Economics, Business and Management Textbooks 2015

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Economics, Business and Management Textbooks from Cambridge

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1 Dynamic Economic Analysis

12 The Business Environment of Europe

21 Applied Nonparametric Econometrics

2 Introduction to Bayesian Econometrics - Second Edition

13 International Business Strategy - Second Edition

3 Time Series Models for Business and Economic Forecasting - Second Edition

Granularity Theory with Applications to Finance and Insurance

Almost All About Unit Roots

A Practitioner’s Guide to Stochastic Frontier Analysis Using Stata

4 Econometric Modelling with Time Series MATHS FOR ECONOMICS 4 An Introduction to Mathematics for Economics MICROECONOMICS 5 A Short Course in Intermediate Microeconomics with Calculus


6 Industrial Organization - Second Edition 7 Modern Economic Regulation ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH 8 Socio-Economic Development - Second Edition FINANCE 9 Introductory Econometrics for Finance - Third Edition 10 Principles of Financial Economics - Second Edition 11 Finance INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS 11 International Economics and Business - Second Edition

Management across Cultures - Second Edition ORGANIZATION STUDIES

14 Organizational Design - Third Edition 15 Managing Change GOVERNANCE 16 Principles of Contemporary Corporate Governance - Third Edition 17 Theory and Practice of Corporate Governance MARKETING 17 Strategic Customer Management RESPONSIBLE AND ETHICAL BUSINESS 18 Business Ethics ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION 19 The Entrepreneurial Arch HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 20 International Human Resource Management

22 Analysis of Panel Data - Third Edition

Repeated Games

The Analytics of Uncertainty and Information - Second Edition

Valuation and Risk Management in Energy Markets

23 Entertainment Industry Economics - Ninth Edition

Behavioural Public Policy

Socialist Planning - Third Edition

The Innovative Entrepreneur

24 Service-Dominant Logic

Human Capital and Global Business Strategy

Short Introduction to Strategic Management

Innovations in Sustainability



ECONOMETRICS Dynamic Economic Analysis Deterministic Models in Discrete Time Gerhard Sorger, Universität Wien For advanced students in economics, this textbook provides a clear and concise introduction to dynamic economic theory and analysis. Sorger guides students step-by-step through the most popular model structures and solution concepts, from the simplest dynamic economic models to complex problems of dynamic general equilibrium frameworks. • Analysis is demonstrated through 75 worked examples that offer step-by-step solutions to the models • A further 64 exercises allow students to self-assess their understanding, with full worked solutions (password-protected) available online for instructors

This is a beautifully written book, providing a completely selfcontained introduction to dynamic economic methods and models for graduate students in economics. The masterly exposition strikes a perfect balance between a user-friendly approach and a completely rigorous presentation of the subject matter.” Tapan Mitra, Goldwin Smith Professor of Economics, Cornell University

• Focuses purely on deterministic models in discrete time and avoids the more complicated stochastic and continuous-time models that students find confusing

2015, 286pp


9781107443792 | £24.99/ $39.99 PB

Preface; Part I. Difference Equations: 1. Basic concepts; 2. Linear difference equations; 3. Autonomous difference equations; 4. One-dimensional maps; Part II. Dynamic Optimization: 5. Optimization techniques; 6. Dynamic inconsistency and commitment; 7. Dynamic games; 8. Dynamic competitive equilibrium; References; Index.

9781107083295 | £65.00/ $99.00 HB

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Introduction to Bayesian Econometrics Edward Greenberg, Washington University, St. Louis This textbook is an introduction to econometrics from the Bayesian viewpoint. It explains the basic ideas of subjective probability and shows how subjective probabilities must obey the usual rules of probability to ensure coherency. This second edition has been updated with new material, including a chapter on semiparametric regression and new sections on the ordinal probit, item response, factor analysis, ARCH-GARCH and stochastic volatility models. • New chapter on semiparametric regression, new sections on ordinal probit, item response, facto analysis, ARCH-GARCH and stochastic volatility models • New edition emphasizes the R programming language, the most widely used environment for Bayesian statistics

Edward Greenberg’s Introduction to Bayesian Econometrics provides clear and concise coverage of Bayesian theory, computational methods, and important applications. Three years of teaching from its first edition convince me that it is a splendid textbook. The second edition is further enhanced by more applications and new guidance on use of free R software.” John P. Burkett, University of Rhode Island

• Clear, concise explanation of how Bayesian approach arises from basic principles of probability theory emphasizing Markov chain Monte Carlo methods

2014, 270pp


9781107436770 | £22.99/ $34.99 PB

Part I. Fundamentals of Bayesian Inference: 1. Introduction; 2. Basic concepts of probability and inference; 3. Posterior distributions and inference; 4. Prior distributions; Part II. Simulation: 5. Classical simulation; 6. Basics of Markov chains; 7. Simulation by MCMC methods; Part III. Applications:

9781107015319 | £35.00/ $55.00 HB

8. Linear regression and extensions; 9. Semiparametric regression; 10. Multivariate responses; 11. Time series; 12. Endogenous covariates and sample selection; A. Probability distributions and matrix theorems; B. Computer programs for MCMC calculations.






Time Series Models for Business and Economic Forecasting Philip Hans Franses, Erasmus School of Economics Dick van Dijk, Erasmus School of Economics Anne Opschoor, Erasmus School of Economics With a new author team contributing decades of practical experience, this fully updated second edition textbook summarises the most critical decisions, techniques and steps in creating effective forecasting models. Includes all new theoretical and practical exercises geared at guiding students through the steps of creating forecasting models on their own. • Thoroughly tested, this textbook has been used in classrooms since 1996, and revised on the basis of student and instructor feedback indicating that the book should be made more practical

I highly recommend the second edition of this book. The authors have made wise choices of covering the most valuable and practical time-series methods for economic and business forecasting. The text is well written and the exercises and illustrations connect with some of the best statistical software available.” Dominique M. Hanssens, University of California, Los Angeles

• All exercises are previous exam questions from one of Europe’s leading centres for teaching and research in econometrics, the Econometric Institute at Erasmus University, and answers are included • Lecture slides and downloadable datasets accompany the text

2014, 311pp


9780521520911 | £30.00/ $48.00 PB

Preface; 1. Introduction and overview; 2. Key features of economic time series; 3. Useful concepts in univariate time series analysis; 4. Trends; 5. Seasonality; 6. Aberrant observations; 7. Conditional heteroskedasticity; 8. Non-linearity; 9. Multivariate time series; Index.

9780521817707 | £75.00/ $120.00 HB

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Econometric Modelling with Time Series

An Introduction to Mathematics for Economics

Specification, Estimation and Testing Vance Martin, University of Melbourne Stan Hurn, Queensland University of Technology David Harris, Monash University, Victoria This book provides a general framework for specifying, estimating and testing time series econometric models. Special emphasis is given to estimation by maximum From the Themes in likelihood, but other methods are also discussed, including Modern Econometrics series quasi-maximum likelihood estimation, generalised method of moments estimation, nonparametric estimation and estimation by simulation. • The principle of maximum likelihood is adopted as the unifying framework for this comprehensive time series text for econometricians, statisticians and applied mathematicians • Uniquely, it demonstrates econometric methods by means of a suite of programs written in GAUSS and MATLAB, and R • The text’s computer code enables reproduction of theoretical and empirical results published in recent journal articles

Akihito Asano, Sophia University, Tokyo A concise, accessible introduction to quantitative methods for economics and finance for students who are new to the subject. This textbook contains lots of practical applications to show why maths is necessary and relevant to economics, as well as worked examples and exercises to help students learn and revise. • Introduces mathematical techniques in the context of introductory economics, bridging the gap between the two subjects • Written in a friendly conversational style, but with precise presentation of mathematics and provides extensive worked examples and exercises to underpin the readers’ knowledge and learning • Explains applications in detail, enabling students to learn how to put mathematics into practice

2012, 937 pp

2012, 281pp

9780521139816 | £54.99/ $94.99 PB

9780521189460 | £21.99/ $34.99 PB

9780521196604 | £94.99/ $239.99 HB

9781107007604 | £64.99/ $109.99 HB






MICROECONOMICS A Short Course in Intermediate Microeconomics with Calculus

Game Theory Michael Maschler, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Eilon Solan, Tel-Aviv University Shmuel Zamir, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Roberto Serrano, Brown University, Rhode Island Allan M. Feldman, Brown University, Rhode Island This is a textbook for intermediate level courses in microeconomics that uses calculus throughout. Other textbooks either use no calculus or relegate the math to footnotes and appendices. The text also focuses on theory rather than empirical data and references to real events and firms, with no distracting separate boxes. • The only concise treatment of the main topics of microeconomic theory on the market, based on decades of teaching in the classroom • Accessible, orderly approach to the topics, including introductory treatments of decision theory under uncertainty, game theory and introductory treatment of welfare economics

A comprehensive treatment of game theory. Mathematically oriented, it examines both noncooperative and cooperative games, and includes advanced topics as well as numerous exercises, and examples from economics, mathematics, computer science and management science. Written both for students studying the subject and as a reference book for researchers. • A comprehensive guide to game theory, including advanced material • The treatment of the material is mathematically rigorous and has clear narrative explanations • Chapters are independent, allowing instructors to easily incorporate parts of the book in their teaching

• Offers novel approach to the theory of the firm

2012, 394pp

2013, 1009pp

9781107623767 | £39.99/ $69.99 PB

9781107005488 | £55.00/ $99.00 HB

9781107017344 | £99.99/ $149.99 HB

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Industrial Organization Markets and Strategies Paul Belleflamme, Université Catholique de Louvain Martin Peitz, Universität Mannheim Thoroughly revised according to classroom feedback, this comprehensive textbook provides an up-to-date account of modern industrial organization that blends theory with numerous real-world applications. Formal models are presented in detail, and the main results are summarized in ‘lessons’ which highlight the main insights.

A tour de force and a must-read for students, researchers and practitioners of the field.” Jean Tirole, Toulouse School of Economics and Institute for Advanced Study, Toulouse and winner of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Economics.

• Numerous real-world cases - drawn largely from industries that students consider most important (such as consumer goods and the digital economy) - are integrated into the main text and demonstrate how theories relate to real situations • Formal models are carefully developed and presented in detail, and assume no background knowledge • Within-chapter ‘lessons’ summarize and highlight the main insights of analyses for students • Familiarizes students with the most important models for understanding the strategies chosen by firms with market power

776pp 9781107687899 | £39.99/ $79.99 PB 9781107069978 | £99.99/ $159.99 HB

Contents Preface; Preface from first edition; Part I. Getting Started: 1. What is ‘markets and strategies’?; 2. Firms, consumers and the market; Part II. Market Power: 3. Static imperfect competition; 4. Dynamic aspects of imperfect competition; Part III. Sources of Market Power: 5. Product differentiation; 6. Advertising and related market strategies; 7. Consumer inertia; Part IV. Pricing Strategies and Market Segmentation: 8. Group pricing and personalized pricing; 9. Menu pricing; 10. Intertemporal price discrimination; 11. Bundling; Part V. Product Quality and Information: 12. Asymmetric information, price and advertising signals; 13. Marketing tools for experience goods; Part VI. Theory of Competition Policy: 14. Cartels and tacit collusion; 15. Horizontal mergers; 16. Strategic incumbents and entry; 17. Vertically related markets; Part VII. R&D and Intellectual Property: 18. Innovation and R&D; 19. Intellectual property; Part VIII. Networks, Standards and Systems: 20. Markets with network goods; 21. Strategies for network goods; Part IX. Market Intermediation: 22. Markets with intermediated goods; 23. Information and reputation in intermediated product markets; Appendix A. Game theory; Appendix B. Competition policy; Index.





INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION Modern Economic Regulation An Introduction to Theory and Practice Christopher Decker, University of Oxford Drawing from the most recent work on economic regulation, this book examines the key physical and economic characteristics of four public utility industries (electricity, gas, water and telecommunications), and the impact of these characteristics on regulatory arrangements. This book is suitable for students and practitioners with little prior knowledge of economic regulation.

This is the first comprehensive book on economic regulation in two decades. It beautifully covers all issues … for an extensive economics course on regulation. From beginning to end the book has been delightful reading.” Ingo Vogelsang, University of Boston

• This is the first comprehensive book on economic regulation in two decades, and the most up-to-date textbook on the subject • Focuses on the basic rationales and ‘first principles’ of regulation, avoiding highly technical and abstract models and mathematical treatments • Most academic work on economic regulation is published in diverse and specialized academic journals and monographs - this is an accessible and coherent synthesis of these different strands of information

2014, 487pp 9781107699069 | £38.00/ $52.00 PB 9781107024236 | £85.00/ $130.00 HB

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Contents 1. Introduction; Part I: 2. The recurring question: why regulate utilities?; 3. Alternatives to traditional regulation; Part II: 4. Principles of regulation for core network activities; 5. Forms of price regulation; 6. Regulation in the presence of competition; Part III: 7. The institutions of regulation; 8. Electricity regulation; 9. Gas regulation; 10. Telecommunications regulation; 11. Water and wastewater regulation; 12. Conclusions; Cases and legislation: Europe, UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand; Bibliography; Index.

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Socio-Economic Development Adam Szirmai, Universiteit Maastricht This thoroughly updated textbook provides a non-technical introduction to the dynamics of socio-economic development and stagnation. Taking a long-term comparative approach and placing contemporary debates within their broader contexts, Szirmai examines the historical, institutional, demographic, sociological, political and cultural factors of development. Chapters include comparative statistics for thirty-one developing countries. • Introductory figures in each chapter outline the proximate, intermediate and ultimate sources of growth that are discussed in the chapter • Draws on a wide range of disciplines, including economics, history, sociology, anthropology, demography and political science • Easily accessible to students with no prior knowledge of the field, and helpful for more advanced students to acquaint themselves with the latest developments in ongoing theoretical and empirical debates on development

2015, 817pp 9781107624498 | £44.99/ $69.99 PB 9781107045958 | £94.99/ $149.99 HB

Contents Preface; Acknowledgements; List of acronyms and abbreviations; 1. Developing countries and the concept of development; 2. Development of the international economic order, 1450–2015; 3. Growth and stagnation: theories and experiences; 4. Technology and development; 5. Population and development; 6. Health, healthcare and development; 7. Education and development; 8. Economic development, structural change and industrialisation; 9. Industrial development; 10. Agricultural development and rural development; 11. State formation and political aspects of development; 12. Cultural and institutional dimensions of development; 13. The international economic and political order since 1945; 14. Foreign aid and development; References; Author index; Subject index.






Introductory Econometrics for Finance Chris Brooks, University of Reading This best-selling textbook is a complete resource for finance students. The third edition has been updated with new data, extensive examples and EViews tutorials. Improved student support includes a new chapter on the basic mathematics underlying econometrics, further reading and a website with freely available student and instructor resources.

Very comprehensive, and it does a sound job of covering the territory.” The Times Higher Education Supplement

• A complete package for finance students - assumes no background in econometrics • Includes full web support for students and instructors, with data sets, additional chapter questions (with answers provided), lecture slides, support for popular statistical software packages and links to sources of financial data and articles • Incorporates data, tutorials and screenshots from the latest version of the statistical software EViews • Includes worked examples on how to conduct events studies and the Fama-MacBeth method, two of the most common empirical approaches in finance, ensuring that students are well-prepared for econometrics in practice

2014, 740pp 9781107661455 | £48.00/ $80.00 PB 9781107034662 | £99.00/ $160.00 HB

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Contents Preface to the third edition; Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction; 2. Mathematical and statistical foundations; 3. A brief overview of the classical linear regression model; 4. Further development and analysis of the classical linear regression model; 5. Classical linear regression model assumptions and diagnostic tests; 6. Univariate time series modelling and forecasting; 7. Multivariate models; 8. Modelling long-run relationships in finance; 9. Modelling volatility and correlation; 10. Switching models; 11. Panel data; 12. Limited dependent variable models; 13. Simulation methods; 14. Conducting empirical research or doing a project or dissertation in finance; Appendix 1. Sources of data used in this book; Appendix 2. Tables of statistical distributions; Glossary; References; Index.

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Principles of Financial Economics Stephen F. LeRoy, University of California, Santa Barbara Jan Werner, University of Minnesota This new edition provides a rigorous yet accessible graduate-level introduction to financial economics, retaining its emphasis on the link between financial economics and equilibrium theory. Updates include more focus on portfolio choice and risk allocations. New chapters address infinite-time security markets, exploring, among other topics, the possibility of price bubbles. • Stresses the link between financial economics and equilibrium theory • The analysis aims to be comparable in rigor to the best work in microeconomics; at the same time, the authors provide ample discussion and examples that make the ideas readily understandable

2014, 370pp 9781107673021 | £27.99/ $49.99 PB 9781107024120 | £65.00/ $110.00 HB

With this new edition, LeRoy and Werner have solidified the standing of their Principles of Financial Economics as the ideal introduction to neoclassical asset pricing models. The coverage is authoritative, rigorous, elegant, and now even more comprehensive.” Darrell Duffie, Dean Witter Distinguished Professor of Finance, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University


Preface; Part I. Equilibrium and Arbitrage: 1. Equilibrium in security markets; 2. Linear pricing; 3. Arbitrage and positive pricing; Part II. Valuation: 4. Valuation; 5. State prices and risk-neutral probabilities; Part III. Portfolio Restrictions: 6. Portfolio restrictions; 7. Valuation under portfolio restrictions; Part IV. Risk: 8. Expected utility; 9. Risk aversion; 10. Risk; Part V. Optimal Portfolios: 11. Optimal portfolios with one risky security; 12. Comparative statics of optimal portfolios; 13. Optimal portfolios with several risky securities; Part VI. Equilibrium Prices and Allocations: 14. Consumption-based security pricing; 15. Complete markets and Pareto-optimal allocations of risk; 16. Optimality in incomplete markets; Part VII. Mean-Variance Analysis: 17. The expectations and pricing kernels; 18. The mean-variance frontier payoffs; 19. Capital asset pricing model; 20. Factor pricing; Part VIII. Multidate Security Markets: 21. Equilibrium in multidate security markets; 22. Multidate arbitrage and positivity; 23. Dynamically complete markets; 24. Valuation; Part IX. Martingale Property of Security Prices: 25. Event prices, risk-neutral probabilities, and the pricing kernel; 26. Martingale property of gains; 27. Conditional consumption-based security pricing; 28. Conditional beta pricing and the CAPM; Part X. Infinite-Time Security Markets: 29. Equilibrium in infinite-time security markets; 30. Arbitrage, valuation, and price bubbles; 31. Arrow–Debreu equilibrium in infinite time.








International Economics and Business

A Quantitative Introduction Nico van der Wijst, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim

Nations and Firms in the Global Economy

By providing a solid theoretical basis in finance this textbook introduces modern finance to readers, with emphasis on investments in real assets and the real options attached to them, including students in science and technology, who have a good foundation in quantitative skills.

Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Steven Brakman, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Harry Garretsen, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Charles van Marrewijk, Universiteit Utrecht

• Introduces modern finance to students who have a good foundation in quantitative skills, and is an ideal introduction for science and technology students • Provides a solid theoretical basis in finance with emphasis on investments in real assets and the real options attached to them, so that students study subjects they will meet in practice • Combines the classical, decision-oriented approach and the traditional organization of corporate finance books with a quantitative approach, which makes finance more transparent and accessible than the more commonly used definition-theorem-proof approach

With a new title (following the successful first edition of Nations and Firms in the Global Economy), this second edition undergraduate textbook combines the dual perspectives of international economics and international business, exploring key principles of the world economy and the theory and practice of globalization through an integrated lens. • The only textbook to integrate key insights of international business and international economics in an introduction to the world economy and theories of globalization • Ideal for undergraduate students of business or economics, as well as those in other social science disciplines • A variety of learning features, including figures, tables, boxes and case studies, illustrate theories and demonstrate the relationship between real world phenomena and key theories

2013, 445pp

2013, 498pp

9781107029224 | £39.99/ $69.99 HB

9781107654167 | £35.00/ $60.00 PB 9781107036727 | £75.00/ $130.00 HB

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INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS The Business Environment of Europe Firms, Governments, and Institutions Terrence R. Guay, Pennsylvania State University Written for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students studying international business, European studies and political economy, this is the first textbook to provide a complete overview of Europe’s business environment, uncovering both the historical, political and cultural contexts of European business and the diverse nature of Europe’s economy and government policies.

This book fills a huge gap for students trying to get a handle on international business… No other book comes close to Guay’s success at delivering what students need to know about business environments in Europe today.” Craig Parsons, University of Oregon

• The author has more than fifteen years of teaching experience in international business, EU and political economy courses at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level • This up-to-date textbook addresses the needs of these varied levels and disciplines, discussing national context beyond the EU and using short case examples • Whereas other textbooks on Europe’s business environment focus on specific nations or perspectives, this is the only textbook to provide a full, comprehensive overview of Europe’s business environment • Bridges the gap between European business and European history, politics, culture and institutions, guiding students to a complete understanding of the rich business environment of Europe

2014, 363pp 9780521694162 | £29.99/ $49.99 PB 9780521872478 | £60.00/ $95.00 HB

Contents Acknowledgements; Preface; Part I. Understanding the Context of Europe’s Business Environment: 1. Introduction; Part II. The European Union: 2. Origins, development, and institutional framework; 3. Political economy of European integration; Part III. Models of Capitalism and National Business-Government Relations: 4. Market capitalism; 5. Managed capitalism; 6. State capitalism; 7. Eastern Europe; Part IV. Government Policies and Globalization: 8. Promoting business; 9. Regulating business; 10. Globalization and global actors; Part V. Opportunities and Challenges: 11. Industries;12. The road ahead; Glossary; Index.





INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS International Business Strategy

Management across Cultures

Alain Verbeke, University of Calgary

Developing Global Competencies

This is the first textbook on international business strategy that combines analytical rigour and true managerial insight on the functioning of large multinational enterprises (MNEs). With unique commentary on 48 seminal articles, the book shows how these can be applied to businesses engaged in international expansion, especially in high-distance markets.

Richard M. Steers, University of Oregon Luciara Nardon, Carleton University, Ottawa Carlos J. Sanchez-Runde, IESE Business School, Barcelona

• Offers a new perspective into international business strategy that combines analytical rigour and managerial insight on the functioning of large multinational enterprises and provides greater coverage of emerging markets

This popular textbook explores the latest approaches to cross-cultural management, as well as strategies and tactics for managing international assignments and global teams. With a clear emphasis on learning and development, it encourages students to acquire skills in multicultural competence that will be highly valued by their future employers.

• Students are supported by improved learning features including ‘management takeaways’, key lessons that can be applied to MNEs, and 30 case studies which illustrate key points

• Updated after extensive market feedback to include new features (applications, student questions, chapter summaries), a new chapter and revised examples

• Online resources available, including weblinks, detailed lecture slides for each chapter, figures from the book, answers to case study questions and additional MCQs

• Designed to engage with the student by being easy to read and supported by lots of contemporary examples and explanatory figures to illustrate key points • New interactive edition adds a range of learning tools to this textbook, including a pop-up glossary of key terms, multiple choice questions and a range of additional questioning types

2013, 616pp

2013, 460pp

9781107683099 | £39.99/ $99.99 PB

9781107645912 | £34.99/ $59.99 PB

9781107027893 | £89.99/ $164.99 HB

9781107030121 | £69.99/ $109.99 HB Enhanced eBook also now available: visit

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Organizational Design A Step-by-Step Approach Richard M. Burton, Duke University, North Carolina Børge Obel, Aarhus University Dorthe Døjbak Håkonsson, Aarhus University Written specifically for executives and MBA students, the third edition of this successful textbook provides a step-by-step guide to designing an organization, from diagnosis, to design and implementation. It includes a new chapter on project management, additional case studies and a rich package of online tools.

Review of previous edition: This book is a treasure chest of knowledge on how to design organizations to achieve strategic goals. It is among the best researched and most useful business books ever written, and it is authored by three of the foremost scholars in the field of organization design. In one word: superb” Felipe Csaszar, INSEAD

• Focuses on actions, not just theory, with a range of pedagogical aids, including diagnostic questions, ‘fits and misfits’ and end-of-chapter summaries, helping readers understand and determine the changes needed in an organization • New edition features a number of important improvements, including a greater emphasis on practical project management skills, greater discussion of knowledge systems and a rich package of online tools • Specifically written for managers, the book follows their natural way of thinking by applying ‘misfit’ analysis: providing examples of non-optimal situations and walking readers through the steps to fix them

2015, 320pp 9781107483613 | £29.99/ $54.99 PB 9781107097650 | $69.99/ $110.00 HB

Contents List of figures; List of tables; Preface to first edition; Preface to second edition; Preface to third edition; An outline of the step-by-step approach; Step 1. Getting Started: 1. Assessing scope and goals of the organization; Step 2. Assessing the Strategy: 2. Strategy; 3. Environment; Step 3. Analyzing the Structure: 4. The configuration of the firm; 5. New organizational forms; Step 4. Assessing Processes and People: 6. Task design; 7. People; 8. Leadership and organizational climate; Step 5. Analyzing Coordination, Control and Incentives: 9. Coordination, control, and information and knowledge systems; 10. Incentives; Step 6. Designing the Architecture: 11. Designing the architecture and the sequence of change; Step 7. Implementing the Architecture: 12. Implementing the change: who should do what when?; References; Index.





ORGANIZATION STUDIES Managing Change Enquiry and Action Nic Beech, University of St Andrews Robert MacIntosh, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh The ability to manage change successfully is an essential part of business. Managing Change is written for advanced undergraduates and graduate students taking modules on change management, strategy and organizations. The book combines theory and diagnostic tools with practical examples that focus on actions and outcomes. It also includes short vignettes and longer cases, from a range of international contexts, for classroom study or for use on distance learning courses.

This is a fresh and exciting look at the theory and practice of managing organizational change. Beech and MacIntosh’s enquiry and action approach provides a framework that incorporates both well established and newer thinking and practices used in change management and organization development” Robert J. Marshak, American University, Washington DC

• Helps readers to understand the three key activities for managing change: diagnosing, explaining and enacting • Practice and action-oriented approach with short vignettes and longer case studies • Written by experienced textbook authors with many years’ experience of teaching and researching change management

2013, 290pp 9780521184854 | £29.99/ $49.99 PB 9781107006058 | £74.99/ $114.99 HB

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Contents Part I. Foundations: 1. Approaches to practising change management; 2. Current perspectives and classic ideas; Part II. Diagnosing: 3. Clarity and ambiguity; 4. Engagement and vitality; 5. Stakeholder positioning and dynamics; 6. Culture, habits and unlearning; Part III. Enacting Change: 7. Changing structure; 8. Identity and

change; 9. Choosing customers and competitors; 10. Changing processes; 11. Aligning people and activities; 12. Learning and developing; 13. Change through dialogue; Part IV. Explaining: 14. Developing and interpreting evidence and reflexive learning; 15. Accounting for change; 16. Conclusions; Part V. Extended Cases: Case 1 – ABB; Case 2 - ITS Canada; Case 3 - Island Opera; Case 4 – Oticon; Case 5 – Admiral Insurance; Case 6 – Power Provision; Case 7 – Nokia; Case 8 – Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; Case 9 – Apple; Index.

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Principles of Contemporary Corporate Governance Jean Jacques Du Plessis, Deakin University, Victoria Anil Hargovan, University of New South Wales, Sydney Mirko Bagaric, Deakin University, Victoria Jason Harris, University of Technology, Sydney This text is an indispensable resource for academic researchers, students of business and law, and practitioners wanting a deeper understanding of the underlying principles of corporate governance. This updated edition includes a new chapter on shareholder activism, coverage of developments in corporate governance and comparative sections written by specialist contributors. • New edition includes a chapter on shareholder activism and covers new developments in corporate governance • Includes comparative sections written by specialist contributors • The principles of corporate governance systems and their real-world application are explained in an authoritative and engaging manner

2014, 628pp 9781107432420 | £60.00/ $110.00 PB

Contents Part I. Basic Concepts, Board Structures and Company Officers: 1. The concept ‘corporate governance’ and ‘essential’ principles of corporate governance; 2. Stakeholders in corporate governance and corporate social responsibility; 3. Board functions and structures; 4. Types of company directors and officers; Part II. Corporate Governance in Australia: 5. Regulation of corporate governance; 6. The role of the regulators: ASIC and ASX; 7. Accounting governance; 8. Auditors and audits; 9. Directors’ duties and liability; 10. Enforcement of directors’ duties; Part III. Corporate Governance in International and Global Contexts: 11. Corporate governance in the USA, the UK, Canada and South Africa; 12. Corporate governance in the EU, the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, and corporate governance in Germany, Japan, China and Indonesia; 13. Shareholder activism; Part IV. Business Ethics and Future Direction: 14. The ethical obligations of corporations.







Theory and Practice of Corporate Governance

Strategic Customer Management

An Integrated Approach

Integrating Relationship Marketing and CRM

Stephen Bloomfield Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge Based on extensive practical and academic experience this textbook explains how the real world of corporate governance works. It examines the historical development of corporate governance and uses worldwide examples to compare theoretical explanations with practical outcomes, providing a comprehensive review of how companies and markets are run. • Offers new conceptual models for investigating corporate governance and corporate behaviour, based on definitions extended beyond the current descriptions • Explains and relates theory to contemporary practice

Adrian Payne, University of New South Wales, Sydney Pennie Frow, University of Sydney The first textbook to integrate relationship marketing and CRM, for a clear roadmap to excellent customer management. Its up-to-date coverage includes technological issues, digital marketing and social media. Current examples and case studies from around the world connect theory with global practice. • The first textbook to integrate relationship marketing and CRM, providing a clear roadmap to achieving excellence in customer management

• A wide range of real-life examples from around the world is used to illustrate key points and show aspects of corporate governance in action

• Up-to-date coverage of digital marketing and the use of social media

2013, 440pp

2013, 542pp

9781107612242 | £34.99/ $64.99 PB

9781107649224 | £34.99/ $64.99 PB

9781107012240 | £84.99/ $129.99 HB

9781107014961 | $84.99/ $129.99 HB

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• A wealth of topical examples and twenty case studies from around the world connect theory with global practice

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Business Ethics A Contemporary Approach Gael McDonald, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology International University, Vietnam Business Ethics introduces students to ethical issues and decision-making in a variety of contemporary contexts. The book addresses corporate social responsibility, stakeholder management and sustainability. It develops an awareness of the many ways in which ethical considerations can manifest in commercial domains, thereby helping prepare students for their professional careers. • A highly practical approach that engages student interest and demonstrates the central relevance of ethical issues in the corporate world • Reflects the broad scope of business ethics today, covering social media and the enforcement of codes of behaviour, corporate social responsibility, stakeholder management and sustainability • Student resources include review questions, case studies and answer guides • Instructors will have access to an extensive set of additional resources including tutorial exercises, case studies and assessment test banks

2014, 400pp 9781107674059 | £44.99/ $85.00 PB

Contents Part I. Business Ethics Overview: 1. Introduction to business ethics; 2. Ethical terminology; Part II. Business Ethical Issues: 3. Ethical issues in information technology; 4. Ethical issues in human resource management; 5. Ethical issues in marketing; 6. Ethical issues in accounting and finance; 7. Ethical issues in financial entities; 8. Ethical issues in entrepreneurship and small business; 9. Ethical issues in international business; Part III. Business Ethical Theory and Analysis: 10. Ethical theory; 11. Ethical decision-making; Part IV. Personal Ethical Decision-Making: 12. Ethics in organisations.



ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION The Entrepreneurial Arch A Strategic Framework for Discovering, Developing and Renewing Firms Timothy L. Faley, University of the Virgin Islands As the number of universities offering entrepreneurial programs continues to increase, there is a growing need for a suitable framework for the teaching of entrepreneurship beyond the operational side of the business and the preparation of a business plan. This book offers a fresh approach to entrepreneurship by teaching readers how to discover and create a new firm, or grow an existing one, starting from a firm’s or team’s capabilities. Illustrated with various real-world examples, this structured and concise book will appeal to students, as well as to practitioners looking to develop their entrepreneurial skills. • Concise book offering a fresh approach to entrepreneurship based on a tried-and-tested model, the entrepreneurial arch • Presents a holistic view of entrepreneurship by dividing the business development process into six distinct segments, starting from a firm or team’s capabilities: each segment is self-contained enough to be readily learnable, but presented as part of an integrated picture that connects the methodologies of business discovery, assessment, execution, and renewal

The Entrepreneurial Arch offers a complete view of the entrepreneurial process by providing six distinct stages from pre-startup through the growth stage. Every aspiring or current entrepreneur should read this very practical and insightful book. The use of real world examples makes the book practical and interesting to read. I recommend this book to everyone thinking about starting and growing a company.” Len Middleton, University of Michigan

• Introduces four elements of successful business - motive, owner, act, and monetize - showing how these can be perceived from a strategic level all the way to a specific operational level

2014, 310pp


9781107424821 | £21.99/ $34.99 PB

Preface; Acknowledgments; 1. Introduction to the entrepreneurial arch; 2. Opportunity identification; 3. Business design; 4. Business assessment; 5. Operationalize the business; 6. Resourcing the business; 7. Strategies for managing growth; 8. Summary; Appendices; References; Index.

9781107074279 | £60.00/ $90.00 HB

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International Human Resource Management Mustafa Özbilgin, Brunel University Dimitria Groutsis, University of Sydney William Harvey, University of Exeter International Human Resource Management offers a contemporary and multi-layered introduction to international and comparative human resource management for university study. It critically analyses the core issues and emerging trends in the field, with a consistent emphasis on real-world scenarios and concerns. • With contributors drawn from universities across four continents, this book presents a genuinely international perspective on IHRM • All terms are defined and a glossary of key terms is provided in each chapter • The book concludes with three extended case studies, each based on a specific region, to help students consolidate their understanding

2014, 304pp 9781107669543 | £45.00/ $79.95 PB

Contents Introduction: a multilevel approach to international human resource management; 1. Global trends in international human resource management; 2. Cross-cultural management and managing cultural diversity; 3. Key players in international human resource management; 4. Recruitment and selection in the international context; 5. Cross-cultural training and development for overseas assignments; 6. International reward; 7. Employee retention; 8. International labour relations (ILR); 9. Reputation in the context of IHRM; 10. Expatriation and repatriation: case study in the Asia-Pacific; 11. Balancing inflows and outflows: case study in Europe; 12. Understanding self-initiation and lessons for international HR managers: case study insights from North America and Africa; 13. Conclusion




Applied Nonparametric Econometrics Daniel J. Henderson, University of Alabama Christopher F. Parmeter, University of Miami

Bridging the gap between applied economists and theoretical nonparametric econometricians, this book explains basic to advanced nonparametric methods with applications. 2015, 378pp 9780521279680 | £30.00/ $49.99 PB 9781107010253 | £75.00/ $125.00 HB

Granularity Theory with Applications to Finance and Insurance

Almost All About Unit Roots

A Practitioner’s Guide to Stochastic Frontier Analysis Using Stata

Patrick Gagliardini, Universita della Svizzera Italiana

In Choi, Sogang University, Seoul

Subal C. Kumbhakar, Binghamton University, State University of New York

Christian Gouriéroux, University of Toronto

This book provides the first comprehensive overview of the granularity theory and its usefulness for risk analysis, statistical estimation, and derivative pricing. From the Themes in Modern Econometrics series 2014, 202pp 9781107662889 | £21.99/ $34.99 PB

Foundations, Developments and Applications

Extensive, up to date, and readily accessible, this book is a comprehensive reference source on unit roots for students and applied workers. From the Themes in Modern Econometrics series 2015, 220pp 9781107482500 | £24.99/ $39.99 PB 9781107097339 | £60.00/ $95.00 HB

9781107070837 | £55.00/ $90.00 HB

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Hung-Jen Wang, National Taiwan University Alan Horncastle, Oxera Consulting, Oxford

This book provides readers with a step-bystep guide on how to conduct efficiency analysis using the stochastic frontier approach. 2015, 476pp 9781107609464 | £34.99/ $49.99 PB 9781107029514 | £80.00/ $125.00 HB




Analysis of Panel Data

Repeated Games

Third Edition

The late Jean-François Mertens

Cheng Hsiao, University of Southern California

This book provides a comprehensive, coherent, and intuitive review of panel data methodologies that are useful for empirical analysis. From the Econometric Society Monographs series

The Analytics of Uncertainty and Information

Sylvain Sorin, Université de Paris VI (Pierre et Marie Curie)

Second Edition

Shmuel Zamir, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and University of Exeter

Sushil Bikhchandani, University of California, Los Angeles

This landmark work significantly advances the literature on game theory with a masterful conceptual presentation of the CORE working papers published in 1994.

The late Jack Hirshleifer John G. Riley, University of California, Los Angeles

This second edition, with a greater focus on game theory, attempts to unify recent developments in economic theories of uncertainty and information for students.

2014, 562pp

From the Econometric Society Monographs series

9781107657632 | £32.99/ $49.99 PB

2015, 591pp

9781107038691 | £75.00/ $125.00 HB

9781107662636 | £39.99/ $59.99 PB

From the Cambridge Surveys of Economic Literature series

9781107030206 | £75.00/ $125.00 HB

2013, 508pp

Valuation and Risk Management in Energy Markets Glen Swindle, Scoville Risk Partners

Surveys the mechanics of energy markets and the valuation of structures commonly arising in practice. 2014, 494pp 9781107036840 | £75.00/ $110.00 HB

9780521541961 | £35.00/ $60.00 PB 9780521834087 | £95.00/ $150.00 HB




Entertainment Industry Economics

A Guide for Financial Analysis Ninth Edition Harold L. Vogel

Fully updated, this ninth edition remains the definitive source on the economics of entertainment in the United States and overseas. 2014, 680pp 9781107075290 | £45.00/ $70.00 HB

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Behavioural Public Policy

Socialist Planning

The Innovative Entrepreneur

Adam Oliver, London School of Economics and Political Science

Third Edition

Daniel F. Spulber, Northwestern University, Illinois

In this accessible collection, leading academic economists, psychologists and philosophers apply behavioural economic findings to practical policy concerns.

Michael Ellman, Universiteit van Amsterdam

2013, 249pp

An overview of socialist planning that explains the underlying theory and its limitations, also placing developments in their historical perspective.

9781107617377 | £22.99/ $34.99 PB

2014, 464pp

9781107042636 | £60.00/ $95.00 HB

9781107427327 | £24.99/ $39.99 PB 9781107074736 | £65.00/ $99.00 HB

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This book presents an economic framework that addresses the motivation of the innovative entrepreneur. 2014, 380pp 9781107668119 | £35.00/ $50.00 PB 9781107047259 | £75.00/ $120.00 HB




Service-Dominant Logic

Human Capital and Global Business Strategy

Short Introduction to Strategic Management

Innovations in Sustainability

Robert F. Lusch, University of Arizona

Howard Thomas, Richard R. Smith, Fermin Diez, Singapore Management University

Torben Juul Andersen Copenhagen Business School

Alfred A. Marcus University of Minnesota

Provides a concise yet rigorous introduction to strategic management and its contemporary challenges, with multiple examples, case studies and references.

This insightful book employs high-profile company cases to focus on two major challenges for sustainable innovation: fuel and food.

2013, 284pp

2015, 275pp

9781107671355 | £17.99/ $27.99 PB

9781107421110 | c. £23.99/ £65.00 PB

9781107031364 | £45.00/ $80.00 HB

9781107072794 | c. £38.00/ $105.00 HB

Premises, Perspectives, Possibilities Stephen L. Vargo, University of Hawaii, Manoa

The first accessible introduction to the principles and applications of ServiceDominant Logic, written by the world-leading authors of this perspective. 2014, 252pp 9780521124324 | £19.99/ $32.00 PB 9780521195676 | £55.00/ $85.00 HB

Provides new insights into how to improve business performance through a unique, strategic approach to human capital. A companion website now includes a full set of multiple choice questions and answers to accompany the book. 2013, 270pp

Fuel and Food

9781107613287 | £23.99/ $38.00 PB 9781107033153 | £60.00/ $95.00 HB

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