williams College, Massachusetts

This book explores the persona of the artist in Archaic and Classical Greek art and literature. Bringing together in a sustained analysis the roots of subjectivity across media, Guy Hedreen offers a new way of studying the

Classical art and architecture relationship between poetry and art in ancient Greece.

examining the phenomenon of artists’ signatures in ancient Greece.

2015 253 x 177 mm 408pp 65 b/w illus. 25 colour illus. 978-1-107-11825-6 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00

2015 253 x 177 mm 237pp 88 b/w illus. 15 colour illus. 978-1-107-10571-3 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99

For all formats available, see

For all formats available, see

Byzantine Art and Italian Panel Painting The Virgin and Child Hodegetria and the Art of Chrysography Jaroslav Folda University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

With Lucy J. Wrapson University of Cambridge

Jaroslav Folda traces the appropriation of the Byzantine Virgin and Child Hodegetria icon by thirteenth-century Crusader and central Italian painters and explores its transformation by the introduction of chrysography on the figure of the Virgin in the Crusader Levant and in Italy. 2015 253 x 177 mm 492pp 48 colour illus. 978-1-107-01023-9 Hardback £84.99 / US$135.00 For all formats available, see

Civic Monuments and the Augustales in Roman Italy Margaret L. Laird University of Delaware

This book examines ancient Roman statues and their bases, tombs, altars, and panels commemorating gifts of civic beneficence made by the Augustales, civic groups composed primarily of wealthy ex-slaves. These objects reveal how ordinary Romans expressed their communal identities. 2015 253 x 177 mm 364pp 100 b/w illus. 978-1-107-00822-9 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

Artists and Signatures in Ancient Greece Jeffrey M. Hurwit University of Oregon

The practice of signing works of art, which begins in the eighth century BCE, sets the Greeks apart from most other peoples of the ancient world. This book offers insight into Greek conceptions of art, the artist, and artistic originality by


The Pantheon From Antiquity to the Present Edited by Tod A. Marder and Mark Wilson Jones

This book treats the Pantheon from the unique perspective of its construction, survival and reception through history. Each chapter is an investigation of a particular architectural aspect of the building or a historical period during its survival to explain how the Pantheon has been understood over the centuries, why it looks as it does today and why it has endured as an architectural model. ‘The contributors provide a valuable synthesis of recent research on the Pantheon, the paradigm of Roman architectural and engineering prowess. They also identify new and productive directions for subsequent research on the ancient edifice and on its extended legacy.’ John Pinto, Princeton University, New Jersey 2015 253 x 177 mm 503pp 174 b/w illus. 18 colour illus. 978-0-521-80932-0 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see

Egypt in Italy Visions of Egypt in Roman Imperial Culture Molly Swetnam-Burland College of William and Mary, Virginia

This book examines the appetite for Egyptian and Egyptian-looking artwork in Italy during the century following Rome’s annexation of Aegyptus as a province. Although the foreign appearance of these artworks was central to their appeal, this book situates them within their social, political, and artistic contexts in Roman Italy. 2015 253 x 177 mm 261pp 72 b/w illus. 8 colour illus. 978-1-107-04048-9 Hardback £70.00 / US$110.00


Viewing Inscriptions in the Late Antique and Medieval World Edited by Antony Eastmond Courtauld Institute of Art, London

This book considers the visual qualities of inscriptions, demonstrating the information to be gleaned from considering them as non-textual, visual devices. Using a cross-cultural perspective, and covering the period from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages, it discusses topics including real and pseudo-writing, multilingual inscriptions, graffiti, writing disguised as images and images disguised as words. 2015 253 x 177 mm 275pp 73 b/w illus. 978-1-107-09241-9 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

Architecture of the Sacred Space, Ritual, and Experience from Classical Greece to Byzantium Edited by Bonna D. Wescoat Emory University, Atlanta

and Robert G. Ousterhout University of Pennsylvania

This book explores the way space, place, architecture, memory and ritual interact to construct sacred experience in ancient Greek, Roman, Jewish, early Christian and Byzantine cultures. The book demonstrates that architecture and its setting actively participated in the ritual process. Architecture did not merely host events; rather, it magnified and elevated them. ‘… this is an outstanding collection of essays, or ‘micro-histories’, as the editors note, providing both breadth and specificity in its examination of the complex problem of architecture, space, and ritual.’ Jessica Paga, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 2015 253 x 177 mm 407pp 151 b/w illus. 978-1-107-42900-0 Paperback £23.99 / US$34.99 For all formats available, see

For all formats available, see

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Classical art and architecture Textbook

The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece Judith M. Barringer University of Edinburgh

This richly illustrated, four-colour textbook introduces the art and archaeology of ancient Greece, from the Bronze Age through the Roman conquest. Emphasizing context and function, Barringer explores the purpose and use of buildings and objects within their particular time and place, leading students to a rich sociohistorical understanding of Greek art. ‘This book is a superb resource for students and teachers of ancient Greek art specifically and the ancient Greek world as a whole. Barringer strikes an ideal balance between brevity and depth, leaving just enough room between the sentences for dialogue, discussion, and discourse. No mere survey, this important new text goes out of its way to problematize traditional narratives and point to the hidden riches and complexities of the field.’ Peter Schultz, Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota

Contents: Introduction; 1. The Bronze Age and early Iron Age in Greece; 2. The Geometric period (c.900–700 BC) and the seventh century BC; 3. The Archaic Mediterranean; 4. The Classical period: the fifth century BC; 5. The late Classical period and Alexander, c.400–323 BC; 6. The legacy of Alexander: the Hellenistic world; 7. Roman conquest and the conquest of Rome; Glossary. 2015 279 x 216 mm 445pp 84 b/w illus. 400 colour illus. 9 maps 1 table 978-1-107-00123-7 Hardback £80.00 / US$160.00 978-0-521-17180-9 Paperback £40.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

Art and Society in Cyprus from the Bronze Age into the Iron Age Joanna S. Smith Princeton University, New Jersey

This study examines the development of economic and social control at Kition in Bronze and Iron Age Cyprus. 2015 253 x 177 mm 416pp 100 b/w illus. 978-1-107-68396-9 Paperback £24.99 / US$39.99 Also available 978-0-521-51367-8 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 For all formats available, see

Key Reference

The Cambridge History of Painting in the Classical World Edited by J. J. Pollitt Yale University, Connecticut

This book examines the development of mural and panel painting in the Classical world from the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity. 2015 276 x 219 mm 500pp 237 b/w illus. 140 colour illus. 6 maps 978-0-521-86591-3 Hardback £150.00 / US$250.00

Body, Dress, and Identity in Ancient Greece Mireille M. Lee Vanderbilt University, Tennessee

Applying modern dress theory to ancient evidence, this book reconstructs the social meanings attached to the dressed body in ancient Greece. 2015 253 x 177 mm 379pp 110 b/w illus. 2 tables 978-1-107-05536-0 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

Hellenistic and Roman Ideal Sculpture The Allure of the Classical Rachel Meredith Kousser Brooklyn College, City University of New York

This book is an illuminating analysis showing the power and allure of Greek Classical past in Hellenistic and Roman art. 2015 247 x 187 mm 223pp 978-1-107-69970-0 Paperback £22.99 / US$36.99 Also available 978-0-521-87782-4 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

Image and Text in Graeco-Roman Antiquity Michael Squire University of Cambridge and Humbolt Universität, Berlin

New in Paperback

Roman Imperialism and Civic Patronage Form, Meaning and Ideology in Monumental Fountain Complexes Brenda Longfellow University of Iowa

This book uses the ancient world to rethink our own ideologies of the visual and the verbal and their historiography.

In this book, Brenda Longfellow examines one of the features of Roman Imperial cities, the monumental civic fountain.

2015 244 x 170 mm 560pp 978-1-107-65754-0 Paperback £24.99 / US$37.99

2015 253 x 177 mm 292pp 70 b/w illus. 978-1-107-41524-9 Paperback £22.99 / US$36.99

Also available 978-0-521-75601-3 Hardback £89.99 / US$140.00

Also available 978-0-521-19493-8 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99

For all formats available, see

For all formats available, see

Classical art and architecture / Classical archaeology The Afterlife of the Roman City

Art in the Hellenistic World

Architecture and Ceremony in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages Hendrik W. Dey

An Introduction Andrew Stewart

Hunter College, City University of New York

This book offers a new perspective on the evolution of cities across the Roman Empire in late antiquity and the early Middle Ages. 2015 253 x 177 mm 296pp 12 b/w illus. 8 colour illus. 38 maps 978-1-107-06918-3 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see

University of California, Berkeley

This book offers a new thematic, contextualized, and richly illustrated approach to art of the Hellenistic world (c.330–30 BC). 2014 253 x 177 mm 371pp 39 b/w illus. 131 colour illus. 3 maps 978-1-107-04857-7 Hardback £55.00 / US$85.00 978-1-107-62592-1 Paperback £19.99 / US$32.99 For all formats available, see


New in Paperback

Vase Painting, Gender, and Social Identity in Archaic Athens Mark D. Stansbury-O’Donnell University of St Thomas, Minnesota

This study explores the phenomenon of ‘spectators’ at the sides of Athenian narrative vase paintings. 2014 253 x 177 mm 327pp 95 b/w illus. 58 tables 978-1-107-66280-3 Paperback £29.99 / US$44.99 Also available 978-0-521-85318-7 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

Material Culture and Social Identities in the Ancient World Edited by Shelley Hales University of Bristol

and Tamar Hodos University of Bristol

This book considers how various aspects of material culture can be used to explore complex global and local identity structures in antiquity. 2014 253 x 177 mm 358pp 978-1-107-69592-4 Paperback £24.99 / US$36.99 Also available 978-0-521-76774-3 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

The Roman Imperial Mausoleum in Late Antiquity Mark J. Johnson Brigham Young University, Utah

This book is a comprehensive study of the mausolea of the later Roman emperors. 2014 253 x 177 mm 314pp 978-1-107-64441-0 Paperback £23.99 / US$39.99 Also available 978-0-521-51371-5 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

Art and Rhetoric in Roman Culture Edited by Jaś Elsner Corpus Christi College, Oxford

and Michel Meyer Université Libre de Bruxelles

Demonstrates the central significance of rhetoric in ancient responses to and receptions of Roman art. 2014 247 x 174 mm 524pp 129 b/w illus. 978-1-107-00071-1 Hardback £84.99 / US$135.00 For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

Art in Athens during the Peloponnesian War Edited by Olga Palagia

New in Paperback

The Mythology of Kingship in Neo-Assyrian Art Mehmet-Ali Ataç Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania

In this book, Mehmet-Ali Ataç argues that the palace reliefs of the NeoAssyrian Empire hold a meaning deeper than simple imperial propaganda. 2014 253 x 177 mm 297pp 130 b/w illus. 978-1-107-62760-4 Paperback £22.99 / US$34.99 Also available 978-0-521-51790-4 Hardback £64.99 / US$114.99 For all formats available, see

University of Athens, Greece

This book examines the effects of the Peloponnesian War on the arts of Athens. 2014 253 x 177 mm 308pp 76 b/w illus. 8 colour illus. 978-1-107-65654-3 Paperback £29.99 / US$44.99 Also available 978-0-521-84933-3 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

Classical archaeology Archaeology and Ideology in Rome From the Grand Tour to the Present Stephen L. Dyson State University of New York, Buffalo

Rome is unique in its combination of abundant, important ruins, a long urban history, and a vibrant city setting with changing political, cultural, and religious roles. This book considers the study and exploitation of the archaeological record, alongside the demands of urban change, over the past three hundred years. 2016 247 x 174 mm 348pp 51 b/w illus. 978-0-521-87459-5 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99 Publication November 2016 For all formats available, see

eBooks available at


Classical archaeology New in Paperback

Empire, Authority, and Autonomy in Achaemenid Anatolia Elspeth R. M. Dusinberre University of Colorado Boulder

This book offers a radical new approach to understanding the Achaemenid Persian Empire and imperialism more generally. Elspeth R. M. Dusinberre shows how the rulers of the Empire constructed a system flexible enough to provide for the needs of different peoples within the confines of a single imperial authority and highlights the variability in response. James R. Wiseman Book Award, Archaeological Institute of America 2015 – Winner 2015 253 x 177 mm 408pp 131 b/w illus. 20 maps 3 tables 978-1-107-57715-2 Paperback £18.99 / US$39.99 Also available 978-1-107-01826-6 Hardback £79.99 / US$125.00 For all formats available, see

Key Reference

The Roman Forum

the character, design and appearance of the famous heart of ancient Rome. 2015 228 x 304 mm 457pp 60 b/w illus. 247 colour illus. 978-0-521-19244-6 Hardback £150.00 / US$250.00 For all formats available, see

Bronze Age Eleusis and the Origins of the Eleusinian Mysteries

This book applies modern theories of globalisation to the ancient Roman world, creating new understandings of Roman archaeology and history.

Michael B. Cosmopoulos

2014 228 x 152 mm 308pp 20 b/w illus. 2 maps 978-1-107-04374-9 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00

University of Missouri, St Louis

Despite the tremendous popularity of the Eleusinian Mysteries, their origins are unknown and can only be reconstructed with the help of archaeology. This book provides a much needed synthesis of the archaeology of Eleusis during the Bronze Age and reconstructs the formation and early development of the Eleusinian Mysteries. 2015 253 x 177 mm 241pp 79 b/w illus. 1 map 978-1-107-01099-4 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

Key Reference

and James E. Packer

Edited by A. Bernard Knapp

The Roman Forum was in many ways the heart of the Roman Empire. Today, the Forum exists in a fragmentary state, having been destroyed and plundered by barbarians, aristocrats, citizens and priests over the past two millennia. Enough remains, however, for archaeologists to reconstruct its spectacular buildings and monuments. This richly illustrated volume provides an architectural history of the central section of the Roman Forum during the Empire (31 BCE–476 CE), from the Temple of Julius Caesar to the monuments on the slope of the Capitoline hill. Bringing together stateof-the-art technology in architectural illustration and the expertise of a prominent Roman archaeologist, this book offers a unique reconstruction of the Forum, providing architectural history, a summary of each building’s excavation and research, scaled digital plans, elevations, and reconstructed aerial images that not only shed light on the Forum’s history but vividly bring it to life. With this book, scholars, students, architects and artists will be able to visualize for the first time since antiquity

University of Exeter

and Miguel John Versluys

University of Notre Dame, Indiana Northwestern University, Illinois

World History, Connectivity and Material Culture Edited by Martin Pitts

The Cambridge Prehistory of the Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean

A Reconstruction and Architectural Guide Gilbert J. Gorski

Globalisation and the Roman World

University of Glasgow

and Peter van Dommelen Brown University, Rhode Island

The Cambridge Prehistory of the Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean explores contemporary archaeology of the Mediterranean region during the Bronze and Iron Ages. 2015 279 x 216 mm 700pp 223 b/w illus. 57 maps 11 tables 978-0-521-76688-3 Hardback £120.00 / US$195.00 For all formats available, see

Universiteit Leiden

For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

The Archaeology of Lydia, from Gyges to Alexander Christopher H. Roosevelt Boston University

Christopher Roosevelt provides the first overview of the regional archaeology of Lydia in western Turkey. 2014 253 x 177 mm 329pp 978-1-107-62983-7 Paperback £29.99 / US$44.99 Also available 978-0-521-51987-8 Hardback £69.99 / US$110.00 For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

The Urbanisation of Etruria Funerary Practices and Social Change, 700–600 BC Corinna Riva University College London

Riva offers a reading of the sociopolitical transformations that led to the formation of urban centres in Tyrrhenian Italy. 2014 253 x 177 mm 260pp 59 b/w illus. 3 maps 978-1-107-42894-2 Paperback £29.99 / US$44.99 Also available 978-1-107-42894-2 Paperback £29.99 / US$44.99 For all formats available, see

Classical archaeology / Ancient history The Origin of Roman London Lacey M. Wallace University of Cambridge

Drawing on both published and archived archaeological evidence, this copiously illustrated book revolutionises our understanding of early Roman London. Cambridge Classical Studies

2015 280 x 210 mm 296pp 11 b/w illus. 64 colour illus. 65 maps 26 tables 978-1-107-04757-0 Hardback £75.00 / US$120.00 For all formats available, see

Oratory and Political Career in the Late Roman Republic

Empire and Ideology in the Graeco-Roman World

Henriette van der Blom

Selected Papers Benjamin Isaac

University of Glasgow

This book offers a new perspective on the role of oratory in Roman Republican politics through its unique focus on the oratorical performances of orators other than Cicero and the ways in which these performances shaped their political careers. 2016 228 x 152 mm 376pp 978-1-107-05193-5 Hardback c. £74.99 / c. US$120.00 Publication December 2016

Ancient history Magic and Divinity in Graeco-Roman Egypt A Study of the Greek Magical Hymns Ljuba Merlina Bortolani Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany

This interdisciplinary study investigates the divine personas in the so-called magical hymns of the Greek magical papyri which, in a corpus usually seen as a significant expression of religious syncretism with strong Egyptian influence, were long considered to be the ‘most authentically Greek’ contribution. Fifteen hymns receive a line-by-line commentary focusing on religious concepts, ritual practice, language and style. The overarching aim is to categorize the nature of divinity according to its Greek or Egyptian elements, examining earlier Greek and Egyptian sources and religious-magical traditions in order to find textual or conceptual parallels. Are the gods of the magical hymns Greek or Egyptian in nature? Did the magical hymns originate in a Greek or Egyptian cultural background? The book tries to answer these questions and to shed light on the religious plurality and/or fusion of the two cultures in the treatment of divinity in the Greek magical papyri. 2016 228 x 152 mm 348pp 978-1-107-10838-7 Hardback c. £74.99 / c. US$120.00 Publication December 2016 For all formats available, see

For all formats available, see

Animal Sacrifice in the Ancient Greek World Edited by Sarah Hitch Corpus Christi College, Oxford

and Ian Rutherford University of Reading

Draws together the current work of archaeologists, historians and experts in Greek literature and art to re-examine the role of sacrifice in Greek life across the Mediterranean, from the poems of Homer to the revival of sacrificial practice under the Roman emperor Julian in the fourth century CE. 2016 228 x 152 mm 320pp 21 b/w illus. 978-0-521-19103-6 Hardback c. £70.00 / c. US$110.00

Tel-Aviv University

In this collection of papers distinguished historian Benjamin Isaac examines the Roman concepts of state and empire, and mechanisms of control and integration. He also discusses ethnic and cultural relationships in the Roman Empire, the limits of tolerance and integration as well as attitudes to foreigners and minorities, including Jews. 2016 228 x 152 mm 400pp 2 maps 978-1-107-13589-5 Hardback c. £74.99 / c. US$120.00 Publication September 2016 For all formats available, see

Power and Privilege in Roman Society Richard Duncan-Jones Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge

This study uses a purpose-built database to explore the extent to which merit or social standing determined high appointments in the Roman Empire. It also considers the senatorial career more widely and the contribution of the equestrian order, as well as the phenomenon of voluntary slavery.

For all formats available, see

2016 228 x 152 mm 256pp 18 b/w illus. 978-1-107-14979-3 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99

Publication September 2016

Publication October 2016


For all formats available, see

Authority and Expertise in Ancient Scientific Culture Edited by Jason König Institute of Classical Studies, London

and Greg Woolf University of St Andrews, Scotland

How did ancient scientific and technical writers make their work authoritative? This volume answers that question for a very wide range of ancient disciplines, from mathematics and medicine through to law, historiography and philosophy (focusing mainly but not exclusively on the knowledge-ordering culture of the Roman Empire). 2016 247 x 174 mm 424pp 978-1-107-06006-7 Hardback c. £74.99 / c. US$120.00 Publication October 2016 For all formats available, see

Prudentius, Spain, and Late Antique Christianity Poetry, Visual Culture, and the Cult of Martyrs Paula Hershkowitz Birkbeck College, University of London

Sets Prudentius’ martyr poetry within the religious, social, and visual contexts of late antique Spain. This original approach to a Latin author utilises the fields of history, archaeology, Classical literature and art history and the book is important for academics and more advanced students within these disciplines. 2016 228 x 152 mm 288pp 29 b/w illus. 978-1-107-14960-1 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99 Publication September 2016 For all formats available, see

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Ancient history Roman Artisans and the Urban Economy Cameron Hawkins Queensborough Community College, New York

This is a comprehensive study of economic conditions and economic life in Roman cities during the late Republic and early Empire. Inspired by comparative historical evidence and contemporary economic theory, it explores the performance of the Roman economy and the economic importance of key institutions like slavery, manumission, reputation, and gender. 2016 228 x 152 mm 348pp 7 b/w illus. 6 tables 978-1-107-11544-6 Hardback c. £70.00 / c. US$110.00 Publication September 2016 For all formats available, see

Roman Power A Thousand Years of Empire William V. Harris Columbia University, New York

In this ambitious and readable new book, distinguished historian William Harris explores the complex and changing relationship between the history of the Roman Empire as an empire - its expansion, its durability and its eventual eclipse in the seventh century AD - and the history of the Roman world’s internal power structures.

Nicolaus of Damascus: The Life of Augustus and The Autobiography Texts, Translations and Historical Commentary Edited by Mark Toher

Translated by Fred H. Blume

2016 216 x 138 mm 405pp 978-1-107-07561-0 Hardback c. £85.00 / c. US$140.00

Religious Deviance in the Roman World

The Origins of Euergetism Marc Domingo Gygax Princeton University, New Jersey

This is the first analysis of the origins of one of the most distinctive features of the ancient Greek city-state: the exchange of gifts and honours between benefactors and the community of citizens. It will be important not only for specialists in ancient Greek history but also for historians of later periods and for social scientists. 2016 228 x 152 mm 315pp 978-0-521-51535-1 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99 Publication May 2016 For all formats available, see

A New Annotated Translation, with Parallel Latin and Greek Text General Editor Bruce W. Frier University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Publication August 2016

Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City

The Codex of Justinian

Nicolaus of Damascus, the chief minister of Herod the Great, was an exact contemporary of the first Roman emperor Augustus; he spent considerable time in Roman society and knew Augustus. The extensive remains of his Bios Kaisaros contain the earliest and most detailed account of the conspiracy against Julius Caesar and his assassination. The Bios also presents the most extensive account of the boyhood and early development of Augustus. This edition presents the Greek text and translation of the Bios and Nicolaus’ autobiography, along with a historical and historiographical commentary. The Introduction situates the text in relation to the considerable evidence for the life and career of Nicolaus preserved in the works of Josephus, addresses the problem of its date of composition, analyses the language and narrative technique of Nicolaus and discusses the Bios in relation to the evidence for Greek biographical encomium.

Publication May 2016

Key Reference

Union College, New York

2016 228 x 152 mm 360pp 37 b/w illus. 7 maps 978-1-107-15271-7 Hardback c. £35.00 / c. US$55.00 For all formats available, see


For all formats available, see

Superstition or Individuality? Jörg Rüpke

The Codex of Justinian is, together with the Digest, the core of the great Byzantine compilation of Roman law called the Corpus Iuris Civilis. The Codex compiles legal proclamations issued by Roman emperors from the second to the sixth centuries CE. Its influence on subsequent legal development in the medieval and early modern world has been almost incalculable. But the Codex has not, until now, been credibly translated into English. This translation, with a facing Latin and Greek text (from Paul Krüger’s ninth edition of the Codex), is based on one made by Justice Fred Blume in the 1920s, but left unpublished for almost a century. It is accompanied by introductions explaining the background of the translation, a bibliography and glossary, and notes that help in understanding the text. Anyone with an interest in the Codex, whether an interested novice or a professional historian, will find ample assistance here. Contributors: Timothy Kearley, Bruce W. Frier, Simon Corcoran, John Noël Dillon, Serena Connolly, Dennis P. Kehoe, Thomas A. J. McGinn, Michael Crawford, Benet Salway, Noel Lenski, Charles F. Pazdernik 2016 228 x 152 mm 2963pp 1 b/w illus. 978-0-521-19682-6 3 Volume Hardback Set £450.00 / US$750.00 Publication April 2016 For all formats available, see

Universität Erfurt, Germany

Translated by David M. B. Richardson

The importance and primacy of individual religious experience is attested in ancient cases of and discourses about religious deviance. In reviewing religious norms from Cicero to the Theodosian Code in late antiquity, Jörg Rüpke reconstructs a hitherto neglected feature of ancient Mediterranean religion and its conceptualisation by contemporaries. 2016 228 x 152 mm 130pp 978-1-107-09052-1 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99 Publication May 2016 For all formats available, see

Boiotia in Antiquity Selected Papers Albert Schachter McGill University, Montréal

Preface by Hans Beck McGill University, Montréal

Boiotia was – next to Athens and Sparta – one of the most important regions of ancient Greece. Albert Schachter, a leading expert on the region, has for many decades been publishing seminal work on its history, institutions, and literature. This volume conveniently brings together twenty-three papers

Ancient history (two previously unpublished, others revised and updated). 2016 228 x 152 mm 430pp 5 b/w illus. 1 map 978-1-107-05324-3 Hardback £84.99 / US$135.00

sophistication, thoroughness, sweep of erudition, provocative ideas, and originality.’ Erich S. Gruen, University of California, Berkeley

For all formats available, see

2016 228 x 152 mm 735pp 41 b/w illus. 3 maps 978-0-521-85329-3 Hardback £89.99 / US$150.00

Publication February 2016

Publication March 2016

For all formats available, see

War and Society in Early Rome From Warlords to Generals Jeremy Armstrong University of Auckland

Combines the rich, but problematic, literary tradition for early Rome with the ever-growing archaeological record to present a new interpretation of early Roman warfare and how it related to the city’s various social, political, religious, and economic institutions. 2016 228 x 152 mm 338pp 9 b/w illus. 3 maps 1 table 978-1-107-09357-7 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 Publication March 2016 For all formats available, see

A History of the Jewish War AD 66–74 Steve Mason Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands

A conflict that erupted between Roman legions and some Judaeans in late AD 66 had an incalculable impact on Rome’s physical appearance and imperial governance; on ancient Jews bereft of their mother-city and temple; and on early Christian fortunes. Historical scholarship and cinema alike tend to see the conflict as the culmination of long Jewish resistance to Roman oppression. In this volume, Steven Mason re-examines the war in all relevant contexts (such as the Parthian dimension, and Judaea’s place in Roman Syria) and phases, from the Hasmoneans to the fall of Masada. Mason approaches each topic as a historical investigation, clarifying problems that need to be solved, understanding the available evidence, and considering scenarios that might explain the evidence. The simplest reconstructions make the conflict more humanly intelligible while casting doubt on received knowledge. Advance praise: ‘No study of the Jewish-Roman war approaches this one in level of

The Archaeology of Urbanism in Ancient Egypt From the Predynastic Period to the End of the Middle Kingdom Nadine Moeller University of Chicago

This book presents the latest archaeological evidence that makes a case for Egypt as an early urban society. It traces the emergence of urban features during the Predynastic Period up to the disintegration of the powerful Middle Kingdom state (c.3500–1650 BC). 2016 279 x 216 mm 450pp 188 b/w illus. 6 maps 3 tables 978-1-107-07975-5 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 Publication January 2016 For all formats available, see

Ancient and Modern Democracy Two Concepts of Liberty? Wilfried Nippel



Pericles and the Conquest of History A Political Biography Loren J. Samons, II Boston University

Under the leadership of Pericles in the fifth century BC, the Athenians sought to become the preeminent power in Greece. How did Pericles become both the greatest and the most dangerous leader Athens ever produced? Loren J. Samons, II uses the events of Athenian history of the period to analyze the career and legacy of this pivotal historical figure. ‘To his credit, Professor Samons resolutely refuses to view Pericles with rose-colored glasses. Instead, he shatters the illusions entertained by his predecessors, emphasizing the degree to which the radical democracy in Athens fostered and was fostered by a brutal, ruthless, exploitative imperialism and exhibited a suicidal ambition for further expansion that, thanks in part to the vision of undying glory and grandeur deliberately projected by Pericles, knew no bounds.’ Paul A. Rahe, Hillsdale College, Michigan 2015 228 x 152 mm 346pp 8 b/w illus. 3 maps 978-1-107-11014-4 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 978-1-107-52602-0 Paperback £19.99 / US$32.99 Publication December 2015 For all formats available, see

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Translated by Keith Tribe

A comprehensive account of Athenian democracy as a subject of criticism, admiration and scholarly debate since 2,500 years, covering the features of Athenian democracy, its importance for the English, American and French revolutions and for the debates on democracy and political liberty from the nineteenth century to the present. 2015 228 x 152 mm 398pp 978-1-107-02072-6 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 Publication December 2015 For all formats available, see

Selected Discourses of Shenoute the Great Community, Theology, and Social Conflict in Late Antique Egypt Edited and translated by David Brakke Ohio State University

and Andrew Crislip Virginia Commonwealth University

Shenoute the Great (c.347–465) led one of the largest Christian monastic communities in late antique Egypt and was the greatest native writer of Coptic in history. For approximately eight decades, Shenoute led a federation of three monasteries and emerged as a Christian leader. His public sermons attracted crowds of clergy, monks, and lay people; he advised military and government officials; he worked to ensure that his followers would be faithful to orthodox Christian teaching; and he vigorously and violently opposed paganism and the oppressive treatment of the poor by the rich. This volume

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Ancient history presents in translation a selection of his sermons and other orations. These works grant us access to the theology, rhetoric, moral teachings, spirituality, and social agenda of a powerful Christian leader during a period of great religious and social change in the later Roman Empire.

Federalism in Greek Antiquity

2015 228 x 152 mm 338pp 7 b/w illus. 2 maps 978-1-107-02256-0 Hardback £64.99 / US$110.00

This comprehensive reassessment of federalism in Greek antiquity investigates political integration, regionalism, and ethnic identity in the distinct political environment of the ancient Greek world. It will appeal to ancient historians, classicists, and readers in the social sciences alike.

Publication December 2015 For all formats available, see

Exploring the Economy of Late Antiquity Selected Essays Jairus Banaji School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Edited by Hans Beck McGill University, Montréal

and Peter Funke Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany

2015 228 x 152 mm 629pp 6 maps 978-0-521-19226-2 Hardback £99.99 / US$160.00 For all formats available, see

A collection of essays providing a stimulating rebuttal to the prevailing minimalism in late antique studies. Money, aristocracy, trade, and the problem of continuity are among the major themes considered, and a wide range of sources is deployed. Of interest to ancient and medieval historians and economic historians more generally.

Pagans and Christians in Late Antique Rome

2015 228 x 152 mm 270pp 2 tables 978-1-107-10194-4 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99

and Rita Lizzi Testa

For all formats available, see

The Politics of Public Space in Republican Rome Amy Russell University of Durham

In Republican Rome the Forum Romanum, the Capitoline, victory temples, and Pompey’s theatre complex were less public than they appear. Using innovative spatial approaches to question the public/private divide, Amy Russell deploys archaeological and textual evidence to propose a new understanding of public space. 2015 228 x 152 mm 244pp 978-1-107-04049-6 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99

Conflict, Competition, and Coexistence in the Fourth Century Edited by Michele Salzman University of California, Riverside

Marianne Sághy Central European University, Budapest Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy

This book sheds new light on the religious and consequently social changes taking place in late antique Rome. The essays in this volume demonstrate that the fourth-century city was a more fluid, vibrant, and complex place than was previously thought. 2015 228 x 152 mm 432pp 30 b/w illus. 1 map 978-1-107-11030-4 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 For all formats available, see

ancient Greek world in the Classical and Hellenistic periods. 2015 253 x 177 mm 485pp 20 b/w illus. 2 maps 978-1-107-03588-1 Hardback £84.99 / US$135.00 For all formats available, see


Ancient Kanesh A Merchant Colony in Bronze Age Anatolia Mogens Trolle Larsen University of Copenhagen

This book presents a detailed description of the political, cultural, and economic world of ancient Kanesh (present-day Kültepe, Turkey), a vibrant Bronze Age Anatolian trade outpost and the earliest attested commercial society in world history. ‘In [this] beautifully detailed new book … we meet dozens of the traders of Kanesh and their relatives back home in Assur. Larsen has been able to construct family trees, detailing how siblings and cousins, parents and spouses, traded with one another and often worked against one another.’ Adam Davidson, The New York Times Magazine 2015 228 x 152 mm 342pp 43 b/w illus. 1 map 978-1-107-11956-7 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

Ancient China and the Yue Perceptions and Identities on the Southern Frontier, c.400 BCE–50 CE Erica Fox Brindley Pennsylvania State University

The Ancient Greek Economy Markets, Households and CityStates Edited by Edward M. Harris University of Durham

David M. Lewis

For all formats available, see

University of Edinburgh

and Mark Woolmer University of Durham

The Ancient Greek Economy: Markets, Households and City-States brings together sixteen essays by leading scholars of the ancient Greek economy. The essays investigate the role of market-exchange in the economy of the

A richly empirical discussion of ethnic identity formation in the period 400 BCE–50 CE. Erica Brindley presents a meticulous new study of the ancient Chinese textual record in an attempt to understand the Yue peoples of China’s southern frontier and how they were perceived by the Chinese elite. ‘Through in-depth investigation of textual and material sources, Erica Brindley provides a fascinating study of Yue/Viet history, identity, and relations with China. Her book is not only a long-overdue addition to our knowledge of the southern frontier of ancient China, but a key contribution to debates about identity and ethnicity in the ancient world.’ Nicola Di Cosmo, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton

Ancient history 2015 228 x 152 mm 300pp 12 b/w illus. 3 maps 3 tables 978-1-107-08478-0 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

Democracy beyond Athens Popular Government in the Greek Classical Age Eric W. Robinson Indiana University, Bloomington

First full study of ancient Greek democracy in the Classical period outside Athens, which has three main goals: to identify where and when democratic governments established themselves; to explain why democracy spread to many parts of Greece; and to further our understanding of the nature of ancient democracy. ‘A fascinating study …’ The Times Literary Supplement

Abraham or Aristotle? First Millennium Empires and Exegetical Traditions An Inaugural Lecture by the Sultan Qaboos Professor of Abrahamic Faiths Given in the University of Cambridge, 4 December 2013 Garth Fowden University of Cambridge

This lecture heralds a major synthetic history of the religious and intellectual movements of the First Millennium, aimed at a wide non-academic audience. The book will place Islam at the focus of developments at the end of antiquity, not at their periphery as hitherto. 2015 186 x 123 mm 48pp 978-1-107-46241-0 Paperback £10.99 / US$17.99 For all formats available, see

the establishment of the pax Romana resulted in fast population growth. ‘… this is an impressive work of scholarship. It provides a fresh and insightful analysis of the key evidence upon which the debates over the size of the Italian population are based. As well as revising existing theories surrounding the key issues, De Ligt provides a number of thoughtprovoking comments and analyses throughout which will surely stimulate further debate on a long-standing subject.’ Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015 229 x 152 mm 408pp 2 maps 11 tables 978-1-107-51912-1 Paperback £25.99 / US$39.99 Also available 978-1-107-01318-6 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

Fiscal Regimes and the Political Economy of Premodern States

The Freedman in the Roman World

Edited by Andrew Monson

King’s College London

Also available 978-0-521-84331-7 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99

New York University

For all formats available, see

Inspired by the New Fiscal History, this book represents the first global survey of taxation in the premodern world. It introduces new theoretical and comparative approaches from the social sciences and extends its coverage beyond Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Near East to East Asia and the Americas.

The first comprehensive study of Roman freedmen and women in over a century, covering all major aspects of the subject. These include manumission practices, legal status, the patronuslibertus relationship, freedmen’s place in public life and the self-representation of freedmen and women through epigraphic and literary sources.

2015 229 x 152 mm 286pp 1 b/w illus. 2 tables 978-1-107-69482-8 Paperback £19.99 / US$29.99

Prison, Punishment and Penance in Late Antiquity Julia Hillner University of Sheffield

The first book in English on the Roman prison, and the first on the Roman prison’s late antique incarnation as a penal institution. It describes how late Roman penal strategies, in particular different spatial forms of imprisonment, responded to new social values of penance and purification of society. 2015 228 x 152 mm 440pp 3 maps 4 tables 978-0-521-51751-5 Hardback £75.00 / US$115.00 For all formats available, see


and Walter Scheidel Stanford University, California

2015 228 x 152 mm 602pp 22 b/w illus. 3 maps 19 tables 978-1-107-08920-4 Hardback £80.00 / US$130.00 For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

Peasants, Citizens and Soldiers

Henrik Mouritsen

‘Mouritsen is an excellent guide to the tricky social history and economics of Roman freedmen.’ The Times Literary Supplement 2015 229 x 152 mm 352pp 978-1-107-51908-4 Paperback £20.99 / US$31.99 Also available 978-0-521-85613-3 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

Studies in the Demographic History of Roman Italy 225 BC– AD 100 Luuk de Ligt Universiteit Leiden

Aimed at ancient historians and archaeologists, this book argues that Republican Rome had a unique demographic system which made it possible for it to recover quickly from large-scale losses of manpower and that

eBooks available at


Ancient history The Metallurgy of Roman Silver Coinage

Collecting Early Christian Letters

From the Reform of Nero to the Reform of Trajan Kevin Butcher

From the Apostle Paul to Late Antiquity Edited by Bronwen Neil

University of Warwick

Australian Catholic University

and Matthew Ponting

and Pauline Allen

University of Liverpool

Australian Catholic University

With contributions by Jane Evans Vanessa Pashley and Christopher Somerfield

The first multi-authored study of New Testament and late antique letter collections, crossing the traditional divide between these disciplines.

A new account of the role of coinage in the finances and economy of the Roman Empire.

2015 228 x 152 mm 274pp 3 b/w illus. 4 tables 978-1-107-09186-3 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00

2015 247 x 174 mm 830pp 227 b/w illus. 24 colour illus. 118 tables 978-1-107-02712-1 Hardback £110.00 / US$170.00

For all formats available, see

For all formats available, see

Women and Modesty in Late Antiquity Kate Wilkinson Towson State University, Maryland

Explores how modesty became a creative and performative mode of being for late Roman Christian ascetic women. 2015 228 x 152 mm 184pp 978-1-107-03027-5 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see

Roman Girlhood and the Fashioning of Femininity Lauren Caldwell Wesleyan University, Connecticut

This book examines the lives of adolescent girls in early Roman imperial society (first century BCE to third century CE). 2014 228 x 152 mm 196pp 978-1-107-04100-4 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see


Campus Martius The Field of Mars in the Life of Ancient Rome Paul W. Jacobs, II and Diane Atnally Conlin University of Colorado Boulder

This book explores the factors that contributed to the transformation of the Campus Martius into a space filled with extraordinary Roman architectural structures. 2015 253 x 177 mm 268pp 52 b/w illus. 10 colour illus. 5 maps 978-1-107-02320-8 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 978-1-107-66492-0 Paperback £23.99 / US$36.99 For all formats available, see

Roman Political Thought From Cicero to Augustine Dean Hammer Franklin and Marshall College, Pennsylvania

This book is the first comprehensive treatment of Roman political thought, arguing that Romans engaged in wideranging reflections on politics. 2014 228 x 152 mm 570pp 978-0-521-19524-9 Hardback £55.00 / US$90.00 For all formats available, see

The Jewish-Greek Tradition in Antiquity and the Byzantine Empire Edited by James K. Aitken University of Cambridge

and James Carleton Paget University of Cambridge

This comprehensive survey of JewishGreek society’s development examines the exchange of language and ideas in biblical translations, literature and archaeology. 2014 228 x 152 mm 381pp 20 b/w illus. 1 map 978-1-107-00163-3 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see

Law and Power in the Making of the Roman Commonwealth Luigi Capogrossi Colognesi Università degli Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’, Italy

Translated by Laura Kopp

Demonstrates the paramount importance of laws in securing political equilibrium, stability, the integration of conquered peoples and a long-lasting empire. 2014 228 x 152 mm 402pp 978-1-107-07197-1 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see

Cults and Rites in Ancient Greece Essays on Religion and Society Michael H. Jameson Stanford University, California

In collaboration with Paul Cartledge University of Cambridge

Prepared for publication by Allaire B. Stallsmith Towson State University, Maryland

and Irene Polinskaya King’s College London

With contributions by Fritz Graf Ohio State University

A collection of fourteen highly influential articles by Michael H. Jameson, an authority on the religion of the ancient Greek city-state. 2014 247 x 174 mm 398pp 35 b/w illus. 1 map 978-0-521-66129-4 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 For all formats available, see

Ancient history Historical Agency and the ‘Great Man’ in Classical Greece Sarah Brown Ferrario Catholic University of America, Washington DC

Examines the evolution of ‘great man theory’ in classical Greece, not only in historical writing, but also in popular thought. 2014 228 x 152 mm 420pp 978-1-107-03734-2 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 For all formats available, see


Homer on the Gods and Human Virtue Creating the Foundations of Classical Civilization Peter J. Ahrensdorf Davidson College, North Carolina

This book seeks to restore Homer to his rightful place among the principal figures in political and moral philosophy. 2014 228 x 152 mm 278pp 978-0-521-19388-7 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

Politics and the Street in Democratic Athens

Jewish War under Trajan and Hadrian

Alex Gottesman

William Horbury

Temple University, Philadelphia

University of Cambridge

This book examines ‘informal’ politics, like gossip and political theatrics, and how they related to more ‘formal’ politics of assembly and courts.

A new history of the two major Jewish risings against Rome in the years following the destruction of Jerusalem.

2014 216 x 138 mm 262pp 1 b/w illus. 5 maps 978-1-107-04168-4 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

Images of Woman and Child from the Bronze Age

Social Networks and Regional Identity in Bronze Age Italy

The Punic Mediterranean

University of Arizona

This innovative book uses social network analysis to trace the origins of preRoman Italian peoples from their earliest exchange networks.

and Nicholas C. Vella University of Malta

British School at Rome Studies

2014 247 x 174 mm 404pp 75 b/w illus. 24 colour illus. 22 maps 4 tables 978-1-107-05527-8 Hardback £80.00 / US$125.00

New in Paperback

The Consul at Rome The Civil Functions of the Consuls in the Roman Republic Francisco Pina Polo

2014 229 x 152 mm 390pp 2 b/w illus. 2 tables 978-1-107-67174-4 Paperback £34.99 / US$54.99

For all formats available, see

University of Oxford

For all formats available, see

Rutgers University, Camden, New Jersey

Also available 978-0-521-19304-7 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00

Identities and Identification from Phoenician Settlement to Roman Rule Edited by Josephine Crawley Quinn

A revisionist exploration of identities and interactions in the ‘Punic World’ of the western Mediterranean.

Universidad de Zaragoza

2014 253 x 177 mm 396pp 46 b/w illus. 978-1-107-66032-8 Paperback £34.99 / US$54.99

2014 253 x 177 mm 330pp 23 b/w illus. 18 maps 15 tables 978-1-107-06320-4 Hardback £69.99 / US$110.00

Reconsidering Fertility, Maternity, and Gender in the Ancient World Stephanie Lynn Budin

This book is a study of the woman-andchild motif – known as the kourotrophos – as it appeared in the Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean.

2014 228 x 152 mm 512pp 978-0-521-62296-7 Hardback £84.99 / US$135.00 For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

PROSE Award for Classics and Ancient History 2015 – Honourable mention

Emma Blake

This book is a systematic study of the consuls’ civil tasks both within and outside the city of Rome.

Also available 978-0-521-19083-1 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 For all formats available, see

The Medieval Peutinger Map Imperial Roman Revival in a German Empire Emily Albu


For all formats available, see

Revisiting Delphi Religion and Storytelling in Ancient Greece Julia Kindt University of Sydney

This study investigates Delphic oracle stories as they feature widely in Greek thought and literature, from Herodotus to the literature of Roman Greece. It also offers the first comparative and extended enquiry into how such stories force us to move the link between religion and narrative to centre stage. Cambridge Classical Studies

2016 216 x 138 mm 242pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-15157-4 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99 Publication October 2016 For all formats available, see

University of California, Davis

This book challenges the Peutinger Map’s self-presentation as a Roman map by examining its medieval contexts. 2014 228 x 152 mm 208pp 28 b/w illus. 7 colour illus. 978-1-107-05942-9 Hardback £69.99 / US$110.00 For all formats available, see

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Ancient history Theologies of Ancient Greek Religion Edited by Esther Eidinow University of Nottingham

Julia Kindt University of Sydney

and Robin Osborne University of Cambridge

This wide-ranging investigation of the theorising about the divine that is implicit and explicit in the religious practices and literary and philosophical texts of the ancient Greeks shows that Greeks thought hard about what gods must be like and what the appropriate ways to worship them were. Cambridge Classical Studies

2016 216 x 138 mm 348pp 978-1-107-15347-9 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99 Publication October 2016 For all formats available, see

M. I. Finley An Ancient Historian and his Impact Edited by Daniel Jew College of Alice and Peter Tan, Singapore

Robin Osborne University of Cambridge

and Michael Scott

of sacred trees has much to tell us which enriches our portraits of Roman religion. Cambridge Classical Studies

2016 216 x 138 mm 320pp 17 b/w illus. 2 tables 978-1-107-15354-7 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99 Publication September 2016 For all formats available, see

The Cambridge Companion to Roman Law Edited by David Johnston

This book reflects the wide range of current scholarship on Roman law. These newly commissioned essays cover private, criminal and public law as well as the second life of Roman law in Byzantium, in civil and canon law, and in political thought. No other book covers so much ground. ‘A sophisticated and informative journey through a fascinating intellectual landscape: Roman law, private and public, in its ancient context and beyond, beautifully explained to lawyers and historians.’ Dario Mantovani, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Italy

University of Warwick

Cambridge Companions to the Ancient World

This definitive assessment of the most famous twentieth-century ancient historian engages with his impact beyond as well as within the academy, analysing the means to and nature of his impact, and telling how a scholar expelled from the USA for Communist links became a part of the UK establishment.

2015 228 x 152 mm 554pp 978-0-521-89564-4 Hardback £70.00 / US$110.00

Cambridge Classical Studies

The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Attila

2016 216 x 138 mm 300pp 9 b/w illus. 3 tables 978-1-107-14926-7 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99 Publication September 2016 For all formats available, see

Reviving Roman Religion Sacred Trees in the Roman World Ailsa Hunt Newnham College, Cambridge

Challenging major aspects of current scholarly constructions of Roman religion, Ailsa Hunt re-examines what sacrality means in Roman culture, proposing an organic model which defies the current legalistic approach. Against expectations, the phenomenon

978-0-521-71994-0 Paperback £23.99 / US$36.99 For all formats available, see


Edited by Michael Maas Rice University, Houston

This book considers the great cultural and geopolitical changes in western Eurasia in the fifth century CE.

The Archaeology of Elam Formation and Transformation of an Ancient Iranian State Second edition D. T. Potts Institute for the Study of the Ancient World

This book examines the formation and transformation of Elam’s many identities through both archaeological and written evidence. It brings to life one of the most important regions of ancient Western Asia, re-evaluates its significance, and places it in the context of the most recent archaeological and historical scholarship. Cambridge World Archaeology

2015 253 x 177 mm 488pp 115 b/w illus. 6 maps 63 tables 978-1-107-09469-7 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 978-1-107-47663-9 Paperback £29.99 / US$49.99 For all formats available, see

The Archaeology of Malta From the Neolithic through the Roman Period Claudia Sagona University of Melbourne

This book synthesizes the archaeology of the Maltese archipelago from the first human colonization c.5000 BC through the Roman period (c.400 AD). Claudia Sagona interprets the archaeological record to explain changing social and political structures, intriguing ritual practices, and cultural contact through several millennia. Cambridge World Archaeology

2015 253 x 177 mm 464pp 66 b/w illus. 2 maps 5 tables 978-1-107-00669-0 Hardback £84.99 / US$135.00 For all formats available, see

Cambridge Companions to the Ancient World

Roman Festivals in the Greek East

2014 228 x 152 mm 504pp 9 b/w illus. 8 maps 2 tables 978-1-107-02175-4 Hardback £60.00 / US$99.00

Ohio State University

978-1-107-63388-9 Paperback £24.99 / US$36.99 For all formats available, see

From the Early Empire to the Middle Byzantine Era Fritz Graf

Explores how Roman religious festivals were celebrated in the Greek East, how they changed in the centuries between Augustus and the Middle Byzantine Era, and how this influenced the Christian liturgical calendar. Of interest to scholars of the religions of Rome, Greece, and

Ancient history the Near East, including Judaism and Christianity.

institutions and perceptions in late antiquity.

Greek Culture in the Roman World

Greek Culture in the Roman World

2015 228 x 152 mm 376pp 978-1-107-09211-2 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 For all formats available, see

2015 228 x 152 mm 405pp 9 b/w illus. 6 maps 978-1-107-05078-5 Hardback £70.00 / US$115.00

For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

The Maeander Valley A Historical Geography from Antiquity to Byzantium Peter Thonemann University of Oxford

This book is a groundbreaking study of the long-term historical geography of Asia Minor in Graeco-Roman antiquity and the Byzantine Middle Ages. It uses an astonishing breadth of sources, ranging from Byzantine monastic archives to Latin poetic texts, ancient land records to hagiographic biographies. ‘This is a book to celebrate. Consistently readable, conceptually sophisticated, uncompromisingly scholarly, beautifully illustrated, and elegantly produced by Cambridge University Press (which has done an outstanding job), Thonemann’s Maeander sets new standards for regional studies. If anyone were in doubt about the intellectual panache of classics and ancient history in the second decade of the 21st c., here is all the proof they need.’ Mark Whittow, Journal of Roman Archaeology Greek Culture in the Roman World

2015 244 x 170 mm 414pp 110 b/w illus. 13 maps 978-1-107-53813-9 Paperback £23.99 / US$39.99 Also available 978-1-107-00688-1 Hardback £74.99 / US$124.99 For all formats available, see

The End of Greek Athletics in Late Antiquity Sofie Remijsen

Greek Narratives of the Roman Empire under the Severans Cassius Dio, Philostratus and Herodian Adam M. Kemezis


Roman Law in the State of Nature The Classical Foundations of Hugo Grotius’ Natural Law Benjamin Straumann New York University

This book offers a new interpretation of the foundations of Hugo Grotius’ highly influential doctrine of natural law and natural rights. Ideas in Context, 108

2015 228 x 152 mm 286pp 978-1-107-09290-7 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see

University of Alberta

This book explores how Greek authors who witnessed sudden political change reacted by re-imagining the larger narrative of the Roman past. Greek Culture in the Roman World

2014 228 x 152 mm 354pp 978-1-107-06272-6 Hardback £70.00 / US$110.00 For all formats available, see


The Hellenistic World Using Coins as Sources Peter Thonemann

Ancient Greek and Roman Scientific Writing Liba Taub University of Cambridge

Explores the surprising variety of texts used to communicate scientific and mathematical ideas, from c.700 BCE to the sixth century CE. Each chapter concentrates on a particular genre – including poetry, letter, encyclopaedia, commentary and biography – and considers the broader cultural contexts in which these texts were produced and read.

University of Oxford

Key Themes in Ancient History

Provides undergraduate and graduate students with an up-to-date introduction to the coinages of the Hellenistic world (323–31 BC). Written in an accessible style, and illustrated with over 250 photographs, it will be suitable as a textbook for university courses in Greek and Roman history and archaeology.

2016 228 x 152 mm 164pp 2 b/w illus. 978-0-521-11370-0 Hardback c. £60.00 / c. US$99.00

Guides to the Coinage of the Ancient World

2015 216 x 138 mm 200pp 256 b/w illus. 5 maps 978-1-107-08696-8 Hardback c. £40.00 / c. US$70.00 978-1-107-45175-9 Paperback c. £15.99 / c. US$24.99 Publication December 2015 For all formats available, see

978-0-521-13063-9 Paperback c. £17.99 / c. US$26.99 Publication October 2016 For all formats available, see

The Ancient City Arjan Zuiderhoek Universiteit Gent, Belgium

Provides an accessible survey of scholarly debates on Greek and Roman cities, as well as a sketch of the cities’ chief characteristics. Aimed at specialists, students and general readers, but in particular also at scholars working on urbanism in other periods and places.

Universität Mannheim, Germany

Key Themes in Ancient History

The demise of the ancient Olympics has commonly been blamed on a ban imposed by the Christian emperor Theodosius I. Dr Remijsen challenges this conventional view, and traces instead the collapse of the entire professional circuit of Greek athletics under the pressure of changing

2016 228 x 152 mm 200pp 6 b/w illus. 978-0-521-19835-6 Hardback c. £60.00 / c. US$99.00 978-0-521-16601-0 Paperback c. £19.99 / c. US$34.99 Publication October 2016 For all formats available, see

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Ancient history / Ancient philosophy Language and Society in the Greek and Roman Worlds James Clackson University of Cambridge

Translated examples from Greek, Latin and other languages give an accessible account for students and general readers of how language illuminates topics such as ethnicity, social mobility, religion, gender and sexuality in the ancient world. Questions addressed include the rise and fall of languages, obscenity, and what language Jesus spoke. Key Themes in Ancient History

2015 228 x 152 mm 224pp 9 b/w illus. 3 tables 978-0-521-19235-4 Hardback £55.00 / US$80.00 978-0-521-14066-9 Paperback £19.99 / US$29.99 For all formats available, see

Paul’s Political Strategy in 1 Corinthians 1–4 Constitution and Covenant Volume 163 Bradley J. Bitner Oak Hill Theological College

Drawing extensively on epigraphical and papyrological evidence, this volume interprets 1 Corinthians 1-4 within the first-century politics of thanksgiving and of construction. Bradley J. Bitner demonstrates that Paul’s response incorporated both Corinth’s constitution and Jewish-biblical notions of covenant, ultimately redirecting gratitude and glory to God in Christ. Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series, 163

2015 216 x 138 mm 365pp 6 b/w illus. 1 map 2 tables 978-1-107-08848-1 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

The Pauline Church and the Corinthian Ekklēsia Greco-Roman Associations in Comparative Context Volume 164 Richard Last York University, Toronto

This volume is the first English-language monograph to examine Paul’s Corinthian church in relation to contemporary cult groups from Mediterranean antiquity. Richard Last employs a new comparative methodology for research on the earliest Christian churches, generating

highly original theses on their financial practices and leadership organisation that challenge traditional portrayals. Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series, 164

Ancient philosophy

2015 216 x 138 mm 277pp 4 tables 978-1-107-10063-3 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99

Aristotle on Political Community

For all formats available, see

David J. Riesbeck

Rice University, Houston

New in Paperback

The Emperor and Rome Space, Representation, and Ritual Edited by Björn C. Ewald University of Toronto

and Carlos F. Noreña University of California, Berkeley

The advent of monarchy at Rome brought major changes to the city of Rome as well as the political system. Here experts reassess the impact of imperial building programs on the configuration of space, representations of the emperor in the city, and the performance of rituals linking emperor and people. Yale Classical Studies, 35

2015 244 x 170 mm 388pp 128 b/w illus. 4 maps 978-1-107-51906-0 Paperback £25.99 / US$39.99 Also available 978-0-521-51953-3 Hardback £69.99 / US$114.99 For all formats available, see

Religion, Society and Culture at Dura-Europos Edited by Ted Kaizer University of Durham

Advances our understanding of the religion, society and culture of Dura-Europos, the small town on the Euphrates known as the ‘Pompeii of the Syrian desert’ and one of the best sources for day-to-day life in a community on the periphery of the Roman world. Yale Classical Studies, 38

2016 247 x 174 mm 320pp 67 b/w illus. 1 map 978-1-107-12379-3 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99 Publication May 2016 For all formats available, see

Argues that Aristotle’s ideas about the distinctive nature and value of political community, authority, and participation are coherent and consistent with his aristocratic standards of justice. The result is a theory that remains a potentially fruitful resource for contemporary thinking about the persistent problems of political life. 2016 228 x 152 mm 360pp 978-1-107-10702-1 Hardback c. £74.99 / c. US$120.00 Publication September 2016 For all formats available, see

Personification and the Feminine in Roman Philosophy Alex Dressler University of Wisconsin, Madison

This book explores accounts of personhood developed by Roman writers, including Lucretius, Cicero, and Seneca, and discusses the relevance of ancient texts to modern debates about the history of self. It will appeal to readers of classical literature interested in gender studies, as well as scholars of rhetorical, modern and postmodern theory. 2016 228 x 152 mm 320pp 978-1-107-10596-6 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99 Publication July 2016 For all formats available, see

Plotinus and Epicurus Matter, Perception, Pleasure Edited by Angela Longo Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Italy

and Daniela Patrizia Taormina Università degli Studi di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’

Collection of essays proposing a new way of understanding themes such as matter, knowledge, human happiness and the gods in Epicurus and Plotinus. It argues that Platonism not only vehemently criticised Epicurus’ theory

Ancient philosophy of human and divine pleasure, but also borrowed some concepts from him. 2016 228 x 152 mm 248pp 978-1-107-12421-9 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99

period and beyond. Anthony Celano’s study explores how medieval authors recast Aristotle’s Ethics according to their own moral ideals.

For all formats available, see

2015 228 x 152 mm 274pp 978-1-107-13485-0 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99

For all formats available, see

Publication June 2016

Plato on the Metaphysical Foundation of Meaning and Truth Blake E. Hestir Texas Christian University

Blake E. Hestir’s examination of passages from Plato’s Cratylus, Parmenides, Theaetetus, and Sophist sheds new light on Plato’s conception of meaning and truth, bringing it into dialogue with contemporary truth theory, metaphysics, and semantics, as well as highlighting new and striking parallels between Plato and Aristotle. 2016 228 x 152 mm 278pp 978-1-107-13232-0 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 Publication March 2016

Cicero’s De Finibus Philosophical Approaches Edited by Julia Annas University of Arizona

and Gábor Betegh University of Cambridge

Cicero’s abilities as a philosopher and his use of the dialogue form are now much better appreciated. This is the first substantial philosophical reassessment of the De Finibus, the most theoretical of his ethical dialogues and the best source for the ethical theories of the Epicureans, Stoics and Antiocheans. 2015 228 x 152 mm 276pp 978-1-107-07483-5 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

For all formats available, see

Technical Ekphrasis in Greek and Roman Science and Literature The Written Machine between Alexandria and Rome Courtney Roby Cornell University, New York

How does an ancient historian describing a catapult at war differ from an ancient engineer writing a guide for building them? This book puts ancient technical texts into dialogue with broader fields of contemporary literature, analyzing the rhetorical techniques that gave technological artifacts a vivid virtual presence for the reader. 2016 228 x 152 mm 354pp 7 b/w illus. 978-1-107-07730-0 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 Publication February 2016 For all formats available, see

Aristotle’s Ethics and Medieval Philosophy Moral Goodness and Practical Wisdom Anthony Celano Stonehill College

Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics had a profound influence on generations of later philosophers, not only in the ancient era but also in the medieval

key reference new in paperback

The Cambridge History of Philosophy in Late Antiquity Edited by Lloyd P. Gerson University of Toronto

The Cambridge History of Philosophy in Late Antiquity comprises over forty specially commissioned essays by experts on the philosophy of the period 200–800 CE. Designed as a successor to The Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy (ed. A. H. Armstrong), it takes into account some forty years of scholarship since the publication of that volume. The contributors examine philosophy as it entered literature, science and religion, and offer new and extensive assessments of philosophers who until recently have been mostly ignored. The volume also includes a complete digest of all philosophical works known to have been written during this period. It will be an invaluable resource for all those interested in this rich and still emerging field.


philosophical positions and systems are articulated and examined, the contributions all display an impressive acquaintance with the important philological scholarship that informs current attempts to rehabilitate the reputations of authors and works from late antiquity … has already become an indispensable reference work for the period …’ Michael Fournier, Canadian Journal of History

Contributors: Lloyd Gerson, Elizabeth Digeser, Gabor Betegh, Harold Tarrant, Ryan Fowler, Mark Edwards, Brad Inwood, Robert Sharples, Sarah Iles Johnston, John F. Finamore, Edward Moore, John D. Turner, Jacqueline Feke, Alexander Jones, R. J. Hankinson, David Winston, Denis Minns, Catherine Osborne, Emanuela Prinzivalli, Dominic O’Meara, Andrew Smith, John Dillon, Inna Kupreeva, Alain Bernard, Hermann Schibli, Lewis Ayers, Andrew Radde-Gallwitz, Anthony Meredith, John McGucken, Gretchen Reydams-Schils, Beatrice Motta, Jay Bregman, Stephen A. Cooper, Giovanni Catapano, Angela Longo, Carlos Steel, David Blank, Gerd van Riel, Jan Opsomer, Han Baltussen, Koenraad Verrycken, F. A. J. De Haas, Eric Perl, John Magee, David Bradshaw, Wayne Hankey, Katerina Ierodiakonou, George Zografidis, Cristina D’Ancona, Stephen Gersh 2015 228 x 152 mm 1302pp 978-1-107-55880-9 2 Volume Paperback Set £59.99 / US$94.99 For all formats available, see

The Birth of Critical Thinking in Republican Rome Claudia Moatti University of Southern California

Translated by Janet Lloyd Foreword by Malcolm Schofield University of Cambridge

Classic work arguing that the major social and political changes occurring during the last century of the Roman Republic were accompanied by major intellectual developments which saw a move away from traditional understandings of where consensus and authority were to be located to approaches to knowledge based on critical reasoning. 2015 228 x 152 mm 404pp 978-0-521-89578-1 Hardback £75.00 / US$115.00 For all formats available, see

‘For this new two-volume history Lloyd Gerson commission eminent scholars to contribute chapters, focusing primarily on the period between 200 and 100 CE … The contributions are uniformly excellent. In addition to the subtlety with which the myriad

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Ancient philosophy Socrates and Self-Knowledge Christopher Moore Pennsylvania State University

This book, the first systematic study of Socrates’s interest in self-knowledge, offers new interpretations of both familiar and overlooked texts on selfknowledge in ancient philosophy and will interest researchers and upper-level students of ancient philosophy, Plato, Socrates, and selfhood. ‘Christopher Moore presents a new and insightful perspective on [an] old philosophical theme. He invites his readers to rethink the Socratic concept of self-knowledge and the Delphic oracle to know thyself. The upshot of his analysis is an original and important interpretation of the ancient philosophical and literary sources on these topics, especially the Platonic dialogues.’ Paul Schollmeier, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 2015 228 x 152 mm 294pp 978-1-107-12330-4 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see


Analogical Investigations Historical and Cross-cultural Perspectives on Human Reasoning G. E. R. Lloyd University of Cambridge

A penetrating cross-cultural analysis of alternative models of human reasoning producing a radical critique of Western ideals of logic and scientific method. Uses examples from ancient Greek and Chinese thought and recent ethnography. Of interest to philosophers, anthropologists, historians, linguists and cognitive scientists as well as classicists and sinologists. 2015 228 x 152 mm 144pp 10 b/w illus. 978-1-107-10784-7 Hardback £49.99 / US$79.99 978-1-107-51837-7 Paperback £17.99 / US$34.99 For all formats available, see

Porphyry’s Commentary on Ptolemy’s Harmonics A Greek Text and Annotated Translation Edited and translated by Andrew Barker University of Birmingham

Porphyry’s Commentary, the only surviving ancient commentary on a technical text, is not merely a study of Ptolemy’s Harmonics. It includes virtually free-standing philosophical essays on epistemology, metaphysics, scientific methodology, aspects of the Aristotelian categories and the relations between Aristotle’s views and Plato’s, and a host of briefer comments on other matters of wide philosophical interest. For musicologists it is widely recognised as a treasury of quotations from earlier treatises, many of them otherwise unknown; but Porphyry’s own reflections on musical concepts (for instance notes, intervals and their relation to ratios, quantitative and qualitative conceptions of pitch, the continuous and discontinuous forms of vocal movement, and so on) and his snapshots of contemporary music-making have been undeservedly neglected. This volume presents the first English translation and a revised Greek text of the Commentary, with an Introduction and notes designed to assist readers in engaging with this important and intricate work. 2015 228 x 152 mm 587pp 30 b/w illus. 978-1-107-00385-9 Hardback £100.00 / US$160.00 For all formats available, see

The Platonic Alcibiades I The Dialogue and its Ancient Reception François Renaud Université de Moncton, Canada

and Harold Tarrant University of Newcastle, New South Wales

This book captures the drama of the first ever conversation between the young Alcibiades and his lover Socrates the philosopher. The Platonic dialogue about Self-Knowledge brilliantly blends the erotic, religious, and educational traits of Socrates, a combination widely acknowledged by interpreters of late antiquity but often ignored by modern scholars. 2015 228 x 152 mm 303pp 3 tables 978-0-521-19912-4 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

Sextus Empiricus and Ancient Physics Edited by Keimpe Algra Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands

and Katerina Ierodiakonou University of Athens, Greece

Sextus’ Against the Physicists offers a detailed discussion of the key concepts and arguments used in ancient physics. This volume is an invaluable companion to Sextus’ work for those interested in Hellenistic philosophy and ancient science and will help readers to explore a text that at first sight seems forbidding. 2015 228 x 152 mm 443pp 4 b/w illus. 978-1-107-06924-4 Hardback £84.99 / US$135.00 For all formats available, see

Plotinus on the Soul Damian Caluori Trinity University, Texas

This is the first comprehensive study of Plotinus’ theory of the soul for half a century. It shows how Plotinus derives his psychology from an innovative interpretation of Plato’s Timaeus and proposes it as a response to Aristotelian and Stoic conceptions of the soul. 2015 228 x 152 mm 233pp 978-1-107-10595-9 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

Theory and Practice in Aristotle’s Natural Science Edited by David Ebrey Northwestern University, Illinois

These groundbreaking essays show how Aristotle’s natural science and his philosophy shed light on one another. This is the first volume in forty years to discuss both biological and nonbiological works. Topics include the role of blood, the goal of meteorological phenomena, and the value of reasonable claims in science. 2015 228 x 152 mm 270pp 978-1-107-05513-1 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see

Ancient philosophy Bridging the Gap between Aristotle’s Science and Ethics Edited by Devin Henry University of Western Ontario

and Karen Margrethe Nielsen University of Oxford

Intended for scholars interested in the history of ethics. It consolidates emerging research on Aristotle’s science and ethics in order to explore the extent to which he uses the concepts, methods, and practices developed for scientific inquiry and explanation to investigate moral phenomena. 2015 228 x 152 mm 316pp 978-1-107-01036-9 Hardback £70.00 / US$110.00 For all formats available, see

Causation and Creation in Late Antiquity Edited by Anna Marmodoro University of Oxford

and Brian D. Prince University of Oxford

This book explores ancient thinking about causation and creation, considering the perspectives of key Christian and pagan thinkers. 2015 228 x 152 mm 312pp 978-1-107-06153-8 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see

The Structure of Enquiry in Plato’s Early Dialogues Vasilis Politis Trinity College, Dublin

Providing an alternative to the traditional interpretation, this book defends a radically new view of Plato’s method of argument in the early dialogues, centred on dilemmas and aporiai. Offering new directions for the debate around Plato’s method, it will be a valuable resource for advanced students and scholars of Plato. 2015 228 x 152 mm 266pp 2 b/w illus. 978-1-107-06811-7 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

Plato’s Anti-hedonism and the Protagoras J. Clerk Shaw University of Tennessee, Knoxville

J. Clerk Shaw reconciles the Protagoras with Plato’s other dialogues, arguing that the Protagoras reflects Plato’s antihedonism. 2015 228 x 152 mm 232pp 978-1-107-04665-8 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see

The Pleasures of Reason in Plato, Aristotle, and the Hellenistic Hedonists James Warren University of Cambridge

How did ancient philosophers understand the relationship between human capacities for thinking and our experiences of pleasure and pain? 2014 228 x 152 mm 248pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-02544-8 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00

For all formats available, see

The Theology of Augustine’s Confessions

What Would Socrates Do?

Paul Rigby Saint Paul University, Ottawa

This study of Augustine’s Confessions presents his testimony of conversion as an antidote to modern culture’s tendency toward disbelief. 2015 228 x 152 mm 352pp 978-1-107-09492-5 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see

The Demiurge in Ancient Thought Secondary Gods and Divine Mediators Carl Séan O’Brien Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany

Examines religious and ‘scientific’/ philosophical accounts of worldgeneration as represented by the figure of the Demiurge (Craftsman-god). 2015 228 x 152 mm 346pp 1 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-107-07536-8 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see

Socratic and Platonic Political Philosophy Practicing a Politics of Reading Christopher P. Long Pennsylvania State University

Socratic and Platonic Political Philosophy invites readers to participate in the practices of Socratic and Platonic politics. 2014 228 x 152 mm 240pp 978-1-107-04035-9 Mixed media product £60.00 / US$90.00 For all formats available, see


Self-Examination, Civic Engagement, and the Politics of Philosophy Joel Alden Schlosser Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania

Challenges popular modern views of Socrates by examining the political significance of his activity in ancient Athens. 2014 228 x 152 mm 212pp 978-1-107-06742-4 Hardback £69.99 / US$110.00 For all formats available, see

Interpreting Proclus From Antiquity to the Renaissance Edited by Stephen Gersh University of Notre Dame, Indiana

Charts the influence of the late Greek philosopher Proclus from his own lifetime down to the Renaissance (500–1600 CE). 2014 228 x 152 mm 417pp 978-0-521-19849-3 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 For all formats available, see

Probabilities, Hypotheticals, and Counterfactuals in Ancient Greek Thought Edited by Victoria Wohl University of Toronto

Examines ancient Greek thinking about the probable, hypothetical, and counterfactual across a variety of disciplines (philosophy, science, politics, literature, art). 2014 228 x 152 mm 305pp 8 b/w illus. 978-1-107-05049-5 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

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Ancient philosophy Aristotle on Female Animals

Aenesidemus of Cnossus

A Study of the Generation of Animals Sophia M. Connell

Testimonia Edited and translated by Roberto Polito

Newnham College, Cambridge

University of Cambridge

Sets out Aristotle’s views on female animals and argues that they should be seen in a much more positive light than has been previously thought. This results in a reassessment of many fundamental aspects of Aristotle’s metaphysics, philosophy and methodology.

The first collection of ancient texts on the Sceptic Aenesidemus, providing a reference book for the history of Scepticism.

Cambridge Classical Studies

2016 216 x 138 mm 448pp 1 b/w illus. 10 tables 978-1-107-13630-4 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 Publication January 2016 For all formats available, see

Justice and Reciprocity in Aristotle’s Political Philosophy Kazutaka Inamura Hirosaki University, Japan

How do Aristotle’s ethical concepts offer a basis for his political philosophy, and how is that philosophy relevant to politics today? In this book, Kazutaka Inamura examines Aristotle’s notions of justice, friendship, democracy, citizenship and the mixed constitution, and explores the receptions of his political thought in present-day democratic theories. Cambridge Classical Studies

2015 216 x 138 mm 266pp 978-1-107-11094-6 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

Performing Citizenship in Plato’s Laws Lucia Prauscello University of Cambridge

Studies the ethical underpinning of the rhetoric of citizenship in Plato’s Laws and its implementation through ritualized forms of performance. Cambridge Classical Studies

2014 216 x 138 mm 281pp 978-1-107-07288-6 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 For all formats available, see

Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries, 52

2014 216 x 138 mm 280pp 1 b/w illus. 978-0-521-19025-1 Hardback £79.99 / US$120.00 For all formats available, see

Aristotle’s Politics A Critical Guide Edited by Thornton Lockwood Quinnipiac University, Connecticut

and Thanassis Samaras University of Georgia

Arguably the foundational text of Western political theory, Aristotle’s Politics has become one of the most carefully studied works in ethical and political philosophy. This volume offers fresh interpretations of Aristotle’s key work by internationally renowned contributors and opens new paths for students and scholars to explore. Cambridge Critical Guides

2015 228 x 152 mm 272pp 978-1-107-05270-3 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

Augustine’s City of God A Critical Guide Edited by James Wetzel Villanova University, Pennsylvania

Addresses the complex and conflicted vision in Augustine’s City of God, as a heavenly city on earthly pilgrimage. Cambridge Critical Guides

2014 229 x 152 mm 280pp 978-1-107-46318-9 Paperback £22.99 / US$34.99 Also available 978-0-521-19994-0 Hardback £59.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see


Plato: Theaetetus and Sophist Edited and translated by Christopher Rowe University of Durham

Plato’s Theaetetus and Sophist are two of his most important dialogues and are widely discussed by philosophers. With a supporting introduction and notes, this new and lively translation is the first to present both dialogues together and will pave the way for fresh interpretations of Plato’s writings in general. Contents: Acknowledgements; Introduction; Short summaries of Theaetetus and Sophist; Further reading; Note on text and translation; Theaetetus; Sophist; Further notes on text; Index. Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy

Aristotle’s Physics

2015 228 x 152 mm 227pp 978-1-107-01483-1 Hardback £50.00 / US$85.00

A Critical Guide Edited by Mariska Leunissen

978-1-107-69702-7 Paperback £14.99 / US$21.99

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

For all formats available, see

This volume provides cutting-edge research on Aristotle’s Physics by reassessing its key concepts, reconstructing its methodology, and determining the boundaries of Aristotle’s natural philosophy. Because of the foundational nature of Aristotle’s Physics itself, this volume is a must-read for all scholars working on Aristotle.

Cambridge Critical Guides

This second edition is an accurate, readable and accessible translation of one of the world’s greatest ethical works.


2015 228 x 152 mm 310pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-03146-3 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see


Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics Second edition Edited and translated by Roger Crisp St Anne’s College, Oxford

Praise for the first edition: ‘A teacher looking for a single translation of the Nicomachean Ethics to use as a textbook, and a general

Ancient philosophy / Byzantine studies reader who wishes to rely on a single translation of this work, will do well to choose Crisp.’ Utilitas

Contents: Introduction; Chronology; Further reading; Note on the text; Nicomachean Ethics; Book I; Book II; Book III; Book IV; Book V; Book VI; Book VII; Book VIII; Book IX; Book X; Glossary; Index. Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy

2014 228 x 152 mm 258pp 978-1-107-03960-5 Hardback £40.00 / US$60.00 978-1-107-61223-5 Paperback £14.99 / US$22.99 For all formats available, see

Corinthian Wisdom, Stoic Philosophy, and the Ancient Economy Timothy A. Brookins Houston Baptist University

Re-examines the divisive wisdom in 1 Corinthians and considers the effects of wealth and formal education in Stoicism on the Corinthian church. Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series, 159

2014 228 x 152 mm 288pp 9 tables 978-1-107-04637-5 Hardback £60.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see

Byzantine studies Theology and Poetry in Early Byzantium The Kontakia of Romanos the Melodist Sarah Gador-Whyte Australian Catholic University, Melbourne

Romanos’ lively and dramatic hymns are a highlight of Byzantine literary invention. This book examines the rhetorical embodiment of theological themes in these kontakia. Through rhetorical techniques like dialogue, metaphor and vivid description, biblical stories and theological concepts are performed, adapted and vivified. 2016 228 x 152 mm 288pp 978-1-107-14013-4 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99 Publication September 2016 For all formats available, see

Fountains and Water Culture in Byzantium

Performing Orthodox Ritual in Byzantium

Edited by Brooke Shilling

Andrew Walker White

University of Lincoln

Stratford University, Virginia

and Paul Stephenson

A groundbreaking study exploring the origins of Byzantine ritual, the rites of Greek Orthodoxy, and its unique relationship with traditional theatre. The work argues that the Church’s rites were composed by public intellectuals, and performs an in-depth study of a late Byzantine rite, the Service of the Furnace.

University of Lincoln

Restores the fountains of Roman Byzantium, Byzantine Constantinople, Ottoman Istanbul, reviving the sounds, shapes, smells and sights of past water cultures. Experts in the history of art and culture, archaeology and theology, poetry and prose, offer reflections on water and fountains across two millennia in one location. 2016 247 x 174 mm 364pp 90 b/w illus. 2 maps 978-1-107-10599-7 Hardback c. £74.99 / c. US$120.00


2015 228 x 152 mm 288pp 12 b/w illus. 4 music examples 978-1-107-07385-2 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

Publication September 2016 For all formats available, see

Epigram, Art, and Devotion in Later Byzantium

Rural Lives and Landscapes in Late Byzantium Art, Archaeology, and Ethnography Sharon E. J. Gerstel

Ivan Drpić

University of California, Los Angeles

University of Washington

Explores the nexus of art, personal piety, and self-representation in the last centuries of Byzantium, focusing upon the evidence of verse inscriptions, or epigrams, on works of art. Offers a penetrating and highly original account of Byzantine art and its place in Byzantine society and religious life.

This is the first book to examine the late Byzantine (thirteenth to fifteenth centuries) village through written, archaeological and painted sources. This study inserts the Byzantine peasant into broader examinations of Mediterranean history and ethnography by discussing both the medieval villager and villagers of more recent centuries.

2016 247 x 174 mm 400pp 104 b/w illus. 16 colour illus. 978-1-107-15151-2 Hardback c. £74.99 / c. US$120.00

2015 279 x 216 mm 234pp 34 b/w illus. 90 colour illus. 3 maps 978-0-521-85159-6 Hardback £70.00 / US$115.00

Publication June 2016

For all formats available, see

For all formats available, see

Landscape, Nature, and the Sacred in Byzantium Veronica della Dora Royal Holloway, University of London

Engaging with a wide range of textual and visual sources, Landscape, Nature and the Sacred in Byzantium develops a fresh conceptual framework for approaching Byzantine perceptions of space and the environment. It will appeal to historical and cultural geographers, Byzantine scholars, environmental historians and theologians. 2016 247 x 174 mm 306pp 47 b/w illus. 13 colour illus. 3 maps 978-1-107-13909-1 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 Publication January 2016

Imagining the Byzantine Past The Perception of History in the Illustrated Manuscripts of Skylitzes and Manasses Elena N. Boeck DePaul University, Chicago

This is the first book to analyze the transformation of Byzantine history in visual narratives produced by outsiders. It not only explores a complex convergence of art, history, politics, and empire in Sicily and Bulgaria, but also challenges key assumptions about the value of history in the Middle Ages. 2015 247 x 174 mm 351pp 72 b/w illus. 20 colour illus. 3 maps 978-1-107-08581-7 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 For all formats available, see

For all formats available, see

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Byzantine studies / Classical studies (general) New in Paperback

Muslim Expansion and Byzantine Collapse in North Africa Walter E. Kaegi University of Chicago

Who ‘lost’ Christian North Africa? Who won and how? Walter Kaegi examines these perennial questions, with maps and on-site observations, in this exciting book. An impartial comparative framework helps to sort through identity politics, ‘Orientalism’ charges and counter-charges, and institutional controversies. ‘… Kaegi has produced an interesting and learned book. He clearly knows the range of surviving literary, numismatic, epigraphic and archeological sources extremely well …’ Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015 229 x 152 mm 366pp 10 b/w illus. 10 maps 1 table 978-1-107-63680-4 Paperback £20.99 / US$31.99 Also available 978-0-521-19677-2 Hardback £79.99 / US$125.00 For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era, c. 680–850 A History Leslie Brubaker University of Birmingham

and John Haldon Princeton University, New Jersey

A major revisionist survey of this most elusive and fascinating period in medieval history. 2015 244 x 170 mm 944pp 71 b/w illus. 7 maps 978-1-107-62629-4 Paperback £27.99 / US$41.99 Also available 978-0-521-43093-7 Hardback £135.00 / US$200.00 For all formats available, see

Classical studies (general) South Africa, Greece, Rome Classical Confrontations Edited by Grant Parker Stanford University, California

How have ancient Greece and Rome intersected with South African histories? This book examines architecture, literature, creative arts and historical memory. Far from being the handmaiden of colonialism (and later apartheid), classical antiquity has enabled challenges to the establishment, and shown ways to think about crosscultural encounters. 2016 247 x 174 mm 520pp 155 b/w illus. 1 map 3 tables 978-1-107-10081-7 Hardback c. £84.99 / c. US$135.00 Publication November 2016 For all formats available, see

Pliny the Elder and the Emergence of Renaissance Architecture

Middle Egyptian Literature Eight Literary Works of the Middle Kingdom James P. Allen Brown University, Rhode Island

This volume provides original texts as well as translations of the major works of Middle Kingdom literature. 2014 228 x 152 mm 458pp 6 b/w illus. 1 map 978-1-107-08743-9 Hardback £55.00 / US$85.00 978-1-107-45607-5 Paperback £19.99 / US$32.99 For all formats available, see

The Buried Life of Things How Objects Made History in Nineteenth-Century Britain Simon Goldhill University of Cambridge

Simon Goldhill offers a fascinating new perspective on the material culture of nineteenth-century Britain. 2014 247 x 174 mm 268pp 34 b/w illus. 8 colour illus. 978-1-107-08748-4 Hardback £35.00 / US$55.00 For all formats available, see

Peter Fane-Saunders University of Durham

The Naturalis historia by Pliny the Elder, written in the first century CE, provided Renaissance scholars, artists and architects with details of ancient architectural practice and long-lost architectural wonders. This book is the first to demonstrate the extent of Pliny’s contribution to Italian Renaissance architecture. 2016 253 x 177 mm 524pp 74 b/w illus. 8 colour illus. 978-1-107-07986-1 Hardback £84.99 / US$135.00 Publication February 2016 For all formats available, see

New in Paperback

Rome across Time and Space Cultural Transmission and the Exchange of Ideas, c.500–1400 Edited by Claudia Bolgia University of Edinburgh

Rosamond McKitterick University of Cambridge

and John Osborne Carleton University, Ottawa

An exploration of the significance of medieval Rome, both as a physical city and an idea with immense cultural capital. 2014 229 x 152 mm 372pp 39 b/w illus. 2 maps 2 tables 2 music examples 978-1-107-46019-5 Paperback £20.99 / US$31.99 Also available 978-0-521-19217-0 Hardback £79.99 / US$125.00 For all formats available, see

Classical studies (general) / Also of interest / Classics for schools The World of the Khanty Epic Hero-Princes

North American Cambridge Latin Course Unit 1

An Exploration of a Siberian Oral Tradition A. T. Hatto

Fifth edition University of Cambridge School Classics Project

King’s College London

Queen Mary University of London

This fresh perspective on Byron’s relationship with Greece throws new light on its importance both for Byron and for Greece.

Prepared for publication by John Smith

This bestselling Latin program provides an enjoyable and carefully paced introduction to the Latin language, complemented by background information on Roman culture and civilization. The story begins in the town of Pompeii shortly before the eruption of Vesuvius in AD79 and follows the fortunes of the household of Lucius Caecilius Iucundus.

New in Paperback Highlight

Byron’s War Romantic Rebellion, Greek Revolution Roderick Beaton

2014 228 x 152 mm 356pp 13 b/w illus. 2 maps 978-1-107-47038-5 Paperback £34.99 / US$54.99 Also available 978-1-107-03308-5 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 For all formats available, see

Also of interest Aristotle and the Arabic Tradition Edited by Ahmed Alwishah Pitzer College, Claremont

and Josh Hayes Alvernia University, Pennsylvania

This rich and wide ranging collection of essays devoted to the influence of Aristotle upon medieval Arabic philosophy will appeal to those who are interested in the themes, development and context of Aristotle’s legacy within the Arabic tradition. The book provides a critical analysis of philosophical topics in this tradition. 2015 228 x 152 mm 278pp 5 b/w illus. 2 tables 978-1-107-10173-9 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99 For all formats available, see

The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics Edited by Ronald Polansky Duquesne University, Pittsburgh

This volume provides a systematic guide to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, a key text of ancient philosophy, and Western philosophy in general. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy

2014 228 x 152 mm 488pp 978-0-521-19276-7 Hardback £64.99 / US$105.00 978-0-521-12273-3 Paperback £23.99 / US$39.99

University of Cambridge

Jane Lutman Marianne Bakró-Nagy Hungarian Academy of Sciences

and Daniel Prior Miami University

Analyses the Khanty tradition of oral heroic epic poetry, showing an ‘exotic’, ‘archaic’ verbal art genre to be the work of serious, highly aware thinkers, and allowing readers interested in anthropology and comparative literature to examine the world-view of an indigenous culture as reconstructed from its own words. University of Cambridge Oriental Publications, 69

2016 228 x 152 mm 300pp 5 b/w illus. 1 map 978-1-107-10321-4 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99 Publication October 2016 For all formats available, see

Classics for schools North American Cambridge Latin Course The North American Cambridge Latin Course is a well-established fourpart Latin program whose approach combines a stimulating, continuous storyline with grammatical development, work on derivatives, and cultural information. There is also a complete Language Information section, plus numerous color photographs illustrating life in the Roman world. The Course has now been fully revised and updated in the light of feedback from user schools, and includes the very best in new research. The new fifth edition continues to offer teachers and students alike a stimulating, reading-based approach to the study of Latin. New fifth edition now available. Visit education. for more details.


North American Cambridge Latin Course

2015 253 x 203 mm 216pp 978-1-107-07093-6 Student’s Book £23.30 / US$43.69 For all formats available, see

North American Cambridge Latin Course Unit 2 Fifth edition University of Cambridge School Classics Project

Following in the footsteps of two fugitives from the destruction of Pompeii, Unit 2 of this bestselling Latin program captures the drama of the daily lives of the inhabitants of two very different provinces at opposite ends of the Roman empire, Britain and Egypt. North American Cambridge Latin Course

2015 253 x 203 mm 208pp 978-1-107-07096-7 Student’s Book £23.30 / US$43.69 For all formats available, see

North American Cambridge Latin Course Unit 3 Fifth edition University of Cambridge School Classics Project

Starting in Roman Britain and moving on to imperial Rome itself, Unit 3 of this bestselling Latin program focuses on the murderous schemes and machinations of Gaius Salvius Liberalis, as he plots his ruthless and apparently unstoppable rise to power. North American Cambridge Latin Course

2015 253 x 203 mm 360pp 978-1-107-07097-4 Student’s Book £45.30 / US$89.94 For all formats available, see

For all formats available, see

eBooks available at


Classics for schools North American Cambridge Latin Course Unit 4

Cambridge Latin Grammar

Cambridge Translations from Greek Drama

Cambridge School Classics Project

Fifth edition University of Cambridge School Classics Project

A clear and compact guide to the Latin language designed for both reference and revision, helpful to students on all Latin courses.

Series Editors: John Harrison Judith Affleck

In the first half of Unit 4 in this bestselling Latin program, the story reaches its climax and final denouement in and around the court of the Emperor Domitian. There follows a selection of original texts by Roman authors, adapted where necessary, including Catullus, Ovid, Pliny, Tacitus and Virgil. North American Cambridge Latin Course

2015 253 x 203 mm 384pp 978-1-107-07098-1 Student’s Book £45.30 / US$89.94 For all formats available, see

Cambridge Latin Course The leading Latin course worldwide, The Cambridge Latin Course is the most successful and comprehensive Latin course available. It uses an innovative story-based approach to develop students’ ability to read Latin and give them an understanding and appreciation of Roman civilisation. It is designed to take learners of all ages and abilities from beginner level through to GCSE and beyond. For more details, please visit education.

Cambridge Latin Anthology Cambridge School Classics Project

Cambridge Latin Course

1992 239 x 170 mm 127pp 978-0-521-38588-6 Paperback £14.50 / US$24.15 For all formats available, see Visit for additional teacher’s resources and an extensive range of digital support, including E-learning Resource DVDs for Books 1 and 2.

Minimus Starting out in Latin Barbara Bell Illustrated by Helen Forte

This elementary Latin course for 7–10 year olds combines a basic introduction to the Latin language with material on the history and culture of Roman Britain. Minimus

1999 264 x 164 mm 79pp 978-0-521-65960-4 Pupil’s Book £13.95 / US$30.45 978-0-521-65961-1 Teacher’s Resource Book £57.95 / US$86.90 978-0-521-68146-9 Audio CD £13.95 / US$28.65 For all formats available, see

Cambridge Translations from Greek Drama

2015 198 x 129 mm 114pp 978-0-521-65372-5 Paperback £7.95 / US$14.20 For all formats available, see

Aristophanes: Frogs Judith Affleck

Moving on in Latin Barbara Bell Illustrated by Helen Forte

General Editor John Harrison

2004 264 x 196 mm 96pp 978-0-521-75545-0 Pupil’s Book £13.95 / US$30.45

Bacchae, suitable for both classical civilisation and drama studies, is brought vividly to life in this translation. Students are encouraged to engage with the text through detailed commentaries, suggested discussions and analysis, and to explore the play’s dramatic qualities through numerous practical questions.

and Clive Letchford

Cambridge Latin Course

For all formats available, see

Edited by David Franklin

Minimus Secundus

Minimus Secundus combines the teaching of Latin vocabulary and grammar whilst looking at Roman Britain. Designed for ages 10-13.

978-0-521-57854-7 Teacher’s handbook £19.50 / US$37.80

Euripides: Bacchae

King Edward VI School, Stratford-Upon-Avon

A classical anthology for GCSE which includes eight verse and eight prose sections arranged thematically, with a complete vocabulary at the end of the book and illustrations throughout. 1996 217 x 139 mm 224pp 978-0-521-57877-6 Paperback £12.50 / US$26.00

Translated from the original Greek, this series aims to bring students of Classical Civilisation and Drama courses as close as possible to the playwrights’ original words and intentions. Each volume includes a full synopsis of the play, detailed commentary running alongside the translation for easy reference, background information setting the play in context, notes on pronunciation and suggestions for discussion and analysis.


978-0-521-75546-7 Teacher’s Resource Book £57.50 / US$86.90 978-0-521-68147-6 Audio CD £16.95 / US$28.65 For all formats available, see Visit for additional readers, teacher’s resources, Minimus merchandise and news about training events.

University of Warwick Oundle School

Frogs aims to bring students as close as possible to the playwright’s original words and intentions. Cambridge Translations from Greek Drama

2014 198 x 129 mm 127pp 978-0-521-17257-8 Paperback £7.95 / US$13.60 For all formats available, see

Euripides: Iphigeneia at Aulis Holly Eckhardt and John Harrison

Iphigeneia at Aulis is brought vividly to life in this translation, suitable for both classical civilisation and drama studies. Cambridge Translations from Greek Drama

2012 198 x 129 mm 128pp 978-1-107-60116-1 Paperback £7.95 / US$13.65 For all formats available, see

Classics for schools Aristophanes: Clouds John Claughton and Judith Affleck

Clouds is brought vividly to life in this translation, suitable for students of both classical civilisation and drama. Cambridge Translations from Greek Drama

2012 198 x 129 mm 136pp 978-0-521-17256-1 Paperback £7.95 / US$14.20 For all formats available, see

Aeschylus: Agamemnon

Euripides: Medea

Edited and translated by Philip de May Introduction by P. E. Easterling

Medea is brought vividly to life in this translation, suitable for both classical civilisation and drama studies.

Agamemnon is brought vividly to life in this translation, suitable for both classical civilisation and drama studies.

Cambridge Translations from Greek Drama

Cambridge Translations from Greek Drama

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Sophocles: Philoctetes Edited by Judith Affleck

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Oedipus Tyrannus is brought vividly to life in this translation, suitable for both classical civilisation and drama studies. Cambridge Translations from Greek Drama

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Greece and Rome: Texts and Contexts

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Index A


Abraham or Aristotle? First Millennium Empires and Exegetical Traditions.........19 Adams, J. N.......................................... 1, 2 Aenesidemus of Cnossus........................28 Aeschylus: Agamemnon..........................33 Affleck, Judith.................................. 32, 33 Afterlife of the Roman City, The..............13 Ahrensdorf, Peter J..................................21 Aitken, James K......................................20 Albu, Emily.............................................21 Alexander the Great...............................34 Algra, Keimpe.........................................26 Allen, James P.........................................30 Allen, Pauline.........................................20 Alwishah, Ahmed...................................31 Analogical Investigations........................26 Ancient and Modern Democracy.............17 Ancient China and the Yue.....................18 Ancient City, The....................................23 Ancient Greek and Roman Scientific Writing................................................23 Ancient Greek Economy, The...................18 Ancient Kanesh......................................18 Animal Sacrifice in the Ancient Greek World..................................................15 Annals of Tacitus: Books 5–6, The.............8 Annas, Julia............................................25 Anthology of Informal Latin, 200 BC– AD 900, An...........................................1 Antiquity Now..........................................6 Apollonius of Rhodes: Argonautica Book IV..........................................................9 Archaeology and Ideology in Rome.........13 Archaeology of Elam, The.......................22 Archaeology of Lydia, from Gyges to Alexander, The.....................................14 Archaeology of Malta, The......................22 Archaeology of Urbanism in Ancient Egypt, The...........................................17 Archibald, Elizabeth P...............................4 Architecture of the Sacred......................11 Aristophanes: Clouds..............................33 Aristophanes: Frogs................................32 Aristotle and the Arabic Tradition............31 Aristotle on Female Animals...................28 Aristotle on Political Community.............24 Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics.................28 Aristotle’s Ethics and Medieval Philosophy..........................................25 Aristotle’s Physics...................................28 Aristotle’s Politics...................................28 Armstrong, Jeremy.................................17 Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece, The.....................................................12 Art and Rhetoric in Roman Culture.........13 Art and Society in Cyprus from the Bronze Age into the Iron Age...............12 Art in Athens during the Peloponnesian War.....................................................13 Art in the Hellenistic World.....................13 Art of Euripides, The.................................7 Artists and Signatures in Ancient Greece.11 Ataç, Mehmet-Ali...................................13 Augustine’s City of God..........................28 Authority and Expertise in Ancient Scientific Culture.................................15

Bachvarova, Mary R..................................5 Bakró-Nagy, Marianne............................31 Banaji, Jairus..........................................18 Bardill, Jonathan....................................10 Barker, Andrew.......................................26 Barringer, Judith M.................................12 Barrios-Lech, Peter...................................4 Bartsch, Shadi..........................................9 Beale, Alan.............................................34 Beaton, Roderick....................................31 Beck, Hans....................................... 16, 18 Bell, Barbara..........................................32 Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City...........................................16 Berman, Daniel W.....................................7 Betegh, Gábor........................................25 Birth of Critical Thinking in Republican Rome, The...........................................25 Bitner, Bradley J......................................24 Blake, Emma..........................................21 Blume, Fred H.........................................16 Body, Dress, and Identity in Ancient Greece................................................12 Boeck, Elena N.......................................29 Boiotia in Antiquity.................................16 Bolgia, Claudia.......................................30 Bortolani, Ljuba Merlina.........................15 Brakke, David.........................................17 Bridging the Gap between Aristotle’s Science and Ethics...............................27 Brindley, Erica Fox..................................18 Brockliss, William.....................................4 Bronze Age Eleusis and the Origins of the Eleusinian Mysteries......................14 Brookins, Timothy A................................29 Brubaker, Leslie......................................30 Budin, Stephanie Lynn............................21 Buried Life of Things, The........................30 Burnand, Chris.......................................34 Butcher, Kevin........................................20 Byron’s War............................................31 Byzantine Art and Italian Panel Painting.. 11 Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era, c. 680–850.............................................30

C Caldwell, Lauren....................................20 Caluori, Damian.....................................26 Cambridge Companion to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, The......................31 Cambridge Companion to Roman Law, The.....................................................22 Cambridge Companion to Seneca, The......9 Cambridge Companion to the Age of Attila, The............................................22 Cambridge Companion to Xenophon, The.9 Cambridge History of Painting in the Classical World, The.............................12 Cambridge History of Philosophy in Late Antiquity, The......................................25 Cambridge Latin Anthology....................32 Cambridge Latin Grammar......................32 Cambridge Prehistory of the Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean, The................14 Cambridge School Classics Project..........32 Campus Martius.....................................20 Canonical Texts and Scholarly Practices.....4 Capogrossi Colognesi, Luigi....................20


Carleton Paget, James............................20 Cartledge, Paul.......................................20 Causation and Creation in Late Antiquity.27 Celano, Anthony.....................................25 Cheshire, Keyne......................................34 Cicero and the Roman Republic..............34 Cicero’s De Finibus.................................25 Civic Monuments and the Augustales in Roman Italy.........................................11 Clackson, James.....................................24 Classical Myths in Italian Renaissance Painting................................................6 Claughton, John............................... 33, 34 Closure of Space in Roman Poetics, The...10 Codex of Justinian, The...........................16 Collecting Early Christian Letters.............20 Colloquia of the Hermeneumata Pseudodositheana, The..........................3 Compton-Engle, Gwendolyn.....................6 Conlin, Diane Atnally..............................20 Connell, Sophia M..................................28 Constantine, Divine Emperor of the Christian Golden Age...........................10 Consul at Rome, The...............................21 Corinthian Wisdom, Stoic Philosophy, and the Ancient Economy....................29 Cosmopoulos, Michael B.........................14 Costume in the Comedies of Aristophanes.6 Crislip, Andrew.......................................17 Crisp, Roger...........................................28 Cults and Rites in Ancient Greece...........20

D Davies, M.................................................8 de Ligt, Luuk..........................................19 de May, Philip.................................. 33, 34 De Temmerman, Koen...............................5 della Dora, Veronica...............................29 Demiurge in Ancient Thought, The...........27 Democracy beyond Athens......................19 Demoen, Kristoffel....................................5 Dey, Hendrik W.......................................13 Dickey, Eleanor................................. 1, 2, 3 Domingo Gygax, Marc............................16 Dressler, Alex..........................................24 Drpić, Ivan..............................................29 Dugdale, Eric.................................... 33, 34 Duncan-Jones, Richard...........................15 Dusinberre, Elspeth R. M.........................14 Dutsch, Dorota.........................................5 Dutta, Shomit.........................................33 Dyson, Stephen L....................................13

E Early and Late Latin..................................1 Easterling, P. E........................................33 Eastmond, Antony..................................11 Ebrey, David...........................................26 Eckhardt, Holly.......................................32 Egypt in Italy..........................................11 Eidinow, Esther......................................22 Elsner, Jaś..............................................13 Emperor and Rome, The..........................24 Empire and Ideology in the GraecoRoman World......................................15 Empire, Authority, and Autonomy in Achaemenid Anatolia..........................14 End of Greek Athletics in Late Antiquity, The.....................................................23

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Index Epigram, Art, and Devotion in Later Byzantium...........................................29 Euripides: Bacchae.................................32 Euripides: Hecuba...................................33 Euripides: Hippolytus..............................33 Euripides: Iphigeneia at Aulis..................32 Euripides: Medea....................................33 Evans, Jane............................................20 Ewald, Björn C........................................24 Exploring the Economy of Late Antiquity.18

F Fall of Cities in the Mediterranean, The.....5 Fane-Saunders, Peter..............................30 Fantuzzi, Marco........................................6 Federalism in Greek Antiquity.................18 Ferrario, Sarah Brown.............................21 Ferriss-Hill, Jennifer L................................7 Finglass, P. J.......................................... 6, 8 Fiscal Regimes and the Political Economy of Premodern States.............19 Flack, Leah Culligan.................................9 Flower, Michael A.....................................9 Folda, Jaroslav........................................11 Forte, Helen............................................32 Fountains and Water Culture in Byzantium...........................................29 Fowden, Garth.......................................19 Franklin, David................................. 32, 33 Freedman in the Roman World, The........19 Freedman, Luba........................................6 Frier, Bruce W.........................................16 From Hittite to Homer...............................5 Funke, Peter...........................................18

G Gador-Whyte, Sarah...............................29 Gersh, Stephen.......................................27 Gerson, Lloyd P.......................................25 Gerstel, Sharon E. J.................................29 Gilhuly, Kate.............................................8 Gladhill, Bill.............................................5 Globalisation and the Roman World.......14 Gnoza, Jonathan......................................4 Goldhill, Simon.......................................30 Gorski, Gilbert J......................................14 Gottesman, Alex.....................................21 Graf, Fritz......................................... 20, 22 Grafton, Anthony......................................4 Greek Athletics and the Olympics............34 Greek Epic Cycle and its Ancient Reception, The.......................................6 Greek Narratives of the Roman Empire under the Severans..............................23 Greek Theatre in Context........................34 Gunderson, Erik.......................................7

H Haimson Lushkov, Ayelet..........................7 Haldon, John..........................................30 Hales, Shelley.........................................13 Hammer, Dean.......................................20 Harris, Edward M....................................18 Harris, William V.....................................16 Harrison, John.................................. 32, 33 Hatto, A. T..............................................31 Hawkins, Cameron.................................16 Hayes, Josh............................................31 Hedreen, Guy.........................................10

Hellenistic and Biblical Greek....................2 Hellenistic and Roman Ideal Sculpture....12 Hellenistic World, The.............................23 Henry, Devin...........................................27 Herodotus and the Persian Wars.............34 Hershkowitz, Paula.................................15 Hestir, Blake E........................................25 Hillner, Julia............................................19 Historical Agency and the ‘Great Man’ in Classical Greece..................................21 History of the Jewish War, A....................17 Hitch, Sarah...........................................15 Hodos, Tamar.........................................13 Homer on the Gods and Human Virtue....21 Homer’s Odyssey....................................33 Horace: A Poet for a New Age.................34 Horbury, William.....................................21 Hunt, Ailsa.............................................22 Hunter, Richard.................................... 8, 9 Hurwit, Jeffrey M....................................11

I Ierodiakonou, Katerina...........................26 Image and Text in Graeco-Roman Antiquity.............................................12 Image of the Artist in Archaic and Classical Greece, The............................10 Images of Woman and Child from the Bronze Age..........................................21 Imagining the Byzantine Past..................29 Inamura, Kazutaka.................................28 Independent Study Guide to Reading Greek, An..............................................4 Independent Study Guide to Reading Latin, An...............................................1 Innovative Vaulting in the Architecture of the Roman Empire...........................10 Intellectual Revolution, The.......................3 Interpreting Proclus................................27 Introduction to the Composition and Analysis of Greek Prose, An....................2 Isaac, Benjamin......................................15

J Jacobs, II, Paul W....................................20 Jameson, Michael H................................20 Jenkins, Thomas E.....................................6 Jew, Daniel.............................................22 Jewish War under Trajan and Hadrian.....21 Jewish-Greek Tradition in Antiquity and the Byzantine Empire, The....................20 Johnson, David M...................................34 Johnson, Mark J......................................13 Johnston, David......................................22 Joint Association of Classical Teachers.......4 Joint Association of Classical Teachers’ Greek Course.................................... 3, 4 Jones, Peter..............................................1 Joshel, Sandra R.....................................10 Justice and Reciprocity in Aristotle’s Political Philosophy..............................28

K Kaegi, Walter E.......................................30 Kaizer, Ted..............................................24 Kania, Raymond.......................................5 Kelly, Adrian.............................................6 Kemezis, Adam M...................................23 Kindt, Julia....................................... 21, 22

Knapp, A. Bernard..................................14 König, Jason...........................................15 Kopp, Laura............................................20 Kousser, Rachel Meredith........................12 Kraus, C. S................................................9

L Laird, Margaret L....................................11 Lancaster, Lynne C..................................10 Landscape and the Spaces of Metaphor in Ancient Literary Theory and Criticism..5 Landscape, Nature, and the Sacred in Byzantium...........................................29 Language and Society in the Greek and Roman Worlds.....................................24 Lardinois, André.......................................8 Larsen, Mogens Trolle.............................18 Last, Richard..........................................24 Latin Literature and its Transmission..........8 Law and Power in the Making of the Roman Commonwealth.......................20 Learn Latin from the Romans....................1 Learning Latin and Greek from Antiquity to the Present........................................4 Learning Latin the Ancient Way.................2 Lee, Mireille M........................................12 Letchford, Clive......................................32 Leunissen, Mariska.................................28 Lewis, David M.......................................18 Libanius...................................................7 Linguistic Interaction in Roman Comedy....4 Livy’s Political Philosophy..........................6 Lloyd, G. E. R..........................................26 Lloyd, Janet............................................25 Lockwood, Thornton...............................28 Long, Christopher P.................................27 Longfellow, Brenda.................................12 Longo, Angela........................................24 Lucan’s Egyptian Civil War........................8 Lucretius................................................34 Lutman, Jane..........................................31

M M. I. Finley.............................................22 Maas, Michael........................................22 Maclennan, Keith...................................34 Maeander Valley, The..............................23 Magic and Divinity in Graeco-Roman Egypt..................................................15 Magistracy and the Historiography of the Roman Republic..............................7 Manuwald, Gesine............................... 7, 9 Marder, Tod A.........................................11 Marmodoro, Anna..................................27 Marshall, C. W..........................................7 Maslov, Boris............................................5 Mason, Steve.........................................17 Mastronarde, Donald J..............................7 Material Culture and Social Identities in the Ancient World................................13 Material Life of Roman Slaves, The..........10 McAuslan, Ian........................................33 McDonald, Katherine................................2 McKitterick, Rosamond...........................30 McLean, B. H............................................2 Medieval Peutinger Map, The..................21 Meinel, Fabian.........................................7 Menander, New Comedy and the Visual....8 Metallurgy of Roman Silver Coinage, The.20

Index Meyer, Michel.........................................13 Middle Egyptian Literature......................30 Minimus.................................................32 Minimus Secundus.................................32 Moatti, Claudia......................................25 Modernism and Homer.............................9 Moeller, Nadine......................................17 Monson, Andrew....................................19 Moore, Christopher................................26 Moore, Timothy J....................................33 Morwood, James....................................34 Most, Glenn W.........................................4 Mouritsen, Henrik...................................19 Murrell, John..........................................34 Muslim Expansion and Byzantine Collapse in North Africa.......................30 Myth, Literature, and the Creation of the Topography of Thebes............................7 Mythology of Kingship in Neo-Assyrian Art, The...............................................13

N Neil, Bronwen........................................20 ní Mheallaigh, Karen..............................10 Nicolaus of Damascus: The Life of Augustus and The Autobiography.........16 Nielsen, Karen Margrethe.......................27 Nippel, Wilfried......................................17 Noreña, Carlos F.....................................24 North American Cambridge Latin Course Unit 1.................................................31 North American Cambridge Latin Course Unit 2.................................................31 North American Cambridge Latin Course Unit 3.................................................31 North American Cambridge Latin Course Unit 4.................................................32

O O’Brien, Carl Séan..................................27 Oakley, S. P...............................................8 Oratory and Political Career in the Late Roman Republic..................................15 Origin of Roman London, The.................15 Osborne, John........................................30 Osborne, Robin......................................22 Oscan in Southern Italy and Sicily.............2 Oscan in the Greek Alphabet....................2 Oscar Wilde and Ancient Greece...............9 Ousterhout, Robert G..............................11 Ovid’s Early Poetry....................................7

P Packer, James E......................................14 Pagans and Christians in Late Antique Rome..................................................18 Palagia, Olga..........................................13 Pantheon, The........................................11 Parker, Grant..........................................30 Pashley, Vanessa.....................................20 Paul’s Political Strategy in 1 Corinthians 1–4.....................................................24 Pauline Church and the Corinthian Ekklēsia, The........................................24 Peasants, Citizens and Soldiers...............19 Performing Citizenship in Plato’s Laws....28 Performing Orthodox Ritual in Byzantium...........................................29 Pericles and the Conquest of History.......17

Personification and the Feminine in Roman Philosophy...............................24 Petersen, Lauren Hackworth...................10 Petrides, Antonis K....................................8 Pina Polo, Francisco................................21 Pindar and the Emergence of Literature....5 Pindar’s Poetics of Immortality..................5 Pitts, Martin...........................................14 Plato on the Metaphysical Foundation of Meaning and Truth..........................25 Plato: Theaetetus and Sophist.................28 Plato’s Anti-hedonism and the Protagoras..........................................27 Platonic Alcibiades I, The........................26 Playing Hesiod.........................................8 Pleasures of Reason in Plato, Aristotle, and the Hellenistic Hedonists, The........27 Pliny the Elder and the Emergence of Renaissance Architecture.....................30 Plotinus and Epicurus.............................24 Plotinus on the Soul...............................26 Poems of Catullus, The..............................6 Polansky, Ronald....................................31 Polinskaya, Irene....................................20 Politics and the Street in Democratic Athens................................................21 Politics of Public Space in Republican Rome, The...........................................18 Politis, Vasilis..........................................27 Polito, Roberto.......................................28 Pollitt, J. J...............................................12 Pollution and Crisis in Greek Tragedy.........7 Ponting, Matthew..................................20 Porphyry’s Commentary on Ptolemy’s Harmonics...........................................26 Porter, James I..........................................5 Potts, D. T...............................................22 Power and Privilege in Roman Society.....15 Prauscello, Lucia.....................................28 Prince, Brian D........................................27 Prior, Daniel...........................................31 Prison, Punishment and Penance in Late Antiquity.............................................19 Probabilities, Hypotheticals, and Counterfactuals in Ancient Greek Thought..............................................27 Prudentius, Spain, and Late Antique Christianity..........................................15 Punic Mediterranean, The.......................21

Q Quinn, Josephine Crawley.......................21

R Rayor, Diane J...........................................8 Reading Fiction with Lucian....................10 Reading Greek.........................................4 Reading Latin...........................................1 Regional Diversification of Latin 200 BC - AD 600, The........................................2 Religion, Society and Culture at DuraEuropos...............................................24 Religious Deviance in the Roman World.. 16 Remijsen, Sofie.......................................23 Renaud, François....................................26 Rethinking Roman Alliance.......................5 Revisiting Delphi....................................21 Reviving Roman Religion........................22 Richardson, David M. B...........................16


Riesbeck, David J....................................24 Rigby, Paul.............................................27 Rimell, Victoria.......................................10 Riva, Corinna..........................................14 Robinson, Eric W....................................19 Roby, Courtney.......................................25 Roman Artisans and the Urban Economy.16 Roman Festivals in the Greek East..........22 Roman Forum, The.................................14 Roman Girlhood and the Fashioning of Femininity...........................................20 Roman Imperial Mausoleum in Late Antiquity, The......................................13 Roman Imperialism and Civic Patronage.12 Roman Law in the State of Nature..........23 Roman Political Thought.........................20 Roman Power.........................................16 Roman Republican Theatre.......................7 Roman Satire and the Old Comic Tradition.7 Roman Theatre.......................................33 Rome across Time and Space..................30 Roosevelt, Christopher H........................14 Ross, Iain.................................................9 Rowe, Christopher..................................28 Rüpke, Jörg............................................16 Rural Lives and Landscapes in Late Byzantium...........................................29 Russell, Amy...........................................18 Rutherford, Ian.......................................15

S Sághy, Marianne....................................18 Sagona, Claudia.....................................22 Salzman, Michele...................................18 Samaras, Thanassis.................................28 Samons, II, Loren J..................................17 Sappho....................................................8 Schachter, Albert....................................16 Scheidel, Walter.....................................19 Schiesaro, Alessandro...............................9 Schlosser, Joel Alden...............................27 Schofield, Malcolm.................................25 Scott, Michael........................................22 Selected Discourses of Shenoute the Great..................................................17 Sextus Empiricus and Ancient Physics......26 Shaw, Ben..............................................33 Shaw, J. Clerk.........................................27 Shilling, Brooke......................................29 Sidwell, Keith...........................................1 Sigelman, Asya C......................................5 Smith, Joanna S......................................12 Smith, John............................................31 Social Networks and Regional Identity in Bronze Age Italy..............................21 Socrates and Athens...............................34 Socrates and Self-Knowledge..................26 Socratic and Platonic Political Philosophy.27 Somerfield, Christopher..........................20 Sophocles: Ajax.................................. 8, 33 Sophocles: Antigone...............................33 Sophocles: Electra..................................33 Sophocles: Oedipus Tyrannus..................33 Sophocles: Philoctetes............................33 South Africa, Greece, Rome.....................30 Space, Place, and Landscape in Ancient Greek Literature and Culture..................8 Speaking Greek........................................3 Squire, Michael.......................................12 Stallsmith, Allaire B.................................20

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Index Stansbury-O’Donnell, Mark D..................13 Stephenson, Paul....................................29 Stesichorus in Context..............................6 Stewart, Andrew.....................................13 Straumann, Benjamin.............................23 Structure and Performance of Euripides’ Helen, The.............................................7 Structure of Enquiry in Plato’s Early Dialogues, The.....................................27 Sublime in Antiquity, The...........................5 Sublime Seneca, The.................................7 Suter, Ann................................................5 Swetnam-Burland, Molly........................11

T Tacitus and the Principate.......................34 Tacitus: Agricola.......................................9 Taormina, Daniela Patrizia......................24 Tarrant, Harold.......................................26 Tarrant, Richard......................................10 Taub, Liba..............................................23 Teachers’ Notes to Reading Greek, The......3 Technical Ekphrasis in Greek and Roman Science and Literature.........................25 Testa, Rita Lizzi.......................................18 Texts, Editors, and Readers.....................10 Theologies of Ancient Greek Religion......22 Theology and Poetry in Early Byzantium..29 Theology of Augustine’s Confessions, The.....................................................27 Theory and Practice in Aristotle’s Natural Science................................................26 Thomson, Jeffrey......................................6 Thonemann, Peter..................................23 Thorsen, Thea S........................................7

Toher, Mark............................................16 Tracy, Jonathan.........................................8 Tribe, Keith.............................................17 Tsagalis, Christos......................................6

U University of Cambridge School Classics Project.......................................... 31, 32 Urbanisation of Etruria, The....................14 Uzzi, Jeannine Diddle...............................6

V Valerius Flaccus: Argonautica Book III.......9 van den Berg, Christopher S......................8 van der Blom, Henriette..........................15 van Dommelen, Peter.............................14 Van Hoof, Lieve........................................7 Van Noorden, Helen.................................8 Vasaly, Ann..............................................6 Vase Painting, Gender, and Social Identity in Archaic Athens....................13 Vella, Nicholas C.....................................21 Versluys, Miguel John.............................14 Viewing Inscriptions in the Late Antique and Medieval World............................11 Vincent, Nigel...........................................1 Virgil, A Poet in Augustan Rome.............34 Virgil’s Eclogues and the Art of Fiction......5

W Wallace, Lacey M....................................15 War and Society in Early Rome...............17 Warren, James........................................27 Weiss, Charles........................................33

Wescoat, Bonna D..................................11 Wetzel, James........................................28 What Would Socrates Do?......................27 White, Andrew Walker............................29 Wilkinson, Kate......................................20 Wilson Jones, Mark................................11 Wohl, Victoria.........................................27 Women and Modesty in Late Antiquity....20 Woodman, A. J..................................... 8, 9 Woolf, Greg............................................15 Woolmer, Mark......................................18 World of Heroes, A...................................3 World of Tacitus’ Dialogus de Oratoribus, The.......................................................8 World of the Khanty Epic Hero-Princes, The.....................................................31 Worman, Nancy................................... 5, 8 Wrapson, Lucy J......................................11 Writing Biography in Greece and Rome.....5

Z Zair, Nicholas...........................................2 Zuiderhoek, Arjan...................................23

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Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Published twice a year in spring and autumn, the journal publishes high-quality research and discussion in all aspects of Byzantine and Modern Greek scholarship, whether historical, literary or social-anthropological. Find out more at:

Traditio An international journal, published annually and dedicated to the study of ancient and medieval history, thought, and religion. Find out more at:




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