Animal Behaviour Books 2015
Animal Behaviour
Behavioural Genetics
Evolutionary Biology
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Animal Behaviour Marmot Biology Sociality, Individual Fitness, and Population Dynamics Kenneth B. Armitage University of Kansas
Reporting the results of a forty-year research project on the yellow-bellied marmot in the Upper East River Valley in Colorado, USA, this book discusses life-history features of marmots and demonstrates how population biology can explain major ecological and evolutionary theories, especially inclusive fitness and population regulation. 2014 247 x 174 mm 405pp 125 b/w illus. 17 colour illus. 117 tables 978-1-107-05394-6 Hardback £75.00 / US$120.00 For all formats available, see
Play, Playfulness, Creativity and Innovation Patrick Bateson
University of Cambridge
and Paul Martin
Wolfson College, Cambridge
What role does playful behaviour take in animal and human development? Unravelling the different meanings of ‘play’, this book focuses on playful and non-aggressive behaviour in both animals and humans. The authors emphasise its significance for development, before examining the importance of playfulness to creativity and, in turn, to innovation. ‘In this highly readable and thoughtprovoking book, Patrick Bateson and Paul Martin show how play helps animals to find novel solutions and sows the evolutionary seeds for human creativity. They argue that being able to ‘break the rules’ in a protected environment, which is what play does, generates new ideas (creativity) and new ways of doing things (innovation). By looking at the conditions in which humans are at their most creative, they make a major contribution to what we might do to be even more creative than we are.’ Marian Stamp Dawkins, University of Oxford, and co-author of An Introduction to Animal Behaviour (2012) 2013 228 x 152 mm 166pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-01513-5 Hardback £55.00 / US$85.00 978-1-107-68934-3 Paperback £21.99 / US$34.99 For all formats available, see
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Animal Behaviour
Tinbergen’s Legacy Function and Mechanism in Behavioral Biology Edited by Johan Bolhuis Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands
Simon Verhulst
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands
An international cast of leading animal biologists reflect on the enduring significance of Tinbergen’s groundbreaking proposals for modern behavioural biology. Includes a reprint of Nobel laureate Niko Tinbergen’s original article on the famous ‘four whys’, after which each of the four questions are discussed in the light of contemporary evidence. ‘… an important evaluation of the direction in which animal behaviour studies have been, and are, moving since the days of Niko Tinbergen … well co-ordinated and edited …’ Ethology 2009 228 x 152 mm 262pp 4 b/w illus. 978-0-521-87478-6 Hardback £84.99 / US$149.99 978-0-521-69755-2 Paperback £34.99 / US$59.99 For all formats available, see
Oxytocin, Vasopressin and Related Peptides in the Regulation of Behavior Edited by Elena Choleris University of Guelph, Ontario
Donald W. Pfaff
Rockefeller University, New York
and Martin Kavaliers
University of Western Ontario
Providing a comparative overview of the effects that the neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin have on behavior, this book examines remarkable parallel findings in both humans and non-human animals. It features contributions from leading researchers, making this a valuable resource for graduate students, researchers and clinicians in the field. ‘The clearly written and wellreferenced chapters deal with molecular mechanisms, phylogenetic considerations and clinical applications, as well as effects on human behaviour, and the final chapter suggests potential lines of future research. A well-organised and presented book on a splendidly interesting subject.’ Malcolm Dando, The Biologist 2013 246 x 189 mm 405pp 39 b/w illus. 13 colour illus. 17 tables 978-0-521-19035-0 Hardback £74.99 / US$114.99 For all formats available, see
Animal Behaviour
Escaping From Predators An Integrative View of Escape Decisions Edited by William E. Cooper, Jr
Indiana University–Purdue University, Indianapolis
and Daniel T. Blumstein
University of California, Los Angeles
Recent advances and decades of scattered research are brought together to provide a valuable behavioural ecology reference and practical handbook for the study of if, when and how prey flee from predators. Integrating biology, behaviour and evolution, this book provides a muchneeded benchmark and summary of escape ecology literature. 2015 247 x 174 mm 460pp 116 b/w illus. 15 tables 978-1-107-06054-8 Hardback £64.99 / US$104.99 Publication June 2015 For all formats available, see
Giraffe Biology, Behaviour and Conservation Anne Innis Dagg University of Waterloo, Ontario
Drawing together the latest research, this is a detailed exploration of current knowledge on the biology, behaviour and conservation needs of giraffe. Dagg highlights striking new data on a range of topics, discussing the problems and solutions associated with zoo captivity along with current conservation efforts and their outlook. 2014 247 x 174 mm 256pp 75 b/w illus. 3 tables 978-1-107-03486-0 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00 For all formats available, see
Cephalopod Cognition Edited by Anne-Sophie Darmaillacq University of Caen Basse-Normandie
Ludovic Dickel
University of Caen Basse-Normandie
and Jennifer Mather
University of Lethbridge, Alberta
Filling the research gap within complex invertebrate comparative cognition, this book explores the many aspects of cephalopod intelligence and thinking. With chapters covering the range of cognitive function, from play and development to the cephalopod’s complex camouflage techniques, the text will be highly valuable for both researchers and graduates. 2014 247 x 174 mm 263pp 65 b/w illus. 17 colour illus. 7 tables 978-1-107-01556-2 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see
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Animal Behaviour
Leaders in Animal Behavior The Second Generation Lee Drickamer Northern Arizona University
and Donald Dewsbury University of Florida
There have been several key developments in the field of animal behaviour over the last 25 years. This book is a collection of autobiographies from 21 individuals who have had significant impacts on the field as we know it today. 2009 247 x 174 mm 632pp 140 b/w illus. 978-0-521-51758-4 Hardback £89.99 / US$159.99 978-0-521-74129-3 Paperback £39.99 / US$69.99 For all formats available, see
Animal Contests Edited by Ian C. W. Hardy University of Nottingham
and Mark Briffa
University of Plymouth
Why do animals fight? What determines when fights stop and which contestant wins? Addressing key questions on contest behaviour, this volume presents theoretical and empirical perspectives across a range of species, from sea anemones competing for space on a rocky shore to fallow deer stags contending for access to females. ‘All the contributions are detailed, authoritative and clearly written, providing a thorough, critical picture of, as appropriate, current theory on the evolution of animal contests or the current status of relevant empirical research in particular kinds of animal. Taken as a whole, the editors have achieved their aim of providing an across-the-board perspective on the evolution of contest behaviour in animals that links a very extensive body of theory to a growing body of relevant empirical data.’ Felicity Huntingford, Animal Behaviour 2013 246 x 189 mm 379pp 70 b/w illus. 11 colour illus. 14 tables 978-0-521-88710-6 Hardback £54.99 / US$89.99 For all formats available, see
Animal Behaviour
How the Snake Lost its Legs Curious Tales from the Frontier of Evo-Devo Lewis I. Held, Jr Texas Tech University
Taking inspiration from Kipling’s ‘Just So Stories’, this book explores emerging insights from evo-devo to explain the science behind tiger stripes, camel humps, and many other fascinating animal traits. Held’s unique and engaging style makes this narrative both enlightening and entertaining, guiding students and researchers through even complex concepts. ‘In How the Snake Lost its Legs, Professor Held describes the key concepts that are at the foundation of evo/devo, in a language that is clear and simple as well as scientifically accurate, and in a manner that is sure to captivate the curious reader. In the second half of the book, he unveils a series of ‘Just So’ stories, a mixture of fascinating vignettes providing insights into what we now know about the evolution of various creatures, and teasing explorations of what remains to be learned. The book is a wonderful introduction to the field.’ Cliff Tabin, Harvard Medical School 2014 247 x 174 mm 306pp 56 b/w illus. 8 colour illus. 3 tables 978-1-107-03044-2 Hardback £55.00 / US$85.00
Whale-watching Sustainable Tourism and Ecological Management Edited by James Higham University of Otago, New Zealand
Lars Bejder
Murdoch University, Western Australia
and Rob Williams
University of St Andrews, Scotland
A critical treatment of key issues, debates and discourses, providing broad insights and in-depth perspectives on key aspects of the global whalewatching industry. This volume gathers diverse disciplinary perspectives to address the barriers to sustainable practice and to promote sustainable whale-watching and restrained commercial exploitation of cetaceans. ‘This book is not exclusively for marine biologists; it is of equal interest to sociologists, social geographers and those organising or regulating ecological tourism and improving sustainability. And ultimately, it is an optimistic book with the final section detailing case studies of sustainable solutions.’ Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2014 246 x 189 mm 401pp 64 b/w illus. 20 colour illus. 24 tables 978-0-521-19597-3 Hardback £70.00 / US$110.00 For all formats available, see
978-1-107-62139-8 Paperback £24.99 / US$39.99 For all formats available, see
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Animal Behaviour
New in Paperback
The Boreal Owl Ecology, Behaviour and Conservation of a ForestDwelling Predator Erkki Korpimäki University of Turku, Finland
and Harri Hakkarainen University of Turku, Finland
Synthesising long-term studies of Boreal Owls, this book explores hunting modes, habitats and foods, prey interactions, reproduction and parental care, dispersal, survival and mortality, population regulation and conservation in boreal forests. It examines the effect of modern forestry practices in the context of sustaining viable Boreal Owl populations. ‘Behavioral and population ecologists will find much value in this highly accessible book. Recommended.’ R. L. Smith, Choice 2014 244 x 170 mm 406pp 143 b/w illus. 41 colour illus. 43 tables 978-1-107-42532-3 Paperback £25.99 / US$39.99 Also available 978-0-521-11371-7 Hardback £69.99 / US$109.99 For all formats available, see
An Introduction to Animal Behaviour Sixth edition Aubrey Manning
University of Edinburgh
and Marian Stamp Dawkins University of Oxford
Now in full colour, this revised and updated edition of Manning and Dawkins’ classic text provides a beautifully written introduction to the fundamentals of animal behaviour. Illustrated with fascinating examples of complex behavioural mechanisms, it includes clear explanations and concise, readable text and retains the author’s enthusiasm for their subject. ‘This introduction to ‘the liveliest aspect of all that lives’ (as Konrad Lorenz famously called behaviour) covers all the angles one would expect from a biologically oriented approach. It will be of tremendous value to any student seeking to explore what questions this field of research addresses and the many useful insights and concepts it has developed.’ Frans de Waal, Emory University 2012 246 x 189 mm 472pp 71 b/w illus. 135 colour illus. 978-1-107-00016-2 Hardback £84.99 / US$134.99 978-0-521-16514-3 Paperback £39.99 / US$89.99 For all formats available, see
Animal Behaviour
Measuring Behaviour An Introductory Guide Third edition Paul Martin and Patrick Bateson King’s College, Cambridge
This eagerly awaited updated and reorganised edition of the market leader in behavioural analysis is written with brevity and clarity, providing a concise review of methodology. An ideal text for undergraduate and graduate students in biology and psychology as well as scientists of all disciplines in which behaviour is measured. ‘… clear, concise and always eminently sensible.’ The Times Higher Education Supplement 2007 216 x 138 mm 186pp 26 b/w illus. 7 tables 978-0-521-53563-2 Paperback £29.99 / US$69.99 For all formats available, see
Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour of Wild Cattle Implications for Conservation Edited by Mario Melletti and James Burton
A beautifully illustrated reference work on the biology, ecology, conservation status and management of all thirteen species of wild cattle and buffalo. This book will be a valuable resource for students, researchers, and professionals in animal behaviour, behavioural ecology, evolutionary biology and conservation biology. ‘All of us are familiar with domestic cattle, buffalo, bison, and yaks, but the other species of wild cattle are mostly known only to people who live near them in Asia. This book brings all of them to life by telling us everything known about each of these species from Anoas to Tamaraws. The species accounts are comprehensive and exhaustive, making this a one-stop source for each of the recognized species of wild cattle and relatives. The remainder of the volume is a treasure trove of information about every aspect of the biology of this important group, providing a critical information base for future conservation actions. With most of the wild forms now listed as threatened or endangered to some extent, the information provided here will become ever more critical in helping to ensure their continued existence.’ Don E. Wilson, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution 2014 276 x 219 mm 512pp 236 b/w illus. 69 tables 978-1-107-03664-2 Hardback £100.00 / US$160.00 For all formats available, see
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Animal Behaviour Textbook
Comparative Cognition Mary C. Olmstead and Valerie A. Kuhlmeier Queen’s University, Ontario
An undergraduate introduction to cognitive processes across species, integrating classic studies and contemporary research in psychology, biology and neuroscience. Active, engaged learning is encouraged through feature boxes, giving a deeper understanding of topics discussed in the main text. These are supported by endof-chapter questions and further reading sections. ‘Comparative Cognition provides a clear and comprehensive review and an engaging synthesis of the key topics in this rapidly developing field. Like the other classic textbooks on animal cognition this book integrates knowledge of experimental psychology and evolutionary biology, reflecting the roots of this discipline in comparative psychology and ethology. It also contains a number of novel features, with its enhanced emphasis on both evolutionary function and the underlying neural mechanisms. These include feature boxes that describe key concepts in more detail, and researcher profiles that capture the contribution of some of the major figureheads in the field. A particular highlight is the series of questions at the end of each chapter, which encourage students to think more deeply about the issues raised, and to design experiments to test the competing hypotheses.’ Nicola S. Clayton, University of Cambridge 2015 246 x 189 mm 481pp 214 b/w illus. 1 table 128 exercises 978-1-107-01116-8 Hardback £80.00 / US$135.00 978-1-107-64831-9 Paperback £34.99 / US$64.99 For all formats available, see
Divided Brains The Biology and Behaviour of Brain Asymmetries Lesley J. Rogers University of New England, Australia
Giorgio Vallortigara University of Trento
and Richard J. Andrew University of Sussex
Summarising the evidence and highlighting research from the last twenty years, this book examines brain asymmetry from four perspectives – function, evolution, development and causation. It covers a wide range of animals, including humans, and integrates research from the fields of neuroscience, psychology, behaviour and evolution. ‘This fascinating book has been written by three experts in the field. The different roles played by the two sides of the brain were thought to be a uniquely human characteristic, but the authors show that such lateralisation has ancient origins in biological evolution. They have written a superb book which I shall use as an invaluable source for years to come.’ Professor Sir Patrick Bateson, University of Cambridge, and co-author of Plasticity, Robustness, Development and Evolution 2013 228 x 152 mm 234pp 40 b/w illus. 978-1-107-00535-8 Hardback £79.99 / US$129.99 978-0-521-18304-8 Paperback £34.99 / US$54.99 For all formats available, see
Animal Behaviour
The Social Life of Greylag Geese Patterns, Mechanisms and Evolutionary Function in an Avian Model System Edited by Isabella B. R. Scheiber Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands
Brigitte M. Weiß
Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Germany
Josef Hemetsberger
Konrad Lorenz Forschungsstelle, Austria
and Kurt Kotrschal
Konrad Lorenz Forschungsstelle, Austria
Based on unique records of nearly 1000 free-living greylag geese, this is a synthesis of more than twenty years of behavioural research. It provides a comprehensive overview of a complex bird society, placing it in an evolutionary framework and drawing on a range of approaches, including behavioural, physiological and cognitive. ‘[This] book provides fascinating insights into the complex social world of greylag geese and will be interesting for anyone with an interest in social organization and sociality.’ Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers, The Quarterly Review of Biology 2013 228 x 152 mm 249pp 54 b/w illus. 8 colour illus. 3 tables 978-0-521-82270-1 Hardback £60.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see
The Domestic Dog Its Evolution, Behavior and Interactions with People Second edition Edited by James Serpell University of Pennsylvania
A comprehensive look at biology and behaviour, this new edition explores all aspects of the domestic dog, from evolutionary origins to its changing
roles in modern society. The revised text, updated with the most recent scientific and scholarly work, is a valuable resource for anyone interested in all matters dog. 2016 247 x 174 mm 350pp 978-1-107-69934-2 Paperback c. £27.99 / c. US$49.00 Publication April 2016 For all formats available, see
Animal Communication Theory Information and Influence Edited by Ulrich E. Stegmann University of Aberdeen
A valuable overview and analysis of foundational concepts in animal behaviour studies, including information, meaning, communication, signals and cues. Its comprehensive introduction and numerous illustrations will make it accessible to students and researchers from a wide variety of academic backgrounds, ranging from ethology and evolutionary biology to philosophy of mind. The best aspect of the book [is] that it not only provides ideas about communication but the evidence and thought processes behind them – an excellent example of scientific theory making in action. Summing up: highly recommended.’ J. A. Mather, Choice 2013 247 x 174 mm 472pp 32 b/w illus. 9 tables 978-1-107-01310-0 Hardback £79.99 / US$119.99 For all formats available, see
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Animal Behaviour
Social Behaviour Genes, Ecology and Evolution Edited by Tamás Székely University of Bath
Allen J. Moore University of Exeter
and Jan Komdeur
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands
An analysis of the study of social behaviour, with contributions from experts in the field, this book details the theoretical foundations of the mechanisms and functions of social behaviour, and explores more advanced studies, including genetic, ecological and phylogenetic approaches. It provides comprehensive coverage for students and researchers from biological, behavioural and psychological disciplines. ‘Székely, Komdeur and Moore have assembled a hugely successful edited collection on the biology of social behavior. The coverage is up-to-date and complete, dealing with the full range of proximate and ultimate causes of social behavior as well as a broad range of social organisms from bacteria to humans. The chapter authors are leaders in their fields. Interspersed among the sophisticated but accessible review chapters are short, lively essays written by prominent sociobiologists. An indispensable book for all behavioral biologists and their students.’ John Alcock, Arizona State University 2010 246 x 189 mm 576pp 89 b/w illus. 13 tables 978-0-521-70962-0 Paperback £39.99 / US$64.99 For all formats available, see
The Domestic Cat The Biology of its Behaviour Third edition Edited by Dennis C. Turner Institute for Applied Ethology and Animal Psychology, Switzerland
and Patrick Bateson University of Cambridge
Highlighting startling discoveries made over the last ten years, this new edition provides authoritative accounts of the behaviour of domestic cats and their interactions with humans. It is a definitive resource for veterinarians, breeders of cats and students of behavioural biology and psychology, as well as the non-specialist general reader. ‘The long-awaited third edition of this authoritative book on cat behaviour provides the reader with an up-to-date scientific knowledge on behaviour and welfare of domestic cats. The coverage is considerably broader than in previous editions, including more chapters relevant to cat welfare, cat breeding, behavioural problems, and how to handle overpopulation of stray cats. Some intriguing new research results, [such as] on human and cat personalities, are presented in detail; part of this is previously unpublished. The editors have successfully [cast] an impressive list of experts on the various topics. This book is very valuable and highly recommended to students and professionals of ethology, veterinary medicine, biology and others interested in this exciting animal species, which is now the most widely kept companion animal in most countries.’ Bjarne O. Braastad, Norwegian University of Life Sciences 2013 246 x 189 mm 288pp 36 b/w illus. 14 tables 978-1-107-02502-8 Paperback £27.99 / US$45.00 For all formats available, see
Animal Behaviour Textbook
An Introduction to Neuroendocrinology Second edition Michael Wilkinson
Pheromones and Animal Behavior Chemical Signals and Signatures Second edition Tristram D. Wyatt
Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia
University of Oxford
and Richard E. Brown
Building on the strengths of the first edition, this detailed introduction to pheromones has been extensively revised to cover advances made over the last ten years. It explains how pheromones work whilst emphasising the evolutionary context. The approach is integrative, covering fields from ecology to neuroscience and chemistry.
Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia
Reflecting the significant advances that have been made in the field over the last twenty years, this thoroughly revised new edition is an ideal resource for students of neuroscience, psychology, biology and physiology. Complete with full-color figures throughout, each chapter now includes review and essay questions along with further reading sections. 2015 246 x 189 mm 504pp 6 b/w illus. 179 colour illus. 46 tables 295 exercises 978-0-521-80647-3 Hardback £125.00 / US$200.00 978-0-521-01476-2 Paperback £49.99 / US$84.99 Publication April 2015 For all formats available, see
‘Revised and extended since the first edition, this splendid, comprehensive resource covers both ‘classic’ ideas in the field of chemical communication as well as recent advances … The attractive cover … hints at some of the delights to be found inside with the content aimed at both the serious researcher and those just wanting a good overview of the discipline. Despite being a serious text, it is very readable and bursting with examples … Advice on methodology is given along with suggestions for further reading … likely to be useful to anyone starting out in this field … Chemistry is helpfully explained in the appendix, so that those with less grounding can follow the ideas … All in all, an outstanding textbook and a worthy winner of this year’s Society of Biology Book Prize (postgraduate category).’ Judges, 2014 Society of Biology Book Awards
Society of Biology Postgraduate Textbook Award 2014 – Winner 2014 246 x 189 mm 424pp 151 b/w illus. 10 tables 978-0-521-11290-1 Hardback £80.00 / US$130.00 978-0-521-13019-6 Paperback £45.00 / US$72.00 For all formats available, see
Animal Behaviour
New in Paperback
Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Cetaceans Walter M. X. Zimmer
Nato Undersea Research Centre
Listening to whales, dolphins and porpoises allows us to detect these elusive animals. Using a systematic approach, scientists can gain an overview of populations of acoustically active species. Zimmer provides a comprehensive knowledge base, ideally suited to assist students and marine mammal researchers develop and implement passive acoustic monitoring systems. ‘This book is unusual in that it combines underwater acoustics, signal processing and ecology in practical applications of passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) to both marine mammals and anthropogenic noise … also sets the benchmark for a similar approach to PAM in air … Two useful practical aspects of the book make PAM more accessible … First, explicit description and examples of the use of the programme MatLab clarify the processing underlying PAM. Second, detailed discussion of the hardware and software requirements increase the chances of successful deployment … a must-read … Anyone with an interest in marine mammals, whether this interest is in acoustics, ecology, behaviour or conservation, will gain an insight into the important role of sound in the life of marine mammals and how sound can give a muchneeded, yet unobtrusive, window on the marine world.’ Peter McGregor, Cornwall College
2014 244 x 170 mm 368pp 978-1-107-42838-6 Paperback £29.99 / US$44.99 Also available 978-0-521-19342-9 Hardback £79.99 / US$129.99 For all formats available, see
Behaviourial Genetics Behavioral Genetics of the Mouse
Behavioral Genetics of the Mouse
Volume 1: Genetics of Behavioral Phenotypes Edited by Wim E. Crusio
Volume 2: Genetic Mouse Models of Neurobehavioral Disorders Edited by Susanna Pietropaolo
Université de Bordeaux
Frans Sluyter
BioScience Project, Wakefield, Massachusetts
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris
Robert T. Gerlai
Frans Sluyter
University of Toronto
University of Portsmouth
and Susanna Pietropaolo
and Wim E. Crusio
Université de Bordeaux
A comprehensive overview of the genetics of naturally occurring variation in mouse behaviour, this book provides the baseline information that is essential to designing experiments and interpreting results in this field. It offers an easy entrance into the extensive literature and will prove valuable to specialists and students alike. ‘This first volume is a much-needed reference text on the behavioral genetics of the mouse. I am looking forward to the subsequent volumes and expect that together they will provide a panoramic view of the field. Such a series of manuals will be invaluable to students, scientists, and scholars aiming to master the ‘beauties’ of mouse behavior.’ Silvia Mandillo, Genes, Brain and Behavior Cambridge Handbooks in Behavioral Genetics
2013 276 x 219 mm 357pp 85 b/w illus. 978-1-107-03481-5 Hardback £104.99 / US$164.99
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris
This book offers a comprehensive overview of the major genetically modified mouse lines used to model human neurobehavioral disorders. Special emphasis is given to the behavioral abnormalities resulting from genetic manipulations (i.e. transgenic, knockout/in mice), offering an easy entrance into the extensive literature in this field to students and specialists alike. Cambridge Handbooks in Behavioral Genetics
2014 276 x 219 mm 530pp 15 b/w illus. 31 tables 978-1-107-04445-6 Hardback £100.00 / US$160.00 For all formats available, see
Behavioral Genetics of the Fly (Drosophila Melanogaster) Edited by Josh Dubnau
For all formats available, see
Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory
A comprehensive overview of the genetics of normal and pathological behaviour in the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster), this book elucidates the particular genes underpinning the behaviours of this fly. It encompasses the key methods used in these studies and proves to be a valuable source to students and specialists alike. Cambridge Handbooks in Behavioral Genetics
2014 276 x 219 mm 291pp 85 b/w illus. 42 colour illus. 5 tables 978-1-107-00903-5 Hardback £100.00 / US$160.00 For all formats available, see
Evolutionary Biology From Clone to Bone The Synergy of Morphological and Molecular Tools in Palaeobiology Edited by Robert J. Asher University of Cambridge
and Johannes Müller
Museum für Naturkunde; Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Featuring contributions from leading researchers, this volume provides perspectives on how molecular biology can inform paleontology, directly and indirectly, to better understand life’s past. Paleobiological questions such as genome size, digit homologies, genetic control cascades behind phenotype, estimates of vertebrate divergence dates, and rates of morphological evolution are addressed. ‘Fundamental questions in biology, such as the origin of form and the tree of life, were major concerns for the leading biologists of the nineteenth century, but those researchers lacked the research tools to test their ideas. This book highlights the remarkable synergies between molecular biologists, developmental biologists, and palaeobiologists in providing new understanding. Asher and Müller have assembled an excellent set of chapters on these themes, and these provide incisive introductions to an important interdisciplinary field.’ Michael J. Benton, University of Bristol Cambridge Studies in Morphology and Molecules: New Paradigms in Evolutionary Biology, 4
2012 247 x 174 mm 396pp 65 b/w illus. 16 colour illus. 8 tables 978-1-107-00326-2 Hardback £74.99 / US$119.99 978-0-521-17676-7 Paperback £34.99 / US$59.99 For all formats available, see
Evolution of the Rodents Advances in Phylogeny, Functional Morphology and Development Edited by Philip G. Cox University of York
and Lionel Hautier
Université de Montpellier II
This book brings together the latest research on rodents to better understand the evolution of both living and extinct members of this fascinating group. Highlighting interdisciplinary links across palaeontology, developmental biology, functional morphology, phylogenetics and biomechanics, it is a valuable resource for evolutionary biologists in all fields. Cambridge Studies in Morphology and Molecules: New Paradigms in Evolutionary Biology, 5
2015 247 x 174 mm 550pp 124 b/w illus. 18 colour illus. 43 tables 978-1-107-04433-3 Hardback c. £75.00 / c. US$120.00 Publication June 2015 For all formats available, see
Evolutionary Biology
Human Evolution
Understanding Evolution
Genes, Genealogies and Phylogenies Graeme Finlay
Kostas Kampourakis Université de Genève
University of Auckland
Presenting evolution as straightforward and intuitive, this book covers core concepts of evolution and clarifies both what evolution is about and why so many people find it difficult to understand. Targeted to undergraduates embarking on any natural science degree as well as anyone wanting a basic introduction to evolutionary biology.
In the past decade the human genome project and genetic sequencing of many other species have provided unambiguous genetic markers that establish our evolutionary relationships with other mammals. Human Evolution: Genes, Genealogies and Phylogenies recognises and explains these identifiable, rare and complex markers. ‘In this book Dr Finlay takes several examples to illustrate our evolutionary tree at the molecular and genomic level. Step by step he provides a wealth of cumulative evidence that demonstrates how our genomes are related to other primates and to our more distant biological relatives. The evidence is compelling and shows the elegant ways in which we are connected to the rest of biology. Nonetheless we are more than just intelligent apes, and Finlay is careful to emphasise that our genomes are only part of the story of what it means to be human and that we have also been shaped by historical, cultural and religious factors that may not affect our physiology and anatomy but define us a human beings.’ Keith R. Fox, University of Southampton 2013 247 x 174 mm 368pp 101 b/w illus. 11 tables 978-1-107-04012-0 Hardback £45.00 / US$75.00 For all formats available, see
‘This is not just another book about why an evolutionary perspective on life is scientific whereas a Creationist perspective is not. In this well-articulated and thoughtprovoking book, Kostas Kampourakis asks why so many people reject evolution, despite the evidence for it and its enormous explanatory power. Kampourakis addresses the question of the acceptance of evolution from a psychological point of view, convincingly demonstrating that it is a rather counter-intuitive idea: conceptual obstacles to understanding, and thus accepting, evolution are rooted in widespread intuitions related to teleology and essentialism, which generate unwarranted preconceptions about the nature of world and life. Kampourakis’ final suggestion is that one should try to understand evolutionary theory without worrying about its religious, metaphysical, or other implications.’ Alessandro Minelli, University of Padova 2014 247 x 174 mm 270pp 59 b/w illus. 11 tables 978-1-107-03491-4 Hardback £55.00 / US$90.00 978-1-107-61020-0 Paperback £22.99 / US$34.99 For all formats available, see
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Hypsodonty in Mammals
The Design of Mammals
Evolution, Geomorphology, and the Role of Earth Surface Processes Richard H. Madden
A Scaling Approach John William Prothero
University of Chicago
This book demonstrates how the natural ingestion of sediment acts as a forceful evolutionary determinant of mammalian tooth shape. With case-studies from around the globe, the author highlights the connections between large-scale surface processes and specific tooth wear patterns, drawing from examples both in the fossil record and present day. 2014 247 x 174 mm 443pp 79 b/w illus. 50 tables 978-1-107-01293-6 Hardback £80.00 / US$130.00 For all formats available, see
University of Washington
A scaling approach investigates the principles of mammal design by examining the ways in which mammals of diverse size and taxonomy are quantitatively comparable. Using substantially larger and more rigorously screened samples than in any existing text, this book analyses a uniquely extensive set of mammal attributes. 2015 247 x 174 mm 450pp 79 b/w illus. 168 tables 978-1-107-11047-2 Hardback c. £79.99 / c. US$124.99 Publication September 2015 For all formats available, see
Primatology Extractive Industries and Ape Conservation Arcus Foundation
This first volume in an important new series draws attention to the evolving context within which great ape and gibbon habitats are interfacing with extractive industries. It aims to influence debate, practice and policy for a broad range of policy makers, industry experts, decision makers, academics, researchers and NGOs. State of the Apes
2014 247 x 174 mm 377pp 2 b/w illus. 130 colour illus. 23 tables 978-1-107-06749-3 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 978-1-107-69621-1 Paperback £24.99 / US$39.99 For all formats available, see
The Politics of Species Reshaping our Relationships with Other Animals Edited by Raymond Corbey
Universiteit van Tilburg, and Universiteit Leiden The Netherlands
and Annette Lanjouw Arcus Foundation, New York
Bringing together experts from a range of disciplines, this volume identifies the key barriers to a definition of moral respect that includes nonhuman animals. The chapters link scientific data with normative and philosophical reflections, offering unique insight into controversial issues around the ethical, political and legal status of other species. ‘Whereas everybody agrees that making the world a better place is a worthwhile endeavour, an open question remains: better for whom? The Politics of Species brilliantly highlights the scientific, moral and political importance of this topical question. Having done penance for their wrongs of racism, xenophobia, class hatred and sexism, Western societies need to engage in ethical reflexion about the merciless domination and exploitation they inflict on animals. In a series of fascinating case studies, leading experts from a broad range of disciplines supply such a reflexion with a rich factual and conceptual basis, linking scientific data with normative and philosophical ideas in a plea for a renewed moral vision of relationships between humans and nonhuman beings.’ Wiktor Stoczkowski, L’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales 2013 247 x 174 mm 310pp 34 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-107-03260-6 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see
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Primate Communication A Multimodal Approach Katja Liebal Freie Universität Berlin
Bridget M. Waller
University of Portsmouth
Anne M. Burrows
Duquesne University, Pittsburgh
and Katie E. Slocombe University of York
Bringing together research on primate vocal, gestural, facial, olfactory and multimodal communication, Primate Communication offers a uniquely holistic overview. It explores the morphological, neural and cognitive foundations of primate communication through discussion of cutting-edge research. It is essential reading for researchers and students interested in primate behaviour and language evolution. 2013 247 x 174 mm 304pp 64 b/w illus. 8 tables 978-0-521-19504-1 Hardback £70.00 / US$130.00 978-0-521-17835-8 Paperback £35.00 / US$56.00 For all formats available, see
Mahale Chimpanzees 50 Years of Research Edited by Michio Nakamura Kyoto University, Japan
Kazuhiko Hosaka
Kamakura Women’s University, Japan
Noriko Itoh
Kyoto University, Japan
and Koichiro Zamma Great Ape Research Institute
What Toshisada Nishida started in 1965 with the Mahale Mountain Chimpanzee Project is neatly brought together in this beautiful and thorough volume covering the site’s history and ecology, the behaviour and biology of the resident chimpanzees, and the relevance of this vast body of research to understanding our closest relatives. 2015 246 x 189 mm 630pp 256 b/w illus. 54 tables 978-1-107-05231-4 Hardback c. £89.99 / c. US$144.99 Publication September 2015 For all formats available, see
Primate Tourism
Tool Use in Animals
A Tool for Conservation? Edited by Anne E. Russon
Cognition and Ecology Edited by Crickette M. Sanz
and Janette Wallis
Josep Call
York University, Toronto University of Oklahoma
Presenting assessments on the impact of tourism to primates, this book weighs its conservation costs and benefits, offering suggestions for improving its conservation benefits in view of the many primates facing extinction and tourism growth. Written for conservationists and scientists, it is also relevant to tourists and tourism professionals. 2014 247 x 174 mm 350pp 50 b/w illus. 22 tables 978-1-107-01812-9 Hardback £65.00 / US$99.00 For all formats available, see
Washington University, St Louis
Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionäre Anthropologie, Germany
and Christophe Boesch
Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionäre Anthropologie, Germany
Appealing to both academic and public audiences, this collection of groundbreaking research looks at an extensive range of tool using animals. Contributions from leading scholars examine the cognitive abilities and environmental factors that have shaped the evolution of tool use in animals as distantly related as corvids and primates. ‘Tool Use in Animals: Cognition and Ecology may well be the new benchmark text for animal cognition. This book is clear, well-written, suitably broad in its approach, and delivers information that covers a review of the field in addition to new data. Its appeal will encompass readers from various connected academic disciplines, and [it] is an appropriate text for professionals and for students. This is an important and timely offering, and a happy addition to my library.’ Kerrie Lewis Graham, American Journal of Physical Anthropology 2013 247 x 174 mm 324pp 52 b/w illus. 7 tables 978-1-107-01119-9 Hardback £69.99 / US$119.99 For all formats available, see
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Professional Development Reporting Research A Biologist’s Guide to Articles, Talks, and Posters R. S. Clymo Queen Mary, University of London
Want to learn how to present your research successfully? This concise guide offers step-by-step advice to help you write scientific articles, prepare posters and talks, and develop a critical attitude towards your own work as well as that of your colleagues. A must-read for graduates and postdoctoral scholars in biology. 2014 228 x 152 mm 347pp 28 b/w illus. 28 tables 978-1-107-05389-2 Hardback £60.00 / US$95.00 978-1-107-64046-7 Paperback £24.99 / US$39.99 For all formats available, see
How to Prepare a Scientific Doctoral Dissertation Based on Research Articles Björn Gustavii
Lund University Hospital, Sweden
The article-based thesis is becoming increasingly common, especially in the ‘hard’ sciences such as biology, medicine and technology. Detailing examples of good versus bad practice, this concise, easy-to-read guide shows the PhD student how to prepare a thesis in this format. 2012 228 x 152 mm 101pp 40 b/w illus. 2 tables 978-1-107-66904-8 Paperback £14.99 / US$24.99 For all formats available, see
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Scientific Editing Services
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Also of Interest Evolving Animals The Story of our Kingdom Wallace Arthur National University of Ireland, Galway
Illustrated by Stephen Arthur
Covering all the main animal groups, from jellyfish to mammals, this book considers key questions about evolution. Its conversational, nontechnical style makes it an ideal text for beginning undergraduates and general readers. The chapters cover both evolutionary pattern (trees, relationships) and evolutionary process (mechanisms, including Darwinian natural selection). ‘Wallace Arthur, a renowned evolutionary biologist, has written another of his excellent and easily approachable books introducing concepts, ideas and evidence of evolution. This new book is written in an informal style that a non-biologist should be able to follow without difficulty. He covers animal evolution from its beginning in deep time, and explains current ideas simply … Highly recommended for schools and biology students of all levels as well as the general reader.’ Jennifer A. Clack, University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge 2014 228 x 152 mm 344pp 119 b/w illus. 978-1-107-04963-5 Hardback £50.00 / US$80.00 978-1-107-62795-6 Paperback £19.99 / US$29.99 For all formats available, see
Dinosaurs A Concise Natural History Second edition David E. Fastovsky University of Rhode Island
and David B. Weishampel The Johns Hopkins University
Illustrated by John Sibbick
Dinosaurs continues to make science exciting and understandable to nonscience majors through its emphasis on scientific concepts rather than endless facts. New material includes coverage of pterosaurs and more on the early evolution of dinosaurs. Beautifully illustrated, lively and engaging, it encourages students to ask questions and think like a scientist. ‘… the most comprehensive and useful text on dinosaurs on the market. It is both authoritative and whimsical, providing the student with a great background on dinosaurs and on the sciences needed to understand them. It is fun to read and [has] great illustrations too.’ Kevin Padian, Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley 2012 275 x 219 mm 424pp 325 colour illus. 978-0-521-28237-6 Paperback £49.99 / US$89.99 For all formats available, see
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A Less Green and Pleasant Land Our Threatened Wildlife Norman Maclean University of Southampton
This ‘Domesday book’ of the British and Irish countryside provides a definitive and up-to-date survey of the state of our wildlife today. An accessible and timely study revealing just how rapidly our countryside and its wildlife are changing, why we should be concerned, and what we can do about it. ‘I hope that you will read, consider, mull and mould all [the book’s] ideas in your minds and then feel empowered and motivated to help move wildlife conservation in the UK into a new era … before it is too late.’ Chris Packham, naturalist, wildlife photographer and TV presenter, from the Foreword 2015 228 x 152 mm 424pp 9 b/w illus. 16 colour illus. 978-1-107-67323-6 Paperback £16.99 / US$34.99 For all formats available, see
Ecology of Fishes on Coral Reefs Edited by Camilo Mora University of Hawaii, Manoa
Reflecting the latest research in a broad and ever-growing field, this comprehensive guide is a must-read for anyone interested in the ecology of fishes on coral reefs. It features contributions from leaders in the field, covering topics in ecology, evolution and conservation to explore the full spectrum of current research. 2015 276 x 219 mm 370pp 25 b/w illus. 116 colour illus. 15 tables 978-1-107-08918-1 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00 For all formats available, see
Birds and Climate Change Impacts and Conservation Responses James W. Pearce-Higgins British Trust for Ornithology, Norfolk
and Rhys E. Green University of Cambridge
Providing a single source of information for students, scientists, practitioners and policy-makers, this is a critical review of the impacts of climate change on global bird populations. The authors review the potential for future impacts and consider how conservationists should respond to these threats. ‘Over twenty years ago, when I first became interested in the impacts of climate change on wild plants and animals, the literature was limited and the field wide open. Now it is very hard to keep up. This marvellous book is exactly what I need to feel on top of the subject once more, and needs to be read not just by ornithologists, but by all ecologists struggling to understand and predict the impacts of climate change on the living world. The authors are two world-leaders on the impacts of climate change on birds. The text summarises the effects of climate change that have already happened, seeks to predict what we can expect in the future, and considers what conservation biologists can do to mitigate its effects. The coverage is comprehensive, and skilfully distils a large and complicated literature into a compelling … narrative.’ John Lawton, Chairman, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and Vice-President, RSPB Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation
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University of Aberdeen
University of Minnesota
Kevin A. Wood
Bournemouth University
and Juliette C. Young
NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, UK
Conflicts over the conservation of biodiversity are increasing and represent serious obstacles to wildlife conservation efforts worldwide. By bringing together experts from different academic disciplines, policy makers and practitioners, this volume offers many new insights for dealing with conflict. A must-read for students, researchers, academics and professionals. Ecological Reviews
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Birmingham City University
2015 247 x 174 mm 375pp 2 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-107-11476-0 Hardback c. £69.99 / c. US$114.99 Publication October 2015 For all formats available, see
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Issue 1
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Change in agricultural land use constrains adaptation of national wildlife refuges to climate change By Christopher M. Hamilton, Wayne E. Thogmartin, Volker C. Radeloff, Andrew J . Plantinga, Patricia J. Heglund, Sebastian Martinuzzi and Anna M. Pidgeon 12 Using population dynamics modelling to evaluate potential success of restoration: a case study of a Hawaiian vine in a changing climate By Tamara M. Wong and Tamara Ticktin
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